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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Justice With Judge Jeanine 20170806 01:00:00

less than 48 hours ago we found out how far democrats in the highest law enforcement agencies, allegedly non-partisan offices would go to couch for the obama administration. you remember that meeting on the tarmac between attorney general loretta lynch and bill clinton, outed only because a local reporter happened to be there. the f.b.i. wouldn t allow photos, pictures or cell phones. there were no reports made. but the highest ranging law enforcement official in this country was approached by the spouse who was being actively investigated in the most of important investigation in the history presidential politics. it was followed by an investigation of hillary clinton and we know her subject subsequent exoneration. the fbi and the department of justice to both colluding to
allow hillary a free pass. but we didn t know how deep and dirty the collusion really was until 48 hours ago. in response to a dream of information application to both the fbi and the d.o.j. by jay sekulow and the center for law and justice requesting all documents regarding that meeting, the fbi respond with a terse no records responsive to your request were located. that was a calculated, knowing and intentional lie. as for the department of justice. they never even bothered to respond. but a subsequent federal lawsuit decided not during the obama administration revealed 413 pages of documents between the fbi and the doj on that tarmac meeting.
and those documents, the fbi and the department of justice excluded on how they would handle the outing of this highly irregular, unethical and some would say illegal meeting what their stalking points should be. some talking points drafted even before loretta lynch was questioned. they agreed to coordinate by letting each other know what questions were asked by the press. so what did we snrern here is an example of the document the d.o.j. sent, redacted email between the fbi and justice. they blacked out the relevant talking points so you cannot see what collusion actually occurred between justice and the fbi to protect hillary, bill, loretta and the whole lot of them. but don t worry. a lawsuit will be filed first thing monday morning to unredact what they have covered up.
this is not information that, be legally withheld from us. it doesn t involve national security and you can be damn sure it doesn t involve what loretta and bill said they talked about, their grandchildren or their golf game. and it gets worse, folks. we see email emails from the poe fbi and the new york times where they make clear they don t want to cover this and the department of justice comment to the fbi that it looks like only fox news is covering this. folks, this is a coverup an illegal meet, collusion between bill clinton and the attorney general after which the fbi interrogated hillary then exonerated her. and hillary brazenly proclaimed, if she won, she would hire loretta lynch as her attorney general. while this country is virtually paralyzed with fake news stories
of collusion, i ask you, what evidence, give me one piece of evidence, one. i oh after something that done, one iota that donald trump s campaign excluded. you haven t heard one piece of evidence for 8 months, 24/7 collusion between donald trump and russians. i have an idea. it s time to take the country back. back to the original intent of our founders. no one is above the law and no one is below it. mueller impaneled a grand jury in a district that december pier pied thatdecember pies at d e
despises our president. hillary clinton s case needs to be brought to a grand jury immediately. there is time to prosecute her for putting our classified information on her private server that she shared with her girlfriends, one of whom shared her computer with her dirt bag husband. most of of the terms have already been violated and hillary must be prosecuted for perjury. she and her state department intentionally lied saying there were no benghazi emails and classified emails as she deleted 33,000 emails on yoga and her wedding dress. and she needs to be prosecuted for destroying and concealing subpoenaed property and the emails. the clinton foundation and all its spinoffs need to be brought before a grand jury i.
eric holder who perjured himself before congress needs to be prosecuted. i don t want to hear the dumb -r kumbaya. i want want to hear hillary clinton always good woman. she is not. while we play by the rules, they lie, steal, cheat and continue to get away with it because we let them. that s my open. tell me what you think on my facebook page or twitter. trash tatwitter. #judgejeanine. that was quite an intro. judge jeanine: i m frightened because of north korea. last week congress received
what s called an ioc. and their insister continental ballistic capabilities from u.s. intelligence that was proven wrong by kim jong-un within 48 hours. within 48 hours of our intelligence community telling congress that kim jong-un didn t have the capability that he proved 48 hours later that he had, we finds out they were wrong. number one, we now know that korea is not only nuclear, but it can deploy a reliable as you guys call them, an icbm, not in two to four years, but as soon as one year. and so by shaving off years and also by now we believe their icbms could reach detroit,
chicago and even miami. we are in a bad place, doctor. i would like to know what s with the intelligence agencies? are they too busy with leaking on the president? and what can we do to protect ourselves? this president is going to do whatever it takes to protect this nation. but first things first. let s look at the nature of this challenge. north korea is a hard target in terms of intelligence. it s this closed utterly closed stalinistic system. if you look at way this country has been run. they are proud of this stalinist regime. getting human intelligence is difficult. so weep rely on other forms of collection. but the fact is it doesn t matter, judge because we are taking action. we have one of the toughest
ambassador haley who managed to shepherd through a unanimous vote where we are hitting hard on north korea. jesse: united nations voted 15-0 to sanction north korea. and china and russia voted with us. that s amazing. think about the fact we have unanimous. five permanent members. 10 rotating members. thank ambassador haley and rex tillerson and the trump team. we ll hit them to the tune of a third of their imports and shard currency. this is the toughest sanctions that have ever bern impose on north korea and a direct result of their actions. judge jeanine: i m going back to my original question. here is the question.
if north korea is openly discharging these icbms, unlike north korea, iran has been hiding from us their abilities, a lot of their stuff is underground. we don t have the ability to access or find out what their nuclear facilities are. i m frightened not just from iran. but we have seized from the ocean stuff north korea has actually sent off. judge, don t frightened. we have a commander-in-chief who will keep this country safe. look at what we have done. in the last six months alone we liberated mosul, revitalized nato, we increased the defense budget. judge jeanine: kim jong-un is crazy.
he s blackmailing the west. but this is not a president and this isn t a team you should blackmail. look at this team, look at the president. look at hot secretary of defense is. look at the commander-in-chief. look at the national security advisor. look at the secretary of state. this man is trying to do the old playbook that may have wed with the obama white house but it will not work with the trump white house. we ll put a stopth this and protect this nation. judge jeanine: that s comforting to hear. but one of the things that concerns me, with iran, if we have intelligence failures, it s much tougher to assess when they are going to start coming at us because of the fact they are hidden away on military bases that are inaccessible to inspection. give me some peace there. iran is at the top of the
list of our priorities along with north korea. one of the things we are looking at very hard is the disastrous iran deal. it facilitated iran. it didn t stop the nuclear aquestion significances, it just slowed it down. the sunset clause. but the president has maintained his stance. this is a bad deal it s not good for american national security and we are doing a ground-up review of our iranian strategy and the president is adamant. this is not a good deal for america. judge jeanine: what s it like with general kelly in the west wing? superb. yesterday morning he gathered nervet executive building and he told them very, very clearly. no more leaks. he says if you leak there will be kunzs because loose lips sink ships. we have a four-star legend in
the white house that matches beautifully with the president. judge jeanine: somehow when general kelly says loose lips sing ships, it seems more threatening than the words alone. next. more on the leaks with the former head of the house and oversight committee jason chaffetz. plus will the attorney general do his job when it comes to the scandal rocking debbie wasserman-schultz and the democrats? congressman ron desantis is here live to talk about why he s demanding a full investigation of her. then the leaker seekers in washington can t find the white house leaks. so i hit the streets to get some advice. how do you catch a rat?
with a rat trap. judge jeanine: once you catch the rat, what do you do with them? you cook them. it s like labor day weekend on top of the fourth of july. hotdogs. get your favorites on top of your favorites. only at applebee s. get your favorites on top of your favorites. i tabut with my back paines, i couldn t sleep and get up in time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i m back. aleve pm for a better am. fitting into my skinny jeans again? that s cool. feeling good in slim fit? that s cool. looking fabulous in my little black dress? that s cool. getting the body you want without surgery, needles, or downtime? that s coolsculpting. coolsculpting is the only fda-cleared non-invasive treatment that targets and freezes away stubborn fat cells. visit today and register for a chance to
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greatest loss in the history of american politics. judge jeanine: president trump blasting the russian investigation at a rally this week in west virginia. this while special counsel robert knewer actually impaneled a grand jury in the probe. jason chaffetz joins us. in my open i talked about the fact we have mueller impaneling a grand jury in a district that tells me he s forum shopping. instead of southeast or the southern district of new york where the campaign was, he s chose be washington, d.c. you as chair of government oversight and reform. hillary sat in front of you. when she sat in front of you, do you think she was being truthful and do you think she should be
prosecuted or at least have a grand jury impaneled in the interest of equal justice? when i had director comey sit before my committee i asked him very specifically did he look at the testimony hillary clinton had given in front of the select committee, and the answer was no. judge jeanine: i think we have that sound. i want to show you saying that to her. did hillary clinton lie under oath? not to the fbi, not on the case we were working. you need a referral from congress to investigate her statements under oath? sure do. judge jeanine: that s not true, is it? i don t think it s true. but he did get a letter from myself and the judiciary committee and the fbi never ever responded to it. i have been frustrated with the
trump administration because the department of justice still hasn t responded to that. they have never given congress and the american people a definitive yes or no yeter she lied under oath. judge jeanine: if she was asked whether she had classified emails on her private server. about she said yes, they have her for the underlying crime. if she said no, they have her on perjury. my frustration with mueller, are you seeing a different justice department now? should this justice department start some grand jury impaneling or at least request them for everybody from hillary to loretta to eric holder? i want there to be a serious investigation. i want them to be held to the same standards. you had an inspector general who found classified information in
a non-classified setting, a violation of law. that is a conclusion of an inspector general. that s far more evidence than anything you heard with the name trump associated with it. whether they impanel a grand jury or appoint a special prosecutor. there has to be justice. there were 300 people identified at the state department that mishandled classified information. that investigation has been open for a year. judge jeanine: now we have the attorney general who has come out saying i m going after the leakers. everybody has to be on notice. what have we done? who has been arrested. don t we know or shouldn t we be able to know who has access to information that the president
is speaking with the present of canada or president or present of australia? only a certain number of people have access to that. i think viewers would be shocked by the stunning number of people who actually have access to a personal conversation that the president is having on official business. i want to see some people in handcuffs. we know they were mishandling this information by the tens of thousands of documents during the when clinton was there. but now with donald trump there, you still have this happening. it s not that difficult to find the whole food chain whether they do lie detector tests or something else. they have to put people in handcuffs. the fact that we haven t gone back. let me ask the question differently. are we wimps? when you have the democrats in power. they will impanel a grand jury
and pull people out of major law firms. they are gunning for our president. we have them by the short hairs. and it s oh, you know, she is a nice lady. i think you are right. when republicans had their chance, remember there are inspectors general coming to conclusions and we still didn t pursue it and insist whether it be fast and furious or benghazi or the clinton email scandal. none of that. it was very, very frustrating. the duly issued subpoenas that are not followed through and the deep state is allowed to continue to do it and now embarrass the president. judge jeanine: we issue subpoenas and they get bleach bit and hammers and they destroy evidence. congressman jason chaffetz, thanks so much. catching the white house rats.
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of his life. a muslim civil rights group offering a 10,000 for information leading to an arrest in the bombing of an islamic mosque in minneapolis. i m robert gray. now back to justice with judge jeanine. judge jeanine: a ton of news on deck to uncover with my panel. let s get right to it. welcome michael. it s your first time here. we are happy to have you on justice. you are a lawyer. let s talk about the leaks. when the attorney general says we are going after the leakers. what is it going to take find them. this is something democrats
and republicans can be bipartisan about. they are not on embarrassing for the president, but for national security in general. we ll have to look at who is in the room when these things are going on. judge jeanine: you know as well as i do, he talk a lie detector, it can t be used in a criminal case. it s an investigative tool to use the lie detector. these leaks are putting all of us in jane ever. the in danger. the transcript of our president and heads of state puts us in danger. it means we won t be able to have conversations between our president and other leaders when we need them. were they done while using a
government computer or phone? we used for bill frisk and we were told anything you send on a government email can be read on anyone in government. judge jeanine: when you say all americans should be concerned about this. what do you think of maxine waters when she said they should leak more. wicky leak is about the dnc. while it was long and a violation of our election. what maxine is talking about is national security. leaks are leaks. judge jeanine: some are worse than others which is why we
extr while we have gray daiti. chelsea manning betrayed her country. she was in the military. when she gave that information, she gave it to a foreign agent. that s a total betrayal. judge jeanine: with the grand jury mueller has impaneled, he has made the decision to impanel in washington, d.c. he put it into the grand jury in d.c. what he believes the rumors are judge jeanine: why? looking at the obstruction of justice that would have come out of the white house. judge jeanine: what were they doing in virginia in the first place? that was about security papers with the nsa. when michael flynn filled out
his security papers it was in virginia. judge jeanine: he s forum shopping. it was the trump campaign, it should be in the southern district of new york. i m concerned about what we are reading about how the special counsel is expanding his investigation to what he considered financial improprieties which is off his original mandate to investigate russian collusion. now we are talking about completely unrelated matters. how can you not look into the financial aspects of it. judge jeanine: we are going to use the special counsel as a bootstrap to get his tax returns? any wrongdoing is being referred to him that has nothing to do finances or russia to try to squeeze trump associates. judge jeanine: federal prosecutors take the person down
the food chain and squeeze the next one and the next one to get their target. there has to be a crime committed. judge jeanine: is collusion a crime? judge jeanine: if it s obstruction of justice, james comey is guilty for not reporting it. the president has the right to fire the f.b.i. director. he serves at the pleasure of the president. i would challenge the president to do it. judge jeanine: let s talk about that fount of virtue, debbie wasserman-schultz. we found out she threw sanders
under the bus, now we have her suggesting the reason she took the part of that employee arrested on his way to pakistan after spending $300,000 of our money he illegally object trained from the credit union, why isn t that in the grand jury. indianapolis something that will be investigated. we should see what actually happened. this guy was fleeing the country. there are criminal allegations. judge jeanine: why can t you say it we can impanel a grand jury on debbie wasserman-schultz. everybody is getting a grand jury. her relationship with this person, why she protected him is very strange and no one understands it. it appeared she might have been threatening capitol police over computer issues. judge jeanine: so, with respect to the immigration, real fast,
wham your take on the suggested legislation by cotton and perdue? i have to say, i think this is a distraction. it doesn t address the problem. legal immigration is not the problem. illegal immigration is at an all-time low. judge jeanine: thanks to trump. that s not true. it s being used as a evening issue because the president is vulnerable heading into 2018. i think we need to give michael credit for making a distinction between legal and illegal immigration. we have a generous legal immigration policy. i would still be open to looking should we have more skilled workers and how we do that. judge jeanine: amy holmes, michael star hopkins. thanks for being with us
tonight. should the attorney general launch a full scale of debbie wasserman-schultz and the democrats? congressman desantis says yes. what are all these different topped & loaded meals? it s an american favorite on top of an american favorite, alice. it s like abe lincoln on top of george washington. yonder. get your favorites on top of your favorites. only at applebee s. get your favorites on top of your favorites. it s happening, it s happening! in the modern world, you can control just about anything
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you have this guy, his wife, two of his brothers, one of the brother s wives and one of their friend had been employed by various democrats for very high salaries. they took in $4 million from american taxpayers. they were being paid what a chief of staff would be paid which is sod. none of us do that for any i.t. support we need. some of these guys were never seen around the house of representatives one of the brothers was working at mcdonald s and another was working at a car company. they may have been no-show jobs. it s an awful lot of money. and they were suspected of access to sensitive information because they had access to the account of the members of the
committees. and you have fraud potential with the equipment they had access to. and the information they had, what did they do to that? because he sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to pakistan. his wife fled to pakistan with $14,000 in cash. judge jeanine: $4 million for no-show jobs, some of them, and i.t. staffer being paid what a chief of staff is paid. then this guy awan ends up being arrested on his way to pakistan after he just wired $300,000, $283,000 to be exact with $9,000 cash on him, just under that $10,000 limit. debbie wasserman-schultz said i wasn t going to let him go because it would have been easy
to fire him despite the fact i had not received any evidence of his wrongdoing. what makes this woman think she deserves evidence of wrongdoing. if there is a criminal investigation, she thriks she should have that information? his access to the network was suspended at that point. this is a guy you are paying a handsome salary to for i.t. support but he s denied access so he physically can t perform those duties, but he was still raking in money from the taxpayer. even if he had not gone to pakistan presumably he was still going to get paid. he his pay was only stopped once he got arrested. judge jeanine: you sent a letter to the attorney general. what are you requesting? as of the time of the arrest
awan and his family members had $1 million in pending real estate transactions and it s easier to wire money to pakistan if it s the proceeds of a real estate transaction. i think given the facts of the case they can do that it s important because we don t know where this money is going. he and his family members have been linked to an iraqi politician who has hezbollah ties. it s not clear to me whether this implicates our national security. judge jeanine: when i compare this to what we are hear being russian collusion there will be is so much evidence that a prosecutor can take and present to a grand jury. when can i report to my viewers that the debbie wasserman-schultz case is being reviewed by congressional oversight and reform.
this woman is a congresswoman. when can we find out when your ethics committees will be investigating it? there is a criminal case against him that we don t know will reach any of the members. there has been an ethics complaint filed against debbie wasserman-schultz. judge jeanine: forget ethics. this woman didn t fire the guy when everybody else did. we have no-show jobs. this is prima facia criminal activity. the house we have to investigate what information these guys took, where did they send it and was our security or the integrity of the house jeopardized by their access to that information. judge jeanine: thanks so much for being with us. set your watch it s almost street justice time.
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there is a rat in the white house. how are we going to find this rat? how do you find rats? get rid of them. judge jeanine: how do you get rid of them? fire them. jean rr how do you finds a rats? a mousetrap? maybe, a big one. judge jeanine: how do we catch them? rat poison? judge jeanine: have you heard about the rats in the white house? have you heard about the leakers in the white house. i have not. judge jeanine: have you read a newspaper lately? i have not. judge jeanine: what do we do about the rats? set a mousetrap. judge jeanine: if you are from cleveland you don t wear shirls that say cleveland. there are a bunch of rats in the white house leaking information.
i m not a politician, but donald trump will take care of it. judge jeanine: nobody is going to confess. how do you catch them? give them false information, see if it gets out, then you know who the rat is. judge jeanine: how do you get them out? disinformation. we black list him and he never works in this country again. judge jeanine: how do you find the rats leaking information? i think they know. it s all a big stunt to make us forget about the things they should be working on. judge jeanine: once we finds them what should we do with them. fay treason. judge jeanine: should we feed them to the fish? what do we do with the rats?
you are a lover. you are very sweet. how do we finds out who these leakers are in the white house? they will have to do the computer work to find out who these people are and be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. judge jeanine: how .we mind how the who is how do we find out who is doing the snreeks. i guess you get somebody to leak it to you. people have a right to know what our government is doing. judge jeanine: what about our national security. we need it. we have to have it. judge jeanine: they are musting our stuff on the front page. i feel pretty secure. judge jeanine: who do you owe that to? soot men and women that have served. judge jeanine: how do you catch a rat? with a rat trap.
judge jeanine: once you catch the rat, what do you do with it? you cook em. they are delicious. judge jeanine: all right, darling, your cameo is over. we ll be right back. crab lover m and new favorites like dueling crab legs with dungeness and snow crab. it s happening right now right here at crabfest. red lobster. now this is seafood. could be preventedrrent with the right steps. and take it from me, every step counts. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. it was always a dream of mine to become a professional soccer player, but i never imagined that i d be playing in kansas city. when i was first elected mayor, they would talk about kansas city, kansas like. i can t wait to get out of here.
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Administration , Law-enforcement-agencies , Offices , Couch , Obama , 48 , Poe-fbi , Loretta-lynch , Meeting , Reporter , Wouldn-t , Reports

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20170720 05:00:00

tonight, instead of looking backward, i will offer them free market capital solutions that even a u.s. senator should be able to understand. the republican party, are they supposed to be part of the freedom party? don t they believe in capitalism and free markets? isn t it time to embrace the things on the campaign trail they say they stand for? for example, i have interviewed a doctor in kansas who runs atlas md. one of the most cost-effective medical practices in the country. he explains how this great system is working for people. take a look. the idea is direct primary care. the new model going forward. we don t take insurance. we don t need it for common things. $10 for kids. $50 for most unlimited for unlimited visits.
one of the biggest lies ever told in american politics. instead of trying to fix the disaster that is obamacare, republicans it s time to offer up conservative, free market, capitalists solutions for the american people. more free market competition. that means letting customers buy insurance across state lines and job to job. how many years have i talked about health care saving accounts? there is a great book about health saving accounts. add to that price transparency and getting rid of strict and unnecessary government mandates that will drive up costs. in other words, the opposite of obamacare. our friend senator ted cruz offered up a great out of the box amendment. it allows people to buy health insurance they want instead of what the government is dictating.
it s simple: you know what you need a lot more than these bureaucrats in washington. according to a new analysis of senator s cruz amendment, enrollment would increase more under his plan than obamacare. premiums would be lowered. if you get sick or hurt, you could use your plan which so many people can t do. ideas like these, this is what republicans need to get behind. we will put them out there. in spite of yourselves, we won t let you fail the american people that are suffering. frankly, republicans, you need to answer a simple question: did you want to be the party of freedom? did you want to be the party of liberty? free market, capitalism or not? you say you do. it s as simple as that. our other top story, the latest
section at the dinner. it was not between the wife of the prime minister of japan. sean: this is pathetic. it shows how lazy these journalists are. look at this head photo. this was not a meeting. it wasn t secret. the conversation happened at a g-20 dinner in front of world leaders, the media and other guests. what is worse, the media were allowed into the room before the meal began. you are looking at the video they shot. the media was in there. how can you say the meeting is secret? those are pictures that show the conspiracy of the press. look at the bottom of your screen. at some point donald trump does something so shocking that never happened before.
he actually walked over and talked to another guest. in this case, vladimir putin who is sitting next to his wife. and president trump and other leaders they also got up. they also talked during the dinner. that s the entire point of the g-20 summit. look at all of the people that were there. the black helicopter conspiracy threorists are foaming at the mouth. it took less than 5 minutes for us to disprove all of their lies. all of their accusations. the destroy trump media is psychotic. they need to be committed. it s laughable. they are suffering beyond trump derangement syndrome. they need help. it doesn t matter what president trump does, they will find
a conspiracy web that shows russia collusion. russia and the media they bubble and fizz and foam at the mouth. it doesn t matter how big the story it. wait until next week. they will be losing it. donald trump, jr. and jared kushner and paul manafort have been called to appear before congress. guess what? if this is the way they want to go, let s get these panels to investigate real scandals and real crimes we have been telling you about. the iranian-1 deal. the fake trump dossier. my advise to the detroit trump media is simple. you have to stop. your credibility is already in the toilet. or don t stop because i will keep laughing at you. you can keep embarrassing yourself and exposing you are a bunch of so lazy, over-paid
left wingers pmd to do one thing: hate the president. you know what you are not doing? this is the shame of all of it with your 24/7 conspiracy threo tv, you are not helping the american people. you are not talking about getting people out of poverty and off food stamps or creating jobs or talking about how to keep america safe. all you care about russia, russia, russia. it s psychotic. i spoke to kellyanne conway. let s start with health care. i am trying to put aside my anger and be more solution oriented. i have known you for over 20 years. we talked about health savings accounts for 20 years. i had a doctor from wichita, he s helped 400 other practices with these cooperatives. $50 a month.
obamacare failed many americans. 83 insurers fled the exchanges. premiums predicted to go down that have gone up $3,000. 6.5 million americans willing to fork over $3 billion to the irs in penalties rather than to pay in obamacare. over 1300 counties will have 1 provider and 40 counties have zero providers. you mentioned health saving accounts. under the current senate bill, for the first time ever people can use that money to pay for their premiums. that s the problem with obamacare. people don t have access to insurance because they don t have an insurance card. they can t use it because of the premiums.
aha money to pay for premiums it s a bigger market per people to get the care they deserve. sean: i wasn t the biggest fan of the house bill, but it s a big step in the right direction. it allows catastrophic care which is illegal under the obamacare law. and health saving accounts. the cruz amendment is helpful to lower premiums. the freedom caucus amendments lower premiums. i don t know. it s so obvious. does the republican party want to be the party of freedom? of free market solutions? to me it s that basic and fundamental. that was discussed today. this could be a very, very big moment for the party and more importantly for the country. we need to look americans in the eye and say when we had a chance to pull back on the government standing between the doctor and
the patient, you and health care for your family affordably, this congress told the nation we stand with you. let s review a couple of the other great things on the bill. this is important. you have the stability fund with billion dollars more in it now. you have to stabilize markets to help cover those with pre-existing conditions. you are saving medicaid which you are saving medicaid which is unaffordable in its current configuration. you give the governors flexible. 44 million dollars for the 44 million dollars for the opiod epidemic. if you don t like the bill, do what ted cruz did. offer an amendment and go to the senate floor and say how to improve it. sean: back to the merkel
dinner because of the bubble and fizz hysteria on nbc and cnn. all the press knew that melania was sitting next to vladimir putin. everybody knew all of these leaders were in the room. everybody knew everybody would be talking. what do you make it s like i want to say to everybody in the media. if donald trump drank and he doesn t, they would say that s russian vodka because they are so obsessed. what is your reaction to the media insanit here? we talk about made in america. they talk about russia, russia, russia. this is over the top. it was a concert and dinner hosted by merkel. arrangements. melania trump seated next to vladimir putin. her husband went over to speak to vladimir putin.
the only interpreter was japanese. the upshot was any description of this as an undisclosed secret second meeting is complete nonsense. that was part of the public schedule. this is what leaders do: they talk to each other just as president putin and trump did. this is just another attempt to bring russia into the conversation. here at the white house they were talking about made in america. these people with their services made in america. very proud from all 50 states here. the president doing a great job putting american workers and keeping these american factories open. sean: they will never report on the good news. but we will. sean: they don t care about getting americans out of poverty and back to work. it s a constant 24/7 obsession.
look at the approval ratings. the president is more popular than the congress or the media. that s true. sean: we are not the media. we are the fair and balanced part. the rest are all sheep. kellyanne conway, thanks for joining us. tonight on this busy breaking news tonight on hannity . because what donald trump has done in the past, reporters, foreign policy analysts and our allies can safely assume the worst. the establishment destroyed trump media. they are losing their minds. they are in a state of psychosis over the fact that the president spoke to vladimir putin at a dinner everybody knew. they both attended. dr. sebastian gorka will join us next and then another example of liberal hate. rosie o donnell tweets with a game involving killing the president. and tomi lahren gets the final word.
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trump s obsession with vladimir putin? because what donald trump has done in the past, reporters and our allies can safely assume the worst. they can safely assume the worst of donald trump. they can safely assume the worst of vladimir putin. sean: i safely assume the worst about liberal joe beging to keep his job on liberal conspiracy tv msnbc. the destroy trump media is in meltdown mode. the president and russian president vladimir putin spoked at a dinner everybody knew they were attending earlier this month. we talked to dr. sebastian gorka earlier tonight. all right, spaceeverybody in the media knew who was in the meeting, right? no surprises here? i spoke to the president. the president told me and the media knew all about it. they were outside. this was an opera meal and
a good-bye for merkel hosting the heads of state with their wives. a massive nothing burger. sean: should you only talk to the people you are seated next to? no talking to other people? that s an excellent question. can i break a story on your show? sean: of course. maybe cnn and the new york times doesn t know, but john kennedy met with nikita khruhchev. it was not hamburg. it was vienna. it wasn t 2017. it was 1961. not only that fdr, historic president met with joseph stalin
at the conference. sean: this is an important question. we have get liberal joe on it first thing tomorrow. whether or not they served vodka. if they did, was it russian vodka? was it tainted in some way? did donald trump take the first sip of alcohol in his life? can i tell you how we react to these stories in the white house, we love it. sean: i hope you laugh. we love it. you know what? because it s just an indicator of one thing: they are desperate. they are desperate. we recaptured mosul. illegal immigration is down. the economy is breaking records and this is what they want to talk about. this is how you have articles in vanity fair that cnn is
collapsing and zucker will loose his job. that s their own fault. they created a crisis of credibility for their own lack of news. sean: you have this beat down in the media. it was brutal. you talk about the cartoon net it work and 50-year-old reruns of cartoons beating cnn s fake news. you have been invited back? not yet. i think they are licking their wounds. when they want to talk about real news, i am ready and waiting. my team is ready to book me. sean: dr. sebastian gorka, always good to see you. when we come back on this busy breaking news of hannity . more reaction to the media meltdown over president trump speaking to vladimir putin. joe concha and rick will weigh in. and rosie o donnell more left wing hate tweeting out a sick game about pushing the president over a cliff to kill him.
this is not funny after what happened to steve scalise. i have a monologue about hollywood hate and tomi lahren the final word tonight.
and let me play (bell ringing) (audience cheering)
and family. meghan mccain said her love for her father is boundless. now back to hannity for all of your headlines. log on to > the president tweeted something is fake news. we consider that to be a day that ends in why? the president refuses to acknowledge his own political reality. i am not trying to make this look sinister. what happened there? it s the president himself who may have made this look sinister. liberal joe, we can count on you. you are not a republican. you are keeping your job at msnbc. another example of the establishment to destroy trump media freaking out that the president at a dinner spoke to vladimir putin.
what is the dinner for? joining us rick and the hill media reporter. joe concha. maybe i am wrong. 22 years on fox. 30 years i have been in radio. i have not been to one washington correspondent s dinner. i don t like those people and they don t like me. i don t want to hobnob with the elitest in the media. i listen to this obsession. did they cover the economy? did they cover creating jobs? america s safety and security? nope. it s all this 24/7. what is your reaction? you have only been on fox for 21 years. sean: 21.5 okay, that s fair.
this is the media cried wolf again. would this be a story if president trump met with the leaders of germany, france or england? of course not. how do you have a secret media with the media in plain state. there are leaders everywhere. the media is suffering from russian fatigue. even allison on cnn said she is suffering from russia fatigue. her show covered russia 93% of the show. it s a remarkable number considering everything else going on in the country and the world. sean: when you go to dinner, do you talk to the other people at the dinner? or only talk to the people next to you? is there a rule i don t know about? there is a rule, that we put our phones in the middle of the table. the first one to grab it has to pay for the dinner.
[laughing] [overlapping talking]. sean: rick, you worked with the un ambassador. i assume when people talk to each with cameras in the room, maybe there is a new rule. you only talk to this person and that person but nobody else. i have been at hundreds of these diplomatic dinners. people always get up and move. they chat. this is where the real work is done. sean, journalists at the state department and look at substance didn t find anything wrong with this. it was just the political media. now the political media gets on
the front page of the paper and gets all of the headlines. the editors and the news director needs to say this kind of gossip reporting is not substance. i am tired of listening to the analysis of a handshake. we have to talk about policy. what was discussed? did we make progress on syria. but substance is pushed off the page. because the political reporters are being rewarded. sean: if we go to dinner, i am not talking to you two. it might be reported we had a conversation. with what you make, you are paying. [laughing] sean: no, i will grab my phone because i am obsessed. 3 in the morning, i am tweeting as you know. good to see you both. when we come back, hollywood
liberals won t stop there their hate and nonsense. advocating violence. this time the culprit rosie o donnell tweeting a game that allows people to push the president off a cliff and kill him. i will explain. also lou dobbs with reaction. also lou dobbs with re the left is at it again. rosie o donnell wants us to pusc the president off the cliff and laugh about it. tomi lahren will have the final words tonight on hannity. but who takes care of dad? office depot, office max. this week, all hp ink, buy one get one 30% off. taking care of business
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welcome back to hannity . rosie o donnell latest hatred of the president is not going away. she joined many unhinged hollywood friends and promoted a game called push trump off a cliff again. why are so many hollywood elitists rooting for violence against the president of the united states? we explore this in tonight s minimonologue. this past weekend rosie o donnell tweeted out a link to a sick anti-trump on line game that encourages user to push president trump off a cliff or
volcano or even an open manhole in new york city or the mouth of a dinosaur. it s a disgusting game. it s meant in gest, but is it really. rosie o donnell now joining the growing list of hollywood elite that dehumanize president trump. normalize violence against him and other republicans. this includes kathy griffin who pose wednesday this picture. so disturbing. we have to issue an warning. it s an isis style photo shoot with kathy griffin holding fake bleed head of president trump. and madonna talking about blowing up the white house. i am angry and outraged. i have thought a lot about blowing up the white house. sean: and this snoop dogg music video.
it featured a mock execution of a person dressed as president trump. look at this. sean: imagine if that was barack obama or hillary clinton or any liberal. marilyn manson also released a music video with trump s likeness and what johnny depp said. take a look. when was the last time an actor assassinated a president? [cheering] [crowd noise] i am not an actor.
i lie for a living. [laughing] however it s been a while. maybe it s time. sean: and shakespeare in the park where a president trump look alike was stabbed to death during a new york city performance. hollywood hates president trump and rosie o donnell and her liberal friends are normalizing violence against our elected president. tonight while congressman steve scalise is recovering after being shot by a deranged left wing-gunman killing republicans. will the hollywood elite realize
their actions and statements have consequences? will hollywood every stop rooting for the president to die and fail and to get impeached? and start rooting for this country to succeed? i doubt that s ever going to happen. up next. right here tonight on hannity , we are so close. we have no democrat help. they are obstructionists. that s all they are good at. absolutely. sean: that s all they are good at. that was president trump going after democrats. lou dobbs will join us reaction. and also tonight: you can imagine if a conservative promoted a game like this about barack obama or hillary clinton? imagine the liberal outcry and the labels. racist and sexist. sean: tomi lahren has the final word tonight. on this busy breaking news night on hannity .tonight. [ dog whimpers ]
that was the president talking about how democrats are offering zero help to fix the problems in the country. nothing to fix the disaster they created known as obamacare. here with reaction, lou dobbs. i am watching them all celebrating and really happy. hang on a second. millions lost their doctors and their plans. what percentage of counties in the country that only have 1 option? they are mandated to buy. at this time average increase in premiums is 6 to $8,000 a year. this is not funny to me or the american people. any ideas? nor should it be. one thing i fault the republicans for is they are not telling the american people of the truth of what is going on. we have seen the number of
people covered by obamacare drop by 20%. we have seen the cost of expanding medicaid, it s 40% higher than the federal outlays in the exchanges for obamacare. while premiums are spiralling. deoctibles are bone crushing to families. we are watching the democrats and schumer are acting like they are cute. because they are not participating. sean: they created the mess. they made the biggest mess. the president is right. they want to go deeper into the mess. they think canada s single payer system is so great. if so why do they flock to the united states for heart surgery or cancer treatment? if their system was so great, why not stay in their own
country? and the left wing media their stories are about the obama legacy. obamacare is more difficult than president trump thought it would or mitch mcconnell. or paul ryan thought it would be. that part is probably true, but they are talking about punishing millions of americans who can t afford obamacare. they are losing access to obamacare. fewer americans by the millions are able to afford and find some way to get obamacare. sean: the next question: look. i have known you for years. you have been on the air for a long time. a great career. i am proud of you. have you done really well. thank you, sir. sean: here s the truth: how many times have we discussed health saving accounts? how many years?
and talked about health cooperatives and free markets and the party of freedom and competition? driving down prices and increasing services? where is this republican party? they are nonexistent. there is no talk about providing insurance and allowing competition and insurance companies competing across state lines. talking about how to do what the president promised we would do which is reduce premiums for health care and improve the quality of care in this country for all americans. he said and not in my judgment entirely jokeingly that we oft just let the obamacare mess spiral to a complete and final resting place and just wait for the democrats to come to the
table and get serious. it may take that for the democrats to join republicans to care about americans. sean: do you care if it s repeal and transition as long as they don t blow the budget out on it? or do you care if they do repeal and replace with the cruz provision? which i like a lot. it drives premiums down. i will take either one. i don t know if they can get that done over the finish line. as long as we all understand. repeal means eliminating higher taxes put in place. by president obama creating obamacare. those taxes have to be eliminated. we have to see any real intelligent free market solution to health care in this country. that s the future. we won t be sean: is there a party that represents free markets? we are hanging on in the
republican party to our principles. we have to energize some of the leadership in the house and the senates. sean: all right, lou dobbs. you know what? we should go to congress and the senate. you and i can solve all of their problems. freedom works. let s go get them. sean: you are dead serious. lou dobbs. he is right. up next on hannity . funny and pathetic and disturbed. sean: tomi lahren is back with the final word for the rest of the week. next. next. when heartburn hits fight back fast with new tums chewy bites. fast relief in every bite. crunchy outside. chewy inside. tum tum tum tum new tums chewy bites.
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final word tonight dedicateed to another case of trump derangement syndrome. rosie o donnell wants us to push the president off a cliff and laugh. lovely. just when we thought the hollywood liberals learned from kathy griffin and johnny depp and the psychos, no nay are displaying their true colors. rosie o donnell says trump is mentally unstable? really? can you imagine if a conservative promoted a game like this against barack obama or hillary clinton. imagine the labels: racist, sexist. i am sick and tired of being called all of those things for supporting the president. but hollywood hate gets a pass. they are not funny. they are pathetic and disturbed. our prayers go out to them. that s the final word.

Senator , Republican-party , Part , Us- , Free-market-capital-solutions , Freedom-party , Markets , Example , Things , I-don-t , Capitalism , Isn-t

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20170819 03:00:00

may be more people to come, is the president has to get back on track.k. he has to honor the promises that he made during the campaign. he has to get a legislative agenda passed by 2018, the start of the new year, otherwise we re going to be consumed next year with the midterm elections. it will be every man and woman for themselves and they re going to be running for the hills. the president needs a staff t around him, that s congenial, and believe me, it s possible, it happens. i worked with two presidents and the staffs had disagreements but they were in the room and once that disagreement was over, and a consensus was had, policy was made and that s what we have to do. you also have to make sure the president understands that you make policy in washington but you sell it on main street. tucker: for sure. i think he already sold it on main street, though. that s what that campaign was about. he ran out a bunch of different things that everybody in hated but the public kind of liked, and he hasn t moved to make those law, for reasons that are not clear, but are a little clearer today.
little bit, but the president needs to get on the road and have an aggressive fall agendael traveling all around america talking about health care and talking about infrastructure and taxes, more importantly, because taxis are the key to picking up our economy and get a get moving again. we have the opportunity now, and donald trump does better than anyone else, to sell his policies. he is the salesman, he is the deal closer, the people around him, they are support staff. they are not the people who are going to be at the end of the day with their signature on the bills that are going to be signed. tucker: me ask you one last question. you ve been in washington a long time.r you ve been a republican in your entire life. rex tillerson said we are going to improvent the state departme. the most important thing you can do is enact a straight system and hiring.t that was sent out loud. he is the secretary of state for the republican administration.
that is going to be the state of play in the republican party, when your head have exploded or would you havetu dismissed it aa lie? my head would ve exploded. look, we ve got to, again, return to the basics of principal and the republican party, things that we believe in, not reinventing things, not things that are not part of our platform, not things that are manufactured by people outside the party who are not believers, we have to return to the core principles that make the republican party a great party. but you can t do that as a freelancer, you can t do that willy-nilly, and you can t do that out of thin air. you have to be principled and that s where your first question is very germane, who are the believers? tucker: i don t know the answer. we re going to try to find out. thanks for joining us tonight. pleasure.e. tucker: for more on the reaction to the departure of steve bannon, we are joined by author, columnist, and thinker mark styn.
mark, did this make america better or worse with bannon gone?or i inclined to the latter because i am worried that the departure of steve bannon makes the trump administration more ordinary and i think the people who voted for trump wanted something extraordinary. and at the risk of quoting myself, which is, i think the first sign of madness, over a decade ago i said it required some genius of for george w. bush to get demonized as a right-wing madmaniz when 90% of the time he was tony blair with a ranch. and i think the same process is underway now, trump is being demonized as the new hitler while inside the building they re basically trying to turn them into jeb bush with a kind of foulmouthed semi-tourettes twitter feed and i don t think that s going to work. the trump agenda, it was very interesting listening, and that was a very sane explication we just heard but he didn t mention the wall, it didn t mention illegal immigration, it didn t mention any of the issues that catapulted trump in june and
july of 2015 into the lead over all 17 sane governors and senators for whom there were no takers among the republican base. tucker: so his voters haveke put up with an awful lot. they are mocked as bigots for supporting him, there is a lot about what trump says it s hard to explain or understand, but they ve stuck with him because he speaks for them on those issues. how long will their patience last? how long until they say, you know what, he s not doing the things i voted for. what s the point of this? i think there s three groups of people. there are people who just loathes trump s style. that includes a lot of republicans. like your pal, bill kristol. then there is people who liketh the style, they like the ways he plays at smash mouth.
but there s a third group of people who recognize he is a curious and idiosyncratic character but he was the only one advancing policy is that cared about. and if you are in these states and towns where the mill has closed. in the factory has closed. and you re listening to these things from marco rubio about a second american century when all you want is for, you know, your remaining life expectancy to be marginally less work, then, i think, i think they do want the trump policies and they are disturbed by the fact that, for example, on national security, we essentially have, i don t know what he s complaining about, when you look at the options in afghanistan,, essentially bill kristol s foreign policy establishment is still in control of the joint. likewise, the obamacare skinny repeal was nothing like what trump was talking about.
[laughter]bo deepest thinker, what do you you make of that? i don t think she s very sound on either theology or the history. because there are actually a lot of satanic iconography is throughout thest history of the christian church. and indeed, these days, whenever certain liberal groups discover that there is a nativity scene on public land, they petitionis for a satanic seem to be included with it. i think there was a famous one in detroit a couple of years ago. but just to stick with her analogy, if the confederacy is satanic, the church, and i m just running with this because her thought popped into my head, then the church of satan is the democratic party. the democrats were the biggest institutional supporters of slavery on the planet in the 19th century, and they re the only ones to have survivedla ino the 21st century.
if you look at other racist parties, the national party of south africa changed its name three times and then completelyo expired. same with ian smith s in rhodesia. and, and, and, and her father, her very own father presided over one of the great, just seven years ago, the funeral of one of the great satanic archbishops whom you mention the other night, robin seabird. never mind guys have been dead for a hundred 50 years, if you land in west virginia, everything in the state is named after him. yes directions, they say youou come out of robin seabird airport, you hang a left on robin seaboard parkway, turn it right, then when you get to the robert seabird sign, he was, and bill clinton said, well, you know, he had a little bit of a flirtation with e the klan.
but he had to do what he had to do to get elected and we ve all been there. let me just reread what he said. i don t want to get this quote wrong.o i d rather quote trampled in the dirt never to rise again then to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongols, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wild. this is not a young man, this is a middle-aged man far older than chelsea clinton an tucker: he is writing to senator bilbo, i think. that s right. and i am a foreigner so i can t tell a grand cyclops to a grand because due to grand wizard. but i think if you forgive a little bit of criticism from your grand public, i think this is what happens when you don t have titles and nobility. people invent stupid titles like grand wizard. but he was one and bill clinton delivered his eulogy. why doesn t chelsea take that up with the satan in her own family
household? tucker: because they are good people, mark. unlike you and me. they are just good people. thank you for joining us. thank you for joining us tonight. have a kliegle weekend. [laughter] tucker: the southern poverty law center is an ideological left-wing organization. the question is why cnn using it to decide what a hate group is? we will talk to the head of one group not a hate group that cnnnn lumped in with the ku klux klan and neo-nazis. we ll talk with someone who thinks it s just fine to silence bad thoughts online. this lovely lady has a typical airline credit card. so she only earns double miles on purchases she makes from that airline. what d you earn double miles on, please? ugh. that s unfortunate. there s a better option.
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tucker: yesterday, cnn published a story with the headline, here are all the active hate groups where you live. this was not a list narrowed to neo-nazis and anarchic, but also had regular conservative organizations like the alliance defending freedom, the family research council, and others. the list was too large and grossly biased and that s because cnn wasn t listing real hate groups they were just listing hate groups as defined by the southern poverty law center which is a totally responsible organization that left-wing organization that casuallyra throws around the tem hate group in order to raise money and it s raised a lot of money doing that. terrifying people.
it eventually scaled back its headlineut changing into the southern poverty law center s list of hate groups. why is cnn doing the bidding of the southern poverty law center? they are not coming on to tell c us why so we asked someone from the southern poverty law center to come want to tell their side but they decline like theyki always do, so instead we are joined by tony perkins was president of the family research council, one of the group slandered by cnn and the splc. thanks for coming on tonight. so, you wake up to see that cnn, which is a supposed news network is describing is a hate group? what is your reaction? it was the fact that it was irresponsible and reckless. this is troubling because the media should not be using the southern poverty law center and their hate map as a means of communicating what is hate and what is not. thert southern poverty law centr and their hate map have been linked in federal court to domestic terrorism and that occurred at our place when a gunman came in armed with 100
rounds of ammunition with the hit list that came off of the southern poverty law center s hate map. so this is real and it s dangerous and it s reckless for the media to use it. tucker: so a lunatic read that your organization was described as a hate group and showed up with a gun in response? it was five years ago that that occurred based upon thiss map that cnn put up, that s a new version of the map it has all of us listed, you can go to the web site and it shows you how to get there, and this gunman confessed to the fbi that s where he got his list was from the southern poverty law center. they want people to think that they re in the crows nest looking on the horizon for america s well-being when they are vultures that are preying on the fears of americans. they ve gone after ben carson and got after the president and even in minnesota they are pushing policy, they are not an objective arbiter sitting on the sidelines, they went into minnesota pushing a liberal policy in a local school, parents organized against them and instead of arguing the merits of whatever the policy was, the southern poverty law center slapped a label of hate
group on these parents. that s how they operate. they are a fearmongering organization that rings over 350 million back thousand dollars. which they are sitting on and offshorent accounts. it is irresponsible for the media to use them as a source. the department of the army has moved away from them, the department of justice, even under the obama administration moved away from them because of their questionable methodology. tucker: they are totally fraudulent and it s not even a close call. they re completely over-the-top. you spend 10 minutes on their web site and it s clear this is not a group concerned about hate, this is a fund-raising organization with a very specific political agenda. smearing people in order to raise money. no journalist, no honest journalist would ever use them as a source. it s shocking, actually. and that s the problem. tucker: last one, did cnn call you? cnn describes you as a hate group. you ve all ready had some
nutcase with a gun show up when this happened last time. that they call you and say hey, we are going to describe you as did they warn you? a hate group? we had a discussion about this, what s happening here in this last week is, again, another case of irresponsibly w from the media. you remember when james hopkins cameyo to washington, d.c., with the hit list. and we don t know the extent to which he was visiting with splc s web site but we know he was communicating with them. his web site his computer s showedal that. but he s dead so we don t know all the facts. steve scalise, a friend of mine, he was on splc s site multiple times. they went after him trying to deprive him of his leadership position. after that, the media then calls for hey, we ve got to ratchet down the rhetoric, we ve got to calm down here. we have not heard those calls this time. tucker: they re completelyar irresponsible. we are out of time. i feel for you.
i hope this doesn t expose you to any dangers. thanks. thanks for coming on. tucker: traditionally the left was wary of large, powerful corporations controlling people s lives. but not any longer. they are in bed with big tech companies who are now minoritieb suppressing minority news online. yes, some of it is disgusting, but a year from now will you be on the list? we are talking to a progressive radio show host who is defending it. stay tuned.
tucker: in the wake of charlottesville, tech companies have decided to start rolling back speech on their platforms. google, go daddy, and cloud fair have all cut surface to the daily stormer, that s a white supremacist web site. airbnb has banned whites the premises from using the site, paypal banned a site from using their service and said it won t stop there. spotify, the music service is purging its music library of hate bands using a list provided by the southern poverty law center. of course. most of these victims are not sympathetic at all, but the question is, in the long run, is it a good idea to allow tech companies this kind of power? we are joined tonight, ethan, what i find so fascinating about this is that liberals traditionally were free speech absolutistses and were deeply suspicious of corporate power. probably both good things. now, every level i know is a toady to big business and
whatever apple and google think it s a good idea, they kind of nod and say it s fine with me. what happened to liberals? in this case, you have speech, as you just pointed out, that is so reprehensible that we reach a line and say, look, this is not the government intruding on somebody s first amendment rights. the platform itself, whether it s google, facebook, go daddy, or others have terms of servicel which relate to things like incitement or violence toward others, or hate speech. so if you are violating a company s terms of service they have the right to pull the plug. that s what we re talking about tucker: you re smarter than that. you re smarter than that. i m not making a legal case. i m not saying that the government has a right to force spotify to play these songs. i m really saying there s a moral case to be made on behalf of free expression and not all of these groups, i don t actually know anything about the daily stormer, i know what v dare is, though, and you may not agree with that it, but they are not espousing violence, they are espousing views that these companies don t like. is it a good idea?
should liberals get behind the censorship of speech that they don t like? i can t believe the liberals are supporting this.ce you run into the philosopher karl popper put forth the paradox of tolerance. when somebody says, i don t tolerate anybody else, thatmi would be the white supremacists in this case, i don t need to tolerate their speech becausese they are intolerant of everything and everybody.o unless you happen to fit their very narrower worldview. i agree that there can be a slippery slope your but this is the free marketplace. if you want to support white supremacists, go create your own hosting company and go create your own music service for white supremacists. tucker: let me just say i m sure i m going to wind up on the splc web site for saying this, but i m not defending white the premises. i don t believe it in and ii don t approve of it. what i believe in his freedom of
expression. in a marketplace of ideas where they compete with one another. if you don t like what somebody saying, make the counter case. beat them in debate, don t shut them down. aren t you as a liberal may be a little bit bothered by the practice at google of eliminating things from should search results? t you don t even know it s there? google has a functional monopoly on search and you know that. let s not pretend. that doesn t bother you? in the case of google that would be the exception. search is like, the one area where they really are like a monopoly but all the other things that you just described are not monopolies, so there really is a marketplace for competition. search is a which is why google is running whole other w animal. into some trouble in places like europe. i don t like the idea that google remove search resultsov just because we don t like what the answer is.on i am with you i on that one. i think there is a dangerous precedent when we shutdown something. tucker: why don t liberals stand up and say that? i m glad to hear you say that. why don t your fellow liberals make their voices heard? this is a really important principle and only liberals can
help preserve it. conservatives are not taken seriously on this issue but liberals are and yet they are all toadies, as far as i m concerned, to corporate power in this case and it s really distressing. i hope you will raise your voice. we are counting on you. thank you. i will, tucker. thank you. tucker: yesterday s terror attack in barcelona wasar very similar to countless other islamic attacks. naturally the press is scrambled to compare to charlottesville instead. we ll talk that over with radio show host tammy bruce who joins us after the break. plus, are you ready for next week s solar eclipse?? should you stare directly at the sun, or not? fox meteorologist janice dean will be here to tell us. when you have something you love, you want to protect it. at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you
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.on the hotel you want. trust this bird s words. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. steak and lobster is back at outback. you asked for it, you got it. starting at $15.99 for a limited time, we re pairing our signature steaks with a mouthwatering, steamed lobster tail. starting at only $15.99. it s time to get back to outback. tucker: one of the most depressing things of yesterday s attack in barcelona is how routine it has begun to feel at this point. deadly mass casualty attackseg happen almost monthly now in europe, and lesser acts of extremism are even more common, not even in the press here
yesterday s attack fit perfectly into this wider trend but i dont tell the press in the united states. years spent trying to downplay islamic terrorism may reach they are peek yesterday when multiple figures trying to tie the barcelona tactic, not to thi islamic terror attacks that have come before, that would seem an obvious part of the chain but instead, somehow, to the attack in charlottesville. there will be questions about copycats, questions about what happened in barcelona, if it b wasn t all a copycat version of what happened in charlottesville, virginia. with the intensity of information that we ve had relatedh to the charlottesville incident over the last five days, it s quite possible that may have precipitated this terrorist group s desire to gain the limelight and carry out a similar attack. tucker: needless to say,
this is news stretched to the point of propaganda. the public isn t learning anything except that maybe they shouldn t trust the media and that sad, because over time, one day the media will wake up to discover the public puts more faith and trust in conspiracy theories than they do in the official story. that s bad for america and bad for the press. maybe they should think it through before they spread garbage like you just saw. tammy bruce is a new york city radio host and she joins us tonight. so, tammy, when you saw the atrocity, maybe charlottesville inspired this? every normal person looks at something like that and we are crushed and we know it s a touristy area, we know multiple countries will be involved, we know people were enjoying their day in a beautiful city, and just walking through a promenade, and the next thing, it was like our american who was killed on his anniversary, first year anniversary gets up to use the bathroom, walks away from his bride and he gets murdered. so these are the things that
remind us about how things can change in a moment. but horribly for american news, americans rely on news networks to find out what s going on around the world especially in tragedies. and you have wolf blitzer. immediately saying that as ani political opportunity. but let me tell you, it s not about downplaying the event. yot i would argue with you in that regard. they see in that example for that network everything through the prism of hating trump and so they saw tartlets bill. charlottesville. they said that we ve attached them to that now, we ve achieved that, so we say that that s a copycat in barcelona, barcelona is his fault as well. so that i think it is more of what we are watching is this inability to see anything t outside of the prism of hating donald trump and when you ve got viewers who are relying on the facts of the matter on thena ground, my goodness, they can t even get straight news anymore from individuals who are pathologically fixated at this
stage. tucker: exactly. i this is an opinion show. you re watching the show and you know you are getting opinions. but if you re watching a news show or reading the front page newspaper, there s an expectation that you are going to find out what actually happened. and the description is not going to be colored by the opinions, political opinions of the person who wrote it. isn t this making all of us just too cynical in the end? on average people going to conclude there is no absolute truth, there is no way to find out what reality was? i think if we refuse to allow that kind of cynicism on, let s say, cnn s part, we see what they re doing and it s obvious but what americans are doing instead is they are cutting the cord, aren t they? the cable companies havehe realized that people are turning somewhere else. but this is a problem for our democracy because media and news, and even opinion is meant to be an estate here, it s meant to really contradict power, tos really be serious about contradicting power, asking the hard questions, and when you
move from not caring what the answers are but making things up in order to achieve your political role, even abandon your job, so that harms all of us and it certainly harms the viewers over at cnn and that hao got to be our commitment with either opinion or news. tucker: nicely put as always. tammy bruce, thanks a lot. tucker: you remember that trump s fall with cuba was supposed to have a better relationship and why is there no evidence that a dozen or more american diplomats have been injured in an attack on americans in cuba? a story you may not have heard before, but an amazing one. stay tuned.
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tucker: the u.s. government recently established diplomatic relations with cuba but all is not well in that communist paradise. recent official that said that six diplomats came in with mysterious illnesses that are believed to be for a hidden sonic device. in response, diplomats have been expelled from the united states. now the washington beacon reports that the attacks were more frequent and affected far more diplomats than had been reported. susan crabtree is a writer, lieutenant colonel scott is a veteran of special forces, they will join us tonight. this is an amazing story, susan, i don t think most people are aware of this. give us the outline of exactly what happened. last week we discovered that the state department finally admitted that six diplomats,
we are saying u.s. personnel, had come down with some mysterious symptoms involving hearing loss to begin with. there are other symptoms, too, that we have learned about, they were pinpointing this as happening late last year in their residences outside the embassy in havana. this supposedly affected six people, that s what they said last week but we have learned that actually it was more like 12-18 people, definitely in the double digits, our sources say, and also, that this occurred much earlier than we previously thought, months earlier, actually, and that timing is critical when you think about the normalization process and president obama leaving his administration and his policy directive. which came october 14th. tucker: right. scott, tell us about these devices, sonic weapons, what do they do and what are the effects? thanks for having me on. it s just another type of a nonlethal weapons system, andn. this one sounds more like an
infra- sonic or ultrasonic type weapon which can, you know, it s physically undetectable really to the victim and it can put in physical pain, harm, even death if exposure is long enough so, it s a nasty weapon. tucker: you can kill someone with a sound he can t hear? prolonged exposure, there been studies that this can possibly lead to death. i don t think there s a lot of, there s not a lot of documented use of this other than riot control, but then the audio harassment is what this really is, is what it sounds like, is that targets were identified and then audio harassment was employed where they lived and operated over a prolonged period, and yes, that can have significant damage on humans nervous system. tucker: that s just shocking. susan, is there any indication your reporting of why the cuban government would want to do this? they hate us, of course, on ideological grounds, but why now?
why u.s. diplomats they are? that s what everyone keeps asking, including myself. the cuban government has denied this, of course, and they are saying, we didn t know anythingg about this, but other people are suggesting that it could be russia that was in cuba at the time, because of the canadian connection, we learned last week that canada is saying that one of its diplomats, too, had come down with similar illnesses, at least one that we know of, and that they are not adversarial, they don t have an adversarial relation with cuba, they don t have a huge trade embargo with cuba, so why would they be targeted at the same time? people are suggesting that it could be russia and their motivations are clear. they don t like this trade embargo, they don t like this new detente that we have with cuba, they would like to have more control over goods andhe services going into cuba,mo they don t want the u.s. to have the embargo with that, that s one speculation, one theory that i ve heard, but, yeah, it s really mysterious especially
because everyone that you ve talked to knows that they know exactly what s going on. tucker: it s just a shocking story. thank you both for that insight. we will keep track of that. for my constipation,
tucker: i will trade my tickle me elmo. [laughs] it s just a reminder that there are some things that are not in our control. this eclipse is going to bring all of america back together. you know the anatomy of anal eclipse? where the moon passes between the sun and the earth, blocking all or part of the sun. the penumbra is the partial a shadow, which the whole u.s. is going to experience. a very small little widespread region, the umbra, that s the full shadow. the totality that s going to go coast-to-coast, tucker, for the first time in 99 years. from the northwest to thee southeast. this area is going to experience total darkness for over 2 minutes in the daytime. it s going to be crazy. it s going to be amazing. it s going to change our lives. yes. the only thing that could ruin the eclipse is the cloud cover.
don t get mad at your local meteorologist if the clouds cover the eclipse. tucker: so you know what that narrow band is? are there any population centers?ha absolutely, nashville. i m going to be in greenville, south carolina, for fox & friends. lincoln, nebraska. the rest of the u.s. is going to get partial eclipse. it s going to be kind of dustyip around 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 in the afternoon. there is your monday forecast. the midwest, that s where we will see the cloud cover. i m hoping we are getting this full effect in greenville where i m going to be. this is a big deal. tucker: you can see why people 300 years ago, beforere they explained the phenomenon might think the world was ending. absolutely. what i want to do for fox &
friends is have a rooster close by. you know what s going to happen? it s going to get dark and the roosters going to think morning has come again. the roosters going to grow. yes, animals could freak out a little bit. the big deal is, if you don t have the sunglasses, they have to be iso 12312 2. they have to be approved. nasa will tell you what you need to be looking for. the last time we had a coastal eclipse coast-to-coast with 1918. do you remember, tucker, back in 1979? i was eight years old. i know i am giving away my age. how exciting that was. it is also very scary. it was almost like don t look at the sun, you could go blind. it s very true.s you cannot look at the sun. an ophthalmologist likens it to being out when it s cloudy and it still getting a sunburn. if you are more apt to look at the eclipse because it s dark out but you re still getting the full effect at that uv light. that s why you have had these really cool sunglasses. tucker: i m going to try to
control myself. i might not be able to. does your new book about on monday? yes, it does. freddie the frog-caster. it comes out on eclipse day. here s a couple of tips. don t look at the sun directly. sunglasses have to provide sufficient protection. these babies. only look at the sun through an approved filter. and remember when you were a kid? we made the filters out of a cereal box and pinhole. those are safe. go online and learn how to do that. you cannot look at the sun. tucker, thank you for promoting freddie the frog-caster. i will be in greenville, south carolina, for the totality. it s going to happen. it s going to change our lives. i love you. tucker: i will be lying in bed, watching you, janice.lo you are theg best.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20170823 05:00:00

here. everybody said you couldn t get that. they ve been trying to get that passed for 40 years. we have great legislation. have you heard the liars when they say trump didn t have legislation. i think we have more in the past seven months, i think we have more than even harry trueman o who , people treating their veterans badly or not harry truman. we can fire people who are doing their job badly or aren t doing a good job. we also obtained historic increase in defense spending to prevent and deter conflict. we believe in peace through strength. we re building up our military
like never before. thousand and thousand of brave americans have paid for our freedom and now it s time to preserve and protect their legacy. last night i laid out a vision for an honorable and enduring outcome in a tough place. a place where our country has failed, afghanistan. this is a place where terrorists are trained. you have people that are not exactly united states fans. can i say that? i will tell you what we re going to do with our incredible military, they re going to make unbelievable sacrifices and they ve already made in some cases the ultimate sacrifice. we re fighting for them and the
trust they need to fight and win. you see as we going on in north korea. all of a sudden, who knows. i can tell you what i said, that s not strong enough. some people said it was too strong. it s not strong enoughso i but jong-un i respect the fact that he s starting to respect that fact very much. and maybe probably not, but maybe something positive can come about. they won t tell you that but maybe something positive can come about.
every american deserve as a country that protects them and fights for them and defends them. and speaking of that you have three congressman in the audience and your governor who pet inside. he said i met me at the plane and said i want to spend my time outside and i said that s a good idea governor. and he s a great governor, governor ducey and congressman andy biggs. get up here. re
for us, okay. the same failed voice ins washington who oppose our movement are the same people who gave us one terrible trade deale after another. who gave us one foreign policy disaster after another. who sacrificed our sovereignty, our wealth and our jobs. we don t need advice from the washington, d.c. swamp. we need right now to drain the swamp. that s what s happening to, believe me. too, believe me. washington is full of people only looking out for themselves but i don t come to washington i ve had a great life. i ve had great success. i ve enjoyed my life. most people think i m crazy to have done this.
agenda. we accomplished historic amounts in a short period of time. we signed more than 50 pieces of legislation. they said we signed none. we signed 50. appointed justice gorsuch and nominated 31 new federal judges with many more on the way. we have canceled job-killing regulation and creating american energy like we ve never unleashed before. wea e we ve ended the war on clean coal and a second coal mine where they ll take out clean
coal it s opening in the state of pennsylvania. the second one. and the state of west virginia which wasin way behind and laggg was now in terms of gdp increase second last quarter to the state of texas. how about that? west virginia. the governor just quit the democrats and joined the republican party. in the proud tradition of our great leaders, george washington please don t take
his statue down. please. from lincoln to teddy roosevelt. they want to take him down too. they re trying to figure out why. they don t know. they re trying to take away our culture and history and our weak leaders do it overnight. these things have been there for 150 years, 100 years. you go back to a university and it s gone. weak, weak people. we are going to protect american industry. we are going to protect the american worker. no longer will we allow other countries to close our factories, steal our jobs and drain our wealth. we are building our future with
american hands, american labor, american iron, aluminum and steel. we will buy americans and hire americans. i immediately withdrew the united states from the disastrous trans-pacific partnership. would have been a disaster. you know one of the worst deals anybody in history has ever entered into. we have begun formal renegotiation with mexico and canada on nafta. i have been talking about nafta for a long time and i m sorry it
took so long. we have to give notice and then you have to wait and then wait a long time. anyway, we started two days ago. personally i don t think we can make a deal because we ve been so badly taken advantage of. they ve made such great deals. most of the country but in particular mexico, i don t think we can make a deal. i think we ll end up terminating nafta at some point probably. but i told you from the first day we will renegotiate nafta or terminate nafta. i don t think you can make a deal without it but we ll see what happens. you re in good hands i can tell you. we are unleashing american energy and i withdrew the united states from the job-killing
paris climate accord. people have no idea how bad it was for this country. great for other countries. we were like the lap dog. our country was so behind.ic since took the oath of office we added more than 1 million jobs. unemployment is at almost a 17-year low. wages are rising. the stock market is at the all-time high in history and economic growth has surged to 2.6%. remember, everybody said you won t bring it up to 1%. you won t bring it up to 1.2%. and we just started. thee regulations we got rid of - and we got rid of regulation but
it will be sensible. they ree unleashing our economy. we have a gdp two weeks ago was announced for the quarter 2.6%. i said we d try to hit 3%. maybe i ll have to increase any offer. so many people, the economic count council said we ll take a pass and people are now calling me.ow people that were like, we ll take a pass. don, let s get together for lunch. can we do it privately instead of through a council. they don t get it. they re calling and saying how about getting together
privately. why should they be on a council? that s the way it is, folks. to bring more jobs and industry to our shores we are commit to passingsi the first major tax reform in over 30 years. we need the help of congress. we re giving you the biggest tax cut in the history of our country. the democrats will find a way to obstruct. if they do, remember they are stomp you from getting a massive tax cut. just remember that, okay. america s crushing business tax is a massive self-inflicted economic wound. we have one of the highest business tax rates anywhere in the world pushing jobs and
wealth out of our country. that s why we re going to lower the tax on american business to bring back those companies bring them back to our country and we want more product stamped with made in the usa. we also want everyday americans to be able to keep more of ther own money. so for the democratic senators especially the ones where i won their states by 20 and 30 points, i really hope you re going to come over to our side because when you have 52 republicans, if you lose two that s the end. as good as something is it s hard to get 51 out of 52. i hope some of the democrats that will lose their election will come over and give everybody a big beautiful tax cutan which is going to be grea for the economy.
it s time to pass a tax cut for middle-class families. we ll make america the best place to hire, grow and start a business again. we want to lift our people from welfare to work. from dependence to independence and from poverty to prosperity. we re going to do an infrastructure bill and build highways, railways, waterways across our land. our greatest creations, our most incredible buildings and works of art are waiting to be brought to life. american hands will build this future. american energy will power this future.
we have become an energy exporter for the first time just recently. american workers will bring this to light. we are the nation that dug out the panama canal and put a man on the moon and defeated communism. we can do anything and build anything. it s time to remember what our brave soldiers never forgot, americans share one flag, one home and one glorious destiny. we live according to the same law, raise our children by the same values and we are all made
by the same almighty god. as long as we remember this and have enough strength and courage in ourselves, there is no challenge too great, no task too large, no dream beyond our reach. we are americans and the future belongs to us. the future belongs to all of you. this is our moment. this is our chance. this is our opportunity to recapture our dynasty like never before. to rebuild our future. to deliver justice for every forgotten man, woman and child in america. freedom will prevail. our values will endure. our citizens will prosper.
arizona will thrive and our beloved nation will succeed like never ever before. so to americans young and old near and far and cities small and large, we say these words again tonight, we will make america strong again. we will make america wealthy again. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again. thank you, arizona. god bless you. thank you. thank you. president donald j. trump the 45th president of the united states speaking for about an
hour and 15 minutes in front of a friendly crowd in arizona. the president spent about 30 minutes castigating the media for the coverage of charlottesville, virginia and his remarks about that. relitigating his statements to prove how many times he spoke out against racism, bigotry and neo-nazis and the kkk and the marching. he opened the speech with a long tick-tock of his own words. the president did not mention the two arizona sitting senators by name and criticized them nonetheless and the vote that preventing repealing obamacare and referred to senator flake but not by name. his administration labelled some successes but some things stoods out tonight.t. on his southern border wall,
said, quote, if we have to close down our government, we ll build that wall. an interesting comment for the coming weeks. on trade as nafta is being renegotiated he said, quote, we ll probably end up terminating nafta and ended with praising theor troops saying wel make america strong and safe and great again. with that let s get analysis from our panel. fox news white house correspondent and matt schlapp the contributor with the hill. that s as good as anything i ve heard on the campaign trail and he is relitigating charlottesville. clearly he had something he wanted to get off his chest and we were discussing this. the president had i think a clear win last fight with his
speech with the new policy in afghanistan. some people complaineded about lack of detail but that was deliberate on the part of the president and now he s changed the subject again and what you ll see is when he was recounting what he said about charlottesville he left out the part that was the most controversial that got him in so much trouble even with members of his own party saying there s blame to go around on both sides and there s fine people on both sides of that argument as well. i thought it was interesting a couple things. he made policy tonight saying he ll shut down government if need be in order to get the wall built. i think we also saw a nod towards the midterm elections where he said if the democrats don t give you tax reform they have stood in the way of giving you a tax cut. that s an argument for the state of california because the democrats are trying to win back what they need to take back the
house. already they re laying the groundwork for that. for his supporters this is catnip. it s been candidate trump and it s trump being trump. however, for people in the administration as the some concern they could have had the speech last night last a few days at least before over taking it by an event like this. this is how president trump likes to strum the cords of driving the message. chords of driving the message. if have you a good speech and you re getting good feedback on an importantin issue you want i to play a couple days. that s just not the way he plays the game. what s really interesting, i ve noticed the last couple of several days, we re not talking about a special council and russia and interesting he keeps
flooding the zone with interesting news coverage and this will do that again tonight. it s a campaign rally but i think it s his attempt at unity by going in front of a major audience and knew people would be watching. i think his staff is probably not happy he went back to the charlottesville rhetoric and commentary but he felt he needed to defend his words and himself and more importantly something i felt was important he said personally they re attacking my supporters as if they re racist and they re not. whether you re a trump supporter or not are tired of the left accusing them for racism for simply disagreeing with them. if you disagree with taking down a confederate statue you re a racist. in terms of him getting his message out he ll get the last word whether it s a distraction to his agenda or not and that s what we saw tonight. i ve said on the panel before
sometimes washington and new york and l.a. sees it through a different prism and does the scorecard differently and perhaps middle america and arizona. what did you see tonight and does this walk for him? it does and it doesn t. he played all his greatest hits from the campaign to his presidency. the crowd waited outside for hours and placed 1900 people. the base is still there and want to see him and he puts on a she and theye wanted to see the sh. he started with a unifying theme and he had some of that in his beach last night then went off track and relitigated charlottesville. if he s going to recover ground and be seen as the president of all americans and a healer i m not sure he made it up tonight. at the end it looked like he was talking to his base and supporters about his agenda. i don t know he was bringing anybody back to him or converting anybody. does the media bashing work?
yeah, it always has for him. we saw this on the campaign trail. on a couple occasions he went so far as to almost become dangerous and as a responsible leader he went far and almost did tonight. i thought he was going to call an audible and i saw john kelly in the back going he started winding up on joe arpaio and basically said, don t worry. you can plan to have a nice christmas. you won t be in jail because a pardon is coming. let s listen to that. was sheriff joe convicted of doing his job? he should have had a jury. but i ll make a prediction. i think he ll be just fine. i won t do it tonight because i don t want to cause any
controversy. sheriff joe can feel good. he s essentially saying the prediction s coming true. the check s in the mail. i think we can expect it in the next if you days. the mayor said please don t do it. it s not appropriate. people were saying to pardon him at a political rally would be the wrong thing for a president to do. the sheriff was convicted of corruption in a court as far as criminal contempt. it s a misdemeanor charge but he can be fined or spend time in jail. the president all but said don t worry, joe. i ve giving you a get out of jail free card. the president mentioned he doesn t want to cause controversy. there s been talk on a national level about the pardon but he was the sheriff for 27 years in the county and was wildly
popular until a couple months ago and they feel the government singled him out for enforcing the immigration law and as the presidented pointed out today, illegal immigration affects every sector of the arizona economy, how people live, the job market, the community safety. for him to say it there of course he s going to get applause. he is still respected there for the job he did as sheriff. it s a classic trump moments. there were moments where he was trolling his own staff. i don t want to name names. he had a couple moments. he thrives on this sort of thing thumbing his nose at bi conventions. he even joked at one point saying, well, they say it s not being presidential. he knows it s not presidential
and it s trump doing what trump does and we ll see if it gets him anywhere. like when he said they told me not to say it but james mad dog mattis will be my secretary of defense. don t mention any names. so i won t. i won t. one vote away. int will not mention any names. very presidential. nobody wants me to talk about your other center who is weak on borders, weak on crime so i won t talk about him.
nobody wants me to talk about him. nobody knows who he is. that s senator flake who the center mitch mcconnell supports. the committee has laws that governs what it does and supports incumbents. what donald trump does is he supports people who support his agenda and goes after people who don t. i will tell you as a strong republican but a conservative first what john mccain did on health care is one of the worst acts of political cowardice and
he s a brave man but a lot of us are sick of him being in the senate. as we look outside the hall there s some tear gas that s been fired by the authority. the police putting on their gas masks. the protests at the beginning of the rally were tame. heard the president mention that. small numbers. we don t know the numbers out there now but we know jonathan hunt our chief correspondent is out there and can paint a picture for us, jonathan. this has suddenly turned into a different scene. there were thousand of protesters on the streets directly outside the convention center. it had been extremely peaceful. it is now. where you re looking is opposite the convention center. they re firing smoke canisters to disperse the crowd. the trouble where it appeared to begin was with a group of antifa
activists earlier clad in the black uniforms and their masks. i do not know that s the particular group the police dispersed. the smoke now billowing across the street in front of the convention center here and i assume for the moment, bret, all those who were attending the rally inside will be held for the moment. we have not seen large numbers coming out. a lot of the protesters i can tell you are dispersing now. those who did indeed come here for peaceful protests and as the smoke thickens it is hard to see what is going on in the epicenter. the police have gone in with the rifles and smoke canisters drawn and fireds. them on at least i would say four or five occasions i have heard. this has turned into a very different scene for the moment than what we saw for many hours
earlier when it was an entirely peaceful protest by thousand of anti-trump activist. we want to be response in what the scene is and what authorities are doing but sometimes in these events the focus on it fuels some of the reaction to it. it seems like jonathan they were prepared for something big. there was a lot of authority and police presence on the streets already? absolutely, bret. the phoenix police department number has all officers on duty or on call not far from the streets. it was a large crowd. difficult to estimate without an aerial view but it was certainly in the thousand.
the capacity is 19,000 and that was close to capacity with trump supporters but there were many thousand out on the street protesting donald trump as well. the protests were organized largely by social media. the police were able to monitor that. 4,000 said they were attending one of the rallies according to thet organizer s facebook page. the police were here in numbers and fully equipped. every police force around the country has learned from the presidential campaign and the kind of protests we saw then. i would say this say larger crowd was a larger crowd than any protest crowd i saw on the campaign trail and we attended many protests particularly out in the west. this has been the largest crowd. it s thinned out very rapidly as you can probably see now. we are down i would estimate to
not much more than 100. it would be fair to say the vast majority of protesters were peaceful in nature and got out as soon as it became a little bit ugly with the smoke canisters fired by the police for whatever reason. again, iad can into the say wha sparked that move by the police but it was in the area we d previous previously saw antifa. we have our chief correspondent john roberts. the president is out of the area. so many times on the campaign trail you d have protesters
outside of whatever facility the president was about to speak at and there were words exchanged between protesters and the rally but after the rally is when you saw trouble. we saw that in chicago at the rally the president canceled when people started filing out and protesters gave them trouble. we saw it notably in san josé where some protesters violently attacked people trying to leave the trump rally and go back to their cars. it seems in this particular case the crowd remaining is smaller than some on the campaign trail. this is always the biggest probleml. for police. when the two sides meet after coming out of a charged rally and peopleed have been standing outside particularly in the heat voicing their opposition to what s going on inside is when tempers get heated and these things can police according to social media are warning protesters to
leave or get tear gassed, if you will. they have been taking some people throwing things at police officers. we re getting from the local affiliate. we just saw a local affiliate reporter with his own gas mask on preparing to cover this. let s keep talking about this event. one thing the president did hear is in the only the media bashing and we heard that before and deployed his own political success but went after and mentioned some groups like antifa. at one point he screamed antifa and said they were coming after his supporters. no question. i think first on the question of the media it s sensitive for everybody because obviously we interact with the media who are involved in politics and trying
to talk about these issues. but for decades, conservatives tried to explain there was a liberal tilt and didn t feel they had a fair case. if you look at the harvard study on the coverage of donald trump it s overwhelmingly negative. there s been nothing like this. leave it to donald trump who is a marketing genius to turn it into the concept of the fake news and we ve tried to win that concept for 50 years. he s winning the idea that you don t always get a fair shake with every reporter and every news outlet. a fair shake is one thing but enemy of the people is another. i didn t hear enemy of the people tonight. i heard it before. i think it s too far and t we le to say the media. it s not monolithic. it s incredibly diverse.ot i don t think katie pavlich is part of the liberal bent media and thank god in 21st century america there s a great diversity in media and the
american people have the ability to choose what they want to listen to and moving from the great old names of media. it s their own fault for that. we are looking live in phoenix outside the area where president trump just spoke to friendly reporters to not so friendly protesters. let s listen into the media sound bite from the president and bringte in a couple other folks. the very dishonest media these people up there with the cameras, they don t want to report that i spoke out forcefully against hatred, bigotry and violence and strongly condemned the neo-nazis the white supremacists and kkk. one day, he didn t say it fast enough. he didn t do it on time. why did it take a day?
he must be a racist. let s bring in howard kurtz. the 30 minute ex coriation may have shattered reports and many are critical of the charlottesville remark. what surprised me is two things. it s fine for him to say that the media have distorted his message after the violence in charlottesville but when he said his words were ignored. that s not true. many phrases he read were reported and played on television. more importantly he got a lot of praise to mainstream media from the afghanistan. this extends the life of charlottesville which was
starting to fade a little bit so i was surprised the president was relitigating it. i know his supporters love that but the afghanistan story and immigration in arizona seem to be a stronger card right now than going back to charlottesville. doctor, your thoughts? you want to unite the country, bash the old media. everybody sitting there tonight felt the same. they don t like it and they love to say finally we have a voice for all these years. conservatives have complained and people feel they have a voice in this president and why he dedicated so much time to that. there s a psychological component in play. he says in almost a vailed way, those who notice how barred the media are, you re onto something. you re smart. the other message is if you re smart, you should lookk at the
media. this m antifa attack right afterwards looks like the president was clairvoyant the whole time. you re not saying ration tensions are based on the media? they have stirred it up and not been straightforward in a lot of cases. conservatives contend they haven t gotten the real story on the violence we re seeing before our eyes now. conservatives see this and want somebody to call these people out. they feel that s what the president did in all likelihood. it s not tear gas, it s smoke canisters we re being told by police in phoenix. they re dealing with a smaller crowd. as we continue to monitor this and see what comes out of the speech there s another development that seems to be in
the president s wheelhouse and may not have known about it as he took the stage but you have espn removing this announcer, robert lee from a game in virginia because his name is robert slee. he s an asian american. espn putting out a statement we made a decision to remove him because coincidence. we regret that who calls the play-by-play for a football game has become an issue. bret, it almost seems like a bret, it almost seems like a parody. it s idiocy and journalistic ridiculous overreaction. you can play football for years without a helmet would anybody a
think he s an des charlotte. the university of virginia game he s the president talked about the statues. they didn t reference this but he did hit on the political correctness theme. when i first saw the story about the naming of this guy because his name was robert lee and then my second thought was after i realized it wasn t a joke they still teach history enough that people even know who that was in our history books? the monument argument is so far
out of control and the only people paying attention are on the coast, on the bubble. middle america is watching shaking their head. case in point, maybe the straw that broke the camel s back this particular story to say this narrative that has taken over the russia collusion story. this is the new one. it s out of control. america s not paying attention to this or taking it seriously. thank you very much. we ll continue to look at live pictures here out of phoenix. we re getting word that the crowd is dispersing. so far it seems to be calm. we ll get a wrap-up. it s much calmer than 20 minutes or so ago. there are hardcore protesters i would say. the number in a couple hundred. i can see from our vantage point
and what you re looking at i think they re being pushed back by the police. they re being pushed west of the convention center away from it. a line of police in riot gear. we ve seen time and time again when these incidents happen they form a line and push them slowly back, yard by yard, bit by bit until they get further and further from the site. what we saw earlier was flash bangs and smoke being fired by the police to aid in the dispersal of the crowd. they did not at any point use tear gas. i d been entire gas too many times and as the just smoke. they haven t gone to the heavier measures at their disposal. they have that option to use tear gas if they want to. they have not gone to that at this point and for the moment
looks calmer. bret, i would say there s a hardcore group i saw about 50 of the antifa activists clad in their black uniforms, black masks and the v for vendetta style masks you ve seen them wear. they re hardcore. it s in that region where the major police action has been happening. as i sayay right now it looks a though things have calmed down. it can always flare up again but certainly police at the moment in phoenix seem to have p a gri on this thing and the crowd has thinned out from several thousand to a couple hundred at this point. jonathan, thank you. keep us abreast of the situation. we ll get off these pictures as it disperse there s and get final thoughts with the panel. matt, watching twitter and social media obviously people come down on both sides based on where they were going in to this night. some people saying uniting the
country and the base are not the same thing. others saying this speaks to something they haven t heard in this country which is a plain-spoken president. let s make something really clear which is donald trump s presidency is a lot of about what happened during eight years of the runaway rule of barack obama. we never saw a president certainly not a president in my life time use his executive authority, some say unconstitutionally to cut out congress and do things unilaterally and i ll give him credit andhi he got in his agen by hook or by crook with the pen and because theret was no bipartisan consensus this was a massive reaction in the country. there s a big swath of the country, they want to fight. i don t want to see it turn
violent. i hate seeing video like we ve just been watching but there s no question it s legitimate for that swath of the country to say now we want our agenda. that will help most the country. president trump on the agenda. i m here tonight to send a message, we are fully and totally committed to fighting for our agenda and we will not stop until the job is done. john, that is what the president says and what he said to the crowd but the new york times head lane locked in an agenda seems like a different battle. i was talk a source in the administration tonight and i asked about that and asked about
the fight between the president and mitch mcconnel and i was told there s an ebb and flow in all relationship. they re not heading for divorce court. they expect the relationship will begin to turn around. the president is frustrated. he wanted obamacare done in the worst way and it wasn t so much about health care but the pot of $1 trillion he wants to allocate. it was about the last 40 years. he s changed the ph balance of the republican party on trade and foreign policy and that s where the divide is in the country and we re seeing exacerbated by small groups and fueled by the media.
most the country didn t associate with either group. as the battle for the republican party goes forward. they need to realize the voters will blame them. they won t blame president trump. you look at mish mcconnel s numbers and senator flake and voters are fed up with washington, d.c. they have been election cycle after election cycle. they voted president trump in and if they aren t going to get anything through, republican senators and house senators will be theub ones paying for it not the white house. we ll see. thank you for sticking around. finally tonight one of our favorites, one of the original hires here at fox news announced today he is retiring and we re going to miss him. if you ve ever seen campaign coverage ever on fox news channel you knew him. carl cameron, fox news. travelling with the president in cancun.
where are we? buford. they sent him everywhere. he was one of fnc s original come from wmur in new hampshire. fox had him covering capitol hill. he was chief white house correspondent but best known by two words, campaign carl. covering all aspects of campaigns across the country. breaking big stories. george w. bush sat down for g h final network interview before the presidential election. getting big interviews. and being in the fire. i often travel to the same places on campaign trails and worked along side carl for 20 years at state fairs with bad food and add conventions with
falling balloons. he is a really nice guy who wrote us all an e-mail today saying after nearly 22 amazing, challenging, wonderful years i m retiring from fox news. i ll always be immensely grateful for the relationships and experiences and many lessons over the last two decades and fox s president of news jay wallace said he has been the heart and soul of our journal i am for the existence of fox news. we re sad to see him go but understand his desire to retire and e embark on a new chapter oa storied and stellar career. from all of us, campaign carl we ll miss you. good luck. we salute you. enjoy your retirement. don t be a stranger. thank you for inviting us into your home tonight. that s it for this late-night edition of special report. join us at 6:00 p.m. eastern

Everybody , 40 , Legislation , Liars , Didnt-have-legislation , Seven , People , Veterans , Boo-who , Harry-truman , Trueman , Job

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20170819 00:00:00

home and hillary clinton administration. indeed, he was one of the rare republicans there and the only, or one of the very few, populist conservatives. that s strange, since populist conservatism is the platform his boss ran on. like trumpet candidate, bannon was willing to criticize big republican donors in their ideological stranglehold in a corrupt g.o.p. establishment. he s able to break with orthodoxy and big and dramatic ways con for higher taxes, better infrastructure, fewer pointless wars around the world, and more. he understood that the country s greatest crisis isn t robert e lee statues but the steady economic and moral decline of its once robust middle-class. not surprisingly, traders on wall street cheered when he got fired this afternoon. the dow shut up 100 points on the news. lobbyists in washington will be celebrating late into the night. the funny thing is, that in some important ways, steve bannon was more traditionally liberal than the liberals who spent the last
year shrieking for his head. not that you would know that from the coverage, everything is identity politics and also has ideological opponents attacked him from the very beginning as a bigot. he was always a ludicrous charge , he is a flawed guy, but not in that way. just yesterday he called white nationalist buffoons and losers . it s not steve bannon who is obsessed with racism, it s the activist left in the morons who do their bidding in the media. after his departure was announced, huffington post ran this headline. exactly what with it even means, it s disparately some kind of jewish joke, but even keith olbermann complained about it said to change the headline to white flight. identity politics now, identity politics forever. there was never any real attempt in the press to understand or critique exactly what bannon was saying saying, ideas and policy are not interesting to reporters , mindless tribalism is , so that s what they cover. this is toxic and obscures the
issues that actually matter. instead of looking at real problems like rampant drug addiction or economic inequality , and those are real problems, and trying to find solutions to them, the left is obsessed with finding and enjoying destroying the imagine racist in our midst. with banning on, they will move on to somebody else, and they will. see when you about steve bannon, and you can see a lot a lot, but he never forgot what trump got elected in the first place and in a democracy that is not a small thing. he kept an office full of campaign promises, which has probably all ready been taken down by now. blakeman was an advisor to george w. bush and he joins us tonight. thanks for coming on, brad. so with steve bannon gone, who left among senior staff wholeheartedly agrees with what trump ran on. i think steve miller obviously has been there for sometime, but it s not necessarily the people who get you to the white house that you need around you when you finally get there. and i think the main thing that has to be done, now, once the
should be leaning on. success is going to be driven by the president being able to keep his promises. yes, but you got to have people around you who agree with those promises and are trying full time to subvert them, as a lot of the people around him are this is the macro view as far as i can tell. to the left hates trump, that s never going to change. he fires bannon, nancy pelosi releases a statement decrying him as a race to spread the press in washington hates him almost as much, maybe more so, so the only people who like him are people who voted for them in middle america, and bannon was kind of there man in the white house. so once you lose them, where s your constituency customer coos for you? the president needs to do what he does best and that is, in the fall, go out and sell his policies and his promises that he made. now is the hard part, now you have to implement them. get to go to peoples districts and help them. he also has to go to those districts are people who were against you and kick them a little bit, but the president needs to get on the road and
have an aggressive fall agenda traveling all around america talking about health care and talking about infrastructure and taxes, more portly, because taxes are the key to picking up our economy and get it moving again. we have the opportunity now, and donald trump does better than anyone else, to sell his policies. he is the salesman, he is the deal closer, the people around him our support staff, they are not the people who are going to be, at the end of the day, with their signature on the bills that are going to be signed. let me ask you one last question. even in washington a long time, even a republican your entire life. rex rex tillotson, secretary of state came out today and said we are going to improve the state department. the most important thing you can do is enact a straight system and hiring. they set out loud, he s a secretary of state for republican administration. if the money had said to you that is going to be the state of play in the republican party, would are head have exploded or would you have dismissed it as a
lie? my head would ve exploded. look, we ve got to, again, return to the basics of principal and the republican party, things that we believe in , not reinventing things, not things that are not part of our platform, not things that are manufactured by people outside the party who are not believers, we have to return to the core principles that make the republican party a great party. but you can t do that as a freelancer, you can t do that willy-nilly, and you can t do that out of thin air. you have to be principled and that s where your first question is very germane, who are the believers? i don t know the answer. we re going to try to find out. thanks for joining us tonight. pleasure. tucker: for more on the reaction to the departure of steve bannon, we are joined by author, columnist, and thinker mark stein. mark, did this make america better or worse with bannon gone i inclined to the latter
because i am worried that the departure of steve bannon makes the trump administration more ordinary and i think the people who voted for trump wanted something extraordinary. and at the risk of quoting myself, which is, i think the first sign of madness, over a decade ago i said it required some genius of for george w. bush to get demonized as a right-wing madman madman when 90% of the time he was tony baer with a ranch. and i think the same process is underway now, trump is being demonized as the new hitler while inside the building they re basically trying to turn them into jeb bush with a kind of foulmouthed semi tourette s twitter feed and i don t think that s going to work. the trump agenda, it was very interesting listening, and that was a very sane explication we just heard but he didn t mention the wall, it didn t mention illegal immigration, it didn t mention any of the issues that
curious and idiosyncratic character but he was the only one advancing policy is that cared about. and if you are in these states and towns where the mill has closed in the factory has closed and you re listening to these things from marco rubio about a second american century when all you want is for, you know, your remaining life expectancy to be marginally less work, then, i think, i think they do want the trump policies and they are disturbed by the fact that, for example, on national security, we essentially have, i don t know what he s complaining about , when you look at the options in afghanistan, essentially bill kristol s former policy establishment is still in control of the joint. likewise, the obamacare skinny repeal was nothing like what
trump was talking about. i think at a certain point the people who voted for trump did not vote for john kay sick or jeb bush or marco rubio with a slightly wackier personality. they want the trump policies as well as the trump personality. tucker: that some people who don t really care about his personality or his dumb tweets, they just want to see the essential problems of the country addressed in an honest way on the parties are not capable of doing that. meanwhile, bannon s ouster has not ended the left restate against confederate statues. as part of work, chelsea clinton treated this. the story of lucifer who rebelled against god is part of many christian traditions. i ve never been in a church with a lucifer statue. this might be the first question you ve ever gotten about chelsea
the 21st century. if you look at other racist parties, the national party of south africa changed its name three times and then completely expired. same with ian smith s in rhodesia. and, and, and, and her father, her very own father presided over one of the great, just seven years ago, the funeral of one of the great satanic archbishops whom you mention the other night, robin seabird fred never mind guys have been dead for a hundred 50 years, if you land in west virginia, everything in the state is named after him. yes directions, they say you come out of robin seabird airport, you hang a left on robin seaboard parkway, turn it right, then when you get to the robert seabird sign, he was, and bill clinton said, well, you know, he had a little bit of flirtation but he did what he had to do to get elected and we ve all been there.
let me just redo what he said. i don t want to get this quote wrong. i d rather quote trampled in the dirt never to rise again then to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongols, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wild. this is not a young man, this is a middle-aged man far older than chelsea clinton and tucker: he is writing to senator bilbo, i think. that s right. and i am a foreigner so i can t tell a grand for from a grand cyclops to a grand kazoo, but i think if you ll forgive a little bit of criticism, i think this is what happens when you don t have titles and ability. people invent stupid titles like grand illegal and grand was due. but he was one and bill clinton delivered his eulogy. why doesn t chelsea take that up with the satan in her own family
household? spoon because they re good people, mark, unlike you and me. they are just good people. thank you for joining us. thank you for joining us tonight havoc havoc legal weekend. [laughter] spin the southern poverty law center is an ideological left-wing organizations of the question is why is cnn using it to decide what i hate group is? of next will talk to the head of one group that cnn lumped in with the clan and neo-nazis . we ll talk with someone who thinks it s just fine to silence bad thoughts online. ugh. that s unfortunate. there s a better option.
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tucker: yesterday, cnn published a story with the headline, here are all the active hate groups where you live. this was a list narrowed to neo-nazis and anarchists, but it also had regular conservative organizations like the alliance defending freedom, the family research council, and others. the list was too large and grossly biased and that s because cnn wasn t listing real hate groups they were just listing hate groups as defined by the southern poverty law center which is a totally responsible organization that casually throws her around the term hate group in order to raise money and it s raised a lot of money doing that. terrifying people. dean and eventually it scaled back its headline changing it to the southern poverty law center s list of hate groups. why is cnn doing the bidding of
the southern poverty law center? they are not coming on to tell us why so we asked someone from the southern poverty law center to come want to tell their side but they decline like they always do, so instead we are joined by tony perkins was president of the family research council, one of the group slandered by cnn and the splc. thanks for coming on tonight. so, you wake up to see that cnn, which is a supposed news network is describing is a hate group? what is your reaction? it was the fact that it was irresponsible and reckless. this is troubling because the media should not be using the southern poverty law center and their hate map as a means of communicating what tate and what s not because this, in particular, the southern poverty law center and their hate that have been linkedin federal court to domestic terrorism and that occurred at our place when a gunman came been armed with 100 rounds of ammunition with the hit list that came off of the southern poverty law center s
hate map so this is real and it s dangerous and it s reckless for the media to use it. spoon so a lunatic read that your organization was described as a hate group and showed up with a gun in response? it was five years ago that that occurred based upon this map that cnn put up, that s a new version of the map it has all of us listed, you can go to the web site and it shows you how to get there, and this gunman confessed to the fbi that s where he got his list was from the southern poverty law center. but they want people to think that they re in the crows nest looking on the horizon for america s well-being when they are vultures that are preying on the fears of americans. they ve gone after ben carson and got after the president and even in minnesota they are pushing policy, they are not an objective arbiter sitting on the sidelines, they went into minnesota pushing a liberal policy in a local school, parents organized against them and instead of arguing the merits of whatever the policy
was, the southern poverty law center slapped a label of hate group on these parents. that s how they operate. there a fearmongering organization and averaged over $350,000 which they re sitting on and offshore accounts. it is irresponsible for the media to use them as a source. the department of the army has moved away from them, the department of justice, even under the obama administration moved away from them because of their questionable methodology. spoon they re totally fraudulent and it s not even a close call. they re completely over-the-top. he spent 10 minutes on their web site and it is clear that this is not a group concerned about hate, this is a fund-raising organization with a very specific political agenda smearing people in order to raise money. no journalist, no honest journalist would ever use them as a source. it s shocking, actually. and that s the problem. spoon did they call you, tina describes he is a hate group, you ve all ready had some nutcase with a gun show up when
they happened last time, did they call you to say hey, were going to describe your organization as a hate group, did they warn you? we had a discussion about this, what s happening here in this last week is, again, another case of irresponsibly from the media. your member when james hodgkins came to washington, d.c., with a hit list and we don t know the extent to which he was visiting with the web site, we know he was communicating with them, his computer show that, but he s dead so we don t know all the facts, but steve s police who he shot, he was on splc s site multiple times, they went after him trying to deprive him of his leadership position, and after that, the media then calls for, hey, we ve got to ratchet down the rhetoric, we ve got to calm down here. we have not heard those calls this time. tucker: they re completely irresponsible.
we are out of time. i feel for you. i hope this doesn t expose you to any dangers. things are coming on. thanks. spoon traditionally the left was wary of large, powerful corporations controlling people s lives, but not any longer. they are in bed with big tech companies who are now minorities online. yes, some of it is discussing, but a year from now will you be on the list? we are talking to a progressive radio show host who is defending it. stays tuned.
spoon in the wake of charlottesville tech companies have decided to start rolling back speech on their platforms. google, go daddy, and cloud fair have all cut surface to the daily stormer, that s a white supremacist web site. airbnb has banned whites the premises from using the site, paypal banned a site from using their service and said it won t stop there. spot if i, the music service is purging its music library of hate bands using a list provided by the southern poverty law center. most of these victims are not sympathetic at all, but the question is, in the long run, is it a good idea to allow tech companies this kind of power? we are joined tonight, ethan, what i find so fascinating about this is that liberals traditionally were free speech absolutist and were deeply suspicious of corporate power. probably both good things. now, every level i know is a
toady to big business and whatever apple and google think it s a good idea, they kind of nod and say it s fine with me. what happened to liberals? in this case, you have speech , as he just pointed out, that is so reprehensible that we reach a line and say, look, this is in the government intruding on somebody s first amendment rights. the platform itself, whether it s google, facebook, go daddy, or others have terms of service which relate to things like incitement or violence toward others, or hate speech. so if you are violating a company s terms of service they have the right to pull the plug. that s what we re talking about here. spew tucker: you re smarter than that. you re smarter than that. i m not making a legal case. i m not saying that the government has a right to force spot if i to play the songs. i m really saying there s a moral case to be made on behalf of free expression and not all of these groups, i don t actually know anything about the daily stormer, i know what z dare is, though, and you may not agree with that it, but they
are not espousing violence, they are espousing views that these companies don t like. is it a good idea? should liberals get behind the censorship of speech that they don t like? i can t believe the liberals are supporting this. you run into the philosopher karl popper put forth the paradox of tolerance. when somebody says, i don t tolerate anybody else, that would be the whites of premises in this case, i don t need to tolerate their speech because they are intolerant of everything and everybody, unless you happen to fit their very narrow worldview. i agree that there can be a slippery slope your but this is the free marketplace. if you want to support white supremacist, cocreate your own hosting company and go create your own music service for whites of premises. spoon let me just say i m sure i m going to wind up on the splc web site for saying this, but i m not defending white supremacy. i don t believe it in and i don t approve of it. what i believe in his freedom of expression. in a marketplace of ideas where
they compete with one another. if you don t like what somebody saying, make the counter case. beat them in debate, don t shut them down. aren t you as a liberal may be a little bit bothered by the practice at google of eliminating things from should search results? you don t even know it s there? google has a functional monopoly on search and you know that. let s not pretend. that doesn t bother you? in the case of google that would be the exception. search is like, the one area where they really are like a monopoly but all the other things that you just described are not monopolies, so there really is a marketplace for competition. search as a whole another animal which is why google is running into some trouble in places like europe. i don t like the idea that google remove search results just because we don t like what the answer is. i am with you on that one. i think there is a dangerous precedent when we shutdown something. spoon why don t liberals stand up and say that? i m glad to hear you say that. one of your fellow liberals make their voices heard, this is a really important principle and only liberals can help preserve it.
conservatives are not taken seriously on this issue but liberals are and yet they are all toadies, as far as i m concerned, to corporate power in this case and it s really distressing. i hope you will raise your voice we are counting on you. thank you. i will, tucker. thank you. spoon the attack in barcelona was very similar to countless other islamic attacks, so naturally the press is scrambled to compare it to charlottesville instead. we ll talk that over with radio show host tammy bruce who joins us after the break. plus, are you ready for next week s solar eclipse? should you stare directly at the sun, or not? or fox meteorologists will be to tell us.
europe, and lesser acts of extremism are even more common, not even in the press here sometimes. yesterday s attack fit perfectly into this wider trend but don t tell the press in the united states. years spent trying to downplay islamic terrorism may reach their piece yesterday when multiple figures tried to tie the barcelona attack, not to the islamic terror attacks that have come before, that would seem an obvious part of the chain, but instead, somehow, to the attack in charlottesville. there will be questions about copycats, questions about what happened in barcelona, if it wasn t all a copycat version of what happened in charlottesville, virginia. with the intensity of information that we ve had related to the charlottesville incident over the last five days , it s quite possible that may have precipitated this terrorist group s desire to gain the limelight and carry out a similar attack.
spoon needless to say this is news stretched to propaganda, the public isn t learning anything except that maybe they shouldn t trust the media and that sad, because over time, one day the media will wake up to discover the public puts more faith and trust in conspiracy theories than they do in the official story. that s bad for america and bad for the press. maybe they should think it through before they spread garbage like you he just sat. tammy bruce is a new york city radio host and she joins us tonight. so, tammy, when you saw the atrocity, maybe charlottesville inspired this? every normal person looks at something like that and we are crushed and we know it s a touristy area, we know multiple countries will be involved, we know people were enjoying their day in a beautiful city, and just walking through a promenade , and the next thing, it was like our american who was killed on his anniversary, first year anniversary gets up to use
the bathroom, walks away from his bride and he gets murdered. so these are the things that remind us about how things can change in a moment. but horribly for american news, americans rely on news networks to find out what s going on around the world especially in tragedies, durable splits or as an example as you played, immediately saying that as a political opportunity. but let me tell you, it s not about downplaying the event. i would argue with you in that regard. they see in that example for that network everything through the prism of heating trump and so they saw charlottesville, they said that we ve attached them to that now, we ve achieved that, so we say that that s a copycat in barcelona, barcelona is his fault as well. so that i think it is more of what we are watching is this inability to see anything outside of the prism of hating donald trump and when you ve got viewers who are relying on the facts of the matter on the ground, my goodness, they can t
even get straight news anymore from individuals who are pathologically fixated at this stage. tucker: exactly. this is an opinion josie watch this show and you know you re getting opinions, but you re watching a news show or reading the front page of a daily newspaper there s an expectation that you re going to find out what actually happened. and the description is not going to be colored by the opinions, political opinions of the person who wrote it. isn t this making all of us just too cynical in the end? on average people going to conclude there is no absolute truth, there is no way to find out what reality was? i think if we refuse to allow that kind of cynicism on, let s say, cnn s part, we see what they re doing and it s obvious but what americans are doing instead is they are cutting the cord, aren t they? the cable companies have realized that people are turning somewhere else. but this is a problem for our democracy because media and news , and even opinion is meant to be an estate here, it s meant
to really contradict power, to really be serious about contradicting power, asking the hard questions, and when you move from not caring what the answers are but making things up in order to achieve your political role, even abandon your job, so that harms all of us and it certainly harms the viewers over at cnn and that has got to be our commitment with either opinion or news. tucker: nicely put as always paired tammy bruce, thanks a lot. thanks, tucker. tucker: your member that trump s fight with key mount was supposed to have better relationships and why is there now evidence that a dozen or more american diplomats have been injured in an attack on americans in cuba? a story you may not have heard before, but an amazing one. stay tuned.
spoon the u.s. government recently established diplomatic relations with cuba but all is not well in that communist paradise. recent official that said that six diplomats came in with mysterious illnesses that are believed to be for a hidden sonic device. in response, diplomats have been expelled from the united states. now the washington beacon reports that the attacks were more frequent and affected far more diplomats than had been reported. susan crabtree is a writer, lieutenant colonel scott is a veteran of special forces, they will join us tonight. this is an amazing story, susan, i don t think most people are aware of this. give us the outline of exactly what happened. last week we discovered that the state department finally admitted that six diplomats, worsening u.s. personnel, had
come down with some sort of mysterious symptoms involving hearing loss to begin with. there are other symptoms, too, that we have learned about, they were pinpointing this as happening late last year in their residences outside the embassy in havana. this supposedly affected six people, that s what they said last week but we have learned that actually it was more like 12-18 people, definitely in the double digits, our sources say, and also, that this occurred much earlier than we previously thought, months earlier, actually, and that timing is critical when you think about the normalization process and president obama leaving his administration and his policy directive. tucker: right. scott, tell us about these devices, sonic weapons, what do they do and what are the effects thanks for having me on. it s just another type of a
nonlethal weapons system, and this one sounds more like an infra- sonic or ultrasonic type weapon which can, you know, it s physically undetectable really to the victim and it can put in physical pain, harm, even death if exposure is long enough so, it s a nasty weapon. tucker: you can kill someone with a sound he can t hear? prolonged exposure, there been studies that this can possibly leave to death. i don t think there s a lot of, there s not a lot of documented use of this other than riot control, but then the audio harassment is what this really is, is what it sounds like, is that targets were identified and then audio harassment was employed where they lived and operated over a prolonged period , and yes, that can have significant damage on humans nervous system. tucker: that s just shocking. susan, is there any indication your reporting of why the cuban government would want to do this they hate us, of course, on
ideological grounds, but why now that s what everyone keeps asking, including myself. the cuban government has denied this, of course, and they are saying, we didn t know anything about this, but other people are suggesting that it could be russia that was in cuba at the time, because of the canadian connection, we learned last week that canada is saying that one of its diplomats, too, had come down with similar illnesses, at least one that we know of, and that they are not adversarial, they don t have an adversarial relation with cuba, they don t have a huge trade embargo with cuba, so why would they be targeted at the same time? people are suggesting that it could be russia and their motivations are clear. they don t like this trade embargo, they don t like this new detente that we have with cuba, they would like to have more control over goods and services going into cuba, they don t want the u.s. to have the embargo with that, that s one
speculation, one theory that i ve heard, but, yeah, it s really mysterious especially because everyone that you ve talked to knows that they know exactly what s going on. think you both for that insight. copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. i say, i ll go my own way with anoro.
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tucker carlson. tucker: i will trade my tickle me elmo. is just a reminder that there are some things that are not in our control. this eclipse is going to bring all of america back together. you know the anatomy of an eclipse? where the moon passes between the sun and the earth, blocking all or part of the sun. the penumbra is the partial shadow, which the whole u.s. is going to experience. a very small little widespread region, the umbra, that s the full shadow. the totality that s going to go coast-to-coast, tucker, for the first time in 99 years. from the northwest to the southeast. this area is going to experience total darkness for over 2 minutes in the daytime. it s going to be crazy. it s going to be amazing. it s going to change our lives. yes. the only thing that could ruin
the eclipse is the cloud cover. don t get mad at your local meteorologist if the clouds covered the eclipse. tucker: so you know what that narrow band is? are there any population centers? absolutely, nashville. i m going to be in greenville, south carolina for fox & friends. lincoln, nebraska. the rest of the u.s. is going to get partial eclipse. it s going to be kind of dusty around 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 in the afternoon. there s your local forecast. the midwest, that s where we will see the cloud cover. i m hoping we are getting this full effect in greenville where i m going to be. this is a big deal. tucker: you can see why people 100 years 300 years ago, before they explained the phenomenon might think the world was ending. absolutely. what i want to do for fox & friends have a rooster close by. you know what s going to happen?
it s going to get dark and the roosters going to think morning has come again. the roosters going to grow. yes, animals could freak out a little bit. the big deal is, if you don t have the sunglasses, they have to be approved. iso 1232 2. they have to be approved. nasa will tell you what you need to be looking for. the last time we had a coastal eclipse coast-to-coast with 1918. do you remember, tucker, back in 1979? i was eight years old. i know i am giving away my age. how exciting that was. it is also very scary. it was almost like don t look at the sun, you could go blind. it s very true. you cannot look at the sun. an ophthalmologist likens it to being out when it s cloudy and it still getting a sunburn. if you are more apt to look at the eclipse because it s dark out but you re still getting the full effect at that uv light. that s why you have had these really cool sunglasses.
tucker: i m going to try to control myself. i might not be able to. does your new book about on monday? yes, it does. and the flash flood comes out on eclipse day. here s a couple of tips. don t look at the sun directly. sunglasses have to provide sufficient protection. these babies. only look at the sun through an approved filter. and remember when you were a kid? we made the filters out of a cereal box and pinhole. those are safe. learn how to do that. you cannot look at the sun. tucker, thank you for promoting freddie the frog-caster. i will be in greenville, south carolina, for the totality. it s going to happen. it s going to change our lives. i love you. tucker: i will be lying in bed, watching you, janice. janice dean, everyone s favorite at fox news.

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