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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Justice With Judge Jeanine 20180729 01:00:00

Former Westchester County, N.Y., D.A. Jeanine Pirro discusses the week s biggest legal stories.
or four of them out. judge jeanine: i know you will have more to say tomorrow morning on fox news sunday. now to my opening statement. you know, americans elected the outsider businessman president. why? to borrow a phrase from the man himself. what do we have to lose? the economy was in the tank, our kids western living in the basement because they couldn t find a job. factories were closing down, jobs and manufacturing were being shipped overseas, and in trade, china was sucking us dry. the obama folks called it a healthy economy but there was barely a pulse. 1% annual gdp growth was the new normal and president obama warned donald trump s election would result in economic disaster for all americans. some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come
throw us into a recession. the last thing we need. he would undermine the growth that we have had since the great recession. in the event donald wins i have no doubt in my mind the markets tank. his tax plan in combination with his refusal to reform entitlements and honestly address spending would balloon the deficit and the national debt. so even though donald trump is offered very few specific economic plans, what little he has said is enough to know he would be very bad for american workers and american families. judge jeanine: then was paul krugman, a nobel prize wing economist. he said the stock market will plummet and never recover from the election of donald trump.
so we are very probably looking at a global respecial no end in sight. some are so blienltd by their hatred of donald trump, they forget decades of training in their own field. as america surges forward with more jobs than people to fill them, with african-american and hispanic unemployment the lowest in history and millions coming off food stamps because they want to work. the left, they rant and protest and create chaos. thp. they throw people out of restaurants and off television shows. they even go to church and say god sent them to destroy donald trump. the left doesn t care about our economic success. all they want to do is make noise. but it s nothing more than background noise. white noise. the truth? no one is paying attention to them. his numbers continue to increase
and his popularity just keeps going up. after he met with putin and was accused of everything from collusion to treason, an offense punishable by death, his numbers continued to go up. when are they going to realize their yelling and screaming is nothing but a distraction, nobody cares. we care about food on the table, paying the rent, the mortgage, paying for kids clothing for school. but no, they want to talk about whores and porn stars or a lawyer they are squeezing so tight he ll confess to sinking the titanic. despite a media focused on a whack-a-mole russia collusion nonsense and the haters continue to hate, the president has thundered forward with his america first agenda. the 45th outsider president often work without the support
of his own party has produced a gdp that no one thought possible, 4.1%. and we are on track to hit the highest average growth rate in over 13 years. what have you got to say to that, barack, hillary and all you geniuses? we are flying folks. this is the america donald trump had in mind when he asked us, what do you have to lose. that s my open. tell me what you think on my facebook, twitter and instagram hashtag judge jeanine. if you loved mire open you will love my new book. it s a new york times number one best seller. get your copy if you haven t already. here with reaction to my opening
statement, hogan gidley. talk to me about the economy and my open. you are absolutely right, judge. remember when donald trump was elected as president of the united states, so many people said the economy wouldn t just tank, but it would never recover from what he would do to this economy. here we are with 3.5 million jobs created. regulations cut. we are open for business. this president mass gone on the global stage and said other countries have to pay their fair share in nato. in he said to our friends and allies, we are the piggy bank of the world and it stops today. i was in granite city, illinois when he gave that speech to the steel plant, u.s. steel. i watched the tears on the faces of grown men who told us they hadn t had a job in two years because barack obama told them
those times of jobs were gone and would never come back. 1% gdp growth was the new normal the experts said. this president proved people wrong yet again. americans are back to work. it s an incredible time and it s due to this president s economic policy. judge jeanine: people who want the work, people who pay their taxes and follow all the rules, they are the ones who deserve the effort of this government. and speak of that, i want to talk about the ash lition of i.c.e. it seems the democrats pulled back on it because they were doing polls and most of of the american people are not in support of the abolition of i.c.e. we have ocasio-cortez who beat joe crowley in new york for the primary, now kirsten gillibrand, they are saying we have to
abolish i.c.e. they are serious. it, incredible. anyone who wants to abolish i.c.e. either have no clue what i.c.e. does or they have decided to ignore the safety and security of their constituents. ms-13, the blood this city gang. they focus on smuggling, human trafficking, drugs. they are there to stop that. this president stands up for the hard working men and women who put their lives on the line every day and work for ice. democrats say we are going to stand with ms-13 whose motto is kill, rape and control. judge jeanine: the remains of american soldiers from the korean war are now coming back. how many administrations before donald trump tried to get read
mains of american soldiers. there have been several. but this president actually delivered. they said these things he promised would never come fruition and here we are on the precipice of getting repatriated remains of those people in the military. i talked to some sphoaks folks who served and their surviving loved ones. it was a sense of pride, peace and closure they never would have had except for this president it s amazing. judge jeanine: it is amazing, and it s all about closure for these families. dan bongino and chris hahn standing by on the panel. bust more on tonight s breaking news you heard from rudy giuliani right here. congressman ron desantis weighs in on the trim the
trump-cohen tape. (vo) i was born during the winter of 77. i first met james in 5th grade. we got married after college. and had twin boys. but then one night, a truck didn t stop. but thanks to our forester, neither did our story. and that s why we ll always drive a subaru. where we re changing withs? contemporary make-overs.
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giuliani telling us explosive details how they believe someone played with the trump-cohen recording. joining us, congressman ron desantis who joins me now. first time i heard that tape and then there was a break at the point where it seemed to be in the president s favor and then it was garbled. i said to myself that would never be admissible. then it s sent over to cnn. they have been trying to get forensic analysts to see if it has been tampered with but they can t get the originality tape to see fit has been. this whole thing is very strange. $of the questions some of the questions involving the tape.
lanny davis is a democrat, a big clintonista. i don t know how much credibility that evidence will have. judge jeanine: the damage is done. i didn t because of my background. but they leaked it. it s not even an issue if they can admit it at trial. if they want to impeach they will say you know about that tape when you and i both not wouldn t be admissible in court. i want to talk about my favorite guy, rod rosenstein who is basically running the department of justice after he convinced jeff sessions to go hide in the closet. you guys wanted to impeach him. and i understand there was a resolution to have the guy impeached based upon what facts? a number of things.
he should have recused himself from this. he wrote the memo saying comey should be fired. and he signed one of the fisa extensions for carter page. those are critical issues with some of the information we are trying to get. he stonewalled to congress. they redacted material facts from documents provided to congress. this has not been adequate cooperation with the congress. these are important issues the american people have the right to. congress has limited tools. the problem with the impeachment is there weren t enough republican votes for it. i would like to see is proceed with contempt of congress. the problem is congress is gone for the august recess. so that is not going to be a viable vehicle until sometime in september. and by the time even if it
did get off the ground, i think it may be too late. judge jeanine: paul ryan wouldn t get on board and as i understand it, he didn t want this impeachment to go through or contempt of congress. here is the bottom line. am i somewhat right about paul ryan and the leadership. you come on and all your friends come on and you are trying to do it. somebody is stopping you. who is stopping you? the leadership is opposed to my resolution. judge jeanine: paul ryan. say his name. the speaker was opposed to it. getting some of this stuff short of that. i think that can be done and i don t know why that hasn t happened. you have people like nunez pushing, but we have certain issues involving what surveillance happened before july 31, 2016.
what informants were used. what about the dossier. those are easily answered questions from the department. judge jeanine: plus he threatened congressional staff. candace owens is still on deck with this week s most of outrageous statement. these two guys can t get enough of each other. chris hahn and dan bongino keep coming back for more. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won t raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty if you have moderate to severe or psoriatic arthritis, little things can be a big deal. that s why there s otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it s a pill that treats differently.
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charged with arson starting a fire still burning in riverside county. officials say hundreds of structures are destroyed and hundreds more still at risk and tens of thousands of people have been forced to evacuate. pope francis is accepting the resignation from cardinal carrick after decade old sexual accusations. i m marianne rafferty. now back to justice with judge jeanine. president trump: we accomplished an economic turnaround of historic proportions. we have turned it all around. once again we are the economic envy of the entire world.
judge jeanine: that s president trump talking about the incredible news about the economy friday. former aid to chuck schumer and radio host chris than. and dan bongino. how are you going to wiggle your way out of what the president said. 1.5 million fewer prime age americans were working when he came into office. i will give him some credit for the economy, maybe not as much as he s giving himself. he didn t inherit a mess. the economy has been on an upward economy for years. and some people were front loading their exports. president obama had four
quarters better than this. and he created more jobs in his presidency than president trump has created. obama had a 5.1% growth in the second square and over 4% growth in the third square. he lost seats in the mid-term. jean require many all about sustainability and obama couldn t do it. chris is a little confused. president trump did inherit a mess. this is a fact. i know chris sometimes has a tough time with these things. but barack obama is the only president in united states history to never in two terms reach 3% gdp growth annually. keep in mind, one-term presidents have done it. he s also at the bottom.
he s one of the top five worst economic presidents in american history. and by the way. i know chris is going to try to wiggle out of this one. barack obama harmed him a 1.9% growth rate in the final square and 1.6% the final year and trump turned it around right away. judge jeanine: did you call up and tell him he was wrong, dan? i didn t want to bother him. i thought he might be sleeping. here the deal. my numbers are dead on for the second and third quairlts of 2014. let s not count for 3% growth before it hatched. president trump did not achieve it last year and he may not achieve it this year. obama got 2.9%.
he gets 3.1, i ll say hooray. let s not count our chickens before they are hatched and not give all the credit to him. we have been on an upward trend for years. that s just not true. he handed him a mess by any measure. i will give you this. i don t give any president good or bad credit for the economy. i give to it american entrepreneur. i think the president can do things to get the government out of the way. and i think that s what donald trump has done through the tax cuts and cleaning up the regulatory mess barack obama left us. barack obama was a disaster by any metric. labor force participation, wage growth. and i am surprised you didn t bring up. the employment cost index, donald trump his first year,
bested barack obama s 8 years. there is a long way to go between here and the end. judge jeanine: i have an idea, rinse, here is the bottom line, i can t yell because i have a sore throat. my mother called me during the break and said jeanine, you have to have some water. if the unemployment is the lowest it s been ever for african-americans, for minorities, we have more jobs than people to fill them. you can talk gdp until the cows come home. that s what matters. a job and the ability to take care of your family. i want to talk about this tape. chris, do you want to answer? go ahead. there is a lot of good and there is a lot of caution.
the deficit and the debt are growing dramatically. that s the trade deficit. the budget definite, those are different things. i give up. don t tell me on a saturday night i have to shave for this and i have to let him get away with this. for 8 years we had to deal with barack obama and record deficits. now i get, chris, i m with you. debt and deficits stink. point stipulated. but please spare us the nonsense about debt and deficit after 8 years of barack obama. he reduced the budget deficit every year. chris always has a scam. he came into office with the
highest annual deficit in american history. if i owe $700,000 and make $50,000 a year and pay down $25,000. this is not an accomplishment. this is what obama did. he ran deficits every year. judge jeanine: all right, guys. thank you. now, how did a former attorney general make my list of the week s most outrageous statements? that s ahead. more on the trump-cohen tape. alan dershowitz joins me and you don t want to miss him. sweat the details. noticing what most will never notice. it s what you do. when the thing you re making. isn t a thing. it s your reputation.
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what we are investigating, how did that happen. what did happen. what was eliminated. and you have to raise that question with every one of these tapes. how many of them did he play around with? judge jeanine: developing tonight. that was president trump s attorney rudy giuliani on justice discussing the breaking news on the trump-cohen tape. joining me with the new book the case against impeaching trump. harvard law professor alan dershowitz. yesterday you wrote an interesting piece in the hill on how an obstruction case against president trump should raise a flag for any civil libertarian irrespective of which side of the aisle they are on. tell me why. they shall trying to they are trying to stitch together an obstruction case on public
tweets. people don t obstruct justice in public. if you are going to obstruct justice you are going to do it in private. the idea the special counsel is trying to put together, he knows he doesn t have the case. he s trying to put together a case based on tweets, public statements, presidential statements dwab presidential action. that s so dangerous to civil liberties. today it s being used against trump, tomorrow it will be used against democrats and tomorrow it will be used begins in the audience. any civil libertarian ought to be outraged that this special counsel is trying to cobble together a case against president trump based on his tweets. judge jeanine: would you agree when some of the judges were looking at the travel ban, they were looking outside the four corners of the ban itself. this is fundamental contract
law. everything is weren t four corn of a contract or based on ways relevant to the specific issue. would you agree with that? if you don t, tell me. i completely agree. the majority of the supreme court said what the president said about the travel ban is not as important as what s in the words of the travel ban. you can t have a travel ban that would be constitutional if president obama issued it but unconstitutional if president trump issued it. judge jeanine: i want to talk about rudy giuliani. he talks about the tape, there is a break in the tape. it gets muddled. the first thing i thought is what s going on with this. what are your thoughts on it? 10 years ago i represented the former president of ukraine who was charged with a serious
crime and it was based on a tape. we were able to get the tape and put it through forensic analysis and prove they switched words on the tape and made him say things he didn t say. i don t know that happened here. all i know is this tape must be subjected to forensic analysis. we must stretch the word to find out exactly what the president said, what the context was, and most of important why it ended at a particular point. was that a decision made by mr. co-on end it there? was it erased because he said things that were exculpatory. the tape does not contain any evidence of crimes. how do i know that? a former judge made a determination that this tape is covered by the lawyer-client privilege. and criminal discussions are not covered by the lawyer-client privilege. so we have a judicial
determination that this tape does not contain elements of a crime. judge jeanine: you are talking about barbara jones the master on this who would not have handed over the tape if it were not covered by attorney-client privilege. absolutely right. nobody made that point and it s very important. there is a judicial determination it s not criminal. it s not a crime to seek advice from your lawyer as to how to deal with a complicated situation. every lawyer has had conversations like this with clients. in the end the client listens to you. but nobody should have heard this tape. judge jeanine: i agree, that s why you are a harvard professor. because you are so smart. she lots of those out she loves those outrageous statements. candace owens standing by live
to look at the most of outrageous things said this week.on we knew helping our communities was important then. and we know it s even more important today. so we re stepping up to volunteer more and donate over a million dollars every day. so our communities can be even stronger. it s a new day at wells fargo. but it s a lot like our first day.
church sermon that she was sent by god to stop him. take a listen to this. i was sent to [inaudible] turning point u.s.a. communications director candace owens joins me with that and much more. i keep hearing that the left is on god s side. isn t god on the right? i can t believe she said this. it s so bizarre. this is a woman who advocates for violence. she tells people to go up and accost trump supporters. i don t believe this is what god wants exactly. i don t recall that exact
scripture. i do read the bible to be honest with you. i must tell you, the claim that god is on their side and at the same time calling for at the very left, harassment of public figures is shocking. let s go to the next one. sound on tape. are you seriously considering throwing your hat in the ring for 2020? i m thinking about it and i ll make a determination sometime early next year. judge jeanine: that s former attorney general eric holder asking asked, you are seriously considering throwing your hat in the ring. this guy was held in contempt of congress for failure to hand over documents in the fast and furious scandal where our guns
were sent to the mexican cartel. he quite literally had blood on his hands. brian terry was the agent who was killed in this scandal. he was held in contempt of congress. the on sitting cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of congress. i can hear the channel lock him up all over again in 2020. he has a right to think about running, but he shouldn t think about winning. judge jeanine: holder never recused himself on any of this stuff. so when congress hold him in contempt there is no one to refer it to in the department of justice. the left is always smarter. they hang on to the power why the right. sessions this a closet somewhere. let s talk about chelsea handler.
is the man who vandalized trump s star on the hollywood walk of fame single? what say you, candace? this is not even that bizarre when it comes to chelsea handler. she advocates on behalf of ms-13, which is okay with molotov cocktails being thrown at the palestinian border. she has nothing to do at the end of the day but send wacky tweets. judge jeanine: finally as we go forward, closer to the 018 mid-terms, do you think this will get worse? what s going to get worse? everything? judge jeanine: the specific statements. it will keep getting worse. this is their strategy. i can t imagine it getting much
wackier. but with maxine waters it only seems to get much wackier and chelsea handler it only seems to get much wackier. judge jeanine: candace owens, thanks so much. we ll be right back. how do you win at business? stay at laquinta. where we re changing with contemporary make-overs. then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander .
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is number one on the new york times bestseller list. number one on the washington post bestsellers list. i want to take a moment to think everyone was been so supportive, especially the folks who took the time to come to my book signings. take a look. i ve got pictures. here we are in the oval office with the president in washington in a book party there is there a huckabee sanders in washington, kelly in conway in dc and tom you know him from the show and jared kushner and donald trump junior in washington and wilbur ross, cabinet secretary in southampton. also, there is the mayor himself, mr. giuliani and former attorney general, also a federal judge and friends of mine from
montréal and alvin and stacy who came from montréal and there is pamela, also held a party for me and there is the united states senator lindsey graham. eric trump junior along with lera trump in new york city and there i am at a book signing in new jersey were so many people waited in line for. there is a crowd when i first came in and in smithtown, long island look at the stuff they cook for me and 300 people in smithtown. there is a guy i owe it all to, my sir lancelot who sat with me as i wrote and wrote and wrote, i owe it all to him. if you don t have your copy you can go to barnes & noble or any bookstore and don t forget to follow me on twitter.

Michael-cohen , Lanny-davis , Didn-t , Us , Place , Akiewltsed , Leak , One , Sound-on-tape , Version , Judge , The-american-way

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Justice With Judge Jeanine 20180729 07:00:00

and remember, i m watters and this is my world. [ ] judge jeanine: breaking tonight, president trump s attorney, rudy giuliani with explosive allegations regarding the michael cohen tape. welcome to justice, i m jeanine pirro. and thank you for making justice the number one rated show on all of cable news all last weekend. my opening statement in a moment. but first rudy giuliani within the hour told fox news that experts have gone over the tape former trump attorney michael cohen allegedly made with the president and giuliani says quote somebody played around, close quote, with the tape. he says the trump legal team is trying to get to the bottom of
it. among other things he says he s trying to get access to the original full recording. a prospect giuliani concedes is slim. joining me on the phone with all of this breaking news is the man himself, president trump s attorney, mr. mayor giuliani. thank you for being us this evening. some shocking news tonight. yes, judge. we have to stop being shocked. i always thought of michael cohen as a responsible guy who was basically honest and extremely loyal to the president and the president was to him for many many years. i used to hear rumors about him about his character and things he did. now i find he does things like record his client and doesn t tell him. he abruptly ended that recording
as soon as the president said the word check. what we are investigating is how did that happen. why did that happen. what was eliminated. then you have to raise these questions with every one of these tapes. how many of them did he play around with. he has 180 tapes. and lanny davis his lawyer says he didn t intend to deceive. lanny davis has to confront the fact that with chris komo he took his phone and put it in the desk drawer and said i m not going to record it. what do you mean you are not intend to go deceive. these clinton people think they can say something and we have him on tape putting it in a drawer. mr. mayor one and i both know you are a former prosecutor, i m a former prosecutor. you have to lay a foundation for
i bought my own and gave three or four of them out. judge jeanine: i know you will have more to say tomorrow morning on fox news sunday. now to my opening statement. you know, americans elected the outsider businessman president. why? to borrow a phrase from the man himself. what do we have to lose? the economy was in the tank, our kids western living in the basement because they couldn t find a job. factories were closing down, jobs and manufacturing were being shipped overseas, and in trade, china was sucking us dry. the obama folks called it a healthy economy but there was barely a pulse. 1% annual gdp growth was the new normal and president obama warned donald trump s election would result in economic disaster for all americans. some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come
back. and when somebody says like the person you just mentioned who i m not going to advertise for that he s going to bring all these jobs back. how exactly are you going to do that? what are you going to do? there is no answer to it. he just says i am going to negotiate a better deal. how exactly are you going to negotiate that? what magic wand do you have? and usually the answer is he doesn t have an answer. i want to you tell your friends, don t let a friend vote trump. so here is the deal. he can t escape the math. math can be kind of inconvenience fit doesn t add up the way you want it to. and economists left, right, in the middle, all say the same thing. that trump s policies would
Former Westchester County, N.Y., D.A. Jeanine Pirro discusses the week s biggest legal stories.
so we are very probably looking at a global respecial no end in sight. some are so blienltd by their hatred of donald trump, they forget decades of training in their own field. as america surges forward with more jobs than people to fill them, with african-american and hispanic unemployment the lowest in history and millions coming off food stamps because they want to work. the left, they rant and protest and create chaos. thp. they throw people out of restaurants and off television shows. they even go to church and say god sent them to destroy donald trump. the left doesn t care about our economic success. all they want to do is make noise. but it s nothing more than background noise. white noise. the truth? no one is paying attention to them.
his numbers continue to increase and his popularity just keeps going up. after he met with putin and was accused of everything from collusion to treason, an offense punishable by death, his numbers continued to go up. when are they going to realize their yelling and screaming is nothing but a distraction, nobody cares. we care about food on the table, paying the rent, the mortgage, paying for kids clothing for school. but no, they want to talk about whores and porn stars or a lawyer they are squeezing so tight he ll confess to sinking the titanic. despite a media focused on a whack-a-mole russia collusion nonsense and the haters continue to hate, the president has thundered forward with his america first agenda. the 45th outsider president
often work without the support of his own party has produced a gdp that no one thought possible, 4.1%. and we are on track to hit the highest average growth rate in over 13 years. what have you got to say to that, barack, hillary and all you geniuses? we are flying folks. this is the america donald trump had in mind when he asked us, what do you have to lose. that s my open. tell me what you think on my facebook, twitter and instagram hashtag judge jeanine. if you loved mire open you will love my new book. it s a new york times number one best seller. get your copy if you haven t already. here with reaction to my opening
those times of jobs were gone and would never come back. 1% gdp growth was the new normal the experts said. this president proved people wrong yet again. americans are back to work. it s an incredible time and it s due to this president s economic policy. judge jeanine: people who want the work, people who pay their taxes and follow all the rules, they are the ones who deserve the effort of this government. and speak of that, i want to talk about the ash lition of i.c.e. it seems the democrats pulled back on it because they were doing polls and most of of the american people are not in support of the abolition of i.c.e. we have ocasio-cortez who beat joe crowley in new york for the primary, now kirsten gillibrand, they are saying we have to
abolish i.c.e. they are serious. it, incredible. anyone who wants to abolish i.c.e. either have no clue what i.c.e. does or they have decided to ignore the safety and security of their constituents. ms-13, the blood this city gang. they focus on smuggling, human trafficking, drugs. they are there to stop that. this president stands up for the hard working men and women who put their lives on the line every day and work for ice. democrats say we are going to stand with ms-13 whose motto is kill, rape and control. judge jeanine: the remains of american soldiers from the korean war are now coming back. how many administrations before donald trump tried to get read
mains of american soldiers. there have been several. but this president actually delivered. they said these things he promised would never come fruition and here we are on the precipice of getting repatriated remains of those people in the military. i talked to some sphoaks folks who served and their surviving loved ones. it was a sense of pride, peace and closure they never would have had except for this president it s amazing. judge jeanine: it is amazing, and it s all about closure for these families. dan bongino and chris hahn standing by on the panel. bust more on tonight s breaking news you heard from rudy giuliani right here. congressman ron desantis weighs in on the trim the
trump-cohen tape. with my bladde, the products i ve tried just didn t fit right. they were very saggy. it s getting in the way of our camping trips. but with new sizes, depend fit-flex is made for me. introducing more sizes for better comfort. new depend fit-flex underwear is guaranteed to be your best fit.
giuliani telling us explosive details how they believe someone played with the trump-cohen recording. joining us, congressman ron desantis who joins me now. first time i heard that tape and then there was a break at the point where it seemed to be in the president s favor and then it was garbled. i said to myself that would never be admissible. then it s sent over to cnn. they have been trying to get forensic analysts to see if it has been tampered with but they can t get the originality tape to see fit has been. this whole thing is very strange. $of the questions some of the questions involving the tape.
lanny davis is a democrat, a big clintonista. i don t know how much credibility that evidence will have. judge jeanine: the damage is done. i didn t because of my background. but they leaked it. it s not even an issue if they can admit it at trial. if they want to impeach they will say you know about that tape when you and i both not wouldn t be admissible in court. i want to talk about my favorite guy, rod rosenstein who is basically running the department of justice after he convinced jeff sessions to go hide in the closet. you guys wanted to impeach him. and i understand there was a resolution to have the guy impeached based upon what facts? a number of things.
did get off the ground, i think it may be too late. judge jeanine: paul ryan wouldn t get on board and as i understand it, he didn t want this impeachment to go through or contempt of congress. here is the bottom line. am i somewhat right about paul ryan and the leadership. you come on and all your friends come on and you are trying to do it. somebody is stopping you. who is stopping you? the leadership is opposed to my resolution. judge jeanine: paul ryan. say his name. the speaker was opposed to it. getting some of this stuff short of that. i think that can be done and i don t know why that hasn t happened. you have people like nunez pushing, but we have certain issues involving what surveillance happened before july 31, 2016.
what informants were used. what about the dossier. those are easily answered questions from the department. judge jeanine: plus he threatened congressional staff. candace owens is still on deck with this week s most of outrageous statement. these two guys can t get enough of each other. chris hahn and dan bongino keep coming back forcusations.
judge jeanine: that s president trump talking about the incredible news about the economy friday. former aid to chuck schumer and radio host chris than. and dan bongino. how are you going to wiggle your way out of what the president said. 1.5 million fewer prime age americans were working when he came into office. i will give him some credit for the economy, maybe not as much as he s giving himself. he didn t inherit a mess. the economy has been on an upward economy for years. and some people were front loading their exports.
president obama had four quarters better than this. and he created more jobs in his presidency than president trump has created. obama had a 5.1% growth in the second square and over 4% growth in the third square. he lost seats in the mid-term. jean require many all about sustainability and obama couldn t do it. chris is a little confused. president trump did inherit a mess. this is a fact. i know chris sometimes has a tough time with these things. but barack obama is the only president in united states history to never in two terms reach 3% gdp growth annually. keep in mind, one-term presidents have done it. he s also at the bottom.
he s one of the top five worst economic presidents in american history. and by the way. i know chris is going to try to wiggle out of this one. barack obama harmed him a 1.9% growth rate in the final square and 1.6% the final year and trump turned it around right away. judge jeanine: did you call up and tell him he was wrong, dan? i didn t want to bother him. i thought he might be sleeping. here the deal. my numbers are dead on for the second and third quairlts of 2014. let s not count for 3% growth before it hatched. president trump did not achieve it last year and he may not achieve it this year. obama got 2.9%.
he gets 3.1, i ll say hooray. let s not count our chickens before they are hatched and not give all the credit to him. we have been on an upward trend for years. that s just not true. he handed him a mess by any measure. i will give you this. i don t give any president good or bad credit for the economy. i give to it american entrepreneur. i think the president can do things to get the government out of the way. and i think that s what donald trump has done through the tax cuts and cleaning up the regulatory mess barack obama left us. barack obama was a disaster by any metric. labor force participation, wage growth. and i am surprised you didn t bring up. the employment cost index, donald trump his first year,
bested barack obama s 8 years. there is a long way to go between here and the end. judge jeanine: i have an idea, rinse, here is the bottom line, i can t yell because i have a sore throat. my mother called me during the break and said jeanine, you have to have some water. if the unemployment is the lowest it s been ever for african-americans, for minorities, we have more jobs than people to fill them. you can talk gdp until the cows come home. that s what matters. a job and the ability to take care of your family. i want to talk about this tape. chris, do you want to answer? go ahead. there is a lot of good and
there is a lot of caution. the deficit and the debt are growing dramatically. that s the trade deficit. the budget definite, those are different things. i give up. don t tell me on a saturday night i have to shave for this and i have to let him get away with this. for 8 years we had to deal with barack obama and record deficits. now i get, chris, i m with you. debt and deficits stink. point stipulated. but please spare us the nonsense about debt and deficit after 8 years of barack obama. he reduced the budget deficit every year. chris always has a scam. he came into office with the
highest annual deficit in american history. if i owe $700,000 and make $50,000 a year and pay down $25,000. this is not an accomplishment. this is what obama did. he ran deficits every year. judge jeanine: all right, guys. thank you. now, how did a former attorney general make my list of the week s most outrageous statements? that s ahead. more on the trump-cohen tape. alan dershowitz joins me and you don t want to miss him.
what we are investigating, how did that happen. what did happen. what was eliminated. and you have to raise that question with every one of these tapes. how many of them did he play around with? judge jeanine: developing tonight. that was president trump s attorney rudy giuliani on justice discussing the breaking news on the trump-cohen tape. joining me with the new book the case against impeaching trump. harvard law professor alan dershowitz. yesterday you wrote an interesting piece in the hill on how an obstruction case against president trump should raise a flag for any civil libertarian irrespective of which side of the aisle they are on. tell me why. they shall trying to they are trying to stitch together an obstruction case on public
tweets. people don t obstruct justice in public. if you are going to obstruct justice you are going to do it in private. the idea the special counsel is trying to put together, he knows he doesn t have the case. he s trying to put together a case based on tweets, public statements, presidential statements dwab presidential action. that s so dangerous to civil liberties. today it s being used against trump, tomorrow it will be used against democrats and tomorrow it will be used begins in the audience. any civil libertarian ought to be outraged that this special counsel is trying to cobble together a case against president trump based on his tweets. judge jeanine: would you agree when some of the judges were looking at the travel ban, they were looking outside the four corners of the ban itself. this is fundamental contract
law. everything is weren t four corn of a contract or based on ways relevant to the specific issue. would you agree with that? if you don t, tell me. i completely agree. the majority of the supreme court said what the president said about the travel ban is not as important as what s in the words of the travel ban. you can t have a travel ban that would be constitutional if president obama issued it but unconstitutional if president trump issued it. judge jeanine: i want to talk about rudy giuliani. he talks about the tape, there is a break in the tape. it gets muddled. the first thing i thought is what s going on with this. what are your thoughts on it? 10 years ago i represented the former president of ukraine who was charged with a serious
crime and it was based on a tape. we were able to get the tape and put it through forensic analysis and prove they switched words on the tape and made him say things he didn t say. i don t know that happened here. all i know is this tape must be subjected to forensic analysis. we must stretch the word to find out exactly what the president said, what the context was, and most of important why it ended at a particular point. was that a decision made by mr. co-on end it there? was it erased because he said things that were exculpatory. the tape does not contain any evidence of crimes. how do i know that? a former judge made a determination that this tape is covered by the lawyer-client privilege. and criminal discussions are not covered by the lawyer-client privilege. so we have a judicial
determination that this tape does not contain elements of a crime. judge jeanine: you are talking about barbara jones the master on this who would not have handed over the tape if it were not covered by attorney-client privilege. absolutely right. nobody made that point and it s very important. there is a judicial determination it s not criminal. it s not a crime to seek advice from your lawyer as to how to deal with a complicated situation. every lawyer has had conversations like this with clients. in the end the client listens to you. but nobody should have heard this tape. judge jeanine: i agree, that s why you are a harvard professor. because you are so smart. she lots of those out she loves those outrageous statements. candace owens standing by live
to look at the
church sermon that she was sent by god to stop him. take a listen to this. i was sent to [inaudible] turning point u.s.a. communications director candace owens joins me with that and much more. i keep hearing that the left is on god s side. isn t god on the right? i can t believe she said this. it s so bizarre. this is a woman who advocates for violence. she tells people to go up and accost trump supporters. i don t believe this is what god wants exactly. i don t recall that exact
scripture. i do read the bible to be honest with you. i must tell you, the claim that god is on their side and at the same time calling for at the very left, harassment of public figures is shocking. let s go to the next one. sound on tape. are you seriously considering throwing your hat in the ring for 2020? i m thinking about it and i ll make a determination sometime early next year. judge jeanine: that s former attorney general eric holder asking asked, you are seriously considering throwing your hat in the ring. this guy was held in contempt of congress for failure to hand over documents in the fast and furious scandal where our guns
were sent to the mexican cartel. he quite literally had blood on his hands. brian terry was the agent who was killed in this scandal. he was held in contempt of congress. the on sitting cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of congress. i can hear the channel lock him up all over again in 2020. he has a right to think about running, but he shouldn t think about winning. judge jeanine: holder never recused himself on any of this stuff. so when congress hold him in contempt there is no one to refer it to in the department of justice. the left is always smarter. they hang on to the power why the right. sessions this a closet somewhere. let s talk about chelsea handler.
is the man who vandalized trump s star on the hollywood walk of fame single? what say you, candace? this is not even that bizarre when it comes to chelsea handler. she advocates on behalf of ms-13, which is okay with molotov cocktails being thrown at the palestinian border. she has nothing to do at the end of the day but send wacky tweets. judge jeanine: finally as we go forward, closer to the 018 mid-terms, do you think this will get worse? what s going to get worse? everything? judge jeanine: the specific statements. it will keep getting worse. this is their strategy. i can t imagine it getting much
wackier. but with maxine waters it only seems to get much wackier and chelsea handler it only seems to get much wackier. judge jeanine: candace owens, thanks so much. welcome! hi there. so, what do you look for in a vehicle? sleek designs. performance. dependability is top on my list. well then, here s some vehicles that deliver on that. woah! wow. oh jeez! that s our truck! it s our truck! and they re our cars! that s my chevy! chevy s the only brand to earn j.d. power dependability awards across cars, trucks and suvs three years in a row. awesome. i m proud. it s like a dynasty. it s impressive.
is number one on the new york times bestseller list. number one on the washington post bestsellers list. i want to take a moment to think everyone was been so supportive, especially the folks who took the time to come to my book signings. take a look. i ve got pictures. here we are in the oval office with the president in washington in a book party there is there a huckabee sanders in washington, kelly in conway in dc and tom you know him from the show and jared kushner and donald trump junior in washington and wilbur ross, cabinet secretary in southampton. also, there is the mayor himself, mr. giuliani and former attorney general, also a federal judge and friends of mine from
montréal and alvin and stacy who came from montréal and there is pamela, also held a party for me and there is the united states senator lindsey graham. eric trump junior along with lera trump in new york city and there i am at a book signing in new jersey were so many people waited in line for. there is a crowd when i first came in and in smithtown, long island look at the stuff they cook for me and 300 people in smithtown. there is a guy i owe it all to, my sir lancelot who sat with me as i wrote and wrote and wrote, i owe it all to him. if you don t have your copy you can go to barnes & noble or any bookstore and don t forget to follow me on twitter.

Sound-on-tape , Former-trump , Accost-trump , Giuliani , Bottom , Quote , Team , Quote-somebody , Things , All , Recording , Phone

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Justice With Judge Jeanine 20180729 04:00:00

Former Westchester County, N.Y., D.A. Jeanine Pirro discusses the week s biggest legal stories.
determine. you are right. we may never be able to determine that. but we have determined the fact that he tampered with the tape in the sense he abruptly mid-conversation turned it off. a guy that goes into a reporter and hides his thing and says i m not taping it and it s taping for two hours. that s someone who didn t intend to deceive as lanny davis falsely said. judge jeanine: in order for the government to admit something into court they have to show a continuing custody and no changes or additions or deletions have been made. if they can t prove there are no addition or changes, and we don t know where it s been, could that be the reason it was leaked to cnn? isn t that interesting? atr last week at this time jay sekulow and i were being
throw us into a recession. the last thing we need. he would undermine the growth that we have had since the great recession. in the event donald wins i have no doubt in my mind the markets tank. his tax plan in combination with his refusal to reform entitlements and honestly address spending would balloon the deficit and the national debt. so even though donald trump is offered very few specific economic plans, what little he has said is enough to know he would be very bad for american workers and american families. judge jeanine: then was paul krugman, a nobel prize wing economist. he said the stock market will plummet and never recover from the election of donald trump.
so we are very probably looking at a global respecial no end in sight. some are so blienltd by their hatred of donald trump, they forget decades of training in their own field. as america surges forward with more jobs than people to fill them, with african-american and hispanic unemployment the lowest in history and millions coming off food stamps because they want to work. the left, they rant and protest and create chaos. thp. they throw people out of restaurants and off television shows. they even go to church and say god sent them to destroy donald trump. the left doesn t care about our economic success. all they want to do is make noise. but it s nothing more than background noise. white noise. the truth? no one is paying attention to them.
his numbers continue to increase and his popularity just keeps going up. after he met with putin and was accused of everything from collusion to treason, an offense punishable by death, his numbers continued to go up. when are they going to realize their yelling and screaming is nothing but a distraction, nobody cares. we care about food on the table, paying the rent, the mortgage, paying for kids clothing for school. but no, they want to talk about whores and porn stars or a lawyer they are squeezing so tight he ll confess to sinking the titanic. despite a media focused on a whack-a-mole russia collusion nonsense and the haters continue to hate, the president has thundered forward with his america first agenda. the 45th outsider president
often work without the support of his own party has produced a gdp that no one thought possible, 4.1%. and we are on track to hit the highest average growth rate in over 13 years. what have you got to say to that, barack, hillary and all you geniuses? we are flying folks. this is the america donald trump had in mind when he asked us, what do you have to lose. that s my open. tell me what you think on my facebook, twitter and instagram hashtag judge jeanine. if you loved mire open you will love my new book. it s a new york times number one best seller. get your copy if you haven t already. here with reaction to my opening
statement, hogan gidley. talk to me about the economy and my open. you are absolutely right, judge. remember when donald trump was elected as president of the united states, so many people said the economy wouldn t just tank, but it would never recover from what he would do to this economy. here we are with 3.5 million jobs created. regulations cut. we are open for business. this president mass gone on the global stage and said other countries have to pay their fair share in nato. in he said to our friends and allies, we are the piggy bank of the world and it stops today. i was in granite city, illinois when he gave that speech to the steel plant, u.s. steel. i watched the tears on the faces of grown men who told us they hadn t had a job in two years because barack obama told them
those times of jobs were gone and would never come back. 1% gdp growth was the new normal the experts said. this president proved people wrong yet again. americans are back to work. it s an incredible time and it s due to this president s economic policy. judge jeanine: people who want the work, people who pay their taxes and follow all the rules, they are the ones who deserve the effort of this government. and speak of that, i want to talk about the ash lition of i.c.e. it seems the democrats pulled back on it because they were doing polls and most of of the american people are not in support of the abolition of i.c.e. we have ocasio-cortez who beat joe crowley in new york for the primary, now kirsten gillibrand, they are saying we have to
abolish i.c.e. they are serious. it, incredible. anyone who wants to abolish i.c.e. either have no clue what i.c.e. does or they have decided to ignore the safety and security of their constituents. ms-13, the blood this city gang. they focus on smuggling, human trafficking, drugs. they are there to stop that. this president stands up for the hard working men and women who put their lives on the line every day and work for ice. democrats say we are going to stand with ms-13 whose motto is kill, rape and control. judge jeanine: the remains of american soldiers from the korean war are now coming back. how many administrations before donald trump tried to get read
mains of american soldiers. there have been several. but this president actually delivered. they said these things he promised would never come fruition and here we are on the precipice of getting repatriated remains of those people in the military. i talked to some sphoaks folks who served and their surviving loved ones. it was a sense of pride, peace and closure they never would have had except for this president it s amazing. judge jeanine: it is amazing, and it s all about closure for these families. dan bongino and chris hahn standing by on the panel. bust more on tonight s breaking news you heard from rudy giuliani right here. congressman ron desantis weighs in on the trim the
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giuliani telling us explosive details how they believe someone played with the trump-cohen recording. joining us, congressman ron desantis who joins me now. first time i heard that tape and then there was a break at the point where it seemed to be in the president s favor and then it was garbled. i said to myself that would never be admissible. then it s sent over to cnn. they have been trying to get forensic analysts to see if it has been tampered with but they can t get the originality tape to see fit has been. this whole thing is very strange. $of the questions some of the questions involving the tape.
lanny davis is a democrat, a big clintonista. i don t know how much credibility that evidence will have. judge jeanine: the damage is done. i didn t because of my background. but they leaked it. it s not even an issue if they can admit it at trial. if they want to impeach they will say you know about that tape when you and i both not wouldn t be admissible in court. i want to talk about my favorite guy, rod rosenstein who is basically running the department of justice after he convinced jeff sessions to go hide in the closet. you guys wanted to impeach him. and i understand there was a resolution to have the guy impeached based upon what facts? a number of things.
he should have recused himself from this. he wrote the memo saying comey should be fired. and he signed one of the fisa extensions for carter page. those are critical issues with some of the information we are trying to get. he stonewalled to congress. they redacted material facts from documents provided to congress. this has not been adequate cooperation with the congress. these are important issues the american people have the right to. congress has limited tools. the problem with the impeachment is there weren t enough republican votes for it. i would like to see is proceed with contempt of congress. the problem is congress is gone for the august recess. so that is not going to be a viable vehicle until sometime in september. and by the time even if it
did get off the ground, i think it may be too late. judge jeanine: paul ryan wouldn t get on board and as i understand it, he didn t want this impeachment to go through or contempt of congress. here is the bottom line. am i somewhat right about paul ryan and the leadership. you come on and all your friends come on and you are trying to do it. somebody is stopping you. who is stopping you? the leadership is opposed to my resolution. judge jeanine: paul ryan. say his name. the speaker was opposed to it. getting some of this stuff short of that. i think that can be done and i don t know why that hasn t happened. you have people like nunez pushing, but we have certain issues involving what surveillance happened before july 31, 2016.
what informants were used. what about the dossier. those are easily answered questions from the department. judge jeanine: plus he threatened congressional staff. candace owens is still on deck with this week s most of outrageous statement. these two guys can t get enough of each other. chris hahn and dan bongino keep coming back for
the quake triggered a landslide in the northern part of the island. a deadly night in new orleans. at least three people killed and seven injured in a shooting outside a restaurant. a nearby witness described hearing 13 to 16 shots in total just before 9:00 p.m. local time. the state police and atf are assisting the new orleans p.d. in their investigation. i m marianne rafferty. now back to justice with judge jeanine. now back to justice with judge jeanine. president trump: we accomplished an economic turnaround of historic proportions. we have turned it all around. once again we are the economic envy of the entire world.
judge jeanine: that s president trump talking about the incredible news about the economy friday. former aid to chuck schumer and radio host chris than. and dan bongino. how are you going to wiggle your way out of what the president said. 1.5 million fewer prime age americans were working when he came into office. i will give him some credit for the economy, maybe not as much as he s giving himself. he didn t inherit a mess. the economy has been on an upward economy for years. and some people were front loading their exports.
president obama had four quarters better than this. and he created more jobs in his presidency than president trump has created. obama had a 5.1% growth in the second square and over 4% growth in the third square. he lost seats in the mid-term. jean require many all about sustainability and obama couldn t do it. chris is a little confused. president trump did inherit a mess. this is a fact. i know chris sometimes has a tough time with these things. but barack obama is the only president in united states history to never in two terms reach 3% gdp growth annually. keep in mind, one-term presidents have done it. he s also at the bottom.
he s one of the top five worst economic presidents in american history. and by the way. i know chris is going to try to wiggle out of this one. barack obama harmed him a 1.9% growth rate in the final square and 1.6% the final year and trump turned it around right away. judge jeanine: did you call up and tell him he was wrong, dan? i didn t want to bother him. i thought he might be sleeping. here the deal. my numbers are dead on for the second and third quairlts of 2014. let s not count for 3% growth before it hatched. president trump did not achieve it last year and he may not achieve it this year. obama got 2.9%.
he gets 3.1, i ll say hooray. let s not count our chickens before they are hatched and not give all the credit to him. we have been on an upward trend for years. that s just not true. he handed him a mess by any measure. i will give you this. i don t give any president good or bad credit for the economy. i give to it american entrepreneur. i think the president can do things to get the government out of the way. and i think that s what donald trump has done through the tax cuts and cleaning up the regulatory mess barack obama left us. barack obama was a disaster by any metric. labor force participation, wage growth. and i am surprised you didn t bring up. the employment cost index, donald trump his first year,
bested barack obama s 8 years. there is a long way to go between here and the end. judge jeanine: i have an idea, rinse, here is the bottom line, i can t yell because i have a sore throat. my mother called me during the break and said jeanine, you have to have some water. if the unemployment is the lowest it s been ever for african-americans, for minorities, we have more jobs than people to fill them. you can talk gdp until the cows come home. that s what matters. a job and the ability to take care of your family. i want to talk about this tape. chris, do you want to answer? go ahead. there is a lot of good and
there is a lot of caution. the deficit and the debt are growing dramatically. that s the trade deficit. the budget definite, those are different things. i give up. don t tell me on a saturday night i have to shave for this and i have to let him get away with this. for 8 years we had to deal with barack obama and record deficits. now i get, chris, i m with you. debt and deficits stink. point stipulated. but please spare us the nonsense about debt and deficit after 8 years of barack obama. he reduced the budget deficit every year. chris always has a scam. he came into office with the
highest annual deficit in american history. if i owe $700,000 and make $50,000 a year and pay down $25,000. this is not an accomplishment. this is what obama did. he ran deficits every year. judge jeanine: all right, guys. thank you. now, how did a former attorney general make my list of the week s most outrageous statements? that s ahead. more on the trump-cohen tape. alan dershowitz joins me and you don t want to miss him. it s a pea-protein, gluten-free pâté.gman? (whistles) it s a burrito filled with plants pretending to be meat. here we see the artist making an attempt to bare his soul. it s just a gray dot. there are multiples on the table: one is cash,
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what we are investigating, how did that happen. what did happen. what was eliminated. and you have to raise that question with every one of these tapes. how many of them did he play around with? judge jeanine: developing tonight. that was president trump s attorney rudy giuliani on justice discussing the breaking news on the trump-cohen tape. joining me with the new book the case against impeaching trump. harvard law professor alan dershowitz. yesterday you wrote an interesting piece in the hill on how an obstruction case against president trump should raise a flag for any civil libertarian irrespective of which side of the aisle they are on. tell me why. they shall trying to they are trying to stitch together an
obstruction case on public tweets. people don t obstruct justice in public. if you are going to obstruct justice you are going to do it in private. the idea the special counsel is trying to put together, he knows he doesn t have the case. he s trying to put together a case based on tweets, public statements, presidential statements dwab presidential action. that s so dangerous to civil liberties. today it s being used against trump, tomorrow it will be used against democrats and tomorrow it will be used begins in the audience. any civil libertarian ought to be outraged that this special counsel is trying to cobble together a case against president trump based on his tweets. judge jeanine: would you agree when some of the judges were looking at the travel ban, they were looking outside the four corners of the ban itself. this is fundamental contract
law. everything is weren t four corn of a contract or based on ways relevant to the specific issue. would you agree with that? if you don t, tell me. i completely agree. the majority of the supreme court said what the president said about the travel ban is not as important as what s in the words of the travel ban. you can t have a travel ban that would be constitutional if president obama issued it but unconstitutional if president trump issued it. judge jeanine: i want to talk about rudy giuliani. he talks about the tape, there is a break in the tape. it gets muddled. the first thing i thought is what s going on with this. what are your thoughts on it? 10 years ago i represented the former president of ukraine who was charged with a serious
crime and it was based on a tape. we were able to get the tape and put it through forensic analysis and prove they switched words on the tape and made him say things he didn t say. i don t know that happened here. all i know is this tape must be subjected to forensic analysis. we must stretch the word to find out exactly what the president said, what the context was, and most of important why it ended at a particular point. was that a decision made by mr. co-on end it there? was it erased because he said things that were exculpatory. the tape does not contain any evidence of crimes. how do i know that? a former judge made a determination that this tape is covered by the lawyer-client privilege. and criminal discussions are not covered by the lawyer-client privilege. so we have a judicial
determination that this tape does not contain elements of a crime. judge jeanine: you are talking about barbara jones the master on this who would not have handed over the tape if it were not covered by attorney-client privilege. absolutely right. nobody made that point and it s very important. there is a judicial determination it s not criminal. it s not a crime to seek advice from your lawyer as to how to deal with a complicated situation. every lawyer has had conversations like this with clients. in the end the client listens to you. but nobody should have heard this tape. judge jeanine: i agree, that s why you are a harvard professor. because you are so smart. she lots of those out she loves those outrageous statements.
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church sermon that she was sent by god to stop him. take a listen to this. i was sent to [inaudible] turning point u.s.a. communications director candace owens joins me with that and much more. i keep hearing that the left is on god s side. isn t god on the right? i can t believe she said this. it s so bizarre. this is a woman who advocates for violence. she tells people to go up and accost trump supporters. i don t believe this is what god wants exactly. i don t recall that exact
scripture. i do read the bible to be honest with you. i must tell you, the claim that god is on their side and at the same time calling for at the very left, harassment of public figures is shocking. let s go to the next one. sound on tape. are you seriously considering throwing your hat in the ring for 2020? i m thinking about it and i ll make a determination sometime early next year. judge jeanine: that s former attorney general eric holder asking asked, you are seriously considering throwing your hat in the ring. this guy was held in contempt of congress for failure to hand over documents in the fast and furious scandal where our guns
were sent to the mexican cartel. he quite literally had blood on his hands. brian terry was the agent who was killed in this scandal. he was held in contempt of congress. the on sitting cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of congress. i can hear the channel lock him up all over again in 2020. he has a right to think about running, but he shouldn t think about winning. judge jeanine: holder never recused himself on any of this stuff. so when congress hold him in contempt there is no one to refer it to in the department of justice. the left is always smarter. they hang on to the power why the right. sessions this a closet somewhere. let s talk about chelsea handler.
is the man who vandalized trump s star on the hollywood walk of fame single? what say you, candace? this is not even that bizarre when it comes to chelsea handler. she advocates on behalf of ms-13, which is okay with molotov cocktails being thrown at the palestinian border. she has nothing to do at the end of the day but send wacky tweets. judge jeanine: finally as we go forward, closer to the 018 mid-terms, do you think this will get worse? what s going to get worse? everything? judge jeanine: the specific statements. it will keep getting worse. this is their strategy. i can t imagine it getting much
wackier. but with maxine waters it only seems to get much wackier and chelsea handler it only seems to get much wackier. judge jeanine: candace owens, paying too much for insurance you don t even understand?
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is number one on the new york times bestseller list. number one on the washington post bestsellers list. i want to take a moment to think everyone was been so supportive, especially the folks who took the time to come to my book signings. take a look. i ve got pictures. here we are in the oval office with the president in washington in a book party there is there a huckabee sanders in washington, kelly in conway in dc and tom you know him from the show and jared kushner and donald trump junior in washington and wilbur ross, cabinet secretary in southampton. also, there is the mayor himself, mr. giuliani and former attorney general, also a federal judge and friends of mine from
montréal and alvin and stacy who came from montréal and there is pamela, also held a party for me and there is the united states senator lindsey graham. eric trump junior along with lera trump in new york city and there i am at a book signing in new jersey were so many people waited in line for. there is a crowd when i first came in and in smithtown, long island look at the stuff they cook for me and 300 people in smithtown. there is a guy i owe it all to, my sir lancelot who sat with me as i wrote and wrote and wrote, i owe it all to him. if you don t have your copy you can go to barnes & noble or any bookstore and don t forget to follow me on twitter.

Sound-on-tape , Former-trump , Accost-trump , Giuliani , Bottom , Quote , Team , Quote-somebody , It , Fact , Tape , Sense

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Wind In My Hair - Back To A Distant Homeland 20180823 01:15:00

grave down on fun i m fast on scrap. the person dearest to my mother s heart was undoubtably her father a vulgar german who was deported to siberia during the second world war a truck driver who quickly fell in love with the wide open spaces of the steps. but not the only one to make the moment dan had there and sometimes he took me with him he asked me if i wanted to drive i said yes so he sat me down gave me the steering wheel and i drove the truck has been helpful you just have to drive straight ahead you don t need a life skill i m driving and driving and then i look over and see my dad has his eyes closed as if he s sleeping and now there s a car heading towards us i say daddy daddy wake up this is where i had my first
well that s. the wrong. way if. you actually giving out money for your. car do whatever you want back to your favorite how was the drive how well you alec is here. but look. i didn t realize i was driving them to you until i reached her time more and. i brought you a key from tashkent there go past don t be. one for the girl and those for the boys. that these are national ones we don t have them in kazakhstan you want.
to tell them auntie ada has bought seven or eight all for her grandchildren. so there s a chance that if they re. not . like. that. did you used to live here yes. greet our fellow country men thank you nice to see. the super. dome we should ask are we taking pictures of the house. if you can yes we ll walk around everywhere that. will. come in and be our guest. i m sure that was our whole we have you come from from germany. what
time she s from far time for. so long why you encounter did you live here once we used to live here that. was it. that that felt. that. you have a sufficient i was a bit worried that locals would be wary of us or that we wouldn t be so well received a feeling from the support of. the national park you know when you sufficient vecchi far as i know so many people left and then things got bad here things were falling apart in the soviet state many people was suffering badly i was worried we d be associated with that if a can if with all we re doing well and here they re doing badly in life if you know
all the good will for the good thing or even for all different because we re destroying one fly over of the deluded well you know lurker if you re going to the border to the whole of it that s all i remember i m just not prepared for your prose it was from the heart thank you dear boy that we want expected to be greeted so warmly even though we left the bush you must love the family well you re going to be you re. not going to leave it right you have no idea we missed the five thousand greeks five thousand germans and ten thousand russians that s twenty thousand people you understand even though i thought of it that what s this chill it with when you white and you miss it we miss it that s why we came. here you. know not what it was quite accurate. i think we are sure of who i mean because for the. thank you yes so.
sit down but the guy was one of the board members what he d said done stand up. but in the story of rina the three of us come the only cancer who sings in german. what. if you recover the cut out of my name is going to play out over. the years. the germans left in the hope of finding a new home in germany the home our ancestors left in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. they followed the call a desire is to move to the russian empire and they build german towns on the volga and in the caucasus they work hard and prospered during the communist era they were dispossessed and in the second world war they were deported to siberia.
and. as an orphan my grandfather my father s father earned his living there in a mine he started a family and moved to fertile kazakstan together with other german seeking to start over. there was a mine here to. look. to.
the story of a. deportation the new beginnings the stories of the mind those were the fairy tales of my childhood the moral of the story work hard work a lot and do no wrong. the germans lived in the russian empire for five generations they kept their culture and language alive even though they faced persecution and discrimination. then communism collapsed and half of the town left the fact that nobody was allowed to
take along any money for their new beginning in germany didn t stop anyone those who stayed experience because it stands economic collapse very directly. no water no light no security. the ninety s were a dark time for kara tao. the abandoned houses were mined for anything that could be either burned or put to use.
this dog started howling it wouldn t stop her from tori and toward the mirror of us the fire immediately had this plan and sensed that my father had passed since crystal up and. do you feel closer to your father here yeah yes i think says that versa. i feel really happy here as if my dad were wrong here i can t explain it. that s the point but when someone dies the spirit leaves. the soap of the them
into the mensch different gifty of the guy there must be something i don t know looks like. rice may feel like maybe he s looking down from heaven and seizes. sees me standing here with his granddaughter open for them. that would make him happy. then for fun. for the children i think that. our driver this insists on inviting us to his home the traditional meal served to guests is prepared over several days it includes fresh mutton. see.
where you go with them rather than a room alone or in a. group . i love that one is good right up. until the one in the. right.
place. my mother s family settled in well when they moved from siberia to current town thousands of germans. were already living here they had much in common german language the forbidden lutheran bible songs from the homeland there was no better place than car a town that s what my mother felt at the time. of the strasser wanton powerful incident for and we had friends and relatives on every street. is down about fifty five when i
was done with work i would visit someone i would visit a friend or my sister or another sister or another friend and a friend and this i was its force i walked every way it was lovely it was the norm the slum salute the north and. if they stick on me i feel like i m not really here i m just dreaming. it s on the last links. when she was twenty my mother started her own family. together with my father ryan hold a german from her neighborhood the soviets called it west berlin.
rather for you to settle for what it was a little sooner you start. getting closer to. him seriously just. you know. how they had lived up. to. us from and this was just the entrance that got the skyline and there was this little fence and different varieties and grapes grew that. the accent that open yeah for satan is often. the friends went around here and there was the pergola. and the grapes grow up here. everything was green.
because that s where we planted the potatoes and tomatoes over there you know for certain stimuli of the different vegetables such as peppers onions all kinds of things asked. about it after all. there were grapes here and a pergola happening around we sometimes had a cot where we could sleep a bit of us and some of the office and chaff and conference of so that. i remember we slept there in the summer you know had yes we slept a house. and eat grapes until we fell asleep. as the critic we you happy here yeah that s for sure it was nice. in the evening we always had these what are they called cricket is yes cricket it was very hot jur in the day and sometimes it was hot in the evenings hot air would come down from the mountains as if from an oven the constant and back and concise and off the
one hand but when you re young that doesn t bother you much but then again with us this feels. they have our scientists. so there was a table here we always sat here in the evenings eating and drinking talking and laughing to laugh not. to this horse in the world that have all these little house was then transformed into a summer house we cooked there in the summer not in the house because it was too hot. but i don t have a self and for avant that s why i sometimes burnt the food to the children where
they re having they re often oh now my mom come out alvin s my husband came home in the evening at six i was cooking i ran in and out and by the time i was back it was burnt what was i to do. and i ve also this mom lawsuit with mom. but there was time before my husband came home and i didn t want to put it anywhere you could see it so i dug a hole and started over it were for one more quick. i never want to leave the little bit don t just run around and then this dog brought my husband a piece of meat i had buried them at the. draft and sticks in the phone with. me. as a long time you can t hide anything from my husband not even now he always finds things out by chance. it s
hard to surprise my father so he has all the more fun surprising others at school he stuck in sex down my mother s blouse as a father he had little time for practical jokes we children came along quickly and both my parents worked hard to build a life for themselves. after he still put up this carriage in eighty nine we had already sent in our papers but we didn t take it very seriously we didn t think we d actually get to leave. the theater up to the ball we sent in our papers but continued on normal life it came as a surprise when we left that we were young we took it lightly. as we have not we imagined it would be lovely to go somewhere for us to speak german
and for our children to learn. to go to a german school and to be able to attend church freely for the kids. but there were lots of difficulties we didn t anticipate that. it was hard in the beginning we weren t the germans anymore that was a bit humiliating to. some us that should we take a photo give me own hand. yes
it s. good to go for. the smaller one of the human flu the homeless and just the levels of. stress. that. life in aziz his family reminds me of my childhood encounter
a tough playing outside around the house all day running around my parents while they were working just this is. the fifth of. a mug gives them a push. a . good look. in the. cup. oh. i can call up the ball go to. the water. yes the soviet union is history and even the people who state
have had to ask questions about their identity and damn about their faith their roots their traditions one tradition kazakhs have discovered a new for themselves is the game of cock pocket the riders chase each other for the carcass of a goat in order to carry it into their opponent s gold i don t. know . that. they re using the kids in brazil or the boys or you but the little girl i saw this new but i actually was a little little you ve come to kazakhstan blistering to that life so there s a regular gust foolish decision i lead you to visit do i do it because you tell me that is not
a call here. let s just say enough with you last night was more interesting not it. was a question i asked you to as you go. wasn t there was until year eight i was in class w. in years nine and ten i was in class. says what you ate in class w. yes or no i want to live on a rover i know i love the streets of yeah yeah yeah i mean you always together you force me to go out with a i don t remember that. i remember now you always run around together you leave us now mr you that s right i don t. want us to find any they recognize each other. all of them i was there too and you threaten me will you go out with her and i said no i cried how many years had we will come from school together wish
that starts in the middle east the last post office shares the next you ll say you hugged and you just forgot i. think. they re all just lonely nights. i did have i think we have a photo of her somewhere that. i did also loves to go back nearly. to. marry me i look so much like you. explore the. world with me. look for the first year you the you.
see. you. just say at the chasseur so i have a live look up my origin. a little to. the world of the love genuine love. the initial assumption. not as a box office does anyone prefer it without herds i scatter them over everything childs so going to show the example you still feel like any germany they eat even more herds than we re used to. thank goodness and joy.
minions of the sri sixty percent of the children in my class were german with a sort of device actually a loss used to have forty two children i was always lucky with good students d.g. if only in your will or she said but said the question and answer. like. god i have was mysteriously appeared in organist when i put my first class together the germans came you came with your mother nina please take my daughter marina into your class and i said fine you know what that if a child marina wrote with her left hand. i don t share that s why i came to ask that she would continue writing with her left hand it had the all nod at that and.
i remember this conversation with my teacher well my gentle mother she achieved things in her own way. the air. another memory i have is of cafe crystal where we often ate ice cream it was a special place so i dressed up in priest s girt and put a white ribbons in my hair. we children took roaming around the streets for granted my many cousins and i grew up like siblings nobody had to play along. i associate that freedom and feeling of security with care attached with the sand the tickles in your nose and the wind
that s playing with your hair it s still the same place today. was. coming. to.
we were like good luck. i wonder if you ve been there for save other lives that s not what i want you very very holy you did was expand greece germany we love germany hello there may be a little bit of the warm. xander
to lift the spirits of the force and i can see that it s not so nice he announced but i m still fund of everything here. so if none of it s absurd to me it s close to my home. runs of the stock catacomb on this even though i wasn t born here i was born in siberia the town of kalak how feels like home for here just mannheim. i say that from my heart and from what i. didn t know that before this trip. money not really known not atolls and this man. with. syria says for
your what else go yo name more warsaw. store. who. need. show us all you feel. so show us to. love simba. sing it to the end and then they d be asleep so that s how it was.
speaks face to face. made in germany thirty minutes on w. . under soft eaves in my hands. where i come from roggio remains an import fountain soft transmitting to new homes and information and when i was young my country was in drawing huge confidence the war trabant people most people would gods of our own receivers. it was my job to to in one of the not just project sites so that everyone in the town. who listened to those updates. letting cars in from incident i d known codea in jordan
i m still more of them along even if it s not by us i was it s worth of. my choice the scottish because given their way toward transmitting the troops. my name is national mitch and i will. get up here. u.s. president trump a struck back at allegations made by his former lawyer that he personally directed hush money payments during the twenty sixteen election the lawyer michael cohen told federal prosecutors that trump knew campaign funds were used to keep two women from going public with damaging stories trump claimed that because they came from his personal bank account the payments were not even

Mother , Heart , German , Grave , Fun , Person , Undoubtably , Second-world-war , Scrap , Steps , Love , Truck-driver

Transcripts For CNN The Source With Kaitlan Collins 20240608-360

Him under control and keep them on the right track? yeah. i understand. awesome. well point. but because the attorney is todd blanche and we actually had him on the show after the verdict came down last thursday, and i asked him what kind of sentence does he expect alvin? bragg to seek here i want you to listen to what todd blanche told me district attorney bragg tonight. did not directly say whether or not they are going to seek jail time for donald trump. do you expect that he will? i have no idea. look, there s a system in place that were you rely on precedent and somebody like president trump should never never face a jail sentence based on this conduct. and it would just kind of confirm what we ve been saying all along on a lot of people say that we re wrong and that we re we re missing we re missing key pieces. but if, if, if other 77-year-old, first-time offenders would never be sent to prison for this conduct.

Isn-t-a-talk-show , Todd-blanche , Sentence , Kind , Verdict , Control , Well-point , Donald-trump , Idea , District-attorney-bragg-tonight , Alvin , Alvin-bragg