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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner 20180823 17:00:00

what did the president know and when did he know it. and we all know where that phrase comes from. you know on days like this within this week of big news around michael cohen and other people like paul manafort, sometimes we will hear an immediate response from the white house. we have not yet heard anything as far as i know from you, john, but this is one of those situations where the president would say, what about the situation? i mean it is not i said situation twice in one sentence, i apologize. but now is it more apparent perhaps of why he would have passed this on to federal prosecutors? i was talking with brian kilmeade about this on the radio this morning and even though this was not about the mueller case and a mueller hand of the soft to the southern district of new york because they felt it fell outside of the purview of the investigation into russia collusion, it would definitely seem to be a loop
now a law professor at california berkeley joins me now. it s great to have you for your expertise. so sticking with the breaking news, and a person who has already been while we have seen two convictions basically this week and now we see in immunity deal with david packer, the ceo of the parent company that owns the national enquirer, what do you make of it all? first if you are president trump you are getting very worried because i don t think he is under threat of prosecution, because he s under the justice department president and the president of the united states can t be indicted for at the crime while he is in office. his main worry i think is whether this will lead to some kind of impeachment charge because under impeachment, under the high crimes of misdemeanor standard which is the house and ultimately the senate to decide the meaning of, one could say this is an impeachable offense if the president in some way had conspired with people to evade
limits on campaign contributions or concealed the nature of campaign spending in order to get himself elected. i think a lot of things still have to happen before any kind of that can happen, and this is all about, again, as you mentioned, it s not really about the russia mueller 2016 election, this is really about a much more sordid, contain a narrow and less threatening idea of people trying to manipulate possibly the campaign contribution limits to pay off people so they wouldn t hurt candidate trump during the election. harris: you say that the president not under threat of election, many i think including yourself have said, you can t do it. others have said you could try, just to make the point. bob mueller, talk to me for a
second about how this works legally. it s not his job to put up information about whether or not a president should be impeached. it s his job, as i understand it, to go after crimes. how did we get into that lane and how do we get out of it? it s a great question and it s really complicated. notice that these cases, cohen and packer, these are not occurring in virginia and washington, d.c., he handed these things off to regular prosecutors. these are the ones in the southern district of new york which covers manhattan. these are not part of the mueller investigation. his charge, his mandate is to investigate russian meddling with the 2016 elections, and that s not involved here. as far as we know, there is no involvement in russia. so what mueller has to focus on
Interviews with newsmakers and roundtable discussions cover the top news stories of the day.
russia and 2016 elections. if he doesn t find any, all we can do at best, rod rosenstein then has a choice to go to congress. but he s a prosecutor and his job is to help congress carry out high crimes and impeachment functions, that s up to congress. his job is to look for crimes involving the 2016 election. we haven t seen it yet, there are people who are speculating that that s what he s going to do, that if he thought the president committed obstruction maybe he would report that to congress. this is something that ken starr had to think about, but like you said it s not part of his mandate. harris: and airbags the question, and i will have to let you go on this. there begs the question on whether or not the president, if he wanted to start with security clearances or firing people or
relieving them or moving them or whatever, it would be hard to argue with that in some degree, if, in fact, the investigation has become this preimpeachment goal oriented movement. you say we don t know that yet but it s worth keeping an eye on. i will ask my producer one more time to say what you just said in my ear? okay. let s move on now, i m joined by bill mcgurn, main street columnist for the wall street journal and member of the editorial board right on time. fox news contributor, as you all are breaking this news and had to have confirmed it with the wall street journal and fox news confirmed as well. david packer, ceo of the national enquirer has agreed to in immunity deal. that s bad news for president trump, i agree. the real threat against donald trump is not any criminal indictment but impeachment.
and that is growing more and more likely as democrats seem to lead in the polls up to the midterms and the democrats are itching to impeach him, even if as is likely now, they won t have the votes in the senate to convict. harris: we are getting sources are telling fox news directly to john roberts who was just on with me a little while ago that we have to confirm this immunity to speak with federal prosecutors, for steel at the southern district of new york. what does this mean? you talked about, it s bad news for the president but what does this mean if it does not point to anything substantive legal? i think your point is exactly right. i started off with the idea that the whole concept of a special counsel is an abomination. i think special counsel is corrupt, independent counsel is corrupt, absolutely. it s a bad way to go. congress is the proper vehicle
for this. so if you want to take down a president, impeachment is the proper vehicle. i also agree gerald gerald d famously said, high crimes and misdemeanors or whatever congress says it is. but de facto, there is an argument. if they decide, you can be impeached. so that is i think the danger to the president. i point out when the special counsel was first set up, it was for its a counterintelligence . and that s not going to help president trump. we can remind people of where we started and why that s important. and you know, in all of your years as a journalist, and looking at this in terms of politics, have we seen this pass
do you blame this congress? because they are in the same party as the president. it s hard because you have to get the body to act collectively but if congress representing we the people doesn t exercise its rights, no one is going to give it to them. harris: i have to get in this, a statement from attorney general sessions back to the president. it says while i am attorney general, the actions of the department of justice will not be improperly considered by political considerations. remember where we have been today, and it doubling down on that language is if i had known that you were going to recuse, and even the president saying, you should have told me before you recuse yourself from the russian investigation. this is now breaking, and the statement is longer than that but i give you a highlight. president trump has some legitimate complaints. i believe just jeff sessions has been weak because he recuse
himself. but just because the president has legitimate beefs doesn t mean that he has expressed them in the most helpful ways to himself. and i think now he s paying the price for some of his associate associates. he picked michael cohen and he picked paul manafort. harris: and in his recent statements he said he questioned the idea of picking christopher wray ahead of the fbi. this is the attorney general answering back to the president in a statement online. i took control of the department of justice the day i was sworn in, which is why we ve had unprecedented success at effectuating the president s agenda, one that protects the safety and security and rights of the american people, reduces violent crime enforces our immigration laws, promotes economic growth and advances religious liberty. he goes on to say what i said, i will say it again, while i am attorney general of the actions will not be improperly
influenced by political considerations. is this getting deeper? are we saying a situation where the president could wake up and say, i ve had enough of jeff sessions, you are out, or you are put somewhere else. where are we in all of this and with the president in any way be justified by doing that? the president can choose whatever attorney general he wants but the question is whether he could get someone confirmed, maybe next year. my suspicion is if there are 54 republicans in the senate next year that jeff sessions won t be long and his job, but i think it s very difficult for the president to do that now because what would happen? rod rosenstein would take over. harris: let me take this part. only things that man like this in my experience whatever we in the end. no nation has a more talented or dedicated group than the united states. i m proud to serve with them and
proud of the work we have done in successfully advancing the rule of law. i think jeff sessions had to say that, and the president has been berating him in tweet after tweet, again, and i think he has a legitimate beefs that mr. sessions recuse himself and weakened himself. but i don t know of any management book that says you get the best of your people by berating them in public. jeff sessions is sticking up for the integrity of his department. bill mcgurn, you ve been in politics covering it for a long time, a short yes or no session, i can answer if you can. is jeff sessions going to be fired? i think eventually that not right now, i don t think the president would benefit. the investigation wouldn t go away and a lot of other people might take over that would be less friendly to the president s interest. harris: wall wall street journal editorial in the paper making breaking news, and we were glad that you were able to stop by. a big day for the supreme court
nominee as he meets with several democrats, but some of them are calling for his confirmation hearing to be delayed. why? do they have a valid point or are they trying to obstruct? republican senator john through joins me next, stay close
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harris: fox news alert, just minutes from now, chris will meet with supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh in a growing showdown over his confirmation hearing and a growing number of democrats meeting with him. some democrats are calling for a delay in the hearing after michael cohen and paul manafort convictions, and at least three democrats are refusing to meet with the kavanaugh sill at all. but the white house is going after their calls to postpone the hearings this way. this is a desperate and pathetic attempt by democrats to obstruct a very highly qualified nominee. the hearing date has been set for september 4th and judge kavanaugh will be there. harris: south dakota senator space 27 is with me now and you have met with judge kavanaugh. what do you make today of more democrats meeting, but as the senator dick durbin has said it, it s really to press him on the issue of delay.
what do you think? senator thune: good afternoon, aris. it is a delaying tactic on behalf of the democrats, they ve been trying to delay this from the beginning so much so that a number came out to oppose him before he was even nominated. there are a number of democrats who are now saying they won t take a meeting with him. it seems to me if you had concerns or questions you wanted to address, the response will way to deal with that would to be at least meet with the nominee. but at this point i think all these things the democrats are doing our sort of grasping at straws and trying to find any way they can to try to sink this nomination. but it s not going to work, the hearings will continue and they start on september 4th. he is an eminently qualified judge and someone who understands the role of a judge ought to be to apply the law in the constitution as written, not to try to cheat policy outcomes from the court, i think he will do pretty well. harris: and some other
democrats also, i know senator dianne feinstein wanted to push for more documents and all of it feels like a big deep breath delay. but also with the minority whip, dick durbin, he wanted to talk about the mueller probe. did you talk with kavanaugh about the mueller probe? senator thune: that s not something he needs to worry about or deal with. the issues he will be dealing with in court are some of the things i asked him about, his opinions, and he s written over 300 so we have plenty to evaluate. the democrats are also arguing that there are not enough documents out there but they are processing 430,000 pages and documents in his time in the executive branch alone. so that s not going to be an issue. this nominee gets an opportunity to make his case in these hearings and as the american people begin to tune in they will conclude that this is someone who, as i said, is not only well qualified and well respected in the legal community
but in the mainstream in view of his terms in temperament and his view of what the role of a judge is. and that s the thing that most americans will care about, certainly what we appear to care about and i wish the democrats would give him a fair break. it doesn t appear they are willing to do that because as i said, it appears they will be deposed to any nominee the president puts forward. harris: you talk about three or 400 documents, and i wonder how that all works. i republicans also reading those documents? senator susan collins has put herself out there and she won t make a decision about kavanaugh until september 4th, so we are right up against that hearing, that day. what do you make of that? are you concerned that roe vs. wade becomes an issue with regard to the confirmation of brett kavanaugh? senator thune: i think it will be an issue that the democrats will try to raise and most of their attacks are animated by their far left. the attacks that they are going
to throw and judge kavanaugh won t have anything to do with his records or opinions, it will have everything to do with his outcomes and ideology. harris: susan collins, that is her issue, too, she says. so what do you say to her? senator thune: susan has met with a judge and she said the meeting went well. my guess is, in the end, i m hoping that we will have all republicans and i think some democrats will end up supporting this judge. but everyone has a process, their own process and their own way of thinking through this issue, and they will have an opportunity to do that. what s discouraging though is a lot of democrats aren t even giving him a chance. harris: i saw you jump backwards off of a boat in south dakota, so happy summer to you, it looks like a good one. senator thune: thank you,
youtube, aris. harris: attorney general jeff sessions firing back after president trump refused to say whether he would fire him. i read you his statement that is breaking this hour. does it seem more likely that jeff sessions will be out? and a major hurricane taking aim at hawaii. this is a hurricane lane which at one point has reached category five and we are hopeful it will break down to something smaller. the forecast and the latest on evacuating a stockpile, two weeks worth of food and water as well. lots to report from maui. stay with us. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don t use if you re allergic to otezla . it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with. .an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have  a history of depression or suicidal thoughts,.
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even my enemies say that jeff sessions should have told you that he was going to recuse himself, and you wouldn t have put him in. he took the job and he said, i would have recused myself. now attorney general jeff sessions is firing back in this statement. i took control of the department of justice the day i was sworn in which is why i had unprecedented success and effectuating the agenda. one that protects the safety, security and rights of the american people, reduces violent crime, enforces our immigration laws, promotes economic growth and advances liberty. the department of justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations. i demand the highest standards and where they are not met, i take action. however no nation has a more talented or dedicated group of law enforcement investigators and prosecutors in the united states.
now let s talk deeper about this conversation because it feels like this just got more heated. republican senator mike rounds of south dakota joins me know. does this take it up a notch between the president and the attorney general? senator rounds: i don t know if that takes it up a notch or not, but i agree with former senator sessions and attorney general sessions. this man has very high standard standards. president trump made the right choice when he selected him in the first choice. i don t think the president needs to second-guess himself in this particular case, jeff sessions is the right man for the job. we worked with him for two years and he s quiet, but i can tell you he is also stubborn, but he will do what he thinks is right and his principles are very strong. harris: it should jeff sessions have told the president before taking the job i should say former senator jeff sessions before taking the job is attorney general? should he have told the
president that he would recuse himself from the russian investigation? it depends on whether or not he knew the facts at the time. i think if senator sessions at that time was aware that it might very well be a conflict of interest, if he had the opportunity, he may very well have said, look. you have to understand i have to recuse myself in some situations. on the other hand i think senator sessions would have assumed that everyone would expect him to accuse himself if he is part of an ongoing investigation. and he has been an attorney for years. he s been a prosecutor. he s been a united states senator and he understands the expectations of an elected official and unappointed official. i think he is very loyal to this president and he wants to see this president succeed. can you imagine the backlash that would have occurred if jeff sessions would not have recused himself in this particular case? harris: i can t imagine that. but i want to step in because
the american people elected a president who is outside of the swamp. he s outside of all of those things that somebody might just assume that someone would know based on being alive. this wasn t just a senator, as you pointed out. jeff sessions is an accomplished attorney, he gets it. was it not always his duty to counsel the president as he was moving between jobs? just to say, as you have pointed out, there might be a conflict at some point and i would have to step in with a recusal. why not just slap the president without her? senator rounds: that s a fair question but i don t know whether or not that was ever brought up. i don t know if that was something on jeff sessions mind. i can tell you right now that there are times in which an individual recuse himself, there are times when any elected official will recuse themselves. all i can tell you is this. jeff sessions is the right man for the job. he believes in this president, jeff sessions is a man of very
high standards. the president made the right choice when he chose jeff sessions for this job. harris: when you say he has a right man for the job, i understand it to be like that list that he gave of accomplishments that he said he effectuated the president s agenda. and that s overseeing what s going on, should there be somebody else and that position or alongside him that actually can weigh in? the nice part of the process is that when he recuse himself, another individual who is a professional will step in and take responsibility. that has occurred in that process will continue on regardless of who the attorney general is. it needs to for the good of the country and the good of the president. we want this to come to a conclusion, we want it to not start over again. we want this to be complete. and we think the american people
do, too. i think this is better for the president and most certainly the best thing for the country, to see the institutions of the government actually work the way that they are supposed to. once again, i think that s exactly what attorney general sessions had in mind as well. harris: you know there are accusations of bias inside the fbi and via text messages that have gone back and forth between two agents i don t have to go too far down the road. then you have to consider bruce ohr, married to a woman who helped put together the anti-trump dossier. are you confident that attorney general jeff sessions could step in there with one of his employees at the doj and make sure that there is no bias against the president? does the recusal frustrate his ability to do that? i think it s exactly those types of things which occur, which was occurring not only
under this administration but under a previous administration and other a previous attorney general. that s one of the things that i think jeff sessions will tell you, you have to have standards and they have to be enforced. jeff understands that and he is the right guy for the job. i don t agree with everything that he has four opinions either but he is a principled individual and he will do what he believes is right and that s what the president needs as an attorney general right now. he believes in this president as well and that s important. jeff was one of his very first supporters and i think that jeff is still one of those supporters are trying to do what he believes is absolutely right. harris: senator rounds, the great state of south dakota, great to see you today. we are awaiting a fema update on hurricane lane as it is now closing in on hawaii. it s a monster storm. category four and it could be the first major hurricane to make landfall on the islands in decades. officials are urging people who live there to stockpile two
weeks worth of food and water. let s go to senior correspondent adam housley who is obviously there. we are getting some rain bands here coming through this morning and this hurricane could be the first one since 1992. the good news is, it seems to be weakening. and having said that, even though it s weakening, obviously the wind shear, as we hear more from forecasters throughout the day is helping knock it down. we are still getting significant rain here and 25 miles to my right, to my east basically, is the big island which is getting pounded. they have more than 12 inches in some cases and on the west side they have less than a quarter inch. so that tells you how unpredictable this storm is as it continues to sit there. those waves, that rain coming down on the big island has pumped to people throughout the hawaiian islands to prepare. that s the other were being used here is preparation.
people here did take the warnings, the stories have been packed the past couple days and we were there yesterday morning when we got our supplies. there were enough supplies for people to have and they are telling people to prepare for as long as possibly 14 days, depending on if the storm remains big and hits us. one of the people here is the mayor of maui telling people to get prepared and don t take anything for granted for granted. here on maui there s been a run on all the grocery stores and we are hoping to restock. we haven t really faced a hurricane of this magnitude in history as far as i can remember. it will be a new experience for everybody if it maintains its current strength. back here live on maui, the rain has stopped for a moment and the seas are as common as we have seen them in 24 hours but we expect that to change throughout the day as those bands break up and the storm pouncing island in the next
24-48 hours. harris: we will keep it in our sides and keep reporting on it as it comes together. the immigration debate keeping up after an illegal immigrant is charged with the murder of molly mollie tibbetts. but the suspect s employer is saying about him, next. stay close. a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? (vo) and you may lose weight. in the same one-year study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. oh! up to 12 pounds? (vo) a two-year study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. oh! no increased risk? ozempic®! ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not share needles or pens. don t reuse needles. do not take ozempic® if you have a personal or family history
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the lead investigator in this case said it rivera has been in the country illegally for 5-7 years, and then told fox news that he never submitted a daca request and there is no record he has any immigration status here in this country. rivera s attorney claims that somehow, he is in the country legally. we are working to obtain any documentation that might confirm that. we have some video to show you of the location where police say rivera placed mollie s body, about 13 miles from her hometown in brooklyn, iowa. it appears that rivera walks 60 feet on a wide path between two cornfields and that s where police say he carried molly s body into a very mature and thick cornfield and headache. investigators say rivera could face even more charges if molestation is discovered. right now he s being held on a $5 million bond. harris: you re talking about that farm where he works and i m curious how they vetted
the suspect to work for them for years and stayed in the united states legally under their employee. how did it go? i know he used some fake documents. if they say that he is not who they thought he was completely likely used fake documents and i.d. first they said they used the federal e-verify system, but then they backtracked and said there was a social security verification but there was some type of error there. now the owners say they need new laws. in immigration law that needs to identify the people that are here, identify where they live and what the work is, and these people have to live within the laws of the land. that is the kind of immigration system we need, not only for agriculture but for many other industries within the state. cristhian rivera is a schedule to appear in court again later next week. harris: matt finn,
reporting live from iowa. attorney general jeff sessions of the white house for a prison reform meeting right now. that s got to be interesting. the president is also in that meeting. all of that after sessions hits back at the president s criticism stay close. your insurance rates skyrocket after a scratch so small
hi, everyone, i m dana perino. i push to delay the nomination of brett kavanaugh. plus we are live in hawaii which could get record rainfall from a hurricane already slamming the island. and as it too late to stop adversaries like russia and iran from idling in the election? that after two major incidents this week. harris: breaking news happening right now inside the white house, attorney general jeff sessions right now they are for prison reform meeting, and this hour you have seen an interesting response from that man to the president. the president also in that meeting after sessions hits back a few minutes ago with the presidents criticism that he never took control of the doj. the attorney general released a statement prior to this meeting saying, and he took control of the department the day he was sworn in.
let s bring in the power panel. alex conant, former communications director for senator marco rubio, and a partner at firehouse strategies, juan williams, fox news senior political analyst and cohost of the five. these men are in a room right now alex, together. and this is complicated because you have people like senator lindsey graham same, he expects session to be out of his job at any moment. to be a fly on the wall at the side of the white house right now as to be amazing to see the body language between the president and his attorney general after this flurry of rhetoric going back and forth. i can tell you this, i worked in the senate for five years and senate republicans respect and like the attorney general. if the president were to fire him, the response from the senate would be explosive. the senate republicans would be really, really angry about that and they would not be in a hurry to confirm the new attorney general. i think rod rosenstein would be the acting attorney general for
the foreseeable future. harris: and senator mike rounds was just on with me from south dakota, and it was interesting because he seemed to say to the president, don t do anything like that. you made the right decision with jeff sessions. the big thing is recusal in the russia investigation. to me, listening to alex and it s listening to senator rounds speak with you, harass, it strikes me that republicans don t want the president to do this. so even people on his side, who think that he is their leader, there president, or trying to caution him and slow him down at this moment. harris: so when the president says even my enemies said you should have told me, jeff sessions, that you are recusing herself from the russian investigation, how does that play out? issuing tweets and statements back and forth, and outside within the beltway, some senators say this could go down and the president could get rid of him. we have reached the point of
no return on this investigation, it will come to a conclusion. the president will shut it down. i think we are at the point now where the president should stop tweeting, should stop attacking the investigators, and it do everything he can to bring it in for a conclusion as soon as possible, recognizing that the more he tries to inhibit the investigation, if anything that s what he s being investigated for. harris: but look at the timing, the president knew that they were going to be together in the white house. he has been beating up on sessions. he tweeted last week that he was sorry. harris: right before he was in the place for the president is, that is bold. is it bold to say, i dare you, i m in this job, is that what is being communicated here? i think he wants to have sessions in his presence, but the question is, will he fire sessions today? i don t think that s true but
the president has surprised me several times. but it looks and smells like historically, if you get rid of sessions, you don t want rosenstein in the job. harris: why not? because he s the one managing the investigation right now, it will cause a huge political storm in congress and put the president in even worse position. harris: lindsey graham just talked on camera, i will tell you what he said. take a look.

President , People , News , Michael-cohen , Know , Phrase , Paul-manafort , One , Anything , John-roberts , Situation , Response

Transcripts For DW DW News 20190625 11:00:00

the below the book . this is you know we knew it was live from berlin ramping up the rhetoric iran lashes out at the u.s. over its decision to impose sanctions on its supreme leader and the iranian president s excuses washington of lying over an offer of talks raising fears of an escalation of the standoff also coming up a scorcher europe is bracing for record high temperatures as the teeth way starts to move across the continent we ll take a look at the do s and don ts of how to behave like this really really hot and the
women s world 2 cup a tense and controversial round of 16 match sees the u.s. edged past a reigning champs now face it for a final take against the host of the tournament. on the ark thank you so much for your company everyone. there ryan says the path to diplomacy between tehran and washington is now permanently closed while the statement comes after the u.s. impose new sanctions on iran s supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei and other top officials in iranian foreign ministry spokesman said the measures were a sign of america s quote desperation but u.s. president donald trump called them a strong and proportionate response to iran s increasingly provocative actions. after ramping up the pressure the united states struck a more conciliatory tone at
a meeting with israel and russia in jerusalem u.s. national security adviser john bolton encroached iran to seek dialogue the president has held the door open to real negotiations to completely and verifiably eliminate iran s nuclear weapons program its pursuit of ballistic missile delivery systems its support for international terrorism and its other malign behavior worldwide all that iran needs to do is to walk through that open door predictably u.s. attempts to use economic leverage to get into negotiations did not go down well with tehran iran s president on monday lashed out at trump for imposing sanctions on iran s head of state i told our company that you know i don t mean god. how can a person lose their mind so badly. and do something so outrageous and idiotic huge by sanctioning the leader of
a country hometime one of the latest round of sanctions comes after iran shut down a u.s. drone over the gulf of oman the u.s. also blames terror on 1st during off attacks on oil tankers in the area iran denies the accusations sanctions were 1st levity in august last year shortly after the u.s. or nato nuclear deal struck by the obama administration iran in may announce a partial withdrawal from the deal and said it would grow its stockpile of weapons grade uranium. at a un security council meeting germany spoke for many when it voiced fears of the saber rattling could escalate into war. france germany and the united kingdom are gravely concerned by the increased tensions in the gulf for their height after the downing of the u.s. drone by you ran on the 20th of june these developments risk miscalculation and conflict we call for deescalation and dialogue with respect for international
routes but with both the u.s. and iran unwilling to back down such calls i like to go on site. and heighten tensions between the u.s. and iran were the main topic also at a meeting in jerusalem between the u.s. russia and israel before on this so let s cross over now to mike or sponsoring a cream or jerusalem and and we sure we re in moscow to get the perspective from there want to start off with you tanya if i may out what is israel s interest in hosting these talks. why i think prime minister netanyahu set the tone by saying over the weekend again that he would do everything to prevent iran from obtaining nuclear weapons but also to prevent iran from setting a base in the trenching itself as he calls it in neighboring syria and the latest of the latter is really one of the main concerns for israel and this is where russia comes in as well russia as
a close ally to the assad regime operating in syria also close with iran. but also having a close relationship security coordination with israel which has carried out many s. trikes against military targets in syria over the past 2 years but also israel is hoping from russia to get help in forcing what they call a foreign forces out of syria the question is of course how much. russia can do that and how far they re willing. and what they would get in return for this now let s go to emily in moscow to get the view from there. the u.s. national security adviser john bolton who is at this meeting in jerusalem says that he believes sanctions and pressure on iran will bring it to the negotiating table is that view being shared by the kremlin what is russia suggesting to defuse
tensions between these 2 nations while russia is traditionally against sanctions they are of course themselves under sanctions and they have come out condemning the sanctions against iran as well today we heard from the nikolai publisher of the head of russia s security council that he actually has information from the russian defense ministry that the u.s. drop the drone that was shot down was actually in a rainy an air space that seems to be the russian position the u.s. of course had been tamed that the drone was in international airspace at the time and also today we heard from the foreign minister the russian foreign minister lavrov who was talking about the tanker attacks the recent tanker attacks and he was calling for an objective investigation into that incident the u.s. again they re also accusing iran of attacking those tankers so russia seems to be coming down very strongly on the iranian side today the russian officials again
we re emphasizing the importance of iran as a partner the 2 countries of who have been fighting alongside each other in syria and also have been working together to resolve the conflict there. and we sure are reporting from moscow and kramer in jerusalem for you i think you both. all right we re bringing now some of the other stories making news around the world . at least one person is dead and dozens more injured after a series of explosions tore through a munitions depot in southern kazakhstan officials have evacuated the nearby town of aris and the country s turkistan region kazakhstan s defense ministry says a fire triggered a blast. when mexico s army chief says some 15000 troops have been deployed to the country s ignore the border to detain migrants trying to cross illegally into the united states and mexico is under pressure from the white house to choke off the
flow of migrants travelling north earlier this month the country promised to reinforce its southern border with thousands of troops. the 1st crew to blast off to the international space station following a launch accident last year have returned safely to earth the failed launch in october raise doubts over moscow s space program that russia is currently the only country to oversee manned launches to the i as s. . now 2 balkan states north macedonia and albania are hoping to become the newest members of the european union talks over their possible a session to later this year but north macedonia is membership bid has stalled over a decades long dispute about the country s name and you remember greece long feared that the country of macedonia could claim a greek province the same name but last year the 2 countries struck a deal they agreed that the republic be named north macedonia paving the way for
actively for its membership of the e.u. and nato countries also stepped up its fight against crime and corruption something that the e.u. has praised. all right and with me here in the studio is steve o.f.m. the roski of president of north macedonia and mr president i d like to extend a very warm welcome thank you for being with us here on news let s get straight to the core of the issue that e.u. membership what kind of role does your country want to play in the european union 1st of all we would like to be in the european union i was just. so we are a small country we devoted to resources and certainly we can all be was being can do your opinion we can all be the key stakeholders of them bob we would like to go to death process of europeanization and does the reason why we need the so-called external evaluator from brussels when to all of these dirty 5 chapters in order to better the lives of all us citizens and to have most institutions that we have at
the moment but there s been a stumbling block to say the least of course some e.u. member states that most notably france germany and the melons have said back off a little bit because we need some more time in october we ll let you know how do you expect them to give you the green light or to hold off talks on a session we expect 100 percent that they re going to be given a green light you know why because at the moment there s no any single government even member states saying that north must win it doesn t deserve to start and to open these negotiations talks so that s 100 percent sure we ve got assurances by a friends in the lead in germany we have a clear assurances by france and we have korea and so to say by holand and then not a few of the countries which have some kind of remarks last year when you look union got to that conclusion to have no less than that and going to be decided next june of the dealerships are closed so we are quite sure that september will taken that decision and you can immediately after that in brussels all you members
there is we ll vote for opening the negotiations because what i m wondering though is like everything in life timing is everything the country s rich joined the bloc back in 20042007 they are at loggerheads some of them with the european commission to do with rule of law to do with not effectively fighting corruption is that making the challenge for north macedonia show much more difficult you know we would like to be the colazal damages of some eventual pas the best performances being in the european union if they not performed well that s up to those countries what we are asking for from. european union fests judge us on individual merits you asked for this deliberate lovejoy you have asked for a few of the remaining preconditions we have video of including the famous and the historic i was impressed by the man so please judge us on our individual achievements in the meantime so i can agree that some of the newcomers in the european union in the buzz that he has not performed quite well but that s up to
these countries you cannot judge north must vania together with $510.00 other countries including our direct neighbors just judge us as a set on up individual achievements and that s all we are asking for mr president feel that north macedonia is not getting a fair shake by the. us is that is the feeling among our people and we think that that should be amended somehow in the months to come because we have been promised the north must and will then on the last e.u. summit in sofia as a clear sentence in the final communique from that summit saying that north and albany are going to get that for an opening in june 2000 we are again postponed was good in all of that that that is only a technical postponement but believe me i have difficulties and many other people around the big now currently in power in skopje to explain to the come the people that it is really only a technical person on it. if you don t get the green wire october what with that mean for your government from going to undermining c.d. s on the money of the
production forces or your files are going to be put in the corner i m not speaking of old who is going to be the winner of the next parliament elections i m a devoted beginning of my term as the president of the country so i can put aside that lead to televisions at least for a while but it s very important for the region as a whole is if you like finally brussels to send a positive signal to the whole division because whenever each country of the west will convene illusion being for so long sidelined by europeans and getting a positive message that that is a good positive message for the region as a whole so what we are waiting for is give us the chance to prove ourselves to do so very long and as thin as possible european ization we are not esque in october for the full fledged membership we asking for the fair chance to start that very long process itself and that s not too much i think to ask from the europeans in conclusion mr president now it just so happens that in october that date coincides
with the united kingdom scheduling schedule is to leave the e.u. london has been of course an ally when it comes to a large amount of the european union how much has them leaving the bloc hurt your bid we would like to see you staying huge opinion if you like if you ask me and the people around me and the old people in most of them because we know that it has been one of the most dynamic power behind the you will build behind european integration but even then leaving a team that we still have enough of you to files in brussels including the people from the complete political elite in germany so we still called them them and we know that done a lot for gold and that is not possible as i thank you so much for joining us steve president of north macedonia now you re watching d.w.t. as you still have a lot more to tell you about including. a tense and dramatic round of 16 match at the women s world cup sees the u.s.
just can t pass spain but the reigning champion so it look like they can be beaten even after 4 straight wins. but 1st governments in europe are warning their citizens to take precautions as a record heat wave starts moving across the continent temperatures are forecast to exceed 40 degrees celsius in several countries including germany france and spain. which. were. to. ensue. well i think that weather is much harder than when i expect because i felt a new era of the weather maybe nicer than this is too hot for me actually to baghdad it s really unpleasant but we re used to it unlike other people so we are
not preparing specifically but you have to make sure you stay hydrated through the . hot winds from the sun harra turning up temperatures across europe in front so far it is a warning people about the intense heat. also fitfully felt children should drink limit physical activity or even keep a body work or to cover them well protect them from the sun with pats is all sunglasses and a long sleeved shirts yes. do not leave them in the car even for a very short time of which. it s important to remember this. the heat wave in france in 2003 years thought to have killed 15000 people this time the country is better prepared. other european countries are issuing warnings as well germany is expecting record breaking high seas on wednesday and children the only ones at risk. one of them for i m given pretty and it s also older people
with preexisting health problems with their kidneys health problems with hydration problems with their hearts when there s a heat wave and they don t drink enough they get even bigger problems the more they can also get dizzy and fall. to drink drink drink you can complain can. internally or externally it s the bomb against europe s coming heat. and i. are now so with the mercury rising in europe what are we to make of this whether well let s ask a weatherman meteorologist alexander hildebrand from the german weather service that s our gut is with us alex good to see you i see a spanish meteorologist has tweeted the following how is coming is it really going to be that dramatic well it feels like hell when you re outside when it s 40
degrees celsius and those are the temperatures we are expecting in large parts of europe in southern germany we will have 39 or 48 in on wednesday in france we re looking into temperatures are 4344 in southern areas already today and tomorrow and there are other countries sweating also for example eastern europe will have 3637 percent that s for sure and that is due to. heed to that is coming our way well let s talk. about it because it s only insured europe is already sizzling how normal is this fit in the pattern the weather pattern that you usually observe normally we would expect these kind of heat waves more in july and august and so it s very unusual that this is all early or coring now at the end of june but the the weather pattern is cost by a low pressure system west of spain and that is really pushing the heat into our direction and this is also connected to other global events that are building up
now along a strong long stretch as are certain stretches certain movements of air and the higher atmosphere about the above the atlantic so that is the reason why this he does coming towards our way what do these extreme temperatures that we re going through right now tell us about global warming are they related should we start getting prepared for more of these in the future unfortunately i must say yes this is this is already a sign of global warming if this continues june $2970.00 will be the hottest on record but although this is also true for other countries like in france or spain and this is a development we have seen in the last maybe 6 or 7 years the month of june has continuously getting warmer and warmer only by a few degrees but this is a trend that much has continued in the last decades and most probably will continue if the global warming continues in the way the climate to models forecast what do you do to beat the heat well i of course i try to stay indoors when it s around
noon and in the afternoons actually my office is also very cool which is nice but i try to avoid sports i do write my bikes through the city also when it s hot but i shouldn t and i feel really very bad about it afterwards so and i also try to get a good night s sleep which is difficult when the heat is so strong so i would advise everyone to keep the apartment as stark. as possible during the day so that there is some rest at nights because the nights will be have tropical temperatures in large parts of europe in the coming days and hydrate hydrate hydrate drink a lot of water meteorologist alexander hildebrandt from the german weather service that s our dot com thank you thank you. to the women s world cup in france now where the favorite the united states just barely made it through to the quarterfinals with a somewhat controversial when overspray the u.s. seemed to be cruising to a 4th straight easy win thanks to an early penalty but
a mistake on the fence led to a spectacular shot by space jenny had to tie the match late in the 2nd half a questionable penalty against a spanish side was upheld by the video referee and the u.s. took advantage to secure the victory to one of the factors. yanni gets fired from d w sports is here with me to talk about this yet a much tougher side and match for the u.s. they breeze through the group stage but that was no easy game no that was much tougher as you just mentioned they scored 18 unanswered goals in the group stages but against spain they came up against a different base and they provided the u.s. as rivals with a reason for hope they really found some chinks in the armor it was not a confident moments at all defensive errors of course and not a comfortable when too many of their best players were off pace and i think that
falls on the coach jill ellis i don t think she provided a viable game plan for the u.s. to to win the match will get through spain and she didn t come up with a plan beta and then as we say here i had to rely on a fairly contentious penalty to get the win and that doesn t really screen world cup champions does it so i think again the coachella she has some some questions to answer she started an unfit player now it s more than leaving cali lloyd on the bench as well as others as she didn t. act reactively to to to change the match when she could of so now they are up against their next match is off against france team france what do they need to change to really make a chance of winning that game yes a france is a is a different base again to spain they re easily a better team than spain and they will punish the us if they don t show off an op i think as i mentioned needs to one pick the right person no but she also needs to be more reactive rather than passive friends will punish us and she will have to make
substitutions of the right times when the us needs them but at the end of the day. it is the best team in the world it is and these players are the ones that will likely change this match i think that they can almost play the game themselves that i could and we saw some fighting words from megan ruff and rip a no off the match in his she just let s have a listen to what she had to say best broke up little bridge right there you just you can t replicate it there s no way to express it or teach it there is a few of us out in the field of him like halfway through the 2nd opera like at the level we need to go up a level not only here but just to temple and i mean we are a little bit so as i can tell that they only get harder more intense near our boys playing for their lives so i think that s the best part about honestly i love that this is the 1st date. so yeah megan rapinoe even though she didn t have the best day she still scored 2 goals and you see the confidence of these players they know they can do better and i think they ll lift their game against france if the team
to be still here all these years now we had to knock out state and knock out matches excuse me yesterday who else went to the choir i guess the other match was sweden against canada. also a very tough team very strong defensively but they also have the attack is to get the job done and we have some highlights here to show you as well and with the open no we scored with no one of a combination between cause of a slimy and. less than us and here s the goal here lovely pass from aslan and through to blacks and us and a beautiful finish and that s how finished it was one nil the end sweden a well deserved win but i did have a scare late in the 2nd half a penalty awarded for him but fortunately the keeper had the game how managed a fantastic save and that s where sweden a strong the defense really pulls a few of the top teams and problems they are coming up against germany next and i think germany will have to be at the top of their game to get through that defense through that defense and through that goalkeeper and it best wines in the tournament now there are still 2 round of 16
a match is who s coming up tonight yes it s not we have it s lee who are a bit of surprise package they took the group which not many people expected them to and they re coming up against china who used to be one of the powerhouses of women s football and then the other match another interesting match up the netherlands who are looking very strong the defending european champions and count them as one of the favorites for the storm and they re coming up against japan so too pretty in throwing matches looking forward looking forward to the great want to pull ahead of us amazing amazing great stuff we have to start from the sports greatly appreciate it. and staying with football uruguay have top group c. in the men s copa america after defeating chile one nil both sides created opportunities in the contest but it took until the 82nd minute to break through as cover in a scoring the winner with in expertly placed header both teams so progress to the quarterfinals your grave will phase through chile play colombia.
the winter olympics is set to return to the italian alps the international olympic committee yesterday voted in favor of the twin venue s of milan and 14 of them fit so to host the games in the year 2026 for the italian be defeated in offering by sweden $47.00 votes to $34.00 a number of other countries that pulled out of the running altogether citing the huge costs of putting on an olympics at least it is considered frugal with an operating budget of about one and a half 1000000000 euros. are just a reminder now of the top stories that we re tracking for you this hour iran has condemned the u.s. over its decision to impose sanctions on its supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei and other top officials plus people across europe are bracing for a heat wave as temperatures are forecast to reach 40 degrees celsius in france germany spain and many other countries governments are warning people especially
the old and young to take special precautions to avoid becoming ill. coming up next it s kick off africa legends of the going to sleep or you re watching you know we news live from poland whale iraq i hope to see you again at the top of the hour.
the for. take off so for. soccer players from africa for decades they ve been top performers and crowd favorites in the industry guy we caught up with 2 former stars sunday on the safe and bucky. greatest successes
and what they ve been doing since picking up their glee. kick off next doubling. her mother was one of the close to $1000000.00 to it seems murder. the rwandan genocide out and 25 years ago. many of the killers have yet to be our brand new. polls are tracking them down. and bringing the murderers are just. 60 minutes. if you miss the 5 minutes 4 minutes.

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