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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20170823 08:00:00

team up doesn t ensure they ll be successful. for most customers amazon is the primary stop. the way amazon has really changed the retail landscape. that will be one of those big business stories of our generation. it s changed buyer behavior. you check amazon to vouch for the price. early start continues with the latest from the phoenix rally. i hit him with neo nazi. i hit them with everything. i got the white supremacist and the neo nazi, we have kkk, i got them all. president trump ticking off all the groups he has condemned or says he has condemned. president trump goes off prompter and defends his charlottesville response but apparently forgets or at least
downplayed what angered critics in the first place. good morning, welcome to early start. i m christine romans. t. 1:00 a.m. in phoenix and for those who think it s the liberal media criticizing the president s speech, the standard saying quote, the president was whining about unfair treatment in washington, underkuting his employees and telling obvious lies. one night after preaching to the nation about healing president trump does a 180 at a campaign rally in phoenix. the president again defending his response to the violence in charlottesville. he spent nearly 15 minutes recounting his words but with one glaring omission. he initially blamed those clashes on many sitdes. here s what he said last night and what he really said ten days earlier. here s what i said on saturday. we re closely following the
terrible eevents unfolding in charlottesville, virginia. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence. that s me on saturday. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. on many sides. it s been going on for a long time in our country. and that was just one moment in a speech that has some including the former director of national intelligence james clapper questioning the president s fitness to hold the office. more on that, that stunning exchange next. but first protests turning ugly outside the convention center after president trump s speech. three people were arrested. police using tear gas and pepper spray to try to break up the crowd of protesters in the triple digit heat.
people threw rocks and bottles at officers. they dispersed gas in the area. they kept trump supporters behind barricades and on separate sides of the street. we ll bring in cnn politics digital director. 77 minutes of donald trump really i think recharging his battery in a room with an adoring crowd who loved the insults he threw, who loved the blame that he played on the placed on the media and also this is fascinating to me. the president slammed republican senators. we have a list, a laundry list of who he named and even didn t name, but very clearly slammed. you had senator jeff mcconal, senator rand paul of kentucky. what did president trump last night in those 77 mnlinutes asi
the attacks what did he do to move his legislative agenda forward? i think we have to wonder if he wants to move any agenda forward. he went in and talking about love and how to heal the country and he picks all these scabs and attacks senators on basically every side of the aisle. rand paul and john mccain aren t exactly you know, buddies in the senate. they have a lot of differences so you ve got to wonder who he s trying to attach himself too. in his inaugural address he talked about this sort of ruling class of politicians and last night he was still it felt like he was trying to up end everything in washington. interesting, given everything that s happening that the president returns to the charlottesville message every time it seems he s going to pivot and move forward. given 24 hours earlier a solid
speech on afghanistan telling americans why we needed more troops in america s longest war. steve bannon is gone from the administration. he s not gone from the conversation. maybe that s why, but why return to the charlottesville message? well, i m not sure, you know, a lot of people were wanting steve bannon to be fired. they were frustrated that his point of view was in there. i think it s becoming clear that steve bannon s point of view is the president s point of view. it has less to do with steve bannon than it does with tarrant county at this point for him to turn around and go and pick these wounds in arizona last night the way he did. yeah, it s you know, going back, he just can t let that go even though as though it seems his team is trying to wrap it up, button it up yesterday in the beginning of the afghanistan speech, the day before yesterday, move forward and the president just has to go back and be right. he has to be right on this. last night he attacked the media
along the same lines about the media taking away america s culture, the media changing america s culture. listen to that remark. it s time to expose the crooked media deceptions and to challenge the media for their role in divisions and yes, by the way and yes, by the way, they are trying to take away our history and our heritage. you see that. that one short sentence, he replaces crooked hillary with crooked media, and trying to take away our history and our heritage. that played well with that crowd. again, the president still stirring up all of the stuff around charlottesville here. yeah, he clearly doesn t want to let it go.
democrats in congress who oppose a border wall and stand in the way of border security. you are putting all of america s safety at risk. you re doing that. you re doing that. let s keep democrats off the table for a moment. what do you make of that remark if you re house and senate republican leaders? paul ryan and mitch mcconnell? well, republicans have tried to shut down the government before. it didn t work that well for them. it backfired in public opinion, so from a strategy perspective i m not sure i see what the strategy is. at the same time i think this is, you know, we re almost seeing the president damn the torpedos format. we re going to go down and i m going to take it all with me is what it feels like. if the president is willfully shutting the government down he has that power. it s not trying to get votes for something. so he can do that if he wants.
it s interesting because he s been very successful on the border. the numbers show what they re doing is working. it s almost as if they don t need the wall but that doesn t matter here. no, this is all about keeping campaign promises so he can tick through on a white board the things that he promised in those campaign rallies. let s talk about the questions. there were whispers and now there s questions about the president s fitness for office specifically last night from james clapper. he was with don lemon last night. let s listen. i really question his ability to his fitness to be in this office and i also am beginning to wonder about his motivation for it. maybe he slooking f is lookin for a way out having some
understanding that a president can exercise, i worry about frankly, you know, the access to nuclear codes. i mean, that s sobering and this isn t, you know, a tv pun dent. this is the former director of national intelligence. yeah. and it s echoing things i think that we ve heard some democrats say earlier in the week after his earlier responses to charlottesville sort of having more high profile, you know, middle of the road type figures say that type of thing is cause for concern and certainly enough to give anybody pause. clapper did work in the obama administration almost exclusively as in that role, so you know, he s somebody who potentially has a political outlook. but at the same time he knows more about the nuclear codes than most people out there, so we have to pay attention to what he says.
thank you so much. talk to you again very soon. bright and early for us this morning in washington. president trump not optimistic about renegotiating nafta with canada and mexico. because we have been so badly taken advantage of, they have made such great deals, both of the countries but in particular mexico, that i don t think we can make a deal. so i think we ll end up probably terminating nafta at some point. that was receivedly cheers by that arizona audience. negotiations off to a tense start. the u.s. blasting nafta as a job killing factory closing deal. this administration taking a tough stance on many complex issues. for example, they want to require a substantial portion of auto parts be made in the u.s. millions of jobs, thousands of companies rely on nafta renegotiating it was a core campaign promise for this president. he blames it squarely for the loss of u.s. manufacturing jobs.
so as talks resume next week, negotiators expect quote, a great deal of effort will be required it s going to be a very tough road especially since they aim to rewrite nafta by the end of the year. that is a blinding pace for trade negotiations. the original deal took years to complete. and multiple administrations. boy, another major fight looming there. the rift though widening between the president and his own senate majority leader. they haven t spoken in weeks and mitch mcconnell has doubt the white house can get its legislative campaign on track. that s next on early start. y ! i know a bunch of people who would love that. the internet loves what you re doing. .so build a better website in under an hour with. .gocentral from godaddy. the internet is waiting. start for free today at godaddy.
they have passions to pursue how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters ship packages all the services of the post office right on your computer get a 4 week trial plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again
f profanity laced shouting match. the conversation unravelled when the president began to express frustration with the russia investigation and the russia sanctions bill passed by congress. the new york times now reports mcconnell is questioning whether trump can salvage his presidency. president trump speculated that mitch should do away with the 60 vote threshold in the senate. a white house official is dismissing the seriousness of this rift but is not denying reports the two men are not speaking. the president and mcconnell will have to work together if republicans want to tackle tax reform, a spending package and raising the debt ceiling. steve munuchin s wife about an instagram.
tags with fashion lines she wore on this trip. a mother commented glad we could pay for your little getaway. lynnton fired back in a sarcastic tone telling miller her quote life looks cute while touting her own family s wealth and personal sacrifice, you know, i mean, the response was widely disseminated online, you know, this woman right here talking about how she and her husband pay more in taxes any day than probably jenny miller. once the backlash hit her post was deleted and her account set to private. the mnuchins are reimbursing the government for that travel. chelsea clinton has been there and the former first daughter is coming to the defense of the president s youngest son after an article attacked his casual attire. let him have the private
childhood he deserves. her comment coming after the conservative daily caller website criticized the 11-year-old s fashion choice saying the least he could do is dress the part when he steps out in public. the story getting strong pushback from both sides of the political aisle. first lady tweeting this response to chelsea clinton. thank you, so important to support all of our kids. he s a cool kid. he s 11 years old. move from new york to go to the white house. that s what he s supposed to wear. interesting the timing of melania s tweet during a speech which some say was bullying in and of itself. all right. how about this story? a lot of people talking about online. espn decided to pull announcer robert lee from the university of virginia s college football season opener because his name. robert e. lee of course was commander of the confederate
army. the network confirming the decision was made as the tragic events were unfolding. lee has been assigned to another game. you speak of backlash with the linton story. this has been harsh all across social media. almost earn says it s just a complete overreaction. the navy is set to make another big change after another accident in asian waters. we re live in singapore next.
7th fleet after the guided missile disstroier u.s.s. john mccain collided with another vessel. ten missing sailors have now been recovered. we re live in singapore with the latest details. good morning, matt. what are we learning? we know that search efforts continue here throughout the day here in singapore where the u.s.s. john m. mccain is moored not far from where we are right here, but the news over the last 24 to 36 hours has not been good. some of the remains of those ten missing u.s. sailors have been recovered both inside the hull of that damaged ship and also one body found in the waters near where the incident happened and we do expect to be updated at some point by the u.s. navy later on today about their efforts throughout the day today as the day begins to wind down, but of course thoughts have turned to why is this thing
happening? why did this particular incident happen and why have there been three other incidents involving u.s. navy warships deployed to this part of the world in just 2017 alone and it does appear that people are being held accountable on this. vice admiral joe aucoin which that has some of the ships in these incidents, he s expected to be relieved of duty. admiral scott shift is in japan today meeting with commanders of the 7th fleet probably having difficult conversations with them. we also know that there is what s going to be called an operational pause scheduled to be completed by next monday for the entire u.s. navy where each different command will stand down for one day at a time at their discretion to take a deep dive into those ongoing safety issues. are there systemic problems here? if there are the navy needs to figure out what s going on and
they ve acknowledged that. all right. thank you. all right. president trump really energized in arizona in true trump campaign mode. he opened the door to a government shutdown. he tried to rewrite history about his charlottesville response. no, please, please, oh! (shrieks in terror) (heavy breathing and snorting) no, no. the running of the bulldogs? surprising. what s not surprising? how much money aleia saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
people that marched with torches there on that friday night. welcome back to early start. i m dave grebrigs. that was trump off prompter of course because he s in that room campaign style half of it blaming the media. i m christine romans. it is 13 minut32 minutes past t. the president again defending his response to the violence in charlottesville. he spent nearly 15 minutes going back and recounting his words, but with an omission. mr. trump neglected to mention he initially blamed the clashes on many sides. for context, here s what the president said last night and what he said ten days earlier. here s what i said on saturday. we re closely following the terrible events unfolding in
charlottesville, virginia. this is me speaking. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence. that s me speaking on saturday. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hay tret, bigotry and violence on many sides. on many sides. it s been going on for a long time in our country. now, of course just one moment in the speech that has some including the former director of national intelligence, a career military man, james clapper questioning his fitness to hold the office. the protests turning ugly outside the phoenix convention center after president trump s speech. three people were arrested. let s get more from miguel marquez on the ground in phoenix. reporter: what started off as a loud, angry yet peaceful protest against the president here ended up with the police
using pepper spray, tear gas and flash bang grenades to disperse the crowd. police have backed off now and are opening back up traffic. i want to show you what the worst of the worst was like when it all went down. phoenix police were treating this as a big event like the super bowl saying that they had all hands on deck for this including the national guard if needed. it was not needed but it did seem to come very close. i saw two bottles of water thrown at police. then they deployed pepper gas and at that point the crowd started to disperse. more things were thrown at police and then it was on. this is clearly not the picture that phoenix police or the city of phoenix wanted the world to see tonight. all right. thank you. let s bring in zachry wolf. 77 minutes, half of it blasting the media, not a surprise there. he went off prompter, not a surprise.
this is a this is a candidate who seems to get oxygen to honestly recharge his battery at events like this. we suspected this would be a very different trump than the trump who gave the afghanistan policy speech and it certainly was. what is your takeaway from what the president achieved last night in phoenix? it s almost like we have dr. jekyll and president trump on this very specific issue where he says something inflammatory, walks its back, says something inflammatory, walks it back and then goes out and says the inflammatory thing again and defends himself. it s all about the president in his own mind here and the day after having this message where he used the word love repeatedly and said we all need to come together as a nation to pick at these wounds, to pick the scab. it s a remarkable thing, unlike something we ve ever seen. we knew it was going to be a campaign style rally, but just the disconnect between his two messages on successive nights is
remarkable and you wonder if he s sort of is trying to burn things down. if you go into a place where there are protesters protesting you and you say something like this and you re the president, i m not sure what you expect is going to happen. it s as though teleprompter trump should be ignored as we go forward. the president, the big question was, would he pardon joe arpeo. well, he didn t name the senators so maybe john kelly can take a victory from that but with was no doubt who he was attacking right here. we were just one vote away from victory after seven years of everybody proclaiming repeal and replace. one vote away. but you know, they all said, mr. president, your speech was so good last night, please, please,
mr. president, don t mention any names. so i won t. i won t. no, i won t vote one vote away. i will not mention any names. very presidential, isn t it? and nobody wants me to talk about your other senator who s weak on borders, weak on crime so i won t talk about him. wow. he also went after mitch mcconnell who by the way delivered the president his one signature accomplishment which is the supreme court seat. that s the one thing he accomplished major that he continues to talk about. much mcconnell made that happen by gumming up the works on garland. name checking all these republican senators. is there a strategy here, zach? i m i m not going to
pretend to say there s a strategy or not. i mean, it pumped up his base. it probably made him feel good. we ve reported that mitch mcconnell and donald trump aren t speaking to each other. usually you would think that people of opposite parties in congress and the white house aren t speaking to each other. in this case it s two republicans. donald trump is not going to get anything done legislatively. he cannot get anything done legislatively without mitch mcconnell. this is somebody he needs in the white house to help him. so it s pretty remarkable. yeah, i m not sure. maybe there s a strategy that i don t understand, but i if it is i don t i don t understand it. so the president bashing members of his own party, you know, apparently isolating himself from some of these people he s going to need to get something done especially tax reform or even tax cuts but yet he talks about kim jong-un and respect. i want to play this little piece of sound. and you see what s going on
in north korea. all of a sudden, i don t know, who knows, but i can tell you what i said, that s not strong enough. some people said it was too strong. it s not strong enough. but kim jong-un, i respect the fact that i believe he is starting to respect us. i respect that fact. the word respect three times in that sentence. he s referring to his fire and fury comments a short time back. donald trump is it s interesting how he can be so brutal and critical of people who are, you know, allies for him, people who are americans, yet he talks in such different ways about our enemies. yeah, he might there be trying to take a little bit of credit after the last time, you know, he said those inflammatory things and basically, you know, threatened war for lack of a better way to put it with kim
jong-un if he did any more with the nuclear missiles. u.n. d un did and he s been quieted down. so maybe he s taking credit there. again though he has spoken admiringly in terms of u.s. policy terms are bad people. vladimir putin, these are people he respects that power it s pretty clear and you know, that s something that mitch mcconnell does not have the same kind of power that kim jong-un has. he has to get people to agree with him. what do you make of the fact that of all those republican senators he did name he has not said a word nor tweeted about bob corker, the tennessee senator, chairman of the formulations committee who questioned his stability and competence. what do you make of the fact that there s been no reaction to that? i m not sure. bob corker s day will come if i were a betting man.
he will probably turn there when he can. last night he was in arizona going into the lion s den of john mccain and so those were the people he was turning his folks on. this is the second time he s mentioned john mccain by the way recently at his press conference when somebody asked about mccain who had you know, criticized his earlier statement about charlottesville he said you mean the mccain that didn t help me get my health care bill. so that s clearly something that is on his mind constantly. i m not sure bob corker s quite there yet. all right. don t go away. we ve got a lot to talk about today. 77 minutes. big long campaign rally to talk about. also last night candidate trump promised to put coal miners back to work. but president trump s commitment to save coal country apparently has its limits. the ceo of one of the largest coal companies says the president has broken his vow to
the coal industry. he promised to use an obscure emergency order to protect coal fired power plants. without it he says he would have to lay off tens of thousands of miners. the order allows power plants to temporary exemption from environment rules during an emergency. an emergency like war or natural disaster. murray argues the current emergency is possible bankruptcy. regulations that are not fair. he s calling that an emergency just like war because of too many environmental regulations. the emergency order was simply an unnecessary response, the rare clash between the struggling coal industry and the president. he has been on their team really from day one and i think these the coal industry was surprised that the administration didn t move their way. one thing they liked is the interior department cancelled a study looking into the health effects of coal mining. of mountain top removal.
that s right. the rift is widening between the president and the senate majority leader. these two haven t spoken in weeks and mcconnell doubts the white house can get on track.
they have businesses to run they have passions to pursue how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters ship packages all the services of the post office right on your computer get a 4 week trial plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again
megan s smile is getting a lot because she uses act® mouthwash. act® strengthens enamel, protects teeth from harmful acids, and helps prevent cavities. go beyond brushing with act®. welcome back. president trump and mitch mcconnell are not talking. it s been two weeks since a phone call between the two men erupted into a profanity laced shouting match. the august 9th conversation unravelled when the president began to express frustration with the russia investigation and the russia sanctions bill passed by congress. since then the president and mcconnell has been publicly questioning each other. the times now reports mcconnell is privately questioning whether trump can salvage his presidency. senior white house official dismissing the seriousness of
the rift. they ll have to work together though if republicans want to tackle tax reform, a spending package and raising the debt ceiling. here s what the president said about doing away with the filibuster and working with mitch mcconnell many the future last night. the senate, we have to get rid of what s called the filibuster rule. we have to. and if we don t, the republicans will never get anything passed. you re wasting your time. we have to get rid of the filibuster rule right now we need 60 votes and we have 52 republicans. that means that eight democrats are controlling all of this legislation. we have over 200 bills. and we have to speak to mitch. as the president also pointed
out last night they could not get all republicans lined up for the health care legislation and as mitch mcconnell has repeated time and time again, zero appetite from republicans doing away with the filibuster. none. and the president continues to hammer on it. steven mnuchin s wife apologizing for a now deleted instagram post that triggered an angry backlash. there she is coming off of a government plane and she was boasting about flying with her husband to kentucky. this gram house photo she put on instagram along with tags iffer the fashion lines she wore on the trip and i m not talking about coles and target. i m talking about tom ford and others. a mother of three from oregon, she commented, glad we could pay for your little
getaway. linton fired back telling miller her life looks cute saying she and her husband have again more to the economy and kouting her own family s wealth and sacrifice. she basically said she paid more in taxing than you do. the treasury department says the mnuchins are reimbursing the government for her travel. it wasn t just this one incident too. in town and country magazine, there s a whole spread from before she married steven mnuchin talking about all of her diamonds. a whole story about her diamonds. the point being here these are people who are in charge of america s economy. completely looking completely out of touch with the people this economy is supposed to help. just a tad tone deaf. chelsea clinton has been there and the former first daughter is coming to the defense of the president s youngest son after an article
attacked baron trump s casual attire. let him alone and have the private childhood he deserves. her comment coming after the daily caller website criticized the 11-year-old s fashion choice saying the least he could do is dress the part when he steps out in public. the story getting strong pushback from both sides of the aisle and parents everywhere who say leaf the kid alone. the kid dresses better than my kids on their best day. i have an 11-year-old. he is fine. late last night first lady melania trump tweeting this response to chelsea clinton. thank you, so important to support all of our children in being themselves. stop childhood bullying. that tweet came during the president s speech in which some say he was in fact, bullying. and chelsea clinton is arguably the bigger attacker of her husband just check her twitter time line. interesting to retweet her.
espn deciding to pull announcer robert lee from the university of virginia s college football season opener. the announcer play by play announcer because of his name. robert e. lee of course was commander of the confederate army. espn confirming the decision was made as the tragic events in charlottesville were unfolding. lee who is asian has been assigned to another game. their response online, pretty much uniformly espn, get over yourself. blasting the network. it is the number two trending story behind twitter behind only the phoenix rally. google and walmart are trying to take on amazon. how they plan to beat the online power house. moneystream is next. hi, i m johnny bench.
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relieved of his command. the admiral scott swift announced he has relieved joe aucoin of his command for a lack of competence in his ability to command. this after two fatal accidents in the last several months alone. of course you ll remember as the u.s.s. fitzgerald collided with a container ship back in the middle of june and seven u.s. sailors died and now there are ten u.s. sailors missing after the john mccain was crashed with an oil tarnger. it s unclear how many of the ten sailors have been recovered so far. that search and rescue operation still going on, but clearly men are now being held accountable in leadership positions. just about 5:00 p.m. there. thank you, matt. let s get a check on cnn moneystream this morning. stock markets are mixed after a great day on wall street. the catalyst yesterday, renewed
hope for u.s. tax reform. stocks here rallied after whispers the white house and lawmakers are moving ahead on reform. the dow surging almost 200 points. its biggest one day gain, many credit the promise of tax reform. the dow is up 20% since the election. all this is before the rally last night where the president struck out at members of congress very sharply, the very people who he will need to get tax reform done. a shakeup for one of the world s largest oil companies. john watson may be stepping down. wall street journal reporting they re looking for expected transition next month. chevron didn t kmnt but watscom. but they re looking for ways to cut costs as crude prices remain low.

Team , James-clapper , Donald-trump , Response , Charlottesville , Off-prompter , Groups , Phoenix , Media , Place , Critics , Christine-romans

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20171001 19:00:00

has defended the crackdown calling the vote in mockery of democracy we ll go live to barcelona also coming up in the french city of moore said two women have been stabbed to death in a knife attack officials say the assailant was shot dead by french soldiers investigators are working to determine if the attack was terror related. plus defying truong by taking a need in the us professional football players continue a controversial protest and the spotlight in police brutality this after a string of critical tweets from the u.s. president. i m sara harmon thanks for joining me it s good to have you with us. in spain the catalan regional government says more than four hundred sixty people have been injured in a police crackdown on a banned independence referendum. ballots are being counted after polls closed
early morning trying to get into the polling stations across the region in fact i was at a polling station not too far from where i am and central barcelona and there were long queues of people i spoke to one man and he was there for an hour and a half and he said he probably take another hour at least or an hour and a half to get inside to cast his ballot and i was in the late afternoon then we ve seen across the region that the police have tried to close a lot of the polling stations so some people didn t manage to go because the way they changed the law essentially they allowed people to basically they didn t have to go to their local polling station they could go anywhere and vote so any place that any polling station that was open and you were resident in catalonia you could go and vote there so that s what happened today for a lot of people that they just moved around and made sure that their day they have a chance to cast their ballot clearly things are very tense there it s a controversial no tell us briefly problem why this is so contested the first place . what i mean this is a been a long process and what s happened was
a few months ago the council and regional government legislation in their regional parliament which was the legal framework for an independent catalonia and part of that would be a referendum of course spain s that constitutional court threw that out because it goes against the spanish constitution the spanish government said that under no means there would be a referendum and basically we got into this stalemate situation and the cutline regional government said they were going to do it just fine ish government so they wouldn t on this is where we are today on october the first spanish police meanwhile been criticised placing force against protesters what you tell us now. well in spain has a quite a complex policing set up here at the regional police are called the most use and they are potentially going to be investigated by the courts because they stood back and they didn t i mean according to some reports they didn t really follow orders. at the national police what do you see really that they are they did act and they
were very much. part of this sort of these images that we ve seen of people being taken out of polling stations and a lot of the violence that we ve seen in fact the regional government has already put the cigarette i would around seven hundred fifty people being caught up in the clashes or of being involved in the violence that have been injured so there s a lot of there s a lot of criticism not just here in catalonia but across spain and in particular from the opposition who have said it s about time that dialogue was opened and there s a lot at stake thanks for bringing us up to date that s pablo foley l.e.o. s for us in barcelona. turning now to france where a man has killed two women with a knife the assailant was shot dead by french soldiers the attack happened at the train station in the southern port city of moore say police cordoned off the area as they evacuated the station france as interior minister has said the attack may have been terror related but that hasn t been confirmed yet french president manuel
macron condemned the incident on twitter and praise security services for their reaction. i m joined on the line by our correspondent anna lizabeth more today in paris and what else can you tell us about this attack. well the attack it s so perpetrated by. late twenty s early thirty s it was at the main train station in the fight. between a rise and he rushed to women travelling and he attacked them with a butcher s knife and he killed one of them had he stabbed in the stomach and the front of the other one he stuck to the back as he was trying to flee and seconds later literally seconds later he was shot. by a pretty sight it was too late the whole thing happened to. fly area around the station down with people off to remain at. the every
indication we have is that this. is it is of course a terror attack but it is a terrorist attack the a special branch of the front specialized the search started working on the case to try to find connections to the home secretary mr cordle during a press conference said that he was known for. this final crisis also that he had several identities that he did not explain what he meant by several i ve done but certainly that would have meant that he had various papers he had not known him but they were found and that would mean that obviously there was an organization that helps. organize the. analyser we ve been seeing attacks like this in france becoming increasingly common over the last weeks and months how much concern is there amongst everyday people about being out in public places like a train station. it if you look statistically there have been attacks but if you
look at the district where you realize that just crossing the street it just became more dangerous but people are angry people are also angry there have been questions above is there is this a terror attack it of course is a terrorist act who perpetrated it and whether they were organized is another question but there s a feeling that to some extent of the authorities trying to to make this ground than it really is so there is a political risk now for the government and also we are entering a week in which comment is going to fall to the bill that will change some dispositions of the state of emergency into particular and there has been objections in some in some respect i will say that this helps but certainly if you don t reject it you fight you are left with a position in parliament if. they mention that some measure of surveillance but necessary exactly at a time like this that analysts the best reporting for us from paris thank you
thank you. here s a look now at smaller stores that are making news around the world police in canada are attacking the western city of edmonton as an act of terrorism the man s been taken into custody suspected of stabbing a policeman and later plowing a van into several pedestrians. legislation banning full face muslim veils in public spaces has gone into effect in austria only a hundred fifty or so women are thought to wear these kind of veils in the country but the government says the law which says faces must be visible from the hairline to the chin is about protecting all strain values so-called burqa ban law signals a shift to the white gay ministry in politics. shiite muslim pilgrims have gathered in the walkies city of karbala to mark the assured the latest festival the annual holy day marks the killing of the prophet in law for same in the seventh century a death that eventually led to a deep split between islams shiite and sunni branches. when the
see the ravens standing during the national anthem so i was surprised but then i asked a couple of fans here and they told me that it s going was not only about today it was about it s last sunday when the players decided to kneel during the anthem and that was the sort of sending a message that the fans don t many of them of these stones won their players their ravens to kneel during the national anthem and that we have to say that we ve been told that some seeds in the stadium were left. as a sign of protest and the people told me that the situation in the stadium was quite tense today all right so some fans are staying home and some bands are verbalizing their failings why is this such a big deal it s just a song right. yes i told so many fans here and most of them told me some of them veterans that they think that it should be about
sports not about politics and they want the players to do what all americans are supposed to do what the national anthem is played to stand and their hands over their hearts and respect that flag always of course told me that they think it s right for the players to protest but the point is when we look to what happens today most n.f.l. players still doing the national anthem and only a number of them decided to continue to needle or to raise their fists in practice so it seems like presidents trump and many of the fans have some success in their rejection of the players trotters but we have to say that the controversy is from far from over and that s the underlying problem a feeling of racial injustice among many african-american. remains unresolved there s a lot going on sounds like we have not heard the last of it alexander phenomenon at a raven stadium in baltimore thanks so much. in sunday s bundesliga
action byron shaky start of the season continued against here to berlin with interim coach willie sack placing sacked predecessor carlo ancelotti in the dugout fire raced into an early leave thanks to a mats hummels header on ten minutes robert love and doubled barnsley just after half time but the defending champions failed to close out the game or lose scored twice within five minutes through. and selman kolo to snatch a comeback or two and draw. here s a look at the rest of the results from this weekend s bonus league imagines in sunday s late match life stage defeated struggling cologne earlier in the day freiburg beat hoffenheim three two as we saw in berlin came back to draw with byron on saturday dortmund one and. also want to get a ten over frankfurt left to late against dick dark to win their first home game and mind sharing points in a draw and then there was that school a struggle between him and we re going to blame and in the nor darby ronnie knight

Women , Central-barcelona , Assailant , Knife-attack , French , Soldiers , Death , City-of-moore , Officials , Two , Players , Attack

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Shepard Smith Reporting 20170908 19:00:00

the storm. we re doing whatever we can to help. shepard: let s get to it. good friday afternoon from the fox news deck. we re tracking hurricane irma. florida s governor says the window to escape the path of the storm is closing. with each updated forecast, the chance of a direct hit on some part of south florida and then up the peninsula of florida are increasing. this as the head of fema says i don t know anybody in florida has experienced what we re about to get. the florida says we should expect life threatening conditions from coast-to-coast. he says this is a catastrophic storm like our state has never seen. over 500,000 people there from mandatory evacuation orders, including miami, miami beach, the keys. rick scott telling people to be
patient when dealing with crowded highways. he says more troopers are on the road to help with the flow of the traffic. he says the state has sent school buses to get residents out of dangerous areas. some gas stations have long lines. others have no fuel at all. governor scott says the entire state, more than 20 million people should be ready to leave, if necessary. this storm is wider than our entire state. it s expected to cause major and life threatening impacts from coast-to-coast. remember hurricane andrew is one of the worst storms in the history of florida. irma is more devastating on its current path. shepard: irma has left a trail of destruction in the caribbean. the death toll is 23. thousands of others homeless. the storm battering the turks and caicos islands this morning with waves as high as 20 feet across that island. thousands of tourists trapped on
the virgin islands in st. bart and st. maarten. witnesses saw the damage first hand. the storm destroyed homes, schools and businesses. it ripped rooftops off of houses as families huddled inside. a television station said i feel like i m on the moon. there s not a single tree standing anymore. forecasters say the storm is extremely dangerous. maximum sustained winds are at 155 miles an hour down from 185 at the peak. still a powerful category four hurricane. the winds are widespread, extending 70 miles from the center. if it goes up the center of the state, hurricane force winds could be felt by everybody in the peninsula. we know by know whichever way
peninsula of florida is dealing with this storm, probably experiencing hurricane force winds. it s a danger. we have covered these. the center does make an impact at least for the worst of the storm surge. but that also gives the indication that the others don t need to worry. that s not the case. everybody probably for the lower past of florida will experience major hurricane force winds, which will blow all kinds of trees down, all kinds of power outages across a wide swath. this is the radar. right there, over towards the bahamas. we ve seen the bands get closer and closer. a couple things, the latest advisory that just came out at 2:00. it s not the complete advisory but the intermediate ones. they raised the winds. they ve been at 150. the pressure has come down. they re bad signs that we could she a strengthening storm. it s also though moving a little more to the west instead of to the northwest. that may be has some implications for us. here s the official track. most of south carolina out of
major hurricane on hands. shepard: thanks, rick. many people obeyed the order to get out of miami beach. you don t have to do what you don t want to do. the mayor in at least one city says they re getting out. you can see homes and businesses boarded up. sidewalks and streets empty. some people will try to ride it out. team coverage continues. phil keating on miami beach where there s no traffic on a friday morning. it s a stunner. it s crazy. it s a ghost town here. i have tragic news to report before we show you around. we have the first hurricane irma related fatality. a davey florida man fell 15 feet to his death from a ladder while trying to install hurricane shutters. here on ocean drive, everything pretty much is closed. boarded up, shuttered up. world famous news cafe where johnny versace used to hang
outs. this is wet willie s. boarded up. that s what you see in all the buildings. this is all about storm surge and keeping flood waters out. the storm surge forecast is 5-10 feet. all of this will undoubtedly be under water. there s been a smatteders of people that have come down to take in the emptiness of it all, flying drones and driving by with cameras rolling. while hundreds of thousands have evacuated to the north, including many miami beach residents, some still as the clock is ticking refuse to leave. i work in the fire department. i have to be at work sunday anyways, if i can make it to work. i m nervous but focused. because my building, we have electricity and we ll be safe. yeah, i don t know.
i have no idea. this will be my first hurricane. i don t have idea. you sure picked a good one. yeah. as of about 8 minutes ago, the last plane outside of miami international airport took off heading northbound. we expect over the next several days perhaps longer depending on the destruction, no more inbound planes will be coming either. thanks, phil. and the mayor has ordered 650,000 people to evacuate. the mayor will join us live to tell us how they re preparing for a catastrophic storm. that s coming up from the fox news deck on this friday afternoon. prudential asked these couples: how much money do you think you ll need in retirement? then we found out how many years that money would last them. how long do you think we ll keep oooooohhh! you stopped! you re gonna leave me back here at year 9? how did this happen? it turned out, a lot of people fell short,
of even the average length of retirement. we have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. let s plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. prudential. bring your challenges. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. some things are simply impossible to ignore. the strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. the suv that dares to go beyond utility. experience amazing.
i used to work at news 6 in orlando and had some of the best reporting days of my life. i know their coverage will be invaluable for viewers. we look forward to shows casing their correspondents. traffic is nightmarish. the governor says traffic is not supposed to be pleasant. get in it, live through it and have plenty of gas and get to safety and hopefully come back to a home. don t wait to evacuate. that s the specific warning from the mayor of miami-dade county. he expanded the evacuation orders to include 650,000 people in miami-dade. country s biggest the county s biggest evacuation ever. we have the mayor here with us. good afternoon. how is detthe evacuation going? for the most part, smooth.
like any big event like that, we ve had some hiccups. we re fixing those as we go on. some information was given out about shelters we were about to open. they weren t open yet. people started showing up. we weren t ready to receive them. we re taking care of those issues and expanding the number of shelters that we ll have here in miami-dade county the a capacity of over 100,000 people, which is unheard of. when you doing something way out of the boundaries of what you plan for, you re bound to have a couple of hiccups. all and all, it s gone well. shepard: great to hear. what is your thinking on what percentage of your population is doing as you re asking them to do? a large percentage of the population is leaving. but we re seeing people that are not in the evacuation zones that are leaving or trying to find some other shelter because maybe they went through andrew and
maybe they think their home won t be able to sustain a category four or five hurricane. that s different than other storms we ve had here. most people hunker down and ride it out. this is different. we re seeing that dynamic play out here. shepard: what is working well and what is giving you troubles? i think our response plan as well, we re prepared for the storm, prepared for the aftermath of the storm. right now, it s the issue of an unprecedented number of people going into our shelters. we ve asked miami-dade county residents to help each other and take those folks that are evacuating from a mandatory evacuation zone. i think in terms of traffic, it s somewhat better than i thought it would be at this point. yeah, i know human nature and people tend to wait to the last
minute. maybe it s not come this way and do at the last minute, maybe a shelter or take off in a car. we have to be prepared for that. the police department is prepared for that events. it s a big job. county of 2.7 million people. you know, there s a lot of working parts here that have to go smoothly. thanks, mayor. all the best to you and all those in south florida. thanks for taking the time with us. it s my pleasure. thanks very much. let s hope this storm veers off and goes somewhere else. shepard: we re sure hoping. into the atlantic and just fizzles out. shepard: out to sea. leave us alone. carlos jimenez. i want to show you the traffic helicopter again. this is about a mile south of ocala. the trees have blocked it as
fate would have it. we ve been watching the southbound lines. we saw tractor trailers headed south. there s still supplies getting down to south florida. it s raining. nothing to do with the storms. that means it s a little after 3:00 in central florida.
minutes ago and said can you go live? i say heck yeah. we re busy right now. the air force reserve, we re just crushing it. we re making it happen. shepard: what are you learn something. you can see, this is an extremely powerful storm. it s going to be the benchmark storm for the next decade. katrina, as you well know and i know first hand, it s been a benchmark for the long time but now looks like irma will be the replacement for it. shepard: for me as far as destruction, there was hurricane hugo in the carolinas. that just snapped millions of trees and turned them to projectiles. and then hurricane andrew. with the very tight eye and small area that it crossed. when it went through cutler ridge, homestead, levelled everything. but it wasn t that big around. this thing though, it s got a little bit of everything to
hate. yeah, it does. it s a massive storm. the big thing here, everybody listening right now, just really pay attention to the authorities and civil defense. don t take this storm lightly. i rode out andrew in louisiana when it came across the gulf as it hit florida and wiped those guys out. don t get complacent. the other thing is don t have this false sense of security. just because you made it through andrew, no big deal. that is the level is there for andrew, it s higher for irma. heed the warnings. shepard: we talk about how successful the evacuation has been. it has been. if 10% of the people you asked to evacuate don t leave, that leaves tens of thousands of people behind on that coast. that is frightening. that is frightening. our guys and gals in the hurricane hunters and the emergency responders are working
hard to help people. it s really important that everybody leaves. if we can save everybody, that s awesome. shepard: lieutenant colonel cross, have you seen anything at all that would suggest outside of a overrun of the mountains in cuba, anything that might make it diminish in size. we don t really get in forecasting. it s been over open water. you can see the eye. it s really tight. almost like a textbook example of the most powerful hurricane. really incredible. there s things out there that will interact with it, but i can t say whether or not i think there s anything that will effect it. shepard: lieutenant colonel sean cross, all the best. thanks a lot. good luck to everybody. shepard: thank you. people getting out by land, air and by sea.
a lot of boats. cruise ships that just dropped people off in miami and now they had to scramble. some are going to shelters. and then people leaving by boat. yes, some people on cruise ships came back early. they weren t able to get out of miami. so one cruise ship, norwegian do you have a live map of cruise ships? yes. you can see this big empty space where the hurricane is and all of these tanker ships. the reds are tankers and the blue are passenger ships. pinks are the pleasure yachts. this one, the norwegian escape, which is an appropriate name, they said they were going west. they have about 4,000 passengers on board that couldn t get out of miami. they said we don t know when we ll be back or where we re going. looks like they re going to mexico. the captain said get on board. we ll get you to safety. we don t know when we ll bring
you back. shepard: interesting. mexico has the storm on the southeastern coast. yeah. they re going in this area. shepard: cancun. yeah. some ships are just headed to safety. shepard: think of the logistics, getting the people out, the planes and then return everyone when it s over. thanks. ahead, the latest on the evacuation efforts. we ll get an update from the miami area and up the coast. first, a look at the hurricane from the international space station. 250 miles above earth. cuba on the left there and irma on the right. right behind irma is jose. and by the way, jose now category four. and non-24 can make me show up too early. or too late. or make me feel like i m not really there.
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hundreds of thousands of them on the move. hitting the road as hurricane irma heads their general direction. traffic going north is in some places above the lake a nightmare. a reporter with the palm beach post newspaper says the drive that normally takes two hours took him eight hours. at 1:30 a.m. that s traffic northbound. that s traffic southbound obviously. top speed on florida s turnpike at that time, 1:30 a.m., 5 miles an hour. the line to get into a rest stop for gas, at least a half mile. the reporter says families driving minivans and u-hauls and rvs packed with as much as they could hold. gas stations are out of gas in many stations. this is a fairly familiar scene. people trying to fill sand bags and board up their homes and board up their homes and businesses before getting out, going to a shelter or trying to ride out the storm system where.
steve harrigan is one to do that he s in miami shores in south florida. hello, steve. shepard, a little wind kicking up. gusts 20 miles an hour. more and more, it s getting to be like a ghost town, a different mood here. people are afraid. people who have been here, been through a lot of hurricanes, they re afraid. they re afraid of what they ve seen. the death toll 23 and continuing to rise. just the devastation on so many islands in the caribbean. complete destruction. it has people here afraid. when you talk to them, listen to them, you can see the fear in their faces, eyes and jaws. shepard? shepard: i heard mayor jimenez said they had some crowdiness in the shelters. many are filling up,
especially shelters that take pets. a real concern for people. a woman across the street from me says i have three dogs. the shelters were the pets are full. you have a tough choice. do you get on highway and go 5 miles for 24 hours or stay put in a home that could be destroyed? miami-dade has more than 40 shelters and house 100,000 people and already filling up, shepard. shepard: steve harrigan, miami shores. thanks. on the coast i should say on the coast just north of miami, the mayor of ft. lauderdale says his city is ready for hurricane irma. parts of broward county under evacuation orders. major jack siler is on the phone with us. good afternoon. thanks, shep. shepard: how are things around ft. lauderdale? we re ready. gearing up for three or four days now, this is one of the biggest and baddest storms across the atlantic in a long
time. we ve been ready. started evacuations on the barrier island and most people are compliant with it. the issues you re talking about with miami shores, same issues up here in ft. lauderdale. i just had to open a second shelter for pet owners because the one shelter that was for owners with pets and their pets filled up already. they opened a second one west of ft. lauderdale. shepard: i know a lot of young people, some not so young say i don t want to go. i m on the 20th floor. i ll be fine. have you made an impression on the seniors? we ve made an impression through an active campaign. our public of affairs staff has done a lot of work. what has made a bigger impression, watching your tv storm and when they see a picture of the storm, it makes a heck of an impression.
it s big and broad and we re very concerned about these storms surges. that s the major factor here in ft. lauderdale. we feel we can handle the rain, we can handle the winds. the storm surge could create a problem for people on a barrier island. you might be on the 20th floor. if your first floor elevator stops working and fills up with water and all of a sudden, the electrical and the utilities go out, i m not sure what good it is if you can t get in and out of the building. we re making sure they re educated so it s not just about where you are, it s about first responders getting in and out and it s about the residents getting in and out. shepard: i was wondering about your flood areas. i realize on the beach along and over to u.s. 1, is that all a major flood area? not all of u.s. 1 east. we have low-lying areas. you know ft. lauderdale well.
we have close to 200 miles of waterways and our nickname is the venice of america. we have a lot of low-lying areas east of federal highway, predominantly the barrier island. other areas east of federal highway are higher ground and we re not watching them as closely as the low-lying areas as we ve been dealing with for the seasonal high tides. remember, this time of year, our seasonal high tides are none as king tides. you tie that in with a full moon, tie that in with an east wind and a storm surge, the recipe is there to have flooding in those low-lying areas. shepard: had it skirted the way they talked about, you would have had a real, real wind problem. i wonder if the vast majority isn t going to be surge and flooding as far north as you are. i agree with you, shep. i think a couple days ago we were focused on the wind factor.
that has shifted. now we re looking at a storm surge of 5-10 feet. they can change depending on the precipitation with the storm. our real fear right now is the storm surge. every time it takes a jog one way or the other, the storm surge alters itself a foot or two. and also the timing. if it continues to slow down and comes in with a high tide, that s a bigger problem than if it comes in under a low tide. these are all things that mother nature just playing games with our preparations. look, we re ready. we ve been doing this 100 plus years in ft. lauderdale. we feel we re ready. i believe you. mayor jack siler. hope to see you soon. thanks, shep. shepard: folks in volusia county, up the coast, which includes daytona beach, east of orlando, ordering evacuations for people in high risk areas.
that s set to go in effect 5:00 east florida time. the order includes beaches, low-lying areas and mobile homes. again, that s the daytona beach area. volusia county. officials say shelters will open there tomorrow morning. if you re in volusia or brevard or any counties along the coast, your local stations in orlando will have all the specifics for you, this map shows when forecasters at the national hurricane center expect not hurricane force winds, this is when they think the tropical storm force winds will hit different areas of florida. so just around the keys tomorrow morning around sunrise, in the lower keys. by 8:00 around everglades city and then be 8:00 tomorrow night, everything south of the lake from the lake okeechobee south should have at least tropical storm force winds. that s from coast-to-coast. so lee county, collier county, down into the keys, miami-dade, broward and the palm beaches all
with tropical storm force winds by 8:00 tomorrow saturday night. then by sunday morning, tropical storm force winds are well north of tampa approaching the orlando area. and then by sunday at 8:00 p.m., day after tomorrow night, by 8:00, the entire peninsula all the way over to tallahassee, almost to panama city beach area, tropical storm force winds have now reached the entire state of florida. speaking of daytona beach, the home of the 500 and a great spring break back in the day, rick leventhal is there. what a ghost town. that s nuts, rick. yeah, it s pretty quiet here on north beach street. most of the businesses have boarded up, they re closed. some of them have decorated the fly wood on the front of the stores. not clear how many people are heeding the mandatory evacuation order. county officials say if you re going to get out, get out by 5:00. if not, you should pack your
stuff and shelter in place or go to one of the 21 shelters that will open tomorrow morning. we have seen people boarding up in the low-lying areas, boarding up their homes, boarding up their businesses. major sandbagging going on, including south daytona beach where we were earlier today. there were 21 truck loads of sand delivered to the one location. they were backing it up as quick as it could be delivered. people were taking up to 25 bags each. some of them were helping each other out. not just helping family and friends but helping strangers as well. this morning, got off work. filled up sand bags for my grandfather. all kinds of people helping. just kind of helping the community. today was the last day for sandbags. if they don t have them by now, they won t get them. thanks, rick. while thousands in florida try to get out of irma s way, power crews from across the nation are
headed to the hurricane zone where officials say millions of people could end up in the dark. millions of them, a live look at the traffic cam from i-75 northbound near ocala. and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn t have that. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance.
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is that why you don t like them? those boots could make a unicorn cry. yeah, tears of joy. the bank of america mobile banking app. the fast, secure and simple way to send money. shepard: hower crews from across the nation are headed to florida s area to help turn back on the lights after the hurricane knocks them out. some workers come from as far away as california and others in
up from canada. officials in florida say they expect millions of people to lose power for weeks if not longer in some areas. trace gallagher has this news. how do they organize these power crews from everywhere? most of the power crews, shep, will be arriving in florida some time today and mobilize in lake city, florida, which is in columbia county near the georgia border. that is considered inland county and thought to be well-protected. separately, florida power and light has set up 22 staging areas across the state. thousands of fpl crews and the crews from visiting states will be disbursed to the areas with the greatest needs. if you consider that 90% of florida power and light s customers live or work in coastal areas, which are more exposed to high winds and storm surge, you get a better idea of why they are predicting that millions of people will be without power for several weeks. most of the power crews from
other states have agreed to stay for at least 30 days, if longer, if needed, shep. shepard: trace, many of these out-of-state power company workers have helped with hurricane repairs over and over. they have. and florida would draw from southern states. but many of those are in texas. which is why florida requested crews from canada, michigan and other states. there s crews from indiana that have helped turn the power back on in florida after every hurricane since andrew. florida power and light has a mutual aid agreement with some companies like pacific gas and electric in can can and one pg&e worker says he can help. shepard: thanks, trace. officials in miami say they don t have time to move more than 20 construction cranes that
tower over that great city. so they re telling people that live in the area to get out. that s coming up. constipated? trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. to err is human. to anticipate is lexus. experience the lexus rx with advanced safety standard. experience amazing. how much money do you think you ll need in retirement? then we found out how many years that money would last them. how long do you think we ll keep oooooohhh! you stopped! you re gonna leave me back here at year 9? how did this happen? it turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. we have to think about not when we expect to live to,
but when we could live to. let s plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. prudential. bring your challenges.
people sit along the beach. there s a restaurant and watch big planes land. they have sunset beach bar it s called. dutch officials tweeted this picture out. they say they re getting the airport back up and running. it s a high priority for delivery of supplies to get the economy back moving. so far it s not yet. this is a house in puerto rico. didn t get a direct hit there. the owner says starting a generator. a million people lost power there. this is st. thomas and the u.s. virgin islands, this is system to the mass. flooding there from hurricane irma. the damage there is nothing short of catastrophic. more than 20 construction cranes that tower over miami aren t no coming down because of the hurricane. that s from city officials. people that live nearby are told to leave their homes. the deal is it can take two
weeks to dismantle them and get them on the ground. now it s too late. can t tie them down. the cranes way 20 to 30,000 pounds each. city officials say they can withstand gusts up to 145 miles an hour. hurricane coverage continues after this. patrick woke up with back pain.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20171014 10:00:00

[cheers and applause] it is an easy touchdown for syracuse. abby: the weekend authority here for this groove. we ve been here for hours now. that last clip, my wife is not a football fan in the least, which is here accused. she e-mailed me. weepy crime scene. huge deal. congratulations to all the folks they are. abby: a big night. and if your wife is texting it s a big deal. we have david webb on the couch this morning.
david: i know. nice little color coronation. abby: we didn t even plan it. i love learning about her learning about our guest toes, what they drink in the morning. what is your choice? you re a black coffee. david: i like black coffee with a little bit of brown sugar but i m going to make tea year. todd: we look like we are ready to get the baby announcement because they ve got their pink, the blue. david: covering all sides of this. abby: per usual friday salé usual friday salé is often the busiest day for the administration and yesterday was the same. a lot of news out of the white house. president trump announcing he will not certify the iran nuclear deal. the president stopping short of scrapping the deal altogether. kevin cortez live on what this means. good morning. early where you are. reporter: a little bit early. enjoy your coffee and tea. i ll stick to bergen.
thanks for asking. it s never too early, right? very interesting day in the nations capital. the president as he pointed out decided not to certify that tehran is living up to its agreement by way of the every nuclear deal. what is really interesting analyses threatening to terminate altogether if iran does not get it together. a major policy shift at the white house in washington and the president unveiling and it s very easy to spot a more confrontational approach the rogue regime. in the event we are not able to reach a solution with congress and our allies, the agreement will be terminated. it is under continuous review and their participation can be canceled as president at any time. reporter: a lot of people asking
abby: democrats and even the media are upset at media are absent what does this mean for former barack obama legacy? look at what the focus has been for president trump in office when he campaigned on immigration. i mean, you name it. health care. continuing to roll back the best way he can in his office the legacy of barack obama. a lot of people wondering what will his legacy be? andersen cooper was on last night and spoke directly to that. never have we seen negating, even obliterating the predecessor s accomplishments. you only have to look of a president obama is for. in all fairness none of this should be a surprise. he campaigned on much of it and if nothing else is keeping promises now. what may be surprising or at least widely debated that is how much of this is personal. todd: right, david? david: the american people, we
get represented. we made a decision as a nation to elect president trump to roll back the bad policies of obama. obama, by the way, rollback policies he didn t believe and with bush without a joint agreement. look at what he did. but obama didn t go through the constitution in congress. he was rejected by the supreme court a dozen times plus some different things. one of the biggest things about trump, he s telling congress commit to your job. that s the constitution and that is not left or right. abby: how is that personal? andersen cooper said was different about this disease that s right a little lost. with personal? david: it s not. they need to drive the narrative. andersen is to drive the narrative because it s watching the failures of obama play out. obama s legacy is already fallen apart by the numbers. he s been rejected by the courts. look at all the issues of all
his signature achievements. those are bad signatures. this is called democracy. you devote democracy. your devoted cayenne or lady and they change what they don t like in response of the american people about spore. they vote the individual in. of course the mainstream media will get fired because they don t like the guy. we said it countless times they don t like president trump and that s just seen in the soundbites. i was at the conference in washington d.c. we ll talk more about that throughout the course of the morning. you speak with the individuals they are in the heart of america want certain things. the president is delivering in their eyes on those issues. that is the way democracy works. yet to realize democrats don t like the idea that trump world through the blue wall. they are the same legislative seats. they re losing middle american counts. i hate that phrase. they count. abby: they should focus on what
they stand for versus everything they re against. we are following closely this morning with a fox news alert. the taliban and arriving home in canada overnight after being held captive for five years. joshua boyle telling reporters that his captors killed a fourth child born in captivity, and infant daughter. he also says they sexually assaulted his wife. the trump administration working at the pakistani military now to carry out their release. and now to another fox news alert. when does threatening to the deadliest acre wildfire in california s history. the death toll rising to at least 34 people is to get a firsthand look at the daring rescues underway. clinic at her feet. sir, you ve got to go. go, go, go. this is a mandatory evacuation order. leave your home. i begin video rescuing a
disabled woman, lighting up the neighborhood with smoke so thick you can barely see. unbelievable. the wildfire with 90,000 people out of their home. also overnight, president trump to end payments to health insurers under obamacare. money pouring into insurance companies profit under the guise of obama carries over. they ve made a fortune. dems must fortune. dan s muscat smarting deal. 18 states and the district of columbia during the trump administration friday s announced vampiric states as the court to force the administration to make the next payment to ensure scheduled for wednesday. taking aim and nfl players kneeling during the national anthem during the weekly address to the nation. take a listen. you want to see those players be proud of their country. when we identified, we pay tribute to the men and women who ve given everything. let us renew our commitment to love our country, protect her citizens and ensure that this
act. todd: did you hear that? i don t know but it s sabotage. david: while serving in afghanistan, now it s running 31 marathons. that s amazing. right here on fox and friends. hungry eyes one look at you and i can t disguise i ve got hungry eyes applebee s 2 for $20. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood.
applebee s 2 for $20. because she s listening this to audible.ughing and this woman is pretending her boss s terrible story is funny. experience the comedy, not your commute. dial star-star-audible on your smartphone to start listening today.
years. first the cost-saving reductions in the subsidies to insurance companies. what did he actually do there? the president is abiding by the law and upholding this important document. the united takes constitution. these subsidies were not authorized and appropriated by congress. the money to pay for them is not in this thought. obama spends that money in defiance of congress which refuse to appropriate the money. congress went to court and won a case against the obama administration because it was illegal to make those payments and the president is saying i cannot make payments that congress doesn t authorize because i took an oath to uphold the united states constitution and the power of the purse belongs to congress, not to me. jonathan turley basically articulate that point. he worked on this case and made this really interesting point. what is president trump decides i m going to fight the border
wall unilaterally. exactly. exactly the same thing. i m going to grab some people s money to prop up my failing health law. it is illegal. it is absolutely illegal. the irony is we have the democrats and insurance companies on one side of the issue. the president, the the constitution and the people elected representative on the other side. which side are you going to pick? david: what does this mean to the person on main street, the small business? the small business is affected by this. the small businesses and individuals are very effect it in a positive way by the executive order that the president made on thursday. also called sabotage by democrats. on thursday, the president announced he is rolling back obamacare regulations, that prevented people from buying affordable health plans.
so now, people who don t get coverage on their job are stuck between this rock and a hard place. they have to pay huge obamacare premiums will go uninsured. you say and that s not fair. we will let you buy low cost health plans, plans that cost less than half of what obamacare bronze plan costs. transfer sum this up for the american people quickly. are they better off this morning than they were last saturday? absolutely. more money in their pockets and cheaper better plans available. transfer the left is added again looking for ways to oust president trump from office. this time trying to label him mentally unstable. david: you can imagine that. plus this lawmaker wanted the president assassinated. now she s comparing him with hitler. we will have that next.
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we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 150 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than at&t. we do business where you do business. david: here are some quick headlines. the astros beaned in the new york yankees two to one. they take their first game in the al cs series. astros pitcher striking out five batters in seven scoreless innings. 10 batters strikeout. major upsets on the college football. first i ve come a good one for my cousins come this year accused at a stunning, stunning number two clemson victory beating them 27-24 that breaks the 11 game winning streak.
in california using a dominant defensive performance where they used dominant defensive performance to defeat washington state 37-3. their first win in 14 years against the top 10 teams. abby, tia. abby: unbelievable. thank you so much, david. now turning to the 25th of them as a potential option to get president trump out of office. look at these headlines. one reads when did we reach 30 fifth amendment territory. another impeachment will save us from trump s the 25th amendment might. the president can be removed a majority of the cabinet determines that he is unfit about which should really be talking about this. here s a debate, amy holmes, political analyst for rasmussen report was a clinton campaign adviser and of course a fox news contributor. good morning, ladies. thank you for being with us so early. i said we re not talking about the 25th. i ve heard mentions from democrats about the 25th
amendment for the day the president got into office. it s one thing to hate him and his policies. it s another to say he s mentally or physically unfit to be president. it s another to be delusional. there is no way trump cabinet will be invoking the 25th amendment to remove him. i also think it is dangerous thinking. before the election we got a lot of lectures on the media and democrats that the results of november needed to be respected by donald trump because they thought he would lose they feared he would keep on fighting. it seems those democrats have never accepted the donald trump one-day election in november. he did win the popular vote but he did win the electoral college at 63 million americans voted for donald jay trump to be in the white house. abby: you look at how this city how this would even have been peered the 25th amendment you have to get the cabinet to stand up and say the president is unfit to serve. do democrats really see this
happening? i think we have to take into account why these stories are being discussed right now. this is not being interpreted by democrats. this is in response to one of trump s early supporters, senator corker say the president is unstable or reports coming out that republicans are saying that the president is unstable and unraveling and when you ve got senator corker saying he s leading us into world war iii, these are questions that need to be asked. certainly we are not at any stage where the 25th amendment could actually be invoked. i am surprised that we also learned the president himself didn t even know at the 25th amendment was when his senior adviser, steve bannon, told him this is something you should be concerned with. if the president is charged with defending the constitution, you
would want him to understand all of what the constitution entails. this is coming directly from republicans who are now saying, you know, actually hurt clinton said during the election. had no place did he talk about the 25th amendment. he mentioned the word dangerous and this is a dangerous confrontation by having it in this country. it s also dangerous for democrats to focus so much on this? certainly is dangerous for their party that they seem to be often in lala land with dreams of the 25th amendment. they are just absurd and not going to happen. in the sense of it being dangerous, we have a democracy, election, logical disagreement. most of the times they are between parties but we should be talking about trying to remove the president simply because you disagree with choices he s making as controversial as they may be. he was a lack did. the one on his campaign promises
goodies now fulfilling campaign promises. democrats only have themselves to blame but they failed to defeat him. is also really challenging specific aspects of the constitution and that is concerning. would use the word concerning and the word dangerous. your thoughts in the missouri state senator recently and she s been in trouble for things posted on facebook in the past but on twitter she recently compared trying to hitler. she says i have a first amendment right to share my opinion and if the name is offensive to people they should look at the amendment again. original post as i hope is assassinated. how would anyone defend that? i think that post was indefensible. i think we have to be intellectually honest with the audience because this is not the first time that a president has come under attack like that. we saw for eight years president obama come under similar attacks
and actually someone like ted nugent who was welcomed into the white house for photos and dinner with the president. this isn t something conservatives can use as a rallying cry because we ve had a long history of conservatives doing the same thing. who should know the language whether on the left or right. we re talking about elected official. ted nugent isn t the one elected into office. correct. let s focus on the elected official who was almost unanimously by her state senate quarter making those remarks and now she s comparing donald trump to hitler. this is the one who not only disrespected the president which is to write but also 6 million jewish were murdered by adolf hitler. hundreds of thousands of allied troops who died in defense of the west and the united states of america. for her to be comparing donald trump who merely for enacting
policies to a historic building with real blood on his hands i think is totally out of bounds. does she have the right to say it? yes. as the first amendment require us to like it? no. we see a lot of actions by this president that put them in the leg don t go down that road. i m not focusing on the hitler aspect. insanely never president going after the free prize in the way dictators have in other countries. abby: ladies, we have to leave it right there. always good. any good to have you. thank you, ladies. president trump s decision on the reindeer mean? general jack keane is here to discuss that next. george clooney accused of one of his costars and she woke up about harassment on sat? clooney s response is coming out. sorry, kids. no hollowing costumes in school
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or make me feel like i m not really there. talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424. kyle, we talked about this. there s no monsters. but you said they d be watching us all the time. no, no. no, honey, we meant that progressive would be protecting us 24/7. we just bundled home and auto and saved money. that s nothing to be afraid of. -but -good night, kyle. [ switch clicks, door closes ] i told you i was just checking the wiring in here, kyle. he s never like this. i think something s going on at school. -[ sighs ] -he s not engaging. i am to write in my administration to work closely with congress and our allies to address the deals many serious flaws so that the iranian regime can never threaten the world
with nuclear weapons. in the event we are not able to reach a solution working with congress and our allies, then the agreement will be terminated . the president making a huge announcement yesterday. general jack keane to retired four-star general, former vice chief of staff of the u.s. army, chairman of the institute for the study of war and a fox news military analyst. good to see you, sir. as always. i want to break this down into parts. one, let s focus on how this is going to impact our allies both in the region and outside of the region and to, not just nukes involved. there is also general ballistic missiles there right now are a clear and present threat to so many allies in the region. yes, certainly. this is very much about our allies because for the last eight years the interest of the united states in the middle east and also allies have been
trampled on by the obama administration. just remember that this deal, the nuclear agreement was the seminal foreign policy and national security object to is that the obama administration for eight years. as a result of that, he gave us a sense, the civil war and syria that we refuse to aid the theory and opposition forces and at least we may not have been able to run a sod out of power, but we could have done so much more to stop the killing that has taken place. so our allies absolutely applaud this. when president trump went to riyadh a few months ago and made the seminal speech therapy for 55 liters of the middle east and northern africa, he told them, the first thing he said, iran is the strategic enemy in the region and i will stand with you against this number one threat to the region. so while we are focusing so much
of the nuclear deal and what s wrong with it and how to create some threats to fix it, and the real major thing i get out of this is the strategic object is that we move from appeasement to iran for the last eight years, the confrontation and willingness to stand up with our allies against them. general, we hear from the media that essentially this would be the ending of world war iii, but does the hyperbole not recognize the hegemonic aspirations of iran in the region? you know, you re absolutely right. what the iranians have done, the number one objective the president cited yesterday was to neutralize the afghan behavior in the region. that was the first thing he said as part of the strategic review. they ve got 160,000 rockets and missiles in lebanon with hezbollah. they are there for one reason and one reason only. israel. iranians run a more inferior. they brought the russians in
when the regime was in trouble. they solidified the western part of syria. but to solidify the eastern part. one criticism of the trump administration i don t think we have no coherent plan after we defeat isis. they have more political influence in iraq than we have despite all of their military successes there. they want to build a land bridge from iran through iraq, through syria, through lebanon and a naval port and the mediterranean. they trampled all over gannon. they depose the government that we are supporting. yes, this is a very dangerous regime to be sure. if we let them have nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles and we think north korea is a problem, that would make iran not just a regional merit, but a global mass. abby: general, you know how to command the stage. so does general john kelly.
i know you saw this press conference. the highlights for me taking on the press. when he speaks it s like the media, they don t quite know how to respond. they taken very seriously. what was your response to him saying to the media come the media company to just get a few more services for your story. i think one of the most frustrating things this administration has to deal with, all administrations do with criticisms criticisms of the press. it s part of their everyday staple. the amount of false stories that are out there, even i know myself from reading news media every day that i know for a fact based on by contact with the administration that this is a bunch of silly. and we just know it s not true. i share general kelly s frustration, coming to work every day working so hard to get something right for the american people. these people really putting a shoulder into this thing to do
what s right. obviously to include the president himself. he had his own personal style in its controversial that people always criticize it. but he is the president of the united states. his hearts in the right place. he s got great leaders trained to do the right thing. when people write false stories which are allies, i ve been in the far east command of far east command of the least in europe for weeks. since president trump a select team. i ll tell you what, they read this media and they have some concerns, but they also are absolutely reassured we have a president who s putting america back on the world stage, promoting global leadership, stability, security and prosperity once again. we have not had that for some time. abby: those false headlines can be quite dangerous. good to have your perspective. i do want to bring you something quickly. george clooney denied former er costar vanessa marquez who starred as nurse wendy goldman
and accused clooney and having a role in her being asked from his show. the allegations after clinton publicly condemned harvey went in factions. responding to marquez statement saying i had no idea i was blacklisted if she was involved in any decision about her career that she was lied to. carolina panthers fan arrested after punching an older man. we want to warn you come you may find this video quite disturbing. [inaudible conversations] wow, kyl barrett out charge of simple assault after the altercations during thursday s game. a fan posted this video on instagram. witnesses said the vic was upset they were standing during the game. suspect the attorney claims the man was harassing him and his girlfriend. but would we do without social media videos?
abby: don t take it that seriously. i have to get a lawyer and defend yourself. why d you hit an older person? it s just wrong. so wrong. todd: he was not old. abby: kory lewandowski, dan bongino both joining us live. transfer could harvey weinstein sue his own company for firing him? does he have a case? gregg jarrett is on deck. gary is. 9 out of 10 couples prefer a different mattress firmness, so we created the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. you can even see how well you re sleeping and make adjustments. does your bed do that? the most amazing part is they start at $699. that s $200 off our queen c2 mattress
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backing down after being fired from his company. tmc reported the rule based in houston are greedy and never violated his contract. the contract allowed him to keep his job even a sexual harassment suit came into play. just unbelievable. abby: fox news anchor gregg jarrett, no one better to help break all of this down. what standing does weinstein have at this point? he is going to sue his own company. where does that go? is your chance. not only a sexual predator who terrorize women but also a fool if he thinks he can contest being fired. his contract was an illegal contract because it enabled him, in writing to harass women, pay a fine essentially to himself, continue the job and continue to terrorize and harassed and sexually abused women. that is under lock and illegal contract. it is null and void, which makes
and an employee who can be fired for a reason or no reason at all in the money of reasons. abby: through and are claiming that he them. the details coming out or getting worse and worse. battlement worse and worse, evidence of the 2015 undercover reporting by n.y.p.d. what about statute of limitations? talking about the contract, but the charges that can be brought. no statute of limitations anywhere, which i don t want to get too drastic but it is penetration. first come a sexual assault in most jurisdictions, so use in legal jeopardy criminally. probably l.a. police are investigating and that tape in new york is incriminating, damning evidence. he chose to drop the case and interestingly, the lawyers for
weinstein lavished generously a lot of money after he dropped the case against weinstein. abby: chretien at the unbiased? absolutely. should end up behind bars if the accusers are correct. 32 women have come forward. sexual harassment, three of them as you point out. this is a guy who deserves to be behind bars. if he thinks he can retain his position at weinstein company, he cannot. abby: just horrible. i wrote a column that said the weinstein co. could shut its doors and do three things. apologize sincerely, set up a fund to the benefit is analysts will continue to grow in finally come finally, contribute tens of millions of dollars to organizations that are dedicated to helping abused women. and then, it should close down operations. abby: good to have you with us this morning. kory lewandowski coming dan
bongino both joining us live next hour. david: this marine lost both legs while serving in afghanistan. now he s running 31 marathons in 31 days. david: that s impossible. david: it s amazing. he s doing it to help his fellow troops. right here next on fox and friends. what started as a passion. .has grown into an enterprise. that s why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. now, i m earning unlimited 2% cash back on every purchase i make. everything. what s in your wallet? and it s also a story mail aabout people and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country,
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2012. david: unbelievable. now his mission to help other veterans. he is running dirty one marathons and 31 days in 31 cities to raise money for wounded veteran charities. it s an unbelievable honor to have them here. marine corps veteran rod jones joins us now before his recent central park this morning. cannot thank you enough for being here. before we get into the specifics, please tell us your story. sure, i was a combat engineer in the marine corps. my job was to find ied is buried in the ground and so in july of 2010 i was in afghanistan, saying an district of helmand province and we were pushing into taliban territory, taking it over and we came out to a danger area where there was a likelihood of an ied being there. i went out to clear a route through the area. the ied found me before i found it. abby: at what point did you wake
up after losing both of your legs and say i can t go on with my life, you can even walk anymore, saying i m going to do something, actually in this case ran 31 marathons and 31 days. how did you get to that point? i have an uncanny knack i suppose her of being able accept my situation. i was able to accept it pretty quickly once i kind of came out of the haze from surgery and pain medications. i was able to bounce back pretty quickly and, you know, i just figured this is a situation now, so my mission is still the same. make a difference in the world. leave the world better than i found it. so how am i going to do that now? todd: as if this whole thing was that remarkable enough, you ran a race, a marathon in london on thursday and traveled to philadelphia yesterday now you run today. the travel alone would exhaust
me, not to mention you are running 2622 miles in each location. this is unbelievable. tell us what you are doing today. abby: look at that. this is a map of all the races you are doing. we are going to drive about 9500 miles total. luckily for me we have an rv, so i have my wife there that is handling just about everything. i have a driver, my mom that gives me massages because she s a massage therapist. i m resting pretty well for most of the travel. todd: how can we help? obviously an amazing cause. besser to help us to go to my website, rod jones donate to charities and supporting there. by the really nice t-shirt i m wearing and most importantly you can actually rsvp to run with me. i m encouraging everybody to come around a mile or whole thing whatever you want. david: you are an inspiration. thank you for service in all you do.
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president trump called it a renaissance for conservative values. in america, we don t worship government. we worship god. abby: taking aim at nfl players to enter the national anthem. respect our flag and respect our national interests. transform a little bit worried because it s two sons he had. abby: and dancing. kind of bobbing. if you really want to wake up. david webb on the couch this morning. trends are still here. i haven t run away yet. three to go. i m ready to go.
abby: todd, good to have you with us. a lot of this to get to israelis have on saturday morning. david: president trump announcing he will not certify the iran nuclear deal. transfer the president shopping sort of scrapping the deal altogether. abby: kevin corke live in washington with what all this means. always good to see you. great to be with you guys did the president that i do support congressional lawmakers in their effort to influence them foster better deliverables from the iranians, but he made it clear in his remarks with the white house that if we can t get this thing right, he will terminate the iran nuclear deal. the effort is simple. to get the regime to live up to the spirit and the letter of the accord. while the united states adheres to our commitment under the deal, the iranian regime continues to feel conflict, terror and turmoil throughout the middle east and beyond.
importantly, iran is not living up to this. of the deal. todd: you guys talked about this in the last half-hour. a dramatic shift in a far more confrontational way to look at the iranian regime. as for congressional lawmakers, they are trying to come up with a fix for the jcpoa, corker, cotton and rubio. sanctions if iran goes under the one-year branko. they remained in force indefinitely. goodbye to the so-called sunset provisions that apply to sanctions bolstering the iaea verification powers and limit iran s advanced centrifuge program. now you re asking yourself, what does it mean now? the ball is in congress court. 60 days to formulate a strategy until the strategy that to the white house. again, if they can be successful in that affair, they could hold the u.s. out altogether.
we ll be listening very carefully. abby: let s hope congress can do their job. good to see you. thank you. transfer great way of breaking that down for us, the nuts us, not symbols. a little analysis from corey lewandowski, former trump campaign manager and senior advisor for america first. good to see you as always on saturday morning. he heard the president and kevin. what do you think? good morning. great to be with you today. clearly the administration following through on the campaign promises they made paper president trump talked about on the campaign trail and as the president was the iranian deal has been a terrible deal for the american people and what he s done is he s empowered as ambassador to the united nations company keeley, to make sure that iran that the iranian deal is followed through on and she went to vienna, met with executives at the iaea and then she went and gave a speech in washington d.c. a few months
back to lay the groundwork for the fact she didn t believe this was actually being followed through on. the president said yesterday will mixture congress has the power to go back and look at this, understand that, come up with the resolution. if they don t come if you act under his authority of the president of the united states to pull out of the deal. this is that the president promised on the campaign trail undoing the obama era policies. andersen cooper mentioned that last thing on the show. here s what he said. never had we seen the president so bent on obliterating his predecessors accomplishments. if you want to notice against you only have to look at what president obama was for. in all fairness, none of this should be a surprise. he campaigned on much of it and is keeping his promises now. what may be surprising or at least widely debated is how much of this is personal. abby: i am not sure that it s personal.
it does make you wonder, though, the president is successful with the iran deal, obamacare, turning these things around, while the former president barack obama s legacy be? you will be one of the failure. we ve seen this administration has tackled a fist and isolate and done more in the first 10 months or so in the administration of ridding the world of this terrorist organization in the obama administration in eight years. the stock rocketed 43, 44 new highs. a trillion dollars in the stock market in the first 10 months of the administration. where the growth rate of 3% and 4% moving forward. under the old administration 1%. we need to look at the metrics. an unbiased assessment of what the president has been able to achieve compared to the previous eight years. he is far and away above anything the obama administration has been able to do. now we re looking at health care because congress refused to act
because of their inability to get things done, took done, took it in his old hands and by health care across state line. go back and look at the campaign. these are things the president campaigned on an even andersen cooper, not a friend of the administration has to admit he s following through on his campaign promises which is that the american people elected him to do. the mac it s funny. president keep their promises. hillary clinton who didn t get to be president is on a book to a book tour that never ends it seems. she now calls trump and assault her. is that out of bounds? hillary is a very angry person obviously. she ran the worst campaigned in the history of presidential campaigns that she couldn t connect with female, african-americans and hispanics. she forgot what the state of wisconsin was finishing up every battleground state in the country and blames everyone else for her lost futures on the book
tour to say it s everybody else but irrelevant. it wasn t her fault. where is she on the weinstein thing? abby: a lot of people haven t seen the clip. i want to get your thoughts. let s let people know what you re talking about here. this kind of behavior cannot be tolerated anywhere whether an entertainment politics, after all we have someone admitting to being a sexual assault in the oval office. there has to be recognition that we must stand against this kind of action that is so sexist and misogynistic. and this depends upon women coming forward and having the courage to come forward. in your book on the three women brought onto stage by trump attacking her husband new kind of dismiss them. without the right thing to do? yes, that at all been. that was the subject of a huge investigation as you might
recall in the late 90s and never conclusions drawn and that was clearly in the past. david: so gloria, is this the 90s flashback? missing something about sexual assault her admitted in the white house. there was a sexual assault in the white house called bill clinton. he had to pay $750,000 fine for abuses he perpetrated while president of the united states. he lost his law license. he lied under oath that he was impeached. she should be talking about in the white house. when she talks about the entertainment industry, this is amazing. harvey weinstein and friends of hers for a long, long time. she s been stunningly silent. we saw that mario cuomo, mayor from new york and decided to give it all back. it s amazing the hypocrisy of hollywood in the liberal elites who they don t want to talk about harvey weinstein anymore because he s one of their own.
the netiquette of the new york times did want to break this story. it s amazing how the liberal left has their own agenda and they refuse to acknowledge that they have been part of the problem in hollywood for the last 30 years. it hasn t been one person or two people. we are at 30 people now have accused harvey weinstein of serious felonies have no recourse and no cry from the liberal left. this is what the hypocrisy is all about. three women accusing winds can of raid. it s so dangerous to point out hypocrisy is a great place to be. thank you. abby: we do want to begin with the fox news alert. the american woman arriving home in canada overnight after being held captive for five years. joshua boyle told reporters his captors killed a fourth child born in captivity, and infant daughter. yes is that they sexually assaulted his wife caitlin coleman predator and administration working working with the pakistani military to
carry out their release. when does threat and to spark more flames of what is now the deadliest week of wildfires in california s history. the vessel rising to 34 people as they get a firsthand look at the daring rescues underway. come on. litigator feat. sir, you ve got to go. go, go, go, go. this is a mandatory evacuation order. leave your homes. abby: flames lighting up the neighborhood with smoke so thick you could barely see anything at all. wildfires have changed entrée cheesed 90,000 people out of their home and it continues. greater details on the harvey went in scandal. now facing removal from the academy board. they will decide his fate later today. not backing down after being fired from his own film company. tmc reported in a hollywood is planning to challenge saying he
never violated his contract which allowed him to keep his job even if sexual harassment suits came into play. as his next move in his rogue nuclear program, kim jong un building his own version of mar-a-lago while his people starve to death. building a knock of spanish resort in the seaside town, a vacation spot that appears to be kim s attempted to north korea take on his getaway. only his report just happens to be alongside his rocket test site. two differences bear. abby: just a few. the story has been story has been a few outrage story has been a few outrage. an illegal immigrant killing a data to kids in a horrific car crash. the illegal immigrant serving two years in jail. the mom seeking justice peter congressman joins us live with what he s doing to help next. try to do absolutely pitch in in a final paragraph of the infamous tarmac waiting between
bill clinton and the rental lunch? wait until you hear what the fbi just found. will that ignite another scandal? we actually filed a claim with usaa to replace that spoiled food. and we really appreciated that we re the webber family and we are usaa members for life. but they never i always loved me back.otatoes, so i came up with o, that s good! comfort sides with a nutritious twist like mashed potatoes with yummy cauliflower, but you ll only taste the love. see what i mean? o, that s good! our recent online sales success seems a little. strange?nk na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they re affordable and fast. maybe too affordable and fast.
what if. people aren t buying these books online, but they are buying them to protect their secrets?!?! hi bill. if that is your real name. it s william actually. hmph! affordable, fast fedex ground.
spoke to her. here s what she told me. spinnaker membered their beautiful faces. i see them from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to bed. i remember their hugs and i miss those. i miss those hugs everyday and i miss hearing mommy coming down the love you. i miss everything about them on a daily basis. abby: she would never have been back. courtney hakki as congressman joins us to sit tight future tragedies like this one and make sure justice is served. good to have you on this morning. good to have you with you. abby: have been thinking about her all week in which he is lost. before we get to helping others i know it s a passion from yours. is there anything about the illegal immigration now charged to two years for killing most of her family s or anything that
can be done because people are frustrated. abby, my worst days as a prosecutor before coming to congress was having to sit with kind of and hear the stories are not prospective peer one of my worst days as a member of congress was story and knowing that it could have been prevented. we really do need to focus on enforcing the immigration laws that are on the book. i worked closely with the hacking family and law enforcement officials to make sure he got the maximum punishment under the law. we need to do a better job of not just enforcing the laws, then making sure illegal aliens have a propensity to commit crimes don t get banned the first place. now this man will go to prison for two years and then he is living free. courtney s life will never be the same. you see the photo of her adorable for a time, for real
daughter, 22 -month-old son gone forever. you ve got to know courtney personally and she s fighting hard, passionately to make these changes. what have you learned from her and her story? people talk about closure. in so often from the other side we hear compassion and certain programs amending certain programs could break apart the events of illegal. there is no child will have a worse com and kelly hakeem her grace and hacking or the family. and so, i can t tell you how much i appreciate the fact even after this tragedy, courtney is willing to devote her time towards making sure they re
american citizens don t go through what she has. the good news is we finally have someone living at 1600 penn irving avenue who shares that frustration and concern and is willing to work with congress to prevent these types of tragedies abby: all ask you again is there anyway to change the mandatory sentencing
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investigators interviewed another current former white house officials. david, over to you. thank you. this week president trump talking through everything from the iran deal, fake news media. what is the american people think the malay carter, poster of atlantean partners at the president to the dial. good to see you. first, let s go to donald trump on: kaepernick. i watched: kaepernick and thought it was terrible. and then it got bigger and bigger as the mushrooming in the nfl should have suspended him for one game and he would ve never done it again. they could have suspended him if he did a third time for the season and you would never of had a problem. but i will tell you, you cannot disrespect our country, our flag, and them. you cannot do that. out of the dial is turned off
for the president? republicans love this stuff. democrats gave it a d., which i thought was most interesting is democrat said this is one of the fake issues to distract us from other things going on. republicans say it s important to get her patriotism back. of course that s the big news on friday. those who for the president on the iran deal. i think it was one of the most incompetently drawn bills have ever seen. $150 billion given. we ve got nothing. they ve got a past nuclear weapons very quickly. think of this one. $1.7 billion in cash. this is cash out of your pocket. you know how many are was that must be? they re missing a promotion where they have that s a lot. would be authorized to do it
enjoy the people who deliver it? you may never see them again. this is the worst deal. we ve got nothing. trained to got to admit it s got some great laughs in there. the democrat basically what the democrats said, you can see republicans gave a come independent speed. the democrat said basically what up over obama would be against what the ax to grind. republicans said one of them said this very well. at that date didn t negotiate with terrorists. his right to force a vote. divided on this issue as well. train to classified, but we ll get into that another time. americans care about taxes. we are getting close to the end of the year. they are looking at april, so what about the tax code? he says will make it easier. the second plaques of our framework is to make the tax
code more simple, fair and easy to understand. american families and businesses waste billions of hours and tens of billions of dollars on excruciating paperwork. you see that all over the place. you have no idea what you re doing anyway. in compliance every single year. massive numbers of paper. under our framework, the vast majority will be able to file their taxes on that same single sheet of paper that i m so proud of talking about. you can see republicans and independents of the chart they are. they give us an a+ for democrats gave it a c+. we heard especially earlier talking about simple and fair. the message democrat can get behind and also believe which is important. things, leave. great to see you. remember that infamous, i would
say famous and infamous together meeting between loretta lynch. this could unite another scandal. dan bongino but the president to decertify the iran deal saying it was a scam from the start here and he joins us next. hungry eyes one look at you and i can t disguise i ve got hungry eyes applebee s 2 for $20. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood.
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we will see what happens with iran. we are very unhappy with iran. they have not treated us with the kind of respect. they should ve thanked barack obama for making that deal. they were economically gone. 100 to $150 billion into their economy. he gave them 1.7 billion in cash and they should be thanking president obama. davida that. the present rate they are yesterday. dan bongino, former secret service agent, who said the podcast renegade republican and author protecting the president. as always, good to see you on a saturday morning. the area and it was a joke from the start so the question is why are democrats so vociferously defending them?
listen, first off there is no iran deal. there is an obama deal, but someone should tell the iranians that there is an actual iran deal. now if the spirit of the deal as i ve heard recently, and the spirit of the so-called iran deal which was really the obama deal was to stop or slow down the development of nuclear technology for the iranian, then why are the iranians thirst eking dual use technology in developing ballistic missile delivery systems to potentially deliver a nuclear weapon. here is one where pro-tip about the obama deal. there s no iran deal. it s a joke. you probably shouldn t deliver pallets of cash to a regime whose motto is like death to america. probably not a good idea. interesting topics absolutely. as the president said yesterday, the basically restored their
economy. cash is king. we talked to people all over the country. what are you hearing from the people out there? do they get this? they absolutely get it. as you ve probably seen yourself, twitter is a great big public forum where you get a lot of good voices on both sides. some can get a little hostile but to get public opinion at least. the only people defending that are doing it not to defend the deal. they are doing it to defend obama because they want to maintain this veneer of foreign-policy credibility on the obama site to make people believe the democrats have something to stand on and they don t. it s always a crèche for them in the past. train to the deal is kind of a hollywood reality. what about a real hollywood reality? jimmy kimmel good morning america talking about the nation. here it is. let s listen in.
first of all to harvey white demand a false equivalence is said that the knowledge equivalent to what happened in las vegas. harvey weinstein is not a person, not a friend of mine, i m not in the movie business. i will add that story came out like moments before we went to tape on thursday we didn t have a show on friday. you address that on the following monday. what they are doing now is trying to drag up any kind of especially these gun nuts trying to take any comedy bit i get out of context and use it as some kind of proof saying that i m calling myself a moral conscience of america which i most certainly never did. abby: can you pick and choose? not the moral conscience of america appeared which you often hear liberals in hollywood jumping on things like gun control in health care,, how is this different? why should we not be thinking about something so worth it?
i ve really been very deferential to the sky because of what is going through because of his child. i ve got to tell you i m losing patience with him. i don t think he cares and he probably should but he says things are ridiculous on their face you should be embarrassed at first he says they take my comedy bits out of context. if you saw that day, this is a family show. i literally can t even discuss what he s doing with women on the show because it backwards. there s no way to take that out of context. secondly, it is kind of fascinating jimmy wraps himself in morality when discussing guns and health care. we are saving the kids come the saving grandma from evil republicans. when he said obvious black-and-white moral issue cut and dry, he runs from it because harvey is a democrat. no other reasons avoiding the topic. he should stand on principle and pay this guy deserves that. it s got a coming next week.
i ve got a whole bunch of bits prepared but i ll never do it. abby: a lot of hypocrites on this one who avoided so long and it s important to point that out. always good to see you. has your family and gross? they were great. things are having them up for the cooking with friends. they are still talking about it. abby: i love it. good to see you. other headlines we are following. police identifying killed in the line of duty. 29-year-old marcus mcneill shot several times. but really what is the video where he was shot and killed during a struggle rather than at a distance. 30-year-old derrick burgess will face first-degree murder charges and possibly the death penalty. records describe him as a career criminal. the three-year veteran of the forest leaves behind a wife and two gun kid. and the fbi finds 30 new pages of documents concerning the controversial tarmac meeting between bill clinton and the
meadowlands. judicial watch same offense only documents as a watchdog group caught the agency hiding them in another lawsuit. in june 2016, a private plan phoenix preload member that while the fbi was investigating hillary clinton s use of a private e-mail server. they expect to see the documents by the end of november. stay tuned for that one. the houston astros beating the new york yankees to the one with the first game of the best-of-seven series. ken dialed getting the final bit to recite a. 10 strikeout performance. transfer what are you going to do? we are played with the houses money at this point, yankees fans. i m not into this at all.
i was in d.c. yesterday. it was ridiculous. unbelievable. serious stuff to get your obviously our lives in california with those wildfires are they going to see any relief anytime soon? a better day yesterday. at least control about the conditions get worse than a flood all across the state and throughout the afternoon we watch winds pick up and will try things out toward southern california. southern california now another bad day for. winds will continue sometimes 50 to 55 miles an hour. unfortunately a really rough weekend. next chance of rain towards the end of the dry season. we will begin the rainy season. this takes us until thursday and maybe some good moisture moving in. along with go. one other story right here, some severe weather today. watch out from around chicago
over towards the northern part of missouri. you ve been a busy man these past few weeks. reporter: i tried. abby: thinking of everyone in california. i don t know if you re going to make it come in david. strange and tragic what is going on. president trump becoming the first president ever to address the values voter summit. behind the scenes with kellyanne conway, dr. ali decaying and many more. we will have that next. trent is still to come, jason jason, rob o neill. this is a great line. who are we missing? and now, i help people find discounts, like paperless, multi-car, and safe driver, that help them save on their car insurance.
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david: some quick headlines. despite chicago s statistic that s been named one of the safest cities in the world. the economist unit a london-based research firm rank in the city tonight tina fey says. the only other two u.s. cities on the list does seem the cisco nla pier chicago police reported 530 murders so far this year. they bring the survey says they think it s okay to shut down campus. this is a growing number of protests against conservative commentators continue. the survey by the republican pollster john mclaughlin had no partisan gap when it came to condoning violence to silence speakers. unbelievable. transport switching gears 45 minutes after the hour. interesting day yesterday. the values voter summit spoke with so many interesting people.
all the attendees will get a chance to speak with all different types of folks about how they feel the president is doing with regard to a number of issues. i specifically matter to that group of individuals at that conference. things like abortion, family values and things of that nature. here is what they have to say. this morning i m honored and thrilled to return as the first sitting president with this incredible gathering of friends. so many friends. what did you think? fantastic like he always is. very relaxed, very much at home, but also recognizes how important a sort of reporters. so inspirational. just amazing. the values are something is focused on. he had a home run here. you connect with the people. i do think the president is doing with regard to conservative issues? is doing really well. any 1% of evangelicals voted for
donald trump which is the highest ever. to an amazing job with conservative issues. everyone here brought together by the shame shares and timeless values. many times voters like this are pigeonholed into one or two issues that we know they are false doctrines conservative social economic foreign defense issues. we protect religious liberty. how is the president doing with regard to what you call the attacks on christian liberty? is doing an outstanding job. we cherish the dignity of the beverage human life. we believe he s doing wonderful things. he s speaking up for values, defending the unborn. democrats think they can run their lives, overrule values. i was the president doing with regard to small government issues? a fantastic job. producing president trump is doing? in spite of all the attacks of viciousness and all the rest
of that, he is progressive for it. the progress he s making i want to encourage him to continue to bring us and we are saying merry christmas again. why something as merry christmas important? that is symbolic of the inspiration for the heart and soul of this nation. i love how donald trump is doing now. our administrations would be cherished, protected and defended. like you have never seen before. the encouragement people here at the values voter summit takeaways that we have a president who understands these are important issues he s working on. do is create a nice [inaudible]
above all else, we know this in america. we don t worship government. we worship god. rework, todd. you talk about the values voter summit. a lot of times they worry about the values. they lose sight of faith in talking about what president trump is doubled down on many things he campaigned on. there is an important point here being ignored by a lot of the media. whether you are a christian conservative, evangelical, you like the fact that you ve got a president keeping his word, his nomination and appointment. then look at the const to shame. they care about the constitution. they believe in individual rights and recognize differences and they got to the biggest
selling point. i don t there is anyone who believes the social conservatives. constitutional conservative gives them the right to believe in their values. abby: great point. todd: next guest says reno suffered an absolutely heartbreaking tragedy, boosting herb rather, sister-in-law and her four grandchildren and a fire that united their christmas tree while they slept. could ve been prevented with a sprinkler. she is here live with her life-saving advice for every family next. you don t want to miss it.
you nervous?
as we continue to track wildfires there this week also marks the national fire safety prevention week. on average, seven people died in the u.s. house fires each day. for next guest knows the heartbreak of us all to well. january 2015 she lost her brother, sister-in-law and four grandchildren to an electoral fire that another christmas tree. the only thing that could ve saved their lives would ve been a fire sprinkler system. joining us now with the national fire cheese. welcome to the both of you. i just want to say i can imagine the loss of the tragedy of losing six family members and a fire like that. in such a short time to make people aware. is very important to me people realized. my family did not
[inaudible] reporter: fighters dispersing in california california, nothing could have stopped that. that s a different thing. fire sprinklers can make a difference. tell us about as. as they light the fires, what s changed in california s fuels in the forests have changed, so have the field of our homes. what you hear it now, the smoke alarm currently morning. the exact same situations. one with a sprinkler, one without. you see the flames go across the ceiling. the fire is being contained. it is deactivated as the woman of the sprinkler is closest to the fire goes out. as you see now the sprinklers control the fire. reporter: chief, i want to ask you this.
i don t have a sprinkler system. a commercial building obviously do. how, does it? in california and maryland requires an all-new construction. it s in the international residential code and the national fire protection association standards of code. it is required in new homes. some states don t adopt it. what we see here is the growth so fire burns faster. underwriters laboratory told us this. home fires burn faster. that s what we are seeing in the home. the sprinkler won t save it comes from outside. if it comes from the inside. the smoke alarm is early suppressant and then we need our firefighters for emergency was bonds. reporter: thank you so much for being here. crucial is to have. we want to get the word out. more on this with fox and
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not living up to the spirit of the deal. the only people defending that are doing it to defend obama. we cannot and will not make the certification. we flew from appeasement to iran. abby: details of the harvey weinstein scandalous jason whittle from the stooges academy awards. at the mason hypocrisy of hollywood and the liberal elite and refusing to acknowledge that they have been part of the problem. is going to be time to negotiate health care that s good for everybody. conservative values we don t worship government. we worship god.
they went to our country. those giants fans. you are with us today. david webb, everybody. a lot of news to get to. big show still ahead. chub announcing he will not certify the iran nuclear deal. transfer the president stopping short of scrapping the deal altogether. washington d.c. on what this means. how are you? i m doing well, guys. giants fans out there beware of the broncos. i ll leave it at that. the iran nuclear deal, congress has 50 days to refine the approach is that if someone and then they have to sell it to the white house because again, ari some sort of their breakthrough, the president could still pull the u.s. out of the agreement is
simply speaking, tick tock, congress, tick tock. in the event we are not able to reach a solution with congress and allies, and the agreement will be terminated. it is under continuous review and our participation can be canceled by me as president at any time. keyword there, continuous review. that means they are looking at this very carefully. here s a possible six byte corker, cotton and rubio comest and rubio, snapback of iran goes under the one-year break out. bill that the iaea powers and limit iran s centrifuge program. don t forget, they are also major news out of washington. the president declaring iran s islamic revolutionary guard a terrorist resolution. actions by treasury can come off part of their lifeblood. but to you.
let s get right to the point on this deal. it s a bad deal and has been a bad deal. bernie sanders is tweeting why we are not complying with this deal. this is a guy who should pay more attention to his wife, jane, not a bad deal turns out. the american people get it. the terrorist regime really important in a president operates the people from the government. he s been there for 28 years as they ve been in power. they oppress their people. americans get this is a bad deal. proliferation and the money we gave all says it was a failure from the start. this deal together just yet. he is saying congress, do your job. we ve got to be stronger when it comes to iran, the biggest sponsors of terror in the world. if you take a step back regardless of republican or democrat, is not what everyone should want?
democrats claim to support israel don t pay attention to iran supporting hamas and has 11 attack israel. 11,000 missiles of some sort of pointed at israel whether its rockets or otherwise. grade-point. nancy pelosi and other folks in the media have the reaction. president trump s refusal to recertify is a great mistake that threatens american security and credibility and a very critical time. iran remains in compliant with the nuclear agreement. if they did not come he would not be supporting certification. incredibly hawkish speech. the united dance, tribe administration wants hostility. the president has set the united dates against our closest allies when it comes to the iran deal. president rouhani s position now we cut them out, if the u.s. decides to abide by the terms of the deal, and that is just going to damage american credibility.
todd: you clearly saw nancy pelosi speaking there, in number of members of the media speaking. i m a sort of national security issues, i prefer to get my information analysis from individuals like you, military individuals to bet on the frontlines to understand how diplomacy and military work together. and so, when you speak with these individuals come in many in favor of what the president did. looking at kicking the can down the road mentality, the appeasement mentality, the president said it yesterday when you avoid the problem, it gets worse. david: the problem doesn t go away. an important part is that he withdraw from the battlefield, whatever that is, the diplomatic battlefield, actual battlefield, that doesn t mean your enemy withdraws to the battlefield. you are so engaged in conflict. we are in a conflict with iran. they are hegemonic views that i ve been writing about for
years and i ve been studying for years. it doesn t stop. they further their ideas and proliferate around the world. they are a global threat. can you imagine if they had a nuclear weapon? not just delivery. it s proliferation. abby: it is good for allies. we had general jack keane on the show earlier and it was a reminder of how we forget how important relations are to our allies around the world. israel is one of them. david: egypt s government. at a recent conversation with one of their senior officials. they want security and certainty. other companies, jordan is weak militarily. they give us good intelligence. at the mention of the top of the show a very busy news morning here because yesterday was a very busy news day. as you might imagine, the president did it at 7:00 on the east coast has been tweeting this morning.
health insurance stocks which have gone through the roof during the obama carriers plunged yesterday after i handed the dems windfall. very proud of my executive order which greatly expanded access and far lower cost for health care. millions of people. let s break this down for ultimately what it is. those under the obama administration were illegal when you listen to individuals that jonathan hurley. there are subsidies for insurance companies. no two ways about it. david: they try to pop up as system because the key to obamacare was they need to have the young people by support the old. that is the funding mechanism for not failed, the executive cannot do this. congress, the house controls the money. the money is spent there. it s appropriate, factually correct because there s an appeal under way after the decision. the trumpet menace ration for a
while house continued payment now we see action being taken on not. the rebound and look at the investor side of that. abby: what happened to the people? david: that their bottom line. the profit margin accounts for dollars in subsidies from the dollars sales, whatever else. here s what the president s doing that s different from obamacare that were shoved down everyone s throat. i heard him yesterday. he said i want to work with democrats. i invite them to the white house. i will go see you. democrats in a box because they are open and honest on the campaign trail, then no changes need to be made with health care. i do go back to constituents and say we need to come to the table and have a conversation about how to fix obamacare and now it s a matter of them working together. from one moment i do not
leave, and a moment democrats will come. the president made promises on the campaign trail. he skipped another promise in this promise is real-world effect. not for being political and it s not political. he is a businessman. the blue-collar billionaire gets it to the american people. for completely different reasons. the unraveling of the iran deal, unraveling of hollywood with harvey wines being facing more accusations from the growing number practices or the big question is will he listers decide to keep weinstein in the academy. the folks who put on the oscars every year. seems like we are going into a baseball. we want to focus on this because we think this underlies the hypocrisy. having a meeting today to determine whether the individual has been accused of many things.
they were accusing him. david: how many accusations and undercover tapes do you need to have a meeting to remove harvey weinstein. you need a meeting for this? todd: there s going to be a meeting. a few years ago the esteemed coaches penn state university with regard to the whole jerry sandusky scandal. he was run out of town and for all intents and purposes he was an older gentleman, yes. we had talk show host on the hypocrisy that exists between that situation and what s going on in hollywood right now. take a listen. a few years ago it penn state, joe paterno and jerry sandusky doing terrible things. it was suggested that joe paterno had been made aware of years earlier and he didn t come out in the clearly and in a loud voice about what he had heard.
it was declared that he was just as guilty as kerry jerry sandusky. i would have different circumstances because of his party affiliation, joe paterno, well known friend of george h.w. bush, they lynched him, crucified him because he didn t speak out. all these hollywood people we learned didn t speak up in virtually identical circumstances and they are heroes. done about it for years. david: i reiterate, does hollywood really need a meeting to decide to toss harvey weinstein of hollywood? david: if i were whoopi goldberg i would wake up and take ice, no. i think the answer is pretty clear here. some of those within thick as. i would just be the question on a table. why does hollywood need a meeting. trade for we ve known about this for years. with david letterman.
transfer the american people are frustrated with and talking about this all morning. the society of the media helping that are so quick to jump to conclusions when it comes to president trump base south of unanimous sources. here as he said they ve been sitting on it for years. number of women have come out and are able to mention their name in who they are and what they ve been through, yet it s taken so long for so many people to come out and report this. politics aside, no one should stand for any of it. david: criminal, predatory behavior. coming up, first of his fake news come in a jerry falwell junior says president trump should claim a new phrase for lawmakers for blocking his agenda, fake republicans. transfer plus, just 17 days away from the spooky scary holiday known as halloween. the most popular candy in your state as well.
really interesting, guys. excited to see what we ll find out. that is all coming up when fox and friends continues. sarah is confident. destroy. but when it comes to mortgages, she s less confident. fortunately, there s rocket mortgage by quicken loans. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently. my dbut now, i take used tometamucil every it traps and removes the waste that weighs me down, so i feel lighter. try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like.
with him? gymnast alice jason chaffetz, fox news contributor, former commerce miniature at the house oversight government reform committee. great to see you. first, your take on the term paper publications. when you think about that? i m sure it s cute, probably very fact is, but it s a dangerous low. i wouldn t necessarily encourage a record of frustrated senate is not able to do what i think they would do is get republicans to vote republicans. when you start going around in tearing people apart like that, it s a very dangerous game. at one point ted cruz to take an absurd example did not endorse donald trump at the republican convention i is a fake republican? i don t think so. it s a very dangerous way to go. and seems to me there s two paths to go down at this point for the republican party. further cannibalization are working together on policy. how does the republican party do
the latter? well, it s a great point because i like what margaret thatcher just said you got to go out and win the argument and then you win the vote. but we haven t been doing particularly in the senate were there you are the most deliberative party in the face of the planet don t get to the part of having a debate. you have good thoughtful people like rand paul who weren t going to vote on the procedure to move forward on health care bill. that was a procedural vote. all you want to do is debate the bill, offer amendments. again, a good thoughtful person but you ve got to be able to have the actual debate and win the argument. i m glad you brought up rand paul. a rand paul did is that the republican party needs. he was the only person you seem to be talking about groups coming together on health care come associations can do things along those lines. the president went along with that. we see more of that going forward on health care, but specifically on taxes or do you
think it s of the same and we get to christmas in congress is stuck there because nothing got done. i think the opposite of progress is congress. the founders of our nation said it have to be a very difficult, arduous process and as a conservative i don t want legislation to just fly through time after time after time. nevertheless, the republicans have to live up to what they promised to do, repeal and replace obamacare, just tax cut plan is so we d better go out and build the coalitions and win the the american people. david: jason chaffetz, always a pleasure. enjoy your saturday. still had come at the mainstream fiercely attacking president trump for his tweets. are they missing the real story about how he s transforming our nation? hypocrisy from, you guessed it,
the president to harvey weinstein. allegations against her husband are clearly in the past. all fired up about that and much more. he is on deck when fox and friends weekend continues. you know, geico can help you save money on your homeowners insurance too? great! geico can help insure our mountain chalet! how long have we been sawing this log? um, one hundred and fourteen years. man i thought my arm would be a lot more jacked by now. i m not even sure this is real wood. there s no butter in this churn. do my tris look okay? take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more.
why promise something you can t deliver? comcast business is different. we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than at&t. we do business where you do business. hillary clinton falsely claiming donald trump is an admitted assault, admitted assaults are she compares them to harvey weinstein and claims against bill. clearly in the past. okay i m a little confused. this behavior cannot be tolerated anywhere, whether it s an entertainment politics, after all we have someone admitting
they are a sexual assault or in the oval office. there has to be a recognition we must stand again that is sexist and misogynistic. this is having the courage to come forward. getting your book, attacking there has been any kind of dismiss them. are you sure about that? be my guest, that it s all been litigated. there was a huge investigation as you might recall the late 90s and there were conclusions drawn. that was clearly in the past. abby: that would integrate and for this? the lucky sheriff, david clark. good to see you this morning. transfer good morning, sheriff. usually i can keep a straight face that i can after listening to that. there s a reason he chose to hillary clinton is crooked hillary. she sat up there saying her
husband was having actual allegations and she defended the actions and trashed the reputation of the spec ends. that dems need to be believed because they have to have the courage to come forward. when the victims came forward, called the floozies. a right wing conservatives see. when she said we have admitted sexual assault person in the white house committee was going back to her husband because that s when we had a suspect inside the white house. what bothers me about this as a yale educated attorney, what hillary clinton just said calling president trump are accusing him of admitted sexual assault, and that is real specific legal language that could be defamation or slander. as a yale educated attorney, she should know that. would he think about that?
she knows that s a high threshold. you can make the smears and get away with it. time and time again not only during the campaign but this phony book tour she is on issues morally bankrupt. she will do whatever she has to do to protect herself, her image and reputation. one person in the united states of america, and maybe in the world that has no respect for the victims of sexual assault than women who have been sexually assaulted and the sort of behavior in the work place is mrs. bill clinton. the reputation of her husband to prop him up in the white house for future political endeavors was more import. women s groups thought to be coming out right now and attacking her and doing nafta are not only her past treatment
of women who have claimed sexual assault or sexual harassment, but for what s going on right now. i m surprised that she was what she wanted to do, she would be defending harvey weinstein right now. right now she knows that the whole thing caved in on images left with nothing to do but kind of shuffled through on its grave. the woman is despicable. abby: that didn t last for more than two days. moniz took these come out. thoughts as well on the issue. the nfl stadium for the national lampoon. use it in his weekly address. listen to this. you want to see those players be part of the country. men and women have given everything for defense. let us renew our commitment to love our country, protect our citizens and ensure this will always be the land of the free and home of the brave.
of course the nfl now has this pronouncement that you have to stand. it s not a rule put in place, david. he is right on this. he s going to kick sand in the face of his fans. mark piazza to fans of the game and we appreciate the fans and knowing us all phony. this is simple. i did some time ago but that s timing it takes about two minutes and 12 seconds to sing the national anthem. and how undisciplined they are. roger goodell fumbled the football on this thing. he chose to allow the inmates to run the asylum and knows that the nfl leaders the authority. they have the authority to establish reasonable work rules.
standing during the nationally at them is a reasonable work role. i think this is important, too. the nfl now if they d fill in the width to your to discuss the situation. what is there to discuss? in grade school, probably second or third grade, maybe even kindergarten. what are the league owners going to do? when classes for the players association? it seems to be a day for meetings whether in hollywood or the nfl with these controversies. thanks for joining us this morning. my pleasure. david: coming up, i ll spoken on many, many issues but admittedly it took jimmy kimmel days to address the harvey weinstein scandal. why is kimmel now playing defense? abby: 17 days away from holland. with the most popular candy in the country?
candy corn? really? you know what the answer is. of course there ll surprise. transferred david and i aren t happy. david: red hots. keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424.
abby: now i doubt i can get into. welcome back. if you ve been watching the late-night show, we are left too early. just watch them and never sleep. jimmy kimmel is now under fire for not bringing up that all of the past week what is going on with harvey went seemed. he talks about he brought it up monday. people are saying where is the outrage. so upset about things like gun control and what s going on with health care. someone in hollywood you know many of these factors is. why are you not standing up stronger? theory was defending a position. first of all, the false equivalence is that that somehow is equivalent to what happened in las vegas. i am not in the movie business. and i will add that story came
out like moments before we went to tape on thursday we didn t have a show on friday. you address it on the following monday. of course that was convenient. what they are doing now is they are trying to drag up any kind of especially these gun nuts trying to take in a comedy bit i get out of context and use it as some kind of proof they are saying that i m calling myself a moral conscience of america which i most certainly never did. transferred to be clear, the story broke almost two weeks ago. the critique was where were you? the show on friday but the show is taped so we were unable to talk about it. now they ve been more open to talking about it this week. to his point, not the moral conscience of america. morality and what is the conscience. jimmy kimmel has been clear. you have to go to the tape and watch them being the moral conscience against the right and
every other issue out there. he says he is not really hollywood. when two of your best friends are hollywood people like damon and aflac, i don t know how you separate the two. i grew up around a lot of these fact there is. i m not in hollywood that i m not in front of a camera in hollywood. they are. train for what is so fascinating about this is discussion as we ve seen over the course of alaska blears the late-night talk shows have become more politicized and less funny. one guy who does focus on the funniest jimmy fallon. when you know it from us are focusing on the funny and not politics gets with the hollywood elites. take a listen to this. you would be weird for me to start doing it now. i don t even really care that much about politics. i ve got to be honest. i love pop culture more than i love politics. i m just not that great.
the other guys are doing it very well. cold air is great, he s always into political comedy. i think when it s organic i ll dip into it as well. i ve always made jokes about the president. president obama made thousands of jokes. i remember i had them on the show sorry i put you down. trump is like everyday is a new thing he gives a lot of material and a lot of stuff to make jokes about. it s just too serious. david: about the late-night folks and out winner funny, not political. just be funny for it. i still have more faith in jimmy fallon. if you just as comedy that s one thing that he doesn t want to be in politics and now is commenting on politics. abby: he also says it like it is are there things i m good at and things are not good at. if you want real talent, go talent, go watch his audition tape for us to know years ago. that s the thing. stay in your lane.
stay in the places where what you re good at. give the audience what they want. david: have an lip-synch battle against the rock. still the greatest video out there. abby: exactly. other headlines this morning. investigator about the unmasking of trans campaign advisers. the former u.n. ambassador to the u.n. meeting with the intelligence committee for hours. one of the obama administration officials who administration officials who sources say made request to identify names in pop and are sad. carolina panthers band is arrested after punching an older man in the stands. warning, you may find this video disturbing. kyl amir d. now charged with assault after that altercation during thursday s game. police tracking them down after fan posted this video in instagram. witnesses say they were upset and standing during the game. the suspect attorney said the
man who was harassing him and his girlfriend. is it really worth it? trick-or-treat, the nation s favorite halloween candy collected 10 years worth of data in coming up with this map of popular halloween candy based day. candy corn is my favorite. six days choosing it as their top candy. they will spend somewhere around to $.7 billion on halloween candy this year alone. we have found our own states of the most popular candy. abby: jolly ranchers for utah. i m not going to eat this hot. arizona gets knickers. reporter: it is on by the way. i donate candy bars. but for me this is the only
candy bar. abby: what happened to our states? what about skittles and jolly ranchers? what s going on? you can clean carmelite of your teeth for the next one minute or so while i talk about weather. the fire danger of meeting today. flag warning for the wave for northern and southern california as well as the colorado river valley. arizona. didn t increase the threat conditions out as a dozen not sure when before the dryer from the land off towards the water and the temperatures the next two days are also going to climb which is not good news. all of this fire danger will stick with us. the next chance of rain moving in us by thursday. they start to get towards rainy season. on thursday we have simmering that will certainly help. one last thing for severe weather today that we are worried about in this part of
the country, maybe even a few tornadoes. the i want to hear david read it now. go ahead. take it away. is this the e-zine i get? coming up, the mainstream media in the president s tweets and the president has been added all morning. let s see it. his job responsibilities do not include managing the presidents twitter feed. the president s word adding insult to injury. trying to instill in them, but our next guest says they are missing the real story. stross williard explained. todd: plus, abby is really getting ready to get in the halloween spirit. abby: what on earth? who did that?
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the mainstream media continuing to attack president trump for us to eat. also some controversial comments about the hurricane crisis in puerto rico. job responsibilities do not include managing the presidents twitter feed. the president s words adding insult to in salt injury to insult. david: the next guest we have right here on the couch with us as the press is missing the real story. she writes in her latest op-ed the media remained so home with the president s tweets that it is missed mr. trump s project to transfer in the rest of the federal judiciary because his rules that congress and the proof is an extraordinary class a judicial nominee is now coming
through as he keeps battling the media was shiny objects in the background. government is being redone. abby: joining us now, kimberly stross of the wall street journal. you are saying wake up, let s talk about the american people. this got a lot of attention, but everything else has been missed in the rails her year as the president is now nominated 60 judges and they are all of neil gorsuch. abby: is not the thing you can do in terms of legacy is putting people into a position. not only are they of that caliber, but they are 40 years old. david: how important if i can interrupt you for a moment, that he gives these justices. guys like don willett, that are more caught to traditional in her younger. how important is that because of article iii courts affect us on a daily basis. these guys all look like incidentally appeared what is
interesting about them to about them too as they ve come up with the time and learned in that time when we are dealing with the giant growing bureaucracy and administrative stay. they are attuned. everybody else is focusing on the next level here. why has the mainstream media not figure this out? because they were so busy paying attention to the controversy. the daily theme on and on. this has been out there for everyone to see. we don t know the names of the judges put forward the work mitch mcconnell has been doing to get them through or chuck grassley to run for senate judiciary committee. all notified, so much more entertaining for them to get outraged. you have to wonder, is this a conscious distraction, and trying with the little shiny object over here. i don t think it is, but for him at the useful side effect.
abby: and curiouser thoughts on general john kelly s press conference this week when he spoke directly to the media and talk about how frustrating this for him to go in the white house every day and do his job and great headline after headline with the source about the next person being inspired or disruption in the white house. you are a reporter whether jamaica the interaction? be embarrassed laughter that was going on when he was talking. i would ve just died of shame if i was in there. it was sort of like having a schoolteacher spanking you. just delivering a spanking to a bunch of 90 children. is a no-nonsense guy. is very polite. no disrespect to you, the uri terrible. we are not tabloid media, all of us. todd: thank you so much for being here. on a focus on one final thing. kimberly chose snickers for her
candy of choice. three to one on snickers. abby: thanks for being here. transfer congressman jim jordan, a killing that could mean he and the man who killed osama bin laden. i can t say that enough, rob o neill, all join us live. abby: is getting spooky in our studio. i can t believe hollowing. almost hollowing. we re on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it s time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that s it. look how much coffee s in here? fresh coffee. so rich. i love it. that s why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied.
are you sure you re describing the coffee and not me? do you wear this every day? everyday. i d never take it off. are you ready to say goodbye to it? go! go! ta da! a terrarium. that s it. we brewed the love, right guys? (all) yes. we brewed the love, right guys? but they never i always loved me back.otatoes, so i came up with o, that s good! comfort sides with a nutritious twist like mashed potatoes with yummy cauliflower, but you ll only taste the love. see what i mean? o, that s good!
transfer spooky fun and halloween. technology is so much fun. good morning. we are getting ready. right here this is a free app you can download. it is simply called halloween spooky sounds. that was just a joke there for sure. so you start with little sound effects and it goes on and on. these are things you can use during halloween to scare the people going by. that is where we are going to go with this. or the other way around. jump into this. this is actually really cool. starts at about $10 from this really cool light of projects images around on the side of your house. this is brandon road. they really nail it with holiday home the core and misses out on
halloween. two really cool mirror right here. look into that mirror. that is the black infinity mirror. it is 40 bucks. it is incredible. these things are really cool and inexpensive ways to celebrate halloween. wave your hand in front of the typewriter. that is an animated automatic typewriter that will set somebody going by in front of us. answer your phone. there you go. and then, these little effects on the right. this is a really called lightbox. and it is battery operated. all of this stuff is a seed or aa battery, really easy to put together. finally, a downloadable app is from the zombie series walking dead.
the walking dead weird resort with a really beautiful picture of abby. abby: you guys are so rude. we did something so wrong which is right here. abby: my husband would tell you that s what i look like all the time. that s terrible. this is another free app to download. all of this stuff, which is online also at fox and friends .com later this morning. david: what are the most popular ones on the app so far? are halloween spooky sounds. this means we need to leave. abby: the nfl now saying they will not force them to stand for the national anthem. rob o neill has done when he joins us in the next hour. david: what does geraldo rivera think i m the president position
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god. [applause] we have some members that have been left in the chamber too long and it s time we eject them what do you think? the president is taking aim at nfl players kneeling for national anthem. president trump: respect our country, respect our flag and respect our national anthem. because i m happy people of america want that. here we are on a saturday morning look at this. abby: and we are feeling happy. it s the snicker effect. president had announcing that he will not certify the iran nuclear deal. pete: but the president is not sure of scrapping that deal altogether. abby: kevin corker is live for us in washington with more on what all of this means kevin you ve been with us all morning long what s the latest?
kevin: listen this is a very interesting washington style story right? in treeing, fighting in the white house administration with capitol hill, this is exactly the kind of story we love to cover here in the nations capitol. here is what s going on okay? the president said look i m all for congress trying to come up with better deliverables for the agreement but he made it clear he will terminate the nuclear deal if it fails to live up to the spirit and the letter of the accord. president trump: the iranian regime continues to feel conflict, terror and turmoil plow out the middle east and beyond. importantly, iran is not living up to the spirit of the deal. if that continues he s walking away. now there s congressional lawmakers working on a fix talking about snapback of u.s. sanctions, keep those
restrictions indefinitely, drop the so-called sunset provisions, bolster the iaea s varification keep in mind it s very difficult to actually get into some of the spaces in iran and limit obviously their centrifuge program. house minority leader nancy pelosi calling it a great mistake this idea of the threat to lead the iran nuclear agreement by the president but clearly that is not a position held by the administration nor by many on capitol hill. this will continue to unfold for the next 5 # days guys? live for us, washington. abby: let s bring in geraldo rivera. good to have you. geraldo: glad to be here. abby: you ve been doing an incredible job on the road but we want your take on the iran nuclear deal and my question to you why are democrats so up in arms about this? the president is not saying we re doing away with this deal yet, he says i want congress to do their job and pushback on iran. why is that so bad geraldo?
geraldo: well i think what is in that story, abbey, is the fact that people ask me particularly my wife and her friends how can i still be friends with the president of the united states when he has all these policies that are so wildly inappropriate, certainly from the progressive half of the political spectrum. my answer is there are two donald trumps. i really, i ve known him forever and i think that i have the ability to assess where his head is at. the donald trump whose the tweeter, impassioned and then when you examine in the sober light of what has actually happened, what he did, you ll see he is well within the norms of a moderate republican president and the policies that he has are traditional policies. sometimes he couches them in flamboyant packaging so to speak and i think the iran nuclear deal is a classic example of
that. on the one hand, he is very ferocious. they re not honoring the spirit of the deal. if they don t do this, if they don t do that i want congress to do this, i want congress to do that but in the cold sober light of day you ll look at it and say guess what? the iran nuclear deal is still in place. abby: right. geraldo: i think they will modify it around the edges and they will maybe forge a better deal going forward but my point is this is not a radical president. this is a traditional moderate president with unorthodox packaging. david: but the response isn t moderate. you ve got democrats saying this will lead to world war iii. you ve got not a deal ratified by the senate as in a treaty under the obama administration and the president within the constitution to your point about this, i call him the constitutional president. he says i m the executive. you re the legislative. you should be doing this so you
talk about your more progressive relatives who are looking at him personally but why not look at him for what he does because he s going within the boundaries of the constitution. geraldo: i definitely think that this president has the worst relationship not only with the press but with those on the other side of the aisle than i have seen since richard nixon. david: but it s not all this fault geraldo. the press came after him. gore ailed o. believe me i m not suggesting it is his fault. i m suggesting when you live in a divided household like mine and i suspect that we are common place all across-the-board. he does not get the benefit of the doubt for anything. anything he does is construed in the most wicked, negative way possible and you know having just experienced abbey you mentioned my puerto rico trip, having seen how he was treated in puerto rico and then seeing press about how he was treated in puerto rico, it was almost an absolute 100% disconnect. i saw crowds that loved him.
i saw crowds that were very excited about the fact that he was there. president obama only visited puerto rico once in eight years and that was for a four hour million dollar fundraiser. abby: so we re not getting the real story to your point. you were on the ground. david: there s a real story on the ground. gore ailed o. the real story sadly is theres enormous work to be done. this is the worst natural disaster in modern history. never have so many americans been so negatively impacted. we are all riotously concerned about what s happening in the wildfires in california but you re talking about people in the order of magnitude of tens of thousands. in puerto rico it is millions of people that are involved, their homes are wrecked they have no electricity, they have no water it is absolutely awful. the next question is how is fema and the federal government doing in response to this crisis? far better than they are given credit for, as was the presidents performance in puerto rico far better than he was given credit. todd: another huge story we are talking a lot about harvey
weinstein situation, as a reformed lawyer talking to another reformed lawyer here, hillary clinton falsely claims donald trump is an admitted sex assault eras she compares him to harvey weinstein but claims allegations against bill are clearly in the past. before we get to this sound bite , let s get to that and then i ll follow-up with a question because ising is bothering me big time about this. this kind of behavior cannot be tolerated anywhere whether it s in entertainment, poll sick s, after all we have someone admitting to being a sexual assault erin the oval office, there has to be a recognition that we must stand against this kind of, you know, action that is so sexist. this depends upon women coming forward having the courage to come forward and yet in your book the three women brought on to stage by trump attacking your husband, you kind of dismissed them. was that the right thing to do are you sure about that? well yes because that was all litigated. that was the subject of a huge
investigation as you might recall in the late 90s and there were conclusions drawn and that was clearly in the past. todd: before we play lawyer geraldo how do you respond to that? geraldo: well i respond several days todd. i think that i m the father of daughters, i respond that way. i am also someone whose a friend to president clinton at that time. it seemed to me that he paid a terrible profound price for his extra curricular activities. how he abused monica, how he did whatever he did to the other women i don t know but this was the president for the second time in the history of the republic who was impeached. he bears that big red eye forever. president clinton, however charm ing. he may have been and has since retained that the charisma he s someone whose only the second time after andrew johnson, president whose impeached by the congress of the united states.
he was ultimately acquitted but he paid a very severe price, and i think that when you recall that president clinton was more popular at the end of his term than he was in the beginning in some ways, i think that the american people tended to forgive him. now i thought when president trump went after the access hollywood tape when president trump went after bill clinton and brought paula jones and so forth to that debate that he had , that he did something that was really very underhanded very wicked, that he made hillary pay for the sins of bill clinton. the issue of whether or not she was an aider and abetter i leave to the viewer. david: he had an admitted sexual accuser. todd: that is the textbook definition of slander when you accuse somebody of having committed a crime. as a yale educated lawyer she should know that. geraldo: she s also a wife and someone who lost an election because of her husband and because of anthony weiner, she lost and i think that is the burden women candidates bear
going forward. david: that s so yesterday. those three words she used, geraldo let s address that to your point. admitted sexual accuser. not just like she said about bill that was so yesterday. she lost, now these three words being tossed at president trump. geraldo: david whether it is in politics as in the case of the clintons, whether it s in the news media as in the case of some of our own colleagues and some of the others who have fallen by the wayside, or whether it is in hollywood, sex harassment stinks, and having lived through many decades and many different social times i can tell you that times have changed. i grew up in the jane mansfield marilyn monroe, the playboy centerfold were our cats meow back in those days. times changed. that was the free love in the 70 s but harvey weinstein represents an enduring stereotype. this big fad hairy sweaty be
jeweled emperor of movies has 18-year-olds, 20 year olds coming into his office desperate for a break in show business and instead what they get is okay you do me something and i ll do you something. the casting character is horrifying, harvey weinstein is like one of the most malignant examples of the casting couch but i think that this inequality between subordinates and superiors is something that men now know and abbey you know this men now know that they do any of the stuff at their pair ill. that this is you screw up, your career is ruined. we have plenty of examples. todd: as it should be. abby: it s alarming it takes women so long now, still in today s day and age to come out and even in hollywood. david: disconnected and deflected to call on the president admitted sexual accuser. still waiting on that one. geraldo: one quick one i hate that we applaud when it s our enemy who falls.
abby: geraldo you re so right let s take politics out of it. geraldo great to have you on. great work in the past few weeks todd: remember the infamous tarmac meeting between bill clinton and loretta lynch? the fbi just found something that could ignite another scandal. david: one republican lawmaker has another idea of geraldo s haters of president trump in congress. we have some members that are done that have been left in the chamber too long and it s time that we eject them. what do you think? david: his colleague and house freedom caucus remember jim jordon, he s here to react live, next. so tell us your big idea for getting the whole country booking on choice four words, badda book. badda boom.
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have been left in the chamber too long and it s time that we eject them. what do you think? david: house freedom caucus chairman calling on voters to replace lawmakers who do not support the president s agenda. joining us now with reaction, congressman jim jordan, a member of the house freedom caucus. congressman good to see you. you too david good to be with you. david: let s get right into it what your fellow congress men and freedom caucus members said, what do you say to that? stating the facts, look voter s have a way of remembering when their elected official doesn t do what he said or she doesn t do what she said that i say this all the time. our jobs pet basic. what did you tell the voters you d do when you ran for the job, what did they elect you to do, let s keep our promise and do that so maybe there will be some of these town halls have already been this for some members a little come to jesus moment where the voters say wait a minute. you said you were going to do x, how come you haven t done that, so i think it s exactly right.
todd: one of the topics of discussion there, in your congress there, sir, is obamacare obviously everybody is talking about that and this week president trump ended the so-called illegal insurance company subsidies but my question for you, sir, if these were deemed illegal, why are 18 states and washington d.c. suing with attorney generals that quite frankly should know the letter of the law? well because they want the money. i mean, you know the left always wants more federal government and more federal government money, but they are illegal. there s been a court whose decided that. we know they weren t appropriat ed dollars so the president did the right thing and for the left, yesterday nancy pelosi and schumer talked about this sabotages the law. for goodness sake this law was falling apart and if you want to talk about sabotage never forget jonathan gruber, the architect of obamacare according to the new york times who told us that they lied to the american people democrats when they passed this thing seven years ago. that s the real sabotage. remember when they told us all
these things guys? they said if you like your doctor keep your doctor, like your plan keep your plan. the president of the united states, president obama told us, premiums will decline on average $2500. how is that working out for the american people? they went just the opposite direction so nine different lies they told us and yet somehow doing something, stopping an unconstitutional action somehow that s sabotaging the law? it s ridiculous. what we need to do is what we told the voters what we were going to do, what mark was alluding to in his comments. todd: quickly sir you work with these individuals there in congress. don t they run the risk of having their state attorney generals obviously on the democratic side completely having the law in against them if they create precedent on a legal standard that they ve already lost on. jonathan turley was on talking about that just yesterday. why are they like this with regard to this? you have to ask them. it s wrong. i think it s very clear the constitution is clear, the
legislative branch appropriates dollars, the executive branch can t spend it. it s that fundamental and that s why it s important the president did what he did yesterday and said look i won t continue to engage on an unconstitutional activity with a bunch of false statements given to the american people. i won t continue that but what has to happen is members of congress have to do what they said. six republican senators voted against the clean repeal legislation, voted against back in july the exact same legislation 20 months ago they supported. david: just about 30 seconds left congressman. what s the next step for the congress? are they going to deliver something to go along with the president, the leader of the party real quick. we better deliver on tax reform, cut taxes for the american people simplify the tax code and put together a tax code that s condusive to economic growth that s what we focus on. todd: jim jordan thank you so very much. this marine lost his legs, while serving in afghanistan and now running 31 marathons in 31 days
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abby: thank you, todd. well democrats in the media upset that president trump is following through on his promises to dismantle obama s legacy. take a listen. never though have we seen a president so bent on reversing negating his predecessor s signature accomplishments. if you want to know what president trump is against you only look at what president obama was for and in all fairness none of this should be a surprise. he campaigned on much of it and if nothing else he s keeping his promises now. what may be surprising or at least being widely debated is how much of this is personal. abby: things like the iran deal, obamacare, immigration, regulations on coal, and of course the climate accord. here is caylee mcananey, and director of strategic for hillary clinton adrian elrod. good morning ladies . good morning, abbey. abby: so how often, caylee you have politicians running for office promising a million things and when they get elected , they rarely follow through on those promises and here we have a president you may not agree with him on policy but
he s saying look i promised this to the people that voted for me and i ll do everything i can to put those in place. is that what we re seeing happen here? exactly. this is a president that s making good on his promises to the american people and it s refreshing, unlike other politicians like you said who reverse course when they enter the white house. president trump is making decisions that are hard, but necessary on the iran deal, on the paris climate accord, on daca. these were decisions he promised to the american people and now there are things put into action , the american economy is coming back. it is an exciting time to have a president whose actually go to do what he says. we re not used to that in washington but that s what we re seeing. abby: another thing we re not used to seeing adrian is both sides coming together. we may not see that happen on things like healthcare or this iran deal but you heard from president trump yesterday. he s at least extending out the hand inviting democrats and i want you to come to the table i want to have these conversations because i want to get things done.
we ll see if that actually happens. we are ten months into president trump s term and first term and he s basically gotten nothing done and look to your point, chuck schumer, nancy pelosi both made it very clear they re willing to come to the table with the president with republicans and do something to lower the high cost of premiums for healthcare. there are fixes that need to be made to obamacare but they are absolutely not going to repeal. you re seeing president can t really going in sabotaging the current healthcare for example, by open enrollment taking place november 1 through december 15 and this used to be a three-month period for open enrollment and now its been down to six weeks and also slashed the marketing budget for obamacare by 90% so he s certainly doing what he can. abby: well you just adrian i ll jump in because you said he hasn t done anything basically so far. you ve already been mentioning thins you may not agree with but things he s put in place. why are democrats so upset then if as you say he has done nothing? well we re upset because we actually would like to work on
some very key issues that do need to be fixed again going back to obamacare but we re certainly not going to repeal it it took a long time as both of you know to get obamacare passed it was a bipartisan effort. it s going to be that s why you re seeing efforts to repeal obamacare fail because people want their healthcare, they like their healthcare, they just want the costs lowered so democrats are willing to come to the table on those issues and work with the president but we re not willing to put people s lives at risk or their health at risk in order to give him something in the win column. abby: caylee you want to jump in here i see. yeah, because obamacare was not a bipartisan effort that was a far left effort that reeked havoc upon the american people and the president has done a ton and signed 52 pieces of legislation, rescinded 860 executive orders, the keystone pipeline is being built, we re out out of tpp, the iran deal is being rectified. we can go on and on. this is a president of action that s dismantling the failed
legacy of president obama and i m not sure why the mainstream media is trying to say this is a personal, this is personal to president trump. that s why he s doing everything the opposite of president obama. no, he s a republican. obama is a democrat. they have opposite agendas and president trump is getting things done on be half of the american people and everyone should be very excited about that and absolutely false to say he s done nothing. he can t get tax reform done. well we don t know that yet. if there s work to be done. he s 10 months into the administration. i would say talking to the american people a lot are saying let s put politics aside and please come together both parties and figure out what we can do to make everyone s lives better whether it comes to foreign policy or healthcare or immigration so we can end it there we ll see where all this goes adrian caylee good to see you. thank you, abbey. thank you abbey. abby: the timeline changing again in the las vegas massacre the reason behind the switch and the sheriff s emotional moment at the podium yesterday we ll bring that to you just ahead. and the nfl now saying they will not force players to stand for
the national anthem. the man who of course killed osama bin laden we know him well on the show rob o neill has prop s on that i bet he does. he s joining us live right after this. today, smart planning is helping the new new york rise higher than ever. as the world leader in unmanned aerial systems, we re attracting the world s best talent to central new york. and turning the airport into a first-class transportation hub. all while growing urban areas into vibrant places to live and work. across new york state, we re building the new new york. to grow your business with us in new york state, visit
yesterday the president stands firm and speaks about the irgc. they trained the force and they make weapons that kill not only american soldiers that kill people all around the world. the asymmetric weapons and labeling them a foreign terrorists organization how important? this has been done a long time ago. the iranian revolutionary guard has been up to this stuff forever. i mean long before 9/11. and they support everybody that s death to america death to israel so they will support hezbolla, hamas, the taliban and the revolutionary guards everywhere. we fought against them in iran. they were the dudes that taught al qaeda how to make the improvised explosive device that will rip through, explosives go faster than bullets and go right to the vehicles tearing legs off killing marine soldiers, airmen, sailors. they ve been at it all the time and they do everything. they have cyber warfare, they attacked parliament this summer. they re everywhere, nasty people and again, they want terror and
they want the end of the world so not a good group of people. abby: rob your perspective is so interesting because you ve actually been on the ground, been there fighting against these terrorists. yes. abby: now you re here at home seeing politics play out. what is so wrong with what the president is now saying, he s not doing away with the deal at least yet, he s saying congress we have to be tougher when it comes to iran. why are democrats so upset? democrats seem to get upset with president trump because he tells the truth which is odd. i mean, i run into these revolutionary guys in afghanistan fighting them. of course there s something with dealing with the iranians leave it or not they lie to you. todd: what? i m just a student here at the gate in afghanistan and these are bad guys trying to do bad stuff. they re out there and it s very real when you re over there. here you can make it a political thing and play party politics so i can stay in office all this stuff but they are really real bad guys they don t care what we look like if we re american or israeli they want to kill us.
todd: let s switch gears to the anthem protest nfl will not, will not make players stand and maybe not so coincidentally thursday night football ratings are down as these anthem protests continue. what s your take on this? i think that they ve lost the message. i think it turned as opposed to originally even though i still don t buy it against police brutality now its turned into an anti-trump is what they re doing i think as an insult to police and every veteran i know is insulted and this is something i haven t heard brought up yet. how about the police stop going and let the nfl shell out a few million dollars for private arm security because the cops are there protecting them and i just don t understand it any more. you can t, they try to say we re not disrespecting the troops. we re just doing a peaceful protest. just because you say you re not disrespecting the troops doesn t mean you re not disrespecting the troops. david: it doesn t matter what they say when it comes to how the american public reacts. i get it they want to protest.
my take on that by the way is turnaround and protest the comes on the sidelines. you want to protest against police brutality turnaround take a knee to the police officer in uniform but the american people see disrespect for what it is and i think that s even broader than the american military and families. i think it s just an american thing. you raise your right hand or put your hand over your heart. the anthem plays people get choked up about it. definitely they do and if they want to take a knee after or before the anthem i d join them but i think they ve lost what the protest is and if you need to explain what your protest is you might be doing it wrong because they need to keep saying well we re not doing this but you know what you re doing taking it and it s disrespectful as far as i can tell. i m sure there s vets out there that disagree with it. abby: you re right now we re not even talking about the issues they are trying to protest. we re talking about the disrespect with the flag. i think it started off with colin kaepernick being lazy. he made up the story well i talked to a vet and he said it s cool for me to kneel. no it s not.
he s against fascism wearing a fidel castro shirt. maybe he should open a book. david: but yet he quotes winston churchill. abby: rob good to have you. thanks. abby: if you can t stand for the flag and the anthem what can we stand for in this country. good to have you with us. i do have other headlines this morning. las vegas police once again revising the timeline of the deadly shooting saying there was no six minute gap, now say stephen paddock shot a hotel security guard outside the suite at the very same time or within seconds on firing on concertgoer s. the clark county sheriff tearing up as he talked about the heroic actions of first responders yesterday take a listen. brady sustained four separate gun shot wounds and the reason why i bring this one up, he asked me if he to go back to
work today. abby: just so tough. 58 people were killed 546 others were injured in that horrific attack. also just this morning george clooney denies black listing his former er co-star for reporting onset harassment. vanessa marquez who starred wendy goldman accused him of having a role in her being axed from the hit show and he publicly condemned harvey weinstein s actions and he responded us in a statement saying i had no idea vanessa was blacklisted if she was told i was involved in any decision about her career then she was lied to. and the new york times have been accused of bashing the president on social media so now the paper is putting a new policy in place to make sure its journalists don t look bias. the new guidelines read in social media posts our journalists must not express partisan opinions, promote
political views endorse candidates make offensive comments or do anything else that undercuts the times journalistic reputation. we ll see where that goes. and a remarkable story determination in 2010, u.s. marine rob jones was serving in afghanistan when he stepped on a landmine losing both of his legs but he didn t let that slow him down. he s making it his mission to help other veterans listen to this by running 31 marathons in 31 days, to raise money for wounded veteran charities and he joined us earlier on the show ahead of his race in new york city this morning and here is what he told us. i just figured this situation now so i m going to my mission is still the same, make a difference in the world, leave the world better than i found it so how will i do that now? abby: he s so inspirational. you can help by going to his website todd: i got chills during that entire interview. what an amazing guy. david: but it s a marine. abby: i asked him that
question. i said how did you find that ability to wake up after you didn t have legs and he said it s always been apart of me and that s instilled in so many military you get up and you keep fighting. david: joining the military volunteering to take this job, a blank check to this nation it s something you do. i don t know how many guys no matter what time you serve remember when they raised their hand and what it was like. todd: go outside to rick richmuth now for a look at our weather. rick, how is the situation out there in california? rick: a rough weekend ahead yesterday was a little bit of a better day. they got a lot of things under control evacuations are in sonoma county as winds have shifted. take a look at a map showing you what s going on with red flag warnings going in effect all across much of california throughout the day. the wind will continue to be the case. i m not sure if we will bring the maps up or not but it s an offshore wind that brings the air from the land instead of from the ocean that s what happens in california and we have the offshore winds that continues to bring dry conditions, temps warmup a lot for the day today and tomorrow,
in fact the next three days guys we do have a chance of moisture coming in by the time we get towards thursday afternoon which we desperately need. abby: rick the good news behind you? christmas lights are going up on the trees. rick: how is that good news? abby: because i love the holiday season. david: i love christmas but it s not halloween yet. abby: we had a debate on this show a year ago and clayton and tucker or someone at the time talking aunt christmas decorations and people that keep them up all year around. todd: oh, no no no. rick thank you. president trump backing the first sitting president ever to address the values voter summit. president trump: in america, we don t worship government, we worship god. [applause] todd: so what did the crowd think speaking of christmas they have a lot to say. i went behind the scenes with kellyanne conway and many more that s coming up next. david: devastating wildfires burning across california. one pastor was forced from his home in flames and he s using
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todd: so yesterday i was in washington d.c., our nations capitol talking to folks at the values voters sum it inside view as the president is about to go speak, as you might imagine that crowd really really fired up to hear the president speak and we got a chance to speak with individuals both dignitaries as it were and the regular folk about what they thought. here is what they had to say. president trump: this morning i m honored and thrilled to return as the first sitting president to address this incredible gathering of friends [applause] president trump: so many friends. todd: you heard the president s speech what did you think? oh, he was fantastic like he always is. he was very relaxed very much at home but he also recognizes how important this voter group was. it was so inspirational, it was just amazing.
it seems like the values is something he was really focused on. i think the president did outstanding and he hit a home run here and connected with the people. todd: how do you think the president is doing with regard to conservative issues? he s doing very well. go back and remember that 81% voted for donald trump which is the highest ever. i think president trump is doing an amazing job when it comes to conservative issues. president trump: everyone here today is brought together by the same shared and time less values. many times voters like this are pigeon holed into one or two issues when we know there are actually full spectrum conservatives, social economic moral and defense issues. president trump: we protect religious liberty. todd: how do you feel the president is doing with regard to what you call the attack on christian liberty? i think he s doing an outstanding job. president trump: we cherish the sacred dignity of every human life. we believe he s doing wonderful things for the pro life movement and speaking out for our values, defending the unborn.
president trump: bureaucrats think they can run your lives, overrule your values. todd: how do you feel the president is doing with regards to small government issues? he s doing an absolutely fantastic job. todd: with regard to issues important to you how do you think president trump is doing? marvelously. in spite of all of the attacks and vicious and the rest of that he is progressing forward. i agree with the president, the progress he s making, i want to encourage him to continue to bring us together. president trump: we re saying merry christmas again. [applause] todd: why is something as simple as merry christmas so important? it s symbolic. that is symbolic of the greater battle that is raging for the heart and soul of this nation. we need to bring christmas back and i love how donald trump is doing that. president trump: in a trump administration, our nations religious heritage would be cherished, protected and defend ed like you have never seen before. the encouragement that i think people here at the values voter summit and across the
country takeaway is that we have a president who understands these are important issues and he s working on it. i ve been in this country since 1967 and when i came here, america was great and i saw the deterioration and donald trump is going to revive those values and restore the great america. president trump: above all else we know this, in america, we don t worship government. we worship god. [applause] todd: you guys what really stood out to me about the emphasis on family there is as you saw in that piece and as the crowd dictated, it really does transcend race and religion, the two biggest years were from merry christmas and for israel there you go. david: by the way my part on this that little girl? we were just talking about christmas when she said the christmas line and i m like that s awesome because i m not guy that when the song triggers in my head that it s christmas music. todd: for the next month and a half. abby: is it too soon to start now? todd: not for abbey. abby: i ll be getting it going on the car ride home.
in serious news, devastating wildfires out west turning entire communities into ash. one pastor forced to flee his home amid the flames now using faith to get him through and will join us live with his story and advice next. 9 out of 10 couples prefer a different mattress firmness, so we created the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. you can even see how well you re sleeping and make adjustments. does your bed do that? the most amazing part is they start at $699. that s $200 off our queen c2 mattress during the final days of our fall sale. ends sunday. visit for a store near you grandma s. aunt stacy s. what are the reasons you care for your heart? qunol coq10 with 3x better absorption has the #1 cardiologist recommended form of coq10 to support heart health. qunol, the better coq10.
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congregation and this fire just tell us about that. pastor: well you know, it was kind of an odd situation because i was on a plane to pittsburgh to do some tv interviews so my wife text me and said that we have five minutes to get out of the house what do you want? and it was amazing, you know, how it changes your whole outlook on life, because i thought of well, i want family photos, i want the flag of my father that was draped at his arlington funeral, and you just kind of go through the basics of life but you realize when it all comes down to it we have everything because we have our family, our life and whatever happens is really in god s hands abby: you ve written a beautiful op ed for fox and i want to read our audience apportion. you say i get it moral evil can be explained by the free will of man but much of the things we face are not a result of our free will, so where do i go from here? either god or nature which he
created, must cause these physical evils, but these things seem incompatible with all lov ing, all-powerful god. a lot of people after, you know, hurricane devastates their home and everything they had and loved and fires like you re experiencing they re angry right they wonder why god could do something like this, where do you find that strength and how do you turn to faith to help you rebuild? pastor: over the years, of course i ve dealt with a lot of situations like this and i believe there s a divine tension and somehow we know that there s this god who loves us and obviously has blessed us in so many ways but at the same time we have this tension of the not yet always abides with us and i think that s where our faith really grows is in that tension and when we try to deny that tension, then we move into anger , we move into bitterness, we question the character of the nature of god himself. todd: pastor phil i want to ask you this quickly. what do you say to all of the folks there in california who
are undergoing the same thing that unfortunately your family did? pastor: i think, you know, community is important. love one another. we live in a call de sack that s really multi-ethnic and multi- religious and we just love , you know we love our muslim neighbors and booed it s neighbors and try to show the love of christ to everyone and i think love never fails is what the bible says. abby: pastor good to have you here i m glad your family is safe and you re back in your home we re hoping the best for everyone else out there. good to see you. thank you so much. abby: more fox & friends right after this.

Applause , Touchdown , Cheers , Syracuse , Abby , Least , Wife , Authority , Football-fan , Groove , Iran-nuclear-deal , David-webb

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20170928 00:00:00

tucker: and rich neighborhood to get help. the problem is as mark stein likes to say eventually run out of neighborhoods. spoon the other assumption that drives me is that when advocates for illegal immigration say we will grant amnesty to x number of people, is that the actual number and your studies suggest the numbers are much bigger. clearly much bigger. if, for instance, congress just amnesty to the people who have this daca amnesty. 700,000 people. we are talking at least a million and a half people over the next number of years that would be coming after them. but that s actually the narrowest possibility. senator durbin and senator lindsey graham have a bill that would not just look at those young people who are covered by this daca amnesty but would open a whole new can of worms from scratch. tucker: we admit about
1.1 million illegal immigrants are here and that s the number i always go with but that s not the real number it sounds like. in a sense it is but it would be following up if we legalized more people. tucker: because of chain migration, which applies to all legal immigrants, that means you have a net gain of a lot more people than just that every year. the long-term effect is anonymous. for instance, the amnesty in the senate they are talking about, dream amnesties, they would amnesty 2-3 million people, bigger than even the reagan amnesty of 30 years ago. double that number for the future over the next say ten or 20 years would come in because it s like remember there was an add back in the 80s, a shampoo attic where girl love the shampoo so much and she told to friends, they told two friends and someone and you had these multiplying images, that s what this is. a green card to an immigrant, he sponsors relatives, they sponsor
relatives. tucker: how can people get away with saying that low-wage immigration is an economic benefit to the united states? are they lying or misguided? is about redistribution. the elites on top, the employers benefit from reducing wages and the american people, average americans, american workers, what used to be the middle class, they get hurt, they are at the bottom. it s a complete scam and everything about our labor force shifted to this postindustrial superpower information economy. suggested massive illegal immigration tolerated on a long-term basis or chain migration that d skills the labor flow, gives the american people incredibly bad go tucker: when hear people defendant, what they re really defending our their own prerogatives. when they defended they are basically defending it because they are getting a lot out of it, but they are not. in the 80s, everybody knew people who actually had
relatives doing the work, the hard work. social dissidence has increased to the point where elites are completely detached by the tremendous terrible impacts, systemic illegal immigration and chain migration are having on the american people. he went totally agree, thank you very much, both of you. our immigration advocates are concerned with the prospects of chain migration creating a de facto amnesty or hundreds of billions instead of funding college of infrastructure, simon rosenberg, an advocate for immigration and he joins us denigrated things a lot for coming on. good to be here. tucker: you can debate the numbers but what you can t debate is that the numbers matter. i can say from first-hand experience having had thousands, hundreds of these debates, herec justification for these policies, the statue of liberty tells us it s a country based on immigration. if like facts don t play a role in this debate on the left. let s talk about the report you referenced.
you presented a balance sheet, there was income and expenditures. they left out a big benefit on the positive side of the balance sheet, gdp. talk about illegal immigrants make up about 5% of all workers in america which is close to a trillion dollars a year of productivity coming out of the united states. the cost, which i think are wildly inflated, i could debate this with you for a long time, the net benefit to the country is still in the hundreds of billions of dollars if you have an honest balance sheet. tucker: no, actually, your accounting clearly was in washington a while. using gdp is the measure of prosperity as a matter of productivity. tucker: it doesn t matter how much you make, it matters how much you make minus what you spend. business also has a net worth so part of the whole premise of gdp is that the workers of the united states, not the business, the workers create a certain amount of wealth.
$18 trillion a year in the segment of that that is made up by undocumented immigrants in the united states is close to a trillion dollars of value a year. tucker: what you are assuming what you are leaving out, you are assuming that where they to leave those jobs would not be filled. you have almost 100 million americans at working age not working. i wonder if that has an effect, if that is affected by immigration. this is basic economics 101. tucker: you are engaging in washington-based economics, everything is fine. you asked me to come on to talk about the study but what i m saying to you is the balance sheet that they present in the study is not accurate. tucker: so are you saying that having 11 million illegal immigrants in the country, almost all of them working for low wages, almost all of them with low education is a net who are working and sending a huge proportion of what they make abroad to foreign countries.
reporting. tucker: a big portion. the single biggest cash flow into mexico. you re saying it s a net economic gain for the united states? there s no question. in the report tucker: there s no question? based on economics 101. we are talking about a trillion dollars worth tucker: i m starting l. as you know, hispanic immigrants in particular have the highest worker participation rates of any demographic group in the united states. if they don t work they don t get welfare. if they don t work they have to go home. tucker: they do get welfare in a lot of ways. that s not welfare. tucker: publicly subsidized. but that s not welfare. tucker: call it what you want, it s something you didn t pay for your getting free from taxpayers. studies show undocumented immigrants to pay taxes. tucker: you ve noted a couple of times you got a phd in economics 101 as you put it. if the law of supply and demand,
which you will acknowledge is a law. if you bring in over 1 million low-wage workers every year into a country with a finite population, what you think happens to the value of work at the low end of the scale, do you think it rises? to wages go up when you do that? i think the debate that you re trying to have here is a good one. what is the right number for people to come in. tucker: what you re saying is just kind of silly, actually. please, tucker. tucker: i m serious. one of the lowest unemployment rates that without in the modern history. incomes have gone up now at a very rapid rate two years in a row, they are coming back from the great recession that took place. if the highest stock market in the history of the country, the economy is not suffering in the way many representatives i would argue in a timer we have very low unemployment rates, incomes are going up high as they ve ever been, the highest stock market in the history of
the country and high corporate values. tucker: what you were saying you are going on and giving me this propaganda points that here every day. if they don t reflect the conditions of the country outside of the difficulty when i live in. that s not true. tucker: 95 they are not working. the unemployment rate the unemployment rate is wisconsin is 3.7%. tucker: the unemployment rate is different from the reality of work. if you have 95 million people who are not working, and some cases for good reasons, a lot of cases they are on disability, that is not good for your country. it may not be reflected in an employment rate, it s reflected in the death rate of opiate o.d. is that immigrants fault? tucker: i think people have seen their wages decline at the lower end. immigration is one part of that, why don t you just admitted? what we know from studies that we ve done, my own organization has done is that the impact on the lower end of the workforce with the rates of immigration we had is
demonstrable, there is no question about it. tucker: then we agree. can i finish? tucker: of course. the overall net for the economy is that for the country as a whole, the rate of immigration we ve had has produced far more benefits than costs. that s indisputable fact. tucker: now you are filibustering. you said it, i m going to make the obvious point, those benefits, like all economic benefits in the last 40 years have not been evenly distribute distributed. our part is starting and i think we should admitted. i write about this all the time, are we done? tucker: he s telling me i have to go, we ve got to go. great to see a period and we d spoken a lot in the last couple of days about the nfl, currently the central figure in the war of respect due to our flag may seem like it s got nothing to do with you if you don t watch sports, we wanted to tell you how much you are paying the nfl every year if you are a taxpayer.
according to, in the past two decades nfl teams have received 7 billion in taxpayer support for their stadiums. the stadiums, often privately owned, operated for profit, routinely financed by tax-free bonds usually reserved for public infrastructure. the nfl enjoys a special exemption, you pick up the tab and they mark the things that you care about, just so you know. meanwhile, president trump has continued to throw attacks at the league, the football league, predicting imminent disaster if they continue to let protests happened during anthem. the nfl is in a very bad spot. you cannot have people disrespecting our national anthem, our flag, our country, and that s what they are doing. in my opinion the nfl has to change or, do know it s going to happen, their business is going to go to hell. tucker: marc stein know something about powerful organizations going to decline, he s been writing what you re up for decades he joins us tonight.
it does seem like a kind of perverse system where u.s. taxpayers help make nfl team owners richards while they allow their employees to give the finger to the country that subsidizes them. how does that work? i think the owners actually giving the finger too, the joining hands and taking part in this subversion of a civic ritual. the justification for these subsidies by taxpayers for football stadiums, which i don t agree with, but the justification is that somehow it is a public, civic event in which the entire community can participate as a community. that s the justification for these subventions which have made these people and enormously rich. you can t have that and then for these organizations to strike at the most basic civic ritual, standing up for the national anthem.
a national anthem can be a national anthem or it can be an opportunity for self-expression. but it can t be both. a subversion the subversion of the most basic civic ritual of all by these and enormously wealthy people, privileged beyond belief is absolutely revolting. tucker: has there ever been a country where the elites, the people who are supposed to be running the country to whom the rest of us mere plebes look on in all and ask, how should we live, we take our cues from you. has there ever been a country where those people attack the basic symbols of the country, it seems so perverse and decadent to me. what s interesting to me about this, there are people i spent a lot of my time in the province of quebec where the lieutenant governor enters for the first half of god save the queen and the last half of all canada. neither of which they care a hoot for but they still all rise
reluctantly to their feet and at least kind of look semibored as they are standing up for it. if the prime minister of australia ran a campaign to get rid of the the australian flag but he still stands up for the flag. what is going on here is absolutely extraordinary where people are actually taking the most basic act a citizen can do, rise to his feet when he hears the national anthem and have constructed an entirely different ritual around it. and to listen to people saying as you said yesterday, the free speech argument is completely disingenuous. these are the same people who say that if ben shapiro or the head of the imf comes to an american college, it s so traumatizing you have to have a safe space for them. these same people will defend the hollowing out one of the the
few communal acts remaining in a divided nation and they will defend it on free-speech grounds, completely disingenuous. tucker: what you think would happen if nfl players did this to the mexican flag, if they said mexico has a long history of mistreating its minorities, which it does come as you know. we are not going to stand for the mexican flag and we will talk during the anthem, how do you think msnbc would respond to that? they would regard that is absolutely disgraceful. the point here is identity politics is all about the old leninist fame, who, whom, who is doing what to whom? it is all right to trash icons of the american inheritance. in the same way that for the dallas school board to propose getting rid of anything named after madison, jefferson and franklin is fine, it s okay to come up with their own way of
respecting the american flag. it s nothing to do with whether they have the right to do it. it s nothing to do with whether it s legal or illegal, it s just that in the realm of manners were most of us live, or we don t require a policeman to tell us we can do something, this is disgraceful. tucker: it is. mark stein, always sums it up perfectly, thank you. thanks a lot, tucker! tucker: up next, the left is obsessed with fine racism everywhere. we will explain why if they want to find bigotry, it may not be where they expect to find it. also, hollywood has become obsessed with the politics of donald trump and russia, a new documentary about armenian genocide is being shunned in los angeles because it s too political. uff happens. shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels.
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tucker: it wasn t that long ago that calling someone a racist was a big deal. it was a devastating attack on a person s character, if not blood liable. now everywhere you look, people just barely to the right of al gore are being denounced as white supremacists, white nationalists, neo-confederates. it happened to us last week. on a website called media-ite, blogger wrote tucker carlson isn t even trying to hide his white nationalist leanings anymore. as evidence for this? a segment that we did pointing out the democratic party has basically given up trying to appeal to the american middle class and i started openly encouraging illegal immigration. we didn t mention race at all because it s irrelevant. stagnant blue color which black americans in st. louis every bit
as much as they hurt white americans in des moines. how exactly does that qualify as white nationalism? he didn t explain or accept her invitation to come on the show. like an awful lot of name colors, he s a coward. too bad, it would ve been interesting to tell us exactly what i white nationalist is and how we qualify. he s not the first person to make that charge, by the way. if absurd and untrue, not to mention conveniently imprecise. typically we just shrug it off on the theory that it s pointless to argue with demagogues. but there s enough of that kind of libel flying around the country right now that we thought it might be worth taking a second to lay out clearly what the show believes on the question of race. above all we believe that skin color is not the most important thing about a person s. what matters most is how you live, the choices you make, what you love, what you hate, how you treat others. that puts us at odds with the modern left, which classifies
people first and foremost by their race. if we think that s unfair. your race is one thing, you cannot control, you were born with it. that s why it s wrong to judge people on the basis of it, it used to be the very definition of racism before liberals changed the rules to exempt themselves from it. the show is based in washington, d.c., the most democratic city in america so we know and like a lot of people who call themselves liberal. many of them are decent human beings and motivated by noble impulses. some of them sincerely believe that tribalism empowers people. they are wrong. tribalism diminishes people. it makes their inequalities irrelevant. it lumps them into a pile with a lot of other people who just happened to look alike. it s dehumanizing, it erases the individual. unfortunately it s also politically hard to resist. groupthink and race hatred are remarkably efficient organizing tools as both parties have proved over the years. and so tribalism flourishes in this country.
in the workplace, the academy, the media. the leftist created systems where people are judged, punished and rewarded solely based on their immutable characteristics. this is bigotry, the very definition of it. yet in an orwellian sleight-of-hand for which they ve become justly famous, the left now claims that all who complain about this aren t themselves bigots. the most remarkable part is how quickly progresses have forgotten the lessons of the worst things this country ever did, slavery and segregation. not everyone who looks like is alike. a collective is immoral. if you find yourself generalizing about entire groups, stop. it never ends well. more than anything people are more important than tribes. everyone of them is an individual created by god, treat them that way. we are all equal but not everybody thinks they equally deserve the right to say what they think in public. a student op-ed in ohio suggested speakers ought to be barred from campus if their rhetoric annoys leftists.
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and make space for micro-aggressions, segregation, exclusion and prejudice. it s easy to make fun of that, hard to understand but we must say amari was great about to come on tonight. if we are grateful for that. thank you, tucker. tucker: first off, it seems to be the key phrase in the paragraph i just read, hate speech. if not constitutionally recognized idea, as you know. there s no such thing actually as hate speech. tell me how it s interpreted on your campus, what is hate speec speech? hate speech is speech that comes out of the rhetoric that targets certain groups or individuals because of who they are or their social location in society. what s more about hate speech is that usually it incites violence and brings harm to these people who white nationalists and white supremacists often target. tucker: it is speech that targets groups because of their
immutable characteristics? if you were to say for example i don t like you because i think i don t know you but i see your skin color, you are a beneficiary of white privilege, i m attacking you because of your membership in a group. it could incite violence, without qualify as hate speech? most definitely. when we are attacking people because of who they are and where they are situated in society we don t look at where we can change that and how we can reshape society. tucker: right. okay, i agree with you that that is wrong. we did a segment on it about 3 minutes ago and i sincerely agree with you on that. it s wrong, it happens a lot in our society and i don t like it. the question though is should you try to prevent people from expressing their views even if you dislike them? so, do you think it s okay to
keep somebody from talking if you disagree with that person? no. tucker: you don t. these aren t simple disagreements that we are talking about here. often times we are talking about topics of hate speech and free speech and the way in which rhetoric and speech has become so important because of the demagoguery that has been witnessed throughout the recent election. oftentimes it s historically the university has been a place of politics, debate and speech. so this is nothing new. we know that people like to espouse white nationalists and white supremacist views at campuses around the country. even around the world. tucker: that s a debatable point that you just made but the first point you made is not debatable, traditionally colleges have been a place where people can say what they think,
what s new, i m old enough to remember it is not now students like you are saying no, you are not allowed express those views. it is a new thing and it s because we are now at a space in society where we are concerned for the safety of people, right? we have a change in society where we are no longer allowing groups of people to be targeted and come under the harm tucker: i ve been to denison in ohio. how many people have been killed by white supremacist on your campus recently? nobody has been killed by white supremacy but i m sure that there are a lot of people living under the stress of white supremacy. tucker: so if i make you if you speak tucker: hold on, you said that there was the fear of imminent violence but you are
conceding there hasn t actually been in a violence, so the standard is if i make you is about enabling people to carry out micro aggressions, whether that be the use of the n-word, the use of different speech. we are not just talking about people who tucker: when you watch television and you see like in berkeley people with black handkerchiefs over their faces hitting other people with chair legs or spraying them with hair spray, that s actual violence, i think you would agree. they are on the left, does that challenge the violence that occurred from the left has been entirely reactionary to the white nationalist violence that has come from groups like the kkk and white nationalists. tucker: we are out of time. white nationalists are completely invested in violence. tucker: i don t want to be mean because you re just a kid but i wish i knew who taught you this stuff.
tell your professor, whoever taught you the stuff to come on the show because i would love to talk to him. you are brave to come on and i appreciated. we are out of time sadly. thanks. republicans have reveal their plan to overhaul the tax code. the budget chief from the white house, omb director mick mulvaney joins us next. and over-the-counter treatments, but my symptoms keep coming back. it turns out i have irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea, or ibs-d. a condition that s really frustrating. that s why i talked to my doctor about viberzi. .a different way to treat ibs-d. viberzi is a prescription medication you take every day that helps proactively manage both abdominal pain and diarrhea at the same time. so i can stay ahead of my symptoms. viberzi can cause new or worsening abdominal pain. do not take viberzi if you have no gallbladder, have pancreas or severe liver problems, problems with alcohol abuse,
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the winners are probably the middle class, they will end up paying less tax and it will be easier for them to pay it. it s a simpler, fairer system, about 90% of households right now i think actually hire somebody else to do their taxes. if that s families paying people, ordinary folks are paying somebody else to do their taxes and we let them pay less and pay it themselves, and i thk that s a big win for people. i think that the economy writ large as the other big winner here. that s what s driving the corporate tax, hope we get a chance to talk about that. a big piece of this, central piece of this is the corporate tax rate reduction. we do that to try and drive productivity, drive investment in america, drive economic growth, economic development. i think the two winners here are individual families, ordinary americans, what some people call the middle class, everybody considers themselves to be middle class and the overall economy because we are sort of revitalizing the american machine. tucker: who are the losers? i think right now if you
probably make a lot of money at the very high-end and have a very extensive house in new york or california you re probably a loser because the one of the proposals is to remove the reduction for state and local taxes. and if you are living in a $2 million house in los angeles, california, you re going to be paying more tax. tucker: the idea is they are almost all blue states that have these in new jersey, california, new york, very high property taxes but they are in effect subsidized by the rest of the country under the current code because they are deductibl deductible. we can talk about the economic impact of a lot of these things and i hope we do but from a general policy, getting rid of that state and local tax deduction is a great policy because you re absolutely right, folks in places like south carolina have been subsidizing folks who live in new york city for a long time and it s just not fair, that s why we talk about a more fair tax code and getting rid of those types of tucker: use a very rich people will pay more, what s the threshold for that? it depends.
everybody has learned that we ve gone through this is that there is no ordinary american family, there are so many different moving pieces and parts. you can live in a fancy house making a lot of money in a low tax state. the treatment will be very different if you are living in a house in a high tax state. you asked me who the losers were, folks were making a lot of money living at her expensive house and california, the winners are a lot of other folks but it sort of hard to say in between. tucker: if i go to work every day and live off the wages that i make you are a lot better off. tucker: if i inherit a bunch of money and live off the dividends and the investments of the money i ve inherited and taxed at a lower rate. why is that fair and will not come closer into balance? i didn t follow the question. tucker: are taxes on labor are far higher than the tax on capital. if i inherit a bunch of money and live off the dividends of my investments on paying a lot less but somebody who works. if you re making 50,000 in dividends is it really going to
be $50,000 in earnings. to a certain extent perhaps but keep in mind we are increasing the standard deduction here to take it to i think $24,000 for a family. that s a lot of money to be earning an interest if you have inherited but if you are a family making $24,000 a year of your effective rate is zero on that. i think that s what s more important. tucker: thought we are still taxing we tax things based on whether we think they re good at night cigarette taxes are so high and solar panel subsidies are real. i never understood why we tax investments at so much lower rates. i think we are trying to move away from that. clearly we don t get rid of all of those discrepancies, but we do move away from the tax code that is driven towards behavior. most of the deductions are gone. most of the loopholes are gone, in fact i think the only ones that were really sort of pushing right now are the charitable deduction and the mortgage interest deduction. everything else pretty much gone. the tax break you got for buying a solar powered something or
other, all of that tax code, the use of the tax code, we try to get rid of because we don t think it s fair. tucker: quickly, the corporate tax rate, 35? 35 now. large corporations. tucker: bring it down to 20. if you do that, what percentage of companies will actually pay that? again we think more will pay that rate then pay the 35% rate now because we get rid of all of the deductions. keep in mind, one of the things again, back to the policies. 35% tax rate, a fairly stiff tax rate, the highest of any developed country in the world, right? the power that lobbyists have to go and get a special tax credit or a deduction is pretty severe. tucker: i m laughing because i live next to them and they all have bigger balls than i do. when you take that rate down to 20% the ability to stuff that we can give away goes away, the leverage goes away. tucker: that s a totally fair point and if you live here you see it. i know you have. thank you for joining us.
thank you. tucker: up next, the great dean payne is here to discuss hollywood s newest obsession with russia and the political standards that govern what art is allowed. stay tuned.
president, they will not accept it. they will overturn any rock and even probably make up stories to find collusion at this point. i think that oliver stone should probably directed because he s pretty good at revisionist history. tucker: i talked to oliver stone about it, he doesn t buy any of it i don t think. a dozen! i m not speaking out of turn but i don t think oliver stone believes this at all. it s been so long. where s the proof? tucker: you ve made a movie on the armenian genocide, god bless you for doing that because it s an important thing to remember and learn from. but you are having trouble getting it out there because why? we had trouble in glendale, california, a huge romanian population, the second largest armenians in the world. outside of our main it s the first, the largest group. and they wouldn t let us advertise because they called her to political and we ended up making a big stink about it, got
media involved tucker: political? they say it s political and we argue, i argue with not political at all. it s a human rights story, there s no politics, is the holocaust political? no. the problem is our government hasn t recognized the genocide. 47 of our 50 states have put our federal government hasn t and that s because i think it s because we have an airbase in turkey and we are trying to keep things nice. tucker: it implicates the ottomans, the turks. and speaking a foreign influence on our domestic politics, the government of turkey has an effect on decisions our policymakers make. absolutely, i ve been lobbying congress the last couple days to say look, look at this. what we are trying to say is call it genocide. acknowledge that it s genocide because if you don t genocide denied is genocide continued and it allows other things to be happening today in south sitting, iraq, to the christians there. it s happening now. tucker: no one ever says this, it wasn t just the armenians being killed by the
ottoman turks. it was a christian minority being slaughtered by a muslim majority. i think that makes it harder for people to not acknowledge it was genocide. i think absolutely it does. that s why they are acknowledget acknowledging it today. tucker: i m going to watch it. thank you. talking to sean hannity next, she s in washington. we will be right back. it s ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it s fine, cause i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident-free. and i don t share it with mom. right, mom? right. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it.
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Tucker-carlson , Assumption , Help , Problem , Neighborhood , Neighborhoods , Mark-stein , People , Immigration , Number , Numbers , De-facto