Transcripts For WETA The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer 20091104 :

WETA The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer November 4, 2009

captioning sponsoreby macneil/lehreproductions >> lehrer: good evening. i'm jim lehrer. on t newshour this tuesday, the lead story: the afghan prident promises reform. margaret warner is in bul. gwen ifill looks at how thu.s. will deal with kari. then, aftethe other news of the day,udy woodruff has the latest on the doff scandal as the financies auditor pleads guilty. kwame lman reports on the partisan spl in the senate over climate cnge. >> demrats on the envinment committee pushed for cuts i grehouse gas emissionbut publicans boycted today'session.7n' >> lehrer: john lenko tracks the stimulus mon in a new york school district. eac@çç year rochester's she was about $30 llion. here and in most other districts, the bu of the money reored jobs.ç >>ehrer: and jeffrey brown has an auto industrypdate, as general motors posts song salenumbers and ford announces big profits. major fundinfor the newshour th jim lehrer is provided by >> what hamade grant thornton a truly global accouing organition, with access to resources in more than 100 countries? is it their global capabilits, or is it their passion f how they serve their cents? grant thoron. >> thiis the engine that connects abundt grain from the american heartlando haran's best selling whole whe, while keeping 60 billion poundof carbonut of the atmosphere every year. sf, the engine that connects us. monsanto. producing more. conserving more. improving farmers' lives that's susinable agriculture. more at producemoreconservemorcom. >> chevron. this is the poweof human energy. and by toyota. and the wiiam and flora hewlett foundati, working to solvsocial and environmental problems at home and aund the world. d with the ongoing support o these instutions and foundations. and... this pgram was made possible by theorporation for public broadcastin and by contributns to your pbs stion from viewers like you. thanyou. >>he president of ghanistan;or addressed his country today and calledor unity. he ao made aç boad-based promise of rorms but gave no specifics. maaret warner is in kabul with ouread story report. >> all those w want to wo with/[2 me are most welcome regardless owhether they opposed me in>'ó thelection or whher they supported me in the eltion. >> warner: afghan presiden made his bidor broader support, the day after he was declared the victor inm'ybk mu- diuted election. but hamid karzai did not mention his challenger, abdullah abdulla who droed out a planned run-off charging it could be neither free n fair. >> in the"fáqui stated earlier, it beó[ñ a gornment of unity for all e afghan people. a matter of fact, as i'v state many times before, i don't have an opposition. don't have any personity any group?i1 as my oppositn. don't want to be opposed to anybody. that's why don't have a politicaparty. so my vernment will be for all afghanç >> warner: karzai also extend his hand the talibangaãaah insuents urging tm to come back toheir country. the taliban claimed a victory of theirwn crowing abt their role in deraing the run-off.?mñkk "our brave mujahadin re able to-9 disrupthe enti process. " even the air strikes and ground forces were not able stop our mujahadin from thr attacks. karzai concededxd his govnment his been, qte, serisly discredited by admistrative corrtion.ym he prosed to remove ts stigma, to restore the confidence of afgha and of thnations supplying tens of thousands of tops and7%c billions of dollarto shore up his country. >> we'll keeptrying our bestç to address the questions that we have facing afghanistan and to make sure that the wishes of t4 and also at the sameime to make sure tat÷ú the t payers' money cong to us from your countries is spent wisely. >> warner: for his par abduah stayed outçó ofublic ew today. instead, he huddled with hisó[ñ advisors on how to respond to karzai and to the afghani lex commission tt yesterday had declared or zi the winn. aides saidjli abdullah would lay out his pns and expectations at a midday news conference tomorrow.÷ú world lears also watched and waited. on mony president obama sd the u.s. nes t see deeds, not just wds, from kaai. and toy/+ head of the unite nations asstance mission inç afghantan said karzai must we out corrupt officials and name a competent gernment or risk losing internaonal backin7s >> we e really at the turning point. we've seen how÷i theupport for the commitment to afghanistan is being qstioned in the numberfroop contributingñ. countries and donor countrs. th doubt has to beemove it if upo the presidentnd his new cabinet to that. >> warner: what you're saying is if he doesn't make these changeç that ternational suort could fade substaially.ç >> i think the debe that we'll see over the few mths in the community will become even more heated, eve more difficult, if we doi not have an importan positive tng given through theç composition of a new government. >>arner: he warn that karzai should not delude mself into thinking that internatnal support is limitless. >> somefghans believe t afghanistan is of such strategiimportance that we will stay hereç, whatever happens. it is simply not correct. >> warner: in washinon the big queson mark has been whether send[ more american troopso afghanistan. president obama continuedço mull that issue today ashe met with geanchancellor ange merkel. >> we appreciate the sacrifices of germa soldrsi work there to bring peaceç and stableo afghanistan ad to create the enviroent in whic the afghan people thselves can provide for theiown security.ç >> warner: later the chancellor addreed afghanistaand germy's troop cosaráment there in a speecho a joint session of congss. >> the intnational community's miion in afghanistan isç withoutany doubt a tough one. it demands a lot from all of us, and itw noweeds to be transferre to the nextphase as soon as the new afghan gornment is in office. our objecti must be a sttegy, theç transf of responbility. >> warne france also said i would stay the crse in after afghanistan. brit prime minister gordon brown echoed warnis that prident karzai mus take immeate action on corruption ifeç expec th u.k.' pport to continue.ç lehrer:ow gwen ifill examin the american response to the karzai victory. >> ifill: president obamaó[ñy7i said he would not dede whether to send more troops afghanistan until the elecon s over. now thatt is, will a karzai presidencyake that task easier or more difficul for that, we turn to congresan mes mcgovern, a massachusett democrat who's callefor the u.s. to mp down its military presence in afghanistan. and james dobbins, career diplomat who washe top u.s. official at the internional conferen that installed karzai as presidt in 2002. he thinks e u.s. military presence should be increased congssman mcgovern, what is your inial reaction to t restatement, i guess we can call it, of president karzai. >> president default. this whole election process was eplyko flawe we're told by peter galbrait that at least 30% of karzai's vote was fraudulen you know, this i the guy that we'rgoing to rallyws%(q$ind? mean, we really think that there can be a happy?oi ending with th man who has been there now for almt eight years and corruption is no something new. corruption h been a problem for all the timee's been there.jf in the "new rk times" dispch just sa was asked if dealing with corruption mht involve changing importa ministers and offials. as you know some of the people he's aointed are of questionable chacter. his reonse was hisç oblems cannot be solved by changing high-ranking officials. we'll revi the lawsnd see what theroblems are inhe laws. i don't believe he's serious about changinghe characterñ15"d i que frankly avery, very concerned abou the futeç of our policy. >> ifill: not only mr. mcgovern but also at lea 50 of his colleaguesagree th him in the house,m+w mr. dobbin, that th is something the u.s shouldç be pullinitself out of. what do you think in theake ofhe election rests? >> i think the pssure on president karz to make reforms and to make a more vigorous7 conducted but even afte allowing for the fact th... even aft disallowing he votes that were found to be fraudulent,ós2; karzai cot 48% f the vote in e first round in a field of 25 candidat.ç there'not a single member o congress or americanresident who would get 48% of the vote if he was running agains 25 other opponts. >> ifi:ç he's as legitimate in your onion as he can be in this setting? rrounded by italy, france germany anaustria. it's srrounded byógç turkmenistan, uzbekistan and iran. how many o thoseç have legitite governments? they don't even have election he was inn electionn whi there re 25 caidates. there was som fraud. the fraud wamet andva8 dlt with by an internationly mandated commissn.i] he sti got a very subsntial vote and would have almostertainly run on a second round if abdullah hadn pulled out. >> ifill: you heard presidentojc remove t stigma and athe same timto reach out to the taliban.j] he h no real opposition pay against him. do you think he's capable of doing at? >> look at. i don't ow. t me just say that after7s eight yars-- that's long this war has been goi on--ç billions and bilons of u.s. dollars, we have lost, you ow, countlessivilians and we have lost, you know, thousandof american vesç. this is the bes that we can get? a presidt(og a country who is n being installed by default, byll accountshe election w not only a setback but was a joke. you is this where wre going to put all ourwm+ money? our men and womeare going to e for this? th is a country, gwen, that its notaccustomed to a centralizegovernment. thiss the government that quite frankly is t government that the[ó u.s pushed for. and it's corrupt it's incpetent.;y u know, i think we hve to think twice fore pouring more money into this system. i certaiy do not lieve at byxpandç expandg our miliry footprint it wil accomplish anything. byç establishing the military footprin print in afghanistan we a helping th taban get reuits. i think need to move a very different di°@1rjjy our original mission was to go after al qaed it has movedou/" pakian. general joz sa there are than 10 members of al qaeda in paf began stan. do weeed 1,000-plus american troops to gofteró&eç less than 10 members oal qaeda. we need toym re-evaluate what we're ing. >> ifill: es the outcome of this election, eve if it had run s natural course and for me reason abdlah abdulla d won, would it have changed what the presint'sdecision- mang should be abouthat to do as far as troops"g i think that the irregulariti in the election definitely make e president's decision more diffilt. and assuming he makes a decision to mcchrystal some or all of what he asked for,it will ma thatç decision more controversia don't know that logically it should change the nature o that decisn. after all we didn't invade afghanistan for e benefit of e psá$ans. we invaded afghanistan for the benefit of the aricans cause of the attack on 9/1ç and 've not staye there for the benefit the afgns. we've stayedhere for the benefit of aricans because we don't want future attacks to be launche from afghanistan or from neighboring societies, all of whomould beç radicalized if afghanistan plunges back into despread civil war. >> ifill: th congreman said the foc should be on pakistan if t afghanian if that's the goal. >> i think?;ñ pakistan deservesa grter focus than we've given it. it was neglected forko many year i think it's appropriatthat a od deal more asieveance and a good deal more effort be put into pakistan. i don't think th means ignori afghanistan.z" the terrorists will go back and forth whereverçm under least pressure. the last tng we wt to do is scceed in afghanistaand just have th allome back over and... rather succeed in pakistan just toñi he them a take over afghanistan aga. >> ill: congressman, are youç indeed the ba copere, you and others who have criticized hamid karzai including the envoys of theregion and even >> look at. i don't know if i'the bad cop. what i'm tryg to do is callq what i see here is the united states getting sked into a situation, into a war that has nond. you kn, i have repeatedly call for an exitç with regd to ourilitary. you know, i believe if you're going to gto war0y have a clely defin ssion. i don't thk we have a clearly defined mission afghanistan. clearly definedission is a beginning, a midd, a transition period and an end i've asko point does our military contribution to the solution in afghanistan come to an end we could brin ou troops home. i'm not looking for a date ser. i uld like somne to tell me how this has a happy ending. our missn in afghanistanis ve different than it was when/+ congress authorized the use of force against al qaeda after 2001. we ha... this whole mission is very, vy different. should have a5 debate on this. i think the policyhould be re-eluated in its entire tee.? mistake to expand our militar footprint there. i think it would... an especially in the aftermath of this electn. i don't want our aricans dying for a government that is corrupt d incompett and tható stuffs ballotoxes. >>fill: is the mission differt, mr. dobbin sthz. >> i think the mission has always beefrom th moment that theç liban was toppled to try t leave behind a governmentó[ñ capablef controing its territory and denyinit to extremists who would plot against the unid states and other countries o importance to us. that has been e missionç from the beginng. the mission was osslyç underresourced ovethe early years. and it's only been i the lt year or two at we've devoted the kind of attention to this missn that it justifies, givenç its importce. >> ifillwe'll beevoting more attenti to it as ti goes on. jamesç doins, congressma jim mcgovern, thank youoth very much. >> thank you. >> a pleasure. >> lehrer: thi other news today.o7k >> lehrer: in other news tay, the taliban denied theakistani army had made gains against militants in itsatest offensive. over democrat crgh deeds. in new jerse, incumbent democraticç governor john coine was neck a neck in ek'%i final pls with republan chris christie. a vacant congreional seat in new york state was so up for abs. theepublican candidate quit the race ovethe weekend after açconservative revolt. and voters in maine nsidered repealing a law allowing g marriage. the prospects of congrs finishing work on healthare reform appeared to dimoday. senate majority leadereid addressed the issue ter meeting wi democrats behind closed doors. >> first of al we're not going to be bound by any time line we need to do the bestob we can for thamerican people. we want quity legislation, and we're going to dthat. we're gog to do this leslation as expeditiously as wean, but we're going to do it as fairly as we ca also. >> lrer: on the house side, republicaneaders floated a bill that included health savings accountsnd caps on ju awards in medical malpractice lawsuits. it would n require that employers provide insurae. warren buffet anunced his companwill buy the burlington northern santa fe railroador $34 billion. he cald it a wager on the onomic future of the united states.ñii for the record, the railrd an derwriter ofç the newshour. on wall street today, thdow jones industrial averageost re than 17 points to close below 9772. the nasdaq rose 8 poin to close at057. buses, subways, and trolleys were shut down in philelphia today by atrike. members of the trait system's largest unn walked out last night after thworld series game between the pllies and the new york yankees by morning rush hour, ousands of commuters had to fi another way to work. e strike involved salary, pension, a health care disputes. the formerosnian serb leader radovan karadzic made his rst appeance today at his war crimes trial in the nethlands. he's accused of genocide a crim against humanity in the snian civil war during the early 1990s. karadzic told e tribunal today he wl no longer boycott the proceeding but he again demanded more time to prepar his case. >> t situation is such that i would really be a crimin if i were to accepthese conditions to enter arial and proceedings for which i am notrepared. i cannot challenge anying that the prosecution is goi to put forward with so much material unless im given more time. lehrer: the prosecutor rejected that arment. she urged the cot to make sure there's no ierference with the progress of the trial. >> mr. karadzic cannot b permitted to manipate the oceedings through his decisi to not attend hearings. ifecessary, force can be use to secure his presence in e courtroom. the presiding judgcanceled tomorrow's hearing andç vod to decide how to proceed this week. the prosecution alleges th former bosnian serb leader w behindhe deadly siege of saraje and a 1995 massacre of 8,000 muslims. the frenchn considered to be the fatherf modern ant row poll gee has died. he reshaped his field over six decades of work. he focused on] patterns othought and behavior and a wid range of human jiies. claude levi strauss was 100 years old.ç now what'sç behind some good news for detroi auto makers? geofey brown has that story. >> brownnot long ago bankrupt and potential catastrophe. today at least me signsa revery. g.m. pted its first month gainn autoç sales sce the g.m. posted its first monty gain in auto sales today sin the recession began, unearly 5% from a year ago. ford reported gains, tooand it comes one day afteit announced an unexpected profit for t last quarterf $1 billion. we look closer at whher a turnaround is in t making with paul ingrassia, anutomotive journalist wse book "crash cose," about the bailouts and bankruptcies in detroit, wilbe published by rdom house in januy. and louis lataif, dean of th bost university school of management. he is also a former top executive at ford mor company. late todaye should report e associated press saidíñi m. has decided not to sell. paul ingrassia, i'll start with you. i want to start with ford. it the monthly sales ins but also this surprise abook profits. how significt is this? and what accounts for e good performance?g'b >> younow, 's very siificant, jeff. i ink that it's not only profits but also mor importantly frankly it positive cash flow. a year ago thi quarter ford had a negate cashurn ofçg $7.7 billi which was frightening. is year in the thd quarter the potive cashlow was $1.3 bilon. justhe week before consumer re( ratings acssçts entire mol lineup cparable to those of hon and toyota which have long be the industry quality leaders. lots of go news and also some reali jolts, ifou will. the coany's bond ratingçwas raised but still 's still deep ithe junk bond territory but it's a sady improvement in quality and eady management. franklyaving avoiding bankruptcy is ping dividen >> brown: justo fill in the picture a little bit mor mr. lataif, as iç; rd's revenues were actually down so th profits are really coming from cutti costs i guess, from the plants and lay- offs? is that it? or is itok more car sales? how do you explain i >> well, i tnk the car salesç do contribute. but the finance partof fo motor companyas always been an essential part of tir siness model. the financing arm diddo well in this quarter. thers lots to be encoured about. the productssu acceptable. the company has done a good job of restrucring. it is not overstatin their profits bause they did mention that them to be fully profitable o an anal basis until probably a year-and-a-half from nov> but thiss certainly encoaging in the face of all th's happened in detroit in the last couplof years. >> brown: d staying with you. whenou do lookt the auto sales, theon saw, is it... i meanó[ñ, how muh can you ll about how much it is is because the economy or something tt the manufacturer itself has done or wther, of course, th big question, will i sustain itselfç what do you look at to know? >> i think the economy i coming ba

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