Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20170918 : vimarsana.

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20170918

♪ hmm. d'oh! mr. burns, i noticed no one ever puts suggestions in the box. so i took the liberty of making my own. hmm. yeah. (chuckles) excellent. simpson, i'm giving you a raise. more money? but that's more than i make now! you've done so well, simpson. i'm giving you your own trap door button. oh, thank you! (kids chattering excitedly) (excited screaming) excuse me. coming through. working out issues. boom-shakalaka. i was at kamp krusty, too. you don't see me freaking out every time i see-- (hoarsely): red vest! red vest! what does it mean? what does it mean? it means, young lady, that you're about to go to the head of the line. whoa, whoa, whoa. if everyone has a cut-the-line pass, no one has a cut-the-line pass. lisa: quit your whining! i'm riding the ride! while you were pouting, i did it again! (humming) (gasps) oh. maggie's asleep, and the kids are still having fun at the park with grampa. we're alone. (moaning) marge, no! i've pledged my abstinence, like all the most successful rock stars. come on, mister. i'm too tired to get my groove back. it's all on you! no means no. i looked it up in the dictionary. no?! no?! you've never said "no." hmm? hmm. hmm. oh! honey, i'm really sorry, but i'm here for you every way. except physically. also, spiritually and emotionally. and i've never been good at zipping up dresses. what are you saying? men have accomplished unbelievable things when they've denied themselves whoopee. the pointy pyramids of egypt, the duomo, which i now know is a thing. you don't name a company "microsoft" when you're getting some. oh, boy. first the kids are screwed up, and now our marriage is? we need therapy. (eerie theremin music plays) i said "therapy," not "theremin." honest mistake. or was it? (eerie music plays) masters: welcome, marge. homer, no need to take your pants off. it's not what you think. i just had a big lunch. just a series of questions for now. then the pants come off. now, let me be blunt. are you happy with your romantic life? my problem used to be too much satisfaction. we hear that a lot. but i'm afraid not so much lately. do you self-gratify? yes. i do everything but masturbate. you know, this all started with our poor kids traumatized by a budget summer camp. so many perfect marriages ruined by kids. we tell them it's not their fault, when, of course, it's always their fault. what you must do is return your children to this camp and face down their demons. wait, wait, wait, wait! there's so much more you can do when you don't think about sex. that's why nuns are so successful. you have to take the kids back to that camp. well, it beats hanging out with them. now, if you'll excuse us, we have some deviants coming in. moe: hello? anybody here? yeah, i brought my lady. she used to be the helicopter ride in front of the supermarket. (rhythmic creaking) (mechanical clattering, bell dinging) (bell dings) oh, uh, just finished. all right, deviant out. marge: my kids are a mess. homer's turned into the man i've always wanted, which i don't really want. and for some reason, we're going back to kamp krusty. all: aw! (hisses) (all gasp) what happened to this place? people are wearing terrycloth bathrobes like they're ancient romans. actually, more like macedonians. all right, come on, deer and pig. it's time for you to mate and then fight to the death. happy death day. oh hey, you're up. happy birthday. [ screams ] oh hey, you're up. happy birthday. i'm totally having deja vu. i've already lived through this day. [ gasps ] he's trying to kill me again. again? [ screams ] is everything okay? i have to kill him before he kills me. [ explosions ] happy death day. rated pg-13. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the all new 2018 camry. toyota. let's go places. ♪ ♪ buy the galaxy note8 and choose free accessories up to $229. gus! nice job! gus! heyyy! looking good! (laugh) gus! hi kelly. gus. hey guys! huh? oh, gus! we didn't see you there. yeah. we were just playing gus. gus. the new scratch-off from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah... with top prizes of a hundred grand. you know, you're much cuter in person. aww... (giggling) keep on scratchin'! what happened to this place? oh, uh, krusty cut his losses by partnering with caligula's world family entertainment. they redid the whole place as an adult spa. uh-oh. did i leave my sash on? why don't you kids go in here, and we'll find someone who can prove to you that what you think happened didn't happen. so, what do we do now, get naked? ha-ha! i'm joking. unless you want to. in which case, i've never been more serious. so, um, uh, which is it? don't want to. ah, good thing i was joking. (chuckles nervously) ♪ who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? ♪ ♪ tyler stole the cookie from the cookie jar ♪ ♪ what, me? ♪ yeah, you ♪ couldn't be ♪ then who? ♪ courtney stole the cookie from the cookie jar... ♪ i've heard enough. let's go, courtney. you, too, tyler. hey, bart, bart, now's our chance to break out of here. but i'm four loops away from finishing my potholder. now! ugh! marge, you know, it used to be i'd be tempted by every one of these places. now i just want to know where the business center is. it's over there. you can print up all the free boarding passes you want. (moans): oh! we didn't even fly here. (groans) (grumbling) oh. oh. (printer whirring) (playful growl) bart, i've seen that shed before! hey, i know your life is boring, but you don't have to advertise it. (door creaks) (wind whistles) (both scream) (both scream) i'm remembering now. we were trying to escape by canoe. come back! everyone needs to watch the musical! we've rehearsed for three hours! but there was another kid with us. lisa: (gasps) you're right! bart: his name was charlie. lisa: (gasps) i forgot because i was high on poster paint fumes. bart: quiet! we tipped over in the rapids. (gasping) oh, my god! charlie didn't come back up! hey, hey! look who's back! kamp krusty alumni! we have reason to believe that someone was killed in this camp! whoa! what happened to hello? (humming) hard to concentrate with waves gently lapping on the shore. (kissing grunts) ooh! marge, are you sure you want to do this? mm, i think i still want the old you. everyone, down below the belt! move, move, move! don't leave anything up here! we will not be back! (violin playing "adagio for strings") play something to put him in the mood! (playing "boléro") faster! (playing "call to the post") (grunting, kissing) these children would like to report a traumatic incident on the property. (grunting) poor charlie. charlie? did he have a red vest? yes! yes! can you kids keep a secret? i can, but lisa can't. i told you that in confidence! charlie! you're alive! and a man, i might add-- a very short man. they like to be called "little people." eh, not that much. i was working undercover as a spy for departures magazine. they are everywhere. anyway, when the canoe flipped, i made my getaway. lisa: but you didn't have your life vest. charlie: i'm a grown-up! i can swim! and vote! (whimpers quietly) oh, my god! it's a miracle. whoa, i guess i really was traumatized. and now i'm glad everything's all right. so many stars. ever wonder how many worlds are out there, homie? pizza. want pizza. and you. that's my man. ♪ for the fifth time today, i am not a diving platform! (snoring) tv announcer: next on fox... how did you get in here? xbox one x isn't out yet. taco bell's giving fans a chance to win early with every $5 box. we're ready to play. well, then... i guess we should get to it! my apologies, thrak. totally cool, stu. game on! head to taco bell and grab any $5 box and you could be one of the first to win the new xbox one x. that's the new rockstar. ♪ all jeans on sale, up to fifty percent off. no time to spare! what makes reese's and hershey's cookies 'n' crème crunchers so good? the crunch! famous reese's peanut butter. ooo crunch! classic hershey's cookies 'n' crème. crunchy deliciousness! feast your ears on a... crescendo of crunches! new crunchers. did we mention they're... crunchy?! ...saving 50% on these samsung galaxy note 8s from sprint was a genius idea! and they have the best price for unlimited. now we can finish our work before we get to work. i love this office... janice's birthday!! ommmm... 17.... i love mondays.... (vo) get it done, on the samsung galaxy note 8, right now for 50% off. and with galaxy forever, you can upgrade every year to the latest galaxy. for people with hearing loss, switch to sprint. visit ♪ male soul singer: oh, baby, baby. tonight's the night we're not gonna get it on. and when i say never, i mean forever. at my insistence, i will keep you at a distance. because... ♪ my darling, you ♪ have had enough of my love, babe ♪ ♪ mm, baby, don't get upset ♪ but your needs will not be met ♪ ♪ mm, it's like the more you want, the less i give ♪ ♪ baby, that's no lie. oh, yeah. captioning sponsored by 20th century fox television fox broadcasting company and ford. we go further, so you can. . breaking news, no school for mekfaktin students. montgomery county district to not reach a deal hurricane jose off the coast of the jersey shore, news starts in 30 seconds. . we're talking rain, flooding and maybe even rough surf at the beach, thanks for joins us >> jose is picking up strength and churning off the west coast. >> kathy orr is tracking the timing of store the > so the question is, when can we expect this -- is it possibly within the next 48 hours >> we're talking about increasing winds and surf over the next 24 to 48 hours. that means it's going to get progressively worse as the next couple of days roll on, that means winds, rain and that means seas building to about ten to 16 feet. by tuesday afternoon. so that's going to be something else. right now, hurricane jose 90 miles an hour winds moving north at nine miles an hour, and on this track, got north and northeasterly and by tuesday, at 2:00 p.m., off the coast of south jersey as category 1 storm. and that means winds of 75 miles an hour, maybe a little more, when we see the pink we have a tropical storm watch in effect for the delaware beaches jersey shore and inland area, it goes up in new york and new england winds gusting to about 40 miles an hour, some spots greater. let's fast forward to tuesday, when we see these northeasterly gusts down the shore to about 41. philadelphia gusting near tropical storm force at 37 miles an hour. so those winds will be inland as well. is this what we expect for tuesday, tropical storm force gusts, coastal showers and a chance of flooding at times of high tied. something to watch and after that, we have to keep an eye on maria, which is looking like it could slam into puerto rican which was hard hit by irma as well. we'll talk about maria and lee later. we got a developing story out of montgomery county. >> classes in the mathactin school district cancelled because of a teacher's strike. to prevent a walk-out, but to no avail. brad sattin has been following this for us, live in lower providence township, where negotiations continue tonight. >> reporter: actually, they wrapped up a little while ago. it has come down to think started negotiating around 2:00, they could not reach a deal. the negotiators left about an hour and 15 minutes ago around 8:45. nine months of talks came to no deal and teachers will be on the picket line in the morning. seven hours of last minute contract negotiations behind closed doors at sky view elementary school and no deal. >> there are several sticking points, one of them would be as i shared with you the healthcare premiums, we've given a substantial increase to the healthcare willingness to do that. and we were looking for adequate raises in return. >> reporter: but the president insists the salary was worked out >> it was really working through the medical benefits, between medical and prescription, the costs keep going up. my plan has gone up 50% in the last five year. >> reporter: there's barely been time to promote back to school, not even two weeks in class and now this >> they were starting to get into a routine and get used to the pattern and now it's -- summer vacation all over again. >> reporter: no school in the morning for the 5,000 students in the school district the school board president saying talks have gone on since january and it's been exhausting. >> i'm very disappointed. i thought once we gave them the respect they deserved by providing the financial package around the salaries, i thought it would be moved a little bit quicker. >> reporter: the contract for the more than 400 teachers ran out at the end of last school year, the co president of the elementary home and school association, a former teacher who's sympathetic to them said many parents are left scrambling. >> it's not like the summer where i can send my children to camp. it's more who is run, the camp, who's not? who can call in sick and who can take a day off. >> reporter: the union has this message for parents >> we don't want anybody to think we can care about the kids and education, our group is solidly together. >> reporter: tonight both sides say they are ready to keep talking but as i mentioned few seconds ago, no new talkses are scheduled, the plan is to be on the picket line only at the high school starting at 7:30 tomorrow morning, this is the first strike in the school district since mid 1980s >> thank. happening now, one of the four american college students attacked with acid in france is from chester county. courtney silver originally from chester springs is one of the for boston college students identified. four young women are part of study abroad programs a 41-year-old woman is now under arrest, authorities so no link, she put a message and thanking people. i did not receive any injuries from the attack in france this morning and we're all safe. the french police and u.s. have been wonderful and we're thankful for that. she added she's praying for her attacker to be healed of mental illness. 87 years old at home, where she's supposed to be safe. but two robberies blew that apart when they stormed into her south philadelphia home. she was in the back of her home on south 20th when a man and a woman made their way in. it was right around 9:00 a.m. the robbers got away with jewelry and left the 87-year-old injured. police say they're minor injury, no arrests as of yet. ka briin,a university is investigating after a student came home to a racial slur. joyce evans as the story >> people are nice and friendly and this occurrence that is shocking. >> reporter: scribbled on her dorm room door, go away. with a racial slur. ruining her and her two roommates halloween decorations it was at last thing she expected from college life >> i'm a earn person never experienced such direct hate. and for it to be on my door, i didn't know what to do in that moment >> she reached out to her sister who she says contacted campus and radnor township authorities, whether at prank or not. >> where is the humor in it? >> is it hurtful >> very. >> reporter: campus and public safety she said she won't be forced out because of her race. >> i want to feel safe. i want the university to say it's ok, i want the university to be aware and make attempts at making the university better >> administrators say they will get to the bottoms of it. statement to fox 29 said we're taking our student safety seriously. does not tolerate any form of hate or racist language and the priority remains to insure students feel safe and supported >> it's one thing to have these thoughts but it's another oh to go and take these kind of actions. >> reporter: she'll be back on campus monday for a meeting with the dean of students where she says she hopes to stay, with her same two roommates with whom she said she's developed a sister's bond. in radnor, joyce evans, fox 29 news. pennsylvania state police are investigating after someone threw something from an overpats and hit a tractor-trailer's windshield. this happened saturday around 3:00. the driver says he was traveling on i 78 in berks county when it happened at the exit 23 overpass. thankfully no one hurt in northeast philadelphia, a night of drinking turned tragic on the side of the road. police say a woman in her 20's was with a group of friends all of whom were heavily intoxicated on castor when the woman stopped to relieve herself on the side of the road. lost her balance, apparently and police say she fell off of a guardrail and died from the impact. her friends stayed until police arrived. check this out. a car flips over on its roof. it happened at 42nd and spruce just after 1:00 this morning. philadelphia police say one woman was taken to the hospital. right now, it's not clear how badly she was hurt. investigators are still trying to figure out how that crash happened. we had a football game to talk about. close one for the eagles. but they fell short >> good evening. no doubt about it today's trip to kansas was going to be a tough match-up. after destroying the patriots on the super bowl ring night. the chiefs now had ten days of rest to get ready for the home versus the eagles.ium. a lot was made about the match-up featuring the mentor reverse the pupil, andy reid never coached against a former player who's now a headcoach until today. it was close. all the way to late in the fourth, seemed like the defense got a little tired but credit to carson wentz and eagles for not giving up. unless agholor made it a seven point game, five seconds left. kick time, it wasn't perfect. recovered by tray burton, that gives the eagles and wentz one last chance. andy was sweating for sure, they hold off the eagles 27 to 20. >> offensively we have to address our own, you know, needs and the way we're playing, again, by no means do i want to throw the ball that many times, but it's a team effort and however the game plays out, you know, we try to find a way to win at the end. and the mistakes obviously cost it today. >> a tough game. but it's only week two, relax. there's plenty of season left. but there's no question everyone until eagles locker room felt they let one slip away. of more and the rest of the nfl coming up on sports sunday later. >> thank you much. final good-bye to a sailor with local ties, kenneth smith died on the u.s.s. john mccain collided in august in singapore, he graduated from cherry hill high school east then followed in his father's and grandfather's footsteps to serve his country. family and friends attended his funeral at st. andrews united church in cherry hill. he was only 22 kevin hart is coming clean about an eye popping video. wait is someone lying about what happened? at 10:15, a fire at the shore. at 10:19, kim jong-un new nickname, rocket man. really? . just before 1:00, this afternoon, fire crews were able to quickly get the fire under control, and thankfully no one was hurt. this video coming to us from berks county where crews are battling a house fire. it happened before 8:00 in bird bureau, no words on any injuries as of yet. the kevin hart story that went viral. here's part of his public apology to his family. >> at the end of the day, man, i just simply got to do better but i'm not going to allow a person to have financial gain off of my mistakes. and in this particular situation, that's what was attempted. >> he went on instagram to apologize to his wife and children after he says a woman tried to extort him for a suggestive video. tmz has the video. calls it sexually explicit and reports the fbi is investigating and the person hart accuses has called his attorney offering to take a lie detect test for a fee. on to a developing story, rocket man. the 70's elton hit president trump utilizing those words to describe north korea's leader kim jong-un in a tweet. tensions between north korea and the west remain high as the u.n. prepares for their annual general assembly. steve rapoport has details. >> reporter: north korea's nuclear threat casting a shadow over this week's gathering of world leaders at the united nations, u.s. officials say they're running out of diplomatic solutions to resolve tension between pyongyang and the west >> they're not a whole oh will the the security council will be able to from here when you cut 90% of the trade and 30% oil. having said that, i have no problem kicking it to general mattis because i believe he has plenty of options >> the 15 member you u.n. security council recent dominated its toughest sanctions ever against north korea in response to its inaccurate and ballistic missile program >> if our diplomatic efforts fail, our military option will be the only one left. all of this is backed up by a strong military option. but be cheer, we seek a peaceful solution to this. >> reporter: president trump will address the 193 member body for the first time tuesday. where north korean representatives will have a front row seat. pressing his america first message to the world body. national security vendors hr mcmaster warning that the international community is at the end of the road when it comes to north korea and urging action. >> this regime is oh close to threatening the united states and others with a nuclear weapon we have to move way great deal of urgency on sanctions diplomacy and preparing, if necessary, a military option. >> reporter: the foreign minister will address the assembly friday. in new york, steve rapoport. fox news tonight, british police say they have made a second arrest in friday's subway bombing in london. officials now lowering the country's threat level to severe instead of critical. the second suspect arrest asked 21-year-old man and police continue to search a home had belongs to an elderly couple who fostered children, one of who police believe is the 18-year-old they arrested yesterday. >> it was a lovely young man, you wouldn't suspect anything from him. polite, to the couple. didn't know anything about them. >> still trying to figure out if more than one person may have been involved. >> they're look i want to go other property where is the suspect wanted detained the university of virginia is removing confederate palkas from it's rotunda. they voted to put them in a a different location, where quote, they may be preserved as artifacts of the era in which they were erected. tablets have been in the rotunda since 1903. the college is strengthening its band on open games and giving flames from an i do not 37 to victims of the charlottesville violence. more than 40 people have been arrested in protest in st. louis and locals are bracing for the potential of more demonstrations. will car is in st. louis with more. >> reporter: taking to the streets for a second night, business owners and, after they flew rocks through store fronts. >> i don't have nothing against, you know, people brought this things but they don't have to break windows. >> we should all be mindful, get your message out there, do it peaceful the. >> reporter: 23 businesses were vandalized and five police vehicles were damaged. it comes after protests the day before turned violent injuring nearly a dozen police officers. >> the protests coming after a judge acquitted former st. louis police officer jason stockily who shot and killed anthony lamar smith in december of 2011. stockily and another officer pursued the drug suspect in a high speed chase, which ended

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