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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20170608

ed, what do we say? good evening, a pretty good day for president trump because top intel officials testified as sort of a preamble to this on the hill and suggested the commander in chief did not improperly pressure them to interfere with this russian probe and the teaser we are getting of james comey s testimony tomorrow that is backing up the commander in chief s account that he was not under investigation. and even when comey will detail his february oval office meeting with the president, where mr. trump asked him about the probe of michael flynn being let go, they did not share this with fbi agents. comey says. signaling even he admits it s a high bar to prove obstruction of justice. even so, there could be real political damage to this as they testify about the january dinner, for example. he will testify. a few minutes later, the president said, i need loyalty, i expect loyalty. i did not move or change my facial expression in any way. during the awkward silence that followed, we simply looked at each other in silence. awkward and a bit dramatic from comey, which is why advisors for the president are saying they are bracing for two things tomorrow. one, even if it turns out to be a nothing burger, the mainstream media can build up the drama so much to make it look like it was devastating for the president and the other thing is, even if it turns out to be a relatively good day for the president, he can mess it up by live tweeting the hearing and making matters worse. jesse: you didn t know but nothing burger is a banned phrase by gutfeld. [laughter] we are going to let it slide this time. greg: i think i just popped a vessel. jesse: the president feels totally vindicated, based off of these prepared remarks that comey is supposed to deliver. based off these remarks, trump might not even have to live tweet tomorrow because this is pretty good news for the president for the most part. do you agree? kimberly: yes, the president feels vindicated because what so far we have been able to review and that prepared statement which is quite detailed is that the statement is consistent with what the president said transpired between the two of them. if there were any other witness or recording, there isn t anything to contradict or provide an inconsistent statement to what the president said occurred in the conversation and by this way, multiple times he was assured that he was not under investigation, so it shows truthfulness on the part of the president and diminishes any kind of motive or intent to say oh, he wanted to fire comey because he was under investigation by the russians. at least in terms of the president, that gives him some cover and validates his statement. i think that was important. jesse: based off of these prepared remarks, dana, the networks and all the cables have decided they will go live tomorrow. dana: yes, including me. i will be on in the morning. jesse: i walked into that plug. kimberly: even though you were insulting us at the same time. jesse: do you think these prepared remarks take the wind out of the sails of this intense excitement? dana: yes, i do. i think that s why senator burr and director comey agreed to release it today. they don t want to be i don t think they wanted to be that dramatic. i m not going to say that word that greg hates because i like him too much for him to pop another vessel. i think democrats have high hopes for james comey, they will be dashed again. he s losing the football with them. however, i think based on the written testimony, i can understand both sides. i can understand the president wanting to clear his name saying this investigation is a cloud. i wanted to be cleared and couldn t you just publicly say what you are telling me? i also understand the separation of powers and i respect them and i think the independent judiciary is so important and i believe fbi director comey was prudent in how he handled it and i think that s what we will see tomorrow. a public servant caught up in a situation where you have hillary clinton doing this terrible thing. having her private email server. then, running for president. him having to get in the middle of that. making a mistake, commenting on that and then getting into the situation. what he said was he wanted to avoid a duty to correct. if, in fact, it changed, if he became a subject of investigation. which could be worse for the president in the long run. i think the director was being prudent. i don t think it s necessary for the white house to trash comey s reputation and they should have a great infrastructure event and forget about it. let the lawyers take the stand and let your story get handled. jesse: greg, speaking of forget about it the moment where the president demanded loyalty, is that how people in new york talk? is that par for the course? chris christie said that that is how bosses work in the city. greg: kind of, i think trump is guilty of being trump. any time something comes up that supposed to be egregious, you find out that maybe he was inappropriate or blunt. but unlawful? no. this is not earth shattering but i am glad he released this study guide. it s like a program for a local musical. the biggest loser here is cnn. for predicting, according to sources, comey was going to testify he never said trump was under investigation. jesse: i think we had it right there. greg: they weren t just wrong ones. they are wrong three times because he testified three times. that raises the question who is cnn s source? kimberly: three strikes, you are out. greg: i think it was kathy griffin. she was there just hanging around. the problem with trump being trump is part of it is his responsibility. every time i was hired for a job, there was always an employee orientation day where they kind of tell you the rules. apparently the rules don t go alone with the fbi. don t demand loyalty. you did that in queens but you can t do it here. this is the mark of somebody who is not a politician. this is what happens. i want to add another note about this comey memo. it s a golden corral buffet. there s something for everyone. if you don t like trump company you can bring up the demanding loyalty thing. you can also bring up lots of other stuff that s in there. jesse: i m sure juan will bring it up. greg: if you like trump, you can say that comey vindicated him on that last part and he didn t interfere. it s amazing when you look at how other people in the media are going oh, my god, impeachment and everyone else is going no. don t say what it is. it s a nothing taco. kimberly: i am not interested in the nothing taco. jesse: we are going to leave that one alone. juan, although some of these comments by president trump were maybe not mature, there is nothing criminal about them. do you agree? juan: nothing criminal as of yet. the closest we could contest is there is a basis for saying he was trying to interfere with an ongoing investigation by asking the fbi director, can you see a way to let this go? that mike flynn is a good guy? but the question becomes one of intent. that s the measuring stick and can you prove that the president had intent to block or interfere with an ongoing federal investigation? jesse: that s a very high bar. juan: i think kimberly said this. given that there is no independent corroboration, how are you going to prove that? i will say this, it s very interesting to me that we had a story out indicating that president trump was asked by attorney general sessions, do you want my resignation? the reason for this apparently is president trump was upset with his decision to recuse himself from the russian probe. then we have also news that fbi director mueller said you know what? i m uncomfortable being with this president. i feel like he s dana: being alone. in order to preserve the independence of the judiciary. juan: preserve the independence and integrity of the investigation. this would indicate he did feel to some extent that he was after something. in one of the conversations, he said the president told him i am trying to lift this cloud. i am told that s a new york business term. can you help me? we ll talk about in the next segment, more conversations with the intelligence community officials, but today, they got in trouble, because they won t even say. dana: they wouldn t say it in public session. jesse: they don t want to say these things in front of a worldwide audience and that makes perfect sense. greg: in new york, lifting a cloud is smoking a joint. jesse: how would you know, greg? [laughter] kimberly: what s important here, there isn t any time that comey thought that the president was trying to get him to stop an investigation, was in any way colluding, was in any way obstructing justice. you don t have that there. how are you going to prove that? you are going to imagine it? the person who is in the room, the subject of that discussion and that conversation, is telling you that it wasn t problematic and didn t rise to the level. straight shooter comey, if it was, he would have had to report it and make it the subject and when investigation and say that it was improper. the farthest that he goes is saying that it was very concerning. that was it. but never did he feel that it was something that he had to do are compelled. when you hear president trump talking about that, loyalty is a big thing to him. that s the way he rolls. comey also gave you further insight to back up what greg said. this is a man that didn t quite understand what was appropriate to discuss with the fbi directo director. juan: i agree. kimberly: that doesn t show any kind of intent to commit a crime. he saying i don t think this is a president or a man who knew the ropes, as to how we do things around here. dana: still, he has been a ceo of a private company for a long time. i don t think that necessarily excuses not understanding basic rules of the road when it comes to government and separation of power. when you work for the government or the head of the government, you pledge your loyalty to the united states of america. not to any one man. that s a fundamental principle of america. you don t learn that during the transition. the founding fathers put that in the constitution for a reason. greg: i wouldn t know that. if i ran for president, i would be treating it just like everything else i did. if i thought somebody was after me, i would say, why are you doing this? lighten up. that s how it new yorkers talk to new yorkers. dana: but if president obama did that, and the excuse would be oh, he s new to the senate? jesse: president obama assumed that eric holder had his back. juan: sessions was a long time supporter of president trump. just to pick up on what dana was saying, what we are seeing here is a president who feels very isolated. nobody he can trust. he can t trust jeff sessions? wow. the second thing is, i don t think he has a sense of how you have a responsibility bigger than loyalty. when you are the president of the united states. jesse: i think he s very loyal to the country and i think that s why he was put in office. dana: he has a core group that trusts him. greg: it s jared. jesse: officials appeared on capitol hill today. where they had some surprising things to say about the russian investigation, details ahead. if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn s, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. if other treatments haven t worked well enough, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn s. entyvio works by focusing right in the gi-tract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. while not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn s medication isn t working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? 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i never received anything. i have no knowledge of such call. dana: juan, let me talk to you. i talked to some of the democrats they think after today s testimony and what they know about fbi director comey, they don t think there s going to be anything new. they think it continues to be a distraction. it s like putting another log on the fire but this is not going to be at an end-all be-all. do you think the democrats are a little disappointed with the buildup to this hearing? juan: you have to be disappointed if you saw it. as cnn reported, that there was going to be testimony from the fbi director, suggesting that in fact the president had said something explicit in terms of don t do it. clear evidence of intent, which would lead to hints of obstruction of justice, if you are not a trump fan, this was going to be nirvana. that s not happening on the basis of anything that transpired today or will likely transpire tomorrow. what we do see that i think you and i will disagree on is in the testimony from dan coats and mike rogers, the national security council guy they refuse to answer questions. the democrats i ve also say marco rubio and the independent angus king of maine, he became infuriated with them. the white house hasn t invoked any executive privilege. why are you able to come before our committee and say to us, oh, we can t talk about this. we ll tell you privately. of course, there are no private hearings scheduled per unit . dana: i do think, kimberly, the president benefits from having experienced people around him in washington. they didn t overreact. they don t think it s that big a deal but an argument could be made that if this is all going to be repeated in the press anyway, should they have been able to say that in public session and put it to bed so there s not speculation about what they said behind the scenes? kimberly: it s hard, you want to get the right position which is tell the truth, be transparent about what happened but don t engage in things that are not relevant or that seem to be like russian gossip. the kind of thing that people are looking for, the father is very distracting. the democrats were getting very frustrated because they wanted to get something there. everybody was trying to make it their moment to expose it. comey went ahead and leaked his own testimony. dana: in conjunction with the chairman, senator burr. kimberly: absolutely. that s what happened. cnn, who completely reported false information, a complete letdown is comey going to radically change his statement tomorrow and make some wild, inconsistent statement? i don t think so. i think he will stick to his script and exactly what he said today. based on his accounts that he took. that were contemporaneous in time with conversations with the president. that suggests reliability, credibility. we are hearing it from the man himself. this is what happened, these are the facts. i will also tell you subjectively what i felt at the time, which was that he didn t feel that any other action should be taken going forward, he didn t find any wrongdoing on the part of the president and he didn t think of the president was trying to end an investigation or influence him in that way. dana: greg, you can imagine these two men have incredible responsibility. protecting us from all sorts of threats, foreign and domestic. can you imagine if they are sitting there, thinking, we ve got a lot to do? greg: yeah, i mean, iran got hit. stuff is going on in this world. it kills me to watch politicians getting angry over people who are acting just like them. you know, they learned it from the best. kimberly: they all used to be there. greg: this hearing was nothing more than a bunch of old people asking the same question over again. being under 24-hour diner and somebody keeps asking how late you are open. they shouldn t call it a hearing. they should call it hard of hearing. they need hearing aids. everybody is showing so much respect, they always have to wind up to get to the question. if you cut all that out and got to the meat and bones, it would be shorter than ever moans a song from the first album. it is about one group of people going after another group of people. and they are relentless. i have to give the democrats credits. they are absolutely relentless. i wish the republicans were like this with the real scandals during the last eight years. if they were like this? who knows. dana: last word, jesse. jesse: what happened during the democratic scandals, i think eric holder, what did he say? he invoked an executive privilege when they were trying to get to the bottom of fast and the furious, pleading the fifth on the irs scandal. hillary basically wiping her server clean. that was more evasive, i think, than some of the answers that were given today. of course, they don t want to go off and give what their private conversations with the commander in chief in front of the entire world. that is obvious. today was just another nail in the coffin for the so-called russia-trump experience conspiracy. everyone s out there on that table, saying there is no effort by anybody at the white house to influence any of their investigations. this post story is fake news. it didn t happen. i think the democrats are sitting around waiting for the next thing to happen because they don t have anything going on right now. dana: which post story? jesse: president trump tried to influence the dni telling comey to slow down the investigation. they said they were not influenced what they didn t say what the conversation was. juan: let s be clear. dana: he benefits from people who don t overreact and are prudent and experienced in washington. we are not going to talk about that, sir. we are going to move on. directly ahead, we will tell you why authorities aren t tracking enough terrorists. we ve got that, stay tuned. it s just a burst pipe, i could fix it. 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we must realize that the survival of liberty requires a coexisting exception. one that allows us to stop the attacks on said liberty. this exception should sit beside our rights. think of it as the bouncer whose job is to stop those people whose belief systems run counter to our freedom. these anti-terror programs areeo not in conflict with liberty but act as a tougher, more muscular pal, there to help. you are safe from dirty nukes, bioterror, and beheadings. it s hard to be free when you are dead. k.g., are you tired of hearing this security infringing freedom argument? you re supposed to stop there and to never wonder, maybe they go together? kimberly: this is the problem. when you think about it, a loved one, someone in your life, beiny harmed, losing their life, been injured or maimed due to terror that could have been preventable if you had the will and the stomach to allow for a little bit of an investigation orle intelligence gathering? why do you have a problem with that? why does human life why is it valued so much lower than the right to go ahead and get some information to prevent a loss of life? this is what bothers me so much. how much do we need to see in london and manchester and here on our own soil? san bernardino, orlando. how much is going to be enough? to say, that s that. sounds like theresa may has come to terms and grips with this and is saying enough is enough. we ve got to do something about this. they are very clear about what they intend and they will go to any length to be able to commit acts of jihad across the world w to accomplish their goals. what are we willing to do? it s a small sacrifice is a small sacrifice too much to ask? greg: it s interesting, they know our system so well, that they know that our system allows them actually to work within it. for example, they want sharia law. the radical islamists they don t want freedom. because we are free, we allow competing ideas into our country. even ideas that destroy it. jesse: it s a catch-22. that s why a lot of these people can come here and fly under the radar. and plot and plan. we don t survey mosques. we allow freedom of expression and religion. you hit the nail on the head. privacy is worthless if you are in a coffin. it s funny how the conversation has changed. since the beginning of the bush administration. when it was unveiled it was huge news and civil libertarians were furious and there were protests on the streets and president bush was a tyrant, shredding the constitution andes then, obama expanded the program. trump is now reauthorizing the program. trump might have been the victim of some of the abuses of the program. i think right now when the threat changes, up to change the tools in your toolbox. and that s what we re doing. that s just smart. greg: dana, even in the hearing, there was one point when they said the programs they were talking about saved countless lives internationally. oh, you don t have to worry about america there haven t been people coming from this country or that country since 1975. these programs have actually extended people s lives, saved lives internationally. dana: because the monitoring is happening between calls from the united states or vice versa. we are able to share with our ad have a good relationship to disrupt plots. that s something you don t want them to say in open sessions. because we don t want them to know how we do it. that is why what ed snowden did was so damaging. as jesse was saying, the terrorists threats, they evolve with the technology, so we have to, as well. it doesn t mean we have to give up our civil liberties but president trump is actually calling for the re-authorization of the 702 program. it would be good to have the debate and make all of these members of congress vote on it before the august recess. greg: what do you think i m a one?re of the 702 collection valuable? juan: why can t we talk about climate change and have a big blow up on this show? i know how to have a blow up on this show. what we should tell the audience is min fact, the reality is, the biggest threat toea from republicans, allies saint mike flynn was unmasked under the the fisa act of 702. they had been told by the intelligence community gee, we keep a strict record of who we talk to, who requests unmasking. normally, the names of americans are redacted in these transactions. we are just monitoring conversations. jesse: that s unfortunate for democrats that there s a paper trail. t that could blow up in susan rice s face. juan: no, i think they are glad there is. this is nothing unusual and nothing improper was done. but i would say to you, this is the threat. that somehow, they have politicized this issue and not in the way that you described, but they politicize it to be somehow an attack on president trump. and that s never been has ever about. greg: i will resist the blowup that you so badly want to juan: i think you should feel a little chillier. greg: i feel very cold. a trash trump tour abroad, and james clapper. next. it s not just a car, it s your daily treat. go ahead, spoil yourself. the es and es hybrid. experience amazing. will you be ready when the moment turns romantic? 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he s going to want to defend his legacy. even if it s veiled, it stillhe hurts. on foreign soil, it s still hard to take. kimberly: greg, proper or improper? and was it expected? greg: has there ever been any topic that has warranted and caused more conversation in our modern lifetimes than donald trump? not even the weather. people talk about trump as though it is a separate weather event. wherever you go, people are going so, how s the trump over there? we had a lot of trump last night. we had to dig it out and shovel the trump out of our driveway. it keeps piling up. i wasn t upset with that stuff because it s just what people talk about. there s a lot of things that president obama said that got under my skin, when he said about the paris accords, we need to give our parents a fighting chance, that the left always uses. somehow, if you come out against something, kids are going to di die. but if you look at the paris p accord, that would be more harmful to children because it s diverting trillions and trillions of dollars away from clean water, cleaner air all sorts of causes that could use that money. it will have almost negligible effects on the climate so if you vote against the paris accord, you are trying to give children a fighting chance. and if you are for the paris accord, you want children to die. how do you feel? that feels really bad, doesn t it? kimberly: just say it. juan: i think greg gutfeld is going to burst. greg: i m using your toolbox. juan: you want to pretend let s move on. facts do exist. greg: i will give you 20 seconds to give me a fact. juan: the last 5 of the 6 years have been the hottest in history. greg: margin of error! juan: what happens when jim clapper says oh, you know what? the president says the community are nazis. that s pretty strong language coming from the president. greg: he started that trend. juan: he s the president, greg. jesse: jim clapper also said there was no evidence of any collusion between trump and the russians and now he says it s watergate. so, get your story straight. juan: when you were going against american institutions jesse: it doesn t have anything to do about the testimony he gave about collusion. i think president obamase obviously a little upset because his library is going to be empty. in chicago. after president trump has proved to dismantle his legacy. no obamacare, no paris, the only thing left is the iran deal. no one wants to visit that wing. he also said the future belongs to strong men, but i think he means a straw man. that is the only thing he talks about. and then you have biden out there saying we need to be more engaged. he was the one that pulled out of iraq and let syria unravel and didn t protect our allies. dana: are you worried about biden running, jesse? that s an effective argument. i m impressed. kimberly: he practiced that all night. straight ahead, full-blown trump derangement syndrome and not just on the set. but from some democrats today. details after this quick break. be the you who doesn t cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don t give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara® saw 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. the future isn t silver suits anit s right now.s, think about it. we can push buttons and make cars appear out of thin air. find love anywhere. he s cute. and buy things from, well, everywhere. how? because our phones have evolved. so isn t it time our networks did too? introducing america s largest, most reliable 4g lte combined with the most wifi hotspots. it s a new kind of network. xfinity mobile. juan: whether it s climate change, sanctuary cities or the travel ban - democrats have been vehemently opposing president trump at nearly every turn, but that hasn t been enough for democratic congressman al green of texas. he wants to take things to the next level. i have engaged in the process of drafting articles of impeachment. my articles of impeachment are being reviewed. at some point, if no one else does, i will file articles of impeachment to impeach president donald j. trump. for obstruction of justice. juan: you have green joined behind there by sherman from j california. the argument is that by trying to get comey to lay off of mike flynn, there s a basis for a charge of obstruction of justice. kimberly: that s laughable. he can take as articles of impeachment and help me with my wee-wee pad for my dog and line it everywhere. they have over promised and under delivered. there will not be in impeachment of president trump. there s no evidence that shows any collusion, obstruction of justice, anything of the sort. it s a big problem. now, what are the democrats going to do? what are they going to say to the constituents after they ve been huffing and puffing. having the russia vapors. greg: wee-wee pad? kimberly: it keeps the house tidy. juan: kimberly s point is well taken by a number of democratic leaders. adam schiff, linda sanchez, one of the leader says, it is too early. not enough facts. jesse: you guys have been saying that for quite some time. i think you guys keep saying that. push impeachment, behead people. juan: they are saying green is wrong. jesse: oh, they are saying green is wrong? green is like the guy he is the guy at the bar at 2:00 a.m., and he is trying to buy everybody shots, but all his friends aren t he2: is that guy. not even nancy pelosi get with the program. juan: right now, the polls have americans wanting him impeached. 63% of professors want impeachment. dana: you will have to do better for me on the professor thingav. they will have to deal with headlines like this they will miss opportunities to comment on the health care billl that there will be a vote before the august recess in the senate. that will go to president trumpp for his signature. they will not be able to focus on that if they are so consumed with impeachment. juan: how would you impeach him, greg? i imagine you have thought about this. greg: it s like how you would spend your money when you win the lotto. it s never going to happen. donald trump is a spork. republicans see him as a spoon and democrats see him as a fork. juan: but if it s like lotto, you got to play to win. kimberly: someone won the lotto today, someone who didn t need the money. president trump. juan: you guys play privately. one more thing come up next. hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free night-instantly and win at business. he came to the world justin the usual way but there were planes to catch and bills to pay so i moved my meeting saw him walk that day he was talking fore i knew it, and as he grew he d say i m gonna be like you, dad you know i m gonna be like you and the cat s in the cradle and the silver spoon little boy blue and the man in the moon. for 10 years my tempur-pedic has adapted to my weight and shape. so i sleep deeply and wake up ready to perform. now through june 11th, save $600 when you buy select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. find your exclusive retailer at america by simon and is that good?strumental) yeah it s perfect. bees! bees! go! go! go! [ girl catching her breath } [ bees buzzing inside vehicle ] the all-new volkswagen atlas. with easy-access 3rd row. life s as big as you make it. jesse: time now for one more thing. kimberly. kimberly: we want to wish a very happy birthday to the vice president of the united states, mike pence. 58 years young. and he looks fabulous. [laughter] greg: i hate it when people say 58 years young. i banned that phrase. kimberly: they decorated with balloons and he s with his buddies and sent a nice tweet out. he addressed nasa s newest class. very happy to see him. he s a very, very nice man. jesse: he is the president soon, if al green gets his way. dana. dana: i understand the subway. they don t let dogs on this. if you have a service dog, it s okay or if your dog can fit in a bag. i love new yorkers because they figured out a way to put all these big dogs in big bags. i got a little help from our fans. we are going to try it tomorrow. kimberly: that is hilarious.ri dana: i m working on it. greg: greg s amazing plugs. and no, they are not on my head. i have an article up on my thoughts on terror, once again. also, my podcast is up. it s an interview with susie breitbart. so we talk at length about her husband and what she has been up to. i think it s the first time she s ever spoken in an interview since his death. juan: check this out. in los angeles, a female peacock walks into a liquor store. sounds like a shameless, corny joke. no, this actually happened. the bird walks in. a store manager says he wasn t aware until the customer says, what about that big bird over there? the bird caused hundreds of dollars of damage in under 30 minutes. greg: certainly no thunderbird. jesse: this is a resort in ocho rios, jamaica. this is one of the lifeguards sliding out of the water slide, apparently. this is not a fake video. he has been practicing this for two years. greg: it is fake. jesse: this is tearing up the internet right now. he crosses his legs and sits upright. and that s how he gets onto the water. greg: you are not listening. jesse: i choose to believe! kimberly: did they investigate this? jesse: i want to believe this is true. all right. thanks for watching, hannity is up next. sean: welcome to hannity. fox news alert. tonight former director james comey releases his opening remarks ahead of tomorrow s congressional testimony. it raises serious legal concerns for himself and not thehe president. l plus the president s lawyer says that the commander in chief feels vindicated tonight by comey s testimony. and he is ready to move forward. we will have full legal analysis of the prepared statement and also, the left mainstream media they are outright lying to you about this. at a level never before seen in our country s history. their goal is to destroy the president by any means necessary. they are nothing more than

New-york , United-states , Maine , Iraq , Paris , France-general- , France , Texas , Iran , Washington , Jamaica , Russia

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20170620

civilized nation to have kept his condition secret and denied him top-notch medical care. there is no excuse for the way that the north koreans treated our son. kimberly: that is really heartbreaking and outrageous. president trump addressed this this afternoon. i just wanted to pass on the word that otto warmbier has just passed away. he spends of the year and a half in north korea, a lot of bad things happened, but at least we got him home to be with his parents, where they were so happy to see him, even though he was in very tough condition, but he just passed away a little while ago. it is a brutal regime, and we will be able to handle it. kimberly: secretary of state, rex and tillerson helped bring him home, and he issued a statement saying that s the holds north korea liable, it demands to release the three other americans who are being illegally detained. when this news broke yesterday, obviously incredibly heartbreaking, so imagine what his family has gone through, they were not able to receive word of their son for over a year s period of time, then to learn that his fate has fallen into the direct hands of this brutal regime, i don t think there can be any peace for them for what has happened here to their son, and there really shouldn t be for any of us, as americans because of what transpired. greg: it was a year and a half, execution, it was a cruel prank to play on grieving parents, and the only reason why they return to him, i would imagine, is because they didn t want to hold him in custody, you may think that that was out of compassion or fear, they just didn t want to pay the bills. i think that s they dumped him like garbage, and there has to be a way to make them pay, and i have been thinking about this for a long time, you know we have this executive order, banning assassinations, rewrite it, i mean that is the first step. kill him so it makes him look like natural causes, removes confrontation, and perhaps open talks, or you do the other thing, which may be the only solution, which is you just kind of let it go, treat north korea like that weird house in your neighborhood, that your parents they don t go by that house, whatever you do, don t go in that house, it s a strange family, they do weird things, steer clear across the street, don t go near it, it is the weird haunted house on planet earth, and you don t go near it, you just wait and wait and wait until time may be the guy s heart goes out, natural causes, who knows? kimberly: so obviously, kim jong-un, a brutal dictator, the blood of otto warmbier is on his hands. this is a regime that i think something needs to be done. i think he is too dangerous, i don t think that we can just wait for him to expire from natural causes, but i think if you talk to people and ask them about security, our biggest concern is north korea and their nuclear proliferation and their ability to make things happen. dana: unlike when we were kids, the house on the corner that nobody wants to go by, they now have nuclear weapons. so it has to be dealt with in some way, the email do guys earlier about chiron wanting the nuclear weapons, there is a plot of chiron trying to get it, how long are we willing to put up with it before we stop it. i don t think that was working, and now we have a situation which i think is more dire and more sinister, one of the things that secretary tillerson said is that it was unjust president, he did go as far as to say at the koreans are responsible for the murder of mr. warmbier. now marco rubio who was on the committee, he said make no mistake, warmbier was murdered by the north korean regime, so that clock on our end, there will be pressure to try to even it up, i think that president trump is well guided by mcmasters, tillerson, and lots of other people. but we also get to the question of what do we do with china, and the question of how long are we willing to be patient with china before they start doing something? there was an article in the new york times over the weekend that said basically they are just slow walking the pressure that president trump asked them to put on north korea, that they are just sort of waiting, and so i think that is where you will see the next step is where tillerson is pressing through china. kimberly: we have leverage in china, these sony things, it things they deserve justice for, an american was murdered at the hands of north korea. greg: we need to accelerate on china to make anything happen. this was an act of war, and i think president trump needs to respond accordingly. it was premeditated, it was savage, it was humiliating, and it was depraved, it was disgusting. and what happens in a hostage situation? the guys start killing the hostages, that s when the team goes in and takes action. i don t know if you have to do it overtly or covertly or what, but it s not just this, when they are test firing missiles, when they are training, and you know, causing chaos with their neighbors, something has to be done here because right now, i guess a coup is potentially on the table, they have these war games, we see the detect dumb i could decapitation squad, they will also go after the leadership that is very targeted and ineffective way, there were reports that a special operator was doing the war games with the south koreans, uss michigan, off the coast of their that helps transport these field teams, you know, that is on the table, and i think it came needs to understand that it is on the table because i think president trump, and i haven t ever seen him that a disturbed or emotional in a very long time during those remarks were there. i am sure he takes this personally. and you know, he had a huge hand in bringing otto back, and so now that success is really tarnished, so i really want to see a very stern response. dana: moore should have been done earlier, so the wait-and-see approach ends up in deadly results like this, and that is unacceptable in every way. greg: will come that just brings us to a really important point, we still have 20 prisoners being held. so you know, we set it and kind of an explicit way, they dumped him. they were getting rid of him. juan: it wasn t the result of something that hadn t been done previously, i think that trump has put more pressure, he tried to get the president of china to agree to something, he thought that meeting in april, that he had bought into the idea that you know it, this is a dangerous situation for the globe, for the world, and that the president would take action, well, he hasn t taken any action, despite the fact that trump held off on claims of current manipulation, he really thought that he had an ally, and so far, that ally has not acted. even people who are on the border with north korea and china say there has been nothing done in terms of stopping the trade that continues to feed money into this dictatorship. jesse: they did stop the coal shipments, that was a big success by the trump administration. juan: will, i don t see making any difference, and it to me, let me just stop here and it stopped with the politics for a second. about how when they brought his son home, the child could not seek or here, apparently, but just in terms of his countenance, the father said, he could see that that boy was more at peace, knowing he was back at home in ohio. kimberly: he had arrived, he had been in anguish. juan: it just hurt my heart to think of a data in that situation. kimberly: can you imagine going through that and thinking this is the last time that his beautiful son who had so much promise and was so well loved and regarded by so many, he will be greatly missed, he had a bright incredible future to provide for this country, and to be murdered like that by north korea, it is so grotesque and so upsetting. juan: they kept it secret from the family. kimberly: yes, i know. juan: his condition, they are trying to reach out to find out about their son, and they couldn t. they had no idea he was in the state. kimberly: there is no access or information, and the information now that we have is that he fell into this, and eventually he was in an unresponsive wakefulness, after sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. dana: i was going to ask that one of the things that kim jong il and said that he wants us to be receded to my stomach treated with respect by the world. they were all ignored in this case. there was no response to any of the request, there was no responsiveness to the treaties that are signed in terms of how do you deal with people around the world, and remember, they treated our citizen like this, they do it to their own, as well. there is like complete disregard for innocent life there. greg: is just after reagan thing that he sends those f-14 s, intercepted during the the i don t know what the equivalent is there, i do know that growing up with the cold war, russia knew that we could kill them, and we knew that they could kill us. and the difference is that with north korea, we can kill them, but there is a 50/50 shot with them, and generally, it s more about the people around north korea that you worry about, so we are hamstrung in the sense of what do you do in a retaliation with brute force? so what is left, and that is covert or strategic maneuvers seems like the only way to go. jesse: and one of the last things i d like to say, i think in syria what got president trump to act were those images of the children and the mothers that were gassed up by assad, those might be one of these same emotional moments that causes a reaction. kimberly: he would be more than justified in doing so is the point because the murder of this young man, otto, you are in our prayers, along with your beautiful family, may god watch over you and them. rest in peace. when i look in the mirror everyday. when i look in the mirror everyday. everyday, i think how fortunate i am. i think is today going to be the day, that we find a cure? i think how much i can do to help change people s lives. i may not benefit from those breakthroughs, but i m sure going to. i m bringing forward a treatment for alzheimer s disease, yes, in my lifetime, i will make sure. hi..and i know that we have phonaccident, so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight- four weeks without the car. okay, yup. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won t go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. for mom, greg: is so well steve scalise the, offered her a hot take on how he got there, she offered scalise was a shot by a white man, and it saved by a black police officer, and yet she blamed the race of the shooter, didn t break up his beliefs, talk about racism, why would she do that? to avoid the shooter s beliefs? he was her network s biggest fan, but it is all a result of the left making politics personal, if you don t believe that the person is wrong, but evil, like i said before, then you can say or do anything. i d say she dug a hole for herself with a tweet, but then she dug and entire plots. it is a delicate thing because you know, obviously, we are wishing him well and that he recovers, but steve scalise he has a history that we have all been sort of force to ignore on race. greg: you saw that but coming, right after the fake compassion, she kept going. he did have some controversy over attending a white nationalist event, which he said that he didn t know what it was. he also cosponsored a bill to amend the constitution to define marriage between a man and a woman, he voted for the house health care bills, which would get health care for millions of people, he cosponsored a bill to repeal automatic weapons, because he is in jeopardy and everyone is pulling for him, we are required in a moral sense to put that aside for a moment. greg: yet you are, joy, not that you are pulling for him. let me ask you this. a woman is raped. do you feel compelled to dredge up her opinions on abortion? george tokai copied her. during baseball practice was a black lesbian so who was he he seemed surprised that the officer did her job. it is creepy. now maybe it is rude to point out how repugnant it is, but at least i am not doing it well joy or george are medical crisis. scalise may have been in a medically induced coma, but these people are the immoral ones. what is the need like on twitter but what is the need to register a hot take right afterwards? dana: that is what i was going to ask you, can we been to be word hot take? that is a punk band from the 70s. dana: he was playing it for joy ann reid. this is what is interesting, everybody seems to think that they can speak on behalf of of the officer, and she has been very quiet, right? so why don t we let her recover and speak when she wants to? law enforcement always does his job. they do their job, regardless of politics of any sort, and believe me, you can actually work and do your job, even if you disagree with someone who is sitting with you. here we are, all doing it every night. it is not impossible to do. greg: i m sure, juan, if i fell over, you would give me mouth to mouth resuscitation. juan: that s true. juan: i can tell by dana s laugh dana: i don t like that. kimberly: everyone always says that. greg: i thought it was weird that he pointed out the race of the shooter, and not his beliefs, why does he have to be a white shooter? juan: well, i think we live in such a racial country, that if the shooter had been black or an immigrant or hispanic or something, then everyone would say oh, my god, so from the left, we have joy ann reid to saying this is our reaction, quite different, and we are going to point out that the two cops involved were black people, who saves the way person. greg: i set out of the ordinary? juan: i appreciate your point because in the middle of the campaign last year with donald trump, one trumpet brought of the hispanic heritage of a judge, guess what? all of a sudden, you saw paul ryan safe you know what? when you say that someone can t do their job because of their race, that is the definition of racism. this is when you say a cop can do his job because he s black or she is black, or she is of a different racial or sexual orientation, that s crazy. greg: she is calling this copy black lesbian. how demeaning is that? oh, the black lesbian shot the white congressman. that is not how people speak. i don t think the police officer would like to hear herself described on national television as the black lesbian. to msnbc to turn a partisan political assassination into democratic identity politics. jesse: it s like when there is a surgeon, they bring someone into the e.r. room, it doesn t matter if the guy is a racist, if the guy is a republican, if he s canadian, it doesn t matter. greg: canadian? jesse: they are there to save their life. justice should be blind here. dana: the emts on the scene they tried to save the shooter s life. greg: exactly. i have a problem with that, but go ahead, kimberly. kimberly: her patriotism, her dedication, it has nothing to do with her gender or sexual identity. it is demeaning that joy did that. she is actually an example of the problem that exists in this country. when you see something like this where the left always they don t want to identify anybody by you know, sexual or gender identity, but here it is like oh, no, they want to call people out. they want to label them, they want to box them, they want to confine them because it is politically expedient for their argument. greg: you know, you can adjust sense what joy and it took and what everyone else, how excited were they when they found out that the police officer was a black lesbian? dana: you know what was kind of annoying about it was that that whole thing was going around on twitter for two days, that is not something that we are going to say, you give them two days before she was the first one to do it. greg: i don t know why they are treating scalise like this. dana: the good news is that he is improving. greg: they had him in a medically induced, and they brought him out. he is getting there. dana: they said he has a chance of an excellent recovery. kimberly: the doctors and the nurses are doing a good job. greg: we should find out what their identity as before complementing them. that is what msnbc would want. we need to determine the gender. dana: charming, nonetheless. greg: is the rest of the investigation becoming too political? that is next. ate to severe plaque psoriasis is not always easy. it s a long-distance run. and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly 10 years. humira works inside the body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just four months. humira can lower your 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[ barks ] radio: scorching heat today, staywalter!ut there! stop suffering with hot ac. cool it yourself with a/c pro. in just 3 easy steps, enjoy the comfort of 2 times the cooling boosters from the #1 selling coldest air. nothing cools like a/c pro. jesse: president trump has made no secret, he finds this investigation into the collision with russia, calling its a witch hunt again on twitter over the weekend. no incriminating evidence has emerged, but that has not stopped some in the mainstream media from speculating that trump s job is in danger. trump has been in office for less than five months, and it is fair to say that his presidency is now in some peril. jesse: legal scholar is raising questions about the politics of this. this is becoming very political, when you have the justice department on both sides, prosecuting the president, also serving as defense witnesses. we have to stop criminalizing political differences. jesse: and here is newt gingrich on what s we might be doing with all these leaks. now they are not talking about the russians, obstruction, now finances, if you really believe this, and i said yesterday, we have two more leaks like this, they re going to have to investigate a special counsel to investigate the special counsel. jesse: so one of the things that has been going around in the circles, there is a difference between obstructing justice, and then there is donald trump saying hey guys, no evidence of collusion, never talk to the russians, i don t know anything about anything, everybody says not guilty of collusion, there is no evidence anywhere, what is going on with this? can you stop what is going on? isn t it just kind of someone trying to basically tell everyone to back off? kimberly: i don t know about that transcript he just gave, i don t know what you mean by that, the bottom line is that he is trying to that they are desperate to try to nail him with something, to delegitimize the presidency, to slow him down, to make him ineffective, the whole thing. it s quite obvious. when you hear people talking about it this far, no evidence of collusion, no evidence of obstruction of justice, they are just trying to find something to pin him within his administration, and the problem is the people that are suffering and losing the most out of the scum of the american taxpayers because on and on, you have these investigations, you have this money spent, and what are we going to have a special counsel to investigate the special counsel, it just seems like it is never-ending. like he said, potentially three months from now, we are going to put a rest to this, i am not confident at all that that is going to satiate their appetite for trying to destroy the 45th president of the united states. i mean, it is quite apparent to me. they will say or do anything, when you see the papers, very loose with their standards. and then they have to say that this isn t actually true, come forward with a another story, now they are going with obstruction of justice, even though the head of the fbi said that he didn t think that the president was trying to do this or throw them off course or obstruct justice. now we don t want to take him for his word under oath or whatever. greg: you have to admit that she has a good point about these leaks, the post comes out with a another leak about this bombshell saying that he is under investigation, his lawyer says that that is not true, the abc report says that that is also not sure, is this a another case of these leaks turning out to be wrong? juan: came on and said oh, no, you misinterpreted, the president didn t say this. he was reacting to the post story, but the president saying that this investigation, then chris wallace says wait a second, the president is under investigation, he went back and forth back and forth, and to the fact is that is not what he said and he should not say whether the present is under. what we know is as we point down the on the show as dana did last week, people who are involved are being asked to testify, and their lawyers and everybody else, so that is what is going on. the reality is, though, it is very difficult reality, this investigation is just getting started. he set about 20% and, and adam schiff, the congressman from california, said basically there is evidence, but not sufficient to present to anybody. there is just evidence to justify continuing the investigation. jesse: awaits, he says he doesn t believe there is any proof, he says that they haven t seen proof, and he says there is a little bit of a difference there, they just hired him on molars team, taking on the mob, some crime families, and merrill lynch, he is a pretty tenacious guy, he kind of operates, you know people say he has abused his prosecutorial he think the white house is getting a little nervous? dana: i hope not, i think everybody can focus on the fact that there is no evidence of collusion yes, let it go forward, we are turning on this, give this to a democrat five years ago, if it matters at all, one thing i would say, if you think you want to be in washington for a long time, while the first amendment protects political speech, and you are allowed to donate, even though you work for the government, i would suggest maybe not because then you will be called upon and you may be criticized like this. i don t know if they expected him to hire mr. magoo. remember, president trump says he hired the best people, maybe mueller is saying that he wants to do the same thing. jesse: gregor, anything? greg: well, it s interesting, mueller is hiring a lot of these guys because he doesn t think that there is anything there and he wants to make sure that everything is on the up and up, so it doesn t look like he hired a bunch of ringers or biased people. it wasn t my idea. the media keeps saying everything is a smoking gun, except when there is an actual smoking gun, like when there is a problem that you can actually assign blame to, like a real evil, whether it is gang crime or whatever. but they are so quick to call every conversation obstruction, when it is almost always objection and not obstruction, i think we need to get to the media in an auditorium and exercise their donald demons. i was thinking about this. in 1992, when bill clinton was elected, i spent a year on an irrational tear, i thought he was satan. i thought the world was going to end, and no i really thought this way. i hated him so much. i was 28, i was young and dumb and full of rage. and kind of like over time i realized he was president. i understand why people are so angry, but you ve got to let it go. there is a great headline about mr. trump, when trump is silent on twitter, it says a lot. so when he tweets, that is a bad thing, but when he doesn t, it s even worse. i mean, that s crazy. jesse: i want the audience to know he said he was a young, dumb, and full of rage. greg: i was talking about myself. jesse: more terror in europe today, will it ever end? 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greg: i don t think so. i think we can all agree that attacking innocent people is wrong, so we don t want to look at this as a ping-pong of this happens, okay, this terror attack happens, and then this response happens, because that s not how it works. it s kind of almost like a straight a vector, like an agen agent, it is a bad idea that spreads to the vulnerable, because the acts are so similar, you look at it that way, then you can figure out how to stop it, because who is doing it s the most, and where is this idea coming from? and is a coming because people aren t responding to the initial one correctly? i don t know, but it is interesting to me that when you talk about terror, people will tell you that this is rare. but one backlash happens, they will tell you it is common. i would like to say that i think it is very rare. dana: i think france in particular, they have seen a series of attacks as well, the amount of preparation into the money that has to go towards the resources, it could actually be quite exhausting for city and s resources, so we have to be in a position where we are fully funding any of the resources that we need over there. over there come over here, wherever it is. kimberly: there can t be any financial hesitation. and that is what the terrorists are counting on. they want to feed into the chaos, the destruction, the fear, financial instability that they will change our way of life, and that means that they win. it is incredibly difficult problem to deal with, we have seen over and over again that there were suggestions that certain people should have been more closely monitored, they were presented as those who may commit acts of, but then we have too few resources, and then you have the issue of balancing people s privacy, we want to maintain liberty and freedom, what do we want to lose at the expense of public safety and the loss of human life, and this is not a problem that is unique to the united states, it is all across europe, and the middle east, i don t think it is getting better in terms of what they are doing. you see some of these countries in europe that have been submissive in terms of multi-culture, not wanting to offend, assimilation, you bring up a great point. this was a mosque that was really trying to assimilate and be integrative into the community. it is awful that this happened. they tried to prevent them from harming the man who was committing this act of terror against them. i am telling you, people in europe should be really frustrated with this, london and in france particularly because they are getting hit over and over again, like a terror pinata, and it is so outrageous, they have to be doing a better job. dana: jesse, there were some people wondering why president trump didn t tweet about this because he had tweeted about other terrorist attacks, but not this one. any insight as to why? jesse: i don t have any insight into president trump s tweeting. i am very sorry. dana: i thought that was in your world. jesse: it is. he actually retweeted me recently, but you know it, obviously he s got a lot on his plate. and it would be wise for him to tweet something about that, maybe he is watching this show two nights. how are you doing, mr. president? i want to let greg talk about this, it s about motivation. i want to say first, obviously, the guy who perpetrated this attack is a sicko, and he deserves to rot in hell. when a muslim terrorist commits a heinous act like this, and everyone says he was motivated by radical islam, the left and never wants to say that. oh, no, we don t know what his motivation is. religion has nothing to do with it, but then one some christian guy from england perpetrates an act of terror against muslims, immediately, the left says it is islam a phobia, they are so quick to say that. i wish they would use that as their standard, this is actual islam a phobia. we actually found a concrete example of it. dana: and acting on it. juan: i appreciate this, there is no answer as to why trump wouldn t pick up on this because this is terror, and it is suggested that he is interested in one type of terror, and that is when we get into the back and forth, and this discussion takes us nowhere. it is a loser. the idea that innocent people worshiping should be attached, and if the guy is not only saved by a muslim, but then as he is leaving, screaming that he wished that he had killed more. dana: will this was a hate crime. we know that. kimberly: operators and classification, i will tell you this is a hate crime that was committed, and yes an act of domestic terror, but i would not say that the president doesn t care or think that this is a heinous crime that was committed, i would not try to go with that and say that. juan: you see other cases where he sees something that happens it doesn t fit to fit the right-wing of what terror is described to be, kimberly, and there is no response two or three dates later, apparently out of embarrassment. let me just say this, this is what happens with isis, they want this kind of thing because then it feeds into the idea that we should be recruiting. alienated muslims should be angry at the sky, and they should do something. that back-and-forth is self-destruction. dana: a new york theater put on a play, it took several into custody, but it was in the actors. morehead tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis. and [ barks ]al help right away. radio: scorching heat today, staywalter!ut there! stop suffering with hot ac. cool it yourself with a/c pro. in just 3 easy steps, enjoy the comfort of 2 times the cooling boosters from the #1 selling coldest air. nothing cools like a/c pro. put on a presentation of julius caesar that put on the assassination of a trump like character. there were protests and at least three arrests. he will be proud! he would be proud! juan: one of those taken into custody it was a pro-chum journalist. she tells her story tonight on hannity. you are going to delight in the assassination of our president? it is going to have a violent end. and why are they never trump are supporting me? well what do we have in common with the liberals? they haven t accepted it, the only way that that would be resolved if he was eradicated or taken out. juan: full interview, at 10:00 p.m. eastern tonight on hannity. watch it. greg, what do you make of this? is it fair to say from the liberal perspective, is this a son? speak to you of course. no one ever looks good when they are heckling or interrupting. if you don t like the art, make some of your own. i can t stand petition gatherers, people who are upset by speech, someone coming to make a speech, any effort to stop something, i find kind of upsetting. but the left has been doing this for decades, let them only look, but in this case, it is a win-win because the play is designed it to create this kind of disruption, and it is fulfilled so that the person gets to be on a tv show, and the play gets more notoriety, so it is a win-win. everybody wins. juan: is it hypocrisy when the rights of hey, we don t like people interrupting a conservative speak on campus, and then this happens? dana: we ran back-to-back segments on that last week, when there was something about this, something about free speech on college campuses, i am for free speech, but i would say that violent speech is not violence. in the more that you try to equate to violent speech with violence, the sooner you will get to actual violence on violence, which i m not for. no one is for. juan: what you think, jesse? jesse: it was a misdemeanor, maybe not my style, maybe i would go around the outside and try to talk to people inside, but at the same time, an opportunity to protesting like this, because the left has been firebombing things, damaging property, holding up streets for the last decade, , and the media never covers it. a conservative yells at someone during a play, and it is like international news. juan: you had a film producer though who was filming this who has been cited to things like the pizza gates thing like in washington, does that bother you, kimberly? kimberly: i don t know about that, but i think it is very important to have and protect our first amendment freedoms, let them go and do this, if people want to go watch it and see and feel that it s portrayed the character as president trump and a sympathetic way, almost, in the end, so i guess it is ours. it is open to interpretation, i understand my objection to the play was just when the assassination attempt on the lead, that is just a such awful timing, and so that bothers me personally. so that i didn t like. juan: all right, one more thing. escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced. our senses awake. our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say.if you love something set it free. see you around, giulia and the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa? 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New-york , United-states , Canada , Chiron , Zabaykal-skiy-kray , Russia , Washington , China , Minnesota , North-korea , Syria , Michigan

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20170620

civilized nation to have kept his condition secret and denied him top-notch medical care. there is no excuse for the way that the north koreans treated our son. kimberly: that is really heartbreaking and outrageous. president trump addressed this this afternoon. i just wanted to pass on the word that otto warmbier has just passed away. he spends of the year and a half in north korea, a lot of bad things happened, but at least we got him home to be with his parents, where they were so happy to see him, even though he was in very tough condition, but he just passed away a little while ago. it is a brutal regime, and we will be able to handle it. kimberly: secretary of state, rex and tillerson helped bring him home, and he issued a statement saying that s the holds north korea liable, it demands to release the three other americans who are being illegally detained. when this news broke yesterday, obviously incredibly heartbreaking, so imagine what his family has gone through, they were not able to receive word of their son for over a year s period of time, then to learn that his fate has fallen into the direct hands of this brutal regime, i don t think there can be any peace for them for what has happened here to their son, and there really shouldn t be for any of us, as americans because of what transpired. greg: it was a year and a half, execution, it was a cruel prank to play on grieving parents, and the only reason why they return to him, i would imagine, is because they didn t want to hold him in custody, you may think that that was out of compassion or fear, they just didn t want to pay the bills. i think that s they dumped him like garbage, and there has to be a way to make them pay, and i have been thinking about this for a long time, you know we have this executive order, banning assassinations, rewrite it, i mean that is the first step. kill him so it makes him look like natural causes, removes confrontation, and perhaps open talks, or you do the other thing, which may be the only solution, which is you just kind of let it go, treat north korea like that weird house in your neighborhood, that your parents they don t go by that house, whatever you do, don t go in that house, it s a strange family, they do weird things, steer clear across the street, don t go near it, it is the weird haunted house on planet earth, and you don t go near it, you just wait and wait and wait until time may be the guy s heart goes out, natural causes, who knows? kimberly: so obviously, kim jong-un, a brutal dictator, the blood of otto warmbier is on his hands. this is a regime that i think something needs to be done. i think he is too dangerous, i don t think that we can just wait for him to expire from natural causes, but i think if you talk to people and ask them about security, our biggest concern is north korea and their nuclear proliferation and their ability to make things happen. dana: unlike when we were kids, the house on the corner that nobody wants to go by, they now have nuclear weapons. so it has to be dealt with in some way, the email do guys earlier about chiron wanting the nuclear weapons, there is a plot of chiron trying to get it, how long are we willing to put up with it before we stop it. i don t think that was working, and now we have a situation which i think is more dire and more sinister, one of the things that secretary tillerson said is that it was unjust president, he did go as far as to say at the koreans are responsible for the murder of mr. warmbier. now marco rubio who was on the committee, he said make no mistake, warmbier was murdered by the north korean regime, so that clock on our end, there will be pressure to try to even it up, i think that president trump is well guided by mcmasters, tillerson, and lots of other people. but we also get to the question of what do we do with china, and the question of how long are we willing to be patient with china before they start doing something? there was an article in the new york times over the weekend that said basically they are just slow walking the pressure that president trump asked them to put on north korea, that they are just sort of waiting, and so i think that is where you will see the next step is where tillerson is pressing through china. kimberly: we have leverage in china, these sony things, it things they deserve justice for, an american was murdered at the hands of north korea. greg: we need to accelerate on china to make anything happen. this was an act of war, and i think president trump needs to respond accordingly. it was premeditated, it was savage, it was humiliating, and it was depraved, it was disgusting. and what happens in a hostage situation? the guys start killing the hostages, that s when the team goes in and takes action. i don t know if you have to do it overtly or covertly or what, but it s not just this, when they are test firing missiles, when they are training, and you know, causing chaos with their neighbors, something has to be done here because right now, i guess a coup is potentially on the table, they have these war games, we see the detect dumb i could decapitation squad, they will also go after the leadership that is very targeted and ineffective way, there were reports that a special operator was doing the war games with the south koreans, uss michigan, off the coast of their that helps transport these field teams, you know, that is on the table, and i think it came needs to understand that it is on the table because i think president trump, and i haven t ever seen him that a disturbed or emotional in a very long time during those remarks were there. i am sure he takes this personally. and you know, he had a huge hand in bringing otto back, and so now that success is really tarnished, so i really want to see a very stern response. dana: moore should have been done earlier, so the wait-and-see approach ends up in deadly results like this, and that is unacceptable in every way. greg: will come that just brings us to a really important point, we still have 20 prisoners being held. so you know, we set it and kind of an explicit way, they dumped him. they were getting rid of him. juan: it wasn t the result of something that hadn t been done previously, i think that trump has put more pressure, he tried to get the president of china to agree to something, he thought that meeting in april, that he had bought into the idea that you know it, this is a dangerous situation for the globe, for the world, and that the president would take action, well, he hasn t taken any action, despite the fact that trump held off on claims of current manipulation, he really thought that he had an ally, and so far, that ally has not acted. even people who are on the border with north korea and china say there has been nothing done in terms of stopping the trade that continues to feed money into this dictatorship. jesse: they did stop the coal shipments, that was a big success by the trump administration. juan: will, i don t see making any difference, and it to me, let me just stop here and it stopped with the politics for a second. about how when they brought his son home, the child could not seek or here, apparently, but just in terms of his countenance, the father said, he could see that that boy was more at peace, knowing he was back at home in ohio. kimberly: he had arrived, he had been in anguish. juan: it just hurt my heart to think of a data in that situation. kimberly: can you imagine going through that and thinking this is the last time that his beautiful son who had so much promise and was so well loved and regarded by so many, he will be greatly missed, he had a bright incredible future to provide for this country, and to be murdered like that by north korea, it is so grotesque and so upsetting. juan: they kept it secret from the family. kimberly: yes, i know. juan: his condition, they are trying to reach out to find out about their son, and they couldn t. they had no idea he was in the state. kimberly: there is no access or information, and the information now that we have is that he fell into this, and eventually he was in an unresponsive wakefulness, after sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. dana: i was going to ask that one of the things that kim jong il and said that he wants us to be receded to my stomach treated with respect by the world. they were all ignored in this case. there was no response to any of the request, there was no responsiveness to the treaties that are signed in terms of how do you deal with people around the world, and remember, they treated our citizen like this, they do it to their own, as well. there is like complete disregard for innocent life there. greg: is just after reagan thing that he sends those f-14 s, intercepted during the the i don t know what the equivalent is there, i do know that growing up with the cold war, russia knew that we could kill them, and we knew that they could kill us. and the difference is that with north korea, we can kill them, but there is a 50/50 shot with them, and generally, it s more about the people around north korea that you worry about, so we are hamstrung in the sense of what do you do in a retaliation with brute force? so what is left, and that is covert or strategic maneuvers seems like the only way to go. jesse: and one of the last things i d like to say, i think in syria what got president trump to act were those images of the children and the mothers that were gassed up by assad, those might be one of these same emotional moments that causes a reaction. kimberly: he would be more than justified in doing so is the point because the murder of this young man, otto, you are in our prayers, along with your beautiful family, may god watch over you and them. rest in peace. hey you ve gotta see this. c mon. no. alright, see you down there. mmm, fine. okay, what do we got? okay, watch this. do the thing we talked about. what do we say? it s going to be great. watch. remember what we were just saying? go irish! see that? yes! i m gonna just go back to doing what i was doing. find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. greg: is so well steve scalise the, offered her a hot take on how he got there, she offered scalise was a shot by a white man, and it saved by a black police officer, and yet she blamed the race of the shooter, didn t break up his beliefs, talk about racism, why would she do that? to avoid the shooter s beliefs? he was her network s biggest fan, but it is all a result of the left making politics personal, if you don t believe that the person is wrong, but evil, like i said before, then you can say or do anything. i d say she dug a hole for herself with a tweet, but then she dug and entire plots. it is a delicate thing because you know, obviously, we are wishing him well and that he recovers, but steve scalise he has a history that we have all been sort of force to ignore on race. greg: you saw that but coming, right after the fake compassion, she kept going. he did have some controversy over attending a white nationalist event, which he said that he didn t know what it was. he also cosponsored a bill to amend the constitution to define marriage between a man and a woman, he voted for the house health care bills, which would get health care for millions of people, he cosponsored a bill to repeal automatic weapons, because he is in jeopardy and everyone is pulling for him, we are required in a moral sense to put that aside for a moment. greg: yet you are, joy, not that you are pulling for him. let me ask you this. a woman is raped. do you feel compelled to dredge? george tokai copied her. during baseball practice was a black lesbian so who was he he seemed surprised that the officer did her job. it is creepy. now maybe it is rude to point out how repugnant it is, but at least i am not doing it well joy or george are medical crisis. scalise may have been in a medically induced coma, but these people are the immoral ones. what is the need like on twitter but what is the need to register a hot take right afterwards? dana: that is what i was going to ask you, can we been to be word hot take? that is a punk band from the 70s. dana: he was playing it for joy ann reid. this is what is interesting, everybody seems to think that they can speak on behalf of of the officer, and she has been very quiet, right? so why don t we let her recover and speak when she wants to? law enforcement always does his job. they do their job, regardless of politics of any sort, and believe me, you can actually work and do your job, even if you disagree with someone who is sitting with you. here we are, all doing it every night. it is not impossible to do. greg: i m sure, juan, if i fell over, you would give me mouth to mouth resuscitation. juan: that s true. juan: i can tell by dana s laugh dana: i don t like that. kimberly: everyone always says that. greg: i thought it was weird that he pointed out the race of the shooter, and not his beliefs, why does he have to be a white shooter? juan: well, i think we live in such a racial country, that if the shooter had been black or an immigrant or hispanic or something, then everyone would say oh, my god, so from the left, we have joy ann reid to saying this is our reaction, quite different, and we are going to point out that the two cops involved were black people, who saves the way person. greg: i set out of the ordinary? juan: i appreciate your point because in the middle of the campaign last year with donald trump, one trumpet brought of the hispanic heritage of a judge, guess what? all of a sudden, you saw paul ryan safe you know what? when you say that someone can t do their job because of their race, that is the definition of racism. this is when you say a cop can do his job because he s black or she is black, or she is of a different racial or sexual orientation, that s crazy. greg: she is calling this copy black lesbian. how demeaning is that? oh, the black lesbian shot the white congressman. that is not how people speak. i don t think the police officer would like to hear herself described on national television as the black lesbian. to msnbc to turn a partisan political assassination into democratic identity politics. jesse: it s like when there is a surgeon, they bring someone into the e.r. room, it doesn t matter if the guy is a racist, if the guy is a republican, if he s canadian, it doesn t matter. greg: canadian? jesse: they are there to save their life. justice should be blind here. dana: the emts on the scene they tried to save the shooter s life. greg: exactly. i have a problem with that, but go ahead, kimberly. kimberly: her patriotism, her dedication, it has nothing to do with her gender or sexual identity. it is demeaning that joy did that. she is actually an example of the problem that exists in this country. when you see something like this where the left always they don t want to identify anybody by you know, sexual or gender identity, but here it is like oh, no, they want to call people out. they want to label them, they want to box them, they want to confine them because it is politically expedient for their argument. greg: you know, you can adjust sense what joy and it took and what everyone else, how excited were they when they found out that the police officer was a black lesbian? dana: you know what was kind of annoying about it was that that whole thing was going around on twitter for two days, that is not something that we are going to say, you give them two days before she was the first one to do it. greg: i don t know why they are treating scalise like this. dana: the good news is that he is improving. greg: they had him in a medically induced, and they brought him out. he is getting there. dana: they said he has a chance of an excellent recovery. kimberly: the doctors and the nurses are doing a good job. greg: we should find out what their identity as before complementing them. that is what msnbc would want. we need to determine the gender. dana: charming, nonetheless. greg: is the rest of the investigation becoming too political? that is next. there s nothing more important than your health. so if you re on medicare or will be soon, you may want more than parts a and b here s why. medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. you might want to consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like any medicare supplement insurance plan, these help pick up some of what medicare doesn t pay. and, these plans let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. you could stay with the doctor or specialist you trust. or go with someone new. you re not stuck in a network. because there aren t any. so don t wait. call now to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. 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than five months, and it is fair to say that his presidency is now in some peril. jesse: legal scholar is raising questions about the politics of this. this is becoming very political, when you have the justice department on both sides, prosecuting the president, also serving as defense witnesses. we have to stop criminalizing political differences. jesse: and here is newt gingrich on what s we might be doing with all these leaks. now they are not talking about the russians, obstruction, now finances, if you really believe this, and i said yesterday, we have two more leaks like this, they re going to have to investigate a special counsel to investigate the special counsel. jesse: so one of the things that has been going around in the circles, there is a difference between obstructing justice, and then there is donald trump saying hey guys, no evidence of collusion, never talk to the russians, i don t know anything about anything, everybody says not guilty of collusion, there is no evidence anywhere, what is going on with this? can you stop what is going on? isn t it just kind of someone trying to basically tell everyone to back off? kimberly: i don t know about that transcript he just gave, i don t know what you mean by that, the bottom line is that he is trying to that they are desperate to try to nail him with something, to delegitimize the presidency, to slow him down, to make him ineffective, the whole thing. it s quite obvious. when you hear people talking about it this far, no evidence of collusion, no evidence of obstruction of justice, they are just trying to find something to pin him within his administration, and the problem is the people that are suffering and losing the most out of the scum of the american taxpayers because on and on, you have these investigations, you have this money spent, and what are we going to have a special counsel to investigate the special counsel, it just seems like it is never-ending. like he said, potentially three months from now, we are going to put a rest to this, i am not confident at all that that is going to satiate their appetite for trying to destroy the 45th president of the united states. i mean, it is quite apparent to me. they will say or do anything, when you see the papers, very loose with their standards. and then they have to say that this isn t actually true, come forward with a another story, now they are going with obstruction of justice, even though the head of the fbi said that he didn t think that the president was trying to do this or throw them off course or obstruct justice. now we don t want to take him for his word under oath or whatever. greg: you have to admit that she has a good point about these leaks, the post comes out with a another leak about this bombshell saying that he is under investigation, his lawyer says that that is not true, the abc report says that that is also not sure, is this a another case of these leaks turning out to be wrong? juan: came on and said oh, no, you misinterpreted, the president didn t say this. he was reacting to the post story, but the president saying that this investigation, then chris wallace says wait a second, the president is under investigation, he went back and forth back and forth, and to the fact is that is not what he said and he should not say whether the present is under. what we know is as we point down the on the show as dana did last week, people who are involved are being asked to testify, and their lawyers and everybody else, so that is what is going on. the reality is, though, it is very difficult reality, this investigation is just getting started. he set about 20% and, and adam schiff, the congressman from california, said basically there is evidence, but not sufficient to present to anybody. there is just evidence to justify continuing the investigation. jesse: awaits, he says he doesn t believe there is any proof, he says that they haven t seen proof, and he says there is a little bit of a difference there, they just hired him on molars team, taking on the mob, some crime families, and merrill lynch, he is a pretty tenacious guy, he kind of operates, you know people say he has abused his prosecutorial he think the white house is getting a little nervous? dana: i hope not, i think everybody can focus on the fact that there is no evidence of collusion yes, let it go forward, we are turning on this, give this to a democrat five years ago, if it matters at all, one thing i would say, if you think you want to be in washington for a long time, while the first amendment protects political speech, and you are allowed to donate, even though you work for the government, i would suggest maybe not because then you will be called upon and you may be criticized like this. i don t know if they expected him to hire mr. magoo. remember, president trump says he hired the best people, maybe mueller is saying that he wants to do the same thing. jesse: gregor, anything? greg: well, it s interesting, mueller is hiring a lot of these guys because he doesn t think that there is anything there and he wants to make sure that everything is on the up and up, so it doesn t look like he hired a bunch of ringers or biased people. it wasn t my idea. the media keeps saying everything is a smoking gun, except when there is an actual smoking gun, like when there is a problem that you can actually assign blame to, like a real evil, whether it is gang crime or whatever. but they are so quick to call every conversation obstruction, when it is almost always objection and not obstruction, i think we need to get to the media in an auditorium and exercise their donald demons. i was thinking about this. in 1992, when bill clinton was elected, i spent a year on an irrational tear, i thought he was satan. i thought the world was going to end, and no i really thought this way. i hated him so much. i was 28, i was young and dumb and full of rage. and kind of like over time i realized he was president. i understand why people are so angry, but you ve got to let it go. there is a great headline about mr. trump, when trump is silent on twitter, it says a lot. so when he tweets, that is a bad thing, but when he doesn t, it s even worse. i mean, that s crazy. jesse: i want the audience to know he said he was a young, dumb, and full of rage. greg: i was talking about myself. jesse: more terror in europe today, will it ever end? we will be dana: will come back to the five, shortly after midnight, a van plowed into a group of muslim worshipers in london. one group died, the others were injured. 47-year-old darren osborne, a white man from wales, motivated by revenge, authorities are investigating the attacks as an act of terrorism, and then a another terrorism investigation is ongoing in france. rammed his car into a police vehicle, only the attacker died, thankfully. in london, this is kind of an interesting thing, so remember the terrorist, he s to worship at the small skit, the government actually shut down this musket, and after a period of time, they reopen it, was really considered a model of assimilation, it was very sad that this mosque was the target, and was this possibly the beginning of what we might see as more backlash? greg: i don t think so. i think we can all agree that attacking innocent people is wrong, so we don t want to look at this as a ping-pong of this happens, okay, this terror attack happens, and then this response happens, because that s not how it works. it s kind of almost like a straight a vector, like an agen agent, it is a bad idea that spreads to the vulnerable, because the acts are so similar, you look at it that way, then you can figure out how to stop it, because who is doing it s the most, and where is this idea coming from? and is a coming because people aren t responding to the initial one correctly? i don t know, but it is interesting to me that when you talk about terror, people will tell you that this is rare. but one backlash happens, they will tell you it is common. i would like to say that i think it is very rare. dana: i think france in particular, they have seen a series of attacks as well, the amount of preparation into the money that has to go towards the resources, it could actually be quite exhausting for city and s resources, so we have to be in a position where we are fully funding any of the resources that we need over there. over there come over here, wherever it is. kimberly: there can t be any financial hesitation. and that is what the terrorists are counting on. they want to feed into the chaos, the destruction, the fear, financial instability that they will change our way of life, and that means that they win. it is incredibly difficult problem to deal with, we have seen over and over again that there were suggestions that certain people should have been more closely monitored, they were presented as those who may commit acts of, but then we have too few resources, and then you have the issue of balancing people s privacy, we want to maintain liberty and freedom, what do we want to lose at the expense of public safety and the loss of human life, and this is not a problem that is unique to the united states, it is all across europe, and the middle east, i don t think it is getting better in terms of what they are doing. you see some of these countries in europe that have been submissive in terms of multi-culture, not wanting to offend, assimilation, you bring up a great point. this was a mosque that was really trying to assimilate and be integrative into the community. it is awful that this happened. they tried to prevent them from harming the man who was committing this act of terror against them. i am telling you, people in europe should be really frustrated with this, london and in france particularly because they are getting hit over and over again, like a terror pinata, and it is so outrageous, they have to be doing a better job. dana: jesse, there were some people wondering why president trump didn t tweet about this because he had tweeted about other terrorist attacks, but not this one. any insight as to why? jesse: i don t have any insight into president trump s tweeting. i am very sorry. dana: i thought that was in your world. jesse: it is. he actually retweeted me recently, but you know it, obviously he s got a lot on his plate. and it would be wise for him to tweet something about that, maybe he is watching this show two nights. how are you doing, mr. president? i want to let greg talk about this, it s about motivation. i want to say first, obviously, the guy who perpetrated this attack is a sicko, and he deserves to rot in hell. when a muslim terrorist commits a heinous act like this, and everyone says he was motivated by radical islam, the left and never wants to say that. oh, no, we don t know what his motivation is. religion has nothing to do with it, but then one some christian guy from england perpetrates an act of terror against muslims, immediately, the left says it is islam a phobia, they are so quick to say that. i wish they would use that as their standard, this is actual islam a phobia. we actually found a concrete example of it. dana: and acting on it. juan: i appreciate this, there is no answer as to why trump wouldn t pick up on this because this is terror, and it is suggested that he is interested in one type of terror, and that is when we get into the back and forth, and this discussion takes us nowhere. it is a loser. the idea that innocent people worshiping should be attached, and if the guy is not only saved by a muslim, but then as he is leaving, screaming that he wished that he had killed more. dana: will this was a hate crime. we know that. kimberly: operators and classification, i will tell you this is a hate crime that was committed, and yes an act of domestic terror, but i would not say that the president doesn t care or think that this is a heinous crime that was committed, i would not try to go with that and say that. juan: you see other cases where he sees something that happens it doesn t fit to fit the right-wing of what terror is described to be, kimberly, and there is no response two or three dates later, apparently out of embarrassment. let me just say this, this is what happens with isis, they want this kind of thing because then it feeds into the idea that we should be recruiting. alienated muslims should be angry at the sky, and they should do something. that back-and-forth is self-destruction. dana: a new york theater put on a play, it took several into custody, but it w put on a presentation of julius caesar that put on the assassination of a trump like character. there were protests and at least three arrests. he will be proud! he would be proud! juan: one of those taken into custody it was a pro-chum journalist. she tells her story tonight on hannity. you are going to delight in the assassination of our president? it is going to have a violent end. and why are they never trump are supporting me? well what do we have in common with the liberals? they haven t accepted it, the only way that that would be resolved if he was eradicated or taken out. juan: full interview, at 10:00 p.m. eastern tonight on hannity. watch it. greg, what do you make of this? is it fair to say from the liberal perspective, is this a son? speak to you of course. no one ever looks good when they are heckling or interrupting. if you don t like the art, make some of your own. i can t stand petition gatherers, people who are upset by speech, someone coming to make a speech, any effort to stop something, i find kind of upsetting. but the left has been doing this for decades, let them only look, but in this case, it is a win-win because the play is designed it to create this kind of disruption, and it is fulfilled so that the person gets to be on a tv show, and the play gets more notoriety, so it is a win-win. everybody wins. juan: is it hypocrisy when the rights of hey, we don t like people interrupting a conservative speak on campus, and then this happens? dana: we ran back-to-back segments on that last week, when there was something about this, something about free speech on college campuses, i am for free speech, but i would say that violent speech is not violence. in the more that you try to equate to violent speech with violence, the sooner you will get to actual violence on violence, which i m not for. no one is for. juan: what you think, jesse? jesse: it was a misdemeanor, maybe not my style, maybe i would go around the outside and try to talk to people inside, but at the same time, an opportunity to protesting like this, because the left has been firebombing things, damaging property, holding up streets for the last decade, , and the media never covers it. a conservative yells at someone during a play, and it is like international news. juan: you had a film producer though who was filming this who has been cited to things like the pizza gates thing like in washington, does that bother you, kimberly? kimberly: i don t know about that, but i think it is very important to have and protect our first amendment freedoms, let them go and do this, if people want to go watch it and see and feel that it s portrayed the character as president trump and a sympathetic way, almost, in the end, so i guess it is ours. it is open to interpretation, i understand my objection to the play was just when the assassination attempt on the lead, that is just a such awful timing, and so that bothers me personally. so that i didn t like. jua once upon a time hansel and gretel came upon a house made out of gingerbread. being quite hungry, they started eating the roof. the homeowner was outraged. luckily the geico insurance agency had helped her with homeowners insurance. she got all her shingles replaced. hansel and gretel were last seen eating their way through the candy cane forest. call geico and see how easy it is to switch and save on 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be humiliated. kimberly: one, did you have something to tell us? juan: to american music legends honored this week, one of them known for purple haze, the other for purple rain. the city honoring his native son who died in 1970, still one of the greatest guitars and rock guitar as ever, features a purple walkway, meanwhile, in minneapolis, the minnesota twins celebrated their own rock legend, prince. they handed out beautiful purple rain umbrellas, purple rain cover art during the seven inning stretch, it became a sea of purple rain. dana: , you go, kimberly. kimberly: i will save mine for tomorrow. dana: i think this accomplishment is important to identify the new york post published an editorial about an early success, close to 40 accused gang bangers in the city of long island last week. since january, long island have been linked to ms-13, great progress for this an notorious criminal enterprise. jesse: i just want to wish my dad had a belated happy father s day. i just want to let everyone know, dad, you some sunscreen. oh, my god, . kimberly: he looks like hannah dad. is that you? greg: he s a liberal, right right? no wonder he is red. kimberly: i don t have enough time to do mine, but it is about a dog that served in afghanistan, met up with his handler, i will show tomorrow. kimberly: never miss an i am james rubin. bret baier is on assignment and will join us shortly. the american student who fell into a coma in north korean custody and returned home last week has died. kristin fisher brings us the story, including allegations of physical abuse by the regime in pyongyang. this awful announcement came from warmbier s family. they say he died surrounded by his family. he invented in the state of unresponsive wakefulness ever since he was brought back from north korea last week. family says: when otto returned to cincinnati late on june 13th he

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20170620

his condition secret and denied him top-notch medical care. there is no excuse for the way that the north koreans treated our son. kimberly: that is really heartbreaking and outrageous. president trump addressed this this afternoon. i just wanted to pass on the word that otto warmbier has just passed away. he spends of the year and a half in north korea, a lot of bad things happened, but at least we got him home to be with his parents, where they were so happy to see him, even though he was in very tough condition, but he just passed away a little while ago. it is a brutal regime, and we will be able to handle it. kimberly: secretary of state, rex and tillerson helped bring him home, and he issued a statement saying that s the holds north korea liable, it demands to release the three other americans who are being illegally detained. when this news broke yesterday, obviously incredibly heartbreaking, so imagine what his family has gonete through, they were not able to receive word of their son for over a year s period of time, then to learn that his fate has fallen into the direct hands of this brutal regime, i don t think there can be any peace for them for what has happened here too their son, and there really shouldn t be for any of us, as americans because of what transpired. greg: it was a year and a half, execution, it was a cruel prank to play on grieving parents, and the only reason why they return to him, i would imagine, is because they didn t want to hold him in custody, you may think that that was out of compassion or fear, they just didn t want to pay the bills. i think that s they dumped him like garbage, and there has to be a way to make them pay, and i have been thinking about this for a long time, you know we have this executive order, banning assassinations, rewrite it, i mean that is the first step. kill him so it makes him look like natural causes, removes confrontation, and perhaps open talks, or you do the other thing, which may be the only solution, which is you just kind of let it go, treat north korea like that weird house in your neighborhood, that your parents they don t go by that house, whatever you do, don t go in that house, it s a strange family, they do weird things, steer clear across the street, don t go near it, it is theei weird haunted house on planet earth, and you don t t go near , you just wait and wait and wait until time may be the guy s heart goes out, natural causes, who knows? kimberly: so obviously, kim jong-un, a brutal dictator, the blood of otto warmbier is on his hands. this is a regime that i think something needs to be done. i think he is too dangerous, i don t think that we can just wait for him to expire from natural causes, but i think if you talk to people and ask them about security, our biggest concern is north korea and their nuclear proliferation and their ability to make things happen. dana: unlike when we were kids, the house on the corner that nobody wants to go by, they now have nuclear weapons. c so it has to be dealt with in some way, the email do guys earlier about iran wanting the nuclear weapons, there is a plot of iran trying to get it, how long are we willing to put up with it before we stop it. president obama tried his way. i don t think that was working, and now we have a situation which i think is more dire and more sinister, one of the things that secretary tillerson said is that it was unjust president, he did go as far as to say at the koreans are responsible for the murder of mr.. warmbier. now marco rubio who was on the committee, he said make no mistake, warmbier was murdered by the north korean regime, so that clock on our end, there will be pressure to try to even it up, i think that president trump is well guided by mcmasters, tillerson, and lots of other people. but we also get to the questione of what do we do with china, and the question of how long are we willing to be patient with china before they start doing something? there was an article in the new york times over the weekend that said basically they are just slow walking the pressure that president trump asked them to put on north korea, that theyes are jut sort of waiting, and so i think that is where you will see the y next step is where tillerson is pressing through china. kimberly: we have leverage in china, these sony things, it things they deserve justice for, an american was murdered at the hands of north korea. greg: we need to accelerate on china to make anything happen. this was an act of war, and i think president trump needs to respond accordingly. it was premeditated, it was savage, it was humiliating, and it was depraved, it was disgusting. and what happens in a hostage situation? the guys start killing the hostages, that s when the team goes in and takes action. i don t know if you have to do it overtly or covertly orct wha, but it s not just this, when they are test firing missiles, when they are training, and you know, causing chaos with their neighbors, something has to be done here because right now, i guess a coup is potentially on the table, they have these war games, we see the detect they will also go after the leadership that is very targeted and ineffective way, there were reports that a special operator was doing the war games with the south koreans, uss michigan, off the coast of their that helps transport these field teams, yoo know, that is on the table, and i think it came needs to understand that it is on the table because i think president trump, and i haven t ever seen him that a disturbed or emotional in a very long time during those remarks were there. i am sure he takes this personally. and you know, he had a huge hand in bringing otto back, and so now that success is reallyly tarnished, so i really want to see a very stern response. dana: moore should have been done earlier, so the wait-and-see approach ends up in deadly results like this, and that is unacceptable in every way. juan: will come that just brings us to a really important point, we still have 20 prisoners being held. so you know, we set it and kind of an explicit way, they dumped him. they were getting rid of him. juan: it wasn t the result of something that hadn t been done previously, i think that trump has put more pressure, he tried to get the president of china to agree to something, he thought that meeting in april, that he had bought into the idea that you know it, this is a dangerous situation for the globe, for the world, and that the president would take action, well, he hasn t taken any action, despite the fact that trump held off on claims of current manipulation, he really thought that he had an ally, and so far, that ally has not acted. even people who are on the border with north korea and china say there has been nothing done in terms of stopping the trade that continues to feed money into this dictatorship. jesse: they did stop the coal shipments, that was a big success by thep trump administration. juan: will, i don t see making any difference, and it to me, let me just stop here and it stopped with the politics for a second. about how when they brought his son home, the child could not speak or here, apparently, but just in terms of his o countenance, the father said, he could see that that boy was more at peace, knowing he was back ao home in ohio. kimberly: he had arrived, he had been in anguish. juan: it just hurt my heart to think of a dad in that situation. kimberly: can you imagine going through that and thinking this is the last time that his beautiful son who had so much promise and was so well lovedve and regarded by so many, he will be greatly missed, he had a bright incredible future to provide for this country, and to be murdered like that by north korea, it is so grotesque and so upsetting. juan: they kept it secret from the family. kimberly: yes, i know. juan: his condition, they are trying to reach out to find out about their son, and they couldn t. they had no idea he was in the state. kimberly: there is no access or information, and the information now that we have is that he fell into this, and eventually he was in an unresponsive wakefulness, after sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. dana: i was going to ask that one of the things that kim jong il and said that he wants us to be receded to my treated with respect by the world. they were all ignored in this case. there was no response to any of the request, there was no responsiveness to the treaties that are signed in terms of how do you deal with people around the world, and remember, they treated our citizen like this, they do it to their own, as well. there is like complete disregard for innocent life there. greg: is just after reagan thing that he sends those f-14 s, intercepted during the i don t know what the equivalent is there, i do know that growing up with the cold war, russia knew that we could kill them, and we knew that they could kill us. the difference is that with north korea, we can kill them, but there is a 50/50 shot with them, and generally, it s more about the people around north korea that you worry about, so we are hamstrung in the sense of what do you do in a retaliation with brute force? so what is left, and that is covert or strategic maneuvers seems like the only way to go. jesse: and one of the last things i d like to say, i think in syria what got president trump to act were those images of the children ant the mothers that were gassed up by assad, those might be one of these same emotional moments that causes a reaction., kimberly: he would be more than justified in doing so is the point because the murder of this young man, otto, you are in our prayers, along with your beautiful family, may god watch over you and them. rest in peace. be the you who doesn t cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don t give you clearer skin. be the you who controls 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by a white man, and it saved by a black police officer, and yet she blamed the race of the shooter, didn t bring up his beliefs, talk about racism, why would she do that? to avoid the shooter s beliefs? he was her network s biggest fan, but it is all a result of the left making politics personal, if you don t believe that the person is wrong, but evil, like i said before, then you can say or do anything. i d say she dug a hole for herself with a tweet, but theno she dug and entire plots. it is a delicate thing because you know, obviously, we are wishing him well and that he recovers, but steve scalise he has a history that we have all been sort of force to ignore on race. greg: you saw that but coming, right after the fake compassion, she kept going. he did have some controversy over attending a white nationalist event, which he said that he didn t know what it was. he also cosponsored a bill to amend the constitution to define marriage between a man andnd a woman, he voted for the house health care bills, which would get health care for millions of people, he cosponsored a bill to repeal automatic weapons, because he is in jeopardyn and everyone is pulling for him, we are required in a moral sense to put that aside for a moment. greg: yet you are, joy, not that you are pulling for him. let me ask you this. a woman is raped. do you feel compelled to dredge up her opinions on abortion? george tokai copied her. during baseball practice was a black lesbian so who was he scalise who trusted this woman with his life for the woman herself? he seemed surprised that the officer did her job. it is creepy. now maybe it is rude to point out how repugnant it is, but at least i am not doing it well joy or george are medical crisis. scalise may have been in a medically induced coma, but these people are the immoral ones. what is the need like on twitter but what is the needw to register a hot take right afterwards? t dana: that is what i was going to ask you, can we been to be word hot take? that is a punk band from the 70s. dana: he was playing it for joy ann reid. this is what is interesting,a: everybody seems to think that they can speak on behalf of of the officer, and she has been very quiet, right?o so why don t we let her recover and speak when she wants to? law enforcement always does his job. they do their job, regardless of politics of any sort, and believe me, you can actually work and do your job, even if you disagree with someone who is sitting with here we are, all doing it every night. it is not impossible to do. greg: i m sure, juan, if i fell over, you would give me mouth to mouth d resuscitation. juan: that s true.fe juan: i can tell by dana s laugh r dana: i don t like that. kimberly: everyone always says that.- greg: i thought it was weird that he pointed out the race of the shooter, and not his beliefs, why does he have to be a white shooter? juan: well, i think we live in such a racial country, that if the shooter had been black or an immigrant or hispanic or something, then everyone would say oh, my god, so from the left, we have joy ann reid to saying this is our reaction, quite different, and we are going to point out that the two cops involved were black people, who saves the way person. greg: i set out of the ordinary? juan: i appreciate your point because in the middle of the campaign last year with donald trump, one trumpet brought of the hispanic heritage of a judge, guess what? all of a sudden, you saw paul ryan safe you know what? when you say that someone can t do their job because of their race, that is the definition of racism. i this is when you say a copis can do his job because he s black or she is black, or she is of a different racial or sexual orientation, that s crazy. greg: she is calling this r copy black lesbian. how demeaning is that? oh, the black lesbian shot the white congressman. that is not how people speak. i don t think the police officer would like to hear herself described on national television as the black lesbian. to msnbc to turn a partisan political assassination into democratic identity politics. jesse: it s like when there is a surgeon, they bring someoni into the e.r. room, it doesn t matter if the guy is a racist, if the guy is a republican, if he s canadian, it doesn t matter. greg: canadian? jesse: they are there to save their life. justice should be blind here. dana: the emts on the scene they tried to save the shooter s life. greg: exactly. i have a problem with that, but go ahead, kimberly. well, kimberly: her patriotism, her dedication, it has nothing to do with her gender or sexual identity. it is demeaning that joy did that.r she is actually an example of the problem that exists in this country. when you see something like this where the left always they don t want to identify anybody by you know, sexual or gender identity, but here it is like oh, no, they want to call people out. they want to label them, they want to box them, they want to confine them because it is politically expedient for their argument. you redo the same thing greg: you know, you can adjust sense what joy and it took and what everyone else, how excited were they when they found out that the police officer was a black lesbian? dana: you know what was kind of annoying about it was that that whole thing was going around on twitter for two days, that is not something that we are going to say, you give them two days before she was the first one to do it. greg: i don t know why they are treating scalise like this. dana: the good news is that he is improving. greg: they had him in a medically induced, and they brought him out. he is getting there. dana: they said he has a chance of an excellent recovery. kimberly: the doctors and the nurses are doing a good job. greg: we should find out what their identity as before complementing them. that is what msnbc would want. we need to determine the gender. dana: charming, nonetheless. greg: is the rest of the investigation becoming too political? that is next. sorry about the holdup, folks. we have some congestion on the runway and i m being told it ll be another 15, maybe 20 minutes, and we will have you on your way. runway models on the runway? surprising. what s not surprising? how much money evan saved by switching to geico. i would not wear that lace. hmm, i don t know? fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. you re searching for something. like the perfect deal. .on the perfect hotel. so wouldn t it be perfect if there was a single site where you could find the right hotel for you at the best price? there is. because tripadvisor now compares prices from over 200 booking sites. .to save you up to 30%. .on the hotel you want. trust this bird s words. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. radio: scorching heat today folks[ barks ]ol out there! walter! stop suffering with hot ac. cool it yourself with a/c pro. just connect the hose, squeeze the trigger and 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this, and i saidon yesterday, we have two more leaks like this, they re going to have to investigate a special counsel to investigate the special counsel. jesse: so one of the things that has been going around in the circles, there is a difference between obstructing justice, and then there is donald trump saying hey guys, no evidence of collusion, never talk to the russians, i don t know anything about anything, abeverybody says not guilty of collusion, there is no evidence anywhere, what is going on with this? can you stop what is going on? isn t it just kind of someone trying to basically tell everyone to back off? kimberly: i don t know about that transcript he just gave, i don t know what you mean by that, the bottom line is that he is trying to that they are desperate to try to nail him with something, to delegitimize the presidency, to slow him down, to make him ineffective, the whole thing. it s quite obvious. when you hear people talking about it this far, no evidence of collusion, no evidence of obstruction of justice, they are just trying to find something to pin him within his administration, and the problem is the people that are suffering and losing the most out of the the american taxpayers because on and on, you have these investigations, you have this money spent, and what are we going to have a special counsel to investigate the special counsel, it just seems like it is never-ending. like he said, potentially three months from now, we are going to put a rest to this, i am not confident at all that that is going to satiate their appetite for trying to destroy the 45th president of the united states. i mean, it is quite apparent to me. they will say or do anything, when you see the papers, very loose with their standards. and then they have to say that this isn t actually true, come forward with a another story, now they are going with obstruction of justice, even though the head of the fbi said that he didn t think that the president was trying to do this or throw them off course or obstruct justice. now we don t want to take him for his word under oath or whatever. greg: you have to admit that she has a good point about these leaks, the post comes out with a another leak about this bombshell saying that he is under investigation, his lawyer says that that is not true, the abc report says that that is also not sure, is this a another case of these leaks turning out to be wrong? juan: came on and said oh, no, you misinterpreted, the president didn t say this. he was reacting to the post story, but the president saying that this investigation, then chris wallace says wait a second, the presidentin is under investigation, he went back and forth back and forth, and to the fact is that is not what he said and he should not say whether the present is under. what we know is as we point down the on the show as dana did last week, people who are involved are being asked to testify, and their lawyers and everybody else, so that is what is going on. the reality is, though, it is very difficult reality, this investigation is just getting started. he set about 20% and, and adam schiff, the congressman from california, said basically thera is evidence, but not sufficient to present to there is just evidence to justify continuing the investigation. jesse: awaits, he says he doesn t believe there is any proof, he says that they haven t seen proof, and he says there is a little bit of a difference there, they just hired him on mueller s team, taking on the mob, some crime families, and merrill lynch, he is a pretty tenacious guy, he kind of operates, you know people say he has abused his prosecutorial he think the white house is getting a little nervous? dana: i hope not, i think everybody can focus on the fact that there is no evidence of collusion yes, let it go forward, we are turning on this, give this to a democrat five years ago, if it matters at all, one thing i would say, if you think you want to be in washington for a long time,, while the first amendment protects political speech, and you are allowed to donate, even though you work for the government, i would suggest maybe not because then you will be called upon and you may be criticized like this. i don t know if they expected him to hire mr. magoo. remember, president trump says he hired the best people, maybe mueller is saying that he wants to do the same thing. jesse: gregor, anything? greg: well, it s interesting, mueller is hiring a lot of these guys because he doesn t think that there is anything there and he wants to make sure that everything is on the up and up, so it doesn the look like he hired a bunch of ringers or biased people. it wasn t my idea. the media keeps saying everything is a smoking gun, except when there is an actual smoking gun, like when there is a problem that you canl actually assign blame to, like a real evil, whether it is gang crime or whatever. but they are so quick to call every conversation obstruction, when it is almost always objection and not obstruction, i think we need to get to the media in an auditorium and exercise their donald demons. i was thinking about this. in 1992, when bill clinton was elected, i spent a year on an irrational tear, i thought he was satan. i thought the world was going to end, and no i really thought this way. i hated him so much. i was 28, i was young and dumb and full of rage.nd and kind of like over time i realized he was president. i understand why people are so angry, but you ve got to let it go. there is a great headline about mr. trump, when trump is sileno on twitter, it says a lot. so when he tweets, that is a bad thing, but when he doesn t, it s even worse. i mean, that s crazy. jesse: i want the audience to know he said he was a young, dumb, and full of rage. greg: i was talking about myself. jesse: more terror in europe today, will it ever end? we will be back will you be ready when the moment turns romantic? cialis for daily use treats ed 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a model of assimilation, it was very sad that this mosque was the target, and was this possibly the beginning of what we might see as more backlash? greg: i don t think so. i think we can all agree that attacking innocent people is wrong, so we don t want to look at this as a ping-pong of this happens, okay, this terror attack happens, and then thisns response happens, because that s not how it works. it s kind of almost like a straight a vector, like an agent, it is a bad idea that spreads to the vulnerable, because the acts are so similar, you look at it that way, then you can figure out how to stop it, because who is doing it s the most, and t where is this ia coming from?m? and is a coming because people aren t responding to the initial one correctly? i don t know, but it iss interesting to me that when you talk about terror, people will tell you that this is rare. but one backlash happens, they will tell you it is common. i would like to say that i think it is very rare. dana: i think france in particular, they have seen a r series of attacks as well, the amount of preparation into the money that has to go towards the resources, it could actually be quite exhausting city and its resources, so we have to be in a position where we are fully funding any of the resources that we need over there. over there come over here, wherever it is. kimberly: there can t be any financial hesitation. and that is what the terrorists are counting on. they want to feed into the chaos, the destruction, the fear, financial instability that they will change our way of life, and that means that they win. it is incredibly difficult problem to deal with, we have seen over and over again thatt there were suggestions that certain people should have been more closely monitored, theyin were presented as those who mayp commit acts of, but then we have too few resources, and then you have the issue of balancing people s privacy, we want to maintain liberty and freedom, what do we want to lose at the s expense of public safety and the loss of human life, and this is not a problem that is unique to the united states, it is all across europe, and the middle east, i don t think it is getting better in terms of what they are doing. you see some of these countries in europe that have been submissive in terms of multi-culture, not wanting to offend, assimilation, you bring up a great point. this was a mosque that was really trying to assimilate and be integrative into the it is awful that this happened. they tried to prevent them from harming the man who was committing this act of terror against them. i am telling you, people in europe should be really frustrated with this, london and in france particularly because they are getting hit over and over again, like a terror pinata, and it is so outrageous, they have to be doing a better job. dana: jesse, there were some people wondering why president trump didn t tweet about this because he hadpl tweeted about other terrorist attacks, but not this one. any insight as to why? jesse: i don t have any insight intoot president trump s tweeting. i am very sorry.y. dana: i thought that was in your world. jesse: it is. he actually retweeted me recently, but you know it, obviously he s got a lot on his plate. and it would be wise for him to tweet something about that, maybe he is watching this show tonight. how are you doing, mr. president? i want to let greg talk about this, it s about motivation. i want to say first, obviously, the guy who perpetrated this attack is a sicko, and he deserves to rot in hell. when a muslim terrorist commits a heinous act like this, and everyone says he was motivated by radical islam, the left and never wants to say that. oh, no, we don t know what his motivation is. religion has nothing to do with it, but then one some christian guy from england perpetrates an act of terror against muslims, immediately, the left says it is islam a phobia, they are so quick to say that. i wish they would use that as their standard, this is actual islam a phobia. we actually found a concrete example of it. dana: and acting on it. juan: i appreciate this, there is no answer as to why trump wouldn t pick up on this because this is terror, and it is suggested that he is p interested in one type of terror, and that is when we get into the back and forth, and this discussion takes us nowhere. it is a loser. the idea that innocent people worshiping should be attached, and if the guy is not only saved by a muslim, but then as he is leaving, screaming that he wished that he had killed more. dana: will this was a hate crime. we know that. kimberly: operators and classification, i will tell you this is a hate crime that was committed, and yes an act of domestic terror, but i would not say that the president doesn t care or think that this is a she such a dummy heinous crime that was committed, i would not try to ga with that and say that. juan: you see other cases where he sees something that happens it doesn t fit to fit the right-wing of what terror is described to be, kimberly, and there is no response two or three dates later, apparently out of o embarrassment. let me just say this, this iss what happens with isis,s, they want this kind of thing because then it feeds into the idea that we should be recruiting. alienated muslims should be angry at the sky, and they should do something. that back-and-forth is self-destruction. dana: a new york theater put on a play, it took several into custody, but it was in the actors. details ahead. e cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. which adds fuel to my bottom line. what s in your wallet? lobster and shrimp are teaming up in so many new dishes.fest, like coastal lobster and shrimp, with shrimp crusted with kettle chips. or new, over-the-top lobster and shrimp overboard. but it can t last, so hurry in. the future isn t 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least three arrests. he will be proud! he would be proud! juan: one of those taken into custody it was a pro-trump journalist. she tells her story tonight on hannity. you are going to delight in the assassination of our president? it is going to have a violent end. and why are they never trump are supporting me? well what do we have in common with the liberals? they haven t accepted it, the only way that that would be resolved if he was eradicated or taken out. juan: full interview, at 10:00 p.m. eastern tonight on hannity. watch it. greg, what do you make of this? is it fair to say from the liberal perspective, is this a stunt?t? of course. no one ever looks good when they are heckling or interrupting. if you don t like the art, make some of your own. i can t stand petition gatherers, people who are upset by speech, someone comingop to make a speech, any effort to stop something, i find kind of upsetting. but the left has been doing this for decades, let them only look, but in this case, it is a win-win because the play is designed it to create thiski kid of disruption, and it is fulfilled so that the person gets to be on a tv show, and the play gets more notoriety, so it is a win-win. everybody wins. a juan: is it hypocrisy when the rights of hey, we don t like people interrupting a conservative speak on campus, and then this happens? dana: we ran back-to-back segments on that last week, when there was something about this, something about free speech on college campuses, i am for free speech, but i would say that violent speech is not violence. in the more that you try to equate to violent speech with violence, the sooner you will get to actual violence on thank you violence, which i m not for. no one is for. juan: what you think, jesse? jesse: it was a misdemeanor, maybe not my style, maybe i would go around the outside and try to talk to people inside, but at the same time, an opportunity to protesting like this, because the left has been firebombing things, damaging property, holding up streets for the last decade, and the media never covers it. a conservative yells at someone during a play, and it is like international juan: you had a film producer though who was filming this who has been cited to things like the pizza gates thing like in washington, does that bother you, kimberly? kimberly: i don t knowiz about that, but i think it is very important to have and protect our first amendment freedoms, let them go and do this, if people want to go watch it and see and feel that it s portrayed the character as president trump and a sympathetic way, almost, in the end, so i guess it is ours.. it is open to interpretation, i understand my objection to the play was just when the assassination attempt on the lead, that is just a such awful timing, and so that bothers me personally. so that i didn t like. juan: all right, one more thing. my 30-year marriage. .my 3-month old business. plus.what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the 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never look like that when i put them on my bed, fitted sheets, it took me a half-hour while to put on one sheet, they need to put an l for length and a w-4 with on the fitted sheets because i keep going around, and the other one pops of it gets loose on the other corner of the bed, i try to put that one on that one, and then the other one pops up. lays it on the bed, and my window is open, and all of my neighbors are looking at me, and i am immediately a superstar, i can t be humiliated. kimberly: juan, did you have something to tell us? juan: to american music legends honored this week, one of them known for purple haze, the other for purple rain. the city honoring his native son who died in 1970, still one of the greatest guitars and rock guitar as ever, features a purple walkway, meanwhile, in minneapolis, the minnesota twins celebrated their own rock legend, prince. they handed out beautiful purple rain umbrellas, purple rain cover art during the seven inning stretch, it became a sea of purple rain. dana: , you go, kimberly. kimberly: i will save mine for tomorrow. dana: i think this accomplishment is important to identify the new york post published an editorial about an early success, close to 40 accused gang bangers in the city of long island last week. since january, long island have 38% of all homicides in sussex sussex county been linked to ms-13, great progress for this an notorious criminal enterprise. jesse: i just want to wish my dad had a belated happy father s day. i just want to let everyone know, dad, you some sunscreen. oh, my god. kimberly: he looks like tan dad. is that you? greg: he s a liberal, right? no wonder he is red. kimberly: i don t have enough time to do mine, but it is about a dog that served in afghanistan, met up with his handler, i will show tomorrow. kimberly: never miss an episode of the five. sean: thanks to our friends on the five, welcome to hannity. leftist rage reaches an all-time high as a liberal hatred towards the president is now spiraling out of control. newt gingrich, plus special counselor robert mueller, it has now turned into a political witch hunt. it needs to be shut down. we will cover all of that in tonight s very important opening monologue.e liberal hatred toward president trump and republicans has now reached a fever pitch. it has become uglier, nastier than anything we have seen in modern political history. and now, it is becoming violent.

New-york , United-states , Canada , Iran , Washington , China , Minnesota , North-korea , Syria , Russia , Michigan , France

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20170705

silly, all of them are great. he posted most of them on our facebook page and we have them right here, so, i will begin first question is going to go to kimberly. this is from robin kay, she wants to know, which do you like better? watching a fireworks display, lighting your own fireworks, both, or none? kimberly: how about watching a fireworks display? martha: you re not a pyromaniac. kimberly: i didn t ever like to light matches. i never did it until i was in college. greg: you never lit a match until you were in college! that is insane. you never had a birthday cake? greg: i don t call matches a toy. kimberly: i was never a smoker. there was no need. i alsoso catch on fire a lot, tt is a problem. three times so far. dana: how? kimberly: it must have been the hairspray. it leads to my hair catching on fire, literally, three times. i need to stay away for matches. dana: got to be careful. i know you live in the city so you probably watch fireworks, but would you prefer to light them if you could? greg: i would prefer that i would like them. watching something with other people bores me. i don t want to share my pleasure with other people. i prefer to light my own. [laughter] i preferred to be in a garagee lighting snakes. dana: i love snakes. we put them on bricks. greg: somehow, i identify with them. jesse: i wouldn t have been able to play with you as a child. kimberly: that still holds true. dana: do you light fireworks for your children? jesse: not for my children. i tried to keep them inside. it is dangerous. we used to have roman candles, where you shoot them at each other. that is not a good idea. kimberly: do not try this at home. dana: jesse still has the same common sense approach. juan, what is your tradition? you like to go to a fireworks display? juan: i love fireworks. i remember recently i was on the roof of the canadian embassy, right there on constitution, and watching the fireworks, and ie like dana: how american of you. i it s a great spot. juan: it s a great spot. if you go by the capital, you can hear all the music. i have been in boston for the boston pops on the fourth of july, right there on the river, that is pretty cool. the nice thing about that is you get so many people on either it s spectacular. dana: when we were kids, mostly, we would be in newcastle, wyoming, at my grandpa s ranch for the fourth of july, so, my uncle would handle the fireworks, but there was also a drought. so, you really couldn t do much. kimberly: that could start a forest fire. you don t want to be that perso person. juan: it is such a difference between urban celebration and rural celebration. for example, i remember the first time i drove south and got to south of the border. have you ever been there? holy smokes! i am telling you. greg: the best memories about fourth of july are trying to find illegal fireworks. we would always go to chinatown in san francisco to buy our firecrackers and there s always some kid in school, some kid that was a little bit older, perhaps a little bit anyway. [laughter] he would sell barrel bombs. then, the guy that stole the other stuff when you were inin high school. he was a capitalist in fifth grade. juan: you call them barrelth bombs. greg: m80s. juan: in brooklyn, they would call them trash cans. greg: cherry bombs. jesse: you can t light off fireworks in brooklyn or everyone will not think it is fireworks. kimberly: the fire department will come to your house if you can start hoardingh the fireworks.s. dana: i don t even like the things that snap. greg: third party favors? the best thing about the fourth of july is the smell of fireworks in a white bucket. they turn into a pizza topping, and i would eat it. juan: you know what comes to my mind? if you are driving home, both in new york city, also, b washington, d.c., after the fireworks, you come to some neighborhoods and it looks like it is just smoke-filled. you think you realize, their people in the streets putting uo so many fireworks. greg: that is weed, juan. juan: no, no, no. i can smell the difference between weed andn. fireworks. dana: greg and i won t answer this because we don t have children. from rachel l, do you have any traditions that you have donetr since you were a child that you have passed down to your children? jesse: that s a good one. not fireworks. i think that is too dangerous. greg: do they wear the colors, though?? [laughs] jesse: that is a tradition that everybody wants stopped.. [laughter] we cut that out. gosh, what do we do? what have i passed on? my sister, for christmas, makese this really good cake. and i think she calls it. dana: cake. [laughter] jesse: what is it called? i don t think i can say it on tv. icebox cake. it is very easy to make. dana: on the fourth of july? kimberly: what s it like? i ve never heard of it? i am assuming it s a fourth of july. jesse: it s a christmas answer. dana: jesse, jesse, turn around, behind you. jesse: what day is it? i don t have any fourth of july things that i have passed down. dana: how about you, juan? [laughs] juan: i think fireworks are pretty cool. i really like making a big deal about where are we going to watch them. you try to get the best view in washington because it is a spectacular display. also, new york city. i have never seen this butec everyone tells me, it is the biggest in the nation, right here in the north. dana: kimberly, how about you? kimberly: fourth of july parades in the hamptons, steak harbor and southhampton are really nice, everyone loves those. i believe i gave the same answer, because i am wonderfully consistent. greg: i want to weigh in about something that i hate about july 4th. why does it have to be on the fourth?n why not just designate the first monday of july so we can have a three-day weekend, instead, we all have to come to back to work on monday, then, we get tuesday off. why don t we do like thanksgiving? thursday. jesse: want me to talk to trump about it? i will make a call. dana: fourth of july isn t about you having as day off. it s about celebrating the founding of the nation.di greg: yes, it is. that is how i celebrate the founding of a nation with a three-day weekend. you have to go back to work on monday. make it the first monday of july, no matter what. jesse: while we are at it, can we get the monday after the super bowl off, too? juan: one of my favorite fourth of july, the night before fourth of july, we want to see the movie independence day. have you ever seen that movie, where the aliens are attacking, the americans, the jets, we are beating the aliens? by the time the movie was over, it was after midnight, the little guys are like bug eyed because they are overtired. it was like for me, one of the most spectacular dana: i love how lovely and sentimental you are. greg: at my house, we would have july 30th, we would wake for a fireworks santa claus to come down our chimney and deliver our fireworks. kimberly: is this made up? dana: kimberly, you help us keep us going. one of our viewers wants to know beach or mountain vacation? what do you prefer? jesse: really? we have to answer? kimberly: is a mountain camping? dana: you could be at a hotel in the mountains. kimberly: where? dana: deer valley. kimberly: it is definitely going to be beach. that is where i get engaged the most. dana: are we looking for that this year? kimberly: no. beach vacation. dana: beach or mountain? juan: i do occasionally, there is no question, the water just cools me, and i love water. kimberly: you like tropical vacations. juan: i love tropical vacations. jesse: have you been camping, juan?n? juan: this is a funny question, jesse. as a point of contention with mn wife. she always says that we went to the poconos.oi i always wondered why she says that. it sounds like i am such a ne er-do-well. anyway, we actually did go. jesse: you honeymooned in the poconos? juan: we just got married and we saw my parents in brooklyn. the funny thing is, we had arrangements to go camping in the poconos. i go up there and the guy says,d where is your camping equipmentm i thought, don t you provide the equipment? i didn t think i was coming, a knapsack and equipment kimberly: knapsack. [laughs] we would vacation well together. i ve decided that. i like it because bugs don t bother you. have you ever been on a vacation with big bugs? dana: greg, do you like mountains or beaches? for your apartment? greg: i like to combine. i sometimes will camp on the beach. sometimes, i ll go to thee mountains wearing nothing but a speedo and i will crawl into a hollowed out log and cry silently until someone sends help. jesse: that is why i don t go camping. [laughter] greg: i just like to hike with very little on. i have a walking stick and a speedo and i search for tadpoles. jesse: let me know if you run into hillary. dana: this is a tough question for me to answer. we ll start with jesse.. if you were stranded on a desert island and could choose one album or cd, what would it be? jesse: not country, dana. sorry to disappoint. dana: that s okay. jesse: let s see. probably greatest hits from the 80s. 80s hits. dana: you can go with that. juan: wait a minute. you re a young guy? 80s hits? jesse: what do you want, 90s? juan: i just thought it would be 2000s. kimberly: i think it matches as personality profile. do you like lionel richie? i like bob marley. kimberly: abba. dancing queen. dana: obviously, you have a good answer for this. t greg: basically, the question says what is your favorite album? to say, what is your favorite album?hel dana: okay, what is your favorite album? greg: i don t know. i would say an album by the cramps. one of the greatest albums of all time. juan: i got to listen because you really know music. greg: psycho rockabilly. juan: i think the heart of the question is, something you wouldn t get tired ofng listenig to. greg: i play that album every day. juan: come on. you re making it up. dana: this has been a great start to our facebook friday holiday type thing. coming up, we ll answer the best political questions you guys sent in. there are some really good onesr stay with us. i was on the pentagon and 9/11. the next day, in the morning early, walked around the army work spaces, i knew i would find people that were hurting from the day before. on their faces was anxiety, sadness, fear. but overwhelming determination because they knew we were at wa war. when i saw that that workforce was present for duty, it was overwhelming for me. i said to myself, they are all here. my god, they are all here. announcer: share your pride on facebook, twitter, and instagram. #proudamerican. every few months. enough with that! with quicksilver from capital one you ve always earned unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. welcome to unlimited what s in your wallet? be the you who doesn t cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don t give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara® saw 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. lobster and shrimp are teaming up in so many new dishes.fest, like coastal lobster and shrimp, with shrimp crusted with kettle chips. or new, over-the-top lobster and shrimp overboard. but it can t last, so hurry in. it s happening, it s happening! in the modern world, you can control just about anything with an app. your son is turning on all the lights again! and with the esurance mobile app, you can do the same thing with your car insurance. like access your id card, file a claim, or manage your policy. it s so easy it s almost scary. let s get outta here! that s auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that s up to 16 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to faster downloads with internet speeds up to 250 megabits per second. get fast internet and add phone and tv now for only $34.90 more per month. call today. comcast business. built for business. juan: welcome back to our facebook fourth of july show. we are answering your questions. and we will answer them throughout the hour. they came from you. so, stay with us. let s take a look at some of thy best political questions that you sent. number one, if you could have been vice president to any american president, who would you choose? kimberly: ronald reagan! thanks for coming to me first. [laughter] that would have been taken. juan: if you had been in a press conference with ronald reagan, you would have been the first person called upon because you are in a red dress and he had a weakness for red dresses. kimberly: oh. dana: there is your trivia for the night. kimberly: if i had better timing i could go on a time machine. juan: a time he loved nancy but i am sure he would have been fascinated. jesse? jesse: i would be the vice president for martin van buren. juan: explain. jesse: i don t know. [laughter] juan: i m sure you would have been quite a character in that period. juan: i didn t mean anything by that. dana: i would have to say george washington. juan: why is that? dana: i have always loved him. i would have liked to have gotten to know him. history, perhaps, portrays him as something greater even than he was in person but i think he was quite a remarkable person. i would have loved to have helped. juan: father of our nation. gregory? greg: richard nixon. because no one would expect it. kimberly: a chance ofha getting to be president? [laughter] greg: exactly. he wouldn t expect much of me. i would step in, get to hang out. jesse: he s not nixon. kimberly: be there with a walking stick. greg: i would have preventedd a president carter. i would have been reelected. there would have been no corridor. the american rebirth would have happened sooner. then, there wouldn t have been a ronald reagan because i would have been so great. i would have been elected for a third term. juan: then, you would have been gone. that could have been the alternative. kimberly: what about you, juan? juan: for the democrats, i think fdr, obviously, coming to my mind, the game changer in terms of presidents, democratic presidents who made history. but i also think it would have been fun to be bill clinton or barack obama. jesse: it would have been fun to be bill s. juan: al gore got so angry at him for his screw ups. al gore feels like he got ripped off by the president. if al gore had been able to prevent bill clinton, boy, what a different track we would have been on. jesse: that is true. juan: we ll go the other way. if the founding fathers came back today, gregory, what do you think their opinion would be f f our current government situation? greg: i think they would say, hey, this is working out pretty well. it s 241 years. i bet maybe it goes ten, 20 years. [laughter] then, it will be like the second amendment, working out pretty well for everybody. we weren t sure this place is great because they can protect each other, and everybody respects each other, kind of, because of the second amendment. and the first amendment is stil, around. they are like, dude, we did pretty well! and they high five and they wouldn t even know how to high five but they would feel the urge to high five just because they did such a great job. then, we would go bar hopping and i would pay for all their drinks. juan: that s a lot of drinking. jesse: that s a lot of a ale. kimberly: a lot of stream of consciousness. greg: i would give them powder for their wigs. among other things. juan: introduce them to a couple of chicks. [laughter] dana: this is an awesome segment. the question leads you to think, would they be disappointed because we are at each other s throats? but actually, way back when, they were at each other s throats. greg: [laughs] yes. dana: i agree, 241 years, you can t conceive of that now. what the world would look like. i think if they thought it was still standing, that we were the best country the world that ever known greg: because of them. dana: that is brilliant. and they were very young. you look back at you think, because they had the powdered wigs, they looked older. but at 35 or so, they had such wisdom. i think that is amazing. greg: you had to have wisdom at 35 because your lifespan was pretty short. jesse: i don t have anything that provocative to say like greg or that interesting like dana. could probably watch tv. they d probably play video games. i don t know. maybe shoot an ar-15. i don t really think they would think about it too much. juan: you don t think they would think about it? jesse: we did a nice job, the fake news media is still running wild. kimberly: i would say, they d be a little bit surprised about the way things are. but i think they would be quite excited that the constitution and everything has held up as it has. juan: i agree. that is what greg said, too. kimberly: i think that will be the headline of it. dana: the idea of the country was founded on that god provides inalienable rights to all of us and that america has held true to that and that wes have not gone after countries, not started wars where we are trying to get other people blood and treasure, we are just trying to provide liberty, and i think they would be proud of that. juan: a beacon of democracy. i would agree. this is going to be a little self-serving, and i wrote a book on this very topic, and i came to the same conclusion that greg and kimberlys did which is that they would be stunned that it still exists. their constitution hasn t been messed with. they built in a structure allowing for flexibility. i gave a little talk in which i say, if they showed up right here on sixth avenue, what is all the surveillance? what are these cameras on the streets, how can you let the government dana: how about the irs? they wouldn t be happy about the irs. jesse: they might be more concerned about getting hit by a taxi. juan: they would think that we have too much military. why do we have troops overseas permanently? they wouldn t be happy with that. gay marriage. a woman running for president? dana: you can t judge them about gay marriage. kimberly: developments over time. juan: that is the genius of the constitution and the founding fathers. directly ahead, if you are not hungry now, baby, you will be soon. kimberly will lead us through the best fourth of july food options. stay tuned. i thought i was doing okay. then it hit me. .managing was all i was doing. when i told my doctor,. .i learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of moderate to severe crohn s disease. .even after trying other medications. in clinical studies,. the majority of people on humira. saw significant symptom relief. .and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability. .to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened;. .as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where. .certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb,. .hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. .or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. just managing your symptoms? 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with my savings card, i can get movantik for about the same price as the other things i tried. don t take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. movantik may cause serious side effects including symptoms of opioid withdrawal, severe stomach pain and/or diarrhea, and tears in the stomach or intestine. tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take. movantik may interact with them causing side effects. don t back down from oic. talk to your doctor about movantik. remember mo-van-tik. if you can t afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. this is a fox news alert. i am marion rafferty in los angeles. it was in fact an integral none intercontinental ballistic missile that north korea launched. it has washington up in arms because such a weapon could strike alaska. in response, u.s. and south korea s militaries conducted a joint missile jewel, utilizing the missile system which fired missiles into territorial off of south korea. the trump administration requesting a u.n. emergency meeting over the north korea crisis. it s likely to top the agenda when president trump meets with russian president vladimir putin and chinese president at the g20 summit in germany later this week. in the meantime, chinese leaders are calling for calm and restraint from their counterparts here in the u.s., south korea, and japan. i am marion rafferty. now, back to the five. for all of your latest headlines, log on to kimberly: welcome back. happy fourth of july. my favorite food, let s take a look at the top food questions we have received on facebook. i will begin with you because is the this is the only food that you consume.. what is your drink of choice, meaning alcohol? greg: fourth of july is everyday somewhere. you should be able to eat like this every day.. that is what i do. i always have ribs, barbecued food, that is all i eat every day. i have pretty low cholesterol for now. my favorite drink, i like red wine, it is good for your heart. when i m feeling in a tropical mood, i will have a dark and stormy. with gosling rum, ginger beer, bitters, and just a slice of lime. i make an excellent version. i make it myself. kimberly: i would love to try one of those. greg: i happen to be free, kimberly. i would love to make you a dark and stormy. we will have a dark and stormy night. kimberly: for me, it would be. dana: call me if you need a y:scue. kimberly: keep your phone on. okay, dana, linda s question. favorite alcohol? dana: in the summertime, my friend ingrid has made me she drinks this concoction of rose, like a sparkling water, ice, and she makes a really tall glass, so, she calls it summer water. kimberly: is a just straight up dana: rose and water. kimberly: she doesn t blend it. dana: i am dying to try greg: she is watering down rose. dana: it looks like you are drinking more. greg: they do that in bars. kimberly: that is the same thing as a white wine spritzer. dana: it s like that. that is my drink of choice this summer. i am dying to try that froze, maybe one night we can do that. greg: summer water sounds like a name of a stripper. [laughter] kimberly: this is a family celebration. jesse, maybe you can probably not. jesse: favorite alcohol? i like it all. i really like moscow mules, that is my drink of choice. it has been my drink of choice for the last two years straight. kimberly: in the summer and winter? jesse: i don t discriminate discriminate. greg: i don t like that they put it in a copper cup. jesse: i like that. greg: i taste the copper. jesse: you have to get a better cup. greg: you need a clear glass for your drink. kimberly: but then, it s not a moscow mule. you would probably like it because it has the ginger, vodka, lime. so, one time on amazon, i saw they had the cups for sale, and i wanted to make this at home. i have to get the other ingredients. [laughter] i like the idea. greg: talked to william devane, he can get you copper at a great price. kimberly: he is the best, isn t he? juan: i love tequila. i just drink tequila when i know it is party time. kimberly: what kind of tequila do you like? juan: patron is terrific. kimberly: the blanco? juan: all kinds of reserves. i won t get into it because it is advertising. it is just wonderful. the thing about it, lately, if i m going out to dinner, i will have a martini, and that is pretty good. i like gray goose, belvedere. kimberly: you also really like beer. juan: fourth of july show, and beer is the official alcohol of the fourth of july. everybody at a picnic will go to the cooler and grab a cold one. kimberly: okay. one more. i like tequila, too. juan: that just made george clooney a billion dollars. [laughs] kimberly: call me, george. how about this? if it is past supper i know you like to eat like i do, what do you want to eat? what is your snack? if you are like, it is late? dana: like after the show. it s late. juan: the problem is that i like ice cream. kimberly: you do like ice cream. greg: is a problem for some of us. kimberly: you like everything, garbage can metabolism. jesse: i will have cereal late at night. juan: cap n crunch. jesse: whatever i can get my hands on. dana: i will have a rose i don t usually eat after the show because [laughs] this one time we were at one of the conventions, i had to work really late and then afterward, one of our colleagues said, would you like to go for a drink afterwards? i said, sure. i had to wait so long to join her. they were bringing alcohol and i thought, i really need to eat or else i will get sick. but when they brought the food over, the menu, and a platter, she says, no thanks, we work in television, we don t eat after midnight. and i was like oh, right, we don t eat after midnight. i was so hungry. sometimes, i ll have a cup of yogurt before bed. kimberly: i knew it. greg: i go for the spiciest late-night food i can find because it gives you amazing dreams. if you ever go to bed after eating spicy food, you can actually have lucid dreams that are mind-blowing. just incredible. you don t even need vr. get some thai food. that will do the trick. kimberly: i like to make my delicious pepperoni pizza. 20 seconds in the microwave, you put a little tortilla, a piece of cheddar cheese, then, you make a little pepperoni and snack on it. dana: is that ronan s favorite? kimberly: yeah, we love it. i want one right now. when we return, it is a wild card round led by greg. uh-oh. stay with us. boost. it s about moving forward, not back. it s looking up, not down. it s being in motion. in body, in spirit, in the now. boost® high protein it s intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for when you need a little extra. boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink. be up for it (woman vo)o) my husband didn t recognize how tour grandson.eeth. 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(woman 2 vo) i m caring for someone with moderate alzheimer s. if you are too, ask about namzaric today. greg: welcome back to our fourth of july special, where we are answering the questions you sent in on facebook. the category for this round of c questions, potpourri, a word i don t like because the t is silent. dana: why is that? a greg: i have no idea. dana: t is a strong letter. pot dispenser called potpourri. i would imagine. all right, first question, let s start with you, dana. if you had to spend 100 days on an island without any technology, and you take one person with you who is not a spouse or relative, who would it be and why? you can already take your pets, don t worry about that dana: i would take my sister. she is a lot of fun. greg: she s a relative. dana: no relatives? all right, i ll take kimberly. kimberly: i am great company. dana: she s great company. she s funny. she can make a pepperoni quesadilla. greg: there is no microwave, no technology! listen to the questions, people! she doesn t even know how to use and match! she doesn t know how to make a fire! kimberly: i don t know how to open a bottle of wine, either, but there seems to be people around who like to help. greg: let me give you the answer, it is mike rowe. kimberly: why are you so jealous? juan: of survival is the thing, you want the rock or something greg: he s an actor. juan: you don t think he is really strong? elizabeth hasslebeck. she was on survivor. greg: i will go with that. [laughter] jesse: kill two birds with one stone. kimberly: she s very sweet and she would pray for your safety. greg: i would have to choose someone because i have no technical, no labor skills. dana: but you can really write a good essay about it. greg: i would bring an optometrist. if my glasses broke and i am on an island, i am screwed. i i would have an optometrist. juan: he doesn t have any machines. greg: he would build one. if he is worth his salt. juan: bring ben franklin, the fourth of july. kimberly: would you read the same book over and over again? greg: that would be fun. did you pick somebody? kimberly: you would be somebody, like the tom hanks guy. greg: a volleyball head? kimberly: i don t know exactly. i would probably pick. an entertaining man. let s put it that way. [laughter] greg: there you go. i know where you re going with that. stop picking on me, jesse. it s fourth of july. jesse: i can t help it. kimberly: he s upset because he wanted someone to choose him. greg: this is an interestingve question. if you have the ability to perceive the future and one year, would you rather see your future or someone else s, and if it is someone else, who with that person be? jesse: obviously, my own future. [laughter] kimberly: you are so selfish. greg: what if you re not there? would that freak you out? jesse: thanks for that dark premise. are you planning anything? [laughter] that is why you are not coming on my island. [laughter] kimberly: you can make a pepperoni quesadilla and the sun and it s warm enough, you can melt the cheese. i m just thinking. it wouldn t have to be that hot. greg: juan, the future, you or someone you know? juan: can you change the future? jesse: don t overthink this one. dana: the questions as you can only see it. juan:n: obviously, i have children, so i would love to know if they are okay. greg: that s a nice answer. kimberly? kimberly: is fourth of july, we are supposed to celebrate. greg: would you like to see your future or someone else s? kimberly: i wouldld probably like to see someone else s future. greg: anybody in particular particular? kimberly: i don t know. maybe, my son s pray that we nice to know that he ll be okay and everything. a champion soccer player. greg: dana? dana: haven t i already answered this? greg: i don t think so. i just went to jesse. dana: i don t want to see my future. i just trust. greg: i don t want to see my future. dana: i will tell you whose future i want to see, assad, whether he stays or go. juan: that would be depressing. greg: i would like to see my future, i wouldn t be it wouldn t be very exciting, i would just be sitting here doing facebook questions. it s an upbeat note, america, i am here for you. up ahead, we select the next round of questions specifically for their randomness. things will get interesting after this quick break. i no longer live with the uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if? 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kimberly: don t answer that with jesse watters. jesse: it can t be me. dana: one person to mars. b i think i would send my brother in law, ben, because he loves it space so much and he is so into it, and very interested. i assume they get to look around and come back. jesse: you assumed that. gutfeld, who would you send? greg: someone extremely old. dana: what about the guy who fluttered your apartment? greg: [laughs] he is a lawyer. i would say, somebody old in case they come back. they have a full life. jesse: this is dark. greg: if you go to mars right now, you are not coming back.wh someone who has had a full life. jesse: i would send the baby. k.g.? jesse: i would send kim. jesse: kim kardashian? kimberly: no, kim jong un. juan: who what i sent to mars? i have no idea. do you think trump is available? jesse: martians, you all owe me $20. kimberly: make mars great again. jesse: okay, next question. from susan, kimberly guilfoyle, what other professional worker would you like to shadow for a day or two to see another side of life? a nurse, a police officer, factory worker, or someone not in the media? what person would you shadow? just for a day or two. dana: i think you would like to go and be with a surgeon because you love science. kimberly: i love medicine. that would be very good. jesse: juan, who would you shadow? juan: just a fascination, i would go watch a baseball player or a pro basketball player, see how they do it, and how they stay in shape. it would be fascinating. that is the fan part of me. but i think intellectually, i would love to see an architect at work. they use these computers, they use all of these it s amazing stuff. jesse: fascinating, juan. sounds like a blast. dana: if they would let me, i would go with an undercover cia agent. jesse: do you think you are allowed to do that? is that on the list? dana: this is facebook questions. kimberly: dana is like an zero dark thirty kind of person. jesse: gutfeld, who wouldld you shadow? greg: i would shadow any kind of generic data processor because i would sit there most of the time and i wouldn t have to go anywhere. i could play with my phone until it s p over. kimberly: that is so weird. so robot oriented. jesse: having you sit on your phone. gutfeld comes through again.n. this is going to go right back to gutfeld. if you were a contestant on jeopardy have you been a contestant? kimberly: dana was! jesse: what would be your best category? a greg: music. i would pick the music. i would also say compassion, if they have a topic called compassion. i would probably get every question right. kimberly: you would pick the opposite of what you would do. [laughter] jesse: what do you think would be your best category? dana: i had an opportunity to be on it, i lost. jesse: you lost at jeopardy? dana: i did. david farber of cnbc and kareem> abdul-jabbar. abdul-jabbar beat you? dana: i think so. i was leading going into the commercial break and i totally fell behind. it was the most nervous i have ever be in my entire life. i think the category i would do well in would be country music, for one, or if there was a garth brooks category, i might get that. also, i would be pretty good on 80s movies. kimberly: that is what we did very well in charades together. dana: yes, we did. greg: movies for people in their 80s? on golden pond ? jesse: also a movie from the 80s. what would be your category at jeopardy, not political? kimberly: a specialty in pepperoni. that frequently comes up on the show. food would be good. fashion, i would be good at. american political history, but that is politics. what else? law, can i have that? is that too obvious? jesse: we will allow law. juan, what would be yours? we can give you politics because let s be honest, you don t know that much. [laughter] juan: i know enough to get the answers. but i would say, historical figures, if you could do that, is that political? jesse: that s good. juan: you could do historical figures or kimberly: that s politics, too. jesse: maybe. we are going to allow it. i would like to compete in the high school jeopardy. i really want to beat those high school kids. i could compete. kimberly: that s how yough are. jesse: stay right there. we ll be back there with our final july 4th thoughts. can we at least analyze customer traffic? can we push the offer online? legacy technology can handcuff any company. but yes is here. you re saying the new app will go live monday? yeah. with help from hpe, we can finally work the way we want to. with the right mix of hybrid it, everything computes. when a fire destroyedd with us the living room. we were able to replace everything in it. liberty did what? liberty mutual paid to replace all of our property that was damaged. and we didn t have to touch our savings. yeah, our insurance won t do that. well, there goes my boat. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. be the you who doesn t cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don t give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara® saw 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. lobster and shrimp are teaming up in so many new dishes.fest, like coastal lobster and shrimp, with shrimp crusted with kettle chips. or new, over-the-top lobster and shrimp overboard. but it can t last, so hurry in. dana: final thoughts on independence day. we had a lot of questions from our fans. i enjoyed it. everybody? are you ready to eat some ribs? kimberly: thanks to dinosaur barbecue. dana: we will see you back herenk tomorrow. have a great rest of the holiday. hannity is up next. this is a fox news alert. i am bret baier, , on this fourth of july, a ballistic missile, not holiday fireworks, the attention of americans and others around the world. north korea says it has successfully tested its first intercontinental ballistic missile, u.s. officials concede that north koreans have changed the entire dynamic with the launch. the u.s. intelligence community is not sure how far north they are to nuclear as a weapon to put on a missile, they say that it testfired last night, might have been able to reach alaska. and reports from the region suggests that it was

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