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Transcripts For MSNBCW Weekends With Alex Witt 20130914

good morning, everyone. welcome to weekend with alex witt. breaking news to share from geneva. u.s. and russia reach a day on syria s chemical weapons program that sets a critical deadline. here s secretary of state john kerry moments ago. we said at the outset that to accomplish our goal this plan had to produce transparency, accountability, timeliness and enforceability. it must be credible and verifiable. if fully implemented, we believe it can meet these standards. ian williams is in geneva. ian, with a good day to you. what are the details of this deal? good day to you, alex. well, they broke up late this morning after a marathon three days of negotiations. and, yes, they do have a deal, a deal which john kerry describes as a road map, but one he says, if fully implemented, could rid syria of chemical weapons and could be a first step to the broader diplomatic solution to civil war in syria. the deadlines on this are pretty tough. he said syria has to fully declare their nuclear weapons within one week and they must be given unfettered access by november. and he s talking about a deadline of the middle of 2014 nor syria to be rid of the chemical weapons. now, what is interesting is on the enforceability side of things. kerry said if this was not fully enforced, if syria didn t fully comply, they would be referred to chapter 7 which theoretically does allow for military action. but also it allows for a lot of other things, shorter military action. and of course the russians and chinese have a veto. in some ways this is a dilution on a tough response if the syrians fail to comply. nevertheless, it will go to the syrian council if the syrians fall short. ian, thank you very much for the latest developments. from washington now and a bit more on the morning s break through agreement, kristin welker is skroeupbg me for that. they held this closed door meeting late yesterday. you were there. did you get a hint that a deal was close? we certainly got a sense there had been progress because senior officials announced what is a concession, saying the united states is prepared for the fact that a u.n. resolution will not include use of force trigger. to the point that ian just made. they said that triggers are consequences for assad not following through with the stated plan. would include things like sanctions and those details were still being worked out. but, again, would not include a use of force trigger. having said that, they also said the president is reserving his right to strike assad unilaterally if the united states determines that he is not following through with this plan. president obama had more on that in his weekly address. take a listen. we are not just going to take russian and assad s word for it. we need to see concrete actions that syria is serious about giving up its chemical weapons. we will maintain our military posture in the region to keep the pressure on the assad regime. and if diplomacy fails, the the united states and the international community must remain prepared to act. now, the other headline that came out of that meeting, alex, is the white house would like to see a u.n. resolution passed within the the next several weeks. they also responded to reports that assad has been moving his chemical weapons stockpile around. they say they are keeping tabs, tracking that chemical weapons stockpile. they say they have a a pretty good level of confidence that they know where the chemical weapons are. but certainly big developments. on friday, a deal was getting close. now it appears that one has been reached. alex? okay. kristin welker, we will get back to you later today and see about developments. the other big story, colorado bracing for even more rain. national guard convoys are assisting in dramatic rescues in remote areas cut off for days by floodwaters. and evacuating 2500 people from lyons, another 300 residents from jamestown. my house is okay, but you can t get to it at all because the river the creek is now four different rivers going through town. where are you going next? i don t know. 172 people are still unaccounted for after the historic flooding in boulder county. those unaccounted for are not considered missing but they have not yet contacted friends or family. colorado s governor declared a disaster emergency in 14 counties. the situation is so bad the national weather service is describing it as biblical flooding. it s a nightmare. i never would have guessed this ever. we have been in this neighborhood almost nine years, and i have never seen anything like this. it was absolutely terrifying. we were lucky to get out. my neighbor two doors down is still missing. joe farr is in boulder, colorado right now. you hear the term biblical flooding. how are things looking this morning? the good news, alex, we continue to have a reprieve from the rain. it highlights why this is still such a dangerous situation. at least four people have died. that includes a young couple, a boyfriend and girlfriend, who are just 19 years old. nearly 200 people unaccounted for. it doesn t mean they re missing. it just means loved ones haven t heard from them. that could just be because of the massive power outages in the area. plucking people from jamestown and bringing them to the airport. and national guard helping with ground rescues. they re using high clearance vehicles that can get through the water, get to lyons, and bring people to safety. both of the communities cut off by the floodwaters. most say they have not had power since the floods began. the sheriff in boulder county telling us yesterday that every road leading to the western part of the county is gone right now, alex. that is extraordinary. so literally the only way to get in is by air. what about horseback? are there areas they think will be clear enough maybe not with vehicles but what else can they try? some of the most incredible video was someone using a zip line to get across a raging river. we have seen boats, though that is not highly recommended because these waters are so aggressive. the helicopter obviously is key to getting people it of jamestown. they weren t able to drive into jamestown. they could drive into lyons with the high clearance vehicles. they still have hundreds of people to get out of these two towns. joe, where are you right now? what river is that behind you? it s boulder creek. we are in the center of boulder, not that far from the college in the heart of town here. this is where a lot of the water runs to. so it gives you an idea what many of the rivers and streams are like throughout northern colorado. that s a creek? wow. we are hearing from a man who survived after his car crashed into deep floodwaters. a road collapsed in boulder, look at that, sending three cars and their drivers into the water. the first two men except ray ortiz. they had no idea he was still trapped in the back of his car. he found a little space where he found air to breathe. the car is going forward. so when i stay right there, the water is coming out. only my head can fit right there in that space. we didn t know that he was in the car still. for him to be able to find that one air pocket inside the car is amazing. and the air to last that long is nothing short of a miracle. rescuers came back and pulled him to safety. colorado is bracing for more rain. fun town is gone. the investigation into an epic fire next. and the legal battle for a bride accused of pushing her husband, her new husband off a cliff. if she confessed to the crime, why isn t she behind bars? i love it! how much do you love it? animation is hot.and i think it makes geico s 20 million drivers message very compelling, very compelling. this is some really strong stuff! so you turned me into a cartoon.lovely. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. many on were fun town is a smoldering memory p. 30 businesses, bars, pizza places and the like is all that s left. also there today at the very least is a criminal investigation. good morning to you. any hint of a cause for this fire. no. but investigators will be giving a close look today. of course that smoldering fire still has some hot spots behind me. take a look. you can see this is the firebreak, the one that was successful in keeping the fire spread a few nights ago. beyond that, charlestoned and smoldering areas. investigators will be moving in there closer today. they are trying to preserve what they do consider an active scene here. they re not ruling anything out. they have been asking people to send in cell phone video. they want to pore over all of this evidence to get a look at just the physical space and try to pinpoint where that fire may have started. witnesses told nbc news they had seen smoldering coming from one of the frozen custard stands in that area. that fire of course quickly swept underneath the boardwalk consuming nearly 80% of the seaside park and seaside heights businesses here on this strip or the boardwalk on this strip. so they have a lot to contend with. still no known cause. but of course it s also not just the financial toll here. the criminal investigation. there is a real heavy emotional toll that s being dealt with here today. there will be counselors brought in to help business owners and residents deal with this. alex, we were back here when businesses were reopening after sandy. this will be much tougher for, many of them are telling us. emotionally they are psyched. now they are gnawinged down once again. many of them did not have the insurance worked out or did not have insurance at all. so there s a lot to look ahead as this investigation gets under way and people are still coming back trying to assess the damage. awful, awful. talk about a real sucker-punch to the gut. can i ask, michelle, the fact that they re doing a criminal investigation at least at this point, isn t that standard operating procedure for fires? don t they always have to investigate? maybe because this one is so large, that s part of the reason why it is taking a while? it is. it is standard procedure. atf is always involved in a large fire, we are told, of this magnitude. given the location, the circumstances, they certainly would go over everything in this investigation. and governor christie said they just need to get in there and get a good look. michelle franzen in a beleaguered seaside heights, new jersey. thank you. one of the lasting images perhaps for years to come will be the funtown pier sign standing amid the flames and the smoke. and what is funtown? it is the name of the pier that held an amusement park. they had rides like tornado and mighty mouse, tower of fear. owners had been planning a grand reopening next year. no word how much or whether they will rebuild again. in montana, a woman accused of killing her husband by pushing him off a cliff has been released from jail as she awaits her trial. the judge said 22-year-old jordan lynn graham doesn t pose a danger to the community or a flight risk. we will have to wear a monitor and have to under go a mental health evaluation. joining me is nbc analyst clint van zandt. good morning. alex, good morning. i always like to turn to you and make sure the world is still there. it is still there. tragically not for this one man. this is just incredible, clint. this newlywed has confessed to killing her husband. she pushed him. but the prosecutors say that she tried to cover up the crime, lie to the police after the incident took place. so where exactly does that leave police with their investigation? what are they looking for ahead of this trial? well, there s a lot going on here, alex. one of the groomsmen in the wedding a week prior to the death, suggested that the bride never looked at her husband during the entire ceremony. what does that say? who knows? now we know she exchanged text messages with a friend indicating the day that her husband went over this cliff that they were going to have a discussion and suggesting she feared for her own life. alex, we get to the point then. first she said sure husband disappeared in a car with somebody else. next, she finds the body and tells a ranger, hey, i found the body. a ranger said, boy, that s interesting you would find it in the entire national glacier park. and the story is that she and her husband argued, that he grabbed her arm, that she made him release. and then, alex, she says she took two hands on his back and shoved him and he went over the side. my question is, if you and i are arguing, alex, you have just broken my grip on your arm, would you turn your back to me then? there are still holes that have to be filled. as you re describing it, i m thinking no. no. how much will factor into the investigation? ie, motive. yeah. you know, we always look at means, motive and opportunity. obviously she had the opportunity. they were the only two there. she confesses shoved him. the question is did she shove him to get him away, or did she shove him to push him over the cliff because she lied afterwards. had she simply come forward and said, you know, what we had an argument. we pushed each other. i immediately dialed 911. but she doesn t do that. she tells a cover up story. this takes us back to 2005. we remember the george smith story on his honeymoon who fell off or was somehow pushed, fell off his honeymoon cruise ship when his wife was passed out in a hall. these stories keep coming around. this one still has to be told and complete. absolutely. which means we will have you back as things are developing. clint van zandt, thank you so much. as the nation marks the 50th anniversary of the civil rights movement, how dr. bill crosby is continuing the fight. look, i want my people to sail. and i feel that when the numbers show that we need to get our children and move them out of harm s way, children are not graduating at the numbers education is so important. yet we need to get to these children. we need to get to them and take them away from the idea that they don t need it. don t miss craig s interview 3:00 p.m. eastern sunday on msnbc. the bitter truth about your most favorite treat. it s the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don t use super poligrip for hold because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it s clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you re more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it s not about keeping my dentures in, it s about keeping the food particles out. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. and now, there s a plan that lets you experience that new phone thrill again and again. and again. can you close your new phone box? we re picking up some feedback. introducing verizon edge. the plan that lets you upgrade to a new verizon 4glte phone when you want to. having what you want on the network you rely on. that s powerful. verizon. upgrade to the new moto x by motorola with zero down payment. we are the thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nighters. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we ve made our passions our life s work. we strive for the moments where we can say, i did it! we are entrepreneurs who started it all. with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we re here to help start yours. now to our three big money headlines, confidence issues, hunger nation, bittersweet tooth. joining me to break it all down, contributor regina lewis. let s start with retail numbers for last month. what have you got on that? it has fell to a five-month low in terms of overall consumer confidence. the confidence has most here you see the retail numbers. not what everyone was expecting. back-to-school sales didn t really kick in. we talked about car sales. people are buying big ticket items. but something else has to give. that s overall retail. consumer confidence a five-month low. so people not feeling back, with rumors of the fed tapering, which makes them feel like this housing rebound could slow down. that makes people feel poorer. that s the unfortunates timing, regina. it comes right back to back-to-school supplies and clothing. maybe kids are getting short-changed? i think it was supply cen tri c. i don t know if you have seen it in your own house, i think kids fashion is less seasonal. so there s no back-to-school looks per se. they wear the same thing year-round. maybe they add a sweater. so it s not what it used to be. what about this disturbing report on the state of hunger in this country. good word for it. very disturbing. gallup poll 1 in 5 americans struggle to put food on their table for their families or themselves at some point. this indicate the economic recovery is not broad based and is benefiting the folks at the top who benefit from that housing rebound and who own stocks, not those who are trying to meet very basic needs. this at a time when 15% of the country is receiving food stamps as a bridge. this is a cash flow issue. walmarts are flooded around paydays. that s a terrible number. 20%. my goodness. potential bad news for chocolate numbers, including me. what s this about? expect sticker shock when it comes to chock lass because of the secret ingredient of coco butter. or at least the special ingredient. it gives you the melt in your mouth effect. here comes the holiday season in north america, which they tend to spike anyway prices in chocolate. if you are a chockaholic you are not going to benefit from the fact that coco butter prices are on the rise and you have new chocoholic friends in lot in america and asia. thank you so much, regina lewis. in this morning s one minute play back, david letterman had several top 10 lists about the pope. here s his latest. things never said before by a pope. only judy can judge me. number 8, just purelled. don t kiss the ring. 6. okay, tebow. we get it. you like jesus. you look probably tell the authorities about this. and number 1, will the congregation please twerk. you make me, make me, make me go crazy you make me, make me, make me go crazy. this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the. 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[ flo chuckles ] [ whirring ] hey, how s that atom-splitting thing going? oh! a smarter way to shop around now that s progressive. call or click today. welcome back to weekends with alex witt . breaking news at the half hour with a done deem in geneva. john kerry and sergei lavrov announced just an hour ago they have reached an agreement for the confiscation and destruction of syria s chemical weapons. the united states and russia are committed to the elimination of syrian chemical weapons in the soonest and safest manner. we agreed that syria must submit within a week. not in 30 days, but in one week, a comprehensive listing and additional details will be addressed regarding that in the coming days. joining me now is democratic congressman, member of the armed services committee. and with a welcome to you, ma am, you just heard the secretary of state there announcing this agreement. what s your reaction to that? and do you trust syria to comply? good morning, alex. you know, we just heard the announcement a little while ago, read it. and i m i believe syria will comply simply because they have their major ally on as part of this deal. okay. and you re talking there certainly about russia. beyond the chemical weapons, u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon was quoted as saying the assad government is guilty of crimes against humanity. human rights watch. a new report said the government, soldiers executed 250 men, women, and children in this two-day spree, and that was back in may. not to mention the 100,000 or so that died overall. so confiscating chemical weapons, is that an adequate international response? as you know, the the issue before congress was the chemical weapons. and the use of the limited directed force was about the chemical weapons. and i believe that the response that the united states is looking at is regarding the chemical weapons. and that s what the negotiations were about. i think the first thing we must address is the chemical weapons, which was the whole idea of the universal norm that had been violated by syria. okay. but when you see reports in the wall street journal about elite syrian units moving around their chemical weapons stockpiles, how concerned are you that whatever is presented by the assad government will be truthfully representing what they have in total? well, i think that s the whole issue behind secretary kerry s meeting as well as the foreign minister from russia and the agreement that was reached that in a week there will be an inventory and agreement as to the size of the weapons and we also know that u.n. forces are supposed to be on the ground. or inspectors on the ground no later than november and all the weapons turned over and potentially destroyed by mid-2014. we can only assume that the intelligence that our secretary has is in line with what this agreement was struck. so at some point we ve all called for a negotiated resolution. in calling for that negotiated resolution we have also got to admit that the negotiated resolution reflects the information that the secretary and therefore the united states is comfortable with. of course the situation in syria has really taken away the focus from a fiscal crisis we have here at home. the house canceled a vote on the spending bill because it didn t cut funding to obama care. will you get a deal in time? as you know, i m in the house of representatives which is controlled. the majority is the republicans. and they control what comes to the house. we have faced this crisis time and time again. that s why the people of this great country are always so disenchanted and feel that congress is so dysfunctional. we have managed to do it every time. and i believe that thepl come to their senses and that the something will be agreed to by the end of this month. okay. what about the president, though? do you think he would really follow through on his threat to veto any spending bill that cuts health care funds even if it means a government shutdown? it is not only the president. it will have to get through the senate. it s not just the house. so i think the house republicans are very well aware that it takes basically the two branches of government to agree and therefore knowing that the president will veto it they can t continue to push it because if they do, what will happen is they will cause the government shutdown as they have in the past. if there is a government shutdown, if fiscal deals are not reached, ma am, how much do you think the weight of that will echo into the 2014 midterms? oh, definitely. when people are now looking again at the budget, they raise issues regarding sequestration, the cuts, is the economy getting better. as you know, the most important part of the economy getting better is public confidence, as the deficit numbers, as you know, are going down. in other words, we may not have the deficit percentage of the gdp as we thought we were going to have. yeah, the people are going to hold us accountable. it will go to 2014. if it becomes a situation where obama care has been found constitutional by the united states supreme court, people are going to start to ask, why are we still holding up this country and the budgets that are so necessary to run it over an issue that the supreme court has said, hey, it s constitutional. democratic congresswoman from hawaii, thank you very much for your time. thank you, alex. let s go now to your fast five headlines. 20 people have been arrested in mexico city as riot police broke up a fight of striking teachers. they defied a government order. the area was cleared to make way for independence day celebrations this weekend. southern mexico, tropical storm ingrid triggered rescue efforts. ingrid unleashed heavy rains and 60-mile-per-hour winds on the region. it could become a hurricane by tomorrow or sunday. rapper kanye west is facing charges with a run-in from photographs back in may. attempted grand theft when he grabbed a photographer and forced him to the ground. four sororities have refused african-americans from pledging. and a fiery crash on a highway near minneapolis. the driver of the other car was hospitalized. in this week s office politics, my conversation with best-selling author and liberal firebrand joe conison talked about the value of a single presidential spies. and from his new offices in manhattan he talked about giving credit where credit is due on syria. well, look, i think it s clear that the fact that russia and syria have agreed to some kind of discussion of getting rid of their chemical weapons is absolutely a product of the president s threat to take military action. and i think he deserves whatever credit there is for the result of this process. he certainly deserves it. i don t think there would have been a process if not for that. up until that point, i m not sure they handled it that well. if you were going to decide you wanted to take military action, especially in the middle east now, after people are so weary of iraq, afghanistan, as the president knows very well, that you would have had to prepare the public for much more carefully and diligently than the white house did up until the moment that the president said this is a red line. he s crossed it. that threat and subsequent restraint, do you think public opinion drove that? i think the president was determined to do something about this. i don t think the restraint was driven by public opinion. i think it was a strategic decision on his part that in order to try to mobilize both world and public opinion around this military action, if it s necessary, he has to be seen to have taken every diplomatic step first. and his speech, did that satisfy that for you? i think it was he made that pretty clear. he said we re going to try diplomacy because it s better than war of any kind or a strike. whatever you want to call it. but if that doesn t work, this problem is not going away. i think it would be surprising if a single speech was able to change the minds of whatever number it is, 60%, 80%, 90% who don t want to do anything about this now. i think it was a good first step. it was a good speech. it laid out the president s rationale. we have a moral and strategic interest here. america is different. and americans i think mostly do believe a that and want to believe it. as i wrote the other day, it requires a much bigger campaign than that. when george w. bush and dick cheney wanted to invade iraq, they didn t think one day of false testimony on capitol hill. they spent two years almost campaigning before they actually went into iraq. this is a really cool spot. tell me what s going on here. it looks like it is brand-new. this is the office of the national memo. eastern harbor media, which is the parent company. all the national memo, daily newsletter and website activity happens in this office, except for things done by people in california, michigan and other places remotely. but really the staff is here. we just moved into this office about a month ago. this is our new digs, as you can probably tell as you look around. we re going to start a health letter and other products as they say in the business. we re in the newsletter business. the national memo goes to about 800,000 people every day. that s huge. it is pretty big. it is i think the biggest progressive newsletter in america right now. it is advertising based. but the newsletter business as a business is much broader than that. people get, as you know, all kinds of newsletters. so we re interested in looking into other types of newsletters as well. more of our conversation today at 12:00 noon. we discuss joe s next book about president clinton and his life since leading the white house and offering diplomatic options in the syria showdown. it s the last thing people in flood devastated want to hear from weather forecasters and it s next. i ve got something for you too. 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[ male announcer ] from the last day of school, back to the first. they re gonna create a ton of research papers and important projects. so make sure they ve got a safe place to keep them all. this week only get 16 gig flash drives for $7.87. staples has it. staples. that was easy. developing now. four people died in fierce colorado flooding raging across more than 130 milesment the national guard is helping in isolated communities cut off by the fierce waters, including the town of lyons. just scary. you don t think something like that you would be in that kind of situation where you re trapped. dylan, early good morning to you. how are things looking there? good morning, alex. things where i am on the banks of the boulder creek are okay. it s not raining right now. and the river has gone below flood stage. it is running around 4 1/2 feet. flood stage is 5 1/2 feet. it did peak friday morning at almost 8 feet, which is considered major flood stage for this river. that is why we did see major flooding in the boulder area. three rivers still in major flood stage is. north fork, platte and avondale. it has picked up 75% of the year s worth of rain in less than one week s time. we have seen record breaking rainfall. old record was five and a half inches of rain. so obviously we are well above that. and almost already approaching a year s worth of rain with just two inches shy of the rainfall for the entire year. any additional rain is going to cause an issue not just hear but areas west of boulder where we could see a 40% chance of heavier rain, especially later this afternoon and into tonight. that water trickles from the mountains and flows into the creeks that are swollen here. we are seeing the flood soaked ground not able to absorb any more rainfall. sunday, we will see a better chance, 80% chance of seeing rain. and the rain itself is tropical in nature. it s coming in from the south. so it s the heavier downpours that could end up with another several inches of rain before all is said and done by the time we get into monday. a quick apology. i said the weather channel. you re nbc s meteorologist. i m sure the weather channel loves you too. thanks very much, dylan. u.s. gives syria a week to come clean on its chemical weapons. [ male announcer ] these days, a small business can save by sharing. like carpools. polly wants to know if we can pick her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah. [ male announcer ] .office space. yes, we re loving this communal seating. it s great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data plan. at&t mobile share for business. one bucket of data for everyone on the plan, unlimited talk and text on smart phones. now, everyone s in the spirit of sharing. hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend? no. [ male announcer ] share more. save more. at&t mobile share for business. . here s a programming note. if you are confused by what s happening in washington this week, you like 1970s classic shows, you want to play with us. the fun with the quiz master starts in ten minutes. even less. more on syria s chemical weapons. secretary kerry announced they have reached a deal giving the assad government one week to provide a full list of its stock piles, u.n. inspectors must be on the ground folater than november. kimberly dozier, associated reporter with the associated press. you showed me this deal proposal. good morning. it s really interesting. there are some firm deadlines which i don t know we expected to see, not so quickly. within a week, syria has to explain everything it has to cough up its secrets and by november, have inspectors on the ground. so that s actually fairly quick. there are some teeth in this thing. there is some surprisingly strong language of next steps with syria doesn t comply. how about you, kimberly. for russia, they can say it doesn t include armed force. it includes economic sanctions as i m reading the initial drafts out of geneva. the hard part is going to be to verify, if you talk to u.s. military folks, they want people on the ground as well or at least trusted agents to make sure that russia is making syria show them where all the weapons are. in fact, you wrote this week the actual task of collecting and subsequently destroying the capital weapons that that is extremely difficult. can you talk about the complications of that, what is the likelihood of it happening in total? absolutely. there is there first little wrinkle the fact that you have a live war going on. we sent inspectors into the hostile situations. never do you ask a team to go in where shooting is going on. you can give vague guarantees they will be safe. they can be caught up as pawns in this intense struggle. the other thing is we don t know if this is a lebia-style enspecs or iraq where they hide things and they lay games. this could continue for months, potentially. kimberly, have we heard from the rebels on the negotiations? even if the government makes the go ahead, there are rebel groups openly hostile to the west. rebel groups that intend to continue fighting with weapons the u.s. has now provided to them. they have been on the record as saying they are against this dole, they re against negotiating with the certain government. they think they are buying time to continue to advance against the rebels. meanwhile, yes, weapons have reached the rebels, it s still small arms. some anti tank weaponry. it s not the significant anti-weaponry they want to defeat certain helicopters, for instance. kimberly, i want to talk about that. you reported on this, you say when weapons reached the rebels, you reported it s happened through the cia and also in a more round about way. can you exmane that? yeah, there is confusion among capitol hill, but the intelligence officials i m speaking to say this has been going on for more than aen moth. the stores have been going, though, through third parties, so the u.s. is arranging for them to be delivered. but they don t say from the usa or from the u.s. deposit on the outside, then once the weapons are delivered to the rebels, usually outside the country, training camps, jordan or turkey, then cia officers and special operations officers train them in how to use some of this stuff. statement the rebels den know exactly who they re talking toment so that s the nature of a covert operation, you obscure it. you hide the origins so that u.s. fingerprints aren t all over the place. for beth of you as you rode this agreement coming out of geneva this morning, is there a real dead loin here? is there a point 45 has been stated that if anything everything hasn t happened the way it s being set out in this agreement between u.s. and russia, that bombings would start in the do you read that anywhere? well, it s ha ready to imagine russia agreeing to him boing. because it s still something that has to come up before the u.n. security council. russia made that clear they don t want this to happen. they appear to support deadlines and firm time tables and syria has to be forced to comply. they re the gain tore of this. that will be on the ground presumably to make the sure irsyria does what it says to do. that will be interesting to watch. kimberly, yes or no, are you seeing a firm dead lean with him boing? no, i m seeing months delay there good for the talk to you as always. be sure to zwroen me for a two-hour edition of the show at noon. we are up with steve kornacki. don t forget. he s playing games. i m fed up with always having to put my bladder s needs ahead of my daughter. so today, i m finally talking to my doctor about overactive bladder symptoms. 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[ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. your financial advisor should focus on your long-term goals, not their short-term agenda. [ woman ] if you have the nerve to believe that cookie cutters should be for cookies, not your investment strategy. if you believe in the sheer brilliance of a simple explanation. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do: face time and think time make a difference. join us. [ male announcer ] at edward jones, it s how we make sense of investing. we come on the air amid news that syria is getting rid of chemical weapons. the deal begins a time table of when syria must comply as well as conditions for how syria must comply not to mention consequences if syria does not comply. but for those consequences it seems we will stop just short of

Boulder-creek , Colorado , United-states , Montana , Afghanistan , Boulder-county , China , Mexico-city , Distrito-federal , Mexico , California , Syria

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News 20130921

good evening. sadly this week in america is coming to an end the way it started. there has been another mass shooting this time in chicago. 20 all in all were wounded. one police official is quoted in saying it s a miracle no one died. chicago s been in the spotlight for this very reason. after 500 homicides last year, more than any other city in america, police there were pointing to a 20% drop this year. but then this. the kind of violence that badly wounded a 3-year-old child among others in one of this nation s great cities. we begin there tonight with nbc s john yang. john, good evening. reporter: good evening, brian. this was the scene of that shooting about 24 hours ago. you can see kids are playing here again. it has been a very violent 24 hours. even though in chicago the number of shootings is down about 500 from last year, and the number of murders this year is on pace to be the lowest in nearly 50 years. the neighborhood park basketball court looked more like a battle ground littered with wounded. 13 in all. i think it was like an ak, man. a lot of shots like boom boom boom boom boom. reporter: all are expected to survive. the youngest deonte howard. shot in the jaw. y all out here killing these innocent people, kids, parents, grandparents, mothers, fathers. it got to stop. reporter: police say the shooting was gang related. the weapon, an assault style rifle with a high capacity magazine. military-type weapons like the one we believed to have been used in this shooting belong on a battlefield. reporter: elsewhere in the city thursday night, at least nine other shootings that left at least four dead and seven wounded. for mayor rahm emanuel who visited today, it s not just a battle against gun violence. it s a battle of perception. the battle in the streets of chicago belong to the families of chicago. reporter: there have been more than 1400 shootings this year. that s a drop of 23% from last year. they re heavily concentrated on the city s south and west sides. gary mccarthy was the top cop in new york and newark. we spoke to him in august. was there anything about chicago when you got here that surprised you? in chicago we have higher gangs that have been around for generations. you know, the grandfather was a gang member, the father was a gang men. reporter: police overtime is on track to hit $100 million this year. it s the same officers on the same beat every single day. they get to know the good kids from the bad kids. reporter: the grandmother of the smallest victim says the solution involves more than just police. some of us parents stop being afraid of our kids and stand up. reporter: and it continues, brian. just a few miles from here late this afternoon, the body of a teenager was found shot to death. john yang starting us off from chicago tonight. john, thanks. now to one of the other front lines in this battle. the doctors struggling to save the lives of innocent victims. as we said we started this week with a mass shooting in washington. one of the enduring moments from that tragic massacre came from a veteran d.c. trauma center doctor who spoke out against violence because she had simply seen enough of it. it turns out that doctor janis orlowski of the medstar center spent two decades prior to this in chicago. and after her comment struck a chord with so many people, we wanted to hear more from her. peter alexander has the report. fourth floor, a male with a shotgun. multiple shots fired. multiple people down. en route to medstar. copy. it was actually not a nice day. it was a rainy, overcast day. reporter: dr. janis orlowski at medstar washington hospital center was treating a patient when she heard the news. one of the nurses came in and said dr. orlowski, there was a shooting at the navy yard. reporter: just hours later the frustration she expressed struck a chord across the country. i d like you to put my trauma center out of business. i really would. i would like to not be an expert on gun shots. i heard a police officer being interviewed. he said americans are just going to have to get used to more mass killings. you know what? i refuse to believe that s our future. reporter: for dr. orlowski who spent two decades at a chicago hospital before coming to d.c., last night s shooting was personal, horrifying she called it. you have 32 years of being on the front line of trauma, of gun violence like this. how do we fix it? what we have to do is we have to talk. can t just point at washington and say let those guys fix it. we have to talk as a community. we have to talk about what we re going to do for mental health. what do we do for individuals. reporter: even on this week day afternoon, new arrivals including a stabbing victim shot in the past 14 times. it s necessary work. we hang in there. we fight the good fight. reporter: days before the d.c. shooting, dr. orlowski turned in her resignation. in just three weeks, she ll leave emergency response to cus on health care policy. what is the lesson we can take away from what we witnessed here in d.c.? i hope the lesson is don t let another 60, 90 days go by and have us forget about the shooting at the navy yard. reporter: peter alexander, in washington. now in washington onto the topic of politics. the wheels were set in motion in a meaningful way towards a possible government shutdown in ten days time. the republicans in the house passed a bill that would keep the government going while killing obama care. the problem is that will never make it through the senate like the 41 other times the house republicans have voted to kill obama care. so here we go again. and both parties now get to put on a lesson in your government at work. chuck todd is at the white house for us. good evening. reporter: good evening, brian. it s an annual ritual here in washington. the threat of the government shutdown. the republicans in congress, the democrats in the white house again playing a legislative game of chicken. the president ramped it up. it s back a motion to reconsider is laid on the table. reporter: another fight over the budget. the republican solution? a bill that would keep the government open through december but stops the president s health care law. our message to the united states senate is simple. the american people don t want the government shut down and they don t want obama care. reporter: and it s a bill that has zero chance of becoming law. in the united states senate, we will not repeal or defund obama care. we will not. and to think we can is not rational. reporter: bowing to tea party pressures, agreed to use it as leverage to help derail health care reform. the next ten days are very important for our country. that is doing everything we can to stop and delay and defund obama care. reporter: the white house has promised to veto. and touring a ford factory in missouri today, a fiery president obama almost seemed to relish the chance to slam house republicans. they re not focused on you. they re focused on politics. they re focused on trying to mess with me. they re not focused on you. reporter: here s what will happen if there s no agreement by october 1st. non-essential workers roughly half the government workforce would be furloughed. those who stay on the job including members of the military would not get paid. instead issues ious. national parks and monuments around the country would close to tourists. many programs continue. social security checks and medicare payments. federal prisons stay open. tax collection won t stop, and neither will mail delivery. and members of congress, well believe it or not by law even during a shutdown they would still get paid. and here s the sad irony. for every day that the government is shut down, it will actually cost taxpayers $100 million a day. so it will cost taxpayers more money if the government shuts down even for one day. chuck todd covering the theater in washington on a friday night. chuck, thanks. and as all this plays out inside the capitol, the obama administration just opened up a big new front in the president s environmental plan announcing tough new requirements to limit carbon pollution from new power plants despite protests from some republicans who worry about the effects on the coal industry. in colorado tonight as the cleanup continues, authorities confirm more flood-related oil spills there today. more than 22,000 gallons of oil have spilled out. and with many of the roads inaccessible, it may be awhile before the crews can get to the toppled oil tanks. and because so many people refused to evacuate their homes this week without their pets, some of the chopper rescue flights out contained more pets than people at one point as we saw in a lot of the images that came out of there today. we don t know what this says about our country these days, but if you want americans to line up in great numbers, all you have to do is come out with a new phone. the new iphone came out today. it s not all new, it s just been updated. while apple is in a fight for market share against surging samsung, the true believers spent this day in line all across this country. katy tur is at the flagship apple store in manhattan today. good evening. reporter: hey, brian. the crowds are here but the line has gone out because they re already sold out. as of 8:00 a.m. this morning, 1400 people were waiting in line. that s double the amount of last year which is surprising considering the phone is not that much different. there are new colors and there s a fingerprint scanner which is raising privacy concerns. right now one group is offering $50,000 to the first person who can hack into it. so long lines across the country means good news for apple. bad news is that there was some drama. this photo shows an arrest outside of a pasadena store where a fight broke out. still apple ended today on a high note which makes the news about the blackberry that much sadder. it announced it would lay off 4,500 employees or about 40% of the global workforce. unfortunately people do not appreciate buttons or keyboards anymore. katy tur outside the apple store tonight, thanks. still ahead for us on a friday night, the bible. what could be the biggest change creating a surge in popularity around the world. and later, making a difference. neighbors rolling up their sleeves getting dirty and helping each other. from the world of religion, proof tonight that portability and popularity may be linked. they call the bible the good book. and it always has been until now. now it s an app and a lot of people are finding what they are looking for on their mobile device instead. so as part of our series the big idea we get more from nbc s chelsea clinton. what s going on, everybody? how you guys doing tonight? [ cheers ] reporter: when caesar arocha delivers a sermon these days, this is a common sight. his youth congregation isn t texting or tweeting but following along on digital bibles thanks to the wildly popular bible app youversion. wow, they do get it. they are digging into god s word in a digital form. it s nice to have it on your phone. i can dig into god s word whenever i want to. i can flip open the app and then just select the book that i was looking for. reporter: it s been downloaded more than a hundred million times putting it in the same league as twitter and instagram. so it s an online church experience. reporter: bobby gruenwald is the innovation pastor at lifechurch in oklahoma. i was thinking could we be at a moment in history where the right opportunity is there to really change how this generation engages in the bible. sort of a guttenberg moment. reporter: the app offers 600 versions of the bible in more than 400 languages. it comes with personalized reading plans, videos, and the ability to share favorite verses on social media. this is a map that s showing as people are open ing the bible app in real time. this is happening while we are talking. the pins are dropping where people are opening the app. reporter: youversion is a nonprofit supported by tens of millions of dollars from donors who recognize the impact it has on the next generation. you re going to college next year. yes. and will the bible app go with you? of course. i have it on my ipad and my phone. it s become so personal. it s like it s brought christianity to a higher level that the bible just couldn t do on its own. we re going to ask god to bless tonight and what we are doing here. reporter: on any given sunday expect more souls illuminated by faith and their phones. chelsea clinton, nbc news, oklahoma city. we are back with a big change coming to the wizard of oz. bigger, some say better than ever before, but how is that possible? there are so many things that we do on a daily basis. we run errands. we run to the grocery store. in fact, the average american drives fewer than 29 miles a day. the 100% electric nissan leaf goes two-and-a-half times that on a single charge. it s a car. it just doesn t take gas. [ farrar ] so think about where you go in a day. do you really need gas to get there? [ male announcer ] the 100% electric nissan leaf. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a 2013 nissan leaf for $199 a month. starting tonight at select locations across the country a big movie is making a return to the big screen, though not exactly as we remember it. it s the wizard of oz and this time it s on imax screens and in 3-d. as movies go, most people alive today can tell a story about the wizard of oz going back generations. little kids have been scared by it, scarred by it and amazed by it, often in equal measure. and for all these years there s been nothing else like it really. here it comes again. only slightly different. somewhere over the rainbow reporter: the wizard of oz changed everything because for generations of american movie watchers, it had everything. it was genuinely scary, magical, happy and sad and it remains all those things to this day. it s captured the imagination of audiences for 75 years for the reason that every movie and every book that lasts does. it s an amazing story. reporter: it had special effects that were revolutionary. only today can we appreciate how special they were. especially considering it was mostly shot inside these sound stages in hollywood where the witch s trap door survives, but not much else. among the last of the surviving munchkins, jerry maron of the lollipop guild got his hollywood star just this week at the age of 93. we wish to welcome you to munchkinland reporter: the movie opened in 1939, before the start of world war ii changed everything. fdr was president. a new airport opened in new york called laguardia. gm unveiled a new invention called automatic transmission, and the jefferson memorial was not yet built. yet when movie-goers first laid eyes on this technological marvel, they thought they had seen the future. it was a revolutionary film. it did things with color, sound and story telling that movies had not done before. this was a fantasy blockbuster. reporter: just like its cast members, the movie had heart, and brains and courage. a young girl from kansas named dorothy gale. a good man who was a bad wizard. a good witch and a very bad witch. there was a tornado that would today be an f-5. there was auntie em and the ruby slippers and the flying monkeys and toto too. there is also the great oz folklore. the barely visible equipment and technical slip-ups. the fact that w.c. fields was originally supposed to play the wizard and buddy ebsen was the tinman until he had a nearly fatal reaction to the aluminum skin. it s estimated the wizard of oz has been seen more times than any other film. and perhaps that s why some are wondering if that s why it needed to be in 3d. the imax version will run for only a month and requires special glasses. the original film will always be around and just requires imagination. there are lessons in the movie that endure about trust and good versus evil, but mostly about going home. and i m not going to leave here ever, ever again. because i love you all. an amazing film. a sentimental journey really, a part of american history. but it never got the oscar for best picture because the year it came out, another film got in the way. it was called gone with the wind. up next after a break, they call themselves the mud slingers. but there s nothing at all bad about what they re doing and how they re making a difference for others. finally tonight it s been a long week for a lot of folks in colorado. for many of them it means starting over completely after digging out what nature has deposited. but there is help out there. people like those you re about to meet who are willing to dig in and make a difference for those who need it. their story tonight from nbc s joe fryer. reporter: it s typically not a compliment to call someone a mudslinger. until now. just being there to give them a hug while i m taking out buckets of mud is what i have been up to for the last five days. reporter: these eager volunteers have spent the past week cleaning the filthy flooded basements of total strangers. earning the nickname mudslingers. this is in our own backyard. the people that are here, we are the people that would never go on with normal life while their neighbors are hurting. reporter: while most of the work involves good old-fashioned elbow grease, it s actually modern technology that s making all of this happen. we need to start assembling our larger teams. reporter: from a makeshift command center, volunteer dispatchers use social media to find out who needs help and who can help. you could use more than four people potentially? reporter: they post information about locations in need. we need bodies, shovels. reporter: within minutes a wave of helping hands. some unafraid to spend hours emptying a crawl space that s muddier than a pig pen. i see a light at the end of the tunnel. reporter: here they are helping debbie setlock whose house sat in feet of flood water. might be saveable. it s amazing to see the community rallying together to support and care for one another and help one another out. i have just never seen anything like it. reporter: you could call it the power of social media, but really it is the power of people. obviously mother nature is very powerful. when you watch what humanity and what human nature can do, that s just as equal, in my mind. reporter: selfless neighbors giving mudslingers a good name. joe fryer, nbc news, boulder, colorado. and that s our broadcast on a friday night and for this week. thank you for being here with us. i m brian williams. we of course hope to see you right back here on monday evening. in the meantime, have a good weekend. good night. right now at 6:00, hours after his arrest a 49ers star player back on the practice field. thanks for joining us. i m terry mcsweeney. raj and jessica are off tonight. 49ers linebacker aldon smith is out of jail tonight after his arrest for dui. the incident happened in san jose around 7:00 this morning when the football player crashed into a tree. we have team coverage tonight. matt is live at team headquarters in santa clara. chief investigative reporter has the legal fallout from his arrest. we give with marianne favro, live in san jose, the site of the crash. reporter: yes, janelle, this is where aldon smith crashed his truck around 7:00 this morning. you can still see the deep tire marks here on this front lawn. behind that is the tree that he crashed into. and neighbors say when they found him, smith was still inside his truck, but smoke was pouring out of it. san francisco 49ers linebacker aldon smith was booked into santa clara county jail this morning on suspicion of driving under the influence. san jose police arrested him after he crashed his truck into this tree in a silver creek neighborhood around 7:00 this morning. kim s husband called 911. when she went outside, she said smith s truck was on her lawn and smoke was$ñ pouring out of

New-york , United-states , Oklahoma , Missouri , Santa-clara-county , California , Colorado , Hollywood , Boulder , Jefferson-memorial , District-of-columbia , Kansas

Transcripts For CNNW The Situation Room 20130914

we are going to get to it in a minute. we are going to talk about the flooding in colorado. the governor is on his way now to give a press conference. here is the interesting thing. as he is going to the press conference, he stops to help with a rescue. this coming from governor his official twitter account. picked up four stranded people, a dog and a cat during helicopter tour of flooded area. so, we are going to get to that in a moment. we are talking about northern colorado, denver, greeley, larimer county. the governor is going to talk about his rescue in the press conference happening in a moment. these are places where people are dead and people still missing. this is the only way you are likely to get anywhere there, on horseback. the rain started wednesday and did not stop. first, the roads covered with water. the black top started to crumble. then bridges became impossible to cross. thousands of people, entire communities, suddenly were cut off from anyway to get out. today, the sun came out, but it s temporary reprieve. the forecast calls for more rain. this disaster, not just an inconvenience, there s a hugh monotoll. four people reported dead. people were swept from their cars and would be rescuers drowning trying to save them. this man almost certainly would have drown when his car flipped into a swollen river near boulder on thursday. thankfully rescue crews were right there and pulled him to safety. the water was windshield high in denver. only a city fire engine had the gumption to muscle through this. george howell is live. as we wait on the governor, george, the weather is cleared up, but not for long. there s more in the forecast. how are people preparing for this? reporter: well, don, you know, certainly i m no meteorologist but i have been checking on the forecast. it says 30% here in the longmont area. we have been watching this weather system coming this way. we felt a few rain drops. looks like it s clearing up in this area. maybe we will dodge more rain. that s great news. look how much water has fallen in this area. look here. that s a bike trail, a tunnel that goes through the bike trail. you can see an eight foot clearance. we are talking what, maybe six feet of water. maybe we can hear how deep that is. you get a sense of how much water came through here. the challenge for these officials for the last 24 hours has been getting to the different communities. if you look here, this was somewhat of a stream and the stream has merged with the river. look at that. that s the problem. this water, keep in mind, don, it s got rocks in it, tree limbs in it, all kind of things that make it challenging to walk through the most shallow areas. you can t get through different places. the roads are just gone in many communities. if you get a good look at the flow, i mean, this is a good 24 hours after the storm. just a lot of water, still rushing down. i m sure you can hear it through the microphone. that s the challenge, trying to get around what were streams, now rivers cutting off entire communities. you mentioned the challenge of getting around and for rescuers to get to people. talk to me about the people still cut off by washed out roads and bridges. what s being done to help them, george? reporter: right. you know, in some cases, don, they were able to bring people to safety. the governor, as you mentioned, we just looked at his official twitter account. four people rescued. that s great news. that s what s happening for some. there are a lot of people stranded. in jamestown, we know of at least 200 people in that community who have to be rescued. if you can t get them out, the best you can do. we see the officials doing it, the national guard bringing food and water. the things that will help them get through. just wait until the water subsides. it s the best they can do. the hope, we know rain is in the forecast. the hope is we will dodge some of it and it won t be as significant as we saw in the last 48 to 72 hours. all right. long mont, colorado. george howell is there standing by. stand by, we are waiting a press conference. by the governor. he is about to hold a briefing. the interesting thing, coming from the governor s official twitter account saying, picked up four stranded people, a dog and a cat during helicopter tour of flooded area. i know the governor is going to share his experience and talk about that as soon as he steps up to the microphones in colorado in moments. we ll carry it here on cnn. they are getting inundated. elsewhere across the west, floodwaters are rising and flash flood warnings in utah as a large weather system sits atop the state. this is albuquerque, new mexico today. part of the state got six months worth of rain in three days. emergency officials are hoping the worst is over. they are getting down to the hard work of recovery now. meantime, the mountains, national park, the national park in texas, been closed right now after rushing floodwaters wiped out roads and trails there as well. we are keeping an eye on it for you. if you want to help out the people all over the west, especially in colorado, visit our impact your world page we are going to get to syria now. days ago, we were reporting on the debate of what seemed like an imminent military strike on syria. today, the u.s. and russia announced an agreement to locate the chemical weapons stockpile in a matter of weeks and destroy the weapons by the middle of next year. cnns matthew chance has more from geneva. reporter: it was this appalling chemical attack on the outskirts of damascus last month killing over 1,000 people that finally brought moscow and washington together. after three days of intense negotiations in geneva, there s full agreement, it seems on how to rid syria of chemical weapons. we reached the amount and type of chemical weapons by the assad regime. we are committed to the rapid assumption of control by the international community of those weapons. reporter: it is an incredibly ambitious timetable. syria must hand other a list of sites and stockpiles within a week. u.n. inspections completed by november, the same month chemical productions and facilities should be destroyed with the elimination of chemical weapons in syria by the middle of next year. a threat of u.s. strikes on syria if they fail to do what they are told. washington retains the right to take military action. under the agreement with russia, noncompliance would have to be referred to the u.n. security council or any punishment has to be agreed. russia is casting it as a diplomatic coup and possibly opening the way for a broad political settlement. translator: the realization of this agreement will be meaning not only for the common goal but also to avoid the military that would be catastrophic for this region and for the international relations. reporter: in syria, an already catastrophic war continues to rage, making the complex work of ridding this country of its chemical arms, even with an agreement more difficult. matthew chance, cnn, geneva. diplomats were all smiles in geneva. in washington, it s more complex. the president said it s an important concrete step toward the goal of moving chemical weapons to be destroyed. joe johns joins me now from washington with the complicated reaction there. the white house, are they going to frame it as a win/win? i think the white house the framing it as a good start, a move in the right direction. actually, the four paragraph statement put out used variations of the phrase important step. it s measured, but optimistic. in anticipation about the criticism about the lack of u.n. enforceability, they point out there s time to give it teeth. the united states will continue working with russia, the uk, france, the u.n. and others to ensure it s verifiable and there are consequences should they not comply with the framework. not everybody likes this. no. predictably tough statement today from republican senator john mccain and lindsey graham. they said without a u.n. security resolution under chapter even of the u.n. charter that threatens the use of force by the assad regime it s meaningless. he will deceive the world using every trick in saddam hussein s playbook. it s going to be a common theme, don. joe, we talked about this. lawmakers didn t want to vote on a resolution. this was a tough decision for them. is this an out for them? no, it s a temporary out. i think you can call it that. the fact of the matter is, at a later date, they might have to still vote. if the u.n. doesn t have some type of use of force, then the united states has to contemplate it. there s still a bit of criticism for the president from the left, they never wanted a forceful intervention anyway. there were a lot of conservative republicans with him not going far enough. it s all over the place. joe johns in washington. beautiful evening there in washington as well. spectacular. the past couple days, actually. really. good. not bad here, either. not bad. all right. always good to see you joe johns. forget we are on television sometimes. giving syria enough time to move chemical weapons out of the country. a guest believes they may be doing that. plus, who is the big winner in this deal? it may be israel. that discussion is next. plus, more of my conversation with bill cosby and his thoughts on leadership in the black community today. you don t want to miss that. what we need is for people to realize i want to raise my kid. i want to go back and get my three kids. i want to take on that responsibility. i want to love my children. 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christopher. you called this deal a diplomatic breakthrough and israel is the big winner here. we have not heard, i haven t, from a lot of people say thg is a diplomatic breakthrough. they are saying oh my gosh, the u.s. is eliminating power in the middle east. i don t get that. it reminds me of george w. bush, threatened war, said the international community had to meet their responsibilities to disarm saddam. he shook things up. we had inspectors going into iraq and a lot of stuff happening. the difference then and now is george w. bush wanted to invade iraq and obama does not want to invade syria. there s that. the main thing is, even though it s been a mad scramble, you can t say they have looked organized in this whole effort. at the end of the day, they threatened force and they got what they said they were threatening force to achieve, which was to get chemical weapons taken out. you say they don t look organized. some say this has been a brilliant strategy on the part of the obama administration whether it was orchestrated or not, they are going to come out. i sort of hate sports metaphors but it s like a baseline player in tennis. they were waiting for the balls, rushing, falling back from the net and things lobbed over their heads and finally, at the last minute, they score a surprise point. you are sitting there going, wait, i don t believe anything you say. look, the president didn t want this whole engagement in syria. he never prepared for it, he was not ready for it. he made the remarks about the red line and had to make good on his own threat. if you take a look at what happened now and what the issue is about, we reduced the whole syria conflict to the use of chemical weapons. they are not the issue. the issue is the brutality of the assad regime to the population. i understand that. many people will agree with you. hundreds of thousands of people have died before in recent months. but, chemical weapons are what got us to this particular situation where something appears, at least on the surface to be happening or done about the situation in syria. i like the word appears. it s very deceptive here. access to syria is difficult. we are going to go and by november, we have a clear sense, supposedly by mid november of the chemical weapons syria has. by mid-2014, when bashar will have brutalized his country for several months, then we are going to disarm bashar. this is really kind of wishful thinking. we don t have that kind of acce access. we don t know syria that well. we can t just walk in and syria is going to reveal their secrets to us. i m going to get to you. i think it s more dynamic than that. first of all, the agreement with the russians, it puts all this question of compliance under chapter 7 of the u.n. charter, which basically opens the door to military intervention with u.n. approval, something that didn t exist before. i think there s a lot that can happen between now and six months from now, but not the use of more chemical weapons. colonel, listen, i know you are a polite man. you don t have to be so polite. they have immediate access, you can jump in anytime. let s talk about the access and the logistics. you can respond to whatever you want. i want to ask you about syria s chemical weapons can be located, destroyed by the middle east, by the excuse my, by the middle of next year. we ll be able to destroy what we know of and can find. the problem is finding them and getting an accurate count. we don t have a good handle on what the syrians have. they have been making it and moving it. they have used a little bit of it. but i think it s going to be very, very difficult to pin it down and get an accurate count from anybody. chris made an interesting point. the israeli s come out, the big winners in this. that s only if we get all the chemicals, which i don t think we are going to get. there are different kinds of chemical weapons, the strategic ones and the tactical ones. if i was bashar al assad, i would have moved all the strategic stuff by now and be somewhere we are never going to find it. i find it inconceivable he s going to give up his deterrence like he has with the israelis. we have lots more to talk about. what i want to ask and answer after this after we go on to this break is, you know, we keep talking about the outcome, we are talking about the outcome, how we got to the outcome. you brought up this point, it s what the administration wanted. they say you did this, this and this. in the interim, if you get from point a to point b, does it matter the roads you take here and are we looking at this in the proper perspective? don t answer that yet. we are going to talk about that in a bit. we have developing news happening in colorado. the governor is about to talk about the epic flooding they have been dealing with there and how his helicopter stopped to rescue four people and their pets. we are going bring it to you live once it happened. in the meantime, comedian bill cosby s message to young black men on the importance of going to college. just go and sit there and understand you are going to get an education. that s what happened to me. at age 19 1/2, i just knew that i didn t want to do certain things. it wasn t what they were doing to me, it s what i wasn t doing. wise words from a man who should be heard. more next. license and registration please. what s this? uhh, it s my geico insurance id card, sir. it s digital, uh, pretty cool right? maybe. you know why i pulled you over today? because i m a pig driving a convertible? tail light s out.. fix it. digital insurance id cards. just a click away with the geico mobile app. just by talking to a helmet. it grabbed the patient s record before we even picked him up. it found out the doctor we needed was at st. anne s. wiggle your toes. 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[ female announcer ] today cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everything works like never before. vo:remember to changew that oil is the it on schedule toy car. thkeep your car show your car a little love with an oil change starting at $19.95. more now with my conversation with bill cosby. he attended a commemoration of the 1963 church bombing in birmingham, alabama. it killed four little girls. before the event, he and i talked. i asked him about our country s next generation of leaders. itis a conversation we had been having with a president of miles college in alabama seated next to him. take a listen. i want to ask you, i have been talking and thinking after the 50th anniversary of the march on washington, the anniversary of four little girls x about leaders. especially african-american leaders, who are they? do we need one? do we need leaders in the same sense we needed a dr. king or ruston or a james baldwin? where do you see our leadership now? i think it has to come from the same place. i think it has to come from the universities. i think, women, strongly because when you see 70% in research that says they are the leaders of the household, what we need is for people to realize i want to raise my kid. i want to go back and get my three kids. i want to take on that responsibility. i want to love my children. you know, one of the great pictures that, i mean reaches me because it is special is to go to, for instance, the essence affair and walking around to see, yeah, to see a black male with his child on the shoulders and holding. that means something. i m sure this president of the college knows what it feels like to welcome in the fresh people in and look out and see father serious about it. because it s it s not difficult to do and you don t have to just jump up one day. you can ease yourself into it. of course we have great things happening. graduates of the naval academy, the military academy, graduates of all kinds of moorhouse and miles and colleges like that. harvard and yale. by the same token, we need those people, go to community college. okay, you backed up and didn t do well. you quit school but now you find you need that high school credential. go to the community college. get yourself there. put your body in line. you are going i don t like the phrase reinvent yourself. you were never invented. go. sit there and understand you are going to get an education because that s what happened to me. at age 19 1/2, i knew i didn t want to do certain things. itis not what they weren t doing to me, it s what i wasn t doing. it s a very simple thing. next, i ask him about problems with the juvenile justice system and about those who criticize him. the reason i m giving you this information is because i was living in the projects. i was not taking care of myself in terms of managing my education. more, next. just a moment ago, you heard bill cosby talking about the next generation of leadership in this country. he also talked about how some young people on that path or any path to success can get derailed. he s got some strong words, very strong words for those supposed to help get those young men back on the right path. listen now. our criminal justice system in terms of our teenage people and some cities, if you could walk in and look at how many people are in charge of a kid whose coming in with the suit on and whatever that kid has done or they said he s done, how many people, if they did the job correctly on the chain could make the parents of the child feel better, could maybe the kid won t understand it, but the explanations are there. we have places that kids go to, boys, juvenile, and the director said to me, of this one place, you know, 70% of our kids are medicated. okay. give me eight months of taking medication to keep you subdued. by the way, i told these young fellows who were incarcerated, if you don t feel right, if you want to talk to somebody, go see the psychologist. afterwards, this woman came to me and said thanks a lot. there will be a line all the way around my for people to see me. i didn t say anything to her. my point is, if you drug these people and then you release them and there s no prescription for them to get to take to do the same thing and they go back to the same place. now about this time, this is when you hear the no grows jump up and say why don t you talk about the good things? because the good things happen to be taking care of themselves pretty well. we are trying to help those genius , those not genius , people who deserve, because they are human beings on this earth, in the united states of america, we are trying to get them in a position so they will understand and want to. why is it so hard for some people to get that message, to hear that message, to receive that message and without lashing out? well, it s because they feel, i think, i think they feel embarrassed. i think they feel embarrassed about, you know, sammy davis said something to me one day. we were in playing in a routine and i told him i knew something. he said no you don t. i said yes, i do. i said it. he said no, that s not the way it goes. i said the same thing louder. he said, bill, saying it loud don t make it right. and so, every loud voice you hear yelling about something and saying well you just you lost us. you became a millionaire. the reason why i m giving you this information is because i was living in the projects. i was not taking care of myself in terms of managing my education and once the door opened and i saw quote, unquote, the light, i started to become very successful. hmm. very wise words from dr. bill cosby. as you know, he gets a lot of criticism and a lot of pushback for that. you are sitting watching. i think it s right about people needing to take responsibility. i hope people listen to him. i hope younger people understand what a huge pioneer he was. i mean, when i was a kid living in the south and he started to appear on tv, the business of race relationships was about fear, condescending, hatred and he came along and opened up a whole new way of looking at race relationships. i think he should be given a lot of credit. his words carry meaning. absolutely, look, i think the word pioneer is exactly right. he went through doors that were locked and closed for african-americans in this country. his message of individual responsibility, don t lean on the state. don t expect this government or that government. this message of individual responsibility is important. it is important. this isn t talking ending racism or discrimination. itis yourself. the message that everyone is responsible for themselves. he wants to make sure people understand who is responsible for moving forward in this society. thank you guys. we are going to talk about today s diplomatic deal on syria. the possibility of a u.s. air strike. the white house never could get support from congress or the majority of americans. what happened? was it the message or the messenger? we are discussing that next. [ male announcer ] julia child became a famous chef at age 51. picasso painted one of his master works at 56. doris taerbaum finished her first marathon at 50. not everyone peaks in their twenties. throughout their lives. passion keeps them realizing possibilities. an ally for real possibilities. aarp. find tools and support at we have been talking about syria, chemical weapons and turning them over to an international community. of course russia is the key here, with the help of russia. rick francona is joining me and christopher dickey. in los angeles, howard bragman, a veteran pr representative from we have been talking about the president. i specifically wanted you to talk about this. the president tried news conferences, speeches, he sent his team to capitol hill to get americans and congress behind a military strike. they fell completely flat. was it the message or the messenger, howard? i think he didn t care about the message. i have talked to people very close to the president. the president had one goal here. that was to do the right thing morally. the right thing morally, he felt, was to draw the line in the sand and try to get congress behind him. we came out of an administration better with spin than execution and collaboration. obama spoke softly, carried a stick as the american military might. it looks like he s winning right now. it looks like he s going to get what he wants and it s a very important historical teaching moment that you don t have to blow up things to move the needle diplomatically. he s a lame duck president. congress people have to be elected every two years. the american people didn t want him. their choice was unpopular. he s not playing history, he s playing morality right now. he played it well. you think he s lame duck this early on? i think i think the minute you are reelected, you are a lame duck in the second term historically. this could go down as a good moment for him if it plays out the way it s unfolding. stand by. i have a lot of things i want to get in with you. jay carney is trying to stand-up for president obama criticized for being dismissive. listen. the american people, at least in my assessment appreciate commander and chief who takes in new information and doesn t, you know, celebrate decisiveness for the sake of decisiveness. so quickly, assess other things. does that remark explain the white house message problem? i don t think the white house was focused on message. i think the white house was focused on morality and doing the right thing. that s part of the problem. i argue pr can be the lubrication that helps you get to the promise land and get to that decision. if the american people had gone along a little more, you know, it was a very good speech he gave. i think more people watched miley dancing on the vmas than watched the president s speech the other night. it s hard to get people s attention right now. looking off because of my panel here. everyone is agreeing saying yes. you agree, you agree? it s true. there s a poll that says 73 or 79% of people were more interested in miley cyrus than they were what was happening in syria. it translates to television ratings and news ratings as well. real quickly here, howard, you look like you are in your 20s. you have been doing this a long time and watching political issues. could anyone have sold america s idea or military strike, ronald reagan, fdr, anybody? i think at this point in history with the hangover from the bush administration and the war in iraq, i don t think they could have right now. i have been traveling the country in new york and florida for the last week. i have done my own listening tour. it s every argument you would understand. the money can be better sent at home. if assad leaves, who is left. are we going to make things worse for ourselves and israel? people don t have the stomach for this kind of american intervention right now. obama said we are not the policemen of the world, but, in fact, he is saying we are the policemen of the world, if nobody else will do it. mr. howard bragman, thank you for being here. see you soon, howard. the other gentlemen, stick with me. i want to continue the discussion asking about the syrian government and the rebels beyond the use of chemical weapons. what is the u.s. going to do about that? should we do anything? hold your answers, we ll get them after this quick break. don t tell mom. don t tell mom! don t tell mom. okay. don t tell mom. don t tell mom. don t tell mom? yeah. the best stories you ll ever tell start with, don t tell. don t tell dad. start yours in the new santa fe. from hyundai. loses his computer, exposing thousands of patient records to identity theft. data breaches can happen that easily. we don t believe you should be a victim of someone else s mistake. we re lifelock. we constantly monitor the web so if any of your personal information is misused, we re on it. ow. 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[ male announcer ] share more. save more. at&t mobile share for business. okay, we are talking about today s agreement between the u.s. and russia to destroy chemical weapons. it comes as we hear from the new york times how forces are bombing hospitals, attacking medical staff members and denying treatment to the wounded and the sick. will destroying chemical weapons have impact on behavior like that? no, i don t think so. this is nothing new. this has been going on for a long time. prior to going after the hospitals, his favorite targets were bakeries. he knew he could starve the people and a lot of people congregate at those facilities. there s no honor in how bashar is fighting this. it s going to continue and it s going to get worse. we have seen the violence tick up since the last three or four days. yeah, seemed to tick up a lot. what does this deal say to the syrian opposition? are they being forgeten? we are betraying them big time. we are walking away from them. we have not armed them. they depended on us. we questioned their honor. we considered them to be, if you will, members of al qaeda or close to al qaeda. these people were depending on an american strike. they were hoping to see power and decision from washington and they were betrayed. how do you scour a country for chemical weapons? it s difficult to do. if bashar al assad has them in his control, it s not as difficult as it sounds. one of the most important things that came out of the announcement today is the obvious coordination between russian and american intelligence on the question of the chemical arsenal. basically, they agreed, this is what he s got and where it is. i want to ask this question by someone who is familiar in the ways of washington. they sent me an e-mail saying president obama knew what he was doing. he didn t announce he was going to pakistan to get bin laden, he did it. he knew exactly what he was doing. what do you say, colonel? wishful thinking. i hope the president is that smart, but i don t get the feeling it was played out that way. earlier great points were made, but when the president was making a case for military strike, many of us, and i talked to a lot of military colleagues, we didn t feel that sense of outrage. you know, many of us are, we find the use of chemical weapons o important and we thought the red line had been crossed. we didn t get the sense the president really felt as strongly as he should have. yeah. nod the head, yes or no, did he know what he was doing? no, look, chemical weapons were used august 21st. that s one day. one day in a chronicle of a war that lasted now for 30 months. to isolate the use of chemical weapons from all the brutalities and crimes against humanity committed by bashar does something. i have to run. if you can do it in two seconds. if he kept chemical weapons, we would win. i don t know why the opposition is complaining. all right, we are going to go. we ll be right back. ready to run your lines? okay, who helps you focus on your recovery? yo, yo, yo. aflac. wow. [ under his breath ] that was horrible. pays you cash when you re sick or hurt? [ japanese accent ] aflac. love it. [ under his breath ] hate it. helps you focus on getting back to normal? [ as a southern belle ] aflac. [ as a cowboy ] aflac. [ sassily ] aflac. uh huh. [ under his breath ] i am so fired. you re on in 5, duck. [ male announcer ] when you re sick or hurt, aflac pays you cash. find out more at guys, you took tums® a couple hours ago. why keep taking it if you know your heartburn keeps coming back? that s how it works. you take some tums®. if heartburn comes back, you take some more. that doesn t make any sense. it makes plenty of sense if you don t think about it! really, honey, why can t you just deal with it like everybody else? because i took a pepcid®. fine. debbie, you re my new favorite. [ male announcer ] break with tradition, take pepcid® complete. it works fast and lasts. get relief from your heartburn relief with pepcid® complete. colorado governor s arrived now briefing the public. estimates about what that s going to take in terms of time and in terms of money. i did talk to the secretary of transportation this morning. secretary fox called me and was adamant that the $5 million they released yesterday was just the beginning and they are 100% to making sure colorado, again, rebuilds better than we were before and we do it as fast as humanly possible. they gave a full commitment of the federal government to work with the state and county. first responders continue to marvel at the quality of first responders, the talent and also the level of leadership that we have seen from county commissioners and mayors up and down this flood of 2013. i also want to just give a shout out to the national guard, you know, major todd is flying that blackhawk and he dropped us down. it was like he would have gotten inside four acorns in a parking space. we were landing on a piece of road that was completely washed out. i don t know how many cubic feet a second, but as high as i had seen in my life. we were three feet away from it. it s where we had to come down to pick these folks up. this is the result of what they call hats. high altitude army aviation. it s what we have in colorado. this kind of training for the entire nation takes place. we couldn t have been happier than to have both of our u.s. sn senators with us to see how valuable that training is and the resources it gives us not just in war but times of tragedy. i want to turn it over to senior senator, mark udall and bennett. that is the governor of colorado giving an update and talking about his own rescue in a helicopter, rescuing four people, a dog and a cat on his way to this press conference as he is touring those devastated areas. it s amazing how they are being inundated there. thank you so much for joining us. the tenth annual style awards begins after a quick break. reamn corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the. [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you ll never believe they re light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. you ll never believe they re light. lecoca-cola is partneringg. with nashville parent and charlotte parent magazines, along with the mayors of those cities, in the fit family challenge. a community wide program that offers free classes that inspire families to get out, enjoy moving together, and even track their activity online. it s part of our goal to inspire more than three million people to rediscover the joy of being active this summer. see the difference all of us can make. together. you feel.squeezed. congested. beat down. crushed. as if the weight of the world is resting on your face. but sudafed gives you maximum strength sinus pressure and pain relief. so you feel free. liberated. released. decongested. open for business. [ inhales, exhales ] [ male announcer ] powerful sinus relief from the #1 pharmacist recommended brand. sudafed. open up. hello, everyone. i m michelle turner. welcome to the 2013 style awards in new york city. it is once again the epicenter of the fashion world. what does style mean to you? style is a way of life. it gos beyond what you are wearing. how you feel on the inside. self-expression. jeans and t-shirt. great pair of sexy heels. sexy laund ray. celebration. if you walk in like you own the place, you have style. wouldn t be a style award without the red carpet. who better than to

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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Now 20130913

it s been a happy union. he does laundry, and i do the cleaning. there s only two of us. how much dirt can we manufacture? more than you think. very little. [ doorbell rings ] [ lee ] let s have a look, morty. it s a sweeper. what s this? what s that? well we ll find out. we ll find out. [ lee ] it goes under all the way to the back wall. i came in under the assumption that it was clean. i ve been living in a fool s paradise! oh boy. there you go. morty just summed it up. the next 44 years we ll be fine. a new line up that can keep up with whatever adventure. start fresh and finish sparkling 24/7 with new olay fresh effects. power on with va-va-vivid for a 400% better clean. hydrate up to 24 hours with long live moisture. and perfect with bb cream for radiant skin. catch them if you can at controversial confession from one of america s top talk show hosts. julie chen said she had secret surgery to change her eyes. the reason she thought it would make her more successful in tv. here s lindsey davis. reporter: julie chen s talk show revelation that she had plastic surgery to make her eyes look bigger is raise something eyebrows across the country. look at before and after. members of the family wanted to disown me if i got it done. reporter: he got it after a big time told her the same thing her then boss said that her asian eyes would limit her success. he said, you look disinterested. you look bored because your eyes are so heavy, they re so small. reporter: eyelid surgery is the most popular surgery for asian-americans. more than 10,000 asian-americans do it every year and that number is on the rise. from 2011 to 2012, cosmetic plastic surgeries for asian-americans jumped 21%. different ethnicities often have unique things about the features they would like to change. one common cosmetic surgery for african-american and hispanics is nose reshaping and 76% of breast augmentation and botox operations were performed on caucasians. i think we see that across all races. we see aesthetic surgery as a global phenomenon. reporter: chen says the surgery catapulted her career. after i had that done, everything kind of the ball did roll for me. reporter: decide for yourself if the difference likely meant second look for her career. lindsey davis, abc news, new york. this whole thing apparently started when she asked her news director, an old boss, if she could fill in on the anchor desk while there were people vacationing, and he said, quote, you will never be on the anchor desk because you are chinese. you will be fired for that. called up to hr services and let go if you said that in this day and age. that is something you are not supposed to say no matter where you work. but this industry, while it is very vain and subjective in a lot of ways, you re still not allowed to say that. even changes name, a name that sounds more perfect. happens a lot in this business. ahead, it s like netflix for your closet. but do those clothing subscription services work? the new trend of an on-line personal shopper. ahead in our next half hour, nicole kidman takes a tumble an this was no movie stunt. you are watching world knew news now. world news now continues after this from our abc stations. stunt. you are watching world knew news now. welcome back. it has been another successful fashion week here in new york as designers showcase their spring collection. if your wardrobe could use an update but you have no idea where to start, new on-line services can give you a hand. world news now tech contributors show the latest. reporter: the classic fashion dilemma. a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear. you could going on line, but with all of those choices where to begin? in the mall let s not even go there. what if you could leave the shopping and decision making to someone else? enter the clothing subscription service. for a monthly fee, services like stitchfix and latote select clothes to try on at home. anything that doesn t fit goes back in the mail and usually ships for free. users fill out their size and style preferences and the company takes care of the rest. baumfeld s is a subscription service for men. we wanted something that retails to the everyday guys who aren t obsessed with clothes but wants to look good. we don t charge you up front. you have ten days after it arrives to make a decision, try it on and see what people think. reporter: they look at your social media profile like facebook and linkedin for clues on your style. we know what your city is, what job you work at and take in to account to find clothes that you will love. reporter: the social theme is part of wishi. it lets you catalog what is in your closet to get styling suggestions from the community. snap a picture of your shoe, and it becomes an item users can mix and match with retailers. you can see how it combines with the stuff in your closet. reporter: for company co-founders, the wisdom of crowds can t be beat. when you get the perspective of different people coming in to your closet and creating outfits for you it is nice and helpful. reporter: for runway worthy looks it s a click away. cool idea, isn t it? tina is now with us. we have more on the subscription services. how does this work? it is pretty awesome. i mean, shopping without leaving the house. you don t have to pick out the clothes. i think it is a win-win situation. all the heavy lifting is done for you. we brought in some goods to give you an idea what to expect. you did a little heavy lifting for us. let s see them. who do we have first? amanda. amanda. looking good, amanda. she is wearing a dress from a service called la tote. and the way it works is like netflix. they give you five things. you wear them for as long as you want. when you are ready to send them back, send everything back in the pre-paid envelope. they give you five more things, and you wear them as long as you want, mix and match, do whatever. it is a great way to just like discover new brands, maybe try on something that you wouldn t have picked for yourself at the store. would you wear it once and send it back, hold on to a couple of months, wear it a couple of times? wear it as often as you like and when you are ready for something new, they give you a new batch of clothing. another model is coming out. will. will is wearing basically the bomb look. yeah. very nice. amanda will come out and join him. how are these two services different as amanda walks out? amanda s service you pay $49 a month. new clothes when you want. will s is whatever budget you have, they have a tiered system. he gets each month the same kind of items. he gets a preview. amanda doesn t get a preview. thank you so much. what a great idea. and our models, thank you very much. strike a pose. work it. workin it! we ll be right back. you are watching world news now. back. you are watching world news no now . [ sponge ] now for the main event. in this corner, the reigning lasagna dish, the big cheese. and in this corner, the best generation of dawn power, platinum! [ bell dings ] here we go! [ female announcer ] dawn platinum power clean s micro-scrubbing enzymes give you the power of an overnight soak in 3 minutes, and 3 times more everyday grease cleaning ingredients. for all your dishes. so if you like dawn, you ll love platinum. [ sponge ] the champion! [ female announcer ] dawn platinum does even more. [ sponge ] so it s not a chore. your carpet stains can reappear. [ laughing ] [ male announcer ] try resolve stain remover, the formula penetrates deep into your carpet and removes stains so they don t come back. trust resolve. forget stains. we are skipping the mix for our favorite story of the day. no, we have time. we have time for that. it is time to come clean. come clean. people are on to me on twitter and i think it is pretty obvious why they are on to me. but the announcement is, we re having a baby! yea! diana number two. number two. really excited. baby devon will be a big brother pretty quickly. boy or girl? it is a boy. it s a boy. another boy. he will be a brother to a little baby boy. there s baby number two. folks suspicious about your outfits and such, right? yeah. he had no idea. something i have been craving, ice cream and pickles. lots of m&ms. congratulations. thank you. polka time! those the world news polka this morning on world news now, double whammy. fire ripping apart a seaside that s the world news polka . those the world news polka this morning on world news now, double whammy. fire ripping apart a seaside location after it recovered from hurricane sandy. a heartbreaking scene. americans targeted. breaking news from afghanistan where taliban bombers targeted a u.s. consulate. the late details and uncertain situation. emergency evacuations, colorado s flood disaster and the families forced from their homes overnight. the terrible toll after a freak rainstorm. real life drama for superstar nicole kidman. her tough tumble and who s in trouble with the police. that s in the skinny on this friday, september 13th. from abc news this is world news now with john muller and diana perez. good friday morning, everyone. we begin this half-hour with a devastating fire on the new jersey shore. the blaze destroyed an eight-block stretch of the boardwalk. the wind-whipped fire grew so large, officials stopped counting after it went to ten alarms. with more here s byron pitts. reporter: thick black smoke can be seen for miles as fire eats away the boardwalk in new jersey. authorities say it started in an ice cream shop. there it goes, oh, no. reporter: firefighters and pedestrians have been treated for smoke inhalation. new jersey governor chris christie watched in disbelief. this is obviously a just an unthinkable situation. for us to be standing here and watching this what s going on behind all of you is just unthinkable. as soon as this is over, we ll pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get back to work. reporter: this is the same area devastated by superstorm sandy a year ago. work crews just repaired the boardwalk destroyed by storm waters before memorial day. much of the new wood is gone. it did travel fast. just got out of hand. now it is five blocks down. this boardwalk survived hurricane sandy. this boardwalk survived. this was the only boardwalk we have left. how much more we can get beat up but we re jersey strong so we will come back. reporter: another setback in the recovery of the battered jersey shore. first by mother nature, now flames. byron pitts, abc news, new york. double whammy, kicked while you are down. these people were just getting on their feet and knocked back down again. it is horrible. we keep hearing reports from the jersey shore about the businesses that are jersey strong. so strong. one gentleman had to be taken out of his business when the storm was coming because he refused to leave. the same business owner, same spot had to be taken out of his business when the flames were closing in on him and already he is saying he s looking to the future. and plans to rebuild. unbelievable. governor christie doesn t know how much damage. they will wait until daylight before they try to assess and put some figure on the damage and the cause of the fire is under investigation. they are worried about putting out the hot spots. it is under control but right now the priority is making sure it stays out. it started at 2:00 p.m. and as of 1:30 in the morning it was still burning. hot spots under control but still a fire. what a shame. all right. parts of northern colorado still soaking wet after swamped by deadly flash flooding. at least three people killed in the rush of water that ripped through the boulder area washing away homes and triggering rock slides that covered entire towns. a half foot of rain came down in a matter of hours taking many drivers by surprise. we were able to use ropes to stabilize the vehicle and then we had rescue boats and were able to break in and pull them out of the vehicle. the raging floodwaters also forced the evacuation of students from the university of colorado s main campus and classes have been canceled for a second day. torrential rain also in southeast new mexico where crews pulled off dramatic rescues. the roads are so flooded, helicopters were called in to evacuate elderly people from an rv park. today s weather, not good news for the same flooded areas. eight states have flood warnings or watches posted. some rain today across the southeast, southern texas and florida as well as northern new england. boston 72 and 75 new york. most of the country will be in the 70s. 90s from texas to florida and mostly seasonable readings along the west coast. breaking news out of western afghanistan this morning. the taliban claiming responsibility for a coordinated attack on the u.s. consulate in herat. this started with a powerful car bomb blast followed by a gun battle with security forces. two afghans were killed, five attackers are dead. there were no american casualties. we will stay on top of the story throughout the morning. secretary of state john kerry hosts a second day of high-level meeting to destroy chemical weapons. syria said it wanted 30 days to provide technical data on chemical weapons. secretary kerry said the u.s. would need more than words. he said this is not a game. an alabama-born terrorist with a price tag on his head has been killed in africa. he was reportedly killed by the terror group which recruited him. here s abc s brian ross. reporter: he came from alabama with jihad on his mind. state department said today it was working to confirm the death of omar hammami. kill as many as we can. reporter: the 29-year-old american citizen had a $5 million u.s. reward on his head. one of the things that we seek for in this life of ours is to die as a martyr. reporter: considered so dangerous by the fbi because he led and recruited other americans to the al qaeda group in somalia and urged attacks on everybody. he has made significant contributions to terrorist activities. reporter: he grew up in daphne, alabama. the son of a baptist schoolteacher and syrian father with what he called the privileged life of an american child. school pageants, sports teams, prom dates. but by the age of 22, hammami had come to hate his country and moved to somalia where he joined a group called al al-shabaab. it all started out in afghanistan. his flamboyant videos glamorized terror, including this rapper called a jihad, and put him at odds with other group leaders who vowed to kill him. i feel my life may be in danger. reporter: in the end he was marked for death by his fellow terrorists. a 13-year-old boy is on life support after getting bitten by ants in the middle of a football game. he started to scream in pain when the team huddled. he had a severe allergic reaction to the fire ants, and he lost consciousness twice before paramedics arrived. he remains in critical condition in the intensive care unit. we are learning details of two men s trip to the alaska wilderness. it began yesterday when their plane s engine failed and they were forced to make an emergency landing. the plane flipped over but they were okay. no one found them after 30 hours, so hours. they started to walk the 11 miles to the nearest village. they made it eight miles before spotted and picked up by state troopers. an adventure of another sort is underway. an historic transatlantic flight using a cluster of balloons. the guy making the flight is a balloonist named johnthan trappe. like in the movie up he is using 300 helium-filled balloons for the voyage that could take three to six days. he is riding in a lifeboat in case he has to cut off the flight over the ocean. he could land in africa to norway. i hope he s also wearing a parachute. that is whimsical. the aviator hat and the whole thing. my goodness. it looks so beautiful, doesn t it? yep. just like the movie. we re pleased to give publicity to a military mom in missouri who is doing her best to bring a bit of home to the troops in afghanistan. her name is trisha monroe, and her son zach deployed two months ago. monroe is collecting as many twinkies as she can to send to the troops. her son says that twinkies are like gold in the war zone. all right. so monroe says she is looking to ship as many hostess twinkies we have some twinkies overseas. just for her. you can drop them off at the united methodist church on carl junction monday and wednesday night. and gold on the world news now set. yes. it is eight miles from joplin, destroyed by the tornado in 2011. there you have it. we probably have the information on our website. so if you want to donate any twinkies on your shelves. now they last, what is it, 140 days. 140 years, i think. these have been around since the 80s. these exact same ones. who knows. they will get in the hands of someone who needs an enjoys them. put a smile on your face no doubt about it. a major change for jessica biel and it is personal. nicole kidman s dramatic move, and this was no action/adventure movie. but it was a push and shove. you are watching world news now. push and shove. you are watching world news now. married to morty kaufman. [ lee ] now that i m getting older some things are harder to do. this is not a safe thing to do. be careful babe. there should be some way to make it easier [ doorbell rings ] let s open it up and see what s cookin . oh i like that. look at this it s got a handle on it. i don t have to climb up. this yellow part up here really catches a lot of the dust. did you notice how clean it looks? morty are you listening? morty? [ morty ] i m listening! i want you to know morty are you listening? morty? people switching to finish ar. quantum with power gel delivers brilliant shine, which cascade actionpacs can t do. take the finish shine challenge and see what it can do for you. but he s totally changed. changed man. [ laughs ] changed man. i mean it took some time, but i softened him up. mm-hmm. thanks to tide plus downy now his clothes are always super soft and clean and he is totally huggable. just like one of my teddy bears. wait. more like a grizzly bear. [ sighs ] a teddy bear. that s my tide for softness and freshness. what s yours? the young bridcused of the young bride accused of pushing her husband off of a cliff to his death will await her trial from the comfort of her own home. the judge said she is not a flight risk or a danger to herself or other people. reporter: from newlywed to newly accused killer, jordan lynn graham was eight days in to her marriage to cody when she admitted to investigators she pushed her groom off a cliff to his death. almost positive that jordan had either done something or planned something, knew of something. somehow or some way was a part of what happened to cody. friends suspected the worst when the 25-year-old victim went missing knowing the new marriage was troubled. graham herself told friends she was having second thoughts. i m about to talk to him, she texted a friend that day according to documents, but dead serious if you don t hear from me at all tonight something happened. investigators say at first graham claimed nothing happened that her husband was last seen leaving their home with a friend. after she called authorities days later to say she found her husband s body at the bottom of a cliff she reportedly fessed up. admitting they were arguing as they neared the top of the cliff at glacier national park. graham telling the fbi her husband grabbed her arm and stated she could have just walked away, but due to her anger, she pushed johnson with both hands in this back and as a result he fell face first off the cliff. a confession, some say, came far too late. the big problem, though, is the lie she told. if she had said, look, we were up on top of a mountain and we got in to an altercation an the next thing i know i pushed him and he fauflz a cliff, i don t think she would be charged with murder. reporter: but he is charged with second-degree murder, facing a maximum of life in prison if convicted. marcy gonzalez, abc news, new york. needless to say the family and friends of the groom are very upset she is not in custody right now. right and mounting evidence. a couple of things surfaced. you could call it evidence or just the way she was dealing with her grief. family members are saying at the funeral she not only did not shed a tear but on her phone texting during the ceremony and that is something they were displeased. a couple of things the family is starting to notice and keep track of and who knows how the attorneys will use this in court. we will follow it. coming up, who s in trouble with police after a hollywood superstar s tumble. and who s poking fun at new york s fashionistas? the skinny is next. world news now continues after this from our abc stations. york s fashionistas? the the skinny is next. skinny so skinny welcome in though the skinny. we are talking about superstar skinny so skinny welcome in though the skinny. we are talking about superstar nicole kidman at the beginning of the skinny. apparently she was leaving a fashion show last thursday. she was right outside and this pam razz paparazzo, some paparazzi comes barreling toward her in his bicycle. some say he hit the brakes. some say that didn t work because he slammed right in to her. here are the pictures from tmz. she has apparently said she is up, walking around. she was shaken. he s 19 years old. he has his own tumblr page of other celebrities that don t like him because he has had run ins with other celebrities including lady gaga. a history of run-ins. she called police, they came to the scene almost immediately. not sure if any charges were pressed if any were. there you have it. he s a freelance paparazzo. have you ever been run in to by a bike. no. it hurts and it will startle the crap out of her. it looks like he run into her from behind. i don t know if he said anything to gather her attention but at one point it looks like one of her bodyguards grabbed him and pushed him out of the way. he had no business being around here. there you have it. the latest. fashion week just wrapped up in new york city, jimmy kimmel is at it again. he sent out a crew and preyed on everybody at fashion week s worst nightmare not knowing what is cool and trendy. he made up things and tried to catch people not knowing what is going on and made them act like they do. it is pretty funny. listen up. this is the men s collection. the models are sent down the runway with watermelons on their head. it is called fashion. look it up. you are okay with it? i love it. if you can see that is dog poop on the model s head. oh, gross. you didn t hear about this either? no. a lot of the attendees pretended to know about fake designers. one was george castanza, from seinfield. are you familiar with the george castanza collection? one was, i just learned about him. i m not sure which direction he is going in to. oh, my gosh. jimmy kimmel does it again. it is called fashion, look it up. two snaps and a head roll. okay. jessica biel officially changed her last name to timberlake. they got married, her and justin got married 11 months ago and she said she would take his last name. she is officially jessica timberlake. she didn t even keep it as a hyphen. she just jessica timberlake. must be flattering for justin. i think so. i don t mean to be frowny face up here but the last celebrity i remember changing their last name, oh, it escapes me now. project runway mary castillo. heidi klum. heidi klum changed her name and within months they were divorced. what is his last name? i should have that information before i bring it up on the show. you know what i am talking about. i want to know about the last name is. charlie sheen getting his high school diploma. i didn t know he didn t have but he is getting one. the anger management star is one and a half credits shy of graduating when he was a teenager and he received his diploma on the tonight show with jay leno. check it out. there you have it. he has the whole deal. the cap and gown and it was presented to him. he said he only showed up for class 33% of the time. that s one-third of the time. now he has his high school diploma. made some money. college will be fun. mars, but, thanks to hotwire s incredibly low travel prices, i can afford to cross more things off my list. this year alone, we went to the top of the statue of liberty and still saved enough to go to texas, to a real dude ranch. hotwire checks the competition s rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices, so we got our four-star hotels for half price. next up, hollywood! men: h-o-t-w-i-r-e, man: save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. my dna.s me. it helps make me who i am every piece is important. it s like a self-portrait this part.. makes my eyes blue. so that s why the sun makes me sneeze. i might have an increased risk of heart disease. arthritis gallstones hemochromatosis i ll look into that stuff we might pass onto to our kids. foods i might want to avoid. hundreds of things about my health. getting my 23andme results it really opened my eyes. the more you know about your dna the more you know about yourself. i do things a little differently now. eat better. ask more questions change what you can, manage what you can t i always wondered what my dna said about me. me. me. now i know. know more about your health. go to and order your dna kit for only $99 today. learn hundreds of things about your health at so here s something we have been looking forward to, the weekend. yeah, just a little. been a busy few days in the world of news, especially on the issue of syria. here is our friday rewind. there s not boots on the ground, not an extended air campaign. it s not iraq, afghanistan or libya. this is a very concerted, concentrated, limited effort. if you strike somewhere you have to expect that precaution in different forms and ways that you don t expect. i want to make sure that norm against using chemical weapons is maintained. if we can do that without a military strike, that is overwhelmingly my preference. congress is going to vote, are they going to listen to the president or the overwhelming majority of the american people? my name is matthew cordle. on june 22nd, 2013, i hit and killed vincent canzani. this video will act as my confession. when i get charged, i will plead guilty and take full responsibility. highway continually has his hand on his gun and keep say, step closer. and what? he s going to shoot us. having information out there helps to analyze it, measure it, test it, smell it. it should be out there for all the world to see. we are not holding anything from you. i remember feeling very distraught. robin means more to me than anything. seeing her go this just [ bleep ] tore me up. i will be honest. how long do you think it will take you to decide what to do with your life next? after i serve two terms as mayor? the ever delusional anthony weiner. nice note to end on. a little exchange they had. we want to remind you about a special on-line feature for fans of world news now. it is called in case you missed it! it is the most memorable moments on the show. go to our facebook page and check it out, wnnfans. any good plans this weekend, diana? we are going to the zoo in central park. we will run around the park, as well. i hope devon knows what he is looking at. he is 1, right. think he will know? he knows what a dog is and he doesn t really know about anything else. what about you? mets game. i think they are 150 games out of first place. so you are saying there s a chance. good morning. i m diana perez. i m john muller. here s the top stories on world news now. breaking developments in afghanistan where the taliban has launched an attack against the u.s. consulate in herat. it started with a suicide car bomb. it was followed by gun fighting with security forces. no americans were killed. firefighters are still on the scene of the huge fire on the new jersey shore. at least 20 businesses have been destroyed. we ll take you to the scene for the latest in just a moment. twitter is going public. the messaging service with 200 million users is just beginning the process that will end with its stock being traded on wall street. analysts say when that happens it could be valued at $15 billion. a balloonist named johnthan trappe is flying in a life raft attached to 300 helium-filled balloons right now. he s attempting to be the first person to make a transatlantic crossing using just a balloon cluster. those are the top stories on this friday, september 13th. good morning, happy friday. we will begin this half hour with firefighters who were working through the night trying to contain flames on the new jersey shore. 20 buildings most newly built after hurricane sandy were nearly destroyed after the inferno destroyed everything in its path. the emotional agony it has caused for people who live here is almost beyond words. i feel like i want to throw up. after all the time, effort and resources we put in, to see this going on, it is unthinkable. we have seeing businesses that have rebuilt themselves during the summer destroyed. reporter: the fire broke out at 2:00 yesterday afternoon and went to ten alarms before the fire department stopped counting. some eyewitnesses are claiming that the fire started on the boardwalk before spreading to an ice cream shop and then neighboring businesses. a heartbreaking scene this morning. let s take you to the scene in seaside park, new jersey where marcy gonzalez is standing by. good morning, marsy. let s start here. what a blow for this jersey shore community. reporter: good morning, diana and john. this is a community that was just bouncing back after superstorm sandy. just blocks from here where the iconic roller coaster was swept into the nation, the entire boardwalk had to be rebuilt. yesterday crews had to cut a chunk out of it just to keep the flames prosecute spreading. and with dozens of businesses, some of which just reopened, now destroyed again. so many here are asking how much more they possibly take. yes, heartbreaking. and this fire broke out in the middle of the afternoon. it must be exhausting for the hundreds of firefighters who are there in the early morning hours. reporter: absolutely, john. they are still out here, not just keeping an eye on hot spots, but they are actively putting out the flames now. at least 400 firefighters from departments all around the jersey shore responded to this. many of them are volunteers, and they are tough, they are tireless, and they are working throughout the night to get these flames under control. john and diana? all right. abc s marcy gonzalez reporting from seaside park, new jersey. we will monitor this and bring you the latest. our coverage of the boardwalk fire on the jersey shore does not end here. we will take you to the scene again on america this morning and good morning america. a dramatic rescue in louisville, kentucky. she fell into the hole on a youth football field. a man who tried to save her and her pulled out. they were trapped 14 feet under ground for an hour before rescuers were able to hoist them out. they are both expected to be okay. breaking news happening in flood-stricken colorado. a torrent of water is washing through the town of boulder after an apparent dam break. thousands of people have been forced out of their homes ahead of the rushing water. three people have died since the rain began five days ago. clayton sandel is there. reporter: the rain is relentless. a non-stop soaking near colorado rocky mountains. near lafayette, enough to suddenly wipe away this road. three cars were in the water. reporter: two drivers were rescued. one car was upside down. rescuers braved the rushing water, attaching cables, pulling the car upright. they break a window and suddenly a hand appears. a man trapped alive and under water for one hour. the car was filling up with water and as soon as he opened the back door, another fell on top of his car. pinned him under water. reporter: as they hands him a life vest, the car tumbles. finally they pull him free. miraculously all the injuries were minor. the deluge washed out roads and train tracks, causing dams to fail. cutting off rescue teams from lyons and jamestown, surrounded by massive walls of debris and water. we have lost roads. we have lost bridges. we have lost homes, cars and we are just now beginning to try to assess the scope of the damage. reporter: there are new evacuations in the big thompson canyon. it might seem like the threat is abating but it s actually not the case. reporter: many are ignoring the warnings and getting dangerously close to the largest flooding in a decade. in boulder neighbors pitched in for a mostly futile effort to save homes. nick is pumping seven feet of water out of his basement. filled like a jet, one thousand and one, one thousand and two, one thousand and three and that was it. water. everywhere. reporter: there s nature more rain on the way, which means it will be a while before the floodwaters recede. right now officials are hoping the death toll doesn t go higher. especially in those towns that haven t been able to reach yet. abc news, boulder, co very tense time out there. four-mile creek is a creek that is above boulder and the surge of water heading in to boulder. right. with cars, with mud, debris. it s just incredible. right. now of course boulder is bracing for this to happen. they were expecting it to happen at around midnight their time, which that has already passed. the latest update is it hasn t hit yet. we are waiting to hear from them. this is definitely something that is not any good because they are already experiencing incredible amount of rain. now the surge, which is expected to bring more flash flooding for the area. they are getting the word out to people in boulder that might be in the path of that surge to get out of the way. absolutely. let s look at the rest of the day s weather. more of the same in the flood zone. flooding across the southeast and scattered storms in new england. south florida as well as southern texas. rain in the lone star state. 100 in phoenix. 90 in miami and chicago, and detroit 63 degrees today. it will cool down nicely there. 70s baltimore to boston. overseas now, day two of international talks aimed at resolving this syrian weapon crisis, the chemical weapons there. reporter: president obama voicing optimism about a possible deal on syria. i am hopeful that the discussions that secretary kerry has with foreign minister lavrov can yield a concrete result. when asked about vladimir putin s op-ed taunt splashed across the new york times, silence. no wonder putin portraying himself is a man of peace, challenging the idea that america is an exceptional country. saying we are all equal and warning president obama that his threat of a military strike means millions around the world see america as relying solely on brute force. i just turn knots in my stomach. i said how could he believe that he could come to the united states via this op-ed and try to divide the american people? it made me nauseous to be honest. reporter: assad on russian tv rubbed it in even further. syria is handing over its chemical weapons under international supervision because of russia. the u.s. threat did not influence the decision. syria said it wanted 30 days to provide technical data on its chemical weapons. secretary kerry said the u.s. would need more than words. this is not a game, he said. with the astonishing turn of events in the past week, it sometimes seems like one. with russia s putin playing quarterback. the u.s. says the russians have to prove they can deliver on their promises and that task will play out over the next few weeks. abc news, washington. casey anthony will be back in the spotlight next month in florida. for the first time anthony will be required to answer questions about what happened to her daughter caylee who disappeared in 2008. she was acquitted of killing the girl but sued for defamation in connection to that case. under a cloud of controversy, nascar s championship series getting under way on saturday. that controversy stems from a race last weekend in which two drivers possibly cut a deal in order to get one in the chase for the sprint cup. driver joey logano denies being aided by another driver. nascar is investigating the entire incident. in the nfl, it was the jets and patriots in an ugly thursday night afc battle. new england quarterback tom brady threw his only touchdown in the game in the first quarter. jets within three points in the third but geno smith kept completing passes to new england defenders. don t want to do that. he threw three picks in the fourth quarter, then mercifully it ended. patriots win it 13-10. speaking of the nfl, we always like to mention the cheese heads who cheer for the packers. the time one guy is honoring his team with corn. a corn maze actually. it opens today and football fans will know what the guy is rooting for in honoring the former packers great donald driver, the same donald driver who strutted his stuff and won on abc s dancing with the stars in the maze takes up ten acres and will be open until november. now, get out there. never get tired of these. how do they do that? does it look like donald driver. pretty good. actually pretty good. pretty good. he wanted to honor donald driver because not only was he a great player and great guy but he wanted to honor him for what he did on the field and off the field. there you go. quite an honor. coming up, a creep show for this friday the 13th. insomniac theater. also ahead, inspiration found on a basketball court. you will meet a teenager athlete who had a tremendous talent despite the odds. and a psychology lesson at the dinner table. you may learn something about the food you are being served. you are watching world news now. world news now weather brought to you by consumer cellular. ou by consumer cellular. who could forget your mom saying, finish your dinner ? while most of mom s advice was good, this one wasn t. here s food for thought. reporter: these college students don t know they are part of an experiment. they were asked to help abc with a profile on their professor brian wonsink. he runs the food and brand lab at cornell university. because we serve lunch, we serve a meal and measure out eight ounces of pasta for everyone. listen closely to what this professor tells them as he casually mentions how much they will get. double portion of pasta. a double portion of pasta? the next group. a half portion of pasta. a half portion of pasta. and the next. a full-size portion of pasta. reporter: a good meal is had by all. and then we let them in on the secret. all right, forks down. you guys were just part of a little experiment. reporter: those who think they have regular portions, they ate it all up, except for her. she ted it was too cold. and the ones who believe they are eating the half size portion they join the clean plate club. where s my other half? reporter: the students who think they have a double portion all left food. double portion doesn t sound like what you should be eating. if you tell them they have a small portion, oh, my gosh i will finish it all and i don t have to feel guilty. reporter: the professor says this explains the nation s obesity problem. we eat what we are served without thinking of how much is on our plate and restaurants across the country serve huge portion and some options pack on the calorie. the deep dish macaroni at uno chicago grill has almost 2,000. that s what the fda says a healthy american should eat in a day. the lesson, be careful. sometimes your ears are bigger than your stomach. abc news, ithaca, new york. portion control. that s what it is all about. that s what it is all about. check this out. the difference between leaving a little on your plate, which your parents never encouraged you to do, has a big difference. the students tricked in to cleaning their plate ended up eating 140 more calories than everyone else. that can equal 12 pounds over the course of a year. wow. if you can believe it. pretty impressive. this is the kind of stuff because you read it on the back of the package, you add pasta, sauce and meat. how do you know what a portion size is when you are done with that? put it in a doggy bag. have it for lunch the next day. you don t have to eat it all. do you eat until you are full but what if you have an extra appetite that day? or so amazing you can t stop. i have one tip, drink a glass of water before you eat and it is supposed to regulate. just a tip. get ready for this one. one of the most inspiring stories we have seen in a long time. a man born with a disability letting nothing stand in the way of his dreams. we have the story of one of the best high school players in the nation. a young man born with only one hand. reporter: watch 17-year-old zach hodskins on the court and his skill level is undeniable. this georgia kid has turned into a national sensation. why, you ask? look closer. she doing it all with one hand. zach was born without the lower half of his left arm. if his parents had worries about zach s future, he quickly eased those fears. he d crawl around an you could almost tell immediately, everything was going to be fine. this kid was awesome. he could do anything. reporter: zach learned to adapt at a very young age. he played everything from basketball to baseball, even surf. the only time i really felt it is when i was in public and people would look at me. when i m playing sports, it s kinds of a different thing. reporter: basketball became his first love. he took me to the court for what i thought was a friendly game of horse. it quickly became a route. reporter: say you re at a ymca where people don t know you. people are picking sides. you know what it is like to be picked last. yes. i like when they do that. once i get out there and make a bunch of jumpers, it s fun to see their reaction. reporter: it he is now catching the attention of several big-time programs including the university of florida gators who offered zach a guaranteed spot on next year s team. just takes work and desire. and a lot of heart. a lot of heart. reporter: josh elliott, abc news, new york. how inspiring is that? oh, my gosh. he has faced different adversity, different people in his life and other players say things. he says it is to get in his mind he said because he is scoring on them and they are mad about that so they try to get in his head and he never lets that happen. he said his dad gave him tough love, never ever cut him slack about his disability. no feeling sorry for yourself, just do it. florida is a division one school. one school. da is a division one school. that s why there s charmin ultra strong. i ll take that. go get em, buddy! it cleans so well and you can use up to four times less than the leading bargain brand. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong has a duraclean texture that s soft and more durable to help your kids get clean while still using less. and its four times stronger than the leading bargain brand. wow, you cleaned up a lot! you did too, pal! [ laughs ] we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong? i ve got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn t pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. 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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn t pay. and could save you thousands a year in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. gives you a long-lasting fresh breath feeling. so you have the courage to jump in. go in for the hug. or make sparks fly. for a fresh breath feeling that lasts up to 5x longer, get scope outlast. all right. time for insomniac theater. we begin with a star studded comedy about a mob family. simply called the family. robert de niro has to relocate to a sleepy town in france with his entire family. tommy lee jones as the agent trying to keep him out of trouble which doesn t work. michelle pfeiffer stars as his wife. you all right? not too much. just the prospect of packing up and moving again when they find out you killed the plumber. i didn t kill him. i took him to the hospital. why did you beat him to the pulp? he is the only plumber within a radius of 20 miles. i think it is a comedy. reviews are mixed. from the minneapolis star tribune, if cultural treason were a capital offense the family director luc besson would be on death row. steven holder of the new york times likes the acting saying, it doesn t even try for credibility. buoyed by hot performances, it sustains a zapping electrical energy. wow. quite a review. next film looks pretty scary. she is kind of scary. perfect for friday 13th. close your eyes, insidious chapter 2 is a sequel about a family who has a connection to the spirit world. it is haunted as a group of ghostbusters find out pretty quickly. let s get out of here. all right. the critics aren t so impressed with this one. the arizona republic had this to say the arizona republic, all the standard spooks pop up, all the standard spooks pop up, creepy baby toys a piano that plays itself, a lady in a white roaming the house. another said, it s the creative way the film starts to wrap around itself and pull in part of the predecessor that makes it come off like a crazy haunted house ride. diana, you kept your eyes closed. she wasn t hamming it up. these things freak her out. i don t she won t be going to that one. no. just the previews would give me nightmares for weeks. we talked about this chucky, dolls, toys. i haven t seen any of them. i think what s interesting and different, it s not the house that s haunted, the family is haunted so no matter what house they go to. that is playing tricks on my mind already. forget about it. it is okay. how about you? it is okay. how about you? parents sure have their hands full. and they could use an extra hand. now, every state offers free or low cost health insurance for your sports hero. or budding artist. kids up to age 19 can get check-ups, doctor and dentist visits, hospital care, prescriptions and more. your child may qualify based on your family size and income. it s one less thing to worry about. call or go online for more information. now, up in flames, terrible this morning on world news now, up in flames. the terrible fire that destroyed dozens of seaside businesses just rebuilt after hurricane sandy. i feel like i want to throw up. after all the effort, time and resources we have put in to see this going on is just unthinkable. the emotional, physical and financial toll and the difficult battle for firefighters. washed away. the deadly flood disaster in colorado. the emergency evacuations this morning after the torrential downpours swept away lives and property. later, fashions fast. online retailers that seem to read your mind and send you the clothes that suits you best. we know where your city is, what type of job you work at. the high-tech clothing sales revolution and how it works in our special report. it is friday, september 13th. this is world news now with john muller an diana perez. happy friday. tgif. it was a short week which i don t mind. speak for yourself, i m a little tired personally. we have a great show and a special announcement in a little bit. that s all we will say. it is a doozy. it is a big one. it is a big one. some people have figured it out but it is a big one. that s our tease. we will begin with the news. the heartbreaking scene on the jersey shore. a wind whipped fire destroyed the boardwalk and business after business there. compounding that the is the area just recovered after superstorm sandy. marcy gonzalez is live in seaside park this morning. good morning, marcy. reporter: good morning, diana. good morning, john. the huge fire tore through at least six blocks of boardwalk and businesses. you can see firefighters are still out here working to put out the flames. the thick black smoke choking the air and the torching flames tearing through the symbol of the jersey shore s rebirth. the one part of the seaside boardwalk that survived superstorm sandy almost a year ago destroyed. i feel like i want to throw up after the time, effort and resources we have put in, it is unthinkable. reporter: unthinkable and out of control. blocks from where the iconic roller coaster washed in to the ocean last october, the fire that apparently started in a frozen custard stand went upward and outward. high winds carrying burning embers like these up and down beachfront. enveloping dozens of businesses in the seaside park section. we re seeing businesses rebuilt during the summer destroyed and it is really sad. in a desperate effort, crews used heavy machinery, tearing through the planks of the newly rebuilt boardwalk trying to stop the flames from spreading further. that s where firefighters are making their stand right now. time lapse video shows one of the businesses firefighters couldn t save. oh, no! reporter: the flames devouring this building leaving a skeleton with an unsettling name, funtown. no one was seriously hurt. this is still a devastating end to what was supposed to be a comeback summer for the jersey shore. diana and john? any idea what caused the enormous blaze? reporter: new jersey governor chris christie said they are not going to rule anything out but they can t begin the investigation until the flames are out. marcy, these poor business owners. they just rebuilt. now this happens. have you had a chance to hear from any of them? what are they saying? how are they doing? reporter: yeah, john. of course, absolutely devastated. there s one business owner who had to be pulled out of his business during superstorm sandy and had to be pulled out again yesterday when the flames started to surround his building. he said he is going to move forward and actually plans to rebuild bigger and better, he says. all right, of course our prayers and thoughts go out to everyone out there this evening. abc s marcy gonzalez reporting this morning from seaside park, new jersey. thank you. we turn to breaking developments in afghanistan. a coordinated attack has targeted the u.s. consulate in the western city of herat. it began with a suicide car bombing that led to a gun fight with security forces. an afghan translator was killed and several other people, including police, were wounded. the taliban claimed responsibility for this attack. an american-born terrorist fighting for al qaeda in africa has been killed. omar hammami had been on the best most wanted terrorists list with a $10 million bount oh his head. it is believed he was killed by rival members of an al qaeda group linked to the area. his father said his son died fighting for his principles, whatever they were. the diplomatic chess game continues in geneva as secretary of state john kerry and russia s foreign minister meet for a second day to iron out a framework for syria to relinquish control of its chemical weapons. kerry said the syrian plan to turn over weapons was not acceptable. the flash floods are tearing through northern colorado and they have claimed three lives. the raging waters trapped drivers, cut off entire towns. rescue crews are working around the clock, and students are sitting out for a second day. reporter: the devastating floodwaters slammed through boulder county, colorado, in a matter of minutes. that s a car. right there. that s probably about to give. reporter: washing out entire roads, destroying dams, even forcing streets to crumble beneath drivers trapping them in flooded cars. we were able to use ropes to stabilize the vehicle and used rescue boats and pulled them out. rescue ropes and pulled them out. the event is continuing to build. reporter: the boulder county sheriff is trying to manage a growing disaster but it has already killed at least three people. we know we have lost lives. we anticipate as the day goes on that we may find that we have lost others. reporter: it has been difficult for rescuers to reach entire mountain communities that have been cut off by enormous rock slides and flooded highways. like driving up a river is how i put it. reporter: six inches of rain fell in 12 hours, flooding homes and university of colorado, boulderer. oh, my god! reporter: where students have been ordered to evacuate and classes are cancelled. those evacuation orders may expand as river levels continue to rise keeping families on edge. i wish it would just stop raining. colorado is typically dry and we always pray for rain. i think we got our wish and then some. abc news, los angeles. now to financial headlines starting with twitter, and it s just announced initial stock offering. the company announced it is going public but a confidential manner than facebook did last year. twitter will not have to publicly release some of the documents until three weeks until it courts potential investors. it could be valued at $15 billion when it hits the market. california s minimum wage workers are about to get a pay lawmakers have approved a bill that would increase the minimum wage to $10 an hour within three years. governor brown said he will sign the bill and it would happen as soon as today. it would be the first minimum wage increase in six years. mcdonald s is testing a mobile app that will let customers order and pay with the swipe of a cell phone. it s being tested in salt lake city and austin, texas. the fast food giant says if successful, it could go nationwide. after ordering and paying with the app the food can be picked up inside or at a drive-thru. a guy that might have that app and be using it frequently in salt lake city. he is 64-year-old dennis rosanoff. his conservative estimate is that he s eating 12,000 big macs. he goes to mcdonald s ten times a week and never gets tired of it. ten times a week? he has one on mondays, one on wednesdays. he cranks it up on tuesdays, thursdays, fridays, and saturday when he has two a day. on sunday, he takes a break. i want to see a full-body shot of this man. p.s., i ve got all his stats right here. he is not an enormous man. six feet tall, 165 pounds, cholesterol under 200, which 200 is border. health food, we knew it all along. i have been saying that. it has lettuce does it have pickles? two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. onions, sesame seeds, beef, a little bit of carbs. it s great. his wife is a nurse and his entire family urged him to eat healthier but he is fine. can t argue with that. our facebook question of the district attorney what is your fast food obsession? let us know at do you have a fast food obsession? i don t go to a ton of fast food places, but i have a cheeseburger obsession. i have been making them at home. at 6:00 in the morning, make a cheeseburger. when i have fast food, it s always mcdonald s. pretty bad. coming up, our favorite story of the day. a little personal. a television host s delicate decision. who pushed her to have plastic surgery to advance her career. you re watching world news now. surgery to advance her career. you re worlding world news now. e plastic surgery to enhance her career. world news now weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. it s been a happy union. he does laundry, and i do the cleaning. there s only two of us. how much dirt can we manufacture? more than you think. very little. [ doorbell rings ] [ lee ] let s have a look, morty. it s a sweeper. what s this? what s that? well we ll find out. we ll find out. [ lee ] it goes under all the way to the back wall. i came in under the assumption that it was clean. i ve been living in a fool s paradise! oh boy. there you go. morty just summed it up. the next 44 years we ll be fine. a new line up that can keep up with whatever adventure. start fresh and finish sparkling 24/7 with new olay fresh effects. power on with va-va-vivid for a 400% better clean. hydrate up to 24 hours with long live moisture. and perfect with bb cream for radiant skin. catch them if you can at controversial confession from one of america s top talk show hosts. julie chen said she had secret surgery to change her eyes. the reason she thought it would make her more successful in tv. here s lindsey davis. reporter: julie chen s talk show revelation that she had plastic surgery to make her eyes look bigger is raising some eyebrows across the country. look at before and after. members of the family wanted to disown me if i got it done. reporter: he got it after a big time told her the same thing her then boss said that her asian eyes would limit her success. he said, you look disinterested. you look bored because your eyes are so heavy, they re so small. reporter: eyelid surgery is the most popular surgery for asian-americans. more than 10,000 asian-americans do it every year and that number is on the rise. from 2011 to 2012, cosmetic plastic surgeries for asian-americans jumped 21%. different ethnicities often have unique things about the features they would like to change. one common cosmetic surgery for african-american and hispanics is nose reshaping and 76% of breast augmentation and botox operations were performed on caucasians. i think we see that across all races. we see aesthetic surgery as a global phenomenon. reporter: chen says the surgery catapulted her career. after i had that done, everything kind of the ball did roll for me. reporter: decide for yourself if the difference likely meant a second look for her career. lindsey davis, abc news, new york. this whole thing apparently started when she asked her news director, an old boss, if she could fill in on the anchor desk while there were people vacationing, and he said, quote, you will never be on the anchor desk because you are chinese. you will be fired for that. you d be hauled up to h.r. services and let go if you said that in this day and age. that is something you are not supposed to say no matter where you work. but this industry, while it is very vain and subjective in a lot of ways, you re still not allowed to say that. even changes name, a name that sounds more perfect. happens a lot in this business. ahead, it s like netflix for your closet. but do those clothing subscription services work? the new trend of an on-line personal shopper. ahead in our next half hour, nicole kidman takes a tumble an this was no movie stunt. you are watching world knew news now. world news now continues after this from our abc stations. stunt. you are watching world knew news now. welcome back. it has been another successful fashion week here in new york as designers showcase their spring collection. if your wardrobe could use an update but you have no idea where to start, new on-line services can give you a hand. world news now tech contributors show the latest. reporter: the classic fashion dilemma. a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear. you could go on line, but with all of those choices where to begin? in the mall let s not even go there. what if you could leave the shopping and decision making to someone else? enter the clothing subscription service. for a monthly fee, services like stitchfix and latote select clothes to try on at home. anything that doesn t fit goes back in the mail and usually ships for free. users fill out their size and style preferences and the company takes care of the rest. baumfeld s is a subscription service for men. we wanted something that retails to the everyday guys who aren t obsessed with clothes but wants to look good. we don t charge you up front. you have ten days after it arrives to make a decision, try it on and see what people think. reporter: they look at your social media profile like facebook and linkedin for clues on your style. we know what your city is, what job you work at and take in to account to find clothes that you will love. reporter: the social theme is part of wishi. it lets you catalog what is in your closet to get styling suggestions from the community. snap a picture of your shoe, and it becomes an item users can mix and match with retailers. you can see how it combines with the stuff in your closet. reporter: for company co-founders, the wisdom of crowds can t be beat. when you get the perspective of different people coming in to your closet and creating outfits for you it is nice and helpful. reporter: for runway worthy looks it s a click away. cool idea, isn t it? tina is now with us. we have more on the subscription services. how does this work? it is pretty awesome. i mean, shopping without leaving the house. you don t have to pick out the clothes. i think it is a win-win situation. all the heavy lifting is done for you. we brought in some goods to give you an idea what to expect. you did a little heavy lifting for us. let s see them. who do we have first? amanda. amanda. looking good, amanda. she is wearing a dress from a service called la tote. and the way it works is like netflix. they give you five things. you wear them for as long as you want. when you are ready to send them back, send everything back in the pre-paid envelope. they give you five more things, and you wear them as long as you want, mix and match, do whatever. it is a great way to just like discover new brands, maybe try on something that you wouldn t have picked for yourself at the store. would you wear it once and send it back, hold on to a couple of months, wear it a couple of times? wear it as often as you like and when you are ready for something new, they give you a new batch of clothing. another model is coming out. will. will is wearing basically the bomb look. yeah. very nice. amanda will come out and join him. how are these two services different as amanda walks out? amanda s service you pay $49 a month. new clothes when you want. will s is whatever budget you have, they have a tiered system. he gets each month the same kind of items. he gets a preview. amanda doesn t get a preview. thank you so much. what a great idea. and our models, thank you very much. strike a pose. work it. workin it! we ll be right back. you are watching world news now. back. you are watching world news no now . [ sponge ] now for the main event. in this corner, the reigning lasagna dish, the big cheese. and in this corner, the best generation of dawn power, platinum! [ bell dings ] here we go! [ female announcer ] dawn platinum power clean s micro-scrubbing enzymes give you the power of an overnight soak in 3 minutes, and 3 times more everyday grease cleaning ingredients. for all your dishes. so if you like dawn, you ll love platinum. [ sponge ] the champion! [ female announcer ] dawn platinum does even more. [ sponge ] so it s not a chore. your carpet stains can reappear. [ laughing ] [ male announcer ] try resolve stain remover, the formula penetrates deep into your carpet and removes stains so they don t come back. trust resolve. forget stains. we are skipping the mix for our favorite story of the day. no, we have time. we have time for that. it is time to come clean. come clean. people are on to me on twitter and i think it is pretty obvious why they are on to me. but the announcement is, we re having a baby! yea! diana number two. number two. really excited. baby devon will be a big brother pretty quickly. boy or girl? it is a boy. it s a boy. another boy. he will be a brother to a little baby boy. there s baby number two. folks suspicious about your outfits and such, right? yeah. he had no idea. something i have been craving, ice cream and pickles. lots of m&ms. congratulations. thank you. polka time! that s the world news polka . those the world news polka this morning on world news now, double whammy. fire ripping apart a seaside this morning on world news now, double whammy. fire ripping apart a seaside location after it recovered from hurricane sandy. a heartbreaking scene. americans targeted. breaking news from afghanistan where taliban bombers targeted a u.s. consulate. the late details and uncertain situation. emergency evacuations, colorado s flood disaster and the families forced from their homes overnight. the terrible toll after a freak rainstorm. real life drama for superstar nicole kidman. her tough tumble and who s in trouble with the police. that s in the skinny on this friday, september 13th. from abc news this is world news now with john muller and diana perez. good friday morning, everyone. we begin this half-hour with a devastating fire on the new jersey shore. the blaze destroyed an eight-block stretch of the boardwalk. the wind-whipped fire grew so large, officials stopped counting after it went to ten alarms. with more here s byron pitts. reporter: thick black smoke can be seen for miles as fire eats away the boardwalk in new jersey. authorities say it started in an ice cream shop. there it goes, oh, no. reporter: firefighters and pedestrians have been treated for smoke inhalation. new jersey governor chris christie watched in disbelief. this is obviously a just an unthinkable situation. for us to be standing here and watching this what s going on behind all of you is just unthinkable. as soon as this is over, we ll pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get back to work. reporter: this is the same area devastated by superstorm sandy a year ago. work crews just repaired the boardwalk destroyed by storm waters before memorial day. much of the new wood is gone. it did travel fast. just got out of hand. now it is five blocks down. this boardwalk survived hurricane sandy. this boardwalk survived. this was the only boardwalk we have left. how much more we can get beat up but we re jersey strong so we will come back. reporter: another setback in the recovery of the battered jersey shore. first by mother nature, now flames. byron pitts, abc news, new york. double whammy, kicked while you are down. whatever cliche. these people were just getting on their feet and knocked back down again. it is horrible. we keep hearing reports from the jersey shore about the businesses that are jersey strong. so strong. one gentleman had to be taken out of his business when the storm was coming because he refused to leave. the same business owner, same spot had to be taken out of his business when the flames were closing in on him and already he is saying he s looking to the future. and plans to rebuild. unbelievable. governor christie doesn t know how much damage. they will wait until daylight before they try to assess and put some figure on the damage and the cause of the fire is under investigation. they are worried about putting out the hot spots. it is under control but right now the priority is making sure it stays out. it started at 2:00 p.m. and as of 1:30 in the morning it was still burning. hot spots under control but still a fire. what a shame. all right. parts of northern colorado still soaking wet after swamped by deadly flash flooding. at least three people killed in the rush of water that ripped through the boulder area washing away homes and triggering rock slides that covered entire towns. a half foot of rain came down in a matter of hours taking many drivers by surprise. we were able to use ropes to stabilize the vehicle and then we had rescue boats and were able to break in and pull them out of the vehicle. the raging floodwaters also forced the evacuation of students from the university of colorado s main campus and classes have been canceled for a second day. torrential rain also in southeast new mexico where crews pulled off dramatic rescues. the roads are so flooded, helicopters were called in to evacuate elderly people from an rv park. today s weather, not good news for the same flooded areas. eight states have flood warnings or watches posted. some rain today across the southeast, southern texas and florida as well as northern new england. boston 72 and 75 new york. most of the country will be in the 70s. 90s from texas to florida and mostly seasonable readings along the west coast. breaking news out of western afghanistan this morning. the taliban claiming responsibility for a coordinated attack on the u.s. consulate in herat. this started with a powerful car bomb blast followed by a gun battle with security forces. two afghans were killed, five attackers are dead. there were no american casualties. we will stay on top of the story throughout the morning. secretary of state john kerry hosts a second day of high-level meetings to destroy chemical weapons. syria said it wanted 30 days to provide technical data on chemical weapons. secretary kerry said the u.s. would need more than words. he said this is not a game. an alabama-born terrorist with a price tag on his head has been killed in africa. he was reportedly killed by the terror group which recruited him. here s abc s brian ross. reporter: he came from alabama with jihad on his mind. state department said today it was working to confirm the death of omar hammami. kill as many as we can. reporter: the 29-year-old american citizen had a $5 million u.s. reward on his head. one of the things that we seek for in this life of ours is to die as a martyr. reporter: considered so dangerous by the fbi because he led and recruited other americans to the al qaeda group in somalia and urged attacks on everybody. he has made significant contributions to terrorist activities. reporter: he grew up in daphne, alabama. the son of a baptist schoolteacher and syrian father with what he called the privileged life of an american child. school pageants, sports teams, prom dates. but by the age of 22, hammami had come to hate his country and moved to somalia where he joined a group called al al-shabaab. it all started out in afghanistan. his flamboyant videos glamorized terror, including this rapper called a jihad, and put him at odds with other group leaders who vowed to kill him. i feel my life may be in danger. reporter: in the end he was marked for death by his fellow terrorists. a 13-year-old boy is on life support after getting bitten by ants in the middle of a football game. he started to scream in pain when the team huddled. he had a severe allergic reaction to the fire ants, and he lost consciousness twice before paramedics arrived. he remains in critical condition in the intensive care unit. we are learning details of two men s trip to the alaska wilderness. it began a week ago yesterday when their small plane s engine failed and they were forced to make an emergency landing. the plane flipped over but they were okay. when no one found them after 30 hours, they started to walk the 11 miles to the nearest village. they made it eight miles before spotted and picked up by state troopers. an adventure of another sort is underway. an historic transatlantic flight using a cluster of balloons. the guy making the flight is a balloonist named johnthan trappe. like in the movie up he is using 300 helium-filled balloons for the voyage that could take three to six days. he is riding in a lifeboat in case he has to cut off the flight over the ocean. he could land in africa to norway. i hope he s also wearing a parachute. that is whimsical. the aviator hat and the whole thing. my goodness. it looks so beautiful, doesn t it? yep. just like the movie. we re pleased to give publicity to a military mom in missouri who is doing her best to bring a bit of home to the troops in afghanistan. her name is trisha monroe, and her son zach deployed two months ago. monroe is collecting as many twinkies as she can to send to the troops. her son says that twinkies are like gold in the war zone. all right. so monroe says she is looking to ship as many hostess twinkies we have some twinkies overseas. just for her. you can drop them off at the united methodist church on carl junction monday and wednesday night. and gold on the world news now set. yes. it is eight miles from joplin, destroyed by the tornado in 2011. there you have it. we probably have the information on our website. so if you want to donate any twinkies on your shelves. now they last, what is it, 140 days. 140 years, i think. these have been around since the 80s. these exact same ones. who knows. they will get in the hands of someone who needs and enjoys them. put a smile on your face no doubt about it. a major change for jessica biel and it is personal. nicole kidman s dramatic move, and this was no action/adventure movie. but it was a push and shove. you are watching world news now. but it was a push and shove. you are watching world news now. push and shove. you are watching world news now. married to morty kaufman. [ lee ] now that i m getting older some things are harder to do. this is not a safe thing to do. be careful babe. there should be some way to make it easier [ doorbell rings ] let s open it up and see what s cookin . oh i like that. look at this it s got a handle on it. i don t have to climb up. this yellow part up here really catches a lot of the dust. did you notice how clean it looks? morty are you listening? morty? [ morty ] i m listening! i want you to know morty are you listening? morty? people switching to finish ar. quantum with power gel delivers brilliant shine, which cascade actionpacs can t do. take the finish shine challenge and see what it can do for you. but he s totally changed. changed man. [ laughs ] changed man. i mean it took some time, but i softened him up. mm-hmm. thanks to tide plus downy now his clothes are always super soft and clean and he is totally huggable. just like one of my teddy bears. wait. more like a grizzly bear. [ sighs ] a teddy bear. that s my tide for softness and freshness. what s yours? the young bride accused of pushing her husband off of a cliff to his death will await her trial from the comfort of her own home. the judge said she is not a flight risk or a danger to herself or other people. reporter: from newlywed to newly accused killer, jordan lynn graham was eight days in to her marriage to cody when she admitted to investigators she pushed her groom off a cliff to his death. almost positive that jordan had either done something or planned something, knew of something. somehow or some way was a part of what happened to cody. reporter: friends suspected the worst when the 25-year-old victim went missing knowing the new marriage was troubled. graham herself told friends she was having second thoughts. i m about to talk to him, she texted a friend that day according to documents, but dead serious if you don t hear from me at all tonight something happened. investigators say at first graham claimed nothing happened that her husband was last seen leaving their home with a friend. after she called authorities days later to say she found her husband s body at the bottom of a cliff she reportedly fessed up. admitting they were arguing as they neared the top of the cliff at glacier national park. graham telling the fbi her husband grabbed her arm and stated she could have just walked away, but due to her anger, she pushed johnson with both hands in this back and as a result he fell face first off the cliff. a confession, some say, came far too late. the big problem, though, is the lie she told. if she had said, look, we were up on top of a mountain and we got in to an altercation an the next thing i know i pushed him and he falls off a cliff, i don t think she would be charged with murder. reporter: but she is charged with second-degree murder, facing a maximum of life in prison if convicted. marcy gonzalez, abc news, new york. needless to say the family and friends of the groom are very upset she is not in custody right now. right and mounting evidence. a couple of things surfaced. you could call it evidence or just the way she was dealing with her grief. family members are saying at the funeral she not only did not shed a tear but on her phone texting during the ceremony and that is something they were displeased. a couple of things the family is starting to notice and keep track of and who knows how the attorneys will use this in court. we will follow it. coming up, who s in trouble with police after a hollywood superstar s tumble. and who s poking fun at new york s fashionistas? the skinny is next. world news now continues after this from our abc stations. the the skinny is next. skinny so skinny welcome in though the skinny. we are talking about superstar skinny so skinny welcome in though the skinny. we are talking about superstar nicole kidman at the beginning of the skinny. apparently she was leaving a fashion show last thursday. she was right outside and this pam razz paparazzo, some paparazzi comes barreling toward her in his bicycle. some say he hit the brakes. some say that didn t work because he slammed right in to her. here are the pictures from tmz. she has apparently said she is up, walking around. she was shaken. he s 19 years old. he has his own tumblr page of other celebrities that don t like him because he has had run ins with other celebrities including lady gaga. a history of run-ins. she called police, they came to the scene almost immediately. not sure if any charges were pressed if any were. there you have it. he s a freelance paparazzo. have you ever been run in to by a bike. no. it hurts and it will startle the crap out of her. it looks like he run into her from behind. i don t know if he said anything to gather her attention but at one point it looks like one of her bodyguards grabbed him and pushed him out of the way. he had no business being around here. there you have it. the latest. fashion week just wrapped up in new york city, jimmy kimmel is at it again. he sent out a crew and preyed on everybody at fashion week s worst nightmare not knowing what is cool and trendy. he made up things and tried to catch people not knowing what is going on and made them act like they do. it is pretty funny. listen up. this is the men s collection. the models are sent down the runway with watermelons on their head. it is called fashion. look it up. you are okay with it? i love it. if you can see that is dog poop on the model s head. oh, gross. you didn t hear about this either? no. a lot of the attendees pretended to know about fake designers. one was george castanza, from seinfield. are you familiar with the george castanza collection? one was, i just learned about him. i m not sure which direction he is going in to. oh, my gosh. jimmy kimmel does it again. it is called fashion, look it up. two snaps and a head roll. okay. jessica biel officially changed her last name to timberlake. they got married, her and justin got married 11 months ago and she said she would take his last name. she is officially jessica timberlake. she didn t even keep it as a hyphen. she just jessica timberlake. must be flattering for justin. i think so. i don t mean to be frowny face up here but the last celebrity i remember changing their last name, oh, it escapes me now. project runway mary castillo. heidi klum. heidi klum changed her name and within months they were divorced. what is his last name? i should have that information before i bring it up on the show. you know what i am talking about. i want to know about the last name is. charlie sheen getting his high school diploma. i didn t know he didn t have but he is getting one. the anger management star is one and a half credits shy of graduating when he was a teenager and he received his diploma on the tonight show with jay leno. check it out. there you have it. he has the whole deal. the cap and gown and it was presented to him. he said he only showed up for class 33% of the time. that s one-third of the time. now he has his high school diploma. made some money. college will be fun. mars, but, thanks to hotwire s incredibly low travel prices, i can afford to cross more things off my list. this year alone, we went to the top of the statue of liberty and still saved enough to go to texas, to a real dude ranch. hotwire checks the competition s rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices, so we got our four-star hotels for half price. next up, hollywood! men: h-o-t-w-i-r-e, man: save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. my dna.s me. it helps make me who i am every piece is important. it s like a self-portrait this part.. makes my eyes blue. so that s why the sun makes me sneeze. i might have an increased risk of heart disease. arthritis gallstones hemochromatosis i ll look into that stuff we might pass onto to our kids. foods i might want to avoid. hundreds of things about my health. getting my 23andme results it really opened my eyes. the more you know about your dna the more you know about yourself. i do things a little differently now. eat better. ask more questions change what you can, manage what you can t i always wondered what my dna said about me. me. me. now i know. know more about your health. go to and order your dna kit for only $99 today. learn hundreds of things about your health at so here s something we have been looking forward to, the weekend. yeah, just a little. been a busy few days in the world of news, especially on the issue of syria. here is our friday rewind. there s not boots on the ground, not an extended air campaign. it s not iraq, afghanistan or libya. this is a very concerted, concentrated, limited effort. if you strike somewhere you have to expect that precaution in different forms and ways that you don t expect. i want to make sure that norm against using chemical weapons is maintained. if we can do that without a military strike, that is overwhelmingly my preference. congress is going to vote, are they going to listen to the president or the overwhelming majority of the american people? my name is matthew cordle. on june 22nd, 2013, i hit and killed vincent canzani. this video will act as my confession. when i get charged, i will plead guilty and take full responsibility. highway continually has his hand on his gun and keep say, step closer. and what? he s going to shoot us. having information out there helps to analyze it, measure it, test it, smell it. it should be out there for all the world to see. we are not holding anything from you. i remember feeling very distraught. robin means more to me than anything. seeing her go through this just [ bleep ] tore me up. i will be honest. how long do you think it will take you to decide what to do with your life next? after i serve two terms as mayor? the ever delusional anthony weiner. nice note to end on. a little exchange they had. we want to remind you about a special on-line feature for fans of world news now. it is called in case you missed it! it is the most memorable moments on the show. go to our facebook page and check it out, wnnfans. any good plans this weekend, diana? we are going to the zoo in central park. we will run around the park, as well. i hope devon knows what he is looking at. he is 1, right. think he will know? he knows what a dog is and he doesn t really know about anything else. what about you? mets game. i think they are 150 games out of first - ( snaps, clatters )ng ) that sounds awful. ( music stops ) but a lot better than last week. ( rock music playing ) we weren t born to follow. making news in america this morning breaking right now. the situation in colorado getting more dire. with new flooding overnight. and thousands of residents forced to flee in just the past few hours. we have the latest from boulder. fierce fire tragedy for a town just back on its feet after superstorm sandy. we re seeing businesses that have rebuilt themselves during the summer destroyed. dozens of buildings destroyed. an iconic boardwalk nearly gone. we re live on the scene where firefighters are battling the blaze. a plane goes down in the middle of nowhere. the two men onboard are alive and talking about how they survived for days in the bui wilderness. and strange sight. not on

Alabama , United-states , Alaska , Boulder-county , Colorado , China , California , Herat , Afghanistan , Syria , New-mexico , Russia

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20130914

talking about a support so extreme, so controversial it seems the world s most dangerous sport on earth. cheerleading. former cheerleader. lucky to be alive. fox & friends starts right now. good morning we begin with a weather alert. towns cut off by flooding waters. worst in decades. four people dead, at least 172 of them are missing still. take a look at this video shot from inside a fire truck. the water rushing up and over the windshield. falling in less than three days. that s in boulder creek, raging than 120 times its normal size. emergency crews rescued this man from his own bedroom. heard a big roar, and i think that s probably when it came down, buried his house, filled his bedroom full of mud. luckily it came up just to his bed. meantime the same system blasting the state with rain causing ice storm in higher elevations. these two are recovering after making their way down from the highest mountains. stranded inside a tent for two days. joining us by phone with the latest how they are coping, our boulder information officer sashly hairy. thanks for expwroing us. we are looking at this video. it looks so awful. we see it looks like army corps of engineers or someone in military uniform pulling babies into trucks and men being rescued out of their bedrooms. what s the latest this morning? you you are correct. it has absolutely been incredible. we have had national guard and first responders all day yesterday up in the town that have been cut off from the rest of the county performing rescues, pulling people out by helicopter by high water vehicle and getting them to safety. we understand there was major evacuations to get people to safety. are there people still left who have been unevacuated and what are the conditions this morning as you try to attempt that? there are still people in the town. some of them have chosen to stay. there is others that still need to be evacuated. you know, it s difficult, because the roads are completely washed out many many of these areas and it takes some time to get up there. and we have to have the right conditions. reporting that 172 residents are still unaccounted for. what does that mean? well, actually we have new members that just came out. we up to 218 people unaccounted for right now. basically what that means is they haven t been able to be reached. we re confident that that number will decrease as communications return, but, for now, we haven t been able to reach them. what about some of the infrastructure there? obviously it looks like many bridges witnessing some of these flooding. bridges wiped out. electrical infrastructure. some of the shelter infrastructure and again the phone resources and public communication. what exists this morning there, if anything? sure. again, mostly in our mountain towns. many of our mountain towns have lost their infrastructure. electricity, water, shelter, you know, all of those items fortunately in our cities down more in the valley we still do have communications and electricity which is essential for providing support to the people they re evacuating from the mountain town. ashley, i have two dogs, i have to the to ask you about the pets. i remember after katrina there were so many animals without their on or abouts stranded in homes. are you seeing a lot of that? we are seeing a lot of pets. we have been very fortunate that we have had quite a few resources here to be able to provide for them. there are pet shelters that have been set up. there is some equine rescue going on. and all of our pets that have no place to go have been able to find a place. we know you are very very busy this morning and we thank you for getting up early with us. before we let you go, ashley, as the sun comes up this morning, what are you going to be focusing on first? our focus is clearing roads, getting access to some of these towns that are cut off and continue rescue operations. ashley herring from the boulder county public information office. thank you for joining us this morning. thank you. a colorado man driving through a flash flood to rescue a mom and daughter stranded on the roof the car after all of this hail. share their story and be reunited for the first time since the dramatic rescue. that will be at the top of the next hour. now we go to rick reichmuth. when is this rain going to let up in colorado? the worst of it has let up. another two days where we have a chance of seeing strong storms in there maybe another inch or two. i will show you that in a second. it s just for how much rain has fallen in a short period of time. mostly along the front range there 14 inches of rain in boulder. also notice across eastern colorado and western kansas very significant rain there. there has been a lot of flooding. got to give you one bright side to this. they are in a long-term drought across much of the rockies and western parts of kansas. this is going to put a big dent in that drought that will help with a lot of the fires that we typically see this time of year or summer. the drought will be coming down. unfortunately too much rain. this is the last 24 hours. notice yesterday earlier mid rain right along the i-25 corridor. that is weakening but there is still a little bit of rain there we are going to see more over the next two to three days. today and tomorrow the biggest chances for heavier rain. right again, you see boulder there, those yellow and orange dots. that s where we are possibly going to be seeing another inch or two. it was the 14 inches of rain that got us into this problem, that is going to begin to subside a little bit. it s not just places like boulder. all of those mountain towns there big problems. water that was in the mountains that gravitational pull causes flash flooding. all that water has had to go some place. lower lying areas. denver area. plat river extreme flooding at their record and today they are going to raise even a little bit higher. guys? thanks, rick. thank you, rick. now, let me tell you some of your headlines that you missed while you were sleeping. hot spots could hamper the investigation into the cause of that massive fire that consumed four blocks of the new jersey boardwalk on thursday night. officials say they are considering the that the blaze which started an n. a custard shop to be suspicious. 50 businesses destroyed in an area still struggling to recover after super storm sandy. new jersey s governor, chris christie vows to rebuild again. federal agents arrested the third of five suspects wanted in connection with the murder of u.s. border patrol agent brian terry. ivan sotoberaza was captured earlier this week down in mexico. accused of shooting and killing terry back in december of 2010 with weapons linked to the government botched fast and furious gun walking program. the family is excited but we have two more fugitive defendants in mexico. chaos in the streets of mexico as police clash with thousands of protesting teachers. [explosion] riot police firing tear gas and water canons on top of them. the teachers have been camped out now for weeks to strike over education reform in the country. they had been ordered to leave that area before the weekend. and police had to arrest 20 demonstrators. and all you need, two bucks and a dream to win tonight s $317 million power ball general jackpot. the drawing is tonight 10:00 eastern time. better buy your tickets early. most states cut off sales an hour or two before that drawing. the odds in winning, 1 in 17 billion. but i m saying you still have a chance. good call. government offering you another good deal. [ laughter ] now, all eyes this morning on syria. some major news on the developments there and whether or not the u.s. would move with a military strike against that country it appears this morning that the president has taken off the table the military trigger. that was the at last resort we are going to go in and use military force to take out at least the infrastructure surrounding some of these chemical weapons operations. it appears now that syria is aagreing to come to the table and the united states would take off the military trigger so that we can have talks and discussions about how to in the u.n. resolution the president still saying reserves the right to attack syria independent of united nations. i think it s pretty clear at this stage that that s not in the works. the president having already punting the congress. of course through america s non-ally get the situation under control. who was wearing the pants in this relationship it appears that vladimir putin had complete control from the very beginning which is we are not going to have any discussion if the u.s. says they are still going to use military force. in fact, dr. michael waller the author of the book the secret empire the kgb in russia today thinks that putin basically snubbed his nose at the u.s. listen. i is afraid of them. can he stand up to domestic critics at home not to people on the international scene. he will talk tough but not stand up to them. he makes empty threats but doesn t back them up because he doesn t have the courage to do he doesn t want to be another george bush. does this get president obama off the hook? let s be honest he had little support at home for any sort of a military strike, even within his own party it was beginning to crumble pretty early on. he made those red line statements. he said about those red line statements had to walk those back. is the president able to turn to the united nations and say we re going to walk in with these chemical inspections, i m off the hook. the question is if we did send troops into syria to find these chemical weapons, are we going to be able to find them. if you read the wall street journal that we have been talking about the elite unit 450 is saying that they have moved the stocks of poison gases and munitions to 50 different sites and how are we going to be able to find those chemical weapons. some people are guarded about sending troops into syria we don t know what we will find when we get there i think obama or president obama is very fearful of that. that was certainly response for the reservations you you saw in congress backing up the president s call for action in syria. the point of my point of view is not that he we re bombing syria or much less sending troops there the president is telegraphing weakness and indecision to the rest of the world. the weaker the united states is the more dangerous the rest of the world is countries have been kept in line by the threat of american force to do what they want. i think you will see outbreaks of aggression throughout the world. why wouldn t china move against these contested pinnacle islands that japan owns. why wouldn t they move against taiwan. korea restarting plutonium reactor. will we be a super power? talk about it and maybe you will come and try to remove it from us. first we have already launched that nuclear weapon. let us know what you think about this and syria conflict coming up throughout the show. coming up, the u.s. wants syria to give up and destroy chemical weapons. the next guest says that s a dangerous and possibly deadly idea. she collected thousands of dollars by telling people they would be on a new reality show that she was producing. turns out it was all a lie. how police finally caught up with her and that is not sandra bullock. so i m not on the show? this man is about to be the millionth customer. would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fiy thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. nobody likes to miss out. that s why ally treats all their customers the same. whether you re the first or the millionth. if your bank doesn t think you re special anymore, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally. it fills you with energy. and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convennt two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. and now, there s a plan that lets you experience that new phone thrill again and again. and again. can you close your new phone box? we re picking up some feedback. introducing verizon edge. the plan that lets you upgrade to a new verizon 4glte phone when you want to. having what you want on the network you rely on. that s powerful. verizon. upgrade to the new moto x by motorola with zero down payment. syrian president bashar al assad agreeing to comply with the international ban on chemical weapons. this development comes amid new reports of the secret sharing military unit assad regime has been moving stocks of poison gas to as many as 50 sites around the country to make them harder to attack. how likely is it that these weapons will likely be destroyed? author of the decoding al qaeda s strategy. the deep battle against america. michael, thanks for joining us this morning. thank you, tucker. the president had said that we plan to deter a future use of chemical weapons in syria. presumably that would include destroying their chemical weapons. how hard is that at this point? it is extremely hard under the best of every circumstances as chemical expert of chemical weapons has said. it will take a very long time. maybe even years to destroy them under the best of circumstances. this is the worst of circumstances. so there is something like a thousand tons of chemical weapons in syria right now. i mean, wouldn t would he be concerned about those falling into the hands of people even worse than the assad regime? we ought to. you know. the jihadists in syria are not the largest. one of the fowngszal secret documents in al qaeda s playbook is operations on jihad and syria under bashar assad s father. everybody was trained on this way back in the day and you are sure that they are watching that. and they have a long term desire to get weapons of mass destruction. what is our strategy here to keep those weapons from falling into the hands of al qaeda? well, i m not entirely sure that we have a strategy. but the reason that the strike was so so surgical is not just a distaste for military combat but the fact that if you destroy the current regime, then there will be immediately a civil war between the various factions and the opposition opposition not any other kind of thing bind them together. and all of them will be scrambling and the jihadists will be going for the weapons every weapon they can get. are we actually at this late stage going to be able to identify where these weapons are and control them in any way? i think we can probably, as you pointed out he has so much of them that for a long time. [audio cutting out] and there will be places where u.n. observers or inspectors can t really go because of active fighting. so, but i think on the bright side of this is that i believe that he did not make the offer and they have made a formal offer to the organization that monitors these weapons worldwide that they are going to join the convention. i think they think this strike was going to be the first thing complete overthrow of him and that s why they moved and i don t think they are going to be using those weapons any time soon to trigger a better strike. that s the good news. michael ryan, thanks for joining us this morning. thank you, tucker. i appreciate it environmentalists say bad for company the process of fracking actually puts money in your pocket. we ll ex up. guardian angel leaves $200,000 tip. was she being generous or did that server just get scammed? we ll tell you coming up. i m beth. and i m michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it s a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn t get into business to spend time managing receipts, that s why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. infrom chase. so you can. side-by-side, so you get the same coverage, often for less. that s one smart board what else does it do, reverse gravity? 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[ flo chuckles ] [ whirring ] hey, how s that atom-splitting thing going? oh! a smarter way to shop around now that s progressive. call or click today. welcome back. some quick headlines for you. united airlines is going to honor the tickets that it accidently gave away for free on thursday. a computer glitch issued the free tickets and customers ended up paying around $5 or $10 for a ticket. the airline is not saying how many of these free tickets were issued and why weren t we notified of that? and, an attorney for the montana newly wed accused of pushing her new husband off of a cliff now says it was just an accident. prosecutors say that jordan gram pushed cody johnson face first during an argument and then left him there to die. clayton? thank you, ainsley. fracking called upon gold rush uses high texture rocks and collect the oil and gas inside reducing the need for foreign oil. so many opportunities to frac in the united states could this pathology be a new path to american wealth. the founder for center of industrial progress joins us now. nice to see you this morning. great to be here. now, you say fracking is the greatest tech it logical revolution since the computer. that is a bold statement as a fan of the computer, of ipads and everything else. back that up for us? okay. well, i decided to bring a prop with me. this is is the object of fracking, which is just a seemingly worthless piece of rock, right? imagine i told you we can figure out a way to charge your i phone with this or to run your car. wouldn t that be the most amazing innovation? and that s exactly what fracking is it takes worthless rock and we have more than a texas sized amount of this stuff. and turns it into life giving energy the foundation of all progress and economic growth. one of the big stories this week is that this fracking technology is trickling down and helping americans put money in their own pocket. the disposable household income up by 100 in some of these high track fracking states, lower energy bills. federal and state tax benefits up by 74 billion. the skeptical person out there saying wait a minute, is this really going to effect my own wallet? is fracking going to help me save more money and live a better life? yeah. it s standable because, you know, there are all kinds of studies that come out every day making all sorts of wild claims. but if we understand the importance of energy in our economy, it s very clear that an energy revolution is a revolution for every individual. industry that powers every other industry. so no matter what you are doing in life and no matter what product you are using, cheaper energy lower cost in life. we heard of course from environmentalists out there who say this is absolutely dangerous to it our drinking water. and this is something that we don t want in our backwards taker a look. louisiana, high fracking states and also pennsylvania on that list as well for an area that has done quite a bit of fracking. what do you say to those who argue against it? two reasons. one is that this rock exists 5,000 feet away from ground water. last thing that s going to con tame your ground water is fracking operation. look at the places in the environth the best miments pleases that use best interest. nature doesn t give us a clean environment. take as lot of energy to purify the water to grey crops and make the world a better place. that s why i entitled my improvesil fuels the planet. no evidence that fracking contaminates gravel in recent report it. it will be interesting to see if we get lower energy bills across the country as a result of fracking if it takes hold. thanks for joining us this morning. thank you. coming up on the show, the white house says no deal. what happens next for the unions? well, the president s biggest supporters turn on obama care? a live report from washington next. plus, forget football, wrestle or even rugby. we are talking about a sport so extreme it s just been deemed the most dangerous sport on earth. you re looking at it. here is a hint. this was the hardest decision i ve ever had to make. jim, i adore the pool at your hotel. anna, your hotels have wondrous waffle bars. ryan, your hotels robes are fabulous. i have twelve of them. twelve? 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there are all kinds of cheerleading competitions. i m calling what she did really impressive. gymnastics, that s one of the sports in the olympics. that s what that is. that s gymnastics. you sound like you are maybe a former cheerleader. did i it for like a year. my whole family was shocked that i made it i cannot dance. i m not a gymnast. i was the old school cheerleader poodle skirt and did a hurky. girls visiting hospitals 4,000 there you go. you see the number to prove it. 4,000. back in the 80 s you could get away with doing a cart wheel. touch your toes. that s when i was a cheerleader. now girls have to be thrown in the air, do flips, tossed around. they are getting concussions and falling on the ground. you remember last year where the girl had brain injury as a result of that and ended up dying as a result of landing on her head. 66% of catastrophic sports injuries are as a result of cheerleading. they do compete in the big cheerleading. are more people injured cheerleading every year or taking a shower every year? i still think taking a shower. i know you are big on the shower sport. not a sport. it can be a sport. but by and large in my sad life it s not. this morning on the washcloth i poured shampoo on it because i was so tired. i didn t have an injury. not a sport neither is cheerleading. you don t think that s a sport. a sport is when people face off against one another. why are men so against making cheerleading a sport? i don t understand that give the girls a title. to call it a sport is to diminish it it s bigger than that. you are so full of it. and i m sorry, i m just saying females in my college we had male and female cheerleaders. he thought he was being back turned it around brilliantly. it s early can i still pull it off. impressive. a sport implies, just demands competition. you cheer lead really against yourself. you are your own toughest critic. that s true. what about golf? you are competing head on there. what about this? now that we think of football, right? that s the tough male sport. jirsz turns out more than football turns out. one of the oldest school sports in america at a particular school has decided this intramural high school program where they play contact football against themselves. not their team they play against themselves the school has decided no more turning it into flag football. they have been doing it there since 1810. isn t that just called high school football? flag football? no. the contact football what they are been doing. they are playing against other schools. what s what everybody does. the lawrenceville school in new jersey, alma mater by the way of white house press secretary jay carney. something tells me he wasn t playing. and they have decided that movable is just too violent and mean and dangerous and threatening in the sense to lawrenceville just can t handle the football. by the way the alumni from the school flipping out. facebook page, dedicated it to bringing back actual football, not just sensitive, everyone gets a trophy flag football. one of the alumnus akim wrote on the page this is another tragic piece of fallout from the pc police ethios since the 19 0s and contributed to the emass could you legs of young men. call it what you will will but i see along held tradition being thrown into the bust bend of history that makes me puke. that s fair. can you say it s just a football game but there is sum bowlism that matters and the idea that each child is so precious that, you know, getting bruised is the worst thing that is going to happen to you. toughen up, son. actually, life is a tough place and getting knocked around a little bit is not bad for you. look at these pictures. these guys are not the linebackers that we see today. i don t know if these uniforms and helmets can keep up with the guys and their weight and, you know, they are huge. these guys are running at each other and slamming their heads into one another. this is just high school intermural high school football. these aren t monsters. they are not on steroids. they are just playing football. you have quds, what do you say to your sons if they wanted to go out and play contact football. that s crazy. if you think that s hard. wait until you get full-time job as adult. get more concussions at work than you will there. yeah. let us know what you think, weigh in at ff weekend. let under the us know what you. president obama doesn t appear to want to play ball with some of his biggest supporters in the unions. will he cave? elizabeth prann is live in washington with more and what happens next. good morning, well union leaders richard trumka look would fairly upbeat after he paid a visit to the white house just yesterday. take a look. try to get in next week. next week? yep. an act of congress? a solution. certainly a different message from what we have heard before. to address labor union concerns over the affordable care act just shortly after his union passed a resolution blasting the sweeping healthcare law as, quote, highly disruptive. in fact that i convention last week, union workers warned that the cost of union healthcare plans will be driven up so high that workers and employers particularly in retail, construction, and transportation may drop their coverage. we will be damned if we re going to lose our health insurance because of unintended consequences and a law. it needs to be changed. it needs to be fixed, and it needs to be fixed now, brothers and sisters. now, this amid previous reports of a plan that would give union workers and only union workers subsidies to help pay for health administration. they said the treasury department had issued a letter yesterday saying quote: they made it clear that its did not see a legal way for individuals and multiemployer group health plans to receive individual tax market credits as well as favorable tax treatment associated with employer provided health insurance at the same time. so the white house as you can see has not said specifically what it might do if anything at all. this, of course, while republicans continue to try to repeal or defund obama care since really the day it passed. ainsley, clayton, tucker, back to you. elizabeth plan live for us in d.c. this morning. thanks, elizabeth. thanks. three friends of boston marathon bombing suspect pleaded not guilty to it charges that they lied to investigators. hindered the investigation into the deadly attack. prosecutors say that they took items from dzhokhar tsarnaev s dorm room in the days after the april 15th bombing that killed three people and injured more than 260 others. his brother, tam merlin died in a gun battle with police as authorities closed in on them. dzhokhar was found hiding out in a boat and taken down by police. enough to the water town police foundation is asking for positive photos of the search for dzhokhar to be included in the calendar that is dedicated to the april 19th manhunt. proceeds from the sale of the $13 calendars will go to the foundation. the show is over for this florida woman. police busted jesse alexander for posing as a tv producer. they say that she was luring in businesses, giving her more than $23,000 to get them featured on a reality show that wasn t ever going to air. the 41-year-old who boasted a string of celebrity friends like bradley cooper, allegedly used most of the money that she collected to fund a lifestyle of fine dining and spa treatments. you won t see these commercials anymore. the scooter store is shutting down for good. if you are living with limited mobility, call the scooter store today. we re experts at getting you the power chair or scooter you need. how are you going to move on with your life now, clayton. the move company after the texas company filed for bankruptcy in april. also under federal scrutiny you might remember over alleged medicare and medicaid fraud and now plans to phase out operations and furlough remaining 370 employees and managers. a missouri waitress wants to know who is behind a cruel prank leaving a $200,000 tip. this happened last week in st. louis in a restaurant there. the waitress says it was a table of they. a gentleman and two sisters who were patterning large amounts of cash to one another. that s when one asked her to keep a veto. she directly said like i will be your guardian angel today. you have never seen a person like me. you have never had a table like me. this will change your life. things like that. well, by the time she saw the $200,000 tip, the customers were gone and the tip was declined by the credit card company. that s over the limit. thanks, ainsley. let s tell you what s coming up here on the show. it s not your father s super pac. america s youth getting involved in politics like never before. energizing everyone of all ages. bad news for chocolate lovers this morning. stock um on the sweet stuff it radio now. fill your basement. we will tell you why. [ school bell rings ] [ male announcer ] from the last day of school, back to the first. they re gonna create a ton of research papers and important projects. so make sure they ve got a safe place to keep them all. this weeonly get 16 gig flash drives for $7.87. staples has it. staples. that was easy. staples has it. and so is your fallhusqvarna dealer.ner. husqvarna is known for high performing, durable and innovative products. so is it any wonder why your husqvarna dealer is the best in the business at what they do? providing products, maintenance, parts and accessories whenever and wherever you need them. with a nationwide network of dealers, you don t have to go far. visit a husqvarna dealer near you. you can find your husqvarna dealer at quick headlines for you. kanye west charged with assault from thin famous video from july. getting into a scuffle with a photographer. if convicted on both. face up to prison two years in prison or $200,000 fine. chocolate prices are going up. chocolate makers are having to deal with sky high prices on cocoa butter and that is trickling down to you. thanks so much, clayton. political infliewsm young voters has dropped but there are some my lemes who haven t given up on the political process just yet. in the past month four super pacs have been created by people under the age of 35. and here now is the president and founder of one of those groups, called pass the torch. she was on fox & friends yesterday and i watched that segment. you were talking about your surfing business. is that what made you want to start a super pac. absolutely. when we started the company. we started to come up against a lot of road blocks, legislation. we looked at it we had a lot of interest from younger people that were saying people around our age, under 30 saying i want to start my own business. this is something i have always wanted to do. so it s really interesting to us that they don t particularly vote along the lines of politicians that support economic freedom in the way that he woodland like so we found somebody has to speak to it them and make sure were not corporation not the enemy. grow our business and up against so much in terms of legislation that doesn t have so many super pacs out there. have you found super pacs or haven t found one that represents the super voters. that s it. some that are geared toward younger voters and may be run by people pretty famous in washington. we re definitely not famous in washington. we are from new hampshire and new to this. on our platform is entrepreneurs having success in our business definitely have a partisan view but nonpolitical way. i really like the super pac because you don t have to support one particular candidate over another most people under 30 don t like the hear the word politics. don t you have to be associated with a political party if you are a super pac. you don t have to. what s the point? what s the purpose? aren t you either one way or the other? we definite are on the republican side. more libertarian, republican. you don t have to be. it s just a nice platform to be able to raise money to go out and raise money and talk about the issues. we are trying to talk about people ask them about their careers. we really want to get people engaged and say what are the facts behind rhetoric. i m sure you have come face to face with this. 20-year-olds aren t making as much as the 56-year-old voters. how are you in the way of donations? that s very interesting. i think it was uphill battle trying to people under 30 with the job situation and he economy. we have had a lot of excitement from their parents. the older generations said somebody needs to speak to them and make them understand that some of this stuff you have to look behind what the politicians are saying. and i think as young people we with speak directly to them and tell them our experience. interesting to hear that 20-year-olds are involved in politics. thanks for doing. this nice to me meet you, sarah. nice to meet. you boardwalk destroyed and dozens of businesses burned to the ground. was it arson or was it an accident? what investigators are now saying this morning. then a massive push for green energy is killing the symbol of our nation. that s exactly right. look at this. the wind mills are taking out the bald eagles apparently. we show you the astonishing consequences of environ mentalist with challenger coming up next. mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004. vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa s commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. how long have you got on your battery? just about two days. with up to 48 hours of battery life, it s the longest lasting 4g lte smartphone. the new droidmaxx by . when endurance matters. droid does. the soaring symbol of the united states is flying into dangerous territory. a new study shows an alarming number of eagles are now being killed by wind farms push by environmentalists for alternative energy putting our symbol in harm s way. joining us from the personal eagle foundation and challenger bald eagle and friend of the show. nice to see you again. good morning. among this new studdie s most interesting numbers is that we have seen 58 deaths in some of these states from bald by bald eagles by these wind farms and that number is going up over the last few years. what do you make of this? is this a growing problem. oh yeah because wind farms are becoming more and more prominent across the country. they are building more and more turbines so the problem is going to increase in i guess 2004 al month one of the wind farms in california. 116 golden eagles killed. if you calculate over a 235 year period, that s 3,000 golden eagles. is that more we were concerned with all these pesticides ddt in the past. is this becoming as big a concern a pesticide problem? it s a serious problem i don t know if it it s as big as pesticide. it was making the egg shells soft for some years that the population nearly got wiped out. are we seeing this problem with other birds as well? why just bald eagles. not just bald eagles, other birds of prey. thousands of bats killed by government subsidizing. if i shoot a bald eagle by accident while pheasant hunting anytime serious trouble. you are. are wind farms getting in trouble. if you were to kill an eel you would be subject to prosecution and serious fines. wind farms are being given a five year grace period. why do they get a pass when they re slaughtering eagles. they shouldn t. they should be paying like anybody else. would the law is the law. the bald golden eagle protection act is the law that applies to this case. obama is going to extend that to a 25 year period. considering that right now. it s ridiculous. environmentalists have to be outraged. i understand they want the wind farms alternative energy but it s killing our eagles. that s right. and, you know, we need to apply our brains in america here to develop turbines that are safer for birds. it s still a good energy source if we can develop turbines that will be more, you know, bird friendly and wildlife friendly. you will be down at the big philadelphia eagles home opener tomorrow praying the eagle across the stadium. good to see you. god bless you guys. i hope our viewers can tell what a dramatic animal. that s amazing biferred. we have come a long way to bring these numbers back now. the numbers. we don t want to set it back by turbines and others. gorgeous. thank you. we showed you this video earlier. a mother and young daughter forced on to the roof of the car by floodwaters in colorado to their rescue a total stranger. we are going to reunite them live at the want to hour. john kerry to blame for president obama s failed syria plan? the next guest explains yes. he explains the foreign policy fail coming up. what ya looking for? well, you ve found delicious! must be the honey! it is so honey swagalish so much crunch, can you handle this? the party in the bowl don t stop! must be the honey! we know in the cyber world, threats are always evolving. at first, we were protecting networks. then, we were protecting the transfer of data. and today it s evolved to infrastructure. .finance. and military missions. we re constantly innovating to advance the front line in the cyber bate, wherever it takes us. that s the value of performance. northrop grumman. we go, go, we don t have to go solo fire, fire, you can take me higher take me to the mountains, start a revolution hold my hand, we can make, we can make a contribution brand-new season, keep it in motion cause the rhyme is the reason break through, man, it doesn t matter who you re talking to [ male announcer ] completely redesigned for whatever you love to do. the all-new nissan versa note. your door to more. and i ll never desert you i ll stand by you yeaaaah! yeah. so that s our loyalty program. you re automatically enrolled, and the longer you stay, the more rewards you get. great! oh! i ll stand by you won t let nobody hurt you isn t there a simpler way to explain the loyalty program? yes. standing by you from day one. now, that s progressive. fires trapping thousands of people in floodwaters trapping thousands of people in colorado. the reunion here live in just a few minutes. crisis averted or a crisis waiting to happen. the u.s. and russia moments ago waiting for a deal on the destruction of syrians chemical weapons stockpiles. what does that include? we will tell you the details coming up. plus, shop until you drop, literally, a popular clothing store applies for a liquor license. is it really a good idea to serve while people are shopping? buy more? fox & friends hour two starts right now. maybe. that s why we a plying for it. before we get to that story, look at this. this is the extreme weather happening in colorado this morning. more rain first alert forecasted for that state. this as the national guard battles to reach hundreds of residents in towns that are cut off. park those trapped zip lined to safety barely skimming the deadly waters down that hill. the worst flooding in decades there. so far left four people dead. at least 218 unaccounted for. the water rushing up and over the windshield. rescue crews rescued this man also from his own bedroom. we heard a big roar and i think that s probably when it came down buried his house and filled his bedroom full of mud. luckily it just came up to his bed. same system blasting the state with rain causing an ice storm at higher elevations. this morning. these two hikers recovering after making their way down from one of colorado s highest mountains. hunkered down inside a tent for whiteout conditions for two days. pretty scary. rick reichmuth joins us to tell us how it is. some of the highest elevations getting a little bit of snow with this. upper level cold pocket that caused this entire thing. cold enough air in the highest elevations where we saw a little bit of snow with this. this is the look at the last 4 hours. cawsming down a little bit in the last few frames. i don t think would are going to see what we saw in the last few days again. this is a look as you see this loops through here. constant rain right along this i-25 corridor. and heaviest of it right across the higher elevations. little bit of an upsloped wind, brings all the extra moisture out thereof. normal case parts of colorado might see two to three inches of rain. we saw 14 inches of rain in boulder. this is what you might see if you saw a hurricane come on shore. 14 inches of rain that would cause a lot of flagged. have that happen across mountainuou plains. a lot of this area needs rain. we have a big drought going on across a lot of this area. move forward on these maps. we will see a little bit more rain also over the next couple of days. some of it possibly a little bit too much. a few little dots where you see yellows and reds. maybe isolated two or three inches of rain. that s not going to cause the contained of flooding that we saw over the last few days. it will certainly make it little more difficult for the water to go down. one upside of this is where you see this. ongoing drought. we will see baking dent in this drought out there. that will be the one positive side from. this obviously once all this water goes away. guys? thanks, rick. flooding continues to surge in colorado. here is video of one man. merrill cordova rushing to the rescue of a mother and daughter trapped on the roof of their car. all the while, hail and rain stormed down all around them. and together for the first time, since that dramatic rescue is merle cordova and stefanie liddick and her daughter. good morning to all of you. good morning. what is your message mrs. liddick for the man who saved your life and your daughter s life and you are seeing him for the first time. what s your message for him this morning? just a big thank you. i mean, without him, who knows what would have happened. what was it like when you reunited there in the studio this morning? oh, kind of surreal, actually. like i don t know, finally just remembering everything that did happen tell us what did happen. here you are standing on the roof of a car. did you expect it be surrounded by floodwaters. walk us through it i was going to pick up my nephew aden from school. it started hagel on the way from makenna s school, which is only about a mile, maybe a mile and a half away. i did not expect a flash flood of any sort. but. and then on top of that. picked up the car and took it away. like tossing it around like tops. on top of that we see this massive hail that came down as well. merrill, as you approached this car, what were you thinking and how did you if they are stuck, you had to be thinking this could happen to me. that s what i was thinking. i had to delay for a second because i had to unload my work trailer big heavy 14-foot trailer. i knew if i had went in there all the way. i may have got swept away, too. unhooked my trailer quick. that s when i think that footage shows me pointing towards her. and at that point her car was already floating there was a lake to the south of that behind houses. i knew that s where the car was headed and that s why i had to get in there as quick as did i. we understand that your daughter does not have an ear piece in. could you ask makenna for us what she was thinking while this was all happening and how were you trying to comfort her? how were you feeling when all of this was happening? scared. how else? frightened. frightened? i can t imagine. what was the scariest part? getting on the roof. getting on the roof. so you were up there on the roof awaiting for merrill, did you think that this rain was ever going to let up and did you think merle would make it over to you to help rescue you? oh, gosh, the hail was rough. i had makenna s backpack over her head because it was just coming down really hard. when merle was pulling his truck the first time. it was sinking, really terrifying watching somebody who was coming to help us be in the same situation that we were. well, thank goodness for merle. we appreciate all three of you being with us this morning. stefanie that kenna, i m glad you are okay. thank you for saving the lives of that adorable little girl and her mom. very adorable. thank you very much. sure. with all the stories of strategy out of course of colorado this morning. it s a grade story. all right. thanks to them. now to some of your headlines this morning. we will start with a fox news alert. just moments ago the u.s. and russia agreed on a framework for securing syrians chemical weapons. here is secretary of state john kerry. in the interest of accountability, the united states and russia have agreed that the syrians must provide the organization for the prevention of chemical weapons and supporting personnel with an immediate and unfettered right to inspect any and all sites in syria. the news comes after throw days of tense negotiations with russian foreign minister sergei laf they had agreed on grounds under which they might suggest a security council chapter 7 resolution authorizing military and nonmilitary sanctions in syria. the inspectors must be on the ground by november and destruction or removal of the chemical weapons must be completed by mid 2014. hot spots could be hampering the investigation into officials say they are considering that that fire which started in a custard shop it might be suspicious. 50 businesses destroyed in an area still struggling to recover from super storm sandy rebuild once again. federal agents wanted in connection with the murder of u.s. border patrol agent brian terry. he was captured earlier this week down in mexico. is he accused of shooting and killing terry back in december of 2010 with weapons that were linked to the government botched fast and furious gun walking program. a terry family spokesperson says quote the family is excited but we have two more fugitive service in mexico those are your evidence lines. can you imagine suspicious if it was arson. shocking. after all they have been through please say that s not the case. more on that story throughout the show and as that investigation continues. thanks, ainsley. sure. turns out phones and phone calls aren t the only thing the federal government is monitoring. the newly great created agency that is designed to protect you as a consumer put in place after the 2008 financial collapse turns out is trying to monitor 80% of all credit card transactions in this country for your own good. so anything we buy? i want to know this, how is it for my own good. the consumer financial protection bureau which you point out was put in place. there to protect you, clayton. for the ungrateful for you to complain. right. they are there to protect me. so i wanted them they are going to be monitoring four out of every five credit card transactions. upwards of 42 billion transactions over the course of any time of the year. so, and nowhere in any of the information during this hearing as they are trying to get to the bottom of this can i figure out exactly why they are trying to do it here is representative sean duffy on this exact issue during hearing. listen. how many actual credit cards are you collecting on americans? credit card data. credit card information? so, three different ways. one would be they may come to us with a consumer complaint credit cards. listen. i think america wants to know a number of how many you are collecting in senate banking you were asked these questions, and you come today ill prepared to give us numbers on the number of americans that have data. what i m fully prepared to do is give you explanation of how these programs work. what i think america deserves is the transparency that you promised. the number is interesting but why. is it because they are trying to argue that they are going to monitor bankruptcy trngzs in this country if you tucker buy a boat on credit and doing all these sorts of things on credit and file for bankruptcy they will have some sort of raw data. he they will say they are not going to know who purchased the boat. just have general metta data. keep in mind the federal government has been monitoring your bank account since 2001. the justification, of course, is the national security. if you deposit or withdraw, suspicious pattern, the government can break into your without your knowing, into your checking account. this is how eliot spitzer got busted the government was monitoring his checking accounts as is all of ours. that is done on national security grounds. this is for your own good. the government says we are here to help you. many people are not going to care. if the government is reading their emails. looking at their credit card transactions. but that was before we before you could trust the government. i felt like most of us did. and now we are learning it s all these scandals and all of these things that are happening. snowden that s using our information. telling other countries about it do we trust the government with our information? yeah, well, i don t know. the speaker of the houses it s okay. i think a lot of rank and file republicans and democrats frankly are concerned about the amount of information the government has. they also want to monitor mortgage transactions do too. 9 a% of the country s mortgage transactions. tell me i would love to know how exactly it s for my protection that they be monitoring every credit card trngsz. don t ask questions like that, clayton. friends at find us on twitter at ff weekend. coming up on the show, is john kerry to blame for president obama s failed syria plan? our next guest says yes. but exactly how we will dive into that. no free flu shot this year for the air force. what move in washington has forced this cut back? we will tell you in a minute. [ male announcer ] these days, a small business can save by sharing. like carpools. polly wants to know if we can pick her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah. [ male announcer ] .office space. yes, we re loving this communal seating. it s great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data plan. at&t mobile share for business. one bucket of data for everyone on the plan, unlimited talk and text on smart phones. now, everyone s in the spirit of sharing. hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend? no. [ male announcer ] share more. save more. at&t mobile share for business. president obama s foreign policy facing sharp criticisms from those who say he has taken a backseat to russian president vladimir putin in solving the syria crisis. our next guest says the president s biggest problem is his foreign policy team. specifically secretary of state john kerry. joining me how is james carafano, security and foreign policy analyst at the heritage foundation in washington. thanks a lot for joining us this morning. good to be with you. so, kerry, former senator. now secretary of state john kerry has made, you say a substantive change in the obama administration s foreign policy. how? we re back to when obama became president. very clear very deliberative. doesn t like a crisis. when he is presented with a foreign policy problem he doesn t deal with it goes in his cave and comes out and says here is what we are going to do about iraq u afghanistan, libya, bin laden, that s his pattern. you know, benghazi really put him off his game. libya was his signature accomplishment. libya is a disaster. benghazi was a disaster. made the president very risk adverse. he didn t want to deal with anything let alone deal with a crisis. the only reason he put the red line out he thought he would never have to enforce it assad would never be stupid enough to do chemical weapons. kerry runs into this big conference like an energier bunny pushes the president to put out the red line. kerry is jumping on this thing. this has forced the president off his game is he dealing in crisis mode which he doesn t like to do being reactive. somebody has to pay the price for that and i think it s going to be john kerry. weird combination of fearfulness and let sense which reticence which you just described but also recklessness. smart people don t lay down red lines like this. this is completely predictable. this is the jimmy carter problem. make nice with the world. the world will make nice with me. that completely doesn t work. so you wind up looking completely ineffect actual and people are pushing your buttons then what happens i have to prove i m not a pushover. i need to do something to prove i m a strong president. you wind up doing incredibly stupid things things like carter pulling out of the politics thinking that would russians pulling out of afghanistan. risk adverse somebody was going to push his button and do something to show that he wasn t ineffectual. we went from doing a meaningless military strike which would have accomplished nothing to now we are doing a deal which is actually going to make assad stronger. because the chemical weapons is r. not what is keeping him in power. what is keeping him in power is support from russia and iran and hezbollah. bingo. so what have we accomplished in the relationship is now stronger and easier for the russians to support assad. assad has international credibility. the president just went on tv this morning and said syria is now working with the international community. exactly. but this is totally predictable. weakness invites aggression. this is why drunk people get mugged. thanks a lot. james carafano from the heritage foundation in d.c. thanks for being with us. thanks for having me. kids are more likely to be bullied in schools with anti-bullying programs. is that actually so shocking? why they are having the opposite effect. we will tell you coming up. plus, shop until you drop literally. a popular clothing store applies for a liquor license. is it a good idea to shop while liquid? love, warmth. here, try this. mm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there s lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i m very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. chalky. not chalky. temporary. 24 hour. lots of tablets. one pill. you decide. prevent acid with prevacid 24hr. side-by-side, so you get the same coverage, often for less. that s one smart board what else does it do, reverse gravity? 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[ flo chuckles ] [ whirring ] hey, how s that atom-splitting thing going? oh! a smarter way to shop around now that s progressive. call or click today. wibleg bark, appear tie bullying program meant to curb a problem may actually have opposite effect. arlington. suggest that students are more likely to be a victim of bullying in schools that have anti-bullying initiatives. how in the world is this possible? with us now is dr. jamie howard. a clinical psychologist and director of the dress and resilience program with the child mind institute. thanks for joining us. welcome back. thank you. how is it that makes it kind of intuitive to me. explain why schools with anti-bullying programs have more bullying. this is correlational data. we want to be comfortable about inferring causality here so we know there is increased rates of bullying in schools that have these programs and that could very well be because these schools had more bullying problems. and so they were the schools who chose to implement programs. right. so the programs may help students learn what a bully does and looks like but in fact may this is fascinating because young boys we have been told for generations hide their emotions. these programs may be in some way forcing young boys to hide their emotions and not be able to talk about them and does that maybe what leads to more bullying? i m not sure. they didn t really specify what the programs covered. but we know from the research that those aren t the types of things we really want to focus on in anti-bullying programs. we want to focus on a few things. we want to increase mindfulness or awareness of one s actions. we want to increase social perspective taking. the ability it think about how another kid is thinking and then how that might influence how they behave. and then we want to increase empathy. the ability to put yourself in another kid s shoes and understand how they feel. so are these programs having the opposite effect? what do we do if the study shows that they re not helping. where do we go from here? it s unclear. we don t want to conclude that from this study. we want to see that these two co-occurred. we have fork would on improving the programs. it could be that these schools have these programs with high rates of bullying it could be that it s an improvement from what it was before. they are not doing prepost kind of assessments. i don t think anybody is for cruelty. i think all of us are for empathy. i sense a strong political agenda behind the anti-bullying programs pushing a certain world view. it s definitely a hot topic right now. receiving at love attention. my presumption is a lot of it is because of the cyber bullying. it s new and haven t thought through all of the consequences of social media sites and twitter and texting and all of that and so there is a lot of attention being paid to it right now. and sort of anonymous behavior that people can hide behind online creating fake profiles and not actually being a real human interaction. dr. howard, has it gotten worse? because when we were growing up it was being made fun of. now it s called being bullied. has it gotten worse or are we just paying attention to it because the media is talking about it. we are paying attention to it. it has that the gotten worse. rates have decreased it s still a problem but not getting worse. thank you for saying that doctor, thanks a the lo. thank you. we have a fox news alert to tell you about. a bus overturns on a busy highway. dozens of people are hurt. the breaking details on their conditions coming up. plus, fans have been waiting the new season of homeland. we have got a sneak peek of what s coming up. who is responsible for directing the actual search. excuse me, please. what are you doing? i want to talk to people who appeared at the tunnel. talk to them to ask them a few questions. like what, if they re working for the other side? he they re all exmilitary. so? you do not want to befill questioning the loyalty on a hunch. a hunch. glnknt two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious. out for drinks, eats. i have very well fitting dentures. i like to eat a lot of fruits. love them all. the seal i get with the super poligrip free keeps the seeds from getting up underneath. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it s clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you re more comfortable and confident while you eat. a lot of things going on in my life and the last thing i want to be thinking about is my dentures. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. and now, there s a plan that lets you experience that new phone thrill again and again. and again. can you close your new phone box? we re picking up some feedback. introducing verizon edge. the plan that lets you upgrade to a new verizon 4glte phone when you want to. having what you want on the network you rely on. that s powerful. verizon. upgrade to the new droid ultra by motorola with zero down payment. chose prego traditional over ragu traditional. prego?! but i buy ragu. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i ve made. [ pop muzak plays ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. that don t impress me much oh yeah impressed by what s going on. . no having solved every problem in the city of chicago except the out-of-control murder rate and the fact the city is bankrupt, the city now wants to shame business owners who use a the lo of energy. what they describe as disproportionate amount of in consideration to curb the city s energy consumption hoonchts is he what rahm immanuel said about this. do you check the milage before you purchase a car. check the energy efficiency of a you title before you purchase it? what is wrong with providing people information? what he is basically saying is that if you go to a business in chicago and they are not energy efficient, you are going to know about it. so, not only are they, you know, when you retrofit your business can often cost thousands and thousands of dollars to be up to speed on some of these green technologies that at the end of the day aren t all that efficient to begin with. and now you have to spend more money and now other customers may not come to your business oh joe s crab shack down the street is not energy efficient. it s a total invasion of privacy. nobody s business. energy is a commodity that you buy volume voluntarily, bus much or little as you want. telling the how much breakfast cereal. the left used to stand up for privacy. where is the privacy in the government is tattling on how much energy you use. if you are paying for it who is to come into my business or house and tell me how to do is something. buying a product that is legal and that s my choice to spend to use at lo of energy and not use so much energy. i don t understand how the government can get involved and tell them what they can and cannot do. by the way no one is talking about this. a lot of the energy usage and these types of technologies are not there yet. they are not there yet where the benefit of buying car, why does the you buy a government subsidize purchases it doesn t make sense to buy. if you bought a ford escape hybrid 10 to 12 years getting up to the benefit of reap rewards of saving money on gas. you are may paying like $10,000 more to buy that car and at the end of the day it s not worth it. solar panels. luxury so you can feel good. do you ever notice the people who hate organized religion are the most aggressive moralizers of all? have you ever noticed that? the left is always warning us religion is bad and it s scary and they are the ones had are always casting moral aspersions people who smoke cigarettes or drive cars that are not fashionable. they are always forever judging. this really is taking it to the next level, which again, for the fifth time is a gross invasion of your privacy it is nobody s business. tucker, what are they going to do to shame these businesses? that s what the story. the idea is that it is somehow morally reprehensible to use a the love energy. no energy. no civilization. what separates the cheap energy. that s it. why the war on energy? energy is a good thing. this is information we published publicly so people could have access it this information. so you could know what which companies are breaking the rules. too much energy? too much energy or being highly inefficient. meanwhile the city is literally bankrupt and people are murdering one another on play grounds. we need to worry about which company is using more more wind and which company is not. let us know what you think about. this i think we know know how tucker feels about this. it winds me up. can i tell. there are some areas of your life that ought to be, you know, walled off from government intrusion like one tiny part of your life no politician doesn t regulate. there is nothing walled off from government intrusion as we talked about in this credit card story this morning. your email, your bank account. your phone calls i don t know if they shame me. use as much energy as i want and. begin with a fox news alert this morning. a bus crash in southwest, ohio that we were just telling you about. here it is. leaving 34 people injured just a short time ago. emergency crews said that the greyhound bus was headed to detroit carrying 52 people when it overturned. all of the injured have been taken to nearby hospitals. six had to be air lifted we re told injuries minor to serious. there will be no free flu shots this year for the air force the reason why? the sequester. last year more than 12,000 people took advantage of the free vaccine part of a wellness program. budget cuts now ending that program and this also coming as doctors warn that this year s flu season is going to be worse than usual. talk about a patient s worse nightmare. a bus driver in california dropped autistic 3-year-old little girl off at the wrong school. this happened on wednesday in the suburb of san francisco. parents say that the girl was taken to the wrong school after the matter was cleared up, she was taken to the right school but the bus driver didn t pick her up at the end of the day. an emergency contact family got her home safely. durham did not take and does not take ordinary care of our children much less special care for these children. the school district says it is now investigating and reviewing its contract with the school bus provider. you have heard the saying shop until you drop. but shop until you are sloshed? urban outfitters applying for a liquor license for a new store here in new york city. the state liquor authority, not city officials, would be the ones to approve the license. the store s corporate offices did not respond to repeated requests for comment. and those are your headlines. you need alcohol to be talked into buying some of those hip serpents. right, rick? some people might actually go there because of that this might get me to go shopping. urban outfitters capri pants. super skinny pants. that would load good upon on you. i hate shopping but it might make it more fun. wives shop and then drink. you said it it we have had this big story this week. historic flooding one of the local offices called this flooding biblical flooding. take a look you can see a little more moisture across that area. today we will see maybe another inch or so of rain across the area. tomorrow another day. the same system responsible for all of this weather. still bringing some of this rain into the area. although it is weaker and there is not as much moisture with it i don t think we will see any increased flooding but we can t be completely out of the woods just yet. out across the east, i tell you what, things have really cleared out. we had one of the hottest weeks all summer across the east coast. take a look at what the temperatures are right now. very cool across the great lakes this morning and today your temperature is getting just into the 60 s and 70s around the great lakes. still into the 90 s down across the south. all right, guys, send it back to you inside. all right. thanks so much. sometimes the things that happen off the air real show that s why we have michael tammera in the fox light. homeland season debuts on september 29th. we have a sneak peek right now before we get to michael, take a look. this is a place where i don t feel loved well, michael tammera was at the season premier to get the scoop for us. third season, michael. third season. this show is so hot. last year it knocked mad men off its emmy throne and this year 11 nominations that it s up for next sunday. we caught up with the cast down in coastguard for the sneak peek. rolled out the red carpet. we asked all, damion lewis. what is it about this show that has everyone talking? this show is about what s happening around us every single not just in syria or israel or iran. in our homes with our wives and our children and our families. a lot of lives were lost. we need to be we are. set up story lines and bring the stories to he d h once the stories come to a ed had, there is still such ambiguity at that moment. open to different and everyone talks about it. he is welsh. just relessed season two on dvd. i m catching up. only seven episodes into the first season. really good. doing the binging. that s the way to do it? season three debuts on september 29th on show time. not only were were threw season three premier i m very jealous new york s fashion week and caught up with big stars. very jealous. one of my favorite times every year. top designers present spring 2014 collection. who better to ask what some of the trends for next season. rachel zoe. stylist to the stars. this is what she had to say. prince. prints, long tune nics over pants and shorts. trying to think. i object credible tailoring. lots of whites. white, white, white. like a white season. white in winter. she says you can do it. for spring. for spring. lots of white. when can we after easter, right? [ laughter ] we can catch all the interviews at in the fox for the latest celebrity buzz follow me on twitter at fox light michael. they became friends by chance, lion, tiger and bear now they may have to separate thanks to the government regulations. what did you yell, dave? details on the fight to keep them together coming up next. oh my, they are supposed to be keeping our airlines safe what one tsa worker did will blow your mind. that story coming up after the break. this man is about to be the millionth customer. would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fiy thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. nobody likes to miss out. that s why ally treats all their customers the same. whether you re the first or the millionth. if your bank doesn t think you re special anymore, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally. backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s.mile? ching! i like the fact that there s lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i m very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. [ male announcer ] staying warmnd dry has never been our priority. our priority is, was and always will be serving you, the american people. so we improved priority mail flat rate to give you a more reliable way to ship. now with tracking up to eleven scans, specified delivery dates, and free insurance up to $50 all for the same low rate. [ woman ] we are the united states postal service. [ man ] we are the united states postal service. [ male announcer ] and our priority is you. go to® and try it today. [ male announcer ] and our priority is you. uh-oguess what day it is!is?? huh.anybody? julie! hey.guess what day it is?? ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike mike mike. what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it s hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i d say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. some quick headlines for you. authorities arresting a tsa officer they say helped smuggle illegal immigrants into this country. the florida man letting at least brazils bypass security check point when he worked at an airport in puerto rico. he faces up to 10 years in prison. selling marijuana lollipops. assure of the public there is no thc in the candy. instead just infused with marijuana for flavor. that rich marijuana flavor the kids savior. the save savor. bond between a lion, a tiger and bear has been unbreakable for over academic indicated until now. new government regulation risking their future together. the founder of noah s ark animal sanctuary in georgia is here to tell us about this unlikely family. nice to see you this morning. welcome to the show. how did you manage to get these animals into your care over a decade ago in the first place? well, they came to me back in 2001. there was a drug bust in atlanta. and all three of them came to mow as babies. they were being held in a drug dealer s home. they had there was abuse deerly. they had different markings on them. they were in trouble? yes. and basically this has become a very popular exhibit at the animal sanctuary, right? yes. it is very popular. too our knowledge, we are the only ones in the world that has a full grown bear, tiger and lion that live together and has for over 12 years. now comes the troubling part for you guys, right? yes. the usda steps in and suddenly says you you need to raise the fence around this exhibit or else? yes. equity dr. well, all of my tigers and lions and birds and cougars they have told me that i have to go from 8-foot to 16 feet. and so after 23 years, it just sort of blindsided us. they told us in august we had until october. and so bal::is the bear and he is 800 pounds. that kicked him sort of to the side and then leo and shaquan would have to be separated out. they have always had each other. they are three brothers. baloo is the big brother and leo and chikan are the little brothers you have tried to remove them before. depressed they need each other. yes. what is the total cost of trying to raise this fence and are you going to be able to do it? the total cost is 489,000 with buying the fence and then, of course, it s very labor intensive. and i just need a the lo of animal lovers to help me. and share my dream. because we have to raise it for these guys and for all the other animals. i have over 1200 animals. but the blt are the most popular at the ark. and, you know, i just i need help. i mean, before we let you go. why did the government suddenly come and tell you this? is there a reason? yes. over the last few years, there has been several incidents in other parts of the united states where animals has hurt people. so it s a law that they have been talking about for a few years. and we just got told it in august. and so i m not against the new law. i m not against raising my fences at all. it s just financially we just barely get by month to month now. this is extremely, it s hard. how can people help fund raise? we know there is a couple fundraising efforts out there. quickly tell our audience how they can help. you go to our web site, which is noah raising our money through crowd rights right now. as of september the 24th, they will give us an additional 75,000 if we raise the most. we are trying to filter the money there they can send it to the ark. you can go online. you can bring it to us. we would love to see you throughout. great. we will tweet that out as well and let people know how they can can help. jama we hope this works out well for you. thank you so much. coming up on the show, fox news alert. raging floodwaters trapping thousands of people in colorado. the death toll rises. dramatic rescues happening all over the state. live on the ground there with more of that coming up. tons of options when you hit the beauty aisle. how do you know which is the best stuff? got your guide to glamour next. humans. even when we cross our t s and dot our i s, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, to policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what ee comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what s your policy? now you can give yourself a kick in the rear! v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. need a little kick? ooh! could ve had a v8. in the juice aisle. [ male announcer ] from the last day of school, back to the first. they re gonna create a ton of research papers and important projects. so make sure they ve got a safe place to keep them all. this weeonly get 16 gig flash drives for $7.87. staples has it. staples. that was easy. welcome back. fall is upon us. you just walk outside you can feel it, at least here in new york city. this month magazine is celebrating tenth annual beauty award winners. here to give us the inside look. the editor at large of shape magazine. good morning, great to see you again. good morning. thank you. you are going to take us through the products that won this year. yes. we go through rigorous testing production all year long. having beauty editors, a beauty task force. everything you are seeing here and in the magazine has been tested and tested. so these are really the best. let s go through the products and can you tell us where we can buy them and how much they are and that kind of thing. start with lip close gloss. this is a a big one. new innovation is that you are getting a lot of color and shine. this is from bite. what we like about these products is not only are the colors so fun but it s got antioxidants in it. so so it s actually good for your lips as well. getting a punch of color and a little bit of shine not sticky. nothing worse than lip gloss that sticks to your hair. bite. sephora.are a. eye shadow from almay if you have blue eyes like i do or brown eyes like i do you pick the right shade for you. three easy steps. tells you exactly what to do first so you get that great bold. we need that eye shadows are difficult. nice to get three colors in one. concealers are every day must. this is from l oreal paris. what we love about the shape is super super creamy and blendable. comes in a lot of shapes. because it s a crayon it s so portable. put this in your purse. last-manipulate touchups at work or parties. don t want foundation or little bit of con serial. under the eyes or those zits. i m sorry how much? this one is i think about 7 bucks. no, $9. you can buy that at any drugstore. what is that this product? face cleanser. gel when you add water to it gets nice and foamy. high droxy acid which is great going to promote cell removal. it s not open. you need water. he prey moats cell renewal and bright your skin and cool enough that you have can definitely use it every single day. that s what it hooks like when it comes out. i actually use comes in a cape takenner. this have very detective. this is something that is going to really help to brighten your complex put it all over. helps get rid of those undereye circles. any patches you may have. has antiaging benefits to it. i love it very light weight consistency. use it any time. and the reason i use it i saw a lady with beautiful skin. i asked her what does she do? she said this is her secret vitamin c. so good for you. if you don t want to get your hair done in a beauty salon and do it at home you recommend this one, right? this is from red wand color silk. ammonia free big when it comes to hair color. very very moister rising. mango shay and coconut. not only vibrant shine and color but moisture, too. what is this. we all paint our nail three in one. top coat, base coat and strengtheningner in one coat. wear it alone or on top of your nails. buy shape magazine for more information on these products. good to see you again. thank you. have you ever been concerned about bias in the media? well, you should be. coming up on the show, we re going to show you the startling number of journalists now joining the obama administration. governor mike huckabee weighs in on this at the top of the hour. did he just fu? i formation! i formation! we have got to get the three-technique block! i m not angry. i m not yellin . nobody s tackling anybody! we got absolutely. i don t think this was such a good idea. i m on it. if we can t secure the quarterback center exchange. you re doing a great job, coach. well they re coming along better than i anticipated. very pleased. who told you to take a break? 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[ sighs ] [ flo speaking japanese ] [ shouting in japanese ] we work wherever you work. now, that s progressive. call or click today. good morning to you. it is saturday, september the 14th. i hope you are sleeping in and enjoying time with theory kids. i m ainsley earhart filling in for alisyn this morning. we are going to begin with a fox news alert. hundreds of people are missing after flash floods raged through colorado. we are live on the ground with the latest on that situation. another fox news alert breaking news this morning. syria backs down agreeing to give up its chemical weapons. what did the u.s. have to give up in return? governor mike huckabee on the leadership vacuum at the white house. and he disappeared off the infomercial scene to serve some time in the clink. but this morning the sham wow guy is ready for his redemption. fox & friends hour three starts right now. welcome to fox & friends on this saturday morning and we begin this morning with fox news alert because some scary situations still unfolding, updated numbers are missing this morning in colorado. more and more rescues are happening in colorado. thousands are driven out of their houses because of the ferocious flooding there. at least 218 people still unaccounted for and four people are dead. dominic di-natale with the latest. good morning, yes. absolutely. thousands of people still displaced by. this you can see the boulder creek behind me while the water is still roaring away there dropped about a foot in the past 24 hours. that doesn t mean to say the emergency is by any means over. there is hundreds of people still unaccounted for. the authorities are saying that doesn t mean to say they have been washed away by the interested in waters they haven t checked in with relatives. great concern how they are some of these people living in isolated areas. four people dead boulder killed. cars trapped. swept away by the floodwaters. also a man killed down in [breaking audio. still dealing with dominic s shot there. satellite shot there as communication in that part of the country still spotty. let s get over to rick reichmuth. can you see rick what dominic is dealing with some of the weather conditions there. you can tell what dominic is dealing with there. given a lot of attention to boulder. one of the bigger towns we know of. seeing damage. a lot of communities. very broad area across the range it got incredible amounts of rain over a very short amount of time. majority of rain falling in 48 hours. this is the radar. see continued rain in the area. about two more days of a chance of rain. i think what we see today and tomorrow won t be as significant as what it has been. take a look at rain fall total. 15 inches of rain. east of denver. 1 is .5. take a look at your averages. what you would generally see in an entire year in boulder is about 230 inches. you saw two thirds of that in just a couple of days here. all of that water hitting the rockies. polls down quickly. water goes into the flat area. denver is and south flat river is continuing to flood. we will see flooding there for a couple of days. that river not cresting until later on today. move forward one map here. more rain across the area. not as significant. you see some of these yellow areas probably about an inch to two inches kind of widespread three or four in a couple isolated areas. ainsley send it over to you. thanks so much, rick. now to your headlines and a fox news alert. while you were sleeping a bus crashed in southwest, ohio. leaving 34 people there injured emergency crews say the greyhound bus carrying 52 people when it returned. all of the injured have been taken to nearby hospitals. sixy air lifted. injuries range from minor to serious. no word yet on caused that greyhound bus to crash. exfirefighters continue to put out the hot spots at the site of the massive fire in new jersey at the boardwalk there. there are now reports of some officials thinking this was intentionally set. fire broke out atticus tarred shop and quickly spread down the boardwalk destroying 50 businesses over four city blocks. double whammy for that area as you probably know still struggling not even over a year ago. new jersey governor chris christie vows to rebuild again. federal agents arresting the third of fire suspects wanted in connection with with the murder of u.s. border patrol agent brian terry. captured earlier this week in mexico. here is his picture. accused of shooting and killing terry back in december of 2010. with weapons linked to the government botched fast and furious gun walking program. terry family spokesperson says, quote. the family is excited but we have two more fugitive defendants in mexico. a massive infamous for product sham wow come back. make a doesn t make a mess. vince offer, the man known as the shamwow guy arrested four years ago after a fight with a prostitute. he is now out of prison and launching a brand new product that s supposed to get rid of stains. he says it s fitting because he is trying to get rid of the black mark on his name. and those are your headlines. awesome. let s bring in huckabee fox news channel. big stories of the day. governor, nice to see you this morning. good to be with you you. breaking news overnight. john kerry, secretary of state. foreign minister of russia have come to some sort of agreement on chemical weapons in syria. framework there this was all of course put forward by vladimir putin. this basic there is the framework that came out of moscow. we have agreed to. what do you make of this latest news? i call the reverend vladimir putin because of his references to god and his editorial in the new york times. but the reverend putin put forth really this whole idea. we thought it was based on a reaction to john kerry s supposed gaffe. that he sort of off the cuff said if they get rid of their chemical weapons. after president obama s speech of course we found out it was really obama s idea all along that he this floated to reverend putin some weeks earlier. this is what this shows. putin, is pulling the president s fanny out oof the fire is what it really comes down to. because he was not going to get a vote in congress. he had said that this red line couldn t be crossed. and walked that back. well,. he walked back his red line statement. not only walked it back. he said it really wasn t his red line. it was the red line of congress. look, when my late dad, when i was a kid growing up. when he put down a red line it was a red line, there would be one across my rear end. i always said my dad was the most patriotic man i knew he laid down stripes i saw stars. hen he said red line i meant it it when obama says red line everybody says consequences are pretty serious. yes, they are. as the u.s. becomes weaker. its opponents become stronger. putin is the winner here, isn t he? absolutely. he wins hands down. keep in mind, up until this moment, russia has been this once great country that was in decline. no longer the really huge super power they were when they were the soviet union. they have been coming back. now the tiger has record. everyone was saying there was a no-win situation here. all options on the table were terrible. military strike it. it seems to me though that this is actually the first idea that is actually a positive choice in all of, this right? well, it is. we have an opportunity to get rid of these chemical weapons air strikes we might not have. that is a good thing. keep in mind, you still have a civil war going on in syria. you still have al qaeda that s going in and co-opting this civil war. you are still going to have a satellite nation of both russia and iran sitting there in syria that s only going to get worse. and you still have a brutal dictator running it. so, yeah, it s better than it was. but it ain t so good. how do you go in and find these chemical weapons. we saw in the wall street journal this week that they have assad has an elite military group moving all these poisonous gases and emissions to 50 different sites. the only way it happens is that russia has to really be involved in the vanks of the destruction and identification. and the good news is, if it s good news, if you can trust russia. there is a lot of ifs here. is that he they re the only ones that have a kind of sway and power over assad and over syria because they supply their weapons. they really are the main users of their fresh water port. ds syriare a whole lot of as an ally. in our case the problem is we treat our friends like enemies, and our enemies like friends. when do you that your enemies are still your enemies and your friends become your new enemies. that s now what we have across the world. let me ask you about the press. reporters have been sucking up toened a carrying water for obama really since he ran for obama n 04. 15 of them since his inauguration make it official and take salary cut. why not? right. is there any clearer proof that what conservatives have been complaining about for decades is actually true? 15 reporters now work for obama? well, let me plead guilty. when i was governor i tended to hire the people that i knew. people that were trusted, loyal allies. standing joke that my alma mater a strong christian college wash that. became the wash that mafia in arkansas because some people who had been, you know, piers of mine from that institution ended up in state government. now, it wasn t because i was trying to infiltrate government with just, you know, my friends but i knew them, i trusted them. i had known them for 30, 40 years. here is what happens. you tend to hire the people that you love the most and trust the most. who does obama love and trust more than the press? this isn t a big surprise. this is normal. this is exactly the way it normally happens. jay carney worked for time and covered him for years. isn t it normally opposite. don t you start in politics like dana perino did and then you get your tv show and journalist. it tends to work like that. i think it s the little bit comical that we have now seen as tucker said the full circle. there is no pretense about it. typically, people who would come into government have had some type of managerial experience. they have had administrative experience. what you see are people who are talked about, written about, spoken about these experiences but haven t necessarily lived it don t get me wrong. i have great respect for journalists. but i have always said that people, including people like me who do a radio talk show or television talk show, it s better to have governed and understand how it works so that when you talk about it you don t talk about it as if you know something you don t know. it s different playing the game than it is watching the game. it s the same thing. jay carney is doing the same thing, is he just getting health insurance now. that kind of makes sense. right. your show tonight 8:00 p.m. on the fox news channel. who is coming up? what do you have on your show? we have charles woods, the father of tyrone woods, one of the four killed in benghazi. talk about the common core controversy and education. lindsey graham will be there we will be talking about both benghazi as well as the syrian situation. and, of course, there is even more. [ laughter ] thank you so much. great to be with you. coming up, they were huge supporters of president obama s healthcare plan in the beginning. now union members across the country having major buyer s remorse. one of those members with a message to the president when we come back. this miss america contestant showing off more than her bikini. her tattoo. it s enormous. tell you what ms. kansas raises eyebrows across the country. she joins us coming up. good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could ve had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. [voice] hu-rry up, is cold inles here. [jelly bear] relax. we re checking the manual. [jelly animal] whoa,this minivan is loaded! ailable forward collision warning,pandora compatibility, available lane departure warning and what!?! [jelly animal] this sucks. [announcer] we understand life in a minivan. introducing the first minivan with an available built-in vacuum. starsomething special in the redesigned odyssey from honda. that lets you swipe images to multiple people. the new droid ultra by motorola. when intelligence matters. droid does. wit s hard to find contractors with the passion and the skill, and that s why we use angie s list. online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time with honest reviews on over 720 local services. i want it done right. i don t want to have to worry about it or have to come back and redo it. with angie s list, i was able to turn my home into the home of my dreams. for over 18 years, we ve helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today. small business owners are using tools like email and social media marketing from constant contact to grow their business. they re getting customers coming back. fans following their business online. and new customers through the door. see how constant contact s products and people can help you grow your business. start your free trial at the president s healthcare law well, they were some of the biggest supporters of the president s health care law, big union bosses are having buyer s remorse. earlier this week the president of the afl-cio slammed the plan saying some may not be able to keep coverage and doctors the plan will be highly disruptive. substantially changing the coverage available for millions. just yesterday, union leaders met with the president to push for changes at the law at the white house. joining us with his thoughts this morning is uaw member brian pennebecker. welcome to the show. thanks for having me on. this move that the uaw was trying to get from the president has been pushed down. the president said no special exemption for unions. no special waiver. a lot of people thought these waivers were going to happen because certainly the unions on the president s side. given waivers to other companies. no, not in the case of the unions. what do you make of this. the union bosses were probably promised exemptions or waivers. it seems like most of the people who either supported this plan or helped write it in the beginning are now looking for exemption or waiver of some other type of way to get out from having it effect them it s going to use reduce benefits and drive up costs. it appears they didn t know what was in the bill that they were soldiers a shoddy bill of goods, right? they threw their support behind the president and he kind of turned his back on them. that s exactly right. the union bosses are in bed with the democrats. they basically do whatever they are told to do nancy pelosi had that famous quote where she said we need to pass this bill so we can find out what s in it. now we are finding out what s in it and the union bosses finding out they were lied to. promised things that are not true. impact union members in the negative way. i m a uaw member and that s going to be our healthcare coverage is going to be hit with a 40% tax on what they call cadillac plan. our employer pays our premiums but they are going to have to pay a 40% tax which means we will get reduced benefits. they are not going it take the hit. the union membership will. let s talk about that because what is one of the incentives i guess for joining a union is to have the union then negotiate on your behalf to get some of these healthcare plans. now your plan is going to be hit with a 40% increase. will this throw union members or potential union members into these government plans and say i m not going to join the union? well, the uaw, it won t throw them into the exchanges because we have negotiated coverage plan that covers a the lo of people. in the trades from what i understand, and i m no expert on the healthcare plan, the affordable care plan, but from what i understand, these multiemployer plans that a lot of folks in the trades are in are going to be dumped on the exchanges which will dramatically reduce their coverage and their benefits. so, a lot of unions are going to be hurt by. this a lot of union members are going to have less health coverage. ultimately the fault of the union bosses blindly following along with what the democrats told them to do. we will see how this effects the democrats in 2014 as well. brian, thanks for joining us this morning. we appreciate your insights. thank you, clayton. coming up here on the show. these navy seals fought to the death in benghazi. outnumbered by terrorists out for flood. they have not been honored. why? up next, a gold star mom who wants some answers about it. then, say so long to the scooter store? oh no. what makes your family smile? backflips and cartwheels. love, warmth. here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s. ching! i like the fact that there s lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i m very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. everybody has different ideas, goals, appetite for risk. you can t say one size fits all . it doesn t. that s crazy. we re all totally different. ishares core. find out why 9 out of 10your large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. welcome back. 22 minutes now past the hour. some quick headlines for you. three friends boston marathon bombing suspect pleaded not guilty friday to charges they hindered the investigation into the deadly attack. prosecutors say they took items from dzhokhar tsarnaev s dorm room in the days after the april 15th bombing that killed three people and injured more than 260 others. and united airlines is going to honor the tickets it accidently gave away for free okay thursday. the computer glitch issued the free tickets and customers ended up paying around 5 to $10 for them airline is not saying how many of these free tickets were issued. tucker? ainsley? clayton, they died in the line of dug duty serving this country navy seals have not been honored for their service. why not is the question? perhaps because doherty and woods were killed during the terror attacks in benghazi. one year later, many of the questions surrounding that attack are still being brushed under the rug we are told. debbie lee s son. first navy seal to make the ultimate sacrifice in iraq. she is behind the push to make sure other brave seals do not get snubbed. thank you so much for being with us. good to see you this morning. you bet. thanks for having me. always good to be back on fox & friends. thank you so much. tell us about this bill. what you are trying to push. yes, the bill is hr 1186. introduced in march. i approached duncan hunter s office and asked for help on this. as a marine himself he stepped up to the plate and said, of course, i would be honored to introduce the legislation. is he from california which is where ty and glenn both lived and served as well as my son did. the legislation was introduced. we have over 40 co-sponsors. it s a nonpartisan bill. this is just to get the congressional gold medal for glenn and ty. those men went into the fire for seven hours without regard for their own lives. and willingly gave their lives defending that embassy, trying to save the ambassador and sean smith and the many many lives that were saved that day. and we owe it to them. this is the least that we can do. yes. to let them know we remember their sacrifice and let their families know we will never forget. it is very much the least we can do and of course we are rooting for the passage of this bill. we could also arrest and punish the people that murdered them. is your sense that the administration is moving at all toward doing that? that s one of the things that have been so frustrating for me. since my son s death i have dedicated my life to advocating for the truth. this is one of those areas that s been over a year now those families still don t have answers. we as a nation don t have the answers. the coverup that has done with on is just repulsive to me that we can t get the truth out there. obviously there is things that we do that we can t reveal to the american public. but there are a lot of those answers there that we need that we should have. and i m calling on the administration to get those for us. debbie, i understand you have a personal connection to tyrone woods or ty s family. what is that? yes. as i mentioned my son mark was the first navy seal that was killed in iraq on august 2nd, 2006. and i found out after ty s death that ty was actually one of mark s budsman instructorrers. told me often ty would talk about marc an amazing hero he was and his remembrances of him. and so it it is my honor for ty and for glenn to fight for them to make sure that they do get this recognition and this bill is nonpartisan it doesn t have anything to do with my political feelings and opinions on what s going on in benghazi. that s why it s nonpartisan. every democrat, every republican should sign on to this. i have been up on capitol hill the past few days. been in over 100 congressional offices trying to get the members of the house of representatives to sign on as co-sponsors of this bill. that s something people can do is call your representative and say get on this bill and call eric cantor s office and say it s time for a vote. surely you will get 100% of saturday. i can t imagine. yeah. we will be keeping track to find out. thank you so much. debbie, thanks a lot for joining us. you bet. thank you for the sacrifice, debbie. you are in our thoughts and prayers. i can t imagine what you are going through but thank you. definitely was my very best. dramatic rescues happening all over colorado at this hour. like this one. a tota woman and her daughter who are trapped on the roof of their car by floodwaters. we ll show you their reunion next. this miss america contestant showing off a lot more than her bikini. her military tattoo. ms. kansas who is raising some eyebrows all across the country standing by. and she is live to tell us her story. announcer ] here s a word you should keep in mind. unbiased. some brokerage firms are. but way too many aren t. why? 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[ sighs ] [ flo speaking japanese ] [ shouting in japanese ] we work wherever you work. now, that s progressive. call or click today. right to a fox news alert for you. within the last 90 minutes russia has reached agreement on framework for showing chemical weapons. elizabeth prann is live this morning with more on this developing story. elizabeth. after three days of intense negotiation. john kerry and russian foreign minister sergei have come it terms on how to secure syria s chemical weapons. here are some the elements. first of all a timetable. syria must present a chemical list of chemical weapons stockpile within one week. then international enemiers must be allowed on the ground within the next throw months. lastly, if the syrian government does not comply with the procedures to eliminate its chemical weapons by next year, there does remain a threat of force global community. punishment due to noncompliance will be included in a non-u.s. security council resolution actions will matter more than words. in the case of the assad regime president s old sad damage about trust but verified. this while we are getting reports inside egypt that syrian president bashar assad s government is moving its chemical weapons out of the country. and into places such as lebanon and iraq. keep in mind that fox news cannot independently verify this report. now, as what s going on in syria. as you may remember. there is still a civil war. media reports say that this week the cia has been working to deliver weapons to the rebels. so certainly a lot going on on the ground and the story continues. all right. elizabeth prann is tracking for us this morning in washington. thanks, elizabeth. thanks. also a fox news alert. take a look at this incredible video out of colorado. a total stranger rushes to the rescue of this mother and her daughter. look at that they are trapped on the roof of her car caught in raging floodwaters as a hailstorm pounds the area. they all joined us earlier for the first time since that terrifying incident. i ran out and unhooked my trailer really quick. that s when i think that footage shows me pointing towards her and at that point her car was already floating. without him, who knows what would have happened. the flooding there leaving four people dead. at least 218 others are still unaccounted for this morning. more government waste uncovered in washington. according to a new report by the government accountability office, the social security administration paid more than a billion dollars in disability payments to about 36,000 people who didn t deserve them. and, get. this. the government says the actual number could be much higher. the agency says it plans to it launch an official investigation. and you won t see these commercials anymore. the scooter store is shutting down for good. if you are living with limited mobility. call the scooter store today. we re experts at getting the power chair or scooter you need. the move coming after the texas company filed for bankruptcy in april. it was also under federal scrutiny over alleged medicare and medicaid fraud. it now plans to phase out operations and furlough it s remaining 370 employees and managers. those your headlines. overnight with those ads that run all night. i know rick s office and his television screen are always tuned to the scooter store ads. sorry, rick. i turn my tv s off energy. clayton. that s right. very smart of you. as i m sure do you too. we have been talking about colorado so much the last few days and rightly so. there is a chance a little more moisture might get up into that area by the latter part of this weekend. it s because of a tropical storm we have out there. take a look at the weather map. let me show you. this a storm yesterday formed in the bay of campeche in the gulf of mexico. that s that southwestern side. kind of that little curve where you see there closer to the mexico area. it is now a tropical storm. the name is ingrid. if you hear us talking about ingrid. and it will likely become a hurricane before it makes landfall somewhere along that eastern, mexican coast. but some of that moisture from that is going to make its way in across parts of south texas. let me tell you. texas desperately needs rain and they need tropical moisture rain. they need a lot of areas could use a good 8 to 10 inches of rain. we are not going to see that unfortunately i don t think from. this we are going to see very heavy rain across mexico. that could cause significant landslides and major flooding from. this we will continue to watch that the other story going on is this morning there are freeze advisories in effect across parts of michigan. get ready for this morning as you go out. see frost on your windows. temps waking up. so much the coldest air we have seen this fall. take you back inside. thank you, rick. pay attention to this story. this is going to be fun. we have never seen a miss america contestant like this before. showing off more than just a bikini. are those take a closer look. are those tattoos that we are seeing? those are theresa veil also known as ms. kansas says they are all part of her platform. she joins us now live from atlantic city this morning to explain all of this. good morning to you. good morning. how are you? we re great. tell us about your platform. how you have made this part of your platform? my platform is empowering women to overcome stereotypes and break barriers. and the barrier is that girls with tattoos they either don t enter pageants or they certainly don t win pageants. so here i am trying to break that barrier and hopefully others will follow suit. i already know that i have let some of the contestants to show their tattoos the last couple of days. you have already broken barriers u.s. army sergeant first of all who is in the miss america pageant and some of these tattoos consist of some texts that it s hard for us to see here on camera. unless we can zoom. in can we zoom in a little bit to see them? tell us what your tattoos consist of? okay. the one down my side is the serenity prayer. that s the one that you can t really read. it s god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, courage to change things can i, and wisdom to note difference. and i call that my personal mission statement for life. i think it says it all. i think that s what i live by and most people should live by. the second is the army dental insignia on the back of my shoulder. now you have the remember ren at this prayer presumably to remind you of your crad creedo a place difficult to get. to just knowing that it s on me that it s a part of me, that s enough for me. s did god grant you to know the serenity you cannot change that? [ laughter ] yes, he does. listen, applaud you for. this when i saw the pictures of this earlier in the week i thought you know what? why not? you have gotten that reaction. why not, thank you. i have. it s 2013. and miss america is supposed to represented modern day woman between the ages of 17 and 24. that is who she is representing. and the fact of the matter is, that s the age group that holds the most tattoos. so i think i am representing the modern day woman. so where are you on piercings, theresa? i don t have any other than my ears. you also have overcome some personal challenges in your youth. and part of your personal story is overcoming bullying as well. tell us about that. yeah. when i was 10 years old, had been bullied pretty consistently up to that point. i nearly took my own life. i remember just crying it was on a daily basis i would just ask god. i didn t know the words of the serenity prayer at that time. i knew i wanted peace to just accept the things that i couldn t change that i was being made fun of for. and more importantly, god grant me the courage to just change the things that i can and stand up for myself when i was old enough i wanted to remember that story so that i could share it and so i could possibly inspire other women or encourage them to overcome the challenges that they are going through. so that s why i wanted it plastered on my body. do you have new tattoos planned? anything if the works. no i don t. these are the two most important things to me i m sticking with that that s it? put the tattoo around your mid section to keep you fit. that serenity prayer could turn into something else if it expands too much, right? that s right. yeah. you know, that s why i kept it on the side. i should try that. we wish you all the best in the pageants to come. thank you so much. you are welcome. thank you. not only incredible talent and beautiful and of course serving her country her talent she sings on pranchts sings opera and has the prettiest hair i have ever seen. thanks, teresa. coming up here on the show, cockpit confidential. pilots spilling secrets about commuter flights. you were never supposed to know about this stuff. we will tell you coming up. spill the beans on that. and the majority of jobs that have been created since the great recession are going to women. what s happening to america s men. walking on set right now to explain what happened. [ male announcer ] running out of steam? now you can give yourself a kick in the rear! v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. need a little kick? ooh! could ve had a v8. in the juice aisle. need a little kick? ooh! this man is about to be the millionth customer. would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fiy thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. nobody likes to miss out. that s why ally treats all their customers the same. whether you re the first or the millionth. if your bank doesn t think you re special anymore, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally. . . 43 minutes past the hour. quick headlines for you. no free flu shots this year for the air force. and the reason why? the sequester. last year 12,000 men and women took advantage of vaccines part of the wellness program. this year that program got cut. police arresting lindsey s mother deanna for driving drunk. comes two months after her daughter finished three month stint in rehab. good role model. ainsley? all right. well, he we do have some good news on the jobs front this morning. many of the jobs that were lost during the great recession have now come back. the catch? most of the positions were filled by women. the unemployment rate for men nearly an entire percentage point higher at 7.7%. how did that happen. anchor for the fox business network she s joins us with the answer. cheryl, this is so counter intuitive. it s against what we hear floating around popular culture that women are oppressed and we need to empower them. it seems like they are doing very well and the problem is with men. well, there is underlying issue though and that s a wage issue. the jobs that are being created in this country are not good enough jobs to get the economy rolling. why do i say that? we are creating lots of bar jobs, waitress jobs, nurses are in high demand. that is a female profession. retail, mostly women work in retail. the jobs being created and we are not even 200,000 by the way on average per month. those are female oriented positions. and the wages are lower. so you have got an economic problem with this. you also have the fact that yes, member are the unemployment rate among men are 7.7%. 6.8% for women. all of the jobs lost to women for 2007 to now are back. but, men, they are still 2.1 million jobs missing for men in this country. it s happened to the overall economy. we need manufacturing jobs. we need construction jobs. we re not getting them. and now with interest rates going higher, housing is starting to fall through. that means you are not going to see men getting construction jobs. this is a bigger problem that, unfortunately, i hate to say, this but the country is going in the wrong direction when it comes it jobs and it comes to salary and wages. it s very disappointing, unfortunately. does this say that women are more likely to accept those jobs that men don t want to take? what does that say about the female race? how many people do you know in new york city i know at the love them. lee monday brothers went under 5 years ago by the way. tomorrow is the big anniversary of that all those jobs lost on wall street half of those never came back. higher paying jobs that men were participating in. must of the men were on wall street working. and all those jobs have not come back as well. those were higher salary jobs. they don t want to take lower paying jobs. so, again, what we re seeing is this entire shift in the u.s. economy and in banking to jobs that are not coming back at all. i love the fact that women are willing to work and take these jobs. i just hate that women aren t getting paid what a man would get paid. right. women on average, and this is historically true still to this day make 75 cents to the dollar of what their male counterparts, their husband, their boyfriend makes. that s very unfortunate. but, again, it is a wage issue. healthcare is growing. when i think what i would like to see happen is for men to maybe open their eyes to those types of jobs if they are willing to take. they the pay is great. if you are willing to be a nurse or home healthcare things like that. rough work and traditionally women are the e terrorisms that is caretakers that is true. men willing to get in this field great jobs out there. one field where men is so strong and lack of men filling the jobs is engineering jobs. technology. cloud computing. apps on the phone. that s where we are seeing the younger generation of men coming through the ranks but their salaries aren t there yet because they are kids. they are kids coming out of college. if i could get a degree for how to make a app. for my i phone i would appreciate the communications degree love the job here. technology, that s where things are going. thanks for joining us, we appreciate it? good to see. you brand new developments in the case of the infamous hiccup girl charged with murder. then how would you like to wake up with a view like this? don t pack your flip-flops yet. you actually can afford it. courtney scott is here to prove it she has got all your travel deals for every budget. here she is. courtney scott. hey. i need some hot stuff this evening i need some hot stuff tonight love, warmth. here, try this. mm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there s lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i m very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. reinforced with scratch- resistant glass and a unibody made kevlar strong. okay google now. call my droid. the new droid ultra by motorola. when strength matters, droid does. welcome back. it might feel like summer is over and everybody is ready to move on to fall. remember, the leaves are still green and there is time for a lazy summer vacation. she gives us great tips and i take her up on them. let s start with u.s. virgin islands. still warm this time of year? u.s. virgin islands, 88 through october. st. john is the smallest of the three islands. it s really unspoiled. the best part is the beaches. while there, rent a car, go beach-hopping, secluded beaches ga lower. galore. you have to try jet packing. go to st. thomas jet riders. very cool experience. stay at the westin st. john resort and villas. it s $185 a night. crew s bay. and there is no passport required for the u.s. virgin islands. a great perk. hawaii. where in hawaii can we stay for affordable nights? affordable, stay in kuai. it is home to an impressive five national parks. for outdoor adventure, it is a dream. rainforest, beaches, waterfalls, everything you would dream of for a hawaiian vacation. $143 a night on an isolated beach. absolutely perfect. in florida, marco island. stay at the marco island marriott, nine restaurants, three pools, a golf course and a spa. it s in the gulf so fishing is great year round. shelling, pristine beaches and a great value, $189 in september. a place you just got back from, colombia. one of your top five places in the world. cartagena, a walled city, enchanting and tropical year round. expect 87 degree temps. pack your hat and sunscreen there. unesco heritage world site. history buffs will love it. i like staying inside the ancient wall. i recommend staying in boca grande. it s the hotel caribe outside the walled city. very traditional property and only $196 a night. only a five-hour flight from the east coast united states. really convenient. a place most people think of as a place to quick get away is las vegas, nevada. las vegas is easy breezy. not so much beach destination, but you ve got pools right there. there are numerous michelin rated restaurants. check out elton john. he will be there. endless theater and night life opportunities. one of the best deals in las vegas in the fall is at the mgm property. mgm hotel casino only $160 a night. wonderful deals and up on travelocity s website. courtney scott, great to see you. coming up, a boardwalk destroyed and dozens of businesses burned to the ground. was it arson or just an accident? what investigators are saying about this boardwalk fire. . then cockpit confidential pilots spilling secrets about commuter flights. 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[ bop ] [ male announcer ] could ve had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. aaah! aaaaah! theres a guy on the window! do something, dad! aaaah! aaaah! what is happening? they re rate suckers. their bad driving makes car insurance more expensive for the rest of us. good thing there s snapshot from progressive. snap it in and get a discount based on your goodriving. stop paying for rate suckers. try snapshot free at good morning, it is saturday, september 14th. hope you re having a great morning so far. we are going to begin with a fox news alert and the fatal flooding in colorado. four people dead. more than 100 missing after days of heavy rain cutting off remote towns. rescuers are under way and we are live on the ground straight ahead. another fox news alert this morning. syria backs down agreeing to give up its chemical weapons stock pile. what did the united states have to give up in return? we have those details coming up. cockpit confidential. pilots spilling secrets about commuter flights you were never supposed to know about. fox and friends hour four starts right now has it been four hours? i know. time flies when you re having fun. hello on this saturday morning. welcome, everyone. continue sending in your tweets about cheerleading this morning. our inbox has exploded. whether or not cheerleading is a sport because it is the world s most dangerous sport according to new research. i m defending it as a sport. tucker doesn t believe it is. i m a neutral party. we ll get to that in a moment. first to fox news alert. more rescues are happening in colorado. thousands are driven out of their houses there because of all this dangerous flooding. look at that picture. this man is zip lining back to safety, barely skimming the deadly waters. dominick is live in boulder. i can see the water rushing behind you. they are still rushing behind us. it abated a bit as of yesterday. the creek behind me here is about a foot lower than it was yesterday. we did have rains overnight and we are going to get more rains over the weekend. they think we have a bit of weather during the course of the day today with slightly clearer skies. that will allow the thousands of people stranded here in the boulder area to be rescued. they are saying they might get over land. they ve been air-lifted by the national guard. 300 people in the town of jamison. over 200 people unaccounted for. people haven t been able to get in touch with authorities or families because communication lines have been down. yesterday we were out and bridge after bridge have been washed away. people can t even walk to a place, to another local community to let them know they are safe. the national guard going to large areas. the sheriff s department in boulder saying the biggest concern is the weather. take a listen to what they had to say. waters that receded in many places, we could very well be back in the same condition that we were yesterday. i think that s little solace for the people waiting in the mountains for someone to come and help them. that is by far our greatest priority right now to get into those communities and find out what we have going on up there. yesterday the area got cut off as rain waters rushed through there i was concerned for about 200 students in that area in separate groups. 50 from st. vincent paul school. the localized dioceses says they are in a place of safety with parents and also with teachers. no indication of when anybody will be able to get to them and winch them out. 450 students got out by bus. they are in a safe place now. authorities saying hopefully more people will actually get to a place of safety by the end of the day. back to you. dominick live for us this morning. to dominick s point about whether or not the weather could turn again, the sheriff talking about those concerns. should the sheriff be concerned? they are worried about higher flood water. i don t think we ll see anything that will exacerbate it dramatically. but there is more rain in store the next two days. i think tomorrow probably more rain than today. nothing that is going to be as bad as what we ve seen. that picture you are seeing behind dominick, that is water coming down through the canyons, still a lot of water getting through those lakes. take a look at some of these pictures. we have video right here. all that water rapidly because of gravity goes through the then it goes into the south platt river. this is between denver and boulder. that river completely overflowing its banks and there are neighborhoods completely submerged with water. that river yesterday saw an all-time record crest. it is still rising and will crest some time today and slowly go down. big problems there. all that water hitting these high elevations, running down to the low elevations across denver and greeley to the north of it. in a typical year, boulder sees just over 20 inches of rain. in just about a 36-hour period they saw almost 15 inches of rain. that s why this is causing such record-breaking and dramatic flooding. aurora, same story seeing over half your annual rainfall in just about a 36-hour period. we are going to see more rain today and tomorrow. tomorrow may be another inch or two of rain falling. that is not going to cause anything for this to get that much worse. we have a lot of water. is going to take a long time to drain out of there. for those squinting at the screen, those were all mobile homes clustered together, washed away by the flood waters. now an update on syria. some new developments overnight as secretary of state john kerry and the foreign minister of russia lavrov have come to an agreement on the framework put forward a couple of weeks ago by the russian government. this plan came out of moscow and provided the framework of chemical weapons inspections to unfold in syria. syria is on board with this in part. a military intervention on the part of the united states also being taken off the table as it relates to the united nations. the obama administration saying we still wouldn t rule out a military strike. we are still capable of punching. this is the worst. this is the president saying do this and i ll hit you, they did it. he runs to congress, turned down. runs to great britain, turned down, then finds solace in the arms of vladimir putin, not an enyeah with the united states. of course they are saying you can look. we just learned they have a military group that hidden all these chemical weapons, displaced them in 50 different sites where americans aren t sure where those chemical weapons are. it appears vladimir putin has been elevated to the role of statesman in some respects. we are all looking to moscow to dictate foreign policy now in the united states and bashir al assad is elevated where we are having discussions and negotiations with this man. governor huckabee talking about reverend putin, as he calls him. putin is pulling the president s fannie out of the fire is what it comes down to because he was not going to get a vote in congress. he said this red line couldn t be crossed. keep in mind, up until this moment, russia has been this once great country that was in decline. they are no longer the huge super power they were when they were the soviet union. they ve been coming back. now the tiger has roared. that is the problem right there the question is not do we bomb syria? do we invade syria. the question is, is the united states weakened globally and does that invite aggression from our enemies and our competitors. the answer is absolutely yes. you saw north korea restarting its nuclear facility. why? because the president is weak. and our allies. in the case of israel. say israel is attacked in a capacity, what will the united states do? will we immediately come to israel s defense? yes, we will. or go to congress? no. that actually is the red line. the reason is simple. the public stands by israel, period. as much as i think the president as shown appalling lack of leadership, if israel is attacked, we are right there. that s because the public will demand it. keep it here at fox news channel on syria. now other headlines in the news. we ll start with fox news alert. moments ago, reports of a bomb blast in northern iraq leaving 21 people dead. it happened as a funeral was taking place at a mosque nearby. we will continue to keep you updated as more information becomes available. as developing or also developing at this hour, dozens of people sent to the hospital after a greyhound bus overturns. happened on an interstate in ohio. 34 riders in total were hurt. at least four critically and a dozen others in serious condition today. the bus overturned earlier today while headed to detroit. no word on what caused that bus to crash. as firefighters continue to put out the hot spots at the site of the massive fire in new jersey at the boardwalk, there are some reports some officials say it might have been set intentionally. the fire broke out on thursday afternoon in a custard shop. quickly spread down the boardwalk destroying 50 businesses, over four city blocks. it is a double whammy for that area, still struggling to recover from superstorm sandy. governor chris christie vows to rebuild again. have you wondered what happens when you use a cell phone on a plane? after they tell you to turn it off? absolutely nothing. there is a new book out written by a pilot to answer some of the most frequently asked questions. the book says, while turbulence might feel scary, the plane is not going to crash. also, you cannot open the doors or emergency hatches during a flight because it is actually impossible. and the cabin pressure will not allow it. finally, the book says cell phones actually, probably don t interfere with any equipment on the plane. they are not allowed because of the slight possibility that they could. those are your headlines. sounds like that rule was implemented and they kept it. it s absurd. we heard rules they may be rolling back e-readers. i get furious when they tell you you ve got to turn off your kindle. it s not sending any signal. it s e-ink. there is nothing happening. are you saying government regulations aren t keeping pace with reality? as new evidence is introduced, they are not changing to accommodate the facts? i just flew back from overseas. do we have to take off our shoes? they laughed. in chicago, having solved all that city s problems, the mayor has now declared that the city will reveal publically the amount of energy businesses use. by the way, they will not be revealing the amount of energy the city government of chicago uses. that is the number one energy consumer in cooke county. the idea is to shame businesses. we know public shaming works, right? put someone out in the sandwich board on fifth avenue and tell them they were drunk driving last night, that s shameful. rahm emanuel saying, do you check the mileage, the energy efficiency of a utility before you purchase it? these are his words, not mine. what is wrong with providing people with information, rahm emanuel says. public information says one of them uses way more energy to make their bread and to do their cold cuts than the other one. you might not likely go to that restaurant. they may lose customers because they are not as energy efficient as the one down the street. we had a debate about this two hours ago. you were hot about it. when did government become the nastiest kindergarten teacher ever? denying our request to go to the bathroom. pointing out our moral failings, shaming us. defend the country, pave the roads and back off. after world war ii is the answer. i don t care if someone says we re going to put a big stick orrin the outside of your apartment that says you use more electricity in your building than someone else. i don t care. if i m paying the bill, put the sticker on there. i do not care. you have unshakeable self-esteem and a good person doing nothing wrong. your tax dollars are going to put that sticker up on the wall and they are going through your e-mails. you re paying for an agency to go through your e-mails and store your data base. your money is going to pay them to snoop on you. if someone is doing something wrong, they are catching them, which is fine with me. private industry has every incentive to reduce energy use because it costs money. guess who has no incentive to reduce energy? government. guess who wastes more energy than anyone? government. it s not their money. why do they care? it s your money. they are taking it from you at gun point. there is no incentive not to waste it why. don t they reveal how much the city of chicago is wasting, then it will be an even playing field. let us know what you think about this at fox and it s a parents apartments worst nightmare, a babysitter secretly abusing your child. it didn t last long after the family dog saved the day. the entire family here live to share their incredible story. forget about football, wrestling, rugby. the most dangerous sport turns out to be cheerleading. it s all about twerking. ho ho ho [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ho ho ho green giant and now, there s a plan that lets you experience that new phone thrill again and again. and again. can you close your new phone box? we re picking up some feedback. introducing verizon edge. the plan that lets you upgrade to a new verizon 4glte phone when you want to. having what you want on the network you rely on. that s powerful. verizon. upgrade to the new moto x by motorola with zero down payment. úkúyourturn night intoññ @>g74/w?xoóçpnooowvúéñi/ 7k conquer the globe. stop floods. now she could use a hand, so she can keep living on her own. comfort keepers can help you help her. our professional caregivers are carefully chosen and highly trained to provide a variety of in-home services while truly engaging with your aging loved ones so they can stay happy at home. comfort keepers. keeping the comforts of home. ll comfort keepers now to arn more. despite very little support from the american public or congress, president obama spent the last few weeks arguing the u.s. ought to launch a military strike against syria. . you may be asking why. we are asking wayne allen root, whose initials spell war. thank you for joining us. tucker, how are you? i m great. i m confused what the president s motivation might be to contradict all his previous statements in his entire public life and go against public opinion to support a strike against syria. what is your theory for why? i wrote this story for the blaze one of the most popular stories of the year at their website. because the average person thinks the way that i m thinking. this is a weapon of mass distraction. obama s wmd. i think it s because of the economy. most people, common sense tells you he should be concentrating on this horrendous economy and this horrible jobs picture. i think he is concentrating on the economy. he knows how bad it is and he doesn t have any idea how to get out of this mess. every policy of obama s makes it worse. he figures, let s distract the public. let s get involved in something that takes their minds off the economy. let s create patriotism and loyalty behind the president of the united states. let s get the troops, meaning the voters, rallying around the president with a war. i think it s the most time-tested and true situation you ll ever find. presidents throughout history used war to distract the american people. there is no question he has a long track record of demagoguery designed to distract. but syria? he wound up hurting himself by his indecision and fecklessness? he hurt himself on the world stage with putin looking like the leader and statesman. he hurt himself with the american public. i ve been arguing for five years. i think people finally woke up and the light bulb has gone off this guy is a great debater, a great talker, a great arguer, but he s arguing for the wrong thing. he s convinced the american people he s a con man. he convinced the american people that war is necessary. i think him and his inner circle are in shock that the american people have not bit. not only as we open this segment. you mentioned the american people are very much against syria, but the latest poll was out this morning. 75% of the military is against a military strike in syria. not a war, even a military strike. so he s been unable to use that great oratory skill to convince the american people why. tucker? because the economy is so much worse than the mainstream media is letting on. the american public is devastated. we are dying out here and everybody knows it s a lie to say we re in recovery. there is no recovery, especially not for obama s most loyal supporters, black americans, latino americans, single female head of households, terrible. wayne allyn root, thanks for joining us. thanks. bye-bye. she became world famous when she couldn t stop hiccupping. now she is on trial for murder. have you humiliated your spouse in public? excuse me. can we have everybody, please? everyone? like you ve never done that. advice on how to deal with those appalling moments. what makes your family smile? backflips and cartwheels. love, warmth. here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s. ching! i like the fact that there s lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i m very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. man: [ laughs ] those look like baby steps now. but they were some pretty good moves. and the best move of all? having the right partner at my side. it s so much better that way. [ male announcer ] have the right partner at your side. consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. have you ever humiliated your spouse in public? excuse me, can we have everybody, please? everyone? it s happened to everyone who is married. embarrassing your husband or wife in the worst possible ways. here to discuss or experts kevin mccarthy and chris sholes. welcome to you both. thanks for having us on. these are fun topics. embarrass your partner or spouse in public. have you done this and what to do if you are embarrassed by your spouse. we ve already established that we are the embarrassing spouses. so i m not sure i don t believe that about you. you, kevin i grew up in a house where we would go to dinner and my dad would put food in his teeth and go, do i have food in my teeth? i ll bite into a chocolate cake and go, do i have anything in my teeth? do you get a second date with that? never, ever. that s part of your personality. that is probably what your girlfriend likes about you in the first place. it s lighthearted and fun. you just have to keep in mind, are they embarrassing you on purpose or is it, like myself, is it part of your personality? i think you should sleep on it, give it a few hours. then bring it up. hey, that wasn t that cool. then you can talk about it. some things like that are funny. if your spouse is intoxicated at a business dinner, that is something else. what if you re married to the guy that gives the drunken rehearsal speech that gives too much. you want to hear an abject groveling apology. the person embarrassed overestimates how many care. the teeth thing, like that scene from ace ventura that s what i do. girls maybe get more embarrassed about the goofy stuff? i m the one dancing and singing in public. it s charming when you do it. if your husband did it, it would be grounds for therapy. when i dance, it s like gumby, i m the skinieniest fasty on the planet. should you bring your mom and dad to the office and take your parent on a job interview? it was in the wall street journal, 8% of individuals are taking their parents now on job interviews with them. if you walk into a job interview with a parent or bring them into your work environment, doesn t your employer think maybe you can t make decisions by yourself? unless your parent owns the company, it s weird. this is awkward for me because my mom packed my lunch today. i ve got peanut butter and jelly and no crust and a capri sun. i m kidding. obviously a prop. a bunch of napkins and two bananas. when i was growing up i m a movie reviewer. my mom would cover my eyes any time a risque scene happened in a movie. i can t imagine when i m doing my actual job covering my eyes in a sequence like that. i love my parents. just keep them out of the work environment. i just think i should be bonding with my co-workers, not them. you are going to bring them what if you had a tough day and feeling weepy. put your big girl pants on. i think it s absolutely absurd and ridiculous. that is where you become an adult. that is the environment where you are an adult. i feel like it s completely overprotective and ridiculous. thank you both. great personalities both of you. it is a parent s worst nightmare, a babysitter secretly abusing a child. it didn t last very long after this family dog saved the day. the enviewer family is live here to share their incredible story. forget football, wrestling, even rugby, the most dangerous sport on earth turns out to be, yes, cheerleading. your e-mails pouring in. what ya looking for? well, you ve found delicious! must be the honey! it is so honey swagalish so much crunch, can you handle this? the party in the bowl don t stop! must be the honey! gear up with great deals at bass pro shops. and get clearance savings up to $2,000 on select boats and up to $2,100 on select atvs during our model year end clearance sale. you re looking at our very own ainsley. this is an ohio cheerleader setting a record for back flipping. mary klein did 200 back springs in a row. that is amazing. football, you may think is the most dangerous sport in america. ongoing debate over the effects of concussion. but a new study shows cheerleading is the most dangerous female sport. these ladies give a lot for the team. take a look at these numbers. this is crazy. from 1980 to 2007, these are the most recent numbers. 4,954 injuries in 1980. in 2007, 26,786 injuries. people going to the hospital. 66% of the most catastrophic injuries in a high school sport come from cheerleading. meaning concussions, brain injuries, fractured legs, limbs. not the same cheerleading as it was when we were all growing up. then you could wear the longer skirts and they didn t have to jump around. you didn t have to do backhand springs, you only had to touch your toes in the air if you could and maybe do a cartwheel. that was auditioning. now you have to do backhand springs down the field like this girl did. be thrown up in the air, do a flip. it s extreme cheerleading. it s more like gymnastics. i maintain it is a sport. i say it is a sport because there s competition. you re head-to-head with individuals. they go on field trips, bus trips and they compete head-to-head. that s where you are wrong. i did disagree with you several hours ago earlier on the show. that was before america spoke. chastened, i am beating a hasty retreat from my previous position i now deny ever having held. we are getting e-mails like this. tucker needs to reevaluate cheerleading. it requires strength, coordination, extensive training and commitment like any other sport. i ve been saying that for years. cheerleading is not a sport. it s a competition. they are leading cheers for the team, not playing with the team. they are competing. your high school team is competing with this high school team. ever see the movie bring it on? one of my favorites. don t they go up in competition against each other? they do compete. they do that in disney and orlando. a tweet from dennis says if curling and other wimpy sports can be a sport, why wouldn t cheerleading? good point. can anything that happens in canada be a sport? hockey. i m not answering the question. i m raising it. ice fishing? i m throwing it up there for america to bat around. rick what do you think? is this a sport. don t you agree that it is? yeah, sure. it s a sport. don t you think the football injuries are long-term injuries. they said at a commercial break she broke two ribs cheerleading in high school. she s given a lot for the team. she has trouble breathing. i don t know. concussions, getting concussions, falling on their head, having a number of long-term issues. we hear about it from football. you have to be coordinated like a man is in football. sure, of course. it s a sport. there s a lot of our tough senior producer gavin quit. he can t handle this. is golf a sport? right. he will defend it. gavin thinks golf is a sport. is it? there are different levels of sports. let s talk about the weather. i m much better at that. take a look at the maps. we ve got a tropical storm out there. this is tropical storm ingrid. it s in the southwest area of the gulf of mexico. this will likely become a hurricane over the next couple of days. it will be our second hurricane of the atlantic hurricane season and will make direct impact with mexico. i don t think there is any chance we ll get into texas. people are messaging me saying will any of this moisture get to texas? texas and louisiana desperately needs rain. there is a look at the drought monitor. you can see a lot of the area under significant drought. here is what s going to happen over the next four to five days. there will be rain to the south of corpus christi. main up towards the san antonio area. most of north texas won t see anything from this, i don t think. we could use it. you don t want the destruction that comes from a tropical storm. you certainly could use the moisture that comes with a tropical storm. here you go across the great lakes. coldest morning you ve seen this year. a cool morning will be followed by a cool day. only to 65 in cleveland. warm across areas of the south. phoenix back to 103. drying out, climbing a degree or two by tomorrow 104. remaining cool in denver. we ll see tomorrow the best chance for more significant rain across those areas that saw the flooding. maybe another one to two inches. that won t cause additional problems. just not make things get better quickly. back to you inside. thanks, rick. thank you, rick. we are grateful for rick. now to a fox news alert and big news to the crisis in syria. u.s. and russia reached an agreement on a framework securing syria s chemical weapons. elizabeth is live from washington. yes, there is a technical agreement between the u.s. and russia on how to secure syria s chemical weapons. they came after three days of negotiations. the first step is a comprehensive list of chemical weapons in syria that s stock piled. then international inspectors must be allowed on the ground in the next three months. lastly, if the syrian government does not comply with the procedures to eliminate chemical weapons by next year, there remains a threat of more punishment by the global community. they will be included in a u.n. security council resolution. in the event of noncompliance, we have committed to impose measures under chapter 7 within the u.n. security council. ultimately, perhaps more so than anywhere in the world, actions will matter more than words. but keep in mind there is a caveat there. officials in washington said they don t see how the russians would support the threat of military force since they have repeatedly blocked such language at the u.n. there are other ways the war-torn country could feel pressure from the global community such as sanctions. this while we are getting reports from inside egypt as well as from the rebels in syria that president bashir assad has been moving chemical weapons out of the country into places such as lebanon and iraq. fox news cannot independently verify this report. back to you. thanks, elizabeth. coming up, they are supposed to be keeping the airlines safe. what one tsa worker did will blow your mind. she tried everything in the quest to stay healthy. supermodel carol alt answers your burning questions after the break. here is neil cavuto. after a meeting behind closed door at the white house, are unions about to get a back door deal on health care? and a win for walmart. is it a workers? why the mayor of washington, d.c. may have just set job creators everywhere free. with the showdown in syria dragging on now, is the lesson from all of this to get off foreign oil? 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that is a very complicated question. we do go into that on the show a healthy you with carol alt. do tune into that. it s not so much fasting. it s a kind of fast people do and how they fast. many people just stop eating then will do a fast that is, say, a watermelon fast which is a lot of sugar. and there is nothing that rebuilds the body or gives you anything to sustain. if you do the fast right, choose the right one and you come off food, wean yourself off food, do the fast and back on food, you ve got to be gentle to the body. you can t shock the body. fasting is okay. it s just not good if you re not doing it correctly or doing the right fast. oliver wants to know, how can i get rid of that stubborn belly fat? sorry, oliver. there is no easy way to do that. it s diet and exercise. it really is. a big thing is raw fats. raw fats help to get old fats out of the body. it is a cold-pressed olive oil or a mixture of seeds and nuts oil and cold pressed oil, avacado is a great fat. not the fried fats. don t go for the fried chicken or french fries. raw fats replace old fats in the body and they give you energy whereas old fats are fats that cannot be utilized. what about surgery? why not just have it cut off? i think surgery in some instances is detrimental to the body because it s a big, big stress on the body. if you re on the verge of some diseases, it can almost kick-start you onto that. i think you need to know a lot more than people are telling you when you go in for surgery. i don t think surgery is wrong if you need to have it. a lot of people are doing elective surgeries that can be easily taken care of with diet and exercise and should be taken care of with diet. it means the health of the body in total, not just spots. you talk about the good fats. nuts. can you eat any type of nut or is there one you would recommend? almonds for sure if you germinate them. raw almonds. the problem is they are flash pasteurizing almonds in this country. it s hard to find the raw. i like the chocolate ones. exactly. dipped and fried. i m saying there are raw alternatives to take. take your raw almonds and germinate them to get rid of the inhibitors. it becomes an anti-carcinogen and then dip it into chocolate. there are raw chocolates you can dip it in that would make it a fabulous snack. my show is today at 4:00 p.m. and tomorrow again at 4:00 p.m. here on fox news channel. so glad to have you. thank you so much for supporting me. thank you. coming up on the show, a parent s worst nightmare, a babysitter secretly abusing their child. it didn t last that long after the family dog saved the day. the family here live to share their incredible story next. shop till you drop or pass out. clothing stores applying for liquor licensees. is it a good idea to shop while drunk? of getting something new. and now, there s a plan that lets you experience that new phone thrill again and again. and again. can you close your new phone box? we re picking up some feedback. introducing verizon edge. the plan that lets you upgrade to a new verizon 4glte phone when you want to. having what you want on the network you rely on. that s powerful. verizon. upgrade to the new droid ultra by motorola with zero down payment. it would run on the most affordable energy source available. it would charge overnight. every morning, you d wake up with a full tank, ready to go. if the car was invented today, it would be the 100% electric nissan leaf. with over 200 million gas-free miles driven and automatic hov lane access, the question isn t why electric? it s why gas? [ male announcer ] the 100% electric nissan leaf. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a 2013 nissan leaf for $199 a month. some quick headlines for you. more government waste uncovered in washington. the story you ve heard before. new government report reveals the social security administration paid more than a billion dollars in disability payments to people who did not deserve them. and you ve heard the saying, shop till you drop, but shop until your sloshed? urban outfitters applying for a liquor license for a new store in new york city. the state liquor authority has yet to approve it. this is an incredible story of a dog turned hero when he alerted his owners that there was something wrong with the baby-sitter. he started acting aggressively toward her. what they uncovered was every parents worst nightmare. ben and hope jordan with their son finn. so benjamin and hope, we understand finn is running around there on the floor somewhere, we might get a shot of him here in a second. you moved to south carolina. you moved to charleston. and you needed to find a baby-sitter. you went through the process and you finally found a baby-sitter that you thought had cleared background checks and had seemed all good on paper. then what happened? well, shortly after, you know, we hired her, everything was going well. we seemed to really get along together. she was personable, everything went fine until five months into her baby-sitting is bheb we started to notice the chiang in our dog s behavior. he started to get real defensive at first, would stand in between her and our son and turned into more aggression towards her. that s when hope started to notice something s wrong. what did you do? how old was your son finn at this point? at this point he was 7 months old. you know, hindsight s always 20/20. i wish wie have acted on suspicions that i had, but it wasn t until killian started acting so aggressive that i thought something was really wrong. o we ended up putting an iphone on the voice memo and recorded one day, september 12th, 2012, we recorded 7 1/2 hours. so you reported, you put it under the couch and just started recording. i have to ask you what sort of suspicions did you have before you noticed killian your dog acting suspicious? well, one instance one day, while he was teething, and ben was having a toothache also, we had orajel products, one for our son was the natural tablets nonmedicated and one was the adult orajel. when i got home one day she said she d given him orajel at a certain time during the day. i gave him a kiss and then my lips started tingling. and i thought it felt like orajel. so i asked her if she gave him the adult or the children s tablets. she said the children s tablets, but now we suspect otherwise. there he is. there s adorable finn. hi, buddy. you recorded this conversation. you recorded what unfolded throughout the day. how then did killian the dog manage to relay that information back to you that something was wrong. well, like i said, he s a very personable dog. as you see, he s an 80-pound lap dog. for him to show aggression towards anyone is a sign to us that something s wrong because he never shows aggression. just the simple mannerisms of him raising his hair up, getting excited, getting worried about our son was enough to make us understand that he was trying to tell us something about this baby-sitter in particular. hope, what did you find out on that recording of the iphone? a nightmare. for 7 1/2 hours my son cried nearly the entire time. she was cursing at him, calling him horrible names, and the thing about it is it came after for no reason. it wasn t acting up. he hadn t been he hadn t been crying until she left him alone in his crib for hours or, of course, the physical abuse. the biggest concern for us was the slap noises that we could hear over the audio. obviously we couldn t tell because it was just an audio recording where he was being slapped but you could hear his cries afterward. it sounded like he was being shaken. you can hear the reverberation in his voice that he was being shaken. we know for a 7-month-old to be shaken, who knows what kind of internal damage, yeah, exactly. horrible. we should mention, the dog is a hero managing to alert you, giving you some sense something was wrong here. we should mention that sentencing took place this week for her. she s now behind bars. she faces one to three years in prison for this, does alexis khan. right. thank you for joining us this morning. a tough story to talk with especially with kids running around there and dogs. we appreciate it so much. we hope other parents see it and can learn from our lesson. we hope so, too. and bye to finn down there at the bottom of the screen. thanks, guys. ugh! actually progresso s soup has pretty bold flavor. i love bold flavors! i d love it if you d open the chute! [ male announcer ] progresso. surprisingly bold flavor for a heart healthy soup. surprisingly bold flavor backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. surprisingly bold flavor here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s.mile? ching! i like the fact that there s lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i m very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. welcome back to fox and friends. join us for after the show. log on to fox and there we ll debate the merits of cheerleader. is it a sport? that conversation continues. we can t stop. have a great weekend. two weeks away from obama care ticking into high gear and unions kicking up a fuss. but we ll be damned if we re going to lose our health insurance because of unintended consequences in a law. it needs to be changed, it needs to be fixed and it needs to be fixed now, brothers and sisters. labor leaders including the head of the afl/cio emerging from a closed-door meeting at the white house as they demand a health care fix. and they could be close to getting it. do you have a timeline? we ll try to get it done next week. for next week? yep. an

Arkansas , United-states , Vietnam , Republic-of , Montana , Charleston , South-carolina , Nevada , Boulder-county , Colorado , Brazil , Syria