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it was stormed by taliban gunman. the attack comes just weeks after a bomb blasts killed more than 18 officers out of police mosque. and the humanitarian crisis in turkey and syria escalates the united nations appeals for 1000000 us daughters to help those affected by the earthquakes, i some desperate syrian refugees return to the war torn country, they flat ah, i'm pablo foliage. welcome to the program. ukraine's president vladimir zalinski has renewed his pushed to speed up arms deliveries. he spoke at the start of the annual munich security conference here in germany. the summit is widely seen as one of the most important global security gatherings in a virtual address. lansky said speed in all areas was the key to stopping rushes aggression. police polanski set the tone comparing ukraine's fight against russia to david and goliath. he will definitely fall already this year. we can make it all of us together just as david deed, we can make sure that there is no alternative to our week to re ukraine's president urge western leaders to act quickly. we need to hurry up, we need the speed, speed of our agreements, speed of our delivery to strengthen our sling, speed of decisions to limit russian potential was zalinski pushed for speed. german chancellor, all of sholtes argued for caution the by losses. we will continue to maintain the balance between providing the best possible support to ukraine and avoiding an unwanted escalation. but shorts also challenged western countries to deliver on promised weapons that to this means that every one who can supply these battle tanks should actually do so. now, french president emanuel microns packing for ukraine remains firm new doesn't absolutely more at us. if he not, we must absolutely intensify our support for the resistance of the ukrainian people, appropriate law, me and army for leading the counter offensive. which alone will enable credible negotiations under the conditions chosen by ukraine. h authorities, its people ha lieutenants his authority isn't that secret could convict, with a formal stage set, talks between western allies, began in earnest offstage. with the next step to bolster ukraine against russia's illegal war or being decided. while many heavy weight spoke on the 1st day at the munich security conference, and each of these chief political correspondent, nina has told me earlier what stood out for her. well, definitely, the speech from the ukrainian president followed me as a lensky who gave his address via video link, where he reiterated his plea that the west needs to keep up its support for ukraine . and he said, ukraine is not just defending itself. it's also defending freedom at large democratic principles, and he also had a message for the international audience saying that ratto wouldn't stop by ukraine's borders so if russia is successful in ukraine than it will go somewhere else. and the french president monro, my call very much also stressing this message, saying that now is not the time for negotiations. the ball is very much in vladimir putin court. he could stop this act of aggression against ukraine at any point. and if he's not doing that, then the west needs to keep up. it's a court will after the german chancellor also came out quite strongly saying that to the, the west at large needs to be prepared for a prolonged war. and that it does need to keep supporting for as long as it takes when they know there are countries, china, for example, who don't see russia in the same light as the west with regards to ukraine. so how do you think today speakers will actually convince states that refuse to get involved, but this war concerns every well, the idea of their security conference is also to get other voices and not as western voices to discuss these international security threats. and so definitely one of the highlights that we're all looking forward to is the address by the chinese chief diplomat. one ye, who's going to be interviewed by the organizer of this event on stage here later today. to hear more about what china things we know that china has warned putin against a using nuclear weapons. but where does china see this war headed? this is one of the big questions. and of course, the address to the global south is something that also the french president and the german chancellor reiterated again and at the french president. it came out quite specifically in saying we have neglected the global south. we need to take those concerns more seriously. many countries around the world say ok, you, europeans have a conflict on your territory. now suddenly it's an international conflict. while if there is a similar conflict in our region than it's a regional conflict. so it does need to be some sort of convincing. and my, my call suspect specifically of reforming international institutions to give all these countries like brazil, india and china. much more of a say yeah, we'll be keeping an eye on what's happening there. immune it. thanks nina. t w's chief international or chief political correspondent nina has i'm will be bringing you live reporting from the security conference throughout the day. and you can watch our entire coverage of them unix security conference on our youtube channel, that you tube dot com slash dw news. well rushes, wagner group claims it has taken control of a village north of the eastern ukrainian city of back. moot, the head of the mercenary company of gainey, pre goshen says his forces have captured the village of paris scuffs at scuff. if sca the settlement is just 7 kilometers from blackwood, where fierce fighting continues on friday, washington said it believes that the wagner group has suffered staggering casualties in ukraine, totaling more than 30000 killed in action. about where are some other stories making headlines around the world. in the us state of tennessee, 5 former memphis police officers have pleaded not guilty to 2nd degree murder in connection with the violent death of tyree nichols. the 29 year old died in hospital 3 days after he was savagely beaten by the officers following a traffic stop. you're 6 people are dead. following a series of shootings in a rural town in the us state of mississippi, the shootings took place inside a store and at least 2 private homes, police have a suspecting custody authorities discovered for bodies after his arrest. the pentagon says an explosion killed a leader of the so called islamic state and wounded for american soldiers. during a raid in ne syria, many remaining ice fighters have retreated into the desert hider since each a hadis were defeated in syria in 2019. and certainly had with police in pakistan's largest city of karachi, say they have regained control of their headquarters after was attacked by taliban government. for people including 2 police officers were killed in the attack. official say, while all 3 taliban fighters died, the incident comes just weeks after a bomb blast killed more than 80 officers at a police mask. an explosion at police headquarters in karachi. hello? yes, i read. the blast came after several hours of intense gunfire between police and the 3 taliban militants. dozens of offices will hold up inside the compound after the militant storm, the building reportedly wearing police uniforms and lead to police unit paramilitary ranges. and army snipers. quickly surrounded the 4 story building. official say the operation ended when one of the taliban fighters blew himself up. the other 2 died from gunshot wounds. it really is being done in solar, everything with islam. i love the opportunity for example, and he does have an official say 3 security force members and a civilian were killed in the attack and other 18 security officers were wounded. the taliban issued a short statement, claiming responsibility. it comes just weeks after a taliban suicide bomber blew himself up, had a mosque inside the police headquarters in the north western city of petula, which killed at least $84.00 people. the attacks indicate the pakistani taliban as stepping up their efforts to overthrow the government as hope fades of finding people alive, the world's attention is turning to those who survived the massive earthquakes that had turkey and syria. the united nations is appealing for $1000000000.00 us dollars to address the growing humanitarian crisis. nearly 2 weeks on millions in both countries remained displaced. people are sleeping outdoors and living without food, water, or toilets raising fears of further disaster from disease. many syrian refugees, or even choosing to return to the war torn country, a flat lining up, a border crossings with whatever belongings they managed to salvage. all right, well for more on the situation in syria, i'm joined by kristin hel berg, a journalist, and an expert on syria. welcome to d w. so you and aid is now flowing from turkey to syria through more crossings. but will that be enough? it is by far not enough. what we're hearing from northern syria is that clinics and hospitals are really running out of medical supplies. there's a leg of baby baby powder in the region. what we've seen so far, what 14 trucks by they go and crossing into north and syria for population of almost 4000000 in need. so this is not enough. and we having a via hearing some assessment reports that are saying that 88 percent of the student earthquake victims live in the opposition had territory by 12 percent live in the regime her territories. but on the other hand, it is 90 percent off the international aid that is going to the regime. so it's a quite unfair distribution of 8. that sounds like a very, a difficult situation to say the least. so critics say the earthquakes could actually even work in president basra, besides favor. why is that? it is already working in his favor, the cnbc most trying to use this disaster to normalize ties with other countries. because the, the unity has been isolated for 12 years now because of its brutal war against the people inside syria. so what we are seeing is that the era neighboring states are really opening up to president us and we have seen some foreign ministers traveling to damascus. for example, the foreign minister of jordan for the 1st time a sat is not waking even for the saudi, for him in the which would be a real turning point. because saudi arabia to gather, was cut out is one of the harshest critics of the sea. and machine, they might even be a chance of entering the arab league soon, because there will be a summit by the end of march in saudi arabia. so that is not, this is not the end of international isolation as we see western countries like the u. s. and that you still refraining from normalizing ties, but there is rehabilitation going on within the arab world. tell us this. is it not possible for western governments to help the people in syria without actually supporting us that then we okay, we love the magic because the bottom majority of this is switching the regime. but there's a possibility to support international non governmental organizations who have local partners on the ground. the problem is that all these organizations need to work through the 3 authorized border crossings from turkey to syria and the procedures there are being controlled by the end. and they are being very complicated, these international and she also have been helping in the affected areas for more, for several years now, with the humanitarian responses, they have complained even before the earthquake about all the paperwork. so what needs to be done is more passionate in the u. n. to ease these procedures to make it easier to deliver 8 into the regions and to really scale up this 8 to the scale of the disaster that we are seeing inside syria. siri, expert christian halbert, thank you. my pleasure. apologies, therefore, that a slight issue that we had at the end of that interview with the connection, moving on after 3 years of scaled back celebrations. due to the pandemic, brazil's carnival is back in all its glory. ah, in rio de janeiro, the party kicked off with this character known as king mo mo, holding the symbolic key to the city. according to tradition rules, rio during the 4 day celebrations, 46000000 people are expected to join the festivities. which peak on sunday, with glittering floats pulsating drums and ravish costumes? ah! to be there. all right, well that's your news for now. i'll be back again at the top of the next hour of next to is doc phil to take care, sees him a big for him, real time on social media. and see if it's in his instrument in the propaganda war for ukraine. russia's war in ukraine one year.

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