Live Breaking News & Updates on Michael scheuer

Transcripts For CNNW Smerconish 20150613

fascinated by this? well, i m the first bachelor to run for president in like forever. and there s been one single president. i understand that i m different, i m the one running for president, the only single guy. last time i checked at the white house there was no sign that said no single men need apply. here i am running for president, i m good for married people single people short people tall people just trying to involve problems. that s just the way it is. pew research says there are growing numbers for those like you than others. do you believe your marital status is being used as a political weapon by some of your political opponents? oh i ve been single all my life. when i was 21 my mom died when i was 22 my dad died. my sister would get my benefits if something happened to me. we were first in the family to go to college, we all have stories. i watched a four or five-minute video at your website, the lindsey graham official website, and didn t recognize that while you were at the university of south carolina you lost both of your parents and therefore responsibility for caring for your sister largely fell to you. and i wondered if maybe that s the genesis of all this that because you had that added responsibility of caring for her, your priorities weren t the same as other folks. you know try to explain why somebody is single divorced married, life is complicated. here s what i have to offer. i think a well-grounded belief that we can t solve americans problems unless republicans and democrats work together. ready to be commander in chief on day one. i did lose my parents at a young age. but my aunt and uncle helped raise my sister. friends lent me money, we were flat broke. so i know what it is like to be knocked down. and i can tell you, life is fragile. and most people are one car wreck away from needing somebody s help. and i think it s made me a better political leader. i think it s made me a better person to know how fragile life is. the front page of the friday new york times which i m holding in my hands, the headline obama looks to add bases and troops in iraq. it s a discussion of the administration now wanting to expand our footprint in iraq and to add troops. is there vindication in this for what lindsey graham has been saying? i m not asking to be vindicated no. what i m asking is to degrade the stride. the president has the right goal but the policy won t work. the anbar tribes and the sunni tribes are not going to switch against isil because we have 450 trainers. the surge did work. what happened in the surge is that the anbar tribes broke away from al qaeda in iraq. we had 9,000 marine and army troops in anbar helping them fight al qaeda and iraq. so we need around 10,000 american forces to thicken the iraqi security forces to rebuild their army. at the end of the day, we need special forces on the ground in iraq and syria killing the leaders of isil. we need to build up capacity of the iraqi army to take the fight to isil ramadi and mosul. a couple aviation battalions and need to take it to these guys. but if you don t get syria right, michael, you will never fix iraq. so it s a mistake to look at iraq without looking at syria. i have to say you make me nervous as the father of three teenager sons when senator lindsey graham talks about the indefinite nature of this campaign. i heard you earlier this week put it in the context of post world war ii germany, japan and the korean conflict. yeah you know i don t know how old your kids are, if they joined the military now and i m their commander and chief, i will do what i can to protect them. but i can t promise they will confront the enemy because i believe they will. radical islam in the form of isil is not just a threat to the homeland. i worry about foreign fighters going to isil and it s just a matter of time we are hit back at home until we put them in a box. people in the region they have to build up a small schoolhouse in a remote region helping a young girl that will do more radical islam than ament bo. but if your signs decide to join the military i will be their commander and chief but they have to understand that some of us go there to help others to contain the threat so it doesn t come here. and i m in this thing to eradicate and destroy radical islam. that s more than dropping bombs and building up others. it s going to take a long time and don t know how to explain it any other way. senator graham everyone know there s an enormous republican field right now all pursuing the nomination. if i m not mistaken it s only you and governor perry who have military service on your resumé. in your case, you retired as a colonel in the air force after a three decade long career. should that be a prerequisite? do you think you and governor perry have an advantage over the remainder of the field because of your military service? i think it s made me a better senator and better person but not a prerequisite to be a chief. in the position i held i engaged myself and immersed myself into iraq and afghanistan. bush made mistakes. we didn t have a good plan when we took saddam down. we shouldn t have disbanded the iraqi army. my bad, i didn t understand it as well as i do today. when we got it right, we shouldn t have pulled all our troops out. if we go down to 1,000 troops in afghanistan rather than the 10,000 we need it will fall apart. here s what i offer. knowledge and background and experience that you need in the field. being a member in the military has been helpful in this regard. i have been part of the military unit for a long time that focuses on accomplishing the mission and watching each other s back. having each other s back. and my business is about stabbing each other in the back. so i think as commander in chief, having understood their life a bit, will make me a better commander in chief but it s not a prerequisite. how far are you to appease the top warlords as you pursue the nomination? listen they have a job. they are entertaining people. they are not my enemy. i can take it trust me i can take it. if somebody says something bad about me on the radio, i can get right back up the next day. i think what i m doing somebody better do. we are not going to defeat radical islam without a whole government approach. otherwise these guys are going to get stronger. if the iranians get nuclear capability they will use it. the world is in a pretty volatile place. how do you solve immigration just by order security alone unless you tell democrats what happens to 11 million? how do you simpson-boles when we are asking other people to work longer and people of my income level to give less if you don t work together? i m willing to do that. it is not an asset. within a month we ll get a major supreme court decision on the affordable care act that could wipe out subsidies in the states that did not set up their own exchange. should the republican congress have a plan ready to go to protect the 7 million americans who right now are dependent upon the subsidies? absolutelied. i think i want to definitely transition away from the obama care model, which is basically destroying private health care insurance. but i m not going to throw 7 million people off the roles. there needs to be a period of time where you transition so yes, i think republicans need to have a plan to make sure people don t lose their subsidy overnight and have the democrats create an alternative obamacare. i know what it is like to be under insured, trust me it s not a fun place to be. final question for lindsey graham thank you for being gracious for your time. jeb bush is about to announce on monday with a war chest of 100 million and yet republicans continue to jump into this race. can i take that none of you, lindsey graham or the others are intimidated by his wallet or his name? here s what i can say. anybody judging jeb bush in june in his status campaign really don t know what they are talking about. jeb has to convince people in the early states he s ready to be president. if one more bush is not one too many i think he would be a good nominee and a good president. and at the end of the day, he s going to have to explain to the american people why he should be president of the united states. hillary clinton, smart, but i think she s the third term of barack obama. i think she represents the past. there s nothing new there. the reason 16 people are running for president on the republican side is we think we can beat her. lindsey graham thank you for your time. thank you. coming up parking tickets, student loans and mortgage payments. marco rubio s financial problems exposed. critics say if he can t manage his own house, how is he going to do it in the white house? and a former news anchor says he was fired after using the n-word in a staff meeting. he s suing former employment and releasing the details. and documents are being released in the events of september 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moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results® on friday in the 5:00 hour eastern time there was a document dumped by the cia. many of us were excited that at long last we had seen the 28 pages from a congressional investigation into the events of september 11th that allegedly concerned saudi involvement, potential saudi involvement in the events of september 11. instead, this is what we got. blank pages. here to provide some perspective is michael shoyer who ran the bin laden unit at the cia. michael, i ll awfully disappointed on what was released friday afternoon. it does look rather foolish michael, it s just a couple air graphs that say, hey, we don t know what the saudis were doing. the fbi has the information and didn t give it to us. talk to them. it s almost like there was a story to break and the agency wanted to deflect attention to the fbi rather than itself. your job was to hunt bin laden. your job was to run the alex station at the cia before the events of september 11th. talk to me about the saudis as allies or maybe not as allies in that era and the dates leading up to september 11. well, we set up our unit michael, in december of 1995. and one of the first things we did early in the new year in 96 was to ask the saudis for simple things. osama bin ladin s birth certificate, medical records, passports, banking records, you know let s say we asked for them on 15 january, 1996. when i resigned from the agency in november of 2004 the saudis had not provided any of that information. and what made it worse was we repeated the request over and over again. and john brennan who was, at the time in charge of the saudi peninsula, sent us a message that said don t send me any more messages. these requests offend the saudis. so the saudis were zero help michael, absolutely zero help. bob graham was the former governor of florida, former senator from florida, the chair of the senator intel committee at the time of the events of september 11. he s been leading the campaign to get the 28 pages, of which he s familiar released. it attracted support across party lines. dr. ron paul rand paul have both climbed on board in this campaign. the president i know on multiple occasions promised 9/11 victim family members they will see the pages, the 28 pages, but it hasn t happened. and this is not them. i mean of the 30 or so pages that i now have in front of me there s a paragraph or two that really doesn t tell us much of anything. it does not, michael. it is not helpful at all. you know michael, i think the context of the thing people should keep in mind is that osama bin laden was the poster child for the success of the saudi educational system. the saudis have involved in supporting islamic fighters in africa in bosnia everywhere around the world. really the problems we face today find their birthplace in saudi arabia. and because of our close relationship as a nation because of our oil relationship because of personal relationships between the bushes and the saudis and other people and the saudis there s an intense desire in the government to protect saudi arabia. just as there is with israel. both of them. it s not fair to the american people. i don t know what they are hiding. i never saw the end report. but there s no reason to hide it. americans should know who their enemies are. what we do know for sure is that bin laden, a saudi and i forget if 14 or 15 of the 19 were all saudi nationals. the great es number of people to attack us in iraq have been saudis. and the question that gets raised is whether the bid to maintain peace and stability at home has made a deal with the wahobists in their midst in case something takes place outside of saudi arabia. is that similarplistic terms? that s not simplistic at all. part of that is that the saudi government and the foreign policy and intelligence activities provides support for those fighting overseas against all kinds of enemies, not just americans, but the serbians and kenyans and a lot of other people certainly. michael, i think we have the right to know what the congressional committee learned about saudi arabia. and this my friend is not it. that s not it sir. and the american people don t have any idea really what the 9/11 commission was told by agency officers under oath and with supporting documents. because those are archived in the 9/11 commission and was never released. and the 9/11 commission report itself is just a whitewash of what went on. michael scheuer, thank you, as always. donald trump has a big announcement and with a planned stop in iowa could he really be entering the presidential race? plus marco rubio under the microscope. his financial troubles and traffic troubles released in the new york times. did the newspaper go too far? the late night piece has already become fodder. since 1997 the couple has amasked 17 citations, most of them 13 in all, were given to janette rubio. oh! 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[ bleep ]. come on guys! [ shots fired ] okay. so here was the moment you see that black van as it smashes into the police car. this is obviously somebody on a roof. and listen you hear all the gunshots going off. and then the black van is going to take off and you re going the see all the police cars just in a line start the chase. this happened about 1:30 this morning eastern time. as many as four suspects we are told are armed with automatic weapons and opened fire on the texas police department. there are windows shattered, bullets piercing squad cars, but officers did act very quickly. they fired back and forced whoever was inside the van to take off. that s the point where you re picking it up here with the video you see. and, of course we are in standoff mode. this is the start of the chase. they chased that van and cornered it near the interstate about 14 minutes later. at which point s.w.a.t. was called in to begin negotiations. and the standoff continues at this hour. one of the suspects in that van tells officers that his name is james boulware and he s angry as because they took away his child as described the by the chief and labeled him a terrorist. suspicious bags were also found back at police headquarters. this is a two-fold investigation. we know pipe bombs were inside one of the bags. the bag blew up when an explosive robot attempted to move that bag and it blew up. two of them were also deemed as trash. another one was detonated by the eod. and it seems that everything has been clear at the police station. now they are just processing the two scenes. one at the police station now as they collect all the evidence. the other at the scene of the standoff. we ll bring in cnn law enforcement analyst cedrick alexander who is with us. we also have with us cnn law enforcement analyst and former fbi director tom fuentes. tom, i want to start with you on what we re getting from the dallas police department twitter page. they now say that dallas s.w.a.t. is utilizing the robot to examine the suspect s vehicle. they are still concerned about explosives and they followed that up with whether or not the suspect is injured or deceased. concerns continue to be the threat of explosives with two devices found. this van has been in this position for six or seven hours now. close to eight hours. that s a credible concern that maybe james boulware if that is james boulware is deceased because he told officers he was injured. that s the problem, victor. they don t know what his status is inside. they can t walk up and knock on the door because he may be alive and well and start shooting at them. and, as you mentioned, the possibility that he used explosives to rig booby-traps. so when they do open the vehicle doors, they could explode. the robot will give them the advantage there. he can shoot and can ill the robot but it won t be a dallas police officer. we have learned from the police department as well that evacuees were cleared out after the initial standoff there in front of the headquarters of the department. they have been allowed back into their homes across from the headquarters after a search for additional explosives. so this all clear situation as it relates to the building the headquarters is now expanding to a larger area. there seems to be now confinement to just that parking lot. or do you get a different reading? no i think that s exactly right. and i think the police know that oftentimes witness statements about how many people are firing weapons or how many gunshots are heard, you know sometimes kit be inaccurate. the idea there were still gunmen on the loose in that area or going into apartments in that area had to be a concern, but once they have had a chance to really search the area or the apartments you know they are doing the best they can to get that done quickly so people can return to their homes. they have been out of their homes since midnight their time and now it s morning. so i m sure the people are very pleased to get safely back into their homes. victor mentioned it and it s true when you think about it this has been going on for eight hours. so not only are the folks who have been evacuated probably pretty exhausted and frustrated but i think about the mentality of the police at this point. the mentality of that suspect who has been in that van for that long as well. as the hours tick by good or bad for police? well, in situations where a person is holding a hostage, the longer it goes usually the better. because a bonding occurs between the hostage taker and the victims. but in the case like this where you have essentially the equivalent of a barricaded subject, and we don t believe there s any people inside that vehicle that are innocent. we don t have a family home or where children are inside the fact that this is contained to that van, is the question of how long do they wait. over a period of time you may use infrared equipment to look for a heat signature inside the vehicle, but unfortunately it s too soon to be having that effective. so they ll have to wait and see for an appropriate amount of time. what you re seeing there on your screen are the preparations for a news conference in dallas. we are hoping to hear expecting to hear from chief david brown. that was scheduled to start about 90 seconds ago. so i m sure it will happen pretty soon. i will have to cut you off, sed drik rick cedrick if we start to hear and see the chief. but i can imagine this is difficult in telling the public what you know and i guess we have the chief, we ll come to you afterward. here s chief david brown. last we spoke earlier this morning, we were treating two scenes as active scenes for the critical incident involving suspects one suspect shooting at police headquarters. then being chased to a location in wilma hutchens. since that time we want to update you on what has transpired since then. at 4:30 a.m. our bomb robot picked up a bag, a suspicious package, at our jack evans police headquarters on 1400 south lamar. this bag contained pipe bombs. and as the robot picked up the bag, the bag exploded detonated. at 4:35 a.m. at the location in wilma hutchins where the suspect s van is parked our s.w.a.t. snipers shot out the engine block of the suspect vehicle with our .50 caliber sniper rifle disabling the van. at 4:38 a.m. a suspicious briefcase was reported in the dumpster in our northeast police substation. we dispatched bomb techs to this location and this package was cleared and was not a bomb. between 4:45 and 5:00 a.m. we began calling additional bomb tech resources from the fbi here in dallas and our atf partners here in dallas. and we called state resource bomb techs for additional bomb technicians to report to this area. at 5:07 a.m. our s.w.a.t. snipers shot at the suspect in wilma hutchins through the front windshield excuse me through the front windshield of the van striking the suspect. since that time we have set the bomb tech robot that has a camera to try and confirm whether the suspect is deceased. because the suspect during negotiations expressed that the van he was traveling in was rigged with explosives our officers are not approaching that vehicle but instead our bomb technicians are dploug the robot and plan to detonate specific areas around the van to ensure that it s not rigged to explode. so we have a planned detonation occurring at that van in wilma hutchins with firebomb techs. the fbi has been called in to assist us in this very complex investigation. and they will relieve dpd resources as necessary. dpd is also coordinating with mesquite bomb squads at the last known address of the suspect. we also are responding to a caller who called in to wfaa disguising their voice and claiming to have a bomb. our detectives at wfaa headquarters are trying to figure out ways to track that phone call. all of our seven patrol stations have been searched and have been cleared of any suspicious packages at this time. police headquarters is now transitioning to a crime scene. and we are partnering with crime scene techs from our staffing and we re reaching out to help for other crime scenes in the area to help us collect evidence evidence. some of the bomb making material there are video images online with cameras in the area that we are trying to retrieve video images from and then will begin to talk to witnesses. so there s a very complex crime scene at police headquarters. and soon after the robot clears the van and we re able to identify the deceased what we believe is the deceased inside the van, crime scene techs will then transition to wilma hutchins to collect evidence. just looking at and listening to our officers who were responding to the gunshots at headquarters and at hutchins some officers say we are very lucky. i believe we are very blessed that officers survived this ordeal. there are bullet holes in squad cars where officers were sitting. there are bullet holes in the front lobby where our staff was sitting. and once that number shows, many of them would have been killed by the pathway of the bullets. the second floor has bullet holes in it. the information desk has bullet holes throughout. preliminary, we believe this suspect meant to kill officers and took time to discharge that weapon multiple times to accomplish their wanting to harm our officers. when the van rammed the squad car, that official lyly second the movement of the officers saved their lives. if they had stood still and not shot in response they wouldn t have survived. we have been concerned with security at our police infrastructure for some time. we have just increased our funding to make sure we have enough staffing at the front desk but this brings up a completely new perspective on what might need to happen to ensure that our police officers and passers-by need to seek out help get their reports. we need to rethink and relook at security measures in all our police facilities as a result of that incident. and we ll be doing that in the coming weeks and months. with that i ll take questions. let s do it this way, you raise your hand and i ll get to all of you. i m going to try to work my way from right to left if that s okay. so you raise your hand sir. [ in inaudible ] what we believe now is that one officer was shot in different parts of headquarters. and witnesses may have seen different views of the suspects shooting from various locations in front of headquarters. so again, we re still in the early beginnings of our investigation. but right now that s our belief that this was one suspect shooting from different angles different positions. making it appear from witness perspective depending on where they were standing if it was multiple suspects. yes, sir. reporter: chief brown, under the fbi or pd has the suspect been under the radar for a while now? what we are learning now and learned earlier there were three family violence cases against this suspect. and apparently there was some type of custody issue as a result of the family violence incidents involving this suspect. we had no other indication of the suspect threatening police officers or threatening police facilities although there have been expressions of threats toward the judges in the family violence cases. and if you go online and look at his social media footprint, awfully concerning. but no indication that this would happen. looking back now, hindsight is 20/20, but looking back yet, we still don t see the indication that he was planning this type of assault on a police facility. reporter: do we know if he had a background in explosives or the military? we don t know that yet. reporter: did he leave any notes or any sort of indication or through the conversations that he had with your negotiators, any sort of indication about why he would have done this? and if you can talk about the reports that they were talking to the suspect, when did those conversations cease and was there indication to his level of injury from the conversations. he wouldn t have a conversation with him. we don t yet know motive. as i mentioned earlier, we are not going to send our officers up to that van at this point until we are sure that it s not rigged with explosives and would explode upon sensitive touch, much like the bag at headquarters. so we are very cautious with the approach. and we re going to get as much information as quickly as we can, but not at the expense of officers safety. yes, sir. reporter: can you tell us more about the van, where did he get it from? and how difficult was it to get it to stop? we don t yet know that. the van stopped on its own. and the engine was continuing to run until our snipers took out the engine block, because we were concerned he might take off based on his agitation with us during negotiations. so we had to make a call to disable the van. the best way for us to do that was the shoot out of the engine block. reporter: is this the same man that was arrested in paris, texas, 2011? could be 2013? we have not confirmed the identity of this suspect. what we do know is it s a white male. and we ve got a height/weight description. we re not approaching the van until our bomb techs ensure that it s not rigged with explosives. yes, sir. reporter: regarding his claim that police accused him of terrorism, do we know now that he s responding to a charge of domestic threatening related to a domestic violence call or has he been accused of actual terrorism? we have been from the very beginning, coordinating with the fbi to ensure that if there were a terrorism nexus, we would get that information quickly. we have yet to confirm any of his rants of being accused of being a terrorist. he doesn t show to be in our databases on any terrorism watch list or anything like that. so it may have just been a rant. we are continuing to research his history and so in the coming hours we hope to finalize that he s not on there, but there could be something out there. as of right now, we don t have any connection to terrorism with this individual. reporter: just to be clear, you are researching the identity of the name he gave and you have not confirmed that is correct. that is him, that s correct. i m going to work my way back around. i m starting from the right and going right back around okay? yes, sir. you didn t ask one on the first round. reporter: how was the contact negotiated with this man? did you call him? did he call you? and if you called him, how did you get that number? right, so initially he called 911. and left a long rant on our 911 tapes. and from that 911 call we got a phone number. because we can get the numbers that s calling in to 911. and then our negotiators called that number and that began our negotiations at the scene in hutchins. reporter: can you identify him by that number? no. we re going to have to get i.d. on his person fingerprint, at this point. yes, sir. reporter: was there a threat to the pd or yes. the rant was about what we mentioned in the first briefing. first of all, that we had police that caused him to lose custody of his child. secondly we accused him of being a terrorist and that he as a result was going to blow us up. and that was the extent of the threat. there was no mention of the gunshots toward the police facility or the attempt at killing an officer who had pulled up in front of him ramming the car during that rant. but that had already happened when he called 911. so again, he was just rambling quite a bit. you could tell quite a bit of anger. reporter: speaking of the officers was anybody injured at all? no. that s been the saving grace of this. where you see bullet holes where the officer was sitting in squad cars you see bullet holes in the doors where officers were standing behind but no officers injured. blessing. no civilians at all. if you are particular with this area it s a nightclub or a bar right nearby a hotel right nearby people coming and going pretty much all night long most nights. and no one injured at this point other than the suspect. yes, sir. reporter: on the defamation keeping in mind he may have been going off in this rant what was he saying he had? and in terms of the defamation have you scheduled it yet and is there any concern for public safety of the people nearby or any need to potentially push back the perimeter and create some sort of evacuation before you detonate that van? yes, we have done all of that. he expressed he had c-4 in the van. so we don t want to call his bluff. particularly on what happened in police headquarters with the pipe bomb that we knew. he expressed the pipe bomb was there as well at police headquarters. and how sensitive it was to touch to explode. yes, we have taken due care and caution with insuring proper distance before we do the planned detonation and no we are not going to be able to release that information at this time. that s all based on the bomb techs, our plan to do it. and so that s within their view we don t dictate that nor are we going to try to micromanage that. reporter: how did you make the decision for the snipers to finally fire on the suspect? already shot at our facility. had rammed a car. shot at officers two officers narrowly escaping. being shot by this suspect. then the suspect fled in a vehicle, we chased him, once he stopped, he swung open a door and began shooting at officers again. narrowly missing them again at hutchins. we exchanged gunfire with him. and the car was still running. so the initial thoughts were if we were negotiating with him, maybe he would give up peacefully. i think i mentioned that in an earlier briefing. but he quickly became agitated. it was on again/off again negotiation. but when the negotiation was on it became increasingly angry. and threatening. such that we were not only concerned with our officers there, trying to contain this scene being shot by him, at a moment s notice. and the nearby neighborhoods. taking rounds based on his violence. and so our, our swat team is very good the best in the country. and we depend on them to make the call to protect officers and citizens and they made the call and i believe it s the right call to take the correct action to stop his violence. yes? a couple of follow-up questions. one on the 911 call that he made just to clarify, it was after the initial shooting and two, can you give us a sense of how advanced the armored vehicle is? tires bulletproof? just as best can you. can you describe what y all were dealing with in terms of the vehicle? i ll put that out in the press release. i don t have that handy with me as far as the descriptive nature of the van. but that s very good information, we ll put that out, definitely. the 911 call he made that immediately after the first shooting? and how long was that particular call? it was fairly long four or five minutes, it s a long phone call when he s just talking, we re not engaging in the conversation with him. we re just asking who is he what is he talking about. it was very high-pitched anger toward the police department. to our police officers and so he was very expressive of his intention on committing violence. against our officers against our facility. and he had planted packages to explode upon touch. one of our officers who were searching, we identify five different packages only one which was planted with pipe bombs and our officers really that were doing the searching, just almost tripped over it. it was in the middle of the night. it was still dark. if he would have touched it he wouldn t have survived. another one of those things that happen throughout this whole ordeal where there but for the grace, we barely survived the intent of this suspect. yes, james? chief, you talk about pipe bomb in one, was there anything found in the others as a pipe bomb is relatively crude. c-4 is typically a weapons-grade military explosive. the joint terrorism task force we have, you have officers assigned. are they here is this guy on the radar? you say you know who he is. just not naming him right now? no. we ve as much as we have been able to give out all the information we know. and we try to add a caveat that we may be unable to determine or is preliminary, might change. so initially he told us a name. but we have yet to confirm. he could have just given out a name and that not be him. so we re not going to confirm that that s him until we re able to get into that van, and get some i.d. off of him, get his fingerprints and actually confirm through that evidence that that s who he is. so we re not holding back anything. you can criticize that both ways. but we would rather be more transparent with the public than with holding information from the public. how sure are you that there may be something else out there that you don t know of yet? and what are you doing in light of that possibility? we re doing some follow-up investigation, we re transitioning to from an active shooting bomb scene to an investigative crime scene where we ll come up with those answers to those questions. but we re in the transition of that happening. so we can t know everything at this point. but when we find out more information, we will definitely release it to the public as soon as we find out that information. yes, sir? you had mentioned this is an area that s open to civilians. this was relatively early for a friday night. how close did we come to any civilians being caught in the crossfire? and is it clear that the suspect was specifically targeting officers? or was he shooting wildly and could have very easily struck a civilian? he could have easily struck a civilian. but we think he was specifically targeting police officers. there s video of people who took online and put it online people taking video and bullets whizzing by their head. so it was very helter skelter for a long while. it was a long period of gunshots and changing magazines and more gunshots. it was a very active shooting scene when he was at police headquarters and he didn t care that officers when officers confronted him. he shot at officers just as freely as he was able to. we believe, at least if our officers accounts that he initially started out shooting at ostsers with an assault weapon. transitioned to a shotgun. that s how determined this man was to hurt one of our officers. . [ inaudible ] [ inaudible ] we believe at this point again, a preliminary and we re doing an investigation, we want 0 give you information that we think we know now. we believe he shot first, then called 911. shot first. at? police headquarters. and then called 911? yes. shooting through the lobby. yes, yes. okay. chief i was going to ask you, what type of weapon did he use? we don t know. rough estimate how many rounds? we don t know that s part of the investigative process, we ve been transitioning to that. we hadn t picked up shell casings yet. yes? this is far from over. how relieved are you that you re having this press conference [ inaudible ] this has been a very chilling moment. particularly as you start transitioning to the investigative process and start looking at bullet holes in cars and bullet holes in lobby, information center where officers were sitting just seconds before this person shot. it raised the hair on the back of your neck pretty quickly. just thinking what could have happened his intent and how we dodged literally dodged bullets. thank goodness we re here talking about all officers are okay. do you have anybody else in custody and given the fact that he potentially sent five or more packages to a couple of locations. is there any indication that he may have had there are potentially other suspects that need to be brought in? we don t have that information, this is still early. eight, nine hours into this ordeal we hope that that s the case and that there s nothing else out there. but we can t close that loop at this point. we have to continue to do our due diligence in the investigative process. particularly as we look at trajectory. look at whether or not people were in elevated positions. or were they all shooting from all the shots coming from street level. so we just are not at the point where we can rule out all of the potential for other people. other things have happened. we just can talk about what we do know now. we got this one suspect in this van based on a robot viewing inside of the van in hutchins. and no one else is in custody? that s right. had he made threats to judges? have you all taken steps to we have. make sure yes, we have. last question? what s in terms of security what is [ inaudible ] budget trying to balance the risks to security [ inaudible ] that s way more reflective than i m willing to be right now. i m still more concerned about the well-being of officers having gone through this ordeal. i m still concerned with the investigative process, making sure that we close all the loop loopholes, make sure there s nothing else out there that we haven t uncovered. so at some point soon we ll be in that conversation. but right now, it s not the right time. thank you all so very much. we appreciate it we ll update you as soon as we know more information. thank you. 10:00 eastern, you ve just watched a news conference from the dallas police department that was chief david brown. giving us the very latest on this attack as the department describes it. appropriately so. that happened just after 1:30 eastern time this morning. in which a suspect shot at police headquarters then rammed a cruiser and then drove off and was chased. here s a map and timing of what happened. and there has been a standoff for at least the last eight hours or so. we have learned that at about 5:07 i believe that time was,

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turmoil this morning. israeli soldier still missing after a firefight that shattered the cease-fire inn tepded to last through the weekend. israel assumes hadar goldin was captured and president obama is pointing the finger at hamas. hamas says it doesn t have goldin, but lost contact with fighters in the area where the soldier was reportedly taken. meantime, congress has approved another $225 million for israel s iron dome defense system. i have mark with me now. mark, i have watched many appearances of you on cnn. it is important to underscore the american opinion on the ongoing israeli efforts. as an american father of four, i worry that regardless of how it all began, the net effect is to create yet another generation of palestinians growing up to hate israel and to hate the united states. kids who 20 years from now will turn terrorist and pose safety risks to americans and israelis. how do we end that cycle? michael, i think the opposite could be true. we know that in the large arab world of the new york times that did a piece of that yesterday and the palestinian society that people are angry with hamas. they are fed up with the radical agenda and its violence and its violence that doesn t just hurt israel, but palestinians as well. they are losing credibility at home and political position is undermined. this could be a good thing. ultimately if palestinians understand if hamas promises them violence and destruction and further suffering while the most moderate palestinians, people who believe this peace and could existence for israel offer hope. when this is over and palestinians look at the rubble and say why was this conflict necessary? why did hamas continue to shoot rockets into israel although israel urged them to stop? why did hamas reject seven cease-fire proposals? seven cease-fire proposals were either rejected or violated by hamas. the last one yesterday. i believe the palestinians are smart enough to understand the reason for the tragedy is hamas. i had a caller to my radio program this week who implored me to stop reporting on the situation in gaza as he said if it is a ball score. don t report it as regard to a death count. that is misleading. but for the iron dome, the situation would be different. in the court of world opinion, many are looking at the bottom line in terms of how many innocent civilians are dying. when it is all over and we pray sooner rather than later, what is israel s standing on the court of world opinion? actually, we have seen from leaders across the globe, especially in united states and canada and western europe and countries like australia and other democracies, we have seen people stand up for israel s right to defend itself and the hamas rocket attacks and rejection of cease-fire proposals. before you criticize israel, what would you do if more than 3,000 rockets were fired on your cities in a three-week period? what would you do if terrorists were tunnelling under your frontier with explosives and weapons? how would you expect your government to respond? i think when you put the question that way, people do understand. what choice does israel? not to defend our people or do nothing about the incoming rockets and allow them to tunnel under the borders with weapons to kill our people? we have to act to protect our people and do so in a difficult situation. hamas deliberately embeds terrorist into the gaza using the population as a shield deliberately putting gaza civilians in harm s way. where your economy is thriving, why americans want to know why $225 million being spent in support of the iron dome. first of all, i want to thank the president and congress and the american people. iron dome is an amazing success story. it is an israeli-american joint venture. it is funded largely by the united states and we appreciate every dollar. it saved lives. we had hundreds of rockets intercepted by iron dome. those rockets iron dome has a computer system that will intercept a rocket that will fall in the danger zone. a rocket in the open sea it doesn t have to intercept. it intercepted 500 plus rockets coming in. we could have saved 5,000 lives. that is a ball park figure. thousands of lives are saved by iron dome. i think this is a value to the united states, too. this anti-missile system works. it can help protect americans. it can help protect other american allies. it is a good investment for everybody. mark, the situation now with regard to second lieutenant hadar goldin, how will this impact what is going on for the foreseeable future? at the moment, an ongoing hit operation in the area of his kidnapping to try to locate him and bring him home. when you have a kidnapping like this, the army has orders in place that you immediately try to seal off the area and go house to house or in this situation tunnel to tunnel to locate the serviceman kidnapped by the other side. if they succeed in taking him out of the area so your chances are reduced. so now the operation is focused in southern gaza where we believe he could be. mark, thank you so much. next, the politics of the situation of gaza. if polls show israel has gone too far in response to hamas, why hasn t there been more debate on that issue by members of congress? plus this. i nearly got him. and i could have killed him. if an american president had osama bin laden in his sights, why didn t he pull the trigger? what do you think? should everybody just get stoned? wait until you hear why the feds should repeal the ban on marijuana. this is a woyeah!esitating on a life-changing decision. at university of phoenix, we- we know going back to school is a big decision. that s why we offer many first year students with limited to no college experience a risk-free period. so you can commit to your education with confidence. get started at lactaid® is 100% real milk? 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with this, the images are so horrifying and we have members of congress who have israeli constituents and people with ties to palestinian constituents and they decide to stay out of it completely. are you surprised, ellis, on the lack of debate or where do you think, michelle says, taken the poll and this is where they see it. it has nothing to do with the polls. the israeli lobby is effected and the relationships that goes back decades. the palestinians side has squawked. no money for this stuff. no relationships. frankly, some pretty bad pr over the years. question is, if those pictures that we re seeing is going to change that. or is it interpretations from arm chairs across america and israel has no choice but to defend itself and having heard many times over, if we faced a situation where missiles were lobbed into the united states, we would react in the same fashion. that is a good argument. it was true on day one and day five. it becomes less true. yesterday, president obama addressed foreign affairs and the united states standing in the world. i would love you to watch this video and react to it. apparently, people have forgotten that america, as the most powerful country on earth, still does not control everything around the world. ellis, i made the point here last weekend that overall, when asked about foreign policy and this president, he gets very low numbers. 36% or 37% approved. you go to him and say syria and ukraine and x, y and z. there is agreement. the totally is such that it is not going well. michael, diplomacy is frustrating. the allies and trying to find a pressure to put on people. it is not nearly as exciting as attacking somebody. the results in the long run are better, but it doesn t have the same visceral enthusiasm. if we look at everything that is happening around the world, particularly john kerry s negotiations in israel. the fact we are quote/unquote, the president says we are the most powerful nation in the world and our voice doesn t matter anymore. that is a significant problem. if we look at russia and putin was happy taking in snowden. things are happening in iraq and afghanistan. it is the negative impact of the overreaction to the bush doctrine of democracy building. i think the obama administration has let that go and the country is suffering. will we be as we move to the mid terms in the fall to 2016 a split with hawks and libertarians or will the rand pauls become more hawkish? it doesn t look like that. at this point, they are running two separate tracks. it will be internal conflict. there is no central agreement. i think we will see the libertarians become more hawkish. when we talk about national security of the united states, they are more hawkish. domestic policy matters, libertarians will be more libertarian. will the mid-term elections hinge more on policy than we believed a year ago? that is probably right. i would still fall back on my usual answer which is most has to do with jobs and how comfortable we feel. you know, there is a lot more than we would have expected a few months ago. stay tuned. michelle and ellis, thank you. the cia apologizes for spying. to whom they apologized and you will hear from a former cia agent who expects to be named in a report about controversy interview techniques used after 9/11. and americans with ebola coming back to the u.s. at the same time the health officials say the outbreak is moving faster than they can keep up with. dust irritating your eye? 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[ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. when the cia was accused last march of hacking computers, director john brennan said nothing is further from the truth. brennan confessed on thursday after the findings of the internal investigation. agents accessed documents stored by the senate committee after the torture of 9/11. the probe s findings due out soon may be explosive. with me now is phil mudd. he served in the role from 2003 to 2005. phil, you would agree with me if that is the way it went down, spying on a senate committee. a committee charged with ov oversight of the cia is indefensible. i suspect the story is more judgment. the senate was accessing documents they should not have had. my guess is the cia then under took an investigation and in the aftermath, director brennan, the investigation was overzealous. michael, this is a bigger story. a lot of bad blood with the oversight committee is the al qaeda detainees. director brennan is on the hot seat. this has something to do with the bad blood. this is a manifestation. yesterday, the president said something interesting in this regard. nora, would you roll the video so phil could watch. in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, we did some things that were wrong. we did a lot of things that were right, but we tortured some folks. we tortured some folks. did we, phil? i think this is a question about time. people have to step back as the president said and let me quote him and not be too sanctimony of what happened. when we took down the guy in the spring of 2002, i remember those days. we used to sit at the table and say what will happen on saturday? will there be an anthrax attack? when we took abu zaida down, we went and spoke with the department of justice and what was appropriate and constitutional. we spoke with the congressional committees and republicans and democrats in the senate and house. of course, we spoke with the president and vice president and cabinet in the difficult times, what is acceptable for the american security services under u.s. law? 12 years have passed since then, michael. we had the space because of the counterterrorism spaces to say what do we think is okay now since we have not had a catastrophic attack in those 12 years? we say i m not sure we want our security services doing that. that sounds i m comfortable with what the president said. that is not 12 years ago. it sounds to me phil mudd, not by name and job description, you will be referred to in this report. that today, many years later, people will not recall what the context was when they read the black and white of the policy. i think that is right. remember, i feel like i m a young man. we are half a generation away from the first time we took out an al qaeda leader. i think the black and white will be interesting for americans to read. that is not a reflection of what is happening, though, in reality in your neighbor s life. that is a snapshot. i think people will see a snapshot that looks like a tv series. it is not reality because it doesn t reflect what it felt like at those times. i was evacuativa evacuated from house on 9/11. we thought the letters of anthrax were al qaeda. we thought al qaeda had access to nuclear material. with the state department and others and fbi, responsible for ensuring that more children did not grow up without their parents in new york city. the sense of the unknown in those years will be impossible to replicate. i don t disagree with what the president said. we will not be able to relive those times. phil mudd, stick with us. president clinton said he could have killed osama bin laden. he didn t because of the concern over civilian casualties. we will listen to his explanation on tape. and americans with ebola head to the united states. dr. sanjay gupta is here with us to talk about how much concern, if any, there should be. you think you take off all your make-up before bed. but do you really? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. that s keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler. if frustration and paperwork decrease. if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. the gap begins to close. so let s simplify things. let s close the gap between people and care. let s close the gap between people and care. dust irritating your eye? (singing) visine® gives your eyes relief in seconds. visine®. get back to normal. did you hear? bill clinton says he could have killed osama bin laden. tapes of the claims surface thursday. he made that speech back in 2001. here is president clinton speaking the day before 9/11. he is a smart guy. i spent a lot of time thinking about him. i nearly got him once. i nearly got him. and i could have gotten him. i could have killed him, but i would have destroyed a little town called kandahar in afghanistan and killed 300 innocent women and children. i would have been no better than him. so i didn t do it. hours later, osama bin laden killed nearly 3,000 people. phil mudd is back with us. also is michael shoyer who served in the cia for 22 years. michael, bill clinton said he did not take the shot in kandahar. do you remember that particular opportunity and tell us from your vantage point what happened. i tell you the truth. which is something that clinton stumbled into there in australia. he had the opportunity ten times to kill him. what he is talking about the sunday before christmas in 1998. osama bin laden happened to be in kandahar that day. kandahar city. had stayed too long. having discussion was his people in the taliban. they kept him there overnight. they put him into a room in one of the wings of the governor s palace. we had an asset who actually put him in the room. we knew where he was. the military had spun up its cruise missiles. after two hours of deliberations, george tenet came out of the room and said no, they decided not to do it. why? what george told me and general gordon, who was the deputy. they were afraid some shrapnel would have hit a nearby mosque. it was the middle of the night. it would not hit anybody. was the director upset? he is a terrific actor. he was upset, but i think at the same time, we found out since on almost all of the occasions, he was telling the president that the intelligence wasn t good enough. i have never for myself have been able to figure out how good does intelligence have to be if you are attacking a man you believe is using nuclear weapons against the united states. this is post tanzania and kenya. is it preceding the call? it is after the current director of intelligence john brennan prevented an opportunity to kidnapped osama bin laden in may of 1998. the democratic party is rife with people who are just reluctant to defend the united states if it means killing some of their fans overseas. if there were ten opportunities to kill osama bin laden in the opportunity you are referencing, how many of the ten would be collateral damage? four would have been clean. one would kill a nest of princes who supported anyone opposed to the united states. they would have been very little loss. except clinton was going to sell them $8 billion of f-16s. he decided that sale was more important. i m sure many say i guess we could have, if that is true, and had been successful, we could have prevented 9/11. is it that straight forward in your opinion? i don t think it is close to that straight forward. i work counterterrorism for that period. mike was there. i wasn t. there are a couple of things to keep in mind. if you want to take out a target, you don t have to have the intelligence from yesterday and today. you need it tomorrow. we were not targeted to take out afghanistan. i think he would be right if he said he could have taken a shot. that is a hugely different proposition. the suggestion here from the president and i know he is not saying that, but you can infer this. if he had taken that shot, he might have side tracked 9/11. i don t believe that for a second. you would have had a global campaign on al qaeda before 9/11 to eliminate the prospect of 9/11. american people were not prepared for that. people in asia and africa and middle east, were not prepared for that. by 1998, the die was almost cast. that is president clinton speaking the day before september 11th. i guess this makes this a remarkable piece of audio. he is not saying here is the outcome and how it could have been different. gentlemen, i wish i had more time. michael scheuer and phil mudd. is it safe to bring the two americans infected with the ebola virus back to the united states? dr. sanjay gupta is up next to give us the details. unlimited cash back. let that phrase sit with you for a second. unlimited. as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back. as in no more dealing with those rotating categories. the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. don t settle for anything less. i ll keep asking. what s in your wallet? lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won t cause me discomfort. exactly, no discomfort, because it s milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it s real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and for more 100% real dairy treats you ll 100% enjoy look for lactaid® ice cream and lactaid® cottage cheese. and for more 100% real dairy treats you ll 100% enjoy rejoice for you have entered the promised land of accomodation booking.yeah! you owned your car for four you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you re like nothing can replace brad! then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we ll pay for a car that s a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. do you really think brushing is enough to keep it clean? while brushing misses germs in 75% of your mouth, listerine® cleans virtually your entire mouth. so take your oral health to a whole new level. listerin®. power to your mouth™. one of two americans stricken with the deadly ebola virus are hours away from returning home from west africa for treatment. it is the first time a patient with ebola is treated in the united states. both are reported as gravely ill after infected. ebola cases have risen past 1,300 in the worst ebola outbreak in history. cnn s doctor, dr. sanjay gupta, talked to the head of the cdc to bring the patients to u.s. soil to emory university in atlanta. how do you give assurances? these are your neighbors and colleagues getting the patient in the isolation unit. there are several steps there. i think people have misconceptions that may spill out or erupt. i he really hope our fears, particularly our irrational fears don t trump or compassion for someone fighting for his life. dr. sanjay gupta joins me now from atlanta. doctor, great to see you. the social media is going crazy with this. how concerned should americans be with the cases coming back to the united states? the best way to characterize it is this is not a very contagious virus. it is not something that behaves like the flu in the air. like walking around the airport and shaking hands with people. this is highly infectious. a small amount of the virus can cause the infection. it comes from someone who is typically very sick. somebody in the hospital or in bed, which is why health care workers and family members are the most likely to get infections from sick people. michael, there is also a risk to anything. no matter how small. i had a chance to talk to the doctor who will lead the team to take care of the ebola patients. this has never happened in the western hemisphere before or the united states or this particular hospital. i asked him about it. take a listen. we know the risk is small, but it would be smaller if these patients did not come here. if you don t have anything magical to provide why take the risk at all? i think you have been in that part of the world and you know the level of care that can be delivered. these are americans who went over there to supply a humanitarian mission for these individuals. our feeling is that they deserve the best medical care to try and resolve this infection that they can get. it is worth pointing out, michael, they are u.s. citizens. the cdc director pointed that out as well. no exclusionary policy. the state department does oversea medical evacuations. if somebody wants to come home, they can. is there no treatment except isolation and is that a treatment in and of itself? isolation is the preventive measure to prevent others from getting infected. the treatment is called supportive measures. why does someone get sick and die from ebola? they lose a lot of fluid and they may have bleeding problems. you replace those things. give fluids back. you give blood back if necessary. you hope that gives the body enough time to fight the virus. you are buying the body time. that is what they try to do in the field over there. they think they can do it better in the icu in the united states. they may try experimental therapies not yet approved. they are in discussions with the nih and government with that. dr. gupta, we showed the specially equipped aircraft to transport the patients one at a time. what happens when the plane gets to the ground? what are the other precautions taken? michael, i asked that same question. will they go by ground ambulance from dobbins or go by helicopter? they would not tell me that. i don t know if it is because they did not have an exact plan or they were not sure or they just not creating media attention. that is an important step. exactly how you continue to contain the patients and isolate the patients on the trip from the plane to the hospital. we will try to find out the answer to that. there is the containment unit once you get to the hospital. that is what the focus has been on. we have pictures we have obtained of that. it is just a glass box, frankly. you have to go into special anti-rooms to gown up ahead of time. when you get in there, you are in an isolated area. finally, dr. gupta, it seems like that part of the world that is least equipped to deal with an outbreak like this is where it is all taking place. it is where the outbreaks happen, michael. if you look at the history of outbreaks, they occur in locations where animals and humans come in close contact. the pathogens, ebola, swine flu, they make a jump at some point from animals to humans. they don t know particularly which animal is the reservoir for ebola. they think it is fruit bats. it is in the area where fruit bats and humans come in contact and a jump is made and outbreak starts to occur. why does it start there? it is the interplay that is so important. dr. sanjay gupta, nice to have you on my program. thank you for that. don t miss the live report on the ebola epidemics at 4:30 today. the new york times has gone all in on the federal ban on marijuana. a editorial board member is here and you are about to hear all about it. the new york times says it is high time to reduce the sale of pot. an honest debate of the health effects of marijuana and came this. evidence is overwhelming that addiction and dependence are minor problems. then moderate uses does not pose a risk. it is a gateway drug. images of murder and rape and suicide. joining me is david firetone. he is on the editorial board. we should distinguish the repeal and legalize. we are not saying it should be legal everywhere. states should decide for themselves like colorado and washington. the ban remains. people probably see the headlines and don t appreciate the fact that regardless of what some states are doing, there is a federal ban still in effect. that s right. 37 states now have liberal laws to some degree. medical use. every one of the statesright. we don t agree with that for everything. we don t agree the states should make up their own minds. is not fundamental. the states should choose just like we think it should be removed from the criminal justice system. too many are get locked up. what wept on here, david? you note in 199178 perce, 78% o country said legal. such a reversal, the prohibition folks were in the minority. what accounts for the sea change in america? they saw a number of people arrested that didn t need to be, courthouses jammed with cases that didn t need to exist. there are 600,000, 700,000 people a year arrest ford possession. most don t go to jail. in some cases just harassed and really shouldn t be in the system. many get a black mark on their records forever and can t get job, can t get apartments. all for possessing a substance that far less dangerous and that alcohol or tobacco. why did the time s go all-in? a multistage implementation, you wrote a key piece ar the state right aspect of it. what was the discussion, if you can take us behind closed doors at the new york times the gray lady, you folks said, no, going full boore in this direction? we decided that wouldn t get the attention this deserves. a lot is going on in the world. to break up through you had to use all the resources the times can bring to an issue like this. not just six or seven editorials but tremendous graphic stuff our folks put together. side bars and videos, which are going to be on the website starting i believe today. we really wanted to make it clear this was an issue we cared passionately and about think the government should pay attention. polling saying americans are on the same side at the times. as a political junkie, interesting to me, the passion level. will this motivate people to come out and vote? is this like an abortion issue? the consensus might be on your side of equation but people won t come out just 0 to vote an pot? oregon will vote later in the year, alaska, a few other states, i think it will bring people out because they feel strongly about their ability as an adult to make these choices. great to have you here. appreciate david firestone. thank you. espn s stephen a. smith made comments on domestic violence that earned him a job suspension. i would like to thank him, and i ll tell you why, next. s keepe healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if frustration and paperwork decrease. the gap begins to close. so let s simplify things. let s close the gap between people and care. that, my friends, is everything. and with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just everything at the hardware store. not everything, until you hit your cash back limit. quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. say it with me everything. one more time, everything! and with that in mind. what s in your wallet? and with that in mind. weit s not justt we d be fabuilding jobs here,. it s helping our community. siemens location here has just received a major order of wind turbines. it puts a huge smile on my face. cause i m like, this is what we do. the fact that iowa is leading the way in wind energy, i m so proud, like, it s just amazing. hey, one last thing. i would like that thank stephen a. smith, responsible for initiating a terrific hour-long conversation on my radio program concerning domestic violence. a conversation we would not have had but for his controversy statement about ray rice. the nfl player indicted on aggravated assault charges in connection with a domestic dispute involving his now wife. despite the grisly video showing rice violating his wife, the nfl suspended rice just two games. when commenting on that suspension, steven a. ignite at firestorm. some of the words from a week ago friday that got stephen a. suspended. we keep talking about the guys. we know you have no business putting your hands on a woman, but what i ve tried to employ the female members of my family, some of whom you all met and talked to and what have you, again, this is what i ve done this all my life, let s make sure we don t do anything to provoke wrong actions, because if i come or somebody else comes, whether it s law enforcement officials, your brothers or the fellas you know, if we come after somebody has put their hands on you, it doesn t negate the fact they already put their hands on you. let s try to make sure we can do our part in making sure that that doesn t happen. you know, having watched his entire tdie tribe i find it disjointed and hard to follow. different to tell definitively what he meant and more difficult that he meant to blame victims of domestic violence. i m willing to the give the by the benefit of the doubt. words poorly chosen on a very sensitive subject, keep in mind they were offered on a sport debate program calmed first take not exactly in a men zis society meeting. his job is say controversial things albeit about sports and not domestic violence. i heard stephen a. take issue with the weak punishment of ray rice, that a man has no business putting his hands on a woman and hell to pay for any man who did so to any woman in his family. i would like to think his reference to provoking wrong actions was an unartful way to say we need to de-escalate a situation in a hot domestic dispute. last monday s stephen a. delivered a taped apology and said this i words came across that it is somehow a woman s fault, this was not my intent. it is not what i was trying to say. yet the failure to clearly articulate something different lies squarely on my shoulders. to say what i actually said was foolish is an understatement. to say i was wrong is obvious, to apologize, to say i m sorry, doesn t do the matter its proper justice, to be quite honest, but i do sincerely apologize. you know, the affect of the apology to give credibility about the complaints about stephen a. as his job suspension left further ert creed ens he d done science egregious. the apology to lessen the opportunity in the future for open dialogue about an important matter like domestic abuse. in other words, i fear that others will be loathe to address the issue for fear of saying something that will cause them to be punished, and it s not just domestic violence. we live amid so many controversies, matters where our differences are best dealt with the open, honest, civil dialogue, not one that welcomes only a particular point of view. think israel and gaza, or race relations or abortion rights. we will never solve those issues when words are parsed and speakers suspended for speech that might be controversial, but doesn t advance hate. that s it for me. enjoy the rest of your weekend. have a great week. i will see you back here next saturday. captions by vitac so glad to you have with us, i m christi paul. and i m in for victor blackwell. 7:00 out west, 10:00 a.m. in the east. according to a samaritan purse the spokesman dr. kent brantly one of two americans infected with the virus will be the first patient to arrive in the u.s. in a matter of hours. the president of the christian organization sim usa confirms the plane is in the air en route to the u.s. right now with dr. kent brantly onboard. looking at live

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20140823

[explosion] the story behind this rocket s dangerous explosion during a test flight. fox & friends begins right now. hey, everybody, come on in and stay a while. glad to have you watching fox & friends weekend. glad to have you in for tucker. only a few more weeks left where you get to wear the nice light suit. i have got to wear it today. all the ladies telling me it s labor day i have got to get rid of my white pants, right? you don t wear white pants. just on the golf course. we begin this hour with a fox news alert. federal officials now warning that isis could hit inside america as revenge for u.s. air strikes. the terror group that was labeled the jv team by president obama just a few short months ago may now be planning a 9/11 style attack on the west. more we go now live to jennifer griffin in washington, d.c. good morning to you, jennifer. good morning, anna. the says it has not seen any sign that isis terror cells have cross the southern border into the united states. but those who have been watching this group grow in strength say anything is possible. they are crazy out there because they are rapidly developing a method of blowing up a major u.s. city. and people just can t believe that s happening. isis, they are really bad terrorists. they are so bad that al qaeda is afraid of them. the president may now be regretting his choice of words back in january when he mocked isis in an interview with the new yorker, quote: the analogy we use around here sometimes, and i i think it is accurate, is if a jv team puts oners uniform that doesn t make them kobe bryant. this is beyond anything that we have seen. we must prepare for everything. the only way you do that is take a cold steelly hard look at it and get ready. to date we he have not seen them focus on that type of planning but that doesn t mean we are not going to be very mindful that they could quickly aim to pivot to attacks against western targets outside of the region. they show the intent or they show plotting against the united states. we ll be prepared to deal with that if necessary. general martin dempsey warned this week isis cannot be stopped without targeting them in syria. back to you guys. jennifer griffin for us this morning. how did the administration get this so wrong? how did just a few short month ago did the president liken them to a group that was junior varsity? then you have the flip to this. imminent threat to every interest we have. this is beyond anything we have ever seen before. on the golf course in the meantime. but the pentagon press secretary mere admiral trying to explain away the comments the president made a few short months ago. this is august. you are talking about comments made in january. isis and isil have grown in capability. i have said this as well as others from the podium. they have grown with speed constantly changing fluid situation. their threat continues to grow. and that s what led us to where we are today, which is that we believe it does pose an imminent threat and a threat we need to take seriously. is that real talk or is that double talk because we know that size isis has said they intend to fly the black flag over the white house. tweet calamity will befall the united states. we know they were emailing the foley family demanding $132 million and saying he would die. so somehow a jv month ago has morphed into what the president now calls a cancer. rear admiral curvey is trying to shuffle to come up with an explanation how the united states and the president got it so wrong for so long. you you bring up a great point about the email exchange with the foley family. because we know now it wasn t email exchange a few short weeks ago. right. it goes back to the fall of last year. and they were passing that information to the administration letting them know that these communications that were coming from isis and demands being made on the foley family. the notion that an organization that now calls itself is the islamic state is emailing american families, taunting and terrorizing them and rear admiral kirby comes up with this kind of explanation to get the president off the hook it s frightening, actually. we had senator john mccain on the channel last night. he said the opposite. this is not taking the president by surprise or shouldn t have. this is because of a series of grave mistakes he has made. think back to 2012 on the campaign trail, bragging about not leaving a residual force in iraq. you think about hillary clinton s book that s out right now. and she talks about her and pretty much every senior advisor along with the secretary of defense and joint chiefs of staff who basically said, mr. president, we need to arm the syrian rebels and he stood against them. so, is this also a culture of the president not listening to his advisors? the question this morning, too when you talk to the family, the foley family, which has been so brave out there, you know, in the podium and taking up that microphone, we are you now hearing from the brother of james fell toy, michael, in an interview. the question came up, could this administration have done more to save your brother s life? listen. the united states could have done more on behalf of the western and american hostages over there. other nations have done that and that s been a source of frustration for me. i really, really hope that in some way, jim s death pushes us to take another look at our approach, our policy to terrorists and hostage negotiation. we are sitting on prisoners, for example, in guantanamo that doesn t even have to be financial. so, the foley family is saying that we have a great natural resource in terms of these prisoners. and that, perhaps, they could be used as a negotiating chip. i don t think he was suggesting that the ransom be paid but, clearly, there is a tremendous amount of frustrations, especially in light of that failed raid to capture and protect mr. foley unfortunately at a site in which intelligence blew it. there was no one there. some say you should never negotiate with terrorists. other people on the program just the opposite. $132 million that isis was demanding, the family was trying to come up with global posts. james foley s business that he was working for was trying to come up with. maybe the government should have stepped. in what do you think? i mean, should we? we saw what happened with the bergdahl flop with the terrorists and a lot of people didn t like that. let us know what you think, more on this story throughout the show this morning. let s move state side. calm in ferguson, missouri last night, no tear gas or arrests were made. rally for michael wilson and brown. just a few hours ago ron johnson of the miles an hour state highway patrol he said it looked like a at this point it call friday night in ferguson. that s a typical friday from before these protests began. he called it a good sign of progress here in the community. on the street the protests were peaceful. off othe streets we saw several prayer services at a local church. the congregants were praying for peace in the community. for the family of michael brown and also for officer darren wilson who fatally shot brown two weeks ago today. we are praying not only for michael brown s family, but we are praying for the family of officer darren wilson, too. that family is hurting, also. they are in hiding. if we call ourselves christians, this is the the thing to do. and support for officer darren wilson continues to grow as well. an online fundraising campaign has now received more than $280,000 in donations for wilson and his family. supporters of the officer are holding a rally in his honor today in st. louis. but tomorrow, the parents of trayvon martin are coming in to town to march with the parents of mike wall brown in a protest they are calling peace fest. that s before brown s funeral on monday. back to y all. gary tiny live this morning for us in ferguson. other headlines on saturday morning to tell you about terrifying moments in the air. southwest jet forced to make emergency landing after a back tire blows out. it happened with it 5 people on board. this moment captured the moment the plane landed safely. right as we took off, there was a rumble on the left side of the plane. you knew there was something wrong at that time. this cell phone video showing what it was like inside the plane during the moment of impact. came in and they did like a very smooth but quick stop and everybody went nuts. it was great. the typical cheer that you get when you are alive. [cheers and applause] the case or the cause of the blowout rather is under investigation. fortunately nobody was injured. it was a ride of terror out of michigan community fair. an 8-year-old boy and his 16-year-old sister fall 15 feet from a ferris wheel. the teenager was on crumps and stored them at her feet during the ride. but one of them caught on a bar, causing the car to dump the siblings out. they were not seriously hurt. the ferris wheel was inspected and reopened. and time to pay up. arizona school superintendent asking the government for $1 million to cover the cost of the 200 illegal children busted into the state. says in part what is unprecedented is the federal government s actions to relocate at least hundreds of unaccompanied minors, mostly school aged teenagers who have illegally crossed the border into other states, to arizona cities and towns where they will attend schools. federal law requires schools to educate all students regardless of immigration status. and we have blast off, literally. watch as a rocket explodes in the sky. well, the unmanned space x rocket was testing landing systems at a mcgregoire, texas flight facility. the self-destruct system was triggered by malfunction believed to be in one of the three engines. nobody was hurt there. check with n. with rick reichmuth for a look at the pumpkin spice weather unfolding. pumpkin spice time. only here in the northeast. go down to the south they would like some of that they have had the hottest temperatures they have had of the year. savanna 100 degrees. hottest they have been all summer long. take a look at these oranges that are incredibly high temperatures. see that for much of the next few days. clayton is talking about this pumpkin spice weather here. a nice day across the northeast. a few scattered showers in the mid-atlantic. stretch to ohio valley. most of the heavy rain this summer and go a little bit farther back towards the west, parts of montana incredible rain there today, maybe up to 4 to a inches. that means a lot of flooding. one other thing we are watching is this area of storms here. haiti dominican republic and puerto rico. this potentially and likely a tropical system we are going to be watching this week. south florida you need to continue to watch this and parts of the mid-atlantic definitely see tropical development this week. where it goes that will be the big question and how strong it gets. we will keep talking about that this morning. thanks, rick. you bet. coming up on the show, the obama administration opening up criminal investigation into the brutal execution of james foley. policies like this put the u.s. in danger prior to 9/11. the man who hunted down usama bin laden is next. awesome story people paying it forward at a starbucks for hours. that is until a so-called grinch stopped it all. wait until you hear why. you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you re like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal. until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody s perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. the obama administration vows justice for the beheading of american journalist james foley, but critics on both sides are stunned. i don t know why you use the word justice. it s not appropriate here. this is an attack on our country. we he have to react to it. the whole idea is we made a terrible mistake for decades pre-9/11 in pursuing as criminal offenses as individual acts. is that what is happening now? is the obama administration bringing america back to the pre-9/11 mentality that ignored and diminished on coming terror threats to america? michael scheuer is the former head of the cia s ben lad continuening, mike. good morning, sir. how are you? the first question i have to you because you are an expert on this and you know it better than really anybody else. toot terrorists laugh at us when we say we are going prosecute them in the federal courts in the united states. i m afraid it is a joke, sir. it s for the american people in the sense that we re brought up looking at problems that are first identified as criminal, then you chase and capture the person try him, convict him and inscars rate them. and that s the end of the problem. we have been doing this. i started the rendition program in 1995. in the late summer. and we have been after this one at a time since then. and all we have is a much, much bigger problem than we had then. and, mr. obama in the name of law and order has blinded us by stopping the rendition program and stopping interrogations. so we are in a much worse fix than we were 10 years ago. let s talk about that fix. we are facing the richest terrorist organization in the history of the world. they want to fly a black flag over the white house. even general dempsey says they have an end of of apocalyptic vision. what will trying them in any court and what is the is proper solution to isis going forward? trying makes no difference. no muslim has a chance in an american court system, which is wrong, but it is what we will be believed. and the idea of attacking them one at a time is purel. it has been since from clinton s time to mr. obama s time now. my own answer is we should have never gone back to iraq. let those people fight it out. we don t have the military. our military is broken we are getting rid of our field grade captains with pink slips. we are a bankrupt country. for the time being we can prepare to fight them at a future date, which we will have to. but we are north competent to do it now. and our southern border has let how many of these people in here the old fbi phrase well they re not here because we haven t seen them was what that national security guy said yesterday. we haven t noticed anything down there well, that s a big place, can you miss things. michael scheuer, thanks being with us today. will this war weariness cut it in this country? it won t, sir. we have to learn how to kill people. we don t kill enough of the enemy and their supporters. until we go back to that realization we are going to be defeated consistently. thank you, sir. al sharpton fueling the fire in ferguson. how can the young folk in a city believe in a system that would try to spit and name and character of a young man who hasn t even been buried? and now he might be on a coalition course with cops in new york city? is he sending the right message? illegals born in planes without proper id, no problem. this morning new proof it may be happening. coming back on fox & friends. no matter where you want to be or what you want to do, chances are we re already there. 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. like super 8, where every destination is super. for a chance to win one million dollars, visit welcome back, 24 minutes past the hour. time for quick headlines for you. a mortar attack along the gaza border. leaving a 4-year-old israeli boy dead. first israeli death since a new round of fighting erupted this week. this comes as gunmen execute 18 palestinians expected to be informs in response to israeli air strikes against senior hamas leaders. the pentagon against china for dangerous intercept of u.s. patrol plane. this u.s. fighter jet the military calling this an act of intimidation, unsafe, and unprofessional. hanna? 2 a minutes after the hour. outspoken and often controversial. the reverend al sharpton turning his focus to police brutal after incidents involving america s law enforcement. how young folk of the city believe in a system that would try to spit on the name and character of a young man who hasn t even been buried? well, he has left ferguson and today is leading a rally in new york against police brutality for the justice of 18-year-old michael brown and is he he the right voice nor kind of rally? let s ask our fox news contribute pastor robert jeffreys, thanks for being with us, pastor. thanks, anna. many folks critical of the reverend al sharpton say wherever he goes aggression follows. sometimes he is guilty of fanning the flames rather than putting them out and giving people a voice? what do you say? al sharpton is prostituting his pastoral position buy using the unrest in ferguson to further his own agenda. those of house are pastors have the responsibility to speak words that bring healing, not division, words build on biblical truth and not political correctness. and i think what we ought to be saying is look, we don t know what happened in ferguson but what we can say for sure, according to the bible, romans chapter 13, is that law enforcement officers are, quote: ministers of god, sent to avenge evil doers. that doesn t mean police always get it right there. are a few rogue policemen just like there are rogue pastors and newscasters. but the majority of policemen are selfless servants and we ought to be speaking in a way to engender respect for not suspicion of police. do you think there is somebody else out there who may be better suited for leading a rally like this or going into these communities and helping people make sense of it? because very often when there is a tragedy in life, where there is natural disaster, people try to make sense of it and they turn it their faith. is there somebody else that would be a better voice than al sharpton? regardless of who the person is, what s important is what the the message is i think whoever feels compelled to address this needs to put ferguson and what happened in new york in context i don t know what al sharpton is going to say today, but i hope that for every word he spends credited sizing a few police, he will spend 100 words praising the majority of police who serve their communities. i mean, my gosh, lock at the context of this. this is happening in the new york city area where on september 11th hundreds of policemen and law enforcement officers gave their lives to protect citizens and they continue to put their lives at risk every day. that s the context we need to place this in. right. and very often what you see behind the reverend al sharpton is people coming into communities, like we saw in ferguson, who don t even live there and many of them even had previous criminal records and then ended up getting arrested once again. we appreciate your time and for helping us make sense of everything. thank you. have a great day. coming up on fox & friends weekend. 47 million people are on food stamps. but wait until you hear how many people who don t even need them are getting them. then, the rally cry against the washington redskins now reaching their doorstep. why even their hometown newspaper is getting in on the ban. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 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[ laughter ] [squeals] is that for real? your shot of the morning. a whale caught on camera. teasing a group of kids. the whale named juno making funny faces and lunging. juno is known for playing with visitors and trying to kind of mess with them. that s a smart whale. at first i thought it was one of those led screens, you remember the one with the shark the woman freaked out? i do. attacked her in a fanchts that s a real beluga whale. i hope the whale wasn t feeling bad that the kids were screaming at him and he was not happy. they have that permanent grin on their face. the kids scream are in the pitch of the whale sound. maybe they thought they were playing. meanwhile, washington, d.c., almost football season a lot of questions this season as to what people will call certain football teams, specifically talking about the washington redskins, of course. now, the the washington post, the hometown paper of the washington redskins has put up on its editorial page because you know a number of commentators have said they won t refer to them as the washington redskins. others are going to call them a football team. here is what the washington post is now saying about all of this. this is from their editorial border. when i will we waited for the national football league to catch up with thoughtful opinion and common decency we have decided except when it is essential for clarity and effect we will no longer use the slur ourselves. they are calling it a slur. that s the standard we apply to all offensive vocabulary and the team maim offends not only native americans but other americans too. do you think they have something else to write about? i think there is a lot to write about and be concerned about. my understanding is that the flack foot nation was involved with the design of that logo. and so i can understand some viewpoints saying well, the name bothers us. that s not who we are. but it s a football team. and a football team is not preaching discrimination or racism or affecting native americans in one way or the other. they must have something better to do. they do. the federal government went after the redskins. and first amendment saying oh no you can t keep that trademark or that copyright. how are you going to start moving all of these teams to the editorial board in their defense this isn t the first time they have said this. they said this page has for many years urged the team to change its name. we cite back to 1992 that they wrote back in 1992 that found it pretty offensive that the editorial page found it offensive many, many years ago. this isn t the first time that they re jumping on the bandwagon here. yes, the name, the word itself redskins they believe is insulting, they bongt believe mr. snyder or any of the fans attached to the name don t necessarily mean they are guilty of anything. just that the name itself is the problem. what about the yankees? i m going to figure out some regional discrimination issues in terms of the yankees. maybe the yankees, maybe that name the federal government should say the yankees are. good point. when he they play down south may be offensive. the washington post we re not going to call the new york yankees the yankees, we are going to it call them the new york team? what are they going to call them the was i want to see why play my philadelphia eagles because they played the redskins a number of times this season. a contentious fight. call them the eagles, the football team. or the r team. the team from washington? is this a case of the pc police going too far or is the newspaper simply acting. not going to call isis the islamic state. maybe that s a better editorial for them because it s not really an islamic state. maybe they should just think about that. instead of the redskins. get their facts straight there. weigh in on this on ff weekend on twitter. let us know. other stories making headlines this saturday morning. routine traffic stop turns into a fight. georgia man opens fire nearly killing him. this newly released dash cam shows a man jumps from the truck and fires a dozen shots before taking off. he was hit seven times but managed to stand up and call for help. the driver curtis hicks was later shot and killed by police after an hour s long chase. freeman has since recovered and returned to the force. foot stamp fraud is running ram rampant. this according to a new government report people selling food stamps caught for seeing online for art, housing and cash. art? wow. states are having trouble prosecuting fraud cases pause of budgets. the snap program has given 47 million people over $75 billion in benefits. and the tsa forgetting that the s stands for security. according to a new letter written by the tsa they admit they allowed illegal aliens to board planes without proper identification. the agency had previously denied letting illegals on to planes with just their notice to appear forms. the forms have no photo or water mark and can easily be forged. and talk about a grinch? a man rushing to starbucks in st. petersburg, florida to put an end to a pay it forward line. hundreds of people were buying coffee for the next people in line. the store had a 10 hour streak going earlier in the week. but this guy wouldn t even let the new line get that far. he says he just doesn t want to be forced into doing something nice. before leaving he did at this tip the barista 100 bucks. i m putting an end to nice city. don t force me but i m going to do this anyway. sounds like a kind guy paying it forward one way or the other. i don t know if you heard the story earlier in the week the line continued 11 hours until someone said do you want to pay it forward to the person behind you he said no, no, i m from out of town. that was how it ended. what does that have to do with anything? why would you do that, rick? i guess somebody has to end it. it would be nice if that could go on forever and ever. isn t that the idea of paying it forward? you have to change up business. then people would start ordering 12 cups of coffee. eventually there will be a bad apple. big warmth that crossed a lot of the south. pumpkin spice latte time. not the case down in the south. can you see that couple things going on. next number of days, pick your city and see what s going on with temperatures. out across the west very cool. billings, montana today, a 8 degrees, rain and incredibly heavy rain fall and cool temperatures. tomorrow, look where the heat is, dallas you are at 100, little rock 99. monday, dallas 101. chicago, where you have been kind of cool for a lot of the summer, you are going to have a pretty warm week ahead of you. there is definitely heat out there. your first alert forecast for the day today, we will see some very quick light scattered showers moving across parts of the northeast. don t worry about that temperatures will be cool and we ll still see quite a bit of cloud cover. down across the southeast, it s just hot, it s certainly humid. we re going to see very, very warm temperatures again. the biggest problem is across the northern plains and northern rockies. very heavy rain fall today. chance of flash flooding where we could see a few areas pick up 3 to 4 inches of rain in a very short amount of time. all right. guys send it back to you. in the next half hour talk about the tropics which are getting a bit active as well. that, i can are. coming up on the show, the top defense officials calling isis beyond anything we have ever seen. why is the president still golfing throw days in a row or is he perfectly entitled to his vacation? plus, it s the much anticipated iphone 6. you could be waiting longer to get your hands on it. what may put a delay on its big debut. we are born makers. so we made a car with the most technologically advanced all-wheel-drive system in its class. the all-new chrysler 200. america s import tm nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. there s a reason it s called an all you can eat buffet. and not a have just a little buffet. because what we all really want is more. that s why verizon is giving you even more. now, for a limited time, get more data! 1 gb of bonus data every month with every new smartphone or upgrade. our best ever pricing with the more everything plan and 50% off all new smartphones. like the htc one m8 for windows or android. built to inspire envy. come get your more with verizon. when we re having this much fun, why quit?ughing} and bounty has no quit in it either. watch how one sheet of bounty keeps working. while their two sheets just quit. welcome back,important consumer alerts for you, 2.2 million bean bag chairs are being recalled after two children suffocated to death. the zippers came open allowing them to crawl inside the beanbag chairs. the company says they are fixing the zipper. beware of taco bills. a new class action lawsuit alleges taco bell forced underaged workers at two stores in manhattan to give fake $20 bills out as change. and apple running into a manufacturing problem that could delay the rollout of the iphone 6. the company redesigning a key component for the phone screen. this means the expected september launch could be pushed back. anna, clayton? thank you, peter. had 4 minutes after the hour. even democrats are crashing their heads this morning after president obama hit the golf course. so soon after the execution of journalist james foley by isis terrorists. so what s the president thinking? let s ask democratic strategist chrisy. good to be here. a lot of questions this week. people wondering what s going on inside the minds of their strategists or othe people that work in the white house and saying to the president, sure, it s a gadd idea that after you give this press conference about the foleys 8 minutes later to go and tee off o. a lot of people are wondering how would that happen? how would that happen? yeah, it was a bit of a discomforting moment to have that just position. just position. the truce is there is no a good time for president to go on vacation because of this kind of juxtaposition. you see the president seeming to be golfing or not seeming think engaged. you you know, democrats certainly remember exactly the situation with george bush when he allowed himself to be photographed from the golf course, gave a statement about, you know, i m going to go find the terrorist killers and said, quote, now watch this drive. people were very upset about it. don t you think, christie, that the president learned his lesson because eventually he stopped doing that and switched his behavior. i want you to take a listen to this sound bite from the deputy press secretary. actually, can i just tell you what he says. he says it s north going to get into the president s mind set on that. i will say that generally sports and leisure are a good way to release and clearing the mind for a the lo of us is that a good enough excuse? because we have seen the president golfing. now we have seen john kerry out sailing in nantucket. we saw david cammeron come back from vacation but now he has been spotted body sailing is that a good enough excuse? yeah. absolutely. it is. i mean, again, as we remember with george bush, this is a man who loved to go for long runs by himself. he would make sure he got to bed early and got up. the truth is the president has a much more difficult job than any of the rest of us. you are constantly, again, juxta posing these moments of working on incredibly important dangerous things with the need for quiet reflection to think about exactly what is the best way to handle things going forward. i do actually think that it s not an excuse, i think it s actually the reality of the job. right. as karl rove has said, look, the presidency follows you on vacation. so you really don t get any time off. we get that. sure. it is this perception of strength in the world. and i just was so so troubled by just a few minutes after that press conference. he is teeing off. he is jovial. he is smiling, playing with nba players and i think alonzo morning would have understand we have a national crisis on our hands and cutting my vacation short. i absolutely understand people say he should have cut the vacation short. i do think there is a danger in allowing for people to see sort of how the sausage is made which is that you are working on something very important one minute and then needing that time for quiet reflection in the next. can i understand how that can look really jarring to people. i also, again, as aides should have been aware of that potential. christie, we have seen some people though, even the new york times scratching their heads about this and folks from msnbc and democrats on the left. so certainly the optics matter. criminals city, thank you so much for your time today. thank you. coming up here on the show, you are fast asleep in your hotel room when the phone rings, it s the front desk asking for credit card information. the problem is it s a scam and it s happening more and more. up next, what you need to watch out for so you don t become a victim on your travels. the cookie is literally crumbling. a 40-year-old tradition coming to a stop obama administration food police. nineteen years ago, we thought, wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad? so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie s list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes. now it s quicker and easier for you to start your business, protect your family, and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side. listen to this. 34.7 americans predicted to be on the roads for labor day weekend. security experts issuing warns about issue at hotels. co-founder of what you need to know before your long weekend. surprising list here adam. the criminals are so sophisticated now that they are calling you late at night pretending to be from the front desk? absolutely. you will get a call late at night or early in the morning it will sound like the front desk. they will say to you is a problem with your credit card because perhaps someone took down the wrong number or there is an actual problem with the card. they need your information one more time or another credit card or a debit card because it s in the middle of the night, you don t think about it, you give it to them. you hang up. the next day your bank account is emptier and your credit card has been run up. asking for room 112 or something? exactly. they don t have to know your number in the. there is no caller i.d. in those phones. you wouldn t know it s somebody calling from the outside. biggest piece of advice is go downstairs to the front desk, don t talk to anyone over the phone that says they are. that s great advice. the pizza delivery deal. what s that about? late at night or just feeling like you don t want it eat hotel room. stay. in notice a flier in your room. you figure it s legit because it s in your room. want to get a pizza. make a phone call. make an order. give credit card number. an hour later no pizza and somebody is out spending money. how does the flier get in there. so many hotels some people go through them. people can go down the hallway. slip them under the doors. people can find ways to get them in the room. unbelievable. never heard of that before. the fake wi-fi network. i have certainly heard of this. hotels have really notoriously terrible wi-fi. so they have different wi-fi signals on each floor sometimes. right? right. how can we protect ourselves againstt s very imporo get the correct name and correct spelling of what the wi-fi system is for the hotel. there is normally information in the room that lays that out for you you. but a the lo of people don t look at it and there are people who will get themselves situated, either in the next room or in the lobby or hotel down the block, and they will create a much stronger network signal and if people leave their wi-fi searching things on on their phone, you you might lock on to that particular network. that s a great point. because if it s an open network, and it is the strongest signal, very often our computers will go to that strongest signal first. and so they might spoof it and say madison hotel. and you might not know. network is is same thing with computers and hotel business centers. don t stay logged in plus the fact there could be malware on those computers. you are not sure how often to check for security. you just got walked. what does this mean? it means you went to it a hotel and they tell you that there is no room at the inn. but great news, they have a hotel just down the block, that will accommodate you. and don t worry, it s already been taken care of. you get walked down the street. the accommodations are not as superior as what you booked. and either the hotel or some corrupt person in the hotel just pocketed the difference between what you paid and what you should be paying. you are reminded, this next one, the fake hotel representatives like from a peter sellers movie as you were telling me. absolutely. there will be people at airports, at hotels, at train stations, and different public places and they will look as if they are representatives from a hotel chain. they will offer you wonderful deals. you will be asked to transact business with them. and then they will disappear. or someone standing outside the hotel would say, can i have your hat, coat, umbrella, suitcase? just go right in and i will be right there behind you. you go in the revolving door and they go out the other side. all right. this labor day weekend make sure we are paying attention to some of this stuff. adam levin we appreciate you being with us this morning. thank you for having me. gaining power across iraq and syria. is isis closer to the united states than we think? joining forces with mexican drug cartels? the terrifying new details coming up. and, the new king of late night television taking on a new target. another news story, because of all the problems going on right now, political experts are calling president obama s vacation in march that s vineyard the vacation from hell. if you read between the line, political experts have never been to disney world with three kids before. are jimmy fallon s jokes on the president a. ratingsour hit? we have the numbers. well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be. one-seventy-five a month. good calculating kyle. good job kyle. you just made partner. our best-ever pricing on mobile share value plans for business. now with a $100 bill credit for every business line you add. that s keeping you from the healthcare you deserve.. at humana, we believe the gap will close when healthcare changes. when frustration and paperwork decrease. when healthcare becomes simpler. so let s do it. let s simplify healthcare. let s close the gap between people and care. captain obvious: tell your travelgrandmother with the. loyalty program, she ll earn free nights. so they re not the same, because they re different. woman: jimmy s not my grandson, captain obvious. woman: man: he s my lover. no. 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[ woman ] take the next step. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work. hey, herb, good morning, it 3 reasonable doubt of august, 2014. i m anna kooiman and a fox news alert. from jv to varsity. new warnings that isis has not only gotten stronger but have their eyes set on the united states and could be planning another 9/11 style attack. executed journalist james foley s brother says the united states failed in rescuing his brother. the united states could have done more on behalf of the western and american hostages over there what he believes the administration failed to do. then the proof is all over her face. made one i did not. you did not eat what? not a a chocolate doughnut. you did not eat a chocolate don t doughnut? no. that looks exactly like my daughter the other day all over her face. we get to the bottom of the chocolate don t mystery. hour two starts right now. [rooster crow] come on in to fox & friends and stay a while so. all morning long that was one of our shots of the morning that we ll be showing you the more of the video next. crazy things your children has done. we want to see if you pleasey photos of your kids. this send them in ff weekend on twitter. put the #on instagram. we will grab them later. my 2-year-old girl had a doughnut the other day it was chocolate. chocolate sprinkles. she didn t eat the doughnut licked all of the chocolate off and it was all over her face. that was not evidence. i m for that divirm. peter johnson jr. in for tucker, thank you. we twin this hour with a fox news alert now. because federal officials warning that isis could hit inside america as revenge for u.s. air strikes. the terror group that was labilityd the jv team just a few months ago by president obama may now be planning a 9/11 style attack on the west. for more we go live to jennifer griffin in washington, d.c. good morning. good morning, anna. the pentagon says it has not seen any sign that isis terror cells have crossed the southern border into the united states. but those who have been watching this group grow this strength say the latest intelligence suggest the group is planning an attack on the u.s. homeland. senator james inhofe is the ranking member of the senate armed services committee. they are crazy out there rapidly developing a plan to blow up a major u.s. city. isis are really bad terrorists. so bad al qaeda is afraid of them. the president may now be regretting his choice of words back in january. when he mocked isis in an interview with the new yorker quote analogy we use around here sometimes is in a laker puts on a jv uniform that doesn t make them kobe bryant. suggested the u.s. is prepared. to date, we very not seen them focus on that type of planning but that doesn t mean we are not going to be mindful that they could quickly aim to pivot to attacks against western outside of the region. they show the intent or they show plotting against the united states we ll be prepared to deal with that if necessary. meanwhile another al qaeda linked group in syria, a rival to isis has released a new kidnapping video today showing lebanese soldiers who they are threatening to kill if hezbollah fighters don t stop helping breashear jennifer griffin live for us in d.c. a lot of questions this morning as to how we should be going after this group. the front page of the new york times this morning even asking the question we don t know how much involvement we will have with syria, going after targets there from air strikes. should we open the department of justice investigation to go after them and treat them as criminals like we were doing prior to 9/11? and with a threat of another 9/11 on the horizon, and reports from the federal government to law enforcement agencies across the country, that they should be on high alert, should would he be going back to pre-9/11 justice approach to terrorism here in the united states? michael scheuer was on the show earlier. he is an expert on this issue. and he said some interesting things. please watch. we have been doing this, i started the rendition program in 199 a in the late summer. we have been after this one at a time since then. and all we have a much, much bigger problem than we had then. and mr. obama in the name of law and order has blinded us by stopping the rendition program and stopping interrogation. so we re in a much worse fix than we were 10 years ago. what s the best approach go and find them and read them miranda rice and lead them be tried jury of their pier shs is this a law enforcement problem or terrorist problem? he says kill them. go after them, destroy them. when you see what isis is doing and know what they are doing to women and children, do you think you can sit down and have a conversation with these people. the thought that they re already here in the united states coming across the border, ray kelly, former new york city police commissioner had this to say about that on cavuto last night. listen. i think we re as prepared as we can be. we are doing everything we reasonably can do to protect new york and other big cities as well, but there are no guarantees. we know he that thousands of people have gone syria. have learned auto trade craft, good paper, ability to travel, have a passport. american passports in some cases. american passports and certainly european passports. so it certainly raises the concern level as far as an attack here. and former police commissioner ray kelly also saying we need to worry about the canadian border there are a lot of entry points that are loosely guarded. we need to watch our southern border which we have seen making headlines over the last several months appear to be wide open. we he have heard from cia sources that drug cartels are speaking directly with isis and they believe they there are strong communication going on between the two. two separate stories in the front page of the new york times this morning. not exactly a conservative newspaper about the concern over identifies and whether or not we could see some sort of 9/11 style attack here in the united states. or just our ground forces in other parts of the world and u.s. interest in other parts of the world. meanwhile, while all of this unfolding, the president, of course, on vacation, other members of the administration now playing golf, and surfing or out sailing in the waters, secretary of state john kerry out sailing in nantucket. and the president s golf game, three rounds of golf back to back to back over these three days when it seems like this international crisis sun folding. go ahead, an. that i was going to say white house press secretary or the deputy press secretary schultz trild tried to explain away this behavior. listen to. this generally i think that you know, sports and leisure activities are a good way for relief and clearing of the mind. okay. i can see that i m that way if i m really stressed out i like to go for a run. go run for 30 minutes if you need physical activity. why do you you have to play golf 18 holes multiple days in a row and go out sailing and be out on the water for hours. does that make sense? think back to the optics. your mom says you can go outside and play but first you have to do your homework. i hope because of that the clearing of the mind we will get clarity on the foreign policy stance from this administration. what we get he is able to clear his mind for a few weeks. will we have real clarity as to the way forward not only in iraq, syria, isis, in afghanistan. then he comes off his vacation and we get a clear foreign policy. maybe we should play forresque lessons in the white house. cleansing breaths. is that serious a white house spokesman? that s a credible answer? this cognitive dissidence in terms of the president speaking about an american being beheaded, held hostage, being taunted by isis and then we talk about the president needs to clear his head and relax? we all agree that this is the hardest job in the entire world. yeah, absolutely he should have a vacation. he should absolutely have a vacation. it s the 8 minutes after the press conference about james foley that really, i think, rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. if karl rove had said if he had pushed his tee time back four hours or rescheduled it to another day. 8 minutes later at the podium and righten othe golf course. i m expressed how quickly he can change clothing. james foley s brother michael, interview yesterday with yahoo news. he basically said the administration probably could have done a lot more to save his brother s life. listen. the united states could have done more on behalf of the western and american hostages over there. other nations have done that. and that s been a source of frustration for me. i really really really hope that in some way, jim s death pushes us to take another look at our approach, our policy to terrorists and hostage negotiation. we are sitting on prisoner, for example, in guantanamo. it doesn t even have to be financial. right. we are able to do five swapping for five terrorists to get bowe bergdahl back but we can t send a few dollars to try to negotiate. quickly, the approach should be part of a question and part of answers going forward. is it about trying to retrieve hostages? is it about containment or is it about destroying evil in the world? that s the question going forward. europeans have had success with negotiating with terrorists. does that legitimize identifies even more. it creates the conditions by which mr. foley died that they did that. we will ask governor huckabee about that coming up later in the show. other news stories making headlines this at this hour. overnight the protests became more subdued. there were no arrests. now the focus shifts to the key witness dorian johnson, michael brown s friend who was with brown before his death. johnson has previously been busted for lying with to companies do. now his credibility is coming into question. his lawyers responding to this claim last night on greta. the autopsy report, basically said that he had been shot mike brown had been shot six times. further discussion was he was shot in the arm where he could have been shot in the back. my client says he thought mike was shot in the back. that s not inconsistent with what he saw. the grand jury will meet again this wednesday. we are now learning that the men the makeup of the men are six white men, three white women, two black women, and one black man. it was a ride of terror at a michigan community fair. an 8-year-old boy and a 16-year-old sister falls 15 feet from a ferris wheel. the teenage girl was on crutches. and stored them at her feet during the ride. but one of them got caught in a bar causing the car to dump the siblings out on to the ground. they were not seriously hurt. the ferris wheel was inspected and reopened. were fast moving brush fire here. evacuations underway in awahoo including a kid s summer camp. temporary shelter set up as nearly 100 firefighters attempt to get the blaze under control. the blaze fueled by 30 omile-per-hour winds, it s not clear what sparked that fire. and the feds claim blame the food police cookie out of elyria schools in ohio after 40 years. they look delicious. obama administration all school snacks must contain less than 200 calories. the cooky s calorie count is unknown but it does exceed the standard. not happy. planning to sell the cookies outside the school. take the fight to the street. coming up on the show. gaining power across iraq and syria. is isis closer to the united states than we think. terrifying new details straight ahead. a massive not a good idea. scary moment for nikki minaj ahead. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know the great wall of china wasn t always so great? 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at that time, in 2011, they were number one control was otms or other than mexicans. specifically islamic militants if we recall back to 9/11. pre-9/11 period. the 9/11 hijackers used florida as a base of operations because they shaved their beards and blended n. well with the latino population. think back, that was three years ago and look how much isis has grown since january when the president called them jv. see what you make of this. this is a quote from the pelc spokesperson john curvey, he says i see no indication that they are coming across the border with mexico. we have no information that leads us to believe that. but, frank, we had michael scheuer the former evidence the cia usama bin laden unit on earlier. he said just because we haven t seen it doesn t mean it s not happening. there is lot going on at the border that we don t see. there are lots of things that happen that we had no indications of prior. 9/11 is a perfect example of that. when i was down in mccown, texas looking at the border. looking across the rio grande. it is a sieve. i think if isis is as forward thinking as they seem to be and well trained and prepared as they seem to be, it would be a big assumption that they wouldn t be using our southern border and blending in with all of the folks from mexico and central america who are coming across. when we hear about hundreds of isis militants having european, british passports, how concerned does that make you? extremely concerned. i mean, again, this is it seems to be a far leap for white house spokesperson and pentagon spokes persons asked this because it s potentially very embarrassing to them. i think you would have to be sort of a dumb isis terrorist not to be exploit the southern border when it s so available to you as a point of entry. so when you hear john kirby from the pentagon saying that. is that us putting our head in the sand? do we need to be more judge lent with this. admiral kirby has a job to do. is he an admiral in the u.s. navy. he has got bosses appointed over him. and his job is to, you know, sort of balance the message from the pentagon and the administration. it s not an easy job. i don t envy it. but with policy, do we need to be more vigilant? absolutely. more vigilant down on the southern border for this reason and many others. the isis terrorist in al qaeda before them have long had plans to use our southern border as a point of exploitation and they have been present in mexico and latin america for a number of years. e. yeah. exploiting a weakness that we have had for a long time. fred, thank you so much for your time today. thank you. 20 minutes after the hour on your saturday morning. coming up on fox & friends weekend. a mayor gets kicked out of city hall fidged a place to work. a tent. what got him evicinitied. the king of late night television taking on a new target. other news story because of all the problems going on right now, political experts are calling president obama s vacation in martha s vineyard the vacation from hell. read between the lines, political experts have never been to disney world with three kids before. jimmie jimmy fallon s joke on the president a ratings hit? up and at them everybody, 224 minutes after the hour. 25,000 is how many government workers identities identities were compromised during a major cyber attack. the breach may have exposed undercover investigators. next, $12,000, that s how much johnny manziel is being fined for giving the middle finger to the redskins sideline. he says he was being taunted by the opposing team but needs to be smarter on the field. finally 11 ounces, that s how little pup, chihuahua cross. thought to be britain s tiniest dog. just four inches tall. look at him. is that a tea cup doggy? new late night television jimmy fallon joke about anything and still get ratings. even president obama isn t off limits. the president isn t really helping himself by going on vacation. in fact, president obama played the eighth round of golf of his vacation today. i mean, he has played so much golf, i guess he is getting pretty good. still not quite up to pro-level yet. i will show you what i mean. here is rory mcilroy s t-shirt. they are yelling get in the hole. now you can see the difference here with obama s swing, watch this. get back to work. get back to the white house. get back to work. are fallon s jokes really that funny or tapping into something bigger about the president s unpopularity? reporter for hollywood life chloe nice to see you this morning, lowe, welcome to the show. thank you so much. i m here in texas, ready to talk about jimmy fallon on late night. all right. so is he tapping into something larger or is he you know, is he jumping on a bandwagon and it s really working for jimmy fallon? right. people are starting to take notice of what jimmy fallon is doing because is he normally pretty fair about who he makes fun of across the board. ever sips he took over for jay leno who was very conservative. he has been told by producers we are hearing to actually, you know, play into the audience they have had for years and not alienate anyone that means target president obama and target anybody else who is doing something that he considers to be maybe a good joke. now, again, it s about the je kel. it s about what s happening in the news around the world. so to say that he is just all of a sudden jumping on the let s hate on obama bandwagon. i m not really sure that that s the case, although we are seeing definitely more jokes about the president and the white house in recent days. also discovered something while working colbert report is that people actually enjoy political satire and they want to see their medians talk about the things they talk about, right? they do. one of the scary parts about this. people actually get their news from late night shows like the daily report and late my with fall upon. political satire and jokes. that s one of the ways that people find out that obama was golfing for several hours or that obama is on vacation. obviously there is a bit of a twist in there as well. jimmy got slammed for a tweet though. not even on his air but he tweeted this put it up on the screen. slammed for it after tweeting at the beach this has been fun but should get back to the golf source. slammed for it in hollywood, thosing television show late night television that you are a liberal guy and shouldn t be attacking other liberals? it s funny that you say that because at lo of people might feel that way, jimmy fallon is smart. and is he triking while the iron is hot and really getting some good singer in there right now ring too much into it is immature. he doesn t write the jokes imhimself in 2016 he is going to want every person up for president to be signature on the couch with him not offend too many people. he is fair game he can t run again. in the last few days he has offended rick perry, chris christie, the list goes on and on. hillary clinton. i know. so the jokes have been coming left and right. they are pretty funny. but, if you if he he feeley feels that way if you sat them down as stephen colbert, there is is a sense of being someone other than yourself. is he doing a good job 2016 all those people going through his resolving door. caught on camera. car being blown up. latest in the search for who is behind. this a massive snake on set. not a good idea. the scary moment for nicki minaj and a boa constrictor. but, first, let s check in with eric bolling for a look what s coming up on cashing in. hey, guys, isis terrorists beheading americans and raise tensions in the hot land. all of those hot topics while president obama grabs his putter. we debate. you decide at 11:30 a.m. trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah. i do. try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. but you may not know we re a family. 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. like days inn, where you can do everything under the sun. for a chance to win one million dollars, visit hey everybody, welcome back to fox & friends this morning. a chocolate doughnut mystery. little girl denies eating the pastry despite the evidence all over her face will this hold up in court? he hate one. did i not. you did not eat, what? a doughnut not a chocolate doughnut. you did not eat a chocolate doughnut? no. i did not. cross-examination, peter? and little emma s mom points out the chocolate on her chin, he ends up throwing her brother ben, ben under the doughnut bus. i think that is chocolate. i guess he smooshed it in my mouth. put chocolate in your. yeah. my brother shoved it in my face. we can all agree emma did in fact eat a chocolate doughnut. i think the secretary of defense in. i don t think the evidence is. bebb could be a little bit of an oppressor. would you punish her? no. i would give her another chocolate doughnut. for lying? she is my daughter. she deserves chocolate donuts. good cop, bad cop. punish kid more donuts. all right. we have other stories making headlines this saturday. want to tell you about this now. a rabies alert. a rabid fox attacking and biting a woman in lake county, florida. second incident there in just two weeks. authorities there say that all domestic animals should be vaccinated in contact with wildlife should be avoided. they are also urging anybody bitten or scratched by an animal to seek immediate medical attention. and the search is on this morning for two men who torched a car in miami-dade florida. you can see them here caught on surveillance video lobbing something flammable over the fence, middle of the night. and then the car going up in flames. the owner of that car woke up to the alarm going off and was able to put out the fire with the family s help. the men though fled the scene. crazy video. a slithering show stopper. a 6-foot boa con stricter, like the one pictured here, biting one of nicki minaj s back up dancers. performers music awards, new song anaconda. doctors say the boa constrictor is none venomous. the dancer is going to be just fine. it s not clear if the snake will still be used in the performance i have a fear of snakes. i had hard time reading that high level hart. don t show your children. mayor of a small town in maryland getting a lot more frederick air in his office. c plenty mayor eugene grant setting up office in a tent on the front line. city council members claim the mayor was creating hostile work environment in the office and he had to go. mayor says is he going to travel to town and meet with his constituents. we put rick reichmuth out on a tent in the plaza. hey, don t show your children and don t show your parents. what s that? welcome to awkwardville. anaconda. just don t show anyone. the anaconda video he? that one, exactly. talk about the weather real quick, guys, take a look at the weather maps. getting into the peak of hurricane season one category 2 made landfall outer banks back in july. across haiti and dominican republic. take a look at what the first alert forecast models do. i tell you the first alert forecast models aren t very good until you actually get a center that the first alert forecast can can initialize from. and so they are kind of all over the place. but we cannot rule out big impacts across parts of south florida and even in across the mid-atlantic coast line. watch this closely seeing a lot of rain and definitely some very rough seas all along the eastern seaboard for much of this week. a good time to stay out of the water. also incredibly hot across the southeast. clayton is talking about how school it is across the northeast. 15 states under some kind of a heat advisory. st. louis get ready today it is going to be a brutally hot day. by this afternoon, take a look at what it s going to feel like. you factor in the humidity, it s going to feel like 107 in st. louis. 1005 in little rock. the heat is on there it is with us for the next three to four days. get ready and do everything. especially check in on the elderly and those who can t necessarily afford a.c., a rough one across all those areas. hottest one we have seen so far this year. guys, send it back to you inside. thanks, rick. just days away from the 66th annual emmy awards. what you can expect on one of hollywood s really biggest nights? step into the fox light now with micah tamara, he is here with a preview on a monday for the first time in like four decades? in almost this is one of the most fascinating categories this year. oscar going up against tony winners, top of the list is brian scranston won three times before. kevin spacey. john han. susan liewchy. seven times yet to take home trophy, woody harrelson and matthew mcconaughey who we call on the fox site mcconaughey. he has had quite a year. back in 2012, he:pñ made two very big risky decisions. one dallas buyer s club went on for all sorts of awards for including the oscar, true television show true detective on hbo. a lot of critical acclaim for it would not be surprised to see him take the stage and do another one of his all right all right all right. smart money is on him, is that what you are saying, michael? that s what i am saying, sir. up next, we have the outstanding lead actress in a drama series. another fantastic category michelle dockery claire dames who won it last year. robin wright. caplin and one of my favorites kerry washington and julianna margulies. house of cards good as. you mean, yeah. all right. what about the drama series nominations, the big one of my favorites of all time this is in that list of course breaking bad and whole host of great shows in there. breaking bad, game of thrones. house of cards. breaking bad final year even though it seems like it was a lifetime ago it wrapped up. it s still one of the most critically acclaimed shows in the last couple years. a lot of people saying it s going to go out with a wang and take home the top prize. it should. we always look forward to these great acceptance speeches a lot of greats among the imrats. what s terrific of all time. one of my gave rift was the late great elaine stretch who just passed away this july last year one of highest rated segments of the show took a lot of criticism because they instead of having one segment, they spread it out throughout the entire show and led the executive producer of modern family saddest awards show ever. this year they have a special tribute to robin williams with billie crystal doing the tribute and singing along with it it and they will also remember some of the late greats like how just saw. lauren bacall and shirley temple black. all right. check out all of celebrity interviews that michael does go to in the fox there is he twitter as well and fox light michael. have a great emmy. you too. huge croissants, beverly hills. they are fabulous, mike. let us know what is happening. there you go. set myers host this year too. teacher s union sponsoring al sharptonnens tire flies off a race car and into the stands. that s going to leave a mark. nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. there s a reason it s called an all you can eat buffet. and not a have just a little buffet. because what we all really want is more. that s why verizon is giving you even more. now, for a limited time, get more data! 1 gb of bonus data every month with every new smartphone or upgrade. our best ever pricing with the more everything plan and 50% off all new smartphones. like the htc one m8 for windows or android. built to inspire envy. come get your more with verizon. hey, everybody, how are you doing? we hope you are doing well. now for crazy video caught on camera. a daring rescue at sea after a fishing vessel loses all power and starts taking on power. the u.s. coast guard rushes from florida to the scene off the bahamas. watch the air crew lifting two men and their dogs to safety. no one was injured and the rescue swimmer says he has some new best friends. and a scary moment at a racetrack when a car s tire flies right into the crowd. the spokes on the wheel shattered at the motor week sending the entire airborne bouncing over the wall and into the stands, luckily neither the driver or any spectators hurt. peter? thanks, anna. the united federation of teachers announce they are sponsoring al sharpton s anti-cop march in staten island set to take place this morning in new york city at 9:00 a.m. some teachers are concerned that this is going to send the wrong message to their students. which has us asking should this union be involved at all in this march? joining us now is amber northern, a former high school teacher and a research fellow at the hoover institution. good morning, amber. good morning as a teacher, former teacher, are they inline or out of line? should the teacher s union helping sponsor what may be what plans to be an anti-cop march in new york city? it is outrageous. i mean, outrageous. i mean, first of all, what does this have to do with education? absolutely nothing. but i want to say one thing, which is the zebra is showing its stripes and teachers are noticing. i think for many years teamers high pay and nice working conditions and they are not fired unjustly, which is all well and good. but, guess what? they re also there to funnel lots of money to preliminary activism and that s what teachers are seeing right now. and it s opening their eyes. we are seeing a lot of outpouring of teachers who are saying what is going on? why is my union supporting this? which is exactly the question they should be asking. i mean. obviously, amber, they have the right to do it. but why are they doing it? well, i mean, great question, right? if you are a classroom teacher what you want to be teaching your kid is critical thinking skills, right? take an issue find out what the proponents and advocates. do your objective unbiased research and come to your informed opinion about an issue it doesn t mean hey kids, jump on the bandwagon of an issue that looks like political theatrics and that s what this is is political theatrics look what the teachers are posted themselves on facebook. rallying against police brew taghts is not rallying against police. i m not sure why this is so controversial. no different than our union contributing to make our city and country stronger. does the teacher s endorsing an appear at this cop protest does that make the country stronger and send a positive message to the kid? absolutely not. like i said what is this all about? this is a hidden political agenda here, rank a teachers which i was one with. you do want your rights looked out for, right? obviously that s why teachers join a ununion. i m not a union fan, that s a whole different topic. the fact of the matter is this is not what is good for students. that s what teachers have supposed to be doing, looking out for students best interest. i have no clue why in the world this would be good for students at all. equates to $113 million a year. that s a lot of money. and, by the way they give to al sharpton s national action network year after year after year. so, and planned parenthood and all these other liberal teachers need to know my union actually does a lot of political activism and i may actually not be on board with some of these causes they are supporting and i should know that. i think this is bringing that to the forefront which is a very good thing. degree norman thanks for bring thinker on these issues we reached out to the national organization declined to comment although they made a general statement in the past affirming what they are too long. they fight for our freedom but then come home and they can t find work. but cheryl casone with the help of the american legion is getting our heroes hired. details coming up next. and is billionaire progressive liberal george soros fueling a campaign to go after our nation s cops? one former doj official says that the answer to that question is absolutely, positivively yes. spokesperson: you can get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card with a new volkswagen turbo. so why are we so obsessed with turbo? because there s nothing more exhilarating than a powerful ride. and you can get that in places you might not expect. like the passat. and also in the fun-to-drive jetta. in fact, volkswagen has sold more turbos than any other brand over the last ten years. that is a lot of turbo. avo: get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card on new 2014 turbo models or lease a 2014 passat s for $189 a month after a $1,000 bonus. fight for our freedom and come back and can t find work. getting our heroes hired. the american legion is taking effort to find veterans jobs to the next level. holding a two day summit includes a job fair and workshops to help vets transition to the civilian workforce. joining me now is the national commander for the american legion. joining us from carolina. thank you so much for being here. let me ask you something one of the big themes that you have this year for this fair is getting veterans into roles of entrepreneurship. why should veterans look to open up small businesses across in this country. well, thank you for having me this morning. it s important that our veterans are being employed right now over 78 auto thousand not employed. if our economy is going to grow, we need to have men and women who are separating from the service start businesses. it s good for them. elm plymouth decision making that they have learned and skill sets within the military to start their own business. you have got a lot of workshops coming up. not just the job fair that s going to be held tomorrow but also workshops down at the western charlotte. going to be bringing in these veterans. what can they expect when they come through the doors? how are you going to help them prepare to get out into the workforce or, again, to start their own business? well, we are going to have set up and actually we will teach them resume writing how to market themselves, also how to obtain funding if they want to start their own business. we will do all of these things and also how to interview correctly so. that they are well quint equipped when they go in for that interview. i want to show our viewers available workshops, boots to business is what you call that. i love that federal employment workshop how to get jobs with the government. the corporate employment workshop of course working for big companies and resumes you a mention. also, you have got some very veteran friendly companies coming in the doors as leaders from those companies northern grumond. i have worked with those companies. you have got coming coming in to meet with these. that s impressive. it s essential to get those partnerships. we have been doing job fairs over a number of years. last year alone we did over 295 job fairs that we partnered with. and so we re utilizing these companies to employ our veterans. thank you so much for what you are doing this weekend. we want to let all of our viewers know again that the job fair is tomorrow and in particular on monday. sir, thank you for your time this morning. thank you for having me. all right. clay clayton over to you again. if anybody is in the area, a great fair. i wanted to highlight it for you today. thanks, cheryl. coming up on the show jv toths varsity. g isis not only gotten smi stronger but eyes set on the u.s. or her. my name is kim bryant and my husband and i made a will on legalzoom. it was really easy to do. 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this morning the family going back to school. i like big buses i can t deny. big yellow one comes around the bend and picks up our children we get the whole crew will join us live this hour. we will see if we can get them to sing for us a bit. fox & friends hour three starts right now. hi, this is judge jeanine pirro, you are watching fox & friends. be seated. all rise. when the judge tells you to do something, you do something. absolutely. you absolutely pay attention. do you ever get angry at a judge? never. peter johnson jr. is here this morning. nice to see you this morning. good to have you you in for tucker today. start with fox news alert. federal officials now warn that isis could hit inside america as revenge for u.s. air strikes. the white house saying this well funded and sophisticated tear group may now be planning a 9/11 style attack on the west. for more we go live to jennifer griffin in washington. good morning, jennifer. good morning. the pentagon says it has not seen any sign that isis terror cells have crossed the southern border into the united states those who have been watching this group grow in strength suggest the group is planning an attack on the u.s. homeland. they are crazy out there. because they are rapidly developing a method of blowing up a major u.s. city. people can t believe that s happening. isis, they are really bad terrorists. they are so bad that al qaeda is afraid of them. we must prepare for everything. and the only way you do that is take a cold steely hard look at it and get ready. the president may be regretting his choice of words back in january when he mocked isis in an interview with the new yorker. quote, the analogy we use around here times, and i think is accurate is if a jv team puts on lakers europe forms that doesn t make them kobe bryant. the march that s vineyard suggests the u.s. is prepared. to date, we have not seen them focus on that type of planning but that doesn t mean we are not going to be mindful that they could quickly aim to pivot to attacks against western targets outside of the region. meanwhile, another al qaeda linked group in syria, a rival to isis, has released a new kidnapping video today showing lebanese soldiers who they are threatening to kill if raachian back the firefighters don t stop helping bashar assad. another example how these groups are holding the entire worldostage jennifer live in d.c. governor mike huckabee joins us now on this curvey couch. nice to see you this morning, governor. good morning, all. break down this week for the president. some called this maybe one of the worst weeks of his presidency and he has been golfing for most of it i don t know that he has really been clued into it. how did the president get isis so wrong when just a few short months ago he called this threat junior varsity. we have disseminated intelligence gathering. focus more on the whiz bang approach to electronic eavesdropping. there is a value to that the best intelligence is always going to be that which is on the ground, which is human intelligence. the cut backs to the agency, the cia and intel agencies, i think, has been very harmful. we need to be beefing up taillighted when world is a very dangerous place. this president hasn t understood that. and i think the most important thing to realize is the naivete of this administration overall. this is a president who said poble is dead and g.m. is alive. well, it turns out that the spirit of usama bin laden is alive and gm is barely hanging on by a thread after all it s been through. we we had the bin laden hunter expert on policy. michael scheuer. he came one a solution awould like you to hear it and comment on what we should be doing to fight back against isis? mr. obama in the name of law and order has blinded us by stopping the rendition program and stopping interrogations. so we are in a much worse fix than we were 10 years ago. we also have to learn how to kill people. we don t kill enough of the enemy and their supporters. until we come back to that realization we will be defeated consistently. michael scheuer sayings rendition, and kill the people that want to kill us. it sounds harsh when you hear michael scheuer say. this this is a killer be killed for us. these are not people who think like we think. when somebody can look at the horrific scenes of the beheading of jim foley and not understand what we re up against. think about this. it s not just that they did it. they put it on video and proudly showed it to the world. that tells us what we need to know about these people. you cannot reason with them, deal with them, compromise, negotiate. you kill them or they kill you. it s just that simple. seeing this video is, this something that s going to force the president s hand and is that what caused him to take any sort of action to begin with. you think about bragging about not leaving residual force there going against his senior advisors and secretary of defense by not arming syrian rebels? you know, is he not listening to his advisors? what s the problem here? he clearly is not. and, you any, with all the respect that i have for the military, one thing i don t understand is why some senior military people have not resigned in protests. quietly you hear their outrage and disgust as military understanding what we could do and should do but what they are not allowed because this administration this president has made us safer and this world is a much more dangerous place than it was when he took office in 2009. governor, i m curious what you would do as president if you were in the white house, given this scenario, the united states doesn t nego with terrorists, we don t funnel money to them. other countries do. i want to get you a response to something jim foley s brother had to say in an interview with yahoo news about maybe our lack of motivation and trying to get his brother back take a listen. the united states could have been more on behalf of the western and american hostages over there. other nations have done that and that s been a source of frustration for me. i really, really hope that in some way jim s death pushes us to take another look at our approach, our policy to terrorists and hostage negotiation. we are-b sitting on prisoners, for example, in guantanamo it it doesn t have to be financial. unpack that, a little bit, governor. how would you have done it differently if you were in the white house. let s understand jim foley s brother has a right to be hurt he is in pain. the family has a right to say anything and everything they want to. whether or not it s a good idea to negotiate with terrorists i would strongly disagree with hostage swaps not a good idea. all that does is encourage the taking of more hostages so they can get more of what they want. again, we are not dealing with rational, reasonable people we are dealing with saf vages. people not insane in the classic sense of needing psychotherapy. they are insane in the sense they are crazed and unable to process like we do. here is what i think we should be doing. we should be making it very clear. number one, we are not going to tolerate arab nations like saudi arabia sitting back on their hands who themselves are being threatened by this. do something. and letting us fight their battle for them i m sick of that i m sick of us making them obscenely rich. buying our oil for the last 100 years. they turn around and fund these clowns, we need to say to them you get in this fight or we are done with you. we are done with you. we are going to develop our own energy. we will make you poor again. and then when they overrun you, we re just going to say good luck with that. that s what we need to start with. we have allowed these other middle eastern countries to let us police their nashz. they vin vested not one drop of their blood. that s got to stop that s the first thing. until that happens nothing else to be done. the president might be on vacation. governor huckabee is not. who do you have coming up on the show tonight at 8:00 p.m. colonel bill cowen will be with us. latest in isis. former police chief of seattle and he, of course, was the police chief during the wto riots that were just so brutal. he has a very different perspective. he says he has now had time to think about and he would do it very differently. we will talk to him about it and see how would it apply to situations like ferguson tonight? always a great show. thank you very much, peter. great to be with you guys. governor huckabee, thank you. speaking of ferguson, that s where we start with our news headlines saturday morning. reverend sharpton holding a march against police brutality in new york city today. is he holding the rally for eric garner who died last month. many think he is not the right voice and is just fanning the flames. pastor robert jeffries weighed in earlier on fox & friends. al sharpton is prostituting pastoral position by using the unrest in ferguson to further his own agenda. those of us who are pastored, we have a responsibility to speak words that bring healing, not division. sharpton insisted that today s protest will be peaceful. a routine traffic stop turns into a fight, one that an officer had to fight for his life, as a georgia man opens fire, nearly killing him. [gunfire] this newly released dash cam footage shows police officer david freeman as a jumps from the truck and firing a dozen shot. he was hit seven times but managed to stand up and call for help. the freeman has since recovered and returned to the force. it was a ride of terror at a michigan community fair. an 8-year-old boy and 16-year-old sister fall 15 feet from a ferris f)6 whee. the teenage girl was on crutches and stored one of them at her feet during the ride but one of them got caught in a bar causing the car to dump the siblings out. they were not seriously hurt. the ferris real was expected. and reopened. the moment a black bear runs in front of a man on a bike trail and his reaction, priceless. [beep] we can t play that what would you do he stars backing away. bear was probably spooked too when it heard the cyclist riding through the woods. look how fast that bear runs almost as fast as the bike. leaving a string of dust behind it. like a cheetah. like a puma progressive liberal george sorrows fueling a campaign to go after our nation s cops. says yes. plus, it s a whale, a whale. [ laughter ] [squeals] the story behind this hysterical video coming up. welcome back is billionaire george soros fueling a campaign to go after our nation s cops? cash connection between sorrows and the justice department sensitivity training of police dp)tments across the country. joining us now to explain former doj official jay christian adams. good morning, mr. adams. so you say that there is almost this triangle trade route between the department of justice, the doj, the irj, and george soros open society. explain this interlocking direct democrat to us this morning. tax mope is going to this organization that is a soros funded group that cooks up research studies, sensitivity training to show that police officers are are biased against minorities. that they are involved in hate crimes, bias, stop and frisk, all of the narrative that we re now familiar with from people like al sharpton about the nation s police departments is being driven by soros-fueled money. soros fueled interests in making the police look bad. how much money how often, and the question becomes, they do a program called confronting racial profiling in the 21st century. at first blush, it sounds innocent. is it innocent? p &c @&c@ first publish peter always innocent. can you see that groups like the institute on race and justice. they are there as fable makers. myth makers to create numbers, to create myths, to create stories about how the police are institutionally biased against minorities. you wonder where this idea comes from. it comes from soros money, it comes from tax money cooking up these numbers. the capital research center even, peter, researched movie. designed to glamorize used bombings against police in g.o.p. convention. not just one place. soros spreads his money around to make the police look bad. jay christian adams on his viewpoint with mismaking, fable transaction citi interesting stuff. thanks for being. thank you. illegals boarding planes without proper id. that s no problem. tsa has denied it. this morning new proof this is actually happening. and sending your kid off to college? clayton has the very best gadgets to put them at the like the battery pack that can charge your phone and your car? wow. so, i m walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america s troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don t look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. hi michael! looking good! trying to keep up with you! i told my producer karen that i take metamucil because it helps me feel fuller between meals. it s just one small change that can help lead to good things. now she s breaking up with the vending machine. nope. i call that the meta effect. [ female announcer ] 4-in-1 multi-health metamucil now clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. and promotes heart health. experience the meta effect with our new multi-health wellness line and see how one small change can lead to good things. hey, everybody, good morning. 23 minutes after the hour. quick headlines, time to pay up. school superintendent asking the government for $1 million to cover the cost of educating the 200 illegal children bussed into that state. john hoopen that you will saying the influx will put a burden on local local school district and taxpayers. tsa the s stands for security. they admit they allowed illegal aliens to board plains without proper identification. the agency had previously denied letting illegals on the planes with just their notice to appear funds. those forms have no photo or water mark and can easily be forged. and are your kids ready to go back to college? clayton has the gear and the gadgets to help us get back to class and make the grade. these are things you can use in the dorm room and to make parents feel a little more at east ease that their kids are being productive in college. when i went to the university of pittsburgh i had to start my car because of a failed battery i had to get jump started. cobra came out with new jump back. actually charming your gages on campus, charge ipad or phone across campus but also jump start your car just using a usb battery pack. you don t need to call a.a.a. that much energy that little pack. jump like five times. don t just need to do it once and hope you survive. i wish i had that when i was in freezing cold temperatures. put myself on fire and electrocute myself. throw it in your backpack, too. you need speakers in the room. right? got to listen to music when you are in your dorm room. i have been testing these. these are fantastic. from polk audio hampton desktop speakers. work with blue tooth stream from the phone to the device. or plug into your laptop. kids are on the go to the class. totally wireless blue tooth. no wires or nothing. right from your phone or plug it into your computer so you can listen to youtube videos or other othings you are listening to. your friends can come over to the roomic right to these. convenient and fancy looking. i don t know that any company makes better keyboard cases for the ipad or other tablet. they come out with new thin keyboardes for ipad minute i didn t and air. doubles as a case. put the ipad down. snaption right into place and little magnet on the side and snaps into place. look how the side of this you can take that right to class but then you can also pop it right up and slide it right in and start typing. i m going to get one of those. i didn t know it existed. works with blue tooth. i will literally go like two months without worrying about charginn?c the keyboard because it doesn t need thatch battery. they come from folios that can wrap completely. 10 hours of battery life. kids are using tablets in classrooms to take notes for all of their lectures. there is a problem. some kids don t want to get up for the 8:00 a.m. class. what can we do about that? you are a parent speaking from experience, peter. get up every class. 8:00 a.m., sure. you need a good alarm clock. i home makes great clocks for your dorm room. an nay know you were always up at 6:00 a.m. but didn t go to college. 8:00 classes. of course fm radio, am radio. soinks with your phone syncs with your phone. can you wake up with your favorite songs and wake up with your favorite alerts. you can can have a recorded message. pretty compact. dad is telling you how to get out of bed. a 9 a .99. i know my mom sent me off to college i want you to take pictures here while you are on campus and send them to us. this is a great camera from sony. i m a huge fan of what sony has done in the digital camera space. they are leading the charge now. used to think it was cannon and mike con. huh-uh, sony he is leading the charge in digital now. stunning picture quality with this brand new cyber shot camera. stunning pictures, getting high apostle pictures. not just phone pictures when mom and dad want to see what s going on on campus. great pictures from football games and parties and other place while you are on campus. in your pocket. don t need a big camera case for it. exactly. sony doing the great things. another way to day on track what you are doing in college and not put on the freshman 15. pebble just rolled these out last week. new colors for new smart watches so you can get notifications, text messages over blue tooth from your smart phone to your wrist. different colors come in. track calories with hundreds of alps in the pebble app. store. fit bit in your pocket not put on the freshman 156789 espn alerts. just launched espn on the app. get sports alerts. how is this if you are caught in a rainstorm. i got it nice and wet and no problem. water resistant? were if you have any questions about any of these gadgets, let me know. you can always find me on twitter i can t tell at clayton morris. up next on fox & friends. frightening moment on a packtnne when the tire blows. how this airplane was able to make a safe landing. it s the cutest video you are going to see all day. really is. oh my goodness. [inaudible] what she saw that got that reaction. is s. she on the phone with elmo? you know our brands. but you may not know we re a family. 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. like days inn, where you can do everything under the sun. for a chance to win one million dollars, visit oh my goodness. it s a rocket ship. it s your shot of the morning. oh my goodness, this little girl having a cutest reaction to a space shuttle. what s happening. it s going to outerspace to which she is just amazed. it is always amazing and great to see the reaction of that kid. let s go to ferguson, missouri now, the focus now shifts to the defense s star witness. actually the prosecution star witness dorian johnson. well, this as we are learning the racial makeup of the 12 member grand jury. garrett tenney is there this morning. protests became more subdued. what s it look like this morning and how are things unfolding for the case? this morning it is another peaceful morning and as you mentioned zero arrests last night. that is keg can t because this is the first night in nearly two weeks without any arrests. the protests last night were, again, peaceful. off the street we also saw several prayer services being held at a nearby church. the congregants there were praying for peace in the community. for the family of michael brown and for officer darian wilson who fatally shot brown two weeks ago today. he we re praying not only for michael brown s family, but we are praying for the family!&r of officer darren wilson, too. that family is hurting, also. they are in hiding. and if we call ourselves christians, this is the thing to do. support for wilson continues to grow as well. a rally is being held in his honor today. and an online fundraising campaign has now received more than $280,000 in donations for the officer s family. meanwhile, the legal side of this case is moving forward as well. the grand jury, which includes nine whites and three blacks began hearing evidence this week to determine whether or not to bring those charges against officer wilson for the shooting of brown. that process is expected to take at least several weeks though and could last all the way into october. one of the key counts that they re likely going to hear is from the friend of michael brown, dorian johnson who witnessed that shooting, the credibility of his account now is coming into question after his own run-ins with police recently come to light along with an autopsy report. brown was shot from the front not from behind as johnson had said. last night s johnson s lawyer told greta that there is no inconsistency. i disagree with any attempt to try to say that dorian johnson was inaccurate or mistaken about this. the e eyewitness statements not just of dorian johnson but lots of eyewitnesses. is undisputed that these young men were running away from the police officer as he is shooting at them as they run down the street. more rallies for both sides taking place over the weekend. leading up to the funeral for michael brown on monday. back to you all in new york. all right, garrett, thanks so much. you mentioned the credibility of jobz there. he apparently gave the wrong name to police and wrong date of birth. so we have the history of lying to cops. that credibility is certainly a big development. repercussions across the country. reportedly the brown family will be traveling from ferguson, missouri to new york city to be with al sharpton during his march in staten island, new york today protesting the death of another victim of alleged police brutality. all right. other stories making headlines on your saturday morning to tell you about now. caught on camera, the terrifying moment a southwest jet carrying 125 passengers makes an emergency landing in dallas after a back tire blows. you can see smoke rising from the wheel as the rubber hits the concrete. passengers say it happened shortly after takeoff. right as we took off there was a rumble on the left side of the plane. you knew you there was something wrong at that time. cell phone video from a passenger on board shows signs of relief when they land safely. [cheers and applause] the cause of the blowout is under investigation. for did you know natalie no one was injured is woman is under arrest for trespassing after trying to sneak into maternity ward carrying dolls that looked like real babies. they fear that tonya whitney was trying to abduct a newborn from california s mercy medical center. she and her husband tried to get inside twice. whitney is defending herself explaining she makes the dolls and only wanted to ask the nurses if anyone wanted to buy one. for training purposes. a georgia father is filing suit. so can he bring a gun to his daughter s school. elementary school in douglassville will not let the father on school property while carrying his legally registered gun. the principal threatening to call police if he does. the father s attorney says he is on the right side of the law. thanks to a newly passed owners to carry on school property. everybody come look at in cute video. caught on video. the beluga whale teases kids at you a aquat particular adelaware yum. [giggles and squeals] the whale named juneau making funny face and lunging with the kids. is he known for playing with visitors and trying to get them. clayton it s going to get up in the upper 80 s this week. like a tease in football. it will happen. but we still have some summer in the northeast coming. don t worry. and we still have a will the of summer down across the south. take a look at the weather map. show you what s going on. actually, a very active period right now. one of the issues we are watching is this area of cloud cover that s across haiti and the dominican republic and up in towards turks and caicos and bahamas. a lot of rain falling from. this we are starting to see signs of better organization. most models are saying this will become a tropical system it would become christa ball possibly later on today. want to show you what the models are looking like. always being run and looking at different data. and now a cup perform of the models trending a little farther towards the west. florida and south florida need to watch this very closely. we could be seeing development here in some sort of impacts in south florida as early as, say, monday. so, we re not all that far off. some of the models still keep it offshore. some rain and very rough seas out across the eastern seaboard. the impact no matter how big it is we ll watch as we go through time. scattered showers across the mid-atlantic today and northeast. heaviest much the rain this morning in across parts of iowa. but it will be very heavy across parts of the northern plains, parts of the dakotas and in towards the northern rockies. areas of montana, a little bit of snow in the highest elevation. very cool. some areas four to five inches of rain. that means potentially significant flash flooding in that area. all right, guys. send it back to you inside. thanks, rick. a major reversal this morning. along with a major warning for pregnant women. the food you were told that it was safe to eat is not anymore. aaron tolbert explains why. she brought some cans of tuna with her. remember the christmas jammies song? of course you do. this morning the family is going back to school. the whole crew is going to join us live and in person. they are here. will they bring us pajamas. when a big yellow one comes around the bend. we get strong because vacation we didn t get anything done. child care is expensive. we are working and we are with them. i don t baby. of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don t start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. one pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. ask about xeljanz. could scare the moustache off someone s face? don t let it be you. one swish of scope kills millions of bad breath germs, freshening your breath. so you can be the girl who doesn t scare the moustache off someone s face. scope. the freshest fresh, guaranteed. thanks for being here. we have quick head lines for you caught on camera, a space rocket explodes in the sky. [explosion the unmanned space rocket was testing landing at a texas landing facility. the self-destruct system was triggered by a malfunction believed to be in one of the three engines, no one was hurt. star wars took place on the high sees it would probably look like this. a main base startup calls this stealthy looking ship the ghost. and the pentagon is reportedly interested in buying one much the $10 million vessel is built with troop transport in mind and glides above the water on two extendible struts. very cool. anna? all right, peter. thanks so much. pregnant women have been told eating tuna fish is safe. this morning a major reversal. consumer reports is telling mothers to avoid it at all costs after finding that 20% of light canned tuna samples tested since 2005 twice as much mercury as the fda average amount. is any seafood safe. aaron tolbert. good morning. thanks for having me. discrepancy between what the f.d.a. and e.p.a. is saying. can you can break it down. f.d.a. says not enough pregnant women are eating fish. fish can be part of a healthy diet. omega three fatty acids are are important for the developing brain, the protein is really good for pregnant women. they are saying that canned light tuna can be a part of this healthy fish intake. consumer reports is saying wait, hold on, not so fast. what testified is they have done canned contains twice as much mercury as these other cans it, it helps to know a little bit about the tunes that are on the market to interpret. this alba core tuna, which is sold as chunk white tune i can t is high in mercury. the controversy is about this canned light tuna. the reason that some cans have more mercury than others is that some fish contain more mercury than others, depending on where they are caught, how big they are, how old they are no way to tell if you are having these cans twice the normal mercury amount or a normal van. if you are a vigilant about to be mother or breast feeding, your recommendation is to side with consumer reports and avoid it. yes. a lot of my patients get really frustrated when they hear all these conflicted studies. f.d.a. is telling them one thing and consumer reports another. i side with consumer reports on this one. better to be safe than sorry because mercury is very dangerous for developing babies. it effects the brain development and could cause permanent brain damage. it can cause problems with hearing or vision in the future. so,. stay away from tuna but fish is is it still good. fatty acids are good for brain development and everything that you say. as we go, we don t have any more time. give me a break down a couple of fish we are aloud to eat. &v:p shrimp, scallops, cod can, tilapia. low mercury fish. don t have the toxins over fish have. eat up on those during pregnant nance. eat up. they are on the screen there. thanks for having me. coming up on fox & friends, a stern warning from top defense officials. the only way to stop isis is to go into syria. where do we go from here? colonel oliver north joins us live. and you remember their christmas jammies song, right? you remember this? well, this morning the holderness family is going back to school and they are all here live next. picks up our children we get strong because vacation we didn t get anything done because child care is expensive so we re working and we where them my baby, i m going to miss you so let me kiss you your mom could do anything. even turn night into day. now she could use a hand, comfort keepers provides a variety of in-home services while truly connecting. comfort keepers. keeping the comforts of home. call comfort keepers now to learn more. shoate video christmas card part two darnsing in the front yard night and day 2 million people watching that. you embarrassed. they caught america s attention with their catchy and cute holiday theme christmas jammis. now the family is going back to school. when the big yellow one comes around the bend and picks up our children because sprung vacation we didn t get anything done childcare is expensive oh baby i m going to miss you so let me kiss you then go home and try it and sit there cause it s so quiet the family join us now in studio. we miss me swimming. can we roll that video back? we missed pen charles swimming. when we saw the christmas one, we were all laughing in the studio and played it five or six times. how did you come up with it? how did we come up with it? that s all his brain. in the shower. we did a christmas video card the year before. did you just do it for your family. yeah. this one we spruced up a bit and a few more people watched it. how many hits does the christmas one have on youtube? 14 million. it s breaking news, 14 million. this one, how many does this one have? 2 million. we posted it a couple of days ago. my swimming part is coming. that is very important. how do you like feeling yourself on tv? he clearly has no problem to it. daddy sings a lot. i was curious, didú)uuu> no. that s us. that s his mad skills breaking it down. i did have a garage band. there you go. sorry. we missed you again. what is the response in the neighborhood? celebrities in the neighborhood. well, the neighborhood gets a kick out of it because the neighbors are involved. that neighbor you see at the beginning. she lives down the street. she is a friend of ours. snooty neighbor? she has a twitter handle. snooty neighbor. there she is. she is nothing like that. she is a hilarious, generous, wonderful person and a stroke survivor, i need to say. she needed to relearn to talk a few years ago. it s amazing this character she plays. she is so much fun. you guys have gone back to school. my third day yesterday. i m glad fox and friends can get you out of school so quickly and saved you from t7em)jo you worked in television. how did you come up with this idea to do these videos. has it helped your business? you work in production. the ideas came from us wanting to, the christmas jammis, we wanted to show our family what we were up to. that was a big hit. once a month we are going to do this. every time we do this the phone rings and we get a great business opportunity. we are in town because your friends at fox are letting us take over a double-decker bus and promote a movie called digital oz. so that s work for us. we are going to sing around the city this morning. it s a cool job. you worked in television. no he gave his notice. he was a news anchor. he gave his notice. we didn t buy benefits, no we were going to sing houses for school. yes. we knew we wanted to do video production and digital strategy. we don t just dance in our pajamas. we are not always in the videos. what a great family. we like them. you are saying there is hope for news anchors that i can go into wrap. if you wear ill-fitting sleep wear and wrap, you re in. if you need a news anchor in your next music video, call me. okay. done. like a quick cameo spot. i ll play snooty news anchor. did we nail this down? get the twitter handle. legends of oz. you guys are here promoting that. great to meet you guys. now back to school. yes. they are excited. thank you so much. coming up, the president out golfing as isis growing stronger by the minute. the white house defending it. p he said she never had a real job because she was a stay-at-home mom. our panel weighs in. when i pick you up one comes around the bend and picks up our children we get sprung once there was a girl who never settled for ordinary. even in her laundry room. with downy unstoppables, she matched her one of a kind style with one of a kind scents. downy unstoppables in wash scent boosters wash in the wow. i thought so what? , but now cai can t stop playing.rst that s not how it works. i mean it s so simple. it s like my car insurance. i saved 15% in fifteen minutes. well esurance could have saved you money in half that time. three in a row! sweet! 15 minutes for a quote isn t so sweet. level 2! start with a quote from esurance and you could save money on car insurance in half the time. welcome to the modern world. esurance, backed by allstate. click or call. good morning. today is saturday, 23 of august, 2014. i m anna kooiman. new warnings that isis has not only gotten stronger, but have their eyes set on an attack inside the united states. whatever happened to j.v. and what do we do next? this threat as the president remains on vacation keeping up his golf game. the white house are defending it. good morning, peter. i thought there was a sound bite. the proof is all over her face, not mine. i did not. i did not eat what? a chocolate donut. no absolutely not. we get to the bottom of the chocolate donut mystery. calling in sherlock holmes fox and friends starts right now. you are going to love to see who she blames next. it wasn t me it was. love it. peter is in for tucker. we begin this hour with a fox news alert. the pentagon is weighing air strikes against isis in syria. this development as federal officials now warn isis could hit inside america as revenge for usair strikes in iraq. for more on breaking details, let s go to jennifer griffin in washington. good morning. pentagon sources say in the wake of the foley execution, they are actively weighing options for the president that could include air strikes inside syria against isis targets, including the possibility of u.s. special operations troops on the ground. no decision has been made. ben rhodes said yesterday the u.s. would not be deterred by borders. if you come after americans, we ll come after you, wherever you are. that will guide the planning of the days coming. nation that has an apocalyptic end of dayson, whic eventually have to be defeated. to your question, can they be defeated without addressing that part of their organization which resides in syria, the answer is no. the pentagon says it has not seen any sign that isis terror cells crossed the southern border into the united states, but those who have been watching this group grow in strength say the latest intelligence suggests the group is planning an attack on the u.s. homeland. they re crazy out there. they are rapidly developing a method of blowing up a major u.s. city. is isis, they are really bad terrorists. al qaeda is afraid of them. president obama may be regretting his choice of words back in january when he mocked isis, the analogy we use around here sometimes, and i think is accurate, is if a jay vee team puts on lakers uniforms, that doesn t make them kobe bryant. should the president authorize action it would be a shift from the arrow limited vision the president approve soed far to combat isis. no one understands this better than jennifer. could we see these attacks come through our borders? could we see them come through our northern and southern borders, canada and mexico? we had guests earlier on shoate saying what a fright eping prospect that is. listen. i think would you have to be isis terro not to exploit the southern border when it s so available to you as a point of entry. the canadian border is also a concern. 5,000 miles that some points are loosely guarded. the front level has gone up. it s remained consistent since 9/11. some people think it s gone down. i don t think the law enforcement or intelligence community think it s gone down. it may have gone up. we had the head of the osama bin laden unit. he said we don t have the intelligence we once had. more importantly, we need to go after these people and said in harsh language, we need to kill them. are you going to sit down at a table and have a discussion with isis after they are murdering children and women? governor huckabee earlier in the show said this is a kill or be killed moment. this administration wants to pretend the narrative is still this president made us safer and this world is a much more dangerous place than it was when he took office in 2009. this is a kill or be killed moment for us. these are not people who think like we think. when anybody can look at the horrific scenes of the beheading of jim foley and not understand what we are up against, you cannot reason with them, deal with them, compromise, negotiate. you kill them or they kill you. it s just that simple. because they are growing like a cancer. what is so disturbing about all of it, they re masterminds radicalizing westerners. how many have passports that are american, european or british is a scary thing. the president has been coming under scrutiny taking to the golf course moments after we heard from james foley s parents, the journalist beheaded there. it s been tried to be explained away a bit. can we go ahead and show what the press secretary has to say about this. the president s people are back-pedalling big time trying to find excuses what the president did. so many americans are outraged that the president would take to the mikes minutes after the discussion of the beheading of mr. foley. it says, is he sensitive? is he connected? is this cognitive distance? does he not understand the threat isis is facing? does he understand the gravity of the moment americans do understand. what the white house came out and said is this is a leisure activity that needs him help clear his mind. athletic activity is something to help clear his mind. is that a good enough excuse? you say on during the election season with the late-night comedians, it s a bellwether how americans are responding to these events. you think maybe the summer doldrums people aren t paying much attention to the president being on vacation. they are absolutely clued into it. jimmy fallon s ratings are up and he s been joking about the president. ú in fact, i saw president obama played the eighth round of golf of his vacation today. he played so much golf i guess his game is getting pretty good. he s not at the pro level. here is rory mcilroy s tee shot. in the hole! they are yelling, get in the hole. you see the difference with the obama swing. get back to the white house. get back to work. then we had chloe milas. she worked for the colbert report. talking about it s not just this coincidence we are seeing this increase in obama jokes. jimmy fallon is a smart guy so is his team of producers who write those jokes. in 2016, he s going to want every single person who is possibly up for running for president to be sitting on his couch with him. so he is not going to offend too many people, but omamwbama is f game. taking shots at hillary clinton and chris christie. he starts his jokes with, here what is people are talking about. exactly. that s what people are talking about. never fair game on the colbert report. maybe now they understand fair and balanced. friends on fox friends and news, you can weigh in. we are going to give you a live look at reverend al sharpton speaking in staten island ahead of his march against police brutality today. thousands are expected to march, but sharpton has insisted today s protest will be peaceful. overnight in ferguson, missouri, the protests became more subdued. there were no arrests. back in ferguson, protests remained peaceful and the focus shift to the key witness dorian johnson, michael brown s friend who was with brown before his death. he was previously busted for lying to cops and his credibility is coming into question. a fair in michigan when an 8-year-old boy and his 16-year-old sister fell 15 feet from a ferris wheel. a teenage girl was on crutches and stored one underneath her feet. one got caught on the bar causing the cart to dump out. the ferris wheel was inspected and since reopened. brushfire threatening dozens of homes in hawaii. evacuations are under way including a kids summer camp. nearly 100 firefighters attempt to get the fire under control. the flames fuelled by 30 mile-an-hour winds. it s not clear what sparked that blaze. the redskins hometown paper the washington post is banning the name redskins on its editorial page explaining, while we wait for the national football league to catch up with the thoughtful opinion and common decency, we have decided except when it is essential for clarity or effect, we will no longer use the slur ourselves. we ask you at home what you think. they are offensive for their bigoted pcing of the first amendment. greg says amazing how all these media outlets suddenly had a moment of moral clarity after the name use after all these years. it s a private company. they can do what they want, but i won t read their articles any more. protest there. keep your comments coming on that one and everything else. we used to call ricky around here, we had a name change. it was a big protest. only my mom can get away with that. we have the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. it is happening now. the hottest temperatures we ve seen all summer are going on across parts of the south. we have 15 states today under some kind of a heat advisory warning or watch. st. louis could be a really uncomfortable day today. anywhere from texas up through canada, mid mississippi river valley. you see all that area of red. this is your forecast heat index this afternoon. it s going to feel like 107 in st. louis, 104 in shreveport. a lot of heat. it is not in the knee. cool temperatures, well below average. we ve got heavy rain across the central plains. you can see that in iowa. this is an area that s seen a lot of rain this summer. more rain today and more rain coming up as all this energy across parts of the central and northern rockies, part of that is going to make its way into that area heavy rainfall across parts of montana. we could be seeing some areas, maybe three to four inches. here is your high temperatures today. tomorrow it just continues to build all across the central plains we warm up a lot in across the northern plains. summer is not over yet. back into the upper 80s across the northeast this week. thanks, rick. coming up on the show, top defense officials saying the only way to stop isis is to go into syria. boots on the ground. where do we go from here? colonel oliver north next. the proof is all over her face. hedpi/z ate one, i did not. you did not eat what? not a chocolate donut. you did not eat a chocolate donut? no. wait till you hear who the girl puts the blame on. girl: we work hard for our money guy: right. girl: and then when we earn the money we want to spend it with, guy: we want to use it wisely. girl: with care. guy: what i appreciate about truecar is all the pricing information was right there. girl: truecar shows us how much we ll be saving, guy: right. girl: and that feels good. guaranteed savings , a hassle-free experience. visit welcome back. defense secretary chuck hagel warning isis is beyond anything we ve seen before. general dempsey adding this. can they be defeated without addressing that part of their organization which resides in syria? the answer is no. where do we go from here? joining us the host of war stories colonel oliver north. good morning. good morning. what you just played, of course, is the problem. that is so contrary to what we ve been hearingm suddenly you get the truth from the chairman of the joint chief of staff and the secretary of defense about the vulnerabilities we face from this organization that s variously called isil, isis or islamic state. here is the question. somebody needs to ask them in a coherent way, what the hell are our objectives here with ichb s ifi isil? it does pose a serious threat. when you consider what kudhqisi today, 20,000 plus fighters, 3,000 with american or european passport whose can come and go as they want. they don t have to sneak across the mexican border. they can get on an airplane and land, and we ll never know unless somebody is tracking them one or two at a time. let s be forward thinking here on fox and friends. where do we need to be? what does this administration need to do to stop isis going forward? does this mean boots on the ground in syria and iraq? what does this mean? collaborating with the syrian government and iraqi government to put the clamp down on them? what do we need to do? well, first of all, i ve got to recognize the threat is not going to go away right away. number two, he s got to stop saying what we won t do. we already have boots on the ground. we ve got 850 and they are talking about 300 more. yes, that is mission creep. we need a strike group to the mediterranean so you ve got force you can use if things go to hell in a hand basket. declare no safe havens. attack isil, high-value targets, manned control communications nodes in iraq and syria. does anybody remember a fellow by the name of anwar alaki. he was killed with a fired predator. the murder forces fighting with us need heavy weapons, ammunitions and mobility asap. they are not going to geta?fñ i from the government in baghdad we have to deliver it directly. put u.s. joint tactical air controllers with the pesh murder forces to help iraqis overall. then rebuild the relationship with the secular sunni tribes in anwar. i ve got to have americans out there doing it because they will never trust even this new shiite-led government. finally, call an urgent summit. lead for us. why let david cameron call that urgent summit of western powers to build that coalition to help win this fight? they are coming. i want to get to that. lieutenant colonel north, americans are war-weary. we don t want it to continue either. what s it going to%jqw take for president and possibly americans who are war-weary understandably to understand? is it going to be another 9/11? are they coming to the united states? we ve already seen the viciousness in the jim foley video that they put up all over the internet. it s horrific. it is exactly what happened to dan pearl in pakistan. it is the kind of thing they will repeatedly do. he has to go to congress and ask for an urgent supplemental and convene a leadership meeting among members of congress, get a troop level number he needs to have on the ground. you are probably talking to 2,000 special operators. not combat forces, but people capable of defending themselves who aren t going to be worried about a reporter showing them carrying a weapon. stop talking about the things we are not going to do like this no boots on the ground thing. we ve got them there. finally, don t do any deals with the ayatollahs in tehran. those are things we don t need their help to make this happen. colonel oliver north, thank you for being with us this morning with a lot of intelligence and wisdom based on experience. thank you. thank you, gang. coming up on the show, chinese fighter jet getting within feet of a u.s. navy plane. how did that happen? the war on women, no one is talking about. female congressional candidate coming under fire for staying at home with her children. our parent panel is next. come on in. virginia democratic house candidate john faust attacking barbara comstock saying, i don t think she had a job.ú joining us is founder of diva moms ms. stern. is this a fair attack on barbara comstock, she didn t have a job, stay at home mom, how could she run for government? let him stay home and be a stay-at-home mom. that s one of the hardest jobs in the world and is a real job. any man that dismisses being a stay at home mom should try it a few hours and see how they feel after that. she really isn t a stay at home mom. even if she is or isn t, it s not the issue. it s sexism again. i thought we were past that. as the man here on the panel? i don t think we are past it. interesting thing i have this from two perspectives. working with women who are moms, full-time moms and trying the challenge you said. i went to try to stay at home and i ve been amazed at the amount of work and diversity of things my wife does at home. people don t understand how the depth of being a mom. moms spend entire days thinking about choices for their kids. it s the reverberations your children bring to the world. it s not just the three kids. it s not even that. the fact of the matter is this guy is thinking that is not a job, being a mom, a full-time mom is not a job. it s one of the hardest jobs in the world. let him try it for a few hours. then let s have this conversation again. is this a perception among men? is it pervasive where they think she can stay home and go with friends to have lunch, it s not a job? i feel like a lot of men feel they are bringing home the money and therefore, they are doing the real work. and regardless how hard the woman is or what their education is, they don t deserve half of anything or should be respected in the same way. we have a sports psychologist on the couch this morning. talk about deserving. there is a new poll about how parents feel about trophies for their kids. the idea that, you know what? we should be giving out trophies for kids who just participate. majority of americans say only kids who win should get trophies, according to this poll. should kids play sports to receive a trophy for their participation or because joining gets them a trophy. should we be separating the kids from that? the real question is what are we reenforcing kids for? all the research says we should be reenforcing our kids for their performance, for their effort in their performance, not necessarily winning. reality is most kids know whether they get a trophy for participation, no kid who is real why i into the sport is there for the trophy at the end of the day. they are there for the idea of being the best they can be. giving trophies for participation, unless it s a small kid, sends the wrong message in a lot of ways. the fear and concern those parents had is it will make my child feel like a loser somehow if they don t get a trophy. is there some psychological impact on these children? it depends on the culture. we have way too much emphasis on the winner and loser and the trophy the team or coaches really want is for the person who is showing real sportsmanship, supporting the team. the kids who are good athletes know they are good athletes and are rewarded by coach giving them playing time we have all this grandstanding going on. parents are way too involved in their 8-year-old soccer game. the truth is the kids are not going to be soccer players. let them enjoy things. i also think, i think this as a parent i have a 10-year-old, 7-year-old and baby. my boys are athletic. i see them out there participating and sportsmanship, everything from good to bad. i think it s very important for children to know there are going to be winners and there are going to be losers. on the playing field i think a child needs to realize if they work hard, they play hard, at the end of the day there could be a reward because at the end of the day when you work hard and play hard even off the field, in school, not every child is going to go to harvard. not every child is going to go to yale. again, this is every child is different. it s how they work for it. i think from a sports psychology perspective, the focus is taking it off winning and putting it on performance. what is going to have a kid who has talent perform the best and have the best time. if you focus on the process and the enjoyment, and parents and coaches are saying what did you enjoy about that? i saw you do this very well. the trophy becomes meaningless. i agree. the issue is really about who you are and supporting that in every way that you can. great discussion this morning. dr. lipkins, dr. faber and linda stern, thank you for joining us. couple shows up to a maternity ward with a diaper bag and fake baby. why weren t the police called? the baby was fake and we don t know why she was in there. was she trying to snag a baby? we don t know. disturbing story coming up. preparing a high quality home cooked meal can be a daunting task. there are some cool gadgets that make it easier. you don t have to break the bank to do it. it s your shot of the morning. remember this family? they caught america s attention with their holiday viral video christmas jammis. she can play the piano and also sing in my christmas jammis you remember it. now they re back. this time with a back to school themed video called baby got class i like big buses i cannot lie some other parents may deny when they pick up our children we get sprung because vacation we didn t get anything done they joined us earlier on the show. ideas came from us wanting to show our family what we were up to. that was a big hit. we decided once a month we are going to do this. we knew we wanted to do video production and digital strategy. that s what it s turned into. as of this morning, baby got class has over 2.2 million views. what a nice family. such a cleaner version than other ones. i like that better than anaconda. 35 minutes after the hour. we have other stories making headlines this saturday. a woman is under arrest for trespassing after trying to sneak into a maternity war carrying dolls that look like baby. police fear she was trying to abduct a newborn. she and her husband tried to get inside twice. she explained she makes the dolls and only wanted to ask the nurses if anybody wanted to buy one for training purposes. a = he pushed it on your face and put chocolate on you. yeah. we can all agree emma did, in fact, probably eat that donut. that was an awakening. that objectively a credible witness. she touches the chin, tastes it. what? i didn t know. she cracked under cross-examination. i didn t know there was chocolate. all daughters are credible, 100%. that s the problem know. daughters are cute. rick knows about my daughters. aren t they credible? your daughters totally are. i went the brother smeared it on her face then ate the thing. it s possible. we ve got to talk about the weather. there is a lot going on including a potential tropical system. this is a storm, a disturbance across the dominican republic. you look at what the computer models do. computer models aren t very good until they get a sent he of a storm to initialize off of, a place to start from. we don t have a lot of great guidance. there are a few different scenarios. one that is very real is south florida could be dealing with this the next couple of days. if you are in south florida, make sure you are already starting to make some plans and be prepared for what s going on. the other is incredible heat across much of the plains in to the southeast. some of the highest temperatures summer long. hard to believe. we are in towards mid to late august dealing with that. heavy rain across the central plains as long as northern rockies. stronger than they normally see this time of year and flooding with that. if you are thinking about preparing a high-quality homemade meal, it could be a daunting task. there are cool gadgets to make this easier. joining me with some of the top kitchen gadgets under $25 is pure wow editor and chief mary kate mcgrath. thanks. this is super exciting. who doesn t need a little help in the kitchen it s under $20. even better. you want a cake that s light. that is separating eggs. you can separate eggs by plugging out the yolk. now just separate it. isn t that amazing. and it s easy to clean? yelp. all dishwasher safe. i love it. that s brilliant. if you are making sangria, you are making a salsa. two things. this is $12 and this is $10, to cut and slice grape tomatoes. it will quarter it and these will be sliced. great, right? m;asj this takes a lot of tim. no. look at this. i mean normally. that s brilliant. i didn t know this was a problem, but i guess the world is upset about dipping their fingers into milk for oreos. here comes a dipper for $4. right into the milk. an even dip. you carry on. i m impressed. this is a new thing from our friends at food 52. this is actually made of bees wax. it s a new take on saran wrap. this using the heat from your hands will mold to the item right around it. see how it flawlessly covers it. and reusable. hand what soap and water. $16 for that. avocados, you only want to eat half of one. it s so good for you. you take the avo saver. they have the best names, don t they? keep the pit in. that s the trick. that s it. right into the fridge. it just keeps air off it basically. air starts oxydizing on the top. just churn it into the lemon. now spritz. flesh lemon juice. what is that for? salads, okay tails. any juice. it gets musty in that studioa these will all be on our websites, as well. do you need a tool for your oreo habit, maybe time saving is not the biggest concern. coming up on the show, al sharpton kicking off his rally against police brutality. is this doing more harm than good? plus have a new teen driver about to hit the road? the safest cars and they re affordable, too. first, let s check in with brenda for a look at what s going on on the cost of freedom business block. good morning. while these savage terrorists are promising to attack more americans, some fear our border crisis is providing cover for isis to do so. time to beef up spending on the border now? and more fallout from ferguson. are those blaming this violence on poverty right or wrong? plus beef prices have never been higher. if global warming alarmists get their way, that burger will look like a bargain. [ male announcer ] if you had a dollar for every dollar car insurance companies say they ll save you by switching, you d have, like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer um or no comment. then there s esurance. born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing out, and, yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price.. that s never really been possible. but along comes a radically new way to buy a car, called truecar. now it is. truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. now you re an expert in less than a minute. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. we are looking live at reverend al sharpton speaking at the united christian church in staten island, new york, just ahead of his march against police brutality today. the event is demanding justice for the death of 18-year-old michael brown in ferguson, missouri, and 43-year-old eric garner who died last month in staten island, new york. do these rallies do more harm than good? joining us is pat lynch president of the patrolman s benevolent association. a lot of new yorkers are behind the police department on this day. the front page of the new york post says as many march against the nypd, we give our support to new york s finest. are you finding that more and more that more this issue comes to the fore, a lot of new yorkers are speaking out? the more al sharpton says negative things about police, the more he marches, and remember every rally al sharpton has is an anti-police rally. now he says he likes the cops. he sees the tide of the public saying, wait, let s stop here. police officers are the reason i can live free in this city safely. does he do anything good in terms of relations between new yorkers, whites and blacks, between people of different classes and culture? any value at all? the good he does is for his own profile. he constantly talks about how, now i m not talking to folks in the street. i m talking to folks in city hall. now i m talking to folks in the white house. he s doing good for himself, for the public race relations, not so much. i want to talk about people. people who are police officers and their family there are 35,000 police officers who serve ably and well in new york city. on 9/11 my cousin sergeant patrick murphy in the policeñ? department, he side this week as a result of cancer he contracted at the world trade center site when he spent a year there and got the medal of valor for going to the world trade center site on the day when he was offduty. how do you console the families with all this attention and all this notion that somehow the police are an occupying force, that they are demons in blue? our families sit at home on the couch and watch the news and say that s not what my husband or my father or mother were like. they ran to those towers on september 11th in the largest rescue in the history of the united states. realize this, we lost 23 new york police officers on september 11th. we lost over 60 from illness after the fact. we lost more from the illness of september 11th. that day is over for most folks. for our families, it continues this very day. where are people that say let s have a rally for police officers that stand on my corner so i can go to church, synagogue and mosque in freedom. new yorkers and i value the legacy and service of new york city police officers, as i value the legacy and service of my cousin. too many die every day. we can sit here and speak freely because the police officer is outside these windows making sure we can. thank you. good to see you. up next, with a backup camera and impressive miles per gallon, the honda civic is one of the most reliable cars for new drivers. you can get it for less than $20,000. the best cars for teens. stick around. 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Montana , United-states , Turkey , China , California , Syria , Washington , District-of-columbia , Bahamas , The , Mexico , Arizona

Transcripts For CNNW Smerconish 20140927

over not only with its fast military gains in iraq and syria, but also with its use of social media to spread its propaganda mission. this week on twitter it released a second video from british hostage john cantlie. it opens with lend me your ears. can tly has been abandoned by his government. he proceeds to rail against the military campaign against isis. and then taking a page out of a pr manual, isis through cantley moves to support its arguments with quotes from noted americans including tom cane who chaired the 9/11 commission. but he begins the video by quoting liberally from my first guest, michael shawer, the former head of the cia bin laden desk at this time cnn is not comfortable showing this video because the network believes that he was filmed under der duress. he said let s get to the point with a quote from former cia chief turned vigorous anti-intervention campaigner michael scheuer. president obama does not have the slightest intention of defeating the islamic state, he says, which would require the aerial slaughter and boots on the ground demolishing of the mujahadin. michael is considerable ads 18 years into our war with the islamists the u.s. government has given no public sign that it has the slightest awareness of what its enemies are fighting for. and he ends the video with another quote with michael who joins me now. you ran the bin laden unit at the ciat alex station. i kau a tabulation in time this week. they said that since 2007, you have been quoted in propaganda videos and the like from isis and other splinter groups from al qaeda, no less than 16 times. why do they keep quoting you? it appears, michael, i m the only one in the west that is willing to take people who match words and deeds seriously. i m not a rocket scientist and my foes will tell you that. they rather think i m an idiot. but we re fighting an enemy who tells us exactly what he s going to do and does it. and he does it for the motivations that he describes. and yet we have the third american president now, mr. clinton, mr. bush, and mr. obama, repeating the same sort of nonsense that they have talked about for the last 18 years. in other words, you believe there is a misperception. you think that the american people, you know i read all of your books so i read this and herded from you before. you think that to the extent we ve been told that this is about our lap dances or lattes or our gap jeans or our, quote, freedoms, that s not what drives the jihadists. that s a deliberate lie on the part of the ruling establishment in this country on the political elites. because they don t want to face the fact that what motivates these people to attack us maybe not to attack the israelis, maybe not to attack the saudis but to attack us, is our intervention in their world. and right now isis could not ask for any greater gift than the one obama is giving them at the moment. so, when they quote michael shawer, your intermtation is to say because i understand them, i understand them to be evil sobs but people who say what they mean and transmit their intentions, and their message has been mischaracterized by the american political leadership, both democrats and republicans. everyone. there is not an honest man on capitol hill as far as i know in terms of this since ron paul left. this is a problem that is ours and will keep growing and it will occur in this country until we come to grips with the fact that we have a choice. we keep our foreign policy contant, we fight this war forever. we change our foreign policy to the extent we can especially in regard to energy and support for the saudi police state and the israelis, we have a chance to split the unity of the mujahedin and have them fight among themselves than us. in that video he quotes you having said that obama doesn t have the slightest intention of defeating the islamic state. square that with the fact we re looking at footage of air strikes that have been now launched against that islamic state, both in iraq and now in syria. michael, we watched it in iraq the first time independent 2003, we watched it for 14 years. in afghanistan. air power wins nothing. except with an atomic weapon aboard. and that s not going to happen. it is obama said yesterday, there is no military solution to this. and what that means is he s ashamed as bush was, as clinton was, to apply american military power that the american people have paid for, to protect their country and their families. and what they will do is they will talk their way out of this war, we ll run again, and we ll be 0-3 against the mujahadin which in the muslim world means they have beaten both superpowers, the soviets and the united states. soviets in 79 invasion. correct sir. i m going to ask you for the michael scheuer solution. i want to ask you to square what you offered in terms of the real motivation of isis is, with what we re seeing in those videos and here s what i mean by that, michael. they are beheading journalists as they are threatening the president against further incursion into the muslim world. surely they know that the reaction here in america is going to be for people to get fired up and be supportive of those bombing missions. i guess my question for michael is, do they really want us to come over there, or, do they really want us as they say in the video to stay home? they want us to come over so we ll stay home. they want to beat us again. it s a lure. osama bin laden and others have explained clearly that running an operation across the atlantic ocean or the pacific into america is expensive and it will cause only minimal damage. if they can get an american field army, on the ground they have found twice now, in iraq and afghanistan, that they can defeat it. it costs us enormous amounts of money, many dead, lots of maimed kids hobbling around the rest of their life but most important, they defeat the greatest power the world has seen as is said, with arms from the korean war. they know what war is about, sir. and we don t. so when they say this is what you ll get more of obama if you continue, they are really saying, continue your quest on the so-called their words not mine, arabian peninsula so they can use it as a recruitment device. that s the world according to michael scheuer. i think it s reality. that s the way i see reality, yes, that s correct. the more we intervene the more they win. before you leave me, give me the plan. so if michael scheuer would dictate that which the united states is doing would be what? close the southern border so we don t fight inside the united states. begin to put together the excel pipe line, build it, drill off shore, get us energy sufficient so we can dump those tyrants that are part of our coalition now. the saudis, cokuwaitis. they are the people that should be getting killed in this, not americans. and finally, we need to separate ours from israel. it s an enormous drag, it s a cancer on american foreign policy. you know the people will hear this and find those words objectionable and say they are only freend in the middle east t only people we can trust. why would we turn our backs on the israelis. i find it objectionable to send my college age kids to fight and die so mrs. mohammed can vote in an afghan election and after all of those kids died to run away and leave the country go back to the taliban. i ll take the abuse if people can explain what in the world this political elite is doing to our young people. michael, thank you as always for being here. pleasure, sir. let s take a break. i ve got a lot more ahead. up next this question. where are you? jane fonda, where are you susan sarandon and the thousands of others who protested american wars in the past. america, is at war again. why are the streets silent this time? i ll talk with tom hayden. also ahead, domestic politicsing of isis. no one on capitol hill will go on record with a vote to authorize force against isis but plenty of political ads are using video of the terrorists to stoke fears in the hearts and minds of voters. and gary hart never got to the white house. nearly 30 years ago he was caught in an affair with donna rice ending his bid. i pose this question to the man who broke the story. have we as a nation suffered because tabloid journalists peer through the bushes. i ll be right back. like, the one the bank sees. sheesh, i feel like i m being interrogated over here. she s onto us. dump her. 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[ susan ] my promotion allowed me to start investing for my retirement. transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow. welcome back. have you noticed what s missing this week on the streets of america while u.s. and coalition jets began pounding isis and khorasan targets in syria? call it the sound of silence. where are the anti-war protests? and the anti-war celebrities who usually lead those protests? in the last decade there were notable demonstrations against the iraq war such as this large protest on the national mall in 2007, led by actors jane fonda and susan sarandon. of course demonstrations protesting u.s. military action were familiar sight on america streets during the long vietnam war in the 60s and early 70s. my next guest is a veteran of those protests. i m joined by tom hayden. good to have you. the issue is with no draft there s no skin in the game for so many people. right? the fact is that the burden is being borne by so few among us. well, there were big demonstrations against iraq and there was no draft. there were 600,000 as you showed on your screen, 10 seconds ago. there was a big anti-war not in comparison to the 60s. we can make these comparisons, but look. we have to use our brains. it s obvious that this war is rapidly developing. people have to think about it. if the president says there s no military solution and he also says it s going to be a war that lasts beyond his presidency, i can guarantee you there will be a big anti-war movement. is part of the problem, a lack of protest standpoint, that there is not access, say, in syria. journalists need to be concerned that they be beheaded if they were on the front lines of this conflict and so perhaps americans at home are not seeing it the way it s playing out. that s a big problem. i know a lot about the james foley case, but i do think you can start an anti-war movement without television. it will be when people adjust to the madness that seems to be going on, and start to ask questions how long will it last, what will it cost. is there really a strategy if the president says there s no military solution. i think it will take till a little past the election, and you ll start to see a lot of action. i get the sense you re painting your sign and you re getting ready. tom hayden. thanks a lot. i am. let me take a quick break. i m fascinated by this. would you be upset if your son said he was dating a republican or your daughter said i m dating a democrat? discrimination based on party affiliation. and when should crimes be classified as hate crimes? should they ever? i ll talk with a district attorney who is dealing with an explosive case close to my home that many of calling gay bashing. the suspects have not been charged with a hate crime. musical chairs. fun, right? welllllllll, not when your travel rewards card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. that s their game. the flights you want are blacked out. or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. honestly, it s time to switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase, you ll earn unlimited double miles. from now on, no one s taking your seat away. what s in your wallet? it used to be many parents disapproved of children marrying someone of a different race, ethnicity, religion. new research published suggest that now party prej sis meaning political party prejudice, even exceeds racial prejudice. cass sunstine wrote about it. the research was done by academics at stanford and princeton. look at these numbers. it states that in 1960, only 5% of republicans and 4% of democrats said they would not like their children to marry outside of their political party. by 2010 those numbers jumped to 49% and 33%. a distressing sign of the times. perhaps not so surprising to my next guest. i m joined by lilliana mason, a scholar at rutger s political science department. what do you make of that data? it s actually not that surprising to me. i think that saying that partyism and racism are different things is actually a little misleading. i think what we re seeing is that the two political parties divided on race so that we have a racial division between republicans and democrats, we also have a religious division between republicans and democrats, we have a cultural division, we watch different tv shows, live in different places, north and south and urban and rural so we re becoming these sort of mega teams t democrats and republicans, and it s becoming easier and easier to dehumanize the people who are our political opponents. do you think, you have given me a thought, maybe we re able publicly to criticize the other party, we would never criticize, we hope, the other race. is this all cover? in other words, instead today of somehow acknowledging to a pollster you re a racist, you re not going to do that. you lay it off on the democrats. you lay it off on the republicans. you could. you could. i think part of it is that, and then but then there are all of these other identities you have and biases that you can put in there. if you are biased against a religious group you could put that in there under party. if you are biased against southerners put that under a political party. the difference between racism and partyism is we ve got this one prejudice that it s totally okay to talk about, and racism which is really you know, publicly we re not supposed to talk about that. that s the rule. maybe a solution is to ostracize partyism if that s the proper word, in the same way we ve ostracized those who are bigots. that would be a wonderful thing to do but that s not happening at all. what we re seeing is that partisans from both sides seem to find it acceptable to throw insults at each other, call each other names like stupid or liars. we reward them writing our checks, we reward them allowing them to get nominated. and if they were to say those same things about a racial group they would disappear from the public scene in an instant. makes sense to me. thank you for joining me. joining me now a couple who married outside of their political party, john is a cnn political analyst, mar zbret a cnn commentator and republican consultant. margaret, when you brought him home and they found out that he was an independent, albeit one who worked for mayor giuliani what was the resnx they were warned that he had also work forward bill clinton. we had plenty of sessions. they were prepared, but again, to your point, there was preparation necessary. it s true, i mean, in the case of my family i got to give them credit they came by their biases innocently. if your great grandfather is hu bert hoover and your growing up is being you can understand why you have a little bit of a bias. john is an independent so that helped a little bit. i can t say it didn t change the content of the toasts at our wedding. i think that was probably the most common point reiterated over and over i was marrying outside of the republican party. john, was he is a hard sell on the home home front initially because of her party affiliation? oh, god no. not at all. exact opposite. my dad was thrilled. your dad s a republican. let s full disclosure. your father is a republican. ly is very conservative. it was not an issue. i think the point margaret s making her family comes by it honestly. they may be a leading indicator in the kind of personal hurt feelings that drive partisanship today. again, it wasn t that i was a democrat, it was that i wasn t a rnl. it was like marrying outside your faith to some extent. there was education involved. there was explaining positions. and you know, i loved that margaret and i think try to set an example of how you can disagree agreeably and people don t always end up at a different place. but the fact that poll shows the huge cultural shift from 1960 when it s 4 or 5%, to a 10-fold increase that s an area we digressed. it should be shocking. it s a really, really sad sign of the times. margaret, what is troubling to me is not only that figure but also the practical impact of this. i tread data myself and in one episode, one experiment i should say, 1,000 people were shown resumes that tipped the hand as to whether you were looking at a republican or a democrat and even when the candidates from opposing peerts had better credentials they didn t get the job. it scares me people are acting this way around us. your thoughts? look, i agree with you. i think you know, i m going to disagree a little how we re framing partisanship. and just beg for a characterization a little bit of definition on this. heimer partisanship, the kind you re talking about i think is debilitating and bad for our democracy. but there is a kind of healthy partisanship that is part of our tradition going back to madison and jefferson. this is going back to the founding fathers. we could we can search for this elusive consensus. we ll find it in russia, in china, in the theocracies of the middle east of isis. so you know, heimer partisanship is awful but a robust healthy and wonderful debate in our culture about our policies is part of the democratic tradition. striking that is important. john, go sort this out over dinner. john, margaret, you see why we have them in separate studios. when i come back the affair that brought down gary hart s presidential am bigses. i think it pointed american journal i. and i will explain. whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. it s about getting to the finish line. in life, it s how you get there that matters most. like when i found out i had a blood clot in my leg. my doctor said that it could travel to my lungs and become an even bigger problem. so he talked to me about 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infiltrate their world. now it was to take down a public servant through scandal. you remember the photograph of donna rice on hart s lap. chances are you think the photo was the smoking gun that killed this political career. actually, the picture didn t come to light until nearly three weeks after he suspended his candidacy. in the ensuing 30 years there has been no such thing as out of bounds when it comes to media interest in candidates for high office. and not just big media outlets. look at what happened this week in kansas. paul davis, the democratic gubernatorial candidate has been locked in a tight race against republican incumbent sam brownback. one week ago today a twice weekly local newspaper with no website called the coffeyville journal revealed in 1998, a then unmarried 26-year-old paul davis was in a strip club getting a lap dance when the place was raided as part of a drug sting. davis was charged with no crime. he said he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. he was traveling with a partner at the law firm where he worked. the firm rechted the club. nothing in the record suggests that either man violated the law but you know that s not going to stop the story circulation so close to election day. i worry not only about those who have entered the arena and now have their behavior under a microscope but also those who are watching from the sidelines maybe contemplating a willingness to serve but seeing the treatment of others at the hands of the media they decide that the scrutiny is not worth it. this drains the pool of potential public servants and in many cases unnecessarily destroys the lives of those who submit to the 24/7 gauntlet i interviewed gary hart about a book he was releasing and i asked him where reporters and observers should draw the line on covering personal lives. here s what he told me. the standard that got changed i this think was that a public person s private life was of importance only if it affected their ability to do their job. i think that was a pretty good standard and it permitted some people who are flawed human beings as we all are to continue to serve their country. i think he s right. and he also correctly pointed out if today s wrecking ball standard had been applied in the past the country would have been denied the service of fdr, dwight eisenhower and jfk among others. it wasn t for tuesday condemn hart. that was a job for his wife. ironic that while we rejected him, lee hart has stayed with them more than 50 years. at least that s how i see it. let me get another opinion from tom fiedler, who today is dean of the college of communication at boston university and 30 years ago he was a political reporter for the miami herald, in fact, april 27, 1987, at 8:00 at night, his phone rang with the tip that would eventually sink gary hart. tom, thank you for being here. was there any discussion at the herald about whether this was a path the herald should pursue or whether this should remain out of bounds because it was his private life? there was extensive discussion about it, michael. what really drove that story was the tip which turned out to be verifiable and turned out to be accurate. is that senator hart at a time while he was running for president, and by the way, while he also publicly was denying that he was engaged in what was kind of acquaintly called womanizing back then, he was actually running around in a place in miami which if they had done a reality tv show about miami vice it would have been filmed probably there. so the question for us is first of all what is a presidential candidate doing running around in a place known to be awash in drugs, fast boats, fast girls and so forth. and also at a time when he was denying that this was a problem for him. and by the way, as much as i admire matt bai and what he did, the fact that e.j. s quote became somewhat iconic, gary hart had said many times before the e.j. dionne interview, words to those same effect. so when you say that there was a myth that he had set his own trap, that s really not collect. i wouldn t use the word trap. but senator hart himself weighs that issue as really a measure of who he was of his own authenticity. but the herald the herald wasn t responding to the challenge. you got a tip at 8:00 on that april night. absolutely not. but to have four reporters staked out in an alley, yourself included, trying to catch someone for infidelity who was a presidential candidate, that was unprecedented. that s the point that i tried to make. what we were doing was verifying what we were doing was verifying the tip that he in fact was going to spend the weekend with donna rice. which we verified. and you can only do that by actually being there, so you know, you somehow make it sound like what we were doing was out of the bounds of journalism. very much in bounds of what journalists do. the tip, however, was about infidelity. you make it sound like you could track down any tip. no. the tip the tip was about lying. the tip was about lying. he had lied to everyone, the public included, that he was he claimed he was not engaged in this kind of behavior. that was the tip that he was indeed engaged in that behavior and we checked out the tip. we felt that it s important that voters be able to consider when they are looking at a person s fitness for officials, they should be able to take into account what his character included and it included lying about as it happened, infidelity. thank you for being here. appreciate it. it was lying is the heart of the issue. after the break, scaring the public into the voting booth. let s call it for what it is, the politics of fear. we ll examine how politicians are using acts of terror and the air strikes against isis to influence voters. we re back in a moment. create things that help people. design safer cars. faster computers. smarter grids and smarter phones. think up new ways to produce energy. be an engineer. solve problems 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[ female announcer ] over 100,000 businesses have already used zip recruiter and now you can use zip recruiter for free at a special site for tv viewers; go to the midterm elections on the horizon. now the u.s. launched air strikes against isis one top pollster tells cnn security is top tier issue no one saw coming. how will the candidates campaign on the change? here is one extreme example in the new mexico senate race, challenger allen way has been trailing badly in the polls behind the incumbent democrat tom udall. way is running an add not telling how he would vote on the battle but showing scary terrorists and burning buildings and oh, yes, a president who likes to golf. here it is. you give me this office and in turn my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sle sleep, vacations, leisure, is gone. democratic senator tom udall from mexico. i know as fafr as i feel this diplomatic path that we re on right now is a good one. i am giving myself to you and the american people should have no patience for whatever s going through your head because you ve got a job to do. i know as far as i feel, this diplomatic path that we re on right now is a good one. you got a freebie on us, right. scott brown challenging senator jean shaheen is running an ad. brown also fails to tell voters how he would vote to stop them. i want to bring in mark lamont hill, and tara setmayer, co-host of real news on the blaze tv and a republican strategist. tara, will voters vote on this issue or will it still be the economy, stupid? interestingly enough this is mirroring what happened in 2002. the atlantic did a piece not long ago showing the parallels between 2002 when security moms were an important part of that election, and after 9/11 and not saying there is anything at the level of 9/11 but it s showing that polling, wall street journal showed that in august, 14% of women favored obama s foreign policy. now it s to 2. you know, women now, they are doing polling, focus grouping in iowa, it s an important place, where they showed that security issues are now replacing the economy. and don t tell me that democrats aren t paying attention to that, they are. and republicans are too. that ad that we saw in new mexico that s a pretty powerful ad. the reception of how you feel obama is doing, whether you it s it s the right thing or not to bomb syria and iraq t perception is republicans are stronger on national security and democrat are dust. does that hold where this president is launching air strikes against the islamic state. i agree everyone is looking at security issues, to the extent that people need to say something about it. the problem is there is no clear war hawk dove here. the president waged strikes, republicans have said the last week we like what the president s doing with regard to the scope and nature of the strikes so it s hard to get mad at the president for that. there are people who oppose arming kurds in the north but the problem is not along partisan lines. there are people on the right saying wait, we don t know who the moderates are, people on the left saying the same thing. it s tough to make it partisan. the reason why it s partisan is perception. over time people, they associate tougher security with republicans, and that democrats because the president has dithered about for so long, strikes are way overdo, most are talking about especially in the military this is not enough, so the idea of a terrorist attack here happening in the united states, that we re not safe, that perception is now burning into people s mind. what about those that we should not intervene. the fact that republicans, we shouldn t intervene in syria or iraq? i don t know if they say we shouldn t. i think what they are saying that some are. some say we shouldn t intervene at all. that s not the over thearching issue. eric holder is moving on. what s his legacy? his legacy of being for the president, one who made a disgrace of the office, overpoliticized it. he claim as an activist. he didn t investigate fast and furious, held in contempt of congress, benghazi, the irs, and race agitator. i say good riddance to eric holder thank god. we were doing so well. i think eric holder s legacy is one of an unprecedented role for the attorney general. you re saying he unpress denltsed in a bad way. we disdegree whether it s bad. going to ferguson. i think it s great thing to do. we re going to not choose sides but look for justice. a priority of not deporting people over others. cracking down on multinational corporations. corporate greed. these are good things. again, is he for the president, politicizing the office. absolutely. i haven t met an attorney general yet. not to go after illegal aliens. that s not a good thing. trying to prosecute terrorists as criminals, that wasn t a good thing. due process for everybody. shut ter thought. thank you both so much for being here. let s pause for a break. an explosive case in philadelphia, my hometown, alleged gay bashing. three suspectses have been charged but not with a hate crime. should they be? i ll talk with the philadelphia district attorney in a moment. stick with me. we know in the cyber world, threats are always evolving. at first, we were protecting networks. then, we were protecting the transfer of data. and today it s evolved to infrastructure. .finance. and military missions. we re constantly innovating to advance the front line in the cyber battle, wherever it takes us. that s the value of performance. northrop grumman. you can t get anyalue thbetter than that. trains. siemens trains are not your grandparent s technology. they re something that s gonna change the cities we live in today. i find it so fascinating how many people ride this and go to work every single day. i m one of the lucky guys. i get to play with trains. people say, wow, we still build that in the united states? and we say, yeah, we do! on september 11, a couple walking in center city philadelphia was allegedly accosted and beaten by a group of more than a dozen and such were the injuries that one victim needed to have his jaw wired shut. three individuals now charged with that beating. two men, one woman who happens to be the daughter of a local police chief. charged with two counts of the aggravated assault. reckless engaging and one of the criminal conspiracy. and that seems not to be enough. the men were beaten because they were gay. and this would appear to be a hate crime. only pennsylvania does not give protection to the lgbt community. why doesn t pennsylvania law, where it protects other group, protect this group? you are actually right, how are you michael. pennsylvania used to protect members of the lgbt community, sexual orientation was a part of the hate crime legislation. but the supreme court struck it down on a technicality on the manner in which it became a law. it was actually tied to an agricultural bill and the state constitution doesn t really allow to it become a law unless it had gone through the judiciary committee so because of that it was struck down. so currently in pennsylvania people of the protected class of lgbt are not protected. and so that is why we are hoping to change that. so that people that are homosexual will not be targeted and beaten. seth, here is my issue. first i believe that if there are hate crimes on the book, then the lgbt community should be provided that level of protection. but what occurs to me is that if my wife and i were on that same block and we were beaten, god forbid, the punishment that would be meted out to those individuals would then be less than if those individuals had attacked a gay couple. so why should i in that sense be deserving of less protection under the law? and that is an interesting question that many people pose but it is actually incorrect. if someone were to target you michael because think knew of your ethnicity and they targeted you for that. knew where your family came from in europe and they targeted you and they said derogatory slurs tied that that ethnicity. we could prosecute them and charge them with a hate crime under the ethnic intimidation laws a as they currently stand. with e don t have that in in situation. it is unfortunate that it occurred. one case like this is too many. it doesn t happen as often as many people think that people are targeted because of their sexual orientation. and i m glad at that. but one case is too many. doesn t every crime of violence involve some level of hatred? i m trouble by the idea that we are now going after you because of what s in your mind. i understand that. part of our democracy is to protect minority groups. for the majority to protect those that people often target. and so that is why there was a need, people thought, to protect people if they were going after them because they were african american or because they were korean, if you will. so i understand what you are saying but we do not have the first amendment right to express yourself by beating someone because of their ethnicity. and hopefully not because of their sexual orientation. a final quick question. do you anticipate more arrests in this case, which is getting national attention? i think and i m very happy that the police did a very thorough investigation and collaboration with the district attorney s office. we got arn outpouring from people on social media. and brought in the entire group of people. there was a large group that was a witness and somewhat of a party to what happened and i this i the police got it right but if we find additional information and other people deserve to be charged, they will be. seth williams, thanks for being with us. the philadelphia district attorney. thank you michael. bile right back. who s going to do it? who s going to make it happen? discover a new energy source. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves. get more clean water to everyone. who s going to take the leap? who s going to write the code? who s going to do it? engineers. that s who. that s what i want to do. be an engineer. [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america s future engineers. energy lives here. at od, whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. welllllllll, not when your travel rewards card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. that s their game. the flights you want are blacked out. or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. honestly, it s time to switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase, you ll earn unlimited double miles. from now on, no one s taking your seat away. what s in your wallet? thanks so much for joining me. do you know that 50 years ago today it was release of the warren commission report on the kennedy assassination. and you can follow me on twitter as long as you can spell smerconish. smerconish. see you next week. captions by vitac congratulations to them. we ll talk more at about that is a well but we want to say hello to you on this saturday morning. so grateful for your company. i m christy paul. and joe johns. we want to begin in northern syria this morning because the skies are new with air strikes. those air strikes happening near the border city where isis militants are the battling kurdish fighters. the kurds have been trying to push isis back. cameras have been captured had battle unfold. it is something to see. look at these pictures coming in. the u.s. led coalition is getting bigger by the day. new this morning. british royal air force planes are helping america parole the skies over iraq. and they say they are ready to strike if needed.

Miami , Florida , United-states , Vietnam , Republic-of , Khorasan , Helmand , Afghanistan , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , China , Syria

Transcripts For CNNW Smerconish 20140927

isis has impressed people the world over, not only with its lightning fast military gains in iraq and syria, but also its use of social media to spread its propaganda mission. this week on twitter, it released a second video from british hostage john cantlay. the presentation opens with the title lend me your ears with cantlay introducing himself as a long-time prisoner of the islamic state who has been abandoned by his government. he proceeds to rail against the military campaign against isis. and isis through cantlay moves to support its argument using selected quotes from noted americans, including former new jersey governor, tom cain, who chaired the 9/11 commission. but he begins the video by quoting liberally from my first guest, michael shower, former head of the cia s bin laden desk. at this time, cnn is not comfortable showing this propaganda video because the network believes cantlay was filmed under duress. but he said, so let s get straight to the point with a quote from former cia chief turned vigorous anti intervention campaigner michael sure. president obama does not have the slightest intention of defeating the islamic state which would require the easterly slaughter of the boots on the ground demolishing. he adds, 18 years into our war with the islamists, the u.s. government has given no public sign that it has the slightest awareness of what its enemies are fighting for. and cantlay ends the video with yet another quote from michael shoer who joins me now. michael, you ran the bin laden unit at the so-called alex station. i saw a tabulation in time magazine this week. they said that since 2007, you have been quoted in propaganda videos and the like from isis and other splinter groups from al qaeda no less than 16 times. why do they keep quoting you? it appears, michael, i m the only one in the west that s willing to take people who match words and deeds seriously. i m not a rocket scientist, and my foes will tell you that. they rather think i m an idiot. but we re fighting an enemy who tells us exactly what he s going to do, and then he does it. and he does it for the motivations that he describes. and yet we have the third american president now, mr. clinton, mr. bush and mr. obama, repeating the same sort of nonsense that they have talked about for the last 18 years. in other words, you believe there is a misperception. you think the american people you know i ve read all of your books, so i ve read this and heard it from you before. but you think to that to the ex it tent bev within told this about our lap dances or our lattes or our gap jeans or our, quote, freedoms, that s just not what drives the jihadists. that s a deliberate lie on the part of the ruling establishment in this country on the political elite. because they don t want to face the fact that what motivates these people to attack us, maybe not to attack the israelis, or the saudis, but us, is our intervention in their world. and right now, isis could not ask for any greater gift than the one obama is giving them right at the moment. so when they quote michael soy er, your interpretation is i understand them, i understand them to be evil s.o.b.s but people who understand what they mean and transmit their intentions and their message has been mischaracterized by the american political leadership, both democrats and republicans. everyone, michael. there is not an honest man on capitol hill as far as i know in terms of this since ron paul left. this is a problem that is ours, and it will it keep growing and it will occur in this country until we come to grips with the fact that we have a choice. we keep our foreign policy constant, we fight this war forever. we change our foreign policy to the extent we can, especially in regard to energy and support for the saudi police state and the israelis. we have a chance to split the unity of the and against us. he quotes you as having said obama doesn t have the slightest intention of defeating the is m islamic state. we re all looking at footage of air strikes now launched against that islamic state, both in iraq and now in it syria. michael, we watched it in iraq the first time in 2003. we ve watched it for 14 years. in afghanistan. air power wins nothing, except with an atomic weapon aboard. and that s not going to happen. it is obama said yesterday, there is no military solution to this. and what that means is, he s ashamed as bush was, as clinton was, to apply american military power that the american people have paid for to protect their country and their families. and what they ll do is, they ll talk their way out of this war, will run again, and will be 0 for 3 against the muja huh dean which in the muslim world means they have beaten both super powers. the soviets in the 79 invasion in afghanistan is what you re referring to. that s correct. i m going to ask for the michael scheuer solution in a moment. but first, square what you have offered in terms of what the real motivation of isis is with what we re seeing in those videos. here s what i mean by that, michael. they re beheading journalists as they are threatening the president against further incursion into the muslim world. surely they know that the reaction here in america is going to be for people to get fired up and be supportive of those bombing missions. so i guess my question for michael scheuer is, do they really want us to come over there, or do they really want us, as they say in the video, to stay home. they want us to come over there so we ll stay home, michael. they want to beat us again. it s a lure. osama bin laden and other islamist leaders have explained very clearly that running operation across the atlantic ocean or the pacific into america is expensive and it is it will cause only minimal damage. if they can get an american field army on the ground, they have found twice now in iraq and afghanistan that they can defeat it. it costs us enormous amounts of money. many, many dead. lots of maimed kids hobbling around for the rest of their life. but most important, they defeat the greatest power of the world has of seen, as it s said, with arms from the korean war. they re certainly they know what war is about, sir. and we don t. so when they say, this is what you ll get more of, obama, if you continue, they are really saying, continue your quest on the so-called their words, not mine, arabian peninsula, so they can use it as a recruitment device. that s the world according to michael scheuer. i think it s reality. at least that s the way i see reality, yes, according to scheuer, that s correct. the more we intervene, the more they win. give me the plan. so if michael scheuer would be dictating that which the united states should be doing it would be what? close the southern borders, so we don t end up fighting the u.s. military inside the united states. put together the xl pipeline, get us energy sufficient so we can dump those tyrants that are part of our coalition now. the saudi, the kuwaitis, the emirates. they re the people that should be getting killed in this, not americans. and finally, we need to separate ourselves from israel. it is an enormous drag on american it s a cancer on american foreign policy. you know that people will hear this and find those words objectionable and say their only friend in the middle east, only democracy, why would we turn our backs on the israelis. i find it objectionable to send my college-age kids to fight and die so mrs. mohamed can vote in an afghan election. and after all those kids die to run away and leave the country and go back to the taliban. i ll take the abuse if people can explain what in the world this political elite is doing to our young people. michael scheuer, thank you as always for being here. pleasure, sir. a lot more ahead. up next, this question. where are you, jane fonda. where are you, susan saran dan and the thousands of others who protested wars in the past. america, is it war again. why are the streets silent this time? i ll talk with veteran activist tom haden. and the comes politics of isis. no one on capitol hill will authorize force against isis, but plenty of ads are using video of the terrorists to stoke fear this november. we ll talk about that. and gary hart never got to the white house. nearly 30 years ago, he was caught in an affair with donna rice, ending his bid. a new book says what happened. and i pose this question. have we as a nation suffered because tabloid journalists now peer through the bushes when covering political candidates? i ll be right back. [ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster. something safer. something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it s always about the very thing we do best. welcome back. have you noticed what s been missing this week on the streets of america while u.s. and coalition jets began pounding isis and carson core san group targets in syria? where are the anti-war protests and celebrities who usually lead those protests? in the last decade there were demonstrations against the iraq war such as in 2007 led by jane fonda and susan saran dan. and, of course, military action abroad a familiar sight on the streets during the long vietnam war in the 60s and early 70s. my next guest is a veteran of those protests. i m joined by tom haden. good to have you. the issue is, with no draft, there s no skin in the game for so many people, right? i mean, the fact is, the burden is being borne by so few among us. well, there were big demonstrations against iraq, and there was no draft. there were 600,000, as you just showed on your screen ten seconds ago. there was a big anti-war but not in comparison to the 60s. well, we can make these comparisons. but look, we have to use our brains. it s obvious this war is rapidly developing. people have to think about it. if the president says there s no military solution and he also says it s going to be a war that lasts beyond his presidency, i can guarantee you, there will be a big anti-war movement. is part of the problem, problem meaning from a lack of protest standpoint, there is not access, say, in syria. journalists today need to be rightfully concerned they would be beheaded if they were on the front lines of this conflict. so perhaps americans at home are not seeing it the way it s playing out. that s a big problem. i know a lot about the james foley case. but i do think you can start an anti war movement without television. and it will be when people adjust to the madness that seems to be going on and start to ask questions, how long will it last, what will it cost, is there really a strategy if the president says there s no military solution. i think it will take until a little past the election, and you ll start to see a lot of action. i get the sense you re painting your sign, and you re getting ready. tom haden. thanks a lot. i am. let me take a quick break. up next, i m fascinated by this topic. would you be upset if your son said he was dating a republican or maybe your daughter said i m dating a democrat. discrimination based on party affiliation. and when should crimes be classified as hate crimes? should they ever? i ll talk with a district attorney who is dealing with an explosive case close to my home that many are calling gay bashing. but the suspects have not been charged with a hate crime. stick with me. i thought it d be bigger. 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(vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it s what makes a subaru,a subaru. my motheit s delicious. toffee in the world. so now we ve turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i m janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. t-mobile s network has more data capacity than verizon or at&t. it s a network designed data strong. iwith something terrible to admit. i treated thousands of patients, risked their lives, while high on prescription drugs. i was an addict. i m recovered now, but an estimated 500,000 medical professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. police, airline pilots, bus drivers. they re randomly tested for drugs and alcohol. but not us doctors. you can change that: vote yes on proposition 46. your lives are in our hands. it used to be that many parents disapproved of their children marrying someone of a different race, ethnicity, maybe religion. but new research just published suggests that nowadays, party prejudice, meaning political party prejudice, even exceeds racial prejudice. cass sunstein wrote about it under the review partyism now trumps racism. the actual research was done by academics at stanford and princeton university. look at the numbers. the article states that in 1960, only 5% of republicans and 4% of democrats said they would not like their children to marry outside of their political party. but by 2010, those numbers jumped to 49%, and 33%. quite a distressing sign of the times. but perhaps not so surprising to my next guest. i m joined by liliana mason, a visiting scholar at rutgers university s political science department. what do you make of that data? it s actually not that surprising to me. i think that i think that saying that partyism and racism are different things is actually a little bit misleading. i think what we re seeing is that the two political parties are divided on race. so that we have a racial division between republicans and democrats. we also have a religious division between republicans and democrats. we also have a cultural division. we watch different tv shows. we live in different places. north and south and also urban and rural. so we re becoming these sort of mega teams, the democrats and republicans. and it s becoming easier and easier to dehumanize the people who are our political opponents. do you think you ve just given me a thought that maybe we re able publicly to criticize the other party. we hope we would never criticize the other race. is this all cover? in other words, instead today of somehow acknowledging to a pollster you re a racist, you re not going to do that, instead you lay it off on the democrats, you lay it off on the republicans. you could. and part of it is that. but then there are these other identities that you could also put in there, right? if you re biased against a religious group, you could put that in under party, too. if you re biased against southerners, you could put that in a political party too. so the difference between racism and partyism is that we ve got this one prejudice that it s totally okay to talk about. and racism, which is really, you know, publicly we re not supposed to be talking about. and we all know that. and that s the rule. maybe a solution is to ostracize partyism, if that s the proper word, in the same way we have ostracized those who are bigots. that would be a wonderful thing to do. but that s actually not happening at all. partisans from both sides seem to be acceptable to call each other names like stupid or liars. we reward them in the media. we reward them by writing checks, we reward them by allowing them to get nominate indeed hyper partisan districts. if they were to say those same things about a racial group, they would disappear from the public scene in an instant. makes sense to me the way you have explained it. liliana, thank you for joining me. thank you. joining me now, a couple who joined outside their political party. john avalon, editor in chief of the daily beast. margaret hoover, cnn political commentator and republican consultant. all right, margaret, when you brought him home and they found out that he was an independent, all be it one who worked for mayor guiliani, what was their reaction? they were duly warned he also worked for bill clinton and we had plenty of sessions over it. they were prepared. but again, to your point, there was preparation necessary. it s true. i mean, in the case of my family, i ve got to give them credit. they came by their biases really innocently. if your great grandfather is herbert hoover you can understand why they would have i have a bias against democrats. john is not a democrat, he s an independent. it didn t change the content of the toasts at our wedding. i think that was probably the most common point reiterated over and over again, that i was marrying outside of the republican party. john, was she a hard sell on the home front initially because of her party affiliation? oh, god no. not at all. the exact opposite. i mean, my dad was thrilled. but your dad is republican. full disclosure. your father is a republican. he s very conservative and long standing. it was not an issue in my family at all. and i think the point margaret is making her family comes by it honestly. they may be a leading indicator of the kind of personal hurt feelings that drive partisanship today. i mean, you know, again, it wasn t that i was a democrat. it was that i wasn t a republican and it really was like marrying outside your faith to some extent. there was education involved. there was explaining positions. and, you know, i love that, you know, margaret and i, you know i think try to set an example of how you can disagree agreeably and that people who come from things from different perspectives don t always end up in a totally different place. but the fact that poll shows the huge cultural shift, michael, from 1960, when it s 4 to 5% to a ten-fold increase today, that s an area which we have deeply regressed. it is shocking. it should be shocking. it s a really, really sad sign of the times. margaret, what s troubling to me is not only that figure but also the practical impact of this. i read the data myself. and in one episode, one experiment, i should say, a thousand people were shown resumes. resumes that tipped the hand as to whether you were looking at a republican or a democrat. and even when the candidates were opposing parties had better credentials, they didn t get the job. right. so it scares me to think people are acting this way around us. your thoughts, margaret. look, i agree with you. i think, you know i am i m going to disagree a little bit about how we re framing partisansh partisanship. and just beg for a characterization, a little definition on this. hyper partisanship, the kind you re talking about, i think is debilitating and bad for our democracy. but there is a kind of healthy partisanship that is part of our tradition going back to madison and jefferson. this is going back to the founding fathers. you know, we can search for this elusive consensus. and you know where we re going to find it. we re going to find it in authoritarian russia in lennonist china, the middle east of isis. so, you know, hyper partisanship is awful. but a robust, healthy and wonderful debate in our culture, about our policies, is part of the democratic tradition of this country. and so i think striking that balance is important. john, go sort this one out over dinner tonight, okay? john avalon. margaret hoover. married, but now you see why we ve got them in separate studios. when i come back, the affair that brought down gary hart s presidential ambitions nearly 30 years ago. a new book sets some of the record straight. i think the reporting on that story tainted american journalism and had a negative impact on american politics and i will explain why. on monday, a new book comes out written by matt bye, who now writes for yahoo! news and political correspondent for new york times magazine. the book is called the truth is out: the week that politics went tabloid. and the focus is gary hart s withdrawal from the 1988 race for the white house which came after it was discovered that he was having an affair with donna rice. bye argues the event was an important milestone in journalistic changes taking place wins watergate. where the surest path to media success had been to gain the trust of politicians and infiltrate their world. now it was to take down a public servant through scandal. and do you remember the photograph of donna rice sitting on hart s lap? chances are you think the photo was the smoking gun that killed this political career. actually, the picture didn t come to light until nearly three weeks laugh after he had suspended his candidacy. in the ensuing 30 years, there has been no such thing as out of bounds when it comes to media interest in candidates for high office. and not just big media outlets. take a look at what happened this week in kansas. paul davis, democratic gubernatorial candidate, has been locked in a tight race against republican incumbent sam brown back. one week ago today, a twice-weekly local newspaper with no website called the coffeeville journal revealed that in 1998, a then unmarried 26-year-old paul davis was in a strip club getting a lap dance when the place was raided as part of a drug sting. davis was charged with no crime. this week he said he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. davis was traveling with a partner at the law firm where he worked. the firm represented the club. and nothing in the police records suggests that either man violated the law. but you know that s not going to stop the story circulation so close to election day. i worry not only about those who have entered the arena and now have their behavior placed under a microscope but also those watching from the sidelines, maybe contemplating a willingness to serve but seeing the treatment of others at the hands of the media they decide that the scrutiny is just not worth it. this drains the pool of potential public servants, and in many cases, unnecessarily destroys the lives of those who submit to the 24/7 gaunt let. four years ago, i interviewed gary hart about a book he was then releasing. and i asked him, where reporters and observers should draw the line today on covering politicians personal lives. here s what he told me. he said the standard that got changed i think 20 or 25 years ago was that a public person s private life was of importance, only if it affected their ability to do their job. i think that was a pretty good standard, and it permitted some people who are flawed human beings, as we all are, to continue to serve their country. well, i think he s right. and he also correctly pointed out that if today s wrecking ball standard had been applied in decades past, the country would have been denied the service of fdr, dwight eisenhower and jfk, among others. it wasn t for us to condemn hart. that was a job for his wife. and how ironic that while we rejected him, lee hart has stayed with him for more than 50 years. at least that s how i see it. but let me get another opinion from tom feedler who today is dean of the college of communication of boston university and 30 years ago a reporter for the miami herald. in fact, april 27, 1987 at 8:00 at night, his phone rang with the tip that would eventually sink gary hart. hey, tom feedler, thank you so much for being here. was there any discussion at the herald about whether this was a path the herald should pursue or whether this should remain out of bounds because it was his private life? there was extensive discussion about it, michael. what really drove that story was the tip, which turned out to be verifiable and turned out to be accurate. is that senator hart at a time while he was running for president and by the way while he also publicly was denying that he was engaged in what was quaintly called womanizing back then. he was actually running around in a place, turn berry isle in miami, which if they had done a reality tv show about miami vice it would have been filmed probably in turnberry isle. so the question for us is, first of all, what is a presidential candidate doing running around in a place known to be awash in drugs, fast boats, fast girls and so forth, and also at a time when he was denying that this was a problem for him. and by the way, as much as i admire matt bye and what he did, the fact that ejd quote became iconic, gary hart had said many times before the interview words to those very same effect. so when you say that there was a myth that he had set his own trap, that s really not correct. i wouldn t use the word trap. but senator hart himself raised that issue as really a measure of who he was. of his own authenticity. but the herald wasn t responding to the that challenge. you got a tip at 8:00 on that april night. absolutely not. but to have four reporters staked out literally in an alley, yourself included, trying to catch someone for infidelity who was a presidential candidate, that was unprecedented. that s the point that i ve tried to make. you get the quick final word. what we were doing there was verifying the tip that he was going to spend the weekend with donna rice. which we verified. and you can only do that by actually being there. so you know, you somehow make it sound like what we were doing was out of the bounds of journalism. very much inbounds of what journalists do. right. the tip, however, was about infidelity. you make it sound like you could track down any tip. it was about infidelity. no, no, the tip was about lying. the tip was about lying. he had lied to everyone, the public included, that he was he claimed he was not engaged in this kind of behavior. that was the tip. that he was indeed engaged in that behavior, and we checked out the tip. we felt that it s important that voters be able to consider when they re looking at a person s fitness for office, they should be able to take into account what his character included and it included lying about, as it happened, infidelity. thank you so much for being here. really, lying is the heart of the issue. after the break, scaring the public into the voting booth. let s call it for what it is. the politics of fear. we ll examine how politicians are using acts of terror and the air strikes against isis to influence voters. we re back in a moment. locked up. case closed? 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(male announcer) today s the day to ask your doctor about levemir® flextouch. covered by nearly all health insurance and medicare plans. the midterm elections are on the horizon, and now that the u.s. has launched air strikes against isis, one top republican pollster tells cnn security is now a top tier issue that no one saw coming. so how will the candidates campaign on the change? here s one extreme example in the new mexico senate race, republican challenger, allen way has been trailing behind tom u dahl. he is showing scary terrorists and burning buildings and, oh, yes, a president who likes to golf. here it is. you give me this office, and in turn, my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, vacations, leisure, is gone. democratic senator, tom udall, new mexico. i know as far as i feel, this diplomatic path that we re on right now is a good one. i m giving myself to you. and the american people should have no patience for whatever is going through your head, because you ve got a job to do. i know as far as i feel, this diplomatic path that we re on right now is a good one. you just got a freebie on us, right? scott brown, new hampshire republican, challenging senator gene shaheen, democrat, is running an ad claiming terrorists are threatening to collapse our country. in the midst of that hyperbole, brown fails to tell voters how he would vote to stop them. i want to bring in mark lamont hill, cnn political commentator and tara setmare co host of real news and republican strategist. tara, will voters vote on this issue or will it still be the economy stupid? interestingly enough, this is mirroring what happened in 2002. the atlantic did a piece showing the parallels between 2002 when security moms were an important part of that election after 9/11. and not saying there is anything at the level of 911, but it s showing that polling, wall street journal showed in august a 14% of women favored obama s foreign policy. now it s shrunken to 2. women are doing focus grouping in iowa. that s an important place, where they show that security issues are now replacing the economy. and don t tell me that democrats aren t paying attention to that. they are. and republicans are too. that ad that we just saw in new mexico, that s a pretty powerful ad. the perception of however you feel obama is doing, whether you think it s the right thing or not to bomb syria and iraq, the perception is that republicans are stronger on national security and democrats are doves. sdnchts that hold water, mark, where this president is launching air strikes against the islamic state. you can t kick sand in his face. i agree. everyone is looking at security issues right now. it s a big campaign issue to the extent that people need to say something about it. but the problem is, there is no clear war dove here. the president has waged strikes. republicans have uniformly said the last week, we like what the president is doing with regard to the scope and nature of the strikes. so it s hard to get mad at the president for that. and there are people who oppose arming rebels in syria. people who oppose arming kurds in the north. the problem is, it s not along partisan lines. there are people on the right saying wait a minute, we don t know who the moderates are. it s tough to make this a partisan issue. the reason why it s partisan is because it s perception. over time, people they associate tougher security with republicans. and that democrats, because the president has dithered about for so long, the strikes are way overdue. most people are talking about, especially in the military, this is not enough. so the idea of a terrorist attack here happening in the united states, the idea that we re not safe, that perception is now burning into people s minds. what about we shouldn t intervene? are they considered tough on terrorism? no. the fact that the republicans we shouldn t intervene in syria or iraq? yeah. i don t know, i think what they re saying are some are saying that s not the overall issue here. eric holder is moving on. yes. what s his legacy, tara? his legacy of one of being a cycophant for the president, made a disgrace of the office of attorney general, overpoliticized it. he proudly claimed himself as an activist, didn t investigate fast and furious, held in contempt of congress, benghazi, the irs, race agitator. i say good riddance to eric holder, thank god. we were doing so well the last two minutes. i think eric holder s legacy is one of an unprecedented role for the attorney general. you re unprecedented in a bad way. we can disagree whether it s bad or not. when you look at him going down to ferguson, for example, that s unprecedented for a sitting attorney general. we re going to try to create justice. we re not going to choose sides yet but look for i couldn t say tis. not departing particular people over others. cracking down on major national corporations, corporate agreed. these are good things. is he a cycophant for the president, is he politicizing the office? absolutely. i haven t met an attorney general yet who wasn t a cycophant for the president. that s not a good thing, trying to prosecute terrorists as criminals of the united states, that wasn t a good thing. due process for everybody. shudder the thought. that s what obama was for. thank you both so much for being here. let s pause for a break. when i come back, an explosive case in philadelphia. my hometown. alleged gay bashing. three suspects have been charged. but not with a hate crime. should they be? i ll talk with the philadelphia district attorney in just a moment. stick with me. want to change the world? create things that help people. design safer cars. faster computers. smarter grids and smarter phones. think up new ways to produce energy. be an engineer. solve problems the world needs solved. what are you waiting for? changing the world is part of the job description. 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you re actually right. how are you, michael? pennsylvania used to protect members of the lgbt community, sexual orientation was a part of the hate crime legislation. but the supreme court struck it down on a technicality on the manner in which it became a law. it was actually tied to an agricultural bill. and the state constitutionally doesn t allow it to become a law unless it had gone through the judiciary committee. and so because of that technicality, it was struck down. and so currently in pennsylvania, people of that protected class of lgbt are not protected. and so that is why we are hoping to change that. so that people that are homosexual will not be targeted and beaten. seth, here s my issue. first of all, i believe that if there are hate crimes on the books, then the lgbt community should be provided that level of protection. but what occurs to me is that if my wife and i were on that same block and we were beaten, god forbid, the punishment that would be meeted out to those individuals would be less than if the individuals had attacked a gay couple. why should i be deserving of less protection under the law? that s an interesting question that many people pose. it s actually incorrect. if someone were to target you, michael, because they knew of your ethnicity and they targeted you for that, they knew where your family came from in europe and they targeted you and they said derogatory slurs that were tied to that ethnicity, we could prosecute them and charge them with a hate crime under the ethnic and intimidation laws as they currently stand. and so we don t have that in this situation. it s unfortunate that it occurred. one case like this is too many. it doesn t happen as often as many people think, that people are targeted because of their sexual orientation. and i m glad of that. but one case is too many. the situation you mentioned go ahead. doesn t every crime of violence involve some level of hatred? see i m troubled by the idea that we re now going after you because of what s in your mind. i understand that. part of our democracy is to protect minority groups. for the majority to protect those that people often target. and so that is why there was a need, people thought, to protect people if they were going after them because they were african-american or because they were korean, if you will. so i understand what you re saying. but you do not have the first amendment right to express yourself by beating someone because of their ethnicity. and hopefully not because of their sexual orientation. a final quick question. do you anticipate more arrests in this case, which is getting national attention? i think, and i m very happy that the police did a very thorough investigation in collaboration with the district attorney s office. we got an outpouring of cooperation from the public who searched social media, saw what many of these people had put on facebook. they brought in the entire group of people, a large group, that was a witness and somewhat of a party to what happened. and i think the police got it right. but if we find additional information, if we find other people deserve to be charged, they will be. seth williams, philadelphia district attorney, thanks for being with us. thank you very much, michael. i ll be right back. i thought it d be bigger. 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Vietnam , Republic-of , New-york , United-states , Miami , Florida , Capitol-hill , New-jersey , Rutgers-university , Texas , Afghanistan , Valencia