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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20141010 10:00:00

this wrong. i am a machinist and i work with all guys. sorry about that, joe. fox & friends starts right now. happy friday. good morning. today is friday, october 10. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. an explosive warning from the fort hood shooter to the pope. raising jihad, praising it and calling himself a soldier of allah. can his massacre still be called workplace violence? we ll tell you. we will. anger against police in st. louis reaching a boiling point. now protesters are thr knives and even burning, as you can see right there, the american flag. thanks, steve. ladies, would you like a raise? before you go asking your boss for more money, a top male c.e.o. says it s much easier to rely on karma
instead. we ll discuss it. mornings are better with friends. hi. i m billy baldwin and you re watching fox & friends. thank you, billy baldwin. he calls himself the white sheep of the family because he s the one who is just a normal guy. and you re practically a member of the family. right and they might adopt me. because his father was a history teacher at your high school. maria is trying to work her way into the hasselbeck family. we ll see about that. cousin steve and cousin brian in our family. welcome aboard. it is a friday and we start with a jaw dropper. the fort hood shooter has sent a handwritten warning to the pope and to the vatican and to other religious leaders around the world. nidal hasan rambling about jihad and radical islam in his latest
correspondence. we re live in washington with more on this. we re all sort of shaking our heads on this. what more can you tell us? good morning. his lawyer says this letter shows how much convicted fort hood shooter nidal s hasan thoughts are driven by religious zeal. he asked to send a letter to pope francis and hasan tells the pontiff, quote, the willingness to fight for almighty allah can be a test in and of itself. mujahedin have a greater rank in the eyes of allah than those who don t fight and are encouraged to inspire believers. the he went on a shooting rampage in fort hood in 2009 and was convicted of killing 13 people and wounding 31 more; also writes in a letter to the head of the catholic church, quote, those who
inspire divinity through christ and reject the koran are liars and disbelievers. please take heed. hasan describes himself in the letter as he has previously as an s.o.a. or soldier of allah. the obama administration called the fort hood massacre an example of workplace violence rather than islamic terrorism. we called in arthur aidallah. i m holding in my hands the letter he wrote to the pope and other religious leaders. he has nice handwriting. the only good thing i m going to say, he does have nice handwriting. isn t this terrorism? isn t this written terrorism? i m racking my brain. i don t believe there is any ethical obligation on behalf of a lawyer to disseminate information like this. what the hawr has said is he wants what the lawyer has said septs to use this
letter in an appeal to show he wasn t thinking properly and apparently in the trial he was not allowed to testify about his religious beliefs. but there is no reason to be releasing this publicly. here is the lawyer s explanation officially. it says it also reenforces my tblef that the military judge committed reversible error by prohibiting major hasan from both testifying and arguing how his religious beliefs motivated his actions during the shooting. so this is proof that he didn t get a chance to talk at trial and it was because of that that he sent this to the pope. this is a unanimous decision. panel 13 across the board said death penalty. what the attorney leaves out is that last step. it s reversible error. he wasn t able to testify. he goes if he was able to testify, x, y, z. that s not there. usually it would say it would create a defense of extreme emotional
disturbance which would mitigate it from a death penalty case to a nondeath penalty case. i don t understand why this lawyer did this in such a public way. it doesn t make any sense to me. i don t know. it doesn t seem like the most professional action. that is the nicest thing i can say. when you see quotes like this, this is from the letter, those who die their final death worshipping other than allah are not forgiven. their good deeds are rendered useless. and this is going to the pope. it is not like he s just releasing it. it s going to the pope. all i can tell you this, brian, if i got a letter like this from my attorney regarding this or anything else i apologize from my client as an attorney, i want you to disseminate this, i have no obligation. i would say no. this is what bothers me. he s still able to write and play a role. the fact that he s able to do this and offer threats. he should have broke his fingers. allowed to
communicate? brian, hold on a second. even the worst people are allowed you re still allowed to write a letter. the lawyer doesn t have the obligation to correct. disseminate it. he s in a horrible place. nobody would want to be where this guy is, physically where he is. nobody wants to trade places with him, and he is allowed to write letters. there are a bunch of people that lost their lives i m not saying he doesn t deserve to be there. there are many that died at his hands who would love to at least have the ability to write a letter. his lawyer passing this on and i think you hit it right on the head, arthur, by saying he s under no obligation about this. why is he? it does not make sense to me, elisabeth. if you want me to tell you i think he s being used by this guy or maybe he wants five minutes of fame look now he s on fox & friends now he s famous. here s what makes it worse. he s an islamic extremist. this guy is becoming a
celebrity amongst the people that hate us most. i agree. that is why i would never do this. i don t understand what the motivation is. if it is reversible error, put it in your papers and send it to court. it pretty much solidifies even though the department of justice decides it is not terrorism, we re going to try him on workplace violence, dr. jasser was on with megyn last night and said this proves it was terrorism. the report on fort hood was 84 pages and never mentioned islam, jihad. there were copy cats after nidal. another who wanted to commit another fort hood. how many recurrences, hundreds we ve seen of this violence of jihaddism that keeps represent replicating and because of the fear of our administration, groups that are apologists that want to put a cover over the real
cold war of the 21st century which is islamic we ll give you the last word. let s talk about it from a realistic point of view, he wasn t prosecuted under terrorism but he did get justice that he deserves, and that s the ultimate, ultimate goal that these families want. i shame on you, attorney, for doing this, in my opinion. you represent all attorneys and i feel that way and any time i step into a courtroom or act, you should know better than that than to be this guy s tool. this guy s pawn. he want to be famous. he s famous but he still is on death row. with his fingers, though he can write. many people didn t realize he had the option to not send it and you just opened that up for them. thank you for that. all right. nine minutes after the top of the hour on this very busy friday. heather s got the headlines. it is the weekend;
right? we have some other news for you. the clock is ticking. in less than 24 hours new screening for ebola goes into effect at jfk, new york s largest airport. next week four other airports wip join in. newark, dulles, o hare and heartsfield jackson in atlanta. travelers from west africa will now have their temperature taken. but airports are already on high alert. take a look at this video just into fox & friends. fire fighters in hazmat gear swarming a plane in alabama after a passenger gets sick mid flight. turns out it was just a case of motion sickness. breaking overnight, protesters in st. louis, missouri, are burning american flags over the shooting death of a teenage boy by police. [chanting] don t shoot! no peace! during the chaos rioters threw a knife at a knife at
an officer hitting him in shoulder, two people were arrested. jason miller in custody this morning after a three-hour standoff with police. he tweeted during the entire thing. all of this unfolding in california. officers tried to apparently serve him with an arrest warrant on a list of charges including domestic violence. here s just one of his tweets at one point saying just don t let them shoot me. miller looking pleased with himself in his mug shot. he is being held on $200,000 bail. how about good news for this friday. the nobel peace prize awarded this morning. pakistani child malala and satyari getting this year s honor. the nobel committee citing
them for work for children. an alabama mother furious after her five-year-old kindergartner is forced to sign a no suicide contract at school. did you say she s five? she s five. you have the story for us. what s going on here? good morning, elisabeth. the mother rebecca wants to remain anonymous but says it started when mobile county officials called her about an incident involving her daughter. she said, quote, they told me she drew something that resembled a gun. according to them she point add crayon at another student and said pew-pew. rebecca said she questioned her daughter about suicidal thoughts but that is not all. rebecca said she had to sign a sign a contractor promising not to commit
suicide. she is now pushing to have the incident removed from her child s record saying the situation should have been handled differently. she said as a parent that is not right. i m the one who should be able to talk to my child and not have somebody else mention words like this. the school not commenting and according to alabama state law anyone under the anal of 19 can under the age of 19 cannot legally sign contracts without a parent. that final point is so crazy. you don t have kids sign a contract. that is my opinion as the mama of a five-year-old. she said pew-pew, not bang-bang. what do you think about that? please e-mail us at friends at fox or tweet us at fox & friends. this story had so many of you outraged yesterday. did the e.p.a. pull an i.r.s. because thousands of text messages that were supposed to be handed over accidentally deleted. we have brand-new details
that are going to get you going on this friday. forget boys and girls. call them purple penguins. a school is going gender inclusive. a very unhappy is here. we won t tell you if it s a man or woman.
it looks like the government has not learned much from the lois lerner scandal. her e-mails vanished when congress launched its probe but now it s happened to a top e.p.a. official as well. the environmental protection agency agency says it deleted thousands of text messages after a conservative think tank started asking questions. so what is the agency trying to cover up? here to explain is the fellow fellow at the energy and the environment chris warner. first we saw the text messaging correspondence of the woman who had been the deputy in charge of what s known as the war on coal, e.p.a. s most expensive, most aggressive regulatory agenda. gina mccarthy, she s now the administrator. on 18 separate days because we had been told she had
been warned about what she was writing and was going to get the administration in trouble. for 18 days we requested and got no answers. we ran the odds and figured she was not texting on those days but she actually texted like a teenager instead of e-mail. we sought all of them. once again they said she doesn t have any. it turns out in one lawsuit she admitted through counsel to having destroyed all over 5,000 messages over a three-year period. we got meta data that shows she was corresponding with her senior aides in the war on coal even though she defended her cyber bonfire by saying they were all personal. they wiped out theirs too. e.p.a. is destroying an entire class of correspondence. what do you think those text messages could reveal and why did you
if you look at what happened to lois lerner, she got her job for about a year because she pleads the fifth and she s living okay. what do we learn from lois lerner? better to give you the stiff arm than tell the truth and realize what she might be doing is flatout corruption. we ll see if everybody gets away with this. on its face it violates the criminal code, you can get up to three years per incident. i m not saying she needs to fit herself in stripes but
gina mccarthy was the person in charge of making sure the laws were abided. some politicians in these coal states should be applauding you for what you re doing because you re keeping their industry alive. thanks so much. he s fired up on a friday. ten minutes before the top. het me tell you what s straight ahead. they are here and hired to serve and protect but how are they supposed to do that if they have no weapons? wait until you hear about a plan to take away their guns. more and more schools forcing kids to get flu shots and what happens if you don t want your child to get one? can they be denied an education? we separate facts from fiction.
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we have some friday morning headlines for you now. the u.s. supreme court stopping officials in wisconsin from requiring residents to provide photo i.d. before voting. hours later a federal judge in texas blocked that state s voter i.d. law calling it a poll tax. texas attorney general greg abbott says it will be appealed. who s the bully here? the kansas chapter of the united auto workers using its website to call out g.m. workers who chose not to pay union dues. it dedicated an entire page with the names of 30 people who are not in the union. critics say it s an all-outest to intimidate and pressure them into joining. pressure tax. that s the news. here s the doctor and elisabeth. thank you. october is the start of flu
season. while no one is immune parents may be hesitant to get their children vaccinated with the flu shot. should they be worried with that? here to separate flu from fact fiction is fox news medical a team dr. marc siegel. the flu season starts earlier, lasts longer; a lot of concerns with parents. let s go through fact or fiction possible myth. the flu vaccine is safe for children? absolutely a fact. it is completely safe for children. you can get the injected vaccine which is a dead virus. that is completely safe. it can t cause the flu. children sometimes do better with the inhaled vaccine which is a live virus. you can t have that if you have asthma but that is easier to take and there is some evidence it causes better immunity. i m all for that flu mist for children. as long as they don t have asthma. second, children can be denied from school without a flu shot? that s fiction. but i ll tell you something, there s a couple of states where it s becoming fact.
in new jersey, connecticut and new york over the last couple of years if you want to go to preschool, your kid to go to preschool or day care they have to take a flu shot. there s an advantage to that. it decreases the amount of flu that is circulating. we know our preschools are like petri dishes, spreading and touching each other. there is a decrease of hospitalization of young people who take the flu shot. the flu shot doesn t usually prevent the flu but it decreases how severe a flu you get if you get the flu. for a young child or old person especially important. by law? right now. in those states. not across the country yet. very controversial but i think it is very valuable. if you re trying to get pregnant you should avoid the flu shot? fact or fiction? fiction. there s three reasons you should have the flu shot. flu shots do not cause miscarriages. flu shots when you re pregnant protect you. if you get the flu when you re pregnant it s very
severe. itcan be quite severe and can lead to problems in fetuses, birth defects. it protects the baby for the first six months of life when you can t give them the flu shot. c.d.c. recommends giving them the flu shot after the first six months. in the first six months you re relying on the immunity you got from your mom. you can get the flu from a flu shot? you absolutely cannot. many times i tell people that, they still think it s the case. you cannot. the first 24 hours after you get the flu shot you may get some symptoms, you may get under the weather, may get a little fever, muscle aches. that is an allergy to the flu shot. it is a dead virus. what about the nasal spray? the nasal spray is a live virus. you always ask the smartest questions. it is a live virus but
can t give you the flu. what about those with an egg allergy? this says those with an egg allergy can t get the flu vaccine. also fiction. we now have a version of the flu shot that is egg free. if you have a severe allergy you can get a different kind of flu shot that won t cause the allergy. get your flu shot no matter what. great message. dr. segal, always great to have you here. you ask the best questions. thanks for being here. i have my flu shot. coming up now, it s a fox & friends exclusive. brian sits down with mark cuban, a guy who doesn t worry about what comes out of his mouth at all. are you worried about political correctness today? i m not worried so much because i don t give a damn. wait until you hear what he thinks about washington. ladies, would you like a
raise? before you go ask for more money a top male c.e.o. says just rely on karma. first happy birthday to david lee roth. he turns 60 years old today. wouldn t it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie s list, now it is.
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less-expensive optionf than a traditional lawyer? at legalzoom you get personalized services for your family and your business that s 100% guaranteed. so go to today for personalized, affordable legal protection. we are celebrating. it s our shot of the morning. we re kicking off columbus day weekend with an italian feast. pizza for everybody. we have the head chef of l & b gardens, lenny gardens.
you guys came here as a family in 1917? grandpa came as a young boy. he came with practically nothing. he came, he lived in a little place on president street and he was all by himself and he started from a kid that came as an orphan and created a pizza dynasty. i mean, the dpie went the guy went on the cover of your box you ve got a horse and buggy. he delivered by horse? that s right. the ice cream. great. family recipe. it is basically a grandma pizza but mass produced. grandma pizza is a pizza cooked from fresh and it goes in the oven with the sauce on top. if it goes in fresh with
the mozzarella on top, the mozzarella would burn. this is the pizza i grew up with. what is this? my mother s salami sandwich from coney island. does she know you took it? she passed away. this is the best. you have salami on the bottom. it is almost like a salad. will you be here all morning? our friend arthur aidala has been telling us about your place for many years you ve got a friend. we invite you all. thank you very much. love it. time for some news. for that, heather childers joins us. nothing like pizza for breakfast. we begin with this, 1,000 air force service men are losing health care because they re told they never should have had it in the first place. the air force says that
they mistakenly issued medical coverage to voluntarily separating air men earlier this year. the problem is anyone optingor voluntary separation is not eligible for health care. and now that it s being taken away, air men and women, they re furious saying we were told one thing and now we re being told another. the police are there to serve and protect, just not with guns? one d.c. council man wants to disarm cops. independent david grosso saying he wants to get rid of all guns in the city including for police officers. other city council members quickly jumped to defend him even saying officers in other countries aren t armed. grosso adding he s not introducing any legislation. he s just starting a conversation. like a bad game of dodge ball, a democratic kentucky senate candidate alison grimes ducking question after question on whether she voted for president obama. take a listen.
did you vote for president obama in 2008 and 2012? this election isn t about the president. it s about making sure we put kentuckyans back to work. did you vote? i was in 2008 a delegate for hillary clinton. she didn t answer. the latest fox news poll puts mitch mcconnell ahead of grimes by fow points. a firestorm of controversy surrounding the c.e.o. of microsoft after he told a group of women not asking for a raise is good karma. it happened at an event celebrating women and technology. he said it is not really about asking for the raise but knowing and having faith that the system will actually give you the right raises as you go along because that is s good karma. twitter went nuts, one woman tweeting maybe he meant the good women who don t ask for raises will
be reincarnated as men who get those raises. he tweeted back saying was inarticulate about how women ask for raise. our industry must close gender pay gap so a raise is not needed because of bias. what do you think? he could have just said everyone. if he says everyone, for me, if i m a worker, i want my boss to give me a raise i don t want to ask for it, no problem. i don t know why it was specific to women. other people say you ve got to go ask for it. go storm in there. it s a strategy. it s a style. here s the thing. he was answering a question of if you re a woman, i think in his mind i don t know him he was probably saying in general people who ask, i would like to recognize them rather than he would like a do-over. what do you think about
that? e-mail us at friends at in the meantime you re looking at an image from nasa of a major typhoon heading for japan. more than 50,000 american troops are stationed there. maria molina joins us and she s got an eye on that big storm and our whether as well. good morning. hello everyone. that storm system is equivalent to a category 4 hurricane that would be in the atlantic. it has maximum sustained winds now of about 140 miles per hour and landfall is expected out there coming up very shortly over the next few days not only across okinawa about northward across parts of japan. in the lower 48 we have rain across a stationary front. anywhere from texas to parts of arkansas and into missouri you re going to be looking at several inches of rain possible. there are flash d into watches in effect and eventually that rain will
be moving into portions of the mid-atlantic. tomorrow morning you can expect showers in places like washington, d.c. along this front boundary the risk of severe storms that will start today and pick up in intensity sunday into monday. we ll be watching in in states like oklahoma, arkansas and parts of texas. otherwise temperatures to the north of the front very chilly. only in the 50 s in places like kansas city and chicago but 90 s across texas. let s head back inside. thank you. on monday i had an interview with the owner of dallas mavericks mark cuban. we talked about everything from his first job selling garbage bags to his tough talk on washington. here s an excerpt you re going to see on monday. i vote for the guy who s going to do the least. in what way? about what? about everything.
because again, politicians are there to be reelected. i don t think they do a good job of thinking. i don t care if it s republicans or democrats, there is no difference between the two. they re there to get elected. i think what i look for is you just stay out of the way. because the more they try to do, the harder it gets. has president obama lived up to your expectations? good tease. that s a great way to put it, although i don t know how many candidates are going to run for i will do the least. he characterized himself as a libertarian. i said rand paul is your guy? he said, no, he s not my guy. he s very much on the fence. he voted for president obama twice but he s actually probusiness, go out and get it. he talks about entitlement and kids. he talks about owner of the mavericks and where he gets his drive from. he looks at himself as an average guy with an above average work ethic. too bad he s so shy
about his opinions. i give him a lot of credit because he s so honest. he mentioned he voted for the president twice. on monday find out does he regret voting for president obama. find that out and more. mark cuban talking with brian on monday. next, if you recently bought a blizzard with a credit card. dairy barn dairy queen? you go there a lot. if you just charged something at dairy barn you re fine, but dairy queen that s a problem. boys and girls, just call them purple penguins? that s right. a school is going gender inclusive, an outraged parent is here next from the news barn.
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quick consumer headlines now. dow drama may have had a lot of people worried yesterday especially after their 401(k) plunged 335 points perhaps. that means if you had $the 0,000 in your if you had 90 thousand dollars in your retirement yesterday it dropped to 88 thousand dollars. dairy queen, the latest victim to be hit by customers, 600 customers had credit card information study. you can check your dairy queen website. amazon set to open a retail store in new york city. it says it will be like a mini warehouse used for
same day deliveries and pickups. the store expected to be open just in time for the holidays. that is a great idea. a school cedric in the state of nebraska a school district in nebraska under fire for training material aimed at helping teachers deal with transgender students in dowms titled 12 easy steps on the way to gender inclusiveness, teachers are told don t use phrases such as boys and girls, girls and guys or ladies and gentlemen and similarly gender expression to get students attention. instead use nicknames like purple penguins, all the purple penguins meet on the rug. that is what they are asked to do rather than say ladies and gentlemen. is this how the school district should be spending its time and money?
our next guest was the first parent to learn about the training materials. her e-mails to other parents on the matter is what sparked this debate. good morning, rachel. thanks for joining us from lincoln. good morning. good to be with you. as i understand it, you got a heads up on this because a teacher or two e-mailed you and said you ve got to spread the word; right? right, right. and i really respect and honor these teachers for putting their jobs on the line to do what they thought was best for their student. apparently the school district believes this is part of their antibullying campaign to get rid of this, you know, eliminate saying boys and girls because there are transgender students perhaps in the classroom? yeah. bullying is a big topic and i think we can all agree that no child should be bullied, that all children should be welcomed, included. but i feel like the
political correctness here is really distorting reality and probably isn t the best way to help children feel safer at school. what do you mean, the political correctness? i think that s probably where this gender spectrum idea is coming from. you know, it s not everybody feels comfortable with the boy and girl, let s get rid of it for everybody. it s extreme political correctness being misused in a way that s confusing to children. when the teachers reached out to you, you say they were concerned, they don t think it s a good idea. why? because well, i think part of the reason is clearly you can see how teachers might feel uncomfortable with the directions to speak this way. it s unnatural to the teachers and probably goes against the belief system of many of the teachers.
i m sure that they re concerned about parental rights as well. the school district superintendent had this sound bite and talks about how the media portrayal of the training papers not accurate. listen to this and then your reaction. have we or anybody inside our system mandated that a teacher take boys and girls or ladies and gentlemen out of their interactions with children or interactions with adults? this was about adults, professional educators, who care deeply about trying to reach and establish relationships with children, looking for strategies on how they can be more effective in their classroom. there you ve got the superintendent denying they ve asked teachers to stop doing that. you say what? i wasn t at the training
meeting, and as far as i know, they haven t told teachers you re not allowed to say boys and girls or ladies and gentlemen. you know, what i ve heard is that the handouts were given out as suggestions for teachers to use in their classroom. but, you know, i think he s probably trying to distance himself a little bit from that around this firestorm. i know there s a big school district meeting coming up on tuesday and you re encouraging parents to show and speak out against it. everybody gets five minutes. all right. rachel terry joining us from lincoln. thank you very much for telling your story. thank you. what do you think about that? e-mail us. coming up, he was the defense secretary and head of the c.i.a. for president obama, but obama s supporters say he s dishonorable? it s kind of sad that in its twilight, he s done such a
dishonorable thing by going after the president that he served at a time of a lot of different instabilities around the world. does bill burton have a point? we want to know what you think. mail us about that asç well. grown in america. picked and packed at the peak of ripeness. with no artificial ingredients. del monte. bursting with life. ir is perfect. with no artificial ingredients. so s his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here s $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to for savings.
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well, it has been another busy week here on fox & friends. in case you missed it, here is a look back, way back. welcome to fox & friends. the number one show on cable. right now. thanks to awful you at home. the only endorsement donald trump is giving out is watch fox & friends. well, it s a great group and i have a lot of fun.
congratulations! you re engaged! there you go. any chance to get a cake. i don t know where to put my feet. evidently she has longer legs than we were told. what s the problem? she s kicking me in the shin shins! by the way, i was actually in pineapple express. i was. really?g story. yeah, i was. i was on the radio. is this true? seriously? yes. or was that tropic thunder ? the truth is out there somewhere, scully. you know how i love broadway. sting is coming to broadway. and i love musicals. you went to rocky on broadway. i saw him stinging frozen. let it go. you ll never make it in vegas. wind machine, smoke machine, people dancing. trying to sing here. larry gatlin has a new song.
you underestimate these united states and the righteous people standing up as one we exist to fan the flame of freedom batman ladies and gentlemen, adam west! i m a senior super hero now, just kind of a geezer. how old are you? 86. no kidding. yes. that voice is the same as it was the day i heard it when i was a kid watching trick or treat. you have to rock us out. do we have any time left? , no. joe perry, awesome. what a week! a lot of music this week.
yeah. we re going to be right back with two more hours unless steve has another agenda. wait until you hear what gwyneth paltrow said about the president last night. she s crazy about him. you think so? i m over the hill. my body doesn t work the way it used to. past my prime? i m a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don t think so. great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. great grains protein blend.
woman: everyone in the nicu all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. i wouldn t trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you.
at massmutual we re owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. if you re caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. good morning. today is friday, october 10. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. an explosive warning from the fort hood shooter to the pope, praising jihad and calling himself a soldier of allah. can his massacre still now be called workplace violence? when is that going to change? he was the defense secretary and head of the c.i.a., but president obama s supporter says he s dishonorable. it s kind of sad that in its twilight, he s done such a dishonorable thing by by going after the president that he served at a time of a lot of different instabilities around the world. so does bill burton have a point? we report. you decide.
he wrote a book. a kindergartener is forced to sign a no suicide contract at school because she drew a picture that kind of looked like a gun. what? oh, boy. thank you for joining us. it s friday. you re watching fox & friends . hello, everybody. this is lenny from l and bspumoni garden! manja! i know it s 7:00 o clock on friday morning, but i ve already had one piece of pizza. it s delicious. it is a mob scene outside. like we starved the crew for 72 hours. they brought us italian food to kick off columbus day whether isñr monday. right. we told but this in the cold open. fort hood shooter sending a handwritten warning to pope francis and the vatican. rambling on about jihad and
radical islam in his latest correspondence there. molly henneberg is live. we got a copy of the letter. tell us what he s saying. reporter: good morning. the letter is a message to pope francis and others instructing them how they can get right with allah and how jihad can, quote, inspire the believers. nidal hasan s lawyer says this letter shows how much of the convicted fort hood shooter s, quote, life actions and mental thought are driven by religious zeal. hasan asked his lawyer to mail a six-page handwritten letter to the pope that begins, quote, a warning to pope francis, members of the vatican, and other religious leaders around the world, with all due courtesy, i invite you to understand the purpose of life as defined by almighty allah. in one section of the letter titled jihad, he tells the pontiff that muslims who wage jihad, quote v a greater rank in the eyes of allah. hassan, a former army
psychiatrist, went on a shooting rampage at fort hood in 2009 and was later convicted of killing 13 people and wounding 31 more. he also writes in this letter to the head of the catholic church, quote, christians are specifically warned by the god of abraham to believe in the koran and not to say jesus is the son of god. hasan describes himself in the letter as he has previously as an soa, or soldier of allah. the obama administration has called the fort hood massacre an example of workplace violence rather than islamic terrorism. back to you all in new york. allall right. molly henneberg live in our nation s capitol, thank you. interesting look at the letter, we all got copies of it. in this letter to the pope, hasan while he says i m ready for jihad and ready to do what it takes because he s a soldier of allah, and yeah, and i m the guy that murder 13 people and tried to murder 31 others. you can only put so much in a letter, steve.
the other thing to keep in mind is how was he radicalized? by writing to al-awlaki. by doing this, he s making himself a star in that underworld and trying to radicalize other people by telling them what he thinks is the right way to serve allah. so in other words, if you want to wind up on death row like me, here is a way. but he s surviving. to some people in that warped sensibility, it s like wow, he s my idol. his attorney decided to pass it on. one of the quotes is this: the willingness to fight for almighty allah can be a test in itself, believing fighters have a greater rank in the eyes of allah than believers who don t fight. that s from former major nidal hasan. his lawyer this is the extraordinary part about it. he wrote this letter and asked his lawyer, deliver this to the pope. and the reason he about it was he said this makes my case. he says, quote, this letter also reinforces my belief that the
military judge committed reversible error by prohibiting major hasan from both testifying and arguing how his religious beliefs motivated his actions during the shooting. so in other words, the lawyer says this is proof his religious zeal drove him to murder. yeah. so who is can we at least acknowledge he s being motivated by islamic extremism? that s the part that gets us. it was clearly terrorism, but this department of justice decided to prosecute him and he was convicted on charges of workplace violence. here is what you re saying. stephanie e mailed us this, because this case was designated workplace violence, the military members were treated incorrectly. there are victims who survived, but lost their careers. the designation made a horrible situation even worse. it did indeed. also kevin e mailed, if the president does not now after this letter admit he was wrong about this not being workplace
violence, our country is in danger. keep the e-mail coming. facebook us. you can tweet under the circumstances. as we toss to heather, keep in mind, we got another shot at this. that s the oklahoma beheader, that lunatic that went into his workplace after being suspended and started screaming islamic phrases and we know what he did. so let s get it right this time. that happening in moore, oklahoma. yep. the clock is ticking. in less than 24 hours, new screening for ebola goes into effect at jfk, new york s largest airport. next week four other airports will join in. newark, dulles, o hare and atlanta. travels from west africa will now have their temperature taken. but airports are already on high alert. take a look at this video. this is just in to fox & friends. firefighters in haz-mat gear swarming a plane in alabama after a passenger gets sick mid flight. turns out that was just a case
of motion sickness. breaking overnight, protesters in st. louis, missouri, now burning american flags over the shooting death of a teenage boy by police. during the chaos, rioters through threw a knife at a police officer and hit him in the shoulder. two people were arrested. theç violent crowd also smashig this glass door at a pharmacy. also shattering the window of a patrol car. an alabama mother is furious. have you heard about this? after her five-year-old kindergartener is forced to sign a no suicide contract, all because she drew a picture of what looked like a gun. rebecca, who wants to remain anonymous, says while she was waiting in the lobby, the school questioned her daughter about suicidal thoughts. but that s not all. they also had her sign a suicide and homicide contract promising not to hurt herself or others. she s now pushing to have the
incident removed from her child s record. there is a look at your headlines. five years old. yep. teeny little one to have to write such things. i don t know if i could write my last name at five. then promise in crayon not to do it again. we asked for comments and got a lot. ruth says, quote, so ridiculous, i m a preschool teacher and some of my students make guns out of toys. i simply tell them we don t do that in schools. jean says this whole political correctness nonsense about guns and the like is nuts. when i grew up, every kid brought a toy cap gun or water pistol to school and we played cowboys and indians during recess. and brian tweets from the couch, i agree with those first two e-mailers. thank you. and i retreat. thank you very much. appreciate that. leon panetta has a new book. it is rocketing up the best seller charts. in it he talks about how the president of the united states, he s got really good intentions, but he has made a lot of mistakes. didn t listen to leon panetta a lot of times. essentially didn t listen to anybody. well, cnn needed somebody to
counter that, so they called up paid attack dog bill burton who was a spokesperson for the campaign and also the white house and now did a super pac. apparently will he they couldn t get anybody from the administration to attack leon panetta, who by the way has had a long and storied career in washington, d.c nobody said leon panetta is an attack dog. but that s bill burton s role in this sound bite from cnn on tuesday. it s kind of sad that in its twilight, he s done such a dishonorable thing by going after the president that he served at a time of a lot of different instabilities around the world. this president has shown his leadership time and again. he has moved this country in the right direction and to attack his leadership i think is small and petty. that s very interesting for leon panetta to be challenged by bill burton, deputy communications director who is no longer even with the administration. it s hardly equal weight.
we talked about this yesterday. if you want to push back against leon panetta, get someone on par with him, then it s an equal fight. when you try to have bill burton compared to leon panetta, it s like spitting in the wind. if it s only leon panetta, that s one issue. this is someone who i believe if you listen to his interview, he s expressing deep concern with the chance to actually make changes moving forward for the benefit our national security. gates book that came out, hillary clinton s book came out. there are a lot of those lining up that were all part of this administration s team at one point saying that they have reservations about how things were handled. charlie rose s why did you write the book to leon panetta and he said i did it to get a message to him, you can still change it all around. in the last two years of his administration. so somebody who is not critical of the president, in fact, is crazy about him, is gwyneth paltrow. the president is he s had a really busy week of fund-raiser. he held one at her house in
brentwood and as she was introducing him, she said this is the president, i am one of your biggest fans, if not the biggest. and then went on to say, it would be wonderful if we were able to give this man all of the power that he needs to pass the things that he needs to pass. also she said at one point, you re so handsome that i can t speak properly. right. and that s what elisabeth said to me when she first saw me. very similar. if that is true, no one was taping. you know i love you. you may have 100% approval rating from me, and you do, too, steve. obama may have 100% approval rating from gwyneth paltrow, but not so much so in the state of california. his approval rating dropped 20% here. down from 65% in 2009 to 45% approval rating there now, which is astounding, which may explain why he headed this, had
a big party in brentwood, julia roberts was there and bradley wickford and it sounds like she was the hostess. the mid terms are important. she likes him. she likes him a lot. a lot of people like him a lot. this coming up soon, were agents caught up in the colombian prostitution scandal thrown under the bus to cover up the white house s involvement and protect the president s reelection? former secret service agent knows the inside scoop and he is going to join us with it next. and a horse walks into a police station. no really. a horse walks into a police station. there was no joke there. that s the horse. hey, get back. hello.
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the white house embroiled in yet another controversy after a new report claims that senior officials knew about the involvement of a white house aide in the secret service prostitution scandal. many are surprised. our next guest is not. more than a year ago, he wrote, quote, i assure you, if the same level of investigative scrutiny
i can t say applied to white house staff members conducting advance work as was applied to the secret service, the results would not be flattering. joining us now is the author of life inside the bubble, former secret service agent, dan bonjino. thanks for being with us this morning. i want to say your brother was a secret service agent accuse evidence being involved in that colombian scandal there. and was exonerated. given the new information to many that s come out, what are your thoughts? the hypocrisy here is absolutely stunning. this is a two-tiered government. you re either a connected insider on the inside or you re not. and if you re not, you re going to be paraded to be tarred and feathered in front of the public and everyone else. the white house staffer gets a promotion and is celebrated. and others punished for looking into it. the lead investigator on this was told to delay this information as it was reported
and then also instruct to do sort of step aside. this is david nieland and his account here. why is this happening? step aside, hold this so that the white house doesn t look bad. was this always the case? no, elisabeth. this is pattern of of behavior with this administration. they jump in front of the cameras. they act horrified and aircrafted at what happened and then pick a target and go after it. another example is the irs case where they blame the cincinnati rank and file employees, or benghazi where they blame the c.i.a. here they ran out in front of the cameras, called the secret service agents knuckle heads. we can argue about the punishment for the secret service agents, harsh or lenient, but what we can t argue about is there were clearly two sets of rules. the insiders got promoted, global initiative, and everyone else was fired and humiliated. including, by the way, some pressure put on the i.g. s office to make this
investigation go away the last of the election. as it seems. i m so glad you re here because you were there. you know this. you write about it. but connect the dots for me. going back from this scandal to now where we re seeing these security breaches and white house making statements about the secret service, did it all start back then? it seems as though there is such a wall between the white house and the secret service that maybe wasn t there before. where did it start? that s a good question. i ve never seen in my 12 years when i was with the secret service and three administrations, i ve never seen the relationship so strained. it didn t just start here. there were things like the sequester. remember they blamed the secret service for the closing of the white house tours. that was ridiculous. everybody knew it was. the secret service had nothing to do with that decision. and i know a lot of the men and women that worked there felt thrown under the bus there as well. elisabeth, one point on this, when i wrote that book, i knew a lot more than i wrote.
that s why i kind of was cryptic about what i wrote. everybody knew that there was staff involved in this cartagena scandal and everybody knows there has been a pattern of staff misbehavior as well on foreign trips. i m not apologizing or justifying what anybody did in the secret service, but applying those two sets of rules has definitely built that wall and made it higher between the service and the white house. your insight could not be more important adds all these new reports come in. we thank you for joining us this morning and always. thanks, elisabeth. great to see you. coming up, this story has so many of you ticked off. teachers not allowed to call kids boys and girls. just call them purple penguins? we re going to read some of your comments on that. they re firey. and from the state to the kitchen, martina mcbride is here to share her favorite recipes with us, like corn chowder and chicken.
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we ve got quick headlines for you right now. women don t need to ask for a raise. they should just trust the system. yep. the ceo of microsoft facing criticism after he told a group of women at a tech conference just that, saying not asking for a raise is good karma. he tried walking it back and he said that he had been inarticulate. none the less, he s in a little hot water. who do you prefer working with in the office? a new study found both men and women are happier when they don t have to work with each other. the women interviewed in the study said they sometimes felt bullied by guys. the guys said they felt like they had to walk on egg shells around the women. that s some of the news.
all right. she s used to entertaining millions with her music. currently on tour with her latest album which debuted at number one which i think is good. but now she s teaching her fans how to entertain with her brand-new book called around the table. welcome, more tina mcbride to our show. good to be here. you were tired of eating catering. you could whip up a home made meal on the road. good one at that. yeah. i mean, i love to cook. i ve always loved to cook. and entertain people in my home. so decided to write a book that kind of has a lot of not only recipes and menus, but a lot of tips for entertaining. you and i have something in common. we re both from little towns in kansas. and i understand your bedroom was right off the kitchen where your mom taught you how to dot dot do the cooking. exactly. my mother-in-law later. what are some of the best tips? it can be really easy. you re busy, but you always make time and good food.
i think people get intimidated by the whole process of having people in their home. you never think your house looks exactly right and you think you re going to mess something up. it s really about jumping in and doing it. this book is a lot of tips to make it easy. why don t you teach us? allall right. this is that chowder. yeah. how do you make that? show us a demo of it. first you cook some bacon and you have the leftover bacon fat, which is always a good thing. absolutely. you bring your own fat? takes it to a next level. then put in the vegetables. i have celery, onion, jalapeno pepper and bell pepper. you have a chopper? my kids help me chop. it takes a lot of time. cook that a little bit. then put in just spices. i have cumin and cayenne pepper, a little salt. by the way, the recipes will be on our web site.
put it all in. soup in a pot. how hard can it be? once everything is kind of cooking and smell it, then you can started aing ingredients and then add the stock? let your vegetables get soft. then a little white wine. i m surprised the crew left that here. a little chicken stock. do you bring it to a boil and let it cook? with soup, usually the longer it cooks, the better it is. everything kind of gets all cooked up. then add some potatoes. this is for a lot of people, how many people you serving here? as many as she wants. this serves about ten to 12 people. then you can easily double it. you can add more stuff. it s good the next day, too. and then through the magic of television, it winds up looking just like that. delicious. with a a great fall treat.
also on our web site, you ve got the recipe for an autumn chopped salad and spiced zucchini bread. that s it, yeah. everybody talking about the zucchini bread, i have to say. it is good. what s the secret? it s just a great bread for you can have it for dessert, with coffee in the morning. my daughter and i like ours cold with butter on top. here is what s so great about your book. people think when you become as famous as you, you have a butler and full-time chef. you re saying no, i still cook. i still do things to keep me grounded. yeah. i love to wbr id wbr53150 cook. for me, it s a way of nurturing and taking care of people. and there is nothing like putting some love into some food and then sitting down and having everybody enjoy it. sure. you pass it on. the good news, brian, you can have your butler do the preparing. exactly. i open he s watching. he needs to run out and get the new book around the table. thank you for joining us live. thank you for having me. /b
we ll get your cd, too. switching gears, coming up, major nidal hasan sending an explosive letter to the pope. we want to know, since the government ignored the warning signs with hasan before the fort hood attack, is history repeating itself? a horse walks into a police station. no, it s not a joke. a horse walked into a police station. i think they re going to let him go. so heç goes in there. hear what s next.
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we have a fox news alert. explosive warning from the fort hood shooter to the pope, praising jihad and calling himself a soldier of allah. will our government finally take this latest threat seriously or will it be another white wash like labeling the murder of 13 people workplace violence? here to weigh in, peter johnson, jr. this isn t just a guy on death row just spouting off. there is more to this. there is more to this. i m afraid history will repeat itself. the government at every level missed jar in a san s radical radicalization. the letter that was received by the pope or sent to the pope by his attorney is a typical jihad convert or die. he s telling the pope, convert or die. so i believe this is violate of
the law. if there is spwckal administrative measures in place, meaning if a federal bureau of prisons is a military prison at leavenworth, you can t send letters out, you can t make contact with supporters. you can t radicalize. and then the lawyer carries that letter out in the u.s. mail and says i m going to send this to the pope because, quote, i was instructed, unquote, by my client to send this out, i find that to be utterly disturbing and we are repeating history in this country, ignoring the warning signs that we have with major hasan. do you see this letter as a threat? oh, absolutely do see it as a threat. when you send a warning to pope francis and you talk about in the letter that the past of the precious few and it talks about peter, read this. he says worshiping allah, those who died their final death, worshiping other than awill are not forgiven and their
good deeds are rendered useless. peter, let me ask you this. when you came in, you were remembering and you ve got a great memory you were remembering another attorney based here in new york city who also dealt with somebody who was involved in terror. let s remember the blind sheik, convicted for seditious in the early 2000s, he was going to blow up part of a conspiracy to blow up about five sites in new york city post the 93 world trade center bombing. he had a lawyer named lynn stewart. lynn stewart was ultimately convicted after the conviction in which she represented him of passing messages to his supporters. she went to federal jail. she s out on it now. so the point that you ve been making really well this morning is that he s never been convicted of anything more than workplace violence. the d.o.d. said it s workplace violence.
but what are we doing in this country that we would allow this man not to be part of special administrative measures prohibiting him from contacting people? there is something called a fatwa, that s what the blind sheik was involved with. there is something brian talked about radicalization. there is go messages. there is about ten different things. all in there. we re dealing with a terrorist. this is a terrorist who happens to be on death row. in my mind, he s lost his rights to send letters. so there should be restrictions? oh, there absolutely should be restrictions. but there aren t. so either the prison system failed and the military failed in opposing them, or they haven t been regulating them. but to have a lawyer would he have these rights if it were not deemed workplace violence? no, there are people in prison, 40 or 50 people in federal prisons that have special administrative measures. not all of them are terrorist
related crimes. and so we do this to protect ourselves. one final point, the people, some of the people, some of the families received e-mails from the isis terrorists before and after the beheadings of their loved ones. is this any different? should this man be writing to the pope or to you at home or to any of us around the world? he shouldn t be. he shouldn t be. he should be dead. he s on death row. peter, great analysis this morning. thank you. it is 23 minutes before the top of the hour. heather has got some headlines. yes, we do. we begin with college students who so enthusiastically supported president obama. now feeling the effect. at the university of colorado, boulder, students are finding out that their work hours are being slashed all thanks to obamacare. under the affordable care act,
employers must provide health care coverage to any employee working 30 hours a week or more. ad junct faculty are seeing their hours reduced. 1,000 members of the air force areç losing health care because they re told they never should have had it in the first place. they said they mistakenly issued medical coverage to voluntarily separating airmen earlier this year. the problem is anyone opting for voluntary separation is not eligible for health care. airmen and women are furious, saying they were told one thing and are now being told another. i.d. laws were just struck down in two states. the supreme court stopping officials in wisconsin from requiring residents to provide photo i.d. before voting in the upcoming election. and a federal judge in texas blocked the lone star state law calling it a poll tax. texas attorney general greg abbott says he will appeal that ruling. and finally, have you heard
the one about a horse walking into a police station? no joke. this actually happened. look at the video. it happened in england. the sliding glass doors opened right up for the horse. he walked right into the lobby. yes. and an officer quickly brought him back home to a nearby field where it had escaped. those are a look at your headlines. the first thing they said to the horse when it walked in? why the long face? no. i got another one. they said, hey, and he said, yes, thank you. ladies and gentlemen, she ll be here all week! all right! now let s go out to the streets of new york city and see if maria molina will engage in a joke. i don t have a joke. that was so good. i do have the weather forecast. let s switch gears. we want to talk about the stationary front that s in place across parts of the central
plains. this system is going to be producing some areas of heavy rain coming up today and also into tomorrow. we do have a concern for some flash flooding out here. we have a number of watches that are in effect. those areas of rain will be across missouri, arkansas, and also into texas. there is also the risk for some severe storms across portions of texas and oklahoma not only today, but take a look at this. as we head into sunday, we also have the risk for more severe weather and that does include tornadoes, damaging winds and also some large hail. temperature wise, north of this front you ll be on the cool side. only in the 50s in kansas city and chicago. temperatures making it into the 90s across parts of the south, including texas. let s head back inside. thanks, maria. thursday night football for you. colts and texans played a great game. indy taking a huge lead early. richardson would punch one in from one yard out. you ll see that. andrew luck throwing for another touchdown three minutes later.
impressive. but then the comeback. watch the texans j.j. watt, one of the two emerging super stars in this league pick up a fumble and score on his third touchdown on the year. the colts come away with a hard-fought victory. are you ready for some football and katy perry? wow. there you go. the new york post reporting the star will be performing at half time on super bowl 49. figure out those roman numerals. she s been rumored to fill the slot and the poster saying perry is negotiating with the nfl to finalize the deal. the super bowl airs february 1. you don t get paid for that, but you make so much in your downloads because you grew up in the music industry, you know what bruno mars benefited last year? absolutely. he was fantastic and he sold a million albums after that. downloads. i predict tight outfits on
her. i don t know what s going to happen in the game. i know whatever she has will be tight. very tight. okay. thank you. time will tell. 18 minutes before the top of the hour. up next, this story has so many of you ticked off. teachers not allowed to call the kids boys and girls. just call them purple penguins? your comments pouring in. we re going to read some of them next i have the worst cold with this runny nose. i better take something. dayquill cold and flu doesn t treat your runny nose. seriously? alka-seltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. oh, what a relief it is.
i my body doesn t work the way it used to. past my prime? i m a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don t think so. great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. great grains protein blend. we were telling you the story earlier on fox & friends this morning and i m going to just read out of the lincoln star journal. it says lincoln, nebraska, public schools administrators have begun talking to staff about transgender issues so they can better help students and they have some parents worried that the district is promoting an agenda. what they say is according to
one parent who was with us about an hour ago, they want teachers apparently to stop saying boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, hey, guys. instead, say things like, okay. who likes bikes? who likes skateboards? who likes milk? who likes shoes? or create nick names for the classroom that are all inclusive. all right, let s come up with a nickname for the class. let s call ourselves the purple penguins. all the purple penguins over there by the rugs. all 12 easy tips to follow so you don t get gender specific. you spoke with the mom, rachel terry, three students in the lincoln school district there and she said this is just political correctness run amuck. i think we can all agree that no child should be bullied, that all children should be welcomed, included. but i feel like the political correctness here is really distorting reality and probably
isn t the best way to help children feel safer at school. if not everybody feels comfortable with boy or girl, then get rid of it for everybody. i think it s extreme political correctness being misused in a way that s confusing to children. they ve got a big school board meeting coming up on tuesday and she is suggesting that parents show up and go ahead and voice their opinions about whether or not they think this is a good idea. apparently it is all part of the anti-bullying campaign that the school district is trying to promote. over there, this is pretty much conservative state. you think about you don t expect things like this. what are you saying about this? ben says, i have three girls, daughters or young women. they are females. that s how god made them. they are making us all sound more like lucky charms than human beings. interesting. donna said this, i have ten grand penguins and a little great grand penguin on the way.
has everyone lost their purple penguin minds? and addressing children as purple penguins instead of boys and girls is simply madness. i was a teacher for 34 years and i would have refused to comply with the district mandate of this nature. one of the other suggestion social security rather than call them boys and girls, hey, campers! come on, campers. what if they don t camp? oh, no! all the parents should show up in purple penguin outfits for the big meeting. they would think it s for halloween, which is just around the corner. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. up next, star studded cast, robert downey, junior and robert duval starring in the judge. does it live up to the hype? kevin mccarthy is here to tell us if it s worth your money or not this weekend. 2002, a moment like this by kelly clarkson was number one song in america.

save your coffee from th switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness. .from the stevia leaf.
welcome back. a big weekend coming up at the box office. the judge starring robert downey, junior, and men, women and children will be lighting up the silver screen. are they worth seeing it and your money? here to tell us is our friend and fox news contributor, kevin mccarthy. great to have you right here. awesome to be on the couch. you know i love being here. great to have you. tell us about the judge. this is a passion project for robert downey, junior.
it took a couple years toity get it made. his wife produced it. he s a big shot lawyer who travels back to his childhood home after his mother passes away and his father, the judge in the town, and while he s there, he becomes a suspect of a hit and run murder. robert duval? he does. robert downey, junior defends his father. what i ve been saying is it s inconsistently great. you have these phenomenal scenes between the two. like the dialogue is phenomenal, acting is amazing. the best performances from both of them in a long, long time. then mixed in with this 2 1/2 movie of these cheesy lifetime moments. you have cheesy music. it s overexposed. for me, it was like going from a 2 1/2, then to a five, then a five. for me overall, i gave it three. it didn t blow my mind. there are great scenes. he might be the best actor in the world today. robert duval i heard had to be convinced to do it. he s absolutely phenomenal.
it s one of the best things he s ever done. three out of five. then men, women and children. the idea here is it deals with the idea of how technology affects our relationships. jennifer garner stars in the movie. one thing i wanted to ask her about, as a mother, when is the appropriate time to give your child a cell phone and also how do you balance out not being too overprotective cause her older daughter is nine years old. check it out. there will come a point where she ll everyone will have a phone and then a year later, she s going to be saying, mom, dad, and we re going to say, oh, i want to know where she is and i want her to be able to text me after soccer, whatever it is. this technology is changing and growing faster than we can keep up with and kids are way ahead of adults. so we re trying to figure out how to parent it. they ve already figured it out, learned it, mastered it and moved on and we re trying to figure out what boundaries do we set up? how do you set up a boundary about senate chat? what do you do as a parent.
when is the appropriate time to give your child a cell phone? it s scary. with snap chat, you set a bound spree it disappears in 30 seconds. we can actually right now give kids under a certain age, we can learn it if not with them, a little bit ahead of them and get versed in all things on line. kevin, today you re wearing kind of a faded pink shirt. right. this is so different than not long ago when brian attacked you on the air. violently. for your choice of shirt. take a look at this. you look great in your red shirt. really? i picked it out just for the show. i went to express last night and picked it out just for you guys. kevin mccarthy joining us from dc in his beautiful red shirt from express. so apparently express saw the ad and they wanted to deliver a shirt to brian here, but they
said you weren t answering their e-mails. i said i would deliver it. the only tribulation is you have to try this on on the air. you need to put this on on the air. you were the one who commented on the show. why do i get in trouble? at the end of the show, will you have this on? right now. you need to get this on. okay. it s a large. so it s custom. i appreciate it. i love the color. watermelon. let s see how it looks on you. it s 100% rayon. that s beautiful. really good. rock it out. i bought this tie to bring for you. by the end of the program, brian will be wearing that shirt. i m not sure why i have to wear one, steve pointed it out. by the end of the show, that needs to be on. 2 1/2 stars for men, women and children. thank you very much. thanks.
coming up on this show, if you are a woman and if you d like a raise, don t ask for it. just rely on karma. that s the ceo message from microsoft guy. geraldo rivera will weigh in. why do i cook? because i make the best chicken noodle soup because i make the best chicken noodle soup because i make the best chicken noodle soup for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson® [ female announcer ] we love our smartphones. and now telcos using hp big data solutions are feeling the love, too. by offering things like on-the-spot data upgrades an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98%. no matter how fast your business needs to adapt,
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good morning. today is friday, october 10. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, an explosive warning from the fort hood shooter to the pope, praising jihad and calling himself a soldier of allah. can his massacre still now be called workplace violence? geraldo rivera weighs in in minutes. and he was the secretary of defense and the head of the c.i.a. during the obama administration, but an obama supporter says that guy is dishonorable. it s kind of sad that in its twilight, he s done such a dishonorable thing by going after the president that he served at a time of a lot of different instabilities around the world.
spit it out. wouldn t that president have something to do with the instabilities? does bill burton have a point about leon panetta in his twilight? we re going to report and you decide. it s like a bad game of dodge ball. democratic candidate ducking out of this question. did you vote for president obama in 2008 and 2012? this election isn t about the president. really? is that the question? what about the answer? it s what the candidate didn t say that has you fired up this morning. we ll examine it because mornings are better with friends you are watching fox & friends. and i apologize for it. thank you very much, bill o reilly. welcome to the world s number one cable morning news show. we re the number one show on all of cable right this second. not just news. all the channels. when we get geraldo up and put a suit on him, the ratings go up even higher. and you know why the ratings are going to be even higher this
hour? because by the end of this hour, you re going to be wearing that crazy pink shirt. that bright red shirt. then you can write in how many stars you give it. why not? it was a different shirt and now i m forced to wear it. heather, you look very nice today. thank you. no pink, but i blend in with everybody. absolutely. here are some headlines. the clock is ticking in less than 24 hours, new screening for ebola goes into effect at jfk. new york s largest airport. next week four other airports will join in, newark, dulles, o hare and heartfield-jackson in atlanta. travelers from west africa will have their temperature taken. airports are already on high alert. take a look at this video. this is just in to fox & friends. firefighters in haz-mat gear swarming a plane in alabama after a passenger gets sick mid flight. turns out it was just a case of motion sickness. breaking news overnight, protesters in st. louis,
missouri, now burning american flags over the shooting death of a teenage boy by police. no peace! during the chaos, rioters threw a knife at a police officer, actually hit him in the shoulder. two people were arrested. the violent crowd also smashing this glass door at a pharmacy and shattering the window of a patrol car. jason mayhem miller in custody after a three-hour stand-off with police. he tweeted during the entire event. all of this unfolding in california. officers apparently tried to serve him with a warrant. they say that on a list of charges, including domestic olence. here is just one of his tweets. take a look. i wish you no harm. i respect the police. but this is overkill for something that would be settled with one piece of paperwork. miller looking pleased with himself, to say the least in this mug shot. he is being held on $200,000
bail. and a fire storm of controversy surrounding the ceo of microsoft after he told a group of women not asking for a raise is good karma. at an event celebrating women in technology, he was asked to give his advice to women who are uncomfortable with requesting a raise. his answer? it s not really about asking for the raise, but knowing and having faith that the system will actually give you the right raises as you go along because that s good karma. he apologized, saying his comments were inarticulate. your comments are pouring in and we want to know what you have to say. steve, you have a couple of those, right? we do indeed. thank you very much. lisa tweeted, is microsoft paying their employees through karma now? that must be why their software is so full of bugs. and candy said out here in the work world without agents who ask for raises, we generally wait for reviews and then ask for a raise, whether man or woman. you know he shows up every
friday. we re happy to have him. you love him, you hate him. you can t live without him. geraldo rivera. elisabeth and heather are like a singing group. we should all be like them. that would be great. look so good. i saw you right away when this letter was obtained, a message to the pope. as peter johnson, jr. examines the verbiage, this is essentially condition vote or die message. should we be giving this guy a trumpet? i think you have to be very careful. when lynn stewart, the attorney in new york who represented the blind sheik was convicted, she was convicted basically of being a terrorist. she was convicted of conveying a message from the blind sheik to clients in egypt. it was true. i remember condemning her at the time. and then her two-year sentence was made a ten-year sentence because it was found she lied during the trial to the judge. this is a little different. you can t stop someone from
ranting and raving in a lunatic fashion. i think that is what this is. should there have been ethical pause on the part of the lawyer here in passing this on to the pope? i guess. i guess. i m not very excited about it because the guy is a creep. major hasan is a greeny terrorist. he can blather all he wants. the pope is not going to take it personally. there could be a go sign to somebody well, that s different, brian. if indeed there is an operational signal that can be proven and it is indeed an act of criminal act that is being inspired or conspired, then it s actionable, then it s a crime, then the attorney would be in severe jeopardy, as lynn stewart was. this is very serious. go to jail for ten years, man. the only reason she was released is is she has terminal cancer. let s switch gears. leon panetta has written a book and it s going to be number one on the new york times best seller list. you didn t ask me about workplace violence and
terrorism. it s a broad topic, but if you would like to weigh in, go ahead. i think that we have to get past the rhetoric. it is the new face of terrorism. i think there are two things that have to happen. because it is an act of terrorism and we have to recognize that and moore, oklahoma, and the guy that killed the prep school student you re talking to eric holder. not only does it make it clear in terms of the lines of communication and who is in charge of the investigations, but there are also implication when is it comes to the victims and their rights. for instance, in the fort hood case, those guys that were shot, the 13 who died, they died in combat, i believe. so get past the rhetoric. let s declare the new face of terrorism what it is and put this issue to rest. what should we call it, oklahoma? i think okay o clock is terrorism also oklahoma is terrorism also. because if your inspiration is jihad, then that s it. that s the end of it.
it s not more complicated than that. we pardoned your interruption. really, i feel so badly. leon panetta has written a book and in it he talks about working for president obama since he s gotten his heart in the right place. he s gotten a lot of advice, but he s m of mistakes and we re sending out mixed messages. so the white house needed somebody to go out on television, apparently they couldn t get anybody from the administration, so they got former spokesperson bill burton, a flak for the president for many, many years. his name was at the top of my list. he said this about leon panetta. listen. it s kind of sad that in its twilight, he s done such a dishonorable thing by going after the president that he served at a time of a lot of different instabilities around the world. this president has shown his leadership time and again. he has moved this country in the right direction and, you know, to attack his leadership i think is small and petty.
without getting into the substance of what the former secretary of defense, c.i.a. director leon panetta said in the book, i wrote a bookç in 10 called exposing myself. we read it. 20 years later, one of the women mentic d in the book said you ruined my life with that book. and i said oh, my god. what have i done? so you have to be extremely careful when you tread lightly, when you re not just exposing what you did, but you re affecting someone else. i remember when scott mccollum, this guy reminds me of him. george w. bush s press secretary, he got out of office, i remember how sleazy we all felt that that was. this is kind of like that. leon panetta. gates book i thought was better, more vivid. it was more pointed and the criticism was more constructive in a way. but this book a lot of stuff has gone wrong. i don t feel really intensely negative about leon panetta for writing the book. it s kind of like, you know, i wish i hadn t quite written
mine, or at least when i wrote it. who came up to you and said you ruined my life? bette midler? shhh. by the way way to go, brian. thank you so much for your discretion. i can always count on you to be discreet and understated. you always do the right thing. of all the names in that book, that s the one he brings up. peggy noonan was very critical of the book. peggy noonan, too? i ll meet you after the show. we ll go to have a meat ball and a beer and a glass of wine. have a good weekend. you, too. thank you. coming up, it s a top concern in this election, how to lock down our borders. but our next guest has a blueprint to keep our nation safe. congressman michael mccaru
coming up next. then this story has a lot of you fired up. teachers not allowed to call the kids boys and girls. just call them purple penguins instead. keep those comments coming. we love them and we re going to share them.
from drug cartels to isis, the threat to america s national security has never been higher. but texas congressman michael mccaul says he s got a blueprint for keeping the country safe and starts at the border and joins us now live from the capitol city of texas, austin. good morning to you, congressman. good morning, steve. thanks for having me. i want to start things out, there is a story out today, judicial watch says that in the last 36 hours, four isis terrorists were arrested at our southern bopdi9ñ do we know anything about that? that hasn t been confirmed. i talked to homeland security officials. they claim that s not accurate. i m obviously investigating the matter. i think this demonstrates why the border is such a concern and why it is still vulnerable and why we need to get operational control of the border. that s what my blueprint does.
we go sector by sector and address the needs and threats of each one and what assets, particularly technology assets and aviation assets need to be put down there so we can better secure it. and your blueprint to secure our southern border in particular, because let s face it, it s pretty much an open door down there. you re suggesting to use some of the equipment from afghanistan, repurpose it, and use it on our southern border to keep an eye on who is coming in and whatnot. that s right. last time i was in afghanistan, i met with general allen in kabul and their aviation assets and i said, what are you going to do when we withdraw from afghanistan? he said i m going to leave this technology over here and i thought, you know, what about redeploying that to the southwest border? since that time, we ve had five redeployed and six more are on their way. that s good news to the dod department of homeland security security coordination where we can get some progress done
there. it does make sense. we ve already bought the stuff, we might as well put it to use, right? correct. also i understand later today you re going to be involved in a hearing on ebola and if there is one state in the union particularly interested in ebola, it is texas where mr. duncan was until he passed away a couple of days ago. tell us a little bit about the concerns of texans regarding ebola. i think it s a national concern. certainly my state, having had the first fatality due to ebola in the united states, it is of grave concern. you talk a lot about isis, this is an enemy and a threat that you can t see. it s very insidious. when you re infected, it s a very nasty virus. so what we re going to talk about today is we re going to have the top federal officials from cdc and homeland security talking about what are they doing to stop this virus from getting into the country? we already have five cases in
the united states. in africa, it is spreading like a wildfire that needs to be put out. and so it s going to be very interesting hearing. tune in. it was announced in the last day or so that at five different airports where some people from west africa do enter our country, they re going to have another getting off the plane, taking of the temperature, stuff like that. given the fact that i think british air, also air france and some other airlines have already stopped serving that area of africa, shouldn t the united states seriously consider stopping air service right now until they get a handle on things? that s going to be the first question i m going to have at the hearing is a lot of my constituents want all flights banned and why shouldn t we do that? if they don t think we should, then why not? and i think it will be interesting to hear what they say. we do need the health care providers to give them access to go to west africa to contain and
control this virus so it doesn t spread out of control in africa and then bleed over into other nations and continents. so i think it s going to be a very interesting hearing. the first one on the ebola virus and in a state that s been probably impacted the most. absolutely. you got a busy day, thanks for starting with us here at fox. thanks a lot. 19 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, they re bravely serving our country. now members of the air force are losing health care because the government screwed up. that story coming up. and it s a fox & friends exclusive. brian sits down with mark cuban, a guy who doesn t worry about what comes out of his mouth. are you worried about political correctness today? i m not worried so much cause i don t give a damn. it s easy like that when you re a billionaire. more about what he feels regarding washington politics coming up.
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medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46. over the last four weeks, we have teamed up with the ailes apprentice program and aliciaacuna. she s here to tell us about a man who is changing young lives with his music in a most remarkable way. this is quite beautiful. thank you so much. francisco nunez was raised by a single parent in new york city. back then there was little to do outside except get into trouble or worse, but his mother introduced him to the power of music and it opened up a whole new world for him, one he s been sharing with the children of new york ever since.
i never wanted to teach. when i was younger as a pianist, i wanted to be a pianist. so when i worked with children for the very first time, they became human. they became incredible. they were limitless. i said, you know what? i have to be an amazing musician to teach these kids cause they re good. they re as good as itches when i was a child. the difference is they don t know it yet. francisco nun. and his young people s chorus of new york city may not act like most choral groups. they dance and sing songs like something you would hear in a rain forest and come from just about every neighborhood in new york city, rich and poor. their voices mixed together perfectly and their friendships run deep. after all, most of these kids have been singing together for the past eight to ten years.
something that you kind of learned day one is that you have in common with people that you might not think that you do. get that first pitch. one, two, three. again. louder and softer. one, two, three. outside of the chorus, your first impressions are how does someone look or what are they wearing, that sort of thing? but when you re in a chorus environment, the first impression is how well can they sing? it seems like everyone at ypc, as they call themselves, can do just that. sing. just listen to a performance they can last summer in tokyo. it s an opportunity, you join because your friends are there, you want to sing, or maybe your parent loved that you sing at home. but when you come to ypc, once you join us, something starts to transform. you start to see it s a little
bit more than singing. that s what we re about. raised in washington heights by a single parent, his mother bought him a piano from the salvation army to keep francisco and his older brother out of trouble. it was terrible conditions, but it worked enough for me. little by little, i started to figure out that i have a talent for a piano. my mother worked very hard and she got piano me and she would clean their homes in return for the piano lessons. it also kept him safe inside. washington heights was a different place back then. certain blocks were blocks you were not supposed to enter no matter what. i happened to live on a great street. once you go one street up, i would never go up that block. music would be his way out. opportunity landed when his mother enrolled him in a public school further downtown. there he met a young lady who invited him into her house after
school. and it was a beautiful building. there was even a doorman inside in the elevator who pushed the button for you. i thought wow, what a job. and i went upstairs. her mom was there and she served me cookies. and then we sat down and played the piano. and i started giving her piano lessons. it was a turning point for francisco. for a kid who didn t leave his room, much less his neighborhood, music became his entry into a whole new world. and that s what starts to break that entire feeling of difference. so here is a kid with money, sitting a poor kid and saying hey, i respect your music. and it started changing everything for me. so after college at nyu, he created a music program where kids from every social economic background could meet and sing together. i want to help poor people. if you surround yourself with poor people and everybody around
you is poor, a lot is going to happen. a lot of inspiration is going to happen. but it s much harder. i want to fight poverty for education and getting rid of racial differences because we are taught that if you re a different color, different religion, you re not good enough. and i want to change that. it didn t happen overnight and it wouldn t be easy. but today the group travels around the world providing life-changing experiences for everyone in his group. i love working with young people today cause it s so smart. when you teach them in such a way to change so quickly, they want to go wherever you want to go with them. the hope that i have is they will keep music alive in their lives and they ll become better doctors, better engineers, better teachers, better social workers because they knew that through music, they gave their voice to society.
awesome. that was beautiful. thank you. francisco has been nationally recognized for his great work with the chorus. he won a mcarthur fellowship in 2011. but his greatest wish is to start similar music programs in every city across america, bringing all kids together, rich and poor, to sing as one voice. so an amazing man doing some extraordinary things for young people. wow. such an ear for music, heart for kids and vision for this world and this great nation. i m just blown away by his story yes. 100% of the kids who have worked with him have gone on to college. so there is an investment there. sure is. and his part what he s doing, exceptional. thank you for this package. if everyone wants to see more, you can see all this celebrating hispanic heritage month series that alicia has brought us.
visit us at foxnews, great work. now this, it s like a game of dodge ball. did you vote for president obama in 2008, 2012? this election isn t about the president. she s not the only democrat dodging the president. so how is this going to play out in the midterm elections? we re going to look at that with chris wallace next. you start tomorrow? tomorrow we re booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. tomorrow we go live. it s a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. csx. how tomorrow moves.
speak to the president today, he gave a speech in california to motivate young
voters by talk being his new devotion to technology. unfortunately heard him because they were all on their phones. the president, i think has been in washington one or two days this entire week because he s been fundraising. somebody you can always count on to be at his post in our nation s capitol, particularly on friday to do a free plug on this program is that man right there, chris wallace. listen, we don t even have to mention fox news sunday and the fact that we re going to have a great debate between ted olson and tony perkins about same sex marriage or have rove and trippi go over the midterm elections. that s not why i m here. i m not here to plug. i m here because i think i love talking to you guys. we don t have to put up those full screens. that s not why you re here. not at all. you re also not here to talk about the mid terms with us. one important one we want to talk about is in kentucky and dodge ball. we keep calling it, because allison lundy grimes refused on camera to say whether she voted
for president obama and whether he has anything to do with her. this is the little dodge. i like it. did you vote for president obama in 2008 and 2012? this election isn t about the president. it s about making sure we put kentuckians back to work. can you answer the question? i was actually in 08 a delegate for hillary clinton and i think that kentuckians know i m a clinton democrat through and through. i respect the ballot box and i m going to let the members of the board do as well. you re not going to answer? i don t think the president is on the ballot. as much as mitch mcconnell might want him to be, it s my name. she looks a little silly there dodging that ball. chris, why would answering yes, i voted for president obama, why would that kill her? i don t think it would kill her. but it does show the lengths to which democrats, particularly in red states, states that romney
beat obama in in 2012, are trying to distance themselves from the president. he ll come to the state, hold fund-raisers to raise money for the candidate. but the candidate won t be seen in public with him because of the fact that their approval ratings are in the 30s. his approval rating rather. but that was crazy for her not to say of course i voted for him and yes, i m disappointed in some of the things he did and liked it. but to be unwilling to say that you voted, she s the democrat running against mitch mcconnell in kentucky and she s not even willing to say she voted for the democratic candidate for president. it seems to me it s kind of silly. this is the i don t know midterm elections. gorman in kansas. i don t know how i d do on that. i don t know about obamacare. he said he voted for black hawk down. at least he said. i don t know about that. the same thing in north carolina. kay hagin, won t say what she did agree with the president or not. that s an opportunity. it s not a trap question. particularly because the
amount of voters across the nation are trending that way, too. yeah, they voted for him, but they re kind of disappointed. why not just go with the majority there for your own sake? i agree with you. it seems it s a question you can answer and sit there and pretend when you get into the talking points and somebody says, did you do this? you say, this is really about the future. it s not about that. but it goes to the it shows just how unpopular allison launder grimes, think she s a smart politician, even if she didn t handle that well, feels that obama is in her home state and that even saying i voted for him six years ago or two years ago would damage her and i m sure that knowing mitch mcconnell as i do, he s going to have some fun with that. right. name dropper. this is normally the part of the segment where you would tell us what s coming up on your program. do you want me to tell you? anyway, we are going to be talking with karl rove and joe
trippi. we re going to ask rove is take us to the majority. get us how you think the republicans are going to take it over and take us state through state and then we ll ask joe trippi. south dakota, there were three states, montana, west virginia, south dakota, seen as gimmes, turnover to republican. now south dakota is getting very close. kansas is close. not at all clear that pat roberts is going to hold on to that seat. on the other hand, there, a bunch of seats we thought were going to be tough for the republicans to take over and they re moving out ahead in those. so this race isn t decided at all. it s very much up for grabs. it will mean big ratings for you again. good job. thank you for joining us. wait, wait. one last thing, is it true that the great white shark is on the premise? yes. greg norman. he s just hanging out. come on over here and just
wave real fast. say hello to chris wallace. you drop names. we have the actual person. there he is. ask him how his hand is. how is your hand? it s working. it s working, look. the lesson we learned from you, is if a chain saw is falling, let it drop. don t grab it. glad you re okay. do you know a lot of people mistake me for the great white shark. i ll be walking down the street and they ll go, greg norman? and i go no, greg norman. really? chris wallace joining us from our nation s capitol revealing we have a vast studio audience, including famous people. right. chris, thank you very much. see you on sunday. mr. norman, thank you very much. we ll see new a bit. you have no idea who else is in theç studio. heather childers.
i ve already taken a picture with him and tweeted it out. they tweet each other. we have some headlines. nobel peace prize just awarded this morning. activist malala si, indian child rights active getting this year s honor. the nobel committee citing the two for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people. mullah la, 17 years old when she was shot in the head by a taliban gunman two years ago. 1,000 members of the air force losing health care because they re told they never should have had it in the first place. the air force says they mistakenly issued medical coverage to voluntarily separating airmen earlier this year. the problem is anyone opting for voluntary separation is not eligible for health care. airmen and women are furious, saying they were told one thing and are now being told another. and it is a fox & friends
exclusive, mark cuban billionaire owner of the dallas mavericks sitting down with our very own brian kilmeade and he s not afraid to say what s on his mind. are you worried about political correctness today? i m not worried so much cause i don t give a damn. and he does not mince words about politics in politics. what role do you think washington should play? as little as possible. i vote fort guy who will do the least. in what way? about everything. the entire interview with mark cuban coming up monday morning. so that should be exciting. not a lot of people surprised that he s not afraid to speak his mind. that s great thing about being a billionaire with your own plane. exactly. you downtown have to kiss up. coming up on this friday, this story has all of you talking this morning. teachers not allowed to call the kids boys and girls. just instead call them purple penguins. what? where is that happening? your comments coming straight ahead on fox & friends.
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may be more likely to misuse lyrica. having reduced pain is great, and i m grateful for it. ask your doctor about lyrica and visit to learn about our $25 co-pay offer. business headlines for you. all eyes are on the dow after it plunged 335 points. its lowest level since june last year. for complete coverage, check out the fox business network. go to channel kinder to find it on the dial as well. and dairy queen, not dairy barn, latest business to be hit by hackers. 600,000 customers in 395 stores had credit card info stolen. to see if you are a victim, check dairy queen s web site for that. and amazon set to open a retail store in new york city. it will be like a mini warehouse used for same day deliveries, product returns and on line
order pickups. good news there. i think it will be great. you see amazon on line, don t you want to feel it and touch it? we order stuff on line and the stuff is there the next day. prime. in new york city t cost 50s bucks to park the car. i like touching the stuff. is there any more of this? congratulations, the store is coming. this is the number one story you are e-mailing us about today. school district in nebraska,ç e lincoln, nebraska schools, i m going to read out of a local newspaper. they have the administrators began talking to staff about transgender issues so they can better help students and that has some parents worried that the district is promoting an agenda. what this handbook, these guidelines they put out say is don t refer to them as boys and girls. don t call them ladies and gentlemen.: instead say, who likes juice? who likes milk? i like bikes. who likes bikes?
who likes camping? campers or refer to them as purple penguins if that is the name that the class picks out. a mother who has got three kids in the school strict here on this program said this is pc correctness run amuck. i think we can all agree that no child should be bullied, that all children should be welcomed, included. but i feel like the political correctness here is really distorting reality and probably isn t the best way to help children feel safer at school. if not everybody feels comfortable with the boy or girl, then we ll get rid of it for everybody, i think it s extreme political correctness being misused in a way that s confusing to children. exactly. here is what you re saying now. jack tweeted, what are the students supposed to call their teachers? polar bears #purplepenguins.
greg tweeted this, is there anyone think being how purple penguins might feel being used in that way? finally. bear don tweet, i m a teacher. somewhat liberal. i think that is silly. what do you think? keep e-mailing us. i got a feeling we re going to be talking about this throughout the weekend. we have explosive stories today. i m surprised that this one has dominated. can you imagine in a classroom of grade school kids, you can t call them boys and girls? it sounds like a zoo. it s a little different. bucko, hey you. this up next, it s the perfect time to buy a new home. we re going to tell you where you can find one just like this for $260,000. look at that. that s beautiful. right now let s check in with bill hemmer who could use a house like that. yeah. i ll take two. how are you? good morning. happy friday. what we are learning about plans to close gitmo. details on that in a moment.
also breaking news on the isis offensive. live on the front lines there. why an ebola quarantine is exactly the wrong thing to do in the u.s. dr. mark siegle makes his case. only weeks from that election, we ll talk to a rising republican star in iowa. can joany ernst win her senate race? we ll find out when martha and i join you at the top of the hour on this friday morning will that be all, sir?
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the housing market is getting back to about normal. making a comeback. according to the latest housing barometer from trulia, three out of five measures are close to normal again, making it the perfect time to go house hunting if you re in the market. joining us now with three great open houses happening this weekend is real estate expert
and author of find it, fix it, flip it, michael corbett. okay. good morning. why don t we head to braidington, florida. absolutely. let s go house shopping. here is a house that i really like. it s a unique, interesting house down here. you re going to see it, it s all wood ranch style. they call it the treehouse. it s 289, 900. a double lot on a half acre. beautiful property. two bedrooms, three beds. 1700 square feet. open floor plan. large eat-in kitchen. antique hardwood floors. what s really wonderful, it s got these beautiful views of the river, including this incredible swimming pool that s screened in and if you like it, head over there sunday between 1 and 4. just for the view alone, just go over there. all right. now let s go to laurenville, georgia. i know that s not far from atlanta. you ve got a house for $239,000 and it s gigantic. it is. this is a colonial, brick
exterior, great curb appeal on this one. four bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 3,000 square feet on a half acre. got a classic floor plan. formal dining room. french doors, huge sun room. lots of big windows. eat-in kitchen, family room. this is going to cost you about $1,200 a month with 20% down, taxes and insurance. you know what? saturday and sunday, 1 to 3, head over there this weekend. okay. follow the balloons. if you re near lewisville, texas, where should you head? you want to head to lawrenceville, texas. this is a great property. $260,000. four bedrooms. 2 1/2 baths, 3,000 square feet. it s a gorgeous brick, very stately, lots of upgrades, hardwood floors, open floor plan. got a private study, fireplace, eat-in kitchen. granite counter tops, and it s got a wonderful, big master bath that s allegra nate and tile. if you want to check this one
out, it s open. head over there on sunday, this weekend, between 2 and 4. i love being able to go open houseç shopping. one of my favorite things to do. a lot of people do. that last house looked like it had nine-foot ceilings. if people want more information about all the houses that you ve shown us today, how do we find it? just go to fox & friends web site. okay. perfect. thanks. have a great weekend. you got it. we made you a promise at the beginning of this hour. let s hope we can pay it off. we ll know in two minutes. we re going to try. brian, you ready?
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[ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® nineteen years ago, we thought, wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad? so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie s list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. you look great in your red shirt. really. i picked this out just for the show. i went to express last night and bought it just for you.
i hope next time you get 20% off. kevin mccarthy joining us from dc in his beautiful red shirt from express. you know what? brian was also so fascinated by the shirt, will he show up in a similar shirt? ladies and gentlemen! it looks really good! i have never felt so sexy. i feel like i got something going. how is the fit? i m very happy. it s fitted for somebody. are you and anna going to wear something like this this weekend. i m going with yellow. are you going to go with this? probably. never wash it. i can smell his cologne. can a k. with a k. what s on this weekend? comic con this week.
new york city comic con. we re going to dress up. pumpkins, it s that time of year. watch them this weekend. we ll see you back here monday. morning everybody. fox news alert. closing gitmo. president obama said to explore every option to shut it down. the wall street journal reports that the white house is looking for ways to override congressional ban on detainee transfers and send 149 terrorists to this country or to others. more in just a couple minutes on the breaking news. first, more breaking news on isis terrorists taking a key government building as the u.s. appears to be changing its strategy. ramping airstrikes along the turkish-syrian bored. friday, good morning. welcome, everybody. it is america s newsroom. i m bill hemmer. good morning, everybody. good morning, bill.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140507 10:00:00

time to home school. robert was said he should have been asked to stop talking and then escorted out. thanks to everyone who responded. fox & friends starts now. bye. good morning. it s wednesday, may 7. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. breaking election news overnight. big primary results with some races still undecided. what you need to know and how it could change the balance of power in washington. how exciting. guess who s back? monica lewinsky. that s her right there speaking out and setting the record straight. but whyç now? could this all be part to help hillary? we re going to report, and you decide. put on your beret, folks. m.v.p. tribute to his mom gets a standing
ovation. you made us believe. you kept us off the streets, put clothes on our back, food on the table. you went to sleep hungry. you sacrificed for us. you re the real m.v.p.ç a speech that has everyone talking this morning. more than just the nba. finally good news to come out of the nba. mornings are better with friends. hi everybody. welcome to the telecast live from studio e here in the heart of midtown manhattan. it is the seventh day of may. that s right. it s a birthday. my son. happy birthday, son. is he the one with the car dealership? yeah.
that is funny. whose birthday is it for real? pç it s brian kilmeade s birthday. i am officially 50. elisabeth, when you turn 30, you ll understand what it s like to turn 50. the phone keeps ringing. hello. who s there? hi. it s dawn kilmeade. i m sure she s thrilled to be up this hour. she just made me breakfast at 2:30 and then goes back to sleep. you re on the phone with somebody else? yes, i am. hi,ç dad. hello, little brian. you re up 90 minutes early. i m sure you re thrilled by that. this is brian s official last day of high school. he s up at 6:02 in the morning. the nerve of you to have
a birthday it s always about me. happy birthday, brian. thank you very much. brian, you were studying spanish yesterday. how did it go? well, i have it today. i know. but it s for today. he went on to skate for a living. he dropped out of school. that s ice ka paid. i guess this is me and brian skating. dawn s in the picture there too, i see. that s back in the day. big family. that s elisabeth photo bombing because brian did fou go to the book party that we had. so there you go. there s the quirky cousin, me. dawn, you re up early. there you guys are, your family out at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. dawn and brian, what sort of plans do you have for the old man today? gosh. when he gets home, it s the usual running around. but then tonight we ll have
some dinner plans with the family. did he make any birthday demands? no. brian s pretty easy when it comes to birthdays. noç birthday demands. but we re hoping to have a special family night. it s a big birthday. dawn, how long have we known each other? we have pictures from the 1970 s. these are old, old pictures, some of them. we go way back, back to high school. for the folks who have forgotten, it was just a couple of weeks ago that brian and dawn celebrated jointly a birthday out near your home. right. i apologize for you having to get up this early. i m up any way. good luck with the spanish test, brian, too. and then he can celebrate. thanks for getting up. i appreciate the birthday wishes. hope i get a chance to see you in the afternoon. happy birthday. we love you, brian. love you too.
you can only shake katie andç kirsten so much before you go. grammar school, they have to be there at 9:30. why don t you just get there at noon? any way, happy birthday. thank you very much. and todd? we d all like a deal. he d like a hybrid this year. you know whose birthday it s not? heather nauert. brian, happy birthday to you. i do have news to bring you. you travel around the country and seeç political campaign ads all over the place right now and that begins our first story. while you were sleeping big developments in the political world that will affect mid term elections. let s start in north. republican tom tillis winning the nomination. he will face kay hagan.
then to the state of ohio, house speaker john boehner defeating two tea party challengers in his bid for a 13th charm in congress. the u.s. is now joining the manhunt for the leader of a nigerian terror group behind the kidnapping of more than 270 young girls. the u.s. is sending military intelligence and law enforcement support to nigeria to assist in the hunting down of theç leader of boko haram and to help free the girls. this as we just learned that eight more girls have been kidnapped. last year the state department offered a $7 million reward for the warlords who have plans to sell those girls into slavery. an investigation is underway at this hour to try to figure out who is threatening republican congressman trey gowdy from south carolina.
gowdy got e-mails after being tapped to lead a select committee to investigate an attack on benghazi. the e-mails threatened to hurt him if he goes forwardç with those hearings. those hearings certainly are going forward this morning. fox news just confirming that the 12-member panel will include seven republicans and five democrats. we ll keep watching this story carefully. oklahoma city thunder superstar kevin durant is now the nba s most valuable player. listen to this moving acceptance speech and his real shout out to his mom. you made us believe. you kept us off the streets, put clothes on our back, food on the table. when you didn t eat, you made sure we ate. you went to sleep hungry. you sacrificed for us. you re the real mvp.
speech. those are your headlines. a perfect prelude to mother s day this sunday. don t forget. that s this sunday? i mean that s this sunday! of course you knew that. of course i knew it. thank you very much, heather. tomorrow vanity fair officially is going to be publishing, after ten years she s broken her silence. monica lewinsky. it will be on vanity fair s website tomorrow. the new york post has some ofç the excerpts. she writes it is time to burn the beret and burn the blue dress. in a preview she talks about being suicidal at times and wanting to reach out to somebody going through something of a similar fashion. she says this about how hillary called her a
narcissistic loony tune. yes, i get it hillary clinton wanted it on record that she was lashing out at her husband s mistress. she may have blamed her husband for being inappropriate but i find her impulse to lash out at me troubling. she thinks it s all about timing. she sç saying it s a lot about timing, let s clear the decks to get ready for 2016. take a listen to this great debate. i don t think this is actually relevant as we go forward into 2016 because it has no bearing on the ability of hillary clinton to be a national leader and whether she can lead our nation. any time monica lewinsky is in the news, it does not help either of the clintons. it brings back all sorts of bad memories, you know, certainly of the president s bad behavior. i really wonder if this
isn t an effort on the clintons part to get that story out ofç the way. would vanity fair publish anything about monica lewinsky that hillary clinton didn t want in vanity fair ? i haven t seen the whole article but from the excerpt i see, i don t think hillary looks great. she might be saying i ve got to say something because i think i ve turned a corner of my life. she is saying get it out now and america will chew on it for two years and by the time the campaign rolls around, yeah, we ve already talked about that. what s curious is she s quite adamant, monica lewinsky stresses this was her, having sex with the president, was consensual. not like he forced her on it. she makes it very clear it was consensual. she says the only time sheç was abused was by his
cronies, the people who scapegoated her. she does mention she does feel taken advantage of. so if this is indeed on the part of the clintons to get this out of the way, this could be the second time she has been used by the clintons in the white house. let us know what you think about this. who does it help? does it help monica? does it help hillary? does it not help either one? let us know on facebook. you should call barbara walters. she got the interview. i called her thisç morning. barbara, i know you re up. i spent a lot of time with her, so i d be curious. coming up straight ahead. a new rule banning parents from spanking their children in certain areas when they misbehave. we ll tell you where that is. there is a new rule on the books. we re going to explain. protesters refuse to let condoleezza rice speak at rutgers university, but something big just came out of that. it s big.
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to talk with an insurance expert about everything that comes standard with our base auto policy. and if you switch, you could save up to $423. liberty mutual insurance responsibility. what s your policy? former secretary of state condoleezza rice decides to not be the commencement speaker at rutgers after a group of students and faculty protested her would-be appearance. but it turns out she is welcome somewhere else. texas tech wrote her a letter immediately saying this, quote, i want to let you know that you are more than welcome to speak at texas tech. if a university attempts to stop their free speech, it is the greatest suggestion for the market of free ideas. we salute you and your dedicated service. joining us is the texas tech university chancellor. chancellor, why was it important for you to write thqá letter? i think it s important in that we want to let
people know we would love to have condoleezza rice. she s welcome at texas tech and the love of texas. this is a great role model for students. she grew up in the segregated south. she overcame a lot of things. she became provost at stanford, became secretary of state. i think she would be an excellent speaker. when you re looking at criteria of a speaker, you look for accomplishment. you don t necessarily need to agree with her policies? don t have to agree with their policies or their ideas. we want someone that s been highly successful in some area, and we ve had all kinds of speakers. president obama s secretary of the navy, governor ray mabus did an outstanding job. we ve had former secretary of state james baker. we ve had scott pelly, one%of ym angle, one of our distinguished alums. he s with fox news.
and ed whitaker, c.e.o. of at&t. does it disturb you when a group of students seemingly led by professors organize a push-back. what does it say about the university system? it s not good. here s what s happened. on the left, a lot of people are for free speech as long as they agree with it. they re notd3uju free speech they want to stifle it if they don t agree with it. we re in the idea of business. any time you try to stifle free speech, you re going against the liberty and justice and freedom that this kupt was built on this country was built on. aren t they exercising free speech by speaking out against her experience? there are ways they can do that. they can petition the administration and ask someone be allowed to speak at the next commencement that has ideas that are different from condoleezza rice. they could do that. they could show up in front
of the building with placards. there are ways that one can do that. but you shouldn t be in a situation where they try to stifle it to keep them away or they threaten to make so much noise and yell that no one can hear the speaker. i want toç you hear condoleezza rice, what she posted on facebook. commencement should be a time of joyous celebration for graduates and their families. rutgers invitation for me to speak has become a distraction for the university at a special time. it is not because of the push back she has decideed to speak. it is because of this. universities have become so liberal they stifle people that don t necessarily agree with them. and a professor is so great,ç kids will start agreeing with that to get
long. you ve got to look at free speech any time something comes up. the key is there are those on the left that want to stifle free speech and they want to stop free speech for the people they disagree with. we re in the idea business. if there is anyone that should be in the idea business, it s universities. we should be stressing that we want all people of all persuasions to be able to speak out. and i think it s just it s bad. it s happened throughout the country. and some places a person would get up to speak and the students would yell them down so they couldn t speak. there s a lack of civility in that and there s also an element in that that s against free speech of thoseç that they disagree with. not at texas tech and that s why you re here this morning. chancellor, condoleezza rice s office got your letter. they thank you and they ll consider it. thanks for talking about it today on this very special
time for not only the chancellor, the professor and students in may. kent hance, thanks so much. coming up straight ahead, kids, take a book, any book as long as it s not that bible thing. one kid in serious trouble in his school for reading about religion in class.ñi lawmakers wanting to bring let me try that again. she won t talk, but lawmakers want to bring lois lerner back to capitol hill. is this just a waste of your money or can we expect a change of heart? we ll discuss it.
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welcome back. some quick headlines for you. he served no jail time for his crime but now the family of the so-called affluenza team has to pay up, a $3 million settlement with one of his victims families. that teen was left paralyzed after couch crashed his truck while driving drunk. four others were killed. should the stow away teenager be criminally charged. this video shows the moment a 15-year-old climbed out of the wheel well of a 767, shopping down on to the tarmac. no oneç knows how he survived the five-hour flight where temperatures dropped well below 80 degrees. he has been placed with child services.
i think that is 80 degrees below zero. a fifth grader admonishes a fifth grader for reading the bible. listen to the message to his parents. he has religious books in the classroom. he s not permitted to read those books in my classroom. joining us is fifth grader giovani rubeo along with his dad paul. i understand,ç paul, in april let me back up. giovani, you got the bible as a gift from your church around christmastime? yes. why did you decide you wanted to read the bible during your free time? i love reading the bibl m ald it. apparently the school had given you some trouble in the past. paul, you went in to the
principal, talked to the principal, i believe in april, is that right, and got a letter that said he can read it during free time? i had spoke to them numerous times. in march they told him to put it away a coupleç of times, and he came home and said dad, they re telling me to put away my bible and i told him they can t do that. a couple of days ago, giovani, your teacher says you ve got to put that away and you don t. then what did you ask her to do? i asked her to call my father. and she called your dad and said that you couldn t that go ahead. why do you think she said you had to put your bible away? because she didn t want me reading it. paul, why is it that teacher didn t want your son reading his bible during free reading time? that, i can t answer. it seemed they were very hostile about the whole
thing. i found that the voice message kind of speaks for itself.j4(p&c@ well, it does. i understand none of the other students were queried what they were reading at the time. so let s bring in the attorney right now, jeremy dice. jeremy, what s going on here? why do you think the school s got a problem with the bible? it s a hard question to answer. but what we do know is that students across america are permitted to read their bible while they re at school especially during free time in free reading periods like this. the bible is not contra band and shouldn t be treated as such. for a teacher to single out a student during free reading time is an egregious violatiof nf the constitution. absolutely. we ve got a statement from the school board. they say broward county public schools respects and upholds the rights of students to bring personal religious materials to school, including the bible, and to read these before school, after school or during any free reading time during the school day. giovani, one of the things
is, i read in the local news stories down there in florida that apparently the school said that that was not a free reading time. you were supposed to be reading some other assigned book. is that right? no. that s not right at all. it was definitely free reading. paul, you had received word that during free reading time it would be okay for your son to read his bible? yes, i have received that. okay. so what do you want from the school? right now all we want is a written apology. if you made a mistake, be diligent enoughç to admit it, and everybody can move on and just allow my son and all the children in the entire school district to have that freedom to read their bible if they choose to do so during free reading time. jeremy, that s fair; right? i would think so. for the largest school district in the united states to be able to walk across the street and say we re sorry our teacher tried to remove the bible during a free reading period, i don t think that s a tall order to ask.
students in america are permitted to read their bible while they re at school. giovani is no longer in that teacher s classroom. he has been moved toç another one as he concludes the year. giovani, paul, jeremy, thank you for joining us. what do you think about that? why did that particular teacher crack down on that particular book, the bible? go ahead and send us an e-mail, you can facebook us or tweet us. next up on the rundown, he oversaw the agency accused of leaving our veterans to die on a secret waiting list. should the head of the v.a. step down? not so fast. the white house has a different idea. they want to keep him. parents, how do you punish your children when they re misbehaving? now there is a school on the books in at least one place that says you don t get to decide. first happy birthday to lone survivor actor alexander. he is 22.
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[laughter] it s your shot of the morning. these three hot dogs told to wait for their treat. and then they re finally given the go ahead. the smallest one makes off with everybody s food. that s how it goes in my house. you know what? i thought in the dog world you don t want to cross a pit bull. i m like, okay, buddy, i ll let you get about five feet and then i m coming after you. got to be fast. to the littleç guy, just another dog. that s the mind set? somebody else with a flea collar. i don t know in the dog world how they punish each other but a lot of people throughout time have decideed to discipline their children by spanking. in kansas city, in one hospital in particular, spanking is no go. the point is they actually have a plan if they catch you spanking and it leaves a mark. they have pamphlets and banner. the no-hit zone at
children s mercy hospital.ç a policy that says you cannot use any sort of spanking. if they see it happening, they will bring in a representative from child services to deal with it, giving alternatives such as bubbles and coloring to make the situation simmer. it s not even a ban on spanking. it s a ban on any sort of, let s see, hitting of any kind. and the goal of the hospital is if they see something escalating they re going to try to defuse it because they don t want it to lead anything else. if a staff member sees something escalating, get the kid a coloring book or bubbles. if somebody gives their kid a spafrpg or something like a spank or something like that, sounds like they re going to call in a social worker. a lot of people say we re not spankers. there are a lot of people in this world who discipline theirç children with a spank. they don t define it as hitting. here they blend the two
together. they say no hitting. they re bringing them in together in terms of discipline. on one hand, anybody who has had a kid in the hospital understands it is a stressful time. it is the point where you feel the least amount of control over a situation. for one more access to the ability to control a situation in your family is hard for those parents out there right now and have that taken away. but if things are escalated, it could get tense in a hospital. so this kansas city,ç missouri, mercy hospital says we looked at these studies and it said you basically raise bullies if you start spanking kids. are they taking the parent out of parenting? are they going to a place they don t belong? or is this hospital doing something that is necessary on behalf of what they think for the child? are they trying to create peace or trying to take your rights away? sure. some families do spank. if you ve got somebody in the hospital and suddenly you ve got to deal with the social worker because you
gave your kid a whack on the butt, that doesn t make it any easier. they say if it leaves a mark. they re not going to decide if it s over the line unless it leaves a mark. they re going to be looking at this. is it a distraction to the overall health and well-being to kids in the hospital? let us know what you think. facebook or twitter. it is 24 minutes before the top of theç hour. heather nauert. speaking of spanking, there may be a little bit of a political spanking in washington. the house of representatives now inching closer to charging former i.r.s. official lois lerner with contempt. there is a meeting to be held today to consider that as well as a g.o.p. request for a special prosecutor to investigate the targeting scandal. the way this looks, you know, it looks so political, a political process, pure and simple, aimed at trying to appeal toç the political base.
the facts don t seem to matter. nobody can find a scarier organization, at least one without guns, than the i.r.s. there could be a full house vote today or tomorrow. an emotional moment caught on camera. the mother of a u.s. marine hears her son s words from inside this prison for the very first time in mexico. sergeant andrew tameri s eu has been locked up in a mexican jail. he says he took a wrong turn while driving and accidentally went over the border. he had three legal guns in his truck. listen to this. i m a pretty good man, good morals. i believe in god and i put my faith in good that he will take care of me. that took me by surprise. i hadn t heard that interview. that was the jail house heard that. a local san diego newspaper conducted that interview. tahmooressi faces 21 years
in prison if convicted. new calls this morning for v.a. secretary shinseki to step down following that massive scandal at the phoenix v.a. hospital. it is accused of hiding treatment delays that reportedly led to the death of 40 veterans. on monday the american legion called for shinseki to resign. it is the first time since 1941 that the veterans group calledç for the resignation of a cabinet official. shinseki telling the wall street journal that he s not going anywhere. from the fields of battle to the fields of the nfl, take a look. this army ranger who hasn t played football since 2009 has just been signed by the philadelphia eagles. 25-year-old lieutenant villanueva weighs 277 pounds. he spent the last four years serving three tours of duty in afghanistan. the eagles signed him after seeing him work out last
month. at the end of the day the ranger training and the physical fitness they have out there in the rangers and also in the army means a lot from every soldier. there wasn t a huge transition i had to make. he says if the nfl doesn tç work out he ll head back to afghanistan in september for his fourth tour of duty. what a brave young man. we ve got a bunch of nfl draft picks coming in later today. we have 15 nfl draft picks. it s been a five-year tradition. exciting there. thanks, heather. maria is standing by. hello everybody. i want to take you first to wyoming because in wyoming, we saw a very rare tornado. the state only sees about ten tornadoes per year. this oneç lasted only about two minutes and hit an undeveloped area. again, very rare especially this early in the year to
be seeing tornado activity across the state of wyoming. that same disturbance is headed eastbound. today it will be tapping into some very warm and humid air across parts of the center of the country and we are going to be seeing the possibility for severe storms not only today but also as we head into tomorrow and also on friday to wrap up the work week. there is still an elevated fire danger in places across parts of the southern rockies due to dry conditions, gusty winds and temperatures well above average. take a look at those highs in places like dallas and kansas city, 89 degrees for your high temperature. let s head back insides. thank you, maria. straight ahead, they have known ties to terror but they can travel freely throughout the united sttls. how does this happen? find out next. they re on a hands off list. how to go from nothing to the top of the tph l. top of the nfl.
the secret to success the secret to success coming up next. [ female announcer hands were made for playing. legs, for crossing. et.splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you re trying to manage your ra, now may be the time to ask about xeljanz xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz is an ra medicine that can enter cells and disrupt jak pathways, thought to play a role in the inflammation that comes with ra. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections andancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don t start xeljanz if youe any kind of infection,
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hi everybody. some quick headlines. internal e-mails from the department of homeland security revealing agency officials allegedly discuss a hands-off list which would allow individuals with terror ties to enter the united states. isn t that great? will senator charles grassley raise the issue with usda officials? a student terrorist in pakistan paying homage to bin laden, paid the library after the founder of al qaeda. a large sign at the entrance reads we love osama bin laden. he s known for nfl stardom but former all star
matt burke is telling a different story. it s about health. he describes it in a book allç prowisdom. congratulations on the book. where did this idea come from? you guys were neighbors and they came through fellowship? fellowship in the cul-de-sac. we got in the cul-de-sac, corralled our kids and talked about life. i would share my experiences in the tph fplt rich would share experiences in life and we found there is a lot of overlap. i want to talk about being a line man. are the seven steps, is that the best protection moving through life,ç business, family and friends? absolutely. i would say there s seven questions any person needs to ask themselves if they want to be a person of positive influence, whether they re a young person getting instruction from a mentor or a business leader. the seven questions are
crucial in establishing your foundation. it s not only we re in a time right now where faith is being questioned, the freedom to express, especially when it comes to christianity. taking a strong stand when our rights are called into question. in 2013 you chose not to attend the white house celebration with the ravens. ñ%y is that? it starts with the question who are you? my identity starts with being a christian and it is important to me. i understand that is who i am. because i understand my identity, i have the confidence to beç myself. at that time it just was not consistent with my values and with what i want to try to convey and pass on to my children to visit the white house. not an easy decision and one that came under critique. did you have regrets? it came under critique but it wasn t difficult for me. it was right after president obama addressed planned parenthood and said
god bless planned parenthood and my wife and i are very involved in the pro-life movement. my kids know that we re involved in the pro-life movement. they know what it means. they know what the president standsç for. so i didn t want to confuse my kids. i wanted to send them the right message. a strong message indeed there. talk about the seven choices. that being the first step there. what are some others people can take away from this today in the book? i think if a person understands his or her identity, the next question is what is your purpose? this has to do with passion, whether it s at work or your vocation. the next person is what kind of person do you want to be? a person of character establishes depend ability. to become a trustworthy person we need to ask what kind of a person do i want to be? it progress s from there. coaches, c.e.o. s, this is reaching a broad audience. one high school golf coach
is having the entire team go through it and do a lesson plan about it and write aboutç it. matt birk, well done. rich, you guys are good friends and have done a good job with this. thank you for being with us. coming up, should high schools be handing out homework with graphic references to sex? this father questioned it and guess what? he got arrested. we re serious. what s better than howard stern stopping by our studio? not much. he is surrounded by puppies and naming them all.ç just $10 including creamy fettuccine alfredo, and our classic lasagna. plus unlimited soup or salad and warm breadsticks. signature favorites, just $10 all week long,
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look at this. that s really for you. wants to take your dog to the balm game? now you can. the new york mets are teaming up with the north shore animal league for this weekend s annual bark at the park. and if all need is a furry fan, then we ve got that covered, too. beth stern from north shore animal league joins us now. i mean, how sweet are these? ridiculous. what great event, to bring your own dog. on mother s day, bring your mothers and your dogs to the mets game. we celebrate all of the dogs and they can do a little parade march during the game and sit in the stands and watch the game. that is unbelievable. they get on the field and then go sit in the stands with you? how fun is that with your dog and your mom. don t forget about your mom on mother s day. we re continuing these all summer long. go to our web site and get tickets. this is a no kill shelter. the largest in the world.
so the proceeds will we get a percentage of the proceeds and our medical staff will thereby. yeah. it s really, really fun day. when you began, did you know your love of animals right away? we did. he is as big an animal lover as i am. that s why i fell in love with him. good move for a guy. by the way, these animal looks at you as now i m in good hands. describe these dogs. this is el bell. she s tearier mixer. between eight to ten weeks old. they re ready to be adopted. spayed and neutered, ready to go home. you have ainsley, she s a collie mix a. big girl. you have lukey. he s going to be a really big boy. so a big yard, great, great, great family dog. they re so great with one another. yeah. we have lula who is a chihuahua mix. great dog for the city, your apartments. you can put in your purse.
carry her around. i think that these dogs know that they have to be extra special good. so when you bring them home, they re extraordinary. they know they ve been saved. they do. i feel every animal that s been rescued i feel that way with our cats. they just know. we re actually coming to our final d of our touche for life. we went to 52 cities with four of our mobile units. over 2,000 adoptions with our partnered shelters across the united states. what do you have to say to families who are considering not adopt ago did you go from a rescue. what s your message? my message is when they buy from a pet store, they re facilitating a horrific cycle of puppy mills. these animals in puppy mills are bred solely for money. most of the time they re in horrible conditions. rescue a did you go. you re saving a life. they know it. i heard two things that involve you. between howard stern s party,
when i heard about that, which was incredible, and then that big open forum with billy joel across the street. can i say billy joel, on his birthday, this friday is donating all of his proceeds from his concert to the foundation that howard and i came up with. wow. where is that going to be? madison square garden. i ve heard of that! on friday in the met stadium on sunday for mother s day. thank you so much. thank you. great to see you. it s great cause. bark at the park this sunday. meanwhile, she s back. monica lewinsky break her silence and criticized hillary clinton. but is there a chance hillary okay with this? your e-mails and theories at the top of the hour. you remember film beverly hills 90210 . jason priestly revealing the secrets from his personal life. was that a bible thumping
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good morning. it s wednesday, may 7. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. breaking election news overnight. big primary results with some important races still undecided. what you need to know and how it could change the balance of power in washington. yep. she s back. monica lewinsky break her silence to criticize hillary clinton? why now? one possibility might surprise you. i really wonder if this isn t an efforts on the clintons part to get that story out of the way. that s an interesting theory. your theories straight ahead. and forget the royal treatment. guess who was just spotted flying coach. who is behind that great big question mark?
thank you for joining us on wednesday. it s a wednesday. it is a wednesday. right. we got to get a calendar. mornings are better with friends. happy birthday to you i should have known today was wednesday cause today is the big day. ladies and gentlemen, brian kilmeade is celebrating a birthday that ends with a 0. right. this is the longest birthday celebration ever, cause i had a surprise party three weeks ago. that s right. so it s ongoing. i could always say i m not 50 yet. now i m officially 50. wait a minute. is that the telephone? hello, who is there? is that jim and steve kilmeade, brian s brothers? yeah. they just woke us up.
they re in another location. from what i ve been able to tell, you re the only member of the kilmeade clan that gets up before noon. i think so. they like to sleep in. we re from a long line of bartenders. we ve been up late cleaning and sweeping. actually we don t know how to sleep very well. we can t s family. doesn t work. jim, thanks for that s a live shot. that was from last night. yeah. steve and jim, slide over. we ve got to get a pictures. brian, you are the little one? i m the middle one. evidently we re out of room. is that you with the bow tie? that is me there without a neck. that s an outfit that i grew out there you go. grow the hair over the eyes. jim, tell us something we don t know about your brother, brian. what can i tell you? i think you found out everything after the book tour. except for the back that brian
cries for every family picture. it s true. he didn t like having his picture taken. so almost every picture we have except for three we showed, he s in tears. did that give him the nickname crying brian? a lot of people wouldn t do that. i wish you were around back then. we weren t that clever. we couldn t come up with things that rhymed. unfortunately, when we were growing up, elisabeth wasn t born. you guys threw a beautiful big, fantastic party for brian out in long island. was that it or is he getting a cake today? he s getting one more cake on the traditional sunday kilmeade dinners. very nice. i love that. good brotherly love. brian is crying right there. how do we have crying shots? thank you. guys, thanks a lot for getting up. that was great parties. happy birthday, brian. thank you. as a special tribute, what better way to have a talking point with monica lewinsky?
we re going to in about two minutes. right. you re so desperate to get out of that, you destroyed the talking point. i didn t know. it s your birthday. you get to call the shots here. like calling the shot over to heather. hi, heather. hi. nothing will make you feel old than monica lewinsky turning 40. right. good morning to you. i ve got news to bring you. politics now, while you were sleeping, there was big developments in the political world that will affect the midterm election. let s start in north carolina. republican tom tillis winning the republican senate nomination. he will face democratic senator kay hagin in november. also in north carolina, the congressional primary race between democrat clay aiken and keith chrisco still too close to call. in ohio, john boehner defeating two tea party challengers in his bid for a 13th term in congress. united states now joining the manhunt for the leader of
the terrorist group behind the kidnapping of more than 270 girls there. the u.s. is sending military intelligence and law enforcement support to nigeria to help with the hunt for the leader in an attempt to free the girls. this as we learn eight more girls have been kidnapped in the last 24 hours. the warlord says he plans to sell those girls into slavery. we ll keep you posted. condoleeza rice getting an offer this morning to speak at texas tech university after she turned down rutgers invitation amid all those protests there. the chancellor of that school joined us earlier on the show. he said it shouldn t be about politics, but about the person s credentials. listen to this. we re in the idea business. if there is anyone that should be in the idea business, it s universities. we should be stressing that we want all people of all persuasions to be able to speak out. rice is said to be considering that offer. we ll let you know what happens.
listen to this one, every parent needs to hear this. a father shows up at a school board meeting to express his concerns with a risque novel that s required reading for his 14-year-old daughter and here is what happened. what are you charging me with? disorderly conduct. disorderly conduct. taken away in handcuffs. here is what happened. he went over the two minutes of that allowed for him to address the school board in new hampshire and so he was arrested and taken away. the center of the controversy is a book called 19 minutes. it s by jody picall. there is a love scene in it that is too graphic for ninth graders. listen. it reads like a transcript for a triple x porno movie. we had no notice about it. school officials say they are standing by that book. they say it s been part of the curriculum since 2007.
they ll update their policies, but listen to this one, instead of being able to opt out of controversial material, including this one, parents have to be forced to sign off on them. so it s still part of required reading. nothing changed there. i got to send something home to the parents. you re hearing from people on this, right? yeah. a lot of you are weighing in. wayne tweeted us this, he says his fry dom of speech was violated. very sad that parents aren t allowed to voice their concerns about improper books. that s right. susan tweeting this: they allotted him two minutes? he could have expressed his outrage in that time. no infringement on free speech. sean says, officer, how about arresting the teacher who hands this out and teaches it? check out how helpful to the students. yep. keep e-mailing us regarding it. you can fake book us or you could tweet us as well. meanwhile, today you re going to discover that monica lewinsky is back. she s written an article in
vanity fair. the whole thing comes out tomorrow. we do have some excerpts, which it s curious, she makes it very, very clear that the times she had sex with then president of the united states, bill clinton, it was consentual. it was between consenting adults. he didn t force himself on her. didn t abuse her. the only people who abused her were his cronies, it sounds like, when she was made the scapegoat and was all to protect the clintons. right. that way she felt taken advantage of and also suicidal. she reveals during the height of the scandal, actually prompting her to write and actually get some word out here in the vanity fair article and help others who may be feeling like a victim going through something like this. i really feel bad for her. she points out to what happens at rutgers with the 18-year-old who felt humiliation. she said she felt same to that in the same fashion as she turns 40. shear an excerpts from the article which has not been fully released yet. she said my first thought as i
was getting up to spied, that s the worst thing she said about me, i should be lucky. yes, i get it. hillary clinton wanted it on the record that she was lashing out at her husband s mistress. she may have faulted her husband for being inappropriate, but i find her impulse to blame the woman and herself troubleing. and things that we know from her then friend in the 1990s said hillary referred to monica lewinsky as that narcistic looney toon. what s curious is why is vanity fair publishing this right now? we ve got one theory from lynn cheney, you re about to hear, and also we ve got a republican strategist and a democratic strategist because the timing is curious, don t you think? we haven t heard of monica lewinsky out of the blue til now. why? listen to this. i don t think this is actually relevant as we go
forward into 2016 because it really has no bearing on the abilities of hillary clinton to be a national leader and whether she can lead our nation. any time monica lewinsky is in the news, it does not help either of the clintons. it brings back all sorts of bad memories, certainly of the president s bad behavior. i really wonder if this isn t an effort on the clintons part to get that story out of the way. would vanity fair publish anything about monica lewinsky that hillary clinton didn t want in vanity fair? probably not. my question is, is vanity fair going to do something with broderick or gennifer flowers or paula jones? if they re doing, so to speak, monica lewinsky if you google mistresses of bill clinton, there is a shocking number of people who come up. the timing of this is certainly coming under question. we re going to have the opportunity to talk with lynn cheney in a bit here on the show.
we asked you what you thought in the meantime and barbara is saying this: monica may be the only honest person in a sad situation. we know the clintons aren t truthful. theresa posted on facebook, hillary stayed with bill for her own agenda to once again occupy the white house. and ralph s up and he says what difference does it make? you re funny. mark saying it s all good until a republican does it, then all hell breaks loose. yeah, there is a little bit of a double standard. continue to e-mail us, tweet us and facebook us. she was over wasn t she at oxford? she got a degree at oxford in london. she did. but she said she had a difficult time finding jobs after. moments of being stressed. she says it s time to burn the beret and bury the blue dress. okay. none of this would have happened if that blue dress disappeared, or she had gone to the cleaners. 7:11. you re right.
he s being tapped to lead an investigation into the benghazi attacks. now congressman trey gowdy is getting death throats. is threats. is that just the start of something? and the university of utah s fight song, utah man, under fire for being sexist. should the school have to change it to protect others feelings? what about utah people? we report. you decide. he scores. hi, i m terry and i have diabetic nerve pain.
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i want to talk to everyone who has firsthand knowledge of what happened that night and i want access to every document because you never know which document it could be the last one you receive answers your questions. he s right.
he is being tapped to lead an investigation into the benghazi attacks. congressman trey gowdy in south carolina getting death threats. that s just the start? joining us is congressman devon nunez and members of the house select committee on intelligence who joins us from d.c good morning to you. great to be back on with you. it s great to have you. a couple of days ago, democrats were saying, no, no, no. nobody should show up. suddenly yesterday, nancy pelosi said, well, we ll show up if it can be half and half. which is funny because when she was running things, it was nine democrats versus six republicans. what sort of recipe are you guys looking at? it s going to be seven republicans and five democrats, steve. the point that you make is right. this congress has a long history of these investigative committees. we attempted to do it through the existing structure with the four committees of jurisdiction, but as you know, we ve been stonewalled by the administration, so much so that the legislative branch of our government was unable to get the e-mails that you guys in the
press were able to get. that s totally unacceptable and i think it broke basically john boehner did the right thing by coming out strongly and putting one of our great new members of congress, trey gowdy, who will do a great job as chairman. as we look in, you re in the thick of things in washington, d.c., it does look like stonewalling, in addition to the fact they would send you guys documents that were completely blank because they had been completely redacted where you couldn t even tell where it was about, which is kind of nuts. they ve also made it impossible for to you talk to the people who were there. it sounds like from what we ve heard some of you guys talk about these guys have been threatened with their jobs. if you say anything, there goes your pension. we might sue you. will witnesses be able to testify in fronts of your committee? yeah. i think that s the important point, too, is we re going to have good witnesses like greg hicks, who was the number one man, after ambassador stevens
was murdered in cold blood by al-qaeda terrorists, greg hicks was the man in charge. greg hicks has been put out to pasture by this administration. he s been said that he s not a credible witness. but i think what we re going to find through this investigation is that guys like greg hicks, who were on the ground, the station chief that was there in libya working for the c.i.a., all of those people are going to be extremely credible. if we can ever get the rest of the e-mails out of the administration, we re going to find out we re going to get to the bottom of what really happened in benghazi and who made up these most ridiculous stories. the white house goes well, we had you, congress, you ve had a bunch of investigations, plus there was that arb, accountability review board, they looked at things. but the arb talked to greg hicks, to your point, and he told them that the reason chris stevens was in benghazi was because hillary clinton personally asked him to see whether or not they could establish a permanent post there. that s what he told the arb.
but the arb, when they finally released the report, it said chris stevens wound up in benghazi independently, which is crazy. that s a flat out lie! yeah. we haven t gotten to the bottom yet of what was chris stevens actually doing there. he did meet with people that day. i think that s something that the committee should look into, who exactly did he meet with. i think the committee should trio meet with those folks, or at least have investigators meet with those folks. there is still a lot of information out here. i don t blame anyone but the white house. the american people should blame no one but the white house. they had an opportunity and they have a responsibility as leaders in this country to provide the legislative branch of government all of the documentation when the legislative branch asks. they did not do it and they get what they deserve on this. well, to a lot of people, it looks like there was a conspiracy and a cover-up and a lot of people would like the answers and it s up to you guys now. all right.
congressman, thank you for joining us from washington. my pleasure. it is now 20 minutes after the top of the hour. she refuses to talk. now democrats say enough s enough when it comes to questioning lois lerner. maybe we can get ken star to come out of retirement and do another investigation and waste taxpayers money. should we give her a break or keep paying to watch her plead the fifth? that s coming up next. and you know him as the heart throb from the hit drama 90210 . jason priestly is dishing it all, like his former roommate, br what does he know about him? plenty. and he spills the beans to liz and brian and me as we roll on live from new york city. ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i m sold! a selling machine! ready for you alert, only at
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we re become now for your consumer news. another general motors recall. this time nearly 60,000 saturn aura cars that affect the 2007 and 2008 model years with four speed transmissions. the problem can cause cars to roll away unexpectedly because the driver thinks it s in park. it led to 28 crashes and four injuries. but no deaths thankfully. office depot looking to scale back in a big way. the company plans to close 400 stores by the year 2016. a move expected to save the company $75 million a year. 150 stores will be closed by the end of 2014. subway testing new menu option. some of the chains started putting thinner slices of deli meat on sandwiches. there are 12 slices on a footlong instead of eight and testing a new topping called hummus. really? what do you think about that? it s too controversial to comments on. he burst onto the hollywood scene as a star of one of the
hottest prime time shows ever. brandon, i know you were mr. popularity back home. but i m not going to miss minneapolis. nobody knows me here. i could be anybody. i could be somebody. like what, homecoming queen? the life for the man best known as brandon walsh on 90210 hasn t always been glitzy and glamorous f. sudden stardom to a life changing car crash, jason priestly reveals his dramatic journey from heart throb to family man in a new book titled jason priestly, a memoir. and he s parked on our couch. good morning to you. good morning. why did you write this? it kind of felt like time. you talk about my car crash that i had back in 2002, while i was lying in my hospital bed starting my recovery from that car crash, i said a lot of set a lot of lofty goals in my recovery. i found myself in 2012 having
achieved all those goals, my wife, my family, my career was back to where i wanted it to be. it just felt like time to write this book. what was the toughest part to write about? the toughest part to write about was the accident and my recovery from that accident. i suffered a lot more catastrophic injuries than i had ever really talked about. you were in the hospital for three months? three months i was in the hospital. i suffered three skull fractures in the accident. skull fractures, 7, 8, 9 in my lifetime and class 3 concussion. i could barely talk when i was in the hospital. my cognitive thought capabilities had been lost completely. i couldn t remember anything. so i had to relearn how to speak and how to think and how to memorize things. they had to take my eyeball out and rebuild part of my skull here. this whole side of my face wouldn t work for a long time.
so there were a lot of things that i had to overcome. physically, my back was broken, my feet were shattered. so i had to do a lot of work to bring myself back to the place where i am today. so you said you grew up and you were watching television, you always thought, i want to be part of that, from the electric company on down and it happens really quick. is fame hard? the struggle was short. you said you arrived in los angeles in 97. in 98 you re on the top show. is it hard to be famous? well, no. i wouldn t say it s hard to be famous. fame has a lot of positive aspects to it. i think it s difficult to manage sometimes. sure. cause there is no self-help book that you can go and just pick up on the shelf and it tells you how to manage it. you ve known a loft famous people. lot of famous people. for instance, brad pitt was your roommate. what sort of dirt can you dish on brad? look, i tell a lot of stories
in the book about some of the famous people that i ve come across in my lifetime. but i really do that just for contextual reasons. there is some funny stories that happened in my life, certainly before i got famous. and those experiences are there because those kind of friendships and those experiences are things that kind of make you who you are. i like the story where you talked about how he went home, brad pitt did, and came back with a box full of bibles. he sure did. and gave them away, right? yeah. and we were all young actors and it was back in the late 80s and everyone wanted to be a bad boy. so everyone is handing out cartons of cigarettes and bottles of jack daniels and trying to be all cool. brad handed us all bibles that were embossed with our names on it cause he had just come back from missouri where he s from. did you think it was a joke? oh, no. no, no. he s very earnest. do you still have it?
of course i do. read it? of course i ve read it. listen to what shannen doherty treated. memoirs are so funny. the truth is rarely told. after all, they re trying o sell a book. she actually tweet that had about somebody very inflammatory headlines that have been written and priestly lashes out at dougherty. i certainly would never lash out at her. i she shannon and shannon and i had four fun years together on the show. maybe it s from in the book, you talk about how she was yelling at a publicist because, what, you sent me a town car! i should have a limo! we ve all done that, steve. come on. a lot in this book. we re so glad you re fully recovered. love to hear about the kids, too. yep. and the first time i met you, you were racing with paul newman. yeah, that s right.
congratulations. thanks, appreciate it. coming up, new video this morning of the kid who flew across the pacific ocean in the wheel well of a plane. now investigators have questions for the teen who just wants to do see his mom. and in 24 hours, these guys will be multi-millionaires. the 2014 nfl draft picks. 15 are here to talk about their big night tomorrow night. now you can have it all with red lobster s new seafood trios! choose one option from the wood-fire grill, one signature shrimp dish, and a pasta. all on one plate. three delicious choices. all for $15.99 for a limited time only! come sea food differently today! it s built to be as fast as it is strongor advil. and fights pain at the site of inflammation. advil has the strength and speed to help you
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isn t that yes. it s your shot of the morning. he may have blue blood, but there is one way prince william is just like the rest of us. he flies coach. pictures of him sitting in the economy cabin popped up on twitter. he s flying home from a friend s wedding in memphis, tennessee. the reason for all the budget traveling? he may be frugal when it comes to his own money. the wedding was a private affair, so william had to pay his own way there. he wasn t alone. his body guard sat in coach with him. wow. very nicely done. nice to see him travel like that. in about five minutes, we
have 15 of the most talented athletes in america outside, top 15 nfl prospects are here. they re on our turf, they refuse to play on the brick. across the street will be radio city where they ll have the big nfl draft starting on thursday. the teams will be happy to welcome them. we re going to get to that in just a moment. right now we got some news and let s talk about lois lerner. politics in washington. listen to what s going on today. the house of representatives is now inching closer to charging former irs official lois lerner with contempt. there is a meeting later today to consider that, as well as a gop request for a special prosecutor to investigate the targeting scandal. this is a whole week of let s investigate the administration. maybe we can get ken starr to come out of retirement. maybe he can do another investigation and waste taxpayer money. but like any judge in any courtroom, we d much rather have the witness answer the questions
than hold them in contempt. there could be a full house vote today or tomorrow. we ll keep watching that one. california congressman duncan huntser calling secretary of state john kerry inept. he says kerry has mishandled the case of a former marine who is currentsly being held on weapons charges near tijuana, mexico, after he drove into mexico with three firearms that are legal in the united states. hunter says this reinforces the major problem that he sees in foreign policy of the u.s. state department. listen to this. what this shows me mostly is the impotence and ineptitude of john kerry and the state department. you don t have middle east peace. you can t stop putin from crossing his own borders into free countries and you can t get a former marine out of a mexican jail. hunter says he s appealing to the mexican attorney general to expedite the case and get a hearing immediately. is the university of utah s fight song called utah man, it s under fire for being sexist
allegedly. listen to a bit of this. okay. that s the school fight song. it was written in 1904. there are lyrics to go with it. there have been years of complaints. now the students assembly is asking the school to change a lyric that says, our co-eds are the fairest, each one a shining star. that s the problem with it apparently. but it s not the first school to have this so-called problem. back in 2007, the university of hawaii changed its fight song lyrics from here is to each valiant son to here is to each valiant one. back in 2009, the university of mississippi removed the line, the south will rise again from its fight song. and those are your headlines. all right. we re going outside to brian kilmeade with one of the best
interviews of the year. brian? yeah. very exciting time for us because it s a time of year where america s top college athletes, football players come to new york city to see where and what teams will be drafting them. before they get picked in less than 24 hours, they ve come here before they go across the street to radio city. let s meet some of the soporose effects. give yourselves a round of applause for getting here right now! let s go around the horn. where are you from? bama. where do you hope to go? anywhere. mike evans, texas a & m. mike especially for you, a lot of people really excited about the prospects. you proved yourself in the combines big time. i did my best. right. you went to one year high school football? yes, sir. how did that play into this? are you surprised how quick you picked it all up? i already knew how to play football. i just didn t decide to do it in
high school, but in my last year. one of the best decisions i ever made. thanks a lot. and by the way, johnny manziel, that s a guy you play with. he s all right. we ll see where he goes. some say number within overall. morgan moses, university of virginia. usc. university of minnesota. ohio state. ohio state. indiana university. university of north carolina. are you having fun this week? it s been all right. kind of nervous? yeah. we just trying to get through it, you know. it s not like you re in competition with these guys. universities of louisville. teddy, you are got the quarterback and wide receivers to throw to. have you been throwing the ball around? not yet. nice to be here with these guys. they re always open. always open. okay. jordan from vanderbilt.
a lot of people looking at you and saying isn t he related to jerry rice? that is true. kind of a fun fact. kind of cool. puts a lot of pressure, but i like it. you like it. of course, he comes out of nowhere to be the greatest nfl wide receiver ever. that must have been inspirational. is he still running the hill? yeah, i m trying to get throughout and do the same thing he did. of course, shine in the colleague get better as a pro, which all you guys do. of course. just don t drop anything. of course. louisiana state university. odell. oregon state. brandon, what s the experience been like for you? it s been fun. been fun of the been around a lot of good talent. compact what about the combines? is that nerve racking? no. i watched a lot. tcu. what are your thoughts about tomorrow? i m excited to be there. have these guys become your friends? yeah, dick cheneyly.
this go definitely. is this going to be one of the greatest drafts ever? yeah. congratulations. good luck tomorrow night and don t forget fox friends friends as you grab your jersey with your new team. elisabeth, take it away. wishing all of them well tomorrow. thanks. the u.s. jumping into the search for hundreds of girls kidnapped in nigeria. who are the terrorists who are kidnapping them? peter johnson, jr. going to run down their history coming up. first, the aflac question, trivia of the day. born on this date in 1945, this actress is best known for her role as dorian lord on one life to live. be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer. passenger: road trip buddy. let s put some music on. woman: welcome to learning spanish in the car. passenger: you ve got to be kidding me. driver: this is good. woman: vamanos. driver & passenger: vamanos. woman: gracias. driver & passenger: gracias.
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the calls of the nigerian people to bring back our girls has been heard around the world. now the united states has said it will sean team of u.s. military and law enforcement to the region to assist with negotiations. but who is this terror group? what is it that they believe in exactly? joining us is fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. 300 young women held captive by these folks. it s important to understand who this terrorist organization is. in 2013, the united states declared it a terror organization. its leader, they espouse hatred for everything modern, secular and western. they especially oppose education for women. so they ve become known for these attacks on schools, including burning schools, holding people hostage, suicide bombs, and attacks. this is their leader that is pictured right there. yeah. and he suspect out a series of videos saying that allah ordered him to do this.
that s interesting because they do have ties to al-qaeda, the terrorist organization we know so well. they ve received training from al-qaeda and shakal declared his allegiance to al-qaeda in the past. there is no firm evidence that they intend to take their efforts beyond the four countries in africa that they ve been involved with. who are their targets that we know of? their targets are schools, government officials, christians, christian churches, nigerian security and police forces. they re known most famously for december 2011 bombing of a cathedral in nigeria. in fact, last year i met a nigerian bishop who told me that priests were so terrified in that country that they needed to change christmas midnight mass to early in the afternoon to 4:00 o clock in the afternoon because they were afraid that the parishioners would be kidnapped and murdered in the middle of the night on christmas
morning. and it s taken a terrible, terrible toll. 1500 people have died this year alone. thousands have died in the last few years. now america and the world, including great britain, are saying, we need to get involved in this. the hashtag has taken hold and foreign policy is following this saying, what can we do to save these children? it s an absolute heart break. the president spoke out as well. he actually called it, quote, heart breaking and outrageous. so what exactly precisely can be done? it s interesting. in some ways it s ignored this situation in nigeria for a while. there s a $7 million bounty on the leader s head. now the white house is sending a team of military officials, negotiators, intelligence officials and law enforcement personnel to see what they can do to bring these children back, to return them to their parents. can you imagine at any school in america to have almost 300
children snatched and then parents literally chasing these terrorists with bows and arrows against their ak 47s? they re afraid of reprisals. they don t want their names out there. unfortunately, the nigerian government has been absolutely powerless in reapproximatelying this kind of attack repelling this kind of attack. they ve been known they ve not repelled these attacks and they continue. in fact, eight other children abducted yesterday. and bombings continue. heart breaking to hear that. glad at least something is being done in this area. peter johnson, jr., we thank you for always keeping us up to date. america again the policemen of the world. we will follow this story for you. prayers for them. coming up, his career didn t end when he walked away from baseball. nolan ryan now cooking up a storm. his simple recipe for burgs that won t strike out. in 1975, he don t like you like
i love you by tony orlando and dawn was the number one song in america. sfx: car unlock beep. vo: david s heart attack didn t come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you ve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
time for the answer to the aflac trivia question. born on this date in 1945, this actress is known for her role as dorian lord on one life to live. who is she? it s robin strasser. the win letter get a copy of brian s book george washington s secret six. from one book to another,
they couldn t be more different. power pitcher who off the field turned his passion for ranching into a successful meat a business. that s why we smell like hamburger right now. nolan ryan right here sharing some of his favorite dishes in his new book the nolan ryan beef and barbecue cookbook, recipes from a texas kitchen. good morning to you. good morning. this is great. when was the last time you talked to nolan ryan about a hamburger? you got two kind here. one, the all american. what does it have inside it? it has bacon and it has cheese and then it has montreal seasoning. it s got an egg in it! and you put that in there. bind it together so when you grill it, it stays together. the cajun burger. is that blue cheese? yes. and bacon? yes. and different cajun flavoring. you have a choice this morning. look at the size of these burgers. you can see how great they are. this is not these are not
small patties you might get at a fast food place. you talk about different things you can do with the meat, from chuck stake to skirt steak. this is grilling season in texas. it s a little early in new york. that s what i enjoy. you re at the point, you could have a full time guy grilling stuff that you want for breakfast. but you prefer to grill yourself. that s just kind of what i enjoy doing and i m kind of particular how i like my meat. so i want to make sure that i don t blame it if it s not right on someone elimination. you ve been work for this meat company for a dozen years. you started putting the recipes on line and this is where this was born, right? right. we wanted to do this for our customers and give them an opportunity. they would call and want to know, i bought t bone what, do i do with it? how do i prepare it? you got the american burger, cajun burger. it s all in this new book. it s weird not seeing with the
rangers. you re now with the astros. i remember your relationship with the bushes. you seem really tight. i don t think the president missed a game now that he s retired. he came to a lot of games. he s really a baseball fan. he was the owner of the ball club when i was there as a player. so we ve been friends for a long time. it was hard to wiggle away from him cause he was sitting right next to you. he kind of liked those seats. i bet he did! he s president, but you re nolan ryan. nolan, do you ever see yourself fighting ventura again? i hope not. i hear he s got a cookbook coming out. the president said one of the most inspirational said he saw is a 40-year-old guy on the mound, ventura charged the mound, and to see you pound him that, inspired the former president! it s just one of the unfortunate things that happened in my career and i think rob feels that way, too. once again, the book is called the nolan ryan beef and barbecue cookbook. will you make me one of the
cajun burgers? you got your bun? i got my bun right here. it really comes down to what all do you want on that? a lot of bacon. bacon is in there. it s already got bacon in there. i ll take one protein style here. homeruning with the burgers. loving that with the guys. coming up, timing is everything. why is monica lewinsky speaking out now for the first time in a decade? i really wonder if this isn t an effort on the clintons part to get that story out of the way. lynn cheney joining us live in minutes. plus, brian turns 50 years old today and we have a surprise guest for him who brought a very special gift, right after the break. don t miss it. get all your favorites all day, everyday.
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good morning. it s wednesday, may 7. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. breaking election news overnight, big primary results with some important races still undecided. how will it shift the balance of power in washington? everything you need to know straight ahead. and monica lewinsky breaking her silence to criticize hillary clinton. but why now? one possibility could actually surprise you. i really wonder if this isn t an effort on the clints part to get that story out of the way. excellent theory. lynn cheney is actually here this hour. with james madison. he s been tapped to lead the investigation into the benghazi attacks. now someone wants congressman trey gowdy dead. do you believe this? float the pictures. mornings are better with friends.
of course, we would play that because today is brian s birthday. right. tomorrow we will not play it. look who we booked for this final hour today because it s your birthday. lynn cheney and i grew up together. that s right. plus you remember the movie goonies ? guy fieri and two special mystery guests. i think one of the mystery guests is joining us right now behind the blue door. open it up. ladies and gentlemen, happy birthday, brian. happy birthday brian happy birthday to brian happy what is that? it s going to be rogaine, viagra and magazine subscription happy birthday. he s the first man who kissed
me. there you go. it s good to see you. open that up. all right. when you continue 50, geraldo rivera that s right. i show up. do you know what he got you? he wrapped it in headlines. look at this. balls. it s a margarita mixer. oh! wait a minute. last time you had a lot of margaritas, you wound up in a towel. he didn t bring the towel. that s right. a little later today i m doing a selfy. no shirt on. i m doing the geraldo. after this, you just might. thank you very much. happy birthday. you re so youthful. what s hard to believe you re qualified for aarp magazine now. i think i ll wait on the
subscription. feel any differently? not at all. i actually do not feel 50. it feels surreal, which is crazy when you start at the same job 17 years ago 17 years. my goodness. in 97, when my son called in, he was one. when you think about high school and college, four years each. now you double that. brian, we watched you grow up. it s brian s song. i d like to jog in a football uniform! you know what? since you re here, geraldo, we want to ask you about the monica lewinsky story. she now is appearing on the covers of talking about time flying. exactly right. she s 40. she writes in vanity fair for the first tile time ever about her affair with bill clinton. among other things, she talks about how when i had sex with the president of the united
states, it was consentual. he didn t force himself on me. the only time i was abused was by his cronies who tried to scapegoat me. you know, when i first came to fox, bill o reilly said that fox audience would never accept me because i was bill clinton s prime defender during my cnbc days. i have a source, the reason i could report with great accuracy about what was happening is that the president s best friend, whom i have sworn never to name, would call me on a nightly basis with the story du jour. how many does he have? well, if you sort through, you could probably figure it out. there was an amazing shift within the dynamic of the pro-clinton forces during the arc of the story. monica lewinsky is absolutely right, as i recall, as the story was evolving right before my
very eyes there, that there was a lot of she s nut job, she s a loose cannon. she s a crazy it s her faults. basically she came on to him. she pursued him. then if you ll recall, i was the one who broke the story that the stain on the blue dress was indeed president clinton s dna. so i was able to report that. the story changed dramatically as that revelation was reported to me and i passed it on to the american people. then it was much more about all men lie about having affairs, oral sex is not real sex. then the story became not monica. monica was now in every way affirmed. now became the minimummization of what the offense was. why do you think she s coming out? that s good question. i don t necessarily agree with lynn cheney. great to see her again in the
green room. i don t necessarily agree that hillary clinton is behind the timing of this. put yourself in monica lewinsky s shoes. i don t know where the hell she has been for these many years. why bother? why do it now? you know, let s take her at her word. the 18-year-old rutgers student who jumped off the bridge in front of my house, that she was motivated because she similarly felt humiliation he felt. and she wants to do self-destroy as he did. will it play in 2016 for hillary? will this matter that she s coming out now? i think it meters who the republican nominee is. i think a senator rand paul has made very clear, elisabeth, that he considers the president s character and the actions of his spouse during this traumatic period in american history to be relevant to the 2016 election as it refers to the clark of the family character of the family. if it s rand paul, that s one
thing. if it s jeb bush or mitt romney again i actually see a woman that s turning 40 that wants to make sense out of what happened to her. i think that s very profound. you just turned 50. i 70. can i throw a curve ball in here? could women, could the clintons or hillary clinton maybe assume that there would be a bunch of women who feel like she does and maybe this would relate to them? could this bode well for her if she was on the ticket? well, all i know is that she got tremendous support from the women s movement and monica lewinsky points out with great bitterness, if you read even the excerptses, the limited excerpts, how feminists deserted her and blamed it all on her, the intern, after all, and the suffering spouse. why were they ever defending her? why weren t they? that s an excellent question.
i think the woman s movement really has to assess its own performance during that trauma. we re going to listen to you on the radio? i m going to radio right now. i got my radio voice on now. we re going to be talking to lynn cheney. her take on it. she s coming up in a couple of minutes. geraldo, thanks very much for dropping by. didn t expect so. thank you very much. 52 minutes now. right. keep the cameras away from the man. heather, what s in the headlines? let s start with political news. while you were sleeping, there have been major political developments that will affect the midterm election. let s start in north carolina. republican tom tillis winning the gop senate nomination. he will now face democratic senator kay hagin in november. also north carolina, the congressional primary race between two democrats, clay aiken and keith chrisco is still considered too close to call. we ll let you know what happens
as we got it. ohio, john boehner defeating two tea party challengers that we told you about yesterday. he won that in his bid for a 13th term in congress. the united states now taking part joining the manhunt for the leader of the nigerian terror group behind the kidnappings of more than 270 young girls. the u.s. is now sending military intelligence and law enforcement support to nigeria in its hunt for the leader of the group. this as we learn eight more girls have been kidnapped within the last 24 hours. the warlord of that group says he plans to sell the girls into slavery. the republican congressman trey gowdy is now receiving death threats after he s been tapped to lead a select committee to investigate the attack in benghazi. the e-mails threaten to hurt him if he goes forward with the hearings. the hearings will go forward. fox news now confirming that the 12-member panel will include seven republicans and five democrats. but will they got any answers?
i don t blame anyone but the white house. the american people should blame no one but the white house. they had an opportunity and they have a responsibility as leaders in this country to provide the legislative branch of government all of the documentation when the legislative branch asks. they did not do it and they get what they deserve on this. today we expect to learn more about who will be on that committee. a fifth grader in florida says he was simply humiliated by his teacher. he was reading the bible during free time at school, but listen to this voice mail that his teacher left for his parents. i noticed that he has books, a religious book in the classroom. he s not permitsed to read those books in my classroom. those books. 12-year-old boy says his bible is one of his favorite books. he and his father joined us, along with their attorney, emergency roomier on fox & friends. listen to what they had to say. all we want is a written
apology. if you made a mistake, be diligent enough to admit it and everybody can move on and just allow my son and all the children in the entire school district to have that freedom to read their bible if they choose to do so. the broward county public school district says it upholds the right of students to bring religious materials to school. what do you think about that? those are your headlines. back to you. thank you very much. i m looking in the e-mail box. many happy birthdays. very nice. i appreciate it. it was great to see geraldo again. great, with clothes on. 11 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, rutgers university paid $30,000 to bring in snooki from jersey shore. but let a speech by condoleeza rice slip away because of a few protesters from faculty and students. now the former secretary of state has a new offer. and she refuses to talk. now democrats say enough is enough when it comes to questioning lois lerner. maybe we can get ken starr starr to come out of retirement.
maybe he can come out for another investigation and waste taxpayer money. should we give hear break or hold her accountable? i ll take the fifth. i ll let you take the fifth because it s your birthday. he s drinking a fifth? you ve reached the age where you know how things work. this is the age of knowing what needs to be done. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long- term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing.
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i want you to listen to me. i m going to say this again. i did not have sexual relations with that woman. we remember that. brian? yep. she s back. monica lewinsky speaking out in a new interview with vanity fair. some are questioning the timing of the article. why now? joining us to weigh in on exactly that is the wife of
former vice president dick cheney, and the author of james madison. good morning. good morning. and i want to give brian a birthday present. thank you very much. especially signed for you. it is signed. congratulations. i m not in your class, especially after i see this. i m fascinated by the period in which you examined. first i want to get your comment about what broke in the news. you find the timing of this article interesting. well, politics i ve been lucky enough to have a front row seat for quite a while it s never what it seems. there is always an explanation below the surface. it s usually more accurate than what you immediately lead to. in this case, i just can t imagine vanity fair running an article that the clintons wouldn t approve of. it seems so timed to inoculate mrs. clinton s campaign against this kind of thing popping up later.
sure. put it out now. a couple years in advance, and then by the time people go to vote, they ll be oh, that s old news. vanity fair is going to do this. do you think they re going to do something with paul paula jones or gennifer flowers? no. i think that, you know i have a great empathy, sympathy for monica lewinsky and i do think she s been suffering. but i m sure if you were able to sort it all out, vanity fair probably reached out to her and the article came about that way. so let s talk about why you re here. not only to see steve and elisabeth on the couch. and wish awe happy birthday. but talking about james madison. what is underappreciated and what needs to be revisitd about this founding father? his accomplishments were such great height and scope and depth, father of the constitution, crucial to the founding of the first government. president when the country went
to war for the first time under the constitution. so all of that, plus a really interesting life story. there is one story that occurred to me when you asked me about monica lewinsky. dolly madison was the subject of whispering campaigns. she was just a little too attractive. really? yeah. attracted for him? no. but too attractive to not attract this kind of notice. and she at one point was said to be having an affair with x. and y, a friend of the madisons, stood up and defended her in an embarrassing way. so madison, went to x s house, the person rumored to be having an affair with dolly. personally invitessed him to dinner. it was a very clever move because what it said to everyone is the secretary of state had gone over there, invited the fellow to dinner. he came to dinner on f street. he wasn t having an affair with dolly madison. i think it s useful and you know this. even when you re looking at past
times, to always be aware that there is another scenario playing out. the past is prolog. it seems like those what would he say today about the president s role? well, he d be appalled by the scope and reach of the federal government. but i think he would also be very troubled that the president seems to decide for himself what the law should be. we won t enforce immigration laws even though they are on the books. they ve been passed by the congress. we ll delay mandates and requirements under the affordable care act, even though that s no prerogative of the president. so i think he would be troubled at the constitution having become not the rule of law, but the rule of it s also important in your book, you chronicle anybody who thinks america is in hard times and never been so bad, how about a president standing, sitting by himself in a horse in the
pouring rain while washington burns and he s overlooking it? that s grim in 1812. he was the president then and he brought everybody back. dolly goes out and gets all the priceless artwork. before you go, how is your husband, dick cheney? he s wonderful. we re so lucky. how is liz? she s great. i m hoping she ll run for office again. the book is terrific. everything you ever wanted to know about james madison. right there! i ll talk to you on radio about it, even more ostensibly. you want another copy? it s his birthday. thank you. coming up on this wednesday, he is oversaw the agency accused of leaving our veterans to die on a secret waiting list reportedly. so should the head of the veterans affairs step down? we have an update on that. and what do you call your in-laws? mr. dell dev. is it normal or nuts to still
call your in-laws mr. or mrs.? dr. ablow has that answer. mr. keith ablow. doctor. when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a s! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at!
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with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. your ticket to a better night s sleep got quick headlines for you. new calls for veterans affairs secretary eric shenseki to step down. texas senator john cornyn demanding his resignation following accusations of the phoenix v.a. hospital hid treatment delays that led to the deaths of 40 veterans. several other senators, as well as the american legion, have called for his resignation, telling the wall street journal he s not going anywhere. has the epa gone rogue? today the agency s inspector
general is expected to tell congress their homeland security office, a unit run by president obama s political staff, is illegally blocking investigations. the office is accused of impeding probes into employee misconduct and computer security as well. who is normal and who is nuts? it s a question we ask dr. keith ablow every week and he joins us now to tackle it once more. good morning. good morning, team. all right. sir, here is your first e-mail. after four years of marriage and a baby, our daughter-in-law still calls us mister and mrs. i told her it s fine to call us by our first names but she won t. normal or nuts? she won t listen and that s not normal. that s nuts. are you kidding me? four years and a baby.
you re lucy and ken. you re not mr. and mrs. anderson. she s just being poe lights. no, she s not. she can t cozy up. there is something in the way of her and more intimate relationships. this could be a big problem, by the way, social anxiety, some form of asburgers. there is something going on here that could be a major problem. okay. so she s not just being extra polite. good to know. she s not. unless these people are really stand-offish, but doesn t sound like it. we have another question for you. my husband always exaggerates the truth. for example, if a hotel room costs $57, he ll say it costs $77. it makes me crazy. is he normal or nuts? well, look, what s that? that s a 25% exaggeration. so i m going to say normal cause it s not quite nuts. he s not saying it s a $700 room. not that you would believe it. but the bottom line is here is somebody who doesn t think he s enough. he thinks he s 25% too little.
so you can be kind to him and tell him he is everything you hoped he d be and he doesn t need to do this cause you love him. if that s true. wants to know my theory? cause i watched bob newhart in the 70s. i think he has to spend his whole life trying to get attention by exaggerating. this is another example of it. well, i think we agree. but that sense of needing to exaggerate, listen, he doesn t have to. he s always been good and decents and enough and if he doesn t realize it, his wife has to help him see that. and here is another one. i just wrote it to myself. can i get the typing noise at least? today is my 50 birthday. i m not going to read this. come on, you wrote it. i m thinking of quitting all this and becoming a soccer
player. am i normal or nuts? normal. that s normal? normal because you at 50 are like another man at 22. why not? hit the field. i like this guy. i think i might satisfy your deductible. i d buy my tickets right now to see that. go to the revolution to see me weekly. i think he was wrong on two of them. you think he was wrong? dr. keith, thank you very much. thank you. take care. happy birthday. thanks. coming up straight ahead. should high school be handing out homework with graphic references to sex? that father questioned it and he got arrested. are you kidding me? no. it really happened. what happens when moms take a night off leaving dads in charge? it s the topic of the new movie and it s christian
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your shot of the morning. the lion cubs at the national zoo. watch as one by one they re tossed into the water.
this is an animal water baby test. cats love that, don t they? swimming skills. the zoo wants to make sure it is safe to transfer them to a public viewing area, which contains a pool of water. and more room for them to roam. they all passed with flying colors. therefore, they re going to have a pool in their backyard. come see them. pool party coming in june. how fun. as we mentioned earlier today is brian she phone right , say hello to your mother. that s right. hey, mom. how are you? i m good. happy birthday, bri. thank you very much. i appreciate it. i know you don t like the channel, so it s hard for you to flip over. she never changes the channel. marie, great having you on the program today. it was nice seeing you at brian and dawn s big party a couple weeks ago. elisabeth had the observation earlier that in a lot of brian s childhood pictures, he s crying.
she referred to him as crying brian. did he do a lot of crying as a kid? there he s crying right there. only when we took his picture. right. even when he received communion, he didn t cry. he just wouldn t smile. yeah. i refused to take pictures. i didn t like the paparrazzi even back then. it was before tmz, but i had a sense it was coming. now you like it photo bomb everyone else. come a long way. so mom, thanks for giving birth to me. i appreciate it. really enjoyed these years and thanks for taking pictures. what picture is this year? i think i m five. brian, brian. there they are. i understand one of your favorite pictures is of your three sons in their pajamas, right? i know. everybody said i always took pictures of them in their pajamas. it s so cute. i didn t think it would be on international television. i thought we would hand them to our aunts and uncles.
all your kids wearing pajamas, i hope you went to the drive-in, cause that s what we would do. cause the kids would fall asleep in the car. we went to the drive-in and it was the story about sharks who ate people. no wonder you were always crying. mom, what do you think about elisabeth? i love elisabeth. okay. don t yell at me. i just asked you a question. you raised a great guy here for sure. i think birthdays are sentimental for moms. we get mushy on the birthday of our kids. i am very mushy. especially with him. brian has been all these years, brian has been an incredible rewarding journey me. he s been wonderful son and a special person as well. i m not prejudiced. now you re going to make jimmy and steven feel bad.
so say something nice about them. i don t need to hear oh, he s your favorite. she didn t say that. i didn t get to the other two yet. you got to call back august 3 and august 9. we got to have them on. brian, you have a very happy birthday and many happy things. thank you. thanks, mom. let s keep in touch. okay. i love you. i love you, too. and i ll see you a little later. okay. we all love you, mom. i am the son that can t fix anything, so she calls me just she knows i feel bad about that. when the light bulbs go out, she calls me. she literally leaves the light bulbs so i can change them so i don t feel bad. that was not my mom. that was an actress, but still, a lovely woman. i don t know what to believe coming out of your mouth anymore, kilmeade. all right. you should believe this, the news. we turn to heather nauert.
she s such a lovely lady. good morning to you all. news to bring you. this morning police in california are trying to determine if that teen-ager should be charged with a crime. this comes as newly released surveillance video shows the moment the 15-year-old climbed out of the wheel well of that 767 whether it landed in hawaii. no one still knows how the boy managed to survive that five-hour flight in temperatures 80 degrees below zero. unbelievable. condoleeza rice is getting an offer this morning to speak at texas tech university after she turned down an invitation at rutgers university amid all those protests there. the chancellor of texas tech was on our show earlier and he says it shouldn t be about politics. it should be about the person s credentials. listen. we re in the idea business. if there is anyone that should be in the idea business, it s universities. we should be stressing that we want all people of all persuasions to be able to speak
out. rice is said to be considering that offer. we ll keep watching that story for you. the house of representatives is now inching closer to charging former irs official lois lerner with contempt charges. there is a meeting to consider that today. the way this looks, you know, it looks so political. a political process, pure and simple. aimed at trying to appeal to the red meat, throwing red meat to the political base. the facts don t seem to matter. nobody can find a scarier organization, i think, at least one without guns, than the irs. there could be a house vote today or tomorrow. we ll watch that story as well. here is a story that we re hearing a lot from you about. a father shows up at a school board meeting to express his concerns about a very risque novel his daughter was required to read, who is 14. watch what happens at the school board meeting.
what are you charging me with? disorderly conduct. disorderly conduct. okay. so what happened here? you see him there, he went over the two minutes that he was allowed to address the school board in new hampshire and he was arrested. the book in question is called 19 minutes. it has what s described as a, well, pretty rough teen sex scene. reads like a transcript for a triple x porno movie. we had no notice of it whatsoever. no written notice, nothing. okay. so what happens now? school officials say they plan to update their policies. but instead of allowing parents to opt out of their children reading this controversial material, parents will be forced to sign off on them. so basically no real change. the kids still have to read the stuff. more on that, let s bring in sean astin. he plays a dad in the movie
moms night out and in real life you have three children. i have try daughters. you ve done everything. everything. what about that story, the guy goes past his two minute limit and they arrest him. you didn t show what he was like in that room, so i m not sure about that. but the solution that the school came up with seemed reasonable. what would you do if that raiding was forced on your kids? i prepare my kid for anything going into it. no matter what they throw at her, i m there to support her. but i like the idea that parents have to sign off on questionable material. how do you feel about, with you, cable, you have young kids, growing up, did you watch anything on line or watch anything you you want? we talked a little bit about it. but one thing is the kids are pretty self regulating. if there is something scary, they don t wants to watch it. or political, they don t wants to watch it, or news. that said, my feeling is i m very liberal about what they watch as long as they know that i m going to talk to them and we have to communicate for a long time afterward until i m sure that they put things in the right place. my wife is very protective. she insulates them from a lot of stuff. it s like america. kind of a grab bag.
your wife in the movie needs a night out. yeah. i m thankful for this because it sort of gets into the complexity and funny moments of moms have. they got to get away and the dads left to watch the kids. how did that go? you know what? this story is just kind of an unabashed look at life in america with christian families. sarah drew, who plays the mom, is gorgeous. she s in gray s annot knee. she s having a moment where she needs support. my character, you got to find something to do. you ve got to go out with your friends. and then, of course, me and the other dads get left with the awesome responsibilities of finding some ways to keep our children safe and entertain them. which is challenging. absolutely. when people see you on the street, you walked in, i said hi, rudy. but a lot of people say hey, goonies. when are they going to make a sequel? the director made some comment about how it was happening. if it is happening, it will be
nice to know about it. this is the first you ve heard about it? yeah. right here. do you have anything else to tell me? i m ready to negotiate your deal. how about this? rudy goes pro and we put you on the vikings. why the vikings of all teams? this is mother s day weekend. my wife, we re doing whatever we can to figure out how to give my wife, our mom, something beautiful to do. taking your kids and your family to see moms night out is a lovely thing to do. it s a sweet, fun, family film. people are saying we wish there was a film that reflects our values. this does. we find it everywhere? yeah. 1100 screens. it s big. it s wide! america, go see this! for kids as well? dads will like it. it s a ready made thing. dads will like this because they ll see, you see what you re like?
moms will see, you don t understand. they ll say, that s sean astin, he s great in everything. happy birthday. thank you very much. thank you. we ll be watching. coming up. a fox news alert. the u.s. jumping into the search for hundreds of kidnapped girls. we are live from the white house with the brand-new details on that. guy fieri is here. find out what he s cooking up and if sean wants a bite. delicious. starts with back pain. .and a choice.
take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve. .for all day relief. start your engines in front of our house again. it s a free country dad. our house. our spot. those are the rules. ok who wants sweet rolls? i do! me too! are those king s hawaiian rolls? thanks, carol! people go pupule for the sweet, fluffy deliciousness of king s hawaiian. find us in the deli or in-store bakery. is levy using our clippers?
fox news alert. american military and police are joining an international manhunt for the leader of a nigerian terrorist group behind the kidnapping of more than 270 girls. molly henneberg is live at the white house with the latest. we re in now?
reporter: we are in. good morning, brian, steve, and allegation. president obama has adequate in media interviews he can only imagine what these parents of the abducted girls are going through. nearly 300 of them taken from their schools, teenage girls taken from their school on april 15 by an islamic extremist group. now that nigeria has agreed to accept help, president obama says the u.s. will do, quote, everything we can. we ve already sent in a team to nigeria. they ve accepted our help, a combination of military, law enforcement, and other agencies who are going in trying to identify where, in fact, these girls might be and to provide them help. reporter: haram is the group that says it took the girls and translated, that means, quote, western education is sinful. their leader says allah told him to sell the girls. while the white house says the u.s. has sent military advisors
to nigeria, there is no plan to send combat troops. we re not considering at this point military resources. we would urge nigeria to insure that any operation to free the girls would protect civilians and human rights. reporter: as far as any f.b.i. resources being sent to nigeria, that s still being sorted out. a senior federal law enforcement source says the elite hostage rescue team has not been sent to nigeria at this point. brian? i know the british are helping out as well. hopefully we ll find some answers. thanks a lot. we ll talk to you again. on a much lighter note, guess who is here. guy fieri, one of the most famous faces in grill something here. first let s check in with another famous face, martha mccallum for what s going on on her show at the top of the hour. hemmer pretends like he has pull. but you make all the decisions. nicely done. happy birthday. thank you. we re going to hear from john boehner this morning and we
expect new details on the make-up of the select committee to investigate benghazi. who and when. those are the big questions there. also we expect he s going to talk about the vote to hold lois lerner in contempt, discussion and vote on that expected shortly on the irs scandal. lot of big news. and which way does the monica lewinsky story really cut these days? bill and i will see you at the top of the hour. fancy feast elegant medleys. inspired dishes like primavera, florentine and tuscany. fancy feast. a medley of love, served daily.
he s the ultimate culinary rock star and his new book will get you ready for summer with the best grilling recipes. and here he is right now, the guy on fire, the host of diners, driver-ins and dives. it s cold out here!
you are warming up, guy. this is fine for me. i m from northern california. i know a little bit of chilly. grilling time. what is the number one thing people screw up? pork chops. why? they overcook them. and they don t treat them right the first time. let s talk about the first thing which is called a brine. warm waters, sugar, peppercorn, thyme, chile flake. pour it in. this brine. this is a double cut chop. we re good on the sugar. it s equal parts of salt and sugar. we drop these chops in and what we ll let them do is sit in the brine from two to eight hours. just depends on the thickness. plan ahead. exactly. when they come out of the brine, what s going to happen is we re going to make a little pocket on the inside of this chop. remember the trick with the banana when you were a kid where you put it inside the banana?
and then unpeel it and it was cut in half? this is the same thing here. we if in with the knife. we cut inside this chop just with a small incision. after you take it out of the brine? exactly. now we re ready to stuff. now i got peppers and onions. we re going to mix that in right here with some provolone. give it a little stir. brian is having a pork chop birthday. we do this osmosis. now we grab this mixture of peppers, onions, proscitto. we got this all stuffed. we take it over to the grill. here is the key. let s make sure that when we take it to the girl it doesn t spill out. look at her go. i can just take off now. you got this.
this recipe here is the idea. we re grilling it on both sides and then what happens, right when we gets done? we ll set it over here, let it rest for a little bit and we re done. i know you re the pro. who do we have here? you re going to pull me away from this? 30 seconds. french toast. everybody loves it. the key to great french toast, we have a mixture of eggs and cream and little bit of vanilla and cinnamon. the key is when you get done with the french toast, brown sugar, butter, chopped apple the, calvadose. wait a second. let s do this right. right over the top. top that french toast. we have the recipes. this is inspired by my kids. we have a little whip cream on top. go gets his book. guy on fire. go to his house. he has good food. more fox & friends in just a moment. new car!
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we ve got guy on fire today and the man of the hour is the birthday boy. brian kilmeade! guy on fire! you guys said, that you were going to wear this. no! come on! happy birthday. why am i put in the middle. thank you very much everybody. thanks for doing that. does this get your seal of approval? i have no idea what s inside of it. it is ticking. but i didn t make this. i made you a pork chop. and i made you some french toast with a little bit of apples.
you called this morning. this is not in the book. i m going to give you a book for your birthday. round of applause for this guy. thank you very much bill: big five-o, brian, see you on radio. very busy day on the hill. get red different the investigation in benghazi take as big leap forward. the select committee looking to fallout from the attack starting to take shape as we get word the white house is holding back key emails, with its quote, media strategy. a lot to get to and we do now. welcome to america s newsroom. how are you doing, martha. martha: i m doing well. good morning to everybody at home. i m martha maccallum. democrats backing off threats to boycott the benghazi hearings with john kerry saying he is ready to answer the questions. we ll respond because we have absolutely nothing to hide

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20150114 11:00:00

bunch can turn this around fast. the adult taping is irresponsible. thanks to everyone who responded. don t forget to keep talking about 2016. who would you like to see run for president? log on to our facebook page right now. fox & friends starts now. bye. spoim good morning. it is wednesday, january 14. a fox news alert. airports across this nation on edge this morning ramping up security after terrorists reveal a secret bomb-making recipe and even describe how to sneak it through t. sment through t.s.a. a plot to kill the speaker of the house exposed. a bartender s plan to use a deadly cocktail to kill john boehner. canned and ready? one school principal asking parents to arm their kids with nonperishable food items because throwing cans can stun an intruder with a
gun. we have a lot to discuss because mornings are better with friends. hello. apparently you re watching fox & friends. he s not so weird. he knows the number-one cable morning news show in the world. he still has a perm so i think that is important at his age. we begin with this fox news alert. this morning f.b.i. investigating a chilling plot to kill house speaker john boehner. peter doocy live in washington. what do we know about this, peter? reporter: we know the plot to poison the man second in line for the presidency was dreamed up by the man who pours his drinks. michael r. hoyt told police during questioning that nobody checks the speaker s drinks and he could have slipped something into the speaker s wineglass already if he wanted to but he didn t. he also told an officer he
was going to use his barretta to shoot the speaker. the bartender was recently fired from a country club in wes chester ohio. his bosses say it is because he had a bad attitude and people are complaining but hoyt blamed boehner. quote, hoyt told the officer that he was jesus christ and he was going to kill boehner because boehner was mean to him at the country club and because boehner is responsible for ebola. the complaint is dated october 29. on the 28 the bartender sent a rambling e-mail to boehner s wife. hoyt has a history of mental illness. boehner s office says speaker boehner is aware of the situation and sincerely thanks the f.b.i., capitol political and local authorities in ohio for their efforts. a big driver behind this indictment for boehner s bartender is during his time at the country club this man learned all about where boehner likes to go and what boehner likes to
do, information that authorities worry could be used to his advantage if he wanted to carry out a sinister plot against the speaker. peter, you were just talking about how supposedly boehner was mean to the guy at the country club. any idea what he did? no, there s no idea. when you read through the indictment this is one sentence. it says that he told an officer he was jesus christ and that he was going to kill boehner because boehner was mean and because boehner is responsible for ebola. okay. i guess that says it all. peter doocy, thank you. thank goodness they have him. no kidding. here we go again. you don t like taking your shoes off? the u.s. is stepping up airport security should cost us more time again from coast to coast after the paris attacks. al qaeda again goes out of their way to brag about a would-be attack and their new so-called weapons. they put out a video that
essentially says they have an undetectable bomb that has us now checking everybody s bags. in the december issue of inspire magazine from al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, it is so specific, it is so sophisticated, it tells the person how to make the bomb, how to get through security and where to sit on the plane. and they write and this is critical because we re going to talk about this in just a moment how the white house will not talk about islam regarding terrorism. inspire magazine writes the recipe is so easy it s something, quote, every determined muslim can prepare. certain foreign airports are looking on and looking at carry-on luggage. matt olsen to rememberer director of the national terrorism center says the group is determined to carry out an attack on a
u.s. airplane explaining this alert. they think this would be easier to sneak through on one of the smaller airports that don t have the super body scans. a lot of american airports do. let s talk about who is responsible for last wednesday s attack in france. we heard the attackers in the video release yesterday scream out once they got into the street after killing 12 al qaeda, besides saying we have redeemed the prophet, this is the responsibility of representing al qaeda in yemen. we heard one of the kouachi brothers call in to a tv/radio station and say the same thing. this is al qaeda in yemen. now we have more news. why still is the white house administration still tongue tied when it comes to terrorism? just say what it is. elisabeth all they ve got to do and the new news this morning is that there is a youtube video out. they have put out a video posted earlier today and made it very clear, and there you can see nari al
ansi say the attack in paris was vengeance, al qaeda organized it, planned it and paid for it. josh earnest, the white house press secretary, said it seems a little odd why still at this point you re not referring to this, even though everybody else is including the attackers as being radical islam. why can t you? watch this exchange. it s just unbelievable. certainly wouldn t want to be in a position where i m repeating the justification that they have cited that i think is completely illegitimate that they have invoked islam to try to justify their attacks. i think what i m trying to do is i m trying to describe to you what happened and what they did. these are individuals who are terrorists. we have not chosen to use that label because it does not seem to accurately describe what has happened. let us review what he just said. he said yes, they are terrorists but there are a lot of people out there who want to kill us.
these particular people used a religion to justify their attack. this should not be surprising. just keep in mind a couple of days ago, i think it was meet the press, eric holder told chuck todd we are at war with terrorists who commit these heinous acts and who use islam. so this has become the talking point, the boilerplate for this administration. they are terrorists who use a religion. they are not islamic terrorists. they are terrorists. and they are individuals, which i think is troubling; right? because you re either offended by what radical islamists do or you re offended by the term radical islamists. which one is it? i hope we don t find out in a book years later that the reason nobody put out sunday by the way charlie hebdo put out a new magazine. they usually put out 60,000. they now publish in
multiple languages and what are we up to? three million? three million sold out. 300 available here in the united states. we believe they are gone as well. i was looking on-line. if you want a copy you can beit on ebay for 500 pounds in great britain. we showed you the cover. it shows the prophet humid and it says all is forgiven with a single teardrop. which by the way i need an explanation. who is forgiving who? eight minutes after the hour. it is the first time i ve seen heather nauert. it is tradition we don t look at you before the show. kind of like a bride. i ve got some news that is actually somewhat related to what we were just talking about, those attacks in paris. that s the accused boston bomber is asking for a trial delay because of the terror attacks in france. jury selection is now underway in dzhokhar tsarnaev s case but his
lawyers are arguing it should be put on hold for at least a month because of the comparison of the two terror attacks they say could create prejudice. isis now operating in afghanistan at and a former gitmo prisoner leading that charge. he was released from gitmo back in 2007. now he s been rallying jihadists to join that violent terror group. news of the former prisoner s recruiting comes as republican senators are trying to slow the gitmo releases. one senator says we need a, quote, time-out. ann curry is leaving nbc after 25 years well sort of. there are reports curry has a new kind of development deal with the network and she may still occasionally appear on the air at nbc. curry was forced off the today show more than two
years because of the host matt lauer. curry is now negotiating how to end her $12 million a year contract. don t forget your favorite furry friends. today is national dress up your pet day. it is the day to unleash the inner diva in your dap per dog or fashionista feline. those are your headlines. brian, you ve got a dog, i ve got a dog. we ve got to come up with costumes today. to get a team of 12 guys to put my dog in something. he s 120 pounds and doesn t like to wear anything. he likes to be himself. we can t wait to see your photos. let s talk about the note parents got at valley, alabama. the principal at a middle school sent home a letter saying folks, we would like your kids to bring in to
school some canned goods. you mean for the starving people around the world? which is common. no. bring in canned goods because if somebody with a gun comes in to a school, as a last resort, we want the kids to throw a tuna can at the guy with a gun. we d love to know what you think about this. about 15 parents showed up to have a meeting about this and there weren t many complaints. they said it would be used as a last resort. they would be stored in the classroom. students wouldn t be carrying them around in the school for fun and wouldn t be using them on one another. this is a last minute defense given to the students to empower them. i like that word empower rather than being a victim. i don t know if i can hit a would-be attacker with evaporated milk, if that is going to work to my advantage. do you think you could survive a bunch of cans coming at you. it would definitely hurt. sounds like a little rascals episode. are they going to practice? think about it if you have a tuna can that is kind of
hard to throw but a big peach can clinged peaches, you can t get that off the ground. it sound like we re making this up but this is absolutely true. now there is another alternative and that would be if the staff actually had guns you probably wouldn t need to send the kid to school with a can of sweet peas. the teachers are taught to barricade bathroom doors and may be considering a training program there. but they re at least doing something. i don t think it is a bad idea necessarily and they will donate the cans if they re not used at the end of the year. if you got hit by a can and it changed your behavior, write us. can it work? if you are the guy who has intruded into a classroom and some kid just hit you with a can i think you re going to duck. coming up straight ahead, here s what we say. president obama couldn t make it to paris for that antiterror unity rally but
he will have time to deal with another international matter. a meeting of the castros. and the washington rumor mills swirling around a potential run for mitt romney. could the third time be a charm for him? we re going to discuss.
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despite him saying he would not enter the fray into politics, it is looking more likely mitt romney will make another run for the white house. join us now is the current finance chair for the republican governors association. fred, he s 80% in. do you believe he s 100% in? i don t believe he s 100% in. i don t believe he s made up his mind and i don t think anyone who tells you he has can say that with authority. he s clearly looking at it seriously. you wouldn t stir up the country s interest unless you were dead serious on considering this. i think he s 80% likely to do it. what did he do wrong last time? what can he do different this time? i don t think he did anything wrong last time. i think last time around there was a turnout issue.
the obama campaign did a better job in turning out the voters. i think mitt romney ran a strong campaign and he s a good candidate. he didn t get people excited enough to come out and that is what is relatively baffling. i want you to hear rand paul when asked this same question. listen. i think even with all his assets he wasn t able to attract a big enough constituency to win and there was every opportunity for him to win last time. i think it s time for fresh blood. your reaction? i think we re going to have a number of very good conservative candidates to choose from for this nomination. it s going to be the strongest field in recent memory. i m almost giddy at the thought of having five or six people on that stage, including, if governor romney decides and if governor bush decides and if some of our current governors like chris christie perry, if they run. you can envision every one of them being a very solid leader for this country and i think it s a wonderful
prospect to have. all of them are conservative enough to get the voters out. very interesting. we have some of the other hopefuls you mentioned. as we see that, let me bring up one of the names. governor christie gave a state of the state address, very much a national look at where he s going to set up a super pac. is he somebody who is formidable or was he more formidable two years ago? i think if you look at governor christie or any of our sitting governors or former governors bush and romney, they ve got records of accomplishment in their state and in their nation. they ve shown that they can get things done. they can bring people together and make things happen. that stands in sharp contrast to what people talk about, the do-nothing contrast four years of hillary clinton as secretary of state without a clear record of success. i think they have great records to run on, any one of them. you re the finance guy on the republican governors association. $100 million already in jeb s coffers. are you worried that there
is not enough money to go around and the best candidate might not emerge because they don t have the contacts? a lot is being made of the money race right now and i think money is important but i don t believe money is going to be the determinant on who our nominee is. i think it is going to rest more on who is able to come forth with the most compelling message, who can best demonstrate their track record of executing that compelling message. and i believe that everybody is going to be very, very competitive on financing. i think it is going to be separated by their message, by the quality of the campaign and the quality of their records. i agree. it is going to be really exciting. those on the left are also intrigued by what s happening on the right. thanks so much. great to have you this morning. coming up straight ahead, caught on video, the new high-tech way thieves are breaking into cars and the police don t even know about it. how you can protect yourself next. and going viral. this dog loves the park so much, he rides the bus by himself.
eclipse and his owner join us just ahead. [anner:]t if alk rocoul 4 cancer? what if one push up could prevent heart disease? 4 can help protect you . from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain difficulty breathing and may even put you in the hospital. prevnar 13 ® is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13 ® if you ve had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. common side effects were pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site. limited arm movement, fatigue, head ache muscle or joint pain less appetite, chills, or rash. even if you ve already been vaccinated with
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a brand-new study reveals vitamin supplements in drinks like vitamin water and other energy drinks have no nutritional benefits. the study reveals the levels in these drinks far exceed your daily requirements. therefore, they don t do anything at all. spit it out. new research shows that by 2050 no one under the age of 80 will die from cancer. studies show a daily low-dose aspirin is the single-most effective action to protect against the disease. elisabeth. take a look at this
video. a man in seattle approaches a minivan, finds it locked and with the flip of his backpack somehow manages to turn on the interior lights and unlocks the car stealing your belongings. how did he do that? they think by using a high-tech device police are calling a mystery box. how do you protect yourself from a guy in front of your house using the mystery box? the chief communications officer of the national insurance crime bureau joins us. good morning. explain this device. what is it exactly? there is a variety of things out there on the market probably available on the internet for a few dollars, maybe $100 or so. they may be jamming the frequency or mocking the frequency of the remote fob that you use in your car. when you re locking your car, if somebody is nearby and they have a code graber they actually get the code out of the air and turn around and open your car when you re gone?
that s one way to do it or there s devices out there that we think today may be able to simulate it. you don t even have to be around. they act similar to the fob. the important thing is they may be able to open the car. we have no evidence they are able to start the car. so they can get in and maybe steal your property if you live it in visible sight but doesn t mean they re going to be able to take the car. or hijack the car if somebody is in there and use their keys. when i saw that video, i thought to myself i will never leave lock my car with a key fob again like at a truck stop or out on the highway because who knows who is sitting over there waiting. you re better off to at least lock your car and take your keys out. that is the important thing. one weekend in nashville, 22 car thefts. 10 of them were from people leaving their keys in the car unlocked. what can we do? it is a cat and mouse game. we ve gone from a 1.7 million car thefts in a
year in the 1990 s to 700,000 a year now. what else can help? don t leave your valuables in sight. don t leave your car registration there so they can get your personal information. don t leave your garage door opener in the car. take it with you. park somewhere where it s well let a safe place. if they re going to get it, they re going to get it. these folks are professional and always trying to beat the system. make it as difficult as possible but don t hand it over to them. i think in one of my cars there is a thing where you push and a little metal key comes out. if you stick it in the door or lock it that way they can t grab the code? there s all kinds of dip systems. all manufacturers use different systems and change them constantly. they say they haven t seen anything that can defeat their systems and we re hoping that s correct. it s scary.
we don t want people be able to get into cars like that. we want to thank roger morris for being with us. information on how to keep us safe. coming up on this wednesday, this iconic photo of world leaders at the rally in paris is missing something but it s not just president obama. what they shopped out or who they shopped out coming up. going viral, this dog loves the park so much that he rides the bus there all by himself. eclipse, that s him right there, and his owner joining us live to explain all that next. first we want to wish a happy birthday to rapper ll cool j. he turns 47 years old today.
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time for your shot of the morning. did you catch last night s jeopardy? that s in the form of a question? savagely criticize mr. torn. what is to rip. name that verb for 800. to tire out tv commentator mr. carlson. what is tucker? that s it. our very own fox & friends weekend cohost tucker carlson was an answer. the category was naming someone whose first name doubled as a verb. he s the guy who is always tuckered out. what an honor. that is fun. let s head over to heather. i don t have a verb for your name.
heather and feather. thank you so much. good morning to you all. news to bring you from overseas. take a look at these two photos. they re almost identical but there is one problem that is difficult to spot but it is there. women are completely removed from it. the original picture was taken at sunday s unity march in paris. it shows world leaders standing arm in arm including chancellor angela merkel. an orthodox israeli newspaper decided to edit out thoseathathathatheo4m .w9 iäéjõ
somebody stole my car and my baby is in there. where was your car last seen? [inaudible] i don t know the address. oh my god! my baby is in there! well, that was three-year-old aden who was in the back of that car.
he ended up saving the day. a woman left her cell phone in the car so ogden police decided to call that phone. instead of the carjacker answering the phone the little boy did. the suspect then abandoned the car leaving aden the little boy alone. police told him to hop into the front seat and start honking the horn. he honked the horn until there was an officer there and we were close and we got to him. he was scared; that was for sure but he s okay. glad he s back with his mommy there. that suspect is still on the run. aden is now safe. and that is another example. we have these stories all the time when little kids get left in cars. you can never leave a child in a car not even for a minute. we had to leave maria molina alone because she wanted to work in the elements. the weather, where it s 17 degrees right now and it feels much colder. the current wind chill out here is currently 6
degrees. it is a cold start to the day across not only the northeast but also across portions of the midwest and down across portions of the carolinas, you re waking up to wind chills only in the 20 s. speaking of the carolinas we have winter weather across those areas. freezing rain and a little snow across the mid-atlantic so winter weather advisories are in effect and also freezing rain advisories. across new mexico we have winter storm warnings because up to a foot of snow is possible across the higher elevations but the temperatures, they have been very cold across the eastern half of the country over the last several days. take a look at the forecast for saturday. 30 s in the northeast. 20 s for you in boston and it gets better as we head into sunday. you re going to be in the mid 40 s in cities like new york city and then across texas highs will be in the 60 s. and the same goes for portions of louisiana. let s head back inside. thank you very much, maria. it s not something you see every day. look at this.
the dog gets off at the stop at the dog park and gets off the bus and i just look out the window and i m like did that just happen? he gets on the bus without me. i catch him over at the dog park. you heard it right. eclipse, a two-year-old labrador mix loves going to the dog park so much so that she ditched her owner and started riding the bus by herself. eclipse and her owner jeff young join us now. good morning to you jeff young and good morning to you eclipse. good morning. when was the first time that eclipse went to the park by herself and were you concerned that you would see her again? yeah, of course. the first time she jumped on the bus i wasn t sure if she got on the bus or went back in the house. another person at the bus stop with me pointed out that, yeah she got on the bus. and it s a bus that her and i rode to the dog park a million times so i was pretty sure that s where she would be headed.
i was on the next bus after her, and she was at the dog park. how did she know where to get off? that s her stop. it s only five or six stops down the road but there are some turns before you get there. she knows. she knows her stop. she s a dog. have you had any complaints at all? you know what? the metro transit the agency, they actually love the dog there, it makes everybody happy. but has anybody complained yet? yeah. you know there s always a it s a rainbow out there. everybody s not the same. there s always a dog hater. there s a cat person over there. she brings a smile to most people s day. even when we re on the bus, we re together we re not really together. she kind of rolls solo. she s really independent. she s always 30 40 feet away from me and grabs a seat, grabs a window and watches for the dog park. if she s not riding with
you, that kind of says something. she s trying to be as independent as possible. jeff does the bus driver just let her on free or does have to does she bring a token? how does that work? she has a pass. it s a rapid ride system. everybody has passes and the doors open. there s multiple doors. there s like three doors open. she usually gets on the middle or the back. has she ever gotten off anywhere else besides the dog park? no. that s amazing. that s a very smart dog you ve got. good dog. i m on the bus right behind her when she does jump by herself but it s gotten so i don t have to worry. she s got friends on the bus. she s made some commuter buddies. jeff, i didn t know it was a possibility that you could do this. i didn t know it was
allowed. any dog with a pass can do it. didn t know. i didn t know either. it was a fright the first time but it s worked out all right. are you going to the park today? yeah. she is. later this morning, you know. jeff, has it gotten to the stainl stage you feel confident she can get on the bus by herself go the four or five stops go to the dog park, play for a little while and then get back on the bus and come home and you can still be at home watching tv? no. no. we haven t come that far yet. so when you go to the park, send us some pictures. if you re going to go to the park before our show ends send us pictures because we d like to see her at the park today. yeah she ll be there. jeff young and eclipse, the bus-hopping dog out there in seattle. jeff and eclipse, thank you very much. good dog eclipse. thank you. you were good too, jeff.
very nice. i think you ve seen it all now. i bet this is a new trend. maybe not much everyone is looking at their dog going why can t you do that? what s wrong with you? it s 17 degrees outside. why can t you walk yourself. coming up on this wednesday, does the new york police department have the right to spy on mosques if there is a risk of a terror attack? muslims in new jersey are saying no, and now that s headed to court. we re going to take a closer look straight ahead. she got fired for not being able to do her job while pregnant. her job was lifting heavy boxes for ups. the lawsuit before the supreme court now. does she have a case?
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about 15 minutes till the top of the hour. some quick headlines from the supreme court. the highest court deciding if this man can have a beard while in prison. gregory holt recently converted to islam and want a beard for religious purposes. the arkansas jail says it s against the rules. his case focusing on the right to religious expression in jail. another ruling today expected in the case of a pregnant woman versus the ups. peggy young was placed on unpaid leave after she became pregnant and could no longer lift heavy boxes there. young says that she was discriminated against, but ups says they followed their union agreement and company policy. steve? thanks, elisabeth. reverse the ruling that s the outcry from a group of muslims in the state of new jersey who say the new york city police department surveillance program violates their civil rights. but should safety trump privacy? joining us is criminal
defense attorney and former morris county new jersey prosecutor robert bianki. in the past the surveillance program which a lot on the left said you can t do that it s been upheld by the court. and now the court of appeals in philly has taken a lookback at whether or not it is legal. you say what about it? law enforcement has to use the rule of common sense when they re doing investigations and they re interdicting in the communities where there could be a problem whether it is a gang case or mob case. no constitutional right are being violated unless they go into the areas of the fourth amendment which is search and seizure wiretaps, things of this nature. they re not hanging a wiretap on the wall of the mosque. they re just going in and listening. when i was a prosecutor i think this confused people. it may from a policy point
of view not be something that is good because some people who are innocent will feel feel like they re be targeted but that doesn t mean it s unconstitutional. if they have a specific tailored reason for going in there in order to gain actionable intelligence after they get that intelligence and it leads to criminality they can go to the judiciary and get warrants and try to construct a criminal case. let s back up to what you said a moment ago. this is essentially the same thing that prosecutors have done, law enforcement has done in the past with the mob. the way they get in the mob is the same way they have infiltrated these communities. when you have a serious criminal risk and obviously it is a cost-benefit analysis terrorism is obviously substantial, you don t do that by sitting behind a desk. you have to gather information, run down leads and then of course it needs to be tailored and speck. if there are groups that are not involved in terrorism, if there are groups and individuals that aren t doing anything wrong, they need to be disregarded. it can t be to the level where it becomes
harassment. but what they need to do is get out into the community. you don t do it by waving a magic wand. you ve got to get out there. here s what the legal director for constitutional rights says, he says this is a blunder abouts suspicionless program where the only criteria is religion. what do you say about that? it is not religion. every religious practice has individuals in it that are doing something that is not appropriate. what it is is targeting criminals. if there is a risk that there is a criminal operating within a religious sector or religious group that is where they go. if they re operating in social clubs that s where they go. we know from history and you have to use the rule of common sense that some of the terrorist related activities 9/11 included emanated out of these religious institutions. that is what drove law enforcement to that location. if they re not breaking the law you would think they could go in and just listen. the italian american
community dealt with this and i was on the front enl of this. some of the legitimate claims these people may have is you may be on a list and you may be doing absolutely nothing wrong. that is why law enforcement tailors itself so that those people that are innocent don t get trapped into this thing where it affects their lives but they need to be there in order to get the bad guys. there are a lot of bad guys out there. robert, thank you. coming up on this wednesday, a fox news alert, the u.s. section of the international space station just was evacuated a couple of minutes ago. what we re learning from nasa straight ahead. you re going to want to hear what s going on up in space. you want a well-paying job in health care? cheryl casone with the job fair you can attend in your pajamas. why did i put on clothes? 4
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it s one of the fastest growing industries with 35 million jobs to be added over the sex seven years. now there is a way to land a job without leading your home. they re launching their first virtual job fair. cheryl casone from fox business has the top companies hiring right now. good morning. this is exceptional because this is a virtual job fair because you can be home. the health care industry is so desperate for employees right now. and several fields not just nurses and doctors.
we re talking like if you re in one state moving to another it can be paid for. there is all kinds of opportunities. what will we see? when with you go on this web site what, will you see? 1 to 4:00 p.m. eastern time. basically you do it from home. you upload your resume and start doing virtual chats with several companies. i want to give you some of the top ones today. one is oshner. it s in 600 joabs. 13 hospitals. health centers. that they hired 15,000 people. can be all kinds of different things. the u.s. news and world report recognized them as one the top companies in the country. 700 jobs available with anthem. that i about behavioral health. that s where the openings are for this company in particular. case managers, case coordinators. 700 jobs are open here.
one in nine americans has coverage from anthem. you probably know the name as well. if you re in the ohio area, nationwide childrens. columbus, ohio. it s a pediatric hospital. information services, nurses, management. also into teaching hospital. they have a really good fellowship program as well. it s country critical. excellent. so aetna? again, they are expanding hiring 962 jobs open. 43% of their employees telecommute. good for a mom that wants to be at home. good for somebody that wants to work from home if you have the right skills. but obviously etna, 960 jobs at least for now. if you re in pittsburgh?
a cowboys fan and i m still trying to get over what happened. i m sorry. university of pittsburgh medical center. this is upnc. 1200 jobs available now. they ve got 20 academic community specialty hospitals, outpatient sites, 400 of those. they re really good at rehabilitation retirement. helping people with disabilities. this is somebody that i really wanted to highlight. big day today. we re glad you re here. u go on line and check that out and it s listed on our web site. don t miss cheryl on fox business. great to see you. coming up, a fox news alert. u.s. astronauts evacuated from the international space station just moments ago. what we are learning from nasa at the top of the hour. and this guy thought he could get away with robbing a helpless older woman. did he know this guy and two
others were watching him. the marines who saved her join us live with their story. it s hero heroic next hour coming up but not everyone can say they re the fastest-growing truck brand. in america. guts. glory. ram. well, a mortgage shouldn t be a problem your credit is in pretty good shape. pretty good? i know i have a 798 fico score thanks to the tools and help on kaboom. well, i just have a few other questions. chuck, the only other question you need to ask is, what else can you do for me? i ll just take a water. get your credit swagger on.
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like this hp 15 laptop now only $249.99. office depot & officemax. gear up for great. good morning. it s wednesday, january 14. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, airports across the country on edge this morning ramping up security after terrorists reveal a secret bomb making recipe and even describe how to sneak through the tsa. the chilling details on that ahead. sounds like something out of a james bond movie. the f.b.i. foiling a plot to kilt speaker of the house. how john boehner s bartender wanted to take him out. wow. and a young days ask confused matthew mcconaghey in one of his first auditions on tape now revealed. today, man, you guys join me.
being alive. we re going to take you inside the room from one of his very first auditions on tape. this isn t on tape. it s live from new york. it s fox & friends. what s up? i m cool j and you re watching fox & friends. my favorite all time feature in the history of my years with fox & friends which dates back to 1963 ll cool j. he brome to a party and taught me how to be cool. he is a good time. he s fun and a great sport. he s aptly named. the reason we played that is because today is todd or ll cool j s birthday. he s 46. there is a party you re not invited to. absolutely. we wish him well and thank
you for joining us. we re going to get to that fox news alert. murder by poison? the f.b.i. investigating a chilling plot to kill house speaker john boehner. peter doocy is live in washington with what we know. this is bizarre and dangerous. what else can you tell us? reporter: i can tell you wine in westchester ohio, could have killed the speaker of the house that if boehner s bartendser followed through on this plot which he said would have been easy because nobody looks at what he s pouring for the speaker. that bartendser, 44-year-old michael r.hoyt. the reason he wanted boehner dead, he told the officer that he was jesus christ and that he was going to kill boehner because boehner was mean to him at the country club and boehner is responsible for ebola. he was caught because back in october he called 911 where he explained to police that he had been fired from the country club
where he had been working for five-plus years. then he threatened to shoot john boehner who he blamed for his job loss with a baretta 380 automatic. it s worth noting the bosses at the country club say it was a bad attitude and not boehner that got him fired. before his arrest he even e-mailed mrs. boehner saying they needed to talk. but the note was rambling and she was confused. at that spokesman for barren says, quote, he is aware of this situation and sincerely thanks the f.b.i. and capitol police and local authorities in ohio for their efforts. the accused bartendser has a history of mental illness but from being around boehner for years, he knows a lot about what the speaker likes to do and where he likes to go, which is why authorities want him locked up. back to you in new york. probably a good idea. thank you very much. meanwhile, we have another fox news alert for you. today the united states is stepping up airport security on the heels of the fact that
inspire magazine, which is a publication of al-qaeda in the arabian peninsula, in their december magazine has given its followers perhaps the most lethal, most sophisticated recipe to cook up a hidden bomb to blow up an airplane ever. tells them exactly how to make the bomb how to get it through the security line like that one there, and where to sit on the plane to blow it up and bring it down. these could be especially a problem for smaller airports that don t have that high-tech body images, security devices. that s why baggages being checked with serb care. there will be reaction. they re still going through bags at times square. can you imagine that? i m not going to say what i discovered. plus, also, yesterday came out, something that we knew already. if you heard the tape that was released yesterday you saw those brothers after they shot
and killed, 12, wounded 11, say this is al-qaeda in yellen. we are doing this in the name of al-qaeda in yemen. vengeance, yes. then yesterday another tape emerges of a guy saying yeah, these guys trained with us. they do this in reference and redemption and revenge for killing allah al-awlaki and kahan. they were killed a couple years ago by a drone strike. that photo you saw the yemeni branch of the al-qaeda, their leader supposedly there, claiming responsibility. not just responsibility, but we planned it. we told them when to pull the trigger and we financed it. they gave them $20,000 to pull it off. by the way t took a while. these guys were looked at after a while and said, i don t think they re up to anything. we re going to pull back. imagine if we got a chance it listen and talk to and fully interrogate the underwear bomber because he was across the hall from one of the older brothers.
and you can imagine the information we could have gotten if he had not lawyered up hours after. there is a new proposal to put that in a time out in terms of the release of prisoners soon to be looked at by the president. but we want to get to greg palkot. charlie hebdo released its first issue since 12 people were killed. the paper selling out in just minutes. greg palkot joining us live from paris. he s had really the best coverage of these horrific events today with this release. what are people there saying? reporter: they re saying they want to buy it elisabeth. if you re looking for the hottest item in paris, it s not a fashion outfit, it s this latest edition of this newspaper. the first edition put out since the slaughter at their newspaper offices. that was one week ago today. it s all sold out at the news stand behind us and all across
paris. it features of mohammed muslim leaders have been upset. one called it an act of war. we want to do find out what the people on the street thought. take a listen. it looks like a publication, but i m charlie. you are charlie? yes, of course. i m not shocked by this. you re not? no. other people could be. probably. it s just like to remind that it s still possible even if what happened what happened. it s still possible to print those? yeah. reporter: this was put together by the surviving member s of the staff, who showed up by an artist who showed up for a meeting late on wednesday. it s available, you can buy it in the u.s. eventually. we ve seen it on ebay. five-dollar paper going for over
$1,000. it s a high price to pay, guys. but people who put together this paper over the years in the name of freedom of expression paid an even higher price. i hope they still buy it a month from now and two months from now. in one way, they are losing the pr war if they wanted to bring them to their knees. i m looking now, there is a kip of charlie hebdo the latest one on ebay for $117,000. wow. okay. i ll wait for it to come down a little. meanwhile, there is so much involved in the story regarding charlie hebdo islamic terrorism although the administration refuses to say it s islamic terrorism. now they say they re terrorists who have used a religion to justify it. the president of the united states, since his first day, talked about closing gitmo. here is the problem with closing gitmo and it goes to yemen. remember, both these brothers went to yemen forearms training. the top recruiter for isis right
now is a guy who was in gitmo, but he was released. he went back over to yemen. he says, quote, it s my duty to spur the muslims to kill the americans. so far he s recruited something like 3,000 people to fight for isis. the former taliban commander when they get out, they re like rock stars so people flock to them. they were let out during the bush years. we have to learn from our empties stakes and stop letting them out whether it s uruguay or some small island nation or back to yemen where they go with shovels and make tunnels. that s why. senator in new hampshire along with some others are calling for a time out in terms of these released. when you have a 30% reengagement rate, she says it s the wild, wild west. we need to stop it now. detainees that are being released by the administration many were designated high risk. that means high risk for reengagement for terrorism.
that s where the focus needs to be. not in the president trying to fulfill a campaign promise. it has to be on protecting the american people and our troops and our allies. that s what she s putting forward, would repeal the current law that the administration would transfer and reduce the population at gitmo to 127. even if it pass, josh earnest was asked, would the president do this unilaterally. he said we ll consider all our options. he d do it anyway. heather nauert has some headlines and we start in space. that s right. a breaking story that we re just getting information about. it is a fox flus alert. evacuation of the u.s. air crew from their section of the international space station. there is apparently been a dangerous ammonia leak on board. right now crews are moving over to the russian section of the space station. they re now sealing off the american section to try to prevent a leak of that ammonia. we ll be following that story and give you the latest as it
develops. overnight, officials say they have found the house language of the doomed air asia flight 8051. these are some photos we are just get not guilty from within underwater camera. you can see the company s slogan painted on the side. now everyone can fly. that s what it reads. part of the wing was also discovered alongside the body of the plane. officials say they have finally downloaded the flight data recorder from one of the black boxes and that will give them clues about what caused the crash. hire at home, extreme weather breaking a water main. it sends water shooting 40 feet into the air and that took down the roof of that gas station. wow. watch as it comes crashing down. the damage total is about $65,000. that happening in tulsa oklahoma. then we re getting some incredible images out of detroit. look at this house. it looks more like an icicle. a pipe burst inside that home and caused water to pour through the walls, leaving it frozen
solid, including the windows there. wow. temperatures in that area have been well below zero. everyone knows that famous line from dazed and confused. remember this. about these high school girls, man? i get older. they stay the same age. it was delivered perfectly by matthew mcconaghey back then. but even oscar winners had to audition at one point. take a look at this. i love high school girls. i keep getting older. they stay the same age. it was released for the first time. it was his audition tape from dazed and confused. you can see he breezes through those lines. it was his first ever film. he sure did a great job. and that s he went on to become an oscar winner. i would have hired him. like a time capsule. he s a nice guy. happy for him.
still can t figure out interstellar. it was a terrible movie. i didn t like it. there was a lot of black holes. it was about an hour too long. next up huge moves this morning in the race for president in 2016 and potential presidential candidates throwing around slogans. there are a lot of folks in washington who argue that the way republicans should win is that we should nominate a candidate from the mushy middle. but what words really work on the campaign trail? frank luntz next
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this morning brand-new information about potential runs from governor chris christie governor mitt romney, senator hillary clinton, and more. some potential presidential candidates already throwing around some slogans. but will they work? we re going to ask fox news contributor just that question frank luntz joins us now. good morning to you. we want to start first with kevin mccarthy. watch. i will work every single day to make sure this conference has the courage to lead with the wisdom to listen and will turn this country around. certainly a leader for the republican side. what are your thoughts on those words?
brilliant. the courage to lead, the wisdom to listen is about the best single statement i ve heard from a member of congress in the last 12 months. i m going to steal that language because that is exactly what the american people are looking for. they want to know that their opinions are reflected in what members of congress do and they want to know that those members of congress are truly paying attention to the constituents that elected them. kevin mccarthy hit it perfectly with that phrase. meaningful line. ted cruz asked to comment on the candidacy of jeb bush and governor mitt romney. listen. there are a lot of folks in washington who argue that the way republicans should win is that we should nominate a candidate from the mushy middle. what i think that people are going to assess is who is standing up and leading? look at the great issues of the day. look at the great challenges whether it is bringing back jobs and growth and economic opportunity, whether it s defending our constitutional liberties or whether it is
restoring america s leadership in the world. senator cruz has got that big picture and for republican primary voters, they want to replace the current big picture of barak obama. so cruz has been effective. that language right there articulates the reason why he s so popular among republican primary voters. they don t just want little details. they want to know what your vision is, what your principles are and that s what cruz explains. we re going to hop over their political line and take a sound from president obama talking about raising the minimum wage and growing the middle class. watch. about three in four americans support raising the minimum wage. that s because we believe that in the wealthiest nation on earth, nobody who works full time should ever have to raise a family in poverty. if everybody does their part, if we all work together, we can make sure that the tide starts lifting all boats again. we can get wages and incomes growing faster. we can make sure the middle class is growing.
so he focuses there on the middle class. but what americans are really more focused on is hard working taxpayers. i expect that you re going to hear much of that language in state of the union next tuesday. by the way people who are watching this want to participate in our live fox news state of the union focus group they need to go to barak obama is too focused on a specific segment of american society. when the public is saying let s focus on all of us. right. frank, ten seconds, are you surprised mitt romney is giving it another shot? am i surprised? yes. is he credible? absolutely. does he have a lot of questions he s got to answer? certainly does. frank luntz, thank you so much. thank you for joining us. always great to have you here. up next, airlines making millions off of your baggage. but are they keeping more of your money than they should be? what we just found out you might not like. this guy thought he could get away with rob ago helpless old
lady. little did he know some marines were right there. they will join us live.
34 minutes past the top of the hour. $8.2 million. that s how much money the airline industry raked in from fees like checked bags and premium seats. that s up 700 million from 2013. next, 46.6 million. that s how many americans are on food stamps. the 38th straight month numbers have topped 46 million. that s more than 14% of the entire population. and finally 100,000. that s how many followers a day victoria secret is getting on instagram. helping them out, these sizzling
new swimsuit photos from puerto rico. that s pretty good looking, got to say. steve? instagram. thank you very much. don t mess with these three marines. after hearing a woman s calls for hem outside their local recruiting office, they jumped into action by thwarting a robbery and busting one of the bad guys. joining us now from seattle three staff sergeants join us live. gentlemen, good morning to you. good morning. let s pick up the story. your recruiting office in the seattle area is adjacent to a mall. was it you who first noticed a woman in trouble? that s correct. myself and these others were in the office when we started hearing honking. we were the first ones out.
so you heard some honking and then looked out and you saw that she was running over curbs and stuff like that. when you got to her, what did she say? she rolled down her window said she was being robbed by these two guys that they had a gun and for help. okay. so you came to her rescue. they said those bad guys have a gun. so what did you do next? we chased them down sir. but they ve got a gun. if somebody says, hey those guys got away. they ve got a gun, i don t know that i would chase them. but i think it was staff sergeant shoemaker who said i ve been shot at before. it s not as bad as everybody thinks. most people miss. that s correct sir. well, that s accurate. i guess you would know i know all of you guys have been deployed to afghanistan and iraq
as well. so at what point did you realize, wait a minute, there is one of the guys who the lady described? the minute she said it, she pointed in that direction. they turned and fled. so we assumed that it was them. okay. so you gave chase and what happened? gave chase, crossed the street. the suspect that we apprehended started to turn and that s when i put him in a wrist lock and sergeant sylvester blocked his path. did i read that you put him in the wrist lock because you didn t want to get him down on the ground because you were wearing your dress blues and didn t want to get dirty? that s correct. that s awesome. as they re detaining, staff sergeant twig, what did you do? i was on the phone with 911. there were no police on the scene at that time. all right. and you held one of the guys and
did he say anything to you guys? he just offered his excuse that he was trying to get a ride and said we couldn t touch him because we didn t have badges. great. what did you say to him? i didn t talk to him much at all. i don t blame you. he s in big trouble now. we should point out that the woman who did the honking was a retired police officer and she wasn t going to let those punks rob her. and of course you didn t either because you all were in the right place at the right time. staff sergeants, thank you very much for being in the right place at the right time. thank you. that s great. job well done. straight ahead parents worst nightmare playing out on 911. somebody stole my car and my baby is in there! oh, boy. the incredible story of how the
three-year-old saved himself from a carjacker. and what happens when the chicken tries to cross the road? we finally figure it out. our eyes they have a 200-degree range of sight. which is good for me. hey! and bad for the barkley twins. your brain can send information to the rest of your body at 268 mph. three times the speed of a fastball. take care of your most important parts with centrum. multivitamins expertly designed with nutrients people don t get enough of from food alone. centrum. for the most important parts of you.
we come by almost every day to deliver your mail so if you have any packages you want to return you should just give them to us i mean, we re going to be there anyway why don t you just leave it for us to pick up? or you could always get in your car and take it back yourself yeah, us picking it up is probably your easiest option it s kind of a no brainer ok, well, good talk
that dog is looking at me. today is national dog dress-up day. we re asking you to dress up your dog, faye a picture and send it in. yeah. all pets welcome. greg joined us with this picture. rocky the dog ready for work. look at that. got his tie right. and here is trisha s dog maverick, fresh off game day.
gail sent this one of oliver and jackson looking dapper. springtime. and dennis sent in this photo of his dog, cocoa. look at that. how cute is that. keep them coming. we d like to see your dress up your dog day photos. you can e-mail them, facebook or tweet them. if your dog dress itself we ll put them first. pets are getting independent. we ve seen that all day. we opened up the show that way. we re going to turn to heather nauert. who also dresses herself. yes, i do. a huge feat. good morning to you. we begin with an update to a story we ve been following. it s considered a big win for religious freedom. a virginia school board voting down changes to their policy that would have forced some home schoolers to justify their
religious beliefs. the board realizing that parents in the area were so fired up about this that they decided to repeal that rule. doug pruitt is one of those parents. he s a virginia father who has been home schooling his children under the religious exemption. he joined us yesterday with his outrage. we ve been home schooling our children for over ten years under the religious exemption. we applied for it in 2004. provided all of the information that we requested and so when we had this letter come, it really surprised us. there is still one more final vote at the board s next meeting. we ll keep you posted on those results. an incredible rescue caught on camera. it happened after a hiker was stranded overnight in california assize coy i can t national park after falling 35 feet into a river, you can see her being hoisted up into a california highway patrol helicopter. she spent all night near the riverbank until hikers heard her
crying for help the next morning. she looked like an angel. most beautiful eyes that i ve ever seen. i was just so happy and grateful that i was found. i feel like the word thank you is not enough. if there was something bigger, better, i would say it. but thank you, thank you, thank you. they were amazing. how kind of that rescuer to have held her hair back to comfort her. she broke her arm and she is pretty scraped up, but otherwise doing just fine. an update to bring you on an amazing story of these climbers at yosemite national park. it s believed they are well getting a lot closer to reaching the summit. they ve been doing there for 17 days now. they re supposed to reach a crucial point later today. we ll have to watch that story for you. why did the chicken cross the road? no this is not the start of a joke. a chicken really did manage to get across a busy highway. this is in los angeles of all places.
road crews used a truck to keep that chicken out of harm s way. the california highway patrol eventually catching the feathered fugitive. what they did with him, who knows? maybe put him in a pot. they saved it to kill it? why would you do that? why? chip showed up. thank you very much. you know it s wednesday and that means maria molina joins us from the streets of new york city and she tries to stump us which is not tough w science trivia. yeah, that s right. good morning. and today s question has to do with the mid-atlantic ridge on the floor of the atlantic ocean. the question is, it s spreading at what rate? you mean breaking apart? yeah. it s tech tonic. i didn t know what was n it s moving. across the atlantic ocean on the floor. you have two plates that are spreading apart. so the question is at what rate are they spreading apart.
.025-centimeters per year .25-centimeters per year, b we were talk being this the other day. what was the answer? i remember the other day it was c. that s right! brian, you re right. it s 2.5-centimeters per year. we passed the time talking about techtonic plates. who measures that? i m sure that you have a lot of scientists measuring that. there are plates all across the world. in the pacific they cause a lot of earthquakes and unfortunately tsunamis sometimes. in the atlantic, they re kind of spreading. so you don t get as many earthquakes with that. now we know how fast. thank you. steve has a follow-up question for the host. not in the form of a question. thank you very much. sounds good. it is now 23 minutes before the top of the hour. now that you know about that, a three-year-old boy kidnapped when somebody drove away in his mother s car. he was still inside.
scary. but it was that three-year-old that saved his own life. now i know why anna kooiman is here. she s been following this story and has the details of this saga. it is incredible. good morning. what started as a normal day dropping off her infant at daycare quickly turned into the worst nightmare for this woman. listen. somebody stole my car and my baby is in there! where was your car last seen? at the little i don t know the address. oh my god. my baby is in there! inside the ogden utah daycare for two minutes, a stranger took off in her running car with her three-year-old son aidan, inside. i don t know. you don t know your cell phone number! it s in the car! that s when police had the
idea to call her cell phone hoping the carjacker would answer. but instead, it was aidan who picked up. he was just telling me the guy is going through your purse. he s getting your purse. i m like it s okay. just stay calm. just sit in your seat. everything will be okay. can you imagine? the suspect then abandoned the car, leaving aidan alone. police told aidan to hop into the front seat and then started honking the horn. he honked the horn until there was an officer there and we were close and we got to him. he was scared. that s for sure. he s okay. happy ending. that suspect still on the run. but aidan is now back home safe with his mother. a few things were taken from the car, but the woman says nothing is more important than having her son in her arms. back to you. i got a feeling she s not going to leave him in the car again when she s not in the car. thank you. he was such a good listener.
he did exactly what they told him to. smart kid. this coming up this is an actual ad in a teacher s union magazine. take a close look there. it encourages teachers to use a legal loophole to get free plastic surgery on your dime. that s how you enhance your natural beauty. and over and over again, jesse watters has proven americans don t know much about history. what was george washington s job? george washington was one of the presidents? which president. the second president after lincoln? kids. the wife of former speaker newt gingrich calista gingrich is here with a plan to educate the next generation because as we just saw they need help. first this trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1969, he was on a funny but canceled fox show which was recently revived on netflix. who is it? be first with the correct answer. you ll get something special.
you get sick you can t breathe through your nose. suddenly. you re a mouthbreather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone so you can breathe and sleep shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. [container door opening] what makes it an suv is what you can get into it. [container door closing] what makes it an nx is what you can get out of it. introducing the first-ever lexus nx turbo and hybrid. once you go beyond utility there s
no going back.
quick head leans now. is this little girl a dog whisper other or in danger? one two, three. okay. wow. those are six pit bulls the little girl is feeding but people online are saying that breed of dog is notorious for being aggressive. others argue they are well behaved. and two teen-agers apparently inspired by captain jack sparrow. they tried stealing a man s waltz in brooklyn with an antique pistol. the firearm so old, they aren t
facing charges. they could get seven years in prison for attempted stickup. bottom line don t stick people up with anything. we ve seen how bad some americans are when it comes to knowing their history. watch. who did america fight in the revolutionary war? the french? why did the pilgrims come from england? i no. it was to ex brother the west? how did the first thanksgiving go down? i don t even know. and you live in plymouth? i know. they got here on cape cod at some time and thanksgiving popped out. who won the civil war? the north or south? what was george washington s job? george washington was one of the presidents? which president? he was the second president after lincoln. he didn t work with horses did he? god bless you. thanks, you too. our first president abraham
lincoln. now there are some children books to help insure the future generations of americans won t be worst when it comes ho history. calista gingrich s latest book is here and she joins us now. good morning to you. good morning to you. why do we need to know about history, because if there is ever a question, we can just google it. it s more important now than ever that our children understand what makes this country so special. and obviously we ve just seen an example of that. does that horrify you? it s distressing. we re not just making that up. according to statistics 20% of fourth graders, only 17% of eighth graders and only 12% of 12th graders actually tested at a proficient level. your kids are a treasure in our home. i think kids at at that age are
excited to learn about history. they love ellis and they love seeing how history, real people walked through these times. i think most kids are eager and enthusiastic to learn. but we do need to give them these tools at an early age so they can begin to appreciate the greatness of this nation. tell me about the story line here. from sea to shining sea ellis learns about the great expedition of louis and clark. this is one of the most important expeditions in the history of our country. it was a voyage from st. louis to the pacific that inspired many americans to go west. i hate to break it to you, but i read the history of lewis and clark. i don t remember an elephant. ellis was there. who do you blame for the fact that so many americans are in the dark? is it the educators? the family set-up? who do you take responsibility to? i think a lot of people
dislike america and they don t want to uphold our true history unfortunately. they degrade our history. and unfortunately, kids today are learning revisionist and politically correct history and not the true facts. this is my mission to give our children the real history at an early age. i thank you for that. unfortunately, i d like to have everyone smile and say this a great segment and nonpartisan. but we found something about your background that needs some explaining. let s look at this shot. this is ellis the elephant, but he s taking a position on this weekend s game. well, he is. explain this, calista. ellis is a nonpartisan elephant. but does he have a real fondness for the green bay packers. oh, really? he s a cheese head? i had no idea. elephants like cheese, too? there was one on the lewis and clark expedition and he likes cheese? absolutely. he s very excited about the game this weekend. right. seattle fans, we apologize.
from sea to shining sea, we thank you for that. it s outstanding for the kids. ours love t. you should get it out there. by the way, newt gingrich, who is just standing off camera, thank you for coming in, mr. speaker. you can say something. he s not allowed to say anything. he doesn t want to talk. what s the world coming to? coming up on this wednesday this is an actual ad in a teacher s union magazine encouraging teachers to use a legal loophole to get free plastic surgery on your dime. first on this date in history in 1951, the first nfl pro bowl all-star game was played in los angeles. in 1999, the impeachment trial of president bill clinton begins in washington. in 1972 american pie by don mcclain was the song of the day. he sang that on this show. it goes on for 45 minutes.
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the answer to the trivia question of the day is jason bateman and our winner is snooki from new york city. congress graduals. you re getting a cop of george washing(-9 talk about trouble with schools a school in upstate new york racking up a $40 million deficit thanks in part to a program that pays for the teachers plastic surgery. i m not kidding. face lifts liposuction maybe both. $5 million worth of that work and the school has to cover them thanks to an outdated union contract. joining me is the chief financial operating officer for buffalo schools, barbara smith. good morning to you. good morning. i noticed and we showed earlier in the program that the union newsletter includes ads
from three, not one, not two but three cosmetic service priors asking for teachers to come back for such procedures such as botox, breast enhancement, body contouring hair transplants. i mean this seems to be conclude conclude tag talk about hand in the pocket how upsetting is this? it s very upsetting and we ve got ways to eliminate the cosmetic surgery rider even though it s expired. this is on the moms and dads taxpayers wallet. they re paying for these surgeries to take place. how much money is being spent on these? annually, a little over $5 million. that s a whopping amount of money. nearly $5 million here. then when you look at i m just thinking there has got to be a better way for that money to be spent. perhaps it would be on the education of the students there because buffalo students scores right now just 12.2% of buffalo kids rated proficient or better
in gush. 13.1% of them, only that number rated proficient or better in math. that 5.4 million could be better spent elsewhere perhaps? yes. we totally agree with you. we would certainly like to put those dollars toward additional student support, smaller class sizes, extended learning time. this is a common sense issue i think for every american out there who knows that the taxpayer shouldn ting footing the bill for these type of cosmetic surgeries. but what s stopping the change? $5.4 million spent on that. what s the block? the block is essentially an outdated union contract that expired in 2004 that continues based upon new york state law. so absent a new agreement or at least the union leadership agreeing to end the rider, the district has to continue the benefits of that plan. it seems as though it s a thick relationship here. if you have advertisement in the union publication for such
surgery, a handshake deal perhaps? well, i don t know about that. we ve offered last year we offered every member who had the benefit $500 and a health benefit card to give up the cosmetic surgery rider which still would have saved us $4 million. what was the result of that? the union leadership did not take it to their members for approval. really a shame. barbara smith, we want to thank you for joining us this morning and hope this can be resolved soon for the kids. thank you canned and ready. talk about schools. one principal asking parents to arm their kids are nonperrishable food items cause throwing cans could stun an intruder with a gun. and bob newark suddenly making huge headlines thanks to his look alike football referee. that ref joins us live to react to all the commotion. we ll see if he throws the flag
on us next hour i m jerry bell the second. and i m jerry bell the third. i m like a big bear and he s my little cub. this little guy is non-stop. he s always hanging out with his friends. you ve got to be prepared to sit at the edge of your seat and be ready to get up. there s no deep couch sitting. definitely not good for my back. this is the part i really don t like right here. (doorbell) what s that? a package! it s a swiffer wetjet. it almost feels like it s moving itself. this is kind of fun. that comes from my floor? eww! this is deep couch sitting. [jerry bell iii] deep couch sitting!
morning. it s wednesday, january 14. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. airports across the country ramping up security this morning after terrorists reveal a secret bomb making recipe and even describe how to sneak it on to the plane. plus a new message from an al-qaeda in yemen this morning. and it sounds like something straight out of a spy movie. the f.b.i. foiled a plot to kill the speaker of the house with poison. how john boehner s country club bartender wanted to take him out. unbelievable. canned and readiment one school principal asking parents to arm their kids with nonperrishable heavy food items because throwing canned goods can stun an intruder with a gun. what do you think about that? you re actually weigh not guilty because mornings are better with friends. hi.
we re the oak ridge boys. you are watching fox & friends . that guy has quite a voice. i ve noticed some e-mail. they re film ago commercial in front of ou building of the there is a coffee cart right there. they got the movie lights. apparently it has something to do with coffee. and winter. if you are traveling today, please take special note because we have a fox news alert because airport security is stepping up from coast to coast. it has a lot to do with the paris attacks and the publication of inspire magazine and the threat of a hidden bomb and a lot of people are focusing on carry on baggage and there are special inspections at this hour. that s right. and new video just released on youtube as al-qaeda in yemen reiterating responsibility for the charlie hebdo attack in paris. a terrorist attack there one of the leaders claiming they are behind the funding and motivation. yeah. so there you ve got inspire
magazine giving people the recipe to put this super potent bomb on an airplane that according to the magazine quote, the recipe is so easy it s something quote, every determined muslim can prepare. however, whatever you do with the white house don t talk about islamic extremists. sure. they are terrorists, but they re not islamic terrorists. why? because that s not accurate. hold your jaw up and listen to josh earnest. i certainly wouldn t want to be in a position where i m repeating the justification that they have cited that think is completely illegitimate. that they have invoked islam to try to justify their attacks. i think what i m trying to do is describe to you what happened and what they did. these are individuals who are terrorists. we have not chosen to use that label because it doesn t seem to accurately describe what happened. really?
times square bomber, same thing. subway bomber, same thing. fort hood, 9-11, what about in spain, what about in britain and paris? you know what josh earnest said, he said they are terrorists, but what they did sure, they re islamic, but they used islam as an excuse to justify the attack. wow. reading from the koran. reducing and side stepping that. it s like terrorist taboo when it comes to thes who and their administration. a lot happening. we ll move to our other top story. i cannot believe this happened. murder by poison of the speaker of the house? well, this morning the f.b.i. investigating a plot to kill the speaker of the house, john boehner. who would do the killing? the bartender with poison or a gun, right peter doocy? that s right. this bartender in ohio says nobody watched what went into speaker boehner s wine glass so he says it would be easy to slip something in. the man who allegedly wanted to
kill boehner 44-year-old michael hoyt. his motive, according to court documents, quote, he told the officer that he was jesus christ and that he was going to kill boehner because boehner was mean to him at the country club and because boehner is responsible for ebola. the plan never materialized because hoyt called 911 in october and when police responded, he told them that he was going to shoot the speaker with a baretta 380 automatic because he thinks boehner had him fired from the country club in westchester ohio. that gun was later recovered from his home and the bosses at the country club say it was a bad attitude and not boehner that got him the boot. hoyt has a history of mental illness and prescribed medication two years ago but stopped taking it after six months. now a spokesman for the speaker is out with a statement and say, quote, speaker boehner is aware of the situation and sincerely thanks the f.b.i. capitol police and local authorities in ohio for their efforts.
it s worth pointing out that court documents say boehner told the capitol police and the f.b.i. he knows this bartender, but can t remember any negative interaction. back to you. wow. so bizarre. thanks peter. although the guy is a complete nitwit because e-mailed him and his wife and said, by the way, i could poison you any time. as crazy as the guy who shot eggen and lennon. let s talk about 2016. the horse race has more than started. first off governor christie back in the news. he thinks he s going to form some type of president yam pac, leadership pac sometime this month. he knows he can not wait considering all the news about republicans get not guilty and raising money. you have mitt romney calling on political allies and operate actives to get some momentum there again. he s calling all his guys.
will the third time be a charm for him? would the third bush be a charm? jeb bush apparently fundraising in california. rand paul hired a campaign manager and hillary clinton hire add chief strategist and media advisor. later today, chris christie is going to be in south carolina. they ve got a very very important primary down there. on friday he s going to be in iowa. he sounds like he s running for president. actually he sounded like he was running for president yesterday in a very nationallish speech about the state of new jersey down in trenton the state capitol. we are a nation beset by anxiety and it s understandable. economic growth is low by postwar recovery standards. america s leadership in the world is called in question because of a pattern of indecision and inconsistency. so funny so see them going at each other. ted cruz using the mushy middle to talk about jeb bush and rand paul says if he runs to the
right of jeb bush, that s what governor romney said he ll do, he ll still be to the left of the party. they clearly are different. ted cruz, rand paul jeb bush, as well as mitt romney. let us know which one of those names look like a front runner. there are a couple of dozen on the right and one or two on the left. i know. elizabeth warren said yesterday, i absolutely, positively am not running for president. ever. you can print that. looks like hillary there. i absolutely pledge to toss to heather nauert. if you don t believe me, i ll do it now. heather? you re a man of your word. good morning. let s start with a fox news alert. this coming in, a new round of air strikes against isis in syria and also in iraq. u.s. and coalition forces targeting the strongholds with six strikes using bomber and also fighter aircraft and then in iraq, another 12 strikes were carried out using attack and fighter drones. another fox news alert.
the crew on board the international space station is now totally safe following some really scary moments earlier this morning. there was an ammonia leak and it forced american crews to quickly evacuate from their side of the space station and head over to the russian side. fortunately, we are told that everyone is now safe. you may remember crews picking a dangerous space walk back in 2013 to fix an actual ammonia leak. while you were sleeping, officials finding the fuselage of air asia flight 8501. these are pictures from an underwater camera. you can see the company slogan painted on the side of the fuselage. now everyone can fly. that s what it says. part of the wing was also discovered alongside the body of that aircraft. we may soon learn more about what caused that crash. officials have downloaded the flight data recorder from one of the black boxes. and then an update to bring you on the amazing story of those two climbers who are trying to do what seems to many
of us, impossible. this happenings in yosemite national park. they re closing in on their historic feat. the two have been climbing the shear granite face of the wall for the past 17 days. today we are told they may reach their summit finally. they re trying to be the first to free climb a 3,000-foot wall. they re able to just use their hands and feet to climb that. they ve got some safety rope. but imagine that using your hands and feet. steve will tell you it s not that hard. it takes all the strength of your digits (nail themselves into a granite wall. get ready for this. a principal is actually asking middle school students to bring in cans, 8 ounce cans of corn or peas. something throwable. so they can use that can as a
form of self-defense should an attacker get into the school. this is in alabama and is a middle school there. the principal just wants the kids able to defend themselves. they say if a bad guy comes in the class, then they ll be able to throw a can of too in a at the person. you hit them with chick peas ouch. they also suggest in regular classrooms to use a textbook. this school is taking it one step further. let s have textbooks. let s have cans of cling peaches as well. we asked you if you thought this was a good idea. keep in mind, they would need to resort to canned goods if staff members were armed. taffy on facebook says this, i know it sounds funny, but i believe in fighting back any way i can. this is better than nothing. i agree with that. stacy says, i wouldn t want my kid to be that close to a gunman. how about hiring a retired military personnel to protect all our children at school? that is great idea. great suggestion there. and faith suggests this, it s called counter measures and
empowers students to take action and keeps them from being sitting ducks in hostile situations. you re comments have been pouring in. we love the fact you re responding. this is a drill and what it was like. you see the kids getting their cans prior to this and throwing them. those are textbooks. that would hurt. imagine cans. the school says if they were not used as self-defense, which we hope they would not have to be used, that they will donate them to a local food pantry. and where do you get to volunteer to be the intruder? yeah. did you volunteer yourself? not really. what do you think? keep the e-mail coming in. we ll share more later online. his decision to protect his fellow soldiers got him nearly two decades in prison. but what if prosecutors got it all wrong? peter johnson, jr. is here next with the new push for that man s freedom. and a young dazed and confused matthew mcconaghey is in one of his first auditions. people cannot stop watching this. hey, man, you got a joint.
not on me why? you d be a lot cooler if you did. we re going to take you right inside that room in a few minutes coming up. all right, all right, all right. ()
my son has been grieving because even though he did what he felt he had to do and he said if he was in the same situation, he would do it again. he chose to protect his troops. here on fox & friends, a heart broken mother of army lieutenant clint lorance says her son was sent to jail for protecting his troops, which was his duty. men approached his platoon on motorcycles and he gave the order to engage. they opened fire. two of the three men were killed. the army said those men did not have ties to terrorist. so the lieutenant went to prison to serve a 20 year sentence. his attorneys are accusing army lawyers of withholding crucial evidence of the men s terror connections. now thousands of people are petitioning the white house to pardon him and even members of congress are calling for a new trial. joining us now, fox news legal
analyst, peter johnson jr. who brought us this story. if he and his lawyers are right, this is one of the greatest railroading in the history of an american fighting man. they are now saying in a modification petition to general clark, the commanding officer, that quote, the prosecution arguing and closing that there is no suggestion that the alleged victims were taliban. as it turns out there has good bit suggesting that they were, are associated with terror. this is legal error. the law requires a new trial. that s right. the supreme court precedent that says if you withhold evidence bringing material, that s evidence leading the jury to believe that you re not guilty of the crime, then you get a new trial. what they have done, steve, is expose new evidence that they say the army had, the defense department had and failed to turn over. and that s the troubling part. apparently there was evidence and we ve got information to put up on the screen one man killed was a co-conspirator to a
man serving a 20-year sentence for ied attacks in afghanistan. the man lorance was attempted to engage was ied in kandahar and the guy interviewed was incarcerated in afghanistan and linked to four separate ied events. peter, when we last talked about this, we were looking to help this man get clemency. that didn t happen. what s left? what s left is a new petition modification to general clark and if that do not work, go to the court of appeals, military court of appeals. also there is a petition that has gone up now to the white house. they have about 80,000 or so signatures at this point petitioning the president to look at this particular issue. obviously this is not a cut and dry issue. there are some soldiers that say that lieutenant lorance was out of control overzealous and that the decision to fire on these
afghannies was inappropriate and wrong and resulting in this conviction. the lieutenant s lawyers say the jury never heard. the jury was never told that. the jury was never told about the terror ties and what they ve done is put together this impressive dossier showing the terror connections that the defense department knew of five of the seven people involved with this incident. peter, it s cut and dry. the government withheld evidence that his lawyers say would have exonerated him. the lowest low life. the biggest dirt bag in america is entitled to the constitution. why shouldn t a lieutenant who spent ten years fighting for america be entitled to those same protection as soon as we don t know whether he s innocent or guilty. but give this man a fair trial. you just mentioned that somewhere in the neighborhood of 80,000 signed up. if you would like to help this
guy, go to white and sign the petition for mr. lorance. thanks so much. thank you. see what happens. coming up, jimmy carter says the terrorist attacks in france, israel s fault. you re going to want to hear that. he s straight ahead. michael keaton s words of wisdom gone viral. in a household in which i was raised, the themes were pretty simple. he said hard work, don t quit. be appreciative. be respectful. how do you make sure your kids wind up with mr. mom s attitude? dr. keith able has the advice we all need. you just got a big bump in miles. so this is a great opportunity for an upgrade. sound good? great. because you re not you you re a whole airline. and it s not a ticket you re upgrading it s your entire operations,
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time for fox & friends headlines from the medical file. a brand-new study reveals vitamin supplements in drinks like vitamin water and other high energy drinks have zero nutritional benefits. the study reveals that the levels in the drinks far exceed your daily requirements. therefore, they do nothing at all. that s interesting. and new research shows that by the year 2050. nobody under the age of 850 will die from cancer 80 will die from cancer. time to pop an aspirin. wow. incredible. thank you. one of the most emotional moments from this year s grodin globe social security michael katyen and his impassioned acceptance speech saying this, in a household in which i was raised, the themes were simple. work hard. don t quit. be appreciative. be respectful.
never whine ever. don t complain and always crying out, keep a sense of humor. my best friend is kind intelligent, funny, talented, considerate, thoughtful. he also happens to be my son sean. i love you with all my heart, buddy. then that was his speech. now let s talk about how it can be put into your house. it s important how fatherhood can be. how do we mimic those morals? number one, don t think it s easy. you ve got to plan to be able to deliver that kind of richness to your kids. you ve got to hold yourself responsible to do that. i always try to think of whether i m getting an a as a dad and it s really the most important thing because, in fact but if you walk through a cemetery and look at the head stones, it doesn t say anywhere what your profession was or what car you drove. it says whether you were or were not and generally people are kind. beloved father and decent
husband. that s what goes on your epitaph. you mentioned decent husband. so kids have eyes on how fathers are triting their spouses, their wives. how much of an effect do you think that has? tremendous effect. someone wiser than i said if you want to do something wonderful for your children love their mother. it s hard, though. listen, so many people fall short. i think that you have to be willing to say listen. we didn t get to the great a today, but let s keep trying. and know that your kids are always watching. children are absorbing so much more than we think they are and they remember single events. remember when you said this dad? so don t be afraid to go back. circle back to your kids and say, listen, this morning i think i disappointed you. i think i said something i didn t mean. don t be afraid to do that. you said for every michael and sean keaton, there are fathers who are short tempered, who are not often absent.
there s a lot of imperfect people looking at this and even the keatons i m sure are not perfect. nobody is perfect. that s right. show up. so that s one thing. unfortunately, we d have to say that to a lot of dads. be there. don t leave. parent your kids. for the other ones who those of white house are at home trying our hardest, i would say this simply be willing to listen to your children. spending time with them is what they remember. they remember those things more than anything else, more than the christmas gifts they got. were you present? great message there. thank you. you see all kinds in your office. but you can t tell us specifics but you studied this and you have your own case studies to learn from. thanks dr. keith. absolutely. coming up straight ahead, a newspaper publishing this now iconic photo of the world leaders at the rally in paris. but it s missing something. who they photo shopped out. take a close look there.
and actor bob newheart suddenly making headlines thanks to this look alike referee. he s up next to react to all the commotion. i m sure bob newheart loved when think took his elf costume. reusel crumble, be from. fiber one. fiber one streusel. nexium® 24hr. it s the purple pill the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™
[container door opening] what makes it an suv is what you can get into it. [container door closing] what makes it an nx is what you can get out of it. introducing the first-ever lexus nx turbo and hybrid. once you go beyond utility there s no going back.
take a look at this. it s your shot of the morning. it s nearly dog gone unbelievable. yep. a clip of the black lab riding the seattle bus by herself. nothing stops her from getting to the dog park and the bus is apparently the fastest way. eclipse and her owner, jeff, joined us earlier this morning from seattle. jeff talked about the first time eclipse hopped on the bus without him. first time she jumped on the
bus, i wasn t sure if she got back on the bus or went in the house. another person poe bus stop pointed out that yeah, she got on the bus. it s a bus her and i rode to the dog park a million times. i was pretty sure that s where she would be headed. and i was on the next bus after her and she was at the dog park. she got out at the right stop. she sure did. jeff says that they re going to be headed to the dog park together later today. fun. hopefully she ll make it there again. he said he was going to get to the park and send us a picture. plus we should point out the dog is not riding for pre. the dog actually has a monthly pass. she sure does. right. he holds it right between his webbed feet. a token in one paw and a milk bone in the other. yeah. i d like to see footage of that. has anyone seen heather nauert? she s there to your left. brian, did you hear the story about the dog on long island who used to take the train out there? famous dog in one of the local towns. that s a line i m not allowed
on. years ago. they kicked you off. they don t want me on that line. okay. got some news now to bring you. take a look at two of those photos from the paris unity march. they re almost identical right? there is one slight problem. the women have been completely removed from the second photo. the original picture was taken at sunday s unity march that shows world leaders standing arm in arm, including the chancellor of german, angela merkel and the mayor of paris. one orthodox israeli newspaper decided to edit out the female leaders as though they were never there. former president jimmy cart service sounding off on radical islam and the recent terrorist attacks in france. the 39th president telling the daily show s jon stewart that the violence in paris was fueled by something else and that something is israel. listen. one of the arguments social security the palestinian problem and this aggravates people who
are what they re doing now is being done to them. i think that s part of it. president carter not explaining exactly how he thinks that the israel-palestinian issue should be solved and how it would help the violent conflicts in the rest of the arab world. ann curry signing off from nbc news. she s leaving the network after 25 years. sort of. there are reports that curry has a development deal with the network and may still appear occasionally on nbc. she was forced off the today show more than two years ago because of well issues with the host matt lauer. she and executives negotiating how to end her $12 million a year contract. wow. everybody knows this famous line from dazed and confused. remember this? that s what i love about these high school girls man. i get older and they stay the same age. doocy says that all the time
around here. i m just kidding! he doesn t say that. are you kidding? i m just teasing. it was delivered perfectly by matthew mcconaghey. but even the oscar winner at one point had to audition in his career. look at this. keep getting older. they stay the same age. it s now been released for the first time. it s his audition from dazed and confused. you can see as he breezes through those lines. it was his first ever film. just as cute as ever. steve does do a fantastic all right, all right, all right. all right, all right, all right. and he sounds just like him. let me do that again. all right, all right, all right. i wonder if she s all right, all right, all right out there because it s cold. maria molina how are you? so cold out here. current windchill in new york city 8 degrees. even colder in areas farther
toward the west. in chicago feels like 4. in marquette, 0 is the current windchill temperature. still cold across parts of the east and because it s cold and we do have a storm system, we do have some snow coming across parts of the mid-atlantic. there are winter weather advisories that have been issued and even freezing rain advisories due to some freezing rain in that area. so watch out for slick roads. snow coming down across portions of new mexico, up to a foot along some of the higher elevations out there. that s great newser in skiers. i have even better news for you guys in there. we re going to be looking at a warm-up, including the northeast, temperatures are going to be climbing as we head into this weekend. by saturday, 65 for the high. in dallas 60s in new orleans. in the 30s in new york city. by sunday, mid 40s. in new york city, and boston. chicago. 50. it s going to start to feel better out there over the next couple of days. let s head back inside. all right, all right, all right. thank you. ohio state national
championship win over oregon is making headlines throughout the week. especially in the aftermath. but not in the way you think. the biggest news maker perhaps outside the final score and the championship, the game s referee. his resemblance to bob newheart. without a doubt. social media exploded on monday night. look at this side by side screen with the tweets about how the head referee and his resemblance to the comedy legend. so much so that newheart himself weighed in, tweeting, in regards to my new career as head ref, hey, i don t have a series anymore. i had something to do. that s so funny. how does that college ref feel about the comparison? joining us now is greg burks, joining us from colorado springs. good morning to you. good morning. has anybody ever told you hey, you look like bob newheart? once or twice. i was on a rental car bus one time and a lady said she thought i looked like bob newheart. he is about 80 years old.
i don t know if that s a compliment. not so much. i would have loved to get up the next morning and have everybody compare me to george clooney. but i do look in the mirror and i do see the resemblance at times, yeah. over 3 million people were watching and probably saw that resemblance. when did it hit you? when did you realize that so many people were drawing those photos as the same? after we did the game and got on the bus to go back to the hotel. the umpire said hey, you re trending on twitter. i said what happened? the game went well. he said no no. there is a picture of bob newheart as an elf and they say he looks like you. and i thought oh great. that s special. first second did your heart drop? isn t that the biggest nightmare, for the referee to be the story? you know, in the sense that we re talking about bob newheart and not a pass interference call or something that we messed up
on the field, this is okay. overall, how spanish was it to be in the first college championship division 1 ever? oh, it was fantastic. it was life long dream and to be affiliated with that game was just fantastic. congratulations. you had to be the best to get in there and you certainly did. 33 million people watched. thanks so much. my pleasure. take care. no throwing the flag on that. coming up, have you seen this? don t say another word. well, it looks like video of a terror training camp. but it s right in our own backyard. you got to see this and we ll explain it all next. chilling. and nascar s kurt busch says his ex-girlfriend is an assassin.
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welcome back. it s time for quick courtroom headlines. nascar star kurt busch claiming his ex-girlfriend is a trained assassin. in court over her request for a restraining order he says she travels the world on covert missions to kill people. the claim is called, absolutely ludicrous. the supreme court determining if this beard can have a beard while in prison. he converted to islam and wants a beard for religious purposes. also expected is a ruling on the case of a pregnant woman versus ups. she was placed on unpaid leave after she became pregnant and could no longer lift heavy boxes steve. meanwhile, a new report reveals some pretty scary numbers showing new government regulations could cost the taxpayers, all of us, nearly $1.9 trillion this year.
incredible. so what is it going to mean for the united states economy? there is only one person to call. fox news own you know maria bartiromo. costing atrial? it s unbelievable. the fact is these numbers are so extraordinary, this $1.9 trillion number is more than certain gdps of countries around the world. it is such a high number. and as a result of this, you are going to see higher bills. that s the bottom line. i think when you factor in the kind of increases that we re seeing in the cost of regulation, in particular the epa latest regulation has been the most onerus. when i speak to ceos, they say this particular ruling and cost of regulation from the epa is going to mean they will be forced to pass on the price to consumers. so i think what people miss here in terms of increasing and
talking about increasing regulation is the fact that at the end of the day, a company is not going to say, oh well. we re just going to swallow this higher cost and we will just make less money. no. that s not what they re going to do. they are going to go forward and say, okay. this is costing us more. so this will cost our customers more. increasingly ceos are telling me that we will see electricity prices in particular go higher. americans should watch their electricity bills. that s what s going to be the result. higher bills there, but as a result of this epa report. and legislation. and speaking of ceos i see behind you, a sign that says jpmorgan. i hear you have an exclusive. we are at the jpmorgan health care conference. i have an exclusive interview with jamie dimon. this is an interview which is exclusive and his first interview since surviving throat cancer. he has battled a lot bigger issues than regulation and cost of regulation over the last
year. he s been balloting throat cancer. he said he has a good bill of health. he told me all about the last year and he also talked about the health of the economy with me and the cost of regulation. jpmorgan reported earnings today. they did report a strong quarter. it was below analyst expectations. the reason? they had to take an almost billion dollars charge for legal expense. having said that. he says as he looks across the country, he thinks things are improving and when he speaks with ceos, his customers, he says that they are wanting to expand. not cut back. yeah. the government turned their attention on him and it cost the company a lot of money. in fact, we have a cut. you want to listen? absolutely. you don t normally see companies ever i deal with ceos around the world. particularly in the united states where people say i m going to shrink next year. i don t have any ambition. i m not going to invest. no they re look for ways to grow expand, do more. everybody is looking to grow,
expands, do more. but as we detailed a moment ago there is a lot of regulation. there are a lot of other trap doors for people in business these days. there sure are. and that, as well as the issues around the world. weakness in europe and you ve got weakness in china. that s going to impact the u.s. all of that we get to that that interview that s running today on the opening bell on the fox business network. all right. and don t miss on the fox business network, you can find it in your area by logging on coming up, have you seen it? the video of terror training camp. watch. your land is open to the public. oh, no. that s not yemen. it s right here in the united states. if you can believe it. the man who has gone inside of it here next. speaking of the man, the man is going to run the channel here in about 12 minutes. on me. my hand on the wheel.
then you re going to join me on radio. we ll see you later, brian. good morning to all three of you. breaking news from the international space station. what we are learning from nasa at this hour. also al-qaeda claims it ordered the terrorist attacks in paris. and was john boehner the target for murder? martha and i will see you in 12 minute, top of the hour
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we ve been telling you about france s no go zone. hundreds of muslim areas that outsiders and cops don t dare to explore. they chose to give it up. we have them here in the united states too. i bet you did not know that. nearly two dozen enclaves popping up across nine different states. and watch what happens when a stranger or outsider tries to
step inside. but your land is open to the public. you ll be arrested if you come down here. i m not being nice. leave. leave. period. don t say another word. joining us now, the man behind that camera. author of twilight in america . martin moyer joins us now. what was taking place right there? where were you? we were in red house virginia. it s an isolated community as most of these compounds are located in. all areas heavily wooded inside of the mountainous areas. and what we wanted to do was challenge their open invitation to actually come on to these compounds and see whether they were peaceful or not. so we brought our cameras and tried to get on and this is how we got treated. quickly, this is the whole thing that we re seeing here.
what goes on in these campuses? a lot of people say there are jewish camps in this country jewish camps. why not a muslim camp? because these are truly no go zones. unlike the ones in europe, which i visited, you can walk into those no go zones. you can walk in with your cameras. you can talk to people. but in these particular no go zones, you can not get into. they have gates. they have armed guards. they have security forces. and when you go up into them you re specifically told to leave these particular areas. and they re particularly dangerous. we re watching now, where are we seeing this footage from? this is a video they put out for the people inside of the compounds so that they learn how to do terrorist type training. they teach them how to kidnap people, strangle them. how to kill guards. how to do guerrilla type warfare training. this is what goes on in these isolated no go zones inside the united states. in america name some states, name some areas cause you also say they re affiliated with a
pakinstani militant group. yeah. that pakinstani militant group is run by sheik gilani who most people haven t heard of. that is the man daniel pearl was hoping to interview and was arranging to about view when he was kidnapped and later beheaded. name some towns and cities and states. we have them in texas, sweeney, texas. in york, south carolina. we have them in commerce, georgia. red house, virginia. upstate new york. california. michigan. they re scattered all around the united states. so right knew call an officer and say hey, wait a second. you got an enclave here, this is islamic extremists being trained on our ground, what is the law enforcement s reaction? the interesting thing about these camps, they re located in very rural areas of america which have very small police departments. they intentionally set them up in these areas where, for instance, the one in new york, they have a total of four police officers. i want you to hear what you say is a recruitment, the sound
of a recruitment video to fill up the camps. listen. you are most welcome to join one of the most advanced training camps in islamic michigan or in south carolina or pakistan, wherever we are, you can reach us. where did you get that? actually it took about four years to locate that video. we knew it existed and we had someone inside of the law enforcement department out of colorado who snuck us the tape and finally we were to make it public. f.b.i. s reaction? f.b.i. s reaction is that look, they have the first amendment and their american rights to operate these in united states, regardless of the type of weaponry and guerrilla warfare training. it s not okay with they and does not seem to be okay with you. thank you so much. president and cio of christian action network. thank you. we ll keep looking at this. more fox & friends in just a
two of the biggest advertisers in this year s super bowl are going to the dogs. this was budweiser s ad last year featuring an adorable golden retriever running free where the clydesdales. they ll be bringing them back this year, while will have this buzzy guy named buddy as the star of their ad. that looks like our dog, charlie. by the way today is national dress up your dog day. you guys flooded us with your photos. abbey sent in this picture of her pooch, lex. and this adorable yorkie in a tutu comes from emily from ohio. this is heather s dog coming up next. yeah. that s my dog, sadie, as spiedman. or spiderwoman. how did she like the costume? she didn t like it very well.
this is one from florida. great one in a tiara. go on and on. thank you for joining us today. we ll see you back here on the couch tomorrow. bill: breaking news from international space station. a possible chemical leak on board. the mayor can side of the lab has been evacuated. there are indications of a possible ammonia leak. we ll bring you the details as we get them here. claiming responsibilities for the massacre in paris. a top commander of al qaeda in yemen says they chose the target, they financed the plan and they gave the green light a week ago

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Report 20141018 23:00:00

fox urgent police announcing a short time ago human remains were found during the search for missing uva student, hannah graham. good evening, everyone. i m julie banderas. this is the fox report. just a short time ago, police in virginia revealing a search team has found human remains that might be those of the 18-year-old college sophomore. hannah vanished on september 13 in charlottesville, virginia. a suspect in custody. the discovery was made in a public park just miles outside of charlottesville, virginia. police are now asking anyone familiar with the area for help. it is important to note the remains have not been identified. though hannah s parents have been. the weeks long search operation for hannah involved thousands of
volunteers and law enforcement officials. investigators say the body found today will now be taken to a forensic lab in richmond for positive identification. peter doocy has more from washington. peter, what comes next? reporter: as you just said, right now forensic experts in richmond, virginia s state capitol, are working hard. they re work quickly to try to figure out if those human remains found today are a match for hannah graham who went missing 35 days ago exactly. we learned today that sadly, perhaps about ten miles away from the downtown mall restaurant that captured the last known images of hannah graham, a search team from the chesterfield county sheriff s department found some human remains in an abandoned property, just before noon today. we don t know much about what they found, but the sheriff did feel the need to notify hannah graham s parents about the discovery, which they did. on the investigative side, preserving evidence now becomes the key and despite a lack of
positive i.d. so far, the sadness in the police chief s voice today that we heard really does suggest that he is fearing the worst. the chief also said that he thinks all those hours of searching may have finally proven their worth. julie. so will the search continue until they make a positive identification? reporter: doesn t sound like it. a few minutes ago we got an e-mail from officials down there who said a search planned for tomorrow morning in the general area where these remains were found has now been canceled and when we listened to the investigators today and the authorities, they weren t really talking about anything in the future other than making a positive identification. instead they were really looking back saying thank you to everyone who spent countless hours for what they describe as an unprecedented effort there. listen. i want to thank everyone who gave up their days, their nights, their weekends, people who called and wrote and dropped
good wishes and words of encouragement to the search crews to the detectives that have worked so hard in this investigation. i want to thank all of those people because today would not have been possible if not for their prayers, their encouragement and help. reporter: the suspect in this case, jesse matthew, is still being held without bond charged with abduction with intent to defile. as far as we know based on updates from prosecutors, he has not been cooperating. he has not been talking. so now investigators want to hear from anybody who may have seen this suspect, jesse matthew, in the general area where these remains were found this morning, late this morning, as the story may be nearing a very sad end not only for the graham family, but also for the entire university of virginia community. back to you. all right. peter doocy, thank you so much. turning now to ebola. we are awaiting the release of new guidelines from the center for disease control covering just how our nation s hospitals and health care workers are to handle ebola infected patients.
this comes in response to what has been a series of missteps in treating an ebola patient in dallas, texas that eventually led to two nurses becoming infected. word out of ohio tonight that health officials are now monitoring more than 100 people who had contact with the dallas nurse, amber vinson. many of them, passengers with her on a frontier airlines flight from dallas to cleveland. so far none of those being monitored have showed any signs or symptoms. and nina pham, another dallas nurse infected with ebola, is said to be in fair condition tonight at the nih hospital in maryland. her condition was downgraded yesterday. aleash i can t acuna begins our coverage in dallas. a carnival cruise ship we understand is carrying a dallas medical worker who is currentsly under self-quarantine. when is that ship expected back in texas? reporter: yes. the carnival magic is expected
very early tomorrow morning in galveston, texas. really the only port where it is welcome at this point. this after being denied entry into cozumel and belize. the ship cut its trip short and headed back to dock in texas. belize denied the request to allow the passenger on this ship to fly home from its airport. the man now in quarantine in this cabin since it was discovered he was a lab technician who handled some of duncan s samples. he is showing no signs of symptoms. and neither are a full host of other people who the county of dallas says has been calling in concerned they have either been exposed to ebola or may have contracted the virus. dallas county judge clay jenkins said out to reassure the community and the region that not only are they more prepared now should there be another diagnosis, but that when that 21-day quarantine that those close to duncan have been in expires tomorrow, the public is safe. for the 38 years that we ve been looking at ebola and
tracking ebola and the world health organization and cdc are there for every outbreak, they ve never had any case where someone showed symptoms later than 21 days. it s probably well later than well before 21 days, but that 21-day period is based on over 38 years, nobody started showing symptoms on the 22nd day. reporter: and julie, judge jenkins also pointed out that we re at a critical point this weekend in the time line of ebola, meaning that should we get no more diagnoses, no more cases this weekend, it s a pretty good sign. the area of ohio where amber vinson traveled is on alert tonight, i understand as well? reporter: yeah, that s right. that s because amber vinson flew to and from cleveland around the time that she was starting to experience symptoms and right before she was diagnosed with
ebola. so steps are being taken in northeast ohio to calm fears of spread. that means for the governor, meeting with local health department leaders, cdc officials and medical providers and that happened today. after that officials let the public know that first responders are getting training. schools where kids had contact with vinson or houston other flight were closed, some businesses doing the same. all of this authorities say is a lesson in the making. one of the things that s been very beneficial for us doing that is as we are bringing our personnel down, we re getting feedback from them as it relates to these protocols. one of the things that i think that we have consistently reminded everybody is that this is an ever evolving, ever changing scenario. so gathering that information from our personnel is allowing us then to update our protocols as it relates to their operational experiences with these protocols that we re implementing. because of that, we will continue to tweak those protocols as we go forward. reporter: julie, this has
prompted states all over the country to really take a hard look at their own plans of what they would do in the event of an outbreak and they are all making adjustments. alicia, thank you so much. family and friends gathering today to remember the only person here in the united states to die from ebola. the crowd filling a church in north carolina where the mother, sister and nephew of thomas eric duncan worship. the 42-year-old died at a dallas hospital back on october 8 after contracting the virus in liberia. he didn t show symptoms until after returning to the u.s. people who have had contact with duncan are still being monitored. screening for potential ebola cases expanding in europe. airline passengers arriving in paris from guinea all had their temperatures taken after getting off the plane. we are told everyone on that flight was fine and then allowed to enter france. guinea is one of the three west african nations hardest hit by
ebola. so far no confirmed cases have been reported in france. and in washington, fox news has spotted the new so-called ebola czar at the white house along with vice president joe biden and white house chief of staff dennis mcdonough. no word on if there was any sort of meeting scheduled. the new ebola dollar is ron klain, former chief of staff to joe biden and al gore. he s also an experienced attorney touted for his management skills. but some lawmakers are criticizing the president s choice. namely because of what mr. klain lacks, any type of medical background. so we want to hear from you. do you believe the u.s. needed a czar to handle the ebola response in the first place? what to you think of the president s pick? tweet me, we re going to try to read some of your answers later on in the program. the u.s. working closely with kurdish fighters to drive isis out of the syrian border town of kobani for good. increased air strikes appear to be working. the islamic militants reportedly
pulling out of the west side of that town and losing ground in the east. as the terror group suffers heavy casualties, the white house says isis fighters have been flooding into kobani, creating an opportunity to take them out in large numbers. this is an encouraging development. but military officials warn kobani could still fall. greg palkot has more from turkey near the syrian border. reporter: the latest word that we are getting is that there have been more air strikes against isis in the last 24 hours throughout the region. including strikes against the terrorists in the syrian border town of kobani where the fight goes on. what we are getting from our contacts on the ground is there have been street battles in the center of town between the terrorists and kurdish militia. that s where there have been claims that isis had been driven out. still sources tell us that 20% of the place is in the hands of isis. amid new word tonight, the terrorists could be readying yet another offensive.
as we watched all week, u.s. air strikes continued, one contact telling us that one targeted isis right where the two sides were fighting. it began a sign of a close coordination between the united states and some very brave kurdish fighters in that town. reports two of isis shells landing on the turkey side of the border and a turkish tank firing back. no confirmation where those shells hit. turkey has been very reluctant to get into this fight. the latest wave of u.s. air strikes also hit other locations inside syria as well as in iraq. a clearer sign that isis is threatening on several fronts. thank you so much. meanwhile, a somber day for family and friends of james foley. an american journalist beheaded by isis. mourners gathered for a memorial service in new hampshire on what would have
been his 41st birthday. james foley was killed in august nearly two years after he was kidnapped while covering the syrian war. his family remembering him as a beautiful person. i ll never make complete sense of why jim died, but i don t think that is for me to understand. but he did not die in vain. he reminded us simply that good does triumph over evil. and british aid worker remembered in his hometown in scotland. he was killed last month. isis also beheaded british aid worker alan henning and american journalist steven sotloff. right now supreme court decision that could impact the crucial midterm elections. the justices will allow texas to go ahead with their voter i.d. law that had been put on hold by a lower court. we re going to break down the decision and its potential impact. also possible sightings of a fugitive on the run for a month after police say he ambushed two state troopers.
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e trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e ? the u.s. supreme court hayes texas will be allowed to implement its voter i.d. law for the midterm elections. it was put on hold by a lower court over fears it would cause voter confusion. texas attorney general greg abbott who is also running for governor of texas, issuing a statement praising the supreme court s decision saying in part, quote, the state will continue to defend the voter i.d. law and remains confident that the district court s misguided ruling will be overturned on merits. the u.s. supreme court has ruled voter i.d. laws are a legal and sensible way to protect the integrity of elections. lee land vittert has more. reporter: the naacp calls the texas ruling an affronts to our democracy. supporters of the law say it s a necessary step to prevent voter fraud and courts around the country are mixed on the issue,
causing confusion just a few weeks before the mid terms. specifically in texas, their voter i.d. law received heavy criticism for its restrictions including the much mocked rule that made concealed hand gun licenses acceptable i.d., but not college i.d.s. while the supreme court said enforcement of the law could go ahead, justice ginsburg wrote a scathing saying the greatest threat to confidence in the election is the prospect of enforcing a purposely discriminatory law, one that likely imposes an unconstitutional poll tax and risk denying the right to vote to hundreds of thousands of eligible voters. republicans have long held the law isn t discriminatory against minorities. the irony is we ve already had two elections where voter i.d. was the law of the land and there wasn t any change in minority turnout. reporter: texas isn t the only state involved in this year s fight. arkansas supreme court overturned that state s voter i.d. law. north carolina and ohio have also been in court over their
voter access laws, and earlier this month, a supreme court blocked wisconsin s voter i.d. law. one research project showed about 300,000 eligible voters or 9% of the electorate didn t have an i.d. in wisconsin. more than enough to make a difference in a state where polls right now show the governor s race virtually tied. julie? thank you. hurricane gonzalo wreaking havoc on bermuda. the powerful storm leaves behind widespread damage and thousands of homes without power. but we re going to tell you why people there are feeling lucky. and a dutch biker gang armed with assault rifles joining the fight against isis? their mission? exterminate the rodents. that s a quote create things that help people. design safer cars. faster computers. smarter grids and smarter phones. think up new ways to produce energy. be an engineer.
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the death toll continues to climb in what is being described as the worst hiking disaster in the himalayan nation of nepal. earlier today a rescue helicopter spotted nine more bodies on a hiking trail in a remote mountainous region. three survivors were air lifted to safety so far. 38 people have been confirmed dead bay series of snow storms and avalanches over the past week. and while hundreds of other hikers have been rescued, authorities fear dozens more remain trapped in isolated mountain huts. finding them might be difficult because of the rugged terrain. and in bermuda, it is being pummeled overnight by hurricane gonzalo. it brought winds of 110 miles per hour, left behind lots of property damage, flooded roads and 28,000 homes without power. hawaii appears to have escaped the full fury of hurricane ana. the storm passed just south of the islands this morning. but residents are still facing
the threat of a tropical storm with high surf and strong winds. wow. look at those seas. meteorologist janis dean is here from the extreme weather center. i know they like to surf in hawaii. but they should stay out of the water. this is a powerful system here. this is hurricane ana. couple of days ago we were thinking direct hit on hawaii. thankfully it s just south of the area. but they re still getting a lot of battering waves and rain and wind for the next 24 to 48 hours. there is the past six hours. you can see getting inundated with rain across the big island towards honolulu. so your forecast radar again just south of this area, you re still going to see heavy rainfall, some battering winds and waves. so people need to stay out of the water. heed those warnings. there are the forecast rainfall totals. several inches toward honolulu. it will continue to move westward, wasn t, and strengthen, but it will be away from land. you mentioned gonzalo. our second tropical system that hit bermuda in just a week,
which is incredible. this one was a category 2 storm. winds gusting in excess of 25 miles per hour. it is moving northward and eastward. a brush with thurmond land and off to the u.k. later in the week. then a tropical depression moving into acapulco, bringing heavy rainfall, as well as winds and battering waves. they could get over a foot of rainfall, which could bring some devastating mud slides and if we could turn towards the wintertime, the fall and wintertime across the northeast, we re watching a couple of systems that s going to bring unstable weather to the northeast and perhaps even an early nor easter later on this week. that s not good. not ready for that. me neither. thank you very much. police in virginia say that they have found human remains that could be those of missing college student hannah graham. one of the world s top forensic pathologists will join me next to discuss these breaking
developments. plus, the family of the only person in america to die from ebola now hours from being given the all clear and coming out of quarantine. the latest on the situation next y for over 19 million people. [ alex ] transamerica helped provide a lifetime of retirement income. so i can focus on what matters most. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. .. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. .heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs.
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cvs health. you want to cut through the noise of an overwhelming amount of analysis. [ all talking ] you want the insights that will help you decide which ideas to execute and which to leave behind. you want your trades executed in one second or less, guaranteed, and routed he i m julie banderas. this is the fox report. the bottom of the hour, time for the top of the nurse. it appears the search for university of virginia student hannah graham may have come to a tragic end. about an hour ago, authorities in virginia held a news conference to report that a
sheriff search team has found human remains at an abandoned property. while the body has yet to be positively identified, investigators do say it could be that of the 18-year-old college sophomore. she vanished 35 days ago in charlottesville. police do have a suspect in custody, jesse matthew. he s being held without bond on charges of abduction. investigators say matthew is not cooperating. joining us now by phone, dr. baden, world renowned forensic pathologist and fox news contributor. dr. baden, thank you so much for talking to us. at this point the only charges that have been brought up against matthew are charges of abduction. i would imagine now that a body has discovereds, once it s positively i.d d, those charges are likely to change? absolutely right. the police know this is hannah graham by this time. they know by the clothing. they know by dental identification which just takes a few minutes of comparing to
dental records, police would have automatically obtained from the family. the family dentist when she went missing. and but they don t want to release the definite until the medical examiner tomorrow morning says it s definite. they re doing a serial rapist. probable serial murderer. and at this time they re trying to get more information and finding the dead body gives them probable cause to change it from abduction to murder. you mentioned the serial rapist, possible serial murderer here. police have confirmed that matthew was also linked by forensic evidence to the morgan harrington case. she was a 20-year-old student at virginia tech. she went missing in 2009 after leaving a concert. her remains were found on a farm
three months later. no arrests were ever made in that case. that could change as well. yes. they had evidence, remember, when he skipped out and ran away, they developed evidence after going through his residence, of the car that he had been driving that connected him to other dead body and they didn t say what that evidence was. one of the things they have to look for is serial murderers often take trophies and keep them in their rooms or in their car and how the police have a lot more evidence that they will be able to release once a charge of murder comes up against mr. matthew. it s no coincidence that graham was last seen with matthew in downtown charlottesville on september 13. now the idea behind her remains
allegedly being found is the evidence and the physical evidence around her remains. at this point what are investigators going to be looking for? she was buried in a shallow grave. investigators have contacted hannah graham s parents. obviously they know it s her. they want to link her death to matthew. yeah. part of it is that if it turns out from all their investigations that she was last seen with matthew, that she was last seen with matthew and was not seen after it, and that she was wearing the same clothing that she s been identified by dental records, i think, one of the things i d be concerned about is the initial police investigation of that area. supposedly there was an investigation in the area in which she was found and what
often comes up, these investigations, these searches for bodies are so difficult and so many places to look that it s easy to overlook somebody if they re in a small area and she s been partially buried. but i would suspect that she s been in that one spot since she went missing. what about dna on her body and her decomposed remains? does that make it difficult to tie her death to matthew? given 35 days or so, there should be no problem identifying her by her dna and that she was sexually assaulted in which there was saliva or semen deposited on the body, that that dna most probably will still be good. they d be able to convict her by finding his dna on her in a sexual thing. not just by holding hands because that theoretically could be potential.
of course. always great to have your expertise, thank you so much. thank you. in an update on our other top story, health officials in ohio are monitoring more than 100 people who once had contact with dallas nurse amber vinson. many of them, passengers with her on a frontier airlines flight, from dallas to cleveland. so far none of those being monitored are showing any symptoms of ebola. a cruise ship carrying a dallas medical worker under self-quarantine expected to return to galveston, texas tomorrow after being denied permission to dock in mexico. the passenger handled ebola samples before leaving on the cruise, but so far showing no symptoms of the virus. all this as we await news from the centers for disease control in atlanta today. the agent expected to release and they said they would today new guidelines for how medical personnel will operate around the deadly disease. alicia acunia joins us now.
what should we expect from the cdc? reporter: this all revolves around the personal protective equipment. basically what the healthcare workers will wear when dealing with a patient who has ebola because what the cdc heard from health care workers was that there was some confusion over exactly what to wear, how to wear it and more importantly, how to remove it because as do you know, we heard from dr. frieden, the head of the cdc, that can be the most dangerous point for transmission in terms of what health care workers are exposed to when dealing with an ebola patient because they can touch secretions and it can get onto the outer layers of whatever they re wearing and then they can touch that. what they were finding is that healthcare workers were feeling more protected when they put three pairs of gloves on and put tape on and thought they were more protected, when that wasn t the case. what they re going to do is clarify and solidify these guidelines so that there is a broad base for everyone to go from, so every health care worker they re hoping in the
united states knows exactly what to do, how to put on this equipment, what to do and they might change some of the equipment so that it s very clear. so there is no confusion like what they saw here, the nurses here at texas presbyterian. as we await the cdc announcing these new guidelines as they have said they would today, we don t know the time frame at this point, what else is the dallas area in particular doing to prepare for more possible cases? reporter: they re doing quite a bit. when we heard from the judge here earlier, he explained that what they re also doing is trying to expand the pressure base essentially so that there are more people who can kind of pick up the pressure. so they have 50 medical experts who are going to be ready to go as go teams to go to any isolation unit in the region. they also have the university of texas medical branch in galveston that is ramping up to handle any medical waste because there is a tremendous amount of medical waste that comes when you re dealing with an ebola patient. so they re preparing in that
regard as well. they re also trying to just make sure that folks in the area know that they re going to be okay. that s really important for them because they re screening a lot of calls. as you know, we ve been covering this since this all started. a lot of false alarms going off because people understandably are very concerned. so there is a lot of education going out in the community as well. the family of the only person in america to die from ebola now hours from being given the all clear after they were going to be or have been in quarantine, tell us about the family. reporter: sure. louise thoh, she has three sons. they ve been in isolation in a secret place all of this time. at midnight tomorrow night going into monday, they will be released from that quarantine. they ve been in quarantine for 21 days. and from what we re hearing from medical experts, the public really doesn t need to worry about their safety at this point. they have not shown any signs of
symptoms and as we get to the end of this weekend, it really is a critical time really for this whole area. because if we see no new areas, that s good sign for the dallas area that we haven t seen new cases. for this family in particular, it will be time for them to get back into their life. they will not return to the participate where they lived. they were planning on leaving anyway and dallas county has said they want to make this as easy a transition because this has been incredibly difficult on this family. all right. it sure has. thank you so much. the search now for a suspected cop killer is expanding after a woman reported seeing eric frien near the pennsylvania high school where he once attended classes. it s been more than five weeks since he allegedly ambushed state troopers, killing one and injuring another. investigators say they will not rest until frien is found. bryan llenas has more. it s shocking that it s been so long they ve been searching for this guy. nigh sightings at all? reporter: we re talking about that sighting last night.
the woman was walking along the side of a road near the woods when she says she saw a man who police say was frien 15 to 20 feet away from her. individual description was consistent with frien and he was observed carrying a rifle. the individual s face was covered with mud and so a positive identification could not be made. reporter: the sighting happened in swift water, pennsylvania. just a few miles away from what happened this afternoon where staffers at the mount airy casino tell fox search teams were searching near the second hole of the golf course today after another possible sighting. that s two in 24 hours. meanwhile, blood has been found on two enclosed back porches. police are testing it to see if it s frien s. meantime, behavioral scientists are trying to figure out his next move. they say he could strike again if he gets a chance. remember, frien is described as a self-taught survivalist and expert rivalman and war reenactor with a grudge against
law enforcement. i understand the police are saying weather could hurt their finding him? it could actually help them because the search cost several million dollars. f.b.i. and atf searching the woods with the help of technology like thermal imagery. now police are confident that the changing weather will make it easier to spot him. the worst the weather is for him, the better it is for us. we believe that as the leaves go off trees, technology kicks in quite a bit more. aircraft become much more effective. reporter: so far police have found an ak 47 pipe bombs with trip wires and abandoned camp site and handwritten notes describing the night he allegedly shot two pennsylvania troopers, killing brian dixon and wound be douglas. douglas was released from the hospital on thursday. we are expecting chillier temperatures. possibly that could help them. thank you very much. kurdish militia getting help if their fight against isis from
a seemingly unexpected place. members of dutch biker group arriving in northern iraq to help them, quote, exterminate the rodents. some of the bikers even have military training and experience in battle. the group says they had to get involved. the kurds have been oppress prestoned for a long time and when they re being killed, you can t stay at home sitting on your couch. one dutchman vows to stay in iraq until isis has been pushed out of the country s kurdish territory. dare devils hitting a snag. why so many of these expert base jumpers ended up in the trees. a structure destroyed in the 9-11 terrorist attack will stand tall once again. a church in lower manhattan rebuilding more than 13 years later. i m over the hill.
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more than 400 base jumpers celebrating the 35th anniversary of new river gorge bridge day in west virginia. it is billed as the largest extreme sports event in the world and the only day of the year when dare devils can legally jump from that bridge. why would they want to do that? but it wasn t smooth sailing for everybody. some base jumpers having a bit of trouble landing as gusty winds pushed them into trees. at least one jumper was actually hurt and rushed to the hospital. no word on the extent of those injuries. a car crashes into a hotel room with two guests inside. our top story as we go across america. wisconsin. the driver may have fallen asleep, veering off the road and right into this hotel in kenosha.
about 40 miles south of milwaukee. the car coming to a stop in the hallway. the guests in that room were not hurt and the driver also escaped injury. the fire chief says everyone here was, quote, very lucky. you can imagine a hotel room and the width of a car. there wasn t a lot of room for that car to miss the people inside. crews are assessing the damage. guests staying near the crash site, including a wedding party, were moved to other rooms. north carolina. a man tasting freedom for the first time in more than 30 years after being falsely accused of murder. glad s over with. willie was convicted in 1976. he recently told the state panel that investigates claims of innocence that police beat him and forced him to sign a fake confession. his convicted accomplice admits he shot and killed the victim with another man who has since
died. texas. a boy with a rare disease getting a chance at a more normal life. he was born with a hand that never fully developed. but he now has a new functioning hand that was created with a 3d printer. he says his classmates think it s pretty cool. i thought they would be, like, not happy, but instead, they re like happy. his mother says he s now more confident and outgoing. that s a fox watch across america. 13 years after the 9-11 terrorist attacks, new york city is still working to restore what was lost on that day. today greek religious leaders took another step in that direction, gathering in lower manhattan to bless the former site of saint nick class greek orthodox church. this national shrine will soon reemerge as a new symbol of hope and peace for people of all faiths. lauren green has the story.
reporter: on september 11, 2001, when the world watched the twin towers fall, little knew the small greek orthodox church that stood in the shadows was obliterated that day, erasing over 100 years of history. the church was destroyed, which somehow assured that this act of terrorism did not only take human lives, of innocent people of all faiths and origin, but took the only religious building existing there. reporter: 13 years later, the church is set to rise again. a ground blessing ceremony this weekend will christen it as a national shrine. it will remain as that place in the midst of everything that place of silence, that place of peace. reporter: overlooking the 9-11 memorial, the new church is just a short distance from its original site. while traditional greek orthodox services will be held, it will be more than a place of worship. the mission of the church is
now to be open for all people, regardless of religious or nonreligious thoughts or beliefs to come to this place, to light a candle, to go upstairs to the bereavement center, to sit and reflect and think and process that which is only hundreds of feet away, to process what actually happened here. reporter: the structuralled dome is characteristic of greek orthodox tradition dating back to the byzantine era and reminiscents of the historical sophia in turkey. the architect beat out 12 other top architects select to do submit design proposals. the project will cost roughly $38 million to complete. 7 million has already been raised with the help from donations from around the world. this is a cost. this is something that highs back to each and every one of us who remember where we were on that day. and want to be part of it. reporter: the new saint nicholas is expected to open by 2016, which marks the church s 100th anniversary. in new york, lauren green, fox
news. the debate over police body cameras, an effective way to combat crime or invasion of privacy? we ll tell what you one town thinks nextssdsdççzskjfç
there is an ongoing debate over policemen wearing body armor. one city said it cuts downa frivolous lawsuits and critics say they don t protect our privacy. reporter: a strange scene in the east township police headquarters. sit down reporter: enough,
enough. they arrest a man who claimed he was beaten up by the cops. and so the officer acted inappropriately and demeanor or unlawful search and use of force. we have the ability to playback the entire incident that unfolded in the officer s eyes. reporter: he s had a dash cam and two-thirds of the interactions were happening outside of the camera. and now with body camera, there is little debate about what the officer says and does and the suspect is doing. they require the officer to wear a body camera and required to turn it on every time they
interact. it captures foot chases and traffic stops. critics raised concerns about privacy and protecting the material from hackers. the system is well protected and cost more than 60 grand to protect the department they are saving on courthouse and lawsuits. are you used to it at this point? it is just another piece of equipment. that could have shed immediate light in ferguson, missouri on the shooting of michael brown. police now wear cameras there. several law enfor are testing and using the cameras coast to coast. at the top of the hour, we asked you about the president naming an ebola czar. do you think we need one and is the president s pick qualified?
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earlier we asked you if the u.s. needed a czar for the ebola respops. what did you think of the pick. a lot of you had a lot to say. dg said no cvc and would have sufficed and greg writes, wouldn t it be smarter to appoint someone from the medical field? dr. garm. no czar needed just a competent surgeon general. and peggy writes me. calling machine an ebola czar makes people think he is an expert on the ebola virus. bad call and that s how fox report saturday october 18th, i am julie bandaras thanks for

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20141024 23:00:00

we can t close our eyes to this desperate need overseas. we can t just close our borders. there are many ways to help, and you can reach out to those aid groups on the screen. to find out what you can do. it s a human tragedy, so it s our business. thanks for watching. i m al sharpton. have a great weekend. hardball starts right now. it s friday night in america, and this is hardball. good evening, i m chris matthews in washington. a high school freshman opens fire in a school cafeteria, shooting a table full of his friends, then himself. a self-radicalized muslim convert attacks four rookie
policemen in new york with a hatch hatchet. an american doctor back from west africa becomes this country s fourth person diagnosed here with ebola. it s friday night, october 24th, a week before the elections. we re going to our friday night roundtable to try to put it all together, if we can and how it s coming together in the minds and psyches of our fellow citizens, if that s even possible. we start with the latest news from marysville, washington. a reporter from the seattle times out there joins us now by phone. jennifer, thank you. you know, we re trying to get a fix on who did the shooting today. can you tell us about the young person who did it? reporter: yes, we ve been told his name is jaylen fryberg. he s about 14 years old, from the tribes reservation up in marysville. from what we understand from our sources, he went into the cafeteria, around 10:45 this morning and opened fire. he shot and killed a young girl,
a girl who we re reporting, rejected him for a date. what about the other four people that were rounded? are they in critical care, or situations now? how are they doing in terms of life support? reporter: we have two children still at providence medical center in dire condition. two others have been transported to seattle to a trauma center. one of them shares the same last name as mr. fryberg, and we ve heard is a relation, but we re not certain how. i m looking at these rather rough tweets that came out of mr. fryberg, the young boy. it looked like there was a lot going on in this young guy s life. is it too early to figure out what motivated this pulling a gun on people he knew well, including the girl he was after, it seems. this is an amazing eruption of passion and anger and violence. yet we have scant information about what might have caused it. we re not sure. mr. fryberg, it seems, had
everything going for him. he was elected to the homecoming court last week. he was a star football player. very popular young man, well known in the community. his parents, very, very well known. his mother was on the school board. his parents were members of the tribe, very well known family. the fryberg family is very well known in marysville. what led him to do this? we understand a girl rejected him for a date. if you look on his twitter feed, there was a lot of anger in the last few days. is she the one that was killed? yes, there is a girl who was 14 who was killed. let me ask you about the ethnic factor. what about the racial aspects of this story? do we know anything yet? reporter: i don t think we know anything about the racial aspect. mr. fryberg is a native american. this community is a school of 2,000. there s many students who come from the reservation that go to school there. there s many, many students who don t live on the reservation who go there. mr. fryberg, from what we
understand was a well known, popular kid, and we re not sure, other than maybe just simply a girl who rejected him, was the reason for this. that happens all the time, but this kind of violence is rarely the reaction. anyway, thanks so much. we ll know more in the days ahead. jennifer, thank you for that spot reporting. thank you. joining me now, psychology jeff gardere and security expert anthony roman. jeff, what does this tell you when you see a case like this? well, certainly a lot of rage going on. and even though this young man is known to have been very popular, a lot of that may have been a facade for maybe a very unstable personality. but one thing it does tell us, and i know you know this, it begins to break the mold of what we used to see of school shooters, being isolated, being perhaps bullied. we don t know whether that has something to do with it, but basically people who are disaffected with severe mental illness, and this seems to be breaking all of those profiles,
unless there s a lot we don t know and i m sure there s a lot we don t know as to what may have been brewing in this young man s mind and in his life with this young lady. from what we know of suicide, and this was basically a part of it, a suicidal attempt here, because we ve seen evidence he may have been saying goodbye to people and all that, but i m trying to figure out here, i ve always been told that suicide doesn t come from a depressed reality, as much as it comes from a shocking change in your circumstances. could the young girl s rejection at the age of a freshman in high school be sufficient a motive to kill her and others and yourself? i think it might add to the drama that someone with an unstable personality is going through. because, again, you re absolutely right. if everything is happening in a very calm, smooth way for this individual, and all of a sudden that s ruptured by perhaps a young woman who scorns him, or something in his life isn t following what he s used to
having, as far as an orderly progression, or some sort of a progress in his life, then that can cause him to go over the edge, especially if this is someone, again, with a fragile personality, that we just didn t know was that ill. we all grew up with richard corey about the guy who had everything going for him, then goes and shoots himself. do you think the subject and the object are very different? we don t know what a person s feeling based on being freshman class prince or whatever he was. and playing on the football team. which normally would be the signs of happiness and success and a good social life. but we don t know, do we, what he was thinking, feeling, living? jeff? oh, well, yes. absolutely. i believe this was an individual who very much had a facade. and perhaps being this, you know, being in the student
court, being the prince, named to the fumble team and so on, has a lot to do with covering up a lot of feelings and using that in many ways to keep a structure in a life that may be falling apart. and so when the seams begin to show, when the public begins to see that maybe all of this is a mirage, then that person may feel suicidal, may feel that self-doubt. the self-esteem is crushed and it may push them over the edge. the other thing is, we just don t know whether he had mental health issues. was he on any psychiatric meds, or antidepressants. there s a lot we don t know. as those pieces come together, we ll begin to build the real profile of this individual. dr. jeff gardere, thank you for joining us. let s go to anthony roman. give me a sense now.
it seems like schools don t have metal detectors and i m told you can t have one without somebody standing there, dealing with a kid who comes in with a gun and has to take it off them, tell them to go away, or what. is there any way to keep guns out of school cafeterias, to be blunt? there isn t a 100% method of protecting any facility or preventing guns from entering the facility. what you do is create layers of deterrents. you make it more difficult for the individuals. but more importantly than the physical security in this particular circumstance, is understanding the young man who was suffering these problems. clearly, based on some information we ve developed on our way to the studio, it appears that the young man was suffering emotionally and that he had expressed that to many of his friends and colleagues. and it should have been self-evident that he was having some serious problems at that
time. if the schools would invest not only in upgrading security to a more professional level, one layer of deterrent, and then another layer of deterrent is the mental health issue, in which schools should reinvest in social workers, in peer group leadership programs, in physicians, psychiatrists and psychologists who can help these children during times of stress. they don t have to wait until there s stress. they can run in counter groups and discussion groups in which the kids deal with everyday problems, so they diffuse and learn to manage their problems as time goes on. and as they progress during their formative years. we never had any of this stuff growing up. we never had counsellors and shrinks hanging around the campus. you went to school, you got your
grades, you played sports, or in the band like i did and you went home. which schools have the money to have the groups you re talking about, the professionals, the psychologists, the social psychologists, the psychiatry that you re describing as necessary to prevent this incident? how many schools have that kind of money? they don t have the money. as a matter of fact, all of the programs are being cut down. i know. i ve had experience in the school systems in which children that i know need help in the formative years, in elementary school. and without help, some of these children would suffer some very serious problems in the future. it becomes self-evident in the elementary schools. so i think, at this juncture, we have to examine how high a cost is too high? how many bodies in schools are too many before we i am telling you, there s not a person watching right now,
that wasn t heart-sick over a romance starting around 12. you ve been through it, i ve been through it, the girl doesn t like you, the one you like, the boy doesn t like you, the one you like, this is life. it s called growing up. how do you separate the normal romantic rejections, the unrequited love, we call it. how do you separate that from a felony, a mass shooting that s about to occur? well, that is not always guaranteed that one can be able to do that. but it s training the children who are not having that kind of training in the normal family environment, to deal with the emotions and to deal with them properly, so they can mature in a proper way. in addition to that, coupling in school security, as you say. do you need, you know, metal detectors as you walk into every school? that s very ob trucive and we don t really want to see those in the school. but if we have security guards
and there are security guards in high schools in most high schools today. if we offer them additional training in how to spot kids with problems. these security guards often know the children on a different level than the teachers do and can often spot the kids that are having trouble. and can act as a big brother or big sister in circumstances like this, and pre-empt some of the problems themselves. so perhaps we can use some of the resources we have in place today, with a little bit of an investment, and a little bit more training for those security guards. thanks so much for coming on this friday night. anthony roman, what a night this has been. when we come back, the other big stories, none of them good. ebola in new york city. we ll find out how the virus geths spread. and the new rules put in effect today after this happened. also, president obama meets the texas nurse, nina pham, who s been declared ebola-free. that is good news. and this is hardball. hey tony, dad- go wide!
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we re coming back with new information on the fight against ebola in this country, the usa. and the latest on the doctor in new york, who contracted the deadly disease when he was over working and helping people in west africa. hardball, back after this. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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and often even more. it s reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $89.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. this illness and this whole experience has been very stressful and challenging for me and for my family. although i no longer have ebola, i know that it may be a while before i have my strength back. so with gratitude and respect for everyone concerned, i asked for my privacy and for my family s privacy to be respected as i return to texas and try to get back to a normal life and reunite with my dog bentley. tonight that was nurse nina pham who contracted ebola after caring for ebola patient thomas eric duncan, left the national
institutes of health in bethesda, and went to the oval office and met with president obama. meanwhile, in new york, a doctor diagnosed with ebola in bellevue hospital in new york city. mayor bill de blasio rode the subway this morning, encouraging new yorkers to not be afraid. late today, a mandatory two-minute-day quaranti21 day quarantine for passengers arriving from west africa. we believe it s appropriate to increase the current screening procedures for people coming from affected countries. from the current cdc screening procedures. we believe it is in the state of new york and state of new jersey s legal rights to control access to their borders. we will establish an interview and screening process to determine an individual s risk
level, by considering the geographic area of origin, and the level of exposure to the virus. depending on the risk level, a person could require mandatory, 21-day quarantine, or at a government regulated facility. joining me now, dr. nina radcliffe. thank you for joining us. i guess the questions that people have now, they have real questions about the authority of anyone to tell us how you can get it and how you can t. is it absolutely iron-clad we know how you get ebola? yes, it is. what we know is by science, is that it can only be contracted by bodily fluids. fec feces, vomit, blood, and saliva. what about somebody sneeding next to you on the subway. was he able to transmit it by sneezing? two things. first of all, his viral counts were probably very low. and he probably was not having
the symptoms of coughing and sneezing. it s not an airborne disease. yes, although it possible to transmit it by saliva, at this time, it is unlikely. so what do you do if you re on a plane or subway who is sneezing? assume they have the cold or flu? we know it s a minimal risk of getting ebola because you re on the subway, you re touching this person s bowling ball, or if you re going to the grocery store. it s a very minimal risk at this time. why all the coverage tonight of the movement by new yorkers going around on the route this fellow took, over to brooklyn to bowl, he took three different subway lines, all listed in this morning s washington post. why so much information on the tick tock here if he couldn t have transmitted it during that time? are we being overzealous? we need to understand while people don t have symptoms, they re not contagious. this person posed a minimal risk
of committing other people. he was not vomiting. he was not having diarrhea. he did not have a high viral count. we need to remember that and focus on the science, and not the fear of this. this is not an airborne disease. thank you very much. people wanted to hear that. let s bring in our roundtable tonight. it s friday night, we ll have the roundtable. jonathan allen, washington bureau chief for bloomberg. emily, a reporter at the national journal. and also politics editor at usa today. start with jonathan here and this question of ebola. we now have a czar. his name is ron klain. most of us know him. you can call him an operative, if you want to be dismissive. he s a lot more than that. a public servant, comes in when he s needed. tried to win the recount in florida, lost it to a strong opponent, jim baker. but he s reliable. is he going to be a leader or a flag, someone that speaks the language that someone else wants him to speak? probably a little bit of
both. he s highly regarded inside the white house. he s been mentioned as a possible white house chief of staff in the past and this may be a stepping stone to that for him. but i also think he s somebody who s a lot better at articulating what the administration wants out there as a message, than some of the people that have been delivering it so far, including dr. frieden at the cdc whose had some difficulty doing that. will he have the ability to change the way the government does things, or make a better case afor the way they re alreay doing it? will he be a fixer? the role is both. if he sees things to fix, he ll have the power to do it, but also to articulate a little better. this white house is terrible with messaging. one of the problems is organization. i ve criticized okay, i m traditional. there s two ways to run a white house. the kennedy method, calling up
anybody to find out what s going on. then the reagan method, a strong chief of staff who cracks the whip, and everybody knows their job and who their boss is. which works here? i m waiting to clarify which way obama does things. is there a chain of command? a president reaching out and checking with people? it s something that as we ve watched this ebola crisis unfold, it s been clear that s not really present. you ve seen there s been questions about what s going on where, about who knows what at what time? obviously in dallas, we saw some of those issues coming to light. so now the idea that you do have somebody who s going to be a point person, who is going to be the person who theoretically all this is going to go through, should really help kind of keep that response more does he have the bureaucratic clout to be the boss? how many people working on your side to get something done, it
seems like he s dependent on susan rice. does he have his own team, or is he just a fixture attached to all that team work? when obama appoints you to run this thing and he wants him to run this thing. we ve all done this in your newsroom. one editor to do the ebola coverage, so it s not coming out of everywhere. obama is really the prime minister spokesperson for the moment on ebola. he s taken the lead, he s doing the talking. who s in charge of making sure there s no more screw-ups? the president has been accused again today of always being the witness to something that just went wrong, rather than the chief of government. ron klain is the guy. he will be the boss? get it ordered, get it in line and get everybody on the phone together to make sure we re not making the same mistakes. remember the white house chief of staff, dennis mcdonagh, a foreign policy guy, national
security guy. he s not steeped in how the domestic agencies work together. poddestin may be that guy, but he s leaving. you bring in klain, has a lot of experience in government, somebody you re trying to possibly move into that chief of staff job. do you think obama is ready to change and become a real chief executive, not just a good speech giver, but actually accept the job of running the u.s. government? is he ready to take that job on every day, 24/7, i m the guy running this place? i think he needs to be. we ve seen really in the last year, there have been a whole host, as republicans point out, a whole host of issues on which he hasn t been doing that. so if he wants to make his presidency something to talk about, something to look up to, he needs to do that in his last two years. do presidents do that? do they run the cdc? are they the ones
they run the government of the united states and everybody wants to them. there s only one person we goat to vote on, him. if we don t like the government, we don t like him. who s running the health care system for the president right now? anybody know the name of this person? because when he had the rollout problem, we kept saying, it s the coo, the cmm of the hhs and i don t see that person too often. you would think there would be somebody he appointed, the day he got the bill passed, i want this person talking to me, so when the rollout comes, we know it s going to work. and with something like ebola too, there s just not having good information, not having streamlined information. it leads people to panic. that s something that i think clearly the white house by bringing in ron klain, recognized is happening. when you have an issue that people are talking about, worried about, you have to have that kind of response. you think the american people believe in this country, when
the government talks about ebola? do you think they buy the fact that it s hard to catch? not really. not at all. why don t they trust him? why don t they trust the government? there s been a sufficient stream of things over the past couple years, they re incompetent or lying in a lot of positions. whether it s the nsa leaks, or health that crashed. you assume the government s doing it, and they re doing it wrong. and there s an industry fueling the message that it s all a conspiracy. it s not just mistakes, they re bad people and it s all obama s fault. so between the fact that the government is operating poorly and that people are paying a lot of money to message that it s all obama s fault, it s easier to believe they re incompetent. isn t the scary thing not whether it s incompetence or lying, but both? that there s some great combination here. this isn t about right-wing and left-wing and the usual fights we have around here. it s about getting something
done right. anyway, thank you. we ll be back with more of you guys. i like your open minds. roundtable is coming back. from ebola to the school shootings and the terror presence, what effect are these having on the voting electorate, these cross winds? i can t believe it s going to help the incumbents, this is hardball, a place for politics. this is titanfall, the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud.
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americans. ebola is also in new york. the canadian parliament has been besieged by an extremist, and isis continues its reign of terror across the middle east. we re 11 days from the elections. we re back with the roundtable. paul, how do you vote today if you re one of the mysterious 4 to 12% undecided? i don t know. you ve just depressed me. i want to go out and have a beer. that means 12% haven t made up their mind. what will they do with all of this in their head? the most important question we look at, is the country on the right track, or the wrong track? clearly at this moment who would say right track? nobody would say right track. there s always someone. looks good to me. it s like the guy who liked clinton more after monica. remember that? that s a real problem for anybody with a d next to their name. it has to be a problem.
president is polling 30% approval, how do you get 50% of the people to vote for you. if you re republican, do you like the way things are going? scott walker, in wisconsin, likes the way it s going. it s very good for republicans running for senate and house right now. people are afraid right now. and it doesn t look like the president s leading in the direction they want him to. the big statistic is economics and it s the stagnant waging. it s not necessarily people think the economy is going terribly, but it s not going well for them. democrats don t have the ability to say, look what we ve done for you, or here s the hope you can have isn t the market back up today? market is up, but talk about people s paychecks. same since before the recession. this isn t just psycho babble. according to a poll just out, there number of people who think
things are out of control is 64%. it s an amazing thing. that s something where people would have given obama the benefit of the doubt on one thing, or on two things. but when you have foreign policy crises going on, you have terrorism, you have, as you pointed out, things happening here in the united states, all of that contributes to a place in which voters don t feel safe. they feel like they don t know what s coming next. and that is not the environment you want to be in if you are president obama, or one of his allies right now. let me focus on you for a second now. suppose you re president of the united states and you go to bed at night, you have to have in your consciousness, what happened in canada, what happened in new york city, the cops who got attacked with a hatchet, the ebola is here, and the school psychology of kids with dating and high school going horribly lethal, you have to put that in your head and say, what am i doing to lead
this country? and there s a war going on in isis, all the allies, the enemies you have to deal with, everything from health care toic maing obamacare work. how does one person run that world? like obama? especially a college professor, a law professor, really. how does he do this? i don t have any insight into how somebody could handle all of those things at once. i think that s the problem. people think that he can t. people think who can? what human being is capable of that? i don t know. i think this is going to be the argument that s hard for a lot of 2016 candidates, whether you re talking about rand paul, possibly ted cruz, elizabeth warren who is opening the doors none of them are executives. no, some are first-term senators. some are saying give me a shot, i think the american public will say, we just tried this and those folks are not good at administering. but it also speaks to, you
have to be insane to want the job. or you vet the other people who might get it? they look at that and say, i can do that. hillary clinton if she runs, she ll bring the 3:00 phone call back and say [ all speak at once ] i know one thing we have. the job description of every new president is the failure of the previous one. george w. was considered not too bright, made big mistakes, pushed around by cheney. we wanted a president who was smarter, academic, read books. thought that was a good way to go. but we didn t ask other things. up next, joni ernst, the republican running for the senate in iowa is pushing second amendment remedy, personhood, and said states is she s a radical candidate disguised as a hog castrator. you re watching hardball, a place for politics. in a race,
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here s what s happening. authorities say remains have been identified as those of hannah graham. the remains were found less than ten miles from where the 18-year-old was last seen in mid september. a suspect is in custody following an intense manhunt in california. authorities say a gunman shot a deputy, then fled. the same suspect allegedly shot two other people. we ve learned a second officer has died. back to hardball. back to hardball. back to the roundtable. let s talk politics tonight.
a barn burner in iowa where republicans have pulled a rabbit out of the hat in joni ernst. she s managed to outrun a litany of comments she made before that border on lunacy. they dug up video of her saying remarkable things about the second amendment. she wants to arrest public officials for implementing the affordable care act. she s pushed for laws banning abortions. and the list goes on. by the way, this is iowa, a state that president obama carried twice. right now, ernst is up by two points against democrat bruce braley. the margin of error there is 3. back with our panel. who wants to take this on? i think ernst can win. but i m not sure the voters appreciate who she is. i think some of those ideas are not as fringey as we think.
the idea of carrying my gun, because i don t trust the government because they might try to take my gun. how would you use the gun? people are afraid, they don t think anybody s in charge. it makes sense to carry a gun. how would you use the gun? you d shoot them. that s not as fringey an idea. there are people in america who think that s not unreasonable. so if you don t like the tax law, if you don t like obamacare, you pull your gun? how far do you take it? that s the question. pulling your gun because you don t like obamacare, that s crazy. but she s a much better candidate, when she said things that are on the fringe has she been sculpted by smart consultants? yes, absolutely. they figured out how to get her talking in a way that s approachable. that hog castration ad you were talking about before, got her on the map, helped her get through the primary and now what you re
seeing from her is very positive, standing in a pig pen in the last ad i saw, basically saying, i can clean up washington like i can how does she get past the second amendment remedy things, where you say you re going to use your gun if you don t like the feds. it killed sharon engel in nevada. joni ernst has been a far stronger candidate. she s somebody who has this profile of, she d be the first female elected senator from iowa. she s a combat veteran. she s a mom, she s got all these things that she really has. a year ago we were talking about republicans have nobody to run in iowa. now we re saying, okay, they have someone with a legitimate image and profile that slehe s created in a state that serves her well. what do you do if you re a voter? may be okay in certain parts of eastern idaho.
what do you do if you see the woman? she s attractive, you like the way she speaks. then you read the articles about what she s said in the past? do you project the nice parts that you see in the ads? or do you say if she s talking like that when nobody s watching, she may vote like that when whshe gets to the senate. people want to go and vote for somebody that reminds them of themselves, that makes them feel comfortable. and braley, i honestly, you re right, he s not as radical, dramatic. he s also not particularly inspiring. he doesn t make people go, i can t wait to vote for braley. i think she has the advantage that people can walk into the polling booth and say, i like that woman. maybe she s kooky, but i like that woman. chuck todd got a hold of her and talked about her fringe past. let s listen. very early when you were running for senate, personhood
came up, abortion, you talked about impeachment. you walked them all back. what should voters now take away from that? you took some of those positions and then you say, maybe i didn t mean to take that, i m not there, it s a statement of principle. what should voters take away from that? a lot of those issues weren t issues that were pushed by me. they were questioned that were asked by media. in this case, it was conservative groups getting you to sign on. well, and didn t necessarily sign on to pledges that dealt with those issues. that was reagan talking there. he could do the same thing. he could say that s the way they got asked the question. he was untouchable. she sounded like a united states senator, pointing to the media. she s going to be the prototype. she wins. you re figure to see joni ernst clones run by senate republicans for years and years. this is why they don t want
mainstream or liberal moderators at their dwabez. they ve accused them of bringing up questions about the origins of the earth and those kinds of things. that answer was not most politically savvy. pretty good, though. she could have said, i misspoke, or she could have said i still believe some of that stuff. but she doesn t say any of that. there you go. the roundtable is sticking with us. look who s back in the headlines this week. monica lewinsky, i think she has a good case on this one. today the washington post revealed now details about the harsh treatment she got when she was ambushed by federal prosecutors, threats of prison time of 26 years if she didn t talk. this is hardball, a place for politics.
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monicas lewinsky said she was treated roughly by the f.b.i. one day? a suburban mall. it was recently obtained by the washington post. it backs up lewinsky s claims of mistreatment. well, back now with john,
emily and paul. i was not a big believer in the early claim this week from ms. lewinsky that she was a victim of blah, blah, blah society and whatnot. but ken star s troopers, when they grabbed her, they set her up by having linda tripp say we re having lunch. say if you re trying to get a lawyer, your witness will not be valuable enough to get you out of prison. keep you out of prison. really rough treatment. every criminal prosecution is coercion. they were coercing this woman to testify. it was meant to be an unpleasant experience. they clearly went over the line. they said if you go to your lawyer, you ool lose your immunity. the whoite house counsel was her lawyer in about 10 seconds had she been able to make a phone call. remember 98? you guys all know what happened.
98, the public thought clin to did something wrong. but in a weird way, they make clinton look innocent, while he wasn t innocent. they flipped it. this may help hillary clinton when she runs for president. certainly points in that direction, particularly, as you say, as the clintons are back very perpetually in the public eye these days. it s something, since then, we have seen his public approval ratings slowly climb back up. he s one of the most popular, in-dand politicians in the country. something like this can only add to that. to show that there were further overreaches and things that were done wrong on the opposition side. you have a feature on this show, side show. and monica lewinsky is a sad
side show. the only way she can get along in society is by this scandal that s old enough to drive by now. it s probably like 16 years old. it s sad what happened to her. she s clearly taken advantage of by the president of the united states. is she taking advantage of it, too? of course, yes. people say intern and you think 16-year-old. i think she was 22 or 24 something like that. i had two jobs on capitol hill that day. i think i was working 20 hours a day. she shouldn t keep subjecting herself to the public. this is the right point, exactly. we re going to hear a lot more about this. is this good for the clintons? i honestly think it is. the clintons are able to say we re done with this. we ve moved passed it. and it becomes more of a side show. the first time she appears, it becomes a big news story for us.
she should have a cup of coffee with monica and get passed this. what are you crazy? no, i m normal. moving on, get it behind us. any i want, jonathan allen, thank you. emily shultise, when we return, let me finish with jonie ernst mainstreaming as a hard core republican. even if you re treating your crohn s disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. and if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at and then speak with your gastroenterologist. with the expert advice tool at wouldn t it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets.
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let me finish tonight with this. there are few more things frightening in this world than a masquerade. i give you the case of jonie earnst. she proclaimd herself able to blind us to her more forbidding aspects. like the bank robber who wears the nixon mask that becomes the only thing memorable to the eyewitness. jonie ernst was able to present herself to iowa voters as simply the hog kas traitors. who could think about anything else to say about her? who had anything to ask about her after that introduction. well, we should have asked. more to the point we should have remembered. ernst is the one who said two years ago u she would use her gun against the u.s. government if it did something that
infringed on her rights. she s out is there on tape now using her second amendment rights to open fire on a government official doing something that she doesn t like. they have the right to arrest federal officials who atempatteo carry out the law. iowa need not worry what the united states congress decides. if the state doesn t like a law passed by congress, it merely has to arrest any government official tasked to carry it out. nullification is what it s called. they can simply ignore, reject, defie what the national government decides. if they elect ernst, that s their el call. if they elect her while ignoring their deepest political believes, they are failing to stick up for their state, for their coup tri. think of the cold-blooded scam

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