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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Click 20240611

all of a sudden, it clicked in my head. wow, the international space station is a submarine in space. ..moon bots and moon dust. the surface is fine and powdery. i can pick it up loosely with my toe. you know, i think i ve seen that chap somewhere before. jfk: we choose to go - to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. i neil armstrong: it s one small step for man. - giant leap for mankind. 52 years ago, we laid our last footprint on the moon. as the crew of apollo 17 left the surface, they didn t know that gene cernan would be the last person to walk on another world for quite a while. we re on our way, houston. but now, in this decade, finally. ..we re going back. mission control: and lift off of artemis 1. nasa s artemis programme will, in the next year or two, return us to our neighbour. part of its mission to land the first woman and the first person of colour on the moon. another part to use what we learn here to send the first astronauts to mars. this is where it all began florida s kennedy space center named after the president who made the original pledge to go to the moon. and now, this place is at the centre of even grander plans, because this time, we re notjust visiting the moon we want to stay. this is gateway, humanity s first space station that will orbit another world. it will go round the moon every seven days. and, like the international space station above earth, astronauts will call this place home . although, where the iss can accommodate up to 12 astronauts and is comparable to a five or six bedroom house, gateway will be.more cosy. gateway is a studio apartment. it s. we re going to have room for our four astronauts, multiple docking ports, so we can bring our orion crew transportation ship, we can bring logistics, and we can dock a lander. these four explorers won t all be cooped up on board for the whole time, though. two will actually be spending a week or two on location, down on the lunar surface. it s a chance to further study the landscape and hopefully find a location for our next giant leap a permanent moon base. gateway will be there before we put a habitat on the surface. gateway allows us to access any point on the lunar surface. when we went with apollo, we had to pick that spot on the moon and go to it. gateway will give us the opportunity to go down at different locations. the first section of gateway could be launched as early as 2025, with new modules then being added from 2027. a lunar base is admittedly further out and it comes with risk, but also reward. so, how do we make that a reality? to find out, it s time for me to take one small step of my own. oh, wow. i can instantly see the dust kind of kicking up. yeah. it s really fine, isn t it? it leaves the footprints like you d expect. oh, my gosh. that s brilliant. and this is how moon dust behaves, itjust puffs up like that? it does, yeah. it s so fine. welcome to swamp works. ..the dusty, dirty lab where they work with simulated moon dust. now, the loose soil that covers the lunar surface is called regolith. it s extremely fine, very sharp on a microscopic scale, and it gets everywhere. so when we landed with apollo 11, we didn t know what the surface of the moon exactly was going to be like. you ll notice from some of the footage, the landing pads are quite huge on the landing legs and the ladder s far away from the surface. there was a lot of concern of, how much will this lander sink into the surface? how fluffy is this regolith? the surface is fine and powdery. i can.| can pick it up loosely with my toe. in fact, it s because the eagle lander didn t sink in as much as expected that neil armstrong had to take such a giant leap from the bottom rung of the ladder. today, swamp works is developing robots that can cope with and take advantage of lunar soil. and it will be very useful. see, moon dust is made of materials like silicon dioxide and calcium oxide, which all contain a lot of oxygen. if we could mine the regolith and use chemical processes to extract the oxygen, we could make our own breathable air and our own rocket fuel. the way space flight exploration has been working right now is imagine you re going on a holiday with your family, you re going on a long road trip, thousands of miles, right? right now, we are bringing a trailer behind us with all the gas, you know, that we need with us, all the fuel, everything that we need comes with us. so we want to change that paradigm. we want to. and one of the biggest things that makes the biggest impact is the fuel, right? if we can source some of that from the moon and eventually from mars, that will allow us to bring more and to go more often. making our own fuel makes regular trips to and from the gateway space station much more viable. now, mining moon dust is called isru. and, because they love an acronym round these parts, the robot to do this will be called the isru pilot excavator, ipex. we had to really reinvent how you do excavation for doing mining on the moon, and eventually mars. the challenge is the technology we have for mining here on earth relies on a lot of mass and a lot of weight, right? the more steel you put on an excavator, the heavier it becomes and the better it digs. we can t launch something as heavy as we want on a rocket. it s still very expensive, right? so we have to reduce the mass of what we put on rockets. and then when you land it on the moon, so the way the robot scoops up the dust is using this thing called a bucket drum. and it s got a kind of spiral in there. and if it turns it one way, it scoops the soil, which gradually works its way towards the middle and stays there. like that. and then when it wants to unload. turns it the other way and it all comes out again. we put them on opposite ends of the robot and when it excavates, it s using both sets of drums at the same time, but they re digging in opposite directions. so one is pulling it that way and one is pulling it that way. right. ..and pulling itself down to the surface. yeah. one of the main dangers faced by extraterrestrial rovers is getting stuck. so, as an added bonus, ipex s scoops and arms can also help it to get out of a hole orflip it over if it takes a tumble. one of its other defences will keep its cameras free from all that electrostatic dust, which will cling to every part of it. its lenses will be fitted with an electrodynamic dust shield. simply apply electricity and the charged dust particles are repelled, keeping its vision clear. but after a while of going to and fro, we might want to stay a little longer on the surface. robots like this one will prepare the ground for permanent buildings by smoothing and compacting the foundations. do you have a name for this arm? um. we call it. we call it meercat, actually. you ve always got cool names for these things! yeah. why? it s called the multipurpose end effector for regolith acquisition. meercat. .. ..transportation and. yeah, yeah, that s it. you see, what worries me is there are some brilliant inventions you guys haven t bothered with because you couldn t think of a cool acronym. a cool name. that is like one of the. it s very important to have a good name for your projects because it, like, represents the soul of the project, right? now, just like the fuel situation, we can t take building materials with us to the moon either we have to make our structures from moon dust. these bricks and blocks and bars have all been made by mixing and melting regolith with plastic. in the future, giant sd printers will build shelters to protect those living on a world with no atmosphere from radiation, asteroid and micrometeoroid impacts, moonquakes and temperatures ranging from +100 to 200 degrees celsius. even replacement parts can be made from regolith. so this is a wheel that has been printed with regolith and polymer. ok. this is another example of what we can do if we capture the resources from the moon. now, do you know, i ve seen and held wheels for rovers before, full size wheels, and they re really light. right. but this is really heavy. yes, this is the opposite. and heavy wheels are a good thing, i guess. it s better, right? especially for a digger like that. like the more weight that we have on the excavator, the better it s going to perform. would you believe you can even make rope out of regolith? this is made from basalt glass really, really thin fibres, a bit like optic fibre. so you could even make rope out of moon dust. these are hopeful times for space exploration, but it s always been a risky endeavour. im 1 odysseus lunar lander separation confirmed. this year, we ve seen three probes sent to the moon. two made it, and both of those had, shall we say, awkward landings. and the artemis mission to put boots back on the lunar ground has been pushed back to 2026 at the earliest. but nasa says space explorers need to take these setbacks in their stride. i don t see it as a disappointment. it s very cliche to say space is hard, but what we re endeavouring to do is highly complex. we expect challenges along the way so this doesn t surprise us and we re pushing forward. it sounds really expensive to do space exploration. is it, and is it worth it? so, yes, it s really expensive. it was really expensive for us to explore this planet, really expensive to lay rail infrastructure, to lay highway infrastructure, to put the infrastructure in place that allows us to travel in air traffic around this globe. it s absolutely necessary for us to lay that critical infrastructure for going to space, because what we learn in that endeavour is tremendous. the exponential growth that we ve seen in the world in technology is because of great endeavours like this. it s absolutely worth it. here in the united states, every year the general population is spending as much money on potato chips as our budget is every year to go out to the moon. that s a good figure. the motivation may be different to that of the space race of the 1960s, but the size of the ambition is just as great today as we shoot for the moon once again. i m alistair keane with this week s tech news. google has confirmed it s started restricting election related questions on its ai chatbot gemini. if a user asks the chatbot about a political party or candidate, it would tell them to try google search instead. they started rolling out the measure in india. the plan is to expand to other countries where big elections are taking place. the european parliament has approved the world s first framework for regulating the risks of artificial intelligence. the ai act works by classifying products according to risk and adjusting scrutiny accordingly. the law s creators say it will make the tech more human centric. however, the act still has to pass several more steps before it formally becomes law. a surgical team at cromwell hospital in london have come the first in europe to use applevision pro to perform two microsurgery spine procedures. with xx software, the apple headset allowed some in the team to have touch free access when assessing up the surgery and offered them visualisations that were previously unavailable. and fancy wearing sunglasses that can quickly swipe to become reading glasses? well, deep optics have you covered with their newly created 32n glasses. users can transition between the two settings thanks to liquid crystal lenses. they contain pixels and tiny electronic controls. i never dreamed that i could become an astronaut. i m talking to kayla barron. time resident of the international space station and now part of the artemis crew, the team who are preparing to go back to the moon. first time i looked out the window of our capsule. ..16 sunrises and sunsets each day over our beautiful planet, really fundamentally feeling this interconnectedness. everything each one of us does has an impact on the people, notjust immediately around us, but on the entire planet. that inspired me to be really deliberate about, what contribution am i going to make to leave a better, healthier, more connected, more cooperative planet? what inspired you to become an astronaut? i did decide from a pretty early age that i wanted to serve in the military, and ultimately found my way to the naval academy and to the navy and to the submarine force in particular. and i met an astronaut at a navy football game, and hearing her story just reminded me so much of my experience on the submarine. and all of a sudden it clicked in my head, wow, the international space station is a submarine in space. and i told her that and she said, it totally is. it s exactly the same. you have these really complex machines out in these extreme environments that are designed to keep human beings alive in a place we re not meant to be, really, which is deep under the surface of the ocean or in the vacuum of space, and notjust keep us alive, but also allow us to accomplish a mission, do something as a team that s of value to others. what do you think it might be like to live on the moon and then mars? well, the moon is beautiful from the space station, first of all. when the sun is reflecting off this sphere, it s know, a crescent moon, a sliver in the sky. it felt like you could just reach out and grab it, and i think made me realise how incredible it is going to be to send human beings back. and there s incredible scientific questions we re going to be able to answer. we re planning to return to the moon, but this time, to the lunar south pole. so we ll be exploring a different area than we visited during the apollo era. answer some really fundamental questions not only about the moon s formation and its geology, but about our entire solar system. you are part of the artemis team. the artemis 3 crew is the one, i suppose, that everyone wants to be on, cos i think that s the one where the people are going to stand on the moon. are you in with a chance of being on artemis 3? of course. everyone in our office dreams of the opportunity to be part of those crews. you wait and hope. but the really cool thing is even if you re not in that seat on the flight, you get to support them and be a part of the team that makes that happen. the artemis 3 mission, they will put the first woman and the first person of colour on the moon. i m guessing that those two people will become as famous as neil armstrong. put yourself in her shoes, even if it s not you. what would that represent for you? for humankind? you know, i think that moment will really represent how far we ve come. you know, we did amazing things in the apollo era, but not everyone had the access to those opportunities. there have been women in the nasa astronaut office for a really long time doing really incredible things. so we ll be standing on those women s shoulders. the first woman to command a space shuttle, the first to do a spacewalk, the first to command the space station. and when we look around at the diversity of our office, it s really incredible, like, who we have around us. it will be this incredible, historic, iconic moment that i think young women and girls around the planet will look to as an example of the fact that you can do anything if you work hard and are supported by the systems, the communities around you to have an opportunity to achieve those goals. you might have seen space food before. but what about space plants? if nasa wants its astronauts to stay out in space for longer, they ll need to be able to replenish their own food supply. this is nothing new. astronauts have been growing crops in space for the past a0 years. but there s still an awful lot that scientists are trying to learn about space farming. we have things like radiation that we have to deal with. we also have issues with microgravity. plants have learned how to detect gravity with their roots and gravity sensing organelles in the plants, and so they know how to use these cues. and without these cues, they have to re adapt to this environment. so, without gravity, the next cue that they use is light. so, how to go up and down, how to orient themselves is based on light now, cos they don t have gravity. water behaves very differently in microgravity. it has a high surface tension, so it likes to cling. and when the water clings to the roots, it prevents the roots from breathing. and so the plants can experience things like drought stress. they mayjust look green to you and me, but plants appear very different when viewed in the infrared and ultraviolet parts of the spectrum. and the scientists here are learning how their appearance changes under different types of stress. here in the plant processing area, we re giving the plants a stressor. so, in this case, we re reducing its watering. because on the station, we know it s difficult to water. and so we can identify through our imaging project, using infrared and visible light, as well as fluorescence, that stress. we take all this data and to make that association we use machine learning. then we can associate the wavelengths that are most indicative of that stress and include them in a camera that would monitor the plants on station. this is where the plants live when they get up there the veggie unit. this is how they grow stuff on the international space station? yep. it s a simple led system, as well as a bellows, so it s open to the crew environment. we have two of these and six plants each. so you can imagine we re not making a huge feast, but it s enough for a nice serving of lettuce. lovely salad. yeah. how excited are the astronauts that they can now have salad and not just space food? they re very grateful. they can have salad, we ve grown peppers as well, and they can even have flowers cos we ve grown zinnia on space. now, there is a knack to getting these seeds to sprout in space. the way you grow plants on the international space station is using this, which is a plant pillow. so, this is the wick that sucks the moisture up. you plug your water source into here and you fill the bottom with soil, and then you get your tiny seeds, which stay in these polymer wrappers so they don t zip off and you lose them around the iss. and you pop it in here, and 28 days later. ..get yourself a lettuce. aside from the obvious benefits of creating a renewable food source, there are all sorts of other advantages to growing plants in space. gardening is very therapeutic. it s something that the astronauts would say, hey, you know, let me take care of something green. it makes them happy. plants produce oxygen and they recycle waste, they recycle water. all this fundamental stuff together will make them a very important organism to take with us. when we re living on the moon and when we re living on mars, what type of plants will we be eating? we would like to have things like nuts and citrus, but, again, there s still so much we don t know about how those plants adapt to the environment. the current goal is to use hydroponic systems, which rely on water based nutrient solutions instead of soil, which is heavy and expensive to transport. but in 2022, scientists showed that plants can grow in lunar soil, regolith. which kind of brings us full circle in a way, doesn t it? if we want to live on new worlds, we need to use the resources that they provide us instead of taking more from our home planet. this has been a fascinating trip to nasa, a place which will one day help us put builders, miners, and even farmers on the moon. hello, there. for most of us, it has been a disappointing start to the week, in terms of the weather. a frequent rash of showers, particularly across scotland, gusts of winds coming from the north, and in excess of 30 mph, at times. temperatures struggled to get into double figures, but it was a slightly different story, further south and west. just look at anglesey beautiful afternoon, lots of sunshine and temperatures peaked at around 18 or 19 degrees. high pressure is continuing to nudge its way in from the west, so west will be best, through the course of tuesday. there s still likely to be a few showers around, but hopefully few and further between. most frequent showers, certainly, are going to be across eastern scotland and down through eastern england. so, sunny spells and scattered showers going into the afternoon. that will have an impact with the temperature, 1a or 15 degrees, but again, with a little more shelter, a little more sunshine, 17 or 18 celsius not out of the question. a few scattered showers moving their way through northern ireland and scotland. hopefully, some of these will ease through the afternoon, but you can see those temperatures still really struggling ten to 15 degrees at the very best. now, as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, this little ridge of high pressure will continue to kill off the showers. so, wednesday is likely to be the driest day of the week and make the most of it there s more rain to come, but it will be a pretty chilly start, once again, to wednesday morning. single figures right across the country, low single figures in rural spots. but, hopefully, the showers should be a little bit few and further between and more favoured spots for those showers, once again, to the east of the pennines. more sunshine out to the west. temperatures, generally, similar values to what we ve seen all week, 10 to 18 degrees the high, but the wind direction will start to change, as we move into thursday. unfortunately, towards the end of the week, this low pressure will take over. we ll see further spells of rain at times, some of it heavy. but the wind direction will play its part, a little a south westerly wind means that we will see temperatures climbing a degree or so. don t expect anything too significant, because we ve got the cloud and the rain around. but it s not out of the question that across eastern and southeast england, we could see highs of 20 celsius. take care. live from washington, this is bbc news. the un security council backs a gaza ceasefire proposal as us secretary of state antony blinken makes a diplomatic push in the middle east. jury deliberations begin in the gun trial of the us president s son, hunter biden. how do you feel today went? i think it went well. we ll see. weil think it went well. we ll see. we ll wait for the jury to come back we ll wait for the jury to come back. thank you. the far right advances in the european union s elections, prompting fresh questions about europe s future. i m sumi somaskanda. the us is making a major push to pause fighting in gaza, with diplomatic efforts taking place both in the region and at the united nations. the un security council endorsed a ceasefire proposal for gaza on monday. it is the first time the council has passed a resolution demanding a stop in fighting after eight months of war. the resolution urges both hamas and israel to fully and quickly implement the three phase plan. 1a countries voted in favour and russia abstained. reactions to the resolution between the two parties have been mixed. hamas says it welcomes the endorsement and that it s ready to work with mediators. a senior israeli diplomat said her country would continue to pursue its ambassador to the un linda thomas greenfield says the resolution shows hamas that the international community is united. colleagues, today this council sent a clear message to hamas. accept the ceasefire deal on the table. israeli has already agreed to this deal and the fighting could stop today if hamas would do the same. i repeat, the fighting could stop today.

Space , Moon-dust , Head , Submarine , All-of-a-sudden , International-space-station , Moon-bots , Person , Facial-expression , T-shirt , Uniform , Smile

Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240610

on this new hour of diamond, a key member of israel s core cabinet has resigned. what does this departure mean for netanyahu s war on gaza? also, tonight, extremism on the rise, hate group surge across america and why are migrant family still being separated at the u.s. border and being left in limbo. here with is live, let s do it. we began with an important seismic shakeup in the israeli government. benny gantz, one of the three core members of israel s war cabinet and vitamin netanyahu s top clinical rival has resigned. in a press conference today, he said, quote, netanyahu prevents us from moving forward to real victory and accused his far right coalition of prioritizing political considerations over war strategy. last month, gantz gave netanyahu an ultimatum, present a plan for the day after the war in gaza, by june 8th, or else. it was one of the most visible signs of division within the emergency wartime government, a team of political rivals who had until recently projected unity. but netanyahu has not produced a plan for gaza s future beyond rejecting a two state solution and insisting on israel s long- term security oversight over gaza and the west bank. so gantz followed through on his threat to step down, delayed by one day due to the brutal israeli attack to rescue hostages in gaza. today, netanyahu, for a second time, publicly urged gantz to stay, posting on x, quote, israel is in an x essential war on several fronts. benny, this is not the time to abandon a campaign. this is a time to join forces. with gantz s resignation, it will not merely think netanyahu s government but it does mean that he now needs the far right members of his coalition more than ever to stay in power. already, the national security minister highly controversial figure, ben-gvir, one of israel s most radical nationalists and is now demanding a seat in the war cabinet. he is saying he was the power of his party to be given expression and not as it has been until now. gantz was asked today whether his resignation leaves the israeli government without any adults in the room. here is what he said. i was very privileged together with my friends to bring to the cabinet room all the experience we have. i know that the other people, mainly off-balance and they know it should be done hopefully they will stick to what should be done, and it will be okay. this is the biggest shakeup to israel s leadership since october 7, and comes at a critical moment in the war. a comp room hostage deal is on the table right now. the world is waiting for a response from hamas, but it is not clear if israel will also accept the terms outlined by president biden. netanyahu says there are gaps between the proposal biden described and the one he approved, and even ministers like ben-gvir have rejected it. netanyahu will make his case for what he describes as israel s just war when he comes to speak before the u.s. congress. we must ask, will gantz s departure result in real fundamental change for the war in gaza? the problem does not lie singularly with netanyahu but with israel s ideological and institutional approach to the palestinian issue, largely speaking. the policies preventing, for example, palestinian statehood and liberation are deeply entrenched in israeli society and the resignation from one so- called moderate cabinet minister will not necessarily change that. joining me now to discuss this ambassador alan pincus, the formal israeli consul general in new york and chief of staff are four is really foreign ministers and eastern africa studies on the council of foreign relations. he is also the offer of the book, the end of ambition, america s past, present, and future in the middle east. gentlemen, it is great to have both of you with us. ambassador, i will start with you and get your take on this is recognition. does any gantz is recognition change anything about how israel conducts this war in gaza or these talks for a cease- fire and hostage deal? high, good evening. it looks like a drama. it looks like a political earthquake. it is not but it does have the potential to evolve and do something very dramatic if mr. gantz resignation. which is according to most of his critics was related by at least five or six days months. to a large extent, any guest in decision-making and the cabinet was marginal. his ability to affect change in both the prosecution of the war and in developing and crafting a strategy for postwar in gaza was marginal. he essentially became an enabler. i think if you read stephen cook s article on foreign- policy yesterday, even the americans got him wrong in terms of thinking he is some centrist, even left of center. in terms of policy, he is a decent man. there is no malice there. he meant well when he joined the government. it was a time of emergency. effectively, he enabled netanyahu. he is complacent and he is an accomplice to every mistake, every strategic fluid assumption that this government made. now, in terms of how this will affect the war, it doesn t change the fundamental element, the fundamental parameters of what needs to be done. israel still faces a binary choice, except the plan or not except the plan. it sounds bizarre, i m in, netanyahu rejects israel s plan. it is like, you know. 1994. george orwell except that it is netanyahu s 2024. so in that respect, nothing changes as a result of his departure. stephen, there is an interesting element in his press conference, i should say, a fact that came out and that is he is honestly calling for new elections in israel this fall but that was somewhat echoed by chuck schumer here a couple of weeks ago. senate leader chuck schumer, the highest making jewish official american history demanding that netanyahu step aside and calling for early elections, as well. first of all, do you see that happening? what are the chances that the next reiteration of the israeli government does not move further to the right, if you do bring in somebody like ben-gvir or give more power to the more right of netanyahu elements in the government and society. there is pressure coming from the outside for a new elections, and certainly from within, from benny gantz. the other major figure in the opposition. but netanyahu, even with gantz s decision to leave the government has a solid majority in the knesset so he can stick it out as long as he has the support of his partners, the radical right. think of a. this government is likely to move further to the right, as a result. however, it is true, any gantz has played essentially a marginal role. now that you have ben-gvir demanding on a greater say in the war effort, that is likely to move things to the right in ways that are not good for the palestinians, obviously, and the israelis, as well. gantz poss resignation is actually quite puzzling to me and ways. if he is concerned with national security and israel, if he is concerned about the war effort, it strikes me that he would want to remain in the war cabinet and insert himself rather than take himself out and let the country continue its march to the right. and who knows what will happen. ben-gvir and most of us want to resettle the gaza strip. that is an ultimate disaster so it may be that gantz thought he could save himself but fight for another day and improve his political chances. but it leads to a suboptimal outcome for everybody else. what does that mean, stephen, for the united states in the situation? you got the secretary of state, antony blinken now heading to the region for the eighth time since october 7th. they are on the cusp of waking up to an israeli government that is more extreme and, as you just said, potentially calling for the resettling, the full reoccupation of gaza and the displacement, perhaps, of the palestinians. if you do bring in people, or not bring in, but to give people like into mark ben-gvir more power over the conduct of this war and gaza policy. i was perhaps the least optimistic person in washington when it came to a cease-fire anyways. and i am even less optimistic about this. there is no basis for agreement at this point. unfortunately, it seems, after all this terrible bloodshed, that the conflict is not yet ripe for a resolution and secretary of state tony blinken is going to find the same problems that he found on his previous trips. ambassador, your thoughts on what america should do now? as you probably heard my previous hours, spoke to former u.s. army major who resigned saying that america actually does have a lot of leverage over israel. perhaps more so than any other country in the region. he needs to step up and exerted to change course. as a diplomat, former diplomat, i should say. what you think america should do now as it sees this israeli government, and even just consistently moved to the right and to the extreme right with no fundamental change in policy, vis-@-vis the palestinians? in president biden s credit, to president biden s credit. he warned mr. netanyahu, the government was informed that this is an extremist government and then when mr. netanyahu instigated a constitutional coup in january of 23, it was followed by biden not refraining from inviting him to washington, to the white house for nine full months, and then the war rocha, et cetera, et cetera. so yes, the u.s. has all kinds of levers that it can use. it chose, until now, not to use them. and i heard your interview with major, and you made actually, you presented, submitted two premises, and you are right on both. both has letters and chooses not to use them, and, to a large extent, most of its lovers, because mr. netanyahu has been entranced and defiant and is actually seeking confrontation with biden. his plan right now is to try and stall and waste time and wait until america is sucked into its election cycle, full force. around september. and then he hopes that mr. trump will be elected. there is no question and there is no doubt about that. what the u.s. needs to do now is one of two things. it needs to do its basic calculus of how much our american interests being sergeant here. and that pertains to a possible escalation in lebanon and direct feed, rather than what the palestinians or pull out, meaning, you know, say to mr. netanyahu, do what ever the hell you want, but leave us out. which is obviously not a reasonable or realistic option. but what they can do. i know we don t have time. the u.s. can do and has not done until now is for president biden, not anyone else, not secretary of state link in, not national security advisor sullivan. for biden himself, for the president himself to stand out, stand up, and make a speech differentiating, drawing a distinction, a clear distinction between israel and mr. netanyahu and calling mr. netanyahu s bluff, if he believes that is going to be a blow. i don t know. will have to wait and see if the president is watching this, maybe he will heed your advice. ambassador, i noticed very late in israel. thank you so much for staying up for us. i really appreciate it. we appreciate it. we greatly appreciated. stephen cook, great to see you, as well. my friend, congratulations on the book next up, why a man dressed up as an exterminator started a hateful conspiracy theory that is spreading like wildfire ahead of november s election, then later on, caitlin clark left off with team usa. was she snubbed? a treatment ca. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 17 types of cancer, including certain early-stage and advanced cancers. one of those cancers is early-stage non-small cell lung cancer. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies before surgery when you have early-stage lung cancer, which can be removed by surgery, and then continued alone after surgery to help prevent your lung cancer from coming back. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you ve had or plan to have an organ, tissue, or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation or have a nervous system problem. keytruda is an immunotherapy and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it s tru. keytruda from merck. see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. i use febreze fabric refresher everyday. to make my home smell amazing. on my bed. my couch. my jacket or jeans in between washes. even shoes. febreze doesn t cover up odors with scent, but fights them. and freshens! over one thousand uses. febreze fabric refresher. [tense music] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? .and for fast topical pain relief,try alevex. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. her uncle s unhappy. becau i m sensing ans pain at theunderlying issue.mation. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. back in march, a man posing as a test exterminator arrived at a hotel in san diego that serves as a shelter for migrant families in an attempt to gain access. he was turned away. according to new york times report, just three days later, menacing calls began pouring into staff at the catholic charity s, the organization running the shelter. one voicemail left for the chief executive called him, quote, scum and not really christian. another woman in a message to a different staff member accused the nonprofit of flying emigrants all over the country, profiting from illegal operation. the false, baseless claim can be traced back to james o keefe, the guy disguised as the fake exterminator. he is the far right founder of project veritas, an extremist group that carries out these undercover operations to undermine and target progressive voters. turns out the keypad made posts on x thing the shelter was illegally holding and trafficking emigrants. in san diego, what began as online threats turned into threats in real life, when o keefe supporters started showing up at other catholic charities and sites. private armed guards were posted outside facilities across the city after people apparently prompted by o keefe s posts, came searching for, quote, smuggled children. volunteers were sent home, employees continue to work were told to keep a low profile or catholic charities founder, said, quote, we had never seen this level of harassment. this is just one story that disinformation campaign and conspiracy theories targeting catholic charities is part of a much larger story about the far right intensifying hostility and targeted threats across this country. it is one of the findings in a new report by the southern poverty law center, which found 835 active antigovernment groups and 595 active hate groups across the united states last year, together totaling 1430. in between 2022 and 2023, the number of white nationalist groups grew by more than 50% from 109 to a historic high of 165. and it is no coincidence that we are seeing all this happen right now. quote, extremists and those opposing inclusive democracy have used the past year to legitimize insurrection, paint hate as virtuous and transform false conspiracy theories into truth. all in preparation for one of the most significant elections in u.s. history. joining me now to discuss this is pete semi, professor of sociology at chapman university. and he is the co-author of out of hiding, extremist white supremacy and how it can be stopped. professor, it s great to have you on the program. let me start with your response to this idea laid out by the southern poverty law center report in 2023, it became clear that two years since the january 6th insurrection was a time of preparation for the hard right, and effectively we are going to see all this manifest within the next several months as we head into this critical election? first, thanks for having me on. i think it is right on target. what we saw after january 6th, 2021 was a period of time where you know, extremists kind of went into a short period of trying to regroup obviously the arrests and prosecutions had some substantial impacts on that world. but arrests and prosecutions aren t enough, and when you re not dealing with the root causes of the problem, these groups are able to kind of essentially regroup and then re- emerge even stronger. and i think that is exactly what we are seeing and what the southern poverty law center is pointing to. how does conspiracy theories play into the activity and rise of hate groups right now thinking about the harassment we saw play out at a migrant shelter in san diego. what led people to the january 6th insurrection, how is it that these baseless theories are resonating so much with people on the far right driving them to make these both online and real-life threats, even things like pizza gates that we saw several years ago? and menus, conspiracy theories are kind of a defining feature of extremist hate groups. one of the things that they do that is so important for them is that they offer a bridge of sorts and that conspiracy theories can reach a much broader audience. of course, we saw that on january 6th, in terms of the attack on the u.s. capitol. lots of different sorts of folks that ended up showing up by the thousands at the capitol that day. you had the proud boys, you had the three presenters. oath keepers, neo nazis, neo- confederate, a lot of folks that weren t necessarily affiliated with those groups. one thing they had in common is they all believed in this conspiracy theory about the stolen election. and you know, these kind of ideas are really, provide people a special sense that they are aware of things that the average person isn t aware of, and provides them with this kind of special knowledge, secretive knowledge, special insight. it really goes along with the idea, the that extremist groups offer to their adherents, that you re a part of a special population, special culture, special country, special race, special religion that is different and, quite frankly, superior to other groups. when you look at this record number of anti-lgbtq+ and white nationalist groups in 2023, numbering 186 and 165 respectively, why are these groups specifically, in your opinion, growing so significantly as they have grown? has there m.o. shifted and having this kind of hatred towards the lgbtq+ community? that is 18 many hot button issues that these kind of groups are good at identifying and then targeting and really spending a lot of time directing disinformation towards and propaganda and really trying to highlight the supposedly dangerous and risk a so that go along with, from their perspective, these hot button issues. immigration has been one for years, as well. and frankly, right now, they have at their fingertips, some of the most powerful technology in human history, in terms of social media platforms and the problems that you mentioned, the root problems that we are really not addressing, social media platforms, the lack of regulation around those. that will certainly be one of them coupled with national leadership that is helping essentially espouse some of the same ideas using literally, in the case of donald trump, the language of nazi germany to help promote these ideas. so they had these megaphones, whether it is national leaders or social media platforms at their disposal, that really empower them to a substantial extent. do you think that we have the adequate legal tools to take on these organizations x when you think about, as you were just mentioning, the issues of social media. it obviously rubs up against the issue of free speech in this country, that is always a find point when you re trying to go after these groups, he almost kind of have to wait until the free speech becomes actionable and they go out and carry out some kind of attack or potential violence. at which point it violates the law but up until the point of actually doing something about it, it falls, some would argue, under free speech. we have the legal tools the way that we have designated foreign terrorist organizations to go after isis and what have you? do we have enough adequate resources and tools to go after domestic terrorist organizations? i think we do have, i don t think a new statute is the answer, per se. i do think essentially utilizing resources that we have, being more aggressive, understanding that arresting and prosecuting is an important part of it, it is a necessary part of it but it is honestly not the only part of it. and then a civil issue, in terms of talk about the law. i do think that it needs some changes in that realm as it relates to social media platforms and being able to hold them more civilly accountable for the material that they are publishing and, of course, that means congressional changes to section 230. and i do think it is clear that social media platforms are not willing to take the kind of aggressive actions that are necessary to essentially cleanup their platforms. all right, professor pete sent me, it is a pleasure, thank you so much for joining us. i greatly appreciate your insights. thanks for having me. next, families are still being separated at the southern border. and why. and why. the best way to solve a problem is to keep it from happening. ( ) at evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify members in need of care. predicting and treating behavioral health issues quickly. while lowering costs for plan sponsors and members. that s wonder made possible. evernorth health services (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin . no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it s easy. (kev) . i guess we re movin . [sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient / laughing. last october, a peruvian family was taken into border patrol custody in the san diego area, during the process the parents were separated from their 18-month-old son, then released without him, according to a report from prison. if it wasn t for several military organizations that stepped in to help, that family may have never been reunited. they were able to track the boys whereabouts to a detention center hundreds of miles away, in texas. according to this february reporting from prison, legal advocates have accounted for at least 1000 instances of family separation across san diego county under this tactic known as street release, where migrants in custody are released without resources or shelter. at the start of his presidency, joe biden officially rescinded trumps zero-tolerance policy in the reunification task force that, according to dhs, has reunified 795 children with their parents, as of march. but despite those efforts, families are still being separated under a president who campaigned on a humane approach to immigration and strongly denounced the policies of his predecessor. now despite that, biden has signed an executive order this past week that drastically curtails humanitarian right to seek asylum. joining me now to discuss this, and more, is president and ceo of global refuge and a former policy director on the obama admin, and msnbc contributor who has done a lot of reporting on this and many other issues. it is great to have both of you with us. i will start with you, under a settlement reached in december with the families who were separated under the trump administration, border officials can still separate families in limited circumstances, such as if an adult poses a danger to a child or to national security. that didn t appear to be the case with the family that we just mentioned. to what do you oh these types of policies still taking place today? i think most people would be hearing about this now and still be shocked that this policy is still happening in this country? i think part of what we are seeing is a situation where policy does incentivize family separation. and that is true not just on u.s. soil but at the u.s.- mexico border, as well. when you think about even the new executive order, which exempts unaccompanied children, what that means is that a family that is fleeing for their lives, makes a possible choice of either allowing their children to travel unaccompanied across the border so that they can reach safety, or to remain in mexico obviously, families have experienced assault and far worse. in terms of the specific case that you are describing. i think this is where you know, there still some confusion on how policies are being implemented. we care for unaccompanied children and, obviously, it is horrific to see that even under this administration, we have echoes of what we saw as a real policy under president trump, which was essentially government sanctioned kidnapping. this report the site a difference between the family separations under trump versus biden, under trump federal immigration officials separated small children from their parents, whereas under biden, officials separated different family four nations, mainly parents and their adult children what does this say overall about our immigration system, specifically that these policies are continuing under a democratic president? is that just the result of vague policies and the lack of clarity as to how this should be implement it? or is it because there is something different at play here? i think what you re seeing is a biden administration that is falling into a political trap i do think we have to be very clear when we are talking about zero-tolerance, going back in history, that was such a dark chapter in our history, we had a trump administration that made decisions out of cruelty and made decisions out of the action of dehumanizing others. and here we have a biden administration that is falling into a political trap. over the last four years we have seen this admin that has made promises and that suddenly, it is shifting to the right. as you pointed out, ayman. i want to remember that the very very last week of the 2020 november election, the biden campaign released a video call separated. and in that video, just five days before everyone went out to vote, he specifically highlighted trumps zero policy initiative. he highlighted the cruelty. in here we are, just five months before the election, and as we have been discussing, he has been starting to sound and use language that does sort of remind us of donald trump. and at the end of the day, that is a political trap because the bottom line is, you cannot out trump trump when it comes to immigration and the border. what worked in 2020 was that humanity, as you described, anything that tries to shift to the right of donald trump is a failed political strategy. so to that point, krisher. makes a really good point with this flaming framing of a political trial when it comes to the issue of immigration. i do want to turn to biden s new executive order. any any time the seven day average of a legal border crossings reaches 2500 migrant entering the u.s. between legal ports of entry, with some exceptions, will be banned from claiming asylum and deported talk to me about how this is implemented. several department of homeland security officials responsible for carrying out the actions. on the condition of anonymity to msnbc, there is concern that the tension facilities across centers for migrants could quickly become overcrowded. what are you hearing about this and why? it is such an important question because for organizations like local refuge who work with asylum-seekers, the executive order raises a number of concerns. for one, there are very significant questions about its ultimate legality and enforceability. you know, the trump administration used the same authority to shut down the southern border and that was also really locked by federal courts. also raises some serious locations for asylum seeking families who are trying to seek protection because of these arbitrary numerical limits. i think the final important point is just understand that we know from trump era policies that were hard-line restrictions. they don t actually deter people from crossing the border. so we are perplexed by a policy that isn t going to actually be effective, that is harkening back to the trump administration, and i think it is a result of congressional inaction. but the administration could put in place a system that respects our border, but also respect our humanitarian and legal obligations. back in april, reported on how migrant women are being targeted by cartels as they wait and limbo at the mexican border to hear back about their asylum claims. i remember talking to you about it back then. how do you see biden s new order exacerbating this specific issue? i mean, as all of us know, the desperation isn t in there. what we are seeing is simply a more dangerous situation. what this means on the ground is that more families, their lives will be in the hands of the cartels. they will be held hostage. they will be exposed to sexual violence and sexual assault. many families will be sleeping in tent cities. many families will go hungry. many families will be repatriated to countries that are death sentences. many families will set a suddenly be staring into the united states at this time them, no matter the violence that they are facing, no matter the inhumanity, no matter the cruelty. no matter how many attempts there are by the cartels to end their lives, in this country, or try to make it harder for them to seek asylum. we all know that that desperation will only mean that these families will literally put their lives in the hands of the cartels to find other routes to cross into this country. that is what we are facing. a troubling situation for every one involved. thank you so much for the both of you, greatly appreciated. coming up, far right extremism spreads across israel, sanctioned by one of the country s top government officials. i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well jardiance! it s a little pill with a big story to tell i take once-daily jardiance at each day s start! as time went on it was easy to see i m lowering my a1c! jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. jardiance is really swell the little pill with a big story to tell! it s never a good time for migraine, especially when i m on camera. that s why my go-to is nurtec odt. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it s the only migraine medication that helps treat & prevent, all in one. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. people depend on me. without a migraine, i can be there for them. talk to your doctor about nurtec odt today. what tractor supply customers experience is personalized service. made possible by t-mobile for business. with t-mobile s reliable 5g business internet. employees get the information they need instantly. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog s food to the farmer s dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there s no magic involved. (dog bark) it s just smarter, healthier pet food. it s amazing what real food can do. this week, israeli extremist marched through the streets of jerusalem they were celebrating jerusalem day, which marks the conclusion of the june 19th 1967 war, that is when israel and conquered and occupied the territory including the west bank and east jerusalem. israelis claimed it to be a reunification of jerusalem, despite east jerusalem largely being inhabited by palestinians, and all attempt at a peace accord envisioning jerusalem as a capital for both israel and palestine. while marching through densely popular to palestinian neighborhoods, some of them are tours chanted death to arabs and may your village burn and other racist and violent slogans. the most troubling things were attacks on journalists. these are palestinian journalists, clad in a press pass, being threatened and physically attacked by a mob right wing israelis. he was kicked and pummeled by the mob, had objects thrown at him and sustained a head injury. even more troubling, it was the journalist who was detained by police, who confiscated his equipment after he was attacked. i known right-wing activists contacted the police and claimed that he was a hamas operative. that is all the evidence the police needed to detain him. also reported that the police did not arrest any of the at at attackers. intimidation from the palestinian sections of jerusalem not new. this mart has been and will for decades. we re not just dealing with outlaws or a fringe group this is appearing at the core of israel s power structure. take for example, national security administer, ben-gvir. here that this week s march and visited the complex that palestinians referred to, israelis called the temple mount. israeli journalist called the move a, quote, shattering of the status quo, since the rules about who is allowed where at this compound are extremely delicate. in the far right israeli leader marching through the muslim holy site is typically seen as a provocation of violence. case and point, september 20th, 2000, right wing opposition leader in the and infamously made the same track. a move that helped spark the second palestinian intifada. went on to defeat labor months later, which ended any hopes of an israeli-palestinian peace accord and ushered in years of increased violence. so been here knew exactly what he was doing. when the u.s. government continues to give israel unconditional financial military and diplomatic support and aid, american should know exactly who and what their tax dollars support. more ayman after a quick break. ak. will if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you d like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum 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have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you ve had or plan to have an organ, tissue, or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation or have a nervous system problem. depending on the type of cancer, keytruda may be used alone or in combination with other treatments, and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it s tru. keytruda from merck. see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. is one of the most anticipated games of the season, the first wnba clash between former college rivals, and now start rookies, angel rees and caitlin clark. the most notable moment came in the third quarter, when chicago sky guard kennedy carter hit checked caitlin clark before the ball is inbound, essentially pushing her to the floor your average fan but what a cheap shot, it is also the kind of hard lay one occasionally sees in pro sports. regardless, the incident sparked hot takes galore across the sports world. with many mostly male commentators calling on league officials to protect caitlin clark. other reactions were plainly inappropriate. espn host called mcafee called her, quote, a white b word. he later apologized. the chicago ran an editorial calling a hip check to sold. the median meltdown is part of what the atlantic dubs the one downside of gender equality in sports, a movement in women s basketball means more commentary from men who don t know what they re talking about. join me now to discuss this is the author of that piece, contributing writer for the l.a., jamel hill. it is great to have you on the show. you know, so much to unpack here. let me start with charles barkley and other male commentators who accused the wnba layers of being jealous of clark s popularity, the carter foul seems to have supercharged that view. what do you think that type of criticism gets wrong about how veterans are treating clark? well, one, thanks for having me on. one, i think a lot of them and who are commenting, they seem to come at the same time, forget about how they competed if they were former players in the way that charles barkley was , forget about how they commentate and frame a lot of the story lines that happen on the men s side, whereas when men challenge each other, when a new rookie comes in and there is some kind of. were, of course, you have want to see how misses person really who they say they are, it is often considered a competitive and natural part of the game. yet, with women, they seem to reduce their level of competitiveness to something that is very triggering, particularly when we are talking about a leak that a 70% black. they go with these code words, petty, jealousy. making it sound like we re talking about a real housewives reunion on bravo. this is not what this is, this is a competitive fire. and naturally, of course, when you are the talent, the generational talent that caitlin clark is, there s going to be a lot when you come to the next level. the women in the wnba are the escalators of the world at their sport. it is a reason why the olympic team has won seven gold medals in a row. it is a reason why they are 70 and three and they haven t lost a game since the 90s. where did the thing is women were coming from? this leak. if they re that good that would me naturally for any rookie, there s going to be a bit of a learning curve where they can understand the physicality and the way the game is played. it is very natural in men s sports when you go from college to the pros, that in college, you can t get away with in the pros. that is what makes it the pros. but the men who commentate seem to forget all of this when it comes to caitlin clark. you bring up an interesting point. i do want to ask you about that. there has been an obvious racial component to some of these debates. carter and angel rees, who were seen cheering after the foul are both black. and people are talking about that and explained that point how does race play into the media s explosive reactions to the story lines? will this is a collocated question, and a complicated answer. so let me go back and sum it up correctly. okay, again, the wnba is 70% black. so the face of the caitlin, they made out to be black. one of the tropes, and many of the tropes about the black women is that there confrontational, aggressive, petty, jealous, all the things. so when those traits are ascribed to women in general, when people want to talk competitively about women. i think, in this case, particularly sticks because you have that object of black versus white. let s be honest, another white player had done, it would not merely have been as inclusive as it was. because you have the dynamic of her and angel rees, a black player and a white layer having a personal rivalry, it becomes racially charged by the optics. i m old enough to remember when johnson, when they were college rivals came over to the pros. a lot of what people talked about then, how their talents are characterized was based off racial perceptions in this country of both of them. i don t know why people think that this wouldn t be alive and well in this rivalry, but it is. and angel rees has bore the brunt of a lot of this because she chose to, you know, sorta be confident about the level of play that she has when they were in college. and listen, i don t agree that she should have been clapping when kennedy carter took her down but at the same time, within the context of a broader rivalry. they took some cheap shots at each other, that s what happened. again, it is interesting how the same things that are celebrated, marketed, and that fans love on one side of the game, a totally different gender, they are suddenly clutching their pearls on the other side. i grew up a little bit in detroit. i know very well what a violent or tough basketball game looks like. but to ask you about something you brought up really quick. we are almost out of time, though. the debate that was parked this weekend about caitlin clark being left off the u.s. olympic rascal team. some describe it as a snub. she is still a rookie, though. she s a two-time nieces mentor winner. has not included the standout rookie before or any rookie is before, what is your reaction and do you agree with calling it a snub? i don t think it is a snub and i honestly wasn t surprised. i thought this months ago. i think she is going to have a pretty hard time making the team. and that is not about her ability. i think eventually caitlin clark, i think this is almost a guarantee. about the transition, she went from playing college ball to play in a professional league within a matter of weeks, when they were holding the child in their camp, she wasn t able to play in any of that. she has some international experience but not a lot. she is at a position where it is a little bit tougher because you are a guard a little bit on the slight side. she is adjusting to the physicality where the international level is more. it is a very successful team there is a lot of people that do not get on this team and work this time around. and so i think if we just take the caitlin clark nests away from it and people will probably better understand the decision. like you said, the women s team is the most dominant team in the sports. it is tough to break into at any level, let alone your rookie year. thank you so much, greatly appreciate having this conversation with you tonight appreciate you. always. that is it for me tonight. thank you for joining us. make sure to catch ayman, follow us on x and instagram. after the break , and encore presentation of prosecuting donald trump, witness to history. until we meet again, have a good night. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ingrezza ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don t take ingrezza if you re allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. 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Transcripts For CNN The Whole Story With Anderson Cooper 20240610

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three-to-one, three-to-one today with violet birth, we have schreiber tonight, did nine on cnn welcome, to the whole, store i m anderson cooper, drag is an odd form that s been around for centuries, including shakespeare s times. women weren t allowed back then to appear on stage. so man dressed up to play the roles of female characters drag performances have evolved a lot over the decades, exploding in mainstream popularity in recent years with tv hits like rupaul s drag race. but now it s also become a political target. republican lawmakers and six days have passed laws aimed at restricting drag performances and places where children are present. the laws have been amended, blocked, are currently being challenged in federal courts. over the next hour, cnn s randy k digs into the colorful history of drag it takes a look at how and why its come under attack this. is how it begins yes, it is always starts with the foundation can sealer and foundation. right well, concealed. he just got some foundational not yet, but give me a few years. i probably well, we re going to let off quite how long does it take you to get all made up but phone drag it varies. would on average, you re talking 30 or 40 minutes, but the transition from your average homosexual to ravishing drag queen interesting it s good to see the process step by step. some can enjoy every bit it s my moment to just take myself into a whole another world and just be happy despite whatever going around at the palace bar and restaurant in miami south beach well, tiffany tiffany phantasia is lip-sync into the song, rather be by clean banded so she is slang. that s a drag term for killing it. she s been performing and drag for 20 years in drag. i feel more powerful i feel three. i feel independent. i feel love, i feel joy, especially when i m seeing some papers i love. the freedom of expression. i love making somebody has, i love the glitz and glam because no matter what i m going through a growing through somebody else, is that energy and for those five minutes nothing matters what do you think is the draw for an audience? why do you think people? i tend to directions because it s different. it goes against the status quo. it challenges society we are told as we grow up, you re supposed to act this way, talk this way to this man. that third and here s some body defying all events and performing for you. whether seeing live our lives, thinking or whatever they re defying the social norm, they re going against eagle and that s fascinating for a lot of people drag has fascinated audiences for more than a century there were hugely popular drag balls in harlem during the roaring 20s in the 50s and 60s, crowds packed into clubs featuring what were referred to at the time as female impersonators before a backlash shove, drag into the shadows but perhaps no one has helped bring dragged back into the spotlight today more than dragged superstar rupaul s with the tv competition show rupaul s drag race? sashay, away. but a hit show has been running for 16 seasons collecting a whopping 29 emmy awards along the way. rupaul s world. of wonder production company has built a drag empire launching drag race tv franchises. these type of good is minus zeta, a call in more than a dozen countries around the world. ready, i can show. was on drag race. the audience is connecting with the tenacity of the human spirit that s what that show is really about when you you tear it down to just nuts and bolts we all relate to someone who has been cast off and they prove us wrong. i remember, you can t love yourself. how the how you go, love somebody out. thanks in part to rue rupaul s drag has become more popular than ever. there are dragged branches, drag dinner shows, drag beauty pageants even drag bingo wright, eric, he was we re getting so close to me drag is the main attraction every new year s eve in key west, florida afraid at all, you re just kind of dangling up here a crowd of enthusiasts so revelers counts down to midnight as a drag queen descends from the balcony at this bar in a giant high-heeled shoe we found that queen of this. i ve reported live from these it s devotees for years. and now i m left wondering how did this can t be form of entertainment becomes such a target for the political right. like it is here in my home state of florida republican lawmakers and right-wing leaders across the country are pushing through laws restricting drag shows the law here in florida signed by republican governor ron desantis it aimed at banning children from attending drag shows. it blocks venues are publicly permitted events from admitting children to an adult live performance which according to the law includes any performance that quote, depicts or simulates the lwd exposure of prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts there are these like these drag shows sexually explicit in what they re doing in luck adult entertainment, people can do what they want with some of that, but there should not be any of these kids. they re the law is up in the air now after a federal judge put it on hold pending a state appeals supporters of the restrictions claim that drag shows are harmful to children. some accused drag queens of being child a derogatory term often used to demonize members of the lgbtq community as pedophiles good the desantis administration filed a complaint against the miami restaurant. our house accusing it of exposing minors to what it called sexually explicit drag shows and threatening to pull its liquor license after a state investigation found no unlawful content in the performances the venue, which denied any wrongdoing, agreed to pay a $10,000 administrative fine and set a minimum age requirement of 18 for their drag shows read coming to your city. does desantis officials also threatened to yank the liquor licenses of the plaza live theatre in orlando, and the hyatt regency in miami for hosting an event called a drag queen christmas we re minors accompanied by their parents, were present even though a report by undercover state agents acknowledged they did not witness any lewd acts. both settled for a $5,000 fine. it is specifically intended with the heightened penalties ten $10,000 fines and fees the suspension of liquor licenses to create fear and to intimidate businesses out of wanting to host drag performances, especially when there are unclear about exactly what is allowed and what is not allowed representative smith, democratic carlos guillermo smith was florida s first lgbtq latino lawmaker. he s currently running for state senate it has led to a chilling effect with pride as well. several pride events across florida have also been canceled or restricted out of concern, drag queens might be seen by children in public resign, hit, particularly hard by the political backlash drag queen story hours like this there once was a boy with the rainbow harms they had signed saying that drag queens were pedophiles with aids. they were yelling and screaming at children and families. were you scared? i was scared. i was scared welcome to the waiver hood with waves. they re finding your style is fine when the music stops grabbing, it, doesn t matter i ll just dollars i m sorry, carl, this is me and chair form i don t see you this one perfect for you, but you love it. i told you we should have done opinion data i explained it how many dei then i d said you need to sit down every style, every home that they blocked the road trip everyone comfortable? yep. there s plenty of space hi, david gardner right. no, no going on one once arrive okay. i gave him and see despicable me before and theaters july 3rd rated pg last month, massive solar flare out at a 24 hour to the day, businesses are wondering what should we do with bacon and eggs 257, right? so spots from 20% with additional hour extra hour on thinking up the white power. now, let s put it through a book this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals anything can change the world of work from hr to payroll adp designs, forward-thinking solutions to take on the next, anything bookstores, i read that one. i read that one. i read that. i didn t read that one. didn t read that. can you get this? because i left fireball way in my back pocket pleasure because i earn unlimited 2% cashback this is fascinating. did you know wheels and barnacles have a parasitic relationship though i d filled parasitic relationships, let s go barnacle a few, limited 2% cashback. the wells fargo active cash credit card minus sunday morning in lakeland, florida, not far from tampa story hour is getting underway. not just any story hour we can fit a table here jason dechambeau and his team of volunteers are setting up for the big event a family drag brunch and store yellow it s one of the many fundraisers he stages for his non-profit, the rows dynasty foundation he hosts all the events in drag the children and their parents know jason as a drag queen named mama ashley rows tell me just a little bit about your background. i was involved in church pretty much my whole life, which led me to get into ministry. and the whole time i knew i was gay, i knew i was struggling even through all that journey feeling of unwanted nus and unloved and never being good enough to where here i am today spreading this message that everyone it was love accepted, and wanted no matter who they are. i remember how it felt to not feel that way. so it s kinda drives me to do what i do today you were once a pastor at an lgbt church, was like pastor mike today, drag queen by night and again, the drag queen, it wasn t even just by night. we started doing events. we started doing fundraisers variety shows, drag dinner shows, drag gospel shows raising money for those in need perfect. it can be $100, could be a couple of thousand dollars. and our events and we not only focus on queer lgbtq plus charities, but we focus on animal shelters, domestic violence, mental health i always knew that my character, mama ashley rose was going to be something different. you re going to be wholesome, going to be not the club bar scene because it was never really my scene. and i just knew that i had to bring something to the table that no one else was doing i look forward to meeting oh, i can t wait for you to meet mama nice to reach. nice to meet you. good seeing you, to see you too. so tell me about you. so mama is just a southern lady that spreads a message to everyone is loved, accepted, and wanted no matter who they are. and we provide a safe space so my job is to make people for loved, make people feel safe, give them a little laugh, a little chocolate sometime i don t when people think of a drag queen this is not the look that i think most people think of. what if my life could bring. it s changed make somebody move absolutely. so drag is an art form and we know that art comes in all shapes, sizes types, and everything. and i love to tell people we have adult television, we have children s television, we have adult radio toluse radio, all that. so i m kinda like the disney channel of drag, who s ready for story time? all. kids if you can come up and have a seat on the floor. so for me, dragged story hour is first of all, teaching literacy. there once was a boy with, uh, rainbow heart it looks a little different. we know that illiteracy is an issue and the world right now. but teaching and reading about kindness, my books are about kindness, about love, about loving yourself. we read stories about how to handle bullies and the list goes on with that, just teaching life skills, you see it s literally just a person in a costume no different than a disney princess reading a story to kids and adults. my sparkly earrings, they see it as this like glamorous princess they re going to listen to a story from someone dressed in a costume before they will have just any random person what kind of backlash have you faced doing drag story hour up until last year? we had no issues and a year ago this december, we had neo-nazis show up outside this building. they had signs saying that drag queens were pedophiles with aids they were projecting on the side of buildings saying that grooming was in process. they were yelling and screaming at children and families. were you scared? i was scared. i was scared jason says he also had to find a new location for an annual drag pageant at the last minute, because the orlando venue was afraid of being targeted by the desantis administration they were really concerned about losing their liquor license so they asked us to make our event 18 up and my response was like, no, i m not going to make an event 18 up when it never has been we don t do 18 and up events. so we had four days to find a new venue to move a whole paget, a whole production show shortly after that in orlando high school was forced to cancel an event featuring jayson he had been scheduled to speak to the school s queer and ally alliance. i have been invited by students for years to go in and the students invite me and of course, with approval of educators and this after-school program, after school club. and i usually say, do you want me to come as json or do want me come as momma and always i mean, they wanted to drag queen, right? so a woman who is part of the moms for liberty, who is also on the orange county school board, basically had a shutdown educators and the principal and the dean were literally their jobs were being threatened if they allow this event to happen. that school board member, alicia for ronde, says she raised questions after hearing complaints it s from dozens of parents but an investigative report by spectrum news 13 in orlando revealed a majority of the emails for ron to received about the event were supportive of it. we have reached out several times different for a response to the report, but i ve heard nothing back i just wanted to be a drag queen and tell funny stories and make people laugh i had no idea it was going to be in this atmosphere. it s scary time. it was a scary time for us secondly, fear of threats, fear of safety the political backlash, jason and many others are now experiencing is familiar to me anyone who knows the history drag more on that next. every week, there ll be police raids every time there was a police raid, it was people in states of drag who were arrested the simons are going off and the tornado here i m thinking, i m going to die. and i thought that was violin earth with liev schreiber donated nine on cnn did you know sling has your favorite news progress for just $40 a month my favorite news for just $40 a month my favorite news for just $40 a month. $40 a month? my favorite for just $40 a month $40 get your favorite news. are $40 a month sling lets you do that with so many choices on, there are so many tina fey as i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out splurge 18. it loves a hotel near row de you drive tina tina 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lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. slash tv to claim your $5 trial. the cnn presidential debates, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max, close captioning brought to you by guilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands has the designers that get your heart racing sida prices, you every day. hurry. there ll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% or so of today that s sasha gilmore in her latest tour, the big reveal live show she s a drag artists, two signature style hoped her when the ninth season of rupaul s drag race sache of aloof she s also a fulbright scholar who wrote a book on the meaning and history of drag called the big reveal, an illustrated manifesto of drag hello, gorgeous, 200 page book outlining the history of drag and the political backlash against it. all intertwined with anecdotes from my own irresistible and unpredictable relevance to clean you re welcome why do you think the history of drag is so important? the history of drag is important because people don t know. and in fact, it feels like their cycles of acceptance and then backlash that have happened throughout history sasha grew up steeped in drag history one of sasha is biggest influences this was her grandmother dina she encouraged me to channel lane or diva. she coached me on how to make an inference and the gown the her condo had like one set of stairs coming down from the loft and i would put my costume on up there and then walked down the stairs dramatically. so i have a lot one of her grandmother s favorite hotspots, uh, clubs spotlighting female impersonators in san francisco called for nokia s she would go to for nokia on the weekends drive in from the suburbs of daly city and of course it was a club mostly targeted for straight audiences. and she loved the drag shows. she thought it was so entertaining, and she told you about it. and she told me about it as a little kid. i feel very lucky that i grew up with out shame around drag, at least at home female impersonator clubs across the country, including one in new york called club at t2, became all the rage during the 1950s and 60s the people. who came to the ad to club were everyday people your mom and dad may have come to the 82 club, but also it was packed with celebrities judy garland, milton, berle, elizabeth taylor, richard burton, errol flynn salvador dali, the surrealist, of course, loved drag and the ad he to club dragging the us has strong roots going back to harlem racially diverse groups of people flocked to the rockland palace for headline grabbing drag balls hosted by a black fraternal organization called the hamilton lodge during the harlem renaissance and the roaring 20s harlem drag balls were enlarge pageant deep masquerade experience. and it was meant largely for the black community later on, there started to be more and more white patrons alyssa max goodman wrote a book on the history of drag in new york city called glitter and concrete after a while, they re just became thousands upon thousands of people who would attend. there were prizes given for the best costumes. it was an affair that was i mean, i think it was considered social suicide. if you didn t go in the early 1900s, one of the biggest celebrities in the country, julian l tinge, performed in drag julia elton was one of the top paid performers in vaudeville of julia elton was a female impersonator. so there was this appetite for that type of entertainment we re looking to week four of the class, joey jeffries is a drag. his story, who also teaches a course on rupaul s drag race at the new school in new york city. and at new york university julia elton was very successful financially, artistically. julian elton had any number of plays with music on broadway julian l2 and had his on makeup line, his on magazines. julian l2 inch have a theater named after him el tinge also became a big movie star in films like the aisle of love featuring a van unknown rudolph valentino the premise of his movies was very much like the premise of his plays. which is also part of his identity. i m a guy. i m in some life-threatening situation that requires me to get an address and that is the only reason i am getting an address. it s the sum like get hot narrative it s a similar premise and the hollywood hit movie starring tony curtis and jack lemmon, as well as other hugely successful films like tutsi mrs. down, fire thank you for denia. don t fire drag was also popular among members of the us military. broadway productions and movies portrayed soldiers performing and drag shows for the troops drag was central to a morale effort during world war two. and to the point where eisenhower was giving commendations to troops that use dragged to say that you are doing a great job in your serving your country. in irving berlin, in stage musical, became a movie featuring soldiers and drag called this is the army starring none other than ronald reagan ready to the chorus curtain? but appearing in drag outside the movies and female impersonator clubs was a far different story. there were very strict rules at the club at two, for example, where he men had to arrive in men s clothes, put on their makeup, their and then leave in men s clothes that s largely due to a crackdown on what we now call drag queens and gaze during the mccarthy era in the 50s, that became known as the lavender scare. the attitude at the time that created the lavender scare was homosexuality was as much a threat to the us as communism. it was a dark period in the 50s four draft your performance because there was legislation out there that was stopping it banning it, and trying to restrict it somewhat in the ways that we re seeing today. we really never had a law that banned drag. but there was a law on the books here in new york that band masquerading and they started enforcing this ancient law against masquerade to cut down on people dressing up outside of their legal gender. if you re caught in a bar or walking the street and you didn t have enough pieces of the appropriate gender clothing on you literally would be taken to jail. being a drag queen was something shameful and you would maybe lose your job if people found out that you d like to dress and drag you could lose your family institutional and cultural stigma against drag was huge and it was deeply tied to fears of brown trans, people. and even around like gay people generally that harassment and discrimination against drag queens would go on to play a vital role in the uprising that ignited the fight for lgbtq rights that might finally, they d had enough of it they didn t enough of being pushed around it change that night next sunday on the whole story, the james webb telescope has 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world! we can secure our world. don t just use a password alone. mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone. learn more at that s how we can secure our world! than american rush to walmart and find buttered mushrooms. the cnn presidential debates, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming un-backed next in the pre-dawn hours on a saturday morning in june 1969 trouble erupted in the heart of new york city s greenwich village, at a bar called this stonewalling he was the only place that we could come in and the ourself mark segal was a regular at the stonewall, a mafia run gay bar, which paid corrupt cops to look the other way at a time when being gay could get you arrested you were inside the stonewall inn when the raid happened that triggered the uprising. what do you remember about that lights blinking, which never happened while i had been in there before usually array and they happen too often. was pleased to come in, take a pay off, and leave this was a little different rather than coming in and coming through doors commonly, they burst through the doors they started throwing things around. they were pick up the bottles, throw them away they took people, slam them against the wall. they smashed everything they could possibly see somebody started throwing things to do or when the police wanted to leave a stone according to have them your pocket. those people who actually fought that night or street kids like me, marginalized people, drag queens so drag queens were on the front lines. the stonewall up absolutely almost everything we did in that first year, which i call the first magical year leading from stonewall to the first pride. all of that had drag queens involved in every aspect there wasn t a demonstration that they weren t present some way, shape or form. they were at the meetings giving their voice, getting their opinion two of the most prominent activist to emerge from the movement where drag queens, marsha p. johnson and sylvia rivera, both women of color, who became icons of the fight for lgbtq rights. the two form to trans rights group and open north america s first lgbtq youth center i think one of the most impactful things that sylvia rivera and marsha p. johnson did was found a house that became a safe place for young queer and trans people for teenagers who had escaped home for homeless kids living in new york to come and live. and they called it the street transvestite action revolutionaries, or star house the became like an, an activist organization as well as a hub and a home for so many in need to do around the same time, gay and transgender kids founded another safe haven in an emerging underground drag scene called the house ballroom. it s like forcing into the looking glass captured in the critically acclaimed documentary. paris is burning and depicted in the tv hit post forum started in harlem in the 1960s it was created by drag queens of the time latino and african-american drag queens, who wanted to create her own pageants because that s what they were in the beginning. they were pageants. they were tired of competing in the patch since that were downtown and losing to their white counterparts beautiful. felix rodriguez get is as a filmmaker who has been documenting house ballroom culture for decades seen on his youtube channel, old school ballroom a boil is like the super bowl for black and latino, where people it s where all these houses which are like teams come to this venue to compete against each other it s a group of people that are together as a family. they can be compared to everything from be similar to fraternity and sorority to being a gay gang. it was a time when gay men and trans people pool of color were thrown out of their houses, literally from their family. and they had to find a place to live houses were the communities that welcomed people they ll situations a competitive new dance style also came out of the ballroom scene bogeying, which is very powerful hello, in a lot of people think that madonna created it, but she had vogue dancers in her tour and created song logan became in popular but vogue ing started in the ballroom scene and still continues to be in the ballroom scene the ballroom culture is still thriving today. in fact, the venue where we interviewed felix rodriguez is a brooklyn club named $3 bill that host weekly ballroom competitions called ota, or open to all right now, but back when ballroom was still under to ground, another drag phenomenon was also hitting the scene he was wearing mohawks and shoulder pads and waiting boots. let s just say that the repo of today look had not yet come together lady bunny is now an iconic drag queen who s been making audiences laugh for more than 40 years they tried to make me go to rehab and i said, you know what, that s done? an idea are you nervous not at all, but she got her start back in the 80s when drag was far from mainstream, along with another relatively obscure performer at the time named ru paul oh you want once they send that to the audience we met in atlanta and we re instantly as thick as thieves so what was the scene like? did you bond there will ruin. i did bond there at one point, we became homeless to get i came to new york with root paul. we can to the pyramid this is in 1983 and i was drunk i lip-sync to, i will survive halfway through it. there s that little low in the song. where did she comes back with the big gone now, go during that low, i had fallen lost a shoe and the wig was hanging by a thread, but i got up there on that one shoe and finish the rest of the number and i was a favorite at the pyramid wir sind then at the time all of this drag and all of this fun was happening at the pyramid. the specter of aids was raised and of course we were young and sexually active. we didn t know what to do. you found in wig stock yes. to help raise funds for the aids crisis? yes i started wig stuck in a park across the pyramid. i wanted to showcase the many different kinds of talent it. was drag queens who lyptsi lip-sync for example i just felt that there was this wealth of talent that could appeal to a wider audience. and my hunch was correct aids was running, ramping through new york how was drag and wigs docx a, a political reaction to what the reagan administration was doing or not doing. i think that the political statement was that there s no shame in our game that there s nothing wrong with us that we love what we do. and then it s entertaining so i felt like what my role was to be a jester and to put on a fun show to make us forget about aids, to make us forget about everything except we re still here and we re glad that we re here. and let s celebrate week stock went on to draw crowd swelling into the thousands stock, as well as becoming a subject of a welding receive documentary week stop. the movie, launching lady bunny into the limelight root. paul began rising to start ms well, transforming her punk drag look into the glamorous glitz of her breakout hit supermodel and paul definitely knew how to work in growing up, i knew i would be famous. i knew i wanted to be famous. i didn t know how i was going to be famous drag presented itself to me and i thought, okay, this is is the rest is root hall would say is history you may leave the stage rupaul s drag race over the past 16 years has hot rotted dragged back into the mainstream public consciousness. it makes drag accessible not only as an art form, but in a place that people can watch it right there on their television screen or streaming all that success may drag a huge draw for detractors to do no such thing as a family friendly drag show. we re going to make that clear in the state of florida coming up, a sponsor of the florida law aimed at drags speaks out and drag queens clap bashing. do i look like a stripper anderson cooper 360 weeknight today on cnn the increase in wildfires is exponential, unpredictable, uncontrollable, with overwhelming the need to do something is urgent. slightly birth with we have schreiber her next two months. cnn that they blocked the road, turn everyone comfortable, yet there s plenty of space got it. right? no, no, don t go just wait them out the volkswagen atlas with three rows and seating seven everyone wants arrive okay. good gibeon. and see despicable me before and theaters july 3, rated pg last month, massive solar flare added a 24 hour to the day. businesses are wondering what should we do with eggs 257 right so for stocks present with the additional hour with the extra hour, i m thinking a py power now, let s put it through a book this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals anything can change the world of work from hr to payroll adp designs, forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything? oh, karni isolde, it s gotten me. i saw them godden and saada got a nice got to me, got juicy reducing kevin noise by cushioning road vibrations michelin motion for life welcome to the waiver hood with wave. finding your style is fine the music stops grabbing. it, doesn t not dollars i m sorry, carl, this is me in chair form. i don t see you come on. perfect for you. love it. i told you we should have done opinion ada i explained it is how many died they re not sending you need to sit down, a slow network is no network for business. that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! to claim your five-dollar trial duties celebrating freedom and legacy. wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn. close captioning brought to you by ru la law. i kinda brands up to 70% off retail at roulette, rubella you never pay full price sees the deals on top before their car southward like their sisters at stonewall drag queens and florida are fighting back this was the scene in tallahassee in april of last year when hundreds of drag artists and their supporters marched on the florida state camp to protest the law aimed at restricting grab former democratic state lawmaker carlos guillermo smith, address the crowd from the state house steps they are fabulous are urea if you look at the current law in florida, it does not specifically mention a ban on drag shows. so what s wrong with it well, it doesn t have to directly mentioned drag queens for it to be targeting this community. in particular, when this legislation was filed it was filed by a republican lawmaker who made many ugly assertions and baseless attacks on drag queens as being a threat to children well, guess where else drag queens aren t and brynn mention in a big long list in the 20 line definition of this bill that republican lawmaker, he s referring to, is this man, florida state representative randy fine this bill didn t talk about drag queen it doesn t mention the word drag queens deals yet when representative fine, introduced the bill, which further restricts laws already on the books, protecting children from adult live performances he posted on facebook that would ban the city of melbourne from welcoming drag queen adult entertainers from grooming our children. it s not mentioned in the bill, but you have mentioned it in a post that s fair point, but that is the kind of entertainment that inspired me. to do the bill. you hadn t men dressed as strippers effectively performing as such in public? i don t care what consenting adults do, but i think we should keep this stuff away from our kids. what was the goal of the bill, the gold the bill to protect kids. what specifically do you think children need to be protected from? well, i think they need to be protected from sexualization. it s totally unnecessary and the fact that we already have so many good laws to protect children from adult performances. it exposed that this bill was really just about targeting drag if you think the law is targeting drag shows and drag queens, why not just mentioned that directly? because if they overtly mentioned drag performances in the letter of the law, it would have immediately been obvious to any attorney in any the judge that this is an unconstitutional censorship of their first amendment freedom representative fine argues that while the law mentions prosthetic breasts, which many drag queens where it spells out other criteria that would be necessary to make drag shows admitting children illegal so wearing prosthetic breasts does not equal an adult life performance. it has to be that and three or four other things. this is all meant to be vague. it s meant to intimidate, isn t there a danger in intimidating some of these venues from hosting drag? performances or not intimidating them were laying out what the definition is and we re saying if you do these, there s going to be consequences. do you think drag queen shows and drag queen story hours can be family-friendly no, i don t. that doesn t mean they re all illegal. that doesn t mean they re all adult life performances. but no, i don t believe it s appropriate for kids do you see drag queens as a threat to children i think that s a challenging question. that s like saying, do you think adults are a threat to let me put it this. i do think drag queens are looking to groom children. are they groomer? i think some are. i don t understand why a man wants to dress up like a woman. and then read stories to children. i don t think it s that complicated that doesn t mean that 100% of those violate the law. i want to be clear about that. how would that be harmful to children? because i think it confuses them drag queen story, our says our goal in doing this is to celebrate gender fluidity. there is a purpose behind this, and it is to confuse and indoctrinate children in a majority of this legislature, we do not believe in gender fluidity we do not believe in transgender science. do you know of one case of a child who attended drag queen story hour and then decided to become transgender. i do not know. have you ever been to drag queen story hour? no. have you ever been to a drag show not that i can remember. most of these people and i ve seen have never even been to a drag show. they ve never experienced the drag is an art and seeing that there are different types of drag jayson to dechambeau traveled to the florida capital when the bill was being debated. he did to testify before the legislature in full drag mama ashley robes. i have a question. do i look like a stripper? well, i walked up and my first response and comment to those do i look like a stripper because many politicians have said that i dress like strippers, like i don t dress like that. do you see yourself as a threat to children? no, i do not see myself as a threat to children nor do i see any drag performer threat to a child. drag performers know that if you re in a club, if you re in a nightclub, fearing a bar 18 and up, you perform differently, right? especially in our events, are performers know that when we have family here they dress different. they perform different. so now we know threat. but the overall message and the reason why you do drag story hour as what to teach that message that your love accepted and wanted no matter who you are and let you know that everyone should read the idea of the grooming that dragged does is just the message of tolerance. and that the message of acceptance could be so dangerous that it would brainwash a child. maybe if they don t want a world of tolerance they should be afraid of us because we are fighting for that. you know, about the history of drag. having written a book about it, do you worry about the history repeating itself? the history is repeating itself currently all around us. for awhile, it felt like we were getting progress they say if you don t learn the past, you re going to repeat it i think there s a lot of strength to be found in history to we see the way that despite being thrown in jail, despite being fine, despite losing their jobs queer people continued to gather together and put on shows and find ways to keep existing and stay true to ourselves. so if they can do it, we still have a chance today how much do you think gender identity and sexuality are playing a role in? these new laws that are targeting drag, gender, identity and sexuality are the reason that drag is being targeted. because if it was just costumes without any possibility of queerness, i think it would be fine they re ignorant and the ruud and homophobia i would tell ron desantis, we are not your political pawns stop using that s for clickbait the one and only miss tiffany fantasia there are tim million other things that you need to be taken care of and put policies in place to circumvent the problems of the average flow of radiant here we worried about a dam drag show. we re not doing anything, but making sure that you people i haven t a good time and not worry about the problem that they have because you re not doing your job governor desantis has not responded to our request for comment in her drag show called don t bring the kids, lady bunny takes on republican lawmakers pushing anti legislation with a parody of adele s song. rumor has it but given the guns birthday is that hooters with your under gop hypocrisy can t take it no more dreadfully aren t the people is d to watch out for groomer? is it? rumor? is it despite the crackdowns, these drag queens insist the drag show will go on. i would be a miss to stay. i wasn t scared. i d be a miss to say that i there are times i just want to pack the makeup up and not do it again but i m not going anywhere. we re going to keep fighting there is a fighting spirit in drag we can make magic with nothing and even if they take everything, like for a month we re still going to find a way to put on a show to entertain the thing i ve found is people love drag if we have a chance to put on a show for you, you re going to fall in love legal battles over drag performances continue. so far, laws proposed in florida texas, tennessee, and montana had been blocked by federal judges on constitutional grounds. the states are appealing those decisions. thanks for watching the whole story. i ll see you next sunday

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240610

narendra modi sworn in as the prime ministerfor a record third term. the party is just getting started as celebrations kick off around the world for pride month. welcome to the programme. it is sam welcome to the programme. it is 8am in singapore and at 2am in brussels, where we start. next exit polls suggest there have been big gains forfar right parties, in elections to the european parliament. this was the first projection for the 720 seat assembly the darker colours to the right representing those right of centre parties seem to have moved to take up more of the seats. the most headline grabbing outcome appears to have been in france, where the far right national rally party has taken more than 31% of the vote. that s more than double the coalition which supports president macron. he has responded by calling an entirely unexpected snap election. translation: the rise - of nationalists and demagogues is a dangerfor our nation, but also for europe. the but also for europe. position in europe and the world. i say this even though we have just celebrated with the whole world of the normandy landing, and in a few weeks we welcome the world for the olympic and paralympic games. yes, the far right is both the result of the impoverishment of the french and the downgrading of our country. so at the end of this day, i cannot act as if nothing had happened. added to this situation is a fever which has gripped parliamentary and public debate in our country in recent years, a disorder which i know worries you, sometimes shocks you, and to which i do not intend to give in. however, today the challenges that present themselves to us, whether external dangers, climate change and the consequences, or threats to our own cohesion, it requires clarity in our debates. ambition for the country and respect for every french person. this is why, after having carried out the consultations provided for in article 12 of our constitution, i decided to put back in your hands the choice of our parliamentary future by the vote. in a few moments, i will sign the decree convening the legislative elections which will be held onjune 30th for the first round and july seventh for the second round. for the french far right, the result is one to celebrate. here s marine le pen. translation: the french have spoken and this - historic election shows that when the people vote, the people win. by giving more than 32% to the national rally, the french have just given us their highest score, all parties combined, in a0 years. it s a real emotion to see this beautiful popular force rising up throughout the country. the big question now where does this leave the european parliament? here s the president of the european comission, ursula von der leyen, who has promised to build a bastion against extremes in the eu s assembly. no majority can be formed without epp, and together, and that is important. together with others, we will build a bastion against the extremes from the left and the right. we will stop them. this is for sure. my colleague christian fraser has been in brussels, watching the results and exit polls unfold throughout the evening. he spoke to our europe editor katya adler, and started he asked what the biggest news was from the evening. the polls are closed and the finance rejection would be worked out within the 27 countries on stage. behind me, the european parliamentary president, who is about to give us the latest projections. we already know from the exit polls in these 27 countries that there has been a definitive shift to the right. in austria, the freedom party, top of the pile. geert wilders in the netherlands taking seven seats. marine le pen, a record 32% in france. the afd in germany coming second. that is one story tonight, but already this election has provided us with extraordinary news in france, where emmanuel macron, who sank to 15% of the vote, calling a snap election in the last week ofjune and the first week ofjuly. it is an enormous gamble on the back of a pretty humiliating defeat tonight in the european parliamentary elections. you can see behind me, we are about to get the latest projection, and here it is. you can see the epp, the biggest in the european parliament, is up from 176 seats to 189. big losers on the greens, 72 all the way down to 52. on the right hand side that chart, the european conservatives and reformists, up from 69, and identity and democracy, up from 49 to 58. those are the two groupings that include the populists and the hard right. there seems to be some confusion from the figures they have put up, and she did say they would continue to check the results and they will be refined through the evening, because the main polls in italy have closed just a short time ago. with 76 seats in the parliament, that will very much affect the projections they are putting out. what does this all mean at the end of the day? the big story, i suppose, aside from those rather dramatic headlines about the hard right, is that the centre and the centre right have largely held. they will control the majority of the seats. on the right, there tend to be some disparate groupings, they don t see eye to eye on issues like ukraine, for instance, giorgia meloni very much in favour of sending arms to ukraine, whereas marine le pen has been much softer on russia. it may be issue by issue where the groups on the right to try to work together, but certainly it is the centre and the centre right which will control the agenda. the question is how much will they need those parties to get some of the things through over the next five years? things like green policy, transition policy, migration and borders, the european budget still to be decided. billions of euros being put into the industrial defence strategy in europe as well. those are all big questions. of course integration and enlargement, always a thorny issue in brussels. so the impact of the shift to the right still to be worked out, i would think, in the coming months, as the parties arrange themselves in the various groupings. no question the story tonight, though, the shift to the right, and a very big backward step for the green playback the centrists. let s turn our attention to india now when arranger moody has taken the oath of office and has been sworn in for a third term as the indian prime minister. this time he will be a coalition government after his party, bjp, failed to win an office is in the general election to govern alone. thousands of guests attended the inauguration at the presidential palace, including the heads of several neighbouring nations. he was a little bit of what he had to say. translation: i little bit of what he had to say. translation:- say. translation: i will faithfully say. translation: i will faithfully and say. translation: | will. faithfully and conscientiously discharge my duties as the prime minister of the union, and that i will do right to all manner in accordance with the constitution. and the law. without fear or favour, affection or ill will. despite his victory. affection or ill will. despite his victory, why affection or ill will. despite his victory, why are - affection or ill will. despite his victory, why are these i his victory, why are these elections significant and different? here is my colleague with war. an oath that narendra modi is more than familiar with. but what follows is uncharted territory. a weakened prime minister, dependent on a coalition for the first time. there are hundreds of pictures of mr modi all over delhi today, and it s something we ve gotten used to here in india over these past ten years. his picture s been on welfare schemes, on vaccine certificates, so that doesn t seem to have changed. but what has is that while this is a win, it s a victory that feels like a defeat for brand modi. the aura of invincibility that has come to surround him has been damaged. and clues to why some voters turned away can be found here in the politically crucial state of uttar pradesh. it was considered to be a stronghold of mr modi s bjp, but it delivered the biggest shock. in a predominantly hindu village in muzaffarnagar, we met men who ve traditionally supported the bjp. but not this time, says shyam singh, who has four post graduate sons who are unemployed. translation: since four years, they have been searching - forjobs, but there are no vacancies. the government talks about development, but we can t see it happen on the ground. price rise has gone beyond limits, it s tough to put food on the table. translation: people had blind faith in modi, - but now they ve opened their eyes to the reality around them. a hindu temple opened by the prime minister ahead of the election, was expected to galvanize votes like these for the ruling party. translation: temples are a matter of faith, i but to feed ourselves, we need work. just opening temples doesn t help us. in another part of the constituency we met people from india s muslim minority who had found themselves to be the target of an overtly divisive campaign by the bjp. translation: when the results came in, we were happy - because we were worried that if they came to power with a full majority, they would make laws that would discriminate against minorities. bell ringing. a leader who s achieved an almost godlike status for his followers has been brought down to earth by the will of india s voters. for mr modi, keeping his allies together will be the test of a new skill. yogita limaye, bbc news, delhi. let s get you news from israeli aware benny gantz, one of the most senior members of the israeli war cabinet which was set up after the hamas attack in october has resigned from the group. he threatened to stand down unless he felt there was a postwar plan for gaza with a deadline set for saturday. he told reporters he was not satisfied and this is the moment he confirmed he was standing down. translation: unfortunately, netanyahu is preventing us i from approaching true victory, which is the justification for the painful, ongoing crisis. and this is why we quit the national unity government today with a heavy heart. yet we feel that it is the right decision. we are now in the midst of a campaign that will impact the fate of israel generations ahead. in order to guarantee true victory, this coming fall, when it will be the one year anniversary of this disaster, we should go for elections and reach a new government. i call on netanyahu to set a date for elections. mr netanyahu had called on benny gantz to remain in the war cabinet. he posted this message on the social media platform x. our correspondent donnison is injerusalem and put the announcement into context. well, i don t think it was a shock because he has been threatening to resign for some time. and he, in fact, was due to give a press conference yesterday and postponed that when we got news of the raid in the centre of gaza taking place. it s not going to bring down the government of benjamin netanyahu, who still maintains his majority in the knesset. but what it does do is i guess it isolates mr netanyahu a little bit at a time when he is calling for unity, and it removes a voice of experience and a more centrist voice from that war cabinet. you have to remember that the coalition cabinet is made up of, really, people with very little experience. that cannot be said of benny gantz, who is a former army chief of staff, a former defence minister, and someone with a long history in the military at a time when israel is now at war. and what it means, i think, is that those further to the right, the likes of itamar ben gvir, who is from the far right of israeli politics, are going to have more influence. and i m just seeing that mr ben gvir has requested himself that he now should be allowed to join the war cabinet. officials from the hamas run health ministry in gaza say that the israeli raid on a refugee camp on saturday which led to the rescue of four hostages led to the deaths of nearly 300 palestinians. a spokesman for the armed wing of hamas says that three hostages were also killed during the operation. we haven t been able independently to verify that claim. several hundred palestinians were also wounded in the raid. hamas accused the israelis of carrying out a massacre. that phrase was echoed by the european union s top diplomatjosep borrell, who described the deaths as another massacre of civilians . more footage has emerged of the rescue israel used helicopters to evacuate the hostages from an area around the nuseirat refugee camp in central gaza. the head of the hospital where they are being treated said none of them require emergency care or large procedures, but that they will need long term evaluations. being deprived of so many things for so long and living under this unbelievable stress is something that leaves its mark, both on the body and on the soul. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. you are live with bbc news. turning to the south china sea were a stand off between the philippines and china has seen tensions ratcheting up in the area. manila accused the chinese coins out of barbaric and inhumane behaviourfor and inhumane behaviour for stopping and inhumane behaviourfor stopping its navy evacuating six servicemen last month. the chinese foreign ministry accuses the philippines of lying and they see the philippines will be allowed to access these only forgives advance notice. chinese ships have repeatedly been accused of harassment of philippines ships, including firing water cannons and ramming boats. the foreign ministry honestly blame the us for tensions in the region. to understand the conflict as it stands at the moment, i am joined conflict as it stands at the moment, iamjoined by conflict as it stands at the moment, i am joined by a strategic and defence studies professor at the australian national university. thank you for your time here today. how seriously are you viewing these incidents? do they have the potential to spark a wider conflict? potential to spark a wider conflict? , ., ., , conflict? there is no doubt this is the conflict? there is no doubt this is the potential - conflict? there is no doubt this is the potential to - conflict? there is no doubt. this is the potential to spark a wider conflict but it depends on the resolve of the participants in this house. the philippines is not well armed and not in a position to assert itself strongly, china has more ships operating in this area, maritime militia, coastguard and navy vessels then the combined fleets of the philippines and the us navy operating in the east asian waters, particularly the south china sea. the question that china sea. the question that china has the numbers here but this has to be put in the context of your context as well. we have what my colleague describes as the full flashpoint of east asia, the korean peninsula, the east china sea, the south china sea and taiwan. my sense is that what we see in the second is the demonstration, if you like, when china is trying to say. including in taiwan and that it is prepared to press to a point by looking to not cross a kinetic threshold, if you like, not firing any bullets or guns or missiles, looking to provoke and perhaps push to the limit and perhaps push to the limit and perhaps push to the limit and perhaps trigger a reaction from the philippines or the us or someone in taiwan or elsewhere in a similar circumstances to then be there one so they can say see, we are not the starters of this conflict, you guys are. my senseis conflict, you guys are. my sense is that what we see here is not so much in the west we tend to view things in terms of war and peace and we tend to view things through a lens of traditional 19th and 20th century strategists, classing the classic one, and my sense is what we see here is not so much what could be putting the metaphor in a game of chess by perhaps more appropriately described as the game of go. in the game of go you do not remove players from the board, you flip them, you cajole and persuade them, you black male and you do not give them an option other than to be flipped. my sense is this happens with the philippines. i want to pursue one another point. basing blame the us on sunday for the increase tensions are missing a move to deploy medium range missiles in the area, dragging the region into the world is full of an arms race. allies like the us and evenjapan have fledged ironclad support but what is the level of commitment if things escalate? it the level of commitment if things escalate? the level of commitment if things escalate? it is touch and no things escalate? it is touch and go because things escalate? it is touch and go because we - things escalate? it is touch and go because we know . things escalate? it is touch i and go because we know the tribunal ruling in 2016 ruled in the favour of the philippines about its exclusive economic scene but the second is more clouded, much more grey, it says this is not something that has categorically legal recognised jurisdiction falling under the philippines, it is in there, but not the territory itself. the ship that has been lodged on this shoal having troops and people living there on a semipermanent basis is designed to provide evidence of the war that he philippines can legitimately claim that probably that is not recognised. china knows that it is the grey zone and echoes what happened 12 years ago over scarborough shoal where there was a contest between the philippines and china over who could control it, and the us did not want to back the philippines over that because it was not a clear issue in terms of the jurisdiction. similarly with the second shoal today. china knows it is putting the us into a difficult position because legally the actions of the filipinos are not ones that everybody is all that sure about, backing them over, except in terms of the fact it is inside the explicit economic zone and, of course, china did not accept the tribunal ruling of 2016 asset that dashed line does not count. ironically china did sign up to the un convention of the law of the scene. it is trying to have it both ways. i am afraid that is all the time we have but thank you very much for your views on that. main political parties in the uk will also manifest this week and they are being quizzed on how they will fund some of their key pledges was that the conservatives say they can save billions on the benefits bill but labour wants to provide more prison fleeces without having to raise household taxes. here is ian watson. cheering. the main parties are preparing to launch their manifestos this week. the whole country has been longing for and waiting for this election to come. labour s promising to provide more prison places and clamp down on anti social behaviour. now the big parties know you can t pay for policies from small change, but the labour leader wasn t keen to identify spending cuts or tax rises. instead, he insisted it was all about the economy. all of our plans are fully funded and fully costed and none of them require tax rises over and above the ones that we ve already announced. what we do need to do, just to take up the challenge that s being put to us, is we do need to grow the economy. cheering. the prime minister s keen to move on from his d day misstep. today his party wasn t talking about warfare, but welfare. they ve been looking for cash for tax cuts and claim they could save £12 billion from the benefits budget by the end of the next parliament. in my area of welfare, we ve saved £7.7 billion over measures that we ve brought in over this parliament. we cut fraud and error within the welfare system, within benefits by about 10% last year and we can go still further. the lib dems have been banging the drum for investment in the nhs to the tune of billions of pounds. they say they won t raise income tax to pay for this, but other taxes are available. we said we d increase the digital services taxes on the social media giants, the likes of amazon and google as well. so i think unlike the other parties, we ve actually already begun to show very clearly where the money for our health and care policies would come from. the snp accuse the main westminster parties of being deliberately in denial about the public finances. it s important at this election that people focus on the conspiracy of silence that is going on between the labour party and the conservative party. the tories have signed up to £18 billion worth of spending cuts, according to the institute for fiscal studies. and labour, according again to the institute of fiscal studies have not demurred from those figures. the parties manifestos will provide a political sense of direction, but they may be less clear aboutjust how rocky a road lies ahead. iain watson, bbc news. that is all for now, thank you for watching. hello there. weather for the week ahead is perhaps not the story you want. no significant summer sunshine or warmth, i m afraid. in fact, the story in armagh on sunday really sets the scene just a high of ten degrees. we had cloudy skies with light rain or drizzle with a cool northerly wind as well. now, that rain is sinking its way steadily southwards and it will clear away from eastern england and south east england during monday morning. behind it, this northerly wind and this cooler air source starts to kick in across the country. so a rash of showers, a cold, brisk wind driving those showers in off exposed coasts and drifting their way steadily south across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the morning. here s our cloud and rain still lingering across east yorkshire, lincolnshire first thing in the morning, some heavier bursts that will ease away. best of any brighter skies, perhaps across southern england down to the south west. here, showers should be few and further between. but nevertheless, that wind direction still really digging in right across the country. so sunny spells, scattered showers, a brisk northwesterly wind for many, so temperatures just below par really for this time of year, a maximum of 10 15 degrees for most. we might see highs of 17 or 18 if we get some sunshine across south west england and wales. now, as we move out of monday into tuesday, the low pressure drifts off to scandinavia, high pressure builds. it should start to kill off some of the showers out to the west. but with those clearing skies, well, those temperatures will be below path through the night as well, low single figures for some, quite a chilly start to our tuesday morning. hopefully some sunshine around on tuesday. there will continue to be some showers, most frequent ones running down through central and eastern scotland and england. further west, some brighter skies and once again, highs of 17 degrees, but for many, just a maximum of 10 15 once again. moving out of tuesday into wednesday, winds will fall lighter still for a time, but there s another low pushing in and that will bring some wetter weather to close out the end of the working week. it will gradually start to change the wind direction. so, after a drier day on wednesday, it will turn that little bit milder, but also wetter as we head into the weekend. india s prime minister begins a third term. we ll look at the challenges he could face when pushing through economic reforms. plus. how the death of an actor in the nigerian film industry comparable to hollywood is raising safety concerns. hello and welcome to business today. i m arunoday mukharji. we will start the programme in india. narendra modi has been been sworn in as india s prime minister for a third consecutive term. however, it marks the first time his bharatiya janata party has needed allies to form a government. so will that impact mr modi s ability to push through economic reforms? priyanka kishore, the director and principal economist at research company asia decoded, gave us her take. modi is actually working with an alliance which has a lot of experience of pushing through successful reforms under the government. and they will draw upon that experience. of course, i think there will be a slowdown in decision making in certain areas and the big calls that people are expecting, that won t come through. but we will not completely see a stalling. labour reforms, i think, will be prioritised. we can debate the outcomes, but the reality many people talk about is that in the last ten years, india has seen bold economic decisions as well made by the bjp government, and many feel that has worked in a way for international investors. are you likely to see that continue?

Translation , Nations , Heads , Bit , Palace , Duties , Say , Term , Narendra-modi , Party , World , Prime-ministerfor

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240610

with the liberal democrats launching their manifesto later this morning. and coming up in business we ll be exploring the rise of swiftonomics as the billionaire pop star s eras tour gets under way in scotland. hello, i m sally bundock. a very warm welcome to the programme. we start in france, and in what s been described as a huge political gamble, the french president emmanuel macron has called a snap parliamentary vote after his alliance suffered a big defeat by the populist right in european union elections. mr macron said he couldn t ignore the result and dissolving parliament was an act of trust in the french people. the national rally party led by marine le pen is on course to win a record 32% of the vote in the elections for the european parliament. that s more than double the coalition which supports president macron. he responded by calling the unexpected snap election. translation: the rise - of nationalists and demagogues is a danger for our nation but also for europe, for france s position in europe and in the world. and i say this even though we have just celebrated with the whole world the normandy landing, and as in a few weeks we will welcome the world for the olympic and paralympic games. yes, the far right is both the result of the impoverishment of the french and the downgrading of our country, so at the end of this day, i cannot act as if nothing had happened. added to this situation is a fever which has gripped public and parliamentary debate in our country in recent years, a disorder which i know worries you, sometimes shocks you and to which i do not intend to give in. however, today, the challenges that present themselves to us, whether external dangers, climate change and its consequences or threats to our own cohesion, these challenges require clarity in our debates, ambition for the country and respect for every french person. this is why, after having carried out the consultations provided for in article 12 of our constitution, i decided to put back in your hands the choice of our parliamentary future by the vote. in a few moments, i will sign the decree convening the legislative elections which will be held onjune 30th for the first round, and july 7th for the second round. for the french far right, the result is one to celebrate. here s marine le pen. translation: the french have spoken and this historic- election shows that when the people vote, the people win. by giving more than 32% to the national rally, the french have just given us their highest score, all parties combined, in a0 years. it is a real emotion to see this beautiful popular force rising up throughout the country. but elsewhere in europe, voters snubbed the governing parties of germany, spain and belgium. results show that overall the centre parties will be the largest bloc in the european parliament. here s its president, roberta metsola. translation: this parliament does not work with a government and in opposition, it works with majorities, we can see that the constructive pro european centre has held and it is that centre has held and it is that centre that will be projected to build on the european project that we need to work with. the president of the european commission, ursula von der leyen, has described the results across the eu as a victory for the centre. translation: this election has given us two messages, first, there remains a majority in the centre for a strong europe. and that is crucial for stability. in other words, the centre is holding. but it is also true, that the extremes on the left and on the right, have gained support. and this is why the result comes with great responsibility, for the parties in the centre. my colleague christian fraser is in brussels and watched the results unfold throughout last night. he sent this summary. the polls have closed he sent this summary. the polls have closed and he sent this summary. the polls have closed and incoming - he sent this summary. the polls have closed and incoming hours| have closed and incoming hours the final projection will be worked out from the results within the 27 countries on stage behind me as the european parliamentary president who is about to give us the latest projects in. we already know from exit polls on the 27 countries, there has been a definitive shift to the right. in austria at the freedom party top of the pile, the netherlands goodfellas taking seven seats, marine le pen for france, a record 32% of the vote, the a b in germany coming second to the cdu there in germany. that is one story tonight but already this election has provided us with some extraordinary news from france where the french president whose party slumped to 15% of the vote called a snap election tonight, parliamentary elections coming for the last week ofjune and first week ofjuly, that is an enormous gamble on the back of a pretty humiliating defeat tonight in the european parliamentary elections. you can see behind me we are about to get the latest projection and here it is. and you can see the biggest group in the european union is up from 176 seats to 189, the big losers on the night, the greens from 70 all the way down to 52, but look on the right hand side of that chart, but as the european conservatives and reformers who are up from 69 and identity and democracy, up from a9, 258, those are the two groupings that include the populists and hard right, there seems to be some confusion from the figures they have put up there, roberto nizzolo said they needed to check these results and they will be refined through the evening because the main polls in italy have all closed, only a short time ago. so with 76 seats in the parliament, that will very much affect the projections they are putting out here. what does all this mean at the end of the day? the big story i suppose aside from those rather dramatic headlines about the hard right, is the centre in the centre right have largely held, they will control the majority of the seats, and on the right, you tend to be some quite disparate groupings, you don t see eye to eye on issues like ukraine stop georgia maloney very much in favour of sending arms to ukraine, whereas marine le pen has been much soft on russia. it may be issue by issue with those groups on the right tried to work together but certainly it is the centre and the centre right which will control the agenda, the question being how much will they need those parties to get some of the things through over the next five years. things like green policy, green transition policy, green transition policy, migration, borders, european budget to be decided, billions of euros being put into the industrial defence strategy here in europe as well, those are all big questions, of course integration always a thorny issue for brussels as well, the impact of the shift to the right to be worked out in coming months as parties arrange themselves in the areas groupings. no question what the story is here tonight the shift to the right and a very big backward step for the greens and the centrists. christian fraser covering these issues for us in brussels. let s go live to brussels now and get reaction from james kanter a politicaljournalist who produces the podcast eu scream. the dust is starting to settle a little, give us your reaction to this result, we are expecting this dominance of the centre right and far right? there was certainly an expectation that europe would be moving at right words, and after all there are a growing number of governments that are in alliance with the far right nationally. and so in many ways the result that we saw on sunday, orsort the result that we saw on sunday, or sort of a confirmation of that. now, i mean, as your previous reporter said, it does look like the centre will hold. however, the centre will hold. however, the centre of gravity of the european parliament has most certainly moved rightward. in france we have seen the immediate reaction on the part of emmanuel macron calling for a parliamentary election there. for him in particular it was a pretty shocking result? i would, this is the big story of these european elections, president micron calling these snap elections, before the olympic games notice, seen as a huge step in a giant gamble, sort of a poker move with a very uncertain outcome. and it doesn tjust put very uncertain outcome. and it doesn t just put the future of french policy in question but to some degree european policy. france and germany as part of the duo that powers the eu, and having france with a far right, potentially in government and pulling the strings, and a significantly more right leaning european parliament, that makes some big questions facing europe even more stark. in questions facing europe even more stark- questions facing europe even more stark. in terms of ursula von der leyen more stark. in terms of ursula von der leyen into more stark. in terms of ursula von der leyen into future, - more stark. in terms of ursula von der leyen into future, is l von der leyen into future, is it likely she will be re elected as european commission president question max she is holding the cards at the moment. her max she is holding the cards at the moment. the moment. her party, the centre-right the moment. her party, the centre-right dpp the moment. her party, the centre-right dpp got - the moment. her party, the centre-right dpp got a - the moment. her party, the centre-right dpp got a very| centre right dpp got a very strong result stop she could continue this traditional grand alliance with the socialist and liberals but it is not going to be easy negotiations and there still is this open question as to whether she will ally with the greens in order to ensure a very stable majority or possibly with one of these radical right groups, probably the meps from the party of georgia moloney initially, the brothers obviously. there is a lot to play here. but it looks like ursula von der leyen will have another five year term as president of the european union. ,, , president of the european union. ,, . ., ., union. she may choose to align with the greens, union. she may choose to align with the greens, their- union. she may choose to align with the greens, their slice - union. she may choose to align with the greens, their slice of l with the greens, their slice of the pie has shrunk, and the eu has been trying to be a leader when it comes to hitting climate change targets, sustainability goals etc, but thatis sustainability goals etc, but that is likely to be watered down more is it not, going forward? down more is it not, going forward? ~ . ., ., , , forward? we have already seen it watered forward? we have already seen it watered down, forward? we have already seen it watered down, it forward? we have already seen it watered down, it is forward? we have already seen it watered down, it is almost i it watered down, it is almost certain as part of these negotiations, the question of what will happen to the so called green deal will be front and centre. and one can imagine that will be absolutely centre stage with these negotiations. centre stage with these neotiations. , ., ., negotiations. james, thanks for our negotiations. james, thanks for your analysis. negotiations. james, thanks for your analysis, good negotiations. james, thanks for your analysis, good to - negotiations. james, thanks for your analysis, good to get - negotiations. james, thanks for your analysis, good to get your| your analysis, good to get your take on the outcome of the european elections, a lot more on that in business today, we will talk to a leading economist based in brussels because the european union is a huge player in the global trade market. on the campaign trail across the uk, the parties begin setting out their manifesto promises this week. labour are pledging to create more than 3,000 nurseries based in primary schools in england to ensure there are enough childcare places. the conservatives are turning their attention to policing, promising to recruit an extra 8,000 neighbourhood police officers over the next three years if re elected. the liberal democrats are launching their manifesto later this morning. here s iain watson. cheering. the main parties are preparing to launch their manifestos this week. the whole country has been longing for and waiting for this election to come. labour s promising to provide more childcare places. now the big parties know you can t pay for policies from small change, but the labour leader wasn t keen to identify spending cuts or tax rises. instead, he insisted it was all about the economy. all of our plans are fully funded and fully costed and none of them require tax rises over and above the ones that we ve already announced. what we do need to do, just to take up the challenge that s being put to us, is we do need to grow the economy. cheering. the prime minister s keen to move on from his d day misstep. today his party wasn t talking about warfare, but welfare. they ve been looking for cash for tax cuts and claim they could save £12 billion from the benefits budget by the end of the next parliament. in my area of welfare, we ve saved £7.7 billion over measures that we ve brought in over this parliament. we cut fraud and error within the welfare system, within benefits by about 10% last year and we can go still further. the lib dems have been banging the drum for investment in the nhs to the tune of billions of pounds. they say they won t raise income tax to pay for this, but other taxes are available. we said we d increase the digital services taxes on the social media giants, the likes of amazon and google as well. so i think unlike the other parties, we ve actually already begun to show very clearly where the money for our health and care policies would come from. the snp accuse the main westminster parties of being deliberately in denial about the public finances. it s important at this election that people focus on the conspiracy of silence that is going on between the labour party and the conservative party. the tories have signed up to £18 billion worth of spending cuts, according to the institute for fiscal studies. and labour, according again to the institute of fiscal studies have not demurred from those figures. the parties manifestos will provide a political sense of direction, but they may be less clear aboutjust how rocky a road lies ahead. iain watson, bbc news. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. the us secretary of state is embarking on another tour of the middle east in an effort to boost support for a ceasefire in gaza. it s antony blinken s eighth trip to the region since the war between israel and hamas began last october. during the three day visit, which begins in egypt, he ll urge arab leaders to pressure hamas into accepting the draft peace deal unveiled at the end of last month by president biden. benny gantz, one of the most senior members of the israeli war cabinet, which was set up after the hamas attack last october, has resigned from the group. he had threatened to stand down unless he felt there was a post war plan for gaza with a deadline set for yesterday. he told reporters that he wasn t satisfied, and this is the moment he confirmed he was standing down. translation: unfortunately, netanyahu is preventing us i from approaching true victory, which is the justification for the painful, ongoing crisis. and this is why we quit the national unity government today with a heavy heart. yet we feel that it is the right decision. we are now in the midst of a campaign that will impact the fate of israel generations ahead. in order to guarantee true victory, this coming fall, when it will be the one year anniversary of this disaster, we should go for elections and reach a new government. i call on netanyahu to set a date for elections. mr netanyahu had called on mr gantz to remain in the war cabinet. after mr gantz made his announcement, mr netanyahu posted this message on the social media platform x: let s speak to dr benjamin radd political scientist at ucla s middle east centre for development. benny gantz stepping down and pulling his party from the coalition, no surprise, what was your reaction? it coalition, no surprise, what was your reaction?- was your reaction? it is telegraphed was your reaction? it is telegraphed he - was your reaction? it is telegraphed he said - was your reaction? it is telegraphed he said he| was your reaction? it 3 telegraphed he said he would do it and he expects benjamin netanyahu to offer a day after proposal what would happen once israel did manage to rout hamas from gaza, netanyahu failing to clearly articulate a vision for a post gaza reconstruction programme leaving benny gantz little choice but to leave the cabinet if that were to happen. where does this leave benjamin netanyahu? it where does this leave ben amin netanyahuvfi where does this leave ben amin netanyahu? it leave some with a cabinet of even netanyahu? it leave some with a cabinet of even more netanyahu? it leave some with a cabinet of even more members | netanyahu? it leave some with a| cabinet of even more members of parliament, ultraorthodox parties, ultranationalist parties, ultranationalist parties now, any attempt by netanyahu to forge an agreement that would leave a post, post reconstruction coalition in gaza that includes remnants of the palestinian authority or other groups the right wingers deem desirable they will threaten to dissolve the government and bring netanyahu hoedown, he is now captive to that far right flank if he wants to stay in power. now secretary wants to stay in power. now secretary of wants to stay in power. now secretary of state wants to stay in power. now secretary of state anthony l secretary of state anthony lincoln is in the region hoping to persuade hamas via other middle east leaders to sign up to president biden s plan? this to president biden s plan? this is something to president biden s plan? ti 1 is something viewers should to president biden s plan? t1i1 is something viewers should be clear on, the plan put forward by president biden which netanyahu himself had neta nyahu himself had articulated, netanyahu himself had articulated, has yet to be responded to by hamas, they have not signalled they will sign off on it as well, it was crucial if this is to move forward hamas signalled their approvalfor this. forward hamas signalled their approvalforthis. he forward hamas signalled their approvalfor this. he he cannot secure that and it is made complicated by the fact that four hostages were rescued five days ago it is unclear what the next step will be to bring about a ceasefire. in next step will be to bring about a ceasefire. in terms of the israeli about a ceasefire. in terms of the israeli position about a ceasefire. in terms of the israeli position on - the israeli position on resident biden s plan that is very unclear? resident biden s plan that is very unclear? you have had, netanyahu very unclear? you have had, netanyahu is very unclear? you have had, netanyahu is yet very unclear? you have had, netanyahu is yet to - very unclear? you have had, netanyahu is yet to formally j netanyahu is yet to formally come out and endorse the plan, however it matches with what he himself had put forward, the understanding is it is consistent with the netanyahu vision but however with the departure of benny gantz and the rescue of the four hostages, that becomes a bit more complicated because it calls into question whether other members of the netanyahu coalition on the far right would support the plan as it stands today. would support the plan as it stands today. thank you very much, stands today. thank you very much. dr stands today. thank you very much, dr benjamin stands today. thank you very much, dr benjamin radd - stands today. thank you very much, dr benjamin radd for| stands today. thank you very - much, dr benjamin radd for your time and analysis. tributes are coming in here. here is what many are saying. he was wonderful, funny and kind. that s the tribute paid by the wife of the broadcaster, michael moseley, who s been found dead on the greek island of symi, following a four day search. he went missing last wednesday in scorching temperatures while out walking on holiday. joe inwood has the latest from symi. it was here on a rocky hillside michael mosley was found. just metres from safety when he was seemingly overcome by the heat and collapsed. the people of the silent and the greek authorities have done everything they could just fight that he was not found for nearly four four days. it was on that beach that the body which has now been identified as michael mosley was found. he was found lying just at the right side of that fence you can see over there, so really close to where people would have been relaxing and playing on this popular and busy beach. we spoke to a police source, who said the body of michael mosley had been there for a number of days. it s a tragic end to a story that had begun on wednesday, when michael mosley left the beach where he d been with his wife, clare, atabout1:30pm. he was then picked up on a camera at a coffee shop here, a second one at a restaurant here, and then finally the one at the marina, before he walked out of the town, heading towards agia marina. but despite an extensive search and rescue operation involving police, fire, helicopters, dogs, even members of the public, in the end he was found by accident. it has emerged a greek television crew were filming with the mayor, and only noticed michael mosley s body in their shot when they got back to edit their pictures. translation: when we returned here in symi and the footage - was prepared to send to athens, we spotted the body of a man. we informed the mayor and the authorities were immediately mobilised with the doctors. michael mosley s death was confirmed by his wife, clare. she said. a medical team carefully moved him to a waiting coastguard vote and two roads for postmortem. there has been a sense of sadly after the disappearance and death of michael mosley. a man most had never met. imagine then the pain of those who knew and loved him. joe inwood, bbc news, on the greek island of symi. so much more on oui’ so much more on our website about the death of doctor michael mosley. spectators at a rodeo in oregon got a little too close to the action when a bull jumped over the fence during the night s finale. this is the bull called party bus circling the ring along with two riders on horseback during the musical end to the night s activities. all of a sudden, the bull decided to make a bolt forfreedom clearing the fence, running through the arena s concessions area and into the car park. he was eventually caught by wranglers who managed to get him back into a pen. organisers said three people suffered minor injuries. more then you were perhaps expecting at that event. back with the top business stories next, including swift own onyx, you knew? you will soon, i will see in a moment swiftonomics. hello there. weather for the week ahead is perhaps not the story you want. no significant summer sunshine or warmth, i m afraid. in fact, the story in armagh on sunday really sets the scene just a high of ten degrees. we had cloudy skies with light rain or drizzle with a cool northerly wind as well. now, that rain is sinking its way steadily southwards and it will clear away from eastern england and south east england during monday morning. behind it, this northerly wind and this cooler air source starts to kick in across the country. so a rash of showers, a cold, brisk wind driving those showers in off exposed coasts and drifting their way steadily south across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the morning. here s our cloud and rain still lingering across east yorkshire, lincolnshire first thing in the morning, some heavier bursts that will ease away. best of any brighter skies, perhaps across southern england down to the south west. here, showers should be few and further between. but nevertheless, that wind direction still really digging in right across the country. so sunny spells, scattered showers, a brisk northwesterly wind for many, so temperatures just below par really for this time of year, a maximum of 10 15 degrees for most. we might see highs of 17 or 18 if we get some sunshine across south west england and wales. now, as we move out of monday into tuesday, the low pressure drifts off to scandinavia, high pressure builds. it should start to kill off some of the showers out to the west. but with those clearing skies, well, those temperatures will be below path through the night as well, low single figures for some, quite a chilly start to our tuesday morning. hopefully some sunshine around on tuesday. there will continue to be some showers, most frequent ones running down through central and eastern scotland and england. further west, some brighter skies and once again, highs of 17 degrees, but for many, just a maximum of 10 15 once again. moving out of tuesday into wednesday, winds will fall lighter still for a time, but there s another low pushing in and that will bring some wetter weather to close out the end of the working week. it will gradually start to change the wind direction. so, after a drier day on wednesday, it will turn that little bit milder, but also wetter as we head into the weekend. far right parties put pressure on the centreground as results roll in on europe s parliamentary elections. what does that mean for economic policy? we get an expert view. translation: our reputation in the world has translation: our reputation in the world has never translation: our reputation in the world has never been - translation: our reputation in the world has never been as - translation: our reputation in the world has never been as bad j the world has never been as bad as it is now. economically speaking, we are on the way to becoming a developing country. that s the head of germany s stock exchange who provokes politicians with sharp criticism about the performance of europe s biggest economy. following the death of nollywood starjunior pope, we have a special report from lagos on the safety of the nollywood film industry. and we ll be exploring the rise of swiftonomics as the billionaire pop star s eras tour gets underway in scotland. welcome to business today. i m sally bundock. more now on the results in europe as the bloc s parliamentary elections come to a close. as you ve been hearing, we ve seen a surge on the right across the region. we ve seen a surge to the right across the region. in france, the strong showing for marine le pen s national rally triggering a snap election in france called late yesterday by president emmanuel macron. the outcome of these elections are of significance because the politicians in the european parliament will be agreeing on the bloc s budget and economic policies and its position on trade. the european union is the world s largest trading bloc

Elections , Result , France , Round , Marine-le-pen , Decree , July-7th , Onjune-30th , 7 , One , 30 , Manifesto