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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The OReilly Factor 20140527 00:00:00

unsupervised kids tonight, we will continue the debate. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. hi, i m bill o reilly. thanks for watching tonight. as we present a very special talking points edition of the factor. we begin with the american left. and capitalism. with president obama s job approval numbers falling, and the democratic party having trouble in an election year, you would think that committed liberalns americans would low key it a bit, you would think. but, no, they are upping the rhetoric, especially the anti-capitalism stuff. hillary clinton is widely seen to be the democratic
nominee in 2016 for president. she portrays herself as a moderate. that s not good enough for on the far left.llar does hillary clinton sound to you like the right person for this moment? in a time when corporations have hijacked our politics, enabling them to reap all the profit without any compunction to do right by their workers. as someonee who sat on the anti-rabid board of wal-mart for six years, the rightto person to restore workers rights in a time when we re still reeling from a global financial disaster brought on by full hearty bank deregulation is someone who who recently took $400,000 to give two speeches at goldmanhe sachs the person we need tost rest control of the asylum back from the banking inmates? now that anti-capitalistic commentary is the far left signature issue. talking points believes there must bemu oversight on banks andd big business to to do the right thing is foolish and naive.
if you don t believe me read a little teddy roosevelt. many on the left want to t dismantle the entire corporate system. and we are seeing the se consequences of that in thences obama administration. now, entering his sixth yearar in office, the president hasent not been a friend tote corporate america. he advocates high taxes topa pay for an entitlement culture. business knows that and has not expanded, preferring to hoard profits or keep themse overseas where theyas cannot be taxed. that s why the job situation and income for working americans is stagnant.good for every good job available, there are plenty of applicants, therefore, salaries are suppressed. the government can provide well-paying jobs on a mass scale. it cannot. and every country that has tried that has failed. 90 miles off the coast of florida look what happen in cuba. that should be affluent country but communism has
killed the country. hillary clinton must fight zealot tri on the left. she will defeat it she will get the nomination and mrs. clinton will run as a moderate democrat promising to reform some of president obama s ante business policies. that s what she will do. and that s the memo. now for the top story tonight, reaction, joining us from washington, ellen who worked for president obama s 2012 campaign. and with us in the studio dr. screeny. who teaches political science. where am i going wrong, doctor? i think you are on to something here. i think in my mind this speaks to enormous division and increasing division in the democratic party. so you look and you see the attacks this hillary is getting from the left and not a surprise but i think many people predict that wall street for 2016 will be her achilles hill heel in the same way the iraq war was in 2008. something she will have a fight. if she becomes nominee and elected many on this kind of new left progressive left fear that she is going to be too close it wall street and
continue her husband s moderate policy. that s a given. i don t think hillary clinton although they made a big show of being with de blasio who is about as far as left as you get and they were all raw raw and the mayor of new york wants to confiscate everything, i m not quite sure how much. but i have got my bike chained six times. so i bet you have a nice bike too. dr. there is a division in the democratic party like the republican party like the paper people and moderate republicans. growing division between the so-called progressive ring and moderate ring, do you see it that way? i don t see that division historically as you guys see it i see a rhetorical concern, i think about whether hillary clinton is talking to the right people, hearing the right ideas. what are the right ideas? tell me what s right and what s wrong? look, obviously the far left
has articulated by ms. ball, the commentator that we use to set it up. believes that hillary clinton is a tool, a shrill, taking money from goldman sachs, 200,000 for two speeches. that s more than i get. that s outrageous. okay? and so they don t want her. they want elizabeth warren. they want this socialist up in massachusetts. that s who they want. maybe what they want is to have elizabeth warren s voice represented in hillary clinton s campaign. i think there is a great unanimity among democrats that hillary clinton would be a great candidate and we would love to have her. i think the concern about whether she is talking to bankers or not is not really real because i don t think that there is any ms. ball said we don t want her. i don t want her. flat out said it and you do you believe as ms. quawl does, is there a division? is it getting to be a brawl type thing or is it oh we just disagree? i think it s a division
now. my feeling and my sense is it is going to grow because historically that s what happens with political parties in the united states. parties become begin and become divided. i think we are seeing that and i think bill de blasio s election here in new york city who is now the leading progressive in the country and somebody who we know has been close to the clintons but there is this kind of growing sense that. yeah, but she can t run on de blasio nationwide. and let me tell you this ms. qualls. hillary clinton has got to pull back from president obama. because he got a 19% decline in median income for working americans under obama administration. do you have a big burgeoning stock market that only gets fat cats like me. it doesn t benefit the worker people, union people. and you have this unbelievable unemployment problem because the private industry is saying you know, we are north going to expand. we don t like obama care. we don t like the high corporate tax. we are going it keep all our money in luxenburg, we are not going to bring it back. hillary clinton is going to have to walk back all of that stuff.
you know that. well, bill, you, me, and hillary clinton probably all agree that the minimum wage should be increased. i do. but that s small ball. the big thing is jobs that pay well. but we all agree that wall street needed some reforms after the giant meltdown. i haven t geraldo hillary clinton say there is anything that shield roll back in wall street reform. i think it s rhetorical thing. it s a shot across the bough from the left. i don t think it s a real concern. i mean, it is an unsustainable argument that hillary clinton hasn t worked her entire public life to create more opportunity and access to opportunity. i appreciate you ladies coming on. it s a very interesting and important topic. here is what is sustainable. hillarycan t run on the obama economy unless there is a miracle in the last three years. she is not going to repudiate it because there are elements that she agrees with. we will see her walk a moderate line. positive signs from the obama economy you have got
to commit. deficit is down, unemployment is down. there are positive signs. i agree with you not all is perfect. you have seen the polls, doctor, lately? have you seen the economic pulls? i have seen the pick polls. you and your little progressive friends may think there is positives but, don t have much time on but, don t have much time on obamacare: next on are my name is jenny, and i quit smoking with chantix. but, don t have much time on obamacare: next on are before chantix, i tried to quit. probably about five times. it was different than the other times i tried to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it s a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. that helped me quit smoking. some people had changes in behavior,
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(woman) just pop the trunk. (man vo) i may not know where the road will lead, but. i m sure my subaru will get me there. (announcer) love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. honestly, the off-season isn t i ve got a lot to do. that s why i got my surface. it s great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it s got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it s just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work! captain: and here s a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. when you save money on hotel rooms, it s just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins.
a crusade. there cosmtion comes a time when people with values simply have to stand up. think nazi, germany. most of those people did not believe in what hitler was doing. yep. exactly. but did they speak up? nope. did they stand up for what they believed? they did not. and you saw what happened. and if you believe that the same thing can t happen again, you are very wrong. and joining us now from virginia beach is dr. carson. if you mention nazis you know you are going to get hammered. what you said there at the end there intrigued me a bit. you said if you believe it can t happen again see i didn t believe that naziism could happen in the u.s.a. i don t think it could happen nor could communism happen here. do you disagree with me? well, i believe that what can happen is if people do not speak up for what they
believe, they can be trampled. their rights can be trampled to various and sundry degrees. now, of course, the objective of many on the left is to take a single word that you are not supposed to say. you can t say nazis and slavery, that s political correctness as you well know. i do not believe in that. i think it s a bunch of crap and it doesn t really belong in the american system where we have freedom of speech and freedom of expression. you don t regr using the buzz word nazi. what you pointed to historically is correct. what you said is absolutely correct the germans were not members of the nazi party. they sat on their butts and they allowed the fanatics to take over that could not happen here because of our system in checks and balances. but, i think what you are worried about it is the obama administration s policies in general taking root.
is that what you are worried about? there are a couple of things that i m worried about. i m worried about the fact that the pop police is being silent and is not expressing what they believe because they are afraid. they have been intimidated. by whom? by the government. how? by the government and by the media, by the p.c. police. you say something, all of a sudden like this is a perfect example. you know, you are using an example of how people would not speak up. they try to turn the argument away from that because they know it s true. they know what i m saying is true. but, rather than talk about that, they want to divert the issue to something else. you couple that with the fact that our congress needs to be a little more courageous because the reason we have a divided government is if one branch of the government gets a little bit over exuberant they need to reign them. in we need courage there to do that. politicians encourage, we are not seeing you
know but, look, the last time well, maybe not the last time in the fall you said, look, you you were bothered by the irs to an extent that you felt they were trying to intimidate you; is that correct? yeah. i don t think it is cointhe government agency that you can point to in your life, dr. carson s life that you believe was put upon you to shut you up. and it s not just me. we we now have a government that is trying to take over the healthcare of the pop pop pop pop pop why would you put the irs over something so massive. they are the enforcement agency of fines. they because it was ruled
a tax by the supreme court foolishly, so somebody has to enforce the taxation element and that s the irs. so, on paper, it makes sense. but you heard the president of the united states tell me, your humble correspondent there is not a smidgen of corruption in the irs. you heard that. right. we heard that and that, to me, is it strains credulity that he actually believes that but that we let people get away with it this is what bothers me. the fact that the congress doesn t stand up and say no, you may not implement this program because the a major portion of it is still under investigation. and we are not done with that. we don t do that in regular life. we don t take somebody who is under suspicion and put them in charge of something major like that. we have to just start doing things that are logical and that make sense again. all right,
helping young americans at risk is a powerful talking points you do not want to miss. later, the action from obama s senior advisor valerie jarrett. it requires accountability and people to step up to the plate and work hard and stay in school and excel and dream. but it also requires a community around them to provide a safety net. ck pain. .and a choice. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve. .for all day relief. start your engines fueling the american spirit. can you hear it? no matter when, no matter where, marathon will take you there.
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announcement and i was happy to attend. the initiative is very well intentioned. but some specific things must be done. first, you got to teach children at risk to read. if that takes one-on-one tutoring that s what has to happen. two, you have to provide mentors to individual children that the teachers pinpoint who lack guidance at home. there should be a volunteer program for mentors in every city and town in this country. three. high profile americans including the president and first lady must go on television and the net to warn, to warn young people having babies outside of marriage and bringing children into this world without resources is cruel. it s cruel has to be a campaign, a persuasion so young americans wise up. also, there has to be peer pressure not to get pregnant unless you are in a stable situation. are we all understanding
that? right now there is no peer pressure. that has to change. fourth, the initiative has to get local business people to hire kids for summer jobs and internships. children must know about the work place and what is expected there. and, finally, the american law enforcement has to engage children at risk to convince them they are not the enemy. if those five things are part of the my brother s keeper initiative, i can guarantee you america will begin to turn the terrible situation around. but, if people continue not to make judgments about bad parents, disorderly children, chaos in the family unit, we continue to make excuses for all that, problem is only going to get worse. hopefully today the white house made the first step and i believe that american business, law enforcement and we, the people, will step up to help the kids at risk.ea i really believe that andth that s the memo. top story tonight. reaction. senior advisor valerie
jarrett. i was pleased you invited me to this.s. people were fainting when i walked in. we were delighted to have you. look, the president mentioned in his remarks a culture of cynicism on the a streets. nicism on the streets. not just blacks but it s the poor and the hard core, what they call gangstas. you know what i m talking about, right? there is a culture of cynicism like we can t make it. we re not going to be art pa of this. we re going to sell drugs and we are going to do what you we want. have you got to get in the afte. we all have a role we play here. this is not a big government program. the government s role is minor. it requires accountability. it requires people to step up to the plate. and work hard. and stay in school. and excel and dream. but it also requires a community around them to provide a safety net. the president talks about his own childhood he wasn t
sitting in school. he was very some guidance. he had a lot of guidance. what he says he wants for all of our children is to have that safety net. but he also told them, look, boys, you aring if to have to work hard and you are going to have to act responsibly. have to attack the fundamental disease if you want to cure it now, i submit to you that you are going to have to get people like jay-z, all right, kanye west, all of these gangsta rappers to knock it off. that s number one. i think what these boys need is positive role models as you said. listen to me, listen to you c johnson there today he is a good guy. you have a bunch of these guys and a barrage, barrage, barrage and make it uncomfortable to have a baby out of wedlock. make it uncomfortable to sell drugs. you have got to reverse
move, exercise. i want michelle obama to come on this program, right here and i want michelle obama look into the cam randstop say you teenage girls you stop having sex, you stop getting pregnant. this is wrong. i want her to do this right here. it s better iff she isassr actually sitting down in the classroom with the girls, inviting them to the white house. sharing her. that only reaches a few though. i believe that anything doe she does gets covered by the press. can i give you a compliment? you i believe that mymy brother s keeper program is going to work, okay.ok i think it s going to work. but it will work a lot faster and you will save a lot more lives if you incorporate what i m telling you tonight. you do you know, bill, what i really like is the fact that you are passionate about. this i care. i m a were fer teacher. i had them in my class 40 years ago. the situation has justhil gotten worse. it has. that s why we have to change the trajectory. wee appreciate you coming in tonight. it s a pleasure to beoni here. really? i m having fun.
there you go. i am. white house correspondent ed henry will weigh in on the the my brother s keeper program. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. at od, whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business.
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enroute back to the vatican after a trip to the holy land. before departing today the pontiff honored holocaust victims by kissing the hands of several survivors. the ukraine s president elect wants to talks with moscow and end a pro-rugs insurgency in the eastern part of the country. porchenko promising to open a dialogue. he also said he would not negotiate with terrorists, rebels are calling his election illegitimate. i m kelly wright, now back it to a special o reilly factor. big things. number one, did anything stand out for you? what stood out for me is that the seeds of today were started a year ago this month in chicago is at an event with the president where he was highlighting a
program called becoming a man which is sort of an after school sports program in chicago. the president was visibly moved there after meeting with some of the young people who are part of that program. some of those folks were back here today from chicago at the white house. and what stuck out for me then and now was that the president wasn t just sitting there saying i m going it help people and set an example by talking about how great i am. he talked about his failures and whether you are an anchorman or president talking to kids like this. the president opening up about how he basically didn t know his father. that he used drugs. saying things you don t hear a president say could be more effective with these kids by saying look that doesn t mean you are dead end. you could wind up becoming president and becoming anchormen. those messages are all positive. the i chided him in the
super bowl sunday interview. i remember. i said come on, when are you going to get off it and start do something big. got into the door today. what i m trying to get across to the nation to valerie jarrett has got to be more personal than that the president can visit kids did at the white house. you can t visit with all kids. you can go on the television and the net and look into the cameraened a say don t g to hurt you. it s not fair to the baby. that s that s what has to be done. got to get pinhead rappers and get these people idolized to start to get that message out that was not included in the initiative broader economic issues not just about this issue inive. make sure the broader economic policies helping people not just of color but helping people all around the country if you look at it just african-american youth unemployment right now
is something like 26% in this country. the president has been in office for five years. you can talk about these initiatives. they may make a difference. but the broader economic policies that the president is pushing, that he is fighting it out with the republicans on the hill, those have a huge impact as well. when you have got 26% african-american youth unemployment, i think it s about 15% for hispanic youth unemployment, obviously broader unemployment is bad for people, white, asian, black, you name it but when you look at those kind of numbers there are a lot of policies that need to be put in place. the reason the numbers are there a lot of these kids can t read and speak. that s why we have to get back down to hey, if by the 3rd grade you can t read, it s one-on-one. have you got to teach them to next up, is hip hop harmful to america s youth? girl you like girl you like
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it s a good initiative as we discussed with the president s senior advisor valerie jarrett. if you missed the interview ing the entertainment factor. these are effecting unsupervised children of all colors. makes billions putting out stuff like this. i fought so hard [bleep] now, if you can t see that unsupervised children might be harmed by that kind of stuff, then you are not responsible person. period. in order to help children at risk, the american society has got to convince them to
stop destructive behavior. like using drugs. committing violence, getting enablers to showof apologists d themselves. the fact that this per pettation of young black men, whether you are famous or not famous whether you are a thug or a gangster because, what, because you listen to rap music, rap music is the reflection of our society. o reilly is uncomfortable with this culture. that s understandable. he did not come from this culture. that culture has some validities, if you will. sure. validities. the overall effect of base entertainment is corruption of impressionable children but will never ever get the far left and many in the entertainment industry to admit that the uber left will not make judgments. the industry simply wants to make money. i enormous.
the my brother s keeper initiative is a very positive thing for this country. but unless it is coupled with a change in the entertainment culture, it will not reach nearly as many children as it should. and that s the memo. now for the top story underminig black america and what we can do about it here in the studio kevin powell, president of the b.k. nation. b.s. nation standing for building knowledge. where have i gone wrong. i think the issue is not that i myself hip hop culture for 30 years has said some of the things that you are s what you just saw. for adults, as i say, i don t care. i mean, you are an adult,
you want this, that s fine with me. i have no problem. but 12 and it s corrupt. i mean, this is a culture of failure. it is dogging black america. i think you are right to call it out. but you know what happens is the critics as you say come out and they say oh, if yo are g talking about black women as hos and bitches. horrible. bad schools, all the environmental barriers to their success and attitude. how do you respond to that? but nothing about building a family. you know, the problem with people like mr. williams is that not only does he not know anything about hip hop culture and its history. oh, stop. actually you don t. because i have never seen you involved with anything to do with hip hop.
wait, let him talk. the same thing you are saying now in 2014 mr. williams was said about hip hop when it was balanced in culture in the 198 os and 90s. we saw a diversity of voices same people attacking hip hop. even if you took hip hop out of the equation, poor schools, lack of economic opportunities still be out there. this morning i started my day in brownsville brooklyn. i have a firm in look britain one of the poorest communities in america. these kids are dealing with systemic problem. this initiative is designed to at least bring yesterday said there was a culture of cynicism in these precincts that young men who get into trouble, generally speaking. i think this applies to girls too. they don t want that s not whm saying. what i m saying. even if you listen to hip hop and its totality from the very beginning to the president. is actually as american as
apple pie. they are talking about everything else we see in america. talking about it in a way that alienates the system. you can t get a job if you walk in to ibm and use that kind of a presentation. you can t. but what i m say talking, sir, with all due respect first of all we who are having this hip hop culture and the industry that you referenced at the top of the show. we agree about the problems with the industry. it s the ceos who put out this. i m putting the rap yawn is putting the rap on jay-z beyonce and so on. why are you accusing the rap people. basically they used to do ministerial shows with they have black people standing up and doing a minstrel show. the big market for this is white people. it s a white male teen fantasy, they get to use the n word and v. all the sexual references and nasty words. violence. and you asked me to let you finish. give the last words. let me tell you i grew up
in brooklyn i come up from crown heights. i grew up in that situation. i have got to tell you when you are saying to young people you can t succeed in the system which is what the president and bill o reilly just said, that is corrupt. that is corrosive to the way (woman) this place has got really good chocolate shakes. (growls) (m) that s a good look for you. (woman) that was fun. (man) yeah. (man) let me help you out with the.. (woman).oh no, i got it. (man) you sure? (woman) just pop the trunk. (man vo) i may not know where the road will lead, but. i m sure my subaru will get me there. (announcer) love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. and the award goes to ceramics house.
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involved. and that will be tough to nail down. what we do know is ambassador stevens traveled to the backwater of benghazi despite the fact it was a dangerous place. organized terrorists knew the ambassador s location causing damage but no one would give the order for the u.s. military to move into libya. no one. thus four americans killed and subsequently, no terrorist have been held accountable. some say fault lies with hillary clinton, then secretary of state. she was running the world and didn t have her attention on libya, why should she? mrs. clinton had her hands full. to blame her for the attack in libya, not fair. yes, security was bad and the state department was warned. but those things are usually handled by others, not the secretary of state. however, after the attack, now hillary clinton should have
stepped up and explained the situation. instead, she herself referred to an anti muslim video as insighting the violence. she went along with what the ocbama administration was puttig out there. that was wrong and that s on her. the key question right now is did president obama himself actually come up with the false narrative? no committee will get that defined unless a guy like john dean steps up. his testimony took the president down. so the congressional committee will uncover some facts but unless a white house insider comes forward, the president will not likely be effected. there is a second scandal surrounding benghazi, some in congress don t want to know the truth, just like vice president gerald ford during watergate. they are in denial. the president was in the process of negotiating with the soviet union. the president was trying to handle the war in vietnam.
i m sure he turned to those running the reelection campaign and said i have these major matters that involve the national security and well being of the american people and you run the campaign, and therefore i m convinced he had nothing whatsoever to do with watergate. it is erie the same kind of stuff being said today about benghazi. diversion benghazi, benghazi, why aren t we talking about something else? we ve already had thousands and thousands of pages of testimony, four committees in the house, two bipartisan committees in the senate. this is a waste of taxpayer money. again, supporters of the president simply want to know. now, as far as the irs scandal is concerned, the one woman who can break the case has been held in contempt of congress, as you know. if a federal grand jury is convened, ms. learner could be
charged with a crime. that is the only way, the only way she might tell the world what happened, if she can make some kind of deal. just one man will make that decision, the u.s. attorney for the district of colombia. it s up to him alone to call for a grand jury. he works for eric holder and appointed by president obama. so talking points does not expect ms. learner to face a criminal proceeding. did the white house actually order the irs to target conservative groups? the president denied it to me on super bowl sunday. we re not likely to get to the bottom of this because the system is flawed. you cannot make learner talk for political reasons and it s the law. a muslim terrorist group kidnapped 300 girls 16 to 18 year ols old. the problem is not getting any better. there are scores of islamic
groups terrorizing civilians all over the world, yet, what are the muslim nations doing? very little. there should be a summit organizing against them and if you speak out, you re a bigot, a terrible person. most muslims are good people but a substantial minority cause trouble, syria, iran, openly kill civilians with little repercussion and another problem that seems to have no solution. kidnapping little girls? i mean, that s enough. brit hue may disagree with me about hillary clinton and benghazi. he will be here. our fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. our fiber. they re delicious, and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. wife: mmmm husband: these are good! marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips.
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i don t disagree with you at all about the prospect she may have something to do with a coverup and i think you may well be right that she really can t be blamed except in the broadest sense for the incident itself, except there are things about that we don t know. we don t really know why chris stephens was there. we don t really know why the u.s. had that compound setup in benghazi. there are a number of things we don t know. i m not saying that they implicated her in someway. you know mrs. clinton, correct? personally you know her? yes, i ve known her for years. i didn t know her that well. i did one interview, spent a little bit of time. you correct me if i m wrong because you ve known her for years. she s not a micro manager kind of person. she s the front person. all right? that got sent all over the world, constantly on the go, doing, i don t know what she was doing half the time. couldn t really figure it out.
i can t imagine hillary clinton sit there and saying gee, what is going on in benghazi today. bill, we do know what that mission was there and what the ambassador was doing. we ll have a better idea it seems almost impossible that hillary clinton would be paying attention to benghazi no matter how many warnings the state department got, they don t go to her, they go to other people. i just can t see it. is it wrong, remember watergate, the third rate burglary. that was the first. it was almost like the democrats today. it was almost like nancy pelosi, all most the same. third rate burglary. all right? doesn t matter, these guys, the plumbers broke into the watergate to try to find stuff about the democratic campaign. that s what we heard. we heard it and heard it and heard it. that s exactly what we re hearing.
this isn t a big deal. isn t it erie? it s almost exactly the same. it s the same in both cases we had a coverup. bill, before we make watergate comparisons, it s worth remembering that nearly 70 people were accused in the end of crimes in watergate and i think 48 or so were convicted. so we re a long way from talking about that. we re not a long way from how the politicians are reacting. we re right there, and when you re talking about a watergate break in for political intelligence, which it was, as opposed to an american ambassador being murdered, which story is more important? there is so much we know and can t say. watergate turned out to be a crime wave and until we see something that indicates something on that scale, i just think that watergate comparisons are best left on the shelf. i disagree respectfully.

Kids , Debate , Factor , Caution , No-spin-zone , President-obama , Left , Billo-reilly , The-american , Democratic-party , Thanks , Talking-points-edition

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Justice With Judge Jeanine 20170108 02:00:00

later. are you worried about the russians hacking us? no, i m not worried at all. russian espionage on the streets of new york city. i take the post of the people in street justice. and even find a little love. you re getting married? why question it. when you fall in love, what you do? you run. justice starts now i will speak with press secretary spicer. first, my opening statement. politics get get in the way a lot. sometimes, even in the way of dying kids. i wanted to start tonight with all the enthusiasm of the first
children s foundation. permit a few differences. eric trump was not penniless or in debt when he started the eric trump foundation. he did not start that foundation to make money, and he certainly did not become rich because of it. here is what his own wife told me in florida. he started the eric trump foundation to help kids with cancer. in fact, he such a humble guy, i didn t i didn t even know about it. he started at the year before we met and it was almost like he didn t want to toot his own horn to say look what i did. on the show, i remember him saying that 100% of the proceeds go to the kids. it s very important to eric. this is something he has always worked so hard for. he works his hardest at the eric trump foundation, and i have seen him negotiate pennies off
accomplishments like the intensive care unit at st. jude s opened in february 2015 before his dad was ever a candidate for anything. all the monies raised, almost 100%, given to the charity for the foundation. millions, almost 20 million operated with one employee. eric shouldering operating costs himself. so this past christmas eve, those children not dreaming of toys or sugarplum fairies, but the ones praying there next chemo or lead transfusion wouldn t hurt so much. some even praying that death wouldn t visit their rooms that night, hoping maybe, just maybe, an angel would come with a gift. not a gift of toys, but the gift
of life all because of a young man named eric. they lost that night. yes, it was the unluckiest of them all who suffered that night because a young man who did nothing but good for all the right reasons could not continue to do good, because evil was assumed to be the norm as scrooge and the ghost of the clintons past visited the eric trump foundation and the children who benefited. that is my (tell me what you think of my facebook page or twitter. hashtag judge janine. joining me me now by phone, president-elect trump son, and executive director of the trump organization and founder of the eric trump foundation, eric trump aired this is his first television interview since
expense ratio for charities in the world. we are so fortunate. it s one of the great benefits or perks of having a great organization with great assets that you can use practically for free. we raised so much money for st. jude s. the second someone is elected into public office, you re you re no longer given the benefit of the doubt. no matter how good your track record was or how much great you ve done, you re no longer given the elephant of the doubt and sadly, at the the end of the day, the only people who lose as you said so wellin your opening, the only people who lose are some of the sickest kids in the world and those are the kids at saint jude. jeanine: the new york times originally question how much you gave and said there wasn t any evidence to support it and just yesterday, apparently they seem to indicate that clearly you had given well over $16 million.
was there any satisfaction from that. i thought it was very nice that they came around and actually admitted how much they donated to the hospital and they said very nice things which was very vindicating. i think there are some people who have said nasty things over the years and that s the political world that we as a family now live in. it s the reality. there will be people who go out and make statements to sensationalize whatever they can and sell newspapers and we will deal with that for the next four or eight years. jeanine: but you know, eric, that must frustrate you because you re not in office, you re not, you re not in the government. we haven t seen you pretty much of since the election because you and your brother that we saw so often are now back in the business. your father is getting ready to run the business of the country, and he has been, actually, since he was elected. does this frustrate you?
yes it s frustrating and it s a narrative they will try to keep up for the next four or eight years and it will be a narrative of harassment. sadly again, it s too long. it s millions and millions of dollars going to the best pediatric research hospital anywhere in the world and that s sad. that is the game that gets played with politics. even if you said there is something to do with the administration, it will be the quagmire that we as a family live in for a long period of time. did you expect it would be this difficult, eric? it s been amazing. when i see my father save jobs all over the place, when you see what happened with ford. jeanine: but for you personally eric. i think we all knew when he
jeanine: america is were ready to welcome a new president in less than two weeks, but not everybody s onboard. in fact, some, some people on the left are doing their best to subvert democracy and the american way by encouraging people to not even give the incoming president a chance to lead. the chance that he earned, fair and square, back in november. here is left-wing movie director michael moore right after the election talking about what he and his followers are going to be doing in the days up to and beyond the inauguration while donald trump is working tirelessly to fix the country. we are going to resist, we were going to oppose pratt this will be a massive resistance. there is already, women are calling for 1 million women march. jeanine: okay so it s indicative of a movement on the left to delegitimize the new president. joining me now to talk about that and more is white house press secretary sean slicer. jeanine: it was really an emotional piece.
his foundation that he is forced to separate himself from from because nothing that he has done, he s not even in the government, but because of the behavior, i believe the clintons and all of the attacks on that foundation that i believe were legitimate, but now we have people saying, let s stop president trump before he even gets there. the man hasn t stopped working. how are you going to convince these people that donald trump was elected fair and square and let s give the man a chance. there s a couple things, judge. first, it is sad that eric trump worked so hard for st. jude s because the only people who lose are those children are the children of st. jude. it is sad because the losers are the people they worked so hard
to help. getting to your question, look, on november 8, donald trump 130 straight trump 130 states. nine of 13 battleground states, over 2600 counties and flipped counties that barack obama carried in 2012. i m not sure how much more resounding of a win win you can get. the movement that he led spoke loud and clearly on election day more portly, to your point, since he took that stage at 2:50 am and talked about uniting all americans, he has worked tirelessly, not only to put together probably the most amazing cabinet ever seen, but to get results whether it s carrier or sprint and talking about thousands of jobs that he is personally working to bring back to this country, or saving the american taxpayers millions and billions of dollars through his work to lower the cost of on of air force one.
a guy who is still 13 days from office still has a track record as president elect that most would like to have as president. jeanine: but sean, the positive that the president-elect can talk about are clear. i think that most people are blown away by the fact that the man is even working 247, but more importantly, it s not just democrat or progressive or left, it s almost anarchist or communist, revolutionary communists taking out ads thing we ve got to stop this man. is there concern for the inauguration? they re talking about protest, do whatever they can to stop donald trump. look, i think more more of these individuals are finding themselves in the minority. there will be a historic record of people because the movement
that donald trump has led is a movement of change, a movement that finally taps into the frustration that so many american workers are finally saying thank you for in understanding what i ve been saying for so long and been so forgotten. i think that inauguration is going to be a historic one in that it won t just be an amazing day, but it will be the beginning of an amazing eight years for donald trump. at some point the facts will become overwhelming because the number of successes he has both domestically and internationally. at some point, you have to say wow, he has saved the job of a friend or family member. he has lifted up the wages, my healthcare has gone down and i can see the doctor i talked about. i have more educational choices. the inner cities are better. the roads and bridges and infrastructure are getting repaired the way they should of. jeanine: democrats, right now, are being so obstructionist that they re saying we ve got all of these ethical hurdles, before we
even get to the confirmation hearing spread i ve never heard of these ethical procedures or hurdles that they have to overcome first. have you? no, you didn t didn t hear about him in 2008 when she chuck schumer voted 42 times to look the other way on democrats that will weren t seeking appointment in the obama administration. you didn t see them when the republicans voted seven of those nominees their confirmation votes on day one and five more the next time and 13 by voice well. republicans acted professionally and responsibly in 2008 and recognize that the president has an opportunity to have the people that are qualified to be in the cabinet. donald trump, as president elect has selected the most qualified cabinet in modern history, if not ever. i think they re getting split by schumer because he s trying to play a political game, but most
democrats recognize that the movement wasn t just about republicans but it was about democrats and independents and many of their own constituents. you take a state like missouri where president electra carried it by 19 points but i don t think claire mccaskill is going to want to vote against that kind of overwhelming message when it comes to confirmation pics. not only are they qualified but she has to recognize that she has the answer to her constituents if she doesn t understand the change they voted for in missouri and other states around the country. jeanine: donald trump has an opportunity to continue to change the landscape of those elections going forward. sean, thanks so much for being with us. thank you. jeanine: i m joined by someone calling for protest against president-elect trump. this is a debate you are not going to want to miss. then the congressman is here to talk about the incoming administration as well as his home state of california and their curious move involving attorney general eric holder. are you worried about the
russians hacking us? no i m not worried at all. i asked america about the russia hacking hearing. street justice is still ahead and it ends with a big surprise as justice rolls on on health probiotic caps daily. .with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes? wow! phillips. be good to your gut. i need to promote my new busi can make that business cards? business cards, brochures, banners. pens? pens, magnets, luggage tags, bumper stickers. how about foam fingers? like these? now, get 15% off making your company stand out. staples. make more happen. i mess around in the garage. i want to pay more to file my taxes. i want my tax software to charge me at the last second. paying $60 to file my taxes was the highlight of my day. and you just saw footage of me flipping burgers. want to charge me extra to itemize my deductions? no problem. i literally have too much money.
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countdown to inauguration day is still on, but some still refuse to accept the reality. my next guest is one of many attempting to delegitimize trump s presidency before it even begins. at the national spokesperson for the communist party in the united states. he joined me now. carl thanks for being on tonight. i was fascinated like many, with the ad in the new york times that said something like know in the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist america. i m not wondering the read the whole thing but it pretty much says we have to stop the trump pens regime before it starts. we don t have a lot of time so i asked some direct questions. call, how are you going to stop the trump hands regime.
he was elected fair and square. the electoral college has been certified. were getting ready to roll. what are you going to do to stop them. look, no election, fair or foul should legitimize a fascist regime, and that is what the trump pants regime is. donald trump campaigned as a fascist, he has assembled a team to carry out that fascist agenda, we ve seen this before. the demon nation. he spent the christmas holidays, a time that supposed to be peace on earth and will toward men talked tweeting about a new nuclear arms race. this is what he campaigned on, this is . jeanine: what about, you want to talk about delegitimizing. i have to be honest, donald trump is something i believe in. let me just say this. aren t you delegitimizing the election in the constitution because you don t like the guy. i don t like the guy, but what i don t like like is the agenda he campaigned on.
jeanine: but he won. host: but that s what millions and millions of people don t like and they are right not to like it. we have seen this before. hitler came to power through legitimate means. jeanine: you re not comparing donald trump to hitler are you. right, he s different than hitler. he doesn t have that little black mustache, he has the orange squirrel on his head, but he has the agenda of a hitler. jeanine: carl we have to talk about the fascist quality of this regime. jeanine: why don t they have anxiety and fear before donald trump and he hasn t done anything. where is the ink anxiety and fear. it s based upon what he campaigned on. muslim registry. people who burn the flag should have citizenship taken away.
this is illegitimate, and it also will be a form of rule that suppresses the civil liberty to fight against these. people have a right to be fearful and that is why we took out this ad and why we are calling on people. refuse is calling on people to take to the streets, to display and manifest their refusal to accept jeanine: let s assume they do. what if people come into the streets and do what. come to the streets in washington d.c. where i will be and everywhere else and do everything to show their refusal to accept this regime. nonviolent civil disobedience. protesting in other ways. candlelight vigils. however people want to do it but business as usual in this society has got to be stopped to prevent the trump pence regime.
jeanine: are you an anarchist or a communist. it s real clear. i told you i was a communist and i will come and talk too about communism. bring me on another show. jeanine: okay, alright. i wish we had more time. i will bring you on again. tonight i want to talk about stomping this fascist regime. jeanine: i m worried about how far you re willing to go. refuse jeanine: thank you. darrell darrell issa still ahead my friend is getting engaged today. that s so sweet. why would anyone get married but i want to serve justice on russian hacking. at judge justice like you ve never seen.
justice is rolling on.
you can even set boundaries for so if she should be here, but instead goes here, here, or here. you ll know. so don t worry, mom. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car. jeanine: good evening i am
jackie vonya senior. a deadly explosion a row along the syrian turkish border claims nearly 50 lives injuring 100 others. there has been no claim of responsibility but local leaders are joining isis for the blast at this point it is a fuel truck parked in front of the busy area was rigged to explode. the town opposition buyers to move between syria and turkey. meeting in easter muzzle to discuss progress in taking the second-largest city from isis. the army defensive is in his 12th week in gaining momentum. iraqi forces are getting back to u.s. led coalition s iraqi forces cleared of several neighborhoods in eastern mosul over the past week. isis has held mosul from within two years. i am jackie yvonne yes and now back justice with judge jeanine. jeanine: as busy as we close in
on just 12 days until the inauguration of our 45th president. joining me now is my political panel are old friends chairman republican strategist david allen and making his debut tonight democratic strategist and former consultant to the department of homeland security. thanks for joining us a gentleman. i want to start with the russian hacking issue and i will start with you david on the issue of whether or not their russian hacking issue is one that has given president-elect donald trump s decision to say you know there was some russian influence over the hacking. did he make a turnaround on this and was it enough? judge, america and did need vladimir putin to know that hillary clinton was corrupt and lying and believed she was above the law.
it didn t ultimately impact the election just as in 1960 nikita khrushchev believed he influenced the election when he held you too pilots against his power and wouldn t release him. he believed that hurt nixon. he didn t hurt nixon s chances of getting elected and putin didn t hurt quentin s chances of getting elected. it s a lot about nothing. jeanine: hasn t everybody been spying on everybody for decades? isn t this what looks to read about all of a sudden we are so shocked? judge, you are right. we been spying on them and they been spying on us and this is done all the time but to actually weapon eyes the information, to put it out there to change the election results, to actually create fake news to hack into the system. jeanine: i have to stop you. there is nothing in those
e-mails that was never contested c it s not just the e-mails that they put out. actually have russian tv which is television it networks that claimed the united states created neck a chamber to put fakeness information as well as e-mails. election staff. they talked about that the elections are rigged. they kept on putting information out there. that is a documented fact from both the fbi, the nsa and the cia who put out a detailed report. judge, let me jump in here second. jeanine: there s no discussion of any election machines or any numbers being impacted. c absolutely. a bigger impact here for want to talk about how a hack impacted the election although the opm records that got taken
by some foreign government is now hundreds of thousands of government employees now have all of their records out there. we had a series of breaches of government servers that release personal data on people. the if it came to a point where americans to just started questioning was their personal safety secured and did this administration do enough and ultimately they decided no. they decided their economic security in their personal security were being taken care by this administration and that s why they said it s time to go in a different direction. look a bit at some point we are going to have to start putting our country head of our party. someone hacking into e-mails and releasing information, someone coming into our country to undermine our elections? we have crossed the line. had hillary clinton not have a server.
president-elect donald trump, i will even say he s got a chance but the fact that the russians came in packs into our system and try to undermine elections, he s got to admit to that and you have to admit that and we have got to go on and start making them pay a price for that. jeanine: mustafa, didn t hillary clinton choose putin accuse putin of doing something like that and i hear he was giving even with her. david from are you familiar with that? vaguely. jeanine: go ahead. judge, look putin basically had a vendetta against her because she tried to expose him. she went to the u.n. and made a speech exposing the fact that he was rigging the election so she did her job as secretary of state showing the fact that putin was doing all sorts of underhanded things in terms of breaking their elections. he took it personal offense to
it. he then came into the united states to undermine our elections not only to spy on us but to basically create a news channel in our country to use social media. c what voting machines at rates that impacted the results? what voting machine got rates that truly jeanine: thank you for being with us. street justice still ahead and congressman darryl issa, next. something wrong? so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day? you want the whole thing? yes, yes! live whole. not part. aleve. that newly listed ranch and wait will be gone.ed for a mortgage, or, you could push that button. sfx: rocket launching. skip the bank. get approved in minutes. lift the burden of getting a home loan with rocket mortgage by quicken loans. (whisper) rocket
joining me to talk about that a more republican congressmen darryl issa senior member of the house foreign affairs committee. do they even know what they are hiring him to fight with trump about? no, they really don t judge. i can t believe i said that. long long story and i will tell you later but judge cometh one of those amazing things. they are hiring him for the same reason when i became chairman of the oversight committee they increase their staff at the white house in a way of lawyers even before i had asked for the first piece of information. for whatever reason the left-leaning, far left legislature in california wants to fight this administration on anything and everything so they can keep doing what they are doing. jeanine: is in california broke? they are certainly upside down. they have the highest income tax the nation, 13.3%, 8.5 plus%
sales tax and they have a budget deficit and businesses are leaving california. one of the greatest states to work and live in except for the government we have. jeanine: you question whether eric holder should even be practicing law, congressman. well it s the only constitutional officer ever held in contempt by congress. he lied to congress and in fact withheld information. we haven t missed him since he left because in fact he was somebody that had no respect for the law they were sworn to defend. jeanine: this retainer into law firm firm that he is in washington d.c. do we have any idea how big it is? well i suspect it s in the seven figures. jeanine: seven s. in millions? in the millions. air colder doesn t come cheap. he is quite a name and he s a rainmaker there but again this is somebody who lying to
congress should have lost his bar license. jeanine: interesting that he didn t. let s move onto donald trump and what he s done even before the white house. the latest this week s ford and we heard about carrier a few weeks ago and now ford. you have got mark fields mark fields was talking about the ford plant in what they are doing. i had dinner with mark fields in las vegas at the consumer electronics electronic show just last night. he s excited about a better business climate one in which ford can make investments in the united states and have them pay off and that s a result of this election. you are going to see other companies do that as you say even before president trump is sworn in the part of that is the same reason the stock market has gone up more than 1000 points. they are things you do in anticipation of a good market in their things you do it in anticipation of a government that s not going to be friendly.
right now the stock market and ford motor company are gearing up for a better economy one in which we have lower taxes, lower government spending and a pro-business environment that creates jobs in america. jeanine: there would be no subsidies or anything offered? this was a good business decision made by one of the great industrial companies of the world. jeanine: people in michigan even if they didn t vote for him i guess they would benefit, those union s? the rank-and-file workers at or motor company a great many of them voted for donald trump even though the union was saying not to. tonight i think they are very happy that they did. jeanine: congressman i think we are going to see a lot more americans happy with donald trump. anyway congressman darryl issa even though you didn t get my name right, thanks for being with us tonight. thank you, judge. jeanine: the first justice of 2017 straight ahead.
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jeanine: it s finally time for the first street justice of 2017 that i wanted to find out what people thought about those russian hacking hearings in washington and whether anyone really c when i stumble upon them at the construction site i found true love. take a look. i very much doubt it. or the russians hacking us? i can t hear. you think the redskins are hacking? are the russians hacking us? do we care? not really. what s the deal? is putin hacking us? i believe he is. do you think that we hack him too? no. really? don t you watch the movie s?
you are pretty lady. don t foreign countries spy on each other over time? i don t know. do you watch the movie s? are you worried about anything? no, i m not. are you on your break? do you want me to leave? are the russians hacking us? i don t know. do you care? not really. why is congress having hearings on the? they want to distract the public i guess. what are you focused on? money. do you remember the hunt for red october? do remember sean connery do you think we do that kind of thing? no. no, of course not so why is congress having a hearing about hacking? democrats are not happy about trump and they have to do whatever they can. are you worried about the russians hacking us? i m not worried at all.
all of a sudden russia is a big enemy of the united states of america. what s the problem? the reason is the democrats lost and they are trying to come up with a reason. that s so sweet. why would anyone get married? are you married? 16 lovely years. i had 16 lovely years too. you were getting married? why? why? are you getting married? do you know someone is getting engaged to your? today? they are putting a sign up. they just told me. i m not lying. you are getting married. why? you fall in love you brian. i m only kidding. what is the banners they? what is she going to say? i hope she says yes.
would have she says not today? then we will see what tomorrow brings. let me look at the ring in i will tell you what she will say. who is calling? tell him you are talking to me. now listen, show me the ring. oh my god it s gorgeous. thank you maam. marriage is wonderful, it is. and guess what, he asked her, he raised a giant banner in times square and she said yes. congratulations from all of us. see you at the wedding. back in a moment with a final thought on a man i know all too well. stay tuned. a heart attack can happen without warning. a bayer aspirin regimen can help prevent another heart attack. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. bayer aspirin.
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Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20161111 00:00:00

house. this is picture for that meeting. and for the second straight day the dow bounced on wall street. truly an unprecedented thick and it runs completely counter to many of the prognostications out there before. yet another record today after donald trump s win. michelle kosinski is outfront at the white house. michelle, the moment today of this meeting so many people thought 24e8d never see barack obama and donald trump meet, never mind as president and president elect at the white house. maybe even not the two people at the meeting. and tonight outside the white house more protests but inside today it was all about reassurance and everybody on their best behavior. what was so fascinating about this, on the one hand you have this incredibly organized transition process with handshakes and good wishes on all sides. but then on the other, you have this intense bitterness from the campaign trail. and today the white house didn t really hold back in saying that
i have great respect. the meeting lasted for almost an hour and a half. and it could have as far as i m concerned it could have gone on for a lot longer. we really we discussed a lot of different situations. some wonderful and some difficulties. i very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including counsel. when asked the white house press secretary said all those warnings from president obama on the campaign trail about trump, that he s dangerous, unqualified, still hold. does the president now have any reason to believe that donald trump is fit to be president of the united states? again, i m not gonna if two men did not relitigate their differences in the oval office. trump s next stop, capitol hill. meetings with leadership. the tone here equally welcoming, putting deep differences aside, for now. more affordable and
better. reporter: an impending rolling back of as many of president obama s policies as possible. but the white house couldn t talk about that today, saying essentially what will be will be. america has chosen. my number one priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president elect is successfulal. ending it all with a joking reminder with one leader to the next, not to take question interests the press. thank you guys. we re not going to be taking any questions. that s good rule. don t answer any questions when their [indiscernible] very good man. well the not only how these two feel about each other but also the fact that donald trump has vowed many times to roll back president obama s policies.
is a key job as chief of staff. the other person is a reince priebus. he s also been very integral in trump s world. running the ground population that got donald trump elected. he s been also very personally involved. i m told their bond isn t necessarily as close but certainly much closer than people think. and i m also told by people around washington erin that he would be a consensus choice. knows washington and the republicans on the hill. helping get many of them elected. so that is a choice. and probably the first and most important choings because it is the most personal. dana, thank you very much. and outfront tonight. reince priebus. chairman of the republican national committee. thank you for being with us tonight. i know you are doing this on very little sleep if any. we re told you have spoken to trump about a position in his administration. how did that conversation go?
no that is not the case. we don t i m not involved in that. nobody is talking about those things. and so our focus right now is just making sure we re wrapping up the committee work and then, you know, making sure that the transition goes smoothly and so that he can be well equipped come january. and he will be. donald trump does give you a lot of credit for his win. at that moment when the world was watching him give his victory speech. he talked about you. here is what he said. i ll tell you, reince is really a star. and he s the hardest working guy we understand and i know you are saying you haven t talked about it with him. but you are on the list. steve bannon is on the list for trump s chief of staff. if offered would you take that job? do you even want it? i don t i don t to even talk achbbout it. the truth is i m in my job right now, erin. i m chairman of the rnc. it is an important role we play
at the national party. and it was a great victory. but those great victories only happen with a great candidate. i m proud of her mechanics and data and i think it is unprecedented. i think it is unbelievable what this committee did. but none of those unbelievable things work if you have a bad candidate. so it always starts with a great candidate. and the other thing it starts with is you have to have a candidate that is flowing with the river. in other words the momentum, the mood of the electorate has to flow with the candidate. all of those things lined up, which is why, you know, i think the media narrative was just so far off on what americans were thinking about the choices they had in front of them. president obama and president elect trump were supposed to meet today for ten minutes. as, you know, that was the schedule. were you surprised after all the and let s just be honest here, frankly horrible things they said about each other
that that meeting lasted han hour and a half? no i m not surprised and i ll tell you why. i ve seen president trump in meetings one on one or meetings and things had to be patched up. and people have to get to know each other. he didn t get to where he is. and now he s president elect in the united states. in his business deals, i guarantee you there are all kind of problems he s dealt with. blowout arguments permits or buildings or whatever. he ll walk into a meeting. and people will say this is a gracious personable guy. he s a hard guy not to like, especially in meetings like that. so i m not surprised. do you know what they talked about? have you had a chance to talk to donald trump about it? i talked to him briefly today when he swung through the rnc. but we obviously i wasn t downloading on details with him.
but i m sure it was very positive and the reports are indicative of that. you know, bernie sanders today talked about donald trump on cnn. i wanted to play for you part of what e said. the election is over. donald trump won. i intend to work with president trump. i will vigorously oppose him if he appeals to racism or sexism or some of the other discriminatory measures that he brought up during his campaign. reince you have seen the protests. they are out there again on the streets tonight protests against trump s presidency. does he need to. does he feel he should reach out to these people explicitly and assuage their fears? well erin yesterday morning keep in mind donald trump spoke to the american people, just yesterday morning. and when he was getting ready for that speech, it was nothing about bragging about the election, nothing about continuing the rhetoric, the political rhetoric that was
that was indicative of a political campaign. it was all about coming together, leading all americans no matter battleground, race, ethnicity, gender, whatever the case is. and it was donald trump that led. and it was him that decided this is the direction to go. let s bring people together. let s cool the water. so this is how it is going to be from now. that is what he did. it wasn t a speech nartd wloer said read this speech. no he sat down and made sure it was the right speech at the right time. and just yesterday morning, his sitting down with 90 minutes with the president. is another indicator. people should look at. here is a person who just won the presidency. and he s sitting down having a 90 minute conversation should have been 10 with the president and she s working hard and showing the country he s working hard to move the country
forward. but i would say the agenda americans were in favor of was an agenda that the republican party, meaning our candidate, including president elect trump, house and senate candidates put on the table. the other part of this is that we have an obligation then to pursue the promises that we made in t in the campaign that people voted for. they voted and said yes we with want those things to be done in washington. so those things will be done. we don t have a mandate to water down our promises. we have a mandate to perform the things that we promised. so a wall banni, banning mus immigration from that s not the promise that is not the position he laid out. and this has now been since june that he gave that speech. i believe to either the american leagues or vfw. in june he said his position is if the country is harbor b
terrorists in the risk of the security of the united states that he would take member to suspend those immigration visas until a better vetting system is in place. that is consistent with many bills in the house and senate. and it is what donald trump s position is. so if the media wants to go back now. not you in particular erin, but if if media wants to go back now and stir the pot and now claim he want this is muslim ban that he s made it clear through a three disabilities through june that this was not his position. it would do us all a favor if the media would get together and quit stirring the pot he did say it originally. and i donald trump and then it is going to be certain countries. and then countries that harbor terrorists. those what are those countries? is that nothing to do with being muslim at all? he s got to iron out very completely what he meant because
he made it very clearly about religion. he said repeatedly that there is no religious test. and for you all to be coming back and relitigating something that was that is now five months old is what the problem is in our country. the problem is we ve got to fill 24 hours a day, 7 days a week of cable stations that create these issues that don t exist, and then turn people against each other. if the media is so interested in america coming together, then they ought to do their job and quit stirring the pot where it should belong. do you think reince that he also carry answer obligation? you have muslims in this country who are worried. they are afraid. they are afraid of what will happen and they are afraid of what erin i ve talked to ceos in other countries who are worried about this. isn t this incumbent on donald
trump to come out and be very clear and the leader e rrin, listen. i think you are very good but i m very surprised that this is the conversation we re having. yesterday morning, yesterday morning, he just gave a speech about americans coming together. and you are asking me now on thursday whether he needs to do another i mean, i m not sure what you are asking for. he s the president for all americans. he s made that very clear. we re making it clear. and to go back to, you know, old issues when they have been asked over and over again and have been answer by president elect trump, people need to understand that he understands. i promise you. i know where his head and heart is at. and he said it. so just trust his own words. he ll be a president for all american, republican, democrat, independent, any religion, any faith.
he s your president and he s going do the he s going to do a fantastic job and he understands the gravity and the seriousness of the position. reince priebus. thank you very much. appreciate your time tonight. thank you erin. and new tonight donald and melania trump are back in new york tonight. melania trump spent the morning with the first lady, michelle obama and this is a picture of the first meeting, the two having tea, after one of the ugliest presidential campaigns in recent history. suzanne malveaux is out fror ou at the white house. reporter: one thing to talk about your kids. safe territory. a good ice breaker. that is exactly what michelle obama as well as melania trump did. you might recall, sasha and malia were quite young. and it is melania trump whose concerned. very protective of her
10-year-old son baron. so that is something they share. this is very different than what their husbands experienced today. no cameras not. press. we have one photo from the white house press office. all smiles. we are told that it started off with a tour of the residence. and went to the truman balcony. that as you know erin the place where the first lady and barack obama, the president, spending a lot of quality time there. so it is a special place for them. they took them there. and also melania was shown taken to the state floor in the white house to meet with the curator of the white house. that is bill almond. and he really is a human encyclopedia for all things inside of the building. and so she got a tour and she also got a lot of ideas about the white house looks like. the public space as well as the private space. and all of this as you know really meant to give them an opportunity, a chance to break
the ice here in light of a very bitter campaign. this was with michelle obama saying quite publicly, quite forcefully making her case that she did not believe melania s husband was fit for the office and also followed the rnc convention where we saw melania introduce her husband but also seemingly take a portion from her speech very similar to michelle obama s in 2008. so there is a lot of fodder there for both of they want. but the white house says this is just the first of many meetings, erin. all right. thank you very much suzanne. a meeting would have been great to be a fly on the wall in both meetings. joining us now our panel. we ll see who ends up being the chief of staff. let s start with what you just
saw. the michelle obama and melania trump meeting. symbolic moment but obviously very cordial. both of these meetings between donald trump and the president and melania trump and michelle obama. this is good for the american people to see. because it does represent i turning the page. going away from this nasty campaign where everyone said mean things about each other. now we re moving forward. it is the hallmark of the united states t peaceful transition of power. and it is heartening no see them talking to each other like civil humans. and let s because if anybody wouldn t be able to talk to each other likes civil human, it might be these two people given what they have said in the past. and yet they were so gracious to each other today. here are some of the things they had to say about each other. my priority is my son barron our son barron. i m a full time mother to our son barron. at the end of the day my most important title is still mom in
chief. actually that wasn t the sound bite i was looking for. but phillip, you know they do have obviously having in common. michelle and melania trump. but let me play what i wanted to play which is president obama and president elect donald trump saying such nice things about each other today. i have been very encouraged by the, i think, interest in president elect trump s wanting to work with my team. mr. president, it was a great honor being with you. and i look forward to being with you many, many more times in the future. very good man. thank you guys. heartening things to hear. heartening image and hopefully healing for americans who are so divided right now. amazing picture because donald trump sitting in front of a bust of martin luther king
j.r. it is a peaceful transition of power. i do think it seemed like he was a little nervous and understandably so. the weight of this job is going to be tremendous. and i think in that 90 minute time period donald trump got an understanding of just how important this road is going to be. i want to ask on the issue that came up in reince priebus and my conversation about the in this case it was about how donald trump would treat muslims. but there are other groups in this country who are also concerned. does donald trump need to speak to these people? some of whom are protesting now. and say if his policies have changed, how and why? does he need to talk to them david? yes i think he does. i don t think he needs do it immediately. and you have to say both he and president obama have given an excellent tone for the transition. gives us many you have more assurance about how the transition itself will be conducted. there are going to be issues
that come up in the next few days. if trump names steve bannon as his chief of staff you are going to hear a lot of flurry about that one. but beyond that, i think that over time he does need to reach out. he ll have a couple of speeches coming up i m sure public remarks where he can say some of those things. but ify if he were more proactive and call people in and talk to them. that is the kind of smart thing. you sometimes needs to do things that are a little daring in order to get attention and people say yeah okay i get it. should he do that jeffrey? call? have a meeting with whatever group it may be. muslim americans. muslim leaders in this country. zrump a good leader. he s a good executive. the donald trump you saw there is the donald trump that i know and so many of his friends and the people who work for him now. skpoi totally expect him to be doing this.
that said i want to say something about the protests here. i have the gray hair for a reason. and it is because at my age i have seen i ve grown up. and in my lifetime i have seen. and i m sure some of these are the same people in the streets over vietnam. there were a million people in the streets protesting ronald reagan s nuclear policy. they are demanding nuclear free. carrying paper ma shay heads and saying it is not a movie ron. they do the this all the time. they are going to do this to donald trump. they did it to poor hubert humphrey in chicago. some of these people are not going to change because it is their profession. this is not vanity. that is reaction to real concerns. we may not remember exactly everything donald trump said during the course of the campaign but we ll remember how we felt. whether it is the muslim community, whether it is african americans being concerned about the reintroduction of stop and frisk. whether it is the immigrant community broadly. i think there is real anger and concern. look, the tone on tuesday night
and told have been great. so the question then becomes is he going to be the person that is welcoming to all these communities and let people know that he is going to be the president for everyone? i was in the protests last nights. i was watching your twitter feed. it was young people. promptly young women who are concerned about donald trump not because they are concerned about donald trump s policies. they are concerned about donald trump as donald trump. and donald trump cannot sit down with a woman and make that go away. he needs to demonstrate other the next four years he s doing significant outreach and not doing the things people are worried about with women. not doing the things people are worried with the african american community and tot doing the things people worried about with the african american community. hillary clinton seen for the first time since her concession speech. my guest, hillary clinton
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people saw an incredibly painful moment for her. how did she seem to you? honestly i think she seemed as well as anybody could be expected after, you know, such a crazy, crazy experience. i can t speak to how she was feeling on the inside. but she couldn t have seemed any nicer or kinder and gracious to me. you know, i think it was a very dark day for a lot of people yesterday. so this was a very hopeful encouraging moment for me. and that is really why i posted the picture at all. and bill clinton i know was there margo. he s not in the picture. he took the picture actually. all right. thank you so much. i appreciate you taking the time margo. and there are many who were very
eager to see this picture. and thank you for sharing it. thank you. i hope it makes people feel hopeful and comforted. that is really why i posted it. thank you. thank you so much. we re learning more tonight about what the clinton campaign thinks went so wrong versus what they expected. obviously she was out in the woods with bill taking a walk today. and she posed for that pitcher. life goes on. it has to. and the fact they are hiking in the woods. but i think, you know, to that woman s point, seeing a lot of hillary clinton supporters in my facebook feed and on twitter, i think a lot of women especially just wanted to give her a hug. so hearing that, that this women did that, i think she spoke for a lot of folks out there who are upset. and there are. there are tens of millions of them when you look at the vote here. that is how this country s split. and better the donald trump
loss. and the other way around as well. and the new york times is reporting that hillary clinton privately is admitting she stepped in when he did something that . she said deplorables. let me just play exactly what she said. to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of trump s supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right? the racists, sexists, homophobic, zxenophobic, islamophobic, you name it. and unfortunately there are people like that. is that something a lot of people heard. pollsters didn t pick it up and that over the summer could have started to turn that rust belt away from her.
i don t know if that is the issue. i do think she believes it was a m misbecause she said so right afterwards. i don t think that in and itself was the issue. i do believe that the way in which she characterized some of donald trump s comments, i think that those are things over the course of time we ve seen and i ve rashed about it. and others have remarked about it. but i think she was particularly contrite o about that and admitted it off the bat. i think the e-mails themselves and the stories about the e-mails that have been fed into the narrative was difficult to over come be. do you think that this actually influenced people. i think it did. and i want to in a partial sense defend hillary clinton here. i think she really believes that but she is not alone right and the things she added. i went back a looked at the speech she had at wesley when
she graduated and it has similarities. when i was a wanna beliberal in college. and i began to pick up this the contempt which i believe american liberalism has come to exemplify. and that little statement from her is a snapshot. i totally convinced she really believes it. and more to the point t people that were in the room laughing all agree. ed think you take it a lit too far. they say that liberals have a contempt with the working class which so many of us and to be able to say that she herself has that kind of contempt i think is stretching that comment moral of the story is talk about the candidate. don t talk about their voters. consistently for weeks now. this contrast between the elites hillary clinton represented and donald trump despite where he lives and all his money what he
represented to folks and i they that does reinforce but i don t think it made a huge difference in the campaign. and next the gop threatening to rip obama s signature issue to shreds. can he just get rid of obamacare just like that. and taylor swift and barron and donald driving. to help prevent another one. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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been a gop rallying cry since the law was enacted more than six years ago. real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing obamacare. reporter: but they have failed repeatedly to overcome democratic resistance over repealing the law. with trump now headed to the oval office and the gop controlling both chambers of congress, the law appears to be on life support. when donald trump said he wants a special session to repeal and replace obamacare, let me tell you, as a speaker of the house. not only yes, but he cck yes. we re ready do that too. reporter: republicans are likely to hold fifty senate seats in the senate.
and they only need 51. so subsidies and taxes expansion of medicaid could be on the chopping block. yet there are limits. it would require 60 votes to repeal other provrgss such as allowing people to have preexisting conditions to get health insurance. and republicans would need democratic support on a bill to replace obamacare. a difficult task over such a polarizing issue. obama making an appeal to voters while campaigning for hillary clinton. 20 million americans have health insurance that didn t visit before. but make no mistake, all that progress goes down the drain if we don t win tomorrow. democrats in congress plan to fight tooth and nail to save the sweeping law. if we re going to repeal and replace we need to replace with something that doesn t take healthcare away or insurance away from 20 million people. but goppers say voters expect
them to do away with healthcare. let s say every single republican thought obamacare was a mistake. without exception. that s still our view. and you can expect us with a new president who has the same view to address that issue. reporter: passing a replacement bill could take up to two years erin. the entire during of congress. that is if they get democratic support. and in the meantime as the obama administration leaves office they are redoubling efforts to get people to sign up through the website. a hundred thousand people signed up, the day after the election. the best day yet in open enrollment. so shows how difficult to be to simply gut the law. a fascinating one to watch. but i think it can go in a category of the promise that trump will keep not. matter up. i outfront next, isis
threatening to bring disaster to america. what is president elect trump going to do about it? plus the other side of the melania trump. look at this donald trump driving. barron in the front seat. and the melania filming in the back. introducing the new turbocharged volkswagen alltrack with 4motion all-wheel drive. soon to be. everywhere.
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break news. we re watching anti-trump protests again across the country. as anti-trump protesters. meeting with his transition team tomorrow and the top priority is the 800 jobs that require security clearance. outfront tonight a man who has been working since long before election day on trump s national security team. former chairman of the house select on intelligence and the more. it s been about 41 hours since the seismic event that so few expected. donald trump is the next president of the united states. you have been working with the trump team for a long time
before election day but take me inside the room for these 41 hours. what has this been like for you. well can t take it too far into the room erin. but what i can tell you is this. this is very professionally run. i saw earlier reports that oh no they don t have a transition team. weren t engaged in it. this was very separate from the campaign. if trump was up 50 or down 7, it never mattered. the election came. i think there were some surprises for the folks on the transition team thinking it was a day that we were going to hand in our gear. instead it turned ourt. here is the good news. all of that preparation had already happened up to election day. so the surprise in the election didn t change that. president elect trump is going to get a full and robust package. everything from national security to economics, to all of it. including prevetting of
individuals they believed could be could phil some on these important jobs so he could get up and running and make sure that the country has been taken care of. and i ll tell you the obama administration has been very professional and took the model from george w. bush and said we want to duplicate it and they have lived occupy that. a very commendable transition insuring that the handoff of the baton is good for america at the end of the day. so that part has been really refreshing and gives you faith i think in the country. an area i think you know too well. it s al qaeda terrorists, have been celebrating says it will bring disasters to the united states on the social media. what is your rookieaction to th fill in a candidate who would have won. either one they were going to do this. i would discard it pretty much
immediately. there will be a change. i m sure there is going to be a strange in strategy for sure and for certain when it comes to targeting isis. but that effort is really try to get into america s head and our allies in europe. so i think you got to shrug that off like you would anything else. and remember they have a goal. they are trying to disrupt and cause a little disruption. we ought not to let them do it. and quickly, barbara starr is saying if trump gave the illegal order of water boarding to some generals. so purely speculation and so early. he s going to get in. he s going to get lots of briefs. he s going to understand what his options are. . i have no indication not even a
outside of the bounds of his - legal boundaries. i dismiss it. this is a president who s come in and said i want professionals in all of these places. they have done that. there is professional transition. he s going to get professional advice. i think he s going to take it. and very quickly before we go, fbi special agent for five years. you are respected on both sides of the aisle. a lot of people are saying you could be up for a top job. say cia director. would you take it if offered congressman? i can t even. wouldn t even hesitate to bother to speculate. the whole focus is on the transition and honestly nothing more. thank you. appreciate your time. good to talk to you tonight. thank you. and next melania trump embracing her new title. crohn s disease.te to se i didn t think there was anything else to talk about. but then i realized there was.
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will melania trump be a model first lady? here is jeanne moos. she s been a model. she s done commercials. she may seem like an odd duck for a first lady. but melania trump is just like us. at least on first glance at her facebook where she posts videos of beautiful beaches. and that great aero smith concert she ae tended, as well as the fun night with her two boys, the donald and her son barron. the donald the driving. and barron is riding shotgun. and some of her older photos of fun. bat womanen for halloween. wearing a the cat suit. and then this photo. the okay maybe she s not just
like us. not everyone has fans. and not everyone goes to galas in the designer gowns. and think christian, beautiful job. fantastic job. reporter: you can t say melania hasn t had plenty of training for all of those dinners she and president trump will be hosting. and updating her instagram became first lady melania trump. and writing such an honor to strit white house. little did she know this would end up being her home when she tweeted this photo captioned at home with my husband. don t worry melania. there is a piano in the white house should you feel the urge to recline. jeanne moos cnn new york. thanks for watching. don t forget you can watch

Meeting , Picture , Wall-street , Dow , Elect-donald-trump , President-obama , People , Outfront , Many , White-house , Win , Michelle-kosinski

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW MediaBuzz 20170109 08:00:00

i m howard kurtz and this is mediabuzz. julian assange and, of course, the media and punching back on twitter, let s get back to my interview with sean spicer, i spoke to him from trump tower. sean spicer, welcome. thank you, howie. donald trump tweeted, i m asking the chairs of the house and senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with nbc prior to me seeing it. i can understand his concern, but does that signal as president he will be ordering leak investigations to find out reporter sources? well, it s not the reporter sources, it s trying to figure out where it came from. there s a big difference between reportest doing their job and
sourcing thicks and people in the government improperly giving classified information to people or potentially doing that. i think there s a big difference whether you re targeting the source or recipient. right. trump s twitter feed paralyzes and some seem say, hey, we shouldn t cover tweets which is ridiculous, why do you think the short messages are unnerving to the establishment? it s not just the length of them but whose behind him, he has 50 million across three different platforms. what people have realized in washington and elsewhere when he tweets, he has a movement that s behind him. hi understands the frustration and concerns of the american people like nobody else and he can speak directly to them and the thing about twitter that s unique is you see the number of
retweets and actions taken and the coverage it gets and people understand that, you know, mountains get moved when he tweets, businesses react. governments act, he gets things done, he is successful because of the message that he has and the movement that he commands. you re not getting the memo in advance and you have to respond to questions about this, do you think that will change a bit after january 20th? nope, not at all. the thing that i find interesting about the question, i know you re asking from a lot of the mainstream media they ask a question if there s something wrong. i think it s been phenomenally successful. to some degree, the headline that you read it s right. he has tremendous amount of sway and influence on other politicians, on companies, executives, foreign leaders because they understand that he has tapped into where the country is and where the support is finish key positions in policy.
that he stated in an interview with sean hannity. right, trump accused the media of peddling lies in painting him, he says you re very good at this. do you think the media lie and are intentionally dishonest? i think some reporters clearly have a bias. and choose to look at only part of the story. there s no question about it. i ve been doing this for a long time. thank you for the complement but i also believe that some reporters have chosen to look at the model of reporting which is ignore some facts before more will be sensational and will generate more retweets and clicks and i think that s dishonest. a job of a good reporter should be that you put all the facts out there, report the entire story in context and for some reporters they would rather overlook certain facts because the story wouldn t be as glamorous and sensational.
makes it harder when your boss says the job is dishonest. and i have, we will continue to do that and reporters will do job fairly and and responsibly, and what i think some of these folks when they bepped bend dishonest, they should be called out. reporters have a first amendment right to write whatever they want, frankly. i think the president elect has a right to correct the record and make sure that factual inaccurate chris is actually called. and you actually have that right. something every day, may not be televised, maybe off xara gaggle or meeting, what s the argument about televising every
briefing? what i m doing is the same thing that the president elect has challenged everyone that he has asked to serve in his administration to look in, press briefing or getting information out or whether it s reforming the va. right. on the question of the cameras right. sometimes once the cameras goes on it becomes a show than informational session where news is discontinued and back and forth with the press core. it wasn t until, you know, it hasn t been that long since
that s been the case and i think there are other institutions that have done that, again, maybe we don t change anything. maybe we add a gaggle to the to the daily press conference, maybe we just invite more of the american people into this conversation, which i think the president elect is very keen on because this is a conversation that shouldn t be limited to just the big media, if you will. there s a lot of proliferation specially on conservative media side and people have done a good job and they should have equal access and have questions asked and answered to get that perspective out to key constituencies. thanks for coming in front of our cameras, hope you will come back. of course, howie. have a great weekend. joining us political commentator, amy holmes and charles, fox news contributor. erin, donald trump is accusing the media outright lying about
skepticism, essentially accepted the findings of this report. is he going too far of that charge of lying? i think he is. i think this would be unpopular but the media doesn t always lie. what sean spicer said that the media would include some and exclude others. you re saying there s bias, there s tilting, out of context but you don t think it s intentionally lying? no. trump told the new york times that all amounts to a political witch hunt. what the press sees unusual skeptical what i mentioned to spicer, incoming president at odds with the u.s. intel agencies over russia, he says as detractors using the hacking issue to ill light miez victory? i think he would be right.
as conservative knew existed. conservative commentators that despise julian assange, making him into an icon because he damaged the democrats during the election. i think among conservatives there s mixed views about julian assange because national security issues were at stake and now there s still mixed views of julian assange if you read, they take what julian assange has to take with a lot of salt and looking at exactly what he did expose and whether or not that was helpful to republicans in the election. six years ago sarah palin linked assange to a terrorist when he attacked personal emails that they were boring. what s going on here? people don t have principles.
the cancer of american politics which is that people will believe or say what suits their partisan interest in the short-term. both parties do this. across the board phenomena. we have a lot of people that used to talk about how a menace he is. this is the fundamental problem with american politics across the board. people no longer make principled arguments, they make opportunistic arguments and this is a galling and extreme case of it. here is what donald trump tweeted. dishonest media like saying that i m in agreement with julian assange, wrong, i simply state what he states, i am for the people. a clip you might have seen of donald trump and businessman billionaire talking to brian kilmeade.
evolution of views about assange? maybe so. that s the principle we would like to call saving the tape. we might see the rest of the conservative elites who are now, you know, siding with assange, flipping back is at some point wikileaks put out more about what s going on in the government in the next couple of years in trump s administration because inevitable things will go wrong. nbc joe scarborough, joe, what s repulsive says, hannity is the patheticically low ratings you have. i will let them have their food fight and watch. conservatives have always had a conflicting attitude toward assange. the information is important, how we are getting it, that s something we need to look
for the first moment out the gate they had the story out there. when i woke up when i saw this this morning, i thought to myself, you ve got to be kidding me. howie: within hours reversed the vote on the ethics office. a lot of people credited trump tweeting but wasn t he in part react to go negative headlines. in the sense he didn t know it was going to happen in advance, he probably just read about it in the papers and it s a tribute to donald trump s common sense if he was able to see that what everybody else saw which was a bone-head move and terrible he could have said nothing. leads me to my next point, in the whole matrix of factors that cause gop representatives to back down on this, the trump tweet was the most important and showed that he was willing to go up against them and sort of bring them into line and, you
know, the question is how many more times is that going to happen over the next few years. it was a little opening power struggle. howie: the house was also flooded with angry calls from constituents and that always gets the attention of members of congress. this happened on the morning where the big front page stories and new york times and washington post that basically said, this is the first thick you guys are going to do in the trump era? okay, there are negative headlines about house republicans all of the time. why does anybody think that this time negative headlines forced the republicans to reverse course. howie: very little effect? i think it s more the calls in trump s tweets. of course, when donald trump has has the ability to separate himself from house republicans who are not popular, still, he s going to do it. he is going to show independents. there maybe arguments both democrats and republicans hate the independent office but one
hot button for the press is this was done behind closed doors on a federal holiday? certainly it seems sneaky. i want to leave it at chuck saying that is a tribute to donald trump s common sense. howie: we will write that down. i do. [laughter] what little he has. but i do think that that trump role is what s decisive because it is true that the republicans get bashed in washington post headlines every day. gets criticism across the board including from conservatives and conservatives on this network. he ran against the gop establishment. think about this, a lot of voters in the rust belt might have voted for obama in 2008 and 2012 and put donald trump over the edge. he knows that. when he has the opportunity to bash obama, he s going to do it.
howie: he s a fugitive from justice, i want to underscore that hold in ecuadorian embassy for sexual assault allegations. great to see you this sunday. up next, tucker carlson on the challenge of succeeding megyn kelly and responding to critics and next time
time star, your ego is soaring out of control? no. it s a little intimidating. but, you know, the beauty of working at fox, fox has a big audience. i m not going to convince myself that it s about me. where it works makes all the difference basically. howie: you do things differently at 9:00 o clock it s live hour in prime time. are you going to make tweaks and adjustments here? of course. my view is that you can have a newsy interview that cuts through a lot of the cant and gets to the core point, doesn t need to be confrontation and not direct, i think viewers want that. howie: founder of the daily caller, some media critics react to this by saying, you re sympathetic to donald trump and
now fox doesn t have a skeptic, fair on unfair? voters want deep skepticism taped on washington specially but on all concentration of power. there s not enough about that at all. at all. our team and their team, it s very partisan but i think there s a lot of sucking up to power. now more than ever. howie: you said trump wasn t your first choice for president and you weren t sure if he wanted the job. when you launch the choice, you want to hold people accountable and people tend to lie and does that apply to the new president and the new administration? of course, it does. it will apply to anybody who is taking my money and power over me. of course. despite his flaws as a man, he was saying things that no one
else dared to say that were not only true but forced republicans to look at economic views, forced them to reckon with a way he looked at economics. i said that, wow, people don t buy the republican economic program actually. howie: you ve told the story about 15 years ago in cnn you got a voicemail from him, too vulgar for air, what did you take from him? he s vulgar, that s obviously not a departure from me, he s hilarious, he can be thin-skin and he s interesting. howie: everybody will be asking you off the air, what did he say.
sot critics thought you were aggressive some young from teen vowing, vogue and you took her on for criticism and she called you a bully. is there a line about being aggressive and being too rough with the guest? i would be timid with a lot of guests who weren t there to push political views on other people but the second you re out there spousing views and demanding people conform to your views, i think, i have a right to press you and ask you to explain your views. that s all i was doing to her. i was treating her like an adult. she didn t care for that and started yelling at me but i didn t treat her any differently than i treat anybody else that wrote what she wrote. a lot of people i know dislike trump and more legitimate to disagree with trump which i do myself sometimes. i didn t think she was explaining herself. howie: you had a show in nbc,
you were on cross fire when you got into it with john stewart. i don t know, i mean, i think maybe my one advantage is i have failed in the past and i would recommend failure to anyone. howie: how so? winning doesn t teach you anything. it tells you whatever you re doing work, keep doing it. exactly. failure forces you to assess yourself in a way that nothing else does and real failure, like your neighbors and you pull into driveway anight. you re ashamed. i learned a lot about my own shortcomings, i m a much more self-aware person than i was, that s for sure. howie: i can see just in the exchange. are you feeling the pressure? i mean, i guess. i m a pretty small thinker to be totally honest. if i thought about a lot, wow,
i m anchoring the 9:00 p.m. what s the show tonight. what am i going to ask. as long as you keep thinking about that every single night, let s make the best show we can tucker carlson, great to see you. thank you. howie: tucker will be on at 9:00. can megyn kelly succeed in different formats later. is it fair to call the president elect a liar
howie: as we were saying, it was front news this week when megyn kelly decided to leave, here is what megyn said on the kelly file about feeling a rapport with her audience. that after all is why we believe here we are, human connection. the truth is, i need more of that in my life and in particular when it comes to my children who are 7, 5 and 3. so i will be leaving fox news at the week s end and starting a new adventure. joining us now media reporter from the hill. joe, let s start with the obvious.
megyn kelly was a huge star here. number two show on cable. impact on fox, fox, i compare to the university of alabama football program this week because alabama keeps playing for championships every year yet they are graduating players and going to the nfl. i looked at the two examples. glenn beck leaves, highly rated host, fox takes off their bench five people and puts them around the table and say talk about stuff, highly rated show, same thing with greta, she leaves 7:00 o clock, tucker carlson comes, if you compare them year over year. i think the bottom line, howie, fox bus not rebuild, it reloads and that s scary if you re a competitors. howie: right. starting a show at msnbc. some people say that megyn kelly left for money. i believe she s taking somewhat less money to go to nbc.
a lot of this was schedule in her life and the three kids you heard her mention. tucker carlson, he s only had his own show here for a few weeks. he gets a 9:00 p.m. slot, how do you see that looking out? if you re looking at december ratings, we have never seen, howie, a debut like tucker carlson has had for his show. not just ratings which have been off the charts, but also it seems like every day i m seeing a viral video of a segment that he does the night before debating somebody. tucker certainly is going to be just fine and to your point about megyn, you re exactly right, this is about your children. this is why you leave prime time for daytime for less money. we have never seen at the top of her career and i read her book cover to cover. i interviewed her a couple of weeks ago. she wanted to be there when her kids were getting home from school, doing their homework and
tuck them into bed at night and that s why you take less money. she will be starting a die time talk show which has been graveyard period for successful journalists, how do you see her fairing? exactly. anderson cooper has a show in daytime to do a talk show like megyn is going to try to do. it fails in two hours. this is in the an apples to apples comparison. megyn in her 30 s leaves a corporate lawyer and years later becomes one of the most watched people on television. i wouldn t bet against her if her own personal history is any indication. howie: starting a news magazine show, sunday night is 60 minutes, tough competition head to head. yeah, 60 minutes has been around for years. all right, i put it on later.
nbc has the number one rated show in sunday night football from september to january, where are you going to put that show? certainly unanswered questions as how nbc is going to utilize megyn kelly. she s going to be in daytime. we don t know the time slot. we will find out exactly in september exactly. howie: i wish you all the best too, joe, and you probably fed tucker carlson s ego during our conversation. after the break, wall street journal editor jerry baker on taking slack for his approach of covering donald trump s misstatements. later joe scarborough wants you to know he was not partying with donald trump on new year s eve
howie: set off a big of furor on how it was covered inaccurate. it implying deliberate intent to mislead. howie: i spoke to the editor from new york. thanks for having me. howie: you got coverage of accusing the president elect a liar. you say in the wall street journal you stand accused of imperilling the republican. how do you plea, sir? i thought i was going to be a
fugitive from media justice for a while and i was wondering whether i should go and lie low. thank you very much for your concern, i weathered it okay so far. howie: after dan called your remarks disturbing is the following, i will confess, it feels like being on the virtues of abstinance. it s a little bit rich to be honest with you to be criticized for reporting ethics specially something like this where i m convinced we are doing the right thing but somebody who remembers had employment terminated by the network because he was involved in making up a story about president george w. bush. so for me to be criticized by
somebody like that, i take it with a pride. howie: story that couldn t be confirmed and cbs try today retrack. editorial page has been tough on donald trump, has pointed out some statements that are inconsistent with the facts. mass illegal voting, birther issue with president obama. and the paper describing it that way and explain the distinction. first of all, politics speak untruths all of the time. a lot of people speak untruths a lot of the time and we report that and so the right thing to do, i believe, is to say, when someone says something we report what they say, somebody as important as donald trump, the president elect, which we reported and we measure what he says, examines what he says against the facts an we give an estimate as to whether or not as
far as we can tell the statement is true. and donald trump has said things that aren t true. there s a difference that a person, a subject said something that was untrue and saying that they lied because lying is autoknow that somebody is lying you have to know state of knowledge and state of mind that they had deliberate to deceive. you may be able to infer a lot of what you think you know, when somebody says something is untrue. muslims on the roofs of new jersey celebrating after 9/11, that s a much, much higher standard of proof. howie: do you think there would have been media criticism if you said something similar of hillary clinton if she won the election, what does this say about the media s mind set toward president elect? you re absolutely right, howie. politicians lie all of the time.
we didn t get criticism at all when president obama said if you like your health insurance plan you can keep your health insurance. we didn t describe that as a lie. it was untruth and we haven t described things that donald trump said it was a lie. the answer what you re getting at is a large section of the media had decided that there s something specifically and uniquely threatening about donald trump that they actually have to take a posture of confrontation and opposition to him and they have they have to be in the arena and saying this man is a terrible threat to our freedoms and democracy and they have to be out there actually in a partisan way disagreeing with him. howie: great to have you on the show, thanks very much for joining us. thanks, howie, thanks for having me. howie: scary story about the russians supposedly hacking our grid and joe scar bow row calls the reporter a liar for tweeting about his relationship pickckckck
howie: washington post with dramatic headline last week. russian hackers hacked electricity grid but the story quickly short circuited. the danger about relying on anonymous resource. 90 minutes after discovery of code associated with russian hackers that posed vulnerability for america s electric grid, the utility said only a single line of code was found at one laptop, not connected to the grid. the next day ran note but this week retracted the entire story in a piece headline, russian government hackers do not appear to have targeted vermont utility. people close to the
investigation, internal discussions to make sure something similar did you want happen again. bad week for the washington post. cover splash on the women s march plan to go protest trump s inauguration and uses university symbol for the male gender. the editors need their eyesight checked? joe scarborough had dinner with donald trump last week and met with president elect mar-a-lago as new year s eve party was getting underway. morning joe partied with trump, called him a liar and explained on the air that they didn t get dress up, it was just a 20-minute meeting seeking an interview. judging from the response that i get every time i meet with anybody associated with him, no journalist have ever done this before. 60 minutes has ever gone to a president or new york times.
we know ben bradley ever did. i m not going to let them lie because they have been lying for a year or so. you two meet the president elect when the staff says you can meet the president elect. howie: that s true. every president holds off the record chats, reagan, obama, this is only controversial because it s trump. i m glad they patched things up. trump even went over on friday and met with vanity fair carter who has been mocking him since spying magazines in the 80 s this after tweeting, no talent, will be out. that s it for this edition of mediabuss, i m howard kurtz. let us know what you think. stick to the media questions, comments, mediabuzz at continue the conversation on twitter and do you know, i do a

Media-buzz , Howard-kurtz , Course , Julian-assange , Media , Interview , Sean-spicer , Twitter , Trump-tower , Donald-trump , Pickckckck-howie , House

Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20170114 01:00:00

replacement in sight. repeal and replace is going great. and racial bias, excessive force and reckless shootings. today s doj report on the chicago police department when all in starts right now. good evening from new york, i m chris hayes. there is just one week to go until donald trump becomes the president of the united states. he has not even taken office yet and already trump is historically unpopular. his transition, arguably clouded by more serious scandals and controversy than all eight years of the obama administration combined. as questions mount about the circumstances of trump s election and his alleged ties to a foreign adversary. democrats appear to be reaching a breaking point. in an interview with chuck todd, georgia congressman, civil rights icon john lewis became the first to declare openly what i believe many lawmakers have until now only suggested. i don t see this
president-elect as a legitimate president. you do not consider him a legitimate president? why is that? i think the russians participated in helping this man get elected and they helped destroy the candidacy of hillary clinton. i don t plan to attend the inauguration. it will be the first one that i missince i ve be miss since i ve been in the congress. you cannot be at home with something that you feel that is wrong. that s going to send a big message to a lot of people in this country that you don t believe he s a legitimate president. i think there was a conspiracy on the part of the russians and others to help him get elected. that s not right. that s not fair. that s not an open democratic
process. those are remarkable words given the moral authority and democratic witness that john lewis bore throughout his life. late today, the senate intelligence committee, of course, chaired by a republican, announced a bipartisan inquiry into the intelligence community s unanimous conclusion about russian s interference in the election including the criminal political hacking and the committee plans to interview senior officials of both the outgoing and incoming administrations, including the issuance of subpoenas if necessary to compel testimony. that s one of the shadows hanging over trump s transition to the presidency. until this week he rejected the findings of america s intelligence professionals choosing to pick an ugly fight with people he ll have to rely on as president. as early as this morning, the president-elect was still attacking the intelligence community while seeming to take russia at its word. he tweeted totally made up facts by sleaze bag political operatives, both democrats and republicans, fake news. russia says nothing exists, probably released by the intelligence, even knowing there is no proof and never will be.
my people will have a full report on hacking within 90 days. trump was referring to the unverified dossier summarized in classified briefings to both the president and the president-elect. the dossier includes allegations the russian government possesses compromising material about trump and that trump team and the russian government exchange information during the presidential campaign. there is no evidence the dossier was leaked by the intelligence community. it was floating around a number of places prior to being published. trump categorically denies the allegations contained in the dossier but director of national intelligence james clapper says the intelligence community hasn t made any judgment that the information in that document is reliable. then there s the controversy surrounding fbi director james comey and his decision to publicly disclose information about the bureau s probe of hillary clinton s e-mail server including the now infamous letter to congress 11 days before the election. there is mounting evidence the
letter did significant damage to clinton s chances and the fbi s conduct is the subject of an investigation by the u.s. inspector general that comes amid multiple reports that at the same time the fbi was investigating clinton it was also investigating the trump campaign for ties to russia. those reports haven t been independently confirmed by nbc news. at a senate hearing this week, comey was asked if the fbi was examining potential ties between trump s team and the russian government. has the fbi investigated these reported relationships and, if so what are the agency s findings? thank you, senator. i would never comment on investigations, whether we have one or not, in an open forum like this. did you answer senator widen s question that there is an investigation under way as to connections between either of the political campaigns and the russians? i didn t say one way or another. especially in a public forum. we never confirm or deny a pending investigation.
democrats frustration with fbi director comey finally boiled over this morning after a classified house briefing on russia s alleged hacking. congressman tim wolz said i was non-judgmental until the last 15 minutes. some of these things that are revealed, my confidence has been shook. congressman markcatanho, i m very angry. congressman ted lew tweeted for members of congress who attended a classified intel briefing today, i reiterate my call that you demand donald trump tell the truth. reporters asked congresswoman maxine waters about what happened? reporter: congresswoman, can you tell us anything about the discussion? no, it s classified and we can t tell you anything. all i can tell you is the fbi director has no credibility. well, then. joining me now congressman tim walz, democrat from minnesota. do you share your colleague s
assessment that the fbi director has no credibility? well, i have deep concerns, chris. i went in there listening and trying to find out. this is a serious attack on our democracy. that s at the heart of the story. we have a foreign power who attempted to undermine our most sacred institution of an election and i wanted to find out what happewas happening dur that time. i have a lot of questions that needed to be answered and the handling first and foremost of what the russians did, how it influenced our election, we can find that out. that s critical. it doesn t matter if you re a donald trump supporter or not, you want to know that, what have they done? the bigger question is were they handled are they handling these investigations equally. are they doing according to their operating proceed your on when they talk about it and don t? my frustration came nothing classified about it when it became apparent they were not handled the same way and that s incredibly frustrating because not just because of the election
and the election results, it undermines the american people s faith in the non-partisan nature of our critical intelligence and that s what came out in there. i want to be clear on this and obviously i m respectful of the fact you re dealing with a classified briefing and would not want to talk about things but the source of the frustration is what you believe is a double standard or a poorly applied standard with respect to different campaigns and how possible investigations are discussed? yes. and i think that s a possibility until today that wasn t apparent to me. now it s gng to so you learned that today. yofelt like that was confirmed to you today that your fears about a double standard or a poorly applied one were confirmed? if they weren t confirmed i have serious doubts, my confidence was shook. i ve been asking for a more in-depth investigation into this as my ranking members and elijah cummings has. we need to know that. but, yesterday, coming out of
there i don t think what should have been simple answers were not answered in a simple manner. the danger of this, chris, is again of undermining the public s credibility in this. i know those who say well, you re just upset with the election. in my district, chris, hillary clinton got 38%. she was not going to win that in there whether the russians hacked it or not, but that s not the point. the point is that they are no doubt they were involved. there s no doubt we have more to learn on that. but how we as members of congress and how the american public found out about that versus the e-mail situation does not seem to me to be consistent and i think that s real trouble and that s not in a defense of hillary clinton s use of e-mail which is i said all along needed to be looked at. so let me ask you this. given everything you ve told me i wonder how you whether you share the assessment of your colleague john lewis who said today on the record chuck todd is that he did not feel this president is legitimate. do you agree? do you think this president is
not legitimate? no, i don t agree at this time and john lewis is an icon, i respect him greatly. he is shook on this, too. i would say i need to see more. i respect that next friday when we have an inauguration we will have president trump will be my president and as i said yesterday when he makes a good decision like his v.a. appointment of dr. shulkin i ll praise him on that. when he s not i ll work on trying to find common ground but at stake here is there s more to be learned and we can t be stonewalled on this and my fear is that the person who tells me with that information and i make my judgments on, i have a deep concern about now and that s why that was so damaging to me. since i ve been up here over the last decade, this was the most troubling to me in terms of what i had been led and the expectations and how that turned out and that s why we need more information. congressman tim walz, thank you. thanks, chris. i m joined by congresswoman barbara lee, democrat from
california. my understanding is like john lewis you are not going to the inauguration. i wonder, do you agree with congressman lewis? do you view this president as not legitimate ? chris, let me first of all say i believe in the peaceful transfer of power and the office of the presidency. but when you look at the flawed process and russian interference in our election and when you look at what has taken place in terms of our democratic ideals, our processes, i have to applaud congressman john lewis because once john lewis says they are flawed or illegitimate, the elections were illegitimate or this is an illegitimate president, people have to pause and think about this because congress lewis is a moral leader, a civil and human rights icon and he did not make that decision lightly. i think the facts need to be laid out. we have a bipartisan commission, legislation led to really set up a commission to investigate this so when you look at what has
taken place i have to say john lewis is right on target in terms of how this president-elect was elected and the interference and what took place as a result of these elections. even the fbi in terms of their bias and how they conducted these investigations, what was made public, what was not made public. people can decide for themselves but there are so many problems with what took place until once again congressman john lewis needs to be applauded. were you in that briefing today, congresswoman? yes, i was. did you share the it was sort of a fascinating scene afterwards. democrat after democrat coming out saying in very strong words how frustrated angered, how many questions they have. was that your feeling coming out of that as well? chris, i was angry. i wasn t frustrated because the facts leading up to today were very clear to me but when you d are in a classified briefing of course we can t
disclose what we learned but my reaction was one of anger, i was very i would say upset with the fact that the american people need to have the facts made public. we need some transparency and we need this investigation so the public will know exactly what took place. so you feel there are important there are important things for the public to know that they can not or do not know at this moment? i think it s important for an investigation to be conducted that is public and, of course, there are going to be some issues that will be classified that cannot be disclosed but i think for the most part we need the bipartisan commission which the house is i think all democrats are on the legislation. we need that so the public will know exactly what took place and make their own decisions about the outcome of this election. all right, congresswoman barbara lee, thanks for joining me, appreciate it. up next, the trump transition is now admitting to
nbc news that michael flynn spoke to russia s ambassador on the day the obama administration sanctioned russia for interfering in our election. the latest that have two-minute break. it s beautiful. was it a hard place to get to? (laughs) it wasn t too bad. with the chase mobile app, jimmy chin can master depositing his hard earned checks in a snap. easy to use chase technology for whatever you re trying to master. when you hit 300,000 miles. or here, when you walked away without a scratch. maybe it was the day your baby came home. or maybe the day you realized your baby was not a baby anymore. every subaru is built to earn your trust. because we know what you re trusting us with. subaru. kelley blue book s most trusted brand.
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amid mounting questions about potential leaks between donald trump, his inner circle and the russian government came this post from david ignatius from the washington post which seemed to be a remarkable revelation. according to a senior u.s. official, trump s pick for national security advisor, michael flynn, phoned the russian ambassador several times december 29, that would be the same day the obama administration announced the expulsion of 35 russian officials as well as other measures in retaliation for the hacking during the election. that report was followed up today by another from the associated press again citing contact on that day, the 29th, again sourced to a single senior official who may or may not have been the same person, we don t know. on a routine call with reporters this morning, transition spokesperson sean spicer offered a simple explanation.
christmas day general flynn reached out to the ambassador and sent him a text and it said, you know, i want to wish you and merry christmas and a happy new year. the ambassador texted him back wishing him a merry christmas as well and then spently subseque the 28th of december texted him and said i d like to give you a call, may i? he took the call on the 29th and the call centered around the logistics of setting up a call with the president of russia and the elect after he was sworn in. this all seems completely innocent, above board. but there was something a bit peculiar i noticed about spicer s account. you note he cited two dates when flynn supposedly had contact, december 25 christmas day and december 28 but the white house announced new sanctions in response to russia s election sbe feer
interference, december 29. that s the day that was alleged in the column. did flynn talk that day or not? this morning team trump told the post s david ignatius the only happened on the 25th and 28th the latter to off condolences for a plane crash. but then in afternoon nbc news producer vaughan hilliard caught up with spicer and he admitted there was a phone call on the 29th. reporter: on the 29th, the same day the u.s. expelled russian democrats and then a day later vladimir putin said he wouldn t push out american diplomats in russia. did general flynn have any conversations to indicate to the russian ambassador that the u.s. trump administration would either ease or roll back sanctions? the only conversation general flynn had was, one, to wish him merry christmas, two, to express his sympathies for the loss of life during the plane crash and to commit to establishing a call after the inauguration between
the two leaders. obviously that choir plane crash was tragic and we know the trump team loves to say merry christmas but how many times can you call and text the same russian ambassador? joining me now msnbc terrorism analyst malcolm nantz and matt taibbi author of the book insane clown president. let me start with you matt and then go to you, malcolm. here s an example of the kind of thing we re dealing with. the facts are unclear and in dispute, they seem to move back and forth. there is at one level a totally innocent explanation. there s some business that has to happen between an incoming transition and the russian ambassador but then there s some weird documents around it. and you wrote this piece yesterday saying some line about how we going to get something more important than what we re flying through right now? there are two completely different narratives. there s one where basically the russians let s just say i mean the people that i talked to have a high degree of confidence they were involved with the
hacking of the dnc e-mails and passing it on to wikileaks as well but there s a version where they do that and trump is basically the idiotic moronic beneficiary and wasn t involved in a conspiracy with the russians. we don t have any hard evidence that there s more than that. the thing of which there s the most evidence is the first order thing that they hacked it for whatever reason to sow discontent because they like trump, they hated hillary clinton. they want to sow division in the united states which all great power countries do. we do it. this would be an extraordinary episode but certainly there s no evidence that i ve seen that there s this other element where it s a manchurian candidate, there s a plot and that would be an order of magnitude much larger. and malcolm, i believe you are a you worked obviously in the intelligence community for years, you wrote a book about russia s involvement in this election and you are a believer
large largely but what is the evidence there is aside we have this dossier but we can t verify any of it? i like to say this because matt s a great journalist and i love his work but matt is a journalist, i m an intelligence officer. i look at things differently. there is no such thing as coincidence in my world. coincidence takes a lot of planning. everything that happened with regards to that hack took place in an organized bubble that indicated there was a very large information warfare management cell being run by russian intelligence. all of the leaks came out precisely to support everything donald trump said within 24 to 48 hours he talks about pennsylvania, every pennsylvania dossier comes out. he talks about florida, every florida dossier comes out. when that wasn t flowing fast enough, d.c. leaks came out. all of this was on the basis of the systematic release of
intelligence and that s what intelligence agencies do. here s the issue to me, malcolm. i hear you and i ve talked to intelligence people who keep saying the same things which that you have not been trained, you are not seeing the puzzle pieces fit together the way we have and i respect that. but the standard part of the problem we re dealing with is standards of different. so standard of public domain to say to someone, you know, matt, that this person is a foreign agent essentially or colluding, that is a very heavy thing to sate about a person, particularly the incoming president of the united states. what should the journalistic standards be? right now all we can say is there are people who believe that. that s what we can report is that there are people in the intelligence community who have apparently have indications that lead them to believe that but we haven t seen anything that allows us to say unequivocally that x and y happened last year. all we can say is there are analyses that show that they were probably behind the hack. so the question, malcolm, to you becomes can you imagine a
world in which an unclassified version of evidence could be produced through a bipartisan investigation of some kind that could be entered into the public record that could make some determination that meets a standards for amateurs? for citizens? for democratic citizens in a nation who want to know what the heck is going on? sure. so long as we re not talking about the original hacking of the dnc. that evidence is unkwif kabl, on the internet, a company called crowdstrike did the analysis and saw the data being stolen. the question is about these links possibly with the trump team, the trump administration, that data i think you re probably never going to see the cia s report which was parallel written, published on the same day i published and came out with the same conclusions. you re not going to see that. after next week you ll never see that. but our allied nations
this is the super bowl of intelligence crises. part of the problem is that it seems to me if this sort of attrition through leak the you think the leaks we are getting are coming from the intelligence community? no, i don t think a lot of them are coming from the intelligence community. especially with regards to that dossier that dossier had been out there for months. i spoke to david corn. but you have to understand, my book came out four months ago and it was unclassified. it didn t have anything to do with it. so the media takes longer to catch up because you have the two rule verification and things like that and information the just leaking out now about what we can see sort of nefarious, may have parameters leading towards sinister and questionable enough to demand investigation to determine if any of these people have links to moscow. the only thing i feel definitive about is there has to be an official commission in which things are systematically declassified, investigated and
presented in some fashion we don t make democratic determinations and immediate determinations based on leaks and counterleaks. malcolm nantz and matt taibbi, thank you. coming up, as the ethical concerns pile up around trump and his cabinet nominees, how are the republicans responding? that story coming up. and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis.
a body without proper footd needssupport can mean pain. the dr. scholl s kiosk maps your feet and recommends our custom fit orthotic to stabilize your foundation and relieve foot, knee or lower back pain from being on your feet. dr. scholl s. one of the very first things house republicans did when they came to work last week was to vote to gut the independent ethics office that polices their conduct. it seemed like a weird foot to get off on for a party that won the election with a promise from the nominee to drain the swamp. after a public uproar, the house gop beat a tactical retreat and promised to revisit the matter
later in the term. it turns out it was just getting started. despite warnings from ethics watchdogs, despite past practice, republicans scheduled senate hearings for donald trump s cabinet picks even though several were yet to complete the background checks and ethics clearances that are customarily required. then there s trump s pick to head the department of health and human services, representative tom price who the wall street journal reports traded more than $300,000 in shares of health-related companies over the past four years while sponsoring and advocating legislation that could potentially affect those company stocks. today came reports that price got a sweetheart deal from a foreign biotech firm that could earn him a million dollars. trump, meanwhile, held a press conference on wednesday where he defied calls by bipartisan ethics watchdogs to divest or place his assets in a blind trust saying instead he would hand his business over to his sons, a relatively meaningless step that he nonetheless presented as a benevolent gesture. i could actually run my business. i could actually run my business and run government at the same
time. i don t like the way that looks but i would be able to do that if i wanted to. trump s stance did not it is well with the director of the office of government ethics, walter shaub, and now republicans are responding to shaub s objections with a no so vailed threat, not against the president-elect, rather against the ethics watchdog trying to ensure he doesn t violate the constitution. jason chaffetz and the gop s ethical bullying on ethics next. . [dad] alright, buddy, don t forget anything! [kid] i won t, dad. [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it s pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum has been a struggle.
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a. i wish circumstances were different and i didn t feel the need to make public remarks today. you don t hear about ethics when things are going well. you ve been hearing a lot about ethics lately. walter shaub, director of u.s. government ethics delivered a speech decrying the steps donald trump has taken or not taken, he got a letter from gop representative jason chaffetz chair of the house oversight and government reform chairman who earlier this week vowed to continue his investigation into hillary clinton s e-mails. now chaffetz s letter was not a show of support to a fellow ethics watchdog, it was instead a threat. chaffetz accusing shaub of blurring the line between public relations and official ethics guidance hinting he may investigate shaub for speaking out about trump s conflict of interest. chaffetz, who demanded shaub appear for a closed-door interview cited a tweet storm from november in which shaub told trump oge is delighted you ve decided to divest your
businesses, right decision. trump has done nothing of the sort but he s apparently done enough for chaffetz. it seems to me donald trump is bending over backwards to do everything he can but he has to abide by the law and he s exempt from most of these conflicts of interest so i thought it was very premature of the office of government ethics to be in the spin room saying hey, i hate this. democrats including chuck schumer responded to chaffetz letter with outright. mr. chaffetz s attempt to bully mr. shaub out of doing his job are absolutely despicable. joining me now, senator jeff merckly from oregon, do you share chuck schumer s asse assessment? this is a crazy situation. first the house tries to get rid of the office on day one then they attack the independent office of government ethics charged with making sure the conflicts of interests are eliminated for the president and people who are nominated for cabinet posts. boy the president himself held a
press conference to say how much he was doing and it turned out his plan was as phony as his photo problems. he had these folders piled up saying these are the contracts i m going to divest but they wouldn t let the reporters look at them because they had blank paper in them and the plan was to put his sons in control of the business. does not eliminate the conflicts of interest. here s my question at a brass tacks level. the office of government ethics is an independent body. a fixed i believe five year term, the head of that walter sha shaub. what does the senate or congress do when day one donald trump fires him? he can t fire him on day one because of it being a five-year term but i must say it will be very very disturbing for a president to put someone in that office who isn t a professional committed to enforcing ethics laws and will make certainly make a lot of noise about it and consider where whether there s some kind of legislation we can pass that puts boundaries in
place to back it up. what do you make of congressman chaffetz has carved out a role for himself in the house, the oversight committee. the idea behind the oversight commit see the a deep constitutional idea, the tension between article one and article two branches of the united states government that congress over sees the executive. do you feel that he is does he sound faith to feel that role as he talks about what s going on now? the best way to get the house republicans to attack something is put the label ethics on it. so it s not really it s oversight to try to destroyer sight. it s really unfortunate that they re not taking ethics seriously and it s happening on the senate side where they re trying to ram through nominees without getting the standard ethics report that mitch mcconnell himself demanded for president obama s nominees in 2009. are you confident all of those ethics clearances will happen before i know some of the hearings have been postponed. it did seem that was a mini battle the democrats in some
senses won in so far as a bunch of those hearings have been postponed? it seems like we ve made some progress but i wouldn t declare victory yet because the challenge, for example, with devod devos is a vast challenge and she hasn t even submitted the paperwork yet. is the leadership going to say well she hasn t submitted the paperwork and we don t have the divestment plan but still we want her in the job and try to push it through? they may well do so and we ll try to stop it. devos, of course, nominated for secretary of education who is a billionaire, comes from a fantastically wealthy family, huge amounts of holdings and would have to go through a process she would have to go through a process that s insisted upon by law in a way donald trump wouldn t which is that she won t have any option, right, to pass over the family business to her kids or something, she has to divest and put in the a blind trust? this is that is the
standard absolutely and by the way this should be the standard for the president and it s when we are pushing him to divest, we re doing him a big favor because when you own a lot of property it s very easy to be in violation of the constitution s emolument clause because all someone has to do is give you a sweetheart deal and there s thousands of deals his corporation is doing and you re in violation. senator jeff merkley, thank you for your time. you re welcome. still ahead, growing questions about republican plans to gut obamacare as repealed a vances in the house. plus, a quick check in on rudy giuliani is tonight s thing 1 thing 2 and that starts right after this break.
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wearing the hats, speaking super super emphatically at the republican national convention, even vociferously defending trump after release of that infamous access hollywood tape in which trump boasted of sexual assault. giuliani and trump were bosom buddies from way back and trump s surprise win, giuliani was well positioned. the only question was which top cabinet post was he going to get? the choice for secretary of state in a trump administration is down to rudy giuliani and john bolton. john would be a very good choice. is there anybody better? maybe me, i don t know. [ laughter ] he was reported to be a top candidate for secretary of state until he got passed over claiming he took his own name out of contention, then attorney general. there s probably that knows the justice department better than me, giuliani said at the time. but he didn t get that job, either. the former mayor receded back into whatever he was doing before he jumped on the trump bandwagon but now rudy giuliani has been given a job kind of in the trump administration. what s he going to do?
well, i d tell you to check out his web site for a hint during the break but that s part of the problem. thing 2 in 60 seconds. does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. do not use if you are allergic to taltz. before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. now s your chance at completely clear skin. just ask your doctor about taltz.
so rudy giuliani, one of the earliest, biggest most stalwart supporters of candidate trump who seemed to be shoveled aside by president-elect trump has been now finally given an assignment. if you missed the big announcement at trump tower yesterday we ll play it for you now. basically i ll read you a little of the press release. president-elect trump is very pleased to announce former mayor rudy giuliani will be sharing his expertise and insight as a trusted friend coordinating private sector cyber security problems and emerging solutions developing in the private sector. so some cyber stuff. a role so diminished as the new york times described it, giuliani will from time to time hold meets with mr. trump. giuliani has his own consulting firm so this appears to be a
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friend when officers drove up, shined a light on him and ordered him to freeze because he had been fidgeting with his waistband. the man ran. the officers fired 45 rounds, including 28 rifle rounds, several rounds struck the man, killing him. officers found no gun on the man, however officers reported recovering a handgun nearly one block away. the gun recovered in the vicinity was determined to be fully loaded an inoperable and forensic testing determined there was no gunshot residue on the man s hands. chicago s independent police review authority, or ipra, which we have talked about on the show before, found the actions of the officers justified. this was not uncommon according to the report. in many of these cases, ipra generally accepted the officers versions of events which were later undercut by video evidence. another one, in one case officers justified using force by claiming a woman attacked them but in the video officers can be seen aggressively grabbing the woman, throwing her to the ground and surrounding her. after she s handcuffed, one officer tells another to tase
her ten effing times. officers call her an animal, threaten to kill her and her family and scream i ll put you in a u.p.s. box and send you back toer the f you came from. officers can then be seen discovering a recording device and discussing whether they can take it. those officers didn t face any discipline until after the woman came forward with the surveillance video. justice department investigation also found routinely abusive behavior within the cpd, especially towards black and latino residents of chicago s most challenged neighborhoods. one officer said he referred co-workers and supervisors refer to black individuals as monkeys, animals, savages and pieces of excrement. it s a 13-month investigation by the u.s. department of justice, 160 pages long in which the federal government corroborates what people and reporters, frankly, in the most marginalized neighborhoods of chicago have been saying for years. and now, because of that report, the city of chicago has promised to reform the police department.
we ll see how that goes. but all this comes because this justice department under this president has aggressively pushed for reform and investigated city departments. the man donald trump wants to put in charge of the justice department has a very different take. jeff sessions has criticized government lawsuits that force police reforms. so the question before us now is whether the next report into the next department like chicago ever even happen? it s just a date. i can stay.
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(avo) if their alzheimer s is getting worse, ask about once-a-day namzaric. namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimer s disease in patients who are taking donepezil. it may improve cognition and overall function, and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. namzaric does not change the underlying disease progression. don t take if allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine, or any of the ingredients in namzaric. tell the doctor about any conditions; including heart, lung, bladder, kidney or liver problems, seizures, stomach ulcers, or procedures with anesthesia. serious side effects may occur, including muscle problems if given anesthesia; slow heartbeat, fainting, more stomach acid which may lead to ulcers and bleeding; nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and bruising. (woman 2 vo) i don t know what tomorrow will bring but i m doing what i can. (avo) ask about namzaric today. over the past 24 hours, house speaker paul ryan has been
working around the clock to repeal the affordable care act as soon as possible. he led a successful vote, mostly on party lines, on the first step toward repealing the health care law through the budget process. he defended republican plans for repealing the aca to a man whose life was saved by the law. i was a republican and i worked for the reagan and bush campaigns. at 49 i was given six weeks to live with a very curable type of cancer. thanks to the affordable care act, i m standing here today alive. why would you repeal the affordable care act without a replacement? i would encourage you to go to our web site and take a look at our plan. ryan went on to talk about a number of policy ideas from high-risk pools to greater reliance on health savings accounts but if you took him up to go to the house speaker web site and looked at their plan, you d find four bullet points promising to reduce cost, shore up medicare with a link to a pdf which restates the same abstract and vague promises.
after seven years of obamacare, more than 60 attempts to repeal it, thousands of campaign run against it across the country, that is the cutting edge of the republican alternative right now four bullet points. so what are the millions of people who ve gained coverage thanks to the affordable care act supposed to do while they watch this unfold? joining me now, former director of communications of outreach for hillary clinton jess macintosh and the author of overcoming obamacare, three approaches to reversing the government takeover of health care. phil, i want to start with you. obviously there are plans out there. lamar alexander talked about a plan, tom price who has been nominated for hhs but it s somewhat striking to me that all this time they didn t they knew this was coming. the fact there s not a plan saying, no, this is what we re going to do, not only that it was absent from the campaign. if you go back to 08, you can say obamacare you don t like it, you don t like the principles, but it was intensely litigated. you had a good sense of what the
contours were going to be. i have no idea. the problem always has been not that there aren t any republican plans, there have been many, paul ryan himself when he wasn t in leadership released one, tom price had one, there s a number of different plans but republicans have never been able to agree on a single one and now that s coming back to haunt them. there s also the problem, it strikes me, jess, that not only do they not agree in congress, donald trump has made a lot of promises, he s talked about out-of-pocket costs. he wrote a book calling for single payer. do you think they can square the promises they ve made? i don t think they ll be able to do that. i think the republicans in the house and senate have made repealing obamacare a huge part of their agenda for years now. donald trump is new to this game. he doesn t the issue. he clearly doesn t understand
the koun tours and what will be the controversial pieces of it and he seems to have no interest in working with the congressional republicans that will have to do the heavy lifting here. i hope they remember we started president obama s presidency by picking up this health care fight. it was not easy. the president spent enormous political capital getting this done because he believed not just in a set of principles but in how to do it and he worked with senate democrats to get it done. part of the reason it wasn t easy, easy, philip, is people don t like the status quo bias. people didn t like it then, they don t like it now, but i think a lot of people do like it that have gotten care. but change is scary. you ve written about the fact republicans are not being particularly honest about what their principles are which is yes some people are going to lose their coverage. absolutely. one argument i ve made is that republicans should avoid the same mistake as president obama.
when he was selling the health care law as you said one of the problems was this status quo bias. people were worried about how it would disrupt their health insurance so he over and over again repeated the infamous talking point about if you like your plan you can keep it and you re not going to lose your das even though you know that and any intellectually honest liberal health care expert at the time would say look, if you re making major changes to the health care system it will disrupt some people s care. some people will lose coverage and he could have made the argument but ultimately the overall system will be better but he made these big promises and when the obvious happened and people lost their coverage and doctor networks got narrowed on all these changes disrupted a lot of people it was a huge problem for him and that s one of the big reasons why republicans have been able to capitalize and i d argue now
control the congress and perhaps the presidency as a result of obamacare. and these broken promises. now republicans are also, i think, boxing themselves in the corner by making a lot of contradictory promises that won t actually bear out and i think that they should just be more honest and defend, which i think is a defensible position, repealing obamacare and replacing it with a market-based system. that gentleman that spoke to paul ryan last night, it strikes me he s a particular cancer and he was a former republican whatever but there s millions of people that are going to kind of discover they re in the cross hairs who may not have been activated for this fight before the election but may get activated afterwards. for sure. we re starting with only 18% wanting to repeal obamacare. you don t get to 18% with republican unity by any stretch of the imagination. there are a number of people, we ve seen it all over the internet as they ve picked up this fight, people saying well,
i m on the aca, repeal obamacare, that s terrible, many i health care will be fine. they don t realize the aca and obamacare and whether that s the media s fault, the president s fault, whoever s fault, these people will know real fast that the obamacare is the aca and that s how they get their coverage. so if we re starting at a number this low, republicans are not offering people anything. they are simply saying repeal as if there is a mandate to repeal, as if people see repeal as something being done for them. there s a repeal to change. as opposed to being done to them. obama made it through this because he was offering more health care to people. i don t know what trump or the congressional republicans are going to be offering. very good point. philip klein, jess mcintosh, thank you for your time. before we go, one last special segment. both my kids are here and we have a house rule, they get to request any animal video they want when they re here. for my daughter, there s the black panther.

Repeal , Force , Bias , Chicago-police-department , Sight , Doj-report , All-in , Shootings , President , The-shadows-hanging-over-trump , Donald-trump , Office