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Transcripts For MSNBCW Your Business 20140726 09:30:00

this pluming and heating company got into a rut, find out how the owners changed their company culture by emulating big name businesses. and the owners of a company that makes new york s iconic water tanks thrive by finding other revenue streams. that s all coming up next on your business.
hi, there, everyone. i m j.j. ramberg. and welcome to your business. today we start the show looking at what it takes to build a company that lasts, one, where both the customers and the employees are fiercely loyal. i headed to new jersey to visit a service business, a company of plumbers and electricians who bucked the trends to be get his business to the top of its game. 20 years ago, mike was an electrician working seven days a week, 18 hours a day. first ten years, i always tell people, it was like a
hamster wheel. it was me and rob, my business partner in a van, and we would just start early morning, end at night. today, gold medal service, that company that was once just mike and rob employees 128 people, has more than a hundred service trucks on the road, and brings in more than $20 million a year. so what happened after ten years? rob came to me, he was really burnt out. he came to me and he says, look, i m done. i m out. look, if you re not going to do it, i m not going to do it. no, i m not going to go anywhere, let s make a change. rob meant change the two-man operation into a different kind of business. one with employees and processes and more customers. one where they would be the bosses, not the technicians. somebody many years ago told us, you know, you can be great technicians, but you have to a great business owner, working on
the business and not in it. so we seeked out different organizations and we went there to learn best practices. they wanted to create a company that bucked all the stereotypes. we know the stereotype, right? the plumber s crack, electricians, trades people are going to come, going to be dirty, not polite. so they looked outside their industry for inspiration. we looked at nordstroms, disn disney, swrap poes. and take these belief systems and put it into our company, no one could copy that. it would be unique. they were determined to build a business to last, and to do that, they felt they needed a laser-sharp focus on customer and employee satisfaction. they summed it up with with four core values that direct every decision. safety first for our family and theirs. but the way you wrote it is interesting, safety first for
our family and theirs. yeah. i imagine that was deliberate. it is. our family is everybody inside our company. we care about them as much as we care for the customer. the second value is to deliver wow through service, and exceed every customer s expectations. mike and his team go over ideas on how to do this at every meeting. from wearing floor protecters, tucked in shirts, to suggesting ways to interact with customers. let s look at it in front of the customer, i did my greeting, okay where i parked? put the floor protecters in, my tools, right here and right now for you. michael jackson has been with the company for five years and still learns something new from every one of these gatherings. it helps you see things maybe in a different light sometimes. going to houses constantly, no interaction with someone other than the customer, sometimes you can get stale, sometimes you can forget a step.
the third value is to always have the highest level of integrity. to do right even when nobody is watching. a he s been with them for eight years, and he keeps coming back. above and beyond is the standard. set high expectations for their service technicians. they don t try to oversell you. they educate you about what s taking place. and finally, the fourth is to be a great place to work, all for one and one for all. a sentiment many of the employees never felt before they joined gold medal. describing the office as a second home. family atmosphere, camarader camaraderie, the upper management to the lower guys. but the technicians themselves. friends in work and outside of work as well. i know a lot of company talk about their core values but don t live them. every decision making in the company, looking at the core values to make sure that it fits
that employee. we re taking a pulse of the employees and the customers. we re surveying both to see if the core values are getting deep enough into our culture and brand. they are reinforced in the office, from signs on the wall to the value ball they throw around. lots of time when we have the meeting, wherever your thumb lands, you have to say what it is. here s one on them, you know, compliment someone. i would say, hey, j.j. you re amazing today. this interview s amazing. i appreciate you for it. this isn t the kind of thing you see at most companies like theirs, but maybe soon. mike has been so successful that he offers classes and mentorship to other companies, including competitors, on how to create a winning business. i think any time you help other companies, you raise the bar. when you start pulling that up,
it not only pulls my company with it, it pulls theirs too. mike s got his army, he s got his vehicles on the ground, and he s determined to change this industry service technician by service technician. another plumbing-related business faced the same problem as gold medal, keeping the business fresh. it was a specially challenge for rosenwach water tanks, a century-old business making the same product for generations. their solution? diversifying the business into whole new areas. andrew is the fourth generation owner of new york city-based rosewach tanks. look across the new york skyline. from brooklyn to manhattan to the bronx, and you will find his family s hand-made wooden tanks proudly perched on rooftop after
rooftop after rooftop. if these tanks look a bit old-fashioned, that s because they are. even today, these wooden structures are still shaped by hand with half-century-old tools based on the physics of wooden barrel making by a family-owned company nearly 150 year s old. they have been described as abandoned relics. actually they re used today in plenty in new buildings. the city has the strictest fire codes in new york. and the tanks serve as that requirement. as outdated as they may seem, they are in fact anything but out of date. for that matter, so is the company itself. we have a city of stone and masonry and glass, and they really don t look like they belong. but it is a well-used product, and probably new york s best secret. if you want to the understand the secret of how this small family-held business has managed to outlast more than a dozen
competitors for more than four generations, you need to start with their very simple philosophy. you don t try to throw out something that works. you just try to build upon it. this has meant several things for andrew. first, he studied all the aspect was of the core business by getting the five key licenses and certificates needed to operate the company. beyond the understanding of the core business, they allow andrew to become his own subcontractor in the fields. this meant better control over the cost and quality. the president of new york city s 100 year association is also an entrepreneur himself. but as head of an organization which focuses on the city s oldest multi-generational enterprises, clint knows what it takes for a business to survive. i would say that businesses survive as a family business, the next-generation finds a way to innovate and leverage the
assets they have. you re keeping up with production beautifully. that s just what andrew has done here. first, leveraged the labor force of wood workers by developing and selling a line of outdoor furniture in the winter when rooftop tanks are slowing to a halt. they have workshops, they have found a way to expand their line. it allowed us to keep the only workshop open for wooden water tanks for the sty city of york. he found another off-season opportunity for masons and welders, servicing and building rooftop cooling tours. look around his supply yard in queens, it may look like a junk yard, but it is not. you will see several interrelated businesses each supporting the other with tools, labor and supplies, all connected in different ways to the core business, and key to
the survival in a competitive market. rather than challenge the competition directly, andrew says, find new customers in related markets. add additionalselves to your menu. and going elsewhere, developing on your own efforts additional businesses. they cannot be compared directly with the competition, and as andrew puts it, makes them invisible to their competitors. we strive to be invisible. the competition can t find you. as soon as they try to find you, you re somewhere else. you can t be seen. all of a sudden, you re outside their customer base. i want to point out the concerns with the structural steel. today his 23-year-old son henry is taking the business into the fifth generation. i have big shoes to fill, i m not worried, but i m confident i
with bring a successful future to the company. while the rooftop towers remind us of past generations, they will do their best to keep them on new york city s rooftops for generations to come. chances are a lot of you don t have a big budget for legal fees and trying to figure out a lot of things on your own. in some cases it might be okay, in many, you absolutely need counsel. what are some of the big,you definitely need help with? rebecca geller is the president and ceo of a law firm that works can small businesses, including startups. so good to see you. thanks for having me. i was interested in the first thing we many talked about. you say avoid those online sites. for a lot of small businesses, that s where they go. because they don t have a lot of money, you need a quick document, go online. it s a mistake people make.
they re trying to save money, but in reality, there s three big problems with the online legal tools. the first and most important reason is they don t stand up in court. if they get challenged, the courts look at them, and the documents are not valid. and they re left having no documents or contracts to bind the company. aren t there some kind of generic contracts that you can get online? they are generic, and that s a problem. just last week, i had a client who asked me to review a document downloaded from the internet, it s based in california law, and she s a virginia company. i have a question for you, would it make any sense to reduce your fees to get a contract online and then bring it to a lawyer to review? almost always when we look at the contracts i see online they are so cookie cutter and template, they don t address the company s needs. a restaurant versus a technology company are different.
you re going to have a lawyer re-create anyway. okay. be careful about anything online. permitting matters. a lot of people are doing things without figuring out if they need a permit. they register in the state and with the irs, but they forget about the local or county and city requirements. do you have a business license? if you don t, you re going to get fined and have penalties. a lot of people are starting businesses from their home. you know, with technology you really just need a phone, your internet and your computer. you have a business permit? you re probably not zoned to have a business. that s something. and that s maybe something, at least to start, ask other people in your industry or doing the same things. then once you get to the lawyer, you ll have a list of questions to ask to reduce the time spent with them. t the permitting is not necessarily something you need a lawyer to do, but point in the right direction for the requirements for your county or city. it s going to vary depending on where you live.
i own your ip, we get questions about intellectual property. it s a mistake i see them make. they started business and get the wonderful name and the brand name, don t own the intellectual property. getting a trademark for your business name before you get started is huge. i just had a client come to me this past week who has launched their business already and now wants to trademark it. i took one look, you re going to get sued. he s infringing on somebody els. and it s so easy to do that. no reason not to do it in the beginning if you re going to do it later on. and this one, as a business owner, this makes me cringe a little bit, and anyone not in the legal professional will. short and simple can be dangerous. we on the business side think, i don t want a 50-page contract, i want a one page agreement. i get that all the time. one pager with all the information. but often times the devil is
really in the details. if you re having a customer contract, how are you getting paid? when is the payment due? what if the check bounces? what is the scope of work to be promised? how are you delivering the results, what are they expecting? having the information is going to protect you. the friendly handshake idea of making it simple, that s where people get into trouble. and sometimes, when you come on a simple deal and come to them with a 50-page contract, that works the other way? people always ask me that, and i find the opposite is true. people find when you present a customer with a contract, they re going to take you more seriously. they know you mean business, not being unfair, fully disclosing of what you promise to them. i can only imagine you have this conversation all the time. thank you, this is really helpful. thank you, j.j. when we come back, we answer your small business questions on traits to look for in sales
people, and be ways to get your delinquent accounts to pay up. and toel el salvador, how these women are starting their small businesses to help break the cycle of poverty. if i can impart one lesson to a new business owner, it would be one thing i ve learned is my philosophy is real simple american express open forum is an on-line community, that helps our members connect and share ideas to make smart business decisions. if you mess up, fess up. be your partners best partner. we built it for our members, but it s open for everyone. there s not one way to do something. no details too small. american express open forum. this is what membership is. this is what membership does.
so where the brands get themselves in trouble, well, they go past prime. there s not much market share or growth yet. and instead of reinventing themselves, they say let s work harder next year. let s trim some costs. but unless you find a way to reinvent yourself, find new services and products, you re on a slow death march and you re in denial. on this program, we primarily focus on what it takes to build and grow your company here in the u.s. but around the world, millions of people are starting companies every year. changing their lives, changing the lives of their families, and all the people around them. i recently traveled to el salvador with world kenconnect, non-profit i work with to visit one of them. i m in northernel el salvador. we drove 45 minutes on bumpy dirt roads, passing burros and chickens. there are 50 houses, this is one
of them. this isn t just a house, it s where glenda started her small business. zblt we are a small business, we make candy with milk. with the help of a local ngo, she and six other women learned to make candy and started a small business selling it. do you sell a lot? translator: yes, we sell a lot. and helping to coordinate the efforts. this is the first thing done on their own, and i would say it means a lot in their lives. i mean, it s very significant. significant because there are not many opportunities for women to make money in this remote area of the country. and so they re creating their own opportunities. with the goal of lifting their role in society and ending the cycle of poverty. translator: here we don t have funds, nobody earns money, none of the women have jobs.
patrick is the program director for world connect, a u.s.-based organization helping to fund these efforts. when we support women, they get traditional returns, build strong businesses, quickly with energy, and generate social for their community. they reinvest in education. education is top of line every time she makes a sale. translator: i want to work to better the lives of my family, my kids, so they can study. while the business is still small, getting to this point has taken a lot of work. in addition to learning how to produce the candy, the women have studied sales and accounting, created their own branding and have a detailed plan for going forward. they will soon start to sell bread along with the candy. and patrick says he thinks the next time he visits, things will look very different. expect to see a burgeoning business. they have already started their
work, and they have experience, and they have a plan to grow, they have a vision to grow. and i have no doubt that they re going to meet that vision. he s not the only one who thinks so. translator: you have to dream big. i dream big, and work hard. because with work, i can make dreams come true. running a small business, as we all know, can be incredibly hectic and keep you busy 24 hours a day. so sometimes a quick reminder of what needs to be done is what you need. if you could use help staying on track, check out the website of the week. follow helps you stay organized. you can schedule reminders to check e-mails, or followup if someone doesn t respond to an e-mail you send. if a task doesn t need immediate attention, use the snooze option to be reminded later of that task. are you looking to venture into a new industry or diversify
your current business? here now are five of the best industries to start a business in, courtesy of one, the smart objects. the internet of things, or iot, embedded with sensors allowing them to communicate digitally. and in order to make what they do faster, cheaper and more efficient. two, cure rated e mercy. catering the online shopping experience to the unique tastes of the customer will continue to grow. three, education technology. orred tech. schools and teachers are incorporating more tech into all aspects of the school day. for entrepreneurs, this is a chance to meet demand. four, mobile app development. businesses are expanding their operations on to mobile platforms and need the experts to help them make the transition
smooth. and five, cyber security. security breaches filled headlines, and as a result, businesses are investing heavily in their network projection. it s a growing opportunity. it s time now to answer some of your business questions. let s get our board of directors in here to help us out. scott is adobe s vice president of products and community. he was the founder of an online platform and sold it to them. and the founder and ceo of cyber sinks. it s great to see both of you guys. likewise. let s get started. the first question is about getting paid. one of the things i can t understand is why people wait 60, 90, 120 days or longer to go after the cash flow. it s the life blood of their
business. yet always the last thing they work on. what would be a good time for a particular business to approach his delinquent accounts? it s a great question. awesome question, actually. i think, depending on the business, from my standpoint, 30 days, a 10 day or 15-day grace period. but most companies don t have that about to do that. it honestly depends on the type of business. a construction business, takes a while for those receivables to come in. normally, 30 to 60 to 90 daytime period. at what time do you go after them, at what point do you contact them and again? i think that i think that you should contract them as soon as the 30 days is up. i think there s a big irquestion here, is a customer relationship around the point of sale, or something that s ongoing. let s face it, a lot of our customers have a tight cash flow and selectively choose who to
pay on time and who not. the more empathy the customers and clients have for your business and needs, the more likely to pay ontime. make it ongoing. what do you think about reward for paying ontime? 30 days, this much, 60 days, this much. for that or against it? i don t think i m for or against it. i think it s a process that it s really dependent on the entrepreneur itself. i don t think a reward system would necessarily make me pay someone quicker. right. but as someone who s also run a small business, every customer is different. and oftentimes, with when you have someone who struggles to pay you on time, make a deal to incentivize them to do what you need to do. if you can pay me on time this time, i m happy to give you 5% off. got it. another tool in the tool box to use. it s a conversation that you
would have with the individuals working with you. if you can t pay on time, maybe time to reassess that relationship. and the next question about finding a good sales rep. when you re hiring a sales professional, what are the top three traits you look for in order to ensure you re making a good hire? what do you look for? first of all, a genuine interest in what they are selling. they should be thinking about how to sell. sell the marketing, not just hit the streets. the second thing i would say, you have to make sure that this person is eager, yet principled. you want someone who is hungry, but also someone not going to risk reputation. we know that reputation is the easiest and the most quick thing to lose. and the third thing is, they are really good at relationships. and not just buddy buddy like let s go to football, but also i want to help you know how your product is performs. share analytics and data on what
your customers are doing. building relationships like that, great trade. i think dedication to the product and the company and to the culture, honestly. the second thing would be for the person that s hiring that sales rep to really have a conversation that you are not a business development person. and most sales reps really get frustrated because those businesses place them as business development and sales rep. so a clear, concise role is really important. so no am biguitambiguity, dead d reliability. it s an incredibly hard hire. it is. you re traveling 50 to 60% of the time. and these people are representing you. you need them to sell and be as passionate as you are. yeah, true ambassadors. thank you. great to see you both, and thanks for all of your advice today. thank you. and we have a few more great ideas from small business owners just like you. my tip is to be very
responsive with your customers. if you can offer a 24/7 service with live chat or a really quick e-mail support team, your customers love you. focus on your fastest path to cash. if you have a lot of products considering to grow to build the business. look at the one that s going to make you money the fastest, and do that one until it s done. then move on to the next one. many companies make a mistake of doing too many things at a time. a lot of times we want to give so much information about what we do. we dilute the call to action for the customer. putting your website out there, think simple, easy, functional. what is the next step that you want that customer to take and just give them your first introduction. it s almost like the handshake instead of giving the verbal history of your entire company. thank you, everyone, for joining us today. hope you learned a thing or two that you take back to work.
head over to our website, it s openfor we have today s segments and web-exclusive piece and on twitter, @msnbcyourbiz and facebook and instagram too. and next week, focusing on the solutions rather than dwell on the problems. how these entrepreneurs turned their limitations into assets. until then, i m j.j. ramberg, and remember, we make your business our business. if i can impart one lesson to a new business owner, it would be one thing i ve learned is my philosophy is real simple american express open forum is an on-line community, that helps our members connect and share ideas to make smart business decisions. if you mess up, fess up. be your partners best partner. we built it for our members, but it s open for everyone.
there s not one way to do something. no details too small. american express open forum. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. so you thought our american congress could not be any more embarrassing than it is, right? you thought there s really no way that our current congress could further humble itself in the eyes of the american people more than it already has? you thought we sort of bottomed out, right? you thought that was true, but you were wrong. oh, my god, were you wrong. this is amazing in all the wrong ways. meet republican congressman curt clawson of the great state of florida, represents florida s 19th district, he s a tea party guy, won a special election there last month to fill the seat of trey radel, resigning after being convicted of cocaine possession.
so if you are the

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20141118 11:00:00

obama is far from being the most transparent in history? log on to our facebook page, #keeptalking. have a good one. good morning. it is tuesday, november 18. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. terror in the heartland. a 29-year-old woman behind bars in virginia this morning for having ties to the islamic state. was she trying to recruit americans to fight for isis? we have those breaking details for you. he s never met a microphone he didn t like. until now. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? what about the obamacare? is that just a hoax on the american people? go get him, dave. watch what happens when the men who sold obamacare faces the fox news cameras. it is the best video
perhaps you will see all day. because you know i m about that baste more butter i m all about that baste about that baste america s favorite singing family taking on turkey day. your move hasselbeck family. you can match it. mornings are better with friends. this is nancy o del and you are watching fox & friends. thank you, nancy. welcome aboard, folks. ladies and gentlemen, we re all back together. i can t believe it. i know we ve got a lot of to get to but so good to see you elisabeth. you can say you re back and you re okay and everything s okay? i m back, i m okay and everything is okay. thank you for having both of my brothers by my side and all of you joining us this morning.
we ll get right to a fox news alert. overnight palestinians armed with knives and guns and axes stormed a synagogue killing at least four jewish worships that were praying inside. we re live in jerusalem with the breaking horrific details. what can you tell us this morning? we ve seen a spike in violence in jerusalem, really around the country in recent weeks and months but today s attack in comparison to what we ve seen was particularly brutal. about 7 a.m., 50 or so israelis were beginning their morning worship. two palestinian men armed with axes, knives and a pistol stormed a local synagogue here in jerusalem. most of the people were able to get outside and escape the violence but the two men began hacking and shooting at different people and at least four people were killed. several others were injured. we re getting word one of those dead is an american citizen. one of the first responders on the scene described the situation like this. have a listen. they stabbed people once
and twice and three times to make sure that they did the job. very bad. very bad. police say the two attackers were brothers from east jerusalem and one of them worked at a grocery store in the area. they knew the synagogue. they knew the area. tensions between israelis and palestinians have been tense in the last few months particularly after this summer s war in gaza. clashes and attacks happening on both sides fairly regularly here in jerusalem. but in recent weeks it s a spike because some very extreme jewish groups have been trying to pray on a exawnd, compound, devoted to both muslims and jews. this has ratcheted up tension. we ve been seeing the spikes for a few weeks. the city in jerusalem is as calm and chill as i ve seen it because there s sort of a real fear about what s going to happen.
people are describing this as a second interfad did a. there is a real concern that a third intifada may be starting or we may be in the middle of one. thank you for the barbaric details. if you look at the pattern of violence, something s happening and it s not good. and they keep on going up on each side. keeping you posted with the headlines this morning, heather nauert has got those. good morning. a lot of news back home. the governor of missouri is activating the national guard and declaring a state of emergency as we await a grand jury decision in the shooting death of michael brown. the state of emergency declared as the f.b.i. issues a nationwide warning. law enforcement across the country being advised that the grand jury decision will likely lead to violent backlash by protesters. new this morning, a 29-year-old woman is behind bars in virginia. she s charged with lying to the f.b.i. about possible ties to isis. court papers reveal that
she promoted isis on facebook using fake names and talking about arrangements for her husband to train with the terror group in syria. he backed out when the couple split up. investigators say the woman offered to make similar arrangements for an undercover agent. she is supposed to be prepping for the miss world competition but instead she is missing. she and her sister vanishing after a party in honduras later in the week. police have four suspects in custody but they have not found the woman nor have they say what might have happened. the beauty queen is supposed to be in the world competition which takes place next month. an oxford dictionary releasing its word of the year, vape. that is the word and it s short for vapor. it means to inhale or exhale while smoking an ecigarette.
it has terms including slackivist. last year s word was selfie. those are your headlines. what does bae mean? loved one. are ecigarettes bad for you? they don t have nicotine. they have tar. where do you get the tar if you can t get it from cigarettes? how do you get that into your diet? you ve got to drill for it. go to your asphalt sidewalk. we ve been talking about jonathan gruber and the damage he has done to that man the president. and there s john gruber right there, the m.i.t. professor. obviously he s doing real damage because this morning the new york times in the editorial page is defending him. what s curious is of all the video that we have
released and shown so far, it shows him shooting off his mouth, mr. gruber talking about how he did all this stuff for the president. the white house has been saying he s kind of a fringe player. well, here s the president of the united states on television in 2006 talking about how he, barack obama, actually stole ideas from mr. gruber. you ve already drawn some of the brightest minds from academia and policy circles, many of them i ve stolen ideas from liberally, people ranging from robert gordon to austin goalsby, john gruber, my dear friend jim wallace here, who you can talk, i think, who can inform what are sometimes dry policy debates with a prophetic voice. prophetic? was he prophetic about the premiums going up right now, the increases in the lowest point plan right now in obamacare? prophetic? that word stuck out to me
and what s sticking out to the american people, is obama, remember, he was opposed to the individual mandate. during the democratic nomination. absolutely. he attacked hillary clinton for her stance on it. saying imagine being forced to take on an insurance plan you can t even afford. imagine that. imagine no more. we re in that area. but gruber who was tbrawt in with his mathematical machine to give numbers behind the madness of obamacare is the one president obama denied, he wasn t even on our staff. not on your staff? he was paid over $400,000 by the department to get in there. and he had a lot to say. maybe you should have had him sign a nondisclosure. david webb went to get him at m.i.t. yesterday and ambush style asked him a few questions and jonathan gruber was all hush yesterday. you have had lots to say to the media. what about talking to us? we just want to talk to you. no thank you.
do you think the american people would have actually bought into obamacare without all the deception on the c.b.o. scoring? i have no comment. if you re telling the truth, why are you apologizing, as you did? i have no comment. professor, one last chance. let s have a conversation. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? no comment. what about the obamacare? is that just a hoax on the american people? i don t think he wanted to talk. i m not really sure. that was easily voted the most unpleasant walk of the
day. meanwhile, jonathan gruber comes out and it turns out he was a member of the transition team with the obama administration. he ends up being a member who visited the white house 12 separate times and got countless state and federal contracts. but in the end peter gruber john. jonathan gruber, i m thinking about the producer. here is jonathan gruber talking about essentially what the president s legacy is. i think the short attention span of the american public works to his advantage here. i think a year from now when the law is working, it will be long forgotten. so to recap, we re stupid and we forget things quickly. we re not going to have the attention span to remember this. how about this latest poll from gallup? 56% of you out there disapprove of the a aaffordable care act.
there s going to be zero forgiveness. that s the tippy top of disapproval. that s the largest number of americans who haven t liked it. and the critical number is only 33% of people who identify themselves as politically independent like it. people don t like it and now that we re learning more about how it was made, people are liking it even less. they certainly don t like the fact that someone said we re too smart and you re too dumb. we know what s best. the only way to sneak this in is to undermine go ahead and just get in there and throw a hoax at you because we know what s better because we re smart and you re not. the american people aren t buying that. unfortunately, they re buying plans they don t want to. he s going to be in front of congress and also senator rand paul on hannity said i think we want that 400-plus dollars back because of the way you handled it and the way you did it and you ultimately came out and said that you deceived the american public and bragged about it. coming up straight ahead the president vows executive action to push
his immigration plan forward. one g.o.p. lawmaker has a way to stop it in his tracks. live next. convicted serial killer charles manson may soon be getting married. how does that happen? we ll do some explaining.
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right! now you re gonna ask for my credit card - - so you can charge me on the down low two weeks later look, credit karma - are you talking to websites again? this website says free credit scores . oh. credit karma! yeah, it s really free. look, you don t even have to put in your credit card information. what?! credit karma. really free credit scores. really. free.
i could talk to you all day. very simple solution to
this perception that somehow i m exercising too much executive authority. pass a bill i can sign on this issue. there s president obama in australia defending his plan to push ahead with an executive order on immigration. but a brand-new poll shows nearly half of the country wants him to wait. what s the hurry? now one lawmaker says he has a plan to stop the president once and for all. here to explain, congressman from arizona matt salmon. he is a republican. good morning to you, matt. good morning. congressman, tell me about the letter you sent off. the letter that we sent last week instructs the chairman of the appropriations committee on our side and then the appropriations committee on the senate side in our funding bill to put language in that says no money in here can be used for the president s executive amnesty. there wouldn t be money available to no money. to deport people
essentially. how much does it cost not to do something? well, the cost of doing it is blatantly breaking the constitution. this is exactly what our founding fathers envisioned when they gave us exclusively the power of the purse. when we re at an impasse with the president, when the president wants to go off road, this is the only option that we have to be able to stop him. he can do things through executive order but we will not provide the funding for him so he cannot get him past. what s curious in the past we ve heard the president of the united states say i can t do what he s about to do. he said it countless time. when he was speaking to la raza a couple of years ago he said i d love to be able to do whatever i want to do but that s not the way things work. that s not the way our constitution work. now suddenly he believes differently. i don t think he believes differently. i think he s basically thinking i m going to do whatever i want to do. i m president. the election never happened. i rule this place
regardless of what the people say. right now about half the country, as i just told you, congressman and everybody else listening, would like the president to wait. what s the hurry, really? but what a lot of people are wondering is you ve sent off this letter and you said let s cut off the money to do this. all right, if he doesn t and he goes forward, then what are you going to do? are you one of the republicans who would like to shut dow the government? no, i don t believe that a shutdown would be productive. but i do believe that there are a lot of people on the senate side that are bluffing and blustering right now and i believe that if we give them a bill that defunds the president s ability to do this, i believe there are a lot of democrats that saw what happened in the last election when they don t listen to the people, and i believe that things will turn out well if we just simply have a stiff spine and do what we re supposed to do. he said last week, i hear you, regarding the midterms. if he really hears americans, he heard the latest poll and he knows
half the country doesn t want him to go ahead. if he doesn t listen, he does it at his own peril. i think that s something we need to put on his plate. all right. the plate is full, getting fuller. 18 minutes after the top of the hour. congressman, thank you for joining us live. good luck to you. coming up on this tuesday, a grand jury decision in ferguson, missouri, can come at any moment and now a state of emergency has been declared by the governor as businesses and police officers brace for potential trouble. a ferguson store owner joins us live with how he is preparing just in case. it s the best video you re going to see all day. america s favorite singing family, the viral family, takes on turkey day. on thanksgiving day i think it s really true that i can make it
two quick headlines. british police on high alert at this hour. authorities have been told not to wear their uniforms to and from work over fears they may be targeted by terrorists. cops also being told to be extra careful on social media because jihadists are combing instagram, twitter and facebook for victims. the government worries terror groups may be planning another attack similar to the public murder of a british soldier. 80-year-old convicted killer charles manson is about to marry a 26-year-old. she abandoned her life in illinois nine years ago to live near manson s prison
and clear his name. manson and his followers killed seven people including actress sharon tate. we have a fox news alert for you now. the governor of missouri activating the national guard and declaring a state of emergency as we await a grand jury decision in the shooting death of michael brown. the f.b.i. sending out warnings as protesters prepare for violence regardless of the decision. how is the city preparing? jay, thanks for being with us this morning as we wait for the jury decision here. most people are anticipating violence. what s the tone? well, it s anxiety. a high helpful of anxiety a high level of anxiety about the decision and what might happen once that decision comes down. what steps are being taken? i know the governor has the national guard saying they re ready to stand in
to assist local authorities should anything occur which everyone is anticipating. are you confident? are the small businesses confident that will help them? spoil the businesses in ferguson after the last the businesses in ferguson after the last looting want to see for themselves that things will be different this time. i think the entire area learned some lessons and they hope that it will be, but they are actively preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. everyone understands the right to peacefully protest, but we understand, and as the national guard is now deployed this, that violence is anticipated. when that does occur, has there been training for business owners? are there funds to help them during these times? i know a number of the businesses that i represent have already started securing their stores not just with boarding up the windows but with doing more
than that and making those preparations on their own. these were the stores that were hit the worst last time around and they just can t afford another round of looting and violence. in terms of what s being done, the community as a whole is preparing. we truly are hoping for the best. sure. we saw photos yesterday of the die-in protest with bodies chalked on the ground there and everyone is literally holding their breath. but as it relates to business in general, a, safety is of grave concern. secondly, this is the livelyhood of so many individuals. how are they to recover post this decision? i don t know that they can recover, some of them. they ll be gone. business right now for many of them is down 50, 60, 70 percent from where they were in august of this year. if there is another round of violence, another round of extended protests like we had then, most of those
businesses along that route will close up shop forever. as we await the jury s decision, we thank you, jay, for joining us from an area that has faced already too much violence. thank you. coming up this morning, more than 200 million americans waking up to a record freeze and snow. in the chill talking about it now, maria molina is live from right inside that storm affecting the entire country straight ahead as she trudges through inches and inches of snow and wind. and they clean planes after every flight but a new investigation reveals what is left behind and the results, they re a large. first happy birthday to actor owen wilson. he is 46 years old today. he is 46 years old today.
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. at the g-20 summit this weekend politicians took a break from saving the world to do a couple of photo ops. check out these three world leaders who have never shaken hands before. what? put your hand on red and left hand on yellow. at one point they took a break to pose for pictures holding a koala bear. vladimir putin and tony abbott with koalas. here s one with president obama with a koala. check this out.
hilarious. the way they did the handshake. that could have been the most awkward i don t think it s done like that. can we play the beginning of that again. can we play that? [sound of buzzer] i think i m asking you to dance. now i feel like the koala that putin had. isn t the koala the thing that hugs us. what s the other thing that hugs us? it s got three fingers. it s a big hugger. yeah, the sloth. if you ve been hugged by a sloth and a koala, what was
better? if you can write us. we re going to need some hugs because it s getting cold. it is getting cold. peskt perfect transition. moreamericans waking up to a freeze and snow. and maria, we sent you there because it is going to snow and jackpot, it s snowing. we knew it was going to be a really bad storm here. we arrived in buffalo, new york, last night and conditions have deteriorated. we were expecting two to three feet of snow and the forecast is for this to continue over the next several days not only off of lake erie but off of lake ontario and others as well. we re seeing significant lake-effect snow and it is very early in the season. it is only november so the lakes are relatively warm and it s slide a lot of energy for these storms to continue to produce such significant snowfall.
we re seeing snowfall coming down at a rate of three, even five inches per hour. very persistent snow out here and we re even hearing reports now that parts of interstate 90 have been shut down. that s what we re hearing. it s very dangerous out here. conditions are not good to be on the road and people are urged to stay home, stay off the roads. we re seeing wind gusts over 45 miles per hour out here and that s what s producing those whiteout conditions. on the radar you can see snow moving over the great lakes. very cold arctic air moving over the relatively warmer lakes producing such a potentially historic snowstorm out here across parts of upstate new york and temperatures setting records down to the southeast and also the plains, we re looking at about 200 million people waking up to temperatures below freezing. very early in the season. it s only november. this is a little unusual. but again, we re going to continue to monitor the
situation here. we re in pembroke about 17 miles east of buffalo. we had to come here because our truck had issues driving to buffalo. it s cold, very windy, whiteout conditions and even thunder and lightning with some of these snow squalls coming off the lakes. let s head to you in new york. maria molina, as you can see, plenty of lake-effect snow and what not and freezing temperatures across the country. it is a good morning to watch cable. the good news is though, heather nauert, as you know, the people in buffalo can handle it. at five years old they drive trucks in this. they can handle it. pretty much. i talked to some of my friends back in the midwest. they said the lakes had already frozen over, which is pretty early for this. that just means hockey. i have news to bring you also out of the midwest. it is a fox news alert. there is a pilot who is missing this morning after
crashing a small plane into this home near chicago s midway airport. officials say that the pilot reported engine trouble right after takeoff, tried to return to the airport but didn t make it. this happened about 3 a.m. local time. that plane reportedly crashed through the roof ending up in the basement. two elderly residents were able to escape their home with the help of neighbors. emergency crews are still trying to locate that pilot. he was the only person on board. actually i should say he or she. today the vote for the keystone pipeline goes to the senate floor but louisiana senator marry landrieu and other supporters are stuck at 59 votes which is one shy of a super majority. all senate republicans and some democrats support the bill. the white house passing an identical bill that was sponsored by congressman bill cassidy. he is landrieu s run-off
opponent but the vote is seen as a last ditchest to try to save her seat. even if it passes, the white house says president obama will veto it. if you re getting ready to travel for the holidays, you may want to bring purell for the plane. there are studies that show everything from the airport bins to seat belts are crawling with dangerous infectious germs. and the worst offender? the tray tables often had a large number ofs of bacteria. we found influenza virus because they are not cleaned between every flight. they say bring a lot of hand sanitizer and bacterial wipes to wipe down the tray tables and everything else around. call it a last-minute way to create a holiday feast. there are thanksgiving-flavored potato chips. they re manufactured by a boulder company called boulder canyon. the chips have all the
fictionin s, stuffing the chips have all the fixin s. look at all the stuff. available at target. monday night football, we ll review what they finished. the tennessee titans holding the steelers. the steelers staging a massive come-back in the fourth. 27-24. marilyn marlon carlo, 25 just signed the richest contract in sports history, an opt out after six years. if stanton stays for the duration heel be he ll be 37 years old. as justin timberlake says what goes around comes all the way back around.
his favorite team, the memphis grizzlies are the team to beat after lighting up the rockets 119-93 but one fan taking a jab at justin accusing him of being a band wagoner on twitter. timberlake s response, epic. i m from memphis. and i m an owner. anyone else? i m a band wagon, i m an investor. remember last christmas we played a great parody by a family in raleigh, north carolina and it was called christmas jammies and it was hilarious. you know the song now by meghan trainor called all about the bass. they have used that song to depict what goes on in homes across america at thanksgiving. the mom, the woman prepares the turkey, they say.
and the dad prepares the baste. here they are. i m all about that baste more butter on thanksgiving day i think it s really true dads can t make it like they re supposed to do the dining room we have no taste all the wrong forking in all the wrong place all about the baste the family offering a new parody for us. we want you to send us your horror stories, how to avoid them, anything that happened in the past with your baste. we want to know. send it on facebook, twitter, e-mail and we will share them all. if you have a family parody which the whole family participates in, please send us that. we understand according to reports, they do this full time now. nefs tv news for a very long time.
he was in tv news for a very long time. they were on the program last year. he said they have decided to do the video so they re doing it and that is a catchy tune you re going to have in your head all day. your move, weird al. coming up? starting a business? what if you could learn everything you need to learn at a bar. your personal life is interfering with your business. it is unnecessary. i think it is emotional discipline. that tough-talking host of bar rescue joins us straight ahead. as the obamacare architect admits the white house deliberately misled the public, is this anything you can do about it? judge napolitano has been asked that question.
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welcome back. we have quick headlines for you now. a jewelry store insider arrested in a diamond district heist in new york. police say he was in the store when two crooks stole $500,000 worth of luxury watches and $6,000 in cash. the other crook still at large. that happened a block from here. it sure did. speaking of the crooks, he ran the largest ponzi scheme in history but now victims of bernie madoff getting become $5 million. madoff is serving 150 years in jail. videos surfacing of obamacare architect
jonathan gruber admitting deception was used to get the bill was passed but is there anything that can do legally to fix it? we re going to ask judge andrew napolitano. good morning. welcome back, elisabeth. thank you. a lot of people wondering if there is anything the g.o.p. can do now? there is two ways to look at it. one is political. the fallout for the democrats has been horrific and rightly so given the intimate involvement professor gruber had with writing the laws and the admissions he s made. the other way is legal and it s really too late in the game for professor gruber s admissions to make their way into the one case remaining, which is a challenge to obamacare. remember, the supreme court already found it constitutional, for better or for worse. i profoundly disagree but that s the law. they re not going to go back and revisit it. but there is a very interesting case they re going to hear this spring involving ambiguity, which is professor gruber s field, as we know.
that has to do with whether or not the i.r.s. can grant tax credits to certain people in states where the federal government, not the state government, has set up the exchanges. what s the difference? the statute says in order to get the tax credit the states have to set up the exchanges. bottom line, if the supreme court takes away the tax credit, obamacare will fall of its own weight. there will not be enough cash to compensate the people it was intended to benefit. that will be based on ambiguous draftsmanship. you said you disagree with how the supreme court ruled regarding obamacare in the past. mr. gruber said if anybody knew it was a tax, it wouldn t pass. justice roberts actually said it s a tax. so he was right, you know? you know, i m loathe to criticize but i will. here s the thing. if you re in a court and one side says the light is green and the other side says the light is red, the court can t say the light
was yellow. you re in the supreme court of the united states. the government says it s not a tax. the people challenging it say it s not a tax. where s the court? we now know that language wag written intention was written intentionally to dupe the court. because it was a tax. in the big picture rand paul hast night said i want to get that 400,000 dollars back gruber got from the government. can he get it back because it was seen as the stupidity of the american public that he got that money? i don t think he got that money because of the insults and those insults are profound, the american public is stupid but they can get it back if they found he did more harm than good. house republicans will bring him before a house committee probably now or after christmas and ask him
to say under oath what we ve seen him say in a half dozen tapes. i hope he likes washington because he s going to spend some time there. judge, thank you very much. coming up on this tuesday, want food stamps? you better be looking for a job. that is the rule for anybody collecting entitlements in indiana. governor mike pence of indiana here to explain his controversial new plan to brian. struggling to start a business? maybe you need this guy s help. your personal life is interfering with your business. this is unnecessary. i think it is emotional discipline and i think you [bleep] need it. okay. he is the tough talking show from the hit show bar rescue. he joins us live next. he joins us now in the studio. hey.
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that looks good. john is used to saving struggling bars on bar rescue. now we see an emotional turn in a contentious exchange between two bar owners who used to be married. i think i am. i wasn t until you brought it to light keeping me alive. big help. i m glad. all right. that s why the show is successful. the host who knows this business like nobody else. that was emotional you said for you watching that. it was. because there is business and there is relationships.
tell us what happened. this was a husband and wife. she ran the front of the restaurant. he was a chef. they got divorced years earlier with a ten-year-old daughter. hadn t spoken to each other in years. so her friends wouldn t go in the restaurant. his friends, because of their wives, wouldn t go in the restaurant and they were family. i had to get them both together again to coexist. they never thought they were going to go to the ball together after. get them to coexist for their daughterrism forced them to work together and the first no, no, no. second day they started to that was the third day. and by changing the dynamic between them, i turned the business around. i like the way you do. it s the tough way. you re like, let s yell about it. like your way, i m used to that at my house. let s talk about some of the contributions not only with this show helping people survive in a business, but you played a vital role in forming the nfl sunday ticket and made everyone sunday a little better. tell us about that. years ago, comsack wanted to hire my company to do a fees
county study on out of market sports programming. so if you were in new york, you could buy the dallas signal for a particular game. i put together a business plan, combined the marketing elements and multi-games. they presented my plan to the nfl. the nfl liked it. did it themselves, put me on the advisory board of nfl enterprises and sunday ticket was rolled out. wow. so i didn t invent the idea, but di create it as it exists. you talk to customers and try to make a bar and say, why do they stay? what do they drink? put the game on. finally, you have a new app not to make for profit, but to help people because eight out of ten of these bars go under. tell me about if. most bar owners and small business owners manage their business by how much money is in the bank. i created an app that is in their pocket. i give them promotions every week, revenue programs. i track their sales. they push a button and it goes out to social media. it really helps them grow their business easy.
and that was my point. what s it called? barhq. it s available in android and ios. we re going to watch you sundays as we are 9:00 o clock 8:00 o clock central. always great to see you. we ll talk more on the radio. i love that blazer. coming up straight ahead, he s never met a microphone he didn t like until now. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? what about the obamacare, is that just a hoax on the american people? wow. watch what happens when the man who sold obamacare faces the fox news cameras. and she was at a wal-mart when her infant stopped breathing. needing cpr right now. no pulse, no breathing. is there somebody on scene that knows how to do cpr? next hour meet the hero teen who came to the rescue and saved
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with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay . with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. good morning. it is tuesday, november 18. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, breaking overnight, a house with two people inside takes a direct hit from a plane. the pilotñi still missing at ths hour. the new images are coming in straight ahead. and he never met a mic he didn t like until now. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? what about the obamacare, is that just a hoax on the american people? watch what happens when the man who sold obamacare faces the fox news cameras. getting the idea. it s the best video you ll see all day.
because you know i m all about that bass, about that bass more butter, more butter that base, that baste, about that baste more butter all about that baste, about that baste. it s america s favorite viral video family taking on turkey day and your thanksgiving stories are pouring in. there is a lot to gobble up this hour. so put down that remote. you re watching fox & friends . i m raquel welch and you re watching fox & friends . and welcome aboard. brian was down in texas. you know that this arctic plunge is significant. it was freezing down there. it was. but there is nothing we can handle that s back up to 60, 70. your daughter would know that. but people were stunned. i think i m the bad news. the last time i was there for a significant period of time, dallas had the super bowl,
people were hydroplaning. it could be you. it could be me. i think they had ice and sleet, no one had snow tires. they had to kick you out of there. they don t really like me and they like you. they could get a couple feet of snow in new new york state. right now we turn to heather nauert who has a fox news alert. very serious news coming from overseas. overnight, palestinian terrorists who are armed with knives, guns and axes storming a synagogue, killing at least four jewish worshipers there who were praying inside. one of those who was killed was an american citizen. the two suspects were shot dead by police. the group hamas says the attack is revenge for the death of a palestinian bus driver. secretary of state john kerry is calling it an act of pure terror. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel will respond with a heavy respond. back here at home, another fox news alert, a pilot is
missing this morning after crashing a small plane into this home near chicago s midway airport this morning. officials say that the pilot reported engine trouble right after takeoff, tried to return to the airport, but didn t make it. all of this happening around 3:00 a.m. local time. two elderly residents who were inside that home were able to escape with the help of neighbors. emergency crews are still trying to locate the pilot. but as of now, the house is too unstable to search inside. that missing pilot was the only person on board that plane. ferguson, missouri bracing for chaos. the governor of that state, jay nixon, declaring a state of emergency as we await a grand jury decision in the shooting death of michael brown. he announced the national guard has been activated and, quote, support law enforcement during any period of unrest that might occur. the f.b.i. also releasing a statement saying that violence is likely following that grand jury decision. matthew mcconaghey is
returning to the stage for the sequel of magic mike. he originally said he wouldn t do it, but he was such a fan favorite as dallas that he couldn t help but perform it again for everyone. the announcement comes on the heels of getting a star on the hollywood walk of fame yesterday. let s give it your best all right, all right, all right. all right, all right, all right. normally you re better than that. all right, all right, all right. all right, all right, all right. i m still trying to figure out interstellar. he s dumbing it down for me. it was an hour too long. but he lives, right? this morning more than 200 million americans waking up to a record freeze and snow. maria molina is live in upstate new york. that area now getting hit by more than a foot. we can barely see you there. you re getting pelted with snow. what else can you tell us? yeah. we have some extreme conditions up here in upstate new york. our cameraman was cleaning the
lens so you can hopefully see the scene because it s just incredible. we re looking at feet of snow coming down in a very short amount of time. this is all part of a much bigger story. it s an arctic blast impacting about 200 million americans early this morning. so they re looking at temperatures that are below freezing very early in the season. it s only november. we re seeing some very cold air from canada dipping down and impacting portions of the gulf coast. take a look at those current temperatures. you can see how cold it is out there this morning. that s without factoring the wind. so in areas where you have a bit of a breeze or some windy conditions, you re going to be look at significant windchill temperatures, as much as ten to 15 degrees colder than what the temperature reads. as the cold air goes over the relatively warmer lakes, you re looking at a very significant lake effect snow event occurring off of the great lakes. parts of michigan, new york, and where we are. we have a lake effect snow warning in effect not only for today, but the next few days because we ll continue to see feet of snow accumulating.
something also very unique that you can call some of this weather out here when you have very convective snowfall is thunder snow. we saw a lot of that last night in buffalo, new york. take a look at this video. you can see a flash of lightning and that does tend to occur when you have very convective systems producing such significant snowfall. so it s really just like a regular thunderstorm, but it s so cold out that instead of it being rainfall, you re looking at heavy snow. so that s what we re looking at here just east of buffalo, new york. this is an area that is used to dealing with significant snow. but this is even a lot for buffalo. we saw snowplow off the road, trucks off the road. many car accidents. so please be careful out there across the region while you re seeing those areas of heavy snow. almost 50% of the u.s. is currently snow covered. let s head back to you in new york. all right. thank you very much from convective to invective,
jonathan gruber thinks we re stupid. he does. and the american people will not have it. the president denying he was a major player and he challenged the media to look back at the debate over obamacare over the years and you will find that that was not true, or was that not the case? another video now surfacing actually where gruber is actually saying that he was part of it all, that the american people don t have the attention span to get through it, and now the president actually on camera as well saying that gruber is pathetic. he pulled some of his ideas and stole them and our own david webb went to go talk to gruber and all of a sudden, he was silent. you had lots to say to the media. what about talking to us? we just want to talk to you. no thank you. do you think the american people would have actually bought into obamacare without all the deception for the cbo scoring? i have no comment. if you re telling the truth, why are you apologizing as you did for being honest about what
was done to get obamacare passed? i have no comment. professor, come on, one last chance. let s have a conversation. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? no comment. what about the web of lies to a web of david. yeah. of course he said the lack of transparency used to your advantage, the stupidity of the american people, they have a short memory. yet the president of the united states did to jonathan gruber what most democratic candidates two weeks ago. they froing they voted for the president. they forgot they voted for his policies and again, the democratic strategy is when confronted with a horrific truth, it s easy to deny it ever
happened. however, the problem is he s visited the white house 12 times and known to sit with the president one on one many times. even david axelrod said he played a vital role even though he said his comments were stupid, he said he played a positive role in the construction of obamacare. there is a problem between truth and reality and they re counting on you not to pay attention. pay attention. $400,000 he was paid for that work. and made millions. that s right. shifting gears here, louisiana senator mary landrieu s front yard becoming center stage for a keystone pipeline protest. more than two dozen activists assembling complete with an inflatable pipeline, if you can believe that. this coming as a vote to begin construction on the oil pipeline hits the senate floor today. the president has vowed to veto the bill if it crosses his desk. peter doocy is live in washington where supporters are scrambling to get the super majority. what is the very latest? and good morning to you. reporter: good morning. the latest is that right now there are 59 senators who are
publicly pledging to vote for the keystone xl pipeline today. if one more senator supports its construction, then the measure passes. it s filibuster proof and will head to the president s desk. once it gets there, a veto could be on the way. one major determinant of whether we should approve a pipeline shipping canadian oil to world markets, not to the united states, is does it contribute to the greenhouse gasses that are causing climate change? reporter: today s vote could also determine if louisiana s senate seat stays blue or turns red. there is a runoff the first week of december and democratic senator mary landrieu, who is behind in the polls, is hoping a successful vote will help her keep her job. even if she does, the republicans have a majority in the next senate and it might be enough to passkey stone whether
the president likes it or not. my own view is eventually we are going to be successful here because when we had the republican majority, we will not only have 60 votes, we will have mid 60s, which gets very close to overriding a president s veto. reporter: so even if today s measure fails or passes and then gets vetoed, the new republican senate majority plans to try again with their beefed up numbers in january or february. back to you in new york. busy day on capitol hill regarding keystone. peter, thank you very much. meanwhile, remember the family that came out with their christmas jammies video last year? well, the family of raleigh, north carolina, professional video makers, they ve got a new one. it s all about the baste, regarding thanksgiving. watch. i m all about that baste, about that baste thanks, baste on thanksgiving day i think it s really true a dad can make it, make it like they re supposed to do the dining room, room, room.
we put all the wrong forks and all the wrong plates things go haywire on thanksgiving as the family here is depicting. we asked you for your examples and you heated up the e-mail machine. you sure have. it s stuck. joan is saying, i spent one week carving soup bowls out of gourds. 36 of them, and then i burned the soup and didn t serve it at all. sorry about that. mildred has facebook and says we always took a picture of our thanksgiving table and one year our beloved cat jumped up on the table and gnawed the leg off the turkey. no dark meat that year. that s like our dog, charlie, actually jumped up on the table and pulled the whole turkey off on the floor. wow. we washed it. it was fine. majerle has nothing on charlie. i think i forgot the stuffing depletely one year. you forgot the stuffing? yeah. where is the stuffing? at least you didn t leave the
plastic bag this there. keep the stories coming. 13 minutes after the top of the hour on this tuesday. coming up, we just learned just days after we learned about the hoax used to pass obamacare, another rate hike is on the way. is there any way out of this law? neurosurgeon and potential presidential detainee ben carson, joins us live next. and billions of your tax dollars down the drain. the big mistake and how the feds are trying to explain it all. i m all about that baste, about that baste on thanksgiving day i think it s really great a dad can make it, make it
obamacare, dr. gruber revealed, they tricked us. now they re charging us. days after we exposed the hoax the democrats used to pass the affordable care act, we re learning of more double digit premium rate hikes in eight states coming up in the next year. see them right there on the map. is there anything that the american people can do to reverse this trend and make things right? joining us now is pediatric neurosurgeon and potential 2016 presidential candidate, dr. ben carson. good morning to you.
good morning. always great to have you here. thank you. i love that introduction, by the way. pretty cool. is there anything that we can do right now as americans, feeling as though the wool was pulled over our eyes and this is just a big hoax forced upon us? we begin to ask the question, is there such a thing as morality left in this country? is there such a thing as right and wrong? does that mean anything anymore, or is it just who can pull the slickest deal and who can pull the wool over people s eyes? if morality does mean something to us, we should stop, our congress should stop and say, now that we know what s in this bill and now that we know that there has been a lot of subterfuge involved here, let s rediscuss it and let s vote again. i thought this was an opportunity for democrats to say, that s not what i was told about this bill. and for guys like angus king when he was on, he should be equally outraged if there was a
moral foundation to politics. am i dreaming to think there is? well, let s hope that some democrats will come out and actually talk about that, talk about what s true, what s right rather than what is politically expedient. it s one of the reasons that i ve said that i will never be a politician, because i don t believe in political expediency. i believe in what s right and wrong. and i think that our country was founded on some of those principles and if we allow this to go through, we reetting a precedent that says whatever you can do, however you can do it, it s okay, as long as you get it done. and as a doctor, your motto is do no harm. we want to play a video of dr. gruber a while back and we want to get your assessment on what he s talking about here. i don t think it s the voters in florida don t care about the low income insured. they re misinformed.
if we can t politically help explain the cost to society of cutting provider rates, of cutting back medicaid, i think we get the majority of people to support strengthening that program. i think it s just because of racial reasons, other things, we haven t managed to get through with that message. they can t get through the message because of racial reasons. what s he talking about there? that s always the fallback position. if nothing else is working, then let s call it racism, or let s call it sexism or whatever. i think the american people are a little smarter than that. i think they are really underestimating the intelligence of the people. we re glad you said that this morning, dr. carson. thank you for being here. media doctor will be in the white house in 2016. thank you for joining us in our waiting room. now this, she was at wal-mart when her infant stopped breathing. coming up next, meet the hero teen who came to the rescue and saved her life. dr. carson, you would like that story.
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24 minutes t at the top of the hour. $2.4 billion, that s how much your taxpayer dollars for the usda wasted this year giving out food stamps to people who weren t eligible. and 19 puppies. that s how many were just delivered by this great dane in pennsylvania. the owners had no idea that she was pregnant with so many little ones there. the average this great dane litter is usually about eight puppies per litter. eight stories, that s the height of the world s largest hd screen lighting up for the very first time tonight in times square. the length of a football field and the most expensive ad space
in the united states. $2.5 million a month. that will cost. steve, a great story you have there. i do indeed. take a look, folks, at this. shocking video shows a mother struggling to revive her 11-month-old daughter who stopped breathing last wednesday inside a missouri wal-mart. one of the employees at wal-mart called 911. they are needing cpr right now. no pulse, no breathing. is there somebody on scene there that knows how to do cpr? that was the question, was there somebody there who knew how to do cpr? the answer is yes. there was a 17-year-old high school senior who was shopping a couple aisles over, abbey snodgrass. she seen the commotion, ran to the rescue. emergency workers say that she saved the girl s life. she joins us right now from st. louis. abbey, thank you very much for joining us this morning.
so you re just doing some shopping last wednesday. what did you hear a couple aisles over? i heard over the associate s radio that there was some kind of emergency over in electronics. so what did you do? my first reaction was just to run over there. so you ran over there and what did you see? at first i really couldn t see a whole lot pause there was a pretty decent size crowd. and as soon as i got through the crowd, i saw it was actually a little baby girl. at first i thought it was like some kind of adult or something, but it ended up being a little girl. and at that point the baby was not breathing. did somebody say, does anybody here know how to do cpr? no. when i walked over there, the first thing i asked was if anyone knew cpr. and the one wal-mart associate that was holding the baby, she said that she used to be a nurse a long time ago, but told me to
go ahead and do cpr. okay. now for you to be the one to do the cpr, that is a big responsibility. but you had just learned how to do cpr in school a couple of weeks earlier, right? yes. that s amazing. how lucky. one of the problems with an 11-month-old baby, it s a completely different kind of cpr than you would use on an adult, right? yes. so what do you do? when the wal-mart associate firsthanded me the baby, i put her on my forearm and held her head in my hand and started doing chest compressions with two fingers on her chest. then i would flip her over onto her stomach still in on my arm and do the ones on the back and flip her over again and do them on her chest. that s exactly how they teach you thousand do it. while you were doing that, what were you thinking? while it was happening, the only thought that crossed my mind was what if it didn t work?
but i pushed it out of my mind cause i knew i had to keep going whether or not. yeah. how long until the baby started breathing? i couldn t really tell you exactly how long. the time was so distorted. but it probably was about a minute. that family is so lucky. i know they reached out to you. they had a statement on facebook thanking you for that. you re such a brave person to run toward where the commotion is and take charge. but it makes sense because what do you want to do when you grow up? i want to be an e.r. doctor some day. and right now, are you involved in the national guard? yes. i am enlisted in the n guard. that s fantastic. all right. abby, it was great that you were in the right place at the right time. you saved a baby s life. congratulations. thank you. wonderful. and good luck to you. thank you. how great is that? meanwhile, 28 minutes after the top of the hour.
this morning more than 200 million americans are waking up to a record freeze and snow. we re going to take tout worst hit area take you to the worst hit area in america next. and we re talking life, love and kids with the one and only nick lechay. hello, nick.
we ve got a troubling fox news alert. breaking moments ago on that terrorist attack on a jerusalem synagogue, apparently now three of the dead have been identified as americans. conner powell live in jerusalem with the latest. conner? reporter: we re finding out now that three of those killed of the four were americans. the fourth was also a british national living here in jerusalem. the attack began sometime about 7:00 a.m. as about 50 or so
israelis began their morning prayers in a synagogue in jerusalem when two attackers went into this synagogue. they apparently had knives, axes and a pistol as well. most of the people in the synagogue were able to get out, but several did not. there were at least five or six that were injured and one of the first responders on the scene had this description of the site. they stabbed people once and twice, a few times to make sure that they did the job. very bad. very bad. reporter: now, police say that two attackers were palestinians from east jerusalem. they again used knives and an ax to attack these israelis that were in the synagogue. tensions have been flaring up here in jerusalem over the past several months, really after the war in gaza between israel and the palestinians there. but also there has been fights over religious spots here in
jerusalem and we ve seen sort of tit for tat violence here and what we re seeing is that neither side is calling for calm. there have been escalations in the language that s used here by both sides. there is real concern that we re going to see violence here that we haven t seen in probably more than a decade or so, steve. all right. conner powell live in jerusalem with the very latest. thank you very much. got to figure there is a real good possibility they were targeted because they were westerners. absolutely one would think that. thanks. now we re going to move to heather who is standing by with more of what s happening this morning. we ve got a lot going on at home. this morning a 29-year-old woman is behind bars. she s in virginia and she s charged with lying to the f.b.i. about possible ties to isis. court papers reveal that she promoted isis on facebook using fake names and talks about making arrangements for her husband to train in syria with that terror group. he backed out when the couple eventually split up. investigators say that the woman offered to make similar arrangements for an undercover
agent. the hatchet attack on a new york city police officer has now been declared an act of terrorism. f.b.i. director james comey saying the attack was inspired by isis radical political and ideological views. he warns the threat of home grown terrorism and also lone wolf attacks is in fact rising. the primary way in which we worry about them bringing their poison and their savagery to the streets is through motivating people already in the united states to act on their behalf. comey adds there is no word if any impending attack on the united states. caught on camera, amazing show of strength in china. a group of passengers saving a woman who is pinned underneath a car. she was riding a motorcycle with her husband when they were hit. she was trapped under the wheels of the car. a crowd of people coming to her rescue, lifting up that car all together. the woman is still recovering at the hospital this morning and lucky to be alive. those are your headlines.
thank you very much. busy morning. this morning as you get up, millions of you are going to wake up and it s going to be really cold. a deep freeze across much of the land and some spots of america going to wind up with two feet of snow. maria molina has been dispatched to upstate new york where you need a shovel. yeah. big-time shovel and a snowplow as well. we re here just east of buffalo, new york, where we have some significant lake effect snow occurring. this is a part of a bigger story. we have an arctic blast currently taking place across the country where many americans, about 200 million americans, are waking up to temperatures that are below freezing this morning. we could be looking at record low temperatures being set out there early this morning and this cold air reaching areas as far south as parts of the gulf coast. that cold air, when it moves over the great lakes, the lakes at this time of year are relatively much warmer. so that means significant snowfall occurring off the great lakes.
we re looking at snowfall here that could be measured in feet. we already have more than a foot of snow. we re also looking at wind gusts over 45 miles per hour. that creates whiteout conditions. take a look at this video we shot earlier this morning. it was us driving to meet up with our truck to be able to broadcast to you and we saw incredible conditions, whiteout conditions, very dangerous out there. we saw trucks off the road and even a snowplow that was off the road. so that s just how dangerous the conditions are out here. we re also hearing that parts of interstate 90 have been shut down and the snow out here is forecast to last for several days. this could potentially be a historic storm for places like buffalo and also areas off of lake ontario. let s head over to you in new york. all right. maria molina joining us live from the snow belt. nick lechay joins us, remind you of growing up in sine? a little bit. did you get out and shovel? only because i was forced to. yes. if i wanted to get an allowance,
i had to shovel. you can t just say it, you had to build character. but you never shied away from working hard. right now you have a lot going on. you have the big morning buzz live show. you have a new show coming out with your brother. what s that about? opening a sports bar and restaurant in cincinnati, our hometown. we re doing a show on a and e documenting the whole process leading up to it. so you re gog have beer and flat screens. do you need anything else? a 90-inch flat screen. very excited. more than anything for that. i m going to watch all the big games. wait a minute. don t you think your wife, who is carrying your second baby, probably going to be a daughter where is my husband? oh, he s at the bar working. look at this cute picture. this is you. is this camden? s that. we went on her birthday to disneyland. we took him to disneyland for his first time.
a moment to make him feel special before his sister comes. we had a great time. you were okay with putting on the ears, right? absolutely. i had my name we went all out. you ll have a new set of rules with a little girl who is going to fall in love with you? you always hear about the relationship between dads and their daughters. i m excited to experience that firsthand. but it s also terrifying in a whole nother way that a son isn t. going to the ball game. let me ask but this, there is a new study out that says that if you have children, it s actually good for your career because they found that if man put down on an application, i belong to the pta, they d wind up in the long run, getting a raise, whereas women actually are paid less. so this is good for your career. well, i m probably not a good barometer cause i did a lullaby cd. tell us about this new album. i guess you still call them albums, dvds.
you think now that you re married, more people should buy this. that s right. this is a cover album, always wanted to do a cover project. so this is all cover songs from movie sound tracks called sound track of my life. all movies and songs that were meaningful to me growing up. like what? falling slowly from the movie once. it was a special song for vanessa and i. we had it performed at our wedding shower. that s on there. streets of philadelphia. don t want to miss a thing. let s hear one of the songs. and i don t want the world to see me cause i don t think that they d understand . after that we got to start paying for it. you re a good sport to do that. what about hawaii 5-0. did you think about putting that on? no. but i did have a guest starring role in hawaii 5-0 .
the in your one. are you all about the baste on thanksgiving? it s so funny. that was one of the most brilliant things i ve ever seen. all about the baste. i m a deep frying turkey preparer. really? he s all about the fry, about the fry. new album for you. do you fry your turkey and then hand out stridex pads. congratulations. thank you so much. we look forward to seeing you working at your sports bar. next time you re in cincinnati, come down. i ll buy you a round. they re all showing up. thanks. coming up on this tuesday, want government assistance? well, you have to work. that s the new rule in indiana. that state s governor, mike pence, here to explain why it s going to work. and are you bundling up the kids before putting them in their car seats? a new report says you are making a dangerous, very dangerous mistake. first today s trivia question, born on this day in 1970, this fox news host was named to time magazine s top 100
influential people of 2014. who is she? be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer. 1970? fact. fast-acting advil is designed with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core technology stopping headaches and other tough pain.
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(dad) there s nothing i can t reach in my subaru. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it s what makes a subaru,a subaru. it s about 15 minutes to the top of the hour. some headlines for you here. don t overbundle your kids before putting them in a car seat. tests showing that puffy coats create too much space between the straps, leaving a loose harness, which could lead to a child being thrown from the seat in a crash. experts say cover up with a blanket instead. good advice. and eat less for more brain power. scientists say restricting your calorie in take by 30% stabilizes the genes in your memory, forming areas of your
brain. if you want food stamps, you may have to work for them. the state of indiana is reinstating rules that will require at least 20 hours of work a week for some benefits for people to get benefits. the changes could potentially cut off 65,000 recipients when they go in to effect next year. but can the state handle the new influx of job seekers? joining us right now is the governor of indiana, republican mike pence. governor, so you re saying if you want food stamps and you are single without dependents, you have to work for them? what do you mean? it s exactly right. the good news is here in indiana, we ve got a real success story in our economy, brian. when i became governor, unemployment was over 8%. it s 5.7% today. we ve seen our labor force grow by 50,000. we just thought it was very important to go back to a core principle of welfare reform in the 1990s and say that for able-bodied adults without dependents to receive food
stamps that they have to be working at least 20 hours a week or participating for 20 hours a week in one of our job training programs here in the state of indiana. we want people working or training for work or looking for work to be eligible for these food stamps. and the good news is there is lots of jobs available in indiana and we re just very anxious to make sure that able-bodied adults find a pathway into being able to stand on their own two feet. how do you feel about people say, well, you re targeting poor people. don t they have it bad enough? now they got to go out and do service just to get things that they paid when they were working taxes into the state for? i m someone that really believes there is nothing more enobling to a person than a job. and to make sure that able-bodied adults without dependents at home know that here in the state of indiana, we want to partner with them in their own success. it s the old story about give someone a fish, they ll eat for a day. teach them to fish, they ll eat for a lifetime. i think is an idea whose time
has come here in the state of indiana. again, i would say to you, brian, many of your viewers would know this was part of welfare reform back in the 1990s. it s in the law today for food stamps, but many states, including indiana, waived this requirement during the great recession in 2009. but with a growing economy in the hoosier state, we believe the time has come to reinstitute for able-bodied adults without dependents this requirement that they re either working or they re in job training. we think that s great for them and we think obviously it s a great foundation for a growing indiana economy. governor mitch daniels is very popular in indiana and doing so well. people pushed him to run for president. he pushed back. now your track report and report card looks good and people are pushing you to run. when is that something you will decide if that s something you want to do? evidenced by this policy, we re talking about today, my focus is indiana. i m always flattered to be mentioned for the highest office
in the land. but we re going to stay focused on a growing economy here in indiana. we re taking steps to run for reelection. we ll probably make a decision about our future sometime next spring. but with a long session of our legislature up ahead, with lots of opportunities to build on the momentum we have here in indiana, i m going to stay focused on the future of the people of our state and we ll let my future take care of itself. okay. we ll see how this goes cause the rest of the country has been watching indiana s success story. governor, thanks so much. thank you, brian. coming up straight ahead, we change gears. why work when you can play all day? cheryl casone is here with a job opening that has you working like one of santa s elves. on this date in 1957, elvis had the number one song in america called jailhouse rock. it was much different then. it was black and white. bells
remember when christmas was magical? let s get back there. at bass pro shops santa s wonderland, kids can get a free picture with santa. and you can save on great gifts, like kids jumbo adventure play sets for under $20.
we are so glad you re with us. it s time to answer today s trivia question. the answer is megyn kelly. we love her. congratulations to carey iowa. she will get a copy of brian kilmeade s book. well, tis the season for hiring. that is why cheryl casone from our sister network, fox business, is here with the top companies hiring for the holidays. a lot of people looking for some extra work or work in general as we move into holiday season. i say get the job for the discount. you know what i mean? i did that when i was in school. there are so many jobs out this year. you re going to know the name.
wal-mart. of course. 60,000 jobs. what kind of jobs. they need people to work in the stock room, cashiers, sales floors, everything else. wal-mart, 25% of last year s seasonal hires stayed with the company full time and actually these turned into permanent jobs. all the companies i ve got for the holidays are going to continue to hire through december. some of these guys are going to end up hiring the day before christmas. they just don t know what they re going to get. if they re going to get flooded at the store. they want to be prepared. if you want to be the hero of your kids, toys r us. right. i think brian does play all day and doesn t really work. that s just my opinion. he s protesting. but he had a point. if you want to play all day, play with toys, it s getting crazy in toys r us in the holiday season. it is every year. but they re hiring. there is employee discounts. exactly. 45,000 and 20% of their last
year s work force permanent this year. great to know that. shutterfly. photo books. these are the manufacturing jobs we talk about during that big jobs report we cover every month. 4,000 seasonal positions and a lot of these again are going to be convertd into full time positions. these are people that can work to help make the photo books that will be on your christmas table. they have so many new products. i just got a catalog with all their options. j.c. penney? finally, j.c. penney. so big holiday season for them. they need this to be good. 35,000 people and they usually add about 20 to 25% personnel for each store across the country. you do get the discount. also really quick, they have something which i actually like. if you want to walk into the store and you think, oh, i d like to work part-time here, they ve kiosk, applicant kiosk. instead of having to go home and go to the web site, you can do everything right there at a kiosk. i think a lot of companies should start doing that. kind of makes it a faster process to get you hired. yeah.
they also are look for jewelry specialists. thank you. you don t want to miss cheryl on the fox business network. we sure don t. to find it in your area g to thanks. watch out, get brian to work a little harder the rest of the show. head over to the casone exchange. take a listen to this, he never met a mic he didn t like until now. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? what about the obamacare, is that just a hoax on the american people? silence there. but you re going to hear a lot from laura ingraham cause she s about to weigh in on the obamacare hoax next. and justin timberlake knows a thing or two about karma. now necessary a beef over basketball on twitter and his
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time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. good morning. it is tuesday, november 18. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. three americans murdered this morning, killed by terrorists while praying. breaking developments for you straight ahead. and he s never met a microphone he didn t like. well, until yesterday. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? what about the obamacare, is that just a hoax on the american people? m.i.t. has a lovely campus. watch what happens when the man who sold obamacare faces the fox news cameras. laura ingraham is going to react with her perspective straight ahead. like the beginning of get
smart. have you met the country bucks? go big. or go home. those brothers are here live because mornings are better with friends and we have to go outside now. thanks. this is alan thicke. you re watching fox & friends. now, there is a guy who is thick. when was he on, by the way? i don t even remember that. a while back. a while back. i did play tennis with him. i think did you too. it s that chris everett thing a couple years ago. i think that s this weekend. i think he s back. if you know when alan thicke was on, please write us. heather nauert has breaking news. terrible news happening overseas in israel. that s our fox news alert. three americans are dead this morning in a brutal synagogue attack taking place in jerusalem.
a fourth victim who is a british national, was also killed. two palestinian terrorists who were armed with knives, guns and axes stormed inside that synagogue while they were worshiping. the two attackers are believed to be cousins. they were shot dead by police. at least nine relatives of those attackers have now been arrested by israeli forces. secretary of state john kerry calling it a pure act of terror. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel will respond with a heavy hand. today the vote for the keystone pipeline goes to the senate floor. but louisiana senator mary landrieu and other supporters are stuck at 59 votes right now, just one vote shy of a super majority. all senate republicans and several democrats support the bill that will green light the oil pipeline project from canada to texas. the house passed an identical bill that was sponsored by congressman bill cassidy, landrieu s runoff opponent. it s seen as a last-ditch effort to try to save her senate seat.
even if it does pass, the white house says president obama will veto it. she s supposed to be prepping for the miss world competition, but instead, beauty queen miss honduras is missing. maria jose alvarado and her sister vanishing after a party in honduras last week. right now police say they have four suspects in custody, but they still haven t found the women and they have not said what might have happened to them. the beauty queen is supposed to be in the miss world competition which takes place next month. and justin timberlake says what goes around comes around all the way back around. listen. goes around, goes around goes around so his favorite team, memphis grizzlies, are the team to beat after beating the rockets last night. one fan taking a jab at justin, accusing him of being a band wagon. his response is epic. i m from memphis and i m an owner. anyone else? and those are your headlines.
can t be a band wagon if you own the team. they call that wagon, you own that wagon. thanks a lot. thanks. if you re look for laura ingraham over the weekend, does anyone know where she was? yes indeed. you were traveling, weren t you? alabama, you were at the big game. it s a bucket list. it s a bucket list deal for me, brian. you should know this. my mom was a big bear bryant fan. one of my bucket list things was meet nick saban before a game and i was blessed to meet the coach briefly. i gave him a little advice on the offensive line and he took it, so they won. i think he should listen to you more often. what the heck? i didn t know you were much of a blocker. i know you re a verbal tackler. offensive tackle. no safety for me. you re on the offense on twitter. you have tweeted out remember the candy good-byers?
we really need a new candy called grubers. they re really expensive with a bitter after taste. yeah. you could throw those at the movie theater. they w to throw. goobers. you can throw the grubers and they really hurt. they do. not on the inside. it s curious, over the last week or so the white house has been going, we don t know anything about that guy. he was just on the fringe. he had nothing to do with the millions we gave him, until listen to this, this is juicy. here is barak obama back in 2006 talking about in fact, bragging about how he stole a bunch of his ideas from guys just like and including professor gruber. we ve already drawn some of the brightest minds from academia and policy circles, many of them i ve stolen ideas from liberally, people ranging from robert gordon to useston goolsbee, john gruber, jim
wallace here, who can talk i think who can inform what are sometimes dry policy debates with a prophetic voice. there you go. what do you think? first of all, it s great to see elisabeth back. elisabeth, it s wonderful to see you. we missed you. i ve been watching you. we missed you so much. but first of all, guys, that is an obama double. that s not really obama. this is his part of the fox news obsession with tearing down obama. so it s really not him. but look, this happens all the time with obama, right? he pretends he didn t say something, then the video surfaces and they try to move on to the next agenda item. and then undoubtedly they will say, we re facing real problems in this country. we need to get americans back to work. and talk radio and certain cable news outlets are just they re fanatical on this topic. they re going to go on the attack against anyone who raises this question. but mr. gruber is an ally of
this administration, a paid advocate who was sold to us as an objective expert. for all of our friends watching how all these other debates are playing out, like immigration reform, i would remind everyone that when you hear objective expert, be very careful because when they say x is going to happen, usually y or z happens. so it s infuriating. i think the american people understand this now. this is based on a total fraud, obamacare, and now mr. gruber is mysteriously silent, i understand, after fox tried to get him to speak. yeah. what i think what really struck home, especially when it broke last week, is everything jonathan gruber said is everything that people were worried about obamacare being. right. he mentioned it. the lack of transparency, how we were told one thing, but it was something entirely different. bingo. david webb decides, who is usually serious radio contributor here, i m going to ask him to answer a few questions. let s see how that went.
oh, good. you ve had lots to say to the media. what about talking to us? we just want to talk to you. no thank you. do you think the american people would have actually bought into obamacare without all the deception for the cbo scoring? i have no comment. if you re telling the truth, why are you apologizing as you did for being honest about what was done to get obamacare passed? i have no comment. last chance, let s have a conversation. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? no comment. what about the obamacare, is that just a hoax on the american
people? surprised he didn t talk? well, look, someone like a gruber is perfectly happy behind closed doors, guys, trashing the intellect of the american people. an ivory tower. and so does it surprise me that when he s kind of exposed and all of this is exposed, everybody suddenly clams up? again, i think we all should be very careful about deals struck behind closed doors where there really is no transparency and all these broad proclamations about how certain pieces of legislation are going to expand the economy or lower costs when we the people don t have a bird s eye view into the legislative process, the horse trading that s going on and the real justification for why we re passing particular laws and with obamacare in particular, we were told one thing and it ended up being something completely different. and all of you guys and yours true complete a number of others on this network were proclaiming the truth and were vilified for
it. we re not going to get apologies, but i think the people watching may know what time it is. it s amazing that the democratic party denied they voted with the president and for the president during the mid terms and that bombed out. now the president is denying one of the architects of obamacare was actually related to the actual construction of the bill which is now a law and that s going to bomb out. i just can t believe he s going to get away. we were grubered. all right. thank you very much for joining us today. go do your radio show. roll time. we re going to eat these during the commercials. by the way, gruber is grubered still trending. it sure is. meanwhile, a house with two people inside took a direct hit from an airplane. the pilot still missing at this hour. we got breaking news straight ahead. and he s a convicted killer and has ties to terrorism. now he s being allowed back inside the college classroom to
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have you received the legal advice from the attorney general about what limits you have and what you can do? yes. would you tell us what those are? no. i will tell them when i make the announcement. but it s a good try, though. well, it s for me to know and you to find out the hard way it seems to be the administration s line when it comes to immigration and obamacare. did the white house mislead the american public about obamacare. where the heck is the transparency the american people were promised and deserve. joining us is fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. it seems in this administration that we are a nation of fools and a government of experts. so now we have the president of the united states saying that somehow the advice rendered to him by the attorney general as to what his constitutional authority is to do executive action on immigration, meaning not clarify the law, but
invalidate the laws that are on the books, in my view, that s somehow a secret and that s a cute little secret. so we see it again with professor gruber, the m.i.t. professor, with cute little secrets, with cute little deceptions that i m smarter than you. you re essentially stupid. we can put this over on you. we can put this over on the federal government. we can get money from massachusetts. we can take care of this and no one will know the difference. and no one will know who i was. until now. i m just professor gruber and i only made $6 million and nobody ever heard of me and according to the president of the united states, watch it now does the president of the united states know professor gruber? the fact that some advisor who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that i completely disagree with in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run.
some advisor? that s clintonian in the sense of denial. some advisor was known affectionately as gruber. known by gruber, by pelosi and referred to by the president of the united states and you showed the clip earlier in the day at a function at brookings or one of these outfit where he gives gruber credit for make him smart on this stuff. so he made the president is so smart that the president began to believe, maybe believed before, that the american people were really stupid. we can t have this web of deception. we need transparency in this country. we need the ability to know that if we re being told something, it s truthful. we need to remember the axiom of lincoln. and the president of the united states needs to remember that. you can t fool all the people all the time, especially when people like gruber who makes $6 million want to take credit for everything that you
allegedly did. we see this spinning, the spinning going around and around on both issues. on a lighter note, i think we have a sighting of professor gruber. he may be trying to scale the white house walls. so they remind him of who he was. there he is. there is gruber, the $6 million man. scaling the wall of truth. the secret service will him in? don t know. don t know gruber. don t know what he did. made him 6 million. but he can jump. i don t know. where in the world is gruber? gruber goober. peter johnson, jr. steve austin. on a serious note, a great reminder to americans on the truth that they deserve. it s so funny, but so tragic, too. great reminder to the american people. now this, coming up, convicted serial killer charles manson may soon be getting married. how in the world can that happen? we re going to tell you. and thanksgiving is a great time to learn more about your family s heritage. our next guest does exactly that
and today she s taking a look at ainsley s family tree. we can t wait. ainsley is in for us. right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. learn how abreva starts to work immediately at don t tough it out, knock it out, fast. with abreva.
we ve got quick tuesday morning headlines for you. terror in the classroom. the university of illinois rehiring murderer and known domestic terrorist james kilgore. he taught for four years but was let go when his criminal past was revealed. nearly 2,000 people signed a petition demanding he get his job back. he is convicted of killing a mother of four in 1975 during a bank robbery in california. unholy matrimony. 80-year-old convicted killer
charles manson is about to marry a 26-year-old woman. she abandoned her life in illinois nine years ago to live near the prison that he s at in california. she wants to clear his name. of course, famously manson and his followers, manson family, killed seven people, including actress sharon tate. and that s ts. thank you, steve. thanksgiving is right around the corner, which means it s the perfect time to give thanks and look back at your family s heritage. every family has a story and we re about to discover some information about ainsley s family history and give a special discount for fox & friends viewers only because you watched. this is a special treat. first we ll meet the author who traced her own family s history when she wrote the book, which resonated with so many. why is it so important to you to really reach tout to others to get back into their family history and understand the mystery? because when i wrote the book, i learned what can happen
when you dive into your family s story. the book is about my grandmother s life and how she, during world war ii, was one of a group of islanders who helped hide and save a family of jews from the nazis. i then sought out that family and after years and years of searching, i found this family and i thought i never would. i finally found them. they had no idea about this connection cause their mothers never spoke of how they survived the war. they never spoke of the holocaust. so after 70 years, we rewrote this family s history and anyone can do it. it s really incredible. we did it for ainsley. we found really, really cool things. what did you find? we found great things with our friends at, we put them on your family search and found cool things. ainsley, i know on your mom s side you have deep roots in this country. prerevolutionary war. one of your ancestors was a paul bearer for george washington. your dad s side was more of a mystery. that s trouble. there is a reason for that. we found great stuff. we know that your you knew
your father s family was from germany and thought that they came in through ellis island. but they didn t. we went back ten generations to germany. you have good stock. you come from good genes. thank you. back in the 1600s, we found your great grandmother ten times back anna katherine roush and they lived to be 100 years old. that was back in 1635. she died in 1736. so imagine that. living to 100 at that age. you come from good, hearty stock. my grandmother lived to 98 when she died. amazing. and also we found we have great records for you. we found some christian sus documents from south carolina. i think ruben harmon, a postmaster in south carolina. we found a census document of him living with his wife, louisa and three children in 1860. you thought your family came through ellis island. it opened officially in 1892. this shows your family was here
at least 30 years before that. but that s not all. they are in the country legally, right? well, you know. we re confirming that. we also found more of your relatives in south carolina in 1773. so you guys have been here for a very, very long time. that s fascinating. thank you so much. thank you for choosing know do this. it was wonderful. myheritage. this computer age has allowed people to go back and back and back. we don t have to depend on verbal history. can you put in simple terms how you ve consolidated records of all these nations? it s amazing because my, who helped me in my search, if you go on there and you build your family tree and coming up with the holidays, thanksgiving around the corner, it s the perfect time to do this. sitting around the table yelling at each other. if we sit around the table yelling at each other and if go on there and start plugging in information, it links you to other family trees. ainsley, we went to another
family tree so you have a lot of cuffs you don t know about. how much information do we need? not very much. i went in with my in-laws and all of a sudden, we started getting matches of documents. and trees link up to each other. she s terrific because she did my family tree and i asked her to please look for a rockefeller somewhere back there. she did find out that my family had land in ireland. exactly. we found the documents for you. you absolutely did. if you would like to go ahead and trace your family tree, listen to this, you can save 30%. go to in the friends code, use the word friends. that s right. and you can also go to our web site to figure out how. if it turns out we owe debts and discover this, are we responsible to pay? not if donald trump is your relative. that s good. i hope so. that s so exciting. thank you so much. thanks for having me on.
now that we both said good-bye, it s my turn. coming up, a state of emergency as the city of ferguson braces for riots. what s the plan? we re going to ask state highway patrol captain ron johnson next. and this morning more than 200 million americans waking up to a record freeze and snow. maria molina live from inside the storm affecting the entire country straight ahead. make a snow angel. (holiday music is playing)
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this weekend chuck hagel was giving a speech about nuclear weapons, but there was something on his face that had people talk. remember, this is the guy in charge of defending our country. take a look at this.
i have an incident with a cabinet door. i engaged the corner of a cabinet. even isis was like, this is going to be easy. he can t defend himself from a cabinet. ouch. that might be embarrassing, this is going to give you a chill. millions of americans waking up to record freeze and snow. right here you re looking at buffalo, new york where at least two feet of snow have already fallen. and this is near where we re going to find maria molina live playing in the snow. she has been all morning giving us the latest. what are you looking at now? that snow just continues to pile up here across parts of western new york. this arctic blast is a big story for most of the country. we re looking at about 200 million americans experiencing temperatures that
are below freezing along parts of the east coast, down to parts of the southeast and even across the plains. so a major story. very early in the season to be seeing this. it s very cold arctic air going over the great lakes is producing a very significant lake effect snow event that we do have warnings in effect out here and we re talking additional feet of snow, on top of what we ve already seen out here off of places like buffalo and here where we are in pembroke, new york. i want to share with you some video that shows how much snow has fallen across the area. we ve also seen wind gusts up to 45 miles per hour and we even seen some lightning and heard some thunder with this snow activity out here. people are likely going to be trapped in their homes for several days as it continues the clean-up, which has been ongoing. but of course, we re still expecting so much more snow that this is going to be lasting for several days out here across parts of western new york. i also want to share with you out of buffalo, my fiance has a live stream for you that you can see how bad it is out there.
we re also seeing feet of snow out there and very strong wind gusts. that location is just off the lake. so that s what s really enhancing that lake effect snow out there across parts of buffalo and as far inland as we are, 40 miles to the east of the city of buffalo. again, this scene is going to continue out here off of the great lakes and that cold air is going to be sticking around and that cold air really is also making that snow very light and enoughy. kind fluffy. kind of tough to make a know ball. that s the scene here out of western new york. we ll head over to you in new york where it s cold, but a little colder out here. absolutely. for a girl from miami, any time you see the snow, it s like whoa, that is so cool. if she could make a snowball, she d be throwing it right now. now from heather, you have an update. coming out of chicago this morning, fox news alert, a pilot is missing at this hour after a small plane crashed into this home near chicago s midway airport. you can see the jet smashed into
the side of this house. officials say this happened around 3:00 a.m. local time. the pilot had reported engine trouble right after takeoff, tried to land at another nearby airport, but did not make it. two elderly residents escaped from that house with the help of their neighbors. emergency crews are still trying to locate that pilot. but as of now, they say the house is too unstable to search inside. that missing pilot is believed to be the only person on board. this morning a 29-year-old woman is behind bars in virginia charged with lying to the f.b.i. about possible ties to isis. court papers reveal she proposalled isis on facebook using fake names and discussed making arrangements for her husband to travel to syria to train with the terror group. he apparently backed out of the deal when the couple split up. investigators say that the woman offered to make similar arrangements for an undercover agent. a missouri teen-ager comes to the rescue, saving an
11-month-old girl who stopped breathing at a wal-mart. the 17-year-old heard calls on the loud speaker, ran to the commotion to try to help. earlier on fox & friends, abby snodgrass said she just learned cpr at school. listen. while it was happening, the only thought that crossed my mind was what if it didn t work? but i pushed it out of my mind. what a great young woman. the little girl is now home and healthy. rescuers say that abby without a doubt saved her life. al sharpton making a surprising claim that he s all squared up with the tax man. he was nailed by the irs back in 2007 for both himself personally and also his civil rights group tax return. the reverend is claiming he s now paid the millions in back taxes that were owed. sharpton saying, quote, we are now making the final payments on our installment agreement, both personally and organizationally. records on file with the city show that that may not be true. he still owes millions of
dollars. and those are your headlines. let s head over to steve. all right. thank you very much. fox news alert, the f.b.i. declaring rather a state of emergency has been declared by the governor of mo in in ferguson. it s warning law enforcement officers, the f.b.i. is, to brace the city for violent protests as we await a grand jury s decision in the michael brown shooting. what are police expecting? joining us right now, speaking exclusively on fox & friends, we ve got missouri state highway patrol captain ron johnson. we ve got st. louis police chief sam doddson and st. louis county police chief, john bellmar. thank you for joining us. good morning. captain johnson, you famously were walking with some of the protesters back when violence did break out and you were trying to calm people down. what are you doing to make sure that there is not more trouble straight ahead? we ve been going around, all three of us, and meeting with several groups throughout our
region, business leaders, community leaders, activists, high school students, middle school students, and just individuals and trying to connect with the community and find out their concerns and addressing those concerns. let me ask you this, chief doddson, are there a number of groups that you are particularly interested in, because i was reading on line this morning that apparently one of those anarchist groups have done some training with some people in ferguson, showing them how to screw things up. well, actually the coalition that we re talking to is made up of over 50 groups and there are a lot of people in those groups that really want peace. they want to come out and have their voices heard. but what we do find is there is a small percentage that want to come out with violence, that want to disrupt those peaceful protests. those are the groups where i think law enforcement really can play a big role and do what we do. we arrest criminals. if people violate the law in a violent way, we have a plan to take care of it. and it s great that you guys have all joined forces.
chief bellmar, what kind of manpower are we talking about getting ready for some sort of an announcement there in ferguson? you know, steve, i think the manpower is going to be sufficient. st. louis county, for example l have probably 250 officers on the ground just in the evening. st. louis perhaps 300. the highway patrol perhaps 150. but keep in mind, we want to make sure that people understand we re going to ride their beats also. if you call 911, regardless of the manpower, we ll be at your house and business. absolutely. and captain johnson, the message is clear, violence will not be tolerated. correct? that s correct. we re out here to make sure that the public remains safe. we re going to forget the businesses. we re also going to forget the constitutional rights of visitors to our region. chief, i read somewhere on line that speak of protecting businesses, that there were some particular businesses you were worried about. is there a list of targets? well, there is not a list of
targets. but in august what we saw these activities were happening in ferguson in the city of st. louis, about 25 window smashings occurred. as you talked about the governor activating the national guard earlier, that s part of our plan, to put police officers and national guard into neighborhoods to watch strip malls, shopping centers as deterrents, visibility, so that the community knows that we have a plan, and then early warning. so while we don t have a list, i think police chiefs all over worry about just about everything. finally, chief bellmar, i know that you got a lot of manpower there, but also got the national guard at the ready as well, right? we appreciate the governor offering a the guard. they re really a force multiplier for us. last time they were a lot of help in securing the command post. i think they re going to be a tremendous benefit this time and we certainly appreciate these citizen soldiers coming to our aid. we appreciate the three of you joining us this morning. we know you got a lot on your plate today. so we thank you very much. thank you. thank you. 20 minutes before the top of the hour.
we have showed you this video of fox news catching up with dr. jonathan gruber. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? what about the obamacare, is that just a hoax on the american people? well, you know what? he s not talking, but you are. your e-mail pouring in. we re going to share some of them next. and matthew mcconaghey said he wasn t going to be in that stripper sequel. but you know what? this morning an update. he s going to take it off again. all right, all right, all right.
welcome back. we have some headlines for you. dallas is back.
matthew mcconaghey will reprize his role as a strip club owner in the sequel to magic mike, but just for a cameo. rumors are producers couldn t afford him for the whole movie. and the word of the year is vape. short for vapor. last year s word was selfie. you know, it s funny, here at fox for years we ve been telling you about the various angles in obamacare. pretty much dr. gruber has revealed that we were right. there he is right there. he has revealed that famously on video that the only reason they were able to get the law through was because americans are stupid and we forget things really fast. if you re in power, you don t have to be transparent about
everything in the plan. after all, if you told healthy people that they had to pay for sick people, that plan would never have passed. plus it s a tax. it s a tax. they knew it was a tax, but he said if people knew it was a tax, it would never pass. he s been loose lipped, up until our own david webb from fox news actually ambushed him right at m.i.t. and couldn t get a peep out of him. he had nothing to say. look at this. you had lots to say to the media. what about talking to us? we just want to talk to you. no thank you. do you think the american people would have actually bought into obamacare without all the deception for the cbo scoring? once again, i have no comment. if you re telling the truth, why are you apologizing as you did for being honest about what was done to get obamacare passed? i have no comment.
come on, one last chance. let s have a conversation. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? no comment. what about the obamacare, is that just a hoax on the american people? so it wasn t just it was not only did the fact that he was talking at a school and mocking the american people, every single thing that he went through was every single thing critics who bring up about obamacare and were quickly told that has nothing to do with it. you re trying o cloud the issue. you re trying to scare people away from this brand-new plan. so here is what you re saying. julia on facebook says this. it s about time these people get cornered and questioned. keep in mind that gruber is still trending on twitter. barbara said this on facebook. sure had enough to say when he was calling us stupid. absolutely. steve, if you can do a girl s
voice, would you let elisabeth do a boy s voice. he s afraid of the mic. never happened before. good point. david had to walk in the open rain. maybe gruber was right that americans are stupid because david webb is walking outside with no umbrella. what s really curious is david axelrod, who a couple of days ago attacked gruber by saying, you know, you look up stupid, there is his picture. now he s backing it up. he says that his contributions to the affordable care act were invaluable and his throw away equips were offensive. this is the same time that the new york times is doing damage control on their editorial page. looks like there is more to come from mr. gruber. we know it was big last week and still resonating this week. meanwhile, we have a great close to this show and here is the question: have you met the country bucks?
go big or go home. the brothers who built the outdoor empire here next. but first we re going to check in with martha mccallum for what s coming up at the top of the hour. i m going to follow the country bucks. good morning. after all that, the president says he just heard about this whole gruber scandal and that he was just some advisor. david webb caught up with gruber and he s here with us this morning to tell us about that. and dr. michael bodien joins us with fresh testimony in terms of his take on what happened in ferguson. he ll tell you his findings. senator lindsey graham is here this morning on the iran talks. what now there? bill and i see you at the top of the hour how could a luminous protein in jellyfish, impact life expectancy in the u.s., real estate in hong kong, and the optics industry in germany? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy.
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love this story. they went from a simple stove to a multi-million-dollar hunting and fishing empire. that s right. we are talking about the stars of a and e s country bucks . we re just a typical american family. goggles on. let s do this. that just happens to run a multi-million-dollar outdoor empire. we create, test and sell the world s coolest products for the modern outdoorsman. joining us from country bucks are ryan and matt. we re glad you re here. tell us about the start of your really empire. on a stove? in the kitchen? kitchen stove. true story. yeah. he came out, it looked like a cries crispy treat. we got started making hunting products. now we pretty much make everything for hunting and fishing. you re in the hunt for the best new products. that s it. so you re successful without the show.
do you have to be convinced to do the show? yeah. they came to us. they heard about how we test our products and all our r and b and were fascinated with that. we thought it would be a great way to promote our brands and show everybody how we do this. i hear the robertsons are friends of yours. but it sounds like they stole your act. a couple of brothers, they got land and wildlife gear. hello. you re spot on. we got a long way to go. did willie robertson give you advice? oh, yeah. willie, doesn t give advice. best advice. there he is right there. you brought some of your stuff. show us the laser range finder. it s right by your hand. y all know yardage, right? yep. just like you want to know how far the pin is. hunting is the same thing. you ll shoot a cross bow at a target. you got to acquire the range before you shoot so you know where to aim. i need that for my cross bow. that s it. you got a couple models here
of cross bows. we do. this is our top of the line it shoots 400 feet per second. smoking. carbon and titanium. it s made for anything. you have a lot of vikings come to your ranch? whenever, we re ready for them. this is our kiddy, junior for the kids. i love this right here, the black antler call. yeah. the black rack. what message are you giving? it means you want a piece of me. every deer loves a fight. same with deer. if you saw rattling antler, that buck is coming on. you re pretending you re fighting to invite the other bucks? the buck starts there. the buck starts there. then we get them to stop. guy, stick around. we ll continue this conversation in a minute, cause it s not cold enough. we re here.
we are going to have one for the road. it s all about the baste. i m all about that baste, about that baste on thanksgiving day i think it s really true fact. when you take advil you get relief right at the site of pain. wherever it is. advil stops pain right where it starts. relief doesn t get any better than this. advil.
we are the champions my friends the 114th congress taking their class picture, the freshmen members of the house of representatives getting all set to take over when new congress begins in january. smile. that s right. we showed you this video earlier. all about the baste. i m all about that baste, about that baste more butter and the comments have been pouring in. one said this, sensation in germany, i didn t realize the ovens used selfy. also how i love monkeys, so check out this.
my friends are up in thailand acting like pirates. these monkeys steal from a kayaker. they jump on the boat for his pineapple and then more keep coming. monkeying around. see you tomorrow, everybody. bill. bill: a bloody terrorist attack in jerusalem and three americans are dead. martha: two palestinians storming a temple. they attacked worshipers there with meat cleavers and a gun. you hear the sound of shots ringing out as the first responders were arriving on the

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140801 10:00:00

trace adkins live concert series. if you live in new york, come down. we d love to see you. good morning. it is friday, august 1, 2014. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. ebola is coming to the united states. two american victims being flown here for treatment, sparking fears. are we ready to handle an american outbreak? vacation delayed. no one goes home in the house until an immigration bill is passed. will the will the it s hammer time. but with lawmakers crying foul, can they get the votes? we ll know at 9:00 this morning. did bill clinton drop the ball on bin laden? listen to this shocking new recording that was released on september 10, 2001.
i nearly got him once. i nearly got him. and i should have got him, i should have killed him. wow. why didn t he take him out? you ll be interested in his explanation. mornings are better with friends. this is trace adkins and you re watching fox & friends. good morning everybody. happy friday. that means it s our all-american summer concert series day to kick off.
and we have trace adkins singing on our plaza at 48th and 6th. today is the first day of august. as you can see, it smells like summer. we ve got famous dave s doing the ribs. we started setting up the stage for trace adkins actually in july. we had him in yesterday. as you can see, started yesterday in the morning, went through the noon hour, went through the afternoon. the stage is modular so it s relatively quick to put up. there it is live on our plaza. you heard the girls, 48th and 6th avenue. come for free breakfast and a trace adkins kicks off at 11:00. it gets quicker every single year. credit to that great team who put that up. hats off to adrian. he s the guy who pulls it
together. trace adkins and i always get along together so it should be fascinating to see how we do now. let s talk about what happened in the house. michael mccall, chairman of homeland security, was one of our last guests yesterday. he said we re going to vote for a house in the bill, about $650 million. the president wants $4 billion but we re going to look at the 2008 bill and reform it and the 2012 bill and reform it. that is the last time things went according to format. maybe it was because of ted cruz lobbying house members or because there is such a divide among the republican caucus they could not agree on a bill and had to cut it off. whether to wipe daca off the books completely or throw more money there was not a complete consensus. it sounds like they got up to 214 votes.
they needed 218 votes. are they going to get it? we ll know today at 9:00 in the morning because that s when they re going to meet once again in the capitol to figure out what to do going forward. representative steve king made it very clear. republicans want to fix what s going on on our southern border. here he is. most republicans stayed because we want a shiewtion. we went into that we want a solution. we went into that room and hammered out something that got close. i wanted to fix the o.t.m. language, the asylum language, fix the loophole on expanding daca. the president is waving his ink pen at america saying i m going to violate the constitution and the law and legalize five million to six million people. that s what the dream act is. experts say they talked to a lot of these kids and parents. they believe in 2012 when the president decided on his own to tell those kids who came here, they were young children with their
parents, and he told those kids there is no fear of deportation. the message got to central and south america that america will tell the children if you arrive here, you can stay here. they want to amend that and stop the president from doing these executive orders especially when it comes to immigration. that looms because the president has basically all but said that s what straight ahead in september. any extension on daca would be a very courteous invite for more illegals to cross over, so they have concern over that. you d think the united states would be more united when it comes to our border being particularly invaded here in the south, but president obama seems to want to divide, mocking the lawsuit that republicans have put forward saying he is just outside of the loss in the constitution. you could say it is a harmless political stunt except it wastes america s time. you guys are all paying for it as taxpayers. it s not very productive.
but it s not going to stop me from doing what i think needs to be done in order to help families all across this country. we re doing our job, trying to find ways in which we can help working families. think about how much further along we d be if congress would do its job. you know, so that s got some people ranked, a little upset. because if you want to work with somebody, you don t call them names. you know, while he says he wants to work with the other side, there really is little evidence of that. and that s why he s got a phone and he s got a pen and he s got a putter when he s not doing executive actions, he s out on the golf course. the executive actions and what he s talking about, charles krauthammer says this is not what our framers had in mind. the constitution could not be more clear. the president s version to faithfully execute the laws, he s not allowed to make the laws, not allowed
to change the laws, he isn t allowed to unilaterally suspend the laws which is exactly what they re saying he s going to do. this would be a gross violation of the constitution. today at 9:00 the republicans are going to get together, the whole house is going to be called together. will they be able to bring something to the floor? will they be able to pass it? don t know. however we know for sure the democratic-led senate yesterday could not come up with 60 votes and so harry reid could not pass the president s own bill in his own party. that s a problem for them politically. this is all symbolism because the president is not going to do anything with what the house passes. the house just wanted to pass it. they re 10 votes short, 20 republicans defected from this bill. i don t know who is going to reverse it. i don t know why they waited until the last day. it s going to be a busy breakfast to say the least, for them. heather nauert is here as well. a fox news alert regarding ebola which has america in sort of a startled state.
it has killed about 700 people overseas and that deadly ebola virus is coming to u.s. soil. two infected men s who are aid workers helping people in africa who have this illness right now, these aid workers will be brought to the united states. one of them will be treated at emory hospital in atlanta. that patient is expected to arrive there sometime within the next few days. a medevac jet left yesterday afternoon to pick up the patient and in the plane there is some sort of isolation unit on it. take a look at this picture. these were built and designed by the department of defense and also the c.d.c. they apparently were told to ensure flight crew will remain safe from that disease. we ll keep watching the hours after the start of the cease-fire between israel and hamas, it is already falling apart. there is new violence to tell you about this morning. it broke out just moments ago. both sides are accusing each other of violating the truce. israel says rockets have
been fired at them and hamas says israeli troops fired on palestinians leaving many of them dead. the israeli ambassador spoke out last night, and he said don t rush to judgment. we had a case two days ago, three days ago where we had two attacks, one on a hospital in gaza and one on a refugee camp where a number of children were killed. obviously everyone is moved by pictures of children being killed. but there was a rush to judgment on israel. an nbc reporter said this was an israeli drone strike. turns out that those people were killed, both of those attacks came from rockets that were fired by islamic jihad in gaza. at least four humanitarian cease-fires have been announced since that conflict started. while you were sleeping house majority leader eric cantor says he will leave congress early on august 18. originally he said he would serve out his entire term. he lost against a tea party challenger. last night california congressman kevin mccarthy taking over as majority
leader. the c.i.a. saying i m sorry for snooping on members of the u.s. senate. director john brennan confirms the c.i.a. employees improperly searched computers that were used by senators who were investigating the agency s interrogation program. that s a total about-face for brennan who said in march do you remember this? he said the accusations of spying couldn t be further from the truth. this all coming out in a c.i.a. audi. that is big news out of washington this morning. we kind of knew what was going on. and now, ladies and gentlemen, exhibit a. bill clinton was president of the united states up until january of 2001. george bush takes over in august. everyone talks about that memorandum he got that said bin laden determined to attack in our homeland. people were all over george bush saying why didn t you react more specifically and succinctly to that. he did have plans on hitting bin laden. remember the story.
he s going to have a big hit on bin laden, tackle al qaeda. however, he didn t get the chance because on 9/11, 2001, 3,000 people lost their lives because they had their successful attack. the 9/11 report did indicate the testimonies that thought there were many opportunities that clinton had to get bin laden and didn t. also indicating that al qaeda was not taken seriously. but for the very first time we are hearing his voice from an australian businessman who released this audio just hours before the 9/11 attack of president bill clinton saying he almost had bin laden. he s a very smart guy. i spent a lot of time thinking about him, and i nearly got him once. i nearly got him. and i should have got him i could have killed him but i would have had to destroy a little town called kandahar in afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children and then i would have been
no better than him. and so i wouldn t do it. kandahar, by the way, a town of 400,000. it s not just a little town. but just the fact that bill clinton says on tape have we heard him say this since? i could have killed him. there are families of 3,000 americans who when they hear this are going you know what, mr. president? you should have done it. it sends chills down the spine of anyone who heard it. that was the day before september 11. september 10? australia, bill clinton reveals he could have killed him but he didn t it. ahead, a new basketball court, weight room and five tv s. i m not talking about steve s house. i m talking about the hotel rooms that a lot of illegal aliens are getting once they cross the border. we ll tell you about that new facility. caught red faced, this guy clearly guilty, caught on camera stealing stuff from somebody s porch. but he says that wasn t me. really?
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antiimmigration protesters out in full force against massachusetts governor patrick s plan to temporarily house immigrants in the state and suggest i ll take 1,000. it is not just republicans. joining us is democratic massachusetts state senator richard moran. good morning to you, sir. good morning. it is frustrating because while the president has not stopped the flow of people across our southern border because he refuses to change the law that s been on the books for a number of years, you re frustrated because there are people in this country already who need help and yet we re taking more that we really don t have the money for. that s true. they re in our communities. they are able to, because of federal law, says a hospital has to take anyone who shows up at the emergency department. they are adding some burden to our health care system, to our school system, to our law enforcement. taking in others who will at some point be released into the community, one of
the concerns that i have heard from immigration officials is that these young people that are coming over the border in texas seem to already have they look for a border patrol agent. they look for law enforcement to be pecked up because they already have contact information of someone who is already here. so it s a bit more organized than, at least in some aspects than it seems. the federal government, even if they pay, it is still taxpayers paying, for the new kids coming in. we ve got a burden from those who have been coming here for the last 20 years. absolutely. one of the things that impacts people at the local level and the state level is deval patrick said we ll take a thousand of these illegal kids. i think you ve had close to a thousand already. the government has revealed that are already scattered across your state. i don t know how much it costs per pupil in the state of massachusetts but where i live in new jersey we spend over $20,000 a kid. now who s going to pay for
those at least 2,000 illegal kids in your state to go to school in the coming month or two? the taxpayers, the people who own property in the state of massachusetts. right. and the state as well because school aid is based on enrollment numbers. state aid is paid on that. state tax as well as the property tax. would he pay an average of about 55% to 60% of the local education costs are picked up by the states. it s a joint burden that we have here and across the country where these folks are allowed to come in because the federal government hasn t been able to secure the borders. there is a story out that apparently they have put together a fantastic facility for the illegals down in texas. 532 beds that s going to cost american taxpayers $140 per illegal per day. they re not going to call them detainees. they re going to call them
residents. the guards are called resident advisors. the rooms are essentially suites, cable tv, libraries, internet access and an all-you-can-eat buffet. that is the sweet life? i know the reaction that i hear from constituents is, you know, we can t take care of our own kids and give them that kind of facility, or we do it certainly at a sacrifice. so two cities really being built here, one for folks that are coming in on their own or are being encouraged. and those that are already here, including our own children, our own citizens. richard moore, a democrat from the great state of massachusetts. sir, thank you very much for joining us live. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. still ahead, joan rivers sounds off to defend israel. new jersey was firing rockets into new york, we would wipe them out.
so what do the american people think about women talking politics? we have the dials next.
making headlines, congress gets something accomplished did congress get something accomplished last night in they approved a veterans administration reform bill. it s $17 billion, a package that will help vets avoid long wait times for medical care by hiring more doctors and nurses. it lets vets get care outside of the v.a. in a few hour one of the suspects in the murder of brian terry will be arraigned. he was extradited from mexico. terry died in a shootout in
2010 in the botched gun operation, fast and furious. whether shooting straight from the hips or moving their hips, female leaders are under extra scrutiny for being too bold or too timid. this morning we re going to check the pulse of the people to see how their words were perceived. yoing us is leigh carter to evaluate. we ll start with a couple of clips. the first is hillary clinton and her remarks relating to putin. well, he s very tough. he s a very arrogant person to deal with, which i think is a combination of this vision of russia and some fundamental insecurity. because when you are dealing with him, he often act as though he could care less. in your estimation, what does that mean when you see those numbers change? she s having a steady climb but not hitting it out of the park. i think hillary has a tough
road ahead of her but recently she s telling stories, demonstrating she s got experience. this is working. it is not hitting it out of the park, not making people run for votes but giving it some context that maybe she is okay and experienced enough to be president. what is the yoaf all grade? not perfect but not bad either. not bad. joan rivers not mincing words when it comes to the mideast. if new jersey were firing rockets into new york, we would wipe them out. i am we heard they were digging tunnels from new jersey to new york, we would get rid of jersey. strong statement from her. what do you think? it s joan rivers being joan rivers. she was claire where she stood she was clear where she stood but overly passionate so people wrote it off as crazy. a lot of times people
women getting emotional and that is what happened with this statement. the delivery was too strong. overall grade? i d give her a c. we ll move on to madeleine albright and hear what she has to say about vladimir putin. i think putin is living in his own world. he has made up an awful lot of lies in terms of who is responsible for the fact that the soviet union disintegrated. he actually called that the greatest disaster of the 20th century. hard to believe when there was two world wars that killed millions of people, among them russians. so that s the first lie. looks like a steady climb. a very steady climb and she kept getting higher and higher. what she did is demonstrated female leadership. she was calm, cool, collected. she was informed and she was informative. what we all took away from that is these little crumbs had a we could follow along and then at the end of the day we were like i m going to follow her where she s going. that is what leadership is about. overall grade for her?
i d give her an a. i ll give you an a. lee carter, thank you for being with us. your evaluation is essential. the picture is horrifying. a teacher forces a child to sit on the floor in school is more than a month. the reason why is absurd and the punishment for the teacher even more so. jesse ventura may have won wbr id wbr17090 his lawsuit against chris kyle and his wife but this morning a victory for that wife. thank you daddy for defending our country. thank you for your sacrifice and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you re a current or former military member or their family, /b
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atlanta. anna kooiman knows all about it. she is here live with the details. good morning. good morning to everyone at home. emory university hospital in atlanta, georgia, has confirmed its gearing up to treat an infected american within the next several days. they built a special isolation unit with help from the c.d.c. and say it should protect staff and other patients from the deadly virus. we re quite confident that u.s. hospitals are well prepared to appropriately handle an infected person. the prepared unit is physically separate from other patient areas and officials say it provides an extraordinarily high level of clinical isolation. the two americans headed here contracted the disease in liberia. a medevac plane is rushing them there. it s going to be bringing them to the united states. these special isolation pods are going to be used to transport them back here one by one. they were designed and built by the united states defense department and the c.d.c. they will ensure the flight
crew stays safe from the disease. there is no cure and no vaccination for ebola but despite that some doctors say there is no reason for panic. the risk of you getting the ebola virus is pretty much insignificant, pretty much down to zero. the ebola virus spedz through close contact spreads through close contact like blood. the risk of dying once you get it is 90%. while the virus is coming here, the united states issued a rare travel warning urging americans to avoid guinea, sierra leone and liberia. quite a story. they had one vial of the serum and the doctor could have taken it but said give it to the woman. the woman got the serum. what they have done with the doctor is they re essentially doing a blood transfusion from a little boy who had ebola whose
life he saved. so that s what they re hoping, the antibodies in the little boy s blood will help the doctor. nonetheless, what an act to give the one dose of serum. so glad you pointed that out, such kindness beneath the scare. what is truly going on, this deadly virus but such kindheartedness beneath it. it is 34 after the hour. heather joins us with jesse ventura. possibly good news for the estate of his family. jesse ventura may have won that defamation case against chris kyle but there is a win here for the navy seal s wife. in the wake of a highly publicly publicized trial, kyle s autobiography is flying off the book shelves thanks to so many of you. a school girl forced to sit on the floor for months
because she drew on the floor with a pencil. the mom is horrified by this. she said, daddy, i don t have a desk. he said what do you mean? she said i don t have a desk. i sit on the floor with a clip board. the teacher said, she didn t realize it had been a month and she was just so happy down there. that was the teacher s punishment. the mother says she wants to transfer her daughter to another school but says the school district won t let her enroll in the school of her choice. the district releasing this statement saying we ve offered self-opportunities to the family and will continue to accommodate them. as for the teacher, the school said they reprimanded her. talk about caught in the act, h this guy arrested in indianapolis for stealing a $300 pair of earrings from someone s front porch. he looks directly into the security camera but denied he committed the crime. it wasn t until cops showed
him the images that he then exercised his right to remain silent. watch the terrifying moment a hiker loses her footing and falls 40 feet down a cliff. oh no! yeah, that s a real ouch. this happened on a pretty dangerous trail in california. amazingly she was stopped by that tree that ended up saving her life. she was later rescued and that trail is now closed to the public. and those are your headlines. every past her is skinned and she s lucky to be alive. thank you, heather. we ve got a fox news alert. asian stock markets dipping this morning following our financial markets going into a tailspin yesterday. an entire year of gains erased in hours. we re back to where we started at the beginning of the year. how does that make sense, the dow down more than 300 points, the worse
drop since february? what does it mean about the economy and your finances? thankfully stewart varney joins us. that one day s tumble wiped out six months worth of gains for the average 401(k). this second quarter and this great jobs report. that is the problem. we got good economic news which means the economy is expanding and we are earning more money. that implies that janet yellen will no longer be printing trillions and trillions of dollars. that is what made the market go up in the first place. so she quits, prints a lot less money. that implies that the market is going to go down, and it did go down. good economic news at this point in time means the stock market comes down. that s what happened. it came down yesterday with a thud. there were a lot of people feeling rich, looked at their 401(k)s, i m doing
great. don t look today. in your head, you book it at the price. since march, when the dow hit a low of 6,500, you re up $70,000 on your 401(k) on average. this year because of yesterday s selloff you re back to where you were in january. but in your head, you think i m worth that much money. when the market comes down, you think i just lost a fortune. many people not comfortable with our printing money any way. is this taking the training wheels off necessary pain to stand up on our own? yes. at some point the freive had to stop the federal reserve had to stop printing money. now you ve got good economic news and so it s definitely going to stop. watch out. at 8:30 eastern this morning we get a jobs report. if you get a strong job performance, for example the creation of 300,000 jobs in one month, it would be very good for the
economy, for everybody. but for the market it would imply another selloff. is that what is being told. some are indicating there could be a 50% drop in stocks. henry blodgett said he would not be surprised at a 50% drop in coming years. he s seeing a one-day selloff and extrapolating out. he s got a good headline. i m not going to say one way or the other what s going to happen. but watch out at 8:30 because that is the big moment. we ll have that number live from the new york stock exchange. stuart, we re going to be watching you live at 1 p.m. over on fox business. we say goodbye to our interns this week and maria molina is outside with kelsey who today is her last day. you know what that means, maria. that s right. she s been working hard all summer and now it s her
time to shine. she s going to be giving us the weather report. tell america what the weather conditions are for today. here s the mic. topical storm bertha formed in the atlanta ocean and currently has winds of 45 miles per hour. forecast to move through the bahamas sunday into monday and the storm is expected to remain away from the u.s. coast. temperatures remain below average across north carolina and in the 80 s across the plains. areas of rain are possible today in the mid-atlantic, central gulf coast and the rockies. peskt job. way to go pervet job. way to go, kelsey. you re going to be missed. let s head back inside. kelsey goes to syracuse, going to be studying abroad this year. good for her. she did an extraordinary job there. thanks, maria. by the way, we don t call them interns anymore. what do we call them? summer associates. we do?
meanwhile, 20 minutes before the top of the hour. a day of fun taking an unexpected turn. students sent flying after a water slide collapses right out from underneath them. that is not supposed to go down this. sweeping changes coming to college football s concussion policies. it s all thanks to our next guest, former college football player adrian arrington joins us live. vo: this is the summer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to.
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of the children. 15 people were on it at the time of the accident. that was probably too many. three people are hurt when a speeding s.u.v. slams into a building. it happened just outside of baltimore. co curb, went airborne, then crashed through a wall. left a huge hole in this baltimore county building. one person was taken to the hospital but is expected to be okay. the driver was charged for causing the crash. adrian arrington played football all his life but after a series of concussions in hospital that left him with constant migraines and frequent seizures, he had to quit playing. in 2011 he filed a lawsuit alleging they didn t do enough to protect players from brain injuries. this week the ncaa agrees to a $75 million settlement and sweeping changes to its
concussion policy. joining us now is adrian arrington and his attorney. guys, congratulations on this win. i think what is important to point out adrian is you don t get $75 million. this goes to changing the game; correct? yes, sir. tell me why this is important to you. it is important to me because if these rules were in place when i was younger maybe i wouldn t be going through what i m going through now. how do you feel now? i still have seizures most of the time. i m still having migraine headaches on a daily and i m just being allowed to try to go back to work the last two weeks and be alone with my kids on my own so i m real happy about that. joseph, what changes with your victory? all this money i understand goes into the ncaa coffers to start setting up baseline tests and being able to have certain procedures before a player takes the field in a football uniform or other
sports. that s right. there are two main components to the settlement. the first is the for the first time ever the implementation of return to play guidelines for concussions that are mandatory. all member schools will have them. they will be the same everywhere. that s really the predicate for our case. we ve been saying for decades the ncaa screwed up by not doing that. finally for the first time in history as a result of this case the game will change. sports will never be the same and concussions will be managed in a whole different way. the second key part of the settlement is the medical monitoring. that s what the $75 million is for, $5 million for research and $70 million is to create this program that allows students to get screened and to be identified as at risk for having serious injuries, concussions, possible brain damage. the reason why that is incredibly important is because the real risk of long-term brain damage from concussions comes from concussion number two. if you get a second concussion before the first
one is healed that is where the real risk of brain damage occurs. we want to nip that in the bud. is this just for football or everything? it is for all college sports. oftentimes when we have this conversation it tends to be about football only because football is the sport that i think the issue is most severe. and it s where the conversation is taking place. but our settlement includes all sports of all periods of time, going as far back as the ncaa exists. and it s unlimited. adrian, how does it feel for you? you re suffering through this but you re actually, you re getting the next generation of players healthier than ever. and also tell us what it was like when you left the game wooz yahoo and left the game woozy and your coach put you back in the game. for the most part i can t remember what went on for that part of the concussion but there was a lot of talk about my teammates and how my dad
came to the sidelines and said please do not put my son back in the game. he s had too many concussions already and i m going to take the step to take my son out the game myself. you never played again but changed it for everybody else. finally, ray rice, outstanding player for the baltimore ravens got a two game suspension for slapping then his fiancee, now his wife, he apologized yesterday. diddid he do the right thing with his apology? in terms of his apology, i feel he could only do what he could because it was a really bad situation. in terms of the nfl i feel there has to be a balance between their punishment with their athletes. i don t know if the punishment was harsh enough or what they will do later. i hope ray rice will learn what he needed to learn and hope he becomes a better man from it. it is a tough situation. there are no winners. i tell you what, you guys are certainly winners and so are college athletes.
thanks to your lawsuit. adrian arrington, thank you for doing it. congratulations. straight ahead, she was pulled over and given a ticket for speeding. instead of getting ticked off, she sent the cop a thank you note. in case you missed it this week, we have the best of fox & friends next. nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains, so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy for getting dizzy at the beach.
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or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. good morning. it is friday, august 1, 2014. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. the deadly ebola virus headed to the united states. two american victims are being flown here for treatment. so should we be worried? all right. a brand-new basketball court, weight room and flat screen tvs. nope, it s not a four star hotel or five star hotel. it s the newest home for illegals. ann coulter is here. she ll explain and give her opinion for a change. you don t call them illegals or detainees. you call them residents. meanwhile, president clinton drop the ball on osama bin laden? a shocking new recording from the day before the september 11 attacks in 2001. i nearly got him once.
i nearly got him. and i could have killed him. really? why didn t you? we re going to talk about that with somebody who knows the inside story coming up this half hour because fridays are always better with friends, like you. hey, america. this is famous dave and you are watching fox & friends . how cool is that time lapsed photography? we started putting up the stage
back in july, which was yesterday cause today is august 1. and on the stage today, our buddy, trace adkins, is going to be there with his band and we hope you stick around for as well. got a busy day and famous dave s grilling up the ribs. finger licking good. love the ribs going on on a friday, grill fired up. the fans are going to be, too, and we are thrilled that you can join us. and that we have wetnaps if you join us. i will say this, does trace know the tradition? the tradition of every act after they re done on stage right after the after the show show, it s up to them to take the stage. absolutely. does he know that? he used to work on an oil rig. elisabeth, over your shoulder, we ve got a line of people around the block and down the street waiting for the famous dave s and the concert, which officially kicks off one hour from right now. they re lining up just to stare at our picture. actually that is our picture.
that s where ann coulter was. she was running late. she s going to be there you go. that s a good shot of the line. free concert, free food. ann coulter will be with us in just a moment. we ll talk about what is going on regarding the immigration bill in the u.s. house and the u.s. senate as well coming up in about 90 seconds. that s right. heather nauert joins us with some headlines. good morning to you. good morning. x news alert, two hours after the start of a cease fire between israel and hamas, new violence is breaking out once again. moments ago the israeli army saying they had feared that one of their own had been captured. and then hamas is saying that israeli tanks fired on palestinians, leaving as many as 27 dead. the israeli ambassador speaking out and he said don t rush to judgment. we had a case two days ago, three days ago where we had two attacks. one on a hospital in gaza and one on a refugee camp where a number of children were killed
and obviously everyone is moved by pictures of children being killed. but there was a rush to judgment on israel and nbc reporter said this was an israeli drone strike. turns out those people were killed, both of those attacks came from rockets fired by islamic jihad in gaza. four cease fires have been announced since the conflict started. new audio from president clinton just a at this before the terrorist attacks on 9-11. during a speech in australia on september 10, 2001, he recalled a missed opportunity to kill osama bin laden. listen to this. he s a very smart guy. i spent a lot of time thinking about this and i nearly got him once. i nearly got him. i could have killed him, but i would have had to destroy a little town called kandahar in afghanistan and killed innocent women and children and then i
would have been no better than him. so i didn t do it. boy, the timing of that is erie. according to the 9-11 official report, they avoided an attack on him, but intelligence revealed he had left the area. here at home, departing house majority leader eric cantor said he will leave august 18. he originally said he would serve out his entire term. he lost in a primary upset against tea party challenger earlier this year and then overnight, kevin mccarthy taking over as majority leader. steve scalise takes over as house majority whip. instead of get angry with cops, she sent a thank you note. police ticketed a grandmother for speeding. she says that cop was so nice to her grandchildren in the back of the car, that she was thankful for it. the trooper says getting stopped is scary enough and he didn t want to frighten the kids.
just talked to the kids. they re scared when the guy with the big hat walks up. sometimes they re a little nervous. that trooper gave the kids stickers and toy sheriff badges. the granny s gift? she got that $150 ticket. those are your headlines. but the kids were happy. there you go. if anyone know, traveling with kids for a long time, you got to keep them happy. stickers work every time. now it s time for a very special guest. she s written a book called never trust a liberal, over three, especially a republican. ann coulter joins us every friday in the summer when we have brisket. how are you? fine. how are you? what do you make of what s going on in washington? harry reid s democrat controlled senate could not pass the president s bill yesterday. it looks like two hours from now, john boehner will try again to do something.
we want nothing passed. why? this is on the border. this alleged emergency. it s a fake emergency. what is happening is obama is violating the law as written. none of these kids should be getting in. the law that was written by diane feinstein, who is not stupid, and knows about illegal immigration, she s from california, says combat sex trafficking. you get in and you get a hearing and get tovñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ tell us whr not you ve been sex trafficked. you hear this so many times, people can t understand what i m trying to say. there are two huge exceptions. one is no mexicans. second one is no one who has any family or guardian living in the united states. i assume, it seems obvious, the idea is the vast majority of illegal aliens are mexican. if you have family in the united states, it looks like you re not being sex trafficked, you re coming to join your family.
so it s to exclude illegal aliens in case someone is being brought in to be sex trafficked, that s the only way you get a hearing. according to the white house and as reported in the new york times, 90% of the kids who showed up at the border have been transferred to family in the united states. well, that s just obama violating the law. so what do we do about it? well, that s good question. legally, constitutionally, it is technically impeachment, but he s not going to be impeached. the media love obama and we don t have the united states senate and do not believe that s fundraising on both sides talk being impeachment. i like john boehner s lawsuit. he s doing it for the president refusing to enforce obamacare. i don t know if that s one option. the only other option is what ted cruz is doing is withdraw money. the real option is vote republican in november. the house the house is
going to reform the 08 and 2012 dream act. and then the 760 million, i think, it was going to be towards getting these illegals who are set up in these huge dorms or five star hotels. we are totally against that. please pass no laws on immigration because what happens is even if the house were to pass a bill that does nothing other than say build a fence, which by the way, the vast majority of americans are in favor of. why can t we have a fence? you say we need a netanyahu. yes! you think we are being invaded. explain. yes! so much of the news these days is on israel s border and i keep thinking, wait, what about our border? the big news this week and the last ten days were all of the tunnels they found. well, we have had more than 100 tunnels from mexico into the u.s. with drug smugglers. not just drug smugglers bringing guns and gang members. in fact, the head of the d.e.a. said a few years ago that he
thinks a lot of the violence in chicago is mexican drug cartels. we are being invaded. people are being raped, murdered, vast wild ones burned down. and what s happening? please, bring more. that s part of the frustration. wait until people get a look at this. we understand that there is a 29-acre facility that is being opened up in carn city, texas, 20 miles south of austin. will have 532 beds, cost $140 per person per day. the detainees are going to be called residents. the guards are going to be called resident advisors. they re going to have essentially have suites with cable tv, flat screen tv, recreational fields, library, internet access and a cafeteria that serves three all you can eat meals every day. that s going people are going to be frustrated. wait a minute. we ve got people in this country who don t eat and yet these illegals are doing okay.
that s right. first of all, i want to go there to keep writing my next book, which is what i m working on now. that sounds great. but no, that is the one question that never gets asked when it comes to immigration. is this good for americans? the answer is? never gets asked. it s always oh, is it good for these people? what about george will coming out and saying, we re a big country. we can take 20 per county. it s not a big deal. it s not going to be in his county. schools and hospitals are going bankrupt, especially throughout southern california. it s always i used to notice this when i worked for the senate judiciary committee. this was a decade ago and it s always senators, although floor fewer states like this, senators from states that have 1% of all immigration getting up and telling us about their relatives arriving at ellis island. meanwhile, our phones are melting down from people from southern california because they re being overrun. hospitals are going bankrupt.
border agents the tuberculosis case recently in southern california. it s always described as california. no. it s not california man. it s mexican man. diagnosed in california. right. they had a clinic at the hospitals out there. it s very secret. that s leprosy. you re right. i read about that as well. so we ll find out. will the republicans be able to pass something? we ll find out. please don t pass anything. she doesn t want it. if they pass a bill, it goes to conference. if it goes to conference, it could come out amnesty. that s why we want nothing until this congress is finished. we ll know more at 9:00 o clock this morning. ann coulter, thanks for joining us live. the barbecue is right through that door. thank you. that s why i m here. straight ahead, a fox news alert. ebola virus is coming to u.s. soil. two american victims being flown here for treatment. are we ready to handle an american outbreak? a live report minutes away.
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we ve got a fox news alert. the deadly ebola virus that so many of you are talking about is coming to american soil. two infected americans who are aid workers in africa will be transported to the united states and one is expected to receive treatment at emory university hospital in atlanta, georgia. greg palkot is live in london with the latest details as we know them. reporter: as the situation regarding the ebola disease worsens in western africa, there is that important new word about help for the two americans infected with the disease. dr. kent brantley and nancy rightbold. they re set to be in serious but stable condition. they were working with ebola patients with the samaritan s purse charity in liberia and yes, the emory hospital in atlanta says it is readying a special isolation unit separate from other wards for at least one of those affected. it will be the first time anyone
ill with that disease has been treated in the united states. fox news also confirms a medevac plane with a biological containment system, an on board medical pod built in cooperation with centers for disease control. that has left from georgia for liberia last night. there are reports of both individuals will be brought back in the coming days. meanwhile, in the affected region itself, authorities are struggling to deal with this epidemic. it has no known cure and a very high mortality right. a state of emergency has been declared throughout that region. the death toll is said to be 729. over 1300 cases. airports across the continent, including big onces in places like south africa are using thermal devices to spot individuals with fevers. that s one of the symptoms of the disease. one more american evacuation note, 340 peace corps volunteers are being brought back to the states from the region. they are not showing any symptoms, but at least two of
them had contact with an individual infected with ebola. steve, the center for disease control again yesterday reminded everybody that ebola poses little risk to the u.s. population right now. but a lot of care needs to be contain. back to you guys. a lot of people are talking about. thank you very much. 19 minutes after the top of the hour. still ahead, remember this? white flags replacing the american flags at the brooklyn bridge? this morning we re learning it may have been a joint operation. we ll explain. key word there, joint. plus, no more drama for allison sweeney. how she s traded in salacious soap opera stardom for family time. time to hug elisabeth and there it is right there. good morning.
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time for news by the numbers. first, $1 million. that s how much senators spent on flights last year and you paid for it. the biggest spenders, senator chuck schumer and jill brand. next, four, that s how many lost dr. seuss stories from the 1950s are being published. it will come out in september. the tales feature horton. athletes heading to training camp in japan. that s the first time i ve seen them with shirts on. that s a good thing. there is no more drama for allison sweeney. she traded in her soap opera job and stardom on the show for family time and she s loving it
right now. that s right. joining us now from days of our lives and the biggest loser allison sweeney is here. i m holding a people magazine. there you are. looking fantastic. thank you very much. really making a great statement. my family comes first. i love this. big trade here that you re making. what was behind the decision, cause i know it s a big one. yeah. it is a big one. i have been doing two jobs, days of our lives and biggest loser for seven years. there came a point at which i sort of thought about it and talked to my husband about it and realized, i don t know that i can keep continuing to make that same decision because it took me away from my family a lot. and i think it was more my stress level. you had to memorize at night, too. yeah, there was a lot of homework. when you see this picture, this is what s making the decision pretty easy. of course. it looks like you all have fallen off a table. it looks like something terrible has happened. no. we re playing. oh, okay.
how old are ben and meghan? ben is nine and meghan is five. your husband, a regular guy. he s a cop. yeah. he s a police officer. that s terrific. and so you ve decided even though i ve got these high-powered jobs, more important to take care of my family. yeah. the kids are only small for a while. exactly. and enjoying it and i m finding other jobs, other things. it s not that i m giving up on my pursuits or dreams. i m directing and i m finding other projects that i want to be part of that maybe have less time commitments attached to them. you re directing another soap opera and written a book? yes. i got to direct an episode of general hospital had will air in august. i m writing another book. my third novel, which is definitely something i love doing at home, even with the kids running around. and they sit and write books next to me. it s really cute. what is scared scriptless like? it s a behind the scenes story of a script supervisor and i absolutely love the idea of turning the tables on the people in the crew cause they hate being in the spotlight and
focusing on that side of the story. maybe she needed to learn something. but i can also poke a little fun. there is some true stories in the book that like one time i was so frustrated because an actor i know was four hours late for work. which actor? that i won t tell you. four hours late for work. everybody waiting for the actor? yeah! we have a job. the actors have to be there. there is really no, like, someone can come in and do that job for you. we don t have to be on time. when i was pregnant, i was standing on the side of the set with a bucket just in case i need to do get sick. like you do your job no matter what. this person was four hours late for work. i was so angry about it that in my book, while i was writing it, i wrote this whole three-page thing about the script supervisor, pet peeve, hating people when they were late for work. i was like, maybe that s a little overkill.
let s dial it back a little. one thing we don t get much of that we re always interested in talking to people who do get enough and that s sleep. yes. sleep i.q. technology. i am the same way, though. i spend all these years doing both shows and i know especially working with the biggest loser it s about health and wellness and taking care of your body. so you can take care of the kids. exactly. to be a better mom and be a good role model. it s nutrition. it s fitness and the other part of that equation is absolutely getting enough sleep. you regenerate your body. you need to sleep to you re ready you need the right bed. you get a sleep number. what s your number? what s your husband s number? my number is 35. your husband s? and dave is even more. he likes his stronger. he s a tough cop! but it s interesting because you can, like, test it. the sleep i.q. technology, you don t have to attach yourself to anything. it measures your sleep and how well you sleep. you look at your smart phone
and figure out how much you slept? that s right. you can look at triggers. like if i had coffee too late in the afternoon. so you can really figure out what you need to do, how to set yourself up for the best sleep. i want one of those beds. you need one. i might give that technology a try. i have a hammock between two therese. what number was that? i think a nine. it s weird, cause it s in my backyard. i sleep over. allison sweeney, good luck to you. putting that in my next book. good luck on the biggest loser, the show. we re not talk about one of those actors who doesn t show up. we re going to find out and tweet it out. coming up on this friday, a disturbing story, a woman saw a kid in a hot car, called the cops. but then that child s mother ran her over. so does she have any regrets? she will join us live next. plus i m getting word that trace adkins of country music fame is now on our stage visually intimidating the
audience. there he is. we re going to talk to trace adkins who does so much for those who fight and he ll sing for us as well.
we have got a fox news alert. all eyes on the overseas stock markets right now after the dow took a major nose dive yesterday, tumbled 317 points, erasing all of this year s gains in just one day. it was the worst stock market drop since february. in just one hour from now, we will get the new unemployment rate. it s expected to stay at 6.1%. we will bring you those numbers live with instant analysis. how many people filed for jobless claims was yesterday. today is the unemployment rate at the end of the month.
thanks, brian. she saw something, so she said something. but this woman who tipped off police to a child trapped in a hot car is paying a terrible price for doing the right thing. shannon dominguez is confined to a wheelchair now after the mother she reported ran over her with the car. joining me now is that woman, shannon. thanks for being with us. you re welcome. it s awful to hear that in trying to save a life and do the right thing, you are now in this situation, in a wheelchair. can you describe for us what happened? sitting in the parking lot and a lady pulled up in front of us, got out of the her car, walked inside the car. when i looked back, i realized there was a little boy in the front seat. just out of instinct, i called 911. she came out and heard me on the phone with 911 and then there
was a verbal altercation in which she was saying some pretty horrific things to me. then she told me she was going to kick my butt. at that point alan got out of the car and stood between us and said, you re not going to touch her. nobody is going to touch anybody. you re not touching her. so she slapped him so hard that it left a hand print mark on his face. then she jumped in her car. she backed up as fast as she could and hit the gas and it was like her tires were squealing. next thing i know, i was ran over. i can still see her running over my foot and going up my leg. then she hit alan and he went up and over her hood and she drug him for 20 feet. i m sure that go ahead. the next thing i remember is hearing a bunch of people
screaming, call 911! call 911! i don t know ou old she was, i turned my car off, locked my car doors and brought me my purse and sat with me holding my hand and my:ññ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ shoulder unt to me. i don t know her name to thank her. i thank her with all of my heart. she was sure there for you as you were trying to be there for this child. you saw this woman who drove that car and put you in this situation. you saw her in court. what happened? she laughed at me. her first court appearance, she was an hour and a half late. then she turned around and looked at me and laughed. next court date, she waived her rights to a preliminary hearing and she was just all smiles and bouncy like it was no big deal. like she hadn t done anything but ran over somebody s toe.
shannon, you did a heroic thing and you re paying a terrible price for that. but we just want you to hear you have our support and so many parents thank you for taking action that you did and we wish you well. thank you. thanks for being with us this morning and sharing that story. thank you very much. you got it. tough story there. heather is here now. she joins us with more. what a hero that lady is. she really is. she saved that child s life, many would argue. the baltimore ravens ray rice apologizing to his wife publicly for the first time five months after he was charged with assault. he was seen dragging her out of an elevator at a casino in atlantic city. one thing that i want to do today was, you know, apologize to my wife. i just replay over and over in my head, that s not me. it s inexcusable. the nfl suspended rice for two games, but some say that is
not enough. former eastern illinois football player adrian arrington weighed in earlier on fox & friends. then in terms of nfl, i feel there got to be a balance between their punishment within the athletes. so i don t know if the punishment was harsh enough or what they will do later. but i just hope ray rice learns what he need to do learn and hopefully become a better man from it. rice says he plans to speak out against domestic violence with his wife when the time is right. jesse ventura may have won that defamation suit against the estate of chris kyle, but there is a win here for the navy seal s wife. in the wake of the trial, kyle s autobiography american sniper is now flying off book shelves. it is currently number 5 on amazon s best seller list thanks to you. an update for you on the american flag on top of new york city s brooklyn bridge switched out for a white one last week. police are questioning nine persons of interest who are believed to have all met on social media.
police are also looking into whether or not a 49-year-old pot activist, bud green, is his name, okay, whether or not he orchestrated the entire thing. green claims to be the leader of an antigovernment group telling the new york post that it was his idea and he wanted to, quote, shake people up. police haven t commented just yet. i love this story. to serve, protect and to dance. a toronto police officer has all of the right moves. nice. that officer dancing at a jazz festival. he was moving like no one was watching. but now he s going viral with tens of thousands of views on facebook. you know who else likes to dance to reggae music? the mayor of toronto, rob ford. they have fun up there in that country. let s go outside to steve, brian and trace adkins. you guys will be dancing later.
thank you very much, heather. yes, ladies and gentlemen, round of applause for reggae artist, trace adkins! [ cheers and applause ] that s right. this is your home away from home, isn t it? how comfortable are you on this fox & friends stage? i ve been here enough times. new york city, i ve been here. a couple times being on the apprentice, staying here for years to do that show, it seemed like. yeah. i know this town. i always enjoy coming here. absolutely. we enjoy having you. you ve been here a number of times and given brian stuff, but that s okay. probably earned a little bit of it. somebody got to do it. listen, i don t know if people know, but you ve had a really rough year so far. you lost your time i lost my dad. you ve gone through a lot. sorry about that. it s been a tough year.
put things in per pecktive. i perspective. i probably had tougher at some point. tough times don t last. tough people do. [ cheering ] a lot of times, a lot of country music songs come from tough times. you probably lived through a few songs this past year. i ve written a lot of stuff, yeah. yeah. i ve got some new songs on the next album coming out that have been written over the course of the last year. yeah. good for something. if you re having any trouble rhyming, brian and i are good at rhyming and we ve got that program on our iphone. yeah. absolutely. you have a program? it s a rhymer. how good a shape is this guy in? look at this guy. is he going to be on the cowboys or giants? no, no. trust me, i ll fall to pieces. you are such a liar. by the way, so many us see you on tv with great regulate.
you re one of the biggest supporters of the wounded warrior project to this day. any time i get asked about that, i m very quick to respond that it s a privilege for me to be a part of that organization, get to hang out with those guys and rub shoulders with heros. any time you get a chance to do that, you should do it. you re going to be singing for us. ladies love country boys. is that correct? that s correct, they do. tomorrow you can watch it at yankee-boston red sox game. watch jeter play. yeah. just a chance to see a first battle hall of famer play. i ll be at fenway singing the national anthem. but you are here today. 20 minutes from now he ll start his concert. you can watch it live on line. trace, thank you very much. thanks. trace adkins!
elisabeth, back in to you. tough times don t last, but people do. like that line. the question asking, did president clinton drop the ball on bin laden? i nearly got him once. i nearly got him. and i could have gotten him, i could have killed him. our next guest, the head of the bin laden unit at the time, says clinton is lying [music] jackie s heart attack didn t come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you ve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we ll match it and give you $50 toward your next trip. expedia. find yours.
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authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life because that is not a plan! raccoons in space? finally. joining us now is fox news contributor and founder of, kevin mccarthy, how are you? good morning. thank you for having me on. that clip you just saw, one of the funniest scenes in the film. guardians of the galaxy. one of the biggest gamble for marvel. this takes place in the same universe as the avengers. this is the same world as ironman and captain america and thor. you basically have these five unlikely heros who assemble in prison and become the guardians of the galaxy. and the director found a brilliant balance. the action feels like it s a massive star wars movie, but then it s one of the funniest movies i ve seen this year and also dramatic as well. all three of those combined into a great, fun, incredible action movie to see in theaters. the acting is amazing. chris pratt is great.
dave batista is amazing. but the key here is the voice acting. that raccoon you just saw on screen, that s bradley cooper. of course. sounds nothing like him at all. but they did all those scenes separately from the main cast. it sounds so natural. also vin diesel plays groot. he has three words he says the entire movie throughout. i gave it 4 1/2 out of five. it s the best sound track i ve heard since pull be fiction. imax 3d, absolutely worth it. the imax expands and there is an extra scene at the end of the credit. i wish you would have talked to the crew and the cast about the movie. steve, that s really good transition. i did talk to the cast and crew. one of the things i mentioned to them was i love these five guardians and i want to see them taken down every villain in the history of movies. what other movies will they have the most fun in? shear what they had to say. probably put them in the most recent rambo so we can go into
myanmar. the wild bunch? there you go. i would love guardians to show up in star wars . j.j. turned me down. what part did you audition for? any part. the expendables. who would they fight? all of the old farts. yeah, i know. arnold, if you re watching, i apologize for that. yeah, the move we is 4 1/2 out of five. you got to see it. let s transition to get on up, james brown story. yeah. this movie is incredibly great because of chad mcbozeman. he played jackie robinson in 342 . he elevates this mediocre script. you never see him on screen, you always see james brown. it takes place over the decades of his life. it s phenomenal.
four out of five. i am so jealous that trace adkins is in studio. can you tell him that he rocks it and i love him. i think his music is fantastic. you know what? you just told him. so he heard it live. we ll give him your five stars. i love you, trace. you re awesome, man. wow. we finally got a real love story. kevin, thank you. straight ahead on this friday. serious stuff now. did president clinton drop the ball on bin laden? i nearly got him once. i nearly got him and i could have gotten him, i could have killed him. wow. our next guest head of the bin laden unit at the same time talking about the very incident bill clinton was talking about and he says bill clinton is lying. that coming up. first this day in history in 1966, wild thing, by the
frogs, number one song in the usa. oh hey there! (laughs) hmm. you re that grumpy cat. well i know! how about some honey nut cheerios? humans love them. moms, dads, kids-well, all of em. not even a smile?
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i voted for culture. .with a k. how are you? i voted for plausible deniability.
i didn t kill her, david. and i voted for decisive military action. america, you cast your votes. now, go to xfinity on demand and select the people s hotlist to see this summer s top 100 shows and movies. i voted! it s hard to keep track of all of the washington, d.c. scandals, but yesterday it really hit the fan because over the last number of months, there have been fingers pointing up on capitol hill where the c.i.a. has been accused of spying on the u.s. senate. in fact, the c.i.a. director himself said in march, john brennan, he said there is absolutely zero chance, no chance we spied on congress. yesterday mr. brennan had egg all over his face.
in fact, not just egg, he had a whole omlette. we re supposed to have checks and balances, but not quite like this. checking on from the executive branch to the legislative branch, completely out of bounds as we find here. and the apology then follows. get this, the c.i.a. in an effort, it seems, to find out what the senate knew about the enhanced interrogation process managed to hack into senate computers. look at their personal e-mail under a pseudo name and look at their personal things to find out what they had. they originally denied it. then they admitted to it when they had an internal investigation and it revealed it. john brennan apologized. but according to senator udall, he lost confidence in brennan and thinks he should resign. that s big because he is a democrat. in the meantime, the c.i.a. says okay, we spied on the senate, but do you know what the senate did? the senate staff actually stole documents that they weren t supposed to steal from us.
so apparently it s gone to the department of justice where the accusations from the senate, they re spying on us, and from the c.i.a., they re stealing our documents. apparently no criminal charges will be presented. however, the c.i.a. is spying on congress. that s scarey. shocking the d. o.j. would go forward to it. i think the doj would have very little problem going after the c.i.a. because it would be something that happened during the bush years. coming up, we still have a big show for you. for example, geraldo rivera in the middle of this huge crowd. trace adkins, could beat up geraldo in a fight but you won t. it would be good for sweeps. don t miss a step.
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good morning. it s friday, august 1, 2014. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, the deadly ebola virus headed to the united states. two american victims are being flown here for treatment. so just how worried should we be? meanwhile, vacation delayed, at least one day. nobody going home until they try one more time to pass an immigration bill. but with lawmakers on both sides in both chambers crying foul, will anything get accomplished? we re going to tell you what we know. brian. did president clinton drop the ball on bin laden? i nearly got him once. i nearly got him, and i could have gotten i could have killed him. wow. is that true? the head of the bin laden unit says clinton is lying about an important element of that story. he will join us live in a matter
of moments. mornings on friday are better with friends. i think he wanted to show the gun show. he s ripped. that s the crowd. a big show today. one of our biggest of the year as trace adkins performs ladies
love country boys. you can watch the whole hour at you can join us at 48th and 6th right there on our plaza for that show. startling sound coming out indicating that osama bin laden could have been killed before the deadly 9-11 attack. listen to this. president clinton can be heard telling australian business leaders the day before september 11, 2001, that clinton had the chance to kill bin laden, but didn t do it. if i he s a very smart guy, i spent a lot of time thinking about him. i nearly got him once. i nearly got him. and i could have gotten him. i could have killed him, but i would have had to destroy a little town called kandahar in afghanistan and killed 300 innocent women and children. and then i would have been no better than him. so i didn t do it.
so is that the thing, was that the choice? 300 dead innocent people for bin laden? our next guest was head of the bin laden unit from 1995 to 99. michael joins us with his reaction. was that the choice bill clinton had, as you remember it is this. no, sir, it was not. he s talking about an occasion in december of 1998, i believe. the sunday before christmas, osama bin laden had gone from his residence in south of kandahar to kandahar city to talk to mullah omar and the rest of the taliban. he had stayed too late, did not want to go back to his compound, and the taliban gave him a suite of rooms in one of the wings of the governor s palace. we had an asset who put him in that room, escorted him there, and reported to us where he was. the attack would have occurred in the middle of the night and it would have killed no one but taliban people and osama bin
laden and his crew. it is an extraordinarily what really disgusted me about it is not only is he a liar, in what papers do you think sandy burger stole out of the archive, but he was laughing about t. he thought it was very amusing. let s be clear. you re calling bill clinton a liar. he told that story the day before september 11, 2001, and he is lying, flat outlying? if you looked up the picture of the word lie, his face would be right next to it. what he s saying, sir, is that everybody else is more important than protecting americans. if you had killed osama bin laden in 1998, you would not have had 9-11. you probably would not have had iraq. but he is a monumental liar, sir. i told chris wallace that several years ago and as a result, i got fired from cbs because they didn t like me talking badly about their hero. they fired you because you were telling them candidly about
bill clinton and what you knew? after i was on with mr. wallace and i told him that, they had me on the next morning and i told them he was a felonious liar and that was kind of the end of my contract with cbs. i want to move back just a moment. where were you that day? i was with once we had the information, we were sure where osama bin laden was, i drove in the car with the director of central intelligence, george tenet and his deputy, gordon. he s very good guy. we went to the white house. tenet went by himself into the room where they were going to have the discussion about shooting. general gordon and i remained in the operation center, kind of pacing back and forth and watching the football game. we came when he came out, tenet didn t say a word. but when we got back in the car, he told us that they had decided not to shoot because they were afraid some of the shrapnel from the cruise missiles would have hit a mosque nearby and that
muslim world would rise up and attack americans. well, it was 3:00 o clock in the morning. there would be no casualties, no one in the mosque, and if you think that would cause a billion muslims to rise up and attack you, then you are a racist of the deepest hue. when bill clinton said the day before 9-11 back in 2001 to those australian business leaders, he said, i could have gotten him, but i would have blown up this town of kandahar, that is first of all, it s town of 400,000 people, so he really couldn t have blow it up. but that s not true because the technology, even back then, was to the point where you couldkñ?ñ really limit collateral damage. you could. and the question is, who was he elected to protect? kandahar people or americans? we lost an enormous amount of people because he ignored ten chances, not one chance, sir. we ve had several other chances where there would have been no collateral damage at all. in your opinion, why did he not take action? because he s a coward, morally and because he s also
more concerned, like obama, with what the world thinks about him. if it s hard for a president to the united states to decide to act to defend americans, he ought not to be president. right. i also understand he had a shot at him right before he left and he decided not to take that shot in december. well, he certainly had an opportunity to respond, sir, after they almost sunk our naval vessel in yemen and he chose not to do that. he s a disgrace, sir. michael, i want to dial in somebody who, after 9-11, wound up in tora bora. geraldo rivera, you got a question for michael? i think my main beef with what michael is saying is that he is mixing and conflating intelligence and what he witnessed with his own ideological spin. so what you have here with this gentleman, who was dismissed from cbs by his own admission is number one, an analysis on the military action. and then number two, he is spinning it to his own purpose here.
michael, is that what you re doing? bill clinton is a horrible man, a coward and all the rest of it. that s why, in my view listen, geraldo is one other thing. one at a time. michael, you first. i know the intelligence. i know the people who risked their lives to get the information. and i know that geraldo knows nothing except what he thinks. he doesn t know the facts at all. the fact is osama bin laden i was in sudan when bill clinton tried to take out osama bin laden and bombed his house. i stood on osama bin laden s property in khartoum in sudan. so to you you are being disrespectful and you are conflating your role as an analyst with experience with the ideological spinner. that is not your role. osama bin laden was in
afghanistan. all right. i have an opinion about is dead americans. have you ever been to kandahar? i think we re drifting away from what we started to talk to. michael, who headed up the bin laden unit there for a number of years, we thank you very much for joining us live. thank you. look, the new sound coming out stirs a lot of emotion from anyone who has any opinion or information on 9-11 and the attacks that as we re hearing now, seemed to have many opportunities to be prevented. there is no doubt, that the trauma we suffered on 9-11-2001, damaged and took so many american lives that it generates amazing and deep and profound emotions. no doubt about that. but the president, it s so easy in hindsight, it was such an incredible event that we are still traumatized by it.
we look back and say, what could we have done to prevent it? i think in this particular case, finding the contemporaneous tape and bill clinton saying that he could have and chose not to, that is lamentable in so many different ways. we could have saved so many lives. but to monday morning quarterback is disrespectful. he s different than monday morning quarterbacks. he put the asset behind, he was head he put the asset in the house and he knew he had a shot at it and it just drives michael crazy, i imagine it drives us all crazy. let me finish. to see the president spin his way out of it when he said the guy was in the house. you could have just killed the people in that house. not 300 people. it was not a small town. it s a town of 400,000 people. so for a guy that spent ten-year his life hunting bin laden, to hear the president mischaracterize that incident. look at gaza now and how the collateral damage is horrifying everyone, babies and women, et
cetera. that is the nightmare constantly that affects the decision makers when it comes to pulling the trigger in a military operation. so when you make the call, my goodness, do i do this at the risk of taking these collateral damages? the speaker says it was 3:00 o clock in the morning and therefore, casualties would have been limited. maybe that is so. i don t know. but it is so easy from the perspective of 14 years to look back and say, well, if i was in charge, i would have done it differently. he was pointing out that bill clinton was not being accurate in 2001 about what happened in 1995 because he found 1998 and he was frustrated the president didn t take the shot. i grant you that. but don t you worry that the speaker has become a political activist, that he has a bone to pick here. this is not a military official who can give us a dispassionate approach. he s a politician, ex
intelligence officer. when you listen to his comments, these are the comments of an ideologue, not the comments of an intelligence analyst. in my view. maybe he is correct. that is your view. it is my view. geraldo, never dull. thank you very much. i saw trace adkins outside. he s going to be with us in a little bit. heather nauert is with us with the latest on the cease fire. good morning. we ve got a fox news alert. it s supposed to be a three-day cease fire. it lasted just two hours. new violence now breaking out this morning. an israeli army is now saying that one of their own is feared captured. also hamas claiming an israeli tank fired on palestinians leaving as many as 27 dead. four cease fires have been announced since that conflict started. the deadly ebola virus is now coming to u.s. soil. two infected americans were aid workers in africa will be brought to the united states and one of them will be treated at emory university hospital in atlanta. a medevac jet left yesterday to
pick up the patients and look at this plane right here. it has these isolation pods on it. they were designed and built by the department of defense and also the cdc. they re supposed to ensure that the flight crew will remain safe from that disease. also political news. while you were sleeping, departing house majority leader eric cantor says he ll be leaving congress early, on august 18. he originally said he would serve out his entire term. he lost in a primary upset against tea party challenger. caught on camera, watch the terrifying moment that a hiker loses her footing and falls 40 feet down a cliff. that poor woman. this happened on a pretty dangerous trail in california. that woman, though, was later rescued. thank goodness for that tree. we got a busy news morning. back over to you. thank you very much. it s now 12 minutes after the
top of the hour. coming up straight ahead, imagine this, six federal agents show up at your house to take your car. the reason? it violates the epa regulations. are you kidding? it happened. that story is next. then have you seen this video? i love he is little. she doesn t ever want him to grow up. that little girl, her brother, and the rest of the family join us live, smile. you re coming up on fox & friends ! rfect. so s his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here s $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to for savings.
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but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on. welcome back. quick headlines for you. the c.i.a. saying i m sorry for snooping on members of the senate. director john brennan confirms cia employees improperly snooped on senate. he proofly said the accusations of spying, quote, couldn t be further from the truth. oops. then congress is hoping to get something accomplished today after last night they didn t. they approved a veterans affairs reform bill. the package will now help vets avoid long wait times for medical care by hiring more doctors and nurses.
it also let s veterans get care outside of the v.a. so mission accomplished there. good. up on capitol hill, summer vacation on hold. cue the blue birds. the house will be in order! wow. congress sticking around one more day to battle over the border bill. this as the president mocks the gop over suing the executive suing over executive overreach. molly henneberg is live outside the white house. we understand at 9:00 o clock this morning, the republicans are going to get together again and see if they can do a vote. reporter: good morning, steve, brian, and elisabeth. yes, that s right. in about 45 minutes, some house republican also meet to figure out if there is a way forward on a border bill to get enough votes to pass after gop leadership canceled a vote yesterday on a $659 million border bill. some republican lawmakers are concerned that if they can t get a bill, the president may act
alone on immigration. the president is saying i m going to violate the constitution and the law and legalize five to 6 million people, probably as soon as the house or as congress leaves town. we ve got to send a message that we re not going to go silent on the president s unconstitutional actions. reporter: the president is said to be considering granting work permits to illegal immigrants, although the white house has not confirmed that. at this point the president s secretary says a team is reviewing the president s options. the president can t do as much as congress could do in terms of addressing some of these problems. but we re going to figure out what exactly the law will allow the president to do and we re going to do as much as possible within the confines of the law to address a problem whose solution republicans and congress continue to actively block. reporter: the house voted earlier this week to sue the president over his use of executive action, saying they can not, quote, turn a blind eye
to the lawlessness of this president. president obama responded, saying the lawsuit wastes americans time, cost taxpayers and, quote, is not very productive. back to you all in new york. never a dull moment. thank you very much. coming up straight ahead. coming up, a day of fun taking a horrifying turn when a water slide collapses right into the drink. the breaking details next. and have you seen this video? he s so cute. i love your little smile! oh, my god! he is little. little five-year-old sadie and her brother and the rest of the family live here to explain what s going on. that s right. 12 million people saw that video. first, more trace adkins. here is songs about me on our plaza. that s not about you.
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24 after the top of the hour. a developing story now. a day of fun taking a horrifying turn. students sent flying after a water slide collapsed right underneath them. happened in fleming island, florida. 13 teen-agers were hurt. and three people were hurt when a speeding suv slammed into a building. cops say the driver hit a curb outside baltimore, went airborne, crashed through the wall. what wall? that up with. it left a huge hole in the building. one person inside was taken to the hospital, but is expected to be okay.
that s the news. this little girl has one wish for her baby brother. i don t want him to grow up. you are so cute! i love you, cute little smile! poor sadie. that girl is right there right now. the video going viral. over 10 million hits on youtube right now. ryan and lindsey miller, with five-year-old sadie, three-year-old brookly and three-month-old carson join us live. welcome. sadie, 12 million people, do you know how many that is? no. a lot of people have seen you. they have a lot of questions. i have a question. why are you sad to see carson
grow up and get older? because i m worried that he s going to die, too. because why? when you get older, that s what happens? when you turn 100. long time, though, right? yeah. do you have fun with him? yeah. you love him so much? brooklyn, do you have a lot of fun with carson? uh-huh. are you okay with him getting older? uh-huh. you know who really has fun with carson, the little one, is dad, because he s shaking his leg. he s shaking the whole couch. how do you know has this happened before? is that why you fired up the camera? yeah. i saw the drama queen coming out and i thought this is funny. we got to show her what she was like in ten years. she s been so in love with her little brother. i could see that it was turning into something that might be kind of cute. so i decided to grab the little phone and capture the moment so that in ten years she can see
what a drama queen she was. and fighting in the back of the car, you can show her the tape. remember when you liked each other? it was posted on the internet somewhere. but a family member, ryan, decided they were going to help you and put subtitles and stuff. yeah. my brother did that for us. my mom thought that was a good idea cause sometimes it s hard to understand what she s being so dramatic about. it worked out good. are you astounded at the number of people i mean, we ran the video a couple of times on the program because it s just so adorable. because as parents, we ve all seen kids do that. i thought it was cute and i posted it on facebook for my friends to see and overnight i can t believe it. it was blowing up! yeah, it was. sadie, what do you love most about your brother and your sister? do you like his little outfit? yeah. you re going to have so much fun with him, right? i like his swimming suit. great swimming suits.
carson does not want to talk today. but he s going to come back when he gets a little bit older and say nice things about you. i think you have a big heart. very nice. brooklyn, you like that microphone? i think she wants her own. i hope you enjoy new york city while you re here living it up. thank you very much for flying in. do you mind leaving carson with elisabeth? no, we don t mind. thank you. we love the miller family. all of you. thanks. i could see why. look at that. you just showed his belly on television. i m so sorry. you re next, brian. i could see why you don t want him to grow up. he s so yummy right here. straight ahead on our friday show, a fox news alert. all eyes on wall street right now after the dow took a major dive yesterday, erasing all of the gains of the year in just a minute, we ll get the new unemployment number. it s pivotal.
nicole petallides as you can see, down on wall street to analyze. then there is nothing more ridiculous than this. six federal agents show up at a home to seize the family car. the reason? it might pollute the planet. the owner of that land rover here next. first, more from trace adkins. the song you re gonna miss me.
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it s a fox business news alert. joining us from the new york stock exchange, fox business network s nicole petallides. all right. we got some bad news on employment. we got kind of good news on the number of jobs created. right. so let s see what we re talking about here. what you want to see is lots of jobs added. that s what americans want. we want jobs for our americans who are looking for jobs. i know you had stuart varney on this morning and i know you put the correlation between the jobs numbers and the fed. i m going to give you the number first. 198,000 jobs added. that was less than the analysts forecast of 227. i mean, we would have loved to see 300,000 jobs added. this is a monthly number. so important when it comes in. sort of like the unemployment rate. 6.2%. that s up from the prior month of 6.1%. the unemployment rate goes up, jobs were added, not as much as anticipated. with that, we re seeing the markets jumping a little bit.
coming up off the lows. why is that? stuart varney and you guys were talking about this. because if you have a great economy booming, janet yellen and the feds, well, this is what happens. it s now that you had a weaker jobs number, it means that maybe, just maybe they won t raise those interest rates as quickly as people were thinking they might. we got a great gdp number in recently. people started to think maybe the fed would be more aggressive on raising those rates. when you start to see the labor market is still not as strong as anticipated, then that takes a breather. hey, we re going to see what happens with these markets after yesterday s 317-point drop. sometimes bad news could be good news. and the market opens one hour from right now. thank you very much with the news, the unemployment rate has risen to 6.2%. heather is going to bring headline. news about the baltimore ravens, ray rice. he s now apologizing to his wife publicly for the first time, five months after he was charged
with assault. he was seen dragging her out of an elevator in a casino in atlantic city. one thing that i wanted to do today was apologize to my wife. i just replay that night over and over in my head. that s not me. my actions are inexcusable. okay. the nfl suspended rice for two games. but some are saying that s not enough. former eastern illinois football player adrian arrington weighed in earlier on fox & friends. listen to this. in terms of nfl, i feel there s got to be a balance with the punishment and the athlete. i don t know if the punishment was harsh enough. but i hope ray rice will learn what he need to learn and heap he becomes a better man. rice says he plans to speak out against domestic violence with his wife when the time is right. she saw something so she said something. shannon dominguez tipped off police to a child that she saw who was trapped in a hot car and now she s confined to a heel
chair. wheelchair. the mother she reported turned up in the parking lot and ran her over with her car. shannon joined us earlier on fox & friends. i can still see her running over my foot and going up my leg. she laughed at me. her first court appearance, she was an hour and a half late. then she turned around and looked at me and laughed. that 27-year-old is now facing charges for hit and run, assault, and child abuse. talk about getting caught in the act, indiana guy tries to deny stealing a $300 pair of earrings off of someone s front porch and cops showed him the videotape. he looks directly into the security camera. how do you deny that? that s when he asked to exercise his right to remain silent. oh, boy. and one man learns the horrid way not everybody likes to take selfyies.
look at that swan there at the kansas zoo. it bites him as he tries o take a selfy with it. that s the picture before he was bitten. despite the attack, they got that picture. those are your headlines. those swans could be mean. right. stay away from animals. this story sounds like a piece of fiction. six federal agents storm a woman s home to take her suv. the reason? it might pollute the earth? joining us right now is that woman, jennifer brinkly, who had the audacity to buy a land rover. jennifer, set the scene for us because i want people out there to understand that i m telling a true story. i know. it s sad. i have a land rover defender. it s a 1985. it was parked in our carport and six law enforcement agencies vehicles and homeland security
pulled up and asked me if i had a land rover and seized it. they took it from your house. what reason did they give you? they weren t sure, because the case was sealed at that point. but they told me they thought it might be over the clean air act. really? did it pass inspection? oh, yes. it passed inspection. i had a title for it. insurance. no, i shouldn t say passed inspection because old cars don t have to be inspected. but i had done enough work to take it up to the level where it would have passed an inspection. but just to show you how out of date their information was, i understand that they had the previous owner s name on the warrant because that car had to be seized. oh, we re going back four owners. so they went back four owners and finally caught up with the car four owners later! correct. where is the car today? your guess is as good as
mine. they won t tell you? no. what are you going to do? i think it s been moved three times. we re fighting it. we re trying to get the cars back. there were 40 seized that day all over the united states. the people that showed up, they were dhs? yes. yes: and local law enforcement. what is your reaction to this, jennifer? you sound almost indisbelief as you explain it to me. my reaction is i m sad because i own the car and it s just an iconic car. i don t know. i m in disbelief because it s gone and i m surprised that somebody can come in and take your property. surprised. it s outrageous and you were quoted as saying that you always felt so proud to be in this country. your dad is a veteran. what is your reaction now? what would he say?
oh, my father, he would tell me to fight it and try to get my car back, that he fought in a war to protect our property so we could live in a free country. i think that was the saddest thing for me because i realized that everything my father fought for didn t exist anymore. it s scary. it s scary when it happens to you on a personal level. jennifer brinkly, thanks so much. and by the way, how ironic it s a land rover. nothing stops a lands rover. so some day that car is going to come right back to you. they re indestructible. yeah. it s true. jennifer, thanks so much. sorry this happened. we ll track it and hopefully you have a good ending to this. i hope so. thank you so much. 20 minutes before we re done. straight ahead, have you ever gotten a call like this, just as you were sitting down to dinner? if you refuse to answer the door to me, i guarantees you, i will wake up every neighbor in your entire [ bleep ] building!
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welcome back. we are on our plaza, trace adkins is behind us. and right now, peter johnson, jr. is with me. good morning. this is part two of how to reconcile your debt. this is on the debt beat today. 35% of americans face debt of about $5,000. do we have debt out here? i do. do you? you bet. unfortunately we do. let s fight back in a few ways.
we re going to go through some questions here. can i compromise or negotiate a debt? absolutely. the answer is yes. don t be afraid to compromise or settle the debt. some tips for successful settlement. number one, get everything in writing. get a credit counselor or even a lawyer to help you out. make sure you cross the t s and dot the i s. number two, time is money. know that they want to get the debt settled quickly and that they ll do better getting a lump sum. so if you can settle for a lump sum early, do that. number three, beware of settlement scams. don t pay 30 to 60% of a debt as a premium, as a fee to someone before they do something for you. it s really important not to get scammed yourself on the debt. and pay what you owe. always. what about this, do i contact the credit bureaus to explain my problem? absolutely essential. contact the three credit bureaus and let them know what s going on and we re going to show you the e-mails and the web sites
and the phone numbers to call. do not be afraid to do that. you must do that to make sure that your credit score does not get slammed. important note there. can you improve your credit score? yes. you can absolutely improve your credit score. there are some important tips to do that. don t spend on several cards. consolidate to one or two cards. don t leave small balances on the cards. number two, old debt can be good. if you got a long-standing debt that you ve been paying off well, that will actually help your credit rating. number three, leave accounts open, especially those with balances. so don t start closing accounts down. they sound kind of paradoxcal, but throws important tips. another question is can i sue the debt collector? you absolutely can sue the debt collector. they call you at work or at home when they re not supposed to, you can sue them. you can get statutory damages in the state court and compensatory damages for any harm they cause. you can go to small claims court and do it even quicker. so you don t have to be a victim
of people doing bad things that are violating the federal law. if you owe the money, you want to pay it. you want to pay it on your own terms the best you can. but not killed in the process. you re saying you do have rights, even though you have debt, it doesn t mean you forfeit your rights. this segment will be up on the fox & friends web site all day and all weekend. you can take a look at it again. we re so happy to be with trace adkins because there is a girl in texas. peter johnson, jr., we thank you for that. we re going to have more from trace adkins with this fun crowd in just a moment. first we re going to check in with bill hemmer and martha mccallum. looking forward to that. everything is popping this morning. what will republicans do about immigration? we re watching that. what will the president do on executive action? in the middle east, will a cease fire hold or is it all just talk right now? stocks fell through the floor. what will happen this morning there? there is a lot of news on the ebola outbreak. ten minutes away here on a friday edition of america s newsroom vo: this is the summer.
the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours. [music] jackie s heart attack didn t come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you ve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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for the second week, i got the steve cam here. what is that? that s my iphone and i got a fish eye filter on it. which means you can write it off. i hadn t thought about that. but during the show, with trace adkins, we re going to actually take some close-ups and selfies. we are. i say why not? trace adkins is going to do there is a girl in texas. have a story that goes with this ? you decide. there is a girl in texas and she s right here. ladies and gentlemen, trace adkins!
celebrating 20 years of this song. i wrote this right after i moved to nashville. this song was written in 94. it s 20 years old. when i rode out of dallas i was chasing down a dream i thought i knew what i was looking but the neon nights have blinded me til i m lost in tennessee
not sure i know who i am anymore but there is a girl in texas there is a girl in texas there s a girl in texas that does you re a truly lovely lady and you sure light up the night i m a lonely man but i m leaving here alone i won t try to lie to you about this heart of mine
that i can t give, that i don t really own there s a girl in texas there s a girl in texas there s a girl in texas she still does if this dream that i ve been chasing if it ever sets me free and i wake up to find it don t need me there s a girl in texas there s a girl there is a girl in texas pretty little girl in texas she still loves me
there s a girl in texas there s a girl in texas there s a girl in texas that does yes there s a girl in texas i still love take me back to texas
and so the conversation turned until the sun went down and many fantasies were learned on that day keep feeling fascination
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energy for making new ocean friends. all right. what s coming up this weekend? we are on this weekend. fox & friends this weekend. what s coming up this weekend? we re going to tell you what cell phone providers might be putting into your bill that you don t know about. it s all the hidden stuff. plus you want to unplug for your last summer vacation? put those gadgets down, close the computer? we re going to teach you how to unplug for the rest of the summer. oh, boy. if we could do, we will give it a try for sure. looking forward to seeing you both this weekend. what do you got in the after the show show? i m unplugging. when they say unplugged, i m done, man. you did a great show today. you know how you can say thank you today? go download a trace adkins song
right now! that is correct. i ll stay plugged. thank you very much for joining us. my pleasure. ladies and gentlemen, round of applause, trace adkins! bill: here we go on a friday. what a day this will be. fox news alert. 9:00 a.m. on the hill where house lawmakers are still at. republicans ready to try again to tackle this bothered crisis. that is just one of many headlines today. welcome here. i m bill hemmer live in america s newsroom. welcome, heather. nice to be here. i m heather childers in for martha maccallum. they tried yesterday to get a trimmed down bill with outcries from both parties. doing something is better than nothing. the crisis on the border will continue until the president act the. he is clearly not going to act. that means congress has to act. that is prett

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Election HQ 20160722 05:00:00

to all americans tonight, in all of our cities, and in all of our towns, i make this promise. we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again. god bless you, and good night! i love you! donald trump capping off the republican national convention in cleveland thursday night,
officially accepting the republican nomination for president. hello, everyone, i m heather childers. good to be with you. he promised law and order, safety, job security, protecting all of us, including african-americans in ferguson as well as the lgbtq community. mr. trump touched on several issues that affect us both here at home and abroad. including those recent horrible cold-blooded anti-police murders and the continuing and growing threat of isis and radical islamic terrorism. he drove home the message of restored greatness by promising to put americans first and lead the country back to safety, prosperity, and peace. the most basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its own citizens. any government that fails to do so is a government unworthy to lead. the most important difference between our plan and that of our opponents is that our plan will
put america first. americanism, not globalism, will be our credo as long as we are led by politicians who will not put america first, then we can be assured that other nations will not treat america with respect, the respect that we deserve. my plan will begin with safety at home, which means safe neighborhoods, secure borders, and protection from terrorism. there can be no prosperity without law and order. coming up in the next hour, we will show you all of donald trump s acceptance speech. but first, let s bring in james rosen, he s got the latest
from cleveland. earlier, touching on the working class and what he called the forgotten americans. that s right. good morning, eric and heather. despite the restraint that usually sufficieuses donald tru every time he uses a teleprompter, he drew thunder us applause by presenting himself as the law and order candidate and telling the crowd, ai am yor voice. citing statistics that depicted america as being racked by crime, a rigged system and a chinese government who s cheating on trade he vowed to punish. trump also renewed his vow to build a border wall and crack down on illegal immigration. on january 20 of 2017, the day i take the oath of office,
americans will finally wake up in a country where the laws of the united states are enforced. the crowd loved the tough talk, which extendened over an hour and 15 minutes not least when the gop nominee lacerated presumptive democratic nominee, hillary clinton. and when a secretary of state illegally stores her e-mails on a private server, deletes 33,000 of them so the authorities can t see her crime, puts our country at risk, lies about it in every different form, and faces no consequence, i know that corruption has reached a level like never, ever before in our country. tonight, responded clinton campaign chairman jon podesta in
a statement, donald trump painted a dark picture of america in decline and it was another reminder that he s temperamentally unfit and totally unqualified to be president of the united states. he continued, trump offered no real solutions to help working families get ahead or to keep our country safe, just more prejudice and paranoia. america, he concluded, is better than this. trump was introduced by his daughter, ivanka, who noted how frequently her father promoted women to top executive positions in the construction industry across the decades. thank you so much. we ll hear more from the democrats in philadelphia. we sure will. we ll do it all over again. for more on this, chris is live for us in cleveland. he s the fox news politics editor. thanks so much for sticking around with us. you bet. okay. so, what did you think? your overall how do you think he did? the delivery was good.
as james pointed out, his facility with the teleprompter has improved, and he is in a better he worked the crowd well. it had the feeling of one of his rallies that he s had but on a grander scale, and certainly the themes were the same. talking about a country really on the brink of disaster, talking about terrorism, railing against the international trade that he says has ruined communities, talking about illegal immigrants that he blamed for drugs and violence, really stark and bleak picture of a country that he said, as he pointed out, we don t have much time left. he said that america, that history would judge us and that we didn t have much time left and that he was the only one who could fix it. it was stark, it was powerful, it was pretty dark, it s true, it was pretty dark, but he offered himself as the single point of light. yeah, yeah, it may have been pretty dark but also a conscious effort to reach out to lots of different groups of people. one line in particular, he said, for the forgotten men and women.
so, how do you think he did in that respect? well, he was really honing in on middle class voters, and that s his base. donald trump was talking to his base. and he s trying to expand his base to go from just and it s to the just among republicans now, but to expand from basically working class white republicans and expand into more independents, more democrats, there was a very intentional mention of bernie sanders voters, which fall under the same demographic boundaries, and if he really can put that coalition together of these what he says are these forgotten people that are stepped on and abused, he says, by corporate interests who allow illegal immigration, who allow terrorism, he says, that if he can put these people together, then he s got a coalition that can win the election. he talked again about if fixed system in regards to bernie sanders, obviously, as you said, reaching out to his constituents or people that were voting for him. what about his reference to the lgbtq community, specifically? who would have thought that
we would have been at a republican convention where we would have been talking about the we would have had multiple references to the lgbtq community at the q in cleveland, but also, that we would be talking about the damn anifying damages of free trade so this is deferently donald trump s republican party, it s more socially moderate and it is definitely, has a different perspective on trade and other issues and multinationalism and all of that jazz, so this was him taking ownership, putting his stamp on the republican party and they love it. as long as he can beat hillary clinton with it. yeah, said specifically in terms of trade, he would do individual trade deals. it was a long speech. i mean, it was long. what about the delivery of it? it was good. it started the delivery at the beginning, i really think, one of the gems, one of the best lines in the whole speech was when the crowd started in it was obviously spontaneous, the crowd started chanting, lock
her up, which was, of course, about hillary clinton, and has been a defining thing about this convention. it s pretty ugly, and trump said he put his hands down and said, no, no. he said, let s beat her in november. and i thought that was a signal moment. i thought that was class and i thought it was something that showed that he was ready to elevate. yeah. a little different than what we saw during the primaries when people would start yelling different things and he d agree with them and almost egg them on. thank you. it was an exciting end to an exciting week. now, moving on to the democrats next week. we ll see you there. all right. see you there. thank you. so how d trump do? did he a achieve what he had to do tonight? the political insiders are here, doug shone, former republican congressman from new york, and path goddell, former pollster for president jimmer carter. doug, it seems specific detailed
and direct but the democrats are blasting it tonight as a hate fest. what do you think? well, look, 70% of america, eric, say the country s off on the wrong track. donald trump, i think, singularly well, made his case that america is on the wrong track on law and order, crime, and terror. he defined his own view of the world and his solutions. now, i m not so sure that, by reaching out to the lgbtq community, blacks, hispanics, the sanders voters, will have the practical effect of expanding his constituency. at least he tried. he was talking to primary white republicans and independents in the midwest, swing voters who are going to determine this election. i think he largely succeeded. pat, you face jimmy carter s polls from 1980, he faced ronald reagan. did you, tonight, hear ronald
reagan in donald trump or barry goldwat barrygoldwat barrygo barrygoldwater? we keep trying to go back to elections that don t fit. when doug says, and i heard the other commenters on the other networks talking about, which is true, that 67% think the country s on the wrong track, the same percentage don t think they re not only on the wrong truck, that the country is in decline. what he did tonight was speak truth. the vast majority, democrats, republicans, and independents believe about a rigged system, about the idea that the country s going backwards, the concern and anxiety, the larger questions at the same time trying to satisfy his base, and i thought he pulled it off really well, and i think the other thing he did, and if you think of some of the argument, he is the first american politician i can think of to stand as a nominee and use the word, corruption. which is what giant percentage of americans believe washington is about. he talked about the powerless.
he talked about he was reaching to themes that, i ll tell you, you can see it in the other response, networks, these people are panicked. the people who do not understand, they have not understood this election, or why he s standing on that podium, or what is going on this year, it was a home run in that way. john, you re an old line republican. what do you think? you know, if you look back in the last hundred years, we ve had three presidents who were rich and therefore independent. teddy and franklin roosevelt, and john kennedy, and each one of them got on the side of the little guy. and when you re rich and the little guy embraces you, you can t be beaten, because none of the normal stuff applies. you can t say he s corrupt. you can t say he s going to be bought off. he s on our side. trump is getting on the side of 40 some odd percent. he needs more. tonight was, i think, a good step to get more. he s like a blue-collar
billionaire. by the way, romney, who was rich, never got on the other side. he was seen as prissy, and he talked down to people. no empathy whatsoever. he talked down to them and that 47% thing killed him. trump said tonight, i am your voice. he kind of came across as, like, america is going to be his family, as his family has played such an important role throughout this entire election process, certainly during the convention, you know, he s like, america is my family, and i m going to take care of you like i have taken care of them. there was one thing that wasn t discussed, and you re right, heather, it was about his family and his vision. he did not say, we republicans. he did not talk about a republican sweep. he did not talk about conservative ideology or conservative values. he talked about law and order, crime, our america, taking the country back. in that way, it was something of
a nonpartisan appeal, and i think that, again, he did what he needed to do. what we political insiders have been saying, you don t dramatically change an election or win an election with one speech. but i think, gentlemen, you would agree, this was a very, very successful outing after a convention that was not necessarily a successful as it could have been. i thought the convention was okay. i ve been through worse, believe me, in 1980. where everything went wrong. but the we almost won and we would have if we hadn t debated. you have to understand, this effort, and it s not working with against trump, to make him so risky because he s had so much coverage. hillary clinton has spent 40, $50 million. it will be another 2 billion. if she hadn t spent it, she d probably be behind. let me make this other point. you had some of the speeches, i loved fran tarkenton because of
the football, because you have to, but i ll tell you, i thought peter thiel and the responseat m gay for a party that is viewed as often to be do you remember four years ago when that gay soldier got up at a debate or something and they booed him? right. then you had barrack, who i thought was terribly effective, explaining what kind of human being. and then ivanka, who just hit a grand slam. she was amazing. amazing speech in which she talked about the things that he can t say about himself, and then he came on and began to change the election definition, and i want to tell you, that s important. and no one s talking about ted cruz right now. that s true. he s irrelevant now. this was donald trump s night. something that s amazing to me, i was with him in trump tower in april, he said the same thing. last april. last year, he was saying the very same things that he talked about tonight. barrack, he s been going
around for 30 years saying this stuff. and a lot of it about china from the very beginning. first conversation i think i ever had with him had to do with china. he s got his issues. all right. more from the political insiders in a minute. yep. then the 2016 republican national convention, if you can believe it, is history. and they wrapped it up in a very classy way. take a look at the fireworks. man, oh man, what a show. meanwhile, as we have said, the democrats get their turn next week in philadelphia. tonight, mr. trump in his acceptance speech said he s going to attract democrats like those bernie sanders supporters, the soci the socialist democratic senator from vermont. can he actually do that? will he? can they? we ll take a look at that straight ahead. every time a pga tour professional sinks a hole-in-one, quicken loans is giving one lucky winner reason to celebrate.
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i have seen firsthand how the system is rigged against our citizens just like it was rigged against bernie sanders. he never had a chance. never had a chance. but his supporters will join our movement because we will fix his biggest single issue, trade deals that strip our country of its jobs and strip us of our wealth. well, from trounsing trade deals to detailing what he calls a broken system in america, he might not go to carolling call of bernie sanders. will he really attract those supporters? and who will hillary choose as vice president? a choice we could learn about potentially tomorrow. tamara, always good to see you. but first, that pitch to sanders
supporters and disaffected democrats, do you think they will join the trump movement? not after that hitler-esque speech of law and order. i think that was a terrible speech and he has no chance in getting somebody who is not interested in hillary, necessarily, which also, lets me be very clear with this. i wanted to join trump from the very beginning and he hasn t swayed me and i think this speech shows that he s an exclusionist and bernie sanders what i have to give credit to is, bernie sanders attempt i m sorry, donald trump s attempt to sell bernie sanders supporters. bernie does not care, necessarily, about trade as much as he cares about wealth being spread around to people who don t have any whatsoever. and donald trump misstated it by our wealth. our wealth is not the same as donald trump s wealth and that is not bernie sanders message whatsoever. you just termed it a hitler-esque speech, he reached
out to the lgbtq community and talked about the african-americans in detroit and ferguson, talked about 4 in 10 of african-american kids are living under the poverty line now. he addressed some of the old line democratic issues that haven t worked. right. right. he addressed them by stating talking points, which he s very good at and he s learned by going around and getting a lot of attention for the things you say that sound very, very good on the surface. but the fact of the matter is, were there any black lives matter supporters there who all of a sudden were trump fans? were there any inner city kids there? who spoke for donald trump but his kids who have a vested interest in his wealth and in his fame. not a former workers, not bernie sanders supporters who are maybe union workers, disenfranchised coal miners and donald trump previously brought up. this man had nobody to support him from any left leaning group
whatsoever. it was absolutely well, he did talk about the coal miners. he talked about it. and he did have a notable african-american employee, a woman, speak last night. but bottom line, on this issue, you don t think that they re going to move over to trump? absolutely not. if you and i m not saying hitler-esque out of no research whatsoever. the cia uncovered a conversation by hitler in which he said he wanted to return to law and order in germany because of how of the actions with police and the people. people woubds that s unfair. it s not unfair. richard nixon was a law and order candidate so some would say you could say anything about that. let me move to hillary clinton tomorrow, quickly. maybe tomorrow, she may announce, who do you think it will be? there are three candidates there are being floated as a top candidates, tim kain, tom velsic and senator corey booker who is the late new entry into this sweep stakes, supposedly. do you think she will pick one of them tomorrow? i know she s very close with corey booker and she s close
with a lot of people and i think that s what this shows. like hillary clinton or not, like any of these other contenders or not, it shows that she is very interested and concerned about this, it s a decision for the people of the democratic party, and to get her to the next level. that s what this is about, not which one is going to be, but they re all good candidates. all right. we ll see what happens. potentially, the rumor mill says, that she will announce tomorrow in advance of the democratic convention in philadelphia. thank you for joining us in the early morning hour here on the fox news channel. a lot of people have response to what she had to say on twitter right now. hillary clinton, we ll get our political insiders take on that too. hillary clinton, meantime, tweeting response to donald trump s speech tonight saying, i am with you@real donalddonaldtr not included, african-americans, women, muslim, latinos, but the gop did actually make several speakers at the convention who tried to reach out to those
voters, and we ll have more on that up next. stay with us. my fellow americans. they say we re a nation divided. that s not true. we agree on a lot. like paul rudd. everybody loves paul rudd. i didn t know this was going to happen! you know what else everyone loves? emojis. no. beer! that s why we re forming the bud light party. just wait till you see our caucus. we ve got the biggest caucus in the country! ooooeeeyyyyy! i m really inspired right now.
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we just heard a democrat use the hitler analogy when referencing donald trump. that s been used, a label, by a variety of trump critics, many democrats that we ve seen. john is one of our political
insiders, we go back to them. john, what about this type of term, and when they use this reference to adolf hitler? it s the lowest of the low. it s driven in part by panic that trump had a great night and gave a great speech. there was nothing in that speech to, in any way, invoke any of that stuff. this speech was a very sharp speech, reaching out, as a republican, it s an amazing transformation. peter thiel talked about it. i m gay, i m proud to be gay, i m proud to be a republican, i m proud to be an american. why is this being thrown around like this? because they re desperate to try to hold together the left wing coalition. democrats see this speech as hillary clinton s tweet suggested, as potentially cutting into her constituency, but let me say as a democrat supporti supporting secretary clinton that it was a great speech,
donald did politically what he needed to, but the hitler reference, whatever your party, your ideology, is out of bounds, wrong, inappropriate, and frankly a disservice to our political culture. and let me just say, this is not alone. i watch our competitor networks who are filled with people, first of all, bush republicans, including those who destroyed his campaign, out there attacking and being for hillary clinton. then they have the ordinary reporters and stuff who are on a jihad against trump, and this stuff they keep saying, and it s really because they don t understand what s happening in the country. he gave an explanation to most americans, i tell you, agree with on the views of what of what the country is. this campaign, which he was you could hear it in her voice, the kind of terror, i mean, i ve heard it all night tonight. these people don t understand what s going on in the country, and they don t understand that he is raising issues the
american people feel, believe, overwhelmingly, that threaten the political class. that s the problem here. the biggest but this reference still continues. all you have to do is google it and you see from a variety of media outlets that it s been out there. which one? huffington post. are we talking about the hitler thing? i know. but i think we need to raise the five of us tonight need to condemn it, no matter who says it, and raise the level of debate. absolutely. we can disagree with policies, you know, and temperament. how do you get it out of the conversation? you talk about issues. don t put people on the air who say it is how you stop it. you talk about what the problems are facing the country as trump did. now, to be fair, hillary clinton s going to offer another view. there will be more a diverser crowd. she will emphasize gun control. she will approach it a different way. we may disagree, we may agree, but you know what? those kind of references have no
place. and no democrat will utter the word corruption. i guarantee you, at that convention. it hangs over here. this is another example. they so much want to move when i talk about the political class and their media cohorts, want to move beyond, oh, it s over. no, you should look at the data. you can interview people. it is a devastating thing what happened to her with the e-mails and the fbi. it is really hurting, but they have no more understanding of america, and as i said before, donald trump threatens the political order that is failing the country. that s how voters view it, and that s why this speech was a success. and he almost got he almost got where we ve wanted him, pat. close. to this argument, which is, the country, the system is corrupt. the government and the economy is he did say it s rigged. corrupt is the keyword. do you want to put a corrupt person in charge of a corrupt system, or do you want to send
me, an outsider, to come clean it up? and he almost used those words tonight. the message was there. if he does say that and sticks with it, he will win the election. and what you will see from secretary clinton next week is a different view of the world but attacks on donald trump saying he is unqualified, unprepared. dangerous. with a view of the world that is out of step with our it was in the podesta thing that eric read or heather, when podesta said trump is temperamentally unsuited to be president. all week next week in philadelphia, all they re going to do is try to say he s a whack job who can t be trusted. and that s what unqualified and is a risk to our well being and stability. correct. that s what you ll hear. they re going to say it in a lot tougher terms than the republicans who are more closer to accurate about, lock her up, lock her up. glad we addressed that issue tonight. thank you. thank you. well, paypal cofounder peter
thiel getting a standing ovation at the republican national convention after announcing that he is, quote, proud to be gay. i am proud to be gay. i am proud to be a republican. but most of all, i am proud to be an american. i don t pretend to agree with every plank in our party s platform, but state culture wars only distract us from our economic decline, and nobody in this race is being honest about it except donald trump. our next guest says that that speech hit the perfect note, but it comes after gay and
lesbian republicans tried and failed to add their agenda to the gop official platform. joining us now from washington, d.c., is sara flores, former deputy campaign manager for carly fiorina. so, first of all, let me get your overall take on the evening and donald trump s speech, but then let s move on to peter thiel, specifically, and how he did. sure. i think each night of this convention got better, looked more organized, and tonight was no exception. it was, by far, the best night of the convention for the trump campaign. i thought that peter thiel knocked it out of the park. i thought it was a highlight, especially for a lot of young republicans who have been looking to see this shift within the party. there have always been republicans who don t believe that there should be discrimination and who want to balance religious liberty with that. i thought peter thiel explained that well, articulated that position perfectly.
and it wasn t just the lgbtq community that was reached out to. we have this other sound that we can play for everyone at home. this came from senator alvarado. listen to what he had to say. hispanics believe what republicans believe. traditional family values, church, faith in god, the dignity of work and the opportunity for self-sufficiency that comes from a free society and a limited government. they have simple dreams that might seem mundane to the average american, but would sound very familiar to our founding fathers and their core principles. state senator from the great state of kentucky there reaching out to individuals that really across the country, letting them know that republicans welcome them. so, did he do a good job? i think he did. i think republicans, in general, can always do better landing their policies in people s lives. why will smaller government, for instance, actually help lift
people out of poverty, for example? i think that we can always do better with that and that we should do better. i m not sure that this convention did enough on that front. and then in terms of african-americans, we had lynne patton, she spoke as well, a long-time friend of the trump family. this is what she had to say. i am proud of my african-american heritage, and i am proud to stand before you tonight and support donald trump, not just in spite of the color of my skin but, in fact, because of the color of my skin. . so, sara, a concerted effort to reach out to all americans. is the gop will they be successful this time around? we ll see. you know, i thought that last speaker, i thought she was charming, delightful, really personalized donald trump, which was important and something that this convention probably should have had more of, and she was
the highlight of that to a lot of people. i think that moving forward, there needs to be more of that, more of reaching out to folks who don t look like donald trump s base. they have to translate it into votes, though, as we move into the general election, so you re saying that comes with more details? more details and more, again, landing policies into people s lives, how will this broad policy actually help individual families, individual americans, less what we won t do, what we re against, more what we re for and how we re going to do it. all right. sara, thank you so much for joining us, a very exciting night. we appreciate your insight. thank you. thank you. you know, heather, this week, we ve seen donald junior and eric speak to the convention and tonight was the daughter, ivanka. she introduced her father, trying to help him win over two groups that he has struggled with. she did a really good job. they all did. women and minorities, though, specifically.
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donald trump s oldest daughter saying that her father is color blind and gender neutr neutral in her speech introducing the gop nominee, and here s her entire speech. one year ago, i introduced my father when he declared his candidacy. in his own way, and through his own sheer force of will, he sacrificed greatly to enter the political arena as an outsider, and he prevailed against the field of 16 very talented
competitors. for more than a year, donald trump has been the people s champion, and tonight, he is the people s nominee. like many of my fellow millennials, i do not consider myself categorically republican or democrat. more than party affiliation, i vote based on what i believe is right for my family and for my country. sometimes, it s a tough choice. that is not the case this time. as the proud daughter of your nominee, i am here to tell you that this is the moment, and donald trump is the person to make america great again.
real change, the kind we have not seen in decades, is only going to come from outside the system, and it s only going to come from a man who has spent his entire life doing what others said could not be done. my father is a fighter. when the primaries got tough, and they were tough, he did what any great leader does. he dug deeper, worked harder, got better, and became stronger. i have seen him fight for his family. i have seen him fight for his employees. i have seen him fight for his company, and now, i am seeing him fight for our country. it s been the story of his life, and more recently, the spirit of
his campaign. it s also a prelude to reaching the goal that united stats us a. when this party and better still this country knows what it is like to win again. if it s possible to be famous and yet not really well known, that describes the father who raised me. in the same office in trump tower where we now work together, i remember playing on the floor by my father s desk, constructing miniature buildings with legos and erector sets while he did the same with concrete, steel, and glass. my father taught my siblings and me the power of positive values and a strong ethical compass. he showed us how to be resilient, deal with challenges and strive for excellence in all that we do. he taught us that there is nothing that we cannot accomplish if we marry vision
and passion with an enduring work ethic. one of my father s greatest talents is his ability to see potential in people before they see it in themselves. it was like that for us, too, growing up. he taught us that potential vanishes into nothing without effort and that, like him, we each had a responsibility to work not just for ourselves but for the betterment of the world around us. over the years, on too many occasions to count, i saw my father tear stories out of the newspaper about people whom he had never met who were facing some injustice or hardship. he d write a note to his assistant in his signature black felt tip pen and request that the person be found and invited to trump tower to meet with him. he would talk to them and then draw upon his expensive network to find them a job or get them a
break. and they would leave his office as people so often do after having been with donald trump, feeling that life could be great again. throughout my entire life, i have witnessed his empathy and generosity towards others, especially those who are suffering. it is just his way of being in your corner when you re down. my father not only has the strength and ability necessary to be our next president, but also the kindness and compassion that will enable him to be the leader that this country needs. my father has a sense of fairness that touches every conviction he holds. i ve worked alongside of him for more than a decade now at the trump organization, and i ve seen how he operates as a leader, making important decisions that shape careers and
that change lives. i ve learned a lot about the world from walking construction jobs by his side. when run properly, construction sites are true meritocracies, competence in the building trade is easy to spot, and incompetence is impossible to hide. these sites are also incredible melting pots, gathering people from all walks of life and uniting them to work towards a single mission. there s always been men of all background and ethnicities on my father s job sites, and along before it was common place, you also saw women. my father values talent. he recognizes real knowledge and skill when he finds it. he is color blind and gender neutral. he hires the best person for the job, period.
words and promises, no matter how visionary they sound, will only get you so far. in our business, you re not a builder unless you ve got a building to show for it. or, in my father s case, city skylines. most people strive their entire lives to achieve great success in a single industry. my father has succeeded in many on the highest level and on a global scale. one of the reasons he has thrived as an entrepreneur is because he listens to everyone. billionaire executives don t usually ask the people doing the work for their opinions of the work. my father is an exception. on every one of his projects, you ll see him talking to the super, the painter, the engineers, the electricians. he ll ask them for their feedback.
if they think something should be done differently or could be done better. when donald trump is in charge, all that counts is ability, effort, and excellence. this was long been the philosophy at the trump organization. at my father s company, there are more female than male executives. women are paid equally for the work that we do, and when a woman becomes a mother, she is supported, not shut out. women represent 46% of the total u.s. labor force, and 40% of american households have female
primary breadwinners. in 2014, women made $0.83 for every dollar earned by a man. single women without children earned $0.94 for each dollar earned by a man, whereas married mothers made only $0.77. as researchers have noted, gender is no longer the factor creating the greatest wage discrepancy in this country. motherhood is. as president, my father will change the labor laws that were put in place at a time when women were not a significant portion of the work force. and he will focus on making quality child care affordable and accessible for all. as a mother myself, of three young children, i know how hard it is to work while raising a family. and i also know that i m far more fortunate than most.
american families need relief. policies that allow women with children to thrive should not be novelties. they should be the norm. politicians talk about wage equality, but my father has made it a practice at his company throughout his entire career. he will fight for equal pay for equal work, and i will fight for this too, right alongside of him. americans today need an economy that permits people to rise again. a trump presidency will turn the economy around and restore the great american tradition of giving each new generation hope for brighter opportunities than those of the generation that came before. in donald trump, you have a candidate who knows the
difference between wanting something done and making it happen. when my father says that he will build a tower, keep an eye on the skyline. floor by floor, a soaring structure will appear, usually record setting in its height and iconic in its design. real people are hired to do real work. vision becomes reality. when my father says that he will make america great again, he will deliver. we have a chance this year to reclaim our heritage as a country that dreams big and makes the impossible happen. fortunately, donald trump is incapable of thinking small. when i was a child, my father always told me, ivanka, if you re going to be thinking anyway, you might as well think
big. as president, my father will take on the bold and worthy fight. he will be unafraid to set lofty goals, and he will be relentless in his determination to wbr id wbr31944 achieve them. to people all over america, i say, when you have my father in your corner, you will never again have to worry about being let down. he will fight for you all the time, all the way, every time. maybe wbr id wbr32144 it s the developer in him, but donald trump cannot stand to see empty main streets and boarded up factories. he can t bear the injustice of college graduates who are crippled by student debt and mothers who can t afford the cost of the child care required to return to work to better the lives of their families. /b
other politicians see these hardships, see the unfairness of it all, and they say, i feel for you. only my father will say, i ll fight for you. the hardworking men and women of this country identify with my father. he is tough, and he is persevering. he is honest, and he is real. he s an optimist, and he s a relentless believer in america and all of her potential. he loves his family, and he loves his country with his heart and his soul. politicians ask to be judged by their promises, not their results. i ask you to judge my father by his results. judge his values by those he s instilled in his children. judge his competency by the towers he s built, the companies he s founded and the tens of
thousands of jobs he s created. he s the single most qualified person to serve as chief executive of an $18 trillion economy. my father will call upon the best and brightest people from all spheres of industry and both sides of the aisle, a new set of thinkers, to face our country s existing and future problems with fresh perspective and brave new solutions. come january 17, all things will be possible again. we can hope and dream and think big again. no one has more faith in the american people than my father. he will be your greatest, your truest, and your most loyal champion. this is the fighter, the doer,
that you have chosen as your nominee. in ways no one expected, this moment in the life of our country has defined a mission and given it to an extraordinary man. he is ready to see it all the way through, to speak to every man and every woman of every background in every part of this great country. to earn your trust and to earn your vote. he earned that and much more from me a long time ago. i ve loved and respected him my entire life, and i could not be more proud tonight to present to you and to all of america my father and our next president, donald j. trump. [ applause ] and there he comes. that was the introduction. and next, donald trump formal
formally accepts the gop nomination for president. we will show you his entire speech, the whole thing, coming up next here on the fox news channel. you totaled your brand new car. nobody s hurt, but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they ll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you d get your whole car back.
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we re on the air. there you are that s what happens on late night tell television sometimes. we know donald trump has accepted the nomination of the final night of the republican national convention. he the republican national convention. he spoke for more than one hour. so now, here is donald trump outlining his vision for the nation. friends, delegates, and fellow americans i humbly and gratefully accept your nomination for the presidency of the united states.
usa, usa, usa, usa. who would have believed that when we started this journey on june 16th, last year, we and i say we, because we are a team. would have received almost 14 million votes, the most in the history of the republican party. and that the republican party would get 60% more votes than it received eight years ago. who would have believed it? who would have believed this?
the democrats, on the other hand, received 20% fewer votes than they got four years ago. not so good. not so good. together we will lead our party back to the white house. and we will lead our country back to safety, prosperity and peace. we will be a country of generosity and warmth. but we will also be a country of law and order.
our convention occurs in a moment of crisis for our nation. the attacks on our police, and the terrorism of our cities threaten our very way of life. any politician who does not grasp this danger is not fit to lead our country. americans watching this address tonight have seen the recent images of violence in our streets. and the chaos in our communities. many have witnessed this violence personally. some have even been its victims. i have a message for all of you that crime and violence that
today afflicts our nation will soon, and i mean very soon, come to an end. beginning on january 20th of 2017, safety will be restored. the most basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its own citizens. any government that fails to do so is a government unworthy to lead. it is finally time for a straightforward assessment of the state of our nation. i will present the facts, plainly and honestly.
we cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore. so if you want to hear the corporate spin, the carefully crafted lies and the media wbr id wbr39269 mitts, the democrats are holding their convention next week. go there. but here at our convention there wbr id wbr39459 will be no lies. we will honor the american people with the truth and /b
nothing else. these are the facts, decades of progress made in bringing down crime are now reversed by this administration s rollback of criminal enforcement. homicides last year increased by 17% in america s 50 largest cities. that is the largest increase in 25 years. in our nation s capital,
killings have risen by 50%. they re up nearly 60% in nearby baltimore. in the president s hometown of chicago more than 2,000 people have been the victim of shootings this year alone. and almost 4,000 have been killed in the chicago area since he took office. the number of police officers killed in the line of duty has risen by almost 50% compared to this point last year. nearly 180,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records ordered deported from our country are tonight roaming free to threaten peaceful citizens. the number of new illegal
immigrant families who have crossed the border so far this year already exceeds the entire total from 2015. they are being released by the tens of thousands into our communities with no regard for the impact on public safety or resources. one such border crosser was released and made his way to nebraska. there, he ended the life of an innocent young girl named sarah rue. she was 21 years old and was
killed the day after graduating from college with a 4.0 grade point average number one in her class. her killer was then released a second time. and he is now a fugitive from the law. i have met sarah s beautiful family. but to this administration their amazing daughter was just one more american life that was not worth protecting. no more. one more child to sacrifice on the order and on the altar of open borders. what abo economy? again, i will tell you the plain facts that have been edited out of your nightly news and your morning newspaper. nearly four in ten african-american children are
living in poverty while 58% of african-american youth are now not employed. 2 million more latinos are in poverty today than when president obama took his oath of office less than eight years ago. another 14 million people have left the work force entirely. household incomes are down, more than $4,000. since the year 2000, 16 years ago, our trade deficits, think of this, think of this, our trade deficit is 8$800 billion. yet think of that. $800 billion last year alone.
we re going to fix that. the budget is no better. president obama has almost doubled our national debt. to more than $19 trillion and growing. and yet what do we have to show for it? our roads and bridges are falling apart. our airports are third world condition. and 43 million americans are on food stamps. now, let us consider the state of affairs abroad. not only have our citizens endured domestic disaster, but
they have lived through one international humiliation after another. one after another. we all remember the images of our sailors being forced to their knees by their iranian captors at gunpoint. this was just prior to the signing of the iran deal, which gave back to iran $150 billion and gave us absolutely nothing. it will go down in history as one of the worst deals ever negotiated. when president obama drew a red line in syria the whole world knew it meant absolutely nothing.
in libya, the consulate, the symbol of american prestige, was brought down, obama made the decision to put hillary clinton in charge of america s foreign policy. let s defeat her in november.
i am certain that it was the decision that president obama truly regrets. her bad instincts and her bad judgment, something pointed out by bernie sanders, are what caused so many of the disasters unfolding today. let s review the record. in 2009, pre-hillary isis was not even on the map. libya was stable. egypt was peaceful. iraq was seeing really a big, big reduction in violence. iran was being choked by sanctions. syria was somewhat under
control. after four years of hillary clinton what do we have? isis has spread across the region and the entire world. libya is in ruins. and our ambassador and his staff were left helpless to die at the hands of savage killers. egypt was turned over to the radical muslim brotherhood forcing the military to retake control. iraq is in chaos. iran is on the path to nuclear weapons. syria is engulfed in a civil war. and a refugee crisis now threatens the west. after 15 years of wars in the middle east. after trillions of dollars spent and thousands of lives lost t 120
the respect that we deserve. the american people will come first once again. my plan will begin with safety at home. which means safe neighborhoods, secure borders and protection from terrorists. there can be no prosperity without law and order.
on the economy, i will outline reforms to add millions of new jobs and trillions in new wealth that can be used to rebuild america. a number of these reforms that i will outline tonight will be opposed by some of our nation s most powerful special interests. that is because these interests have rigged our political and economic system for their exclusive benefit, believe me, it s for their benefit. big business, elite media, and major donors are lining up
behind the campaign of my opponent because they know she will keep our rigged system in place. they are throwing money at her because they have total control over every single thing she does. she is their puppet and they pull the strings. that is why hillary clinton s message is that things will never change. never ever. my message is that things have to change. and they have to change right now.
every day i wake up determined to deliver a better life for the people all across this nation. that have been ignored, neglected and abandoned. i have visited the laid off factory workers and the communities crushed by our horrible and unfair trade deals. these are the forgotten men and women of our country. and they are forgotten. but they re not going to be forgotten long. these are people who work hard but no longer have a voice. i am your voice.
i have embraced crying mothers who have lost their children because our politicians put their personal agendas before this national good. i have no patience for injustice.
how great are our police, and how great is cleveland?
thank you. i have no patience for injustice, no tolerance for incompetence in leadership. when innocent people suffer because our political system lacks the will or the courage or the basic decency to enforce our laws, or still worse, has sold out for some corporate lobbyist for cash i am not able to look the other way and i won t look the other way. and when a secretary of state illegally starts her e-mails on a private server, deletes 33,000 of them so the authorities can t see her crime, puts our country at risk, lies about it in every
different form and faces no consequence i know that corruption has reached a level like never ever before in our country. when the fbi director says that the secretary of state was extremely careless and negligent in handling our classified secrets i also know that these terms are minor compared to what she actually did. they were just used to save her from facing justice for her
terrible, terrible crimes. in fact, her single greatest accomplishmentñi may be committg such egregious crimes and getting away with it especially when others who have done far less have paid so dearly. when that same secretary of state rakes in millions and millions of dollars trading access and favors to special interests and foreign powers i know that time for action has come.
i have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people who cannot defend themselves. nobody knows the system better than me. which is why i alone can fix it. i have seen firsthand how the system is rigged against ourtizd
against bernie sanders. he never had a chance. never had a chance. but his supporters will join our movement because we will fix his biggest single issue, trade deals that strip our country of its jobs and strip us of our wealth as a country. millions of democrats will join our movement because we are going to fix the system so it works fairly and justly for each and every american. in this cause i am proud to have
at my side the next vice president of the united states, governor mike pence of indiana. and a great guy. we will bring the same economic success to america that mike brought to indiana, which is amazing. he is a man of character and accomplishment. he is the man for the job. the first task for our new
administration will be to liberate our citizens from the crime and terrorism and lawlessness that threatens our communities. america was shocked to its core when our police officers in dallas were so brutally executed. immediately after dallas, we ve seen continued threats and violence against our law enforcement officials. law officers have been shot or killed in recent days, in georgia, missouri, wisconsin, kansas, michigan and tennessee. on sunday more police were gunned down. in baton rouge, louisiana. three were killed and three were very, very badly injured.
an attack on law enforcement is an attack on all americans. çó i have a message to every last person threatening the peace on our streets. and the safety of our police, when i take the oath of office next year i will restore law and order to our country. believe me. believe me.
i will work with and appoint the best and brightest prosecutors and law enforcement officials to get the job properly done. in this race for the white house i am the law and order candidate. the irresponsible rhetoric of our president, who has used the pulpit of the presidency to divide us as a race, has done
more for divide us than anybody has ever seen and anybody in this room has watched or seen. this administration has failed america s inner cities. remember, it has failed america s inner cities. it s failed them on education. it s failed them on jobs. it s failed them on crime. it s failed them in every way and on every single level. when i am president i will work to ensure that all of our kids are treated equally and protected equally. every action i take i will ask myself does this make better for young americans in baltimore, in chicago, in detroit, in
ferguson, who have really in every way, folks, the same right to live out their dreams as any other child in america. any other child. to make life safe for all of our citizens we must also address the growing threats we face from outside the country. we are going to defeat the barbarians of isis and we re going to defeat them bad. once again, france is the victim of brutal islamic terrorism.
men, women, and children viciously mowed down, lives ruined. families ripped apart. a nation in mourning. the damage and devastation that can be inflicted by islamic radicals has been proven over and over. at the world trade center. at an office party in san bernardino. at the boston marathon. at a military recruiting center in chattanooga, tennessee. and many, many other locations. only weeks in orlando, florida, 49 wonderful americans were savagely murdered by an islamic terrorist. this time the terrorist targeted lgbtq community. no good. and we re going to stop it.
as your president i will do everything in my power to protect our lgbtq citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology. believe me.
and i have to say as a republican it is so nice to hear you cheering for what i just said. thank you. thank you. to protect us from terrorism we need to focus on three things. we must have the best, absolutely the best gathering of intelligence anywhere in the world. the best. we must abandon the failed policy of nation building. and regime change that hillary clinton pushed in iraq in libya,
in egypt, and in syria. instead, we must work with all of our allies who share our goal of destroying isis and stamping out islamic terrorism and doing it now. doing it quickly. we re going to win, we re going to win fast. ñi this includes working with our greatest ally in the region, the
state of israel. recently, i have said that nato was obsolete because it did not properly cover terror. and also that many of the member countries were not paying their fair share. as usual, the united states has been picking up the cost. shortly thereafter, it was announced that nato will be setting up a new program in order to combat terrorism.
a true step in the right direction. lastly and very importantly, we must immediately suspend immigration from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism until such time as proven vetting mechanisms have been put in place. we don t want them in our country. my opponent has called for a radical 550% increase in syrian
think of this. think of this. this is not believable. but this is what is happening. a 550% increase in syrian refugees on top of the existing massive refugee flows coming into our country already. under the leadership of president obama. she proposes this despite the fact that there is no way to screen these refugees in order to find out who they are or where they come from. i only want to admit individuals into our country who will support our values and love our people.
anyone who endorses violence, hatred or oppression is not welcome in our country and never ever will be. decades of record immigration have produced lower wages and higher unemployment for our citizens, especially for african-american and latino workers. we are going to have an immigration system that works but one that works for the american people.
on monday, we heard from three parents whose children were killed by illegal immigrants marion mendoza, sabine dirk, and my friend, shaw. they are just examples of many americans who have suffered so gravely. of all of my travels in this country nothing has affected me more, nothing even close i have to tell you than the time i have spent with the mothers and fathers who have lost their children to violence spilling across our borders, which we can solve. we have to solve this.
these families have no special interests to represent them. there are no demonstrators to protect them and certainly none to protest on their behalf. my opponent will never meet with them or share in their pain, believe me. instead, my opponent wants sanctuary cities. but where was the sanctuary for kate steinle? where was the sanctuary for the children of marion and sabine and jhamiel? where was the sanctuary for all of the it s so sad to even be
talking about it because we can solve this problem so quickly. where was the sanctuary for all of the other americans who have been so brutally murdered and who have suffered so so horribly? these wounded american families have been alone. but they are not alone any longer. tonight, this candidate and a whole nation stand in their corner to support them. to send them our love. and to pledge in their honor that we will save countless more families from suffering and the
same awful fate. we are going to build a border wall to stop illegal immigration. to stop the gang, and the violence, and the drugs from pouring into our communities. i have been honored to receive the endorsement of america s border patrol agents. and will work directly with them to protect the integrity of our
lawful, lawful, lawful immigration system. lawful. by ending catch and release on the border we will end the cycle of human smuggling and violence. illegal border crossings will go down. we will stop it. it won t be happening very much anymore, believe me. peace will be restored by enforcing the rules for millions who ñioverstay their visas. our laws will finally receive the respect that they deserve. tonight, i want every american
whose demands for immigration security have been denied and every politician who has denied them to listen very, very closely to the words i am about to say. on january 20th of 2017 the day i take the oath of office americans will finally wake up in a country where the laws of the united states are enforced. we are going to be considerate and compassionate to everyone.
but my greatest compassion will be for our own struggling citizens. usa, usa, usa. my plan is the exact opposite of the radical and dangerous immigration policy of hillary clinton. americans want relief from uncontrolled immigration, which is what we have now. communities want relief. yet hillary clinton is proposing
mass amnesty, mass immigration, and mass lawlessness. her plan will overwhelm your schools and hospitals, further reduce your jobs and wages and make it harder for recent immigrants to escape the tremendous cycle of poverty that they re going through right now and make it almost impossible for them to join the middle class. i have a different vision for our workers. it begins with a new fair trade policy that protects our jobs and stands up to countries that cheat, of which there are many. it s been a signature message of
my campaign from day one and it will be a signature feature of my presidency from the moment i take the oath of office. i have made billions of dollars in business making deals. now i am going to make our country rich again. using the greatest business people in the world, which our country has, i am going to turn our bad trade agreements into great trade agreements. america has lost nearly a third of its manufacturing jobs since
1997. following the enactment of disastrous trade deals supported by bill and hillary clinton. remember, it was bill clinton who signed nafta, one of the worst economic deals ever made by our country, or frankly any other country. never, ever again. i am going to bring back our jobs to ohio and pennsylvania and new york. and michigan. and all of america. and i am not going to let companies move to other countries, firing their employees along the way without consequence. not going to happen anymore.
my opponent, on the other hand, has supported virtually every trade agreement that has been destroying our middle class. she supported nafta and she supported china s entrance into the world trade organization. another one of her husband s colossal mistakes and disasters. she supported the job-killing trade deal with south korea. she supported the trans-pacific partnership which will not only destroy our manufacturing but it will make america subject to the rulings of foreign governments and it s not going to happen.
i pledge to never sign any trade agreement that hurts our workers. or that diminishes our freedom and our independence. we will never ever sign bad trade deals. america first again. america first. instead, i will make individual deals with individual countries. no longer will we enter into these massive transactions with many countries that are thousands of pages long and which no one from our country even reads or understands. we are going to enforce all
trade violations against any country that cheats. this includes stopping china s outrageous theft of intellectual property. along with their illegal products and devastating currency manipulation, they are the greatest currency manipulators ever. our horrible trade agreements with china, and many others will be totally renegotiated. that includes renegotiating nafta to get a much better deal for america and we ll walk away if we don t get that kind of a
deal. our country is going to start building and making things again. next comes the reform of our tax laws, regulations and energy rules. while hillary clinton plans a massive, and i mean massive tax increase i have proposed the largest tax wbr id wbr69936 reduction of any candidate who has run for president this year, democrat or republican. middle income americans and businesses will experience profound relief and taxes will be greatly simplified for everyone, i mean everyone. /b
america is one of the highest tax nations in the world. reducing taxes will cause new companies and new jobs to come roaring back into our country, believe me it will happen and it will happen fast. then we re going to deal with the issue of regulation. one of the greatest job killers of them all. excessive regulation is costing wbr-id wbr70606 our country as much as $2 trillion a year. and we will end it very, very quickly. we are going to lift the restrictions on the production of american energy.
this will produce more than $20 trillion in job creating economic activity over the next four decades. they want to put our great steel workers out of business. that will never happen with donald trump as president. our steel workers and ourxd mins are going back to work again. with this new economic policy, trillions and trillions of dollars will start flowing into our country. this new wealth will improve the
quality of life for all americans. we will build the roads, highways, bridges, tunnels, airports and the railways of tomorrow. this in turn will create millions of more jobs. we will rescue kids from failing schools by helping their parents send them to a safe school of their choice. my opponent would rather protect bureaucrats than serve american children and that is what she is doing, and that is what she has done.
we will repeal and replace disastrous obamacare. and we will fix tsa at the airports which is a total disaster. usa. usa! usa! thank you. thank you. we re going to work with all of our students who are drowning in debt to take the pressure off these young
people just starting out in their adult lives. tremendous problems. we will completely rebuild our depleted military. and the countries that we are protecting at a massive cost to us will be asked to pay their fair share. [applause]. we will take care of our great veterans like they have never been taken care of before.
my just released 10-point plan has received tremendous veteran support. we will guarantee those who serve this country will be able to visit the doctor or hospital of their choice without waiting five days on a line and dying. my opponent dismissed the v.a. scandal. one more sign of how out of touch she really is. we are going to ask every department head and government to provide a list of wasteful spending on projects that we can eliminate in my first 100 days.
the politicians have talked about this for years, but i m going to do it. yes, you will! yes, you will! yes, you will! yes, you will! we are going to appoint justices of the united states supreme court who will uphold our laws and our constitution.
the replacement of our beloved justice scalia will be a person of similar views, principals and judicial philosophies. the most important issues decided by this election. my opponent wants to essentially abolish the second amendment. i, on the other hand, received the early and strong endorsement of the national rifle association and will protect the right of all-americans to keep their
families safe. at this moment pi would like to thank the evangelical and religious community because i ll tell you what, the support they ve given me and i am not sure i totally deserve it has been so amazing and has had such a big reason for me being here tonight. it s true. so true. they have much to contribute to our politics. yet our laws prevent you from
speaking your minds from your own pulpit. an amendment pushed by lyndon johnson. many years ago threatened religious institutions with a loss of their tax exempt status as they openly advocate their political views. their voices have been taken away. i am going to work very hard to repeal that language and to protect free speech for all-americans. [applause]. we can accomplish these great things and so much more. all we need to do is start believing in ourselves and in our country again.
start believing. it is time to show the whole world that america is back bigger and better and stronger than ever before. in this journey i am so lucky to have at my side my wife melania and my wonderful children. don, ivanka, eric, tiffany and barron.
you will always be my greatest source of pride and joy. and by the way, melania and ivanka, did they do a job? [applause]. my dad, fred trump, was the smartest and hardest working man i ever knew. i wonder sometimes what he d say if he were here to see this and to see me tonight. [applause]. it s because of him that i learned from my youngest age to respect the dignity of work and the dignity of working
people. he was a guy most comfortable in the company of bricklayers and carpenters and electricians. i have a lot of that in me also. i love those people. [applause]. then there is my mother, mary. she was strong, but also warm and fair minded. she was a truly great mother. she was also one of the most honest and charitable people i have ever known and a great, great judge of character. she could pick em out from anywhere. to my sisters, marianne and elizabeth, my brother, robert, and my late brother, fred.
i will always give you my love. you are most special to me. i have had my truly great life in business. now my sole and exclusive mission is to go to work for our country, to go to work for you. it is time to deliver a victory for the american people. we don t win anymore, but we are going to start winning again.
but to do that we must break free from the petty politics of the past. america is a nation of believers , dreamers and strivers that is being lead by a group of sensors, critics and cynics. remember, all of the people telling you you can t have the country you want are the same people that wouldn t stand i mean they said trump doesn t have a chance of being here tonight, not a chance. the same people oh we love defeating those people, don t we? we love defeating those people. love it, love it. no longer can we rely on those
same people. in the media and in the politics, who will say anything to keep our rigged system in place. instead we must choose to believe in america. history is watching us now. we don t have much time, but history is watching. it is waiting to see if we will rise to the occasion and if we will show the whole world that america is still free and independent and strong. i am asking for your support tonight so that i can be your champion in the white house and i will be your champion.
my opponent asks supporters to recite a pledge that says i m with her. i choose to recite a different pledge. my pledge reads, i m with you, the american people. [cheers and applause]. i am your voice. so to every parent who dreams for their child and every child who dreams for their future, i say these words to
you tonight. i am with you. i will fight for you, and i will win for you. [cheers and applause]. to all-americans tonight in all of our cities and in all of our towns, i make this promise. we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again, and we will make america great again. god bless you and good night. i love you. that, of course, donald
trump in a 76-minute acceptance speech saying our country is in crisis from the economy, rise in crime to the threat of radical islamic terrorism. he told us he will fight for the forgotten american saying, i am your voice. thank you for staying with us overnight on fox newschannel. yes, overnight and wide awake. that was a long speech. i m heather childress. he vowed to go to the white house and fix a corrupt and rigged system and restore the american dream. he blames many of our problems on the policies of the democrats and their soon to be nominee, hillary clinton. then the attention turns to philadelphia where they will nominate mrs. clinton. what can we expect them to say about the address. joining us is ellen ratner of fox news. she is in the great downtown
building. the terminal building is over your shoulder and it is 2:15 a.m. central time. he was tough on hillary. he said her legacy is death, destruction, terrorism and weakness. how does she respond to what he said tonight when it is her turn next week? hopefully she will get some good speech writers. i think the place he made the most sort of inrows to her is talk about her campaign is to say i m with hillary versus i m with you. that s something he did very, very strongly. i think he had a lot of people behind him by the end of the night. one of the interesting points is there seemed to be a cultural shift. he didn t go into abortion and he did talk about gun rights and scalia. he talked about african-americans and talked about ferguson and talked about the lgbtq community. do you see a change in the republican tenor with him being the candidate?
make, but don t forget he invited mike pence to be the vice president. on the lgbtq issue he talked about extremism going after them, but he didn t talk about lgbtq rights. that would have been a very different statement. he didn t make that. he clearly listened to it. it is the way they are gone after, but not in terms of rights. there was a point when the crowd was chanting lock her up, lock her up. he calmed them down. he said no, we need to defeat her. what do you think will happen as the general election campaign gets underway? i wish i was in the prediction business. i would make a lot of money. no, i don t know what will happen. he has taken a populous view . which is why view point which is why he has been elected. i think that will be very hard to beat. i know i said it on this show
before, but i ran into a democrat in september and he said to me, we want to run against donald trump. i said be careful what you wish for. donald trump is not going to be easy to defeat. a lot of our fellow country men and citizens who were left out of the economic system and to job loss or through lack of these opportunities. do you think he really will get traction on this and he can then get traction over hillary? i don t know. he certainly did a shoutout to the bernie sanders supporters. hillary clinton has taken a very sort of pro-trade imrement from na agreement from nafta and to the trans pacific partnership. as you noy bernie sanders and as you know bernie sanders and trump has taken a different view. it is a very smart move. some people say that is not going to work. well, we ll see.
we ll see. ellen, this is heather. i have to ask you a question because you were with us throughout the primaries. i want to know did he convince you? you sound like you really kind of liked him this evening, and you were a bernie sanders fan. did he switch you? let me put it this way everybody knows i am a democrat and he didn t convince me. i will tell you this, he sounded presidential. i actually also thought he sounded presidential when he won the new hampshire primary that night when he gave his acceptance speech to that. he is moving toward sounding very presidential. i call it like i see it, even though i may have personal views that are different. interesting. ellen ratner from the great state of ohio as she always says. thank you. donald trump rallying the republicans and reaching out to all americans. did he do enough to win over some of the critics and the undecided? our political panel weighs in on that next.
welcome back to our special edition of fox news. joining us again this hour is the campaign advisor to hillary clinton in 2008. judith miller at the manhattan institute for policy research and a pulitzer prize winning author and journalist and the chief political correspondent for the conservative review. thank you all for joining us this morning once again. jay good morning. well, we want to begin with the final take of your day on the rnc convention before we move on to the democrats. i will start with you. what did you think? too many americans feel like they have been
forgotten. i think donald trump did the role in terms of addressing americans concerns. he talked to middle america and he talked about law enforcement and construction workers and plumbers and parents who were working multiple jobs. he is speaking to americans and letting them know that he has their back and that he can direct change. that s something people are looking for change and leadership. he laid out a plan for america. they are concerned about the safety and security about the country. the importance of addressing terrorism as well. he talked about his economic plan and reducing regulations and reducing taxes and that will encourage job growth and job creation. he is looking out for americans and people are resonating with this. he covered a lot. it is 76 minutes worth of topics. for the forgotten men and
women that was a specific line in his speech. it was an appeal to the forgotten men and women of america and the law and order candidate as being the person who could deliver the solution to what ails america. what struck me about the speech is how grim it was. how negative it was not just about hillary, but about america. this was an america that was a mad max america, a combination of blade runner in which he is batman coming in to save gotham. listen to this language and hillary presides over death and destruction and terrorism and weakness. the description of america is not the country i know and it even prompted hillary to respond with the this is not the america she knows now. with 70% of the people thinking america is on the wrong track, that s clearly his message and that s who he
wants to appeal to. this is very, very different. the majority of americans right now as you just said yourself agree with him. and is that some of what we have seen with orlando and isis and what happened in france and the economic situation. it is aence is of deep concern in this country that something is violently wrong. that s true. there are two ways one can approach that. one is to enforce all that is wrong and em emphasize all of the things that divide us and all of the problems. to say it is morning in america i didn t hear much reagan in this speech. the current administration though as well has not always been positive. we had michelle obama, the first lady saying and i can t recall what it is in reference to, but this is the first time i have been proud to be an american. that is very far away from
death and destruction. with donald trump, congratulations. he got through 76 minutes of sticking to the teleprompter. good job there. the only thing we have to fear is fear everything. everything is wrong. i have a sense that he is capitalizing on these tragedies and on the turmoil that we are feeling and he is doing it in a way that he is decisive and not bringing people together which is something we are going to hear a drastically different message coming out of the hillary clinton campaign next week. it is about bringing people together. do you theng he reached out specifically to different groups. there were certainly notes and nods to diversity to certainly today more so than the rest of the week. but those nods weren t backed
up with any plans or real solutions or any substance, and even when they had the billionaire on he said he was proud to be gay and proud to be a republican and proud to be an american. he also chastised the gop for conversion therapy in the platform. so there is a very big disconnect to kind of the promises through platitude versus actual plans and actual solutions. i didn t hear one level of detail plan in anything he said. it is just a lot of fear. escape from new york and escape from l.a. he is not playing he is not being a fear monger. he is laying out what our country is facing because of president obama and hillary clinton and their failed policies. isis is running rampant. they undermine isis and they are contained and they did not take isis seriously. isis is
running rampant all over the world. if people are concerned about the national safety and national security, judith you write about this all the time, you would be highly critical with hillary clinton. i am, but we are talking about donald trump right now. he doesn t offer specific solutions to that, but he says he will destroy isis fast. fast is not a policy. we would not be in this situation if not for obama all right. we have another block coming up where you can continue this conversation. this will be the debate all night. we have a lot more this evening as we continue our coverage of donald trump s accepting the nomination and the speech. he isn t the only one who talked at the convention to make the political case. the chairman of the republican party spoke. the attack on the opposing party when we come back.
welcome back. republican national committee chairman taking the stage on the final day of his party s convention. here are his remarks. to the people of cleveland we say thank you for your hospitality.
and to my wife sally and my son jack and daughter grace, i love you. thank you for everything you do for me. i stand before this convention as a chairman of a party that is carrying the torch of liberty. we are the party of the open door. to some people and some presidents america is just another country. to republicans america is the greatest nation on earth we don t apologize for america. we celebrate america. at every level. republicans stand for aspiration and achievement. we stand for peace and prosperity. we stand for freedom and fairness. these values have inspired people the world over. ever since we won our freedom
two centuries ago, these values fueled the sacrifices for freedom at gettysburg and normandy and fallujah. these values spurred the fight for equality in birmingham and selma. it is clear the republican party is the only party willing to fight for these values and lead america to greatness in the 21st century. you see, the dirty little secret democrats don t want you to know is that they are the same party doing the same old thing. next week they are going to trot out the same old democrats with the same old message and running the same old candidate. we are the party of new ideas in a changing and faster world than ever before. democrats depend on super delegates and bureaucrats to
sneak their agenda through the backdoor. we are the party of the grassroots. we honor what the voters say. democrats want to put labor bosses in charge of our schools and limit our choices and feed our kids a steady diet of the left wing propaganda. we know every child matters in the classroom is not an assembly line. it is time to give power back to parents and equip our children with the skills they need for college, career and life. democrats want health care choices in the hands of politicians. we want health care choices in the hands of patients. deem crants democrats want a one size fits all policy on everybody.
we say an independent people deserves individual solutions. what separates republicans from democrats is our belief in better. we believe in better schools and a better health care system and a better economy which rewards hard work no matter where or when you punch the clock. and most of all we believe in a better chance of the american dream for everyone. the republican party will not stop until that becomes a reality. and that s why we need to stop hillary clinton. a clinton presidency only means more death, more obamacare and more hard-working families. never seeing a race.
if hillary clinton is given the chance she will stack the deck with the supreme court and with activist left wing judges who will treat the constitution like a doormat. you can kiss your gun rights goodbye if she ever finds her way into the white house. in foreign policy a clinton presidency means forgetting our friends and enabling our enemies. just look at her disastrous iran nuclear deal which lines the pockets of the world s number one state sponsor of terrorism with your money. while abandoning our greatest ally in the middle east, the nation of israel. it was on her watch isis began to spread its wings of evil over the middle east and she has spent the last 16 months looking in
the eyes of the american people and lying about how recklessly she jeopardized the american people, our national security, with her secret e-mail server. she lied. she lied over and over and over and over. she lied. perhaps. perhaps worst of all hillary clinton has perfected the art of politics for personal gain. she reads ethics rules as carefully as americans read their junk mail. just look at her track
record. she used her post of secretary of state to grease the wheels for democrat lobbyists and special interests and political insiders connected to the corrupt machine. her family foundation took millions of dollars in donations from countries notorious for human rights abuses and funneling money to radical islamic terrorists. for hillary clinton the oval office is just another cash cow. well, i have one word for all of this hypocrisy and corruption. enough. americans have had enough of a government that plays favorite to the well connected. they had enough of the clinton excuses and cronyisms and cover ups. they had enough of the corrupt deals the americans have had
enough. this election is our chance to stop it and donald trump is the right man to lead that charge. you all know he brought millions of voters in our party and he is listening to americans who are anxious about a country which has lost its way. donald trump wants to bring jobs back from overseas that wants to send them abroad. he is finally going to stop illegal immigration and make sure our government puts american citizens first. working families.
working families are the life blood of our country and we can t thrive unless they are thriving. donald trump wants to make sure you can pay the mortgage and put gas in the car and buy new clothes for the first day of school. donald trump is committed to making the safety of every man, woman and child in america his number one priority. no more negotiating with terrorists. if they want to take us down, we are gonna take them down. it and and he will protect the second amendment by approving and appointing conservative justices to the
supreme court. importantly he will protect the lives of the unborn. so we have a message to america. hold on. help is coming. with donald trump and mike pence, america is ready for a come back after almost a decade of clinton-obama failures. i want to close bying it you a little known story of american greatness. he was a danish immigrant who started out working in a ship yard and living in a boarding house. he knew mark promised limitless opportunity and was determined to make the most of it. he developed his talents for industrial engineering and worked his way up at general motors. by 1937 he had become the president of the company. in 1940 they asked him to get
them on a wartime footing. instead of cars and trucks, america s great manufacturers are now proudly making tanks and planes.for this enormous responsibility he was paid $1 per year. he didn t do it for the money. he was motivated by a duty to keep america fear from tierney. he wanted to help save the world . at the end of the war they said they have never done anything for yourself, only for your country. you have never spared yourself. we cannot spare ourselves either. economic freedom, belief in the american dream, a strong defense, putting country first. those values are under assault from hillary clinton and the rest of the democrat party.
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is not just a tag line for a bumper sticker. it is our american legacy and it will strengthen it for our children and grandchildren. listen, god didn t put us here he didn t put us here by accident. this is a moment to set a new course for an american that is as strong and confident. let s stand united as republicans. let s stop hillary clinton. let s elect donald trump president. thank you and god bless you. thank you. well, that was talking about american values and offering a broad sweeping view of his party. did he define a republican vision that will appear to a broad slice of americans?
we are joined by a fox news political analysts. angela, thank you for joining us on this early morning hour in the eastern and you in central time. my pleasure. we are seeing the themes in this speech. accusations of lying and it will gain traction. it was a more prosperous america and have you noticed the flags are flying half staff? that is the new norm. that means the country is not whole. donald trump wants to make the country whole again. people want policy. they don t care about lying hillary. they don t care about donald trup p and donald trump. people are suffering and what they want are answers. with the speech tonight there is a
combination of a week. i think he knocked it out of the ballpark. he also talked about the iranian deal. you talk about what you just said the fear and the concern that americans have especially after orlando and the boston bombings and what has been going on around the world. what we can do as a party, liberals they strive off of fear and smear campaigns. donald trump has taken that fear and will put americans to rest knowing we will be safe again. we will be respected again. we are not considered the leader of the free world. our allies don t even trust us anymore. we have a lot of work to do. and it was hillary clinton and the obama administration and their policies failures that actually brought this about. such hatred. such animosity. and that s not america.
that is not america. one thing you did talk about, you picked up a democratic theme. denouncing that 58% are unemployed. 4 in 10 of the kids live in poverty and that was really a direct rebuttal to what we potentially are going to be seeing next week in philadelphia. listen, the republican party is the answer. self-sufficiency and independent responsibility. what obama did was make promises to our community. yes, we are angry and yes we are taking it out on black lives matter because we are suffering. donald trump is the only one that has created jobs. donald trump has proven himself. he might not be the perfect candidate. he might not be the most articulate candidate, but the proof is in the pudding. i love the fact he talked about african-americans and talked about the middle class. are you surprised at that? he even mentioned ferguson. donald trump has been meeting with black ministers and black on entrepreneurs and
latinos. this is before he decided to run for office. he has been giving to the community, and you would not know that because the mainstream does not want you to know about that. what we need to do is talk real. go to the black churches. go to the diversity districts. we need leadership in our community and i think trump can do it. angela who is staying up late for us in cleveland and addressing some of the issues that we will be seeing and hearing from next week. angela, always good to see you. thank you. thanks, eric. well, it has been quite a weekending with donald trump s acceptance speech. we will have final thoughts about this week in cleveland from our panel when we come back. stay with us. they brought this on themselves.
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welcome back. some final thoughts now on the closing night of the rnc. joining us once again is the campaign advisor to hillary clinton in 2008. jewish miller, ad jct adjunct professor. and the chief political correspondent for the conservative review. so it is official. the trump-pence ticket. they will move on, but first the democratic convention next week. judith, let s start with you. i am still struck by the donald trull p we saw trump we saw tonight and the trump we saw from the being of the campaign. there was a true disconnect from not only what he said tonight, the out reach to the lgbtq community and the common man and the racism and
xenaphobia that launched the campaign that propelled him to victory. and i don t know how he squares this circle. i don t know how the common man appeals from the blue collar billionaire and from the man who actually is his own club has not hired americans and prefers to hire the foreign workers. he has a record here. it is good and in contrast it is everything he was saying beforehand. yes it was different and that caught our attention. was it enough to put to rest the questions about him and his temperment and character? i don t think so. we will see extreme negativity in this campaign. some people, i mean you call it a glass half full or a glass half empty. some people may look at that as the door has been open and the conversations have been
had. he is willing to listen to different view points, different needs. he has gotten the endorsement of david duke, the former grand wizard of the kkk. he denounced that. david duke tweeted tonight about donald trump s speech and he couldn t have said it better himself. is that fair? anybody can say anything about anybody. he can t control david duke. it is fair because the anger that we saw coming from his gut toward hillary clinton, he never suppressed that toward white supremecists. he can put african-americans on stage and there can be 20 out of 2,000 delegates that are african-american in the audience and pretend he has any chance with latinos, but until there is actual substance in reaching out to those communities do you think the people are
fake that are there sph. no, they are not fake, but if you look in the hall that s not a representation of what america looks like. i think from a final thought standpoint, it is interesting that one of his lines that got a lot of applause is there will be no lies. and then he went on to lie after lie after lie. the clock is ticking. the entire convention is 67 mostly false or pants on fire lies. fact checkers. i think the left is panicking, especially after what we witnessed this week. donald trump had record numbers during the primaries. he is appealing to blue collar workers and union workers. he wants to get the job done. and listen, he made a devastating case against hillary clinton. americans feel the system is fixed. hillary has gotten away with so much. now she will be judged with
public opinion because our legal system did not do that and it has failed our country. when you speak to anger and what you are saying is the anger toward hillary and he has not placed that toward the other things that are more more warranted. i don t recall what they said about president obama. he is not on the ballot right now. he said donald trump, i lost count how many times he said law and order tonight. he couldn t even keep order. it has been fantastic. i am so glad we have this it was dysfunctional. it is the left is panicking and you are proof of it. i am not panicking. totally.
we are running out of time. the issue will be is this the year of protest votes and a vote for true change? if hillary concludes the same thing will she portray herself as the change agent rather than the extension of legacy? that s the challenge for both of these candidates. 2:57 in the morning and thank you all of you on the panel and thank you for spending your time with us during the fox newschannel. the republicans have a brash and bold candidate. we will do it all again next week. the dnc is heading to philadelphia. we will be back.
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i humbly and gratefully accept your nomination for the presidency of the united states. it is friday, july 22nd, and it is done. the republican national convention in the books. can you believe it? a huge night for donald trump as he formally accepts the republican nomination for president. huge ! finally got it right. in i i ve been working on it. good morning. i m heather childers. and i m

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others, countries. she has nothing to offer besides lies and more the same. craig says clinton, no question. gave a great speech with deta s details. thank you so much for joining us. fox & friends starts right now. bye. we are back home, everyone. thank goodness. we were gone for basically two weeks. we were at the rnc, dnc. came home for a day. back here. and then hit the road again. we did wake up this morning with terrible news, breaking news. indeed. another police officer shooting overnight and it was in san diego. two cops shot about 11:00 last night. abby has the very latest. good morning, you guys. unfortunately it has happened again. two cops shot overnight in san diego and a massive manhunt is underway right now.
yes. we don t know where the shots are coming from. we do not know where the shots are coming from. we have two officers down. we re gonna grab the officer throw him in the car and take him to the hospital. one person is in custody. police have been searching the neighborhood where the cops were shot with s.w.a.t. teams and helicopters. they are telling people there to stay inside. what led up to that shooting and the condition of those officers not known at this time. of course, police departments across the country on high alert since those deadly attacks on cops in dallas and baton rouge. i ll be following the story closely all morning for you guys and bring you more as we have it. that is all we know. we just got word that apparently one of the officers had died. let s talk to former police detective steve cardian. steve, it s speculation at this
point. we don t know the circumstances. it looks like it s all part of a war on cops. it is a war on police officers. i ve been in law enforcement since 1978. i don t think we ve seen anything like this since back in the 70s. what happened in the 70s? new york city had a rash of police ambushes and shootings. ambushes are a type of event that you can t prepare for. it comes on you very quickly and you re at a huge disadvantage. when i talk to police officers across the country and there are three things they say, they feel unprotected, they feel unsafe and they feel very untrusting in our government and they just don t feel like they re able to get it done. i keep going back the lieutenant governor asked the president in the forum about understanding law enforcement and african-american s plight. mr. president, a word of support from high up goes a long way and words matter. is that true? it s beyond true.
it is it makes a big difference to the people on the street. you do your job and you know you re not being represented by those above you, those who can hurt you and protect you. these guys don t know where the shots were fired. they don t know where they came from. it s the first time in my career in law enforcement where i ve heard police officers say that. i m app prehen sieve going on the street. whether thish washington, - watching, the crime gets worse. does. you have pro active people. they re doing their jobs instead of 110% they re doing what s required of them. there was one guy in philly, a police officer, says he takes
his uniform off at the end of the shift. he doesn t want the community to know he wears a uniform. we re speculating on the motive. we don t know if it s a war on cops but we do know as of this hour apparently one suspect in custody. the manhunt is over and one officer is dead. tragic. it s beyond tragic. it hurts every police officer whether in service or retired, active or inactive across the kun interest i to see this happening to their brothers and sisters. 62 cops who had lost their life being shot in the line of duty. it s already up to 67. steve, thank you very much. meanwhile, last night at the dnc there was a moment when a dallas sheriff, loupe valde ze wanted to show respect for the
officers. asked for a moment of quiet reflection. she was interrupted. a couple of people in the crowd started chanting black lives matter during the moment of silence for fallen police officers. watch this. please help me in honor of all of america s fallen officers with a moment of silence. that s appropriate. nkts unbelievable. that s happening at the dnc who, by the way, we re going to talk about later on also disrespected the military at every turn. inside. right. we had been talking this whole week about how these officers were not being rertd at the dnc. i was grateful that they did that. but for someone to be screaming black lives matters, they lost five police officers in dallas. sure. she was there to honor their families.
the family members came up on stage. just to get that reception i thought was embarrassing. remember two nights earlier the mothers of the movement had their moment and i don t remember anybody disrespecting them and suddenly it s a chance for the entire assembled democratic party to give props. very disrespectful. there s a situation where you go to the voting booth, pro law enforcement, pro anarchy, corrupt law enforcement that needs to be figured out. i cannot believe what s going on. i cannot believe i just worked the convention. i cannot believe the disrespect they got inside the theater which is arena. after watching the donald trump speech and seeing him go the other way. i asked him about it.
police have to be careful. they have to do things right. they have to be properly trained. but the police in our country have done a phenomenal job. then you have disrespect during the moment of silence and you have last night also at the dnc captain florence groberg, a medal of honor recipient, u.s. ar a honor recipient. a number of people turned their backs on him and then you have retired general john allen. he made a stirring and impactful speech making the case for hillary. what happens when he s up there? they were chanting no more war. no more war. when leon panetta was up there,
no more drones. they re bernie or bust people but nonetheless for the neem this country who are heroes, obviously a medal of honor recipient. for them to disrespect him, to disrespect our cops didn t speak well. no, it didn t. he was injured, he lost part of his leg because he pushed a suicide bomber out of the way so his troops could survive. he got up on taj reading the people who were fallen and you will have the country, to hold it up proudly. people turning their backs on him. it s unbelievable, brian. we met him. he was here. great guy. as general allen stands on that stage and as he is a medal of honor recipient stands on that stage and sees the way he has been received, he has chosen a party that has not chosen to
support the mill tear r. up and down over the last seven years the military has been under manned, under financed. no attention is being brought to them. the president was putting a medal around his neck, what would the message of keep our supported in the field. i m wondering what are they thinking now as they made their decision to appeal in filly and not cleveland. everybody has a choice but at the audience. no, i shouting out no more war. general allen spoke yesterday and gave his reason. he s had to shout. the american military to continue to be will continue to be the shining example of america and at our very best.
i understand you can be anti-war and pro troops at the same time. absolutely. this is a party of barack obama. he was put into office eight years ago because he promised to get rid of the war. hillary clinton supports it. i get it. this person is sitting there endorsing a candidate and you re screaming and shouting no more war. he executes the war. were general allen talked about taking on isis and he quit and getting for mower years. he s a registered republican. that s what the general said last night. he said, i know general allen.
it s the worst policy to take on this team in the middle east and he s doubling down on it. they just answered him. hillary makes an historic plea for unity in the democratic party. there wasn t a lot of units at this in a lot of sections. no, there were not. see the fluorescent t-shirts? bernie sanders making it clear they are not going quiet. neither is donald trump. doug mcelway is live. hey, doug. reporter: hey, good to see you guys. there have been so many obstacles the dnc was unable to take down. the downpaurs, for the delegates to the convention center itself.
nothing as much as. there were sporadic shouting matches. the ripping up of signs. one bernie supporter was arrested inside the arena. when clinton emerged on the stage to a small chorus of boos, it was over come generally with an ovation for her. marco rubio said the boos and cat calls during hillary s speech at dnc in philly are even distracting. what a disaster. in her speech last night clinton spoke of the enduring values of the united states freedom and equality. justice and opportunity. even that provoked some boos among sanders supporters. i went to 112 countries. when people hear those words, they hear america!
and it prompted, as you might imagine, a series of tweets from donald trump. hillary s refusal to mention radical islam as she pushes a 550% increase in rev few guys is more proof that she is unfit to lead the country. a poll shows 69% of the country is headed in the wrong direction. you mentioned the empty arena. going past your work chaise, brain, and you left ainsley, you left your gaffer s tape. i ve been looking for that. fedex it to us. doug mcelway with us. jennifer griffen will mail it
from the washington bureau to us. thank you very much. meanwhile. democrats made a lot of claims. he sandigned a law that woul have required women to hold funerals for fetuses. i m not here to take away your guns. bp is pioneering drone technology to monitor refinery operations, so our engineers can spot potential problems from any angle. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better.
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if donald trump s words are wad and they are, his actions are worse. just look at his vice presidential choice, governor mike pens. he signed a law that would have forced women to hold funerals for fetuses even in some cases after a miscarriage. funerals for fetuses, is that true? it s not true. it s a lie and a goali igoulhist that. hillary clinton called that disturbing. that organization was implicated in selling organs of aborted babies. this is not a fun topic to
discuss but it s a lie and it needs to be called out. that s a lie. here s the president of emily s list talking about equal pay for equal work. republican leaders oppose equal pay for women and refuse to stand up for working mothers trying to balance career and family. that s why they ve let your boss fire you for using birth control. okay. there s a new one. i hadn t heard that. is that true? no. i mean, everyone knows that the issue with birth control doesn t involve bosses firing people for that. it involves cases where the federal government is trying to force religious groups like little sisters of support to pay for birth control. if they could find a single person in america who s been fired for birth control, they d probably cross them out and pass a law to ban that. i don t think they can provide a single example of that. finally, hillary clinton on the second amendment. listen to this. i m not here to repeal the
second amendment. i m not here to take away your guns. okay, john, true or false? maybe she s not going to take away your guns but i think her supreme court nominee would. any democratically appointed supreme court nominee will be in favor of overturning the right to own a handgun in cities like chicago or d.c. if hillary clinton gets the supreme court justice there, i think the ruling might be overturned very likely. there you go. after two weeks of speeches it s good to have a guy who can set the record straight. john mccormick from the weekly standard. thank you very much. thank you. coming up on this friday, in the wake of police officers being shot, here s what s happening in our country. dispatchers are now refusing to send officers into certain emergency calls. you re going to hear from them why straight ahead. first, you re going to hear from an officer who did respond when the call came in that a girl was
kidnapped. how he and his k9 dog tracked her down and saved her life. they will join us after the break. hey, searching for a great used car? yeah! you got it. just say show me millions of used cars for sale at the all new i don t want one that s had a big wreck just say, show me cars with no accidents reported pretty cool i like it that s the power of carfax® find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don t plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing start your used car search at
two cops shot overnight in san diego. one of them is now dead. yeah, we don t know where the shots are coming from. caution into area. we do not know where the shots are coming from. we have two officers down. we re gonna grab the officer, throw him in the car and take him to the hospital. wow. one person in custody. we don t know what led to the shooting. it begs the question, how are cops able to do their jobs right now? joining us right now is a cop and his k9 dog.
he rescued a girl dragged to the woods. he and his k9 dog. thank you both for joining us. deputy, i m sorry to hear about it s just awful. we wanted you to come on and talk about you were such a hero. you rescued this young girl and we ll get to that. first, we woke up this morning getting the news that two more police officers were shot and i know that you re out on the streets that has to go through your mind. what s going on? yeah, not far from where you work. right. actually, this is the first i ve heard about it. really? i haven t really been able to process it yet. yeah. you guys are the first ones to tell me about it. it s disheartening. go ahead. it s disheartening. it s disheartening to say the least. obviously my thoughts and prayers go out to those families. it s just starting to become the norm, i hate to say it, but it s
happening more and more it seems like. do you get up and put on that uniform and think differently than you did a year or two ago? you can t. you can t. it s going to affect how you deal with situations. you always want to stay prepared, but you never really know what you re walking into. you never really know what s on the other side of that door and it s going to affect how you go and help people when they actually need help. we don t know these people that we re going to help. we have no bond with them. we don t know their names, but we still have to help them and we can t let what happens on a daily basis affect that. if we don t do it, who else will? that s the way i look at. just hard. bullets are coming, they don t know where it s coming. how did you protect yourself? you got a call in the middle of the night, bring your dog, we have a young girl, 16-year-old
who was kidnapped. she was dragged into the woods. and what happened next? like you said, i was at home in bed when i got the call. it was about 3:00 in the morning. our twin peaks station, local mountains, they called and needed a k-9 to track a person. they told me they had a missing juvenile that they were looking for and the call originally came out as a missing juvenile from a residence and shortly after that updated information came out that there was a juvenile that was matching the description that was seen getting drug through the woods by a male. deputies responded to that area before i got there. they were able to locate drag marks from her body going into the woods and she left some of her private property that fell off of her as she was getting drug behind. so that s when they utilized me and dasia. we get a piece of clothing or object that has the scent on it.
dasia follows it and knows she needs to follow it. so you track it. how long did you track them, a half mile and you got to a house? yes. we tracked about half a mile through the woods into a neighborhood and she took us to a house. then you were able to bust that door down and find out find the two inside. what was her reaction when she saw you? i did not go in side the house because i had i had dasia with me. i had a tactical team with me. we called in a tactical deployment since we were going to be possibly running into a dangerous suspect. once dfasia took us to the hous, i pulled back. our team surrounded the house. they went in, took everyone in the house into custody and assured the female was in there and she was safe. she was.
jack stone and his dog dasia, congratulations. great story. thanks for sharing with us. we wish we had better news. you are a hero and we thank all of our law enforcement officers. you are. you saved that girl s life possibly and you save lives all the time and you are a hero. i just followed her. deputy, good job. thank you. coming up straight ahead, in the wake of more cops being shot, here s what s happening in our country. what is happening in our country, dispatchers refusing to send officers to emergency calls. very, very important for officers safety that we get names because we have been targeted and that s the reason why we are asking for names. thanks a lot. i m done with the conversation, sir. thank you. you ll hear from them next. before taking his team to state for the first time. gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. .coach gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time.
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fox news alert. it has happened again.
two cops shot overnight in san diego. one be of them now dead. yeah, we don t know where the shots are coming from. use caution into the area. they don t know where the shots are coming from. two officers down. we re gonna grab the officer, throw him in the car and take him straight to the hospital. san diego police tweeting moments ago it is have a very sad heart we announce the death of one of our officers tonight. pray for his family. the other officer is in surgery right now. the other one. both were shot during a traffic stop. one suspect is in custody. of course, police departments across the country on high alert since the deadly attacks against police officers in dallas and baton rouge. 70 officers killed in the line of duty so far this year. let s bring in rod wheeler. he joins us right now on the phone. former d.c. homicide detective. rod, this is another terrible story. we understand apparently these two officers who were shot were part of an elite gang unit.
they were making a traffic stop. right. when somebody started shooting. that s right, steve. again, i think what this case goes to show us here in the united states is that police officers each and every day, you know, we do our jobs but we re walking around with targets on our back. we don t know this case is obviously still fluid because it happened last night. we don t know if this was a targeted attack or if this was the result of a planned traffic stop. what we do know is whoever the suspect is, he came prepared. he was armed. he was able to shoot two armed police officers killing one of them. it s a tragedy. again, this is the type of drk these are the types of things, steve, that we have to deal with each and every day. rod, a lot of police officers are scared to go into situations or their departments are fearful for their lives. in minnesota when you call 911 it sounds like you have to give your name, but we have a call where the dispatcher is refusing to send an officer because the caller is not providing a name and they i guess these police
departments are worried that they have targets on their back and they re going to send their officers into a situation. if you re not going to give your name, we re not sending an officer. listen to this and then we ll get your reaction. okay. it says actually let me read it to you. attempt to sift through fictitious calls that may be used to entice officers. that s the statement from the police department. apparently this person who had called the cops was a neighbor complaining about another neighbor didn t want his name used. nonetheless, that could keep people from calling the police when they need them. it will, steve. you know what, here s the thing. we ve been asking people to give their name if at all possible. you know what we re seeing, this is so important, guys, we re seeing people actually calling the police, give a fictitious name, put them a certain name and ambush them. now we re driving around in our police cars two to three men deep because we know that this is a real possibility and
especially with the sentiment that we have in some communities across the country against police officers. that s a significant fact. we do send police officers even if the person refuses to give the name but, again, we approach the situation in a very, very cautious manner. yeah. so i guess you re dealing also going back to the actual shooting in san diego, if you re in that area with gang activity rampant and the border issue a problem that people are ignoring, you wonder if this is normal gang activity or a targeting of officers like we saw in baton rouge and dallas. that s exactly what i said earlier, brian. that s why those police officers, when they were shot, i don t know if you read the complete report, but the area was flooded within minutes according to witnesses with tons of police officers. so, again, we know this is a real possibility and hopefully things will change eventually, but until that time we have to do everything we can to protect ourselves. what does it tell you that it was flooded, that these officers
are always ready to flood these areas areas. exactly. expect it every call. we don t know. i would expect some citizens to do a ride along to get a feeling for what it feels like when you have to answer that unknown call. you don t know what s waiting for you at the end of that call. that is a good point. when we heard the dispatch call, rod, they said two officers down but we don t know where the shots are coming from. right. so be careful. as all of these people go en masse to that area it s kind of like, okay, look out. it can be coming from anywhere. right. they actually kind of cordoned off an entire area there in san diego and there were literally 100 police officers or more, dogs, helicopters, everything looking for the suspects. they did arrest one guy but they re still possibly looking for another. that hasn t been confirmed yet. it s a dangerous situation on the streets, guys. yeah, it is. something needs to be done. i was in philadelphia talking to the cops. every single one of them told
me, i m retiring in five years, i m retiring in seven years. they re all ready to retire because they re fearful and their families are scared. it s not worth it anymore. right. when you have pot tisch shans like the mayor of baltimore throwing themselves under the bus, you know what you say, it isn t worth it anymore. you can bet donald trump will be talking about the cop shooting today on the campaign trail. joining us live from colorado springs is the mantha hunts donald trump down wherever he goes. fox news senior national correspondent john roberts. hey, john. reporter: they put me on a plane and i end up wherever we end up. good morning, ainsley and steve. this is something donald trump has been talking about a lot on the campaign trail, what s been happening a lot across the nation. you saw in toledo his supporters after the rally lining up to thank the police who had been standing there in 95 degree heat
for the hours that they did just to protect people going in and out of that event. i suspect in the two events he has in colorado he ll talk more about that, one in colorado springs and one in denver. part of the narrative donald trump has been pushing on the campaign trail, that this world that hillary clinton and barack obama keep talking about really to him doesn t exist. here s trump in cedar rapids, iowa, yesterday. you know, his beautiful world, he doesn t talk about radical islamic terrorists, he doesn t talk about the fact that people don t want to fly in airplanes, people don t want to go to theaters. the fact that the officers are getting shot across the country in numbers we haven t seen in decades. now donald trump and hillary clinton are officially their party s candidates, they will start receiving intelligence briefings. might not happen until today or monday. donald trump says hillary
clinton should be disqualified from receiving these intelligence and national security briefings, classified briefings. here s what he told greta van susteren last night. listen. i said that she shouldn t get it. she delete e-mails. you saw what the fbi said, she was negligent. she was i ve never seen anything, actually, like a report like that, but they said she was negligent and that she lied. i mean, she lied. and i said yesterday she shouldn t be allowed to get briefings. now democrats, of course, are firing back that because of what donald trump said at doral about maybe russia could turn over her 33,000 missing e-mails, he is now disqualified from receiving these classified briefings. brian, ainsley, steve, we are now officially on both sides in the general election campaign, we have 102 more days of this to go. so fasten your seat belts. this is when it gets really good. you know what happens next the
debates. everyone is so excited about that. when is the first debate, do you know? reporter: that s hardly next. those aren t until september. we have august and september to go through. typically the conventions aren t until the middle or end of august. we have them out of the way. july is not even over with. donald trump never left the public spotlight. he tweeted throughout the entire hillary clinton speech last night that kept john roberts busy. thanks, john. reporter: thanks. meanwhile, 19 minutes before the hour. coming up, he put his life on the line and received a medal of honor. when he took the podium at the dnc, this medal of honor recipient got this kind of reception. america lost four heroes that day, command sergeant major christ man, major gray, major cadze and reg guy al fon is a. the chanting and even some
democrats turning their back on him. iraq and afghan any vet pete has a message back on the curvy couch. we re back. we ve landed. nexium 24 hour introduces new, easy-to-swallow tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people. to experience. complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here.
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hegseth. what s your response? the audience rejects their existence. i hope they regret supporting hillary clinton at this point in light of that kind of reaction. it exposes the true core of the modern democratic party which in many ways has always been since the vietnam war anti-military, anti-war, anti-vet, anti-american leadership in the world and utterly lacking in true and real patriotism. the patriotism for the convention, dnc convention has all been reactive. they didn t have flags, they didn t talk about vets, they didn t talk about defeating isis. suddenly flags showed up, suddenly vets showed up. now general allen gave a strong speech, but i don t understand his endorsement in light of the fact that he saw the policy of obama and hillary clinton and how ineffective it was and isis and then he watched how the party reacted to him.
basically dismissive. you believe that they separate hillary clinton s philosophy from barack obama despite the fact that she supported a war in libya where there was no after gadhafi plan, post gadhafi plan. that s who we saw. that s her in action. unfortunately, i think they do split clinton from obama. if you split clinton from obama, it s just as bad. i was on the floor talking to them about the top two foreign policy issues. they talked about benghazi. these are not people that understand her record in any way, but they don t care, brian. medal of honor recipients come up, no standing ovation. general allen comes up, no roar. at the republican national convention, you get a roar. it s a back and forth between a party that s totally split and moving in the wrong direction. she also went on to talk
about her plan to take on isis get this, get a pen ready, we re going to bomb from the side, use local forces on the ground. we re doing that. how s that happening? fantastic. donald trump and the resilience plan, i wish she would have kept it to herself. where s the change? no change. in fact, it s doubling down on worse. she wants to bring in six time the amount of syrian refugees into this country, not secure our borders and not utterly crush isis. it s a fallacy what they re saying. leads into our next topic. angela merkel left her location because of three separate incidents, a hatchett, a knife, and a gun. she s being attacked for her refugee policy. here s the quote, fear cannot be the guide for the political action. we need not allow our weight.
don t bring people in who have knives and hatchetts on trains. how dare she say that? you know why she says that? because for angela merkel and the international left, multi-culturalism is a religion. the facts don t matter. the facts on the ground don t change their mind. they are utterly devoted to the idea that opening their borders and welcoming anybody will improve their society even if the people coming don t want to assimilate and angela merkel doubles down on stupid and that s exactly what they re getting. pete, if you have to tell the people of france, especially in nice now, paris where the stabbings and the steam rolling took place, you don t have to tell the german people. they re going to get rid of their leaders who are not responding to the threat they feel at home. they see the elites tell them they ought bring in more people. i think the people will react and will react against these leaders who are
internationalists, multi-can have cultural and want a way in. they give a moving speech and do knowing. this is what continues to happen. we ve never seen that happen. thanks. a fox news alert. it just happened again. two cops shot overnight in san diego. one of them dead. we ve got the latest on the breaking news. i am okay with cities protecting families. we want to make sure children are safe. that wasn t the question. see jesse watters bend over backwards about questions like kate s law. that s next hour. teeth was weakening. the whiteness wasn t there as much, my teeth didn t look as healthy as others. my dentist said that pronamel would help protect my teeth. pronamel is giving me the confidence to know that i m doing the right thing so it s nice to know that it was as simple as that. you can help prevent blindness in undernourished children across the globe
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two cops were shot during a traffic stop in san diego. one of them is now dead. the other one is in surgery at this very moment. and joinings us now with what we have learned, former police detective steve kardian. thanks for being with us. my pleasure. what s the latest information? we have the elite gang units from the san diego police department that made a traffic stop at i-5 and i-15. all with eknow is we know is that they were both shot in the upper torso. the suspect has been shot as well. when the officers responded to the scene, they were reporting that shots were coming from unknown directions. that s what makes you think it wasn t necessarily the people in the car. and people are thinking is this the war on cops given what happened in baton rouge and in dallas as well. because they didn t know where the shots were coming from, we don t know if the shots were coming from inside the car that was stopped or if they just used this opportunity, where these police officers made a stop in a particular area to ambush them from a distance.
i think at the end of the day, it s going to come back to it is responsible. the war on cops. we don t know what information is going to come out later. we only know what we have now. it s open to speculation. but still i believe this will tied back to the war on cops. here s the tweet put out by the san diego police department. quote, it is with a very sad heart that we announce the death of one of our officers tonight. pray for his family. so that s the way overnight that happened out in san diego. so now we re trying to process what s going on. but they have cordoned off the entire area. the investigation will happen. who takes over the investigation? it will be the police department, the state department, the sheriff s department, neighboring police departments. but it will be done by the san diego police, the primary lead. sure. to our most of our viewers, we support law
enforcement. i would probably say all of our viewers do. what s the message for them? how is this going to affect their lives? again, when you go after the law enforcement members that protect society, and you harm them, i mean, it doesn t get any worse than that. yeah. you know, we were just looking at a live view of the hospital where the two officers were taken right there in san diego. every once in a while i ll get an e-mail from somebody who say, you know, you just referred to a routine traffic stop. there s no such thing as a routine traffic stop and what happened last night at 11:00 in san diego proves that. nothing you do ever happens or is duplicated exactly like it was prior. so each day, each encounter, each police stop is something new to that police officer. he never knows what he ll get. steve kardian, stick around and we ll continue to follow this. straight ahead we will continue with this tragic story and none other than geraldo rivera is coming in this hour to talk about that and much more. plus, how will the trump campaign respond to another
deadly day for police officers? trump s campaign manager paul manafort is here in the next hour.
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and visit and get a free consultation with a certified diabetes educator if you qualify. well, as you wake up, we are sad to report it has happened again. another police officer fatally shot overnight. this time it s in san diego. yeah, we don t know where the shots are coming from. use caution, we do not know where the shots are coming from. two officers down. grab the officers, throw them in the car and take them to the hospital. wow. another officer is shot, what s in surgery right now. you re look live outside that hospital where those officers were taken. the san diego police tweeting moments ago this, we still have a second officer in surgery. keep him in your prayers. and this brand-new video just into the newsroom. that s the suspect who was shot by policing the taken away on a gurney. can you see that?
yeah. the number of police officers killed by a firearm this year now reaching 33. there were 39 all of last year. all right. let s go back down to philly right now. geraldo rivera is still there after the big night. hillary clinton accepting her party s nomination. geraldo, more bad news. apparently, a couple of members of the elite gang suppression unit there in san diego were making a traffic stop. and then somebody shot them two of them. we don t know if it was shots from inside the car. we don t know if they were picked off from a distance. you know, steve, it sounds an awful lot like the ambush of the police officer it sounds very much like a skirmish, a bloody one. a deadly one in this case of the war between certain elements in the ghetto civil war that s going on in america right now and the cops. it s damn shame, one cop dead,
the other in surgery. one suspect i understand in custody. so we ll soon be able to sort out at least the outlines of a motive. but deeply distressing, you know, it s raining here in philadelphia. belying the title of the danny devito series it s always sunny here. so in the aftermath of the democratic national convention where hillary clinton made her not exactly stirring, but maybe stable speech last night, accepting the historic nomination as first female, steve. before we talk about politic, let s just talk a little bit more about this. we just got some information that the second officer is out of surgery. he s expected to be okay. the other if the suspect also has a gunshot wound but he s still alive. just to update you on that. you know, brian, it s this hatred, this rage, now i m not going to jump to any assumptions, but well, let me
jump to at least a relatively learned assumption that this was the special gangs unit and then this traffic stop was not just an ordinary traffic stop to see if the person was speeding or going through a stop sign, or whatever. this was based on some suspicion related to what that special gang unit does. so if we assume the suspect i don t foe if he s got tats, i can t see too much of him on the gurney, if this suspect is indeed a gangbanger, whether latino more than likely than black, although could be a black. this is another battle in what is unfortunately an ongoing war. we re barely at the halfway point now. we have a long, hot august to o go. i fear for the worst, ladies an gentlemen. yeah, geraldo, more tn four officers each month so far killed if you look at the numbers. 33 officers killed so far this year. you know, in minnesota, you have a situation where you have this neighbor calling the cops,
calling 911 on his neighbor and didn t want to leave his name, i guess in fear he didn t want his neighbor to know he was calling. listen to this. talk about how they re handling 911 calls in minnesota. very, very important for officer safety that we get names because we have been targeted and that s why we re asking for names. okay. thanks a lot. i m done with the conversation, sir. thank you. so they didn t send 911 because the guy wouldn t leave his name. that s what we re facing now, geraldo. well, i totally get the caution on the cop s end. we all have to. i remember you call a pizza and get it delivered to your buddy, he doesn t know it, it s a prank. so the jump from prank to malicious to malignant to criminal, you can see how this is an m.o. to setting the cops up. they re responding in a way not only to protect the public, but protect the cops themselves. it is a prudent move. we have caller i.d. so when you call 911 have the guts to stand up to the plate
and tell them who you are. it s very necessary and then you can ask for anonymity or you can cooperate or not as you or your legal representation suggestis n the process. you can t allow 911 to become this honey trap for cops. it is way too serious now. right here on the streets. i want to come back to that rage, i saw right here. it was not reasoned. it was not principled. it was not cause and effect. it was people who are just so filled with this i come back to this word rage that, you know, it is deeply sort of this thing. we don t want it to define the summer of 2016. sure. you know, geraldo, during the dnc we knew that the mothers of the movement, women who have had their children young men largely killed in shootings with police officers, they took center stage at the dnc and then a number of people said you know it s too bad they don t salute
the police officers whose lives were lost. last night at the dnc, dallas sheriff lupe valdez was paying tribute to police officers who were killed. and she asked for a moment of reflection, and it was very solemn for a second or two and then some people started screaming during this moment of silence, black lives matter, black lives matter. we have the sound bite. we ll play it for those who missed it. please help me in honor of all of american foreign officers with a moment of silence. [ crowd chanting black lives matter ] what do you think about people deciding during the moment of silence that s the time not to be silent? it gives me the creeps, steve. i ll tell you the truth, i was in the hall. i was there when that was going on. it is something that just gives you goose bumps. it is so deeply disrespectful. i will say that throughout the evening even through secretary
clinton s speech, you had bernie or bust types, or some anarchists who were hard lefties shouting everything from no tpp to ban fracking to, you know, want what you want. make love not war. all of these you know, they were the factional elements that was very discordant last night. it s less than 10%, but it s deeply offensive, particularly to those of us who get what cops do. let s use your word offensive and continue to be offensive. general allen, a general you know, decides i m a republican. but hillary clinton is the better president option and for some reason gets on stage with other military leaders and then finds out not everyone is glad he s there. listen to what they re doing while he s speaking. and the american military will continue to be will continue to be the shining
example of america at her very best. unbelievable. your reaction? it was happening right under our skybox and i was so furious, brian. i wanted remember the black lives matter, the radicals among them, at least, doused us in a violent or semiviolent confrontation on wednesday. i wanted to throw water on those big mouths because they were so out of sync with what the general was saying. which i thought was very important. i remember when barack obama was running for office and then took high office, there was a lot of question of whether or not he would command respect and loyalty from the armed forces. you know, his record vis-a-vis the military was for all to sort out. but when general allen was suggesting his own deeply held political believes that he although a republican was voting for the democrat and the punks were screeching in that way, it was it was such total
disregard for any kind of protocol. i was it s an anti-military audience. anyone in uniform that chooses that party, you re dealing with an anti-military sentiment. and geraldo, that was perfectly exhibited when a medal of honor recipient a fellow by the name of captain florent groberg took the stage to list the names of dead soldiers. a number of people were chanting and a number of democrats turned their backs on this medal of honor recipient. who lost part of his leg fighting for our country. i saw it happen, i heard it happen. we re trying to shush them from the balcony. i m there as a reporter, i didn t want to influence the news, but i wanted to grab them by the scruff of their neck and
i wish you had. i would have had to jump off the balcony. i can t do that superhero well, you re geraldo. oh, please. it was utter disregard for anything. i wonder if they weren t a bunch of air heads. they were vacillating all over the place, from ban tpp, ban fracking. and it s very interesting during her remarks she was on the senate armed forces committee, the first member from new york ever. i mean, new york is a giant state and here it has this anti-military vibe sometimes despite the presence of huge facilities like west point and camp drum and i lament that and on behalf of anyone else from the empire state i apologize for it. you can be anti-war, but you can t be protruth. all right. come on home. 7:10 here in new york city. how will the trump campaign
respond to this? yet another deadly day for police officers. trump s campaign manager paul manafort here next, two minutes. , the search for relief often leads to this. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors offices. for deep penetrating relief wbr id wbr42929 at the source. new aleve direct therapy. soon, she ll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. all hp ink buy one get one fifty percent off. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. /b
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surgery. donald trump and mike pence calling themselves the law and order candidates. well, this is sadly right up their alley and what they re concerned about. how will the candidates respond? paul manafort joins us live. good morning. we re waking up to news that another police officer has been murdered. the reaction from the trump campaign i know it s early, but apparently they have got one suspect in custody. they may be looking for somebody else. your reaction, sir? well, as mr. trump has said, the what s going on in america is a result of really 7 1/2 years of failed leadership and too often making the police and law enforcement agencies into the bad guys. i mean, they re not the bad guys. now everybody has gotten the right message, including the administration, but until there s strong leadership and
leadership that gives direction to the country you ll continue to have this kind of lawlessness, unfortunately. well, can we expect donald trump to be talking about it on the campaign trail today? i m sure he ll have a statement to make, if nothing else to express his concern and sympathy for the families. sure. we have learned that the officer who lost his life is marry and he has two kids. unbelievable. all right. we understand that ironically, later today in san diego, they were planning a police recruiting event. we don t know whether or not they re going to continue with that. but there are so many police officers, mr. manafort, in this country who feel like the administration just doesn t have their backs sometimes. well, that s been the i mean course of the last several years and, you know, now everybody is saying all the right things but the problem is that the lawlessness has gotten to such a level now that unless there s a change, there s not going to be any effective difference. what needs to change? this is ridiculous.
we re reporting on this it seems once a week. you look at the average, 33 cops have been killed already this year. these are people, they have families. these individuals leaving behind two kids. just doing their job. and these jerks are hiding out and targeting these cops. it s ridiculous. but paul on top of that, you have a situation in that theater, in that arena, where cops were not allowed to wear their uniforms on the inside, black lives matter made their presence felt. you had the families of victims of cop shootings there. but you did not have a big law enforcement presence. did you see an anti-law enforcement attitude last week? i mean, there is that attitude embedded into the democratic leadership. i mean, that is the problem, is that the law enforcement agencies and the first responders are not given the respect by the system. plus, just the general lawle lawlessness in the way that the administration has dealt with
the fbi and exonerating hillary clinton when everybody including in the case that mr. comey presented that she was guilty. there s an attitude that law enforcement is the bad guys and this justice is not equal for all. okay. let s talk politics. in particular last night, hillary clinton historically accepted her party s nomination. the week before your guy, donald trump, accepted his party s nomination. i is very clear what it is very clear what she s going to do over the next 102 days which is give donald trump everything she can. here she is last night. listen to this, what she had to say about your candidate. he s taken the republican party a long way from morning in america to midnight in america. donald trump says he wants to make america great again. well, he could start by actually making things in america again.
it comes down to what donald trump doesn t get. america is great because america is good. well, what d you think? well, because she has no message, she has to try and confuse by making these kinds of attacks. if it s midnight in america it s because of the 7 1/2 years because of the obama/clinton administration. if you know, donald trump says america is great, but the problem is that the american people don t feel that their future is what they want it to be. the first time in history people are saying people believe according to the number of recent polls that their children s future is not going to be as good as their future. that s scary. that is a scary thought. yeah, it is. paul, so speaking of messaging, we had karl rove on the show a few days ago and he was saying that donald trump really needs to get these attack ads in the swing states before labor day he was saying. i know you have exclusively given us this latest ad, trump s
latest ad in response to the dnc. we wbr id wbr48030 want to play that for the audience now and then talk to you about it. you heard the speech. behind the glitter lies this stark truth. in hillary clinton s america, things get worse. under her dishonest plan, taxes keep rising. terrorism spreads. washington insiders remain in control. americans losing their jobs, homes and hope. and in donald trump s america, people are put back to work. our families are safe. the american dream achievable again. change that makes america great again. i m donald wbr id wbr48330 trump and i approve this message. wait a second. change the change, i thought the change maker was hillary clinton. you guys are you guys think you re a change? well, we are the change. i mean, the problem that clinton had last night she can t hide from 25 years. in fact, her message to the undecided voter was confusing. on one hand she was saying that there s a need for a third term /b
of of an obama third term. she said she ll make a change. you know, she can t have it both ways. there s no way she can establish that she s the change. she is the establishment. all right. paul manafort, campaign manager of donald trump. sir, thank you very much. thank you. more fox & friends, two minutes. at bp, we empower anyone to stop a job if something doesn t seem right, so everyone comes home safely. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better.
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presidents. charles payne is the host of making money on the fox business network. he has more on this. hey, charles. good morning, guys. this is just an absolutely amazing predictor. just the accuracy of this thing is phenomenal. it goes back to 84? the market was 4.8%. incumbent party won. the next election cycle, won. you can do this, down, loss, up won. down, lost, up, won. here we are in by the way the there are manager is working out to your cadence. one more. that s right. so in 2016 right now, you know the stock market is close to record highs. that would bode well for the incumbent party. absolutely. historically it would. and so we had a tough start to the market, but it s gained some traction. you know, the summer doldrums are here but going into the fall in this accelerates something it s something we ll hear
hillary clinton talk about it a lot. but is it reflective of america or just wall street? well, you know, the stock market, a lot of these gains are not a proxy for our economy anymore. caterpillar sells 70% of their stuff outside of this country. apple, if apple has a great quarter selling products in china, their stock is going to go up. doesn t mean that the american economy is doing well, doesn t mean that american workers are getting a piece of the action. so the perfect proxy that the stock market might have been 30 years ago no longer exists. doesn t indicate necessarily the country is great. absolutely. if you look at your predictor, who s going to win then? well, if you re asking me where the market is going to be, i think the market probably will continue to edge higher. you know, the big names are doing very well. you know, they re beating estimates. so based on that, you know, obviously. but i think based on the new reality that people aren t feeling the market the way it used to because it doesn t
reflect their world, maybe we ll see this thing become inconsequential. two other things that are not reflected in this and the uniqueness to this particular cycle. 70% of americans polled don t trust hillary clinton, don t find her to be honest. and then at the same time, you look at the is america on the right track/wrong track, huge majority of americans feel we re on the wrong track, so regardless of wall street maybe this is the time when those, you know, eclipse i think what hillary clinton did last night or said last night is that hey, there s an amazing amount of prosperity in this country. you re right, you don t feel it, but i m going to make sure you do. because somehow there s a handful of people who are taking all of our amazing gains she said that, the 1%. that s the appeal to the bernie sanders people. yeah. and maybe somebody who works at a factory for the last 20 years who hasn t seen a raise. that somehow their boss lives in a big house, they live in a small house. this is a tough fight with the
economic back drop looming large. nothing like cheering when raising taxes. i know. i can t wait. the people who have money have to give more of it up. here s the problem with the whole thing. you have to dismiss the idea that america was built on rugged individualism. i think that s a major, major mistake. not only were we built on it, but it determines our future as well. the individual has to believe in themselves. if not, forget about it. we are the greatest country in the world because of the individuals that made us so. all right. you start telling people, sit back and wait for a check every two weeks it s not going to work. i m voting your. thank you. you inspired me for the first time this morning. thanks a lot, guys. meanwhile, fox news alert. because of the latest police officer shooting another father won t be coming home to see his wife and kids after his shift is over. officer daniel faulkner was killed during a traffic stop just like the story we re following live this morning out of san diego. his widow, maureen faulkner, joins us live next.
let s start with a fox news alert to tell you about. two officers were shot overnight, this one in san diego. one of them did die as a result. i m extremely heart broke on the report that we had an officer shot and killed tonight. a second officer has been shot and is currently in surgery. we are hopeful that that officer will survive and make a full recovery. the two police officers shot after a traffic stop in san diego. yeah, we don t know where the shots are coming from. use caution in the area. we do not know where the shots are coming from. and two officers are down. we ll grab the officer, throw them into the car and take them to the hospital. that dramatic dispatch coming into the newsroom overnight. moments ago, police holding a press conference. one of the officers was
placed in a vehicle of another officer that arrived on scene and was taken to the hospital. heroic effort by the officers on scene. heroic efforts by the doctors to save his life, but again, heartbroken to report that they were unable to save his life. the san diego police also just tweeting this. chief zimmerman just left the officer with our second officer has just come out of surgery. he is expected to survive. yeah, we still have so many questions. the lone suspect was shot, but he is alive. this is video of him, he s on a gurney. the cop who was killed has not been identified yet, but we know this, it s not good news. he is married, he has two children. they no longer have a dad. today s tragedy brings the number of death to police officers is 33 this year. and joining us is a woman who knows the pain of losing a
husband first hand. her husband was killed in a traffic stop in 1981 and there s an image of your husband, daniel. maureen, you know what it s like to get the phone call, don t you? yes, i do. i actually got a knock at the door at 4:00 a.m. in the morning. wow. to come to the hospital. when you hear stories like this this morning, what goes through your mind? it s very traumatizing. it breaks my heart. i become quite emotional to think that, you know, a father and a husband the children will not see their dad anymore. and his wife will not will no longer have him in her arms. and, you know, it s just heart breaking. what about the tone in this country right now when it comes to law enforcement? are you stunned we re actually going through this? where cops are made to look like the bad guys. yes, i am. and i personally think that president obama has caused a
great divide in this country. how? with race relations. and he has caused the tension that is out there and, you know, so many officers now are being gunned down and they re only there to protect other people. and they re losing their lives and i think it s just really the climate in this world in this world right now is just horrible. like with isis and everything else. what would you like him to do, maureen? president obama? yes, ma am. well, what would i like him to do? get up and at least speak out this is wrong, you should not be people should not be gunning officers down. i mean, he sort of speaks out on black lives matter and at the dnc. i understand there were women there that lost their children from crime and my heart goes out to them. it really does. my heart is broken for them. they lost their children. but on that note, i think hillary clinton has sort of brought them out for her own
political gain. yeah. right. so last night at the convention, there was a moment of silence for officers who were slain in the line of duty. but listen to what happens during the moment of silence. please help me in honor of all of american fallen officers with a moment of silence. black lives matter! yelling out black lives matter. can t go through a moment of silence the right way. for police officers. well, i think black lives matter have a lot to do they have their own little cottage industry going. this is all about money to them. and that s my personal opinion. and so with whatever they can do to bring attention to their cause, their black lives matter cause, they will. and to bring to generate
money through their accounts. their little cottage industry. maureen, we don t know the circumstances of the latest police shooting out in california. it may have been part of this larger war on cops, sadly, that we re seeing. we saw it in baton rouge and in dallas. it could have been a random thing. so many people put on the uniform every day and they go to work and sometimes this happens and it s just heart breaking. it is heart breaking and i wonder in this country what would happen if we did not have the police officers out protecting people. there would be anarchy. absolutely. in our country. and that s what people need to know and realize. and especially in the situation where, you know, if there s a new band out with tom morelo and they have songs such as killing in the name and it s about black
people killing white police officers. they are making this world racially charged and they re and they re causing a hatred towards the police officers and it s wrong. maureen, i know that you re a donald trump supporter. why? what do you like about him as a candidate? i m a donald trump supporter, because for first time in my life i feel fear in our country. for the first time? your husband died how many years ago? 30 years ago? my husband died 34 years ago, but for the first time in my life, i really feel fearful that our country has something to fear with isis and with what is going on in the world with the racial divide. and i think someone like donald trump, i think he may be able to bring our country back together. and he will be someone that will be respected by other countries. well, there s certainly a lot
going on, no doubt about it. maureen faulkner, thank you for getting up so early to join us. i m sorry for your loss and i hope everything is okay for you and has been for the last 34 years. but our thoughts are with you and your family and all the families who have lost their husbands, their dads. it s tragic. just as a mention really quick. i wanted to let you know, we gave $50,000 to a children s charity back in philadelphia for children whose who have lost a parent due to crime. maureen, your group is what and what s the website? it s daniel faulkner educational grant fund. okay. and we give money to children civilian children who have lost a parent and we educate them. thank you, maureen. god bless you. meanwhile, we closed out a two weeks of convention news. we just have a big speech last night. there s a lot of other breaking news around the world. we told abby huntsman to make sense of it.
abby, could you do that for us? good to have you back. good to be home. well, you helped us prepare every morning. well, we have other headlines. murder charges dropped against an illegal immigrant in the 15-year-old murder investigation of chandra levy. federal prosecutors claim they no longer have a case citing unforeseen developments. a washington, d.c. bureau of prisoners intern back in 2001. her body was found a year later in a nearby park. well, imagine looking out of your plane window and seeing this. look at that. flames shooting right from the wing. well, it happened minutes after that american airlines flight took off from dallas. passengers say they heard a huge explosion. you can see kind of a lot of smoke, a lot of flames. so the passengers notified the crew, they came down and notified the pilot.
well, american airlines now saying the compressor in the engine failed and that the engine itself was never on fire. well, this is terrifying. we are learning that isis has a new undetectable car bomb. listen to this. it is used in the deadliest attack yet. it helped the bomb pass through a security check point, leading to the deaths of 292 iraqis earlier this month. the device is unique in the way it s placed in the van. there were only a limited number of chemicals used. that is some scary stuff. brand-new documents showing the irs is more crooked than previously thought. a new batch of fbi documents released by judicial watch shows the irs was aware of its targeting conservatives like the tea party more than two years before they even told congress. well, lois lerner who oversaw tax exempt groups helped to pass them off as a few rogue agents and no criminal charges were ever brought for that. those are your headlines. guys, back to you. thank you. coming up on a friday, it
seems like a simple question about immigration. but it s not so simple apparently for some democrats. sanctuary cities i m okay with cities protecting families and making sure that children are not made unsafe because we deport the parents and leave them here. see jesse watters bend over backwards to try to get them to answer a simple question about kate s law. that is coming up next. for complete protection all day and night make nexium 24hr your #1 choice.
that i was on the icelandic game show. and everyone knows me for discounts, like safe driver and paperless billing. but nobody knows the box behind the discounts. oh, it s like my father always told me
put that down. that s expensive. of course i save people an average of nearly $600, but who s gonna save me? [ voice breaking ] and that s when i realized. i m allergic to wasabi. well, i feel better. it s been five minutes. talk about progress. [ chuckles ] okay. well, we re back on the couch today. we had a very busy two weeks. we ve returned to new york city, where we started the day with a little rain. we had plenty in philly especially on the first day. it was my first time ever covering conventions. cleveland was awesome. philly was awesome but it s nice to be home. home sweet home. so there are a lot of things that democrats did not want to bring up. when it comes to illegal immigration they want to say immigration. when they want to talk about the
dangers well you re anti-hispanic. when it comes to kate s law and getting justice for kate steinle, something that bill o reilly pushed forward, jesse watters wanted to know how that squared with the pro open policy and belief. do you support sanctuary cities? i think it would depend on the definition. it s not a technical term. any violent criminal is sent that s not true. if you commit felonies in certain sanctuary cities they will not report you to i.c.e. in philadelphia they do. are you okay are sanctuary cities? i m okay with making sure that children are not made unsafe because we deport the parents and we leave them there. to be honest i haven t given it much thought. don t you think you should? is it the democratic platform? there was a woman who was murdered by a guy who was deported five times and had multiple felonies.
he was in a sanctuary city. are you okay with that? you know, i m pretty sure that most of the serial killers that we know are natural born citizens. are we concerned about this? i have to run for something. i have to run. your friend bill o reilly has a quick question for you. your good friend has a question for you. then he can answer its himself. he can answer it himself. that s not the barney frank i know. he s usually so easy to get along with. jesse watters asking some democrats some questions they didn t want to answer in some questions and those who did were bending over backwards trying to square their statement with the world. come up, cops around the country waking up to the news in san diego. one officer we are waking up to this, one officer gunned down in the line of duty, and one out of surgery, expected to survive. the founder of blue lives matter
is going to join us live to react. that s coming up next. share the joy of real cream. .with reddi-wip. hi! hey! i ve made plans for later in case this date doesn t go well. likewise! but, funny story. on top of that? my mom is my best friend. uh oh. yeah. oop! there s the rescue text from my roommate saying she needs me. wouldn t it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back: the citi double cash card.
a fox news alert at this hour, a san diego police officer just getting out of surgery and is expected to survive. meanwhile, a second officer multiple gunshot wounds, murdered in cold blood. another horrific attack on police. this time it s in sdeepg. we are on the scene with the latest. hi, heather. reporter: good morning, brian, ainsley. a lot of work still needs to be done to find out what happened at the scene, we re at the media staging area here in southern san diego. the south crest neighborhood, but blocks away is where that scene is set. you can see dozens of officers responding to shots being fired
at san diego officers. what we know is they were part of a gang unit and this morning we know that one officer was killed, the other one just out of surgery. we ll tell you a little bit more about the officers, but right now in this neighborhood it s still unknown if there are other suspects on the run this morning. we do know that one is in custody. people in the san diego neighborhood are under a shelter in place order from the san diego police. so they re all supposed to be staying inside their homes at this moment. the officer involved shooting started before 11:00 p.m. last night. our chief of police, shelley zimmerman, said that they were doing a traffic stop when they called for emergency cover almost immediately. other officers nearby, they responded. they found the two officers at the scene, shot. they were down. right now we know of one suspect in custody. we have video of that suspect as well. he was being wheeled away on a stretcher and people tell us that suspect was shot at the scene. he was found in an open ravine just blocks away from where the initial shooting actually took place. he s yet to be identified but we
are told he s an hispanic male. he is currently also being treated at the hospital. back out here still don t know if there s any other suspects on the run, so they re telling people in this neighborhood to stay put in their homes. we do know that two of the officers were shot at 11:00 p.m., right before 11:00 p.m. right here in san diego. they have not been identified yet. one of the officers was killed. he is survived by his wife and two children. the other officer is expected to be okay. and he is survived he has a wife at home as well. that s the latest from the south crest neighborhood in san diego. back to you. thank you very much. so how are police officers across the country feeling this morning when they put on their uniforms and badges and go to work to protect us? joe imperatrice is a founder of blue lives matter nyc. good morning. we don t know the circumstances. we don t know if this part of the larger war on cops that we have seen, but police officers
like yourself are on edge after what happened in dallas, baton rouge and maybe what happened out in san diego. i don t think what people realize today, it was always a reality that you might lose your life going to work, but now you go every single day and it s really a reality. it s sad, because it seems like every single day something is coming up in the news. every time this happen, it takes you back to the ramos and the lui family, it s like a scab, but left with a scar. what is blue lives matter? is that your way of fighting back against the sentiment in this country? no, we wanted to remember the lives lost in regards to law enforcement and we want to be able to show that not every knock on your door is bad news. we want to do positive things in a negative tragedy like this. what s the reaction of the other individuals that you work with? when we were in philadelphia we
talked to a lot of cops. we were handing them water and chatting with them. one guy told me that he takes his uniform off now. because he s scared. another guy before he gets home. before he gets home. exactly. after work. another guy said his kids are terrified for him. they were all telling me we have ten more years to retire. five more years to retire. what are your friends saying? actually a gentleman i work with, his wife and his little children actually tell him all the time, daddy, you have 20 years on, why don t you retire and come home with us? he is playing a part in the officers lives because some go over 20 years and they could have retire and the tragedy happens. so you have 20 years before you get a pension. you re ten years in. are you counting the days? to an extent when this stuff happens, yes. you don t know what happens when you leave that door. there s no other profession other than the military, you re not going the how did we get to this point? i wish i knew. i believe that a lot of the officials they add fuel to the fire and people go out some of the official, who are you talking about? there s many out there.
i m not going to say one more than the other. but there s many of them today that do act on this and it s not adding to making things better right now. so who is involved in the organization and how can people support it? well, our website is what is your response? we have brought in over a quarter of a million dollars. we were recognized by albany. i met president obama last week. we were on nightline. what are you doing with the money? we actually surprise families. instead of giving them a check, we surprise them at their house, give them birthday parties, send them on vacations. for fallen officers children or their families? yes. and also sick officers. joe, thank you very much. thank you. meanwhile, judge jeanine pirro is here to react to the breaking news. she s here live in new york.
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it is friday. it s july 29th, 2016. we start with a fox news alert because another cop has been shot to death. this time it s in san diego. yeah, we don t know where the shots are coming from. use caution in the area. we do not know where the shots are coming from. two officers down. grab the officers, throw them into the car and take them to the hospital. oh, my goodness, they did not know where the bullets were coming from. officers of the elite gang suppression unit were shot during the traffic stop. they don t know if the shots were from inside the car or outside at this point. the san diego chief wrapped up a press conference where she said this. one of the officers was placed in a vehicle of another
officer that arrived on scene and was taken to the hospital. heroic efforts by the officers on scene. heroic efforts by the doctors to save his life. but again, heartbroken to report that they were unable to save his life. well, the officer that was not killed has not been identified, but we do know we do know he was married with two kids and we have received an update on that officer. san diego police tweeting this. chief zimmerman just left the hospital where our second officer has just come out of surgery. he is expected to survive. thank goodness. we do know that that officer s wife is by his side at this very hour and as for the suspect, we know he s a hispanic male. he was shot by police. there he is being wheeled up that hill right there on the gurney. after a massive manhunt, he was found in a ravine near the shooting scene. at this hour, the cops do not
know if there are other suspects. people who live in the area are being told to stay inside. today s tragedy brings the total number of police officers death by firearms to 33 this year. that s about one a week, brian. wow. judge jeanine pirro joins us on the couch. you re shaking your head because we have to change the topic and talk about this breaking news. the reason i shake my head, we re now seeing the normalization as i have said before of cop killings. this is starting to be almost, you know, routine. every week something we re something is happening. i guarantee you that there are people out there who were cheering the fact that a police officer was shot in the line of duty. irrespective of the facts of this case are yet to be revealed, but at the same time, if you think about it, eight years ago were people talking the way they re talking now about police? no. eight years ago, were police worried about the fact that, you know, when they go it they have a target on their backs? i heard you in the other
segment, they take their uniforms off as soon as they re done with work. this is a frightening time and you can talk the talk, but you have to walk the walk. and from obama to hillary clinton, they cannot stand there and say, oh, we support police when for the last seven years it s been about how the police are mistreating the minorities. this is happening. we re talking about this this morning. just last night, you had the sheriff from he was from dallas, he was talking about the five officers that were killed and said let s have a moment of silence for the 33 killed this year. moment of silence, then you have people in the audience chanting black lives matter. take a listen. then we ll talk about it. please help me in honor of all of american fallen officers with a moment of silence. black lives matter! black lives matter! you see that s shameful. that s my point. this would not have happened eight years ago and people need to understand there s a difference between america today
and america eight years ago. and if this is what they want a continuation of, then they know who to vote for. the theater we saw last year. one saluted in day one and the other had to be forced to do it because of the public sentiment with the chief with the police chief coming out and talking about those who lost their lives in baton rouge and in dallas. so you as a voter you have to say to yourself it is really not a gray issue anymore. no, it isn t a gray issue. what it is is i think now up to that small number in the middle of americans who are going to say you know what? i like what they said, but what is happening now as evidenced by what went on at this convention is not reality. it s not consistent with how they have conducted themselves the democrats for the last eight years. we had the fellow who started blue lives matter here and asked him how did this get started, how did question get to this point? where he s got another ten years before he can retire. we were talking to some secret
service guys who have proudly worn the badge representing the united states of america. i think one guy is two years away from retirement. and you know what? he s counting the days because you just never know these days. think about the families, the spouses. when they see news like this. it s almost like a ptsd when you talk about it was faulkner s wife from how many years ago, 33, 34 years ago. 34. this is damage to our society. it is a constant strike against law and order. it is a strike against, you know, what we assume is safety and security in this country. i mean, these guys are just target. so maureen faulkner you had on she said this about today s news. i personally think that president obama has caused a great divide in this country. and he has caused the tension that is out there and, you know,
so many officers now are being gunned down and they re only there to protect other people. and it breaks my heart. i ve become quite emotional to think that, you know, a father and a husband the children will not see their dad anymore and his wife will not will no longer have him in her arms. yeah, judge, you re a mom. look, the pain that i have seen and i have seen it up close working with cops for, you know, 30 years, but one of the things that is so frustrating is that this these are the people that we should be protecting, that we should be cheering and it s not happening. black lives matter want to get their point across, it s a different experience with law enforcement if you re african-american and tim scott brought that up and newt gingrich said you have to understand this. so all this stuff, the chanting of black lives matter, the interrupting a moment of silence, that doesn t help anybody. it doesn t help anybody and
it incites other people because there are people out there who are saying, yeah, black lives matter, i don t want to take that s the police s problem. they owe us, we have been hurt, we have been damaged, we have been killed. hog wash. we have heard people blaming president obama for the larger, you know some of the things that are going on in this country regarding the anti-cop sentiment. but soon we re going to have a new president. and donald trump has made it very clear he s the law and order candidate. but have we heard enough from hillary clinton defending the police? no. absolutely not. and what you saw last night was political theater. it was theater designed to get to your heart. this woman is everything that we want in a president, let s make history. she s the best it s all word, it s all theaters, it s a play. you know, chandra ryan is the one who did the video of hillary
clinton. the woman behind scandal. how appropriate. here she is last night. he s taken the republican party a long way from morning in america to midnight in america. donald trump says he wants to make america great again. well, he can start by making things in america again. it comes down to what donald trump doesn t get. america is great because america is good. so judge, after that trump took to twitter and this is what he wrote, hillary s vision is a borderless world where working people have no power, no jobs, no safety. you know, if people think that this woman is capable of saving us, again, look at the last eight years. do you feel safer now? is the world a better place? can we thank hillary clinton for her policy when she was at the state department?
everybody is on edge waiting for the next what should donald trump say today? what would maybe win over the people who are on edge or they re not shush if they re going to vote for him? people on the fence have to hear from trump. what he said right at the beginning. that is we need to thank law enforcement. we need to make sure that the police officers are defended by us. but they also i have to tell you something. cops don t make the money that they need to live, number one. and cops right now are thinking about retiring earlier or getting a pension or not signing up, you know, for additional years. i think that what we have to do is pay them appropriately. stand up for them. have a movement in america where every time a cop is killed, not just the wall of blue shows up, but the rest of the city and the county stays not many people can take that many days off from work because this keeps happening so much. this is why i was looking this up while you were talking, it s
getting so bad and democrats are starting to realize or clinton is the president put out an open letter to law enforcement saying clearly i have your back. because after that forum came out where he had that meeting on abc for an hour, that wasn t clear at the end of it. it was more we understand the plight of those who are victimized by police. i don t think there s any question if anybody has been listening for the last year that donald trump is pro law enforcement. he was pro law enforcement before it was kind of in vogue. before we started to see what s been happening lately. i think donald trump is going to be a friend of the veterans, he s going to be a friend to the law enforcement. he understands respect for authority and what we need to be safe. those are the two areas or the two groups that will protect us. law enforcement and the military. and no one has stood up for them. and hillary clinton can talk all she wants about how she s going to take care of people. that veterans administration disaster she you know, from when she was in the white house, so when she was a senator, to
when she was secretary of state, come on. it s not words anymore. judge, i think what you saying is november, people have a choice, it s pretty clear the choice. when do we see your show? tomorrow night i ll be talking about hillary s acceptance speech. don t miss it. it s funny you should mention the acceptance speech. on the coverst, their headline speaks to the dnc. she waives her $200,000 speaking fee, it s on me, and she released the transcripts. don t you love hearing her talk about wall street? she talks out of both sides of her mouth. we have to take care of main street not wall street. well, wall street has been taking care of you, by the way, do you have any off shore accounts? let s get started. i want to get started, let s go. you tend to be a morning person. did you know you were this fired up this morning? no, because i was up until 1:30 watching this and i got up at 4:00. the judge is getting primed up. thank you. all right. meanwhile, donald trump is expected to address the tragedy from san diego today.
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and we are back now with a
fox news alert. breaking right now, a metro train filled with passengers derailing in northwestern virginia right in the middle of rush hour. 75 people were on that train. we just learned there were no major injuries there, but you can see the in the live picture the train jumped the tracks but it s still sitting upright. look at this. well, it s causing major delays this morning. these pictures from passengers from inside the train. luckily, everyone is okay. guys, back to you. well, that is good news. two of my kids take that train to work. thank you, abby. this is not so good news, more breaking news, another cop shot to death in cold blood. this time in san diego. a man opening fire on two police officers during a traffic stop. meanwhile at this hour, the other officer is getting out of surgery. he is expected to survive and his wife is by his side. so-called law and order candidate trump is expected to
address this today, and now john robert. reporter: well, trump is expected to put out a statement about the shooting in san diego some time in the next little while. also expected when he comes here to the university of colorado in colorado springs in his meeting this afternoon, his rally, to talk about that as well. you know, he s made safety and the targeting of law enforcement a central focus of his campaign. a little while ago on fox & friends his campaign manager paul manafort suggesting that the policies of the past seven years of the obama administration have in part helped to fuel the mistrust in the law enforcement we see now being realized on the streets of america. here s what he had to say. what s going on in america is a result of really 7 1/2 years of failed leadership and too often making the police and law enforcement agencies into the bad guys. i mean, they re not the bad guys. now everybody has gotten the right message, including the administration. but until that s strong
leadership and leadership that gives direction to the country, you re going to have this kind of lawlessness. reporter: donald trump on the campaign trail also upping the ante in talking about immigration, in particular syrian refugees and the fact that so many are coming into the united states without being properly vetted and telling a crowd at cedar rapid, iowa, last night, without a new system being put in place, it s impossible to know exactly who is coming into the country, what their intentions are and where they re going. here s what trump said last night. nobody even knows where they re being put. so we don t even know what s going to happen, but all we know is we watch these people with these slashings and the throat cuttings and the cutting off of the heads and the and the drowning in steel cages, where they put them in steel cages and they drown. this has not happened since medieval times. reporter: and now that the
conventions are over, donald trump and hillary clinton will both start receiving daily intelligence briefings, though donald trump said because of the problems with her e-mail, hillary clinton is disqualified from having intelligence briefings. the democrats saying that because of what donald trump said about russia in e-mails the other day, he should be disqualified. 102 days to go until election day. brian, steve, ainsley? it s just getting good. john roberts out in colorado springs, one of america s most beautiful cities, thank you. i just wonder if donald trump could keep up this pace. multiple events every single day, all these different states. incredible. you know, pretty much at every event he takes questions. amazing. unlike the other candidate who hasn t had a press conference since i think 1978. right. i think 230-plus days which adds up to 1978. speaking of which, hillary clinton taking on guns. and the other hot issues during her big historic speech last night. i refuse to believe we can t
find common ground here. we have to heal the divides in our country. not just on guns, but on race, immigration and more. what did the voters think of that speech? lee carter put it to the dial test overnight and she has the results you re only going to see this morning. keep it growing by making every dollar count. that s why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. which adds fuel to my bottom line. what s in your wallet?
hillary rodham clinton making history last night accepting the democratic nomination for president, becoming the first woman ever nominated by a major political party. donald trump also making sure his voice was heard on a big day for the democrats. how did the day s speeches resonate with the voters? lee carter is a partner and
pollster at maslansky & partners. and she put the big speeches to the dial test. she joins us live. good morning to you. good morning. all right. i know we have done the dials many, many times before. but just explain graphically what people are about to see. the red line, the blue line and then the yellow line. the red lines are republicans, blue lines are democrats, yellow are independents. i think the most important thing to watch is that yellow line because that s where this race is really going to be won or lost. and just so the people understand who does the dial test, you ve got a number of people, you put these online. this is your group. and they identify themselves according to the political parties and it s so far it s been pretty accurate. it has been. we ve been really predictive of how people have responded and all the way through the primary cycle and now here we are. here we are. here is hillary addressing gun violence. watch the lines. you heard, you saw family members of people killed by gun violence on this stage.
you heard, you saw family members of police officers killed in the line of duty because they were outgunned by criminals. i refuse to believe we can t find common ground here. we have to heal the divide in our country, not just on guns but on race, immigration and more. so you can see there democrats gave it an a. and this was relatively as far as this speech went, this was not the most polarizing moment. you see independents and republicans gave this about a c-minus. the issue here wasn t that it was it wasn t a good message, people do want us to final common ground on this, but tonally and because of the way that she s communicated so far this isn t about finding compromise or common ground. people are saying you must agree with me on these issues or you re out. the common ground seemed to be with the republicans and independents. because they were in tandem. that s absolutely right. we saw that for a couple of days
independents sort of separated out from republicans and democrats and now they re back in line. meanwhile, donald trump had a speech yesterday and here he is talking about the system and just like bernie sanders he says it s rigged. it s a rigged system. it s a totally rigged system. the elections are rigged. it s a totally rigged system. and i mean, there are communities you hear what goes on. it s a rigged system. so i never want to say with great surety because you don t know what s going to happen. you saw what happened two weeks ago with hillary where they caught her in lies and they caught her i mean, 33,000 e-mails are deleted. and that s okay? 33,000? can you imagine if you deleted e-mails? forget it. so you can see there the republicans and the independents were lock in step with each other. they gave this an a-minus and democrats gave it an f. they said the system isn t rigged against us. but what i find so interesting
here is all of these attacks on donald trump being too direct or being impulsive or impetuous, that style of communication is really reaching folks. they like his plain spoken from the hip communication. so it s not something that democrats are wise to attack him on. certainly, he s certainly mr. off the prompter. meanwhile, it was a week ago ivanka introduced her father. last night, it was chelsea introducing her mother. watch the lines. i m voting for a woman who is my role model as a mother and as an advocate. a woman who has spent her entire life fighting for families and children. i m voting for the progressive who will protect our planet from climate change and our communities from gun violence. who will reform our criminal
justice system and who knows that women s rights are human rights. and who knows that lgbt rights are human rights. here at home, and around the world. so you can see there democrats loved this. they gave her an a. independents were more along with the c-minus and republicans an f. now, i have got to be clear here. it wasn t because they didn t like chelsea clinton. there were a lot of accolades of chelsea clinton, she was poised, to smart, all the way she delivered but people said i don t know hillary clinton as an a advocate for women this isn t how i think of her. i think of her as an advocate for health care. she would have been well served to say how she s fighting for
women and families and thousand that inspired her. and she should have brought that life. how did ivanka s speech do when she introduced her father across the demographics. ivanka reached both independents and democrats with her message. it really resonated across the board. lee carter, too bad you re not getting paid by the hour because you re pretty much working 24/7 for the last two weeks. great dials. thanks so much. meanwhile, switching gears, more breaking news on the west coast. one police officer has been murdered. another injured in san diego. what we just learned from police detective steve kardian weighs in next. it s not a banner that goes on a wall. it s not something you do now and then. or when it s convenient. it s using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it s giving offshore teams onshore support. and it s empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn t seem right.
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back with a fox news alert. it is breaking news. we have been covering all morning long. another police officer shot to death. this time overnight and it happened in san diego.
yeah, we don t know where the shots are coming from. use caution in the area. we do not know where the shots are coming from. and two officers are down. grab the officers, throw them in the car and take them to the hospital. the officers shot during a traffic stop. san diego s police chief describing what happened. here she is. so we have two officers shortly before 11:00 making a stop. almost immediately, very shortly after they put out that they were making a stop, they called for emergency cover. other officers were in the area. they arrived shortly on scene and found both of our officers suffering from gunshot wounds. one of those officers died, despite what the police chief calls heroic efforts by fellow cops. we know he is married with two children. all right. the other officer was rushed into surgery. he is expected to survive. as for the suspect he s been
described as an hispanic male. he was found in a ravine and shot by police officers. this is new video of him being wheeled into the hospital. he s on that gurney. cops still aren t sure if anyone else was involved in this. people who live in the area, you are all told to stay inside. we have steve kardian, joining us right now to react, a former police detective. thank you for joining us. what s your latest reaction on this? we haven t heard a heck of a lot from the authorities in san diego because there s a three-hour time difference. i would imagine they d have a press conference very soon, but right now it stands that they still have the community you know, shelter in place. because they don t know if that s a second suspect out there. so we still don t know the circumstances of out these police officers were shot. because they were part of an elite gang suppression unit. so i mean, maybe they made a stop, somebody they thought might be gang related and it just went south. well, you look at their mission. they re with the gang unit so they re not dealing with really
credible people. they re dealing with some of the worst of the worst. so not only is the police job dangerous, that job is more dangero dangerous. so they found this guy in the ditch. was he in car? was he set up somewhere, was this an ambush attack? we have to wait what does it sound line? that it was an ambush. when you think of san diego, you think of the border. yes. you wonder if that could factor into this. it could. there s a ton of gangs in not only in southern california, but all throughout california. way, way worse than it is here in new york. and it certainly could be. i mean, we think of we think of the ms-13, all the really bad people we deal with on the southern border. we learned that the family of the officer who has been killed was notified and they ll release his name shortly. what goes through your mind? i m sure you know people who
have gotten the knock on the door or that phone call. yeah, i have been to dozens and dozens of police funerals all up and down the east coast. it hurts to the core. i have cried for people i don t even know. and, you know, it s hard. and we don t know the circumstances. we don t know if it was just a terrible encounter or the larger war on cops we have been talking about. we should have details later. most of the officers are under 40, so usually their kids are young and their wives are young and their lives are just taking root. they re ruined. you know, that entire police family is going to be in mourning for a very long time. the entire country. for the rest of their lives. they will be affected for the rest of their lives. they ll never forget this. they won t. steve, thank you. abby, i think you have some headlines for us this morning. good morning. i do. a fox news alert. breaking right now, a metro train filled with passengers derailing in northern virginia. this is a live look at the crews
working on the train that jumped the tracks. it is still sitting upright and these are pictures taken from a passenger inside the train. there were 75 people on board. luckily no major injuries reported. well, backup shuttle buses are running to get people around that mess. well, imagine looking out of your plane window and seeing this. flames shooting right from the wing. well, it happened minutes after that american airlines flight took off from dallas. passengers said they heard a huge explosion. so you can see kind of a lot of smoke, a lot of flames. so some of the other passengers notified the crew and they came down and notified the pilot. scary stuff. well, american airlines saying the compressor in the engine failed and that the engine itself was never actually on fire. well, the baltimore cop charged in the death of freddie gray now back at work, but not back on the street. they near paid administrative positions. a judge dismissing charges against the final three officers on thursday after previously
acquitting the others. well, gray died days after his april 2015 arrest, sparking riots across the nation. and google now trying to explain why trump s name wouldn t show up when searching the terms presidential candidates. the internet giant blaming a quote technical bug. users were only seeing hillary clinton, senator bernie sanders and even green party candidate jill stein when searching earlier this week. well, trump and gary johnson now show up on the first page of the results. i don t think that donald trump needs it. i think he s now surpassed the kardashians as the most googled person in the country. but it makes them look terrible. makes it look like they have a candidate yeah. there s that. i wonder how many twitter follows does the kardashians have. i think he has 10 million if not more. the biggest impact to donald trump is his social media outreach. he s his own advertising force. absolutely. because when he puts together a little 30-second commercial,
rather than buy time he just pushes it a button on instagram. boom. and any time hillary speaks, he s just tweeting. right. goes the show you how it s changing everything. let me tell you what s coming up. he received a medal of honor, yep. but when he took to the podium at the dnc to say i love hillary, this happened. america lost four heros that day. command sergeant griffin, major gray, major kennedy and foreign service aerial office deon the sew. some democrats turning their back to him while he spoke. iraq and afghanistan veteran pete hegseth has a message for those protesters. here he is.
heroes heckled on wbr id wbr97377 stage as the words no wbr id wbr97677 more war are /b
chanted while retire four-star general allen and medal of honor recipient florent groberg took to the stage to endorse hillary clinton. and the american military will continue to be the shining example of america at her very best. [ crowd chanting no more war ] what must they be thinking on stage? here to react is u.s. retired vet, pete hegseth. if they were this for all four days they saw the true core of the democratic party, not just in the chants, but the focus and priority of this convention. anti-military, anti-war. not that anyone s pro war, but anti-war in the 60s sense. anti-police, you know, pro abortion, across the america, the core has been exposed. the democrat party had a choice
after the 60s. be the party of jfk or jim webb and they have chosen to be the party of jkerry who threw his medals in the river. it s been anti-war and anti-military. if you look at the record of obama how could they be for what he s given up, chopping up the military and retreat tong battled field. donald trump says the military is a disaster and they say we have the best military in the world. joe biden, barack obama and hillary clinton. i think you re splitting the difference. you re the number one military in the world but we don t judge ourselves against other countries. but against it s not a comparative standard. they have gutted it. you know, general allen gave a good speech, but he spent a good chunk of how tolerant and inclusive our military. transgendered able to serve, such a distraction what we need to do to defeat size. that s his audience. of course that s his
audience. that s what he has to say. rather than this is what we ll do to utterly crush and defeat isis. it s not a priority for them. the biggest threat they think we have in this nation is climate change. seriously, brian, donald trump wants to defeat isis. hillary clinton wants to defeat the weather that is what the contrast is in this election. secretary of state just said that to a climate change committee, that was coming up with the conclusions as you re doing you re doing your work is just as important as those fighting isis. a lot of people say there s a difference between barack obama and hillary clinton where president obama, his policies obviously have been effective. he never should have pulled out of iraq, afghanistan never worked t surge wasn t effective. they re done to the shell number of people who are basically targets in afghanistan. syria, 400,000 people dead and hillary clinton will be different. really? did you hear her describe in the speech how we ll take on isis. bombing on the sky, local forces on the ground. that is the current policy and it is not working. of course. she has bear hugged barack
obama. she was a part of making those policies from iraq as you said to syria, to libya, you didn t mention the intervention in libya. she also wants the same borderless world that barack obama is giving us. massive contrast between trump and clinton. the number one terror nation is iran. she bragged last night that we got rid of nuclear weapons in iran without firing a shot. do we know do we know in writing within ten years they have an opportunity to reconstitute their nuclear program. our belief is they ll like being such a great member of the world community that they won t do it. and we re not inspecting their sites. u.n. inspectors are doing that. because their theology of death to america no longer matters to them anymore. it hasn t changed. these are not the drones you re looking for, the nuclear weapons won t come back. they have the billions they wanted out of the deal. they re still violating the missile aspects of the treaty. that s a time line on it. they re playing the long game in tehran. hillary clinton wants to score
political points, as a result america is less safe. hillary clinton is is an extension of the failed barack obama policy. that medal of honor recipient, the general disgraceful. but their choice, they have to be wondering did i make the right choice as the audience said they re not welcome. you re always welcome. great job in cleveland and in philadelphia. coming up, more on this police officer who sadly was murdered overnight in san diego. we are live on the scene next. and just hours before at the dnc, democrats did this during a moment of silence for our fallen officers. in honor of all of american fallen officers with a moment of silence. black lives matter! black lives matter! well, the founder of blue lives matter who would nevral i react. but right now let s check in with gregg jarrett to find out what s coming up on america s
newsroom. hillary clinton hitting a message of stronger together, so how did she do? we ll get a full analysis from chris wallace and chris will have his exclusive first interview with the presidential nominee on fox news sunday. that s important. so much more when heather childress and i sit in for bill and martha at the top of the hour. this is the summer. the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. get out there. find hotels at up to 50% off and more ways to save at when a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions
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we have some breaking news this morning. one police officer murdered overnight. another police officer injured when he was shot during a traffic stop. so how are officers feeling this morning as they put on their uniforms and badges and go to work to protect all of us? joe imperatrice is a veteran of
the new york city police department and founder of blue lives matter in new york. he joins us right now. we still don t know circumstances. we do know that these particular officers made a traffic stop. they were part of an elite gauge suppression unit. so we don t know whether it was part of the larger war on cops which we have heard so much about, or just the fact that this is this is an inherently dangerous business that you re in. definitely a dangerous business. one of the hardest things is a car stop actually. you never know what s going on on on the inside of the vehicle. people always say, we got pulled over for a taillight or, you know, some minimal infraction. but on the other side the cop is not thinking that and you see what happened with this incident right now. they re the most dangerous things over than domestic violence issues being a police officer. what do you say to the people out there that aren t in favor of cops anymore? the thing is, i use this analogy before. i would love to be mayor of new
york city one day, but i can t tell the mayor how to do their job. now people tell the police officers how to do their job. we need to be given the benefit of the doubt. the problem is you see it all over. the second some issue happens, right away the police officer is wrong. there s no due process for them. for whatever reason people think that it s not right. let it play out. let them do their job and believe in them a little bit. they need faith. can we talk about what happens when that s a shooting like this of a cop? i m looking at this footage of all the officers, the cars in the street. dozens and dozens. who s securing the rest of the city? is that the hard decision? you want to find out what s going on at this scene, but is that an opportunity for the other infractions? look at that force. there s a lot of moving parts and people will rush to the scene because they don t know what s going on. especially when you heard that a police officer has been shot or killed in the line of duty. your train of thought changes. you re worried about where could
the person be? let s is secure the buildings. they re setting up a attack plan. who organizes it? depending on who is there, its could be a chief, incident commander. in that case i don t know. what was scary about that, we played the dispatch call, when the initial call was made about the two officers down, they were going to put them in the police drive them as quickly as they could to the hospital. shots are coming we don t know from where. and they didn t even wait for an ambulance. they threw the police officers in the car and went. because you re not going to wait. it s your responsibility to make sure that these officer goes home at the end of the day. if they don t, it s your responsibility to take care of that family. take us through the mind of you as an officer or your colleagues, what s the sentiment among all of your friends that are with the force? because we were in philly talking to police officers. they re counting down the days to retirement now. one said he takes off has uniform when he s off the job, off the clock, because he doesn t want people to see them.
more police officers are definitely on edge. you re walking around with eyes on the back of your head. you re a target 24 hours a day right now. kind of a sad place. even being home, a lot of guys are paranoid. you don t know who is, you know, they can look like the average citizen. a criminal can look like anybody. citizens feel that way. they say don t engage in road rage. if someone cuts you off, you don t know if they have a gun. people are all scared. all right. we can t control road rage is the problem. you lose your temper. but let s talk about what happened last night. we have a moment of silence for those who lost their lives in uniform. listen. please help me in honor of all american foreign officers with a moment of silence. black lives matter! black lives matter! did you know that we were you watching this at the time? i saw it this morning. what are your thoughts? very disrespectful and very hurtful. these are people that lost their
lives trying to protect the community and somebody who is a little irresponsible in the crowd trying to look at me, look at me. you don t do something like that. what s changing? i mean, my point is with the road rage thing, people are angry. people are acting out in a way i have never seen. no one used to use you get in a fight with someone, we re going to shoot you. we have seen vehicles being used as a weapons. it is ridiculous. i think the problem with america today is accountability. nobody knows how to say i m wrong. it s pointing the finger at somebody else. everyone wants the issue to be solved but no one is making that issue to change. we need to change and it starts from the top. but we as citizens it starts with us. we really need to we need to make it happen. just get it done. all right. the founder of blue lives matter, thank you very much, jim imperatrice joe. sorry about that. been a long way. all right. we ll wrap this week up in two minutes. essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great.
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well, after two weeks on the road, i would like to thank you for making us the number one
cable news show for politics in the united states of america. tomorrow, governor mike huckabee will be on. peter schweizer from clinton cash. we ll talk about the speeches if we ever get the transcripts. and run to the radio. kilmeade & friends is up shortly. it is with humility, determination and boundless confidence in america s promise that i accept your nomination for president of the united states. gregg: it was quite a night, now it s the morning. heather: bill and martha are on the road today. hillary clinton closing out the democratic convention in philadelphia with her acceptance speech, officially becomin

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