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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20190226

shannon bream in washington. president trump is basing political pressure here at home to achieve what he calls a tremendous summit. and pressure from allies like south korea looking for lasting peace with its northern neighbor but tonight, as the bird watchers, the president continues to sound optimistic about scoring serious concessions from kim jong un. kristin fisher joins us now live from hanoi. good morning, good evening, i m not sure what it is where you are, but great to have you. let s just say good morning, shannon. there is just a ton of activity here in hanoi with the start of this summit. just one day away, the secretary of state mike pompeo is now on the ground and heading to a meeting to hash out all of the final logistics. the north korean leader kim jong un, he arrived in vietnam a few hours ago in his armored train, pulled into the station after a roughly two day trip from pyongyang. president trump is on board air force one right now i m expected to touch down in hanoi later today, local time. before he left, president trump gave a preview of the pitch that he will likely be making when he meets with chairman kim. but if he commits student complete denuclearization, than his country could enjoy the same kind of economic growth is another former enemy of the united states, the host country of this summit, vietnam. as i tell chairman kim, he has a chance to have a country that is so vibrant economically, maybe one of the most in the world. he s got a location that s unbelievable. as a real estate person i ve always done very well with location. but he s right between china, russia and then on the other side, south korea. so they can t touch each other unless they go through north korea. at their first summit in singapore, the two agreed to a complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula but the agreement was light on specifics and since then the talks have devolved into what the definition of denuclearization actually means, so the challenge here in hanoi will be to get the north koreans to agree to something more concrete. senate democrats will president trump while we acknowledge kim jong un s change in behavior since her first meeting, we believe your next meeting with kim doss must demonstrate tangible, verifiable progress on denuclearization. even within the trump administration, there is concern that the lead negotiator for the united states, stephen biegun is getting too far over his skis in terms of possible concessions that the u.s. might be willing to make. specifically the white house, state department, treasury department and department of defense are worried that he s put denuclearization itself back on the negotiating table. president trump has said repeatedly that the goal is complete verifiable denuclearization of north korea but he also said this just on sunday. are not in a rush, i don t want to rush anybody. i just don t want testing. as long as there s no testing, we are happy. something else that could potentially come out of this summit is a formal end to the korean war. south korean officials are saying that if possible, but even if that were to happen, president trump has said that there will not be a drawdown of u.s. troops on the korean peninsula, shannon. shannon: it is very delicate. you will be there all week. we will check back in with you. thank you very much. tonight the united states ramping up the pressure on disputed venezuelan president nicolas maduro in the form of new tough sanctions. vice president pence travel to colombia today to meet with opposition leader juan guaido and leaders from a group of a dozen countries focused on removing him from power. we will keep standing until your liver todd is restored we must insist with the intention of this humanitarian emergency to protect our people. shannon: the meeting comes after a violent weekend on the borders with both brazil and columbia. clashes breaking out when troops blocked eight shipments from entering venezuela, one witness same venezuelan authorities actually set one of those trucks on fire. they said the press reports two people were killed and 300 injured. as bernie sanders, the independent senator from vermont looks to recapture the magic from 2016, he s bringing in a record number of volunteers and donations, the spacing of headwinds tonight from hillary clinton staffers over private jets. david, why don t thing has one is still following the story. i sold it. shannon: to bernie connected to give give them a good deal? it can be argued that bernie sanders enjoys the most name recognition of the 2020 candidates from his 2016 run. he s been there before. which is two hours ago he was on stage answering questions from audience members at a cnn town hall. you better believe he was asked about 2016 multiple times, including a question asking if he did everything he could to help hillary clinton when it was clear he no longer had a path. he s been criticized for not helping clinton enough. take a listen. we went to state after state, i think we had 35, 40 rallies in all of the battleground states. so i do not except for one moment that i did not do everything that i could. but an article in political published early this morning points out that sanders apparently ruffled some feathers in the clinton campaign with clinton staffers calling him his royal majesty king bernie sanders. sanders traveled numerous times in 2016 during the campaign and beyond on a private jet. we checked the federal election commission website and sanders spent $342,000 on private travel after the campaign. surprisingly, he was not asked once about this during tonight s town hall. but he was asked about being a socialist and how he plans to fund some of the programs he wants like medicare for all and free tuition. at a time when the people on top have so much while the middle class shrinks and we have so many people blueberry and property, if your question is am i going to demand that the wealthy and large corporations start paying their fair share of taxes, damn right i will. amazon owned by the wealthiest kind of world made $5 billion last year and profits. and you want to know how much they paid in taxes? zero. that s right. that s where we will begin getting the money. sanders spent the majority of the hour criticizing president trump but he did consummate the president s intentions this week in vietnam with north korean leader kim jong on. that is a very good thing. i think that the idea of going in meeting face-to-face with your adversaries is a good idea. sanders took in millions of dollars in donations following his announcement last week. today he told supporters in a video that his campaign reached what he calls a historic threshold 1 million volunteers already part of his team. tonight he asked all democratic candidates to get behind the final candidate going against from whatever tim someone else. he says he did so with clinton in 2016 and he would do the same if he is not the nominee in 2020. we will have to see. shannon: doesn t look like a lost much of the momentum from two years ago. a lot of excitement there. shannon: they are feeling the burn. thank you very much. two congressional democrats, one veteran, the other a newcomer causing headaches for the old guard, at odds tonight over climate change and the green new deal. doug mckelway has more. the scientist has said that we have 12 years to turn this around. it s not going to get turned around in ten years. these to be an unwritten rule in journalism that you did not interview children because they say what adults told him to say. for her remarks, feinstein got an earful for congress upstart socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez. it s not just i ve been doing this for 30 years so we need to listen to them because frankly people have been failing at the same things for 30 or 40 years. while making children instagram, the congressman also reiterated the urgency for a green new deal. without it. we are screwed. it s either way worse than you are used to our way warmer than you re used to. that last comment is what scientists call an unfalsifiable hypothesis. in other words whatever happens is consistent with my hypothesis. while, and science, that means nothing. ocasio-cortez also post the center of question. is it okay to stop children? critics noted it is children who will bear the taxes for her green new deal. today, scores of future taxpayers held a sit in at the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell s office. it s part of a global youth movement for urgent climate change action. 16 old swede is leaving tens of thousands of youth to strike from schools across europe for climate change. we kids shouldn t have to do this. i wish that the adults would take their responsibility and do this instead. after meeting with her e.u. leaders, pledge hundreds of billions of dollars climate change. key activists in the climate community have targeted children. their terrifying kids that unless we change our ways that they are going to face a bleak future. president trump is moving in a different direction, he s begun appointing a committee of science advisors who view predictions of climate catastrophe with tremendous skepticism. shannon grade shannon: michele, thank you very much. so children being forced to dissent the green new deal debate. we are bound to backfire. let s bring in new york city public advocate and former governor of arkansas mike huckabee. great to have both of you with us tonight. hi grade shannon: i want to play a little bit about the congresswoman had to say on friday about the fact that she says listen, everybody s coming after my green new deal but they are not proposing anything, so in the meantime, is where things stand. and i m like, you try. you do it. because or not. because you re not. so until you do it, i m the bos boss. how about that? shannon: governor, she s the boss. i love it. i thought when people get elected there were servants, not bosses. i m just startled by this. but listen, i don t want her to stop talking. i want her to continue to be the voice and face of the democratic party because nothing is going to be more helpful to republicans and specifically to president trump s reelection in continuing to have this kind of stuff going on as if it s to be taken seriously in her comment about maybe shouldn t people st have children because it will affect climate change, that s just over-the-top as anything i ve ever heard. i m going to say maybe liberals shouldn t reproduce with those of us on the other side think it s okay. we will continue to enjoy our kids and grandkids. shannon: to that point, she is talking about the environment, 12 years left before they claim it implodes. their new estimated costs on the screen new deal. after $93 trillion. the data says that s the cost of $600,000 per u.s. household. if your tax every household in the u.s. are earning over thousand dollars a year at 100%. ten years you still couldn t pay for it. that sounds like at those numbers are anywhere in the ballpark, that s a threat to kids future is too. the whole concept of the new, greener deal is just flawed. the whole concept is the wealthiest of the wealthy, the .1% are the ones to pay the taxes. because they are the ones formerly endangering our environment. these multinational corporations were really causing emissions to release. the developers in new york. let s just start with that. new york city, which had a hurricane just a few years ago in which people still don t have their homes and parts of brooklyn and parts of queens in new york city, the place that generates more wealth than anyone on the planet, they still don t have homes because of hurricanes. we produce most of our emissions, from buildings. the real estate developers barely pay any taxes and they are the ones who don t want to crackdown and retrofit. dominic their buildings. when you look at the big business, big business doesn t want to pay taxes. it s not going to benefit people pretty shannon: your tech people who $30,000 and up that s not the green new deal. shannon: you have to take 100% of their income in ten years and you still wouldn t that is not the greener deal. if that s not the fox news version of the greener deal. a random organization, the actual policy of the greener deal is to tax the elite or really endangering the next generation. shannon: i am saying this doesn t go the top tax earners. $30,000 and up, governor. and still you re not going to get there. it s totally unrealistic. it cannot be done. you cannot take away every single productive piece of profit that people make. the year before that ocasio-cortez was born in 1989. there were people who said that if we didn t take immediate and drastic action to get rid of fossil fuels by the year 2000, the whole world would turn into a great big complete ball of fire. well guess what, we somehow got through the year 20003 i m not saying there s not a climate change. but on the other hand, i thought the whole idea that liberals believed about selection, survival of the fittest and the selection process was that we are always adapting to change. i guess that s not the case. shannon: final word to you quick. the reality is that the most impoverished communities, the most marginalized communities are the first to be affected by climate change. the facts are operating this isn t about whether or not you believe it anymore, it s about survival. we are over consuming, we are overpopulated on this planet. our water, or fish are not healthy anymore. and that is because we are polluting, whether it s air pollutants for the chemical pollutants. this is what s affecting the next generation. and the largest generation in history, they have children, that s going to continue to over populate. shannon: s on the markets? i think we have to be much more responsible. with the crackdown on risk dominic emissions but we have to be more responsible. shannon: the governor said lots of kids, you say think about it. okay. think about it. shannon: great to have of you, thank you. thank you, shannon. thank you, governor. shannon: late breaking news, senate democrats block a bill requiring doctors to treat infants born after failed abortions. on the same day a new poll shows a dramatic shift as more and more americans say they call themselves pro-life. that story is coming up, plus virginia s lieutenant governor justin fairfax facing sexual assault allegations compares himself to a lynching victim. it will go backwards and we rush to judgment and we allow for political lynchings without any due process, any facts, any evidence being heard, then i think we do a disservice. shannon: are power panel is next life. stay tuned. this simple banana peel represents a bold idea: a way to create energy from household trash. it not only saves about 80% in carbon emissions. it helps reduce landfill waste. that s why bp is partnering with a california company: fulcrum bioenergy. to turn garbage into jet fuel. because we can t let any good ideas go to waste. at bp, we see possibilities everywhere. to help the world keep advancing. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. great news for anyone wh- uh uh - i m the one who delivers the news around here. liberty mutual has just announced that they can customize your car insurance so that you only pay for what you need. this is phoebe buckley, on location. uh. thanks, phoebe. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. with who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. ordering custom ink t-shirts has been a really smart decision for our business. i love the custom ink design lab because it s really easy to use. they have customer service that you can reach anytime. t-shirts help us immediately get a sense of who we are as a group. from the moment clients walk in, they re able to feel like part of the family. - [spokesman] custom ink has hundreds of products for your business and free shipping. upload your logo or start your design today at upload your logo or start your design today what sore muscles? 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i think what he said is so misleading. this legislation would criminalize doctors and it doesn t actually address anything to shannon: of baby that s actually a life outside of the one. doesn t he live with anything that happens before. excuse me, it addresses a procedure that just doesn t exist. it s not an abortion. it doesn t exist as a procedure in this country. it s a misleading builder to shannon: i got to stop right there because i covered the case for a month in philadelphia and i think this is exactly what this bill is aimed at. if an abortion goes wrong and the baby survives in, there is a life there breathing on the table. he was sentenced to jail on multiple murder charges because of this. you can t say it doesn t happen. you re talking about something that is such a fraction left, this is going to criminalize a medical procedure. for one thing, only a 21 weeks, that s only 1% of the abortions performed in this country and these are extremely rare cases that often involve extremely dangerous circumstances from others. this is a decision that should be left to pregnant women and their doctors and not politicians in washington pretty shannon: let me bring in some of the other panelists. we are talking with something rare, yes, by standards overall abortions but the institute, which is not conservative, said there were more than 15,000 late-term abortions last year. this event is not talk about abortion, it s dark about babies born afterwards. but planned parenthood said as isaac did come that s not accurate. the president of planned parenthood s at the is based on lies and a misinformation campaign dominic and achieving women and criminals and doctors for a practice that doesn t exist in medicine or reality. the democrats are the ones were not operating in reality. if they want to have their cake and eat it too when it comes to abortion. what they want is they want the public to think that they are still the party of safe, legal and rare. what they want their base to think is that they are the party of abortion on demand. and i think that these third trimester abortion bills that came up in new york state and in virginia, now in illinois are exposing that reality for americans who are now saying wait a second, how did we get here from of the democratic party used to be on this issue. i think that the senator is absolutely right to introduce this bill and it s absolutely despicable that the democrats not only didn t vote for this bill but they also ducked ever taking a position on it because they know how extreme their positions really are. shannon: we gotten bowling today that showed an interesting shift. the numbers of people in america who call themselves pro-life and pro-choice have been pretty steady for a while but in the last month there was a significant shift in the biggest change in the people moving to pro-life or democrats and young people under 45. i like that they consider that young. i think like teenagers and 20s but they say those of the two groups that moved themselves mostly into the pro-life category. the marriageable director says this the recent changes late-term abortion and the debate which followed have not gone unnoticed by the general public. there s been a significant increase in the proportion of americans who see themselves as pro-life and an equally notable decline as those who describe themselves as pro-choice. if you think these bills in new york and rhode island, a lot of mainstream americans felt were extreme that could account for some of the shift, because that conversation is really the only thing that happened in the last month to move these numbers it would seem. so maybe. but it s very important on this bill to know this is not about late-term abortion. this is not about any abortion procedures, and its infanticide, which is of course against the law and should be. what mitch mcconnell said tonight is this about recognizing a newborn baby as a newborn baby. my reaction to that is why is the united states senate passing a bill to say a newborn baby is a newborn baby? is there any actual genuine federal legislative objective that the senate should be addressing here when the procedure is either rare or nonexistent and already criminalize and if it s not, what it feels like to me, more of a newcomer, a political stunt meant to put democrats on the spot, and that s what it did and i think a natural reaction to that is to say we are not going to play ball, this is a political stunt, we will do a procedure shannon: ten seconds or less playing a political stunt with women s health. shannon: including babies that are born, male or female that are sitting there breathing oxygen. we are not talking about an abortion. they should be careful. shannon: everybody agrees that s what this was about. the due process rights of those infant sitting on table two. it s not a federal constitutional issue. if that s not what republicans should stand for. this is a question a woman and her doctor. shannon: and a breathing baby. infanticide you have to take care of babies. that s for sure. shannon: isaac, harry and alex, thank you all. we can continue this conversation and we will because it s not over. thank you all. when we return, a top vatican cardinal faces justice and a debate in connecticut where trans competitors born male are now crushing their female counterparts at state white school track meets. she should be able to run in a race, she can use the ladies room wear a skirt, why not run and play sports and stay active? 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(indistthat was awful.tering) why are you so good at this? had a coach in high school. really helped me up my game. i had a coach. math. ooh. so, why don t traders have coaches? who says they don t? coach mcadoo! you know, at td ameritrade, we offer free access to coaches and a full education curriculum- just to help you improve your skills. boom! mad skills. education to take your trading to the next level. only with td ameritrade. shannon: this is a fox news alert. is the most powerful vatican cleric get convicted of sexual abuse. cardinal george pell convicted in australia of molesting two choirboys after celebrating mass. he has maintained his innocence throughout, the 77 euros faces a potential maximum 50 year prison term after a sensitive stomach sentencing hearing to begin on wednesday. no evidence tonight in the case, the actor now claiming his payment of two brothers was for a nutrition plan, not to have them carry out a fake a crime, but the head of chicago s police department says there s a lot more to the story. i can tell you this, there s a lot more evidence that hasn t been presented in that does not support the version that he gave. there s more because you presented quite a bit, the legal experts that that s the most vexing be presented a friend like that. but there still a lot of physical evidence, video evidence and testimony that just simply doesn t support his version of what happened. shannon: in other news, the recent results of a high school girls track meet in connecticut are raising a breath the social conservatives and leaving stomach leading to an odd alliance. carmel high school junior andrea is transgender, transitioning to female and was only finished runner-up in a 55-meter at the state and track temperature. the only person to be was also a transgender athlete transitioning to female. pere also took top honors in the 100-meter race last year when yearwood said this. deal with it and i guess grow tougher skin. spoon correspondent dan springer has more on the new backlash and the push for transgender rights in the world of sports competitions. good evening, dan. shanna, social conservatives are finding that on at least one issue i have a lot in common with women describe themselves as radical feminists. they both are opposing the transgender lobby and more specifically the proposed equality act which would add gender identity to the 1964 civil rights act. recently the foundation hosted the event in which all the panelists said they were liberal democrats who do not believe a person s sex is fluid and reject the whole idea of gender identity. says she is tired of seeing others and confuse girls undergo radical change operations. we are losing an entire generation of sisters to this madness. that s why it s personal. it s infuriating, it s devastating and i have had enough. other panelist from the women s liberation front side it goes much deeper than just losing safe areas prefer men like bathrooms and locker rooms, they say if any man who says he feels like a woman is in their protected class but it protections for all women. that is an unmitigated disaster for women and girls. it is horrifying. it means effectively that women and girls will no longer exist as a coherent category worthy of civil rights protections. house speaker nancy pelosi says passing the equality act is a priority for democrats this session. advocates for transgender rights dismissed the opponents, including the liberals who have joined conservatives as needing more education on the issue. if you don t protect transgender people against discrimination and you have roles that say transgender women can t access certain sorts of spaces, you re saying they can t really exist in public life. and that s not okay. some parents in connecticut are also saying it s not okay that transgender girls are competing in high school sports. in a state track temperature, the top two finishers and the girls 55 meters were males transitioning to feels. as great weighed in on the topic saying if i shannon. shannon: dan springer, thank you very much. the countdown is on to the wrap-up of the mueller report. democrats are already making threats. trey gowdy, former chairman of the house oversight committee joins us next to tell us how the democrats plans are likely to go over. lite lounge. one plus one equals too little too late a sock-a-bam-boom who s in the room? love is dangerous but driving safe means you pay less switch and save yes, ma am excuse me, miss. does this heart belong to you? would you like it anyway? 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adam can subpoena whatever he wants. and the department of justice will turn that subpoena back into a paper airplane and send it back to them. adam schiff cannot this is an executive branch report. if bob mueller works for the department of justice, that s who hired him, that s who supervises them, that s who set the jurisdiction. so the legislative branch is welcome to send a subpoena, demand, have press conferences, but the executive branch will decide how much, if any, of that report to share with the legislative branch and a subpoena is going to do nothing to change their mind. shannon: it you know firsthand about this because there s information that you requested from the justice department for months if not years and a number of your colleagues feel here on the hill, they never got it and they still have a lot of questions. while i requested things from the previous administration and got nothing and i requested things from the department of justice under president trump and i m out of the legislative branch now so it s easier for me to be objective. there is a constitutional equilibrium. the branches are supposed to have tension, but imagine, imagine if bill barr wanted to pierce the speech and debate clause. imagine if bill barr wanted to look at a congressional report that they were going to make public. what if he sent a subpoena? what if he sent a grand jury subpoena to look at a house intelligence committee report? i will do you want even better than that, the house i devote to turn the transcripts over to the executive branch. so this tension is constitutional, it s what s expected and i hope bill barr makes it public. i hope he does, but he s not going to do it because adam schiff threatened to subpoena. shannon: okay, so with those different distinctions and branches and powers in mind, we know michael cohen, former fixer, as he called himself, or attorney for president trump is going to be on the hill testifying this week. congressman jordan and meadows have now asked that the outgoing activity some to my stomach deputy attorney general talk with the accusations that he was going to wear a wire or that he was taking a head count on the 25th amendment to get rid of the present, can he be forced, deputy attorney general, legally, to come and testify on health? he s already been there, but in an open way about the specific allegations? he can be sent a subpoena and that subpoena would compel his presence. he s not going going to be sent a subpoena because the dash only the majority have subpoena power, jimmy and mark can subpoena anyone. it can be made to attend, but he can t be made to talk. i think the frustrating thing about rod rosenstein is we actually had him come into the hill in the fall of 2018. we had him come in twice. there are lots of really legitimate questions to ask rod not just about the 25th amendment and wearing a wire or transmitting device come up with the firing of jim comey. keep in mind andrew mccabe s single firing of jim comey is tantamount to criminal obstruction of justice. rod rosenstein is the one who drafted the memo detailing all the reasons to fire jim comey. there are lots of reasons to question rod. i wish that we have been able to do it. we came really close but there s not a chance in the world that elijah cummings going to send a subpoena to rod rosenstein. shannon: it really quickly before we are out of time, doesn t matter whether or not he is a government employee or a civilian as far as getting into testify? no, ma am, . you can send a subpoena to either a government employee or private citizen. but elijah i going to do either one and neither is adam schiff. in the minority is powerless. they can invite them to come. i will say this in rod s defense. he was more than willing to come to a public hearing but that s e serious issues you just raised and you can t do it in 5 minutes. shannon: what we ve seen her take a good swing at it and folks always enjoyed that. those of you who wanted some answers on that side of the aisle, trey gowdy, thank you very much, great to see you tonight. yes, ma am, you too, thank you. shannon: a california official says a school curriculum is teaching public school, school students to hate america. so now he s heading up a group suing the local school district and the company behind the curriculum paid for with tax dollars, or spirit of california state treasurer joins us next to explain. as a comusical but with esurance, just snap some pics and you could get back on the road fast! well, not that fast. this editor made this commercial fit in 15 seconds. when insurance is simple, it s surprisingly painless. yeah, this is nice. mmmm how did you make the dip so rich and creamy? 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i mean, there teaching children to hate america, their teaching that america from the beginning has been nothing but a system of oppression from the very beginning and i m really offended because they are using are very scarce tax dollars to teach kids to hate each other and to hate america. i ve been under the impression that we didn t have enough money to fix leaking roofs and to put crayons and pencils in the classroom. we come to find out there s been huge amount of money every year to teach kids to hate america, so i m just greatly offended. shannon: i want to put something up and there s been a question about the material because the group has said some of the materials that have been released may not be accurate. the school system there says we don t release third party materials but i want to put up something and trace referred to this, this chart that has forms of oppression and the talk about who s doing the oppression and who is the targeted group, the privileged groups as he mentioned are men, white people, traditionally gender people, wealthy people, generic or able people, adults 18-65 and christian people. so they say those are basically the people that are the oppressors. how do you respond to that as far as this is what kids are being taught? this is ridiculous. our group is not against the implicit bias training. obviously without a history in the past of racism in america but these people are basically saying that racism is something that only white people do to everybody else. we all know that unfortunately racism exists in many forms but to teach kids that racism is exclusively in white against everybody else everybody else phenomenon and to teach people that america is a horrible country with systematic oppression, that s just absurd and it s a huge waste of our tax dollars and frankly it s illegal and that s what we are suing them. shannon: want to read something that jerry schwartz, the executive director of just community, the group that put together the alleged curriculum, is quoted as saying this it s not who we are, it s not about blame or guilt, we are very intentional about not saying people are oppressors, it s systems that are unequal. how do you respond to that? they are just trying to cover their tracks. the fact is they try to hide the curriculum for us, they didn t want this curriculum to become public. but one of the parents of one of the students happen to attend one of these so-called workshops and then make copies of the curriculum and they gave them to us. these people are proud of their curriculum, i say let s see it. posted on the website somewhere, they are using our school dollars for under california law parents have a right to see this curriculum so that they are not ashamed of their curriculum, put it out there, let s take a look at it. shannon: i think that s a fair ask on your part and for any parent who has a child in any of these schools. we will follow this lawsuit, keep us updated and quite happy with us tonight. thank you so much. thank you, shannon. shannon: a federal judge weighs in on the all-male draft here in the u.s. it is going to mean that women will have to sign up for military service when they turn 18? that story tops where in the world next. oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. and our shirts from custom ink help bring us together. we just upload our logo, and if we have any questions, customer service is there to help. - [male] custom ink has hundreds of products to help you look and feel like a team. get started today at to help you look and feel like a team. no matter how much you clean, does your house still smell stuffy? that s because your home is filled with soft surfaces that trap odors and release them back into the room. so, try febreze fabric refresher. febreze finds odors trapped in fabrics and cleans them away as it dries. use febreze every time you tidy up to keep your whole house smelling fresh air clean. fabric refresher even works for clothes you want to wear another day. make febreze part of your clean routine for whole home freshness. wow, before i refinanced i paid so insane! my grad school loans. speaking of insane, have i not taken a vacation in 4 years? 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tonight, our mennonite hero. he told the staff that his dream was to meet batman. that is when the bat signal went up. we are told one of his doctors actually suited up for what was possibly his greatest mission, their warm embrace. you will see it here. the video has since gone viral. that s the batman there in full character. bruce wayne one said it s not what i do underneath but what i do that defines me. he s is midnight hero. thanks for watching. we will see you tomorrow. tucker: welcome to tucker carlson tonight. just a small app is not the first to fake a hate crime. we will take a deep dive into the bizarre trend of fabricated victimhood. there is a reason that they do it. you probably didn t catch the oscars last night, but don t feel bad.s most people miss to the oscars last night. hollywood is now completely irrelevant. more on that just ahead. but first unite, republicans have described ocasio-cortez p s the leader of her party. as the boss of the democratic party. and there is a reason that they are saying that, because she is.

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