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Transcripts For HLN Prime News 20100424

porn. the report says she down loaded so much porn his work computer didn t have enough space. so he started to save it on dvds. kept it in boxes in the office. outrageous. a lot of you weighing in. you can call us. first let me get the statement out there from the s.e.c. spokesman, john nester saying we will not tolerate the transgressions of the very few who are a discredit to the thousands of their hard working colleagues. here to talk about this, doug burns, defense attorney, former federal prosecutor and with us, ines carnes. how many employees are we talking about sneer. talking about 33 cases in the last five years. and this is from the internal probe from the s.e.c. but the interesting thing is that 31 of those cases were in the last two and a half years during the financial meltdown. and, not only that, but you have got 17 of these cases which were high level employees which were earning somewhere between $99,000 and $222,000 a year, mike. that s and we gave a few examples. anything else out there we re learning? there s examples like the one that you gave that person that was spending up to eight hours a day and you have got somebody who was denied access to porn sites through their work. something like 16,000 times in one month. and that person was able to get around the filter through google images. you have got people who had their computers that had hundreds of images and even videos that were in those computers. so i mean, these are work computers and obviously, in companies, we know this. that the company can see what you re doing and the s.e.c. i mean, through this investigation was able to figure this out. people really outraged about this. dawn writes make all the regulations you want but won t make a difference if the s.e.c. isn t doing that job. sill via writes, what else could they do? their jobs fix the problems with the economy might be asking too much. doug, people want blood here. what s the proper punishment? any criminal laws violated here? yeah, mine, look. you have to look at the backdrop of this. the s.e.c. bashed legitimately in the madoff fumbling of that whole thing and a become and forth and back and forth and to answer your question, it is like any other job. you have to use your official time in an official way and the sanctions are rebring mand, sanction, dismissal. there were some very egregious ones, eight hours a day. it is outrageous as you say. you wonder if any work was being done. they have disciplined and the people are being disciplined through dismissals, through suspensions. right. what people are wondering, as well, i mean, what were they doing when they were supposed to be, you know, taking care of our economy? but the other point is that there s 3,500, about 3,500 employees at the s.e.c. and putting perspective and the amount of cases here. how did it take them so long to catch them? we are talking ines bringing details, eight hours a day, denied access 16,000 times before getting that porn. yeah. i mean, it behooves me to say and you read my mind the answer i wanted to give you which is that while i do not defend the bewhatever on any level whatsoever, i want to give you a legal gloss, don t forget, last friday the s.e.c. sued goldman sachs and a back and forth battle of capitol hill, republicans, republicans saying, you know, that that suit was brought right in the middle of an effort by the president and others, you know, to come to a meaningful reform. now here we are fast forward a week later and now a bomb s dropped that people are watching pornography. you mentioned what about the timing? if you look at the press stuff on this and media reports, it is very, very vague and i think in fairness, a lot of it goes back quite a ways and scratching my head an i m sure some people say why is this just coming out now? yeah. you have the s.e.c. that has said that senator grassley asked for the summary of this report and so here s a summary of the 33 cases. got you. let s get a call in. steve, maryland. your thoughts on this? caller: hi. i really don t have a problem as far as looking at porn. i just think if you re going to do it, do it at home. not while you re at work. not while you re on a company, you know, computer. i mean, i have the same problem with all of that as far as, you know, people using the company s property to look at porn. right. you make a when you talk about this is while the economy we need all hands on deck, people working on the economy and they re surfing porn like it is going out of style. thank you for the call. thanks, guys. registered sex offender accused of molesting a girl even though he was wearing a gps ankle bracelet. that did not stop him. i mean, i know what you are thinking. why not? how was that not effective? how does he get near a 11-year-old girl? that helplessness again. wal [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. talk to your doctor, and take care of what you have to take care of. this is outrageous a. registered sex offender accused of molesting a 11-year-old girl while wearing an ankle bracelet. gps device meant to monitor the every move. police in fontana, california, say it didn t stop him from committing lewd acts with the little girl. the ankle bracelet is the equivalent of lo jack on your vehicle. it doesn t necessarily indicate what the subject is doing at the time but a geographic location. all right. there you go. so we wonder, how do we keep our kids safe with gps and parole not enough? there are more cases like this out there across the nation. we ll take your calls. 1-87 -tell-hln. back with us, wendy murphy and also mike brooks, hln law enforcement analyst. wendy, people hear this and go wait a minute. how does a guy wearing the gps device get near a 11-year-old girl? yeah, well, that s because we let him out which we shouldn t have done and that s another problem. you know, look. we know that gps devices are not bullet-proof shields or physical devices that stop these guys from doing it again but what s good about them so we have to be careful not to say because they don t perfectly they don t work at all. we know for sure that he was in a certain location at a certain time and can t defend himself in this case and say, you know, i wasn t there. it must have been someone else. that s did good news. a lot of guys are deterred by that. it scares them afraid to get caught and don t do it. they re not perfect or the panacea and we shouldn t think they are. there are other adults around this child. and they have responsibilities, too. just because there s a guy with a device around doesn t mean you shouldn t protect the child from the guy. yeah. so there were other i think there were other things that failed but look. gps a tool in the armament and it s a good one and it is not perfect. right. we have careful not to have a false sense of security about these things because this does happen, sadly. mike, let s clear things up. i hear this. they have a lot of questions. i have a lot of questions. what does monitoring mean? what is it telling authorities? if he gets near a school or playground, is there a red dot, a red flag to go off? no. basically it is like lo jack if you will on a human being. and as wendy said, yes. it is indefensible he was at a certain place, a certain time of the day and so, you know, yes. the crime did happen. yes, he was there. they re able to prove that. there are different systems if you will to monitor. and some of these are like we hear about house arrest like having an electronic dog fence and then again who s monitoring them? some sheriff s departments monitor their own. others are contracted out to companies who make the gps devices. again, it is a tool but it s not foolproof, mike. okay. let me read facebook from alicia. i am so enraged. our judicial system is a failure. if this were to happen to one of their children i bet laws would change. chelsea s law on the books. named after chelsea king, john gardner accused in her murder, her rape. he was not wearing a gps by the way. chelsea s law, toughening things up here. we re talking about aggravating circumstances, physical harm, kidnapping, torture, use of a weapon. this is the way to go, right? yeah. i mean, it is a no-brainer that the fact is these guys often get huge discounts, crimes against children are notoriously underpunished and because we don t value children enough. frankly, you know, if we let the guys out i think it is not unreasonable to suggest they be put on an island to abuse each other. if they re free, they shouldn t be near kids. unlike gps tracking of, for example, battered women cases where you really just protecting one woman from one man and so you can create zones around her, zones of protection going into that zone, buzzers go off. you can t zone children because they re everywhere. good point. you have to be careful and there s a difference between what s called active monitoring and passive monitoring. some guys so dangerous are watching 24/7 constantly and other guys they check in electronically a couple of times a day. that is not good enough either. they re doing things in between the check-in points. mike, wendy, thanks so much. a nasty court battle over kids being kept away from their mom. she is brain damaged. uncomfortable enough, so why take a harsh laxative? phillips caplets work naturally with your colon. for overnight relief without cramps. phillips caplets. enough plastic water bottles to stretch around the earth over 190 times. each brita filter can take up to 300 of those bottles out of the equation. communities. industry. energy. her. this. lives. how ? by bringing together. information. . people . . machines . . systems . ideas. verizon helps businesses worldwide. including fortune 500 companies. find and achieve. better. better. better. better. better. better. yo oldter. anyo but don t worry. ha sex [ female aouncer ] iffer 36ster eder w tla clns high anlow wihill-around fibers thatttctoc uptws an a featheruster. who s that lady [ female announcer ] it s red lobster s festival of shrimp. a chance to get everyone together for a night where everyone gets just what they want. combine two or three favorites, from new creations like crab-stuffed shrimp and pecan-crusted shrimp to classics like decadent shrimp scampi. it s everything you want in a night out. starting at just $11.99, during the festival of shrimp. americans are remembering the godmother of the civil rights movement. dorot dorothy haight died tuesday. she was the leading women who helped the dr. martin luther king and others orchestrate the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 60s. president obama called her a hero to many americans. she was a pioneer, a pace setter and just lived an exemplary life of a real educator and one who fought for the eradication of injustice everywhere for everybody. height received two of the nation s highest honors, the presidential medal of freedom and the congressional gold medal in 1994. she was 98 years old. a new study finds african-americans are two times more likely to develop alzheimer s disease than whites. experts suggest some possible reasons. african-american haves a higher risk of high blood pressure and diabetes. some experts also say that lack of proper health care and nutrition could play a role. there s still no cure for alzheimer s but researchers say you can reduce your risk exercising your body and mind. what matters segment is a chance to look at the topics in the american african community. check out the may issue of essence magazine. this next story is heart breaking. 3-year-old triplets in the middle of a legal battle. abbie gave birth in 2006. after delivery, she suffered severe brain damage that left her unable to speak for care for herself. her husband divorced her. he is caring for the kids and doesn t want them to see their mom. abbie s parents are fighting back. here s joe johns from sister network cnn. reporter: this is abbie dorn, unable to walk or talk or take care of herself. a nurse gives her physical therapy. she lives at the parent s home in south carolina. abbie has been like this for almost four years. before then, she was living in los angeles, a chiropractor, newly married, excited about starting a family. but abbie and her husband had trouble conceiving. they tried invito fertilization and found they were having triplets. four years ago she gave birth to two boys and a girl. few hours later, something went wrong. abbie started internal hemorrha hemorrhaging, that caused the heart to stop and when it was over, abbie was brain damaged. her parents say she did not lose control of everything. that she communicates by blinking her eyes. they say she blinks to tell them what she thinks and what she is telling them they say is that she wants to see her children. she gives me a long blink asking her if she wants to see her children and looks longingly of pictures of her children. we have made a large board for her and she looks at her children all the time. reporter: they were 1-year-old when abbie s parents brought her home to south carolina to care for her. by then, abbie s husband said he wanted to move on and headed for divorce living on opposite coasts. her husband had the kids and now lawyers representing the two of them are waging an ugly battle over visitation. he has been told by the neurologists and the surgeon she is not capable of any cognitive thought process or interaction with the children. and until we get an updated neurological report he really can t assess what s best but it is not his goal to keep the children away from her. he believes it s his right to make the decision and when it s age appropriate where they can understand the horrible tragedy he ll be the first one on a plen to take them to see their mother. introduce abbie to the children by way of photographs, stories, little anecdotes about their life together. and then, from there, go on to contact via skype or media and then from there have the children go with their father if he wants to accompany them to south carolina where they can see their mother for essentially the first time. joe johns, cnn, washington. abbie s ex-husband also wants child support from the estate. both sides will be back in court next month. according to court documents, he s not told the triplets what happened to their mother. he thinks they re too young to understand. all right. check out this dash cam video. you are going to see a german shepherd on the left. that s buddy the dog. and buddy tracked down this state trooper and led him back to their house. buddy s house engulfed in flames. we are going to talk to the trooper that worked with buddy coming up. it says that when you buy a grand caravan, dodge will give you 60 days to decide if you want to keep it. that s ridiculous. look at it. it s got seating for up to seven, a smooth v6 engine and a five star government crash test rating. why would you need 60 days, really, who is that indecisive? the dodge you won t need 60 days to decide but we ll give it to you anyway event. welcome back. so should nike bench steelers quarterback ben roethlisberger? the nfl suspended the guy six games for the off field conduct, accused of sexually a woman in a georgia nightclub. never charged. but do you think he should collect a paycheck from nike? i think they should bench him. we ll want to hear from you. call in. a group of kids accused of overdosing on drugs in school. middle school in florida. a dozen kids, 13, 14-year-olds. popping some 20 pills each and these kids vomiting, collapsing, seizures. no one seriously hurt. quite a scene there at the school. now we are learning they could soon face criminal charges. we ll talk about that back with us, sonny who is tin and our sister network tru tv and a reporter for the new times. kyle, how did this go down with the kids? a grand scheme and decided to go for it there at school? i don t know. they haven t really released much information on what the kids were thinking but apparently they got together and decided to try to get high off the medication early in the morning on a school day. it was early in the morning. when s the school saying about it? what do they bring to the table? as far as i heard, they haven t released anything yet. some parents wanted to hear some things but, you know, the school board has addressed the situation. i don t know what the school has said. okay. sonny, i mentioned there you and i had a chance to talk about that. criminal charges? what could those be? it is interesting. not illegal to buy cough medicine or illegal to ingest it in large quantities. it is stupid, however. one of the things i found, one of my former, you know, prosecutor friends said if you sell it in its original form and sort of powder then certainly you can be found guilty of reselling, you know, a drug without its proper label. that is possible. i really think, though, mike this is about education, prevention. this is actually something that is happening all over the country. and certain jurisdictions have included it as an actual article in their criminal laws and so that you can prosecute someone just for doing this just like laws against glue sniffing so this is an epidemic along the lines of glue sniffing, taking meth. it s unbelievable. you enlighten me. robo tripping. what is the high here? so if parents, anybody watching this has an idea of what s going on. very important for parents. it is usually found in robe us then and sort of cool. the high is like pcp. what luis that generalic effect. feel like time travelers. they re tripping much like pcp. so it s very, very serious. the effects, you can vomit, collapse. hearts can you know, your heart can stop. this is a very serious epidemic. frightening. kyle, back to you. you mentioned parents, what are parents saying about this? i know some of the parents came to get other children who weren t involved out of the school early to get them out of there. they re definitely worried and i m sure keeping an eye on the medicine cabinet. that s, you know, sonny, that is you re talking about an epidemic. we talked about that,pharming kids, throwing it into a bowl and everybody pulls out what they can. parents, watch the medicine cabinets. got to be under lock and key it seems. doesn t it? pharmacies are doing something about it. they re taking robutussin and putting them behind the counter, amazing to do that but doing that and limiting it to 18-year-olds. whatever it takes to keep the kids safe. sonny, thanks. kyle, you as well. let s turn things here. are plus sized lingerie ads being rejected on prime time tv? lane bryant says networks refused to air the ad featuring a sexy full figured woman. let s take a look. mom always said beauty is skin deep. a smile is the best makeup. and it s what s underneath that counts. somehow i don t think this is what mom had in mind. introducing the intimates exclusively at lane bryant. so sexy, so not what mom would wear. nobody fits you like the new lane bryant. so is there a double standard in prime time? should any ling ri ads be broadcast between the family hour, 8:00 and 9:00, watching american idol with your kids. call in. back with us to talk about it, lara reece and brooke anderson, cohost hln s showbiz tonight coming your way at 11:00 p.m. eastern. you have been all over this one. an enthere s a lot going back and forth here. you have some statements. we know fox, abc, lane bryant chiming in. what do you have for us on that front? lane bryant is clear that they believe fox and abc are showing a clear bias against curvy women by rejecting the ad or shifting it to a later time slot for its airing. we did get some statements from everyone involved. here s what abc said. their statements are not true. we were willing to accommodate them. here s what fox said. we requested they make some changes and they refused to edit the ad. following the refusal we agreed to air the unedited ad. lane bryant claiming on the blog they ve been regulated to the last ten minutes of the 9:00 p.m. hour when other ads that may also be a little sexy can air earlier in the 9:00 p.m. hour and fox said they asked victoria s secret to edit the ads in the past and it s complied and that they aired those ads in the 9p hour, not the 8p family hour and i m all about trying to protect that family hour, too. you know i am, as well. we watch american idol. i applaud fox for keeping that content out of there. you know, that is a family show. if i m watching american idol, that s family friendly viewing. separate argument there. real quick. take a break. and then callers. do you think lane bryant is treated unfairly? i take a look at when ad, mike. i think, really? is this what s causing the fuss? it is 25 seconds. the model is gorgeous. she is fully covered in terms of lingerie. it is full coverage lingerie. so i think it is relatively tame to be honest. in regards to things that i have seen on air including in the 8:00 p.m. hour. dancing with the stars. i love, love, love that show but sometimes it is little more than underwear for them it looks like. right, yeah. they re completely separate arguments at times but i think i have seen more questionable content that s a separate argument. watching dancing with the stars you are getting an eyeful right there. you know what you re getting when you tune in. you do. lara, you think lane bryant has a good argument or not? they have a brilliant marketing plan here. they wanted the controversy. they wanted to be banned. and they have a very good argument because this is a really important issue. why are, you know, skinny victoria s secret ads not okay and lane bryant not allowed? you can see the success with the dove campaign for real woman how that got a lot of press, a lot of pr and people talking so i think it is a good move from them but, hey, early on american idol, that s not a place for any girl to be shown in her bra in an ad so i agree on the family hour on that one. we ll take a quick break. brooke, thanks so much. we ll be watching showbiz tonight at 5:00 eastern and 11:00 p.m. eastern. lara, we ll take some calls. what do you think? somehow, i don t think this is what mom had in mind. what about the strength of the steel? the integrity of its design. or how it responds. in extreme situations? the deeper you look, the more you see the real differences. and the more you understand what it means to own a mercedes-benz. the c-class. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial. welcome back to prime news on hln. lane bryant. they believe that they re being treated unfairly because the models are more full figured. here s the ad causing the stir. they re blasting fox and also abc complaining about restrictions and basically they had to come to some sort of agreement. we are taking your calls. diane, mississippi, your thoughts? caller: yes, i hear you. go ahead, diane. you are up. caller: okay. what i m thinking is if these lane bryant models are simply beautiful. if they were the skinnier models, i think it would be more of it shown. i think they have done a beautiful job. no, i don t think they should be discriminated against in any way. okay. thanks for the call. sonny is with us, about ready to leave, wanted in on this conversation. sonny, you re seeing a message, could be a dangerous one. it is. full figured women aren t beautiful and i ll tell you. i am a small person who i ve been pregnant, had a full figure and it should be regarded as beautiful. so many women are suffering from these eating disorders because they re told constantly in the media, internet, magazines, being a bigger, fuller woman is not beautiful and it s a crock that fox is saying they had to make edits before putting it on. i have seen victoria s secrets commercials on television, on fox. i ve seen the slimfast commercials with women with just the brassieres and zipping up pants and just the same as this lane bryant ad and i got to tell you, i m shocked at this type of message, this behavior. okay. against women. again, as far as american idol goes, i want to make it clear. i applaud for keeping the lingerie ads out of the 8:00 p.m. hour. let s watch. dancing with the stars, different story. watch the video. if you re watching that, you are getting an eyeful here. you get some of the dancers, celebrities, everybody, half naked. lara, is the bar lowered with dancing with the stars ? lots of things are lowered with pam anderson brought up higher for her skirts but yes i think dancing with the stars is a very different situation. this is a show that skewed much older in the demographic. you have basically adults who are watching this show and there s no reason that that lane bryant ad which is very tasteful and shows real women which should be celebrated shouldn t be showed. that s why it is a very good case for lane bryant. i think they re getting a powerful brand push from this. i think a lot of people resonating to this idea that, hey, these are real women. we want to see them on tv. yeah. let s be fair. i m not for lingerie ads 8:00 to 9:00 but be fair when you show them. sally in texas, go ahead. caller: i m calling to say i think it s so it just kind of makes me sick because i don t understand why we have to see anybody in their underwear. ah. caller: i don t care what size they are or how young they are. how old they are. it just i don t know. there s facebook comments. vicki says sometimes it is nice to watch tv without the sexy commercials and the tv shows. we could do a whole hour on this one but thanks for the call. lara, sonny, thanks for sticking around. we appreciate it. here s another one to get you going. making the right move allowing ben roethlisberger to continue to endorse its products in they re saying he is still on the roster of athletes. i think that s a mistake. i think nike should have a bigger, better message. they should dump him. what do you think? call in. the most powerful half ton crew in america has a powertrain backed for 100,000 miles. chevy silverado half-ton a consumers digest best buy and the most dependable, longest-lasting full-sized pickups on the road. get 0% apr for 60 months on 2010 silverado half-ton models with an average finance savings around fifty four hundred dollars. yo oldter. anyo but don t worry. ha sex [ female aouncer ] iffer 36ster eder w tla clns high anlow wihill-around fibers thatttctoc uptws an a featheruster. who s that lady communities. industry. energy. her. this. lives. how ? by bringing together. information. . people . . machines . . systems . ideas. verizon helps businesses worldwide. including fortune 500 companies. find and achieve. better. better. better. better. welcome back to prime news. the nfl spoken on steelers quarterback ben roethlisberger. slapped him with a six-game suspension. the main corporate sponsor nike sticking with him. revving up critics. in a the new york times op-ed piece, if this guy didn t have a pair of super bowl rings and a $102 million contract, most people see him as what he is, a thug with a predatory sense of entitlement. nike the shoe make tore the world, the biggest brand in the endorsement game, is standing by roethlisberger at least for the moment. just as they continue to back tiger woods after his serial infidelities. again, no charges filed against ben roethlisberger. so is nike making the right move by sticking by him? call us. 1-8 -tell-hln. back with us, lara reece, also joining us, jane velez-mitchell, host of issues coming up at the top of the hour. i think nike should drop both ben roethlisberger and tiger woods and stand for something beyond just performance on a field. their message to me right now, character doesn t matter. lara, you first. should they stick with ben or not? i don t think i think they will stick with him here. the problem at nike, a big brand, spread very thin across so many sports. you have rough sports like football and basketball where the standards for their stars is quite different than tennis and running and some of the female-oriented sports so nike is in a very difficult position but they stood by kobe bryant, remember, with his allegations. they stood by michael vick for the dogfighting until the guy pled guilty. they re certainly going to stick by him actually if they dumped him making more hay out of this and more bad pr for them than staying quiet and hope to gosh this guy learns a lesson and straightens out. jane, what do you think? i they would get some good pr saying it is a privilege to represent us, be our athlete. can we talk about ethics for a minute? sure. is everything about branding? i mean, this is this is about a has shown contempt for women-n my opinion. now, women are also customers of nike. so i think women should stop subsidizing things that are not in their best interest. and if they re going to keep these cads or these people who denigrate women on their roster, then women shouldn t use their products. that s how i feel about it. women have to unite and flex their power as consumers. you know, we women make most of the shopping decisions in the home. we have huge power. but we do not flex it. and this is a situation where we should flex it and say we are absolutely outraged at this guy s behavior, criminality aside. doing shots with an underage woman and the alleged exposing himself. the use of the b word. i mean, all of this stuff, enough. and i think it really would be actually a smart decision on nike s part ultimately in the long run, but they shouldn t do it based on dollars and cents. you know, corporations need to have ethics, too. we would hope. even the local beef jerky guy in pittsburgh, big ben beef jerky, he dropped roethlisberger for the way he s been behaving. there it is right there. ben should go well, he is a beef jerky. i think nike should make the same type of stand. we ll take some calls after the break. 1-877-tell-hln s the number. after using rogaine for a while, i went to my stylist and she said hair was growing back. i was like, yes, this works. [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. puhh puhh puhh putt and that s it. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining.

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