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of your head as we go throughout the beginning of the week. but let's talk about the storm right now. because we are looking at 35 million people in the northeast impacted by this storm. we have winter storm warnings, that is in the pink, that includes boston, hartford, scranton -- down to portions of west virginia. we have winter weather advisories that is in the way. and we have kind of a mix. and we have the interior parts of new england, the interior parts of the northeast. we could see 6 to 12 instance of snow along the coastline. we want to see a little bit of snow, but then that rain is going to work in pretty quickly. this is what it looks like at a closer view. you can see where kathy was, she is not seeing the snow. it's going to take a little while to get there. once it gets, there's going to show up on radar first, but it's gonna take a little while to get to the ground. but you could see some really heavy rain, yasmin, falling throughout portions of the mid-atlantic. so this is what we are going to be watching for throughout the day. so again, i mentioned new england, that's where you want to be skiing. but you know what, we could see some rain there earlier, so most of it is going to be washed away as we go throughout the later parts into the early part of the work week. back to you. >> all right michelle grossman for, us thank you michelle, appreciate. straight ahead everybody,

Related Keywords

People , Storm , Portions , Head , Beginning , Pink , Boston , Winter Storm Warnings , West Virginia , Hartford , Scranton , 35 Million , Heavy Rain , Way , Snow , Parts , Instance , Kind , Winter Weather Advisories , New England , Northeast , Coastline , Bit , Mix , 6 , 12 , Yasmin Vossoughian , Ground , Gonna , Thanks Kathy , Mid Atlantic , View , Radar First , U S , Everybody , Part , Skiing , Michelle Grossman ,

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