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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20180805 00:00:00

Analysis and discussion of the day s top stories and compelling issues from Lawrence O Donnell.
Analysis and discussion of the day s top stories and compelling issues from Lawrence O Donnell.
will decide if the president is likely to sit with robert mueller for an interview while at bedminster. but it might not be donald trump s decision to make, admitting that trump might be, quote, forced to testify on matters that occurred before he took office and that might mean real legal jeopardy for the president. that admission comes as we are learning new details about the trump mayor relationship. bloomberg reports that the day after he interviewed robert mueller to be the deputy director of the fbi trump was in an office meeting when it was announced that mueller was announced to be the lead investigator of the campaign. trump and attorney general jeff session were blind sided according to a person familiar with both meetings. trump blasted session for not knowing the announcement was coming and how he didn t know
the person he just interviewed and who the president said he had a past dispute with over golf club fees could be now investigating him, he said. we don t know if trump turned down mueller for the fbi job at this point, but christopher wray wasn t named to be director until a month after mueller s appointment on counsel. it s likely mueller was in the running when he was named to investigate the trump team. bloomberg notes, from that moment on, trump campaigned to aides about a perceived grudge. of course, that grudge has likely been exacerbated by a criminal trial of the former campaign chairman, paul manafort. today we heard from the first five witnesses who were granted immunity by prosecutors. an accountant described how
manafort s partner rick gates asked accountants to modify the amount of loans so manafort it would have pay less in taxes. he was trying to reduce income. it was inappropriate. la porta took la porta testified that manafort asked her as late as august 2016, his last month as chair of the campaign to falsify numbers related to his company s profits. rick gates, mueller s star witness is set to testify any day now. he has already pleaded guilty and is cooperating with prosecutors. kristen davis, the infamous manhattan madam met with a member of mueller s team. it s believed she met with mueller because of her close
ties to another trump confidant roger stone. only time will tell what if anything will happen in this trump trip to bedminster, we should be in for an unexpectedly evidentful supper vacation. joining us now, julia ansly. he was not courtroom today. deputy assistant attorney general under president clinton and glen kurshne rerkr. jeff sessions in the room with the president when he was told robert mueller was going to be special counsel. according to bloomberg news, jeff session offered his resignation in that moment. that s right. it for jeff sessions the idea that robert mueller had been aopponented was obvious right there, that it was because he
recused himself from this investigation that third down been allowed to happen, that rod rosenstein was able to appoint the special counsel. of course the way we see it, the logical way to see it was the appointment of robert mueller was because of the firing of jim comey. the fs the president s decision, not jeff sessions decision to recuse himself that triggers this. he knew he would also be in trouble. we look back at last summer it can number of times we were on sessions watch, thinking he was about to lose his job. the people i spoke to at the justice department said he will hang on by his fingernails to have this job. he thinks this is his last roll in politics. he s wanted it for a long time. we know his last law enforcement days are something he holds deerly, more than his time in the senate. he saw this a the chance to push
through decisions, policies on immigration and the like and he was going to hold on to it for as long as he can, but he did say this was going to be the thing to fracture the relationship. it has for some time. we saw the president attack jeff sessions just this week. harry, the president obviously doesn t like robert mueller. we have known that for some time. he tweets about him. he does bring up what he perceives as a bias, that he almost offered him the fbi job. he had a dispute over fees at one of his clubs. could either of those things be considered bias? so no, we already know they re not considered because the doj gave him a clean bill of health, but it s interesting because as julia says, it s the second mueller is appointed that sessions realizes, uh-oh, and that s before the make-way charges of 13 angry democrats et cetera.
who is bob mueller in that second you have the revelation he s aopponented? he s the best, most dogged, methodical, honest prosecutor of his generation. that s who he is then and right away the problem with him is not bias, it s effectiveness, which has turned out, in fact, on the problem. let s look at manafort and go back to julia one more time. julia, manafort s trial ended its first week. folked a lot on what we heard from the accountant, knew she was filing incorrect taxes. but also manafort s spending. there was the $15,000 ostrich coat, the bomber jacket. the prosecution is very clearly trying to paint manafort as a big spender who didn t care about cheating the government and the american people in order to furnish his very lavish lifestyle. how is the defense doing? not as well. right now we are seeing a list
of prosecution witnesses who have all been picked for a particular reason. they lay out a pattern and a narrative of who paul manafort is. he s someone who spent a lot of money on his lifestyle and was so desperate to hang on to that lifestyle that he was willing to exaggerate his lifestyle to get bang loans and then deflate it to get taxes. he didn t care who he took down in the process or what dirty characters head to work with to get there. what we ll see going forward is the defense is going to try again and again to discredit witnesses, particularly rick gates. we now know he will testify. the prosecution said yesterday they have every reason to bring him forward and intend on doing sophomore they want to paint rick gates as the lynch pin in the prosecution s argument and show he s not someone who can be trusted. for those reasons we want to
believe the prosecution won t wait until the end to bring up rick gates so he s not the last thing in jurors mind. another thing today that i don t think went over well, judging by how brief their questions for in the prosecution was they wanted to show paul manafort left plenty of bread crumbs for anyone that wanted to look into this. his first accountant was able to say, yes, i knew they were working with foreign people, but i didn t know he had foreign bank accounts. the defense wants to say there were plenty of bread crumbs and if his accountant didn t know it this is important because i think it will come up later in the irs didn t want to do a civil suit why is the court bringing up a serious case? doesn t seem to be holding up as
well as they like, simply because bread crumbs don t lead you to 34 bank accounts across the world. it s a little harder to get there. vox reports that even a pardon from president trump to paul manafort might not be enough to keep him out of jail. even a pardon may not entirely be a get off jail free card. there are a host of complications involve, including potential state charges for manafort. the president cannot pardon state charges. glen, there is a lot of talk and we talked about this earlier today about why in the world manafort hasn t made a plea deal you posture that one wasn t offered. it wouldn t surprise me if bob mueller never extended a plea offer to paul manafort. why would that be? two reasons. first of all, rick gates is already a cooperating witness nl we know his information the
dup duply kative of the information paul manafort provided to the prosecutors. the other factor that weighs into the calculus of believe it or not we want to do business who is that person and how long as he been engage in the illegality. paul manafort seems to have lived a long life of at least financial illegality. as we learned, in the run-up to these trials he reached out and touched, so to speak, some witnesses and tried to tamper with their testimony. if you play that out, if we as prosecutors try to bring manafort in the prosecutors stable and put him on the stand, he would be cross examined up and down about, wait a minute, you tried to get witnesses to lie for you to get you out of
trouble. you tried to pervert and subvert the criminal justice system and now you want to jury to believe you re not going to sit up there and and lie to try to save your own skin? the cooperator stink tends to rub off on the prosecutors when you bring somebody on board that has engaged in that kind of conduct that strikes at the heart of criminal justice system. the other reason, katy, i would suggest might impact paul manafort s decision to flip and provide information to bob mueller, he would also be providing information about russian oligarchs. we know judge ellis doesn t like that word. what have we seen russia do when somebody crosses them? we have seen poisonings in the uk. i think paul manafort could have concern for his safety or the safety of his family members if
he decided to flip against russia. manafort s trial is really just about financial crimes but it is part of the larger russian investigation. there s an of tentacles. in one of the more ridiculous seeming tentacles we found today, the manhattan madam, kristen davis, the woman charged in the elliot spitzer scandal years ago was subpoenaed by mueller s team. we have now learned today that she has spoken toe mueller s team. roger stone issued a statement about this. kristin davis is a long friend of mine. i m the godfather to her 2-year-old son. she knows nothing about russian collusion or wikileaks or any other thing.
also this news washington post reports that another stone aide has been ordered to speak with robert mueller. this man was trying to not speak with him. one of his aides, was trying to say the special counsel as probe was too wide and he shouldn t have to follow a subpoena. the court ruled he should have to talk to robert mueller and should do so quickly. harry, these two people, what do they have anything to do with this and what does it have anything to do with roger stone? it s all about roger stone. they re a colorful could be, aren t they? they re zeroing in on stone and she s one of many people they want to talk to, the others haven t been madams. miller is to stone as gates was to manafort. he s the right hand man. he offered the constitutional argument, which was a loser
saying mueller has no ability to did anything. the same thing manafort tried. he lost. he s going to have some real information to provide. the main thing it shows is that the sights are really locked in on stone, which should come as know surprise because this recent indictment of the gru folks in russia actually didn t name him because of doj policy but identified him in paragraph 44 as someone who had consorted with him. so mueller is obviously trying to stitch up russia and the u.s. looking very hard at stone. and whether or not stone was a potential back channel. julia, i know from reporting i did with carol lee and others here that the witnesses that robert mueller so far has spoken to they have been asked by mueller s team pretty pointed questions about roger stone. what did roger stone any? what was he doing? did he really leave the campaign in 2015?
stone says he quit. the trump team said he was fired. did he really leave or was there some unofficial role he was playing behind the scenes? was he potentially in contact with russia or wikileaks and feeding that material to donald trump? why did donald trump say on july 27, 2016, russia, if you re listening find hillary clinton s e-mails? it seems like sam nunberg will tell you this. he sat in front of the special counsel. seem like they re targeting roger stone and he could potentially be a lynch pin. is that saying too much? is that making too broad an assumption? katy, this why i love reporting with you. doesn t seem that hard to connect that by indictments that have been brought forward by the special counsel that robert mueller is honing in on this network of russians that wanted to influence our campaign through social media, that they
wanted to hack into the dnc, hillary clinton e-mails and also use that information to influence our election. a huge piece of this is social media and the work they did through cambridge analytica and the leaks of those facts through wikileaks. we know roger stone has a lot of tentacles in those worlds. he s done a hot of work in england. he s tied to the trump campaign. we have to look carefully at the way they re painting these characters. these are people who have been in republican politics for a long time. these aren t the people who were carrying the moral backbone of the party. they were really in it. he believe the ends justify the means. i think by the pointed questions you have reported on, the interviews you have done with sam nunberg it s so obvious mueller is really targeting those essential questions. roger stone was not in
mainstream politics, neither was sam nunberg, neither was paul manafort yet they managed to find donald trump s team. was it because there was no one else available? thanks for starting us off tonight, guys. coming up, the washington post is alleging mariia butina cozies up to a trump adviser weeks after the campaign. later, a federal judge says he will order the trump administration to take a drastic step to reunite those children with their parents. that s coming up. friends, colleagues, gathered here are the world s finest insurance experts. rodney mastermind of discounts like safe driver, paperless. the list goes on. how about a discount for long lists? gold. mara, you save our customers hundreds for switching almost effortlessly. it s a gift. and jamie.
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2016, culminating in gordon attending a rock concert by the band styx. gordon also invited butina to attend his birthday party. roz lynn, i m sorry i m laughing but inviting her to an styx party his birthday party is funny. here s what j.d. gordon told you. from everything i ve read since her arrest last month, it seems that mariia butina s saga is a sensationalized click bait story meant to smear a steady stream of republicans and nra members she reportedly encountered over
the past few years. since she networked so often i wonder which prominent republican figures she has not come across. i got to tell you from the photos of butina, she has beenened staing next to prominent figures, including presidential candidates long before donald trump got the nomination and prominent nra members. what makes the interaction with j.d. gordon so important? part of it is his connection to the trump campaign, and it s clear from e-mails that are described to us that was a key part of why she sort of sought out this interaction. she apparently med j.d. gordon at an event at the swiss embassy. he was with paul eriksen the russian operative she was dating. paul then sebt nt an e-mail to .
and miss butina after the event. paul described j.d. by saying he s an important person in the trump administration. he s an important voice that people listen to on national policy. that seems to be an important part of why she was making contact with him. let me ask you more about the trump campaign foreign policy advisers. they were not visible opt campaign, not really. people like george papadopoulos, not around. i never saw him on the campaign. j.d. gordon was named. didn t see him on the campaign. these names seem to come not out of nowhere. but the trump organization was asked to release a list. it kind of felt like these people were just random people they put on a list and sent to
reporters. now it look like there s something more there. given that carter was somebody that the intelligence community had their eye on because of the interactions he was having with russians. george papadopoulos, who it s reported started this whole investigation because he was bragging to an australian diplomat in a london bar that russia had dirt on hillary clinton and now j.d. gordon linking these two seemingly separate investigations on a russian influence campaign. yeah, i ve done quite a bit of reporting on carter page and george papadopoulos in particular and one of the things that struck me about them was they aggressively sought out the connection with the trump campaign at a time when, as you mentioned, the campaign was having a devil of a time finding sort of figures who they could tout at foreign policy advisers. we did a story once quoting a trump adviser at the time saying
anybody with a pulse was what they were looking for. and people like george and carter were people with a pulse who stepped forward and said, choose us. i got to tell you the day i saw george papadopoulos s picture i was taken aback. i didn t expect somebody so young. harry, what stands out to you about this. she s 29. he s 50. we have the vanity of older men. this is the exact agency it occurred, to me, of garry heart and donna rice in monkey business time. and the whole kind of younger woman, you know, using older guys to get political influence. but what stand out the me is you said it what s the defense of j.d. gordon? i don t know if there s a prominent republican political
official she hasn t met with. she s penetrating everywhere and anywhere she can with the help of this republican operative. and as you say, lover, keith eriksen. it just seems like this is not a sort of one week little story and episode. but she really got around. harry, just really quickly could this new what rozlynn uncovered say they didn t know about it could this prompt them to call her in for questioning? well, she s arrested. obviously. talk to her. she s going to have enormous pressure on her. they ll talk to her, but there s some members in the campaign many her wide circle and they re zero in like gordon. we already know of a couple of others. that s what will really interest them. the people from the campaign. the masquerade party after the
election. got it. guys thank you very much. coming up, a federal judge gave the trump administration a sharp reminder about the suffering of the children separated from their parents and who is to blame with it. (video-game dance music) (burke) abstract accident. seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum no matter how much you clean, does your house still smell stuffy? that s because your home is filled with soft surfaces that trap odors and release them back into the room. so, try febreze fabric refresher. febreze finds odors trapped in fabrics and cleans them away as it dries. use febreze every time you tidy up to keep your whole house smelling fresh air clean. fabric refresher even works for clothes you want to wear another day. make febreze part of your clean routine for whole home freshness.
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policy. but 572 remain in custody. the parents of most have already been deported. the trump administration proposed that the aclu take responsibility for finding and locating the hundreds of missing parents, saying they have more resources to track them down, more resources then the federal government. today a federal judge rejected that proposal and blasted it as unacceptable. all of this is the result of the government s separation and then inability and failure to track and reunite. and the reality is that for every parent who is not located, there will be a permanently orphaned child, ands that 100% the responsibility of the administration. that same judge is now ordering the white house to designate a person or team within the
administration to take control of the reunification process. joining us now is maria three a kumar and amir standen. she was hillary clinton s policy director during the 2008 presidential campaign. there still isn t somebody in charge of this. the court is ordering them to get somebody in charge of the reuniting. yes. i mean, we have been going through this saga for months and more importantly, these children have been going through this pain and misery at the hand of the trump administration for months. and every night that these children do not know where their parents are is an unacceptable atrocity. and the reality is ivanka trump said yesterday, the family separation policy was a true low point for her. she is a senior adviser to the president of the united states.
she works in the white house. i suggest, if this is a low point for her and she actually cares about this, she figures out along with the white house chief of staff and everybody in the white house how to address this problem. i mean, the reality that the government did not track the parents along with their children and have no simple way of identifying the parents even though they may have already been deport second down an outrage and needs to be addressed not next week, not tomorrow. it need to be addressed now. consider this maria there s now analysis of immigration data that find parents were targeted. parents were targeted under this zero tolerance policy. this is from the transactional records clearinghouse at syracuse university. they found that they
prosecutored parents with kids coming across the border. only 32% of those caught crossing the border were charged. an indication it was in the a blanket policy but a targeted effort directed at parents with kid. let me repeat that. their finding from this analysis the adults coming over alone were treated differently and better it seems than the dulls coming over with kid. this demonstrates that the trump administration was trying to exact maximum pain to the most vulnerable. the people that are three fleeing the families fleeing traversed three to four countries to come here mostly with the clothes on their back to give their children a shot. the trump administration when they said they were going to do zero tolerance it wasn t blanketed. it was targeted at children, targeted at families. they turned around and put the children and babies in cages. there s not going to be a remedy
in the near future to make sure these children are not unified but they re receiving the medical attention because the trauma we are starting to hear is happening to these children some don t want to speak out loud. some follow their apparents room to room. some curl up because they re so afraid they are not going see their parents. then others are just plain angry. then the fact that attorney general jeff sessions stared in the camera to the american people and said he was going establish a zero tolerance policy and now to find it one zero tolerance it was aimed at the most vulnerable, the parents and children should be a heart wrenching reminder of the american people to the cruelty of this administration. when ivanka trump look at the american people and says this is something she s painfully aware and she something we shouldn t be doing, i agree with mira she
should say she s going do immigrant to stop it. i encourage her to visit the border. hold on, though. this nonsense they re telling the aclu that they should be reunifying the parents is a shame though. it s the federal government s responsibility. i want to zero in on one point. jeff sessions announced this policy in the spring. then when the policy was backfiring and they were getting the negative headlines and the pictures looked bad, but, you know, lives were actually much worse, they said over and over again, this administration kear kirstjen nielsen said this is not a policy. not only was it a policy, but it was aimed at parents. no not just anybody crossing the border but parents specifically. cruel intentioned. that s right.
what s interesting is one of their largest security that provided security for pakistan in that country under u.s. control, they received a government contract two weeks before the policy of family separation was announced. they were the ones housing children not in accommodating facilities. they discovered they were in phoenix in regular office buildings that didn t have kitchens. one bathroom. held the toddlers were weeks without having them go outside. these neighbors broke the story. these individuals got a contract two weeks before the story. coming up, if you don t fully understood what happened in the meeting with donald trump and vladimir putin, you re not alone. neither does the director of national intelligence. stay with us.
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2018 elections are real and ongoing, but just six hours later, six hours, donald trump contradicted his own intelligence officials as a rally in pennsylvania. in helsinki, i had a great meeting with putin. we discussed everything. i had a great meeting. the russians are looking for every opportunity to continue their pervasive efforts to undermine our fundamental values. russia is very unhappy that trump won. that i can tell you. but i got along great with putin. as i have said consistently, russia attempted to entire fear with the last election and continues to engage in maligned influence op addressings to this day. nower we are being hindered by the russian hoax. it s a hoax. we acknowledge the threat. it is real. it is continuing and we are doing everything we can to have a legitimate election that the american people can have trust in. it s almost as if there are
two administrations, one led by grownups who are trying to protect our democracy be the other what wonts to butt no matter how they try to sidestep, trump never fails to wears them and communicate his real feel g feelings. he never accepted he got elected with russian help and is not about to make an all-out push to stop it in 2018. there are only 118 days until 2018 elections. can they work together without the help of the commander in chief? without the help of the president? we ll discuss that next. your insurance company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different insurance company. for drivers with accident forgiveness
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come briefing room and address not just reporters but the general public? you have national security leaders who understand this kind of thing need to be communicated to the support our leaders as they hopefully do the right thing or elect leaders in congress specifically who will do the right thing, who will support sanctions that are strong enough to deter russia. but i think what s also happening, my read of it anyway, as we get closer to the mid-terms and as it becomes clear to the american people that the russians did attack our election and did use the republican party especially through its candidate, donald trump, to make the attack and now the republican party is sort of lying down on the job or its elected leaders, i think there s got to be increasing pressure to show the american people that the administration on some level is trying to do the right thing. that s why i think those national security leaders end up on the podium in the pressroom, even though six hours later the
president gets up and says it s a hoax. he s keeping them in the dark and brainwashed whereas the republicans who are concerned by donald trump s open betrayal of the country in helsinki are seeing, okay, part of the administration is doing the right thing. maybe i can still vote republican. do you think they re in the dark and brainwashed? i think it s time for us to start thinking about some of the base being brainwashed. there s this qanon, this conspiracy theory. the conspiracy theories on the far right are growing and spreading and becoming less part of the fringe discourse and working their way into the main stream. it s becoming more of the case. and in my mind that s a piece of brainwashing. i mean we re talking about people existing in alternative information environments that have no bearing on fact or reason. and that s where some of his
base is. it is almost like there are two administration. one led by grown ups like those national security advisers you just saw, and the other one led by donald trump, a man who wants to bear hug the guy who attacked our democracy. yeah, i mean, just think about the fact that we had all those leaders of our intelligence community, a leader of the fbi, the dni, all walk out and make the statements they did. and of course, it s not just their work. they are basing this on the work of hundreds if not thousands of intelligence people, you know, working under the cia, the fbi, et cetera, gathering intelligence about the threat our country faces right now. and then hours later donald trump continues with the language of a russian hoax.
just weeks after vladimir putin said that he wanted trump to win and donald trump said that he basically believed vladimir putin over the people arrayed at the white house podium yesterday. and i think the reality of this is if you are concerned about the threat that exists from russia, not just what they ve done in the past but what they are doing today and what they will do in the future, you cannot count on the president of the united states. we have an extraordinary moment when there s really two administrations. there s the president trump himself and then the intelligence community, and they have really leaned up just as opposed to him on this fundamental issue. so the question needs to be asked. is the administration concerned about sending mixed messages to russia? here s what one of the strategic communications director told kristen walker. president trump last night at his rally said the russian investigation is a hoax.
doesn t that undercut thought at all. i think we made it very clear the president last may in 2017 directed the administration to be tough and strengthen cyber security measures. are you concerned, though, it sends a mixed message to russia? no, not at all. the only one sending mixed messages are the media. it s only the media. i mean, this is the talking point every single day which is we re all supposed to just basically ignore what donald trump says. sarah huckabee sanders says this on occasion, the white house strategy communications strategy is to just actually the broad public except for their base is supposed to ignore what the president says, but his base is supposed to take everything he says literally. i mean, it s ridiculous and outrageous that we have this kind of thing about, you know, not a partisan battle or just two sides of a debate on taxes
or something. this is about america s national security. this is about our elections and democracy. and the fact that the white house, the president of the united states just cannot make the statement about the threat that exists from russia is ridiculous and shows that he s got it makes people think they have something on him. let me ask this question of you, evan. can our intelligence community, can our agencies effectively push back against russian interference, the cyber warfare if the president s not onboard? they can do a lot, but they can t do enough. what really needs to happen here is deterrence. because we re never going to be able to block every cyber intrusion and disinformation campaign. you just can t do it, so you ve to deter. and deterrence the best vehicle for that is through sanctions. that has to be done by congress, which is why the mid-terms are so critical. evan mcmullin, good to see you. tonight s last word is next.
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i mean, i guess they put up or shut up. what due got? oh, you better hope you re not playing poker because your client can t keep a casino running. that s tonight s last word. the 11th hour with brian williams starts right now.

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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180806 16:00:00

the russians in the other direction the airports of packed with people wanting to go home. and for the very latest now let s bring in john less critic of our gore who is joining us with the latest from jakarta and we just like to know what are the authorities saying about the situation especially in long books right now. well there they re definitely monitoring the casualties the death toll is ninety eight so far but the head of the disaster management agency has said there are certainly be more where there are twenty four hours out and there are twenty thousand people in temporary shelters which is a huge number and there are not yet any foreigners among the dead but as these as as authorities have said the numbers are still being processed so it s very much developing an active situation emergency for thousands of people and the first responders are very hard pressed and it s
a challenging situation for them right for those rescue teams for those relief agencies which you know many of them are trying to get in there all or are already there just walk us through what they re facing. hama went through another devastating earthquake of of six point zero magnitude just last week so this compound in the death toll from that and not only that this one has also affected bali where there were already two casualties registered and these are two of the biggest holiday hotspots in indonesia so not only are the attending to thousands of displaced indonesians and entire villages have been destroyed but also they re trying to evacuate tens of thousands of foreigners who are crowding out the bus the ports and airports desperately trying to get home so there s a two pronged evacuate tens of thousands of foreigners who are crowding out the bus the ports and airports i desperately trying to get home so there s a two pronged situation that s been very difficult to contain you mentioned that
earthquake a similar one that we know took place only a week ago has there been any word from the authorities are they expecting more shocks. yeah well there have been over one hundred aftershocks already in lombok and there would be a few more but none of the seismic activity is totally unexpected because indonesia is on the so-called ring of fire so there are always you know going off and active things like that that aftershocks are most likely not completely finished yet but the tsunami warning that was in effect briefly yesterday has been called off we saw in our piece of bit earlier you know those scenes from the airport people really crowding trying to get out long book and bali of course huge tourist it s the height of tourist season right now what advice are visitors being given. several countries home offices including the u.k. and u.a.e. have put it kabul or on potential travel to indonesia particularly these two
islands but the airports and flights are running as of now on schedule and as planned there s not too much damage there so tourists are being advised to stay on higher ground and not near the coastline however it s most likely that we ll see the big impact of these events over few weeks or months into the future especially on lombok which is a major tourist hot spot that has seen a significant you know seismic activity in a while journalists critique of our guard joining us from jakarta thank you so much for updating us. well now let s get a quick check of some other stories that have been making news around the world cambodia s leader on send has said that he would stake his life on the accuracy of recent election results his party won a landslide victory in the poll which independent observers have called neither free nor fair he s been in power for more than thirty years. police in italy say
that one person is dead and as many as seventy injured after a major explosion on a highway near the northern city. they say that the blast happened when a truck carrying flammable substances collided with another vehicle the explosion also caused a bridge to partially collapsed. and i m going to head over to ben facility who has the latest business news including more on our top story and that is of course the u.s. we imposing sanctions on iran thank you sir that s not going to happen so it s a market demand is still high in iran for imported industrial equipment for example the supply part of this is the question a growing number of german firms and other foreign companies or wary about doing business with tehran because of the new sanctions the european union says it will do what it can to help keep trade open. as the middle east director of german packaging machines maker multivac amir so today often works weekends too. he s
talks and very tentative plans on joint ventures so far new international investment has barely materialized european technology is in demand in iranian industry but chinese and russian firms are ready to fill any gaps in supply we spent has barely materialized european technology is in demand in iranian industry but chinese and russian firms are ready to fill any gaps in supply which for a multi back would mean a serious loss in business. businesses in iran how well positioned on the chinese and russians is as we heard there to fill any gap left by. well as far as i see chinese and russian companies already to fill in the gap. and it s really a pity because former times terming companies are very very well known and
everybody. was looking for made in germany. so at the moment a lot of space to china and to russia. are the germans really giving up that easily on iran i mean do they have to follow the u.s. or slate. i mean they don t really give up. they have to wind down as it is. president because you know a lot of touring companies have been in the u.s. and they started business in iran so if they can perfect two markets they have no other choice then to eat around but they don t need it for ever as they try to stay as far as they can to to build out their business of diverts again. the sanctions
were never totally moved to the business hadn t even picked up significantly how s it going to change now what s going to change now i mean what is going to change that. informant times it has been challenging to do business in iran but now it has got dangerous because no. company can dare to do that small. they can t ever even be sanctioned fence. it s no question if they have the choice i have to they have to leave. and come november when when the sanctions are tighten even for them. i mean. what i fear is. that business. and at all in the end. time i really know that on a political level there will be
a change and. yes politicians find a way to talk it s really my hope and it is really important to me i will tell doug from bornstein thank you very much for joining us here on. facebook has said its eyes on a new set of data the social network and u.s. banks to shed detail financial information about their customers that facebook has set its eyes on a new set of data the social network and u.s. banks to shed detail financial information about their customers the wall street journal reported the request is likely to be part of it s a fit to deepen user engagement and to offer new services requested financial information include card transactions and checking account balances facebook several financial service providers to discuss potential office he could host for bank customers. let s bring in conrad who is in our financial reporter in frankfurt
conrad is this a good idea. well if you look at the forums in the internet you know the commentary is there it s not most people they re outpolled out the idea to see their financial data their banking data shared with third party platform and internet platforms like facebook but to be fair wall street journal reports that facebook they did not want the data from the banks in order to market it for advertisement it wanted that data in order to offer the bank s better services for example communications via its facebook messenger service and if you look at it from this side from the industrial logic in both the tech and the financial sector it makes sense the banks for such a long time have been desperately trying to you know increase their customer base find new younger customers that are used to doing business on the internet and
facebook of course has shown that in the western world it s come to its limits to limits in terms of customer growth so it has to grow by offering other services investors at least seem to like the idea shares in facebook today here in frankfurt up four percent or abused first break thank you very much. and a diplomatic dispute that began on twitter has led to saudi arabia freezing a whole new trade with canada dramatic development came up to canada criticize the kingdom s human rights record late last week in a tweet the canadian version ministry wrote it s gravely concerned about the arrest of women s rights activists in saudi arabia including saudi american human rights campaigner adel week it also urges the saudi authorities to immediately release them and all other peaceful human rights activists. on sunday saudi arabia shot back saying it will not accept any form of interference in its internal affairs
adding it considers the canadian comment and attack on the kingdom in addition to freezing trade saudi arabia also ordered the canadian ambassador to leave the country labeling him a position a non grata at cerro with more news. thank you so much to you ben now the government of bangladesh wants to impose the death penalty on motorists found guilty of deliberately causing a fatal traffic accident that would be one of the harshest punishments worldwide the proposal to quell mass protest over road safety in the capital. that would be one of the harshest punishments worldwide the proposal to quell mass protest overrode safety in the capital. that. the chance has been echoing through the streets of darker for more than a week now paralyzing the mega city of eight hundred million students are calling
on the government to take steps to improve road safety they also want justice for their classmates killed by a speeding bus on july twenty ninth. many dark of the residents sympathize with their anger. those drivers killed the students and now students are protesting the killing i think the drivers should get the hirsch s punishment. high that they love the way they killed people just standing beside the streets of course it s a crime and a punishable offense everyone s life has value the drivers must get punishments like the death penalty so people will be more careful with. the ongoing protests and outbreaks of violence of put the government on the defensive. and that. private bus companies are also feeling the pressure police have stepped up spot checks and started compounding vehicles. protesters have also set hundreds of vehicles on fire that s prompted some operators to keep their buses in the depots. that are going to
run we stopped our buses running because students attacked and damaged our vehicles we cannot go on the roads students hit our drivers and our things so no vehicles could move. protesters want the government to address issues that make the roads unsafe streets are overcrowded many drivers do not have licenses vehicles or old an unsafe bus drivers are paid by the number of passengers they carry motivating them to overfill their vehicles and drive fast it will take more than the death penalty to make roads safe for. the protests have forced many commuters to switch to the country s railroads trains leaving dhaka far more crowded than ever. since leaving dhaka far more crowded than ever.
and now to zimbabwe where tensions are still running high a week after the country s first election since the ousting of robert mugabe the victory of the long ruling is out of p.f. party is being disputed by the opposition m.d.c. as the country struggles to recover from post-election violence religious leaders have been praying for peace it s a difficult time especially for those who are burying their dead correspondents melanie core of the ball and adrienne creech sent us this report. well i was there friends and family paid their respects to suzy on the fourth and final journey the mother of two was killed in zimbabwe this post-election violence last week she was on her way home when she got caught in the crossfire hit in the back by soldiers bullets is the death of brother joshua my tumblr still can spring . she was
a big if. we just knew it when we would hit. up and. she says god on wednesday opposition m.d.c. supporters took to the streets and were met was brutal violence by zimbabwe s. what they can and tear gas rubber bullets and life ammunition to crackdown on opposition demonstrators. president elect emerson has promised consequences that was. if you didn t listen to me last night i m going to do it and indeed tended. to inquire into these fears of violence have been subsided the opposition is vowing to challenge the
election results nelson chamisa insists the presidency is his. fluke this oh this is just. to make sure that we. will split but so far has not provided any evidence to back up his claims and the tense situation life in harare is only slowly getting back to normal many people in the capital still scouts scattered speak out scats to. besides the government or the security forces after last week s violent clashes many fear that the time of mugabe who ruled the country for thirty seven years with an iron fist might be done but that his legacy of brutal repression still lives on the right. joshua my tomboy is among those afraid stupid fingers over his sister is this
the. way you know. not i would think. for the force of loved ones this little comfort in the fact that the deaths have sparked outrage and sadness across the country as they mourn they suspect the government is just hoping that the dust settles as quickly as possible. the japanese city of hiroshima is remembering the victims of the world s first atomic bomb attack seventy three years ago today people gathered in the hiroshima peace from oriel park to pray including prime minister shinzo. august sixth known as a bomb day or people gathered in the hiroshima peace from oriel park to pray including prime minister shinzo. august sixth known as a bomb day or hiroshima day is met globally with calls for peace and nuclear
disarmament on this day in one thousand nine hundred five an american warplane dropped a nuclear bomb in the port city instantly killing eighty thousand people it is sometimes called history s deadliest one. a legend has it that back in one nine hundred seventy three a group of motor sports fans met at a british pub and invented the lawnmower race and in durance test that is a low budget alternative to the famous twenty. for hour now nowadays event the event is a highlight and enduring test that is a low budget alternative to the famous twenty four hour of now nowadays event the event is a highlight of the british racing calendar forty three teams from around the world competed this year let s see who cut their rivals down to size.
sunset in england time to fire up the engines and extend them on of lawn mower was it s twelve hours instead of twenty four but the need for speed is just the same the salon more drivers have a long night ahead as state insurance goes up put to the ultimate test some extra motivated by that thought. is. known. each team consists of three drivers who rotate to avoid exhaustion but it s nighttime falls to teach starts to set in and visibility is poor. pit stops. and technical problems become more frequent read a bit of a bad start to get a blunder in the back that we had a good beginning and trying to get it off the grid is carried out in
a. matter of. four hundred thirty laps nadirah this team from the uk some work took home top honors at the first non british site to win the event. spanish soccer giant barcelona have confirmed the signing of former byron midfielder of total data for a fee of about twenty million euros are sloan officially presented the doll at the camp no today each to lay in one the bundesliga title in each of his three seasons of fire and he also played a key role in chile s back to back copa america titles in two thousand and fifteen and two thousand and sixteen he does says that his main goal of barcelona is to win his first champions league title. meantime in the world surf league home favorite courtney congo made it a comeback to to remember. when the us open event in california check this out
because she was only competing in her third of end of the season after returning from a foot injury she delighted the fans with a victory over stephanie gilmore on home shorts at huntington beach and despite losing in the final australian still more extended her lead in the overall standings she s chasing a seventh straight world title. and with that you re up to date now i m to be a news i m sarah kelly in berlin thank you so much for watching have a great day. to
doon of modern design in a close relationship saw both architecture into song in order to get in the mood for the art schools highly anticipated hundredth anniversary i want to find out more about his legacy here and. he takes a journey back in time into this place of revolutionary ideas. and take a shot. next. it looks like a blood. drive. but it s not. a robot. device helps keep. easy to handle and reliable. koku lending the robot can be tricky

One , Violence , Team , Special-report , Post , Security-forces , Us- , Kelly , Program , Move , Sanctions , Donald-trump

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20180807 01:00:00

Commentary, newsmaker interviews and panel discussions.
trump tower meeting for over a year. it ended up being a meeting about adoption. we know donald trump jr. was told they might have information on hillary. president trump tweeted as much way back over a year ago, july july 2017, if any of these sheep in the media would ever do any work, they are lazy, they are overpaid. most politicians, he tweeted over a year ago, would have gone to a meeting like the one don jr. attended in order to get info on an opponent. that s politics. and in september of 2017 the new york times reporting donald trump jr. told senate investigators that he set up a june 2016 meeting with a russian lawyer because he was intrigued that she might have damaging information about hillary clinton. sadly in an effort to malign president trump, your friends not really in the mainstream media, they forgot even their own reporting. their own reporting.
that s how bad they are. that s how desperate they are to get the democrats back in power in 92 days. for example, one new york times correspondent tweeted what an astonishing, brazen admission after more than a year of denials by the president and his staff. huffington post ran with the headline trump finally admits his campaign colluded with russia at trump tower meeting. trump appears to change story on meeting with russian lawyer. naturally the famed moral outrage of the day was even worse on your fake, phony networks and so-called news competitors of hours. take a look. everything you heard from every white house representative there was a lie. not only was it a conspiracy to defraud. he s aiding and abetting and undermining an interesting sorts of ways of our democratic society. are reporting, despite what the president tweeted in response to it, very much is
that he s worried about don jr. he has expressed that worry to the people that he s been talking to on the phone. he s been privately brooding over this. he says he knew about the meeting, that almost certainly means donald jr. lied in front of congress and i think that would almost certainly mean that donald junior would get indicted. on a random sunday morning tweet, and admission of lying and something that starts to get the dictionary if not legal definition of collusion. as if it s starting it continues to make your hair her trying to follow it all. then there is the next level, michael cohen says the president knew. so the president says i didn t know. does that add another level to the conspiracy? sean: it s like a competition. dumb, dumber, dumbest, they are all in the same category. this treatment by this medium to this president, duly elected by you, the american people s, beyond disgusting. meanwhile you have no liquor and
liar, congressman shift joining his friends in the media we have a great tape we will play for you in a second. also weighing in with fake feigned moral outrage of his own. by the way, he got nailed on cbs. he doesn t have any evidence, none. 18 months in, nine, zero, zip. take a look. can you agree that there has been no evidence of collusion, coordination or conspiracy that has been presented thus far between the trump campaign and russia? no, i don t agree with that at all. i think there s plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight. sean: where is it? we ve been looking for a long time. you have evidence of collusion. russia collusion in plain sight. let s look at adam schiff. he could easily be talking about himself. remember when he tried to dig up dirt on president trump from his own russian sources? it turns out he was being cranked by a russian radio
compromise and material? of course. thank you very much. we will be back in touch with you through our staff to make arrangements to obtain these materials for our committee and for the fbi and i appreciate you reaching out to us. collusion, conspiracy, russians, tape, proof. where is the media outrage over the attempt to collude and conspire with russia? or is it only a crime if a republican is trying to dig up political dirt and opposition research on an opponent? this time we have the tape of the whole thing. imagine if we had a tape of the meeting and trump tower. that was about russian adoption. as you can see how corrupt our media is and just so happy to rehash an old phony scandal. literally a dead end meeting about adoption with a russian attorney who happened to meet with fusion gps before and after the meeting, sidebar, but couldn t care less about we have
another case of collusion with evidence. if the clinton campaign. funneling money through a law firm, the dnc funneling money through a law firm to hire a foreign spy. oh. to dig up what came out to be russian lies, propaganda, debunked lies about president trump and then fed it to you, the american people to steal an election. and it became the bulk of the information in a fisa warrant that was used four times to spy on an american citizen as part of the opposition party campaign in an election year. we are talking about christopher steele, hillary clinton s dirty dossier with russian lies, bought and paid for by the clintons, the democrats, to purposely lie to you, the american people. why? because they didn t care what they said, how many lies they told because they wanted to steal an election and they still lost with totally absurd untrue claims from russia like this
that sounds like collusion and a conspiracy to me and still the media wonders why the american people don t trust them. they wonder why you shout you suck. do you know why? because they do suck. they have a political agenda. they are politically driven. they hate this president and at all costs have been trying, continue to try to destroy him, his kids, his sons, his daughter, his 12-year-old kid, his wife and literally anybody that s friends with them. do any of these people in the media that lied again and got caught again, do they ever care how much better off this country is doing? 14 states record low unemployment. record low unemployment, hispanic americans, african-americans, asian-americans and our brave vets that are out now getting in the workplace. millions fewer on food stamps, 4 million new jobs, more
manufacturing jobs that obama told us was never coming back. tonight also we have another blow to their credibility, this one comes to a scare of the new york times. right there, meet the newest member of the newspaper s editorial board, her name is sarah. for years she tweeted dozens of statements about race and white people. she used a hashtag cancel white people. she openly wondered if white people were only fit to live underground like groveling goblins. she tweeted that she gets joy out of being cruel to old white men. she also trashed all men and the police, frequently writing f the police. and of course she has also expressed her hatred for president trump, shocking s, she works at the new york times. i was equating him to hitler before it was cool. there are literally other the new york times doesn t care. they know about this, they still
hired her and her rigorously now defending her their decision te her. i know some of you will be angry. on this program we never call for boycotts, we never say that people should be fired or lose their jobs. i m not going to start tonight. i m going to be consistent because it s always conservatives that they really want fired. but the new york times, the paper of record? this is disgusting beyond words. if you, the american people, the american consumers, you always have the power not to read it, to turn the dial, not read the newspaper or whatever else they put out, but this reveals yet another example of what is a blatant, corrupt double standard in the destroy-trump media. if the new york times frequently peddles identity politics. they totally gloss over stories in some cases if it doesn t fit their political agenda. they always want to target the president, target conservatives and target republicans.
where were all of these groups that are literally paid millions and millions and millions of dollars a year to monitor conservatives on talk radio, rush, mark, me, laura. anybody on the fox news channel that gives opinion, labeled opinion, for boycotts and firings? they are silent tonight because they are hypocrites too. to prove this point a friend of this program, conservative activist candace owens. she equated verbatim the exact same tweets from the new york times new hire but switched out the word white for another race. she was promptly banned from twitter and after much outcry her account was reinstated. they figured out that she was making a point and twitter apologized for the error. it brings us to our next story that involves yet another scary example of the left s so-called resistance to trump allies all over the country. the very person who was banned and unbanned from twitter, candace owens, her colleague, charlie kirk.
eating breakfast in philadelphia kind of like pam bondi, secretary nielsen. let s see, and sarah sanders. an angry mob of far left protesters literally ran them out of the restaurant and needed police assistance. watch this. [inaudible] sean: assaulted. they will both join us later in the program tonight for an exclusive interview and we will show you everything that went down. the left-wing intolerance is so out of control and i have a warning, it s only going to get worse as the most important midterms in our lifetime and 92 days gets closer and closer. meanwhile, one local democrat in chicago is putting politics aside, desperately, rightly
trying to rescue his city for what has been a wave of violence that has been devastating his hometown since obama began his presidency. watch this. i represent a community on the west side at the government allows drugs and gangs to dominate those communities where senior citizens and children are held hostage. held hostage in her home, hostage in their community and they can t enjoy the liberties that are afforded to them by everyone else that is unacceptable and we need the president s help in chicago. the mayor, he must take away the thought that chicago is a trump-free zone. taxpayers deserve to have the president come in and bring resources to the community. we need to make sure that the billions of dollars that we send to washington comes back in the mayor should be working closely with trump. sean: this has to be a tipping point.
our national treasure, our children. over 70 shot, 12 killed, dozens of others fighting for their lives. a city with a gang violence epidemic that seems never endin ending. where s rahm emanuel? he can t curtail violent crime? if he can t do it, step aside or at the very least ask for help from the president, talk to rudy giuliani. he fixed new york city. the lives of our children are at stake here. law-abiding citizens are held hostage and getting killed. we ve got to stop it. i do hope the president sees what s happening and is able to step in and help the city of chicago and help save some lives. we will monitor that and give you updates as the situation unfolds, but first we got to return to the middle east, the president s strategy of peace through strength is in full swing. iran is now being held accountable, thankfully. the president today announcing that the tough nuclear deal sanctions finally will be reinstated against this rogue
regime that chants death to america. the sanctions effectively prevent many national companies from conducting business with iran and is not likely to be lifted in less iran halts their aggressive hostile actions, funding proxy wars and being the number one funding country of global terrorism and of course to end their pursuit of nuclear weapons. the constant threats to the united states into israel. a lot of news tonight. we still have a lot to get to. joining us now with reaction, the author of the number one new york times best seller, the russian hoax in the illicit scheme to? to my clear hillary clinton, gregg jarrett and the author of why we fight, fox news national security strategist dr. sebastian gorka. doctor, let me start with you, let s start with the big latest lie of the media. they all went with it, they never did their research and they all basically like sheep follow each other. it s remarkable, sean. it shows you how they have
nothing. let s be very clear, hopefully they are taking notes. there is no crime to meet with a foreign national to obtain opposition research. especially when it turns out that that individual took that meeting under false pretenses. however, it is a crime, it is a crime, to engage somebody at the cost of millions of dollars who is not a foreign registered agent but at the same time as a former intelligence officer, that s christopher steele, and to use his russian propaganda material as the grounds for a surveillance warrant in a fisa court. greg can give you all the chapters, all the code, but that is a crime. for the last 430 days we have had zero evidence connecting the president to russia and i m going to say now on the record, they will never find any because there isn t any. sean: they haven t and the
fact is i played the tape of adam schiff. it s very hard to say on tv, it s a very risky move, but in all seriousness, okay. he s talking to a russian. he s getting opposition research that he hopes will kill off the president politically and then we got hillary s phony dossier. the media ignores at all, greg. this is beyond corrupt and they will destroy the president and his family in the process with no compunction whatsoever. there is no fairness and equivalency. i was amazed today when the new york times in their front page story declared without any evidence, without citing any statute, that it was illegal, that prompt our meeting. i will cite the law. the federal campaign election act specifically says a foreign national may volunteer services, attend meetings and provide information. it is not and never has been considered a thing of value under our election laws.
what is a thing of value is paying a foreigner, as hillary clinton did, for information on donald trump. sean: didn t we learn the fbi also paid him? which we suspected? now we know. that s right. and the payment by hillary establishes it as a thing of value, making it illegal. as we learned last friday, judicial watch through a lawsuit of paying documents. sean: 11 payments. which shows that christopher steele was not only on the payroll of hillary clinton, but for seven months before the trump-russia case was officially launched, he was on the fbi s payroll receiving 11 payments. sean: last word. you mentioned one thing that needs to be repeated, this private lawyer was briefed by fusion gps before and after the meeting in trump tower so this could have been a set up from
the get-go. sean: thank you both. important. a live report, other breaking news, the manafort trial and more house intelligence committee chair devin nunes and, yes, candace owens and charlie kirks, stay right there. -i ve seen lots of homes helping new customers bundle and save big, but now it s time to find my dream abode. -right away, i could tell his priorities were a little unorthodox. -keep going. stop. a little bit down. stop. back up again. is this adequate sunlight for a komodo dragon? -yeah.
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it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it s the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. sean: tonight day five of the trial of the century. paul manafort s tax case that has nothing to do with russia, nothing to do with collusion, nothing to do with the campaign, nothing to do with donald trump, and there is special counsel robert mueller s star witness. rick gates took to the stand to testify against paul manafort. the only problem is he admits to being a criminal. he admits to lying, stealing, anything else? live from the white house, where are you tonight? you are i don t like outside the
white house. ed henry, you are there alone because the president is not there i don t think. that s right, he s in new jersey but you are right that this was kind of a tough day for special counsel robert mueller and his team in court today because remember, judge t.s. eliot back in may said the special counsel he believed really didn t care about paul manafort and this bank fraud and tax evasion charges, that instead he just wanted to get the president, try to get dirt from manafort to either impeach or prosecute the president. judge ellis added again late today lashing out at one of the prosecutors, greg andrews for going on and on about manafort s connection to ukrainian politicians that have nothing to do with the president or the crux of the bank fraud and tax charges against a manafort. judge ellis growing furious when andrews would not look up at the judge while he was speaking. the prosecutor claiming he was looking at documents. the judge declared look at me, don t look down. you look down as if to say that s b.s. i m up here. if the judge not happy,
interesting because ellis warned back in may that what the special counsel might be trying to do is not just get manafort to sing, but get him to compose, meaning either manafort or other witnesses come up with stuff that may or may not be true, as you mentioned rick gates, the star witness testifying today. he admitted to crimes that he committed. let s remember that he is somebody who has admitted to lying to federal investigators, so he has a credibility question and again, none of this gets at alleged russian collusion. a new frenzy that was whipped up this weekend because of that tweet you mentioned at the top of the show, the president saying that the focus of that trump tower meeting in the summer of 2016 was not about russian adoption, it was about getting dirt on hillary clinton. the problem is the president already mentioned that at a news conference last summer with the french president. sean: john don mcgahn jr. mentioned it when he testified. so he admitted to lying.
he admitted to embezzling. did he admit what s the deal? does he get it jake done might get out of jail free card just to say whatever he wants to say against his former partner? he pled guilty to lying to federal investigators so that s going to be a big problem from him when there s cross-examination. which story are we to believe? use told them one thing, now we get another thing. sean: did he get a deal? absolutely. sean: if you say this we will give you know jail time or something? he s already gotten a deal. he already pled and he s cooperating with the special counsel, that is why he is their star witness. the question is going to be whether his credibility is believed. nothing that rick gates is saying gets out to where this investigation started, which was collusion. it s about bank fraud, tax charges. sean: thank you, i won t drag you into my commentary, ed henry, thank you. how is that different from sammy the bull? admits, they know he killed 19
people. 19. no jail time. witness protection program, a new house and a new life. is the murderer not going to say whatever you want? this is a process that is wrong. we will deal with this in the future. also today, daily caller. sara carter reporting the doj is refusing to preserve work-related emails from the former fbi director jim comey s private accounts. i wonder if they do that for you or me. we reached out to the doj for comment, they declined. here with more reaction, california congressman devin nunes, who frankly deserves the medal of freedom for really showing sadly the biggest abuse of power and corruption scandal. let s just get your general take on everything, where we are and what is important now. thank you, sean and thanks for having me on again. really where we are at, a lot of people ask what s left? we still have information that we need from the department of justice. i will say as of tonight we are getting closer and closer to
having the information that we need. sean: tell us why. they are provided they have allowed all the issues that were in our subpoena they have now either we ve been able to review, our investigators have been able to review what they have been delivered to the committee in one form or fashion or another. let s put that aside, there is still more that has to be done and we are a month late. so where are we? we talked about this last week. we have at least 20 pages of the fisa the fisa warrant that went after carter page. we have about 20 pages that the house republicans have asked several months ago for the president and his office to declassify. we need that declassified. senator grassley secondly asked for the bruce ohr for 302. bruce ohr is going to become more and more important. sean: explain the 302. it s an official report. where they altered?
so the fbi interviewed bruce or at least a dozen times and put together reports. so once they fired christopher steele, which at that point they should ve not been meeting with him anymore but what they had is they have bruce ohr, whose wife was working for fusion gps was going to meet and still get the information for christopher steele as they were trying to verify this unverified dossier or the clinton dirt that was used to get the fisa warrant. that s number two. number three, there is exculpatory evidence that we have seen, classified documents that need to be declassified. sean: exculpatory in nature in what way? exculpatory in what way? in that the carter page fisa when the judges should have been presented with this exculpatory evidence that the fbi and doj had. so those are the three areas that we have left in terms of what we need declassified.
sean: rumors on top of that of a tape and potentially intel servers involvement in all of this? is there any truth to that? that i think it s to the origins of the investigation, which we still are unclear on on whether or not we know that the australian diplomat that was serving in london we were told that it was five eyes intelligence that was used to go after papadopoulos. but we discovered in our investigation is there was no intelligence and in fact the australian diplomat doesn t even make any sense. in the big picture, we need these documents declassified. that has to get done. sean: i m running out of time and i want to get this in. this is really important. i just played the tape, the april 2017 tape of your colleague, adam schiff i won t add my commentary to your
comments, and it sounds like he s colluding with russians for dirt on donald trump and wasn t the phone a dossier that hillary and the dnc paid for, wasn t that full of russian lies, and it was used to misinform the american people to get a fisa warrant is your memo pointed out, the grassley memo pointed out, the bulk of information for the fisa? look, if they would have been up to the democrats, they were in on this from the beginning, so was the media. the media and 2016 had all this information too so they know that this information was being generated by the clinton campaign. you had doj, fbi, all of those cast of characters that were meeting regularly with christopher steele, bruce ohr, the number four at the department of justice who i think is going to become a more and more important figure in this and a lot of the investigative reporters should be looking closer at bruce ohr. sean: appreciate your time. soon, maybe this week. the rumors i m hearing. good to see you, please come
back. the left targeting conservatives continues. despicable, disgusting. we will speak to victims this weekend. charlie kirk, candace owens harassed, they were having breakfast in philadelphia. earlier today, this tape is so bad, we will get to that and greg gutfeld straight ahead. when you rent from national.
so no matter what, you re guaranteed to have a perfect drive. [laughter] (vo) go national. go like a pro. see what i did there? sean: earlier this morning friends of this program, charlie kirk and candace owens were brutally harassed by far left protesters. they were having breakfast at a philadelphia coffee shop. watch this. [inaudible]
30 minutes, at least 50 of them came into the restaurant and started calling candace a nazi, i can t figure how they would come to that conclusion. sean: there were racial comments. this was a primarily black police force. if there was only one white police officer, the rest were black and hispanic, they called us race traders, they were staying at the police and that all police are racist and fight that this was an all white group, antifa facing an all black police force and myself. sean: i did notice that you both kept her cool and you stayed out. not going to go back in. i would probably come if i was there, i would have stayed out because i was a lunatic but it would have advised you to go inside. you felt it was important. they drove us out of the restaurant and candace and i said let s just stand here for a couple minutes and show them that we are not going to back down. very peacefully we are not going to retaliate if things get thrown at us.
we don t want to play the victim card here, that s what the left does all the time. this is what s called on by maxine waters. sean: get in their face, get in their face in grocery stores, in the mall if i remember correctly. in restaurants. this is maxine waters america. we thought it was an important moment to show america exactly what we are fighting because not many people understand this is real. they have grown increasingly violent because they understand they are losing. sean: when i first met you i did say what charlie said, he thinks he discovered you. she was a star in the making. i did say i saw a great future for both of you, to be fair. has it been a lot of this? when they are expecting us, yes. if we are on campus is of course, if we are going to give a talk anywhere of course but this was unusual because we weren t at a trump rally, we weren t on a campus, we were
simply having coffee in a coffee shop. sean: so sad. sarah sanders kids thrown out of a restaurant. i don t talk about it. i know the left i said last week i would be the first to jump in if i m at an event and anybody laid a hand on even jim acosta i train an hour and a half a day mixed martial arts. i fight and it s real fighting and i would defend anybody, but it s not the same if you are using words. here they actually chased you out of the restaurant and you are physically really assaulted. that s correct. and we made the decision not to press charges because we are not going to try to do with the left would do and try to create martyrs. at what we want to do is focus on as a warning sign to the american people that if the democrats take back congress, you are going to be electing these radicals. sean: those of the people that want to impeach the president, open borders, eliminate eyes, keep obamacare. they want these investigations to stop.
that s exactly right. they had a bullhorn and they were very close to my face screaming in my ear. reminiscent of the civil rights era. this is what you would expect in the civil rights era if a black woman was dining at a restaurant. sean: it seems that race comes up a lot because you happen to be conservative and you happen to be an african-american. that s correct. sean: remember i mentioned the book. google my name in the most horrific names come up. liberals believe that they own blacks. they believe they re something proprietary about being black in this country and if you deviate from the way they want you to think in the way they want you to act they grow violent. sean: it s changing. did you see the fall, rasmussen? i did. i said there s going to be a major black exit from the democratic party because we are starting to figure it out, we re looking at the history, which they have wiped and we are realizing that the democratic party was always racist. sean: record low
unemployment, 14 states. that s good for our fellow citizens. all americans. sean: what happened in chicago, to dovetail. if we don t declare this a national emergency that literally our american families being gunned down in the streets and nobody s doing anything to help our national treasure. because they are not illegal aliens. if these were illegal alien children that were gunned down, separated because they lost their fathers they would be outraged. sean: but nobody wants separation of children and donald trump fix that. but people shot in the weekend. with the strictest gun laws in america. no celebrity s came out talking about this whatsoever and it s because these were americans. sean: you both are very brave and courageous. thank you both for being here. greg gutfeld, he has a lot to say next. only aleve targets tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve back & muscle.
all day strong. all day long. chicken! that s right, chicken?! candace new chicken creations from starkist. buffalo style chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat. mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken!
sean: here now is a good friend of the program, author of the brand-new book, it s called the god felt monologues: classic grants from the five . when i first met you you can shake my hand. i didn t know if you re going to sean: don t start. when i first met you, you are like a little quirky. then i realized how funny you are. you have a comedic mind. i didn t come from comedy. i was a magazine editor. i don t think anybody expected sean: you edited maxim? in england. it didn t last very long but i still did it. i don t think people expected that i was either political or that i had any other thoughts other than primitive male instincts and that i was weird, and i am. i m happy to be weird.
sean: you did redeye and the show kicked from day one i was always a fan of the five, i thought the show was genius and the ratings were astronomical. you don t have in this business a hit show on day one. you guys had a hit show on day one. it was natural chemistry and improvisational conversation. where everybody knew what somebody else was going to talk because the problem with cable tv people start your sentence when you are in the middle of yours. on the five we all said and we are going to say what we say and it s the perfect hour for television. you have a cocktail, we are on. i did a book tour on saturday. people think they know you because they do. when they see you they go you are in my living room every day. you say what i want to say. that s why fox has a huge
audience. sean: the monologue is a part of the show and i like that part of the show. if you are very irreverent, very politically incorrect. a little unpredictable politically, but that s what makes the show so good. you ve got you, dana, jesse, everybody everyone has a different point of view. and it s just the back and forth, intelligent, smart, fun, funny conversation. the goal is to say something that hasn t been set already and that s a challenge because at 5:00 you ve artie had nine or ten hours or 9:00. what i try to do this is my secret, i pretend i m at a bar because generally when you were at a bar sean: i ve been to a bar with you. not easy to keep up in a bar with this guy. i ve pulled back a little bit, nothing but red wine. if you pretend you are mildly drunk, which is what i do, you listen in squares in your head into actually come up with stuff you haven t said before.
sean: that s the mind of a comedian. tell us about the book, you ve taken the best of the monologue monologues. what i did as i critique my own writing so everyone of these is, where i m wrong i will say when i m wrong, when i think i m cliched i will say that and then i update stuff because a lot of these monologues were pre2016, bt, before trumps on trying to update what happened. there s a huge section here on terra. we don t talk about terror that much anymore, why? because isis knock on glass, but it s changed. sean: i know you had a great book tour so far, the book is in bookstores everywhere. congrats on the success of the show, you are a great colic. i appreciate it. sean: rush limbaugh sounds off on what the democrats are really running on in 2018. his insight, his commentaryha n next. prevagen has been shown
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sean: rush limbaugh, 30th anniversary, congratulations. an interesting observation toda today. democrats, their blue weight is not based on a single policy, take a look. if the democrats when my, what are we going to get? they are basing this blue weight on one thing, trump hatred. the resistance. if they are not basing it on people s desire for democrat policies. it is that kind of flimsy? they think they live in a world where everybody now hates trump, that s what they tell themselves. they live in a world where everybody now realizes the mistake they made voting for trump. they live in a world where in their view everybody is embarrassed of trump every day and wishes that they could take back their vote and will do so, but it isn t based on policy. , no, it s based on trump hatred.

President , Way , Country , Democrats , Left , Costs , Scandal , Crisis-paddlers , News-media , Sad , People , Information

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180808 11:00:00

now that s the circulation in the atmosphere that usually brings cold wind from the polar regions to other parts of the world such as europe and that has almost stopped and that is actually linked to manmade climate change ok but in this report we had scientists talk a lot of heading towards a hothouse spirit we re not there yet but i ll be heading in that direction yeah indeed we are not there yet what the scientists are talking about is really a whole different level still of catastrophic impact with droughts with the entire cities underwater as we heard in the story most of the world s megacities are on the coast so if you have ten and over several centuries sixty meters of sea would never rise that s a completely different level of catastrophic but what we are. seeing it is a sign of things to come hot weather like we are experiencing across the globe right now is becoming worse and is becoming more frequent and that s because of climate change one of the things the scientists wrote in this new report that the
hot house earth trend would be propelled by strong bio geophysical feedback difficult to influence but human actions what does that mean that these trends will continue despite attempts to me we can still address this there is still a chance to avoid these kinds of feedback loops and tipping points the report talks about what the report says is. there are certain things that can happen and once they happen they reinforce themselves once we trigger this these tipping points these feedbacks global warming will just continue even if we don t emit anymore if the third permafrost thaws in siberia permanently frozen soil methane is released and that triggers mobile warming there s more thawing of the soil and he keeps going and that s what we have to avoid the report says the tipping point for that is probably somewhere between one and two degrees of global warming so if we can limit to well below two degrees to one point five degrees as we said in paris in the paris agreement we can still avoid this catastrophic scenario this is the
scientists making a very compelling case. on cotton on the perils of climate change what more needs to be done you mention a few things which we re already doing that what more needs to be done to avoid catastrophic levels of global warming don t one thing we have to do is we have to stop burning fossil fuels coal oil and gas are destroying climate stability and putting us at an acceptable risk so producing power from coal is something we have to face out as quickly as possible but we also have to think about the transportation sector about agriculture all of that has to be transformed to ways of doing things that emit less greenhouse gases right talent policy analysts from german watch in berlin thank you very much for that all this meant. let me now bring you up to date with some other stories making news around the world internees inefficiency of the death toll from sunday s earthquake in provinces risen to one hundred thirty one aide workers have been struggling to reach victims in remote
areas and many us to believe to be buried in the rubble over one hundred fifty thousand people have been displaced by the quake. conservative ivan to care has been sworn in as colombia s president in his inauguration address he promised to heal the country s divisions but thousands gather to protest against his presidency there against his plans to rewrite the country s peace treaty with leftist fark guerillas. lawmakers in argentina face a controversial vote later today on whether to legalize abortion the bill got through the lower house of congress by the narrowest of margins in june to this vote it is in the upper house the senate but this time the bill is expected to force short of the votes necessary to pass into law the issue has divided the nation and families. of the cuttin user typical
middle class family in buenos aires getting ready for dinner. until recently they ve never openly discussed their differences over abortion now as is happening across anjan tina there s a rift within the cooking of family. to his wife maria and his eldest son fabio resents the legalization of abortions but the family s youngest son thomas thinks they re safe and should be legalized. i mean the favor of legalization has put an end to social inequality in argentina the truth is women with high incomes in this country from the wealthiest families have had access to abortion for years without any inconvenience while the poorest women don t have this opportunity. but whose mother believes the procedure is unsafe no goes there is never safe as thomas claims abortion isn t safe because
women who have had abortions are left with many consequences they can be psychological as well as physical no medical intervention as i have a say and it s not free either because we ll all be paying for it but at the thought know it s most of us have. to brought his children up to be independent but he nevertheless feels bad about the disagreement see him but. i always tell them that they have to be independent in their judgments. so when i see them influenced by the media or by friends it hurts. it hurts a lot it s not easy for tom aside it is important. difficult because you live with your family you spend a lot of time with them and this kind of discussion has generated a tremendous divisions in argentina not only in families but also in the universities at the office in any environment. the atmosphere in argentina
streets is no different. in june the lower house of parliament narrowly approved the legalisation of abortion during the first fourteen weeks of pregnancy with restrictions starting at fifteen weeks ever since in the native country of pope francis the powerful catholic church has been campaigning to get the upper house to reject the bill on wednesday the polarizing abortion debate has also provoke violence in several cities young activists wearing green scarves in favor of legalizing abortion have been beaten in patagonia a young woman wearing a light blue scarf for those who are against legalization was patched. commentators say opponents of legalization have a majority in the upper house but supporters of the move are hoping to draw protesters around congress to put pressure on legislators to vote in favor. given argentina s deep division over of fortune it is hard to predict how which side will
react off that vote a victory for the anti-abortion front could be short lived. activists who want to overturn are determined not to give up or local months rights to choose. out on the streets opinions are divided. my young mother also became pregnant and the only option she was given was an abortion she decided to continue the pregnancy and that s why i m here. and emotional do take place here in secret it s not that there s no abortion i think it s a healthy see the state has to result. i m all for it i think it s a decision that has to involve the woman it s a matter of planning. so now if he doesn t actually responsible or not you have to take on the burden of the child or give it up for adoption. to doing his vote will determine with the ranch and tina becomes the third latin american country to legalize abortion after cuba and you re required.
in tennis to multiple grand slam winner showed signs of the best for what the toronto lost has stand on brink and overcame nicky os in three sets meanwhile reigning champ in a long chalk of which had a slightly easier path into the second round. in orange must have been fearing the worst against it carry us a full steam the australian it s hard to keep up with. the curiosities form can. from one set to another and the second veteran coach took the initiative aided by an injury to his heavily strapped opponent. fabric who will know how that feels his ranking has slams after two new york aeration xeroxed year. but he s getting back to his best majestic backhand flowing again this week swept through in three sets. novak djokovic is another veteran big name who s had his share of injury problems
in recent years too good for the relatively young boston mr passé pitch. but even the best get bogged down in frustration talk of it shredded a break in a second search. and then took his anger out on the ball. the bad moods didn t last long he completed his weigh in on a tie break tough matches await. some sad news in the world of sports kenya as world champion hurdler nicholas bet has died in a road accident at the age of just twenty eight and police said abets vehicle hit bumps in the road and rolled into a ditch here kenya s high altitude training camp that s won the one championship go right in the four hundred metres hurdles in two thousand and fifty. if you ve just joined us in washington the news here is our top story for you. new research is warning that dries in temperatures could destructive ecosystems. the scientists

Report , Central-europe , World , Atmosphere , Parts , Regions , Circulation , Wind , Scientists , Level , Lot , Droughts

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20180807 05:00:00

by the way, in moments we are going to prove it to you. we will call out the fake crisis paddlers that are the so-called news media in his country and by the way on the left, they all seemingly want this president to fail. that s sad at all costs because they want democrats back in power.k we have more information surrounding the new york times newest hire, so-called journalist, so-called record, long history of makingng despicable, disgusting comments, racist comments against people because of race, men, and f the police. we will explain. we have one more shocking example of conservatives being targeted by far left agitators and we will address the situation out of chicago, 71 people shot this weekend alone. 12 dead and dozens more fighting for their lives. rahm, where are you? obama, you had eight years, why did you not fix this? and finally the u.s. reissued otvery tough sanctions finally against the regime in iran.
Commentary, newsmaker interviews and panel discussions.
meanwhile, you have no leaker or liar, congressman adam schiff joining his friends in the media we have a great tape we will play for you in a second. also weighing in with fake feigned moral outrage of his own. by the way, he got nailed on cbs. he doesn t have any evidence, none. 18 months in, nine, zero, zip. take a look. can you agree that there has been no evidence of collusion, coordination or conspiracy that has been presented thus far between the trump campaign and russia? no, i don t agree with that at all. i think there s plenty of evidence of collusion orme conspiracy in plain sight. sean: where is it? we ve been looking for a long time. you have evidence of collusion. russia collusion in plain sight. let s look at adam schiff. he could easily be talking about himself. remember when he tried to dig up dirt on president trump from his own russian sources? it turns out he was being prank by a russian radio
personality.y. he thought he was talking with the russians. a conspiracy, collusion with the russians and we actually, mr. mueller, we have evidence. listen to this. he was in moscow in november 2013. he met with a journalist. she s a poor journalist. but anyway, she became famous because of putin s godfather. putin s godfather. okay. she is also known as a person who provided girls for escort and she met with trump and she brought him a russian girl celebrity, also known as a person with a strange reputation. and how do you spell her name mike what s the nature of that? there were pictures of naked trump. so putin was made aware of the availability of the compromise and material? of course. thank you very much.
we will be back in touch with you through our staff to makeha arrangements to obtain these materials for our committee and for the fbi and i appreciate you reaching out too us. collusion, conspiracy, russians, tape, proof. where is the media outrage over the attempt to collude and conspire with russia? or is it only a crime if a republican is trying to dig up political dirt and opposition research on an opponent? this time we have the tape of the whole thing. imagine if we had a tape of the meeting and trump tower. ou that was about russian adoption. as you can see how corrupt our media is and just so happy toa rehash an old phony scandal. literally a dead end meeting about adoption with a russian attorney who happened to meet with fusion gps before and after the meeting, sidebar, but couldn t care less about we have
another case of collusion with evidence. if the clinton campaign. funneling money through a law firm, the dnc funneling money through a law firm to hire a foreign spy. oh. to dig up what came out to be russian lies, propaganda, debunked lies about president trump and then fed it to you, the american people to steal an election. and it became the bulk of the information in a fisa warrant that was used four times to spy on an american citizen as part of the opposition party campaign in an election year. we are talking about christopher steele, hillary clinton s dirty dossier with russian lies, bought and paid for by the clintons, the democrats, to purposely lie to you, the american people. why? because they didn t care what they said, how many lies they told because they wanted to steal an election and they still lost with totally absurd untrue claims from russia like this one.
trump s perverted conduct in kscow included hiring the presidential suite in the ritz-carlton hotel where he knew president, mrs. obama had stayed on one of their official trips to russia and defiling the bed where they had slept by employing a number of prostitues and performing golden showers. showers. in front of him. and then interrogatory where the threat of perjury was put to christopher steele, he did say the following. that was just raw intelligence. i don t know if that s true at all. 50/50. where s the media outrage? that was used to get a warrant to spy on americans. where s the outrage against the clinton campaign? literally paying for lies to lie to you, the american people. literally to rig an election that obviously used paid for russian lies. that sounds like collusion and a
conspiracy to me and still the media wonders why the american people don t trust them. they wonder why you shout you suck. do you know why? because they do suck. they have a political agenda. they are politically driven. they hate this president and at all costs have been trying, continue to try to destroy him, his kids, his sons, his daughter, his 12-year-old kid, his wife and literally anybody that s friends with them. do any of these people in theths media that lied again and got caught again, do they ever care how much better off this country is doing? 14 states record low unemployment. record low unemployment, hispanic americans, african-americans, asian-americans and our brave vets that are out now getting in the workplace.n- millions fewer on food stamps, 4 million new jobs, more manufacturing jobs that obama
told us was never coming back. tonight also we have another blow to their credibility, thisa one comes to a scare of the new york times. right there, meet the newest member of the newspaper s editorial board, her name is sarah. for years she tweeted dozens of statements about race and white people. she used a hashtag cancel white people. she openly wondered if white people were only fit to live underground like groveling goblins. she tweeted that she gets joy out of being cruel to old white men. she also trashed all men and the police, frequently writing f the police. and of course she has also expressed her hatred for president trump, shocking s, sh works at the new york times. i was equating him to hitler before it was cool. there are literally other the new york times doesn t care. l they know about this, they still hired her and her rigorously now
defending their decision to hire her. i know some of you will be angry. on this program we never call for boycotts, we never say that people should be fired or lose their jobs. i m not going to start tonight. i m going to be consistent because it s always conservatives that they really want fired. but the new york times, the paper of record? this is disgusting beyond words. if you, the american people, the american consumers, you always have the power not to read it, to turn the dial, not read the newspaper or whatever else they put out, but this reveals yet another example of what is a blatant, corrupt double standard in the destroy-trump media. if the new york times frequently peddles identity politics. they totally gloss over stories in some cases if it doesn t fit their political agenda. they always want to target the president, target conservatives and target republicans. where were all of these groups this is disgusting beyond words. if you, the american people, the american consumers, you always have the power not to read it, ellthrn the dial, not read the pe newspaper or whatever else they put out, but this reveals yet another example of what is a blatant, corrupt double standard in the destroy-trump media. if the new york times frequently peddles identity politics. they totally gloss over stories in some cases if it doesn t fit their political agenda. they always want to target the president, target conservatives and target republicans. where were all of these groups
that are literally paid millions and millions and millions of dollars a year to monitor conservatives on talk radio, rush, mark, me, laura. anybody on the fox news channel that gives opinion, labeled opinion, for boycotts and firings? they are silent tonight because they are hypocrites too. to prove this point a friend of this program, conservativete activist candace owens. she equated verbatim the exact same tweets from the new york times new hire but switched out the word white for another race. she was promptly banned from twitter and after much outcry her account was reinstated. they figured out that she was making a point and twitter apologized for the error. it brings us to our next story that involves yet another scary example of the left s so-called resistance to trump allies all over the country. the very person who was banned and unbanned from twitter, candace owens, her colleague, charlie kirk.
eating breakfast in philadelphia kind of like pam bondi, secretary nielsen. let s see, and sarah sanders. an angry mob of far left protesters literally ran them out of the restaurant and needed police assistance. watches this. [inaudible] sean: assaulted. they will both join us later in the program tonight for an exclusive interview and we will> show you everything that went down. the left-wing intolerance is so down. the left-wing intolerance is so out of control and i have a warning, it s only going to get worse as the most important midterms in our lifetime and 92 days gets closer and closer. i meanwhile, one local democrat in chicago is putting politics aside, desperately, rightly trying to rescue his city fores
what has been a wave of violence that has been devastating his hometown since obama began his presidency. watch this. i represent a community on h the west side at the government allows drugs and gangs to dominate those communities wherm senior citizens and children are held hostage. held hostage in her home, hostage in their community and they can t enjoy the liberties that are afforded to them by everyone else that is unacceptable and we need the president s help in chicago. the mayor, he must take away the thought that chicago is a trump-free zone. taxpayers deserve to have the president come in and bring resources to the community. we need to make sure that the billions of dollars that we send to washington comes back in the mayor should be working closely with trump. sean: this has to be a tipping point. our national treasure, our children. over 70 shot, 12 killed, dozens of others fighting for their lives. a city with a gang violence epidemic that seems never ending. where s rahm emanuel? he can t curtail violent crime? if he can t do it, step aside or at the very least ask for help from the president, talk to rudy giuliani. he fixed new york city. the lives of our children are at stake here. law-abiding citizens are held
hostage and getting killed. p ve got to stop it. mayor should be working closely with trump. sean: this has to be a tipping point. our national treasure, our children.atrsto over 70 shot, 12 killed,tiinou s of others fighting for their lives. a city with a gang violence epidemic that seems neverga ending. where s rahm emanuel? he can t curtail violent crime? if he can t do it, step aside oe at the very least ask for help from the president, talk to rudy he fixed new york city. the lives of our children are at stake here. law-abiding citizens are held hostage and getting killed. we ve got to stop it. i do hope the president sees what s happening and is ablele o step in and help the city of chicago and help save some lives. we will monitor that and give you updates as the situation unfolds, but first we got to return to the middle east, the president s strategy of peace through strength is in full swing. iran is now being held accountable, thankfully. the president today announcing that the tough nuclear deal sanctions finally will be reinstated against this rogue regime that chants death to america. re
the sanctions effectively prevent many national companies from conducting business with iran and is not likely to be lifted in less iran halts their aggressive hostile actions, funding proxy wars and being the number one funding country of global terrorism and of course to end their pursuit of nuclear weapons. the constant threats to the united states into israel. a lot of news tonight. we still have a lot to get to. joining us now with reaction, the author of the number one new york times best seller, the russian hoax in the illicits scheme to? to my clear hillaryth clinton, gregg jarrett and the author of why we fight, fox news national security strategist dr. sebastian gorka.n doctor, let me start with you, let s start with the big latest lie of thehe media. they all went with it, they never did their research and they all basically like sheep follow each other. it s remarkable, sean. it shows you how they have nothing.
let s be very clear, hopefully they are taking notes. there is no crime to meet with a foreign national to obtain opposition research. especially when it turns out that that individual took that meeting under false pretenses. however, it is a crime, it is a crime, to engage somebody at the cost of millions of dollars who is not a foreign registeredd agent but at the same time as a former intelligence officer, that s christopher steele, and to use his russian propaganda material as the grounds for a surveillance warrant in a fisa court. greg can give you all the chapters, all the code, but that is a crime.e, for the last 430 days we have had zero evidence connecting the president to russia and i m going to say now on the record, they will never find any because there isn t any. sean: they haven t and the fact is i played the tape of
adam schiff. it s very hard to say on tv, it s a very risky move, but in all seriousness, okay. he s talking to a russian. he s getting opposition research that he hopes will kill off the president politically and then we got hillary s phony dossier. the media ignores at all, greg. this is beyond corrupt and they will destroy the president and his family in the process with no compunction whatsoever. there is no fairness and equivalency. i was amazed today when the new york times in their front page story declared without any evidence, without citing any statute, that it was illegal, that trumped our meeting. i will cite the law. the federal campaign election act specifically says a foreign national may volunteer services, attend meetings and provide information. it is not and never has been considered a thing of value under our election laws.
what is a thing of value is paying a foreigner, as hillary clinton did, for information on donald trump. sean: didn t we learn the fbi also paid him? which we suspected? now we know. that s right. and the payment by hillary establishes it as a thing of value, making it illegal. as we learned last friday, judicial watch through a lawsuit of paying documents. sean: 11 payments. which shows that christopher steele was not only on the payroll of hillary clinton, but for seven months before the trump-russia case was officially launched, he was on the fbi s payroll receiving 11 payments. sean: last word. you mentioned one thing that needs to be repeated, this private lawyer was briefed by fusion gps before and after the
meeting in trump tower so this could have been a set up from the get-go. sean: thank you both. important. a live report, other breaking news, the manafort trial and more house intelligence committee chair devin nunes and, yes, candace owens and charlie kirks, stay right there. come fly with me, let s fly, let s fly away. come fly with me, let s fly, let s fly away. and i m the founder of ugmonk. before shipstation it was crazy. it s great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i ve got a hundred orders i have to ship out. shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll
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you are outside the white house and you are there alone because the president isn t there i don t think. that s right, he s in new jersey but you are right that this was kind of a tough day for special counsel robert mueller and his team in court today because remember, judge t.s. eliot back in may said the special counsel he believed really didn t care about paul manafort and this bank fraud and tax evasion charges, that instead he just wanted to get the president, try to get dirt from manafort to either impeach or prosecute the president. judge ellis added again late today lashing out at one of the prosecutors, greg andrews for going on and on about manafort s connection to ukrainian politicians that have nothing to do with the president or the crux of the bank fraud and tax charges against a manafort. judge ellis growing furious when andrews would not look up at the judge while he was speaking. the prosecutor claiming he was looking at documents.s. the judge declared look at me, don t look down. you look down as if to say that s b.s. i m up here. if the judge not happy, interesting because ellis warned
back in may that what the special counsel might be trying to do is not just get manafort to sing, but get him to compose, meaning either manafort or other witnesses come up with stuff that may or may not be true, as you mentioned rick gates, the star witness testifying today. he admitted to crimes that he committed. let s remember that he is somebody who has admitted to lying to federal investigators, so he has a credibility question and again, none of this gets at alleged russian collusion. a new frenzy that was whipped up d this weekend because of thatpe tweet you mentioned at the top of the show, the president saying that the focus of that trump tower meeting in the summer of 2016 was not about russian adoption, it was about getting dirt on hillary clinton. the problem is the president already mentioned that at a news conference last summer with the french president. sean: john don mcgahn jr.
mentioned it when he testified. so he admitted to lying. he admitted tote embezzling. did he admit what s the deal? does he get a get out of jail freenv card to say whatever he wants to say against his former partner? he pled guilty to lying to federal investigators so that s going to be a big problem from him when there s cross-examination. which story are we to believe? use told them one thing, now we get another thing. sean: did he get a deal?? absolutely. sean: if you say this we will give you know jail time or something? he s already gotten a deal. he already pled and he s cooperating with the special counsel, that is why he is their star witness. the question is going to be whether his credibility is believed. nothing that rick gates is saying gets out to where this investigation started, which was collusion. it s about bank fraud, tax charges. sean: thank you, i won t drag you into my commentary, ed henry, thank you. how is that different from sammy the bull? admits, they know he killed 19 people.
19. no jail time. witness protection program, a new house and a new life.. is the murderer not going to say whatever you want? this is a process that is wrong. we will deal with this in the future.. also today, daily caller. sara carter reporting the doj is refusing to preserve work-related emails from the former fbi director jim comey se private accounts. i wonder if they do that for you or me. we reached out to the doj for comment, they declined. here with more reaction, california congressman devinit nunes, who frankly deserves the medal of freedom for really showing sadly the biggest abuse of power and corruption scandal. let s just get your general take on everything, where we are and what is important now. thank you, sean and thanks for having me on again. really where we are at, a lot of people ask what s left? we still have information that we need from the department ofpe justice. i will say as of tonight we are getting closer and closer to having the information that we need. sean: tell us why.
they are provided they have allowed all the issues that were in our subpoena they have now either we ve been able to review, our investigators have been able to review what they have been delivered to the committee in one form or fashion or another. let s put that aside, there is still more that has to be done o and we are a month late. so where are we? we talked about this last week. we have at least 20 pages of the fisa the fisa warrant that went after carter page. we have aboutra 20 pages that te house republicans have asked several months ago for the president and his office to declassify. we need that declassified. senator grassley secondly asked for the bruce ohr fored 302. bruce ohr is going to become more and more sean: explain the 302. it s an official report.
where they altered? so the fbi interviewed bruce or at least a dozen times and put together reports. so once they fired christopher steele, which at that point they should ve not been meeting with him anymore but what they had is they have bruce ohr, whose wife was working for fusion gps was going to meet and still get the information for christopher steele as they were trying to verify this unverified dossier or the clinton dirt that was used to get the fisa warrant. that s number two. number three, there is exculpatory evidence that we have seen, classified documents that need to be declassified. sean: exculpatory in nature in what way? exculpatory in what way? in that the carter page fisa when the judges should have been presented with this exculpatory evidence that the fbi and doj had. so those are the three areas that we have left in terms of what we need declassified. sean: rumors on top of that
of a tape and potentially intel servers involvement in all of this? is there any truth to that? that i think it s to the origins of the investigation, which we still are unclear on on whether or not we know that the australian diplomat that was serving in london we were told that it was five eyes intelligence that was used to go after papadopoulos. but we discovered in our investigation is there was no intelligence and in fact thehe australian diplomat doesn t even make any sense. in the big picture, we need these documents declassified. that has to get done. sean: i m running out of time and i want to get this in. this is really important. i just played the tape, the april 2017 tape of. your colleague, adam schiff i won t add my commentary to your comments, and it sounds like
he s colluding with russians fom dirt on donald trump and wasn t the phony dossier that hillary and the dnc paid for, wasn t that full of russian lies, and it was used to misinform the american people to get a fisa warrant is your memo pointed out, the grassley memo pointed out, the bulk of information for the fisa? look, if they would have w bn up to the democrats, they were in on this from the beginning, so was the media. the media and 2016 had all this information too so they know that this information was being generated by the clinton campaign. you had doj, fbi, all of those cast of characters that were meeting regularly with christopher steele, bruce ohr, the number four at the department of justice who i think is going to become a more and more important figure in this and a lot of the investigative reporters should be looking closer at bruce ohr. sean: appreciate your time. c soon, maybe this week. the rumors i m hearing. good to see you, please come
back. the left targeting conservatives continues. despicable, disgusting. we will speak to victims this weekend. charlie kirk, candace owens harassed, they were having breakfast in philadelphia. earlier today, this tape is so bad, we will get to that and greg gutfeld straight ahead. i get it all the time. have you lost weight? of course i have- ever since i started renting from national. because national lets me lose the wait at the counter. .and choose any car in the aisle. and i don t wait when i return, thanks to drop & go. at national, i can lose the wait.and keep it off. looking good, patrick. i know. (vo) go national. go like a pro.
fire pit. last use 0600. i d stay close. morning. get ready to switch. protected by flo. should say, protected by alan and jamie. -right? -should it? when you bundle home and auto. run, alan! .you get more than just savings. you get round-the-clock protection.
.you get more than just savings. chicken! that s right, chicken?! candace new chicken creations from starkist. buffalo style chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat. mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken! sean: earlier this morning friends of this program, charlie kirk and candace owens were brutally harassed by far left protesters. sean: earlier this morning friends of this program, charlie kirk and candace owens were brutally harassed by far left protesters. they were having breakfast at a philadelphia coffee shop. watch this. [inaudible] [crowd screaming]
and they mobilized within 20 or 30 minutes, at least 50 of them came into the restaurant and started calling candace a nazi, i can t figure how they would come to that conclusion.e sean: there were racial comments. this was a primarily black police force. if there was only one white police officer, the rest were black and hispanic, they called us race traders, they werede staying at the police and that all police are racist and fight that this was an all white group, antifa facing an all black police force and myself. sean: i did notice that you both kept her cool and you stayed out. d not going to go back in. if i was there, i would have stayed out because i was a lunatic but it would have advised you to go inside. you felt it was important.
they drove us out of the restaurant and candace and i said let s just stand here for a couple minutes and show them that we are not going to back down. very peacefully we are not going to retaliate if things get thrown at us. we don t want to play the victim card here, that s what the left does all the time. this is what s called on byei maxine waters. sean: get in their face, get in their face in grocery stores, in the mall if i remember correctly. in restaurants. this is maxine waters america. we thought it was an important moment to show america exactly what we are fighting because not many people understand this is real. they have grown increasingly violent because they understand they are losing. sean: when i first met you i did say what charlie said, he thinks he discovered you. she was a star in the making. i did say i saw a great future for both of you, to be fair. has it been a lot of this? when they are expecting us, yes. if we are on campus is of course, if we are going to give a talk anywhere of course but this was unusual because we weren t at a trump rally, we weren t on a campus, we were simply having coffee in a coffee shop. sean: so sad.
sarah sanders kids thrown out of a restaurant. i don t talk about it. i know the left i said last week i would be the first to jump in if i m at an event and anybody laid a hand on even jim acosta, i train an hour and a half a day mixed martial arts. i fight and it s real fighting and i would defend anybody, but it s not the same if you are using words. here they actually chased you out of the restaurant and you are physically really assaulted. that s correct. and we made the decision not to press charges because we are not going to try to do with the left would do and try to create tomartyrs. at what we want to do is focus on as a warning sign to the american people that if the democrats take back congress, you are going to be electing these radicals. sean: those of the people that want to impeach the president, open borders, and eliminate i.c.e., keep obamacare.
they want these investigations to stop. that s exactly right. they had a bullhorn and they were very close to my face screaming in my ear. reminiscent of the civil rights era.ig this is what you would expect in the civil rights era if a black woman was dining at a restaurant. sean: it seems that race comes up a lot because you happen to be conservative andau you happen to be anan african-american. that s correct. sean: remember i mentioned the book. google my name in the most horrific names come up. liberals believe that they own blacks. they believe they re something proprietary about being black in this country and if you deviate from the way they want you to think in the way they want you to act they grow violent. t sean: it s changing. did you see the fall, rasmussen? i did. i said there s going to be a major black exit from the democratic party because we are starting to figure it out, we re looking at the history, whichec they have wiped and we are realizing that the democratic party was always racist. sean: record low unemployment, 14 states. that s good for our fellow citizens. all americans.
sean: what happened in chicago, to dovetail.t if we don t declare this a national emergency that literally our american families being gunned down in the streets and nobody s doing anything to help our national treasure. because they are not illegal if these were illegal alien children that were gunned down, separated because theyhe lost their fathers they would be outraged. sean: but nobody wants separation of children and donald trump fix that. but people shot in the weekend. with the strictest gun laws in america. no celebrity s came out talking about this whatsoever and it s because these were americans. sean: you both are very brave and courageous. thank you both for being here. greg gutfeld, he has a lot to say next.
sean: here now is a good friend of the program, author of the brand-new book, it s called the god felt monologues: classic grants from the five . when i first met you you cann shake my hand. i didn t know if you re going to sean: don t start. when i first met you, you are like a little quirky. then i realized how funny you are. you have a comedic mind. i didn t come from comedy. i was a magazine editor.e i don t think anybody expected - sean: you edited maxim? in england. it didn t last very long but i still did it. i don t think people expected that i was either political or that i had any other thoughts other than primitive male instincts and that i was weird,r and i am. i m happy to be weird. sean: you did redeye and the show kicked
from day one i was always a fan of the five, i thought the show was genius and the ratings were astronomical. you don t have in this business a hit show on day one. a you guys had a hit show on day one.s it was natural chemistry and improvisational conversation. where everybody knew what somebody else was going to talk because the problem with cable tv people start your sentence when you are in the middle of yours. on the five we all said and we are going to say what we say anm it s the perfect hour for television. you have a cocktail, we are on. i did a book tour on saturday. people think they know you because they do. when they see you they go you are in my living room every day. you say what i want to say. that s why fox has a huge audience.
sean: the monologue is a part of the show and i like that part of the show. if you are very irreverent, very politically incorrect. a little unpredictable politically, but that s what makes the show so good. you ve got you, dana, jesse, everybody everyone has a different point of view. e and it s just the back and forth, intelligent, smart, fun, funny conversation. the goal is to say something that hasn t been set already and that s a challenge because at 5:00, you ve already had nine or ten hours or 9:00. what i try to do this is my secret, i pretend i m at a bar because generally when you were at a bar sean: i ve been to a bar with you. not easy to keep up in a bar with this guy. i ve pulled back a little bit, nothing but red wine. if you pretend you are mildly
drunk, which is what i do, you listen in squares in your head into actually come up with stuff you haven t said before. sean: that s the mind of a comedian. tell us about the book, you ve taken the best of the monologues. what i did as i critique my own writing so everyone of these is, where i m wrong i will say when i m wrong, when i think i m cliched i will say that and then i update stuff because a lot of these monologues were pre2016, bt, before trumps on trying to update what happened. there s a huge section here on terra. terror. we don t talk about terror that much anymore, why? because isis knock on glass, but it s changed. sean: i know you had a great book tour so far, the boof is in bookstores everywhere. congrats on the success of the show, you are a great colleague. i appreciate it. sean: rush limbaugh sounds off on what the democrats are really running on in 2018. his insight, his commentary next. when you rent from national.
it s kind of like playing your own version of best ball. because here, you can choose any car in the aisle, even if it s a better car class than the one you reserved. so no matter what, you re guaranteed to have a perfect drive. [laughter] (vo) go national. go like a pro. see what i did there?
sean: rush limbaugh, 30th anniversary, by the way. he made an interesting observation, the democrat s blue wave is not based on a single policy. take a look. if the democrats win, what are we going to get? they are basing it on one thing, trump hatred, the resistance. not a desire for democrat policies. isn t that kind of flimsy? they think they live in a world where everybody now hates trump. they live in a world where everybody now realizes the mistake they made voting for trump. in their view, everybody is embarrassed of trump every day and wishes they could take back their vote and will do so but it isn t based on policy, no, it s based on trump hatred. sean: all trump hatred.

President , Country , Way , Left , Democrats , Costs , Crisis-paddlers , News-media , Sad , Power-k , People , Information