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over canada. this is a normal canadian june that because of lightning strikes and campers that put outs their camels in a dry bed of poorly managed forest that's what is happening. and so joe biden is taking advantage of this to push the green new deal so people like his donors can get paid and not people like exxonmobil that usually donate to republicans. >> you know harold in the green room i was shocked when you said that you believed these wildfires were started by the burning of banned books if florida. i thought we were going to keep dhafertion to ourselves but a much different outlook on this topic. >> i largely in line i would say the forest management issue is a serious issue. but what we can't deny also sing that the data that you present there jesse 1706 to 1910 interesting to look from 2005 to

Related Keywords

Canada , Forest , Campers , Bed , Lightning Strikes , Camels , Joe Biden , People , Wildfires , Folks Republicans , Donors , Room , Advantage , Green New Deal , Exxonmobil , Florida , Burning , Line , Books , Outlook , Topic , Dhafertion , Issue , Data , Forest Management Issue , 1910 , 2005 , 1706 ,

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