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Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240610

on this new hour of diamond, a key member of israel s core cabinet has resigned. what does this departure mean for netanyahu s war on gaza? also, tonight, extremism on the rise, hate group surge across america and why are migrant family still being separated at the u.s. border and being left in limbo. here with is live, let s do it. we began with an important seismic shakeup in the israeli government. benny gantz, one of the three core members of israel s war cabinet and vitamin netanyahu s top clinical rival has resigned. in a press conference today, he said, quote, netanyahu prevents us from moving forward to real victory and accused his far right coalition of prioritizing political considerations over war strategy. last month, gantz gave netanyahu an ultimatum, present a plan for the day after the war in gaza, by june 8th, or else. it was one of the most visible signs of division within the emergency wartime government, a team of political rivals who had until recently projected unity. but netanyahu has not produced a plan for gaza s future beyond rejecting a two state solution and insisting on israel s long- term security oversight over gaza and the west bank. so gantz followed through on his threat to step down, delayed by one day due to the brutal israeli attack to rescue hostages in gaza. today, netanyahu, for a second time, publicly urged gantz to stay, posting on x, quote, israel is in an x essential war on several fronts. benny, this is not the time to abandon a campaign. this is a time to join forces. with gantz s resignation, it will not merely think netanyahu s government but it does mean that he now needs the far right members of his coalition more than ever to stay in power. already, the national security minister highly controversial figure, ben-gvir, one of israel s most radical nationalists and is now demanding a seat in the war cabinet. he is saying he was the power of his party to be given expression and not as it has been until now. gantz was asked today whether his resignation leaves the israeli government without any adults in the room. here is what he said. i was very privileged together with my friends to bring to the cabinet room all the experience we have. i know that the other people, mainly off-balance and they know it should be done hopefully they will stick to what should be done, and it will be okay. this is the biggest shakeup to israel s leadership since october 7, and comes at a critical moment in the war. a comp room hostage deal is on the table right now. the world is waiting for a response from hamas, but it is not clear if israel will also accept the terms outlined by president biden. netanyahu says there are gaps between the proposal biden described and the one he approved, and even ministers like ben-gvir have rejected it. netanyahu will make his case for what he describes as israel s just war when he comes to speak before the u.s. congress. we must ask, will gantz s departure result in real fundamental change for the war in gaza? the problem does not lie singularly with netanyahu but with israel s ideological and institutional approach to the palestinian issue, largely speaking. the policies preventing, for example, palestinian statehood and liberation are deeply entrenched in israeli society and the resignation from one so- called moderate cabinet minister will not necessarily change that. joining me now to discuss this ambassador alan pincus, the formal israeli consul general in new york and chief of staff are four is really foreign ministers and eastern africa studies on the council of foreign relations. he is also the offer of the book, the end of ambition, america s past, present, and future in the middle east. gentlemen, it is great to have both of you with us. ambassador, i will start with you and get your take on this is recognition. does any gantz is recognition change anything about how israel conducts this war in gaza or these talks for a cease- fire and hostage deal? high, good evening. it looks like a drama. it looks like a political earthquake. it is not but it does have the potential to evolve and do something very dramatic if mr. gantz resignation. which is according to most of his critics was related by at least five or six days months. to a large extent, any guest in decision-making and the cabinet was marginal. his ability to affect change in both the prosecution of the war and in developing and crafting a strategy for postwar in gaza was marginal. he essentially became an enabler. i think if you read stephen cook s article on foreign- policy yesterday, even the americans got him wrong in terms of thinking he is some centrist, even left of center. in terms of policy, he is a decent man. there is no malice there. he meant well when he joined the government. it was a time of emergency. effectively, he enabled netanyahu. he is complacent and he is an accomplice to every mistake, every strategic fluid assumption that this government made. now, in terms of how this will affect the war, it doesn t change the fundamental element, the fundamental parameters of what needs to be done. israel still faces a binary choice, except the plan or not except the plan. it sounds bizarre, i m in, netanyahu rejects israel s plan. it is like, you know. 1994. george orwell except that it is netanyahu s 2024. so in that respect, nothing changes as a result of his departure. stephen, there is an interesting element in his press conference, i should say, a fact that came out and that is he is honestly calling for new elections in israel this fall but that was somewhat echoed by chuck schumer here a couple of weeks ago. senate leader chuck schumer, the highest making jewish official american history demanding that netanyahu step aside and calling for early elections, as well. first of all, do you see that happening? what are the chances that the next reiteration of the israeli government does not move further to the right, if you do bring in somebody like ben-gvir or give more power to the more right of netanyahu elements in the government and society. there is pressure coming from the outside for a new elections, and certainly from within, from benny gantz. the other major figure in the opposition. but netanyahu, even with gantz s decision to leave the government has a solid majority in the knesset so he can stick it out as long as he has the support of his partners, the radical right. think of a. this government is likely to move further to the right, as a result. however, it is true, any gantz has played essentially a marginal role. now that you have ben-gvir demanding on a greater say in the war effort, that is likely to move things to the right in ways that are not good for the palestinians, obviously, and the israelis, as well. gantz poss resignation is actually quite puzzling to me and ways. if he is concerned with national security and israel, if he is concerned about the war effort, it strikes me that he would want to remain in the war cabinet and insert himself rather than take himself out and let the country continue its march to the right. and who knows what will happen. ben-gvir and most of us want to resettle the gaza strip. that is an ultimate disaster so it may be that gantz thought he could save himself but fight for another day and improve his political chances. but it leads to a suboptimal outcome for everybody else. what does that mean, stephen, for the united states in the situation? you got the secretary of state, antony blinken now heading to the region for the eighth time since october 7th. they are on the cusp of waking up to an israeli government that is more extreme and, as you just said, potentially calling for the resettling, the full reoccupation of gaza and the displacement, perhaps, of the palestinians. if you do bring in people, or not bring in, but to give people like into mark ben-gvir more power over the conduct of this war and gaza policy. i was perhaps the least optimistic person in washington when it came to a cease-fire anyways. and i am even less optimistic about this. there is no basis for agreement at this point. unfortunately, it seems, after all this terrible bloodshed, that the conflict is not yet ripe for a resolution and secretary of state tony blinken is going to find the same problems that he found on his previous trips. ambassador, your thoughts on what america should do now? as you probably heard my previous hours, spoke to former u.s. army major who resigned saying that america actually does have a lot of leverage over israel. perhaps more so than any other country in the region. he needs to step up and exerted to change course. as a diplomat, former diplomat, i should say. what you think america should do now as it sees this israeli government, and even just consistently moved to the right and to the extreme right with no fundamental change in policy, vis-@-vis the palestinians? in president biden s credit, to president biden s credit. he warned mr. netanyahu, the government was informed that this is an extremist government and then when mr. netanyahu instigated a constitutional coup in january of 23, it was followed by biden not refraining from inviting him to washington, to the white house for nine full months, and then the war rocha, et cetera, et cetera. so yes, the u.s. has all kinds of levers that it can use. it chose, until now, not to use them. and i heard your interview with major, and you made actually, you presented, submitted two premises, and you are right on both. both has letters and chooses not to use them, and, to a large extent, most of its lovers, because mr. netanyahu has been entranced and defiant and is actually seeking confrontation with biden. his plan right now is to try and stall and waste time and wait until america is sucked into its election cycle, full force. around september. and then he hopes that mr. trump will be elected. there is no question and there is no doubt about that. what the u.s. needs to do now is one of two things. it needs to do its basic calculus of how much our american interests being sergeant here. and that pertains to a possible escalation in lebanon and direct feed, rather than what the palestinians or pull out, meaning, you know, say to mr. netanyahu, do what ever the hell you want, but leave us out. which is obviously not a reasonable or realistic option. but what they can do. i know we don t have time. the u.s. can do and has not done until now is for president biden, not anyone else, not secretary of state link in, not national security advisor sullivan. for biden himself, for the president himself to stand out, stand up, and make a speech differentiating, drawing a distinction, a clear distinction between israel and mr. netanyahu and calling mr. netanyahu s bluff, if he believes that is going to be a blow. i don t know. will have to wait and see if the president is watching this, maybe he will heed your advice. ambassador, i noticed very late in israel. thank you so much for staying up for us. i really appreciate it. we appreciate it. we greatly appreciated. stephen cook, great to see you, as well. my friend, congratulations on the book next up, why a man dressed up as an exterminator started a hateful conspiracy theory that is spreading like wildfire ahead of november s election, then later on, caitlin clark left off with team usa. was she snubbed? 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[tense music] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? .and for fast topical pain relief,try alevex. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. her uncle s unhappy. becau i m sensing ans pain at theunderlying issue.mation. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. back in march, a man posing as a test exterminator arrived at a hotel in san diego that serves as a shelter for migrant families in an attempt to gain access. he was turned away. according to new york times report, just three days later, menacing calls began pouring into staff at the catholic charity s, the organization running the shelter. one voicemail left for the chief executive called him, quote, scum and not really christian. another woman in a message to a different staff member accused the nonprofit of flying emigrants all over the country, profiting from illegal operation. the false, baseless claim can be traced back to james o keefe, the guy disguised as the fake exterminator. he is the far right founder of project veritas, an extremist group that carries out these undercover operations to undermine and target progressive voters. turns out the keypad made posts on x thing the shelter was illegally holding and trafficking emigrants. in san diego, what began as online threats turned into threats in real life, when o keefe supporters started showing up at other catholic charities and sites. private armed guards were posted outside facilities across the city after people apparently prompted by o keefe s posts, came searching for, quote, smuggled children. volunteers were sent home, employees continue to work were told to keep a low profile or catholic charities founder, said, quote, we had never seen this level of harassment. this is just one story that disinformation campaign and conspiracy theories targeting catholic charities is part of a much larger story about the far right intensifying hostility and targeted threats across this country. it is one of the findings in a new report by the southern poverty law center, which found 835 active antigovernment groups and 595 active hate groups across the united states last year, together totaling 1430. in between 2022 and 2023, the number of white nationalist groups grew by more than 50% from 109 to a historic high of 165. and it is no coincidence that we are seeing all this happen right now. quote, extremists and those opposing inclusive democracy have used the past year to legitimize insurrection, paint hate as virtuous and transform false conspiracy theories into truth. all in preparation for one of the most significant elections in u.s. history. joining me now to discuss this is pete semi, professor of sociology at chapman university. and he is the co-author of out of hiding, extremist white supremacy and how it can be stopped. professor, it s great to have you on the program. let me start with your response to this idea laid out by the southern poverty law center report in 2023, it became clear that two years since the january 6th insurrection was a time of preparation for the hard right, and effectively we are going to see all this manifest within the next several months as we head into this critical election? first, thanks for having me on. i think it is right on target. what we saw after january 6th, 2021 was a period of time where you know, extremists kind of went into a short period of trying to regroup obviously the arrests and prosecutions had some substantial impacts on that world. but arrests and prosecutions aren t enough, and when you re not dealing with the root causes of the problem, these groups are able to kind of essentially regroup and then re- emerge even stronger. and i think that is exactly what we are seeing and what the southern poverty law center is pointing to. how does conspiracy theories play into the activity and rise of hate groups right now thinking about the harassment we saw play out at a migrant shelter in san diego. what led people to the january 6th insurrection, how is it that these baseless theories are resonating so much with people on the far right driving them to make these both online and real-life threats, even things like pizza gates that we saw several years ago? and menus, conspiracy theories are kind of a defining feature of extremist hate groups. one of the things that they do that is so important for them is that they offer a bridge of sorts and that conspiracy theories can reach a much broader audience. of course, we saw that on january 6th, in terms of the attack on the u.s. capitol. lots of different sorts of folks that ended up showing up by the thousands at the capitol that day. you had the proud boys, you had the three presenters. oath keepers, neo nazis, neo- confederate, a lot of folks that weren t necessarily affiliated with those groups. one thing they had in common is they all believed in this conspiracy theory about the stolen election. and you know, these kind of ideas are really, provide people a special sense that they are aware of things that the average person isn t aware of, and provides them with this kind of special knowledge, secretive knowledge, special insight. it really goes along with the idea, the that extremist groups offer to their adherents, that you re a part of a special population, special culture, special country, special race, special religion that is different and, quite frankly, superior to other groups. when you look at this record number of anti-lgbtq+ and white nationalist groups in 2023, numbering 186 and 165 respectively, why are these groups specifically, in your opinion, growing so significantly as they have grown? has there m.o. shifted and having this kind of hatred towards the lgbtq+ community? that is 18 many hot button issues that these kind of groups are good at identifying and then targeting and really spending a lot of time directing disinformation towards and propaganda and really trying to highlight the supposedly dangerous and risk a so that go along with, from their perspective, these hot button issues. immigration has been one for years, as well. and frankly, right now, they have at their fingertips, some of the most powerful technology in human history, in terms of social media platforms and the problems that you mentioned, the root problems that we are really not addressing, social media platforms, the lack of regulation around those. that will certainly be one of them coupled with national leadership that is helping essentially espouse some of the same ideas using literally, in the case of donald trump, the language of nazi germany to help promote these ideas. so they had these megaphones, whether it is national leaders or social media platforms at their disposal, that really empower them to a substantial extent. do you think that we have the adequate legal tools to take on these organizations x when you think about, as you were just mentioning, the issues of social media. it obviously rubs up against the issue of free speech in this country, that is always a find point when you re trying to go after these groups, he almost kind of have to wait until the free speech becomes actionable and they go out and carry out some kind of attack or potential violence. at which point it violates the law but up until the point of actually doing something about it, it falls, some would argue, under free speech. we have the legal tools the way that we have designated foreign terrorist organizations to go after isis and what have you? do we have enough adequate resources and tools to go after domestic terrorist organizations? i think we do have, i don t think a new statute is the answer, per se. i do think essentially utilizing resources that we have, being more aggressive, understanding that arresting and prosecuting is an important part of it, it is a necessary part of it but it is honestly not the only part of it. and then a civil issue, in terms of talk about the law. i do think that it needs some changes in that realm as it relates to social media platforms and being able to hold them more civilly accountable for the material that they are publishing and, of course, that means congressional changes to section 230. and i do think it is clear that social media platforms are not willing to take the kind of aggressive actions that are necessary to essentially cleanup their platforms. all right, professor pete sent me, it is a pleasure, thank you so much for joining us. i greatly appreciate your insights. thanks for having me. next, families are still being separated at the southern border. and why. and why. the best way to solve a problem is to keep it from happening. ( ) at evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify members in need of care. predicting and treating behavioral health issues quickly. while lowering costs for plan sponsors and members. that s wonder made possible. evernorth health services (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin . no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it s easy. (kev) . i guess we re movin . [sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient / laughing. last october, a peruvian family was taken into border patrol custody in the san diego area, during the process the parents were separated from their 18-month-old son, then released without him, according to a report from prison. if it wasn t for several military organizations that stepped in to help, that family may have never been reunited. they were able to track the boys whereabouts to a detention center hundreds of miles away, in texas. according to this february reporting from prison, legal advocates have accounted for at least 1000 instances of family separation across san diego county under this tactic known as street release, where migrants in custody are released without resources or shelter. at the start of his presidency, joe biden officially rescinded trumps zero-tolerance policy in the reunification task force that, according to dhs, has reunified 795 children with their parents, as of march. but despite those efforts, families are still being separated under a president who campaigned on a humane approach to immigration and strongly denounced the policies of his predecessor. now despite that, biden has signed an executive order this past week that drastically curtails humanitarian right to seek asylum. joining me now to discuss this, and more, is president and ceo of global refuge and a former policy director on the obama admin, and msnbc contributor who has done a lot of reporting on this and many other issues. it is great to have both of you with us. i will start with you, under a settlement reached in december with the families who were separated under the trump administration, border officials can still separate families in limited circumstances, such as if an adult poses a danger to a child or to national security. that didn t appear to be the case with the family that we just mentioned. to what do you oh these types of policies still taking place today? i think most people would be hearing about this now and still be shocked that this policy is still happening in this country? i think part of what we are seeing is a situation where policy does incentivize family separation. and that is true not just on u.s. soil but at the u.s.- mexico border, as well. when you think about even the new executive order, which exempts unaccompanied children, what that means is that a family that is fleeing for their lives, makes a possible choice of either allowing their children to travel unaccompanied across the border so that they can reach safety, or to remain in mexico obviously, families have experienced assault and far worse. in terms of the specific case that you are describing. i think this is where you know, there still some confusion on how policies are being implemented. we care for unaccompanied children and, obviously, it is horrific to see that even under this administration, we have echoes of what we saw as a real policy under president trump, which was essentially government sanctioned kidnapping. this report the site a difference between the family separations under trump versus biden, under trump federal immigration officials separated small children from their parents, whereas under biden, officials separated different family four nations, mainly parents and their adult children what does this say overall about our immigration system, specifically that these policies are continuing under a democratic president? is that just the result of vague policies and the lack of clarity as to how this should be implement it? or is it because there is something different at play here? i think what you re seeing is a biden administration that is falling into a political trap i do think we have to be very clear when we are talking about zero-tolerance, going back in history, that was such a dark chapter in our history, we had a trump administration that made decisions out of cruelty and made decisions out of the action of dehumanizing others. and here we have a biden administration that is falling into a political trap. over the last four years we have seen this admin that has made promises and that suddenly, it is shifting to the right. as you pointed out, ayman. i want to remember that the very very last week of the 2020 november election, the biden campaign released a video call separated. and in that video, just five days before everyone went out to vote, he specifically highlighted trumps zero policy initiative. he highlighted the cruelty. in here we are, just five months before the election, and as we have been discussing, he has been starting to sound and use language that does sort of remind us of donald trump. and at the end of the day, that is a political trap because the bottom line is, you cannot out trump trump when it comes to immigration and the border. what worked in 2020 was that humanity, as you described, anything that tries to shift to the right of donald trump is a failed political strategy. so to that point, krisher. makes a really good point with this flaming framing of a political trial when it comes to the issue of immigration. i do want to turn to biden s new executive order. any any time the seven day average of a legal border crossings reaches 2500 migrant entering the u.s. between legal ports of entry, with some exceptions, will be banned from claiming asylum and deported talk to me about how this is implemented. several department of homeland security officials responsible for carrying out the actions. on the condition of anonymity to msnbc, there is concern that the tension facilities across centers for migrants could quickly become overcrowded. what are you hearing about this and why? it is such an important question because for organizations like local refuge who work with asylum-seekers, the executive order raises a number of concerns. for one, there are very significant questions about its ultimate legality and enforceability. you know, the trump administration used the same authority to shut down the southern border and that was also really locked by federal courts. also raises some serious locations for asylum seeking families who are trying to seek protection because of these arbitrary numerical limits. i think the final important point is just understand that we know from trump era policies that were hard-line restrictions. they don t actually deter people from crossing the border. so we are perplexed by a policy that isn t going to actually be effective, that is harkening back to the trump administration, and i think it is a result of congressional inaction. but the administration could put in place a system that respects our border, but also respect our humanitarian and legal obligations. back in april, reported on how migrant women are being targeted by cartels as they wait and limbo at the mexican border to hear back about their asylum claims. i remember talking to you about it back then. how do you see biden s new order exacerbating this specific issue? i mean, as all of us know, the desperation isn t in there. what we are seeing is simply a more dangerous situation. what this means on the ground is that more families, their lives will be in the hands of the cartels. they will be held hostage. they will be exposed to sexual violence and sexual assault. many families will be sleeping in tent cities. many families will go hungry. many families will be repatriated to countries that are death sentences. many families will set a suddenly be staring into the united states at this time them, no matter the violence that they are facing, no matter the inhumanity, no matter the cruelty. no matter how many attempts there are by the cartels to end their lives, in this country, or try to make it harder for them to seek asylum. we all know that that desperation will only mean that these families will literally put their lives in the hands of the cartels to find other routes to cross into this country. that is what we are facing. a troubling situation for every one involved. thank you so much for the both of you, greatly appreciated. coming up, far right extremism spreads across israel, sanctioned by one of the country s top government officials. i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well jardiance! it s a little pill with a big story to tell i take once-daily jardiance at each day s start! as time went on it was easy to see i m lowering my a1c! jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. jardiance is really swell the little pill with a big story to tell! it s never a good time for migraine, especially when i m on camera. that s why my go-to is nurtec odt. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it s the only migraine medication that helps treat & prevent, all in one. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. people depend on me. without a migraine, i can be there for them. talk to your doctor about nurtec odt today. what tractor supply customers experience is personalized service. made possible by t-mobile for business. with t-mobile s reliable 5g business internet. employees get the information they need instantly. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog s food to the farmer s dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there s no magic involved. (dog bark) it s just smarter, healthier pet food. it s amazing what real food can do. this week, israeli extremist marched through the streets of jerusalem they were celebrating jerusalem day, which marks the conclusion of the june 19th 1967 war, that is when israel and conquered and occupied the territory including the west bank and east jerusalem. israelis claimed it to be a reunification of jerusalem, despite east jerusalem largely being inhabited by palestinians, and all attempt at a peace accord envisioning jerusalem as a capital for both israel and palestine. while marching through densely popular to palestinian neighborhoods, some of them are tours chanted death to arabs and may your village burn and other racist and violent slogans. the most troubling things were attacks on journalists. these are palestinian journalists, clad in a press pass, being threatened and physically attacked by a mob right wing israelis. he was kicked and pummeled by the mob, had objects thrown at him and sustained a head injury. even more troubling, it was the journalist who was detained by police, who confiscated his equipment after he was attacked. i known right-wing activists contacted the police and claimed that he was a hamas operative. that is all the evidence the police needed to detain him. also reported that the police did not arrest any of the at at attackers. intimidation from the palestinian sections of jerusalem not new. this mart has been and will for decades. we re not just dealing with outlaws or a fringe group this is appearing at the core of israel s power structure. take for example, national security administer, ben-gvir. here that this week s march and visited the complex that palestinians referred to, israelis called the temple mount. israeli journalist called the move a, quote, shattering of the status quo, since the rules about who is allowed where at this compound are extremely delicate. in the far right israeli leader marching through the muslim holy site is typically seen as a provocation of violence. case and point, september 20th, 2000, right wing opposition leader in the and infamously made the same track. a move that helped spark the second palestinian intifada. went on to defeat labor months later, which ended any hopes of an israeli-palestinian peace accord and ushered in years of increased violence. so been here knew exactly what he was doing. when the u.s. government continues to give israel unconditional financial military and diplomatic support and aid, american should know exactly who and what their tax dollars support. more ayman after a quick break. ak. will if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you d like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum 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have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you ve had or plan to have an organ, tissue, or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation or have a nervous system problem. depending on the type of cancer, keytruda may be used alone or in combination with other treatments, and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it s tru. keytruda from merck. see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. is one of the most anticipated games of the season, the first wnba clash between former college rivals, and now start rookies, angel rees and caitlin clark. the most notable moment came in the third quarter, when chicago sky guard kennedy carter hit checked caitlin clark before the ball is inbound, essentially pushing her to the floor your average fan but what a cheap shot, it is also the kind of hard lay one occasionally sees in pro sports. regardless, the incident sparked hot takes galore across the sports world. with many mostly male commentators calling on league officials to protect caitlin clark. other reactions were plainly inappropriate. espn host called mcafee called her, quote, a white b word. he later apologized. the chicago ran an editorial calling a hip check to sold. the median meltdown is part of what the atlantic dubs the one downside of gender equality in sports, a movement in women s basketball means more commentary from men who don t know what they re talking about. join me now to discuss this is the author of that piece, contributing writer for the l.a., jamel hill. it is great to have you on the show. you know, so much to unpack here. let me start with charles barkley and other male commentators who accused the wnba layers of being jealous of clark s popularity, the carter foul seems to have supercharged that view. what do you think that type of criticism gets wrong about how veterans are treating clark? well, one, thanks for having me on. one, i think a lot of them and who are commenting, they seem to come at the same time, forget about how they competed if they were former players in the way that charles barkley was , forget about how they commentate and frame a lot of the story lines that happen on the men s side, whereas when men challenge each other, when a new rookie comes in and there is some kind of. were, of course, you have want to see how misses person really who they say they are, it is often considered a competitive and natural part of the game. yet, with women, they seem to reduce their level of competitiveness to something that is very triggering, particularly when we are talking about a leak that a 70% black. they go with these code words, petty, jealousy. making it sound like we re talking about a real housewives reunion on bravo. this is not what this is, this is a competitive fire. and naturally, of course, when you are the talent, the generational talent that caitlin clark is, there s going to be a lot when you come to the next level. the women in the wnba are the escalators of the world at their sport. it is a reason why the olympic team has won seven gold medals in a row. it is a reason why they are 70 and three and they haven t lost a game since the 90s. where did the thing is women were coming from? this leak. if they re that good that would me naturally for any rookie, there s going to be a bit of a learning curve where they can understand the physicality and the way the game is played. it is very natural in men s sports when you go from college to the pros, that in college, you can t get away with in the pros. that is what makes it the pros. but the men who commentate seem to forget all of this when it comes to caitlin clark. you bring up an interesting point. i do want to ask you about that. there has been an obvious racial component to some of these debates. carter and angel rees, who were seen cheering after the foul are both black. and people are talking about that and explained that point how does race play into the media s explosive reactions to the story lines? will this is a collocated question, and a complicated answer. so let me go back and sum it up correctly. okay, again, the wnba is 70% black. so the face of the caitlin, they made out to be black. one of the tropes, and many of the tropes about the black women is that there confrontational, aggressive, petty, jealous, all the things. so when those traits are ascribed to women in general, when people want to talk competitively about women. i think, in this case, particularly sticks because you have that object of black versus white. let s be honest, another white player had done, it would not merely have been as inclusive as it was. because you have the dynamic of her and angel rees, a black player and a white layer having a personal rivalry, it becomes racially charged by the optics. i m old enough to remember when johnson, when they were college rivals came over to the pros. a lot of what people talked about then, how their talents are characterized was based off racial perceptions in this country of both of them. i don t know why people think that this wouldn t be alive and well in this rivalry, but it is. and angel rees has bore the brunt of a lot of this because she chose to, you know, sorta be confident about the level of play that she has when they were in college. and listen, i don t agree that she should have been clapping when kennedy carter took her down but at the same time, within the context of a broader rivalry. they took some cheap shots at each other, that s what happened. again, it is interesting how the same things that are celebrated, marketed, and that fans love on one side of the game, a totally different gender, they are suddenly clutching their pearls on the other side. i grew up a little bit in detroit. i know very well what a violent or tough basketball game looks like. but to ask you about something you brought up really quick. we are almost out of time, though. the debate that was parked this weekend about caitlin clark being left off the u.s. olympic rascal team. some describe it as a snub. she is still a rookie, though. she s a two-time nieces mentor winner. has not included the standout rookie before or any rookie is before, what is your reaction and do you agree with calling it a snub? i don t think it is a snub and i honestly wasn t surprised. i thought this months ago. i think she is going to have a pretty hard time making the team. and that is not about her ability. i think eventually caitlin clark, i think this is almost a guarantee. about the transition, she went from playing college ball to play in a professional league within a matter of weeks, when they were holding the child in their camp, she wasn t able to play in any of that. she has some international experience but not a lot. she is at a position where it is a little bit tougher because you are a guard a little bit on the slight side. she is adjusting to the physicality where the international level is more. it is a very successful team there is a lot of people that do not get on this team and work this time around. and so i think if we just take the caitlin clark nests away from it and people will probably better understand the decision. like you said, the women s team is the most dominant team in the sports. it is tough to break into at any level, let alone your rookie year. thank you so much, greatly appreciate having this conversation with you tonight appreciate you. always. that is it for me tonight. thank you for joining us. make sure to catch ayman, follow us on x and instagram. after the break , and encore presentation of prosecuting donald trump, witness to history. until we meet again, have a good night. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ingrezza ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don t take ingrezza if you re allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. 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Transcripts For MSNBC Dateline 20240610

$6250 for each of his 28 years behind bars. from 2016 to 2020, 374 people wrongfully convicted of murder, 61% african-americans, have reunited with their families together they spent over 6000 years in prison. years. years they will never get back. that s all for this edition of dateline. i am craig melvin. thank you for watching. i am craig melvin and this is dateline. leading up to this assign what it was going to be like. i had so many thoughts leading to this assignment as to what it would be like. trying to imagine going down isoad, knowing it s a one- way trip. this moment where you get your last glimpse of the world around you, but that glimpse is through steelman mesh. louisiana highway 66. it s beautiful countryside and undoubtedly not lost on the countless men driven to the place where they will most likely die. that road ends here. the louisiana state penitentiary, a former plantation. the size of manhattan. 28 square miles. most people call it angola named after the african country that was home to the slaves who once worked these very fields. now, angola is the largest maximum-security prison in the country where today, i will be housed with about 5500 men. i am heading into ground zero of mass incarceration. there is a heightened awareness as i walked through here with no guards. for the next couple of days, i will be staying here, exploring key issues of the person reform debate. juveniles sentenced to life without parole. we were children when we got incarcerated. the lasting effect of the war on drugs. the power of rehabilitation. your life is worthwhile. the demand by many for punishment. i think he s where he needs to be. i will stay in a cell to better understand the purpose and experience of prison all from the inside. hello and welcome to dateline. we have all heard the saying, lock him up and throw away the key. critics say that has been our country s approach for crime for two we long. they question whether mass incarceration is keeping a safer and what lengthy prison terms mean for many of the more than 2 million americans behind bars. lester holt spent three days in one of the nation mesquite toughest penitentiary and this is what he witnessed. here is his special report. life inside. life it angola prison is not what you might imagine. the vast majority live like this. more than 80 men and open dorms, sleeping on bunkbeds. i will be staying in a unit next to death row for high risk offenders are in my case, a high-profile guest. we will go down here. my home will be on a tier called ccr a closed cell restriction. the men here are locked in their cells 23 hours a day. i am given sheets, slippers, and toiletries and shown to my cell. cell 11. go in here, please. go ahead and close. naturally, phones are not allowed. all i have is my journal, a pen, a novel, my watch, and am/fm radio. i have cameras around me installed by our crew to record my experience and my thoughts. as journalists, we note to get to the heart of something have to get inside it. the closer you are to something, the more is revealed to you. i soon meet my neighbor, william curtis who is serving a life sentence for second-degree murder. he tells me he is locked in ccr because he has tried to escape multiple times. how far did you get? not very. he s only allowed out one hour a day. do you go out? not very often. the last time was probably four years ago. you haven t seen the sun in four years? i just want to get through the night. take care of yourself. we will be here a couple of days. i quickly learned the falling asleep in prison is challenging. the toilets flush loudly and often. cell to cell chatter that lasts well into the night. my bed is attached to the wall to curtis is so when he moves around, i feel it. the bed is not much for comfort. it s kind of a plastic mattress, but it did the trick. i slept okay. breakfast arrives at 5:30 a.m., delivered by a prisoner. in case you are wondering, it s scrambled eggs, grits and biscuits to the sound of a flushing toilet. no country on earth locks up more of its citizens than the united states. while we make less than 5% of the world s population, we lock up more than 20% of the world s prisoners. politicians, academics, and activists say mass incarceration is an american crisis. we ve gone from $6 billion in spending to $80 billion today. a civil rights lawyer brian stevenson is one of the nation s leading prison reform advocates. we have hundreds of thousands of people in prison who are not a threat. is it about safety or punishment? we created a culture that makes it entirely about punishment. you might be surprised to us thanks mass incarceration is a problem. the people who run louisiana s prison system. nationwide, we lock up people too long and too many of them. smith is the director of operations for louisiana s department of corrections. it s not working and not giving the results it wants. it s costing a lot of money. we key people that their time of danger is over. he says it s time for americans to rethink the purpose of prison from simply punishment to rehabilitation. you say it s about rehabilitation but a lot of americans think it is about punishment. this should be hell. they ve done awful things. we can make somebody worse. plenty of the incarcerated to believe it is just about punishment. another day in the field. watch it make soap scum here. disappear. and sprays can leave grime like that ultra foamy melts it on contact. magic. new ultra foamy magic eraser. (rebecca) it wasn t until after they had done the surgery to remove all the toes that it really hit me. you see the commercials. you never put yourself in that person s shoes until you re there. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. a new toothpaste from [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. lester holt: much of angola prison is farmland. thousands of cattle are raised here to be sold on the open market, and a variety of crops much of angola prison is farmland. thousands of cattle are raised here to be sold on the open market. a variety of crops are grown here as well. all of it happening with inmate labor. one of the many hot button issues and mass incarceration debate. i am on my way to the fields riding on this truck. many of the men are convicted killers including the ones sitting on either side of me. jovan t sanders beat a woman to death and stole her car. what is your sentence? life. without parole. terry mays shot a man in the neck during a drug deal. you ve been here how many years? 30. like prisons everywhere in america, most inmates get paid pennies per hour. how much do you get paid? two cents an hour. this job is not one of the more desired once? it is the bottom of the barrel. nobody want to be in the field. angola is not like any other maximum-security prison i ve ever been to. all of this is angola. a series of prisons. they call them camps. you are from camp d? yes, sir. today to today we are picking carrots. should i be worried about my safety? well, if use an inmate, most definitely. a majority of the inmates are people of color. in fact, black men in america are six times as likely to be incarcerated as white men. i certainly cannot escape the optics. look around, mostly black men working on a former slave plantation under the watch of armed guards on horseback. it is unsettling to many. i know it s a sensitive subject and it troubled me a little bit. it made me uncomfortable talking to the guys. most of them look like me. african american. the history of this land as a slave plantation. do you see that as an issue? i can see how someone would have an issue with the. every land in louisiana was a slave plantation. growing vegetables, it s something given back to the prison itself. smith said the crops provide the inmate population fresh food but he says it saves taxpayers money. it costs $1.70 a day to feed each offender. this will be the life for many of these men for decades to come. some have left young children behind who are among the 5 million kids in america who have had a parent in prison. jovan t has two of them. you know the way it works. you are in prison, your dad in prison, your kids and children. are you afraid for your children? i definitely am. my father got murdered when i was three years old. i never knew him. it is hard to imagine knowing you will spend the rest of your life here. especially if you are convicted as a teenager. advocates like brian stevenson say juvenile offenders should never be treated the same as an adult. we put thousands of kids and adult jails and start prosecuting the kids and states with no minimum age being tried as an adult. we should never put children and adult jails. what about one commit violent crimes like murder? we were children and we got incarcerated. i m sitting in on a support room support group. they committed crimes before adults and given sentences of life without the possibility of parole. they are called juvenile lifers. i was 16. i was 17. i committed my crime at the age of 16. 2000 juvenile lifers like them and presented a. i was different at 17 then i am at 60 now. at 17, i knew right from wrong. how do you reconcile that? you have to be accountable. there s no excuse for what i did or what any of us done. they tell me they are no longer the boys they once were and are no longer a threat to society. how do i know they are not conning me? when we got the opportunity to show we are different, people could see. in the past few years, they have gotten new hope to make their case for a second chance. what gives you hope? right there. that s our man right there. state of louisiana. montgomery versus state of louisiana is a landmark supreme court ruling named after the oldest and longest serving member of this group. henry montgomery who is 72 years old when i met him. you were 17 years old when your sentence. do you remember what it was like to be 17? yeah. young and stupid. montgomery was indicted for murder in november 1963. the same month jfk was assassinated. he has been at angola for 55 years. i am behind 55 years. technology, i am 150 years behind. in 2012, the u.s. supreme court ruled mandatory life without parole sentences for juveniles are unconstitutional, pointing to science that says it s clear that adolescent brains are not yet fully mature. that ruling did not apply to people like henry montgomery who had already been sent away as a juvenile. that is why montgomery took his case to the supreme court and in 2016, he won. now, all juvenile lifers, no matter how long ago they were locked up can make a case that they deserve parole. mostly older guys over here? this 70-year-old clifford is one of them. i went to see him in the dorm where he lives. this is my bed right here. he has been locked up 61 years. since you have been here we have landed a man on the moon. think about that. there have been a lot of changes. six decades in prison have changed him and thanks to the man sitting next to him, hampton, he will have a chance at freedom. why do you think you deserve parole? i would not say i deserve parole. i would not use that word deserve because i took someone s life. i could say that i have earned parole. and faked, hampton and montgomery will see the parole board the same day and i will be there. how are you feeling? u feeling? lester holt (voiceover): one of the things that struck me while walking around angola was how many men i met who seemed to be focused one of the things that struck onme while walking aroun angola was how many men i met who seemed to be focused on changing their lives. one of them is dalton. i knew i had to do something different than just do time and die in prison. since coming to angola in 2004, he says he has turned his life around by taking advantage of the person s programs. i graduated with a ba, 3.91 average. he earned a masters degree from a bible college. he became an ordained minister. a couple of times a week, gospel raps his former preaching to the population. it is hard to square the man sitting across with me with the horrible crime he committed. your actions caused the death of a baby. yeah. when he was 21, he was watching a stepson. the child was inconsolable. he shook the baby so violently he died. now he is serving a 60 year sentence for manslaughter. how do you move past that? how do you become a different person? at first, i didn t know what i was going to do. it was sickening to my heart that i would have done something like that. prejean said he was filled with anger which had its roots in his childhood. this is a picture of prejean and his father shortly before he was executed in the electric chair in 1990 in this very prison for killing a louisiana state trooper. kids watch television and they are like, your daddy is about to be fried chicken. by me have been the same name, people would call my name, i would put my head down because i was ashamed of what i believed that name had meant. over the years, he said programs at angola helped change him. opportunities that were not available when his father was here and still not available at most prisons across the country. there is a movement to try to provide the rehabilitation that was abandoned. people locked up with nothing to do and we know education is transformative. education and programs have proven to reduce violence inside prison. angola was once known as the bloodiest prison in america. things began to change in the 1990s when the prison began to focus on more than simply locking up people and feeding them. now, in addition to his popular annual inmate rodeo, there are a variety of programs. these men are training service dogs for veterans. there s even a radio station run by incarcerated men. the station that kicks behind the bricks. we give them more freedom depending on your behavior. we have a lot of programs led by other guys serving life sentences. it gives them purpose. it looks like an auto shop. i talked with john, a master mechanic at the prison s auto shop. i did not know how to change a spark plug before he came to prison. he has been incarcerated here since 1988 for killing his wife with a shotgun. even though he was sentenced to life without parole, he mentors nonviolent offenders and a reentry program. when you can come in here and change his life and go back out and stay out, you know you done something. your life is worthwhile. many graduates of the program work in a car dealership outside of new orleans. it turns out his life has been changed as well. 2022, louisiana governor john bell edwards commuted his sentence, making them eligible for parole. he was released in february 2023 after nearly 35 years in prison. but there are other offenders at angola who might never get a second chance. this man, sentenced to more than a lifetime. 150 years. you will hear his dramatic story, next. story, next. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. brett: once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach, just don t want to get up out of bed. joe: there s always that saying, well, you ve got to look on the bright side of things. tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is. lakesha: it s a long road. it s hard. but saint jude has gotten us through it. narrator: saint jude children s research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. ashley: without all of those donations, saint jude would not be able to do all of the exceptional work that they do. narrator: for just $19 a month, you ll help us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need. tiffany: no matter if it s a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people s lives. and that s a big deal. narrator: join with your debit or credit card right now, and we ll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. nicole: our family is forever grateful for donations big and small because it s completely changed our lives and it s given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude s not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don t wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. [music playing] - [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn t escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it s the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i m finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. former president trump is set to virtually meet with a probation officer later today. becomes a little over week after his conviction on 34 felony counts in his hush money trial. the sentencing is set for july 11. police in madison, wisconsin, are investigating after a early morning shooting that left 10 injured. none of the injuries are considered life-threatening and no suspect or motive has been identified. i m craig melvin. does the punishment fit the crime? welcome back to dateline. i am craig melvin. does the punishment fit the crime? it is a question at the heart of the prisoner debate especially when it comes to drug-related offenses. for the man you are about to make, parole board answer could mean the difference between a second chance at life or growing old and dying behind bars. back to lester holt with life inside. and my three days at angola, most of the men i spoke with had committed violent crimes and received long sentences. life without parole. yeah. like every person, there are nonviolent offenders serving laws sentences that might as well be life. john is one of them. i grew up in a middle-class neighborhood. he s a war vet that said he was lost and broken when he came home. i had no direction in life. in 2000, he was found guilty of running a massive drug ring that moved kilos of cocaine between texas and louisiana. it was his second drug conviction. my sentence was 150 years. that s right. 150 years and he is served 20 so far as. s case is a prime example of harsh sentencing laws for drug dealers and users the legacy of the government s decades long war on drugs. more than 450,000 people in america are locked up for a drug offense. brian said criminalizing drug addiction is misguided. we said this people are criminals and we did not have to say that. we could of said drug addiction is a health problem. is that why jails are so full? absolutely. this misguided war on drugs is at the top of the list. things have been changing. the first step act which was signed into law by former president trump in 2018 had been projected to reduce the sentences of thousands of nonviolent offenders in federal prisons. that does not affect more than 90% of the u.s. prison population which is locked up in state and local facilities. some states had already been relaxing sentencing guidelines like in louisiana which started in 2001. epstein was sentenced under the older and harsher laws so he sued the state and one co-which earned him a date with the parole board. now, he is just hours away. i am not a troublemaker. it s about debilitation. i m a little nervous. thinking about things. trying to get my mind that the possibility of me being released. you are making a way for all of us here. be blessed. his 31-year-old son, a law school graduate, came to surprise him. a three-member panel must vote unanimously to grant parole. our cameras were not allowed inside the parole hearing room. about an hour later, his family walked out first. he made it. i made it. i made it. we were there for his first steps as a free man in 20 years. oh, have mercy. [ crying ] two other people are eager to follow him out that gate. henry montgomery and clay after clifford hampton who served a combined 116 years are about to face the parole board themselves. do you think you should be paroled? i should be. i m 55 years older. i am mature enough to know i ain t going to do that again. that might not matter. this is his second parole hearing. he was denied a year before and it seems clear to many why armory is still in prison. you killed a cop. yeah. the man he murder was deputy sheriff charles from east baton rouge. in november 1963, montgomery then 17 years old was playing hooky when the deputy and plainclothes approached him. montgomery said as a black teenager living in the segregated south, he was startled and scared and was carrying a gun and he shot him. i had the gun in my hand and i shot him. i did it and i am sorry. they say it doesn t matter how montgomery feels. what does matter is he stays behind bars. attack on a police officer s attack on the very fabric of society. he is the victim in grandson and today he is a police officer himself. there is no parole for charles. his life sentences permanent. my mom, my aunt, my uncle, our belief in the system is its equal justice. the family of clifford s victim did not want to speak to us on camera but they told us they do not think he should get out either. in 1958, when he was 17, he got in an argument with his 18-year- old neighbor. he flew into a rage and brutally stabbed her to death. i realize what i had did, i walked to the home of the deputy sheriff and turned myself in ski. he has another hurdle to overcome. in 1961, at age 20, he killed another inmate. he told me it was self-defense. angola was like a jungle. that s what you had to do. kill or go under. hampton and montgomery will soon find out if they will be granted parole, but if they are tonight, they could eventually end up where i am heading next. the hospice word. when i want to feel my most powerful, it starts with venus. with five ultra-sharp blades and water-activated serums for incredible glide. i feel the difference with every stroke. feel the power of smooth. (ethan) i smoked and have had multiple strokes. now, it s hard for me to remember things. my tip is, if you need to remember something, write it down quickly. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and lester holt: like every maximum security prison, angola can be a dangerous place. let every maximum-security prison, angola can be a dangerous place. on this morning, knife is found and when that happens, this is the response. a shakedown. this appears to be crushed and medication. we ve seen a couple shakedowns, what do you find? weapons, drugs. they along with assistant warden said being a corrections officer is among the toughest jobs in the world. you ve had things that have raised anxiety. absolutely. i m 34 and on anxiety medicine. studies have shown corrections officers have a higher suicide rate than the general population. can you give me some specific anecdotes of things that have happened to you? i had human waste thrown at me. what can you do? he already has life. the institution is understaffed and the officers say they are underpaid. we start people off at $14 an hour. people in the free world can go to home depot and make the same amount of money and not get feces thrown at them. poor behavior is often the result of hopeless men. the assistant warden said one of the things that is help to something i was surprised to learn that the majority of the officers here are women. there is value in the female officers. we can sometimes talk an offender down a lot quicker. just because we have a calming ability. something else i did not expect to hear. they believe that life without parole sentences makes person less safer everyone. if a man has life he has nothing to lose. he knows there s no chance of going home. i heard the same from many who work your. tonya works in the hospice unit. i would love to see these guys get a second chance. i worry about backlash i would get from that. i know the outside public perception is they are supposed to be here. was there a period in your life you would ve been on the other side? absolutely. my mother worked here as a security guard and i said how can you work with those people? when you get here and you hear some of the stories, no one is the same person from when they were younger to now. decades in prison would change anyone. there is an aging crisis in american prisons. more than 130,000 inmates older than 55 are incarcerated today. that is costing taxpayers more than $9 billion a year. experts say the aging and dying are the most expensive people to keep incarcerated and yet they pose the lowest risk to society. this is what a life sentence looks like when life is running out. dying prisoners being cared for in hospice by other incarcerated men. 63-year-old frank has been in prison for 45 years. when he was 19, he and his younger brother robbed a store, crime that ended with the murder of the owner. now, dying of cancer, he has asked for a compassionate release. the vast majority of petitioners for compassionate release are denied and so was frank. how are you feeling? lester holt. oh, yeah. we are going to have a nice conversation. do you think you should go home? can you give me a candy? it helps my throat. there you go. all right. i will let you rest. he is a human being. i am not here to judge him. but, i don t know how you don t have compassion. a few weeks later, i learned that frank died in his hospice bed alone. back in my cell, i had a lot of time to reflect about everything i have seen. i wrestle with the question of his prison punishment? if it s punishment, it s pretty bad. is it a place of reform? you can see efforts to reform here. i cannot help thinking as we are talking to men incarcerated when they were teenagers, and i think of myself at 16, 17 years old, it s very complicated. and now, the two man i met who committed murders as teenagers, henry montgomery, and clifford hampton are about to find out if they will finally get parole and walked back out into the world. world. mommy, what do you love to do? (chuckling) i love to be your mom. ( ) hey, what s your name? lukie! this is luke, and he has cerebral palsy. are we going to pt? yes, we are. luke s mom: without easterseals, my luke would be a very different luke. i m gonna say hi. okay! let s say hi. hi! he wouldn t have got the help that he desperately needed. easterseals offers important disability and community services that can change a life forever. and your monthly support is critical for these kids future. luke s mom: luke, he has had five therapy sessions a week for almost. for three and a half years. the need has not changed and there are more families that need help. please join easterseals right now. go online, call or scan the qr code with your gift of just $19 a month. luke is a fighter. from the day he was born, to his time in the nicu, to luke s first time walking. now i m going to cry. (sigh) you worked so hard. i m so proud of you. i worked so hard. you did. you know, just to reach into your heart and see what your donation can do for these kids. please visit, call or scan the qr code on your screen with your gift of $19 a month and we ll send you this t-shirt as a thank you. luke s mom: you don t know what the future has and it s very scary. (inaudible) you ve changed the trajectory of my son s life. as a mom, i can t even explain how much that means to me. please join easterseals with your monthly gift right now. her uncle s unhappy. please join easterseals i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. lester holt: if there is one state that defines mass incarceration, it s louisiana, known for decades as the prison capital of the world. if there is one state that defines his incarceration, it s louisiana. known for decades as the prison capitol of the world. 2019, the state s governor john bell edwards said tough on crime approach had not been working. let s talk about mass incarceration. i suppose there was a time it was a good thing. i don t know it was ever a good thing but we know now it was counterproductive. we had the highest incarceration rate in the nation for the last couple of decades but our crime rate was not better for it and recidivism was not better. we were not safer. it was costing a $700 million a year just in louisiana. that s third only to education and health care so we could not afford it. in 2017, edwards, democrat in the deep south signed bipartisan criminal justice reform legislation. the most ambitious in the state s history. you reduced your prison population. we have but we are number 2 at prison. it s a process. to see this happen in a deep red state. law and order south is pretty stunning. it s counterintuitive that you can over incarcerate and be less safe because of it. the reforms are projected to reduce department of corrections spending by more than $260 million over the next decade. some of the money will be invested in reentry programs for those coming home. an important investment because every week an average of 12,000 permanent prisoners in america release back to society. 95% of inmates will get out. when you do next to nothing for successful reentry, you are creating a future that is more riddled with crime. louisiana s reforms focus on nonviolent offenders. what about violent offenders like the juvenile lifer group i are the men dying in hospice. we met people in that person who do not pose a threat to society, but in your opinion, do some people belong in person because what they did was reprehensible? because what they did was reprehensible and there continues to be opposition among the victim s family. whether someone continues to pose a threat to society is a factor to be considered and whether they get released. it cannot be the determinant factor to the of all others. henry montgomery and clifford hampton face opposition from the victim s families. what will happen to them when they see the parole board? montgomery is about to find out. someone has come to support him. his name is andrew. he might look like a lawyer but he is actually the first juvenile lifer to be released because of montgomery s supreme court case. all right. today is the day. he served 19 years in prison. at age 15, he was out with a teenage girl when i got into an argument. he became enraged and peter over the head with a metal rod and try to get rid of her body by burning it. you committed a pretty savage crime. it was a horrible crime and on excusable there s nothing i can do to undo it. they were able to see how i had changed. the parole board said he changed after 19 years, what will it say about henry montgomery after 55 years? you are the first guy who got out and he is still here. there is a lot of guilt. i went to prison when i was 15, a white kid, and got out when i was 34. henry went to prison, a black kid at 17 and he is still here after 55 years. big day. the panel must vote unanimously to free him. they were behind closed doors for more than an hour. this is the audio from that hearing. my vote is to grant parole. my vote is to grant. two yes for his release. then came the third and final vote. for me, unfortunately, mr. montgomery i m going to have to deny your parole. i have a problem i think you need more programs. today your parole has been denied. i caught up with montgomery after he heard the news. he told me he had already packed his bag. you were getting ready in case. in case they said you could go home. yeah. you were holding together. i got life. i will keep my mind on trying to get out. you have to keep hope alive. clifford hampton s hope remains alive. he is about to face the parole board himself. i am realizing he has been in prison longer than i have been alive. i can t wrap my head around that. it was a unanimous vote. parole granted. i was there moments after a surprisingly subdued hampton learned the news. a new adventure begins. yeah. life on the outside. can you imagine what that might be like? excitement. a few days later, he walked free for the first time in 61 years. we will drop your stuff off at your apartment. andrew is here to help him because in 2016, he started a nonprofit called the parole project. by 2020, it had helped more than 40 juvenile lifer s reenter society. his first taste of the outside world, a fast food hamburger with everything on it. first apartment. his temporary apartment painted with bright colors to remind him he is no longer in prison. i am seeing so much that s new to me. i am excited about it all. 2.5 years later, he had the honor of assisting another juvenile lifer in his first moments as a free man. in november 2021, 75-year-old henry montgomery, the man who paved the way to freedom for andrew and hundreds of others was granted parole after serving nearly 58 years behind bars. in all honesty, henry should ve been the first one of us to come home. however, he is home today. you are going to do great. montgomery and clifford hampton left behind thousands of others who will never go home. they are today s filled with only yesterday s. something my neighbor curtis know all too well. this is my son he was killed in a motorcycle crash. in my short time here, i learned a lot about the human ability to cope. to accept. to survive. good night. as i wrote in the journal i kept, it s too easy to look away from prison and prisoners. dignity is earned. hope is essential. i m craig melvin. thank you for watching. that is all for this edition of dateline. i am craig melvin. thank you for watching.

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS HARDtalk 20240610

my guest is the renowned colombian novelist juan gabriel vasquez, who weaves powerful stories out of fact and fiction. is there anything magical about colombia s current reality? juan gabriel vasquez, welcome to hardtalk. thank you for having me. it s a pleasure to have you. now you inhabit two different intellectual worlds. you are a political commentator. it is yourjob to have instant, strong opinions for newspapers. on the other hand, you re also a novelist who writes complex, nuanced novels that are sort of riddled with doubt and uncertainty. which of these two mental attitudes comes more naturally to you? well, i m first and foremost a novelist. iwas. i began writing fiction at a very young age, and it was always my ideal to write the kind of novels that i had grown up with. but in south america, a novelist is also a citizen. and so you develop very quickly the need, the compulsion sometimes, the feeling of obligation to comment on the political reality. so in a sense, there are two different and opposite ethics. erm. you write fiction out of uncertainty and doubts and questions. novels are written to ask questions, not to give answers. but at the same time, you re a political commentator who tries to have certainties, who tries to shed doubts. are you faking it when you come up with those certainties for your columns? no, but there are few. there are very few, very few moments during the week in which you are absolutely sure about something and you write to convince, you write to do a kind of proselytism. you write to try to get answers. interestingly, you dig deep into your home country, colombia, and yet you spent a significant part of your adult life out of colombia. yes. would it be correct in a way to say that you became confident in your voice, you know, exploring your home country once you d left it? yes, yes, ithink that s quite accurate. in a sense, also, i was following a very old latin american tradition of leaving our countries to write about them, to understand them better. this is something that has been happening since, uh. ..since the nicaraguan poet ruben dario lived in paris and madrid in the early 20th century. and then, of course, the generation that i grew up as my role models, the latin american boom, and. and garcia, gabriel garcia marquez. ..garcia marquez, yes. ..perhaps the most famous south american author of our times. yeah, yeah. he belonged to a generation that wrote, that retold the history of our countries from abroad. so we have this very strange situation in south america where the best novel about colombia 100 years of solitude was written in mexico, and the best novel about peru by mario vargas llosa was written in paris, and carlos fuentes, the great mexican novelist, wrote in washington and london. so it is a kind of necessity, perhaps, that we find to, you know, get a little removed from the places that we are discussing. it s interesting to just reflect on garcia marquez, cos. yeah. i know it s become a bit of a cliche, but this this phrase used about his work and, indeed, 100 years of solitude was magical realism . you do something very different. yes. you use a lot of recent history, of facts, and you weave personal stories around those facts, and it s often quite brutal and it s quite violent and difficult. yes. was your writing a deliberate reaction against that sort of quote unquote magical realism ? no, no, my writing isjust the recognition that my world is different. my world view comes from a different place. i was born in a big capital city in the middle of the andes, so 2,600 metres over sea level. whereas garcia marquez was born in a very small town, caribbean town, with a very different culture and outlook. so his demons, his obsessions, his ghosts were quite different from mine. and you were also raised at a time of horrible violence, instability, chaos. yes. your home city, bogota. yeah. i mean, did that. do you reflect on that and think, you know what, i was actually quite traumatised as a kid, as a young adult, by what was happening around me ? yes, well, when i left colombia in 1996, i was 23. i thought i was leaving because i wanted to become a certain kind of writer, and that was the latin american tradition. with time, i understood that i was also fleeing the violence. i was also fleeing a a particular situation. this was the years of drug wars and drug related terrorism. erm. narco traffickers like pablo escobar were at the height of their power as you were a teenager and a young adult. exactly, exactly. napoleon says somewhere that in order to understand a man, you have to understand his world when he was 20. and i turned 20 in 1993, which was the year in which pablo escobar died at the height of his threats to the colombian system. so that s that. do you, do you think, when you reflect on it and of course, i m mindful you were writing in europe about this colombia of corruption, of chaos, of violence do you think you were expressing in a way, a sort of deep fear and anger about what had happened to your homeland? frustration in a sense, but mainly mainly uncertainties, maybe mainly the feeling that the stories that were being told were not complete. i think i write out of a sense of darkness, of shadows in the collective story of my country, and i think of fiction as a way to shed some light, particularly, on that, on that very special place in which the historical meets private lives, in which private individuals, as brothers and sisters and lovers and fathers and siblings, they have. they suffer the consequences of politics and history and those forces that we have never learned quite how to, how to control, but that do change our lives. and this is the territory of our human experience that i try to tell in my novels. you call it fiction, but of course you fill your books with facts, sometimes very personal facts. yes. i mean, i m thinking of one of your most successful novels, the sound of things falling, which involves a plane crash. and in fact, you really did find, i think, the transcript of the recording of the last moments of a plane, which i believe was carrying a family friend, which crashed. that s right, yes. and you very literally took these horrific final moments and wrote about them. yes. you also included some other bizarre facts, like the hippo that escaped from pablo escobar s infamous zoo and which was then hunted down years later. and that was the beginning of your book. so i guess, you know, your audience might be sometimes quite confused about these blurred lines between fact and you re a journalist, so you deal in facts but then fiction, which is where you as a novelist come in. yes, i ve understood with time that in my work. my work always begins with meeting an actual person who has a story that seems to me interesting, or who is hiding something, who has evidently some kind of secrets. and i start asking questions. so i always begin writing as a novel. as a journalist. i m a journalist first, and then, since my novels often deal with the colombian past, with our collective past, i turn into a historian ifind documents, i go into archives, and then the last the last person to come into the process is the novelist. and the novelist s only task is to try to say something that neither the journalist nor the historian has said. but in so doing, you twist and bend the truth. or do you not believe there is such a thing as truth? i do believe there is such a thing as truth. epistemologically i do believe that, but i don t think it s accessible through one story. i don t think one story can.interpret it fully. so you need several stories coming from several parts. and this is particularly true in my country, where we are trying to deal with a recent history of violence. and we are all trying storytellers, journalists, historians, novelists who are trying to open a space in which different stories about these last 50 years coexist, have the right to exist. but if, if your perception that, actually, truth is complex and it requires the understanding of different people s perspectives and memories. yes. ..and they can recollect the same event in very different ways. yes. where does that leave colombia s attempt to reach, you know, what in south africa was known as truth and reconciliation ? is it possible in colombia? that s what we are trying to do. the peace agreements that were passed in 2016, which i think is one of the great successes in the history of my country, these agreements between the colombian government ofjuan manuel santos and the farc guerrilla. yeah, it should be said it was with the farc group, which was the dominant insurgent group. only one of them. ..but there are many other rebel groups who have not made peace and who are not part of that agreement. exactly. but it was the biggest guerrilla, perhaps the oldest one, and the strongest one, certainly. so it was a success story to make peace with this guerrilla movement. now, part of the. part of what the agreements created were two institutions, the commission of truth and the transitional justice tribunals. both of them are, among several other things, in charge of telling stories, opening spaces in which people can come and tell their story, be recognised as victims of violence, or as perpetrators who ask for forgiveness. the victims may or may not forgive, but the most, the most wonderful human situations have been created or allowed by this, by the institutions. and they all go through the same phenomenon of telling stories. but is it really healing wounds, or do those wounds still fester in your country? that s that s a great question. you never know if remembering can be sometimes exciting, new resentments or keeping hatred alive. i do have i do have faith in the power of remembering correctly and accurately the past. carlos fuentes, the mexican novelist, said there is no living future with a dead past, and part of our role, i think, as novelists and storytellers in general, is keeping the past alive, trying to keep it true, keep it honest, so that we can understand it and move forward. ah, i mean, something pretty extraordinary happened in 2022 when the colombian electorate voted into power. yeah. ..president petro, who in a previous life, not so very long ago had been a committed guerrilla fighter in the m 19 group, and now he sits in the presidential palace. but that clearly sticks in the throat of many colombians. and ijust wonder, as you look at your country today, whether you fear that petro, who came to power pledging, total peace with all of the different armed groups in his country. yes. ..whether in fact his presidency is deepening polarisation. well, i m very critical about president petro. i think he is a populist and a demagogue of a very old latin american tradition. but he had this unique opportunity of and this is why i thought his election was good news of implementing the peace agreements of 2016, which had been disregarded or actively sabotaged by the last conservative government of ivan duque. he hasn t. it s not looking so good right now, is it? i mean, as i understand it, of the different armed groups. because he seems to be saying that he wants a, you know, an ultimate peace and a disarming of all the groups, including criminal gangs as well as insurgent rebel groups and paramilitary groups, he wants them all to be in this umbrella of total peace. yes. well, of the 20 or more different armed groups, only about five are currently engaging with the government. yes, and not only that, to me, the bad side of the whole project is that he is taking away from the 2016 agreements, all the attention and the resources and the rhetorical energy of the government. so he is forgetting them, leaving them to die a slow death through inattention, through negligence, concentrating on his own projects. whereas we we looked forward during his election to the first serious implementation of those wonderful agreements that we managed to pass in 2016 after much polarisation. it s not it s not just a question, is it, of the men with guns. it s also the politicians who for decades and decades, at the very least, turned a blind eye and sometimes were actively complicit in the violence, the murder, the chaos and the mayhem in your country. do you think there will be an accounting of those politicians one could say the old political elite in colombia will they be held to account? well, i certainly think they re one of the. one of the main objectives of the peace agreements and the peace negotiations has to be to find the truth, to have people speak the truth and, and accept some kind of truth as the only way for which we. a reconciliation of the country. but there has to be a reconciliation. it s absolutely no use to go through these difficult processes that have divided us and polarised us as a nation. so as you say that and you talk about your hopes for the future of your country i m just looking at my notes where i noted down that right now, opposition leaders in bogota are saying that they have plans to launch national strikes to paralyse the country if petro attempts to establish this talk of a constituent assembly, assembly to bypass parliament and the courts. there s allegations of corruption being bandied around involving close family and associates of petro, including charges that his son is facing of bribery with allegations that it was linked to campaign finance, which of course, he the son and indeed the president himself clearly deny all involvement. but nonetheless, it looks in a way like colombia is sinking back into something very dark and dangerous. i think we are not strangers to a certain kind of dynamics in the whole of the continent. 0ur continent, our continent in south america is being divided into different kinds of populisms right wing populisms such as bolsonaro in brazil some years ago and milei in argentina and the left wing populisms active in nicaragua and venezuela, which are turning their countries into failed democracies. in the middle, we have this negotiation between two kinds of extreme ideas, extreme projects, political projects in colombia. and in the middle there are some looking for a way to create a new political centre of a progressive kind, and this is turning into one of the most difficult things of all. because of the current situation of that tension between what the government of petro is doing, a populist demagogue. on that spectrum of latin american politics with the populism, as you describe it, of both the left and the right where do you see the greatest danger lying for colombia? which way do you believe it might. it s very clear to me that the greatest danger is that petro s government will open the way for a right wing or rather, extreme right wing populism, which is already in the making and gathering force as a reaction to what is going on from the government. that is the most worrying situation for me. underpinning much of the violence in colombia and we ve talked about politics and insurgency but underpinning much of it has been drugs. yes. narco trafficking. yeah. ..and the vast amounts of money and indeed the power that come with controlling the drugs. you have suggested that the only way out of this for a country like colombia is the full legalisation of currently illegal narcotics. yes, for any country, i would think. but particularly. what do you think that would do to colombia? i think drugs are a double problem. you have public order problems linked to the violence and the corruption and the instability created by criminal gangs who try to vie for control of the trade. and on the other hand, you have public health problems linked to consumption of drugs and what that does to. the burden that places on health systems. if you legalise, every experience tells us that legalisation would get rid of the first problem violence, corruption, mafias, criminal gangs are a product of the illegal character of drugs, not of drugs themselves. and we saw that during prohibition in the united states only during prohibition did we have not only alcoholism and private problems, but also mafias and corruption and violence, which are the results of illegality, of the criminal world that is built around the protection of an illegal business. you legalise, you get probably rid of all these things, and you can devote the insane amounts of money that we use in drug wars to prevention and education and treatment of addiction. when you, as a journalist, write about the narco traffickers and the scourge that drugs represents in your country and you write about corruption and the corrosive nature of corruption you re in very dangerous territory. journalists and writers get targeted in colombia. yes. some of them occasionally get killed. do you worry about that? well, this is. this is a trend in the whole of the continent. journalists are being persecuted and imprisoned in venezuela and nicaragua. there are networks closed there. they re being actively persecuted by the government. i m interested in your personal story because we discussed you moving to europe to get a distance where you could write about colombia, but you then moved back in around, i think, around a decade or more ago. 2012, yes. yeah, so you have a presence inside colombia now. do you feel constraints on what you can say? i d rather not think about that maybe. surely, you have to. well, i, uh. i do believe there s a kind of.obligation i have as an intellectual, as an observer, and as a novelist. we have a certain kind of take on colombian life, novelists, and it is it is very difficult to. not to do what albert camus, who is a big figure for me, said it is the role of the journalist to say things are so when you effectively see that things are so, and this is what i try to do. and i know you are friends with many writers around the world, including salman rushdie. when you see what happens to writers who take on, uh, those who don t want their voice to be heard on certain issues, does it make you become more careful about what you say and write? well, salman rushdie is a great example of somebody who has spent the last 30 years defending the freedoms the rest of us take for granted and thriving. i think he is an example of, of courage and of resilience. and it s. for me, it s a source, it s an inspiration and a source of admiration in many senses. and you will continue to write about your country from inside your country? i have never, except for one book, i haven t written a page of fiction that is not obsessively about my country, about trying to understand its violence and trying to, uh, explore it and illuminate it. and as a journalist, i only try to defend our right our right to peace, to have a peaceful country. which is, you know, hopefully in the making, but not there immediately. juan gabriel vasquez, thank you very much forjoining me on hardtalk. it was a pleasure. thank you. hello there. weather for the week ahead is perhaps not the story you want. no significant summer sunshine or warmth, i m afraid. in fact, the story in armagh on sunday really sets the scene just a high of ten degrees. we had cloudy skies with light rain or drizzle with a cool northerly wind as well. now, that rain is sinking its way steadily southwards and it will clear away from eastern england and south east england during monday morning. behind it, this northerly wind and this cooler air source starts to kick in across the country. so a rash of showers, a cold, brisk wind driving those showers in off exposed coasts and drifting their way steadily south across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the morning. here s our cloud and rain still lingering across east yorkshire, lincolnshire first thing in the morning, some heavier bursts that will ease away. best of any brighter skies, perhaps across southern england down to the south west. here, showers should be few and further between. but nevertheless, that wind direction still really digging in right across the country. so sunny spells, scattered showers, a brisk northwesterly wind for many, so temperatures just below par really for this time of year, a maximum of 10 15 degrees for most. we might see highs of 17 or 18 if we get some sunshine across south west england and wales. now, as we move out of monday into tuesday, the low pressure drifts off to scandinavia, high pressure builds. it should start to kill off some of the showers out to the west. but with those clearing skies, well, those temperatures will be below path through the night as well, low single figures for some, quite a chilly start to our tuesday morning. hopefully some sunshine around on tuesday. there will continue to be some showers, most frequent ones running down through central and eastern scotland and england. further west, some brighter skies and once again, highs of 17 degrees, but for many, just a maximum of 10 15 once again. moving out of tuesday into wednesday, winds will fall lighter still for a time, but there s another low pushing in and that will bring some wetter weather to close out the end of the working week. it will gradually start to change the wind direction. so, after a drier day on wednesday, it will turn that little bit milder, but also wetter as we head into the weekend. live from london. this is bbc news. french president emmanuel macron calls a snap election after his alliance is heavily defeated by the far right in a european parliament vote. translation: i decided to put back in your hands the choice of our parliamentary future. in a few moments i will sign the decree convening the legislative election. they will be held on june 30, the first round, and july seven, the second round. the israeli war cabinet minister benny gantz pulls his party out of the israeli government, accusing benjamin netanyahu of making empty promises over the war in gaza. 0n the campaign trail across the uk, the parties begin setting out their manifesto promises this week with the liberal democrats launching their manifesto later this morning. and coming up in business we ll be exploring the rise of swiftonomics as the billionaire pop star s eras tour gets under way in scotland. hello, i m sally bundock. a very warm welcome to the programme. we start in france, and in what s been described as a huge political gamble, the french president emmanuel macron has called a snap parliamentary vote after his alliance suffered a big defeat by the populist right in european union elections. mr macron said he couldn t ignore the result and dissolving parliament was an act of trust in the french people. the national rally party led by marine le pen is on course to win a record 32% of the vote

Juan-gabriel-vasquez , Sense , Reality , Feeling , Obligation , Citizen , Compulsion , Need , South-america , Two , Fiction , Fact

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom 20240610

you are done with this? yeah, maybe, or maybe need some plastic surgery, who knows? you never know. it s usually settled by an arm wrestle. we should mention special guest on the tour is john wait is on first and then foreigner or stix depending on the night and who wins the coin toss. it is lot of hits on stage. i think there are four or five number ones and just a lot of great songs that you certainly will know. four hours of classic rock which is amazing to unfold over the course of 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. steve: we love both of you. the renegades and juke box hero tour kicks off tomorrow in grand rapids. kelly and lawrence, thank you very much and good luck to you. want to make sure everyone goes to live nation or ticketmaster. dana: and breaking news on the hunter biden gun trial. we re waiting to find out if the first son will take the stand. good morning. i m dana perino. bill is off today. good morning to you, john. john: good morning. i was surprised to see foreigner and stix. i will see them in hershey, pennsylvania in july. stix are good friends of ours. america s newsroom a live look at the delaware courthouse. this as the president s son tries to avoid conviction for allegedly lying on a gun application. dana: also in delaware president biden and first lady jill biden. they returned there after their visit to france for d-day and the first lady this morning is back in court to support her son. john: team fox coverage today. andy mccarthy is on deck but let s go to rich edson in wilmington, delaware with news out of the courtroom. we just got an update from the courtroom. what s going on now, the jury is not seated yet but there are some preliminary discussions underway right now. in it there has been an indication from the defense that hunter biden will not testify. that is not fully confirmed yet. we re still waiting to here if he will or will not testify. he arrived for his second week in court with his wife, melissa. jill biden is here and his aunt and uncle. james a business partner of hunter s. if hunter declines to testify it would have closing statements as early as this afternoon. if hunter biden testifies it will go deeper into the october. prosecutor allege in october of 2018 hunter was a drug user but he produced witnesses and passages from hunter s own audio book to try to prove their case. called hunter s ex-wife and ex-girlfriend and sister-in-law hallie who hunter had a relationship with after beau died in 2015. the defense has drawn testimony that none of the witnesses actually saw hunter use crack the week and a half he possessed the gun. if convicted the charges carry a maximum of prison and fine. hunter would be a first time non-violent offender. once this trial wraps it s september in los angeles. his court date on federal tax charges. we re waiting to see if he takes the stand here today. john, back to you. john: rich edson with the latest. the very latest coming out of the courtroom in delaware. thank you. dana: thank you, john. let s bring in andy mccarthy. you know if it s a monday we have more trials to talk about. today is hunter biden. with this decision it indicates that hunter biden will not take the stand. i don t think that would be a surprise to you. but his lawyers had really presented quite a bravado going into this case but it is unlikely he will testify. do you think that s a good decision? it is a good decision, dana. i think looking at his potential sentencing guidelines it looks to me like even if he gets convicted he has a good chance of avoiding a prison sentence. that calculation can change if a defendant takes the stand, gives a version of events that the jury obviously rejects, especially what we just heard is true, the government would come back with rebuttal witnesses. the consequences of that under the sentencing guidelines would be to add additional points to computing his offense level as it is called in the guidelines, which would lean closer toward a prison sentence. i think it is a smart move. john: they took the weekend to decide what to do. the way i looked at this on friday and turley and others have talked about jury nullification. members of the jury who know someone addicted to drugs or alcohol at one point. if hunter biden were to testify he could potentially present a very sympathetic character that the jury might look at and have sympathy for and say you know what? let s not convict him on this. what do you think the decision tree was over the weekend as to whether or not to have him testify? i don t disagree with that analysis, john. i think they may feel like they accomplished that with calling his daughter last week. i think factually in terms of the evidence in the case, that was not a great strategic decision but if what you are trying to do is gin up sympathy for hunter, i think his daughter s testimony may have done just that. my own view of it is, of course they are trying for a nullification decision from the jury but also tee up their appeal. the second amendment is a very live issue in the appellate courts on the federal level. and i think what they are trying to show is that his kind of cocaine use was more like alcohol abuse than mental illness because in this country, there is not much history for regulating drug use in terms of gun possession but there is a lot of history of taking rights away, including gun rights away, from people who are adjudicated to be incompetent. they are trying to set this up and why the stress on the fact that no one can say he was using crack with certainty in the days around the time that he purchased the gun. that s where they are going, i think. dana: listen to president biden last week. he did an interview with david of abc news and asked if he would pardon his son. as we sit here in normandy, your son, hunter, is on trial and i know that you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution. but let me ask you will you accept the jury s outcome, their verdict no matter what it is? yes. have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. dana: all right, give you a final word on that revelation. he says he is not going to pardon him. and i believe he won t right up until election day. there is nothing enforceable what he just said. that s about as enforceable as saying i can t do anything about the border because congress won t pass the legislation and then they don t pass the legislation and he issues this cockamamie order he did a week ago. it s the position he has to take in the run-up to the election. john: he also didn t say he would commute his sentence. dana: that s true. john: anti-israel agitators haar hasing police officers and defacing statues at president biden s front door calling on his administration to pull support from the top ally in the middle east. but one republican lawmaker is now pushing for an investigation into alleged crimes committed on lafayette square. they didn t get inside the fence to spray graffiti but did a lot of damage across the street. that s right. beyond yelling about a cease-fire in gaza there was also vandalism beyond the white house gates. statues outside the white house including one of andrew jackson were vandalized on saturday, desecrated by protestors, red paint hand prints and spray paint graffiti. national park service officials are assessing the extent and cost of the damage. arkansas republican senator tom cotton had photos of statues. free gaza sprayed on a number of the statute. it is a blatant violation of federal law and calling on the justice department to investigate. if not d.o.j. will next year. you have anti-american pro-hamas loon particulars desecrating the statues of our great veterans, which is a plain violation of federal law. but joe biden s government allowed it to happen and i bet we re not going to see any arrests or prosecutions for violating that law. saturday s protest was a combination of pro-palestinian and anti-war groups. protestors wearing red were forming a human red line around the white house with some saying they stand with hamas. white house spokesman andrew baits responded to that. president biden has been clear that every american has the right to peacefully express their views but he is also always been clear that anti-semitism, violent rhetoric and endorsing murderous terrorists organizations like hamas is repugnant, dangerous, and against everything we stand for as a country. his statement does not condemn the vandalism of those statues, john. john: all right, thanks very much, we ll see what happens across the street and whether or not the investigation results in any charges. a lot of people might think that s a foregone conclusion. thank you, now this. we re going to make our country great again and greater than ever before. it is going to be special. and the world is going to look up to us with respect. they aren t going to be laughing at us. they right now are laughing at us. dana: donald trump goes west on a campaign swing. it was hot out there. he made a major promise and hauls in a boatload of cash. we have that next. idf going deep behind enemy lines rescuing four hostages from the hands of hamas in gaza. retired four star general jack keane on how it all went down. and critics accusing usa basketball of shooting an air ball for leaving caitlin clark off the olympic team. i ll root them top win gold. hopefully in four years i can be there. and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. don t wait, use promo code 25now to save. book at today. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog s food to the farmer s dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there s no magic involved. 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[shouting] dana: a buck wild scene at an oklahoma rodeo when a bull leaps over the arena fence and into a group of spectators. you can see it right there. they immediately descended on the action and eventually able to restrain the bull and put it back in its pen. four people suffered just minor injuries in the process, which is amazing. thank god. they are expected to make a full recovery. john: that s something. former president donald trump wraps up a four-day campaign swing out west including fundraisers in donor-rich california where the cash tap was on full blast. trump also made a no tax pitch to millions of people who work off of tips. senior correspondent alicia acuna live in vegas with more. that had to go over well in sin city, alicia. the crowd really loved it, john. he had a big weekend here in las vegas. former president trump also made a much-anticipated endorsement ahead of the gop senate primary race in nevada. after he left las vegas he endorsed leading candidate retired army captain sam brown who was injured in an explosion while serving in afghanistan. trump writing on truth social i have gotten to know sam and his beautiful wife, amy, first lieutenant and i know in the next chapter of their life of service together they ll continue to make us all proud. sam has already proven his love for our country being horrifically wounded and making a comeback of a lifetime. tuesday s primary winner takes on democratic senator rosen in november. rosen said donald trump endorsed my extreme maga opponent sam brown. banning abortion, gutting healthcare and slashing social security is wrong for nevada. we ll defeat maga extremism in november. on sunday trump also made that campaign promise. for those hotel workers and people who get tips you ll be very happy. when i get to office we re going to not charge taxes on tips. people making tips. the culinary union that represents 60,000 hospitality workers responded, relief is needed for tip earners. nevada workers are smart enough to know the difference between real solutions and wild campaign promises from a convicted felon. congress has the power to change the tax law. a trump spokesperson later told fox president trump will ask congress to eliminate taxes on tips. biden has stepped up the i.r.s. going after tip workers. we ll see where this goes, john. john: i wonder who the culinary workers union is backing in this election? alicia, thank you. dana: want to bring in kevin o leary, chairman of owe leery ventures joining us on the five once in a while. it would be popular for people who make tips but economically i love lower taxes, so what do you think? it is a very interesting proposal. congress has to approve it. tips have been controversial at the taxation level for decades because some of the tips they still are coming in cash are never put onto your form. a tremendous amount of leakage in terms of what s really due to the i.r.s. why not abandon these small amounts? tips are ten to 20% of a bill, maybe 150 or less for a meal in las vegas and so instead of going after these small amounts which for a i.r.s. are really $20, give it up, put some relief on these people squeezed by inflation both in their costs and labor costs for restaurants causing a lot of them to shut down in states like california. politically i see the point. it works. obviously if you are helping them out. a lot of these jobs are transient. you don t want to be a waitress in a fast food location for the rest of your life or waiter. and it s kind of helping young generation move forward. i like it. dana: let me ask you this. you are right on the politics. president trump at 50%, biden at 45%. i have a friend in democratic politics tell me they re writing off nevada at this point and thinking that trump will win it. i also wanted to ask you this looking forward the way the economy is going, there are many more people putting together their income based on the gig economy. a lot of that is based on tips. you re right, that s true. uber drivers, etc. that is a big boost. a tax gift, a giveaway. it may be political. in terms of changing the outcome of the election, i don t think anybody can call this election now. i ve never seen it tighter. dana: no, i just meant for nevada itself because it s looking really good for trump. i don t write off any state for any candidate. the polling has been so volatile over the last two election cycles i don t believe any of it. you have to show me the actual data the night of the election and then i ll believe anything. i would say the biggest issue for both candidates one way or the other is inflation and definitely playing up nevada on home and protein on energy. it s than issue. calling a state now impossible. that s certainly as an investor i m not doing that. dana: it was just a chat with my friend about politics. okay. let me ask you about home and auto insurance. this is the wall street journal earlier today in its editorial saying a politically-made insurance panic. auto and home rates are soaring and the causes are inflation and lawsuit abuse. look at the rates of insurance. it increases in homeowner s insurance. arizona a battleground state. a lot of this has to do with outside influences. listen to senator elizabeth warren and why she is blaming the insurance company. the insurance companies have kind of been playing every part of this game and now when climate risks are rising, they are trying to hang american families out to dry here and demanding either higher premiums or get out of the market all together. so there is a lot going on that poses risk to our economy. dana: i wanted to ask you about that. i ve been watching the costs of car insurance and home insurance really hurting people. while they re dealing with inflation they see at the grocery store. 100% right. 100% right. let me say out of the gate my family grew up in massachusetts. we don t live there anymore. a lot of it is because of elizabeth warren. a great politician, very successful. i don t like her management style and policies. she is wrong on this. the actual facts why inflation has hit insurance so hard is not just weather. there is a tremendous amount of contingency litigation going on here where a lawyer can take down capital from a hedge fund and litigate until the cows come home and get winnings. that policy should be changed. if you lose you pay the legal costs. weather is a factor as well. one sector in our economy that benefits from a.i. this is one of the biggest. so much investment going on trying to write policies from data to a micro level of your street address that it could bring some relief to people in the next 24 months. i m in the insurance industry and consumer goods industry. we look at this like a hawk. i have to buy insurance for my restaurants. are costs are up higher than our food and labor. we want relief there. elizabeth warren is not being helpful bashing the insurance companies. that s never useful. you have to look at why the rates have gone up. there are multiple causes. dana: i feel vindicated. i am obsessed with this issue and wanting to talk more about it and glad we did. kevin o leary, thank you, have a great monday. this whole thing, this whole tragedy could be over. all the hostages could be home. there could be a cease-fire if hamas would step up and say yes to the deal. john: a celebration of freedom after israel rescues four hostages from the clutches of hamas. new details on the daring raid and why the anti-israel mob just won t give up coming up next. plus potential crunch time in hunter biden s federal gun trial. will the president s son take the stand? we re watching. customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! 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(laughing) call 1-800-977-3322 to schedule a free hearing evaluation and unlock our best deal of the year! dana: we re learning new details about israel s dramatic rescue of four hostages in gaza over the weekend. the raid in gaza bringing home one woman and three men. the largest hostage rescue operation since the war began last october. trey yengst live in tel aviv with the latest. this morning i listened to a podcast where they had wonderful detail about how all this happened. tell us more. good morning. it was certainly the happiest weekend in israel since the war began, four hostages were rescued from hamas captivity. tears erupted across the country from the streets to the beaches of tel aviv. at a hospital here the israeli civilians were reunited with loved wonder. embraced, laughed and cried. part of what the daring operation to save them looked like. israeli special forces engaged in intense gun battles with militants as they stormed two apartment buildings. they later took the hostages to safety. one mother describes what her reunion was like. very happy to see he is healthy. he looks himonty and happy. he is infinitely happy he is back home and very happy to see him. for israelis it was a day of hope, for palestinians a day of death and destruction. hamas-run palestinians health ministry stays nearly 300 people, mostly civilians, were killed during the operation. videos showed a hospital overflowing with injured and dead patients, as we gather new information about the raid over the weekend there is some political instability in israel. two members of the israeli war cabinet resigned from their positions in the emergency government. dana: also secretary blinken is heading to tel aviv this morning expected to meet with president netanyahu? absolutely. he just made some new remarks on the tarmac in cairo before heading to israel. there is a deal on the table and israelis have accepted the cease-fire deal and now up to hamas to sign on. dana. dana: trey yengst, thank you. john: let s bring in marc thiessen. former speech writer for president bush and fox news contributor. here is what the national security advisor jake sullivan said over the weekend to free the hostages. we should point out that they released the woman seen being taken away in the back of the motorcycle. literally without incident. the idf tried to free the other three hostages a gun fight ensued and all hell broke loose. here is what jake sullivan said about that. civilians were killed and it is tragic. the whole tragedy could be over. all the hostages could be home. there could be a cease-fire if hamas would step up and say yes to the deal that the israelis have accepted and that president biden elaborated a week ago. john: could be over if hamas would surrender and give up all the hostages. we don t hear the administration calling for that. i ve been stunned by the response to this hostage raid in the media and other places. if your response to heroic rescue of israeli hostages and the scenes of these hostages being reunited with their families after 245 days is to blame israel and be outraged an israel you may be an anti-semite. the reason why were civilians killed? because they were holding hostages in civilian areas. that s why civilians were killed. when you hear the news that israel carried out a raid to rescue hostages in a palestinian refugee camp the first question should be why were hostages being held in a refugee camp? that should be the outrage. one other thing. one of these this young lady was being held by a wealthy palestinian family who used her as a housekeeper. they would call her out of her room after family dinner and make her wash the dishes. i m sorry, in the 21st century the days of used being used as slave labor is over. israelis were right to rescue the hostage. wall street editorial said. haters of israel will blame and excuse hamas every time. media are manipulated to playing along. has the west loss lot the moral instinct for self-preservation to defend itself in a world of killers? hamas could not survive if not for its enablers around the world. experts say hamas will not unconditionally surrender or agree to any cease-fire where it would lose power is because it is holding out long enough for the outrage to grow against israel and the pressure from this administration on israel to accept the cease-fire is great and finally everybody caves and hamas stays in power. as a p.r. strategy it s working. keep in mind these civilian casualties here were intentional on the part of hamas. they are responsible for every one of them through their decision. it was hamas who made the decision to start this war and massacre and rape israeli civilians. it was their decision to take israeli civilians hostage and bring them into refugee camps and hide them among the civilian population using palestinian civilians at human shields. hamas s decision not to agree to a cease-fire and release the hostages and hamas s decision to take weapons into the palestinian refugee camp and when the israeli rescuers come, to open fire forcing the israelis to respond. people blame israel for the civilian what hamas understands is that there are millions of anti-semites out there who will give them a pass and blame israel for every action it takes to defend itself. unfortunately this administration cowering and the israelis aren t listening doing what they need to do to protect their country and not allow another holocaust to happen and their people to be massacreed. john: the video of the woman being kidnapped and taken away on the motorcycle and the look of terror on her face. for her to be back home is a miracle. dana reads sports. dana: two heroic plays in men s college baseball yesterday as the florida gators stun the clemson tigers 11-ten ending their season. clemson center fielder making an unreal over the head catch at the bottom of the 10th. the catch saved the game with a 9-nine. it was michael robertson who played hero for the gators punching a ball for the win at the top at the bottom of the 13th inning. and sending his team to the college world series that takes place in omaha. i felt i was on a high wire without a net with that read. john: the top is the first part of the inning the bottom the last part of the inning. the catch was amazing. dana: you don t see that every day. john: we ll talk next hour about my favorite topic, caitlin clark being snubbed from the u.s. owe ole owe limb particular team. patrol agents are being told something far different. what do you think of president biden? biden? i love biden. why do you love him? biden helped us. ild diagno sed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. it s awesome. [music playing] it s time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. a healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. the farmer s dog makes weight management easy with fresh food pre-portioned for your dog s needs. it s an idea whose time has come. our biggest challenge? uncertainty. hidden fees, surcharges. who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple.with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. dana: a landslide causing part of a major highway at teton pass in wyoming to collapse. it forced the closure of a key transit route between idaho and the beautiful town of jackson, wyoming. state officials describe it as a catastrophic failure and it is not clear how long it will take to reopen the road. that s a tough one as we go into the summer. john: that s a big one. maybe the landslide will bring you down. not even a week into president biden s border action we capture migrants illegally pouring across the san diego border sector. border patrol agents getting word to let those people into the country. matt finn is live along the california border with the latest for us. matt. all weekend long we saw migrants illegally cross right here coming from places like china, india, egypt, africa and beyond and just last week president biden promised that his new executive order would suspend illegal migrants from being released into the united states. but now a new border patrol memo obtained by fox news seems to contradict what the president promised. that memo reads in part that agents here in the san diego sector should continue mass releasing single adult migrants into the united states from all but six countries in the eastern hemisphere including russia, moldova and bill: others are being released on the honor system. it reads border patrol agents are ordered to refer to ice single adults from hard or very hard to remove countries. all other migrants are processed and released with a notice to appear on their on recognizance. here in san diego we are talking to migrants coming from all over the world. many tell us they fly into mexico and are smuggled into the united states. did you pay anyone to help you get here? no, i just searched the internet and then follow those guy. can come here. what do you think of president biden? biden? i love biden. why do you love biden? because biden, we love. why do you love him? biden helped us. many of these migrants tell us that they pay $10,000 and beyond to find these cartel coyotes or human smugglers to help them get into the united states, john. john: wow, anybody who thought this executive order was going to change things is sadly mistaken. matt finn for us in california. thank you. dana: want to bring in retired border patrol chief chris clem. curious let s put up the memo again about releasing not releasing from those countries in the eastern hemisphere. why would they do that, chris? this is first of all it s a great topic, very telling about the administration. since day one they have been about catch and release. hard to remove or hard countries, those are mandatory referrals to ice. it doesn t mean it s a mandatory detention. border patrol is not going to release those themselves. it is ice that is supposed to put them in longer, sometimes indefinitely. but as we know and what we ve seen most likely they will be released if nothing has come up. i want to say it s very interesting that we are a week into this executive order, nothing has changed. the numbers continue to rise in san diego. it s another pull factor. if you are a single adult and not listed in those countries you ll be released. so guess what? they ll keep coming. dana: here is what mayorkas thinks about the timing of it all. what has the impact been? how many migrants have been turned away between those ports of entry? we re at a very early stage. implementation as you noted has just begun. our intent is to really change the risk calculus of individuals before they leave their countries of origin and incentivize them to use the lawful pathways that we have made available to them and keep them out of the hands of ex employ station smugglers. it s early. dana: he says it s early. the new york post says it s already failed. the headline, the border crack down has failed as illegals flood across. how do you see it and where do you fall? it s early and already failed. he uses fancy words that don t make sense. reality is this. they ve known since day one this has been a problem. they ve been working on catch and release and doing this the whole time. now they say it will take time. what have they been doing the last six months when mayorkas and blinken went to mexico and the foreign policy expert that sits in the white house who hasn t made arrangements. one last thing i ll say specific to the memo, it is not uncommon to have some specific efficiency directives in those correspondence going to the field. ice is not going to take certain people. let s not waste the time and process them. one particular pathway if it is not going to result in a detention. so there is some efficiency rules in that memo but at the end of the day what should be alarming to everybody is that single adults are being released if knee aren t from those six countries. who has been committing the crimes around the country have been single adults released out of border patrol and ice custody. we need to detain these folks. they have had years to plan for this. to sit there and say it will take time. how many more lives and migrants have to be exploited because this administration will not secure the border and hold people accountable? dana: chris clem, thank you for joining us today. we ll continue to watch it because the migrants continue to come. thank you. as i was turning, a shark grabbed ahold of my hand i looked down and there was a shark attached to my hand. i started punching it. john: a streak of shark attacks putting the florida panhandle on high alert. what authorities are telling swimmers. usa basketball under fire for leaving caitlin clark off the olympic team and how the superstar is responding. no disappointment something to work for. it s a dream. hopefully one day i can be there. they get it. they know how it works. more importantly, it works for them. i don t have any anxiety about money anymore. i don t have to worry about a mortgage payment every month. it allowed me to live in my home and not have to make payments. linda, dinah, joanne, very different people. but they do have a couple things in common. they love their home, and they know their stuff. they all talked about the counseling they got, so they knew how a reverse mortgage worked. and how it could be a real financial solution for their retirement. if you re 62 or older and own your home, find out how you could access your home s equity to give you cash now, and when you need it in the future. a reverse mortgage could put more money in your pocket by eliminating your monthly mortgage payments, paying off higher-interest credit cards and covering medical costs. a person like me needed to get a reverse mortgage it changed my life, it was the best thing i ve ever done. really? 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listen to your heart. repatha plus a statin dramatically lowers ldl-c by 63%, and significantly drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won t let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor. john: fox news alert. firefighters in miami working to extinguish a three alarm fire at a multi-story apartment building after a person was found shot inside that building. police also investigating. more details as we get them. dana. dummies, for the first time in the history of basketball you have arguably a player the most popular player in the world. and you leave her off the olympics team? dana: basketball fans are slamming a decision by usa basketball to leave caitlin clark off the team for the paris olympics that takes place in eight weeks. mike tobin has more from chicago. what happened? the biggest name in women s basketball won t be on the u.s. team this olympics and indications that the decision to not include her on the roster didn t really have to do with who would play the best in the olympics. moment i million dollar sensation and name drawing eyes to the wnba caitlin clark is left off the olympic roster. she was excluded from team usa because there was concerns she would not play as much in the olympics as she does in the pros and concern her fans would have a negative reaction. they wrote it s an admission of tension that the old guard in women s basketball harbors for the rookie who has drawn worldwide attention to women s basketball. clark took the high road and took the disappointment in stride and says the snub from team usa gave her something to work for. the most competitive team in the world and it could have gone either way. i m excited for them. going to be rooting them on to win gold. i was a kid that grew up watching the olympics so yeah, it will be fun watching. the coach of the indiana fever for which clark plays says behind the scenes clark s reaction was more competitive. they just woke a monster. women have been dominant in basketball. they have won every gold in the olympics since 1996. dana: thanks. lots a chitchat on that today. appreciate it. john: weird changes coming up in europe. the european parliament swinging to the right as conservatives win elections in france, italy and germany. alex hogan in london has more on the shift. what s going on? we re starting to see these results roll in from the european unions parliamentary elections and results showing this right-leaning shift especially in countries that hold a large number of seats. let s look at france, for example. the right-leaning party is projected to get more than double the share of french president macron s pro-centrist europeans. m he called for a new election. they will take place at the end of this month set to take place before the country hosts the olympics. looking at germany, chancellor schultz social democrats saw their worst-ever result of 14% losing to the conservative opposition. and in austria, the right-leaning freedom party out performed the conservative party as well as the social democrats. meanwhile looking at italy, italian prime minister conservative brothers of italy s group doubled their seats in the e.u. assembly. why it all matters is the 720 seats will really determine the state of affairs of what takes place within the e.u. over the next five years and new data from today from the e.u. suggests those voters who made their way out voiced concerns, three main concerns at this point in time immigration, international conflicts and economy. definitely making those voices heard this weekend.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS One Nation With Brian Kilmeade 20240609

Normandy, she s unbelievable. there is faulkner with her father, tracy simpson and vietnam, it brought tears to my eyes. he takes us was combat veteran in two theaters, is there anybody more decent pete hegseth as last week and others, who got to remind us, you sure are going to find it in the networks or read about it. the new york times and washington post, this is a very special place. i don t have to say this, i want to say this. twenty tomorrow on life, liberty and levin sunday when we have the governor of florida and america s wiseman, see you then. welcome to one nation, i am brian kilmeade. tonight on the show, dana white, ceo of ufc most successful sport entity in the world and pete hegseth, unwind what s gone wrong before it s too late but first, i want to start with t this, the polls in november and battleground states in many cases are closer but i don t get it when it comes to crowd sizes and enthusiasm it s not a competition. president biden, despite the political power of the white house, the oval office built in everyday can t seem to attract anyone outside his own campaign or perhaps his family. as an trump on the other hand control and enthusiastic crowd wherever he goes. south bronx or rallies, in the winter like conditions at wildwood, new jersey to events that aren t even his like this past weekend ufc event, the passion that surrounds him something to see. ufc ceo, donald trump and a former president. unbelievable. even joe rogan was moved into loyalty from his loyalists coming from the octagon and ufc. watch what the fighters were saying. pretty cool to have a moment there with donald trump after a win. president trump, you re the man. a travesty what they are doing to you. i ll be donating to you, my man. let s get it done. [cheering] a moment with donald trump. one candidate proving america more unobtainable, more than ever before. the other crime is turn time and time again, he wants to give you and everyone the opportunity to experience success he s had. dana white has witnessed growth firsthand. support for president trump unwavering because trump was there for him from the beginning believing in the little engine that could now known as one of america s premier sporting events, ultimate fighting championship. i had a chance to but talk about the relationship with president trump and steadfast support. part one of two parts we have tonight. the one thing that stands out is realty and the one thing appreciate about the former president, maybe future president he was there early, how much does that matter to your relationship? the mark realty is important to me he s been a good friend and he s a massive white man and it s not it was popular but trump was the guy who reached out to us when we couldn t get venues and had us come. we had our first two shows over there and when you think about it, trump here, she print here. he showed up the first fight stayed until the last. the guy who would reach out to me my entire career when things happen say congrats. he was guy who got in with another group who started to compete against us that i would never say anything negatively about trump because it is such good friend and sport. how has that grown? promoter, entrepreneur and builder, president of the no space, does he still call you? yes, i talked to him last night. we talk all the time. he s a good friend of mine. i really care about him as a person. his family, and incredible human being. i m close to him and his family and it will be that way until we die. her family shmuley boteach? connect there doing digit do which is brilliant so what s crazy is your and jared came, i think it was miami the last time, their first fight for four days, they couldn t stop texting me saying this is crazy. we have been to ever think you could go to come up with never been to anything as vanessa. maybe 300, i remember. what is your audience like the president so much? fan base and fighters, we are all aligned in life and everything and it s not that it s any real political side. [chanting] it s common sense, everybody wants the same thing. there s no difference in anybody in this room, if you let the media fiasco away, who want to make a good living in your ho house, want nice cars and kids, who want to take care of our kids. our kids to do well and go to college, everybody wants the same thing, it s not like we don t. it s just the media has created this divide in this country that needs to go away and hopefully soon it will. i know you hate the media you made that clear. thankfully for now i made the cut president s you to speak at the rnc and said defense said don t do it, you did and i was there and you killed it. we need somebody who believes in this country, we need somebody who s proud of this country and who will fight for this country. [cheering] are you glad? everybody told me not to but this is a guy thing gave us a sharp will always hit me up when good things happen at a guy i considered a friend, why what i say no? when he called me, this is what he said. he said if you don t want to do this, i completely understand but i would be honored if you speak at the rnc for me and i said i ll be there, brother. if yes to get? i ll be there. the former president wants to be the next president again, you stare and more fighters eyes than anybody else, where does he rank? number one. take any of the greatest writers of all time, trump was number one. the most resilient human being i ve ever met in my life. in what respect? why keep doing this? got a great life, why keep doing this? the one thing i can tell you and its effect, this guy loves this country and loves all americans regardless of what color, religion or whatever, he s not racist, his good human being and loves america and cares about this country. end of story. if he wasn t that type of guy, i ve never associate myself. prediction? how is he going to do in 2024? looking good, they are trying the kitchen sink and like i said most resilient human being government and keeps marching forward. a little bit more my exclusive interview with dana white later in the show including his latest mentor that could even be bigger than ufc on day one. i do threat china, communist party recruiting u.s. military pilots to train their own army to join intelligent bulletin boards this, china s liberation army pla skills and expertise of these individuals to make its own military air operations more capable any insight into western tactics, techniques and procedures not even hiding it. when they do the west into military submission, chinese nationalist across our southern border at alarming rates. 3500 crossed he legally and make the loan, this may increase over the last three years, less than 2000 in 2022. 2023 24000 plus in the same expected, if not more this year. what are they up to? to assess the stress and so much more is this nation s number one best-selling author, pete hegseth who wrote a book about the challenges here and what we are up against. the war on warriors in the now we will get to more of that in a second. to give the numbers 24000 on the southern border, what are they up to? they re not even hiding it. rolodex and money. not hiding at all. chinese communist party definitely no two individuals are and they ve left nothing happened. everyone has a social critic or, they know if you re coming and going and if you go for reasons unapproved, they know where your families living in these people are on assignment were allowed to be let go did come to the united states, what is the mission and purpose? when you mentioned habits, they are doing it in the open speaking about it starting private companies that look legit and recruit house to train but it s run by the chinese so they create shell companies to make them think they re making a little more cash. this is full-spectrum warfare from every direction. why would anybody in america air force pilots train pallets try to help out the chinese? are they aware you re not on board? this is not qb, we re just giving a speech to the chinese. this is the intel agency doing its job putting out notices and if you are approached by companies never heard of has bags of cash is not your time to cash in because you might be working for somebody working against us. they are trained on our stuff the french and british and they might be open so it s a problem you see from a senior member of the republican side ranking member of the armed services committee and says it s time for a major expansion of the military industrial complex and says we have to invest in the defense plan to make and massive need to make it a for-profit expand the base in which we can make tanks, planes. expand manufacturing you showed me this op-ed i had a chance to talk to staff yesterday just to get insight and it s ascending in the next five to seven years and opening a window where they are going to challenge us in the military capable to meet that. i want to throw money at it but if your auditing making sure money is in the right spot and modernizing to meet the threat of china, that something we have to do. the problem is we are broke vertically spend money it needs to be on the ability to defeat the communist chinese because they are coming for us eventually. the chinese and like 7% of the gdp, with got to get up to 5%. i think it s doable especially if it s for-profit industry, everybody wants patriots, our clients so we could sell them are stuck, there s a market for us. as our allies want to buy more in western europe and we do it through the american industrial base, great. your book is out, it paints an ugly picture where we are with our military but it s all simple. excerpt your book to emphasize for everyone at home. an example of a soldier i spoke to who said thursday is our leader time my platoon leader and skill level stuff for our jobs. training for transgender burning session. chain of command cannot question of someone in the unit want to change their gender. listing of the one in the dod changes to another gender. by the time they transition, three year enlistment is a because they are on medical and not available training, the entire time they hardly served a day in field artillery and i ended with look at china. will not pay for your transgender surgery. he did and obama didn t at the end but biden has broadened with. plus electric stuff, it s so divisive. we have the best and brightest right now, i love this institution but it s gone sideways and we need to fix it, trump is a big chance to fix it. we will keep you in the same thing sunday morning fox & friends . make sure you order the book and watch the show on fox nation. pete, great job. next ahead, you are welcome to watch agreement, one of the most important issues facing young voters in this election cycle it might surprise you. charles payne is here to unwind. ufc president dana white, keep it here. you re watching one nation. [crowd cheering] it may not seem like it, but this, is actually progress in play. a shell energy 100% renewable electricity plan lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we re moving forward with the houston dash. because we re moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. we hear all the time publishes for voters this election, immigration. no, it s kind. no, it s abortion but what is the biggest concern for younger americans? i m just checking, we are all in house right now? i m not the only one who runs the numbers of the date and looks of the budget and is like there s no you work hard, you get what you want. no matter how many hours putting, you get nowhere. we bought our house in 2018 and we buy it today 2024, we wouldn t be able to afford it so monthly payment in 2018 was in $2894. today that would be 6000, 776. if you didn t get fixed right now in soaring interest rates, low inventory, how you buy your first home in this impossible market? is the american dream, or should we change? joining us now to offer solutions and allies of the p park, those making money, charles payne. you ve heard this before, what you say to these people. the last guy was humble bringing a little bit. i like what he did there. the young lady was interesting because working hard looking at her age it s been listed to buy a house of this age. first and foremost, do not give up on it. they ve done terrible things with respect for flooding economy and so much money sparking inflation that does not go away. also because the federal reserve has gone involved, you got this whole thing so skewed people have locked in rates reluctant to sell. he will sell a house even if you made big money on it with 2% mortgage and traded in so you don t have a lot of sellers, no incentive for builders. the neuropathy, it s really crazy, really tough. this is going to bug her mind because we have the almost unaffordable housing market in the history of america and in the world. if you want to make housing market affordable, you can do one of three things. housing prices have come down 41%. income on average would go up 69% mortgage rates on average would have to confirm 4.3% instead of over 7% like about three and a half. which it was. not too long ago. the last one is the only one that can happen in the only way interest rates will come them is the economies will go into a deep recession so my advice to people is a couple of things. we are in this new age, work from home so the beautiful thing is you have to overprice to get jobs and consider working further from the city getting a bigger house or smaller payment. the that everyone at the bottom. right now you have to make sacrifices. a couple weeks ago, you got to get these things up. you can t have an only fans account, the public health, you can t go out for avocado toast every morning, you just can t have that. nobody ever could have it all. i said that for long time to buy my house. the little things matter, it s a mindset. say the cash so when circumstances change in the table change and become into recession and housing prices plummet in mortgage rates plummet, you will be in control. it could happen soon. 1981 average person who got the first house, 29. 2013 was 31. 2023 west 35 so that s what s frustrating people. how to bring him something new market the stock market go to texas? looks like they will launch the top texas stock market with the help of rock in citadel in 2026. how real is this? very real. what s ironic, the same week, the same couple of days the news came out, they dropped congestion pricing scheme. charge everyone to drive through the city. you already paid a ton of money and of course parking is crazy so it is ironic governor say let s hold off on congestion pricing. they are chasing businesses out of america. these are major companies and if they are getting tired of new york, don t you think other people will follow? of course because these are companies trying to attract top talent out there, smartest people out there. they have choices. when you graduate from your school in the top of your class, you may not want to go through vatican city that is expensive and a crime-ridden city so they have to make adjustments like every other business and that s why businesses have fled from california and new york, huge. using the numbers and how much it costs to rent u-haul as opposed to one going to new y york. everybody wants one. i think we should keep our eye on that and see what s happening and i see you and your company s ongoing public and keep it private, they just don t want the scrutiny and others looking over their shoulders; public became a scam in my mind the last 20 years, they ve ripped american people off by a trillion dollars. this is my personal opinion. what used to happen is 25 years ago the company would go look at $30 a share and later trading at $60 a share and everyone says look at the money. you could have sucked up and now they stay private and keep raising money privately start with some family in the first round and then another round and every time the raise money natalie, they hike the value of the company it doesn t matter how much. a company could be worth five billing and hike it to 40 billion and then go public at 80 billing. the public has caught on. if you want to go public, go public at a reasonable price because no one should buy these. thanks so much, appreciate the passion and insight and so does america. coming up on the rest of the joke the rest of my interview with dana white from the u.s. these rise relationship with joe rogan, we covered all. don t miss a minute of one nation. listen to the music. i am champion new york, which president emanuel macron rolling out the red carpet at the house president biden for a steak dinner this evening earlier in the day, the two leaders discussed wars and gaza, ukraine and more. the white house working to show it takes threat russia poses to the continent seriously. leaders today coming return of the israeli hostages rescued from the gaza strip. today once again reaching gaza through newly repaired. , crews delivering about 1 million pounds of humanitarian aid today, the. was only operational about a week before i was blown apart with high winds and large waves last month. restrictions on land crossing said fighting limited the flow of supplies to the war-torn territory now back to one nation with brian kilmeade. more not on my interview with the great dana white. he started his career as a bouncer, climbed the ladder to become one of the most successful businessman in sports around the world. president of the usc, a billion-dollar company. the company is breaking records quickly and venues around the world boosting almost 100 million supporters on social media, all platforms and or young, they understand the sport and appreciate the effort and excitement each week fighters. exciting and something like it. i love jujitsu at all, sports. even if the can t walk afterwards, to put it on for you guys. these guys always put it on for the fence connect different styles fighting against each other and i love the background stories about letters and i love getting into it. the unpredictability. every night. negative passion? travel to find out about the magic behind man that runs the autopsy. he said easily this is the number one sports league in the world and in the country. what you think about ufc when you are working here people would laugh if you thought it would overtake boxing good luck you ve taken this hard work that america, i like to shine here but i want to be a force around the world. what you do without gabi and to expand this global brand? the beautiful thing upset stay one, this will eventually be the biggest in the world because no matter color country or language you speak, we are all human and fighting is in our dna. and make sense and everybody understands and when you find a guy who s the baddest dude a woman in the world and they speak like you speak and look like you, everybody rallies around them so there isn t a fighter in the world the country we can t find a fighter from like i told you, he continues to expand, we are streaming and go to places with never been about saudi arabia for the first time working on africa. we haven t been to spain yet. i opened an institute in mexico city. some of the baddest dude to other mexicans so imagine the mexicans that will come up in the next five to ten years you build a facility fighters become? one 100%. when you think about business in the history of the world that produced trillions of dollars in revenue like boxing has in the end of the day is nothing there, we built a leak and reinvest in the sport and ufc every year. millions, tens of millions the hundreds of millions of dollars we invest into the sport to reach this vision i have. you can have a sport where you allow blows to the brainstem paralyze your opponent. he tried to stop it. and here we are today it s a global sport. we break records after work and i m pretty sure will break the record this week so when we going to venues like rolling stones and massive acts in these arenas, i love that about it. they keep saying america has gone soft, there s a lot of adrenaline in your stands and the octagon and people prom promoting, are you the anomaly? probably. i agree the world has gone soft and agree that we are not in any way, shape or form. if you say you are savage, to make a killing easier. when i grew up there was old money and in the, it was harder there s a lot of disruption now. there s never been more opportunity in my lifetime than there is right here and right now. if you are one of these young kids who has heart and grit and determination and want to win, there s never been more opportunity than right now. a 19-year-old dana white had to go, you had to have side jobs or there s no safety net. for people who have a safety net, how do you keep the hunger? different than hunger i say this all the time, the problem with people as they don t know what they want to do the rest of their life. i was lucky that i always knew what i wanted to do. it wasn t this, i wanted to be in the fight business no matter what it was and i started my way in the bottom and worked my way up but these jobs like paving roads and being a bellman, these are the jobs you have to have growing up like people tell me, he worked hard. when i get to work everyday nine to nine, you know who works hard? the guys paving roads everyday digging ditches and guys who pour concrete in roofing jobs. that s hard work so you have to have those jobs to understand what real hard work really is. i just watched you and people would be happy with that turner let alone away in. when you come to fight week you have my favorites from a number one is the fight. number two are face-offs and the press conference leading up to it. when you are a fight man, those are usually the three things. wayne is the opportunity where you get to see how mentally, physically in every way shape or form how prepared are the fighters? if the guy looks away during the face-offs or doesn t look in shape, that s when you look to see who s going to win. i think your checking out the fighters, you re looking at t them. i love this game. i love everything about it. two be able to stand in the middle every saturday between the best fighters in the world getting ready for the fight the next day is one of the coolest things you see behind us, they pay to have that experience and i pulled a young kid right there and the main event, it s like what the once-in-a-lifetime type of stuff. it is the man in me is what it is. i love you so much and i do it 23 years now so i can imagine what it s like. can was on never dig up ag again. do you remember a time when they said he dies in the ring and said in modern america, there s no place, it s too brutal. contact sports are dangerous. la crosse, boxing, mma, the list goes on 30 year history, there s never been a death or serious injury. how many sports can say. and you made it, he put a time limit and put white president, that s a lot to do with the rules you put in. is it the way it started? who want to regulated sports and we spent millions in health and safety. if you take athletes into the proper medical testing. make it as safe as you can possibly make it. the one thing that sticks with me is loyalty. i think about the story the boys wanted how joe rogan went from the guy on fear factor he looked like an athlete the whole time. i did not know he worked for y you. when we first company basin new york, i had to fly and go through and figure out what would come back and what i would throw away. will credible is because this will hear so i had to go through every single tape and one tape he had his top show and joe rogan on, the fear factor guy. you are the biggest [bleep] on the planet. what you doing? you can t assault people. you can t run up to him and hit him. this open fighting stuff and broken goes into this talking about how incredible the sport is, what these guys would do to movie stars and what they would do to boxers and stuff and i saw him and it clicked and i go, this is the guy i need, who i need to be my commentator so i reached out and we hit it off and that s it and he said wait a minute, you re telling me the sport i love the most in the world but the best seat in the house and talk about it on tv, i haven t reheated the first 13 for free and the rest is history. the biggest podcast are in the world, brady greatest commentator of all time. your latest. he sent us through the roof. can you describe it and why it works for you? the most successful thing about a part of in such a short amount of time. in 15 months it s a massive social media juggernaut and financial beast. i love it. you seem to love it. everything the people are saying is exactly what they said about the ufc in early days and plenty of people don t like it. plenty of people didn t like the ufc but there are 8 billion people in the world, believe me. enough people like it to make it incredibly successful. congratulations. thanks. can t go wrong with him. very nice and sit down and get politic time. big fight at the end of the month. i ll be back on stage, history, liberty and flask to her and i ll talk patriotic, inspirational, motivational. indianapolis june 29. towards the end of july in pennsylvania, i ll be driving there and i get a chance and go to the meeting great, i ll sign your book and take some pictures if you go for the vip treatment. next, they ll never guess what undercover spy joe biden claims to have known for 40 years. we ll take the next is tom shillue joins us on news dual. we ve always loved taking care of our home, from the gardening to any repairs that come up. but last year, grandpa here broke his arm. snowboarding. snowshoeing. anyway, he was fine, but it takes longer to heal now. and we prefer to stay active. we realized some home maintenance jobs aren t worth the risk. that s when we called leaffilter to protect our gutters. leaffilter s patented filter technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. they gave us a free inspection, and we got our system installed that week. our leaffilter trusted pros will clean out your gutters, repair or replace your gutters, and install leaffilter, america s #1 gutter protection system. honestly, my only regret is not calling sooner. it s true, leaffilter has saved us so much time and the peace of mind. now we can focus on what we really enjoy. join millions of satisfied homeowners. get leaffilter. call 833 leaffilter today, or visit smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can t filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it s like the feeling of finding you re so ready for your close-up. or finding you don t have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don t take if you re allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it s not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there s only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. [sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient / laughing. time no, great graphics feature best cocteau. joining us now to talk about tom shillue. are you ready? i m ready. let s hear the music. first appears on news dual connective know him for over 40 years. he s not a decent man, he s a dictator acting as a dictator. forty years ago he was in new zealand. vladimir putin seen as the photographer during the years and deputy mayor. is no way he knew him 40 years ago. this could be one of those great joe biden stories. he tells great stories are apocryphal site was a double agent, he was in new zealand until name : pop and we are on the beaches. hold on. i m going to get in trouble. the 20 always says, i m going to get in trouble. a story that and never happened want to go on record, i ve never trusted giraffes. do .? we have the footage? a draft picks up taller during the wild safari right and i m not surprised. if you look at the faces, we think the drop is a cute animal that kids have in the playset, the draft with the long neck. this dress, noting, picks up 2-year-old paisley and out of the moonroof in the car. can you imagine the horror? i m prepared. when i go to the zoo, i tell my kids, stay away from the draft, they are vicious, picnics. you see the veins in the next? they are bulging. huge next. our thinking no moon works on a safari but that s different next, michigan man had a court date, he has a suspended license. he called in the car to the court date and we thought that was the big story. then we find out he didn t have a suspended license but it thickens, it turns out he never had a license to suspend, his driving without a license so now we see cory harris never should have been driving when he came for his court date, he was driving. but he didn t like, it s a clintonian defense like the meaning of is, is, you can t suspended license that never existed in the first place you have another one? look at these nuns. they were part and it s nuns gone wild. they whether habits in the water. look at this. they are having a great time, it s great the nuns are getting out. there is a sense they don t have a good time and thus not true, is that what you re trying to say? to have a great time and i could hang with them because when i go to the beach, i cover-up i m an spf guy but stuff washes off of the waterpark. even the stuff that says it s waterproof, it s not so cov cover-up, i look like a nun or muslim woman. this isn t the first time we ve seen nuns having a good time. remember this documentary? you re going to go straight to hell. connect seems like a good movie. being a nun is more fun than i could ever imagine. [laughter] i ll never go to the beach with you. thanks so much. you do a better than joe biden. don t forget to take one nation on vacation with you, send us a photo of you and i ll put you on an international audience show called one nation and there is. let us but it s handsome. one nation on vacation from north carolina, she took it to the wonderful west virginia she writes, i never leave my fox news behind. thank you, brooke. thanks for going on vacation with one nation. we re talking about cashbackin. not a game! we re talking about cashbacking. we re talking about. we re not talking about practice? no. cashbacking. word. we re talking about cashbacking. cashbacking. cashbacking. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. finally, good good news for going. they successfully launched first mission to space. commanding like 61-year-old which will more, former u.s. navy captain. before that dock, he gave an all-american speech. listen. we tell many american lives and many are waving flags of us. we know that represents unity and resilience and unified efforts with a common thread and we all know when the going gets tough as it often does, the tough get going and you have. we are honored share spaceflights with each and every one of you. some fire in the rocket and push to the heavens for the tough americans prepared to be. they go to the space station and they are there not. good to return product and we have another way to get to space. congratulations, guys. that doesn t for us. send us videos we will send you one nation legacy behind me and take us on vacation, take a picture with something you bought from us. also, one is our address. tune in sunday morning the great guest they lined up over the course of four hours governor doug burgum, running mates with donald trump. catch my radio show 9:00 to noon fastest growing in the country. brian will be with us, as well as doctor marty makary. meanwhile, fox news saturday night starts right now with the great jimmy failla. i will stay in studio.

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