Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning Washington 6am 20170118 :

Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning Washington 6am 20170118

are also following some school delays right now. queen anne, kent, 90 day delay because of heavy fog. autria: let's get you over to veronica johnson for a check on the forecast. or so,a: just after 7:00 just on the other side of so, we, by 7:00, 7:30 or are going to start see the wind pick up more and it's going to help with the fog. where it is still holding low is right here in frederick, maryland. the wind is at three miles per hour, a light wind with ground moisture from all the rain that wehad, that's one reason why are seeing pockets of fog out there this morning. some of the densest areas are east of interstate 95. bus stop forecast, at least we're looking at mild temperatures across the area. not a bad day at all. 41 to 47 degrees with a few morning clouds, turning it over to sunshine later today. meaning that you will need to you are headed out the door this morning. we are forecasting a high temperature today of 55 degrees and i do think that the could be a few locations up to 66, maybe even 58 degrees or so. clouds, sunshine, a mostly clear evening for us as we go to wednesday into thursday. right now, friday, tracking the rain. showers are likely. i will tell you how much we will and the ones system coming up next looks like it could be a doozy. eyee: we will keep a close on that. a busy ride shaping up early this morning with a couple of problems here, accident on the the north here at west lane. 18 and to silver spring, you will find inbound a crash blocking the left side of the highway, so heads up trying to work your way inbound asked after the key bridge we had the right tunnel blocked off, right lanes still tied up there. coming in, inbound at southern avenue, the left lane is tied up there because of debris. keep in mind the parking restrictions will begin today at around the white house, the federal triangle and the capital . if you are out there at noon you will be towed. back in the next 10 minutes to keep a close eye on your ride on the top stretch of the beltway. back to you. autria: following breaking news, to earthquakes reported in central italy with tremors felt in rome. the first magnitude 5.6 quake hit the region just north of our retreat shake at about 10:30 local time. the second with the same magnitude hit the same area an hour later. this is theber, same region where three quakes hit last year, killing nearly 300 people. happening right now, "good morning you live to the embassy of canada. larry: we are set up just a block away from the inaugural wege, nearly 40 hours and so swear and donald trump is the 45th president of the united states. autria: jummy? that isutria, larry, right, right over my shoulder you might be able to make out the u.s. capital but this is going to be the abc 7 headquarters for the next several days as we bring you live coverage of the inauguration and all of the events leading up to the weekend. news, aa bit of serious man lighting himself on fire. police and firefighters swarming the scene here at the trump international hotel. the man suffering burns and taken to hospital. what we don't know right now is what led to all of this. "good morning washington" is on your side, putting in calls to several law enforcement officials. as soon as we get that information we wl we do know that anti-trump protesters marched for a second night in a row earlier at the trump and international hotel last night, but the gathering was peaceful overall. the attention, though, today, turns to the streets of d.c., writing and from arlington, virginia, where the studios are there, street closures already in place with roadblocks as well , traveling downtown, already starting to get shut off. video from overnight, this is the main hall of union station, essentially a ghost down. the cruise close it off late last night and it is not set to reopen until friday morning. that is ahead of even more restrictions in the next several hours. sam sweeney continues our team coverage live this morning at the lincoln memorial with more on the developments that will be affecting you in the coming days. sam? sam: good morning, i'm standing in front of the lincoln memorial where the inaugural concert will today is where the action will be taking place as far as parking restrictions. take a look at the map, this is the red zone where the parking restrictions will be taking place at noon today. that is around the white house, the capital, the federal triangle areas, and also around 10:00 tonight, parking restrictions going into place around the lincoln memorial. as far as road closures, tomorrow is when you want to start thinking about avoiding the district. they won't take place all at once, but they will rollout throughout the day. you might have no problems getting into work tomorrow, but you might find your car barricaded when you go to leave, so keep that in mind. it won't be a problem in the early parts of the day, but parking will be a problem in getting home is where your real problem will be. if you bike share, normally use one of the racks inside of the red zone area, those will all be shut down as well. my best advice to you is to use public transportation reporting live, i'm sam sweeney, back to you, jummy, at the canadian embassy. president-elect donald trump has already arrived in town. last night he attended the black-tie chairman global dinner, nearly 150 diplomats, ambassadors, and other guests as well. democrats who say that they are not attending the inauguration continues to grow. at last check so far more than 50 members of congress plan to skip friday's event. well, right now we want to share a bit of heartwarming video or picture with you this morning from vice president-elect mike pence, who posted to twitter last night -- snuck in a dance with karen back page, couldn't wait for the inaugural ball to begin. a sweet picture there from the vice president-elect and his wife. 6:07 on your wednesday to let you know that in about 10 minutes we will be following the hearings going on right over my shoulder at the u.s. capitol for the four critical members of trump's transition team. the cabin is up for confirmation on capitol hill today. one of them could change day-to-day life for millions of americans. a reminder that our entire abc 7 team is on your side all through the inauguration, all of the events going on this weekend as well as the upcoming protests and the march are going on on saturday. stick with us on-air and online for the very latest. but right now, live from the canadian embassy, we want to send it back inside to you. much, think you some jummy. a lot of other news to cover this morning. autria: including a crash on the beltway. autria:a chaotic situation and what happened afterwards that sent one person to the have -- hospital? larry: veronica:veronica: after yesterday's rain, today is going to be a really nice day for getting out. getting rid of the fog, we are seeing a bit of wind across the area this morning, higher wind gusts off to the west, cumberland towards petersburg, we will continue to see the fog and the clouds trying to mix out of, today will be some clouds and some sunshine mixing through , but certainly milder for this time of year. 54 degrees. 55 at 3 p.m.. even the low 50's by 5:00 this evening. watch this, this is what i will be tracking for the next weather coming up in 10 minutes, rain coming to the area. 10, friday, inauguration day. julie: still looking at delays on the outer leaving college park headed over towards northwest branch pass new hampshire avenue, crashes continuing to block the lane. a 16 minute ride headed westbound. the accidentkway continues to block the right side of the road. debris has been reported at southern avenue headed towards the d.c. line along the left lane. 195 with only the right lane getting by, costing you time you are rubbernecking. parking restrictions go into effect today at noon. that is our traffic watch. back in the next 10 minutes to keep a clo >> you are watching "good morning washington," on your side. and welcome back to "good morning washington." jummy: we continue our live team coverage for you this morning, just 48 hours away from the inauguration of donald trump. but something else going on right over my shoulder here at the capital, happening in around 10:00 this morning. more confirmation hearings for his cabinet members. senators, starting with nikki haley, who is up for the spot as u.n. ambassador. wilbur ross is the president-elect's pick for commerce secretary. after him it will be scott pruitt, who has been test to head the environmental protection agency. and then there will be a courtesy hearing for tom price for health and human services. while he may have that courtesy hearing, he still f a pretty tough road ahead. the hearing will likely focus on his views towards the presidents signature health care law. president obama, of course. he will likely be asked about the future of medicare and medicaid under a gop led congress and the white house. price will appear today before the senate committee on health, education, and pension. the senate finance committee will actually beholding his vote for the nomination. we wanted to point that out for you as well. coming up here, though, we will be giving you a look into the inaugural ceremonies. there are a massive number of people expected in what is expected to be a very big weekend at the nation's capital. we will have that side of the story for you coming up at 6:30 this morning. you can follow all of the action here this morning at the canadi on twitter at abc 7 jummy, putting pictures on my facebook page as well, and you can tweet tag view fromash 501. i will be looking for your tweets on social media, you can ask us questions and we will be giving a bit of a behind-the-scenes look for you this morning. for now, larry and autria, sending it back inside to you. mary: great work out there. a person recovering after being hit by a car, according to a per luminary investigation the victim was driving on the inner loop on the tire of their car came off and hit another car. the drivers pulled over, exchanged information, and at some point of the -- victim tried to retrieve his car from the travel lane when he was hit by a navigator. his injuries are listed as serious. autria: the woman vault -- woman involved in a bizarre home will be sentenced. she and her husband plotted an attack on leo fisher after she was fired from her law firm. he broke into her home, used a taser, beat and stabbing him, before stabbing in shooting the wife, leaving them both for dead. she was arrested wearing only a diaper. she was behind the wheel of the getaway car and faces 45 years in prison. larry: a new look on the roads, the first of eight toll gauges were put in place overnight. the road was closed between exit 71 and 72 in arlington what you were sleeping. that's all part of the inside the beltway tolling program, where the toll lanes take effect this summer. autria: crews in new york city at -- responding to a large explosion in queens. transformer explosion caused the light pole to come down. the good news is that no one was hurt. the clean up the scene and fix the issue. the power provider had to shut down power to 1000 customers so that the workers could tackle it safely. most of the power has now been restored. take a look at this, to university of florida fans lucky to be alive this morning after crashing their boat this weekend in georgia. hunter bland and connor young were in the middle of a fishing going about 55 mile per hour when their boat malfunctioned, as you can see, sending them both flying overboard. they were luckily both wearing life jackets and neither of the men were seriously hurt. a wild video, though. good example, always have your life vest on. >> sometimes you hear people say you don't want to wear it, but you never know. autria: they didn't hit something, the boat just malfunctioned. larry: scary. well, what have we got outside? veronica: outside we're seeing the fog but there are still some pockets east of interstate 95 and today will be another good day for getting outdoors. yesterday a lot of folks said it was a little bit rainy, but still a good day to get outdoors . if you are training for, say, a spring marathon, the next several days the temperatures are really going to cooperate. right? no excuse to train hard. today, temperatures are starting out in the mid-to-upper 40's across the area. bus stop forecast is not bad at all. sunshine getting into the area, with tomorrow i think having a bit more sunshine across the area-. temperatures tomorrow will be comparable to today with breezy conditions in the next chance of rain on friday. not expecting a lot, nothing too heavy, just light showers on friday. the way things are looking right now, the timing of that is around after 8 a.m., 9 a.m., probably prior not a lot, temperature going up to 50 degrees. the next big change for us will be sunday, tail end of the weekend, temperatures pushing from the mid-50's to 60 degrees on monday, but with that we are going to get the heavy rain. right now the monday morning rush could be ponding on area roads, so julie, right now looks like we will get a lot. i will show you who could get most of the rain with that system in just a few minutes. julie: something to keep in mind on monday, but right now you will find fog out there, so keep that in mind. the crash on i-95, the right lane is getting by. a 20 minute commute on the outer loop out of college park, the problem is the crash in the northwest branch. we hadbound on for, --4 a crash on the left side of the highway. now, by way of the george washington is blocked and that is costing you time as you work your way south to 100 23. clara barton, use that as a workaround. the right lane is scooting by. it back in the next 10 minutes to update that ride on the north side of town. is now ane teenager pop-culture phenomenon. her singing voice, unbelievable. this morning the 16-year-old is facing backlash because of the gig she has this friday. >> you are watching "good morning washington," on your larry: a 16-year-old singing backlash.acing we have the details in the "gma" first look. >> it was her voice, later than the girl, the captured tv audiences. she was just 10 years old when she came in second on "america's ." now, she has six outcomes under her belt and is getting ready for the biggest stage of her life, singing the national anthem at donald inauguration. she's also under intense pressure. a barrage of criticism on social media, some calling her a traitor, and selfish, citing her sister who is transgender. but she says she is ignoring the hate and doing simply what she does best. coming up at 7 a.m., she will go one-on-one with george gma first look. creating a cleaner environment by using cleaner energy sources like solar, wind and natural gas. we've reduced carbon emissions by nearly 25%, which is the equivalent of taking close to two million cars off the road. cleaner air and cleaner water. it's good for all of us. dominion. depend on us for more than energy. new year, time to get rid of stuff. simplify, declutter, unplug, purge, or even quit cold turkey. i raise turkeys without growth-promoting antibiotics, hormones, or steroids. feeling good about what your family eats is a pretty simple place to start. my name is tammy plumlee, and i raise honest, simple turkey for shady brook farms. washington," on your side. larry: two days, five hours, 30 minutes until the inauguration of donald trump. the official celebrations and road closures already getting underway. take a look here, glad you are waking up with us. youra: it's a foggy start wednesday. let's check in with stormwatch 7 meteorologist veronica johnson. veronica: it's all must like a spring morning out there. check out these temperatures. we have seen the fog lifting 46 degrees right now with a light wind out of the northwest and later today the breeze is going to pick up, the pavement has been wet and it will start to dry off. the fog will continue to scour outwards for another hour, maybe for some of that patchy fog, we are seeing that a lot more east of maryland, east of interstate 95. 55 degrees, more sunshine coming our way throughout the afternoon afternoon. next chance for rain, we are tracking this for friday, but the best chance is right there with some of the more notable events that are taking place. 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., the rain is going to be heavy across the area. 50 degrees in d.c., chill conditions elsewhere in the 40's across the area. another big change that i'm tracking, is heavier rain into next week. we talked to suzanne kennedy, who is right down there on capitol street. suzanne: you can see that we do have some fog in the area. we didn't see it on the interstate, but we are definitely seeing it crossing the anacostia. just take it easy if you are heading in to work this morning. take your time and be aware that there is fog out there. julie wright is looking at the she has the details. good morning. ofie: we have a number accidents, especially if you're traveling on the bw parkway northbound. being in the process of moved the shoulder. checking for a stalled car on the inner loop of the american legion bridge out of virginia, on the left side of the highway, southbound at the key bridge, tow trucks are now arriving at the scene of this crash on the right side of the highway. back in virginia, westbound before you reach 128, this wreck only has one lane getting by to the right. after 17, stay to the left to get by. minutes to next 10 update that ride on the gw parkway. autria? story this big morning is the presidential inauguration, just two days away. every angle is covered here, julio labonte g has a front row seat at the canadian embassy. jummy: we are live from 501 pennsylvania avenue, not far from the white house. just over my shoulder you can see the lights starting to come on at the u.s. capitol, where the inauguration will be taking place in about 48 hours on friday morning. you know, a lot of people, hundreds of thousands are expected to back the area downtown trying to get a good look at this. the swearing in of our 45th president in the united states, donald trump. if you don't have a ticket for the seats behind me, closest to the stage there are about seven points across the national mall area where you can get a good look at what's going on and there are 12 access points along the parade route. know,s what you need to there are three non-ticketed sections along the national mall in the best way to get to that area is between 17th and 15th streets. it might be best if you kind of park in arlington, if you can, and then walk across the bridge. it's a bit of a walk but some good exercise, so put shoes on if you can. if you want a good look at the capital, you want to get to the mall as early as possible. the front is the best view. there will be the jumbotron along the national mall, but to really get a good look you want to get in front of the washington monument. for the parade route happening later friday afternoon, you want to try to get a spot with a long vantage point of the capital and pennsylvania avenue. there are several spots where you can do that and we are going to be live here at the canadian embassy, all morning long, even when we switch over to news channel 8 after 7:00 with a team of reporters in the field, including john gonzalez and sam sweeney. this is kind of our new inauguration headquarters for the next several days. we will be with you friday morning for the swearing-in, and even friday night when we get closer to the inaugural ball. stay with us, we are always on your side as we kick off inauguration coverage. back inside to you, larry and autria. finding a woman reported missing back in november. take a look at this picture of dorothy lee sims. last seen by her family wearing a black hoodie, black yoga pants, black boots. she lives in the 700 block of heather bridge drive in frederick. anyone with information on her whereabouts is asked to call frederick county police. controversy surrounding this decision to commute the chelsea manning prison sentence. accused of leaking hundreds of thousands of classified documents to wikileaks. sentenced to 35 years behind bars in 2013, now to be released in may. one of 209 people ranted commutations, 64 given pardons by president obama on tuesday. larry: tonight the wizards go for 13 straight wins at home. they currently hold the longest home game winning longest since 1989. but they have some work to do to catch up to their franchise record of 22 games. of course, the good news is that they are halfway there. only two nba teams have more home wins right now than the wizards. that's the calves and the warriors. veronica johnson is timing out when everything will clear autria: -- veronica: still seen pockets of frog -- fog across the area, no issues this sunshine and son where to go along with the breeze that will be picking up throughout the day today. your commuter forecast, starting you out yellow, caution, and then the green light for the rest of the day. we have a look at the densest fog right now. annapolis, joint base andrews, winchester, culpeper, all under half of a mile. the thickest fog is on the way to the maryland-eastern shore. morngfoggy this least it's warm. 55ecasting a high today of to 56 in the forecast for friday is going to be wet. soggy ground indeed is expected on friday, with a chance for showers at about 9 a.m. until 2 p.m., but look at saturday, it is going to be fairly nice, still some clouds, but it is looking dry. for the women's march on d.c., 54 to 55, dry and mild, with rain coming back to the forecast on sunday with showers that will start picking up the could be as early as late morning. high of 52. saturday is the day you want to make the most of it, maybe had to the park with the kids. monday is one soggy day that we are tracking right now. rainfall totals on monday could exceed an inch, maybe even upwards of two inches in a spot or two. julie: better rain and snow. right now are on the capital beltway you will find lanes are now open each bridge, where we have problems on the american legion bridge. we have been checking for a stalled car out of virginia and into maryland. looks like traffic volume is increasing at this hour, pretty typical. traffic is finally kicked the -- cleared near the key bridge. we have the crash year that only have the right lane getting by. there was a wreck at 29 and 17 that have cleared with lanes open. reminders, parking restrictions going into effect at noon around the white house and the federal triangle. if you don't have a placard, it will be towed beginning at noon today. because of high security around union station, the main hall is closed. all amtrak passengers, use the portico entrance. that is the traffic watch it. -- watch. mary, over to you. larry: an update on that breaking news we have been following all morning long. bush in the hospital. what is the president's office saying that sparked the health care? john: there have been protests each night here at the trump international hotel. the one last night turned dangerous. we will tell you what one protester did. sam? have been talking for weeks about road closures and parking restrictions. well, they begin today. i will ♪ it's go time at dunkin' with two wake-up wraps for $3. enjoy two freshly made oven-toasted wraps with bacon, sausage, or ham and keep on all day. america runs on dunkin'. >> you are watching "good morning washington," on your side. breaking update now from houston this morning. former presidents -- former president george h.w. bush's life, hospitalized for shortness of breath. he is expected to go home a couple of days. the inauguration of donald trump is taking place in a couple of days and we have every angle already alive for us along fence avenue. have you found the canadian bacon yet? [laughter] jummy: no, i'm waiting for the canadian bacon. i'm waiting for the putin p tine, i can heou fries anytime of the morning. [laughter] capitol, thousands are coming in 48 hours. president-elect donald trump and vice president-elect mike pence, already in washington, they were here last night for a black-tie event leading up to the inauguration. it was the chairman's global dinner held at the andrew mellon auditorium on constitution avenue. the event drew nearly 150 diplomats and ambassadors from all across the globe. meanwhile, we can report that the number of democrats who say that they plan to not attend the inauguration continues to grow this morning congress plan to skip the swearing in on friday. along with the celebrations happening in about 48 hours you know that there will be some demonstrations as well. one protester at the trump hotel set himself on fire. john gonzalez picks up that side of the story, continuing team coverage right now. john? john coleman just down the street for me here we are live at the trump international hotel with -- which sits right between the capital and the white house, right along the parade route here. very interesting on friday. well, this has been the site of nightly protests this week. we can tell you that there are d.c. police officer surrounding .his jury is hotel this morning just keeping an eye on things. the demonstrations have been boisterous, but for the most part useful. that changed last night here right in front of the hotel. a protester attempted to light himself on fire. we 45-year-old man, using a lighter and an accelerant, chanting during the he suffered third-degree burns. he was part of a group that has been gathering at mcpherson square each day and marching. is not only to shut down the hotel, but to shut down the city before the inauguration . as for the planning for friday's 58 presidential inauguration, the millionaire turned reality star turned soon to be president says that it will be a very elegant event. but it will be pricey. the price tag could surpass $200 million. traditionally with these footurations, taxpayers more than half the bill and the rest is taken care of by corporations and big money donors. even though this will be pricey, this inauguration could actually be significantly less glitzy than ones in years past. president obama held this time around, donald trump will only host three. reporting live, john gonzalez. jummy: as you just mentioned, the record-setting $200 million price tag for this inauguration, we want to put that in context for the viewers. president obama himself set a record for his 2007 ceremonies -- 2009, i should point out. that, 53 million dollars, and that was a record. things are just getting more expensive each and every year. but the attention today is turning to the streets of d.c.. i can tell you that just coming in from our studios in arlington, already starting to get caught up in the road in place.lready barriers everywhere, gates as well. the main hall of union station, not far from where we are right town. ghost the crews closed it off late last night and it is not set to reopen coming in on the train, from new york city and places north, to get here for the in a your ration. that is ahead of even more restrictions coming in in just a few hours. sam sweeney is live at the national mall and he picks up on the story for us. sam? good morning. this is ground zero, where the inaugural concert will take place. before these seats are filled, the restrictions for parking and road closures will go into place. on driving to the district, you will be ok, but parking is another story. take a look at this, we are put -- putting up a map for you. focus on the red area. parking restrictions go into effect in the immediate downtown area, also known as the red zone . that is the area around the white house, the capital, the national mall. at 10:00 this evening those restrictions will expand over to where i'm if you are a driver tomorrow is when you want to start thinking about avoiding the district. the closures will take place all at once but will be rolled out throughout the day. getting to work you will have no problem, but when you leave it might be a different story. your car could be barricaded in that garage as the road closures go into effect. my best advice would be to use public transportation, metro, if you have to come in on thursday or friday. reporting live at the lincoln memorial, back to you. jummy: thank you, sam. sam and john are just two of our entire team of reporters down here for the next several days covering all of the events for you. from the swearing into the parade, the inaugural ball, even saturday for the big march and protested as planned, we will be on your side with you both on air and online at we will be with you every step of the way. autria: a r sun is finally starting to come up to her. going to be a great day ahead? yes.ica: tomorrow, prettier. even for inauguration day, not too bad. chilly showers that we will see moving through but the folks will be bundled up. cold, freezing as the weather has been for some inaugurations. the fog is leaving the area, of course. much better by late morning. 45 in leesburg, check out stafford, fredericksburg. 53 degrees. mild conditions already down to the south. forecasting highs today that will be in the 50's. right now i'll be forecast 55 in d c it could top out at 56, maybe 58 degrees further south. temperatures this evening dropping into the 40's. right there is the rain, from late morning to early afternoon, not a lot of going to need the rain gear. make sure that if you have a ticket you will be in a secure area, because check ahead, some areas you cannot bring an umbrella. monday it looks like ponding on area roads. the weekend doesn't look too bad right now. high of 55 degrees, the forecast takes you almost through the end of the month. 52 next friday with a chance of will but may be colder air start to move in by the end of the month. that, i'm not wishing for i'm happy with springlike temperatures. on the capital beltway we have accident activity coming westbound on the freeway at maine avenue. look at those delays building now southbound, red line of 395 we have reports of an accident. look at the fog, hard to see across the bridge, reports of a crash on the left side of the highway. definitely something causing the slowdown here off of the gw parkway. that wreck is still in place with only the right lane getting by and parking restrictions, as we just heard from sam sweeney, the go into effect today at noon. that is the traffic watch. back in 10 minutes to keep a close eye on 395. back over to you. yesterday we celebrated betty white paz 95th birthday. so did twitter and the entire world. it took twitter by storm. it was a top trending topic and she spent her day working, taking part in a table read for a new tv show that she will be a part of. she such a great example of work hard, be nice, be kind, and you can be successful. autria: and she's 95 and still working on projects. >> we all know who she is. grandmother. to stay relevant in the entertainment business for this long? she has been working since the 1940's. we can all hope for the same. reporting that melania trump will spend friday and saturday night in d.c. and return to trump tower on sunday so that baron can continue his school year. how long will it take her to commute? just about 90 minutes. minute ride to andrews, 40 minute flight to laguardia, then a chopper in chelsea with a motorcade. all in 90 minutes. quicker than most people's everyday commutes. [laughter] thanks to tmc for that. time for your 60 second express. the former president has been hospitalized, but his office expects them to go home in a couple of days. >> chelsea manning, formerly known as bradley manning, accusedf army information. commuted by the president. >> we are two days away from the inauguration. >> this is where the big show will start thursday morning. begin atestrictions noon. >> the trump international hotel, the site of nightly protests, for the most part peaceful, but a protester attempted to light himself on fire last night, suffering third-degree burns. >> the president-elect was here last night for a special dinner. >> they just announced that record crowds are coming. >> mike pence good morning, america. breaking news, former president george h.w. bush hospitalized in houston. the 92-year-old admitted for shortness of breath. we'll have what his chief of staff is admitting about his condition this morning. president-elect trump kicking off his inauguration festivities at a black-tie gala overnight and firing back at more than 50 democrats now refusing to attend his inauguration. >> are they going to give us their tickets or are they going to give them to other people? >> this morning his team bracing for some of the biggest showdowns yet between his cabinet picks and congress. his senior adviser, kellyanne conway, will join us live. abc news exclusive. abducted the birth. the young woman snatched as a newborn reunited with her biological parents 18 years later now speaking out for the

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New York , United States , Georgia , Canada , Mcpherson Square , District Of Columbia , Arlington , Texas , Washington , Turkey , Florida , College Park , Virginia , Anacostia , Leesburg , Washington Monument , Rome , Lazio , Italy , Petersburg , Sankt Peterburg , Russia , Fredericksburg , Maryland , Lincoln Memorial , Houston , Frederick County , Capitol Hill , Americans , America , Canadian , Julie Wright , Julio Labonte , Bradley Manning , Suzanne Kennedy , Queen Anne , John Gonzalez , John Coleman , Scott Pruitt , Sam Sweeney , Chelsea Manning , Dorothy Lee Sims , George Washington , Nikki Haley , Veronica Johnson , Leo Fisher , Clara Barton , George Gma , Wilbur Ross , Andrew Mellon ,

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