Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20171219 : vimars

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20171219

tuesday, december 9. >> michael thomas is talking about warm-up and erin is talking about roads and mike we're all ears. >> we're look going this afternoon. still think you need the jacket this morning. by the afternoon hours you can shed layers and it should be a nice day with highs near 60. hey, erin. >> 5 a.m. i can tell you metro is on time and we don't have any slow zones on majors. mall nuchinging traffic light in district we'll get you around that one. >> thanks, erin, mike, we'll check back in a few. major new details about the moment before the deadly amtrak crash in washington state. >> specifically about how fast that train was going when it went off the tracks. and "fox5" melanie alnwick is live outside ntsb head quarters this morning with the breaking details, mel. >> good morning ntsb go team left here yesterday and arrived in washington state late last night. already putting out some really stunning information that that train was going 80 miles an hour in 30 mile an hour zone. information coming trains event data recorder. let's take you to individual iso from the scene yesterday. really just a stunning image of this train dangling over interstate 5 about 50 miles south of seattle washington with 13 of 14 cars leaving tracks and train was making its up august ral run on faster route seattle to portland, oregon, there were 80 passengers on board and 40 crew members and dozens were injured many seriously. three confirmed dead and passengers say they felt the train shaking as it approached a curve. >> i was going around a curve and we start to tilt and you're like man we're going way too fast tilt like this. >> you can never wrap your head around that. there's never sxlaition for why. the tracks for derailment happened opened by sound trandzit, bns railway dispatches trains over bypas extensive testing before opening day and ntsb board members caution it will be a while before they say exactly what caused accident. and why that train was going too fast and amtrak president did tell reporters yesterday that positive train control technology that can stop or slow a speeding train was not in operation 5:03. lay makes reshz expected to vote on gop tax bill. first major overhaul in 30 years. no democrats are back in the bill. they claim too many cuts to the wealthy. gop says it saves middle class money without democrat support the bill is expected to passe vote in senate will follow the house vote perhaps later today or tomorrow. >> and now vice-president mike pence is staying after the senate votes on its version of tax bill. vice-president was set to leave for middle east later tonight and his trip was rescheduled for next movement and pence holds high breaking vote if needed. >> and time now is 5:0 4 developing news locally. d.c. police are searching for the person that shot and k killed a teenager basketball court bruce place south east. police have not identified the victim. the anc commissioner for the neighborhood says shoot ago period. to stem from argument between teenagers. >> the plays began 9 apartment building 1400 block of downing street and another woman and firefighters were also hurt. the cause of the fire is under investigation. >> and maryland medical professor and daughter and family friends are among the three people killed over the the weekend. lewis catalina daughter and paul shuta pairished when the plane went down saturday night it happened south east of indianapolis. a dog was killed in the crash and second dog on board survived. can't liina taught emergency medicine uniformed services university in bethesda. >> prince george county school board expected to present plan in grade scandle. >> and students are graduating without meeting ak debtic requirements. some caught on ceo kevin maxwell to resign. tonight's meeting begins at 7. >>. >> we have words from you. >> fantastic. >> better than this surprise:22 this morning. getting closure to shortest day of the year comes our way on thursday again not expecting rain. 42. outside now in washington. show me the jack they morning. mannasas 30, culpeper 31. 50s north and west. frederick 52. 52 martinsburg as well. >> your forecast is a good one. partly cloudy this afternoon and mild. beautiful day. again things chink tomorrow cold air back in here as we get ready to start winter soletis that comes our way thursday. >> details on that coming up. first traffic for that we turn to erin como. >> i hear there's a winter solstice party in the weather. >> i was not invited. >> tucker planned it. so i'm sure your invitation is on the way. >> 270 by father looking g metro rail lines on time now and we have light volume picking up as we forward things along once again let's see. there we go light traffic on the outer loop 95 to 270 spur moving along long fine. 295 and 95 as well i'll see if we can move things once again. quiet conditions 95. earlier construction frank coneia and once again flowing at sooed speed. i'll get this twixd patch back to you. >> white house no longer accepting voter supported petition. >> and believe it or not it pays well to dress up in a santa suit. >> heading to break right now. live look across the d.c. region. 5:47, 4 degrees, back after welcome back. time is 5:08. >> you may not need a jacket. by this afternoon, tee shirt might be best. no kidding, temps to reach the 0 today. and 6 minutes with warm tuesday forecast. >> morehead lines now. the thomas fire burning knowledge potentially become the theest fire on record for the state of california. right now it's third in the ranking and blaze scorched more than 270,000 acres and scorched venture and sapt barbara counties. crews reached halfway point in attempt to coral the massive wildfire. and it could continue to burn well into the new year. george apower is investigating what may have caused a bl blackout at the world's buzzest airport. officials believe it may have about caused by burst cable at an underground facility. >> more than 400 flight were cancelled yesterday and more flights could be impacted today. >> we the people was launched in 2011 and the feature is mainly administration says that is when existing petitions that received the required 100,000 signatures will begin receiving responses. >> so far administration has yet to respond to any of the submissions which is yet to be in household when president trump surprise in office. >> security at the vatican after terrorists threat end to attack over the holiday season. law enforcement is keeping an eye on the vatican and other parts of rome with a huge network of security cameras. >> london welcomes first woman bishop. former nurse sarah molaley was appointed one of most senior positions in the church of england. she backs the 1 person to hold that role. they only appointed first female bish no 2013. >> green bay backers fans are battling elements to make sure >> and volunteers shoveled the snow on to a chute that carried it down below. stadium needs to be clear to host the strikeings this saturday night. >> santa clause may make a stop at the bank the next time he comes to up to. new study find a good santa ka make up to 15,000 during the holiday season. researchers say best of best charm as much as 500 on christmas day. but being santa can be costly. a custom santa suit can cost more than $1,000. >> again it's nice that santa real santa has all those helpers so he can be at the north pole getting ready for big right. 5:11 is the time. coming up on "fox news morning" probe into russian campaign collusion expanded to include third party candidate. >> and fda cracking down on on homeopathic remedies that may be dangerous. >> a live look across the d.c. region, 5:11 now. mild 4. it will be terrific tue we'll talk more weather on the other side. you're watching "fox news morning". dunkin' sweet black pepper bacon sandwich is back. with twice the crispy caramelized peppered bacon. experience a breakfast sandwich made for bacon lovers. america runs on dunkin' streaming and gaming are only as good as your internet. so get the best internet - with the 100% fiber-optic network. with fios gigabit connection you get the fastest internet available with download speeds up to 940 megs plus tv and phone for just $79.99 per month online with showtime and multi-room dvr service included with a two-year agreement. switch now and get out of your contract with up to a $500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. get our best new offer. go to this is what i make... honey bunches of oats. it's crispy sweetened flakes, plus crunchy granola clusters, plus a touch of honey. it is 'mmmm', is good! all adds up to a mouthful of joy. honey bunches of oats. have you tried it yet? >> top stories tuesday december 19. the amtrak train that derailed in washington state was traveling 80 in 0 mile an hour zone. when it left the tracks. that revelation was made overnight after investigators scamened train data recorder. plea people were killed and dozens others injured in that derailment. >> the person that shot and killed a teenager at a basketball court bruce place in southeast this happened last night near the douglass community center and anc commissioner told "fox5" the shoot ago period. to stem there an argument between teenagers. >> puerto rico governor wants a recount of hurricane maria death toll. that is listed over 60. center for investigative reporting in puerto rico says it's closer to 1,000 governor says they never tried to hide anything and will reevaluate death certificates listed as natural cause. >> today law makers in the house are expectsed to vote on gop tax bill. first major overhaul in 30 years. they claim it gives too many cuts to the wealthy. gop says it saves money. without democratic support the bill is expected to pass and vote in the senate expected today or tomorrow. >> and thimingdz looking clear and the weather is george is us. let's get details from michael thomas. >> workers have a good deal to get whatever is done here. >> and tying it with high expected to be right around 60 degrees. we were already 60 this month. we hit with back on december 5 and might do it again today. record high by the way 74. all the way back from 1924. it's been a while. >> and not much around the region. sprinkles in the ground through pennsylvania and none expected in our region. >> clouds break to sun. and cold today. and south and west of town. 31 mannasas and 31 call preponderanceer and 50s already this is new direction of wind and martinsburg 52. and cumberland back to 50 as they start the day. and north and east sagging way south wart adds we head through the day today. storm system rides along and passes south during the day tomorrow. ahead of it we'll stay mild before cooler air in here tomorrow afternoon. and northern suburbs you'll miss the 60s today. you'll stale in 50s. d.c. locations south they have the best chance of seeing temperatures bubbling up to lower 60s later this afte afternoon. future cast showing sunshine this afternoon. should clouds return to overnight and evening hours and watch you'll see he that pass to the south later tomorrow afternoon. we throw clouds our way. tomorrow night sunny. hour by hour look of things. best chance hitting 60 around 2:00. temperatures slowly start to fall off through evening ho hours. 60 washington and 61 mannasas and 61 fredericksburg and culpeper and 62 later today. changes tomorrow, cooler, 49. dpivrt day of winter feels like 45. going back up for weekend. temps in the 60s. not looking good. clouds and showers around. all right. check the forecast over to erin with traffic. >> 5:17 looking at roads we have a crash alerts for you. >> the inner loop side bl blocking all lanes right now. they have been letting traffic through on the shoulder and it looks leak vehicles are sneak ising through. >> all lanes crowded and it continues to grow. they plan to have all the lanes blocked. as you can see they're moving emergency equipment around and looks like they're trying to let traffic through but right now this is breaking news. this will cause a big residual delay. we'll let you know when they move traffic again and how long the delay is building. 66 eastbound justin call volume gainsville to 234 prince william parkway and 395 in the clear as you make your way to the beltway. >> and bottom side of beltway upper loop crash by eisenhower back to you. >> 5:18 stories you're engaging with the most this morning on social media. >> wisdom is back with social news tracker. >> first up lawmakers calling on coming gress for immediate implementtation of stave guard following monday deadly amtrak crashed portland, oregon. >> they delayed the safeguard before it occurred. 6 people were killed and dozens next up senate intelligence committee looking into the campaign for potential collusion with russians. intelligence committee is working on whether other campaigns were just starting on which signals investigation into the probe is far from over. some are investigating investigation will continue well to next year. >> also buzzing on the web food and drug administration announced plans to crack down on a growing number of unporch alternative remedies. agency plans to target product that pose the biggest safety risk including those marketed for children or for serious diseases. fda is also focusing on products coin takening dangerous ingredients that were occasionally linked to injury and death. >> switching gears now dwiter not happy with california reporter that land iserd denny live on air. >> daria folsom bay air reporter thought it was hilarious that didy would be interested in owning she began her rant questioning what is it that didy does and known for and pokes fun at health habits saying he's probably drunk and high in another world or something. she's receiving heat across all social media platforms this morning. >> and finally if you go to disneyworld for the holidays you can expect to see familiar face. disney you parks is reopening decades old hall of president's exhibit with a new edition. president trump after year of of renovations disney park president trent new anamatronic trump and they believe it actually looks like john voice. and i'm not convinced. it doesn't look like trump either. i don't know who it looks l like. >> maybe a match book. harris trump. there's potential for john to play the president in the future future movie. >> little casting. >> thanks, wiz. >> coming up on "fox news morning" a retail furniture giant subject of european probe. >> and aashyes offering meat lovers a unique stocking stuffer this holiday season. [lance] it is absolute chaos out here! ...don't know if you can hear me, can we get a shot of this cold front, right here. [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. brace yourself for the season of audi sales event. ♪ [vo] the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. >> the excuse executive wrap. said tax dutch rulings and had an edge over other firms working under the same dutch system. >> member states cannot allow to pay less tax than others. and going after member states to claw back tam from likes of apple, amazon and starbucks. >> toys "r"us considering closing 100 u.s. stores and this move comes in the the face of weak holiday sales. they filed for bankruptcy in september. >> ashyes got meets and sweat tut so match. bringing dedicated fans meat sweats. pair of sweat pants elastic waistband and zip up hoodie featuring photo stacked meets. mavrping ebb semble has built in bacon pattern warming pockets and retractable venting temperature control. >> xwlik do i see you wearing that. >> with bacon warmers in it. i would wear that anyday. >> seems practical. >> and temperatures near 60. without a doubt. maybe in january lucky folks come in handy. 42 outside right now. winds out of south west 3 miles an hour. and clouds that we had this morning starting to break up a bit. partly cloudy out there. satellite and radar showing not much going on. >> >> and 59 dulles. north and west will miss out on the 60s. hagerstown 54. frederick 57 later this afternoon. more detailsen the forecast coming up. first traffic. for that we turn to erin. >> 5:26 breaking news for inner loop commuters. upper loop there's a tractor trailer crash after eisenhower avenue connector blocking all lanes. traffic is not getting through it's a huge mess and miles of stand still traffic. there you can exit eisenhower connector well before that point. be prepared this will cause big delays as you make your way into annandale this morning. now aside from that one we also have another big crash that crash is up in maryland. let's see if we can forward things along this morning. this is on bw parkway southbound as you head towards the beltway this morning. four strekz involved. crash blocking last lane. right by green belt road we're seeing delays building there. 95 southbound better bet to get you around that one. as we forward things around once again late work metro causing delays yellow and blue line and yellow line delays pradic and nasal airport and blue line delays largo. questions erinfoxdc twitter and biggest concern anyoneer loop all lanes block. back to you. >> thanks, airport, coming up fox news morning eating junk food is part of being a teenager. if we can get the prompter that would be awesome. thanks, new studies suggest you could change your child's mood. >> we follow the latest in the washington state train derailment. >> we'llty a liver look across the region as we go to break right now. 5:27 is the time right now. "fox5 news morning" coming right back right back ♪ ♪ [ splash ] [ horn sounds ] dang! ok, i gotta run. hey, wait, there's something i need to tell you- dang. dang! dang! dang. dang. see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. puerto rico government orders death toll of hurricane maria. and tax reform bill law makers in capitol bill getting ready to vote on largest fax bill overhaul on three decades. fox news starts right now. >> tuesday december 19. >> there's erin como with flashing lights behind him. when means you're you busy. >> and i'm less busy than erin today which is always nice to see. >> and we'll check back in a few. >> mix or details of the deadly amtrak derailment in washington state. >> we learned that the train hey have been going way too fwhaingts it went off the tracks. "fox5" melanie alnwick live outside ntsb with breaking news. mel. >> 80 in 30 mile an hour zone. go tem least her sunday afternoon and arrived in washington state late last night. >> and event date arecorder and going to terrifying video from the scene where you can see 13 of 14 rail cards da dangling over the interstate. >> the train was making an inaugural run. >> dozens were injured many seriously three confirmed dead. and the train is shaking as it approached the curb. >>. >> and you can never wrap your head around that. that's there's never explanation for why several hours back behind us at this time. ntsb investigators expect to be there for more than a week m coming through the evidence. derailment happened ordered by sound transit. bns railway dispatches trains over the bypass. >> one word of caution here even though we have the information on the speed of the train ntsb board members say it's termly to tell what caused this train derailment or why the train was going too fast. >> amtrak president told reporters positive train technology to stop or slow a speeding train was not in use on this particular section of track. >> and live in southwest, i'm melanie alnwick, "fox5 local news". >> and 5:3 is it the news and and overhaul in 30 no democrats backing bill. they claim it gives too many cuts to wellthy. gop says it will save the middle class money. >> vition president was set to leave for middle east later tonight. his trip is rescheduled for next month. mr. pennsylvania felt it was important to be present in the senate just in case his tie breaking vote is needed. >> and the united states is vet owing un resolution which would have can't the american embassy in tel aviv israel. u.s. am bar door to un nikki haley will not be told by any country where we can put our embassy. u.s. had to use veto power after 14 countries selected resolution trying to keep the embassy in tel aviv. britain and puerto rico governor wants a recount of hurricane maria death toll. that number now listed just over 60. but the center for investigative reporting in puerto rico thinks it's actually a lot higher. they think it's closer to 1,000. now governor says they were never trying to hide anything and will reevaluate death certificates listed as natural cause. >> meanwhile a maryland medical professor along with daughter and family friend are three people that were killed in a small plane crash in pdian aover the weekend. and dr. lewis captain liina, amy and paul shuta pairished when the plane went down saturday night south east of indianapolis a dog was killed in the crash and second dog on board did survive. can't liina taught emergency medicine at the uniform services university in bethesda. developing news locally now. d.c. police are searching for a person that shot and killed a teenager at basketball court bruce place north east. police have not identified t the commissioner for that neighborhood says shoolt ago period. to. >> two women sent to the hospital following a house fire in northeast. we're told crews pulled both women out. one is in critical condition and another taken for evaluation. firefighter also suffered minor injuries. the fire is under investigation. 5:6 is the time right now. gorgeous day yesterday. >> oh, my gosh i know. >> i was pleasantly surprised. >> i was very pleasantly surprised. when you have mike like that early arctic blast that we h had, these kind of days literally feel tropical. >> they do. >> normally we would be complaining and whining but it is great. >> it's all relative. today 630 feels great. 56 yesterday. ten above normal. dulles 56. bwi 57. temps outside right now still chilly, 4 30 mannasas and culpeper and 50s north and west, westminster latest to join the 50 club along with frederick and martinsburg and cumberland maryland this morning. satellite and radar not much going on and once again not expecting much today. clouds turn partly cloudy this afternoon. temps 60s. changes in store for tomorrow and high of 49. that's weather. erin como is tracking tractor-trailer troubles. >> right now every single lane of of inner loop is completely blocked. that is as you make your way out after eisenhower avenue connector. parked back to telegraph road. taking over to duke street to 395. you can see that's the backup on upper loop as you wait to merge to eisenhower connector. not inch pacted and deal with park traffic. huge delays. any questions of getting a round erinfoxdc on twitter. back to you holly and maureen coming up on "fox news morning" a horrible supplement could sooning used to help stroke patients recover. >> more and more studies seem to support the idea of junk feud ruping daily lives of teenith aimers. >> going to break now with a live look across the region. 42 temp, 5:38 is the time back in a moment heard about eucrisa for mild-to-moderate eczema? it can be used almost everywhere on almost everybody. the face of a fisherman? the hand of a ranch hand? the knee of a needle pointer? prescription eucrisa is a nose to toes eczema ointment. it blocks overactive pde4 enzymes within your skin. and it's steroid-free. do not use if you are allergic to eucrisa or its ingredients. allergic reactions may occur at or near the application site. the most common side effect is application site pain. ask your doctor about eucrisa. sell in the brain by imphotographing dmrod flow. supplements are available over the counter. >> and mit university in melbourne australia found another culprit for depression energy drinks and this crippled intense rub of top mean. >>. >> babies may be three times more likely to develop adhd and a study was conducted on 1800 infants and it increased as they spent fewer no woman and born at typeier sizeers. >> coming up, a deck crated american sprinter is in middle of yet another doping scandal. >> and former nfl cheerleader is now chief operating officer for carolina panthers. >> as we head to break let's look live across the d.c. region, 5:42 is the time now. we're at 42 degrees. "fox5" news morning coming right really? really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. whatever you were about to do just became whatever you're about to do after you get coffee. nothing comes before coffee. that's why we're introducing a new line of café-quality espresso drinks from mccafé. get a small peppermint mocha for just two dollars. >> we're coming back with a live look. >> how many days before christmas. >> nine days. >> i have not been to the store yet. >> come on you only have to get once first tion right? >> yeah, right. >> exactly. >> moniva takes care of everything you just have to get hers. >> right? >> >> yeah that's it. >> that's it. >> i know the plan. >> wow. >> you're knowledge of music. >> just deemed them classics that means we're classic. >> old school. >> you were both here in 2009 right any idea what today's anniversary is from that year. >> 2009? >> i'm ur sure you worked it. >> i'm sure. >> biggest december blizzard in d.c. history, anniversary today eight years ago. >> was on a saturday. >> i think it was saturday. >> i didn't work it. >> i was off but then i had to go in sunday. >> i'm sure tucker barnes and everybody else was. >> anniversary of biggest snow, 16.4 several suburbs had 20 plus inches of snow. not today. lots of sun sheen and temperatures mild. about 19, 20 above normal actually later this afternoon. possibly warmest day this month or at least tied with it then we go through brief midweek cool down. highs in 40s and first official dave winter thursday. temperatures start going up by the weekend and we get more unsettled weather in here. while we may be warmer saturday with maybe 61, 62 today will be the the nicest day of the month with more sunshine in the afternoon and dry conditions. 60 would tie tieest temperature this month. 60 back on december 5. record high today 74 back in 1924 we don't get close to that. satellite and radar quiet around the region. temperatures-wise cold front far norm and west. mip app list and chicago between there today will head in our direction later tonight and cool things down for the daytime hours tomorrow. right now cool to start. 4 these temperatures will warm once the sun comes in the sky. changing to chilly one for next couple days after this one. do enjoy today if you are able to do so. get out for an average ruin or are jog. and decent amount of sunshine. today's planner by 10:00 it's 52. by 1:00, 58. 4:00, 57. again under partly cloudy skies we go for high of 60 in washington d.c.. quantity toe 61. fredericksburg 60. mannasas 61 later this afternoon. again changes tomorrow more clouds around. looks cloudy. 49. first day of winter shortest day of the year. 45, chilly. then again temperatures headed back up to weekend. maybe 62. that is warmest day of month and comes with rain showers. right now christmas day chilly 45. >> let's check weather over toe erin for traffic. >> big problems continue on roads. 5:48 now and taking a look at this. we're seeing huge backups rights now. all main lanes blocked looks like starting to let one of those right shoulders through. this sinner loop by eisenhower avenue corrector. main lanes blocked and hov lanes getting through. keep in mind we're backed up over three miles back to 91. stand still traffic there. huge delays over 45 minutes. trying to june off inner loop pennsylvania avenue and well before you are stuck in the backup. 295 is is last place to bailout before you sit in parking lot. that's not the only delay we v we have a crash involving four cars. this is 295 southbound past 1 and all southbound lanes blocked only one transition lane from 193 open. we're seeing over an sure and 15 delay coming from baltimore beltway close to 50 minute delay 32 on down. most of the congestion you hit at 32. i would say take 95 southbound watch for a lot of bailout traffic. there unfortunately big problems this morning as you make your way out. second crashed in the beltway before 50. blocking shoulder and no major slow downs there and getting residual delays blur and yellow lines from other issues. taking a look at metro e next. back to you. >> and 5:50 is the time now. charlottesville virginia police chief abruptly continued yesterday. chief al thomas does not give a reason for departure. his department is widely chief thomas was with the department for less than two years. >> chicago police are searching for the person that shot and killed a 15-year-old boy delivering newspapers. sunday morning brian hasso was with stepfather when someone in a white van nroomd them frl behind. someone in the van fired into their car. ha is sso was shot in the head and died at the scene. the stepfather was not hurt. federal government relooseed its report into the police response into pulse night club shooting and 200 page report says orlando police did a lot and one area the report recommended changes dealt with equipment that or land owe officers wore that night to protect themselves. officers were ill quld to protect themselves from the gunman's how high powered rifle. if officers have to respond to shooting with same high powered ammo they have heavier body armour and hel notes protect them. >> mike sauling pleads guilty in child important. more than 50,000 aimths were found his possession. victims were ages 3 to 5. >> prosecuteers are reco recommending that salin get 4 to 7 years in prison under plea deal and the judge will sentence him in march. >> rose mcgalen said she was raped in 1997 by harvey weinstein is lashing out at the golden globes. she fired off an angry tweet to those planning to wear all black mcgowan actresses like meryl streep who happily worked for the pig monster wearing black in silent protest. your silence is the program. you accept a fake award breathlessly and affect new real change. i despise your hypocrisy. street responded with a staipt in part it hurt to ab tacked by rose mcgowan i was not deliberately silent i do not approve of rain and i did not know this was happening. >> let's look at the stories you're engaging with most on social media. >> maureen is back and joins us with the realtime news tracker. >> white house layers expected to meet with robert mueller's office later this week. wheel they're hoping for good news of ending to investigation some officials familiar with the probe said it's unlikely that would be the case. they're predicting it could last another year. next up dynamic duo not only one but two people interested in joining ownership group and purchasing the carolina panthers. and music mogel dunkin' donuts and music mogel dunkin' donutsy was among the first to express interest on twitter saying i would like to buy the panthers spread the word and retweet colin capper neck said want in let's make it happen. promotion of tina becker former cheerleaders. she is now chief operating officer after owner squerry richardson said he woud sell he it end of the season following allegations of sexual harassment and racism. >> justin gatling is facing challenges from a doping scandal. his enter range was set to have offered to smuggle performance enhancing drugs. and galin was band from doping in 2001 ands. >> kobe bryant wept down memory lane when the los angeles lakers retired not one but both jersey numbers he stood proudly with his familyed in the staple's center as jerseys. >> and finally, possible donation to the salvation army celebrating after mystery donor dropped a check for $200,000 in a red kettle in minneapolis. the salvation army says surprise donations usually do come this time of year and last week in nevada someone dropped a gold 1979 coin into the kettle and that ended being worth $1200. every opiniony counts. back to you. >> absolutely. i love those stories of generosity. >> a take a look at this gingerbread city exhibition is open at london museum of architecture part of the winter fundraising drive. the city has houses, bridges and sky scrapers all made out of gingerbread cookies. >> impressive. >> i don'ter what what happens when it's time to go. do you eat it. >> i think so. >> look at that cuteness. oh, my gosh. he want to say hello to face back fan of the day. her 3 weekend old son bryce. that's 'gorgeous picture. "fox5" is on in her household every day. >> we're the only ones they trust as a source for news and entertainment. jennifer tell us to keep up the fantastic work and thanks us for giving her the scoop on time. >> thank you for watching and congratulations on your beautiful bundle of joy. >> and when you're up 4:25 with that beautiful bundle we're on. we're there for you jennifer. >> every day. >> exactly. >> we're all excited about today, mike. >> today will be georgous day for jennifer and the newborn. congratulations christmas came early for jennifer. congratulations there. >> sun should break out by 10:00 today we're changing things to mostly sunny skies and that should continue through the afternoon hours. enjoy today. temperatures mild side about 15, 20 degrees above normle and as we get into the afternoon hours or i'm sorry eeming hours clouds start to return and through most of day with storm system passing south. temperatures will get cooler as well. this morning still need jacket as you get the kids to the bus stop. after school temperatures feeling pleasant, 54 to 62. all relative cool last week. 60 feeling good. quickly hour by hour temps best chance of hitting 0 by:00 this afternoon and temperatures should spend time mid to upper 450s. 45 fist day of winter thursday and warmer and rain returns for the weekend. >> 5:56 our fair share of problems on the roads now. you can see every acceptingle inner loop lane blocked by tractor traler crash after eisenhower avenue corrector. traffic getting on to upper loop from eisenhowerer is not impacted. you would want to detour well before that point. there's three miles of backed up traffic. the delay is at a stand still. detour pennsylvania avenue, central avenue, 295 northbound. if you erinfoxdc twitter. and maryland right now coming through green belt crash involving several cars past 13 one transition lane getting through over an hour delay 32 to beltway. take 5 southbound. keep to "fox5" we'll get you around other problems inside the beltway as well. we have you covered this morning >> we're learning more about the deadly train derailment and and happening today and the bill is is gaining sup support. find out who is jumping behind the bill we'll have the details ahead. >> first a live look outside on this tuesday morning, december 19, 2017. and you are looking at a big traffic prog problem. believe it or not 6:00 in the morning. upper loop of beltway shut down eisenhower avenue because of tractor-trailer crash.

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