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kinds of distraction and attacks. i am ready for that. >> fox news reporting. the tangled clinton web. from washington, d.c. bret baier. >> behind me is a city with more concentrated power than any in the world. washington. hillary clinton wants the top job in town. ever since she announced her candidacy for presidency her past has attracted new scrutiny. one aspect is she and husband bill have spent years making millions and handing out even more to various causes. they say they are doing good work. but some people now claim their activities raise questions of influence pedalling on a global scale. tonight we will look at those charges. this is a story that goes around the world and we will start in haiti. >> january 12th, 2010, haiti suffers a devastating 7.0 earthquake. more than $200,000 and over 100,000 buildings and homes are destroyed. within four-days, u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton arrives to survey the damage. >> i want to assure the people in haiti that the united states is a friend a partner and a supporter. >> two-days later former president clinton was on the ground. >> i hope it will be rebuilt in a much stronger and sustainable way. >> bill clinton had previously been named u.n. special envoy for haiti. he and hillary had close ties to the country, even honeymooning there. hillary's state department working with usaid the united states agency for international development would oversee america's relief effort. they set up the ihrc interim haiti recovery commission to coordinate. two men were named co-chairs of the ihrc executive committee. haitian prime minister john max bell raw reeve and bill clinton himself. the idea was not just to fix things it but to fix them. clinton had a plan wouldn't it be great if they became the first wireless nation of the world. they could. i am telling you. they really could. it wasn't ast all clear the people of haiti would be the big winners in the national of haiti gold rush. >> there are a lot of money to be made in reconstruction contracts et cetera. peter switzer is the author of the new book clinton cash. where he investigates the snarl of money, politics and personal interest that has come to characterize the clinton's interactions. clinton cash is published by harper collins a sister company to fox news. >> shortly after earth cake took place u.s. ambassador in haiti sent a state department the title of which is the gold rush is on. it was about the fact that the businessmen and companies were showing up in haiti trying to seek lucrative contracts. >> it was the job of the ihrc to oversee this process and to ensure no one took advantage of the situation. but what if it was part of the problem? a number of members of the ihrc actually wrote a letter expressing their concern that they were not involved in the process that all of the decisions were made by clinton and belareve. they argued the national priorities of haiti were being totally disregarded by the decisions that were being made. >> as haiti doug itself out of the rubble many projects were innish initiated often of money that were connected to the clintons. a much needed system was created to help transfer money via cell phones. there was a plan for rich mineral wealth. >> they announce they are going to offer two so-called gold exploitation permits. the first issued in 50 years in haiti that would allow for the distraction of gold mines in the country. >> perhaps the most celebrated project of all was industrial park. >> what is happening here is already having ripple effects that will create jobs and opportunities far beyond this industrial park. >> the grand opening was a big deal. you had bill clinton there, hillary clinton there. you had donna karan the fashion designer, you had ben stiller, sean penn. lots of people showed up to say how wonderful the facility would be for everybody. >> as all of these projects moved forward questions were raised. the central question the question which switzer investigated was about how so many of these deals seemed to come back at some point to the clintons. >> what quickly became apparent to many people was that if you wanted a contract if you wanted to do business in haiti, you had to have relationships with the clintons. that was absolutely key. >> the company that cleaned up on the cell phone transfers was digucell. >> in the months running up to december 2012 they took in $50 million in revenue in haiti. >> digicel is run by dennis o'brien who set up lucrative speeches with bill clinton as well as donating millions to the bill clinton foundation. one that got a wear permit was vcs mining which didn't have much mining experience but would have hillary clinton's brother tony rodham on his board. as for the industrial park the anchor tenant is a crowian manufacturer which supplies major u.s. retail -- to u.s. major retailers which happened to be big clinton supporters. while they promised 65 mu jobs to date only 5,000 had been delivered. as for the other projects they didn't exactly work out as promised. we will go into depth on that later in the program. >> but first though bill clinton may have left office a while ago, he and hillary's influence is still felt worldwide. and their fingers are in a whole lot of pies. >> when we return we look into this world of clinton clout, how it came to be and how it operates. yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... ...add one a day 50+. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it supports physical energy with b vitamins. one a day 50+ i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit we all enter this world with a shout and we see no reason to stop. so cvs health is creating industry-leading programs and tools that help people stay on medicines as their doctors prescribed. it could help save tens of thousands of lives every year. and that w ould be something worth shouting about. cvs health, because health is everything. all these networks keep making different claims. it gets confusing. fastest, strongest the most in-your-face-est. it sounds like some weird multiple choice test. yea, but do i pick a, b, or c. i pick like the best of everything. verizon. i didn't. i picked a. and how'd that work out for you? not so well. can i get a do-over? vo: why settle for less when you can have, well, everything. and get 200 dollars or more when you trade in your smartphone for a galaxy s6. verizon. look! this is the new asian inspired broth bowl from panera bread. our hero is the soba noodle. 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(very nice) then top with a soy-miso broth. that's the ticket! and if you're feeling extra adventurous try our delicious thai chicken salad only at panera bread. to catch yourself with the >> to catch the clinton story here is ed heen re. >> tonight is my last opportunity to speak with you from the oval office. >> january 2001 bill clinton has completed two terms as president but he has bills to pay. >> he came out of the white house not only debt broke but in debt. it was not easy. bill has worked really hard. >> that he has. travel have gone around the world making speeches at up to 750,000 dollars a pop. >> hill cally -- hillary clinton has also made 6 figure sums for her speeches. they had gone from being dead bloek to being fabulously wealthy. ets mats are in the 12 years following his presidency up to 2012 they took in $36 million. >> peter switzer is author of clinton cash due out this year. >> it came from fees and book deals and other sources of income. nobody in america in political history has come close to being dead broke to being fabulously wealthy in such a short period of time. >> when confronted about the income hillary explains. >> i thought making speeches for money was a much better thing than getting connected with any one group or company as so many people who lead public life do. >> there was an organization the clintons set up with an ambitious global entity that would take in far more money than bill and hillary clinton combined. >> they don't know who the tenant is because there's no sign indicating it's the world headquarters of the bill hillary and chill see clinton foundation. >> he's not president any more. she is not president yet. still the clinton foundation represents a sort of global power center. it was founded in 2001 in the william jay clinton presidential foundation with the state admission of marshalling government and private resources with poverty, climate change and de disease. basically solving the world's problems. oo we can be there for all of our neighbors around the block around the country and around the world. >> former advisor to the clintons enjoy work for their foundation. >> he can go anywhere in the world rand promote causes of social justice where no one else is allowed to do. >> the clinton's big new project situated them at the nexus of global money, influence and power. >> you have to start with people, you have to give them a chance to live the best life they can. >> it has been estimated over the years the foundation raised more than a billion dollars. the concern is that these contributions to the clinton foundations for these speaking fees are being provided not simply out of the kindness of the heart of these individuals but they want something from the clintons. my contention is there seems to be a bat earn of behavior in which they are giving the individuals twhaent. >> many high ranking party the sets up foundations but the clintons are a power couple unlike any in the world has ever seen. not only is bill ex president already a rare power broker but in hillary they have someone who was a senator, then secretary of state and who might be president. >> the clinton foundation i have questions about the topic. >> there's a conflict of interest between his work meaning the foundations>> oo. >> there would be a fear of influence pending. >> the obama transition team was concerned about the fact that there had been such a large flow of funds to the clinton foundation and also to the clinton's personal accounts because of the speaking fees. they wanted to set up a structure of accountability. >> this led to a memorandum of understanding which had explicit requirements requirements>> one was they were going to disclose all new contributions to the clinton foundations. >> foreign government businesses we are going to donate to the clinton foundation that would require prior approval by state departments. a third requirement was that bill clinton's teaches and consulting arrangements also needed to be vetted by the state department. >> hillary became secretary of state and the clinton foundation continued to do its work. suspicions lingered. >> we were writing these large checks and weren't getting access to the former president and then secretary of state, what were they tting? >> they were getting the ability to participate in large scale social well care programs for the regions of interest or importance to them or to be a partner of the president of the united states or former secretary of state on life changing endeavors. >> the clintons have been called lots of things by friends and enemies over the years. the one phrase i have never seen associated with the clintons is the word naive. when we return we will look at what the clinton foundation is doing around the world, charityable work for sure. is there something more calculated? here at the td ameritrade trader group, they work all the time. sup jj? working hard? working 24/7 on mobile trader, rated #1 trading app in the app store. it lets you trade stocks options, futures... even advanced orders. and it offers more charts than a lot of the other competitors do in desktop. you work so late. i guess you don't see your family very much? i see them all the time. did you finish your derivative pricing model, honey? for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. the dealings of bill and hillary are part of what peter a mix of money and politics diplomacy and personal interests all so interconnected that it is easy to get lost. >> it is so hard when you look at the clintons to try to figure out where the charity ends and begins, where their profit making ends and begins and where their official powers as secretary state or senator ends origins. the problem is they get blurred together. >> to put together his book clinton power and cash they spent more than a year untraveling the tangled web. he took us through a number of cases. for instance money in the middle east. >> the you united air rap -- >> they are under pressure from the obama administration and hillary clinton's state department because of iran's sanctions. that is that uav companies are continuing to trade for service shipment points to iran. >> so now fast forward a couple of months. >> on december 12th you have the foreign minister of the united arab emirates who is flying to washington, d.c. to meet with the secretary of state, hillary clinton over troubling issues. that very same day, the foreign minister's brother who is the crowned prince is paying hillary's cuz din bill clinton for a speech. >> they did not put out former statement about president clinton's speech but they provided a list of donations given to share ritable donations around the world. >> there is money in europe. >> beginning in 2009 giant erickson is coming under increasing pressure from the united states because it is selling equipment to oppressive governments around the world. in the mids of all of this they decide to pay bill clinton, they pay him a whopping 750,000 dollars. >> soon after hillary clinton's state department new broader stations against iran. >> erickson declined our interview request. they conceded it was significant 750,000 dollars. it would be seen in light of clinton's travel to hong kong for the event and the event spans two-days. the company insists the conversation regarding iran had no impact on the decision. >> there's money in south america. in june 2010 bill clinton was in columbia. >> he meets with the then president of columbia to discuss matters in private. hillary clinton is in club yaw at the same time. after bill leaves the presidential palace hillary clinton comes in and has lunch with the. president of columbia and explains her equipmentmentcommitment to a free trade agreement. >> the very same trade agreement she pledged to defeat while running for president in 2008. >> as i have said for months i oppose the deal i have spoken out against the deal i will vote against the deal arched i will do erg i can to urge the free trade deal. >> another one was a billionaire businessman and family friend we will meet again. >> let's go down the line as you have it. a canadian billionaire arrives in columbia with bill clinton on june 8th, 2010. hillary at the same time meets with president arevay. what is troubling in the days a fallow one of the largest contributors to the foundation sees not one, not two but three of his companies get major concessions from the government in columbia. the neither ever responded to a request or a comment on the columbia deal. >> there's money with dealings in africa. >> the sheikh of saudi arabia announces with bill and london he is going to donate to the clinton foundation. >> this raises lots of questions about ethiopian groups in the west. they are concerned about the oppressive government and the fact that he has a large business empire in ethiopia. what troubles them is he does knotted have a history of fill lan fee. they write a letter to bill clinton and they say we have reason to believe the huge donation of the clinton foundation was made on behalf of the ethiopian government. >> when hillary clinton becomes secretary of state one of the things she has to do is certify ethiopia on human rights. they p granted them a waiver which allowed them to continue u.s. assistance even though they weren't complying with law. >> he told us he does not give media interviews instead he sent us a fact sheet of all of the support she has given to the awareness. >> these are a few of the many stories he documents in his book. >> bill clinton's average speaking fee is somewhere around 175 to 200,000 over the years. the problem is once hilly becomes secretary of state in 2009 the number of big paydays where he gets paid half a million dollars or more to give a speech one speech overseas increases dramatically. wow. sweet new subaru, huh mitch? 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he eners the story. >> bill clinton winds up in it kazakhstan where a canadian investor has been trying to get control to buy a couple of uranium mines. he became really partners in a way with bill clinton working on philanthropic activities. >> i came up with an idea about creating an initiative to alleviate poverty. >> furthermore he has been involved in helping to facilitate speaking engagements. >> bill clinton were with the presidential palace of yasir bias in kazakhstan. it is a fascinating story because everybody walked away from the table that night with something. >> the story caught the attention of pulitzer prize winning new york times reporter bill becker. >> what he got was a huge propaganda cue, bill clinton basically endorsed the progress at kazakhstan had made in terms of their own democracy which was sort of interesting given that the president was selected with 90 plus percent of the vote in an election that was widely criticized as being rigged. >> bill clinton has a public press conference where he praises his rule and praises his human rights record but the bottom line is after he they believe a couple of days later, fred gets his uranium confessions which end up being eenormously lucrative with a small group of canadian mining investors. >> his company was like a bit player and really had gone from worthless shell company over night got this huge uranium mining deal. soon after that bill clinton got a huge donation $31 million from frank to his charitable foundation followed by a pledge to donate $100 million more. >> our calls from the kazakhstan embassy were never returned. we talked to frank justra who considers this an old story and said he is not interested in politics. meanwhile his defenders insist no indue influence was exerted in kazakhstan because it did not require the government's approval. >> the problem is there are corporate records that indicate very very clearly that the government did have to sign off and approve. >> that's what we are looking at here? >> this is what we are looking at here which is the amended memorandum of understanding that is dated september 15th, 2005, between the minute treeistry of energy of the republic of kazakhstan and the atomic agency in kazakhstan government. ing there is no way they can argue it was not a party to the negotiations. they were signatories to this. >> there is a postscript to the kazakhstan tale. >> they wanted to take an equity stake in westing house which is a u.s. company that works in the u.s. field. >> when you have westing house in the nuclear tryindustry that requires review. >> the investors came to america to see the man who could make things happen. >> he arranged fore kazakhstan officials to go to bill clinton's house. when i first contacted both the clinton foundation mr. clinton spokesman they denied any such meeting ever took place. then when we told them well we had already talked to the head who not only told us all about the meeting but has a picture of him and bill at the home. he proudly displayed on his office wall. they then acknowledged yes, the meeting had taken place. >> what happened to his company that benefited from the deal in kazakhstan? >> after a merger it became a uranium giant called uranium one. then the russians bought it. >> uranium one became very active in acquiring uranium assets in the united states itself. why 2009 they were an attractive target for the russian government. >> the russians acquired that target. >> they had uranium output by 2015. >> it was moerp than half of uranium. >> for that deal to go through it needs federal government approval and one of those people that has to approve that deal is secretary of state hillary clinton who as senator clinton was vigorously opposed to these kind of buys to countries into the u.s. >> the bortz deal which he was opposed to. >> we believe no foreign government should control is it>> in this case we are talking about uranium. we are talking about things that relate to nuclear industry. we are talking about the russian government. >> which already provide equipment material to iran. >> that's correct. >> how deeply those uranium interests were invested in the clintons was not disclosed by them or their foundation. >> switzer learned about that by scouring canadian tax records. >> let's go to the fern wood document. >> it was an entity in canada who ends up being the chairman of uranium one which is the russian owned uranium company. in 2007 he made an individual contribution to the clinton foundation. the problem is based on canadian tax records made a mament of 250,000 dollars to the clinton sustainable growth initiative. they are required to disclose the donations. they failed to do that. this is a hidden contribution. over the course of a couple years you are talking about $2 million to the fern wood foundation to the clinton foundation. when you go to the clinton foundation web site itself on disclosures you type in fernwood you find no contributions whatsoever. >> they declined to comment. >> what this amounts to in the end is the russian company essentially controlled vladmir putin which will be in charge of a substantial portion of uranium. they send uranium to the client state iran. it could we will be sent to the very nation wheree are negotiating with two try to slow the ability to try to develop a nuclear weapon. thus we see how far reaching the effect of the clinton blur adds switzer puts it could be. >> after the break we return to haiti and see how relief from the clinton foundation has worked out. ke during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit (rock climbing sfx) when kevin jorgeson needs light, he trusts only duracell quantum because it lasts longer in 99% of devices. ♪ ♪ ♪ if you're looking for a car that drives you... ...and takes the wheel right from your very hands... ...this isn't that car. the first and only car with direct adaptive steering. ♪ the 328 horsepower q50 from infiniti. so, what brings you to jersey? 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(>>(indiscernible) we needed to people to keep haiti in the news. >> was bill clinton the one to sell that? >> he was involved in that. we needed e-mails. i believe in his role of presidented of the commission he did well. >> you said you believed bill clinton did a good job. sounds like there's a butt in there. >> there is a lot of buts not only one but not all linked to him. perhaps we are asking too much of president clinton and has the agenda of what he was doing. perhaps you are leaving too much in what he could bringment. >> much good work has been done. debris moved houses rebuilt, roads repaired. to peter schweizer for all of that help there are certain projects that need more scrutiny, projects the clintons got behind. >> you would expect there would be high standards of transparency, high standards of accountability and have ethical standards that would prevent you from giving contracts or benefits to people who are putting money in your pocket. >> for instance the story of digucel. >> almost any place you go anywhere in hate he tee you-- haiti you will see digicel. the reason they have prominence is because they have friends in high places. >> they push for a wireless phone based money trancering system. a useful way to allow friends and relatives to send money into a ravaged nation. >> the problem is the chief beneficiary is a company called digicel owned by dennis o'brien. >> he is an irish billionaire who made his money in the telecom industry. >> shortly after they began reconstruction in haiti and began handing out contracts, sometime during that period of 2010 or 2011 he made a multi-million dollar contribution to the clinton foundation. >> there were also speeches. he gets paid to give speeches which were arranged dennis o'brien. >> two of the teaches gives actually are sandwiched around they were given a grant by taxpayers by 100,000 as part of the hmmi award. at the same time you have tax payer money $2 million being committed to the foundation in jamaca. >> still the biggest prophets are the 10's of millions are getting from the haiti deal. >> their 345r ket share grew ee another masly. they allow them in the haitian mobile phone. >> for such a small and impoverished country haiti has very valuable mineral de fozities. i am standing on top of what could be a gold and silver mine. there could be more than $150 million worth of oar in these hills. it has been 50 years since haiti gave out any terpermits for open bid mines, when he did in 2012 guess who got it? >> one went to vcs mining out of north kierl line gnaw. they had little ex peer-- out of north carolina. this was a lucrative concession. >> why were they given such a prize concession. peter schweizer thinks it has something to do with hillary clinton's brother. >> tony rodham meets them. in december 2012 at a clinton global initiative three months later the haitian government grants the exploitation permit to vcs mining. literally within the year tony rodham is placed on the board of dch mining. he has no background in haiti and has no background in mining. >> tony rodham did not return the phone calls. they did speak to someone who maintains there's no connection between the permit and rodham's seat on the board. of all of the projects the one that probably made the biggest splash was the industrial park. in the end it may have been the biggest disappointment. it is located 85 miles north of port-au-prince. far from the damage caused by the earthquake. according to the state department it was designed to create up to 65,000 jobs. in october 2012 bill and hillary along with haitian heads of state along with several celebrities were there for the launch. >> the plan was ambitious to build a tax tile mills. tax money was poured in to make housing and infrastructure in the area. 100,000 was committed for this effort. >> building up the area meant first kicking out the farmers who had been there for generations. their harvests were bulldozed. >> were people frightened? were they upset? >> everybody was busy being shocked. not understanding what was going on with their hands in the air screaming and crying. >> did you talk to them ask them what they were doing? >> there were people with guns apparently to force them to leave the area so they could not do much to resist. >> how many people are worse off since the industrial park was built? (talking over one another) >> we did contact the biggest tenant the textile company but so far they haven't gotten back to us without paying a visit. >> i was able to round occupyup a worker, we couldn't identify him. he is afraid of losing his job. he works from 6:45 in the morning until 5:00 p.m. he gets paid 225 gourds a day which is about 5 u.s. dual lars. oo -- u.s. dollars. >> because of the lack of jobs and availability he has to take it. >> how would he describe the working conditions? it>> conditions are very very tough. everybody is pretty much frustrated to the workload and what they are getting paid. it is take it or leaf it situation. >> he hopes the future will hold more for him. the at present they are hardly the economic salvation originally promised. not only do they pay well but there are only about 5,000 of them not anywhere near as many as expected. the state department says those jobs will materialize eventually in a decade or so. in the meantime who is the project helping? well a few american companies are benefitting from if the chief haitian labor. >> the biggest beneficiaries were retailing companies closely tied to the clintons gap, target and wal-mart. >> a lot of money was given to haiti after the earthquake. much of it was put to good use. according to peter schweizer too much of it was used to line the pockets of people with clinton connections. >> when we return hillary is running. will any of this come back to haunt her? so i'm the one living with type 2 diabetes. and i've listened to the tips, the trends and have-you-tried-this. now, i'm ready for someone to listen to me. welcome to, your free custom-fit diabetes support program that actually listens to you. start building your fit2me program today using key areas of diabetes management. let's start with food. mexican? asian? italian! want recipes that reduce calories? or carbs? which activity feels more like you? cardio? or couch curls? choose a digital coach. tough love? or a gentle nudge? you can even get a tool kit with treatment options to discuss with your doctor. fit2me also inspires you through games and team challenges. so what kind of plan will i stick with? my plan! get your plan. go to and enter the on-screen code word to get started. >> as a presidential candidate hillary clinton offered something new and different. she would be the first female president. she also offered something that may be too familiar. she is a politician with a long history. the pundits are already asking how her past may effect the future. >> i am getting ready to do something, too, i am running for president. >> one of hillary's first thing was to quit the clin fon foundation. she was leaving to devote myself to the new all encompassing endeavor. >> there were new questions as new details emerge. >> a few days later on april 15th with the clinton foundation coming under scrutiny they changed policy regarding donations from foreign governments. from now they would only take contributions from friendly western governments like canada and germany. of course even under these limitations there could still be donations from someone likely an telfer the canadian who as we mentioned earlier was chairman of the russian owned company aur rain uranium 1. even as she was distancing herself from the foundation she wouldn't avoid questions. clinton cash shaping up to be a political bombshell she responded to a reporter's inquiries while campaigning in new hampshire on april 20th by brushing aside the book's claims. >> we are back into the political season. therefore we will be subjected to all kinds of disstaks and attacks. >> people are going to have to believe all of this was on the up and up and nobody was trying to buy influence and all of this was fine. or there will be suspicions hanging over this campaign and thus far. >> they are questioning the trust worthiness. in a fox news poll 51 percent said they did not feel she was honest. the only politician on the list to score above 50 percent. this was asked before the revelations about the clinton foundation were making headlines. meanwhile in a speech at georgetown bill clinton avoided the controversy. >> i don't intend to talk much about electoral politics. >> even if the clintons wouldn't say anything substantive they are preparing for an onslaught. >> we aren't big on quitting in my family. you may have noticed that. >> clinton campaign press secretary brian fallon offered a specific denial in charges made in a new york times story about uranium 1. stating no one has produced a sled of evidence that hillary clinton ever took action as secretary of state in order to support the interest of donors to the clinton foundation. to suggest the state department under then secretary clinton exerted undue influence in the u.s. government's review of the sale of uranium 1 is utterly baseless. legal experts suggest there may even be legal peril facing the clintons down the road. >> she is not protected by the sfakt fact that her husband may have taken money or its her husband's foundations. spouse as interests are attributed to each other. that's no excuse or defense. >> media response to the book is any indication the controversy does not seem likely to go away any time soon. >> too much other media have weighed in with reporting on this to make it go away by saying it is a republican con sir spur -- conspiracy. news reporters at wall street journal are not and certainly we are not. >> they are no strangers to controversy. bill wrote out more than a few in his day. if the charges we looked at gain traction will hillary be as lucky? will people worry another clinton administration could mean influence pedalling on a scale never before imaged. either way the clintons seem to be aware that there's a question demanding a response. that is our show. thanks for watching. machine and get my number which matches my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts. now i get immediate relief from my foot pain. my knee pain. find a machine at (dog) mmm. this beneful is so good and healthy. hey, you know what? we should just go ahead and have this for breakfast tomorrow. would that be crazy? 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