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Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240612

that is tonight s last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, hunter biden guilty in his federal gun case. what s next for the president s only living son as he awaits sentence thing and what it could mean for the race. then my exclusive interview with john bolton. why he thinks we are not taking the former president s threats seriously enough. plus, pride month under attack. why progress is being lost as the 11th hour gets underway on this tuesday night. good evening once again, i am stephanie ruhle and we are now 147 days away from the election and today the president son, hunter biden, was convicted on all counts in his federal gun trial. the jury deliberated the three counts for just three hours. president biden says he accepts the outcome of the case and will always be there for his son. here is my colleague ryan nobles with more. reporter: tonight president biden arriving in delaware, hugging his son on the tarmac after hunter biden became the first child of a sitting president found guilty in a criminal trial. no one in this country is above the law. reporter: it took three hours of deliberations for 12 jurors to unanimously determine hunter biden guilty of three felony counts. for lying about his drug use on a federal background check to buy a gun. special counsel david weiss, who oversaw the prosecution, saying this is not a case about hunter s struggles with crack, but his decision to break the law. s choice to lie on a government form when he bought a gun and then to possess that gun. it was these choices and the combination of guns and drugs that made his conduct dangerous. reporter: inside the courtroom, the president s 54- year-old son did not react as the verdict was read. he left the courthouse holding the hand of the first lady, later releasing a statement saying i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week from melissa, my family, my friends, and my community then i am disappointed about the outcome. the verdict comes after four days of testimony from people who are or were once close to hunter biden. many testifying about his drug use around the time he filled out the background check saying he was not a drug user. his ex-girlfriend testified she witnessed hunter smoking crack every 20 minutes or so. the prosecution also using clips from hunter s own book. i have no plans beyond the moment. reporter: the defense argued hunter biden did not knowingly lie on the form. tonight we spoke to juror number 10, who asked that we conceal his identity. separating the politics from the case a absolutely. for us it was not politically motivated. politics never played into anything that we said in the jury room. reporter: president biden, who said he would not pardon his son, writing, jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. with that let s get smarter with the help of our leadoff panel this evening. mike memoli is here. he has covered president biden and his family for more than a decade. susan glasser joins us, staff writer for the new yorker and harry litman, former assistant attorney general. mike, you know this president and his family better than any other reporter out there. how are they all reacting to this? biden has a lot of family expressions and one i have heard him invoke so often is that family is everything. it is the beginning, it is the middle, and it is the end. in the more than decade of covered president biden i have seen them come together to celebrate their greatest triumphs. the election, the inauguration most recently. i have also seen them have to endure some of the most difficult and tragic moments as a family. this is one that yet again has brought the family together. to really take stock of a very difficult moment. really the past week and a half has been so difficult to have to relive through this trial the most difficult moments of their family, starting with the death of beau biden and what it did to hunter biden, leading to the addiction to drugs. as i have been talking to people close to the family tonight i have been struck by a tone of defiance about what comes next. there has been concern about what this might mean politically, but also personally for president biden. he is 21 weeks away from his last election. 16 days away from a consequential debate against donald trump, but the tone i am hearing from people close to the president is that they are so proud of their public service as a family and nothing is going to stop them from achieving the goal that is set out in front of them. they know they have a difficult task ahead. the politics, the legal situation does not get easier from here but they are determined to face this together as a family. harry, you wrote in the l.a. times that the jury decision was right, but the prosecution was wrong. i don t think i know what that means. let me try. department of justice guidelines, stephanie, have ways of handling cases and cases like this in which someone lies on a form but does not do any other crime with a gun or part of a gang or whatever are universally dismissed or not treated with the severity that david weiss treated this one. that is how david weiss first proposed to treat this one about a year ago when the gun charges were going to be the subject of a diversion agreement if hunter biden kept clean for two years. it would go away. so the screaming question, not the jury verdict but the question to charge presents and i don t know what the answer is. what happened to change his view of what was the proper punishment and treatment of hunter biden to take it outside how gop practice would normally treat it. because he is a special counsel no one in the doj supervisory structure which normally would say we don t do that to these cases, here is how we handle these cases. no one was there to say that and i think it is certain for whatever reason that hunter was treated more severely than another defendant with the same facts. you have written that you don t think a game changer could change voters minds about this election so i assume you think this verdict won t have much of an impact. we are getting to the point that you are anticipating me too well. look, if donald trump s conviction and becoming the first convicted felon in american history who was a former president, if that was not a radical change in the election, i don t see the conviction of a private citizen, even one who was the son of a current president to be a game changer in this race. it was that close. there was a minor, incremental shift at best toward biden. it is not entirely clear how this conviction of biden s son will play politically. certainly republicans were immediately questioning this, saying this is really just a distraction and all sorts of instantaneous conspiracy theories. default setting from some of trumps public supporters and defenders. you know, hunter biden is not running for president and that s the bottom line. there is no evidence that years of investigations of him, of dragging his name around, has really affected biden s political standing and i don t anticipate this would, either. hunter biden is not running for president. we should remind our audience he has no role in our government, past, present, and no plans for the future. harry, what could he be looking at as far as sentence goes? the standard guidelines would dictate a sentence between 15 to 21 months, based on the conduct and lack of criminal history. those are just recommendations and my best guess, consistent with what i was saying about how people who don t do anything else other than lie on the form are treated is that he will receive a fair bit less than that from the judge. remember however that there are still the tax charges he has to face and david weiss made it clear that the investigation is ongoing and he may be targeting some of hunter biden s conduct in 2014 or so in china, in business dealings. for this charge i expect him to get a sentence that is a matter of months, not the 15 to 21 that the guidelines would otherwise dictate. even if it is just a few months, hunter biden, unlike most people in his situation has secret service protection. so how does that work? your guess is as good as mine, though we have been thinking about it and we know the secret service prepared a plan when it came up with donald trump. trump would have his own wing and people would be there. there would be a lot of cooperation with local authorities. here it is easier because it is federal authorities, bureau of prisons and secret service. that will be worked out one way or another. i think that is sort of the least of the practical issues that this conviction poses today. michael, you laid it out for us, how close the biden family has. how to finance the president is when it comes to protecting his family, how he talks about the family. around this time last year i interviewed the president. much to his teams chagrin, anger, fury, i asked about hunter and he said my son is an innocent man, my son is a good man. the president is now headed deeper into this campaign into the debate stage. how is he going to handle the questions he is asked, the narrative around hunter now that we have this guilty verdict and a president who does respect the rule of law and decisions made by a jury? just think about the gauntlet that is ahead. i mentioned 16 days from now is the first debate. preparation is critical. the president tomorrow is leaving for an important foreign trip. meeting with other key leaders as well as pope francis. you know how close this president is with that hope. it will be an interesting meeting, but then he comes back and has a little over a week to prepare for that debate. we have never in modern history scenery match between combatants like trump and biden and we know the strategy on the part of the former president is very likely to try to get under president biden skin and use this against him. the biden team looks at 2020 when, yes, hunter biden was a frequent political cudgel that trump tried to use against him and the president s advisers say it did not work then and it actually backfired on donald trump. they are presenting this as do this at your own peril to donald trump, but i think it is a concern to people close to president biden that as important as the debate is and as important as preparation is, will he be able to focus on the task at hand? the answer from those i ve spoken to today is that is not going to be an issue. susan, i m sure you remember this question. former president trump and his friends at fox news said it over and over and over. where is hunter? they said it for days, weeks, months. it seemed like years. yet after today s verdict the trump campaign was basically silent, saying it is just a distraction. what in the world is going on here, susan? well, first of all i guess now that donald trump himself where s the label of convicted felon and has been at the spearhead of the most kind of concerted assault that we have ever seen, i think, by one political party in this country against the very legitimacy of the legal system. it is not exactly a comparison that is favorable where you have democrats on down today saying listen, we respect the rule of law. biden isn t going to issue a pardon for his own son. as painful as this is we think that the jury system works and things like that. the contrast with trump is obviously one that is very unfavorable and i am struck by how quickly trumps allies immediately reverted to conspiracy theories and make- believe. i can t stress that enough. they are still in burnet down mode when it comes to our legal system and that includes, you know, trying to imply that this case is a distraction from the real secret being covered up, the real case that should be brought against hunter biden. whatever the conspiracy theory is, it is part of a purposeful plan to rip down the authority and the legitimacy of the legal system, because of donald trump. because of one man. republicans like to say the current president weaponize is the justice department, but i want to share with democrat jim mcgovern had to say about that very thing. watch this. apparently when a republican is convicted it is weaponization, but when a democrat is convicted, the president s son no less, that is justice. give me a break. hunter biden was found guilty by a jury of his peers, just like donald trump. the divide is stunning and it is a great reminder that one political party remains committed to the rule of law and the other doesn t. jim mcgovern bringing a rational thought to a political party. crazy to do these days. michael, there are a lot of apolitical people. it seems like what you laid out with the a clear contrast for voters. is it? it is interesting because what we didn t hear from the president, from those around him tonight, was criticism of a trump appointed judge that presided over this trial or the prosecution from the trump appointed special counsel. there was none of that in the statement before the trial began and today when the try was over, he reiterated his respect for the rule of law and freedom and democracy have been an important part of the president s campaign. that is an example he is showing not just through those words, but the words we saw in another interview last week. the president has the power after this difficult moment, this difficult verdict, to free his son of any potential jail time. he can issue a pardon as soon as the sentence comes down and he has said he will not do that. if ever there was an opportunity for a president to put their finger on the scale of the justice system and given how close he and his family are, it would seem to be in this moment and he said he is not going to do that. thank you all for starting us off on this very serious news evening. when we return this man once worked in the trump administration and a cabinet level position. now one of his biggest critics. john bolton talks the verdicts in both trump and hunter biden s trials. later the biden campaign has an aggressive strategy to brand trump as a felon. how the president s sons verdict could complicate that. the 11th hour, just getting underway on a tuesday night. da. 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i don t think enough people are. when you hear trump saying things like people are saying that retribution can be justified, what he really means is i am saying that retribution can be justified. i think he has a long list of adversaries he wants to go after, but i think the justice department under the trump administration will be in continuing chaos as he tells his political appointee is to go after people whether there are grounds to do it or not and what those lawyers do will tell you a lot about their legal integrity. i think it will put the judiciary under real pressure. you might be on the perceived enemy list. are you concerned at all for your safety? i m concerned about a lot of people that i think he made clear he wants to go after. he tried to suppress my book. he tried to get a criminal investigation started. both of those have been settled and taken out of the picture because they were utterly without merit, but i don t think those technicalities stand in trumps way. he said for example he wants to prosecute the former chairman of the joint chief of staff s for daring to have a conversation with his chinese counterpart in the run-up to january 6, to assure the chinese that they need not worry. trump says that his treason and he reminded people that the death penalty used to apply. i think he is very serious. he may joke about it a little bit, but this will be a retribution presidency and i think the justice department will be where the rubber meets the road. you called the new york verdict a fire bell in the night and you urged your party to nominate somebody else at the convention. do you think that is something that could realistically happen? is there a group behind the scenes potentially working on this? i don t think it is realistic, but i think people ought to have a gut check one more time. for most americans voting for a convicted felon, i think, is going to be a real obstacle. you can say all you want that this was the result of political discrimination against trump. he will be able to raise the selective prosecution argument on appeal. when the case was put in front of 12 regular americans, new yorkers like donald trump used to be, they found him guilty. i think the facts the prosecution presented were clear and that is a problem the party will have and could affect senate candidates, house candidates, gubernatorial candidates. i think if he is elected, electing the first convicted felon as president of the united states will cause real damage to the united states and how we are perceived abroad. given the guilty verdict today for president biden son, hunter biden, what do you say to those republicans who say joe biden weaponized the department of justice and made it his political tool? right and basically shot his son in the process. it is a conspiracy theory. i speak as an alumnus of the department of justice. you could not do in that department what trumps supporters say has been done and not have it leaked to every major media outlet in the country. it is possible to be the victim of selective prosecution and unfairly so and also be guilty. i think certainly that is probably true in trump s case. in hunter biden s case they are not done with him yet. there will be an income tax case and the u.s. attorney, special counsel investigation into hunter continues. so i would like to see what the impact of this case is on the election. it will have an election impact, even though it is not joe biden. it is his son. and see what people think when trump says poor donald trump, the whole world is against him. apparently against hunter biden, too. do you think donald trump is a threat to democracy? we keep hearing that phrase. i want to know if you believe it and if so, practically, tangibly what does it look like? i don t think it is a threat to democracy or our system. i think it will cause enormous damage and a term of confusion and turmoil. but the idea that donald trump is going to overthrow the united states constitution, overthrow the republic as an existential threat to democracy gives him too much credit. i think it is important to state the threat accurately. not to overstate it, not to understate it, but to understand what the nature of the threat is so people who oppose it can combat it more effectively. overdoing it i think gives trump a break and that s a mistake. you said that donald trump doesn t have the brains for dictatorship. even though he said that he would be a dictator on day one. does that make him any less dangerous if he is not that smart but still wants to be a dictator? i think it goes to the point that while donald trump has an infinite span of attention when it comes to the greater glory of donald trump, his attention span on most other issues is about he will to a fruit fly. so that his opponents and even some of his supporters who try and move him away from the most dangerous things that he does will have plenty of room to try to step in. i m not trying to minimize what i see donald trump doing. i think what he was doing at the end of his first term is where it will pick up the day he is inaugurated and it is serious. when you say the republic itself will fall like the roman republic well, really? people think donald trump is equal to julius caesar? give me a break. he may not be, but this time around he won t have the safety guards of you, h.r. mcmaster, the list goes on. are you concerned about the people that are in his current orbit and what they are capable of doing and how they can influence him? yes, i think any administration in a second term does not attract the quality of people it does in the first for the very practical reason that the runway in the second term is shorter. trump will be a lame duck the minute he is sworn in and he has a lot of people around him. basically the people who stayed in the government after january 6 who were second and third rate at best. i think the bigger danger is that trump will insist on staffing a second term on personal loyalty to him above all. he is coming up with his decision for his vice presidential nominee and i think the two questions are, number one, do you think the 2020 election was stolen? and number two, if i told you in a similar situation to do what i told mike pence to do, would you do it? unless the answer to both questions is yes, then that person will not be considered for vice president. i think you will see something similar in all of the key positions. that is a very dangerous circumstance and to the extent the senate republicans included take the confirmation process seriously. if they see people who are more loyal to donald trump than they are to the constitution, that alone is grounds against them. is there a certain person that you see as highly dangerous who you are worried about? i would not want to give any of them academy awards. i think there are bright people including people in the house and senate who have joined this cult of personality and the smarter they are, the more dangerous they are. you are giving us some very serious warnings and things to take seriously, but something i m going to say is not that serious. a write in vote. this election is going to be joe biden or donald trump. in 2020 you wrote in dick cheney. you said you would do it again. are you really giving a clear and honest warning if you are willing to do another right in that won t help anything? look, i bought that argument in 2016 when hillary clinton ran against trump and i voted for trump in 2016. hillary and bill were a year ahead of me in law school and i like to say i ve been burdened with them a lot longer than the rest of the country. after working for trump i could not vote for him, but i did not vote for joe biden in 2020 and won t this year because i don t think he is fit to be president either, for different reasons. when you have two people who don t cross the bar of acceptability, i think it is legitimate to cast a protest vote. a lot of republicans told me a year ago that they would not vote for trump. that they will look at biden and choose what they considered to be the lesser of two evils and i hear other republicans and some democrats say the opposite. it is an unhappy time for america when these are the two people we nominated and it will be a bad four years for america, whichever of them wins. then are these concerns that you have that serious? writing somebody and who won t when is not serious. it s a protest vote. if i didn t vote for anybody this time it would be a protest vote as well. i m not going to vote for someone i think is not qualified, not fit for the office. i m not going to vote for people whose principles i don t agree with. ambassador, think you for joining me today. pleasure to meet you. glad to do it. when we return, how hunter biden s guilty verdict could impact his father s reelection campaign, especially with the first debate two weeks away. when the 11th hour continues. ffects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. far-xi-ga you know what s brilliant? 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they can t, stephanie and i think we are already seeing previews of how they will contort themselves and make the reach that, oh no, this hunter biden verdict is unique in and of itself. completely different from what is happening to trump and that is not the reality. i think republicans will still try to say that even though it has been demonstrated that they have nothing to gain here. they tried and failed repeatedly to use hunter biden as a political football and the responses today show that they fully understand that it is nothing for them to win here. i think we were describing trump statement as a distraction. so i don t expect them to stop at that, right? they will keep with the trump lies, but when we look at this broadly we have to keep in mind that that is not going to have an impact in the selection. throughout the afternoon we ve heard it repeated that hunter biden is not running for election, donald trump is. we ve also heard the contrast from president biden who fully says he accepts the jury decision. he respects the justice system, compared to trump saying it is rigged and i think that is a contrast that will be replayed again and again and that will be something that captures voters attention more than the verdict specifically on hunter biden. hunter biden is a one off. menendez s legal bills would disagree. the president has started to use the term, convicted felon, calling trump that over and over. now that his son is in that camp, does it make it harder for him to do that? no, because he is not talking about his son. he s talking about the guy running against him to be the next president of the united states. hunter is not running for anything. hunter is taking care of business and will have another casey will have to deal with, just as donald trump is taking care of his business and will have three or four other cases to deal with. from the president s perspective it is smart politics to call the thing what it is. why would you run away from that? honestly he is a convicted felon. we watched our friends on this network countdown each count, one through 34. i think for the biden team it is an opportunity for them to lean into the politics and this is a political campaign. what candidate in the country, in the world for that matter, would not use this kind of weakness that is self-imposed by his opponent? remember this is all because of what donald trump did. joe biden was not in that hotel room with stormy daniels. donald trump was. the reality of it is, that is the reality. that s the truth. those are the facts and why not talk about it when the moment presents itself? judging when and exactly how each time may be a matter of some decision, but lean into it and call the thing what it is. i want to talk about somebody else that talks about politics today in the presidential race. a republican we don t hear from often, paul ryan, he was on fox news and here is what he said. he said he is a populist and authoritarian narcissist. it is a job that rick myers the kind of character he just does not have. that s pretty strong. that s the way i feel. i agree with that. i don t support biden, either. i think his policies are terrible. a lot of republicans make this argument. we heard john bolton saying basically the same thing on the show. michael, what is your response to that? my response is okay. to a certain extent, to each his own, but at a certain point it has to become about the country. going back to your discussion with john bolton, the reality is this is a big deal. you have an individual who is running for president who says he wants to be a dictator. i don t know. that is not what we do or have done. that is not what we are inclined towards. yet we may have had folks in america who danced with this idea back in the 30s. and in the 1950s with john birch society, but leaders in this country and ultimately the american people said that is not who we are. i am not forsaking the future of my kids and my grandkids to some fool who wants to be a dictator, because i know what history has taught me about dictatorships and that is not who we are. so at a certain point the paul ryan s and john bolton s may sit and go, i can t do that. but what i am asking my fellow republicans to do and center- right voters to do is think about the country for once. think about the bigger issue. think about your kids and the importance of this. there are a lot of things about the biden administration policies i could disagree with all day long, but they are not a threat to my freedom. they are not a threat to my family and my future. i get up every morning and have that fight with the administration. i can t have that fight with thugs from a former dictator knocking on my door. i m at a disadvantage there as an american citizen. so there are some important points to be made about this election. i happen to think that is one of them. i hope paul ryan and others will come around and at the end of the day what they do in the privacy of the voting booth is their business, despite what they may say publicly. i m guessing right now mitch mcconnell is tucked into his bed, nodding and agreeing with everything michael is saying. in public he is going to be welcoming donald trump later this week along with fellow senate republicans. how do you think this will go? these two men have not met in person since 2020. they may loathe each other, but they both love power. they both love authority and that is one reason they will continue to do the public display. i want to go back to something michael said that connected the dots in the way that john bolton couldn t. understanding that threat is important because what bolton could not commit to is that trump is a threat to our democracy. it was jarring to me to hear that interview in a post january 6 reality, in an effort to undermine the 2020 election results reality, where trump still refuses to accept those results and his supporters refused to proactively accept the 2024 results and to claim he is not a threat to democracy. it shows a disconnect that again, it aligns with some of the other republican talking points that are completely not based in reality and outlandish. connecting the dots for the american public is critical and i appreciate that the biden campaign has started their outreach campaign to the never trump republicans and crafting a national narrative that will appeal across partisan lines. because understanding the threats. understanding the components of project 2025 is going to be mobilizing factors in the selection. juanita, michael, i appreciate the two of you being here. great to see you both. when we return, pride under attack. we talk about the growing hostility ahead of pride month with the head of glaad when the 11th hour continues. inu i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ingrezza ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don t take ingrezza if you re allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. take control by asking your doctor about ingrezza. ingrezza chewy, a citi client, uses citi s financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need. right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. the chances of a plane crash 1 in 11 million. you re not going to finish those salted nuts, right? 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[ laughs ] aah! protect everything your family does online with aura. they say we should stop eating so much meat. so we made meat out of plants. because we aren t quitters. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. have you ever considered getting a walk-in tub? well, look no further! safe step s best offer, just got better! now, when you purchase your brand new safe step walk-in tub, you ll receive a free shower package. yes, a free shower package! and if you call today, you ll also receive 15% off your entire order. now you can enjoy the best of both worlds! the therapeutic benefits of a warm, soothing bath that can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and even improve sleep! or, if you prefer, you can take a refreshing shower. all-in-one product! call now to receive a free shower package plus 15% off your brand new safe step walk-in tub. it s time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer s dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it s not dry food. it s not wet food. it s just real food. it s an idea whose time has come. for years, people have celebrated lgbtq pride month. but this year, june is beginning with stories of backlash and hate across the country. in washington state, 14 pride banners slashed. more than 200 stolen from a town center in massachusetts and the colorado republican party posted on x to burn all pride flags this june. i have one question. what in the hell is going on? here to discuss, sarah kate ellis, president and ceo of glaad. what are we seeing here? i think it has been building. what we have seen the past couple of years is this intensity against our community from politician, from right wing politicians. there have been over 500lgbt bills proposed. only 37 have passed at the state level across the country. the damage, though, is done as soon as those bills are proposed. what the politicians do are filling people with rhetoric, misinformation, and lies about our community. and it is fueling hate. just in the past month, we have seen over 30 attacks on our community. this past weekend, we saw three bomb threats. it is a direct line coming from the anti-lgbtq activists and mostly politicians. we also have companies now. now officially saying no to pride, but quietly pulling back support. why is this happening? i m not seeing that as much. i am seeing that headline. i work with over 300 fortune 500 countries and they are actually not pulling back. i think as a result from last year s pride and the bruhaha over bud light and target. what they are doing is integrating pride more into their every day. taking a 365 day approach versus putting all of their eggs in one basket. i am seeing an increase in commitment. i will tell you why that is. 30% of the next generation are lgbtq. 80% of the next generation identify as allies to the community. if you are a consumer business in america, you need to step up your ally ship. they realize that what they are trying to do is do it in really thoughtful ways. how much does misinformation fuel all of this? i have seen why does pride get a month. while others get a day. we have month that s support women, african americans, aapi. disability rights. where does the misinformation come from that almost makes lgbtq a target of things that are not even based in truth? we have a long history of our community being politicized. it has been going on for decades. where it is being fueled now though is through social media. this is a half of trolls that know how to exploit the social media platforms that spread these lies and misinformation. in fact, at glaad, we do an annual report on social media platforms for the safety of our community. and all of them failed. all the major ones failed. a piece of that we are unsafe is that they spread these lies and misinformation. and then it makes it to mainstream media. and it is absolute nonsense. that is why it is our job to tell the truth every night. it is always a pleasure to see you. thank you for joining us. happy pride month. be right back after a quick break. ack after a quick break. at what cost? 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Hunter-biden , Word , Stephanie-ruhle , 11th-hour , 11 , Person , Eyewear , Clothing , Street-fashion , Fashion , Sunglasses , Product

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240612

body tapping. you know what s then? this is better than cooking at home. i mean, more affordable than groceries, of course. okay. groceries are expensive, but i was in trouble there for a sec. you are? well, it s time to make another connection. a game show legend. return break out here. leg warmers, coolers and parachute pants for the ultimate eighties. pop culture tribute to 83 show streaming now on fox nation america is streaming. thank you, emily, my love. this cat cares. laura: good evening, i m laura laura, the ingraham angle. the bidens have been able to escape legal accountability for sleazy, corrupt conduct. today their luck ran out. he was found guilty on three charges he faced in the federal gun trial. the angle long maintained while not insignificant, this open and shut case is lease serious of all biden schemes exposed by investigators and receiptors. given we know he was often a drug addled mess who frequented with prostitutes, we ask again, what expertise did he have when china decides to pay him tens of millions of dollars and why have the bidens lied about joe s involvement. they are one of the richest families in politics and no one has explained what hunter, jim or the other bidens did to get paid other than showcasing their connection to the big guy. new speaker: he got 40 million from jim biden, which was 10% ironically, for the big guys of the fees and $200,000 linked from flun pedalling scheme from americorp health. we found a quarter million dollars that joe biden got. new speaker: that is a drop in the buck etand the biden boosters tried to counter any notion that the justice system is unfairly targeting donald trump. new speaker: you have a president of the united states who is living embodiment of the rule of law with respect to his only living son. he was a crack addict who had an affair with his dead brother s wife and turned that poor woman to crack, as well. he was convicted in wilmington, i guess delaware is sick of the bidens. joining me is former law clerk to gorsuch and attorney for i.r.s. whistleblowers who say the doj tried to of coer up the tax probe to hunter biden. i have heard some describe this conviction as tip of the iceberg, red herring or fig leaf. what is your takeaway? it s a side show, we have this democrat-picked u.s. attorney in delaware, allen weisselberg david weiss who tried to have a sweetheart plea deal. this judge called them out on that and we have gun charges that don t tie to joe biden, only to hunter biden. these are serious charges, hunter biden, 97% of people convicted of this gun charge go to prison for many years. we ll see what happens to hunter biden. laura: the case likely never would have been brought or exposed, not been for irs whistleblowers and they were trashed by the regime media. yeah, they absolutely were. before they came back and forward, before we sent the letter to congress indicating shapley intended to go forward, they were going to let it die and do nothing. when gary shapley came forward, you see leslie wolf reached out to hunter biden s team for a plea deal. doj and i.r.s. proved massive charges against hunter biden and decided to let them drop one by one. laura: given what we knew and what had come to light, it is curious they did not decide to plead this out. given utter disgrace reigning down on the biden family because of everything that has come out as a result of this, were they used to getting away with stuff or thought he could do no wrong or what? they flew jill biden back and forth from europe to delaware, i think as show of political force and it seems this delaware jury surprisingly did not go with the power play of the bidens and followed the facts and law here. laura: one thing in today s coverage of this is how the media quickly shifted to white w washing the concern about what has bveen done to president trup in state and federal court and isn t this great that the biden family is huddled up together supporting each other. comms director kate bedingfield said this. the biden family is close, close knit, they lean on each other. i worked for joe biden for eight years, i sat in the oval office when a member of the office would call him and he would step out to take a call from his family. he puts family first. this is very hard. laura: they put family first with money, as well. they had family tragedy, drug addiction is a charge thing. it has been hard for the people who tried to come up against the bidens, including the whistleblowers you represented and no one cared about them. hunter biden is suing i.r.s. ident identifying gary shapley and zie ziegler, the subject of the suit and we had to stop doj from taking a dive in this case. that is ome happening because hunter biden is bringing this suit and making outlandish accusations. laura: people call tip of the iceberg, red herring. mike calls it a side show. we ll see what happens in the sentencing. if what we saw last nights at the white house, it should be this, joe biden is not the one making major decisions. pre-k our freedom can never be secured. laura: we checked white house transcript for the transulation, he tried to say she knew as long as history was denied, our freedom can never be secured. he tried to talk about our founding. black soldiers were linked in line of patriots, ricked thrisk their lives american soil is. quality and freedom. laura: then he tried to clap. to the people on this side, clap your hands. people right here, clap your hands. people up top, clap your hands. laura: the dancing was better, right? laura: maybe you could argue it was late, he was tired, i don t think that is today. be pro-abolishing the aft. laura: i think he meant the atf. byron donalds joins us now. isn t a vote for biden, this is a vote for president harris? laura, it absolutely is, because we know it is just not conceivable that joe biden would last another four years. this is not a good situation. people have been having fun with it and laughing about it on social media. it is quite funny. it is sad when you know he is the person that has to engage with world leaders and making so many decisions with respect to what the federal agencies are doing. these decisionings are being made by people never empowered to be the president of the united states. voting for him in this election means giving power to somebody else, that is not what the american people should be doing and look at policy and realize if he was making decisions, they are god-awful decisions that have made our people less safe. laura: last night biden seemed to refer to republicans at one point, watch. they are all ghosts in new garments trying to take us back. they are taking away your freedoms, making it harder for black people to vote, attacking, diversity, equity and inclusion. laura: congressknow ma, using ghost, i don t know if a cute staffer was making an illusion to the kkkor what, did it land? no, it is incredibly sad. you have a president and white house and campaign team going to try to sew division and fear and sew that everybody else is tearing down this country when they are the ones that spied on the more than people. they leave our borders wide open. they have destroyed purchasing power of hard working men and women of america and seniors in america. people we should be afraid of are joe biden and campaign. we need a change this november, change is coming in the form of donald trump. laura: i wasn t going to mention this, this is important to play this and see how desperate department to put someone like you down because you disagree with them. this is congresswoman crocket. if we put people in office, skin folk, not our kin folk, like byron donalds, do you not understand history or because you married a white woman and you think it white wash you. they give him talking points and yes, master, i got it. laura: they said the same thing about condoleeza rice a and congressman, your response? jasmine sits on committee with me, she could have came and talked to me any time she wants to. nobody tells me what to say, everybody says that, i say what i think and speak my mind. policies of her party have been damaging toern ms, been damaging to black americans and americans have a choice, do they learn to tropes and fearmongering and gaslighting of department or are they going to look at policies, what matters in their pocketbook and support republicans this november? that simple. laura: thanks so much tonight. coming up next, merrick garland s doj has become its own theme in the babylon bee, i ll explain the hypocrisy. but don t kcritical race th theoryicize them. my angle is next. laura: garland s tragic comedy, the focus of tonight s angle. all right, just when we thought comedy was dead, someone from biden s cabinet publishes an oped. merrick garland other than waed everyone to stop being so mean, stop picking on the doj. we ve seen escalation of attacks, far beyond criticism and oversight, they are base lsz, personal and dangerous to defund depend investigation, special counsel prosecution of the former president. to quote john mcrenrow, you cannot be serious, the man prosecuting the gop front-runner and warn parents who stand up at school board meetings and warning about traditional athlicks, that guy is upset about criticism? check your constitution, sir, it is congress job to decide how to spend the money allocated to each department, not up to you and your activists. garland knows this, he just does not care and does not care about the rule regarding audio recordings about classified documents found in his garage. last week garland tried to claim it was an attack on the doj. these attacks have not and will not influence our decision-making. i will not be intimidated and the justice department will not be intimidated and we will not back down from defending democracy. laura: defending democracy? that is what you call stonewalling legitimate oversight? that man unleashed federal prosecutors and agents, spent taxpayer money to track and intimidate and jail january 6 on . the fact he wrote this op ed is only more evidence of the political nature of everything they do over there. because not only is garland wrong about the law, he fails to address republicans in congress who have cataloged myriad ways he has used doj for political retribution and he calls the attacks false claims in this mes made by those trying to influence the election. that is what he argues. e able to campaign freely without doj interference in a presidential election year that s trying to influence the outcome of an election? that s their argument? who wrote this piece? you see, all we want is for people to be able to vote for the candidate of their choosing. but to garland, and his political hit squad, a trump victory would, itself. be a threat to democracy. wrap your mind around that. we trust the people. but they don t. which is why they want a judge to decide it all and the same reason why they want as many illegals to rush in as possible to eventually vote in a far left super majority. garland s professed concern for protecting institutions and democracy is also belied by the glaring fact that at this very moment, his party is launching a 24/7 campaign to discredit the supreme court. pro-biden activists are secretly tape recording justices in an attempt to delegitimize future court decisions. news flash, by the way, justice alito believes in god, like totally. like, people in this country who believe in god, keep fighting for that to return our country to a place of godliness. well, i agree with you. i agree with you. i support your ruling on dobbs. i support, like, i m very pro-life, but, like, you know, i don t know how we bridge that gap, you know, like how do we get people. i wish i knew. i wish i knew. i don t know. it s not i don t think it s something we can do. we have a very defined role. yes. we need to do what we are supposed to do. laura: aside from the fact that there is nothing remotely problematic about what alito said remember he said a defined role we play and that s all we can do. does merrick garland support now the secret recordings of justices? did people who want to pearl clutch about this, you know, please tell me how we re going to get answers when the supreme court has been shrouded in secrecy and really just refusing any degree of accountability whatsoever, particularly in the face of, you know, what are very like extraordinarily serious ethic breaches. are we going to continue our tradition of secular democracy or led to christian theocracy? laura: christian theocracy. they are trotting that out again. in god we trust. christian theocracy. what a vile woman. or just a stupid woman. again, they don t care. the left is going to do anything they can to prop up a man fossilizing before our very eyes. they are going to turn a blind eye as justices are harassed at their homes, only stepping in by the way when a suspect literally planned to kill justice kavanaugh. and they will do nothing as leftist assault law enforcement or deface war memorials, right across from the white house. but they will prosecute three people in connection with skid marks on a pride flag. check out the difference between the two vandalized areas. happened on different coasts but it sends the same message. all fair minded people know what is going on here. the double standard, the irony, the hypocrisy is lost on biden s foot soldiers wh rip into the supreme court. only to claim republicans don t respect the rule of law. what size chip is on the shoulder of samuel alito no. grace one of nine human beings sitting for life on the supreme court. there is bitterness, anger and a plan for delayed revenge. these attacks have an overwhelming liquor retrospective and dangerous effect on the very foundations of pillars of democracy. and again, the rule of law is under attack. rachel s words it needs to be protected. so, it was heartening, seems like maybe he was listening when attorney general merrick garland submitted to the the washington post today an op-ed that served as something of a public warning. laura: protect the rule of law by taping supreme court justices and trying to delegitimize that institution. nice try. you just cannot make this up. do they even realize what they re saying? given how much time these people have spent contorting and twisting the law and the facts, i suggest they just quit their day jobs and maybe join circle da soleil or something. that s the angling. joining me now chris landau former law clerk to justices thomas and scalia and former ambassador to mexico. chris let s talk about the attack on the supreme court at the same time merrick garland is saying stop being mean to me and drying to delegitimize this institution of justice. welling laura, it s incredible how he is trying to blur the lines between legitimate criticism of the department of justice and, you know, threats and unacceptable forms of coercion. is he trying to make it seem like the department of justice is immune and imperspective yus to criticism. i mean, this is the most politicized department of justice in the united states history. i mean, this is the first time in history the department of justice is indicting the president s primary political opponent. the double standard has never been more brazen between whom they are prosecuting and what they re prosecuting for and what they re not prosecuting. and the fact that they are not even attempting, not even putting a fig leaf in an attempt to enforce fundamental laws like our border laws. we have never seen anything like this before in american history. for him to say it s beyond the pale to criticize the department of justice is astonishing. laura: because hunter is convicted on an obvious gun charge and three different charges, obvious open and shut case, everything that we say about what they re doing to trump is invalid. it s all good now. we re all good. that s kind of what they are doing, chris. again, the crazy thing about hunter is what about all the stuff that isn t charged here? i mean, the gun is only you knows, the tip of an iceberg of allegations. much more serious crimes and crimes that directly implicate potential crimes that directly implicate the president. which the gun crime, obviously does not. laura: right. easy, easy. easy piecey. chris, i want to move on to what the supreme court justices are facing now from the left. again, the same people who say the republicans are attacking fundamental norms and institutions, have no problem activists going on and taping supreme court justices. i don t think anything alito said was anything remotely problematic. your reaction tonight? totally agree. imagine what at the these people are doing. tasked justice leaders very defined task of interpreting and applying the law this activist says they need political accountability as if they are politicians. that s the whole point. they are judges. they read the laws and interpret them. but, you know, again, this person clearly, in your tape, was asking questions under false pretenses, trying to egg on the justice. and he had a very, i think, appropriate response? but basically, you know, the gloves are off for these people. no blow is too low. and then they claim that everything else is a danger to democracy. i mean, i think it s a danger to democracy when they re failing to enforce the law and they are brazenly, you know, one sided in their application of the law. and what they re trying to imprison the president s chief political rival. how is that not a danger to democracy, laura? laura: no, it s a danger to democracy when trump wins. chris, that s the irony of all of this. chris, always great to see you. democratic process. laura: that s correct. that s the threat to democracy. laura: chris, thank you so much. all right. who is coming across our border now? you will not believe this. plus, this woman is accused of stabbing a 3-year-old to death. and she is smiling. that s next. have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step s standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster! and the convenient touch pad control is right at your fingertips. each tub comes standard with a dual hydrotherapy system. the ten water jets can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and improve sleep. while the microsoothe advanced air therapy system oxygenates and softens skin. safe step walk-in tubs are built to maximize safety. so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again. so call now for more information and a free no obligation consultation. laura: evil personified. this woman, smirking in court, after being seen on camera and accused of one of the worst crimes imaginable. fox s bill melugin has details. bill. bill: this story makes your blood boil. the woman accused of butchering a three-year-old boy can be smirking in court. she was smiling and giggling as she had counts read. the defendant did knowingly cause serious physical harm. bill: one week after ellis allegedly stabbed the child to death and wounded his 38-year-old mom outside a store in cleveland. the little boy in court could be seen in court while the woman smirked in front of them. your honor, one week ago she took everything from us. it is horrendous, i wish no bail period or extend to the max that you can at the very least. do whatever you can to keep this monster behind bars. bill: authorities describe this attack as a random act of violence. ellis pleaded not guilty to murder and attempted murder. the judge gave ellis $5 million bond and ordered she remain in custody. she could face the death penalty if convicted. back to you. laura: thank you. eight men with icu ties were just arrested after crossing the border illegally. these illegals received full vetting after crossing and no incri incriminating information was tabbed at the time. days, joining me now chad wolf former actinacting dhs secretary, under secretary under president trump. chad, we don t know when these illegals crossed. but we do know that the way this is kind of being reported it s like everybody giving themselves a pat on the back for the sting operation, okay. i guess. i guess. but, they should never have been allowed in this country in the first place. well, that s exactly right. it s this type of instance that certainly kept me up at night as acting secretary when we had just a fraction of individuals trying to enter this country illegally. so i can only imagine what it is doing or should be doing to president biden, secretary mayorkas and others. but, look, our vetting, i think what this tells you is that our vetting is only as good as the information that we get from countries. and the best information we get are for our allies so country like tajikistan and others we don t get very good vetting so we have a difficult time understanding who these individuals are that are coming into the country. but that s okay. our immigration law accounts for this. and it says actually to detain individuals who are coming into this country and instead of doing this massive catch and then release individuals into the interior of the united states which the biden administration has done. and so whether it s afghan nationals that they papa roll in or these type of individuals this idea we will check them after the fact they get here is the exact wrong approach. laura: this entire thing is an utter scandal doesn t even describe it, okay? this is the undermining of our sovereignty and now they are endangering forget all the economic woes this brings and the cultural problems. the national security damage that this is potentially doing to the country, and, you know, you can t vet. forgetting vetting. we are done. full up. we have 12 million people here illegally. we have no idea who most of these people are there is no vetting. like vetting the afghan refugees. we are not vetting any refugees, bringing them all in and hoping for the best. they cannot continue to happen in this country. no, it can t. again, these are the individuals that we actually apprehended. these are folks that border patrol saw. how many are there, chad? how many do you think. how many potential terrorists do you think if had you to guest. how many tajikistan folks are in that 2 million got away. we have no idea the department has no idea because of their strategic along that border is a complete and utter failure. laura: i don t even like to describe it as failure guy the way. i realize i called you under former, undersecretary, sorry, chad. there are great undersecretaries out there but you were the acting secretary. again, guy back to this idea of vetting. they are not vetting anybody. so now biden says well, these people from these six countries can t come in. russia, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, so they knew this was coming, right? they knew this news was coming. so that news came out over the weekend. that s interesting timing, don t you think? now we have a list of six whopping countries that you can t come in from? yeah. i mean they know the countries of concern. they know countries that are not sharing information. so you have no idea, even if you encounter foreign nationals from those countries, you can t vet them because they are not sharing information. we have nothing to base an assessment on. and so they know that. they have known that for some time and the fact that they continue to exempt these individuals and allow folks to come into the country, you are not returning them. this is why you need a different border strategy. you need to prevent people from coming in. those that do come in, you need to both vet them but also detain them during their immigration court proceedings. and none of that is occurring today. laura: immediate turnback. go back to trump policy. can t do it. can t vet. our government couldn t get out of afghanistan. okay? we are not vetting anybody. i don t know how many chinese are here, either. chad, you know this is my issue. i get worked up on it. thank you so much for joining us. all right. could conservative victories in europe be a harbinger for what might happen in november? details, next. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade. it s 20 degrees cooler and you get protection from harmful rays and sun glare. when you call, we ll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you ll get your sunsetter for as little as $799. but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions. plus, get this $200 discount certificate to get your sunsetter for as little as $799. there are so many incredible styles to choose from. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! turn your patio into an instant oasis. add led lighting for evening enjoyment. call now for your free awning idea kit, local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!” her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. laura: this is what the nifty newcomers in paris did after eu v voters delivered a rebuke to pro-refugee globalists. [cheering] laura: the wall street journal called the parliament election results blow to french and german. stunning defeat of macron and macron left with no choice. i m dissolving the national assembly this evening. laura: that sent parties scrambling. whatever happens, the anti-macron sentiment is real. are there similarities to our own upcoming election? more are rejected expensive climate regulation and obscenely high cost of living. douglas murray, new york post columnist and fox news contributor. douglas, the bbc, other, you no he, regime media types describe this as disturbing, extreme, or far right victories. what are they not getting here? well, several things. one is that media like the bbc have spent years calling all of these parties that have won in the most recent elections eu far right. in fact, they tend to call absolutely everybody slightly to the right of the most green leftist party far right. and now, i mean, the term is losing all meaning across the continent. the second thing is these media keep on saying things like the far right is on the march across europe. there s a boring predictability about that. what you have just shown your viewers, of course is the far left actually marching in europe, the far left this evening actually marching and demonstrating and rioting in the center of paris. i wouldn t expect to see that covered in any of the media in the coming days. laura: only ones marching and violent are the leftist who reject the elections. now, douglas, brexit back in 2015 i remember staying up all night watching those election results. a lot of people think that trump victory in 2016. will this pro-populist, pro-nationalist trend in the eu mean the same, perhaps, in 2024? it s very interesting question. i think so. and this is why. the main driver of the popular resentment across europe at the moment, that was shown in these election rules, is incredible concern by the population not far rightest, not hard rightest or anything else. but the majority populations. to what they see correctly as just unstopping illegal and legal immigration into the continent. the electorate have for years been trying to sound the alarm at the ballot box, the mainstream parties. and the mainstream parties have just not listened. you know, we have security concerns in a city like paris, which is about to host the olympics. islamist terrorist cell was just found the other day trying to create a spectacular terrorist event. are the french voters hard right or far right? no, they just don t like being blown up. you know, it s a kind of basic sentiment. and because macron and others have failed to answer this to answer your question about america. i think we will see something very similar. we know what the situation is on the southern border of this country. we know what the biden administration has failed to do. if the incumbent government does not wrestle with mass illegal population shifts, then people will obviously vote for somebody else. n country that somebody else is very clear. in europe, it s becoming clearer by the day. douglas, brilliant analysis of the situation. thank you so much. all right. biden caught in a trans, and what about pickleball? can that save his campaign? yeah, jimmy failla is on it and that s nex i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. it was hard, but taking preservision was easy. preservision has the exact clinically proven areds 2 formula recommended by the nei. i m taking control like millions of others. time for wtf. joining me now, jimmy fail a laura: time for wtf, what the failla, joining us is jimmy failla. you can t make it up. a few hours after hunter s conviction for breaking gun laws, president biden spoke about how important our nation s gun laws are. watch. president biden: i want to thank you, instead of trying to stop our ban they are working like hell to stop it. if they want to think to take on government if we get out of line, they are talking again about, they need f-15s, they don t need a rifle. laura: jimmy. jimmy: i think what he was trying to say is gavin newsom 2024. this guy is finished. okay. laura, we re not supposed to have the united states president speaking with subtitles below the screen, that is where we are now. a guy in office makes the sign language interpreter shrug. he makes up words, not good. laura: the biden team, they are getting pretty desperate, in effort to sway older voters, they are planning a pickleball tournament in virginia, pancake breakfast, bingo in arizona and a phone bank with second gentgaming in new hampshire. that is exciting after seeing him dance. jimmy: who does joe consider older? i ve seen younger faces on money. idea he thinks anyone is older than him scares me. they are in a desperate spot, they tried buying younger voters, nobody wants anything to do with this. laura: are you a pickleball player? do you pickleball with the best of them? jimmy: if i can t bet on it, i don t play it or watch it. until they start putting lines on pickel elball, this is a sport for out of shape people. laura: summon forgot to push biden s on button, pull the shirt up, there is an on button. watch. [ ] jimmy: yeah. you know what he looked like, he looks like an amish guy that walked into best buy. so overwhelmed, does not know what is happening around him. two doors down from a guy in a dress, i don t know what we re looking at. if biden does not run for president, he can be in frozen straight glitz. laura: the first gentleman, he s doing there has to be moratorium on anyone who can t dance, dancing and not that kamala was a good darner, she tried a little bit. it is not good to be around people who are good dancers and you are rocking in an awkward. jimmy: doug should have froze. this whole administration america s got issues, whole video, just look at it. laura: i knew we would get in trouble with this. jimmy will be in new jersey next weekend, follow me on social media. i have rose growing trouble. jesse next. todd: a packed city bus hijacked by a convicted felon with a gun leading to one of the wildest police chases caught on camera. we ll show you the pursuit and takedown that brough

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240611

since the founding. the founding of our ideals. we don t know fully what american soil is. mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, fumblinging, and incoherent. n now, in fairness, this was around 9 p.m. eastern, which is well past joey s bedtime. i m sure bedtime he s going to g well tonight after that vigorous showing. plea s all the time we have left this evening. please set your dvr so you never, ever, eveyourr ever h an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not and your hearts be troubled. why? greg gutfeld standing by to put a smilutfelde on your face. have a great night. i m on. i clap for me. r me happy monday, everyone. all right. san francisc o has opened the first free food market leave without paying. residents are reportedly confused how this is different from any other store in th theec city? in l.a., a new taxpayer funded high rise for homeless people now open. we re talking luxury apartments. there s a gym, a cafe. aps, and to make the residents feel at home. each uni unit features two coat] of fresh, according to a new pew poll. my favorite kind. 65% say gender is determined t at birth, while 34% say their g a person can change their gender later in life, the while 10% of drunk men polled after closing timed said, t i swear to god, i thought that was a chickwas a . we ve all been there. two men applauding heavily yet. he knows what i m talking about. chicago s progressive mayor branded johnson spent $30,000 in campaign contributions on his own private make up artist during hs his first year in office. e but you got to admit, the artist did an amazing job. my god god. during a rodeo in oregon on saturday, four people were injured after a bull jumped over a fence and injured i four people in the crowd. the same thing happene d the view once when joy behar saw someone in the audience sae of thislatoe weekend. donald trump told a nevada crowd he would eliminate taxese on tips. aske what s a tip? asked one man. very cheap, very cheap individual. decin his gun trial, hunter biden not to take the stand in his own defense. apparentlye wanted to be swornn in with his hand on a stripper s a. the account twitter for boston r celtic legend bill russell tweeted, let s celtics last night. turns out those were writtencaus by his wife because he s been deadat were for two years. sounds like he has a lot in common with joe biden. by the way, did you knowt, that joe also won won 11 championships with the celtics last year? now you feel differently. and finally, i think it s finally one of the world s oldest penguini thin s at age 30, s successfully with a four-year-old male. coldcouple canceled their plans to marry, saying the male got cold feet. i like that joke was forandmothe your grandmother. so in vegas over the weekend, trump slammednned e electric mandates for boats after telling the crowd about a chat hndates fr e with a boat maker. i wonder, did he ask what would anppen? the boat sank from its weight. and you re in the boat and you have this tremendouslye boat d l battery. what would happen if the boat sank from its weight?its we and you re in the boatig and you have this tremendously powerful battery. and the batter and thy is now underwater. and there s a shark that s approximately ten yards over there. by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. do you notic e that? the hold on. there s a shark ten yards away from the boat. 10y fromdo i get electrocuted? so there s a shark ten yardse away from the boat. s10 yardsten yards or do i get electrocuted? i if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery. the boat is sinking. ovedo i stay on top of the boa and get electrocuted, or do i jumpd an over by the sharkted and not get electrocuted? because i will tell you, be said., know the entry you know, nobody s ever h asked me that question. it eve is a great question.ea electrocution or eatenn: by shak . we se should give death row inmates the choice. yeah. i like the way you guys think. i bet. trump also said. i think it s ai good question. i said i think it s a thod questio n. i think there s a lotauto of electric current coming through that water. but you know what i do? cu water was a shark or you get electrocuted, i ll take electrocution single time.kiddin i m not getting near the shark. ng - i don t blame him. don t and i m sure biden agrees. electrocution is how they restart his heart. everystar day to zaps to the bolts in his neck. speaking of joey s hemorrhaging, voters like voter jesse sheds follicles s. suddenly, it s trump who looks like he can unite the country. and thisuntr is scaring the outf of the dems. they re melting down like cher sdams face in direct sunlie over the weekend, l.a. timeshisd had this headline, quote, in silicon valley. more support for trump is trickling in. is it a bithg threat to biden? a reer, that tickets to a recent trump fundraiser reportedly went f for 300 grand each and t event was sold out. , trump raised 12 million in one night, the same amount i offered t taylor swift to stop calling me. calling now the big tech mona still go democrat, but crackt s are starting to form, and they re deeper than the ones in pelosi s face. tha it s no secret that the black and hispanic vote mostlymi men is shifting toward trump. this as smart national figuresbf are now willing to come out publicly for trump. for instance rapper 50 cente says he sees black men identifying with trump in thego upcoming election because they got rico charges, which means fani willis bogus rico prosecution of trump may be theh biggest backfire since joe forgot his lactose after. a pint of haagen-dazs. but don t take it from me. vegas odds have trump the favorite to win and joe as the favorite to sta tr in tht walking dead. g meanwhile, talking lizardle had james carville had to gripe. i thought that president biden should not run for reelection. or he said this right before devouring a plate of sauteed worming ss to have all the smah money and people are shifting to trumpt who are the holdoutsi meaning the people in our public lif e who aret on well-informed enough to know better, but still insist on backinga brain dead.? biden i ll tell you whohe it s the rich and famous, paralyzed by their own egos, para at trump with envy? think about it. imagine being robert de niro. or stephen king or howard stern or jimmy kimmel. and you got the memo that you aren t the center of the universe. and that memo is on donald igump letterhead. instead of the working class being ignored. it s this elitist thi it s these powerful men successful in their owialn right that trump makes them feel small. if you noticsme, loudest critics are successful people who sense largr own insignificance in this new world of trump. they feel like i do when takinr. a picture with tyrus. it s art. it s also why has beens likes le cheney, michael cohen and anthony scaramucci limichaessed with taking trump down? they re bit players in this movie, hoping that scenehoping s moment will come. but the most obvious examplee., the guy closest to trump in temperament and personality, howard sternlike ilosest. as trump elevated stern retreated, becoming believer in the gospel of thespel six foot distancing rule o and used covid to justify turning himself into gloria swanson usn, holed up in his 40q square foot mansion, dictating d to everyone how stupid and murderous they were for not anving what he thewere for had. and what is stern have in common with jimmy kimmel? doeit s the sense of demotion. they realize the world doesn t revolv e them.. a crushing realization. if your ego is everythinhingg right now, trump s more important than all of them combineds mo and it s killing them. meanwhile, the smart but ego satisfiemartd person, whether it s elon musk or vivek ramaswamy ormy me, we dont take it personally that trump may be the most consequential humae itn alive. of course, just edging out ryan seacrest. but it s because these people can think larger who know the selection. selectio and in fact, this nation, th are about more than just theismr which is why they ve got their necks out for trump and their middle fingers for and toe media. meanwhile, the egotists have become extras in the film of their lives and those who they considered the extras have taken starring roles. that the electorate. theyhey can t believe that the great unwashed not listening to them. but instead this new leading n. e and so they see trump and they ask, why could that be me ? it s one thing narcissistsrcis can t stand being ignoresistd on the world stage, but welcome tonight s guests. well, you don t have to mention it. he s just that forgettable. writert ha comedian joe devito. an expert in may making, cular men agitated. host of outkick the morning outkicmornink the morning on charlie ardo. his sense of humor comes fromfo his gut, his great, big, disgusting gut. host of fox news saturdayilla! night, jimmy fallon. and he s the only reason your grandpa has instagram. new york times best selling authornstagram. in fox news contributor n kat timpf joe williams. , what what do you think of my theory? because when you loothink ofk ae successful across the board, there are some that are totallys fine and some of them aren t. and i have to believe it is this realization that afterde three or four decades in the afmelight, they re finding out that they re not the center of the universe. yeah, well, trump has an amazing ability to soak up all the air in any room. it s incredible. y fu i mean, it s pretty funny. we have someone like james carville who looks like nosferatoue bideout and saying, i think biden s past his prime. we ve got to move on.hi s prim but got to admit, at this point, a vote for joe biden. it s a vote for kamalat fo. o te i don t think he s going to make it to the debates. yeah, but only elections. i mean, i was watching himthings at the normandy thing. i mean, there s 100 year old vets were like, do want to sit and look good? joe? they can t hide it. yeah, they can t. it they you know, they tried to get him his fancy. they got his footwear becausewaa that s why he was falling over. yeah, it s falling over. his body is saying, let me t die. i want to die heree. k so yeah, i think i mean, trump, if compare them, joe babbles and you think this is not good to watch but trump comes out. it s not like someone asked a questions out, boatut sharks and electric boats, but he had an answer readd any. he had it.. it s already. now, i don t know. er at the thed movie jaws and thought, what if they had an extension cord jawt ? wha a problem? but i think that s what s so hilarious about trump is that- s you can see and he s he s getting stronger and he s getting more vitaler and and het that energy now. i would like if there were some youngerme young people, mae a fresh faced 68-year-old, right? yes. - woul so but i would like if someone said to me, did you hear the president too his pant yous i could say that probably didn t happen. i just want probablyld proba wi: but it is funny, though. it was i no one really hasreally thought about the choice between electrocutioasn short being eaten by a shark. that s the kind of person the thate to have opp in the white house, as opposed someymebody who creates fantas about their uncle being eaten by cannibals. but what do you think about the fact that, like a lot of these people look at trumpo and they go like, i could have done that and they re kind ev mad that they didn t do ioul like, i think about that with mark cuban. i think that mark cuban has a proble mark trum with trump actually being not just a billionaire but also president, and he s still a billionaire. yeah, well, you look at markn cuban and he s worn so many different hats. i mean, he went from being jusht a businessman to a sports team owner to to really just being somebody that i thinke a lot of people at one point were able to relate to. now it s a completely different storo relate icompletey. ve included. i used to love mark cuban. until now he just insertedte in so many different political conversations that he has no busines to s in. but that s the thing about trump. he also has worn so many hats and yo wasu he was a businessma. he s been a a real estate investor. i mean he, he is single handedly responsible for building up new york to the point that it, o is today. , he was, you know, on the apprentice. he s a reality show star. he s nowon apprentieality former presidentm the united states, hopefully soon to be, you knowerident of,d his second term here. but people just don t like that. they don tterm her the fact tha say whatever s on his mind, that he does have a bit of an eger ihis mindo, but he has a pt in everything that he s saying. poy people are understanding and people are seeing the way that he s being treated with the sham trial. all ofated wit the convictionscv and people are now starting to relate to him and he s gettinicti tg, i think, a lot vt of votes or at least people getting on board with him that maybr ate have ben at another point in time, the latino votes, the blact k votes, the young votes, the silicon valley crew. and you sew,nde people turning t in droves in deep blue states, not even organizedd rallies. gk i mean, people are just deciding like, you know, what should we do this weekend? should we go drinking, should s we go to the beach? should we support trump? and they re choosing to supportmocrat trump, which is awesome to see in the democrats reactions. the bests part of it all, because they re calling them, of course, domestic terrorists and things like that, becauseem they don t know what to do with themselves, and especiallse the rally we just saw in vegas this past weekend, so many people showed up there like theseke people must be hireds on craigslist. it s like no democrats. pe hire the ones that have to hire the influencers to support you, not ins. onservativee to you know, jimi, yo, you have no shame. stop, yo it.d even i can t even, like, push back on an intro because i look like a fat cowboey to. yes, i do. i thought i looked cool wheni go i left my office that i just got on set. so the monitor. i look like clint eastwood. yeah. you know, the thing is though, i don t think like, people do have egos. i would saying that trump doesn t have any ego would be wrong. yeah, but trump has no sense of embarrassment. so he can, he can, like controln his ego. he can actually take risks . yes. it s it s this different kind of ego. don tw whatt isi don t know wh, but it s that they cannot bear that he is doing this. and they aren t 1,000% because this is the quality he has that they don t. he is a fighter. you know what n they -i mean? and he s not demoralized by someone else s success. don t forgethumois his whole eny into politics really started in 2012 when obama was dunking him at the white house correspondents dinner and he took all the shots and go white housendents dt offn the thing that burns howard stern s. because rememberde about howard? howard oc wanted to be politics. he ran for governor of new york. that s right. i forgot he wa s last likestic 30 seconds. okay, but stick with me. he was a guy whosek wihe was brd himself the king of all media, but become so much less omnipotent than trump. and he complains about everything omnip. not howard stern is now the prince harry of all media. that s kind of whaprincet he li nope, but but but imaginegine that does kill him then.this this is the bigger thingat sn and this is what s new to the trump movement. uc is trump is garnering majorp is support in the black community and he went to the bronx. the only time you get to hear biden say hello, bronxrmanentllf he s doing a rally in staten island. okay. but but that black street crowd thing matters like 50 cent matters. he is a guy with a lota guot of influence. okay? he got of shot nine times and dead. did something more dangerous like with chelsea handler. okay. but he had his shots. yeah, but that stuff matters. the only time howard orppor kimmel have had black support is when they painted it on to their face. that s true painted i not go. very good. all right, kat, why do celebrities in general struggle with trump s popularity? do you?g popularity is like a finite pie. no one else said it. so g i guess i have to say it is funny. see, you call out other p people for having a big ego. oh, i am right. thank you. that s such an easy joke. i know you re going to do that. well, you give you pictures yourself to other people for christmas. that is a joklf to othee abo uh oh, i, i honestly so i think. that it s not really a celebrity. i think it s why i write about this in my in my new book a little bit. i thin k limit k it s your new book called i used to like you tell. oh, i think it s all that way. oh, pick a lane. get le pick a lane and. it can be really hard for people to get out of that lane or even consider anything from anywhere else because they see the other side sides, not just people that they disagree with. you bad people, so they don t want to listen to anybody else or any other opinions. but i think the thing about stuff that s unprecedentei thg d is like what happened here in new york with the conviction unprecedented leads to more unprecedented. so i think when stuff like that happens, people do pay attention more. but precedink whenngcause pei pe a lot of money, i think, off of saying things trump is thisk. trump is that people have a fan base that expects them to sayn y those things. i think that that can also lead to peopl gettio peope not wantig to consider something else than what they found is make them greg: i successful. i do think some of them drive their careers into the ground outfve - of anger. you know, that s also that that s also definitely true some. yeah. all right. we ve got to move on. up next, no one is above no the laonvew unless it s hamass a drivel. you dramaw it. use] you ll be in the new yorkke f and like tickets to see 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[che hey, hey, hey. it s okay to wreck a statue, but mess with pride and they ll come right at you. ooh, that was a nice ride. eo our video of the day comes to us from america s capitol slash armpit. washingtons, where hundredsf of anti-israel demonstrators were filmed outside the whitan-e house, defacing statues and harassing cops. remember, thoughe fa, d.c. so hf of them were probably robbed and murdered later that da my. well, it s about as bad guy ,right? like there, dad? oh, yes. bad. shocking to see. imagine trashing america and destroying property without receivinimagine g course credit. they also chanted f joe biden. so it s possible they attackd the statue since it was the only thing less mobile thank . the president. std protestsorle the have been going on since october 7th. prior to that, you had riotss en courtesy of blm and antifa. there were no repercussions, no arrestspercussi. but we have now is punishment doled out, withheld based on viewpoint? meanwhile, this insane case inspt.o three teens riding scooters let skid on a painted pride flag sidewalk mural a sidewalk mural.e ar and they were arrestedre and charged with first degree malicious mischiefchar-degre. es so what s that tell you? well, there s vandalism. the media condemns and vandalism that they protect. condemns a you can t deface a pf mural, but feel free to drawac hitler mustache on jesseje watters faceters fac. by the way, that s not a comparison. order. that s actually in order. all right. mos i think what upsets me mostent is the harassment of theof ye, ranger. jimmy? yeah? park rangers are like, the mostm likable people on the planet. they, like, know all thablt they re eagle scouts with a salary that if you if you harass a park ranger, you should get the death penaltt ld gety. bear. yeah. they ve applied it to jokes about the death penalty. this audience, this is. what do you meanath pena ? what do you mean? okay. what do you make about. i mean, i know that it s an od d . kids get charged for, like, riding scooters. a pride barrel. yeah, but you could destroy property. yeahmurau can . engor no, i m surprised biden didn t do more about the statues because he went to higondoe tha- with most of those guys. you knowent tw, so silly.e nr but it does, i think part of this. because guy is unarmed. okay. and that s that s first of all, it s such a movsonal.ts move,ee to go after an unarmed guy like that. mm-hmm. bitch wuf any of this is projection from how bad the paul blart sequel was uni wondere. this is kind of a mall car. but there s this other thing that you know is true when we talk about the pride arrest in spokane t. certain causes have beenave cosigned is righteous and okayas . mm-hmm. and when it comes to the pride thing, that s why they went to jais il, got arrested.him the reason these guys aren t is because the left is cosign to thianons s. le s and that s the double standard thing that speaks to a collective lack of civic s to pride.e okay like, everyone should be mad ife our sacred monuments are being defiled because that s a middle finger to all of us. soddle fin all don t know.i beat your kids. i don t know what else to say. oh, they love violence. it s not just capital punishment. it s corporal punishment they like. yeah i kat, you said in the green room you wish we would just execute all of these protesters. i thought that was weird. coming from a libertarian. well, they didn t like that one. you know, the interesting thing about the pride mural, i think,v is look. vandalism is bad. yes. i think defacing a prideandalisl bad. mm-hmm. i think it s interesting that nobody is pointed intert that these are teenagers being charged with a felony for this. charwith aright. yea and facing ten years for this. which i thought we wereprogre becoming more progressive on criminal justice reform. yeah. and havingss tice ref concernsm an about overcriminalization of things. and this is to md e, a very clear example of an overcriminalization. i say for have that to be a felony for teenagers facing ten years. so i hope it doesn t go there. i hope yearshope i they don tt actually serve ten years for that because, i mean, that s how people become more radicaltw ,too, right?become that s how people become more radicalized. yeah. when you overdo it and the punishment gives me an idea,n though, charlie, i m going to start putting pride stuffment all over my stuff because then i know it won t get vandalized. i m juste thnine o going to pai my entire house a giant rainbow, and theann like, when there s, like, like a huge riot, my house will remain standingt . o well, here s the thing that you would have to tak e to it is pride. y you do have your colorful gucci bag in there, though, different banors that you ve beeoul gu carrying. don t want. they don t want to steal that. yeah. you you weres offore ahead of t- tribe. the part about like if you were going to redesign of your stuff though because i walked by the new york public library the other day and i was just staring at the pride flag and it just has have so many so many advancements to it now. i mean, there s so many different stripes and colors and geographic shapes. and i m like, what does all of this mean? mm-hmm. so you have a lot to learn. probably there if you want to start. i don t want to learn. anything. i m. i m, you know, i m anti learning. if i started, i going to show terrorist mobs. yeah. also anti learning. but the but that s the thing about these these anti-israel protesterse an is they just havi mean, the biggest themin all because they know nothing s going to happen. it s middle of the day. they re defacing history. they know that peopleop are filming themle fil on, their phones and they just don t care because they know nothing going to be done.ything they are completely safe from anything, you know, anyu punishment having happen to them. meanwhile, you havve thee the te scooter riders who decided to commit their crim e at 130, yo in the morning because at least, you know, you figure you re going to do something ang, but do it in the middle of the night where you might not cut, but the democratss ha have a rule. nobody s allowed to leave skid marks. but biden gove a no one it to go, joe, everybody gets a free drink, joe.f we d joe, here s anotherriompari comparison betweenso the covington kid was everywhere in the news that day. one kid at a right to life pro-life parade in dc. one kid everywhere because itre seemed like he d offended some other minority group. and it turned out it was the reverse that got this. it s nowhere in the news, dana pointed out today. there s like you can t find in the story of the protest o anywhere it s well first when i saw the kids with the e i waswa outraged because it was young people having fun and that justn me angry anyway. i m oldd and bitter but i kn think we re calling too many things hate. if you i ng to haf you read the over t the top, they re saying this vile act of hatred. well, look at all the things that the work the anti-israel protesters to do.s they had to climb up a statue. they had to spray paint that threw thingb s. - a cop. they lit up a smoke bomb. meanwhile, these kids, they left scuf mef marks on something that was on the road. yes. scarred ethingg jail. yeah. and it s it s insane because, look, i understand what thee purpose of pride had been. you had a group of peoplad beene who were told to be ashamed of themselves, and they said, an don tthid w to live that way. and everybody was on board with that. and i don t want to hear people says on . what about straight pride? because you don t know about straight pride. nty browserk atm history and you ll never ask what straight people should be proudry and of.okay? but it s the way it s the unfair application. like we re going to talk about equaby l ity, look at those two crimes. you have a crime. it s it s sapplic o much more it s - so much worse. no one s doing anything. and then you havanet a little piddly thing and everyone s supposed to freak out. and that is not equality ng that a pal, not equity, and it is not sustainable because like kat said, people are going to start to pusush back.push b exactly. and i think they re going to push back on novemberac nd i.h yeah, i m. thank you.] stop it. all right. you re amazing. audience though he spends audience though he spends as much on looksks leget the as he does free and crooks. has grow let s get the rest os plants. organic soil from organic soil from miracle-grults. the best garden i have ever had . good soil. and you get good results. this soil will blo w away. it s the martha stewart of soil. i was so excited to buy my first home, but i needed a lot of work done on it. i went on to andy. jamie was the first person to call. he s resurfaced. my flooring, he s done plumbing work. he s refinished this beautiful he s refinished this beautiful table here. find top rated certified pros in your area at angie aecom psoriasis all ople i couldn t get my hai wre then psoriatic arthritis conc thatc circles on both my people with psoriasis my people with psoriasis on the scalp have a, higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. se some fatvaccine actions severe skin reactions that look like eczema and an increased risk of infections. some have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, have a infection or symptoms, have a vaccin. symptoms develop or worsen still working for me. see in the fast paced rhythm of life where demands can be relentless and time is precious, prioritizing your well-being can be hard. not to worry. balance of nature. fruits and veggies supplements are convenient and easy to add to any schedule paired with eating more, fresh produce, regular exercise and a positive mindset balance of nature. fruits and veggies supplement can help you keep your rhythm, whether it be excelling in your day to day or living in the moment. start your journey with balance of nature. supplements. due to popular demand, the free fiber and spice plus 35% off promotion is extended. with your first order as a preferred customer, go to balance of nature. com or call 1-800- 2468751. don t wait. this offer is only available while supplies last with free shipping and our money back guarantee use discount code. fox news. this is the oldest ballpark in the country from host to hall of famers and their bambino, home to the women s gibson. jackie robinson and now the giants take on the cardinals in a celebration over a century in the making and they ll be back with would be amy holmes fox there are over 75 million monthly tube viewers more people than there are wall mounted dual actuating drinking fountains, which means to me is more popular than health code violations. to me it s more popular than wall mounted dual actuating drinking fountains to maximize emotional opportunities. hosting a cook long demonstration streamed live wednesday is welcome camera start speaking disaster. oh god food stars all new wednesday on fox. i m thinking of starting a writing club. usa today, the wall street journal and entertainment weekly hailed the black writers on june 21st. one of the biggest films of the summer arrives at the many nice little i like you guys. you re in dress a nice. how many stoplights did you when they said seven? 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is it like, maybe it s for his whole body? yeah, he s got something on skin care. i yeah. i ve never heard of man spending this kind of money on skin care. wan, dude.t italia okay, i m just going to half my husband s italian. i m like, you have more your cabinet than i do. it s true. douso they lear you think? you know? do you think he s just bang in the makeup ladt bainy? what?ear ph have you seen her? did you see her photos? otyeah, hopefully.- well well, maybe he is all right ,so maybe he s not. yeah. yeah. what could be the reason? i want to know the reason. yeah, i think a deep.y thin i think when you get into it,k it s a it s can be. sometimes you need this other thing. you need this other thing b you need this other thing. you know, it could be like he s spiraling and skin cared s yeah. you know. do you think he s addicted to the feeling of moisturize. ther? i ve heard that happening. it. you get used to the sensation of i get ut. yes. i sleep in a tub of olive oil every night. you can just see it.go i think he looks fantastic. let s go. brandoy.n i say money well spen, you know. is it corruption? we it corruption corrupt or is t maybelline? you don t kno don t kw. i think it s an overreaction. the pendulum swings because like you said, i remember when lori lightfoot skipped out during the covid lockdowns and said she needed get a haircut because she need to look good. yeah, i meanto , now, like i thinkd wh people said whatever you need to spend. yeah. atev neeto spelori no, you guyst socket with the hair like that?. yeah, i say good for him. but in chicagoin, most makeup expenses like that are reserved for open casketsor ope. yeah. oh, well, since you made it alcal, the reason the locals upset is because in chicago, you normally steal the cosmetic. you know what i meant ause chicago? justice that s just the said. i thought that. but you don t like my k cats. well, yeah. i didn t kill anybody in the drive by. igutfeld but i mean, all i wd say is i spent a lot of money in d.c. as a and this is betterr than what marion barry wass spending 30 grand a month on. i guess i got to give hivem that bea.r. marion barry was able to come back from being caught on crack like mad at this guy madeuy hunter biden like richie cunningham. well, why did that pop intoov my head? all right. we got to move on. coming up, she s a stae onndma , the fever. but team usa said leave her cities. industry leading global payment solutions help payment solutions help their client the world seamlessly in overnd 180 countries and help a partner like the world food a partner like the world food program as the amme to people in need together city and the world food program empower families across the this season. get your worn out pantry lawn back on track with grow tracks the patented grass growing technology. you just roll the water and watch it grow. grow tracks combines professional grade seed fertilizer and mulch into one easy to use role. it works in all climates in spring, summer and fall with a proprietary seed blend that s been expert tested to grow even on concrete. go to grow transcom and the shipping is always free or find us at home improvement stores nationwide so patch repair or do your whole long at grow transcom. what is it about cindy crawford the secret to cindy s surprisingly ageless skin is meaningful beauty supreme created by french anti-aging specialist dr. jean-louis sobel . his youth preserving formulas come from a genetically unique found only in the south of france with an astonishing youth preserving enzyme known as the youth molecule that s kept cindy s looking so youthful. i m about to turn 50, and people absolutely can t believe it. they say there s, no way. there is no way. so i m headed to the mall today . we re doing a pop up event for new meaning for beauty supreme ,and it should be a lot of fun. yeah, i think so. what brought you here today? 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[be what? that. what? that they re. i didn t realize this wasst a story about a snub. but it s next. we have the olympics next month. did you know this? did you knowdid yo? d yeah. what do you do know? e. se i m outsidyou know nobody knew that it was next month. nobody knew that. [laughteokay. yeah. t this. i mean, i don t know why she why wasn t on the team. wasn.heard a lot people weighing in. i don t get it. if it makes her feel any better, i don t know. i don t recognizt may bettere nf of anyone else on the team except for brittney grinere. and that s not because she s, like, good at basketball so much as, like, bad at packing. goodetball say backp. good job. yeah all right, charlie, all r you re kind of like this sports ladig.y here. a it could be a legit reason forr this omission or it political or social or cultural. it s. it s social. they re just jealous of caitlin clarke and all the eyeballsst jea she has on her.her. nobody cares about the wnba. they care about caitli aboutn cr clt with that being said, caitlin clark is able to bringly so many eyeballs to the wnba. she would bringth millionsmal more viewers to the women s basketball game in the summer olympics. apparently, the olympi morc committee just doesn t want people watching their games during the olympics. d. and it s really sad because caitlin clark certainly deserves to be there. it s notk certaiy rves t of by any stretch to have a exceptional rookie play on the olympic team. this has and if she s a rookie, that s why greg: s. no, it s not why. there s a lot. i m just trying to see excut be,r excuse mighse the you know what i m saying? well, i think one of the excuses that has been made was that she misser n d of themade tha workouts because she was in the championship tournamen becausetn she was still at iowa. that maybe that could have been why. but now they re sayingiowatherea might be an alternate on the team. but we all the yeah was going to play joe. know she could have gonee on the team if she had a . she could have. yeah i, i think caitlin clark ap is partly to blame because she made the controversial decision to be pleasant. yea contral decish. i don t want to hear anything. and i like women s sports. i don t want to hear any more complainingand from the wa as they try to drive away any t potential new viewers. because if i want to watch - who hate white people, i ll put on the new star wars sta i. all right, jimi. oh boy, did you know the olympics were coming up. id not deny lim. i had no idea. i m in my own little world. yeah, that matters. very tin.y. y tiny oh, greg, listen, i care w about this story. my wife, actually a really good high school basketball player. she graduatede .is a v erget nothing. that s great. i love that they re clapping. i ve told that jok e on the show five times. oh, wait, what? that was that when you were i going? i tried to tell this joke twice on a ve tried toke twicene he dove in the way of it by accident. once, like three weeks later, i the topic came up. i naturally roll intocame u the joke and all of a sudden i just stop and go. you did it agai alln. but today matters because we finally completed the joke it! anyway. no, i do. i care about women s basketbal . wife would have been in the wnba, but she s pretty ay wha. but p stop it. that s a joke. [lau. tt it s totally a joke. i am surprised team usa didn t do this just because of thsed he ee jersey sales. because you know how much money her jersey sells comparative to everybody els mucmonee is in the wnba, and we re not exactly rolling in dough in this country like a statucoms of liberty is selling pictures of its feet on only fans right now. it s ba erty is sellind. the m i can t get the money,on that s all. mm. all right. all rig up next, get engrossedup your your favorite local news host if you ll be in the newl be york area and like tickets to see gutfeld to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audiencm/k our studio audiencm/k ieve at e. oan. we believe that new day usa. we a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing. our purpose is not just closing. alon we want to do whatever is best for the individual serviceheir f person. person. we want to be knownamilies. as america se ones t mortgage cy for veterans and active duty for veterans and active duty service people and and their families. we re the ones that are there to help them. peopme of thving thed arduous,te difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for for the freedoms that we have here in this country. have here in this country. they re willing to dso for u you, for me and for our family . so for us at new day, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at thisl u point in timt.e, it s a labor of love. it s a noble service. and that s what we re all about. no one takes care of veterans like new day, usa to get your done right. pros everywhere trust green works for instant on run all day commercial grade absolute power and. now you can unleash all that power at home with the all new, all electric maximus z, the most versatile zero turn utility mower on planet. it s 30% more powerful than gas, with 31 horsepower cutting up to three and a half acres on a single charge, a consistent maximum blade tip speed for a more precise, beautiful cut and the only zero turn mower with a rear dump bed. no gas, no fumes, no maintenance, just absolute power from an intelligent system that works with over 75 tools, saving you time and hassle for a quieter, faster, easier job done, more power, more versatility, more for a limited time. get up to 25% off plus free shipping. visit participating retailers greenworks tools aecom. now that s life powered by greenworks paul ryan live on your from the presidential debates to the balance of power and the economic impact with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. and. relax. ellipse does all the work for you all. now in order eclipse coast thatoast stories that matter most. you re watchinter mostg local n, with emmy winning anchor w kelly crysta l kelly replacing chet van janssen, who died. and now here s kelly. hi, i m kelly cook. for kelly this is local news or every guest has to share a story from wherever they re from. all right, charlit ate, you o first. thank you so much from indianapolis here. and i just want everyonee willm to mark their calendars. we ve got a big evene everyot cg august 8th, 7:30 p.m. at the indiana state fair, 30:0. keanu reeves will be there, but not keanu reeves. e anthe will be keanu reeves,r the musician, which you knew, who knew that he was in a band called dog star. he s a bassistwain. arde john wick just got even hotter. and i will alshardo say that as someone i m a big fan of the indiana state fair, what, every single yea bacr growing up, andi am fully convinced that the reason i have never any realse serious illnesses growing up or even to this day is becauset at one point i dropped my corn dog on the grounoni d at the indiana state fair and i still ate it. so every germ and you get whi you gain weight, are you goinge] to go? i love to go to the indiana>i state fair. if i can make it on august 8th, ca wouovhen i have the day off? but yeah, absolutely. dog star all the way. great. all right, jimmy, why don t you go? whoa, my people. strong islany. go? -d, obviously. hey, girl, how in the it up for joey buttafuoco? no, i m kidding -. that s timely. my county executive, bruce blakeman, just reintroduced a bill that would ban biological men from competing th women s sports, which anyone who tries to thankan you, anyboy trying to protect women s sports. i think we owe a debt of gratitude because there s not enough speaking up.e beca you know, when when a womanusce swimmer dives the pool, shen shouldn t also be battling shrinkage. you know what i meaimmer die but the point is, again, i m bringing thiw ? s back to my wife because jenny was a good high school athlete and she takes a lot of pride in women s athletics. think of the movie a league of their own that was not supposeds hig thee to describe one persons that was about the whole female movement. and i suppose just want to st out, my member is. blakeman that s it. bruce this is for you, bab- bre okay, greg, are you going at all right? i m going to cover this california homeless high rise. it s amazing. it cost like 50 plus million dollars, 228 studio apartments,o 51 bedroom apartments that each costs about 600 grand. and this is for the homeless. 00but know what s interesting about this, other than it makes you want to throw up what t, itn skid row, do you remember anybody been to l.a.? anybw? t peop the assumption that people that live on skid roe onw are gg to take care of a high rise? right. you have to bee, as mentally il as they are. this idea of justre go. we don t know how you solve the homeless problem. give them houses. don t they don t want your house. e they re homeless. so they could do drugs, queued why casuit u, whatever they wan. so how long do you think? until there s in the pool? [l howhink, god well, if i m . hey, are all rightau, joe? well, here in new york city, new york governor kathy hochulse suspended the plan for congestion pricing. ang so you gets. a little break there. you don t have to pay your exit fees. yeah, it s it s another one of these great new york city plans to punisnuch the law abiding and glad that they they held it off. but it was amazing. it was in conversations with david paterson, our forme r governor. so it just goes to show you when you re taking traffic advice from a blind gugoeso y, i you re not doing a great job. on that note. don t go away. we ll be right years with my best friena.d. pir quick. the quicker picker upper bound the quicker picker upper bound to absorb spills u and is two times more absorbent and is two times more absorbent so you can use less bounty, quicker picker upper organic o the n me the best garden i have ever had soil and you get good results. s look at that. the broccoliix, se was fantasti. that broccoli, i think some of them were six £7. itch, itch. scratch must not itch. stop the itch. sanity with cortisone. ten for bug bites, poison ivy and other itches. cortisone ten is number afte one doctor recommended it works fastr and, lasts 4 hours. th at c cortisone ten after 30 yo of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factorss that can cause mental decline and memory issues. in a across and i can t find the right way to say it. to say it. i noticed as i got into my fifties, i started feeling i like a little moreed forgetful, a little more brain fog, introducing cue the breakthrough multi ingredient, multi action brain supplement developed by one of the world s leading brain doctor studyis. rm bet dr. dale bredeson neural cue is the result of yearste resear studying the precise nutrients your brain needsin perform better. neural cue contains a key ingredient clinicallwithin jy sn to influence brain performance in as littles been s as seven d. and within just two months, a combination of ingredients ono in neural cue has been shown to help improve memory focus, tt concentration. we ve all seen other brain supplements that onli ingredy fs on one or two factors, it s a multi ingredient, multi action formula that helps fuelbu boost, renew and protect your brain for more comprehensive care and noticeable results. in an internal study four out in an internal study four out of five, neural cue, users saw significant improvement in just 30 days. i would say within a week sn time i wassee th able to think clearer was the first thingke ti i can see that there is an i can see that there is an improvement just in thnge tasks i have to do around the house. once i started taking wit, i was like things were just coming right back to me very quickly and i was really excited about that. i feel like it helps with my mental clarity and focus call o and getting things done as well as my memory and recall call or go online now to find out how you can try neural cue. how you can try neural cue. shipping act now rec you ll also receive neuro cues fast dissolving sleep now oral strips to boost brain recovery while you sleep, go dry income or call 1-800- 4750898. that s 1-800- 4750898 order. now attention! former and family members stationed to camp lejeune. if you lived or worked at camp north carolina for at least 30 days from august 1953 to december 1987 and have been diagnosed with neurobehavioral effects, had a child born with birth defects or been with fertility issues or more significant compensation may be available. call legal injury advocates now to process your administration claim before the august 10th 2024 deadline. it has been proven that the water at camp lagoon during those years was extremely contaminated with toxic chemicals. legal injury advocates has extensive helping to get the maximum compensation you deserve. now, before it s too late, you re not alone in this fight, and there are no upfront costs to begin your journey to justice. the call is completely free. we re available 24 hours a day. legal injury advocates to discuss your case now call legal injury advocates at one 800 8855599. that s 1-800- 88555991 800 8855599 call now. as events unfold, news is live at nine. a lot of moving pieces we ll take you through all. bill and dana have unmatched insight on america s newsroom. then at 11, we will cover every move they make. harris says that top stories covered on the front. their focus only on fox news channel ingr laura: good evening, everyone i m laura ingrahamm command this is the ingraham angle from washing thank you for joining us. protesters with voyages thean focus of tonight s angle.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240611

we re available 24 hours a day. legal injury advocates to discuss your case now call legal injury advocates at one 800 8855599. that s 1-800- 88555991 800 8855599 call now. as events unfold, news is live at nine. a lot of moving pieces we ll take you through all. bill and dana have unmatched insight on america s newsroom. then at 11, we will cover every move they make. harris says that top stories covered on the front. their focus only on fox news channel ingr laura: good evening, everyone i m laura ingrahamm command this is the ingraham angle from washing thank you for joining us. protesters with voyages thean focus of tonight s angle. they want to destroy our his history. [screaming] [screaming] laura: it is a disgrace, that is the statue across from the white house in the lafayette park. was a commander in the french army who helped america during the revolutionary war. that is what happens when radical leftism and sympathizers take over the ark. thousand showed up towedo prote. the question i had all week, where as law enforcement? there was this poor guy. [chanting]d st laura: assaulted up youappe would when the police tried to step in the one time, this happened. [chanting] laura: the park place, the d.c. metro police, secret service knew this testst was happening weeks ago, so it is unclear why the statutes weren t protected, given what w happened to the sameer park in e same park memorial day 2020. we cri were there. now, we have no my criminals onu video assaulting police officers, committing crimes, and look, we understand there are no plans to prosecute anyone here that the protest is described as largely in florida, iowa, tennessee, vandals were caught on camera doing with these friends arr wet doing they would be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. but in liberal areas if you are a democrat or someone the democrats are trying to court to vote for them, they don t have to worry. and these protesters knew this. s president biden certainly unlike president trump supports the freedom of expertise andt freedom of expression. so they are exercising their rights and that is their right toare do. laura: these are among the most privileged people outrisd there. they can do stuff in blue states, liberal jurisdictions or as we saw on college campuses, and they can get away with it,su total impunity. here are the laws that can and should be used against anti-american anarchist.fe 1361 is the destruction of federal properly and authorizes a penalty of up to ten yearst fo imprisonment for the willful injury of federal property. an aunt amidst of remember the 2020 riots, the trumd smpan administration issued smartly in the executive protecting american monuments and memorials, noting it is the department of ps. justice to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law anyin person destroying, damaging, vandalizing or desecrating aor monument memorial or a statute within the u.s. or otherwise damages government property.ffic but with biden in office, common sense and the rule of law are out the window. law is supposed to apply across the board to all, but we have two sets of laws cured one for friends of the regime, and one for the enemies of the regimehe where they think of the enemies of the regime who should expect to be persecuted whenever possible. so, what happened to the pro-life demonstrators put in prison for years, the janppen january 6th defendants hunted down, and of course, what we sea happening to president trump. but the fact is biden, kamala harris, merrick garland and college administrators will always cut a break to the people who hate america. look, as long as you areu defending traditional americansa christians, others or if you potentially help democrats, why basically you can do whatever you want to be or that is why those people are spray painting statue and throwing stuff at thh police officer.endi this is what they mean when they talk about defending democracy. if a bunch of twentysomethings oklahoma though through red paint on thel black lives matter mural on 16th street across from the park, they had beenwoul arrested. they had been arrested on the spot. the doj would hold a press conference and it would be a big deal, large, large forces of doe prosecutors would be bearing down on these people right now here to becausthe e we know what looks like when the doj wants to get serious and send a message f deterrence. the fbi is quite familiar with large-scale, complex and fast-moving investigations.ity we are up to the challenge. the brutality the american people watched with shock and disbelief on the sixth will not be tolerated by the fbi. the men and women at the fbi will leave no stone unturned in this investigation. laura: even this yearts, thes are still sending doj alerts about january 6th and you seeid this guy, the democrat on the hill put a statement out callina for the prosecution of the people who did that in lafayette park? it is clearly the policy at this point of the administration and thdothe doj that left-wing grous can destroy any statute, they can block any road, they can do any of that as long as the democratic party doesn t have to pay any political price. the doj doesn t work for you. y it works for joe biden and the democrat party. we told you this from thehe outset. the statute takedowns and destructions, it was never about the confederacy or property lee or slaveholders or the 1800s, this was about their hatred of the american story. they do not believe in the constitution. they do not believthere in the n declaration of independence or whether we win another war, they don t care about that. for that matter, they don t cara california, illinois, new york, they don t care if it goes downs the drain, look what they were doing to migrants. it doesn t matter to them. as for the democrats in congress, they, too, know theey rules of accountability do not u apply to them not the same way as republicans. asy pe we told you from the very beginning, if nancy pelosi had done her job before january 6th, the breach never would have happened at the capital. and now, we have proof that shes knew she was responsible. this was footage taken by her own daughter of the day the attack. any did not have any accountability for what was going on there and we should ha. this is ridiculous. you are goin g to ask me in the middle of the thing, they have already reached the inauguralce? stuff that should we call the capitol police? t i mean, the national guard? why would the national guard not there to begin with? speak what they thought thatth they had sufficient they don t know! they clearly didn t know, and i take responsibility for not having them. laura: she said she was responsible not once but twice on that tape.da the democrat leadership in charge that day was responsible for how it got out of hand.ei no wondellr they kept those thousands of hours of surveillance videos secret until the republican house speaker ordered thease.e release. so by now, i think more americans see the real privilege out there.t co the privilege that protects some of the most corrupt people. the political write a report ony the vat money trail is interesting to me, but we know they will never be held accountable. it doesn t matter how shady their money of sources are ors oflong time drifter racking up tens of billions of dollars forr their whole family tree for thao joe biden lied about not talkind to hunter s foreign business contacts. it is the ultimate privilege,nd and thats is the angle. late hunter s future now lies in the hands of the jury started late this afternoon with jury deliberations in the federal gun trial. irea if convicted on all three counts lying on a federal firearms form october 2018, he faces a maximun sentence of 25 years in prison. instead of focusing on what the actual crimes are come at theki ngmedia spends most of its time lamenting about what a heartbreaking moment this is for the biden family.g no this has been an emotional trial from the start unfolding not only in front of a jury but in front of the eyes of hunter biden s diversely the jill biden, and other members of the so the closest people in the biden circle inside the courthouse, the force is no different withfa the women in hs familyrect all side-by-side andn directly behind hunter biden. nw the 120 may now judge janine. pyro, host of the five and it is interesting job there jill biden flew from france for a day to sit in that courtroom as the jury was still there. the she flew back to france, huge expense of the taxpayers and a lot of people wondering about that what that might have said to the jury. clebut is this a clear case her could weal expect acquittal in u liberal jurisdiction? first of all, you are absolutely right, laura, solo transatlantic flight so she could stay as long a bs she coud with the trial and then get back to the trial. look, the biden family is trying to put on a united front here, when in truth, laura, they are as dysfunctional as a family caa get for getting what was going on in that family.on a and giving all the trauma visited upon the biden women as a result of what hunter did and, you know, whether his ex-wife to g,his brother s wido hw who endp testifying, his daughter endedll up testifying, his stepmother, jill, day in and day out. t what the prosecutor actually had to say, actually, ladies and gentlemen the fact that the powerful biden family sittingel there is not they have the power to try to sway this jury and intimidateeyp them in whatever way theyr possibly can. to answer your question directly, laura might never been in a criminal court room we can literally hear the voice of the accused defendant bellowing out and basically admitting he is an addict and involved in all kinds of debauchery during the period ofy du time that he signed thisn pistol permit application. so the evidenc impe is there ane american people should be impressed this judge wasn t trying to string outthey the trh so they could keep someone off ofdeli the campaign trail.tomo they got it done pure they will deliberate. they will have ado verdict tomorrow and only issue, do they want to convict him or not push mark because it s all there. this is a friendly democrat delawarei ju jury. laura: i don t see itt ju happening, but i was wrong and. you were right about that jury in new york, judge. i held out hope. cnn thinks the jury would vote to acquit fowar this reason her at a watch. a jury could also say waitsdl at the mic wait a second,ri prosecutors you didn t establish used or possessed these drugs ta during october and the defendant knowingly did so. he might have thought so in his mind that hehat a was clean, fg his life u.p and so on.fore that is like saying aally defendant coming before me on a murder case, i really wasn t was murdering him. your actions speak louder thanty your supposed thoughts at this point. but what they ve got and you have to give every laura credit though my credit for this, basically we don t know if he was using thboe day he filled ot the form. baloney! the statute says are addicted to end the prosecutor shot holes through it and every 20 minuteas he was smoking crack according to his girlfriend zoe. within minutes, he is with w mookie picking up crack and abby comes up with, well maybe he was lying and with another woman. and then abby says maybe he was an alcoholic. according to abby, you have to have the crack on the pistol the application.tion but the truth is, the biden administration has increased the penalties for people lying on these applications. but they think they are above the law and shouldn t have to apply to hunter. laura: judge him up before we let you go, the desecration of the statute in lafayette park and the assault of a park polic. officer, no arrests, no pressag conferences, not a democrat that i have heard to speak out against this talk about two tiers of justice, and were six defendants in this? i love your angle there. look, january 6, they found. them, got there bank records to find them. it is almost as if it s not aes big deal.peop they did nothing to prevent it. these are people and so right, u they hate america. they want to bring anarchy to this country and the biden administration is aiding and abetting and complicit whether the southern border or whether lafayette park. this is why america can no longer handle the way that theno bidens for running the country.e and hopefully, things willl ri change in november. laura: judge, great to see you tonight.ario thank you so much. biden porter cracked down, this is hilarious and infuriating all at the same time. we will have the details next. norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is. xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal. i know. faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? we are at a very early stage. implementation come as you noted, has just begun. it is early. the signs are positive.y jo our personnel have done an extraordinary job in implementing a big shift how we operate on the southern border. laura: biden has made a big change on the border! and just hours ago my niece leper of a piece ofos es the new york times says it all, days after border closes for most migrants, most manageable crowds but more anxiety i think that migrants feel fearful and stranded. of course, the the times worry about bit the feelings? they are biden. what do you think of president biden?yeah i love biden.urse biden help us. laura: that says thathi all come t of course. this is illegals the key to securing a permanent, democrat majority. so the democrats don t care whatns. it cost me even to nationalned security concerns. according to thethe border patr memo obtained by fox, the administration s basically ordering a catch and release.nos we knew this before, but agents in the san diego sector areadul being told to release single adults from every country on thn face of the earth but six countries in the eastern hemisphere: russia, georgia, moldova, kirk a stand. noticeably missing from that t list, china, cuba, north kore, they can get right in apparently and get a notice to appear or three years, fivthe years, seven years and who knows what happens after thatof t. just more confirmation o f the biden team radical plans to permanently alter the america that wve.e love. these are so committed to importing new democrat voters that they will waive that anyonf except a very small sliver ofwh russians and otherils from thead republic.e meanwhile, the biden family made millions in china and they have no problem waving in the 100,00c chinese in the united states. of course, china was an adversary the last time i checked and also a communist country the last time i checked. it is disturbing, but not surprising because this is all politics are joining us eric schmitt, senator, why is the biden administration fine with migrants from places like syria, iran, china, but not russia? they have a long-term play here as you know to because you don t need to be a citizen to be counted in the citizen, that is one. they believe that is a path to more power and more control.trol if you need further evidence number one, joe biden isvide a . and two, there would be open borders crowd appearances as exhibit 5,438. it is in plain view now and thig memo confirms with everybody that this is window dressing anu they know exactly what they are doing. the as you mention only six m countries noted in the easternsp hemisphere. that means from china, a spy from china you can get her $5,000, $10,000 and you ca n be in the united states with catch and release. a touriseal.t from it this hh never happen in the history of anywhere in ther world, laura. laura: never! this has never happened. no one has done this aloud and been complicit with an impatien of our country. they don t believe in real borders. sapling malcolm americansould literally are dying and i fear it can be worse. there were terrorists here operating in the united states. and the biden administration is ready to trade that for an electoral event. laura: the media seem to not really comprehend. we saw what happened in europe p on european elections over the weekend. a populist i came in, globalists for the most part on the run, people tired of mass migration, but the media are stilisl clingg to this notion of globalism that they don t understand american s feelings on this puree to watch. speak with a 62% of americans favor deporting all undocumented immigrants. s alreso homeland security says president biden has already deported or repatriated more people in the past year than any yearwhat since 2010. some of what mr. trump talks about could be illegal. it doesn t seem practical in some sense to round up childrenr laura: oh, my god, they are still doing the round up of children. senator, the american people have seen how this has already change their communities, they are schools, compromised our health care, rooms, and a porchr toob my course the huge budgetay problems along with the other problems we have you or but the media are like, what about the families? what about the american families? get ready for space bowl style ludicrous speede fearmongering in october. that is what all the democratsi. are left with.port and conveniently sort of reported on this stuff, thet threat to democracy is actually people voting. that is what happened in europem yesterday and what is happening here in the united states, another tsunami is coming because if they would get out of coastal bubble and come to real america and actually talk to people, real people don t understand how the president ofs the united states is willingly opening up the border for theth fentanyl killing people in the communities. the crime you see every day anld the terrorism and don t understand it but all politicsen shot in november here. laura: thank you, senator. next biden doj targets a doctorl after he blew the whistle on sex change for kids. he is here for an exclusive interview next. we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? so they re basically sitting on a goldmine? i don t think they have a clue. that s crazy! well, not everyone knows coventry s helped thousands of people sell their policies for cash. even term policies. i can t believe they re just sitting up there! sitting on all this cash. if you own a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, you can sell all or part of it to coventry. even a term policy. for cash, or a combination of cash and coverage, with no future premiums. someone needs to tell them, that they re sitting on a goldmine, and you have no idea! hey, guys! you re sitting on a goldmine! come on, guys! do you hear that? i don t hear anything anymore. find out if you re sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit laura: we know it is wrong. transition affirmation is not safe or effective long term. it does not reduce suicides. is it does not repair mental health issues or trauma and minors cannot give truly informed consent. they do no harm engender affirminm.g health care is leadt harm. laura: as the rest of theed b world rejects mutilation and chemical castration of children, gender dysphoria, activists have kept the barbarism going in many l states.d two few physicians are brave enough to speak out.nish and the biden department of justice is working overtime to punish them. my next guest as heavily armed t u.s. marshall showed up at hiser house 7:00 a.m. to charge him with four felonies after exposed exposing procedures performed on kids you are joining me now surgeon and transgender medicine whistle-blower, dr. ethan came here andnd i want to remind everyone of your story. this is inwhic texas which man d transgender surgeries of kidswo and texas children s hospital said it would stop the procedures but then you leaked documents showing it didn t stop the procedures. in fact days after the band weni into effect, a doctor inserted p drug delivery implant in anviol 11-year-old.o yo the doj is alleging hipaaan violations here.d mu what do you say to that, dr. bush mark laura, i appreciate you having me on that show pure to but i want to clary one point, the hospital said march 2022 that they were going to shut down the program because of the potential criminal liability. this was in response to the pinion release by ken paxton a few weeks before saying it can be investigated as child abuse or they were giving every indication to the public they were shutting down this program here at i worked there and did surgery there a new category of elite this was untrue. they not only continue thean program but expanded it behindan closed doors. especially as a doctor, trust ie the most important currency weln have and the fact they were lying to the public is an egregious violation off medical ethics and especially for otherwise amazing hospital. one of the besit st places in te world if you have a very sick yeah, exactly, lying in an egregious way purely blew thepo whistle ansed within 24 hours, e conduct we had exposed was voted to become illegal and a bill passed in the texas senate with bipartisan support. laura: that is a smart framing of it. so, it looks like they were concerned about political blowback and wanted to cover.e because texas is a fairly conservative state, obviously, a lot of people disagree with what the bipartisan legislature passed, but they wanted thd to cover. there is also an enormous amount of money involved in the transgender surgeriees as that e have seen in boston and other places across the country. it is big money, doctor. wood is a remarkable amountat of money involved in these procedures becauseerab imagine t happens when you take a o vulnerable, confused kid when they arelock 11 years old and st them on puberty blockers and c they become 95% to 98% of surgeries after that.l pa what you created is chronicth medical patient for the rest of their lives and tethered to the boundaries of a hospital. it is a fate unimaginable. s a these are otherwise healthyul kids. i remember when i was there, we would operate on the sick kids with diseases like andcystic fibrosis, crohn s disease. all they wanted to do was live a normal life. whwhen we would roll them out of three operating room and cominge out of anesthesia, yeah, theyey are strong but uninhibited by drugs, they say these thingsnt t where they just want to beli normal and they want to live ao normal life you re at they have a sick body. we have to do surgery on but in this case they take healthyat children and putting them down this path.nce. laura: this is barbaric, and assault on innocence, and an assault on children.d to and you say that the prosecutor tried to bring your wife into the story? what is that all about? it is unbelievable. my wife, she was undergoing ae background check because she goa hired as an assistant u.s. attorney in the northern district of texas. in a letter my attorneys wroteav outlining the behavior, she said my wife andrea will not have problems with her background check unless she becomes difficult. e what she was referring to was my wife encouraging me. she knew mike to choose my constitutional right to not speak to the agents with a came to my home three hours before my graduation from surgery residency. laura: is there any doubt l, tthat this is political attet to intimidate you and others for speaking out, in a dell? no doubt because that is what he told us. laura: doctor, we can talk to you foryou an hour. thank you for joining us. look, making inroads into deep red wyoming. it may be because that h is whee radiologists say he was punished for speaking out against transgender surgery for childreh there. dr. eric lubin said he wrote an email urging state legislatures to endorse a bill banning it. the bill passed and signed by d governor mark. but after that dr. cubin said he got a letter from the governor removing him from the state board of medicine before eventually allowed to resign. joni meet dr. air cuban, interventional radiologists. this became law banning the surgery in wyoming. texas did the same. what is their real beef with you? what is it customer i wish ie knew what they are real beef wah but what is concerning the woke mob in this country has so much power and influence that they can even affect the weekin governor in the state of wyoming, the most republican state in the country and somehow cores him into silencing the voice of reasoning his state.i a i have no idea, no idea who it sort of the influence here and who caused this to but if it s really scary is that if this can happen wyoming whatr is going on in the rest of theh country? the spokesperson for the governor s office said that you resigned after receiving a letter from the governor reminding you of theto policy fu medical board members toti remai objective withon duties tounds maintain the confidence of medical professionals on the board. sounds like a lot of bureaucratic nonsense. that says nothing and that is typical bureaucratic speech. i hate people that write that way. it is like cia statement. but your response to whatever that was suppose id to mean. it was difficult to read andc made no sense. he also accused me ofssib potentially having a conflict of quite frankly, that is not possible because it is the i law in the state. somthough mike violates the lawd comes before the board of medicine we enforce that no conflict of interest but we arei enforcing the law appeared s laura, what i would really like to talk about is the children if that is okay. make no mistake about it, this is not gender-affirming care we are talking about. this is gender denying care. these children have a delusion similar to anorexia. what we have learnedcan with anorexia, you don t treat ittrea with liposuction. the treatment these kids need is love and kindness and psychotherapy. they don t need surgical mutilation of hormones. only reaffirming for these children is that we love them, cherish them, and we are sur committed to making sure they are okay and they get the care that they need. we should not laura: thrae word gender s phrase, gender is so orwellian.. orwellian would be rolling in his grave, doctor, thank you. the media, are they preparing to kick joe biden to the curb? a what else might be afoot?we h a big development next. whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america s mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we re the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they re willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it s a labor of love. it s a noble service. and that s what we re all about. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. laura: more post than a democrat contingency plan may be underway to swap biden from the democratic ticket. the over the weekend the new york times published s gentle fact-checked of biden s tall tales. well, they said biden might use antidotes in order to win over his audiences and appear more charming. is this charming?armi i used to drive an 18-wheeler. i wa as sort of raised in the r puerto rican community at home. i like allow for a lot of people in this audience and happen t o be the first of my family to go to college. and my uncle posey who got shot- down in new guinea. e wehe never found the body bece there are a lot of cannibals, for real comment that part ofya the community.rn laura: for real pures the new york times calls these yarns. but the fact is they catalogued them to me was not significant.c then, there is the political piece exposing how biden s closest aides were deeply n his family business dealings .te for years he shared a bookkeepe with his son, hunter my personal lawyerr with his brother jim. he had secret service investigated a chinese executive doing business with hunter.tale well, that might be another tall tale. never discussed with my sontn or my brother or anyone else o business, period! laura: jordan may ned ryans and founder of ceo majority andt sean davis, the federal spirit what is going on here? i think some of the corporate propaganda and who is pushing for stories because someone is pushing it in a coordinated fashion thinks joe biden is the real problem but that is not their real problem here are the real problem is leftist policie. they are pushing your list notor forget why they have joe biden, pure joe biden is the basebut putting on for obama s third term to beat trump and pace of the mirror on obama s third term and radical policies androja the trojan horse for leftist ideas. they are focused on joe biden as the real problem but it s thee a essence and the american people are waking up and understanding what the modern-day democraticna has become, a neo-marxist un-american party. the american people we don t agree with you o on n immigratin and we don t agree with you onsr the economy and we don t agreesi with you on your ideas or peo illusions of law and order. that is what is happening. i people are focused on the real problem pure the real problem it they want to take off joe biden and smear fresh lipstick on nasty, ugly pig of her left of american ideas. they are focused on the wrong problems and the wrongd fo solutions. laura: polling has been so bad for biden even cnn as of late can t avoid covering look atou this tremendous shift, oh, my goodness gracious, now 2024, biden s drop eight points and trump up 44%. he is losing. he is under water the israel/moss war in russia and ukraine war. donald trump seems to have an edge in this race. what is president biden doing wrong that this is the case? laura: sean, i had to cover this sooner or later you re to be we saw crowds in californiaa turning out for trump. they are lined the streets form. him. and very few trump haters at least which wakly.s shocking tos frankly, i don t know, there is a lot going on they are gettingy a little nervous about, sean.n. i think that is exactly what is going on here they are not trying to dump biden yet but if it gets to that point, they definitely will pure the bobr th race in 2002 where he was dead in the water so they swapped him out at the last minute andhey through an wrinkle altenburg.he about what they were trying to do is raise the alarm bells, hey, guys, your whole strategy of throwing trump in prison is not working anymore. it is time to panic and start changing things up because of the way things stand now, it isu not going the thing about the propaganda press and corporate media, they never tell the truth and theyow always have an agenda. i think their agenda right now is to get the regime reelectedu and they need to make sure thepp people in the white house and the people running in the white house know they are in trouble.e wi laura: ned, do you agree with that? i do agree with that but ther. problem they have is they have the scranton show good old joe from scranton and this moderate and now what the problem is if they replace joe biden without an out leftist on top of the leftist agenda, i think the gig is up in the masquerade is over.y i totally agree with sean, howre do they retain power? at some point, they will panic because joe biden grandpa dimension is amala hard seller d kamala harris is even worse. laura: floated a scenario on x, biden hit all-time low a approval rating paying dropping out would be a big wrist but threshold continuing to run is o bigger wrist the mic risk. are we there yet i don t knowm. but it s fair to ask appear to think it is that point for them in incredibly risky for them to lose this last touch stone to the old seemingly more reasonable democrat party and f that.row o they lose that and look, it is the free palestine protesters in lafayette square spray painting commander rochambeau. it is that chaos.e that is it, and the border. right, that might explain that very odd, june 22nd debate they scheduled the pier thatst might beil joe biden s last chae to prove that he still has it.wn i can t recall in memory when we had presidential debates before there was even a convention. it is very strange. laura: that is the last chance for joe. ned and shawn, thank you both. seen and unseen with raymond arroyo is next. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade. it s 20 degrees cooler and you get protection from harmful rays and sun glare. when you call, we ll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you ll get your sunsetter for as little as $799. but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions. plus, get this $200 discount certificate to get your sunsetter for as little as $799. there are so many incredible styles to choose from. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! turn your patio into an instant oasis. add led lighting for evening enjoyment. call now for your free awning idea kit, local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!” after 30 years of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factors that can cause mental decline and memory issues. i m trying to get a.a thought across and i can t find the right way to say it. i noticed as i ve got into my 50s i started feeling like i was like a little more forgetful, a little more brain fog. introducing neuroq, the breakthrough multi ingredient, multi action brain care supplement developed by one of the world s leading brain doctors, dr. dale bredesen. neuroq is the result of years of research studying the precise nutrients your brain needs to perform better. neuroq contains a key ingredient clinically shown to influence brain performance in as little as seven days. and within just two months a combination of ingredients found in neuroq has been shown to help improve memory focus and concentration. we ve all seen other brain supplements that only focus on one or two factors, but neuroq is different. it s the multi ingredient multi action formula that helps fuel, boost, renew and protect your brain for more comprehensive brain care and noticeable results. in an internal study, 4 out of 5 neuroq users saw significant improvement in just 30 days. i would say within a week s time i was able to. think clearer was the first thing. i can see that there is an improvement just in the tasks i have to do around the house. once i started taking neuroq, i was like things were just coming right back to me very quickly and i was really excited about that. i feel like it helps with my mental clarity and focus and getting things done. as well as my memory and recall. call or go online now to find out how you can try neuroq for $49.95 plus get free shipping. act now and you ll also receive neuroq s fast dissolving sleep now oral strips, to boost brain recovery while you sleep. laura: time laura: it is time fordlin seen and unseen where we revealedes the stories behind te headlines.ntri raymond arroyo. biden is said to take part in a big fund-raiser this weekend. ti the slabs will lift him up your jimmy kimmel, george connie, julia roberts command more. lore, dire warnings aregs coming from hollywood like this. ro how do you feel about the specter of the second trump administration? ie will move. w ili can t live in this country f he became president. understand why people are not taking him seriously. i think hitler i would rather push in our life and be stopped by that is what the choice will be in 2024.. a response to all of this,a, ricky drop this over the weekend. as a celebrity, science andor politics, trust me when i tellot you you should vote for. if you don t vote the right wayh a hate crime and it makes me sad and angry, and i will leave the country. and you don t want that. laura: they never leave the country. if only they leave the country. please leave. you can t bully and harangue people into a political conformity, laura. it is only news if suddenly sean foyt said i m supportingg bi joe biden. that is news but theselebr celebrities have always been in his corner reporting oppositionh to the candidate here that is hardly news and i think he is right. laura: they are not affected by biden s policies. they floated of adverse effects of the policy so they are totally fine . i want to talk about caitlin clark i know a lot of people are interested in thee story. she is probably thpre most important player in the nba. period she left off the olympicc team and reacted with enormous grace though appearance because she had great poise and humility and took it in stride. her record is not perfect andscr the pro, 14th in scoring, but still i tend to agree withs. stephen a. smith on this. this girls box office! i said a rise in tide, but whate you do, especially if team usa and you re trying to be globalized, it is an opportunitn to globalize the wnbita brand! you don t sit up there and pass on caitlin clark! it is stupid, team usa, it was a dumb decision! well, look, she still has aau shot. chelsea gray with a leg injury and if she she gets out of that roster, there might be room for caitlin clark. but it does seem they missed an opportunity for marketing and publicity in a big way. but she has time he or she is young. laura: my free said though my friend said rookie larry johnson and larry bird, it all works out. i have to say that i haven t followed the wnba that closely but she should probably be on the team.. what else? the number for joe biden amongjo black voters is a rolling tragedy and trump s best performance in black voters in 60 years for republicans. some polls say 63%, a drop from 91% in 2020. part of this is attributable for trump making attributes to blacks in the bronx appeared to try to turn the tide, trump s june s juneteenth concert june 10th at the white house. patti labelle, gladys knight, as we like to say new orleans, the essence festival. i don t know why you need aou campaign and basically aaign campaign event being sponsored by the taxpayer. a comedian roy would open the festivities this way. we get thfestatche day off jt that is right. we get the day off june 19th. i don t know about some of y all, but i think we need ai week off.thk i m not here to tell you thank you for what you did, but a week i don t know if you ve been black before, but there are some stressful days. when you are black, i need a week. speed he ran through hit list accomplishment of winning over black voters. i don t think this helps. . forura: it is late that is it for us.foll follow us on social media and thank you for watching. it is my son 16th birthday today. that is what hy soe looked liken i saw him for the first time.r h and that is what he looks like now. a madelei carley: a fox and friends first exclusive, father of the missionary couple murdered by gangs in haiti are speaking out for the first time in an

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends Sunday 20240609

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will: senator tim scott on what this means inching closer to november 6789 pete: rookie wnba sensation caitlyn clark snubbed from the olympic team. the bizarre reason why straight ahead. third hour of fox & friends weekend starts right now. pete: rhode island. nice and great. that s great. i imagine in three hours, four hours that beach will be pretty packed. pete: i went to the beach yesterday for many hours yesterday. will: what d you do? pete: mostly sat there and enjoyed with friends. made sand castles and buried my kids. they buried me in the sand. typical stuff swim out to the bank. this was kids go play and then little interaction. very nice day. rachel: very nice. pete: not too much because i had to get up and do the morning show. jen and the kids were there. you successly execute it had. rachel: you got your breakfast. will: they re on a team and they they re on a team and. pete: i finished the order and went into her app. rachel: you did. will: thousands of anti-israel protesters are gathering outside of the white house and furious with the response of oturu ongoing hamas war. rachel: the demonstration as president biden wraps up trip overseas. pete: madeleine rivera joining us now with the details. reporter: hey, guys, the area outside of the white house cleaned up by the time president biden returns and the pro palestinian protesters return and they re going to have these for their demand to send them to israel and thousands travel to the country and the nation s capitol to showcase their furry and andrew jackson with paint and making red hand prints and red line in rafah and crossed by heading into the city and as the protest unfolded overseas in israel, there was joy and they reunited with their families and israeli forces rescued them in a daring operation and we won t stop working till all the hostages are home and a ceasefire is reached. that s essential for happening. reporter:red biden administration is recontinuing to work for the remains hostages through negotiation and antony blinken is heading back to the middle east tomorrow. pete: look who s here with us this morning. shannon bream. i teleported in. good to see you guys. there s so much blow back from progressives in the left and the rights saying it s not too late and we don t like what you re doing and it s cruel and unusual and you wouldn t do that and getting this split of support within his party and israel and hamas with things that are polling out this week and going for every state and we polled and double digit advantage with president trump and people thinking he would be better on that issue so the white house is scrambling. will: acknowledging who sits on the jury. does he need to testify? we ve all talked about, president trump s trial here in manhattan, it s a jury pool that s 85% voted for president biden is we think last time around and those are numbers he s working with and delaware, it s different. that s biden country and they have generations there and they re well known there and a report one juror was crying during the testimony and one jury you need one to hang and not get a conviction. i don t know if i m the defense, i d lean against putting hunter on the stand. there s so many avenues that can open and that why president trump and his team wanted to testify and i think they knew for them it would be difficult and once you put them on the stand, they can go a lot of different places you might not want to talk about. same thing with hunter. rachel: she went through a lot of effort to get there. whether i started reading her travel plans, i thought i m not reading in right. this cannot possibly be. she got it done and i got to think she wants him to feel the support. pete: timing wise on monday for the trial and do you think it wraps up by the end of the week and rachel: one more case, the elderly pro life activist and she s like 75 years old and this is a very violent place to live and where are they the priority for the doj and the city? it s tough for the doj because we remember there were attacks doj is pursuing those people and assigning jail time for people demonstrating and live stream it had and knew what they were doing and it was against the law and i would imagine most of the fo folks and one pled guilty they re willing to know what they walked into and doj not a great optic and equally aggressive going for other folks on the side. rachel: only p 4 and another one in the 60s that got solitary confinement for 22 days, which violates the nelson mandela act that says you can t keep it for more than 15 days and these are very severe unusual punishments and coming to us from new york. will: what can we expect on fox & friends ? rachel: short list and rising and he ll tell us about that and talk over foreign policy and big part of the resume. he s got hesitation and the drain on the resources is real and talk about that . the trump rally that i know you talked ahead of that and that was the district and how does he feel? rachel: here in the south bronx. pete: i have seen all the promos on fox nation and going for fox nation. it s like a dream come true. should have made him wear a mullet wig for the show. janice actively kill it had. pete: proper fox news sunday host and fire cracker break dancing during every commercial break. will: and i m comfortable saying this, they smoked us, pete and rachel. i mean, brian and shannon and dagen embarrassed us. it was a lot of fun. rachel: i can t stop looking at you. tamara who did my makeup. hair and make up was the best and there s a lot of purpose and will blue eye shadow doing this and we ve got to embrace it. our outfits. rachel: i want to do this. i told tom i want to do the 80s thing. pete: anyone else on television that has the range to go from 80s game show to fox news sunday? the range? rachel: there s no one on television who looks more like olivia newton john. the most massive compliment i can give you. let s get physical. rachel: i love you. you are awesome. incredible. pete: check it out on fox nation, the quiz show. looks like a lot of fun. thank you very much. rachel: thanks, shannon. pete: turning to a few additional headlines starting with this, a landslide taking out a massive chunk of road at t town pass in wyoming cutting off a critical lake between eastern idaho and jackson, wisconsin. officials don t know how long it ll take to repair the road and say the closest possible route going more than 60 miles out of the way. hope that i m able to represent you again very soon. it s held in honor of king charles iii s birthday. will: assuming that s soccer style? we didn t show it yet. pete: it s coming up. come on. come on. will: i saw something he slides on his knees soccer style. pete: was that the preview or broadcast? will: throwing me off. pete: on air or not on air? we re not working with pros here. will: most talked about basketball player period, not women s but on l planet. caitlyn clark left off the women s olympic basketball team. christineen writing in the usa today. two sources long time basketball veteran withs decades of experience in the women s game told me friday that is concerned how clark s millions of fans would react to what likely would be limited playing time on the factor of decision making and if true, that s an extraordinary mission of real attention with the old guard of women s basketball for this multimillion dollar sensation. pete: wanting fans and larger contracts and even talking about it for years and then suddenly a sensation, fan favorite shows up and you don t say it s front and center synergy home your vote lifting and all of our votes lifting and you ve got serious animosity or serious reasons for not wanting to elevate that person. rachel: we had dan on earlier from outkick and what he had to say. they had a great opportunity and i don t care about luka or jaylen brown or nb ark finals and there s no basketball player that s a bigger draw right now in the world. i would argue in the world then caitlyn clark. what a missed opportunity. they could have had more eyeballs on women s basketball, which would have equated to going back to your season and fixing up even stronger now it s the same old same old and no one is going to pay attention and that s a missed opportunity and a really dumb missed opportunity. will: it makes with raise reporter: risen above ambition. there s no reason. they re cutting their nose off despite their face. rachel: i just i m trying to understand it all and i think what women of color in sports wanted was more diversity and seems like she s a diverse member inside of this, you know, cohort of female basketball players. rachel: break it down for me. will: i think a lot of women are christian and she s an outlier from race to sexuality and style of play even. she s an out lier. but outlier but it s all garnered her a lot of attention. ratings follow, money followings ratings, and now you ve seen jealousy i think. i don t think it s limited to the superficial factors of race or sexuality. at some point it s jealousy. pete: yeah, it is unfortunate for all the levels you played out and it s not uncommon in sports and like a new player comes in to a league and isaiah thomas famously got this treatment from jordan and magic and others that said hey, new kid, you re a little above and we ll knock you down a peg and tough fouls she faced and there s that dynamic but this feels like more than that. and the question is how long does it persist and to miss such a big opportunity like this for the country saying, wow, i want to watch the women s team at the olympics. rachel: she s good enough to be on the olympic s team. pete: according to to people that follow the wnba the answer is yes, i just don t no. rachel: so much for the sister hood. i thought that s what it was supposed to be about but guess not. a shocking new report reveals the dire impact of biden s energy agenda on the u.s. economy. we re going to talk to you about what it means for your gas bill, next. why choose a sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i m cold? wait, no, i m always hot. sleep number does that. now, save 40% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. shop now at while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. a slow network is no network for business. that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest 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off the coast of guyana and why empower iran when we have liquid gold right under our feet? i wish hi a good answer to that question. when i give speeches around the country about what biden has done the way he s kind of recked our economy and people ask me is this intentional and trying to hurt america. the higher world oil prices and we re not producing it here at home and makes no sense. rachel: no, you could only be doing this if you re trying to hurt america or in the case of john kerry in charge of that iran policy and at one point he was a hobbyist for iran and you have to wonder what s the thinking here? and the people who suffer of course are the poorest, are the working class, and we re really glad you re doing these kinds of studies and it s important to put it out there and remind people of the way it was, the way it is, and how it can be if we change leadership and energy policies. if trump is reelected president, we ll be producing every sin l barrel we can and a great job here at home and hurting our enemies. what s wrong with that? rachel: yeah, what s wrong with that? steven moore, thanks so much for joining us. thank you, rachel. rachel: biden s border order taking effect this week but is it doing anything? pete and will go off the wall to break it down, next. lord, you know what s on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up. rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun saying, this is my message to you-ou-ou singing, don t worry about a thing ( ) discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals oh, why leaffilter? it s well designed, efficient, i appreciate that. leaffilter s technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed. what more could you ask for? call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit i m moving past republican obstruction and using the executive authority available to me as president and doing what i can to address the border. migrants restricted from receiving asylum on the southern border unless they seek it from entering through a established lawful process. pete: joe biden s executive order on the border is now in effect and what does it actually mean? will: go off the wall and see if we can understand what it does, and if it will be effective. pete: good luck. will: here in effect is the policy that is put if place and shuts down the border after 2500 encounters. pete: kind of. seven days in a row above 2500 at which point a cap of 1500 encounters goes into effect and you re still allowing people in but only up to 1500 and it stays in effect until you have 14 straight days of less than 1500. will: 1.8 million illegal immigrants to enter the u.s. per year. pete: under the policy we could still get almost 2 million a year because it s riddled with loopholes. will: that s right. that 1500 number does not apply to the following types of people that may try to come in illegally, visa holders, unaccompanied children, victims of severe form of trafficking, those that use cbp1 app. pete: this is what they ve been touting the entire time, go to the app to be more orderly and that could be thousands and thousands a day through the cbp1 app through ports of industry. people running across not through ports of illegal entry. this new policy is going to address it but it s not going to. will: the executive order by owe biden going to receive criticism include tag of former president trump. they did undo all of your policies with the stroke of a pen. now finally yesterday, he implemented a new policy and however it s nearly 2 million illegals a year. millions o f people are allowed to come in and meanly a joke and everyone knows it and it s got nothing to do with border security pete: the accusation is it has to do with a date in november where he s seriously underwater on this issue and wants to make it look like something is being done. the other reason why, will, he didn t want the television cameras down this. he doesn t want the heat and we ve got a lot of reporterrers down there covering it, one of which is bill melugin. will: take a look at illegal immigrant encounters since it s gone into place and putting in place executive order on wednesday 5600 daily encounters and on thursday 4,000 daily. that s two days over the threshold. pete: correct. that means we would need five more days of numbers over 2500 at which the rolling average would then kick in the 14 days where there s a restriction on asylum seekers and under 1500 for 14 days, then it can go back to these numbers until it goes back underneath 2500 for seven more days. will: not changing the numbers from before the new executive order. this week on the will cain show, which is live at noon across the state fox news u tube and fox news facebook and hang out live and we re watching it on spotify or apple or youtube by subscribing and we ll have pete hegseth on wednesday for off the rails and leading contender for vice presidency doug burgum. pete: your boy. coming on the will cain show check it out every day monday through thursday at 12, noon, eastern time. former president trump earning green in the golden state with a string of sold out fundraisers. will: vp contender tim scott on what it means to inch closer to the convention. inching closer to the convention. he s next. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. i m gonna hold you forever. i ll be there. you don t. you don t have to worry. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or 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torr, welcome. hi, rachel. how are you? rachel: there s been some really interesting positive news for the trump-appointed campaign. tell us where things are at and how you plan to help the president leading up to the convention. well, let me be clear, donald trump is going to be a juggernaut and it s the most remarkable fundraising in history of politics and question immediate to make sure we have donald trump for four more years and have him back on the world stage and one thing we have without question is working with joe biden on the world stage and best thing he can do is going for the vises yule stage ask stay off of it d visual stage and stay off and we need donald trump back on the stage and going from 2017 and we need a sharp president or the united states protecting the western allies and doing the right thing for the merri bowl people and that person is donald trump and it s time for us to fire joe bind. those resources will be very helpful. pete: senator, the left has thrown everything at him including what happened in a trial here in new york city, and they ve counted on it effectively being their campaign strategy and at every step it has backfired. why does it keep backfiring and why do they keep trying? they keep trying because they have nothing else to do but try to keep donald trump off the campaign trail and you know for sure the results of those efforts have backfired and his numbers go up in the polls and he becomes the biggest fundraising draw in american history and politically and it brings to focus the american people and protecting law and justice is job one from president trump and he will not target his political opponent and he ll fire merrick garland and restore confidence in the department of justice. they are out of answers for the american people so all they can do now is lie, cheat and steal. will: the vetting process including senator marco rubio of florida, senator jd vance of ohio, dug burgum, former governor of north dakota and tom cotton and elise stefanik and we sat down with the former president and asked him what are you looks arkansas looking for in a vice presidential candidate? my estimation he gave us three criteria: someone he gets along with. you seem to satisfy that. somebody that selfishly can help him win and historically isn t the case when it comes to vice president and that would be nice. and most importantly he said somebody that could be president. do you think he s satisfied that second and third requirement helped him win and could be president? well, there s no question that i think we have an amazing talented republican party and a great bench. without question having run businesses and having spent ten years in the senate in the house and understanding how this government works and what we need to make sure we do is have people who are ready to take this to the mat. president trump doesn t need any help. what he needs is amplifying his voice. when we do that, we re doing the right thing to make sure that american people have four more years of low unemployment, low enfellation, high enthusiasm and frankly enthusiasm and world peace and put shoulder to the grindstone and make sure the american people and the world experiences four more years of donald trump. listen, when donald trump was president, we didn t have war in ukraine, we did not have conflict in the middle east. we certainly did not have aggression from china, period. we had the strongest economy we ve ever seen in my lifetime. the person people deserve four more years and we have to restore confidence in our justice system. only one person does that. it s not a vp contender and not who the vp will be. it s what we do to make sure president trump gets four more years. rachel: senator, one of the things that the president also mentioned was somebody who aligned with him. obviously on many, many issues you do and you talked about world peace and that s an issue i really care about and i m really scared. i have young sons who are l of draftable age should we go in some sort of conflict. it s very personal to me and talked about the war in ukraine and that might not have happened and donald trump said that wouldn t have happened if he were president instead of joe biden is we are in a war with ukraine. should we take off the table and end that conflict. we need to make sure we have the end of conflict before nato takes on ukraine and the resources we ve seen has come to ukraine frankly because of donald trump. what donald trump said to speaker johnson was simply this, let s make it alone. don t give them the money. don t loan them the money and because of that, you saw the republican coalition rally around the wars of president donald trump and support mike johnson s efforts. what we ve seen in israel is in the middle east is something very clear. with president trump, we had the abraham accords and bringing together arab nations and support back into normalization and relationship with israel. without president trump actually seeing war in the middle east. and in china, president xi understood without question, you can t know what president trump is going to do so let s fall in line and do what we re supposed to do and there s no aggression density wan and look at results of president biden. afghanistan, 13 dead american soldiers. pete: absolutely. unnecessarily. look at the withdrawal, the botched withdrawal. i can go on and on about the contrast of the two and one thing for sure, rachel, under president trump, we saw a 9% increase of the wages of our military. the largest increase in the last 50 years. question saw respect for men and women willing to die for our country and under president biden we ve seen the exact opposite and finish the whole circle. president obama decided to gut the military with a $500 billion reduction in funds. president trump came to strengthen the military and president biden following the same footsteps of his predecessor obama wants again makes our military destabilized. pete: yeah. final point, not talking about mandates on the military. we can t have a conversation abother than fighting the cigar being successful rachel: thank you, senator. thanks, guys, god bless. rachel: you too. father s day is just one week away. the cyber guy has the latest tech savvy gifts to make you the favorite child. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome 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