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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20200529 02:00:00

welcome to bbc news. i m lewis vaughan jones. our top stories: these are life pictures in the us. live. the us national guard has been deployed in minneapolis to help control unrest triggered by the killing of an unarmed black man by police. when you do not deal with these conditions of inequities and racism and white supremacy in a nation, these are the kind of things that happen. people write, that their language, that s their frustration. people riot. western countries condemn china s planned new hong kong security law, saying it
threatens basic freedoms. targeting twitter president trump signs an executive order aimed at social media companies. easing the lockdown in england and scotland, where people can gather in groups from monday. welcome to bbc news. the us city of minneapolis is bracing for a third night of unrest, following the death of george floyd who was an unarmed black man who died as he was being held to the ground by police. the usjustice department and the fbi say they re giving top priority to their investigation into the killing. let s cross to live pictures we have been following over the last couple of hours. initially we saw a peaceful road test, people marching down busy
roads, these are the scenes live on the streets on day three. dozens of protesters have smashed windows and offices. the minnesota governor, tim walz, said he s called in the national guard to help keep order. now, community leaders also called for calm after police fired tear gas at rioters and looting took place at some stores on wednesday night. you can see the rather chaotic scenes here again for the third night ina scenes here again for the third night in a row. there have been protests across the country as well, police being the main focal point of the protests. the police chief has apologised to the family of the victim, george floyd. you may have seen the video which showed him saying he couldn t breathe as a police officer now on his neck. four police officers have been fired. nada tawfik has more.
america s long and painful history of police brutality has always been an open wound. chanting: don t shoot! in minneapolis, for the second day, demonstrators spilt into the streets after the death of george floyd their protests an outlet for the emotional trauma of watching unarmed black men die at the hands of the police year after year. chanting: george floyd! but as the night wore on, the peaceful chants were drowned out by violence. as the unrest spread, a rush of people began looting and vandalizing property. for hours at this store, crowds took down the aisles, stealing electronics and other goods. the anger turned into a night of fires that engulfed the lake street neighbourhood. it s unfortunate. it s sad.
if people are there, truly there to honour the memory of the deceased and the family, this isn t how you do it. police said the 46 year old was arrested for allegedly using counterfeit money and had resisted officers, but video footage of the start of the encounter bore little resemblance to that official account, and then this moment which has left many sickened. a white police officer identified as derek chauvin knelt on george floyd s neck for more than seven minutes, even as he repeatedly said, i can t breathe. i cannot breathe! you are resisting arrest. new details are emerging about what happened once paramedics arrived. they found him unresponsive and without a pulse. for nearly an hour in the ambulance, they tried to revive him, but he was later pronounced dead at the hospital. chanting: we can t breathe! everyone! chanting: we can t breathe! yeah! activists are keeping up the pressure, calling for the immediate arrest of the four officers to face criminal charges. joining them was the mother
of eric garner, a man who died under similar circumstances in 2014 in new york. the police officers come into our neighbourhoods. they brutalise, they terrorise, they murder our children, and we have done nothing. minneapolis is still smouldering from the chaos, and the city is preparing for more unrest even as george floyd s family calls for calm. nada tawfik, bbc news. so that has brought you up to date with how we got here. i want to take you back live now. these aerial shots of minneapolis, you can see that huge building on fire, fire trucks around there as well. this is note number three of these protests that have turned violent night number three of those protests that have turned violent. this is on the ground level, a separate shot
on the ground of the chaotic scenes at the moment. police have fired tear gas. we have seen have fired tear gas. we have seen live pictures nearby a minnesota police station. lots of protesters. windows have been smashed, thrown stones at the offices, it is a chaotic scene. and this is exactly what community leaders hoped to avoid. there was calm throughout the day today, calls for calm throughout the day today from city officials, state officials, community leaders of wanting to avoid violence, avoid essentially a repeat of yesterday s violence and looting. that doesn t seem to have happened. you can see armed police there. the national guard reporting to try and quell this and calm this. it hasn t happened. a reminder, the point of these protests is because of the death of george
floyd at the hands of four police officers. one police officer had his knee on his neck on the ground and he died. huge anger in the community. the four officers have been fired but there are calls now for those four officers to be arrested. that hasn t happened, but there are several investigations under way. federal investigation is under way. and we heard from officials earlier on that those investigations will happen as quickly as possible, they will be as thorough as needed, but that hasn t capped lots of community activists happy kept. a short time ago i spoke to dr bernice a king daughter of martin luther king and asked her if if people were happy with the fbi s investigation into the death of george floyd. well, as far as i m concerned, they can continue their investigation, but they have
enough on probable cause to arrest the officers. that is the problem right now. and the frustration that people are feeling and the anger that these officers are still out there and they have committed a crime, regardless of what the investigators are saying at this particular point, it s very evident, looking at the video. so they ve been fired, but that isn t enough for you right now? no, no. i mean, firing does nothing. they could get theirjob back if there isn t a conviction. so firing means nothing. at this point, again, we need to see the wheels ofjustice rolling by having an immediate arrest. the mayor has called for that arrest, so many people have called for that arrest, people calling in unison there is enough probable cause to have these gentlemen arrested. an we have seen protests
three days in a row. is it your sense that these protests will continue until an arrest is made, if one is? yes, because people are past the boiling point. we have been living under oppressive conditions as an african american community since we have been in this country. and people are fed up. i mean, they are at a tipping point and it is beyond boiling point. while i advocate always for the non violent way, i believe in it, i think it is the only way to a true, just, humane and peaceful society, the fact of the matter is. sorry to interrupt. given you have said that, what is your reaction, then, to what we saw last night? the violence and the rioting? what did you make of that? as i said, you know, i m focusing less on the rioting. i understand the pain from which it comes, i don t condone it, i don t support rioting. however, the conditions that have led to rioting is what the focus should be on, as opposed to merely just the riots. you know? in other words, peace comes
through notjust the absence of the tension, but the presence of justice. and so if the wheels ofjustice are in order and the process goes, you will see less of that. and what you think your father would make of what s going on right now in 2020? i mean, he already said, he explained this in 1966, 67, when riots happened in los angeles. he said, look, when you don t deal with these conditions of inequities and racism and white supremacy in the nation, these are the kind of things that happen. people riot, that is their language, that is their frustration because we not addressing those things a nation. well, let s address some of those things now, then. what systemic changes do you think need to take place before we re covering another story like this next week, next month? well, let s be let s deal with reality first. something like this is probably going to happen again.
but the energy now has to be that we organise our strength, as my father said, into compelling power to deconstruct and reconstruct the whole criminaljustice system, especially around law enforcement. our legal system and law enforcement system particularly in the south was based in keeping black people in check. and the use of this force and power has been used for generations. so we have to reconstruct our police department so police cannot get away with excessive force. there needs to be laws in place, there needs to be policies in place. we have to look at the whole structure and system around law enforcement and change it. it s going to take time to do that but we need to put our energy into that. and that presumably would require political leadership. what s your message to political leadership in the united states right now? well, you know, you can require political leadership
or a groundswell of grassroots organising. most of the time it s grassroots organisations that puts pressure on political leaders. political leaders are oftentimes trying to be politically correct, whether they are republican or democrat or independent. there are very few elected officials otherwise. so it needs to be grassroots putting pressure on. they need to look at the way law enforcement is done in this country. bernice a king. let s bring you some live pictures now from minneapolis where it is dark but people are out. it has just it hasjust gone it has just gone iopm there. we will return if anything develops there. president trump has signed an executive order ta rgetting social media companies.
he said companies including google, facebook and twitter had unchecked power to censor and restrict the views of users. it comes after twitter on wednesday tagged two of his posts as being misleading. the president had claimed that postal ballots would lead to voter fraud in this year s election. twitter reacted with this fact check warning, labelling donald trump s post as potential misinformation. mr trump has regularly accused social media platforms of stifling or censoring conservative voices. they have had unchecked power to restrict, edit, hide, alter virtually any form of communication between private citizens a large public audiences. there is no president in american history for so small a number of corporations to control so large a sphere of human interaction. and that includes individual people controlling vast amounts of territory, and
we can t allow that to happen. we re joined from washington by daniel lippman, white house and washington correspondent for politico. thank you for being with us. we have an executive order by president trump here. could you expand very quickly and in the simplest terms, what is an executive order, and why is it slightly unusual? so, an executive order is something the president can order government agencies, his own departments, to review different laws and also try to change policy. but this is likely not to get past legally because he can t just likely not to get past legally because he can tjust rewrite laws that congress has written. and have them passed into law. so this is something that is more huffing and puffing because he is mad at twitter for fact checking some of his posts, versus something that will actually accomplish what he wants. thank you for putting that in contact for us. what is
he trying to do, whether or not he trying to do, whether or not he succeeds? what he is trying to do is right now, there is a section of us law that basically immunises technology companies from facing lawsuits about content on their websites. it makes it very hard to sue facebook or twitter or google or something that you see on their website that is against you or mentions you or anything. so he is trying to wipe that protection away. the ironic thing is that if he is successful, and he is likely not going to be, that would make technology companies more likely to delete posts pretty quickly to not get lawsuits. a lot of those posts they might have to delete our tweeds that donald trump is posting where he is attacking various people and spreading disinformation. tweets. and spreading disinformation. tweets. and we had a note of caution at the beginning this is likely to be challenged. with this whole incident have much effect at all on the
electorate? i don t think the average voter is going to cast their ballot for trumbull abidin based on these pretty technical issue trump or biden. silicon valley investors oi’ biden. silicon valley investors or employees go about this matter, but i think there are a lot of conservatives who feel they have been censored by technology companies or are trying to be politically correct. but i don t think the vast majority of voters are going to care. they are more concerned about the economy, you know, a0 million people have lost their jobs you know, a0 million people have lost theirjobs because of the pandemic and who has the best plan among candidates to bring back the us economy? thank you for that, daniel lippman. thank you. stay with us on bbc news. still to come. using the lockdown on england and scotla nd lockdown on england and scotland will have on the dos and don ts as rules change.
in the biggest international sporting spectacle ever seen, up to 30 million people have taken part in sponsored athletics events to aid famine relief in africa. the first of what the makers of star wars hope will be thousands of queues started forming at 7:00am. taunting which led to scuffles, scuffles to fighting, fighting to full scale riot, as the liverpool fans broke out of their area and into the juve ntus enclosure. the belgian police had lost control. the whole world will mourn the tragic death of mr nehru today. he was the father of the indian people from the day of independence. the oprah winfrey show comes to an end after 25 years and more than 4,500 episodes. the chat show has made her one of the richest people on the planet. geri halliwell, otherwise known as ginger spice,‘ has announced she has left the spice girls. argh, i don t believe it. she s the one with the bounce, the go, girl power. not geri, why?
this is bbc news. the latest headlines: the national guard has been called in to quell new protests in the american city of minneapolis, following unrest over the killing of an african american man by police. these are live pictures of the protests under way now. the british foreign secretary, dominic raab, says he s going to make it easier for some hong kong citizens to move to the uk unless china reconsiders implementing its new national security law on the territory. the us, canada, australia and the uk released a joint statement saying the law, designed to criminalise acts of subversion, would curtail individual liberties. our correspondentjohn sudworth reports from beijing.
as they arrived for the closing day of parliament, beijing s tiananmen square was quiet. there are no protests over lockdowns here. inside, china s president had a spring in his step, the virus under control is seen as vindication for him and for a system untroubled by messy democratic debate. there can be no starker illustration of that than this. a new national security law imposed on hong kong with 2,878 votes in favour and just one against. the fear that any anti china protest might now be classed as subversion has led to an international outcry, including this surprise announcement for the 300,000 hong kongers who hold british overseas passports.
if china continues down this path and implements this national security legislation, we will change that status and we will remove the 6 month limit and allow those bno passport holders to come to the uk and to apply to work and study for extendable periods of 12 months and that will itself provide a pathway to future citizenship. the move will infuriate china, which insists its new law will target only a minority of violent demonstrators. translation: the decision adopted is designed for steady implementation of one country, two systems, and hong kong s prosperity. but china is slowly tightening control. as its parliament came to a close in beijing, hong kong s politicians were in disarray over another new law.
if passed, it would make disrespecting china s national anthem a criminal offence. john sudworth, bbc news, beijing. borisjohnson has announced a further easing of lockdown in england. he said that from monday, up to six people from different households could meet outside. but he said people should still not meet up indoors, and should maintain social distancing even outdoors. meanwhile, police say his top adviser dominic cummings, who s been at the centre of a political storm after he was accused of breaking lockdown restrictions, may have done so in one minor instance. laura kuenssberg has this report. what will it look like on the other side? the reflections of a new reality slowly starting to appear. a different life after lockdown, as the rules begin to relax. the prime minister made it official today in england the next phase is on the way. i cannot and will not throw away all the gains we have made together, and so the changes we are making are limited and cautious. it s thanks to the caution we ve shown so far that all five tests are being met.
that means from monday, as long as you keep your distance, some freedom will return. we will allow up to six people to meet outside, provided those from different households continue strictly to observe social distancing rules. these changes mean that friends and family can start to meet their loved ones, perhaps seeing both parents at once or both grandparents at once. and i know that for many people this will be a long awaited and joyful moment. this is not a click your fingers moment when suddenly things will snap back to normal, and moving safely into a different looking world depends on all of us still respecting the government s keep your distance rules, but could that be more complicated after the last few torrid days? there was an outcry when it was revealed that the prime minister s top advisor travelled from london to durham and made a 60 mile separate journey out of lockdown to the town
of barnard castle. the police said today they would have told dominic cummings to go back to his family home, if they had stopped him that day, concluding there might have been a minor breach of the rules. if one of your most senior team wasn t paying proper attention to the rules, why should anyone else? and to the doctors, if i may, is that the kind of example that you want people to follow? durham police said that they were going to take no action, and that the matter was closed, and i intend to draw a line under the matter. you ve asked chris and patrick, but i am going to interpose myself, if i may, and protect them from what i think would be an unfair and unnecessary attempt to ask a political question. it s very, very important that our medical officers and scientific advisers do not get dragged into what i think most people will recognise is fundamentally a political argument. but the pressure on the prime minister won t disappear. nobody should be stopped from answering questions from journalists. but it s the prime minister
here who s in issue. he s been too weak throughout this whole episode. he should have acted swiftly. if i d been prime minister, i would have sacked dominic cummings. we have now effectively wasted a week when we should have been concentrating on the safety of what comes next. political dramas pale, of course, next to the loss felt by so many and the true effects on the country that are emerging piece by piece. let s bring you some live pictures now from minneapolis where there are more protests, more violence and clashes have broken out between protestors and police. that huge fire rating there with our building. we don t know who started it or what the
motives were. he you can see protesters still on the street. here. we have seen stand off between protesters and police earlier on. people holding up signs, people with their hands in the air. the national guard reported to try to quell any violence, to try to stop a repeat of what happened the night before, but they haven t been successful. it has not happened. this is now the third night of protest and clashes. this after the death of george floyd and a number of black man who died when he was being held on the ground by police. a police officer kneeling on his neck. he was saying he could not breathe but was not released. the four officers involved in that incident have all been fired and there is an investigation by the fbi, but no arrest have so far been made. arrests. we will keep
you up to date with all the events there in minneapolis. do stay with us. for now though i m lewis vaughan jones stay with us. for now though i m lewis vaughanjones and this is bbc world news. hello. we know this spring has been warm. it s been very dry in some spots. and now news aboutjust how sunny it s been, with the met office saying provisionalfigures indicate that it s been the uk s sunniest spring on record. and with high pressure close by for friday into the weekend, most will stay sunny and dry, warm, very warm, even hot in some spots. in fact, friday, the flow of air around this high pressure as it moves north across the uk will favour parts of scotland to see the uk s high temperature of the day, close to 28 celsius. now, we start the day with temperatures for some in single figures, though they will rise quickly in the sunshine. any low cloud across parts of eastern coastal england will disappear, along with any misty low cloud around the murray firth in scotland. orkney brightening up,
shetland staying mainly cloudy. but for most of the uk, it s sunshine all the way. it is now a prevailing east southeastly breeze. and that means that east facing coasts will see temperatures towards the teens rather than the low to mid 20s across the bulk of the uk, and, again, nudging the upper 20s in the hottest parts of scotland. temperature not the only thing high. uv levels as well. strong may sunshine. do take care if you re outside for any period of time. and pollen, moderate to high for many of us, as grass pollen levels are on the increase. now, friday looks like a fine evening, plenty of sunshine to end the day. again, temperatures will head down overnight, so if you do try to cool the house down overnight, we re expecting some spots, again, tojust dip down into single figures. and a largely sunny start to saturday morning. and again, just to show you the big picture, it s high pressure maybe just pushing out towards scandinavia, but it is still blocking weather fronts that would give us some rain otherwise from getting to us from the atlantic. so, on saturday, there may be a bit of patchy cloud developing here and there, the sun may turn hazy in some
spots, but for most, it s a sunny story, a brighter one in shetland as well. still the breeze keeping some eastern coastal parts cooler than elsewhere. again, we re talking widely in the low to mid 20s. and then on sunday, again, some patchy cloud developing here and there, but for most places, it will be sunny, it will be dry, it will be very warm. just a hint of something cooler at the end of next week.

this is bbc news. the headlines: the national guard has been called in to help restore order in the american city of minneapolis which has now seeen its third night of violence and unrest. crowds have been protesting against the killing of an african american man at the hands of the police. the state governor said he took the decision following widespread rioting on wednesday. the united states, britain, canada and australia have issued a joint statement warning that china s national security law in hong kong would curtail individual liberties there. they said it raised the prospect of people being convicted of political crimes and would make existing tensions worse. president trump has signed an executive order targeting social media companies, after being angered by twitter tagging two of his posts as potentially misleading. the measures limit the legal immunity the companies have against being held liable for what people post on their platforms.
for two and a half months, streets across the uk have been

Aerial-photography , Metropolitan-area , Urban-area , Metropolis , Infrastructure , City , Night , Atmosphere , Space , Bridge , Skyscraper , Earth

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Coronavirus 20200613 17:45:00

this is bbc news, i m shaun ley. the headlines at 7.00: anthony used his huge online following to educate his followers about coronavirus safety protocols. both players feature in a bbc groups including right wing activists have clashed with police programme this weekend, in central london as they gathered and spoke about the shock near parliament and the statue of sir winston churchill. of when the season shut down explosions, shouting it was a sad day. we where dead meanwhile, in trafalgar square, smack into lake at the heart of the protestors threw objects at police as they tried to contain the crowds. season, and adam was the guy who led another 181 people in the uk us. season, and adam was the guy who led us. he made a decision to shut the have died after testing nba down and we supported him as positive for coronavirus, players because we knew we was the bringing the total pioneers and the leaders in that space of making hard, crucial decisions that can affect and will affect a lot of people. holy moly. this is really happening. now it s really like almost like a wake up call, and it was really serious. now, we can t ignore it any more. we can t just serious. now, we can t ignore it any more. we can tjust pretend that this is not happening here. it s happening here, and it s proven to have happened and has hit the
country very greatly. so brilliance contributors on that programme. you can watch a little bit later on. it s on at half past seven, it s called the virus ‘the virus, the lockdown and the return of sport‘ can be seen here on bbc news at half past seven on bbc news. that s all from sportsday. plenty more to come throughout the evening, bye bye. hello and welcome to the latest in our special programmes on the coronavirus pandemic.
i m annita mcveigh. on today s programme, the world health organization says that up to 40% of coronavirus cases could be people with no symptoms. and how technology is helping in the fight against the virus. you can keep up to date with the latest information about the pandemic on our website. first, there is growing evidence that a second wave of covid 19 has hit iran, which was one of the earliest epicentres of the virus, but despite the increase in cases, there is no new lockdown in place yet for the 80 million people living there. some cities have already been announced as red zones for infection. bbc persian had this report. could this be iran s second wave of coronavirus? the country was opened up from lockdown just about a month ago. and this is how it looks now in one city. buses are being used to transfer covid 19 patients to the capital of the province. it is one of at least nine provinces
where infections are rising rapidly. according to iran s ministry of health, this province in the south east is now a red zone. the hospitals are full. their staff are overwhelmed. last week iran recorded the highest daily increase in the number of coronavirus cases since the first were reported four months ago. many local officials say this is a second wave of infections. but iran s president insists that the term second wave creates too much fear among people. there are no signs of social distancing here. shoppers and street vendors don t seem too worried. the authorities say this is the reason behind the recent spike, that people have ignored public health advice and travel to other cities. translation: in the last 24 hours,
we learned that about 60 or 70% of the new patients have travelled to other cities recently. this has happened during holidays, as we were expecting. as life begins to look relatively normal in large parts of iran, iran s official number of cases is 176,000, with over 80,000 deaths. but many including the iranian parliament believe the correct number of infections is eight or ten times more and the death at least twice as much. the president has warned that if people don t follow social distancing, the restrictions may be reimposed. but the economy, already badly hit by us sanctions and corruption, is on its knees. many say that iran can t afford another lockdown, even if the government wants to.
the who has admitted there is a big unknown about how many coronavirus infections are caused by people who don t have symptoms of the disease. one of its scientist had suggested it was rare for the virus to be spread this way, but the organisation now says up to 40% of infections could come from people who have no sign of being ill, and that could make the virus harder to stop, our science editor david shukman reports. this is a message from the government s chief medical 0fficer about coronavirus. if you or anyone in your house. for months, government advice has focused on symptoms, how you must isolate if you get them. you should all stay at home. but what about people who don t look as if they have the disease but are still carrying the virus? like paramedic chelsey mason, who had a test for coronavirus and expected to be clear. i felt absolutely fine.
i came into work and had the test done, and a couple of days later i got a call back saying it was positive, so really shocked because i had no symptoms whatsoever. so, how many cases are there without symptoms? a study at addenbrooke s hospital in cambridge found that 3% of the staff are positive but didn t show it. in the us, at a care home in washington state, the numbers were higher. 56% of people with the virus had no indication of being ill. and on the diamond princess, a cruise ship offjapan, as many as 72% of positive cases showed no symptoms at all. if someone becomes infected, it may ta ke if someone becomes infected, it may take five days before they show any signs of illness. but in the 48 hours before the symptoms start, they could be passing the onus on. and there is a category of people who catch the virus, and that no stage have any symptoms at all may
be for ten days or more. no one really knows. have any symptoms at all, may be for ten days or more, no one really knows, and scientists are desperate to find out how much they can spread the virus. one of the first things i thought about was, oh, my god, i have done two night shift, i have come into contact with six or seven patients per night, i have been with my crew mate for 12 hours. as much as we minimise the risk, it is still there, and with me being positive and not knowing about it, i could have passed it on. working out if that is going on now is really difficult. the government is mainly testing people who may have symptoms. those who don t might slip through the net. so scientists in norwich want to test the entire city. 100,000 people. they say it is the only way to discover who is spreading the virus. if you don t realise you are ill, as we come out of lockdown, and people are going to have more contact than they did previously, the risk from those individuals is likely to increase.
the upshot is that keeping a safe distance still matters, and where you can t, governments around the world are recommending face coverings in case you have got the virus and don t know it. almost 300,000 children in india could die due to severe malnutrition and lack of access to essential life saving services over the next six months according to a study byjohn hopkins university. the rise in hunger has been made much worse by the coronavirus lockdown, with the country s daily wage earners suffering the most. millions have lost theirjobs and are struggling to feed theirfamilies. this report comes from delhi, where malnutrition levels among children were already among some of the highest in the world. too much hunger, too little food. withjobs gone, it is a fight for survival. hunger was always an issue here, but this desperation is new. for these children just
outside the capital, delhi, even one meal a day now feels like a triumph. this baby is just one month old. his parents rely on daily wages to buy food, and like millions of others, they lost work after the government announced a lockdown in march. translation: we used to cook rice and vegetables before the lockdown. our children ate well. now they remain hungry because we have no money and no work. children under five are vulnerable to severe malnutrition. india is the worst in the world, with one in five children affected, and that might have become much worse. this is almost a perfect storm for malnutrition in this region, with a very vulnerable population,
a decline in quantity and quality of diet and without the access to the essential services that children need to prevent and treat malnutrition. for children who were already malnourished, these months have been even harder. translation: this mother says she has lost weight during the lockdown, and her condition could worsen because there is little support. fore more than 445 years the indian government has won a child development scheme to provide nutrients and vitamins to children under the age of six. most of the more than i million centres shut down during lockdown. some of them are trying to home deliver a much smaller quantity of seafood supplements at a time when they are most critical
of food supplements at a time when they are most critical for young child ren s development. now it is ordinary citizens who have stepped up. like here, where one hot meal a day is delivered to 500 children in the past two months. but it is hardly enough. translation: i can provide one or two meals, but children need breakfast, lunch and dinner. they are not getting the nutrition they need. despite a surge in coronavirus cases, the lockdown is easing. the government has a huge dilemma. how to stop the deadly spread of the disease and protect the most vulnerable, particularly children, from hunger and even starvation. they haven t yet found all the answers. that s it for now. her mind or you can that s it for now. her mind or you ca n follow that s it for now. her mind or you can follow me on twitter. had to the bbc news website for the latest information. thanks for watching.
hello. it is a bit of a weekend of mixed fortunes out there. for some of us, sunny and warm conditions lasting through the weekend, elsewhere, some torrential downpours. this was the scene a little earlier in staffordshire. some earlier in staffordshire. blue sky and some fairwea cloud some blue sky and some fairweather cloud around there. through the rest of the weekend, we are expecting a mix of some blue sky and sunshine, it will feel quite warm and humid, but also some thundery downpours. that is courtesy of the area of low pressure. this cloud swirls around, it s a deep area of low pressure, moving up to the uk out of the bay of biscay. there are showers around that area, warm and humid air out there as well. as we head on into this evening, a showery theme, particularly close to that area of low pressure to the south west. for parts of wales and south west of england, potentially heavy and thundery showers.
some hail and some squally winds associated with some of these thunderstorms. fewer showers as we push across more ireland and northern ireland as well. perhaps one or two. a brighter end to the day compared to how we started the day for the north of england. still quite cloudy for scotland this evening, a few showers towards the east, cooler under the cloud in scotland. elsewhere, we have got that humid air sticks with us tonight elsewhere. temperatures round about 11 to 14 celsius. a mild start to sunday. tomorrow promises something pretty similar to today. some sunshine around for many of us, cloudier for the north east of england and eastern scotland, cooler under the cloud. in the sunshine, once again, it s been quite warm or humid. generally too low, possibly even the mid 20s for some of us. again, that threat of some heavy downpours working into parts of wales and south west england, potentially a few for north west england and northern ireland. they will still be lingering around
on monday, low pressure starting to ease away but we still have got it closeby on monday, so another day of sunny spells, some warm and humid conditions bulding through the day, again, that threat of heavy showers and thunderstorms, especially towards the west. further east, we will see fewer of those really heavy showers. temperatures still reasonably warm, 18 24 celsius. showers lasting through the first half of this coming week but it does look drier towards the end of the week. 00:14:27,676 > 4294966103:13:29,430 bye bye.

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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20200602 22:30:00

b 3:00, facebook live, youtube live. we re tracking questions that didn t get to this time but we will get to next time. stay safe. tonight, the tens of thousands out marching in the streets as we come on the air. from new york city to washington, d.c., to los angeles, and in so many communities acorss this nation. here in new york city, thousands on the march. many, it s believed, headed to gracie mansion, the mayor s residence. it comes after the city imposed that new 8:00 p.m. curfew starting tonight, for the rest of the week. from chicago, to los angeles, where at this hour tens of thousands are in the streets there, part of multiple marches. and in washington, d.c., thousands marching near the white house. now, it s believed, they are headed to the lincoln memorial. and again today, most of the protests have been peaceful. but authorities are prepared for what could come after nightfall. growing concern now on the eighth day of protests after
widespread destruction in new york city overnight. stores destroyed. the famed macy s, damage at rockefeller center. tonight, curfews in place across many major cities. hundreds of arrests.g dein yk in the last 24 hours, at least five officers shot across the country, including one in las vegas in critical condition. also tonight, president trump and the backlash. protesters of all backgrounds lining the streets in washington as his motorcade passed by today. after peaceful demonstrators were hit with flashbangs to clear the way for the president s walk from the white house to the historic st. john s church, holding a bible in a photo op. asked if it the bible was his, he said it s a bible. tonight, church leaders expressing outrage. leaders in both parties outraged too. and what former president george w. bush said late today. the massive crowds gathering
the er of his ar-old ughter speaking out. and there is news tonight on the murder investigation. will other officers be charged? if so, when? what authorities are now saying. a tale of two images. the president, and the former vice president who wants to replace him. tonight, joe biden and his speech today. and his promise to americans amid so much pain. tlweonoffi nowing chacd exc oe two students good evening. it s great to have you with us on a tuesday night. another extraordinary scene unfolding in cities across the country. protests under way. this is the eighth night of protests. demonstrators demanding change in the country after the death of george floyd.apoaching.
thousands in the streets in new york city. one massive group, it s believed, heading to the mayor s residence. and the 8:00 p.m. curfew in effect. it s believed tens of thousands are on the march in los angeles. in washington, d.c., it s believed thousands are headed towards the lincoln memorial. and a massive group in george floyd s hometown. and in new york city last night, the famed macy s department curfew, as i mentioned, moved up. six police officers shot last d the peaceful pr
on striking a cameraman from australian tv, broadcasters there stunned. minutes after that scene, the president walking through the park to st. john s church to hold up a bible. asked if it was his, he said it s a bible. tonight, the fallout from that moment. and the competing images. the peaceful protests across the country, and the concerns about what was seen after the sun went down. here s stephanie ramos. reporter: today, the images of protest from across the country just hours before new curfews go into effect. from san francisco, to orlando, to new york city, thousands marching in protest with a message of peace. we are not looking to agitate, or to loot, or destroy anything. we are trying to make the community unified and by doing that, it s not unifying the community, it s breaking it apart. reporter: the city now moving aceful demonstra by day
violence overnight. windows smashed, stores ransacked, from the macy s flagship store to rockefeller center. the sun has gone down here in new york city and there are clearly different groups that are facing off with police, shattering windows on fifth avenue. the governor today blasting the mayor and police department. the police in new york city were not effective at doing their job last night. period. they have to do a better job, but separate the protesters from the looting. reporter: hundreds of arrests, most after curfew. police investigating this video showing a car slamming into an officer in a hit and run in the
bronx. that officer in serious condition. it appears to be quite purposeful. that is unacceptable. reporter: overnight, officers shot during violent protests. four in las vegas. one in grave condition. another four officers were shot in saint louis. thank god they re alive, they re alive. can we make some sense out of this? reporter: across the country police tactics under scrutiny. l.a. s police chief sparking outrage after suggesting looters were as responsible for george floyd s death as those fired police officers. we didn t have people mourning the death of this man, george floyd. we had people capitalizing. his death is on their hands as much as it is those officers. reporter: the chief later apologizing, calling his own words terribly offensive. today l.a. officers kneeling
with protesters at a faith-based march. at times police torn between patrol and protest. this officer in d.c. seen trying to kneel only to be repeatedly pulled to his feet by his fellow officers. in detroit, 16-year-old organizer stefan perez has been urging his fellow demonstrators to abide by the city s curfew. they re home safe. they don t got rubber bullets. they don t got tear gas. they re not dead. reporter: the mayor calling to thank him. i saw your leadership. i have tears in my eyes. you are everything that is special about the city of detroit. that young protester telling others to go home. stephanie, we see the large crowd behind you. we also know the curfew goes into effect a short time from now, 8:00 p.m. a lot of said they r not concerned about that. reporter: that s absolutely right. thousands are marching across the streets of new york city. you cane very difficult to enforce the new curfew. this group, we ve been following
them for several blocks. they just got started a little while ago. stephanie, thank you. now to the fallout from the president s visit to st. john s church just after we were on the air last night. the police firing at peaceful demonstrators, apparently to clear the way for the president. we ve learned it was attorney general william barr who gave the order. here s jonathan karl. reporter: as president trump rode through washington today, citizens, including families with homemade signs, jeered the presidential limousine. [ booing ] tc were in the motorcade #icantbreathe. today, outrage is growing over the forceful removal of peaceful protesters to clear the way for the president to hold a photo op at st. john s church.
it all began shortly after 6:00 p.m., the hour before washington s curfew took effect. the protesters had gathered just a block from the white house gate. as the president prepared to speak in the rose garden, our camera spotted attorney general bill barr surveying the scene. abc news has learned the attorney general then gave the order to remove the protesters by force. and so it began, continuing even as the president was saying these words. i am your president of law and order and an ally of all peaceful protesters. reporter: you could hear the explosions from the rose garden. smoke canisters, and pepper balls to force the protesters away. among those roughed up an australian tv crew. the photographers hit in the face. his colleague hit with a baton
as she tried to flee. after he was done speaking, the president, accompanied by top advisers, walked to st. john church, crossing the street where protesters had gathered less than an hour earlier. in front of the church, the president held up a bible. is that your bible? it s a bible. reporter: he summoned his advisers to pose for a photo before heading back to the white house. among the first to express outrage, the bishop of washington. the spiritual leader of episcopalians in the nation s capital, including the parishioners at st. john s. he is not entitled to use the spiritual symbolism of our sacred spaces and our sacred texts to promote or to justify a completely entire an entirely different message. reporter: the condemnation stretched across the political spectrum, including prominent republicans. if your question is, should you use tear gas to clear a path so the president can go have a photo op, the answer is no. reporter: republican senator ben sasse said, quote, i m against clearing out a peaceful protest for a photo op that treats the word of god as a political prop.
reporter: even pat robertson, prominent televangelist and an ardent supporter of president trump, had harsh words for the president. is seems like now is the time to say, i understand your pain. i want to comfort you, i think it s time we love each other. but the president took a different course. reporter: robertson lambasted the president for threatening to move military troops into american cities unless the nation s governors control the violence. as a matter of fact he spoke of them being jerks. you just don t do that, mr. president. it isn t cool. jon, i know you were in the motorcade witnessing the protesters and signs. and a former president now weighing in? reporter: former president george w. bush with a powerful statement that condemns the
brutal suffocation of george floyd. he does not mention president trump by name, but he does express support for the protesters. saying those that set out to silence the voices do not understand the meaning of america, or how it becomes a better place. that s president george w. bush tonight. david? jon, thanks. there are massive gatherings tonight in houston as well. george floyd died in his adopted city of minneapolis, but he grew up in houston. among those gathering today, the mayor and chief of police. marcus moore is there tonight. reporter: in houston, a sea of humanity. a wave of emotion. i can t breathe! reporter: hope that the healing can begin. we want justice for floyd. and i m a black mother and i heard his cry and it hurt me to my heart. reporter: tens of thousands marchi a i me i just feel like there s
something powerful going on right now. something that should have gone on a long time ago. the crowd has doubled in size. reporter: the march, supported by city officials and organized with help from local rappers bun b and trae tha truth. truth, a longtime friend of floyd. this scene coming a day after floyd s brother terrence visited the minneapolis intersection where george floyd took his last breath. i need you and pops to watch over me. reporter: floyd died may 25th. he d worked in minnesota as a security guard. buheas a child of houston s third ward, where a new mural now bears his image and reads, forever breathing in our hearts. he was a star tight end on the yates high school football team. and he was a four to 6-year-old gianna. this is the proof that he was
a good man. reporter: there are services this week in minneapolis and north carolina. floyd s funeral is set for tuesday here in houston. the family s attorney says vice president joe biden is expertct to attend. the former vice president speaking out today about president trump, the scene in front of st. john s church. and biden s promise to americans in this time. here s mary bruce. reporter: tonight, the tale of two leaders. tonight, biden taking on the president. the country is crying out for leadership. leadership that can recognize pain and deep grief of communities that have had a knee on their neck for a long time. reporter: biden calling on leaders to confront systemic
racism. and blasting trump for that bible photo op. i just wish he opened it once in a while instead of brandishing it. if he opened it, he could have learned something. reporter: biden speaking of his own loss, a parent losing a son. i know what it means to have that black hole in your chest where your grief is being sucked into it. reporter: tonight, biden is calling on congress to ban choke holds and vowing to establish a national police oversight commission. donald trump has turned this country into a battlefield driven by old resentments and fresh fears. he thinks division helps him. his narcissism has become more important than the nation s well-being that he leads. reporter: and biden s promise, less than six months from the election. i promise you this, i won t traffic in fear and division. i won t fan the flames of hate. i ll seek to heal the racial wounds that have long plagued our country, not use them for political gain.
reporter: this was biden s first public address in months. but as the country opens back up, we can expect to see more of biden on the campaign trail. they say just look at the poll numbers, showing biden on the rise. mary, thank you. we re also following a developing headline out of atlanta tonight. six atlanta police officers have been charged for using excessive force against two college students. video showed police officers dragging them from their car and using tasers on them. here s steve osunsami. reporter: the six officers accused of using excessive force have until friday to turn themselves in. in the middle of the chaos that was tearing through downtown atlanta saturday night. okay, okay, okay jnchs reporter: and in pictures now viewed across the world, the ce
stun gun at two college students and dragging them out of a car. messiah young and taniah pilgrim were out after the new curfew, explaining that they were just getting something to eat when they got stuck in traffic during a protest. i actually thought both me and messiah were going to die, like, the way everything happened so fast, there was no telling what could happen in the next moment. this just needs to cease. reporter: young was initially charged with trying to elude police officers, charged dropped by the mayor. two officers have already been fired. steve, thank you. as we continue to report on a country in pain, we re going to take a pause later tonight on abc to try to begin a conversation hopefully with your help at home. i hope you ll join robin, byron, and me for an abc news special, america in pain, what comes next?
that s 9:00 p.m. eastern on abc. we re counting on your thoughts and ideas on how we move forward. when we come back, the images coming in from all over the world. what is happening in other countries because of what they ve witnessed here. est time to ask yourself, are my bones strong? life is full of make or break moments. that s why it s so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva. serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness, face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen. or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. speak to your doctor before stopping, skipping or delaying prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium, serious infections,
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aleve it. aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. when pain happens, aleve it. all day strong. the death of george floyd sparking protests around the globe, from london to paris. and in paris, thousands converging on the main courthouse. overnight at dusk, violence erupting there as well. police using tear gas. and a striking image from a bombed-out building in syria, a mural of george floyd. when we come back, trackingm hocould affect the u.s. proof i can fight psoriatic arthritis. .with humira. proof of less joint pain. .and clearer skin in psa. humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation
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don t let another morning go by without asking your doctor about xeljanz xr. finally tonight here, the power of listening in this time. they are the moments that provide some hope amid the pain. and tonight, the story behind two of them. in bellevue, washington, police chief steve mylett and a demonstrator embracing. tonight, the police chief explaining the power of that moment. the power of listening. i heard them, i felt them. i think they heard me, and i think they heard my voicmy t. and the heart of everybody that stands behind me. it s dialogue like this that we learn from each other. reporter: and we showed you
that line of law enforcement in miami and the moment it all changed. highway patrol captain roger reyes, walking up to this woman, renit holmes, hugging her. she was grateful. i love you, man. i love you man. reporter: tonight, both the captain and renita know that that image has been seen by so many, and they re grateful for that too. it was a moment of her pain. we embraced and that was a connection there and it was special. and i saw that it wasn t just one-sided. that she was caring for us as well as the protesters out there. we had a wonderful opportunity to show that love wins. because if you look people in their eyes, you can see the hurt. reporter: seeing the hurt. and the hope that can come from a hug. powerful. i hope to see you just a short time from now, 9:00 p.m. eastern, with robin these are extraordinary times, and we want to thank the extraordinary people in the healthcare community,
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building a better bay area for safe and secure future, this is abc7 news. protests continue across the bay area this afternoon in the wake of the death of george floyd. sky 7 live over a protest that is under way right now in redwood city. this is at the redwood city hall. in fact, the crowd just gathered there. it looks to be maybe a couple hundred people so far. many businesses in redwood cityt storronts, just to protect against possible looting if things get out of hand later on. curfew in san mateo county is set for 8:30 tonight. the mayor of redwood city, diane howard said she was planning on attending this event and was confident that things would remain peaceful. with that, good afternoon, thanks for joining us. i m larry beil. and i m kristen sze. protesters held up their fists in solidarity in marin city. the peaceful protest included speakers like tuberculosis s san francisco, hdreds of
people marched

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20200614 08:00:00

this is bbc news, the headlines. disturbances broke out overnight in the us city of atlanta after a black man is shot dead by white police officers. his family s lawyer spoke officers. his family s lawyer spoke of his frustration. i don t even know what justice of his frustration. i don t even know whatjustice is any more and i have been doing this for 15 years. more than 100 people are arrested after a day of violent clashes in central london involving some far right activists. the uk prime minister, borisjohnson, right activists. the uk prime minister, boris johnson, orders right activists. the uk prime minister, borisjohnson, orders a review of the two metre social
distancing role in england after calls to scrap it. remembering the 72 people who died in the grenfell tower fire. in london three years ago matt lucas and david walliams apologise for the use of blackface make up in the comedy series little britain. tourists start returning to venice as restrictions are eased, but locals demand limits on numbers. hello and welcome if you re watching in the uk or around the world and stay with us for the latest news and analysis from here and across the globe. our top story there has been another night of unrest in the united states as racial tensions and anger at police brutality continue to grow following the killing of another black man, rayshard brooks, by police in the city of atlanta. police fired tear gas when protesters blocked a major road
and set fire to a drive through restaurant where the killing of rayshard brooks took place on friday. one of the two white policemen involved has been sacked, and atla nta s police chief has resigned. atlanta is one of many us cities to have seen protests since the killing last month of george floyd by police in minneapolis. cctv footage of the incident shows mr brooks fleeing on foot from police after a scuffle with officers in the restaurant car park. local investigators claim that mr brooks had failed an alcohol test, and obtained one of the officer s tasers as he fled. moments later, he was fatally shot. in the aftermath, police fired tear gas when protesters blocked a major road and set fire to the restaurant where the killing took place, as protests continued late into the night. here s the latest from rich preston. and a warning, this story contains some distressing pictures. crowds got angrier through the night here in atlanta after news
of the death of another black man at the hands of american police officers. that anger spilled onto the streets. the fast food restaurant next to the scene of the killing was set alight. major highways were blocked. police say mr brooks failed a sobriety test and resisted arrest. they say he was able to get one of the officer s tasers, and tried to use it against him. they responded with live ammunition. the killing comes amid a global wave of lack lives matter protest. the killing comes amid a global wave of black lives matter protests. the officer involved has been fired. while there may be debate as to whether this was an appropriate use of deadly force, i firmly believe that there is a clear distinction between what you can do and what you should do. i do not believe that this was a justified use of deadly force. the city s police chief has resigned, but it s unlikely that will placate these people who say racism is built into american society.
the officers need to be arrested and it s not ok, it s not ok that every day i have to wake up and learn a new name, new hashtag, a new life that was lost because of the injustice that america has for a system that was built in the 1600s. i could say we wantjustice but i don t even care anymore, i don t know even what that is, and i ve been doing this for 15 years. i don t know what justice is anymore. is it getting them arrested, is it getting somebody fired, is it a chief stepping down? i know that this isn tjustice, what s happening in society right now. what young black people see is the continued drumbeat of injustice instead of a drumbeat towards justice. of course they feel disenfranchised. two or three of the motions that come from sustained
oppression are apathy and despondency. around a third of people in georgia are african american. despite the black lives matter movement, they see american society as built against them and they fear for their future. richard preston, bbc news. here in the uk. more than 100 people were arrested during yesterday s violent demonstrations in central london involving far right groups. they were detained for offences including violent disorder, breach of the peace and possessing weapons. six police officers were injured. the prime minister described the attacks on police as racist thuggery. sean dilley has this report. thousands of people join protests, despite calls from police to stay at home. many were peaceful, but violent clashes soon broke out. police officers were attacked throughout the day as they attempted to keep distance between anti racism and far right groups. a barrage of missiles were launched at them.
in whitehall, the crowd pushed their way through and tried to attack photographers. the prime minister, borisjohnson, condemned the minority of protesters on twitter. he said: the individuals that are basically putting the safety of our police officers and the safety of the public at risk will expect to face the full force of the law. people from a variety of backgrounds turned out as self proclaimed protectors of statues after winston churchill s monument was damaged last week. this protester told us he felt british history under attack. come on. i mean, he had some racist views but, at the end of the day, he led us through our darkest hour. i mean, i m from south london, i ve grown up with black people. we are all working class, live side by side.
nobody here is an issue with blm. police are investigating this incident outside parliament. the memorial is to pc keith palmer, who was killed the 2017 westminster terror attacks. 0utside waterloo station, police stepped in to quell scuffles. across the day, six officers were injured, protesters too. this man, carried to safety by another protester. the violence in part of the capital contrast with other areas where protests were largely peaceful. sean dilley, bbc news. we can speak to a military veteran, colour sergeant trevor coult, who in 2006 received the military cross the third highest military decoration awarded to officers in the british armed forces. he was in westminster yesterday to protest peacefully. thank you for being with us, why did
you go to those protests? what were you go to those protests? what were you trying to achieve given there is a health emergency, given the police and government had urged people to stay away. thank you. i went because ifiam stay away. thank you. i went because if i am honestly false reporting that has been happening in the media with what has been going on. yesterday was a day, a ring of steel around the cenotaph. we spoke to and got on with the police. they told us it was an illegal gathering, we knew that and we walked on. they were relaxed and then they went to the crowd. this involved police barricading off football fans. those causing the problems yesterday we re those causing the problems yesterday were certainly not veterans. the
metropolitan police said this is going to get violent. they marched away peacefully. what happened next was uncalled for. i can assure you that it was a football fans yesterday actually were disgusted and they left. can ijust ask yesterday actually were disgusted and they left. can i just ask you why you felt the need to go there, as you say to protect statues, but the statues were already ordered up. the police say it is theirjob to protect statues, it is not yourjob. you are 100% right but if that is the case why did we see last week the case why did we see last week the police and watching people swinging off the cenotaph and trying to set fire to the union flag? at that in anywhere else in the uk, police officers would not let them burn ourflag. asking
police officers would not let them burn our flag. asking why police officers would not let them burn ourflag. asking why did police officers would not let them burn our flag. asking why did you 90, burn our flag. asking why did you go, let me make this clear, the cenotaph, to veterans is as secret asa cenotaph, to veterans is as secret as a mosque is to immerse them, a synagogue is to a due. if they are being damaged, and the police, the most cctv to a jewish person. the most cctv to a jewish person. the most cctv to a jewish person. the most cctv road and they cannot identify the identify the people. the prime minister has condemned what he called racist thuggery, the home secretary has condemned what she called shameless scenes. you condemn that violence as well? 100%. that condemn that violence as well? 10096. that was nothing to do with football fans, nothing to do with veterans. i
can assure you , fans, nothing to do with veterans. i can assure you, they were people who joined the demonstration, britain first and edl, scumbags who do not represent society, veterans and the values of football fans. it was disgusting. thank you. wow. thank you for doing that interview with us. in france there have been clashes between protesters and police in several cities. demonstrators are demanding an end to racism in french society. police fired tear gas after crowds threw fireworks and bottles. gail maclellan has this report. the demonstrations were most intense in the capital, paris, but also took place in marseille, nice and leon. in the capital around 15,000
gathered. they say the supposed glory of the republic doesn t apply to black people. rallies which started peacefully intensified. some protesters threw fireworks, bottles and paving stones with responded. 0fficials and paving stones with responded. officials say more than 20 people we re officials say more than 20 people were arrested, including 12 far right activist who draped a white wives matter banner from an apartment block. the global wave of protests against racism were sparked in america, and parallels were drawn to an incident here. the death of adama traore. to an incident here. the death of adama traore. .. what happened to george floyd is exactly the same as
what happened to my little brother. people are dying. there are frequent allegations of excessive force. police say they will take a zero tolerance feed to racism and law enforcement and have banned restra i ns enforcement and have banned restrains voucher codes. police unions denied racism is rampant within the ranks. many people say once the fog has lifted, much will need to be done to address systemic racism in french society. boris johnson has ordered a review of the two metre social distancing rule in england. business leaders and some of mrjohnson‘s own mps have warned large parts of the hospitality industry will not survive if the rules aren t relaxed. the review will aim to be completed by the 11th ofjuly, the earliest date when pubs and restaurants might open in england. the recommended distance you should leave between you and other people varies from country to country. all four nations of the uk
observe the 2 metre rule, as do spain and canada. it drops to one and a half metres if you are in australia, italy and germany. and then falls to a metre if you are in china, france or singapore. the official guidance from the world health 0rganisation says leave at least a metre between yourself and others to prevent the spread of coronavirus. but the uk government s scientific advisers say that being one metre apart carries up to 10 times the risk of being two metres apart. with me is our political correspondent, jessica parker with all that in mind,, this has been a difficult one for the government for some time now. but some pressure on borisjohnson and his cabinet to reduce the two metre rule. you probably heard this week borisjohnson has talked about keeping this two metre rule under co nsta nt keeping this two metre rule under constant review as he has come under pressure on the issue. he seems to have moved now to a formal review, the differences there is this date
by which the review needs to report back to, july four, when hospitality begins to reopen. scientists as we have heard have been clear in england the further apart you are, the less likely you are to catch the virus. we will also hearfrom economists as the hospitality industry have made it clear that restau ra nts, industry have made it clear that restaurants, bars are concerned about the two metre rule. why? if you are two metres apart, you can fit fewer people into your venues, make less money and this industry has been hard hit by lockdown because business has had to shut for many weeks. this morning on sky, the home secretary was asked whether he supports the reduction. it should be introduced if the evidence indicates it should be. this is where we need to be careful. the public health position and the health of the economy go together. there is no
point seeing them in conflict. if the government eased lockdown too quickly, moved to one metre without there being scientific advice backing that, you would end up with a second peak which would cause even greater economic damage. my message to the government is to be vigilant, be cautious, approach this in a structured way and publish the evidence so we can all see it. that is the labour opposition, some conservative mps putting pressure on borisjohnson conservative mps putting pressure on boris johnson saying conservative mps putting pressure on borisjohnson saying you do not need a review, just get on with it and drop the two metre row. iain duncan smith has questioned the need for a review. saying whatever distance you wa nt to review. saying whatever distance you want to go for, ultimately it is a politicaljudgment. boris want to go for, ultimately it is a political judgment. boris johnson might buy himself some time with this formal review but if we are looking at your life or for hospitality, there is not lots of time. it is a balance of risk ultimately and it is the prime
minister s job ultimately and it is the prime minister sjob to ultimately and it is the prime minister s job to weigh that up. (pres) leading psychologists say the delay in getting children and adolescents back to schools here in the uk is a national disaster that is putting their mental health at risk. in an open letter to the education secretary, gavin williamson, signed by one hundred specialists in mental health, they say the isolation of lockdown is harming already vulnerable young people. and they urge the government to reconsider its decision and release children and young people from lockdown. today marks three years since the grenfell towerfire in london. to mark the anniversary, people in the uk are being urged to illuminate their homes with green lights to remember the 72 people who died. church bells will also sound across london. the grenfell united campaign group says the fight for safe homes and justice continues, as our correspondent rajini vaidya nathan reports. the faces of those who died
in a tragedy which exposed some of the deep inequalities in our society. each story of loss is as painful today as it was three years ago. hesham rahman lived alone on the 23rd floor. his family say marking this anniversary during a pandemic is especially tough. we are still going the grieving process and the rest of the country right now is grieving because of covid, and people have lost family and friends ahead of their time and we are grieving with them, and covid brought a lot of bad emotions for us, especially for how things were after the fire because there were a lot of similarities, being glued to the tv, listening to the number of deaths rising every day. the fire began on the fourth floor after a ridge caught fire. after a fridge caught fire. a public enquiry blamed cheap combustible cladding on the building for its rapid spread. later the prime minister will deliver a message at a virtual memorial service where he will pledge to ensure a tragedy like grenfell never happens again. but a government target to remove flammable cladding on high rises
by this month has yet to be met. about 2000 tower blocks in england alone are still potentially at risk. three years later, it s really frustrating that we re still talking about removing this cladding. it s just.the government keep making this announcement, but it materialising and actually happening is a completely different story. in one of london s wealthiest areas, some of its poorest weren t protected. grenfell tower has been described as a monument to inequality. what happened here three years ago is as relevant today as it was then. rajini vaidyanathan, bbc news. a uk government statement described the fire as a devastating tragedy , and said they re determined to ensure it can never happen again. the statement added: that s why we re providing £1.6 billion to ensure unsafe cladding is removed from high rise buildings as soon
as possible, while also bringing forward the biggest legislative changes to building safety in a generation. we ll also shortly announce new measures to drive up standards in social housing and give tenants the stronger voice they deserve. let s get some of the day s other news. militants killed at least 20 soldiers and more than a0 civilians and injured hundreds in twin attacks in nigeria s borno state, on the country s northeast border, in the town of monguno, near lake chad. according to reports, the fighters were armed with heavy weaponry including rocket launchers when they arrived in the town, a hub for international non governmental organizations. chile, argentina, peru and colombia have reported a record number of covid 19 infections in the past 2a hours. argentina imposed strict quarantine measures nearly three months ago, but the number of cases has risen since it started easing restrictions.
the worst affected country in latin america is still brazil, where 850 more people have died since friday. a swedish tv network has dropped a judge from its popular talent show after he repeatedly criticised the black lives matter movement. thousands of people had signed a petition calling for alexander bard to be sacked by tv ii. in one tweet, he said he was disgusted by the movement, saying it had become deranged. he also called activists self appointed victims and an idiotic lynch mob . one of the industries that s been hit hardest by the coronavirus lockdown is tourism. borders have been closed and people have been unable to travel so a holiday has been out of the question. in many places restrictions are now being eased but some, in italy, are calling for restraint as tim allman explains.
venice is not open for business. at least that s the message these venetians want you to hear. a human chain and a giant banner stretched out over one of the city s famous canals. the people here calling for responsible tourism. an end to the mass invasion that comes every summer. visitors are already returning. the famous doge s palace has reopened its doors. but locals are calling for quality, not necessarily quantity. we hope to have, in the future, slow tourism. slow tourism. this is very important. it means not less tourism, but better, good organisation. this is the first thing. around 30 million people visit venice each year, a city with a native population of little more than 50,000. many only come for the day, bringing little income to the local economy.
and residents say many neighbourhoods are being ruined by landlords who turn rental properties into holiday lets, pricing out those who live here. then there s the cruise ships. larger vessels were banned from parts of the city after this crash last summer. their absence and then the lockdown has meant cleaner waterways, a cleaner venice. but that s the dilemma. these people need tourism, but they don t want too much. are they protesting against the one thing that will get venice back on its feet? tim allman, bbc news. the stars of the uk comedy little britain have apologised for their portrayal of other races in their tv series. david walliams and matt lucas used blackface make up in some of their sketches. the show has been removed from several streaming services. with me is our correspondent, andy moore.
what are they saying? these are some of the latest programmes to be reassessed in the wake of the black wives matter protest. little britain from 2003-2008 wives matter protest. little britain from 2003 2008 have been removed from 2003 2008 have been removed from bbc iplayer, netflix, britbox and so has come fly with me. in near identical tweets, matt lucas said david and i have spoken publicly about regret about playing characters of other races in recent yea rs. playing characters of other races in recent years. it was wrong, we are sorry. society had changed, his own views have evolved. he said he would not black up, make jokes about tra nsvestites not black up, make jokes about transvestites now. he said there was no bad intent there, just wanting to
show off what a diverse bunch of characters they could play. now saying it was lazy for white people to get a laugh by blacking up. it was an enormous hit back in 2003-2008, it is not the was an enormous hit back in 2003 2008, it is not the only comedy show that has come in for criticism, fawlty towers, that came off the u ktv fawlty towers, that came off the uktv network, john cleese reacted angrily. he said we were criticising racism through satire. it was taken off air because a crusty old major made racial slurs against the west
indian cricket team. it has been taken off for now and there may be some language and there are some people may find offensive. under the day of warm sunny spells for most of us and some showers. the cloud has been bubbling up and we have already had some rather persistent crouch near the north sea coast. that s because we still have the easterly drift coming in the north sea, with the most humid air sitting across it. stop in again for some areas through the course of sunday. for many of us, lots of dry, settled, warm weather with big showers growing. the shower sitting near the north sea coast could be stubborn and not clear away. elsewhere after lots of sunshine
first thing, the showers bubble up and come through. not as lengthy for the south east. there will be some heavy showers, potentially midlands, east anglia, some isolated ones for northern ireland and scotland as the cloud burns back to the coast. 11 on the east coast, 22 or 23 in the highlands. there could be squally winds, frequent lightning, hail stones. another warm and humid night, is perhaps in patchy rain coming back into eastern parts of england and scotland. we are seeing the easterly breeze coming in, the low pressure still with us through monday, tuesday, wednesday, means a similar setup. but the detail where the showers will be is quite difficult. there could be more rain coming in during the night ahead
into monday in north east england, scotland, elsewhere scattering of heavy showers, mostly towards the western side of the uk. some coastal areas with low cloud in the north and east. tuesday perhaps a reorientation, more widespread showers into the afternoon, heavy further east, all the time in the event sunny spells it will be warm, temperatures about where they should be for this time of year, the low 20s, unsettled and showery weather continues for most of the day. as ever, more on our website.

this is bbc world news, the headlines: disturbances break out overnight in the us city of atlanta after a black man, rayshard brooks, is shot dead by white police officers. his family s lawyer spoke of his frustration. i don t know whatjustice is and i have been doing this for 15 years. i don t know what justice have been doing this for 15 years. i don t know whatjustice is any more. more than a hundred people are arrested after a day of violent clashes in central london, involving some far right activists. uk prime minister borisjohnson orders a review of the two metre social distancing rule in england, following calls to scrap it. remembering the 72 people who died in the grenfell tower fire in london three years ago matt lucas and david walliams apologise for the use of blackface make up in the comedy series little britain. tourists start returning to venice
as restrictions are eased,

Metropolitan-area , Urban-area , Metropolis , Aerial-photography , City , Landmark , Skyscraper , Human-settlement , Cityscape , Tower-block , Building , Downtown

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Six 20200519 17:00:00

the number of people claiming unemployment benefits in the ukjumps to its highest level in almost 2a years. the figures for april, the first full month of lockdown, show a 70% rise in claims, as the chancellor warns that unemployment will rise sharply. it is not obvious there will be an immediate bounce back as it takes time for people to get back to the habits that they had. the extent of the impact on human life has become clearer today with 55,000 excess deaths recorded in the uk since the start of march. more than 11,000 people have died in care homes in britain during that time as the goverment‘s criticised for not acting fast enough. 0ne positive effect of lockdown the biggest fall
in carbon emissions around the world ever recorded. i m taking it, hydroxychloroquine. surprise and consternation as president trump reveals he s taking a maleria drug to protect against coronavirus despite no evidence it works. and how new technology is being used to help medics keep their distance. and coming up in the sport on bbc news. there has been six positive tests for coronavirus from three premier league clubs as the top flight prepares to resume injune. good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. the chancellor has warned that there s no guarantee the economy will bounce back immediately when restrictions are lifted.
and he said there could be long term scarring on the economy, even once businesses are able to reopen fully again. his comments came as new figures showed the number of people claiming unemployment benefit in the uk last month soared to its highest level in almost 2a years. the office for national statistics says 2.1 million people claimed benefits last month. it shot up by more than 856,000, the biggest ever month on month jump, a rise of almost 70%. it s the clearest sign yet of the terrible toll that coronavirus is having onjobs, one which is set to deepen in the coming months. the total number of people reported to have died with coronavirus in the last 2a hours is 545. it means the official number of people across the uk who are known to have died with the virus is 35,341. here s our economics editor, faisal islam. they are not cutting jobs at this
west midlands fittings factory for shops and libraries, just like the officialjobs numbers. but only 12 workers, one third of employees, are manufacturing the now in demand protective screens. the other 26 workers remain on the payroll, officially employed but at home with wages paid by the taxpayer. when you look at the alternatives, which is like redundancy or being laid off, then being on furlough is a really good thing. it gives business an opportunity to carry on with its workforce. the boss is grateful and unemployment has been kept down. the furlough scheme has really worked well for us. and if it wasn t for that, i don t know where we would be. the government s crisis jobs scheme have concentrated tens of billions into controlling unemployment but official jobs numbers will soon catch up with the pandemic crisis reality all round us. and other figures today did show how hard thejobs market has been hit. the 865,000 extra people claiming
jobless benefits in april was a record monthly increase taking the claimant count forjobseeker‘s allowance and universal credit to 2.1 million. the highest for 2h years. in some regions nearly doubling. the number ofjob vacancies tumbled by a quarterly record of 170,000 to 637,000. so it will be harder to get a job. emma had been on furlough but last week she was told she had lost herjob as an office worker at an essex construction firm and is finding getting a new one difficult. to be receiving a letter to say i have been selected to be redundant is awful. petrifying. sorry, i can t help but get emotional about that. just thinking about it. i tried searching forjobs, i ve applied for tens if not hundreds of positions online. but due to being an office worker there s no offices open,
no interviews being taken at the moment. it s a struggle to try and find something. across the economy thousands ofjobs that were furloughed, for example at the cafe rouge restaurant chain, are now under threat. hundreds have been lost at retailer debenhams and also in the transport sector at british airways and at the ferry company p&0. the government acknowledged a significant rise in unemployment cannot be avoided. i will not be able to protect every job in business and we are seeing that already in the data are no doubt there is more hardship to come. this lockdown is having a significant impact on the economy and we are likely to face a severe recession the likes of which we have not seen. the opposition said more needed to be done, especially for younger workers. we still have to be aware that the costs tend to fall on younger people, notjust because people have lost theirjobs but because they have not been able to move into the workforce.
benefit numbers are surging and vacancies tumbling, just how far unemployment will shoot up is for 110w unemployment will shoot up is for now been limited by the government paying the wages of one out of three workers. that is a bridge for the livelihoods of 10 million people will not last. and now the chancellor whose schemes are built around the idea of a rapid bounce backin around the idea of a rapid bounce back in the economy says it is not obvious that that will occur. the pandemic has caused a globaljobs catastrophe even when lockdown is lifted it is when support is with john that the real picture will emerge. there has been a significant increase in applicants for universal credit. all happening so suddenly. for some who are now looking for work, it s the first time they have had to make a claim as michael buchanan reports
cani can ijust can i just confirm can ijust confirm what your first job was? anotherjob loss and another person in need further in the last few weeks leslie piercy has spoken tojust the last few weeks leslie piercy has spoken to just about everyone. drivers, lots of restaurants and businesses, shopkeepers, particularly restaurants businesses, shopkeepers, particularly restau ra nts a nd businesses, shopkeepers, particularly restaurants and cafe is a lot of taxi drivers. some have lost minimum wage jobs a lot of taxi drivers. some have lost minimum wagejobs and others six figure salaries. lost minimum wagejobs and others six-figure salaries. a lot of people like stop progress want to go back into stockbroking because it is quite a high paid job. but some of those people are having to rethink their career as well. one particular gentleman i had had a very well paid job and so did his wife and he went to become a night porter at a hotel. leslie worked at a job centre in hertfordshire, it normally processes 60 benefit claims per week but
recently they have been dealing with several thousand. helen collier has only worked here for three months, forced immediately to help the unfamiliar navigate the benefit system. i do think people who have been made redundant and have been long standing employees are confused as they ve never made a claim before and they are always the hardest but i feel they are the ones you know you re doing something good to help them. they re usually around 50,000 claims per week for universal credit but look at the impact of the lockdown. for two weeks claims running at ten times normal levels, 1.5 million applications in total in just one month. my mindset has never been to go on benefits, i ve just struggled and worked my way through it. carl is a boxing coach has no way to train and he turned to universal credit for help, the first time that he has been on benefits in decades. to me there was no option
so decades. to me there was no option soido decades. to me there was no option so i do not feel guilty, ifeel i m eligible for it and working my way sincerely how to get out of it when it is over. the data today revealed the largest rise in applications in the largest rise in applications in the south west of england with the areas crucial tourist industry badly hit. and all hands on deck approach has allowed universal credit to cope with the surge in demand, most claimants have been thankful and hoping that the welfare system is a helping hand in a time of need and not a permanent, harder way of living. the extent of the terrible toll that this virus is having on human life also became clearer today. it s two and a half months now since the first person died of coronavirus in the uk. normally in that 10 week period you d expect on average around 100,000 people to die. the latest figures suggest there ve been an extra 55,000 deaths in the uk during that time this year all of them directly or indirectly
related to coronavirus. just over 41,000 people definitely died with it that was what was recorded on their death certificates. the latest figures show more than 11,500 people in care homes have died from coronavirus since the beginning of march. from rugby, our correspondent alex forsyth reports. the scale of this pandemic is becoming increasingly clear. the number of deaths, still growing, although the rate at least now slowing. behind every figure, a face, every statistic, a human story. of those who ve died so far, more than a quarter were in care homes. this family run home in warwickshire had an outbreak last month. 0ne resident did die, but staff were able to control the spread of the virus, although managers say they had little government guidance or support. at that point, the measures weren t in place to protect the residents and the staff. the testing wasn t there, and we were very lucky, for management and staff,
that it wasn t a lot worse. what about now, have things improved? i haven t seen much of a difference at the moment. we ve really made our own decisions and we still really haven t had much more from the government as to what else we should be doing. here, they re still waiting for all staff and residents to be tested, still saying support is too slow, concerns echoed by care leaders addressing mps this morning, who raised questions about testing, ppe and the national strategy. our focus at the start of this pandemic was clearly the nhs, and there was not a recognition in either the planning process that happened in 2016 or indeed in this current pandemic, at the very start of it, that the most vulnerable people were in care homes. some of our problems around transmission, no doubt, are relating to ppe, and very sadly, some of the deaths, too. this has been a health pandemic, and what we haven t felt in the care sector is that we ve had a health response. the health secretary again today defended the government s approach.
despite claims to the contrary, he again said he had put a protective ring around care homes. from the start, we worked hard to protect those in social care. in early march, we put £3.2 billion into social care, half through the nhs and half through local authorities, and we ve repeatedly set out and strengthened guidance for infection control and support. across the country, the care system is complex, made up of local, national, public and private elements. the government has put more money and measures in place in recent weeks, but the criticism is still that the support is not always getting where it s needed quickly, and now some care providers say they are under financial pressure. this care home in north yorkshire is one of four where the owner, who is also a representative for the sector, says money is increasingly tight. with extra costs from coronavirus and empty beds. we calculate that we re going to be around £100,000 short in income,
and that is the difference between our surviving and not surviving. the issue is, we ve got the nhs run nationally, local authorities running locally, that s why we ve got a problem with ppe, testing and finances, it s all a mess, basically. we need to make sure we plan and have it centrally, in my view, centrally organised. this crisis has exposed issues in a sector that has long been under strain. the calls now are notjust for continued short term support, but a longer term solution, too. alex forsyth, bbc news. the number of coronavirus tests carried out since the beginning of the outbreak has been inadequate, according to a group of mps. despite a recent surge in daily tests and the expansion of eligibility, the commons science and technology committee have criticised the government for failing to ramp up testing sooner. ministers have defended their strategy, saying that during the early period, it was right to prioritise those in hospital over community cases, as sophie hutchinson reports. a mobile testing centre in cornwall.
the government has now promised eve ryo ne over the government has now promised everyone over the age of five with symptoms of covid 19 will now be tested. but today mps on the science and technology committee were highly critical saying that testing capacity had not been increased early or boldly enough. back in mid march this was the message from the world health organisation. we have a simple message for all countries. test, test, test. but three days before the uk announced it had stopped testing all suspected cases in the community. we will pivot all testing capacity to identifying people in hospitals who have got symptoms so we can pick them up early. in a letter to the prime minister mps said that they believed a lack of testing capacity had driven the government strategy. they criticised public health england forfailing they criticised public health england for failing to provide the scientific evidence used when deciding not to bring in mass testing. they said the cost of the
ongoing lockdown was vastly greater then the cost of rolling out large scale testing and that by not regularly testing hospital staff and ca re regularly testing hospital staff and care workers vulnerable people had been put at risk. many care homes say they are still struggling to get all the tests that they need to ensure that staff are not infectious. we have been affected by it and seem to be coming through the west now but i think problems with the lack of testing was obvious as the lack of testing was obvious as the national picture shows. it is not safe and how they say they will roll it out to fibrils and everyone in the country, i do not think they have the capacity and we would rather have honesty from the government. at the briefing today the environment secretary defended the environment secretary defended the government testing strategy. so you would greet your strategy has been based on capacity instead of the science? we were building it rapidly from a very early stage and
we have not got to the point this week that we can offer testing to anyone over the age of five with symptoms and that will be critical in terms of developing that track and trace capability. ministers say they ve recruited more than 20,000 contact tracers to identify infections and hotspots of the virus that one told the bbc that the tracker app was not yet working and will not go live until thursday. clearly there are ongoing challenges to the government testing strategy. 0ur chief political correspondent, vicki young, is in westminster. we ve heard a lot of criticism over the government s handling of testing and care homes how have they responded to that? this is about what went wrong and who might be to blame, but it s also about learning lessons and making sure it does not happen again, particularly i think what has happened in care homes. listening to
some of those who have worked in the sector, you can hear their anger and frustration. they have said for a long time that they think that the health service and the care sector need to be much more integrated. we have heard that from various governments for years and years and it simply hasn t happened, and i think this epidemic really has exposed some of the flaws in the system. of course, the government is grappling with unprecedented times, but i think now, that long term aspiration, to integrate health and social care, has really become a very, very urgent problem that ministers are going to have to deal with. vicki young, thank you. this pandemic has had a positive effect on the environment. the biggest ever fall in the amount of carbon released into the world s atmosphere has been recorded over the past few months. at the height of the coronavirus lockdown, scientists discovered that daily emissions around the world dropped by more than 17%. the biggest fall was in china, which saw a drop in emissions of 24%. here in the uk, the reduction was 13%. but scientists are warning that this extreme reduction in greenhouse gas emissions could be temporary.
here s our science editor, david shukman. all over the world, some stunning transformations, from choked streets in india becoming calmer and easier to breathe in, to the most famous landmark in china suddenly looking clearer. to the centre of paris, often polluted, now quieter and cleaner. the fight against the virus hasn t slowed down many economies, at huge cost. but it has also done wonders for the air and for the carbon emissions that are heating up the planet. a drop in traffic is a major part of that. here in the uk and globally. lower demand for electricity is also making a difference. along with the grounding of planes. fewer flights difference. along with the grounding of planes. fewerflights means difference. along with the grounding of planes. fewer flights means less carbon released into the air. it s a pattern seen around the world. the light and the shade here, the bigger the decline in emissions. in some
countries, up again, but still a huge change. the fall in emissions, 1796, huge change. the fall in emissions, 17%, is enormous, we haven t experienced something like this before, as far as we can tell. it is driven by changes in road transport. now that china is out of lockdown, traffic there is building up, so emissions are rising once again. the carbon cut is not permanent. 0n emissions are rising once again. the carbon cut is not permanent. on some key roads, the traffic is starting to come back a bit as the lockdown is eased. but the impact of the different restrictions on the environment has been really striking. not only are those carbon emissions down, the quality of the air has got a lot better. different types of pollution have fallen dramatically. so, as the economy recovers , dramatically. so, as the economy recovers, will we see a return to the toxic haze hanging over our cities? experts in our pollution hope the crisis has shown what s possible. a very unfortunate natural experiment but it does really show
us experiment but it does really show us that by changing the vehicles on our road, reducing the vehicles on our road, reducing the vehicles on our roads, or changing over to electric vehicles, we can immediately reduce air pollution, which is a very, very important message. many cities are now trying to encourage more cycling and walking, to help keep people safe from the disease and also to reduce pollution. their hope is that amid the nightmare of the virus, a greener future can be created. david shukman, bbc news. president trump has been criticised by medical experts after revealing that he is taking a drug to protect himself against coronavirus that is usually used to treat malaria. regulators in the us have warned that there s no evidence that it provides any protection from covid 19 in fact it may cause heart problems. it comes as the president called the world health organization a puppet of beijing , saying it had failed to hold china to account for the coronavirus outbreak. nick bryant reports.
the white house is one of the most heavily protected buildings on the planet. guarded by secret service agents, ready to take a bullet for the president. but in the midst of this viral onslaught, can they protect donald trump from himself? last night, he happily made a stunning admission, that to fend off the coronavirus, he is taking an anti malaria drug, hydroxychloroquine, that his own government has warned against using for covid 19, out of fear of the fatal consequences. i am taking it, hydroxychloroquine. right now. a couple of weeks ago, i started taking it. because i think it s good, i ve heard a lot of good stories. and if it s not good, i ll tell you right. i m not going to get hurt by it. it s been around for 40 yea rs. hurt by it. it s been around for 40 years. this was the astonished response on fox news, a network that is ordinarily the president s cheerleader channel. if you are a risky population here, and you are
taking this as a preventative treatment, toward off the virus, or ina treatment, toward off the virus, or in a worst case scenario, you re dealing with the virus, and you are in this vulnerable population, it will kill you. i cannot stress enough, this will kill you. butjust hours later, this stunning doctor s note from the president s white house physician. it noted that after numerous discussions with mr trump for and against the use of hydroxychloroquine, we concluded the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks. all of this is donald trump doubled down on his threat to halt us funding of the world health organization, which has been meeting virtually in geneva. the us president has bemoaned its repeated missteps, but its director general defended the global body. for all our differences, we are one human race. and we are stronger together. many medical experts say it s notjust
the damage that donald trump could cause himself by taking this antimalarial drug, it s the example he s setting for others. in the midst of a crisis that s already claimed more than 90,000 lives, they fear the president is dispensing dangerous and potentially fatal medical advice. nick bryant, dangerous and potentially fatal medicaladvice. nick bryant, bbc news, new york. a teenager who was shot dead in blackburn has been described as the perfect 19 year old and a role model for other studets. aya hachem was walking to a supermarket on sunday afternoon when shots were fired from a passing car. three men have been arrested. 0ur north of england correspondent judith moritz reports. aya hachem came to blackburn as a child seeking asylum. her family saw it as a place of promise and safety, but she was killed on its streets. the teenager was walking to the shops on sunday afternoon when a gun was fired from a car driving past. aya was not the intended target, but she was in the bullets path and she stood no chance.
she died soon afterwards. in herfew years in blackburn, aya made a big impact, giving back to the community which had helped her. she volunteered for charities which support children and those working with asylum seekers and refugees, and every part of this town took her to its heart. she s been praised by the catholic, methodist and muslim communities, and described as a role model. aya made her most remarkable progress at school, starting with nothing and working her way up to study law at university. we were really, really proud of her, because, arriving with little english, she in her year group made the most progress in the whole year, and we celebrated that, not only within our school community, but within blackburn with darwen, and we used her as an example of what was possible. she was kind, she was caring, she was compassionate. she was a friend to everybody.
three men in their 30s have been arrested on suspicion of murder. aya s parents say they re devastated and determined to bring those responsible to justice. judith moritz, bbc news, blackburn. easyj et has easyjet has apologised to nearly 10 million customers after their details were accessed during a cyber attack. the airline said some customers had had their credit card details stolen but there was no evidence that they had fallen victim to fraud. easyjet is investigating the security breach. when someone dies here in the uk, the local council will step in and arrange their funeral if the family can t afford it or if there are no family or friends. they‘ re called public health funerals and there were 4,000 last year. but undertakers believe the number will be much higher now. 0ur correspondent angus crawford was given rare permission to attend one.
a finaljourney. there is a very visceral fear i think in everyone about ending up alone. ..for albert roy sadler. links to family and friends, long broken, so no want long broken, so no one to follow the hearse. it causes you to look back and think, well, why, how did things end up this way? only one mourner today christina, from the council. people who might otherwise have been with us here today, roy s family and friends, are absent, and so it falls to us few here to pay our respects and to bid farewell to him. relatives, out of touch for years, care home staff in isolation. so, its left to strangers to say goodbye. he was born in october 1937, shortly before the second world war, but roy s was a tough childhood, and in fact he never got to know his mum, who passed away.
the actualjob is to arrange the funeral, but a funeral is a farewell and it is a summing up. we have to have something to say it would be too sad not to. so, christina set to work trying to find loved ones, building a picture of the man and his life. they do come into your affection, little snapshots of their personality, that you think, oh, i would have liked them. you know, and so, you re not going along just with a lanyard on as a council worker, tapping your hand, going, when is this finishing so i can go to lunch? you re going to a funeral of someone you kind of know. i have at every single funeral, i have to say, cried. emotions do get hard when you walk into the chapel and you notice very briefly that no one s there. the funeral director, too. grief may touch her work every day, but these services are especially difficult. we re all human. i would like to think that if any of my family members or friends
was in these circumstances, that a funeral director looking after their funeral would feel as passionately as we do. these are real people. they all had a life, or have a life, have a history, have a story. there is great poignancy in the fact that he has no friends or family here to mourn him. if relatives are untraceable, or simply can t afford to pay, often, the local council will step in. in fact, across the uk, last year, there were more than 4,000 public health funerals. but the warning is that the devastating impact of covid may mean many more in the months to come. on a personal level, i suppose there is almost sometimes a warning that, you know, don t take things for granted. things can go wrong, so, treasure those people who mean a lot to you, keep them close, and make sure your life doesn t go that way.
would you please stand for the words of commendation and committal? it s nice to have got to know you sadly not when you were alive, but you seem like a nice man and i hope we did you proud at the end. amazing grace plays. for albert roy sadler, the journey ends. but thanks to christina, it doesn t end alone. # was blind, but now i see. keeping medical staff as safe as possible from the virus in hospitals is key. now, new technoloy is being tried out on the covid wards of one london hospital. it means doctors really can keep their distance, as fergus walsh explains. can we have a look at john s x ray, please? this is a ward round with a difference. those hand gestures are controlling a mixed reality headset. the doctor can bring
up x rays and scans. thank you very much. and the rest of the medical team can stay in a non covid area, sharing a live feed of everything that he sees. it allows me to get up to date information from the rest of the team, even though they re not next to me. initially it felt a little bit bizarre and a bit odd. but actually if i compared it to the ppe and the visors and the goggles that i was wearing beforehand, it s probably more comfortable and to be honest, i forget that i m wearing it most of the time. john fell off a roof and fractured his spine. he was only found to have covid 19 after being admitted to hospital. his complex injuries require lots of expert input. itjust seems quite a good thing that you can have all those amount of people in the same room in one person, when there s this contagious thing that no one knows the beginnings and the ends of it. they re not only saving me, i m not
passing anything onto anyone,

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