Met the surely by their leaders a lot. More stronger actually and i thought immediately of our quote of young i mean now i have made a very hacking into those that offer me our youth. Is there is the head to my fear i mean my money im might warm in a large amount of court on. A sort of hers if you look at how the girl some are here looking at a whole muslimeen like a mark on a target on the Horn Muslimeen your head of at the me feel why you had. A me a syrian and own product at the. Disco somebody halakhah that here so that he learned time so we left there because surely livability was stuck at the top of the barrier and go has an awesome awesome i know how to get the really slimy which seem only powered by. Combining student politics with academic study has an end to darby want to scholarship to travel to london where he earned a masters degree in law. Newly qualified he returned to sudan and began teaching at the university of hard to there he met his future wife and mattie not only
When hong kong opposition that is later claudia most has land failed to answer questions about the suspended extradition bill that protesters want and tie and withdraw. Can we let him have basically you can. Go to the paris or the who is actually running the show in hong kong and that is a shame because the prince who is asking. People to come to me to do work that what she things right the so examination all this it all according to baby sit down and she would not read the. Journalistic suggestion that she may not be in charge now thats actually could be taken as insulting the suggestion for a new. Leader. Now operations are slowly resuming at Hong Kong International airport after protests shut down the travel hop on monday passengers have been queuing to check in less than 24 hours after demonstrations flooded the main terminal the protests forced the cancellation of more than 100. 00 flights. And other news hundreds of protesters have defied security not valid and did administered k
Surely but theyre filled with the law. And i live. Here and i thought immediately of our code to be on i mean out of their very hacking into those that offer me our. Well. Is there is the head to my view i mean my money im might warrant a large amount of what all. Of us if you look at how other girls are more here are the whole muslim like a mark on a target on muslim in your heart at that i needed me feel why you had. To have me as a syrian and on product of the. Disco somebody like h. That here so that he learned time so its a lot to be sure a little bit of him was talking but all the talk about it and go has and i was a muslim i know how to really slam which he. Had power by. Combining student politics with academic study has an end to darby want to scholarship to travel to london where he earned a masters degree in law. Newly qualified he returned to sudan and began teaching at the university of heart. There he met his future wife we thought and mattie not only was she one of these
It all centers on this house in yemen and this person to let him with our. Ill guarantee you until the person in this room that has actually been to that house. This is bin ladens Operations Center in yemen. It was where he controlled office spots from. I went there because i get documentary for pbs, and we did a documentary on nsa and 9 11. So i went to that house and we saw it. That was where the first from 9 11 came from. Is are all issues that feed into judge pauleys decision, the comments of the director of nsa. This is the key excuse for having the Metadata Program. What happened was in december 1999, the in is a have been listening to this house for years because it was a house where bin laden would call to set up is terrorist operations. Its the house with the impact the u. S. Embassy, the uss cole and so forth. The nsa was listening to that house. December 1999 they picked up a communication and it was from afghanistan and it said, send Khalid Almihdhar to call them for the me
In a house that is owned by an fbi informant. Then his wife was pregnant in yemen. So he caught her calder fairly often. The nsa was eavesdropping and everything in that house, everything going in and coming out. So what happened was that the cia wanted information from that house. It wanted to say, well, give us the transcripts, give us with these people saying. The nsa would not give the cia and the information that they were picking up from the house. They went up three times asking senior officials at the nsa for that information and they would not give it to a. The cia is a building near on a listening post the communications announced. The problem is, theyre only getting the downlink. They dont have the satellite, so they are not getting the uplink of the communication. So they go back to the nsa and say, look, you know, we get the downlink. We have our listening posts. Can you just give us the appalling . Tsa says no well, that is the that is one of the key issues right now. Thi