woodruff: good evening. i m judy woodruff on the newshourhis friday, two g stories: he massacre at the fort hood army base. this is a ugh one. itis inside, it s a kick in th gut, no doubt aut it. woodruff: kwame holman has the latest the investigation. ray suarez reports on the alleged shooter s ckground. then, the jobss rate jumps abov10%. jeffrey browhas details. and paul solman loo at the life of the freelanc in tough economic tes. ao tonight, congress moves toard an historic vote on health care refm. betty ann boer interviews hse members. and margaret warner repor from kabul, where she s talked with afgns about their election and the debate in the u.s. ove nding more troops. major funding for thnewshour with jimehrer is provided by: this is the engine at connects abundant graifrom the american heartland to ran s best selling whole wheat,hile keeping 60 billiopounds of rbon out of the atmosphere everyear. bnsf, t engine that connects us. is is the power of human ene
woodruff: good evening. i m judy woodruff. on the newshour this friday, two big stories: the massacre at the fort hood army base. this is a tough one. it is inside, it s a kick in the gut, no doubt about it. woodruff: kwame holman has the latest on the investigation. ray suarez reports on the alleged shooter s background. then, the jobless rate jumps above 10%. jeffrey brown has details. and paul solman looks at the life of the freelancer in tough economic times. also tonight, congress moves toward an historic vote on health care reform. betty ann bowser interviews house members. and margaret warner reports from kabul, where she s talked with afghans about their election and the debate in the u.s. over sending more troops. major funding for the newshour with jim lehrer is provided by: this is the engine that connects abundant grain from the american heartland to haran s best selling whole wheat, while keeping 60 billion pounds of carbon out of the atmosphere every ye