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Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180411

know my missile is better than in guys everybody that i want to put who s paying the price for it the civilians and the poor. of some of the situation in the world is getting more chaotic the president is talking to other allies i hope that they will come to an agreement on a considerable and joint effort will that response be a military response i think so. also coming up of facebook under fire and the non grilling of mark zuckerberg on capitol hill there is a common misperception as you say that it s just reported often keeps on being reported that for some reason we sell data i can t be clear on this topic we don t sell data . we begin the day minus the element of surprise in syria when he ran for office donald trump repeatedly lashed out at his opponent and president obama for revealing too much and always giving the enemy an edge when now that he is president mr trump is struggling to keep a secret as he decides how to respond to yet another alleged chemical weapons attack in syria today he tweeted a serious warning to russia for its support of the syrian regime and at the same time warned of incoming missiles tweeted russia valves to shoot down any and all missiles fired at syria get ready russia because they will be coming nice and new and smart you shouldn t be partners with a gas killing an animal who kills his people and enjoys it or. heard the message his troops have spent the past forty eight hours repositioning themselves along with vital weapons so far the battle over syria has been played out at the u.n. security council where both the u.s. and russia have made it clear they do not believe what the other resay. these images shocked the world the young survivors of an alleged chemical weapons attack in duma eastern ghouta last saturday what happened here has sent tensions between russia and the west soaring to new heights u.s. president donald trump said syria would pay a big price. u.s. secretary of defense james mattis said the u.s. military was still assessing the situation but didn t rule out a strike we stand ready to provide military option to their appropriate as the president determined. u.s. warships left port on wednesday on route to the middle east they re not due to arrive for weeks indicating washington means to keep up the pressure. meanwhile russia has moved fast to establish itself in duma this amateur video purportedly shows russian police investigating near the side of the attack moscow says it and the regime are ready to allow a probe which shouldn t assign blame and the kremlin has argued that caution is in order. we do not participate in twitter diplomacy we support a serious approach we still believe that it is important not to take any steps that may harm the already fragile situation in syria we are also still convinced that the excuse regarding the use of chemical weapons in duma is made up and cannot be used as an argument for military action the alleged attack has already shifted syria s battle lines here displaced people from duma arrive in syria s rebel held north resistance collapsed in eastern guta after the attack the refugees are a reminder of the brutal intensity of this war which the international community has so far remained powerless to stop. take this story to the u.s. . correspondent claire richardson is standing by in washington. is standing by the russian. i have a question for. a u.s. strike against russian forces in syria how credible is this threat president truong clear i ll start with you. at this point a military strike certainly seems like a real possibility and if trump decides to go this route it won t be the first time that his administration has carried out strikes on syria if you remember it was just about a year ago this time of year that the united states took its first military action against syria striking an air base in an effort to punish the assad regime for what was widely seemed to be as a nother chemical attack so the question becomes if this ad hoc attack that we saw last year was clearly ineffective as a deterrence to prevent it from using chemical weapons against his own people then what would it be about a strike again a single one off shot that could potentially change his calculation this time around and it s also unclear what trends long term plan on syria really is if you remember it was just earlier this month that he was saying he wanted to pull all two thousand u.s. troops out of syria and that was against the advice of his military advisers who wanted to stick around and make sure that they really had this so-called islamic state in check but now we re seeing him very openly calling for military strikes in what could very well escalate the situation. taking trump and his tweet seriously. well the moscow has to take it to seriously brand that s why moscow at least publicly is taking to strong warnings as the russian lawmaker said the president and all trumps to be to reflects at dendrites little lights minded approach to critical station constantine cause of shelf the hatto for on the fast committee in the upper house of russian parliament sat it was really scary to think what kind of people control the large largest military arsenal the planet has ever seen and present putin spokesperson about it and we keep this call for just how that in the report sat ironical russia didn t participate into the diplomacy on the other hand brand russians also say very clearly they want to hesitate and would fight back if needed. we are getting a report that is just coming across the u.s. president trump has said that he holds syria and russia both responsible for a chemical weapons attack last week and that is definite it is just coming across on the wires so clear let me. for you and let s look at a tweet from truong another tweet in which he said this our relationship with russia is worse now than it has ever been and that includes the cold war now this is not the donald trump that we have known the last two years i mean is he doubling down on russia to take some of the charge out of special counsel mole or is russia investigation. well the moeller investigation is definitely what s been dominating the headlines here in the united states however the president is risking a direct confrontation with russia with this kind of rhetoric and you have to remember russia has been one of the shahrazad strongest allies since long before the war they have regularly use their veto power at the united nations to deny security council resolutions that are meant to condemn the asad regime for its actions and it was very intervention in twenty fifteen that was widely seen as the thing that helps change the course of the war in favor of bashar assad s government so we are talking about a humanitarian crisis that has killed more than half a million people has displaced more than half of the country s population and any kind of serious military action that we re going to see from the united states is going to require a serious long term strategy and it s not apparent that trump has that clear himself. russia we know has already how it would respond in the. strong. mr is a soup can warrant for example in case of an at tack moscow would shoot down any u.s. missiles fired at syria also russia would obviously target to the launch sites all of the missiles which means u.s. military bases or aircraft carriers and the goals for its goal for example three weeks ago i myself was embedded all along just u.s. aircraft carrier in the world on the guess as to the roosevelt from which missiles attack targets in syria and iraq so it may well be that from their missiles right now launch to attack president assad s armed forces on the ground that warship was one of the largest brant. in the world with more than five thousand marines and navy officers on board if russians attacks such and assume that such an aircraft carrier americans can face a great danger. and you re we know that russian president vladimir putin has called on israel not to take any action that could further destabilize the situation in syria basically you know asking tell of the not to fire any shots right now is the kremlin concerned that it could quickly lose its power and its influence in syria. i don t think so i think the climate is a really of lorient about the potential gas attack in syria the kremlin wants to avoid to direct confrontation with washington i m absolutely sure about that by the way i also think that americans do not want a war with russia so israel in this very complicated context seems to be just one more player in the region who also tries to achieve its own goals namely to war in the round and trashing obviously don t want any additional trouble at least on these on this front and they don t want israel to poor even more oil on the fire by the way there are experts in moscow who see israel as a potential media to a negotiator between the united states and russia so we ll see you know this is an interesting point we re also getting a report that the white house is saying that all options remain on the table in dealing with this alleged chemical weapons attack in syria so we don t have any clarity to report tonight clear what about the american public trying to have popular support for his of since of course in syria. but we don t have polling numbers for this particular possibility of a strike but we know that for his strike last year there was a majority of american a majority of americans were on board with that so it s going to remain to be seen whether this is equally as popular or whether people are going to look at the past year and the president s past comments and have a change of heart over the correspondent claire richardson in washington there at the white house and our moscow bureau chief. to both of you you thank. we have watched and listened to what was supposed to be the grilling of facebook c.e.o. mark zuckerberg on capitol hill there are disappointments and some surprises to report let s start with those photo grillers the senators now perhaps it was a case of not doing their homework or simply not being tech savvy but many senators wasted their allotted time by revealing to zagreb or how little they really know about him and his social media giant one senator today mused about the positive aspects of facebook for his elderly mother some senators treated the hearing like the political theater that it was with one line zenger such as your user agreement sucks mr zucker bird mr zuckerberg the boss of a company at the center of what could be a corrupted and rigged us election he did not exhibit the insider knowledge that you would expect from a movie lineal billionaire i mean how many times did he reply to questions from senators with my team will follow up on this and get back with you and what about that philosopher king treatment that was given to zucker bird instead of pushing the c.e.o. on the topics of regulation and more transparency concerning how and why our facebook feeds show what they do senators ask for is a berg s opinion do you think we should regulate you do you think your company is a monopoly well some would say who cares what he thinks he should care what lawmakers are thinking take a look at part of what was said today. and yes or no will you commit to changing all the user default settings to minimize to the greatest extent possible the collection in use or in use of user s data you make that commitment congressman if we try to collect and give people the ability i d like to answer yes or no if you could will you make the commitment to change all the user to changing all the user default settings to minimize to the greatest extent possible the collection and use of user s data that i don t think that s hard for you to say yes to unless i m missing something congressman this is a complex issue that i think is deserves more than a one word and well again that s just supporting to me because i think you should make that commitment one to face learn the cambridge analytical research project was absolutely for tiger targeted psychographic political campaign work congresswoman it might be useful to clarify what actually happened here do you know i don t have time for a long answer that when did facebook learn that and when you learned it did you contact your c.e.o. immediately and if not why not. congressman yes we learned in two thousand and fifteen that a cambridge university researcher associated with the academic institution that built into that people chose to know what happened let them but i m asking you some answer how question right when when we learned about that we want twenty fifteen you learned about it yes and you spoke to their c.e.o. immediately we shut down the app did you speak to them as you know immediately we got in touch with them and we asked them to today we demanded that they delete any of the data that they had and their chief data officer told us that they had. so many unanswered questions coming out of these two days of testimony i want to pull and it did as you he is an expert in facebook marketing and he s the chief technical officer at blitz metrics he joins us tonight from below and yes if only it s good to have you on the day that we get your take what did we just see these past two days on capitol hill and we saw circus where you have a lot of elderly folks that are trying to grow a technologist about a situation that they don t understand and they know the public is demanding that something be done but they don t know what to do so this is actually just a show me a show and at the same time they re asking zuckerberg to do something that he really doesn t want to do right i mean he doesn t want to be regulated but he can t say that and he doesn t want to reveal his you know his algorithms it s almost like coca-cola doesn t want to reveal it or divulge the recipe for coke right but i mean something has to happen just take a listen to what he said today a little excerpt a little exchange and not with your data included in the data sold to the malicious third parties your personal data yes it was are you willing to change your business model in the interest of protecting individual privacy going on than we are have made and are continuing to make changes to reduce the amount of how are you willing to change your business model in the interest of protecting individual privacy congresswoman i m not sure what that means well i mean i don t the congresswoman didn t she know what she meant to dennis what do you think . no these are slanted questions imagine someone asked you have you stopped beating your wife yes or no just answer my question yes or no if you stop beating your wife so what facebook s trying to do is to be willing to agree to some kind of regulation which is vague because it is what they want to avoid is being broken up right being broken up into instagram and facebook being separate companies just like eighteen t. just like what microsoft was able to avoid right they want to avoid any kind of harsh regulatory action so they haven t actually done anything wrong in terms of allowing that as an advertiser you cannot export data from the platform that is that user data that has never been allowed a lot of the apps that humor generally because that s all marketing companies that are trying to pretend that they can scare people that they can manipulate elections so they think dealing with the problem is actually a education problem of the government and the users and not actually a security problem so the light appears that he s a face of this and who s going to educate people because. is it is it mark zuckerberg responsibility to make sure that two billion users know all of the the technicalities of private data privacy for example. that s an almost unsolvable problem because really who s responsible is it disclose is it you know the user where they have to be able to read a six pages and pages of whatever they agree to use and out and fundamentally you re seeing that there s a there s a trade off where people are willing to trade privacy for convenience. what about the situation here in the europe you know there is a new important law that s going to take effect next month and i d like to show our viewers one of your tweets you posted a photo of mr zuckerberg snow which he used during these testimonies and i was struck by what you see right there in the lower right hand corner the g.d.p. hard course everyone here in europe knows that you know that stands for the general data protection regulation and if you look closely at it you see his notes there. do these notes tell us that facebook realizes that the europeans have created the gold standard for data protection as it stands today. well the way the g.d.p. are as written is very hard to enforce and no one understands exactly under what situation there is going to be enforceability on how much data do you really need to be able to deliver results and then how do you make sure that if someone has your data that they re able to remove it facebook has an unsolvable problem where if we say you can only have some data for the purposes of specific marketing where does that stop and where does it end they don t even want to open that can of worms so marks p.r. nodes is this is instead of saying yes we comply with everything it s to not even you know they try to avoid that question entirely and to be able to say generally we agree with protect users generally we want to do everything you know i ve met mark multiple times and we ve talked about this i truly believe he wants to do the right thing i truly believe that he is here to actually bring the world together instead of to make money even though he is a billionaire i mean do you really believe it is because i know a lot of people watching the testimonies the last few days and when he kept he kept throwing out the word community building community and you could see a lot of eyebrows that were rising there and in the chambers people didn t know whether or not he was giving a line or if he really meant that. is it plausible that he really did want to create communities ten years ago but ten years in social media time is like a century isn t. yeah and he was that the geeky kid where i would see him in palo alto sneaking around behind the backs of the restaurants trying to avoid the crowds before he became ultra famous and he truly did want to be king and the trouble is when you have a benevolent tech dictator it s like the robot that absolutely kills everybody because it s trying to you know eliminate you know human errors or you know eliminate humans if you ve got someone who firmly believes in bringing people community bringing people together and the algorithm is determining what you need to see or what s important to you that s actually a fundamental question that congress needs to ask that other government leaders that as users need to ask how do we get to control what we re seeing there s no dials to do that but it s the algorithms and. up until now we haven t been granted access to those algorithms is it going to take an act of congress basically to open up those algorithms to the public so we ve actually consulted for the federal trade commission and the f.c.c. about this issue because facebook should imagine that you know it when you go to facebook and you have these different dials on different interest that you cared about and you can see more about sports and less about you know politics or whatever it might be imagine you could do that kind of balancing facebook doesn t want to open that up because that just creates a whole can of worms imagine write these these senators are having trouble even understand the basics of what an ad driven economy looks like imagine if you expose the algorithm right imagine what that does to face between facebook apple amazon all the other players that are competing in the data space they don t want that. i was struck by a comment that mr zuckerberg made yesterday when he was talking about the the russian threat to democracy around the world but particularly through the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election and he said that the russians are constantly improving especially their bots and the threat level is always increasing and he said we have to stay one step ahead of them he sounded like the secretary of defense from the pentagon do you think he s aware of the responsibility that he has or or the position he finds himself in in this nexus of so many huge factors that are coming together do you think you realize where he is i think he now realizes this but before he was able to brush it off by saying look we re social media is there anybody can post anybody s opinion but now they are just too big and when they hit that kind of scale then the question becomes well who s able to decide what is news and what isn t news facebook is now where people go if you re under forty to get your news and there needs to be some kind of regulation but he doesn t know how to do that because he think about freedom of speech you want people to be able to say anything that they want so it was what point do we had you know intervention it ended because the algorithm is unbiased right now whatever has the most engagement is whatever shows are subject to you know few other factors should that change is the question yeah i mean lots of questions but fascinating talking with you dennis you the chief technical officer at blitz metrics dennis thank you and please come back i m sure there will be plenty of reasons for us to talk again in the future thank you thank you. mark zuckerberg testimony was of course a social media event in itself sparking endless means in-joke smitty internet users poked fun at the stereotype that older people don t understand technology. here we have comedian stephen colbert quipping almost feel bad for zucker berg there s no way he left that room full of old people without have to set up there why five there was also much amusement about the thick cushion virg zat on during his testimony this twitter user judge mark zuckerberg in a booster seat looks like he s about to ask the wages for chicken figures and apple juice. our the day is nearly done but as ever the cover search continues online you ll find us on twitter t.v. you can write directly the meter for good news that today every member whatever happens between now and tomorrow is another day we ll see that in a box. if this is a parliament building and that is the president. then we must be inclosure. telling the independent republic was created by us his. kid everyone has the right to be happy. the world. you haven t paid your brain to get. your child just received a bad grade. moskos monitoring its citizens with the government s actions. and a hundred and sixty thousand surveillance cameras is rushing misusing the smartphones conveniences to control its people. sixty minutes. is going to. tell my manager. nothing to change you know the banks. and so was the language of the banking committee. speaking the truth global news that matters g.w. made for mines. climate change. waste. pollution. isn t it time for. eco africa people and projects that are changing our farm and for the better it s up to us to make a difference let s. go with the farming magazine. song d w. i want to welcome to another edition of the show i m your host meghan li from villas in the sun to playing on air drums we have a mixed bag on the show today here s a look at what s coming up. artists utopia a place dedicated to creativity and happiness. under the sun a dream home.

Damascus , Dimashq , Syria , United-states , Zagreb , Grad , Croatia , Iraq , Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , United-kingdom , Israel

Transcripts For DW Focus On Europe - Spotlight On People 20180525

there will be either a soft or hard border separating the republic in the south e.u. territory from the north the e.u. has proposed special provisions for the north but prime minister theresa may says that would only lead to a new debate about the provinces legal status just the thought of a hard border with security checkpoints revives painful memories for many of the troubles as they were known which ended twenty years ago. the violence claimed the lives of three and a half thousand people among them were members of the miami show bad the popular and successful irish group the men were killed on tour in northern ireland in an ambush led by a protestant paramilitary unit the band s sole surviving member is now concerned that will open old wounds. stephen travers has been driving for four hours all the way across ireland. heading north. carolinian. we re hearing the miami show bands version of drift away in the one nine hundred sixty s. and seventy s the band from north and south was riding high in the irish charts stephen was one of them the bassist from tipperary. was. very very popular with the guards and often there was a greaser read the searches. but all of them. were young. i cood. at some point he crosses the border into northern ireland part of the united kingdom. here guard towers military barracks and fences once cut through the landscape there s little sign of that now. but if anyone knows how fragile that pieces even twenty years after the good friday agreement it s steven. time and again he s come back to this place just off the highway from dublin in the south to belfast in the north. many call it the place where the music died. everything was reading red it was like. this letter heard read. this fear almost like you re in the sunset or something but as i went down through the field or down through the hedge the ditches. it was a rare. exercise to leave the church nobody. it appeared to be a military road block good but it was an ambush by a loyalist paramilitary group some of whom were serving british soldiers. to members of the oldster defense force boarded the bus their plan was to plant a bomb that would later detonate in the republic. that would kill the band and frame them as terrorists crossing from north to south it will. britain would be pressured to seal the border making things difficult for the nationalist ira but it detonated prematurely destroying the bus and killing the two bombers. and now the band members were witnesses to the fact that british soldiers were involved. it was over in seconds the remaining loyalist terrorists opened fire on the musicians tony bryan in friend died stephen was seriously wounded and play dead. i could hear the footsteps coming over just as he stood beside me somebody up here on the road called down to a bit of northern ireland after he said come on those bastards are dead i got the baton dom s. stephen survived but was left physically and mentally scarred. he had trouble coming to terms with what had happened until he realized he had a mission to seek justice and reconciliation. a community center in the middle of northern ireland is the venue for an event that s becoming more and more common with participants who want saw each other as enemies and are struggling for peace today what connects them is suffering. isn t easy. for. the. eugene reveal lost three brothers in an one nine hundred seventy six gun attack simply because they were catholic. alan mcbride who lost his wife sharon killed by an ira bomb in one thousand nine hundred three. she helped their father in the family fish and chip shop on the schenkel road in belfast protestant neighborhood they were among ten who died including the bomber. just him people of course shouting causes all over the liver all in the conflict or perhaps they are about to shock people by her words of yours. today belfast is booming tourists are flocking to the northern irish capital now that it s safe. the good friday agreement triggered a flood of investment. but the so-called peace wall still stands separating protestant and catholic areas. here in belfast we meet again at an exhibition opening every pair of shoes represents a life snuffed out too early. the northern ireland conflict cost three thousand six hundred lives not everyone is healed not every story has been told not every culprit has been held responsible all politicians should see this allen says especially those who still preach divisiveness and hate yes we have pace yes we don t have the same numbers of people being killed or murdered but the pilot is just our own there s a lot of. trauma center we get referrals every week from people that are still this friday been targeted by parma was on both sides of the community. steven is on the road again with rex it approaching he says his message is there should be no return to violence and no reopening of old wounds between catholics and protestants between the british and the irish he says a hard border would be get lee for peace. turns to violence people who believe that somebody has to win or the point of the peace process of the good friday agreement said this was poised of time a set. the conflict will start again. for now that border is barely visible but for him it s an invisible sky across the country and in many souls. pro asia has become extremely popular holiday destination for people from all over the world but it s been discovered by the film industry to the wild and rugged nature found in croatia lakes national park is a coveted location for european movie makers but since the government made the decision to relax the park s construction code while once pristine lakes have become literal cesspools as new buildings were put up with no plans for waste treatment or you know ask a world heritage site and a setting dear to many a film lovers heart is now under threat. it could be some legs park is one of the oldest national parks in southeast europe it so does a location for popular german westerns each a young lives in the area and comes here often he loves the countryside and the waterfalls. or not there for the mere thought of this is one of the most beautiful spots on this planet or the natural wonder protected by unesco we have brought about you know everywhere that night if you will until recently the water here was among the cleanest in the world but now the illegal building has caused so much pollution that you can t drink it or even swim in it anymore. the mikes are critically endangered as a consequence of the nearly two million annual tourists unesco is threatening to revoke the park s world cultural heritage status because host crowns like this and keep its pristine quality. there s no sewerage system for example if the chair reveals with the sewage ends up in one of the many holes in the forest some called him tongue in cheek the seventeenth like the stench is unbearable. the trees all around are dying now before the tourist season has gotten underway the system is still relatively empty but the effects are plain to say. the restaurant when the guests at the tourist village ask where the stink is coming from one of the on the people here tell them there s a pig farm around here somewhere. the waste runs into the ground unfiltered and seeps into the plate pizza lakes. the authorities analyzed the lake water says it but the results were never made public he believes they didn t want anyone to know the water was no longer drink a bottle. the local mayor insists that the problem is finally being dealt with and passes the responsibility on to the government in zagreb. the trouble is what for twenty years nobody has done anything about the sewage now it s five minutes to midnight when the governments realized that reacher is of national they re not just local interest and we have no time left to lose the barges. and yet construction is still going on inside the national park new buildings are going up all around this homeowner claims he did everything by the book which appears to be doubtful. the state seems to be turning a blind eye while corruption among local officials is rampant says it beats and his comrades old war veterans they are spearheading the opposition to the illegal construction. the building permits validity is rather dubious they say though and. all that was allowed here was the renovation a big system buildings and i m certain that nothing more than a little house was standing here or there to a billion which. now there are eight buildings that can accommodate up to two hundred seventy tourists. you re through can either break that they might this and there s a pleasure. that the owner disagrees he maintains the whole village was here we ve been working here for five years our quality is acknowledged we are the only ones with two five star lodgings. it s a luxury resort in the middle of a national park and with no connection to the water mains but the construction was actually subsidized by the e.u. someone sees the sign for target practice. if it s the show s a video about an illegal water pipe uses all around the park tap into it. business in the park is booming too wrists a coming in drives local business people want to cash in opposing them as if it s our only rust please you re accusing people of taking water illegally but they haven t had any other source here for sixty years i m talking about the pollution in the park on us that are then why did you wreck the water pipes because the environment inspector told us to me when i was going around i don t know not only that but you were the ones who brought him here. time is running out. it beats and his comrades will keep fighting. he says the veterans grew up here and they re determined to protect their world s natural heritage site. in the age of kindle instant downloads and ubiquitous smart devices the idea of building a huge monumental library to house actual books sounds well so last century but not to the book rescuer of belgrade victor laws such as dream is to build the biggest library between vienna and is don ball and he s already got thousands of books just waiting to fill those shelves. stacks and stacks of banana boxes this bunker at a school in belgrade has become victoria last which is book depository there is little room to move this is a perfect place for hiding. the. victors collection has more than a million books and he s not done yet. four big rooms are already teeming with books and periodicals many published during the era of the former yugoslavia and new items keep pouring in. it s a major challenge especially when larger donations arrive. the worst moment one of the worst in my life was when we received some huge of the nation most five trucks of books one whole library has collapsed and they kicked out the books and we took them over it was i don t even know how many boxes i guess about two thousand boxes at once in one day. and it we didn t have enough workers to do this. possible. the home of victoria s parents isn t far from the school this is where in two thousand and ten he founded his nonprofit library project. it includes a book and travel museum victoria doesn t make money from the project to the contrary he spend almost everything he s earned as a lawyer on the project and a large inheritance on top of that it s love for books and culture and literature and believe that they are doing something that is truly important not only for this country but. it has even bigger importance broader importance for the world and at least for this region. electors efforts have been supported by wealthy serbs the collections of some well known personalities have been offered to him after their death and not to serbia s largest libraries some wonder why they have so far ignored his success you have written to be in the kinetic. why can you view the collections of high profile figures like the famous actor popular villages each well poet meo drug pavlich and not at the national library or film archive. victoria s home doubles as an office and of course a library all the time money and energy he s invested in his book project come at a steep personal cost his long time partner left him three years ago she couldn t take it anymore. because there was no money not only for workers there was no money for fuel if someone donated books i would you know put the books in the car and would not have enough fuel to bring them. here and there was nothing of money one for food. and the victoria s tireless efforts have given him a reputation in the serbian literary scene authors and creatives lend their support to help picked or get one step closer to realizing his dream. mind you. now political parties in turkey are pulling together to draft a law on sexual abuse the country has seen a dramatic rise in the incidence of child sexual abuse over the last decade much of what we know today is thanks to people like in their case a social worker she exposed a maternity ward where within a mere five months three hundred minors gave birth to children of their own. each now an egg won t get closer than a few hundred metres to her formal workplace a massive state hospital on the outskirts of istanbul she was a social worker there. earlier this year she was moved from here against her will after she went public with one of turkey s worst social scandals to date. the year before hundreds of underage girls had given birth here. they say it is that was in just five months around three hundred underage girls passed through the maternity ward and that list it s really stand your paws one hundred fifteen of them were not reported to the authorities as required by law warmish this week for two months i kept going to the clinic directors and reminding them that these pregnancies had to be reported little body every time they threw me out of the office and bullied me much harder more being mars called. this is a list of the one hundred fifteen on reported girls who delivered in this hospital alone many were under fifteen years of age. the istanbul public prosecutor launched investigations into the reported cases normally in turkey underage pregnancies must be investigated by the public prosecutor but women s organizations claim that quite often they are not even in cases with evidence of rape or illegal underage marriages such crimes are often committed in schools and religious boarding schools dr beller requested an interview with a government representative but received no answer under pressure from the public the government announced tougher sentences for pedophiles and rapists. on television deputy prime minister richard actor even proposed castrating the perpetrators. but in practice this woman maintains the authorities often look the other way her own daughter was secretly abused by a relative from a very young age. david. we got no help of any kind from the authorities not the legal advice nor psychological counseling for our traumatised daughter. we were left completely on our own and now i asked the politicians why does someone who s raped a child under twelve years of age get up to forty years in prison but someone who s raped a thirteen year old gets at most five years. many turks doubt their government is serious about combat in child abuse. when the state religious authority wrote that even nine year old girls were eligible to be married protests came pouring in the article containing the statement quickly vanished. knows all too well that many people in turkey still have the kind of mindset she travels around the country educating and warning she doesn t regret going public about the teen pregnancies. that it s also i know that after i published my information the health minister called upon the hospitals to pay more attention to pregnancies in girls under eighteen. that only proves that a problem does exist that they can t ignore any longer. so why should i regret anything but i m not. oh i. don t look away when children are abused or forced into marriage that s the message negatives has for listeners all across turkey for these aspiring nurses and social workers for example. she explains the loss and gives advice on how to help those in need. some people blame the many teen pregnancies on the more than three and a half million syrian refugees in turkey. so these us to be handle some footage on my maternity ward i mostly had to do with under-age syrians i was hoping for some help on how to deal with it because. you see where the syrians are turks each sees the struggle against child abuse in turkey as the responsibility of society as a whole. yes it is true even if only one in one hundred ends up saying she s going to fight it that would be fabulous park in the least that you see these three and i have done that but many more in the audience may very well be inspired to take action against child abuse even if they ll be risking their jobs as did each loan their deeds. done kids famously wrote a thing of beauty is a joy for ever and lucky for the citizens of brussels one of their art nouveau treasures has just been given an extended lease on life the phrase a house designed by the architect victor harto over one hundred years ago as a new owner and she s committed her own resources to restoring it to its former glory. this townhouse in the heart of brussels is an architectural gem. this signature style of its designer victor halter is visible everywhere down to the last detail but after years of neglect the former hotel for example has lost its shine a sleeping beauty waiting to wake from its slumber. and run an indian a stage and designer wants to break the spell after moving to the belgian capital several months ago she discovered the old art nouveau building it was love at first sight if a child you don t take care of the trial is neglected you know and i felt in a way that the home was like an often looking for a parent and. and when i stepped into it the house was literally crying please take care of me. cry she responded to floor by floor as she lovingly restored every corner and cranny and uncovered old frisky elements. the building which was designed by pioneering architect of water in the late nineteenth century now has had a new life breathed into it over a century later. the second is restoring all the painting the frescoes and the fuss up so the facade is going to be like it was originated in eighty ninety four and that is going to pop the heart that housemaids off on rule of law because right now it s a bit camouflage you don t really see it it s very discreet discreet on the outside perhaps but the interior cannot hide the splendor of the treasures it is home to. many of the original furnishings and fixtures are very well preserved. it is cliche people have oh you are living in are two. how can you breanne it s overwhelming you know motives and colors are just pouring like a monsoon on you not at all. getting a make over by the indian art lover was a godsend for the building and the cultural heritage of brussels a sleeping beauty wakened with the case. that s all we have time for today if you d like to see any of our reports again just visit our home page to w dot com or our facebook page interview stories thanks so much for being with us. the but. the solo. the. cut the. cuts. the kitchens one city our calling area wall torture berlin s restaurant scene trawlers to look close the bees a very simple recipe but explain the balance again the surface international specialty the kitchen the one six plus tickle your tastebuds blocks the moment the song in thirty minutes on d w. how the germans came together in one nation from shanda munyon to chancellor although from bismarck. the history of the germans has been shaped by great lawyers. i swell always to bring my loyal college of that to protect christendom and spread find truth that he plays with this. all we took for the back of the enemy and let me. and steered by courageous decisions based in the town halls as he chose your masters like we have received the crown of our rome from god and not from his presumptuous servant . his holy sacrament. tomorrow we will have defeated the enemy or we ll never see one another again but. we must peace. to ensure that every week. you can tell a lot about a society by its garbage. the first six months was for the rich but for many people first their chance for survival africa is among the most unequal regions in the world. could be lunch for today just like. our reporters travel to nairobi and more to meet people who know the true value of garbage. it has created a thriving parallel economy that s been completely ignored by the financial markets but what does all this mean for economic inequality around the world you guys as a starting place want to get the response to that statement should be yes we are starting to this won t be because brits. and x e destructing economy. the bridge. and the truck an exclusive report starting june eleventh. t w. exit polls after ireland s historic referendum on abortion rights indicate the country could soon liberalize abortion restrictions projections indicate around seventy percent of voters support the measure amid high turnout a final tally is expected early on saturday. former hollywood mogul harvey weinstein has appeared in a new york court on charges of rape and sexual misconduct relating to two women it is the first criminal case against a former producer.

Belfast , United-kingdom , Serbia , Istanbul , Turkey , Dublin , Ireland , Belgrade , Serbia-general- , Northern-ireland , Craigavon

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180720

of france s most amazing players was competing in his last. four wire service if you cover a final it s not me alone in the stadium there s a team i think we would least ten twelve photographers in that stadium covering that i was very high up in the stands on the side and i ve been told to do shoot anything except the classic football picture which is two people bowl. before the match i shot some of the spectators and there you have your the best i can remember has he done something about sudan so obviously he was already an iconic figure within french for. a full time i can say i had one single nice. picture from the from the game. it started with i noticed i noticed marking done quite aggressively in the box and. there s a lot of pulling. and they started speaking to each other so i kind of zoomed in and i thought ok maybe maybe something happens maybe there s some emotion so i m i m i m one of the two of them of course nothing happens i didn t even i didn t even take a picture i mean nothing happens he done walks away walks almost out of my frame and then he walks back and i m still somehow on the hot seat and suddenly he just that gesture and i just almost like a nervous react like a knee jerk reaction i just took one picture just one frame. it s the focal point of this the career. this final and this moment it s just it s all right there is kind of tragic occurrence the way. looking at his reaction you almost feel as though he felt. justified in head but in the hot seat and that he was trying to explain that to the referee. a month later i got a little email from he just saying oh your picture is the most downloaded picture of the world cup and feel ok well that s always gratifying thank you good good job but i would but then what happened at the end of the year. was that that s when i realized how popular the picture because when you look at the various. and you hear slideshows of course the picture figured most of them. a who had a whole career and amazing career coming to an end in one of the most spectacular ways possible of a world cup final where france could have really won. france got it done twelve years later meanwhile has done has won the champions league three times as a crutch now we are asking ourselves for this world cup. that s a nice one who is the player of the turn a man. like monty dates i m going to go with him and i ll go with him not only you i mean he got the golden ball yeah i think it was deserved totally he deserved absolutely he was the driving force behind gracious run to the fine. yeah and i liked him too a lot specially i don t really remember one amazing scene of him but many really brilliant passes gore his goal against argentina that was beautiful that was drill and also his mental strength i just remember this game was it against russia when he missed the panel to shoot denmark down and i was and then again in the penalty shoot out he scored wow really. he deserved it but i also would like to mention ian has our. there is no doubt about it the top players and he was very good for belgium but i think in general if a moderate had a little bit more because what he meant for curation what he was able to do for that i mean just look at how much he ran for example just the stats on how much you ran how many balls you played in it just also that and you never know it was the ball it was yeah i mean he was he was great he obviously he s world class there s no doubt about it but then just what he just his presence what he did for croatia was i think enough to make him you know the best player turn to because use so valuable to croatia and just like a point of reference point for them all the time he scored i mean he doesn t score as much as you know other. fancy players but he gets the job done in every way very important for the team most important probably. wasn t the first time the tournaments best player walks away from the final without a win. last shot of the one nine hundred ninety four world cup was immortalized by a photographer. who was the thief. i was. and i. saw him look in the. these died a lot of. that picture was shot at the final of the war made thing made before it even that is helpful. the game was between brasil and the telly. of the game was tied in then the play had another thirty minutes and after thirty minutes the game. sold they had to go to penalties it was the fifth penalty so i was watching what about you and i keep with him. about your was the number ten was the debased known player need to leander wark up . i was at the right side of the goal and i had to colbert the kicker only in the keeper. when the kicker kicks the ball you have to wait you don t have to move you have to wait for him the reaction. so usually they celebrate bad if they don t celebrate you have to me very very fast that s why i have the picture of my job look in to the floor after missing the last penalty kick. i mean to shoot a penalty seems to vary inside but it s not. so what are the odds that the goalkeeper stopped the ball or you missed the frame. you count calculated that. you are a sucker play at thinking why the difference or. do you think of the pictures there are few elements to see the crowd the resilience of a great team and roberto baggio who was probably the best player in the field looking at the four. yeah it was a very good picture i mean everybody told me inside the company and the we knew dad because we were checked in the newspapers and most of the newspaper used the picture but i didn t know that to be sure was used to bring tissues. i want to have one of those i feel. when you shoot a picture you take one moment of that personal life. that we never repeat in their life. and you take it and you keep it for you that s why for music passion is snow. dogleg i should have been sure somebody knelt . you have in paper in tomb dimensions. somebody. the raw emotions of world cup history saw are all joy and right which. one germany played one of the months in nine hundred ninety emotions boiled alive on. this photographer caught it all. off for not constantine yet for most of us it s quite impossible. as quintet is on. the stand as to what it is i guess. i got floods of late forties also holden done. and. even hidden in mumbai. i just didn t heiling wasn t the two. of the principal men under the bus and. most annoyances beneath isn t up to. the concert side. this new law abiding isn t an easy to test the board fifty one shots of yvonne you talk with in each his own. when he said i knew he wasn t going to understand me that it happened also kendall and i sat for tallent watch for talent walk to set a slow one thousand sign couldn t quite independent of the long run. they still. families to talk at. the scene earlier thanking her don t come. if you feel in your style on the. spot come on received this one supporter to host. lunch millions folks who stuck to the sky with. months are saddam s not a. few minutes been allowed on my scooter have them nonstop useful hoods over. one hundred dollars. to become the akbar solution involving speed tickets back in the us on. that s us indefinitely. or did you plan it up on top of that and you that invest it up to see. if i could stomach a vase that dusty didn t produce a lot i mean not normal i mean how does the basement businesspeople small. a sponge that is on. the fat and the others far worse off first bus that needs to lead us to reduce alarmist silis alex. to a man for the cause and how much i need to see him for the food yes q so last i didn t decide to move in with you up with your credit card if they hold. you fleeing to such as in this move in the hall small room just. as funny as if tends to. let me look up. i think look up i m from. just one of. those who didn t know. what a. to the. best man at least i learned i can. fight so i m school one. for washington d.c. she said to her mom who recently left him for them but i can smell that some of the commission building the hype over this body from shoe shopping to speech to compete . i think it a month under the guns and. this is. a muslim s no one will need to see. the two of them until i was in is a useful lesson was listening. but what was the last image from last sunday that s bottling whenas from france. all the plucky run asop from croatia we were in soccer rep for the final and experienced losers who celebrated like well champions but see for yourself. it s one hour to go to the final and the atmosphere here in the center of zagreb this electric you can hear australian english american english german actually gracious from all over the world came here today to be part of this historic moment. our very language that moment when they go to activate it oh scribes. one of the of us last year with us are gone and she just goes with rabbi ovadia and also this is hoping that it looks like up close of an idea mystical insight hey guys i got i got one question yeah what are these are water polo shirts or both this is cool it s a little it s well every year when did you become a fan of gracious. when japan crashed out analysis. still be russia open versus not in a final so i sold my tickets i then left the money i boarded the flight for a shuttle and came to spend one week here with my friends but what i also find remarkable about gracious success at the world cup is that not just people into a show or let alone japan now supports gracious but also people in the wider region for example listen to what this gentleman has to say buy as a clue what s going on says join us with you or check out this serbian sports journalist going to join sky b. i should not be have these are kind of months qutub would be to mention the relations between neighbors are not always good down here also because of the wars that happened in the ninety s but maybe it s a once again football can help bridge gaps and that will be beautiful thank you how was the only one i know france i was. the i my prediction for this game is for us three for the race. within fifteen minutes or so france scored two goals it s four one now how. i was the we go thank you how i finally know why they wear the water polo. oh ok then they read through owen was. a how i thank you thank you. but it s a little too much oh do this will you be able to do this. he just said second thanks i ll keep my nice akin to see it and he was nice don t you always like the easter egg roll over happy to friends well that was a really good question through a hearing just what. i mean. are you ok. just then we. could. go oh oh no. yes i still live in full swing my next much. saddle over. that s and i myself was so i m going to feel. like i just don t get it so i was the ok i see you see also i. was just honest ok. ok finally i rely on you to walk a little but would be so because i was hoping for was going to reflect. you know. the thing you know we have a lot like oh you know. you know biggest painting of what was right for my story so now hiding it was nice you think that what happened yesterday during the final was crazy i mean just look at what s happening today and the team will come here in one hour and i don t know how many people you can fit on the square but the med how was. i was. so behind me is the man who was the coach of christ and. nine hundred ninety eight i missed the bloody when they came in tired let s see what he had to say for the currency was a while that was i actually wanted to do an interview with him but i had not i know that whatever first i was so fed up i was just an echo was what make me feel good if anything was yes some of them it s good stuff i might not see. it was yeah it was going to die i mean that s i. mean here are a little bit i do a very good i did that because they were able to get one guy thinks the world would be rebuilt equal the world we re going to do you know if he really was you woman was going to yell for help but it was the reception of the creation team bus just as joyful and impressive as the simply fantastic celebration of the day before i even told a radio reporter that the germans can learn one thing from the collections for sure i think so much in my records but we have been waiting like for already well for did you feel right from the airport to the sense of where. it was hot now i don t think you re right but the people here are thinking and thinking and thinking and saying. thank. god it s a real shame though that this wild partying was overshadowed in the end by the presence of unsung national missing or thompson young took the team s bus at some point in the company of them to zagreb smain square this is probably exactly what crazy does not need if it wants to build on the positive energy did not. team success in russia set for. the country just a day after the celebrations was heavily divided again whether the singer s presence was right or wrong many people on the main square decided not to sing with him sending a clear message that they don t want to go back to the past sunday but don t want to see their joy hijacked but why did the team not protest on the pitch there is so much better than the us thank you i am we see you soon let us know what you think as well down below and thank you for watching yet. football is a simple game twenty two men she s a ball for ninety minutes and at the end. consuming too much fossil fuel. driving too much. fine tune. with the result that the piece is moving up increasingly focused. important facts unknown figgins all about climate change. ego and africa thirty minutes on the c.w. . iran runs an insulated city now a major power in the middle east. to ron s influence continues to grow politically economically and above all militarily. does iran truly want fugues the country s accountants who have their doubts iran from geography regional superpower starts aug fifth on d w. begun beethoven and. his work in the goddess fortuna. the munster and famous play. beethoven fixed upon the twenty. we make up of what we watch as of half of the fund of hedge funds we ought to summon services. they want to shape the continent s future to. be part of it enjoy enough in youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges. to seventy seven percent. platform for africa charge. wouldn t be fighting for the case to be taken seriously in the world of work here s what s coming up. on d w though they do use the film superheroes on a mission such an attempt to sound smart women spawn smart talks smart strange and legend of theirs and by no means missed out on a brain creasing doing dangerous stuff the fuck. makes for mine. this is g w news live from berlin germany chancellor angela merkel faces the press today after the toughest of years in her long time at the top migration is likely to lead the agenda at her annual summit news conference just weeks ago it almost topples her fragile coalition government but after more than twelve years in charge mccall has again shown her staying power will have a preview of that news conference for you in just a second. also on the program sweeping struggles to contain dozens of wildfires the flames have forced villages across the country to be evacuated. and growing thomas in the yellow jersey rather than chris froome and that is tightening to start his grip on the two false long busting victory on the right. hello and welcome my name s christopher bring it thanks for joining us it s been a very very tough year for chancellor angela merkel here in germany off the painfully long coalition negotiations to form a fourth government she s now just emerged from weeks of bitter infighting with hardliners in her own conservative alliance that brought her administration to the brink of collapse survives of course but she has been seriously weakened so when she faces the media here in berlin in just a few hours time for some a new. conference there will be a great deal of anticipation the vexed issue of migration is expected to top the agenda as it continues to exercise the minds of politicians both here in germany and elsewhere in europe relations with the u.s. president all trump on the prospect of a global trade conflict are also likely to be prominent. and for more on all that let s bring in one of our political correspondents now hans brandt good morning hans migration continues to haunt chancellor merkel what might a message be on that issue today. well yes indeed and it s quite surprising in some sense that migration is still sort of still such a central issue because the number of migrants reaching germany and even reaching europe has gone down drastically since its peak in late two thousand and fifteen and the restrictive policies that angle america s government has been implementing in the last months and years have also led to a much much more severe dealing with asylum seekers refugees and migrants and germany so in a sense many of the demands that the opposition has made have been our fact max made by an article about the agenda is driven mainly by the right wing populist alternative for germany party which is now the biggest opposition party in parliament and also obviously within nuckols own government there are conservative coalition partners from bavaria including the interior minister horse there who far who have also been pushing her on that agenda on the migration issue and in fact that dispute is what led to an almost led to a collapse of marcos government just a couple of weeks ago so migration indeed is a central issue merkel i suspect will be saying look many of the demands have been matched the number of refugees is being reduced there is not really much to discuss on that matter anymore hence in recent days we ve actually seen the chancellor trying to shift the focus away from migration to other pressing issues and we re likely to see more of that. yes of course she will do that and if we look at the other issues that are in the offing or that are not in the offing that are on her agenda things such as the transatlantic relationship with the united states would tween germany the european union and the united states under president on all trump which is often obviously become very tense very fractious very acrimonious and it seems that trump has in fact taken a particular dislike to uncle americal herself and to germany so there she s been facing quite a lot of quite a lot of attacks in fact direct attacks from donald trump and these are issues of foreign policy the issues of trade involved there are issues of defense policy involved so all of these major areas they are major decisions to be taken very quickly. who really has a very full agenda and i haven t even mentioned all the domestic policy issues that she s also discussing at the moment and very briefly metal is of course a consummate political survivor do you see her eventually regaining some of her lost or thora to what we ve seen in this dispute within her coalition most recently with her interior minister that she came out on top and in fact that the interior minister came out we can go out of this dispute so that was another demonstration of mao calls survival tactics of national survival instinct but we have to say it s very likely to be her last term in office so everyone knows that she will eventually at the latest in three to four years time hand of office to somebody else at the moment she still managing to manage that process in the way that she wants to do it always good to talk to you once brant one of our political correspondents. and we will be bringing you live coverage of course of chancellor merkel s news conference later this morning it starts at eleven thirty central european time that is just over an hour from now. with much of europe sweltering under a heat wave at the moment even regions the the i. circle a feeling that sweden for instance is currently fighting around fourteen separate wildfires those wildfires are threatening villages in causing big problems in a country more accustomed to battling the slow climate change means this extraordinary weather event could soon become the norm. inferno near the arctic circle. four days firefighters have been struggling to contain a rash of wildfires scattered over a vast expanse of sweden from north of stockholm all the way to the arctic forests . this sense of it feels like we were in vain and it just burns and burns at the end we had to back up three kilometers because it became too dangerous of all it. multiple villages have been evacuated and officials estimate the fire damage at around seventy million euro so far at fault as an extraordinary heat wave that has turned much of the evergreen landscape into kindling. temperatures have climbed to thirty three degrees celsius in recent days conditions befitting italy more than sweden and so the italian government has sent help. biggest lead in the work we have ninety. six thousand feet of water about one second. in fact the effort to extinguish the nordic blaze has become a european task with further personnel and air support sent in from france germany and neighboring norway. sweden has dealt with wildfires before but rarely over such a large area now meteorologists are warning that with global temperatures on the rise fighting fire in the arctic could become an annual battle. let s turn now to some of the other stories making news around the world in the united states eleven people have being killed off a tourist boat capsized on a lake in the state of missouri several more were injured in the incident officials say more than thirty people were on the boat when it went over in stormy weather divers are still searching for additional victims. the white house says u.s. president donald trump will invite his russian counterpart vladimir putin to washington in the autumn imitation comes four days after their controversial summit in helsinki a meeting that provoked an uproar in the u.s. fight to publicly confront moscow s alleged meddling in the twenty sixteen presidential election. a court in south korea has sentenced former president whom he to eight more years in prison she was convicted of illegally receiving funds from the country s intelligence agency and also for interfering in parliamentary elections has already received a twenty four year jail sentence on separate corruption charges.

Denmark , Missouri , United-states , Jersey , France , Argentina , Sudan , Mumbai , Maharashtra , India , South-korea , Nowa

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180712

nato suture. i m sumi so much going to get to have you with us the football world cup in russia has delivered another thrilling clash croatia beat england in the semifinal and the country is now heading to its first ever world cup final they recovered from an early goal to england to set up a final showdown with france. during limper croatia under pressure from the get go forcing a foul on dilly dally and giving them a first chance on go karen trippier with a perfectly timed free kick one though for the three lions in the fifteen minutes. it took croatian to the sixty eighth to break anyone s defense even parazit far more determined to get the ball than call woke up one zero zero. and despite multiple chances there were no more goals in the regular ninety minutes the game. heading into extra time. in the one hundred ninth minute merriman s you catch with the decider i score paris s term provider and you wouldn t pick for it in the goal was without a chance. this young three lions team s dream dashed in the most painful way while croatia celebrate reaching their first world cup final i. have is all over moody was following all of the action inside the stadium last night we spoke to him earlier about croatians that very question didn t really look that impressive early on the england very much dominated the opening exchanges and of course took advantage of that to some extent with the opening goal but really they just made the rest of gracious performance all the more impressive the fact that they managed to fight back through the second half and really sort of take the game by the scruff of the neck and then through extra time maintain the upper hand as well and you ve got to remember gratian had played extra time in their previous two rounds so a lot of people i certainly was expecting them to to struggle as the game went on to england to have a physical advantage as the game went on in fact quite the opposite happen the question plays look fresh air going into extra time and i think the two goals showcased as well both came really from croatia players reacting more quickly than england defenders did so very impressive in croatia and it bodes well for them going into the final. and the final will be played on sunday against france and croatia fans are understandably in a confident mood heading into the big showdown let s take a look at how they celebrated the team s historic semifinal victory over england. the reaction in zagreb to strike among the human soup kitchens extra time go on a go no that took the small nation of roughly four million to the press ever world cup final and. sometimes even trying to capture the moment. for a shot hands on now on cloud nine heading into the final. was you know should still prevail but we re still trying to let this sink in the atmosphere is impossible it s unlike anything i ve ever seen in my life for those who are going to. boycott cheer for you for your hair has no limits zagreb some fire croatia will be champion of the world s largest poacher to face something unexpected but again somewhat expected i can t say i m surprised that it was that outer. rain shaft pants won t stop believing. they are this close to victory they can almost taste it. right to some breaking news that s coming into us now a u.s. president donald trump has threatened to leave nato if other member states don t immediately boost defense spending trump unleashed a barrage of criticism at u.s. allies at a nato summit in brussels yet despite his threats a joint communique was signed that includes the censoring russia over its occupation of crimea and formally inviting macedonia to join the alliance a move that is sure to anger russia as nato continues its expansion into eastern europe. and let s get the latest with deed of news max huffman he is at nato headquarters in brussels he joins us on the line hi max we ve heard reports that donald trump as we said is threatening to leave nato over the spending fight what more can you tell us. i don t think that s the exact wording as we have some of the other they don t partners on some twenty two percent of their g.d.p. b.d. s the sense that the americans were there and i was saying what exactly that means i don t know we re still trying to get independent confirmation so far we have one yes or doing this and we also have to find out if this is catering to the whole crowd or is there really is a substantial trust behind this what i can say is that you had a press conference scheduled with the german chancellor are going to back out which was postponed indefinitely maybe there is a connection there although we should ask the purpose max this does come after day a very tough rhetoric from the u.s. president on day one of the nato summit so with that backdrop how seriously should we take right if it is confirmed. well it s a pattern that we ve seen before for example with the seven summits everything there seem to be communicated they seem to be on the same page and just as the summit seems to wrap up and in this case the nato summit is about to wrap up there s a tweet or there has been or something that puts everything that has been achieved into question this holds true if we get confirmation of that this is the same pattern we ve seen in the past and what i can say is that officially the u.s. has carried the communicate which was prepared over weeks of course the pows it they did not even reopen it to try to change things so this is the sharp contrast between what the trump says and what they do in these process procedures that we have of nato what it actually means in the end that s anyone s guess at the moment next what exactly are we talking about here in terms of defense spending we know that nato members have pledged to increase the defense spending to two percent of g.d.p. but we ve also heard heard the u.s. president demanding that they double that amount to four percent. right now and we have to get this straight because not an official pledge to spend two percent i know it might sound credit but the germans and just on bad what they have pledged is the aim to spend two percent which is that the same thing because that means the two percent on binding so that s where we are at the moment tom tom has consistently ne in the past the four percent four percent he requested apparently on wednesday during the working session was more or less ordered by the rest as a state government that will present at least that s what our sources are telling us and he didn t take the opportunity. to reopen the official communicate and write that in there. you see the disparity between what donald trump says he tweets and what s written in the official documents is huge and it s very unclear which path you follows if he s just catering to the home crowd with his rhetoric but he s willing to continue doing the same thing that. nato has done over the last years with the type of tone of confrontation that we re seeing there in brussels max what s the reaction that you ve seen from other leaders other countries. well so far the reaction has been ok i m not usually surprised because they have grown to know donald trump and i think they think the might have found a way to contain him more or less if those statements that are now being spread through publicized through one agency really hold true then that was a mistake because it s clearly not working. other than that the germans have been. you know what you hear a lot is ok trump is trump and he s always doing things that made him diplomats always expressed the hope that he will not touch medo in its military part and the hope is because when you look at what trump does it s always about the business side of things that s what you know that s what he has experience and you know the whole burden sharing thing with the two percent of g.d.p. that s the business side of nato but he s never talking about the military and. the alliance he s never for example questioning that you need to have a bigger presence in the eastern part of europe or a training mission in iraq never about the substance of the military substance of nato it s always about the business part being said max with his words he has called a very mission of the alliance into question you know what is the future of nato with the type of elation. which you which you have asked me quite frankly an hour ago i would have said it looks like they re just going to continue that path that they had in the past because the communique like i said signed it carried by the americans and donald trump might continue to cater to the to the whole crowd but on the ground here actually with what nato does it doesn t make a huge difference we have to wait and see what he really said. and what he really does because those are two very different thing but what all this. back and forth it does for the allies is that the trust they had in the past the americans would be there if article five was triggered that s the one that. assures common defense meaning that if one of the allies is attacked all the others help like it with their own territory the trust in that card is being eroded because you can never say it s donald trump is going to stick to his word and if worse comes to worse he s really going to say ok our american troops are going in there they re going to help and without the americans nato isn t worth much quite frankly and they may think you want to ask you know it does seem that the u.s. president has particularly singled out germany in his verbal attacks at least yesterday and today again via twitter why is that. it s a mixed bag well first of all in that you have a point there of course germany is europe s largest economy and they re one of the countries that s been in percentage to the g.d.p. . the least compared to other countries on defense so that is what where the ambassador the u.s. ambassador to nato hutchison also emphasized germany could do much more and they we want them to play a larger world germans have said they re willing to step up their their spending but there seems to be more than that trump is really singling out germany why he s doing that isn t entirely clear all right our correspondent mark horstman bring us up to date on the very latest at nato nato headquarters there in brussels max thank you very much. now they had prayed and hoped for weeks that this day would come the parents of the boys rescued from a flooded cave system in thailand finally visited their sons in the hospital for the first time but they were only allowed to see them through a glass window the twelve members of the wild boars football team and their coach are in good shape after they were deal but doctors say their immune systems could still be compromised. happy and relatively well after a two and a half week or deal in a flooded cave now the boys are recovering in the hospital the doctors say they ll be under observation for ten days and then resting at home for another month with only water from the caves walls to drink the boys are underweight and exhausted they re being kept in quarantine because there s still a danger of infection. the relief is overwhelming parents are not yet allowed to hug their children but they re happy to see them alive. the tiny the seals have published these a standing images of the rescue and explained in detail how difficult and dramatic this mission really was the boys were taken out of the cave just as the amount of oxygen dropped to a dangerous level they were sedated in order to prevent them from panicking in the narrow underwater passages doctors monitor their condition at regular intervals along the route that tiny the seals were jubilant that they were able to achieve what many thought was mission impossible side by side with international volunteers . this unity is not only with chiang roy or thailand and it s a global unity and this incident was more than a life saving mission it s gone beyond that and it s the unity or nationalities that. we want to talk. back home the boys friends are eagerly waiting for them. and my friend don was in the cave i was so relieved to learn that everyone had been rescued that they re ok. we were told not to ask them any questions about the case which just wait for them to tell us if they feel like it but. planning a big welcome ceremony when they come back now and then i hope. that their high school and or ray of welcoming posters. the children and teachers hope to see the boys return soon. but the boys will have to wait for the celebrations. the head of the rescue team says the mission isn t fully over the final mission he says is to send them back home. you re watching news and with that she will have a live update from the nato summit for you that s coming up at the top of the hour . nico he s in germany to learn german. emerged in the. why not learn with him online on the mobile and free form of the w.p. learning course.

Brussels , Bruxelles-capitale , Belgium , Iraq , United-states , Macedonia , Germany , Berlin , Paris , France-general- , France , Russia

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180715

also coming up a high stakes summit in finland between the u.s. and russian president donald trump plans of helsinki in preparation for talks later today with a lot of the. head of the meeting trump labels the european union a vote over trade will cross the finish council. thanks for joining us i m mary and evan steen and in a thrilling final france triumphed over croatia to win the twenty eighteen soccer world cup to talk about some of the highlights i m joined here in the studio by nick mckenna kline from force so nick it was a thrilling and to quite an exciting tournaments take us through what happened tonight incredible so many goals ford s who is we ve mentioned quite school on the last of those this but he goes in the ninety minutes. i know there s one hundred fifty eight when brazil be sweden five to say doesn t happen very often because i ve been in the final three times now that they won a home soil two thousand and six they lost her balance is a let s see how they won their second welcome title in moscow. i only and one of these maul free kicks made its way past the croatian keeper but it was a croatian head that noticed it in mario man ju kitsch with an unlucky own goal to get from to the lead i but the croatian comeback kings hit back in the twenty eighth minute through even perish each he went from hero to zero though as a video review showed him handling the ball in the opposition box a soft penalty but nonetheless tucked away by i m to one of these maul for his force of the tournament i in the second half runs extended their lead through paul pogba a long range effort tucked into the corner i. pay repeated the trick again beating daniel suba sheets from far out for one france then took their foot off the gas mario mind you could chase down a back possible hugo lloris to score an embarrassing mistake but the french captain didn t frown for long for to the final score live below win the world cup for a second time with smiles all round rigorous. all right so for to the final score but it must be said that at least one of those goals may have been helped by the use of the video assisted review system v a r as it s known what did you make of that thing as to two of those goals who had a helping hand from van and actually didn t is the first goal the free kick should have probably gone severe because it wasn t a clear cut foul but of course the second one is when you talk about the penalty which was given i m not even sure i was a take up i don t say so it s france been lucky in this tournament even the very first game that two goals against australia were given through v.a.r. one was just over the line of the one because of a foul. this is. itself is still is baby shoes it s just getting used to be around for two seasons it s got to develop quite a bit but it s has been good to have the twenty one because essentially it makes things fair but at the end there s always a human being who makes the decisions and that s what makes the makes it was difficult it is just always team of course i said have had help from the system in the group stage but they really got rolling when i say just toss it really good games against argentina uruguay of course then midweek against belgium let s see what did this all said after they won the one the game today. is simply beautiful and it s marvelous for these pride is such a young generation some of them are world champions it just nineteen even though others have been around a lot longer. brilliantly today that we showed lots of mental strength but in any case we scored four goals which deserved. to be good. mental strength that s the really important thing about i mean is to get the world cup final is difficult enough we ve even if yeah i hope so it doesn t but to be able to win games difficult games final games you have to have a certain strength you have to have a certain team ethic and that s language front showed today that s why they have won the world cup title and needless to say their fans are quite euphoric about it they ve been celebrations for hours now in paris the biggest ones that we ve been seeing but also in zagreb in croatia and we have this look at the love from the fans on both sides this evening. ah the sea of love now the city of joy paris iraq us off to france is when in most of the thousands of exuberant fans packed the french capital. the. dancing in the streets and shouting from the rooftops. because it was this is great everyone s here together and it s a good atmosphere and makes everyone feel better and we re happy to be here and pride to be french. nationals and it s honestly i really felt as happy as i do today. our number in one nine hundred ninety eight it was fourteen years old i can celebrate like this budget night i m going to set the city on fire thank you france think it s great it was great thank you go they d look where the champions. one fan in particular couldn t contain his excitement french president manuel mccall watching the match in moscow he even gossip pats on the head from his croatian counterparts president kalinda cut back a touch of edge thrilled with the team second place. fans in croatia s capital zagreb schatz the sentiment with disappointment quickly giving way to pride. please i will care for today showed a fighting spirit they showed us a beautiful game i know we re happy despite the defeat it s still a victory for us because of the dot. dot com problem that i m probably. in zagreb celebrations of how close croatia came to football s greatest prize. in paris its euphoria victory try am. all right so even though the french of chorus are very excited about the win the croatians feel. quite proud of their achievement they were the underdogs nick weren t they just how significant is even getting second place in the world cup for this country for me is no easy feat as they see two teams beginning this tournament and it s so difficult to get to the world cup final question of course finally made a very small country four million people in it but this is a big victory and defeat was once the wounds of kind of healed and they realize that they are the second best football team or nation at the moment. it s interesting as well see they have some very good good players in that seem look a martyr she won the golden ball in the rockets if you place the boss of ana but they won t play as individuals they were definitely playing as a team and playful croatia and that s what got them to the final all right when it began to climb from his fourth always great to talk to you. and turning now to some other news and the u.s. president donald trump has arrived in finland for a high stakes meeting with his russian counterpart vladimir putin trump landed in the finnish capitol hill think he where he s aiming to strengthen a personal report with putin in one on one talks on monday morning ahead of the summit at least two thousand finns demonstrated in the capital in support of human rights democracy and the environment which are issues that the protesters say both trump and putin are neglecting. let s go straight now to be able to you correspondent teri schultz who s in helsinki for us so terry we know that protests have been following president trump throughout his european tour what s happening in helsinki. as you mentioned the protests here this afternoon gathered up to two thousand people and i have to say that most of the protesters were actually more carrying signs and protesting against president trump more than president putin and i asked a couple of them about that and they said you know they just think that it s more useful to demonstrate against the u.s. president that they find him more offensive and i can tell you that this is this is something that didn t used to happen back in the day of helsinki s long history as as a site for summits between the u.s. and soviet and russian leaders i actually as a young journalist covered both the nine hundred ninety summits between us and the soviet union at that point and one nine hundred ninety seven and back in those days you would just get a handful of protesters at the time so this is definitely it was definitely a more rambunctious and raucous crowd as as you ve seen on the video definitely trying to make their mark trying to get their voices out ahead of the arrivals of the two presidents well terry the u.s. president gave an interview to the american network c.b.s. earlier today he talked about the e.u. in no uncertain terms can we bring up that quote from that interview. he said well i think we have a lot of photos i think the european union is a foe what they do to us in trade now you wouldn t think of the european union by their fold and that of course brought a direct response from donald tusk he s president of the european council and he tweeted america and the e.u. are best friends whoever says we are photos is spreading fake news so terry is this just an elaborate plan from donald trump to make these statements before his meeting with the russian leader. well far be it for me to know what donald trump is planning but it certainly has been his modus operandi on this entire trip to europe i was also covering the nato summit in brussels and on the morning that that meeting was to start in a completely unscathed chilled unscripted and and surprising announcement he started lashing out at germany and chancellor angela merkel in a breakfast that was just supposed to be a photo op saying there again as he has now that germany on trade doesn t treat the us fairly that it shouldn t be spending its money on gas from russia when in trump s words the u.s. is spending its billions to protect germany so that seems to be what he s doing again lashing out at the europeans and in that interview it should be said also that the interviewer was quite surprised and mentioned that you know really the e.u. is the number one foe against the united states and trump said absolutely you wouldn t think it but you know ahead of russia and china who are who are foes in some respects so it just seems that he wants to again put his mark down against europe finland and the host is a member of the european union and certainly there will be those people saying that this is something that president vladimir putin of russia will be happy to hear as he comes to town to meet president trump. all right d.w. correspondent teri schultz reporting from hell thinking many thanks indeed. and now to some of the other stories making news around the world and a group of women and children have been evacuated from two rescue ships stranded off the coast of italy some four hundred fifty migrants are on board but rome is not allowing the others to disembark until other states agree to take more of them in so far germany france and malta have agreed to take around fifty migrants each. a suicide bomber has killed at least seven people in the afghan capital kabul more than fifteen others were injured by the blast near a government ministry the u.n. says the number of civilians killed in afghanistan hit a record high in the first half of twenty teen most were killed by militant attacks and suicide bombings. turkey is marking the second anniversary of a failed coup attempt against president wretch of time to one thousands of his supporters converged on what s known as july the fifteenth martyrs bridge in istanbul which was renamed for the hundreds killed resisting the attempted overthrow a subsequent crackdown has seen more than seventy five thousand people jailed. you re watching d.w. news but before we go we d like to take you back to our top story which is france s victory at the twenty eighteen soccer cup in russia we leave you now with some unforgettable moments from the final tonight thanks for watching. the for. me i m a. must have some open air festival in northern germany a. fucking metal pole showcase dozens of newcomers from a. w. and public speakers on.

Germany , Rome , Lazio , Italy , Brussels , Bruxelles-capitale , Belgium , Afghanistan , Malta , Moscow , Moskva , Russia