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struggles in the christian christianity wants to come from that. that is why christianity use the figure of the gym assembly terra. it's a history of slender of hatred and violence. a 3rd of our people were exterminated $6000000.00 jews, like microbes to be annihilated even 77 years after the holocaust hatred towards jews is still pervasive. history of anti semitism this week on d. w ah ah, stores of non perishable food, water bottles, gas masks, weapons. more and more americans are preparing for the worst, the collapse of weitel infrastructure, riots, civil war, even you kill. some are buying sparks at survival chem steep in the woods, others spilling shelters in the front until recently these so called peppers were often ridiculed when fear now reaching every level of society. that is the case in texas. we begin our journey through the world of prep for a set of fortitude ranks for commercial chain of survival communities preparing for war and k. through miller, a military veteran developed the concept 10 years ago. we're trying to keep things affordable for the middle class. so for a little more than a $1000.00 per person per year, you can shelter your family if you do a long term membership. or we also have economy and luxury rooms. if you want a little nicer place to stay with places like this are opening all over the united states right now, overseen by managers who make sure everything is ready to go at a moment's notice. ah, these are standard shipping containers and a lot of prep or juicy. these are the 20 foot want. there's a 40 foot container next door, but we keep our foot here. it's underground. it's nice and cool. you can already feel the temperature going down in the last couple years. people have realised that, you know, if there's a virus of, there's a pandemic. if the electric grid goes down, ah, it's going to be chaos. we use the term collapse. ah, the economy will stop functioning. people aren't going to go to work. there's a bad pandemic. they aren't going to work with our electrical system isn't functioning. they're just going to stay home. nothing gets produced, no food gets delivered. how realistic are these africa lipstick scenarios? expos, continually worn of possible black. i was due to for example, cyber attacks on power grid for drew. it's clear what would happen then. most people are peppers. so what are the people going to do? who aren't prepared? well, they're going to have to go out and steal from others who are prepared. quarterly fortitude wrenches have not only several months worth of food supplies, but also a defense strategy. let's say i'm rodder and i'm out there sitting with the weapon putting here and there's people just inside. there's finish opener. come out, i'm going to shoot you. you have to be able to defend the door. so we pile up rocks and wall. actually go grab a rifle thing, i'll be right back. truth touches you semi automatic are a 50. so when someone's coming there i just read my weapon right here. you're now attacking me. you're completely in the open. nothing the hide behind. these trees are chopped down. and you're a big shot, and you can't shoot accurately, you're up in the air holding your weapon trying to shoot. so the odds are it's a 10. the one advantage for a defender and a prepared position like the watch tower is tro miller is pride. enjoy it. allows over watch of the entire area. several families should find safety here . maybe soon in the u. s. legs, it's next presidents. ah, you get a civil war after an election because our country is just so polarized. so pulled apart that if it's a close selection and there are some cheating, are believed to be cheating, one or the other sides, or just say no, we don't by true is not alone with these concerns. the fear of violence is growing across all political cap. whatever occurs whatever triggers to collapse if a member can get here we can keep them alive. ready ah, we had to another fortitude wrench. this one in west virginia. many consider prep hers to be alarmists, people imagining improbable, horror scenarios. others see them as an opportunity to, to cash in to miller's descriptions though, resonate with me. what is his right? we are not permitted to disclose the co ordinates of this wrench, and he prep us also prefer to remain anonymous. so we won't show their faces. is you want a piece of mind that you have some place to go there. a number of us that will all come up your, you know, lot of them and you can take care of each other. you got community, that's the whole that t for survival. if and i got, i hope nothing happens that would have to force you to come up here. i'm really getting nervous here about what are we gonna do? we, we, i'm useless. i know how to use a spreadsheet. i know how to, i don't know how to make my own food. i don't know how to survive in a, in a more primal sense. i'm not a gum person at all. i. we did not have these beats rifles already or rejoined when it's employed, you know, it's important not only for here if something would happen, but i mean, just give general self defense. there are annual meetings we're firearms, defense is practised. steven ran and ari bailer, also military veterans always see this wrench and lead the training and maybe switching between the rifle and pistol. so we encourage our members to have an m. 16 and a 9 millimeters side is not so you could see where this would be a good defensive route. it would get all of those in, in one area. if you come to the training for the 1st time, the only thing you're going to get is a familiarization. you're going to get to fire the m 16. 12 gauge shotgun and maybe 9 mill, one meter, pistol, charge drain, his heart weapons. you can get this out a license in west virginia, if you're 18 ah, ah, bank in taxes. not all papers one to end up isolated in the woods with like minded people. instead, they are banking on an insurance policy made of steel in their own bank. on hubbard has been in the bunk of business for 10 years and that business is as successful as never before. everybody's on board. no one thinks anybody's crazy from i'm. i'm shelters now. my shelters afford you that luxury that you can go in to him and breathe its own air. that is filter from biological matter chemical matter or nuclear fallout. mm. if you turn on the news, you see north korea talking about nukes, you say russia talking about nukes, you see china talking about news. i've never seen so many people talking about nuclear weapons in my lifetime. and it's scary. and that drives people to buy bunkers, in contrast to germany, hardly anyone in the u. s. expects the stay to provide shelters accordingly. private demand is booming. these are standard bunkers, 3 by 12 meters in size, with basic equipment, starting at $200000.00. it's got a regular flush, the toilet vanity, granite, look at a beautiful sliding doors. it has the under floor storage care. so the build up and all this down here is storage and there's also water tanks that are built in . and then of course the most important thing, the air would run through this carbon filter with the hepa filter in it, it would give you breathe malware. and when this is furnished and everything is going, you just feel like you're in an apartment. i don't really share ron's enthusiasm. the idea of bending days, maybe weeks on the ground. what triggers sing? sigh. rather than a sense of security. not to mention that you paid fear for it. and you're thinking, what about the regular people? it's unfortunate, but it's not fair, but they leave the wealthy get to live a better life than the rest of us. so what to do if you can afford to have a bunker built in your front yard near austin, texas. we need another prep, or just hope stokes is in the bitcoin business. he used to live in san francisco and started prepping for the doctor, while living in the earthquake prone region. it doesn't take a lot of money to get into into prepping, if you're thinking of prepping as gear accumulation, buying weatherman tools or pocket lives, or backpacks or this kind of think. even lot of this stuff, the prices have, have been affordable for ordinary people. when i got started, my goal was like 72 hours, you know, of food and water and no power, this kind of thing. and then i stretch it out to 2 weeks and you know, now i'm probably at like 6 months to 4000 little thing in the garden, can supply him, his wife and 3 daughters with water for around 3 months about what tips does this season prep or have for beginners like me, it's filtered. start with something that can sustain for 72 hours. you want food that you don't have to cook or prepare, you know, so that you can prepare just boiling water. so peanut butter is really good. there's a lot fat. there's a lot of protein, things of that nature like snack foods is something that's not too sugary, but things that will make you feel satiated. and so you want 72 hours of food and water. you want to have water storage. if you have to leave suddenly, you want to grab the bag and run in myself. my wife, my 3 girls, they all have a bug back there. not all this large. the kids are more focused on food and hygiene and some water. my wife person's a little bit specialized my as a little bit specialized, but this is generally has most of the things that we would need. this is more of a urban type of thing. it's got to spike on it because this is good for digging. it's good for prying on like a bus to lock with it. i would not really try to use this as a weapon unless i had to because i'm not trained anything. so this is a 1st aid kit. everything from a trauma kit turned. i've got food signaling, fire making, the are some blankets signal mirror, more hygiene, this is food. this is a sleeping pat. this can team isn't. is typical of the kind of proper data proper looks for. so this is a single wall canteen insulated. what that means is that you can boil water in us so i can only store water in it and keep it relatively cool. i can also boil and purify water in it, and i can cook inside of that. yeah, point guard so, so this is one of the things that people overlook. you know, if you're stuck somewhere, if i was stuck underground with a family for 5 days, i may want to keep morale up and so many properties will have some playing cards. these are some waterproof playing cards. my wife is not classically a proper, but she appreciates that i do this and she's the 4th. so she's glad that it's something that she doesn't have to think about and that i have taken care of. and that's kind of my thing. you could do something like this for probably under a $1000.00. this is probably maybe 5 to 6000 worth of stuff. my journey through the growing world of peppers has changed my outlook. even though i don't think the next civil war is inevitable. i have a small backpacks in the pantry stalks. after all, i live in the u. s. a. me. oh ah, to africa with flora d. w. travel reporters in our check in special will explore them, piled the beauty of kenya, the most amazing motorcycle route in south africa. and explore traces of colonialism in nigeria. checking him next on d. w. o electric motorcycle. a reno man festival in berlin shows your trade show for a metric to really present trends on the well our reporter was there and share with us read into 60 minutes on d w. they want to know with love and banning thing away from them. but i'm not even know how to work my own god and everyone with later holes and everything getting, are you ready to meet the german can join me, rachel stuart on d. w. ah, ah, ah ah .

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Germany ,Kenya ,Nigeria ,United States ,Texas ,China ,South Africa ,North Korea ,Russia ,Berlin ,West Virginia ,Americans ,America ,German ,Semitism Isa ,Rachel Stuart ,

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