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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180731 08:00:00

post is they are quoting officials with information on this matter. one or two icbms are currently being built. the liquid fuel intercontinental ballistic missiles which means they take longer to set up because the liquid fuel is not easily stored inside the missile. what it does mean, according to the u.s. official, it gives the united states a head s up when one is being mantled. a u.s. official telling cnn that this report from the washington post is consistent with what they believe. the u.s. and intel community and around the world has been saying that kim jong-un is continuing his proper duduction activity. he did not fully agree to denuclearization. he said he would work toward denuclearization. those were the words in the singapore summit. this is not much of a surprise. the big challenge for the united states at this point is to try
the president s press team is not coordinating with rudy giuliani concerning his comments on behalf of mr. trump s legal team. that was apparent monday when giuliani made a series of bizarre claims on cnn s new day. including the fact he is not sure collusion with russia is even a crime. the criminal code does not include the word collusion, but it is understood as a broad term that could include who amore spc crimes like conspiracy. giuliani said several aides met for a pre-meeting to discuss strategy at trump tower. lannie said there was a meeting two days before with donald junior and jared and gates and one other person. it is important to know, rick gates, the right-hand man to
Get a jump on the day s news with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs.
of. back to you. devastating. nick, thank you. republicans relentlessly attacked president obama when he offered to meet rivals without pre-conditions. now trump will do the same for iran. we are live in tehran. oh! oh! ozempic®! (vo) people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? (vo) and you may lose weight.
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97% of the benefits would go to the top 10% of the income earners in the united states. rejecting the threat to shutdown the government in september if he doesn t get the border wall. at least for now. finish up the measures. we have been considering several days and take more steps to the goal of cop completing the appropriations process and funding the government in a timely manner. if the president wants to shutdown the government, that is his prerogative. i don t think it will be necessary. even the member of the president s own party are learning to shrug off or ignore his impulses. still, the president persists reiterating the shutdown threat on monday. after many, many years of talk within the united states, i would have no problem doing a
shutdown. it s time we had proper border security. now according to a white house aide, john kelly is trying to soothe anxious members of the legislative affairs office. kelly saying the president is still on board with the agreement struck with republican leadership at a meeting that did not include threats of a shutdown. the super rich koch brothers sending shock waves through the republican party. they will not support congress member kevin cramer. this group is frustrated with the gop and taking americans for granted. the koch members are raising the bar. if you want to know how influential they are, they plan to spend $400 million in the two-year election cycle.
a shift for the party. ahead, lebron james taking on the president s attitude toward athletes. he is trying to take on our sport. what else king james says about the national anthem protest. ahead on early start. gs to know about medicare. mport first, it doesn t pay for everything. say this pizza is your part b medical expenses. this much - about 80% - medicare will pay for. what s left is on you. that s where an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company comes in. this type of plan helps pay some of what medicare doesn t. these are the only plans to carry the aarp endorsement for meeting their high standards of quality and service. so call unitedhealthcare insurance company today and ask for your free decision guide. with this type of plan, you ll have the freedom to
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call unitedhealthcare today i m a small business, but i have. big dreams. and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees. feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes. just like that. like everything. the answer is simple. i ll do what i ve always done. dream more, dream faster, and above all. now, i ll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america s largest gig-speed network. i m ready to meet any time they want to. i don t do that from strength or weakness. it is an appropriate thing to do. do you have pre-conditions for that meeting in. no pre-conditions. they want to meet, i ll meet. the words a sharp departure from the tweets last week.
remember the all caps you will suffer the consequences and be cautious? the president has long been a critic of tehran with his administration pursuing a strategy many see as regime change. cnn s oren liebermann is live in jerusalem. reporter: laura, a stunning about face. nine days ago that trump sent the all caps tweet saying never ever threaten the united states again or you will suffer the consequences in which few in history have suffered about. now it is a reconciliation tone. now after blasting former president obama for the same idea for meeting with iran. now donald trump doing so. trump appeared to offer a slight hedge saying he would be willing to meet as long as they can work out something meaningful.
it is up to secretary of state mike pompeo offering the conditions with a way of iran denuclearization. as for iran, how have they taken this sudden about face? not well, it seems. iranian parliament saying backing out of the iran nuclear deal is worse than any pre-condition. he says the washington hostile measures to put economic pressure on the country says there is no room for talks. now president trump is willing to meet without pre-conditions and iran is far from willing to do the same. oren, thank you. les moonves will remain in his job while the network investigates sexual misconduct allegations against him. the board is lining up an outside law firm to investigate the story. no other action was taken at monday s meeting. it has postponed the stockholder
meeting scheduled for august 10th. moonves responded to the allegation was a statement saying he has promoted a culture of respect and opportunity for all employees, but admitting there were times decades ago when he made women uncomfortable by making advances. 21 states trying to stop the release of plans for building 3d printable guns. they want to withdraw from the plan s designer. eight states arguing the trump administration action would allow terrorists to download untraceable weapons. because of the designs have been posted online, by sunday, more than 1,000 people already downloaded the plans to print an ar-15 style rifle. no more snow days in one
south carolina school district thanks to technology. officials in anderson county school district announcing on social media when roads are too treacherous, teachers will send assignments to the kids on the school supplied chrome books. only a small percentage of students attended the make-up days. south carolina has very little snow fall each year. lebron james believes donald trump is using sports to sow division in the country. lebron speaking to don lemon after the opening of i promise school for the at risk kids in akron, ohio, on monday. he pointed to which the president has taken advantage of displays of dissent to stir disco discord. kaepernick, who was a protester in something he believed in and he did it in the most calm fashion.
you look at the nfl players still kneeling. you look at staff. you look at all of the instances why he is trying to divide our sport. sport is the reason we come together. lebron says his voice has to be about more than just sports. a lot of socially conscious athletes out there today. particularly james and curry. the nfl and nba. the new signs the north koreans are building missiles outside of pyongyang. a and the first trial of paul manafort starts today. don t expect much on russia at paul manafort s trial. sto gsid. pack in even more adventure with audible. with the largest selection of audiobooks. audible lets you follow plot twists off the beaten track. or discover magic when you hit the open road. with the free audible app,
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new revelations overnight that north korea could be building new missiles. the work picking up after the singapore summit. we re live in seoul. paul manafort s trial begins today on financial crimes. a lot riding on the case against the president s one-time campaign chief. and the carr fire in california now chewing up over 100,000 acres. 19 people remain missing in one of the most destructive fires in state history. good morning. welcome back to early start. i m dave briggs. i m laura jarrett. 30 minutes past the hour. new signs that north korea could be building more missiles. the washington post reporting that satellite images show work is under way on the intercontinental ballistic
missiles in the suburb of pyongyang. if true, the work of the icbms would be a serious blow to the diplomatic efforts between president trump and kim jong-un. for the latest, let s bring in paula hancocks in seoul. paula. reporter: laura, we are hearing from a u.s. official that the report from the washington post is consistent with the intel community. the public is saying that kim jong-un is continuing with his intercontinental ballistic missile construction. one of two being constructed at the research facility outside pyongyang. now we are hearing from the u.s. official that the liquid fuel is less of a wore to the united states. basic worry i to the united states. basically because it takes long to get the liquid fuel in the missile and ready for launch.
the u.s. intelligence services would have advance warning of this happening. we heard from secretary of state mike pompeo saying that north korea continues to produce fi u fissile material. there is no agreement between kim jong-un and donald trump over denuclearization. he said he would work toward denuclearization. the big issue is to find out what north korea has within the program so when kim jong-un gives his inventory saying he is willing to give that up, is that everything? does he have more he is trying to hide? north korea is suggesting this is what they have done in the past and they are not transparent. laura. so many questions remain. thank you, paula. jury selection begins later this morning in the trial of
paul manafort of financial crimes. the first public test of robert mueller and prosecutors. although russia is not the focus of the proceeding. we have more from cnn s evan perez in washington. reporter: dave and laura, paul manafort, the former campaign chairman, is going on trial in virginia on federal tax and bank fraud charges. this is the first trial to come from robert mueller s investigation. don t expect the trial to be about russia or collusion or president trump. prosecutors and attorneys plan to stick closely to the issues in the charges which have to do with the government s accusations that manafort used secret foreign bank accounts to hide millions of dollars he earned working for the ukrainian government and failed to report it to the irs. manafort has pleaded not guilty to the charges. in the hours before jury selection begins, the two sides
are squaring off over what evidence the jury will be allowed to see. blocking from 50 pieces of evidence, including e-mails and photos that they say are irrelevant and prejudicial. the prosecutors say the evidence is important to show how manafort earned $60 million working as a political consultant for the ukrainian government. manafort faces another trial later this year on charges from washington, d.c. dave and laura. a white house official confirming the obvious. the president s press team is not coordinating with rudy giuliani concerning the legal team. that was apparent on monday when giuliani made a bizarre series of claims on new day. including he is not sure collusion with russia is even a crime. for context, the criminal code doesn t use the word collusion,
but it could include crimes like conspiracy. giuliani suggested before the meeting in 2016 at trump tower, several aides met for a pre-meeting to discuss the strategy. lannie said there was a meeting two days before with donald junior and jared and gates and one other person. it is important to know, rick gates, the right-hand man to paul manafort, is cooperating with the robert mueller investigation. after requests for clarity, rudy giuliani later said the meeting never happened and insists his description came from questions by reporters. this story keeps changing, dave. the former head of the human resources of fema accused of trading sex for jobs. cnn reviewed a summary of the preliminary investigation. finds cory coleman experienced relationships with female
subordinates. he pressured the women and demoted them if they tried to deny him. the first accusation dates 2015. his name does not actually appear in the summary, but a source confirms he is the subject of the report. coleman resigned when they approved him for the interview. the allegations are deeply disturbing. cnn has been unable to reach coleman for comment. a federal court in california ordering broad changes in how the government detains and treats migrant children in the facilities. it is requiring the government to stop imposing conditions that delay releasing minors to parents or relatives. the judge said the government violated a 1997 settlement that dictates how refugee children are to be treated in the system. the justice department declined to comment. progress is slow, but it is being made as crews battle the carr fire raging in northern california. the monster blaze has consumed
more than 103,000 acres and it is 23% contained. six people have died and 19 are missing. more than 1,100 structures burned making it the seventh most destructive fire in california history. one girl doing what she can to help. chelsea recording her daughter handing out burritos to firefighters working the carr fire. we get more from nick watt in redding, california. reporter: dave and laura, firefighters fighting this fire have described it as chaotic and unpredictable. they talk about how a gust of wind at any moment can cause a problem. this fire started more than a week ago. this fire was under control for a few days until the weather conditions turned. temperatures soared and humidity dropped. this fire using fuel with the
dead vegetation just spread through the area. it is interesting to note that of the top 12 biggest fires in california, 7 of them have taken place since 2015. the personal cost here has been huge. six people have been killed. two firefighters. what will happen next with the fire? well, the forecast is for 100 degree temperatures for the rest of the week and no rain in that forecast and that could make this fire tricky to get ahold of. back to you. devastating. nick, thank you. republicans relentlessly attacked president obama when he offered to meet iran s leaders without pre-conditions. now trump will do the same for iran. we are live in the middle east.
don t do that from strength or from weakness. i think it is an appropriate thing to do. do you have pre-conditions for that meeting? no. they want to meet, i ll meet. president trump s words on a sharp departures from the words he used last week. he forgot the all caps of the consequences. the president has long been a critic of tehran with his administration pursuing a strategy many see as regime change. cnn s oren liebermann is live in jerusalem. he cleaned this up? reporter: president trump making the stunning about face from the language of iran suffering consequences the likes of few have suffered in history. going after the regime and now being able to meet without pre-conditions in what sounded like a reconciliation tone from
president trump who has been a harsh critic of the iran nuclear deal. he said there has to be a possibility of something meaning coming from the talks. that may be a bit of a hedge, but secretary of state mike pompeo spoke to cnbc to clarify what trump meant to meet without pre-conditions. if the iranians demonstrate the changes to how they treat their own people and agree it is worthwhile to enter a nuclear agreement that actually prevents proliferation, then the president is prepared to sit down and have a conversation with them. reporter: this apparent about face looks like the one president trump did when it came to north korea. using harsh rhetoric against them and then sitting down with kim jong-un.
critics against former president obama over the same. let s see if they are quiet over the sudden meeting with iranian leaders. iranian parliament said breaking the deal means there is no possibility of talks. secretary of state is now the translator. oren, thank you. senate republicans rejecting the president s threat to shutdown the government in september if he doesn t get funding for the border wall. at least for now. we will finish up the set of appropriation measures and we will take four steps to the goal of completing the regular appropriations process and funding the government in a timely and orderly manner. the president wants to shutdown the government. you know, that is his prerogative. i think it would be a mistake and i don t think it will be necessary. even members of the
president s own party are learning though shrug off or ignore his sporadic impulses. still the president persists reiterating the shutdown threat on monday. after many, many years of talk within the united states, i would have no problem doing a shutdown. it s time we had proper border security. now according to a white house aide, chief of staff john kelly is trying to soothe members of the white house legislative affairs office. he is still on board with the agreement struck with the republicans that did not include a shutdown. the billionaire koch brothers sending shockwaves through the republican party. they will not support republican congress member kevin cramer in the race to unseat heidi
heitkamp. the group is frustrated with the state of the gop and feels taken for granted. the president of americans for prosperity, the political arm of the koch network says its members are raising the bar. 4:46. a check on cnn money. a rocky year for tyson foods and the trade wars not helping. tyson lowered profit forecast for the year nearly 12% yesterday. as uncertainty of tariffs send chicken and pork prices lower. the company stock is down 26% for the year. also not helping is the business is a huge oversupply of frozen meat. storing a record 2.5 billion pounds of beef, chicken, pork and turkey according to the u.s. department of agriculture. tyson will not get the bump it anticipated from the lower corporate tax rate republicans passed last year.
saving 10% less than expected. on september 11th, president trump gets the full bob woodward. the reporter releases fear. his first book on the traumump administration. mr. trump told woodward that fear is the source of the real power. it is based on notes, including some handwritten by the president. a source tells cnn woodward went back to his shoe-leather reporting of watergate days knocking on doors at night convincing dozens of white house officials and sources to talk to him all on tape. judging by the past of one of the great reporters of our time. this will not be fire and fury. there will be sourcing in the book. can you imagine bob woodward showing up at your door? ahead, lebron james taking on the president s attitude
toward athletes. he is trying to divide our sport. at the end of the day, sport is the reason we all come together. what else lebron tells cnn about the national anthem protests and opening his legacy school in ohio yesterday. when i received the diagnoses, i knew at that exact moment . i m beating this. my main focus was to find a team of doctors. it s not just picking a surgeon, it s picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. visit
company investigates sexual misconduct allegations. the board states allegations by six women were reported. no action was taken on monday s meeting and postponed the annual stockholder meeting for august 10th. moonves says he has introduced a cultu culture and opportunity for all employees. he admits decades ago he may have made women uncomfortable by making advances. the guardians of the galaxy cast standing by james gunn. three signing an open letter asking disney to reinstate gunn. gunn for his part accepted the decision and apologized for how he conducted himself. the cast says in the letter, we are not here to defend his jokes of years ago, but rather to share our experience having
spent many years together. the character gunn has shown in the wake of his firing is consistent. gunn has not commented on the cast letter. police officers shot and killed an armed suspect last month will not face criminal charges. i will [ bleep ] shoot you. what? i didn t do nothing. 31-year-old thurman belielev was shot and killed on june 23rd. the incident caught on the officers body cams. the announcement that no charges will be filed were interrupted by members of the
victim s family. quickly and intense and rapidly evolving situations. needed to be taken into account. we want the officers arrested in the next 48 hours or there will be further consequences. that is all we have to say. mike freeman, you better think long and hard about prosecuting these officers. if you don t elections finish that. prosecutors say the officers are both white says blevins turned for them. a gun was recovered from his body. and 21 states trying to stop plans for building 3d printable guns. they are asking the trump administration to withdrawal from the settlement. eight states have filed suit saying this would allow
criminals and terrorists to download undetectible weapons. people are not supposed to be able to legally download plans for the guns until wednesday, but because of the designs being posted online, by sunday, more than 1,000 people already had downloaded plans to print an ar-15 style semiautomatic assault rifle. lebron james believes president trump is using sports to sow division in the country. lebron speaking to don lemon after the opening of the i promise school for at risk kids in akron, ohio on monday. he poibsays the president has t advantage of the displaces of dissent to stir discord. kaepernick, who was a protester in something he believed in and he did it in the most calm fashion. you look at the nfl players still kneeling.
you look at steph and lynch. you look at the reasons why he is trying to divide our sport. po sport is the reason we come together. lebron says his voice has to be more than sports. a check on cnn money. global markets are higher and so are u.s. futures. this is after the nasdaq closed 1% lower. it marked the first time nasdaq had three consecutive declines of 1% or more in nearly three years. the index was pushed by falling technology stocks. facebook and netflix and alphabet all started the week in the red after two members of the group booked investors by growing more slowly than expected. another stock expected this week? moviepass.
shares of the service plunged 60% because customers were having problems with the app. the stock fell 78 cents a share on monday leading to rumors it could be de-listed from the nasdaq. moviepass struggled this weekend. some reported problems checking in and others could not get tickets for mission:impossible. good news for gluten-free customers. the first ever gluten-free doughnut. it is projected to rake in $2 billion in sales by 2020. a 20% increase from 2015. according to the research company packaged facts. i m gluten free. brownie for breakfast along with the giant coffee with cream and sugar. early start continues

Missiles , Fuel , Officials , Matter , Icbms , Information , Liquid-fuel , Two , One , Head , Us- , Missile

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180803 08:00:00

Get a jump on the day s news with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs.
disconnect with trump and the national security team on the subject of russia meddling. president ranting about the russian hoax hours after his top intel officials called out the kremlin for interfering in the upcoming 2018 midterms. at the rally in pennsylvania, he ta touted about the helsinki summit. we got along really well. by the way, that s a good thing. not a bad thing. that s a really good thing. now we re being hindered by the russian hoax. everybody said that was great. a couple of hours later, i started hearing reports that, you know, they wanted me to walk up. they wanted me to walk up and go like this. son of a hours earlier, key members of the national security team appeared in the white house
briefing room to warn the country the russian election interference is ongoing. in regards to the russian involvement in the midte-term electio elections, we continue to see a pervasive messaging campaign by russia to try to weaken and divide the united states. russia attempted to interfere with the last election and continues to engage and malign influence operations to this day. this is a threat we need to take seriously and to tackle and respond to with fierce determination and focus. our democracy itself is in the crosshairs. free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy. it is clear they are the target of our adversaries to sow discord and undermine our life. dan coats told reporters he still doesn t fully understand what took place in the
worked at the u.s. embassy in moscow undetected for more than a decade before being fired last year. a senior official saying the woman worked for years with the secret service. she came under suspicion in 2016. a routine state department review found she was having unauthorized meetings with russian intelligence. she used the secret service internet and systems, but did not have access to highly classified information. there has been no comment from the state department. rick gates may testify against his former boss paul manafort as early as today. that was a big development in the manafort trial to thursday. another is manafort s bookkeeper testifying despite making millions, manafort went broke and lied to banks to secure loans. jessica schneidbrian schneidesc. reporter: first, the judge
around why people have concerns and gripe especially when they feel targeted. no, i don t feel the media is the enemy of the people. hours later, the president tweeted saying she s right. it is actually the fake news that is the enemy of the people. iran launching a military exercise in the persian gulf. likely to shutdown the oil movement through the strait of hormuz. we have nic robertson joining us near the strait. nic, good morning. reporter: good morning, dave. it is causing concern because, of course, 20% of the oil supply goes through the strait of hormuz. that is 20 to 30 miles north of
here. we are at the gulf of oman. iranian military exercises are taking place in the gulf of orman and the straits of hormuz. one reason why the oil facility here has been developed. the oil facility here actually is at the end of the pipeline that bypasses the strait of hormuz. 1.5 million barrels a day. these are piped out to sea safely here. the concern regionally and in washington is the rhetoric coming from tehran saying that if they are not allowed to sell their oil, no one will be able to pass the oil through the strait of hormuz. this is causing concern in washington with the military exercises. they describe them as involving dozens of small boats. it is not clear if this is to
lee will win the nomination defeating diane black. coming up, the nfl preseason under way. no protests. the video games show why the controversy is not going away anytime soon. it s time to takek control with stelara®. for adults with moderately to severely active crohn s disease, stelara® works differently. studies showed relief and remission with dosing every 8 weeks. woman: stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flu-like symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems.
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california over fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks. the plan calls for freezing the emissions through 2026. it would revoke california to set tougher standards which are followed by a dozen states. this is a reversal from the obama administration which worked with california and the auto industry to set fuel standa standards. california will file suit and if it wins, carmakers to face the problem of manufacturing vehicles to meet rules that vary from state to state. houston police back at the home of joseph pappas overnight responding to a call of a possible sighting. pappas is the suspect in the shooting death of mark hausknecht. the day before the killing, pappas transferred the deed to his home to a woman in ohio. pappas claimed he had a terminal
illness. the suspect has not been seen for several days. police believe pappas committed a murder over a 20-year-old grudge after his mother died during an operation that was performed by dr. hausknecht. the new york times standing by the new hire despite the racism. sarah jeong s tweets refer to dogs pissing on fire hydrants. some of the tweets were in response to frequent online harassme harassment. she engaged in what she thought at the time was counter trolling. she mimicked the language of harassers. ea sports is apologizing for
edits colin kaepernick s name out of the sound track for the maidd ma madden 2019 game. ea sports often edits vulgar content, but the company admits it made a mistake. members of the team misunderstood we don t have rights to include colin kaepernick in the game, this doesn doesn t affect sound tracks. this episode shows this national anthem issue is front and center as the nfl season begins. no protests last night. you see ray lewis firing up the crowd. ravens won 17-16. lamar jackson shine in the game. it is a big problem as they start the nfl season. the policy is on freeze and they don t know what they will do, if and when, somebody protests.
somebody will. the nfl needs to figure this ou out. they know trump will get involved. he seems to lean back on it at times. all itching for a culture r war. when he needs a distraction. life after dictatorship begins in zimbabwe. we are live in zimbabwe when we come back. smart it intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that? smarter sleep. to help you lose your dad bod, train for that marathon, and wake up with the patience of a saint. the new sleep number 360 smart bed, from $999. smarter sleep will change your life. another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen.
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i m a small business, but i have. big dreams. and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees. feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes. just like that. like everything. the answer is simple. i ll do what i ve always done. dream more, dream faster, and above all. now, i ll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america s largest gig-speed network. 4:24. zimbabwe has the first elected president since the fall of robert mugabe. emmerson mnangagwa.
declared the winner of the disputed election. this week s election marred by clashes with security forces and opposition supporters that left six people dead. let s go live to zimbabwe s capital city and bring in david mckenzie. david, have the protests quieted down? reporter: good morning, david. the protesters are quiet, but those are riot police outside the headquarters of the opposition in the disputed election. you have emmerson mnangagwa, the first president of zimbabwe since the decades rule of robert mugabe being elected president. the commission saying mnangagwa was elected by 58% of the vote. you had clashes with military and protesters. the six dead. the tense calm in the capital of harare. the life is getting back to normal, but the next step is what the opposition will do. the leader of the opposition do not accept the vote. they will use any legal means
necessary. the question is will they head on to the streets and protest today. the election has been endorsed by the south african president. a powerful neighbor of zimbabwe and legiagu regional block. opposition party could have an uphill battle. in the meantime, u.s. citizens have been asked to stay out of the area where i m standing because of the volatility of the situation. dave. thank you. russian election meddling a hoax or top threat? u.s. security officials are not on the same page. we will have more when early start continues in just a minute. medicare doesn t pay for everything. re on the hook for the rest. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. a plan like this helps pay some of what medicare doesn t. so you could end up paying less.
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our democracy itself is in the crosshairs. we acknowledge the threat. it is real. we are being hindered by the russian hoax. it s a hoax. the president still dismissing the russian investigation after his allies are warning russia is still meddling in the u.s. elections. the jobs report is due out this morning. why unemployment is expected to tick down. but wages are remaining stalled. and who should be responsible for reuniting kids with parents deported? the government says it falls to the aclu. welcome to early start. i m dave briggs. kaylee hartung. 30 minutes past the hour. it is friday. dave s happy about it. i m soaking in it. bathing in it actually. aren t we all?
if you listen to the president talk about russia and the top officials talk about russia, there is a big disconnect. at the rally in pennsylvania, the president touted the meeting with putin and attacks on democracy. we got along really well. by the way, that s a good thing not a bad thing. now we re being hindered by the russian hoax. everybody said, wow, that was great. a couple hours later, i started hearing reports that they wanted me to walk up. they wanted me to walk up and go like this. son of a some showadow boxing by potu. hours earlier, key members of the national security team
appeared in the white house briefing room to warn the country the russian election interference is ongoing. in regards to the russian involvement in the mid-term elections, we continue to see a pervasive messaging campaign by russia to try to weaken and divide the united states. russia attempted to interfere with the last election and continues to engage and malign influence operations to this day. this is a threat we need to take extremely seriously and to tackle and respond to with fierce determination and focus. our democracy itself is in the crosshairs. free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy. it is clear they are the target of our adversaries to sow discord and undermine our life. director of national intelligence dan coats told reporters he still doesn t fully
understand what took place in the one-on-one meeting with trump and vladimir putin in helsinki. a senior administration official telling cnn a woman, a russian national, worked for years with the secret service. she came under suspicion in 2016. a routine state department security review found she was having regular unauthorized meetings with russian intelligence. she used the secret service internet and e-mail systems. the official says she did not have access to highly classified information. no comment so far from the state department. turns out rick gates may testify against his old boss. former campaign chairman paul manafort as early as today. that is the big development on the manafort trial on thursday. another? manafort s bookkeeper testifying that despite making millions, manafort went broke securing big loans. we have jessica schneider with
more from washington. reporter: first, the judge seemed to entice the defense team for paul manafort take the stand. the judge said manafort obviously does not have to, but if his lawyers wanted to bring up he has never been audited by the irs, that would be the way to do it. that is what the defense team wants. prosecutors now say they will call rick gates to the stand. paul manafort s right-hand man during the campaign. gates pleaded guilty and is now cooperating with the special counsel. finally, paul manafort s bookkeeper testified that sure, he may have made millions, but by 2016 he was flat broke and maxed out the credit line. the bookkeeper said that manafort and gates were sending out fake inflated business statements to banks to get loans. that gets to the heart of the bank fraud case.
the government keeps hammering home the lifestyle details. a landscaper talk about how much paul manafort paid him. $500,000 for the upkeep of hundreds of flowers and the landscaper called the largest personal pond in the hamptons section of long island. paul manafort spent $2.2 million on home entertainment technology. including $10,000 on a karaoke system. a lot of details prosecutors packed in. we will hear more from his accountant today as they delve into his finances. dave and kaylee. sure was living the high life. thank you, jessica. senator marco rubio has a suggestion about paid family leave. offering up to 12 weeks of leave when a child is born and use some of their own money from their own social security benefits to help compensate for the lack of a paycheck.
rubio is introducing a bill to allow families to use their future social security for up to two months of leave. they would delay receiving the benefit up to two months when they retire. that fund is misplaced and people shouldn t have to choose. other lawmakers have similar ideas in the works. there seems to be a potential for a bipartisan effort. first daughter ivanka trump distancing herself from her father. she said she does not agree with his characterization of the press as the enemy of the people. i received my fair share of reporting on me personally that i know not to be fully accurate. so, i had some sensitivity around why people have concerns
and gripe especially when they feel targeted. no, i don t feel the media is the enemy of the people. hours later, the president tweeted saying she s right. it is actually the fake news that is the enemy of the people. president trump s oldest daughter is comparing the democrats to the nazis. he was interviewed at the premiere of the movie dsouza. listen to this. you see the nazi platform in the 1930s and what was put out there and you compare it to the dnc platform of today. you say those are awfully similar. to a point where it is scary. scary is his knowledge of
history. we should note don junior s comment is a false. there is no counterpart in the democratic party. don junior fought back against attacks with his remark on a tweet with a clip from the new dsouza movie. wow. iran launching a major military exercise in the persian gulf. tehran is showing the ability to shutdown the oil flow through the straight of hormuz. this exercise was planned, but it is starting intense rhetoric in the u.s. we have nic robertson joining us live from the strait of hormuz. nic, what is the implication of the exercise? reporter: an increase of rhetoric recently with washington and tehran, principally coming from tehran, because sanctions are about to be imposed again following
president trump pulling out of the iran nuclear deal. the iranian leadership from the leader of iran revolutionary guard corps to the supreme leader of iran all said if iran cannot export its oil products through the strait of hormuz, then no one can. this is a major threat. the exercises that u.s. officials believe they are seeing in straight of hormuz with dozens of vessels, they are concerned if iranians are putting meat on the bones of the threats. president trump is clear. don t threaten the united states or there will be severe consequences. everyone is watching and looking to see how it develops. no comment from the iranians yet. no comment from the uae and other gulf countries. this is a united arab emirates oil port terminal. this terminal has been developed
to avoid iranians ability to shutdown the strait of hormuz. it bypasses the strait with a pipeline which passes 1.5 million barrels of oil a day. this is strategic. this is important and it has everyone worried and it is not clear at all at this time what with iran s real intent is other than some of the sanctions will begin to start biting next week. kaylee. nic, thank you. secretary of state mike pompeo urging turkey to release american pastor andrew brunson. pompeo delivered that message in the meeting in singapore. after the meeting, the foreign minister said those threats are not productive. brunson is a pastor from north carolina who has been held for
two years over alleged links to a failed coup. tennessee could play a role in the senate in the fall. former governor bredesen and republican marsha blackburn won the primaries on tuesday. they will face-off in november in a hotly contested battle for the seat. this is a state president trump carried by 26 points. this is an interesting turn and another one of those bellwethers we see. another state like georgia who you think of as rudy red. the south will be interesting. ahead, the nfl preseason is under way. no protests, but a video game mistake. it shows the national anthem controversy is not going away. h o
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the trump administration believes the responsibility for finding parents after being separated with their children should rest with advocates not the government. the government will turnover whatever information it could on the parents deported, but they say the aclu should use their considerable resources to establish contact. aclu lawyers argue the trump administration is trying to shirk responsibility choosing to leave 431 separated kids whose parents were already deported in limbo. trump administration heading for a showdown with trucks and cars in california showing it would freeze emissions through 2026. it would revoke the ability to
set tougher standards in california and other states. this is a sharp reversal from the obama administration. california already hinting it will file suit. if it wins, carmakers could face the issue of manufacturing vehicles that meet rules that vary from state to state. that would be devastating for a struggling u.s. auto industry. houston police back at the home of joseph pappas overnight responding to a call of a possible sighting of the man who is the primary suspect in the shooting death of dr. mark hausknecht. the doctor who used to treat george h.w. bush t. the day before the killing, pappas transferred the home to a woman in ohio. the suspect has not been seen for a couple of days. police believe pappas committed
the murder over a 20-year-old grudge. the new york times standing by its new hire despite rhetoric she used on twitter. blasted as racist. sarah jeong has old tweets resurfaced. one said she gets joy out of being cruel old white men. another is dumb ass blanking white people. the times backed jeong who will join the paper next month. some of the tweets were in response to harassment. she engaged in what she thought at the time was counter trolling. she deeply regrets the language. and it was business as usual for les moonves. addressing the conference call second quarter earnings, but avoiding what was on everyone s
mind. the company representative said questions would be limited to quarterly results. allegations from six women who say moonves harassed them. cbs is hiring two outside law firms to investigate the claims. the company stock is down 9% since the news broke. residents in parts of virginia ordered to evacuate over a potential dam failure. the officials in lynchburg are ordering residents to leave in low-lying areas below the college lake dam. if a complete failure of the dam occurs, the water depth could climb above 17 feet in seven minutes. ea sports is apologizing for editing capuolin kaepernick s n out of the 2019 game.
in a post on twitter, the verse that mentioned kaepernick has been removed. ea sports edits vulgar content, but the company admits it made a mistake this time. saying members of the team misunderstood the fact we don t have rights to include colin kaepernick in the game, that doesn t affect sound tracks. the edit should never have happened. this shows the national anthem issue is front and center as the preseason begins. there were no protests at the hall of fame game with the ravens defeating the bears 20-17. ray lewis is going in the hall of fame. dancing for ray lewis. good to have the nfl back. i don t know what they will do about the issue. they don t know. let us know what you think. ahead, apple is now worth $1 trillion.
all the zeros. look at it. 12 of them. we put the number in perspective and show you how it got there when we get a check on cnn money next. this is not a bed.
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i m a small business, but i have. big dreams. and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees. feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes. just like that. like everything. the answer is simple. i ll do what i ve always done. dream more, dream faster, and above all. now, i ll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america s largest gig-speed network. zimbabwe has its first elected president since the fall of robert mugabe. emmerson mnangagwa declared the winner of the disputed election.
this week s election marred by clashes of security forces and opposition supporters that left six people dead. let s go to the capital city in zimbabwe and bring in david mckenzie. david, how is the situation evolving behind you? reporter: it is at this hour, calm, kaylee, good morning. you see the riot police in the armored vehicle behind me at the headquarters of the opposition party. that shows it is anything but normal in zimbabwe. in the early hours of this morning, the election commission announced that emmerson mnangagwa won the election by over 50%. the opposition leader will contest the result by any legal means necessary. they may not gain favors in the zimbabwe court. u.s. citizens asked to keep off the streets here in downtown. it will be very crucial to see what the european union and the u.s. says about the disputed
election. already the south african president, very powerful country in this part of the world, endorsed the election and the regional bloc. it is difficult to move beyond this point. we will have to see if the opposition calls for protests. earlier this week, there were deadly clashes and killed six people here in downtown harare. kaylee. david, thank you. 4:58. a check on cnn money. stock futures ticking lower. market finished higher yesterday with tech stocks carrying gains. investor are awaiting the july jobs report. due an hour before the opening bell. forecast is 190,000 new jobs. unemployment rate is expected to tick down. apple is the darling of wall street this morning. stock popped 3% yesterday to cap off a historic run.
apple is now the most valuable company in u.s. history. worth more than $1 trillion in market value. the stock is up 22% this year. more than 200% over the past five years. at the start of the span, the market cap was below $500 billion. here is perspective. 16 countries in the world with gdp of more than $1 trillion. the market cap for the four biggest banks in the u.s., add all four together and you get over $1 trillion in value. wow. the latest company to drop plastic straws? shake shack. it will get rid of all of them within the first quarter of next year. it follows other companies including starbucks, disney and american airlines. shake shack stock is up 48% this year. it is set to drop this morning.

Dave-briggs , Marinate , Man , Administration , East , Laughter , Attorney , Advice , Stephen-colbert , 00 , 4 , Playing-poker

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Shepard Smith Reporting 20180802 19:00:00

A newscast reviewing and analyzing top stories of the day as they happen.
mandate was originally and whether or not there was any collusion between the trump campaign and russia to try to influence the election. in his response letter, mueller said, no, i want to talk about the issues that go to obstruction as well. i m not sure where that leaves things right now. i know that the president s attorneys are formulating a response. they ll likely have that next week. they don t want to let the president sit down with mueller and talk one-on-one about these issues of obstruction. they might be willing to submit some written answers on the question. mueller has said he would accept written answers in person also. what is interesting as well today about the press briefing, president trump has talked about there being no credibility of this russian investigation, calling it a witch hunt, talking about malign actors at the fbi.
chris wray was asked why we should believe what he s saying about protecting the integrity of the election when the president says there s no credibility. listen to that. the president has tweeted that that investigation by the special counsel is a hoax and should be shut down. you said you don t believe it s a hoax. why would the american people believe what you re saying about the fbi when the president says that the investigation by special counsel and when the press secretary said there was a lot of corruption in the fbi. do you have any response? i can assure the american people that the men and women of the fbi starting from the director all the way down will follow our oath and do our jobs. not surprising that wray would stand up for the fbi. the question is, will the president do an interview. i was told almost certainly no but he has the final say. i was told by rudy guliani last
night the president wants him to keep negotiating to see if one might be possible. the president believes that if he sits down with mueller and answers his question, it could clear his name. shep? shepard: thanks, john. and prosecutors say they plan on calling the star well against paul manafort, rick gates. he worked on the trump campaign and was manafort s long-time business partner. back in february, gates cut a deal with the feds and pleaded guilty to conspiracy and lying to investigators. manafort has pleaded not guilty to more than a dozen charges including bank fraud and conspiracy. his lawyers are trying to pin the blame on gates. yesterday prosecutors suggested they might not have gates testify against his former boss. but today the judge told them they could not prove conspiracy without putting gates on the stand. so the prosecutors told the
shepard: the big focus on manafort s spending, peter. right. he allegedly had millions of dollars in multiple accounts located in cypress that even his bookkeeper in southern california didn t know about. we heard about this today. witness number 12, heather washkun from the ssb firm, she said she didn t know manafort had any international accounts because he never told her. so when he is ordering a blazer from the beverly hills stores, he was generally using an account she didn t know about. same story when he wanted a $15,000 ostrich skin jacket. he used another jacket that he kept hidden from the feds and his own bookkeeper. shep? shepard: peter doocy live. another member of our thunder and lightning team. thank you. pope francis calling for the end of the death penalty in the whole world. he says it s an attack on human
dignity. the pope changing the official catholic church teaching on capital punishment. the old policy allowed the death penalty in very rare cases when it was the only way of defending human lies against the unjust aggressor. the vatican sent a letter that says shepard: our chief religion correspondent lauren green is live now. lauren? shep, this is very important because the pope is not issuing an opinion, this is a huge change that goes to the heart of catholicism. catholic teaching. for a long time, the death penalty was considered permissible in rare cases and a protection of the common good. pope francis has declared inadmissible in all cases. the pope approved the change in early may and the vatican
announced it today in rome. it s been talked about for some time, even three years ago when the pontiff spoke before congress on his pilgrimage to the united states. every life is sacred. every human person. the pope says in the light of the gospel, the death penalty is inadmissible because it s an attack on the dignity of the person. first of all, it s a message to all catholics. let s go back to what it s like to respect all life and all cases. i send a message globally. with this change, the catholic church moves in the direction of the general public. shep? shepard: lauren, catholics
reacting. is it a mixed bag? it s a mixed bag but interesting the reaction from conservative catholics, which is negative. saying the pope doesn t have the power to rewrite things he doesn t like in the catechism. adding if the only standard of change is the subjective against human dignity, there s implications on other things like marriage, divorce and human sexuality. so expect we ll see more reaction. shepard: lauren green, live in new york. investigators questioning somebody in the disappearance of molly tibbets. one of the new developments in this case as family members beg for their daughter s return and offer a new reward. keeping an eye on apple. the company hitting a major milestone worth more than $1 trillion. will it stay that way before the final bell rings? we ll track that with the dow coming up from the fox news deck on this thursday afternoon. allergies with sinus congestion and pressure?
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is the easiest thing in the world. i m thinking she s somewhere. i think someone made a horrible mistake and don t know what to do. we need that person to give molly up, give themselves up and face the consequences for what is a smaller issue and not compound it any worse. shepard: as far as we know, somebody last saw molly on july 18 while she was going for a run. investigators say they have gotten dozens of leads and say they talked to a handful of people, including a hog farmer that reportedly pleaded guilty to stalking in the past. so far no sign of the missing molly tibbets. matt finn is live in brooklyn, iowa. matt? two notable leads that unfortunately have led to dead ends, including pig farmer that tells the fbi that they asked to search his property without a warrant.
he also agreed the hand over his cell phone. there was an apparent citing at a kansas city truck stop. police say they searched the area and interviewed witnesses and led to nothing. here we are since two weeks since she disappeared. the family has praised the community and the police. molly tibbets father says the search is strong and sophisticated. we re seeing the family start to ram up up their own personal efforts to find and recover molly because they tell us they believe she s alive and being held captive somewhere raising more than $170,000 so far. the reward hovering around $2,000 for several days. the family says they re welling to pay someone for her return. today molly s mother describes how she s making it through this. sometimes i feel her sitting on my shoulder. molly was an incredibly strong young woman. i don t know how i have the
strength in me, but molly is lending me her strength every day, every night. yes, i have my moments of complete meltdowns. the family says they re pushing for the scope of this investigation to expand beyond where we are in rural iowa. they acknowledge that molly could be anywhere, shep. shepard: and matt, we heard from her boyfriend today as well? yes, the boyfriend says he s back in the house where they were staying when molly was missing. he wouldn t comment on whether there any signs of a struggle or forced entry at the home. shep? shepard: matt finn in brooklyn, iowa. the pentagon explaining how teams are working to identify the remains north korea handed over. ahead, a look at the process aimed at giving closure to american families that have waited for their heros to come home for decades now. also, a passenger was recording video when the jet crash
happened. somehow everybody survived. 110 people on board and not a single loss of life. we ll show you the video next. you shouldn t be rushed into booking a hotel. with expedia s add-on advantage, booking a flight unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. add-on advantage. only when you book with expedia. with the right steps, hasn t left my side. 80% of recurrent ischemic strokes could be prevented.
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a counting committee are giving a press briefing using the dna mapping that they re using to identify the korean soldiers. i spoke to one official. he said it would take months if not years to make the correct identification. only one dog tag was returned. officials are confident most of the remains are american. there were effects other than dog tags like g.i. boots and other equipment from that time period. herbert allen was killed at age 17 and he was at the ceremony in hawaii. it was a hard feeling because my brother that came back, i know he was in the coffin. but the remains that came in, they don t know.
there are still 7,700 americans missing from the korean war. 5,300 were in north korea. officials say these remains that were returned in recent days are from the chosen reservoir. shepard: what is the latest on north korea s potential denuclearization? u.s. intelligence officials were quoted this week by the washington post as saying that the new satellite images that they have suggest north korea is producing more icbms at the factory outside pyongyang and kim jong-un is preparing to lie about how much fissile material his government has. the new u.s. ambassador to south korea urged kim jong-un to declare their nuclear facilities as a starting point. they say that mike pompeo may
need his north korean counterpart on the sidelines of a forum there. president trump thanked kim jong-un for a letter he received yesterday suggesting that he s willing to meet kim jong-un again. shepard? shepard: thanks, jennifer. we re getting a look at what it was like inside that jet as it crashed down in a field in mexico. less than a minute after take off. at least 65 americans were on that aero mexico jet. a passenger recorded this video outside the window, strong winds, heavy rain. they all say that. and a passenger described the chaos. it was pitch dark. we started smelling smoke. we couldn t believe. we were trying to break the window with our legs, kicking the window. it wouldn t. it wouldn t break. shepard: i said 110 people on board. actually 103. apologies. 103 on board, all survived. many of them did go to a
hospital. coming up on a jam packed afternoon, the government apparently considering doing away with security screenings at a punch of smaller airports in america. it s not to make your life easier. but first, if you re headed to paris, don t plan to visit the eiffel tower. we ll show you why in two minutes. sometimes, bipolar i disorder can make you feel unstoppable. but mania, such as unusual changes in your mood,
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no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands? a fox report now. headlines from the fox news deck. rescue crews have saved a man hiking in arizona after he ran out of water and overheated. fire officials say another hiker found him disoriented in phoenix and called 911 last night. they sent a helicopter out to rescue him and talk him to the hospital. the temperature hit 111 yesterday. the eiffel tower is shutting down during peak tourist season. workers say they re on strike because of a new policy that has created crazy long waits sometimes up to three hours. half the tickets sold are now
prebooked for certain times. workers say separating people in specific elevators has created ridiculous lines. a bear in colorado getting help after getting stuck in a car. the sheriff in jefferson county outside denver said somebody left the car unlocked with snacks inside. the deputy used a rope. bear is okay. car not so much.
when i found you in my dna, i learned where my strength comes from. my name is courtney mckinney, and this is my ancestrydna story. now with 2 times more geographic detail than other dna tests. order your kit at nobody is a huge fan of security screening at the airport. how would you feel if it disappeared? the tsa considering a plan to drop security checks at some 150 smaller airports. instead, agents would screen passengers when they make connections at smaller airports. analysts say that would affect 10,000 travelers every day. a former inspector general for the department of transportation says the idea is completely nuts. that s a quote. that tsa administrators told fox news and i m quoting here, there s been no decision to eliminate passenger screening at any federalized u.s. airport
every year as part of the federal budget process. tsa has asked to discuss potential operational efficiencies. this year is no different. let s turn to stewart baker. he over saw fsa s policy in the bush administration. good to see you. a pleasure. shepard: explain this to us and what you think about it. so this is a budget exercise. somebody asked them to say what they would do to save $100 million. one of the options was, well, maybe we can stop doing checks at small airports where the planes are small. that s a bad idea. as soon as they calculate the risks, they re going to say if we have to save $100 million, this is not what we re going to do to save it. i think the public reaction is pretty similar to what the reaction inside tsa is going to be. but you know, at some level, you
can say if it were a ten-seater aircraft, it isn t going to harm any buildings it flies into. so you can imagine saying we re going to have a lot less security for small airplanes, but that s not the proposal and i don t think any of those proposals will go anywhere. shepard: there was a time ago when a lot of people would tell us inside the tsa, we make you feel better more than we make you safer. has tsa improved? they have to some degree. look, this is there s massive numbers and practically everybody going through the airport wants to do nothing more than just get on their plane and get to where they re going. there s no threat. so they re looking for a needle in a hay stack. but they re looking more efficiently. they re using technologies that are designed to reduce the hassle for americans and still find some of the more modern
threats. but yeah, there s a substantial element here that they they re almost certain there s no needle in this week s haystack. and so much of what is going on is a re-assurance that if there were a needle, they d find it. shepard: a deterrence? for sure. if you re thinking of causing a problem on an airplane, you have to bring the weapon and surrender it so people had it and know who had charge of it. it s a deterrent to trying that thing. if you try it once, they re on to you and you re going to jail. shepard: thanks, stewart. i appreciate it. wind is causing a deadly fire that has burned more than 1,000 homes in california to spread even more as fox reports this hour. that s the word from fire officials in the city of
redding, which is about 150 miles north of sacramento. they have made great progress, which is great news, but the fire is still a 1/3 contained. it s the sixth most destructive fire in california history. six people have died, including a firefighter and a bulldozer operator that was helping fight the flames. it s but one of many fires burning in california right now. our jeff paul is on the front lines. jeff? yeah, shep. the carr fire still has a strong hold on northern california. you can see there s still a lot of smoke that is coming into this area. most of the flames have moved away from the majority of the houses. you can see off to the side of me, what the flames did to this neighborhood. devastation everywhere you look. 10-12 homes. the homes are gone. evacuees say they re lucky to
escape the flames. a matter of minutes. it was within ten minutes. just came barrelling through. it was difficult. it was hard. now, coming back out here live, you can see there s alone flag waving in the wind amongst all the destruction. it seems that someone out here wanted to make sure, even though this home was burned to the ground, that american flag was still standing, shep. shepard: what else are you hearing from the people in the community there? this community is so strong, shep. anywhere we ve been driving, you see signs all over town thanking firefighters and police officers. we popped into a local sandwich shop and you can hear people about how they were going to help each other, who was staying with who. not a lot of complaints. all the team is getting people back on their feet. yeah, it s nice. everybody is pulling together
and everybody is donations and everybody has had a million offers for places to stay. there s more than 13,000 firefighters that are battling the 18 major wild fires according to cal fire. now we re hearing about a crew that is on its way from as far away as australia. shepard: thanks, jeff. apple today became the first trillion dollar publicly traded company. here s where the market value is right now, this morning it hit $1 trillion. it s a very big number that changes quickly. it hit a trillion around noon. the market cap is based on the stock surprise multiplied by outstanding shares. for perspective, there s 16
nations on earth that have gdps of a trillion or more. susan lee is outside apple s upper west side store here in manhattan. hi, susan. hey, shep. yes, that s to a record rally. apple crossing the $1 trillion historical threshold earlier today. that goes to strong earnings this week. we re buying a lot of expensive iphones. that s one of the best selling consumer products in history. over $1.4 billion being sold since its introduction ten years ago. the story of apple, yes, it s the most valuable company in the world today but there was a time in the middle of the 90s when business week put out a cover, called the demise of an earn icon. then they brought in steve jobs. we know the history and the story of where apple has gone since then. when steve jobs died in october 2011, apple was worth $343 billion. tripling since then to be over a
trillion dollars. shep? shepard: only $3 billion when he came in there. man alive. thanks. there s word that google might be giving in to communist china now. eight years ago, google shut down their search engine because of censorship and hacking there. according to multiple records, google is working on a censored search engine just for china. back to susan lee for that. you were in hong kong in 2010, covered their fight with the chinese government. how surprising is this? very surprising. in 2010, when google exited the search market, it was an acrimony use split. sergei bryn compared the chinese government to a regime. now they re saying that google
is kowtowing to china s censorship rules. we saw some translation apps there. we bought a half billion dollar stake in one of the largest retailing companies in the country. you know, people are questioning whether or not they want to get back in since their employees did of course go up against google s management when they wanted to use their artificial and give their artificial intelligence for the military to use. so this is something that i m sure google might have to fight against if they want to get back into the chinese search market. back to you. shepard: susan lee in new york. the trump administration looking to roll back another one of president obama s policies. this time it has to do with fuel standards and how many miles per gallon your car or truck gets. the fox business network s adam shapiro has that. while the standards are supposed to rise, what the administration is proposing and they point out it s just a
proposal, is freezing the increases. by 2025, the obama straight wanted the cap a standards to be at roughly 54 miles per gallon. well, the trump administration is saying we need to freeze at the level we ll be at come 2021 because one, it s going to cost too much for people to buy the cars that will perhaps meet these standards. they re also making an argument that perhaps these standards would make vehicles or driving even more dangerous. whichever you believe, there s states which are lining up like california to sue the administration because the other proposal is to believe california s ability to enact their own emissions standards. here s what sarah sanders said about doing that. what the epa released yesterday was a notice of proposed rule making, not a final rule. it lays out options with how to go with cafe standards. we re opening it up for a comment period.
shepard, there s some truth to the fact that when you increase the fuel mileage, you might increase the cost of the car. toyota did that with its camry and it s more expensive. toyota said you recover the increases costs by the money you save on gasoline. back to you. shepard: thanks, adam in the fox business newsroom in new york. investigators say a police chief died of a drug overdose. where did he get the drugs? in the evidence room at the cop shop. where else? the story behind that is next.
jonathan hunt with the rest of this story. jonathan? shep, chief james hughes was 35 years old. he had only been chief two months when he was found dead at his home in reynoldsburg about ten miles from the police headquarters where he was chief and where he was believed to have taken the drugs from the department s evidence room. police say they found an open package of fentanyl and closed packages of heroin, lsd and more fentanyl. reynoldsburg police department says the state attorney general should investigate kirkersville for their evidence handling. there was questions raised about hughes past including a racial slur in an incident in 2013. he was convicted of a misdemeanor over that incident. lieutenant wright in the neighboring reynoldsburg police department says the case shows no one is immune from the drug
epidemic that has gripped the country saying it s happening in all different levels and all walks of life shep. shepard: and evidence is really overwhelming of this epidemic. it is. fentan fentan fentanyl analog drugs are part of it. the number of deaths involving fentanyl analogs almost doubled from the first half of 2016 to the first half of 2017. the study was centered on ten states including ohio and found that from july 2016 to december 2016, there were 764 fentanyl analog deaths. while the numbers nationally for
2017 are still preliminary, the cdc says they expect overall opioid-related deaths to upto an all-time high of 49,000. the justice department recently announced a crackdown on the distribution of fentanyl called operation sos. shepard: thanks, jonathan. the head of cbs is set to take questions since six women have accused him of sexual harassment. les moonves expected to be on a conference call. it s expected to start at 4:30 eastern. last week the new yorker magazine reported that four women have accused moonves of forcible touching or kissing during meetings. two others that he physically intimidated him or threaten to derail their careers.
in a statement les moonves says he regrets mistakes he made but he respected no means no and that he never used his position to hurt anybody s career. the board says they re taking no action for now on moonves while outside lawyers from two different firms investigate. deidra bolton has more. it s unclear whether he will be on the call. he s scheduled to be on the earnings call. in light of the allegations, it s not clear. what is interesting is that in addition to the ethics questions, there was a very big business legal loggerhead. that means he s suing with cbs the parent company of cbs to keep independent. sherry wright stone wanted to combine cbs and viacom. they were going to courtney way in october. so analysts are obviously tuning in to the call for many reasons. the revenue for cbs and the
earnings up 6% from this period last year. you know, he has a good track record business-wise, survivor, big bang theory. $69 million a year. compare that to bob iger at disney, $39 million a year. he was well supported. see what happens. shepard: thanks, deidra. are you looking for a great deal? the world s largest yard sale or garage sale is happening right here in the united states. it s almost 700 miles long. more than 2,000 people selling stuff and you re there live with jeff flock next! ible. capital one has partnered with to give venture cardholders 10 miles on every dollar they spend at thousands of hotels. all you have to do is pay with this at 10 miles per dollar? that is incredible. brrrrr! i have the chills. because you re so excited?
because ice. is cold. and because of all those miles. obviously. what s in your wallet?
not head up the world s longest yard sale? that s what organizers call a massive stress of roadside stands that run 700 miles from gadsden, alabama to addison, michigan. jeff flock is along the route in saline, ohio, about 100 miles north of cincinnati. what you got, jeff? i m on route 127. there it is right out there. i ll tell you, every house that s a gilley suit, by the way. look, it goes on and on for 700 miles. as far as you can see in this town. 127 runs through the center of it. clothes, you got all sorts this is cool here. this is an old refrigerator. they won t $1,300 for this. used to put a piece of ice in there and kept everything cool. never know what you re going to find out here. people come and they essentially go the whole length of the thing or as far as they can go,
shopping the whole way. no tariffs on any of this, by the way. this is all cash money. shepard: that s very nice. how long does it go on? what have you found for you? four days, starts today, goes through the weekend. i live quirky stuff. look at this old radio. i love old radios. the old tubes in there. isn t that cool? i always wanted one of them. you notice everything here. what can i tell you? gas cans for your boat. what is that? there s a dummy. if you want more, we ll be on facebook after, aren t we? shepard: yeah. the real cool stuff is coming up on facebook watch. tell our friends in saline hello. we ll see you in a few minutes. breaking news changes everything on fox news channel. here on the tv side, your world with neil cavuto is next. trish regan is in for neil and
then in about three minutes, four minutes, something like that, i ll be on facebook watch. we ll go back to jeff flock, give you the headlines of the day and a fox news update on facebook watch. here s team cavuto after this. motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands? new laptop with 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. save $200 on this dell laptop to and practice. kidlots of practice.tion.
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Intelligence , Shep , Director , It , Briefing , Security , John-roberts , Fbi , Whos-who , Department-of-homeland-security , Downpour , Real

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180803 09:00:00

Get a jump on the day s news with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs.
paul manafort spent $2.2 million on home entertainment technology. including $10,000 on a karaoke system. a lot of details prosecutors packed in. we will hear more from his accountant today as they delve into his finances. dave and kaylee. thank you, jessica. can the u.s. economy keep up the pace of swift job creation? we get a look at the labor market this morning when the july jobs report is released. economists are expecting 190,000 new positions. the unemployment rate is expected to tick down to 3.9%. it rose in june as more than 600,000 americans got off the sidelines and entered the labor market looking for work. the big mystery has been wages. that number expected to hold steady at 2.7% annual rate. wages have been stuck in that range for the past three years.
as the labor market tightens, wages rise, but the growth has been slow since the great recession. wall street is looking at where the jobs are created. so far no signs that tariffs are slowing down the economy, but this will mark the first big economic report of the third quarter following strong economic growth in the second quarter. first daughter and presidential adviser ivanka trump is breaking from the fath father s rhetoric of the media. she does not agree with the characterization as the press is the enemy of the people. i received my fair share of reporting on me personally that i know not to be fully accurate. so, i had some sensitivity around why people have concerns and gripe especially when they feel targeted. no, i don t feel the media is
the enemy of the people. hours later, the president put his spin on ivanka s remarks. tweeted saying she is right. it is actually the fake news that is the enemy of the people. president trump s oldest son is comparing the democratic party philosophy to nazi, germany. don junior was interviewed at the premiere of a new movie for dsouza. listen to this. you see the nazi platform in the 1930s and you see it and you compare it to the dnc platform of today and you say those are similar. to the point where it is scary. there is something scary there. don junior s comment is false
equal. the nationazi party has not counterpart. don junior fought back against the attacks with the link tweeted to the dsouza movie. wow. that happened. iran is launching a major military exercise in the persian gulf. tehran is likely to shutdown the oil flow through the strait of hormuz. this exercise was planned, but starts intensifying rhetoric with the u.s. we have nic robertson joining us from oman at the strait of hormuz. nic. reporter: you see pictures of u.s. officials showing the dozens of boats in the military exercise which is coming earlier in the year than anticipated. normally around november time. it is organized by iran islamic
revolutionary guard corps. the commander of the corps in the last week and month prior has gone on the record and said clearly if iran cannot export oil products from the region through the straits of hormuz, then no one will be able to do. it has been echoed by the president of iran and supreme leader of iran. right now, no official comment from iranians. that is a concern. are they putting meat on the bones of the rhetoric we have been hearing recently. president trump has warned them of serious consequences if they follow through. in the region here, we are not hearing anything from regional players here. for example, here in the united arab emirates on the gulf of oman, they built a pipeline the past couple of decades that bypasses strait of hormuz for
that reason. it could get shutdown for military action. everyone watching closely what the iranians are doing. not clear of the intent. kaylee. is there any bite behind that bark. nic, thank you. tennessee could play a key rule in the senate in the fall. bredesen, a democrat and conservative republican blackburn won their primaries on thursday. they will now face-off in november which is to be a hotly contested election in the midterms. republicans did not expect a challenge in tennessee, but the cross party appeal could replace democrats in the seat held by bob corker. is this shifting? we shall see. another interesting race. ahead, the new york times standing by a new controversy hire despite a history of tweets
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the trump administration believes the children separated with their parents should rest with the aclu. the government will turnover whatever information they could to find the parents, but the aclu say they should use the resources to find the parents. trump administration headed toward a showdown with california over fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks. the trump plan calls for freezing emission standards through 2026. the tougher standards are in policy for california and 15
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and above all. now, i ll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america s largest gig-speed network. it s not just friday, but football is back. the nfl preseason kicking off last night with the hall of fame game. coy wire has more in the bleacher report. good morning. good morning, kaylee and dave. it has been seven months since the eagles have beaten the patriots in the super bowl. the hall of fame game in canton last night. ray lewis knows it is football time. he busted out his iconic pre-game stomp or what i call dave briggs on a friday. six new hall of famers will be
inducted on friday. baltimore fans have been awaiting action jackson. the first around quarterback was so-so. others were rg3 looking fresh as a pro. jackson and rg3 hope to other than the quarterback spot when the season starts. the little league team is set to make history. manny johnson little leaguer is the first black team in 31 years to represent the nation s capital in the mid-atlantic region regionals. if they win, they head to the little league world series. they heard the roar of the crowd as they were honored during the pre-game ceremonies. the match up many have wanted for some time.
phil mickelson and tiger woods agreed to play head-to-head for $10 million. yesterday, mickelson said the two will square-off at the thanksgiving holiday. making more than $43 million. phil ranked 22nd on the list. if they play par on this course, think about it. it would be $138,000 per stroke. wow. if you want a good laugh to start off friday. watch the best thing you will see all day. phil mickelson dancing. that was it. the kick. how is that? that has to be a stunt double. you say he is not an athlete. this is more like the dave
briggs on a friday dance. i was at a super bowl party with dave after we worked hard all day and he moved like this. just give the stage to dave. i have all of those dad moves, coy. i cannot do that kick thing. i ll pull a groin. i m old. coy is not even giving a chair dance. i ll put my leg up in the air. my jeans are way too tight to pull off that move like phil mickelson. phil and tiger. who do you have in the match? tiger. absolutely. he doesn t dance like that. his groin will be pulled after that high kick. awesome. nice moves, coy. we appreciate that. happy friday. not quite sure how you make this transition. election meddling. a hoax or ongoing threat? the president and top security
officials are not on the same page. we will have more next. d, e egna, in-laws were coming, a little bit of water, it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they were on it. it was unbelievable. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that s a privilege. we re the baker s and we re usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today. alice loves the smell of gain so much, she wished it came in a fabric softener too. [throat clears] say hello to your fairy godmother, alice. oh and look they got gain scent beads and dryer sheets too!
our democracy itself is in the crosshairs. we acknowledge the threat. it is real. we are being hindered by the russian hoax. it s a hoax. the president dismissing the russia investigation even after his own top officials warned that russia is still meddling in u.s. elections. the july jobs report is due out this morning. why unemployment is expected to tick down but wage growth remains stalled. welcome back to early start. i m kaylee hartung. i ll say one last time it is friday. 5:31 eastern time. i m dave briggs. papa don t preach. on how ivanka trump is speaking out against things she cares about. we start with the russia
meddling our election systems. if you listen to the president talk about it and his top intel officials, there is a disconnect about it. the president ranting hours after the officials called out the kremlin for interfering in the 2018 midterms. at the rally in pennsylvania, the president touted the helsinki summit with putin and ignoring the russian attacks on american democracy. we got along really well. by the way, that s a good thing not a bad thing. now we re being hindered by the russian hoax. everybody said, wow, that was great. a couple hours later, i started hearing reports that they wanted me to walk up. they wanted me to walk up and go like this. son of a
shadow boxing. a hobby we didn t know the president has. hours earlier, key members of the national security team appeared in the white house briefing room to warn the country the russian election interference is ongoing. in regards to the russian involvement in the mid-term elections, we continue to see a pervasive messaging campaign by russia to try to weaken and divide the united states. russia attempted to interfere with the last election and continues to engage and malign influence operations to this day. our democracy itself is in the crosshairs. free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy. it is clear they are the target of our adversaries to sow discord and undermine our life. director of national intelligence dan coats told reporters he still doesn t fully understand what took place in the one-on-one meeting with trump and vladimir putin in helsinki.
joining us to talk about it is editor harry enton. it is a key point that they are addressing it. it is a security issue, but is this an issue in the upcoming midterms? obviously, if russia were to hack our election system, that would be a big deal. voters don t think it is a big deal. if you look at the important issues, what you see is russia hacking is down right at the very bottom of the list. economy, health care, gun policy. you name it. this is from the cnn poll in may. we have seen throughout the russia investigation is very steady numbers where people do not like what president trump is doing, but at the same time, they don t think it is important. you have this back and forth and hear the bad news from russia, but voters are dismissing it and putting it in another corner. we expect president trump to inject himself in the midterm
races. in the i honterview with sean hanni hannity, he said six or seven days a week, he will would be on the road stumping for folks. karl rove has an opinion about the impact it will have. listen. it will be smart in many contests for the president to absent himself from the scene and let candidates shine through. if i like trump, i ll vote for the person who stands with trump. if i m not hot on trump, let me make a decision with the two people on the ballot. harry, your reaction. the president was last night in pennsylvania with lou. the president s approval rating is below the disapproval rating in pennsylvania. i agree with karl rove in that particular race. a lot of house races where his rating is below the approval rating, it is smart. there will be senate races in north dakota and west virginia and indiana with the president
on the campaign trail is helpful. trump is still popular in those states. lou barletta is a guest on new day. ohio is a good indication of where we are headed. the president attempted to tweet about the 12th congressional race, but mixed up candidates deleted the tweet. let s under score how crucial the race is on tuesday. set the stage. this is a congressional district represented by republicans since the 80s. john kasich represented it before. this is a district that donald trump won by double digits. we have seen this in the special elections where you have the deeply republican districts and they seem to be going democrats. historically speaking, when you see the shift we have been seeing in the special elections, it tends to forecast good news for the democratic party in this particular year. is that similar to tennessee?
the president won by 26 points there and it looks like phil bredesen has a legit shot there statewide. is that just a different race all together? bredesen can appeal in a lot of those moderate districts? you know, phil bredesen is a character. a twice elected governor in that state. make most mistake, this is partially about phil bred seese being a good politician, but the environment where president trump is unpopular. first daughter and presidential adviser ivanka trump is breaking from her father s rhetoric against the media. ivanka said she does not agree with the characterization of the press as the enemy of the peo e people. i certainly received my fair share of reporting on me personally that i know not to be fully accurate.
so i had some sensitivity around why people have concerns and gripe especially when they feel targeted. no, i do not feel the media is the enemy of the people. oliver darcy joining us now. do you think we re the enemy of the people. her reaction was, sorry, as if she didn t hear the question. then once he repeated, she gave that answer. what did you make of that exchange? remarkable. almost like suggesting the assertion that the press is the enemy of the people she has never heard of it or looked at her father s twitter account or watched the press briefing where jim acosta asked her if the president is the enemy of the people. she refused.
ivanka trump s reaction was baffling in that regard. she effectively suggested that the question was ridiculous. in fact, her family seems to believe the press is the enemy of the people. ivanka also told michake all that they are not responsible for the separation of the families at the border. why isn t ivanka trump applauded for breaking with her father? she wasn t applauded for it at home. should she be applauded for showing break here and showing she is willing to stand up and have her own voice? i think a lot of people may be with you on that. she did break with her father. that is difficult of itself. the other end of the spectrum will say how is she doing when she asked about breaking with her father. what is she doing to help shift policies? i think that is one of the big criticisms of her with the family separation thing.
she has been opposed to it. did she do what did she do to help shift her father? that is what people are saying. speaking is one thing. i understand that. what we have seen from the presidency is there is no one who can really tell him what to do. he is a man who is trusting his gut right now. going with his every decision. look, she is not the department of homeland security. this is not her responsibility. it is a debate we continue to have. no matter what she says, people will still criticize her. true. we saw president trump put his spin on ivanka trump s remarks saying she is not wrong. it is the fake news who is the enemy of the people. was that necessary? do you think he took such an affront to call her out?
it is ridiculous what he tweeted. suggesting that is there a difference for him between the quote fake news and real journalists. it is clear from his tweets and engaged with the press that he views the fake news media as any outlet which is critical of him. so, you know, i would not ever put cnn or the new york times or washington post in that category. the president has. he thinks those outlets are fake news. like the national anthem fight, this is one he likes. bill shine, a former television news executive, loves it as well. it ramped up under his watch. here is what president trump said in pennsylvania last night about the media. whatever happened to fair press? whatever happened to honest repo report? they don t reporting? they don t report it. they make up stories. they can make anything bad
because they are the fake, fake, disgusting news. it appears it will ramp up. why do you figure he is ramping up this rhetoric? this is playing well with his base. if you watch fox news at any given time in primetime, you hear them refer to the fake media. destroy trump media. this plays well to his base and he is trying to rally the base to the immediate terms. it dallas sta to the midterms. there is no clearly person leading the party. they look at the media as the enemy or opposition. if there is an added bonus, undermining the russia investigation. if there is something that comes out, don t believe what you hear or see. don t believe what you read. oliver, thank you. i went to a gop unity rally in georgia for the governor s
race. they were handing out yard signs. fake news media. all of the signs were gone by the time that rally was over. wonderful. apple is now worth $1 trillion. we ll put that number in perspective and show you how it got there when we get a check on cnn money next. i use the color that protects as it colors. excellence haircolor by l oréal. with pro-keratine complex rich, radiant color and it cares for my hair. no color protects better. or covers gray better. so much care in one little box. excellence crème from l oréal paris.
call or go online today. call or go on line today. 47 minutes after the hour. iran launching a major military exercise in the persian gulf. likely to shutdown the strait of hormuz to oil production movement. we have nic robertson live in the strait of hormuz. nic, what is the broader implication? reporter: that is cutting off the 20% of the oil supply for the world. that is what iran s major
military exercise is under way right now play be the ability to signal that. we are told they have dozens of smaller vessels involved in this at the beginning of the military exercise. it is watched closely in the region. nothing officially from the iranians about the military exercise. nothing officially from let s say the emirates here who is close to the straits of hormuz. they have assets in place. the port facility can pump oil to bypass the straits of hormuz. that is how critical the oil route is to the world. there is spare capacity to get oil flowing through to the international markets. what are the iranians trying to do at the moment? signal displeasure with washington over the sanctions. what the iranians have said coming from the supreme leader and commander of the military forces. if they cannot export oil, then no one can. kaylee. nic robertson, thank you.
new day is ten minutes away. alisyn camerota joining us this morning. good morning, ali. big show including lou running in pennsylvania. the president stumping for him last night. see if he gets a bump from that. at the moment, he is down in the polls. down considerably in the polls. when the president endorses somebody, it carries a lot of weight. maybe he will get a bump from that. we will get into how the president, once again, repeated his disbelief in the russian interference investigation. at the same time his intel chiefs are trying to sound the alarm for the country so everybody is on the lookout for all of the russian interference on social media pages. we will talk about that disconnect. the good news is that it is 5:49 in the east and david gregory is now awake. i m sure that people were concerned about that. it was touch and go. was it?
yes. for a few hours there. he is now awake and he is here, present, in the building. did he hit the snooze button? you know how hard it is when you are not used to doing this full-time. preach. i m used to doing it and it is difficult when the 1:50 alarm goes off. what time does your go off? mine goes off at 3:15. you get to sleep in. david gregory s went off at 5:35. something like that. david gregory. get that man some coffee. see you in ten minutes. thank you. let s get a check on cnn money at 5:50. stock futures ticking lower. the market finished mostly higher yesterday. tech stocks carrying the gains. stock markets in europe and asia are mixed. investors awaiting the july jobs report due an hour before the opening bell. the forecast for 190,000 new jobs. unemployment rate expected to tick down. wages forecast to hold steady.
apple is the darling of wall street this morning. stock popped 3% yesterday. it capped off a historic mind boggling run. apple is the most valuable company in u.s. history. worth more than $1 trillion in market value. stock up 22% this year and more than 200% over the past five years. the start of the span the market cap was below $500 billion. some perspective on the new number, only 16 countries in the world have a gdp of more than $1 trillion. or this, the market cap for the four biggest banks in the united states, add all four together, and you get over $1 trillion in value. the latest company to drop plastic straws is shake shack. it plans to get rid of all in the first quarter of next year. the burger joint ceo mentioned it on the earnings call. it follows other companies like
starbucks and disney and american airlines. mcdonald s is samplinsampling. shake shack stock is up 48% this year. set to drop this morning as investors don t like the company outlook following the earnings report yesterday. still, kaylee, the $1 trillion number. look at it. all of the zeros. 12 zeros. if you invested in apple a few years back, sit back and enjoy. with your iphone and ipad and apple tv. steve jobs not around to see that number. the new york times standing by a new hire despite a history of tweets criticized as racist. more when early start returns. so you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop with 24/7 tech support.
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the trump administration believes the responsibility for finding hundreds of parents deported after separated from their children should rest with immigrant advocates. not the federal government. justice department lawyers saying the government would turnover whatever information it could on the parents deported, but say the aclu should quote use the considerable resources to establish contact. aclu lawyers argue the trump administration is trying to shirk its responsibility. the trump administration calling for a freeze on emissions standards through 2026. it would revoke california s ability to set tougher standards which are followed by a dozen states. this marks a sharp reversal from the obama administration which worked with california and auto industry to set standards. the new york times standing by its new hire.
despite rhetoric on twitter that is blasted as racism. sarah jeong has old tweets resurfaced. one said she gets joy out of being cruel to old white men. another is dumb ass blanking white people. the times backed jeong who will join the paper next month. some of the tweets were in response to harassment. she engaged in what she thought at the time was counter trolling. i deeply regret i mimicked the language of harassers. ea sports apologizing for editing colin kaepernick out of the game. in the video posted on twitter, the verse that mentioned kaepernick has been removed. the ea sports edits vulgar content, but the company admits it made a mistake. members of the team misunderstood that they don t have the rights to include colin kaepernick in the game, but

Inn-vefvestors-don-t , Russian , Officials , Elections , Us- , Unemployment , Investigation , Jobs-report , Lot , Paul-manafort , Details , Prosecutors

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Cavuto Live 20180804 14:00:00

A breakdown of major headlines impacting business and politics features a rotating panel of industry experts.
only one who wants special counsel bob mueller to wrap it up. why democrat mark penn says this whole thing has run its course. and top house democrat eric swalwell says he couldn t be more wrong. two democrats with two very different takes on one very big show. cavuto live starts right now. david: and welcome, everybody, i m david asman in for neil cavuto today. a lot to get to, but first, president donald trump gearing up for another campaign rally tonight ahead of a key test tuesday night in ohio. why is this one so important? to fox s rick leventhal who s following the president from new jersey. hi, rick. reporter: and, david, one of the things the president has proven is that he s unpredictable and likely to go off prompter. we expect to see that tonight. his vacation began officially yesterday at the trump national golf club in nearby bedminister,
but it s a working vacation, and that s one of the reasons he s headed off to a rally near columbus, ohio. it is a get out the vote endorsement event. vice president mike pence was in ohio earlier this week to campaign for balderson, state senator running for ohio s 12th congressional district. it s a district that s been an easy win for republicans in the path. troy balderson you re going to have lesses taxes, more military funding, more border security and more jobs for the people of ohio. [cheers and applause] that s the choice that you face. it couldn t be more clear. reporter: recent polls show this race is tight. it might be a toss-up, so this morning the president tweeted: will be going to ohio tonight to campaign for troy balderson for the big congressional special election on tuesday. early voting is on. troy is strong on crime, the border and loves our military, vets and second amendment.
his opponent is a puppet of nancy pelosi, high taxes. if you were watching that rally on thursday, you know the president went off in pennsylvania on a number of topics including leaders of the democratic party and his possible opponents in 2020. let s say i m running against pocahontas [laughter] or crazy bernie! i tell ya, i gotta hand it to bernie. i saw him up there the other day, that hair is getting whiter and whiter, and he s getting crazier and crazier. [laughter] reporter: so, david, we d like to tell you what s going to happen tonight, but pretty much anything could happen tonight. [laughter] the rally s at 6:30 in central mo, and we ll have it live in central ohio. david: rick leventhal, thank you very much. president trump is expected to tout the economy during that ohio rally tonight. fox business susan lee has the very latest. susan, there s a lot to tout [laughter]
travel usually takes place. wages are also picking up, not dramatically in the month, in fact, for the year, but the average hourly wage went up seven cents. the trump administration is forecasting the best full year of economic growth since 2005. they re expecting 3% or better. however, economists still remain skeptical whether this rate is actually sustain bl, because they have concerns over tariffs and the housing market continues to cool. but treasury secretary steve mnuchin just told fox last month that 3% growth could actually be sustainable for the next four to five years, and the atlanta division of the federal reserve, the central bank, just predicted 5% growth for the july to september period, and that, david, would be the strongest since 2014. david: and jobs, i mean, the idea that you have more jobs than you have people applying for them right. six million. david: that s never happened in my lifetime. it is a record.
it s pretty strong out there, right? six million jobs available, six million unemployed, it s just matching the skill set to the jobs. david: extraordinary time in our country. thank you, susan, good to see you. is a strong economy enough to stop a blue wave in november? to democratic strategist rochelle richie, alex smith and trump for president advisory board member and a guy who s actually once for bernie i ll never live it down. david: harlan hill. good to see you all. alex, 4% growth, extraordinary in the last quarter. strong potential at 3% growth which we haven t seen in eight or nine years. rising wages, investments, more jobs than we ve ever seen. it s hard to beat this on the campaign trail. yeah. and i ll note that republicans in 2016, our various republican candidates that were running talked about 4% growth as a
reality for the united states. now that we re seeing it play out into reality, i think it s going to put the squeeze on democrats this upcoming election because once the economy s doing well, people feel like they have jobs, wages are rising, they re likely to turn their attention to other issues. and a big issue that s coming up and a big issue that motivates people to go to the polls is the supreme court. and we have, of course, judge kavanaugh who s up for confirmation, and we have ten democratic senators running in states the president won in 2016 who are under a lot of pressure. david: but, rochelle, still there s not like the economy. jim carville came out with that expression it s the economy, stupid, when other people were saying, well, there s this, there s that. it s the economy. is that still right, what what jim carville said many years ago? look, i think republicans need to hold off on celebrating the economy because, quite frankly, we still have a lot of uncertainties. we don t know what s going to happen with the trade war, we
don t mow how the know how the tariffs david: that s true, but americans have never been more confident. consumer confidence is at the highest level they are confident. but getting to your question about democrats, i think that what democrats lack in this is an overall message. i don t think that they have a message that is really going to attract independents and moderates, and i m sorry to hear that because i was the press secretary for the house democratic policy and communications committee. we were tasked with drafting an economic message. you may remember it, it was a better deal, were the jobs better jobs, better wages, better future. david: i do recall. now that you have this economy doing well, that message is not going to serve as strong david: you think democrats really gotta get their act together. the election s coming up soon. they need to have a strong message that s going to attract independents and moderates. david: but, harlan, when americans feel so good about the economy no matter what message democrats come out with, i can t imagine it beating the
health care? now, he s clearly, he s trying different things to try to get rates down, making available very simple plans that are just sort of catastrophic plans that don t cost that much. right. david: is that going to be enough for voters. i think he is doing his best to provide free market alternatives to what is out there right now. and certainly, i think, he hopes that congress will provide him with symptom legislative relief some legislative relief in this arena too. an important driver in this economic growth, speaking of legislation that was in congress and there were a lot of democrats opposed, was the tax cuts and jobs act. this is a big driver david: oh, absolutely. and there may, by the way, be another tax cut on the docket before the election are. it won t be passed, but, rochelle, you said democrats are lacking economic message. i think you would agree with me that one economic message is going to be the cost of health care for democrats, right? well, certainly. and i don t think that they want to jump onboard this whole med kale for medicare for all. i don t think that going the
democratic socialist david: you don t think that s a good route? no, it is not. i am not a fan of it. david: well, what s going to happen though? because there s a big battle in the democratic party for that. it s really divided right now. but i think that they have to get away from that sort of message right now because it s not attractive for moderates or independents. you re absolutely right david: i agree. if we don t solve this problem now, we re on a collision course with socialism. eventually the american people are going to throw their hands up and say we need relief from the high cost of health care. if we don t solve this with free market principles today, it creates a much bigger problem down the road. and don t forget as a political matter in the short term, the 2020 contenders on the democratic side who are pretty much all in favor of medicare for all are really putting the squeeze on these 2018 democrats that are up in these david: by the way, i m amazed. here we have a former bernie supporters, a democrat who was very activity in the campaign all agreeing on a couple of
points. [laughter] secretary pompeo issuing a warning, the north koreans calling it alarming. could a deal be unraveling? and forget protesters trying to shut down i.c.e., this new york candidate for attorney general wants to prosecute i.c.e. agents. what does former i.c.e. director tom 40 hohmann have to say about that? you can guess he s hot. you don t want to miss him coming up. i just switched to geico and got more. more? got a company i can trust. that s a heck of a lot more. over 75 years of great savings and service. you can t argue with more. why would ya? geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more.
these days. it s just the nature of the way we are as a world now. but people forget how long it took ronald reagan to successfully deal with mikhail gosh alcohol. it took gorbachev. it took years of meeting after meeting before progress was made. well, certainly, it did take years, david. and, in fact, we thought we were losing it at a particular point until s.t.a.r.t. and, of course, he promised star wars and a host of other things. it was really internal that things started to come unglued in the kremlin. yes, what secretary pompeo has done is really advance something that we failed in 93 and 2000, 2009 and under barack obama in 2012 with the leap ahead. the reality is that we are making progress. we ve got those 55 alleged, you know, parts of, you know, our soldiers back.
we have three prisoners released. david: yes. we have, you know, a tunnel destroyed that that they used for testing. they ve destroyed an icbm test site. now at the same time though as, you know, the secretary said the other day in the senate, they re continuing to make fissile material. they re continuing to, you know, put together another launch site. david: and the icbms, the actual missiles they coulds that could deliver these nukes that could deliver these nukes, but you have the secretary of state, this is a guy who really is instruction trusted. you talk to the intel community, and i m sure you know how well he is respected. nobody s going to pull the wool over this guy s eyes. you know, i certainly hope not. you know? david: is there any doubt in your mind? well, at this point, dave, we ve been you know, i spent a year looking at the north koreans across the demilitarizedded zone. that. david: yes. i kind of understand a little bit about to which i m speaking.
now, but at the same time we have to recognize that less than a year ago there was a hydrogen bomb explosion in north korea. there was a icbm launch. david: that s true. those people have flipped on a dime in the past. we have to recognize who we re dealing with. meanwhile, russia is not being helpful, as the secretary points out, and neither is china on, you know, exchanging or selling them secretly petrol. so behind the scenes there s a lot going on. certainly in my book i point out i really believe we re in a new cold war. we re seeing this played out today behind the scenes with regard to what president xi is doing in beijing to manipulate a lot of not only economic issues, but cyber issues as well as proxies like north korea. the same thing with vladimir putin. you know, pompeo said today that they have they, the russians have hired a bunch
of north koreans in violation of u.n. sanctions. why? you know, that s a allowing money to flow back to fuel some of this bad stuff they re doing. so we do have a long way ahead. we need some assurances david: it s a tough nut. colonel be, we re running out of time, but i just, i want to switch to another part of that alliance of evil, which is iran. there are protesters going on all over iran this morning, and it looks like we re entering into another period where these protests are getting very hot. the squeeze was put on iran. we got rid of the iran nuclear deal which put extra that economic pressure on the country. their currency has dropped two-thirds in value. you re seeing violent protests all over iran. this may spread. and it hearkens back to something that donald trump said that a lot of his detractors said, okay, come on, that s not true. let s play it from not long ago. iran is not the same country
anymore. that i can say. and we ll see what happens. but we re ready to make a real deal, not the deal that was done by the previous administration which was a disaster. david: so, colonel, this is classic trump m.o. which is that you squeeze a country until they really hurt, and then you offer them some chance to talk to them. is that a proper strategy in dealing with iran? well, i think so. president rouhani is really in desperate situation here, you know, politically. and, of course, he s running to the irgc, the quds force, the most conservative part of that organization. and unfortunately, they may lash out at these demonstrations. we saw this in 2009 when barack obama refused to do anything to help the, you know, the population. what would be a good outcome, of course, is a revolution are. and to topple the unpopular mullahs that are running that country. david: yeah. but they have a lot of tools
to lash out; strait of hormuz, certainly, what they re doing in syria, yemen and so forth. david: by the way, these protesters are specifically targeting the supreme leader. not just the president, but the supreme leader, so it s a very interesting moment. good. david: colonel, thank you very much. well, president trump s not the only one who would like to see special counsel bob mueller s probe shut down. so would democrat mark penn. why? the former clinton pollster is here next to explain. motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected.
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trump campaign chairman paul man fort is underway, so what are we learning? gillian turn e has the very latest finish turner has the very latest. the latest developments in paul manafort s tax and bank fraud trial played out yesterday, his former accountant took to the witness stand and testified she d filed tax returns she believes may have contained false information. she also acknowledged that doing so probably amounted to criminal activity. she admitted she had a sense that manafort lied to her about where money being transferred into his political consulting business us coming from. now, this was the first time a witness in the trial this week admitted to potential wrongdoing. the mueller team s now trying to prove manafort improperly list ared millions of dollars of income as loans in order to avoid paying income tax and that it was kept hidden from the urs in illegal overseas accounts. meanwhile, president trump creating news of his own this week when he called for attorney
general jeff sessions to, quote, stop it right now via twitter and doubled down on some of his criticisms. now, we re being hinderedded by the russian hoax. it s a hoax, okay? i ll tell you what, russia s very unhappy that trump won, that i can tell you. but i got along great with putin. reporter: elsewhere in the executive branch, newly-released e-mail showed that peter strzok asked to keep some of the investigatory powers he held when he transitioned over to mueller s team. on july 13, 2017, he wrote to fbi officials requesting authority to approve national security letters and declassify information. in response, the fbi assistant director of counterintelligence, william prestapp, assured strzok, quote: while assigned to the special counsel s office, you will retain your authorities to include declassification authority.
he was also granted permission to retain his security clearance, david. david: thank you very much. is so is donald trump right that it is time to wrap up the mueller probe? to former hillary clinton strategist mark penn who a lot of people would be surprised to find out agrees with the president on this. why, mark? well, look, i spent a year of my life fighting the ken starr dependent counsel on behalf of president clinton, and really that was a waste of a year for the country. i think now that we have achieved a level of peace and prosperity, frankly we haven ted had since the late 90s, once again we re about to be consumed possibly by an investigation and impeachment, and it s wrong. it affects our foreign policy. every day this investigation seems to undermine itself. the carter page warrant really was not based on anything much more than the dossier and a yahoo! article. look at this trial of paul paul manafort. where is russia. david: well, and the judge
clearly, mark, as you well know, the judge in the trial has said this has nothing to do with what you, mr. mueller and your team the, were empowered to do which was to check into russia collusion. has nothing to do with that at all, so you re right. but like ken starr s, as you mentioned, it has spun into different things. i m just wondering if mr. mueller is less interested in why he was empowered in the fist place to investigate russia collusion with the trump campaign than he is in getting rid of donald trump. well, i think there s no question that he s going to have a report here that tries to say, well, maybe he didn t find collusion, but maybe it was close and there was obstruction of justice and all of these facts. and i think that he s going to try the ken starr route. if he does it before this congressional election, i suspect like in 98 it will boomerang, and if he does it after, he ll see which way congress goes to see if he can get impeachment, although it s a fruitless exercise in the absence of any evidence that the
public doesn t know. everybody saw the firing of james comey, everybody knows his story in the terms of what he did in these investigations. you know, the whole thing now has become a national waste of time and preoccupation when we should be debating the issues. david: in his defense, what he would say is, look, we found out things about the way the russians operated in the 2016 election that neededded to be uncovered, so there has been some progress made, there have been people indicted, etc., to which you say what? look, those were show indictments of russian intelligence. just before a summit. maybe we were trying to get a different relationship with russia so we could get help on iran, help versus china and north korea. he s influencing and affecting the foreign policy of the country by doing show indictments like that rather than putting that in a report to the nation. that s the kind of stuff that should have been in a report instead of show indictments that he knows are never going to be david: you know, and other people say if he s really
interested in russian collusion beyond indicting russians, there was the issue of what happened with this trump dossier, whether russian disinformation, russian elements were involved in putting that together. of course, that would involve the hillary campaign who helped fund the trump dossier more than it would republicans. well, i think that this is one of the things that has americans divided and upset. they see a full, all-out investigation of everybody who was even close to trump, they see a trial of somebody that probably there would have been an audit here, maybe a criminal referral, but the entire weight of the u.s. government wouldn t be on paul manafort had he not served for two months, you know, in the trump campaign. they see associates being targeted in a way that is really not the typical way that we expect david: well, mark, in just a couple of moments i m going to have on a fellow be democrat colleague of yours, representative eric swalwell, who when the president
suggested well, he didn t actually say, but when the president, some of his associates suggested that maybe it s time for mueller to if not wrap, be fired, he says and i m quoting eric swalwell fire mueller and we fire you. to which you say what? look, i don t think the president should fire mueller. i don t think that would be the right end to this. there s a very interesting challenge by one of the witnesses that promised prompted a 93-page opinion i haven t read yet which should be appealed whether mueller s appointment with his broad powers, whether he really is an inferior officer. i think in that s probably the most promising way to shut this down, otherwise it s going to run its course. david: what would you tell democrat swalwell, your colleague, when he criticizes those who criticize mueller? i would say read the dossier, read the carter page warrant, actually read it. the dossier is a joke. it was tone as research, and you see in the carter page that, in
fact, this is a threat to american civil liberties. that s what this investigation is, i think, more than anything else. david: mark penn, great to see you. thank you very much. well, if you didn t already hear, apple is now the world s first trillion dollar company. laugh it s hard to imagine, as investors celebrate that milestone thanks to capitalism. well, the woman many democrats call their rising star continues to push socialism. is that really the road democrats want to go down ahead of november? herman cain knows the answer and says former president obama knows it as well. he ll explain. en it comes to hi, nobody does it better. he also loves swiping picnic baskets. hee, hee, hee yoooogiiiiiii!! but when it comes to mortgages, he s less confident. here, yogi. thank you boo boo. fortunately, there s rocket mortgage hmmm. hey. by quicken loans. it s simple, so he can understand the details and get approved in as few as eight minutes. my kind of pic-a-nic basket. apply simply. mmm-hmmm. hee, hee. understand fully. mortgage confidently.
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a democrat socialist. to cause owe cortez taking that message to california this week, the same week california the same week california-based apple becomes the first trillion dollar u.s. company. so which message is going to win out in november, capitalism or socialism? with me now to discuss is former republican presidential candidate and former godfather s pizza ceo herman cain. herman, great to see you, my friend. thank you, david. david: i ve got to say, this is not the moment i don t feel sympathy for people that are pro-socialist when you think of all the millions of people who have died in the name of socialism. however, there are some moments when the economy s going through desperate struggles and everything when perhaps people are looking for some solution, and they stumble upon social this is not one of those moments. the economy s booming. we ve never had more jobs than we have now. wages are going up, investment is going at great guns. is now the moment when american voters are going to say, yeah, maybe socialism will work?
no. this is not the moment. i agree with you. first, there is no such thing as a democratic socialist. it s a play on words to dupe people into believing that socialism might be an option. secondly, socialism has never worked in the history of mankind. can we say venezuela? venezuela is so bad because of its socialist/communist/dictatorship that they don t even have rations to ration anymore. david: and we should mention, herman, as you know very well that venezuela was the richest not just a rich country, but the richest country in all of latin america. it had more oil reserves than any country in the world. yes. david: so of all the countries, if you have bigger oil reserves than any country in the world and you end up poverty stricken, that shows you ve got a bad system working.
yes. they still have the oil, they just do not know how to get it out of the ground efficiently, and the corrupt leaders take most of the benefit. the s in socialism, if people don t remember anything else, stands for suffering. suffering of the people. and the word democratic socialist, the word socialism is just a slow walk to communism. suffering is what the people will ultimately encounter when they believe in this rhetoric about being a socialist. david: right. you know, one person who some people say agrees with you on a lot of what you just said is former president obama who actually did not endorse to cause owe cortez when he went through his list of democrats that he s endorsing for november. do you think that the split in the democratic party and earlier in this hour we heard another democrat who said she thinks socialism is a terrible idea, wants to dissociate herself from
that. do you think that that split will interfere with the so-called blue wave come november? there will be no blue wave, number one. secondly, president obama is very coy. he endorsed people that are not openly socialist, but they are. but he would not endorse someone who is openly socialist. so those that are below the socialist radar, he endorsed. but those that are out there screaming i am a democratic socialist and pushing 333, he didn t endorse david: it s kind of like tom perez, the dnc chair yes. david: saying that my daughter says that ocasio-cortez is the future of the democratic party. he said my daughter believer it so, essentially, it was a non-endorsement endorsement. right. it was a non-endorsement endorsement. and his daughter and ocasio-cortez, they do not represent the future of the
party. if they represent the future of the party, the party is done. the american people are not stupid when they are given the truth. david: yeah, but what is confusing to me, and this is again a week when apple which is the darling of millennials and the darling of old folks like us as well, but the millennials love apple, apple s a trillion dollar company. right. david: apple is the epitome of what capitalism can accomplish. think of really the millions of people who have been employed either directly or indirectly by apple, the prosperity and the comfort that we all appreciate as a result of that company. so, and yet millennials i think 280% of there s been a 280% growth of young democrat socialists in america since 2016, and of course, the overwhelming majority of them are millennials. well, i don t think they represent all of the millennials. apple is an example of what capitalism will do when you
create a unique product and you continue to improve it. that s what apple has done in order to achieve its success. the c in capitalism stands for competition. and even though competition has gone after apple, they have continued to improve their product. that s why they hit a trillion dollars. david: yeah. so the c in capitalism stands for competition which is good for this economy david: yes. and we are seeing it today. and the s in socialism is for suffering of the people. david: finally, herman, you had to deal with bottom lines as a head of a company, you couldn t deal with opinions, you had to deal with the bottom line numbers. you look at some of the bottom line numbers of one of their key proposals which is the completely socialize our health care system. there was a study out this week it s going to cost $32 trillion over ten years. now, our budget comes to about $32 trillion over ten years, so you d have to eliminate everything except health care
coverage, and no telling how health care would drop in quality as a result of its socialization. so just look at the numbers, it doesn t work. whether that resonate with voters, with the american public? it will not resonate with the majority of voters. it might resonate with some voters. let me give you one other reason as to why that $32 trillion is insane. name one program that the government has been totally in charge of that has worked other than the military? david: that s right. that s why that number is so insane. david: that s right. let the private sector continue to do its thing. let s restore the health care that we had before the unaffordable care act was shoved down our throats, before the unaffordable care acting, yes, we had a leak in the roof, but we didn t need to blow up the whole building to fix the roof. [laughter] now we don t have a building, we ve got rain falling on
everybody. you ve got people who had insurance who don t have it anymore, and they still continue to push this idea that the government knows better than the people, and the government does not know better than the people of this country. david: a great place to end. the great herman cain. erman, great to see you, my friend. thank you so much. thank you, david. david: much appreciated. have a great weekend. well, china just firing the latest salvo in the trade war with president trump. what will it mean for you and what you buy? we re on it. and first, it was abolish i.c.e. now a far-left democrat candidate wants to prosecute the agency and its agents. what what does former i.c.e. director tom hohmann have to say about that? he s back on cavuto live.
actually progress in the nafta overhaul talks. so is the white house right that short-term pain will lead to long-term gain? here with us now is fox business network s charlie gasparino and susan lee along with h squared chief research officer hitha hertz sog. susan, china s hurting right now. they are. david: the stock market s way down, investment are way down, consumer spending is way down. so the idea is that the trump administration thinks we re stronger, they re weaker, it s a good time to squeeze them. i totally agree because, yes, we re in bear market territory for the shanghai. the currency has been devalued because they need to get the economy going once again, and we have credit conditions in china. credit conditions is a big deal for a country that s overleveraged at over 260% to gdp. so, yes, it is in a weaker position. but, you know, china and its leader for life, president xi jinping, he feels like he needs
to play a strong hand since it is a nationalist platform that he has to really sell to the people of china. david: charlie i think she buried the lead. how did i bury the lead? what is he, leader for life? he doesn t care. david: he doesn t care about the people, whether they re suffering. they ll take a lot of pain. but he cares about looking strong for the people. he s leader for life. i m telling you david: well, he designated himself that. i don t know if he will be, and i don t know how long his life will be. listen, i think we should get tough on china with intellectual property david: all that. i think we should get a coalition of countries together to put pressure on them. david: it s not unreasonable, what we re asking themed to do in that regard. no, no. but if you go toe to toe and they want to extract pain on us, they can live with pain longer than us because we re a democratic country. we re going to have midterm elections. and one other thing, if we don t print 4% gdp a couple more
times, the deficit is a trillion dollars now, it s going to get to $1.5 trillion. david: how much can the u.s. consumer take in terms of pain. so far they haven t suffered a lot, and consumer confidence is still way up there. if it begins to weigh on the consumer, when does it reach a breaking point here? it s not going to, i mean, we can it s going to be for a very long time. this trade war, whatever is happening right now, is, you know, we re seeing incremental issues happening. but when it s really going to start to affect the consumer is when it s going to start to have a massive impact on imports coming in, you know, goods that we get it s already happening. yeah, but we re not going to david: not to the point where it s changed consumer confidence. susan, i had ken fisher on fox business, he s the guy who says i d go to hell before i d sell an aknewty. we ve seen his annuity. we ve seen his television ads. he s not an idealogue at all.
and he says the impact of these tariffs, even the ones that are projected we don t know whether they re going to go through or not pressure are so miniscule that that they re not going to affect the boom we ve seen in this country. i completely agree. i think it s more important on the corporate level. china has snucked that $44 billion between qualcomm and ixp? is what about disney and 21st century fox assets? that could be ? do you read the wall street journal ? david: yeah, in fact, that s where we get most of our information. i pick it up once in a while david: i worked for the wall street journal for 14 years. so did i, for nine years. and i think you should read some of the articles on the impacts on cities that are and areas of the country that are already being impacted negatively. david: well, there is by tariffs. david: [inaudible] hold on a second, hitha. there have been some good stories in the journal, to
charlie s points about how some farmers are suffering. they are, absolutely, and that has a massive impact. however, when we talk about the consumer, you re not going to see we re talking about a group of people that don t even want to leave their sofas to buy things at the grocery store. they re looking at amazon just to make sure that they have groceries coming in. a little bit of an increase isn t going to have a massive impact just yet. david: guys, if you haven t had enough of this group, you re going to get more of them in the next couple hours. stay tuned. the search for mollie tibbets is intensifying. we have the very latest coming up. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they took care of everything a to z. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that s a privilege.
mollie tibbets to come forward. our own matt finn is in brooklyn, iowa, with the very latest. matt? reporter: david, 20-year-old mollie tibbets was last seen on july 18th while jogging, and here on the ground in brooklyn, iowa, there is a growing sense of concern and desperation because investigators are being so unbelievably tight-lipped. they basically have not released any new information since mollie went missing on july 18th other than to say she was likely wearing a pink top and black running shorts. people here are kind of saying, look, if you can give us some information, describe a suspect or give us a lead, maybe we can help you in this search. police acknowledging that frustration saying, bear with us, because we do not want to release any type of information that might make it into the wrong hands. investigators even saying every day we wake up and determine what can we release to the public, and so far they basically have not released anything. the reward that risen to $220,000, the family partnering
with crimestoppers. crimestoppers telling fox news this $220,000 is to incentivize anyone who might be holding mollie captive to release her. the family says they do believe she is alive and being held captive somewhere. here is mollie s mother and one of her brothers. i can say they re doing what they have to do. you know, they can t give us information because they don t want to compromise the case. so i just know they re doing what, you know, they re doing what they have to do. just to come home, that we miss her, to keep fighting because we know she is. and then, you know, we can t wait for her to be home and be back to our normal lives and have stupid fights with her and all that, all that fun brother/sister stuff, you know? never thought you d miss it. reporter: you can only imagine the hour to record and the agony of that family. police say they do have a
timeline of the day mollie went missing, but they have also not released that to the public. right now the family is praising police saying that the search is sophisticated, and it is worth noting that there is a pig farmer not far from here who says he s been visited by the fbi motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands?
create a program out of nowhere but another president doesn t have the authority to end it. i certainly hope the administration will win it on appeals. is a 34 year career veteran i do not understand the judge s ruling. ed: to those not familiar with that the daca program was set up under an executive order by president obama, not a law endorsed by full congress. that would be something a president couldn t undo but one executive order can be undone by another executive order if it is not endorsed by congress, correct? the attorney general himself said the program is illegal so i think the judge made an error. i certainly think he ought to appeal his decision. growing currency in some parts, not all parts of the
democrat party but certainly some part started with ocasio-cortez and elizabeth warren jumped on the bandwagon to abolish ice. what do you make of this movement? i think it is ridiculous, abolishing ice includes open borders. what happens if you abolish ice from an immigration perspective? you are home free and no one is looking for you. it is open borders. if you get arrested by border patrol and get released, most judges, you are home free. ed: customs is a part of ice as well. not just the bad people would be infiltrated into the united states but what they bring in. a lot of drugs and guns coming in but wouldn t it be worse if you got rid of customers? absolutely. if you look at that side the security program run by homeland
security under ice they presented the issuance of visas to 8000 people. they found derogatory information to investigations and prevent people from coming into this country. if they forget, 1000 children were rescued from child predators, they were sitting in their on ice. and and what that would mean to the public and national security in this country is unbelievable. and talk to your congressman and senator. some of those congressmen, senators and candidates for public office say not only should you abolish ice but should prosecute ice agents for things they don t like.
this is a woman you are looking at now who is running for attorney general from the state of new york, she says prosecute ice agents to which you say what? a difficult thing for the last six months but the most far left, if she wants to be the top cop in new york, she tried and convicted ice officer for violating the law i want her to give me one example where a nice agent violated law in the state of new york. last year ice arrested and removed 5000 criminal aliens, if you commit a crime on citizens of new york we took to the streets, she should be sending ice a thank you letter rather than threatening to prosecute. this is the week we had facebook remove what was another attack from the outside, possibly russia to incite in the
social community. whoever this agent was we assume was russia trying to get people to join the anti-ice movement, and only a movement that is pursued by left-leaning candidates in the united states, but by the russians. it is common knowledge. far left democrats doing what they are doing, they are satisfying the russian government very well. trying to divide americans people are falling for it. and to support the president, and whether you like him or not he is president of the united states and we should be supporting him. his success means the country s success. it is common sense. there are divisions in the country about exactly what has
been done specifically for the illegal immigrants in this country, the question of the division of families. for some reason it was perfectly proper where the parents were involved in bag criminal activity needed to be separated from their children. and what is your view of that. i felt very strongly about that. i m very vehemently against family separation. how would you answer ivanka. no one wants to see families separated but put the blame where it belongs, a judge of the
ninth circuit, you can t detain families together, we would like to detain them together until you see a judge but when you did that in fy 14 the judge ordered most removed and went south and the numbers that went down, they wanted to say. i was on the hill numerous times this past year asking to close the loophole for the settlement agreement. if you want people to come to this country to claim political asylum and to see a judge, detain them in a family setting to see a judge. once you release the many don t show up in court and they get ordered, they don t leave. what enforcement did was try to fix the border problem or control the border because the legislature failed and we still don t have a wall. we should mention there is a
delay in our speakers here. the border wall still isn t up. in the beginning stages. how much if that is constructed will that affect the work of ice agents, border patrol. the wall has worked every place. i was in the border patrol in the early 80s when i went to san diego and it had a significant impact. whether san diego, el paso, resulted in decreased failure migration, it has proven effective 100% that time so why would we not want it. the border patrol, the barriers for ice. border security isn t real security, and border security.
the demonization of ice and h ice agents. the most reprehensible part of this whole thing. and they are sacrifices their own lives. an awful play in los angeles, play itself is not awful, the diary of an frank is a great play but what they do is replaced the nazi storm troopers with ice agents putting ice agents in the form of not the storm troopers. this is acceptable by los angeles standards. what do you make of something like that? we have removed nazi war
criminals. people who write these place and say these things, go walk the national wall in washington dc with 400 names of people who died for this country, and they were nazis the racists, just incredible. enforce laws enacted by congress. if you don t like what ice does talk to your congressman. congress won t fix it so it comes back on ice. what gets me is the rhetoric goes to ice agents, they are anti-hispanic. look at the list of ice agents, border patrol agents who have been killed in the line of duty, martinez, moralities, gomez, alpharetta s, etc.. so many hispanics themselves, ice agents, custom agents killed in the line of duty, protecting your family, a hispanic killed
in the line of duty, anti-hispanic. i have done this at 34 years, finest men of women, the bottom line is you can protest all you want, say you want, ice will not be bullied into not enforcing the laws of this country. and you can t be part of the greatest country on earth. without ice. thank you for being here. appreciate you coming on. the president on his way to ohio to campaign for the republican running in a tight special election, that vote days away, all eyes are on this one.
house candidate in the 12th congressional district special election just three days away, many seeing that is a bellwether for the midterms in november. how many times have we heard that in the past year? here to discuss is bree payton from the federalist. let s talk specifically about ohio and the 12 district and expand. in the 2016 presidential election donald trump won that district 53%-42% against hillary clinton, a huge margin. the republican candidate, troy alderson, is only ahead by one percentage point, within the margin of error. the democrat is at 43%, balderson that 44%. why have things changed? is it because of these particular personalities or something else going on? it is becoming more clear the
republican party is the party of trump and the fact that donald trump is going to campaign on balderson s be have and balderson himself decided to align himself as part of trump s agenda and that indicates that is what the republican party is at this point and when voters cast their ballots in a couple days they will either cast the ballot in favor of donald trump and continuing donald trump s agenda or cast the ballot in the opposite direction, saying we don t like what the president has been doing. it is all about trump. that is a simplistic way of rephrasing that but i think donald trump s presence bottom line is you are onto something. it may be simplistic but sometimes the simple things are the truest things, look what happened in florida where rhonda santos, a terrific candidate, i don t want to dismiss his abilities, but he was campaigning, he was all over trump, he practically tattooed
trump on his 4 head and he apparently believes that trump factor is going to be what it takes. exactly. the democratic candidate has not been saying extreme socialist things like other candidates. he has been a little more moderate and that is why he is such a challenge, voters in that area are more moderate and more likely to vote for someone who is going to say these are the things i will deviate when it comes to donald trump s agenda but i m not saying abolish ice. that makes him more palatable to normal people in ohio casting ballots, that is an interesting
look at what is going on in the democratic party. he has called for new leadership, nancy pelosi to be replaced. he is calling for new leadership in the democratic party. nancy pelosi s position is tenuous and that is going to be an end in tennessee diane black was thought to be a shoe in, she lost out even though the vice president went down, the pens affect is not the same as the trump effect. she was anticipated throughout all this, the golden girl going throughout all this, using her name to campaign. that shows we are in a political era that is completely new. if we have learned anything the past two years it is the experts
are often wrong. great to see you, have a great weekend, social media companies under fire for not doing enough to crack down on election meddling. is that their job? we will debate that coming up. honey, this gig-speed internet is ridiculously fast.
we are finally keeping up with the ford s. keeping up with the garcia s. keeping up with the harvey s. keeping up with the wahh-the-wahh the romeros. carters. patels. the allens. wah. wolanske s. right, them. no one is going to have internet like this. no one is going to have internet like this. gig to more homes than anyone. not just the joneses . over here. xfinity. the largest gig-speed network. technology companies have a frontline responsibility to secure their own networks, products and platforms. we are doing our part by providing actionable intelligence to better enable them to address use of their platforms by foreign actors. donald trump s top national security officials mourn they need the private sector s help to prevent election meddling by russians and others come november but is that their job?
here to discuss this, charlie gasparino. let me start with john. what do you think of this mix of government with the private sector? can we be serious? any other country would give anything to have a $500 billion business in its orbit. ankle biters in the federal government persistently harassed facebook and $500 billion is the operative number. we are talking $10,000 add bys. that is infinitesimal, microscopic on facebook, the notion that it was used by alleged russian interests to influence anything is just not serious and we embarrass ourselves globally when we pretend it is. i covered the facebook news this weekend and they talked about a digital arms race. maybe twitter, facebook and youtube are digital dealers,
social media has been weapon eyes to and it means there is an affront to the first amendment, civil discourse, politics. we need to come to this realization of the op-ed piece in the new york times released this weekend said they need to face reality. what they do has impact on political ramifications. what do you think? funny to listen to right-wingers talk about this, like myself because what we try to do is on one hand say facebook and twitter are very useful, great for discourse. on the other hand we try to rationalize trump s existence in the white house think russian meddling had no role and russians using social media platforms did not sway votes. it is impossible to prove the latter point. no one is going to admit they were swayed. impossible to prove someone was swayed by facebook and twitter. what we do know is russians use it, foreign actors use it, there s plenty of trolling on it and it is up to these companies, hate to break it to john,
companies are regulated. this is not utopia. they have to abide by certain rules. will the regulation or however they cooperate affect what we as consumers appreciate? if facebook was a private company they could do whatever they want. because just because they are a private company they are regulated. to your point, it is regulated and the board of directors they have to answer to. to your point they have to define what is swaying, advised by different entities and whatever that means they have to define that. will gum up the works of what it is facebook does to have a government involved in this way?
i don t think so. according to their earnings they have to go in and figure out what to spend on security and securing everything. john has to have a chance to defend himself. facebook s obligation is to its shareholders. facebook cause hillary clinton not to campaign or campaign in michigan? david knows well. i can attest to that, john many times has come out this is not about trump but whether or not government interference on private companies will affect their behavior. are you arguing i won t be able to see my friends dog pictures if the government gets involved in facebook? a much bigger threat to my well-being is a $4 trillion
federal government, not some business that is worth $500 billion not meeting the needs of the people. what is it about regulation, when we learn regulation never works you it always comes up the works. none of that environment. worked ever? facebook is exponentially more popular than the political class and if i were facebook, we will shut more popular than the political class. a lot of stuff about marco tucker berg mark zuckerberg. 32 accounts. they are in a pr they need
to do something. you saw how much money stock lost when he went on the record saying he has to spend all this money to get security up and running. let her finish. a certain point is a marketing thing. also last-minute because people, and fake accounts. hold on. the market will take care of these things. this is an economic decision based on facebook. you don t need charlie gasparino or regulators why on earth i don t think we should have
environmental laws. you make it sound like no regulation, never works. and have that discussion go ahead, last word. not just dealing with russia but regulation across the board. final word. facebook, you don t ask people who could never get a job, that creates real value. thank you very much. the end to the mueller probe, what does democrat congressman eric smallwell make of this? you can expect donald trump to ramp up his media attacks in ohio. did his daughter ivanka help him fine-tune his message by seeking a break from his media message?
motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands?
what would you tell democrat s wall well, your colleagues, when he criticizes those criticize:? read the dossier, read the warrant, read it. the dossier is a joke. it was done you see the carter page, this is a threat to american civil liberties. that is what this investigation is more than anything. former democratic strategists telling fellow democrats it is time to shut down the mueller probe. democrat congressman eric s wallwell is what the house judiciary committee. congressman, a threat to civil liberties, you would say what? the mueller investigation is relevant because foreign adversary stock to influence and
evidence that they could work with them. i reviewed more documents than anyone in the investigation because i interviewed dozens of witnesses along with house intelligence committee colleagues that reviewed the fisa investigation and what i see is good reasons to continue the investigation and learn more. you say a moment of the trump campaign, members of the trump campaign working with a wanted to work with the russians. i haven t seen specific evidence of that collusion. and what can you tell us about it? they say the russian government put together the president sunset, move 7 and to take the meeting. you think that is evidence,
the big smoking gun promised by a lot of democrats for collusion in the russia trump investigation. that shows the effect of the trump team, they were willing to work with the russians. a lot of other evidence out there, to candidates very closely. there is much evidence connecting the clinton campaign and their involvement in the trump dossier which had some information, russian disinformation sewn into it somehow, isn t that is conclusive there was collusion between the hillary clinton campaign and russia, collusion between trump campaign and russia? i don t see it that way. russian involvement in the
creation of the trump dossier at all? it appears russian sources claiming it appears russian sources were giving information how close trump and the family were with the russians but that is a source, a witness. it appears they were working with russia. there was the woman russian lawyer who took the meeting with donald trump junior who met before and after the donald trump junior meeting with fusion gps which was being paid by the democratic committee. how do you explain that? under your logic of bob mueller s team interviews a russian in this investigation they are colluding with the russians. bob mueller s team is not running for president or they shouldn t be. the fact is the hillary clinton campaign was paying money to the people behind the fusion gps study that led to the trump
dossier and they were working with this woman who went into the trump meeting. if you are really stretching to prove the collusion charge as you were with the trump connection, it is an equally short stretch to the clinton campaign. i think any campaign that says they would love to help from the russian government tells you who they are but i would also say any patriot with you are republican or democrat, any patriot who loves america would be concerned and want to find out if a candidate for president was drawing themselves closely, politically, financially and personally. you think he is investigating the clinton campaign and connection to the russians? we should investigate any evidence of wrongdoing connected he is not investigating the hillary campaign and their connections to the russians, is that a mistake on his part? i think he should investigate crimes. the crime here
what crime is he investigating with the trump campaign? conspiracy to defraud. people people have already put guilty, 5 guilty pleas and bob mueller s investigation, the president of the united states refuses to sit down for an interview. that tells you the legitimacy of this investigation. you think there should be. we have seen evidence the mueller group is investigating various forms, possibility of collusion with the trump campaign. no evidence they are investigating russian collusion with the clinton campaign. have you seen any evidence of that at all? i don t see any evidence they are investigating of the sunset in the east because the sunset in the west. the fact is there is evidence the hillary campaign was working with fusion gps to put together the trump dossier that had information from the russians in
it. i see why that is useful distraction but bob mueller should focus on the president of the united states, his family, his campaign. you said anybody there is no evidence at least as much evidence the campaign was working with the russians as the trump campaign. to gather evidence, not help from hacking, stealing, social media applications. there is evidence they were working with hillary campaign. the evidence of the dossier, the evidence of the dossier is they were seeking to find out if donald trump was working with the russians. we all want to know that, whether republican or democrat. we heard members of the intel community working with the president of the united states saying that is what they are looking into. you must be encouraged by that. yes.
we went our intel community to counter russian meddling but the russian meddling is not stopping and it is not stopping because the president won t counter russian meddling. until he comes from him they think they have a green light from the sky. i m a poor substitute for tucker carlson. your hair may not be as good but you are good. thank you, nice to see you, have a great weekend. the supreme court showdown over brett kavanaugh is intensifying, democrats say they don t have enough documents to make a decision and republicans are trying to say this about delay delay delay. we can t keep going down this partisan, picking stupid that has happened around here for so long.
we will not rest until brett kavanaugh is defeated and the american people when. we are not going to hear orrin hatch. he had some great things to say that dana perino s mother would not agree with, the search for every bit of information on brett kavanaugh they can find is republicans defend his nomination. democrats vowed to either defeat him or claim they didn t have enough documents to make a decision but is this just a delaying tactic? access carry from the judicial crisis network, a former clerk for justice clarence thomas. we requested an interview with chuck schumer to make that happen. isn t there more information about brett kavanaugh available then there has been for previous judicial nominations? by orders of magnitude. we will have more document on
him nonetheless five nominees combined. it is insane the amount of information they have, documents from his white house counsel, the star investigation, we also have judicial records, 300 opinions 12 years on the bench, way more than we had on any nominee in history. it is shocking the democrats are asking for more but it is very clear when you look at people all the people who already announced i m voting against him from day one. they would never have enough. all of this element tree school grade books they wouldn t have enough information. this is not qualifications but ideology. anyone who is not a big glib would not be approved by the democrats. it is a hail mary pass, they are trying to delay it past the election and hope they when the
senate and block all nominees, maybe they hope to find something they can relitigate the bush years. most documents are coming across the desk of those are things written by other high-level people in the administration. the bottom line is we don t know how john mccain will vote because he has medical conditions but all of the republicans line up and there are democrats in very red states who voted in the last supreme court judge nomination for donald trump but this guy is going to pass. i wonder why they are wasting political capital on this. either the hail mary idea that we can delay it long enough, some are trying to run on it. schumer said democratic senators, don t admit right out, that demoralizes their base. even the democrats we have seen
that are likely like manchin or donnelly at least admit they will meet with him but they have done what schumer has not committed to because otherwise what is amazing is antonin scalia was far more conservative than brett kavanaugh. scalia was very conservative and he was approved 98-0 in 1986. no democrats at all voted against scalia but he is more conservative than brett kavanaugh. a total shift. any other era brett cavanagh would have been unanimously confirmed. donald trump sure to take on what he calls fake news among loyal supporters in ohio. this is playing to his base but could it be hurting republicans play for independent voters? they can make anything bad
because they are the fake, fake, disgusting news.
always alex smith is with us. the point is it is clear ivanka was asked that question to divide the trumps, that is what the interviewer was trying to do, did he succeed or not? the president defeat the purpose of trying to separate the trumps on this issue? in the rest of the clip she also acknowledges she has been on the receiving end of fake news and vicious attacks. the problem is you have so many liberal journalists who are masquerading as journalists when they are pundits and giving their opinions and grandstanding in the white house when they are supposed to be reporting on what is happening and simultaneously going out of their way to attack trump voters. just this week a reporter at politico was at one of these rallies and said if you put together everybody in the room you have full set of teeth.
it might be funny but how can you fairly cover and ostensibly be held responsible by the american people if you re making fun of them. there was a dust up between sarah huckabee sanders in the white house press briefing and jim acosta over attempts to discredit the media, the troops to what harlan was saying, jim acosta, a lot of people are part of the mainstream media like judy miller for example worked for the new york times who were not pleased by acosta and what he has done, his going in front of the crowds at trump rallies trying to stir them up to get them to be as hateful as possible and say see how hateful, you saw what is happening. in some cases it is an attempt by the media to bait the crowd.
absolutely not. i completely disagree. what i saw in a clip is a video jim acosta talking to members of the press. i just feel that trump i don t know why my phone is doing that. they are telling you you are wrong. trump is the one inciting this with his rhetoric and language. he needs to stop his pulpit bullying from the podium and he needs to quiet the noise of some of these, i m calling these thugs at his rallies. a lot of blame to go around, trump is trying to stimulate reaction from the press when he goes after them but when you see jim our cost the in front of the crowd of trump supporters and try to drum up as much hatred as possible to show on the news and come into the white house briefing room and claim to be
the victim i don t think americans are buying that. it used to be true, what the news was, they are self electing, and that is something used effectively in 2016. and in pennsylvania he was giving those remarks, friends and family at the rally, looking at all kinds of news sources so it is no longer true that jim acosta is the only one who says what the news is, they are looking at different rooms. the crowds, this is your point, the crowds go way out of line and he doesn t have to do that much to stir them up because there were fingers thrown at acosta and things that were unseemly but to have sympathy and pity for jim acosta
is not something i think the american public is into. the mainstream media angela costa, the moral high ground when they started calling donald trump hitler, started attacking trump voters, gone out of their way to slander so many americans they forfeited their right that gets to a point we might agree, i don t think it goes to the point they forfeit their rights to be part of the community of media that covers donald trump. when the trump administration tried to do that fox news stood up for cnn as cnn once stood up for fox when the obama administration tried to exclude us. i was a television reporter for 13 years and part of our job is to shine a light on dark places of any administration. i interviewed donald trump when i was a reporter in west palm beach. the man i see now is not the same man i met.
i feel like this is the result of donald trump. we have a hard break, thank you, that will do it for cavuto live. i will see you next week with melissa francis weekdays at 4:00 pm on fbn. have a wonderful weekend. saved an average of $412. that s auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. paying too much for insurance that isn t the right fit? well, esurance makes finding the right coverage easy. in fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of $412. that s auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call.

President , Message , Trump , Allstate , Democrat , Apple , Herman-cain , Rising-star-preaching-socialism , Dollar-mark , America-celebrating-capitalism , Thing , Bob-mueller