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cares act, we had some followups to it. and i want to can -- win in how businesses participated, how diversity was represented, and have the money was spent. and maxine, if you could've heard maxine on the phone with mnuchin, it was something historic week in terms of putting it out there. and also in terms of how the funds were distributed, the opportunity for access we to win every it was would become one day a vaccine. the measure of how this was affecting our community. so, again, it was the cares act plus plus. we and it was bipartisan, it made a difference. but there was much more we needed to do that we couldn't do until president biden took office and we had the rescue package, which really wrapped up and drove it home in terms of meeting the needs of cities and counties and state governments and the people who make our society work, whether it's transportation or health care, teachers we food services. the list goes on. >> when that american rescue, the arp and then the subsequent legislation, the inflation reduction act, this is again, in the most basic sense of

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Money , Terms , Act , Maxine , Followups , Win , Businesses , Diversity , Phone , Steve Mnuchin , Opportunity , Community , Access , Vaccine , Measure , Funds , Act Plus , One , Joe Biden , President , Difference , Rescue Package , People , Sense , List , Health Care , Legislation , Cities , State , U S , Inflation Reduction Act , Governments , Needs , Counties , Basic , Transportation , Food Services , Teachers , Arp , Society Work ,

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