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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20170813

condemn is the violence. the world is watching as the standoff between the united states and north korea. president trump goes forward. what he will do his fight the north koreans. you understand trunking mean business. today is another milestone in our work to transfer work to transfer the va. the veterans continue to have the ability to see the doctor of their choice and don t have to wait or travel long distance. chewing two good morning, everyone. a little quiet this morning. abby: a kind of sets the tone for the mood. trade to a contentious day yesterday in charlottesville. a fox news alert. the department of justice with a car crashing into a crowd during during abby: governor declared a state of emergency. three people including two state troopers have died. dozens more injured. trees revive in charlottesville, virginia with the latest. good morning, matt. trini good morning, clayton, abby, p. right now it is very calm, dark and quiet. we are standing firm at the university of virginia medical center where paramedics brought 20 injured people here yesterday. we are working to determine the status of those injured people. this morning the state of virginia and the entire country is mourning the loss of two virginia state troopers. police identified him as lieutenant hj: in trooper pilot burke baker killed in a helicopter crash yesterday around 5:00. those troopers helping law enforcement monitor the white nationalist rally in the area. we have to warn you about some strong video. another death to report. a 32-year-old woman was killed yesterday when a driver plowed his car into a crowd you in charlottesville. police say 20 world james field junior intentionally drove his gray dodge challenger into a busy area killing a 32-year-old woman and injuring 19 others. this all began yesterday when a white supremacy group arrived in town to protest removal of the robert e. lee statue from a park. the crowd quickly turned violent as it was met by groups protesting their arrival and at the end of the day three people dead. attorney general just sessions open a federal investigation and release a statement in part saying the violence and deaths in charlottesville strike at the heart of american law and justice. when they arrive from bigotry and hatred that they betray our core values and cannot be tolerated. i treat condemning dagen wishing condolence visit to the. they have declared a state of emergency. and everyone injured yesterday. back to you. pete: we will check back in a little bit in the show. all the family members and everyone involved. are really decorated pilot a few miles away from the scene and the helicopter crash as their overhead. president trump took the podium and had some strong condemnations. this is what the president said yesterday. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry on many sides, who has been going on a long time in our country. not donald trump, not rock obama. it s been going on for a long, long time. it has no place in america. what is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order in the protection of innocent lives. above all else, we must remember this truth. no matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are all americans first. we love our country. we love our god. we love our flag. we are proud of our country. we are proud of who we are. trade do ultimately, his message is a message of unity. condemning hatred and bigotry in all sides. remember the violence we ve seen from ntfs as well. any of the violence at all. he salutes the police in this place. the white nationalism is different from nationalism, which is believing your country. that unites us and we are all americans behind the creating quality. obviously what we saw in the streets yesterday. abby: extremity on either stayed as a problem. i think we are talking about this in the show started. we all want this country together. we want unity. we want peace. the question is will they get there soon because of this will further encourage more protest, encourage more protests, we see more of this around the country. that is what scares a lot of people and makes us wonder what kind of world are we living in, what kind of world do we want to live on? these guys came in for modest day. they don t live in this area at all. there s already more on the schedule they are planning to go to. expect to see sadly more of this. i was encouraged because the students of uva gathered. the university of virginia where this happened. 17 euros to 23 boats gathered with police officers on armed and they stood around the thomas jefferson statute to protect it. what it is worth say? all men created equal. all of these people with torches started coming up are in the police officers and students there. that is the bravery is right there. tree until unfortunately, on the other side of the island he saw a lot of continuing to divide. only one side that s all. emblematic of that, governor terry mcauliffe, governor of virginia has some words pointed in one direction. take a listen. i have a message to other white supremacists and nationalists who came into charlottesville today. our message is plain and simple. go home. you are not wanted in this. shame on you. you pretend it s your pastry is is patriots, but you are anything but a patriot. you came here to her people and you did her people. my message is clear. we are stronger than you. pete: joe biden following up with a tree doubling down on that perspective as well. there is only one side #charlottesville. i don t think this warning is the point to point fingers. abby: that s all anyone does. trade do they drive the car into innocent people which is never and should never be acceptable. as hateful as it may be in this particular case. we should also look at what the left has done in this country. we divide each other by race. they don t want to make it better. they oftentimes want to keep us divided. i don t know if you can put the image up, but these young guys with the tiki torches. it s a chilling image. their faces are not covered. they are walking down the street. it conjures up images of the, which no one supports. this is not to apologize for what they are saying, that they feel like they are the new second-class citizens, like they have white privilege, affirmative action policies, open borders immigration committee race in history like the robert e. lee statue. that doesn t mean you re pro-confederate or pro-. it s this other side of the argument. they do themselves his biggest justice by carrying tiki torches and conjuring up that they had the. whether the mainstream media wants to have it or not, our country is dividing even further around what really matters, which is americanism. our racial identity is not what should define us. why should the finest is that we are americans who love our country. abby: exactly. i think you re hitting that this is what it groups in our country to wake up hating people. we don t need to describe or identify every one of those groups, but it exists today. it may only get worse. pete: i don t describe myself as a white male. by identifying factors i m an american who loves this country. the more we put people in groups and buckets,, woman, what latino, african-american, the more we divide each other bracingly the constitution and declaration. that is what should unite us. thus the president trump is talking about. yet they say when he talks about god and country that is using a code, a dog whistle to white supremacists. that s not what he s about. he s about making this country strong and create an opportunity for everyone. the more we divide each other, the worse it s going to get. it s a tough conversation. nobody wants to have it. an underlying sense that our country is changing and it doesn t have to be about race and being white. back to me is where you lose it. abby: will be talking about this all morning long with a lot of great guests on it. headlines we are following starting with this one. one wanted is now behind bars. this man, walter gomez of honduras after a four year manhunt he would be extradited to new jersey where he faces several charges including the brutal killing of a former member. he was arrested weeks after he was undertaken the deadly gang terrorizing america. the investigation could be over by the chairman of the senate intelligence committee who now says he wants to present his findings by 2018. broadened to include possible collisions of the term campaign by any evidence yet. security ramping up around trump tower as it prepares to return to the big apple for the first time since the unite to ration. the n.y.p.d. expected protests since the white house is being renovated. exactly how long the president will be in new york has still not been announced. tim tebow takes a fastball right to the head. as you saw there come a staggering and even at his helmet knocked off. he was cleared to stay in the game. he scored a double, but the st. lucie mets still lost the game. i m not a big fan of how much except for when you re getting a 100-mile fastball. not even for your kids? absolutely not. we live in such a coddled society. one of the most important stories to happen yesterday was one of the most least reported to president trump stunning ability make sure veterans get the bill they deserve. another step in the right direction. transfer the spread american jumped into action on old glory was knocked to the ground. newsnightight orc sailin away on the crest of a wave, it s like magic rollin and ridin and slippin and slidin it s magic introducing the all new volkswagen tiguan. higher and higher, baby the new king of the concrete jungle. when it comes to strong bones, are you on the right path? we have postmenopausal osteoporosis. ..and a high risk for fracture, so with our doctors. .we chose prolia®. .to help make our bones stronger. only prolia® helps strengthen bones. .by stopping cells that damage them. .with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions, like low blood pressure; trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip or tongue swelling. .rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone. .problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. peak to your doctor before stopping prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium; serious infections, which could need hospitalization; .skin problems; and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. if your bones aren t getting stronger. .isn t it time for a new direction? why wait? ask your doctor about prolia®. okay, i picked out my dream car. now s the really fun part. choosing the color, the wheels, the interior, everything exactly how i want it. here s the thing: just because i configured this car online doesn t mean it really exists at a dealership, but with truecar, i get real pricing on actual cars in my area. i see what others paid for them, and they show me the ones that match the car i want, so i know i can go to a truecar-certified dealer and it ll be right there waiting for me. today, right now. this is truecar. will ensure veterans continue to have the ability to see the doctor of their choice. so important. i don t have to litter travel long distances. pete: they put their lives on the line defending the freedoms and our president trump making sure veterans get the care they deserve in the senate may reforms into law yesterday. bring corvette on a concerned veterans for america director dan caldwell. you were there yesterday stand behind the president when he signed the bill. letter viewers know, what will this do? thank you for having me on. it fixes a budget shortfall in the veteran choice program allows veterans who live long distances from the va medical facility or who have been on the wait list for his longtime day care in the air. it also makes it easier to hire good employees from private sector, just like a tired to fire bad in place at the va, also hard to hire good ones. it also authorizes new medicals. pete: you call this a temporary solution. as you know, someone who has worked on these issues a long time, it is never intended to be permanent. he uses the va choice and that is something we think needs to happen. they need to have the abilities to get care the private sector and that something president trumps supports and they are working hard to ensure that happens. it was met with some contention. what is the resistance to the last extension of an existing choice program? unfortunately a lot of people here in washington d.c. don t think the veteran in the va should have choice. even though this is something supported overwhelmingly by don veterans and veterans alike, over 90% of pulling others have done and they believe the government run health care system is the only system that should be available to veterans and that s unfortunate. fortunately again, something president trump doesn t believe in and secretary scholl can doesn t believe in. they will veterans have choice as in most veterans are not veterans because they understand you chose to serve your country. you should have a choice in where you get your medical care. whether it s the government unions, not secretary scholl can shulkin. you would say something different at present. it s absolutely nonsense. the ability to choose where they get their health care is in privatization. people call it privatization because it s a political talking point that ignores the reality of what choices actually do. in many cases, and the majority of cases, many veterans who choose to stay in the va system. for a lot of veterans, va care isn t convenient. long wait times, so they want the ability to go to a doctor close to their home are more convenient to them. it s not privatization. in many ways is just common sense. this is what you get with medicare, tri-care. every other government tri-care system including those for congress in va employees has some choice except for the va health care veterans use. members of congress carving themselves out as they often do. there is no gatekeeper at the va is the holy grail in this process and i know you, president trump and secretary scholl shulkin are all for that. critics blame president trump for inciting the violence in charlottesville just moments after he overwhelmingly condemned the deadly acts. they hate is getting out of control and he joins us next. forget cutting in line. kids in one school district to beat the lunch crowd. the take it to the limit one morey r timee so that you can spend time on what really matters. marie callender s. it s time to savor. on mi came across this housentry with water dripping from the ceiling. you never know when something like this will happen. so let the geico insurance agency help you with homeowners insurance and protect yourself from things like fire, theft, or in this case, water damage. cannonball! now if i had to guess, i d say somewhere upstairs there s a broken pipe. let the geico insurance agency help you with homeowners insurance. call today to see how much you could save. award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. this august visit your local volvo dealer to receive sommar savings of up to $4,500. this august visit your local volvo dealer for years, centurylink has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it s out of reach. why promise something you can t deliver? comcast business is different. we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. we do business where you do business. pete: welcome back. quick headlines. president trump s approval rating on the rise after a strong words against north korea. the president now 45% approval after threatening to fire over north korea s missile threats. the sample had 39% just two days ago. after two years being held in north korea, canadian pastor is finally returned home. he landed in ontario after the north korean government released him on quotes fake bail. serving a life sentence of hard labor trying to use religion to destroy the government. abby. abby: in a strong message to america yesterday, condemning the violence and hate bus stop at our critics even listening. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many side. we must love each other, respect each other and share history and future together. abby: here to react, plays host lawrence jones. good to have you with us. hey, abby. abby: you ve been on the show number of times talking about issues with the braves and hate and bigotry. that is something close to your heart and you are passionate about. when you heard the president yesterday, do you think he gave the right response to what is happening? i think the president attempted to give the right response. i think he meant what he said that i do think the president had an opportunity to call the enemy what it is and it s white nationalism. back in the obama administration he would not call it radical islam and echo pressure on him. i said please just call it by its name. it is important for the enemy to know that we know who they are. the president missed that opportunity. do i think the statement was bad or not sincere? i think it was sincere, but he has opportunity to take it to the next level as well. in society and politics are democrats and media so quick to point fingers and point the blame and criticize no matter what he says. i saw you on judge jeanine last night. you were reminding us of the shooting of steve scalise and how quick we are to move on to the way things are normally criticizing each other. we don t let that moment sink in and try to be better people. why is that? you know, abby, it really breaks my heart. i m a young man preparing to eventually have children. i do want to bring them in this type of world because if you like it could get worse. i remember when steve scalise, whatever happened, the shooting, everybody was saying that this is it. enough of the intense political rhetoric. let s be unified. two days later they were back to the same nonsense. it is disheartening because i see these national tragedies and consider what happened a national tragedy. i just don t believe them, abby. in a day or so they will go back to the same nonsense and we just can t have it. enough is enough. abby: what is the answer, lawrence? a lot of people are concerned what we saw yesterday they encourage and incite more violence around the country. who was to blame? we don t need talk about that at this moment because of what else is pointing the finger. had we find a way to come together? as you know, i m a religious man and i believe god is the answer. the church has lost its influence in the employ of hate and racism in sin. we have a real opportunity to rally around whatever you believe, rally around each other, pray to god. these protesters are planning to come to texas at texas a&m university. i will be meeting monday with pastors and local leaders to let them know there is more violence. abby: a lot of it comes. good thing we ve got people like you in this country to hopefully make things good. good to have you this morning. go ahead. i hope that we change and i hope that our elected leaders start taking a stand and lead the way identified. at least the way forward. tried to have a good day, lawrence. good to see you. a vanderbilt university professor is not what the mainstream media has been pushing. this part american jumped into action. his patriotic deed was almost caught on camera. we will show that to you with a lot more coming up on fox and friends. with claim rateguard your rates won t go up just because of a claim. i totally could ve - no! switching to allstate is worth it. only tempur-breeze® mattresses. use an integrated system of technologies to keep you cool while you sleep. so you wake up feeling powerful. only exclusive retailers carry breeze. find yours at (woman) there s a moment of truth.etes, and now with victoza®, a better moment of proof. victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didn t get me to my goal. lowers my a1c better than the leading branded injectable. the one i used to take. victoza® lowers blood sugar in three ways. and while it isn t for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. non-insulin victoza® comes in a pen and is taken once a day. 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grades? i don t know what they want. trade to the protest itself was about the robert e. lee statue. assuming you support confederates. if we erase our history, we are living in a new orwellian world where ridgway working for where ridgway working for them. where it came from pumps us understand where we are today. i m not a racist. i don t seem to like is something special. should we live in a society where i don t look to you first is what your gender or race is that the content of your character and what your and what you bring to the table. a true meritocracy. but that backlash is the other way, it doesn t matter. we see the most violent aspects of it. you have a different view of how you interact with the police. it s good to have a conversation to learn about that and understand that. to say all black lives matter is terrible as a whole another point. it doesn t help the whole dialogue. trade three of the idea that nobody is above anyone else. we are all in this together. the station is full of so many different types of people of backgrounds of races, religion, political affiliation and everyone on this couch and most watching the show would agree with that. it does make you think about when we cover these stories come understanding of everything going on before we so quickly point fingers. we do want to bring some other headlines we re following are the son of venezuela s president vowed that in the u.s., vowing to take the white house with guns if president trump takes military action in the country. the socialist government has been doing with debbie violet to rewrite the constitution. it is his first stop of a weeklong trip to latin america doubled not include venezuela. after losing control of the white house, now wanted democrats to go even further to the left. democrats are headed forward. we are looking ahead. we will not, we shall not, we must not allow anyone to turn back the clock. the massachusetts senator responding to a new york times op-ed that the party may more to the center. she has no interest in running for president in 2020. classism in the cafeteria after kids are excused from trent is so a friend of the lamb lunch passes given to parents because mr. grisha baywood hundred dollars to help earn money for the school and in return their children will get pushed to the front of the lunch line. the lunch vip pass will not be used in a form with the result. okay. pete: okay, getting them ready for the real world. checking forecast this morning. how are they looking? training a couple things across the country. early this morning, some heavy rain eventually fighting up in the middle of the country. severe weather firing up in the heart of the afternoon, taking us into the evening hours including portions of north texas. also another story happening into the tropics. the tropical depression beginning to move 35-mile per hour winds to the north, northwest at 14 miles an hour. this will be tropical storm before the end of the day. here s our potential pass at this one. there is that low pressure system that catches some upper-level wind. not concerned with this ever reaching the united states. finally, i will enjoy the meteor shower. this is the brightest come and take a shower at the year that we are experiencing now all the way to august 24th. if you have an opportunity, step outside because this is a beautiful meteor shower. you see this every single year and these are always the british hours of the year. break before sunrise, this is pretty much across the country. as long as it s not cloudy, you re in good shape. pete: and not like the eclipse august 21st. no, not like the eclipse. from the pacific to the atlantic, we haven t seen in a hundred years. pete: i just met with the eclipse their areas where you can t see. reporter: i knew exactly what she meant. i didn t doubt you. clayton: north korea claiming it is on standby to launch an attack. people on the left like deputy chairman keith ellison seemed to side with the rogue nation. that is insane. he joins us next. mike huckabee, social media stars and rob o neill are all here at planters, we re all about great taste. hey richard, check out this fresh roasted flavor. looks delicious, huh? -yeah. -and how about that aroma? -love that aroma! umph! -craveability, approved! irresistibly planters. when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn t have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. when it comes to strong bones, are you on the right path? we have postmenopausal osteoporosis. ..and a high risk for fracture, so with our doctors. .we chose prolia®. .to help make our bones stronger. only prolia® helps strengthen bones. .by stopping cells that damage them. .with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions, like low blood pressure; trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip or tongue swelling. .rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone. .problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. peak to your doctor before stopping prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium; serious infections, which could need hospitalization; .skin problems; and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. if your bones aren t getting stronger. .isn t it time for a new direction? why wait? ask your doctor about prolia®. pete: welcome back to fox and friends. some quick headlines. chicago s controversial soda tax now has the feds involved. the tax violates foodstamp laws and retailers cut issuing the tax and then issuing refunds they do now but could halt an $87 million in food stamp spending for the stay. the state has two weeks to come up with a new plan. college interns on capitol hill may be getting a great experience, but most are not getting paid for it. recent analysis shows 95% of politicians back in the minimum wage don t pay their own intern, including senate minority leader chuck schumer, senator corey booker and senator chris murphy. i never understood white interns got paid anyways. clayton, up to you. north korea escalating, on standby to launch meanwhile some of the last here at home seemed to be defending the north korean dictator. kim jong un, the world always thought he was not a responsible leader. he s acting more responsible than the sky. cranking up the antiwar machine right now. [applause] if you don t want to be caught during the headlights, start calling for diplomacy in north korea immediately. trade for kim jong un acted more responsible than our own president. lieutenant colonel charlie shafer, great to see you this morning. keith ellison come your immediate thoughts of that comment. you need to figure out the site design and clearly it s not the site of america. i don t mean to speak in such direct, blunt terms, but we are here because of the failure of diplomacy. somehow this congressman fails to recognize the study of history and how we got here. it is time for him to stop being partisan and start being american that is where we arrive. this is the fact we are trying to prevent the lord in england which started in 1951. with all due respect to the congressmen, read the history books, figure out which side you re on in the forward. pete: i fail to understand how the comments about locked and loaded and if the north korean regime macs we are going to respond, how that is out of line. clayton, if president obama would ve said that he would ve been applauded. he s looking for his goldilocks moment. he says too much on this. trump can be very clear on consequences. this president is recognizing the fact that the situation in north korea has gotten worse, not better by the complete failure of diplomacy and the policy and appeasement for the past 30 years. he is making it as clear as he can bet this is going to change, that now there will be the potential and likelihood of military action, of continued provocations going back to the comment, it is not president obama, president trump, anyone else in our society fired missiles across the korean peninsula trying to prompt a military response. something else really quickly. something completely unreported here is the fact that north koreans on the dmz militarized zone have had a 300% uptick. that means small armed conflicts not reported. it is time for a new message to be sent and president trump decided not. clayton: is it a spot right to the face of americans. chelsea emmert reading this. the longer we wait to remove him, the longer your name will appear negative in history, basically calling for a military coup of the united states because somehow exact demand hinged? guam is u.s. territory. let me be clear on this. if north koreans hit guam with a conventional weapon, there ll be a military response. let me be clear on that. and to this point, this is what we call sufficient. section 215. i think ms. handler needs to be visited by the secret service because this is calling for the removal and illegal removal of the duly elected president. i am completely fed up as a citizen of the left getting away with this complete inappropriate and continuous call for the president s removal. he won, get over it, move on. people like her are calling for an essentially violent overthrow of the president need to be looked at seriously for what they are saying because it is indeed in this case a violation of clear u.s. code. clayton: would be great for all americans to come together on this issue. i agree, but she s not. clayton: thank you. take care. president trump taking senate majority leader mitch mcconnell in other publications for working at a snails pace. as the president any closer to draining the swamp? eric arison joins us next hour. plus the glass castle starts next. is the movie worth your money? kevin mccarthy coming up next. when you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the unpredictability of a flare may weigh on your mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go, and how to work around your uc. that s how i thought it had to be. but then i talked to my doctor about humira, and learned humira can help get and keep uc under control. when certain medications haven t worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations and ask your gastroenterologist if humira may be right for you. with humira, control is possible. is as realistic as to make it. as a star-studded cast called the glass castle based on the memoir already driving great reviews. abby: at fox news contributor kevin mccarthy. i was good to see you, kevin. looks like a great film. yeah, good morning to you. this run as you see right now, i admit my brother s kitchen. i am visiting him in chesapeake, virginia. i m a little upset my brother has this mug and my wife never gotten a best cousin ever. actually on point with their coffee mugs here in chesapeake. the glass castle is a very famous memoir that spends seven years on the bestsellers list. a story about an unconventional family moving around the country. the kid were told from the perspective of jeannette walls who wrote the memoir and is an incredibly powerful story that throws you into a moral conflict. at one point these parents seem like they are the best aaronson at one point they seem like the worst parents. that is the conflict in the jury that you go on is the viewer cannot use member. i thought it was powerful. woody harrelson have the best career of his performance so far. brie larson, janel walls. i had a chance to catch up and talk about the writing process of this wide range story of her life and putting it in to a book. watch this. the first time ever at the story, i wrote it in six weeks and it was very bad. i spent five years rewriting trying to figure out what the heck was going on and how i fell about it. i tried to lay out the facts and let the reader or the viewer respond. that is how i felt about it. they were both good and bad. a four out of five. yoga, how would these new movies when they take these long story is bad for the fictional qualities and you can see those standing out a little bit. i thought it was very solid. train to you also check out another movie. wind river. this is actually the director of the film wrote films like sakarya and or high water. a phenomenal writer. a very intense film about a given track for a hunter who teams up with an fbi agent to investigate the and murder of an 18-year-old girl. a very brutal story, but very intense the way it s edited and written. he tells the stories that lock you in and keep you interested in what going on. jeremy renner s best performance since the hurt locker. one of the most exciting filmmakers right now because he s writing such great material. i gave this a four out of five as well. it is a very solid expert and a very solid drama. clayton, that is why you and i are best friends. if anyone else would recognize that, only clayton morris would. clayton: there you go. great to see you. pete: thanks, kevin. abby: thanks, kevin. i hope your wife is watching and get to the mouth. so well-deserved. the left in the right finger-pointing over who is to blame for the chaos in charlottesville. mike huckabee says both sides share some respond ability. pete: rosie o donnell apologize to north korea on behalf of america. hey, is this kim jong sub one? anyways, our president is a. don t listen to him. we don t.e pete: a message for her. okay, yup. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won t go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,. .isn t it time to let the real you shine through? maybe it s time for otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it s a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. .with reduced redness,. .thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has. .no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don t use if you re allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. tell your doctor if these occur. otezla is associated with an increased. .risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have. .a history of depression. .or suicidal thoughts,. .or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla. .reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. other side effects include upper. .respiratory tract infection and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. .and if you re pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) the joy of real cream in 15 calories per serving. enough said. reddi-wip. (flourish spray noise) share the joy. trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. three people including two law enforcement officers killed during violent clashes at a white nationalist rally in virginia. the 20-year-old james alex fields appeared we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. the world is watching us is watching as the standoff between the united states and north korea to president trump goes forward. today is another milestone to transform the vm eva. we are making sure our brave veterans are provided with world-class equipment. we are now fighting for you. be smart where i come from. abby: what song is this? [inaudible conversations] pete: good morning, everyone. a jampacked show for you this morning. a very busy news day. the department of justice and the fbi is now investigating a car crash. he violent protests involving white nationalist in charlottesville, virginia. trade for the governor declared a state of emergency. three people including to police officers have died. abby: matt, what can you tell us? good morning, abby, clayton np. the beautiful peaceful morning. hard to imagine this was a scene of those violent and deadly clashes yesterday. standing in front of the university of virginia complex were 20 people, 20 injured people were brought yesterday. waiting on an update to learn about the status of those injured. right now the state of virginia and the entire country is mourning the loss of two state troopers identified as lieutenant hj: in trooper pilt burqa babes. they were killed when their helicopter went down around 5:00 yesterday. troopers were helping my enforcement monitor white nationalist rallies in the area. we also won three other men have been arrested in connection. one man charged with assault and battery. also strong video we want to show you. another death to report 3322-year-old woman was killed yesterday when a driver plowed his car into the crowd in charlottesville. james steele junior intentionally drove his gray dodge challenger into a busy area killing a 32-year-old woman and injuring 19 others. this began yesterday when a white supremacy group arrived in town to protest the removal of a robert e. lee statue from a park in the crowd quickly turned violent as he was met by groups protesting their arrival. the governor has declared a state of emergency and we ll keep you updated as the status of all the patients being treated for to you. abby: thank you so much. trades are we want to bring governor mike huckabee, gop presidential candidate, fox news contributor to help make sense of all of this. from the gubernatorial level, handling something like this, do you think the governor of virginia handle this effectively and responsibly yesterday, terry mcauliffe? well, i think he did in the sense that he marshaled an essential level of assets into charlottesville. but what happened there is such a crazy and unfortunate display of a violent, where people took their emotions and their passion and he turned it down to their face. that is just never way that we will resolve any conflict to our issues. the person who drove the car, that is a simple murder. there s nothing you can do other than condemn that kind of action. it s one thing to have passionate release but when it results in trying to hurt or even kill other people, whether it is slaughtering a group of congressmen on a ball field or driving a car into a crowd of people, that is not politics. that is not america. it is evil, sinful, disgusting behavior. trained to defend the president should have called the weather was. the car driving into people, injuring a dozen people, killing one person, should he come out and call it domestic terrorism? the first one out of the gate to call something for what it is, and some people criticizing him for that. do you think he should ve called the otherwise? well, at the time when he spoke, he was very clear in condemning what happened and he denounced it. i don t know what else he could do. at the time we didn t know the name of the person. we didn t know what that person was about. nobody knew. it was smart not to jump to a conclusion. we would have condemned him for that. here is the fact. no wonder what donald trump says, people will condemn his every word, every action. we have to kind of dismiss that. did he condemn what happened? yes, he did. nothing will ever satisfy the trumpeters and there are about within the republican party who jumped on him as well. no more responsible let me be clear. donald trump is no more responsible for charlottesville than barack obama was personally responsible for baltimore and ferguson. trained to do media make the headlines about president trump when he came up immediately. we will play a clip from the president, what he had to say early on coming out strong against it. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. it s been going on for a long time in our country. not donald trump, not barack obama. it has been going on for a long, long time. it has no place in america. what is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order in the protection of innocent lives. above all else, we must remember this truth. no matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are all americans first. we love our country and. we love our god, we love our flag. we are proud of our country. we are proud of who we are. pete: he s making a unity case through america first and same both sides are to blame. what about these agitators, so-called anti-fascists smashing and beating people since the beginning of his administration? you know, the best and go to this type of horrific and violent either his people would respect other people. nobody is better than someone else. i ve been so adamant in saying i hate white supremacy. i loathe it. i think it s evil because it elevates the notion that one person is better than another. i don t believe that. i believe that the two since doctrine of our country and my faith as a christian is we are all created equal with certain unalienable rights. to elevate one person above another, whether a person s philosophy or color, their position religiously, i just think it is anti-god and anti-american. pete: do you think it is detrimental to the united states that it hurts our country come the tears us apart when we have these groups. yesterday at orrin hatch, republican from the time said we should call it evil by its name. i m rather didn t give this name fighting hitler to coat unchallenged at home. do you think president trump sees that as a threat? i agree with the senator in the sense that his brother did not give his life so we would have not see them in america. he did give his life so people could be freed, even to the. when the idiocy and stupidity and hatred turned them into hurting other people, absolutely we have not just a right, but a responsibility to say you can believe things, but she cannot act on them or heard other people or inflict your views on other people. that is true no matter what a person s point of view is. that makes america such a unique place that we welcome diversity in views and opinions, but we don t balk on people taking those views and turning them into violence in trying to win the argument by killing, maiming or terrorizing another point of view. that is what is absolutely unacceptable. abby: made a good point earlier. the president is hit from all sides. he could say whether it s north korea, what happened yesterday at. in his speech yesterday, you said a lot of what you are saying this morning about this country is about god, flat, america, who we are. he got criticized for that. there were some people pointing to die. how do you respond? is donald trump has suddenly jumped on marine one on the helicopter down to charlottesville, walked into the jail where the young man was being held and shot him between the eyes, i guarantee you people said he didn t use the right caliber bullet. let s just be clear. they are our rational in this country and i say irrational but since this is. they cannot get over the fact he is president of matter what the man says or does. they will find a way of two twisted in some way to say it should ve been done differently. donald trump was explicitly clear in condemning what happened and the fact was he will never satisfy those who hate his every word. the irony of all of this when he s talking about hate, cannot look in the mirror and see the hatred of donald trump hopes to field this division in the country of that it s not helpful, not healthy. we are free to argue with each other in debate. that is great. we are not free to be crazy, rational, turn it into a violence industry and terrorize other people. which is why the ultimate irony in the fascist manner shut other people from talking than exercising their first amendment right. mike huckabee, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. traded abby: and at most 13 gang member one of the fbi s most wanted is behind bars. walter gomez was arrested in virginia after a four year manhunt. he will be extradited to new jersey where he faces several charges including the brutal killing of the gang member in 2011. the rest just weeks after president trump vowed to take on the deadly gang terrorizing america. i ran voting just hours ago on its ballistic missile program. some parliament members chanting death to america during that vote. the sanctions on the number one state sponsor of terror claims it is not breaking the term of president obama s controversial iran nuclear deal. president trump follow it through another campaign promise by making sure veterans get the medical care they want and deserve. commander achieve seeing a doctor of their choice, even outside of the government system. marine corps veteran and conservative veteran dan caldwell was that the bill signing in bill signing and he joined us earlier to talk about it. every battery needs to have the ability to get private sector if they want and that is something president trump supports and secretary shulkin support and they are working hard to ensure that happens. abby: would give veteran access to two dozen facilities for their medical care. this is a story that should be a headline today. such a big deal. pete: doing some difficult but tanks. goodness. it was just a headline. president trump taking senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and other establishment republicans to task working at a snails pace. is the president and nick kosir to draining the swamp? rosie o donnell takes it upon herself to apologize to north korea. icon mr. kim jong un? anyways, our president is a. don t listen to them. we don t. clayton: scottdale has an offer for her. for her. how about a one-way ticket toe . pyongyang? walter? hmm? is that the rest of our food? what? no. how come you have cheese in your beard? because switching to geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance. oh! ok. geico. because saving 15% or more on car insurance is always a great answer. whoa! gross! we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you re pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. pete: welcome back. president trump continuing to slam mitch mcconnell suggesting he resign if he can get the agenda through the senate appeared among the critiques, and in the senate filibuster. are we any closer to draining the swamp? erick erickson, thank you for joining us this morning. what we teach her take on this, and senator mitch mcconnell said to have excessive expert patient but i don t think so after seven years of healing were peeling replace. why not done? he s taking it hard to mitch mcconnell. you should. when he structured the deal over pommel carob, they do need to worry about the filibuster. by the way, democrats and conduct these expanded obamacare so does mitch mcconnell even have an interest in repealing, given what it might do? i don t believe he does and i don t think he was ever serious about trying to repeal it. every time they ve done that, they moved the goalpost. we gave them out. then give us the white house the white house. and then they still can t do it. pete: you brought up a great point about the filibuster and something a lot of americans haven t thought about. tell us what your thought is on that. repeal of the filibuster is the last conservatives have to stop the expansion. government ever rules itself back. the only thing that prevents it from escalating quickly as the filibuster. it s never used by the left to stop repeal of government. it s always used by conservatives. if you get rid of the filibuster, all you ll see is a lot of bad policy. frankly, you ve got two parties in washington. the competent party, the party and they get together and do something evil and recall of bipartisanship that the rest of the public is screwed by it. you want to prevent congress from doing as much as possible and it the latest stop from passing bad laws. pete: you disagree with the president we should give her the filibuster? absolutely. obamacare were structured to be repealed by 51 votes in mitch mcconnell couldn t get republicans to do that. clayton: here is another trump tweet. he says mitch, get back to work in the repeal and replace cuts infrastructure bill on my desk for signing. you can do it. it s not that simple and i don t know that we can do it. everything in the senate allegedly is more complicated than you and i know. it s funny how the senators say these things and we don t understand the process. there is no will to get things done. drain for republicans control everything at this stage. get it done. erick erickson, great to see you. another football star taking a page from callan kaepernick by not standing during the national anthem. the protest working average this morning. father john said ehrlich did leaders could learn a lot about good and evil from the bible. he joins us on the couch next. holy, holy, holy, holy yarn high on what really matters. marie callender s. it s time to savor. a used car, truck, suv. that s smart. truecar can help. it s great for finding a new car, but you already knew that. it s also great for finding the perfect used car. you ll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. so, no matter what you re looking for. there it is. this is how buying a used car should be. this is truecar. the toothpaste that helps new parodontax. prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. for years, centurylink has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it s out of reach. why promise something you can t deliver? comcast business is different. we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. we do business where you do business. pete: welcome back. time for your news on the numbers. two days left until the republican primary. fill an empty seat in alabama. senator luther strange, representative mel brooks and chief justice roy moore will face on tuesday. next up, $30,982 is how much money the government spent studying my parents let their kids drink soda. researchers hope this study will help them understand different parenting techniques. finally, $430 million. the new jack up for the powerball after no one won last night. the next drying on wednesday. abby, pete. abby: when it comes to work on our next guest points next guest point that our elected leaders can learn a lot about good and evil from the bible. fox news religion contributor, father. admission to what happened, questions of good and evil, war or peace. if you re the president of the united states, where do you draw that discernment necessary to make such a difficult decision? we are talking about this because we as leaders in the white house and congress who would say i m a christian. and therefore they are going to use the bible as a guide. that is a very good thing. you can t just plop a verse out of the bible and say this justifies what i m going to do. i think the most famous passage in the whole bible i m not going to quiz, do not kill. that would be my guess. how about this. do not kill. the old testament, of course jesus in the new testament reiterated not. but sometimes a civil government has a responsibility to defend its people against an unjust aggressor. it comes down to how do i decide. of a soldier to fight on behalf of your country different than committing murder at home. in the income of the only just war is a war of self-defense. what do i mean by that? life is so precious that no political leader has the right to say i m going to kill you when you re not in danger of being killed. of course in many wars we study today there is an unjust aggressor going after us and the only way to stop them is by using force. it takes a lot of wisdom to say, for example in the case of north korea, do i just take somebody out? where is the bible that says do not kill? what do we do? using violence, using force is the last resort. sometimes it might be necessary, but also a leader has to take into consideration, is this going to work? in iraq we see their consequences using force. abby: reminder of how we know that. this is romans chapter 13. but every person be subject to the governing authorities and do what is good and you ll receive approval for he is god surveyed, but if you do rock cannot be afraid for he does not bear the sword in vain. an avenger who carries out cause wrath of the wrongdoer. pastor jefferson, a friend of mine used romans 13 to say that president trump has the divine authority to be able to take out kim jong sub one for example in north korea. we had a debate earlier this week on fox and friends and i said one thing is having the authority by god to protect her people. but you also have the responsibility and this takes wisdom to decide the best thing to do. one thing is to have the authority to make potable decisions. another is the obligation the obligation to make sure you re making the right decisions. sometimes taking out even a dictator doing evil might not be the wisest thing. what are the consequences? i can tell president trump what to do there. the decision of a political leader. all of us need biblical principles to make those right judgments. trained to one of the best phrase i heard was giving the wisdom to see what is right and the courage to do it. it could be pushed in the wrong direction. that s right. what did solomon pray for? ask anything of me. he prayed with them. he prayed for wisdom because being a political leader is not easy. a lot of people here today in hearing your messages. a tumultuous time. great to have you with us this morning. coming up, call it what it is entered the mainstream media name for the violent rioters in charlottesville. pete: north korea tells again we are sorry for donald trump. hello, [inaudible] our president is a. don t listen to him. we don t. pete: it gets worse every time i hear it. he offers to send her a one-way ticket to pyongyang. after this. no. with claim rateguard your rates won t go up just because of a claim. i totally could ve - no! switching to allstate is worth it. at planters, we put fresh roawhich has its, guys, know anything about this missing inventory? 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[inaudible conversations] pete: or musical interpreter this morning. clayton: i ll do whatever i can for you. abby: welcome back. the most obvious thing ever. since there is headlined followed this morning. now speeding up its plans to remove confederate ratchets after the violence in charlottesville, virginia yesterday. keeping action to relocate the confederate statue could we thoroughly examined this issue and heard from many of our citizens. the statute and federal john hunt virginia senator said on the lawn of a former courthouse. a new visitor center. the first major protest out of the southern border marching against president trump s plans to build a wall. those protesters crossing the southern most part with the $2 billion border wall from from being built along the rio grande river 60 miles from the border wall spending budget is currently waiting for the senate s approval. another football star taking a page out of: kaepernick splay but are not seeing for the national anthem. seen sitting with add-on and while the infamous sunday for yesterday s game against arizona cardinals. publicly backed the antics as they sat out the season. making rosie o donnell and author or she will likely refuse after she made this video apologizing to kim jong sub one. anyway, so, our president is a moron. don t listen to them. we don t. abby, that video. pete: let s get out to adam klotz. he and i haven t some solar eclipse discussions. yeah, we were. that is going to be not just this upcoming monday, but the following monday to find out what the forecast to be across the country for that particular event. we are seeing a ton of rain piling up in the center of the country. we see that really fire up in the heart of the country where we get the best chance to see severe weather today. everything in the yellow from portions of north texas stretching to the north are areas where we could be some severe weather with damaging winds, large hail, and isolated tornado before the day is over. another big event, tropical depression made across will become a tropical storm a little bit later today. this is moving north, northwest at 15 miles an hour. he will eventually push you off in the united states. and if they change a little bit, and they would be paying very close attention to. all is well, things looking beautiful out there for sunday in new york city. maybe get a chance to get outside and enjoy this a little later. abby: is beautiful out now. thank you, adam. what does this look like? a bunch of writers? a different name for them is anti-racist counter protesters. you know how some parents are about sending their kids to college. what is that shirt? [inaudible] because he cannot we are moving you hear and hear it. our next guest says those parents need to learn. mike and i are both veterans, both served in the navy. i do outrank my husband, not just being in the military, but at home. she thinks she s the boss. she only had me by one grade. we bought our first home together in 2010. his family had used another insurance product but i was like well i ve had usaa for a while, why don t we call and check the rates? it was an instant savings and i should ve changed a long time ago. there s no point in looking elsewhere really. we re the tenneys and we re usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today. (hard exhalation) honey? can we do this tomorrow? 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(flourish spray noise) share the joy. abby: datacenter you don t see very often. a party in the sixth avenue. good one to all of you. back with quick headlines. this american patriot does the right thing is that we have been an american flag after high winds knock it down. a homeowner surveillance with the continuous attempt at getting it just right. finally decided to stick it in the ground in the air. good for him. the army veteran gets a standing ovation during his major league baseball debut for the toronto blue jays pitchers striking out three batters rallying to ever play professional baseball. you will be soon a platoon leader. they called extremists on the right racist white supremacists. surely many of them are. when it comes to writers on the left, and much nicer label for them. anti-racist counter protesters. thunder kerry sheffield. yesterday the president comes out and says i can than this in the strongest possible terms. hatred and bigotry on both sides. and racial animus as well. these are white supremacists who started the conflict release yesterday. he s absolutely right as well. this is on all sides and that is the uncomfortable truth. you can tell yourself a comfortable life for an uncomfortable truth. and tivo, but claims matter are violent. they are putting professors in the hospital. a republican elected official in the hospital discerning college campuses, et cetera. this is violent and you got to call it what it is. when president trump says we are all americans here. by not pointing out one group in saying both are to blame. the media same left divide. it s interesting because some people you should use the label the way he wants the label of radicalism and terrorism. color white nationalism. these are the jv squad. radical islamic terrorists over countries. they are creating a caliphate. this is apples and oranges and is totally wrong. not to mention when they are condemning the right. it is getting attention for a president trump is doing is brilliant. he s bringing together, exactly what she said. pete: it feels like critics in the media are bringing them together. it is some sort of a dog whistle. as if the american flag is the new confederate flag. why did they jump straight to that is a point of recognizing the fact he was elected because people love their country. economic, socially, culturally, whatever it is. it s not racism. it s americanism. absolutely. you put people as americans first. he explicitly condemned racism. nobody in the liberal media is acknowledging he condemns racism. vb these liberals are experts at white supremacy. i m not. he put in race as a sikh who is the governor sought carolina toured the confederate flag, his hud secretary the most accomplished brilliant black surgeon in american history. i could go on as sec chairman, indian-american, immigrant, asian women. i don t understand how that s working. pete: there are plenty of double standards. emphasis on multiculturalism. they divide us by groups. with every days, as opposed to saying we are all american, the ideal of ideas and who you are as a race or class is always secondary to be an american. i feel like that point it s medicinenet is that people are carrying their torsos. nationalism means we have a country, not a series of people that happen to live together. these with tiki torches are rejecting our constitution. we are to form a more perfect union. we have an inalienable right that all men and women are created equal. white supremacists are rejecting their anti-american. they don t understand our founding fathers and mothers. this is what the left understands. my liberal friends hate it when i call out what call out but not theism is. it is national socialism. that is the actual name. that is the expansive government pete: there s a whole book about its collectivism versus individualism. many of anti-fascists calling them anti-fascists that they are being fascist and shutting down speech, it s emblematic. on the french county s tiki torch men and some women are the same. two sides of the same point. one of the most important stories yesterday but it was also probably the least reported. making sure veterans get the care they deserve. you will hear from one vet who was in the room just ahead. some parents are, how they concerned are about getting their kids to college. haley deftly moving company. we are moving you here. here and also here. trade to hear right in the heart. these parents need to learn to let go and stop being helicopter parents. copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. i say, i ll go my own way with anoro. go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won t replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. go your own way get your first prescription free at pete: 10 minutes and thought it up on the east coast. secure to ramping up around trump tower at the president returns to the big apple for the first time since his inauguration. n.y.p.d. expecting protesters to visit with the president will hold meaning since the white house is currently being renovated. how long the president will be in new york has not been announced. president trump s approval rating on the rise after strong words against north korea. according to rasmussen and the most accurate set of polls, the president is now 45% approval after threatening fire and fury over north korea s nuclear missile threat. the same poll had them at 39% just days before. a canadian pastor has finally returned home. landing in ontario after the government released 10 unfixed bail. he had been serving a life sentence of hard labor to use religion to destroy the government. we are going outside to clayton and abby. my producers are keeping in touch. keep you away from us. as teenagers have to fall, things like this would be happening at campuses across the country. on a come to haley and i have some paperwork. why don t you throw the went and found the bad and all that the car before they tell us. what is that shirt? kayleigh dunphy moving company. we are moving you here, here and also here. you still love it when still love that one was funny like that. i bet we could still do it. no, no, no, don t you dare pick me up. abby: i just love that show. clingy parents let go their freshman college students. tremendous nonstop or cooper lawrence to my radio talkshow host and we are in the dorm room this morning. abby: a lot nicer than my dorm room. way nicer. parents are super hovering. i was struck by this one part of this one story in newsday. parents even asking college administrators questions like who keeps track of them when they come home at night. if they don t go to class, you will call us, right? these are helicopter parents that they want to parent their child even when the child is far away. they want to still feel like they are being apparent. all the research is showing you are setting your kid up to think that you don t trust them, that they have no economy in their lives in the nets a self fulfilled prophecy when they behave that way. they act like they don t know what they re doing and they need their mommy and daddy to tell them what to do. it comes from a place of love that actually works against you. not only that, i can t maneuver my classes. to make classes. i don t know what to do. do i study, go to the assigned and they can t make decisions on their own. this is a really important time developmentally when kids have to learn how to make decisions on their own. if i had to drop a class i m it s my decision, not my parent s decision. as i get older, i need to make decisions on my own. at a helicopter parent who only want the best for their kids, but can actually be quite damaging for them. how do parents know if they are helicopter parent? if you don t recognize yourself the mail never change it. that s the big top on. if you are texting your kid the crazier college come if you keep your finger on her post at all times, know too much about their lives. you shouldn t know everything. they are entitled to some privacy, some things that are just for them. if your child is high in anxiety, you re also going to cause more anxiety. these kids not only are higher in anxiety and depression, but they do worse in school because they don t trust themselves to make the decisions in their classroom. that s a fascinating part of this study. it doesn t start when you re 18 years old and just shuttling them into the dorm room. baby due at the whole lies. truth or how do you roll it back. they ve got a new mommy to be. abby: this is making me nervous. you start when you are aware. you said your kid, i raised you well. you are super smart. i trust you to make his decisions on your own. i am here for you. you call me when you need me. abby: if you are the child, is there something they can do to address it with their parents? start being friends with kids but other parents who don t have helicopter parents busy that they can handle it on their own. find a role model that is a pure rather than your parents. i love the furry chairs. are you a helicopter parent? transfer no, i m not. other parents will come over and ask where kids are. i don t even know. they are outplayed in the forest, running around. she said no that s too far away. you are going to state school. isn t ideally better for your child? state schools are great, but the reason she didn t want her child to go was in an reason that was the proximity. transfer harvard was my safety school. abby: someone else is going to be talking about how you decorate the dorm room. yeah, because that is a big part of it. thanks for having me. clayton: stapling president trump for inciting violence days after the protest. they ll blame the president for anything and he joins us live next hour. abby: of all life here on this sunday morning. draper will continue to have people moving fences behind us. enjoy that sound. so all four of janice s kids are on four separate paths of self-discovery which occur at four different times in the afternoon, leaving a total of four minutes for her kids to eat. even though dinner time has become less strict, we remain strict as ever when it comes to our standards. made with premium cuts of 100% kosher beef, so you can feel good feeding your family, no matter what time dinner is. hebrew national. we remain strict. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. the toothpaste that helps new parodontax. prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. s ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it s fine. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. because i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. three people, including two law enforcement officers, killed during violent clashes at a white nationalist rally in virginia. police do have one man in custody right mow facing murder charges right now facing murder charges. he is 20-year-old james alex fields. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. well, look, donald trump, i thought, was very explicitly clear in condemning what happened, and the fact is he will never satisfy those who hate his every word. the world is watching as the standoff between the united states and north korea heats up. this president is recognizing the fact that the situation this north korea has gotten worse, not better, by the complete failure of diplomacy. it s time for a new message to be sent, and president trump is sending that. today is another mile zone in our work milestone in our work to transform the v.a they understand that you should have a choice in where you get your medical care. we re working night and day to insure our brave veterans are provided with world class treatment. now the administration is fighting more you. clayton: more foo fighters, for sure. love that. [laughter] peter: somebody in the control room, write that down. clayton: is there something on our staff that writes that down? we ve got a jam packed, busy show and a lot of analysis of what unfolded yesterday in virginia. a scary afternoon down there in charlottesville. abby: we want to get right to that with a fox news alert. three people, including two state troopers, are killed in an eruption of violence in virginia yesterday. clayton: white nationalists turning violent when a car plowed through a crowd of people. the fbi and the department of justice launching an investigation. peter: our own matt flynn joins us live with the very latest. good morn, matt. reporter: it is a calm, peaceful sunday here in charlottesville, hart to hard to imagine this was the seen of such violence yesterday that resulted in three people dead. we re in front of the medical complex where 20 injured people were brought. we are awaiting an update from the hospital to learn more about the status of those patient, and is we have learned that three additional men have been arrested in connection with yesterday s riots, one man charged with assault and battery. this morning the state of virginia and the entire country is mourning the loss of those two virginia state troopers. they have been identified as lieutenant h.j. cullen and trooper pilot burking bates. they were killed when their helicopter went down around 5:00 yesterday. the troopers were helping law enforcement monitor the white nationalist rally in the area, and we also have another death to report and a warning of some strong video, a 32-year-old woman was killed yesterday when a driver plowed his car into a crowd here. 20-year-old james field jr. intentionally drove his gray dodge challenger into a busy area killing that 32-year-old woman and injuring 19 others. all of this mayhem and violence began yesterday when white supremacists from all over came to protest the removal of a robert e. lee statue in a park here. protesters clashing with them, by the end of the day, three people were dead. jeff sessions has owned a federal investigation into the deadly riot, and he released a statement in part saying the racial bigotry and hatred cannot be tolerated. back to you in new york. abby: matt, thank you. hoping for a peaceful day today there in charlottesville. clayton: it s been, the reaction online immediately after this happens no matter what the president says, he responded too quickly, he didn t respond quickly enough, he didn t call it domestic terrorism, he said we should all unite but not calling out certain things. i think his statement, we ll play it for what it is and get your reaction to it. take a listen. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. on many sides. it s been going on for a long time in our country. not donald trump, not barack obama, this has been going on for a long, long time. it has no place many america. what is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives. above all else, we must remember this truth: no matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are all americans first. we love our country, we love our god, we love our flag, we re proud of our country, we re proud of who we are. peter: to the critics, i say could he have said it any stronger or were the? condemning in the strongest possible terms rather than cherry picking that racism and violence is never acceptable. he saluted the police, and then he talked about country and flag and about americanism, putting america first. yet on the left it s like, well, if you talk about nationalism or americanism, it s a dog whistle for white nationalism. we actually had governor huckabee on the program who said the headline should not be about president trump, it should be about these groups. but no matter what he said, as you said, clayton, they re going to find clay creigh it was the left and right saying he need to call white supremacists what they are, nazis, and condemn it in the strongest terms, domestic terrorism. because president trump has been swift to pete: the criticism of barack obama is he cherry picked these are the people at fault, alienating another half of the country as opposed to saying if you re plowing people with cars, not okay. but we have a first amendment in this country where people with different grievances can air them. abby: either way, we played that statement from the president. and you talk about a message of bringing this country together and uniting, that is exactly what you want to hear. we asked governor mike huckabee about that, pete, and he said no matter what the president says, he s going to be criticized. if donald trump had suddenly jumped on marine one and walked into the jail where the young man was being held and shot him between the eyes, i guarantee you there d been people who said he didn t use the right caliber bullet. can hay not look in the mirror and see that their hatred of donald trump helps to fuel this division in the country? and it s not help. it s not healthy. pete: that s right. whether it s the media or the left. and i think what listen, the only people to blame for that violence are the people who committed it. so you re not pointing fickers in the fingers in the actual action, but we re further racially divided more than ever, and when multiculturalism is the only thing, you have divided allegiances. i was taught i m an american, not a white male or a black female. i m an american who comes into a melting pot in the country and prescribes to the ideas which have never been perfect which is why we have horrors of slavery and discrimination. if we can move past those, we can see a bigger identity in america. somehow being patriotic means you re racist, and i think it s important to have these uncomfortable conversations, because that s how you do move, you come together as opposed to just pointing fingers and calling someone this or that abby: i love that you mentioned the american flag. what does that mean today? it means that no one, regard rest of your background, is better than anyone else. we should not wake up hating any other group for who they are. we re trying to digest what happened yesterday, and a lot of us at least i was surprised this is still going on in this country. i mean, it s sad. it s sad to me clayton: organized in such a way, this idea that if there s facebook groups devoted to it, you can jump online. more than half of these people came from out of state and ran car through the crowd, he was from ohio. he drove there to abby: and that was domestic terrorism, by the way, this 20-year-old that rammed his car into the protests that were going on and injured multiple people, killing one. that is as bad as it gets. pete: kerry sheffield said call it what you want, but the real focus is radical islamic terrorism, it s a threat, absolutely. not ignored, but papered over by the previous administration unwilling to call so when you point out a terrorist attack by a radical islamists, you re pointing out someone who wants to eradicate this country from the face of the earth. you can use hateful and bigoted and an unacceptable attack clayton: president obama was criticized for not using islamic terrorism, and richard fowler said this president should call this exactly what it was. he drove from ohio to wreak terror on the american people in a crowded environment. it was domestic terrorism. you can try to whitewash it pete: we re going to learn a lot more, absolutely. but the point of terrorism, we are facing a sievizational civilizational threat. listen, pounding people with a car is never acceptable, so i take your point, clayton. i m not arguing it wasn t terrorism. that isn t the big point. the media makes it about what is he calling it, what isn t he calling it. this this particular incidence, we ve got a civil discourse that doesn t work, and people have grievances. what about the fact that a lot of these guys feel like racial hiring preferences or open borders or erasing our history or racial double standards like, you know, in higher education. it s no justification for racism, but a lot of these people feel like they re being left behind in this country. just like blacks or others felt left behind in previous times. let s have that conversation so we are all americans, because that s the only nationalism that matters, is americans of every skin color. abby: yeah. look, we have freedom of speech in this country, and you compare it to places like north korea, and that s when you re grateful. but when it leads to what we saw yesterday, no one can stand by that, and it is ugly no matter where it s coming from. i don t think anyone can support any of it. there was another thing that happened yesterday and another important thing that i know you re passionate about with the v.a. and something president trump has been talking about. he said if i get in that office, i m going to do what i can to make the lives better for our veterans. we had dan caldwell who was at the signing yesterday, pete, you spoke to him, and he says it is a common sense move what the president did. take a listen to this. every veteran uses the v.a. needs to have the ability to choose to get care in the private sector if they want. and that s something that president trump supports and secretary shulkin support. they understand that if you chose to serve your country, you should have a choice in where you get your medical care. giving veterans the ability to choose where they get their health care isn t privatization. and people call it privatization because it s a poll-tested attack, it s a political talking point that ignores the reality of what choice would actually do. it s not privatization. and in many ways, it s just common sense. pete: talk about following through on a campaign promise. so many politicians for so long used the v.a. and events as a talking point, as a political prop. and president trump has said, no, i campaigned on it, and i m going to make it happen. yesterday in bedminster he signed the extension of the choice act after doing the v.a. accountability and whistleblower protection act. he has polled through. a good news story when they say he s getting nothing done. clayton: is this going to work? pete: i think this is a step, as dan said. this is not full choice, but when you have some choice, it s better than being trapped inside a system. the question will be can the house and the senate pass a larger choice bill that makes sure vets can take their health care and go wherever they want which is ultimately what the president campaigned on. abby: and get whatever doctor is best for whatever situation they re dealing with. well, hey, it s a move forward, pete. clayton: congress does get things done. abby: they do. on vacation. clayton: north korea claiming it s on standby to launch an attack on america as people on the left seem to side with the rogue nation. chris wallace is here to react to that next. pete: plus, the conservative duo taking social media by storm, but youtube is cracking down on them for supporting president trump. shocker. i do monday and silk are diamond and silk are here live to respond. i like the way he was talking, he got this swag. he got a stance about him. it s a swag! you know you feel just like a lady, and he got this. yeah. he got this. abby: steve and i interviewed them. stuffy nose? 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[applause] so if you don t want to get caught deer in the headlights, start calling for diplomacy in north korea immediately. abby: here to weigh in, fox news sunday anchor chris wallace. good to have you on this morning. good to be on. abby: we ll start with that. you ve heard from some of the democrats, that s just one example of going to the extreme here saying that the leader of north korea in some ways is sounding more rational than our own president. what do you make of that? well, look, he is not sounding irrational, he certainly is talking very tough. there are some people around the world who are concerned with that, including angela merkel, the chancellor of germany, and the chinese president xi. on the other hand, we do have to point out that we ve tried almost everything else to deal with north korea. we ve tried diplomacy, we ve tried direct talks, bill clinton sent his secretary of state, madeleine albright, there. we ve tried sanctions, one of it has worked. north korea closer to having a nuclear icbm than ever that could hit the u.s. mainland, so we ll see whether, what president trump is doing will work. pete: chris, you raise a good point. rasmussen saw president trump s approval rating jump by six points to 45% this week, yet the intelligentsia critical of certain statements he s made. is president trump more in touch with americans who feel it s about time we tried a different approach, as you talked about? i don t know that we can say we ve apiece or apologized appeases or apologized to kim jong un and the north korean regime. we certainly have tried softer methods, and they haven t worked, and now you see a president who is standing up the president to kim jong un, the head of north korea. you know, in the end it doesn t matter about polls or what anybody says, what matters is, is it going to work? abby: right. is this going to get the north koreans to stand down or not? and, obviously, there is some nervousness about the fact that we at least are talking more about a confrontation. i would point out though as somebody who s been doing this for a long time, i often think it s more interesting to watch what we do rather than what we say. the fact is we have not sent military units closer to the korean peninsula, we re not evacuating americans. there are over 100,000 of them, troops, dependents, just regular americans in south korea. we haven t started evacuating them. the chairman of the joint chiefs, joseph dunford, is on the korean peninsula in south korea visiting our allies there right now. so there s an awful lot of talk of war but, frankly, right now it doesn t look like we re headed to war right away. clayton: there s a bit of after war playing right now after to war playing right now between congress and the president. senator lindsey graham has been critical of his own party for not getting anything done on repeal and replace of obamacare. what will you talk to him about? well, we ll talk about that. we ll also, obviously, talk about the terrible events in charlottesville and about north korea. he s one of the leading voices when it comes to national security issues. mike pompeo, his first interview as director of the cia, want to talk to him about exactly how close north korea is to actually having a weapon that could strike the u.s. mainland. talk to all of them at top of the hour. abby: we look forward to that, chris. good to see you this morning. th president critics were quick to blame president trump for inciting the violence in charlottesville just moments after he strongly condemn the deadly protest. david webb says this is exactly the fight the left wants. he s up next, and he joins us live. clayton: and forget cutting in line, now kids in one school district can pay to beat the lunch crowds, just give an extra $100, and you ll move to the front of the line. pete: it s like the airport. clayton: it s like life. [laughter] (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) the joy of real cream in 15 calories per serving. enough said. reddi-wip. (flourish spray noise) share the joy. [ gasps, laughs ] you ever feel like. cliché foil characters scheming against a top insurer for no reason? nah. so, why don t we like flo? she has the name your price tool, and we want it. but why? why don t we actually do any work? why do you only own one suit? it s just the way it is, underdeveloped office character. you re right. thanks, bill. no, you re bill. i m tom. you know what? no one cares. afi sure had a lot on my mind. my 30-year marriage. .my 3-month old business. plus.what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? so i made a point to talk to my doctor. he told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. eliquis had both. .and that turned around my thinking. don t stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don t take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. abby: welcome back. about 25 minutes past the hour. quick headlines, an ms-13 and one of the fbi s most wanted is behind bars, an ill lisle immigrant illegal immigrant from honduras was arrested after a four-year manhunt. and the iranian parliament reportedly chanting death to america after voting to spend $800 million on its ballistic missile program, but iran claims it is not breaking the terms of the controversial nuclear deal. and security is ramping up around trump tower as the president prepares to return to the big apple for the first time since his inauguration. the nyps is planning for protests nypd is planning for protests while the president visits. clayton: many a strong message to america, president trump condemned the violence in charlottesville saying hate and division must stop. but are critics listening? we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. on many sides. we must love each other, respect each other and cherish our history and our future together. mr. president, how do you respond to white nationalists who say they re participating because they support you? clayton: here to react, fox news contributor and radio talk show host david webb. david, a lot to unpack here. he s being criticized for, among other things, these were the things that people criticized president obama about, calling why won t we call it islamic terrorism when there was a terrorism incident that was islamic extremism, why wouldn t president obama call it that. he s being criticized for not calling it domestic terrorism, calling it what it is. what do you make of this criticism? the criticism actually is easy to explain if you just listen to the clip that was played. the president says condemn, it has many faces, many names. what s the next question from a journalist, white nationalism. they go right for the jugular as they see it on tying it to something, alt-right, nationalism. the president had as much information as we all had, that a murderer drove a car and we know that, james alex fields into a proud of protesters. but look who was there. the president, no matter what he does, will have this alignment of white nationalists, david duke condemning him or the far left hate movement, this loosely-associated group of people that hate trump and even some republicans who find a way to take political advantage. the anti-trump, anti-american have come together, and they want to sow this discord. they want to tear the nation apart by having these fights. you know, theyton, had we let this clayton, had we let this march play out, and political speech and hate speech is protected speech. they would have marched on. we should fight, we should reject hate, but it wouldn t be this major story. but here we have a major story that that has grown, the death a young woman or a 3 2k-year-old woman, 19 others injured, and we have a big story that is not being told in its context. and the problem is no matter what trump does, if he cures cancer, there will be those on the left or the anti-trump movement who say he created it to cure it. it is ridiculous, and we as americans should, frankly, listen to what the president said. he made a very clear statement clayton: but, david and we should not listen to the narrative. clayton: david, it s not just the left. you have senators marco rubio, orrin hatch and others saying, look, we need to call this what it is, neo-naziism, fight white supremacists in this country, we need to call it what it is, and this bigotry and hate need to go. does the president need to make even his own republican party happy more vociferously and denounce this type of white racism and white extremism that we saw yesterday? will that make them happy? you know what? i don t think anybody who s anti-trump would be made happy by anything, back to my aforementionedded if he cured cancer, they d say he created it to cure it. the fact is president trump has been forceful in his statements in the past, he was yesterday, he will be in the future. and those that either don t know the man, don t know people who ever worked for him or don t know his real history, they will find a way the attack him. no matter what words he used, they will parse it. it s time to stop parsing the words and start to separate the actual discussion that needs to be had, put it in its relevant parts and attack it. david duke, the leftist, the black lives matter, the anti-trumpers, they re all loosely aligned in this attack on trump. why don t we deal with the issues as americans? we hate fascists, we don t like nazis, we don t like anyone who puts anyone in a category based on the color of their skin. we know that as americans. but look at who s pushing the narrative and trying to drive substance abuse these small camps of into these small camps of hate. we ve turned the course on racism, sexism, women s rights. look at what this country s done. how could anyone honestly come out and say that this isn t a great country and that a president who wants to support america for what she stands for is not a good idea? clayton: some good points and a much it s a very hard discussion to have this morning, david, and one we need to have this in country, i think, for all of us to come together. we appreciate you joining us, as always. thanks. good to see you, clayton. clayton: will elizabeth warren ever support president trump s big, beautiful wall? by the way, mr. president, we re never, ever going to build your stupid wall. [cheers and applause] clayton: well, guess not. [laughter] is that the winning message democrats need? and they re the conservative duo taking social media by storm, but youtube is cracking down on them for supporting president trump. diamond and silk are here live to respond to that next. i like the way he was talking yes. he got this swag. he got a stance about him. he got a swag. it s a swag when you know you feel just like a lady yeah. and he got this, he got thisi yeah. ow that we have accident forgiveness. so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight- four weeks without the car. okay, yup. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won t go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. but can also loweresterol, your body s natural coq10. qunol helps restore this heart-healthy nutrient with 3x better absorption. qunol has the #1 cardiologist recommended form of coq10 qunol, the better coq10. we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you re pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. abby: welcome back to fox & friends, turn now to some headlines we are following closely this morning starting with this one. the son of venezuela s president is vowing to take the white house with guns if president trump takes military action in the country. the socialist government has been dealing with deadly riots as it attempts to rewrite its constitution, and this as vice president pence is heading to colombia later today, his first stop of a weeklong trip to latin america that will not include venezuela. elizabeth warren claims she is not running for president, but she cannot stop slamming the president over some of his biggest promises. listen. mr. president, we re never, ever going to build your stupid wall. [cheers and applause] abby: the massachusetts senator also calling the president s travel ban a, quote, stain on america. and after a car was used to mow down violent protesters in charlottesville, virginia, yesterday somehow now it s the nra s fault. shannon process, the founder of moms demand action, tweeted the radicalization of america has been encouraged by the nra and carry laws which enable armed intimidation, hashtag charlottesville. guns were not even listed in the state s top ten causes of death back in 2016, that s according to the cdc. we re always quick to point the finger, aren t we? and what does someone do when wind blows down a flag in? this man finally decides to stick it in the ground to let it fly once again before the owner returns home. that s a patriot for you. pete: that s cool. you didn t know anybody would do that. well, here to get some reaction on the news of the day, we re going to bring in social media sensations diamond and silk. thank you for joining fox & friends weekend. it s great to have you both. abby: morning, ladies. thank you for having us. pete: of course, we need to get your thoughts on what happened in charlottesville, how the president responded to it and, of course, to how we always see the critics have responded to the president. what s your take? first of all, the president cannot be one-sided, he has to look at everything going on. that s right. when you look at the kkk which was created by the democrats and all of these oh groups, they were all spewing hate, and they were all creating violence. that s right. and all of them should be condemned and denied. period. it can t be one-sided. all of it was wrong for doing what they re doing. listen, we are a country of diversity that s right. if you don t want to live in this country, then build yourself an island and go over there. that s right. but we have to live in this country together, and people s freedom of speech has to be protected because with it s protected by the first amendment. so we didn t look at we can t look at one side, we have of to look at all sides. now 19 people are injured and a person is killed because of why? clayton: they came there to protest from all over the country, they drove to protest the removal of the robert e. lee statue there in charlottesville. where do you come down on that point, the removal of the, of these confederate statues? okay. but these confederate statues was put up by democrats, so this is what i say. if you going to take be you re going to take these statues down, put them in a museum. that s right. because we can never let the democrats forget what they did to our country this yeah. when it comes to manipulating people in order to dominate. that s right. and we ve got to also keep in mind that we are the united states, not the divided states, and we are one race, the human race. abby: it was a message to similar to what we heard from president trump yesterday. you both voted for former barack obama last election. the president s been criticized though for his speech yesterday for the fact that he should have been more critical of the white group, the white nationalist group involved in this. how do you respond to the critics out there? well, you know what? we got to look at all sides. that s right. i didn t like the white nationalists, the kkk, the neo-nazis, david duke, but i also didn t like black lives matter. you can t go shut down nobody s free speech, and you can t be in the country talking about you don t want to live with black people or minorities, so it s all wrong on all sides. all sides. can i just also make another point? we had hillary clinton saying i m going to start the resistant movement. those things are part of the problem, and it needs to be addressed. that s right. because we shouldn t be resisting the administration, the president. we should all be living in harmony and getting along. and we re going to have to agree to disagree, especially when we have a disagreement in this country. pete: you just talked about free speech, and you ve brought to light what you feel like is a cracking down on free speech on youtube. you say they have intentionally targeted your videos for demontyization meaning they re not seen as widely. tell us what you think you re facing there from youtube. well, absolutely. listen, they stopped the monetization of our videos, we don t know why. they keep saying it s not suitable for all advertisers. so now youtube is making the decisions for the advertisers instead of allowing the advertisers to make decisions for themselves based on demographics. that s right, yes. we feel like this is a discrimination, our voices are being censored. because you don t like what we say or what we speak, now i want to pull the tube from you. that s right. listen, even though youtube is a private company, it s open to the public. we had an agreement, a contractual agreement. that s right. we agreed to their terms and their conditions, and then all of a sudden because you re in good standard, but because we don t like this here, we think it s controversial, we re going to pull your monetization. that s wrong. that s wrong. first of all, we re two minorities, two black women, conservative, republican, and we are donald trump supporters, loyal supporters. that s right. for them to do that is biased, it s prejudiced, it s discrimination. clayton: so 250 brands pulled their ads from youtube earlier this year because of what they claimed were sort offed radical videos. youtube responded and was trying to go through these different channels that they thought were more extremist, and they were sort of pulling the monetization from those videos. have you heard from youtube? have you been able to appeal any of your videos to them? if you appeal a video, they send you back a little, small statement, not suitable for all advertisers that s right. they really don t have a good appeal process. the deal is our videos were monetized for the past two years. two years. now all of a sudden you want to demontize them for what? we put out a video yesterday where we were having lunch with two other patriotic americans that s right. that happened to be white, and they said that this was, it could be monetized. that s right. because it s not suitable for all advertisers. so you re telling us that all of these advertisers, none of them, want to advertise around diamond and silk s platte9 form? and even though we ve had 16 million people to view that platform be, those people are consumers that bought products and use the services too. that s right. all right. diamond and silk, your voices are heard this morning. pete: they sure are. abby: thank you for being here. clayton: still to come in our final hour, alveda king, maria bartiromo, dan bongino, all here live. abby: plus, how to turn your college dorm room from drab to absolutely fab. we ve got decorating tips that will save you time and money. ooh, i wish my dorm room looked like that. definitely didn t. 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just manage dry mouth symptoms with water, soothe, moisturize and freshen your breath, with biotène®. this has been medifacts for biotène®. pete: welcome back. politicians who are backing a minimum wage hike to $15 per hour aren t that generous with their own interns. according to an employment policies institute study, 95 percent of politicians including senate minority leader chuck schumer, senator cory booker and others pay their interns absolutely nothing. and speaking of paying up, a school? florida is accused of asking parents to cough up $100 in exchange for getting their kids a, quote, front of the line lunch pass. but junior high officials claim the orientation form was the result of a clerical error. clayton, you and i have been talking about this. that s kind of like real life. clayton: i mean, it s a reality, right? the tsa precheck, you pay an extra couple hundred bucks, go to the front of the line pete: and clear, where you can put your fingerprint and pay a abby: i had no idea that existed. no matter how old you are, you would always love the option to skip the line. clayton: special interests in washington a that s what our whole government s built around. abby: it s sad. clayton: meanwhile, breaking news. abby: ivanka trump tweeted about 37 minutes about what happened yesterday in charlottesville, she tweets this out: there should be no place many society for racism, white supremacy and neo-nazis. we must all come together as americans and be one country united, hashtag charlottesville. so immediately, my action to that was there s going to be criticism that her tweet was different from the statement we heard from her dad, president trump, yesterday. he didn t specifically point the finger at white nationalists, and a lot of the critics said this should be and nazis. she went there this morning. pete: as the president has said, she s got her own voice and a very strong one, and so a lot of people will welcome that. but i think there s others that welcome the fact the president didn t dabble into those waters, and i m sure he s condemned nazis and david cook and others on the david duke and others on all sides. there s no reason to run into people with cars or beat people over the heads with batons. that s violence, and we don t need it. clayton: so another person who s made some controversial comments is carol swain, she was on justice the ore night talking about all of this, and she says the immediate. just doesn t get the media just doesn t get it. we ll discuss. they re using white supremacy and white nationalists as terms to encompass everyone. it s interchangeable, right. the movement that i started where people who are more intellectual, that were not espousing violence, in fact, they were using social science data, fbi statistics and science to make a case, and they were saying that he were not white supremacists, that they wanted separatism, and they wanted self-determination. they felt that white was like any other group, they couldn t celebrate their own culture. at the time, i knew that only of the people that some of the people who would be attracted to the movement would also fall into the clutches of the more extreme element. but for the most part, what i warned about and called the new white nationalism was new because it was not espousing violence, it was not using racial epithets. it was saying white is like any other group. whites were being discriminated against. there was no one standing up. pete: yeah. what s very interesting about her perspective is she studied this movement decades ago before it became more prominent or visible, you might say. and while she would, of course, like all of us condemn racism, she tries to get to the bottom of from their view, how do they view themselves and what might their grievances be. abby: and, of course, it causes controversy because everyone s saying why would you even care what they re thinking? but i think it s an important point as the media always jumps to conclusions of what exactly happened to dig a little deeper, to get a better understanding of the stories they re covering. we ve been talking on this couch, i mean, when we talk about white nationalists versus white supremacists, the point she made there saying there s a difference between the two. and, pete, i think there s a lot of confusion about that. pete: what we re not confused about is anything with white in front of it only is wrong. but they re also rejecting the argument that says it s only black lives that matter. the argument is, it isn t about being black or white. from the perspective of these folks, they re saying i m being told i have white privilege. i m being told i m the one sitting in the back of the bus whereas 60 or 70 years ago it was overt racism. affirmative action policies, racial hiring prefers, open borders, erasing monuments even be they re difficult. is that s where they re coming from. and that s but that s not what president trump is saying. he s saying americanism, not white nationalism, and that means putting your country first as opposed to your racial identity. abby: yeah. pete: that s what america rejects as an ideal. we are a collection of ideas and freedom. abby: right. and not that any of us stand by or or support that, but to that professor s point pete: these are conversations we re supposed to have in a free society. abby: a coming up, we re showing you how to turn your dorm room from drab to absolutely fab. we ve got decorating tips that will save you time and money. that s up next. go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. i say, i ll go my own way with anoro. go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won t replace rescue inhalers for 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what s in that room. is there furniture that can be moved? you also want to to check the size of the belled. and, of course, also check with your roommate and see what they re going to bring, that way you re not buying extra things that you have to return. abby: the biggest thing i remember from college is trying to get a good night s sleep. your bed s going to be tiny, but how do do you make it affordable and comfortable? the good place is with this memory form mattress topper. it ll give you a nice cushy layer. we have it right down here, it s a nice 3-inch thick memory foam. then just a mattress protector to wrap that in is always a good first layer. and a bed in a bag or comforter set the set the style of the room. this is $99.99 for this swire set, so it s a nice way to set the tone. fur is a huge trend year. you see all the faux fur accessories abby: it s cozy and comfortable. when you re away from home and you re a new student, that s exactly a what you want. multitasking is key. for example, we have a garment rack back here which is really nice, and these hanging closet organizers are an amazing way to organize your clothes, you could also do towels, i know people whoo use them to organize snacks and toiletries. you don t have things accumulating in piles on the floor. other great ways, i love this storage cart that we have over here. if you take a look at this, these little carts have drawers on them. they also have adjustable tops. you can get a lot of great storage and also use it as a stand-up desk which a lot of people like to use. abby: amy, this is awesome stuff. i do want to thank bed, bath and beyond for providing a lot of this stuff. amy, thank you so much. thank you. abby: look who is hanging in to our green room? rob o neill, and he brought a dog with him, i love it! he s up next. marie callender s turkey pot pie starts with turkey covered in a rich, flavorful gravy. and a crust made from scratch. because she knows that when it s cold outside, it s good food and good company that keep you warm inside. marie callender s. it s time to savor. it s just a burst pipe, i co(laugh) it. no. with claim rateguard your rates won t go up just because of a claim. i totally could ve - no! switching to allstate is worth it. it s a highly contagious disease that can be really serious. especially for my precious new grandchild. it s whooping cough. every family member, including those around new babies, should talk to their doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. three people including two law enforcement officers killed during violent clashes at a white nationalist rally in virginia. police do have one man in custody right now, facing murder charges. he is 20-year-old james alex fields. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence, on many sides. the fact is, he will never satisfy those who hate his every word. they were all creating violence. we as americans should frankly listen to what the president said. he made a very clear statement, and we should not listen to the narrative. the world is watching, as the standoff between the united states and north korea heats up. this president is recognizing the fact that the situation in north korea has gotten worse, not better, by the complete failure of diplomacy. it is time for a new message to be sent and president trump is sending that. today s another milestone in our work to transform the va. they understand that if you chose to serve your country, you could have a choice in where you get your medical care. now the administration is fighting for you. welcome back to fox & friends on this sunday morning. fox news alert, three people have been killed including two state troopers during a violent day of protests involving white nationalists in charlottesville, virginia. and now the justice department and the fbi are investigating. that is where we find our reporter who is live for us where the victims are hospitalized in charlottesville with an update. a tragic day yesterday, what are you hearing, matt? abby, definitely tragic. it is just a calm beautiful sunday morning here, almost eerily quiet and difficult to think that this was the scene of those violent and hateful riots yesterday that left three people dead and this morning we are standing in front of the university of virginia medical complex. we have been talking with the hospital all morning, and we expect to hear an update on the 20 victims that were brought here yesterday as a result of those chaotic riots. we have also learned this morning that three additional men have been arrested. one man charged with assault and battery. and today the state of virginia and the entire country is mourning the loss of those two virginia state troopers identified as lieutenant h.j. cullen and trooper berke bates. those men were killed when their helicopter went down around 5:00 yesterday. they were helping law enforcement monitor the white nationalist rally in the area. now, we have a warning for strong video. there is another death to report, a 32-year-old woman was killed yesterday when a driver plowed his car into a crowd here. police say 20-year-old james field jr. intentionally drove his gray dodge challenger into a busy area killing that woman and injuring 19 others. his mother says she never saw it coming. i just knew he was going to a rally. i mean, you know, i try to stay out of his political views. you know, we don t you know, i don t really get too involved. attorney general jeff sessions has released a statement saying racial bigotry and hatred will not be tolerated, and he has also launched a federal investigation into yesterday s riots. back to you in new york. thank you for that update. hoping for a peaceful day today. i think we re all waking up in a lot of shock. our thoughts and prayers are with everyone that was injured including the two state troopers that were out there trying to save some lives and they end up losing their lives. heart breaking. in moments like this, you look to the president of the united states, to leadership, to make us all feel calm, no matter what the president said, whether he came out five minutes later or an hour later, it doesn t matter, the same with president obama, if he came out five minutes or an hour later, there will be criticism and praise on both sides of this. we will play president trump s sound bite from yesterday. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides. it s been going on for a long time in our country. not donald trump, not brouk not barack obama. it s been going on for a long long time. no place in america. what is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives. above all else, we must remember this truth, no matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are all americans first. we love our country. we love our god. we love our flag. we re proud of our country. we re proud of who we are. i think the president nailed it. condemning in the strongest possible terms hatred and bigotry on all sides as opposed to immediately picking a side out of the gate. he saluted the police specifically for what they did. that was even before those two officers lost their lives through an accident with the helicopter. this line to me is so important. he said we are all americans first. you hear the slogan america first. but what does that mean if you are america first? it means you are not a racial identity first. you are not a class first. you are not a gender first. you re not a sexual orientation first. you are not a country first. it is not multiculturalism first. it is america first. if we see ourselves through that lens, then it unites us as opposed to dividing us which frankly the left and others have done for so long saying no i see you as a gender or a race or a class and that creates division. we love our country. we love our god. we love our flag. we are proud of our country. that to me is a unifying message that people should be drawn to as opposed to criticize. ivanka trump took it one step further with a tweet this morning. the criticism that he was getting was that he did not actually address the white supremacy movement, the white nationalists. to your point clayton, she tweeted out this morning addressing that directly. she said there should be no place in society for racism, white supremacy and neo-nazis we must all come together as americans and be one country united. hashtag charlottesville. she took it one step further saying look, we need to point this out, that white nationalism has no place here. this idea we need a white majority in this country, white dominance, white political class which is what this group wanted when they showed up in charlottesville, that s what they stand for. then you have the extremists like this guy who drove from ohio and smashed his car into that poor woman there which was just a tragic afternoon. so there are a number of senators, republicans too, not just on the left orrin hatch and others who have come out and said we need to get rid of this type of stuff in our country, neo-naziism. you can call that out but still also listen to the grievances of young african-american males who feel like they are looked at differently by police. that discussion should still be had. just like young white men who feel like i m treated differently in this country than i feel like i should have. i ve become a second-class citizen. they tell me i have white privilege. none of that justifies racial preferences or violence at all. there s always a grievance underneath it that it s worth talking about. we should never live in a politically correct culture that we can t have a conversation. there s a reason those people were out there. some of it is outright racism and need to be condemned but a lot of it is i feel like my country is slipping away. just because i talk about white nationalism doesn t mean i m talking in code and i m a racist. these conversations need to be had. i think on the other side you have you know members of the white supremacy or nationalist movement where any group that sees themselves above anybody else, or wakes up hating someone else, that s not where anybody should be, that s not what america is about or what a patriot is. some people are wanting this fight to happen. listen to this reporter. hear what he has to say. the president no matter what he does will have this alignment white nationalists, david duke condemning him or this hate movement, this loosely associated group of people that hate trump, and even some republicans who find a way to take political advantage. the anti-trump, anti-american have come together and they want to have this discord. they want to tear the nation apart by having these fights. no matter what trump does, if he cures cancer, there will be those on the left or the anti-trump movement who said he created it to cure it. it is ridiculous and we as americans should frankly listen to what the president said. he made a very clear statement, and we should not listen to the narrative. also i think the criticism is fair, though. we were talking about it this morning. i think a lot of people would concede, you know, president trump in the past when there s been domestic terrorism was quick to come out, very fast to call it what it was, terrorism, radical islamic terrorism. because president obama wouldn t even after evidence was outright and clear when it was radical islamic terrorism. president trump has been criticized often times for coming out too quickly to call it what it is. a lot of people who support trump love that about him that he is the first one to call it what it is. when he didn t come out yesterday he didn t have all the facts either with this car that rammed down in these protests, killed one person, injuring 19 others, maybe he will come out today and call it terrorism. the definition of terrorism also includes a political or ideology angle to it, which could qualify. we will learn more about this guy. more information will be coming out today, i m sure. the president talked about unity. vice president joe biden, though, tweeting. he tweeted this, if you want unity then you don t tweet things like this, that there s only one side hashtag charlottesville. of course we condemn racism. but i feel like so much of the mainstream media misses the fact that his call was one of unity. if the american flag is the new confederate flag or it is a political symbol, we are in a really bad spot in this country. because there s nothing that the president said that was anything other than hey i m an american, every african-american i know is an american, same with hispanics came to this country, we need to love the flag and its ideals knowing our history isn t perfect. we enslaved people. that was contrary to our ideas. let s try to come together as opposed to any movement having a race in front of it, black lives matter or white nationalism, that s not helpful. right. he said many many many sides in his comments, racism, extremism on many many sides. this goes well before even barack obama, goes well throughout our history. we been talking about this morning and will continue to talk about it. more headlines. one top u.s. generals arriving moments ago in south korea amid growing tensions with the north. joseph dunford is meeting with senior officials of both the u.s. and south korean military as we speak. he also plans to visit japan and china before he leaves. also this, one of the fbi s most wanted, seen right there, is now behind bars. walter gomez an illegal immigrant from honduras was arrested in virginia without incident after a four year manhunt. he will be extradited to new jersey where he faces several charges, including the brutal killing of a former gang member back in 2011. and president trump following through on another campaign promise by making sure our veterans g et the medical care get the medical care they want and deserve. the commander-in-chief signing a 2.1 billion dollars law that allows vets to see a doctor of their choice even if they are outside of the government system. listen here. this bill will ensure that veterans continue to have the ability to see the doctor of their choice, so important. and don t have to wait or travel long distances for care. we you do a poor job for our veterans, you re fired. it s a story we should all be talking about as well today, a step forward. that s why we are. it s one of the great reasons to be on fox & friends this show has always held up veterans in va reform and a good step yesterday. absolutely. we have more to talk about, if you can believe that. your tax dollars hard at work thousands of dollars being spent to figure out why kids drink soda. i could figure that out for you. and president trump is stepping up the tough talk on kim jong-un, should the military take action as well? rob o neill is here to discuss the next steps in north korea. when you have something you love, you want to protect it. at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. with an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. legalzoom. legal help is here. grandma s. aunt stacy s. what are the reasons you care for your heart? qunol coq10 with 3x better absorption has the #1 cardiologist recommended form of coq10 to support heart health. qunol, the better coq10. badda book. that s it?. he means book direct at for the lowest price on our rooms guaranteed. plus earn free nights and instant rewards at check-in. yeah. like i said. book now at afi sure had a lot on my mind. my 30-year marriage. .my 3-month old business. plus.what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? so i 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this? should there be? there is a ground aspect to it, and we could do it. i don t think it would be like the bin laden raid for example where we re going to sneak in and just kill, capture kim jong-un. if it s not the chinese special forces that do it, it will be a big missile strike. it would be a shock and awe kind of thing. we did it before in iraq and proven we are designed to fight big military. it is not going to take very long. we won t strike first preemptively but it won t come to special forces on our side. important, intelligence, cia director on fox news sunday just moments ago, we will play it later in the show for you, he just told our own chris wallace that he is concerned that north korea is moving very quickly at an alarming rate, getting a nuclear missile capable of hitting the united states. those are his words. right. they are moving, and also we re concerned about the submarine technology that they think they have. the issue they haven t been fighting everybody and they re not aware of what we re aware of and what we can do. our anti-sub is the best in the history of the planet. if we do come to a place where we re fighting them, we will wipe everything they have out right off the bat. it is not going to be like a punch each other in the face back and forth. if anything, they got a shot off first it is up to kim jong-un whether or not his entire country gets wiped out it would be like your little brother getting a cheap shot in before you pound him. exactly. kind of like in iraq and afghanistan, we have troops in contact, they don t need to be actively engaging you but they need to be in a position where they could, when they feel threatened, you could use force. if it looks like they have moved to a spot or a submarine is in a place where they could launch, especially against the mainland, i don t think we have any choice but to wipe it out. not necessarily the entire country, but the threat. it matters how kim jong-un interprets that. china is getting what they want out of this. they don t like a lot of u.s. forces in the pacific. without them firing a shot, korea is kind of doing that there. this is a spoiled little brat that s in charge. people are afraid of him. china is getting sick of him. they are tired of him. we are out of time. interesting question about china, do they see our nuclear power subbeds subs off the island as provocation, therefore if north korea fires first, we were kind of hovering out there to begin with. we need to put a missile defense system in south korea. we are going to build it up. it would be provocation but it is because of a reaction to north korea and what they are doing wrong. china is obviously interested in that part of the world. they don t want a lot of this going on. they don t want to fight us either. it is distracting from a lot of places like north korea, china, iran, all that stuff. no shortage of business right now. thank you very much. president trump s critics blasting the 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well, first off, i mean, it s obvious. there was an unbelievable tragedy. i mean you see the pictures of that car speeding down the street and people getting hit. they are too graphic to even look at. i mean, they are really horrible, but what s really sad is that a moment that should be, you know, a collective national mourning, where everybody can put the partisan politics aside, again we re getting into this who is to blame and who is not to blame, did trump do this nonsense? and, you know, it is really pathetic. i mean, think about what happened after that alexandria shooting. every responsible conservative republican and libertarian i know said the exact same thing. although the guy who did that was a bernie sanders supporter, bernie sanders bears no responsibility for the act of a maniac. but what happened after this? you have a group of people including some journalists i might add eager to jump on this and blame this on donald trump? i mean, are you insane? what kind of response is that to a horrific thing like what happened yesterday when we should all be in mourning and asking ourselves collectively what happened. you talk about the importance of us coming together after something as horrific as this. and many members of the left criticized the president for not coming down harder on one specific group here. i can t help but think about when president barack obama was in office, and we had the black lives matter, movement, many of them turned quite violent. lives were lost. he was criticized at that point for in the coming down harder on that violence. is there a double-standard that exists today? the double-standard is so it is so big right now between the ideological left and the ideological right, and it is really the double-standard that s driving the animosity between the two. because you have people on the right that feel like no matter what they do or what they say, no matter how much they denounce violence, no matter how much they denounce racism in any form, no matter how much they denounce the harsh political rhetoric on both sides, they are still going to be blamed for the act of a maniac. yet when this happens on a left and you see actual violence on college campuses, what happens? it s conservatives actually running out and saying listen not all democrats are responsible for this. but, you know, there are some people calling for violence, black lives matter. we have had that on tape. and yet the double-standard again this driving this wedge. i think, abby, this is important, i think this is what s alienating a large swath of middle america that s not as ideological as we think. they are tired of being called racists. they want nothing to do with these people, you know that s a fabulous point and needs to be made this morning. i want to ask you a law enforcement question, dan, if i can, from your secret service background and n.y.p.d. back dround. background. when we look at these extremists, we know there will be more of these rallies from the coming weeks these people are driving across the country, from a law enforcement perspective, from a secret service perspective, how do you prevent one of these nuts from doing something like this? that s a great question. during my time in the secret service, the golden rule was this, we don t stop protests, ever, unless there s an actual threat to the president or others, as long as you are not inciting violence, you are free to say something, however abhorrent that something you say may be, but how do you prevent this kind of stuff? from a law enforcement perspective, it s all preoperative intelligence. you need good sources on the ground. you need to what we used to say kind of shape the trees in the community. if you hear some rumblings in the background that there are people whether they are from the left or from the right, that are there to cause violence, harm and criminality to other people, if that s the case, they forfeited their entire right to political activism. there is no 1st amendment right to beat up someone, ever, and someone may tell you on either side of the political aisle but intelligence matters. well said. dan, thank you very much. got it, guys, have a great weekend. yesterday we played this message from rosie o donnell to north korea. not again. hey mr. kim jong-un, i m sorry if i didn t pronounce that right. anyway, sir, our president donald is a moron. don t listen to him. we don t. this morning scott bayo has a message for her on behalf of all america. we need to stop paying attention to her in the first place. could rising tensions with north korea stall the chance of getting tax reform done in washington? maria bartiromo is here to break it all down. she s up next. your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. it s ok that everybody ignoit s fine.n i drive. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. because i don t use my cellphone when i m driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here s something else. i don t share it with mom. i don t. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don t even know about! it s awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. all right. let s bring in maria bartiromo host of sunday morning futures . her show starts in about 25 minutes right here on our channel. you have a lot to talk about. talk taxes. everything that s going on with healthcare. tensions over north korea and what its impact on sort of this domestic agenda and will it side track us in getting tax reform through and other things? we will see. the administration and congress has a lot on their plate in the next two months. super important, particularly september. north korea is an unknown. we don t know how this plays out. this is why this is one of the most dangerous situations, and you want somebody in the white house that s going to be tough with this maniac in north korea. so we will see how that plays out. we have actually got the congressman representative garrett on this morning to talk about charlottesville. that s his district. we will talk about that. but we re also going to go into the agenda. i spoke with kevin brady this weekend, the chairman of the house ways and means committee. there is a real adamant move from house republicans to get tax reform done. they have a big event on wednesday. they are going to the reagan ranch to talk about tax reform. here s what i predict. three brackets, 12%, 25%, and 35% for individuals. and then all the at the low end 0%. so we will see a change in brackets. collapsing number of brackets from 7 to 3. i expect the corporate rate to be 22% because they are doing away with the border adjustment tax. they won t be able to do president trump s 15% because they need revenue somewhere. i do think they will get rid of a lot of deductions. i think they will get this done. they have to get something on the president s desk by thanksgiving. i m sure they showed you the postcard they have going on. what s interesting about this effort on tax reform is the house working with the senate is working with the white house. it seems to be out of the gates they are going to come up with a coherent plan together that should make it more likely to pass, especially if republicans finally live up to their words maybe once. i totally agree. we need democrats in participating in some governing this year. we haven t seen that yet. do you think they will when it comes to tax reform? i agree with pete. there s a lot of common ground on tax reform. they all want to see taxes come down. the difference is the democrats want to sing this song that you are cutting taxes for the rich. they want to continue this narrative over and over again. which is not the case in the tax reform plan right now. you have to believe they will come together on something. i don t know, if they don t, they will pass a budget included in that budget they will do reconciliation and hopefully they will get the votes they need just from the republicans to pass something. you mentioned deductions. you imagine a lot of those will go away. can you give us a hint the deductions that will stay will be the mortgage deduction and charitable deduction. a lot of people give away money because they are getting a tax break on it. let s be honest. i think they will keep the charitable deduction. but everything else is on the table. i mean clayton, the bottom line is, there are a lot of deductions in the tax code right now, 72,000 pages long. do you know who benefits from them? the rich who have the lawyers the accountants and the lobbyists. if you take away the deductions you are actually increasing taxes on the rich but you won t hear that from the left. who else do you have on today? the head of the armed services committee. we will talk about what s happening in north korea and how big of a threat is this. how should we be looking at this? the north koreans are saying we re going to hit america in the middle of august. this is a real unknown. we want to see how the u.s. is preparing for it. we have that as well. you have a busy show. you have a lot to cover. [laughter] see you in 20 minutes. ? we will be watching. good to see you. thank you. the mayor of kentucky mayor jim gray tweeting this out, i m taking action to relocate the confederate statues. we have thoroughly examed this issue and heard examined this issue and heard from many of our citizens. the statues sit on the lawn of the former courthouse soon to be a new visitor s center. as president trump s promise to build a border wall gets closer to reality, the protesters have assembled. those activists in mission, texas hoping to stop the nearly 2 billion dollars in money approved by the house of representatives to start building more than 60 miles of border wall there. that money is currently waiting for senate s approval. and forget nuclear war with north korea, it is artificial intelligence that poses a greater risk to all of us. that is what tesla ceo elon musk claims in a new tweet. he says if you are not concerned about ai safety, you should be. vastly more risk than north korea, including a picture of his tweet saying that in the end the machines will win. and scott baio making rosie o donnell an offer she will likely refuse after she made this video. yes, we re going to show it again apologizing to kim jong-un. mr. kim jong-un, sorry if i didn t pronounce that right, anyway, sir, our president donald is a moron. don t listen to him. we don t. may that video rest in peace. you will never see it again. i hope not. baio tweeting this out if rosie o donnell likes kim jong-un the north korean dictator so much, how about just moving there. rosie o donnell has not responded y et. our producers just promised us at 9:39 eastern time that will be the last time we will see that video again on our show. is that a promise? it is a promise. they usually keep their promises. tune in tomorrow to find out. we also have some promises in the weather department. gorgeous here, the last couple of hours, the last hour, the sun it is getting hot out here. do you like the weather out here in new york? i talked to folks from as far away as japan and italy. we have folks from the entire country. they are enjoying this new york city weather. there are spots around the country where we are tracking heavy showers. really the ent isser of the country the center of the country is an area i m paying attention today, chance of severe weather portions of north central texas, kansas, nebraska, where we will see a potential of some severe storms. another big story out in the tropics as we speak. tropical depression 8, this will become our next tropical storm. that s going to be happening later today. here s your tropical models. not looking as of right now that this is going to make its way to shore. so that not going to be an issue for folks along the east coast. otherwise we re just out here enjoying the rest of the day. everybody say, hey. hey. i know you guys will be out here in a little bit. it is hot, but it is feeling good too. thanks, adam. still a lovely breeze, though. thank you, adam. president trump not mincing words about the violence yesterday in charlottesville. condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides. dr. martin luther king jr. once said that nonviolence resistance is the true path to freedom. his niece is here to react to the president s words. she s up next. and another football star taking a page unfortunately from the colin kaepernick play book. are we going to do this again this year for the nfl? you will find out. it s time to rethink what s possible. rethink the experience. rethink your allergy pills. flonase sensimist allergy relief uses unique mistpro technology and helps block 6 key inflammatory substances with a gentle mist. most allergy pills only block one. and 6 is greater than one. rethink your allergy relief. flonase sensimist. but can also loweresterol, your body s natural coq10. qunol helps restore this heart-healthy nutrient with 3x better absorption. qunol has the #1 cardiologist recommended form of coq10 qunol, the better coq10. having mplaque psoriasise is not always easy. it s a long-distance run. and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly 10 years. humira works inside the body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just four months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal, infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. join over 250,000 people who have chosen humira. ask about the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. humira & go. welcome back to fox & friends. sports headlines for you. another football star is taking a page unfortunately out of colin kaepernick s play book by not standing for the national anthem. oakland raiders runningback right here this is what he did last night. he sat during the national anthem with his hat on eating a banana. he has publicly backed kaepernick s antics. bryce harper, the outfielder hyperextending his knee while slipping on a west first base. he s going to undergo an mri today. that would be a big blow to the nats for sure. heck of a ballplayer. west point grad ever to play professional baseball gets a standing ovation during his mlb debut. the blue jays pitcher defeating the pirates striking out three batters. he was previously served on active duty then went to mlb, a very cool story from west point. over to you abby. very cool. good for him. president trump strongly condemning everyone involved in the violence in charlottesville, virginia yesterday. take a listen. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides. dr. martin luther king jr. once said that non-violent resistance is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom. here with her take is dr. king s niece dr. king s niece and a fox news contributor. always good to have you with us. good morning, abby and fox & friends. hi, everybody. i think most of the country is waking up feeling unsettled wondering how on earth today could we see something like what happened yesterday. your uncle always had words of wisdom, of unity, of peace during troubling times. what do you think he would say today? you know, i m also a christian evangelist and director of civil rights for the unborn, and so i d like to speak and say that racism is sin. hatred is sin. and my uncle would say today also with that beautiful quote that you ve already stated, we must learn to live together as brothers and sisters or perish as fools. finally he said i decided to stick with love because hate is too great a burden to bear. so he would encourage us to cease-fire, stop the violence, racism is just sin. and so anything that promotes my race is better than your race, when we re all human beings, one blood, acts 17:26, we have to get off that page and finally resolve the problem of racism in america. we ve got to do it. it is a similar message that we heard from president trump yesterday, just this message of unity, what we should stand for as americans, what the american flag means, you know, what the symbolism of god and patriotism. that was his message yesterday. he didn t identify one group or another. he s been criticized by a lot of people for not making this more one-sided. do you think that that s fair? i had so many texts and tweets and messages, the president should do this. the president should do that. but in serving god and serving america, he s got to speak to the hearts of everyone. that s what my dad reverend king, my uncle martin luther king jr., my grand father, we were working then to transform in the 60s, i marched and went to jail, i was blown up by the ku klux klan in our home, but we knew the goals were to transform the laws and transform the human hearts towards compassion. in order to move towards that, we have to stop the violence. the president is right about that. before we go, this all started because of possibly taking down this confederate statue. some people say it has to go down. this represents hate. but other people say look this is part of our history. it should stay there. where do you fall on that debate? i believe when nikki haley was governor and they took the flag down, the confederate flag, some things you can t just throw it away and erase it, but put it in a museum within context and say, this was at a time when we were fighting because we didn t understand that we were one human race, but now we ve got to transcend. so they belong in museums and so i believe that we re going to have to get to a win-win situation dealing with the hearts, resolving the matter and become this beloved community that i was brought up to believe for. yeah, these are tough conversations to have, but your voice is so needed this morning. let s just hope we can all find some peace from here. dr. king, good to see you today. good to see you, thank you. all right, coming up next, time for some levity. the dog days of summer are not over yet, and we are keeping your dog cool, i mean, cool with the weather, but also looking pretty cool. that s straight ahead. as moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you re pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. i have been looking forward to this segment all morning long. the dog days of summer have not come to an end just yet. how can you help your pet beat the heat? she is not joking. she s been talking about it all morning. we re glad it s here. here with some top gadgets is a veterinarian and with her are some four legged friends. thank you for having me. great way to beat the heat is to head out to the water. we have some fabulous canine models. our first model can we get a close up? she s a 6-year-old chocolate lab. she s decked out. remember that not all dogs can swim. that s true. this is a life vest. it s lightweight. it s reflective, and it floats. and just in case you need to retrieve your pet from the water, it s got a great handle. you have got to have shoes. you have to have shoes because remember if it s too hot for your feet, it s too hot for your pet s paws. i feel like they are tougher on than we are on the bottom of our feet. actually it is just like yours. these protect the paws from all terrains whether it s too hot or too cold. and then what about those sensitive eyes? that s what i want to know about. take a look at these great goggles. 100% uv protection. they are called doggles. the lenses are shatter proof and antifog. they fit about every size of head. if you don t want to put your dog in goggles, the canopy, is this another option? the canopy is great when you are trying to get shade. he s very hot. that s a good point, abby. dogs can t sweat like you and i. in order to lose heat, everybody has their mouth open. they are panting a little bit. abby this is the cooling vest. it is a great item. soak it in water for a few minutes. it keeps your dog cool for up to four hours. he seems very thrilled with this on. this is a dog that loves the water. hi, she does, yes, indeed. will she go in? i think this dog would do anything that had something to do with water. i think she s a little camera shy right now. i will get in the water. i ve got some more items to show you. how about if you are camping and you don t have gadgets like this, you are outdoors? we talked about the pet canopy. it is lightweight. you can pop it in and out of your car in a matter of minutes. right over here, to my left this is like a this is better set-up than i have. this is a pet tent. it s a portable pet house. this is pepper. come on and take little break, pepper. [laughter] look how good she is. i might take this dog home with me. it is ultra light, front porch and mesh windows. look how sweet. they have a nice little water bottle out here. remember that no matter where you go, if you re at the beach or the pool, your dog always needs a little bit of fresh water. is this a real thing too, pet sun screen? absolutely. come on. the nose, the toes, the tip of tail and the ears, spf 30. a great thing to remember the goggles? the goggles look great on you. take a look at jonathan. jonathan with his dog. this is too much. yeah, look at that. [laughter] plan ahead. you will have a great summer. and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing. .what you love. ensure. always be you. hi..and i know that we have phonaccident, so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight- four weeks without the car. okay, yup. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won t go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) the joy of real cream in 15 calories per serving. enough said. reddi-wip. (flourish spray noise) share the joy. the toothpaste that helps new parodontax. prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. twitter handing @ clayton morris. follow me on twitter. yesterday we did an amazing segment with an officer who is raising money with backpacks and hair cuts. yeah. checking this morning, $30,000 the goal was 3500; right? i checked this morning. i love it. isn t that amazing? power of our viewers on fox & friends. see ya. good morning. the justice department opens an investigation into what led to the deadly violence in charlottesville. the white house looks to rein in north korea as tensions with the rogue nation ratchet up. and will president trump keep the heat on senator mitch mcconnell to get something done on healthcare? good morning, everyone. i m maria bartiromo. welcome to sunday morning futures . one person is dead this morning, 19 others injured after a car plows into a crowd at a unite the right rally in virginia yesterday. meanwhile two state officers are dead this morning after their police chopper went down nearby. we will talk to the man who represents the people of charlottesville in washington, republican congressman tom

Honduras , Alabama , United-states , China , Platte , Bayern , Germany , Whitehouse , District-of-columbia , Massachusetts , Italy , Elon

Transcripts For MSNBCW First Look 20180104

louis burgdorf is back. after a shocking view, the trump administration spilled out in pages of a new book late last night. lawyer for trump and campaign sent a cease and desist letter to former white house strategist steve bannon. accuses him of breaching agreement with the campaign by communicating with author michael wolf about trump and his family. disclosing confidential information. and quote, making disparaging and in some cases outright defamatory statements to wolf. trump attorney, charles said that bannon s actions give rise to numerous legal glams. legal action is imminent. now the trump campaign has threatened legal action without following through multiple times before. including against the new york times and october 2016 against women accusing trump of sexual assault. bannon has not responded to the midnight developments. trying to quell further leaks cracking down on staff. siting multiple aides. staffers have been told they cannot use personal cell phones anymore. told this earlier in the terms. now being enforced. chief of staff john kelly was leading a push for a ban. jennifer jacobs, reporter who broke that story, tweeted last night. campus wide ban goes into affect on friday. stemming from exerts steve bannon the campaign chief executive in closing months and chief strategist until august accuses former colleagues of lying and betraying the country of the june 2016 trump tower meeting with donald trump, jared kushner, paul manafort. bannon said this. three guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet in the trump tower on the conference room with no lawyers. even if you thought this was not treasonous, unpatriotic or bad, i happen to think it s all of that, you should have called the fbi immediately. and quote that don junior did not walk these jumos. their path to expletive here trump goes right through medical report. donald trump responded to bannon saying steve had the honor of working in the white house and serving the country. unfortunately he squandered that privilege and turned that opportunity into a nightmare of back stabbing, harassing, leaking, lying and undermining the president. steve is not a strategist. he is an opportunityist. the president responded in a ballisticing stateme inin ining statement. he lost his mind. now that he s on his own, steve is learning that winning isn t as easy as i make it look. steve had very little to do with our historic victim. delivered by the forgotten men and women of this country. steve had everything to do with the loss of a senate seat in alabama. he doesn t represent my base. he s only in it for himself. steve pretends to be at war with the media. spent the time at the white house leaking false information to make himself seem far more important than he was. only thing he does well. rarely in a one-on-one meeting with me and only pretends to have influence to few people with no access and no clue who he helped. like me, many republicans love the united states and helping to build the country up rather than simply seeking to burn it all down. alliance broken after president trump released that statement slam accident steve bannon. mitch mcconnell posted this tweet. a gif showing the republican just smiling. there s been a feud between mitch mcconnell and bannon. bannon promised a season of war. last mcconnell mitch mcconnell sarcastically called bannon a genius for backing roy moore who lost to democratic doug jones. let s talk all about this. jonathan, good morning to you. thanks for joining us this morning. we ve discussed some of this surprising things that have come out of michael wolf s book in interview with steve bannon. did anybody out there expect what we heard? well, it s not surprise to anyone who has actually spoken to steve bannon. these are all the things he says privately. the surprise was he said it on the record. so the white house was prepared for the book to be bad. they new he had early wild west days of the white house, steve bannon was kind of inviting michael wolf into his office. michael wolf was wondering around. met with steve bannon, met with other senior officials numerous time. they knew this had happened. they sort of had been preparing for the book to be heavy on bannon s point of view. what they didn t expect was going after the president s family and to some extent the family and insinuate they were part of potentially part of a money laundering scheme. that did take them by surprise. let me ask you a question i was hearing throughout the day yesterday. why, why would steve bannon do this? he even even as he said yesterday on a breitbart radio show, he still believes trump is a great man. still supports him. why in the world would he what s his incentive? i understand he spoke on the record. what does he gain by doing all of this. you sound like one of steve bannon s allies who called me yesterday and said, why would he do this? why would he do this? maybe it was ayman. if you know the answer, you re smarter than me. this does not strike anybody close to bannon as even one dimensional chess. i can t fathom a strategy. one thing we will be reporting on axios is bannon has told friends that if trump if the russia process ends badly for trump, he would requester running in a republican primary against mike pence. he does have large visions for himself. interesting. i was hearing steve bannon with all the information he revealed yesterday and pushing the investigation this direction, hasn t spoken to robert mueller. now wondering if in fact he would be speaking to rob mueller after this coming out. absolutely. what do you make of trump s reaction to all of this. pretty fiery. and also the seize and desist letter from last night. source rss of mine said trump was in a furry yesterday. there was a free for all session where they were drafting the statement. people were throwing in ideas. trump wanted it to be this long winded dumping on steve bannon. taking legal action not only on steve bannon, but also talking about taking legal action against the author and accomplisher. i wouldn t be surprised if we see more threats of the kind that we saw or maybe a slightly different character of threat, but more threats aimed towards either michael wharf or the accomplisher. we got a lot to talk about. thanks for getting up early for us today. we do appreciate it. it s been what, a year? guys. come on. we ll talk to you again. thanks, jonathan. jonathan looks thrilled to be up at five in the morning. two new democratic senators sworn into office narrowing the already slim majority. doug jones won a anymore row race against roy moore in alabama. tina smith replaces al franken are the newest members of the senate. republicans now control a 51-49 majority. jones was escorted by his long time friend, former vice president, joe biden. and smith was escorted by her mentor, former vice president, walter monodale. mike pence showed him speaking with both of his predecessors before the ceremony. newly sworn in doug jones will be a guest on morning joe. attorney general jeff sessions has used authority to name 17 interim united states attorneys as interim. trump failed to name nominations after firing 46 obama appointees back in march. sessions had to make the appointments as current acting attorneys were nearing the limit of 300 days in office. the move gives trump another 120 days to formally submit his nominations to the senate. if trump and lawmakers do not agree on a nominee, the federal courts will step in to make another temporary appointment. source familiar with the process tells nbc news the attorneys picked include jeffrey berman. berman was tacked at interim u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york. spot previously held by someone fired by trump after refusing to resign back in march. interim u.s. attorney, berman would have to be approved. neither have said whether they would approve trump s choice. interesting political development there. still ahead, former vice president joe biden weighs in on president trump s north korea tweets. tracking the massive winter snow bringing ice up and down the east coast. full check of the forecast when we come back. this is laura. and butch. and tank. and tiny. and this is laura s mobile dog grooming palace. laura can clean up a retriever that rolled in foxtails, but she s not much on articles of organization. articles of what? so, she turned to legalzoom. they helped me out. she means we helped with her llc, trademark, and a lot of other legal stuff that s a part of running a business. so laura can get back to the dogs. would you sit still? this is laura s mobile dog grooming palace and this is where life meets legal. and sometimes, i don t eat the way i should. so, i drink boost. boost high protein nutritional drink has 15 grams of protein to help maintain muscle and 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d. save seven dollars. look in sunday s paper. hey, need fast try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. in the water, in the water you ready for this? she doesn t like it. you gotta get in there okay, okay careful not to get it in her eyes i know what a bath is. smile honey this thing is like. first kid here we go second kid you coming in mommy? ahh not a chance! by their second kid, every parent is an expert and more likely to choose luvs than first time parents. luvs with nightlockplus absorbs wetness faster than huggies snug and dry. for outstanding overnight protection at a fraction of the cost. live, learn and get luvs yesterday flakes fell in georgia, florida. produced first snow ini ta tallahassee in 28 years. blizzard warnings in effect for parts of the northeast. massachusetts calling for heavy snow. and winds up to 70-mile-per-hour along the coast. 3,000 flights have been canceled. with that. get a check on the weather with nbc meteorologist bill karins. bill, blizzard 2018 is upon us. what can we expect. already close to blizzard conditions in areas virginia beach and norfolk. snow overnight in d.c. southward through richmond. raleigh. a lot of people have school delays and cancellations. difficult morning commute. especially in mid atlantic region. huge storm. bombed out as had been advertised. not that rare of event. see the center looks like hurricane. very cleared out. lightning strikes off the coast. meaning very intense storm. the backside blue here, that s our radar. color in where the snow is falling. intense band is right along the coast. one location along the coast of delaware. five inches of snow. starting to snow isn t the jersey shore. intensifying along long island. still a lot of questions how much snow we get to washington, d.c., philly. even new york. here s the advisories. blizzard warnings continue for maine down through boston. cape cod. all of the eastern half of long island. blizzard warnings. jersey shore. down through ocean city. and all the way back through norfolk and virginia beach. raleigh. winter weather advisory. here s the snowfall prediction map. there s two elements of this storm primarily. mostly going to be a big huge windstorm. we have had many snowstorms like this before. snow is not it s more of affects more people. not really going to cause that much hardship to a lot of people besides delays in your daily activities. snowfall forecast. notice d.c., baltimore. only about an inch. maybe two inches. nuisance type stuff for you. philadelphia around two inches. new york city around 4-6 range. kind of on the edge of the heavier stuff. once you feget to purple all th way to red. the real story is going to be with winds as we go throughout the afternoon. wind will really pick up. 10:00 a.m. 30-40 range. by the time we get to afternoon, that s when we ll head up to 48 and 60-mile-per-hour winds on cape cod. that s the real big concern. once we get strong winds later today, how many people lose power because it s going to be so brutally cold behind this. people are going to have to go to shelters. can t stay in home when the temperature is zero. heavy snow near 50-mile-per-hour plus. we re talking about how dangerous those conditions become without power and people coming up with ways to have heat in homes. seeing fires breaking out when people are trying to come up for other ways. thanks, bill. the head of iran s revolutionary guard declared victory over sedition in the country. however, reports indicate that several protests, they are still ongoing. 21 people have died since the demonstrations erupted last week over economic issues that morphed into anti-government protest. president trump once again tweeted support for the protesters yesterday, such respect for the people of iran as they try to take back their corrupt government. you will see growth support from the united states at the appropriate time. yesterday, iran s ambassador to the united medications sent a letter to the security counsel and general accusing the u.s. and trump administration of inciting the protest. specifically siting the president and vice president s quote absurd tweets. former vice president joe biden is speaking out about the president s twitter habits specifically as it relates to north korea and the proclamation his nuclear butt is bigger than kim jong-un. i think it shows really poor judgment for the president to perform the way he does, particularly with tweets. not just with his tweets. words matter. i m disappointed because i think it s look. the only war that s worse than one that s intended is one that s unintended. this is not a game. this is not about his can i puff my chest out bigger than your chest. it s just not presidential. meanwhile, south korea says that the north has made contact. recently reopened cross border communication channel. although mostly a check of the system. which has been dormant for nearly two years. a statement on state run television. said we will connect with the south with a sincere and diligent attitude, adding pyongyang sincere hope that next month s olympics will be successful. still ahead. one college team throwing a national game. plus, lebron versus kyrie, prove of the potential eastern conference finals took place last night in boston. we ll give you the highlights. sports is next. welcome back. time for sports. college national championship is just four days away. according to atlanta journal constitution, president trump is planning to attend monday night s matchup between georgia and alabama in atlanta. what would be trump s second visit to georgia since taking office. appearance would follow most dishonest and corrupt media awards of the year. meanwhile, college football only undefeated game isn t playing on the title game. went and declared national champs anyway. ucf nights celebrate season with a title banner and parade at disney world. did not earn a spot in the four team college playoff. cast off 13-0 season on new year s day with peach bowl victory over auburn. only team to beat both georgia and alabama. central florida pay coaching staff like champs. set to reward $300,000 in bonuses that would have been associated with winning a national championship. switching gears for some nba action, cavaliers versus celtics. lebron versus kyrie. doesn t go well for the cavs. former star thomas returns to td garden to a standing ovation. did not play in the game. 26 foot three-pointer before the end of the first quarter. giving the celtics 11 point lead. meanwhile, kyrie irving double teamed finds a wide open slam. keeping the cavs at bay there. then in the third quarter, rebound to marcus smart. brown for the reverse dunk and a nail in the coffin there. celtics handedly defeat the cavs. take the second game in the season series. cavs have lost four out of last five games. very nice to see thomas back in boston. i still wonder who thinks they got the better end of that deal. k kyrie and the celtics on fire. i just asked ayman off camera if he could dunk and he said he could in the day and there s video of it. there s a lot of tall people that can t necessarily dunk. i don t think anyone cares about this conversation. i really don t. i think they do if we were able to produce the video. let s get a hoop in the studio. let s see it. still ahead. much more on the fall between the fallout between president trump and steve bannon after the president made explosive allegations about the presidency. plus takes on bob mueller in the russia probe lawsuit. those stories and more coming up. shawn evans: it s 6 am. 40 million americans are waking up to a gillette shave. and at our factory in boston, 1,200 workers are starting their day building on over a hundred years of heritage, craftsmanship and innovation. today we re bringing you america s number one shave at lower prices every day. putting money back in the pockets of millions of americans. as one of those workers, i m proud to bring you gillette quality for less, because nobody can beat the men and women of gillette. gillette - the best a man can get. but what i see here never ceases to amaze me: change. i see it in their eyes. it happens when people connect with nature, with culture, with each other. day after day i m the first to see change. to see people go out, and come back new. princess cruises. come back new. sail with the #1 cruise line in alaska. 7-day cruises from $599. visit welcome back, everybody. i m yasmin vossoughian alongside ayman mohyeldin and louis burgdorf. bottom of the hour. start with the top stories. a massive winter storm is moving up the east coast and making its way into the northeast this morning. as millions of people prepare for the possibility of near blizzard conditions in some parts. in the southeastern part of the country, people are cleaning up today after the system left a mix of snow, sleet and ice across that region. creating dangerous conditioning for some. very latest in the a couple of minutes. head of iran s revolutionary guard declared victory. meanwhile, iran s ambassador sent a letter to the u.n. security council and security general accusing the u.s. and trump administration of inciting the protests. and president trump has shutdown his signature commission to investigate large scale voter fraud. trump formed the commission in may after claiming without evidence that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 presidential election. commission faced widespread criticism and internal desensation over request for sensitive voter data from every state. turning back to the other top story and shocking allegations being laid out by steve bannon in a new book about the early days of the trump administration. the president now firing back at his former strategist as the rift between the two men appears to be only growing wider. nbc news peter alexander has more on the book and the bombshell the white house is now being forced to deal with. ex-employplosive new claims steve bannon insisting the 2016 trump tower meeting was treasonous and unpatriotic. noting junior, paul manafort should have called the fbi immediate immediately. i think that is a ridiculous accusation. bannon didn t join the campaign for another two months says there zero chance he didn t introduce russian guest to father. they re going to crack like an egg on national tv. first learned about the meeting a year later. trump fuming. i think furious, disgusted would probably certainly fit when you make such an outrageous claims and completely false claims act against the president. his administration and family. the president unloading in an extraordinary blistering statement. steve bannon has nothing to bo with me or my presidency. when he was fired. he not only lost his job. he lost his mind. adding steve doesn t represent my base. he s only in it for himself. president trump showerer ereed with praise shortly after departure. bannon gives credence to the special counsel probe. this is all about money laundering. noting indictment. arguing going after the president by zeroing in on some closest to him. may be strategic by bannon to demonstrate he had no part in conduct he may perceive as risky by other members of the trump team. fire and furry reportedly based on 200 interviews. many conducted in the west wing. also reignited questions about trump s view of women. reportedly calling hope hicks a piece of tail in front of her and using a vulgar expletive to describe sally yates. he was angry. feeling slighted by the obamas and celebrities that refused to perform for him. bearing the brunt. melania trump who seemed on the verge of tears. wolf claims ivanka and kushner entertained own political future. also airing dirty laundry about unusual habits and demands at the white house. reprimanding the housekeeping staff for picking up his shirt. saying if my shirt is on the floor, it s because i want it on the floor. one more colorful quote from the book. on election night, once it was clear that mr. trump would win, his son don junior told a friend his father looked like he had seen a ghost and melania was in tears and not tears of joy. yasmin. the revelations in that book is absolutely mind blowing. if my shirt is on the floor, it s meant to be on the floor. yes, there are questions whether or not some of those quotes are exactly the way they happened in terms of conversations, but the general sentiment coming out of the white house and people close to the white house is that yeah, that s a pretty accurate characterization of how things are playing out. add this to the mix, paul manafort suing bob mueller, rod rose nstein and the department. indicted on 12 counts back in o october. including conspiracy to launder money. now alleging the investigation that led to indictment is completely off from special counsel to investigate links or coordination between russian and trump campaign. the complaint states it has instead focused on manafort s unrelated decade old business in the ukraine. giving authority to pursue any matters that arose or may arise from the russian investigation exceed the scope of rosenstein s authority and give special counsel option to investigate anything. suit asks federal judge place injunction on rosenstein, mueller to restrict their authority. said the lawsuit is frivolous, but the defendant is entitled to file whatever he wants. now to ongoing feud over the documents related to the trump dossier. after speaking to rod rosenstein. republican congressman released a statement saying an agreement has been reached for the justice department to hand over documents he s been seeking related to the trump dossier. nunez also threat nened to hold spotted on capitol hill yesterday. we re told he and fbi director christopher ray met with house speaker paul ryan about the russia investigation. the meeting was at rosenstein s request. other angle around the closed door testimony. the research firm that commissioned the dossier. and accused republicans of selectively leaking parts of their testimony and called on them to instead release the full transcript. a spokesperson for chuck grassley, he released a statement saying the transcripts won t be released right no to avoid tainting the memory of other witnesses. the statement also claimed the cofounders were invited to testify in open committee hearing, but it was them that actually refused using their fifth amendment against self incrimination to negotiate a closed door interview. the committee says the invitation to testify publically remains on the table. back with us, jonathan swan. good to talk to you once again. we have been on the record saying don trump junior and jared kushner at the trump tower was treasonous. they sort of reported to the fbi at the time. what do you think this says about the russian investigation, if anything. i don t think it says anything. it s really bannon s speculation which obviously he s putting on the record now. it s hard to fathom that bannon himself would be scrutinized and brought in to see mueller and asked what he saw and what he didn t see, but these sentiments that bannon is expressing, again, this is what he s been saying privately for months. the breathtaking thing is he said it on the record in a book. jonathan, let me ask you, we ve heard a lot of allies of the president, obviously his son. we also heard former steve bannon allies, including the congressman here in new york who is going to be running or growing to compete back for his seat, but we haven t really heard from a lot of bannon allies who have rushed to his defense in the past 24 hours. does that surprise you or have you heard of any bannon allies that are expressing solidarity with him, even privately right now. there was one. the london editor went on bbc last night. not a household name in u.s. he was the first brave soul to defend steve bannon on the record. look, i have to be somewhat careful. a lot of the conversations i ve had have been off the record. what i ll say just generally, is that there is a good reason why you haven t heard those allies on the record defending him. it s because many of them thought it was, you know, level five stupidity. category five stupidity what steve bannon did yesterday. interesting. just sort of stepping out of line for bannon. they don t want to get behind him there. let s talk about manafort filing the lawsuit against rosenstein and mueller. this is a really interesting department. the jury presestice department. it is very r broad. you hear people on tv say it s mueller. it s a very narrow focused investigation. the wording is, i looked up, quote, any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation. that s basically you might as well do whatever you want, bob mueller. look another whatever you want. we ve seen in the first wave of indictments he s taken that to heart. if you look at the manafort indictment, he s gone after manafort on crimes that had nothing to do with the campaign, committed a long time before the campaign. so there s a real question. mueller is now on the fishing expedition. he may find things illegal, but had nothing to do with the campaign. you don t think manafort is left with any legs. i don t know. i m not a legal expert. i think it s a very interesting political discussion we re going to have over the next year as to how far mueller can go. we re not sure when we re going to have you back again at the 5:00 a.m. that s why we squeezed that in. i love you guys. we re lucky to have you. jonathan swan live in washington. so nice to have jonathan swan here at 5:00 a.m. love it. let s turn to business. market rally rolled over. all three indexes seeing another day of gain. including s&p closed above 2700 for the first time yesterday. joins us live from london. what helped give these stocks a boost for is second trading day of the new year. seems to be a lot to do with investor confidence even despite concerns about u.s. and north korean leaders kind of going back and forth on respective nuclear arsenal. you mentioned s&p 500 at a new high. 2700 points above that now for first time. up more than half a% yesterday. saw the same with dow jones and nasdaq. for instance, the nikkei, stock market closed highest level in 26 years. in fact the only major stock market around the world not in positive territory right now is the south korean index. kospi. now bad news for one u.s. stock that has seen negative numbers after hours trading. tesla, manufacturer of electric cars. model 3 sedan. elon musk tweeting he was expected 20,000 to be produced a month. that number was around 1,000. said the 20,000 a month will have to wait until june. confidence we re talking about has punctured the shares down 2% in after hours trading last night. talk about a very important fight over which fast food chain has the best dollar men. looks like taco bell is stepping up its game. they ve got new nacho fries launched nationwide. testing them a bit. single dollar. kind of conflict between the major fast food company. mcdonald s got a new menu out. this is becoming a war. sausages burrito. not good for new year s resolution. probably not. i ve got to be honest. i don t know if you saw this. she was google taco bell. i m a cleanse. i m starving. along the east coast. dangerous conditions with it. bill karins has the latest on where the storm is heading next. stay with us. how s your cafe au lait? oh, it s actually. sfx: (short balloon squeal) it s ver. sfx: (balloon squeals) ok can we. sfx: (balloon squeals) goodbye! oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasn t it? try lactaid, it s real milk, without that annoying lactose. good right? yeah. lactaid. the milk that doesn t mess with you. keep it comin love. if 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medicare plans. tresiba® ready welcome back, all morning we ve been tracking that winter storm making the way up the east coast. people in the northeast brace for the system and potential for near brlizzard conditions in soe parts of the country. all about cleanup today. this was the scene in savannah, georgia just yesterday. images captured by a drone. very picturesque and beautiful. you have to wonder about the conditions and street conditions must have been somewhat dangerous. sleet, freezing rain in other parts of the state created dangerous conditions with the thick layer of ice. meanwhile, neighboring south carolina, some kids today decided to take advantage of the snow. looked like a painful wipeout. some areas saw five inches of snow. yasmin is going to try to do that later this weekend. yes. the tough thing about those areas. they re not prepared for weather like this. they don t get it a lot. when they get snow like this, if whole city really shuts down. so with that, let s get a check on the weather. actually have video of ayman doing that we as well. i thought that was bill karins. you weren t here yesterday. savannah, 15th time in 120 years they ve recorded snow. once in a decade type event. currently the storm, huge storm right where my hand is located. near blizzard conditions. we re waking up to this morning. little band near the richmond area up through d.c. slick roads in this area. saw a two hour delayed opening for all government offices in washington, d.c. then as we head back to philly, snow starting to fill in a little bit now. same for new york city. jersey shore, a lot of areas reporting half mile visibility. wind gusts of 47-mile-per-hour. now the snow is pushing the eastern half of long island. that s where the heavy stuff will be through the early morning commute. 8 million people under blizzard warnings. areas of purple along the immediate coast. 35 million people under winter storm warnings. including all of new york city. that number out there close to 35 million. here s the timing of everything for you. here s the storm, the blue shows you where the snow is. notice richmond and d.c. 8:00 a.m. just about done. the worst of it is over with for you. go throughout the morning hours. heavier snow goes over long island. hartford to providence. back to boston and all out here on the islands. that s at 1:00 p.m. notice that the snow is ending at 1:00 p.m. in philadelphia. new york city looks like right around 3:00 p.m. or so. the snow is over with. by 6:00 p.m. totally done. hartford, new york and philly. snow over boston and snowing really hard up here in maine. how much snow are we talking. just about done in d.c. and baltimore. maybe an inch or less. philadelphia only about two inches. new york city notice purple line goes through brooklyn. six inches. go towards the bronx and central park. more towards 4-5 range. anywhere from 6-12 inches. the winds will be the big story there. we re going to see gusts out there up to 70-mile-per-hour. still ahead, north korea speaks out about potential talks with the south after reestablishing connections between the two countries. plus, former vice president joe biden speaks out about president trump s habit to use twitter to mock kim jong-un. you might take something for your heart. or joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brain-health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. we know life can be hectic. that s why, at xfinity, we ve been working hard to simplify your experiences with us. now, with instant text and email updates, you ll always be up to date. you can easily add premium channels, so you don t miss your favorite show. and with just a single word, find all the answers you re looking for - because getting what you need should be simple, fast, and easy. download the xfinity my account app or go online today. i m disappointed because i think it s look the only war that s worse than one that s intendsed is one that s unintended. this is not a game. this is not about can i puff my chest out bigger than your chest. it s just it s just not presidential. that was former vice president joe biden reacting to president trump s tweets regarding north korea and its leader kim jong-un, despite diplomacy with north korea is quote useless, south korea appears to be making every effort to get the north to the table for any sort of talks. joins us live, bill neely, the south korean unification ministry reporting the daily phone calls on the hotline have resumed two years after the north severed those communications. how much of a break through is this for the possibility of a resolution to this crisis? yeah, good morning, ayman, we ve now had five exchanges across the border, no question, it s a brake through, whether it will resolve a nuclear crisis is a different issue. picking up on joe biden s words matter, he s right the dialogue matters. so really on the principle that jaw, jaw, is better than war, war, it will make dialogue easier and may well prevent misunderstandings. i use that world war ii phrase overnight. prime minister shinzo abe says the security situation facing japan is the most dangerous since world war ii. he says it s because of north korea s provocations. he is promising to bolster japan s defenses and to work with the u.s. and south korea and so on. the fact of the open hotline, the two slides talk to each other at 9:00 and 4:00 every day. it s nothing of substance. it s not long ago, south korean officials were using a bullhorn, a megaphone to shoot across the border. a hotline is added a vans the words, all very nice. we ll connect with a sincere attitude, obviously, that s very different than the usual tone from pyongyang accusing the south of being a regime, president moon, obviously, he wants dialogue, he doesn t want a preemptive strike. he dislikes the tweets from donald trump. for him, this is a huge break through. one other brief point, there was talk, aymon of increased activity around a launch site t. sign says there is no sign of an imminent missile launch. bill breaks it down of the significance of the talks. then you have u.n. ambassador nikki haley saying no talks in snrk a waste of time. . so thanks for us, live in london. coming up next, much more on the explosive allegess of steve bannon and donald trump s presidency, his claims of a teesonnous meeting of the trump inner circle and intense infightth in the white house and mr. trump s former strategist. newly sworn in democratic senator doug jones joins the conversation on his arrival to washington, joe is back this morning and morning joe is moments away, everyone. re. psoriasis does that. it was tough getting out there on stage. i wanted to be clear. i wanted it to last. so i kept on fighting. i found something that worked. and keeps on working. now? they see me. see me. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you- cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. .find clear skin that can last. don t use if you re allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. never give up. see me. see me. clear skin can last. don t hold back. .ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. welcome back, everybody. before we toss it over to morning joe, let s get a look at the stories you will be hearing about in the day ahead. the winner will finally find out between the tie of the states department of elections will hold a election to determine who will decare victory if virginia s 94th district t. winner will be sworn in on wednesday. local and state federal official will discuss the playoff national championship game in atlanta later today. more than 100,000 visitors are expected for the game and related events, including president donald trump, who is reportedly playing the game. morning joe starts right now. we ll have a very good relationship as you know with steve bannon. steve has been a friend of mine for long time. i like steve a lot. steve is doing what steve thinks is the right thing. i would certainly think that going after the president s son in an absolutely outrageous and unprecedented way is probably not the best way to curry favor with anybody. it s important that he was furious when these reports first came out that bannon was quoted as saying that, that an act rat depiction? i think curious, disgusted would fit when you make such outrageous claims and completely false claims against the president, his administration and his family. for months, separate those two moments, now, president bush s legal team accuse the president s son of treasotreaso. that s the start of it. welcome, it s morning joe. it s january 4th. i m sorry i picked a day where there is so little to talk about. i guess we can talk about alabama. i few they were going to win. well, i guess that s about wait, we got a book to talk about. we also have

New-york , United-states , Pyongyang , P-yongyang-si , North-korea , Georgia , Alabama , Brooklyn , Iran , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Alaska

Transcripts For CNNW New Day 20180320

you have been talking to investigative sources on the ground about this latest package, this latest bomb. what are you hearing? the preliminary information from law enforcement is this package may have been bound for austin. so they are, of course, trying to figure out now if it is all the work of the same person. one of the things that they re doing is trying to collect remnants of this device, from this explosion that has happened overnight in schertz, and they want to know whether or not the material from this overnight blast is similar to the materials that were used in these other explosions that we ve been having in austin since march 2nd. that s one of the big focuses for investigators this morning. we re looking at live pictures now, aerial pictures of this fedex facility. you learned the package was being shipped to austin. was it coming from austin to go back to austin? that is my understanding based on preliminary information from federal sources this morning, and they have reason to believe, and it has not been explained to me yet what the reason to believe is, but pre m preliminary information shows it may have been shipped from an austin address to an austin address. if that is the case, you can imagine the amount of fear that is going to continue to raise in the city of austin which has already been a city on edge for the past couple weeks. absolutely. yesterday we were looking at the neighborhood where that trip wire device was found, being on lockdown until the afternoon as they were continuing to sweep there. in terms of that plant, is it and the neighborhood around it on lockdown at this hour that we know of? i m told that authorities are one of the main concerns that they have now is whether or not this person, this perpetrator, whoever is maybe behind the package overnight could have also shipped a number of other devices. so that is also causing fears to intensify this morning, whether or not there are other packages inside the facility that may be dangerous in some way, whether or not there may be packages on the road being delivered to other places that are dangerous in some way. that is also a major focus of investigators this morning. tony, we appreciate it. thank you. want to bring in cnn counterterrorism analyst phil mudd. this is the fifth explosive found in the austin area in a very short period of time. this one seems to be different, at least in its composition than the others. this one apparently shipped through fedex, which is different than the others, and this one also with shrapnel. so a third type of explosive. what does it tell you, if these are all connected, about the person behind this? it tells me this person s multiplying risk. you ve got to believe if this goes on, the life span of a bomber like this, if he chooses to stage operations with this rapidity, is not going to be around for long. every time he does this, he s leaving a trail. are there forensics in the device, serial numbers, fingerprints on the device. did he send it from a facility that has footage. i know there s a lot of concern in austin, i would say looking at this, every time he goes out there, he s taking more risk that somebody saw him, that there s a material in the device that the investigators can identify. one other final thing, john, if one of these devices doesn t go off, that s going to be more of a gold mine. then you have questions like fingerprints and forensics on the device itself. it s got to be concern, and we heard it from there on the scene, that more of these packages could be on route somewhere in the austin area. how do you suspect the investigation is progressing at this moment? they must have a lot of data. i looked at what you were talking about earlier, about the number of devices that might be out there. i know that s a concern. for me that s an opportunity. if they can locate one single device before it detonates, that should accelerate the investigation. the other thing is, a bomb maker like this has to leave a trail somewhere. has someone ever been in his house and seen things that are unusual. somebody like this, has he ever been now the the back yard testing devices. one of the questions you ll have here is sorting through a ton of tips on a tip line to determine if someone ever saw something over the course of time when this guy or would plan was trying to build capability that goes into a tip line. all that stuff is going on now, john. again, we re talking about five explosive devices in a short period of time. we were talking before about the unabomber, it was like 12 devices, 17 devices well over a decade here. whoever is doing this is trying to send some kind of message, phil. they are. i have not been able to discern anything about intent, looking at the variety of locations. the one interesting clue, the trip wire device we saw this week, that tells me that whoever staged that operation, whoever put the device there, didn t have a specific target in mind, maybe they had a neighborhood in mind. when you have a trip wire device, you re not looking at a specific involved, there s no race involved, no ethnicity involved. initially we had questions about whether race might be a motive. when you have a trip wire, you re trying to hit anybody that goes by. phil mudd, stick around. turning the the russia investigation. the president s lawyers met face-to-face with counsel investigators to outline the topics mueller s team would like to ask the president about. meantime, the president is shaking up his legal time, hiring a lawyer who has argued on tv that the president is the target of an elaborate fbi conspiracy. we ll bring in cnn pligolitics reporter chris cillizza. i want to start with you now on what we now see from the president of the united states and what i feel like we now know about his behavior over the weekend where all of a sudden he starts mentioning robert mueller by name, tweeting about him specifically. it follows the fact that his lawyers sat down with the special counsel and found out exactly what they wanted to know, and it feels like the president didn t like that. i think that s right. what s interesting, john, for months we ve had the private piece of this investigation which is the mueller piece, which we really it s sort of a closed box. we don t really know anything about it. every once in a while, he issues subpoenas an charges. we re fumbling in the dark there. then you have the counter, very public donald trump twitter feed. a lot is trying to marry up okay, he tweeted this, this happened. what is he reacting to and what does it tell us? remember this is a president assured by his lawyers i think poor advice assured by his lawyers, it s all going to be over soon, boss. this will be over by the end of the year, this will be over by the end of january. the truth of the matter we never suspected that was the case. none of the cnn reporting suggested this is almost going to be over. i think what you have is a president who was frustrated because he was told this thing is wrapping up. it s not. then you have someone who now understands the scope of this and what wants to be asked. one other point out there, john, we still don t really know, does the president really want to talk to bob mueller? he has said publicly and there s reporting that he wants to. if he wants to, his lawyers don t want him to. that s another source of frustration, another reason to lash out. so a lot of this is what s going on in donald trump s mind right now. what does he think based on what he was told versus what the reality is? we know he s thinking of making changes on his legal team. as we look at who has been brought in, i want to play a little bit of what we ve heard. the president intends to enjoy his television time. this attorney who he s brought in spends a lot of time on tv and is talking about ideas that the president definitely agrees with in some cases. take a listen. this is from january 21st. they tried to frame an incoming president with a false rupgs c russian conspiracy that never existed, and they knew it and plotted to ruin him as a candidate and destroy him as a president. phil mudd, he s lashed out at the fbi, the doj, talked about this conspiracy. this is the man donald trump has brought on who can go out there and be a fire for him. what s the impact there? there s no impact on the investigation. look, the investigators are going to do what they want. i see two aspects to the hiring of digenova. i don t think he s about the investigation. he s about the face of the investigation. a lot of people in this country believe in these deep state conspiracies to take out the president. this guy is going to be on tv talking about this all the time. the other thing is i think this is more about what happens after the investigation. if you get further indictments of people in the oval office, this guy is going to be on two minutes later saying, into told you there is a conspiracy against the white house. i see it now and now we have to take action to stop the conspiracy. he s about tv and the after-action. maybe learned about them through don ts because he s spending so much time with the documents. primarily documents. inside joke there. i was going to add, i do think it s really important, phil made an important point, i think a lot of what s happening here, particularly over the last 96-ish hours it s sped up, is donald trump getting ready for what comes next, that it is unlikely that this investigation sort of ends. everything is fine, like the house intelligence committee. that s an unlikely outcome. i think he would probably realize that at this point. a lot of what you see, the smearing of mueller, the attempted smearing of mueller, digenova coming out, it s prepping for something is going to happen. no one knows what that something is. the mueller investigation is going to conclude. it s likely not going to look great for the trump administration. we need to be ready for our base, we need to have a way to discredit both mueller and the findings and we need voices who are going to be able to do that. it s prepping for the postgame. this may not be about firing robert mueller even though we know the president tried to do that before. it s for what happens when mueller comes out with whatever it is that he comes out with. this is what makes congress so important here. this is what makes their role so important. will republicans stand up and say either a, don t fire robert mueller, it s a bad idea. b, let the investigation continue, and c, what this investigation has found is of merit, chris. look, this is the thing i always return to because it drives me insane when donald trump says things like witch hunt and partisan hoax. you can think donald trump collu colluded, didn t collude. this is not a witch hunt. bob mueller is the former fbi director. that s piece one. i don t think usually those people are involved in witch hunts. put that aside, whatever you think about mueller. three people who worked for donald trump in the campaign have pled guilty, including michael flynn, one of his most senior advisers, have pled guilty to lying to the fbi and are now cooperating with the investigation. paul manafort, the campaign chairm chairman, basically the campaign manager for his time is facing 300 years in prison for allegations of financial improprieties. 13 russians have been charged with a broad scale attempt to influence the 2016 election. ask yourself this, if you think this is a media-driven conspiracy, would michael flynn lie to the fbi, get caught, plead guilty, cooperate with the mueller investigation if this was a media-created witch hunt? i don t think michael flynn takes a lot of advice from what the media thinks. that s the sort of thing people have to return to. there are guilty pleas here. there are real criminal charges here. you cannot just dismiss the whole thing as sort of a partisan fishing expedition. it s not. all right. phil mudd, chris cillizza, thank you very much for being with us this morning. we ll keep our eye on the austin bombings all morning long. in the meantime, facebook is facing a huge crisis. can the social media giant restore the public s trust after the data from some 50 million users was at least being used without those users permission? we ll debate the fallout with senators from both sides of the aisle next. the fastest samsung ever demands t-mobile, the fastest network ever. right now get the new samsung galaxy s9 for half off. facebook ceo mark zuckerberg facing calls to testify before congress about how cambridge analytical accused information from 50 million users. joining me now two members of the committee, democrat amy klobuchar of minnesota and republican senator john kennedy of louisiana. thanks for being with us and being with us together. i feel like every time a democratic and republican appear together, someone earns their wings. you think mark zuckerberg should come before your committee and say what? i think he should explain to the american people how this happened, how many people were hurt and most importantly, how they re going to fix it because you just can t have 50 million americans have their private data exposed without their permission, a couple hundred thousand of them may have answered a quiz by a russian american professor that somehow facebook decided could have access to the data, and this is what s happened. i think you have a product where it has been designed without a lock or without an alarm and, big surprise, some of the bad guys have gotten in. he needs to explain that as well as the fact that we don t get support for our honest ads act which would put the social media sites on the same rules of the game as you see for print media and radio, tv ads. senator kennedy, if you re one of these 50 million users who has their information in the hands of cambridge analytical, why should you be concerned? facebook is a great company, but it s no longer a company. it s a country. that s how powerful it is. and its behavior lately has kind of been getting into the foothills of creepy. my interests are larger than cambridge analytical. i want to know to what extent, if any, those of us on facebook live in a contrived universe. created by facebook, like truman on the truman show. i want to know if facebook has been a good steward of our data. i want to talk with facebook about the bargain we struck with bargain. we know what we get. we get free access to the site. what does facebook get. finally, i want to explore how we preserve the good things about facebook and there are good things, but how we preserve the good things about facebook while thwarting the bad things, the abuse of data, the spreading of poison on the internet. of course, the problem becomes you get into first amendment issues quickly when you talk about poison. the real issue is not is poison being spread, the real issue is what is poison? one person s trash is another person s treasure. the foothills of creepy are located right near the river of sin. it s in louisiana. i m not going to get into the geographical fight there. i m thrilled you guys are together. i don t want to break up this team. senator klobuchar, has facebook been forthcoming with you? well, they have made some things to put disclaimers on political ads, but they have sent their lawyers they re lobbyists, john, that s who they sent. we think the head of the company should come we want to hear from cambridge analytical and alexander nix and the people involved with that. it s broader than this one incident. we ve been calling for them to come before us as late as last week, before this exploded, the two of us called for them to come before the committee. this is not just a place that you put cat videos on, as much as we love that or you put on your recipes. this has become a political marketplace, and just as we look at people who have put bad tomatoes on people s shopping carts, you ve got to figure out are there some rules of the road here where you ve got rules if someone says, okay, i m going to give my information to an app provider. maybe you ve got to be able to understand what that means and where that is information is going. senator klobuchar, senator kennedy says it s not necessarily about cambridge analytical. british tv overnight, an expose that was done where alexander nix seen on tv offering women showing up and paymention of some kind. do you have any concerns about that? of course i have concerns. basically the 50 million profiles that were given to them are highly valuable. i think any company would want to get those, or if a political candidate were to purchase a profile, they would have had to spend a lot more money than it appears the trump campaign did. that s one issue. the second issue is what they re doing with people s information. they re talking about sending ukrainian women over to people s houses. i mean this is bad stuff. we want to hear exactly what happened. to me that is a separate hearing from what we want to see from the broad hearing on social media. this is a separate hearing where we want to hearing from professor kogan and alexander nix and what happened with the trump campaign. senator kennedy, you were nodding up and down. do you think you should have a separate hearing? sure. it is creepy. it s not the only instance. politicians have been mining data on facebook for a long time. we can go back to president obama s campaign, certainly president trump s campaign did. other candidates as well. i am interested in cambridge analytical. i m interested in the larger issue. what s the proper role of facebook in our world today? what, if any, regulation should we ask facebook to apply? is facebook willing to solve these problems on its own or do we have to give them a judge? i d like mr. zuckerberg to come last time he sent his lawyers. i don t know what he paid them, but they did a damn good job because they didn t say anything. senator kennedy, shifting gears slightly, a lot of talk in the last few days about the status of special counsel robert mueller. what do you think would happen if the president tried to push him out? well, i think probably all hell would break loose. i zee no indication that s going to happen. i think we ought to let mr. mueller finish his investigation. i don t think the president is going to fire him. the president s lawyers said sunday night they have no intention of firing him. i think we ought to let mr. mueller finish his investigation and report to the american people and let the chips fall where they may. senator klobuchar, do you think there s a law that should be passed, four senators proposed different types of legislation to protect the special counsel. do you think that s necessary? i d like to see those laws passed so you have extra protection. but there were changes made after the saturday night massacre where nixon fired a bunch of people in the justice department. there is some protection. that protection is you can t fire him unless you have good cause. rod rosenstein is running that right now because attorney general sessions has recused himself. he said there s not good cause. he has said that under oath. you have to let the special counsel do his job and get to the end of this investigation. stop attacking him. stop attacking the fbi and let them do their jobs. trey gowdy, senator kennedy said, if you re innocent, act like it. do you feel like the president is acting like it right now? i think you have to divorce the president s words from his actions. clearly he likes to tweet, and i don t mean this as a criticism. i think the president grows anxious when he has an unexpressed thought and he likes to say everything that s on his mind. that s a long way from actually doing something and firing mr. mueller. i just don t think he ll fire him. i think mr. mueller will be allowed to complete his investigation and hopefully he ll report to the american people and say here is what i found, here is what i concluded. now we get to judge, you meaning the american people. senator kennedy, senator klobuchar, thank you for being with us. we do appreciate that you did appear together. good luck going forward. thank you very much. a just-published profile shedding new light on hope hicks s final days in the white house. what trz apologized to hope hicks for next. kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin trusted advice for life. kevin, how s your mom? life well planned. see what a raymond james financial advisor can do for you. almost $800 when we switched our auto and home insurance. with liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. hey! oh, that s my robe. is it? when you switch to liberty mutual, you could save $782 on auto and home insurance. and still get great coverage for you and your family. call for a free quote today. you could save $782 when liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance. hope hicks is said to be one of the few people in the west wing president trump trusted. she was profiled in a cover story titled what hope hicks knows. joining me the washington correspondent for new york magazine who wrote this piece. she refused to go on the record with you. you spent a lot of time with her, spoke to 30 people around her. it s a fascinating read, i have to say, especially when we get a sense of where she was in this decision to leave the white house. as you point out, she struggled with it and thought about leaving a couple times before it actually happened. so why did she stay? an interesting question, sort of the central question with hope hicks, why did she go there in the first place in 2015 and why did she stay? i think in 2015 it was a much easier choice to make. it didn t seem like that serious. nobody knew that president trump would become president trump. nobody even knew he d win the primary. she made choices to continue to be there through the most controversial political moments of our time. i think in the end it was about loyalty for her. i think that s why she stayed. people talk about loyalty with trump staffers all the time. for her, it really was, she made this agreement basically to support the president. and i think she did not feel like it would be holding up her end of the bargain if she left. he relied very heavily on her as we know. you walk through some of this in the piece that in many ways, she was his right-hand woman. she would remember details. she has near photographic memory. very deep in a lot of ways. she keeps amazing notes and john kelly, to your reporting, extraordinarily dismissive of her. how did that dynamic figure in? i don t think it worked out in the end, right. one of them is leaving the white house and another one, john kelly, is seeming to be on his last leg according to a lot of different reports. i think basically john kelly, when he came in, remember the kind of guy john kelly is. there s this 29-year-old woman with all this power who is feet from the oval office. the president relies on her more than anybody else and he can t quite make sense of her, much like he couldn tma make sense o jared and ivanka. there was apparently a lot of griping, insults, under-the-breath comments according to my sources. you suggested that corey lewandowski may be who exposed these allegations of rob porter. why would he do that? it s complex. getting rid of rob porter was twofold, a uniqway to get at jo kelly and become chief of staff which corey lewandowski certainly is, and then there s the issue of perhaps some jealousy with rob porter. corey lewandowski was rumored at least, accused of having an affair with hope hicks during the campaign. that was never confirmed and, in fact, it was denied, but not that strongly by corey lewandows lewandowski. it seemed like this was a neat way to get two different things you might want if you were corey lewandowski. an interesting tactic. he reached out to you since this was published? yes. i want to be clear. i reached out to corey lewandowski probably a dozen times trying to get him to sit for an interview with me, answer my questions. we sent him questions before the story was published. of course, he did nopt answer any of them. last night after the story was published, he contacted many e to tell me that i am a dishonest person with no facts but i already know that. that s how he feels about the article. yes. but he didn t specifically say anything i reported was untrue. he did deny that he pushed out the allegations of rob porter. we know this president is not someone who apologizes. yet you write he told her he cared about her happiness, he understood her decision and he would help her do anything she wanted to do. he said he hoped she would go make a lot of money, then the president added something else. i m sorry for everything you ve been through. that s a lot coming from president trump. it is highly unusual. if that quote did not include i hope you go make a lot of money, it would sound like a made-up quote. it would sound like something that president trump would never say. to the extent he has the capacity to care for somebody else, i think he does care for hope hicks. she is leaving this position, she s still young, as we point out. there s potential legal debt there. a lot has happened her. and legal implications as well. does she have any rezblets. that would be a question for hope hicks if he inevitably writes a book or does a big sit-down interview. but having been around her a bit, and this is new reporting, she is going to be leaving the white house by next wednesday or thursday. that s the new timeline after the publication of my story. i don t know if she has regrets. i think she tends to look at things like this was an adventure, a strange adventure which is a privileged position to have. interesting. as we look at that, who else have you heard from? anyone else from the white house? i ve heard from several people inside the white house. the reaction has been sort of a little disturbed by some of the things in this story. which things in particular? some of the stuff involving corey lewandowski, john kelly. but nobody has really pushed back on any of the actual specific points. they re not disputing it. it s fascinating. you open the piece talking about the office that hope hicks has which is essentially a broom closet, but she can hear the president from there. how there was all this jockeying among the men in the administration. and omerosa. i almost forgot that part. they had to have the office that came with the cachet, the office that came with the view. the fact that she ends up in the broom closet and doesn t care where she is, speaks to the image people have of hope hicks, she does things quietly, we rarely heard her voice. he s behind the scenes. how much of that is by her own design, that she wants that to be the image she puts forth? how much of that is who she truly is? that s one of the central questions about hope hicks. is she playing a game or is she sitting it out? it s allowing her to win it nevertheless. i don t really know the answer to that? i think it might be the latter. fascinating piece olivia. appreciate you coming in. thank you. this is cnn breaking news. we have breaking news from st. mary s county, maryland. this is on the eastern shore. the school district released a statement saying there is a school shooting at great mills high school. you can see it right there on the map. the school is on lockdown. officials say the event is contained. the sheriff s office is on the scene, and the school district says there will be more information to follow very shortly. again, this is southeast of washington, d.c. in maryland, about twro hours away from washington we re told. the school telling us there has been a school shooting. the event is contained. we do not yet know any accounts of injuries or casualties in this incident. we ll bring you much more information as it comes in. we ll be right back. we just got married. we re all under one roof now. congratulations. thank you. how many kids? 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talk to your rheumatologist about humira. this is humira at work. this is frank. sup! this is frank s favorite record. this is frank s dog. and this is frank s record shop. frank knowns northern soul, but how to set up a limited liability company. what s that mean? not so much. so he turned to his friends at legalzoom. yup! they hooked me up. we helped with his llc, contracts, and some other stuff that s part of running a business. so frank can focus on the beat. you hear that? this is frank s record shop. and this is where life meets legal. and i am a senior public safety my namspecialist for pg&e. my job is to help educate our first responders on how to deal with natural gas and electric emergencies. everyday when we go to work we want everyone to work safely and come home safely. i live right here in auburn, i absolutely love this community. once i moved here i didn t want to live anywhere else. i love that people in this community are willing to come together to make a difference for other people s lives. together, we re building a better california. we are following breaking news out of st. mary s county, maryland, where the school district is releasing a statement about a school shooting at great mills high school. the school has been put on lockdown. officials say the event is contained. the sheriff s office on the scene there. the school district says more information will be forthcoming. we are expecting a press conference at some point this morning. we do not yet have any timing on that. again, the sheriff saying the event is contained. parents understandably being asked not to come to that location. they are being sent to another nearby high school where they can get more information. that high school, so you know, if you are watching this, is the leonard town high school. parents told to head there. students will be brought there for reunification. that statement from the sheriff s office just moments ago. the other statement that the event is contained. we re waiting to hear directly from officials there. in the meantime, a cnn exclusive, tension inside the walls of facebook. top executives tell us there s mounting frustration with mark zuckerbe zuckerberg, he s been out of the spotlight since the news broke that 50 million facebook users had their information leaked. laurie segall here with more. a lot of people want to hear from mark. we, the public, want to hear from mark. i thought it was interesting from talking to sources inside, he s very involved behind the scenes, a well respected leader. but this is a moment of crisis for facebook. executives at the top level are saying we want him out in front of this. we don t want other people taking the punch for a lot of this. another thing that was really interesting that executives said to me is the challenges and the conversations happening behind closed doors at facebook about our future, these conversations about howe they deal with fake news, our data, privacy, russian influence. they re very nuanced conversations. people say it s really hard to have those conversations publicly, but executives are pushing because they say it s important to have these nuanced conversations publicly. someone said to me there are legitimate tradeoffs. if we crack down on fake news, it could potentially we look at censorship with data privacy, this will impact developers. i think there s a larger sense they want their leader out in front of this as, of course, do the press, but as does the public. they want to see from mark zuckerberg on a public level. you say he s involved behind the scenes. where is sheryl sandberg on this? one would think that would be another person that facebook could put out there. it s really interesting. someone said that they are their own brands. mark and sheryl are their own brands. mark looked around the country and did a tour. he wanted to burst his own filter bubble. there s an idea that he has his own personal communications team that s protecting him and someone really said this team is looking out for mark and not looking out for the company. now more people at the company, i think you ll see increased pressure for him to speak publicly and get in front of these issues. we just spoke to republican senator john kennedy from louisiana, democratic senator amy klobuchar. this morning they agree they want to see mark zuckerberg. has this company lost control of its narrative? congress will be involved very shortly. it s very interesting. someone said to me, if we haven t been able to tell the story, so the story is being told for us. we as journalists talk about that all the time, you need to talk, you need to say something. i think there s beginning to be an uprising for people who say, look, these are challenging questions and problems that come along with having the most powerful platforms in the world and we have to have public dialogue on what this means and what are the philosophical questions. if we don t have these conversations, we re all having them and wondering what s going on. to the point that you re both making. what you were hearing from lawmakers earlier, congressman jackie speier said we can start to talk about regulation. that s something i would imagine that facebook does not want. to laurie s point, if you re not getting out and telling your story and not letting people know where you re at and you re actually concerned, that s what s going to come your way. the problem is we see the story in distilled-down blog post, in after-the-fact facebook live posts. one thing an executive said to me, i said should there be regulation? he said we should have a conversation about a good type of regulation. there should be regulation for online advertising. we re going o the try to make our ads more transparent. that means good people will go to google or twitter. there needs to be an industry standard. we need to come together and have this discussion. we see it broken down in blog posts. laurie segall, thank you for that information about turmoil, perhaps, at least a little within facebook right now. we ll have much mosh on the school shooting in maryland. breaking news in from maryland. a school shooting in st. mary s county. much more straight ahead. americ now get gillette quality at lower prices - every day. brought to you by more than a thousand workers in boston. we re proud of giving you our best. gillette - the best a man can get. 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[vo] another way we re building better every day. we do have breaking news in st. mary s county, maryland. the school district just released a statement saying there has been a school shooting at the great mills high school. that school is on lockdown. officials say the event is contained. the fbi and sheriff s office are on the scene. the school district says there will be more information to follow. we re using very specific information here because this is exactly what we are getting, confirmation that there has been a school shooting, statement that the event is contained. this tweet moments ago from congressman steny hoyer who is from maryland. he writes, i m closely monitoring reports of an incident at great mills high school in st. mary s county. my prayers are with the students, parents and teachers. please follow insfruktructions law enforcement on the scene. it s not much. we don t have reports of any injuries yet, but the one sentence, this event has been contained. what does that mean? we re just under a month from the parkland shooting, john. obviously the big takeaway in parkland was we got away from what the methodologies in law enforcement were which was post column biem, which is we have to interdict immediately. officers on scene are to go directly to the sound of the gun. the old tactic is main what does containment mean? making sure there s no ingress or egress routes that attackers could be coming in or trying to leave. obviously finding out who did it is important, but the preeminent purpose of law enforcement is to interdict and stop the shooting. being that it is contained, let s hope that means there is nothing else happening. we don t have reports of casualties or victims. we want to make that clear, simply that it s locked down and contained. we talked about the changes since columbine. i know you know about that quite well based on your experience. but even just in terms of the changes we may or may not have seen in the last month since parkland, have there been significant changes in the way this addressed? absolutely. columbine was just under 18 years ago, so april of 1999. one of the big things we re putting out to the pub slick a proliferation of things. we have to put victims in these situations, people experiencing this in the front line, they must know this? their first option is to run. if you re not able to run away from the sound of guns, it is to hide. your last resort is to fight if you must and anybody who gets outside of that scene is to go to law enforcement and tell. any built of intelligence you can tell law enforcement helps mitigate the scene quicker. some of that intelligence comes from social media. hang on. i believe we have something from the school on the phone right now, a student, matthew taggert. can you hear me right now? that s my teacher s name. my name is jonathan. jonathan, tell me where you are right now and what s happening? i m in my math class right now when it happened. we ve been on lockdown for about 30 minutes or so. on lockdown right now inside your math class. we re looking at live pictures right now. tell me what it is that happened. it s jonathan. jonathan, tell me what it is that happened. i heard people got shot about 7:00 or so, one person supposedly dead what i heard. at first i heard someone had a gun against their head. i thought it was one person that got hurt trying to maybe get the gun, i m not really sure. pretty much mainly all i know in the moment. i m still a little shaken up. i didn t think it would really happ happen. it happened in the art hallway. that s pretty much all i know at the moment. did you hear gunshots, jonathan? i m surprised i didn t. but we re quite a bit aways from our hallway. the school is pretty close. i m surprised i didn t hear it. what are you hearing right now from school officials? what are you being told to do? right now the police are going through classrooms and checking, making sure students are safe. soon we re going to be escorted out of the school. i m not sure how long i can stay on the phone. they told us to leave our stuff in the classroom because we re going to be escorted. the police responded really quickly. we re happy about that. jonathan, is this something that you have done training for in your school? a couple times. i didn t really expect for this to happen. i do feel safe, though, because they always have police at our school, and they re ready for something like this. it s something they couldn t really prevent because they have a couple officers, but they re really well-trained officers. there could have been more casualties. i m glad there wasn t. everyone is well trained for it. have you been told that the event is over and that you are safe as far as you know at this moment? as far as this point, yes, i m safe. they had a lot of officers respond. some classrooms can see outside the school. ambulances, fire trucks, everything, everyone responded. probably five minutes i heard sirens outside the school. you and the students inside that room right now, what s this last hour been like for you? really curiosity. people are trying to find out what happened because we re closed off and we can t go anywhere. we re trying to find out on social media what happened, maybe on snapchat or something like that. spreads like wildfire. you say you re in your math class now. yes. what s your teacher been saying to you? what s the discussion? you guys are getting on social media, seeing what you can find, what s the conversation with your teacher at this point? he s really casual. he wants to make sure the students are calm. no one is really crying or anything at the moment. i know there s people traumatized. i m not sure who it happened to. hopefully they re okay or they will be okay. we re glad you have the teacher, glad you have each other right now and we re glad you are safe. it s about 9:00 in the east right now. what time do you believe that the shooting happened? 8:20, 8:15. it happened fairly quickly when cool started. what time does school start? about 8:00. it went pretty quickly. the halls are usually crowded by then. if there was someone having to respond, it s not easy to get to. again, the word you re getting is how many people are hurt? seven last time i heard. seven people hurt. at first i heard one, but we have to go because the police are right outside the door. jonathan freese, a senior at great mills high school. can you stay on the phone with us when you walk out? we lost jonathan. jonathan was in a math class. he says school starts at 8:15, the shooting happened just after that. pointing out that he believes it happened in the art hallway what he referred to as the art hallway. couldn t hear the gunshots. said he was surprised he couldn t hear the gunshots and then they went on lockdown. students getting on social media to figureout what happened. he is telling us he heard seven people injured. it sounds like he s trying to get this information as best he can, and it s not coming in particularly fast and furious. we do not know if the information he has about the seven students is the most current information or if it is, in fact, accurate. but the good news from his perspective is the incident does appear over. he s being led out of the classroom right now. by all accounts, the students who were there are safe. that s probably what officials tell us the event is contained. there s been so much discussion obviously in the last few weeks since what happened in parkland, florida, about whether or not he and his fellow students and that school there, whether they had done any training for an event like this. that s when he told us that there were

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june 12th summit between donald trump and north korean dictator kim jong-un is back on. all it took was a g, fancy letter which trump praised effusively without bothering to read it. what was your response to the letter? did you send anything back? no, i didn t. i haven t seen the letter yet. i purposefully didn t open the letter. i haven t opened it. i didn t open it in front of the director. i said would you want me to open it? he said you can read it later. i may be in for a big surprise, folks. the white house says that the trump has now read that letter and while trump was talking up his burgeoning relationship with north korea and praising chinese leader x jinping for his help, the united states imposed massive trade tariffs on imports from europe, mexico and canada. our largest trading partners and close allies. prompting outrage and threats of retaliation from our closest allies. oh, and according to the wall street journal, trump is planning another summit with russian president vladimir putin. just as a thought experiment. what would happen if the world s sole economic and military power were to alienate europe, canada and mexico and alie itself instead with china, russia and north korea? joining me now is david korn, and malcolm nance, sara kenzior and christine awn. thank you all for being here. i want to go around the table and just sort of get your take on that question, david. yeah. on the question of whether or not we re seeing a de facto realignment where the world is, you know, used to the united states sort of being a-leader if not the de facto leader of the west. now donald trump has had a break with the west and seems to prefer or want or be eager with an alignment with china, we have trade issues with, but he s very positive toward north korea, very positive toward russia. you know, it s a very serious and important question. i still can t help shaking my head at his at the big envelope and that he seems to be so easily played, that if you treat him well, as putin has done. yeah. and if you flatter him the way north korea seems to be doing. yep. he s on your side. he doesn t care if about giving a photo op to this repressive state to north korea where they use mass starvation. it s all about how they respond to him. and they seem to get this. now, our allies seem to take it for granted that you can have a reasonable, adult relationship with the president of the united states. yeah. where they re learning that s not the case. yeah. so whether it s trudeau or merkel, they want to work with you, they share values with you, democracy, economic trade and all these other things. and you are spurning us while going towards strong men, auto cats like you want to be because they flatter you and they play you. it is a very serious matter, but i think it s not strategic intent on his part. i think it s rooted in his personality disorder. yeah. malcolm, you know, there s a piece in politico right now which i recommend everybody read called headline. they talk about donald trump s deal making over the years and all of the times he s basically given away the store, the fact that he got very little for the apprentice even because he asked for a million an episode, you know, he was told you can get 50,000. okay. you know, i just want that. and i ll read a piece of it. it says that trump met in the oval office yesterday with kim the setup for this is that trump did meet in the oval office with kim yong-chol who is the vice chairman of the ruling workers party and former head of the north korean intelligence services. the rgb. so, he also met with, you know, an interpreter, mike pompeo was in there, john kelly was in there. he was escorted into the oval office by andrew kim, cia officer in charge of the spy agency s korea mission center, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. so you have donald trump who is known to give away things when he feels flattered, when he feels that people are nice to him. the saudis, uae, he s known to like sort of a personality type like duterte. and now that person let the chief spy master from north korea into the oval office, having done the same letting the russian foreign minister into the oval office. does this worry you? oh, absolutely it worries me. it s a rhetorical question. yeah. very rhetorical question. it should worry everyone. and it s not just because donald trump has opened the door to north korea. we have to make it with our strategic adversaries, even if it s russia, the way nixon did to china. it s the mechanism that it was done under and the philosophy that he believes that allows that to be opened. david and you made a very good summary. donald trump believes in autocracies he does not believe in republican democracy as it is represented or parliamentary democracy throughout europe and the united states over its entire history. he believes, and his biggest obstacle is democracy. that s why he doesn t like the investigations. that s why he doesn t like the way of governance in america. and he feels comfortable with dictators and auto cats. i just finished a new book on this, plot to destroy democracy which shows that he is in complete alignment with vladimir putin because putin has worked very hard over the last 20 years to create an axis of autocracies and donald trump was one of those people that they saw as very favorable to this global oligarchy running democratic nations and destroying the atlantic alliance, the globalist world and democracy as it s been spread since the end of the world war ii. you know, sara, to that very point, there was a lot of criticism that came from republicans about president obama, you know, doing the iran deal. there s a lot of antipathy to it. donald trump of course has now junctioned that deal. but is that deal was made in close conjunction with our western allies. it was a pan-western, european and american deal. and so it was a group approach with iran. in this case, donald trump is really going the opposite drengs, rigdreng direction, right? the people we see as our allies he is hitting them with trade sanctions and there is this clooefing toward auto cattic governments. what does that mean? you study these kinds of states. what would that mean if you had a realignment of the world where the united states was not a de facto, you know, leader of the west but was more free form? yeah. i think what everyone has said so far is exactly what we re seeing. we re seeing a global realignment that favors autocracies, that favors new alliances between autocrats and the ends of alliances like nato and nafta and the u.s. relationship with our allies, which trump is intentionally trying to sabotage. i think some of this is a personality thing. trump is a person, you know, who hates scrutiny but likes attention. that s basically the mindset of a dictator. he feels comfort nl in situations where other dictators in the u.s. often other criminals or kind of fixtures or mobsters are able to protect him in this way. in terms of his motivation behind this, though, i think you also need to follow the money. when you have an auto cattic system, when you have an alliance of dictators, it is easier to carry off these practices that trump and putin and others have been engaged in 30 years. again, you have this alliance of politics, of business, of crime, that is, you know, underneath, that s buffering this new alliance of autocrats. you want to break it down, that s the trail you should follow. i want to come to you on this. specifically for this june 12 meeting for north korea, on the one hand, every person of goodwill should want there to be some kind of a deal that ends this 17-year stalemate on the korean peninsula and hopefully improves the lives of the north korean people, but i wonder what you make of the circumstances of that meeting, donald trump, makes the meeting, then he pulls out of the meeting. he seems to be very, very eager for it and willing to give kim jong-un a lot of the status that he s been seeking in the world, the big letter and the praise in exchange for the meeting. and it s not clear just from his past that he, you know l do the homework or be the great negotiator that he says he is. given all that s on the table, can you give us some perspective on whether or not this realignment could, in its own way, help the korean people? what are we looking at here at this june 12 meeting? thanks, joy. i mean, i completely disagree with most of the other panelists. i first of all, the defense department, the pentagon, just issued a report about who are the new enemies of the united states last december. and it was china and russia, far beyond isis. so, even though president trump may be flip-flopping on who our closest allies, let s just remember that that has been the u.s. military position and we know during the obama administration that the pivot to asia meant that he would move 60% of u.s. naval and air force capacity from the the middle east and europe towards the asia pacific as an effort to kind of encircle china. we know that china, obviously, is soon going to eclipse the u.s. in terms of being the largest economy, and so we know that there s obviously an on going struggle between the u.s. and china over the south china sea. but, you know, when we talk about allies of the united states, how could we completely dismiss south korea, which perhaps could be the most democratic country in the world? moon jae-in was ushered into power from a candle light revolution, this potentially could be the only successful arab spring in recent and modern times, so the greatest number of people voted in that election. he has had, you know, enormous support 85%. and this is what south korea, our ally, historic ally, has wanted. i just don t understand why peace would not be a good thing. i mean, the fact that donald trump said yesterday that we are discussing ending the declaring an end to the korean war. this is a 70-year war that has divided the korean peninsula. it has maintained that 5,000 american families with p.o.w. and m.i.a.s still remains in north korea that are wanting to have closure. think about how much we spend annually, $700 billion towards defense, quote unquote, defense when that should be reinvested into things that really improve our day to day security. we could really improve people s access to health care, to food. i mean, one in three children go to bed hungry in this country. so let s bring this back to what is important and what matters and, you know, for 80 million koreans on the peninsula, this is an historic day. they are looking forward to the summit. they very much want a peace treaty. so let s see whether trump and led by mike pompeo and the department of state can negotiate a deal with north korea that, you know, achieves both aims, the north koreans want a peace treaty, the u.s. wants complete denuclearization. i believe that the great news was that he said it s going to be a process and that pragmatic, diplomatic approach. let s put it all into context about what this means, about ending a cold war that really began on the korean peninsula. i think it s an important point and one of the questions i guess i ll go around the room very quickly and start with you, david. what you are seeing in this trump era where his own sort of behavior aside, you re seeing the emergence of other leaders stepping forward and becoming very important and prominent leaders in their own right. moon jae-in, anybody should be considered for a nobel peace prize is him. he has really made this happen, the back door benefit of disengage mgt. you ll have other leaders, angela merkel, emmanuel macron, moon jae-in, the prime minister of canada, other people have to step forward. i think that s true. they have to step forward in defending the western set of values and principles. i do think on the korea issue and i take her points very seriously, i think one of the issues has been that donald trump seems to while the goal is peace on the peninsula and denuclearization, he s been erratic. he s declared and threatened nuclear war against north korea. he s derided north korean as rocket man and invites in the spy chief involved with death camps. so, it s the erratic nature of this, which i don t think is strategic, which leads me to believe that trump isn t serious and may not be up to the job. this is very difficult, of getting peace in the peninsula and some degree of denuclearization. what is the risk of failure, malcolm? what would be the christine makes the most important point, which is people in the korean peninsula who are in the balance and it would be a great thing if this works out. if trump can t pull it off, then what? then what people will do is what they re probably going to do any way which is ignore donald trump and it would be in their interest to do that. trump wants a photo op. he has already shown us that he is absolutely willing to do anything to get that photo op, even going so far as might pay the hotel bill in singapore for the north korean representatives. but what s really at stake here is the matter of peace on the peninsula. and kim jong-un now is the player who will make the determination of what that peace looks like. he will not give up his strategic nuclear forces. there is no way. that is what brought him to the table to be an equal to the president of the united states. he will probably lessen tensions with south korea, reopen border, cross-border family visits, reopen the industry center that they had together for north korea. but there are issues that took place with japan like the hostages that they took from japan that will never get resolved. yeah. i think everyone will be paying attention to this june 12 meeting because the stakes are so high for so many people. there s not a lot of confidence from a lot of people among the american president but i take christi christine s point that the leader from south korea, someone we all should be watching. david korn sticking around. thanks. up next, trump pulls out his pardon pens. 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he was pretty obsessed with barack obama. he said you can take the boy out of the ghetto, right? there s a thematic reason to do it that this is the kind of guy i pardon. what do you make of that argument for the reasoning? well, there s a thematic reason and the reason that serves his own personal interests. obviously these pardons are meant to deliver a message to the people in the line of fire right now. and i think this is very consistent with this president who wields his power like a teenage girl. i think just to contrast here because we remember during the obama administration, i mean, i know people who worked when they were dealing with pardons and the process they went through, obama was a really well received, liked president around the globe. so he had celebrities and donors and everyone kind of lobbying him for these pardons. and he did it the proper way. he ran these things through the department of justice, through the pardon office as he was supposed to. he didn t do a lot of them. well, he didn t do a lot of them. he s famous, ridiculous right. he used a system to, you know, he pardoned people where the system failed them and used it to pardon people who were disenfranchised, nonviolence offenders which is what this is for. the d souza pardon, it highlights the lack of understanding that he has not only about the system but he kind of backed himself into a corner because this is clearly what i called the apprentice, the good fellows version. this is the way he s talking to michael cohen, wink, wink, don t flip i got your back. if he does start initiating these preemptive pardons he ll back himself into a corner because then they have no reason to plead the fifth. then they can speak openly and freely about everything. he hadn t realized that. we ll see how it plays out. but i don t think he had the legal foresight that somebody like your paul butlers of the world had. let s go to our paul butlers of the world. lawrence tribe agrees with tiffany s reasoning of it. he is very anti-obama and trump has a thing about obama. yes. one thing to look is people who have a thing about obama i m sending a signal to you thematically. theer way is what tiffany said lawrence tribe tweeted d souza s pardon makes sense only as a elephant whistle to michael cohen and all who know damning things about trump. this is a message to michael cohen, michael flynn, paul manafort, roger stone. i got you, my dudes. the white house has a gift bag. there might be something for you. so hold tight. but it s also kind of a diabolical genius because these pardons work as payback. trump was also sending a message to prosecutors he doesn t like. martha stewart was prosecuted by james comey. rob blagojevich was prosecuted by patrick fitzgerald now representing james comey. d souza was prosecuted by preet bharara who has been very critical of president trump. prosecutors, of course, don t like when pardons are issued because it undoes all of your work and it seems in most cases like it s not appropriate in terms of the rule of law. there were some cases, again, with president obama who issued a lot of pardons for people who had been caught up in the failed war on drugs, but then you had to go through such a long process to get people pardoned through that. there s all these rules, whole office of pardoned attorney, got to wait five years after your sentence. you have to show that you ve been rehabilitated and express remorse. president trump has completely gone around that. the pardon power comes from the devine right of kings. that s what president trump thinks he is. it s interesting. so now we have three options to choose from, right? because pardons can be thematic. president obama also did try to pardon a lot of people sentenced under the drug laws that a lot of people feel are unjust. there s a theme to that. with trump you do have a combination of anti-obama person in arpaio s case, an immigration message and options that our other have said, sending a mess to the people who could be prosecuted and i didn t remember this, sending a message to the prosecutors. it s like the old saturday night live routine. is it dessert topping or floor wax? both. i think there s one theme here which is that trump has no doesn t come to this from a position of justice, of righting wrongs and looking at systematic failures. what he s doing with these pardons, making them political, sending messages, she s undermining the judicial system. he s undermining prosecutors. you know, in each of these cases he s saying the prosecutors went too far. they did something wrong. now, why is he worried about prosecutors going too far? yeah. because they re f to him, f to michael cohen, f to the people around him. so if you watch this other network that begins with the letter f, they go on and on about a deep state out of control with the fbi and federal prosecutors plotting actively against the president, against everything in this country that s holy. yeah. so by issuing these pardons that are highly politicized and attacking the prosecutors who did these cases for no good reason, there s no reason to attack them. yeah. he is basically pushing forward this theme as well that you can t trust the judicial system of the united states. yeah. so what do you hear on the hill? i mean on the house and senate judiciary committees, what are the republicans saying about it? i think the republicans have as we talked about before don t have a spine really. they ve spoken out against him on some things. i think they ll ride this wave with him. i think what is interesting, though, is how people have got on the this president. you know, like you have to be a reality tv star, kim kardashians in the west wing or silverster stallone. ted cruz. exactly even though he said nobody asked him to do it, ted cruz lobbied for this pardon as well. the ted cruz that he used to say his dad exactly. and his wife, you know. people lobbying this president. so rob blagojevich wrote this op-ed in the wall street journal, good luck that the president reads papers. he was saying, you know, that he rails on the justice system again. he says feel at the fbi and doj are abusing their positions to incriminate people who are just doing regular politics. no, my friend. the people who are doing who are in regular politics are trying to criminalize the doj and the fbi. it s quite the inverse in this situation. so it s interesting to see if he ll actually pardon blagojevi blagojevich. he s talked about pardoning martha stewart and sending a mess to the people in the line of fire right now. the big question i ll give you, the exit question paul butler f donald trump were to pardon michael cohen, michael flynn, paul manafort, what would that do to the mueller probe? well, mueller is at least as crafty as donald trump, so people who have exposure on state levels could be charged with state crimes, which the president has no ability to pardon. but it s also true that if he does pardon these people, they can t claim the fifth. right. so they could be forced to testify. so president trump it ain t going to work. it will just create more testimony than you have to give it. thank you. interesting. coming up, can t live with him, can t get rid of him. trump s not happy to be stuck with jeff sessions but stuck he is. that s next. kyle: mom! mom! kyle, we talked about this. there s no monsters. but you said they d be watching us all the time. no, no. no, honey, we meant that progressive would be protecting us 24/7. we just bundled home and auto and saved money. that s nothing to be afraid of. -but -good night, kyle. 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not only was he on the campaign, he was the first u.s. senator to endorse donald trump. right. he became his national security committee adviser. he led that committee for donald trump. so that put him directly related to any conversations about national security for the campaign. then fast forward, i think, the bottom line is they really weren t thinking about how they had to be subject to the norms of justice in the united states and they were also making rookie mistakes. i don t think they were thinking things through. they were deciding as we saw there were a lot of mistakes in vetting. they weren t vetting people very well. there were a lot of rookie mistakes with not understanding governance and the way in which you have to approach how you make decisions about cabinet members, what kinds of things you think through. they might have. you might have said, you know, he might have said i still want you as my attorney general even though we don t know whether or not where this russia thing is going and whether or not you ll have to recuse. yeah. because i want you to say, rip children from their parents at the border. right. he could make that decision as a president, but i think the point is they didn t think it through. i want to come back to you in a second. but jason, even if they hadn t thought about it beforehand, once jeff sessions was actually before the senate judiciary committee for confirmation, at that point there was a flashing red light on him because he was being asked point blank did you have meetings with any russians. right. he was constantly using that very effective legal team i don t recall. and he said that a lot. i don t recall that. i can t remember this meeting. i can t remember boris or natasha and everybody should have known and seen this coming. this is very important, part of why donald trump can t get rid of sessions isn t just because of the fact that it would trigger a constitutional crisis and everything would explode and people would be afraid, one of the few things that the senate has made clear is that we like this guy and we re not going to replace him if you get rid of him. as long as he s implementing the president s white nationalist agenda, letting bad cops run roughshod and throwing people into jail and trying to combat the opioid crisis his job is safe. republicans are indeed trying to protect jeff sessions in private meetings, public appearances on television and late night phone calls they have done all they can to persuade the president not to fire cabinet official. he s a member of the club and still has access to the cloak room. he is a former senator. axios reports on thursday that trump pressured attorney general sessions to reclaim control of the russia investigation, at least four separate times. three times in person, once over the phone according to sources familiar. one more piece, the new york times reporting this week that trump complains to friends about how much he would like to get rid of sessions, but he s demurred under pressure as we just mentioned from senate republicans who said they won t confirm anyone else. could that first thing be an obstruction problem? yes, the legal term is obstruction of justice. the president is trying to get sessions to unrecuse himself. first of all, is that a word? unrecuse. second of all, the reason that he wants sessions to take over the russian investigation is because sessions has taken the loyalty pledge, and that s the kind of person who trump thinks should be supervising a criminal investigation of him. so we talk about norms. norms don t work for this president. norms suggest that you shouldn t call for personal prosecution or investigation, which trump has done of many people and sometimes the justice department responds. and so, one concern is that when norms are eroded. there s a slippery slope. so sometimes we see the justice department actually responding to the president s unethical demands. yeah. so there s some people are trying to give donald trump an out, maya, trey gowdy has been supportive of the mueller probe and getting a lot of heat from his own side for doing that, stood up for mueller, this is what he said about trump and sessions on wednesday. this was on cbs. if i were the president and i picked someone to be the country s chief law enforcement officer and they told me later, oh by the way, i m not going to be able to participate in the most important case in the office, i would be frustrated too. that s how i read that. senator sessions, why didn t you tell me this before i picked you? there are lots of really good lawyers in the country. he could have picked someone else. donald trump responded to that saying there are lots of really good lawyers in the country. he could have picked somebody else, that was a quote from gowdy. i wish i did. i mean, as a legal matter, is it a way out to say this is the most important case that could bring down my presidency. somehow i didn t understand that you being in my campaign meant that you couldn t be involved in this case. but you should have told me in advance, i can t help you with this case. you should have told me in advance that as your national security adviser on your campaign having met with ambassador kislyak two times during the campaign after testifying to congress in january that he wasn t aware of campaign members actually having contact or having relationships with russians, i find it a bit a astounding suggest things that actually jeff sessions had to say. yeah. i just want to say that. yeah. he shouldn t have had to say, by the way, all these things we all know, i want you to know. so i think the question becomes, one, if donald trump did not commit any crimes, this is not the most important case of the department of justice. right. this is if at most people if they hadn t done anything wrong would have said i did nothing wrong. i certainly if anyone on my campaign did anything wrong, then they should be called to account. and i, as president want to know if they did anything wrong. and therefore and we ve got this huge agency of career prosecutors and investigators who know and understand their job, who work in a they don t work in a partisan way. they work for the rule of law. right. we ve got a deep bench to take care of this? it is not the most important case. yeah. unless it is because it will bring down your presidency because you did something wrong. and i guess the other point is who worked for the american people. yes. it is a misunderstanding of who the attorney general works for. the attorney general can t actually help the president, right? the attorney general is the lawyer for the people of the united states. when i worked at the justice department and i go to court, i say my name is paul butler and i represent the united states, not donald trump or bill clinton who was the president when i worked at the department of justice. why do you hear trump trying to make it sound as if eric holder, they were careful about meeting with each other, president obama and attorney general eric holder. he seems to have in his mind that the attorney general is the president s lawyer. again, he just doesn t get it. this is a man who does not understand civics. he does not understand basic the way that the constitution works or the way that the government works. and so it s ironically is lose/lose for us because the president is stuck with an attorney general he doesn t like. the united states is stuck with a lousy attorney general who, again, is trying to bring back the failed war on drugs, who wants to throw people who come into the country without documentations under the jail, who wants to give police departments bayonets and tanks the program that president obama resended. so again, nobody is winning from this. yeah. lastly to you, jason, then as a political matter, it is a conundrum people who are uncomfortable with jeff sessions, if he were to be fired would provoke a constitutional crisis. right. it s tough. yeah and here is the thing. i always thought what a constitutional crisis means and the american public needs to understand this. it doesn t mean that the white house explodes and nancy pelosi and chuck schumer walk out in slow motion. what it would simply mean is we literally have no precedent for knowing what to do next. if a president were to do something like that. so you would have people trying to research. you would have congress putting together committees. it would create an entire mess and grind certain aspects of government to a halt just because the president wants a my cousin vinnie instead of a attorney general running the country. that s why this is dangerous and problematic. even if for some reason republicans change their mind, we don t know who would be better. who could that possibly be. jason johnson, thank you. have a great rest of the weekend. coming up in our next hour, the great lawrence o donnell joins me live. and the women whose video changed america. more am joy after the break. (wienermobile horn) it s oscar mayer s mission to put a better hot dog in every hand. and that s just what we do. with no artificial preservatives, no added nitrates or nitrites, and by waving bye to by-products. so you can get back to loving them. for the love of hot dogs. (wienermobile horn) when you combine ancestry s with its historical records. you could learn you re from ireland donegal, ireland and your ancestor was a fisherman. with blue eyes. just like you. begin your journey at get an a plus and i will tell you what, i think we ve done just as good in puerto rico and it s actually a much tougher situation. no, no, the trump administration does not deserve an a plus for the recovery in puerto rico. more like an f. especially as puerto rico faces a new hurricane season while still grappling with the effects of hurricane maria last september. which was much more deadly than we realized. a new harvard study found that 4,645 people died as a result of the hurricane. it calls the government s official stole of 64 deaths a substantial underestimate of the true burden of mortality. joining me now is gabby acevedo reporter for nbc 4 in new york and telemundo s san juan bureau. give me a sense of where puerto rico is now in terms of power being back on, in terms of people being back to somewhat of a normal life before we get to that devastating report about the death toll. reporter: thank you, joy. good morning. it s my pleasure and honor to share this information with your viewers. where are we? as far as the power grid, fragile, very fragile. after the hurricane we have had four major power outages, one of those left a million citizens without power. definitely fragile. the power grid is not getting better, it s not improving. with he need to remember this. the power grid is being restored to what it was before hurricane maria. so there is no improvement on that end and we don t have redundancy lines, they all those secondary lines that feed and distribute energy. it s very fragile and even for those who have energy they are going to see interruptions in that service. i m one of them, i m a resident that has seen recently just this week a service interrupted. as far as people who haven t had electricity back from hurricane maria or irma, remember that, because two weeks before maria, september 6th, irma also took power out for a huge part of the island, i say around 13,000 to 14,000 consumers also remember a consumer may have two or three more members of their family on the household. so 14,000 consumers can turn into more than 24,000, 30,000 citizens, mostly in the mountain areas, in the eastern valley and in the southeast corridor of the island which was impacted first by hurricane maria. that is challenging enough, but when you get this harvard study that says that the death toll was 4,645 people. can you give our viewers is sense of what those deaths were down to. was it the flooding? is there a sense of where that death toll came from? was it just the actual hurricane and people to died in it? what are you hearing that it was? reporter: well, that s a very good question, joy, because we are not talking about the impact, per se, we are not talking about that september 20th people died because because of the impact, we re talking about medical service interruption, 30% of the medical interruption affected people in puerto rico. we re talking about access to the rurals, most of the people in rural areas did not have a way to get to citizens who needed help, that s when the coast guard came in eventually seven, eight days after the fact. no electricity, no connectivity. that s important. at least 90% of the island was completely blacked out from connectivity can cellphone and internet service. to get to people and to know where the emergency was was a very big challenge in those days. so those deaths you can attribute them to the fact that a lot of elderly people, the poor people in puerto rico, they live in those areas that were disconnected from the emergency. those people in the mountains, those people in the southeast, those people who live next to the rivers and obviously flooding and obviously what we call the terrain movements that happened in the mountains, all those mudslides that covered people and we saw some cases that died actually on september 20th due to mudslides that covered their homes. and carmen cruz who is the mayor of san juan has been blunt in saying that she believes the trump administration has been derelict and not facing the truth about what happened on the island. is that a general consensus among people that you talk with? reporter: it s a very good question, joy. first off, we have to be thankful to those federal responders and first responders who came from the u.s. mainland who are still here to this day. i mean, when you criticize, where you send a negative opinion about the federal response, we must remember that there are people here who came from the u.s., who came from the gulf coast, from florida, from new york, from everywhere in the united states to help and those people are part of the federal response. as far as the connection between government entities and government agencies, yes, quite probably it could have been better. mistakes were made. i think that general consensus is that mistakes were made, we weren t ready. i think the puerto rico was ready for the federal golf for a three to four day emergency not a 100 career storm as we call hurricane maria. i want to thank everybody who is here. we have to remember there are americans who are here, american citizens like us who are helping in this process. i think the government entities did not connect faster or fast enough after that impact of the storm. gabi, thank you very much. be well and thank you so much for bringing us up to date on what s happening in puerto rico. very important. thank you, sir. more apple joy after the break. okay. [ buttons clicking ] [ camera shutter clicks ] so, now that you have a house, you can use homequote explorer. quiet. i m blasting my quads. janice, look. i m in a meeting. -janice, look. -[ chuckles ] -look, look. -i m looking. it s easy. you just answer some simple questions online, and you get coverage options to choose from. you re ruining my workout. cycling is my passion. you re ruining my workout. it can grow out of control, disrupting business and taking on a life of its own. its multi-cloud complexity creating friction. and slowing innovation. with software-defined solutions, like hpe onesphere, you can tame the it monster. hewlett packard enterprise. clouds, apps, and insights faster. regardless of recommendation, i was going to fire comey. knowing there was no good time to do it. and, in fact, when i decided to just do it, i said to myself, i said, you know, this russia thing with trump and russia is a made up story. welcome back to a.m. joy. donald trump is trying to rewrite history contradicting his reason for files james comey. in a tweet thursday trump insisted he never fired comey because of russia, that s despite his own words to lester holt that you just heard. and the new york times reporting that trump told russian officials whom he had invited to the oval office the day after comey was fired that he had relieved great pressure on himself by kicking comey out of his job. we are learning more details about the circumstances around comey s firing this time from fired deputy fbi director andrew mccabe. the new york times reports that mccabe report a moat mow last year describing a meeting with deputy attorney general rod rosenstein who added a new detail about comey s firing. the memo written by rosenstein that trump used to justify t according to the times rosenstein said the president had originally asked him to reference russia in his memo. the people familiar with the conversation said mr. rosenstein did not elaborate on what trump wanted him to say. to mr. mccabe that seems like possible evidence that mr. comey s firing was actually related to the fbi s investigation into the trump campaign s ties to russia and that mr. rosenstein helped provide a cover story by writing about the clinton investigation. joining me now msnbc legal analyst paul butler, maya wiley and joining us now is the host of msnbc s must see tv, the last word, one lawrence o donnell. lawrence, i will start with you because among the people who are undercutting donald trump s new defense that he didn t fire comey because of russia are donald trump in the past in his past statements but also rudy giuliani. here is rudy giuliani on sean hannity s show on may 2nd. he fired comey because comey would not, among other things, say that he wasn t the target of the investigation. he is entitled to that. hillary clinton got that. and he couldn t get that. so he fired him and he said, i m free of this guy. the investigation being the russia investigation. donald trump and rudy giuliani are now in the middle of a contest for who can say the stupidest thing about the firing the most harmful thing about the firing of comey on tv, most harmful to donald trump. and, you know, when i sit here in this, by the way, very relaxed pose as a guest, just watching that lester holt interview clip and i feel none of those anchoring pressures, i was just able to take it in in a way i haven t in a long time. lester holt s position in american history is now set. he is the anchor person in the history of american television who asked the most important question ever asked of a president on television and got the most important and most revealing answer ever obtained. yes. from a president on television. absolutely. and the problem being that obstruction of justice stemming from the firing of comey is part of donald trump s biggest problem right now. that s right. so what prosecutors think about is criminal intent. was this as he comey to step down, was that part of a way of impeding the investigation? we have smoking gun evidence from the president that he fired comey because of the russian investigation. yes. so, again, as a prosecutor it doesn t get much better than that. on top of that, maya, you have an ongoing crisisen side the department of justice and an ongoing public worry of who is the next person to be fired. andrew mccabe has been fired. people who witnessed what comey told in the oval office reassigned or fired. here is eric holder on friday in new hampshire about the state of the department of justice and the potential that this is careening towards a crisis. i suspect that we are on a path where there s going to be an inevitable clash. we are going to get to a point where the justice department simply will not go any further, i think rod will not go any further and something is going to happen. i don t know who gets fired or what happens, but we will be buckle up your seat belts. we will be in the middle of some kind of crisis. and that s, again, because of the threat that donald trump will continue firing people because of the russia probe. right. i mean, the real question here are the republicans in congress because as we talked about earlier what s really held trump at bay are the republicans, are people like mitch mcconnell saying, okay, i may not sign on to this legislation that says you can t fire the special counsel but i do expect you not to fire folks. right? right. and the whole question about protecting jeff sessions at the same time. so it s become highly politicized. if the republicans continue to sort of say while we won t publicly in the ways i think that would be appropriate under the conditions that we re in, which is a president who is violating all our constitutional norms and societal norms say we are going to actually hold the line politically even if we won t institute legislation that will help us hold that line, but if they shift, if they flounder then i think it s a very different question. just to go back to something that lawrence said that i think is so important, donald trump did something amazing because he actually probably told the truth in that lester holt interview which was as outstanding as the question was that he actually answered it honestly. lawrence, to that point about the hill, you know the hill very well, republicans seem to have one line which is you can t mess with our friend, jeff sessions. is that what winds up kind of saving bob mueller? possibly. it was just a throw away sentence literally in a recent new york times report that said republicans republicans in the senate have told the president they will not confirm another attorney general if he fires jeff sessions. if that is true, that is the single most important thing that republicans in the senate have done in a presidency where they have literally done nothing else important. like it s the only important thing they have done. right. but, you know, i m always trying to stare at these tea leaves and when i notice paul ryan and mitch mcconnell separating from the president, very clearly, on tariffs this week, in a way they have never separated with him on any policy before, and then we hear mitch mcconnell yesterday in kentucky in local tv in kentucky saying, well, you know, this north korea thing, you ve got to be very careful. you can t want the deal too much. he doesn t say he s describing the president, but he is describing the president and he s criticizing the president s approach to north korea. that s something that s the kind of note you weren t hearing from mitch mcconnell even months ago, never mind a year ago. i guess the question is those of us who are dubious about the idea that republicans would never impeach donald trump. if democrats did it and donald trump then, let s say, had created so much what you would need is 67 votes in the senate. that doesn t seem even in the realm of possibility right now with these republicans but does what lawrence is describing the creep away is that also a threat to donald trump, if they creep away and democrats then have the house so it s a concern. so impeachment is largely a political issue rather than a legal issue. there s legal high crimes and misdemeanors that s the standard, but ultimately the house charges and then the senate has to convict by a two-thirds margin. so whether that can happen is i think very dubious. you know, one segment one issue that that segment raised was rod rosenstein. the former fbi director has said that president trump asked rosenstein to add russia to the memo justifying the firing of comey. that makes rosenstein a fact witness in mueller s investigation. would he have to recuse? at some point he s going to have to seriously weigh that. what he s saying now she s talked to mueller and ethics officers at the department of justice and they say at this point he is not required to recuse, but at some point he might be. what happens then? well, it then goes to whoever the never person down the list. here is the question, there s so much that we know that s in the public view right now that points directly to corrupt intent, which is what robert mueller has to show in order to say that he has an obstruction of justice case against donald trump. there s tons of evidence of that already. trump himself has given that evidence. actually, giuliani himself as his legal representative has essentially said, yeah, he did it. yes, he did. he is not his lawyer, right? he is not acting as a lawyer because anything that he s doing is astonishing. i worked in the u.s. attorney s office for the southern district on the civil side and i have never seen anything like this. i think this is the point, there already is an obstruction of justice case, it may be they don t need rod rosenstein as a witness. i think that will come into the calculus because robert mueller has been an extremely astute political actor in this and by that i mean not that he s been playing politics, he had as been very astute at not playing politics, but in also making sure he s covering his bases with his filings in court. that become his way of demonstrating what he s doing, how he s doing it and in a sense making an argument to the american public that he can t go to the press and make. make publicly. that has been one of the tactics, lawrence, has been to try to degrade the public s view of robert mueller in that case. anything he comes up with is tainted because he s tainted. i wonder if that strategy can help if at the same time constantly berating and threatening jeff sessions. you know, donald trump really has an audience mostly of the congress because the public can t impeach, they can t throw donald trump out, only the congress can do it. it is a weird strategy. the one clear thing that rudy giuliani has said is that this is all about impeachment. yes. and so because it s all about impeachment he has said we are trying to appeal to trump voters and we are hoping he said he has said this, we re hoping that the voter puts pressure on the republican office holder in the house of representatives and on the republican office holder in the senate. so their jury as they see it is this bank shot, you know, from the voter to the office holder. we ve never seen anybody try to play that bank shot in impeachment before, but it s already it s working already because, you know, trumpism is republicanism now and so you don t have anything like what you need in terms of political strength in the house to do anything, but i am one person who has never said these republicans will not impeach him. and the reason i haven t said it is having worked in the congress, worked in the senate, i can tell you that the very last people who know what a member of congress is going to do or what a senator is going to do is that senator and that member of congress. they are the last ones to know what they re going to do because they basically all operate out of last minute fear calculations and really last minute. but to that very point, just to stay with you a second, lawrence, the trade thing, talking about bank shots, if those tariffs start hurting kentucky, if they start hurting texas, right, then that could be a bank shot that hurts the president no matter what he does, no matter how much they want to apiece his voters, if his voters are also being hurt by him then they are in a weird political position. my guess about that is kudlow and the people who understand how bad these tariffs are in the white house will pull the president off of it. it s political harm to the president, too. i mean, the president can t it s not good for mitch mcconnell in kentucky, it s not good for donald trump in kentucky. he runs in all 50 states. so there isn t a place where the tariffs are good for donald trump. i think the news that was made today is lawrence o donnell saying that it is not true to say that the republicans will never impeach donald trump. i have been in the never ever they won t do it, but you never know. they never know. and when you look at the nixon republicans, which is to say the republicans who turned against nixon, they didn t know they were going to turn against him two weeks before they did. that s the kind of time frame that works in the congress. on the big ones, on the big decisions, most of them don t know what their position is until a week or two before. and then they do it. at the earliest. i m keeping all of these guests. our guests will be here with us longer. next up, barack obama, this is interesting, thinks that he may have been ten years too early. you totaled your brand new car. nobody s hurt, but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they ll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you d get your whole car back. i guess they don t want you 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aides, quote, sometimes i wonder whether i was ten or 20 years too early. joining me no you is jonathan capart and tiffany cross and lawrence o donnell. i will start with you, jonathan. first of all, i think the nostalgia factor, that seems like that was ten years ago. right. for the president to say maybe he came along ten years too early, what do you make of that assessment of president obama of himself? well, what that acknowledges is that the campaign run by president trump was like lifting up a rock in the forest and watching all of the bugs and worms squirm out from underneath. i think the president who ran on hope and change and our better angels and rising to the ideals of who we are as the american people represented by his election and then reelection, seeing that someone who is the an tis a sis of him in every way get elected was personally galling, but also i think in that reflection of maybe i was 10 or 20 years too early is maybe the country wasn t ready for me. maybe the country maybe i was an aberration is what i kind of get from that in that quote. it s amazing to hear an introspective thoughtful president again. especially since, you know, president obama was relentlessly positive. if you spoke to him and had the opportunity he was trying to be very positive. you saw that grim-faced picture of all of his aides, he was trying to say everything is going to be okay, it s going to be fine. when you realize in his inner most thoughts, president obama reportedly says what if we were wrong? maybe we pushed too far. maybe people want to fall back into their tribe. one more clip and this one is even more searing, that few moments shook mr. obama more than the decision by voters to replace him with a candidate who had questioned his very birth. what do we do with that? i mean, even watching that sound bite i had that single denzel tear strolling through my case. is it a merkel tear now? it s disheartening. i will say i definitely echo president obama s sentiments, but i do think mopgsamongst a l people of color we always knew that the racism in this country laid dormant. just to hear the thoughtful words from a thoughtful leader who can put the country first, it s not about him but beyond him. in terms of him being ten years too soon i think most transformative leaders might have these thoughts. when mlk was around he was considered divisive at the time and people who love to bring up his words to champion docile black people those would have been the same people who would have criticized him back then. at the top levels of government absolutely i can understand why he might feel that way. i disagree. when you look at what he inspired, he cast a wide net of influence. now you have these obama alumni all over the place. all over the country, lauren underwood in chicago, all these historic candidates. these are on the federal level. then you have local candidates, michael blake in new york, people doing amazing things in the private sector, people like google and airbnb. so i think you have to look at it on a larger scale and look at the macro and micro. i think, you know, his influence happened when it was supposed to and it will ripple through time for generations to come. when you look at what happened that led us here when we had george bush in office, we were coming off the heels of the huge iraq war misstep, we had to have george bush to get a barack obama. i think that s an excellent point. lawrence, presidents are reflections of each other but for george bush maybe the country wouldn t have taken a chance on a relatively unknown guy named barack hussein obama. in a lot of ways but for barack obama you don t get donald trump. the real rhythm of this is after eight years of one party you get the other party. it s just as simple as that. i mean, i was absolutely certain at the end of the eight years of george w. bush that the democrat was going to win, whoever that democrat was. yeah. and i also was betting it was going to be barack obama. when i hear a statement like that or read a statement like that from barack obama who is, as we said, in an introspective and thoughtful and we surprise man and a brilliant writer and he says something like maybe i came along 20 years too soon, my reaction to that is what do you mean? which is to say, i cannot possibly fill in the paragraph that that is the first sentence of if it is spoken by barack obama because his mind is too supple, too complex, too rich compared to my own to fill out what the rest of that thought is. i think he s got a really interesting thought there and when you hear him in an extended interview like he most recently did with david letterman, you understand that wherever that first line began is not did not tell you where that answer was going to go 75 or 200 words later. so i m not sure about that, but i do think it is it sounds like the kind of feeling that you get in government because in governments it s a very slow incremental mode of progress and a presidency is only eight years, which is an incredibly short time to try to have a real and lasting and long-term impact on the way american government works. you know, when you consider the brown decision was in 1954 dee segregating schools and in 1975 in boston, massachusetts, in a federal court they are fighting the segregation of boston schools, would thurgood marshall who argued that case in 1954 say, geez, maybe i was too soon. no. that s the way progress steps along. and i think one of the things i don t agree with when people say that trump is wiping away president obama s legacy, you mentioned one way his legacy is lasting, it took a while for obama even things like the iran deal, the principle underlying it, the deal that was made, trump can undo it, but look at the ripple effects into north korea, the cuba policy, obamacare which it s turning out to be quite difficult to undo it and people don t want it taken away. he has this sort of really incredible legacy, but even on race, he forced us to confront some things that the backlash to it is even teaching us. yeah, i think one of the things that drove people crazy about president obama was he was so sober and rational and strategic and plotting and laying the foundation so that whatever decision is made is something that is as long lasting as possible. i remember the lgbt community was so angry with president obama because he would not move as fast as they wanted him to. or do an skoo uexecutive ord right, on marriage equality. his plan from the beginning was he want to make sure what happens is lasting, that it cannot be overturned by another president. so with all of these deals, the iran deal, the thing that s fascinating is that even though president trump has done away with it, the rest of the world is hanging on to that deal shoo that s right. and i think that says a lot about the leadership and work of not just president obama, but the obama administration to go into a negotiation like that with real goals and with strength behind them and here we are on the precipice of a summit between president trump and kim jong-un, and i don t know anyone around this table have any idea what s going to happen at that meeting? i mean, president trump has given the leader of north korea something that his father and grandfather couldn t get, wouldn t get because no president of the united states would grant that person the audience, and yet here on the opening shot president trump has given it to this guy. the united states leadership in the world is crumbling before our very eyes and the man we just saw in that clip, president obama, in the days after president trump s election was someone who was trying in the moment when the country was in deep grieving project strength of the american ideal and the american people and the idea of america. and in the year and a half since then we are watching all around us how that s either being nibbled away at or taken president trump taking a sledgehammer to the idea of america. and not only that, but making his own president derivative of barack obama s presidency. everything is in relation and reflection of the man who came before him. which is a weird way to be president. i will let you comment on that and a i will give you the last word to lawrence because that s what his show did is called. i will be the second last word. the penultimate word. i think even donald trump will be his place in history. i do think during the obama administration, i talked about this before, a lot of my family didn t understand the difference between state and federal, local government. i had friends who didn t really understand, they were so excited about this president, they would say, man, with he got president obama in office and that pothole on the corn er it got fixed. it like obama doesn t know nothing about no pothole. i think what president trump has done is he has inspired people to pay attention to what is going on. people are now more engaged than they were before. so, you know, we have to have a president trump to get perhaps a president cory booker, kamala harr harris, elizabeth warren or whoever who may come next. the obama quote about the 20 years i m reminded about a daniel patrick moynihan story when he was chairman of the finance committee and i was running staff for the committee and we had a nominee coming in to come down and work on welfare policy in the clinton administration. it was a harvard professor and we knew that to maintain his tenure he could only do two years and then he would go back to harvard to maintain his tenure. it s more than just holding on to tenure. at the end of that discussion this professor had high hopes for welfare policy in the clinton administration, as he was walking out the door senator moynihan said to him, well, you know, no sense getting involved in this if you are not going to stay at it for 30 years. and that s the truth of anything that you pick up and try to do and try to move in american government and three to do it within your lifetime and career. if you don t if you can t devote 30 years to it, there are going to be times when you feel like what are we doing here? what happened? did anything happen? and so of course an eight-year presidency can leave a president at moments wondering after the fact did we get where we needed to go? and the answer is you got at best you got where you could go in that very limited time they allowed you. and i think that president obama came along at just when he needed to and it s important that he was there. jonathan capehart, tiffany cross, lawrence o donnell thank you all. coming up, the use of force back in the spotlight. wait what? directv gives you more for your thing. your. quitting cable and never looking back thing. directv is rated #1 in customer satisfaction over cable. switch to directv and now get a $100 reward card. more for your thing. that s our thing. call 1.800 directv. money managers are pretty much the same. all but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that s why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. californians are leading against donald trump. our senator should, too. kevin de león is the only candidate for senate who passed laws protecting immigrants from trump. and helped dreamers stay in school. he led bold action against climate change. and only de león fought for universal, medicare for all. democrat kevin de león the only true progressive for senate. change california now is responsible for the content of this advertising. dramatic police body cam videos of a struggle in the sand. you re not allowed to hit me and choke me like that. emily wineman punched repeatedly at wildwood beach on saturday. stop resisting. i m not resisting. police releasing their footage after this video taken by a bystander went viral. witnesses pleading with her not to resist before the officer starts swinging. wow, that incident in new jersey is just the latest controversial incident putting a spotlight on plus use of force. police in wildwood, new jersey, released the body camera footage showing the violent add rest of a 20-year-old woman accused of underaged drinking. among the charges facing her aggravated assault on a police officer. while that incident got a lot of attention you may not be familiar with an incident in a wisconsin mall last month where a teenager was punched by a police officer who was responding to a call about disorderly teens. why he punch him like that? ain t he a minor? call my mama. put your hands behind your back. call my mama. call my mama, bro. call my mama, bro. wow. a police investigation into the incident cleared the officers calling their actions justified. the teen s family is considering suing. the case raises questions about how and why police use force. back with me a paul will you tell ber and maya wiley of the new school. those videos are excruciating to watch. as a parent you think if that was my kid of course i would sue and yet the attorney general in new jersey released their policy on the use of force. physical force is employed when necessary to overcome a resistance of exertion or protect person. striking with the hands or feet meaning you can t punch in the face. wisconsin a report finds a police officer was justified and this is what the report said from watching the video and talking to p.o. olsen it appears the strikes to the head were effective even though p.o. olsen didn t put much behind those strikes. there are five key rules for the use of force according to the wisconsin dat system and one of those reads: once you have gained control of a subject you must reduce the level of force needed to maintain control and they say after p.o. olsen strikes the person, the teenager, he falls down and p.o. olsen deescalates. these officers are following policy, they can punch you in the face. there is what s called use of force continuums which allow the police to start with harsh kmants using their voice and then use their gestures, it ratchets up to nonlee strategies like stun guns all the way up to guns. people say how can the police still be doing this? don t they know that they could be videotaped? part of it is there s something about their anxiety especially about african-americans that still even if they re being videotaped it s still going to control their actions, but the other part is they get away with it. and they know it. they know i mean, the reality is police officers understand they are not going to be prosecuted for these things. so they go into it as paul said even if they re being videotaped, it doesn t matter. as you know i chaired the civilian complaint review board in new york city where we received complaints of police misconduct. the thing that is really surprising to me is twofold. one of course you have a lot of police officers who actually agree that this conduct is wrong, is bad policing and they are often silenced within the department. they are often made to feel afraid, to actually speak out about it. i think that s something that s very important for us to understand because there really are a lot of people we should be happy about on police forces because they want to do the right thing and they want to behave in the right way. and the second is this fact that there is so much discretion in terms of what force is necessary because it s extremely subjective in the moment. right. and so what police officers often say is our jobs are so dangerous and there are so many of these situations that flip on us on a dime, we have to have this broad discretion to make these decisions in the moment. now, put aside what we view of that because obviously these videotapes suggest that we should have deep concerns about if nothing else both how are we training police officers, because deescalation many of these videos when i see these videos and sitting and seeing these types of videos in the civilian complaint board what i m seeing is police officers who escalate a situation that makes it a situation which use of force becomes something they consider rather than saying, do you know what, if i drop my i m going to say, baby, what s going on here? let s just have a talk. that s a totally different relationship. the good police officers actually do that. i ve seen police officers do that. bad police officers start yelling, they raise their voices, they become physically aggressive and i have had my own daughter s friend was punched by a police officer on a small like just didn t like the way he was riding his skateboard, punched him. i think that is what is so unnerving. we take people in their early 20s in some cases who go through the academy and we give them the power of life and death. that s right. with almost no accountability, nothing there s almost no way even if they kill someone that they will go to prison. we re handing that power over to people, but i don t know that the country has sort of wrestled with what that means. yeah, so there are 18,000 police departments in the united states, there s no national standards, no requirements for minimum training and a bunch of these are young men, especially, or coming in the job with what president obama described as a warrior mentality when they ought to have a guardian mentality. there is a real concern about you know, it s not only violent, but it s bad law enforcement because the way that the police make serious cases is by getting people to cooperate with them. when you see your grand baby getting beat up or see these kinds of videos it does not make you want to cooperate with the police. let me play two things. cut five and seven just to show you the difference in the way the previous administration, it s the attorney general of the united states, former attorney general eric holder talking about policing. take a listen. people have to understand it s hard to be a police officer. it s hard to be a cop. it s hard to be out there in the middle of the night and approach a car and not know what you re going to face. that s a hard thing. people need to understand that. but people also need to understand what it s like to be a person of color and to be stopped or, you know, questioned. your car pulled over for no, you know no great reason. so that was on friday. that s former attorney general eric holder from the obama administration. here is donald trump last july speaking to an audience of law enforcement officers. like when you guys put somebody in the car and you re protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand like don t hit their head and they ve just killed somebody. don t hit their head. i said, you can take the hand away, okay? it s just a different approach in what is being encouraged. or sanctioned. or sanctioned. essentially you have a president of the united states that was in nassau county right here outside of new york, he was actually sanctioning excessive force. he ex plitly sanctioned excessive force and that s the difference between how do we have a dialogue as a country about how do we keep ourselves safe and be fair. and, lastly, can any civilians ever win in these cases? you just had a case of a man killed by police in florida and the jury awarded his family $4. what a slap in the face. they should have awarded them nothing. you can t win. that s how i think civilians into he will. people look at cases like eric garner and freddie gray where there are big civil settlements and they think that s how that normally works the this goo i who was shot by a police almost behind a closed door and the jurors blamed this guy 99% it s his fault. give me a fault. that s more typical. on a noise charge. they were getting charged not on a violent crime charge. stuff like family disagreements, noise, we shouldn t have people with guns showing up. there are better ways to resolve those issues. absolutely. thank you very much, paul butler, maya wiley, i appreciate you both. have a great weekend. up next, the two women who shared a video that sparked a national conversation. you bough. okay. [ buttons clicking ] [ camera shutter clicks ] so, now that you have a house, you can use homequote explorer. quiet. i m blasting my quads. janice, look. i m in a meeting. -janice, look. -[ chuckles ] -look, look. -i m looking. it s easy. you just answer some simple questions online, and you get coverage options to choose from. you re ruining my workout. cycling is my passion. you re ruining my workout. but as it grew bigger and bigger,ness. it took a whole lot more. that s why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy. everything. what s in your wallet? you know, personally i would acknowledge that this happens in america, race and racial bias is something that america has been dealing with for centuries, yet i think it s too easy to be on the sidelines and say someone else needs to do something about it. this week starbucks closed 8,000 stores so its employees could receive racial bias training. this came after two black men were arrested at a starbucks in philadelphia while waiting for a friend. the video of their arrest was shared by two women, one of whom is white and tweeted all the other white people are wondering why it s never happened to us while we do the same thing. joining me now are the two witnesses who shared those videos, michelle sahan and melissa zapino. thank you ladies for coming back. i want to start by talking about i will start with you, michelle, you started filming this incident. tell us how the incident began to unfold and why was your instinct to start filming. i saw it happen from the very beginning, i saw them come in, i saw her tell the police that they were refusing the manager. the manager. and i knew that wasn t true. i knew she was lying about it. and when i looked over at the two men i could see confusion and nervousness and fear on their faces. and i said, you know, i m one of four black people in this entire starbucks, i need to do something. when the police arrived what was their posture towards the men. was it aggressive or threatening? it was not initially aggressive but when they were not able to describe a logical reasoning as to why they should leave they started to get more aggressive. tell us how your interaction with this started. so the first thing was he saw the police come in and i heard michelle s voice, we did not know each other until that day and i stood up and i started, you know joined in with what she was saying. when we got outside i shared the video and i thought, you know i said i will share this, but i m not sure this will get that much attention, namely because these things don t get that much attention. right. so then, you know, we know it went completely viral. you could hear the voices of what sounded like white patrons saying, wait. i think that s one of the things people of color were struck by in the color was that actually white patrons saw this and saw it was injustice. was this something that surprised you to see this happen? had you seen anything like this happen before? since that day we ve learned so much, namely, number one, our social networks are highly segregated. if you are white then it s likely that 91% of your social network is white. right. we also know from a poll that came out that said, you know, 80% of the white respondents said that they heard about the starbucks incident but only 48% said they thought it was indicative of a larger problem. wow. so wow. the idea is that we learned that we need to desegregate the networks and that many, many more white people need to speak up. there s also a poll that shows that 64% of americans think racism remains a major problem, 15% say they ve personally been treated unfairly. i want you to listen to starbucks ceo kevin johnson on an issue we heard a lot about during the obama ceo kevin john on color blindedness. take a listen. this is the beginning of our journey. and we have steps that will follow this. in fact, we re working on additional content and module we ll roll out the each month or the next 12 months. i see this woven into the fabric of how we operate as a company. that s fine. i ll read the clip, this term called color blind was a growing behavior pretending to make race. and that s ceo kevin johnson as a person of color, you re noticed. right. everywhere you go. it doesn t matter if i m in a coffee shop. a mall, if i m the minority, you notice it. and racism isn t calling somebody the n word. it s subtle. it s micro aggressions. you have a new one you re forming today. it s privilege to progress. what we realized, when people who have privilege use it for the greater good then it makes a difference. when i shared that video, it, you know, broke through the segregated network. so, if more of us do it, then we can get more attention and more change. and how, michelle, can people access the organization? they can go to the our twitter feed, facebook feed, they can educate themselves. tell us the twitter feed. from privilege to progress. p-r-i vto. -r-o g -r-o-g. i m so glad you guys became friends. more after the break. 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ask your doctor about jardiance- and get to the heart of what matters. a very good day to you all. i m alex witt here in new york. at msnbc. high noon in the east, 9:00 a.m. out west. here s what s happening right now, pushing the diplomatic envelope. what was in the letter from north korea to donald trump about the on and off again nuclear summit and why what the president said is getting reaction today. maybe we pushed too far. new allegations about president obama and his thoughts about the 2016 election results. plus, the idea of universal basic income and the democratic candidate for president who says it s great for the economy. but, we begin with new reaction from the president reigniting his feud with democrats over the border wall. this time, using the white house weekly address as his platform. they don t want border security for two reasons. number one, they don t care about it. number two, they re afraid it s going to make me and the republicans look good. and they don t want that. well, the president s comments come at when his add station has come understand fire for losing track of nearly

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20180916

of hearings. senator feinstein, we found out, her own driver worked for the chinese government, and we didn t find that out until a couple years later. barack and i agreed to remain silent for a while to give this administration a chance to get up and running. [laughter] god forgive me. [laughter] well, good morning. we begin this fox and friends withlh/kivúrj?8xeçq@pñ news ale. the fury of florence still battering the carolinas this morning, now a tropical depression. but officials are warning, this is true, the worst is still yet to come. ed: at least 11 people have been killed, and many fear the continuous rain and severe flooding will only cause more problems for those living in the area. griff jenkins is live in north carolina. reporter: good morning. you mentioned more flooding, more problems, more to come. here in jacksonville inland it is that flooding that is of great concern, because the original assessment damage was different. this new river is flooding. last night around 9:00 the last recording of this river was 19 feet, and it broke the river gauge according to officials. if you look here in the parking lot, the new river is usually 200 plus yards behind me. it is already in the parking lot pizza, and that is you. my cameraman is on the overhang because it continues to rain. the owners, tom sanders and thomas mays, took it upon themselves they have power, one of the only restaurants in the entire place that does because they re in the power grid of city hall. the clock, literally not sleeping for days, cooking pizzas for hundreds if not thousands of customers because they had nowhere else to go, as the floodwaters threaten their business, here is tom sanders saying why he chose to do this. well, i m doing it because it s needed. i mean, there s nothing opened. the storm closed everybody down, and most of the places around here are corporate-owned or something like that where they don t open. as long as the law lets me do it, i do it. reporter: now, they are actually in the restaurant now trying to get open. they were up til three a.m. trying to make more dough. the line, hundreds of people speaks to the american spirit. and it s in a town that houses camp lejeune. they were going through everything, but mobility, floodwaters we almost got stuck fortunately. downed power lines, officials want the storm is passed, but officials want to get into recovery mode, but they can t get started because you can t get around. we re going to try and get a little more light and let you just see how unbelievable it is. but a marina on the other side of the river is totally underwater. they ve been doing rescues up and down, all along here. some volunteers as well work in the area. it s a fluid situation, and people are getting real tired of the rain. pete: appreciate it. a lot to cover. and now we re going to rick reichmuth who s tracking the slow-moving storm. rick, i m hearing 2 miles per hour, is that right? reporter: now it s up to 8 n2olprdoúñúj@vo0ao1km;n1j8 ) really changed yesterday throughout the day pretty dramatically as a lot of the rivers started to rise. this first video that you re seeing is out of new bern. some of the first images we re getting, you can see with this aerial flyover incredible amounts of flooding across just we also have i think we have video of that we still looking at new bern? yeah. there s a boat not where it should be. certainly, coming in with one of the high tide the cycles. and this is video of topsail beach, one of the beach areas that s been pummeled. i think op as the storm was coming in on the left, now you re seeing the damage pictures. so interstate 95, interstate 40 are closed in huge chunks of north carolina because there s water over the interstate for miles and miles. so that flooding is continuing to rise. like that, it spreads out, and wherever you re at that same elevation, you re going to get it. remember yesterday we saw this deep red moisture? that s kind of in the same spot. we have a lot more moisture to come. thing farther inland now, and we ve got rivers that we had expected to see crested at a certain level. so it s a very difficult thing for the hydrologists to forecast that. the center is just to the south of columbia, but the moisture is going to continue to be pulled in. and by the way, continuing to see i have those little wind barbs there, onshore flow. that s one of the problems. all that water that s falling from the sky can t drain out of the state of north carolina or into south carolina. pete: what s the max of the flood event? will it be today? tomorrow? what are we look at? reporter: we ll be getting there by tonight and tomorrow. water has to flow down, so it moves up into different spots farther downstream. them stay that way for the better9>zñ?ñ? part of the comin. if you re at these flood levels, actually, most everybody s going to see them go even higher and stay that way for a bit of time. katie: turning now to your news alert, thousands are still struggling to recover from florence. that didn t stop looters from taking advantage and ransacking this family dollar. at one point they were throwing rocks and glass bottles at media catching them in the act. look at this woman. police in wilmington the, north carolina, were told by management to stand down as it was happening. five people were arrested. in another fox news alert, hong kong under a red alert as a deadly typhoon viciously lashes the china coast. fierce winds forcing parts of a building to collapse and in some places that wind is reaching 160 miles per hour. this coming one day after the storm hammered the philippines, people, mostly miners, are feared trapped after a landslide. and a boogie border dies on cape cod from a shark attack, bit by what some believe was a great massachusetts beach. this was the second shark attack this summer but the state s first deadly incident in more than 80 years. area beaches are expected to reopen this afternoon. and the weather channel is defending a reporter accused of exaggerating the conditions of florence. okay. taking it up here in wilmington, north carolina, right at the intercoastal, and we re in one of these bands. this is about as nasty as it s been. kith kith the reporter katie: the reporter barely able to stand as two people casually stroll by in the background. as you can see, the weather channel telling the washington post he was trying to keep his footing on the wet grass while the other people were pete: sod katie: don t go too hard on this reporter. reporter: yeah, okay, i want to defend mike a bit. i know this guy, been out on a lot of storms with him. he s a really honest, good guy. the weather observations were showing winds sustained at around 50 miles an hour, he was in a different direction. also if you re standing out there for ten hours at a time, you get tired. so he could be just getting himself into a position. those other guys had the wind at their back, he had it coming to him. he s a good guy, and i think we should go easy on him. pete: all right. it is 2018 rick, you can stick around. [laughter] oh, okay. there s a big midterm coming up but, ed, as you know, that doesn t stop those who might have their sights on 2020 ed: i think we almost had former president barack obama be the canary in a coal mine. he says, hey, guys, it s safe to come out. go after president trump. who s it going to be the, warren? bernie sanders? wide open field. now you ve got joe biden and eric holder saying maybe they re ready to test the waters. remember the sticks we have to the president occupant of the white house. present occupant of the white house. make no mistake, we are in the struggle of our lives. barack and i agreed to remain silent for a while to give this administration a chance to get up and running the first year. god forgive me. [laughter] the president uses the white house as a literal bully pulpit. we are in a fight for america s soul. what has become of us? our children are listening, and our silence is complicity. i don t have majority of the american people are with us.bjñ?ñ? ed: so this is human rights campaign fund, their annual dinner. they are both, holder and biden, trying to rally the base of the party. katie: senator cory booker was walk the white carpet and gave a little speech with the microphone. not surprisingly, senator kamala harris who was going back and forth with booker pete: it s all an a adiscussion. katie: audition. pete: why is he yelling at me? stop yelling at me, but i can t handle that. and i don t even know what eric holder was saying. ed: right. pete: it literally didn t make sense to me. we re talking about roosevelt and social compacts. pretty sure people voted for somebody, and now he s in the oval office. he might do them a little outside the box, a businessman, some call him a bully which we might bring up in a second. he goes at his opponents as hard as anyone xñ?ñ?ñ% sorry we didn t fight back harder. katie: you had joe biden saying god forgive me, but his wife, jill biden, also had something to say about president trump. there is nothing that a makes either of us more angry than a bully. there is nothing that s more unfair or unjust than people using their power to try to make other people feel small, to tell them who they are or what they are capable of, to say their identity doesn t belong. there is nothing that makes us want to pick a fight more than that. pete: as her husband famously said, i m going to take you out back katie: he was saying that he wanted to fight president trump and then kind of walked it back. ed: now he s against bullying. katie: joe biden is not known ed: do you think the president s ever used his twitter account to bully anyone? pete: no be. ed: really? katie: i might disagree with that. [inaudible conversations] ed: you really think he s never used it to bully. bullying. katie: the beat goes on. life is tough. get a helmet. and be now we have to [inaudible conversations] we want to know what you think about joe biden s comments. please e-mail us at we ve got to go. anonymous woman accusing brett kavanaugh of sexual misconduct just days before his confirmation vote, now democrats are calling on republicans to press the pause button, but should they? we re going to debate that up next. craftsmanship. .and raw power. engineered to take the crown. the lexus ls 500 and ls 500h. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. so let s promote our falle a homecomingtravel dealame, on like this. touchdown. earn a free night when you stay just twice this fall. or, badda book. badda boom. book now at ythen you turn 40 ande everything goes. tell me about it. you know, it s made me think, i m closer to my retirement days than i am my college days. hm. i m thinking. will i have enough? should i change something? well, you re asking the right questions. i just want to know, am i gonna be okay? i know people who specialize in am i going to be okay. i like that. you may need glasses though. yeah. schedule a complimentary goal planning session today with td ameritrade. and the wolf huffed and puffed. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. so my doctor said. symbicort can help you breathe better. starting within 5 minutes. it doesn t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. doctor: symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. it may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandpa: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggy! (giggles) get symbicort free at if you can t afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. katie: over five dozen women coming to the defense of supreme court nominee judge kavanaugh following a decades-old allegation just now coming to light. 65 women writing, quote: we are ñc kavanaugh for more than 35 years and knew him while he attended high school between 1979-1983. for the entire time we have known brett kavanaugh, he has behaved honorably and treated women with respect. we strongly believe it is important to convey this information to the committee at this time, and here to discuss, carrie sorvino and democratic9 strategist ritchie. this is not the only letter we ve seen from women backing kavanaugh, we also have one from the national council of jewish women, 18 women who went to yale college with him and 84 women from the bush white house believe that he is a man of character. carrie, what is this all about, where is this allegation coming from, and is it truly political? yeah. we know very little about the details. it s 35-year-old events, it s anonymous person, but on the other hand, we have all these women who have attested to his integrity the as you have mentioned. mentioned in the allegation saying unequivocally this didn t happen. senator feinstein had this information since july, if she thought it was credible, she would have done something. she had a private meeting with him, she had a hearing, shed had hearing that was closed to cameras, they had questions for the record. now they re treating it just like it s a last minute character smear. that s not respectful to women survivors of sexual violence anywhere, and it certainly doesn t suggest to me that senator feinstein even thinks this is truly credible. i think she s just using it for political purposes. katie: rochelle, what is your reaction? well, it kind of reminds me of what happened with senator mitch mcconnell when it came to president obama nominating merck garland, and senator merrick garland. but i find feinstein s actions a little bit more egregious, and the reason why is i feel she used a sexual assault victim to[ that s something regardless of party i simply cannot stand behind. i will say if kavanaugh is guilty of these actions, he should be held responsible because our supreme court justices are supposed to uphold the law and not break it. and to have him walking free if he were a culprit would be the biggest hypocrisy towards justice. katie: i think the key word, it s important to emphasize the word if in your statement. we have very little no evidence outside of an accusation. carrie, you ve been watching this nomination. what are we going to see moving forward? is this going to cause a delay in kavanaugh s nomination, or are we going to see senators calling it out as a political instant stunt? i think we ve seen people on both sides of the aisle saying this is pretty thinly sourced. it looks like a last minute effort to delay. chairman grassley has said we re not going to allowxv,lou5&p7@4 x coming out of the blue to delay things.c5ñ?ñ?ñ next week on the floor of the senate they re going to have the vote, and i think he ll be sitting on the court by october. katie: rochelle, final word to you. we all know this is about roe v. wade, and i think it s important the understand that the last time that the supreme court overturned itself was with board brown v. board of education. and also the last point is people need to understand if roe v. wade is overturn thed, it will be state lawmakers making the decision when coit ms concern when it comes to women s reproductive rights. katie: okay, thank you so much for coming on to talk about this. all right, paul manafort pleading guilty, but what you may not have seen in the headlines is just how big a role the brother of hillary clinton s campaign manager had in that story. we ll explain that next. and remember all those celebrities who threatened to leave the country in 2016? well, they re still here, and motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands? this is moving day with the best in-home wifi experience and millions of wifi hotspots to help you stay connected. and this is moving day with reliable service appointments in a two-hour window so you re up and running in no time. show me decorating shows. this is staying connected with xfinity to make moving. simple. easy. awesome. stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and two-hour appointment windows. click, call or visit a store today. ed: people allowed to return home after several deadly gas explosions in massachusetts, killing one person, injuring 25 others. authorities believe the same gas company is linked to three other blasts in other states. and no charges filed in death of a mother whose child was brutally murdered by ms-13. evelyn rodriguez was run over by a car while visiting her daughter s memorial on long island. new york congressman peter king will join us in the 8:00 hour on the legacy she leaves behind. katie: former trump campaign chair paul man manafort entering that s missing. pete: it turns out clinton-connected lobbyist tony podesta and two lobbying firms knew all about manafort, and they worked with him anyway. that according to the special counsel indictment which also says podesta and those firms agents. kate kate here to react, michael knowles. thanks for being here. tell us about this buried lead of the podesta group being involved with manafort. as you know, being a democrat means never having to say that you re sorry. for months president trump has ared to this investigation as a rigged witch hunt. paul manafort pled guilty to unregistered lobbying for a foreign government six years ago. as you say, tony podesta did precisely the same thing. also in there is former obama white house counsel gregory craig, the same thing, same crime. ápñ?ñ while paul manafort has a the book thrown at him ed: michael? you can complete your thought, but i m wondering also, you re right, because the fbi went into his home in west virginia at wife still in a nightgown ready to seize computers, files, whatever. we haven t heard a single time that they ve done anything like that with greg craig, tony podesta and i m not advocating it, but why do they do that to paul manafort and none of the democratic lobbyists? is we haven t heard about them being squeezed. paul manafort s real crime is not misleading federal investigators like tony podesta has done, it s because it s committing the unforgivable sin of working for president trump. and it lends credibility to a widely held perception that this investigation is not an honest undertaking of justice, but dulygzñ?ñ elected president. pete: how does the media continue to peddle the same message that the walls are closing in when it s the exact opposite? they don t have anything here? it seems that they have absolutely nothing. jail for 14 days, thank heavens our streets are finally safe. what this is all about is not actually grabbing criminals or finding boris and natasha around the corner in russia collusion. it s about creating an air of collusion, an air of crime before the midterm elections. this timing is very convenient for democrats and really causes people who want this investigation to be about the simple carriage of justice and being finished up in due time, it causes all of us to raise our eyebrows at all of the timing. katie: thank you so much for detail thing the other side of the story. pete: he famously wrote a book about reasons to vote for democrats, it was full of black pages. over. katie: better than you know i miss playing catch with the. grandkids and teaching them how to give a good handshake. now look at me. i m all bent out of shape. (vo tv) if you have bent fingers and can t put your hand flat, talk to your doctor. it may be dupuytren s contracture. (gary) see ya! (hand) you re all about friendly service, and you won t even shake hands? come on! (vo) your hand is talking. isn t it time you listened? learn more about dupuytren s contracture. at the information could be quite handy. at ally, we re doing digital financial services right. but if that s not enough, we have more than 8000 allys looking out for one thing: you. call in the next ten minutes. and if that s not enough, we ll look after your every dollar. put down the phone. and if that s not enough, we ll look after your every cent. grab your wallet. (beeping sound) (computer voice) access denied. and if that s still not enough to help you save. oh the new one! we ll bring out the dogs. mush! (dogs barking) the old one s just fine! we ll do anything, seriously anything, to help our customers. thanks. ally. do it right. ed: we re back with a fox news aler. the fury of florence being felt across the mid-atlantic, and there s still a devastating amount of rain to come. katie: the death toll climbing to at least 11 as looters are caught stealing from local businesses. carolinaing. good morning. reporter: good morning. we re still getting some blustery winds, and what concerns officials the most, heavy rains. those rains are causing flooding through a larger region, and the state rescuers have been pulling hundreds of residents in new bern, jacksonville. heavy rains will increase levels of river es and streams and cause flooding in communities far away from the coast. water level is the biggest one. and then secondary would be downed tree, power lines, anything to prevent our vehicle from getting to them. reporter: new hanover county which includes wrightsville beach in wilmington has nearly 200 roads closed, and public schools will remain closed this week. the few stores that are open have long lines of people waiting to restock on food and supplies. i m hungry. we didn t get enough food. line for food in the rain. [laughter] reporter: but some people are taking matters into their own hands. wilmington police have set up a special patrol that protects homes and businesses after dozens of people broke into a family dollar store, the crime was captured on social media, and police are in the process of identifying suspects. they also say they arrested five people in connection with a separate looting incident at a dollar general. ed: now let s go straight to rick reichmuth. what are you seeing? reporter: yesterday morning we were talking about that rain falling in the wilmington area? still, the exact same thing. there s lightning, there was a tornado overnight in, around the wilmington area about 4 miles to the south of it, and the heavy rain in the exact same spot. 48 hours. store came onshore at 7:15 in the morning two days ago, so ink hour, and we still have rain. ñ? with those bands coming in, winds that are gusting up to 40, 45 miles an hour. it s such a long period where we re dealing with the same thing and the storm has barely moved. it s about 190 miles is all that it s moved in 48 hours. that said, it s starting to move a little bit faster, and we re going to see it make kind of a northwesterly turn over the next couple of hours, and that s good. just take a look real quickly here. by tomorrow morning we re way up across parts of the central appalachians and then pulls off towards the northeast. we are going to move at least out of the bulk of this, but the rain is going to continue for about another two days. katie: rick, thank you very much. pete: camping over carolinas. katie: turning now to your headlines, a border patrol agent accused of killing four women and kidnapping a fifth. intel supervisor juan ortiz was arrested after he allegedly went on a two week spree leaving four prostitutes dead. it came to an end when a rñ?ñ?ñ charges. president trump is giving the green light for new tariffs against $200 billion worth of chinese products. it would be the latest move in an escalating trade war with beijing, and the president pushes back on unfair trade practices. the two a nations are continuing threatened to retaliate. and hillary clinton could be erased from textbooks in texas. the state board of education voting to remove her as a significant social leader [laughter] in social justice studies and lessons saying it will save teachers about 30 minutes of instruction time. the education board also cutting helen keller from its curriculum. it will vote again in november to finalize changes. and even paul mccartney is hopping on the anti-trump train, writing a new song referring to the president as captain or mad captain. we ve got a mad captain the sailing this boat we re all on, and he s just going to take us to the iceberg. in particular? mean, it s obviously, it s trump. katie: mccartney s new song also tackles the issue of climate change, and those are your headlines. pete: i totally get rid of hillary clinton, but getting rid of helen keller? ed: it doesn t make sense. bieber pete: your fave. [laughter] ed: if i could name drop, i met his mom recently. katie: i m a belieber. i like his music. ed: super nice, author, filmmaker, and she apparently her son wants to become an american citizen. i think it s great. he obviously spends a lot of time here, he makes his music here pete: he s canadian. ed: unlike, say, jim carrey who s for socialism, he wants to be a part of america. that s pretty cool. but you have all these other celebrities who said if donald trump s elected, i m going to leave america, and they didn t leave. katie: look at all these folks who said they would leave the them peter: whoopi goldberg,hpñ?ñ?ñ l sharpton, i like miley cyrus, but she wanted to leave ed: didn t alex baldwin say he was going to go to france? katie: they also said they were going to leave when president bush won for the second time the. november, does your act change? does your my act will change because i ll need to learn to speak spanish, because i will move to spain. trump win, i m moving to africa. i need to come to your country if you ll let me in or canada. i m also reserving my ticket to get out of here if he wins. maybe it s time for me to move. you can t possibly really be trying to be elected to become president. i did my house in another country all these people who threaten to leave the country and don t, i will leave the country. katie: chelsea handler not making good on that threat, zero celebrities have left since trump was elected, and it s just greatest country on earth, and they wouldn t be able to pursue their ed: what about al sharpton? let s buy him a ticket. pete: that s a lot of hot talk. and in their mind, the president s been really successful. in their mind, things have gotten worse, right? where s the exodus? ed: gotten worse, they say, but then barack obama comes out a week ago and says, hey, the economy s great, it s all because of me. [laughter] so if things are so bad, why is he trying to take credit. katie: and for them personally, they re rallying the base, getting involved in politics, so they re men iting quite a lot ed: bottom line, all these celebrities denies leave pete: e-mail us at which one will be the first one to leave? [laughter] we ve got a tough one as we transition, the war on police continues to grow. we lost a true hero who was senselessly killed by three known criminals. custody now. pete: a ft. worth officer killed after trying to stop a robbery. diminishing respect for our men and women in blue. ed: plus, without borders we do not have a country. message, but it s not just to democrats. he s saying that to his fellow republicans. he wants them to build that wall. we ll talk about it coming up. some debt you plan for, some just. (crash) .happens. putting it all on credit cards just wasn t working. but a loan through lending club was a cinch. no branch office, no stuffy suits. consolidating our debt saved us nearly $300 a month. that s not sofa change. we had enough to start saving again, and a little extra to send these two to summer camp. being outdoors was good for them? (vo) check your rate at ed: some quick headlines. the college football edition, fans getting plenty of upsets before today s nfl action. [cheers and applause] ed: how about a walkoff field goal in the sec? number 12 lsu pulls off the upset at number 7 auburn, 22-21. oklahoma state making quite the statement at home as the number 24-seeded team thumps boise state, 44-21. and in their final game without urban meyer, number 4 ohio state survives a tough road test at texas christian. the buckeyes beat the horned frogs 40-28. and north texas takes trick plays to a whole new level 90-yard touchdown as they win 44-17. and i think the vikings are playing today, pete. pete: i will be watching. anyway, another police officer killed in the line of duty. garrett hall shot and kill friday night trying to stop suspects in an armed robbery. so, as a hero. we lost a true hero, someone that is dedicated to more than one tour of service to this great city and was senselessly kill by three killed by three known criminals, two of which are in custody now. pete: hall s sacrifice shining a light on a growing epidemic as officers under siege. but will the media even talk about the story? former homicide detective and fox news contributor ted williams joins us now. ted, thank you for joining us this morning. i just want to put up more context. in 2018 alone, the number of officers shot and killed has been 35 across the nation. been 35 across the nation. the whole year. so unfortunately, 2018 on pace to go well beyond 2017. what do you why this trend, ted? well, you know, let s just put it this way, pete, there is a wall on law enforcement officers that are going on out here in our society. there is a lack of respect for these men and women who serve us on a daily basis and try to protect our communities. pete, just imagine, law enforcement officers have to run toward danger and not away from danger. pete: yeah. it s a very sad commentary. pete: ted, where does that lack of respect come from? you know, i found it with politicians, social media, social groups. for some reason in our commitments now where at one time in our communities where revered, they are no longerotñ?? revered, and that s very sad. pete: i would teach my kids myself, you see a police officer, you walk up, shake their hand, you really appreciate what they do. to go from that to an armed police officers are being shot at, they re having to shoot back, you know, as a society we ve gone really sideways. how do you recapture respect for police? well, you know, it s not an easy subject. what we need are leaders in our communities to go about the community revering and uplifting police officers. that is a sad commentary about the various communities. if you notice, clearly in some of these communities there are a few rotten apple police officers, but that is not the majority of these men and women. these men and women are brave, they re there to help and serve and protect our communities, and we need leaders in those communities to come forward and other inner cities that have seen too much gun violation, so you re saying leaders stepping up and saying these are our partners in peace, giving everyone a fair chance, as opposed to our enemies. you could not have articulated it better. they are partners in peace in the community. every day having families like garrett hall, a 17-year veteran with two daughters, they go out there every day just to serve their community. hall was chasing after these three bad guys, and he was shot in the head. and now the grieving community of ft. worth has to bury one of their own. pete: ted williams, very well said yourself. they re charging toward the gunfire when rest of us are not, and that s why we should revere them. thank you very much, sir. my pleasure. pete: president trump wants to secure our border, so now who is to blame for not making it happen? the president weighing in on twitter, and we ll bring it to you. plus, new york congressman peter king on this program with us soon, mike huckabee, our own nothing says fall like a homecoming football game, so let s promote our fall travel deal on like this. touchdown. earn a free night when you stay just twice this fall. or, badda book. badda boom. book now at when the guy in frontd down the highway slams on his brakes out of nowhere. you do, too, but not in time. hey, no big deal. you ve got a good record and liberty mutual won t hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? liberty mutual doesn t hold grudges. how mature of them. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won t raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty happy anniversary dinner, darlin . can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah one bottle has the grease cleaning power of three bottles of this other liquid. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. katie: welcome back. well, where is god in a hurricane? it s a big question many people are asking as florence ravages the south killing at least 11 and leaving thousands without power and their homes. ed: joining us now with a message of faith and hope, fox news religion father jonathan morris. good morning. good morning. ed: i saw a story on nbc i guess it was last night about a group of folks in north carolina that waited out the storm in a church, but there are other people who are watching this saying, gosh, it s so hard right now to watch this. yeah. whether it s a hurricane or some our lyes, we get to a in our lives, we get to a point where we say, gosh, where is god? and i absolutely understand that. and i think it s because we spend a lot of our lives collecting security blankets, right? we have, get a nice home, we get friends around us. security blankets to make sure that we re going to be okay. and that s not a bad thing either. that s pretty rational. it s what human beings do. but in the arc of our resistance, we build up that security, but as we get older, right, and especially in old age and sickness or in a situation like this, a hurricane, all of those security blankets get tossed out. and i think it s a time in which we can either become better people and focus on our relationship with god and our purpose for existing, or else we can become bitter and we can just lose all hope. and i ve seen it go both ways. pete: how do you stay better as opposed to bitter? katie: yeah. if your life is really founded on those security blankets, right? if you believe that fame, money, reputation, all of these things the meaning of your existence, you can t help but get bitter. katie: right after a mother and her baby were killed in the hurricane when a tree fell on their home, fire fight pers firefighters turned to prayer. this was their first instinct after they came to the scene and this horrific thing happened. it s a horrible thing. so i guess i would just reemphasize the question, how do people keep their faith when it just feels like the whole world is crumbling around them? that s a perfect example of what i was trying to explain. look at those firefighters, tough guys who are absolutely helpless in a situation that they re looking at right now. and they re saying, god, please, please give us meaning. and i believe there is meaning. i believe there s life after death. i believe there s salvation, redemption offered to us. and, of course, innocent life like this, a child, we can have great confidence that god, of course, will have mercy and that there is hope, there is life nonprofit organizations have helped out in the aftermath of these hurricanes. harvey was one of them. i m sure that the folks in north carolina will help as well. yeah. and i think that also gives people great hope. so many people say, gosh, so many people came to my aid. that is also a tapping into god s purpose for situation ises like this. ed: thank you for that message appreciate it. should you need a ticket to bring a baby to a football game? [laughter] why a mom is outraged pete: that s actually a very good question. plus, democratic darling, the socialist from bronx, now defending her expensive tastes. what this socialist is saying about her super snazzy $3,000 outfit. we ll bring it to you. with a range of suv s perfect for any adventure, you can be in your element, in any element. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. 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called monsters pizza. this is only open around the clock. here is what tom sanders the owner says, why he is doing it. take a listen. makes me feel good, you know? here here for the community, all that. because i m part of it. if somebody don t sacrifice and do things, then, who will? reporter: i m here with tom mace the other guy working around the clock. you have to be very tired. very tired. very tired. long night. reporter: unbelievable what you re doing. are you worried at water coming from the parking lot could be at your door? not too worried. we ll close the parking lot on this side.ç keep the other side open. reporter: remarkable what you ve done for this community. why are you doing this? tom is a good guy. takes a lot of people. likes to hip people. reporter: you re helping out. we ll bring you more as we watch flooding happening here. a lot of people here, home to the marines at camp lejeune, they re helping out too, guys. pete: you found one pizza joint in north carolina, camped out next to it. doesn t surprise me, from. reporter: there were hundreds of people here. hundreds more are cog soon. ed: feeding army. you have to rescue a lot of people. appreciate your reportingit. rick reichmuth is obviously all over the story from the very beginning. as we were saying, rick, emergency officials are warning as bad as it has been the worse is yesterday to come. rain falling is still flowing into the streams and rivers. that batter is going up. -q concerned about 12 to 18 hours, water is rising. right there where the storm came on landfall 48 hours. very heavy rain. winds gusting 40 to 45 miles an hour. when you see the reds, that is the extremely heavy rain. jackville where griff was, still raining in morehead city. all throughout the rain, red in parts of south carolina. more concerning getting in parts of the appalachians. a few spots getting up to the 10 to 12-inch marks. that moisture has to drain back down to the carolinas. this is moving through upstate new york. throughout the ohio valley. eventually a lot of moisture moving in parts of new england. north carolina still a bull s-eye. we ll eventually see a few inches across parts of new england. katie: thousands are still struggling to recover from florence. looters areç caught taking full advantage of the disaster taking advantage of family dollar. at one point think threw rocks at media. police in north carolina were told by management to stand down as it was happening. five people were arrested. another fox news alert. hong kong under a red alert as deadly typhoon viciously lashes china coast. fear winds forcing parts after building to collapse. some places reaching 160 mile-an-hour. this comes one day after the world s strongest storm hammered the philippines killing at least 40 people. horror on cape cod after a boogie boarder dice from a shark attack. he was bit by what some believe was a great white shark off the beach. this is the second shark attack but the first deadly incident in 80 years. green bay packers myç team, under fire for their ticket policy over infants. her 3-month-old daughter would not be allowed inside the stadium without her own ticket. hometown team, family friendly environment we ve known the packers, that kids could join that experience. most teams do allow babies to enter without a ticket as long as they re not taking up any extra seats. johnson says if the team doesn t change its rules, she will stop boeing to games. ed: she is right. pete: bad rule. two years of age? that is 400 bucks to sit on my lap. i did that as long as i can. katie: come on, packers. pete: got you a fox & friends welcome binder. you didn t remember the email address. katie: that helps. ed: katie: giving me ribbing because i m a packers fan. pete: she is a packers fan. my strike kings are playing the packers. katie: packers will win. ed: she knows the bigç issues f the day, one of the big issues thursday is the vote in senate judiciary committee for judge brett kavanaugh, whether he goes to the senate floor for confirmation to the supreme court. at 11th hour democrat dianne feinstein, top democrat on judiciary sided to drop this bombshell. she wanted to tell the fbi a few days ago, anonymous allegation going back to high school against brett kavanaugh a woman is alleging that he and a friend were involved in some sort of sexual misconduct again in high school. it is amazing coming out now. dianne feinstein facing a big race, senate re-election. left is not happy with her. by the way she had a one-on-one meeting with brett cavanagh. pete: known about this since july. letter came out from 65 women he has known then. that is not kavanaugh. this feels like political trash. katie: democrats are maybe seems like feinstein had this in the works. they keep repeating aç similar phase. in my view the senate judiciary committee should immediately pause the consideration of the kavanaugh nomination. i think we need to push a pause button right now, let this play out a little bit. judge kavanaugh, i think it is up to you. i think it is up to you if you said at this moment to this chairman and to this committee, stop, pause, hit the pause, button peeve peeve all they wanted from the beginning. pete: all they wanted from the beginning. ed: they couldn t stop kavanaugh. now they try to stop him with this. this is anonymous allegation. we should add the caveat. we don t know the woman if she will go on the record or others will. whether there is other information. pete: right now straight up anonymous character assassination. katie: accusing a proposed supreme court justice. ed: pete ellison has an on the record allegation. he. pete: he is running for attorney general in the stateç of minnesota. ed: interesting, because there seems to be a bit of a double standard. katie: turns out this is used simply for political purposes this sets back the me too movement, i would argue instead of moving it forward. pete: good point. republicans like to bask in the glow of this president when it helps them. often times on capitol hill establishment republicans and others have not been able to get to the basics of this president s agenda to include the wall. we have a big funding budget battle this month. a lot of your political types in washington worried how it might affect the 2018 midterms. president said in the past i will shut the government down if i don t get funding for the wall. the president last night tweeted this in frustration, only way you can frame it. when will republican leadership learn they are being played like a fiddle by the democrats on border security and building the wall. without borders we don t have a country. with open borders the democrats want, we have nothing but crime. finish the wall. this feels like a president who maybe was going along with the deal not to shutç the government down but in his gut he is saying this is good issue for me. i m fighting against washington that doesn t want it. katie: wait, wait. they told him last time around. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell saying we want to get to it, but not right now. the question when it happens. this had the fence act in 2006 passed with democrats voting for it chuck schumer, here we are without that part of the bill passed completed. if you keep pushing it down as president pointing it out, it will never happen. this likes deadlines. wants to get things done quickly. they are playing him along and he knows it. ed: if democrats take back the house in november, if they do, less and less likely they will get wall funding. while they have republican house and senate they haven t gotten it done. pete: he is in the white house because he ignored political instincts from all the insiders. i m throwing your welcome binder out. i m doing it my own way. tell again sy yaw of washington, you can t shutç it down. republicans will be blame. test that theory. i m still fighting the swamp including my own party, i was at that rally in montana with the president. build the wall remains biggest mantra of supporters. they want him to follow through. he wants it. the right now might be the time. katie: last time shut down was schumer got blamed for it. pete: i don t know if it will happen, i feel like the right showdown to have. ed: katy, he is triggered. katie: give me a binder. i give you a safe space. pete: we got a big race in texas as well. ted cruz and beto o rourke, they re facing off in the senate in texas. this is texas. they might be neck-and-neck. is the race really that tight? we ll break down the numbers. ed: democratic darling alexandria ocasio-cortez now defending her expensive case. what the socialist is saying about her 3,000-dollar outfit. ç e job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist relieves your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills don t. it helps block six key inflammatory substances. most pills block one. flonase sensimist. most pills block one. so let s promote our falle a homecomingtravel dealame, on like this. touchdown. earn a free night when you stay just twice this fall. or, badda book. badda boom. book now at uhp. i didn t believe it. again. ooh, baby, do you know what that s worth? i want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ooh i m not hearing the confidence. okay, hold the name your price tool. power of options based on your budget! and! we ll make heaven a place on earth yeah! oh, my angels! ooh, heaven is a place on earth [ sobs quietly ] ooh, heaven is a place on earth if you re waiting patiently for a liver transplant, it could cost you your life. it s time to get out of line with upmc. at upmc, living-donor transplants put you first. so you don t die waiting. upmc does more living-donor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. find out more and get out of line today. pete: welcome back. the path to re-election for senator ted cruz not to be revealing to be a walk in the park. he is this statistical tie with democratic congressman beto o rourke. it is within the margin of area. the margin of area at 4.3 points. they are, as it appears neck-and-neck. pollster scott rasmussen along on this race and other key senate races. great to be here. pete: texas is gop country. could he really be under threat? o rourke is running a great campaign. you could not dismiss the possibility there would be an upset. not just one pell. self polls. pete: beto o rourke is tough candidate in tough year of republicans. having said that, gravity of texas, it is republican state that tends to support the president. a lot of people in texas are maybe uncomfortable with senator cruz because of some things he said or way he treated the president in 2016 or something else. at the end of the day, when the election getsç closer, i m goig to put aside those concerns. pete: interesting crosscurrents at play but ultimately it consolidates at end? i will be very surprised if there is an upset here. but enough in play we have to talk about. pete: focus on house that could switch but senate republicans have an advantage, so many vulnerable democrats up for re-election this 2018. comment on indian, braun versus donnelly of the effectively a toss-up. braun s supporters like republicans everywhere are little less enthusiastic. momentum, energy is on the democratic side right now. if those republican voters don t turn out, donnelly, the democrat remains in office. i think one of the really interesting things to watch here will be kavanaugh vote. that is a difficult for place incumbent senator donnelly. if he he votes to confirm, hurts enthusiasm on the left. if he votes to oppose he give as reason to vote for braun. pete: a lot of democrats in tricky situation. one in missouri. claire mccaskill. latest poll at 44ç points. she has drawn traditionally poor candidates. today josh hawley not a poor can did. we ll find out if she is lucky to get reelected or she is a survivor. this is state where donald trump won by 19 points. a state running more and more in republican direction versus incumbent senator. political graphty versus incumbancy. hawley is running a quality campaign and it is going to be one of the races we watch closely. pete: one to watch. always right there. arizona, big one, martha mcsally won the republican primary. kristin cinema. by a skosh. everywhere you go in the country, what are top issues, health care an economy. people trust democrats on health care and economy. arizona, health care and immigration. mcsally getting much of her support from people say immigration is a top issue. pete: she tepidly supported president. there were others that wereç me protrump. is she getting that support now. in any republican primary if you oppose the president you re in trouble. when you talk about an issue like immigration. people support concepts reducing immigration. when they support building a wall. not even so much the physical wall they re talking about. this idea we need to find a way to let people into the country legally not just allow them walk across the border. pete: borders matter. do republican pick seats up in senate? i would guess they pick up a seat. the range is democrats winning control by a seat to republicans winning control by four seats to the upside. pete: appreciate it. moving on, john kerry taking a cheap shot, not surprisingly at president trump over his admitted meeting with iranians. maturity of a 8-year-old boy with the insecurity of a teenage girl. pete: so original. the president calling those meetings illegal. is he right? we re going to debate it coming up nextç. i can t believe it. that everything sticks to stefon diggs s hands? no, i can t believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. cool, huh? yeah. he plays football, huh? yeah. believe it. geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. i m ready to crush ap english. i m ready to do what no one on my block has done before. forget that. what no one in the world has done before. all i need access, tools, connections. high-speed connections. is the world ready for me? through internet essentials, comcast has connected more than six-million low-income people to low-cost, high-speed internet at home. i m trying to do some homework here. so they re ready for anything. pete: welcome back. time for news on the numbers on the big wall. first, 13,000 years. researchers discovered world sç oldest brewery in a cave in israel. stone mortars used to cure wheat and barley. priorities are focused from the beginning. next, six thousand, cards filled with cash and checks stolen by a u.s. postal worker. they tracked down ebony smith after people complained about not receiving wedding, christmas, birthday cards with money. turns out they were being stolen. 11 hours, longest non-stop flight in the u.s. hawaiian airlines will fly from hawaii to boston. start in april. takes 11 hours. might want to upgrade your ticket for that one. ed? ed: thank you, steve. former secretary of state john kerry admitting he met with iranian officials to attempt to salvage the obama nuclear deal. that news not sitting well with current secretary of state mike pompeo. what john kerry done, engaging with the top state sponsor of terror is unseemly, unprecedented not consistent with the foreign policy. the deal failed. let itç go. the president slammed kerry, calling meetings illegal but are they? president of the washington strategy group, joel ruben, former military police sergeant and gop stratfifth, chris niwam. chris, does this violate the logan act? certainly could, ed, depending what was said. look back, realize, john kerry is like the american version of neville chamber lane. his tag line is not peace in our time but failure in our time. he has done this before. he did it in vietnam. only officer in coastal division 11, in vietnam four months, he left after receiving three purple hearts. one of injuries he caused himself blowing up grenades close to the shore. ed: we ll not debate his war record. he did serve this country. he spoke out against the war. that s lift history talk about this, does it violate the logan act? it certainly could. the point is in front of senate foreign relations committee calling fellow veterans war criminals. same theme. counter intuitive foreign policy what we re trying to achieve. that is the real problem, ed. ed: joel, what is the deal here? he is no longer secretary of state. why is he meddling with u.s. foreign policy?ç well, first of all, secretary kerry, those questions have been asked and answered. he was confirmed by the senate 94-3 on bipartisan basis, much better in fact secretary pompeo who only got 57 votes. loss the presidency over it. loss the presidency over it. president trump avoided draft in vietnam. ed: guys we re far afield. john kerry served in vietnam, we acknowledged. reason mike pompeo didn t get as many votes because democrats might not want to vote for democrat trump nominees. those are partisan issues. let s talk with this. what is the deal with john kerry trying to save the iran deal. i understand his legacy. there is new president and new secretary of state. what is going on here? the current iran policy is failing. iran is deeply emmeshed in iraq and yes, ma am en. u.s. with true from nuclear deal that is taking iran s nuclear program is off the table. that is verifiable. kerry reinforced the president s policy he told iran, don t do anythingç rash. don t restart your nuclear program. i don t see why pompeo is complaining the president is complaining so he has to mirror that. ed: chris, back on policy, joel is claiming iran policy under president trump gone off the rails. scroll has done a lot of hard work on this intentions are good. one the money which spurred so many different funding stream for terrorism. ultimately when they got the deal signed iranian officials said we ll still not change our policy on the arrogant u.s. they were sort of giving middle finger from the beginning. the issue is implementation. the president is trying to get a real deal. the kerry era is failure. they need to stop the president s ability to implement the policy he was elected. he has the message. ed: joel, fet back to the logan act. why do we have a law on the books, little enforced, on the books a long time, if you re working, negotiating basically with a foreign government interest the interests of the u.s. you are violating u.s. law. that is what michael flynn did in the transition against the obama administration. ed: he says he didn tç violate the law. coming into government, president-elect trump and talking to russians who are important people to talk to. i m talking about john kerry. i m not talking about michael flynn. john kerry, why is he negotiating with the iranians, answer that question. the difference michael flynn didn t inform the obama administration. john kerry did tell secretary pompeo about this. told tillerson about this i don t know why pompeo didn t tell the president. ed: that is interesting nugget if you say he got a head s up. last point, joel. secretary kerry is engaging like all former secretary of states talking to former counterparts. this is not abnormal. henry kissinger does it as well. ed: joel, chris, appreciate you both coming in. investigators desperately trying to figure out what caused a series of gas explosions in massachusetts. this video still incredible to watch. this was not the first problem for the gas company involved. former boss and police commissioner ed toews, he will join us with his insight. this is a important story. at least one person died. many more injured. he is coming up. plus democratic darling, socialsáu from the bronx as pete likes to call her, alexandria ocasio-cortez defending her expensive taste. what this socialist is saying about a 3,000 outfit she was modeling. cha in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. all the tools you need for every step of the way. make it, squarespace pete: back with a fox news alert. brand new video just in showing a north carolina dam breached by floodwaters. katie: jonathan jonathan serrie in wrightsville beach, north carolina. jonathan? reporter: that dam will be more of a common site throughout the state as the storm spreads. we re getting bluster which winds two days after the eye passed over. what is concerning north carolina officials are the heavy winds the storm is spreading across the state. rescuers are pulling hundreds of people from high waters in new bern and jacksonville. if the storm moves inland it will increase heavy rains causing flooding in communities far away from the coast. even when the evacuation orders are lifted on the coast, it isn t safe right now forç yu to get there. plus, you will be in the way of rescue and recovery efforts that are going on there. reporter: new hanover county includes wrightsville beach and wilmington has hundreds of roads closed with storm relate issues. public schools remain closed because of everything going on. the few stores open, have long lines of people waiting to restock food and supplies. some people taking matters into their own hands. there are reports of looting. police responding to the reports. investigating one incident caught on social media. back to you twice guys. pete: rick, over to you for updates. regular storm histories the u.s. would move 1500 miles within a couple hundred days. this has moved about 200 miles. tropical storm have a lot more moisture than a regular storm does. getting he have rain where the storm made landfall, wrightsville beach, south of surf city. wilmington, heavy rain. jacksonville heavyç rain. more rain new bern, morehead city. almost 72 hours getting rain. you get the idea. the storm moved a little by it has moved 205 miles when it came onshore 48 hours ago. plenty of moisture along areas of the coast. that is our big problem. it will move more today. in fact expect to see it tomorrow morning, moving up northwest of the asheville area. pulls out towards the east. as it moves pulls up some moisture. heavy rain tomorrow begins to die down a little bit. the flood goes up as the water drains into streams and rivers. katie: rick, appreciate it. now on to the headlines. no charges are being filed in the tragic death of a mother whose child was brutally murdered by ms-13. police say evelyn rodriguez was run over by a car on friday while at her daughter s memorial in long island, new york. an argument started when members of a family living near the memorial tried to move it. authorities say they re still investigating what happened. it is unclear if charges will be filed at a later time. evelyn rodriguez was a guest at president trump s state of the union address. new york congressmanç peter kig joins us next hour on rodriguez s fight to end ms-13. texas farm, largest farm organization in texas taking a stand against colin kaepernick. they re banning all employees from wearing any nike apparel to work. texas farm bureau sending out an email to employees, we are choosing to remove our companies from this controversy by discounting use of nike-branded apparel for business purposes. the attire you choose on your own time is a personal matter. they re not the only ones a missouri college is ending its use of the uniform displaying the logo. in colorado a store removing all nike merchandise. pete: good for them. i have one more. last night, i had the opportunity, once a year i get together with the guys i served in guantanamo bay with 2004, 2005. my new jersey national guard unit out of wood bridge, new jersey. great guys. a lot of deplorablables in the group. i love them. we guarded some of the world s worst terrorists. there were 700 detainees at guantanamo bay when i was. there very respectful military day. they brought inç a bagpiper to play amazing grace. [playing of amazing grace . pete: he played the national anthem, the army song. say a prayer, sing the national anthem. just a patriotic group of guys. so honored to serve with them. see them every year. you have those moments together. the stories get bigger every year. the danger was greater. katie: i like your t-shirt a lot. anti-che guevara t-shirt. pete: it was fitting. it was really fitting. ed: not safe for work. i took a quick look at it. i thought, oh god. any beer drunk there? pete: no way. no way. katie: no whiskey? pete: none of that. ed: good for to you get together. this is a story that pete in particular has been talking about all morning. pete: of course. you saw the photo shoot. so i call her the socialist froç the bronx. she is actually the socialist from westchester that moved to the bronx. ed: that s true. pete: let s be clear. she wore a fancy outfit for a photo shoot. she was called out a lot by those on internet. that is 3500-dollar suit for one that wants to distribute wealth. she fought back on twitter on it, as she has a right to do. this is what he said the socialist from the bonings. go ahead, katie. katie: they don t understand the concept of magazine shoots. you don t keep the suits, duh. duh, get meed to me slaying lewks because i am a excellent thrift shopper. lewk according to urban dictionary an out foot you put extra look into. my lewk is 50-dollar ross dress for less outfit. i m saying these lewks too while she is slaying the 3500-dollar outfit. katie: slaying the lewk all the time. definitely slaying the lewks. i don t care if you want to wear a 3500-dollar outfit. that is totally fine. don t campaign against rich people, use their money when they choose to spend it on what ed: 3500 almost as much as barack obama administration spent on nikki haley s curtains. pete: why is charlie kirk alt-right. that is who she is responding to? throw labels on people. he is good dresser. i know he can slay lewks. ed: friends at katie: fancier, cooler, more hipster queens way of saying. pete: westchester gone bronx. be clear. we ll move on. investigators are desperately trying to figure out what caused a series of very serious gas explosions in massachusetts. we learned this is not the first problem for the gas company that was responsible. former boston police commissionerç ed davis joins u. katie: weather channel defending a reporter after his hurricane coverage goes viral. it is one of the many media bias stories for the week. nothing says fall like a homecoming football game, so let s promote our fall travel deal on like this. touchdown. earn a free night when you stay just twice this fall. or, badda book. badda boom. book now at i m 85 years old in a job where. i have to wear a giant hot dog suit. what? where s that coming from? i don t know. i started my 401k early, i diversified. i m not a big spender. sounds like you re doing a lot. but i still feel like i m not gonna have enough for retirement. like there s something else i should be doing. with the right conversation, you might find you re doing okay. so, no hot dog suit? not unless you want to. no. schedule a complimentary goal planning session today with td ameritrade®. pete: welcome back. today residents of threeç bostn neighborhoods hit by deadly gas explosions are allowed to return to their homes. as a new gas leak is detected in the boston area, prompting the governor to declare a state of emergency. katie: investigators turning their focus to the utility company, columbia gas, and their parent company which has ties to three previous gas blasts in three states over the past six years. ed: here with insight on the past investigations where this probe go from here. former boston police commissioner, fox news contributor ed davis. good morning, ed. good morning. ed: what do you make of the early stages of this investigation? i think a critical piece of information was released yesterday around the fact that the company knew that there was and a anomaly in the line. that the pressure had increased. so the question is, how long did they know before the incident occurred? was there time to preposition assets in the area to start evacuations? or was that information not communicated? after the san bruno explosion eight or nine years ago they, the federal government has required that these sensors be increased so we know what is happening inç the lines. the question is, did they require local authorities to become part of the sew he solution. pete: ed this problem more prevalent in boston for some reason? you said things like this happened before. what is the reason for this? well, they do happen. i ve been to three of these in the 30-year career in policing. it s troubling when it happens. usually a combination of human error and equipment failures, some, part of, one or the other. but the bottom line is, these happen all over the country. they just don t happen in the boston area. so this is a national issue. katie: ed, what kind of legal liability does this company have to inform people if there may be a problem but also in the aftermath of these explosions? well, it is substantial. there will be lawsuits filed in a case like this. that is when the history of these incidents over the years. and there are hundreds of millions of dollars at stake here both in legal costs as well as fines levied by the government. so this is serious business. it is really important to have look at it objectively. cut through the various, you know, statements that are made by different people to get to the truth of what happened. so that we can learn from this, make sure it doesn t happen again. ed: real quick, what do we know about neighboring state has might show a pattern with this company? the, the neighboring states here in new england, i m not quite sure of how much business this company does in the new england states but i do know that, when something like this happens, the company is really forced to focus on causes and to really, not only deal with prevention of the incident but also have plans in place to work with local and state authorities when something like this happens. you don t want to have an incident you see increase in gas pressure, have to go to the president of the company or leadership of the company before you give warnings out. this information has to be communicated immediately. katie: absolutely. it is so dangerous. pete: ed davis, appreciate your time. thank you. ed: when former president barack obama slammed president trump s promise foss are a better economy. he will bring all these jobs back. how exactly are you going to do that? what magic wand do you have? ed: those jobs are back. the donald trump, jr. has a message for the former president. pete: the weather channel reporter probably exaggerated his coverage, may top the list of fake news this week. this is one of many. we have the round up for you on this sunday edition. katie: from new peter strzok and lisa page texts conspiring to leak anti-trump stories to the new york times, walking back an article smearing ambassador nikki haley, bias ran rampant this week. ed: here to break it down, some of the biggest media buys stories with the week, katy freitas. good morning. ed: start with strzok and page, former fbi officials, duo who conspired to leak the stories. one text comes out where they talk about a media leak strategy which certainly sounds like they wanted to go after president trump, and thenç we see strzoks lawyers, no, they were trying to stop media leaks. are you buying that? no, not particularly and the texts certainly doesn t make you think that that was the intention was to stop leaks. we know that these two obviously had an extremely heavy bias against the president before he was even president as well. this text leads to confirm that unfortunately this continues to deteriorate already fragile relationship and trust we have in the fbi. it doesn t look good. it is this continuous trickle of bias that we re seeing come out in the new text messages. doesn t seem like it will end. katie: speaking of bias, new york times used a headline this week to smear nikki haley over 50,000-dollar curtains that were purchased under the obama administration. they issued a correction. are you buying what they re saying about misleading readers? if this isn t click bait, i m not really sure what is. click bait, is designed to get someone to click on hype every link, especially when the link leads to content of dubious value or interest. the apartment was leased under qiq%=99ñ the curtains was purchased under the obama administration. the headline distinctly leads to you believe nikki haley spent $50,000 on curtains and this is click bait. ed: original headline, nicky s haley view of new york is priceless which sounds like click bait which is wrong. the new one, state department spent $52,000 on curtains to residents of u.n. envoy. general term. neil: envoy of the obama administration. katie: still not acknowledging where it came from. moving on to this story, weather channel is defending the reporter after his hurricane reporting went viral. video showing him bracing for impact while two men walk pretty casually behind him. you re not too outraged over this story? it is silly and embarrassing. if you re being dramatic about something like a hurricane. that is not something worse than you can be dramatic about because it could kill people. it is a little embarrassing. ed: weather channel put out a statement, important to note the two individuals on background are walking on concrete. mike slidell, the reporter is trying to maintain on wet grassç reporting on 1:00 a.m. eastern. is undoubtedly exhausted. rick reichmuth is sying similar. i ve been out there in the field, not in those kind of conditions at all, not these conditions, you are tired around different wind gusts here versus 100 feet away. right. i am the clumsiest person in the world. watching on anything smooth. if you re on wet grass, he is up really late. whatever of the it s fine. ed: compared to the new york times headline and story seems like minor issue going on there. katie: katy, thank. ed: thanks for breaking it down. katie: fox news alert. looking live at new river in jacksonville, north carolina, with are a troubling situation is unfolding as florence keeps hammering the region. griff jenkins with breaking details up next. ed: first former vice president joe biden he wanted to fight president trump out in the parking lot like a schoolyard fight. now his wife is saying they don t like bullying. there is nothing that makes either of us more angry than a bully. happy anniversary dinner, darlin . can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah one bottle has the grease cleaning power of three bottles of this other liquid. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. but let s be honest, nobody likes dealing with insurance. which is why esurance hired me, dennis quaid, as their spokesperson because apparently, i m highly likable. see, they know it s confusing. i literally have no idea what i m getting, dennis quaid. that s why they re making it simple, man in cafe. and more affordable. thank you, dennis quaid. you re welcome. that s a prop apple. i d tell you more, but i only have 30 seconds. so here s a dramatic shot of their tagline so you ll remember it. esurance. it s surprisingly painless. missions of houses. we saw yesterday the marines contributing seven ton trucks, and that like beer going to see a lot of that today but again guys we re just about one foot from the historical record of this new river as it threatens this area here and people waiting to get out, and there s no sign of this rain letting up. so as flow is slowly moved inland this is one of those communities about an hour and a half from the coast that is causing some significant problems here, movement obviously restricted by not only the flooding waters but also the wind damage from the debris and the downed power lines. guys? pete: right the worst yet to come. as it all calms down, that s when it gets worse, complacent. pete: rick we were getting forecast yesterday you were suggesting it might rain in the carolinas a couple more days. that s not going to change. keep in mind that water is going to continue to rise because it s got to get a runoff to the lower lying areas and into the rivers. you also have stuff that that wind that s been there, now the ground is so saturated, doesn t take much for trees to go down, people getting on roads. a lot of the roads are washed away. bridges are washed out so you can t really get on the roads. and interstate 40 and interstate 95, both of those have big chunks of it flooding is going over the highways or the interstate so they re closed down as well. heavy rains still in the exact same area right aren t wilmington right where the storm came on shore over 48 hours ago. almost 72 hours ago it was out here across areas like moorehide and the southern side of hatteras. a big chunk of the state has had over 20 inches of rain almost across the board with isolated spots over 30 inches. probably get into that 40-inch range. the center of the storm kind of around the augusta area headed maybe in towards shore likely will pull up towards the northwest, not before a break continuing to bring moisture near the coast. today raleigh, charlotte and i think a little bit later we ll see a lot of that cross the appalachians and that causes rapid flooding, talking about potential mud slides there. katie: thank you, rick, so much. turning to your headlines. hong kong under a red alert as a deadly typhoon mangkhut battering the coast, buildings collapse, and in some places reaching 160 miles per hour. this coming one day after the world s strongest storm the seer hammered the philippines killing at least 40 people. two robbery suspects now facing capital murder charges in the death of a texas cop. officer did he work hull chasing two men after allegedly robbing a bar, a third suspect opened fire culling officer hull. ted williams joined us earlier to weigh in. law enforcement officers have to run toward danger and not away from danger. there is a lack of respect for these men and women who serve us on a daily basis. katie: the cops fired back killing deshaunsepto. hull is a 14 year veteran of the police department. he leaves behind a wife and two daughters. horror on cape cod after a boogie board he died from a shark attack. he was bit by what some believe was a great white off the massachusetts beach. this was the second shark attack on cape cod this summer but the state s first deadly incident in more than 80 years. area beaches are expected to re reopen this afternoon. and fans getting plenty of upsets before today s nfl action action. [crowd noise] katie: and how about a walk-off field goal in the sec, number 12 12lsu pulls off the upset as number 7 auburn 22-21. oklahoma state making quite the statement at home as the number 24 seed team thumps number 17 boise state 44-21 in their final game without head coach urban meyer, number 4 ohio state beat the horned frogs 40-28. pete: apparently the florida gators won a game. pete: this week we ll remind them that it s a bounce back. pete: 2018, people looking ahead to 2020. you ve got a extreme of democratic candidates. a wide open field. they don t know who their lead is, number 1. number 2, i also think an important point is the lack of respect that all of these pro speculative candidates and others andrew the democrat party have for president trump. john brennan will not call him president trump. he says i call him, mr. president. he s not my president. this is a former c.i.a. director who s supposed to be nonpartisan nonpartisan. listen to how eric holder we ve got joe biden as well, the former vice president. listen how eric holder describes president trump. watch. on november the 6th we have an opportunity to send a message to the present occupant of the white house: we will not allow for the dismantling of the social compact by roosevelt and other presidents between we, the people and our government. make no mistake. we are in the struggle of our lives. barack and i agreed to remain silent for a while to give this administration a chance to get up and running the first year. god forgive me. the president uses the white house as a literal, literal bully pulpit, callously, callous callously exerting his power over those who have little or none. we are in a fight for america america s soul. what has become of us? our children are listening. and our silence is complicity. i don t have to ever now say i have confidence. the vast majority of the american people are with us. and you would eric holder saying i am the present occupant of the white house. he won t even say his name. why? pete: they are unhinged. as the fight for america s soul is what i ll call him the former vice president, he was elected; so he deserved that title. that s exactly why trump was elected. i suffered through eight years of president barack obama who said he wanted to fundamentally transform america. for me, i thought america was in dire straits. i want to do everything i could to change that. but it doesn t mean you don t call him president, doesn t mean you disrespect him, doesn t mean you call his supports ignorant and racist and xenophobic and sexist and all the things they claim. they are going all-in on identity politics and the chief identity of those identity politics is donald trump, the president. katie: the issue that unites all the people who are speaking at this event, you have corey booker there as well, kamala harris was there, it doesn t seem like they re running on issues. hatred that keeps them together. the recipient of that, of course, is the president, members of his family. and when you talk policy a lot of times you have people like former president barack obama katie: taking credit for it. taking credit for what s going on now and also remember what he said in 2016, he said what does donald trump think, he s got some sort of magic ward not going to bring back these manufacturing jobs. donald trump jr., one of those folks who takes in some of these attacks, he s firing back. the biggest joke i ve seen in the last two years is obama claiming trying to claim this economy because his policies of overtaxation, oppressive regulation, guess what? that didn t do anything. that drove this country into the ground. there s a reason that on november 9, 2016, all of those matrices shot up like a rocket and it s because, employers, people realize you ve got somebody that s going to fight for you. obama said you need a magic wand to make that happen. abra can a dad dab are a, obama, we did it. katie: the president s policies have been successful with the economy because he took off all those regulations that the obama administration unnecessarily put on. allowing job creators to do exactly what that is: creating jobs when the government was breathing down their neck with all the regulations. that is the magic wand. pete: that is the abra can a dad are a, the free hand of the free market. it s free people with their businesses making decisions that they re incentivized by by making a profit. that is is abracadabra to democrats. katie: they don t realize it was actually pretty good. the resist movement says everything s awful, barack obama comes out and says the economy is pretty good, i get the credit for it. pete: and i m still stuck on eric holder. i have no idea what he said and i got confused cause joe biden was yelling at me. he talked about the dismantling of the social compact. you know what? when my intelligence agencies are surveilling a candidate for president and they cover it up and they use the fake news media to distribute it, how about breaking down my social contract contract? i feel like i was lied to, a system that was rigged. the former attorney general, chief law enforcement officer, talk about what you said. katie: the public institutions in america and washington, d.c, do not have the trust of the american people and that is because the obama administration repeatedly use government agencies as political weapons against their enemies. we saw it throughout the government, the e.p.a., i.r.s., all of it. pete: really rich coming from eric holder. it s going to be a race to the bottom for trump hate, a race to the bottom this much hate this early, think about what it s going to be in 2019 and 2.20 katie: the debates are going to have to outhate each other. ed: speaking of debate, socialist cynthia nixon making a run in new york, the far left candidate leading a race for the democrats in florida. are the democrats going too far? we ll ask a democrat next. pete: could hillary clinton soon disappear? ed: what? pete: why one state is erasing her from some history books. ed: what happened? with my head down low how can we say when you book direct at you always get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed? let s say it in a really low voice. carl? lowest price, guaranteed. just stick with badda book. badda boom. book now at the trail until you kissedincredible. that tree stump. he was laid up in our apartment for weeks. by the time i was back at work, i had a stack of credit card bills i didn t know what to do with. i told him to consolidate them with a loan through lending club. a few minutes online saved me almost $300 a month. better yet, i had an easy payment plan to get me back on track. back on track enough to clean up this dump. come on, man. (vo) check your rate at why test a hybrid engine for over six million miles? why hand-tune an audio system? why include the most advanced active safety system in its class, standard? because when you want to create an entirely new feeling, the difference between excellence and mastery, is all the difference in the world. introducing the all-new lexus es. every curve. every innovation. every feeling. a product of mastery. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. pete: andrew cuomo beating cynthia nixon, getting more votes than any gubernatorial candidate in new york primary history. yet the actress with a socialist agenda still got a third of the votes. ed: over 500,000 in fact. katie: and our next guest a democrat says the party has reason to worry. ed: mark penn is former chief strategist for both bill and hillary clinton s election campaign. good morning, mark. good morning. ed: what do you think about this tilt to the left. you hear conservatives saying by 2020 the democratic is just going to be race even further left. from inside the democrat party, do you buy that? do you think it is a problem. trump:. i think right now there are four kinds of democrats. there s socialists, there s those on the left, there s progressives, and there s moderates, right? and you don t hear a lot about moderate candidates. so the party s being driven farther to the left because activism, i think particularly driven by being against trump i think is pushing the party to the left, and it s always a concern. remember, it wasn t too long ago that there were some 48, 49- 49-state wipeouts for the democrat party with which it was perceived as too far to the left left. that s why it s important to keep it in the center. katie: is this a strategy or is this just a splintering of the party? because there are plenty of young people who think socialism is better than capitalism, plenty of young people who support people like colin kaepernick kneeling for the national anthem, you have andrew cuomo saying america was never great. is this a strategy or is this just trying to figure out where the democrat party is going? i think all four flavors of democrats are pretty well united against trump and they re behind the party. i think they re more united right now, you know, than the republican party is on its leadership and its direction. so i don t think you re seeing a real splintering here and you re seeing an increased enthusiasm and turnout in the democratic party. so the party s healthier than it looks for the moment. pete: forgive me for feeling like you re splitting hairs a little bit. you said the democrats, the left and the socialists were three different groups. sounds like the same group to me and if you ve got a big bulk of your party dragging it left, you pretty quickly get out of touch with average voters. that s got to be a real fear for you. well, that certainly is and every time, you know, even when you go back to when i worked for president clinton bringing them back to the center was critical to really getting a majority, but i don t see anybody trying to get across the line in the center. the republicans have moved too far to the right. the democrats have moved too far to the left. look. this election with cuomo and nixon really showed, hey, she got about a third, she was a very well known candidate, she ran an aggressive campaign. cuomo, who used to be a moderate kind of now bills himself as a progressive, and i think there was a big distinction between the two of them. and even in new york he beat her decisively. and i think that says something very good about the broad voter base of the democratic party wanting to be more moderate. pete: got a little bit of power of incumbancy there as well. we ll see that test at the national level. joe biden been a little bit moderatish going against some hard charging leftists. ed: mark, appreciate you coming in. her daughter was murdered by ms-13, such a tragic store, and she made it her vision to fight against a violent gang. well, another tragedy two years later, that mother, evelyn rodriguez killed at her daughter daughter s memorial run over by a car. congressman peter king knew her well. he joins us to not only talk about the investigation but remember her legacy. that s n.xt pete: if at first you don t succeed, try, try again. an anti-trump crowd unveiling new plans to take down the president. mike huckabee, former governor, here to react live. all the tools you need for every step of the way. make it, squarespace this is moving day with the best in-home wifi experience and millions of wifi hotspots to help you stay connected. and this is moving day with reliable service appointments in a two-hour window so you re up and running in no time. show me decorating shows. this is staying connected with xfinity to make moving. simple. easy. awesome. stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and two-hour appointment windows. click, call or visit a store today. pete: welcome back. a couple of quick headlines for you. an evacuation at new mexico s solar observatory remains a mystery. scientists forced to leave the facility a week ago and no one knows why. authorities are calling it a security concern and they re not really seeing any more details. it remains a mystery. and a teen takes matters into her own hands by shooting a cougar that threatened her 6-year-old brother. nice job. 16-year-old amayaa simpson said it came within three feet of her brother cole who practicing elk calls in washington. she says she s never hunted a cougar before at that moment, but you do what you got to do. katie: never shot a cougar but have shot an elk. ed: this is a tough be, tragic story, talking about it over 24 hours now. still no charges filed in the death of a mother whose daughter was brutally murdered by ms-13. emily rodriguez has been on this show many times. she was hit and killed by a car at her daughter s memorial in long island, new york. katie: she is remembered as a fierce champion for her daughter advocating in the fight against gang violence. rodriguez joined us on fox & friends several times making her message clear. these are kids, you know, kids killing kids. that shouldn t be tolerated at all. these individuals are ruthless. i just hope and pray one day that this stops. how many more kids need to die in order to make a change? pete: congress peter king represents new york s second district include long island. he was on his way to the memorial when rodriguez was killed and joins us now with more. congressman, thanks for being here. such a tough topic. you ve gotten to know evelyn. she s been on this program. talk to us about her first. she s truly an outstanding woman. her daughter actually when she was killed it was with baseball bats and machetes, horrific as you can imagine. evelyn never felt sorry for herself 37 she fought the. she did everything she possibly could to alert the state and the nation to ms-13, how evil it is. she was just a tremendous crusader. and i never heard her once complain. never felt sorry for herself. she never made anything a political issue. she was absolutely committed to destroying ms-13, whatever had to be done. she appeared with president trump several times. she would work with the democratic district attorney. i mean, she was absolutely and hit the in a bipartisan way to destroy ms-13 so that no other child would ever have happen to them what happened to her daughter, kayla. ed: such an important message and we want to keep the focus on her legacy, congressman, but i think people are also waking up and wanting some answers and you as a lawmaker who s been on the forefront of fighting ms-13 as well, what do you know about what happened and what are you and others trying to do in terms of getting answers? when we hear that there was a dispute and then she gets run over, people are wondering why have there not been any charges filed. this is under very serious investigation. the district attorney, tim sheen sheeny is an outstanding district attorney. the police department under jerry hart, the two of them and their departments are working around the clock on this. there is a video of everything that happened because channel 12 the local cable station was there. and they recorded everything, the whole incident, including evelyn being run over by the vehicle. so the question now, was this done intentionally? was it criminal negligence, whatever? i don t want to go any further than that other than to say that i can assure all your viewers that this is being carefully, carefully analyzed. the police have ruled out ms-13. the question is whether or not the neighbor who drove the car i believe the question is whether or not this was intentional, what whether or not she should have known what was going to happen. but again, the fact in many you have a neighbor tear down the memorial. my understanding is that the memorial was torn down and then put into the trunk of the suv, and that s what precipitated evelyn wanted the picture of her daughter back, she wanted it back, and that s when she was run over by the automobile, by the suv. absolutely horri.le katie: the driver of that vehicle has not been arrested about the homicide squad is investigating the incident. so we ll see how that goes move forward. getting back to evelyn s legacy, can you talk a little bit about how ms-13 has been impacted in long island as a result of local policies and federal government policies to go after them? well, one of the main causes of the rise of ms-13 on long island has been the unaccompanied minors. they came across the border in 2014, 2015, a disproportionate number of them were assigned to the community of central islip in brentwood. it was the local authorities that brought this to my attention, it turns out that many of these kids either were ms-13 themselves coming across the border or were sent across the border by ms-13 and the families of violence here to take them in were either ms-13 families or they had relatives back in el salvador who were being threatened by ms-13. these young people went into the schools and they terrorized the schools. you had areas of the school where other kids couldn t even walk down, and evelyn s mother, she had warned the school several times what was going on. and unfortunately, the school did not take it seriously enough enough. and we saw what happened. but since evelyn got involved, i tell you, there have been 25 murders in 18 months of young, innocent kids, being macheted to death. since then a combination of the district attorney, the police commissioner, president trump, president trump getting involved more assistant u.s. attorneys in there, more of homeland security hsi, i.c.e., all in there, the tied has turned but they re still an evil group, and we have to keep the pressure on continually. not let the boot off their neck. ed: important message, absolutely. go back to, we mentioned at the top that you were on your way to the memorial when this tragedy happened. what did you see? by the time you got there, what was playing out? please tell us. when i got there the crime scene had been set up, i got there, i guess this occurred about 4. i got a call from evelyn s friend about 4:30, quarter to five as i was leaving for the vigil which was supposed to start at 5:45. when i arrived there i spoke to the police. they already had it cordoned off off. i didn t want to to be playing cop. my father was a cop for 40 years i know what they think of politicians at the scene. i talked to cops there on the scene. they had homicide squad, all the vehicles, they had cameras, everything there, they were analyzing it, looking at it. this was a full-court press. what was most eerie about this, though, is, i mean, i knew because, you know, people in the police department told me what happened. but people were arriving for the vigil. and again, it didn t dawn on me, all these people coming down the street. i thought they had heard that evelyn had been killed. instead, they were coming for the vigil. and it s hard to describe, even though the vigil was going to be sad, it was also positive. that was evelyn s message. what happened was tragic but we re standing together. so people coming actually in an upbeat mood, people coming with musical instruments, and he had no idea that she was dead. katie: just want to reconfirm real quickly. you said that local authorities have ruled out ms-13 in the case case? yes, they have. yes. the police department has said it is not ms.13 pete: it s either there was an argument, it was either intentional or hasty and un unintentional and that s what they re trying to figure out, more or less. katie: awful situation. horrible. and again no matter what though there was no excuse for tearing down the memorial. ed: absolutely. we have to find out why they wanted to tear it down. we should be honoring the entire family. thank you, congressman king. more if your moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn s symptoms are holding you back, and your current treatment hasn t worked well enough it may be time for a change. ask your doctor about entyvio®, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn s. entyvio® works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract, and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio® may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection experience frequent infections or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio®. if your uc or crohn s treatment isn t working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio®. entyvio®. relief and remission within reach. ed: back way fox news letter. floodwaters tearing through a north carolina dam in the wake of florence. you can see it right there. death toll now rising, breaking news this morning, at least 12 people katie: the monster storm now a tropical depression but the mid- mid-atlantic isn t out of the woods just yet. life-threatening flood rising at record levels this h.ur pete: with emergency crews in full force rescue people trapped in their homes. let s go to rick who is tracking it all for us. if you re in a place where you can stat at your home or stay wherever you have gone to, stay there, cause a lot of the roads are flooded, a lot of the interstate areas are flooded, and very big concerns about some of the bridges be washed out and the roads being washed out because of these rising floodwaters. still a lot of moisture being pulled in off of the atlantic and that s going to make things a little bit worse today. but it will start to move by later on today a little bit farther towards the west. by tomorrow there will be scattered showers. want to show you the rest of the atlantic here, by the way. right at the peak of hurricane season and the atlantic has been active. we ve been mostly talking about florence. that one little l in the caribbean that was a storm called isaac. we ll keep our eye on it. there are some chances. we ll let you know if you should worry about it. this is the track of the storm now. starts to move a little bit faster. right now it s moving about 8 miles an hour. tomorrow morning it will be in the central appalachians, by tuesday out of here, by tuesday afternoon but there will be some pretty big rains in new england that could cause localized flooding there. pete: thanks, rick. appreciate it. here for more on the news of the day, bring in former governor mike huckabee, fox news contributor, also host of huckabee on tbn. thank you for joins us this morning. we ve been playing some clips of liberals, folks that might want to run for president in 2020. of course they unite in taking on the republican current occupant of the white house, as they say, the president of the united states, donald trump. well, turns out it s not just democrats. it s, of course, also republicans wanting to go after this president. here s bill kristol on another network talk about plans to take him out. he said we are thinking of and doing preliminary work to prepare for a primary run against the president. people aren t going to say they will run against trump unless they have the infrastructure, but i ve been trying to persuade people that it may not be that difficult. it seems to me, governor, president s in a pretty strong position, especially with the way the economy is and the possibility of the mueller probe winding down. how do you see it? well, i think you re exactly right. i can t imagine why people would want to go back to higher taxes and overregulated market that sent our jobs overseas to a lack of attention on the borders, to a place where we were bowing down to foreign leaders. i think things have gone pretty well the past year and a half. and i cannot imagine that people think that a return to the previous time was good. but look. bill kristol has marginalized himself. he used to be fairly respected. he s now become something like a dog howling at the moon. he tried to stop donald trump in the election in 2016. he backed a candidate who got all of 0.53 percent of the vote in the national election. i think that tells you everything you need to know about bill kristol s influence and the attempt to derail the duly elected president, donald trump. katie: governor huckabee, faith is always a big issue in these issues, presidential and midterm midterm. how will faith impact the upcoming elections here in 50- 50-plus states? well, faith voters really do make a huge difference. in fact, they were the reason that president trump is president. there was a record turnout of faith voters and a record support for this president. and i think they have been more than overwhelmingly pleased, not necessarily with his language, not necessarily with his style, but with the results. and ultimately that s what matters. i m honorary chairman of a group called my faith votes. our job is to try to get people to pray, think, and vote. and the real goal is just to inform people that they need to register. if something like 85 million faith voters in this country were to sit home in the midterms it s disastrous. so that s why we re asking people to go to their text and text 40649. just text the word quote to 40 40649. we ll give em information on how to vote, where to register and make sure they don t sit home. ed: serious issues ahead for sure. normally when i want to get a joke, something funny on twitter i ll go to your account. but i got to tell you, marco rubio, governor, is giving you a run for your money because here s what he s tweeting about john kerry. says, hopeful iran hires john kerry to be their lead negotiator, because he is certain to negotiate a bad deal for whichever side he s on. what say you? i gotta hand it to him, that was brilliant. you know, john kerry s the only guy i know that wants to bring back the edsel, myspace, and other failed enterprises. and this is why john kerry really is a joke. but the sad thing is what he s doing is not funny. what he s doing, i believe, is both a violation of the logan act under which, by the way, nobody s ever been successfully prosecuted and only two people charged, but i think he makes the case for actually getting convicted of it. the second is the foreign agent registration act or fara. i think he s violating both. more than that he s violating a sense of just protocol. you know, to continue to negotiate secretly with a foreign government, the largest terrorist sponsor in the world is just bewildering. and i think mike pompeo was smart to call him out on it. and john kerry owes this country a big apology. pete: absolutely. i don t know if he s trying to protect his legacy or if he really thinks the deal s a good one, but he s undermining a sitting president as a former secretary of state. we can joke about it and like you said rubio did a great job, but katie: puts u.s. national security at risk in the process. let me point out one thing. i think the big difference is that when democrats win an election, they use their offices and they roll over the law. they just go ahead and do things like obama did with dhaka when he said seven times publicly he couldn t do it, then he went ahead and did it anyway. ed: he did it by fiat anyway, governor. right. here s the difference. every time republicans win a national election, the democrats fail to recognize it. they didn t in 2000 when george w. bush .an katie: very true. and they re not doing it in 2016. that s a big failure. ed: thanks, the boxer, for condominium. good to talk to you g.ys katie: up next, a notorious islamist preacher who recruited for isis and orchestrated over 15 terror plots is now said to be released early from prison in the u.k. ed: what? pete: oh, my goodness. ed: and jim carrey still defending socialism. how he s now getting called out for it though. you have to say yes to socialism, to the word and everything. we have to stop apologizing. fro. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist relieves your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills don t. it helps block six key inflammatory substances. most pills block one. flonase sensimist. and lose weight with contrave. it s fda-approved to help adults who are overweight or struggle with obesity lose weight and keep it off. contrave is believed to work on two areas of the brain: your hunger center. i m so hungry. 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(bubbling, dripping) not part of the dream. we needed to pay for repairs and replace the water heater. a loan through lending club gave us affordable rates with a clear end in sight. a few questions online and within days we had the money in our account. now, if only getting these things unpacked was just as quick and easy. (vo) check your rate at ed: some quick headlines and hillary clinton simply will not like. she could be erased from the textbooks in text. the state board of ed moving to remove her as a leader in social studies lessons, saying it will save teachers about 30 minutes in instruction time. the education board for some reason cutting also helen keller from its curriculum. it will vote again in november to finalize the changes. remember when jim carrey said this? you have to say yes to socialism, to the word and everything. we have to stop apologizing. ed: now the actor is getting called out, by, yes, a venezuela venezuelan journalist. he writes in a column in venezuela, dear jim, from what i have told you there was no, he can witable distribution of wealth. wealth is concentrated as rarely before in our history in very few hands. and that hasn t really worked out, katie? katie: well, a notorious london- london-based islamic imam who was sentenced to prison after he was found to have recruited for isis has reportedly been linked to over 15 terror plots is about to be released from prison early early. pete: okay. angemkordiri convicted by a u.k. court back in 2016 just two years expected to be set free next month. he served about half of his sentence and is still considered committed to his islamist cause and a serious threat. so why is he being released into the public? katie: dr. zudijasser has dedicated his entire career to reforming radical islamists. he joins us now to weigh in. zudi, your reaction to this news news? i m horrified, katie. this is a guy who after 9/11 ran a group that celebrated 9/11, he s radicalized over a hundred muslims in britain, including folks connected to the 7-7 blooming, the london bridge bombing, the on and on as far as what he said. now, and also calling for war, calling for establishment of the caliphate and especially i ve debated him on this network, on other networks, where he has basically said muslims like me are apostates, and that is code for that we should be killed. so here s a guy who, because of britain s laws, they let people out at half the sentence so he s being let out early because of their weak laws, if you will, and it s a clinic for the west to see you know what? why haven t we declared war on these groups? why haven t we had a formal declaration of war so that these people i mean, in the united states even though our speech laws are freer where in the united kingdom they re actually putting to jail people like tommy robinson and people who are questioning islam, questioning ideology, in the united states we actually took t tarikmahenna put him in jail for 17 years and the notorious new york times said he was put in jail inappropriately for thought crimes. we have a smarter system. this guy was declaring war on the united states pete: he s sending people to go fight with isis and conduct terror attacks, he gets six years web serves half of it. what does it tell you about how fundamentally unserious our counter-islamist policies are in the west and specifically in the u.k.? there are no counter- counter-islamists. they re looking at it like a crime. they re looking at it as if he did very little. and it s surrender basically, and it s a lack of insight, pete into exactly what it is we re fighting: a global ideology that includes the radicalization by governments like iran, assad s syria. isis. isis might be on the verge of decimation, but globally jihad is stronger than it s ever about about. why? because the west, the u.k., canada, all these weaker governments have no strategy. we have no approach for advancing western values. and what we re doing is actually telling folks like him to come out, get on the british welfare dole, do his welfare jihad, make money and then go back to declaring the caliphate. actually just so you know when he was in prison they were really worried about how much he was going to radicalize muslims in prison and yet did nothing about it. katie: he is still deemed a serious danger to the community, to the outside community and the bottom line here is that lives are at risk. so dr. zafar, we thank you for coming in to talk about this. as the west commits cultural suicide islamists get coherent in their approach. part of striking a deal with the special counsel s team. some say the white house should be alarmed. we re going to ask corey lewandowski who ran the president s campaign last hour. katie: fox news set to host a town hall with both arizona senate candidates in their neck-and-neck race. paris faulkner joins us to talk about it next. nothing says fall like a homecoming football game, so let s promote our fall travel deal on like this. touchdown. earn a free night when you stay just twice this fall. or, badda book. badda boom. book now at [stomach gurgles] when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. girl, pepto ultra coating will treat your stomach right. nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. try new pepto with ultra coating. ed: the midterms just about 50 days away. one key senate race to watch, democrat kyrsten sinema and republican martha mcsally out there in arizona. something you know a little bit about. katie: i do know about arizona. i love that place. it s where i m from. the latest fox news poll shows the two neck-and-neck. the two candidates who are vying for senator jeff flake s seat are set to face off tonight at eight o clock eastern right here on the fox news hosted by harris faulkner. pete: harris joins us now from phoenix. you know we love you. the sun has just broken through; so it will be a hundred degrees in about 15 katie: the death ray is coming, too, . pete: it s only going to get hotter. go ahead. you take it from here. you know arizona better than i do . katie: this is an amazing town hall you re hosting tonight, talking to local arizonans about this race. give us a preview of what you re doing tonight. the battle for republicans to keep control in the senate has this particular race in focus. and so you mentioned the candidates, the republican and the democrat who are running so close in the polls right now. but things about about to change change. as you know, they always do. and one of the key issues is immigration and building the president s border wall system. so that is the focus. and all of the issues, you know, build the wall, dump i.c.e., all those things that pete, ed, and katie we ve been talking about on the air for so much as the president drives even more news with the issue with his latest words on immigration. so we are set to be here. it is a live town hall with participants from democrats, some independents, and republicans. so we were going to hear from everybody tonight. and our stakeholders are really interesting too. we ve got a rancher who talks about the lawbreaking that he sees across the border all the time going across his property, which is dangerous for his long-term ranch down there. we re going to talk with a head of the border patrol union here, 4500 members, border patrol agents and others, and he says that there are some definite things that will be helped out by the wall. he s going to talk about that. and then we have a dhaka recipient who is one of our stakeholders on the panel, worked for bernie sanders and the democrat in the race here in arizona, kyrsten sinema. so some really interesting people. and of course that element that you cannot predict, that live audience. i sat down yesterday with each of the candidates, long forum, and we are going to show our audience the first time since they were primaried an exclusive sit-down with each of them what their plans are. are they going to help the president or not? we ll talk pete: and both coming at it from different angles. martha mcsally wasn t necessarily the first trump supporter. kyrsten sinema has tried to cozy up. do you think president trump will be front and center in this debate tonight? you know what, i love that question because i do. i think that not just because he s made news recently with the trade talks with mexico and so on and so forth, but i think he is because people are looking for change. and they haven t seen it. and so they know that they see him as a change agent. even democrats who i ve talked with have said, you know, you ll see kyrsten sinema kind of pitch a little bit to the left. when you watch this interview, watch for that tonight. watch for her talking about working with trump and what she would katie: we re really looking forward to it, harris, tonight at eight o clock eastern, live audience, two interviews with the senate candidates there. we will be tuning in. ed: thanks for getting up early for us. thanks great to see you. best of luck. ed: still ahead, corey lewandowski, the reverend franklin graham with an important message about what s happening in the carolinas. maria bartiromo and calorie kirk all live coming up. joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. all the tools you need for every step of the way. make it, squarespace and i heard that my cousin s so, wife s sister s husband was a lawyer, so i called him. but he never called me back! if your cousin s wife s sister s husband isn t a lawyer, call legalzoom and we ll connect you with an attorney. legalzoom. where life meets legal. hawaii is in the middle of the pacific ocean. we re the most isolated population on the planet. hawaii is the first state in the u.s. to have 100% renewable energy goal. we re a very small electric utility. but, if we don t make this move we re going to have changes in our environment, and have a negative impact to hawaii s economy. verizon provided us a solution using smart sensors on their network that lets us collect near real time data on our power grid. 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(shelee) if we can create our own energy, we can take care of this beautiful place that i grew up in. comfort. what we deliver by delivering. it all took place a dozen years prior to him coming to the campaign for that brief period, so look, paul didn t pay his taxes. paul had foreign bank accounts, paul didn t register as a foreign agent when he was doing work for companies and countries and individuals overseas, and that has nothing to do with donald trump. ed: all true pardon me but i think what alan dershowitz and others were suggesting and they could be wrong and that s why we re having to get all sides here is that yes the crimes are old but does he flip now and say something about the 2016 campaign say about the trump tower meeting? there s nothing to flip on. i was there. i was still the campaign manager during that meeting. we know what took place in that meeting which is nothing. we know that many people wanted to provide dirt on hillary clinton but what we also know was the only campaign that took $5 million and paid a former british spy was the clinton campaign. when is the mueller team going to go and investigate those individuals? when is the fbi going to prosecute andrew mccabe for lying under oath? paul manafort broke the law for crimes he committed a dozen of years ago and there was no collusion between the trump campaign and russia and the only campaign in 2016 was the clinton campaign. katie: corey you mentioned the clinton campaign and robert mueller. on friday when manafort entered his plea deal the documentation that the special counsel actually released mentioned tony pedessa, whose the brother of hillary clinton s campaign manager but that part is being ignored on headlines all about manafort, what is your response? you re exactly right, katie. it s also the former once counsel and the obama administration whose part of this but that s not the headlines that the left wants to talk about. they want to go after paul manafort but look at the individuals paul is doing business with. it s the former white house counsel. where is that story when do those individuals get brought into this? they were also looks like acting as foreign agents and forgot or chose not to register. where is the accountability there? look it s more fake news and paul has been held accountable and is going to jail but it has to be fair across-the-board so let s have that fairness happen. pete: corey we ve got 30 seconds but the president tweeting yesterday, he s disappointed with republican leadership and their unwillingness to fund a border wall there s a potential showdown, in october, over the budget. should the president threaten or actually shut the government down if he doesn t get funding for the wall? pete this is a hallmark of the campaign. what i don t understand is why republicans or democrats in congress don t want to put a wall up on our southern border so we can protect individuals in our country from bad people coming in. i don t get it this is as simple as it gets. let s build the wall the president has made a commitment to doing this he s going to get it donald if they don t find a way to put the money in place then closing the government to protect u.s. citizens is the right thing to do. pete: corey lewandowski thank you very much. pete: appreciate it . thank you. katie: with devastating flooding for days to come in north korea the need for relief will be crucial. reverend franklin graham is here with what you can do to help. ed: plus are you better off now than you were four years ago? a new op-ed says that s the most important question for republicans to ask voters maria bartiromo is here to talk about it. ed: some quick headlines president trump will host pole and s leader in washington tuesday, as well as security in central europe it will be the president s first white house visit and the president also hitting the campaign trail this week ahead of the mid-terms on thursday he s holding what he calls a make america great general rally in las vegas and then on friday the president will be in springfield, missouri as he pushes for republican to unseat claire mccaskill that is a critical senate battle. pete: well are we better off now than we were two years ago? it s a question a new york post op-ed argues is the most important one for the gop to ask voters if they want to keep congress as the economy sores. katie: sunday morning futures host maria bartiromo joins us to weigh in. so, you read this op-ed what do you have to say? maria: great to see you guys so i think it s the questions people will be thinking about as they go to the polls in november and look at the most important metrics first economic growth. in the first half of 2016 economic growth was averaging 1.9%. today, same timeframe 3.2%. let s look at unemployment unemployment in 2016 was near 5% , 4.9% today, 3.9%. look at household income now at a record high $61,000 and plus, at that time, $60,000. you look at the poverty rate and look at the stock market soaring up 45% since that timeframe. all of these things are so glaringly different and it has everything to do with president trump s policy. when you look at the fact that he rolled back regulations, let s not forget you didn t build that. pay your pair share. this divisiveness under president obama. president trump rolled back regulations and what did we say? businesses put new money to work pete: but if folks aren t watching you on fox business or us on this channel are they hearing that? maria: they re not hearing that pete and it s really shame physical and incredible to me that the mainstream media refuses to report the actual stories that are most important to the american people not to mention your personal life in terms of the fact that you have more money in your pocket and the fact that you have done so much better given these new policies but also the glaring ignoring of probably the biggest story of our time and that of course is the people at the top of the fbi and the doj who put their finger on the scale and tried to change an election by creating a narrative that donald trump had anything to do with russia and putting him into the russian meddling scandal. it s incredible. ed: you ve got a couple guests devon nunes as well as john ratcliffe but i want to stay on the economy for a second because tomorrow i believe is the 17th anniversary of the stock market reopening after the 9/11 terror attacks. last weekend you were here you got emotional recalling your reporting on 9/11 in lower manhattan but help it came back people were fearful and it s hard to remember now that the economy was ever going to come back that it had been brought to its knees we ve come a long long way. maria: we really have ed and when you look back at that time 17 years ago the air was horrible you couldn t breathe it in, it was terrible, but on monday, september 17, 2,001, the chairman of the new york stock exchange forced the reopening of the exchange and we owe him a great debt. there he is on the podium ring ing the opening bell with the fire department police department first responders mayor governor et cetera. i was reporting on the floor of the new york stock exchange. we were so scared we were in shock at what had just occurred but seeing all of those people up there getting the chills right now ringing the bell, showing off that yes, we were down but we were not out, showing us reminding us that we would rise again. they all came down to the floor of the exchange after that. i interviewed them all and one by one, they offered these heart-felt strong comments that we are here, we have lost so many of our friends and family but we will not be deterred by terrorists and we will rise again and that is the point that i would like to pass on today because that is america. we had incredible and we have incredible law enforcement who continues to keep us safe going back to your point about the border wall that is who we are in terms of america. yes, we will rise again so it was an incredible day and i look forward tomorrow to thinking to tomorrow to thinking about what happened 17 years ago. ed: that s a great message and you ve got biggests. maria: we re talking about new information with devon nunes, the chairman of the house intel committee, and john ratcliffe of the house judiciary committee. we know that everybody is asking president trump to declassify so much. devon nunes is going to break news today because i m going to ask him are you going to declassify some of those important depositions that you took of bruce ohr, sally yates et cetera. if he declassifies that that s going to show us so much in terms of how they hatch this plan to setup trump. ed: don t miss it. pete: could be coming in that realm. ed: there s a different network on that but i m glad you re with fox business now. maria: thank you so much. pete: and winning. ed: devastating flooding for days to come in north korea north carolina, he will tell us what you can do to help this morning. pete: plus even paul mccartney is happening on the anti-trump train with his music. ed: what? sir paul? as moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10-25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you re pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. this video does not show, it doesn t even do it justice. the devastation of this. pete: you re right videos don t always tell the whole sorry we re back with a tragic fox news alert the death toll climbing to 13 in the wake of florence new video this morning of floodwaters crashing in north carolina. ed: they re not out of the woods yet devastating rain still on the way may go on for days. katie: jonathan is live in wrightsville beach, north carolina. jonathan? reporter: it s amazing two days after the eye of the storm passed directly over us we still have blustering winds knocked down some of the gates at the bottom level of this condominium complex as far as places where people were actually living or visiting they began on the second story, most protected by storm windows the problem not the winds but the rains driven by those battering winds still seeping through windows and creeping into some of the units. over here you can see the winds blew down a gate and then as we pan up you can see the winds have been stripping away siding from this house. the main issue with this storm is not so much the intensity but the duration and all the water that its dropping throughout the state. as lanes and rivers swell in the interior of the state that s putting pressure on dams, one in boiling springs lake breach cutting off the roadway that goes across the dam. this is just one example of the many hazardous road conditions that this storm is causing throughout the state. listen to the governor. when a storm is bad einto if to shutdown interstate highways, you know other roads may be even in worse shape. all roads in the state right now are at risk of floods. reporter: that s not the only risk in wilmington police have setup a special task force to deal with looting. dozens of people were seen breaking into a family dollar store that was caught on social media. police are now using that in an effort to identify the suspects, they say that they will prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. coming back to our live shot on wrightsville beach, the water is now restored throughout the city , power is still out they re working on that and they anticipate allowing residents back on the island some type early this week but the story is moving away from the coast and now affecting parts well inland back to you guys. ed: jonathan that s a perfect transition to rick richmuth because obviously everybody watches the coast when the hurricane first hit now we re going inland as well, rick. rick: but not done with the coast yet still to be honest with you take a look at the map down here on the ground tornado watch in effect we ll see that throughout the day today and tomorrow i believe and any time you have a landfalling tropical system you get that and we had a tornado just to the southwest of wilmington earlier this morning and it had almost two feet of rain from this and more rain continues to fall right across the wilmington area, which is the area that now about 40 or 50 , i can t do my math guys, 50 hours ago, its been a long week let me just tell you so incredibly heavy rain continuing to fall and by the way if you re thinking about getting out on the road and you have your phone charged go to your apple maps or google maps because it ll show you all of the roads that are closed and where you won t be able to get through because of the flood water so you ll at least have realtime information on that. this is all of the rainfall that we have seen a lot of spots in fact a big swath over 20 inches isolated spots over 30 inches and i think we ll hit that 40 by the time we are done in a few spots. the center of the storm to the southwest of columbia beginning to move faster which is good news in fact we ll start to see it move off towards the northwest little bit later on today but even though the center is moving the energy off to the outside the water or the air is still moving over that warm water in the atlantic. you can see all of that red that s that energy and the moisture still being pulled in across parts of the gulf. by the way here you go. i don t want to scare you i m not trying to make another story but that little system you see in the caribbean that says izaac was a system we ll be watching for any possible development this weekend as well. ed: by the way i had a viewer tweet me that when i said we needed a pizza to feed the army it was small a. got to recognize the marines of course. pete: they owe me. the troop. ed: the volunteers, everybody. katie: turning to your headlines residents are allowed to return home after several deadly gas explosions in gas gas. more than 60 homes blowing up in three towns near boston. authorities believe the same gas company is linked to three separate blasts in other states, former boston police commissioner ed davis joined us earlier to weigh in. this is serious business. it s really important to have an agency like the ntsb take a look at it objectively, cut through the various statements that are made by different people to get to the truth of what happened so that we can learn from this and make sure it doesn t happen again. katie: those explosions killed one person and left 25 others injured. and london mayor is calling for a second referendum on brexit and he previously said he accepted the will of the people even though he disagreed but he s concerned there are no plans in place, six months before great britain is scheduled to leave the european union. prime minister theresa may insists that members of parliament will have the final say. citizens voted to leave the eu two years ago and even paul mccartney is hopping on the anti-trump train the beatles front man writing a new song referring to the president as mad captain. katie: of course, he had been asked about it and had a response. occasionally we ve got a mad captain sailing this boat we re all on and he s just going to take us to the iceberg. is the mad captain anyone in particular? well it s obviously, it s trump. katie: mccartney s new song also tackles the issue of climate change and in some sports news the green bay packers under fire over their ticket policy for infants. a new mom upset to find out her three-month old daughter wouldn t be allowed inside the stadium without her own ticket. most teams do allow babies to enter without a ticket as long as they aren t taking up any extra seats. that seems like the newest controversy with the nfl at least for the packers anyway. ed: last writing just not the reason to not watch the nfl ever again. let s rip off the people of our city by charging moms for their little babies to get in they must be losing it. pete: i have a feeling this policy will change quickly and mark writes a three-month old baby won t remember anything about the game. ed: fair point. pete: true also can t sit up in a seat themselves. ed: maybe get a babysitter instead. katie: to the ticket guy at the front here is my ticket. pete: the bigger story is that my vikings are going to mow them down. katie: no they aren t. the packers will beat the vikings. i don t care that pete has his tie on. pete: we ll see. ed: yes. pete: have you seen the video i don t know can one i m talking about. google exposed for political bias melting down over president trump s election victory in 2016 people here are pretty upset and pretty sad because of the election. pete: they re sad. charlie kirk here to react coming up next. ed: remember all of the celebrities who threatened to leave america over the president s victory? we checked and they re still here and there s a famous canadian who wants to come here and enjoy those. we ll explain. you won t believe this story. 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right. we should make sure that everyone feels safe to express themselves within the company. pete: joining us to react to that general swirl is founder of turning point usa charlie kirk. so talk about an admission a general swirl of what they perceive to be the broader lean ings of the company which is all of my employees are left so conservatives don t feel welcome the google one in particular it s astonishing this did not receive more media coverage and if you watch the hour-long kind of apology or reconciliation speeches these google executives were giving they were almost apollo is gooing to their employees that they didn t do more to stop it. that s almost the impression that i got from these goggle executives is if this is such a horrible thing that happened to the country such a horrible thing that happened to the world we re sorry that we at google did not do more to prevent this from happening and they said we re going to do everything we can to make sure the values that we hold near and dear are expressed forward. what are their values? their values are open borders their values are anti-american nism, anti- capitalism and this is so dangerous because more than 50% of americans get their information from google, facebook, twitter or the big tech companies and if they are able to steer and engineer behavior and political affiliation people are going to be manipulated by the biggest tech companies that happen predominantly liberal. katie: charlie you are a big component of free capitalism, you go back and fourth with socialistic alexandria cortez often types and you got into a little bit of a swat on twitter when she said you re alt right and you don t seem to understand the concept of fancy magazine shoots that require $3,500 piece s of clothing and she says she doesn t pretend to fight for a living wage and medicare for all and she says get used to me because i m an ex leapt thrift sloper. your reaction to her response to you? well it s interesting she actually does see my tweets which i find to be quite interesting because i ve challenged her and i ll reiterate it again to $100,000 to the charity of her choice if she will debate myself for can dice owens for 30 minutes filmed so that s it if you re watching this if you care so much about poor people, $100,000 straight to the community of your choice, straight to the cause that you care about, if you have a 30-minute taped discussion about socialism and the ideas that you profess. why are you so scared alexandria cortez? i could tell you why because she does not want to have dialogue discussion or disagreement. katie: charlie you have to add in the $3,500 for her suit to wear to the debate if she decided to show up which i don t think she will. exactly. katie: thank you, charlie. she s such a champion. katie: but she s not keeping them or something. thanks. pete: enjoy chicago. katie: still ahead with devastating flooding to come for days the need for relief will be crucial reverend franklin graham tells us what you can do to help next. i tried cold turkey, i tried the patch. they didn t work for me. i didn t think anything was going to work for me until i tried chantix. chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. i needed that to quit. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be life-threatening. stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. tell your healthcare provider if you ve had depression or other mental health problems. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. the most common side effect is nausea. i can t tell you how good it feels to have smoking behind me. talk to your doctor about chantix. pete: welcome back. samaritans purse deploying two response teams to assist with disaster recovery in new bern and wilmington two communities hit hardest by hurricane florence in north carolina. katie: here is reverend franklin graham joining us from their headquarters in north carolina. reverend tell us what we can do to help. thank you for asking there are thousands of people that are going to need help and samaritans purse we already have two teams deployed we re holding back two teams to wait until monday or tuesday to see where the other hard hit areas will be the entire state right now is having a i m in the western part of the state and it is pouring rain and still pouring rain on the coast so all this water in the mountains has to go somewhere and it s going to go right back down the mountain and the coast so they will have flooding i think for days to come. the samaritans purse, we need volunteers. we already have a thousand signed up but we re going to need more, a lot more and a person wants to be a part of this go to our website samaritan s, and you can see where you can be a volunteer maybe you can t go but maybe you can help financially because we will need finances for people that we re helping need money so we ll do what we can. ed: we want to thank you for that wonderful work you ve been doing and also the faith dimension earlier this morning father jonathan morris on earlier. people trying to make sense especially when you saw a mother and daughter die with a tree slamming into their house, and people wonder where is god right now, how do i get answers and at the same time after that tragedy we saw these first responders who are also doing heroic work get together and kneel in prayer to honor that mother and daughter talk about that image and what it means to you. first of all, all of us get caught in storms in life and it may be a health stop, it may be a financial storm or our marriage coming apart but we find ourselves from time to time in storms. every one of us our life will come to an end one day. jesus christ was in a storm with his disciples and the disciples thought the boat was going to sink and jesus was asleep in the back of the boat. they woke him up and said don t you care that we re about to parish and he said oh, you of little faith and the wind and the waves and became calm and i can tell you right now that whatever storm a person is in if you put your faith and trust in jesus christ you don t have to worry because when this life comes to an end we will be in the presence of almighty god if we put our faith and trust in his son. there s storms all the time and i would encourage people right now wherever you are just to put your faith in christ, trust him with your life, trust him with your future and when that day comes we re here no more in the presence of god for eternity. i remember when i was in north vietnam in an elevator that fell , it fell about 10 stories and so we re all kind of shocked and i turned to greta, and i said if thistle estraight or goes down i m going to go up and if anybody puts their faith in christ we don t have to worry about where we re going to spend eternity. i m in the presence of god and i will trust everyone to put their faith and trust in jesus christ. pete: this is personal for you as well if folks want to help out samaritan s purse, volunteers, donations, we thank you for what you re doing we ll follow your work. ed: thank you. thank you. pete: you got it. well remember all the celebrit ies who threaten to leave america because of president trump in 2016? there is a small display of them well they are still here and now a famous canadian wants to join them in america. we ll explain next. we may not kw much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. we also know that you can avoid drama by getting an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health. it could save your life. cigna. together, all the way. pete: welcome back. we end on a bit of a lighter note. justin bieber wants to become an american. he s canadian, lives here has a house here and he is applying for citizenship. katie: welcome to the club. ed: he s going to join celebrit ies who said they were leaving the country. katie: plenty but they are trying to get out or so they said during the 2016 presidential election they promised that if president trump won, donald trump won, candidate donald trump, that they would leave the country. ed: take it out of here. pete: i m out. katie: one way ticket. pete: how many did leave though do we have that graphic? ed: that would be zero. that s zero. pete: yeah. ed: and you re interested in this. pete: just to make the obvious point. ed: hollywood with a big zero. pete: your e-mails have been coming in friends@fox, they said those celebrities will never make the u.s. they make an obscene amount of money isn t that capitalism? ed: they didn t leave more proof of liberals who don t fulfill their promises. katie: there we go you guys will be on air next weekend. pete: we will we would love to have you back sometimes. katie: i will study my binder so that i know all of the details. pete: this is yours i ll put your name on top. official fox & friends. katie: thank you, pete. see you next time, thank you. pete: you got it. take care. maria: good sunday morning florence is now a tropical depression, as it continues to batter the southeast leaving a trail of destruction in its wake we will have a live report coming up right from the scene straight ahead president trump is set to impose additional tariffs onychias goods in an escalating trade war with beijing as threat to our national security loom large and will the president declassify documents related to fisa and bruce ohr? the republican push for transparencies in the investigation is gaining steam we ll talk with house intelligence chairman devon nunes and also getting reaction from congressman john ratcliffe who sits on both the house judiciary committee and homeland security committee plus heated

Montana , United-states , Alexandria , Al-iskandariyah , Egypt , United-kingdom , Hong-kong , Brentwood , New-york , China , Whitehouse , District-of-columbia