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place elyse were now in a give you indication or hope that finally what you said the immigration reform might be in the work. villarreal: absolutely in effect at like this bipartisanship because the reality is to in order to address this immigration in this border security and must be a bipartisan solution and going back to the comprehensive immigration reform but absolutely, how do supported and in fact i would even supported to the head of this year but hit with this in mind, that this is not the permanent solution and we need to address it which of course a comprehensive it was talked about and solution suet but it would help our communities because honestly we do not have the resources to continue to address some of their needs and for example if you look at this over the course of the last week we have had groups of 102-0500 people at a

Related Keywords

Work , Place , Joel Villarreal , Reality , Immigration Reform , Indication , Hope , You , Effect , Bipartisanship , Elyse , Fact , Solution , Immigration , Border Security , Head , It , Course , Mind , Hit , Suet , People , Resources , Communities , Needs , Groups , Example , 0500 , 102 ,

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