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fulton county courthouse. >> this is a crazy thing. let's just circle back to where we began with authoritarianism, strong leaders. this republican party is supposed to be the law and order party. law and order, law and order. they are supposed to be -- you know, the republicans used to always rail against the church commission, whale against hippies against the fbi and against the military. they've become these trumpers have become these authoritarians have become everything that they hated. >> what we've seen is trump consolidate power in the republican party. he tried to install loyalists, which is what we saw with the senate races, right? he put his people in. a lot of his people could not get elected. herschel walker. i mean, the very few -- j. d. vance, right, in ohio, in the really red state of ohio managed to get elected. >> dr. oz got elected -- await, i'm sorry. the gubernatorial government we -- didn't work either, did it? >> he's trying to consolidate power and it hasn't worked because trumpism doesn't scale. now we are going to see if he can win back the white house. >> trumpism doesn't scale. that's a perfect way to put it. molly, thank you so much for joining us. greatly appreciated. with jen and eddie, stick around, we will be right back. we will take you behind the scenes of christopher nolan's oppenheimer, a film that will be the summer's biggest blockbuster.

Related Keywords

Thing , Republican , Party , Leaders , Authoritarianism , Law And Order , Fulton County Courthouse , Everything , Authoritarians , Military , Trumpers , Fbi , Whale , Hippies , Church Commission , Lot , Power , People , Government , Loyalists , Hasn T , Didn T Work Either , Races , Few , Red State Of Ohio , Senate , Dr , Herschel Walker , Got Elected , Ohio , J D , Vance , Oz , Way , Imax Film , Eddie Cloud Junior , Oppenheimer , Us , White House , Christopher Nolan , Molly , Summer , Scenes , Blockbuster , Trumpism Doesn T Scale , Stick Around , Jen Wulf ,

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