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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom 20130208

are out of gas. i kind of wanted to get gas real quick before it runs out. also grammy weekend. they want to get my reporter: getting ready to hit the stage sunday. tonight we are young reporter: this year the power players of music springsteen, u2 pushed back stage, the younger groups going for grammy gold. newsroom starts now. good morning, thank you so much for being with us. i m carol costello. potentially deadly blizzard taking aim for the northeast. it s expected to hit starting in a few hours, from new york to maine, we have team coverage of the storm, more than 3,200 flights already have been canceled. boston bracing for as much as three feet of snow by tomorrow morning. meteorologist indra petersons is there, indra, boston schools are already closed, the subway set to shut down at 3:30 this afternoon. it sounds like the message is stay home? yeah, absolutely, that s exactly what the mayor asked everyone to do, as of noon this town is expected to be at a complete standstill. currently you can see generally mild considering what is expected to come. temperature about the freezing mark. we ve started to see the winds picking up and a few snow flurries are starting to fall. we know by the afternoon today this could be an epic storm. we could break the record of 24 inches of snowfall in 24 hours. let s talk about how this is expected to form. there are two systems we ve been talking about the last several days expected to merge, the first one, a little colder over in ohio valley, and the second one that yesterday was in atlanta, we saw severe weather of the thunderstorms that were building. now that made its way up the atlantic coast and right to the mid-atlantic. those two are going to merge and we re going to be looking at the one large nor easter, our coastal bomb as we call it, as expected by afternoon we ll be talking about between two to three inches of snowfall per hour. you add to that 50, 60, even 70 mile per hour wind gusts and visibility is expected to drop to zero, so that s what we re going to be monitoring. right behind me if you look outside we re going to be able to show you that we have the customs tower, that is less than a quarter of a mile away. with that, we re going to know as you track through the afternoon we ll see visibility near zero and keep tracking it for you and snowfall here could be as high as three feet and we ll be right here through it all to give you the latest. i don t know whether that s good or bad for you. indra petersons reporting live from boston this morning. now to new york city where wind gusts of 50 miles per hour could cut power to thousands. foot of snow and coastal flooding also predicted. this blizzard on the exact same path as superstorm sandy, that could mean more misery for people still trying to recover from that storm. alison kosik is at columbus circle in manhattan. what is new york doing to prepare? reporter: right now we certainly are feeling a nice steady flow of snow coming down and not really sticking except for one or two snowballs we re making on the side here. you look out here, everybody s going to work as usual just like a normal bad weather day. everybody knows what s coming later and that s the tricky point. new york city mayor michael bloomberg is concerned about the cleanup because the storm is expected to really hit around rush hour when everybody s trying to get home, that could make it difficult for those salt spreaders and those plows to get through the streets but also extra trains are coming out for those who live on long island, the lirr is adding extra trains to get people home as fast as they can before the big part of the snowstorm hits. carol? do you have your flashlight and your toilet paper and your bread? reporter: oh, yeah, you know, speaking of long island, i live there and the gas lines are already there. it s reminiscent of hurricane sandy because after hurricane sandy we all went to rationing gas because of everybody thought there was a gas shortage. you see that mini panic going on, even on long island. people waiting in line for gas. cars, 20 cars deep lines, which is pretty startling and pretty unnerving because everybody is sort of running around trying to prepare. i even went to the grocery store. i got the last apple on the shelf, carol. thank god for that! alison kosik reporting live from new york city. the big question on everyone s mind in the northeast, is who is going to get the worst of the storm. meteorologist jennifer delgado is at cnn with that side of the story. right now the calm before the storm, this is the time you really need to make sure you have everything prepared because conditions are going to go downhill especially as we go through late this afternoon into the evening hours. here s the radar. looking at what s happening now, snow moving into parts of northern new jersey including newark as well into new york, into areas like hartford as well as into providence, they re picking up light snow there. by 3:00 in the afternoon, we re expecting this all to change over to snow for new york city. now, what we re talking about in some locations again, three feet of snow, so certainly new england is going to take the brunt of it. we re expecting roughly about 12 inches or more for new york city. when you combine the snow in with the winds, and some of these locations those winds are going to be gusting up to about 70 miles per hour. we re talking virtually a whiteout out there. you re not going to be able to see anything. the storm system moves out by saturday and then you can see the blizzard warning in place from newark all the way up towards maine. jennifer delgado a lot to talk about. you got that right, jennifer, many thanks. also this morning in california the manhunt intensifies and leads seem to fade. police say the possible sighting of christopher dorner near an indian reservation in san diego county may have been a hoax. it leaves him on the loose and dangerous. authorities say he has declared war on police and the military trained sharpshooter already turned the hunters into the hunted. he say dorner gunned down three police officers in river side after killing an off-duty police officer and his fiance. the woman was also connected to the lapd, she was the daughter of retired officer just dayed earlier, dorner railed against his firing in a bizarre package he sent to cnn s anderson cooper. mailed a parcel to my office that arrived on the first of the month, my assistant opened it. inside he found this hand-labeled dvd accompanied by a yellow post-it note reading in part i never lied apparently in reference to his 2009 dismissal from the lapd. the dvd shows testimony by a man kicked by an lapd officer. according to dorner it confirms the story dorner told the lapd the story he says got him kicked off the force. today is the eighth anniversary of his hiring. cnn s casey wian is outside a police station in hollywood, california, good morning. reporter: good morning, carol. police throughout southern california remain on high alert. you know, they are trying to both protect themselves as potential targets of christopher dorner, and also trying to find him. a possible break in the hunt for christopher dorner as authorities find his truck burning on a remote road in big bear lake, california. police fanned out, rifles drawn, as they searched nearby woods and go door to door. we ll keep working on it until we re able to locate the suspect or determine he s no longer in the big bear valley. reporter: dorner a former los angeles cop threatened to hurt l.a. police officers and their families, police say in retribution for being fired in 2008. he allegedly laid out his plan in an online manifest toe saying i never had the opportunity to have a family of my own. i m terminating yours. dorner attempted to contact cnn sending a parcel to our anderson cooper. in it a hand labeled dvd with a yellow post-it note that reads i never lied. an apparent reference to his firing when dorner claims he was forced out after reporting alleged police brutality. also a coin wrapped in duct tape which was inscribed with thanks but no thanks will bratton former chief of the los angeles police department. chances are he would have received it from me, it would have been the custom i have of when somebody was activated into the military, heading overseas. reporter: cnn is cooperating with authorities. police say it began sunday in irvine, when dorner killed two people, monica quan, the daughter of a former lapd captain who represented dorner in front of the police board that eventually fired him, and her fiance. three days later in san diego, police say dorner attempted to hijack a boat and early thursday, dorner fires at police officers in corona who were assigned to protect someone connected to dorner s threats. one officer was hurt. later in riverside, two officers are fired upon in what police call a cowardly ambush. one seriously hurt the other killed. dorner s manifesto states the attacks will stop when the department states the truth about my innocence publicly. he s told us what he intends to do and so far he s done it. reporter: leaving the community on edge, wondering when the violence will stop. just to give you some sense of how seriously law enforcement is taking this, many police agencies have ordered their officers to travel in pairs until dorner is found, and here s some of the information we know about him. 33 years old, six feet tall, 270 pounds, also an expert with both a rifle and a pistol. he has been trained by both the los angeles police department and the u.s. military. also said to be carrying night vision goggles. carol? casey wian reporting live from holhollywood, california. according to unpublished reports hackers accessed personal information about both former presidents. brianna keilar joins us with more. reporter: good morning, carol. i will tell you we only know certain information about this. let me tell you the secret service has confirmed that there is an investigation into these e-mails that were hacked and this includes e-mails from both bush presidents, from george h.w. bush and from george w. bush. you can imagine if this was you and your e-mails have been hacked and published online as they have in this case how violated you would feel and that s what the bush family is dealing with right now, we re talking about private photos that were in those e-mails, family topics that were discussed, contact information for bush friends and extended family as well as scheduling matters that were discussed and obviously this is a serious breach but as we understand it, this is something where you re talking about e-mails not just in one particular incident or one small chunk of time but these are e-mails from 2009 to 2012 so over a considerable number of years. we don t know who is behind this and we re not sure if investigators at this point are sure who is behind this. on the part of the bush family, a spokesperson for george h.w. bush saying they do not comment on matters under criminal investigation but remember, carol, george h.w. bush was recently in the hospital, late last year he was in a houston area hospital and so some of this appears to have happened during the time that he was hospitalized and some of the e-mails discussed that. brianna keilar reporting live from the white house this morning. still ahead, facebook-mageddon, the computer glitch that crippled the web. plus might be somebody up above two years ago the lead singer of alabama, alabama shakes was working at the postal service. now she s at the grammys. wait for it. wait for it. [ dog ] you know, i just don t think i should have to wait for it! who do you think i am, quicken loans? at quicken loans, we won t make you wait for it. our efficient, online system allows us to get you through your home loan process fast. which means you ll never have to beg for a quick closing. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. bonkers, look at me when i m talking to you. 15 minutes past the hour, time to check our top stories. inial mshl will attend funeral services for 15-year-old hadiya pendleton in chicago. the teenager was gunned down last week just days after she was in washington performing in the inaugural parade. the president called the family and offered his condolences. the northeast bracing for what could be an historic storm. airlines are canceling thousands of flight. two feet of snow in boston is predicted. just check and make sure nothing s broken to begin with, cutting edges on all the plows, snow blowers are ready. it will probably be a long four days, you know? which is tough on anybody. storm expected to begin this afternoon and last well into tomorrow. senate democrats are working on a plan to avoid the deep automatic spending cuts set to kick in on march 1st. source close to the discussions says potential plans include reducing tax breaks enjoyed by private equity funds and closing loopholes for companies that keep profits overseas. a bug in facebook s widget took over yesterday. it redirects them to a facebook error page. the problem only affected users who were logged into the site and trying to visit other sites. facebook says it has fixed the problem. it could be the year of the dudes at the grammys where men are dominating some of the biggest categories. in the bathroom getting higher than the empire state my lover, she is waiting for me the band fun could walk away with the biggest awards of the night. it would be a huge departure from last year when adele scored six awards. nischelle turner looks at what else we can expect. we are young reporter: we are young that could be the theme of the 55th annual grammy awards. it s been an incredible year in music, feels like alternative music is back. reporter: this year the spotlight isn t on veterans like springsteen or dillon, it s about fun and the black keys and jack white. yeah i would love to reporter: they re nominated for album of the year and all in their 20s or 30s. i will wait, i will wait for you reporter: in addition, mumford and sons, frank ocean and fun go into sunday s ceremony with six nods apiece. matching nominations earned by hip-hop heavyweights jay-z and kanye west. last week i was in my other biz all your diamonds up in this past year attention was focused on the breakout stars, most notably fun. the power pop trio from new york, and frank ocean, the new orleans r&b singer who shot to stardom with this emotional performance on late night with jimmy fallon where he sang about an unrequited love with another man. to be in love with someone who could never love you reporter: both ocean and fun are nominated for best new artist along with country multiinstrumentalist hunter hayes. here we are my first debut record. reporter: blues rock group alabama shakes. two years ago you were working at the postal service? yes, i was delivering postal mail. reporter: and folk rock trio the lumenieres. went from sleeping in friend s houses, going six people to a hotel room to now like grammy nominations. as long as i ve got my suit and tie i m gonna leave it all on the floor tonight reporter: look for justin timberla timberlake s first performance in four years, rihanna s first solo turn since she canceled in 2009, and collaboration with bruno mars, sting and rihanna. nischelle turner, cnn, los angeles. talk ban question for you today, should president obama speak out more about urban gun violence? or tweet me @carolcnn. i ll be right back. how are you doing today? reporter: dee anderson didn t think her extreme fatigue was a warning sign until a doctor told her. he said, dee, you re having a heart attack. reporter: like many, she d been ignoring the signs. pressure, slight pressure in my chest that ran across the chest, not in one particular spot, no pain, no stabbing pain, nothing like that. take deep breaths. reporter: men and women don t typically have the same heart attack symptoms, often women don t realize they re having a heart attack because their symptoms can be much more subtle. women may have usual fatigue, nausea, vomiting, they may have abnormal feeling in the upper part of the body, stomach, back, arm or neck, or throat. reporter: two weeks after her first bout of chest tightness dee s symptoms got worse. it wasn t just a pressure anymore or discomfort. it was an ache, like a bad toothache and suddenly i felt that same ache in my elbows, just in my elbows, in my chest and in my elbows and then i knew it was cardiac. reporter: dee called her doctor who told her to get to the e.r., saving her heart and her life. elizabeth cohen, cnn. 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[ ding ] oh, that s helpful! well, our company does that, too. actually, we invented that. it s like a sauna in here. helping you save, even if it s not with us now, that s progressive! call or click today. no mas pantalones! now is your chance to talk back on one of the big stories of the day, the question for you this morning, should president obama speak out more on urban gun violence? first lady michelle obama will be in chicago this weekend, no speeches, only sadness, saturday 15-year-old hadiyah pendleton will be buried, the honor student who twirled a baton in president obama s inauguration was killed last week. thiscy child who fought against gun violence. this commercial is informational for you and your future children. so many children out there are in gangs and it s your job to say no to gangs and yes to a great future. pendleton s murder happened one mile from obama s chicago home, a startling example of gun violence in urban america. jesse jackson who led an anti-gun march in chicago begged the president to visit his hometown and address real gun violence. given the preponderance of killing and the explosive of this, we need federal intervention. you might remember president obama came to newtown and tucson after the mass shootings there and more than one critic has pointed out as tragic as these shootings are, they re rare. most gun crimes are not committed with high-powered semiassault rifles but with handguns. before newtown the president was asked about the silent epidemic of urban gun violence. we ve got to have an all of the above approach. we have to enforce our gun laws more effectively. we ve got to keep them out of the hands of criminals. we ve got to strengthen background checks. i live on the south side of chicago, you know, some of these murders are happening just a few blocks from where i live, and i have friends whose family members have been killed. still, why send mrs. obama to chicago? why, mr. president, don t you go yourself? talk back question should president obama speak out more on urban gun violence? fa or tweet me @carolcnn. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can t stop eating em! what s.that. on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon. we ve got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. good morning, thank you so much for joining us. i m carol costello. stories we re watching right now in the newsroom 30 minutes past the hour. the opening bell getting ready to ring on wall street. last night the dow, s&p and nasdaq all closed lower. one place you won t find the new blackberry 10, japan. company spokeswoman says the country isn t a major market for the device. researcher firm says blackberry carri carries 0.2% of the market in japan. the northeast starting to feel the effects of a potentially historic blizzard. meteorologist indra petersons is in boston. good morning. reporter: good morning, in the last few minutes we re starting to get some flurries headed our way. the temperature is not changing too much but the winds are picking up. it is getting colder. we know this is nothing like what we re expecting as we go through the late afternoon. we re watching two systems merging into one, yesterday we saw some heavy showers around atlanta, that s the warm, moist system that s made its way up to the mid-atlantic, that is going to be merging with the cold arctic air that made its way down from canada and brought some snow through the great lakes and is over the ohio valley. when those two come together we get the big coastal bomber the nor easter expected to bring the heavy snowfall rates, talking two to three inches of snow per hour, wind gusts 50, 60, even 70 miles per hour are not out of the question. visibility could drop to zero and late afternoon through the overnight hours we ll start to see some heavier bands. the heaviest bands are expected about 9:00 p.m. through tomorrow morning and we ll see it taper off toward saturday afternoon but don t forget the winds will be here. the snowdrift could be going over my head. indra petersons, thanks so much. political buzz is your rapidfire look at the best political topics of the day, three topics, 30 seconds on the clock, playing with us democratic strategy maria cardona and alice stewart, a republican strategist the former spokesperson for rick santorum. welcome to both of but thank you, carol. good morning, carol, good to be here. good morning, question one on the tortured subject of targeted killings i d like to direct your attention to former new york city mayor and presidential candidate rudy giuliani. for the life of me i can t figure outgeorge bush got so much heat for waterboarding three people and president obama has killed scores of people. from the point of view as a terrorist would you rather be watter boarded or killed? the obama administration under fire for using drones to kill american terrorists overseas. giuliani s point and our question, would it be better to capture terrorists than kill them? alice? absolutely. we ve received scores of information from the three people that enhance interrogation techniques were used in the bush administration. we did receive actionable intelligence that led us to the capture of bin laden. panetta said so. the hypocrisy the democrats have lambasted that but obama killed scores of people with these drones. these are fine if they re used for actual surveillance and receiving good information, but they should not be used for just random fishing expeditions. maria? you know, carol, in an ideal world, of course, it would be better to do that and that way i think the justice system would be carried out as we all believe that it should but at the same time we re not living in an ideal world and we re not living and we re not executing a war that is a kind of war that we have executed in years past where it s country against country. these are terrorists who are living under rocks, in caves, in mali and in yellemen. if there is a target and we know where he is and send a drone in and we know that person has killed americans, a lot of americans believe that is the way we should go. question number two, for republicans it seems like out with the old and in with the new. fox news parting ways with some of its more partisan contributors, sarah palin and dick morrison gone while karl rove starts a new super pack designed to make sure more established candidates make it to the ballot box. in the mean while, rnc chairman reince priebus held a listening session with black leaders in atlanta. you see him in the little chair there? this is part of the group s new outreach to minorities, but rush limbaugh still looms large. he s called marco rubio meeting with the talk show host, went on the show to sell his new immigration plan. can you reinvent yourself and cowtow to rush limbaugh? not if you want to reinvent yourself credibly. this is something that republicans need to understand. they need to get rid of the idea that rush limbaugh is a real political leader. he s an entertainer and he s even said that himself and as long as republicans believe that he s a real political leader, their makeover is going to be just very superficial and it s not going to work. it s like they ve been punk d for the last four years. i m expecting ashton kutcher to come out and say gop, you ve been punk d. you need to treat him as an entertainer. alice? well, every candidate for the most part will go down to south florida and kiss the rush ring, that s just what you do. the fact of the matter is the party is still the party of limited government, of fiscal responsibility, individual freedoms and strong national security. we ll continue to convey that and reince priebus did the right thing having a listening session with african americans. we ll do the same with latinos and the same thing with women and young people, we ll listen in and loop them in because we learned a lot in this last session in this last election and we re certainly going to make some positive changes heading into the midterms. all right, on to question three, democrats bring out the big guns today, bill clinton and stephen colbert, both will rally house democrats at their annual retreat. hold on, you say, colbert? isn t his sister running for congress in south carolina? no free air time, lulu. as a broadcast journalist i am obligated to maintain pure objectivity. it doesn t matter that my sister is intelligent, hard-working, compassionate and dedicated to the people of south carolina. i will not be mentioning any of that on my show. okay, but back to the retreat. stephen colbert rallying the democrats, he ll take questions from minority leader nancy pelosi. what advice will colbert, a comedian, mind you, give democrats? alice? well, i m a big colbert fan but i m afraid even a colbert bump is not going to help his sister in that district. it s certainly going to go to a republican. i would imagine as a comedian he ll probably look at the group and encourage them, i understand there was a bipartisan reach-out by former governor sanford in an excursion to hike the appalachian trail. i would imagine he d encourage some of the democrats including bill clinton to bypass on that. maria? if he goes in character, carol, he will beg the democrats to change their party name to republican in order to confuse voters, but if he s serious about giving them advice he would just say look democrats, don t do anything, don t say anything. the republicans are doing a great job of sinking themselves. oh, ouch! on that note we head to our political buzz. ouch. maria and alice, thanks so much for playing today. have a great weekend. you too. the mt. washington observatory in new hampshire already known as home to the world s worst weather a monster blizzard is bearing down, we ll take you there to see conditions there. vator bell dings ] i hate mondays. yeah, they re the worst. [ caribbean accent ] no worries, mon. every-ting will be alright. [ chuckles ] yeah, mon. come on! don t fret, me brotha. sticky bun come soon. yeah, wicked coffee, mista jim! julia, turn da frown de other way around! hey, dave, you re from minnesota, right? yes, i! da land of ten thousand lakes. the gopher state! so in conclusion, things are pretty dismal. you know what this room needs? a smile. who want to come with i? [ jimmy cliff s c mon, get happy plays ] you guys are three minutes late. [ caribbean accent ] don t be no cloud on a sunny day! [ caribbean accent ] yeah, chill, winston. sir? respect boss man! 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[ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation, so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn t need new shoes? and with all the points i ve been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot even on a holiday weekend. things are definitely looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply. try our entrees, snacks and new salads. wild salmon with basil, garlic chicken spring rolls, and now salads, like asian-style chicken. enjoy 100 delicious varieties under 400 calories. lean cuisine. enjoy 100 delicious varieties under 400 calories. did you just turn your ringer off so no one would interrupt oh no, i. just used my geico app to get a tow truck. it s gonna be 30 minutes. oh, so that means that we won t be stuck up here, for hours, with nothing to do. oh i get it, you wanna pass the time, huh. (holds up phone) fruit ninja!!! emergency roadside assistance. just a click away with the geico mobile app. 46 minutes past the hour. los angeles police are on the hunt for ex-cop christopher dorner. dorner is accused of killing three people including one police officer and the daughter of another. the search is focused on a resort area near big bear after a burned out pickup truck belonging to the suspect was found on a road in the area. police believe other tips he received in san diego were likely a hoax. senator democrats are working oen a plan to avoid deep automatic spending cuts. special plans include reducing tax breaks enjoyed by private equity funds and closing loopholes that keep profits overseas. the first laidy will attend the slain teen s funeral in chicago. a spokesman for former president george h.w. bush adds a criminal investigation is under way, the unidentified hacker accessed e-mails, photos and personal information about both former presidents. the snow is starting to fall in new york city as the northeast braces for a massive storm, airlines have already canceled thousands of flights and meteorologists are predicting as much as two feet of snow in cities like boston, in towns like milton, massachusetts, public works departments are preparing for the worst. checking sure nothing is broken, cutting the edges on the plow, snow blowers are ready. it will be a long four days which is tough on anybody. four days. jennifer delgado is he right? we are looking at potentially an historic storm. when you combine winds in some locations hurricane strength winds with three feet of snow, potentially problems across parts of new england and well as the northeast. we look at the radar, notice for yourself still some rain out there but a lot of that changing over to snow for parts of northern new jersey, including newark and into new york city, providence, as well as into hartford and snow through boston, in fact we have a live shot coming in to us and look at this live shot here, well, you re looking at fenway park and we re starting to see that snow coming down, even in the very bottom of the park you can start to see the snow is starting to blow in a little bit. i take you toward a graphic, a lot of people want to know how the day is going to play out. we ll track this for you. we re watching two storms that will come together. once they do, this will create that weather bomb producing all that snow especially arriving late tonight into the overnight hours but for 10:00 a.m. you can see where the snow is lining up right now, verifying with our forecast and then as we go to 4:00, all snow for new york city, more snow for boston, and then those winds pick up in the evening, and then we re going to start to see those blizzard conditions rolling through so that s why officials are telling you do not get on the roadway. eventually by tomorrow we will see that storm system pulling away. carol, we ll send it back over to you and talk windchill values as well, minus 15 in some of these locations. brrr. i know. talking about windchills, new hampshire s mt. washington observatory is bracing for a whiteout this morning, the self-described home of the world s worst weather. the winter storm now brewing in the northeast could deliver windchills of 25 degrees below zero. i m joined from north conway, new hampshire, by weather observer brian fitzgerald. good morning, brip aan. good morning. the fact that a big huge storm is brewing, does that excite you? it certainly does. certainly i ll be honest, this isn t that out of the norm for us. we ll be seeing wind gusts by tomorrow evening around 100 miles an hour, which is actually a pretty typical situation for the wintertime up here. typical. so give us a few tips because a lot of people in the northeast will be trying to survive over the next couple of days. i would say stay put, hang out. make sure you re well prepped at home. certainly with the winds we re going to see, certainly you ll want to be ready for any sort of power outage. so two storms, two weather systems are going to collide. we heard jennifer talk a little bit about that. tell us how dangerous this is when this sort of thing happens. when this thing comes along, certainly there s a ton of accumulation. luckily this is light powdery stufful we re just talking snow, not a lot of ice. in this situation when you get a lot of snow, very heavy stuff, it can weigh on power lines and rooftops. and this is certainly the most we ve seen in a long time. hopefully folks are remembering how to drive in winter conditions and also the fact that you should stay off the road this evening. good advice. brian fitzgerald at the mt. washington observatorobservator thousands of flights are already canceled. good morning, turtle. my friends are all around me my friends, they do surround me i hope this never ends and we ll be the best of friends all set? all set. [ male announcer ] introducing the reimagined 2013 chevrolet traverse, with spacious seating for up to eight. imagine that. mystery solved. we now know what caused the super bowl outage. apparently it was an electrical relay device. say what? john zarrella is in new orleans to explain. good morning. reporter: good morning, carol. that s right. the electric utility here announced just a short time ago that they believe they have isolated the problem to a relay you we heard a lot about the vault. inside the vault was switch gear that basically controls the power that goes into the stadium tr the feeder lines coming into that fault. well, the relay is considered the heart and soul, the rabrain of that switch box and according to a statement this morning, that relay opened up, basically opening the circuit, instead of staying closed, which then shut the power to half of the stadium. this somes just as the city council s energy committee is about in less than five minutes now to hold an emergency hearing on what caused the outage. well apparently now we know it was a relay device, newly installed to protect cables, literally to protect the equipment in case there was a cable failure. it had been installed back in december is what we understand. carol? i m just laughing that there s an emergency meeting scheduled now for something that happened sunday. yeah. well, at least mystery solved. yeah, it struck us odd a few days back as well. john zarrella reporting live from northerly. sure. this is weather. the weather already causing travel problems is what i m trying to say. as we told you, thousands of flights already canceled. zain asher is at laguardia airport in queens. tell us about the misery. reporter: hi, carol. we ve been here since 3:30 this morning. when we got here it was relatively calm. but now you are seeing more and more passengers desperately trying to board their flights before the storm hits. i just actually popped over to the board over there looking and seeing the number of cancellations have actually increased. looking at the board right now i can see a number of cancellations. the board says canceled, canceled, canceled for all flights after 2:00. and just to give you an idea as to how many flights are canceled, 3,200 flights initially. now the number increased to 3,300 flights. i also want to pull up the flight tracker right now so you can see what s going on in the skies. the blue dots represents the number of planes in the sky right now. so pretty much there is activity. that will change as the storm draws closer. anyone with travel plans today, especially if you re leaving after 1:00, please, please check with your airlines. we don t want to be stuck at the airport. and just to give you an idea of what people are saying. one person said hefsz was on t phone with american airlines for over an hour and a half trying to get his flight rescheduled, on hold. and one couple saying they drove here through the night just in time to make another flight. there is pretty much chaos here in terms of transportation. i feel for folks. i really do. it s just tyke to find an igloo somewhere, right? zain, thanks so much. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much. i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she s right behind me isn t she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. let s see what you got. rv covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. house. hello, dear. hello. hello. oh! check it [ loud r&b on car radio ] i m going on break! the more you bundle, the more you save. now, that s progressive. good morning. thank you so much for joining us. you re about to look live at new york and boston. both cities bracing for a winter storm and some places flurries have begun. more than 3,200 flights have been canceled. residents across the region being told to stay home. we have live team coverage of the snow, the strong winds and the threat of flooding and the impact on air travel. let s bring in meteorologist jennifer delgado. this storm is expected to be huge. tell us how huge. we re talking parts of the northeast as well as new england. they re all going to be affected by the storm system, and the storm that we re watching is two parts. right now affecting parts of the midatlantic and another one coming in off the great lakes. now we re going to see a lot of precipitation changing to snow. right now we re seeing snow in new york city, boston, hartford and it s only going to get heavier. by the time we hit 4:00. that snow is going to turn to snow. you can kind of see for yourself starting to get heavier in boston. in the evening hours as well as to the overnight it turns to all snow. the winds start to pick up. you can see how the isobars are getting tighter. and that means with the snow blowing around, visibility will be down to zero. they re telling officials don t go on the roadways. as we move through saturday by the evening hours the low will finally pull away, but before it pulls away, we re talking three feet of snow in some of these parts, anywhere in purple. that s where we ll see the heavy snowfall. we expect boston, well, i would say it s going to be the hot spot. it looks like the cooler of the snow spot. we talk about the winds, carol and how it s going to affect the temperatures. when you have the winds around we re talking some of those hurricane strength at times. look at the windchill factor. a couple of weeks ago it got really cold. by 6:00 a.m. it s going to feel like 14 in newark. for boston, minus seven. for portland, areas up to the north, almost minus 20 is what it will feel like. it will stay that way through saturday because the winds are not going to subside, and that means we re still looking at travel delays. and three feet of snow, i m just bad news, aren t i, over here? you are. go away. no, come back. i ll let you talk to somebody else now. in boston the schools are already closed. subway is set to shut down at 3:30 this afternoon. cnn reporter in boston. good morning. reporter: good morning. things are picking up here a little bit. we re seeing gusts 30, 35 miles per hour. temperature is not dropping too much, and we re also seeing the flurries, as you can tell. it feels like things has gotten worse, but this is not like we re expecting through the overnight hours tonight. kind of a mild winter so far asking them do they think the city is prepared. they said, yeah, we do think the city is prepare. let s hear what the mayor menino had to say. right behind me you see several departments that are going to be called onto deal with the emergency. but also remind everyone to use common sense. stay off the streets of our city. basically stay home. the city is prepared. they have 4,500 units of mach e machinery ready to clear the street. they have a thousand national guard ready to go. they have another 5,000 on standby. everyone feels confident that things will resume back to normal by the time monday comes around. overnight tonight into tomorrow is expected to be the heavier band. vizability is expected to drop to zero. one thing we ve been doing throughout the day is tracking the visibility. the customs tower behind me is less than a quarter mile away. whether or not visibility drops below quarter of a mile. we can still see it. we ll keep tracking it for you and people are helistening to t mayor. they re staying home. the schools are closed. by noon we re going to see cars off the street. by 3:00 p.m. public transportation will close as well. that s the fifth largest public transportation in the united states. so yes, it s going to be a quiet weekend as long as we hunker down and ride the storm out. it s interesting that people are listening. i suppose boston is used to this sort of thing. all the people i talk to are very confident that the city is prepared. they have seen storms like this before. the fact that the timing is on the week. they feel confident they re going to hunker down. even though the system moves out by late saturday, the winds are still going to be kicking up. so we could still see the snow blowing overhead. visibility will still be poor. so planes will come in sunday, but only to get ready for transportation on monday. let s head to new york city now where flurries have also begun. the blizzards on the same path as superstorm sandy and some residents are back in survival mode, including our own alison kosik. good morning. reporter: good morning, and very comfortable rain/snow mix continues to fall. i m watching somebody salt the sidewalk. he s finding it hard to keep up because it s coming down at a good pace and new york city is trying to get ahead of it. already saying that it has 250,000 tons of salt available. the sanitation workers will be going on 12-hour split shuts. the bulk of the storm is going to hit tonight. bad news is some of it is really going to hit during rush hour. new york city mayor michael bloomberg is concerned about getting the plows through the streets. a lot of traffic when people are trying to get home. a lot of it is happening over the weekend so the workers can try to clear those streets. they have a lot of streets to plow, carol. 6,000 miles. can you believe it? wow. residents still suffering from superstorm sandy. some of them are still without power. how are they doing this morning? i can t imagine that? obviously it s a one-two punch. very tough situation. it was only the end of october. here we are in the beginning of february. it s so fresh and new. you know how fresh and new it is? people react when they hear an epic storm like a blizzard. on long island i saw gas lines, 20 cars deep waiting for gas in the middle of the street. these lines were forming. people are afraid they wouldn t be able to get gas, just like what happened after hurricane sandy when there wasn t it didn t seem like there was enough supply. so you re seeing people kind of react that way. of course, they re running to gauchery stores, taking everything they can off the shelves. i got the last apple, as i told you, off the fruit aisle. so people are trying to do their best. definitely seeing people react because of what happened with hurricane sandy. across the city in queens this nasty weather is causing all kinds of travel delays at laguardia. cnn s zain asher is there. tell us more. reporter: carol, it is absolutely crazy here. i m just going to step aside so you can possibly see behind me there is a departure board right there, and there are a lot of signs in yellow. that means canceled flights. you see a whole list of flights being canceled. a lot of flights after 2:00 being canceled here. and those arriving after 2:00 also canceled. in total, 3,300 flights canceled. my prediction is pretty much in the next few hours this airport, this departure land will be empty. bottom line is anyone with travel plans today, especially if you re leaving roughly around 1:00 through tomorrow just make sure you call your airline to make sure you know what the situation is. and just to give you an idea of how bad laguardia alone will be impacted on any given day about 1,000 flights take off and land from laguardia airport. when this snowstorm comes and goes it s going to be mayhem here at laguardia. and in terms of when flights resume back to normal, we have no clue. it s up to the individual carrier. you have to check with your airline for that as well. so if you have a plane taking off after 1:00 this afternoon, call the airline. what about train travel? i mean train travel, it s difficult as well. amtrak just said that basically all their trains leaving penn station after 1:00 will be headed north. it s bad news all the way around, carol. stay with cnn for continuous coverage of this storm. we ll keep checking in with our reporters on the field and get the latest from the cnn weather center on how much snow you re expected to get throughout the weekend and throughout the day. now to other stories making headline ls. this morning in california the manhunt intensifies and the leads seem to fade. police say the possible sighting of accused killer christopher dorner, they think it was a hoax. they leaves the fired los angeles cop on the loose and extremely dangerous. he has declared war on the police and the military trained sharp shooter has already turned the hunters into the hunted. police officials say dorner gunned down three police officers in riverside, california, after killing an offduty police officer and his fiance. the woman was also a daughter of a retired officer. days earlier dorner sent a bizarre package to anderson cooper. mailed a parcel that arrived on the first of the month. inside he found this hand labeled dvd accompanied by a yellow post-it know reading in part, quote, i never lie elied. the dvd shows testimony by a man saying he was kicked by an lapd officer. according to dorner, it confirms the story that he says got him kicked off the force. today by the way is the eighth anniversary of his hiring. casey wian is outside of a police station in california. any new leads at all, casey? reporter: well, there are a few, carol. and part of the intensity of this man hunt is made more difficult by the fact that police are trying to cover a very large geographic area. you mentioned those three separate shooting incidents. they started on sunday in irvine, california, in orange county. there was another shooting in corona. another shooting in riverside c r, california. maybe 60 miles or so to the east of where the first incident happened. but this suspected killer, christopher dorner has been leaving tracks basically from near the mexican border to the mountains north of los angeles. one of the first clues that investigators found was he attempted apparently to capture or take a boat in the community of point loma, california, near san diego. now on thursday a briefcase linked to dorner and his former lapd badge was found in san diego. and of course, in big bear, the mountain community north of here, his burning truck was found just yesterday. police officers say that perhaps it could have been a diversion tactic because they ve been searching that big bear area all night long. and so far have been unable to find him. one other thing i want to mention is some of the tactics that the lapd is taking to make sure their officers stay safe. they and other police agencies are required now that officers travel in their police cruisers in pairs so they have some protection there. also we ve been outside this police station all nigh long and we have seen several precautionary security measures that have been employed. i m not not going to talk about those on air because i don t want to compromise them. but rest assured, police are taking this very, very seriously and are prepared, carol. what does he want? i mean, why is he doing this? well, he says in that manifesto, he talks about wanting his name to be restored. his good name. he was fired from the lapd and he disputes the circumstances of the firing. he also talks about reforms that are needed about the lapd. i m no psychologist, but it sure seems the main things he wants at this point is attention. casey wian reporting from hollywood, california, this morning. we now know what happened with the super bowl. officemax is celebrating our new collaboration with go daddy! with an online package including: domain name, website builder with five pages and basic email just $49.99! that s up to 76 percent below online providers and only at officemax stores! we don t let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you re one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day. block the acid with prilosec otc and don t get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. heyyy, you re going out like that? yeah, why? well, what would the neighbors think? i see you! c mon, get mister feather! look what i have. mister bird. remember? quack quack quack! we re just playing! we re just playing! i m trying to get you out of there! even still. announcer: you don t have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. there are thousands of teens in foster care who don t need perfection, they need you. oh, let s head outside for just a second now. it s snowing already in new york city. they re expecting, oh, maybe 30 inches or so. boston is going to get it a lot worse. the shot on the far side of the screen is from a ski resort. they re hoping for a lot of snow this morning. and in the coming weekend because snow conditions have been really poor this season. in fact, the slopes are icy, so they re excited in maine. at least someone is happy about the storm. we want to check the other top stories. the secret service investigating the hacking of bush family e-mails. the unidentified hackers accessed e-mails, photos and personal information from both former presidents accounts. nasa scientists say a giant asteroid about the size of a football field will pass close to the earth by friday. fortunately for us that s a relative term. it shouldn t get any closer than 17,000 miles. the probability of it hitting the earth is really, really low. the company that provides power to the superdome is explaining what caused sunday night s super bowl blackout. cnn s john zarrella is in new orleans with the answer. hi, john. reporter: hi, carol. charles rice is the first one up at the hearing of the utility committee. some of the thunder was already stolen because before he testified, entergy, the utility company that he is the owner of issued a statement saying they found the source of the problem. rice reiterated that a minute ago during his testimony. they say they have isolated the problem to a relay. all during the course of the week we ve heard a lot about what s called the vault. inside the box is what s called switch gear that controls the flow of lek tris tri from the main feeder lines to the switch gear and then out to the superdoisupe super dome. this relay tripped off opened for whatever reason, and that is what cut the power to one-half of the superdome during the third quarter of the super bowl game. the equipment has been removed. they re evaluating bringing in new equipment now, going to test out the new equipment. one of the things they did say of course is this piece of equipment that was in there, and actually it s new. it s only been in there six to eight weeks. it worked final during the sugar bowl game, during the new orleans game. it worked fine just before that, but now it s failed. they are again, as i said, going to evaluate this piece of equipment, and they had also said both entergy and amt that they are going to bring in a third party to analyze the problem. now they have to go back and look at that. it may no longer be necessary because they are sure that the problem is with this relay. got it. john zarrella, live from new orleans this morning. we re going to talk a lot more about the weather and the big blizzard to come. we ll be back. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 is your old 401k just hanging around? tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 consider if rolling it over to a schwab ira tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 might let you get more out of it. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 like earning a bonus of up to $600 tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 in a schwab ira tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and 150 commission-free online trades tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 plus our rollover consultants handle virtually tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 all the details tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 to help you focus on the bigger picture. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so give us a call and get started today. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 see for terms and conditions. your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans. but their shakes aren t always made for people with diabetes. that s why there s glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger. look who s getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. if you re planning to fly anywhere in the northeastern part of the united states, please call your airline. we just got word that 3,600 flights have already been canceled. these are pictures from new york, boston and maine planes are already up in the air, but soon there won t be so many blue dots on the air. that s eastern time is when they re going to start canceling more flights. also if you re traveling on amtrak, amtrak will cancel all train travel north from new york city that will start in the middle of the afternoon around 1:00 eastern time. please keep that in mind. what happens when a wintery blast barrelling across the country meetses an east coast cold front? it s a monster blizzard. it s just beginning to unfold this hour across the northeast and it could be more than a day before it s all over. tori is tracking the storm from boston. reporter: the earlier you arrived at laguardia airport, the better the board said your flight was on time, rather than canceled. i was really tired. i would rather get out on time and safely. passengers are lining up at northeast airport hoping to get out of town before a monster storm gets in. having it happen overnight friday into saturday is probably the best timing we could have. from new jersey to maine, thousands of pieces of equipment are standing by. we re really watching as the frigid cold temperature and the driving wind and the lightweight snow blowing right back on the the roadway. so we have a real prolonged flight. stay off the streets of our city. stay home. earlier it marked the 35th anniversary of the blizzard of 1978. forecasters say there are some similarities to the historic beast and what s brewing today. the outcome will not be as dramatic. it stalled for quite a while. instead of stalling for two to three day, it may be more like 12 to 24 hours. there s been a run on supplies at hardware and grocery stores. we do have to prepare, incase we lose power. now with refrigerators stocked, everyone is being advised to go home, hunker down and ride this out. [ male announcer ] want to make a great car interior? stop looking at car interiors. get inspired by other stuff. yep. yep. ok. sure. why not? woah. touchscreens. put that in your dash. now, luxury stuff. make your seats like that. that thing has wifi, why doesn t your car? you can t do that. ignore that guy. give it wifi. yes! make it fit 5 people. no, 5 actual sized people. give them leg room, good. destroy boring car interiors forever. and that s how you do it. easy. good. good morning. i m carol costello. thank you for joining us. both cities in the entire northhe s are bracing for this major winter storm. it s going to be bad in some places, including new york city, flurries have already begun. more than 3,600 flights have already been canceled in the northeast. residents across the region are being told the stay off the roads and stay home. we have word of a 19 car pileup in maine. we have snow, the threat of flooding and the impact of air travel. let s bring in meteorologist jennifer delgado to tell us when the blizzard is expecteded to hit in earnest. hi, carol. we re expecting conditions to get worse into the evening. that s when we re going to see the winds picking up and the snow blowing around. that includes new york as well as areas like boston and into providence. as we show you on the radar right now you can see where the snow is taking over in northern parts of new jersey as well as regions like connecticut and rhode island. the weather is going to deteriorate because we have two systems that are going to collide and this will provide the nor easter, our weather explosion. snowfall totals around three feet in some location. this is going to give you an idea of the timing of the show. this is going to help you visualize the wind conditions moving through. this is 4:00. notice they start to get a bit tighter. as we get later into the evening, that s when the winds will be picking up and it s going to change all over to snow from areas like new york into boston. some locations roughly three feet of snow. it doesn t move until 6:00 tomorrow night. and that means windy conditions through saturday. this gives you an idea where wre will see the heavy snowfall totals. and boston, we re expecting potentially three feet and must add in the snow drift ads well. now we talk more about the wind gusts happening. in some of the areas they ll be close to hurricane strength. notice the winds, 53, 52, well, this is going to be enough to take down some power lines in addition to the whiteout conditions, so that s the other part of the story. then when you add in the wind with the cold, you get the wind. and this will be overnight into tomorrow morning. we re going to stop the clock at 7:00 a.m. it s saturday. it s an off day. look what it will feel like. minus 16 degrees. and providence and new york, it s going to be cold there. that s going to stay the same way through saturday. and with the other part of the winds we re talking about the storm surge and the the coastal flooding. anywhere all the the way down to newark, new jersey. we re going to be talking about areas affected that were damaged by superstorm sandy last year. so they certainly don t need to see something like this. of course, the blizzard warning in red. are you speechless? 70 miles per hour and then add in three feet of snow and add in the cold. just stay home. make et easy for officials. and try to stay warm. try to stay warm. doesn t matter if the heat is on. thank you very much, jennifer delgado. let s check out to boston and check out with indra peterson. i am tempted to say the conditions are worsening. but i know better. this is not like what we ll see in the afternoon when the heavier bands move through. we are starting to get wet snow. it feels a lot colder. gusts now about 30, 35 miles per hour. speaking of visibility, once again we re going to continue to do this. let s show you the customs tower. a lot of times we talk about blizzards and visibilities less than a quarter mile. that tower is less than a quarter mile away. we can still see it. conditions not too bad. throughout the overnight hours we could see the vizability drop down to zero. so it s been a mild winter, right? what do they think about the storm? are they nervous? the residents i talked to are not. 4,500 units of machinery ready to plow the streets. 1,000 national guard ready to go. another 5,000 are on standby and all of this is making everyone confident. now the airlines, already 3,500 have canceled the flights ahead of the storm. the heavier bands we know are overnight tonight into tomorrow. by the afternoon when it starts to kick out of here we have two to three feet of snow stacked up here next to me. you can see drifts over the head and the winds slowly blowing when the drifts get out of here. everyone will be hunkering down all weekend long. by noon today, a complete standstill. public transportation is closing down by 3:00 p.m. yes, it s going to be quiet, that is if you re not talking about the wind. we re ready for it. and it s good that it s a weekend, too. right? that will make things easier for people. let s head to new york city. the snow has begun there, too. the salt trucks on the ready. alison kosik is there. she went to the grocery store, stocked up on supplies. got the last apple. you are ready. reporter: i m ready. so are a lot of other people. i ve been watching people walk in and out of this whole foods that s right over this way. people are getting prepared. they know how bad it can get, especially after hurricane sandy. right now we are getting the beginning of it. this is nothing. we can see the street out here. we can see the pavement. tags forward 24 hours for now. you re probably going to see this covered in snow with the forecast maps are right. right now it s a big slushy mess. seen a few umbrellas flip. that s about it because the wind is picking up. we got someone on the phone we need to talk to, alison. i m not completely paying attention to you, although normally i would. kevin ortiz is in charge of the long island railroad, the buses, the subway and new york city. are you ready? we are absolutely ready. we ve already deployed a fleet of snow fighting and desising congresswomen that s designed to keep our outdoor tracks and switches and rails clear of snow and ice. so how do you do that? well, this is equipment that includes superpower snow blowers, jet powered snow blowers and desising. we deploy to keep switches and dirt rails cleared of snow. and after a while, once we start to see heavy accumulations we would make a determination as to whether or not we need to curtail service. how much snow needs to be on the railroad tracks for you to say i have to stop the trains. essentially the long island railroad putting it anywhere between 10 to 13 inches. that s the height of the third rail. that s where you get safely running trains through that type of weather. we would make a determination as to whether or not we would have to curtail service on the roads. so for commuters, what are you suggesting they do? at what point do you say i m going to get home because the trains will no longer be running. well, in terms of the subway we plan on running a normal schedule. we don t anticipate any issues with curving them on the subway. what they are doing is they are running additional trains early in the afternoon to accommodate customers who want to head home early in anticipation of the storm. we re urging our customers to take advantage of this added service earlier in the day because the possible does exist that evening service wants the storm really hits may need do be curtailed as conditions warrant. so how happy are you that the storm is going to hit on a weekend? we typically see less ridership on the weekends and it also enables us to operate to get rails clear it turns out pretty well that this is going to hit on the weekend. kevin ortiz, i know you re busy. thanks for taking the time to talk with us. you re very welcome. we re going to take you to the airports in new york an boston and tell you what s up with that. nothing good. i can tell you that right now. all right that s a fifth-floor problem. ok. not in my house! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. officewith an online package new colincluding: domain name,y! website builder with five pages and basic email just $49.99! that s up to 76 percent below online providers and only at officemax stores! then you re going to love this. right now they re only $14.95! wow-a grt deal just got a whole lot better. hurry. $14.95 won t last. if you plan to fly anywhere in the northeast from new york up to maine you better call the airline ahead of time if you plan to travel today, tomorrow or the next day because the airlines collectively have already canceled 3,600 flights and expect them to cancel more. let s head out to laguardia and check in with cnn s zain asher. good morning. reporter: hi, carol. and it s not just departing flights that are being canceled. anyone expecting friends or relatives to arrive in new york or the east coast today will be affected. just take a look behind me. the arrivals board on the left is pretty much virtually all yellow for the rest of the day. that s letting you know that almost all flights arriving at laguardia are going to be impacted, bringing the total number of canceleds all the way up to 3,600. we do expect the number to increase and now looking arn me at laguardia, it is relatively calm. not too much going on. my prediction is that pretty much later on this afternoon this airport will be virtually empty. anyone planning to travel and anyone expecting relatives to arrive in new york should call the airline to find out what s going on. in terms of when things will resume back to normal, we do know that today and tomorrow at least things will be hectic. it s pretty much up to the individual carriers when they will resume flights. it s important to check with them as well. carol? so just sit in your home and watch the snowfall until sunday and then call the airline. and hopefully your plain will be taking off and you can head to the airport and everything will be fine. before you go, i want to ask you about train travel. a lot of people take the trains in the northeast corridor. and train travel is also heavily impacted, as i mentioned earlier. amtrak trains pretty much canceled. any amtrak train after 1:00 will be canceled for the rest of the day. the travelers will be impacted negatively by that as well. zain asher live from laguardia, thank you so much. and today s monster blizzard is expected to deliver a whiteout. i talked earlier with weather observer brian fitzgerald. this is actually a typical situation for the wintertime up here. typical. give us tips. a lot of people in the northeast will be trying to survive over the next couple of days. i would say stay put, hang out. make sure you are well prepped at home. port smith, those areas, certainly you will want to make sure that you re ready for any sort of power outage. so two storms. two weather systems are going to collide. we heard jennifer talk a little bit about that. tell us how dangerous is when this sort of things happen. there s a ton of accumulation. luckily this will be light powdery stuff. we re talking about snow and not ice. but in this situation when you get snow, very heavy stuff. it can weigh down on power lines and certainly roof too manies. how to drive in winter conditions and also the fact that you should stay off the road this evening. gooded a vins. brian fitzgerald, thanks so much. yeah, you re welcome. and we re just getting word if your kid lives if the northeast and is expecting to take the s.a.t. test saturday i m sorry. the act test. forget about it. i m just going to read off the states who have canceled the tests, connecticut, maine, new hampshire, rhode island, vermont and massachusetts. if your kid was expecting to take the act on saturday at any of those states, those tests have been canceled. we ll be back with a check of our top stories after this. mom always got good nutrition to taste great. she was a picky eater. well now i m her dietitian and last year, she wasn t eating so well. so i recommended boost complete nutritional drink to help her get the nutrition she was missing. and now she drinks it every day. well, it tastes great! [ male announcer ] boost has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones, and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. and our great taste is guaranteed or your money back. learn more at [ dietitian ] now, nothing keeps mom from doing what she loves. being my mom. 47 minutes past the hour. time to check on our top stories. more on the winter storm headed to the northeast in just a minute. first, los angeles police are on the hunt for ex-cop christopher dorner. right now the search is focused on the california mountain town of big bear after a burned out pickup truck belonging to the suspect was found on a road in the area. new picture this is morning of ethan, the little boy kidnapped and held in an underground bunker for six days. in the video ethan appears happy and healthy. two days after his release ethan celebrated his sixth birthday. wal-mart cuts gay-friendly funding after a meeting. he said he met with the company and wal-mart was now on the straight and narrow with the frc s value ls. cnn reached out to wal-mart, but we have not yet heard back. the secret service investigating the hacking of buck family e-mails. the unidentified hacker accessed e-mails, photos and personal information from both former presidents accounts. and long lines at backsteks as drives stock up because in boston and in maine. let s bring in meteorologist jennifer delgado. hi, there. you re right. the snow is coming down. it s going to be coming from two different areas. one from the great lakes. another on top of the mid tlix. and this is providing all the rain out there schaking over to snow. once the two storms basically marry, well, we re going we re going to be talking about the snowstorm. blizzard conditions through parts of the northeast and new england. you can see the snow is working in. more of it is going to arrive later in the afternoon. as we take from you noon to 4:00 notice for new york city, you re going to see that all change over to snow. for boston, more snow for you. we have live shots coming out of boston. as well as in the joefr night we re going to see the strongest winds. right now you re looking at fenway park. it s hard to tell when you get the snow moving and blowing around, that s what we call white-out conditions and it s only going to get worse. back over to the graphic. as we move to saturday, still talking about stroeng winds. the snow final finally departs in the evening. once it does depart we are talking about three feet of snow. anywhere you re seeing in purple, that s where we have the heavy snowfall. 50 to 70 miles per hour. winds strong enough to take down power lines. we re talking power outages out there. but blowing the snow around. that s why officials are saying do not get on the roadways. that s why we have the blizzard warning in place in the red and in the other part of the story, coastal flooding from areas from new jersey up to maine. jennifer delgado, thanks so much. cliff cole is on the phone now from amtrak. welcome, cliff. caller: good afternoon. good morning, actually. day is running away from me. i know, you must be real i busy. how is amtrak preparing for the big storm? so we took up some conversation yesterday with the transportation and engineering people. the decision was made to cancel service north of new york city as of this afternoon. so while we re still running now on the express and regional service will come to a halt some time later today if people are leaving penn station. the schedule is to depart at 1:03 p.m. and if you re coming south out of boston. the last train would be at 1:15 and the regional at 1:40. the reason we re doing this is because of the storm that you ve been talking about with the large amounts of snow and the wind. we just don t want to get the trains to a spot where they may not be able to make it to their destinations. it s better to cancel the trains and wait for the storm to subside. yeah. it would not be fun to be stuck on the train in the middle of a snowy field. tell me do you actively try to keep snow from the tracks? or does that come after the the storm stops? that s part of the process. if we re talking about two or three feet of snow, it s going to be difficult to keep up with that. even up to a foot of snow, we can keep the tracks relatively clear. it s the ice and the wind that make things more problematic than the know itself. we have crews at the ready should we get tree limbs on the overnight wires or the infrastructure to clear that up. so service could be interrupted after the weekend is over? we re going day by day. right now we have the service operational plan for today, friday. and we re going to look at tomorrow s schedule later on today and make that announcement. we re hoping to get this back as early as tomorrow. the storm still has to play the course and we have to see how it goes. we can t say for sure, but we re going to get it back as soon as we can. the good news is the service from new york south down to washington is not affected. so anybody traveling from new york to points point south can take their triples. all right. cliff. i know you have a long weekend ahead of you. thank you so much. sure. we ll be right back. i tried weight loss plans. but their shakes aren t always made for people with diabetes. that s why there s glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger. look who s getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. if live in boston, i m sure you know the schools are closed. the subway is set to shut down in preparation for the big storm headed your way. cnn meteorologist indra peterson is in boston. good morning. reporter: good morning. yes, we re starting to get that wet snow. not really sticking to the ground and we re just starting to pick up on that. let s talk about how that is expected to happen. if you remember the thunderstorms, that started to go up all the way in the midatlantic. that s combining with the arctic air that is bringing snow to the great lakes in the ohio valley. this is expected to bring snowfall rates of two to three inches per hour. what about the timing of this? okay, in boston throughout the late afternoon, we re going to start to see the heavier bands between 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. then overnight we would have gotten the heaviest snowfall rates out there. winds as high as 50, 60, 70 miles per hour. we ll be standing here with you for it. you ll probably be buried. stay safe. indra peterson, thank you so much. cnn newsroom wiafter the brea. i m serious, we compare our direct rates side by side to find you a great deal, even if it s not with us. 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Transcripts For KPIX CBS 5 Eyewitness News At 5AM 20111013

jack london, and the train just comes to a stop like and then we crashed. and so we fell. i ran into the bar. a guy in a wheelchair fell over and was bleeding from the head. it was just crazy. amtrak hasn t confirmed it. it looks like a switch was not thrown that would have moved the commuter train to another track. the coast starlight train wasn t originally scheduled to be at the station at the time of the crash. it was actually running late at the time. so we have several roadways closed off here around jack london square as this investigation continues. train traffic now in and out of oakland is cancelled. those passengers being moved to emeryville and that s where our stephanie chuang is live right now talking to some of these passengers who have been derailed. stephanie. reporter: good morning. absolutely. here at emeryville this is the first north stop of oakland and people have been waiting here. they were supposed to be on that coast starlight train that was involved in the crash about 12 of them waiting here. one of them is louise dunlop of san francisco. good morning. good morning. the train was scheduled to leave a few minutes after 10 p.m. and the two amtrak employees announced it wasn t coming, that there had been a crash. and they had no more information than anyone who was able to watch it on the computer screen. they did keep us informed but they didn t have much information. they encouraged people who wanted to turn in their tickets and come back in 24 hours to do so. there were a got of us and we had no there were a dozen of us and we had nowhere to go of it we went back to san francisco or we were willing to wait. originally they said three to five hours. and it s been longer than that. reporter: absolutely. and in fact, we have some benches behind here. you say this has been the makeshift beds almost for well, most people slept inside. but a couple of us did come outside to stretch out. it got cold and i ended up not sleeping well. reporter: preliminary reports say it was possibly operator error maybe running a red light. any thoughts on that? well, anytime someone fails to observe their signals, it s of concern. but it s a one-time kind of happening. it s not like the system has gone down, although when you refer to the omaha switching, that could be a switching problem. reporter: so plenty of concern. thank you so much, louise. we appreciate it. they are running some alternate buses here between emeryville and oakland for some. early trains although no one is showing up. they have heard about the crash and staying home or finding a different way around. poor louise. i have to ask you, stephanie. did amtrak manage to get them anything, food, water, help them out in any way? reporter: say that again? i was wondering if amtrak got them food, water or help out the stranded passengers there overnight. reporter: it seems like they pretty much have eaten and drinks and whatever they had. they made a note that the coffee that was available here was not available actually for them and so the people who were frustrated left and went home and then we had the dozen who decided to stick around. rough it out on the benches. we saw some of the video. stephanie chuang live in emeryville, thanks. elizabeth has more on how this is impacting the commute and it s impacting it in a big way. yeah. that first train was set to leave about a half hour ago. we ll get to that in a second. the bottom line is that all rail service is basically suspended in all directions right there where the crash happened at oakland s jack london square station. they are setting up bus bridges between oakland and the next stop between the emeryville station. the train was set to leave at jack london square station 518 the first train. morning commute. they took the passengers put them on a bus and we think at this point that those passengers did arrive at the emeryville station and are now east on the rail headed for sacramento. so basically, a lot of rail lines share that same track will likely be impacted by this including the coast starlight and the san joaquin train. so we are going to be following this for a while. back to you. thank you. it is 5:05. howard jordan will step up to replace oakland police chief anthony batts on an interim basis. jordan will speak with reporters today. he is heading up the police department s reform efforts for a year now and previously was the interim chief for several months before the chief batts was hired in 2009. batts says he will leave by november 15. he said he has been unable to run the police department because of bureaucracy. according to the the latest eyewitness news poll, just 28% approve of the first year of mayor jean quan s performance, 53% disapprove almost a complete reversal of the same poll from six months ago. her weakness is the ability to reduce crime in the city. no question about it. i think that it has been very clear that the mayor doesn t support gang injunctions or curfews or any tool that will allow the police department to do their jobs. here are the numbers on whether quan can curb the city s crime rate. more than two-thirds of those polled had little or no confidence in her at all. in san francisco, mayor ed lee is facing a criminal investigation into possible money laundering. this involves donations of $500 each that 17 employees of the go lorrie s airport van service gave lee s election campaign. they were made just two weeks after sfo reversed new rules that the company said were hurting business. a rival candidate says supervisors at the company told drivers they would be repaid for their donations. now the d.a. has opened a criminal investigation. the marsh s staff and the airport the mayor s staff and the airport say he never intervened in the decision involving the airport rules. the suspect behind a deadly salon rampage in orange county may have been in the middle of a custody dispute. seal beach officers arrested scott dekraai yesterday after he allegedly shot and killed eight people. one woman is in critical condition. police say the 42-year-old man walked into the salon opened fire on everyone inside. residents say the suspect s ex- wife worked there and they say both were fighting for custody over their 7-year-old son. 5:08. let s check weather. mr. congeniality now, right? i had to buy a fan yesterday, it s so warm. it is fantastic to have that autumn sunshine out there right now and looks like it s going to stick around again today. it s going to get even hotter in some parts of the bay area today likely 90s inland. a few high clouds this morning, other than that looking good so far. and the temperatures are expected to soar into the afternoon. yesterday wasn t bad. we had many places up into the 80s. 78 degrees in san francisco yesterday. but today, even warmer than that. five degrees warmer to 83. expected to be 89 in concord. 90 degrees, that s 7 degrees warmer today in livermore, and 87 in san jose. don t want this to end here. just how long will the heat stick around? we ll talk about that coming up in a couple of minutes. back to you. 5:09. first bankruptcy now a shake-up at the top. the new fallout in the solyndra scandal. wall street protestors and police facing off. the plan to target a millionaire s bay area business coming up. and a new front-runner in the presidential polls all thanks to a controversial tax plan. why some say it s just another break for the rich. ,,,,,, 3q um, miss ? you have hard water stains and that cleaner s not gonna cut it. you need lime-a-way. it s 4 times more effective at removing limescale than the leading bathroom cleaner. lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. for lime, calcium and rust. lime-a-way is a must. good morning. if you ride capitol corridor service, expect delays this morning after a late-night accident on the tracks near oak s jack london square station. several early-morning commuter trains have been cancelled headed out towards sacramento. now, they have set up bus bridges in place between oakland and emeryville but we continue to get updates from amtrak this morning so we ll continue to keep you updated, as well. 5:12 now. the occupy movement spreads here in the bay area. protestors plan to march in richmond this afternoon ending at the chevron refinery. [ chanting ] 11 occupy protestors were arrested in san francisco after they tried to block the entrance to the wells fargo headquarters. about 200 people joined yesterday s morning march blocking traffic through the financial district. muni had to shut down the california cable car lines for about two hours because of it. and some of those occupy protestors may turn out in san francisco this afternoon to picket an appearance by news corp. boss rupert murdoch. he is the keynote speaker this afternoon at a conference on education reform. that s at the palace hotel on new montgomery street. protest leaders say the conference is promoting school vouchers. foreclosure activity was up between july and september. that s according to realtytrac that suggests banks are getting more aggressive against borrowers behind on their payments. locally the news is mixed. foreclosure activity was down in the bay area overall in september compared with previous months but slightly higher in santa clara county and sharply up in san mateo county. there is a new leader in the latest poll for the republican presidential nomination. georgia businessman and pizza man herman cain is emerging as the gop s new star, a new wall street journal poll showing him on top of the pack with 27% of republicans supporting him followed by mitt romney with 23%. cain s 9-9-9 tax overhaul plan has been earning him a whole lot of attention and some criticism, as well. it would replace the current tax code in all of its loopholes with a new 9% corporate tax, 9% personal income tax, and a 9% national sales tax. cain and his supporters say it s a fair plan that would simplify the tax system. critics say 9-9-9 would benefit the wealthy and make low income people pay more. getting a lot of attention. 5:14 now. blackberry users on the fourth day with no service. what s behind the outage affecting several continents. you may see a lot of black turtlenecks tomorrow. the global tribute to apple founder steve jobs. morning. ,, born to be wild [ female announcer ] is your medicare plan keeping up with you? since you ve never been one to slow down, now through december 7th, you won t have to. it s faster and easier than ever to switch your medicare coverage to anthem blue cross. we ve created medicare solutions that are just right for you. we have plans with low monthly premiums. plus you have the freedom to choose your own doctor and the comfort of knowing you are protected from high out-of-pocket costs. but this is a limited time offer. so call today to schedule an in-home visit, attend a local seminar, or get answers right over the phone. if you re eligible for medicare, you only have until december 7th to switch to anthem blue cross. so call today at 1-855-8-anthem. that s 1-855-826-8436. commuters stranded this morning after two trains crashed in jack london square. amtrak spokesman joins us this morning by phone. good morning. what can you tell us when the commute will be back to normal? the reports from the scene are that they have rerailed the engines that were involved in the incident last night. the equipment should be out of the station soon. what happens next is crews will examine the track to see if there is any lingering damage from the incident. and evaluate when they can actually open up the station for rail traffic again. do you have an estimated time? are we talking a few hours? this afternoon? yeah. they are looking at it now. so i mean, so we should be able to know about rail travel through the oakland station i would say within the next hour or so? but in the interim, the first two capitol corridor trains scheduled out of oakland the first of which is 4:30, the next one 5:40 a.m., will be represented by bus service between oakland and emeryville. and then passengers can take the train from there. so we re just covering the bases for the first two trains and after that, the next capital core dar capitol corridor train leaves at 6:30. hopefully we ll have news before then. if not, we ll continue to bus bridge. finally, mr. cole, do you have any idea what happened? we hard a switch that apparently was not flipped nebraska? is that correct? or is it just too early to tell? yeah. i mean, it is too early to tell. amtrak along with federal investigators and union pacific the owner of the track will be investigating actually what did happen. we do know that common sense dictates with a train situated on a track inside a station what happened last night should not have happened why it happened is still something we re looking into. no idea? not even like a hint that this may have been human error in some way or technical problem? no. actually the whole evening was tending to the injured passengers and crew and we really need equipment. the next phase is to investigate why it happened. so the answer to your question is, no, there really isn t even a hint as to why it happened. orange, cliff cole with a.m. okay, cliff cole with amtrak, thanks so much for your time. its having an effect on commuters so let s go to elizabeth. as that spokesman just said it has impacted the first two trains of the morning. so, yeah, rail service is essentially suspended right there where the accident happened at oakland s jack london square station. as he said, they had set up a bus bridge. there are buses in place between oakland and the next stop. the first two stations, the 4:30 and 5:40 this morning, both of those trains instead of hopping on a train you will have to take a bus at oak s jack london square station. then you can continue east towards sacramento from there. a lot of rail lines share the same tracks including the coast starlight and the san joaquin trains which are ace trains so ace train number one actually we learned running about 15 minutes behind schedule. all other forms of mast, bart, caltrain, muni ferries, no delay on all other forms of mass transit. a good day to slow down and enjoy the ride outside. skies mostly clear, just a few high clouds drifting through. beautiful fall weather outside. numbers into the 70s. 80s and 90s into the valleys. high clouds over the ridge and it will hang out for the next couple of days. good news for us, lots of sunshine coming our way, temperatures going to be soaring by the afternoon. of course we just don t have many days like this left in the fall. temperatures 90 degrees expected high today in livermore 89 in concord, 88 in santa rosa and about 83 degrees in san francisco. even along the coastline. sunshine there and about 73 degrees in pacifica. next couple of days looking nice. toward the weekend a few more clouds move in. temperatures are expected to cool down on saturday and sunday. that s a look at weather. back to you. thank you. the shuttered solar company solyndra is looking to hire someone to get through their bankruptcy proceedings. that s because ceo brian harrison resigned from the fremont company last week. harrison is the one who refused to answer questions last month in a congressional panel looking into solyndra s $535 million federal loan guarantee. the company is looking to hire r. todd neilson who has been a bankruptcy trustee for boxer mike tyson as well as other celebrities. followers of steve jobs have mound an online campaign to declare tomorrow steve jobs day. organizers hope people around the world will dress in the patented bluejeans and turtleneck for the day. it was originally planned before jobs died as a thank you for his contributions to the tech world. it is 5:23 now. a blackberry blackout. the latest on the outage silencing customers around the world. and a fast food giant serving up a solution for bay area schools. the fundraiser that some say is sending students a mixed message. ,, ,, sure, pulling the mold, mildew, and grime from out of the porous caverns of grout takes the right tools, but it also takes a gentle, caring touch. before you can deep clean, you learn to get a feel for its trouble spots. and hey, if you can t listen to grout, you can t truly know its wants.its needs.its dreams. call 1-800-steemer. classrooms, at least for now. opponents tried to california s public schools will teach gay history in the classroom at least for now. opponents tried to repeal the new law but the chronicle reports they didn t get enough signatures to qualify for the ballot so the law will take effect as planned this coming january. but opponents plan to continue their fight for the 2012 ballot. schools around the bay area need to get creative when it comes to fundraisers. a popular food event in the east bay could be sending mixed messages to kids. mount diablo elementary school s principal and teachers worked at mcdonald s last night and served students and their families happy meals and burgers. the school says it s okay to have fast food once in a while and it s open to other food fundraisers for education. more than 600 customers showed up for last night s fundraiser. the school raised $1,000. thought they would only raise $500. no email, no text messages for millions of blackberry users here in the u.s. and around the world. tough day. blackberry developers are work around the clock now after a major outage knocked out service. today the company s british website reports major service improvements in europe, the middle east, africa and india. still work on the u.s. though. unread messages are still backed up. the problems started monday. the backlog of unread messages caused the outage to spread from europe here to north america. they re working on it. people going crazy. 500 messages! 5:27. innocent mistake or dirty politics? the criminal investigation into san francisco mayor s campaign. plus new details into a salon massacre. what may have sparked a deadly rampage in southern california. two amtrak trains collide head on. 17 people injured, the latest from the scene coming up. and how that crash will affect the rest of amtrak trains running through the bay area coming up today. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, de muni every day. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i enjoy it the most when i m with sidney. she doesn t notice that it s too crowded or that it can run a half hour late. i m bevan dufty, and i m running for mayor because it s not enough to just get it done we have to get it done better. sidney thinks muni is magic. we go underground and come out someplace new just us. i want all of us to see it that way. we heard like a big bang like a bomb. two amtrak trains collide head on in oakland last night. the system there that may have caused the system error that may have caused that accident. high pressure cranking up the heat. how hot it will get for the day coming up. we are following amtrak delays. we ll have more on that in just a little bit. all right, guys, thanks much. good morning, everybody. it s thursday, october 13th. i m frank mallicoat. i m grace lee. we begin with team coverage on the train collection at oak s amtrak station. stephanie chuang is live in emeryville with stranded passengers, but we begin with anne makovec live at jack london square where it all happened. good morning, anne. reporter: the investigation continues right now both trains still on the tracks so there is no train service coming into or out of oakland here at jack london square. you can see one of the trains right there has a dent in it nose after it collided head on with another train several yards away. workers are investigating the damage to the trains as well as to the railway because there is a possibility one of the rails could be warped from this head- on collision. it happened around 9:0 last night. one train was disembarking passengers, the other hit it head on. none of the 17 injuries is life- threatening. everyone is expect to be okay. the coast starlight station was stopped at the station going from l.a. to seattle letting passengers off at oakland when a commuter train from bakersfield hit it head on. the impact sent the coast starlight off the rails slamming into a concrete platform. the other train s engine also derailed. we re watching a movie and we got launched into the front of the train suddenly. just a big jolt. it wasn t bad, i didn t think. i thought we had been hit from behind maybe by another train. reporter: there are a few factors in the investigation right now. the commuter train actually ran a red light according to local firefighters. also looks like a switch wasn t thrown that would have moved the commuter train to another track. also the coast starlight wasn t originally scheduled to be at the station at the time of the crash. it was running late at the time. the federal railroad administration, the state public utilities commission as well as local officials all on scene right now trying to figure out exactly what went wrong. and rail service is being rerouted, in fact passengers are being taken from jack london square over to emeryville and that s where we find our stephanie chuang who has been speaking with some of the passengers who have been very inconvenienced by this, stephanie? reporter: they have been frustrated, waiting all night. in oakland while they are examining the tracks to see the damage and get everything going hopefully by 6:30 they are bringing buses from oakland to emeryville where they can go north on the train from here. about a dozen of the passengers if we look at the video we shot this morning are waiting inside here at emeryville the first stop north of oakland. they were supposed to be on the coast starlight that was involved in that accident. it was supposed to be here at 9:57 last night and never came. these passengers slept outside on the ben. they didn t have food or drinks provided to them. no idea yet on when they will be able to head north. at midnight amtrak offered buses for the people there and a dozen people stayed. they said it was a delay and we didn t hear much and then they said that two trains had a collision. i was like i hope everybody is okay and i heard some people got hurt and, you know, nothing too, too serious. all these trains will be heading north. we heard the last one that was here that ran through a few minutes ago heading to sacramento. not many passengers on this train. the passengers aren t leaving. that s a different train for them. they are providing buses here at emeryville who want to go north. that s the latest. back to you. thank you. with more on that and the commute let s throw it to elizabeth. let s find out what s going on. essentially service has been suspended rail service suspended in jack london square station where the accident happened so as stephanie mentioned they have been lining up buses and getting the passengers to board buses and take them out towards the emeryville station. they have the bus bridges in place. they have had to use them sounds like twice for the first two stations of the morning one at 4:30 and there is another train set to leave oakland jack london square just about now about 5:40. sounds like those folks are going to be hopping on the best towards emeryville. expect some slight delays. according to amtrak they hope to make up time along the rail lines so once they get to emeryville they head east to sacramento on another train. hopefully it won t create a huge impact for the morning commute but this will likely have a ripple effect for other rail lines including the coast starlight and the san joaquin train. so we ll talk more about this coming up. let s check the forecast with lawrence. looking great around the bay area. lots of sunshine, heaps taking over again and those offshore winds blowing. great combination if you love autumn weather. beautiful sunshine at the coast and high clouds of head. that won t hurt the temperatures. they will soar toward the afternoon. 89 degrees in cupertino. 87 in san jose. 87 in santa clara. as you make your way to the east bay those temperatures up into the low 90s in spots. walnut creek looking at 90. 91 in pleasanton. and 90 in livermore. inside the bay gorgeous weather. 83 degrees in san francisco. and 85 in oakland. that s a look at weather, guys. back to you. thank you. 5:37. assistant police chief howard jordan will be the oakland interim chief when anthony batts steps down next month. jordan will speak with reporters later today. he headed reform efforts for a year and previously was the interim chief for several months before batts was hired back if 2009. now, batts announced his resignation on tuesday and said he will leave the job by november 15th. he said he has been unable to run the police department effectively because of too much bureaucracy in the city of oakland. the honeymoon is over for oakland voters and jean quan. according to the latest eyewitness news poll just 28% approve of the mayor s job performance with 53% disapproving. that s almost a complete reversal from the same poll just six months ago. one perceived weakness is quan s inability to reduce crime in the city. no question about it. i think that it has been very clear that the mayor doesn t support gang injunctions or curfews or any tool that will allow the police to do their jobs. here are the results on whether quan can curb the city crime rate. more than two thirds had little or no confidence in her at all. investigators have identified the suspect behind a deadly salon shooting in orange county. officers have taken scott dekraai into custody after he allegedly shot and killed 8 people. one woman is in critical condition. residents say that he was in a custody fight with his, wife, who worked at the salon. it is 5:39. the cal grads freed from iran will meet with secretary of state hillary clinton less than a month since shane bauer and josh fattal got back to the united states after spending two years in an iranian prison. sarah shourd will be with them, as well. details of their meeting with the state department won t be released. 5:39. think you know enough about retirement? three things people are missing about saving for the golden age. and home sweet home. the controversial move for the group that controls your bridge toll money. that and much more when grace and i come back. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, we are backs now at 5:4 we are back now at 5:41. americans are fail when it comes to retirement. new research shows people are just not up to speed on this issue. we have a breakdown. we have jill schlesinger, editor at large for and, jill, what are we doing wrong? reporter: three big things. really. three big things. people underestimate the probability of out living their savings. there is a 50% chance that most people will live longer than the expected 85 years. next, they underestimate how much money they need in retirement. some people think they only need 50 or 60% of what they make now. the numbers actually are 80 to 90% of current income. and finally, most people don t know they should limit their retirement withdrawals to only 4% of their savings. otherwise they can deplete those savings too early in their retirement. what else? reporter: so many people rely on the social security system but very few know the details about the system. only 17% of people knew that by delaying social security, by just three years, permanently adds to your month any benefit amount and over 40% of respondents incorrectly believe that health insurance, medicare or disability will cover costs of long-term care. that s another problem that people face during retirement. jill, we hear a lot of depressing news, you know, about the economy. really? it s ongoing. but are people actually feeling more upbeat? the market is going up and down but not doing horrible in the past month or so. reporter: yeah. and if you look at the last couple of years, the market is up 70% from lows. that s why almost 6 in 10 responds dents say they feel a little bit respondents say they feel a little better that they will have enough money for retirement. the rest don t feel like they have enough. to help you out, we have a great story on the five biggest retirement mistakes that people make. and one of them, my friends, has to do with your weight. interesting. wait a minute. is she saying something about our weight? [ laughter ] jill schlesinger, editor at large for, thank you. reporter: take care. it s going to be a beautiful day. really warm, really sunny. a football game at at&t. we have sc in town against cal. and how should we dress, lawrence, huh? go, bears. wear as little as possible. can i say that? [ laughter ] go naked. a lot of people do in the bay area anyway. hey, folks, we are look be at a fantastic day and it is going to be a gorgeous one outside. fantastic weather to the coast for today. mostly clear start, a few high clouds overhead, another warm one. hot in some of the valleys but we have changes in store for the weekend. high pressure now building in. and setting most of the high clouds well to the north of us. we are catching a couple moving across the skies. beautiful sunrise this morning. toward the afternoon that ridge is going to remain in place not only today but looks like probably holding through tomorrow too. so we have some great weather over the next couple of days but over the weekend that ridge moves out of the way and temperatures begin to cool down. so let s enjoy that sunshine for today. should bring us to 87 in santa clara, 85 in mountain view, about 85 degrees in san mateo, even along the coastline sunshine and about 73 degrees in pacifica. 90 livermore, 90 walnut creek, 90 pleasant hill and 88 in pittsburg. inside the bay, mostly sunny skies. temperatures soaring to the mid- 80s in oakland. about 83 degrees in san francisco. 88 in santa rosa. and 67 degrees in bodega bay. out over the next couple of days, beautiful weather, a few more clouds tomorrow. over the weekend the ridge of high pressure breaks down. temperatures will start to cool off with more clouds moving in much cooler towards the middle of next week. that s a look at weather. let s check on traffic with elizabeth. we continue to watch amtrak s capitol corridor line after a late-night accident on the tracks near oakland s jack london square station. so at this hour, service is still suspended at that station. they have established a bus bridge taking folks towards emeryville. so the last train was set to leave at 5:40 this morning from oakland s jack london square. we think they took those passengers put them on a bus and now they are on the way out towards emeryville right now. once they get to the emeryville station, they should be hopping back on a train and heading east towards sacramento. but again expect delays. the next eastbound train is set to leave oakland s jack london square a 6:30. they are work on clearing the tracks. hopefully by then, train service will be back to normal. but again, we ll let you know. in the meantime ace train number one started late. it has nothing to do with the amtrak station but they are 15 minutes late for number one due to freight train traffic getting in the way. elsewhere on the roads, eight at through oakland is fine past the coliseum towards oakland. no delay. southbound traffic looks good, as well. if you have an early-morning flight at the oakland airport, no problem same thing for marin county. no problem on the roads this morning. south bay fine, as well. and coming out of downtown san jose, there is a live look at that northbound traffic on 280 approaching the 880 interchange. remember kcbs once you do hit the roads. they re our radio partners. and you can find them at 740-am and 106.9-fm. that s traffic and weather. back to you. thank you. 5:47. no amtrak service at jack london square this, mo. two amtrak trains collided last night. capitol corridor passengers can catch a bus to meet the train in emeryville. assistant police chief howard jordan will become oakland s interim chief once anthony batts least his job. jordan previously served as interim chief for several months in 2009. batts is resigning by next month. and investigators have identified the gunman in a salon shooting in orange county which left eight dead, one critically injured. officers arrested scott dekraai. there are reports that he was fa custody fight withist ex- wife that he was in a custody fight with his ex-wife, who worked at the salon. another bay area city preparing for protestors as the occupy movement spreads. protestors planning to march at richmond this afternoon ending at the chevron refinery. [ chanting ] they were vocal. occupy sf protestors blocking the entrance to the wells fargo headquarters. that was yesterday morning. police arresting 11 people here in the city. about 200 protestors marched from the federal reserve building to the wells fargo building. some of them said it s a crime that banks accept customer money while foreclosing on customer homes. bankrupt solyndra is looking to hire r. todd nielsen, a bankruptcy attorney for celebrities. ceo brian harrison resigned from the fremont company on friday. harrison refused to answer questions last month from a congressional panel. they are looking into solyndra s $535 million federal loan guarantee. the district attorney is opening a criminal investigation into san francisco mayor ed lee over possible money laundering. it involves donations of $500 apiece that 17 employees of the go lorrie s van service game lee s election campaign just two weeks after sfo reversed new rules that the company had said were hurting business. rival mayoral candidate dennis herrera says supervisors at the company told drivers that they would be repaid for their donations. he is primarily alleging that there was a money laundering operation going on with the political campaign and, you know, we want to make sure that we re not passing any judgment on the merits at this point. but given the totality of the circumstances, we thought it was important for us to open up an investigation. the mayor s staff and the airport say that he never intervened in the decision involving those airport rules. well, some blackberry users can finally read their e-mails and text messages today after a huge outage. little relief for you folks. the network problem hit millions in the united states really all around the world, too. today the company s british website reports some major service improvements in europe and the middle east, africa and india. the network problem started early in the week on monday. the backlog of unread messages causing the outage to spread from europe to north america. you blackberry people, can you tell he uses an iphone? you blackberry you know who you are. what do you use? both. i crossed the bridge, frank. 5:51. it s going to cost how much? the new estimates of california s high speed railroad. plus this. whoa! holy cow! when animals attack. why a bicyclist was rammed by a massive antelope. show you the video. don t worry, tiny people. flo is a gentle giant. times the official 43 billion dollar estimate. m three bay high-speed rail could cost california taxpayers three times the billion-dollar estimate. that s the word from three analysts following the project. they say federal funding will be short of expectations and costs continue to rise. the examiner reports the former rail authority board member says the analysts are against the project and are not qualified to make projections. the metropolitan transportation commission is reportedly looking to buy an old building for $93 million. this is for a new headquarters in san francisco. now, it could cost an additional $74 million to next it up. the deal could close today or tomorrow. well, we could learn today which bay area restaurants were affected by the massive ground beef recall. nearly 400,000 pounds were sent to restaurants here in california. the beef is from the commercial meat company based in l.a. e. coli was found during a routine testing by the department of agriculture. so far no illnesses have been reported. parts of nevada were affected, as well. this is great video. video of a cycling race event went viral on youtube. millions have watched an antelope knock down a competitor. apparently this is how you sound when you get rammed by a massive beast. listen. whoa! holy cow! that s going to hurt. the seek less apparently managed to pick himself up. look again, here it is. oh,. he said he had no injuries except for a stiff neck. amazing. antelopes can weigh an average of 330 pounds. looks like a linebacker. more than 3 million youtube viewers have watched this clip in two days and i can see why. can you imagine? just kind of cruising along on your race and whoo. look like a linebacker with horns coming at you with 330 pounds. that s not good at all. weather-wise, got cal/usc game tonight. yeah. couldn t ask for better timing weather-wise. shorts and a t-shirt, right? it would be fantastic. looks like great weather outside as we are going to see that sunshine soaring, temperatures up well into the 90s inland. 80s towards san jose. 85 in oakland. 83 degrees in san francisco. the beautiful fall weather sticking around for one more day and then we ll begin to see some changes throughout the weekend. cooler temperatures toward the middle of next week. elizabeth? looks good. thank you, lawrence. we have learned that they are setting up a bus bridge for the 6:30 train set to leave oakland s jack london square station. it s because of a late-night accident on the tracks right there near the jack london square station. so again, bus bridge in effect for the 6:30 train heading out towards emeryville. expect delays for that capitol corridor line. westbound 580 sluggish this morning already past the wind turbines towards livermore as you head closer towards vasco road. we had an accident approaching grant line that s cleared to the right shoulder. bay bridge metering lights are off. so just some slight delays. this is kind of our pre- metering light traffic just some slight delays in the cash lanes. worried about the animal. no one said anything about the antelope. think he is doing okay. he is still among the living. thank you. it is 5:56 now. in the next half hour a bay area jail fights to stop a dangerous trend. the job skills inmates are learning behind bars. and the people have spoken. what they say is not good, a cbs 5 exclusive poll on the leadership in oakland. two amtrak trains collide head on last night. 17 people were injured. we have the latest live from the scene coming up. and how that crash will affect the commute for hundreds of other passengers today. those details also coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. we heard like a big bang like a bomb. a head-on collision between two amtrak trains. the possible mistake behind the crash and the mess for morning commuters. and a major blow tola

Fremont , California , United-states , Nevada , Iran , Pleasant-hill , Mountain-view , Santa-clara-county , Georgia , San-joaquin , Jack-london-square , Jordan

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20101227:03:21:00

Night and into the morning. let me ask you. people rely on amtrak, of course. tomorrow is monday. how early will you start services again tomorrow? the first trains out in the morning, i m not exactly sure when the first one would be out. the customer service people would know better than i would because we re trying to formulate what equipment would be available, but the best way and the best advice i gave everyone is to call 1-800-usa to find out specific train information. we are running a limited schedule, were running a limited schedule even before the storm came up the coast because of the christmas holiday, but, again, we are very hopeful that we ll be able to get folks between boston and new york starting tomorrow morning. cliff cole, an amtrak spokesperson joining us live there. thanks very much for the update and, of course, telling passengers out there who are booked on train journeys between either of those major points on amtrak to call ahead and make sure that their train, that

People , One , Course , Trains , Amtrak , Customer-service , Morning , Everyone , Us , Way , Equipment , Strain-information

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20101227:10:21:00

And at least at this point and we anticipate that to be-to-remain the case throughout night and into the morning. let me ask you. people rely on amtrak, of course. tomorrow is monday. how early will you start services again tomorrow? the first trains out in the morning, i m not exactly sure when the first one would be out. the customer service people would know better than i would because we re trying to formulate what equipment would be available, but the best way and the best advice i gave everyone is to call 1-800-usa to find out specific train information. we are running a limited schedule, were running a limited schedule even before the storm came up the coast because of the christmas holiday, but, again, we are very hopeful that we ll be able to get folks between boston and new york starting tomorrow morning. cliff cole, an amtrak spokesperson joining us live there. thanks very much for the update and, of course, telling passengers out there who are booked on train journeys between either of those major points on amtrak to call ahead and make sure that their train, that their train journeys haven t been cancelled. talking about trains here. so many people whose flights were cancelled might have wanted to rely on train service. well, flights are cancelled tonight stranding thousands of travelers. newark international airport is, in fact, completely shut down. deborah alfaran from apill ate wpix is standing by live outside one of the terminals. what s going on where you are? no flights taking off.

People , Course , Trains , Case , Amtrak , Point , Morning , Storm , One , Everyone , Coast , Us

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20101227:06:21:00

the first trains out in the morning, i m not exactly sure when the first one would be out. the customer service people would know better than i would because we re trying to formulate what equipment would be available, but the best way and the best advice i gave everyone is to call 1-800-usa to find out specific train information. we are running a limited schedule, we were running a limited schedule even before the storm came up the coast because of the christmas holiday, but, again, we are very hopeful that we ll be able to get folks between boston and new york starting tomorrow morning. cliff cole, an amtrak spokesperson joining us live there. thanks very much for the update and, of course, telling passengers out there who are booked on train journeys between either of those major points on amtrak to call ahead and make sure that their train, that their train journeys haven t been cancelled. well, we re talking about trains here. so many people whose flights were cancelled might have wanted to rely on train service.

One , People , Trains , Way , Equipment , Customer-service , Storm , Everyone , Coast , Us , Schedule , Strain-information