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Transcripts For CNN CNN News Central 20240611

oh like she s still got it. courtney cox, letting the world know. she s still has the moves that she showed off in bruce springsteen s video for dancing in the dark, the friends star joining a social media trend where kids ask their parents to show them how they danced in the 1980s, cox famously appeared in springsteen s 1984 and music video. jumping on stage to boogie with the boss molly ball has your daughter made you do this yet no could you better or worse than a by way waveshape, let s put courtney back first quarter me and her dancing. there yep, there she is. i mean, honestly that i think i could do that might be the limit of my abilities, but that i could do i mean i don t know because i wouldn t want to do it in public, but i m not do not checked doing matt either. all right thanks, guys. every much. appreciate your time today. thanks for all to all of you for joining us. i m casey had don t go anywhere santa new central starts right now all right. breaking overnight for american stabbed in china s the attack centered on social media. and we just learned seconds ago, a suspect has been arrested sit in this attack dangerous for our democracy. this must stop. attorney general merrick garland taking on republican lawmakers and taking them on head-on today as he warned because the attacks on his department are going to get someone hurt jury deliberations resumed today and hunter biden s federal gun trial, the president s son, waiting to hear his fate i m kate bolduan with on vermin cnn s sara sidner is out today. this is cnn news central breaking just seconds to go a suspect arrested in china, connected to the stabbing of four american educators there still questions about if and why these americans were targeted. new video appears to show the aftermath what was quickly centered on chinese social media blood is visible at the scene. the victims are from cornell college in iowa they are in northeast china as part of a partnership with a local university seed and steve john joins us now from beijing with the very latest on this arrest iv. what are you learning? yeah, john, that police of that you just mentioned came from jilin city in northeastern china. as you said, a suspect was caught by the police and now in custody, the police describing him as a 55-year-old local residents with a surname of twain. now, they also add a bit more details in terms of what happened, saying this suspect, according called collided with one of the americans in the park and then somehow decided to use a knife to attack that an american and three companions, as well as a local chinese citizen trying trying to stop this attack. now, the police statement added that none of the injuries were life-threatening and all of the injured people have received prompt m. proctor medical care. now, this is the local authorities breaking their silence more than 24 hours after this horrific incident earlier, we have heard we had heard from the chinese foreign ministry echoing a lot of whether police just said, but also they he used the word isolated incident to describe this case. that s obviously the key message from the government to the outside world. but it is worth pointing out that this kind of violence against foreigner is rare in this country because china s generally considered a safe place to visit with a heavy security police presence, not to mention there are massive surveillance and it s technologies being deployed nationwide. but because it s almost impossible to get hold of gun for most ordinary chinese people, stabbing incidents like this have happened in recent years targeting people ranging from doctors, to school schoolchildren. but again violence against foreigner is rare. that s why this case is receiving so much attention. nine not to mention the timing of this attack, couldn t have come at a worse time for the chinese government because they re leader xi jinping has been personally promoting the resumption and expansion of the so-called people-to-people exchanges between the two countries after the two governments finally, somewhat stabilized their fragile relationship. xi jinping, wow, in san francisco november personally said, china was ready to host 50,000 young americans in the coming five years for study and exchange programs. just last year, she i just last week actually, excuse me, xi jinping wrote a letter to a new jersey, new jersey college stressing the importance of this kind of exchanges. so if this incident somehow ends up dampening america two kinds interest and enthusiasm in coming back to china, i think that we consider, considered quite a major setback for the chinese leader john kth, china, china wants you as students there and us money there. and this is the video we re looking at right now. you can see the victims clearly are on the ground. this video again has been centered on chinese social media. one suspect now in custody, steve. thank you so much for that update. keep us posted on new developments. also, do this morning, a scathing public statement by attorney general merrick garland just published in the washington post to garland riding in an op-ed is warning against what he calls the unfounded attacks and department of justice that he says is putting his staff and democracy in danger. the attorney general saying this in part, using conspiracy theories, false hoods, violence, and threats of violence to effect political outcomes is not normal. the short-term political benefits of those tactics we ll, tactics will never make up for the long-term cost to our country. and even though he does not say republicans anywhere in this op-ed, it is clear who he is referring to, quite frankly, garland also saying this at one point, these attacks come in the form of threats to defund particular department investigations. most recently, the special council s prosecution of the former president, the attorney general s rare public rebuke comes right as house republicans are preparing to take the next step today and charging him with contempt of congress seen as lauren fox has more adding to the attention around this movement today is now this opinion piece from the attorney one general. what is going to happen in the house today? lauren yeah. okay. what you re going to see in just a couple of hours is the house rules committee will convene to consider these two resolutions to hold garland in contempt. now, what this does is it is the first step to get it to the house floor. we do expect that that action could to happen later this week. one of the question marks since these two resolution s passed in the judiciary and oversight committees, was whether or not house republican leadership had the votes to actually advance them on the floor. obviously, they re feeling very confident about that, or they wouldn t be moving this through the rules committee today. but again, how speaker for my johnson can only afford to lose two republicans and still get this across the finish line. what this would ultimately do is these resolutions would instruct the house speaker to refer garland for potential criminal charges from the attorney in washington, dc. again, it is very unlikely that that would happen, but this is not without some precedents. if you remember, house republicans actually held eric holder in contempt of congress democrats held william barr in contempt of congress. nothing ultimately came of that, but that just shows you that there is a record and there is a history of the opposing party holding the president s attorney general in contempt of congress. and we should just note this all stems over a dispute over whether or not the attorney general should release the special counsel s audio interview with president joe biden. those transcripts have been released, but house republicans say that they want the audio of the interview to continue their investigation into joe biden lauren. good to see you. thank you so much. let s see what happens today. also with us, also for us, this coming up for us right now, is that your teres day and one blinken is in jordan to discuss how to get think more critical humanitarian aid into gaza. and also with that, putting more pressure on hamas to accept a ceasefire deal. and it s already expensive enough to buy a home but a new report shows the cost of maintaining one are skyrocketing as well, and new details this morning about the payouts for passengers of that singapore airlines flight that hits such dangerous turbulence that one person died. we ll be back 19th cnn celebrates junzi, which special performances by john legend, eddie lewbel, smokey robinson we still have a lot of work to do. june teeth and celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn, it s so easy to get your windshield replaced using safe flight, tell the people why you haven t done it? already. my moment, let s start off as a chip and grew to a crack and it just keeps going. so what do we do 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higher. the president and the former president, one state to moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max all, right happening now we are standing by for jury deliberations to resume in hunter biden s federal gun trial. the jury had the case for about an hour before breaking for the night. the president s son could arrived back in court shortly. he faces three felony gun charges i see it as marshall cohen is live outside the courthouse this morning. how will this work? marshall hey, john. good morning. well, as you mentioned, that jury got about one hour deliberations in the books yesterday, and they are expected to return here at 9:00 a.m. about two hours from now. now, the judge said that she s not going to call them all back into the courtroom just to win push them a good morning. there ll be allowed to go directly to the jury room and the once everyone is back in that room, vacant, pick up the deliberations on their own we won t necessarily see them this morning. now, while they re in that room doing their deliberations, they have to weigh three criminal charges that special counsel, david weiss this has brought against hunter biden. he s accused, as everyone knows by now, of lying on gun forms and illegally possessing a gun while addicted to drugs, but it s a little more complicated than that, john, because while those are the top line charges, each one of those offenses contains several elements of the offense that the jury needs to also debate discuss, and decide whether each one of those elements within each charge was also met so there s a lot under the hood here for the jury to hash out. now, i do want to point out obviously this has been a family affair for the bidens from the the very start, and they really beefed up the support yesterday in court. we saw obviously the first lady, jill biden president biden s sister, valerie, his brother, james and then hunter biden s sister, younger sister, ashley, was also in the pews in the gallery during the closing arguments during that final push. and they re present isn t caught the attention of the prosecution. one of the very first thing is that prosecutor leo wise told the jury in his closing arguments was basically telling them that there s a lot of famous people in the galleries. there are people you might recognize from the news, from the community. but respectfully, none of that matters. pay no attention come to that and only focus on the evidence in this case, which the prosecution claimed was overwhelming. john, in many ways right now the fate of the president s son it is in the jury s hands and there ll be back in just about two hours to hopefully reach a conclusion. a verdict could come at any time. marshall cohen, thanks so much for being there. needless to say, keep us posted so new eye popping data on the rising cost of home ownership, eye eye-popping wallet, busting. and then when you turn 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these what s going to be sobering numbers, what s going on here? well, a lot of people probably think that once they buy their first home, they re done, right? but in reality, they re just getting started because there s all of these hidden costs of homeownership and they can really add up bank rate found that on average americans are spending 18 thousand dollars a year to own and maintain their home. that is obviously a lot of money when you think about it, it s almost like the cost of buying a used car a year. this is 26% more than in 2020. and of course this is all on top of your mortgage payment, right? we re talking about the cost of energy, the cost of property taxes and the biggest drivers according to bankrate or the fact that it s gotten more expensive to maintain a home. and also the cost of home insurance that we ve seen premiums spike, right? for two reasons. one, it s the fact that there s the climate crisis has made it more likely that there s these disasters, right? we ve seen wildfire person hurricanes and flooding. then the cost of living, labor, materials that s all gone up. so it s more expensive to repair when this happens, i spoke to a woman in california yesterday who told me that her home insurance rate doubled with no notice because of concerns about wildfires on top of that, they have to spend $10,000 to repair the plumbing now, she s taking on extra hours to try to make ends meet and she s not alone, kate? absolutely. does it matter? does it change depending on where you live? it does. it does. not shockingly, some of them more expensive places to own and maintain a home or here in the northeast, we seat new jersey massachusetts, connecticut, of course, all of these states high cost of living also high property taxes. california and hawaii, two very expensive it s a place to live. it s costing almost $30,000 a year. now, we ve also seen a big surge in the cost of owning and maintaining a home in hawaii up by almost 40%, but also big increases since 2020 in idaho and utah as well. these are the three states with you price is going to expense is going up the most. now, on the opposite end of the spectrum, some states has actually become more affordable to own and maintain a home. arkansas, kentucky, mississippi, three of the more affordable places to live there. we ve seen expenses go up at a slower pace, but listen, i think at the end of the de, no matter where you live, the message here is that you ve got a budget for the unexpected, the burst pipe, the home insurance spike, because when it happens, it can be really painful. yeah. and you re also keeping tied to this. you re also keeping then keeping a close watch on an increase of underwater mortgages. that s right. so let me most americans are sitting on a nice cushion of equity because home prices have gone up but there is an increase in some people who are seriously underwater. that means that they owe 25% more than the home is worth. it s never a good sign. we ve seen this is a particular problem in louisiana, wyoming, kentucky, and mississippi, and oklahoma. and this reflects the fact that in some of these areas home prices have actually gone down since the peak and some people, they bought at the peak, they bought at the top. so now they owe more than what the home is actually worth. i think big picture nationally, this does not seem to be a major problem, only about 2.7% of all mortgages are seriously underwater. that s pretty low back in the great recession was around one in four homes that were underwater, but we do need to keep an eye on this. and i do think it s another reminder that whether you re talking about expenses or fluctuating home prices homeownership, it s not without risk. kate i mean, look, kentucky is a perfect example. kentucky is among the states that you said where homes were becoming more affordable and you re also seeing this is where people are for have being seriously underwater with their mortgages because they ve also seen home prices go down. so you talk about the kind of the complicated web of, it doesn t come without risks and it s all interconnected in a very strange way exactly. it s good to see you, man. thank you so much. so coming up for us, attorney general merrick garland is facing another contempt vote in congress today, and he is not facing it quietly. he s his blistering rebuke of the conspiracy theories that he says are endangering the department of justice, the people working there, and democracy and the white house is celebrating black history with an early juneteenth celebration this election season, stay with cnn with more reported here s on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow. cnn we just signed the lease on our third shop. my assistant went to get new uniforms with all the locations. he felt great products uploaded new art and had boxes sent to all the shops its domain makes it so 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home, who we be ready silent, earth would liev schreiber sunday at night on cnn moments ago, us secretary of state antony blinken arrived in jordan for key meetings. now he just, just left israel where he says there is consensus among senior israeli leaders, including the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, to move forward on a ceasefire proposal now, backed by the united nations it is worth noting, however, that us and israeli leaders have often had different public interpretations of what that means everyone has said yes except for hamas and if hamas doesn t say yes then this is clearly on them all right, cnn s oren liebermann is in tel aviv this morning with the very latest on what are you hearing? john, secretary of state antony blinken held not only a number of meetings here, but also throughout the region to try to push forward this ceasefire deal and a hostage release. he had come from egypt. and then here he met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the defense minister, the leader of the opposition, and benny gantz, who until just a couple of days ago, was a member of the war cabinet before he resigned from the israeli perspective. that s everybody you d have to meet with two potentially get israel to agree to a ceasefire proposal once it s at that stage, but blinken knows he s still has work to do and that s why he s now in jordan and then going to meet qatari officials who ve been a key mediator here. he s trying to move this forward even after the events of the weekend and a hostile a hostage rescue operation in israel that killed scores of palestinians, incidents like that have brought negotiations to a grinding halt in the past he is trying to push them forward. the proposal on the table right now, here is the rough outline phase one would see a cessation to hostilities temporarily that would allow for more negotiations. to take place. a hostage release, palestinians released from prisons as well, and hostages remains released. that then would lead to phase two. that s a withdrawal of israeli forces, a permanent end to hostilities. that conclusion of the hostage release and then phase three would be the rebuilding of gaza from the us perspective, and the biden administration s perspective, they believe they have israel in a position where they ll agree to this. the question for blinken, does hamas and specifically hamas s leader in gaza, yahya sinwar agree we await the answer from hamas, and that will speak volumes about what they want, what they re looking before, who they re looking after are they looking after one guy who may be for now safe, very i don t know ten storeys underground somewhere in gaza as a while the people that he purports to represent continue to suffer and across fire of his own making or will he do what s necessary? to actually move this to a better place to help him the suffering of people, to help bring real security to israelis and palestinians alike hamas has made some positive noises about a un security council resolution that passed in the last 24 hours or so, calling for a permanent end to hostilities. but there is still the details to be worked out and that john is where this has certainly fallen apart in the past. that s what blinken is trying to prevent right now and his whirlwind of meetings through region yeah. just about every time in the past it has fallen apart when it gets to those details are in lieberman. thanks so much. keep us posted on what you here. also new this morning conspiracy theories, falsehoods, and unfounded threats of violence must stop that s from the attorney general, merrick garland speaking out this morning in a new opinion piece to defend his agency and also call out really no uncertain terms the people and politicians attacking the department of justice. garland saying in part, quote in recent weeks, we have seen an escalation of attacks that go far beyond public scrutiny and criticism and legitimate necessary oversight of our work. there baseless, personal and dangerous also saying disagreements about politics are good for our democracy. their normal. but using conspiracy theory is false hoods violence, and threats of violence to effect political outcomes is not normal they are dangerous for our democracy. this must stop joining me right now. democratic congressman greg meeks from new york, he is the top democrat on the house foreign affairs committee. congressman, thank you for being here. this of course, is as republicans are moving forward with another step today toward potentially a full house vote on a contempt of congress charge against the attorney general. what impact will this have? nothing it s again another false allegations. and when the republicans have virtually done nothing in their majority, nothing for the american people. they keep coming up with plots in investigations and hearings that mean absolutely. and turns out to be nothing there s nothing burgers this is you know, i ve been in congress for over 26 years and this is like nothing ever before. we should be doing legislative work. there s a lot of things that we need to be doing should be doing in a collective manner, in a bipartisan manner for the american people, oftentimes, you ve seen hakeem jeffries and democrats step-up to do the kind of thing that the american people need. but these illness investigations and virtually every committee okay. just about every committee, mike committee on foreign affairs we ve had and had to debunk these false allegations from time to time and time again. so it s just something that is i think horrendous and needs to stop. and let s do work for the american people fact that they re moving into rules committee. do you think republicans could only lose two votes? do you think that suggests they have the votes to push this through luck? i don t know what they re dysfunctioning is an oftentimes to get certain things out of the rules that were important for the american people. it took democrats to get that done. so whether they have the votes to get it out of the rules, whether they just don t want we don t want to try to divert the american people s attention away from the a candidate who has been convicted as a felon whether they are trying to close their eyes to the fact or the damage they ve done to ukraine by holding the supplemental 46 months so it seems to me that they are trying to pull a bait and switch the try to keep the people s attention away from what is really taking place in the house of representatives, which is absolutely nothing to talk about what happened here in new york yesterday, un security council approving a hostage, throwing their support behind a hostage and ceasefire deal for israel and hamas the fact that they could agree on anything is a big deal considering how divided the council has been and divided the un has been over this war. and tony blinken said this morning that in meetings netanyahu reaffirmed his commitment to that peace proposal do you do you we have not heard from netanyahu publicly endorsing a peace proposal. do you does it concern you that we have not? i think that the fact that you see secretary blinken there you see the cia director burns there brett mcgurk there, and talking to the various people in the region. i think that the israeli people we see them talking about, they want a deal. everyone wants a deal and that s why i think it s important to now and what should be focused or hamas. and have hamas to agree to a deal i m so happy we ve got those four hostages home. but there was prices to pay for that. and the way to prevent the price of death for innocent individuals and putting israeli soldiers in harm s way is to have a deal done. it is time to do a deal. and i think that president biden has shown the great leadership that he always does and pulling people together that we should be able to get a deal done saudi arabia, once a deal and this then begins to talk about what takes place after there s a deal which was what benny gantz was talking about, which is really important, which and still remains a huge question right now, the house has passed a sanctions bill against the international criminal court for moving to seek for a seek arrest warrants against including benjamin netanyahu for what the court had said was they saw crimes against humanity and war crimes 42 democrats joined republicans in the house to support the sanctions vote. the white house does not support it, but i want to play, i want to play for you. one of the democrats who voted with republicans jared moskowitz, listen to this the ic50, she s saying is outrageous. okay. they have no jurisdiction over israel. they had no jurisdiction over syria. in fact, the icc s specifically said, well, the reason why we didn t go after assad for war crimes we didn t issue a warrant at after he killed 300,000 civilians with chemical weapons, by the way, gassing them it s because, we, don t have jurisdiction. well, they don t have jurisdiction here with israel, but now we have a made-up rule, right? it s, it s magical. all of a sudden they gave themself jurisdiction when they don t have any so that s why it was critical that we pass this bill yesterday on a bipartisan basis you voted against this this very same bill. why are you write and moscowitz wrong on this one? first of all, it s premature. what we had is a prosecutor who applied for a subpoena for the arrest of mr. netanyahu and of sinwar from hamas that hasn t happened is premature. number one. number two, it undermined some because we celebrated that too long ago when the icc did appropriately, it was went to the judges and the judges decided that they would ask for the arrest of mr. putin. should he do? who something of that nature not clearly what is wrong is the prosecutor. and i think that the the bill that passed was so wide in sanctioning allies would, would have been sanctioned and other individuals who are friends that it was just too much. and what we need to focus on narrowly is that prosecutor, to try to equate israel to hamas? that is absolutely condemn able. and something that we are all upset about. and so there s a way that we could work together. and if it was a singularly focused that regard to think that we could have talked about it. but this bill was far too broad it had unintended consequences that would hurt our relationships with numbers around the world a lot on your plate right now, congressman, thanks for coming in. really appreciate your time. thank you. all right very shortly jury deliberations resume in hunter biden s federal gun case. the president s son has pleaded not guilty to three felony counts related to a 2018 gun purchase. with this now, former deputy assistant attorney general, tom dupree, counselor. great to see you this morning. the jury gets back shortly. they walk into the deliberation room. what do you thanks at the top of their minds well, it s a good question, john and i think today is the day we re finally going to get a verdict in this case. i think when the jury resumes its deliberations today, my guess is they re probably going to start marching through all the evidence. i thought the prosecutors and their closing argument did a good job and reminding the jury that regardless of the fame one of the defendant, his last name, he is the son of the president, the jury s task is to focus on the evidence, and i suspect that the jury will go about that task this morning. i suspect they re going to march through and discuss what they heard from all witnesses. the physical evidence, and then really begin focusing their attention on reaching a decision the prosecution overtly referred to the people in the gallery, hunter biden s family, really that has been coming to this trial. why do you think that is? because the defense hasn t exactly i mean, they ve been there and supportive hunter biden right? i think the prosecution here is addressing the elephant in the room. they are acknowledging implicitly, but acknowledging that this is the son of the president who has standing trial, and that the jury can look out and see the first lady, the united states, and other political celebrities. this is obviously a family that is very well known in delaware many of the jurors have had some sort of interaction or at least are pretty familiar with the biden family. and so i think it was the prosecutors way of basically saying, look, let s step back, let s focus on the task at hand and let s put aside any sympathy or any feelings that we may have for this famous defendant and his famous family as all defense lawyers try to do abbe lowell, you re actually seeing a sketch of him, right there has tried to give jurors than a narrow out of reasonable doubt in that is to paraphrase here roughly that hunter biden in his mind it was not addicted to drugs when he signed a form that said he wasn t addicted to drugs on that day in that day alone at the moment the pen hit the paper, hunter biden didn t think he was addicted to drugs. that s the defense argument. there is that something is that enough for jurors to grab onto board? i think that is a pretty narrow path. look, i think that s an argument that a lawyer, tim love. i m not sure. juror is going to love it. i suspect that the jury is going to say that the law doesn t require that hunter biden was using drugs the morning and he purchased the gun. are the hour before or after he purchased the gun? i think they are going to say did he buy this gun and fill out that form at a point in his life when he was abusing crack, when he was under the influence of controlled substances, when he was addicted to controlled substances. and my hunch is that they are not going to parse the law as finally, in his name he really is the defense lawyers are doing that said, i understand their strategy. i don t think they have a lot of cards to play, and i think they re just putting their best foot forward and hoping hoping they can kick up enough sand to create reasonable doubt in the minds of these jurors. all right. tom dupree, depressed diamond blue is great to see you this morning. thanks so much for being with us so donald trump s message to evangelical voters, the latest promise he s making on the campaign trail clashes overnight and a major us university with new arrests if you have graves disease and blurry vision, you need clear answers. people with graves could also get thyroid eye disease, or ted, which may need a different doctor find a ted is specialist at is-it it s so easy to get your windshield replaced using safe flight. why don t you just get a fixed? all right. so what do we do now? i m scheduled an appointment as safe told them he is here at the beach schedule a free mobile service at safe that repair safe, like replace, we re in a bond on this project. i asked mark, you want here s an idea let s ask markham. that s good. now. now, launch a couple of 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and 18 months. helping our patients, but their best mile for it, it s one more way. aspen dental is in your corner you know priceline helps families they ve 60% on family-friendly hotels, so many great trips we might just leave here with another vacation baby i ll take it easy. paris and here to for modal, lisa wasn t toledo garner happy prize, priceline, new central menopause supplements help on pause life when symptoms posit with a multivitamin plus hot flash support daily z for quality sleep and an extra for focus and clarity. centrum powered by clinically studied ingredients, the cnn presidential debates, june 20, nine live on cnn and streaming on max this morning, singapore airlines is offering payouts to passengers from a flight that hit severe turbulence and had to make an emergency landing last month, one passenger was killed, one woman was paralyzed from the chest down after being thrown into the air. or husband said he was not even sure she was still alive. singapore airlines says, all passengers will have their flight refunded it and people with minor injuries, we ll get $10,000 a piece. those was serious issues will get advance of 25,000 with possibly more to come new this morning, the fda is warning about the serious health risks associated with micro dosing mushroom and fused chocolate bars it says the diamond shruumz brand it has left several people sick in. some had to go to the hospital. he reported symptoms that include seizures, confusion, abnormal heart rates, and nausea. the company is still promoting. its products on social media, but does not mention the reported illnesses. cnn reached out to the company but has not received a response yet. so this morning, connecticut fans are still rejoicing for uconn coach dan hurley rejected a reported 70 $70,000,000 contract offer from the los angeles lakers in a statement to cnn, hurley says he is humbled by the experience, but at the end of the day, he is proud of the culture at uconn, which includes, i should note back-to-back titles. the deal would have placed hurley among the nba s highest paid coaches he would have had to go to the lake but then there s that but in honor of juneteenth, president biden is hosted a star-studded concert at the white house yesterday with performances from patty lewbel, gladys knight, and charlie wilson juneteenth celebrates the day when the enslaved people in galveston, texas learned of their emancipation. two years after president lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation. and president biden signed a bipartisan bill, making june 19 and official federal holiday in 2021. and while the event was a collaboration of freedom, the president also took the opportunity to rail against what he called some political leaders working to take away the hard-won freedoms of black americans seen as arlette sciences at the white house, with much more on this. what was the president s message? well, kate, president biden, use this june teeth celebration event to stress that he remains committed to protecting and advancing the rights of black americans in this country. he, in his remarks argued that black history is american history three and he did not mention donald trump or any risks specific republican opponents by name. but the president was seeking to really draw an implicit contrast with republicans. he spoke out against book bans, attacks on diversity programs, as well as efforts to restrict voting. take a listen to what he had to say. we re all goes new garments trying to take his back well, there are taking it away. your freedom to make it harder. her black people to vote wow, or have your vote counted. closing doors of opportunity, attacking the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion now the president s message comes as black voters are expected to be a key part heading into the november election, the biden campaign and administration in recent weeks have really been i m trying to tell some of their works to help the black community talking about things like wiping out student loan debt, copying the price of insulin as well as other economic advancements for the black community. but if you take a look at polling, former president donald trump has made gains a with black voters in this election. if you take a look at a recent poll from the new york times and sienna college. while biden wasn t head with about 63% of support from black voters. donald trump had 23%. that s a historic high for republicans uk crossing that 20% margin. now, if you take a look at 20:20 you ve seen a much wider gap in that contest. black voters really made up a key part of biden s constituency back in 2020. and campaign advisers acknowledged they have more work to do heading into this election, especially as we have seen, this narrowing of support. so as you saw the president s remarks, you saw in recent events, thinking back to his speech at morehouse college, speech at an n double acp events out in detroit. the biden campaign working to hold onto that and rebuild that support from black voters, which will once again be key if he s trying to win a second term to the white house arlette time. thank you so much. john new fall out this morning after donald trump vowed to walk side-by-side with a group of conservative political activists that opposes abortion in all cases and calls the procedure child sacrifice in a video message, trump touted his past accomplishments on the pro-life agenda and said that democrats are against their religion, cnn s alayna treene is here now with the very latest alaina while good morning, john. yes. donald trump addressed this suit group. it was part of their southern baptist convention and annual meeting that they have and he really honed in on saying luck democrats are against your religion as, as you mentioned, and tried to convince them to continue to support his campaign. what i find really interesting about this is because with donald trump, he has been kinda, he s waffled on abortion over the past year. it s really not an issue that he wants to discuss. however, when he is put in front of these groups, particularly ones that but are very much against abortion. he very much leans into what he has done for the evangelical community and also people and groups that are against abortion as well. take a listen to what he said last night. now is the time for us to all pull together and to stand up for our values and for our freedoms. and you just can t vote democrat. they re against religion there, against your religion in particular, i know that each of you is protecting those values every day and i hope we ll be defending them side-by-side for your next four years. these are gonna be your years now, john, as i mentioned before, i just want to make very clear what donald trump is trying to do here. he is trying to convince these groups that they have to vote for him. and then if they vote for republicans, that they ll try to continue to undo some of the work he did while in office, which of course touting his stacking of the court with three very conservative supreme court justices that helped overturn roe versus wade. but i will say, as we often hear from donald trump, he likes to tout that he was the most pro life president in history. he s also really angered a lot of abortion active anti-abortion activists by not really taking a position on a federal ban. he said that he wants to leave abortion up to the states. and so this is really angered a lot of these groups as well. and so this message is really him trying to ensure that these people come out for him in november john alayna treene in washington, atlanta. thanks so much. kate, joining us right now, a cnn senior political commentator, anna navarro and cnn political commentator and democratic strategists. maria cardona. maria, this pushes this would john and alina were just talking about this? pushes abortion once again into the spotlight donald trump did not include any specifics on abortion policy, what it support what he doesn t support, he doesn t even mention the word abortion at all in that tape or mark. that does what well, he thinks that it s going to help him screen him from being the one that actually was responsible for taking away roe v. wade for taking away women s freedoms and rights to make decisions over our own bodies. but he can t have it both ways, kate, it was very clean here. what he was trying to do in this video, it s very clear what he tries to do whenever he is in front of these christian groups. and in fact, when he is in front of these christian groups most of the time he can t help himself and he brags about being the one that was appointed the three conservative justices who are responsible for for. turning roe v. wade. and so the more that he talks about this even though he doesn t say the word abortion, the better it s going to be for democrats, the better it s going to be for president biden and for everyone frankly, running on this issue about how women should be the ones the only ones to be able to make decisions about our own bodies for themselves, their families, their communities. and that frankly and underscores that this election is about more than just that. it s about our rights, freedoms in general. and it was very rich that he stood there talking about values and freedoms when he is the one that is completely devoid, a value suzanne is the one who s trying to take away our rights and freedoms ana politico has a quote from one trump voter who it says was in the room for these tape remarks at this gathering saying this this from this is coming from a man named rick patrick. he sounded more like a politician who wanted to be elected i voted for him and i plan to vote for him again, but he was not like the other speakers who were here talking about religious things i read that thinking. does that just encapsulate what is president biden s problem though? this guy is not happy about what he heard from the, from the candidate that he says he voted for before for you will vote for again. but it s not like donald trump trying to have it both ways. donald trump but it s not both sides in it, but donald trump at one point saying that he was going to come up with a abortion policy that was going to make everybody happy he s not going to it s not going to stop him from voting for trump, even if he doesn t like what trump is saying about it you know, i think a lot of evangelicals cross that bridge already and they did so in 2016 after they voted for donald trump after they heard him boast about sexual assault on video and take the campaign, to me, it s just so weird, bizarre, right? how many times have we now her trump and history gets? compared him to jesus compare him to being martyred on the cross, crucified, taking all of this pain for us. it s all of these religious jesus like themes that are somehow weaved into donald trump s existence, which sounds as crazy as can be it s crazy for him to say that democrats are against religion at a time when we are led by joe biden, who in my lifetime is the most religious precedent i can recall, is not a christian conservative, is irish half church, boeing practicing catholic look, this hasn t worked for them, but i do think that there s then a come a time when the rubber s going to hit the road, when donald trump is going to be confronted and on a stage like a debate stage, say, a cnn debate stage, and asked, okay, be specific about your abortion the session because yes, on one hand, he takes credit for the dobbs decision. he takes credit for having appointed those judges he goes to groups like this and he makes wales ambiguous, but very specific remarks about abortion criticized this is joe biden on it, but then on in front of other audiences, he says, oh no, just leave it up to the state. well, at some point on some stage he s going to have to come clean an answer or is he not? not yet? very top. let s talk about talk about what is good to talk about in politics. what is good for politics and not, here s an interesting one, donald trump now wondering aloud about taylor swift is apparently coming from an excerpt from a forthcoming book about his work with with the producer of the apprentice. a conversation that took place as in november 2023, trump saying this about taylor swift. i think she s a liberal. she probably doesn t like trump, but she is liberal or is that just an act he asks, she she s legitimately liberal. it s not an act, it surprises me that a country star can be, can be successful, being liberal trump said before the author noted that s with crossover to pop music years ago, the crossover, she, she can, she can do whatever she wants. i would say is it good for politics to take on taylor swift i mean, this is this just goes into that bucket of weird and strange that we are seeing pop up almost every single day in this campaign. kate. but again, i think the more than donald trump

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Business Today 20240611

hello and welcome. this is business today. after months of speculation, apple has revealed its plans for artificial intelligence in a move that chief executive tim cook has called the next big step . the tech giant is to boost its siri voice assistant and operating systems with openai s chatgpt as it seeks to catch up in the ai race. it s part of a new personalised ai system called apple intelligence. here s our north america business correspondent erin delmore. the hardest abereaviation in tech these days is easily ai. now, apple is taking its shot at redefining artificial intelligence into apple intelligence. the company unveiled a series of ai related announcements at the world development conference on monday. chief among them a partnership with the artificial intelligence juggernaut, intelligencejuggernaut, openai. that will allow apple to integrate the start up s cutting edge chat bot, chatgpt, into its including a superpowered siri. apple s signature voice assistant will be available with chatgpt features for free later this year. other new additions include ai generated images and emojis and help with toning improvements. this is apple s big stand in integrating the ai features that have captured users attentions and company s big bucks. wall street has spent the year rewarding firms that have not onlyjumped on but rewarded it, like nvidia. last week, it overtook apple itself to become the second most valuable company in the world by market capitalisation. microsoft, which has its own long standing partnership with openai remains the most powerful. lets get the view of carolina milanesi president and principal analyst at creative strategies. what did you make of the big reveal? i what did you make of the big reveal? ~ ., , ., , reveal? i think what people were surprised reveal? i think what people were surprised about - reveal? i think what people were surprised about is - reveal? i think what people were surprised about is thei were surprised about is the fact that apple intelligence is actually home grown. so that is not what chatgpt is powering. so that is something that apple has created on its own merit, with its own technology, its own silicon and its cloud, to keep everything personal and private. where chatgpt comes in, it becomes a bit more like a table stakes of general queries that we have been accustomed to do and play with, which chatgpt and other services, is on its own chat bot. so if you like, you were talking about it becoming smarter. apple is making siri smarter. apple is making siri smarter and chatgpt makes siri more knowledgeable. 50. smarter and chatgpt makes siri more knowledgeable. more knowledgeable. so, the oint more knowledgeable. so, the point you more knowledgeable. so, the point you made more knowledgeable. so, the point you made about - more knowledgeable. so, the point you made about apple | point you made about apple intelligence, it is its own software chips, etc, etc. yes. do ou software chips, etc, etc. yes. do you think software chips, etc, etc. yes. do you think that software chips, etc, etc. yes. do you think that people - software chips, etc, etc. yes. do you think that people willl do you think that people will therefore, think that it is more superior? it is more secure and safer in some way? i think that they re certainly going to believe that privacy is at the core of what apple wants to deliver, and is more personal. there s no question that consumers across different countries trust the brand of apple. apple doesn t monetise from consumer s data. it monetises through hardware, so it is in their interest to bring hardware back. so the di phone for example. and we ve seen that apple intelligence will be available only on the latest devices that are running either an m1 on mac and ipad, or on the iphone, the iphone pro and pro max. or on the iphone, the iphone pro and pro max. how does this com are pro and pro max. how does this compare to pro and pro max. how does this compare to what pro and pro max. how does this compare to what microsoft - pro and pro max. how does this compare to what microsoft or i compare to what microsoft or google are offering? i mean, apple has been seen to be behind? does this now bring it up behind? does this now bring it up to speed? is it now possibly going to move ahead? your thoughts? i going to move ahead? your thoughts? thoughts? i think it s a very different thoughts? i think it s a very different business - thoughts? i think it s a very different business model. l thoughts? i think it s a very - different business model. both google and microsoft are in the cloud business, so they are in the large language model business, and they are monetising from services like co pilots and duet. for apple, everything is free because they monetise from the hardware. so it s hard to make a comparison. there is no question that being more personal will drive more engagement from a user perspective. engagement from a user perspective- engagement from a user perspective. 0k. well, it s aood perspective. 0k. well, it s good to perspective. 0k. well, it s good to get perspective. 0k. well, it s good to get your perspective. 0k. well, it s good to get your take. - perspective. 0k. well, it s i good to get your take. thank you for your time. well lets stay on the theme of ai the ceo of morgan stanley, ted pick, has said the use of ai could companies financial advisers between 10 and 15 hours a week. he told a conference it s potentially really game changing . lets explore this with will walker arnott, director of private clients at charles stanley. good morning to you. good morning- good morning to you. good morning. so, good morning to you. good morning. so, can good morning to you. good morning. so, can you - good morning to you. good morning. so, can you see l good morning to you. good - morning. so, can you see this? would that morning. so, can you see this? would that be morning. so, can you see this? would that be the morning. so, can you see this? would that be the case, - morning. so, can you see this? would that be the case, for- would that be the case, for example, in your line of work? you could save 10 15 hours a week if ai you could save 10 15 hours a week if al was really implemented where you are? we re actually own bid an american company called raymond james, and they really see the role of ai as not replacing human roles but augmenting and increasing productivity. so the first thing rolled out is access to co pilot, which is a microsoft product which helps us to review long documents and analyse them very quickly. but also, we have some preparatory called opportunities, which is released by raymond james, which when we get in, in the morning, we ll review portfolios and prompt us to react. and finally in the back office, we can improve productivityjust office, we can improve productivity just through things like when we re processing documentation. so i think that it will save time and will be a game changer in the wealth management arena. now, let s talk about apple from the market perspective. shares actually went down after this big launch, as it were. and yet, the snp500 closing at a record high. five of the so called magnificent seven stocks doing well yesterday. why was apple not riding the wave of this reveal of the ai plans? i wave of this reveal of the ai lans? ~ ., wave of this reveal of the ai lans? ~ ., , ., , plans? i think to be honest, it had a very plans? i think to be honest, it had a very strong plans? i think to be honest, it had a very strong recovery - plans? i think to be honest, it. had a very strong recovery over the last three months. if you go back to the turn of the year, there was a lot of concerns around the company surrounding chinese demand and the like. and the share price has since had a strong sense of due won earnings has rallied hard. so a little bit of profit taking after the announcements, but you re quite right, the big technology companies are really supporting growth in us market, and that s really down to the strong earnings we saw in the recent results season.- recent results season. now, it s a busy recent results season. now, it s a busy week recent results season. now, it s a busy week for - recent results season. now, it s a busy week for you - recent results season. now, it s a busy week for you and | it s a busy week for you and others watching financial markets. we have the federal reserve meeting starting today. of course, they wrap that up on wednesday. lots of thoughts of where they re headed. oil prices spiked on monday as well. brent crude still above $81 a barrel. and then us inflation numbers out this week as well. it s going to be busy, isn t it? ., as well. it s going to be busy, isn t it? . , ., as well. it s going to be busy, isn t it? . , ., , isn t it? yeah, it s a busy, busy week- isn t it? yeah, it s a busy, busy week. and isn t it? yeah, it s a busy, busy week. and you re - isn t it? yeah, it s a busy, i busy week. and you re quite right all surprises did spring up a bit yesterday. but over the year, they ve been pretty flat. we re about to enter the driving season in the us, which traditionally means there s a lot more demand for oil. but i think the fact that president biden will not want to see oil prices rising ahead of an election means that he s going to continue to release his strategic reserves and keep a cap on that. so i think that the oil price will remain range bound. and looking for, yes, we have inflation data from us. we also have the federal reserve where markets are still expecting interest rates to go up expecting interest rates to go up one or two times possibly this year, which seems about right. this year, which seems about riuht. ,, right. all right, goodness me! thanks for right. all right, goodness me! thanks for talking right. all right, goodness me! thanks for talking to - right. all right, goodness me! thanks for talking to us. - right. all right, goodness me! thanks for talking to us. have j thanks for talking to us. have a good day. we ll see you again, soon. here in the uk, we will get the latestjobs data in around 90 minutes time as pressure mounts on the bank of england to join other major banks in cutting interest rates. but economists expect to see wage growth of around 6% in the three months to april an acceleration which could leave a rate cut less likely over fears of the labour market fuelling inflation. toby fowlston is chief executive of the recruitment company robert walters group. good to have you on bbc news again, tony. so tell us what you re expecting? what will we learn about uk jobs market today? learn about uk “obs market toda ? ,., ., learn about uk “obs market toda ? , ., ., ., learn about uk “obs market toda ? ., , today? good morning, sally. well, it wouldn t today? good morning, sally. well, it wouldn t surprise - today? good morning, sally. | well, it wouldn t surprise me to see perhaps a small drop in terms of the number of vacancies, orat terms of the number of vacancies, or at best, terms of the number of vacancies, orat best, it perhaps staying flat. vacancies, or at best, it perhaps staying flat. and from our perhaps staying flat. and from your point perhaps staying flat. and from your point of perhaps staying flat. and from your point of view, perhaps staying flat. and from your point of view, as - perhaps staying flat. and from your point of view, as a - your point of view, as a recruitment company, what are the trends at the moment? well, we re seeing. the trends at the moment? well, we re seeing. so the trends at the moment? well, we re seeing. so we the trends at the moment? well, we re seeing. so we operate . we re seeing. so we operate in the professional services space. we ve sort of gone from what was deemed the great resignation coming out of covid in 2021 and 2022, and then we moved into the boomerang people realised that they needed to work and went back to employers now we ve sort of entered this phrase being coined as the big stay . and it really comes down to just a lack of confidence. a lack of confidence on clients, obviously cost of hiring, and also a particular lack of confidence with candidates, who are obviously seeing what s going on in the world and they are choosing, albeit anecdotally, looking to move the actual physical movement of people. we rejust the actual physical movement of people. we re just not seeing that happening as it was previously. that happening as it was previously- that happening as it was reviousl . , ., ., previously. does that mean we re in previously. does that mean we re in an previously. does that mean we re in an unhealthy - previously. does that mean i we re in an unhealthy position in the ukjobs market? because also, of course, the number that the government is looking at quite closely all the time is the so called economically inactive those who are not in work that could well be in work for various reasons? for various reasons? yeah. so we ve seen for various reasons? yeah. so we ve seen an for various reasons? yeah. so we ve seen an increase - for various reasons? yeah. so we ve seen an increase in - we ve seen an increase in long term sickness in the workplace. i think we re up to 2.8 million in february 2024 were the numbers. down to various reasons long covid, nhs delays, interest in people working from home and not set “p working from home and not set up properly in term of equipment. so that has increased. so we re also seeing a lack of confidence with candidates who. .. a lack of confidence with candidates who. and let s not forget, they went into the job market in 2021 and 2022. salaries were at a premium. we had inflation. that inflation got to inflection point of around 10%ment and then we started to see that clients couldn t keep up that rate of inflation in terms of real pay. so today what we ve got is low unemployment, candidates sat on relatively high salary premiums in the professional services space. why would they move at the moment? so we need confidence to come back. we need to start seeing enter prize businesses hiring and we need to see some stability in the marketplace. the marketplace. and, of course. the marketplace. and, of course, all the marketplace. and, of course, all the the marketplace. and, of course, all the political. course, all the political parties are talking about this, aren t they? how uk economy will be given a boost post election. we ve got the conservative manifesto coming out today. are you hopeful that whatever the outcome of the election, it will mean policies in place that will help to boost uk economy? in place that will help to boost uk econom ? . ., boost uk economy? yeah, i mean, i ll leave the boost uk economy? yeah, i mean, i ll leave the politics boost uk economy? yeah, i mean, i ll leave the politics to i ll leave the politics to politicians. but from a working perspective, firstly we need stability. we need a decision. then we need a government that s going to start looking at how we can encourage workers back in. so examples of that would be greater learning and education. we know there s going to have to be a huge reskilling of the workforce with the increase in al. and actually, we re looking at perhaps half of the professional working force having to reskill by 2030. i think things around how we can support employees as well in terms of cost of living right now are going to be really important. now are going to be really important- now are going to be really imortant. . ., important. thanks, toby. good to net important. thanks, toby. good to get your important. thanks, toby. good to get your take. staying in the uk the lack of affordable housing is a big issue and with an election imminent this problem is getting a lot of attention. the uk has the highest housing costs in the english speaking world with typically more than a quarter of disposable income spent on housing. so what are the wider issues in the housing sector across the uk and why aren t enough homes being built? here s our economics editor faisal islam. as the cost of living squeeze from energy and food costs starts to settle, there is no such luck with housing. mortgage and rental costs are still rising the latter by record amounts. this is a long term issue basic supply and demand as you can see at this new housing development in warwickshire. many of these new homes are going forjust over £300,000. that s bang on the average house price in this country. and we can see how that s changed over the past three decades or so no surprise to see that line going up and up. what has changed has been the relationship with affordability. back in the late 90s, five years worth of annual average income was more than the average house price. now, it s crossed over, the gap is massive and looks very difficult to bridge. it s all about house building. successive governments over years, over decades, have made big promises on house building, often not met. this is what s happened for england, over the past ten years, broken down per three month quarter. a similar pattern across the united kingdom. the conservatives made a promise in 2017, a manifesto commitment in 2019, to meet a target of 300,000 homes per year by the mid 2020s, so that s about 75,000 a quarter. it s only even nearly met in a single quarter, and that s because of a rush on green targets, then it falls quite sharply in the second half of last year. now, the government argues it has met a separate, lower target of a million new homes in the past parliament, but we don t have the full figures for that yet. the labour party say it will continue that target for the next five years if it wins 1.5 million new homes over that five year period. the financial crisis, the pandemic, rising interest rates and inflation all can be blamed, but mass house building has only historically been done when government funds it, and the parties seem to agree there isn t the money. in the 60s, local authorities were building a lot of social housing, and that has died down in the 90s, and without this push, we can never get enough new builds. and then there s planning. yes, 50, planning permission has therefore been refused. up and down the country, in lengthy councillors meetings just like these, now recorded on council websites. applause. ..there are the familiar sight and sound of new homes not being built, planning permission refused repeatedly. the two main parties do differ here. labour says it s willing to build on specific areas of the green belt that are not so green they call the grey belt. ultimately, both for buying and renting, supply not responding to demand means higher housing costs, the most enduring aspect of the cost of living crisis. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. singapore airlines has set aside more than a million dollars in compensation for the injured passengers of a flight which suffered severe turbulence last month while flying from london to singapore. the flight diverted to bangkok. at the time passengers recounted scenes of absolute terror and one british passenger died from a suspected heart attack during the incident. live now to nick marsh in our asia business hub. tell us more about the offer. what does it mean to the passengers? what does it mean to the ”asseners? ,, ., ~ , passengers? sing apore airlines have off offered passengers? sing apore airlines have off offered $10,000 - passengers? sing apore airlines have off offered $10,000 to - have off offered $10,000 to each passenger who received minor injuries. i ve reached out to singapore airlines and asked firstly, what does minor mean and how many passengers are we talking about? they haven t responded as of yet. i ll keep you updated when they do. but we do know that more than a hundred people were treated in hospital after that flight diverted to bangkok following that turbulence. so we re talking about at least a hundred people entitled to this $10,000. for people who sustained more severe injuries, they ve been offered an initial advance payment of $25,000 us. and that s actually subject to negotiation depending on how bad your injuries were. in terms of the actual flight, sally, i ll remind people watching what happened. it was a flight from london to singapore. it hit really bad turbulence over myanmar. the plane dropped 178 feet more than 50 metres in less than five seconds. when through all kinds of g force changes. people said it was an absolutely terrifying experience. one man, obviously, sadly died. and bad news for singapore airlines who had been doing really well financially up doing really well financially up to then. now they ll have to she“ up to then. now they ll have to shell out all of the compensation money. 0k, compensation money. ok, thank you for the latest. the oil giant, bp, has tightened its rules on workplace relationships after its former boss was dismissed for failing to disclose details about his personal relationships with colleagues. senior managers must now report any intimate relationships that have taken place with colleagues in the last three years. with more, here s david waddell. bp s chief executive was sacked in december, accused of certificate yours misconduct serious misconduct. he lost his jobs along with millions of pounds of share allowances and bonuses. in december, the firm accused its former boss of providing inaccurate assurances as part of 2022 investigation. they said he knowingly misled the board. at the time, mr luney said he was disappointed with the way the situation had been handled. this week, bp said it had updated its conflict of interest policy after looking at comparable organisations and good industry practice. previously, employees were only required to disclose and record family or intimate relationships at work if they felt there could be a conflict of interest. but this policy goes much wider. about 4,500 managers have been asked to submit any reports in the next three months whether or not they feel they represent a conflict of interest. the company said the changes reflect the influ especially that leaders have, and any failure of compliance could lead to disciplinary action. the chartered institute of personnel and development said that any relationships between managers and employees would be a clear conflict of interest, and should be reported as they could create risks around confidentiality and fairness. now will you be popping out for a run after this programme? maybe you are on the treadmill now. this week in the uk, it is bike week, and many use one of a number of fitness apps to track progress against goals when they re doing such activities. so the fitness world has delivered a number of devices and apps to allow users to take part in a growing community. strava is one of them. it currently has 120 million users around the world. joining me now is the company s ceo michael martin. i assume that you are a strava user. i i assume that you are a strava user. ., ., i assume that you are a strava user. . ., , ., user. i am, i have been for the last seven user. i am, i have been for the last seven years user. i am, i have been for the last seven years what - user. i am, i have been for the last seven years what is - user. i am, i have been for the last seven years what is that? l last seven years what is that? running, hiking, cycling? soi primarily go on runs, often with my dog, as well as walks, swims and cycling. swims and cycling. ok, this week is bike swims and cycling. ok, this week is bike week- swims and cycling. ok, this week is bike week in - swims and cycling. ok, this week is bike week in uk. i swims and cycling. ok, this i week is bike week in uk. the whole point of is to encourage people on to their bikes, to change their transport option from maybe going in a car to cycling. that kind of thing, increasing health, wellbeing. do you see. do you notice a difference during the weeks in strava. do you see a surge of activity? strava. do you see a surge of activi ? ~ ., ., ., activity? we do, although those surues activity? we do, although those surges during activity? we do, although those surges during weeks activity? we do, although those surges during weeks like - activity? we do, although those surges during weeks like this i surges during weeks like this are actually relatively minor versus the overall trends in growth on cycling overall. specifically in the uk and also specifically to commute. ok. specifically to commute. 0k, and ust specifically to commute. 0k, and just talk specifically to commute. 0k, and just talk us specifically to commute. ok, and just talk us through how artificial intelligence is changing what you offer? i presume you re going to be moving in that direction? absolutely. one of the things that we announced recently is our first products using ai. i ve worked with artificial intelligence and machine learning for almost a decade now. i ve never been particularly interested in the novelty of the technology, but i ve been amazed by its ability to solve real problems. and combining artificial intelligence with the world s. .. intelligence with the world s. with the data from the world s largest active community, i believe is going to unlock new types of motivation and get more people on their bikes more frequently. so, it s a win win from your perspective. there are those who say that there are cheats on strava. this is something i ve been hearing, in the sense that you ve got your leaderboards and it can be quite competitive in terms of who s the fastest on a particular route, etc. how do you counter that? how do you make sure that someone is genuine in terms of the data that they re putting in? that s a problem that they re putting in? that s a problem that that they re putting in? that s a problem that strava - that they re putting in? that s a problem that strava has - a problem that strava has frankly had for quite a while. it s one of the most requested fixes that the community has asked for. and given my background in tech, it s actually a perfect example of a problem that al is suited to solve. before it was very, very difficult to actually discern with great precision and accuracy what was a false record versus somebody who was just doing better than everybody else. but that is tailor made for artificial intelligence, and that was one of the other announcements that we made recently. that s the second way that we re going to be deploying ai second way that we re going to be deploying al to help people on strava. ., . , be deploying al to help people on strava- on strava. how many of your users are on strava. how many of your users are free on strava. how many of your users are free users? - on strava. how many of your users are free users? and i on strava. how many of your i users are free users? and how many are on paying you a subscription? what s the percentage? brute subscription? what s the percentage? subscription? what s the ”ercentae? ~ ., ,. percentage? we don t disclose that. but percentage? we don t disclose that- but i percentage? we don t disclose that. but | will percentage? we don t disclose that. but i will say percentage? we don t disclose that. but i will say that - percentage? we don t disclose that. but i will say that we ve i that. but i will say that we ve been seeing growth, both in terms of the free usage, but also growth in terms of our subscriber base and we re really excited. that growth has continued following the pandemic. and it s actually accelerated within the last year. accelerated within the last ear. , ., ., year. and i understand that ou re year. and i understand that you re moving year. and i understand that you re moving to year. and i understand that you re moving to try - year. and i understand that you re moving to try to - you re moving to try to encourage more women to use so what s the plan from that point of view? ~ , ,., , ., of view? absolutely. the women are under pen of view? absolutely. the women are under pen rated of view? absolutely. the women are under pen rated in of view? absolutely. the women are under pen rated in terms - of view? absolutely. the women are under pen rated in terms of. are under pen rated in terms of their activity in sport overall. and i believe that strava has a true opportunity here to actually make sport more inclusive, specifically for herself. so we ve announced a number of features intended to help with some of the challenges that she has, specifically things that would allow women to feel more safe as they go for a run or for a ride. give them more control of the information that they share. and i think that s going to be great for them. we re seeing the early data right now. just this year in the uk, for the last six months, we re seeing womenjoin strava for the last six months, we re seeing women join strava at twice the rate of last year. but then i think that those tools and those capabilities will also broadly applicable to others in the flat for as well. 0k, others in the flat for as well. ok, interesting on the platform as well. ok, interesting. thank you for joining us on the programme. thank you. thank you. thankyou. thank ou. ., thank you. so whatever you re u . thank you. so whatever you re u- to thank you. so whatever you re up to today. thank you. so whatever you re up to today, maybe thank you. so whatever you re up to today, maybe you re - thank you. so whatever you re i up to today, maybe you re going on your bike or going for a run enjoy. thank you for your company. i ll see you soon. hello, there. for most of us, it has been a disappointing start to the week, in terms of the weather. a frequent rash of showers, particularly across scotland, gusts of winds coming from the north, and in excess of 30 mph, at times. temperatures struggled to get into double figures, but it was a slightly different story, further south and west. just look at anglesey beautiful afternoon, lots of sunshine and temperatures peaked at around 18 or 19 degrees. high pressure is continuing to nudge its way in from the west, so west will be best, through the course of tuesday. there s still likely to be a few showers around, but hopefully few and further between. most frequent showers, certainly, are going to be across eastern scotland and down through eastern england. so, sunny spells and scattered showers going into the afternoon. that will have an impact with the temperature, 14 or 15 degrees, but again, with a little more shelter, a little more sunshine, 17 or 18 celsius not out of the question. a few scattered showers moving their way through northern ireland and scotland. hopefully, some of these will ease through the afternoon, but you can see those temperatures still really struggling ten to 15 degrees at the very best. now, as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, this little ridge of high pressure will continue to kill off the showers. so, wednesday is likely to be the driest day of the week and make the most of it there s more rain to come, but it will be a pretty chilly start, once again, to wednesday morning. single figures right across the country, low single figures in rural spots. but, hopefully, the showers should be a little bit few and further between and more favoured spots for those showers, once again, to the east of the pennines. more sunshine out to the west. temperatures, generally, similar values to what we ve seen all week, 10 to 18 degrees the high, but the wind direction will start to change, as we move into thursday. unfortunately, towards the end of the week, this low pressure will take over. we ll see further spells of rain at times, some of it heavy. but the wind direction will play its part, a little a south westerly wind means that we will see temperatures climbing a degree or so. don t expect anything too significant, because we ve got the cloud and the rain around. but it s not out of the question that across eastern and southeast england, we could see highs of 20 celsius. take care. good morning welcome to breakfast withjon kay and sally nugent, our headlines today. a promise to cut another two pence from national insurance as the conservatives launch their general election manifesto. labour say the prime minister is desperate good morning from taunton in somerset, one of the new constituencies in this election. we have been talking to voters about what matters to them most and whether they have decided where they will be putting their cross on the 4th ofjuly. former rugby union player ed slater pays tribute to rob burrow and says thank you for supporting people with motor neurone disease. in sport, scotland are already there. now, after a royal send off england are, too. gareth southgate s squad arrive at their euros base in germany with the tournament starting on friday. good morning. we are seeing some sunshine today but generally there will be a lot of cloud, some showers. showers especially in eastern areas and it

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Transcripts For CNN CNN News Central 20240611

what is good to talk about in politics. what is good for politics and not, here s an interesting one, donald trump now wondering aloud about taylor swift is apparently coming from an excerpt from a forthcoming book about his work with with the producer of the apprentice. a conversation that took place as in november 2023, trump saying this about taylor swift. i think she s a liberal. she probably doesn t like trump, but she is liberal or is that just an act he asks, she she s legitimately liberal. it s not an act, it surprises me that a country star can be, can be successful, being liberal trump said before the author noted that s with crossover to pop music years ago, the crossover, she, she can, she can do whatever she wants. i would say is it good for politics to take on taylor swift i mean, this is this just goes into that bucket of weird and strange that we are seeing pop up almost every single day in this campaign. kate. but again, i think the more than donald trump focuses and n is obsessed with somebody like taylor swift, the better it is for democrats because i think we do know that she s liberal. we do know that she probably will not vote for donald trump and she may even come out in and endorsed joe biden and kamala harris and the democrats before the november election, which i think would be the republicans and donald trump s biggest nightmare. and that s probably why he s injecting this question mark into this election for whatever reason, he might think helps him. but again, this just goes into the weirdness of what this campaign is. and it gives us the opportunity to talk about the weirdness of donald trump. and again, that does nothing to take away from his base but we know that his base will probably never leave him no matter what. but it does go into that category of moderates and common sense republicans that are going to think, wow, this man to just there s something not right up there this man is not fit for office the biggest night for your nightmare for republicans and donald trump taylor swift, you heard it here. it s good to see you guys. thank you so much the next hours in a new central starts now a verdict could come this morning very shortly. the jury and the hunter biden s gun trial resumes deliberations. the murder rate in the us could be headed to its largest annual decline ever big drops in crime across the board. what the new data tells us, and the bombshells secret supreme court tapes chief justice john roberts samuel alito samuel alito s wife, the one with the flag s. she even talks about flags sara is out today. i m john berman with kate bolduan in this this cnn new set standing by for another historic verdict, very soon to 12 men and women weighing hunter biden s fate will resume deliberations after meeting for just over an hour? yes. but i and any minute we could see the president s son for the first time. today walking into the courthouse that is where he s expected to have to wait or nearby as the jurors decide whether to convict get him on three felony charges related to a 2018 gun purchase. hunter biden faces up to 25 years in prison if he is convicted on all three counts, it is however unlikely. we re told that he would serve that kind of jail time still standing by to standby to here exactly what this jury decides. cnn s marshall cohen outside the court four just once again, how is jury deliberations going to look this morning okay. good morning. it s 8:00 now. and the jury is expected back in one hour, 9:00 a.m. they got one hour of deliberations in the books yesterday before breaking through the night. and they will resume this morning. now, the judge who has been overseeing this case she doesn t feel the need to bring the jurors into the actual courtroom at nine and wish them a good morning. they can go straight to the jury box and once they are all here here today, they can resume those deliberations on the three felony charges that hunter biden is facing for allegedly purchasing and possessing a gun while addicted to it is illegal drugs. now, i should note that, yes, there are three top line charges here, but underneath each one of those counts are a series of elements of each crime that the jurors need to deliberate and degree on unanimously for each element of each crime that s in this indictment. look, you mentioned it he is convicted on all three charges he could face prison time up to 25 years. that seems highly unlikely though, given the fact that he is a first-time offender. but as we sit here, for and wait for the verdict, the fate of the president s son is in the hands of those 12 jurors from delaware six men and six women. there ll be back in about one hour to finish up marshall, we ve seen the first lady going into court. we know that a hunter biden s other members of hunter biden s family have also been in the courtroom as any family does. and can to show their support for him. but that became part of the prosecutor s closing argument. why? yeah. it is, of course, common for defendants to have the support of their family it s pretty rare for those family members to have their own secret service agents following their every move. but they really beefed up the presence yesterday for the closing arguments. obviously, there was the first lady, jill biden president biden s sister, valerie, was their president biden s brother, james hunters, younger sister, ashley, they were all there in the pews. and the prosecutors noticed one of the very first things okay that the special counsel, prosecutor leo wise, said in his closing arguments to the jury, was that they may recognize some faces in the gallery from the news. they america may recognize some of those vips from the community here in wilmington. but respectfully, none of that matters. that s what he s said. none of that matters. he wants them to focus on the evidence, which in the view of the prosecution is overwhelming. kate, jury begins liberation very soon. marcia, thank you. john wright with us now cnn senior data reporter, harry and harry were talking about the hunter biden trial what does the data show about what people think about this trial? well, in terms of how hunter biden has been treated. yeah. you know, there s this real thing. what hunter biden even be on trial if he wasn t the president s son, there are a lot of folks who are on hunter biden signed are and joe biden cited say they wouldn t even be brought. that s not necessarily the case. all right. according to the public legal systems treatment of hunter bye. now, this was after the criminal indictments of them, but before this most recent trial, look at is 66% set of americans say that the legal system, treatment of hunter biden has been fair. in fact according to the polling, if anything, they think it s been not harsh enough on him. just 27% of americans think that the legal system has been unfair. so the fact is, most americans have no problem with hunter biden being on trial. his favorite bility ratings are quite low and it s something thank when you look at the polling, why the white house i think is genuinely worried because he s definitely in their minds potentially a liability for me, at least outside of joe biden and think that, well, the important thing to remember is that it s hunter biden? correct. who is on trial here, not president joe biden, but there is some data in terms of what the public thinks about the president in how he views are is i guess connected to his son. yeah. you know, sort of my leading question here. all right. hunter biden s legal troubles and joe biden, hunter hunters troubles are related to joe 46% related to juror, correct? i m related to job. thank you. 46% say that is believable that they were unrelated to joe. that is the plurality believe it is unrelated to joe biden, just 37% of americans believe that is not believe well, that s a good number for joe biden. how about this joe biden is a good dad by supporting his son, the clear majority, 54% say that that is believable, and this is, i think the polling that joe biden sort of two, is listening to saying, you know, what first off, i don t necessarily care about the public, but secondly, i think the public thinks i d be a pretty good dad by supporting his son. yeah, he may not be looking at the polling all at all when it comes to his public statements about this trial or his son, he may just being a dead dead. what is the potential impact on the left? yeah. a very probably not much at all because the clear majority of folks believed that hunter biden s illegal troubles. they have no impact on their vote. yes, there s this 23% who say they re less likely to vote for joe biden. but you know who that is, 23% are there republicans who weren t going to vote for joe biden anyway? or 4%. therefore, who say it s more likely to vote for joe biden, but you can get for free percent of americans to basically say hard to see the logic there. all right, harriet and great to see you much some police in china have now arrested a man. they say stabbed for americans in broad daylight video appears to show the victims on the ground clearly bloodied and chinese tourist was also interviewed that video though not seen on social media in china as it was swiftly censored after being published. the four americans injured are instructors from cornell college in cornell college in iowa, who were in northeast china as part of an exchange program, officials say they are all in stable condition, but it s unclear what motivated this attack seen as marc stewart is in the city where this attack happened, joining us now, what are you learning about this arrest mark ross has been made. kate police confirmed it just a short time ago. this is a 55-year-old mad and according greene to police, he said he was walking when he bumped into this group of four americans. these for educators. and then somehow this stabbing took place that injured all four of them, as well as a chinese tourists who stepped into you re being. we just got back from the actual stabbing side. it s about 15 hike from where we are now and when we arrived, there was basically no evidence that anything ever happened. look like some of the blood on the ground had been washed away a contrast to what we saw yesterday when we sell these people on the ground, bloody, clearly, a need of help. i should point out that this park is very similar to a park you would see in any suburb in the united states. we ve been here for just a few hours. there are hiking trails. there is a train, there is a temple, there is no reason, but it s a feel safe here. so obviously, a lot part of holes in the story. the blanks needs to be filled in. let s also look at the backdrop in china right now, there is certainly arise in nationalism something that i hear in conversations with people that i have here in china. it s also apparent on social media, yet at the same time, we have chinese president xi jinping very anxious to welcome american students here as part of study abroad programs. in fact, when he was in the united states last fall, he mentioned bringing as many as 50,000 americans and just last week even made a personal reach out to an institution in the united states to have this kind of exchange. so it will be interesting to see if this incident has any kind of damper on things and finally, kate, you alluded to this at the beginning. no one here knew about what happened. for a good 48 hours as soon as this happened, social media posts were scrubbed. it wasn t until we heard from officials and iowa that this came to surface. in fact, just a few minutes ago, there were a group of people gathered around, someone cell phone trying to get the latest information that is the environment, the surveillance state ms fear often that we see here in china, kate marc stewart. thank you so much for your legs reporting work. john wright, new statements this morning and the prospects of a ceasefire and hostage deal in gaza is their new reason for hope it is forecast to be one of the worst hurricanes seasons in some time now he worries that the government cannot afford it in a brazen porch. theft caught on video to be clear, the porch was not stolen. that s relief. what was on it was you. 19th cnn celebrate juneteenth, which special performances by john legend hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn greeting seven 730. yeah that s not good. happened huge things happen happens. be there with three, learn more at minute 30 minutes. good one remember, i don t want surgery for my duper trends can traction to i don t want to wait for my contracture to get worse. three, i want to treatment with minimal downtime for i want to non-surgical treatment good boy. and five. and if non-surgical treatment is an offer i ll get a second opinion let s go take charge of your treatment. if you can t 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bit from medium rare well done so many ways to save life, ready while it happy. but 365 by whole foods market unique style, cutting-edge innovation, and thoughtful details inspired by you. this is the all electric rz this is lexis election sure. five first, we did the impossible. then you age so many of them possible that we completely ran out. and now there the law cookies back-end subway at morgan stanley old school, hard work meets ball, new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you shopping unparalleled selection at joy i voted buttons, dragging my remote kid it s like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there s room for everyone. yeah chins puke rainbows, white taken this morning, secretary of state tony blinken is now in jordan for gathering of leaders focused on getting more humanitarian aid into gaza. earlier he was in israel where he met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, blinken, telling reporters that there is a consensus among netanyahu and other leaders to move forward on a proposed ceasefire deal that was just approved by the un security council. cnn s oren liebermann is in tel aviv. how much consensus really is there that where do things stand okay. this appears to be more positive position than we ve seen in quite some time now, when it comes to the efforts to reach a ceasefire and a hostage release between israel and hamas. secretary if they d anthony blinken making a whirlwind trip through the region, first, he was in egypt at the start of the week than a series of meetings with israeli leaders, the prime minister, the defense minister, the opposition leader the member of the war cabinet, who just resigned. and now he s in jordan and then we ll be going to cut her. so a lot of the key players needed to get not only the israelis on board and the biden administration is clearly confident that they have the israelis agreeing to the ceasefire proposal. but now to try to push hamas to agree to the ceasefire proposal that s on the table. there have been some positive noises coming from hamas, both in reaction to the un security council resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire, end to the proposal on the table. the question of course, is in the details and that remains to be seen because the process has fallen apart repeatedly on the details in the past, sill, blinken knows who he has to convince here and that s the head of hamas s military in gaza, the most powerful person in the organization, right now, yahya sinwar, he was a blinken said a short time ago there are those who have influenced, but influences one thing actually getting a decision made is the another thing i don t think anyone other than the hamas leadership in gaza actually are the ones who can make make decisions that s what we re waiting now, the wall street journal was able to view messages written by yahya sinwar over the course of the negotiations and from the start of the war, and they give an interesting insight into his mindset and his person spective in one of these messages, the wall street journal viewed which cnn cannot verify sinwar says, we have the israelis, right where we want them. sinwar sit in a recent message two hamas officials i think the broker an agreement with qatari and egyptian officials on the big picture perspective on how many pills to palestinians have been killed here it is clear from these alleged messages that sinwar views this as something almost necessary to push forward the palestinian national cause. here s another quote from the wall street journal. in one message to hamas leaders in doha, sinwar cited civilian losses in national liberation conflicts in places such as algeria, where hundreds of thousands of people died fighting for independence from france, saying these are necessary sacrifices. it s that mindset that blinken is trying to work towards agreeing to a ceasefire here. it s a key question. again, kate, we appear to be closer than we ve been in quite some time now. and yet doesn t mean the process is over or complete at all. absolutely great reporting as always. thank you so much. john wright joining us now is aveyron my year the uncle of former hostage almog my ear, who was rescued over the weekend, sir. thank you so much for being with us while we have you. just give us an update that was elmo doing this morning at a mortgage generally. okay and these drawing to digest what happened with him in the last eight months. and specifically in the last three days you said when he was first released, what he wanted most was a hug and ayesha warmer. how many hugs and chihuahuas has he had now over the last four days? lots of hogs, one shawwa bma but later that day, that s a good ratio. i ll take that ratio any day. what have you learned? what has he told you about his captivity we haven t had the opportunity to talk quietly together. but generally, in the last six months is spent time with two other hostages in the same place. within re kozlov and shlomi ziv and at that time, they were like a team. they are very good friends. they have their own nicknames. they have their own terminology there were lots of time together and they really, really love one each other i heard no daylight kept in the dark for months. what can you tell us about that? i didn t understand. i question, please. one of the things i heard you say is that he was kept inside with no daylight more or less in the dark for four months yes. it s right there in the last six months, this is what i know. i don t know what happened in the first two months but in the last six months, the evan been allowed to leave the apartment. so they saw sound from the windows, but not the gimmick go out what gave him hope while he was in captivity, while he was being held prisoner, hostage what i can tell you is that they were together and the empowered one each other all the time. and its friends where where is back? and e were their back and they supported one each other i can tell you that in the 11th of may is so television in al jazeera? and he saw the forum, the family four room in tel aviv rally and he saw a picture of the game in that rally so we understood that is not forgotten and people are thinking about him. but more than that, it didn t know too much your nephew has now been rescued, but there are many others who are still being held hostage. what do you want to see from the israeli government? what do you want benjamin netanyahu to do? in our personal family the circle is closed and the log is here. and we are very happy. but there are still 120 families who is looking for their deer s and what we want newtoni all to do is to bring them by an agreement because we understand that operations like maga have been rescued, won t bring one other than 20 others so we want to press all the governments for the hamas and on the israeli government to sign this deal and to take out all the other hostages. back home. i have to tell you the joy of the people of israel when they saw four oxygens came back, it was incredible. the joy is enormous and if, if the people of israel will see wondering people of a 120 other hostages that will come back home. it will be a tikkun, will be fixing israel will do anything to do everything. right? it will be lots of energy for us if they re just come back around my air, please, to your nephew, were all mog more hogs and many many more sju armas. thank you so much. and we are so happy for you and your family. appreciate you being with us secret recordings of supreme court justices, even a secret recording of justice alito s wife, what happened and what alito s wife is? now saying about flying more flags at her home and there are signs of some growing support for robert kennedy jr. even in states where he s still struggling, even get on the ballot the most anticipated moment of this lecture and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two very different visions for america s future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming un-backed well done have you got the presence, the balloons, and the raptor cake now how about something to put a smile on your face aspen dental provides complete affordable care with dentists and labs in one place, plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance 20% off treatment plans for everyone quality care at a price worth celebrating its one more way aspen dental is in your corner its terms day off but neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep, blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it s light, but it s working hard hard like me, neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen. can the riva support your brain health? married janet, hey eddie know appraiser, franck. franck, bread. how are you fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge. he asked robert tracy and of course mark who delivers our sandwiches well, so my my care. you re said to get this merger done, i should ask mark. i said ask mark, ever wonder whether people with all the answers get all the answers. ask markham, accountants and advisers cities industry-leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries. and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food, to people in need together, city in the world, food programme and empower families across the globe i have moderate to severe crohn s disease. now, they re sky rozi. things are looking afghans him control i m like macron s means everything feel significant symptom relief at four weeks with skype where is he including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements skye rozi as the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improved damage of the intestinal lining the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lower ability to fight them may occur tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to liver problems may occur in crohn s disease now s the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your chrome make official start your will at trust and we ll dot com and make it count what god job and god kid bagasse you up time is precious this morning, caught on tape always provocative war. it s even more so when it is a supreme court justice and his wife and she talked about flags on a secret according justice samuel alito appeared to endorse a call to return our country to a place of godliness. a liberal activist and filmmaker presented herself as a religious conservative and secretly recorded it secretly recorded the justice and his wife at a supreme court historical society dinner the recording comes in the wake of the controversial flags being flown at alito s properties. and this is what martha alito had to say about that i want sacred garden cheeses because i had to look cross the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. exactly. who s like, oh, please don t put up a flag. i can i won t do it because i m deferring to you. but when you are free of this nonsense i m putting it up and i m going to send them message every day now, cnn has not obtained the full form of these recordings. we have also reached out to the supreme court for comment. cnn s senior supreme court analyst, joan biskupic, is with us martha alito talking about flags on tape yes. john, good to see you. and martha ends common certainly were provocative given the controversy over the flags that had flown at the alito home that appeared connected to the january 6, rioters and the stop the steal movement. but i want to focus on justice. alito and what he said at this event and also how much it echoes were justice alito has been on religion just as a leader who has acted as if religion is under siege, he s, he s said that in public comments before. he said that in his written opinions and john, let s take a listen now to what justice alito said this woman as she was surreptitiously recording him at the event last week one side or the other there can be a way of workout, way of living together, please it s different because there are differences. one fundamental things is it really can t. it s not like you re going to see what the difference yeah, john. so again, just a little context on justice alito. remember he was the one who authored the dobbs ruling two years ago that reversed all constitutional rights to abortion. he has been very outspoken. against, especially any kind of protection for lgbtq rights. he s been against gay marriage. he has been very strong on issues that have a lot of, as i said religious themes so that s the context here. and then after after he wrote the dobbs opinion, he even said in a speech at rome that religious liberty is under attack from people everywhere and especially people in power, which is somewhat ironic since he is in power, but he he did not respond to any of our requests for comment last night, but the supreme court historical society did. and let me just read what jim duff, who is head of the historical society, said. we condemn the surreptitious recording of justice s at the event, which is inconsistent with the entire spirit of the evening attendees are advised that discussion of current cases, cases decided by current sitting justices, or a justices jurisprudence is strictly prohibited and may result in forfeiture of membership in the society. but for us, john, for those of us who live in america under the rulings of the supreme court. what s important here is do know that this month the justices are about to issue rulings and so many important opinions. and we ll need to we want to see how justice alito s attitudes emerge in those rulings that will now set the law of the land. john. and interesting to hear his voice and really how different his voice was than that of chief justice john roberts, who was also recorded. what he reported the had to say also fascinating job is keep a great to see this morning. thank you very much thank the historic drop in crime across the board. the brand new statistics just out and new hope in the fight against all timers, disease as the fda is poised to approve a new drug the most anticipated moment of this election, and the stakes couldn t be higher the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america s future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27, nine live on cnn. and streaming on max perfect de, for a family outing shingles. doesn t care, but she words protects only shingles has proven over 90% effective she fingers is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older, does not protect everyone that is not for those with severe 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gotten me. i saw them. that s what i got. gotten me juicy kernels and use holes. you don t role on rozi this election season, stay with cnn, with more reporters on the ground round and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results follow the facts follow. cnn so. new data from the fbi shows violent crime in the us is falling. the murder rate has dropped dramatically and could be headed for its largest annual decline ever seen as josh campbell is with us now and you know, josh crime is a lot like gas prices. we hear a lot about it it s going up and not nearly as much what it s going down. and it seems to be going down a lot right now yeah, it is. i mean, this trend that we re seeing now, very promising when we talk about violent crime, when we talk about murders, get you straight to the numbers here. you can see this is based on new preliminary data from the fbi they found in the first three three months of this year, murders are down 26% reported rapes decreased by nearly 26% aggravated assault is down. robberies or down, you look at property crimes, the same trend their burgers have dropped nearly 17%. motor vehicle thefts have decreased about 17%. so across the board and regions across the united how did it states they re seeing these drops based on this initial data i particularly want it focused in on murders. now, there s a caveat, obviously, this prelim preliminary, the year isn t up yet, but murder right now is down by 80% in places like boston, over 40% in cities like new orleans seattle, baltimore, and fill it dell fea, murder spiked about 30% during the pandemic, but then started to fall. i ve been talking with crime data analysts who say that if these numbers now hold, we could see a potential historic drop here throughout the rest of this year. so as we look at this trend some, obviously some promising data when you look at prime across the country, john, look this is the type of data that i imagine everyone, all of the evidence that we have so far is showing a basically a double decline relative to what it was last year at this point, last year, it was down about ten or 11%. now we re talking 19 or 20%. it s plausible that this will be by far the largest one-year decline in american history. so obviously one of the analysts, we were speaking with, and as you were saying they re john, i mean, we often focused on a lot of different facts and figures in life. nothing more personal than when we re talking about crime, whether it s crime that s impacting us, whether it s crime that is impacting members of our community. of course, we are hearing from people like the attorney general who are now speaking out touting these numbers the attorney general saying yesterday in a statement that this continued historic decline in homicides does not represent abstract statistics. it represents people whose lives were saved, people who are still here to see their children grow up to work toward fulfilling their dreams and to contribute to their communities unities. we also heard the president come out with similar statements. of course, this is a topic that can always be improved when we talk about crime. and so this is not certainly not something to celebrate when there was work to be done, but when you look at that trend, particularly after the pandemic, when we saw so much violence is certainly moving in the right direction. and this is the type of trend that we ve all been waiting for, you good to hear, good to see you. josh campbell. thank you very much for that democratic senator bob menendez will soon be returning to court where he is facing federal bribery charges. the prosecution s star witness will also then be back on the stand, which is new jersey businessman jose uribe. he delivered testimony yesterday about the senator, seen as jason carroll, following all of this, he s outside of the court. what s going to happen today? jason well, i think we re expected to hear more of what we heard yesterday, except the only difference is this time the defense gets its chance to question jose uribe yesterday. he provided a lot of detailed information about conversations he said he had with senator menendez directly related to bribery. now remember you rebate as someone who wanted these criminal investigations in new jersey to go away? because they could have implicated people who he was very close to. he knew nadine menendez, he knew she needed a brand new car. and so he says he gave her $15,000 to buy a brand new mercedes in exchange for the senator s influence. he talked about a dinner, for example, august 2019 where he says, i get to ask him, him, meaning senator menendez, for the first time? explain what is worrying me so much. i asked him if there s anything in his power that he can do to stop these investigations. he says menendez answered he would look into it then september of 2019 he says he was at nadine menendez home. he says he wrote down the names of the people in question relate get to that investigation. he says he put it on a piece of paper, senator menendez folded it up and put it in his pocket. then october 29, 2019, he says he got a call all from senator menendez, and basically he told jurors that he felt as though that the situation had been settled and he choked up when he s talked about this, when he testified because he felt like it was all over finally, then at a dinner, kate and 2020, he says menendez told him, i saved your twice not one but twice now senator menendez, for his part, has pleaded not guilty. he says there were no ghraieb that took place here. he says he was simply acting on behalf of his concern so his attorneys get a chance to cross-examine jose uribe later this morning good to see you, jason. thank you so much john alright. new evidence that independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. is enjoying significant support in one crucial state cnn s even makin reports from wisconsin on a 17 acre tree farm in sackville, wisconsin, dells stand braunton rides around the land with hope. the 2024 election will bring monumental change, shreve in 2020, i voted for trump, but now he says, the former president sounds like a broken record. it s all about the election was rigged and the court system is re this year, the wedding venue owner who plans to eventually transform his property into a wellness retreat is all in for independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. bobby s the first candidate who i ve actually felt good about. i think a lot of people are very frustrated with voting for the lesser of two evils. is that how you view the major party candidates? yeah, absolutely a self-described conservative, independent stan braunton shares kennedy s vaccine skepticism and learned of him through kennedy s work with the anti-vaccine group, children s health defense the 62-year-old typically votes for republicans, but he s attracted to kennedy s anti-establishment message, ending the form was the financial corrupt sure within our government agencies in the fact that we can t trust our government agencies to do their jobs because they ve been hijacked by corporate interests. you don t think are government agencies can be trusted know why? because they re bought and paid for. i found a video rfk hey, junior on youtube, recent college grad katie zimmerman voted for president joe biden in 2020. but now she spends her saturday mornings tabling at farmers markets like this one in wahba tomasa for the kennedy campaign he s coming to all voters and saying like, if you vote for me, like you ll be able to afford buy a house. first is i haven t necessarily heard if biden say things like that, that appeal to me. if ultimately trump gets reelected how would you feel about that? i would not feel really great about that if he was elected into office, but i i wouldn t necessarily feel any guilt because i was able to have a choice and who i wanted to vote for dog denticola is a long democrat who never thought he would find himself lobbying trump s supporters. to switched to kennedy. what do you think this has go to 24. go watch when he s going to do you haven t even given him a chance, because he doesn t ever what chance anyway, is it hard to convince trump s supporters to vote for kennedy? yeah, i actually just appreciate that he was willing to stop and talk to me, fed up with political polarization, denticola thinks kennedy can bring americans together and isn t worried about him taking votes from biden or trump i person like bobby kennedy, who is really a message of unity, a message for all people i think that s why he s going to actually pull a lot of voters in both sides back on deal s farm. i shared desire for unity to address a deeply divided country. if we don t make some changes and find somebody who has played up solutions and somebody who we can trust who wants to bring us together we re going to be in a world of hurt and john kennedy s coalition of voters. they really span the political spectrum. polling data indicates the largest contingent could actually be those who didn t support either candidate in 2020. so he s bringing new voters into the fold. a lot of his support also comes from so-called double-haters. those holding an unfavorable view of both biden and trump, john, or even again, for us, fresh back from a trip to wisconsin, eva great to see you. thank you. so female helps people in communities pick up the pieces after disaster strikes. but now the federal agency is facing a disaster of its own. the new warning that theme is disaster relief fund could run out of money by the end of summer. and a driver was trapped at the bottom of a ravine the length his own dog went to save him devastating and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened in faraway lands and it s easy the to think it can t happen here if one hits home, will we be ready? silent, earth would liev schreiber, sunday at night on cnn. it s so easy to get your windshields replaced using safe flight until the people i haven t done it already. my man had started off as a ship and grew into a crack and it just keeps going. so what do we do now? i went ahead and schedule an appointment mean online at safe, told them he is here at the beach. let s get started rupert safely replace schedule free mobile service at safe safe night. we place at morgan stanley old old-school hard work meets ball, new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you to make them real first we did the impossible. you age so many of impossible that we completely ran out. and now they re but, luck cookie is back at subway kinda riva support your brain health. mary janet, hey, eddie, know, fraser, franck, franck, bread. how are you? fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge from media kim rare well done so many ways to save life ready while it happened that s 365 by whole 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business, internet for he s get the information they need instant. i can feel the wind the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president s, once moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max. and rafael romo, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn so new this morning a panel of independent advisers to the fda gave their approval to eli lilly s experimental alzheimer s drug is still has to get full approval from the agency, but it has a lot of people excited. our chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta is year. what are we talking about here? sanjay? good morning, john yeah, potentially a big deal here there are no drugs to cure or to prevent alzheimer. so what we re talking about here are medications that can slow the progression of symptoms once they start. and if this gets approved this would now be the second drug that could do that sort of thing. as you know, john, the fda advisory committee that s an independent committee. they make their recommendations. they recommended this be approved. the fda usually follows her guidance, not always, but this is certainly a good sign and that approval could come by the end of the year so for this particular study, they looked at 1,700 people, just over 1,700 people between the ages of 6085 and these were people who had mild cognitive impairment. so this was early part of their diagnosis, early part of their disease and they gave them this drug and what they found was that over time, over 76 weeks that about a 29% reduction in cognitive decline. so they got worse, more slowly. it s not that they reverse the disease. it s not that they stalled the disease. they got worse more slowly, about 29%. so that is the big number in terms of benefit. the committee was paying attention to. on the flip side of that, let me tell you quickly, john, is the risks there are risks of these drugs specifically something known as aria, which stands for amyloid related imaging abnormality. you don t need to remember that, but basically it s these bleeds that can occur in the brain in response to the drug and what they found was about 37% of the people who are getting the medication compared to placebo, 14% did have evidence of these, these changes in the brain related to the amyloid. three people did die as well in that trial. so that was something that committee looked at very, very closely and still determined that the benefits outweigh the risks. john sanjay two very important questions. number one, how do you say the drugs named? because i can t make it out. i can t make sense of that in number two, how exactly does this one work yeah so the nonna mab and mab, which you hear at the end of a lot of these drugs, stands for monoclonal antibody. the other drug that i was talking about, lecanemab also a monoclonal antibody and a lot of people know monoclonal antibodies. they learned about them during the pandemic. but you re essentially giving the antibodies as part of the drug let me show you this quick animation of how it works. you know, amyloid is this protein plaque that builds up in the brain. when you give these medications, it can basically disrupt some of the building blocks of those plaques not allowing them to form as well or clearing them after they ve already formed so that s that s basically how these monoclonal antibody drugs work. and again, this might be the second one. what i tell you one interesting thing about this, this trial the ilo liliya suggesting that they follow the amount of amyloid that people have in their brain. and if the amyloid clears they suggest that maybe just stopping the drug it s a monthly infusion. but they say if the amyloid has gone no need to continue taking the drug when you typically think of the drugs, you think of them as lifelong for the rest of your life. maybe not the case here we ll see how the fda weighs in on that the nonna map sounds like sesame street phenomena to me, which is how i ll remember from now on how many people are we talking about that this could benefit hard to remember yeah. so you got about in the country, got about 6 million people who have alzheimer disease carry the diagnosis, but about 1 million who fall into that early stage category. again, keep in mind someone goes in there now developing early symptoms, sometimes hard to diagnose but potentially 1 million people taking the medication, right now. that is the population. will see in the future if some of these medications get approved for people who are further along in their diagnosis while got moderate or severe now so many people take any any promising news when it comes to all timers. they wanted, they take it so seriously, dr. sanjay gupta, thanks so much for being with us. appreciate it. and this does then the official portrait of king charles has now been vandalized and there s video of it seen as max foster spring. i m in from london. max, what has happened? what is this? well, is a pressure group and they are against cruelty on farms so this is the very famous painting, of course it was famous because lots of people didn t like it, but lots of people did like it. is charles his first official portrait as king these, activists came along making the point that king charles is patron of the rspca, as it s called an animal welfare organization and they have a short farms scheme and the activists say, those farms still are cruel to animals. some of them, so they want to get rid of this assured scheme. so they re basically animal rights activists accusing the king of being hypocritical overseeing an organization which isn t protecting animal rights. so they created this cartoon characters all right, just saying this cruelty on farms. and they use the british characters cartoon characters, wallace and gromit for that. so it s making lots of headlines this is the picture kate you ll remember it. lots of people describing it as some sort of hellscape or him bathing in blood. but it s become a very famous photo. it s become a really big thing on social media. so they re getting lots of attention for it. also. i mean, it is a bit an official portion of the case. i mean, there are people in this group gonna get in trouble from it for this. i mean, let s i think so because from what we can tell, there isn t glass along the front of it either, but it does look as though no paint was used, there s certainly some glue that was used. i think it s certainly going to be seized as an act of vandalism we ve contacted the police, but it s only just happens. so i think that pretty early on in the investigation absolutely all right. max. thank you so much. i really appreciate it i knew our scene a new central starts now start the clock as all this minute. we believe the jury in the hunter biden trial is back deliberating a verdict could come this morning breaking this morning, a suspect arrested for stabbing for americans in china the video censored on chinese social media. new questions this morning about what happened and why health experts expressing concern that a bird flu outbreak in the united states could become a much bigger problem there are a assignor is out today. i m john berman with kate bolduan. this is cnn news central happening now alive, look at the federal court in wilmington, delaware, where everyone is waiting for work when the jury now they will be resuming deliberations in hunter biden s federal gun trial. they met for only about one our yesterday. so maybe they have hours of work ahead, but word could come any moment

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Transcripts For CNN CNN This Morning 20240611

her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. debates, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max recordings of supreme court justice samuel alito discussing politics and ethics donald trump promoting values to christian conservatives and facing his new york probation officers. all on the same day during watch in the hunter biden trial, how the biden family might impact back the verdict. and this you re not staying, sir the georgia congressional candidate who just walked off the stage in the middle of a debate all right 6:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look at the us capitol on this tuesday morning good morning, everyone and kasie hunt. it s wonderful to have you with us samuel alito s private beliefs apparently exposed in a secretly recorded audio tape, the conservative supreme court justice seeming to endorse a fight to return our country to a place of godliness and quote it was a liberal activist and filmmaker who secretly recorded the justice and his wife at a supreme court historical society dinner earlier this month people in this country, we re leaving that, keep fighting to return our country to a place the bottling names. i agree with important to underscore during that dinner, the activists misrepresented herself. she claimed to be a religious conservative the executive director of the supreme court historical society issued this statement on monday saying, quote, we condemn any sort surreptitious recordings of justice s at the event which is inconsistent with the entire spirit of the evening. attendees are advised that discussion of current cases, cases decided by current sitting justices or justices, jurors, pure prudence is strictly prohibited and may result in forfeiture of membership in the society earlier. in the conversation, the activist told alito that she didn t think that the right could negotiate with the left. here was his response one. side or the, other. there can be a way of working, our way of living together it s different because they re differences fundamental things that really can t comment so it s not like you re going to see what the difference a little hard to hear their finals here. molly ball, senior political correspondent at the wall street journal, meghan hayes, former special assistant to president biden, and matt gorman, the former senior adviser to the tim scott presidential campaign. welcome to all of you molly ball. this of course, i think underscores the pressure that alito is at the moment in our highly charged political environment where the justices are about to decide whether or not donald trump is immune in the january 6 case clearly, he s in a situation where he is responding in the affirmative to someone he is encountering at a party and yet the remarks are still illuminating in terms of how he thinks about things. yeah. i mean, i think as you said on the one hand, we ve all done the thing where someone approaches you that you don t know and you just kinda play along. you just sort of say you re agreeing with whatever it is that they re saying. i m either end it s no surprise to anyone that he s a conservative right, and that he does view, society as, as somewhat corrupted by a lack of godliness or i wouldn t be surprised to hear him say any of those things in a judicial opinion for example. so it s all pretty broadly consistent with the judicial philosophy and the political philosophy that we know that he subscribes to. i think also the fact that the recording is coming out tells you that increasingly the supreme court is being treated as another political branch of government. the people are sending trackers after them basically like they would with a political candidate monitoring their every utterance and looking through it for potentially damaging or politically useful bits of audio that, that can be used against them in what s essentially become a full-time political campaign. and that i think as we and others have reported, has contributed to a very high level of tension and division on the court itself has made it increasingly difficult to function. yeah, it s it s speaking of division on the court itself. i mean in this highly fraught moment that we find ourselves in as a country where there does seem to be this kind of looming question about violence. certainly we have had more violence in our politics in recent years than we had seen in another monitor campaigns with what happened on january 6, john roberts was also approached by this activist and he approached this very differently and it underscores a little bit of tension on the court as molly was just touching on. again, john roberts, appointed by george w bush. he is the chief justice. he is also a conservative but has carved out a much different kind of role for him self on the court. so when he was approached by this activist and some of these same themes of godliness. the question i believe was is the us a christian nation? here s how john roberts responded since i put here a little 20 years, i ve been quieter times but the idea that the court is in the middle of a lot of tumultuous stuff going on. that s nothing new. the civil war, we did that very vietnam. you people getting killed and i was there. this is all right. i mean, it s it s not all right. but it s not like it s dramatic medically different people that s a common thing. people, their own perspective like this is so slow ordinary i don t know. heed the christian nation question. robert s actually responded that he has jewish friends, muslim friends who might disagree with that. he went on to talk about it a little bit, but megan haze, there. he was saying he was talking about other cataclysmic periods in our history, the civil war vietnam basically saying that we re going to be all right in the end. what is your view of all of this? and the way it s an unfolded, but particularly this difference between alito roberts here. yeah. i mean, i do think that we re gonna be all right. our democracy is built to survive and hopefully it will survive regardless of who wins the election in november. but i do think that there is a difference here, and i think that there was a difference. if you listen to alito s wife and how she responds and her reaction system of the questions that she got are also extremely stark. and so just just goes to show how these justices are thinking and how that they are forming their opinions. and it is, it is quite different and it is jarring when you hear their responses. let s listen to a little bit of what martha alito also who was approached by the same activist again, here s a little bit of what she had to say you know what i want i want sacred heart of jesus flag because i had to look cross the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. exactly and he s like, oh, please don t put several my heritage come after me away. it doesn t have to be away. debris don t worry about it okay. she also said that justice alito doesn t control her at one point. but you don t seem to admit their that he did ask her not to put up a flag in this case. definitely go we put the flag up let me look at this whole thing. i saw on twitter the person lauren windsor put up, that this is gonna be a big undercover storage tweeted out, tease that out. before it came out. and then when it came out like this, this is what this is. i mean, this was the same person that was the one reported by the intercept who sent the kind of democratic activists to charlottesville, dresses neo-nazi would tiki torches to kind of stand outside the glenn youngkin s yvette. but with the lincoln project. so i m not getting i m not surprised by this, but i will say that i think a lot of what molly said his right. it s also just his religious philosophy makes no bones that he s a devout christian now, i was at church over the weekend and a lot of those same themes. it s country but more about the world gold and sin and godliness. those same themes or what kinda prevalent. church, i m really not surprised. i mean, i think that the piece of it that i really i got caught on was where he seems to go on and say that there may not be a way to resolve these differences ever, which i suppose is part of what you re saying. i mean, it s it s again, i think we stepped back from the politics of it. i think the way the christians look at it is sin and whatever faith i m not putting it very eloquently. the priesthood better job in his homily over the weekend. but but no, i think that is more of the way that he was talking about it for me again, he s devout christian. i don t really see what the the big thing is, megan, but these people, i just think our supreme court justices sort of need to rise above this. and i agree with molly that like we ve all been in a situation where you just like nod and say, but he went further and then when his wife s comments, it just shows that like they re they re not viewing themselves as above and making laws for our country. it was his faith like it was not, it was not about politics. they re talking to say, it also she was goading him. she would want to introduce scholarliness into it. she was the one that he s just agreeing. yeah, i agree. like it s these ideas weren t germinated on their own. she was leading him. i don t agree with what she did. i think it s terrible and i think both sides do it and i think it s awful. i don t think we d be putting a lot more women pre haven t talked about project verisign s 09 and rightfully so i m fine, but the amount of media saturation i didn t read the new york times is covering this now it s ridiculous. who would never do this. it was james o keefe and practice, but that s not true. but i just think we owe nine we haven t done a sense so charade with acorn, that was the last time we actually my diary. i think we all project or testis sorry, because very, very different when there was a negative garrett ziegler who is sitting in court that clearly act when there was a new york times article on straight reporting, what was it ashley biden s journal. i don t remember it. like there was with this. i will be honest in this particular question, but i do think the big picture here. i mean, i think you guys are actually both an agreement what people should do is not correct this you know, i just i think molly to the big picture point this really underscores even farther just the significance of the moment that we are facing as a country, the role of the supreme court in our politics. it s been historically viewed as an institution that s supposed to be above all this i think those of us who cover this realize it s been political for awhile, but now the country is really starting to see that. all right, coming up next, donald trump meets with probation officers while his campaign asks potential vp candidates if they ever committed a crime. plus the dog days arriving early, millions of americans facing sweltering heat in this this is where i get back in my trunk and head make the southwest georgia. the congressional candidate who walked off the stage and went home in the middle of a debate hey, guys, i got spoken about got it right up do, we, have one to leave works all day? so i can keep working to take just one 12 hours of uninterrupted pain-related i ll leave you do you take it for and for fast topical pain relief, child leave x. this is a freemium hand 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the virtual interview and was described as polite, respectful, and accommodating to the probation officers. that s according to a new york city official familiar with the interview, trump even told the officers to be safe at the end of the session his approach might have something to do with the fact that his demeanor and cooperation could influence the judge s decision on sentencing de the hearing comes as his campaign moves forward with a more shall we say traditional process of selecting a vice presidential running mate? all of them have been asked to submit documents to be vetted you re not at that level yet? well, we ll look they argue they ve asked us for a number of things. i think that a number of people have been asked to submit this in your taxes or something i don t know everything but yeah, i mean, certainly like, have you committed a crime? i ve ever lied about this have you ever committed a crime? a matt gorman? apparently not. okay. for the vp i know what we laugh. i know we laugh. it does it does make sense why you d ask that. i mean, it does it does. i did the first of that of paul ryan when it was selecting his vp we re at the point now, where you re bringing in not just the candidate, but the family, the accountants, the lawyers, and you are asking we were just trying to get to the central question. number one, do we know everything about this person that we need to know? number one and number two if we don t, what is it that we don t know and trying to get that. so the candidate, no matter who it is, can evaluate and make a decision because let s face it this way, right? we know trump is indicted on four things, felt guilty on 153 others, right? in the limited space, we don t want a new one coming out all of a sudden that they can t price in that they don t have an awareness of. it does seem like an acknowledgment that committing crimes as bad, which the president has so far not seemed to want to cop to i don t think they have formally conceded that point but no, i mean, to matt s point, it s less about any particular dealbreaker than about not being surprised, right? that s what s running processes for it s just anything that s in there. the campaign wants to know in advance so they can get out ahead of it if that s the case or just again, just not to be surprised by something, it s one thing to say, oh, this came up in his first campaign and he had a good explanation for it, or the voters didn t seem to care. and so it s known part of someone s bio, it s another thing for it to be, you know, late october and all of a sudden you re finding out that someone was arrested for a felony 30 years ago, that they neglected to tell anybody about, and it becomes a big news cycle. i will just say that it also seems to underscore the difference between donald trump and the rest of the political universe where gravity still seems to apply even if it doesn t donald trump. all right, coming up next, hunter biden s fate in the hands of a jury. we re going go live to delaware pair of cover those deliberations plus it kite surfer scooped up by rescue crews after being stranded on a california beach the cnn presidential debates, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max with fast signs creates striking custom visuals. then inspire pride. district, fly that s sides. make you we re statement so i hear some of you are concerned about the fact that i m taking over the company will rest assured companies in great hands marcy hit the we we ve done on your homework now that is worth celebrating i. love it thank you. home work very clever, very clever or ipo is coming up. how do we make sure we re ready to meet all the regulatory requirements? we need to ask markham wonder whether people with all the answers get all the answers. ask markham accountants and advisers. they say we should stop eating so much meat so we made meet out of plants because we aren t quitters impossible. we re solving the meat problem with 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a question about a farm bill and is running in a gop primary runoff next week new video of votes engulfed in flames over the weekend at lake mead he d in las vegas, two people were injured, 26 boats were damaged, 15 of them were destroyed the investigation into the cause of that fire is ongoing. a curious mama bear causing major headaches after breaking into three homes and multiple vehicles near sacramento eventually, she got too close to someone and as you can see, you got doused with bear spray can. i do hope she s okay alright. i ll check out this video. a brazen thief and columbus, ohio who stole a package seconds after it was dropped at the door while the driver was knocking that s all please. just don t do that. police say they re hunting for the thief all right. i stranded this one is incredibly stranded kite surfer rescued off a california beach after take a look at that, he used rocks to spell out the word health get this, it worked. the plea was spotted by a private chopper pilot flying overhead who alerted 911. so there you go if you ever on a deserted island, i m really worked for you all right. time now for whether excessive heat settling over the southwest from california through texas is the flood threat ramps up for parts of southern florida? or meteorologists derrick and dam here and break it all down for us. derek, good morning good morning, casey. so we re focusing in on southern florida because you re frankly going to get walked with heavy rainfall this week. in fact, the radar right now showing a band of moderate to heavy rainfall about to enter that busy corridor along i75 between tampa bay hey southward towards fort myers and naples. we currently have a flood watches. in effect this last right through wednesday will likely get extended because this stationary boundary is drawing and moisture from the gulf of mexico and it will send wave after wave of moisture flash, flooding, a real potential right through the week, fort myers to miami, even northward into fort pierce, some of our rainfall accumulation maps pick up more than a foot of rain through the end of week that would be very localized, but nonetheless, that could cause some problems. now the other big story has been the heat over the southwestern us, over 20 million americans, including fetus ics to las vegas. some authorities there warning people to avoid sun exposure from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. tonight, casey is busy. yeah, i don t like that. aren t are weatherman, derek van dam, derrick. thank you. see you tomorrow coming up next here. the fate of the president s son now in the hands because of the jury plus another monk shop for a trump ally assignments are going on. and the tornado here i m thinking, i m going to die and i thought that was it filing earth with liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn what would you like to pay for your hotel room tonight? 185, 169 or $155? same room. same surface, just different prices it s really up to you well, nobody asks you 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unitedhealthcare. with this type of plan, you ll know upfront about how much your care costs, which makes planning your financial future easier. so call unitedhealthcare today to learn more about the only plans of their kind with the aarp name and set yourself and your future self up with an aarp medicare here s supplement plan from unitedhealthcare, z central next welcome back, the jury in hunter biden s federal gun trial continues deliberations today, the defense rested yesterday after hunter declined to testify in this historic case. it s the first criminal trial against the child of a sitting president. during closing arguments, prosecutors tried to convince the jury that hunter was a drug user at the time that he purchased a gun six years ago, saying, quote, hadi continued to use narcotics smoke, crack every 15 minutes throughout 2018 and decided not to buy a gun. we wouldn t be here in this courtroom. choices have consequences. and that s why we re here later. hunters defense attorney argued the prosecutors case was similar to a magician s trick, adding quote, there is nothing there. joining me now from wilmington, delaware is alex thompson, the national political reporter for it? axios, who has been covering this trial day in and day out. alex, wonderful to see you how just catch us up with what you saw in court yesterday during these closing arguments. and i want to dig into how the family in particular is playing into this because my understanding is the jurors were told not to be intimidated by the fact that it s the families the president of the united states yes. so yesterday you saw bolt very lengthy closing arguments, i believe abbe lowell hunter biden s lawyer when for about 87 minutes and then the prosecution got two shots at it and they probably got about the same about 87 minutes. and to your other points the prosecution said, if they have not proven that hunter biden was a crack addict than no one is a crack addict. and it got a little chip between the two sides. abbe lowell at one point said that the prosecution had been quote enormously cruel two naomi biden hunter biden s daughter, the president s granddaughter, and how they cross-examined tr the government came right back and said it was then who put her on the stand that put her in that position. and it was hunter biden who according to text messages tom had been erratic and texting in the middle of the night and had i think they ve put it as said, blowing her off and so it got very personal in terms of how the family yesterday was the most family that we have seen in this trial. you had aunts, uncles cousins, the cousins, spouses. it was at least a full thing and it was interesting that both sides, in their closing arguments made you made allusions to the family. now, abbe lowell hunters lawyer has been really trying to portray hunter as a family person and has been referencing the family as as part of that that he is just i think one of you, whereas the prostitution is basically saying what? you just alluded to, which is don t be intimidated. this is not these people are not evidenced. these people are not really part of the trial how would you describe kind of the the mood among the biden family members who attended from what? you could observe it, what did what did that feel like yeah. i think they you can see a little bounce in their step after abbe lowell s closing, having just a fulsome 87 minute defense from of hunter when i think a lot of the family feels he has just been hit day after day after day for the last several years and i think i even saw bowel biden, the president, sister give them a go, give abby go, get them. right? right afterward. but after at the very end i don t think the family likes being at felony trial for joe biden s son, and you could tell there were certainly moments ashley biden in particular, the president s daughter and hunter sister has you been very emotional at moments in this trial having to leave at some point, plate lots of tears. and you can tell it s been harder on some than on the others. one of the arguments that came up was about hallie biden one of the attorneys said quote, poor hallie biden knew had to be dragged through this period of her life. again, who understandably did not remember a lot of the details well she remembering what she saw that day or dozens of other days when she too was using if you notice, she could remember what the prosecutors asked her. the prosecutors are also gave her immunity, but not so much for any number of things so that that i guess coming from from abbe lowell well, it clearly they felt like they needed to defend other members of the family. two, how did that fit in this been a key part of hunter biden strategy from the very beginning, which is to really try to undermine the credibility of hallie biden, who s beau s widow, who is also his sister-in-law. and the reason is because her testimony he is, very very troubling if you re a hunter, biden, the fact is that she was the one that found the gun. she and when she testified that when she went into the truck, she found crack cocaine, paraphernalia, suggesting that he had been smoking very recently, that she found powder that day, which also suggested he d been using am was the one that he was texting during the period he had the gun in which he said that he was smoking crack and this goes to a larger sort of dynamic within both the defense and the prosecution, which you at the very end of the day beyond the facts that case, i think it will really come down to you. do you relate to hunter biden or do you resent hunter biden and the prosecutor? the hunters team at basically wants to make you think he s a family man that he was suffering from a disease that he s one of you in delaware home grown. whereas the defense is saying no, this is a bad guy. this is the guy that what the little details that he was trying hundred $51,000 in cash withdrawal and just three months that he was a millionaire, that he was yael educated, that he gave $800 to his 24-year-old girlfriend to buy clothes for his daughters. these little details that are meant to portray a different sort of person and that may end up being the difference maker with this jury all right. alex thompson for us this morning. alex. thank you very much for that. meghan hayes, can i ask you, you know, someone who s been in the biden family orbit? how this all mean as alex said, that they entire family has shown up for him at this trial. understandably, but it s gotta be weighing on the president who of course has not made an appearance at the courtroom. yeah. i mean, i don t think anybody hit this table. be surprised. a hunter is at the forefront of the presence minor, it adds, it s an extremely challenging situation. he s a dad first and foremost, i think he said that in his statement, but i do think that this is someone who is an addict. he is a recovering addict right now and i think that the family is concerned and i think that s showing up to be supportive of him. i think that s what families do is show up and support people when in their time of need. all right. let s turn now to the 2024 campaign trail where donald trump de, virtual mark remarks yesterday to the danbury institute it is a conservative christian group. they call abortion, quote, child sacrifice, and quote the greatest atrocity facing our generation today trump, who just two months ago said abortion should be left to the states, didn t explicitly mentioned abortion during his remarks. that s an admission that for the presumptive nominee of the republican party says a lot about the politics of this issue in a post-dobbs, america. instead, trump said this we are a seriously declining nations, seriously serious and so sad. i know that each of you is protecting those values every day and i hope we ll be defending them side-by-side for your next four years. these are going to be your years so matt gorman, i mean, he obviously is trying to tell them something that they want to hear, but to not mention abortion at a group like this. i mean, it just shows what a tough position any republican is in, in a world where the protections of roe means that, well, if you say life begins at conception, suddenly are threatening. everything including in vitro fertilization. note we look at it, i think abortion is probably the best issue for democrats and it makes the most sense for him to run on it. and i think it doesn t make sense also for trump to give more grist to anything and that they re going to use against them already in a campaign. and i think what this is, i m more and more convinced that this an election in the sanctuary to come down either the economy hovering above all, an immigration on the right, abortion and left competing as the single issue crawl over broken glass type issues for voters. and which one wins out last couple years exceed abortion went out, could happen again, immigration has been very salient, loved what happens, and i think that s gonna tell us its substrate election. well, and i think the debate that i m hearing among my republican sources about how they and their candidates should message the abortion issue is very similar to it. why here democrats talking about immigration? the question is, do you try to keep it off the agenda and not talk about it in the hopes that you can raise the salience of some other issue, right. so if you re a democrat to ignore immigration and just tried to talk about abortion where you feel like you have a better message there is a school of thought, i think in both of these camps that says no, you have to go at it. you have to say to voters, i understand why you think this is important and here is my position so that they re not left guessing. so republicans have been having this active debates since the fall of roe, saying we do have to have a message for voters about abortion. we do have to have something to say to them. otherwise, we re just going to get clobbered and i think you ve seen democrats on immigration, the same thing. a lot of candidates have tried to avoid the issue, but there is a new conventional wisdom on the democratic side that says if you do that you re just gonna get killed on this issue. that is important to so many voters. you do need to have some kind of positive message, even if it s not necessarily going to be popular because in both cases, the parties are on the wrong side of these respective issue really interesting way to think about it, okay the house rules committee meets today to consider holding attorney general merrick garland in contempt. we re going to talk about that with a member of the committee recovery can ralph norman of south carolina plus donald trump questioning whether taylor swift is a legit liberal the most anticipated moment the election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one state, which are two 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malawi s vice president, malawi s vice president, and nine other people has been found. everyone on board was killed the plane went missing monday after it failed to make a scheduled landing president biden set to addressing major gun violence prevention conference in dc today, nearly two years after signing the first federal gun safety legislation to be passed in decades there you have it. rudy giuliani is mug shot after he posted a $10,000 bond in his election interference case in arizona donald trump s former lawyer showing no remorse as he left court do you have any regrets about what you did in arizona after the election? oh, my goodness. no. why not? very, very proud. there was a substantial amount of vote for the one on here that was covered up probably one of the biggest conspiracies in american history when just say there was no evidence of any of the things that he just said there, giuliani pleaded not guilty in may to nine felony charges stemming from his alleged role in arizona s fake electors scheme the port of baltimore is open for business now as the shipping lane into the harb fully reopened last night for the first time since the francis scott key bridge was hit by a cargo ship and collapsed in march from all those folks all right. let s turn now to capitol hill where the house rules committee will meet today to decide whether to advance contempt charges against attorney general merrick garland over his refusal to provide lawmakers the audio of president biden s interview with special counsel robert hur after her found the biden mishandled classified documents but would likely present to a jury as a quote, sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory and quote, the gop led push comes just a week after garland testified before congress, where he said this i will not be intimidated. and the justice department will not be intimidated and training. now, it s south carolina republican congressman ralph norman. he sits on the house rules committee a powerful one in the house. congressman. good morning. thank you for being here. my pleasure bladder be ready. so the attorney general, merrick garland has a new washington post opinion piece that s out this morning and he writes in that piece quote, disagreements about our politics are good for our democracy. they are normal. but using conspiracy theories, falsehoods, violence, and threats of violence to effect political outcomes is not normal. the short-term political benefits of those tactics will never make up for the long-term cost to our country continued unfounded attacks against the justice department s employees are dangerous for people safety, they are dangerous for our democracy. and they must stop. what do you have to say to his argument there attorney general garland is let s just say it s laughable. what he s taking party and he s not above the law. he says he s not going to be intimidated it s very simple. why don t think he s arguing that he s above you re saying he s not above the law in the context of the contempt charges around that that you are considering what what he s not above the law in is when congress has every right, an article one the whole committees that investigates the doj in any other agency. and what we asked for is the sense that president biden had an interview with robert hur asking for the audio tapes very, very simple. the audio tapes and he won t. they initially started back in february of this february 5th and we asked for the audio tapes which do exist and on february 16, the doj under the guidance of merrick garland said they weren t going to meet the timeline. they extended the timeline. so and then finally they came back and said there s no justifiable reason why you need the audio tapes that the biden has already waived executive privilege by printing the the interview so they re just want to tape to see if they match up with what s being reported. they redacted several parts of it. so but and it s saying he s not above the law. he s going to be in contempt. we will pass it, i think in the rules and will hold him accountable like he s doing every every other person has got an arb aside, their name and you re going to learn from the tapes that you can t learn from the transcripts the tapes were backup, will either justify what has been the the transcript say or they won t. do you think actually tampered with a the transcripts? is that what you re saying? we have no idea until we get them. they haven t. that s what attorney general garland refuses to turn over is very simple. turn turn the tape over, and so we can see if it matches with the transcripts either does or does it? and do you think that you have in the full house to hold the garland in contempt oh, i have no idea. we ll see what the evidence we will have testimony today that are probably last six to eight hours. you have a democratic witness, you have republican witness. james calmer well, it may be jim jordan, but one of the two will present what they re finding is, but it s very simple. turn over the tapes that will either validity the transcripts or they won t and let us see it congressman, i want to talk politics with you for a little while. your state, of course, has famously sharp-elbowed to put it politely, i would say politics, nancy mace congresswoman, who voted to oust kevin mccarthy facing a primary challenge today. could you underscore clarify for me who it is you re supporting in this primary. and do you think that mayes is going to hang on? i hadn t come out on either side. i know both. and i serve with nancy, catherine templeton was headed de heck under nikki haley who i like i think nancy will win this race, but i hadn t come out publicly for either one of them. i get involved in a lot of races but on this particular one, i decided just to let the low country decide who they want and net nancy s got a track record and catherine templeton has a record of so why once you endorse your college, you re not endorsing nancy mace. i mean, that s pretty normal worthy as typically y all incumbents usually stick together well, i didn t come out against are either. i just said let the voters decide and the low countries has a lot of different issues that they re passionate about. and i let them decide it and i m from the upstate and i did get involved. am involved with the timmons morgan rice. i came out against william terman s and but on the nancy may just decide to stay out of that sir, before i let you go we ve heard president former president trump. obviously, he has campaigned. we ve heard him say earlier in the show that america is a declining nation this is something that he talks about all the time. the governor of pennsylvania, which is a key swing state. he s a democrat but he had a different message about what he thinks republican should be saying about america. i want you to listen to what governorship hero said, and then i want to get your reaction on either side. watch all they hear from donald trump is a whole bunch of whining about this country. so i got a message to donald trump and all his negativity in his whining stops barking. america. this is the greatest country on earth, and it s time that we all start acting like it i m going to say, sir i m a patriotic american. do you does he have a point president trump as does the american people see what s happening to america. he is exactly right? look at what s happening in this country. talk to the average voter out there who is very upset with inflation. they re very upset with the 13 to 15 million illegals coming into this kind. would you still the greatest country on earth as many politicians often have it once was the greatest country on earth. we in the rapid decline, it s not anymore three-and-a-half years of this biden administration. pardon me. it s not anymore in which country would you say is greater than the united states of america? well, unless we get our financials in order, unless we stopped spin in, printing money, will we cannot continue what we have been in the past, which is a shining city on a hill, and the director result of the liberal policies that this administration has continues to put, put the american people through immigration, is leading the pack on. this is he s breaking the constitution. he s destroying the values in this country. so i think the american people show that at the pose all right, i sold them have the name of another country that s greater than the united states of america. congressman ralph north on norman, excuse me, ralph norman, thank you so much, sir, for being here. i really appreciate your time. my pleasure. all right, let s turn now to this i m still feature when i walk in the room why wouldn t we talk about taylor swift? and we can talk about taylor swift. she apparently has a new admirer in donald trump. in an interview for a forthcoming book about the former president trump raved about the pop star s looks, telling the writer quote, i think she s beautiful, very beautiful. i find it very beautiful. i think she s liberal. she probably doesn t like trump. i hear she s very talented. i think she s very beautiful actually unusually beautiful trump, however, clearly seemed unable to forget his bad blood with swift over her 2020 endorsement of joe biden and throwing into question her political beliefs that she is liberal or is that just an act he asked during the interview, she s legitimately he liberal, it s not an act. it surprises me that a country star can be successful being liberal meghan. i mean, i think it s creepy the way he continues to talk about how pretty women are that are significantly younger in age, very much younger. but that being said, i think that he he doesn t want to upset the swifties. i think we all know what happens when that when we awake a giant of the swifties. but i think it s very big. part of why we re talking about her. madame mean, disagree with me if you want to but she is actually probably the one celebrity. i think that actually has the power to move inefficient number of probably right? yeah, i think it s a matter of now whether she would ever want to get involved, i think in 2020, 2016, were i think we talked to this couple weeks ago, different time for celebrities inject themselves some politics become political actors very different now, outtake donald trump taylor swift, like it s like the page clicks like big bang, massive forces together for this this explosion. i hope for it. but yeah, i don t think she needs it out really good about i don t think he needs to go out and like i support you biden. she was already did that and then also in her documentary, if she s already said where she stands on a lot of issues and like wind to our family and said, i mean, so i don t think anyone s questioning where she stands politically here, but yeah. so i mean, i think he gets kind of i don t think she needs out really get involved, but i think it like donald trump as like a celebrity, celebrity pundit, right? like a celebrity handicap or he is really encapsulating so where she stands in like the firmament of sort of pop culture, right? yeah. he clearly has spent more time looking at her than listening to her. she hasn t been a country star for a long time as my swift the daughter could certainly the idea that like people don t necessarily see her as a political figure. and that s why a potential endorsement for her is so powerful, right? because to her legions of fans who just love her no matter what, the things that she says are, can resonate outside that political sphere. and that s why i think she does have the power to potentially move votes is even though she does have this history of endorsed pressing liberal politicians and taking liberal positions, she is not, i think pigeonholed as just sort of hollywood liberal, liberal celebrity. and so she s able to speak in an authentic way to her following it hearkens back to a funny time where donald trump was on twitter like talking about robert patents and kristen stewart member that ten years ago, remember this is very much like the page six, new york celebrity gossip world he had spent 30 years in. this is almost in a way like a very pure version of donald trump, like gossiping about celebrities. yeah, no it s, it s, it s it s donald trump, maggie haberman has been cut yeah. all right. i will leave you with this oh like she s still got it. courtney cox, letting the world know. she s still has the moves that she showed off in bruce springsteen s video for dancing in the dark, the friends star joining a social media trend where kids ask their parents to show them how they danced in the 1980s, cox famously appeared in springsteen s 1984 and music video. jumping on stage to boogie with the boss molly ball has your daughter made you do this yet no could you better or worse than a by way waveshape, let s put courtney back first quarter me and her dancing. there yep, there she is. i mean, honestly that i think i could do that might be the limit of my abilities, but that i could do i mean i don t know because i wouldn t want to do it in public, but i m not do not checked doing matt either. all right thanks, guys. every much. appreciate your time today. thanks for all to all of you for joining us. i m

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240611

following that bull. they said he was out to get to safe place. they initiated protocol. and i haven t timed the video, but i would say that they had him in less than 30 seconds roped and contained. todd: wow. they were amazing. todd: we got to run. will you bring your family back to the rodeo ever again? 5 seconds to you you, danielle. most definitely. not only the sisters rodeo every year but every other rodeo that is close. we are definite rodeo fans. todd: danielle smithers thank you for that video. the bull was named party bus. more like the bachelor party at the end of the night at the beginning. carley: not a busy would want to be on. todd: fox & friends begins right now. carley: have a good day, everybody. the sitcom begins. brian: sounds liked i should be walking and the kitchen et, hi, hone i m home. it feels like that. go ahead, steve. i digress. steve: it s 6:0-:35. ainsley: 30 seconds until 6:01. steve: this is not a sitcom it s a news program. tuesday, june 11th my parents anniversary, welcome aboard. president biden appearing to freeze up during a unity is jun. accusing republicans of disenfranchising voters. they are all ghosts in new garments trying to take us back. taking away your freedoms. making it harder for black people to vote. i don t think he has any rhythm. this as a feigned pollster say items should still consider dropping biden from the ticket. uber driver going viral for. lawrence: look at her. she has rhythm. ainsley: karaoke sing along. karaoke. lawrence: that woman can dance. brian: jimmy failla has a new idea to start his show. fox & friends starts right now. remember mornings are better with friends good morning, get dressed. steve: all right. in just a couple of hours. day two of deliberations are going to start in hunter biden s gun trial in delaware. brian: yep. the fate of the president s son could be decided as soon as today after federal prosecutors told them to ignore the first family s presence through the proceedings. ainsley: there were about a dozen of them in the courtroom. rich edson live in wilmington outside the courtroom. what can we expect today, rich? will we get a decision? we very well could. jurors are back at it 9:00 a.m. judge mary ellen neighbor can a will deliberations will resume. they deliberated yesterday about one hour and 10 minutes after hearing an hour of clo close arguments. using drugs lying about it on a federal form and legally owning and possessing that weapon for 11 days all in october of 2018. they led off their presentation referring directly to the biden family members in the courtroom including the first lady saying people sitting in the gallery are not evidence and that nobody is above the law. prosecutors highlighted his ex-girlfriend zoe kestan and high hallie biden s drug use. reviewed text messages he sent hallie days after buying that gun claiming he was meeting a gun dealer and smoking crack. watched hunter testify fill out that federal form and check no to the question about being a drug user. ababe magic trickrelying on paso prove hunter was using drugs when he bought that gun. there are no photos of him using drugs in december of 2018 or testimony at this trial of witnesses actually observing hunter use drugs then. as for those texts in the week that hunter bought the gun, claiming he was meeting a dealer and smoking crack. lowell said hunter had lied to hale biden before about where he was. if hunter is convicted. he faces $757,000 in fine and 20 years in prison. that s the max he would though be a first time nonviolent offender if he is convicted. back to you. steve: so, rich, the conventional wisdom if there is a verdict today, a quick verdict, that would probably not be so good for hunter. but, if it dration on there could be one or two or a couple of jury members who are going i got some doubts. yeah. absolutely. if this happens quickly. and this is just reading the tea leaves here how things have gone before. if the jury comes back very quickly and says hey, we have a decision. probably a bad signal for hunter biden. if this drags out, as you said, steve, they have a handful of jurors i don t know about this, i don t know about that. really all they need is one is to not go along in this hung jury. you are the one outside. keep us posted rich edson live in wilmington, thank you very much. lawrence: it s going to be interesting. if the verdict comes back today and hunter biden is now a convicted felon, if the president continues to use the rhetoric on the campaign trail. as we know he says hunter biden is the smartest guy that he knows. if his son is now a convicted felon is this something that he still uses on the campaign trail. steve: about trump? lawrence: about donald trump. i think he will probably limit it if hunter biden is convicted. steve: but, you know, it s a great point, lawrence, he has kind of limited it so far. maybe is he telegraphing it. i m not going to say it about donald trump i will let my other people do the talking like that. brian: i will ad something else about that. when they talk about a convicted felon. that s going to come up in the debated, i guess, perhaps, when he brings that up. also, i think the best thing to happen for president trump would be for this hometown jury to exonerate this guy and say oh, is he just an addict and the problem is, too, it could have been so much worse. ainsley: are they going to do that for everybody else that does the same thing and breaks the law. brian: everybody there knows the bidens. ainsley: he made the decision to do the drugs. if he lied about doing drugs on a drug form that s illegal. it doesn t matter whose son he is he decided not to testify. there were a bunch of biden family members inside the courtroom which could sway the jury. they might see all of his relatives. the first lady and say oh, gosh, they are powerful people. i m i m not going to brian: the prosecutor to your point, ainsley, addressed that in the closing yesterday and said that the people that are in the crowd is not a body of evidence. essentially telling to the jury, listen, follow the facts as they i don t care who is in the courtroom. you should ignore that. ainsley: none of that matters he says. brian: almost like a script writer. you literally have the texts of him doing drugs, the name of the drug dealer and location is he giving it. almost as if he wants to be caught. might be great psychologists dr. phil should sit down and look at this because he seems to be so resentful of his family and the pressure on his shoulders. next thing you know the laptop is out there. in it is everything the family has been up to. the denials the family went through. the flipping to now all of a sudden understanding everyone understands it is real. and then waiting long enough that his foreign agent the charges of him being unregistered foreign agent the fara charges evaporate. those are the real things. nobody wants him on the gun charge. they wanted to find out why was paul manafort in solitary confinement when you are doing the same thing, worse, on a multiple of countries? ainsley: maybe he was high when he was writing those text messages. think about we don t do drugs, we have had glasses of wine, maybe you are overserved a little bit too much. you say something to someone that you regret the next day. then can you understand how that could happen. maybe when he is texting people, talking about his dealer and he is sitting in the car smoking crack, he might have been high. brian: perfect punctuation for a crack guy. better than mine and i m not on crack. right? steve: that is true. i have seen some of your text messages. brian: my dashes and my commas? steve: ultimately, the bigger issue here is this law that he is accused of breaking is to make sure that people who are not addicts or addicted to drugs get guns. that s really what is all with . the prosecution proved yesterday they said that he did. leo weiss, the prosecutor said if this evidence didn t establish that hunter biden was a crack addict and unlawful user then no one else is a crack addict. ainsley: gun laws. lawrence: interesting thing happened at the white house. juneteenth musical festival yesterday at the white house. and the president was there. and many people that were observing it can you go to twitter and see it. they think that the president froze during that moment. i think that the president just has no rhythm. and is not a part of it. steve: that s what mike lee the senator says. lawrence: i agree with the senator. the reason why this is important is because if know joe biden. he always says it was a part of the black church. he marched through the civil rights. naacp. joined the naacp very early limit for someone that has been around black people his entire life, been in the church dancing with him and everything. he has no rhythm at all and i don t know but, but the white people there that i grew up. ate at the dinner table that went to church with us. they can dance just as good as we could. can you clap. anybody can clap. brian: lawrence, don t overstate it. don t overstate white people. got it wrong though. white people i grew up with could keep up with you. steve: the president is certainly motionless kirk franklin. brian: maybe so much. steve: they celebrated last night. they observed juneteenth early. but it did give the administration the chance to talk a little bit and joe biden never mentioned his political opponents by name. but you could tell who he was talking about. listen to this from the president last night. clear, they are all ghosts in garments trying to take us back. they are. taking away your freedoms, making it harder for black people to vote. i will have your vote counted. closing doors of opportunity. attacking the values of diversity, equity and inclusion. it s about our present and our future. it s whether that future is a future all of us, not just for some of us. brian: dei down # 4% among corporate america. it s not republicans. by the way, if you want to go back into the past. and that s what he is inferring or implying, i think it s democrats that put on the hoods and were kkk. i think it was democrats that wanted separate but equal. wanted segregation. do you want to keep hearkening back to when your party was confused about equality for all was all about and why he keeps going back to a time in a country that he runs to paint such a brutal scenario as if it were premandela south africa is beyond me. steve: he wants to look, it s a political season, he wants to say hey, i m protecting you, donald trump is going to take your rights away. that s one of the reasons why the vice president was there she ticked off the administration s accomplishments. she went on and on. tapped the first female black supreme court justice. signed the gun law. the white house issued a fact sheet outlining measures to protect black history all at the hands of joe biden. brian: republicans are looking to take it away. ainsley: look at the polls though, they are about one fourth of black voters are liking trump. his poll numbers have dropped among black voters. steve: biden s? ainsley: 79%. now 72%. polling guru nate silver who runs 538. is he suggesting that biden s latest approvallor disapproval ratings might be cause for him to get out of the race. i don t know, but it s more than fair to ask this. so, the approval rating for joe biden is now 37.4%. steve: posted two things on x. he said, first of all, what, clear my opinion is that democrats would have been better served if biden had decided a year ago not to seek a second term which would have allowed he them to have some semblance of a primary process and give voters a say among many democrats across the country it. continues, biden just hit a new all time low. 38. dropping out would be a big risk but there is some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger threat risk are we there yet? i don t know. it s more than fair to ask. keep in mind, nate silver back in february, we talked about it on the couch. actually couch in the other room, said, you know what? his numbers stink. and they would be smart, the democrats would be to find somebody else. lawrence: it s important to realize who joe biden is talking to when he makes inflammatory comments like that. he is not talking to democrats at large. is he not even talking to republicans. he is talking to the black and hispanic voters that are shifting to the other direction. and he is saying don t you move. he is saying if you re thinking about going for donald trump, forget about the economic success. forget about where you may stand on the issues. you cannot move. and i need to remind you of the fear campaign for years and years that we have done as a democratic party. and so this is not a president that wants to be inspirational. this is not a president that wants to say that you do better. is he not even a president that says that i m pushing you forward as a community. i need to remind you that the republican brian, you laid out the history in great way. but he said dismiss that don t worry about the history. you need to understand that the republicans wanted to put you in chains and if you vote for them. brian: you ain t black. lawrence: you ain t a part of the community. brian: he said you ain t black. lawrence: he said it on the campaign trail last time don t you dare move. i predicted this. ainsley: lawrence says last i checked, yes i am. lawrence: bingo. i predicted. this ever since the bronx rally if you pay attention to the democrats. the heat is turning up because you have been seeing the crowds and you have been seeing these diverse faces. and it s freaking the democrats out. if they if they get half of what the polling is suggesting in the next election, republicans, then it s over for the democrats. so they need them. and so they can t talk about the issues. they have to run on fear, brian. brian: yeah, i think it s so you irresponsible to the leader of the country to talk as if america is 1972 or 1958. run on the country. inspirational message what you will do. barack obama, anyone was going to say president obama. he didn t have that message. wasn t he the vice president during that time? steve: sure. lawrence: in his defense he could have forgotten what year we are in. brian: the speech writer didn t because more morehouse and charlamagne tha god,. ainsley: might be white or hispanic saying they re trying to take us back, excuse me, trump is trying to take us back. that s just not true. the black community knows that is so wrong, correct? steve: ultimately, what they are trying to do it s an election year, going back to where we started, he, joe biden is in trouble with a number of his core item gratification. that s one of the reasons right now they are freaking out at the white house that across the river from the white house is the commonwealth of virginia. right now, the latest poll we showed it s neck and neck between donald trump and joe biden. i think they are tied at 48 or 49%. brian: three straight polls. steve: 48% right there. joe biden won that pretty reliably blue state by 10 points four years ago. glenn youngkin, the current governor was on with sean hannity last night and said, you know what? this state is up for grabs. i believe it is. and that s exactly what the polls are showing us. just like georgia and pennsylvania and wisconsin, michigan, nevada and arizona. those battle ground states are seeing the exact same kind of statement that virginians are making. they want a strong america. they want an america that has economic strength. not the biden-generated economy that s unleashed inflation. brian: new hampshire same thing. i haven t seen a poll in minnesota. but if minnesota is also in play? my goodness you are talking about 40 states that could be going into the former president s column. i just saw a fascinating story on politico. the lead story how wall street is now coming to the president. silicon valley over the weekend, you saw what happened. lawrence: huge event. brian: david sacks came out and said i expected 45 million ended up with 12 million. john cass that meets blackstone steven shoultsman. port bridge capital. ackman, ken griffin from citadel all saying in the past i had a problem after january 6th. i voting for desantis. i supported desantis. i m. in part of it is these court cases. they see the way the businessman is being secured and on manufactured charges. ainsley: and inflation and how that is affecting their bottom line, too. president trump is meeting with 200 ceos on thursday for a round table discussion about his business plan and how you will be better off with my economy versus joe biden s. lawrence: do you know what i worry, about though, ainsley, when you look at the polling and see minority voters. see the business community. you see republicans uniting behind the president, we still got a long way until the election. and so i worry with the polling data being where it is and everyone being on fire. that some people may stay at home. i just think it s important as the president and the former president campaigns because the republicans already have a problem with he shallly voting and mail-in ballots as well. and to the former president s credit. he is telling republicans now that they need to use all measures all tools of voting. but you don t want your side to get too excited and to say well, it looks like it s in the bag. i m going to stay at home. i worry about that. brian: the national poll has been a dead heat, one or two points, all in the margin of error. july 11th will be the biggest day. ainsley: 4 #-49. steve: how the white house is enlisting hollywood to try to get those kids interested and where are they going to advertise? tiktok. brian: robert deniro doesn t seem angry. ainsley: their pac is called i have it on here somewhere. what is the name of their pac? it s won t back down. liberal grirts park and liberation and snl. steve: we won t back down. 20 minutes after the hour. brian: what do you mean. ainsley: i will share them. turning now to your headlines beginning with chaotic anti-israel protests in new york city. [sho [chanting] ainsley: honoring victims of the nova music festival murdered by hamas october 7th. protesters set off flares and set off anti-israel slogans. elsewhere in the city could be seen carrying around a banner saying long live october 7th. can you believe that? praising the mass killings committed by hamas. which left over 1200 israelis dead. at least 120 hostages are still in the hands of hamas. house republicans release never before seen footage from januar. appearing to show former house speaker nancy pelosi make a stunning admission on camera. why weren t the national guard there to begin with? they thought they had sufficient yeah not a question if they have they don t know. they clearly didn t know and i take responsibility for not having them just prepare for war. lawrence: wow, huge. ainsley: remember they requested. and they requested and denied. brian: she takes responsibility. ainsley: pelosi seemingly taking responsibility for the failed response in the clip from three years ago but the down playing those remarks. the fact is that the president of the united states, the former president and his to does do not want to face the facts. they are trying to do revisionist history on january 6th. lawrence: she is such a liar. ainsley: pelosi s team maintains the former speaker was not in charge of security at the capitol complex at the time. brian, would you like it share the headlines? brian: officials in california rescuing a stranded kite surfer after the pilot spotted the word help on the sand. genius. a first responder went down from the helicopter and the surfer was hoisted to safety. it is not clear how long they were stung on the beach. officials say the surfer did not need medical attention. ainsley, you take it back. ainsley: all right. uber driver in florida going viral after hitting all the right notes with passengers. i usually only have one rule in my car everybody dance now i got karaoke we need you to take us watch this, watch this. low, low, low, low, low ainsley: i hope she is at a stoplight there she even has a microphone. she lives in tampa. if you are in tampa. you might get her as an uber driver. one of a kind karaoke experiences where riders choose a song and they sing their hearts out. five star rated driver says, quote: i realized when people got in my car we weren t going to agree on religion or politics but music is a uniter. music touches everybody s soul. steve: she is absolutely right. she gives everybody. okay. here is my spotify list. go ahead and hit something. the words come on. she has apparently got props in the back where there is like a microphone and some michael jackson glasses and stuff like that. can you act it out. brian: i bet she doubles her salary a year because of tips. apple boughten jeans with the fur. ainsley: apple bottom jeans flo rida. steve: she is in florida. brian to your point about she probably has doubled her pay. just the fact that she is on tiktok. she is making money on that tiktok thing. we just showed it and probably a million people. brian: now the chinese have seen and it using it against her. you know the problem wither h right? chewing gum. lawrence: come on. brian: i have to ask her. ainsley: what would you do in her backseat. brian: have to ask people to take it out. steve: it s her car. get out of her car. ainsley: music is so loud. would you sing karaoke? i don t think you would. lawrence: imagine seeing all that talent and you see gum in the mouth. unbelievable. brian: coming up next. it s a bit of a mystery. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology ( ) and goes the extra mile ( ) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we re the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it s the only way we go. voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let s be honest. all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn t have to. when you sign up at, you ll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. 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very bad. tremendous uptick in criminal activity. we want to talk about there was recently a shooting where the migrant shot, two of our police officers. our local cops. trying to keep us safe who were tailing him because he was a suspect in several robberies. now, they shoot at our police officers. we have stealing packages off the stoops. hundreds and hundreds of motor scooters using to commit crime. prostitution shelters outside. roosevelt avenue plagued by a wave of lawlessness. that wave is clearly coordinating to what what has been coming in and our lack of effective response by those in government today representing us. brian: how would you describe the neighborhoods, the ethnicity, the income that are being abused like this by these illegal immigrants who obviously are ungrateful despite getting free room, free shelter, free board? the majority of the district that i represent as district leader and i represented in the past is council member, is he a working class of people of color community overwhelmingly latino and african-american, asian, and south asian. brian: how angry are they. very angry. the fact of the matter in my community, a lot of homeowners, there is taxpayers. residents of our community who really are important part of our city, the fabric of who we re. and they support all the good things and then now they are in a good decent neighborhood and they have all these shelters coming in and really negatively impacted. very poor planning by all at the table. brian: 19-year-old involved in the gang. neck tattoo. bulls jersey that says they are involved in these gangs. out to kill people. the guy that shot the two cops was still struggling. they were still trying to get him in the car there was no contrition. they are sending us their worst. there s no doubt about it. based on my experience, living in queens in the community that literally is the pertinent of epicenter.large segment of peopy part of organized crime networks operating in the borough of queens. brian: democratic administration. democratic officials. some for some reason washington doesn t want to hear from the cities. doesn t want to hear from queens. doesn t want to hear from the mayor. but i m glad you are speaking out and taking action. listen, the bottom line is we all want to be safe. we want public safety and we want everyone in office to understand that our community deserves to be safe just like any other place in america. brian: keep on demonstrating and we will keep on covering it. all right, hiram hopefully things will change. installing vape detectors in bathrooms to crack down on troublemakers. music unnecessary action hero! unnecessary. was that necessary? 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steve: i m doing okay. i understand this was actually the idea of a student who said, you know, there are people vaping in there. i remember when in high school they were smoking in the boys room. now they are just vaping in the boys room and girls room, right? absolutely. one of my students that sits on my principal s council now a ninth grader brought this to our attention and really wanted us to do something about it. steve: with this a.i. technology it can actually detect vapor. and apparently it can tell the difference between nicotine and pot? yes. it actually can determine between different chemical signatures in the air. so even if the girls are spraying perfume it won t go of o. but if they re using a vape and let s say it has nicotine or marijuana it will send a signal to us right away. steve: you get an email immediately, what do you do? well, i have security officers in my building that carry ipads who they get the alert just as quickly as i do. so then they go to that bathroom and they check on see holt students were that were in the bathroom in a time frame. we bring them down to the office. we can do backpack checks. we can talk to the kids a lot of times the kids will del us straight upfront. kids are usually good. they tell us they are try these things because it s cool. steve: right, indeed. the peer pressure. hey, look at this. i got a vape pen, whatever, try it. and that s how it starts. in addition, apparently there are no microphones. but there is this a.i. technology algorithm that can hear sounds. so, that, you know, if people are involved in a fight or roughhousing, but it can differentiate between like a toilet lid slamming and, i know, somebody getting a haymaker. yes. it can definitely. what it does, it registers the decibels in the room and sends us annual alert if it is over a period of time. but, also realize middle schoolers are loud no matter. what sometimes when they are in the room it s a little loud. steve: i would imagine just knowing that they have got the vape detectors in the bathrooms now, that s got to be some sort of a deterrent. they have to find some place. absolutely. the whole idea behind this was to stop new kids from vaping. so, that, you know, the ones who are already doing it and are addicted trying to help. the ones we want to stop are the ones before they start. steve: it s great idea. frank, thank you very much for joining us from new york. and congratulations on your retirement. at the end of this season as an educator frank is going to go fishing. thank you very much. have great day. steve: you too, have a great life and summer as well. all right. you too. steve: thanks, frank. 17 minutes before the top of the hour. serrie is getting senatorrer as apple rolls out a massive ai update is there any way to escape ai in every part of our lives? 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ainsley: what if you miss something? what if the narrative is controlled it s not controlled by me it s a machine and someone else programming that telling it to summarize in a certain way. ainsley: elon musk if apple integrates open ai at the of level apple devices will be banned at my companies. that is unacceptable security violation. kurt: two things there. is he right. is he right about being a more of a private and security risk. if you noticed in the announcement yesterday what tim cook said is we re bringing in the opportunity on top of apple intelligence work on a machine. we re now going to connect this outward and allow you to ask chatgpt things that you might want to know. you can share a document with them. photos, videos so, now you re inapparently very private stuff is being encouraged to share outwardly to chatgpt s open ai. i don t know if i m comfortable with that yet. i have a lot of questions about it because that s not how i m used to apple being. ainsley: our children. i don t want a.i. to necessarily have that. kurt: the second thing with elon musk that you have to measure there, he has a beef with open ai. he has a dispute with them. at first when i heard that i thought, all right, is he just mouthing off on his dispute. but, he has got a point. he has got a point that we have to really measure our privacy here. and we have to start asking ourselves bigger questions about ai. because now apple is in the game. and they are writing the ticket for everybody in the world in terms of what we do with technology. we need to ask ourselves to what extent do we want ai to control our lives? because a wave of unmeasured, unbounded ai is going to be coming at us, and we may not have decisions to be made it may not be easy to make our own decisions in the future what machine is doing it for you again and again and again. people s mindset gets into that direction. ainsley: all these tech companies taking advantage of it. cutting edge and they want to bed first. hand it over to brian. hi,brian. brian: hi, ainsley. keep in touchy will try to see you during the break. arrest made after three alarm fire tore through miami complex yesterday. a 73-year-old man allegedly got into an argument with an employee, shot them, then set the place on fire. that worker is in critical condition. four others required medical assistance for smoking inhalation including three firefighters. authorities say over 40 residents. most of whom are elderly, were rescued. now. this shocking video out of jefferson county, colorado. showing a person proudly tearing up an american flag. it was planted on the side of a road to honor a fallen police or fallenpolice officers after e creating a total of 7 flags the vandal gave the surveillance officer the middle finger. sheriff s office is asking for help to identify the person so so she quotes gets the encore she deserves. remember the man in michigan who went viral during his court appearances for driving without a license? just give me one second. i m parking right now. so maybe i don t understand something. you are driving without a license suspended? that is correct, your honor. and he was just driving and he doesn t have a license? based upon what the court looked at he has never had a michigan license, ever. and has never had a license in the other 49 states and commonwealths that form up this great union. brian: you can t suspend something you never h corey harris now has his learner s permit after passing a theory test. he was seen dancing after getting the good news and could get his full license as soon as next month. i don t understand how can you actually get a license after it was suspended after not having had one and being in trouble for driving anyway. steve: it s this easy, brian, he never had a license. he thought he had a license but then it was apparently suspended because he wasn t paying child support. so he never had a license. so it was impossible to suspend it. lawrence: this is after we apologized. we ran the story. and we ll found. steve: the state got the story wrong. lawrence: apparently all this outrage on social media you just embarrassed this guy. it was a court error. and then the judge comes upped from the secretary of state the judge goes there was no error. he just never had a license. so. ainsley: how do you think he had a license. he took the license test or he didn t. brian: either a stranger got in your car with a clipboard or it didn t happen. or did you just pick up somebody in the street and say would you judge my driving? lawrence: that is true. a little too in my opinion is he a little too old for a learner s permit. steve: never too old. lawrence: i got a learner s permit when i was 14. ainsley: is he up to date on his child support payment? steve: we don t know about that. once again a great guy to have on the show we have a million. lawrence: ainsley wants to know if he is taking care of the kids. ainsley: take care of your babies. maybe is he now. they wouldn t give him a permit before because he wasn t. steve: learner s permit so he can officially get a license. good luck. lawrence: we ll cover it. more fox & friends. we still got two hours. brian: if they want to wrap us. now playing the music before we wrap. the control room is taking control and joe bide

Brian , Lawrence , Ainsley , Karaoke , Jimmy-failla , Woman , News , Person , People , Text , Product , Fan

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240610

where we can have a lot of our triathletes be in a very small population. that said that they escaped alcatraz. they escaped and first place belongs to wiktor rajca from berkeley. tom debruin from san francisco took second place, also from san francisco. franklin rice took third. three bay area guys at the top. it s only appropriate that they would be the ones at the top of the escape. absolutely. all right. thanks for watching nightly news. coming up next. we re back at 6:00. i hope you can join us then. test. test. tonight, new details on the israeli rescue operation that freed four hostages as officials in gaza say the mission killed hundreds. new videos of israeli forces carrying out the deadly raid and the emotional reunions with families, but in gaza, officials say nearly 300 people were killed in that operation. what witnesses are telling us now and the major resignation from israel s war cabinet ramping up the pressure the prime minister. former president trump s first rally since his conviction in new york. our exclusive reporting on his meeting tomorrow with a probation officer. a major highway collapsing in wyoming. what it means for tourist set to flood yellowstone and the grand tetons. into yellowstone and the grand teto look at this. a house exploding as police approach it. the view from inside an armored truck. move over red light cameras, now watch for a stop sign cameras. why critics call them a money grab. and love and honor. the 100-year-old world war ii veteran back in normandy for his wedding. and the best is yet to come, i guarantee it. how two presidents helped him celebrate. this is nbc nightly news with hallie jackson. we re coming on the air with that new and dramatic inside look at the israeli raid that led to the release of four hostages and may have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of palestinians. you see armed israeli troops charging in, look at this, later rushing the hostages to freedom in helicopters waiting on the beach and after, the emotional reunions we re seeing today like this now former hostage. you see him collapsing to his knees when he sees his mother, but elation in israel quickly followed by a major political shake-up, one of the prime minister s biggest rivals who joined with him in unity after a the october 7th hamas attack, now announcing he s committing the government, blasting netanyahu s leadership and a blow to the embattled prime minister and his months-long war effort. nbc s matt bradley is on the ground in israel. reporter: tonight, new video of israel a brazen daylight raid that rescued four hostages from the gaza strip. these images provided by israel s military show soldiers leading two of the hostages to freedom and flying them back to their families and a jubilant israel. soldiers body cam video also showing an showing an intense battle on the ground. one high profile captive, noa argamani, finally met her mother who is dying of terminal cancer. and andrei kozlov falls to his knees after seeing his mother for the first time. israelis celebrated one of their few successful hostage rescues, but back in gaza, palestinians are mourning their dead and picking up pieces of their shattered homes. health officials in gaza are calling israel s successful raid a brutal massacre. gazan health officials said nearly 300 people were killed in the refugee camp where the hostages were hidden. among the dead, 64 children, according to gaza s health ministry. more than 700 prime minister were wounded. many were treated on the floors of hospitals already overwhelmed by eight months of war. we have nothing to do with hamas! i was i was taking breakfast with my family here. why are you send to bomb us? this woman said israeli forces killed both her sons in the raid. translator: i don t have anyone else but them. i only have them, she said. god is my witness. my son is 8 years old. the second one is 12 years old. children, what s their fault? we were shopping as normal, said this man. a little later we see helicopters, 20. they were close. after they were shooting down the whole place. they hit everybody, body parts, people, everything is gone. back in israel, this rare victory didn t heal the political fractures dividing the government. benny gantz, a former defense minister just announced his resignation from the war cabinet. he slammed netanyahu who he said was blocking israel from, quote, real victory, and he apologized to the remaining hostages families, saying the government had failed to bring them home. matt is joining us from jerusalem. matt, with all of these developments, what is the latest now on talks to try to free the rest of the hostages? hallie, despite initial optimism around the deal that it could be reached, those negotiations are still ongoing and secretary of state antony blinken is actually in the region this week traveling around and trying to shore up support for a deal. hallie? matt bradley. thank you. to our exclusive new reporting tonight about what s next after donald trump s criminal conviction, a meeting with a probation officer tomorrow. that s as mr. trump delivers a defiant message to crowds at his rally in las vegas today, his first since the guilty verdict came down. vaughn hilliard is there. reporter: tonight, former president trump turning the campaign trail into a defiance tour. vote for trump. we want a felon! reporter: on his first campaign swing since his guilty verdict since falsifying business records. the people are watching and they know a fake deal. reporter: speaking to a crowd of several thousand in 100-degree heat under the scorching las vegas sun, the former president s rally coming under the shade of legal setbacks. nbc news learned on monday the former president is scheduled with a virtual sitdown interview with a new york city probation officer, a key first step for his sentencing and potential jail time. the officer will evaluate trump s level of remorse, his financial background and mental state and provide a report to the judge to help him determine the sentence that he will hand down to trump on july 11th. they ve weaponized the department of justice like it s never happened in this country. trump publicly showing no regrets and over the last week he s repeatedly equivocated on whether he d seek revenge on his perceived political enemies. based on what they ve done i would have every right to go after them. it s a terrible, terrible path that they re leading us to and it s very possible that the it s going to have to happen to them. reporter: just this week, he called for the indictment of the members of congress, who worked on the january 6th select committee, and over the last year, he has called for the indictment of district attorney alvin bragg, who oversaw his new york prosecution. would you want him to seek retribution against those who brought these charges against them? of course. they should go to jail. if you re going to make false if i made false accusations, i d be thrown in jail in two seconds. he s not going to get angry. he s got too much to fix. he s not a vengeful person. vaughn joins us now from where that rally was. so vaughn, how does mr. trump plan to make his case to that probation officer tomorrow? reporter: right, hallie. we should expect the former president to hone in and focus on the fact that he has no prior criminal record. at the same time, he has also expressed no regret about any of hiss actions that he took that led to that conviction in the new york trial. hallie? vaughn hillyard, thank you. closing arguments are expected tomorrow in the historic trial of the president s son with new questions whether hunter biden might take the stand in the gun case against him. aaron gilchrist has more on what s at stake in a trial that has at times turned deeply personal. reporter: hunter biden and his legal team taking the weekend to decide whether he ll take the stand in his own defense. he ll be the last testimony jurors hear in a trial that s moved faster than expected. with jury instructions set to be finalized monday morning and closing arguments soon after the jury could get the case by the afternoon. president biden s surviving son pleading not guilty to illegally buying a handgun and lying about his drug use on a government form back in 2018. a guilty verdict could mean probation or up to 25 years in prison. prosecutors rested their case on friday after calling ten witnesses including hallie biden the widow of hunter s brother beau with whom hunter was romantically involved after beau s death. prosecutors played surveillance video of hallie throwing away the gun after finding it in hunter s truck. the government presenting a text hunter sent hallie around the time he bought the gun, saying i was sleeping on a car, smoking crack. prosecutors also trying to use hunter s own voice against him playing clips from the audio book version of his memoir. by now, i possessed a new super power. the ability to find crack at any town, at any time no matter how unfamiliar the terrain. reporter: the defense calling three witness, including hunter biden s daughter naomi. president biden and the first lady in france on sunday. visiting an american cemetery before flying back to delaware. the president answering questions about his son while overseas. have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. aaron is here with us now. aaron, the first lady, you mentioned her. she d been at court nearly every day. do we know if she ll be there at closing tomorrow? dr. biden has only missed one day of court so far. we know she even flew overnight from france to be in court. she and the president just landed back in the u.s. moments ago, heading home to wilmington, and i wouldn t be surprised if we see her sitting behind her step-son again tomorrow. hallie? thank you. to a state of emergency in wyoming for the most popular tourist spots. after a landslide wipe out a key road. that could mean a big setback for workers and headaches for tourists visiting yellowstone and the grand tetons. dana griffin reports. reporter: tonight, an emergency declaration after a mountain road near the popular jackson, wyoming tourist destination catastrophically failed. this site has moved really for decades. starting thursday it started moving a lot faster. drone video showing the massive chunk of the teton pass that plunged 70 piece down the mountain. this eight-inch crack started forming thursday. by friday an additional ten to 12 inches rapidly formed. overnight it slid all of the way down. complete failure. reporter: this road connects jackson to towns in east idaho. 10,000 vehicles pass through each day, including families who commute to work and school. i m anticipating that my two-hour commute just turned into a six-hour commute. reporter: tourism helps feed davidan s family. he warns the collapse will impact everyone from workers to tourists. if they don t come the economy crashes here. we have to have the tourists. if you are a tourist, prepare to pay more than you normally would. reporter: 40% of teton county s workforce comes from idaho to support popular tourist attractions like grand teton national park, yellowstone, and luxury resorts. could this take weeks, months before people can start accessing that road? i m hoping to do it definitely less than months. we know how important it is to the economy of jackson, especially now coming into the summer months. we ll get it done. reporter: crews working to revive a vital transportation pipeline destroyed by mother nature. dana griffin, nbc news. we are getting our first look at newly released bodycam video of a huge house explosion in suburban virginia. first responders running for their lives and desperately trying to get neighbors to safety. here s jesse kirsch. reporter: this was the moment an arlington, virginia home exploded. first responders fleeing. i m here! i m here! reporter: and evacuating residents. police department! i need you to evacuate and move down the street, okay? reporter: watch again from another angle. authorities say this armored police vehicle was about to smash in a covered window, but the blast came first. these videos, newly released by authorities show a december incident that investigators started with a homeowner firing more than 40 flares into the neighborhood, sparking a standoff between police and the suspect, who did not surrender. arlington county police! stop shooting the flares! mr. yu! reporter: authorities identified the suspect as 56-year-old james yu, described by neighbors as an erratic individual. there was no nexus to terrorism, and there is no continuing threat to this community. reporter: police say officers evacuated the duplex s neighboring unit, adding that the home s gas was shut off as the law enforcement response escalated. come to the front door with your hands up! reporter: police eventually breaching the front door, and then gunshots ring out. [ gunshots ] soon after the blast which investigators say was caused by yu. his remains now confirmed to have been found at the scene. authorities otherwise reporting no major injuries despite that massive explosion. jesse kirsch, nbc news. still ahead for us tonight, a high-flying trash war with north korea launching balloons carrying garbage into south korea. how the south s now responding k-pop style, and traffic cameras now being installed on stop signs. why drivers say they go too far. s say they go too far. (vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it s a bit of a dinosaur, because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there s a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks. airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both. airsupra is an as-needed rescue inhaler and should not be used as a maintenance treatment for asthma. get medical help right away if your breathing does not improve, continues to worsen, or for serious allergic reactions. using airsupra more than prescribed could be life threatening. serious side effects include heart problems, increased risk of thrush or infections. welcome to the modern age of dual-action asthma rescue. ask your doctor if airsupra is right for you. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i d buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is. we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. okay, so here s my most requested hack for stubborn odors. you ll need vinegar, a large salad bowl and. oh, hi! have you tried tide fabric rinse? it works after your detergent to fight deep odors 3 times better than detergent alone. i love that. try tide fabric rinse. -remember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer? -was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45? [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we ll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that s effective and non-invasive. it s for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for me, cologuard. we re back with what may sound like a teenage prank, but with so much more on the line along the most militarized border in the world. north korea launching balloons carrying trash into south korea, a big escalation, and the south now responding. george solis has more. reporter: it s trash talk at the highest level over the most militarized border in the world. in recent days north korea launching thousands of timer controlled trash-filled balloons like these toward south korea. south korean authorities say the balloons had been filled with cigarette butts, paper scraps, cloth and in some cases compost, but nothing hazardous. how tense are things getting right now between north and south korea? at first glance these balloons seem harmless, but it s against the backdrop of a great deal of attention in disputed waters west of the peninsula. south korea has set up high-powered speakers to blast the north with music and messages. the north koreans are more afraid of bts than they are of u.s. nuclear weapons. it s disturbing for the north korean regime when the soldiers are listening to the music and then they start humming the tunes. this is considered mind pollution. the tit for tat propaganda battle between the two countries dates back to the cold war. both sides agreeing to stop for a while and over the last few years, north korea s ballistic missile test sparking the south to respond to the escalation of tensions. and in the last few weeks, activists in south korea have resumed sending balloons with anti-north korean propaganda across the border. experts don t expect the psychological warfare to end any time soon. we ve been distracted by the war in ukraine, the war in gaza as well as taiwan and china s efforts in taiwan. yet the situation on the peninsula is growing. reporter: george solis, nbc news. when we come back, cameras on stop signs may be coming to an intersection near you. why some drivers are slamming them as a money grab. plus two years after will smith s oscar night slap. how moviegoers seem to be forgiving him at the summer box office. how moviegoers seem to be forgiving him at the summer box office. gardening. some of us go for the dramatic. how didn t i know wayfair had vanities in tile? [ gasps ] this. wow! do you have any ottomans without legs. sure. you ll flip for the poof cart. in the wayborhood, there s a place for all of us. wayfair. every style. every home. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don t take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. honestly, i was scared when i was told age vision changes, related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. great. one more thing to worry about. it was all too hard to deal with in the beginning, but making a plan with my doctor to add precision was easy. preservision areds2 contains the exact nei recommended, clinically proven nutrient formula to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. thanks to preservision, i feel better that i m doing something about it like millions of others. preservision. it s started. it s. the side hug. tween milestones like this may start at age 9. hpv vaccination a type of cancer prevention against certain hpv-related cancers, can start then too. for most, hpv clears on its own. but for others, it can cause certain cancers later in life. you re welcome! now, as the “dad cab”, it s my cue to help protect them. embrace this phase. help protect them in the next. ask their doctor today about hpv vaccination. stunning video from an oregon rodeo. take a look at this. a bull got loose in an arena last night. it suddenly jumps the fence and runs right into the crowd. three people were hurt and two of them went to the hospital, but today we are told all are home and doing okay. also tonight, a big screen summer comeback for will smith. his new movie bad boys ride or die number one at the box office making about $60 million domestically. it s smith s first major film after he infamously slapped chris rock at the oscars back in 2022. now to a growing controversy that has some drivers seeing, well, red, as cities install new stop sign cameras. they re supposed to keep neighborhoods safer, but with tickets topping out at 100 bucks each, some critics say enough is enough. here s erin mclaughlin. i ve been taken advantage of. reporter: niki jordan is fed up. here is another one. this one is on 7/15. this is 7/19, 2021. those aren t speeding tickets and they re tickets she s gotten from one of these stop sign cameras. it really does feel like you can t get a break. reporter: the life-long washington, d.c. resident says she s gotten seven tickets from this one stop sign camera, similar to a red light camera, stop sign cameras are currently in use in a handful of states across the country. the goal, crack down on drivers like these who don t come to a complete stop. the cameras record a car as it approaches the stop sign. if the light flashes or the camera perceives an infraction, that video is then reviewed by a team. if there s a violation, they send you a ticket in the mail. so in this situation, the key to not getting a ticket is to stop before the line. washington, d.c. was an early adopter of stop sign cameras and is now expanding their program with dozens scattered across the capital and each ticket is $100 a pop. by some estimates, generating millions of dollars for the district. neighborhood commissioner kishin says he has received numerous complaint, but something needed to be done. he had the highest traffic fatalities in 16 years in 2023, and so we needed to do something about it. reporter: and even while we re talking to him, the camera flashes over and over. oh, i just saw a flash. oh, there is another one. he says people feel it s more about making money than making the streets safer. a lot of people felt like they re being treated like cash machines. reporter: but intersection disease be dangerous. roughly a quarter of traffic fatalities and a half of all traffic injuries in the u.s. happen at intersections, according to the u.s. department of transportation. 5700 crashes occurred at stop sign intersections between 2018 and today . reporter: jaren kirschbalm is the acting head of the department of transportation and she says the cameras have made the streets safer. we are looking at the intersections where we have the cameras installed and we can see there are fewer crashes at those intersections. other cities like new york city and baltimore have reached out and wanting to hear more, but nikki jordan is not convinced. i think that the system is flawed. i wouldn t recommend it anywhere else. reporter: erin mclaughlin, nbc news, washington, d.c. coming up next, there is good news tonight. we were there when this 100-year-old world war ii vet tied the knot in normandy. ly adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category. suddenly life s feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go. 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( ) there s good news tonight about love and honor and the world war ii vet who returned to normandy this week for the wedding of his dreams. in normandy, not just a commemoration, but here, a celebration. harold terens, a world war ii veteran marrying the love of his life. this is probably the most exciting time i ve ever had in a hundred years of my life. you know, love is not only for the young. we still get butterflies. reporter: terens proposed to 96 gerald jean swerli last year. all right. come on, newlyweds. time to get you on this aircraft. the start of their journey in more ways than one. harold, why choose normandy to get married? i m an emotional guy, and i came to invite the 9,836 kids that are buried on omaha beach, and i want them to know that they ll never be forgotten. that s one of the reasons i ve come back. reporter: harold was just 20 years old and an army air force s corporal when he went to normandy to help transport newly freed american p.o.w.s to england in the after of d-day. now eight decades later he s returned with his bride and their families. [ applause ] for a moment years in the making. i now pronounce you husband and wife. [ cheers and applause plenty of room for romance and a toast or two.] reporter: plenty of room for romance and a toast or two, including from global leaders. yes, those are the newlyweds invited to last night s state dinner with presidents biden and macron. but even on the world stage, there may be no alliance more powerful than this one. i didn t know what love really was until i met him. i used to think romeo and juliet was the greatest love story. i think our love story is the greatest love story ever. the best is yet to come. [ cheering ] the happy couple is now enjoying their honeymoon in paris. we wish them all the best. that s nightly news this sunday. for all of us at nbc, i m hallie jackson. thanks for watching and have a great week. right now at six, we are following breaking news out of pittsburgh. crews are at the scene of that brush fire near the stoneman trailad

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Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240610

on this new hour of diamond, a key member of israel s core cabinet has resigned. what does this departure mean for netanyahu s war on gaza? also, tonight, extremism on the rise, hate group surge across america and why are migrant family still being separated at the u.s. border and being left in limbo. here with is live, let s do it. we began with an important seismic shakeup in the israeli government. benny gantz, one of the three core members of israel s war cabinet and vitamin netanyahu s top clinical rival has resigned. in a press conference today, he said, quote, netanyahu prevents us from moving forward to real victory and accused his far right coalition of prioritizing political considerations over war strategy. last month, gantz gave netanyahu an ultimatum, present a plan for the day after the war in gaza, by june 8th, or else. it was one of the most visible signs of division within the emergency wartime government, a team of political rivals who had until recently projected unity. but netanyahu has not produced a plan for gaza s future beyond rejecting a two state solution and insisting on israel s long- term security oversight over gaza and the west bank. so gantz followed through on his threat to step down, delayed by one day due to the brutal israeli attack to rescue hostages in gaza. today, netanyahu, for a second time, publicly urged gantz to stay, posting on x, quote, israel is in an x essential war on several fronts. benny, this is not the time to abandon a campaign. this is a time to join forces. with gantz s resignation, it will not merely think netanyahu s government but it does mean that he now needs the far right members of his coalition more than ever to stay in power. already, the national security minister highly controversial figure, ben-gvir, one of israel s most radical nationalists and is now demanding a seat in the war cabinet. he is saying he was the power of his party to be given expression and not as it has been until now. gantz was asked today whether his resignation leaves the israeli government without any adults in the room. here is what he said. i was very privileged together with my friends to bring to the cabinet room all the experience we have. i know that the other people, mainly off-balance and they know it should be done hopefully they will stick to what should be done, and it will be okay. this is the biggest shakeup to israel s leadership since october 7, and comes at a critical moment in the war. a comp room hostage deal is on the table right now. the world is waiting for a response from hamas, but it is not clear if israel will also accept the terms outlined by president biden. netanyahu says there are gaps between the proposal biden described and the one he approved, and even ministers like ben-gvir have rejected it. netanyahu will make his case for what he describes as israel s just war when he comes to speak before the u.s. congress. we must ask, will gantz s departure result in real fundamental change for the war in gaza? the problem does not lie singularly with netanyahu but with israel s ideological and institutional approach to the palestinian issue, largely speaking. the policies preventing, for example, palestinian statehood and liberation are deeply entrenched in israeli society and the resignation from one so- called moderate cabinet minister will not necessarily change that. joining me now to discuss this ambassador alan pincus, the formal israeli consul general in new york and chief of staff are four is really foreign ministers and eastern africa studies on the council of foreign relations. he is also the offer of the book, the end of ambition, america s past, present, and future in the middle east. gentlemen, it is great to have both of you with us. ambassador, i will start with you and get your take on this is recognition. does any gantz is recognition change anything about how israel conducts this war in gaza or these talks for a cease- fire and hostage deal? high, good evening. it looks like a drama. it looks like a political earthquake. it is not but it does have the potential to evolve and do something very dramatic if mr. gantz resignation. which is according to most of his critics was related by at least five or six days months. to a large extent, any guest in decision-making and the cabinet was marginal. his ability to affect change in both the prosecution of the war and in developing and crafting a strategy for postwar in gaza was marginal. he essentially became an enabler. i think if you read stephen cook s article on foreign- policy yesterday, even the americans got him wrong in terms of thinking he is some centrist, even left of center. in terms of policy, he is a decent man. there is no malice there. he meant well when he joined the government. it was a time of emergency. effectively, he enabled netanyahu. he is complacent and he is an accomplice to every mistake, every strategic fluid assumption that this government made. now, in terms of how this will affect the war, it doesn t change the fundamental element, the fundamental parameters of what needs to be done. israel still faces a binary choice, except the plan or not except the plan. it sounds bizarre, i m in, netanyahu rejects israel s plan. it is like, you know. 1994. george orwell except that it is netanyahu s 2024. so in that respect, nothing changes as a result of his departure. stephen, there is an interesting element in his press conference, i should say, a fact that came out and that is he is honestly calling for new elections in israel this fall but that was somewhat echoed by chuck schumer here a couple of weeks ago. senate leader chuck schumer, the highest making jewish official american history demanding that netanyahu step aside and calling for early elections, as well. first of all, do you see that happening? what are the chances that the next reiteration of the israeli government does not move further to the right, if you do bring in somebody like ben-gvir or give more power to the more right of netanyahu elements in the government and society. there is pressure coming from the outside for a new elections, and certainly from within, from benny gantz. the other major figure in the opposition. but netanyahu, even with gantz s decision to leave the government has a solid majority in the knesset so he can stick it out as long as he has the support of his partners, the radical right. think of a. this government is likely to move further to the right, as a result. however, it is true, any gantz has played essentially a marginal role. now that you have ben-gvir demanding on a greater say in the war effort, that is likely to move things to the right in ways that are not good for the palestinians, obviously, and the israelis, as well. gantz poss resignation is actually quite puzzling to me and ways. if he is concerned with national security and israel, if he is concerned about the war effort, it strikes me that he would want to remain in the war cabinet and insert himself rather than take himself out and let the country continue its march to the right. and who knows what will happen. ben-gvir and most of us want to resettle the gaza strip. that is an ultimate disaster so it may be that gantz thought he could save himself but fight for another day and improve his political chances. but it leads to a suboptimal outcome for everybody else. what does that mean, stephen, for the united states in the situation? you got the secretary of state, antony blinken now heading to the region for the eighth time since october 7th. they are on the cusp of waking up to an israeli government that is more extreme and, as you just said, potentially calling for the resettling, the full reoccupation of gaza and the displacement, perhaps, of the palestinians. if you do bring in people, or not bring in, but to give people like into mark ben-gvir more power over the conduct of this war and gaza policy. i was perhaps the least optimistic person in washington when it came to a cease-fire anyways. and i am even less optimistic about this. there is no basis for agreement at this point. unfortunately, it seems, after all this terrible bloodshed, that the conflict is not yet ripe for a resolution and secretary of state tony blinken is going to find the same problems that he found on his previous trips. ambassador, your thoughts on what america should do now? as you probably heard my previous hours, spoke to former u.s. army major who resigned saying that america actually does have a lot of leverage over israel. perhaps more so than any other country in the region. he needs to step up and exerted to change course. as a diplomat, former diplomat, i should say. what you think america should do now as it sees this israeli government, and even just consistently moved to the right and to the extreme right with no fundamental change in policy, vis-@-vis the palestinians? in president biden s credit, to president biden s credit. he warned mr. netanyahu, the government was informed that this is an extremist government and then when mr. netanyahu instigated a constitutional coup in january of 23, it was followed by biden not refraining from inviting him to washington, to the white house for nine full months, and then the war rocha, et cetera, et cetera. so yes, the u.s. has all kinds of levers that it can use. it chose, until now, not to use them. and i heard your interview with major, and you made actually, you presented, submitted two premises, and you are right on both. both has letters and chooses not to use them, and, to a large extent, most of its lovers, because mr. netanyahu has been entranced and defiant and is actually seeking confrontation with biden. his plan right now is to try and stall and waste time and wait until america is sucked into its election cycle, full force. around september. and then he hopes that mr. trump will be elected. there is no question and there is no doubt about that. what the u.s. needs to do now is one of two things. it needs to do its basic calculus of how much our american interests being sergeant here. and that pertains to a possible escalation in lebanon and direct feed, rather than what the palestinians or pull out, meaning, you know, say to mr. netanyahu, do what ever the hell you want, but leave us out. which is obviously not a reasonable or realistic option. but what they can do. i know we don t have time. the u.s. can do and has not done until now is for president biden, not anyone else, not secretary of state link in, not national security advisor sullivan. for biden himself, for the president himself to stand out, stand up, and make a speech differentiating, drawing a distinction, a clear distinction between israel and mr. netanyahu and calling mr. netanyahu s bluff, if he believes that is going to be a blow. i don t know. will have to wait and see if the president is watching this, maybe he will heed your advice. ambassador, i noticed very late in israel. thank you so much for staying up for us. i really appreciate it. we appreciate it. we greatly appreciated. stephen cook, great to see you, as well. my friend, congratulations on the book next up, why a man dressed up as an exterminator started a hateful conspiracy theory that is spreading like wildfire ahead of november s election, then later on, caitlin clark left off with team usa. was she snubbed? 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[tense music] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? .and for fast topical pain relief,try alevex. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. her uncle s unhappy. becau i m sensing ans pain at theunderlying issue.mation. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. back in march, a man posing as a test exterminator arrived at a hotel in san diego that serves as a shelter for migrant families in an attempt to gain access. he was turned away. according to new york times report, just three days later, menacing calls began pouring into staff at the catholic charity s, the organization running the shelter. one voicemail left for the chief executive called him, quote, scum and not really christian. another woman in a message to a different staff member accused the nonprofit of flying emigrants all over the country, profiting from illegal operation. the false, baseless claim can be traced back to james o keefe, the guy disguised as the fake exterminator. he is the far right founder of project veritas, an extremist group that carries out these undercover operations to undermine and target progressive voters. turns out the keypad made posts on x thing the shelter was illegally holding and trafficking emigrants. in san diego, what began as online threats turned into threats in real life, when o keefe supporters started showing up at other catholic charities and sites. private armed guards were posted outside facilities across the city after people apparently prompted by o keefe s posts, came searching for, quote, smuggled children. volunteers were sent home, employees continue to work were told to keep a low profile or catholic charities founder, said, quote, we had never seen this level of harassment. this is just one story that disinformation campaign and conspiracy theories targeting catholic charities is part of a much larger story about the far right intensifying hostility and targeted threats across this country. it is one of the findings in a new report by the southern poverty law center, which found 835 active antigovernment groups and 595 active hate groups across the united states last year, together totaling 1430. in between 2022 and 2023, the number of white nationalist groups grew by more than 50% from 109 to a historic high of 165. and it is no coincidence that we are seeing all this happen right now. quote, extremists and those opposing inclusive democracy have used the past year to legitimize insurrection, paint hate as virtuous and transform false conspiracy theories into truth. all in preparation for one of the most significant elections in u.s. history. joining me now to discuss this is pete semi, professor of sociology at chapman university. and he is the co-author of out of hiding, extremist white supremacy and how it can be stopped. professor, it s great to have you on the program. let me start with your response to this idea laid out by the southern poverty law center report in 2023, it became clear that two years since the january 6th insurrection was a time of preparation for the hard right, and effectively we are going to see all this manifest within the next several months as we head into this critical election? first, thanks for having me on. i think it is right on target. what we saw after january 6th, 2021 was a period of time where you know, extremists kind of went into a short period of trying to regroup obviously the arrests and prosecutions had some substantial impacts on that world. but arrests and prosecutions aren t enough, and when you re not dealing with the root causes of the problem, these groups are able to kind of essentially regroup and then re- emerge even stronger. and i think that is exactly what we are seeing and what the southern poverty law center is pointing to. how does conspiracy theories play into the activity and rise of hate groups right now thinking about the harassment we saw play out at a migrant shelter in san diego. what led people to the january 6th insurrection, how is it that these baseless theories are resonating so much with people on the far right driving them to make these both online and real-life threats, even things like pizza gates that we saw several years ago? and menus, conspiracy theories are kind of a defining feature of extremist hate groups. one of the things that they do that is so important for them is that they offer a bridge of sorts and that conspiracy theories can reach a much broader audience. of course, we saw that on january 6th, in terms of the attack on the u.s. capitol. lots of different sorts of folks that ended up showing up by the thousands at the capitol that day. you had the proud boys, you had the three presenters. oath keepers, neo nazis, neo- confederate, a lot of folks that weren t necessarily affiliated with those groups. one thing they had in common is they all believed in this conspiracy theory about the stolen election. and you know, these kind of ideas are really, provide people a special sense that they are aware of things that the average person isn t aware of, and provides them with this kind of special knowledge, secretive knowledge, special insight. it really goes along with the idea, the that extremist groups offer to their adherents, that you re a part of a special population, special culture, special country, special race, special religion that is different and, quite frankly, superior to other groups. when you look at this record number of anti-lgbtq+ and white nationalist groups in 2023, numbering 186 and 165 respectively, why are these groups specifically, in your opinion, growing so significantly as they have grown? has there m.o. shifted and having this kind of hatred towards the lgbtq+ community? that is 18 many hot button issues that these kind of groups are good at identifying and then targeting and really spending a lot of time directing disinformation towards and propaganda and really trying to highlight the supposedly dangerous and risk a so that go along with, from their perspective, these hot button issues. immigration has been one for years, as well. and frankly, right now, they have at their fingertips, some of the most powerful technology in human history, in terms of social media platforms and the problems that you mentioned, the root problems that we are really not addressing, social media platforms, the lack of regulation around those. that will certainly be one of them coupled with national leadership that is helping essentially espouse some of the same ideas using literally, in the case of donald trump, the language of nazi germany to help promote these ideas. so they had these megaphones, whether it is national leaders or social media platforms at their disposal, that really empower them to a substantial extent. do you think that we have the adequate legal tools to take on these organizations x when you think about, as you were just mentioning, the issues of social media. it obviously rubs up against the issue of free speech in this country, that is always a find point when you re trying to go after these groups, he almost kind of have to wait until the free speech becomes actionable and they go out and carry out some kind of attack or potential violence. at which point it violates the law but up until the point of actually doing something about it, it falls, some would argue, under free speech. we have the legal tools the way that we have designated foreign terrorist organizations to go after isis and what have you? do we have enough adequate resources and tools to go after domestic terrorist organizations? i think we do have, i don t think a new statute is the answer, per se. i do think essentially utilizing resources that we have, being more aggressive, understanding that arresting and prosecuting is an important part of it, it is a necessary part of it but it is honestly not the only part of it. and then a civil issue, in terms of talk about the law. i do think that it needs some changes in that realm as it relates to social media platforms and being able to hold them more civilly accountable for the material that they are publishing and, of course, that means congressional changes to section 230. and i do think it is clear that social media platforms are not willing to take the kind of aggressive actions that are necessary to essentially cleanup their platforms. all right, professor pete sent me, it is a pleasure, thank you so much for joining us. i greatly appreciate your insights. thanks for having me. next, families are still being separated at the southern border. and why. and why. the best way to solve a problem is to keep it from happening. ( ) at evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify members in need of care. predicting and treating behavioral health issues quickly. while lowering costs for plan sponsors and members. that s wonder made possible. evernorth health services (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin . no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it s easy. (kev) . i guess we re movin . [sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient / laughing. last october, a peruvian family was taken into border patrol custody in the san diego area, during the process the parents were separated from their 18-month-old son, then released without him, according to a report from prison. if it wasn t for several military organizations that stepped in to help, that family may have never been reunited. they were able to track the boys whereabouts to a detention center hundreds of miles away, in texas. according to this february reporting from prison, legal advocates have accounted for at least 1000 instances of family separation across san diego county under this tactic known as street release, where migrants in custody are released without resources or shelter. at the start of his presidency, joe biden officially rescinded trumps zero-tolerance policy in the reunification task force that, according to dhs, has reunified 795 children with their parents, as of march. but despite those efforts, families are still being separated under a president who campaigned on a humane approach to immigration and strongly denounced the policies of his predecessor. now despite that, biden has signed an executive order this past week that drastically curtails humanitarian right to seek asylum. joining me now to discuss this, and more, is president and ceo of global refuge and a former policy director on the obama admin, and msnbc contributor who has done a lot of reporting on this and many other issues. it is great to have both of you with us. i will start with you, under a settlement reached in december with the families who were separated under the trump administration, border officials can still separate families in limited circumstances, such as if an adult poses a danger to a child or to national security. that didn t appear to be the case with the family that we just mentioned. to what do you oh these types of policies still taking place today? i think most people would be hearing about this now and still be shocked that this policy is still happening in this country? i think part of what we are seeing is a situation where policy does incentivize family separation. and that is true not just on u.s. soil but at the u.s.- mexico border, as well. when you think about even the new executive order, which exempts unaccompanied children, what that means is that a family that is fleeing for their lives, makes a possible choice of either allowing their children to travel unaccompanied across the border so that they can reach safety, or to remain in mexico obviously, families have experienced assault and far worse. in terms of the specific case that you are describing. i think this is where you know, there still some confusion on how policies are being implemented. we care for unaccompanied children and, obviously, it is horrific to see that even under this administration, we have echoes of what we saw as a real policy under president trump, which was essentially government sanctioned kidnapping. this report the site a difference between the family separations under trump versus biden, under trump federal immigration officials separated small children from their parents, whereas under biden, officials separated different family four nations, mainly parents and their adult children what does this say overall about our immigration system, specifically that these policies are continuing under a democratic president? is that just the result of vague policies and the lack of clarity as to how this should be implement it? or is it because there is something different at play here? i think what you re seeing is a biden administration that is falling into a political trap i do think we have to be very clear when we are talking about zero-tolerance, going back in history, that was such a dark chapter in our history, we had a trump administration that made decisions out of cruelty and made decisions out of the action of dehumanizing others. and here we have a biden administration that is falling into a political trap. over the last four years we have seen this admin that has made promises and that suddenly, it is shifting to the right. as you pointed out, ayman. i want to remember that the very very last week of the 2020 november election, the biden campaign released a video call separated. and in that video, just five days before everyone went out to vote, he specifically highlighted trumps zero policy initiative. he highlighted the cruelty. in here we are, just five months before the election, and as we have been discussing, he has been starting to sound and use language that does sort of remind us of donald trump. and at the end of the day, that is a political trap because the bottom line is, you cannot out trump trump when it comes to immigration and the border. what worked in 2020 was that humanity, as you described, anything that tries to shift to the right of donald trump is a failed political strategy. so to that point, krisher. makes a really good point with this flaming framing of a political trial when it comes to the issue of immigration. i do want to turn to biden s new executive order. any any time the seven day average of a legal border crossings reaches 2500 migrant entering the u.s. between legal ports of entry, with some exceptions, will be banned from claiming asylum and deported talk to me about how this is implemented. several department of homeland security officials responsible for carrying out the actions. on the condition of anonymity to msnbc, there is concern that the tension facilities across centers for migrants could quickly become overcrowded. what are you hearing about this and why? it is such an important question because for organizations like local refuge who work with asylum-seekers, the executive order raises a number of concerns. for one, there are very significant questions about its ultimate legality and enforceability. you know, the trump administration used the same authority to shut down the southern border and that was also really locked by federal courts. also raises some serious locations for asylum seeking families who are trying to seek protection because of these arbitrary numerical limits. i think the final important point is just understand that we know from trump era policies that were hard-line restrictions. they don t actually deter people from crossing the border. so we are perplexed by a policy that isn t going to actually be effective, that is harkening back to the trump administration, and i think it is a result of congressional inaction. but the administration could put in place a system that respects our border, but also respect our humanitarian and legal obligations. back in april, reported on how migrant women are being targeted by cartels as they wait and limbo at the mexican border to hear back about their asylum claims. i remember talking to you about it back then. how do you see biden s new order exacerbating this specific issue? i mean, as all of us know, the desperation isn t in there. what we are seeing is simply a more dangerous situation. what this means on the ground is that more families, their lives will be in the hands of the cartels. they will be held hostage. they will be exposed to sexual violence and sexual assault. many families will be sleeping in tent cities. many families will go hungry. many families will be repatriated to countries that are death sentences. many families will set a suddenly be staring into the united states at this time them, no matter the violence that they are facing, no matter the inhumanity, no matter the cruelty. no matter how many attempts there are by the cartels to end their lives, in this country, or try to make it harder for them to seek asylum. we all know that that desperation will only mean that these families will literally put their lives in the hands of the cartels to find other routes to cross into this country. that is what we are facing. a troubling situation for every one involved. thank you so much for the both of you, greatly appreciated. coming up, far right extremism spreads across israel, sanctioned by one of the country s top government officials. i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well jardiance! it s a little pill with a big story to tell i take once-daily jardiance at each day s start! as time went on it was easy to see i m lowering my a1c! jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. jardiance is really swell the little pill with a big story to tell! it s never a good time for migraine, especially when i m on camera. that s why my go-to is nurtec odt. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it s the only migraine medication that helps treat & prevent, all in one. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. people depend on me. without a migraine, i can be there for them. talk to your doctor about nurtec odt today. what tractor supply customers experience is personalized service. made possible by t-mobile for business. with t-mobile s reliable 5g business internet. employees get the information they need instantly. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog s food to the farmer s dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there s no magic involved. (dog bark) it s just smarter, healthier pet food. it s amazing what real food can do. this week, israeli extremist marched through the streets of jerusalem they were celebrating jerusalem day, which marks the conclusion of the june 19th 1967 war, that is when israel and conquered and occupied the territory including the west bank and east jerusalem. israelis claimed it to be a reunification of jerusalem, despite east jerusalem largely being inhabited by palestinians, and all attempt at a peace accord envisioning jerusalem as a capital for both israel and palestine. while marching through densely popular to palestinian neighborhoods, some of them are tours chanted death to arabs and may your village burn and other racist and violent slogans. the most troubling things were attacks on journalists. these are palestinian journalists, clad in a press pass, being threatened and physically attacked by a mob right wing israelis. he was kicked and pummeled by the mob, had objects thrown at him and sustained a head injury. even more troubling, it was the journalist who was detained by police, who confiscated his equipment after he was attacked. i known right-wing activists contacted the police and claimed that he was a hamas operative. that is all the evidence the police needed to detain him. also reported that the police did not arrest any of the at at attackers. intimidation from the palestinian sections of jerusalem not new. this mart has been and will for decades. we re not just dealing with outlaws or a fringe group this is appearing at the core of israel s power structure. take for example, national security administer, ben-gvir. here that this week s march and visited the complex that palestinians referred to, israelis called the temple mount. israeli journalist called the move a, quote, shattering of the status quo, since the rules about who is allowed where at this compound are extremely delicate. in the far right israeli leader marching through the muslim holy site is typically seen as a provocation of violence. case and point, september 20th, 2000, right wing opposition leader in the and infamously made the same track. a move that helped spark the second palestinian intifada. went on to defeat labor months later, which ended any hopes of an israeli-palestinian peace accord and ushered in years of increased violence. so been here knew exactly what he was doing. when the u.s. government continues to give israel unconditional financial military and diplomatic support and aid, american should know exactly who and what their tax dollars support. more ayman after a quick break. ak. will if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you d like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum 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have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you ve had or plan to have an organ, tissue, or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation or have a nervous system problem. depending on the type of cancer, keytruda may be used alone or in combination with other treatments, and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it s tru. keytruda from merck. see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. is one of the most anticipated games of the season, the first wnba clash between former college rivals, and now start rookies, angel rees and caitlin clark. the most notable moment came in the third quarter, when chicago sky guard kennedy carter hit checked caitlin clark before the ball is inbound, essentially pushing her to the floor your average fan but what a cheap shot, it is also the kind of hard lay one occasionally sees in pro sports. regardless, the incident sparked hot takes galore across the sports world. with many mostly male commentators calling on league officials to protect caitlin clark. other reactions were plainly inappropriate. espn host called mcafee called her, quote, a white b word. he later apologized. the chicago ran an editorial calling a hip check to sold. the median meltdown is part of what the atlantic dubs the one downside of gender equality in sports, a movement in women s basketball means more commentary from men who don t know what they re talking about. join me now to discuss this is the author of that piece, contributing writer for the l.a., jamel hill. it is great to have you on the show. you know, so much to unpack here. let me start with charles barkley and other male commentators who accused the wnba layers of being jealous of clark s popularity, the carter foul seems to have supercharged that view. what do you think that type of criticism gets wrong about how veterans are treating clark? well, one, thanks for having me on. one, i think a lot of them and who are commenting, they seem to come at the same time, forget about how they competed if they were former players in the way that charles barkley was , forget about how they commentate and frame a lot of the story lines that happen on the men s side, whereas when men challenge each other, when a new rookie comes in and there is some kind of. were, of course, you have want to see how misses person really who they say they are, it is often considered a competitive and natural part of the game. yet, with women, they seem to reduce their level of competitiveness to something that is very triggering, particularly when we are talking about a leak that a 70% black. they go with these code words, petty, jealousy. making it sound like we re talking about a real housewives reunion on bravo. this is not what this is, this is a competitive fire. and naturally, of course, when you are the talent, the generational talent that caitlin clark is, there s going to be a lot when you come to the next level. the women in the wnba are the escalators of the world at their sport. it is a reason why the olympic team has won seven gold medals in a row. it is a reason why they are 70 and three and they haven t lost a game since the 90s. where did the thing is women were coming from? this leak. if they re that good that would me naturally for any rookie, there s going to be a bit of a learning curve where they can understand the physicality and the way the game is played. it is very natural in men s sports when you go from college to the pros, that in college, you can t get away with in the pros. that is what makes it the pros. but the men who commentate seem to forget all of this when it comes to caitlin clark. you bring up an interesting point. i do want to ask you about that. there has been an obvious racial component to some of these debates. carter and angel rees, who were seen cheering after the foul are both black. and people are talking about that and explained that point how does race play into the media s explosive reactions to the story lines? will this is a collocated question, and a complicated answer. so let me go back and sum it up correctly. okay, again, the wnba is 70% black. so the face of the caitlin, they made out to be black. one of the tropes, and many of the tropes about the black women is that there confrontational, aggressive, petty, jealous, all the things. so when those traits are ascribed to women in general, when people want to talk competitively about women. i think, in this case, particularly sticks because you have that object of black versus white. let s be honest, another white player had done, it would not merely have been as inclusive as it was. because you have the dynamic of her and angel rees, a black player and a white layer having a personal rivalry, it becomes racially charged by the optics. i m old enough to remember when johnson, when they were college rivals came over to the pros. a lot of what people talked about then, how their talents are characterized was based off racial perceptions in this country of both of them. i don t know why people think that this wouldn t be alive and well in this rivalry, but it is. and angel rees has bore the brunt of a lot of this because she chose to, you know, sorta be confident about the level of play that she has when they were in college. and listen, i don t agree that she should have been clapping when kennedy carter took her down but at the same time, within the context of a broader rivalry. they took some cheap shots at each other, that s what happened. again, it is interesting how the same things that are celebrated, marketed, and that fans love on one side of the game, a totally different gender, they are suddenly clutching their pearls on the other side. i grew up a little bit in detroit. i know very well what a violent or tough basketball game looks like. but to ask you about something you brought up really quick. we are almost out of time, though. the debate that was parked this weekend about caitlin clark being left off the u.s. olympic rascal team. some describe it as a snub. she is still a rookie, though. she s a two-time nieces mentor winner. has not included the standout rookie before or any rookie is before, what is your reaction and do you agree with calling it a snub? i don t think it is a snub and i honestly wasn t surprised. i thought this months ago. i think she is going to have a pretty hard time making the team. and that is not about her ability. i think eventually caitlin clark, i think this is almost a guarantee. about the transition, she went from playing college ball to play in a professional league within a matter of weeks, when they were holding the child in their camp, she wasn t able to play in any of that. she has some international experience but not a lot. she is at a position where it is a little bit tougher because you are a guard a little bit on the slight side. she is adjusting to the physicality where the international level is more. it is a very successful team there is a lot of people that do not get on this team and work this time around. and so i think if we just take the caitlin clark nests away from it and people will probably better understand the decision. like you said, the women s team is the most dominant team in the sports. it is tough to break into at any level, let alone your rookie year. thank you so much, greatly appreciate having this conversation with you tonight appreciate you. always. that is it for me tonight. thank you for joining us. make sure to catch ayman, follow us on x and instagram. after the break , and encore presentation of prosecuting donald trump, witness to history. until we meet again, have a good night. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ingrezza ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don t take ingrezza if you re allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. 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Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240610

after 22 witnesses and 16 days of testimony, donald trump has become the first ever american president to be convicted of a crime. this trial will go down in history. but without cameras in the courtroom, americans never got to see the evidence for themselves. they didn t get to see trumps eyes close and his mouth go slack as he sat slumped at the defense table. they didn t get to hear stormy daniels salacious testimony, firsthand. i didn t get to watch the judge clear the courtroom, seemingly in anger, as he butted heads with one particularly truculent witness. instead, americans have to rely on word from the few reporters who were actually in the room, making notes, writing down, committing to memory the things we saw and experienced. things that a transcript cannot capture. take a look. that was something to behold. i could hear gasps all around me . i wasn t sure we are going to get to a place where we had any guilty verdict against donald trump, let alone all 34 counts. donald trump was crying from the oval office. he was writing checks from the white house. this is a professional jury as you can get. and you can never read anything from them. in terms the vibe from the room, you heard about it being kind of a courtroom, it s real. i was in the courtroom, his eyes have been close most of the morning. i can t say what is happening behind those lids. one simple work, guilty, repeated over and over and over. something we have never seen before. , tonight we welcome you to the special msn ec event, prosecuting donald trump a witness to history. over this next hour, andrew weissman and i will lead you through what you missed inside the courtroom. not the line by line details of witness testimony, but with the help of our msnbc colleagues, will tell you what it was really like to sit just behind donald trump as the details of the case spilled over. we will tell you what it felt like in the room when witnesses took the stand just a few feet away from the former president. the unscripted, unpredictable moments when the former president seemed to be nodding off, uttering curse words. what people said to each other in the line for the bathroom after that riveting controversial testimony from stormy daniels. from andrew weissman and best legal minds, we will hear from what they saw inside the court, that the nonlawyers, like the rest of us, might have missed. start things off with our first impressions from inside manhattan courthouse. it is a surreal moment going for the first time. and see a former president of the united states, who is simultaneously the world s greatest con artist. those two things at the same time as a criminal defendant, just spends things in a way that nothing else can. and the weirdness of that alone is your first in the courtroom. in that first hour, it is hard to take in anything other than the weirdness of donald trump. anticipating going into the courtroom, i was actually excited to do it. but first of all, because i feel like a somebody who has written a trump book and has been covering this man from the beginning of his presidential campaign on, this kind of felt like a crescenta moment for him , and for the country. it is the only trial that he is going to face. so it definitely felt like a big moment and something that i really did want to witness for myself. having worked in another investigation, and we could not charge the sitting president and donald trump, that was a department of justice rule. now, in a full-fledged criminal case, it was kind of remarkable. i thought there would be a lot of people there. a lot of pro trump people, in particular. and they really weren t. and then found my nbc pham, around the spot where we do stand up, found all the producers and camera operators and everything and stood in line for a really long time. i will say, the thing that i learned was it is not what you are wearing that makes a difference. it is what you are wearing on your feet, because where you are going to get caught is through the soles of your dress shoes, you idiot, why didn t you wear sneakers? people understand, it is not you just walk up to the courthouse and they whisk you in and it was this easy breezy kind of thing. you line up outside, across the street from center street because they anticipate a number of people showing up. so you have three different lines, it is, flake flying on an airline was actually kind of put you in a different group of people to board. two courtroom that look identical, the only difference being the judge and the jury, et cetera, are in the overflow. the overflow room hold other members of the media and also withhold members of the public. the overflow room has a very large monitor at the front of it that shows directly councils table. so you have the prosecution on one side, the defense on the other. what you very clearly see donald trump. it was like a spa compared to the courtroom. you can go to the restroom whatever you want to. you can, and there is this absence of tension. in the overflow room. that i didn t know i was feeling in the courtroom. until i wasn t in the courtroom. and it is almost like, you know, you re standing in this very difficult window all day. and then the wind stops. it is that kind of very different sensation in what seems to be the same place. the day before senator tommy tuberville of alabama had gone to the trial and said it was the most depressing building he had ever been in, and he scorned on it. and i take that man s statement with a grain of salt. but it was perfectly nice. it was a good, highly functioning municipal building. it kind of struck me how much a certain class of americans are used to very elite spaces, and they are not used to public spaces. in a simple spaces, bureaucratic spaces, you have to spend a lot of time in those kinds of spaces. elite people, people of power and money, they tend to be in grandeur. donald trump in that setting, both when he is walking past you, he walks in and out and you kind of seen for the first time. this was the first time i have seen him in person, he was less than expected the first time i was in the courtroom, donald trump was very surprised to see me because i had been mostly reporters, very few anchor types showing up there. and donald trump has hated me longer than anyone who was going to walk into that courtroom. he was once very fond of stormy daniels and you know, very fond of michael cohen. in 2011, when donald trump started about the presidential birth certificate, i said he was lying about it and i called him on the lie and donald trump had never been called a liar before in his life when he was leaving that day, he just did the stupidest thing you could possibly do, he looked right at me, in this grand way, that everyone in the courtroom could see, and he was trying to do a face that would be tough guy and scary and threatening and full of hate, but he is a terrible actor. and so it came out as just an insanely twisted face that meant nothing but madness. and i loved it. if there were cameras in the court, people all over america in all 50 states would be calling in sick to work in order to stay on and watch this thing. i mean, it is so freaking compelling in person. and the drama of this particular criminal case against trump is both lurid and cogent and full of amazing characters, and has just enough surprise to make every witness kind of a cliffhanger. it s, you can t. i don t know if trump is falling asleep or if he is just resting his eyes, but it is not boring. it is riveting. riveting is the perfect word to describe what it was like inside donald trump s trial. every trial is dramatic, it is why we all get addicted to tv shows like law and order and the wire. this is real life, and it was no exception. but it is one thing to hear the news about it, or if you are a nerd like me, to read the cold transcript. but tonight, we re going to continue to learn from people who were inside the courtroom, day in and day out, waking up at the crack of dawn to wait in line to get one of the few seats available to the public and the press at 100 center street here in manhattan. so tonight i m joined by a very special legal panel, who also spent many hours in the manhattan criminal courthouse, please welcome nbc senior legal correspondence and attorney, laura jarrett, in legal contributor, and former terminal trial attorney, katie fang, and msnbc legal correspondent, law litigator, lisa rubin. they are here with us for the whole hour, along with msnbc hosts giving us their impression from inside the courthouse. lisa, obviously, some of these witnesses got a ton of attention. they may not have been the most important witnesses. but stormy daniels, michael cohen. maybe the most surprising witness, which was the defendants last witness, the last anyone heard from bob castillo s. the big picture, what was your impression of how they did that people might not get from just reading accounts and hearing from us about what was technically said what was the sort of demeanor and tone that people might get i think the most important part about the witness that you can t get from reading the transcript, or sometimes even watching our coverage is the entrance and the exit. because all the witnesses were brought in through a side door to the courtroom, instead of the traditional back door where you walk along the entirety of the gallery, he watched through the center aisle and walked to the witness stand. here, each and every witness, no matter hostile to donald trump or friendly, had to walk by his first row of surrogates on their way into the courtroom. went by corporal security officers and those of them who had counsel, their counsel then load thereafter. in some cases, trump really wanted to have an interaction with the as with rona graff, his former executive assistant and other cases, the body language was as hostile as hostile could be. michael cohen looks like you wanted to vault over the courtroom doors so that he could avoid being even proximate to donald trump. that that entrance and exit was really fascinating to watch. katie, i had a question to you is somebody who spent so many years as a criminal prosecutor. lots of people have talked about how there should have been cameras in the courtroom, at least audio. and let s leave that aside for a moment. how do you think, if there had been cameras, that might have affected witnesses, the lawyers on either side, or even the defendant, donald trump, if this had been televised. i think it would ve increased the intensity of the experience for everyone involved, especially the witnesses. you kind of ask yourself on and off, donald trump himself would have maybe reacted to more visibly than he did. maybe she wouldn t have acted or looked like he was asleep if you knew that there was a camera trained on him. but when it comes to the witnesses themselves, it is important because if they knew, just like we have seen in other trials, that they would be on the witness stand. i think it would ve amplified maybe even performances that we saw from some of the witnesses. i think you are more hyperaware. i also think the jurors would have been aware, even if you never saw their identities, i know that they know it is important, what is at stake. but when you re in a courtroom, it is a small space. people need to understand this is not some huge cavernous federal courtroom. it is a small state courtroom and so people are within very close proximity, within feet of each other. and that is the jury. so if you know also, does not just people in the court that are watching or the overflow room, is america and the world, i think that amplifies the intensity. i was really surprised by how close the witness stand was to the jury box. really close. and actually the witness stand for donald trump was much, much further. so that was something i think you don t get from being there. much more for supersmart legal panel who were inside the courtroom, coming up. first, it is one of the most shocking testimonies of the truck, when stormy daniels took the stand, all while apparently, unbeknownst to us, wearing a bulletproof vest. after the break, our team takes us not only inside the courtroom, but inside the elevators and, wait for it, bathroom lines. where reporters try to process what they had just heard. you re watching prosecuting donald trump, witness to history. many of the journalists in the room are looking at each other think, my gosh, i can t believe that this is happening. i cannot believe this is actually being set on a public state. either way, how am i going to communicate this on television? everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. head & shoulders 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effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. far-xi-ga welcome back to prosecuting donald trump, witness to history. it is our special report on in person, in the courtroom reporting of the first-ever criminal trial of a u.s. president. so after years of covering stormy daniels, and her claims that donald trump paid her to keep quite about a sexual encounter so it wouldn t, before the 2016 election, what was it like to finally see her in person? when she finally took the stand to testify against him. and, after her dramatic, combative, sometimes shocking testimony, what was the conversation like among the reporters and the spectators of the courthouse? and, what about that bullet proof vest her lawyer says she wore to court. here are some more firsthand accounts from my colleagues from inside the room. when she came in, all of us kind of took a deep breath. no one expected we don t know who the witnesses are until that day. for a reason. right? the prosecution always protects their witnesses. resources we might figure out who witnesses maybe an hour beforehand. that morning, donald trump had posted on truth social that they had just informed of who the witness was and they had prepared and that person shouldn t be able to take the stand. and so the minute he had posted that, and then, by the way deleted it an hour later, we said, it is going to be stormy. i have compared this trial to watching two movies that are made eight years apart. and none of the central characters look the way you remember them in 2016. that is true of michael cohen, for example, as it is stormy daniels. on day one, she came in in a jumpsuit with her hair sort of haphazardly piled up on top of her head, wearing glasses, and not looking at all like the adult film star that we remembered. i have since come to learn, because her lawyer said this on another media outlet, she was wearing a bulletproof vest. and that accounted, i think, for her appearance, as well. she was wearing an outfit that accommodated her wearing a bulletproof vest because she felt that her life was at risk in coming to court and testify against former president trump and the reaction of people in margo world, who are loyal to president trump, i could just tell you this by looking at my twitter feed, reinforced why she felt she was in danger. we know trump reactions to stormy daniels thing, you can see. but there s donald trump, known to millions of people as the orange turned that has to sit there for the first time in his life and listen to himself being called the orange, his defense lawyer thinking that somehow harms stormy daniels. that she flippantly refers to donald trump as the orange turd. there s not a juror there who cares that stormy daniels refers to him as the orange turd. not one, they re not offended by it. these are new yorkers, these are people who have hurt worse in every trip on the subway. so we leave the courtroom, we walk out, there is like a row of bathrooms during breaks. everybody kind of lines up in the bathroom like you would in any kind of public place. we are all online looking at each other, giving eyes to each other. oh my gosh, that really what happened? getting onto the elevator, going down for lunch, did she just accuse the former president of this? did she just say this happened with the former president everybody s kind of mulling over and digesting what it is we all just heard the jurors, i think, have been admirably sort of stonefaced. i know i have seen reports, i didn t see it with my own eyes, but i ve seen reports of some jurors kind of involuntarily reacting to some of the more salacious details i came out, particularly during stormy daniels paths tory., the jury was like stonehenge. like they were very restrained. this is a case about falsifying business records and the defense team made it sound like a 1970s rape case. they went after her about really hard about the fact that she has been in the porn industry for years. you have been in more than 200 porn films, how could you be a damsel in distress in the hotel room? in that moment, look at right at the jurors faces to try to see if i could read anything and get any glimpse of what they were thinking. they were inscrutable. they are maintaining a poker face the whole time. this is the same courtroom that harvey weinstein was tried in. this is a storied courthouse. this is a storied prosecution team. they have done sex crimes before. this was such a momentto have the woman at the center of this case basically told she couldn t have possibly been a comfortable because she had been. she was treated so differently than other witnesses. hope hicks and david pecker, the person at the head of the national enquirer, were devastating witnesses. they are sensitive testimony is so damning for donald trump and their cross-examination was kid gloves. nobody s testimony is in some respects, more devastating than hope hicks, because of her proximity. nobody questioned her credibility but if you take a step back and you separate these women and you forget about the accident of their respective births, hope hicks, for example, coming from very wealthy, greenwich, connecticut. sort of the academy of poise and grace in the trump white house, contrasted with stormy daniels, who had, by contrast, very rough childhood, a mother who abandoned her. all this comes out on her direct examination. but the difference in how they were trusted, i think, is really palpable. sort of a toxic brew of class and misogyny. there was absolutely a judgment about her credibility based on what she did for a living. and then you have to think to yourself, well, wait a second. hope hicks may look the way that she did, but she not only worked for trump once, she worked for trump twice she left the white house in march of 2018, came back to work for the former president, and stayed after he lost the election, despite the fact that she was privately advising him that he had lost in the things that his lawyers and allies were saying about his not losing the election and his winning were fraudulent. she still stayed. i have to question, who lacks credibility now? so fascinating to hear their stories. the legal brains in the room or hyper focused on the defenses strategy to go hard after stormy daniels on cross- examination. but not hope hicks or david pecker. our panel had a front row seat to it all is back. so, katie, from your spot in the courtroom, what do you think of stormy daniels? how did she do from actually seeing her life, as opposed to just reading it cold? she did a spectacular job. stormy daniels s testimony did not come across as rehearsed. whether you liked it or not, because of the sincerity. didn t seem like she rehearsed or practiced her testimony. given, she had prepared and that is the big difference. preparing with lawyers is totally different. but she prepared for that and she did a great job and i think she knew that even though, i call it a detour, not a sideshow but 80 torr of the case took a detour to export what happened between her and donald trump because he had to create the foundation of why the payment was made by michael cohen. how it got to the level of the business records being falsified. but you needed to have that dialogue. and what is really important, everybody likes to say that this is a paper case but is about humanity in some way, right? people s courage, people s involvement with others. extramarital affairs, hush money payments, all that is a very human thing and she brought that humanity to the case. i had the same reaction. i thought, in many ways, she did better on cross, because you got a better sense of her as a person. and she was responding sort of naturally to questions that she didn t know what was coming up and she really got a sense of her and also i thought how smart. exactly. you know, the sort of assumption, as you said, are ones that are sort of, i sort of found myself checking myself saying why am i so surprised? i should not have been. so laura, so one of the more unusual aspects of this case was how it ended with bob castillo being called by the defense. i did not see that coming. lisa always thought they would call him. i thought they wouldn t do it. i am with you. one of the reasons i m with you is that bob castillo, if you remember, was somebody who donald trump said before this case was indicted, that he wanted the grand jurors to hear from you that well, okay, that is a really stupid move because it is never going to stop the grand jury from indicting, you just revealed something to the prosecution. and as a defense lawyer, one of the things you have, sometimes almost the only thing you have is surprised. and so here they sort of, it was flopped out to the prosecution a year ago. so obviously, the call record here does give some flavor to castillo. i don t know if he explains the clearing of the courtroom and how dramatic it was to be in the room with the judge who was so fired up. i thought he was going to throw him behind bars. so bob castillo gets on the stand and right away, he is combative, he is aggressive. he is rolling his eyes, he is muttering audibly. could you hear it? i am in the courtroom, lighting up the chat like, guys, this is going off the rails fast, okay? we had a sense it was going south but i didn t know it was going to go as south as it did. in the overflow, by the way. you are also communicating to your colleagues? we sort of have a bizarre pony express situation now. allow do some electronics not also we can use our phones in the physical courtroom because i think there s a concern that somebody is going to mess up and tape it, even though we had been admonished not to but we can use our laptops. and so we can send messages by email, by slack, by dm but we can t use our phones. so in the chat, we are all sitting color from the courtroom about what we are observing, that tone, about how things are going. i often just focus on the jury is i m very interested in what they re picking up on. right away, the jury is looking at each other like something is about to go down here. so it had been a sleepy morning. everybody was sort of feeling monday, all of its glory. and then bob castillo get on the stand in the afternoon and we are off to the races. so because he was so, i think, contemptuous of the judge and the process and did not like being interrupted this is a federal prosecutor who really felt like he should be respected and he thought susan hoffinger, the prosecutor, was telling him in a way that he didn t like and he didn t like interrupted when she was objecting. most of those objections were sustained. so in the room, the tension is boiling, okay? and finally, the judge sends the jury out. i go oh god, here we go. but then, robert costello is giving it back to the judge, and the judge got so upset he clears the courtroom from the press, which is highly unusual, okay? usually, there s a security situation, that is one thing. this was not that. the judge was fired up and i think he was worried about what he might say and so he clears the courtroom for only a few minutes, we should make that clear. it wasn t long. we all come back in and he is still kind of rolling his eyes for the remainder of the afternoon. there is a period, the period where everyone gets out of the courtroom other than, you have honestly the defense team, on the prosecution table. but then the public and the press are out of the room. not all of them. that is what i was going to say. so it is really interesting because i think as we mentioned, the first two rows, which were sort of friends of, like bride and groom. they are still there. but this is what, all of us have to go through, the cold record. it is chaotic. the media is screaming we have a right to be here. our media lawyers trying to object. the court officers are having none of it. everybody is ushered in. thank you, the judge to make a record of what happened. so in a couple of hours we also the transcript, we know what happened. in the moment, we all were sent out but obviously should not have happened. this legal panel the state put four more of our excellent discussion. but first, you could feel the tension in the courtroom when trump s one-time fixer, michael cohen, took the stand and came face-to-face with his ex-boss for the first time in years. he was like sammy groove on a and he just skillet and can weigh, a long line of under links flipping on their bosses. after the break, our team gives us their first-hand account of what that moment was like. the first moment when trump s lawyer, todd blanche, gets up and asked cohen, did you call me a little crying [ bleep ] or whatever it was, and the judge immediately instructs them to approach as the d.a.s office raises an objection. everyone was talking about that. 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[vroom] [train horn] [buzz] clearing the way, [whoosh] so you arrive exactly where you belong. once the testimony from stormy daniels was over, we didn t have to wait long before the next very dramatic testimony , michael cohen, trumps former fixer and loyal attack dog. now a star witness for the prosecution. and his testimony placed the former president at the center of this alleged criminal scheme. so what was it like in person? what was it like when michael cohen saw his old boss for the first time in years? and what was it like to witness the showdown between cohen and trumps defense lawyers? during what turned out to be just a brutal cross examination ? let s go back inside the courtroom with our msnbc and nbc colleagues. the jury has been waiting for this moment as long as we have. it is highly anticipated. they have come face-to-face before in the civil fraud trial, but this is criminal this is different. and he is the only one who can tie donald trump directly to this crime. he is the linchpin of the prosecutor s case and he has given up the goods. he has put him from trump tower to the oval office in a way that nobody else can. there s a few moments that really stood out. the first moment wins trumps lawyer, todd blanche gets up and asks cohen, did you call me a little crying [ bleep ]? the judge immediately instructs him to approach, as the d.a.s office raises an objection. everyone was talking about that. everybody was talking about how strange way for blanche to open up the proceedings. when you prosecute cases whenever but he has her hands dirty. that was michael cohen of the time when he was working for donald trump and doing these things for him, it always, always captivates and captures the interest of the jury when they hear from the fixer, when they hear from the henchman, when they hear from the guys that did the dirty work for the kingpin. i did not notice any interaction between the former president and michael cohen. but i did notice how closely michael cohen is making i can t with the jury, especially when he is describing some of the most emotional parts of the story. when he is describing his come to jesus moment when why he decided he is going to choose his family over donald trump i think cohen was successful in maintaining control over his own demeanor. he did not get agitated. he did not act out. there were times where he got short or little snippy but mostly maintained the kind of equilibrium throughout that i think was probably helpful with the jury. i think he did do a pretty good job of humanizing himself look, there are many people on the jury that will never know a person whose loyalty to an accused criminal defendant was as extensive as michael cohen s was by his own admission. of course, michael cohen is a person who pled guilty on two different occasions to a panoply of federal crimes. one of the federal judges called it a smorgasbord of crime. i think you humanized himself? yes. i think it is necessarily relatable? not quite. but he doesn t have to be a person that they want to have a beer with. these are some the most stunning days in court when michael cohen finally took the stand. as the piece mentioned, the jury seemed to have been waiting for that moment as long as the journalist in the room had. but being there, in person, there s some really noticeable differences between the michael cohen we have gotten to know on cable news shows or maybe his podcast versus who we saw testifying. his demeanor, how he sounded i will have to say, i posted a double take when the defense played a clip of cohen from his podcast, when you heard his voice from the podcast, and compare that to what you had heard from the stand over the last day. in that contrast is something that can play very well for the defense in summation to argue there are really two michael cohen s katie, lisa, and laura are back with us. i wanted to ask about that issue of how you thought his very polite, unflappable, even killed demeanor. solemn. which, in many ways, is what you want a witness to be. i thought that played given that they did see this other piece, they actually heard his voice and he also was describing the way he behaved in bullying people and acting as, a phrase that i hate but i m going to use, as sort of trumps pitbull. he has done that the moment is coming for a long time, for anybody getting up there, it is rattling and he kept his cool, even when things got thrown his way that he was not prepared for and that were a surprise and made him look like a liar. even he was crossed at some point about his information about his wife and his child. that i thought oh, okay, what is going to happen, i was waiting for fireworks. but they didn t come, he kept a calm, and i think that he came off as, on the stand, sort of hat in hand on his. there were times where i felt like he was sort of resisting in terms of like, well, that doesn t play alive. i thought just tell them, of course, just own it. you have already come this far. they heard two on the podcast talking about revenge is a dish best served cold. let s lay it all out there and they won t punish you for it. the jury think you re being authentic. even if what you said is horrendous, right? jurors are like drug dealers and they think they are being honest, they have to come off as authentic. so i m surprised there were times where there was like, you could feel that resistance. katie, wanted to talk to you about juan merchan, the judge overseeing this. full disclosure, i now have a man crush on him. i just think he is just a spectacular judge. the first thing when i went to court, the very first time, i was struck by his voice and we have all been in court, we have seen judges and seen judges who can t control a courtroom. we have seen judges who control a courtroom by raising their voice and through histrionics and hear, he controlled the courtroom by being the adults in the room and had such a calm judicial temperament. and i just felt like he wasn t going to tolerate and he expected everyone to behave properly. it was just, i thought, sort of remarkable. that is sort of my view. don t let me influence you. how do you think he did? this is the first ever trial of a current or former president, enormous pressures, enormous claims of violations of the gag order that he found 10 times and a lot of novel legal issues to deal with, how did you think he did managing this case? we have been inside courtrooms, in front of judges, very high-stakes cases, the one thing that we know is the person who is gatekeeping everything is the judge, right? and to laura s point that she made earlier, the jury looks to the judge, sometimes as a paternal figure or a maternal figure or somebody who is going to be there to kind of guide us through this process, which can be confusing it can be mazelike for some people. the thing about donald trump is he has introduced us to different judges, right? we have seen the brett kavanaugh s of the world, and his demeanor during a confirmation hearing. we have also seen justice arthur engoron through the civil fraud trial. we have seen judge kaplan from federal court for e. jean carroll s trials. we have seen different judges. the thing that i think is so, so poor in terms of america not being able to know judge merchan is not being able to see and hear him because he is measured and he is calm, even in the face of all the scrutiny and all these complex legal issues. why? because this man came to the united states, he immigrated at the age of six from columbia. he is one of six children. he was washing dishes. he went to school. you know, he graduated at the first member of his family to go to college. he lived in queens. he worked at the new york d.a.s office, and the new york state attorney general s office and has been a judge since 2006. if there is anyone who isn t, i beg you, find somebody else that is not more new york than judge juan merchan. a lot of new york are, when you think about donald trump having a jury of his peers in this trial, but having a man like judge or sean who is overseeing just the personalities, right? and having to be able to manage that. he has done a fantastic job and i think it is just not good that we haven t been able to see that in terms of on video. i love your response, because donald trump has attacked this judge, is not the first time he has attacked judges because, as donald trump says, he is unfair because of where he comes from, to quote. we all know what that means. and your answer tells us exactly where this judge came from and there will be controversy from this trial, one side or the other, in every trial, one side is disappointed or not, as to what happened. and the fact that we were all there, inside the court, i think we can all agree. this is such a fair trial, and such a fair process because of the judge, there are really good lawyers on both sides. whatever was happening, it is not because the process isn t working. again, it is really important, and i think the judge is primarily responsible for that. so, all right, we re not the only ones consumed by this trial. our viewers also have a lot of questions, we ll answer a few of them. you re watching prosecuting donald trump, witness to history. ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you re off the racking. .or crab cracking, you re cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i m working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. welcome back to prosecuting donald trump a witness to history. a special report on in person, in the courtroom reporting of the first ever criminal trial of an american president. over the last 50 minutes or so, we have given you an inside look at the trial through the eyes of our msnbc team . but we know that you have lots of questions about what you saw over the last several weeks here is andrew wiseman and our legal panel. jakes, rachel. let s get right to your questions so meritor from new jersey asks, the gap city courthouse, why were special accommodations made for trump and his allies? i know you have been very fixed on the last part of his allies. for example, he was allowed to rent and against the judicial system in others and lie blatantly, and his son and allies were allowed to keep their phones while in court. so, why was that? i will give you what i think is the only reasonable argument for it, and then stipulate that it has been abused and wildly so. i think the legitimate reason is for his own security. these are arrangements that are made between the court, the nypd and the secret service. for example, trump enters through a separate entrance to the courthouse. there is a street that is blocked off for his motorcade to approach that entrance. these separate elevators, he s got his own holding rooms. when he appears for the press conferences, he comes through a set of darkened glass doors beyond which are those holding rooms however, there are some things that are going on here that definitely have been abused. the first of which is the reserved seats those are supposed to be for extra members of his defense team, and that is the way that the d.a.s office has used their side of the drive side, as you said earlier. in trump s case, he is using it for sort of rotating surrogate operation. and those surrogates not only have their phones, but they are tweeting from the courtroom. we can prove that they are tweeting from the courtroom, timestamps on their tweets or truth social post, and there often doing it to circumvent the gag order, which one of them admitted on another media outlet last week. there are some special arrangements here, that should have been made for former president security and yet they have been rampantly abused by him and his friend. including the group of people from congress wearing sort of identical uniforms, sort of mini me s of the former president. i should note, all former presidents are given secret service. donald trump has not been treated differently. from the netherlands, she asks, is the decision of the jury final? well, welcome to gain a panel of lawyers. this is the kind of question where, his lawyers don t have a great name, which is it depends. but here is like a one key answer if there is a conviction , that is something that can be appealed on the law. if there are legal mistakes that were made. the jury was instructed improperly on the law, is evidence was kept out that was material, improperly. those kinds of things can be appealed and it can take quite some time. so there is recourse there. so it s really complicated. let me just say, thank you so much to our incredible team. it is really great to be here, nerdy out with lawyers and all of us having been in the courtroom. thanks so much for your perception and insight and personal stories. and thank all of you for spending the last hour with us. if you can t get enough trump news, and you want to take even deeper, try the msnbc podcast, hosted by mary mccord and me. have a

Courtroom , Something , Kind , Eyes , Morning , Work , Guilty , Lids , One , Person , Library , Public-library

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Breakfast 20240609

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will set parties will set out their manifestoes. thousands of motorcyclists arrived at the end of a mammoth right from london to cumbria. and in sport, joyful we go in a day of commemoration at wembley where rob burrow was paid tribute to, ahead of their challenge cup final. a sunny start for many of you, a more cloud, increasing, thickening and patchy rain as well. details on breakfast. good morning. the main story, israel has been criticised by the european union s matheny diplomat over the key kneeling of dozens of palestinians in an operation to rescue four hostages in gaza yesterday. josep borrell called the report another massacre of civilians. a woman and three men were rescued in a mission involving airstrikes around a refugee camp. hamas claims more than 210 palestinians were killed, is report the number below 100. a dramatic rescue and she s free again. 25 year old noa argamani, captured by hamas on the 7th of october, and taken to gaza, is finally back in israel. this is her being reunited with her father after a dramatic rescue. translation: father after a dramatic rescue. translation: ., , ., ., ., translation: please do not forget there are another translation: please do not forget there are another 120 translation: please do not forget there are another 120 hostages - translation: please do not forget there are another 120 hostages in i there are another 120 hostages in captivity. we must release them and make an effort in any way to bring them to israel and theirfamilies. either way, them to israel and theirfamilies. eitherway, it them to israel and theirfamilies. either way, it is my birthday. look at my gift! also freed, andrei kozlov, who is 27. shlomi ziv, 40, and almog meirjan, 21. eight months ago, they were in the nova music festival in southern israel when hamas gunmen attacked. more than 360 people were killed here. the four hostages, it said, were found at two separate locations in the heart of the camp and were brought out under fire. special forces went in. the military said this was a complex operation and based on intelligence information. the four hostages, it said, were found at two separate locations in the heart of the camp and were brought out under fire. israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. they underwent intensive training. they risked their lives to save the lives of our hostages. but the mission brought even more suffering to gaza. there was chaos and desperation at the nearby al aqsa hospital. doctors were unable to treat many of the winter, many arrived dead. translation: we were at home. a rocket hit us. my two cousins died and my other two cousins were seriously injured. they did nothing. they were sitting at home. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited the freed hostages in a hospital near tel aviv. he s being urged to reach a ceasefire and hostage release deal with hamas. rescue was considered a success by israeli authorities and change the calculation of a leader under pressure. campaigning continues ahead of what is likely to be a busy week in the lead up to the lith ofjuly general election with another scheduled election tv debate and manifestos set to be published. 0ur political correspondent ian watson has the latest. the prime minister is in a market for votes, the main westminster parties will launch manifestoes in the week ahead, rishi sunak will be hoping ms the focus for emily on chip policy, not hoping ms the focus for emily on chip p°licy, not personality. hoping ms the focus for emily on chip policy, not personality. it will be keen to move on from the dd apology and so will his party, and his candidates have been out campaigning this weekend and we have been speaking this weekend. some of spoken about anger and disappointment and one of them is firstlings that whatever will happen next? all the trousers fall down? 0thers next? all the trousers fall down? others say they have not raised the issue at all in one candidate said they were so vexed by it, they have already defected to labour or the reform party. the prime minister will be hoping to keep hisjob and he wants to get more people into work, promising to spend £700 million to help people struggling with mental health to rejoin and stay in the workforce. but he s also repeating previous announcements to toughen up benefits rules. the conservative claim they can save £12 billion of the welfare bill by the end of the next parliament. labour says existing jails are bursting at the seams and the government has failed to provide the 20,000 more prison places promised. if elected, the party says it would deliver that prison building programme and change the planning laws to make it a priority. those that give offenders more help to get into employment. the state of the nhs has been prominent in the lib dems campaign, saying they want to take pressure off the ambulance system by expanding urgent care systems and providing more than a thousand more beds. response time information will also be made readily available. today we get a sneak preview of the manifestoes but it is not until the full range of policies are published that we will know how well they connect with voters. the wife of the missing tv presenter michael mosely says his family refuses to lose hope, and the last few days have been unbearable. efforts are continuing to find the 67 year old, on the greek island of symi, where he s been missing since setting off for a walk on wednesday. new cctv footage has been released of his last known movements. joe inwood, has the very latest, from symi. india s prime minister, narendra modi will be sworn into office later on sunday. he ll be sworn in alongside his cabinet as he leads a coalition of 15 parties following last week s election results. it makes him prime ministerfor a historic third consecutive term. an 11 year old gold is one of those injured after a ride malfunctioned at lambeth. what more do we know about the situation? at lambeth. what more do we know about the situation? lambeth council have described about the situation? lambeth council have described what about the situation? lambeth council have described what happened - about the situation? lambeth council have described what happened as - about the situation? lambeth council have described what happened as a l have described what happened as a serious incident. let me step away from the camera and i can show you the funfair, butjust behind that, you will be able to see the funfair where the incident happened. we do not know what ride it was on but the police were called yesterdayjust before 630 in the evening. the council have confirmed there was a malfunction with one of the fairground rides, four people were injured and an 11 year old girl, a man and woman in their 405, and a man and woman in their 405, and a man in his 505. there was a big emergency response, as you would expect, air ambulance, ambulance crews with paramedics, they were crew5 with paramedics, they were treated at the scene and then taken major trauma units. we understand their conditions are not thought to be life threatening but we do not know what injurie5 they have sustained the council has said there will be a thorough investigation following what they describe as a serious incident. thank you. an american veteran who flew back to france for the d day celebrations got married near the beaches where the allies landed eighty years ago. harold teren5, who is one hundred years old, married his ninety six year old fiancee, jeanne swerlin. harold visited france as an air force corporal, shortly after d day. they then attended the state banquet in paris, thrown by emmanuel macron forjoe biden. i’m in paris, thrown by emmanuel macron forjoe ewen- forjoe biden. i m 100 years old and m forjoe biden. i m100 years old and m bride forjoe biden. i m100 years old and my bride is forjoe biden. i m100 years old and my bride is 96 forjoe biden. i m100 years old and my bride is 96 and forjoe biden. i m100 years old and my bride is 96 and to forjoe biden. i m100 years old and my bride is 96 and to be forjoe biden. i m100 years old and my bride is 96 and to be married, i my bride is 96 and to be married, it s my second, normandy is my second favourite place in the whole world. i could live here for the rest of my life and be as happy as could be. do rest of my life and be as happy as could be. ,, ,, ., ., could be. do you feel young again? yes! at 96, could be. do you feel young again? yes! at 96, i could be. do you feel young again? yes! at 96, ifeel could be. do you feel young again? yes! at 96, | feel like, could be. do you feel young again? yes! at 96, i feel like, my - could be. do you feel young again? yes! at 96, i feel like, my god, - could be. do you feel young again? yes! at 96, | feel like, my god, i. yes! at 96, ifeel like, my god, i -ot yes! at 96, ifeel like, my god, i got butterflies, just like the young people! got butterflies, just like the young people! it is notjust the young people. people! it is notjust the young people, love, you know! we get butterflies we also get a little bit of action! butterflies we also get a little bit of action! ., , ., butterflies we also get a little bit of action! . , ., , . butterflies we also get a little bit i of action! and of action! that is a bit cheeky! and wh not? of action! that is a bit cheeky! and why not? definitely of action! that is a bit cheeky! and why not? definitely walking - of action! that is a bit cheeky! and why not? definitely walking on - of action! that is a bit cheeky! and why not? definitely walking on air. congratulations to them both! she was saying they feel young and they seem young and sprightly. i thought the not seem young and sprightly. i thought they got the seem young and sprightly. i thought they got the ages seem young and sprightly. i thought they got the ages wrong! seem young and sprightly. i thought they got the ages wrong! and - seem young and sprightly. i thought. they got the ages wrong! and someone else looking fabulous for his age, matt, good morning. else looking fabulous for his age, matt, good morning. bless you! life beains matt, good morning. bless you! life be . ins at matt, good morning. bless you! life begins at 102. matt, good morning. bless you! life begins at 102, who matt, good morning. bless you! life begins at 102, who knew? matt, good morning. bless you! life begins at 102, who knew? hope - matt, good morning. bless you! life begins at 102, who knew? hope you| begins at 102, who knew? hope you are having a great weekend and it s lovely today weatherwise and this is just a short while ago in eastern scotland, blue skies across central and southern england but it is chilly, parts dropping as low as one degree. a cold start but for many, the sunshine is good, and some cards spilling in around some areas and patchy rain to go with it as well. the car has been streaming out across the north atlantic and here it comes, it will be sitting across northern ireland for much of the island, parts of northern england and north wales and spreading southwards and eastwards. lots of clear skies to begin with across the south and parts of scotland, continuing with sunny spells but a few showers over the mountaintops will be wintry. damp at times in north west england and wales with the odd shower elsewhere. sunny throughout the day, channel islands, parts of devon and cornwall as well is dorset in particular, temperatures up to 19 but there will be high pollen levels across much of england and wales. lower further north. we finished the day with a persistent rain in northern ireland, that was spread its way across england and wales are some of the garden, you may not have to water the pots tonight. clear skies later tonight, maybe some parts of scotland down to three degrees into monday morning but holding up, and not as cold in the south because of this weather system. it will clear away to start monday and sitting across is impulsive england, producing heavy rain at times and parts of yorkshire and lincolnshire, east anglia and the southeast, and that would take a while to shift away from parts of yorkshire and east anglia and may be lingering for some in the afternoon. west of that, a day of sunshine and showers. particularly in areas of scotland and for monday, northerly winds, making it phil cooler than today. temperatures around 12 15 and actually start to the week. the northerly winds bringing colder and down, crossing into tuesday, temperatures well down for where you want this stage injune. the cloud will build up eventually and a few showers brewing particularly across central and eastern areas and the core behaviour showers on parts of tuesday afternoon. further west, brighter and drier throughout but temperatures 10 16 degrees, 5 8 down for some of you on what we normally have at this stage of the year. call for the rest of the week, some showers around but there will be dry weather as well, so a bit of a washout of a week, even if it is not an especially warm one. the ressure not an especially warm one. the pressure on not an especially warm one. the pressure on public services is a key election issue and in an effort to understand the challenges, we will be reporting on three key areas over the coming days, education, courts and social care. this morning we are focusing on schools and their struggle to address a range of social issues beyond teaching. we have been to one primary school in telford where teachers are helping with potty training and basic communication. asimple a simple maths lesson a familiar part of the school day for most pupils. increasingly in classrooms are children who struggle to simply be at school. are children who struggle to simply be at school- be at school. early years have a number of be at school. early years have a number of children be at school. early years have a number of children who - be at school. early years have a| number of children who struggle be at school. early years have a - number of children who struggle with basic communication, stringing a sentence together, please can i go the toilet, can i have a drink, sentences we had to teach the children. ., ., ., ~ , sentences we had to teach the children. ., ., ., , , ., children. london and academy is a small primary children. london and academy is a small primary school children. london and academy is a small primary school in children. london and academy is a small primary school in a - children. london and academy is a j small primary school in a relatively deprived area of telford, almost half the pupils are on free school meals. the lack of skills means the school has to teach a basic form of sign language. we school has to teach a basic form of sign language- school has to teach a basic form of sin lanuae. ~ ., ., sign language. we have intimate care lans for a sign language. we have intimate care plans for a number sign language. we have intimate care plans for a number of sign language. we have intimate care plans for a number of our sign language. we have intimate care plans for a number of our children, i plans for a number of our children, we change the children, we also try to teach them to go to the toilet as well so we try to do some of that potty training but we still have children are nappies in our early years environment. lafit children are nappies in our early years environment. last september of the 27 children years environment. last september of the 27 children who years environment. last september of the 27 children who joined years environment. last september of the 27 children who joined the - the 27 children who joined the reception class, eight were a nappies. louise says her son was not potty trained when he started school. he potty trained when he started school. . , . potty trained when he started school. ., , ., ., , school. he was quite late, he was not ready- school. he was quite late, he was not ready- and school. he was quite late, he was not ready. and then school. he was quite late, he was not ready. and then we school. he was quite late, he was not ready. and then we felt - school. he was quite late, he was not ready. and then we felt when | school. he was quite late, he was i not ready. and then we felt when he was ready, school helped. they helped with that. had was ready, school helped. they helped with that. was ready, school helped. they helped with that. had you tried to net him helped with that. had you tried to get him toilet helped with that. had you tried to get him toilet trained helped with that. had you tried to get him toilet trained before - helped with that. had you tried to get him toilet trained before he . helped with that. had you tried to i get him toilet trained before he got to school? ., , , ., to school? there was ust no interest from t to school? there was ust no interest from him to school? there was ust no interest from him at h to school? there wasjust no interest from him at all- to school? there wasjust no interest from him at all to i to school? there wasjust no| interest from him at all to try that. ,., , interest from him at all to try that. , ., ., , that. the parents have nothing but raise for that. the parents have nothing but praise for the that. the parents have nothing but praise for the school that. the parents have nothing but praise for the school but that. the parents have nothing but praise for the school but a - that. the parents have nothing but praise for the school but a chat - praise for the school but a chat reveals why schools increasingly struggle to focus solely on educating children. my oldest dau~hter educating children. my oldest daughter i educating children. my oldest daughter i order educating children. my oldest daughter i order out - educating children. my oldest daughter i order out of - educating children. my oldestj daughter i order out of school educating children. my oldest. daughter i order out of school i educate her. how old is she? 14. she was self harming, bullied due to her mental health, now she is at home she does the work and she is happy. happy- he is work and s the does she my she does the work and she is happy. my wife died when i first started, a lot of my wife died when i first started, a lot of stress and emotional health, that was lot of stress and emotional health, that was affecting the children with the what that was affecting the children with the what was going on. we have had help from the what was going on. we have had help from social services. my wife is back help from social services. my wife is back where she wanted to be. and that was is back where she wanted to be. situc that was through the is back where she wanted to be. fific that was through the school? london academy as part of a 13 school multi academy as part of a 13 school multi academy trust, the head says long standing challenges caused by tight budgets have been exacerbated by covid 19 and cost of living pressure. by covid-19 and cost of living pressure- by covid-19 and cost of living ressure. ., ., ., . pressure. coming out of the pandemic children are quite pressure. coming out of the pandemic children are quite often pressure. coming out of the pandemic children are quite often more - children are quite often more anxious about large social situations because people were out of that for a while and at a quite informative stage in their education and own personal development. i think ultimately, when children are coming to school or hungry, that s having a bigger impact as an ongoing thing, we would have recovered quicker if it hadn t been for those issue. to quicker if it hadn t been for those issue. ., , ., , ., issue. to help families the learning community has issue. to help families the learning community has a issue. to help families the learning community has a food issue. to help families the learning community has a food bank- issue. to help families the learning community has a food bank run - issue. to help families the learning community has a food bank run by| community has a food bank run by nikki morrison. i community has a food bank run by nikki morrison. community has a food bank run by nikki morrison. i went out to have a visit myself. nikki morrison. i went out to have a visit myself, the nikki morrison. i went out to have a visit myself, the children nikki morrison. i went out to have a visit myself, the children were - visit myself, the children were having weet bix with tap water. she having weet-bix with tap water. she leads the having weet bix with tap water. she leads the team who provide a lot of time providing emotional and psychological support to hundreds of peoples, she wonders what will happen to them once they are older. a lot of support is in place for children through the school system, but when they leave school, that support starts to beat, they will have to pick up for when the children leave school and put the support and so they can be productive and functional members of society. the productive and functional members of socie . . . , productive and functional members of socie . . ., , ., ., society. the challenges and telford are nationwide, society. the challenges and telford are nationwide, how society. the challenges and telford are nationwide, how to society. the challenges and telford are nationwide, how to help - society. the challenges and telford are nationwide, how to help many. are nationwide, how to help many children who cannot open school. cope with life. michael buchanan, bbc news, telford. the time is coming up to 19 minutes past six, time to have a look at the papers, the observer leaves of the report is a future labour government would promise to establish 80 new rate courts in england and wales as part of wide ranging plans to tackle violence against women and girls. they say the policy is expected to be unveiled on the party manifesto next week, as we have mentioned, we expect to see the manifestoes unveiled from all parties. the sunday express unveiled from all parties. tie: sunday express reports on a quote 6 year master plan from a reform party leader nigel farage to in his words reshape politics and carry out what the paper calls a hostile takeover of the conservatives. the meal male takeover of the conservatives. the meal male leads with the search for former broadcaster michael mosley, it reports rescuers are focusing on a dangerous cave complex known as the abyss and we willjoin our correspondence live on the ireland later this morning. the mirror focuses ireland later this morning. the mirror focuses on ireland later this morning. tie: mirror focuses on the recovery of the princess of wales following her recent cancer diagnosis, it carries comments made by catherine in a letter to the irish guards when she said she hopes to return to public duties very soon. she apologised for not being there to take the salute at the drooping of the colour. let’s at the drooping of the colour. let s look inside at the drooping of the colour. let s look inside the at the drooping of the colour. let s look inside the pages, at the drooping of the colour. let s look inside the pages, this is in the observer. it talks about how treehouses have gone from the childhood favourite to the height of clamping luxury. when i was younger i was desperate for a treehouse, i thought it was most magical thing. after reading the magic faraway tree by enid blyton i wanted to be up in the trees but i never got one from my parents. 50 the trees but i never got one from my parents- my parents. so you are now living our my parents. so you are now living your treehouse my parents. so you are now living your treehouse streams? - my parents. so you are now living your treehouse streams? now - my parents. so you are now living your treehouse streams? now i i my parents. so you are now living i your treehouse streams? now i need to ask for a your treehouse streams? now i need to ask for a glamping your treehouse streams? now i need to ask for a glamping treehouse, - your treehouse streams? now i need to ask for a glamping treehouse, it i to ask for a glamping treehouse, it is notjust a wooden shack put together it looks incredibly fancy now, some have a built in sauna inside which is very impressive, that takes a lot of logistic, the height of engineering.- height of engineering. sturdy branches- height of engineering. sturdy branches. you height of engineering. sturdy branches. you can t - height of engineering. sturdy branches. you can t have - height of engineering. sturdy branches. you can t have any| height of engineering. sturdy - branches. you can t have any flimsy branches. you can t have any flimsy branches- if branches. you can t have any flimsy branches. if you branches. you can t have any flimsy branches. if you are branches. you can t have any flimsy branches. if you are trying - branches. you can t have any flimsy branches. if you are trying to - branches. you can t have any flimsy branches. if you are trying to find i branches. if you are trying to find a wa for branches. if you are trying to find a way for such branches. if you are trying to find a way for such a branches. if you are trying to find a way for such a fancy branches. if you are trying to find a way for such a fancy treehouse| branches. if you are trying to find i a way for such a fancy treehouse you might hope for some kind of find like this, a book bought for £1 at a car boot sale is expected to fetch £15,000 at auction because it is a rare first edition of the debut james bond novel. rare first edition of the debut james bond novel. ., , , , , james bond novel. that s impressive was that a car james bond novel. that s impressive was that a car boot james bond novel. that s impressive was that a car boot sale? james bond novel. that s impressive was that a car boot sale? 1953 - james bond novel. that s impressive was that a car boot sale? 1953 copy l was that a car boot sale? 1953 copy of ian fleming s was that a car boot sale? 1953 copy of ian fleming s casino was that a car boot sale? 1953 copy of ian fleming s casino ryall, - was that a car boot sale? 1953 copy of ian fleming s casino ryall, onel of ian fleming s casino ryall, one of ian fleming s casino ryall, one of only 4,700. of ian fleming s casino ryall, one of only 4,700. . . of ian fleming s casino ryall, one of only 4,700. .. some people don t know what of only 4,700. .. some people don t know what they of only 4,700. .. some people don t know what they have, of only 4,700. .. some people don t know what they have, could - of only 4,700. .. some people don t know what they have, could you - know what they have, could you imagine getting rid of that? 0nto what was once a common sight in our countryside and gardens, but now the willow tennessee to be at risk of extinction are the numbers declined by 90% after the past five decades. in response team of conservationists and have hatched a plan to rescue the reclusive species as our correspondence explain. these tiny birds were once correspondence explain. these tiny birds were once regular correspondence explain. these tiny birds were once regular visitors - correspondence explain. these tiny birds were once regular visitors to l birds were once regular visitors to our gardens but not anymore. manchester alone, there are nowjust 120 breeding pairs after suffering a huge decline over the past five decades. we huge decline over the past five decades. ~ ., ., ., ., ., decades. we have got a lot of witness here, decades. we have got a lot of witness here, what decades. we have got a lot of witness here, what on - decades. we have got a lot of witness here, what on the - decades. we have got a lot of| witness here, what on the side decades. we have got a lot of - witness here, what on the side and brought on that side damp, wet woodland is what willow titx like. now volunteers are being asked to rescue them. we now volunteers are being asked to rescue them- now volunteers are being asked to rescue them. we want to survey the -o - ulation rescue them. we want to survey the population once rescue them. we want to survey the population once we rescue them. we want to survey the population once we understand - rescue them. we want to survey the population once we understand thel population once we understand the population once we understand the population we will use the information to design habitat intervention. information to design habitat intervention. a , , intervention. ashley maas has been identified as intervention. ashley maas has been identified as an intervention. ashley maas has been identified as an area intervention. ashley maas has been identified as an area that intervention. ashley maas has been identified as an area that could - intervention. ashley maas has been identified as an area that could be l identified as an area that could be restored to help the willow tip population. we restored to help the willow tip population- restored to help the willow tip oulation. ~ ., ., ., ., population. we need rotten, deadwood like this in a woodland population. we need rotten, deadwood like this in a woodland for population. we need rotten, deadwood like this in a woodland for willow- like this in a woodland for willow titx to excavate, this living tree is very hard, a willow tip could not excavate that for its nest.- excavate that for its nest. these birds are elusive excavate that for its nest. these birds are elusive and excavate that for its nest. these birds are elusive and hard - excavate that for its nest. these birds are elusive and hard to - excavate that for its nest. these | birds are elusive and hard to spot we did not see any today but they do have a distinctive call. thea;r we did not see any today but they do have a distinctive call. have a distinctive call. they are often in places have a distinctive call. they are often in places really have a distinctive call. they are often in places really close - have a distinctive call. they are often in places really close to i often in places really close to people 5 houses like in bolton and trafford, you have them write on the scruffy pockets of the land behind people 5 houses and they are an elusive bird so people don t know where they are. fit! elusive bird so people don t know where they are. elusive bird so people don t know where they are. on the edge of the sark where they are. on the edge of the s - ark we where they are. on the edge of the spark we have where they are. on the edge of the spark we have a where they are. on the edge of the spark we have a woodland - where they are. on the edge of the spark we have a woodland habitat. | spark we have a woodland habitat. volunteers spark we have a woodland habitat. volunteers are working with the wildlife trust with funding they will work with landowners to increase the habitat of the willow tip, benefiting a host of other creatures into the bargain. it’s creatures into the bargain. it s tuite creatures into the bargain. it s quite often creatures into the bargain. it s quite often a creatures into the bargain. it s quite often a habitat overlooked by people or undervalued, it s a bit scruffy looking, it is untidy, a bit wet and boggy, it s a bit unloved. there are a number of factors for the willow tip to climb. quite possibly climate change is playing a part, some of the weather habitats potentially might be drying up in the longer hotter summers. it is a bird that does not move that far and we need to create these pockets of habitats like steppingstones on the way across the landscape so they can move around and connect up. the wet willow wildlife move around and connect up. the wet willow wildlife project move around and connect up. the wet willow wildlife project aims move around and connect up. the wet willow wildlife project aims to - willow wildlife project aims to boost the willow tip s chance of survival and halts the alarming decline in this once common entry should bed. taste decline in this once common entry should bed- decline in this once common entry should bed. we want to make sure there is always should bed. we want to make sure there is always a should bed. we want to make sure there is always a home should bed. we want to make sure there is always a home for- should bed. we want to make sure there is always a home for the - there is always a home for the willow tip in the west, it is a really iconic species and it needs our help. really iconic species and it needs our hel. , , really iconic species and it needs our hel. , ., , really iconic species and it needs ourhel. , “ , our help. judy hobson, bbc news. lovel to our help. judy hobson, bbc news. lovely to hear our help. judy hobson, bbc news. lovely to hear the our help. judy hobson, bbc news. lovely to hear the efforts - our help. judy hobson, bbc news. lovely to hear the efforts to - our help. judy hobson, bbc news. lovely to hear the efforts to help | lovely to hear the efforts to help support that endangered species. i don t know if you ve seen the don t know if you ve seen the documentary on the rob burrow, that bbc breakfast has done, it is a really emotional watch. it was a boy can and time, a tribute to him, wasn t it? can and time, a tribute to him, wasn t it? , ., . , , wasn t it? yesterday at wembley since the death wasn t it? yesterday at wembley since the death of wasn t it? yesterday at wembley since the death of rob wasn t it? yesterday at wembley since the death of rob burrow i wasn t it? yesterday at wembley since the death of rob burrow s| wasn t it? yesterday at wembley i since the death of rob burrow s on sunday night of last week, we read a lot of words, we have heard a lot of words and seen the personal connection he had with a lot of people. viewers of this program will know especially the strong bond he built up on those people who had been supporting over the years of his motor neurone disease order struggles, it was something else to see it wordlessly as it turned out for a good minute at wembley, they were overwhelming to see, unanimous support and commemoration for rob burrow at wembley yesterday. it was remarkable, the pictures in addition to everything we have had, the personal, intense relationships described over the last few days, just to have all of those people doing the same thing and as i say. a powerful, wordless tribute. you are correct. a powerful, wordless tribute. you are correct. a a powerful, wordless tribute. you are correct, a poem date wembley as rugby pay tribute to one of its grades, on its perch saint helens women were challenge cup challenges. a game benefiting the memory of the great rob burrow. great rob burrow. wigan warriors challenae great rob burrow. wigan warriors challenge cup great rob burrow. wigan warriors challenge cup winners, great rob burrow. wigan warriors challenge cup winners, a - great rob burrow. wigan warriors challenge cup winners, a momentj great rob burrow. wigan warriors i challenge cup winners, a moment of celebration the combination of a day of raw emotion. 0n the game 5 grandest stage the sport had come together to remember an inspirational champion. fans from across the rugby league cup community gathering to pay their own very personal tributes to the late rob burrows who passed awayjust a few days ago after the battle with motor neurone disease, tributes that would continue throughout the day. he meant everything, everything to me, to the club and the mnd community, just amazing. tithe me, to the club and the mnd community, just amazing. community, ust amazing. one thing that ru:b community, just amazing. one thing that rugby league community, just amazing. one thing that rugby league cup community, just amazing. one thing that rugby league cup does - community, just amazing. one thing that rugby league cup does is - community, just amazing. one thing that rugby league cup does is look l that rugby league cup does is look after our that rugby league cup does is look after our own and we all come together, after our own and we all come together, no matter what club you are from together, no matter what club you are from everyone can see what he did as are from everyone can see what he did as a are from everyone can see what he did as a player and as a human being afterwards did as a player and as a human being afterwards. he did as a player and as a human being afterwards. . , did as a player and as a human being afterwards. ., , ., , ., ., , ., afterwards. he was a star, he was a star. the men s afterwards. he was a star, he was a star. the men s showpiece - afterwards. he was a star, he was a star. the men s showpiece final- star. the men s showpiece final warrington star. the men s showpiece final warrington against star. the men s showpiece final warrington against wigan - star. the men s showpiece final- warrington against wigan beginning after a minutes of impeccable silence. we can already raining super league and club champions took the first half lead, bevan french twisting and turning his way. that s their second try captain liam farrell rampaging through to extend the lead and from there warrington would not find a way. wigan warriors, wembley winners once again. earlier, there was no fairytale win for leeds. beaten comprehensively by saint helens for the third year in a row. so glory for saint helen s the third year in a row. so glory for saint helen 5 women and for wigan warriors men on a day when the whole sport of rugby league came together to celebrate one of its own. adam wilde, bbc news, wembley. northampton s 10 year wait for a league title and rugby union is over they won a dramatic new ship final at twickenham, alex mitchell scoring the winning try against bath down to 14 men with 17 minutes left as they claim their second championship and gave a perfect sendoff to the parting courtney law after his 17 years with the club. it parting courtney law after his 17 years with the club. years with the club. it has not really sunk years with the club. it has not really sunk in years with the club. it has not really sunk in yet, years with the club. it has not really sunk in yet, we - years with the club. it has not really sunk in yet, we were i really sunk in yet, we were so focused on this for so long, during the game, it was get the one, however you can. you get there and you are like we have done it! it is fast, can t put into words. i think we deserved it, over the season we have been the best team, sometimes you have to find a way to win. , . . ,, , ., sometimes you have to find a way to win. , . , ., ., win. english cricketers are without a win at the win. english cricketers are without a win at the t-20 win. english cricketers are without a win at the t-20 will win. english cricketers are without a win at the t-20 will cover- win. english cricketers are without a win at the t-20 will cover after l a win at the t 20 will cover after losing to australian bob artist, putting their chances of getting to the next stage in doubt. travis head made a flying start 70 without loss of five overs, australia reaching to hundred and one seven, 13 sixes in that innings, captainjosh butler top scored with 42 but they lost those wickets at regular intervals and fell well short of the target, losing by 36 runs. the situations we find ourselves losing by 36 runs. the situations we find ourselves in losing by 36 runs. the situations we find ourselves in as losing by 36 runs. the situations we find ourselves in as the losing by 36 runs. the situations we find ourselves in as the situation - find ourselves in as the situation we find ourselves in, we have to be confident keeps heads up and look forward to the next one and keep up in the chest out and playing some good cricket which we know we are capable of. good cricket which we know we are ca able of. good cricket which we know we are caable of. ~ .., good cricket which we know we are capable of capable of. south africa are top of the a-rou capable of. south africa are top of the group up capable of. south africa are top of the group up to capable of. south africa are top of the group up to a capable of. south africa are top of the group up to a scare capable of. south africa are top of the group up to a scare against. capable of. south africa are top of| the group up to a scare against the netherlands, chasing 141, 12 four at one stage but there after they managed the run chase well and were beaten from 51 balls from david miller, south africa one x four wickets, after a disappointing start to the british open they won the men s wheelchair doubles title, another serial winner in paris was iga swiatek she is now french open singles winnerfor a iga swiatek she is now french open singles winner for a fourth time, she continued her recent dominance on the clay with a straight sets win againstjasmine paolini obviously, against jasmine paolini obviously, it againstjasmine paolini obviously, it is her third title in a row in paris and herfirst it is her third title in a row in paris and her first grand slam triumph overall. i m paris and her first grand slam triumph over all. paris and her first grand slam triumph over all. i m really proud of m self triumph over all. i m really proud of myself because triumph over all. i m really proud of myself because the triumph over all. i m really proud i of myself because the expectations obviously have been pretty high from the outside, and pressure as well, i am happy ijust went the outside, and pressure as well, i am happy i just went for the outside, and pressure as well, i am happy ijust went for it the outside, and pressure as well, i am happy i just went for it and the outside, and pressure as well, i am happy ijust went for it and i was ready to deal with all of this, and i could win. it is the turn of the men this afternoon. it is the first time that either of the players had reached the final length paris and they are hoping tojoin an the final length paris and they are hoping to join an illustrious list of spaniards to have one in roland garros. i of spaniards to have one in roland garros. ., ., , , ., ., garros. i want to put my name on the list of spanish garros. i want to put my name on the list of spanish players garros. i want to put my name on the list of spanish players who garros. i want to put my name on the list of spanish players who have - garros. i want to put my name on the list of spanish players who have won l list of spanish players who have won the tournament, not only rafa nadal, ferrero, koster, and many have one from the sport and i really want to put my name on the list as well. i think in a grand slam final there are no think in a grand slam final there are no easy matches or opponents. if you are are no easy matches or opponents. if you are in are no easy matches or opponents. if you are in the are no easy matches or opponents. if you are in the final roland garros you are in the final roland garros you deserve to be there and that goes you deserve to be there and that goes for you deserve to be there and that goes for him as well. he played a fantastic goes for him as well. he played a fantastic match and tournament in general fantastic match and tournament in general. i m expecting a very difficult general. i m expecting a very difficult match. general. i m expecting a very difficult match. general. i m expecting a very difficult match. looks like the mercedes difficult match. looks like the mercedes formula difficult match. looks like the mercedes formula 1 difficult match. looks like the mercedes formula 1 team - difficult match. looks like the i mercedes formula 1 team could difficult match. looks like the - mercedes formula 1 team could be challenging for wins again after george russell claimed pole position for the canadian grand prix. he recorded a time of one minute and 12 seconds exactly on his first run qualifying and montreal. max verstappen posted exactly the same time but because george russell did at first, he gets to start from the top spot forjust at first, he gets to start from the top spot for just the second at first, he gets to start from the top spot forjust the second time in his career. great britain have won their first medals at the world athletics championships in rome. the race was won by marceljacobs in a time of 10.02 seconds as he successfully defended his european sprint title, and italy 13 medals but it is the competitors first met all. i but it is the competitors first met all. ., ., ., , all. i wanted to get the gold but i needed to take all. i wanted to get the gold but i needed to take the all. i wanted to get the gold but i needed to take the positive - all. i wanted to get the gold but i needed to take the positive and i | needed to take the positive and i want very much to be in the olympics are positive things you take from here and go back and look at the video and work on my race. george miller has one video and work on my race. george miller has one silver video and work on my race. george miller has one silver finishing - miller has one silver finishing behind the first place, and he has his sights set on the paris 0lympics next month. i his sights set on the paris olympics next month- his sights set on the paris olympics next month. ., ., ., next month. i want to run the 15 and the five in paris next month. i want to run the 15 and the five in paris but next month. i want to run the 15 and the five in paris but hopefully - the five in paris but hopefully tonight has done my chances of selection no harm but we are still a month out in three weeks until trials and back to training as of tomorrow and we will get stuck in. michael dunlop has secured victory in the super sport and super twins races of the week and it takes the total number of victories to 29, three clear of the previous record, belonging to his late unclejoey. he had it for 24 years in the fourth time he has won four races across the week. whether it is dunlop or mills, a couple of stories about how you can send your sporting progress down the gene pool! absolutely! around 20,000 bikers completed aim mammoth ride in memory of dave myers who died of cancer in february. the procession made its way to his home town of barrow after setting off from the ace cafe in north west london. sharon barber has been following the journey. it isa it is a big night in barrow, a celebration of the life of dave myers. tens of thousands have arrived, many of them hairy bikers. they are riding in all the way up the m6, thousands of people on every bridge, unbelievable. fits the m6, thousands of people on every bridge, unbelievable. bridge, unbelievable. as were coming in throu~h bridge, unbelievable. as were coming in through the bridge, unbelievable. as were coming in through the towns bridge, unbelievable. as were coming in through the towns and bridge, unbelievable. as were coming in through the towns and villages - in through the towns and villages leading in through the towns and villages leading into barrow, the streets were leading into barrow, the streets were lined and it was amazing! the roar of tens were lined and it was amazing! the roar of tens of were lined and it was amazing! tie: roar of tens of thousands of motorbikes heard across england today, began to arrive late afternoon. the procession at times was 16 miles long, and the route was lined by supporters. leading the cavalcade that left london this morning was dave s best friend and fellow hairy by car. fellow hairy by car. what a remarkable fellow hairy by car. what a remarkable reception! - fellow hairy by car. what a j remarkable reception! just fellow hairy by car. what a - remarkable reception! just mind blowing! all of the bridges all the way from london, people waving and showing kindness, courtesy and it was unbelievable! the showing kindness, courtesy and it was unbelievable! showing kindness, courtesy and it was unbelievable! the tv chef died in february was unbelievable! the tv chef died in february after was unbelievable! the tv chef died in february after he was unbelievable! the tv chef died in february after he was was unbelievable! the tv chef died in february after he was diagnosed | in february after he was diagnosed with cancer. he was 66. sharon barber, bbc news, cumbria. what a lovely thing to have done. very touching. we will be back with the headlines at seven but now it is time for the travel show. this year, all eyes are on the french region of normandy as it prepares to celebrate the major anniversaries. it may not be as well visited as paris, or as funny as the south of the country but if you come here and explore, you will fall in love with this part of france, it was a place that gave us a king, that change the course of history. it us a king, that change the course of histo . . , us a king, that change the course of histo . ., , , , us a king, that change the course of histo . ,, history. it has inspired the painter who started history. it has inspired the painter who started a history. it has inspired the painter who started a movement - history. it has inspired the painter who started a movement that - history. it has inspired the painter| who started a movement that took history. it has inspired the painter- who started a movement that took the artwork by storm. he painted the light up there. artwork by storm. he painted the light up there- artwork by storm. he painted the light up there. while 80 years ago, the coastline light up there. while 80 years ago, the coastline was light up there. while 80 years ago, the coastline was at light up there. while 80 years ago, the coastline was at the light up there. while 80 years ago, the coastline was at the forefront i the coastline was at the forefront for the fight for freedom. i the coastline was at the forefront for the fight for freedom.- the coastline was at the forefront for the fight for freedom. i want to sound an enormous for the fight for freedom. i want to sound an enormous sentinel - for the fight for freedom. i want to sound an enormous sentinel to - for the fight for freedom. i want to i sound an enormous sentinel to those of taken part, it was a team effort. this is the region that has seen it all. and it s stories have all been woven into the tapestry of time. this is so cool! i will release the road until it is slapping. so the flapping starts and then from the flapping, we bring it in. just to stop? look at me! i m a sailor! france and england may be neighbours but in the middle ages, they were bitter rivals, mainly thanks to this man, william, the duke of normandy, who history would come to know better as william the conqueror. in the year 1066, he left the shores to invade england and set it on a new course of history. william was descended from the fears that vikings, or northmen, who gave normandy its name. in 2027, normandy will mark the 1,000th anniversary of william s birth. but the preparations for this big occasion have already begun. la mora was the flagship of william s invasion fleet. and now, a historical society in the port town of honfleur are busy recreating the viking style longship that would have carried william, his most trusted knights, their horses, and 60 oarsmen to the brutal battle of hastings. and there s not a power tool in sight. this is me splitting wood in what would be the norman way of doing it. yeah, and with this technique, you can split any tree. yeah, good. and that is how you split wood norseman style. jean marie is the president of the society and has some big plans for la mora when she s finished. so, it s all about timing. you start now so the boat is finished for the anniversary. oh, wow! we hope, we hope! yeah! we hope that. wow! the team made their plans for the new look la mora by studying the 70 metre long bayeux tapestry. so all of this is the battle of hastings? yes, it s all the battle. here is the famous death of king harold, which marks the end of the battle. where s the eye? where s the arrow in his eye? harold isjust here. you can see it with the arrow in the eye. yeah! the tapestry was completed in the decade following the battle of hastings. martin is a historian at the bayeux museum, whose job it is to study and interpret this priceless a rtefa ct. and on the next scene, you can see that william is taking off his helmet to being recognised by the helmet to show that he is alive and the battle have to continue to the victor. the story starts with the dying king of england, edward the confessor, promising the throne to william. he sends the message to william in france via a trusted nobleman called harold godwinson. but when edward dies, harold is offered the crown by the governing council of england and takes it for himself, ensuing william s rage. how factual is it? how factual? it s a representation, you know, of the events of the year 1064 1066. so, it s a story written by the victors, you know, and there is a lot, of course, of what we can call inaccuracy, and so mistake or choice to show some.only a point of view of the history. yeah. it s like. we can call it propaganda, you know? now over 900 years old, the bayeux tapestry has survived major events like the french revolution and even acted as a potential crib sheet for those looking to invade england as recently as world war ii. then it was confiscated by the germans. so it did end up in german hands? it did end up in german hands here in bayeux for they study it, and also to know how to invade england, of course. really?! yes, of course. so germany were taking tips from william the conqueror s story? dives sur mer is the town william left from to invade england. though i must admit, it s hard to imagine a full blown invasion force gathered here today. wow, look at this place! where are all the knights in their suits of armour? i m meeting francois, an archaeologist who, like many other normans, is in love with his history. wow! hello, steve. francois, bonjour! salut. nice to meet you. but what is it that separates normandy from other regions in france? what s so special here? there is so much history here. in dives sur mer, the past isn t just consigned to books and museums, it s part of everyday life. even the weekly market takes place in a hall that dates back to the 13005. this all looks so nice. yes. what have we got here? that doesn t look french. yeah? when i think french food, i think cheese, bread not this. yeah? oh, really? i d love to, please! thank you. when the baker finished with his oven, the villagers would make this? 0ui. 0h, amazing. that s nice, eh? that s nice. look, all of these names, the people it s bizarre. you thinkjust william the conqueror. notjust soldiers archers, stable boys. 0ui. there s lots of people involved. the names featured on the wall are william s top brass the ones who helped him rule england, and that would later become the cornerstone for the country s aristocracy. william the conqueror a national hero? was he a tyrant, a kind king? what kind of person.? normandy s countryside is well, let s face it picture perfect. and there s only one way to see it in the passenger seat of a french classic car. the citroen 2cv. french culture has an abundance of style and a certainje ne sais quoi. so it s no surprise france has produced some of the world s finest artists. 2024 is a really important anniversary in the world of art. it s 150 years since the movement of impressionism was founded, giving the world artists like monet. i ve come to the norman village of giverny. it s famed worldwide as being the home of french artist claude monet, who lived here from 1883 all the way up to his death in 1926. the gardeners here do an amazing job. they must go around with one of monet s pictures. it s identical! patricia is a local artist, and with giverny being a major tourist attraction in normandy, she has a sideline running tours around monet s house and gardens. patricia, this place is as pretty as a picture. i think i recognise it. really?! yeah! is it possible? he painted this place more than 250 times. yeah? yeah. so, tell me, why did he paint it so many times? because he made series of the light, yeah? so, you see today we have wonderful reflections, and this is what he loved. so, he created this garden being inspired by the japanese art, because at that time, in europe and all over the world, japan was the new fashion. and monet became a fashion victim. 0h, right! so, that makes sense. we ve got the bamboo, we ve got the very japanese style bridge. yes. impressionism was groundbreaking. the year 1874 was a time of great change in france. claude monet and a group of his friends decided it was time for art to change too. with the opening of new train lines and the invention of paints in tubes, they could leave their studios in paris and capture places like normandy on canvas. when they set up their own radical exhibition on their return to the city, a notable critic of the time compared their work to a sketch for a wallpaper pattern a mere unfinished impression which gave this movement its name. but looking around this museum in giverny, it s clear to see who got the last laugh. how does yours already look better than mine? laughing: because i m a painter. - because you re a painter, yeah. so, tell me a little bit about monet s relationship with normandy. normandy became one of his major subjects because he loved the light changes. you know, monet always used to say, here the light changes every seven minutes. and if you look at that today, i think that s true. yeah. claude monet never painted any water lilies. what?! yes! he painted the light on top of the lilies. 0h. you get it? mind is blown! i ve come to that reflection part now, and i don t really know what i m doing. in fact, to paint the reflections, you should do vertical lines. this is what monet made. and look, it s vertical. can you see? no. they both laugh. how is yours so different from mine? i don t understand. because you have a different style. i don t have a different style i can t do it! patricia chuckles. it s starting to rain. i think we should better stop. what do you think? because otherwise, our paintings will be messy. we will never be able to sell them for $1 million. they both laugh. ok? ok. normandy s ever changing weather has put an end to my lesson, but that is my first and possibly last effort at impressionism art. it s no monet, but it s a steve brown. back here on the coast, scars from normandy s more recent history can still be felt today. 0njune 6th, 1944, 80 years ago, the d day landings happened on a stretch of normandy s beaches. the objective of d day was to secure a foothold in nazi occupied europe. it was the largest naval, air and land operation in history. on that fateful summer s day, the allies used over 5,000 ships and landing craft to carry more than 150,000 troops to normandy s beaches codenamed utah, 0maha, gold, juno and sword. 4,414 allied soldiers died on d day itself. in 2021, the british normandy memorial was opened overlooking gold beach. to mark the 80th anniversary of the d day landings, dan and his team of volunteers from the arts group standing with giants will place 1,475 handmade silhouettes at the memorial to mark the number of servicemen who died on d day itself under british command. applause. hey, look at that! give it a wiggle, ed. get your toes on it. so, that s the first one up, then. do they all look the same? no, we ve got 11 different designs, all representing different groups that came over the beaches on that particular day. yeah, you don t want to leave anyone out, do you? well, no. we was told, apparently we ve left out frogmen. oh, no! do you know, my great uncle was a stretcher bearer on d day? 0h, right. you know, it s amazing, isn t it? everyone s got their stories. and did you meet your great uncle? um, no, i didn t, and if i m honest with you, my understanding and the facts that i ve got from family are quite sparse. but, do you know, standing here with you, looking out across the beach that he would have been helping on, i m certainly going to go back and find out more about him. because everyone played their role and the stretcher bearers and the nurses, i mean, they were witnessing horror continuously just continuously. and, you know, it was just so hard for them. and because of that, we ve also designed two nurses. there were two nurses on one of the boats that hit a mine, and they got blown up and killed. so we ve actually brought with us two giant nurses, laser cut in steel, to represent the nurses and the ladies that took part and that worked so hard behind the scenes. i m. i m lost for words. dan chuckles. i m lost for words. cafe gondree was the first french home to be liberated on d day. it s so good to meet you. thank you very much. it s still run by the same family. and i m meeting arlette, who was just four years old in 1944. but what a cafe! i mean, look around. there seems to be so many bits of memorabilia. it seems like everybody wants to share things with you. that s absolutely right. they want to come in because it s a house, a little house from the surface, that has lived history. we were woken up, or half asleep, by a tremendous crashing noise and then different movements around the house. and then suddenly the shutter from our dining room was being forced open and window panes were being broken, and we heard footsteps above our head. we thought the germans had come in to get us, but fortunately. that is. ..fortunately, daddy left us for a short time, walked up the little steps and was faced by soldiers saying to daddy, it s all right, we ve arrived. we re british. so he brought them in the cellar. and naturally, i was very frightened, so i went to hide behind the barrels. but then one of them took some chocolate out of his jacket with some biscuits, and so i came forward. mummy started kissing them. and then after that, daddy said, it s all for you, this house, and opened the door. and by then, casualties were brought in. i want to say an enormous thank you. all those who have taken part. it was a team effort. here, it s the british, but within the british army there were other nationalities that were trained together. and this is to be commemorated for the 80th anniversary. and i can see you mean that, as well. i can see you mean that from the bottom of your heart. d day didn t end world war ii, but it was the beginning of the end, and there were still dark days ahead, and many more lives would be lost on all sides. the final stop on myjourney through time is the german war graves at la cambe. above the cemetery is a statue of a mother and father. it was placed there to watch over the sons that are buried below. history isn t just about buildings and museum pieces, it s about people. when you come to somewhere like normandy and see the places where it all happened, you start to realise that every name on a stone or in a textbook is a real person, and that offers you a perspective like no other. you thinkjust william the conqueror. good morning. welcome to breakfast, with luxmy gopal and ben boulos. 0ur headlines today: the eu s most senior diplomat has condemned the killing of palestinians in an israeli operation to rescue four hostages. the mission was to bring home the captives who had been held in gaza since the hamas attacks eight months ago. election campaigning continues across the country ahead of a key week, in which parties will set out their manifestos. after new cctv emerges of the tv presenter michael mosley, who vanished on a greek island on wednesday, his wife says she will not lose hope . in sport, england s defence of the t20 world cup is in danger. they re still to win in the tournament after a hefty defeat by australia in barbados in their second game and while it should be a sunny start for sunday for many of you, a lot more cloud and some patchy rain. details here on breakfast. good morning, it s sunday the 9th june. our main story: israel has been criticised by the european union s most senior diplomat over the killing of dozens of palestinians in an operation to rescue four hostages in gaza. eu foreign policy chief josep borrell called the reports another massacre of civilians . the mission to bring home the captives involved air strikes around a refugee camp. the moment she was made free. 25 year old noa argamani, captured by hamas on the 7th of october, and taken to gaza, is finally back in israel. this is her being reunited with her dad after a dramatic rescue. translation: please do not forget there are another 120 hostages in captivity. we must release them and make an effort in any way to bring them to israel and theirfamilies. by the way, it is my birthday. also freed, andrei kozlov, who is 27. shlomi ziv, 40, and almog meirjan, 21. eight months ago, they were in the nova music festival in southern israel when hamas gunmen attacked. more than 360 people were killed here. the four hostages rescued in a major operation by the israeli military carried out at a refugee camp in central gaza. the military said it was a complex operation based on intelligence information. the four hostages, it said were found at two separate locations and were brought out under file. israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. they underwent intensive training. they risked their lives to save the lives of our hostages. but the mission brought even more suffering to gaza. there was chaos and desperation at the nearby al aqsa hospital. doctors struggled to treat all the wounded. many arrived already dead. translation: we were at home. a rocket hit us. my two cousins died and my other two cousins were seriously injured. they did nothing. they were sitting at home. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited the freed hostages in a hospital near tel aviv. he s being urged to reach a ceasefire and hostage release deal with hamas. the rescue was considered a success by israeli authorities and could change the calculation of a leader under pressure. hugh bachega, bbc news, tel aviv. 0ur correspondent, jon donnison, is injerusalem. jon, what has the reaction been in israel? i think it has been one of celebration and huge relief, especially for the families of the hostages who were released after being held for some 246 days. i also think it is given a boost to benjamin netanyahu because it allows him to say, look, his strategy is working. he believes the only way to get hostages out, or the best way, is to continue to put military pressure on hamas. contrast that with the mood in gaza, which is one of outrage at the number of civilians killed, many women and children. we have also had the eu s most senior diplomat, josep borrell, calling this another massacre and saying the bloodbath has to end immediately. the israeli mind ministerfired back immediately. the israeli mind minister fired back and said to josep borrell, shame on you, instead of condemning hamas, for holding hostages in civilian areas, he was attacking israel for rescuing its citizens. . ~ attacking israel for rescuing its citizens. ., ,, ., attacking israel for rescuing its citizens. ., ., ., campaigning continues ahead of what is likely to be a busy week in the lead up to the general election, with another scheduled election tv debate and manifestos set to be published. 0ur political correspondent, iain watson, has this report. the prime minister is in the market for votes. the main westminster parties will launch manifestoes in the week ahead. rishi sunak will be hoping it moves the focus onto policy, not personality. he will be keen to move on from his d day apology and so will his party, and his candidates have been out campaigning this weekend and we have been speaking to some this weekend. some of spoken about anger and disappointment and one of them said whatever will happen next? will rishi sunak s trousers fall down? others say voters have not raised the issue at all. 0ne candidate said they were so vexed by it, they have already defected to labour or the reform party. the prime minister will be hoping to keep his job afterjuly 4, and he wants to get more people into work, promising to spend £700 million to help people struggling with mental health to rejoin and stay in the workforce. but he s also repeating previous announcements to toughen up benefits rules. the conservatives claim they can save £12 billion from the welfare bill by the end of the next parliament. labour says existing jails are bursting at the seams and the government has failed to provide the 20,000 more prison places promised. if elected, the party says it would deliver that prison building programme and change the planning laws to make it a priority and give offenders more help to get into employment. the state of the nhs has been prominent in the lib dems campaign, saying they want to take pressure off the ambulance system by expanding urgent care centers and providing more than 1,000 more beds. response time information will also be made readily available. today we get a sneak preview of the manifestoes but it is not until the full range of policies are published that we will know how well they connect with voters. we are nowjoined by our political correspondent, jessica parker. jessica, it s going to be a busy week for all of the parties, isn t it? absolutely! what we have had so far in the campaign is we have been essentially drip fed policy ideas and announcements and a couple of tv debates but it can feel like there is a lot of noise, charter, a bit hard to keep up with, but as we start to get those manifestoes over the coming weeks from the main parties, that will change a little bit because what a manifesto is as many will know, is a political party s programme for government, a blueprint for what it would do if that party was in power. i think what will be particularly interesting as well is that while we are not necessarily expecting major surprises from at least the two main parties, although of course you never know, i have not been the manifestoes yet, although there have been plenty of leaks and a announcements made, and a lot of discussion about how will parties pay for pledges? a lot of scrutiny and back and forth between labour and back and forth between labour and the conservatives and costings should be in the manifesto, so that will be very crucial. it will move the campaign onto the next phase after the first few weeks we ve had so far. . ~ ,, ~ after the first few weeks we ve had so far. ., ,, i. . , so far. thank you. we will be discussing so far. thank you. we will be discussing this so far. thank you. we will be discussing this later- so far. thank you. we will be discussing this later in - so far. thank you. we will be discussing this later in with i discussing this later in with political pundits. the search for the tv presenter michael mosley will resume on the greek island of symi after he went missing while out on a walk on wednesday. 0ur correspondent, joe inwood, is in symi. joe, what will the search teams be focusing on this morning? it seems they will be looking at roughly the same area as they were yesterday. this is a big, rocky outcrop going north from the main village, the last known sighting of michael mosley, we saw new cctv shortage showing him walking at two o clock purposefully towards the hills. the suggestion is he did not take the most direct route, the town where i m staying now, symi, but instead around the mountain and over the top and all the way back that way. if he had decided to do that, that with a very long walk in incredible heat and my legs are burning from standing in the sun too long! it is really hot and it s only nine o clock in the morning! at 130 in the afternoon it is seriously hot! that is why they are trying to find him quickly but as the days go on it is becoming a more consenting situation. , ., ., , situation. and his wife, claire has said they would situation. and his wife, claire has said they would not situation. and his wife, claire has said they would not lose - situation. and his wife, claire has said they would not lose hope? i said they would not lose hope? absolutely. she put out a statement yesterday describing the time since michael had left is the most difficult period. also thanking authorities but it is keeping that core message that they will not lose hope and authorities have said they will continue to search and look for michael mosley until he is found. the longer it goes on, the more they hope will dwindle, i m sorry to say. it s another thing we have lent this morning is the search and rescue squad on the hillside has been sent to athens, which could be a sign they are winding down but it has been reported that it is so hot that the dog has been burning its paws on the dog has been burning its paws on the hillside that they cannot search because of the heat. so that is a development we have had in the last hour or. it development we have had in the last hour or. ., , hour or. it does highlight temperatures hour or. it does highlight temperatures there. - hour or. it does highlight i temperatures there. thank hour or. it does highlight - temperatures there. thank you. hour or. it does highlight temperatures there. thank you. we will return to symi to keep you updated throughout the morning. south korea says it will resume propaganda broadcasts against north korea for the first time in six years. seoul s national security council said its decision to install loudspeakers and begin broadcasts was in response to pyongyang s campaign of sending balloons carrying rubbish across the border. the council added that any attempt at causing distress to the people of south korea was unacceptable. narendra modi is set to be sworn in as prime minister of india for his third term today. he ll be sworn in alongside his cabinet as he heads a coalition of 15 parties following last week s election results. it makes him prime ministerfor a historic third consecutive term. an 11 year old girl is among four people who were injured after a fun fair ride malfunctioned in lambeth in south london. 0ur reporter helena wilkinson is at the lambeth country show where it happened. helena, what more do we know? it was a serious incident is what lambeth council are saying. let me step out of the shot and show you the fairground where the incident took place just before 630 yesterday afternoon. we do not know which rider was where the four people were injured but as you mention, the council confirming that a malfunction happened on one of the fairground rides. there was a huge emergency response, the air ambulance, four ambulance crews and paramedics came treat the four injured, an 11 year old girl, a man and woman in their 405, and another man in his 505. they were taken from here to major trauma centres. it is not confirmed what injuries they have. we are trying to find that out. we do know their conditions are not life threatening. the council say a thorough investigation will take place to work out exactly how that fairground ride malfunctioned. thank you. people in countries including france, germany and spain go to the polls in the european elections today. it s the final and main day of voting for the eu s 27 members with the first results expected tonight. damien mcguinness is in berlin. damien, what impact could this vote have across europe? could the results signal a shift to the far right? could the results signal a shift to the far right? yeah, the big story this ear the far right? yeah, the big story this year does the far right? yeah, the big story this year does seem the far right? yeah, the big story this year does seem to the far right? yeah, the big story this year does seem to be - the far right? yeah, the big story this year does seem to be a - the far right? yeah, the big story this year does seem to be a shift| the far right? yeah, the big story i this year does seem to be a shift to the right and in some cases indeed the right and in some cases indeed the far right. what we are thing across europe in many countries is a rise in popularity of either the hard populist right or extreme right. in germany it is slightly different because the far right party had been hit by a number of scandals that they may not do as well as others, but in countries like france, italy, the populist right is surging, meaning the european parliament will have a bigger chunk of eurosceptic meps there, having a big impact on eu policy because the eu does a lot of transborder issues and anything to do with migration, to do with climate change, a lot of stuff to do with supporting ukraine, is all decided by the eu, and all those laws have to be passed by the european parliament. so if you have one fifth or 20% of that parliament made up of eurosceptic and in some cases far right meps, that will have a big impact on whether those issues move forward or get blocked. i think that s what we will see and that s why people all over europe and indeed outside of europe or look at these elections and see whether the eu can make decisions when it comes forth a climate change migration and what those decisions may look like. in berlin, the polling stations have openedin in berlin, the polling stations have opened in the first few voters have walked in and the other big question is what will turn out be like? last time five years ago, it was relatively high but this time it could be even higher, and that is connected to the idea that the far right is doing well because that is also mobilising a lot of people in the centre and left to say they do not want to hand the european parliament over to the far right. lots to look out for today as the results start coming out tonight. thank you for the update. some poor ignorant moments in the coverage of the d day 80th anniversary of the past week especially on breakfast, here is one that may have escaped your attention. a world war two veteran has married his bride on the 80th anniversary of d day near the beaches of normandy in france. harold terens, a 100 year old us army air force veteran from florida, tied the knot with 96 year old jeanne swerlin at a ceremony in carentan les marais, in northwestern france. originally from new york, harold visited france as an air force corporal shortly after d day, when he was just 20 years old. to top off the extraordinary day, the newly wedded couple then attended the state banquet in paris thrown by president macron for us leaderjoe biden. here is what the happy couple had to say. i m 100 years old and my bride is 96 and to be married, it s my second, normandy is my second favourite place in the whole world. i could live here for the rest of my life and be as happy as could be. do you feel young again? yes! at 96, ifeel like, my god, i got butterflies, just like the young people! it is notjust the young people, love, you know! we get butterflies we also get a little bit of action! i love them. that is so brilliant, that still puts a smile on my face however many times i see that. look at that stunning however many times i see that. look at that stunning blue however many times i see that. look at that stunning blue sky over saint pauls cathedral. tia at that stunning blue sky over saint pauls cathedral. pauls cathedral. no cloud action above the city pauls cathedral. no cloud action above the city of pauls cathedral. no cloud action above the city of london, - pauls cathedral. no cloud action above the city of london, blue i pauls cathedral. no cloud action - above the city of london, blue skies and a lovely start to sunday across many central and areas, its go further north to northern england, this is just outside further north to northern england, this isjust outside bradford. shower clouds, lots of clouds streaming its way in, many will take a step into the cloud as we go through the day even if you start with some sunshine, cloud has been streaming from the north atlantic overnight, here it comes, to the north cool conditions, blustery and a few showers to the south, clear skies, through northern island and parts of southern scotland north west england and wales the cloud is thickest, central and southern ranges start with sunshine but cloud over, parts of devon, cornwall and dorset and south wales will stay sunny, to the north a mixture of sunshine and showers. let s look at that area of the cloudiest weather, across parts of island and northwest england and wales in the west of northern island, rain more persistent into the afternoon. temperature still well down on where you want at this stage injune, 10, 11 degrees for some in northern scotland, 18 or 19 for the south, this evening and overnight the rain will clear away from northern island and spread across england and wales giving some gardens a welcome soaking after a few dry days, the rain linger across eastern areas into tomorrow morning but clear skies for scotland and northern ireland, temperatures well down into low figures in rural areas, there are northerly winds from scandinavia this weather system will move eastwards overnight giving a wet and windy start across parts of lincolnshire, yorkshire, east midlands, east anglia on monday morning, rain lingering across eastern counties but away from that brighter weather around, a mixture of sunshine and showers, more cloud than sunshine in northern scotland, where ever you are a northern northerly wind and feeling chillier and cloudy moments, temperatures down on what we had this weekend, cool into tuesday, the northerly breeze brings a tear from the arctic in fact, you won t feel like that in the sunshine, still quite present out of the breeze and the sunshine. is the cloud builds up during the day it will feel cooler and we will see shells developed, central and eastern areas prone to showers on wednesday and eastern and western areas could stay dry, temperatures 10 - 17 areas could stay dry, temperatures 10 17 degrees, well down on where you want for the stage of the summer. as we grow through the rest of the week, it will stay on the cooler side of things, one of those weeks that won t be a washout, there will be dry and bright weather but a view showers around the forecast stop not feeling like june. view showers around the forecast stop not feeling likejune. taste view showers around the forecast stop not feeling like june. we will seak to stop not feeling like june. we will speak to you stop not feeling like june. we will speak to you later. stop not feeling like june. we will speak to you later. time - stop not feeling like june. we will speak to you later. time now - stop not feeling like june. we will speak to you later. time now for l stop not feeling like june. we will. speak to you later. time now for 27 minutes past 7 a blue badge past 7 can be a lifeline for people with disabilities or health conditions, helping them to park closer to their destination but the number of badge thefts in london has more than quadrupled in the last decade. last year, more than 6,000 were stolen in the capital alone. some blue badge holders are being forces to take extra precautions to keep theirs safe, as paul hawkins reports. another blue badge stolen in the capital. 6415 last year up 400% over nine years according to figures from the metropolitan police. here is the car, you come down and find it and you go oh no! the badge is gone. michael has had his badge taken four times is now paired locking it to his steering wheel. times is now paired locking it to his steering wheel. what i had to do to sto it his steering wheel. what i had to do to stop it being his steering wheel. what i had to do to stop it being stolen, his steering wheel. what i had to do to stop it being stolen, is. - his steering wheel. what i had to do to stop it being stolen, is. get- to stop it being stolen, is. get one of these, you have to put it inside the metal holder. then you have a piece of pvc over the top. it fits so you can be seen, then, you put that through and then you block it to your steering wheel. since having this it has not been taken yet. you will see on the street there are two other blue badge over there are two other blue badge over the road that have got padlocks on. the blue badge is part of being liberated, if i come down and find my car has been robbed of my blue badge and i m suddenly much more restricted and that is really what a blue badge is for, to open my welder will stop what would be your message for the people selling them? fitpplr; for the people selling them? apply for the people selling them? apply for one that for the people selling them? apply for one that is for the people selling them? apply for one that is in for the people selling them? apply for one that is in date for the people selling them? apply for one that is in date which - for the people selling them? apply for one that is in date which is what for one that is in date which is what they for one that is in date which is what they are going for? then surely that s what they are going for? then surely that s a what they are going for? then surely that s a lot what they are going for? then surely that s a lot of parking, you would have that s a lot of parking, you would have to that s a lot of parking, you would have to park a lot. we that s a lot of parking, you would have to park a lot. have to park a lot. we asked the olice for have to park a lot. we asked the police for an have to park a lot. we asked the police for an interview have to park a lot. we asked the police for an interview but - have to park a lot. we asked the | police for an interview but no-one police for an interview but no one was available but they sent us a link to one of their webpages called prevent theft from a vehicle. there are 11 steps number set is take it with you or hide it, if it is valuable hide it from view or take it with you. how useful is that for you? it with you. how useful is that for ou? ., , ., it with you. how useful is that for ou? ., ,, , it with you. how useful is that for ou? ., j ,, you? not, you can t keep your blue badue out you? not, you can t keep your blue badge out of you? not, you can t keep your blue badge out of sight you? not, you can t keep your blue badge out of sight because - you? not, you can t keep your blue badge out of sight because it - you? not, you can t keep your blue| badge out of sight because it allows you to park. that s ridiculous. what you to park. that s ridiculous. what would be your you to park. that s ridiculous. what would be your advice? you to park. that s ridiculous. what would be your advice? one - you to park. that s ridiculous. what would be your advice? one of - you to park. that s ridiculous. what| would be your advice? one of these adlock would be your advice? one of these padlock systems would be your advice? one of these padlock systems seems would be your advice? one of these padlock systems seems to - would be your advice? one of these padlock systems seems to be - would be your advice? one of these padlock systems seems to be the i would be your advice? one of these i padlock systems seems to be the only way forward. the only thing is we need to have a redesign of the blue badge system, my photograph and designs are on the back of the blue badge which means everybody, the public, traffic wardens and fleas can t see if it is meant to be used by me, stealing people 5 blue badges is one of the things as we know is getting and more prevalent, it is disabling people more. pauli it is disabling people more. paul hawkins, bbc it is disabling people more. paul hawkins, bbc news. we are joined now by paul slowey, who is the founder of blue badge fraud investigations a community interest company who work with local authorities investigating badge fraud. good morning to you, thank you for joining us. itjust sounds absolutely disgusting behaviour. why has there been an increase in this, why are people taking such drastic action to get hold of the badge? thanks getting a stolen badge enables the criminal to a park for free, there is very little detection, i am quite shocked at the police advised to see you book disabled people to do something to prevent the crime rather than the police investigate the crime or solve the crime or prosecute people. the serial numbers on the front of the badge and there is a national database of badges and it is easy to put on the serial number into that database and detect it is stolen, and we seized a badge north of leicester square yesterday that was stolen, and speaking to the driver, he said he bought it on the street, and leicester square yesterday. we were talking among ourselves about this earlier this morning. if the cars can be registered to a database for the tax does, could there not be a similar system where car numberplates could be registered on a central database and parking enforcement could check that and removes the need to have a badge on display. the removes the need to have a badge on disla . , , , ., removes the need to have a badge on disla. , ,, ., ., display. the badge is issued to an individual not display. the badge is issued to an individual not a display. the badge is issued to an individual not a vehicle, display. the badge is issued to an individual not a vehicle, mick- display. the badge is issued to an i individual not a vehicle, mick might go in a different car, go out with his friends, lots of disabled people don t have a car, they are driven around by friends or family. don t have a car, they are driven around by friends orfamily. and family will use different cars. the badges are issued to an individual not to a vehicle. however, there is a national database with all the badges on it, and it has the six and a half thousand badges stolen last years and the serial numbers that database, it is a simple task of checking the badge against the database and if it comes up stolen the badge can be seized, the car can be seized. some authorities are brilliant at this and doing a great job. the majority are doing nothing stopping the police are doing nothing. there were two cars parked outside a police station with stolen badges and police walking past them all day. badges and police walking past them all da . ~ ., ., badges and police walking past them allda .~ ., ., badges and police walking past them allda . ~ ., ., ~ all day. what do you think the solution is, all day. what do you think the solution is, how all day. what do you think the solution is, how can all day. what do you think the solution is, how can it - all day. what do you think the solution is, how can it be - all day. what do you think the - solution is, how can it be stopped? it needs to be enforced, if you enforce the law people will lose the appetite to use a stolen badge, there is a real risk of people being prosecuted for fraud which is the fence they will stop seeing them. the courts have got powers to ban people from driving, power to seize vehicles, and in some authorities they are doing that, in some authorities they are prosecuting two or 300 people a year, and others they are doing nothing. people need to raise this with the councils, with mp5 and say, what is my counsel doing? fits with mps and say, what is my counsel doinu ? , , ., with mps and say, what is my counsel doint? a with mps and say, what is my counsel doint? ., , with mps and say, what is my counsel doing? as you say the owners should be on stopping doing? as you say the owners should be on stopping the doing? as you say the owners should be on stopping the crime doing? as you say the owners should be on stopping the crime rather- doing? as you say the owners should be on stopping the crime rather than| be on stopping the crime rather than expect thing blue badge holders to prevent and themselves, we saw in the piece by paul some of the strange advice such as take the badge with you which obviously doesn t make sense because it has to be on display. what other advice do you have for blue badge holders to try to minimise the risk? the you have for blue badge holders to try to minimise the risk? try to minimise the risk? the first thin is try to minimise the risk? the first thing is mick try to minimise the risk? the first thing is mick said try to minimise the risk? the first thing is mick said lock try to minimise the risk? the first thing is mick said lock the - try to minimise the risk? the first thing is mick said lock the badge l try to minimise the risk? the first. thing is mick said lock the badge to your steering wheel, don t display it overnight because a lot of their happens overnight. the emphasis should not be on disabled people to change their behaviour the emphasis should be on police and local authorities to enforce the scheme and eradicate the use of stolen badges. that will solve the problem. i will give a quick example. when i was younger, they did not have barriers to travel on trains, they did not have inspectors on the whole. a lot of people used to travel on the trains for free. they introduced barriers and inspectors, they started to enforce the scheme by giving out fines and compliance went up. we can increase compliance with the blue badge scheme, notjust stolen badges but the misuse of badges if the scheme is enforced, in some places it is not being enforced and it has been around for over 50 years, some councils have never enforced the scheme which is a shocking. it needs to be enforced. thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us. paul slowly found blue badge investigations. andrew malkinson had been branded a monster after being convicted for the rape of a woman in 2003. but police had got the wrong man. after serving nearly two decades in prison for a crime he didn t commit, mr malkinson was released last year. speaking on a bbc documentary, he says he is still haunted by the ordeal, as our correspondent lindsey smith reports. 0rdinary people should be aware that they could be taken, it could happen to anyone. fish they could be taken, it could happen to an one. ., ., , ., ., to anyone. an ordinary man from grimsby who to anyone. an ordinary man from grimsby who suffered to anyone. an ordinary man from grimsby who suffered an - extraordinary miscarriage of justice. extraordinary miscarriage of ustice. , ., ,. , ., justice. these are describing a rape is especially justice. these are describing a rape is especially vicious. justice. these are describing a rape is especially vicious. in justice. these are describing a rape is especially vicious. in 2004 - is especially vicious. in 2004 andrew malkinson is especially vicious. in 2004 andrew malkinson was - is especially vicious. in 2004 - andrew malkinson was convicted of the rape of a mother in selford. when i said when he said i am taking you down i said i am completely innocent. so everyone could hear it, i was frightened. how will i survive in here for any length of time? will i survive in here for any lenath of time? , ., , ., length of time? the news devastating his famil in length of time? the news devastating his family in grimsby. length of time? the news devastating his family in grimsby. as length of time? the news devastating his family in grimsby. as much - length of time? the news devastating his family in grimsby. as much as - length of time? the news devastating his family in grimsby. as much as i i his family in grimsby. as much as i don t want his family in grimsby. as much as i don t want to say his family in grimsby. as much as i don t want to say this, his family in grimsby. as much as i don t want to say this, i his family in grimsby. as much as i don t want to say this, i did - his family in grimsby. as much as i don t want to say this, i did not - don t want to say this, i did not want don t want to say this, i did not want anything to do with him which affected want anything to do with him which affected me. because it was like how can he affected me. because it was like how can he be affected me. because it was like how can he be like that to a woman? others can he be like that to a woman? others always believed his innocence. i others always believed his innocence. others always believed his innocence. ., ,, .«r ., ., innocence. i don t speak about it to eole innocence. i don t speak about it to people because innocence. i don t speak about it to people because the innocence. i don t speak about it to people because the reaction - innocence. i don t speak about it to people because the reaction is i people because the reaction is you will believe them because you are his mother. the you will believe them because you are his mother. are his mother. the documentary reveals how are his mother. the documentary reveals how four are his mother. the documentary reveals how four years are his mother. the documentary reveals how four years into - are his mother. the documentary reveals how four years into his i are his mother. the documentary| reveals how four years into his life sentence, another man s dna was found on the victim sjumbo. but he was refused an appeal. he served 17 years injail. 0n release he worked to get his conviction overturned. mr to get his conviction overturned. ii malcolm s and having waited so many malcolm s and having waited so many years you leave the court a free man of. no longer subject to the conditions. i of. no longer sub ect to the conditions. of. no longer sub ect to the conditions. ., ., ., ., ., conditions. i am not a liar. i am not in denial. conditions. i am not a liar. i am not in denial. when conditions. i am not a liar. i am not in denial. when he - conditions. i am not a liar. i am not in denial. when he came i conditions. i am not a liar. i am i not in denial. when he came back conditions. i am not a liar. i am - not in denial. when he came back to grimsb i not in denial. when he came back to grimsby i did not in denial. when he came back to grimsby i did say not in denial. when he came back to grimsby i did say to not in denial. when he came back to grimsby i did say to him not in denial. when he came back to grimsby i did say to him i m - not in denial. when he came back to grimsby i did say to him i m sorry i i grimsby i did say to him i m sorry i never grimsby i did say to him i m sorry i nevercame grimsby i did say to him i m sorry i never came to grimsby i did say to him i m sorry i never came to visit grimsby i did say to him i m sorry i never came to visit you grimsby i did say to him i m sorry i never came to visit you in - grimsby i did say to him i m sorry i never came to visit you in prison. i never came to visit you in prison. i m never came to visit you in prison. i m so never came to visit you in prison. i m so pleased never came to visit you in prison. i m so pleased is never came to visit you in prison. i m so pleased is back never came to visit you in prison. i m so pleased is back in- never came to visit you in prison. i m so pleased is back in my- never came to visit you in prison. i m so pleased is back in my life. | never came to visit you in prison. | i m so pleased is back in my life. i wasjust i m so pleased is back in my life. i wasiust so i m so pleased is back in my life. i was just so emotional. i m so pleased is back in my life. i wasjust so emotional. he - i m so pleased is back in my life. i wasjust so emotional. he is i i m so pleased is back in my life. i wasjust so emotional. he is free. | wasjust so emotional. he is free. greater wasjust so emotional. he is free. greater manchester wasjust so emotional. he is free. greater manchester police - wasjust so emotional. he is free. i greater manchester police apologised for the failings of their investigation, as yet nobody has been charged for the 2003 rape and attempted murder. lindsey smith, bbc news. you can hear more of andrew malkinson s story. on the wrong man: 17 years behind bars, which is available to watch now on bbc iplayer. sunday with laura kuenssberg is on bbc one at nine o clock this morning. let s find out what she has in store. good morning. it is busy and week three of this frantic election campaign and the pace is getting quicker and quicker and quicker. this morning will be asking how the tories can come back from the prime minister s disastrous blunder over leaving d day early, the tories have been rattled by that and panicking to losing votes of reform uk, and nigel farage shall be with us live this morning along with politicians from the tory party, labour and the s&p and a cracking panel as well! look forward to seeing you at nine o clock. more than 80 nautre conservation groups have come together to launch a legal bid to force the next government to do more in tackling the decline of wildlife in england. organisations including the national trust and the rspb are also calling for politicians from all parties to pledge to do more to boost bio diversity. 0ur rural affairs correspondent, malcolm prior, reports. water fails, waterfails, one of water fails, one of the waterfails, one of the most endangered species in the uk, but entering a comeback in this nature reserve in the cotswolds, a welcome success story when uk wildlife is in decline. it takes hard graft to bring nature back to life. it is hoped networks of small sites like these will kickstart a wider wildlife resurgence across the countryside. wildlife resurgence across the countryside- wildlife resurgence across the count side. ., , , countryside. the idea is then these areas can then countryside. the idea is then these areas can then expand countryside. the idea is then these areas can then expand into - countryside. the idea is then these areas can then expand into the i countryside. the idea is then these i areas can then expand into the wider countryside because we know that you re trying to manage a small nature reserve does not work. managing one reserve cannot work, we cannot do it on our own, we are small and charities and we need more political thinking, people higher up making the decisions to really improve nature. but making the decisions to really improve nature. improve nature. but to the volunteers improve nature. but to the volunteers believe - improve nature. but to the i volunteers believe politicians improve nature. but to the - volunteers believe politicians share their passion to protect nature? the state of their passion to protect nature? tie: state of nature report last year says nature is still in decline and it needs to be something they are acting on immediately. we it needs to be something they are acting on immediately. acting on immediately. we need commitment acting on immediately. we need commitment from acting on immediately. we need commitment from whatever i acting on immediately. we need - commitment from whatever government takes us commitment from whatever government takes us to commitment from whatever government takes us to the future to improve wildlife, takes us to the future to improve wildlife, to takes us to the future to improve wildlife, to improve peoples access to green wildlife, to improve peoples access to green spaces. you wildlife, to improve peoples access to green spaces- wildlife, to improve peoples access to green spaces. you cannot combat climate change to green spaces. you cannot combat climate change without to green spaces. you cannot combat climate change without also - to green spaces. you cannot combat climate change without also looking | climate change without also looking after the climate change without also looking after the wildlife. climate change without also looking after the wildlife. but climate change without also looking after the wildlife. after the wildlife. but this is about more after the wildlife. but this is about more than after the wildlife. but this is about more than election i after the wildlife. but this is i about more than election prattle pledges and promises. there are already legally binding targets in place to protect more sites like this and to stop the decline of wildlife by 2030 but there s also concerns that we are far from achieving that. a coalition of more than 80 wildlife conservation and countryside groups are now launching a legal bid to force whoever is in power next month to step up efforts to fight nature decline in england. there has been a long time decline of wildlife we see no sign that the policy in place right now will be able to halt and reverse the decline so we need whoever formed the next government to step up and make the investment, the legal changes and take the action necessary to start to turn things around. the department to turn things around. the department for to turn things around. the department for environment, food and rural affairs would not comment on any future legal action that current policy did not need to be reviewed until the end of january 2028. this is a uk wide issue, all four of the nation s administrations are committed to protecting 30% of lancia nature by that 2030 but three of the uk s biggest conservation groups, the national trust, the rspb, and the wildlife trust have joined forces to column politicians to more. irate joined forces to column politicians to more. ~ ., ., , ., to more. we feel passionately that the nature crisis to more. we feel passionately that the nature crisis in to more. we feel passionately that the nature crisis in such to more. we feel passionately that the nature crisis in such an - to more. we feel passionately that the nature crisis in such an extent| the nature crisis in such an extent that none of another political parties are taking the challenge seriously so why here to ask them to think about that and show us their response. irate think about that and show us their resonse. ~ .,. ., response. we need action within the first ear response. we need action within the first year of response. we need action within the first year of the response. we need action within the first year of the next response. we need action within the first year of the next government, i first year of the next government, nieaning first year of the next government, meaning they need detailed plans of how they meaning they need detailed plans of how they will turn things around, restore how they will turn things around, restore the abundance of nature, get it working restore the abundance of nature, get it working again. this restore the abundance of nature, get it working again- it working again. this coalition of rou -s is it working again. this coalition of groups is calling it working again. this coalition of groups is calling on it working again. this coalition of groups is calling on their- it working again. this coalition of groups is calling on their 8 i it working again. this coalition of| groups is calling on their 8 million plus members deport election candidates on the spot over nature decline. ., , u, candidates on the spot over nature decline. .,, u, , . candidates on the spot over nature decline. .,, , ., candidates on the spot over nature decline. , ., decline. people can play a part in this. absolutely, decline. people can play a part in this. absolutely, people - decline. people can play a part in this. absolutely, people should l decline. people can play a part in. this. absolutely, people should be asking candidates turning up on their doorstep and telling them what they want to see for this nature restoration programme. the conservatives restoration programme. the conservatives have - restoration programme. the conservatives have said they have clear policies to protect 30% of land by 2030, while labour launched a new countryside protection plan that it says will create new species rich habitats. the lib dems say they would double the amount of land would double the amount of [and protected for nature by 2050. like primary says more public investment is needed to support nature recovery while the s&p is also committed to halting biodiversity loss by 2030. no detail budgeting has been produced by any plans to protect uk wildlife. election promises are one thing but it is on the ground where the real work begins. malcolm prior, bbc news. election and the environment one of the key issues in this election. in the key issues in this election. in the meantime, here is some sport. and a focus on cricket? the meantime, here is some sport. and a focus on cricket? england are in a bit of trouble and a focus on cricket? england are in a bit of trouble in and a focus on cricket? england are in a bit of trouble in the and a focus on cricket? england are in a bit of trouble in the t-20 - and a focus on cricket? england are in a bit of trouble in the t-20 cup. l in a bit of trouble in the t 20 cup. they were beaten heavily by australia last night, meaning england has started one draw, and high and they are running out of games, they have to be tomane and namibia heavily and hope australia beat another, scotland, namibia heavily and hope australia beatanother, scotland, in namibia heavily and hope australia beat another, scotland, in the same way to make sure they have a chance of getting through to the same stage. scotland are now in a position where they could stop england progressing. == position where they could stop england progressing. england s start of two matches no wins has put their chances of making the next stage in doubt. put into bat in barbados, david warner and travis head made a flying start 70 without loss in the 5th over australia reaching 201 7 from their 20 overs. in reply, england started strongly, captainjos buttler top scoring with 42 but they lost wickets at regular intervals and they ultimately fell well short of their target, losing by 36 runs. the situation we find ourselves in is the situation we find ourselves in. we have to be confident. keep our heads up and look forward to the next one and keep popping our chest out and play some really good cricket, which we know we are capable of. south africa remain top of their group after surviving a scare against the netherlands. chasing 104 to win, they were 12 for [i at one stage. but they managed the run chase well. an unbeaten 59 off 51 balls from david miller saw south africa win by four wickets. while, overnight, uganda were bowled out forjust 39 in their defeat to west indies. nearly a week on from the death of a rugby league legend, the sport had what is traditionally its biggest day of the season and the challenge cup finals at wembley provided a poignant backdrop to the commemorations of rob burrow. tributes were followed by the trophies for wigan s men and st helens women, as adam wild reports. a game and a chief befitting the memory of the great rob burrow. wigan warriors rugby league challenge cup winners, a moment of celebration and the culmination of a day of raw emotion. 0n the game s rangers stage, the sport had come together to remember an inspirational champion. fans from across the rugby inspirational champion. fans from across the rugby league inspirational champion. fans from | across the rugby league community gathering to pay their very own personal tribute to the late rob burrow, who passed awayjust a few days ago after his battle with motor neuron disease, tribute that will continue throughout the day. he meant everything, everything to me, the club, meant everything, everything to me, the club, the mnd community, amazing the club, the mnd community, amazinu. ,, ., the club, the mnd community, amazinu. ., ., , amazing. one thing rugby league does is look after its amazing. one thing rugby league does is look after its own amazing. one thing rugby league does is look after its own and amazing. one thing rugby league does is look after its own and we amazing. one thing rugby league does is look after its own and we come - is look after its own and we come togethen is look after its own and we come togethen no is look after its own and we come together. no matter is look after its own and we come together. no matter what- is look after its own and we come together. no matter what club i is look after its own and we come. together. no matter what club you are from. together. no matter what club you are from, everyone together. no matter what club you are from, everyone could - together. no matter what club you are from, everyone could see - together. no matter what club you i are from, everyone could see what he did as are from, everyone could see what he did as a are from, everyone could see what he did as a player are from, everyone could see what he did as a playerand are from, everyone could see what he did as a player and also are from, everyone could see what he did as a player and also as are from, everyone could see what he did as a player and also as a - are from, everyone could see what he did as a player and also as a human. did as a player and also as a human being did as a player and also as a human being afterwards. did as a player and also as a human being afterwards. he did as a player and also as a human being afterwards. did as a player and also as a human being afterwards. he was a star, he was a star- being afterwards. he was a star, he was a star. the being afterwards. he was a star, he was a star. the men s being afterwards. he was a star, he was a star. the men s showpiece i was a star. the men s showpiece final, warrington was a star. the men s showpiece final, warrington against - was a star. the men s showpiece final, warrington against wigan i final, warrington against wigan beginning after a minute silence, and it was weekend already raining super league and while club champions who took the first half lead, bevan french twisting and turning his way over. turning his way over. french, dazzling! turning his way over. french, dazzling! that, turning his way over. french, dazzling! that, their - turning his way over. french, dazzling! that, their second l turning his way over. french, i dazzling! that, their second try, the captain rampaging through to extend the captain rampaging through to extend the lead and from there, warrington would not find a way back warrington would not find a way back. wigan warriors, wembley winners back. wigan warriors, wembley winners once again. back. wigan warriors, wembley winners once again. earlier, there was no fairytale winners once again. earlier, there was no fairytale windfall- winners once again. earlier, there was no fairytale windfall leads. i winners once again. earlier, there! was no fairytale windfall leads. was no fairytale windfall leads. leads, beaten comprehensively by st helen s for the third year in a row. gorry for st helen s women and for wigan warriors men on a day when the whole sport of rugby league came together to celebrate one of its own. adam wild, bbc news, wembley. northampton s 10 year wait for a league title is over after the saints won a dramatic premiership final at twickenham. alex mitchell scored the winning try against bath, who were down to 11! men, with just seven minutes left as northampton claimed their second championship and a perfect send off for the departing courtenay lawes after 17 years with the club. not really sunk in yet because we have been so focused on this for so long, and during the game, and i just wanted the win, however you can. then you get there and you re like oh! have we done it? do you know what i mean? cannot put it into words. i think we deserved it. over the season we have been the best team and sometimes you have to find a way to win. team and sometimes you have to find a way to win- a way to win. apparently the goggles are because a way to win. apparently the goggles are because of a way to win. apparently the goggles are because of the a way to win. apparently the goggles are because of the champagne i a way to win. apparently the goggles| are because of the champagne spray! after a disappointing start to the french open for british singles players the tournament ended on a high with alfie hewett and gordon reid winning the men s wheelchair doubles title for a fifth successive year. another serial winner is iga swiatek. atjust 23 years of age she s a french open singles winner for the fourth time. she continued her recent dominance on the roland garros clay with a straight sets win against first time major finalist jasmine paolini of italy. it was swiatek s third title in a row in paris and a fifth grand slam triumph overall. it s the turn of the men this afternoon, with carlos alcaraz taking on germany s alexander zverev. it s the first time either man has reached the final in paris. zverev is searching for his first grand slam title whilst alcaraz is going for his third and hoping tojoin an illustrious list of spaniards to have won the title at roland garros. i wanted to put my name on that list of the spanish players who have won this tournament, not only rafa nadal, ferrero, moya, cluster, a lot of the spanish players and players from all of the players on the spot he won the tournament and i really want to put my name on the list as well costa. there are no easy matches and if yodre there are no easy matches and if yodre in there are no easy matches and if you re in the final at roland garros, you re in the final at roland garros, you deserve to be there and that went garros, you deserve to be there and that went for him as well. he played a fantastic that went for him as well. he played a fantastic match and tournament in general a fantastic match and tournament in general and a fantastic match and tournament in generaland i m a fantastic match and tournament in general and i m expecting a very difficult general and i m expecting a very difficult match. it s the final few days of pre euros friendies and spain appear to be in good form although it was northern ireland that bore the brunt of it. not immediately though, sunderland defender daniel ballard gave northern ireland a shock lead just 67 seconds after kick off in majorca. but things soon turned as they conceded four goals in the first half and eventually lost 5 1. northern ireland should have an easier game against andorra on tuesday. spain face a far sterner test in their opening match of the euros against croatia on saturday. great britain have won their first medals at the european athletics championships in rome with romell glave taking bronze in the 100 metres. the race was won by olympic champion marceljacobs in a time of 10.02 seconds as he successfully defended his european sprint title on a golden night for hosts italy in rome, who won three medals. it s glaves first senior championship medal. it is incredible. i wanted to get the gold but i have to take the positive on top of that. positive things to take from here and just go back and look at the video and work on my weaknesses. george mills won silver in the men s 5000 metres, finishing behind norwegian starjakob ingebrigtsen. mills is the son of former england internationalfootballer danny mills and he s now got his sights set on the paris olympics next month. some want to run the 15 and the five in paris and hopefully tonight has done my chances of selection no harm. we will see. we re three weeks out until trials and straight back to training as of tomorrow and then get stuck in. )and it looks like the mercedes formula one team could be challenging for race wins again after george russell claimed pole for this evening s canadian grand prix. the briton recorded a time of one minute and twelve seconds exactly on his first run in the final session of qualifying in montreal. championship leader max verstappen posted exactly the same time in his red bull but because russell did it first he gets to start from the top spot forjust the second time in his career. that race is on later. you can listen to it on radio 5 live, coverage starting at 630. time for a check on the weather and it s not feeling particularly summary. what is going on with the temperature? good morning. it feels like spring has kept on giving at the moment! to give you an idea of where we should be in terms of average temperatures, generally around 16 20 degrees across the uk but all parts of the uk below that, even caller on monday and tuesday, even some areas around five degrees lower than we expect. this chilly round of whether will continue and it could fill caller as we start the coming week and it s down to this area of low pressure. it is moving eastwards and drags down air from the north and some complication today is this cloud rolling in on a weather front, outbreaks of rain which are persistent in the west today and that will run into parts of southwest scotland, northern england and patches of rain and drizzle throughout the day. some sunny spells and showers but quite a cool breeze and to the south of it, blue skies overhead for many. more car through the afternoon. sunny throughout the channel islands and parts of the far southwest and temperatures down where we should be and similarto temperatures down where we should be and similar to what they were yesterday. the rain this evening will gradually clear and spread across england and wales overnight and persistent parts of northern england and midlands and east anglia by the morning and clear skies by the end of the night sees the temperatures dropped lois down to three degrees in some valleys. this area of low pressure pushing its way eastwards and opened the floodgates to even more northerly winds. temperatures will drop a little bit more. could be a foggy morning across parts of yorkshire, east midlands, lincolnshire, anglia, and clearing parts of east anglia and away from that sunny spells developing and shower clouds brewing in the afternoon and anyway could see a shower pastor on the northerly breeze. cloudier without later on in the far north of scotland. the northerly wind strengthens further into monday evening. still feeling a little bit like spring. we ll be back with the headlines at eight but now it s time for this week s click. we choose to go to the moon in this decade. not because it is easy because it is hard. decade. not because it is easy because it is hard. one small step for man. because it is hard. one small step for man- one because it is hard. one small step for man. one giant because it is hard. one small step for man. one giant leap because it is hard. one small step for man. one giant leap for i because it is hard. one small step i for man. one giant leap for mankind. 52 years for man. one giant leap for mankind. 52 years ago for man. one giant leap for mankind. 52 years ago we laid our last footprint on the moon. as the crew of apollo 17 left the surface they did not know gene simmons would be the last person to walk on another world. we re on our way, houston. but now, in this decade, finally. ..we re going back. mission control: and lift off of artemis 1. nasa s artemis programme will, in the next year or two, return us to our neighbour. part of its mission to land the first woman and the first person of colour on the moon. another part to use what we learn here to send the first astronauts to mars. this is where it all began florida s kennedy space center named after the president who made the original pledge to go to the moon. and now, this place is at the centre of even grander plans, because this time, we re notjust visiting the moon we want to stay. this is gateway, humanity s first space station that will orbit another world. it will go round the moon every seven days. and, like the international space station above earth, astronauts will call this place home . although, where the iss can accommodate up to 12 astronauts and is comparable to a five or six bedroom house, gateway will be.more cosy. gateway is a studio apartment. it s. we re going to have room for our four astronauts, multiple docking ports, so we can bring our orion crew transportation ship, we can bring logistics, and we can dock a lander. these four explorers won t all be cooped up on board for the whole time, though. two will actually be spending a week or two on location, down on the lunar surface. it s a chance to further study the landscape and hopefully find a location for our next giant leap a permanent moon base. gateway will be there before we put a habitat on the surface. gateway allows us to access any point on the lunar surface. when we went with apollo, we had to pick that spot on the moon and go to it. gateway will give us the opportunity to go down at different locations. the first section of gateway could be launched as early as 2025, with new modules then being added from 2027. a lunar base is admittedly further out and it comes with risk, but also reward. so, how do we make that a reality? to find out, it s time for me to take one small step of my own. oh, wow. i can instantly see the dust kind of kicking up. yeah. it s really fine, isn t it? it leaves the footprints like you d expect. oh, my gosh. that s brilliant. and this is how moon dust behaves, itjust puffs up like that? it does, yeah. it s so fine. welcome to swamp works. ..the dusty, dirty lab where they work with simulated moon dust. now, the loose soil that covers the lunar surface is called regolith. it s extremely fine, very sharp on a microscopic scale, and it gets everywhere. so when we landed with apollo 11, we didn t know what the surface of the moon exactly was going to be like. you ll notice from some of the footage, the landing pads are quite huge on the landing legs and the ladder s far away from the surface. there was a lot of concern of, how much will this lander sink into the surface? how fluffy is this regolith? the surface is fine and powdery. i can.| can pick it up loosely with my toe. in fact, it s because the eagle lander didn t sink in as much as expected that neil armstrong had to take such a giant leap from the bottom rung of the ladder. today, swamp works is developing robots that can cope with and take advantage of lunar soil. and it will be very useful. see, moon dust is made of materials like silicon dioxide and calcium oxide, which all contain a lot of oxygen. if we could mine the regolith and use chemical processes to extract the oxygen, we could make our own breathable air and our own rocket fuel. the way space flight exploration has been working right now is imagine you re going on a holiday with your family, you re going on a long road trip, thousands of miles, right? right now, we are bringing a trailer behind us with all the gas, you know, that we need with us, all the fuel, everything that we need comes with us. so we want to change that paradigm. we want to. and one of the biggest things that makes the biggest impact is the fuel, right? if we can source some of that from the moon and eventually from mars, that will allow us to bring more and to go more often. making our own fuel makes regular trips to and from the gateway space station much more viable. now, mining moon dust is called isru. and, because they love an acronym round these parts, the robot to do this will be called the isru pilot excavator, ipex. we had to really reinvent how you do excavation for doing mining on the moon, and eventually mars. the challenge is the technology we have for mining here on earth relies on a lot of mass and a lot of weight, right? the more steel you put on an excavator, the heavier it becomes and the better it digs. we can t launch something as heavy as we want on a rocket. it s still very expensive, right? so we have to reduce the mass of what we put on rockets. and then when you land it on the moon, it weighs one sixth of what it does here on earth, right? imagine, like, trying to dig as if you were on ice, right? it will just scoot across the surface. the scoop will not engage and you won t be able to collect anything. so the way the robot scoops up the dust is using this thing called a bucket drum. and it s got a kind of spiral in there. and if it turns it one way, it scoops the soil, which gradually works its way towards the middle and stays there. like that. and then when it wants to unload. turns it the other way and it all comes out again. we put them on opposite ends of the robot and when it excavates, it s using both sets of drums at the same time, but they re digging in opposite directions. so one is pulling it that way and one is pulling it that way. right. ..and pulling itself down to the surface. yeah. one of the main dangers faced by extraterrestrial rovers is getting stuck. so, as an added bonus, ipex s scoops and arms can also help it to get out of a hole orflip it over if it takes a tumble. one of its other defences will keep its cameras free from all that electrostatic dust, now, just like the fuel situation, we can t take building materials with us to the moon either we have to make our structures from moon dust. these bricks and blocks and bars have all been made by mixing and melting regolith with plastic. in the future, giant 3d printers will build shelters to protect those living on a world with no atmosphere from radiation, asteroid and micrometeoroid impacts, moonquakes and temperatures ranging from +100 to 200 degrees celsius. even replacement parts can be made from regolith. so this is a wheel that has been printed with regolith and polymer. ok. this is another example of what we can do if we capture the resources from the moon. now, do you know, i ve seen and held wheels for rovers before, full size wheels, and they re really light. right. but this is really heavy. yes, this is the opposite. because those wheels that are light, especially if you re sending it on a rocket, they need to be light because it s expensive. this is heavy because it s made on the moon. and heavy wheels are a good thing, i guess. it s better, right? especially for a digger like that. like the more weight that we have on the excavator, the better it s going to perform. would you believe you can even make rope out of regolith? this is made from basalt glass really, really thin fibres, a bit like optic fibre. so you could even make rope out of moon dust. these are hopeful times for space exploration, but it s always been a risky endeavour. im 1 odysseus lunar lander separation confirmed. this year, we ve seen three probes sent to the moon. two made it, and both of those had, shall we say, awkward landings. and the artemis mission to put boots back on the lunar ground has been pushed back to 2026 at the earliest. but nasa says space explorers need to take these setbacks in their stride. i don t see it as a disappointment. it s very cliche to say space is hard, but what we re endeavouring to do is highly complex. we expect challenges along the way so this doesn t surprise us and we re pushing forward. it sounds really expensive to do space exploration. is it, and is it worth it? so, yes, it s really expensive. it was really expensive for us to explore this planet, really expensive to lay rail infrastructure, to lay highway infrastructure, to put the infrastructure in place that allows us to travel in air traffic around this globe. it s absolutely necessary for us to lay that critical infrastructure for going to space, because what we learn in that endeavour is tremendous. the exponential growth that we ve seen in the world in technology is because of great endeavours like this. it s absolutely worth it. here in the united states, every year the general population is spending as much money on potato chips as our budget is every year to go out to the moon. that s a good figure. this has been a fascinating trip to nasa. motivation may be different to the space race of the 1960s. but the size of the ambition is just as great today. as we shoot for the moon, once again. good morning, welcome to breakfast with luxmy gopal and ben boulos. our headlines today. the eu s most senior diplomat has condemned the killing of palestinians in an israeli operation to rescue four hostages. the mission was to bring home the captives who had been held in gaza since the hamas attacks eight months ago. election campaigning continues across the country ahead of a key week in which parties will set out their manifestos. after new cctv emerges of the tv presenter michael mosley who vanished on a greek island on wednesday his wife says she will not lose hope . in sport, england s defence of the t20 world cup is in danger they re still to win in the tournament after a hefty defeat by australia in barbados in their second game. whilst there ll be a sunny start to sunday for some of you, a lot more cloud around today. that cloud increases, thickens, and we ll see some patchy rain, too. i ll have all the details here on breakfast. good morning, it s sunday the 9th ofjune. our main story. israel has been criticised by the european union s most senior diplomat over the killing of dozens of palestinians in an operation to rescue four hostages in gaza. eu foreign policy chief josep borrell called the reports another massacre of civilians . the mission to bring home the captives involved air strikes around a refugee camp. our middle east correspondent hugo bachega reports. the moment she was made free. 25 year old noa argamani captured by hamas on the 7th of october and taken to gaza is finally back in israel. this is her being reunited with her dad after a dramatic rescue. translation: please don t forget that there are another 120 - hostages in captivity. we must release them and make every effort in any way to bring them to israel and their families. by the way, it s my birthday look what a gift i got! also freed andrei kozlov, who s 27, shlomi ziv 40, and almog meirjan 21. eight months ago, they were at the nova music festival in southern israel, when hamas gunmen attacked. more than 360 people were killed here. the four hostages were rescued in a major operation by the israeli military in the nuseirat refugee camp in central gaza. special forces went in. the military said this was a complex operation, and based on intelligence information. the four hostages, it said, were found at two separate locations in the heart of the camp, and were brought out under fire. israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. they underwent intensive training. they risked their lives to save the lives of our hostages. but the rescue mission brought even more suffering to gaza. there was chaos and desperation at the nearby al aqsa hospital. doctors were unable to treat all the wounded. many people arrived already dead. translation: we were at home. a rocket hit us. my two cousins died, and my other two cousins were seriously injured. they did nothing they were sitting at home. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited the freed hostages in a hospital near tel aviv. he s being urged to reach a ceasefire and hostage release deal with hamas. the rescue was considered a success by the israeli authorities, and could change the calculation of a leader under pressure. hugo bachega, bbc news, tel aviv. our correspondent jon donnison is injerusalem. what reaction has there been? certainly do need here in israel has been one of celebration and relief, not least by the relatives of those four micro hostages who have not seen their loved ones for 246 days and i do think, as hugo suggested, it eases the pressure on prime minister netanyahu because it allows him to say, look, his strategy is working. he believes the best way to get the remaining hostages out, and there are some 116 people captured on october seven still being held, 40 on october seven still being held, a0 or so of whom are thought to be dead stop he believes the best way is to apply military pressure on hammers. hamas. there is outrage at the number of civilians killed. we have seen really discerning images from the two main hospitals in the centre of gaza, with scores of casualties being brought in, many women and children. there has also been strong condemnation from the eu s most senior diplomat, who said this was another massacre, and called for the bloodbath to end immediately. an israeli minister fired back, saying shame on you, instead of criticising hamas for holding civilians in civilian neighbourhoods, he was targeting israel for trying to rescue its citizens. ., ., ., citizens. for the moment, thanks very much- citizens. for the moment, thanks very much- jon citizens. for the moment, thanks very much. jon donnison - citizens. for the moment, thanks very much. jon donnison in i very much. jon donnison in jerusalem. back here. we are hurtling towards the general election. now less than a month away. so the battle to win votes intensifies. campaigning continues ahead of what is likely to be a busy week in the lead up to the general election, with another scheduled election tv debate and manifestos set to be published. our political correspondent iain watson has this report. just when you get a bit stressed. the prime minister s in the market for votes. the main westminster parties will launch their manifestos in the week ahead. rishi sunak will be hoping that this moves the focus firmly onto policy, not personality. he ll be keen to move on from his d day apology, but what s the mood in his party? his candidates like him have been out campaigning this weekend, and we ve been speaking to some of them. some have spoken about anger and disappointment. one of them despairingly said, whatever is going to happen next? will the prime minister s trousers fall down? others say that voters haven t raised the issue at all, and one candidate said that those who are so vexed by this have already defected to labour or reform. the prime minister will be hoping to keep his job after polling day onjuly the ath, and he wants to get more people into work. he s promising to spend £700 million to help people struggling with mental health to rejoin and stay in the workforce. but he s also repeating previous announcements to toughen up benefits rules. the conservatives claim they could save £12 billion from the welfare bill by the end of the next parliament. labour say existing jails are bursting at the seams, and that the government has failed to provide the 20,000 more prison places that it promised. if elected, the party says it will deliver that prison building programme, and change the planning laws to make it a priority. they ll also give offenders more help to get into employment. the state of the nhs has been prominent in the lib dems campaign they say they want to take pressure off the ambulance system by expanding urgent care centres and providing a thousand more hospital beds. information on local ambulance response times would also be made readily available. so today, we get a sneak preview of the manifestos but it s not until the full range of policies are published that we ll know how well they connect with voters. iain watson, bbc news. we are nowjoined by our political correspondentjessica parker. good morning. this week we are expecting more detail as the parties set out their policies. yes. set out their policies. yes, absolutely. set out their policies. yes, absolutely. the set out their policies. yes, absolutely. the key - set out their policies. yes, absolutely. the key week, | set out their policies. yes, | absolutely. the key week, i set out their policies. yes, - absolutely. the key week, i think, in the election campaign. because what we have had so far are glimpses of what is going to be in the manifesto, and a drip feed of policy announcements from the different parties. and that can, i think, feel like there is a lot of noise going around, it can be hired to keep track of exactly who has said what. what the manifestos do, as many will know, they are documents where parties lay out their promises or at least their intentions for government, if they were to win power. and crucially, as well, costings should really be provided and people might have noticed there has been a lot of back and forth, wrangling, particularly between the conservative party and the labour party about how they are actually going to pay for things and the public finances. manifestos really allow fresh scrutiny of that. they aren t that holistic package of they are a package of promises from they are a package of promises from the parties. as we expect to get them from the main parties over the next week or so, it will be a gear change to the campaign, a key moment in this general election campaign. thank you. we will be discussing policies in a bit more detail shortly. the search for the tv presenter michael mosley will resume on the greek island of symi after he went missing while out on a walk on wednesday. our correspondent joe inwood is in symi. the temperatures have affected the search. in the temperatures have affected the search. ., , ., ., ,., search. in the last hour or so we have heard search. in the last hour or so we have heard that search. in the last hour or so we have heard that a search. in the last hour or so we have heard that a police - search. in the last hour or so we have heard that a police dog i search. in the last hour or so we | have heard that a police dog that came over, we saw it coming over on the ferry, has been sent back to athens because it is just too hot for it to operate. apparently it was getting exhausted in the heat and burning its paws on the rocks. it doesn t indicate, we don t think it indicates they are changing the search, just that it seems the dogs are not able to operate on a hillside for long periods of time. despite that, the search is continuing, it is going on. they are basically working their way methodically across this stretch of land. it is a significant area they are trying to cover, though, and though there is not much cover there, there are caves, places that michael mosley could have tried to take shelter so they are obviously trying to search every inch of this hillside. trying to search every inch of this hillside. . , ., ., , hillside. and his wife clare has said that the hillside. and his wife clare has said that the family hillside. and his wife clare has said that the family would i hillside. and his wife clare has said that the family would not| hillside. and his wife clare has i said that the family would not lose hope. said that the family would not lose ho e, r , , said that the family would not lose ho e. , ,., , , said that the family would not lose hoe. , . ., said that the family would not lose hoe. , , ., ., hope. absolutely. they said that and that was echoed hope. absolutely. they said that and that was echoed by hope. absolutely. they said that and that was echoed by the hope. absolutely. they said that and that was echoed by the mayor i hope. absolutely. they said that and that was echoed by the mayor of i hope. absolutely. they said that and that was echoed by the mayor of the | that was echoed by the mayor of the town, symi, who said they are going town, symi, who said they are going to continue searching for as long as it takes to find michael mosley. that statement from clare also thanked the people of this village, of this island, the greek authorities and the british consul for all the work they are doing, saying these have been the most terrible days. i am sure we can all imagine. terrible days. i am sure we can all imauine. ., ~ terrible days. i am sure we can all imauine. . ,, i. terrible days. i am sure we can all imauine. ., ~ ,, . terrible days. i am sure we can all imauine. ., ~ ,, . ., imagine. thank you, joe inwood in 5 mi and imagine. thank you, joe inwood in symi and we imagine. thank you, joe inwood in symi and we will imagine. thank you, joe inwood in symi and we will update imagine. thank you, joe inwood in symi and we will update you i imagine. thank you, joe inwood in symi and we will update you on i imagine. thank you, joe inwood in| symi and we will update you on any updates in the next hour. south korea says it will resume propaganda broadcasts against north korea for the first time in six years. seoul s national security council said its decision to install loudspeakers and begin broadcasts was in response to pyongyang s campaign of sending balloons carrying rubbish across the border. the council added that any attempt at causing distress to the people of south korea was unacceptable. narendra modi is set to be sworn in as prime minister of india for his third term today. he ll be sworn in alongside his cabinet as he heads a coalition of 15 parties following last week s election results. it makes him prime ministerfor a historic third consecutive term. an 11 year old girl is among four people who were injured after a fun fair ride malfunctioned in lambeth in south london. our reporter helena wilkinson is at the lambeth country show where it happened. good morning. what more can you tell us? ., , good morning. what more can you tell us? . . , , ., , good morning. what more can you tell us? . , , ., , . good morning. what more can you tell us? are really serious incident took lace here us? are really serious incident took place here yesterday us? are really serious incident took place here yesterday just us? are really serious incident took place here yesterdayjust before i place here yesterdayjust before 6:30pm. the fairground isjust behind me. iwanted 6:30pm. the fairground isjust behind me. i wanted to show you and live aerial view of the fairground itself. you will be able to see some of the rides in the fairground. there is some tarpaulin around one of them, but it is not clear, and we don t know rather, which is the ride that suffered that malfunction yesterday. what happened was a huge emergency response, as you would imagine. the airambulance emergency response, as you would imagine. the air ambulance arrived here. also four ambulance crews and paramedics. they treated an 11 year old girl, a man and woman in their a0s, also another man in his 50s here. they were then transferred to major trauma units. we know that their conditions are not life threatening, but we don t know what injuries they sustained during the incident here yesterday. the council says a thorough investigation will go on to establish why a ride here at the fairground malfunctioned, and the health and safety executive is also going to be informed. health and safety executive is also going to be informed. thank you, our correspondent going to be informed. thank you, our correspondent helena going to be informed. thank you, our correspondent helena wilkinson, i going to be informed. thank you, our correspondent helena wilkinson, andj correspondent helena wilkinson, and there is more on the bbc news website, as well. a world war ii veteran has married his bride on the 80th anniversary of d day near the beaches of normandy in france. harold terens, a 100 year old us army air force veteran from florida, tied the knot with 96 year old jeanne swerlin at a ceremony in carentan les marais, in northwestern france. originally from new york, harold visited france as an air force corporal shortly after d day, when he was just 20 years old. to top off the extraordinary day, the newly wedded couple then attended the state banquet in paris thrown by president macron for us leaderjoe biden. here is what the happy couple had to say. i m100 years old and my bridge is 96. i m100 years old and my bride is 96. and to be married in carentan. it s my second favourite normandy is my second favourite place in the whole world. i could live here for the rest of my life and be as happy as could be. do you feel young again? oh, yeah! at 96, i feel like. my god, i got butterfliesjust like the young people. - i mean it it s notjust for young people, love, you know? - we get butterflies and we get a little action also! laughter oh, that is brilliant, i love that. 96 year old jeanne and if i could have a fraction of the amount of energy she has. may be tying the knot, it s a good outfit for a. his knot, it s a good outfit for a. no wonder knot, it s a good outfit for a. in; wonder they have smiles on their faces! let s get the weather. blue skies over one part of the post dinner glucose but they will be looking with envy. they certainly will. lighting the smile they certainly will. lighting the smile across many in southern and centrai smile across many in southern and central areas. a few in eastbourne a short central areas. a few in eastbourne a short while central areas. a few in eastbourne a short while ago, looking mediterranean but let me take you north mediterranean but let me take you north towards anglesey and close to hotyhead north towards anglesey and close to holyhead. different colour of sky. the cloud holyhead. different colour of sky. the cloud has rolled in and it is that the cloud has rolled in and it is that which the cloud has rolled in and it is that which will become a bit more dominant that which will become a bit more dominant overhead for many as we go through dominant overhead for many as we go through the dominant overhead for many as we go through the coming hours and into the afternoon. a lot of it has been streaming the afternoon. a lot of it has been streaming out of the north atlantic, this strip streaming out of the north atlantic, this strip here, pushing its way, bringing this strip here, pushing its way, bringing outbreaks of rain and drizzle bringing outbreaks of rain and drizzle to bringing outbreaks of rain and drizzle to northern ireland, parts of southern scotland and north west england of southern scotland and north west england and north west wales. breaks up england and north west wales. breaks up at times england and north west wales. breaks up at times across south east scotland up at times across south east scotland and north east england, so there scotland and north east england, so there will scotland and north east england, so there will be some sunshine in the sunshine there will be some sunshine in the sunshine in there will be some sunshine in the sunshine in south wales, the midlands, southwards, that will give way to midlands, southwards, that will give way to a midlands, southwards, that will give way to a lot more cloud, parts of devon, way to a lot more cloud, parts of devon, cornwall, dorset, channel tines devon, cornwall, dorset, channel lines will devon, cornwall, dorset, channel lines will stay sunny all day. still some lines will stay sunny all day. still some sunny spells by the north but a few showers. here is the cloudy is to spot few showers. here is the cloudy is to spot where the rain and drizzle will keep to spot where the rain and drizzle will keep coming and going and in northern will keep coming and going and in northern ireland, particularly to the west. northern ireland, particularly to the west, is where the rain is heavier the west, is where the rain is heavier and more persistent into the afternoon heavier and more persistent into the afternoon. it will feel rather chilly afternoon. it will feel rather chilly here, ten to 13 degrees. simitar chilly here, ten to 13 degrees. similar story in northern scotland. elsewhere. similar story in northern scotland. elsewhere, around 13 to 16 for many, maybe elsewhere, around 13 to 16 for many, maybe 19 elsewhere, around 13 to 16 for many, maybe 19 and some of the brighter spots maybe 19 and some of the brighter spots in maybe 19 and some of the brighter spots in the south. a wet evening in northern spots in the south. a wet evening in northern ireland, the rain then spreads northern ireland, the rain then spreads across much of england and wales spreads across much of england and wales. there will be some southern counties wales. there will be some southern counties not seen much of anything at att~ counties not seen much of anything at all. persistent rain by the end of the at all. persistent rain by the end of the night for some eastern parts of the night for some eastern parts of in the of the night for some eastern parts of in the. scotland and northern ireland, of in the. scotland and northern ireland, it of in the. scotland and northern ireland, it will clear and with clear ireland, it will clear and with clear skies and shelter from the breeze, clear skies and shelter from the breeze, some valleys could see temperatures down to 2 or three degrees temperatures down to 2 or three degrees. not helped by the fact you have northerly flow into monday, low pressure have northerly flow into monday, low pressure continuing to pull eastwards. the weather system you saw in eastwards. the weather system you saw in the eastwards. the weather system you saw in the chart, here it is, parts of of saw in the chart, here it is, parts of of yorkshire, linkage, east midlands, east anglia will stop a wet and midlands, east anglia will stop a wet and windy and cool start to monday wet and windy and cool start to monday. outbreaks of rain continuing in east monday. outbreaks of rain continuing in east anglia, brightening to the afternoon in east anglia, brightening to the afternoon. elsewhere, sunny skies will develop quite widely through the morning and then shower clouds will develop. some on the heavy side will develop. some on the heavy side. wintry in the scottish mountains and a bit more cloud to take away mountains and a bit more cloud to take away some of that sunshine in the north take away some of that sunshine in the north of take away some of that sunshine in the north of scotland. temperatures drop further into monday, a cool start drop further into monday, a cool start to drop further into monday, a cool start to the week, 5 or 6 degrees lower start to the week, 5 or 6 degrees lower than start to the week, 5 or 6 degrees lower than normal thanks to the northerly lower than normal thanks to the northerly winds and that cool it feel certainly there on tuesday, as wett~ feel certainly there on tuesday, as well. bright start for many, there whitst well. bright start for many, there whilst it well. bright start for many, there whilst it will feel cool it is not will be whilst it will feel cool it is not will be particularly wet. many places will be particularly wet. many places will be dry. even in a northerly places will be dry. even in a northerly wind we will see some showers northerly wind we will see some showers develop, central and eastern areas showers develop, central and eastern areas most showers develop, central and eastern areas most prone. some of the heaviest areas most prone. some of the heaviest of those. look at those temperatures, ten to 16 or 17 degrees. temperatures, ten to 16 or 17 degrees. certainly doesn t look, or will feel. degrees. certainly doesn t look, or will feel, like early summer, that is how will feel, like early summer, that is how it will feel, like early summer, that is how it goes for the rest of the week is how it goes for the rest of the week. temperatures are fairly sinritar week. temperatures are fairly sinritar a week. temperatures are fairly similar. a few showers around at times similar. a few showers around at times but similar. a few showers around at times but equally a bit of sunshine. thank you. short changed the temperatures but at least a bit of sunshine. thank you. even though the temperatures may not feel like it we are not far off in july. with under a month to go until the general election it s been another busy week in politics with headlines domimated by party manifestos and d day commemorations. here to discuss what we can expect over the next week is aubrey allegretti, the chief political correspondent from the times and sonia sodha, a former labour advisor and observer columnist. good morning to you both. thank you forjoining us. aubrey, one key development in the past week is nigel farage and he was obviously part of the election debate, he will be on laura kuenssberg later this morning. the key question, how does he change the dynamic and the pressure on the conservative party? reform has been polling around 12% to 15% reform has been polling around 12% to 15% over reform has been polling around 12% to 15% over the last few months and i suppose to 15% over the last few months and i suppose there has been a question about i suppose there has been a question about whether or not that was the ceiling about whether or not that was the ceiling at about whether or not that was the ceiling at which they might reach. nigel ceiling at which they might reach. nigel farage has come into the fray both to nigel farage has come into the fray both to lead the party and stand as a candidate, that has rattled lots of conservative mps in a mostly red wall of conservative mps in a mostly red watt areas. of conservative mps in a mostly red wall areas, who think the reform vote is wall areas, who think the reform vote is most concentrated. they have said, vote is most concentrated. they have said. as vote is most concentrated. they have said. as the vote is most concentrated. they have said, as the election was getting closer. said, as the election was getting closer. the said, as the election was getting closer, the minds of voters were being closer, the minds of voters were being narrowed around the two opportunities they thought would be most likely to lead country as prime minister. most likely to lead country as prime minister, rishi sunak and keir starnrer minister, rishi sunak and keir starmer. but since nigel farage s announcement, the reform vote has heightened again and they are concerned it could take lots of votes concerned it could take lots of votes of concerned it could take lots of votes of the conservative party without votes of the conservative party without necessarily leading to reform without necessarily leading to reform making the breakthrough is it might reform making the breakthrough is it might need in the first past the post might need in the first past the post system to get seats in parliament. post system to get seats in parliament. ., ., , , post system to get seats in parliament. . . , , . parliament. sonia, it has been a busy week- parliament. sonia, it has been a busy week. what parliament. sonia, it has been a busy week. what is parliament. sonia, it has been a busy week. what is your - parliament. sonia, it has been a busy week. what is your take i parliament. sonia, it has been aj busy week. what is your take on parliament. sonia, it has been a i busy week. what is your take on the key moments we have seen? i busy week. what is your take on the key moments we have seen?- key moments we have seen? i think the conservatives key moments we have seen? i think the conservatives have key moments we have seen? i think the conservatives have had - key moments we have seen? i think the conservatives have had about i key moments we have seen? i thinkj the conservatives have had about as bad a the conservatives have had about as bad a week the conservatives have had about as bad a week of the conservatives have had about as bad a week of election the conservatives have had about as bad a week of election campaigningl bad a week of election campaigning as it is bad a week of election campaigning as it is possible bad a week of election campaigning as it is possible to bad a week of election campaigning as it is possible to have bad a week of election campaigning as it is possible to have and - bad a week of election campaigning as it is possible to have and that i as it is possible to have and that is because as it is possible to have and that is because of as it is possible to have and that is because of two as it is possible to have and that is because of two things. - as it is possible to have and that is because of two things. first i as it is possible to have and thatj is because of two things. first of all, is because of two things. first of all. the is because of two things. first of all. the hay is because of two things. first of all, the d day commemorationsj is because of two things. first of- all, the d day commemorations and the prime all, the d day commemorations and the prime minister s all, the d day commemorations and the prime minister s decision- all, the d day commemorations and the prime minister s decision to i the prime minister s decision to leave the prime minister s decision to leave no the prime minister s decision to leave no eartv, the prime minister s decision to leave no early, before - the prime minister s decision to leave no early, before the - leave no early, before the international leave no early, before the international leaders i leave no early, before the i international leaders serine leave no early, before the - international leaders serine only, i think international leaders serine only, i think we international leaders serine only, i think we witi international leaders serine only, i think we will look international leaders serine only, i think we will look back international leaders serine only, i think we will look back on - international leaders serine only, i think we will look back on that i international leaders serine only, i think we will look back on that as. international leaders serine only, i| think we will look back on that as a really think we will look back on that as a really defining think we will look back on that as a really defining moment think we will look back on that as a really defining moment of- think we will look back on that as a really defining moment of this i really defining moment of this election really defining moment of this election and really defining moment of this election and the really defining moment of this election and the reason - really defining moment of this election and the reason is i really defining moment of thisj election and the reason is that really defining moment of this . election and the reason is that it reveals election and the reason is that it reveals something election and the reason is that it reveals something very - election and the reason is that it. reveals something very important about reveals something very important about the reveals something very important about the prime reveals something very important about the prime minister s - reveals something very important i about the prime minister sjudgment. he didn t about the prime minister sjudgment. he didn t see about the prime minister sjudgment. he didn t see how about the prime minister sjudgment. he didn t see how important - about the prime minister sjudgment. he didn t see how important it- about the prime minister sjudgment. he didn t see how important it was. he didn t see how important it was for him he didn t see how important it was for him to he didn t see how important it was for him to be he didn t see how important it was for him to be there he didn t see how important it was for him to be there alongside i he didn t see how important it was| for him to be there alongside other international for him to be there alongside other international leaders for him to be there alongside other international leaders at for him to be there alongside other international leaders at that - international leaders at that ceremony international leaders at that ceremony to international leaders at that ceremony to commemorate | international leaders at that i ceremony to commemorate the international leaders at that - ceremony to commemorate the war dead. ceremony to commemorate the war dead. as ceremony to commemorate the war dead. as aubrey ceremony to commemorate the war dead. as aubrey has ceremony to commemorate the war dead. as aubrey has said, - ceremony to commemorate the war dead. as aubrey has said, the i ceremony to commemorate the war dead. as aubrey has said, the reall dead. as aubrey has said, the real significance dead. as aubrey has said, the real significance of dead. as aubrey has said, the real significance of nigel dead. as aubrey has said, the real significance of nigel farage - dead. as aubrey has said, the real significance of nigel farage we i dead. as aubrey has said, the realj significance of nigel farage we are assuming significance of nigel farage we are assuming leadership significance of nigel farage we are assuming leadership of significance of nigel farage we are assuming leadership of reform, i assuming leadership of reform, standing assuming leadership of reform, standing for assuming leadership of reform, standing for parliament, - assuming leadership of reform, standing for parliament, is- assuming leadership of reform, standing for parliament, is that| assuming leadership of reform, i standing for parliament, is that you will see standing for parliament, is that you will see them standing for parliament, is that you will see them take standing for parliament, is that you will see them take more standing for parliament, is that you will see them take more seats. i standing for parliament, is that you will see them take more seats. the other will see them take more seats. the other big will see them take more seats. the other big difference will see them take more seats. the other big difference from will see them take more seats. the other big difference from 2019 i will see them take more seats. the other big difference from 2019 is. other big difference from 2019 is that reform other big difference from 2019 is that reform are other big difference from 2019 is that reform are putting - other big difference from 2019 is. that reform are putting candidates in conservative that reform are putting candidates in conservative held that reform are putting candidates in conservative held seats - that reform are putting candidates in conservative held seats so - that reform are putting candidates in conservative held seats so the l in conservative held seats so the conservatives in conservative held seats so the conservatives are in conservative held seats so the conservatives are very in conservative held seats so the conservatives are very much - conservatives are very much protected conservatives are very much protected from conservatives are very much protected from that - conservatives are very much protected from that reform | conservatives are very much - protected from that reform effect in 2019 because protected from that reform effect in 2019 because they protected from that reform effect in 2019 because they were protected from that reform effect in 2019 because they were not - protected from that reform effect in 2019 because they were not facing . 2019 because they were not facing those 2019 because they were not facing those candidates. 2019 because they were not facing those candidates. this 2019 because they were not facing those candidates. this time - 2019 because they were not facing those candidates. this time they. 2019 because they were not facing . those candidates. this time they are and i those candidates. this time they are and i think those candidates. this time they are and i think aubrey those candidates. this time they are and i think aubrey is those candidates. this time they are and i think aubrey is right, - those candidates. this time they are and i think aubrey is right, we - those candidates. this time they are and i think aubrey is right, we will. and i think aubrey is right, we will not necessarily and i think aubrey is right, we will not necessarily see and i think aubrey is right, we will not necessarily see that and i think aubrey is right, we will not necessarily see that translate i not necessarily see that translate into seats not necessarily see that translate into seats for not necessarily see that translate into seats for reform not necessarily see that translate into seats for reform but - not necessarily see that translate into seats for reform but they. not necessarily see that translate i into seats for reform but they will take votes into seats for reform but they will take votes from into seats for reform but they will take votes from the into seats for reform but they will take votes from the conservativesi take votes from the conservatives and make take votes from the conservatives and make it take votes from the conservatives and make it easier take votes from the conservatives and make it easier therefore - take votes from the conservatives and make it easier therefore for. and make it easier therefore for labour and make it easier therefore for labour to and make it easier therefore for labour to win and make it easier therefore for labour to win it and make it easier therefore for labour to win it so and make it easier therefore for labour to win it so they - and make it easier therefore for labour to win it so they will - and make it easier therefore for| labour to win it so they will give labour labour to win it so they will give labour arr labour to win it so they will give labour an advantage labour to win it so they will give labour an advantage in - labour to win it so they will give labour an advantage in labour. labour an advantage in labour conservative labour an advantage in labour conservative marginal- labour an advantage in labour conservative marginal seats. i labour an advantage in labour. conservative marginal seats. the labour an advantage in labour- conservative marginal seats. the net effect conservative marginal seats. the net effect of conservative marginal seats. the net effect of nigel conservative marginal seats. the net effect of nigel farage conservative marginal seats. the net effect of nigel farage will conservative marginal seats. the net effect of nigel farage will probably. effect of nigel farage will probably be to boost effect of nigel farage will probably be to boost the effect of nigel farage will probably be to boost the size effect of nigel farage will probably be to boost the size of effect of nigel farage will probably be to boost the size of the - effect of nigel farage will probably be to boost the size of the labourl be to boost the size of the labour majority, be to boost the size of the labour majority, so be to boost the size of the labour majority, so att be to boost the size of the labour majority, so all in be to boost the size of the labour majority, so all in all be to boost the size of the labour majority, so all in all a be to boost the size of the labour majority, so all in all a very- be to boost the size of the labour majority, so all in all a very bad . majority, so all in all a very bad week majority, so all in all a very bad week for majority, so all in all a very bad week for the majority, so all in all a very bad week for the conservatives. - majority, so all in all a very bad week for the conservatives. aubrey, one of the phrases week for the conservatives. aubrey, one of the phrases we week for the conservatives. aubrey, one of the phrases we hear - week for the conservatives. aubrey, one of the phrases we hear a - week for the conservatives. aubrey, one of the phrases we hear a lot, i one of the phrases we hear a lot, awful phrase, is cooked through. how much of the chat in the westminster bubble and all of this actually reaches people at home cut through. not least rishi sunak s absence from the latter part of the d day celebrations but also the election debate. how much do you think the debate that was broadcast on friday actually made a difference to voters minds? it is on friday actually made a difference to voters minds? to voters minds? it is a really interesting to voters minds? it is a really interesting question to voters minds? it is a really interesting question and - to voters minds? it is a really interesting question and to i to voters minds? it is a really interesting question and to be honest interesting question and to be honest both parties are asking themselves it because the poles have been stubbornly not moving the bolts been stubbornly not moving the bolts have been stubbornly not moving the polls have been not moving for 18 months polls have been not moving for 18 months since rishi sunak became prime months since rishi sunak became prime minster. during the heat of the election campaign, and certainly the election campaign, and certainly the conservative party were hoping they would have narrowed that breed. the thought that more people would like rishi the thought that more people would like rishi sunak s forensics style and people would buy into his claims but that and people would buy into his claims but that has not been borne out in the potting but that has not been borne out in the polling so we suspected probably take three or four days for the major take three or four days for the major news events, including things like rishi major news events, including things like rishi sunak singh the final part of like rishi sunak singh the final part of the d day commemorations and tv debates part of the d day commemorations and tv debates devoted to the public consciousness and for us to be able to measure. consciousness and for us to be able to measure, has there been an impact? to measure, has there been an impact? probably slightly too early to tell, impact? probably slightly too early to tell, but certainly aren t rishi sunak s to tell, but certainly aren t rishi sunak s actions there was a conservative mp who said this will realty conservative mp who said this will really stick in the point of people i really stick in the point of people i spoke really stick in the point of people i spoke to really stick in the point of people i spoke to. theresa may in 2017, commemorating victims of grenfell tower commemorating victims of grenfell tower fire, commemorating victims of grenfell tower fire, the queen stepped into the breach tower fire, the queen stepped into the breach and in this case it was rishi the breach and in this case it was rishi suhak the breach and in this case it was rishi sunak keir starmer meeting people rishi sunak keir starmer meeting people rishi sunak could have otherwise done on wednesday. this will be otherwise done on wednesday. this will be remembered as a really significant moment. the tv debate is interesting significant moment. the tv debate is interesting. mostly about whether we are irr interesting. mostly about whether we are in post interesting. mostly about whether we are in post tbh for these debates. i beobte are in post tbh for these debates. i people much more attuned to social media people much more attuned to social media and people much more attuned to social media and getting their news that way? media and getting their news that way? the media and getting their news that way? the political market is probably way? the political market is probably very grateful that the social probably very grateful that the social media clips are being picked up social media clips are being picked up but social media clips are being picked up but i social media clips are being picked up but i people getting tuned in and making up but i people getting tuned in and making up up but i people getting tuned in and making up their minds question at three making up their minds question at three weeks to go so i suspect most people three weeks to go so i suspect most people witt three weeks to go so i suspect most people will still be tuning in. picking people will still be tuning in. picking up on that point from aubrey , sonia sodha. , sonia a picking up on that point from aubrey , sonia a lot of the impact is through those very short meme clips for example that labour has been putting on tiktok, getting traction. some of the conservatives videos have had a significant number of views. in a week when the manifestos are launched, how much difference does the detail, the fine print that we get this week, make, given that attention spans are perhaps shorter than they were? attention spans are perhaps shorter than they were? yeah, and i think it also depends than they were? yeah, and i think it also depends a than they were? yeah, and i think it also depends a lot than they were? yeah, and i think it also depends a lot what than they were? yeah, and i think it also depends a lot what is than they were? yeah, and i think it also depends a lot what is in - than they were? yeah, and i think it also depends a lot what is in the - also depends a lot what is in the manifestos also depends a lot what is in the manifestos and also depends a lot what is in the manifestos and whether- also depends a lot what is in the manifestos and whether there i also depends a lot what is in the i manifestos and whether there are also depends a lot what is in the - manifestos and whether there are any surprises manifestos and whether there are any surprises i manifestos and whether there are any surprises idon t manifestos and whether there are any surprises. i don t think manifestos and whether there are any surprises. i don t think there - manifestos and whether there are any surprises. i don t think there are - surprises. i don t think there are going surprises. i don t think there are going to surprises. i don t think there are going to be surprises. i don t think there are going to be you surprises. i don t think there are going to be. you have surprises. idon t think there are going to be. you have both- surprises. i don t think there are . going to be. you have both parties trailing going to be. you have both parties trailing policies, going to be. you have both parties trailing policies, potential- trailing policies, potential policies trailing policies, potential policies that trailing policies, potential policies that we trailing policies, potential policies that we might - trailing policies, potential| policies that we might see trailing policies, potential. policies that we might see in trailing policies, potential- policies that we might see in the manifestos policies that we might see in the manifestos this policies that we might see in the manifestos this weekend. - policies that we might see in the manifestos this weekend. you i policies that we might see in the - manifestos this weekend. you know, it is quite manifestos this weekend. you know, it is quite unusual, manifestos this weekend. you know, it is quite unusual, i manifestos this weekend. you know, it is quite unusual, i think, manifestos this weekend. you know, it is quite unusual, i think, for- manifestos this weekend. you know, it is quite unusual, i think, for a - it is quite unusual, i think, for a manifesto it is quite unusual, i think, for a manifesto to it is quite unusual, i think, for a manifesto to really it is quite unusual, i think, for a manifesto to really make - it is quite unusual, i think, for a i manifesto to really make someone think. manifesto to really make someone think. oh. manifesto to really make someone think. oh. i manifesto to really make someone think, oh, i might manifesto to really make someone think, oh, i might vote manifesto to really make someone think, oh, i might vote for- manifesto to really make someone think, oh, i might vote for this - think, oh, i might vote forthis party think, oh, i might vote forthis party now think, oh, i might vote forthis party now. we think, oh, i might vote forthis party now. we saw think, oh, i might vote forthis party now. we saw in - think, oh, i might vote forthis party now. we saw in 2019 - think, oh, i might vote for this l party now. we saw in 2019 there think, oh, i might vote for this - party now. we saw in 2019 there was a very party now. we saw in 2019 there was a very packed party now. we saw in 2019 there was a very packed manifesto party now. we saw in 2019 there was a very packed manifesto for - party now. we saw in 2019 there was a very packed manifesto for labour, l a very packed manifesto for labour, promising a very packed manifesto for labour, promising lots a very packed manifesto for labour, promising lots of a very packed manifesto for labour, promising lots of things a very packed manifesto for labour, promising lots of things including i promising lots of things including free broadband promising lots of things including free broadband and promising lots of things including free broadband and the promising lots of things including free broadband and the voters i free broadband and the voters decided free broadband and the voters decided labour free broadband and the voters decided labour couldn t - free broadband and the voters decided labour couldn t deliver free broadband and the voters - decided labour couldn t deliver it. i decided labour couldn t deliver it. i suspect decided labour couldn t deliver it. i suspect the decided labour couldn t deliver it. i suspect the labour decided labour couldn t deliver it. i suspect the labour manifesto, . i suspect the labour manifesto, published i suspect the labour manifesto, published next i suspect the labour manifesto, published next week, i suspect the labour manifesto, published next week, there - i suspect the labour manifesto, published next week, there are| i suspect the labour manifesto, . published next week, there are not going published next week, there are not going to published next week, there are not going to be published next week, there are not going to be surprises published next week, there are not going to be surprises in published next week, there are not going to be surprises in it. - published next week, there are not going to be surprises in it. labour. going to be surprises in it. labour has been going to be surprises in it. labour has been very going to be surprises in it. labour has been very deliberately - going to be surprises in it. labouri has been very deliberately running guite has been very deliberately running quite a has been very deliberately running quite a risk has been very deliberately running quite a risk averse has been very deliberately running quite a risk averse incremental- quite a risk averse incremental campaign. quite a risk averse incremental campaign, very quite a risk averse incremental campaign, very cautious - quite a risk averse incremental. campaign, very cautious because quite a risk averse incremental- campaign, very cautious because it wants campaign, very cautious because it wants the campaign, very cautious because it wants the country campaign, very cautious because it wants the country to campaign, very cautious because it wants the country to trust - campaign, very cautious because it wants the country to trust the - campaign, very cautious because it| wants the country to trust the party when wants the country to trust the party when it wants the country to trust the party when it comes wants the country to trust the party when it comes to wants the country to trust the party when it comes to handling - wants the country to trust the party when it comes to handling the - when it comes to handling the economy when it comes to handling the economy and when it comes to handling the economy and every when it comes to handling the economy and every policy- when it comes to handling the economy and every policy will| when it comes to handling the . economy and every policy will be fully costed, economy and every policy will be fully costed, it economy and every policy will be fully costed, it says. economy and every policy will be fully costed, it says. there - economy and every policy will be fully costed, it says. there won t be any fully costed, it says. there won t be any big fully costed, it says. there won t be any big surprises fully costed, it says. there won t be any big surprises in fully costed, it says. there won t be any big surprises in it- fully costed, it says. there won t be any big surprises in it but- fully costed, it says. there won t be any big surprises in it but i. be any big surprises in it but i don t be any big surprises in it but i don t think be any big surprises in it but i don t think they be any big surprises in it but i don t think they want - be any big surprises in it but i don t think they want there i be any big surprises in it but ij don t think they want there to be any big surprises in it but i. don t think they want there to be because don t think they want there to be because they don t think they want there to be because they want don t think they want there to be because they want the don t think they want there to be | because they want the electorate don t think they want there to be i because they want the electorate to look at because they want the electorate to look at the because they want the electorate to look at the manifesto because they want the electorate to look at the manifesto and because they want the electorate to look at the manifesto and say - look at the manifesto and say they re look at the manifesto and say they re are look at the manifesto and say they re are good look at the manifesto and say they re are good ideas - look at the manifesto and say they re are good ideas but - look at the manifesto and say. they re are good ideas but they look at the manifesto and say - they re are good ideas but they are incremental they re are good ideas but they are incremental and they re are good ideas but they are incremental and i they re are good ideas but they are incremental and i believe - they re are good ideas but they are incremental and i believe that - incremental and i believe that labour incremental and i believe that labour can incremental and i believe that labour can deliver incremental and i believe that labour can deliver them. - incremental and i believe that labour can deliver them. so. incremental and i believe that labour can deliver them. so i| incremental and i believe that - labour can deliver them. so i doubt the manifestos labour can deliver them. so i doubt the manifestos will labour can deliver them. so i doubt the manifestos will change - labour can deliver them. so i doubt the manifestos will change very - the manifestos will change very much the manifestos will change very much 0n the manifestos will change very much 0n the the manifestos will change very much. 0n the debates, - the manifestos will change very much. 0n the debates, i- the manifestos will change very much. 0n the debates, i think. the manifestos will change very - much. 0n the debates, i think they can affect much. 0n the debates, i think they can affect an much. 0n the debates, i think they can affect an election much. 0n the debates, i think they can affect an election campaign - much. 0n the debates, i think theyj can affect an election campaign but very few can affect an election campaign but very few people can affect an election campaign but very few people will can affect an election campaign but very few people will watch - can affect an election campaign but very few people will watch a - can affect an election campaign butj very few people will watch a debate and make very few people will watch a debate and make up very few people will watch a debate and make up their very few people will watch a debate and make up their minds based - very few people will watch a debate and make up their minds based oni very few people will watch a debate l and make up their minds based on an houror and make up their minds based on an houror90 and make up their minds based on an houror 90 minutes and make up their minds based on an houror 90 minutes of and make up their minds based on an hour or 90 minutes of tv. and make up their minds based on an hour or 90 minutes of tv. i and make up their minds based on an hour or 90 minutes of tv. ithink- hour or 90 minutes of tv. i think when hour or 90 minutes of tv. i think when they hour or 90 minutes of tv. i think when they do hour or 90 minutes of tv. i think when they do make hour or 90 minutes of tv. i think when they do make a hour or 90 minutes of tv. i think when they do make a difference i hour or 90 minutes of tv. i thinki when they do make a difference is when when they do make a difference is when there when they do make a difference is when there is when they do make a difference is when there is a when they do make a difference is when there is a big when they do make a difference is when there is a big news - when they do make a difference is when there is a big news story- when they do make a difference is when there is a big news story out of it and when there is a big news story out of it and i when there is a big news story out of it and i think when there is a big news story out of it and i think the when there is a big news story out of it and i think the one when there is a big news story out of it and i think the one thing - when there is a big news story out of it and i think the one thing that| of it and i think the one thing that people of it and i think the one thing that people will of it and i think the one thing that people will have of it and i think the one thing that people will have noticed - of it and i think the one thing that people will have noticed about. of it and i think the one thing thati people will have noticed about this last week people will have noticed about this last week of people will have noticed about this last week of debates people will have noticed about this last week of debates between - people will have noticed about this i last week of debates between leaders was the last week of debates between leaders was the row last week of debates between leaders was the row about last week of debates between leaders was the row about the last week of debates between leaders was the row about the £2000, - last week of debates between leaders was the row about the £2000, what l was the row about the £2000, what labour was the row about the £2000, what labour says was the row about the £2000, what labour says is was the row about the £2000, what labour says is a was the row about the £2000, what labour says is a lie was the row about the £2000, what labour says is a lie about was the row about the £2000, what labour says is a lie about their- labour says is a lie about their spending labour says is a lie about their spending plans~ labour says is a lie about their spending plans. that- labour says is a lie about their spending plans. that was - labour says is a lie about theirj spending plans. that was what dominated spending plans. that was what dominated the spending plans. that was what dominated the news spending plans. that was whati dominated the news headlines. spending plans. that was what . dominated the news headlines. i think dominated the news headlines. i think it dominated the news headlines. i think it may dominated the news headlines. i think it may make dominated the news headlines. i think it may make a dominated the news headlines. i think it may make a difference . think it may make a difference through think it may make a difference through a think it may make a difference through a vehicle think it may make a difference through a vehicle like - think it may make a difference through a vehicle like that. - think it may make a difference through a vehicle like that. aubrey, lookin: through a vehicle like that. aubrey, looking ahead through a vehicle like that. aubrey, looking ahead to through a vehicle like that. aubrey, looking ahead to the through a vehicle like that. aubrey, looking ahead to the manifestos . through a vehicle like that. aubrey, | looking ahead to the manifestos and the policies being set out, what do you think is going to be the issue that resonates most with voters, notwithstanding the points sonia made about perhaps the detail not reaching people. do you think cost of living, climate, immigration, what do you think are going to be the key point is that all parties. we have talked a lot about labour and the conservatives, but all parties, what do you think will be the standout one? the parties, what do you think will be the standout one? parties, what do you think will be the standout one? the cost of living and the economy the standout one? the cost of living and the economy still the standout one? the cost of living and the economy still polls - the standout one? the cost of living and the economy still polls highestl and the economy still polls highest as a due and the economy still polls highest as a due container voters. labour manifesto, as a due container voters. labour manifesto, public services at the heart manifesto, public services at the heart of manifesto, public services at the heart of the office, 40,000 more gp appointments every week, and trying to boost appointments every week, and trying to boost the number of teachers in schools. to boost the number of teachers in schools. as to boost the number of teachers in schools, as well. obviously the backdrop schools, as well. obviously the backdrop to all of this is that there backdrop to all of this is that there is backdrop to all of this is that there is quite a difficult economic context there is quite a difficult economic context. so whichever party goes into government afterjuly the 5th is going into government afterjuly the 5th is going to have quite limited room for manoeuvre to be able to do things for manoeuvre to be able to do things they want to. the conservatives have been talking a lot about conservatives have been talking a lot about tax cuts about their next agenda, lot about tax cuts about their next agenda, and while we saw the cuts to national agenda, and while we saw the cuts to national insurance in the november budget national insurance in the november budget last year and again in march this year. budget last year and again in march this year. it budget last year and again in march this year, it was not quite clear that this year, it was not quite clear that that this year, it was not quite clear that that was resonating with voters that that was resonating with voters. they certainly have concerns about voters. they certainly have concerns about the voters. they certainly have concerns about the cost of living and the economy about the cost of living and the economy but i think they are looking to political economy but i think they are looking to political parties to be quite serious to political parties to be quite serious and tell them the truth about serious and tell them the truth about the serious and tell them the truth about the extent of the difficulties they will about the extent of the difficulties they will face if they come into office. they will face if they come into office, and what they can and cannot fix. office, and what they can and cannot fix~ if office, and what they can and cannot fix~ if they office, and what they can and cannot fix. if they cannot fix it, how long it will fix. if they cannot fix it, how long it will take fix. if they cannot fix it, how long it will take to do that even if it is not it will take to do that even if it is not in it will take to do that even if it is not in a it will take to do that even if it is not in a single parliament. aubrey is not in a single parliament. aubrey allegretti, chief political correspondent at the times, and sonia sodha, a former labour adviser and observer columnist, thank you to you both. the pressure on public services is a key election issue and in an effort to understand the challenges they re under, we re going to be reporting on three key areas over the coming days education, courts and social care. this morning we re focusing on schools and their struggle to address a range of social issues beyond teaching. our social affairs correspondent michael buchanan has been to one primary school in telford where teachers are helping with potty training and basic communication.. which column do i start with? you add these for me. a simple maths lesson a familiar part of the school day for most pupils. fantastic. move onto the next one. but increasingly in classrooms are children who struggle to simply be in school. 50p! in early years, we have a number of children who struggle with basic communication, stringing a sentence together. please can i go to the toilet? , can i have a drink? they re sentences that we have to teach our children how to say. london academy is a small primary school in a relatively deprived area of telford. almost half the pupils are on free school meals. the lack of communication skills means the school has to teach makaton a basic form of sign language. but that s not all. we have intimate care plans for a number of our children. we change the children. we also try and teach them how to go to the toilet, as well so we try to do some of that potty training but we do have children still in nappies in our early years environment. eight were in nappies. louise says her last september, of the 27 children who joined london academy s reception class, eight were in nappies. louise says her son wasn t potty trained when he started school. he was quite late in everything, really! he wasn t ready, so. and then we felt when he was ready, then school helped with that. had you tried to get him toilet trained before he came to school? i had, yeah, and he there wasjust no interest at all from him to try that. the parents have nothing but praise for the school, but a chat with them reveals why schools increasingly struggle to focus solely on educating children. my oldest daughter, i ve just i ve pulled her out of school. i home educate my eldest one now. how old is she? 14. cos she was self harming, bullying, due to her mental health. right. but now she s at home, she does her work. she s happy, she s eating, she s sleeping. it s great. my wife has borderline personality disorder. all right, ok. so there s a lot of stress and emotional mental health. so that was affecting the children, their upbringing, the things that were going on. so we ve had help from the social services, help my wife get back to where she wants to be, but also guide the children into a better life. and that was through the school? through the school, yeah. london academy is part of a 13 school multi academy trust. its head says long standing challenges caused by tight budgets have been exacerbated by covid and cost of living pressures. coming out of the pandemic, children are quite often more anxious about large social situations because people were out of that for a while and at quite formative stages in their education and in their own personal development. i think, ultimately, when children are coming to school more hungry, that s probably having a bigger impact as an ongoing thing. i think we would have recovered quicker if it hadn t been for those issues. so this is our food hub. to help its families, the learning community trust has a food bank run by nikki morrison. i went out to do a visit myself. the children in the house were having weetabix with tap water. she leads the trust welfare team, who spend a lot of their time providing emotional and psychological support to hundreds of pupils. but nikki wonders what ll happen to them once they re older. a lot of support is in place for children through the school system, but when they leave school, that support starts to peter off. somebody s going to have to pick up that group of children when they leave school, and then try to put the support in then to enable them to be productive and functional members of society. the challenges in telford are, of course, nationwide how to help the many children who can t cope with school cope with life. michael buchanan, bbc news, telford. it is coming up to 833. sunday with laura kuenssberg is on bbc one at 9:00 this morning. let s find out what she has in store. the pace of the race for number 10 is getting quicker and quicker and quicker. after a terrible few days for the tories, we ll be asking this morning how they can turn things around or if they can. the man who s making so many conservatives nervous is nigel farage the leader of reform uk. he lljoin us live along with labour, conservative and snp politicians, and a fantastic panel to boot. so join me over on bbc one at 9:00. see you then. as the uk election campaign continue we want your help in how we cover it. the bbc has launched your voice, your vote so you can tell us the issues that matter to you. our reporter amanda parr has been to kingswood to speak to first time voters and hear their thoughts on the election.. thanks for having us. first time voters. so have you registered. you registered yet? not yet. but you know your deadline. yeah. yeah, ok, good. i have. you have? brownie points to you. so you wanted to talk to me today about mental health. why is this a burning issue for you all this election? so it s such a relevant topic to everyone it affects everyone and it really impacts young people in their school life, in life in general. so it s really important that it s, like, more covered. i feel like the lack of support, or i feel like as life goes and, like, families, and obviously there s, like, a lot of negative things happen in people s lives. a lot of it kind of builds up to, like, what happens in the future and it really impacts the social life whether they re doing, like, more knife crime orjust out more on the street. so there s not really enough support from the government and just education itself. lack of nhs funding with, like, mental health support. there s so many, like, really long waiting lists for mental health support, counselling, therapy. it s. it s got to change, you know? we want it. we really want it to change. i would sometimes link it to crime. and, you know, seeing as crime has become a really big issue in the recent years, i think there s a lot we could do to prevent it, rather than stop it - preventing it better than the cure. so i think that s something . we could focus on, especially putting counsellors in schools - and helping them identify students that could be vulnerable to, - you know, mental health conditions and even criminal environments. so what do you want to see from the politicians? what do you want to hear in terms of policies things that will make you vote for them? increase funding in schools to allow younger people to be able to find . other ways out instead of being, you know, picked up by gangs and violence. and really, like, say what they re going to change instead ofjust kind, saying in a such a general way. i think being specific with it will really help people understand what they are voting for. you re obviously very switched on, and you re giving this election a lot of head space. how important do you think it is that young people do as you are doing? really important, i think. because, i mean, it s the future of our country and our lives. i mean, what s more important than that, right? and i think if we make our voices heard, we could make so much positive change to so many people. young people don t get, you know, the attention| of many of the policies in their manifestos. i and that means, you know, - we lose out in the end if we re not voting and we re not- making our voices heard. well, guys, it s great to meet you today. good to talk. and thank you for adding your voices to the debate. no problem. thank you. that report from amanda parr. you can find a full list of the candidates standing in the kingswood constituency on the bbc news website. and if you have a question for a politician or perhaps an issue that you re concerned about.(tx you can get in touch as part of your voice, your vote by scannig this qr code or go to on your phone, tablet or laptop. time now for us to get the sport and hewittjoins us. focusing on cricket. england against pakistan later and they only play each other in these global tournaments because of all of the issues that everyone watching will understand. thea;r of all of the issues that everyone watching will understand. they are -la in: in watching will understand. they are playing in new watching will understand. they are playing in new york. watching will understand. they are playing in new york. they ll- watching will understand. they are playing in new york. they ll be - playing in new york. they ll be 30,000 plus people watching there. scotland play in a manner later on and that is important to england who lost their big rivalry match last night to australia. it means that they are in some peril as they want to defend this trophy successfully because they might not even make the next stage because currently the start that england has had of two matches and no wins has put their chances of making that suit a stage in doubt. put into bat in barbados. david warner and travis head made a flying start 70 without loss in the 5th over australia reaching 201 for 7 from their 20 overs. in reply, england started strongly, captainjos buttler top scoring with 42 but they lost wickets at regular intervals and they ultimately fell well short of their target, losing by 36 runs. the situation we find ourselves in is the situation we find ourselves in. we ve got to be confident, keep our heads up, and look forward to the next one, and keep puffing our chest out and play some really good cricket which we know we re capable of. south africa remain top of their group after surviving a scare against the netherlands. chasing 104 to win, they were 12 for 4 at one stage. but they managed the run chase well an unbeaten 59 off 51 balls from david miller saw south africa win by four wickets. while overnight uganda were bowled out forjust 39 in their defeat to west indies. northampton s 10 year wait for a league title is over after the saints won a dramatic premiership final at twickenham. alex mitchell scored the winning try against bath. who were down to 14 men. with just seven minutes left as northampton claimed their second championship. and a perfect send off for the departing courtenay lawes after 17 years with the club. it s not really sunk in yet, i think, because we ve been so focused on this for so long. and then during the game i thought, let s just get the win whatever, however you can, kind of thing. and then you get there and you re like, oh. have we done it? do you know i mean? but, no, its class. can t really put it into words. and i think we deserved it i think over the season we ve been the best team, and sometimes you got to find a way to win. social media tells us that those goggles were there because of all of the champagne that was spraying in the champagne that was spraying in the dressing room post match. traditionally rugby league s big day of the year. the challenge cup final was a fitting occasion to pay tribute to rob burrow. and as the sport said goodbye to one of its legends. on the pitch wigan warriors beat warrington wolves at wembley to win the trophy for a 2ist time. after two first half tries captain liam farrell took wigan out of reach as he touched down to help seal an 18 8 win. matt peet s side now hold all four major honors in the league leaders shield, the super league title, the world club challenge. while they rejoint top of the current league table too. pretty surreal. we haven t really spoken about it, truthfully, until the beginning of this week. to hold all four trophies i think there s only a couple of other teams ever done it, so a very big achievement for ourselves. and, yeah, we re in a great place at the moment. look, the year s not over we ve got. there s a lot of rugby left in us, so. don t get me wrong, we ll celebrate this rightly, next couple of days, but then it ll be back to business after that. st helens made it four straight women s challenge cup final victories as they comfortably beat leeds rhinos. rob burrow s old side were looking for inspiration on the wembley stage but came up short. saints running in four tries without reply to lift the trophy once again as they beat the rhinos for the third final running i think the only thing better than doing it the first time is going to be doing it the second time. like that. that is an amazing leeds side to stop them from scoring with the pressure they had early on honestly, i couldn t be prouder. we said. we spoke about, we were doing it for each other. every time you couldn t think of taking on the ball and you re doing it for the person next to you. there s people out there that didn t win it last year, and they ve done it now and they re going to be champions. after a disappointing start to the french open for british singles players the tournament ended on a high with alfie hewett and gordon reid winning the men s wheelchair doubles title for a fifth successive year. another serial winner is iga swiatek. atjust 23 years of age she s a french open singles winner for the fourth time. the pole continued her recent dominance on the roland garros clay with a straight sets win against first time major finalist jasmine paolini of italy. it was swiatek s third title in a row in paris and a fifth grand slam triumph overall. it s the turn of the men this afternoon with carlos alcaraz taking on germany s alexander zverev. it s the first time either man has reached the final in paris. zverev is searching for his first grand slam title. whilst alcaraz is going for his third and hoping tojoin an illustrious list of spaniards to have won the title at roland garros. and i wanted you to put my name on that list of the spanish players who won this tournament. not only rafa but ferrero, moya, costa a lot of the spanish players that are legends from our sport won this tournament. and i really want you to put my name on that list, as well. i think in a grand semi final, there s obviously no easy matches and no easy opponents. and if you re. if you re in the final of roland garros, you deserve to be there. and that goes for him, as well he played a fantastic match today. you know, played a fantastic tournament in general, i think, and i m expecting a very difficult match. it s the final few days of pre euros friendies. and spain appear to be in good form. although it was northern ireland that bore the brunt of it. not immediately though. sunderland defender daniel ballard gave northern ireland a shock lead just 67 seconds after kick off in majorca. but things soon turned. as they conceded four goals in the first half and eventually lost 5 1. northern ireland should have an easier game against andorra on tuesday. spain face a far sterner test in their opening match of the euros against croatia on saturday. great britain have won their first medals at the european athletics championships in rome. with romell glave taking bronze in the 100 metres. (tx the race was won by olympic champion marceljacobs in a time of 10.02 seconds as he successfully defended his european sprint title on a golden night for hosts italy in rome. who won three medals. it s glaves first championship medal. george mills won silver in the men s 5000 meters, finishing behind norwegian star jakob ingebrigtsen. mills is the son of former england internationalfootballer danny mills and he s now got his sights set on the paris olympics next month. so i want to run the 15 and the five in paris, and hopefully tonight is my chances of selection. no harm. but, yeah, we ll see there s still a month out or three weeks out till trials, so straight back to training as of probably tonight and tomorrow, and then we get stuck in. primoz roglic looks like he s coming into form just in time for the tour de france. the slovenian. who s recovering from a serious crash during a race two months ago. won the hardest stage of the criterium du dauphine. it was his second stage win in two days. and he leads byjust over a minute going into today s final stage. dutch cyclist lorena viebers claimed victory on stage three of the women s tour of britain which started and finished in warrington. her team mate world champion lotte kopecky retained her 17 second lead over britain s anna henderson. and it looks like the mercedes formula one team could be challenging for race wins again after george russell claimed pole for this evening s canadian grand prix. the briton recorded a time of one minute and 12 seconds exactly on his first run in the final session of qualifying in montreal. championship leader max verstappen posted exactly the same time in his red bull. but because russell did it first he gets to start from the top spot forjust the second time in his career. it feels amazing, i mean, so much hard work back at the factory. so much hard work over all of these years, i ve sort of been zigzagging around and changing the philosophy and concept and over the last 26 months those zigzags have got a bit smaller and narrower. the upgrades we brought last week in monaco and a few more bits on the car this week, really have transformed the car and it is feeling great. and, so good to claim this poll. that race plus indeed the men s final is part of your radio listening for the day. thank you very much listening for the day. thank you very much for listening for the day. thank you very much for that, listening for the day. thank you very much for that, hugh. - listening for the day. thank you very much for that, hugh. time now 846 and they very much for that, hugh. time now 846 and they were very much for that, hugh. time now 846 and they were once very much for that, hugh. time now 846 and they were once a very much for that, hugh. time now 846 and they were once a common l 846 and they were once a common sight in our countryside and gardens but now the willow to it is said to be at the risk of extinction after numbers declined by as much as 90% over the last five decades. in response, a team of conservationists and volunteers across the north of england have hatched a plan to rescue the reclusive species, as our correspondent judy hobson explains. these tiny birds were once regular visitors to our gardens. but not any more. in greater manchester alone, there are nowjust120 breeding pairs after suffering a huge decline over the past five decades. so we ve got a lot of wetness here, water on this side and water on that side. damp, wet woodland is really what willow tits really like. now conservation volunteers in the north west are being asked to help rescue them. the project is called wet willow wildlife. so we re going to engage volunteers in surveying the willow tit populations across the north west. and once we ve understood that population, we re going to use that information to design habitat interventions. astley moss has been identified as an area which could be restored to help the willow tit population. we need rotten deadwood like this in a woodland for willow tits to excavate, whereas, for example, this living tree here is pretty hard. so a willow tit wouldn t be able to excavate that for its nest. these birds are elusive and hard to spot. we didn t see any here today but they do have a distinctive call. willow tit beeps. willow tits are often in places really close to people s houses like in bolton and in trafford. you ve got willow tits right in these scruffy pockets of woodland right behind people s houses and people just. they re an elusive bird so people don t know that they re there. this is a lowland rain bog site. but on the edges of it, we ve got this kind of woodland habitat. volunteers are working with the wildlife trust with funding from the government species survival fund. they ll work with landowners to increase the willow tits habitat, benefiting a host of other creatures into the bargain. it s quite often a habitat that s overlooked by people or undervalued. it s a bit scruffy looking, it s untidy, it s a bit wet and boggy, and it s a bit unloved. there are a number of factors for the willow tit to climb. quite possibly climate change is playing a part. some of the wetter habitats potentially might be drying up in the longer, hotter summers. it s a bird that doesn t move that far and we need to create these pockets of habitats, sort of stepping stones in a way across the landscape so that willow tits can move around and connect up. the wet willow wildlife project aims to boost the willow tit s chance of survival and halt the alarming decline in this once common bird. what we want to do is to make sure there s always a home for the willow tit in the west. it s a really iconic species and it really needs our help. judy hobson, bbc news. we did see some warm layers of clothing there because even though it is june we clothing there because even though it isjune we have not been able to put the jackets away just yet because it does not feel like summer! when do those bird watchers get some slightly night said temperatures matt! i ve been looking at the chart and there is not quite decided yet on the horizon. we will get there. things will get a little cooler over the next few days, can you believe it? just put it into context, the temperatures at this stage injune should be somewhere between 16 and 20 degrees but as we go through into the start of next week, they are going to be about four or 5 degrees below what we expect this time of year. when you have got the absence of any sunshine, so important for adding strength and warmth into the atmosphere, it will feel even chillier than that. we ve got it all to blame with its area of low pressure, as it slowly meanders across the north atlantic and into scandinavia. as a more northerly wind develops. a weather system today which is going to take away some of the morning sunshine some of you have already been enjoying. the best of the sunshine across the central and southern areas but even here it will cloud over. north and central belt of scotland some sunny spells and a scattering of showers but that cloudier zone are particularly across the north of england, north midlands, north wales, patchy drizzle, south west scotland to bet northern ireland the patchy drizzle replaced by the end of the afternoon. temperatures similar to yesterday but when the sun is gone it will feel cool. rain this evening in northern ireland but tonight some wetter weather spread eastwards across england and wales were some heavy bursts at times especially across north england and north midlands. and especially towards east anglia. it will clear up towards east anglia. it will clear up later on and will be a chilly night and temperatures in rural areas will get down to two or three degrees. northerly winds developing bitter cold and wet star developing to that week. rain lasting longer in east anglia but away from that, sunshine during the morning, some clouds building into the afternoon and some areas will stay dry. but it will feel chilly in that northerly breeze. whatever your plans for the weekend, enjoy! thanks very much, matt, see you. it s been incredible to see the outpouring of emotions and tributes for rugby league legend rob burrow who died of mnd at the age of 41 last week. it is hard to believe he is gone and if you have not seen it already do watch the documentary on iplayer at the moment. inspired by rob, a doctor diagnosed with motor neurone disease himself is taking on an epic challenge to raise money and awareness of the condition. our reporter katharine da costa met up with luke hames brown during his training. initially, my symptoms started in my legs. it s progressed to my arms, my hands, my shoulders. luke hames brown s already seeing the slow decline in his muscles, making it difficult to walk. he was only diagnosed with motor neurone disease in april last year. it s a fairly rare condition it s not something you see a lot of in general practice.but certainly very aware of what that diagnosis meant. pretty devastating to hear that. certainly took some time to process that news, and what it meant for us and ourfamilies. having been an active snowboarder, surfer and walker, luke s used to challenging himself. but at 35, he s decided to leave his career as a gp to spend the time he has left with his wife and family. some of those numbers are very scary in people dying within two, three years of the diagnosis. the thing that we can try and do is pack in as much as we can in the next couple of years and hoping that it is slow and it continues to be slow and we have years rather than months. thank you. the couple is preparing to walk the length of hadrian s wall covering around ten miles a day over eight days. this isn t about having to do it in the fastest possible time, it s about showing that i can still do these things i enjoy, and about hopefully helping other people to realise that, with adaptations, you can keep doing them. i can tell it will be really hard for him mentally and physically. so, as a team, i know that we ll get through it together probably with lots of sweets and chocolate and tea breaks. they re raising money for the charity my name s doddie foundation, set up by the former scottish and british rugby legend doddie weir, who died from mnd in 2022. they re also donating funds to the mnd association of which rob burrow was the patron. the rugby league star and his wife lindsey had agreed to meet with luke to offer support and advice before rob passed away. the way that he approached his diagnosis, and in being so open and candid about it in the public eye. ..has raised enormous awareness, which is so needed. and on a personal level, was inspirational to me. luke and kate will celebrate their second wedding anniversary while they re away making memories and raising money for research into a cure along the way. katherine da costa, bbc news, in oxford. we wish him well with that challenge. a young lego fan has designed a spaceship which lit up the new york city skyline. ten year old lotty was one of six winners across the world who won a competition to design a spacecraft which was recreated by drones. corinne wheatley has more. mysterious lights over the new york skyline. not from outer space but definitely inspired by it. in fact, one of these designs came from somewhere much closer to home a dining room table in kippax, west yorkshire. we had to break them ones to rebuild, but with what you ve got on the table. you had to make a lego creation i would want to go to space in. you had to, in turn, tell it why you d want to go in your creation. my design was a bed with butterfly wings, and fire coming out of the back, and then a snack drawer underneath it. both: five, four, three, two, one. lego mad lottie won a trip to see her design lit up by drones helping her dreams of space travel come alive. there s loads of planets that no one s been to, and i would want to go discover some of the planets and see if there s life in any of them. not a lot of, like, girls have gone to space or been anywhere on the moon. and then it s always boys who go. er. you re doing it for the girls, aren t you? yeah. so how to build, then you can rebuild. when she s drawn on the piece of paper and it s gone from the paper to a real life thing flown in the sky it was just amazing. like you say, there was no words, you had to just stand in awe and look at it. she strives to do whatever she wants. but, yeah, it s just nice to see that she does want to go and push, don t you? follow your dreams. definitely. around 20,000 bikers have completed a mammoth ride from london to cumbria in memory of the tv chef dave myers, who died of cancer in february. the procession made its way to dave s home town of barrow after setting off from a famous biker hang out, the ace cafe in north west london. our correspondent sharon barbour joined them on the journey. cheering. it s a big night in barrow a celebration of the life of dave myers. tens of thousands have arrived many of them hairy bikers. they re riding all the way up the m6. there was thousands of people on every bridge. it s unbelievable. as we were coming in through the towns and villages leading into barrow, just streets were lined and it was just amazing. the roar of tens of thousands of motorbikes heard across england today began to arrive late afternoon. the procession at times was 16 miles long, and the route was lined by supporters. leading the cavalcade that left london this morning was dave s best friend and fellow hairy biker remarkable reception! just mind blowing. all of the all the over bridges, all the way from london to barrow in furness people waving and showing kindness and courtesy and oh! unbelievable! the tv chef died in february, after he was diagnosed with cancer. he was 66. sharon barbour, bbc news, cumbria. are perfect tribute. that s all from us this morning, but breakfast will be back tomorrow from six. enjoy the rest of your day. goodbye! who is on their way to number ten? the prime minister s had a dreadfulfew days after his d day blunder. but the tories are still trying to torture labour with their disputed claims about tax. the power of the smaller parties has been centre stage. more antics on the trail, and full on farage making conservatives nervous. in the latest of our leader interviews, he joins us from essex. stephen flynn, the leader of the snp in westminster, joins us from aberdeen. and with all of us in the studio, mel stride, close ally of rishi sunak, the work and pensions secretary. and shabana mahmood, who d be thejustice secretary if labour moves into number ten. welcome to you both, a rough week for you guys. welcome to you both, a rough week for you guys- for you guys. we ve got time, there are four weeks for you guys. we ve got time, there are four weeks to for you guys. we ve got time, there are four weeks to go for you guys. we ve got time, there are four weeks to go and for you guys. we ve got time, there are four weeks to go and the - for you guys. we ve got time, there are four weeks to go and the only . are four weeks to go and the only poll that matters is on the 4th of july. i poll that matters is on the 4th of jul . . . poll that matters is on the 4th of jul . . , ., , poll that matters is on the 4th of jul. . , ., , july. i agree, it s the only poll that matters july. i agree, it s the only poll that matters and we - july. i agree, it s the only poll that matters and we are - july. i agree, it s the only poll that matters and we are out l july. i agree, it s the only poll - that matters and we are out there fighting that matters and we are out there fighting for every vote for is why i look forward to hearing from you later look forward to hearing from you later in look forward to hearing from you later in the look forward to hearing from you later in the programme. john curtice will give his 60 seconds on sunday need to know on the polls. now, as many as one in four 2019 tory voters are saying they will back reform. and our team at the desk for the next hour this week, amber rudd, former conservative minister and veteran of tv debates. matt wrack, the boss of the fire brigades union. and john caudwell, former tory donor billionaire. a warm welcome to all of you.

Parties , Manifestoes , West-london , Thousands , Motorcyclists , The-end , Mammoth , Crowd , Person , People , Protest , Public-event

Transcripts For MSNBC Dateline 20240609

that s it for me. thanks for watching. tune in tomorrow where i am speaking with congressman jerry connelly. plus, senior adviser and spoke s person for president biden s campaign, adrienne elrod joins us to talk importance of border security to voters ahead of november s election tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. follow us on social media using the handle, at weekend capehart. listened every episode of our show as a podcast for free. scan the qr code on your screen to follow. but, keep it right here. a frightening film about a serial killer. robert barnsley: .he d say, when you re turning the blade, grit your teeth and really really show that you re enjoying it. we had talked about how would you kill somebody and get away with it. i had dark thoughts and shared them with the serial killer. it was supposed to be a movie, a frightening film about a serial killer. you grit your teeth and really show that you on bare enjoying it. but, was it really just pretend? eels get down on the ground and took out duct tape. i have never in my life felt fear like that. a rising young film director filming a murder, or actually committing one? he told me well, you liked dexter. when you take a step back you realize this is a real man who has been murdered. the script was darker than anyone knew. like holy mackerel. who are you, really? everyone was on the edge of their seat. and underground parking garage, you are watching a violent attack caught on tape. who was this? what is happening? or, did it happen at all? movies, like that one, are by design, deceptive. make-believe worlds, but have you noticed maybe it is all the technical doodads and digital cameras. some stories that claim to be true or not. anybody can manipulate reality, sometimes what they say is true is it. sometimes, fiction turns out to be fact, and then there are stories, just a few, and which fact and fiction fuse and that is where we are going tonight, a twilight zone world of illusion and deception and deceit. follow the howling wind north across a vast prairie through brief, brilliant summers and winters as frigid as any on earth to a metropolis canadians call the gateway to the north, the city whose police department stays very busy. this is detective bill clark. the city is edmonton, canada. today i got a call from a family whose son was killed in december. nothing in a career so strange as the case of a man who went missing and bill clark found himself in another world between fantasy and illusion. have you ever seen a case like this before? never in my life. when it started out, it seemed perfectly simple, a missing man, some guy just dropped out of sight, the kind of thing that tends to sort itself out once the so-called victim sobers up. i m not thinking much is going to come of this. after clark s decades of service in the city with the highest murder rate in canada, you can hardly blame them for getting a little picky. we don t usually go to missing person. unfortunately, for us to come out you ve got to be dead and it had better be criminal. if the patrolman doesn t know it s criminal, don t bother calling us. yeah, you got enough to do. which explains perhaps why some of the locals have taken to calling their city, deadmonton. our concern is, do we have a foul play. the missing person in this case is a man by the name of john altinger. 39, single, worked in the oil industry, liked to ride motorcycles. unlucky with women, yet, a wide circle of friends who are now telling the police altinger seem to have dropped off the face of the earth except the strange emails he was sending. i ve left with a woman, i m going to costa rica. one of the recipients of those old emails, his old friend, debra taichrob. i received several of them. i received six altogether, but in runs of three. the exact same message? hi there, i ve met a wonderful girl named jen. i m going to costa rica and i will keep in touch and call you when i get back after the holidays. johnny. almost formal, and away, suddenly like somebody you didn t really know was sending you an email. absolutely, and i was like that s really odd, it doesn t sound like john. it was odd, and even more so when another friend of altinger s received exactly the same message word for word and altinger s facebook status change from single to in a relationship. i think it was the following day, i was on msn messenger and johnny popped on mine, so i thought oh, he must not have left on his vacation yet, and it said johnny, his name, and then in quotations beside his name, who says i ve got a one- way ticket to heaven and i m never coming back. later that same day, debra got a call from the same friend who told her john altinger seems to be missing. it s surreal, you know. you don t expect your friends to go missing. soon, altinger s friends got together, unsure of what to do, really but before going to police, they decided to try to get into his condo, to see if they could find a clue what happened to get the guy in the break-in, actually. everything looked fine. nothing out of place, no sign of any struggle. the only things missing were his wallet, his keys and his red mazda coop, so it was as if he had gone out for a drive and could be back any minute. there were no answers to anything, like he just vanished out of thin air. except for those strange emails he had supposedly sent about falling in love and coaster rica, which to the cops, said clark, seemed perfectly reasonable. not hard to imagine that a lovestruck man might want to leave the snow and ice of edmonton behind and skip off to the tropics. the sky send these emails to his friends and we are going well, that strange, but maybe he did go to costa rica. stranger things have happened. you never know. that is how clark felt before he stepped through the looking glass. coming up, detective clark is about to follow john altinger s trail into a strange place of make-believe , and up-and- coming directors makeshift movie studio. it s a suspense thriller, actually. it s a short film. as soon as they called me on the phone, i got this weird chill. when dateline continues. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i m losing weight, i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risk. that s the power of we. check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. you re the one that i want nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo,. you re the one that i want .the monthly one-and-done you want. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. [coughing] copd isn t pretty. i m out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. what a wonderful world [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. condominium, as you can see, looked like anything because breathing should be beautiful, but a crime scene. there were no signs of a struggle, no blood. it was like he just stepped out for a few minutes, could be back anytime. where was he? johnny s friends were convinced something awful had happened to him. so, day after day, they prodded the police; john altinger s condominium looked like anything but a crime scene. there were no signs of a struggle, no blood. it was like he just stepped out for a few minutes and could be back anytime. where was he? and johnny s friends were convinced something awful had happened to him, so day after day, they prodded the police and finally, seven days after johnny went missing, the cops agreed to open an investigation. we just started with the basics. i said with got to start out by finding out if we can find him first so let s find the car. since john altinger s email said he had taken off for costa rica, officers went to the airport to look for that red mazda. they searched every parking lot. it wasn t here. they come through airline passenger lists. he was not on any of them. johnny s friends, meanwhile, went back to the apartment for another look and found, stashed away among his important papers, his passport. they re going oh, not getting out of the country without your passport. seemed like he had to be within driving distance but what direction where? just as the police were contemplating that puzzle, one of altinger s friends came up with another email. this one, johnny had received from a woman he met online. janet was her name, the same woman with whom he had supposedly scampered off to costa rica. they had a date and were going out on the town the night he disappeared and because he had never been to her place, she sent him an email with directions on how to pick her up and out of an abundance of caution, he sent a copy of that email to a friend of his, just in case. i can t remember the last word of the email but he says if anything happens to me, you know where i m at, and you know, laugh out loud. it wasn t a phone number or an address, but there were detailed directions to her place, so the cops drove the root, and the directions led them to this neighborhood down this alley, and to this garage rented by a guy named mark twitchell. he happened to be, in the local arts community, local celebrity. he was making a name for himself in edmonton. he had recently made a low- budget sci-fi movie so they called him up, of course, and he readily agreed to come down and open the place up. when he got here, big surprise, someone had changed the lock. he could not get in, so with permission, officers broken, had a quick look around, and found nothing. just the same, with the changed walk in the weird coincidence of the email, there were things to figure out and mark twitchell was only too happy to tag along to the police station to help out however he could. the first thing i noticed is the padlock did not look familiar to me. twitchell explained he d been using the rented garage is a soundstage most recently for what they call a teaser, a short film designed to drum up publicity , buzz, with any luck, attract enough investor money to allow him to produce a full length feature movie. it s a suspense thriller, actually. a short film. okay, so yeah, suspense thriller? of course, he had a crew in and out of the place during filming, said mark. maybe one of them was up to something but it seemed unlikely, and none of them had ever asked to borrow the set for anything. so, if there was anything like that, if somebody needed to borrow the place or whatever, then they would let me know. they d let you know. they would ask, or something like that, so no, i don t know anything about that. anyway, he said, he had moved on for now to another project. i m working on a comedy right now which is actually a full feature, with a decent budget in the neighborhood of about 3 1/2 million. in the meantime, the garage comes studio was empty, so why would someone break into the place and then change the lock, he wondered. didn t make sense. i had a padlock previously but it wasn t the same one. it was silver on the outside with a black plastic dial in the center and this one was just all metal, so. so, you notice the different padlock on the door. mystifying, said mark. he had a bad feeling about this. a man disappears after telling police he was going to the very place his movie had been shooting. as soon as they called me on the phone, i get this weird chill. what about that woman john altinger had been flirting with online, the one who gave him directions to the garage, told him she would meet him there. the woman who signed her emails jen . does the name, jen, mean anything to you? no. we don t have a jen or anything like that. so, the name jen doesn t mean anything to you? you don t know an actress named jen? so, who was this mystery woman, jen? why in the world which she arranged to meet john altinger here in the very back yard garage and independent edmonton film crew was renting for use as a studio. how odd. especially since the movies producer director, mark twitchell, expressed exactly the same confusion as the police. he didn t get it, either. the dots did not connect. mark twitchell did not know johnny from adam and besides, there was no indication johnny ever made it to the garage at all. the close friends are the ones who have come to the police and they have nothing other than his emails. there was one thing, though, and it came from mark twitchell. he wondered if maybe somebody was being set up. it just doesn t sit right, so the first thing i started asking myself is, who all knows about what we do there and what our schedule looks like and stuff like that. is the disappearance staged somehow? if someone was being fooled, who was it, and why? was all this just some big stunt even a publicity stunt? detective bill clark was thoroughly engaged by now. he had spent a career listening to criminal spender stories. maybe you could figure out if this twitchell guy was trying to play the cops somehow. he pulled the recording of the interview. and i watch an interview, i listen to what the guy says but i m looking at body language, i m looking for signs of deceit. i remember coming out of their going you know, this mark twitchell guy interviewed really well. there were no signs of deception. he is free-flowing with the information. he has answered the questions logically. i don t see any looking away, nervousness, nothing. i see nothing. and then, when police looked into twitchell s production company, they encountered a perfectly legitimate company. more than that, actually. this was a promising effort to help edmonton get some national attention as a potential center of moviemaking. mark twitchell was very good at coming up attention and money from local investors. he was a very sharp, bright, young, articulate entrepreneur. exactly the kind of individual most of us are looking for. so, he checked out. hard-working local boy in the city of hard-working people. good parents, nice young wife, sweet little daughter, on his way to becoming a celebrity here in edmonton. detectives even got a look at the teaser film for twitchell s next projects, three and half million dollar buddy comedy. that is mark in the background playing the role of director even as he was the director, sort of a hall of mirrors type story, a movie about a movie about making a movie or something. fantasy and reality all mixed up somehow. just to cover the bases, police interviewed mark twitchell s crew members and they vouched for him completely. mark twitchell came off squeaky clean. his film company was respected, as was he, and bill clark and the edmonton police back at square one by the look of things. coming up, soon, this tough cop would catch a big break. we got a phone call from a detective. the detective says you won t believe it but this guy just told me he found a red mazda out there. the missing man s car turns up when dateline continues. urns up when dateline continues. -cologuard®? 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keith morrison: (voiceover) in fact, bill clark is an old-school detective, the sort that seems to exist more on the big screen than the mean streets. in fact, clark is such a throwback, the younger guys on the fourth kid him. they call him simple it s after the old hard-nosed detective on the top show, nypd blue. i still like coming to work every day. it s just part of my life. i still have the drive. i m still excited about it. in his decades on the edmonton police force, clark and scene murder take many forms, had seen the shattering effect it has on the family. you are the one the family depends on and i take that seriously. ultimately, that is in the back of your mind, that if you don t speak for the family or the dead guy, who is going to? for clark, there is no greater satisfaction than bringing in a killer. i consider myself a pitbull. you get a case and you get your teeth into it. we want to get the guy, we want to get this guy and put them away. as for the john altinger case, this wasn t even a murder, at least, not as far as anyone new yet, so clark kept himself on a tight leash . he had yet to smell blood. he must ve come to some point where you thought oh, there is definitely foul play here. no, not at all. all that they had, after all, was a missing man, johnny, who might just have driven off somewhere with her without some mystery woman named jen. certainly that would account for the fact that his red mazda coop was gone, too, but really aside from a few curious emails that might or might not make any sense, there was not much to go on, so being cops, clark and his colleagues employed standard procedure. they double back for a second look at things, like the garage johnny was apparently headed for when he vanished. we are thinking our next step logically as the garage. so, they applied for a search warrant and it was rejected. it gets turned down because we are told we have not proven there was a crime committed. so, the next step seemed simple enough. clark went to mark twitchell directly to see if he would give permission to search the garage. he goes yeah. i says i ll need you to sign a consent form. he goes no problem. they requisitioned the form, one of the detectives drove it over to mark s place to get a signature and then, the weirdest thing. i get a phone call from the detective. the detective says to me he says you won t believe it, but the guy just told me he bought a red mazda. a red mazda and didn t john altinger drive a red mazda and was in it missing? mark twitchell had not said anything about a red mazda when he came down to the police station and spoke to the detective the night before. he said he forgot. really? why would he forget i like that ? you don t want to get tunnel vision. i for homicide investigation, don t get tunnel vision so keep an open mind so i pull myself back. there is something fishy going on. clark invited twitchell to come back down to the station for a meeting at 10:30 on sunday night, and twitchell agreed. everything you do now, we are analyzing. we caught the up arrow down our scenario. the burial and up arrow for marcuse cooperative. the missing car, big down arrow. but, that s about all clark had to work with. we are just here trying to find this john fellow, john altinger. i don t know what s happened to johnny. because, once again, as the interview proceeds, the young filmmaker is the very picture of cooperation. he volunteers information, answers questions without hesitation or guile. his demeanor is expensive. even an untrained eye can see twitchell s body language is open, comfortable, and control. so, they get to the story about the red monster. he was approached, he said, a few blocks from his rented garage by an agitated man. it was the night johnny disappeared. the man seemed desperate to get rid of his car, said mark. he offered to sell it for practically nothing. he goes well, i shacked up with this really rich lady, you know, it s like a sugar mama kind of situation and she s going to take care of me and she s going to buy me a new car will we get back from a vacation regular take. and i and okay, is there like cocaine in the truck? i m trying to figure out what the catch is here. apparently, said mark, there was no catch, and nothing wrong with the car except that it had a standard transmission, which he didn t know how to drive, so he left it parked in a friend s driveway. does he live close by? yes, a couple of blocks away. is it finally a break? the detective monitoring the interview sent a patrol car to check it out and sure enough, there it was, empty, by the look of it. nothing untoward about the car. johnny is not in the car. meanwhile, bill clark left the interview room partly to regroup, but also to see how mark would act when they left him alone, and if he was rattled, he certainly didn t show it. here, he calmly placed a call to his wife. well, i tried to answer some more questions and fill them in and everything like that and it turns out that the car is, in fact, belonging to this missing guy and that it s a huge deal. that s what this whole thing is about. what in heavens name was going on? bill clark still did not have a clue. but he might in a minute, because bill clark good cop was about to become bill clark bad cop. coming up there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you are involved in the disappearance of john altinger. you might be involved, but what was fact and what was fantasy? when dateline continues. when dateline continues. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease, and more. all in one delicious, monthly, soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus: the one you want for one-and-done protection. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. israel is saying they rescued four hostages during a raid in gaza. the hostages were kidnapped during the nova music festival october 7th last year. officials meanwhile say more than 200 palestinians were killed in strikes by israel nearby, marking one of the bloodiest single days seen in eight months of war. pro-palestinian protesters descended on the white house to voice their frustration with the president s handling of the israel hamas war so far. for now, back to dateline. almost 4:00 a.m. now, downtown edmonton. filmmaker mark twitchell was sitting in an interview room at the playstation tasking talking to his wife on the phone, fading a little. outside the room, detective bill clark watch twitchell, went over a few notes, prepared to switch tactics. it s already started. the game is on. it s me against him. i know it. he also knew, he was quite sure of it, that all evening, mark twitchell had been handing him a whole load of nonsense and expecting him to believe it but also, all evening, as detective clark listened carefully and contemplated his up arrows and down arrows i agreed with everything he said. this is not the time of the interview to start pushing. it was not the time to start confronting him. that would come later on. because, one of those down arrows led to a particular conclusion. mark twitchell thought clark was a dumb cop. twitchell was trying to play him. while you are reading him during that interview, he had been reading you. no doubt. he probably had made some judgments about your ability as an interviewer. what did he think of you, do you think? i think he didn t think i was that smart. i think he thought he was smarter than me and i believe that he felt that anything he told us, he could concoct to make us believe him. and of course, there is only one proper response to that. i just let him go then taken back through it. question-and-answer, standard procedure, just nail down the details now. now i m starting to see he s not remembering specific details. let s go back to your lunch. you are at lunch. would you go for lunch? don t remember. don t know where you want for lunch? no. so now, it was early morning. they had been at it for hours. they had taken a break and let mark twitchell sit by himself and perhaps stew a bit and now had time for clark to play a different role. we done the good cop routine. now my forte, the bad cop is coming in. this is what i like. this is what i relish. there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you are involved in the disappearance of john altinger. no doubt in my mind at all. i? now i m going to start hammering him with what i know. the problem is, i know very little. but, now that was perfectly clear to mark twitchell that he was a suspect in the disappearance and maybe a murder, his easy camaraderie seemed to shrivel. his eyes glazed with something that looked like fear . was he truly innocent? or, was something else going on, something more in keeping with his role as a storyteller? why can t you give me the version of events that night? has i m scared. as the night dragged on, twitchell doubled something about reality seeming more like some sort of fantasy. but, in the face of all of detectives clark s accusations, mark twitchell never wavered. for nearly four hours, he answered clark s questions always polite, apparently helpful, did not as much as ask for a lawyer. a by the end of the night? i got nothing. my gut instinct at that time is that the sky is involved up to his neck in this but what exactly he s done, i don t know yet, but i m going to find out. finally, at daybreak, mark twitchell let clark know he d had enough. in my being charged? not yet. am i free to go? yes. and i will. okay. and then, as bill clark escorted mark twitchell out of the building and into the early morning dark, he ups the ante a little, told twitchell he was seizing his car . then he goes he almost stopped and pulled back and he goes well, i need to get something out of it and i says you re getting nothing. i m taking that car. and, it was then, as clark approached twitchell s car to take it to the impound yard, that he noticed mark s unusual license plate personalized dark jedi. coming up. i have never in my life felt fear like that. police find witnesses who saw something that seemed like a horror movie. it s like every nightmare you had as a child after watching a scary movie, every nightmare you ve ever had. all of a sudden it s right here. when dateline continues. here. when dateline continues. is no exception. it s time you had a proven choice to help restore what s yours. opzelura is the first and only fda-approved prescription treatment for nonsegmental vitiligo. proven to help repigment skin over time. restoring what s yours. it s possible with a steroid-free cream that you can apply yourself. opzelura can lower your ability to fight infections including tb or hepatitis b or c. serious lung infections, skin cancer, blood clots, and low blood cell counts occurred with opzelura. in people taking jak inhibitors, serious infections, increased risk of death, lymphoma, other cancers, and major cardiovascular events have occurred. the most common side effects were acne and itching where applied. repigmentation is possible. ask your dermatologist today about starting or refilling opzelura. pursue it. you re the one that i want nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo,. you re the one that i want .the monthly one-and-done you want. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. diabetes can serve up a lot of questions. like what is your glucose and can you have more carbs? before you decide with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose and where it s heading no fingersticks needed. now the world s smallest and thinnest sensor sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. the #1 cgm prescribed in the u.s. try it for free at stay ahead of your moderate-to-severe eczema. and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don t change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. keith morrison: edmonton homicide detective bill clark, ask your eczema specialist along with other members of the edmonton police service, felt a little like alice in the rabbit hole. their missing man, johnny altinger, had vanished without a trace. and there were whispers his disappearance could be part of some publicity stunt. their only suspect was an aspiring movie producer, a storyteller, who stood up to a bill clark grilling with his manners intact, even though, by this time, clark couldn t edmonton homicide detective bill clark along with other members of the edmonton police service felt a little like alice in the rabbit hole. they re missing man, john altinger, had vanished without a trace and there were whispers his disappearance could be part of some publicity stunt. their only suspect was an aspiring movie producer storyteller who stood up to a bill clark grilling with his man is intact even though by this time, clark could not shake the gut feeling that this movie director was one very bad day. i was thinking he had filmed whatever he did done to johnny. i was thinking he had killed him and filmed the murder. so, as police looked through twitchell s car and home, they had the idea they might find videotape of her murder. instead, what they discovered was an affair. twitchell had a girlfriend and when his wife found out about that, she kicked him out. but, twitchell seemed, at least to the outside world, unperturbed and instead of falling apart, he simply retreated to his childhood home and moved in with his parents and so, clark paid twitchell s dad and mom a visit. they just struck me as a parent for her son does nothing wrong where s the father wanted to hear what i had to say, and he listened but he got over it. they set up a surveillance team, 24 hour watch to keep an eye on the house and twitchell, but his behavior was anything but suspicious. he went on about his business, took meetings with investors about his movie project, even picked up a $35,000 check from his financial backer. the mark twitchell i was dealing with was articulate, in control, running his project the way you would expect any entrepreneur to be running his project. in detective clark s world of up arrows and down arrows there was one more huge up arrow in twitchell s favor. motive, or that is to say the lack of one. there was no earthly reason for twitchell to kill altinger. there was no love triangle, no rivalry, there was no robbery and to put it more simply, twitchell was not a criminal. did not have a record, had never even been arrested. why would a young, married father killed a perfect stranger? so, besides twitchell, police also focus their attention on this quiet suburban neighborhood around twitchell s rented garage studio where john altinger may have gone to see a woman he met online. they went door-to-door , had anyone seen john altinger or his car or anything suspicious? they found this couple who told a story that seemed almost lifted from a horror movie. i have never in my life felt fear like that. these two, their names are marissa and trevor, were out for an evening stroll when they stepped through the looking glass. it happened when a young man came stumbling out of this alley and collapsed in front of them. he was on the ground and it was just an instant bad feeling. he looked up and said i m being robbed. can you help me? then, as if on cue, another man. in pursuit. as i looked up the attacker almost ran into me. the attacker was wearing a dark, hooded sweatshirt and a hockey mask. it s like every nightmare you have as a child after watching a scary movie. every nightmare you ve ever had. all of a sudden, it s right here. this was no bewitching hour. it was 7:30, and early autumn sun had just begun to take on the glow of a long, northern evening. neighborhood kids were still struggling home from soccer practice. is it believable to you? yes and no, because the way that he fell, to me, looked staged. to get us to stop so they could grab us. yeah, we thought it was a set up for us. so, you did not know whether he was going to assault you or whether he was running from that guy for real. exactly. then, so trevor and marissa, the masked man retreated into the alley to this garage. that is where he stood. he stood there like he was protecting something. i was like, i m getting out of here right now. trevor and marissa left the man on the ground pleading for help like some seasoned method actor and left. when i got home, they called the police, so squad cars prowled the streets as the autumn wind light angled toward the horizon but in that quiet, nothing seemed out of place. nothing amiss. that was that until weeks later when police came back here looking for john altinger . was the guy in the alley actually johnny, not an actor, was he a real victim? one of the detectives went downtown to check on the report taken from trevor and marissa, and it didn t fit. that call was taken a week before johnny disappeared. besides, no victim ever came forward. no one claimed to have been attacked by a masked man. the whole thing sounded almost like , well, like a scene from the movie. coming up, or just maybe, a tv show about a serial killer. what attracted you to director? what i loved about the show in the books is how he was able to explore that darkside, rationalize that it s okay to kill somebody because this person deserves it in a way. and dateline continues. y. and dateline continues. but this is my story. 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(mom) my turn. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. to light under the northern sun, especially with the aid of a search warrant. as bill clark and his colleagues closed in on movie maker mark strange things come to light under the northern son, especially with the head of a search warrant. as bill clark and his colleagues closed in on moviemaker mark twitchell, they seized his office computer, found in his house, and on the computer s hard drive, they found this video that looked almost like a movie. a horror movie. no, it was not a snuff film, was not john altinger s murder caught on tape. it was raw footage of one of twitchell s tease films, the one he had told the detective about the first time he d talked to him. it s a suspense thriller, actually. it s a short film. house of cards is what twitchell was calling it. get enough people talking about this and he might persuade some investor to ante up the money for a feature-length film. in house of cards, killer poses online as a flirtatious woman to entrap her victim. in this scene, it is a philandering husband who tells his wife he s heading off to the gym. but, once he arrives at the rendezvous site, the victim is dropped with a stun baton. murdered, then cut up into little bits. imagine a cross between friday the 13th and dexter. the victim in this teaser version was played by edmonton comedian, chris hayward. so, police decided to have a little chat with mr. hayward, but when they showed up at his door, hayward, no slouch when it came to the entertainment business, thought it was a prank of some sort. i worked on reality television. it was one of the first things i got into television on. they throw you curveballs and they have writers and i didn t know. i thought somebody s making this up. this can t be true. this is not a real story. police also tracked down toronto actor robert barnsley who played the starring role of the deranged mass murderer. i was thinking great sure and fill out the short film. i like the idea of this. of course i want to try to be the killer. he seemed like a very normal guy trying to do a film. very nice, very pleasant. playing a serial killer was almost too much fun, said barnsley. it got kind of scary for i enjoyed it too much. you got to be a sadist big- time. absolutely. very fun for me to play. i rather enjoyed doing it. i was thinking my to myself, that i just think i could do this and make it believable? which, said barnsley, was exactly what director twitchell seemed to want. there s a point where i had to stab the dummy through the chest with a samurai sword and he was sitting behind the chair he d be leaning in and say okay listen, when you re turning the blade, grit your teeth and really show that you re enjoying it. wait a minute, was this all about enjoying some fantasy game, pretending to be evil? detectives surfed around twitchell s computer account and discovered a facebook relationship that was all about pretending. at about the time he started filming house of cards, twitchell befriended an animal trainer and aspiring filmmaker, a woman named renee wary. and edmonton detective flew all the way to cleveland to question her, where she, right up front about it, told him about clicking on an intriguing facebook profile, dexter morgan. there was a picture of michael c hall, the actor who portrays dexter morgan on showtime. did you think you are friending the actor himself? sure, you know. what attracted you to dexter? what i love about the show in the books is how he was able to explore that darkside and rationalize that it s okay to kill somebody because this person deserved it, in a way. we flirted back and forth and i kept asking him who are you really, tell me who you are because i want to see the man behind the mask. finally, rene s facebook friend relented. no, he was not actor michael c hall, he admitted. his name was mark twitchell. once he told me who he was, i checked them out, you know. i did a lot of research online and found out that he was legitimate and he was up-and- coming. for rene, the would-be filmmaker, this seemed like her big break. he expressed interest in me and my writing styles and my ideas. what did he like about your writing style? you never said specifically. he just said i think we have, you know, like chemistry together and how we would be able to work very well together , and that we thought a lot alike. this had to be pretty exciting. yes. soon, she was intoxicated by this online collaboration and then wonder of wonders, he offered her work on his next project, the feature-length version of his short film, a film, he told her, about a serial killer. we had talked about our hypotheticals about how to kill somebody and get away with it. he told me well, you do it like dexter because dexter shows you how to do it all the time. dark? yes, but all in fun, of course, like twitchell s playful advice on eliminating, and dexter -like fashion, one of rene s rival in romance. with both her hands wrapped in duct tape, free one arm and slit the wrist. a hunters game processing kit comes with everything you need to cut the body into nice, manageable pieces. disturbing? yes but remember, all pretense. but then, a couple of weeks later, and this is what she told the police, something happened, strange and unsettling. there was a weekend-long pause in their play talk about dexter the darkside. not a single email from her friend, mark twitchell. then, when they came in with it, an apology that also had something else keeping me busy, he wrote. i m really concerned about telling anyone because of the implications. suffice it to say i crossed the line on friday. and, i liked it. crossed the line? what did that mean? coming up. was this all part of an elaborate hoax? a staged fantasy were something truly terrifying, when dateline continues. truly terrifying, when dateline continues. (man) now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade. i m officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon what causes a curve down there? who can treat this? stop typing, and start talking. it could be a medical condition called peyronie s disease, or pd. you re not alone, there is hope. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose and treat pd. visit today. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. keith morrison: (voiceover) it was choose acid prevention. halloween in edmonton, canada. halloween, a highlight in most any child s fantasy calendar, the night to be the terrible creature she it was halloween and edmonton, canada. i highlight almost any child s fennessey calendar, the night the terrible creature could never really be. mark twitchell loved halloween. spent weeks, months actually, stitching together getups, outlandish costumes. in 2008, weeks after his wife kicked him out and cops began tailing him everywhere, he decided to be ironman. built the costume in his parents garage. but, on the very witchy afternoon, hours from his planned grand entrance to a gala halloween party, as he was walking to a local coffee house to meet with potential movie investors, he was thrown to the ground by men wearing their own unique costumes. members of the s.w.a.t. team. mark twitchell was handcuffed and charged with the murder of johnny altinger. that made big headlines. police even held a press conference to announce the arrest. the reporters who had gathered were left with one juicy tidbit. we have a lot of information that he idolizes dexter. we went to his facebook page. steve was a crime reporter for the edmonton journal. he had a post that said mark twitchell is too much in common with dexter morgan and the idea that there s a man out there who is attacking strangers, innocent victims, it s almost myth. something built up by hollywood. it didn t seem like it could be real. in edmonton, the question began to circulate. had the cops been played by a clever promoter? mark twitchell is known as a prankster. people thought it was a hoax. you almost wonder whether or not he was doing it as a publicity stunt. exactly. so maybe, bill clark and the rest of the police force would wind up with red faces and not just from the cold. except, there was one little bit of news police did not announce. when they searched twitchell s car, they found a laptop and on the hard drive at that laptop, very smart detective found a deleted temporary file. a document about 40 pages long. could be described as a diary, maybe a far-fetched novel right treatment for a dexter episode. it was called sk confessions. it was a first person account written from the perspective and aspiring serial killer. i remember reading this the first day when they brought it down and i said holy mackerel, this tells us everything. except he s a professional storyteller who tells, you know, movies. they are not real. weren t you afraid you might be about to be drawn into a rabbit hole? something that might be true or not be true, it might be f&s e- absolutely. we had huge discussions about this. it read more like a work of fiction. like a story that could not possibly be true. it seems like a hoax right from the opening paragraph. this is the story of my progression into becoming a serial killer. i don t remember the exact place and time it was i decided to be a serial killer, but i remember the sensation that hit me. it was a rush of pure euphoria. there was something about exploring my dark side the greatly appealed to me. the author seemed inspired by the tv show dexter. i m a huge fan of the showtime series dexter, as you may have guessed, if you re at all familiar with the show. and a particular scene played an important role. i watched an episode of dexter where the flashback showed his father showing dexter a scan of the human brain. he identify the difference between a serial killer sprain in a normal person s brain. i was convinced that what i was was my own decision, my own path, but now i truly wondered if i had little choice at all. of genetics play a bigger role than i thought. i knew i was a psychopath further than he sociopaths because i had the perfect upbringing and no history of abuse, violence, or trauma. in sk professions, it s graphic. how the killer dispatches victims with a mental mental pipe. i thrusted in his gut. his reaction was pure hollywood. the lurch forward with the grant was dead on tv movie of the week. the little i knew at the time and the things i found, thought it was true. cops can have hunches and think what they want, but this hunches really hold up in court. sk confessions could be a make- believe story, might not be written by twitchell. it could ve been downloaded from the internet . investigators started going through sk confessions line by line, to see if they could sort out fact from fiction. and, indeed, police found details that lined up with reality. the writer in his first person account tells the reader how he used a processing kit to dismember the victim s body and police found a processing kit in twitchell s garage. the killers said he tried to burn the victim s body in an oil drum and his parents backyard. at twitchell s parents backyard, they found a burned ring on the back lawn. there was a detail about the killer getting a speeding ticket and so did twitchell about the time that johnny altinger disappeared. he joked about it about how this dumb cop didn t realize he had just killed a guy. he was now going out to celebrate and have sex with his girlfriend. the cop remembered up. it came back and we know the conversation. it was basically word for word that story told us. exactly what the sheriff told us. there was a key part of the story that could not be verified. a passage that goes on for pages about an earlier attack, but that victim got away. that part of the story read like that directly from the house of cards grip where the victim is tasered by man wearing a hockey mask and hood. it s a big part to prove it s true or not. it was a huge part. if someone had been attacked that way, you would ve heard of it. exactly. we got nothing. no call. nothing that even matches the similarity. is seem to be one part of the story that didn t make sense. they went public and released a photo of the hockey mask. that what week somebody s memory that that was me. it was a longshot, really. maybe that person did not exist. they put it out there. they waited. not for long. because, that very evening, a lonely casino security officer named gilles tetreault was puttering on his computer and saw the newspaper article online. the police appeal. they felt the blood drain from his face. that person was him. i am like, oh my god. it s the same hockey mask as i saw, that the guy was wearing. i started reading the story. oh, my god, someone got killed. that terrifying evening came crashing back into his head. it was he, gilles tetreault, who so frightened that couple out for a stroll. he picked up the phone and before long found himself in a little room with detective bill clark. in my career, it was probably the most spellbinding interview i ve ever had with a witness. now, you are about to hear that story firsthand. coming up. all of a sudden i see this man wearing this black and gold hockey mask. this guy was bigger than me. the horror story really happened. life flash before my eyes. oh, my god. my family will never see me again. again. govy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used 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[coughing] copd isn t pretty. i m out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. what a wonderful world [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. ceover) when gilles tetreault joined because breathing should be beautiful, the strange developing horror movie plot up in edmonton, gilles tetreault joined the developing horror movie plot in edmonton, canada. a man with a broken heart. lonely in a new city without the wife who had left him for another life. she just wanted to move on? she fell out of love with me, i guess. that s not easy. when he came across that lovely, intelligent woman on an online dating site and she seemed to like him? well, who could resist. she looked beautiful in her profile. i believe i made the first contact. what did she say about herself? she said she was new in town and looking to meet people. i found it a coincidence. so was i kind of thing. with a view alone and looking to meet someone. i thought this is perfect. sheena was her name. she said how about dinner and a movie. she started making excuses that i couldn t pick her up at her front door. so has stayed asked him to park in an alley and comes right back entrance, through a detached garage. she would leave the garage door open and i would go through the garage to the other side, get into the yard and knock on the back door to pick her up. i didn t have to crawl under it. i just had to squat. hopeful, unsuspecting, he walked through the garage door, the store, that leads to the back patio. i touched the not and all of a sudden somebody attacked me from behind. i turned back to look to see what s going on. that is when, all of a sudden, i see this man wearing this black and gold hockey mask. this guy was much bigger than me. prodding me with a stun gun. at first gilles couldn t tell what it was this stinging at the back of his neck. but listen to this from sk confessions? pressing the baton across the back of his neck, pulled the trigger. shocked and jump but did little more than merely alert him to what was going on. i tried to make a run for it. that s when he pulled out a gun. what is that like when somebody pulls a gun on you? terrified. i didn t know what to do. oh, my god, i think i m going to die and i cannot get away. there is no way i can escape a bullet. i felt a sick feeling. i pointed it at him and all of a sudden he took me seriously. his eyes wide. then he yells, get down on the ground. put your face down and close your eyes and put your hands in the back. he took out duct tape. he ripped off a piece. that s when he covered my eyes with them. just about then, gilles tetreault decided hits come to the moment of his death. i started tearing up. it was like life flashed before my eyes. it was quite emotional. oh, my god. my family is never going to see me again. i never told anyone where i was going that day. all of a sudden, by my legs, i hear his belt jiggling. what gilles heard was the sound of handcuffs as they neared his wrists. he said he felt the attacker was undoing his belt. i thought, he is going to rape may. i better fight for my life. i would rather die my way than his way. i knew he s going to pull the gun out again. you know what? if it kills me, it kills me. gilles makes his move. i darted for the gun. grabbed the end and pushed it away from my body. but this fight is far from over. he comes after me and grabs my legs. he starts dragging me back. me e of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. hi, i m janice and i lost 172 pounds on golo. now clinically proven a friend told me that i was the only one holding me back from being as beautiful on the outside as i am on the inside. once i saw golo was working i felt this rush. golo really works. norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is. xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal. i know. faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? he d been lured into a garage then assaulted by a masked man gilles tetreault was in a battle for his life. had been lured into a garage and assaulted by masked man with the gun. now he is determined to turn the tables. get up and rip off the duct tape and i yell at them. i said, i can t do this. i m not going down like this. he started yelling at me. it back down on the ground. back down on the ground. i darted for the gun. grabbed the end and pushed it away from my body. he got back to his feet, having removed the duct tape. when i pointed the gun at him again, he grabbed a. it was the best feeling i felt in my life because i felt plastic when i grabbed it. immediately. who suddenly realized? it was a fake gun. i think i might ve seen a gleam that indicated he felt the gun construction a realized it was not real. i grabbed him by the arms and we re struggling all over the garage. according to sk confessions, by fighting back, had taken the story off script. overestimating the stun baton is a mistake i would not repeat. i should ve just pounded him on the back of the head while he was down until he lay unconscious on the floor. i tried to kick him. he saw me going to do that, so he actually went and swiped my leg and i almost fell down. i almost lost my shoe. i am thinking, i can t get down. if i get down on the ground, you are cooked. exactly. s adrenaline had been pumping and he was unaware how the shock from the stun baton had sapped his strength. my muscles could not move. i was so weak. he goes forward and tries to headbutt meet me. that s when he says, because you did not cooperate, this is the way it has to be. he starts punching me in the head. he stumbled back with every blow, closer and closer to the open garage door. i am letting him punch me. he punches me again. he grabs my jacket so i slipped out of my jacket and ruled under the garage door. i made it out of the garage. i start to try to run. all of a sudden, it s like my legs were paralyzed. i could not move. i fell on my face. a nightmare where you can get away from that monster. i start crawling away on this unpaved driveway. sure enough, he comes underneath the garage after me. grabs my legs and he starts dragging me back. i m thinking, oh, my god, i don t know how i will get away again. i have nothing left. there s nothing else i can do. underneath the door. au he drags me back and throw me back into the garage underneath the door. i m thinking, he does not have a hold of me anymore. this is my chance. i can maybe get away again and i roll underneath the garage door. i got back up, and in my head, i was like, there is no way i am not running this time. terrified. exhausted, gilles tetreault ran 30 or 40 feet to this pedestrian path and that s when he collapsed in front of trevor and marissa. i look up and i see a couple walking their dog. i couldn t really talk. all i could say is there s a man after me. he is trying to mug me, please, help me. they looked stunned. they didn t know what was going on. to me, felt like it was taking the masked man forever to come after me. but he came running after me. he comes close to me and i tell him them, that s the man. as i looked up, the attacker almost ran into me. once he saw the couple, he said, come on, frank. the guy was pretending they were friends. he was pretending he was going to live the mask like we were playing. then he does. he turns around and starts walking back to the garage. i stared back at them through my mask and then headed back for the cover of my layer. it was only once he arrived safe at home that gilles tried to put it together. how? what in the world just happened? who was the man behind the mask? and why had he been attacked? i decided i need to go back onto that online dating website. i want to get as much information as i can so i can give it to police. i go back on and all of a sudden, everything was gone. her profile was gone. although sent and received messages i got from the person were all gone. what is it like to be sitting alone in front of your computer with that realization in your head? it felt almost ashamed. i can t believe i got duped by this woman. i just want to put this behind me. i want to move on. and did not call the police. no, did not. i had no idea. for weeks, i had nightmares. i kept githinking, maybe this g is following me. maybe he s going to attack me again. i was terrified. i was facing him there with a gun. a month after his journey into the twilight zone, gilles tetreault was giving bill clark a videotape blow-by-blow of the assault. there s no doubt he is being truthful. the cops had real evidence that sk confessions was all true. except, it was not quite complete. it was a story without an end. the part we never had, we never had johnny. johnny altinger. the victim who it seemed did not escape from this suburban garage, still no sign of him. unless, just about then the detectives uncovered some of the, updated version of sk confessions. there was one more chapter. in which the killer leaves a clue. impossible to resist. the police take mark twitchell on a journey to the place where something evil had happened. here we are back at the killing garage. killing garage. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease, and more. all in one delicious, monthly, soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus: the one you want for one-and-done protection. i still love to surf, snowboard, or neurologic disorders. and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol s extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. i m richard lui. is real saying it rescued four hostages during a raid in gaza who had been kidnapped by hamas during the music festival october 7. officials say more than 200 palestinians were killed by airstrikes nearby. marks one of the bloodiest single days and eight months of war so far. a 3-year-old horse took the victory in the 156 running of the belmont stakes. there was no triple crown champion is over two different winners in the kentucky derby and preakness stakes. loved the tv show dexter, was so taken with the whole idea the would be movie direction or dashed director loved the tv show dexter. so taken with the whole idea that he posted this online ad, attempt to sell the script for his house of cards short film as if it were an original dexter episode. in fact, the story of his computer, the one called sk confessions is a lot like an episode of the tv show. now, here in his rented garage, police found what looked like a kill room. there was plastic sheeting. autopsy table. all matching the careful descriptions in sk confessions. what the killer could not learn from dexter s how to dispose of the body. the tv dexter lives in miami, dumps his victims in the atlantic. but, edmonton in the middle of thousands of square miles of farmland and oilfields has hundreds of miles from the ocean and that fact seem to have stymied the sk controller who up had no idea how to get rid of the remains. perhaps it never occurred to him to put the body in the trunk of a car and drive it past city limits and bury it behind some old abandoned barn. so, according to sk confessions, tried burning them. that did not work. he thought about throwing them in the saskatchewan river there one town but was afraid someone would see him. he finally decided to toss them down one of the thousands of storm drains. the diary had got to a point where he talked about dumping the body in a sewer and then it ended. by this time, clark believed that the diary was true. all of it. without a body in a case as bizarre as this one, how could any jury be sure any important parts of this sk confessions wants some fantasy from the dark side? clark confronted twitchell with the evidence hoping he would confess. this reminds me of dexter. kill room. clean sweep. you were referring to your garages a kill room. your garage was a kill room. the table is the killed table. it s where you carved him up. i will show you that later but all the blood seeps underneath. the dude dna matching. when i say the show dexter, and you ve seen the show. it s all modeled after dexter. you know that. you kind of look like the guy. i look at that picture, i saw the one on your website, you even look the same. he kills people who needs killing. these guys who get off in court. the guys get off on technicality. he kills people who needs killing. the difference here is you killed a guy who really was no harm to society. there was no response at all. the next day clark and another detective took twitchell and drove him around edmonton hoping he would give up information. what was his demeanor like? defiant. assiduous show is where the body is. will show us where johnny is and drove right here. parked in front of his parents house. after that? mark twitchell was taken to a place that was the center of his life. here we are the killing garage. the dexter garage. look familiar? we parked on top of the sewer where you d dumped the body? jog your memory. clark even took twitchell to the back of the garage, the suspect a crime scene, hoping it would trigger some level of remorse. bring back any memories? want to tell us where the body is? get this over with? okay. back in the car, another detective heard of camera starts working on twitchell. you humiliate your victim. knocked him over the head. carve him up. chop him up. this pales in comparison. twitchell said nothing, at least not in person. he had said plenty in sk confessions, if he was the author. the document was incomplete, ending in a jumble of unrecoverable computer code. com hon, we are to the point where he dumped the body and we don t know the location. a detective did a slow, methodical search through the desktop computer found in twitchell s home, and it paid up. on the computer, once deleted but now found was yet another version of sk confessions with a view tantalizing paragraphs describing the location of the victim s remains. he talks about a specific sewer. how it s off an alley in a grassy area, and an old neighborhood. he talks about telephone poles in the alley. only certain neighborhoods here have telephone poles. the older ones. that s about the time bill clark became a man obsessed. we were pulling manhole covers up. i d be with a flashlight and looking down. we would call the city crews in. nothing. enough to make a person doubt his sanity. coming up. police were about to get some help. a man that open the case. they stopped right here. a year and a half later, where did you find the body? right down there. and with vitiligo, the pursuit for your pigment is no exception. it s time you had a proven choice to help restore what s yours. opzelura is the first and only fda-approved prescription treatment for nonsegmental vitiligo. proven to help repigment skin over time. restoring what s yours. it s possible with a steroid-free cream that you can apply yourself. opzelura can lower your ability to fight infections including tb or hepatitis b or c. serious lung infections, skin cancer, blood clots, and low blood cell counts occurred with opzelura. in people taking jak inhibitors, serious infections, increased risk of death, lymphoma, other cancers, and major cardiovascular events have occurred. the most common side effects were acne and itching where applied. repigmentation is possible. ask your dermatologist today about starting or refilling opzelura. pursue it. you re the one that i want nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo,. you re the one that i want .the monthly one-and-done you want. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. diabetes can serve up a lot of questions. like what is your glucose and can you have more carbs? before you decide with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose and where it s heading no fingersticks needed. now the world s smallest and thinnest sensor sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. the #1 cgm prescribed in the u.s. try it for free at stay ahead of your moderate-to-severe eczema. and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don t change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. keith morrison: (voiceover) bill clark was one ask your eczema specialist deeply frustrated detective. for months he d been a man obsessed, bill clark was one deeply frustrated detective. for months, he d been obsessed. peering into the sewers of edmonton and search for the missing johnny altinger. then? after 1.5 years, call from the city jail, and meet wanted to talk to detectives. his name, mark twitchell. he handed over a print out of this google map. at the bottom of the page there was a handwritten note. location of johnny altinger s remains. it was one block south of his parents house and that alley. this is the alley behind the home. it matched perfectly with the description from sk confessions, and in fact, this area had been searched by police a year and a half earlier. they pulled all these sewers all the covers? all the covers. they searched each one and they found nothing. this block, this area, and they sent cameras down the lines where they go down the lines and sneak them down and found nothing. where do they stop? about where you and i are standing. a year and a half later, where did you find the body? right down there. five telephone poles down half a block from where we stopped the search. this was johnny altinger s tomb. there is a piece of trash he probably thought it would get washed away. deteriorate to a point where it would be unidentifiable or no one would look. no one would ever look. why weeks before his murder trial was set to begin did mark twitchell give up johnny altinger s body? there must ve been a reason. because of all the publicity the case generated, the judge slapped a gag order on the press, the police, everybody. which is one the first day of the trial, the disclosure that altinger s body had been uncovered catches everyone by surprise. the reporter is written a book about the case. it doesn t get more explosive than that. it was new information no one had heard before. the trial only got more bizarre is the prosecution unveiled for the first time sk confessions. sitting in the courtroom became a journey deep into the wilderness of a mind of darkness. horde details were written down. no detail was not told within this document. it sounds just like it is fiction, like a script, but when you step back you realize it s a real person. it is a real man who has been murdered. was johnny altinger murder? twitchell admitted he dumped the remains down the storm drain, he never said he murdered him. never admitted he was the author of sk confessions. detectives knew they would need more than this document to get a conviction. the quietly build a case on csi basics. take the garage. this is what it looked like during the normal light of day. and this is a photo taken from the same angle minutes later once the floor was sprayed with luminal, the chemical that makes blood glow. huge spots in the garage would indicate pooling of blood. we found a piece of a human tooth in the garage. we found blood spatter along the walls and the garage door. hundreds of spots where repeating had taken place. also? csi investigators found this gang processing kit. hunters would take it to cut up a moose or whatever they have killed. this is what he used and every single tool in the kit had our victim s dna on it. in his car, police found other hard evidence. we find a knife and there. a knife with blood. visible blood? visible blood and it matches johnny altinger. he left it in the car? and the car is a gold mine . it absolutely blows the case wide open. there are yellow sticky notes on the console. one has a map drawn from the garage to johnny altinger s apartment. he kept everything. wrote everything down. after the presentation of the hard evidence, his coworkers were called to testify. one of the first was the actor who played the victim in house of cards. on his way to court that morning, he worried. what would happen if twitchell is acquitted? i feel he would probably kill me. chris was not alone. rene was unsettled too the day she testified but for another reason altogether. i didn t want to feel judge. because? i have dark thoughts and i shared them with a serial killer. johnny altinger s friend testified. there was nervousness, for sure. and a lot of sadness that day for me. all i can do is speak for john and the person he was. a nice man. definitely. if things had not turned out the way it did, he would ve found what he was looking for in life. it was the first time she had gotten a clear look at mark twitchell . he seemed like a normal, average person off the street. that is what disturbed me. twitchell remained stonefaced even when his wife took the stand. she is crying through all of this. mark twitchell s reaction was nearly blank. when this video was shown a chord during bill clark s testimony, twitchell became unraveled. he starts to cry and tears are streaming down his face. he is getting hysterical. the judge recognized and they took a break. when it comes back after the break, mark twitchell is no better. still very upset and he is crying. he actually faces detective clark and he starts talking to him. he said i am sorry for lying to you. this is extraordinary. you never have the accused talking to one of the primary investigators in the middle of their murder trial. this was far from the strangest moment of the trial. that came in the case for the defense when the attorney called it one witness. mark twitchell. the room was packed. i think everyone was on the edge of their seat wondering what does this guy going to say? twitchell finally had an audience. when he had been waiting 2.5 years to tell. what a story it was. he said you could blend fiction and reality so closely together that everyone would be fooled. fooled. [coughing] copd isn t pretty. i m out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. what a wonderful world [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. hi, i m kevin and i ve lost 152 pounds on golo. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. i decided to give golo a try. taking the release supplement i noticed a change within the first week and each month the weight just kept coming off. with golo you can keep the weight off. keith morrison: (voiceover) in mark twitchell s trial, the defense had but one witness, twitchell himself. and right from the start, he admitted in mark twitchell, they had one witness. right from the start, he admitted killing johnny altinger . then, he told the jury a story. he said what he has done is cooked up this idea that you could blend fiction and reality so closely together that the people, everyone would be fooled into thinking what is fiction is actually reality. house of cards and sk confessions said twitchell worded very the building blocks to a entertain the concept of book and film. there was more. more twisted reality. to generate publicity, he said he first needed to create an online urban legend by doing a series of harmless staged attacks identical s to those depicted in this movie and novel. so when his movie comes out and when the novel comes out, people would googled this and find out there s this urban legend that maybe the movie is real. maybe fiction is reality. he called a? multi-angle psychosis/psychosis label entertainment. sitting on the beach and there s a palm tree and a beach in front of you but when you pull back, it s not a beach but a picture of a beach. the attack on geo tetra was just a stunt. he allowed his parade to escape. and johnny altinger? that was week too just like the first one. but johnny didn t get the joke and furious there was no woman to greet him, tap twitchell with a pipe. he s got this knife on his belt and he tells the jury in his testimony that he puts his hand on the handle of the knife and just as johnny is about to come at him, his lifting the pipe over his head and mark twitchell sticks his hands out in front of him and the next thing he sees is the knife in johnny s stomach and blood is on his hands and he collapses on the floor and dies. the only inaccuracy is the initial attacker was johnny altinger and he , mark twitchell, disposed of the body and the sewer. police have their answer as to why twitchell gave up the body. it was the prologue of his elaborate tail. his defense is a brilliant idea on the surface. he actually found a way to describe an entire police investigation that incriminated him to get him off scott free. in ohio, rene was following all of this online. i watched the live blog they had, and i was screaming my head off at home. you liar. were you afraid the jury would believe him? oh, yeah. you are looking at for the one person that has that doubt. take the doubt back to the deliberation room. gilles tetreault was in course dash cart the day it was completed. i got to sit in the second row. she looked back, my mom, and saw me. i didn t know how she would feel. she turned around and looked at me. she smiled. she grabbed my hand. she said i m so happy you are still with us. that meant so much to me. what was that like? i didn t know how she would feel toward me. when she did that, it was almost another closing moment for me. not for others in the courtroom. apparently not for the jury s deliberations dragged on. the time rolled on. people are thinking maybe there is someone out there who actually does believe mark twitchell. mark twitchell was a masterful liar, maybe this ultimate fantasy would beguile the jury. then that final audience trooped back into the courtroom and gave him his last review. they found him guilty of the premeditated first-degree murder of johnny altinger . he was sentenced to life in prison. i have never been involved in an investigation in my whole career. you theorizes someone has died. there is no doubt we don t always get it right. here we knew exactly what happened to johnny. because he told you. he told us. ultimately, johnny lettuce to a . and twitchell kept writing about it. he would ve kept writing dash cart killing. i did mark twitchell murder johnny altinger? was it a thrill killing? or something even darker? i think he wanted to experience the feeling of killing and dismembering a body. i think down the road, he was going to produce a film about it . he would be a producer who would tell his cast and crew and actors how to do it and only to himself he would know he has lived it. i think that is what he wanted to do. an ohio, rene, twitchell s friend, arrived at the same disturbing theory. i think he did it for artistic reasons. artistic reasons? i think he wanted to see how someone died so he could make a better story. film it better. write about a better. in fact, mark twitchell himself offered an answer to all the people who wondered why. he was different, he wrote in his sk confessions. he simply could not feel anyone. and so, intentionally or not, he offered a dismal reason for murdering a perfect stranger. it was a single line at the end of that horror movie of his house of cards when the killer tells his wife the best way to succeed is to write what you know. this is this is someone at a park at 3:00 am. i am andrea kncanning and this is dateline. i can t believe she would meet someone at a park at 3:00 a.m. i think she knew the second she got in his car that something was wrong. a college student disappears. i d liketo

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