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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180811 06:00:00

Laura Ingraham shines a spotlight on everyday Americans and examines how their lives are affected by politics at the federal, state and local level.
hear planes flying fairly low over my deck, fighter planes. this is my personal home deck, and i wondered what this was about and shortly after that i got a phone call. one of the nice things about working in pierce county is we work closely with west pierce and tillicum police department. and we had people who responded from jblm who did great stuff. i get to work with people who are willing to when as soon as something goes down immediately respond and immediately cooperate closely. that s what we ve seen tonight. next 24 hours i m sure we will have some of our people there. we will have people from the federal government. we will have people from the
bureau. i m sure as i said they will be looking at every i to dot and t to cross to find out what happened, why it happened and how it happened. this will be an issue if it was determined and likely to be determined there was a theft involved at sea-tac airport. there may be state charges as well but it s most likely the person who perpetrated this theft is no longer with us. thank you and your colleagues. thank you.
[ phone ringing ]. you were listening to a press conference of a pierce county sheriff official talking about a plane that was stolen by a mechanic at an airport there. so we are closely following this situation, as he said. a plane crashed near seattle s sea-tac airport a horizon airplane taking off from sea-tac airport. witnesses saw the airplane being followed by military aircraft near the airport. the plane is a regional turboprop airport that can seat up to 76 passengers. the plane was stole bane 29-year-old mechanic and that no passengers were on board. it appears to be some sort of
suicide attempt. they say at this point with what they re seeing with the damage and the flames it appears that the man on board that plane who was flying it, died. the sheriff also telling us tonight this was not a terrorist attack this was a single suicide male, no others were involved. coast guard is responding to reports of large plumes of smoke in the area. alaska airlines tweeting we have confirmed that a plane has gone down near patron island in pierce county, washington state. they believe they know who was on board. they are not releasing the name. there were no other people on board, no crew, no guests on that plane. we will continue to follow this break news out of washington state. we go back to laura ingraham, already in progress. laura: we can t allow our guy
week. there has been a lot of drama in the paul manafort trial. i know you have been following the ins and outs of judge ellis. mueller s team filing a formal complaint about the behavior of judge ellis. the court s reprimand of governor counsel suggested to the jury that the government acted improperly in cont contravention of court rules. the judge is a cantankerous, old-style judge but there seems to be a real effort to kind of smear him now since he has been tough on the mueller case. what is your take here? i agree, laura. you clerked for the second circuit and for judge thomas. you don t win fights with
federal judges and you don t try to pick fights with federal judges. i don t mind that the prosecutors are being aggressive and standing up for their position. i don t know if i would have filed something like that and would have asked for a side bar and say you told the jury you said something yesterday could you remind the jury that what you say is not evidence and you don t have an opinion in this case. that s how i would have handled it. one of the uncomfortable exchanges and there are many in the past few days, some of it is just entertaining. let s just say that. there s one point where judge ellis thinks that one of the lawyers for mueller is not looking at him. and so the judge says, i m here. from the bench. and he says i m sorry, i m listening. and ellis says i know when you look down, it s as if to say
down for an interview with mueller s team or mueller will have to issue a subpoena and everything that entails. james, go ahead. well, look, i don t think mueller, himself, feels like he has that strong a hand to issue a subpoena here or to get the compliance he wants. laura: why? there s a lot of layers of why he doesn t have to follow a subpoena while in office. the fact they call the president a subject makes it tough to understand how they can ask questions about obstructions. obstruction is purely target. what they re look at is what are our chances if we subpoena him. we were going to get a motion to quash. what s it going to read like? it would be damning and powerful addressing everything they want to complain about when it comes to the mueller probe calling him
a subject but treating him like a target. laura: is there any way that the special counsel will accept the terms that trump s leal tga team offered? no it in a million years. the president will never sit down and speak to these guys. he d be crazy to. the special counsel, bob is tough as a nail and hard as a rock. he will issue the grand jury subpoena and they ll file their motion to quash and it will make itself way up to the supreme court. laura: fantastic conversation, guys, have a great weekend. if you heard heads exploding in hollywood, there s a good reason. kanye west doubled down on his support for donald trump. keep it comin love. if you keep on eating, we ll keep it comin . all you can eat riblets and tenders at applebee s. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood.
what it represented to me is not about policies, because i m not a politician like that but it represented overcoming fear, and doing what you felt, no matter what anyone said, saying you can t bully me, news, hip hop community, they can t bully me. laura: remarks from kanye west on jimmy kimmel are giving a new bout of angina to hollywood. he claimed his support for president trump and clearly he s got no plans to stop fighting against the anti-trump group think and as he said the bullying of the entertainment industry. joining us now to analyze is radio talk show host and let s start with you, eric, kanye west, he is an interesting cat, an interesting character.
he has a huge following. very much so. laura: i find it just fascinating that it s controversial for someone to say i think for myself. you won t put words in my mouth. you won t tell me the how what to believe or for whom to vote. i m my own person. somehow that s a point of controversy in the group think that is the entertainment industry today. i think he s just smashing the stereotype, and i think it s freaking people out. your reaction? well i don t think it s freaking people out. i think kanye is trying to l to both sides of the fence. he s always been a free thinker. a long time ago he stood up on national tv and said george bush didn t care about black people. he s always thought for himself. he s trying to cater to both sides of the fence. he wants to maintain the fact he does support trump but in such a way that could possibly apiece appease his followers who may not support trump. so really it seems more like a
tactical marketing skill on his behalf rather than bullying. he s a multimillionaire. there is no way that he can feel bullied for who he chooses to vote for. kevin you understand what this is ultimately all about. absolutely. laura: there s a certain subset of the american political world that says if you are of a certain background or certain ethnicity, certain race there is only one direction you can go in, whether it s clarence thomas or walter williams or tom sole or any given number of free thinkers out there. they re vilified in some ways. yep. laura: kevin i find it to be a fascinating conversation. it is. it is not just entertainment laura the way you set it up. it s the black community that will ostracize you. and kanye got it right. he will be bullied. he named everybody in the mix. the liberals will bully you, the media will bully you, guys like
this guy will bully you. kanye said what he said. there was no upside for him in this. he wasn t catering to any particular side. he said i m a human being, i m going to think for myself, i m not going to let anybody determine what i say as a man. good for him. he does talk for himself. i let you talk. he only impacted himself. not only has donald trump raise the the level of black support. he doubled to 29% now because people are finally starting to wake up. kanye brought a level of consciousness to many blacks in america who feel identically the same. i have been a conservative my entire life. i don t know what that wake up means but there are many people who need a kanye to say something like that. it is the left that are the biggest bullies on the planet. they re not bullies just because they disagree. the simple fact of the matter is there s not a disagree with the republican party more says but the black community feels have not been in their best interest.
if kanye wishes to align himself with that, the issue is if he is aligning himself with the ones that most african-american communities don t support, that s the reality of the situation. not the same. laura: i think whether it s the violence in chicago, it had a huge spike under rahm emmanuel, democratic leadership, democrat is a protege of obama, things have gotten worse. you see the african-american community in the hardest hit neighborhood saying we want new leadership, it s not working. absolutely. laura let me respond to one other thing. no, no, no, you talked earlier. it is an issue. kanye west but threatened. black conservatives like myself get threatened all the time. i have never threatened anybody that differs from me politically and i never will. just because you haven t doesn t mean that liberals are not threatened. you said kanye west hasn t been threatened, there were rappers that came out and said you have a concert we re going to be there. a guy that was a crip said he
wanted to kill him. that s the it will r vitriol that happens on the other side. don t pretend this doesn t happen. laura: i think debate is a good thing. i think it s positive. if it s just more chatter there is nothing positive that comes of it. let s hope something good comes of this. i want to get to another issue. i want to get our take on this national anthem protest, because it s reigniting now in the nfl, last night really cool, fun preseason games, a handful of players took knees or raised their fists during the anthems. the president, i guess not surprisingly tweeted out, in part, quote, numerous players from different teams wanted to show outrage at something most of them are unable to define. they make a fortune doing what they love. find another way to protest. you have kenny stills out there saying look at my twitter feed. i explain why i m doing what i m doing. look at my social media.
it s not just a whim. i mean this, and he s sticking up for his right to do what he does. and i think that when we speak about bullying in politics, we have the biggest bully in the white house right now, given the fact that this situation has turned on racial lines in the fact that by trying to make it about the military. the players have been very adamant over and over it is not about the military, some of them have fathers, uncles, brothers, mothers, sisters, who have served in the military. it is about bringing attention to the racial injustices that have been done by the police and other instruments of government in this case. i do agree they need to transform to a more political base similar to what we saw happen in st. louis where the prosecutor was defeated by a democratic, more progressive opponent, maybe some of these athletes should take their protests to the polling places
to draw people out to vote out some of these people, the prosecutors, the district attorneys, the people judges. laura: hold on. eric, i think that people i don t think people don t the fans feel everything is so infected with politics. can we just get together and root for our teams without a political thing. i think that s what more people are kind of irked by, not the fact that they re speaking out but they want just one zone where it s no politics. but mine i m off base. i think that s part of it. the idea it became racial because donald trump is the president is ridiculous. he was protecting the flag. america first, make america great again. he have the pointed out the inconsistencies in the black lives matter movement and the fact that these guys really were more self indulgent. let me just finish. the fact of the matter was it is
self indulgent move by colin kaepernick and he s hurting the league and people understand that. look, you can try to make this black and white. the same problems that were persisting in the community, so-called policing issues, were happening during the time of obama. why didn t somebody take a knee then? they waited for donald trump so he could be the person to do it? who said they waited for donald trump? laura: this has been stirring for some time. it just happened to coincide with donald trump. the question is if this had happened while obama was president, do you think he would have take the same position that donald trump is? laura: of course not. no, he wouldn t have at all. you re right about that, eric, he would have probably supported the players and what they re doing. but the owners had this policy in place and they ve put it on the shelf now hoping to figure it out. guys have a great weekend. have you noticed recently how often some liberals invoke ronald reagan to make a left
wing political point? a reagan cabinet member and biographer reveals the truth. a five year old girl molested by an illegal immigrant in philly. the u.s. attorney lays blame with city officials, he ll join us.
the plane was stole bane 29-year-old mechanic and crashed while he was doing stunts. he reportedly told air traffic controllers that he was a broken guy and was joking about whether the airline would hire him if he landed safely. the coast guard is responding to the crash site at this moment where a large plume of smoke can be seen there. the coast guard confirmed. the plane has gone down in pierce county washington. we believe there were no guests or crew on board other than the person operating the plane and the sheriff s deputy has said we can confirm that there was no one on the plane other than the 29-year-old mechanic who was on the plane on some type of
suicide mission of sorts. he spoke with air traffic controllers saying that he knew people loved him. he was a broken guy and at one point he says he has a lot of people that care about him. police are looking into this. we will continue to follow this story out of seattle throughout the night. for now we go back to laura ingraham, already in progress. back then, serving with ronald reagans and the liberals in the media. he is good being god, but one has to say, whatever criticisms came down during the reagan era and there were a lot of them. i got some. you got some, you were working for me. ronald reagan got plenty. nothing compared to what donald trump is getting. if they can use ronald reagan to beat up donald trump, they will do it and they will do it with a straight face i don t know how they pull off the straight face.
laura: you remind us that the left will do anything to regain power. i want to play flash back sound from some of our favorites in the media. i believe this was during the administration or right after the president right after he passed away. let s watch. did his vision include extraordinary deficit and cutting the budgets for education and back of the hand in terms are you saying we have been unkind to him? i don t think history be kind to him or have any reason to be kind to him. i thought if you got into the oval office, mr. president i m down on my luck he would give you the shirt off his back and he would sign legislation
throwing your kids off the school lunch program. laura: he wanted grandma to eat alpo. remember that? and catch ketchup was a vegetable too. and he becomes a paragon of virtue, barry goldwater was attacked by psychiatrists in the newspapers and denounced as crazy and now he is a paragon of virtue. the left hated richard nixon. i saw a historian favor nixon comparably to donald trump. then they become convenient tools to bash the current occupant of the white house. so it s nothing new. especially but it s especially with reagan. because they know nothing about reagan. as i said earlier, they re in
over their head. they don t know what they re talking about. laura: we all worked for president reagan and we all know on the issue of immigration, the republican party, donald trump, if only again they were more like reagan on immigration. so let s play a few of the choice sound bites from president reagan on immigration. the simple truth is we have lost control of our borders. i have spoken of a shining city all my life. but it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, wind swept, god blessed and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace. if there had to be city walls the walls have doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. bill, take a hit at that one. i get shivers when i hear him
speak talk about the city on the hill. the city had walls and a door. the left takes that part of city on a hill. ronald reagan wanted everyone to come but they forget about the part about the wall and the country without borders is not a country. it occurred to me while you were talking to craig, two, three, four elections in the future we will see videotape of donald trump and liberals saying those were the days when people had heart and soul. laura: i don t think so. just a thought experiment here. could it be worst until it gets worse. bill might be right. there s so much the two share in common. you know, craig was saying the other day, or maybe i read it in his book, the commitment to a defense, to a defense buildup which was essential to both of them, the focus on a wall.
reagan wanted to tear one down, the right one. and trump wants to build one up and that s the right one, too. they re very different personalities but going in the same way. but i would be interested in craig s opinion on this, i think this is a more conservative cabinet than ronald reagan had, don t you? i think so, but don t forget, bill, the bench, you were a great conservative in the cabinet and the bench was a lot thinner. this is a by-product of the reagan presidency, there s a lot more talent now available for the trump administration that wasn t available in 1980. laura: think about that. think of all the people waiting in the wings to get appointed to the appellate court. all of these people were children of the reagan era. i wouldn t be doing if what i m
doing. the left would have loved that if not for reagan. i wouldn t be doing any of this. aaa and aa leagues are highly populated with the right people. i remember, laura, at our place, we were known as ft. reagan. we had 134 political appointees. and senator wiker said what are you doing with these appointees? and i said we won. we won the election and that was a great training camp and it s interesting to see where they have gone. television personalities. bill, they can blame you. thanks so much. and the so-called blue wave for democrats may already be fizzling out because of nancy pelosi. details after this.
may be fading out a little bit. the house minority leader is becoming the shining star of the gop attack ads leading up to the mid-terms. here is a little sample. failed liberal policies is at it again, this time running for congress, this time he s not alone. now nancy pelosi and her washington democrats are bankrolling his campaign. because davis record in topeka is the pelosi agenda in washington. a vote for paul davis is a vote for nancy pelosi. laura: democratic house members smell blood. dozens of them and counting will not commit or out right they refuse to support pelosi continuing as the donald trump democrats house leader. joining us now to analyze rachel campos duffy and dezlin figurer row. tezlin, all parties have their person who you want to kind of move on. it s just the way it is. republicans have had the same
issue, you know, not so much with boehner but the republicans wanted him to move on and ultimately he did. what do you see, though, you have this incredible number of democrat incumbents now at 51 who say, huh-uh, will not supporter. well it s funny you asked me what do i see because i feel like i m a prophet. last week i prophesized that the blue wave was bound to drown. just call me noah, laura. at the end of the day people are ready to move on. not just democrats saying they want to get rid of nancy pelosi, but also republicans and independents as well. third quarter of americans have been polled and say the time is over for nancy pelosi. it s sad because poorly tim ryan when he tried to run against nancy in 2006, people thought it was a joke. over 20 democrat leaders say they will not support her in june. now in august it s over 50 who are asking nancy to move on.
it reminds me of that old stalker girlfriend that just refuses to stop calling on the phone and repeatedly doesn t understand the relationship is over. laura: you crack me up. i needed to laugh on friday that cracked me up. rachel, first of all the republicans kind of putting all their eggs in the anti-pelosi agenda? they have a great agenda on economic prosperity and relative peace out there. the policy thing gets a little old for me. nevertheless i guess it s kind of good, i guess. but don t both parties have these people who just refuse to move on? well you can walk and chew gum. you can tout all the good news that the republicans and donald trump agenda has brought about in their district and remind voters, make no mistake, i don t care what those 50 democrats are saying, if democrats take
control of the congress, nancy pelosi will be the leader of the house. democrats are in step all the time. she will be the leader. and by the way, she embodies everything middle americans hate about washington. she represents san francisco looney policies that never worked. the republicans are back home kind of enthusiastic now. i don t think they were feeling so good a month ago, they re feeling good, back home, seeing the impact of their agenda, talking to constituents and face-to-face reminding them of who brought them about, who said it was going to be armageddon nancy pelosi and who called their bonuses crumbs. laura: they re personalizing it. they re working hard in their district. laura: they have to personalize their agenda. speaking of real clear politics average. let s put it up on the screen. today the democrats have a 5% advantage. but a month ago they had an 8.2% advantage, bloomberg opinion headline, by the way, kind of
extends this conversation on this. pelosi is the wrong target for democrats. joe cunningham saying the democratic party needs new leadership. if elected i will not vote for nancy pelosi as speaker. time to move forward and win again. 34 say they re neither for nor against pelosi but 42 of the parties nominees say they will not support nancy pelosi. well who had the juice, though, to take on pelosi? let s say the democrats pick up the seats they need to take the majority? you have to have something to beat you know, you can t beat something with nothing. who beats pelosi? it s amazing that they continue to keep pushing nancy pelosi on people, it s amazing she won t sit down. a lot has changed in the last two years. i don t know the answer to the question. i would like to see them support congresswoman barbara lee. they claim to love black girl
magic. let s see if they re willing to put an african american female in office. but that will be going a stretch. laura: i want maxine waters as speaker of the house. aunty maxine, i kind of like her. she s kind of fun. she doesn t like trump but they makes politics interesting. we re out of time, but we ll continue this conversation on radio next week. thanks guys have a great weekend. philadelphia sanctuary policies are slammed after a 5-year-old girl sexual assaulted by an illegal alien. u.s. attorney for philly says enough is enough. he joins us with his plans to take on local officials next. maybe not. no. maybe you could trust that during your fantasy draft .no, no, no. the computer won t auto-draft a kicker, in the 7th round. maybe you can trust you won t be kept at night because you auto-drafted a kicker, in the 7th round. (woman laughing) maybe you could trust that for the next 16 weeks you won t think about auto-drafting a kicker, in the 7th round.
or. .you could just trust duracell. (duracell mnemonic)
of philadelphia. tell me why from your perspective and then we will get into the specific case, why sanctuary status is harmful for public safety. well fundamentally those of us in law enforcement aren t supposed to play favorites. those of us who are prosecutors aren t supposed to play favorites. that s a fundamental principal. we re the supposed to enforce the law in a fair non-partisan manner. the problem with the sanctuaries cities is they turn that principle on its head and they politicize law enforcement. laura: what do you mean? they stand for the proposition that a certain group of people are not going to be subject to our laws for political purposes. namely we re talking about illegal immigrants. laura: well they make the opposite claim. those who are defending the sanctuary city policies,
including the mayor and his boosters, mayor kinney and his boosters. they say sanctuary status keeps the place safer because illegal immigrants won t go to the authority because they afraid of being desported. it makes the city less safe if you don t have it in place. how do you respond to that? i think actually they have it exactly backwards. they do say that they think that it fosters trust among the community and law enforcement in order to not enforce immigration laws. actually what fosters trust between the community and law enforcement is when the community knows that law enforcement is not going to play favorites. if they know the rule of law is going to be respected the broader community, therefore, believes that law enforcement is doing their job. so when the proponents of sanctuary cities make that argument that you just articulated i think they have it exactly backwards. laura: the d.a. of philadelphia is not too pleased
with your criticism of the sanctuary city policy. he said about your statement linking it rape by this juan ramon vasquez who was released, ending up raping a member of his own family, a 5-year-old child, he said, well, that s very dramatic to somehow link the sanctuary status to this rape. the trump administration has made it so immigrant children can get raped. they re linking trump to you, the deportation of actual victims of domestic violence and you re seeing this bubble up with the judge versus jeff sessions yesterday. so how do you respond to that? he s hitting you hard saying you re basically, this is typical trump administration stuff from you. i think that fundamentally, the problem with that statement is that statement is a political statement. he s going political. i am doing my best as a law enforcement officer to enforce
the law in a neutral non-party apolitical manner. when you a proponent of sanctuary cities you are politicizing law enforcement. and the d.a. in philadelphia unfortunately takes a political approach to a lot of issues in law enforcement. what i m saying is respect for the rule of raw is a non-partisan neutral. laura: but they re saying we re not the immigration force. we have our hands full already. well, the fundamental problem again, is that not only are sanctuary cities, in my view, wrong, but they are essentially un-american. let me explain that a little bit. when you come before the law in america, it s not supposed to matter who you are, or where you re from, who your parents are or the like. everybody is supposed to be treated equally. if you politicize the law and you say we re not going to enforce the law against a certain group of people we re
only going to enforce it against others you re essentially doing something i believe is un-american because you re not respecting the rule of law. laura: it s not equal justice under the law. 2014, arrested on an aggravated 2014, arrested on an aggravated assault, released, illegal immigrant. a year and-a-half later he was found to have raped a five year old little girl, member of his own family. and then of course when he s released in 2014, that was sanctuary city time. and they say well, making that leap from his release to the rape and sanctuary policies, that s unfair. do you obviously it s his fault for doing the rape, he s liable, but do the sanctuary city policy facilitate the rape of this little girl? not only facilitate it, it s 100% responsible for it. that is non-controversial. what happened in the timeline was mr. vazquez was deported in 2009.
he then illegally reentered the country. he was arrested for an assault in 2014. we placed a detainer on him which is a request that if he is released from local custody, give the feds a head s up, we take him into federal custody and deport him. unfortunately philadelphia because they re a sanctuary city do not respect detainers, so when mr. vazquez was released in 2014, we didn t know about it. the philadelphia prison officials didn t tell us about it. instead of him coming into federal custody and be deported to honduras, instead he went into the community and as you said, he raped a 5-year-old. laura: mayor kinney reacted to that court ruling that affirmed the ability to have the sanctuary status without a diminution of funding. he did the big snoopy dance.
let s watch. a sanctuary city. yes. a sanctuary city, yes. laura: so he s thrilled that they could cut off access to the feds. to the city arrest database. so the federal government, even if they wanted access in this sanctuary policy, they could not have access even to know who is in the state pen. correct. and one of the larger issues at stake here is that in the post-9/11 world it s very, very important that all levels of law enforcement are talking to each other. laura: i thought after 9/11, everyone is supposed to talk to each other. aren t we all supposed to be working together as americans to keep our communities safe? i do not understand the sank sanctuary stuff. i don t. i don t get it. the problem is prior to 9/11 a lot of law enforcement weren t communicating. we ve made a lot of progress. i think that having, for example, a sanctuary city policy where the locals are not
communicating with the federal authorities and are in fact defying federal law is a step backwards and we do that at our own peril. laura: you re not a political figure but you live in philadelphia, in the area, what is your sense about the constituents? i mean minorities, the poor, the disadvantaged are the ones victimized the most by illegal immigrant crime. any sense about how they re feeling about this mayor? again i think that what people want is they want to know their law enforcement officers, whether federal or local or state, are enforcing the rule of law in a non-partisan, fair manner, treating everybody fairly. it s fundamentally un-american and unfair to not enforce the law against an entire population. laura: any sense about the nationwide injunctions, sanctuary city, defund? we have one federal district court ruling and other federal
district court rulings on immigration. well first of all on that sanctuary city s case that you mentioned earlier, the last word hasn t been written on that. there was a case in my district that was ruled on. but there s lots of these cases going on around the country. they all sort of percolate their way up. laura: they re supposed to. there will shouldn t be a nationwide injunction with one district court judge, or should there be? no, there shouldn t be, you want several courts to look at an issue and eventually these things make their way to the supreme court will have have their final word. laura: are you having fun? the u.s. attorney of philadelphia is a cool job. it s a lot of work but the i m doing my best enjoying it. laura: thank you. great to see you. thank you so much. thank you. laura: we appreciate the u.s. attorney joining us and the job he s doing. we ll be right back.

Indication , Home , Deck , Planes , Fighter-planes , People , Things , One , Pierce-county , West-pierce , Phone-call , Tillicum-police-department

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20180811 01:00:00

Rachel Maddow takes a look at the day s top political news stories.
shopped copies of the same picture. look. they turned them into exactly the same dude. so throws xlams of hair cut a in this environment. but don t be fooled into thinking that the aesthetic range is singular. they will also occasionally accept a cover mod we will hair cut b. which you see here. so if you cannot swing hair cut a for whatever reason, you are also allowed to be el ubaldo. especially if you have some other kind of prop, a vaguively hair like prop to distract that the baldness. so the aesthetic window here is only open a slightal. a pretty tight line here. they do occasionally break out and do something a little different. for example, here s a man in a hat. here s a man on a motorcycle. here s harrison ford, i think, taking his own pulse maybe.
Rachel Maddow takes a look at the day s top political news stories.
model, a woman who said she had a long running affair with president trump, the journal reported that she would be placed on of all things, men s journal for their september issue. despite what appeared to be total bewilderment by the magazine s own staff. mcdougal would be a rare solo woman on the cover of the high-end men s lifestyle magazine which typically show cases male celebrities. the male s chief ref new officer and content officer have told some employees that they unsuccess appealed to david pecker, the ceo of america magazine, who reportedly ordered the cover. they asked him to consider replacing her on the cover. the executives said they argued that would it hurt the reputation making it tougher to attract top talent for future ever coulds and potentially alienating hard-won advertisers.
in which american media basically told, basically did donald trump the favor of making sure that embarrassing story about this alleged affair would never run in print. so american media paid miss mcdougal in august 2016, late in the game, right? donald trump was already the nominee for president at that. did the president have this affair? she said yes. he says no. you say stop talking about this matter. i don t want to know. i understand. but federal prosecutors are looking into whether that was an effort to influence the outcome of the election. an effort that was potentially illegally coordinated with candidate donald trump and his campaign. that is a matter of federal criminal investigation. an audio tape apparently made surreptitiously has since been released which has trump with cohen on tape discussing it.
right, they went to such lengths to scrape this together at the last minute that they didn t even actually take her picture for this magazine cover or even talk to her for this magazine cover. quote, miss mcdougal has not participated in a photography shoot or interview with men s journal staff, according to american media employees and a person familiar with the matter. the editor planned to use old pictures and to recycle archived conten for a piece about her fitness routine. so that s the first new thing. putting together this magazine cover, scratching it together. all of a sudden to make it look like that 150,000 deal with karen mcdougal to cover up the president s alleged affair, trying the make it look like wasn t that at all. they were really after her for her mastery of the cable pulley. or whatever.
according to the reporting on this, according to their own employees, to take advertiser hit torsion take editorial hit to the magazine which this entailed, we know they were warned that that by their own senior employees. american media to think this was worth it. they had to be scared enough by the legal jeopardy they thought they might be in when it comes to that contract. this woman and what they can with her for trump during the campaign. they thought it was worth it and they really did go ahead and publish it. that s one new thing. the other new thing that has happened is this. federal prosecutors considering a criminal case against the president s lawyer, michael cohen, are now officially in possession of all the evidence they are going to review to decide whether to try to bring federal criminal charges against mr. cohen. now, the court appointed official, the special master who had been appointed to review all the evidence to see if any of it had to be covered by
chairman paul manafort has been facing, one of the charges under considering by prosecutors is michael cohen s involvement in that alleged payment to cover up that alleged affair. i mean, to compensate karen mcdougal for how much men s journal needed and wanted to put her on the cover instead of ben affleck again. why would the president be talking about reimbursing american media for their contract to karen mcdougal? if the contract was really just to put her on fitness magazines? why would the president be talking on his lawyer about paying that money back? so it s tick tock at the u.s. attorney s office in the southern district of new york. for what it s worth, that is the same federal prosecutor s office that brought multiple charges against chris collins. chris collins was the first member of congress who endorsed trump for president. he served as a senior member of
because almost the whole day in court was taken up today in a mysterious series of conferences at the judge s bench between the judge and the lawyers on both sides. also, meetings apparently in the judge s chambers where nobody could see them. at one point the judge himself left the courtroom and appeared to walk off. not in the direction. chambers but in the direction of where the jury usually comes from when they enter the court. we have no idea what happened for most of the day today at the paul manafort trial. we know that the prosecutors did file another motion asking the manafort judge to correct something to the jury that the prosecutor says he messed up. you might remember this happened earlier as well. earlier this week they file a motion informing the judge that he had improperly scolded the prosecutors in front of the jury for something the prosecutors say they didn t do wrong. they asked him to tell the jury that he had been in the wrong.
that prosecutors hadn t done anything wrong and he should correct that for the jury. the judge acquiesced that. last week, the prosecutors asked again. they asked him to clear up something as well as the jury. during proceedings yesterday the judge interjected, as he is wont to do. the judge interjected to tell prosecutors basically that they were barking up the wrong tree. they shouldn t be trying to prove something with this witness that wouldn t end up being legally relevant to the charges manafort was facing. as a matter of law, it looks like prosecutors were right and the judge was wrong. and so prosecutors asked the judge late last night to clear up that point with the jury as well. now, we have no idea if the judge did or did not clear that up with the jury as prosecutors requested. if did it happen, it wasn t in the courtroom in front of spectators and reporters today who had little idea of what was going on as well as any of the
rest of us. so an unexpected day in the case of paul manafort. prosecutors at the end of the afternoon, they finally did. they brought the jury back in and finally did start bringing on witnesses that we had expected today about this allegation that paul manafort had offered a trump administration job to a bank ceo who had arranged for manafort to get millions of dollars in loans between the election and the inauguration. we had previously seen evidence in the trial that the guy from the bank thought he would end up being secretary of the army for his troubles. today, an employee of the bank fetched the bank ceo said he thought he would be secretary of the treasury or secretary of housing and urban development. and that s apparently, those apparently were dangled.
so whether or not there was some quid pro quo with the bank ceo thought he would get something from the trump administration, we thought that would be the finale today. that tale has started to be told. they didn t start until late in the afternoon. honestly, the big question now, the big mystery now is, what happened during those hours long delays? what happened in the sealed discussions out of earshot all day long. we know it is late at the end of the case. there will be more witnesses on monday for the prosecution. we re told that closing arguments will take place only as early as tuesday. particularly if the defense doesn t call its open witnesses, which they might not. given this strange turn, is this
the kind of thing that is a normal occurrence? not too strange an occurrence? in a trial that has been running as fast as this one in this kind of a court where it seems to be run on such a tight schedule? can we tell if it had something to do with the jury? do we think hit something to do with the fact prosecutors keep trying on correct the judge? for him in their words, screwing stuff up? and when do we find out? this was the note we got today. we tried to get the formal record of what happened in this courtroom today. quote, the transcript is under seal and will not be available to the public. some day that may change. until that happens, we have to ask people who were there what happened. thank you for being here. thank you. was it frustrating or fascinating or both when things sort of took off out of earshot?
if some cases, out of sight? it was surprising the way things screeched to a halt. as you were talking about, we ve been moving at a break neck pace for prosecutors to keep it short, keep it short, and cut all the witnesses down, sometimes spending half as much time as they intended. to then see the judge consume about five hours today with procedures either being held at side bar or in secret in the judge s chambers was a pretty startling development. i would say interesting but at the same time, frustrating because we couldn t get a good idea why the trial had been put into some kind of suspended animation. one thing happened was this request from prosecutors for a second time they wanted the judge to correct something that
they thought that he got wrong before the jury. we saw the judge did correct himself. he agreed that they had blamed prosecutors for doing something wrong that they didn t get wrong. they asked him to correct something that was more of a matter of law in front of the jury. we know that s something, there was a motion about from the prosecution. it wasn t something they were fighting about orally and in person. is there any way to know if that might have been part of why things went so differently today? why the jury wasn t called in until so late? why the first thing happened when the doors opened was bench conferences where the lawyers were talking out of earshot of everybody else in the room? that i think could be part of it. i think it is highly up likely that that motion accounts for all the delay that we saw. there was enough other weird action going on with the judge moving back and forth to the jury s chamber at the side of
the courtroom. i don t think what the judge said yesterday, while significant, he said that attempted bank fraud isn t very important and is maybe something the prosecution should be trifling with. no one would expect an attempted bank robbery wouldn t be prosecuted as a crime so it is hard to see why it would be dismissed. that was the issue the prosecution got upset about and filed a motion overnight. it was confusing that there was no public ruling on that motion and no instruction to the jury. the judge didn t give any explanation on the record. there was some speculation morning maybe the defense or the prosecution was seeking a mistrial on that account and it might be difficult for the judge to fix his mistake without saying that manafort was guilty on that charge, and there could have been an argument of that
sort. i know it has been long hours all week. thank you for being our eyes and ears there. thank you. this trial, thank you so much, chuck, for being with us. i appreciate you being here on a friday night. my pleasure. thank you for having me. as an experienced prosecutor and someone very, very experienced in the eastern district of virginia, a lot of houston are nonlawyers and not frequent observers of federal trials were totally flummoxed. how weird is this? is it going off the rails? everybody was trying to read the paul manafort body tloong suggest if this meant the trial was blowing up in some way. as someone who has been there and knows what this means, how
weird was today? have you seen stuff like the happen before? especially right toward the end of a trial? i ve seen things like this happen before. i don t think it is going off the rails or blowing up. maybe i can explain. sometime judge has to take three or four hours to straighten out an issue. it is frequent but it is frequent enough that we can make an educated guess. it usually involves a jury issue. it may be something as benign as a juror has something at home. that doesn t seem to be the case here. i ve seen it happen in my own trials once or twice over many years, a juror accidentally sees something or hears something. maybe overhears hears a conversation, a bathroom or a hallway or calf tear. i can t maybe saw something at home at night after a court recess for the day. overheard a conversation and more likory than not, reports
that to the judge. why does it take hours to straighten it out? the judge has to essentially call a time-out and question the jury. and the juror. what did you see or hear? what you saw, what you heard, did that challenge your opinion of this trial? can you put it aside? so the judge probably has to make some sort of inquiry. some sort of factual finding. that s likely. when you see a trial shut down, it is usually along these lines. in terms of when this will become clear, i showed the note from the court reporter in terms of this being a sealed transcript. is this the kind of thing we should expect to eventually become public? whatever happen today, will the discussions remain sealed indefinitely? i would imagine it will eventually become public. the courts really want to make
all their proceedings public. unless their there s a compelling reason not to. for instance grand juries are sealed. perhaps soon we ll know precisely what happened. my guess is it is a juror issue. one where the judge had to inquire and had to satisfy that this juror, whatever he or she saw or heard consideration put that aside and consider the case fairly and even handedly. there is something else that happened today. i want to ask you. can you stick around? yes. ow. aah! .i would have said you were crazy. but so began the year of me. i discovered the true meaning of paperless discounts. and the indescribable rush of saving drivers an average of $620. why does fear feel so good? i fell in love three times once with a woman,
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it s the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. big presidential scandals are like flood tides if you live by a river. king tides if you live by the beach. one flood tide with the spring snow belt, susan and i got a whole new hot water heater came up down the river. stuff just appears. they wash up whole new things you never knew you had to worry about. for example at this time in life, as an american citizen,
you never before had to know name andrew miller. andrew miller is an american man who apparently works now as a house painter in the suburbs of st. louis, missouri. in 2016 around the time of the republican convention, he worked for a long time friend and aide to donald trump. he worked for a man named roger stone. it is a little fuzzy exactly what did he for roger stone. but whatever it was, it was enough that he told andrew miller that he needed to testify before a grand jury. on may 18th, andrew miller was told he should appear voluntarily before the grand jury and she turn over documents. when may 18th turned around, andrew miller did not show up. then the special counsel made it mandatory. the special counsel subpoenaed andrew miller to appear on june 8th. june 8th rolled around and he did not show up. then a federal judge ordered him to comply and ruled in fact he really did have to appear before
the grand jury on june 29th. june 29th rolled around and this time andrew miller did not show up. he did file a former motion to quash the subpoena. to get rid of the speenl on the grounds that the whole rig ma role was all unkogs constitutional. the judge didn t just say no against the argument. she dismantled night 93-page ruling to andrew miller s allegation that the special counsel wields too much power with too little accountability. the judge shot back, the scope of the special counsel s power falls well within the boundaries of the constitution as the special counsel is supervised by an official who himself accountable to the elected president. that men andrew had no more wiggle room. he had to testify.
today. and again he didn t show up so today judge held andrew miller in contempt of court for refusing to show up. refusing to testify before the robert mueller grand jury. i am to lawyer but to me this seems like kamikaze mission. why do this? what is the strategy here? where does this end? does he potentially end up going to jail now? joining me, chuck rosenberg, senior fbi official. thank you for sticking around to help me with this. my pleasure. i understand contempt of court meaning you have been told to do something by the court and you re not doing it and you don t have an option. in this case, the court ruling that mr. miller is in contempt for defying the subpoena, what is the consequence? does this mean that he will go to jail? conceivably. i m going to get a little nerdy on you. yay!
there s civil contempt in which case the judge, judge howell, simply wants miller to comply. as soon as he complies, as soon as he testifies, as soon as he follows her order, the contempt is lift. there s criminal contempt designed to punish. not to enforce compliance. it seems the to me she held him if civil contempt. all you need to do is comply with my order and we re square. so he has an easy out. if he doesn t comply, she can continue to hold him in contempt means putting him in jail or fining him or something else to try to coerce his compliance. we can t see the ruling in this case. if she is now holding anymore civil contempt and he continues to defy court s order and to testify, would you say she would
then have the option to increase the leverage on him, including jail, does that mean she is turning it to criminal contempt? she could even appoint a special prosecutor to bring criminal charges. my guess is that it will likely remain civil contempt. that means as long as the grand jury is sitting, and grand juries sit for 12 to 18 months, he could spend all of that time in jail. by the way, the special counsel, bob mueller s team could subpoena him again after that first grand jury expires. if he chooses to disobey again, he could be held in contempt again. it is really on him to simply comply. when you get subpoenaed, you have two lawful options. you go plead the fifth amendment if you have a legitimate fifth amendment privilege if it would incriminate you or you can go to
the grand jury and answer truthfully. he didn t choose the lawful path. he chose the contempt path. thank you. clarifying as always. appreciate it. you have to wonder why this particular guy is fighting this far. it may be a matter of principle. it may be desperation. if chuck is right, we ll find out when he finally gets in there. much more to come. and i don t add up the years. but what i do count on. is staying happy and healthy. so, i add protein, vitamins and minerals to my diet with boost®. new boost® high protein nutritional drink now has 33% more high-quality protein, along with 26 essential and minerals your body needs. all with guaranteed great taste. the upside- i m just getting started. boost® high protein be up for life they won t hike your ratest foover one mistake. see, liberty mutual doesn t hold grudges.
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one thing that has been remarkable and sort of weird and chilling to learn in reading all the special counsel indictments is the specificity with which robert mueller s team has been able to lay out in great detail all the varied ways in which russian military intelligence officers worked to mess with the presidential next 2016 right down to them duping unsuspecting u.s. citizens. people here in the u.s. getting them to make things happen on u.s. soil but secretly on russia s behalf. it has been creole creepy to let they could influence americans all across the country. the place where russia really went all in on stuff like that was the great state of florida. they organized and promoted florida goes trump rallies held in nearly 20 cities across the state of florida. they made one-on-one contact with local activists.
they even hired someone to emperson ate. they were a soft target. russians were able to find people there they could dupe into participating in their operations. but there s another specific way they went after florida that we don t yet understand the consequences of. we don t understand the danger of it but it is back in the news. the details turned up a few days ago in the last big indictment. the indictment against a whole bunch of intelligence officers. in that dirmt, the month before the election, gru officers started checking out the websites of various counties in georgia and iowa and florida. they just started visiting the websites. the indictment says it was part of the gru targeting state and county offices responsible for
administering the 2016 elections. but then there is this paragraph in the indictment. by november 2016, but still before the election. the election was november 8th. this means this happened in the first seven days of november. literally the final week before the election. these gru agents sent over 100 spear phishing e-mails to organizations and personnel involved in administering elections. it contained malware that they embedded in their e-mails. the last week of the election? so this isn t like, this is a very specific thing. this sm like hijacking american political causes to make them more extreme and divisive. this isn t targeting facebook. it was supposed to make people hate hillary clinton or hate muslims or make you think
that bernie sanders and donald trump were somehow the same thing. this was expect. the last seven days before the election. the first week of targeted blitz. blasting hacking tools, malware influencing individual elections in individual florida counties. what did they think they could do in the final week of the election? this was not a planning expedition to see how vulnerable those websites were. this was voting time. this was go time. and russia at that moment was trying to gain access to those elections. that was 2016. that was all spelled out in the last mueller indictment west don t know what happened with that. the specific part of the attack actually did. now come a new warning that there isn t just some generic
threat out there related to the elections this fall all over the country. now comes a new specific warning that there s specifically a russian hacking operation live and underway right now inside local florida election systems. we don t know if it is the payoff from what they did in 2016. they inserted malware for the next election. maybe this is a whole new effort. apparently it s live and underway now. the way we ve learned about it is weird and controversial and that s next. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely.
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they have already penetrated certain counties in the state, and they now have free reign to move about. they have free reign to move about. bill nelson this week announcing there s something going on. the county administered election systems in his state right now. not 2016 but now. russian hackers have penetrated certain counties and they have free rein to move about. his point is the state s republican governor rick scott. his administration responded to the state from nelson this week by ensissing they had no idea what he was talking about. basically saying, as far as we know, it s fine. he accused him of, quote, making things up but senator nelson is standing by his statement and offering some important detail.
also notably the state s other senator, republican member of the senate intelligence committee, marco rubio, is not disputing the account. today he released a statement saying that the election stlems remain a potentially attractive target for attacks by foreign actors. two county official said they heard a similar warning at a private meeting with rubio earlier this year in may. senator nelson says both he and senator rubio warned florida election officials about this current russian intrusion in a letter last month. he said he sent that letter to florida election officials specific will you at the request of the republican chairman is that the democratic vice chairman of the intelligence committee. we were requested by the chairman and vice chairman of
the intelligence committee to let the supervisors of the election in florida know that the russians are in their records. this is no fooling time. that is why two senators, bipartisan, reached out to the election apparatus of florida to let them know the russians are in the records. and all they have to do, if those election records are not protect protected, is to go in and start eliminating registered voters and you can imagine the chaos that would occur on election day. bill nelson is not backing down from saying that. they charged that russian military intelligence for some reason bombarded county election official in florida in the final seven days before the presidential election in 2016.
the indictment describing a huge late attack mounted against local systems in florida, that was designed to install russian malware as the republican of the governor of the state is treating this like a joke or a gaffe by senator nelson. but if what senator is warning about is true, if this is happening, what do we do about the fact that the state government really doesn t seem to care? if this kind of attack is real and it is underway right now and it is russian military intelligence doing it again, are we supposed to count on random local officials to figure out if and how they want to try to defend against it? i mean, i get that localities run election systems, but if those election systems are actually hit with an international targeted attack by
a hostile nation state, isn t this somebody else who should come in and help with that. we re just having random senators warn each other and hope someone figures out a home grown defense? that s the plan really? hold that thought. that s next. when it comes to strong bones, are you on the right path? we have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture, so with our doctors we chose prolia® to help make our bones stronger. only prolia® helps strengthen bones by stopping cells that damage them with 1 shot every 6 months.
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hacking. he brought criminal charges against five members of the chinese military for economic cyber espionage against the united states. that made david hickton a pioneer by using the criminal justice system. joining us now is david hickton. thanks very much for joining us. it is nice to have you here. thank you, rachel. we have an unusual situation in florida that is unfolding over the last few days. the senator from florida, bill nelson, who is facing re-election this year. he is being challenged by the serving republican governor of the state, senator nelson says that there is a cyber attack underway that is targeting florida local election systems and in his words, the russians are in there now and have free reign to move about at will. the state through governor scott appears to be dismissing this and calling him all but crazy
for bringing this up. from a law enforcement, cyber security perspective, what is your overall reaction to that? my reaction is that on the one hand it points to the natural defensive reaction we get from state officials, which is understandable and we need to account for it. nobody likes to admit they have been hacked. but the fact is that we know that in 2016 florida was one of the seven states identified by dhs where the russians not only f were circling, but they were in their system. the other thing i think it points to is i made the point on your show a couple weeks ago that we shouldn t look at hacking as a single event. it is really a series of events. and we shouldn t look at elections as a thing. elections are many things. it s an architecture. we represent the world s greatest democracy, and we register people to vote. we educate voters on the issues
through the media and other resources and the candidates, and then we have election day and then we tally the votes and in some places we do audits. so it is really a broader concept. so this campaign over here is really attacking an election system over here and the thing is that there is just multiple on-ramps for our nation state adversaries. it s been demonstrated time and time again going all the way back to 2008. i believe it is time to get our heads out of the sand about this. we need to really address it. and i think that men and women of good will who are patriotic could come together and solve this. founder and director of the institute for cyber law policy and security at the university of pittsburgh, sir, i would like to ask you to come back and talk to us about this again next week. this is becoming a political fight in florida but also a national security fight in terms of defending these systems. i hope you will come back and
join us again. happy to, rachel. thanks for the invite. stay with us. and at expedia, we don t think you should be rushed into booking one. that s why we created expedia s add-on advantage. now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. add-on advantage. discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. only when you book with expedia.
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Hair-cut-a , Hair , Lanes , Hair-cutb- , Two , Ben-affleck , Mark-wahlberg , Jake-jillenhall , Chris-hensworth , Josh-brolin , Guy , Honor

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20180811 04:00:00

our condolences to his family. that is our broadcast for this friday night and for this week. thank you so very much for being here with us. have a good weekend and good night for all of us here at nbc news headquarters in new york. so it is a small enough range of what they re looking for aesthetically that i m thinking you beak have to register as having acceptable haircut a or acceptable haircut b. those are sort of the two lanes that are available 0 to you. under hair cut a, we have ben affleck. or josh brolin or mark wahlberg, or jake gyllenhaal, or chris helmsworth or the great anderson cooper or the great jimmy fallon or that guy from the hurt locker who was so good.
Rachel Maddow takes a look at the day s top political news stories.
unquote, contract that included the exclues you be rights to publish her story about having this alleged long-running extramarital affair with donald trump. having obtained those exclues you be rights to publish that story, american media and david pecker decided to not run that story. so that was widely viewed as what s called a catch and kill deal in wilamerican media beak told basically dg candidate trump the favor of making sure that embarrassing story about this alleged affair would never run in print. so american media paid miss mcdougal in august 2016, late in the game, donald trump was already the republican nominee for president that the point. now, did the presidents have this affair? she says yes. he says no. you say la, la, lala, i m plugging my ears. stop talking about there, i don t want to know. i understand. but federal prosecutors are reportedly looking into whether that transaction was an effort
president s lawyer mike cohen are now officially in possession of all of the evidence they are going to review to decide whether to try to bring federal criminal charges against mr. cohen. the court appointed official, the special master who had been appointed to review all the evidence that was seized from cohen to see if any of it has to be kept from prosecutors because it s covered by attorney/client privilege, that process has come to a conclusion. we ve heard that both from the special master herself and confirmed by sdny. at the conclusion of that, only a tiny fraction of the nearly 4 million files federal agents seized when they raided his office is, apartment and hotel room turned out to be protected by attorney/client privilege. only a tiny fraction of those documents were held back. the rest have been given to sdny. those prosecutors at sdny we believe from the wall street reporting, we believe they have convened a grand jury to consider account michael cohen matter, or that is considering the michael cohen matter.
those prosecutors are now in the possession of all the evidence that they need to make their own decision on whether or not to ask that federal grand jury and sdny to bring charges against cohen. in addition to bank fraud andtach fraud charges that are a little bit like what trump campaign chairman paul manafort has been facing, one of the other issues reportedly under consideration by federal prosecutors and this be federal grand jury in new york senior michael cohen s involvement in that alleged payment to cover up that alleged affair. i mean to compensate karen mcdougal for how much men s journal wanted and needed to put her on their cover instead of ben affleck again. why would the president be talking about reimbursing american media for their contract to karen mcdougal if the contract was really just to put her on fitness magazines? why would the president be talking to his lawyer about
paying that money back? so it s tick-tock at the u.s. attorney s office in the southern district of new york. for what it s worth, that is the same federal prosecutor s office that brought multiple felony charges this week against republican congress man chris collins, the first member of congress who endorsed trump as president, he served as a senior member of the trump transition and now arrested and indicted. same federal prosecutors that are considering michael cohen. it s tick-tock at southern district of new york for the president s lawyer. and apparently it s also tick-tock in virginia at the criminal trial of the president s campaign chairman. and boy, did this not go the way we thought it would today. this was humbling. we really thought, i really thought with confidence heading into today we knew what was going to happen. judge has been keeping such a tight rein on the way this trial has been going, it seemed quite clear the way this was going to
unfold right through the end we thought for sure, the prosecution would rest their case by the end of today. then the defense woes have to decide whether or not they re going to call any witnesses to testify in manafort s behalf. then closing statements and the whole thing would be done. it didn t unfold that way today. the prosecution has not rested its case. and the reason that happened is because will the whole day in court was taken up today in a mysterious series of conferences at the judge s bench between the judge and the lawyers on both sides. also meetings apparently in the judge s chambers where nobody could see them. at one point the judge himself left the courtroom and appeared to walk off not in the direction of his own chambers but in the direction of where the jury usually comes from when had he enter the court. huh? we have no idea what happened for most of the day today at the paul manafort trial. we know that the prosecutors did file another motion asking the
manafort judge to correct something to the jury that the prosecutors say he messed up. you might remember this happened earlier this week, as well. prosecutors filed a motion earlier this week informing the judge he had improperly scolded the prosecutors in front of the jury for something the prosecutors say they didn t even do wrong. they asked him to tell the jury that he had been in the wrong. the prosecutors hadn t done anything wrong and he should correct that for the jury. the judge acquiesced to that request and did ta earlier this week. late last night prosecutors asked the judge 0 clear up something else with the jury. during trial proceedings yesterday, the judge has interjected while prosecutors were going through a line of questioning with one witness from a bank. the judge interjeked to tell prosecutors they were barking up the wrong tree and shouldn t be trying to problem something with the witness that wasn t going to be legally relevant to the charges manafort was facing. as a matter of law, it looks like prosecutors were right and judge was wrong.
and so prosecutors asked account jung late last night to clear up that point with the jury, as well. now, we have no idea if the judge did or did not clear that up with the jury as prosecutors requested. if it did happen it, wasn t in the courtroom in front of all the spectators and reporters there today who had as little idea what was going on as any of the rest of us. so an unexpected turn on what we thought would be the last day of the case against manafort. what are we supposed to make of this? prosecutors ultimately at the end of the afternoon, they finally did, they brought the jury back in and finally did start bringing in witnesses we had expected today about this allegation that paul manafort had offered a trump administration job to a bank ceo who had arranged for manafort to get millions of dollars in loans between the election and the inauguration. we had previously seen evidence in the trial and extensive public reporting that this guy from the bank thought he was going to end up being secretary
of the army for his troubs. today an employee of the bank testified that the bank s ceo in fact told him he was maybe going to get to be secretary of the treasury or secretary of housing and urban development. and that s apparently those apparently were dangled in addition to whatever else was damaged to a potential job running the army. that interesting tale about those big loans to paul manafort between election and inauguration and whether or not there was some quid pro quo offer associated with those loans for the bank ceo thought he was going to get something from the trump administration in exchange for green lighting those loans we thought that would be the finale today. that tale has started to be told but now there s still more of it to tell because they didn t start till late in the afternoon. honestly, the big question now, the big mystery now is what happened during those hours long delays? what happened in all those
sealed discussions that took place four hours out of the jury s ear shot, out of reporters ear shot all day long? we know it s delayed the end of the case. there will now be more witnesses for the prosecution on monday. closing arguments will take place only as early as tuesday if the defense doesn t call any of its own witnesses which they might not. given the strange turn, senior this the kind of thing that is a normal occurrence or at least not too strange an occurrence in a try that s been running as fast as this one in this kind of court where things seem to be run on such a tight schedule? whatever went off the rails today, can we tell if it has something to do with the jury or that prosecutors keep trying to correct the judge for him in their words screwing stuff up? and when are we going to find out? this was the note today. we tried to get the formal record of what happened in the courtroom today the transcript
is under seal and will not be available to the public. some day that may change. till that happens, we have to ask people who were there what they saw. joining us now is josh gerstein, senior reporter at politico. thank you very much for being here. hey, good to be back with you. was it frustrating or fascinating or both when things sort of took off out of ear shot and in some cases out of ith in the courtroom today? well, it was surprising the way things kind of screeched to a halt as you were talking about earlier, we had been moving at a breakneck case with the judge pressuring prosecutors to keep it short, keep it short and cut all their witnesses down sometimes spending maybe half as much time as they had intended. to ten then see the judge consume about five hours today with proceedings that were either being held at sidebar or in secret in the judge s chambers was a pretty startling development. i would say it was interesting but at the same time,
frustrating because we couldn t get really a clear idea of why the trial had beak been put into some kind of suspended animation. josh, one thing that happened outside of the direct live proceedings of the trial was this is request from prosecutors for a second time that they wanted the judge to correct something that they thought he got wrong before the jury. we saw the judge in fact a coup days ago did correct himself. he beak agreed with what prosecutors had asserted that the judge had blamed prosecutors for doing something wrong that they didn t get wrong. they asked him again after yesterday s proceedings to correct another matter which is more a matter of law in front of the jury. and we know that is something there was a motion about from the prosecution. it wasn t thing stherp fighting orally and in person. is there a way to know if that might have been part of why things went so differently today, why the jury wasn t called in till so late, why the
first thing that happened today was bench conferences where the lawyers were talking out of ear shot of everybody else in the room? that could be part of it. it s highly unlikely that motion accounts for all the delay we saw. there was enough other weird action going on as you mentioned earlier with the judge moving back and forth to the jury s chamber at the side of the courtroom. that i don t think the issue of what the judge said wrong yesterday while significant, he basically said that attempted bank fraud isn t very important and isn t maybe something the prosecution should be trifling with which i think no one would expect that attempted bank robbery for example, wouldn t be prosecuted as a crime. it s hard to see why attempted bank fraud would be dismissed. that was the issue the prosecution filed that motion about overnight. it is surprising and unusual i think that there was no public ruling on that motion. and there was nos instruction to the jury one way or another. maybe the judge denied it.
if he did, he didn t give us any explanation on the record. there was some speculation this morning that maybe the defense or the prosecution was seeking some kind of mistrial on that count. it might be difficult for the judge maybe to fix his mistake without suggesting to jurors he was saying that manafort was guilty on that charge and there could have been an argument of that sort. i guess we ll find out when we find out with all these things. josh gerstein, senior reporter at, i know it s been intense coverage all week on this. thanks for being our eyes and ears there and thanks for being with us tonight. joining us is chuck rosenburg, former u.s. attorney for the eastern district of virginia and former senior justice department and fbi official. thank you for being with us tonight. i appreciate you being with us on friday night. my pleasure, rachel. as an experienced prosecutor and somebody who is very, very experienced in the eastern district of var including being the u.s. attorney there, a lot of us who are nonlawyer and who
are not frequent observers of federal trials were totally flummoxed by this turn of events today. what s happening? what does this mean? how weird is this? is the thing going off the rails? everybody was trying to read the manafort body language to suggest if this meant the trial was blowing up? as somebody who has been there, how weird was today? have you seen stuff like this happen before? especially right towards the end of a trial? i ve seen things like this happen before. i don t think it s going off the rails or blowing up. maybe i can explain. sometimes a judge has to take a few hours, two, three, four hours to straighten out an issue. it s not frequent but it s frequent enough that we can make an educated guess. it usually involves a juror issue. it may be something as benign as a juror is ill or has an emergency at home. that doesn t seem to be what happened here. more likely, and i ve seen this happen in my own trials, once or
twice over many years, a juror accidentally sees something or hears something, maybe overhears a conversation in a cafeteria or a bathroom or a hallway. maybe saw something at home at night after court recessed for the day, overheard a conversation. and more likely than not and again educated guess reports that to the judge. and so why does it take hours to straighten this out? then the judge has to essentially call a time-out and question the jury and the juror. what did you see, what did you hear? did you talk to anyone else? did what you saw what you heard, did that sort of change your opinion of this trial? can you put it aside? so the judge probably has to make some sort of inquiry, some sort of factual finding. that s likely what happened here. because when you see this thing sort of shut down for a few hours, it usually falls along these lines, rachel.
in terms of when this is going to become clear to us, i showed the note we got from the court reporter today in terms of this being a sealed transcript. is this the sort of thing we should expect to eventually become public or whatever happened today, these discussions will those remain sealed indefinitely? i imagine it will eventually become public. there s the courts really want to make all their proceedings public unless there s some compelling reason not to. for instance, grand jury materials are always sealed. but this is an open public trial and i imagine some day, perhaps soon, weigh know precisely what happened. but again, my guess is that it s a juror issue, one where the judge had to inquire and had to satisfy himself this juror whatever he or she saw or heard can put that aside and consider the case you know, fairly and even handedly. chuck, lease something else that happened with the mueller investigation today that i want to ask you about as a matter of law if you ve seen something
like this. can you stick around for a minute. you bet. he s back with us right after this. stay with us. uhp. i didn t believe it. again. ooh, baby, do you know what that s worth? i want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ooh i m not hearing the confidence. okay, hold the name your price tool. power of options based on your budget! and! we ll make heaven a place on earth yeah! oh, my angels! ooh, heaven is a place on earth [ sobs quietly ]
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by a river. king tides if you live by the beach. one flood tide with the spring snow melt, susan i got a whole new hot water heater came up down account river. stuff just appears. they wash up whole new things you never knew you had to worry about. for example at this time in life, as an american citizen, you never before had to know the name and drewmier. andrew miller is an american man who apparently works now as a house painter in the suburbs of st. louis, missouri. in 2016 around the time of the republican national convention, and drew miller worked for a long time friend and aide to donald trump. he worked for a man named roger stone. it s a little fuzzy exactly what andrew miller did for stone but whatever it was it s enough that special counsel robert mueller told andrew miller that he needed to testify before a grand jury. on may 18th, andrew miller was told he should appear voluntarily before the grand jury and he should turn over
documents. when may 18th rolled around, andrew miller did not show up. so then the special counsel made it mandatory. they subpoenaed andrew miller to appear on june 8th. june 8th rolled around, andrew miller did not show up. then a federal judge ordered andrew miller to comply ruled that in fact, he really did have to appear before the grand jury on june 29th. june 29th rolled around and this time andrew miller did not show up but he did file a formal motion to quash the subpoena to get rid of the subpoena on grounds the mueller investigation, the whole special counsel rig ma roll is unconstitutional. on august 2nd, that argument was shot down by a federal judge. she didn t just say no to his argument against the special counsel. she dismantled it in a 93-page ruling to andrew miller s allegation that the special counsel robert miller wields too much power with too little accountability, judge barrel
howard shot back the scope of the special counsel s power falls well within the boundaries of the constitution as the special counsel is supervised by an official who is himself accountable to the elected president. and that ruling meant that andrew miller had no more wiggle room. did he have to testify before the special counsel s grand jury. today. and again, he didn t show up. so today judge barrel howard held him in contempt of court for refusing to show up, for refusing to testify before the robert mueller grand jury. i m no lawyer but to me this seems like a kamikaze mission. why do this? what is the strategy and where does this end? did it just end? does this guy potentially end up going to jail now? joining us again is chuck rosenburg, forrer u.s. attorney in the eastern district of virginia, chuck, thank you for sticking around to help me with this. my pleasure. i understand contempt of court in a control questional
sense meaning you ve been told to do something by the court and you re not doing it. in this case, the court holding mr. mueller, ruling he is in contempt for defying the subpoena, what s the consequence of this? does this mean mr. miller is going to go to jail. conceivably. i m going to get a little nerdy on you. yea. there s two types of contempt. there s civil contempt in which case the judge, judge howell simply wants miller to comply and as soon as he cop applies, as soon as he testifies, as soon as he follows her order, the content is lifted. there s also criminal contempt. that s designed to punish, not to enforce compliance. it seems to me she head him in civil contempt meaning testify and you re free to go. all you need to do is comply with my order and we re square. he has an easy out. if he doesn t comply, she can continue to hold him in contempt till he does which means conceivably, putting him in jail
or fining him or finding something else to try and coerce his compliance. does a we can t see the ruling in this case. we believe at least as far as we can tell the ruling is sealed. we can t check. if she s now holding him in civil contempt and he continues to defy the court s order and refuse to testify, would, when you say she would then have the option to increase the leverage on him including jail would ha mean she would be converting this from civil into criminal? she could ask the u.s. attorney s office to file criminal charges. could appoint a special prosecutor. my guess is it will likely remain civil contempt. as long as this grand jury is sitting and grand juries sit fur a term of anywhere from 12 to 18 months, cospend all that amount of time in jail and by the way, the special counsel bob mueller s deem subpoena him again after that first grand jury expires. and if he chooses to disobey
again, he could be held in contempt again. and so look, it s really on him. it s really on miller to simply comply. when you get subpoenaed you have two lawful options. you can plead the fifth amendment if you have a legitimate fifth amendment privilege if a truthful answer would incriminate you or you can go into the grand jury and answer the questions truthfully. he didn t choose the law of path. he chose the content path. chuck rosenburg, forrer u.s. attorney for the eastern district of virginia, former senior fbi official. thank you. much appreciated. you have to wonder why this particular guy is fighting this far. it may be a matter of principle. it may it be desperation. if chuck s right, we re going to find out when he ultimately gets in here. much more to come. stay with us. paying too much for insurance you don t even understand?
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pg&e wants you to plan ahead by mapping out escape routes and preparing a go kit, in case you need to get out quickly. for more information on how to be prepared and keep your family safe, visit one thing that has been remarkable and sort of weird and chilling to learn in reading all the special counsel indictments, is the specificity with which mueller team has been able to lay out in great detail all the way in which russian military intelligence officers worked to mess with the u.s. prejudicial election in 2016, all the different things they did right down to them duping unsuspecting u.s. citizens people here in the u.s. getting them to make things happen here on u.s. soil but secretly ob russia s baffle. it s been creepy to learn they were able to influence americans
all across this country. but the place where russia went all in on stuff like that was the great state of florida. they organized and appropriated florida goes trump rallies held in nearly 20 cities across the state of florida. made one-on-one contact with local florida activists for inperson on the ground help. they hired somebody to impersonate hillary clinton at a florida rally. for whatever reason, florida was a big target for russia s influence campaign and for whatever reason, they were kind of a soft target. russians were able to find people who they could dupe into participating in their operation. but there s another specific way they went after florida we don t yet understand the consequences of. we don t understand the danger of it but it s now back in the news for right now. the details of it turned up a few weeks ago in the last big indictment from the special counsel s office. that indictment against a bunch of russian military intelligence officers from the gru.
in that indict, according to that indictment, the month before the 2016 election, so october 2016, gru officers involved in the russian attack started checking out the web sighs of various counties in georgia and iowa and florida. they just started visiting those websites. the indictment says it was part of the gru targeting state and county offices responsible for administering the 2016 uz elections. then there s this is chilling paragraph in the indictment. by november 2016, but still before the election, so right the election was november 8th. this means this happened in the first seven days of november. literally the final week before the election, these gru agents according to indictment sent over 100 spearfishing e-mails to organizations and personnel involved in administering elections in numerous florida counties. the spearfishing e-mails contained malware that the conspirators embedded in their
e-mails. the last week of the election? so this isn t like this is a very spec thing. this isn t like hijacking american political causes to make them more extreme. this isn t organizing on facebook. this isn t even what they did to target individual voters on line with content and propaganda that was supposed to make people hate hillary clinton or hate muslims or make you think bernie sanders and donald trump were somehow the same thing. this was spec. this was the last seven days before the election. first week of november. a huge targeted blitz by russian military intelligence blasting hacking tools malware at the individual people who were administering elections in individual florida counties. what did they think they could do in the final week of the election? this wasn t a planning expedition to see how vulnerable those websites were. this was voting time. this was go time. and russia at that moment was trying to gain access to those
crucial systems in charge of handling elections in just a matter of days. why that blitz? how successful were they? what are the consequences? that was 2016. that was all spelled out in the last mueller indictment. we don t know whatever happened with that, what that was for, that specific part of the attacking what it did. now, comes a new warning. that there isn t just some generic threat out there related to the elections this fall all over the country. now comes a new spec warning that there s specifically a russian hacking operation that is live and under way right now inside low florida election systems. we don t know if this is the payoff from what they did so late in the game in 2016. they inserted malware there that allowed them to maintain access to is the systems for the next election. maybe this is a whoa new effort but apparently it s live. and under way now. and the way we have learned
about it this week is super weird and controversial and that s next. a hotel can make or break a trip. and at expedia, we don t think you should be rushed into booking one. that s why we created expedia s add-on advantage. now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. add-on advantage. discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. only when you book with expedia.
senator nelson, can you elaborate what you told my colleague yesterday about russians being in florida election records? do you mean right now or were you referring to 2016. right now. what do you mean by they re in the election records? just exactly what i said. they have already penetrated certain counties in the state. and they now have free rein to move about. they now have free rein to move about. florida senator bill nelson this week announcing there s something going on in his state s election system in the keep the administered is election systems in his state right now. not 2016 but now. hackers have ben traited certain florida counties and now have free rein to move about. he s running for re-election this year. his opponent is the state s
republican governor rick scott. the administration responded to this warning from nelson this week by insisting they had no idea what he was talking about beak saying as far as we know everything s fine. that sounds crazy. rick scott himself gave a speech today in which he accused senator nelson of making things up. but senator bill nelson is standing by his statement and he s offering some important detail. also, notably, the state s other senator, republican member of the senate intelligence committee marco rubio is not disputing senator nelson s account. today he released a statement taking no issue with any son s remarks and declaring his state s elections systems have been and will remain a potentially attractive target for attacks by foreign actors. the tampa bay times also reports bill nelson s account was partly corroborated by two county officials who said they heard a similar warning at a private meeting with rubio earlier this year in may. senator nelson says both he and senator rubio warned florida
election officials about their current russian intrusion in a letter last month. he says he sent that letter to local florida election officials specifically at the request of the republican chairman and the democratic vice chairman of the senate intelligence committee. we were requested by the chairman and vice chairman of the intelligence committee to let the supervisors of election in florida know that the russians are in their records. this is no fooling time. and that s why two senators bipartisan, reached out to the election apparatus of florida to let them know that the russians are in the records and all they have to do, if those election records are not protected, is to go in and start eliminating registered voters and you can imagine the chaos that would occur on election day.
bill nel on is not backing down from his claims that russians have penetrated florida election systems now. they re in there now for this election cycle. his warnings come on the heels of the last indictment from the special counsel s office which charge that russian military intelligence for some reason bombarded county level election officials in florida in the final seven days before the presidential election in 2016. the indictment describing a huge late attack mounted against local systems in florida an attack that was designed to install russian mall aware inside florida election systems. well, neither the chairman or the vice chairman of the intelligence committee are denying what senator nelson says happened here. even as the republican governor of the state who is running against him is treating this like a joke or even some kind of gaffe by senator nelson. but if what senator nelson is wampbing about is true, if this is happening, what do we do about the fact that the state government really doesn t seem to care if this kind of attack
is real and it s under way right now? and it is russian military intelligence doing it again, are we really just supposed to count on random local officials to figure out if and how they want to try to defend against it? i mean, i get that localities run election systems but if those election systems are actually hit with an international targeted attack by a hostile nation state, isn t there somebody else who should come in and help with that? literally we re just having ran come senators warn each other and hope someone believes them and figures out a homegrown defense? that s the plan really? hold that thought. that s next.
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in 2014, the u.s. attorney in the western district of pennsylvania david hickton announced what was at that time the first ever criminal indictment against foreign state actors for hacking. when he brought criminal charges against five members of the chinese military for economic cyber espionage against the united states. that made david hickton a pioneer in the field of defending the country against foreign cyber attacks in part by using the criminal justice system. join us is david hickton, the founder and director at the university of pug. thanks very much for joining us. nice to have you here. thank you, rachel. we have an unusual situation in florida that is unfolding over last few days. the senator from florida bill nelson who is facing re-election this year and being challenged for his seat by the serving
republican governor of the state senator nelson says that there is a cyber attack under way that is targeting florida local election systems and in his words, the russians are in there now and have free rein to move about at will. the state in part through governor scott, appears to be dismissing this and calling him all but crazy for bringing this up. from a law enforcement cyber security perspective, what s your overall reaction to that in. my reaction is that on the one hand, it points to the natural defensive reaction we get from state officials which is understandable we need to account for it. nobody likes to admit they ve been hacked. but the fact is that we know that in 2016, florida was one of the seven states identified by dhs with where the russians were not only circling but in their system. i agree with the spirit of what senator nelson has said today. the other thing i think it
points to is i made the point on your show a couple weeks ago we shouldn t look at hacking as a single event. it s really a series of events. and we shouldn t look at elections as a thing. elections are many things. it s an architecture. we represent the world s greatest democracy and we register people to vote. we educate voters on the issues through the media and other resources and the candidates. and then we have election day and then we tally the votes and in some places we do audits. it s really a broader concept so this campaign over here is really attacking an election system over here, and the thing is that there s just multiple on-ramps for our nation state adversaries it s been demonstrated time and time again going all the way back to 2008. i believe it s type to get our heads out of the sand about this. we need to really address it. and i think that men and women
of good will who are patriotic could come together and solve this. david hickton, founder and corrector of the institute for cyber law policy at the university of pittsburgh. i d like to ask you to come back and talk to us about this next week. this is becoming a political fight in florida and a national security fight in terms of defending these systems. i hope you ll come back and join us again. happy to. we ll be right back. stay with us. eico could help them save money on car insurance? yea,that and homeowners, renters, motorcycle and boat insurance. huh.that s nice. what happens when you catch a fish? gecko: whoa. geico. more than just car insurance. see how much you could save at i m ok!
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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20180811 23:00:00

Rachel Maddow takes a look at the day s top political news stories.
magazine which typically showcases male celebrities. the male s chief ref new officer and content officer have told some employees that they unsuccessfully appealed to david pecker, the ceo of america magazine, who reportedly ordered the cover. they asked him to consider replacing her on the cover. the executives said they argued that would it hurt the reputation making it tougher to attract top talent for future covers and potentially alienating hard-won advertisers. nevertheless, there she is. get her workout. guys. it says it right there in the fine print. four days before the presidential election in 2016 the wall street journal published the first report that this company, american media, most famous for owning the national enquirer, reported
did the president have this affair? she said yes. he says no. you say stop talking about this matter. i don t want to know. i understand. but federal prosecutors are looking into whether that was an effort to influence the outcome of the election. an effort that was potentially illegally coordinated with candidate donald trump and his campaign. that is a matter of federal criminal investigation. an audio tape apparently made surreptitiously has since been released which has trump with cohen on tape discussing it. and specifically they discuss trump s intention to pay american media back that $150,000 that they paid to karen mcdougal to make that story go away. so now there are two new things. number one is this. american media really has taken this somewhat hilarious step. where is my ben affleck is where s my duane the rock johnson?
content for a piece about her fitness routine. so that s the first new thing. american media and david peck er putting together this magazine cover, scratching it together. all of a sudden to make it look like that 150,000 deal with karen mcdougal to cover up the president s alleged affair, trying the make it look like wasn t that at all. they were really after her for her mastery of the cable pulley. or whatever. according to the reporting on this, according to their own employees, to take advertiser hit, to take editorial hit to the magazine which this entailed, we know they were warned that that by their own senior employees. american media to think this was worth it. they had to be scared enough by the legal jeopardy they thought they might be in when it comes to that contract. this woman and what they did with her for trump during the campaign.
they thought it was worth it and they really did go ahead and publish it. that s one new thing. the other new thing that has happened is this. federal prosecutors considering a criminal case against the president s lawyer, michael cohen, are now officially in possession of all the evidence they are going to review to decide whether to try to bring federal criminal charges against mr. cohen. now, the court appointed official, the special master who had been appointed to review all the evidence to see if any of it had to be covered by prosecutors, that process has now come to a conclusion. we ve heard that from the special master herself and had it confirmed by sdny. at the conclusion, only a tiny fraction. of nearly 4 million files federal agents seized when they raided mr. cohen s office, apartment and hotel room were protected by attorney-client privilege. so only a tiny fraction were held back. the rest have been given to sdny.
and those prosecutors, we believe they have convened a grand jury to consider the michael cohen matter. that is considering the michael cohen matter. those prosecutors are now in the possession of all the evidence that they need to make their own decision on whether or not to ask that federal grand jury and sdny to bring charges against cohen. in addition to bank fraud and tax fraud charges that are a little bit like what campaign chairman paul manafort has been facing, one of the charges under consideration by prosecutors is michael cohen s involvement in that alleged payment to cover up that alleged affair. i mean, to compensate karen mcdougal for how much men s journal needed and wanted to put her on the cover instead of ben affleck again. why would the president be talking about reimbursing american media for their contract to karen mcdougal?
if the contract was really just to put her on fitness magazines? why would the president be talking on his lawyer about paying that money back? so it s tick tock at the u.s. attorney s office in the southern district of new york. for what it s worth, that is the same federal prosecutor s office that brought multiple charges against chris collins. chris collins was the first member of congress who endorsed trump for president. he served as a senior member of the trump transition. he has been arrested and indicted. the same federal prosecutors. it is tick tock at sdny. southern district of new york for the president s lawyer. and apparently it is also tick tock in virginia at the criminal child of the president s campaign chairman. and boy, did this not go the way we thought would it today. this was humbling. we really thought, i really thought with confidence heading into today that we knew what was
going to happen. the judge has been keeping such a tight rein on the way this trial has been going, it seemed quite clear the way this would unfold right through the end. we thought for sure the prosecution would rest their case by the end of today. then defense would have to decide whether or not they would call any witnesses on paul manafort s behalf. then there would be closing statements and the whole thing would be done. it didn t unfold that way today. the prosecution has not rested its case. and the reason that happened is because almost the whole day in court was taken up today in a mysterious series of conferences at the judge s bench between the judge and the lawyers on both sides. also, meetings apparently in the judge s chambers where nobody could see them. at one point the judge himself left the courtroom and appeared to walk off.
not in the direction of his chambers but in the direction of where the jury usually comes from when they enter the court. we have no idea what happened for most of the day today at the paul manafort trial. we know that the prosecutors did file another motion asking the manafort judge to correct something to the jury that the prosecutor says he messed up. you might remember this happened earlier as well. earlier this week they file a motion informing the judge that he had improperly scolded the prosecutors in front of the jury for something the prosecutors say they didn t do wrong. they asked him to tell the jury that he had been in the wrong. that prosecutors hadn t done anything wrong and he should correct that for the jury. the judge acquiesced tp that. last week, the prosecutors asked again. they asked him to clear up something as well as the jury. during proceedings yesterday the judge interjected, as he is want to do. the judge interjected to tell prosecutors basically that they were barking up the wrong tree. they shouldn t be trying to prove something with this
witness that wouldn t end up being legally relevant to the charges manafort was facing. as a matter of law, it looks like prosecutors were right and the judge was wrong. and so prosecutors asked the judge late last night to clear up that point with the jury as well. now, we have no idea if the judge did or did not clear that up with the jury as prosecutors requested. if did it happen, it wasn t in the courtroom in front of spectators and reporters today who had little idea of what was going on as any of the rest of us. so an unexpected day in the case of paul manafort. prosecutors at the end of the afternoon, they finally did. they brought the jury back in and finally did start bringing on witnesses that we had expected today about this allegation that paul manafort had offered a trump administration job to a bank ceo who had arranged for manafort to get millions of dollars in loans between the election and the inauguration.
we had previously seen evidence in the trial that the guy from the bank thought he would end up being secretary of the army for his troubles. today, an employee of the bank fetched the bank ceo said he thought he would be secretary of the treasury or secretary of housing and urban development. and that s apparently, those apparently were dangled. in addition to whatever else was, including a potential job with the army. so those details between paul manafort and so whether or not there was some quid pro quo with the bank ceo thought he would get something from the trump administration, in exchange for green lighting those loans. we thought that would be the finale today. that tale has started to be told. they didn t start until late in the afternoon.
honestly, the big question now, the big mystery now is, what happened during those hours long delays? what happened in the sealed discussions out of earshot all day long. we know it is late at the end of the case. there will be more witnesses on monday for the prosecution. we re told that closing arguments will take place only as early as tuesday. particularly if the defense doesn t call its open witnesses, own witnesses, which they might not. given this strange turn, is this the kind of thing that is a normal occurrence? not too strange an occurrence? in a trial that has been running as fast as this one in this kind of a court where it seems to be run on such a tight schedule? can we tell if it had something to do with the jury? do we think hit something to do with the fact prosecutors keep trying on correct the judge? for him in their words, screwing
stuff up? and when do we find out? this was the note we got today. we tried to get the formal record of what happened in this courtroom today. quote, the transcript is under seal and will not be available to the public. some day that may change. until that happens, we have to ask people who were there what happened. thank you for being here. thank you. was it frustrating or fascinating or both when things sort of took off out of earshot? if some cases, out of sight? it was surprising the way things screeched to a halt. as you were talking about, we ve been moving at a break neck pace for prosecutors to keep it short, keep it short, and cut all the witnesses down, sometimes spending half as much time as they intended.
to then see the judge consume about five hours today with procedures either being held at side bar or in secret in the judge s chambers was a pretty startling development. i would say interesting but at the same time, frustrating because we couldn t get a good idea why the trial had been put into some kind of suspended animation. one thing happened was this request from prosecutors for a second time they wanted the judge to correct something that they thought that he got wrong before the jury. we saw the judge did correct himself. he agreed that they had blamed prosecutors for doing something wrong that they didn t get wrong. they asked him to correct something that was more of a matter of law in front of the jury. we know that s something, there was a motion about from the prosecution. it wasn t something they were fighting about orally and in person.
is there any way to know if that might have been part of why things went so differently today? why the jury wasn t called in until so late? why the first thing happened when the doors opened was bench conferences where the lawyers were talking out of earshot of everybody else in the room? i think that could be part of it. i think it is highly up likely that that motion accounts for all the delay that we saw. there was enough other weird action going on with the judge moving back and forth to the jury s chamber at the side of the courtroom. i don t think what the judge said wrong yesterday, while significant, he said that attempted bank fraud isn t very important and is maybe something the prosecution should be trifling with. no one would expect an attempted bank robbery wouldn t be prosecuted as a crime so it is hard to see why it would be dismissed. that was the issue the prosecution got upset about and filed a motion overnight.
it is surprising and unusual there was no public ruling on that motion and no instruction to the jury. maybe the judge denied it. if he did, the judge didn t give any explanation on the record. there was some speculation morning maybe the defense or the prosecution was seeking a mistrial on that account and it might be difficult for the judge to fix his mistake without saying that manafort was guilty on that charge, and there could have been an argument of that sort. i guess we ll find out when we find out with all of these things. i know it has been long hours all week. thank you for being our eyes and ears there. thank you. joining us, chuck rosenberg and senior justice department and fbi official. thank you for being with us tonight. appreciate you being here on a
friday night. my pleasure. thank you for having me. as an experienced prosecutor and someone very, very experienced in the eastern district of virginia, a lot of us who are nonlawyers and who are not frequent observers of federal trials were totally flummoxed. what s happening, how weird is this? is it going off the rails? everybody was trying to read the paul manafort body language to suggest if this meant the trial was blowing up in some way. as someone who has been there and knows what this means, how weird was today? have you seen stuff like the happen before? especially right toward the end of a trial? i ve seen things like this happen before. i don t think it is going off the rails or blowing up. maybe i can explain. sometimes a judge has to take three or four hours to straighten out an issue. it is frequent but it is frequent enough that we can make an educated guess. it usually involves a jury issue.
it may be something as benign as a juror has something at home. that doesn t seem to be the case here. i ve seen it happen in my own trials once or twice over many years, a juror accidentally sees something or hears something. maybe overhears hears a conversation, a bathroom or a hallway or cafeteria. maybe saw something at home at night after a court recess for the day. overheard a conversation and more likely than not, reports that to the judge. why does it take hours to straighten it out? the judge has to essentially call a time-out and question the jury. and the juror. what did you see or hear? what you saw, what you heard, did that challenge your opinion of this trial? can you put it aside? so the judge probably has to make some sort of inquiry.
some sort of factual finding. that s likely. when you see a trial shut down, it is usually along these lines. in terms of when this will become clear, i showed the note from the court reporter in terms of this being a sealed transcript. is this the kind of thing we should expect to eventually become public? whatever happened today, will the discussions remain sealed indefinitely? i would imagine it will eventually become public. the courts really want to make all their proceedings public. unless there s a compelling reason not to. for instance grand juries are sealed. but this is an open public trial. i imagine someday, perhaps soon we ll know precisely what happened. my guess is it is a juror issue. one where the judge had to inquire and had to satisfy that this juror, whatever he or she
saw or heard can put that aside and consider the case fairly and even handedly. there is something else that happened today. i want to ask you. can you stick around? yes. chuck rosenberg is back with us after this. stay with us. i don t keep track of regrets. and i don t add up the years. but what i do count on is boost®. delicious boost® high protein nuritional drink now has 33% more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals boost® high protein. be up for life.
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simple. easy. awesome. ask how to get $300 back when you sign up for xfinity mobile, and purchase a new samsung phone. visit your local xfinity store today. big presidential scandals are like flood tides if you live by a river. king tides if you live by the beach. one flood tide with the spring snow melt, susan and i got a whole new hot water heater came up down the river. stuff just appears. they wash up whole new things you never knew you had to worry about. for example at this time in
life, as an american citizen, you never before had to know name andrew miller. andrew miller is an american man who apparently works now as a house painter in the suburbs of st. louis, missouri. in 2016 around the time of the republican convention, he worked for a long time friend and aide to donald trump. he worked for a man named roger stone. it is a little fuzzy exactly what did he for roger stone. but whatever it was, it was enough that he told andrew miller that he needed to testify before a grand jury. on may 18th, andrew miller was told he should appear voluntarily before the grand jury and should turn over documents. when may 18th turned around, andrew miller did not show up. then the special counsel made it mandatory. the special counsel subpoenaed andrew miller to appear on june 8th. june 8th rolled around and he did not show up. then a federal judge ordered him to comply and ruled in fact he really did have to appear before
the grand jury on june 29th. june 29th rolled around and this time andrew miller did not show up. he did file a formal motion to quash the subpoena. to get rid of the speenl on the grounds it is unconstitutional. that was shot down. the judge didn t just say no against the argument. she dismantled it in a 93-page ruling to andrew miller s allegation that the special counsel wields too much power with too little accountability. the judge shot back, the scope of the special counsel s power falls well within the boundaries of the constitution as the special counsel is supervised by an official who himself accountable to the elected president. that meant andrew had no more
wiggle room. he had to testify. today. and again he didn t show up so today judge held andrew miller in contempt of court for refusing to show up. refusing to testify before the robert mueller grand jury. i am no lawyer but to me this seems like kamikaze mission. why do this? what is the strategy here? where does this end? does he potentially end up going to jail now? joining me, chuck rosenberg, former senior fbi official. thank you for sticking around to help me with this. my pleasure. i understand contempt of court meaning you have been told to do something by the court and you re not doing it and you don t have an option. in this case, the court ruling that mr. miller is in contempt for defying the subpoena, what is the consequence? does this mean that he will go to jail? conceivably. i m going to get a little nerdy on you. yay!
there s civil contempt in which case the judge, judge howell, simply wants miller to comply. as soon as he complies, as soon as he testifies, as soon as he follows her order, the contempt is lifted. there s criminal contempt designed to punish. not to enforce compliance. it seems the to me she held him if civil contempt. all you need to do is comply with my order and we re square. so he has an easy out. if he doesn t comply, she can continue to hold him in contempt until he does, which means putting him in jail or fining him or something else to try to coerce his compliance. we can t see the ruling in this case. if she is now holding him in
civil contempt and he continues to defy court s order and to testify, would you say she would then have the option to increase the leverage on him, including jail, does that mean she is turning it to criminal contempt? she could ask the u.s. attorney to bring criminal charges. my guess is that it will likely remain civil contempt. that means as long as the grand jury is sitting, and grand juries sit for 12 to 18 months, he could spend all of that time in jail. by the way, the special counsel, bob mueller s team could subpoena him again after that first grand jury expires. if he chooses to disobey again, he could be held in contempt again. it is really on him to simply comply. when you get subpoenaed, you have two lawful options. you can plead the fifth
amendment if you have a legitimate fifth amendment privilege if it would incriminate you or you can go to the grand jury and answer truthfully. he didn t choose the lawful path. he chose the contempt path. thank you. clarifying as always. appreciate it. you have to wonder why this particular guy is fighting this far. it may be a matter of principle. it may be desperation. if chuck is right, we ll find out when he finally gets in there. much more to come. stay with us. (man) managing my type 2 diabetes wasn t my top priority. until i held her. i found my tresiba® reason. now i m doing more to lower my a1c. i take tresiba® once a day. tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. (woman) we d been counting down to his retirement. it was our tresiba® reason. he needs insulin to control his high blood sugar and, at his age, he s at greater risk for low blood sugar. tresiba® releases
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one thing that has been remarkable and sort of weird and chilling to learn in reading all the special counsel indictments is the specificity with which robert mueller s team has been able to lay out in great detail all the varied ways in which russian military intelligence officers worked to mess with the presidential election in 2016 right down to them duping unsuspecting u.s. citizens. people here in the u.s. getting them to make things happen on u.s. soil but secretly on russia s behalf. it has been creepy to learn that they could influence americans all across the country. the place where russia really went all in on stuff like that was the great state of florida. they organized and promoted florida goes trump rallies held in nearly 20 cities across the state of florida. they made one-on-one contact
with local activists. they even hired someone to emperson ate. they were a soft target. russians were able to find people there they could dupe into participating in their operations. but there s another specific way they went after florida that we don t yet understand the consequences of. we don t understand the danger of it but it is back in the news. the details turned up a few days ago in the last big indictment. the indictment against a whole bunch of intelligence officers. from the gru. in that indictment, the month before the 2016 election, gru officers that were involved in the russian attack started checking out the websites of various counties in georgia and iowa and florida. they just started visiting the websites. the indictment says it was part of the gru targeting state and
county offices responsible for administering the 2016 elections. but then there is this paragraph in the indictment. by november 2016, but still before the election. the election was november 8th. this means this happened in the first seven days of november. literally the final week before the election. these gru agents sent over 100 spear phishing e-mails to organizations and personnel involved in administering elections. in numerous florida counties. it contained malware that they embedded in their e-mails. the last week of the election? so this isn t like, this is a very specific thing. this isn t like hijacking american political causes to make them more extreme and divisive. this isn t targeting facebook. it was supposed to make people hate hillary clinton or hate
muslims or make you think that bernie sanders and donald trump were somehow the same thing. this was specific. the last seven days before the election. the first week of targeted blitz. blasting hacking tools, malware influencing individual elections in individual florida counties. what did they think they could do in the final week of the election? this was not a planning expedition to see how vulnerable those websites were. this was voting time. this was go time. and russia at that moment was trying to gain access to those elections. why that blitz. what are the consequences of that. that was 2016. that was all spelled out in the
that was all spelled out in the we don t know what happened with that. the specific part of the attack actually did. now comes a new warning that there isn t just some generic threat out there related to the elections this fall all over the country. now comes a new specific warning that there s specifically a russian hacking operation live and underway right now inside local florida election systems. we don t know if it is the payoff from what they did in 2016. they inserted malware for the next election. maybe this is a whole new effort. apparently it s live and underway now. the way we ve learned about it is weird and controversial and that s next. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely.
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it is clinically proven to soothe and moisturize a dry mouth. plus, it freshens breath. biotène. immediate and long lasting dry mouth symptom relief. can you elaborate what you told my colleague yesterday about russians being in election records? do you mean right now or in 2016? right now. what do you mean by that? exactly what i said. they have already penetrated certain counties in the state, and they now have free reign to move about. they have free reign to move about. florida senator bill nelson this week announcing there s something going on. the county administered election systems in his state right now. not 2016 but now. russian hackers have penetrated
certain counties and they have free rein to move about. bill nelson is running for re-election. his opponent is the state s republican governor rick scott. his administration responded to the state from nelson this week by insisting they had no idea what he was talking about. basically saying, as far as we know, it s fine. he accused him of, quote, making things up but senator nelson is standing by his statement and offering some important detail. also notably the state s other senator, republican member of the senate intelligence committee, marco rubio, is not disputing the account. today he released a statement saying that the election systems have been and will remain a potentially attractive target
for attacks by foreign actors. two county officials said they heard a similar warning at a private meeting with rubio earlier this year in may. senator nelson says both he and senator rubio warned florida election officials about this current russian intrusion in a letter last month. he said he sent that letter to florida election officials specifically at the request of the republican chairman is that the democratic vice chairman of the intelligence committee. we were requested by the chairman and vice chairman of the intelligence committee to let the supervisors of the election in florida know that the russians are in their records. this is no fooling time. that is why two senators, bipartisan, reached out to the election apparatus of florida to let them know the russians are in the records. and all they have to do, if those election records are not protected, is to go in and start
eliminating registered voters and you can imagine the chaos that would occur on election day. bill nelson is not backing down from saying that. his warnings on the heels of the last indictment from the special counsel s office that charged that russian military intelligence for some reason bombarded county election officials in florida in the final seven days before the presidential election in 2016. the indictment describing a huge late attack mounted against local systems in florida, that was designed to install russian malware inside florida systems. neither the chairman or vice chairman are denying what senator bill nelson says happened here. even as the republican governor, is he treating it like a joke or
gaffe by senator nelson. if what senator nelson is warning about is true, if this is happening, what do you do about the fact that the state government really doesn t seem to care if this kind of attack is real and intelligence doing it again, are we supposed to count on random local officials to figure out if and how they want to try to defend against it? i mean, i get that localities run election systems, but if those election systems are actually hit with an international targeted attack by a hostile nation state, isn t this somebody else who should come in and help with that? we re just having random senators warn each other and hope someone figures out a home grown defense? that s the plan really? hold that thought. that s next. i m ray and i quit smoking with chantix. i tried to quit smoking for years on my own. i couldn t do it. i needed help. for me, chantix worked.
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we have an unusual situation in florida that is unfolding over the last few days. the senator from florida, bill nelson, who is facing re-election this year. he is being challenged by the serving republican governor of the state, senator nelson says that there is a cyber attack underway that is targeting florida local election systems and in his words, the russians are in there now and have free reign to move about at will. the state through governor scott appears to be dismissing this and calling him all but crazy for bringing this up. from a law enforcement, cyber security perspective, what is your overall reaction to that? my reaction is that on the one hand it points to the natural defensive reaction we get from state officials, which is understandable and we need to account for it. nobody likes to admit they have been hacked. but the fact is that we know that in 2016 florida was one of the seven states identified by
dhs where the russians not only were circling, but they were in their system. so i agree with the spirit of what senator nelson has said today. the other thing i think it points to is i made the point on your show a couple weeks ago that we shouldn t look at hacking as a single event. it is really a series of events. and we shouldn t look at elections as a thing. elections are many things. it s an architecture. we represent the world s greatest democracy, and we register people to vote. we educate voters on the issues through the media and other resources and the candidates, and then we have election day and then we tally the votes and in some places we do audits. so it is really a broader concept. so this campaign over here is really attacking an election system over here and the thing is that there is just multiple on-ramps for our nation state adversaries. it s been demonstrated time and
time again going all the way back to 2008. i believe it is time to get our heads out of the sand about this. we need to really address it. and i think that men and women of good will who are patriotic could come together and solve this. founder and director of the institute for cyber law policy and security at the university of pittsburgh, sir, i would like to ask you to come back and talk to us about this again next week. this is becoming a political fight in florida but also a national security fight in terms of defending these systems. i hope you will come back and join us again. happy to, rachel. thanks for the invite. we ll be right back, stay with us. -if you told me a year ago where i d be right now.
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180811 02:00:00

philadelphia s. we begin tonight with the new details of the contact between officials at the highest level of the obama era justice department and that former british spy. long after the fbi cut ties with this christopher steele character and the trump dossier author well what happened? bruce ohr, who was at the time a senior justice department official continued to maintain extensive contact with steele. he wasn t supposed to. this according to new emails fox news has obtained. bruce ohr s new connection to this whole sword i did affair is made worse when you consider his wife nellie. fox news has confirmed she worked for the outfit fusion gps during the 2016 election. explicitly hired to help investigate trump and russia related subjects. if you think the trump legal team isn t following all of
information. christopher steele was not to have contact with the fbi after they had to disassociate themselves from him when he, against policy, was leaking information to the press. right. now it turns out from these emails that were discovered, that wasn t the case. he had ongoing contact with members of the fbi, including from august all the way through into 2017. right. now i think what s more disturbing is that his wife was working for fusion gps. i mean it s one thing to say the contact continues. bruce ohrs s wife. some people maintain contact with colleagues after they re cut off but where his wife had an interest in the fusion gps research getting pushed, the fact that ohr is the one that was involved in this is a little disturbing. i think they re calling hearings next week to determine what kind of, whether anything substantive was said or done. certainly it s troubling. bob goodlatte wants to bring
everybody back. right. guy let s go to you on this. it seems like getting information, key pieces of information out of the justice department, is pulling teeth, pulling whatever you want to, go it s really difficult, but the information kind of trickles out slowly. how conceivable is it that bruce ohr didn t know what his wife was working on at fusion gps? the connection between trump and any russian related topics? laura, not at all! i mean come on! these guys, ohr and his wife, they shouldn t be touching anything on this with a ten foot pole. it s so clear to me there s a conflict, there s an appearance of i mpropriety. they the shouldn t have had anything to do with this investigation w. this case, any submissions to the fisa court, any of this business and they know this. i don t understand, i hope congress continues to look i
love the justice department, i m a product of the justice department but congress needs to continue to beat them over the head for more transparency, that s what this case needs. james your reaction to all these latest developments? yeah it s a huge red flag, laura. i was with doj 17 years. seven in dc. i can t for the life of me figure out any good explanation for why bruce, who i know, was sitting down with a dee commissioned inform the habit and then to add to that that the fbi had people writing up 302 reports. it sounds like they dee commissioned this inform the hadn t and fully the continued to keep using him. that s troublesome. the other is to go back to the fisa warrant, they said we speculate that maybe this was a politically motivated dossier and they swear off that christopher steele knew that t i just don t understand how steele could be having these meetings with bruce, with bruce s
Laura Ingraham shines a spotlight on everyday Americans and examines how their lives are affected by politics at the federal, state and local level.
with federal judges. look, i don t mind that the prosecutor s are being aggressive, that they re standing up for their position. i don t know if i would have filed something like that, and instead probably would have asked for a sidebar and said, hey judge, you know you told the injury, injury i, you said something yesterday, i m not sure it was correct. could you remind the jury that what you say is not evidence and you don t have an opinion nick? james one of the uncomfortable exchanges and there are many during the past several days but some of it is entertaining. there is one point where judge ellis thinks that one of the lawyers for mueller is not looking at him. and so the judge says, i m here mr. andres, like i m here from the ben of, andres says i m sorry, judge i m listening. ellis says i know but when you look down it s as if to say you know that s bs i don t want to listen to any more from you.
he s making us look like an i did i don ted in front of the jury, you have no recourse, either you take it or file something or find some way to address it with the court. i think they hit a critical mass where they said we re going to have to take this on more publicly, not a sidebar, tell the judge here is a couple instances where you re wrong, and try to get him to step back. it s a tough spot for a litigant to be in but i m not critical of the fact they filed a motion. it s now or never. didn t he make that poor greg andres cry? i m sorry but you have to have your big boy pants on when yl you re before judge ellis. he s a tough judge. nothing happened today. there was a mysterious recess this morning at about, i think it was like 10:50 or so. they had a sidebar, then it was recess, no one it was not
explained. then they readjourned after two and then started talking about how rick gates took out a lone for 200,000 for sports tickets. is that normal? start in the morning, have a recess for four hours and then come back? maybe ellis wanted to cool things down? it s just speculation because we don t know. what i ve heard around the courthouse is there may have been a jury issue. it was under seal. he didn t go back to chambers, effort went in the direction of the jury room. so there may have been an issue that he was talking to them about, either someone red a newspaper 3er. it s under seal so we don t know. i m watching it, i m like wait a second it stopped. i need this to keep going. i wish i was in the courtroom, it s fascinating. i want to get everyone s thoughts on whether president trump will sit down with
treating him like a target. is there any way the special counsel will accept the terms that trump s legal team offered? laura, not in a million years. the president will never sit down voluntarilily and speak to these guys. he would be crazy to. the special counsel i think bob is tough as a nail. he s hard is a rock. he will issue the grand jury subpoena and they ll file their motion to quash and it will make its way up through the supreme court. we re going to have you guys back a lot when that happens. that s going to go on for some time. fantastic conversation guys, thank you so much. have a great weekend. if you heard heads exploding across hollywood, kanye west doubled down on his support for donald trump! keep it comin love. if you keep on eating, we ll keep it comin . all you can eat riblets and tenders at applebee s. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood.
about policies, because i m not a politician like that but it represented overcoming fear, and doing what you felt, no matter what anyone said, saying you can t bully me, news, hip hop community, they can t bully me. laura: remarks from kanye west on jimmy kimmel are giving hollywood problems. he claimed his support for president trump and clearly he s got no plans to stop fighting against the anti-trump group think and as he said the bul bullying of the entertainment industry. joining us , eric let s start with you, kanye west, he s an interesting cat, interesting character. he has a huge following. and. very much so. laura: i find it just
fascinating that it s controversial for someone to say i think for myself. you won t put words in my mouth. you won t tell me the how to what to believe or for whom to vote. i m my own person. somehow that s a point of controversy in the group think that is the entertainment industry today. i think he s just smashing the stereotype, and i think it s freaking people out. your reaction? well i don t think it s freaking people out. i think koen yeah is trying to play both sides of the fence. he s always been a free thinker. a long time ago he stood up on national tv and said george bush didn t care about black people. he s always thought for himself. he s trying to cater to both sides of the fence. he wants to maintain the fact he does support trump but in such a way that could possibly apiece his followers who may not support trump. it s a tactical marketing skill on his behalf rather than
bullying. he s a multimillion air, there is no way he can of bullied for who he chooses to vote for. kevin you understand what this is ultimately all about. absolutely. laura: there s a certain subset of the american political world that says if you are of a certain background or certain elth in his sir, certain race there is only one direction you can go in, whether it s clarence thomas or walter williams or tom sole or any given number of free thinkers out there. they re vilified in some ways. yep. laura: kevin i find it to be a fascinating conversation. it is. it is not just entertainment laura the way you set it up. it s the black community that will on is extra size you. kanye got it right. you will be bullied, he named everybody in the mix, the liberals, media, guys like this guy will bully you. koen yeah said what he said.
there was no upside for him in this. he wasn t catering to any particular side. he said i m a human being, i m going to think for myself, i m not going to let anybody determine what i say as a man. i let you talk, he impacted himself. not only has donald trump raise the the level of black support. he doubled to 29% now because people are finally starting to wake up. kanye brought a level of consciousness to many blacks in america who feel eye the dent cli the same. i have been a conservative my entire life. i don t know what that wake up means, many people need conway to say something like that. it is the left that are the biggest but his on the planet. they re not but his just because they disagree. the simple fact of the matter is there s not a disagree with the republican party more says but the black community it has not been in their best interest. if kanye wishes to align himself
with that, most black african american community don t support that s the reality of the situation. not the same. laura: i think whether it s the violence in chicago, it had a huge spike under rom emanuel, democratic leadership, democrat is a promo jay of obama, things have gotten worse. you see the african community in the hardest hit neighborhood saying we want new leadership, it s not working. absolutely. laura let me respond to one other thing. no, no, no, you talked earlier. it is an issue. conway west was threatened. black conservatives like myself get threatened all the time. i have never threatened anybody that differs from me plate clay and i never will. that doesn t mean that liberals are not threatened. you said kanye west hasn t been threatened, there were rappers that came out and said you have a concert we re going
to be there. a guy that was a crip said he wanted to threat ten him. don t pretend this doesn t happen. laura: i think debate is a good thing. i think it s positive. if it s just more chatter there is nothing positive that comes of it. let s hope something good comes of this. i want to get our take on this national anthem protest, because it s reigniting now in the nfl, last night really cool, fun preseason games, a handful of players took knees or raised fifrpts. the president tweeted out in part, quote numerous players from different teams wanted to show outrage at something most of them are unable to define. they make a for tune doing what they love. find another way to protest. you have kenny stills out there saying look at my twitter feed. i explain why i m doing what i m doing. look at my social media.
it s not just a whim. i mean this, and he s sticking up for his right to do what he does. and i think that when we speak about bullying in politics, we have the biggest bully in the white house right now, given the fact that this situation has turned on racial lines in the fact that by trying to make it about the military. the players have been very adamant over and over it is not about the military, some of them have fathers, underingless, brothers, mothers, sisters who have served in the military, it is about bringing attention to the racial in jus tisz that have been done by the police and other instruments of government ni in this case. i do agree they need to transform to a more political base similar to what we saw happen in st. louis where the prosecutor was defeated by a democratic, more progressive opponent, maybe some of these athletes should take their protests to the polling places to draw out these people, the
prosecutor s, the district attorney s, the people, judges. laura: hold on. eric, i think what people i don t know says people don t have the right, they have the right to do whatever they want, say whatever they want, first amendment, cool, more speech is better. all that is fine. i think what some of the fans feel like is everything is so infected with politics, can we have some areas where we can all just get together and root for our teams without having to get into a political thing? i think that s what more people are kind of ishged by, not the fact they re speaking out but they want one zone where there s no politics. kevin your reaction. i think that s part of it. the idea it became racial because donald trump is the president is ridiculous. he was protecting the flag. america first, make america great again. he have the pointed out the inconsistencies in the black lives matter movement and the fact that these guys roorm l really were more self indulgent. let me just finish.
the fact of the matter was it is self indulgent move by colin cap cap and he s hurting the league and people understand that. look, you can try to make this black and white. the same problems that were persisting in the community, so-called policing issues, were happening during the time of obama. why didn t somebody take a knee then? they waited for donald trump so he could be the person to do it? who said they waited for donald trump? it got to a point where they had to do something about it, it coincided with donald trump. but the question is, if this had happened while obama was president do you think he would take the same position that donald trump is? laura: of course not. no, he wouldn t have at all. you re right about that, eric, he would have problem when i supported the players and what they re doing. but the owners had this policy in place and they ve put it on the shelf now hoping to figure it out. guys have a great weekend. have you noticed recently have often some liberals invoke
ronald reagan to make a left wing political point? a reagan by go on good afternoon per talked about the truth. a five year old girl molested by an illegal immigrant. the u.s. attorney lays blame with city officials, he ll join us.
expected to get as close as four million miles to the sun s surface. it will set a record as the fastest object to leave the earth. now back to the ingraham angle. log to to fox for more news. have a great friday night. laura: have you noticed how the trump presidency sir is spawning a lot of bizarre trends on the left? one of them would have been unthinkable until a short time ago. ronald reagan is suddenly en vogue with liberals. if only the 409 president was alive to hear their prays. joining me now is bill bennett who served as secretary of education under president reagan, i worked for him full disclosure. along with craig shirley the author of four best sellers on ronald reagan, including reagan rising. great to see both of you. billy find this to be
fascinating we now have all these liberals coming out and saying, well, the trump folks, on any given number of issues, gosh if only they were more like reagan. well how do you process this today? yeah well it s kind of funny, isn t it? a rosie memory changing the way things were. i don t remember it being very pleasant back then, serving with ronald reagan, with the liberals in the media. there is a line from shakes peer that says he s good being god but one has to say, whatever criticisms came down during the reagan era and there were a lot of them, i got some, you got some, you were working for me as you said, ronald reagan got plenty. it s nothing compared to what donald trump is getting. so if they can use ronald reagan, to beat up donald trump, they will do it. and they can do it with a straight face, i don t know how they pull off the straight face. laura: craig, you always re mind us of this fact, that the
left will do anything to regain power, even invoking the political figure they thought was basically enemy. i want to play flashback sound from some of our favorites in the media. i believe this was during the administration, right after the president yeah right after he passed away. let s watch. did his vision include extraordinary deficits? did his vision include cutting the budgets for education and the back of the hand in terms of are you saying history will not be kind to him? i don t no, i don t think history particularly will be kind. i don t think history has any reason to be kind to him. i used to say i thought if you were down on your luck and you got through the secret series, got down in the white house, mr. president, he would literally give you the shirt off his back and then he would sign legislation throwing our kids
off lunch programs. laura: he wanted grandma to eat alpo. remember that guys? ketchup was a vegetable, too. this is a pattern that plays itself out many times. when eisenhower was president, liberals said he couldn t reed if his lips were chapped, barry gold water was attacked and denounced as crazy now he s held up by liberals as a para gone of virtue. the left hated richard nixon. i saw a lefty favor richard nixon to donald trump, gerald ford, both bushes were hated by the left until they were no longer in office, then they become convenient tools to bash the current occupant of the white house, it s nothing new but especially with reagan. they know nothing about reagan. as i said earlier to you this
morning laura they re in over their heads, they don t know what they re talking about. we all worked for president reagan and on the issue of immigration a lot of democrats are saying the republican party of donald trump if only they were more like reagan on immigration. let s play a few of the choice sound bites from president reagan on immigration. the simple truth is that we ve lost control of our own board percent and no nation can do that and survive that. i ve spoken of the shining city all my political life. in my mind it was a tall proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, wind swept, god blessed and teeming with people of all kinds living in harman any and peace. if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. bill, you can take a hit at that one. first of all i get schiffers
every time i hear him speak. the left takes that part of the city on the hill, anyone can come. ronald reagan wanted everyone to come of. then they forget the part about the wall and the country without borders isn t a country. it oh could toured me while you were talking to craig, maybe two, three, four elections in the future we will see videotape of donald trump saying, the liberals saying now those were the days when people had a heart and soul laf last. laura: i don t think so. just a fun experiment here laura, could it possibly be worse, until it gets worse? but, no. he might be right. but there s sto much the two share in common. craig was saying or maybe i read it did in his book. the commitment to a defense build up, which was so essential to both of them. focus on the wall, reagan wanted
to tear one down, the right one, and trump wants to build one up and that s the right one, too. they re very different permits and yet very much going in the same direction, it seems to me. the thing i think, i would be interested in craig s point of view on this, having served proudly for ronald reagan, i think this is a more conservative cabinet than ronald reagan had. don t you? yeah, i think so. don t forget bill the bench, you were a great conservative in the cabinet, and ed meese, but the bench was a lot thin ter. this is a byproduct, there is a lot mortal lent to be available for the trump administration that wasn t available in 1980. laura: good point. think about that. think of all the people that were waiting in the wings to get appointed to the appellate courts. all those 50 something year olds, late 40s, they were children of the reagan era, were they not, bill? absolutely. laura: i wouldn t be doing
what i m doing. the left would probably do that, if i didn t work for you and reagan, i wouldn t be doing any of this. no triple-a and double a leagues very much highly populated with the right people. i remember laura at our place, we got known as fort reagan. at one point we had 134 political appoint ease. and i remember senator wiker who is supposed to be a republican saying what are you doing with all these political appoint ease? i said i think we re doing it right. we won, we won the election. that was a great training camp. it s interesting to see where they ve gone. famous television permits and others. laura: they can blame you bill. guys thanks so much. the so-called blue wave for democrats may already been physician listening out? why? good old nn. details after this.
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little bit. the house minority leader is becoming the shining star of the gop attack ads leading up to the midterms. here is a little sample. failed liberal policies is at it again, this time running for congress, this time he s not alone. now nancy pelosi and her washington democrats are bankrolling his campaign. it s the pelosi agenda in washington. a vote for paul davis is a vote for nancy pelosi. laura: democratic house members smell blood. dozens of them and counting will not commit or out right they refuse to support pelosi continuing as the donald trump house leader. joining us now to analyze rachel campos duffy and dezlin figurer row. tezlin, all parties have their person who you want to kind of move on. it s just the way it is. republicans have had the same
issue, you know, not so much with boehner but the republicans wanted him to move on and ultimately ed. what do you see, though, you have this incredible number of democrat incumbents now at 51 who say, huh-uh, will not support her? well it s funny you asked me what do i see because i feel like i m a photograph if he, just last week i photograph if he sized that the blue wave, someone was bound to drown. just call me noah, laura. at the end of the day people are ready to move on. not just democrats saying they want to get rid of nancy pelosi, but republicans and independents as well. three quart polled say the time is over for nancy pelosi. it s sad because poorly tim ryan when he tried to run against nancy in 2006, people thought it was a joke. over 20 democrat leaders say they will not support her in june. now in august it s over 50 who are asking nancy to move on.
it reminds me of the old stocker girlfriend that just refuses to stop calling on the phone, over and over repeatedly and doesn t understand the relationship is over. laura: you crack me up. i needed to laugh on friday that cracked me up. rachel, first of all the republicans kind of putting all their eggs in the anti-pelosi agenda? they have economic practices pert, relative peace out there. the policy thing gets old for me. nevertheless i guess it s kind of good, i guess. but don t both parties have these people who just refuse to move on? well you can walk and chew gum. you can to you all the good news that the republicans and donald trump agenda has brought about in their district and remind voters that make no mistake, i don t care what those 50 democrats are saying if the democrats take control of congress nancy pelosi will be the leader of the house,
democrats are in step all the time. she will be the leader. and by the way, she embodies everything middle americans hate about washington. she represents san francisco, looney policies that never worked. the republicans are back home kind of enthusiastic now. i don t think they were feeling so good a month ago, they re feeling good, back home, seeing the impact of their agenda, talking to constituents and face-to-face reminding them of who brought them about, who said it was going to be armageddon and who called.bonuses crumbs. laura: they re personalizing it. they re working hard in their district. laura: they have to personalize their agenda. speaking of real clear politics average. let s put it up on the screen. today the democrats have a 5% advantage. but a month ago they had an 8.2% advantage, bloomberg opinion
headline, by the way, kind of extends this conversation on this. pelosi is the wrong target for democrats. joe cunningham saying the democratic party needs new leadership. i will not vote for nancy pelosi as speaker. time to move forward and win again. 34 say they re neither for nor against pelosi but 42 of the parties nominees say they will not support nancy pelosi. well who had the juice, though, to take on pelosi? let s say the democrats pick up the seats they need to take the majority? you have to have something to be you can t beat something with nothing. who beats pelosi? it s amazing that they continue to keep pushing nancy pelosi on people, it s amazing she won t sit down. a lot has changed in the last two years. i don t know the answer to the question. i would like to see them support congresswoman barbara lee.
let s see if they re willing to put an african american female in office. but that will be going a stretch. . laura: i want maxine waters as a speaker of the house, aunt i maxine i like. she s kind of fun. she doesn t like trump but they makes politics interesting. we re out of time, but we ll continue this conversation on radio next week. thanks guys have a great weekend. fill mal tell fia policies are slammed. u.s. attorney for philly says enough is enough. he joins us with his plans to take on local officials next.
involving the safrpg sank status of philadelphia. tell me why from your perspective and then we will get into the specific case, why sanctuary status is harmful for public safety. well fundamentally those of us in law enforcement aren t supposed to play favorites. those of us who are prosecutor s aren t supposed to play favorites. that s a fundamental principal. we re the supposed to enforce the law in a fair non-partisan manner. sanctuary cities have turned that whole principle on its head and they poll lit at this size law enforcement. they stand for the proposition that a certain group of people are not going to be subject to our laws, for political purposes. namely we re talking about illegal immigrants. laura: well they make the opposite claim. those who are defending the sanctuary city policies,
including the mayor and his boosters, mary kinney, they will say sanctuary status keeps the place safer because illegal immigrants won t go to the authorities because they re afraid of being deported. it makes the city less safe if you don t have it in place. how do you respond to that? i think actually they have it exactly backwards. they do say that they think that it s fostering trust among the it community and law enforcement, they did not enforce immigration laws, actually what for theers trust between the community and law enforcement is when the community knows that law enforcement is not going to play favorites. if they know the rule of law is going to be respected the broader community you, therefore, believes that law enforcement is doing their job. so when the proponents of sanctuary cities make that argument that you just articulated i think they have it exactly backwards. laura: the d amount of philadelphia is not too pleased
with your criticism of the sanctuary city policy. he said about your statement linking it rape by this juan ramon vasquez who was released,raped a member of his own family, a five year old child, he said well, that s very dramatic to somehow link the sanctuary status of this rape. the trump administration has made it so immigrant children can get raped. they re linking trump to you, the deportation of actual victims of domestic violence and you re seeing this bubble up with the judge versus jeff sessions yesterday. so how do you respond to that? he s hitting you hard saying you re basically, this is typical trump administration stuff from you. fundamentally with that statement what is wrong, he s going political. i am doing my best as a law enforcement officer to enforce
the law in a neutral non-party an a political manner. when you are a politicizing law enforcement, i think the d.a. in philadelphia unfortunately takes a political approach to a lot of issues in law enforcement. what i m saying is respect for the rule of raw is a non-partisan neutral. laura: but they re saying we re not the immigration force. we have our hands full already. well, the fundamental problem again is that not only are sanctuary cities, in my view, wrong, but they re essentially un-american. let me explain that a little bit. when you come before the law in america, it s not supposed to matter who you are, or where you re from, who your parents are or the like. everybody is supposed to be treated equally. if you poll lit size the law and say we re not going to enforce the law against a certain group of people we re only going to
enforce it against others you re essentially doing something un-american i believe because you re not respecting the rule of law laura: it s not equal justice under the law. let s get back to the case, 2014, arrested on an aggravated assault, released, illegal immigrant. a year and-a-half later he was found to have raped a five year old little girl, member of his own family. and then of course when he s released in 2014, that was sank tank city time, and they say well making that leap from his release to the rape and sanctuary policies that s unfair. do you skwaurlly obviously it s his fault for doing the rape, he s liable, but do the safrpg sank city policy facilitate the rape of this little girl? it s 100% responsible for it. that is non-controversial. what happened in the timeline was mr. vasquez was deported in 2009. he then illegally reentered the
country. he was arrested for an assault in 2014. we placed a detainer on him which is a request to give the feds a heads up, we take him to federal custody and deport him. unfortunately philadelphia because they re a safrpg sank city do not respect detainers, so when mr. vasquez was released in 2014 we didn t know about it. the philadelphia prison officials didn t tell us about it. he would have been deported to honduras and had no further opportunity to commit crimes in philadelphia, instead he went into the community and raped a five year old. laura: may or kin i, you might have seen this video 1 or two or three times, re acted to the court ruling that affirmed the ability to have the sanctuary status without any federal diminution of funding. ed the big snoopy dance, let s watch. a sanctuary city. yes.
a sanctuary city, yes. laura: so he s thrilled that they could cut off access to the feds. to the city arrest data baby. so the federal government, even if they wanted access in this sanctuary policy, they could not have access even to know who is in the state pen. correct. and one of the larger issues that is at stake here is in the post nine eleven world it s very very important that all levels of law enforcement, state, local, federal, that they re talking to each other. laura: i thought after 9/11 everyone is supposed to talk to each other. aren t we all supposed to be working together as americans to keep our communities safe? i do not understand the sank tank stuff. i don t. i don t get it. the problem is prior to 9/11 a lot of law enforcement weren t communicating. we ve made a lot of progress. having a sanctuary policy where the locals are not communicating
with the federal authorities and are defying federal law it s a step backwards. we do that at our own peril. laura: you re not a political figure but you live in philadelphia, in the area, what is your sense about the constituents? i mean minorities, the poor, the disadvantaged are the ones vikt highs did the most by illegal immigrant crime. any sense about how they re feeling about this may or? again i think that what people want is they want to know their law enforcement officers, whether federal or local or state, are enforcing the rule of law in a non-partisan fairmaner, treating everybody fairly. it s fundamentally un-american and unfair to not enforce the law against an entire population. laura: any sense about the nationwide injunctions, sanctuary city, defund? we have other individual federal district court rulings on immigrati
immigration? well first of all on that sanctuary city s case that you mentioned earlier, the last word hasn t been written on. that there was a case in my district that was ruled on. but there s lots of these cases going on around the country. they all sort of percolate their way up. laura: they re supposed to. there will shouldn t be a nationwide injunction with one district court. no, there shouldn t be, you want several courts to look at an issue and eventually these things make their way to the supreme court will have have their final word. laura: are you having fun? it s a lot of work but the i m doing my best enjoying it. laura: thank you. great to see you. thank you so much. we appreciate the u.s. attorney joining us and the job he s doing. we ll be right back. no. maybe you could trust that during your fantasy draft .no, no, no. the computer won t auto-draft a kicker, in the 7th round. maybe you can trust you won t be kept at night because you auto-drafted a kicker, in the 7th round. (woman laughing) maybe you could trust that for the next 16 weeks
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