Transcripts For CSPAN 20090627 :

CSPAN June 27, 2009

of our neglect. i urge my colleagues, this day, to reject this substitute, not because it is bad for the words that incorporates, because its effect would be to stop action so desperately needed by this country in this global. i urge my colleagues to pass this bill and take this historic opportunity for our children, our grandchildren and generations yet unborn. i yield back the balance of my time. >> i really hate to do this. you file a 300 page amendment at 30 9:00 a.m., the american people need to know what is in this bill. -- at 3:00 and 9:00 p.m., the american people need to know what is in this bill. the federal and financial institution shall not, later than six months, revised its standards for the performance of real estate appraisers in connection with federally related transactions under the jurisdiction of the agency to comply with the requirement under the amendments made by paragraph 1 of this section. now, we have to retrain every appraiser in america so that they understand this law so that they know how to properly appraise the value of someone's property. oh, i have not finished. for qualifications regarding consideration of any renewable sources for energy efficiency, every appraiser is not only going to be retrained, but we will now need to send all to school. but to get to page 157. of the appraisal subcommittee, another new part of the bureaucracy, shall establish requirements for state certification and state licensing. this will insure that the appraisers are qualified to consider determining the value of the property and any renewable energy resources and efficiencies or features of the property. that is interesting. and the secretary shall require the housing assistance counsel to encourage each organization that receives assistance from the council within the amounts made available from the secretary to provide that any structures or buildings developed or assisted with such amounts comply with the energy efficiency standards under this subtitle. more power for a lot of unelected bureaucrats. then, on page 160, in the middle of the page, it says that the secretary shall use amounts in the fund to provide loans to states with indian tribes to provide members of single-family housing to provide renewable energy sources and it goes on to give a long list. there is no appropriation for it. and then on page 164, the authorize another $5 billion and there is no idea where this money comes from. page 165, green banking centers. now, we're going to have green banking centers. the federal banking agencies shall prescribe guidelines encouraging the establishment and maintenance of green banking centers by insured depository institutions to provide any consumer who 6 affirmation on obtaining a mortgage or renewable energy lease with additional information. are you kidding me? i have heard of blackmail, but on the that greenmail now exists. >> on page 270, the general accountability office reports on availability of affordable mortgages. really what a bore after we drive the price of every mortgage up in america, we will do our report on affordable mortgages? guess what. there were to be more expensive. >> them a guarantee repayment of the portions of the principal obligations of those will mortgages. now, we are not going to guarantee the mortgage, but we will guarantee the improvements to the property as well. page 180. i would direct all of your attention if you have a copy of this to section 3 of that page. the full faith and credit of the united states is pledged to the payment of all guarantees issued under this section with respect to principal and interest. it is here. the full faith and credit of united states is pledged to the family of all guarantees issue with respect to principal and interest the term means in respect to a mortgage principal that is attributable in accordance with the regulations issued by the secretary. so, you have a new government program and we are going to guarantee this with a -- the full faith and credit of the united states. on page 184, on april 1 for a later date established by the administrator in which to be term offset credit expires, the owner or operator -- i read it, because i cannot tell you what that means. on page 190, it talks about [unintelligible] on page 189, it talks about renewable biomass. this is the second listing of biomass. this caught my attention at the bottom of page 191, section 3. are we talking about wine? >> then we get to page 280. carbon derivative markets. we have already heard enough about credit defaults swaps, but i think most of you know that the commodity exchange act is amended by striking and inserting an agricultural commodity, federal renewable electricity credit established were issued under this act. now, we're going to let those governed under the cftc trade these credits with others around the world. on page 209, it talks about the effect of the effects of that legislation upon passage of that legislation. it includes derivatives, regulatory reform and says it shall be repealed. any idea of the derivatives regulation is that we are repealing in this bill? he probably did not know we were doing that. on page 210, to prevent an increase in greenhouse gas emissions other than the united states, i presume that means countries like india and china, to induce foreign countries and fast-growing developing countries to take substantial action with respect to their greenhouse gas emissions in the and china have made it perfectly clear to everyone of us that they have no interest and will not go down this path it goes on further to ensure that the measures described are designed and implemented in a manner consistent with applicable international agreements. the very structure of the border provisions makes this impossible to achieve. the wall street journal said in that this bill could start a trade war if we decide to impose our bureaucracy. then we get to page 225. distribution of rebates. further down the page, it talks about indirect carbon factors under subsection b three. can anyone tell me how to -- tell me what an indirect carbon factor is? them get to page 226. not more than 85% of the imports are manufactured and have met the criteria of that section. now, many did we are going to try to control imports. the use of data to determine factors. where it is not possible to determine the precise electricity emissions foreign entity using this methodology in clause 1, in what instances with this not be possible to determine what that is? let me get to pitched 233. in each eligibles sector, using an average of the four most recent years, for the purposes of the list, the administrator shall use the best available data for the maximum number of years. why every four years? what is this data used for? then it goes on. the administrator shall limit the direct greenhouse gas emissions calculated under paragraph 4 for any eligible industrial sector to amount no greater than any previous of ministration under this section. so, what is the cost of the spurs -- provision. the administrator shall use that data under section 713. how much is this for to cost? >> promoting international reductions in industrial emissions. page 236. congress finds that for the purpose of this apart, it can be most effectively agreed between united states and foreign countries. it is the policy of the united states to work proactively under the united nations framework provision to establish a binding agreements and committing all major greenhouse nations to contribute to the reduction of global greenhouse emissions. this is all pain and no game. then we get to pitch 237. the president shall provide the notification to each foreign country, the products that are not exempted. this is less than a fig leaf. they're trying to pretend that this will satisfy the consultation required by the rules. it will result in retaliation against united states exports less give further down the page. it will take appropriate measures to limit greenhouse gas emissions in those countries. if they are really nice, they do not have to, but if we want to, we can make them about our regulatory scheme. then we get to page 338. the united states negotiating objectives -- [unintelligible] we tell them what their objectives are going to be as they negotiate environmental lean other nations around the world. page two under 39, not later than january 1, 2017, and every two years thereafter, the presidential present a report. let me go to page 260. modification of earned income credit amounts for individuals with nonqualified children. why does this bill neglect middle class families in america? why is it that we're only going to help some people who qualify for the earned income credit for individuals with no qualifying children. further down, it says that the secretary determines that as a result of the provisions of this act, it is a flat out admission that every american is corp. to pay more for all their energy. it goes on and on. ladies and gentlemen, does this give you some idea of of why the american people think they're congress is out of touch? ithe idea -- [applause] the idea that the federal government can create this giant bureaucracy to try to control how much co2 gets into the atmosphere. we know that if we were to do the all of the above strategy, we would have renewable sources of energy on the scene and producing jobs more quickly. we know that under our bill, and you can actually have nuclear energy plants being built and clean up the air at a much faster rate. but there is a big underlying difference between our approach of the approach of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle. that is trusting the american people. [applause] if we give the american people the right incentives, they will make the right decisions. but that is not what we have on the floor today. what we have on the floor is typical big government. it boils down to one word. it boils down to freedom. the freedom to allow the american people to live their own lives without these extra taxes and all this bureaucracy. i want to say to my colleagues that i did my best to try to get through the 300 page amendment that was filed at 3:09 a.m.. this is not the way we should be doing legislation. the american papaexpect more frs and they deserve a lot more from us. [applause] i say to my colleagues, let's not go down this path this path of increasing taxes on every single american care. -- single american. let's trust the american people and give them our all the above energy act and allow america to flourish to allow jobs to flourish and most importantly, to allow freedom to flourish. i yield back. [applause] >> the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from california. >> madam speaker, the gentleman -- a point of order, there is no order in the house. >> the house will be an order. gentleman from california. >> madam speaker, the gentleman was yielded 2.5 minutes, could you tell me how much time he consumed? >> point of order. >> the gentleman used the custom when amount of talk yielded to the minority leader. >> -- the gentleman use the customary amount of time to a minority leader. >> it was extended to over an hour. this was from a party that was extended for three hours. madam speaker, i would like order in the house. i withdraw my parliamentary inquiry. >> i you wish to yield the remainder of our time and i presume it will not be an hour or two, to our 6 -- a distinguished speaker that we have the attempt to do something to help our country do with our energy problems, speaker nancy pelosi. >> i think the gentleman for yielding. thank you madam speaker. i want to join those who have sounded your phrases. your service here and your leadership here will all be remembered and be an inspiration to us. catherine will be very mess, but now she is off to college. thank you for being such a great chairwoman and presided over the house of representatives. -- presiding chair person over the house of representatives. [applause] madam speaker, i also wish to it knowledge our chairman who brought this important legislation to the floor. chairman waxman of the commerce committee, chairman markey of the energy security and climate change committee, congressman rangel of the ways and means committee and chairman petersen of the agricultural committee. we thank you for their leadership. madam speaker, no matter how long this congress wants to talk about it, we cannot hold back the future. in order to move on with the future, i want to yield back my time, i submit my statement for the record and urge my colleagues to vote for this important legislation. when you do, remember these four words for what this legislation means jobs jobs -- jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs. let's vote for jobs. >> the house then went on to pass the energy and climate change bill. dara in samuelson joins us on the phone. what did the democrats have to do? >> they were working the hallways and the house floor. president obama called members and invited members to the white house. you had the people who wrote this bill going one by one and member by member to try to convince them that what they had passed out of the committee was a bill that had taken their interest into account. it was a microcosm of the larger house. a lot of concessions were already made and they had to make a lot more to the farm state democrats. they've probably got about 20 democrats from rural america. then, there was final within. at and they call that a fishing pole expedition. they were able to work members. they crossed the island tried to get republicans as well. >> speaking of those that cross the aisle, there were some party switchers. what about those party switchers? >> the republican number was higher than many thought. the the total was eight. there were three that we most likely expected, but the other one's work on the fence and a couple of the move over. there was probably one that jumped out. he had some very close re- election sand that was a tough vote for him. the other two interesting republican votes for the bill were for mark kirk and my castle. those are both states that turned blue. this could help them down the line. i might be leaving one or two off. on the democratic side, there were probably larger numbers. nancy pelosi was able to hold onto some of them. some of the noes were from an industrial district has not been doing too well economically. she turned down a couple of limitations and you could tell that she was struggling with his vote. struck -- salazar was a no vote. the former colorado congressman try to win one of his former colleagues. >> what was the minority leader up to, a house filibuster? >> the minority leader has the right to speak as long as he wants. he spoke for about one hour 10 minutes, reading through the bill. he had some points that others did not rule out until about 3:00 a.m. in the morning. that bill came out and there were a lot of questions about what was in it. they went page by page reading aloud what those were. it was an opportunity for him to extend the debate and make sure that his points were heard as the votes were being cast, you heard the republicans chanting "btu, btu!" a lot of people said that that vote led to the republicans taking over. they are trying to bring back some history. it was said that this was the first chance for the democrats to go back to the minority. >> thank you for bringing us up to speed. >> happy to do it. >> up next, comments by president obama and chancellor merkel. then, another chance to see the house floor debate on the energy and climate change bill. >> tomorrow, on washington journal, sir richard dalton discusses the latest situation in iran and the implications of the crisis that has followed the contested june 12 election. jussive stiglitz discusses why he believes while the current crisis is over, there will be a gap between what washington practices and what it preaches. ron fairchild talks about his group's efforts to improve summer learning among lower- income students. washington journal, live at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. >>

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Colorado , United States , China , California , India , Iran , Washington , District Of Columbia , America , American , Richard Dalton , Ron Fairchild , Nancy Pelosi ,

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