L.A.Theatre Works to Release Audio Theater Recordings About JA Experience Posted On Top row: Jeanne Sakata, Anna Lyse Erikson (director), Mike McShane; second row: Tess Lina, Paul Yen, Joy Osmanski; third row: André Sogliuzzo, Susan Loewenberg (LATW producing artistic director), Josh Stamberg; bottom row: Greg Watanabe, Derek Mio, Brooke Ishibashi. (Photo courtesy L.A. Theatre Works) L.A. Theatre Works has announced two new state-of-the-art audio theater recordings about the Japanese American experience. Both the LATW-commissioned world premiere of “For Us All” by Jeanne Sakata and “No-No Boy” by Ken Narasaki, adapted from the novel by John Okada, are sponsored by the California Civil Liberties Public Education Program, a state-funded grant project of the California State Library.