"It's very, very tempting to continue to spend money on technologies that are 10 years old because we've gotten comfortable with them," Army CIO Raj Iyer said. "That's not what's going to help us fight and win.for the Army of 2030."
New framework designed "so we spend a vast majority of our time actually focusing on the security [.] and not spending, where we traditionally were, about 80% of our time just getting the paperwork ready so we could get an approval to operate."
An Air Force officer's semi-viral screed implored the military to fix basic computer functions before doing anything else. He told Breaking Defense the CIOs' response was "genuine progress."
Prior to the Army Digital Transformation Strategy, "What we lacked in the Army was an integrator. a unity of effort to modernize. That's what the DTS is about," CIO Raj Iyer said.