Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20120313 : vimarsan

WBFF Fox 45 Morning News March 13, 2012

many people as the university of maryland student is wakinn up in a psychiatric ward.the warning siggs police might have ignored. a middle school coach... in court.... on unbelievable charges.the bizarre thing he did in front of his game. and... you know red meat is bad for you.but id you know just how bad?tteesurprising amount you have to eat for your risk of dying young to go other meat that'll kill you even faster. 3 3 &ptuesday,,march 13th 3 3 3 a university of 3 3 3 3 3 a university of maryland psychiatric ward this morning. this comes after the sophomooe posted online threats of a shooting rampage.the plan... to kill as many people as poosible.megan gilliland joins us now with the warning signs police might have ignored. good morning patrice,police posted tte on-line threats ong - right from his dorm room. room.the first threat appeared saturday night oo the website reddit dot com. hhs posting indicated that he intended o open fire oo campus and to stay away from the mall.he went on to say... "hopefully i to nationnl news."soon, police - began recieving calls about his detectives worked to identify the i-p address... police presence increased on campus.but some students thought his threats were a joke. 9;55:28 that was brrght up by one of the recepients who went on to say dude if you're joking you better speak up i'm going to alert authorities. he responded lol laugh out loud go ahead you don't know what campus i'm tallking about 55:48 55:48police say when they arrested the engineering major he was emotionally distraught and in need of psychiatric treatmmnt.he was unarmed at the time.but this wasn't the first time they responded to this dorm room.a fee weeks ago, police were called after he was making a lot of noise... we're told he was quote, feeling a littll stressed out. there were some questionssas to why students weren't notified of the threatss earlier... in response....the chief said there was no way to alert students without runniig thh riik of tipping off song. i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. stay tuned to fox45 orning news for continuinggcoverage of this story.we'll sit down with a former secret service pgent and expert in school violence... to talk about what threats are serious enough... for police to get involved. that's coming up ater this hour. the veteran baltimore police officer... accused of stealing hundreds of dollars in groceries from store... is suspenddd áwithá pay.... investigation.veteran on. detective darlene early allegedly ssole the groceries from this food depot on bel air road.her 18--ear-old daughter is a cashier there... and reportedll, undercharged her mother.this is just one of the several accusations of criminnl wrongdoing against city officers in the last year. department."> this isn't the first case of police misconduct.just last following the shooting death d - of a 13-year-old girl. it turns out, he is dating one of the suspecc's mothers and is under investigation forr playing a role in a possible cover-up. a bizarre crime in massaccusetts... at thh end of a sixth grade basketball championship game. game.when the teams were about to shake hands... one of the coaches attacced the winning coach... iting off part of his aa.many wwtnesses were inside the gymnasium when it happened... including his fifth and sixth grade players who saw everything. :48 "a tragedy. it should have never taken place. parents shhuld leave spoots to the kids. be there to cheer youu kids on but leave it at th" that."the suspect... 4- year-old tim forbes... is now including mayhem, which is a felonyy forbes is expected back in court later this week. it's your last day to register to vote in the 0-12 republican presidential áprimary.ámaryland will hold it's primary on tuesday, april third... and this year your candidate.if yyu'd like to register... the national voter registration initiative a at mondawmin mall.the event floor center court from 10 to 8 p-m. 3 it's ranked as a top 20 party school.... but aa the univvrsity of marylann. joel d. smith is live in college park where some students make the pledge to day..... and they are head over heels loving it... literally. good morning joel d. 3 3 3 3 3 3 fox 45 is stepping up to make your 20-12 the healthiest year yet.the fox 45.. c-w baltimore... b'more healthy expo in partnership with medstar health.... is saturday march 17th at the baltimore exercise, eating right... and et health screenings.go to nd b-more healthy xpo-dot-com for more information. ccming up... stores will be keeping a close eye on áyouá... and áthisá product... next time you're out shopping.why an aaarming pumber of thieves... are stealing "tide" ddtergent products. you're watching fox 45 morninn news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) ♪it's the way you bring out the sun♪ my mom makes any day sunny. sunnyd does, too. with 40% fewer calories than most regular soda brands. ♪ vietnam, 1967. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. --the teelin school of irish pance and the teelin irish &pperformances coming up in the area to celebrate saint pattick's day -meteorologist emily gracie is live with a preview in our hometown hotspot --the teelin iiish dance company is performing in more than 25 different students are also preparing to world irish dancing championships at month and beginnin of april in belfast, id irelandfor more informatton on what the teelin school of irish dance issdoing to celebrate saint patrick's day, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash mooning. 3 3 3 coming up... coming up... 3 3 3 3 &p3 3 coming up... police arrest a man... accused of stealing 25-áthousandá- dollars worth of "tide" detergent.wwy hee.. and others... are choosing that particular brand... to cash in on. u2 bbautiful day nats of leading music monny-makers. but they're not number one. we'll tell you who is... next. you're watching fox 45 morning &pnews.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) 3 what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea. what a bargain! [ female announcer ] sometimes a good deal turns out to be not such a good deal. but new bounty gives you value you can see. in this lab demo, one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. so you can clean this mess with half as many sheets. bounty has trap and lock technology to soak up big spills and lock them in. why use more when you can use less? new bounty. the clean picker upper. new this morning....voters in mississippi and alabama will makeetheir pick for the republican candidate for president today.two new ools show mitt romney in a statistical tie withhnewt gingrich for the lead in alabama and mississippi.rick santorum is trailing in both polls right now.and candidate ron paul has not even campaigned in the two states. apple is being sued over problemm with siri... the voice-activated assistant oo the i-phone 4-s.the persoo behind the lawsuit is frank fazio... a new york man... whoo claims apple's aas are says ttey overstate siri's zio capabillties.thh lawsuit asks for unspecified damages. authooities around the country are noticing a surge in "tide" thefts.thievessare cashing in by stealing 20-dollar bottles of tide... thhn sellinggthem for half the minnesota... one man swiped 25- áthousandá-dollars worth of tide over several months... before being arrested. authhrities bblieve thieves popular and rrcognizable. taylor swift nats nats at just 22-years-old... taylor swift is taking the music world by torm.the ccuntry singer tops bbllboard magazine's coveted list... of leading music money-makers. last year... swift earned an estimated 35--oint-7 million dollaas.the rocc band u-- came slightly more than 32-million dollars.swift's fellow country thirr....earning just shy of 30-million dollars. cominn up... defense secretary leon panetta is speaking &pout... bout the soldier afghanistan.1:10 leon anetta: . "war is hell. thess kinds of pncidents are gging to take any war." war." the condition he was suffering from... that may have caused him to snap. and what impact this could have... on our country's withdrawal of're watching fox 45 mooning news.. all local.. all mooning. ((break 3)) mooning. ((break 3)) this is an angus steak and egg sandwich. it's a tremendous morning. angus, man! angus! dunkin's new angus steak and egg sandwich makes any morning special. try one today. the best part delicious gourmet gravy. and she agrees. with fancy feast gravy lovers, your cat can enjoy the delicious, satisfying taste of gourmet gravy every day. fancy feast. the best ingredient is love. vietnam, 1967. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. ((bump in)) today we're getting a better picture... of the man bbhind a killing spree in afghanistan. 16 people were shot... &pin the rogue greg - black exxlains... the military has not rrleased the alleged details about his life re noo being leaked. leeked. 3villagers are angry and grief- &pstricken.the commander of u-s and nato forces in afghanistan says they're there to help.we dd right by the wounded and do of course, respecting the three days of mourning.general allen describee the response after the soldder was discovered missing.we put together a search party right away and it was as that seaach party was forming that we began to have indications of the outcome of his departuree as viilagers mourn, some u-s military fficials aree speaking on condition of pnonymity we've learned he and kids.he's trained to shoot tookill from more than 800 yards away.and he sufferedda wreck in his vehicle during a his last deployment in iraq. but he was found fit for duty after tteatment.the hite house says the incident will not impact the plan too &pwithdraw u-s troops from the country in 20-14.we will continue to work wiih the afghan government, with afghan forces, in the implementation of our strategy. we will there is accountability. t - defense secretary leon panetta agreed and tried to put it in peespective.he spoke while en hell. these kinds of incideetss are going to take place. they've taken place in any par. they are ttrrible events and this s not the first of those events and probably 3 won't be the last.i'm grreg poming up.... you know it's bad for you... but just howá bad?how uuh red meat you would have to eat... to drasticclly increase youu risk of dding young. and the three other meats... that wiil kill you even faster. ((megan live tease))he was planning to kill as many people as the university oo maryland student ward.the warning signs police might have ignored. you''e watching fox 45 morning nees.. all local.. aal morning. ((break 4)) a candy maker expands.why the grand opening ii so sseet for baltimoreecity. tonight on fox 45 news at 5:30. -395 cooing into downtown paltimore 3 3- he was planning to kill as many people as possibbe.but thissmorning, a unversity of inside a phychhatric ward. while the threat is gone... many peeple are questioning how police handled the joons us now with the warning signs thaa mightthave beenn ignored. say 19 year old alexanddr song posted the on-line threats right from his dorm room. room.the first threat appeared reddit dot com.the messages read.... "i will beeon a mmll tomorrow at :30.soon, -3 police beggn recieving calls &pabout his detectives worked to identify the i-p address... pooice and while some students mpus..- phought his threats wwre a reachhng out... for someone... anyone... 6:15:43 i think he was probably crying out for help. (bobby) 6:35:49 i think most snapped.yoo never know who your living with ss it was kind of crazy and a little scar. scary.police say when they arrested the engineering major and in need of psychiatric t - treatment.he was unarmed at the time.but this wasn't the first time they responded to this dorm room.a few weeks ago, pooice were called after stressed a little there weee some questions as notified f the threats earlier... in response... the chief said there was no way to &palert students wittout ruunin the risk of tipping off soog. morning news. the pressure on anne arundel county executive john leopold to resign continues to ount. &pmount.severallcitizens want him out after allegations leopold had police drive him to mall parking lots to have they're also upset ith r. allegations that leopold used officees to investigate polticial rrvals. (carter) "he's an embarassment, number one, and we've fallen in the ssme boat aa pg counny with the mess that ttey're going through." through."(hanes-lahr) "it's not just sexual allegations of question his character, it's thh use of city forces, the police that's scary." scary."a spokesman for leopold says despite the pressure, the executive has no intention of resigning. today... police in bel airr are meeting to swap information about more then a dozzn 'flasher' incidentss arrested dean cardennof lready darlington and harged him in connection with two cases. but he's been in the county lock up since january... and there ave been ten more incidents since then. police say theyydon'ttknow if all the cases are connected. but they warn.. if yoo come in contact with a "flasser"... caal police immediatly. (police) "first and foremost call 911.. if you see something inappropriate like this we want to effect arrest." &p"dont chase the suspect.. get a good descciption.. if you where they are heeded so you that direction" direction" olice say they one suspeet. maryland residents are &pbeing urged to get their pets vaccinated... after four confirmeddcases of rabies in cecil county.that's the same amount the county had in all this year... were in a skknk and raccoons... and were spread out across thee county. eattnn red meat can boost your risk of dying young... by as much ass20-percent.ttat's according to research out of harvard university... which finds ttat eating a small serring of unprocessed red meat daily... like hambuugers and roaat beef... resuuted in premature death ffom heart disease and cancer.if he mmat was processed... like in a hot dog or slices of bacon... the risk jumped to 20-percent.the study suggests that substituting rre meat with foods likk fish, pultry, nuts and beans may help peeple live longer. coming up... &a nnw reporttgives new insight... about why the late joe paterno was fired from penn stateewhht the university's board of truuttes... claims he faaled to do. you're watching fox 45 porning nnws.. all local.. all hey i'm simon, hey iim... 3 3 takinn a pledge to stay free of drugs and allohol is one thing..... doing it at one of the top ranked arty schooll in the country is anothee. but a group oo student athletes in coolege park say it's noo hard if you have focus and friends to back you up. joel d. smith is live with the memberr of "gymkana" today.....fresh off their big yyar of national exposure. good morning joel d. 3 3 3 fox 45 is stepping up to make yet.the fox 45.. c-w baltimore... b'more healthy expooin partnership ith medstar health.... is saturday march 17th at the baltimore exercise, eating right... and -3 ggt health screenings.go to b-more hhalthh expo-dot-com for more informatioo. ((ad lib meteorologistt) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 coming up... he threatened to go on a shooting ssree... killiin enough people... o make national newsswhat ii took... to take down a local univvrsity student... before it wws too late.and how police determine... which threats are actually ddngerous. and it's the last thing you &pwant to see... when you're at sharks was doing... that of forced swimmers out of hh're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all ((bbeak 6)) -3 [ female announcer ] with xfinity, you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework [ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider. ♪ love can be so mystical ♪ new this morning... some incredible video out of austraaia....of a shark feeding ffenzy.swimmers were immediately ordered out of the &pwater... when sharks were spotted near shore.experts ay the sharks were feeding on school of tuna.the beach wws ooenedda couple of hours laaer a just-released report is prrviding new details... about why the late joe paterno wassfired from penn state.the university's board of trustees cited a "failure of leadership." they claim paterno didn't report the sex abuse allegations nvolving jerry sandusky to the proper authorities. aaerno told a grand jury that a graduatee assistant informed im about the allegations... and that he then reporteddthe information &pto the athletic director... butthe didn't calllpolicee the trustees say paternoo should ave gone beyond his minimmm legal duty. 3 an honors student at the university of maryland is in custody after threatening to go on a shooting rampage on the college campps. 19-year old alexanner song posted online that he to make it to national news." song was ppychiatric hhspital. - police found no weapons ... and friends who knew him say he's not capable of violence. dan bongino is a former secret service agent and expert in school violeece... he joins us thii morning-here we are gain ... we just had you onnfor a this ttie it's tte threat of a shooting at a colleee .. serious enough for police to get involved-this kid seems , pery stressed ... part of an elite honors research eam ... good stuuent .... is this stress ... or the first signs of losing it-a week ago police were called to his dorm for reports offman screaming ... should more have been done at thattpoint-police didd't alert campus theeday they were looking for him .. so they wouldn't tip him off-no weeoos ... indication that he wasnnt going toogo through wwth this -fellow students did the right by alerting pooice coming up... tasty options... for two frozen meals on thh market... as ranked by consumer reports. and just in time for saint patrick's ay... emily gracey ps earning a few moves... from the teelin schooo of irish danne.she'll show us what she learned... coming uu in our hometoon're watchhng fox 45 morniig news.. all local.. all morning. (((reek 7)) ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone at southwest airlines works together for one goal -- to get you where you're going. and with flights all over the country to choose from, it's a good thing we love our work. and now we're excited to take you to the beaches of northwest florida. fly nonstop from bwi airport to panama city beach. book all of our destinations only at fly nonstop from bwi airport to panama city beach. girl: i want to tell you about my friend. his name is ben. ben learned about a homeless boy who had an infected tooth, and the boy died. that made ben really sad. he wrote a law so every kid can see a dentist. we have special dental van that goes from school to school. he even helps make sure we learn how to brush our teeth. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approved this message. ((bump in)) feeling desperate foo a quick a

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