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small spaces continuously eliminates odors in the air and on surfaces so they don't come back for 45 days. now that's one flushin' fresh bathroom. u.s. state department is monitoring the situation in turkey after a plane crash in istanbul. the turkish jetliner coming in for a landing in high winds and heavy rain careened into an embankment and broke into three pieces. there were 183 on board, nearly all injured, at least three killed. there is no word this morning whether any americans were on board. this is the third incident of a pegasus air jetliner running off a runway in two years. back here at home there's a new development in the search for those two missing children from idaho. >> police are now looking over new surveillance video of their mother at a storage unit. here is clayton clayton sandell. >> reporter: a new mystery in the case of siblings missing for months. 17-year-old tylee ryan, 7-year-old j.j. vallow. video shows them in rexburg, idaho, storage unit last fall. they leave behind children's items, also take things out like this heavy tote. police say this video is now part of their investigation. >> where are your kids? >> reporter: cameras from east idaho news caught up to the mother and her new husband in hawaii as police served her with an order to tell authorities where the kids are, an order she ignored. adding to the mystery in the last year both vallow and her husband's previous spouses, as well as her brother, died under circumstances authorities say are suspicious. family members want answers. >> ever since she's been involved in this doomsday cult, that is not the same lori that we knew for 13 years. >> reporter: those family members tell us they are desperate to find the children. they also say that authorities are working to build a strong case against vallow and daybell, but so far they have not been charged with any crime. clayton sandell, abc news, denver. >> our thanks to clayton there. now to terrifying moments in ohio. a school bus carrying 13 students skidded off the road and then overturned. >> the entire incident was captured on surveillance camera. two students were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. police say the bus driver overcorrected after he drove off a narrow road there. he was cited for operating a vehicle without reasonable control. just a tough scene there. coming up, remembering legendary actor kirk douglas. >> we're opening up the "abc news vault" and his very special interview with barbara walters. as you take a look at as you take a look at hollywood there and the walk of fame, hollywood is mourning the loss of one of its last remaining legends of its golden era, kirk douglas passing away at the age of 103. >> more than 30 years ago he sat down with abc's barbara walters. we're opening up the "abc news vault" to august 1988. >> the career of kirk douglas has been one of the most enduring in the history of hollywood. 40 years of stardom with roles varying from the artist vincent van gogh to the slave spartacus. the movie that guaranteed his success was a 1949 film champion. douglas played the ruthless boxer who battled his way to the top, no matter what the cost. of all you've done in your life, of all the films you've made, of all the experiences you've had, you choose to title your autobiography "the ragman's son." why? why is that the most important thing? >> you know, barbara, you very often identify someone by your father. for instance, my original name was danielovitch which means "son of daniel." when i wrote this book, i never thought of giving it a title. they asked me what should you call it? that was the first title that came into my mind, "the ragman's son." because that's what i was, and that's what i am. >> let's talk about your sons in relationship to you, the father. your father never gave you that pat on the back, your father never told you that he loved you. i would assume that you spent your life telling your kids how much you loved them and patting them on the back. does it work? >> well, i don't know that i spent my life doing that. not at all. because -- >> i mean did you give your kids what you didn't have? >> you would have to ask them. but if you ask me, yes, i think i did. i showed an interest. when michael received the oscar, i was very touched when he said, my father, who never missed a performance that i was in when i was at college. i hadn't even realized that. i thought, gee, that's true. i went up and saw every time he made a performance. but i never realized that he was aware of that. >> last year kirk douglas' wife and sons came together when he was honored by the american academy of dramatic art. michael, of course, is the most famous. >> as i've been working in the business for a while, you begin to get a real appreciation of what it means to have that kind of discipline and -- no, no, no, no. >> kirk is crazy about all his sons. his youngest, eric, says it's mutual. >> i love my old man. i really do. he could be a plumber, he could be anything. but he's my dad. and, you know, we also look back on a night like tonight, my brothers and i, we think, you know what? he did a pretty good job. >> what do you hope your sons will say about you? >> i would like my sons to eventually say, you know, i like the old man. that would say it. >> what do you hope that film historians would say about kirk douglas? >> he made a few damn good movies. >> they are saying that and a lot more, and definitely his sons are saying a lot more when it comes to their father and the remembrances. and the industry is remembering kirk douglas. >> the motion picture academy tweeted an image from his most famous movie, "spartacus," saying good-bye to a hollywood legend. >> the golden globes weighed in with their own image and "rest in peace." >> actress mitzi gaynor who starred alongside douglas in "for love or money," thank you for sharing your amazing talent with all of us." of course the oscars are this weekend so i'm sure we'll see a big tribute. >> survived by his wife of 65 years. >> incredible. >> and a host of children and grandchildren, quite a legacy there. insurance on a fixed bu, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours just for calling. so call now. test test (crowd noise)arella stick! (bell rings) when heartburn hits. fight back fast.. with tums chewy bites. beat heartburn fast. tums chewy bites. ♪ i got the eye of the tiger dancing through the fire ♪ ♪ and you're going to hear me roar ♪ this morning we're hearing about an inspirational young man who's got the eye of the tiger and is roaring forward living his best life. >> millions first saw him giving fist bumps to his heroes and years later it turns out he is the champion. here's abc's david muir. >> reporter: it was the moment six years ago seen by millions. william fitzgerald. one by one giving the bruins a fist bump. the moment going viral. william is a fighter. he has down syndrome and has battled leukemia for years. our partners at espn's e-60 has followed liam's journey. the practices at home. documenting liam and his family at the bruins games. the fans know him. liam's parents bill and christine. >> he'd come so far. he'd battled so much. he hadn't lost his joy. >> he was given to us to raise, but he was given to the world to love. and i see that come out, and i see the bruins love him. he brings out the best in everyone. >> reporter: all these years later, a milestone for liam. he's in his first starting lineup for the mellikin middle school basketball team in north massachusetts. about that famous fist bump? >> do you do the fist bump before these games for the kids? >> yes, i always do, to pump them up and win every game. >> reporter: liam, number 11. liam is a manager on the team, and his coach says his hard work and dedication earned him the starting spot. and here he is scoring the game's first points. nothing but net. the crowd cheering his name. >> liam, liam! >> reporter: liam celebrating that basket, and his other victory, now cancer free for seven years. >> our thanks to david. liam's pretty cool. there's a lot to celebrate with him. this morning let's just keep the smiles going and call it like not #goodnewstues but maybe tingly thursday? give you good feels? >> we'll stick with the good feels for this thursday, at least. a dog in new york just became a world record holder. finley is a 6-year-old golden retriever who can carry six tennis balls in his mouth at one time. >> the previous guinness world record was five but finley has it beat. he doesn't need help from his humans who say he can easily picking up four tennis balls at once. the clever canine uses his paws to scoop up the last two there. >> that is incredible. >> finley, way to go. i'm all tingly. this morning on "world news now," the president declares victory. >> for only the third time in u.s. history, a president has been acquitted of impeachment charges. senator mitt romney split with republicans and is now facing their wrath. we're live in washington. also this morning the deadly crash of an american-made airliner. it landed in rainy weather, rolling off the end of the runway and breaking apart. just days before oscar weekend, hollywood loses a legend from its golden age. kirk douglas, who starred in more than 90 films, is dead at the age of 103. what he told abc news about his long life. things get wild in kansas city with a police pursuit just before the chiefs victory parade. hundreds of thousands of fans lining the streets where mvp patrick mahomes shows he can catch too, and chug. it's thursday, february 6th. good thursday morning. thank you for joining us. >> so the chiefs just couldn't have any old regular celebration. >> no, they've waited 50 years for this, are you kidding me? >> they had all kinds of drama in the streets of kansas city. >> they certainly did, and we will get to that later this half hour. we do begin with the end of the historic impeachment trial. president trump declaring victory after the senate found him not guilty. >> the acquittal was almost entirely along party lines, but senator mitt romney broke ranks. after an emotional speech he voted to convict on abuse of power, becoming the first senator ever to vote to remove a president of his own party. >> the president and his allies are blasting romney and tweeted this video depicting himself as president forever. mona kosar abdi has the latest from clim. mona, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, janai and kenneth. mitt romney taking everyone by surprise. the utah senator splitting his vote, acquitting president trump only of that obstruction of congress charge. the president immediately firing back, calling romney a republican poseur. president trump's deeply divisive impeachment trial coming to an expected end. >> donald john trump be and hereby acquitted of the charges in said articles. >> reporter: in a nearly party line vote. >> mr. manchin, guilty. >> reporter: party leaders dismissing the outcome as illegitimate. >> our republican colleagues have rejected a fair trial, truth. there's a giant asterisk next to the president's acquittal. >> reporter: republicans heeding the president's call uniformly voted not guilty, all but utah senator mitt romney, who in an emotional speech on the senate floor brought a stunning twist to the historic trial. >> what he did was not perfect. no, it was a flagrant assault on our electoral rights, our national security, and our fundamental values. >> reporter: romney, however, splitting his vote and acquitting the president of the obstruction of congress charge. president trump quickly chastising the gop senator tweeting out a video of spliced-together clips depicting romney as a, quote, democrat secret asset. and the trump campaign already capitalizing on the acquittal of the president. his campaign sending a message to supporters reiterating that he did nothing wrong and the president himself tweeting that he will make an official statement on the verdict later today. janai and kenneth? >> mona, as we're waiting for that, back in 2012 mitt romney really represented what much of the republican party stood for. fast forward, so many of them not very happy with his vote. and the president just tweeting about that. >> reporter: that's right, so the president has long dismissed his impeachment as purely partisan. and he was actually hoping for some democratic votes in order to underscore that. but with mitt romney's vote, it seems that now democrats can point to that and say that, again, it wasn't a bipartisan acquittal. and actually doug jones was on the fence, for example, of alabama. but the president not letting this go easily. he's calling romney a republican poseur, as i mentioned, and that's just to put it mildly. so we can expect him to continue holding that against him. we saw his relationship with the late senator john mccain and how he kept bringing john mccain's name up even after he passed away. so the president not known to easily let things go. janai? >> all right, mona, thank you. >> a lot of people looking at the moderates there. you mentioned democrat doug jones in alabama because people thought, how is he going to vote? coming from a very conservative alabama. susan collins, alaska's senator as well. >> murkowski, yeah. >> so it's over, we're moving on, at least for senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. but he was surprised and disappointed by romney's decision and is refusing to say if trump acted appropriately when he pressured ukraine to conduct joe biden. he said it's in the rear-view mirror and it's time again to move on. with all eyes focusing in on the race for 2020, the new hampshire primary is just five days away. but we still don't know who won the iowa caucuses after a major mishap with the voting app. >> pete buttigieg and bernie sanders are now virtually tied at 26% with 97% of the precincts reporting. joe biden is taking aim at both of them. abc's whit johnson has more. >> reporter: an admission from a bruised joe biden. >> i am not going to sugarcoat it, we took a gut punch in iowa. >> reporter: the former vice president going on the attack, taking aim at senator bernie sanders for labeling himself a democratic socialist. >> donald trump is desperate to bend -- pin the socialist label of socialist, socialist, socialist on our party. we can't let him do that. >> reporter: biden in a disappointing fourth place out of iowa also hitting current leader buttigieg hard. >> to nominate someone who's never held office higher than mayor of a town of 100,000 in indiana, i do believe it's a risk. >> reporter: but the bigger risk, the former south bend mayor says, is fall back on the familiar. >> how do you think you were able to outperform other moderates in the race like joe biden? >> i think the key is to the future is the desire to win, focus on the future, open the door to a new generation. >> reporter: buttigieg taking a victory lap through new hampshire. with caucus confusion fresh in the rear-view mirror, bernie sanders arguing the race is still close in iowa. >> i assume that one of these years that vote count will be completed. we are winning the popular vote. >> reporter: and joe biden says he's counting on new hampshire voters to give him a boost. his campaign also tells us they're built for the long game, including super tuesday next month, when more than 1,300 delegates are up for grabs. whit johnson, abc news, manchester, new hampshire. >> our thanks to whit on the campaign trail. the coronavirus has forced 1,500 passengers and crew into quarantine on two different cruise ships in asia. ten new cases were found on the ship in japan over the last day. those victims have been moved to hospitals. there have now been 20 cases total on that ship. the second vessel is docked in hong kong. and here at home in the u.s., a 12th confirmed case has been diagnosed in wisconsin. health officials say the patient was exposed to the virus during a recent visit to beijing. the person is isolated in their home. the number of confirmed cases in china is now over 28,000 with more than 560 deaths. a second quickly built hospital is opening today. schools in shanghai are closed until the end of the month at least. the infamous bernie madoff says he's dying from kidney failure and wants an early release from prison. the 81-year-old still has 139 years left on his sentence after swindling thousands of investors out of billions of dollars in the largest ponzi scheme in history. his attorney says madoff has less than 18 months to live. if released he would live with a friend. a day of celebration in kansas city, missouri, started with moments of chaos thanks to a police chase before the victory parade. >> the wild scene happened along the route there. the car broke through barricades as hundreds of people watched police cars chase it down. officers finally boxed in that sedan. whoa, look at that. the driver was wrestled to the ground. he and his passenger were detained. police say the driver may have been impaired. he is expected to face charges. >> the parade itself went off without a hitch. hundreds of thousands of fans came out in subfreezing temperatures to celebrate the chiefs' first title since 1970. head coach andy reid thanked the fans and promised another celebration next year. meanwhile super bowl liv mvp patrick mahomes, one-handed catch there, snagged a beer, bowed to the crowd, and chugged it down. he said he wanted the win in part so coach reid could get his first title. i said before, i went to the university of missouri, so literally all up and down my timeline yesterday, all i saw was pictures from this parade. >> this one, not the police chase. >> nope, no, i did not see -- >> people were happy with this parade, they were celebrating. it's crazy because a lot of these players weren't even born -- >> in 1970. >> -- the last time they won the super bowl, the kansas city chiefs. and also, another star from this -- >> probably not any of them. >> well, that's true. another star from this parade and rally, travis kelce -- because kelce's brother plays with the philadelphia eagles. when they won the super bowl, jason kelce revved up the crowd there in philadelphia. now on social media there's this like back and forth about which kelce is better? >> oh! >> at revving up the crowd. they both gave big victory speeches at their super bowl celebrations. >> well, look at that. i'm sorry if you saw me do a shimmy, i got a chill. >> shimmying. i just shimmy when i'm not cold. coming up, how many bad hair days the average person has each year. >> zero right here. >> zero here too. first the extreme lengths one man went to keep his wife from getting $1 million in cash. he burned it. plus the horrifying images. the passenger jet careening off the runway, over an embankment, and breaking into pieces. the runway, over an embankment, and breaking into pieces. feeling sluggish or weighed down can be a sign your digestive system isn't working at its best. taking metamucil every day can help. its psyllium fiber forms a gel that traps and removes the waste that weighs you down. it also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption, promoting healthy blood sugar levels. so, start feeling lighter and more energetic by taking metamucil every day. take the metamucil two-week challenge, lighten up. just take metamucil every day for two weeks. available at your local retailer. we're back with two deadly avalanches hitting the same spot in the mountains of turkey near the iran border. dozens of rescuers were searching for survivors from the first avalanche when that second one hit on wednesday. at least 38 people are dead, including 33 rescue workers. several people are still missing and forecasters say there is a risk of a third avalanche. also in turkey, a deadly landing for a passenger jet played out at the airport in istanbul. >> the american-made plane coming in for a landing in the rain careened off an embankment and broke into pieces. here is david kerley. >> reporter: the question, why couldn't the 737 stop on the rain-covered runway as it rolls right off the end? the turkish jetliner disappearing down an embankment where it breaks into three pieces. a small fire breaking out. as passengers scramble out, the break in the fuselage and the exits. emergency workers flood the crash site, carrying away some of the injured, including children. there were 183 on board. three-quarters were injured. at least three people did not survive. just a month ago at this very same airport, another pegasus jet ran off the runway into the mud. and in 2018, at another turkish airport, a pegasus 737 slid down an embankment stopping just above the black sea. the state department tells us it is monitoring the situation in turkey, and if any americans are involved, it is ready to provide assistance. david kerley, abc news, reagan national airport. a canadian businessman says he burned $1 million in cash to keep from it going to his ex-wife. >> bruce mcconville was sentenced to 30 days in jail for failing to pay $300,000 in alimony and child support. he says he was frustrated by divorce proceedings and burned the money in two separate bonfires. a judge also ordered him to pay a $2,000 per day fine to his ex-wife. >> so he defied a court order that ordered him not to sell his property because there was fear he was trying to keep the proceeds out of the court's reach. so he sold the property and found a way to keep it out of the court's reach anyway. >> there's petty, and then there's -- >> it was the kind of level of petty that you can aspire to. coming up, remembering a true hollywood legend. >> how kirk douglas rose from being the son of immigrants to international stardom. a memorial is growing this morning on the star of actor kirk douglas on the famed hollywood walk of fame honoring the film legend who died yesterday at the age of 103. kirk douglas was one of the most famous leading men of the golden age of hollywood, a natural for the camera with his dimpled chin and chiseled features. >> the world war ii veteran starred in more than 90 films. son michael douglas wrote, he was a legend, but to me and my brothers he was simply dad. >> douglas ended his tribute to his dad saying, i love you so much, and i'm so proud to be your son. abc's alex stone has more on the life of kirk douglas. >> young lady, i don't want to discuss this with you. >> don't talk to -- >> shut up, sit down! >> reporter: kirk douglas made a career out of playing tough guys. >> that's more like it. >> reporter: it was as an unscrupulous boxer in "champion" that this son of illiterate russian immigrants was first recognized as a star. douglas was nominated for an oscar and cast in a series of roles that took advantage of his chiseled good looks and powerful screen presence. >> who gave you the right? >> reporter: "the bad and the beautiful" brought another oscar nomination, as did douglas' portrayal of a tormented van gogh in "lust for life." douglas played cowboys. and colonels. >> sadistic old man. and you can go to hell before i apologize to you now or ever again! >> reporter: as executive producer of the epic "spartacus," douglas broke the blacklist by hiring an alleged communist to write the screenplay. >> as long as we live, we must stay true to ourselves. >> reporter: in 1991, douglas received the american film institute's lifetime achievement award. in accepting the honor he spoke about the power of films to do more than entertain. >> power to focus on some of the problems of the world and help to make it a better place to live in. >> reporter: douglas formed a foundation that helped fund hospitals and hundreds of school playgrounds. when not doing charitable work or acting, douglas was writing. his autobiography "the ragman's son" was a bestseller. in 1991 he miraculously survived a helicopter crash that killed two others. just shy of his 80th birthday, douglas suffered a debilitating stroke. months later in an emotional appearance he accepted a lifetime achievement award. >> and tonight i love all of you, and i thank all of you for 50 wonderful years, thank you. >> reporter: douglas continued making movies. in 2003 appearing with his son michael. >> what do you want me to say, that i love you? >> reporter: his slurred speech was worked into scripts. it was risky, but as this legendary actor once said, in order to achieve anything, you must be brave enough to fail. alex stone, abc news, hollywood. >> our thanks to alex there. kirk douglas is survived by his wife of 65 years, their sons peter, michael, and joe, grandchildren, and at least one great grandchild. >> he will be missed. great grandchild. >> he will be missed. and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours just for calling. so call now. skip to the good part with alka-seltzer plus. now with 25% more concentrated power. nothing works faster for powerful cold relief. oh, what a relief it is! so fast! 1 in 5 people you meet wear yeah. that many! but right now, is not the time to talk about it. so when you're ready, search 'my denture care'. poligrip and polident. fixed. fresh. and just between us. ♪ all right. >> time for "the mix." you guys are lucky you just missed out on this foolishness. >> how many of you have seen her eat. >> stop it. a lot. >> before she was pregnant, during pregnancy -- >> especially during pregnancy. pregnant women are flocking to this pizza place in california, because allegedly this pizza pie will induce labor. okay, so the place is called scippolini's, home of the preggo pizza. apparently it started when a very pregnant woman walked in and begged the owner to make her a pizza that would make her deliver. he started throwing on -- >> all the meat. >> literally everything, salami, ham, olives, extra-fresh garlic, just about everything else he could find. then the woman had a baby. >> she birthed a baby. >> now people are going there to help induce labor. >> would you eat something like that if you thought -- like if you're over your due date and all that? okay, this will help? >> you know what, the answer is generally no. but if i were so far over that my midwife was like, look, if you don't go into labor tomorrow, you're going to have to go to the hospital, give me whatever you can, whatever you can. i'd be too afraid. >> oh, and now questions about midwifery. >> midwifery? do your research, you've got to know you have choices. >> midwife plug, i got it. so hair days. you ever have a bad one? >> not with these curls. >> i say hair days as in do you have hair on your head, because i don't. the average american suffers 96 bad hair days a year, according to a new survey. 33% have called in sick to work over a hair issue. >> really. >> sometimes you can't get it right. i know all about that. because i've rocked the curls before. yep. i've rocked them beautifully. >> you are so -- you know, sometimes when i'm bored i will watch old videos like this of us posted to social media, and it's so funny. >> top five signs of a bad hair day, hair thin and lifeless, weird cowlicks, sleeping on it funny, noticing hair loss, putting too much product on it. >> sorry, none of these things apply to me and these curls. >> okay. >> meanwhile, in-n-out burger is unveiling some new shoes just in time for valentine's day. they look like drink cups. those are kind of cute. 65 bucks. they say they'll go a lot farther than a box of chocolates. >> trying to rival popeye's there. how about this hamster enjoying some "ratatouille" style viewing of the movie there? this morning on "world news now," president trump takes a victory lap to address the nation about his acquittal and the end of the impeachment trial which saw just one republican senator, mitt romney, side with democrats. severe storms covering a wide stretch of the country. tornado warnings, flooding, even snow. where that system is heading next. new this half hour, the new personal statement from kobe bryant's widow vanessa. the chaotic moments in kansas city. a police pursuit just before the chiefs super bowl victory parade. and there were emotional good-byes and tough choices on the second "bachelor" episode of the week. our analyst jack survived the onslaught. he joins us in "the skinny." it's thursday, february 6th. two nights of "the bachelor" this week. voice of jack, how many hours was last night? >> last night's was a regular two-hour episode. >> are there regularly two hours? >> yes, there are. >> i know because i watch every week. >> there was love, there was drama, there was betrayal. >> i appreciate you using the line that i survived the onslaught. >> you did survive. >> did you write that line, jack? >> i did. >> there was love, there was drama, there was betrayal. and that gets me to capitol hill. >> protests erupted at the capitol and cities across the country where demonstrators rallying against the not guilty verdict. president trump is set to make a public statement about the verdict today at noon calling it, quote, our country's victory on the impeachment hoax. abc's mary bruce has more on the vote that left senator mitt romney under attack after he sided with democrats. >> reporter: after five months of investigating and a deeply divisive trial, it all came down to this. one by one the senators standing to render their verdict. >> senators, how say you? is the respondent, donald john trump, guilty or not guilty? >> reporter: every democrat voting to convict. >> mr. manchin? guilty. >> reporter: republicans falling in line behind the president. >> miss murkowski? not guilty. >> reporter: but not mitt romney. >> mr. romney? guilty. >> reporter: the republican from utah emotional as he became the first senator in american history to vote to remove a president of his own party. he called it the most difficult decision he's ever faced. >> i swore an oath before god to exercise impartial justice. i am profoundly religious. my faith is at the heart of who i am. i take an oath before god as enormously consequential. >> reporter: romney declared that he is convinced beyond any doubt that president trump pressured ukraine to investigate joe and hunter biden for his own political gain. >> there's no question in my mind that were their names not biden, the president would never have done what he did. >> reporter: he is not the only republican to criticize the president. but romney was the only one who voted to convict. explaining his own vote, senator marco rubio said removing the president would inflict extraordinary and potentially irreparable damage on the country. the trial now over, but in its wake a bitter partisan divide. even though a growing number of republicans have come out to say that what the president did was inappropriate, the republican leader mitch mcconnell still refuses to say exactly what he believes, a question we've been asking here for months. when pressed repeatedly, mitch mcconnell still would not say if he thinks the president's actions were appropriate or not. instead he said that the senate has made its decision, but as far as he's concerned the matter is in the rear-view mirror, adding that what comes next, now up to voters. mary bruce, abc news, capitol hill. >> mary bruce covering the impeachment every step of the way, doing an amazing job there. now to the race for the white house as the candidates crisscross new hampshire ahead of tuesday's primary. the results of the iowa caucuses are trickling in. >> 97% of precincts reporting, senator bernie sanders has closed the gap with former south bend mayor pete buttigieg tied for the lead at 26%, followed by senator elizabeth warren, former vice president joe biden, and senator amy klobuchar. biden expressed doubt buttigieg or sanders could beat trump come november. you can see the next debate you can see the next debate tomorrow night right here on abc. now to the severe weather making its way across major sections of the country. >> radar right here shows that major storm stretching from louisiana and the florida panhandle in the south all the way up the great lakes. you can see it all the way past new york into boston. this is a live look at downtown atlanta. you see the ferris wheel there where heavy rains through the day may bring flooding in some areas. meanwhile chicago may see as much as 6 inches of snow. here's abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: there's a long night ahead for parts of the south. the strong storm pushing through is bringing tornado warnings. in martinsville, mississippi, a possible tornado brought down trees that blocked a highway. these are pictures from new orleans. the hail and high winds are forcing them to take cover in the lobby of this building. blast of wind broke through the revolving doors. those same high winds brought down this scaffolding, crushed several parked cars. one person was hurt. this is the wet side of a 2,000-mile storm that's also dumping ice and snow to the north, making it dangerous to travel for millions on the highways. in the tulsa area, they had trouble trying to keep on the roads. in oklahoma city, people had to push cars. >> absolute mess here on i-40 eastbound. cars have been here for over an hour now. >> reporter: east of chickasha, this tanker truck slid into a creek. the driver had to be hospitalized. in missouri this crash involving at least two semis and three cars shut down part of i-70 west of columbia. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. nearly half the country is being impacted by this system. >> here's accuweather meteorologist adam del rosso. >> kenneth and janai, good morning. a sloppy storm moving through the northeast bringing snow and ice through new england. heavy rainfall through the 95 corridor through the mid-atlantic. 3 to 6 inches of snow from central maine back into the midwest. that's going on while we're talking another threat for severe storms acss the southeast, bringing damaging wind gusts as well as flooding downpours and the threat for some isolated tornados. kenneth, janai? >> all right, adam, thank you. a florida highway patrol trooper killed in the line of duty is being remembered for his dedication and for doing his job quietly. trooper joseph bullock was fatally shot by a stranded driver he had stopped to help on i-95. the gunman was killed by another officer passing the scene. bullock was a 19-year veteran. barnes & noble has scrapped plans to put diverse faces on classic book covers for black history month. this after a backlash and charges of literary blackface. the so-called diverse editions included new covers for mary shelley's "frankenstein" showing a black man with an afro and dorothy from "the wizard of oz" holding a pair of red sneakers instead of ruby slippers. u.s. soccer star alex morgan is not letting anything get in her way as she looks to the summer olympics, including a baby bump. >> a very pregnant morgan arrived yesterday. the cocaptain of the world cup champs is 7 months along. morgan has vowed she'll be ready to take the field in july when the tournament starts. she's 7 months, that means she's due in april or something? get it. >> so as uncle k-mo as you noticed from firsthand experience, i'm always treating you like, oh, you okay? you okay? >> pregnancy's not a disability! >> one time i made janai laugh so hard, she literally fell on the floor. i stopped laughing like, oh my god! she was fine, she tucked and rolled. >> he literally gasped. make sure i didn't pee my pants, it was so funny, i fell on the floor. really funny. >> then you fell in africa as well. >> i did, i didn't want to tell him because he gets all nervous and everything. >> stop falling! makes me nervous. >> everything's going to be a-okay. coming up, the heartfelt message from vanessa bryant. in "the skinny," the special wednesday edition of "the bachelor." the drama enters the southern hemisphere as pete the pilot cuts more women loose. and the latest "friend" who's fueling fresh speculation about a possible "friends" reboot. ery class you can imagine. live... welcome back to the mirror. you've got this, john. .and on demand. it's boxing, cardio, yoga, and more. it's an interactive, goal crushing, whole family, whole body fitness machine. it's so cool! the future of fitness is at home. the mirror. i'm 52. but in my mind i'm still 25. that's why i take osteo bi-flex, to keep me moving the way i was made to. it nourishes and strengthens my joints for the long term. osteo bi-flex. find our coupon in sunday's paper. no matter how much you clean, does your house still smell stuffy? that's because your home is filled with soft surfaces that trap odors and release them back into the room. so try febreze fabric refresher. febreze finds odors trapped in fabrics and cleans them away as it dries. use febreze every time you tidy up, to keep your whole house smelling fresh air clean. fabric refresher even works for clothes you want to wear another day. make febreze part of your clean routine for full home freshness. la la la la la we are back with this very eerie drone footage from wuhan china, ground zero for the coronavirus outbreak. the city is entering its third week of quarantine in an effort to stop the virus from spreading. there are about 50 million people across the wuhan region who are being told to stay off the streets, and you can see there just how empty the streets are. china's death toll from the virus is now over 560. back here at home, police in missouri are investigating a bizarre scare that played out at the chiefs super bowl victory parade in downtown kansas city. >> as thousands of fans celebrated, a car broke through the parade route, triggering a wild police chief. here is erielle reshef. >> reporter: heart-pounding video of that dangerous car chase down the kansas city chiefs parade route. >> no way. oh! no way! >> reporter: this gray sedan busting through barricades as thousands gathered to celebrate the super bowl champs. a swarm of police cars in hot pursuit. the vehicle narrowly missing crowds, blowing by local reporters. officers deploying stop sticks, but the driver keeps on going. this tactical maneuver caught from multiple angles. finally stopping the suspect. authorities surrounding the smoking car. >> oh my god. >> reporter: cheers erupting as the driver was wrestled to the ground and arrested. police also taking a passenger into custody. but so far no charges have been filed. the kansas city mayor says the driver may have been impaired and this was not an act of terror. the parade went on as planned. erielle reshef, abc news, new york. >> crazy moments there. thanks to erielle. kobe bryant's widow once again paid tribute to her husband and their daughter on social media. >> vanessa bryant posted pictures of her late husband to her instagram account yesterday. best friend, best daddy, loving husband. bryant also shared a tribute to daughter gianna. images from the 13-year-old's school gym included the words "mommy loves you to the moon and back, infinity plus 1." she also shared multiple videos. it looked like it was a jersey retirement for gigi. >> so many people still thinking about the bryant family and all the families impacted in that deadly helicopter crash last week. it still feels pretty surreal, and i know the pain is so raw for that family and so many of them. when we come back, another thinning of the herd last night on "the bachelor." who got the boot. and could "friends" finally be coming back? ? "the skinny" is next. ♪ skinny just gimme the skinny all right, "the skinny" starts with last night's special wednesday edition of "the bachelor." >> peter and the ladies took their drama south of the equator. jack sheahan covers "the bachelor" for us. jack, what happened? >> jack also writes shady lines. >> tell you right now, that was a shady one, i nailed that line. here's how this went down. "the bachelor" tour of latin america rolled on. thankfully peter just kept telling people to go home. he just didn't see it with any of them. so roll that beautiful "bachelor" footage. peter and ten ladies, costa rica, to santiago, chile. one on one with hannah ann straight away. she's got a big admission. >> i've never like truly been in love. >> really. >> no worries. hannah ann gets the rose. group date. telenovela time. >> make the love with the camera. >> some strangeness from kelly as pedro's grandma -- >> you know, at the end of the day i think i'm just going to say incest is best on this one. >> that night, drama with victoria p. oh-oh -- >> i don't know. >> this might not be good. >> i don't know if i see you as my wife. >> peter with those five words again. >> can i walk you out? >> warm up the minivan. victoria p.'s out of here. one on one. victoria f. a chilean ranch. lots of horseplay. that night, victoria f. having doubts. victoria f. is melting it down. weird bathroom camera shot. >> i don't know what to say. >> eh, don't worry, victoria f. gets the rose. time for a showdown. >> mckenna and tammy. >> what? >> enough is enough. >> these two just don't like each other. >> say what you want to say. >> i don't give a crap. >> plenty of good cattiness here. peter's got a decision. call the suv. tammy's gone. rose ceremony time. kelsey gets a rose. natasha gets a rose. build the drama. kelly gets a rose. sydney's gone. mckenna got one extra segment. kiss count, kiss count. the kiss count stops at -- 11. yeah. so there you go on the kiss count. there are a lot of numbers, i get it. you know, kind of like iowa only different. let's review some of them since we had two episodes this week. the whole thing started with 16 women this week, we're now down to six. total kiss count for the week was 24. three destinations. we had cleveland, costa rica, and chile. go to peru next week, at least according to the previews. total distance traveled, 5222 miles. unfortunately there's a long way to go. and on that note, analyst out. >> all those miles and still only made it to first base? jack, that was such a good line that you wrote for dear moton here. >> appreciate that. >> what we're really going to talk about is the fact that i feel there are just as many bachelor candidates as there are democratic candidates still left. >> yeah, talk about thinning the herd. both need to happen. >> okay. so on that note, go ahead, jack. >> on that note, analyst out. >> okay there he goes. he's gone. next, imagine walking into your college lecture and jay-z, mr. sean carter, is there to give it. >> of course he says, allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is -- okay. so that's exactly what happened for some lucky students at columbia university tuesday. the mogul was on campus to kick off the sean "jay-z" carter lecture series. the project will annually welcome guests to campus to spotlight those who have made a significant impact on black culture. hove, hello. >> wait -- oh. oh, yes. >> can we sell it, can we sell it? >> we've given a lot to the culture. >> jay-z! >> somebody want some park ivy. >> park ivy? ivy park. >> i'm dyslexic sometimes. just saying. also, when it comes to sean -- >> is he going to invite beyonce? >> he talked about his family a little bit and i'm like, i'd be in the kid in the class, um, could you, could i meet your wife? >> what about your wife? can we see pictures of blue ivy? >> when's the next concert happening? "skinny bonus round" next. i wanted more from my copd medicine that's why i've got the power of 1, 2, 3 medicines with trelegy. the only fda-approved once-daily 3-in-1 copd treatment. ♪ trelegy ♪ the power of 1,2,3 ♪ trelegy ♪ 1,2,3 ♪ trelegy man: with trelegy and the power of 1, 2, 3, i'm breathing better. trelegy works three ways to open airways, keep them open and reduce inflammation, for 24 hours of better breathing. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. trelegy is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. think your copd medicine is doing enough? maybe you should think again. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy and the power of 1, 2, 3. ♪ trelegy, 1,2,3 man: save at ♪ bonus, bonus, bonus, bonus! >> "skinny bonus round." first of all, beyonce, i knew that it's ivy park, it's just -- >> you said it slow that time. >> it's cold in this new studio, she's got the sniffles, i'm trying to make sure i don't get whatever she's got going on there. i'm really sleepy, these hours. >> she forgives you. >> you're not the queen. >> i know, i'm saying the queen. >> you're the queen around here. we begin the "skinny bonus round" with chris rock and samuel l. jackson. >> and it's not a comedy, instead, they're playing cops teaming up to take down the serial killer jigsaw in the latest "saw" movie, look at this. >> whoever did this has another motive. they're targeting cops. >> this [ muted ] could go sideways fast. >> you want to play games? >> the ninth installment of the "saw" franchise which is hitting theaters in may. it's serious but we still laugh because it's chris rock. he's amazing. samuel jackson as well. >> it's going to be really good. >> it will be, i'm going to see it. you won't, you don't do the movies like that. next, 25 years after its premiere season could "friends" finally be coming back? >> rumors have been swirling since the show's stars reunited on instagram. jennifer aniston revealed the cast was interested in making something work. >> chandler tweeting, big news coming. the cryptic tweet has fans hopeful the reunion project is officially happening, which would obviously be big news. the other thing that was big news was david schwimmer was asked in an interview something about a remake of "friends." he said, it would be great if there was an all black or all asian cast and that's when people were like -- yeah. >> finally, not all our twitter interactions are worthy of mentioning on air here. >> they are not. >> we wanted to tell you about a certain familiar face on the show who liked one of my tweets. we got this very nice tweet from kake, the abc affiliate in wichita. >> you better talk quickly. >> i said, wichita's own -- >> kirstie allie, she liked it. where teams compete to make the right decisions about safe food preparations. our challenge in this round -- read and follow package cooking instructions, and use a food thermometer. let's see how our teams are doing so far -- team 1? we just got 100 points. we separated our raw food from our cooked food. team 2? we got a 100-point green card for proper hand washing before our meal prep. referee: we've reached a critical safety point in the challenge. okay, team 1, let's check this out. uh-oh, not a safe internal temperature for those hamburgers. that puts everyone at high risk for food-borne illness. you get a red card -- undercooked. always read and follow the package cooking instructions and use a food thermometer. let's see how our winning team cooked it safe and avoided problems. well, i just kept focus on the four food safety steps -- clean, separate, cook, and chill. and we followed the package cooking instructions and took the temperature. can you cook it safe? america this morning. breaki breaking news in america this morning, severe storm threat. a massive weather system spreading across more than two dozen states dumping snow, flooding rain and even triggering tornadoes. >> that's got to be a tornado. >> the damage and what to expect this morning. mitt romney firestorm. the only republican senator who voted to convict president trump at the impeachment trial faces a new wave of insults. what president trump's son said about romney overnight and how the president himself is now lashing out. book store backlash. a plan to sell some of the most famous novels in all of literature with new covers more culturally diverse. how the idea backfired and the new re

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