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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 20180418 06:00:00

two individuals? what makes this so striking is sean hannity has really ascended within the american right as the republican party has gone through convulsions during the trump era. it is hannity, his platform, and others at fox news who have often had the president s ear, who are, in their own way, shaping the way different things play out with the trump administration, urging the president to stick to its hard-line positions on immigration, to move forward in a conservative way on health care. and as the president really just turns to his family and more and more, hannity is seen as a trusted friend. and i can t emphasize enough in my reporting how that trust for hannity, that confidence in him as an associate really underscores everything that s happening. and one more before we change topics, and that is your reporting that it was hannity who knew sekulow first and may have handed off jay sekulow, the idea, the lawyer, to president trump who was in need of counsel. because of that trust he has with hannity, when he has to
make crucial decisions like with his legal team, of course he talks to his family and his staff. but he s looking for hannity s guidance. he sees him as a fellow traveler, a new yorker, someone who has a connection with the conservative community, someone who is connected to his base. so, yes, he looked at jay sekulow because he had the imprint of hannity. victoria toensing, joseph digenova, these are people who are seen as hannity-blessed. that doesn t mean they have full say, that they re going to go all the way with president trump, but they have an entry because of hannity. peter baker, let s swing back around to the west wing. this president by all accounts needs counsel. he needs lawyers, needs them urgently and badly, though it s tough to find especially because this case already has left the station. a million documents or thereabouts have changed hands. he needs an agenda. so what is the level of unsettledness in the west wing
that you can report? well, you know, the thing is we ask that question a lot, and the truth is they get sort of inured to these constant gyrations. people who have been there 15 months and people that have been there only the last few months have learned that topsy-turvy is the order of the day. so they are stressed. they re beaten down, and they re tired, but they re not surprised i think by a lot anymore. they feel that each day is going to bring more and more surprises and more and more challenges, the likes of which most presidencies would see only over the course of a full term, much less in a single day. but that s the nature of working in this white house. and i think that anybody who has worked there now for any period of time has to come to accept that. otherwise they re going to have to look for ways out. jill, i feel the need to go back all of about a week in this
administration and re-ask of you how rare is a no-knock search and seizure on the home, office, and hotel room of a white collar lawyer in new york? and, part b, how much trouble is michael cohen in, in your view? it is unusual to have a no-knock search, but in this case apparently there was at least some ability to obtain e-mails, which obviously created a sense that something might be destroyed. and so for the second time in an investigation related to donald trump, there has been a no-knock search in order to avoid evidence being destroyed before it could be gathered together. and i would say that michael cohen is in a lot of trouble when you add, in addition to all the evidence that mueller might be getting i m sorry, not mueller the southern district of new york. this does not involve mueller at
all. you also have the mcclatchy scoop that there is evidence he was in prague, which means he may be related to collusion, not just to some kind of bank fraud, the payments of hush money, which would be a serious problem for him. so there s a lot going on, and he does not seem to have a legitimate legal practice. he has, at most, three clients according to his own claim. one of those clients saying, not so sure he was really my lawyer. and one probably had a one-time deal with him for settling a hush money claim as well. hey, robert, let me read you the work of some of your colleagues. they write, quote, trump s team has reached out to robert c. bonner, a former federal judge, former member of president george w. bush s administration, about representing trump too. people familiar with the outreach said bonner is a former customs and border protection commissioner and is credited with ushering in a more consolidated government approach to securing america s borders in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. i understand an upside of counselor bonner would be that he s retired and would not bring any complications with partners
objecting to him taking on this client, robert, but any indication he wants work this badly? it s a revealing report from my colleagues tonight for that reason that so many attorneys at the white shoe washington law firms are declining the president s legal team offers because they say there s too many conflicts. it s also a political risk. they don t like to articulate that publicly but they do so privately. you see bonner. he s inching closer. still at this point it s still the hannity friend, jay sekulow. ty cobb is there. john dowd is gone, another retired lawyer gone from the legal team. they re also recognizing inside of the white house tonight, even though the president s at mar-a-lago, that he s not going to be likely doing an interview with the special counsel.
so really do they need an expanded legal team? perhaps if things ramp up. but at this moment, they re sliding by, not comfortably, but doing so with their limited team. peter, neil cavuto conducted a revealing interview with mitch mcconnell that aired tonight. i want to air a piece of it. we ll talk about it afterwards. this has to do with the question to mcconnell, are you going to put to the floor any piece of legislation that protects, codifies, envelops robert mueller. here s the answer. well, that s not necessary. there s no indication that mueller is going to be fired. i don t think the president is going to do that. this is a piece of legislation that s not necessary in my job. i m the one who decides what we take to the floor. and we ll not be having this on the floor of the senate. in fairness, he went on to say he thinks trump should not fire mueller in addition to thinking he will not. but what is this all about, do you think? well, look, that s the line of a lot of republicans these days is this is not necessary to actually pass legislation because we don t think the president s going to do it, and we don t think the president should do it.
they re sending him a message. they re sending him a warning, please don t put us in this position because we don t think this is a good idea for either you or the party. they think the idea of actually passing legislation, of course, would outrage the president, maybe even provoke him in a way that might be counterproductive and would only increase the dysfunction within the party where they have a congress and a president in effect on opposite sides. it would be a verdict of the congress if they passed legislation like this that the president can t be trusted, that he in fact isn t able to restraining himself and abide by the rule of law as they see it. so they re trying to straddle a pretty tough line here between both warning the president away from doing something and actually trying to take action on it. let s put this on the screen. it took our friend bill kristol no time to say on twitter, i didn t realize that in choosing mitch as majority leader, all the other duly elected republican senators were abdicating all their authority and responsibility. now, jill, i have something for
you to watch and listen with us, and that is eric holder s appearance on this network tonight. and something he said about robert mueller, how mueller goes about the business and the structure of this investigation. he s building from the bottom up, you know. and people have to understand that this is going to take some time. i always thought this was about a two year case. a two-year case. jill, does that sound about right? you know, we were very lucky in watergate. we were able to go from may of 73, the verdict in the obstruction case was in january of 75. so it was very quick. but we had extraordinary luck in having the tapes and having a very terrific cooperating witness in john dean. so two years is not excessive in a prediction when you have so many additional crimes beyond just obstruction or collusion. in this case, there may be many, many other crimes. so i would say that s a pretty
accurate thing, and i ve often said that we have to be patient because getting it right is really important. and you don t want mueller acting any way ahead of his own schedule. he has to have a really solid case, stronger than he would need against almost any other defendant. so you want him to be very careful and take the time that he needs to proceed with this. robert? the real question to ask leader mcconnell, it s not about firing mueller. it s if the president decides to fire deputy attorney general rod rosenstein, who oversees the mueller probe. that s the really challenge moment for republicans because it doesn t look like the president s going to move directly on mueller. it s does he shake up the justice department, and how do they respond to that kind of crisis in. so much to discuss on a tuesday night. our thanks to three of the very best in the business to do that. robert costa, peter baker, jill wine-banks. thank you all. coming up, after being hung out to dry on the matter of those russia sanctions, a fight broke out today between nikki
haley and larry kudlow, and here s a hint. kudlow didn t win. plus the latest developments on a breaking story. the highest level meeting between the north korean dictator and the american government. and later, nicolle wallace and john meacham join us with their memories of the matriarch of the bush family, barbara bush. the 11th hour is back after this. . crisis? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . play do it like this .
he hasn t already urks and they will go directly to any sort of companies related to equipment and chemicals assad used. that was u.n. ambassador nikki haley on sunday morning, highlighting this new round of sanctions on russia that she said would be rolled out on monday. but on monday, white house officials said trump had not yet decided on those sanctions. then earlier today, chief white house economic adviser larry kudlow told reporters, quote, she got ahead of the curve. she s done a great job. she s a very effective ambassador, but there might have been some momentary confusion. well, that turned out to be a mistake. nikki haley fired right back, telling fox news, quote, with all due respect, i don t get confused. and now larry kudlow has apologized to nikki haley, telling the new york times, quote, she was certainly not confused. i was wrong to say that, totally wrong. as it turns out, she was basically following what she thought was policy. the policy has changed, and she wasn t told about it, so she was
in a box. with more tonight, we welcome anita kumar, white house correspondent for mcclatchy newspapers, and jonathan lemire, white house reporter for the associated press and an msnbc political analyst. anita, as they say, this is not a good look. it s not. there were so many so many things wrong with what happened today or this week. but nikki haley stood her ground, right? i mean she had the right information at that time, and the white house put out talking points to surrogates, potential surrogates, saying the exact same thing. so she had the right information on sunday. it s that the president or the administration changed their mind, but what larry kudlow did today is what you don t do in your first two weeks or ever at the white house, which is you make this argument, you make this fight public. right now people looking at what s going on in the white house don t know who is speaking for the white house. this is the problem they ve had for the last 15 months.
so, you know, they re contradicting each other, and they re having these policy fights in public. so none of that was very good, but you were right. nikki haley ended up on the right end. she stood her ground, and he apologized. but still not a good look for the white house. jonathan, i agree with katy tur who came out today in defense of retiring the phrase got out over one s skis. so let s put that aside and let s say that nikki haley has earned high marks in her brief time in this job. let s say she has proven to be a quick study and we all thought enjoyed a good working relationship with the president. so having said all that, how do you think this happened? first of all, somewhere rex tillerson, i assume in texas, is nodding his head very sympathetically about being the sort of voice of the trump administration on a world stage and yet seemingly undermined and undercut by a colleague or the president himself. you re right. nikki haley to this point does
enjoy has enjoyed a good relationship with the president. they speak often. they speak often in the same language. they have been known to consult. haley will call the white house, consult with the president before she goes out there before the u.n. or makes some sort of significant public statement to make sure she has the language right, that she s capturing his essence. this is a moment, though, she also, however, has gotten on the white house s radar and the president s in particular for her own ambitions. there was a sense that she wanted rex tillerson s job in foggy bottom, you know, last fall, before of course he eventually was fired and pompeo is going to be in instead. there is a belief among some trump advisers that she s eyeing the white house, that she could certainly be looking at 2024, or if this president is particularly damaged, maybe even 2020. so i think there is a little bit of tension there. but on the whole, she is someone who has been seen as the president views as a good soldier, has said the right thing. but the lesson here more than anything else is the only person who speaks for trump on the world stage is trump.
anita, i do note joe scarborough said this week in this studio he thinks she could beat donald trump. we ll see how that argument goes over in the west wing. but i want to show you something glenn thrush tweeted out today. it s under the heading what a difference a day makes. on the left, monday s a-1 headline in the new york times. trump to punish russia for aiding attack by syria. on the right, as we were saying, here s tuesday s lead story. trump declines to add sanctions against russians. anita, two points here. number one, in some parts of the world, this kind of thing still matters greatly, and a lot of the world is watching if not the whole world. and, number two, here we are back again to the central issue of russia. right. i mean it s not lost on a lot of people that the issue that the president changed his mind on again is russia. so he s done a lot of things in
the last couple weeks that have been really tough, tougher than he s ever been on russia, calling out vladimir putin in that tweet, you know, obviously the syrian strike. you know, syria supported by russia, so that was just as much against russia. the sanctions which had been long waited for, but still we re hearing language from him and his spokesperson, sarah sanders, saying he still would like to meet with vladimir putin. he still hopes they have a good relationship. you know, on and on. it just seems that he s still very conflicted about it. so, you know, the administration has been tough the last couple of weeks. but here he is again saying they were going to do something and then changing his mind. do we have the tweet from steve schmidt, who tonight has been very active on social media. the first person to resign from this cancerous administration on principle will look back on that day the same way powerball winners look back on the moment they bought their golden ticket. trump has made haley look like a fool. if she stays, it will be at the cost of her dignity. jonathan, steve is often very direct.
let s talk about damage to this. does kudlow, the new kid in the white house, someone known to a lot of us because he was at cnbc for many years does he suffer damage, and does haley remain kind of an untouchable? does she take on even more aura because of standing up in this case? well, the president is fond of the new toy, the shiny new object, and that s what larry kudlow is right now. he s only been there a couple weeks. he to this point is seemingly in the president s good graces, although it must be pointed out he was informed of the tariff decision after it was made. this was two weeks back or so when the president decided to up the ante against china. he made the decision and then told him as opposed to consulting him ahead of time. i think kudlow saying, look, you misspoke or whatever, perhaps that buys him some good will among others in the administration. this is a president we know doesn t like apologies. it will remain to be seen how that is viewed.
as far as nikki haley goes, i think she is watched warily by some, who are concerned perhaps about her ambitions, but i think she s seen as an effective spokeswoman. she is someone when rex tillerson was seemingly undermined by the president on a near daily basis, haley seemed to be more in lockstep with the oval office. she will be, as we enter into, with tonight s news, you know, the next stage in negotiations with north korea, she s going to be seen as an important player in that, you know, especially when we don t actually have a secretary of state just yet. so, you know, as with any trump adviser, to be determined what her long-term future is, but for now i think she remains an important voice for this white house. brian, i just got to tell you one thing that happened last week. on larry kudlow s fifth day at the white house, they had a little briefing for reporters, just an on the record
conversation. there was really no news from it. but he had a little joke in there. he said it was his fifth day, and he asked us all how long anthony scaramucci lasted. if you ll remember, it was ten days. he said, i m going to beat that. i m going to beat that, and we all kind of laughed, and here he is two weeks later. another way of looking at it. if larry kudlow was the shiny new toy on christmas morning, tomorrow is december 26th for larry kudlow. our thanks to the both of you as always for coming on our broadcast. coming up, the secret meeting between mike pompeo and kim jong-un of north korea. truly historic. the 11th hour back with that after this. but i m relentless too. mbc doesn t take a day off, and neither will i. and i treat my mbc with new everyday verzenio- the only one of its kind that can be taken every day. in fact, verzenio is a cdk4 & 6 inhibitor for postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- mbc, approved,
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stay together with the lantus $0 copay. let s stay together talk to your doctor or visit i look forward to meeting with kim jong-un and hopefully that will be a success. and maybe it will be, and maybe it won t be. we don t know. but we ll see what happens. but i can say this. they do respect us. we are respectful of them. we ve also started talking to north korea directly. we have had direct talks at very high levels, extremely high levels, with north korea. and i really believe there s a lot of good will. a lot of good things are happening. that came out of nowhere today, and for the first time we are learning the u.s. is communicating directly, as you heard, with north korea.
the white house won t say who is doing the communicating, but the washington post has the story tonight. quote, cia director mike pompeo made a top secret visit to north korea over easter weekend as an envoy for president trump. the clandestine mission, which had not been previously reported, came soon after pompeo was nominated to be secretary of state. trump s revelation came at the start of a two-day meeting with japanese prime minister shinzo abe. the president also addressed the seemingly improving relations between north and south korea, giving himself plenty of the credit. north korea is coming along. south korea is meeting and has plans to meet with north korea to see if they can end the war, and they have my blessing on that. and they ve been very generous that without us and without me in particular, i guess, you would have to say, that they wouldn t be discussing anything including the olympics would have been a failure. instead it was a success. they do have my blessing to discuss the end to the war. people don t realize the korean
war has not ended. so subject to a deal, they would certainly have my blessing, and they do have my blessing to discuss that. with us tonight, sue mi terry. she happens to be a former senior analyst at cia and was in charge of this region while on the white house national security council. so, sue, the head of the cia would have had to have spent several days in north korea to equal the time dennis rodman has spent with this leader, who is rumored to have only met with two other americans not including pompeo since he s been leader. how big a story was this tonight? this is a big story. i don t think there was this kind of high-level meeting since secretary of state madeleine albright went to pyongyang in 2000 and met with kim jong-il, kim jong-un s father. so this is historic. it s a big deal.
i guess mr. pompeo was trying to lay the groundwork for this potential summit between kim jong-un and president trump. seldom would the president go into a high-level meeting like this without a guarantee that he was going to be welcomed, that there was going to be something to come out of it. to a lesser degree, pompeo wouldn t fly halfway around the world and take the risk of exposure if he didn t have an expectation he was going to meet with the guy and something was going to come of that meeting, correct? yes, absolutely. and i do think pompeo wanted to absolutely make sure and clarify certainly things because i think washington and pyongyang might have had very different expectation going into this potential trump/kim jong-un summit. even just concept of denuclearization, mr. trump tweeted that north korea is committed to denuclearization,
but to north korea that used to mean very different thing. they re always talking about denuclearization of the korean peninsula, and there s a lot there. what that means normally for north koreans, mean end of u.s./south korea alliance, getting rid of u.s. forces from south korea, to really guarantee regime security for north koreans and end the extended nuclear umbrella the u.s. has over south korea. so i think pompeo s role was to clarify these things to ensure that trump/kim jong-un summit goes well or at least doesn t fail. and shinzo abe has a huge interest in all of this going well. what do you think he was thinking sitting there listening to the president? well, abe has to mile and grin and bear it, but he s in a very difficult spot domestically, and he needs to ensure that japan s interests is protected. and if this summit between kim jong-un and trump goes in a way that does not protect japan s interests such as freeze for freeze deal or a deal on
intercontinental ballistic missiles that does not really do anything for japan s security, then abe is in trouble domestically. sue mi terry, thanks for appearing once again. coming up for us, we ll look back at the life and legacy of a woman whose role in american life and history is already recorded. that s when the 11th hour continues. ohn s disease. you re more than just a bathroom disease. you re a life of unpredictable symptoms. crohn s, you ve tried to own us. but now it s our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with moderately to severely active crohn s disease. studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flu-like symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems,
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barbara and george h.w. bush just celebrated their 73rd wedding anniversary in january, and that is a record for presidential couples. while first lady, she championed family literacy, and for 73 years she was the chief operating officer and enforcer of a sprawling and storied american political family. her oldest son, former president george w. bush 43 said in a statement tonight, quote, barbara bush was a fabulous first lady and a woman unlike any other who brought levity, love, and literacy to millions. to us, she was so much more. mom kept us on our toes and kept us laughing until the end. i m a lucky man that barbara bush was my mother. with us tonight to remember, nicolle wallace, host of deadline white house, friday afternoons here at 4:00 p.m. eastern time. and of course the former white house communications director
under president george w. bush. she was also press secretary for jeb bush while he was governor of florida. we re also joined tonight by pulitzer prize winning author and historian and bush biographer, john meacham. he happens to be an msnbc contributor. his biography of bush 41, destiny and power, the american odyssey of george herbert walker bush. nicolle, yes, this was a family of means, and they had a good life, especially from the cheap seats looking at it outwardly. but when i think of barbara bush, i also think of burden and sacrifice. this is a woman who moved her family 29 times in the course of being married to h.w. bush. and this is a woman who lost a small daughter to leukemia, something no one gets over. the word i keep thinking of tonight is just her grit.
you know, her grit, and i think the things you describe can either harden you, or they can make you just live in all of the good. and that s what she did, and that s what she demanded of her kids and her grandkids. she was a hands-on political strategist. she advised three generations of bushes politically, her husband, her two sons, one who became president. she was on the campaign trail, though, with jeb bush all the way till the end of that brutal, brutal primary campaign. and i sat at a table with her right after the 2012 failed presidential campaign of mitt romney where she was slicing and dicing what had gone wrong in that national political contest and dispensing advice to george p. bush, who was on the ballot for statewide office in texas. and she had more political savvy than anyone i had ever worked with in national politics. but i think what has everybody, you know, she s 92. i deep hearing that. for people that know the family, her health has been of much
graver concern to people than his since the summer of 2016. and so even though people should have been prepared, this is such a blow. she was the beating heart of everything the bush family demanded of the people in it and of the people around it. and it wasn t just about blind loyalty. it was loyalty to all that was good about public service, to all that was good about working in the republican party. and i think there s a whole generation of us who thought we were republicans when in reality, we were bush family loyalists. john meacham, a family of nobles oblige. a family, most of all, of public service. she married into that notion. i guess she got a strong hint when her husband became the youngest aviator in the u.s. navy. she really is the first lady of the greatest generation.
they met within three weeks of pearl harbor if you can imagine that. she was wearing a red and green holiday dress that caught young poppy bush s eye and married in january of 1945. she like so many millions of other americans sat in the watches of the night during the second world war, wondering if first her fiance and then her husband would come home. she had every expectation when they were married in the rye presbyterian church in new york on that january day, that her husband was going back to be part of the invasion of the home islands of japan. she remembered the news of the atomic bombs, the news of vj-day, this moment where a personal burden was lifted from her. but she was someone, as nicolle said, who in a way sought out burdens. she lived a full and uncompromising life. i think that s the word that comes to my mind about mrs. bush is unapologetic, uncompromising.
she called them as she saw them. and i ve got a couple of scars. i suspect nicolle does too. i suspect you might, brian, from some of the x-ray vision glances through the years. but, you know, i was thinking all of our political history at the moment was shaped about this time at night, actually, on a july night in 1980 when the talks between gerald ford and ronald reagan collapsed in detroit about ford going on the ticket with governor reagan. and reluctantly, governor reagan picked up the phone and asked for george bush. and at that time that moment, it set in motion three presidencies at least the reagan presidency, the first bush presidency, the second bush presidency. but the key moment was the next morning. a lot of distrust. a lot of tension between the
reagans and the bushes, and they had sort of an awkward cup of coffee as these things unfold. and afterward, as they were parting, mrs. bush walked up to ronald reagan and said, governor, we re going to work our tails off for you. and mike dever recalled that at that moment, ronald reagan was sold and never had a second thought. and they did. they worked their tails off for him. they worked their tails off for their own campaigns, for their sons, and for so many causes. they ve raised so much money through the years for everything you can think of. and it s a sad night. it was pointed out tonight as a couple they have raised in their years together over $1 billion for charities. hey, guys, just hold those thoughts. we re going to fit in a commercial break and keep our discussion going on the other side.
nicolle wallace, because it will be talked about in the coming days, let s talk about how barbara bush greeted all things trump. the trump era, the trump campaign, because that collided with her son jeb in the race, and sadly, a moniker, a cutting line, a label that donald trump has delivered to her son that has had some staying power, however fair or unfair. well, before we talk about trump, i think we should step back and i think john would agree, if jeb bush or george w. bush or george p. bush ran against the pope, her loyalties would be with her family members, so, you know, trump is not that. so, you know, the thing about trump, and i think the thing that, you know, you late at night on an emotional night, i may put this more bluntly than the family would like me to, but trump is just the anti-ethos of what service was and the republican party was to the bush
family. and i would say the people for whom trumpism is the most galling are the people who served the bushes. the people for whom trump s bathing in how the office can enrich himself personally, how his companies can benefit from his high office, the people who are most galled by that are the people who watched the bushes in office. and, so, i you know, can t ascribe every sentiment to the bushes, but she was on the campaign trail with jeb bush to make an important point, not just her love for her son, but her belief that elections matter, that that election mattered. and that her son, or someone, i think, who at least saw public service the same way he did, would have been a better or more important person to carry the
mantle, and john and i were there in the summer of 2016, talking politics with her, she was up on all of the news stories, she was up on all of the ups and downs of what was happening in the clinton campaign and the trump campaign. and she had some questions about gary johnson, you know, she went through the 2016 campaign the way a lot of people did, in a little bit of shock. john, sounds like you melt your match. always. she very generously, when i was working on the book about the president, she mrs. bush kept a diary from 1948 until quite recently, or perhaps even until this week, i don t know, and it s a remarkable document. and so, i used a very technical historical method to get access to it, i begged her. and she i think she enjoyed that. but it s a remarkable sign of a couple of things. one is her confidence in her basic role in history. her sense that they did the best they could, they didn t get
everything right, lord knows. she would be the first to say that, and probably in a much more entertaining way, even than 41 or 43, who would also admit that, and the only condition on reading this volume luminous set of documents was, because there was so much about the family and personal things, she said, i just want to see anything you re going toe use from it, not what i did with it, or what i wrote, but what i said. and i took her 80 pages of transcripts and she took nothing off the record. wow. and i ll never forget sitting in maine in the living room, going over, just watching her read it, and at one point, she looked up and said, my, i was an opinionated 42-year-old. and i wanted to say, ma am, it hadn t changed much.
that sounds about right. hey, listen. thanks to two friends of ours for talking about a friend of theirs on the night we learned of the death of barbara bush at the age of 92. thank you, friends, appreciate it very much. another break. we ll be back with more right after this. dray, when he was younger, he loved to smile; and we knew he would need braces because his teeth were coming in funny. that s when he had the bunny rabbits. we called him the bunny rabbit. now, those are the same two front teeth, there, that they are now. then dray ended up having to wear braces for 5 years because he never made it to appointments, because he was busy playing basketball. if he missed practice, he don t get to play in the game. this is the picture that was on the front page of the newspaper. all you can notice is the braces! then,
once he got to michigan state, he broke the retainer! my bottom teeth, they were really crooked, and i just wasn t getting braces again. smile direct club fits into my lifestyle so well. the liner is so great. it s easy to just grab it and go and then i can change on the road. i did photoshoots with my aligners in and you can t see them. i wish smile direct club would have been around when i was paying for them. i wouldn t have to take him out of school. i wouldn t have had missed work. it s like a great feeling to have good teeth. a smile is a first impression, that s why i think having a great smile is so important.
i told george this on the phone this morning, or last night, before i went to bed, he called. i awaken monday morning in new york city having said good-bye to george bush and the airplane went into the white house, a lot of things happened, the pope, arafat met with rabin. a lot of things happened. darling jessica tandy died, and i thought, you know, i knew every single person, or place, that was on that television set, thanks to george bush. with the exception of arafat, and george did meet him this year, but every other person knew me and i knew them. quite a life. that s an amazing life. i knew it from writing the book. but i told george, i said, it really struck me how really great a life you ve given me. last thing before we go tonight, that was barbara bush with larry king back in 94, looking at the blessings in her

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Transcripts For CNNW Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20190903 21:00:00

eye can see. happening now, breaking here. these are all turtle eggs. going to stay offshore. sad stories because there was a a cnn crew sees hundreds of they have lost thousands and all eyes need to be on the and it got to the point where things i took news. utter devastation. carolinas. for granted got tougher to do. 17-year-old girl celebrating her we re getfaas the homes underwater as ordinary we are talking about south carolina, north carolina, thousands. this is an area that is protected for turtles. especially charleston, a very thought surgery was my only option. citizens work to rescue it is an area where there should she might not have another survivors exhausted from vulnerable area especially to turns out i was wrong. clinging to roof stops. be young turtles going out to storm surge. low-lying. any push of water in there is sea. thousands lost. so when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, seven-foot surge. it s just one more toll that going to be devastating because birthday. reporter: and what we learned dorian is due to move we are going to see a lot of dangerously close to florida this storm is taking. it was a total game changer. today, washington, 11 of the tonight bringing the threat of a flooding there. victims are female. wolf. awful situation, indeed. like you, my hands have a lot more to do. nine of them are male. seven-foot storm surge as it category 2 storm by the time it we also learned that the boat is moves up the coast towards the miguel, thank you very much. learn more at today. in such a position that the cnn s patrick ottoman and crew, divers were able to see perhaps carolinas. millions of americans are under as we heard, they have been passes charleston. four or six more bodies that are evacuation orders. riding out the storm on grand trapped below deck. bahama island. then possible landfall of south wayfair s got your perfect mattress. like you, my hands have whether you re looking for a top-brand at a great price. and they have managed to get out still inside the boat. 20 bodies are recovered from the carolina. we could see a landfall as well they re working today to wreckage of a dive boat which and about, getting a close look ready to upgrade. in north carolina. we know the outer banks are stabilize the boat so that they went up in flames off the at the truly shocking moving in. can try to recover those california coast. moving on up. the victims were trapped during or making big moves. remains. but that would still mean there vulnerable, too. the inferno. devastation as ordinary citizens this could happen friday, late deliveries ship free and come with a 100-night free trial. are a few people outstanding. the search is suspended as morning, maybe early afternoon. band together to rescue at this point authorities say investigators now focus on what of course, the timing could everyone should just be prepared went wrong. no matter your budget. for the worst. survivors. change just a little bit. or your sleep style. and playing weatherman. reporter: we were walking out to a staging area where they are but we still could be talking a tough situation, indeed, we have quality options for everyone. thank you very much. bringing people in from the coming up, shocking new president trump spends the communities out here that have so search and shop. weekend playing golf and playing save and snooze. images reveal the catastrophic about a category 2 or category 1 weatherman. he predicted alabama would be been flooded. and rest easy, knowing that we ve got your back. literally. sometimes one at a time. hurricane damage in the bahamas. hit hard by the hurricane only you can see there is still storm in the dlooins carolincar. that s what you get, when you ve got wayfair. to be corrected by forecasters we are already forecasting the rain bands to reach the so shop now. hurricane-force winds and rain coming down on us, yet these that say alabama will not see charleston area as early as any impact. people are going out and pulling [music playing] jerry has a membership to this gym, people from their houses, from tomorrow afternoon, and then but he s not using it. the president then insisted he was right. that s when we ll start to see does he just feel it in his bones? on top of their houses, and and he has subscriptions to a music service he doesn t listen the possibility of flooding with
saving their lives. these heavy downpours and then to and five streaming video services he doesn t watch. i m wolf blitzer. a little baby here, a boy. that storm surge moving in you are in the situation room. they are covering him up and shortly after. so this is far from over. this is jerry learning that he s still paying for this stuff we have been talking about this he s not using. storm for over a week, and we re protecting. his mother i assume. he s seeing his recurring payments in control tower come through, come through, come still we still don t have a in the wells fargo mobile app. announcer: this is cnn through. good job. landfall in the u.s. breaking news. breaking news. this is jerry canceling a few things. booyah. the latest forecast is just in or the united states. we are going to see this and they are going on a jet ski. with hurricane dorian growing in this is jerry appreciating the people who made this possible. size and gaining strength as it sometimes the boats ma am, starts lashing the united how are you doing? oh look, there they are. you made it. jennifer. thanks. up next, there is more (team member) this is wells fargo. yes. reporter: how high did the breaking news. water get? utter devastation? states. dorian is expected to move it was up to the first floor. the bahamas. dangerously close to florida and a storm survivor reporter: you are safe now. who says the hurricane was the georgia in the coming hours and yes. worst thing on earth. move up the georgia and south ohn s symptoms following you? carolina coasts before menacing reporter: as she was saying, for adults with moderately to severely active crohn s disease, north carolina. the water was up to the first millions of americans are now floor of her house. under evacuation orders with many people here have told us stelara® works differently. that the water came in so studies showed relief and remission, life-threatening storm surges of quickly into this neighborhood, with dosing every 8 weeks. up to seven feet. a major, major concern. you would not be able to tell stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and we re also learning from what you are looking at and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. devastation in the bahamas may here, there are hundreds of some serious infections require hospitalization. be much, much worse than the houses back there. the only way to get the people before treatment, get tested for tb. most dire predictions. tell your doctor if you have an infection or flu-like cnn s patrick ottoman is on from the houses are is from sma symptoms or sores, grand bahama island. boats and jet skis. what s going on? have had cancer, or develop new skin growths, yeah, we are trying to do the reports that hundreds of homes or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. are underwater with regular citizens coming together to rescue in freeport after the alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, carry out rescues and having to hurricane. reporter: how many people are hurricane dorian swirls just out there still? including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. off the coast of florida.
a few hundred. carry survivors exhausted from reporter: a few hundred? these may be signs of a rare, president trump is defending his yeah. a lot of homes over here. decision to play golf over the clinging to rooftops overnight. reporter: it s tough to get potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. our correspondents and guests them? it s tough. long holiday weekend despite the and analysts, they will have approaching storm and lashing reporter: how long are you going to keep doing it. talk to your doctor today, full coverage of today s out at critics of his erroneous breaking news breaking news. until we get everybody. and learn how janssen can help you first, let s go to miguel we are bahamians. explore cost support options. we are not going to stop until remission can start with stelara®. marquez in vero beach, florida tweets about hurricanes. tonight. what s the latest there, miguel? we get everybody in. reporter: this is all let s bring in our political experts to discuss this and nor. gloria, what do you think of the president s excuses for playing volunteer. people are coming, bringing golf while so much potential reporter: yeah, wolf, we are feeling the first real effects their jet skis. they are bringing their boats. disaster affecting the united they are going to get their of this absolutely brutal storm. states was underway? neighbors, they say. well, it s predictably it is moving towards other everyone says they know of states in the u.s., but no defensive, wolf. people. it s hard to navigate because he used to criticize barack matter how you slice it the there are, of course, no more obama all the time for playing people of bermuda have just been hammered. streets, yet they are doing it. golf, even when there wasn t a you don t see anybody from the government here. hurricane on the horizon. i mean, some of his excuses were it is all very ad hoc. people coming with what they just silly. he talked about how he plays a tonight much of the bahamas have. the jet skis they have. fast round of golf, and he is they are dealing with horrible decimated. the first aerial view of the not like other presidents who weather conditions. it s not safe to be in a boat sometimes exercise for hours. unprecedented destruction since right now. he said, no, no, no, that s not not safe to be out here at all. hurricane dorian started battering the islands on sunday. yet they say they know there are people out there. me. i don t travel all over the people have lost their lives out there we are told. world to do that as obama did who went to highway. thousands of homes and buildings they have brought back at least i go to my own clubs which are one body. they say they will not stop obliterated, underwater or until they get everybody. very close and that s completely completely gone. they have hours, if not days, of inpexens i have. he canceled a visit to poland work ahead of them.
and nothing but water for miles. in order to stay back to monitor patrick ottoma is joining us the emerging storm. now live from the bahamas. do we ne if any of his advisors the grand bahama international tell us more about what you saw. said, mr. president, maybe it s airport in freeport totally submerged. truly incredible, incredible not a good look? maybe it s not appropriate to images that you just showed us. play golf while so much so far five people have been potential disaster is unfolding? reported dead, including an you would have it expect they billions of problems. 8-year-old boy, but that number reporter: most of the places sore gums? bleeding gums? painful flossing? is expected to rise. we have tried to go today, we there s a therabreath for you. thought it was a bad idea. therabreath healthy gums oral rinse from the couldn t be prouders with rescue efforts underway, were not able to reach. two and a half years into the fights gingivitis and plaque trump administration, i don t cnn correspondent patrick we wanted to go to the airport and prevents gum disease think they have been successful for 24 hours. in getting the president to not ottoman described scenes of that was flooded. play golf at times when he, at it isn t passable. so you can. survivors who had been clinging there are cars that are breathe easy, to their roofs all night before there s therabreath at walmart. the very least, needs to give submerged. the appearance he is engaged in being rescued and carried away we tried to get into a hospital, official business. by those rescuers. which we heard is full of and the canceling of the trip to people. poland, based on what he was as dorian inches away from the again the downtown of freeport, actually doing this weekend, bahamas now, florida, georgia, you can t get there. there is a river between any of and the carolinas are all on that was an accuse. heightened alert. he could have had briefs hourly the streets and downtown. we are in a hurricane it s also cut off. we got out to an area in east as while he was traveling evacuation area, finish your freeport where that is actually overseas for that matter. preparations and leave as soon a bridge. i was standing on a bridge. there was really no reason for as possible. him to do that. but it is still underwater. but this is a classic example of reporter: georgia and south carolina both taking actions to that has become a staging area help people out of harm s way, by word of mouth. president trump doing what he there is no government organization there. wants to do and disregarding reversing lanes on two major there is no organization of any what it looks like to people who kind. it s people, good samaritans are, you know, especially in the highways. both georgia s interstate 16 and coming with boats, many very bahamas, really suffering and
south carolina s interstate 26 small, and donating, risking we really pride ourselves on making it easy for you tech: at safelite autoglass, the people along the coast who now only open in the westbound their lives trying to go out have been bracing for days for there and get their fellow to get your windshield fixed. this massive storm. with safelite, you can see exactly when we ll be there. take a look at this graphic. direction. bahamians. but there is concern not enough while we were there, hurricane we have a graphic i want to show people are taking action. winds kicked up again. saving you time for what you love most. you and our viewers. we are under a state of a jet ski flipped over. we were told they had to suspend the president has been in office kids: whoa! kids vo: safelite repair, safelite replace emergency. unfortunately, not too many people are heeding that warning. for a few hours. 957 days. they said they would try to go the latest forecast cones back out this evening because 289 of those days he has been at have the center of the cone they know there are more people they give us excellent customer otservice, every time.e. trump properties. remaining offshore. out there. we will feel major impacts from more, they said, than they could 227 of those days he has been at this storm, including high bring in today. our 18 year old was in an accident. they will have to go back out winds, heavy rains and flooding usaa took care of her car rental, trump golf club. tomorrow. all right. waters. reporter: as of this morning, patrick, we are going to stay in close touch with you. and getting her car towed. mayor curry says only 360 all i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. evacuees were in the kpael le if i met another veteran, excellent reporting. thank you very, very much. and they were with another insurance company, more on the situation in the bahamas. joining us on the phone is i would tell them, you need to join usaa brandon clement. he rode out the storm. jacksonville area shelters. because they have better rates, yeah a lot of presidents play officials are would aeid the and better service. truly incredible aerial video of we re the gomez family. to the wait did we just win-ners. storm will move restless we re the rivera family. we re the kirby family, the devastation that we have and we are usaa members for life. everyone uses their phone differently. floridians to let their guard been showing you. golf. president obama didn t just go brandon, thanks so much for get your auto insurance quote today. to hawaii to play golf. that s why xfinity mobile let s you design down. it s game time. you have to put your game face joining us. thanks for what you have done. he went about once a year. he played golf there. your own data. on and be prepared for what s i understand you do this for a now you can share it between lines. coming our way. thanks to priceline living. your company sent you to the working with top airlines typically, president obama played at air military bases bahamas to capture this storm. to turn their unsold seats into amazing deals, here in the washington area, not mix with unlimited, and switch it up at anytime tell us about the catastrophic sports fans are seeing more away games. going to his private golf so you only pay for what you need. damage you saw with your own various: yeah-h-h! reporter: and now i course. this raises the concerns from it s a different kind of wireless network eyes. yeah, actually, i was isn t that a fire hazard? i said bermuda on the way aoss supposed to be in freeport and uh, it s actually just a fire. designed to save you money. watchdog groups and the like that the president is trying to save up to $400 a year on your wireless bill. had car failures. priceline. every trip is a big deal. use his go it his private plus get $250 back when you buy every little problem that you can imagine came along the way, properties and trying
t-mobile s newest signal reaches farther than ever before. essentially enrich his business, a new samsung note. help his businesses out while in click, call or visit a store today. and wasn t abe able to get out office. that s the concern that s being there. i was able to secure a h with more engineers. raised and one reason the more towers. president lashed out the way he helicopter ride with some first more coverage! did, he is getting defensive it s a network that gives you responders stabilizing need into over this, getting so much the area, both recovery freedom criticism by the golf he is from big cities, playing. it s interesting. to small towns, we heard jim acosta s piece. we re with you. the president insisting he never personnel and equipment and because life can take you almost anywhere, heard of a category 5 hurricane emergency supplies. once we flew in i had a good t-mobile is with you. and then he has heard of it idea what we were driving into no signal goes farther because he said the same thing several times at least four or it. one of the people we were with or is more reliable in keeping you connected. five times since taking office. had contact with people in the how do you explain that? at the very least it s highlands. the last text message said my wife and i are in a building in confusioning for the american should always be working harder. public because this is the our home, it s completely that s why, your cash automatically goes into fourth category 5 we have seen since he has been president. collapsed. we are going to find shelter. a money market fund when you open a new account. you know, it would be comical my wife is holding a baby, we and fidelity s rate is higher than e-trade s, and we wouldn t be making an don t know whose it is. issue of it if he were not td ameritrade s, even 10 times more than schwab s. you get a pretty idea of what commander in chief as opposed to you are going to see when you observer in chief. . happening now, breaking plus only fidelity has zero account fees and zero minimums he is in charge of the government response to these get there. and your worst thoughts, you can types of storms. news. annihilated. fema s response. we have a horrifying first look for retail brokerage and retirement accounts. so when the president seems to at the catastrophic drugs in the just another reminder of the value be confused about whether or not imagine it s complete you ll only find at fidelity. a hurricane is a category 5 or 4 bahamas, where hurricane dorian destruction, particularly the lesser built homes. open an account today. and talking about it as if he is has left a sea of ruins. even the well built newer in awe as opposed to what is
new this hour, wary survivors actually happening on the construction under really strong ground, it s yet another example codes were significantly hanging on to roofs and then of the president confusing the damaged. clinging to rescuers. we started seeing homes, large american public and the flooding threats. dorian is on the move tonight, homes, new built, cat 4, cat 5 worst-case scenario is for those getting dangerously close to the residents in the perhaps eye of codes being destroyed. united states. millions of people from florida it had to be serious winds to do the storm not knowing what to do. so, obviously, we have fema and to north carolina are at risk as that damage. when you flew around there the fema representative has been storm surges up to 7 feet high and we re showing our viewers on television and advising are in the forecast. the video, what were the weather our breaking news with people saying that they are on hurricane dorian about to move top of this. consumed by fire, dramatic new conditions like? dangerously close to the united but when you have the president states. we are starting to see the utter video on a dive boat as the coast guard responded to the wondering whether or not this is about 60 knot winds. devastation left behind in the a category 5, it s the first he disaster. bahamas. joining us now is michael hines, tonight the search for victims has seen, it adds to the has ended, with many questions made quite an uncomfortable who rode out the storm in his confusion. about the blaze unanswered and yeah, lots of confusion. ride. we were getting thrown around industrial building in freeport in the bahamas. there is more we need to cover. private sale, cnn learned the substantially. i was trying to shoot the video, he says he is now surrounded by stay with cnn tomorrow for an trying to keep it as stable as gunman in the killing spree in water as far as the eye can see. unprecedented democratic possible. presidential town hall event on it came out shaky. michael, thanks so much for texas bought his rifle from a joining us. tell us what you saw and heard the climate crisis. private seller allowing him to considering the conditions, not ten candidates will take the too bad. during your two nights riding evade a federal background definitely one of those rides out this storm. stage. that s tomorrow afternoon and evening starting 5:00 p.m. check. could the massacre have been you hope just not to get sick. that s all i could hope for. eastern only here on cnn. prevented if that loophole well, we re doing fine here. coming up, authorities give when we were looking down at the up searching for survivors. destruction, trying not to get it was pretty bad, but we re sick, it was bad. now concentrating on recovering doing fine. really what the world needs to and identifying the bodies of 34 some codes came up. had to make an emergency victims of a horrific fire landing, check out the aircraft. know is we are entering the third night of a hurricane aboard a diving boat.
that s caused unprecedented landing is not easy there because there aren t many good damage and destruction in grand s on making it easy for you landing zones. all the debris around. bahama. to get your windshield fixed. our hearts, thoughts, and teacher: let s turn in your science papers. that can get kicked up by the prayers are with all of those who are out there still missing. tech vo: this teacher always puts her students first. rudders and hit your blade. student: i did mine on volcanoes. teacher: you did?! oh, i can t wait to read it. and to the young men, you know, that s a catastrophicso it was i tech vo: so when she had auto glass damage. and women that are risking their lives to locate and save them, she chose safelite. with safelite, she could see exactly when we d be there. really wanted. the island will need all the but lacking down at ground, made help it can get as soon as teacher: you must be pascal. tech: yes ma am. tech vo: saving her time. my situation feel a whole lot possible. food, water, clothing. [honk, honk] kids: bye! basically all basic essentials. tech vo: .so she can save the science project. better. we heard reports of people kids: whoa! clinging to the roofs of their you live and work in the kids vo: safelite repair, safelite replace houses. bahamas. could you actually see survivors michael, were you preparing for waiting for rescue? we saw quite a few people hurricanes as obviously, you trying to wave us down. have been there for many years, unfortunately, the winds were so but were you preparing for a high we could not stop and land hurricane of this magnitude? in those places. were you prepared? all we could do is mark their locations and pass that look, wolf, i mean, information on. we did get video of them of them personally for me i always, you standing in groups, waving us know, expect the worst, you down. we don t know whether we know know, and or prepare for the nothing. worst anyway and expect the the conditions were still too bad. hopefully coast guard i know best. that s what i meant. the coast guard has been getting expect the best. heps but we were expecting something helicopters have been getting people in and out.
i think it will be midday a lot we were expecting tomorrow before you see the capability of a large-mounted something that was not what we re getting. effort to get in there and start i mean sorry, i m trying to doing search and rescue as well as deliver aid. find my words here. i m about to break down. one of the big problems also is but it s truly just there is the airport is underwater. you can t land any fixed aircraft. you talk about landing no words. it s very hard to describe helicopters, there is just debris everywhere. what s going on. so those areas have to be i mean, we ve been through cleaned. some of the people we dropped hurricanes. like we moved here in 2000. off today were cleaning different spots off around the so we have been through pretty much every hurricane that hit island for dedicated helicopter this island. landing zones for tomorrow. we have had some flooding before so it s a really bad situation. with jean and frances. we are showing our viewers major winds with matthew two the airport, which is clearly years ago. nothing compares to the past two underwater. were rooftops underwater as days. i am also at 48 hours now of well? not while we were there. i know they were yesterday. nonstop carnage. not today. once the winds, you know, did you ever consider evacuating, michael? changed directions, it pushed yes, but i know our building (aurelia) i was just frustrated. i almost gave up.r company, that water back out. some areas thhad some significa with miracle-ear, it s all about service. is very safe and very high up. surge, but nothing like yesterday. how big of an area? all of our family basically they re personable, they re friendly. we are looking at the video. left. it s just me and my brothers i m very happy with them. we are we talking miles and (avo) we provide you with a free lifetime of aftercare. miles? it looks like a huge area that here just because we know it was
is totally destroyed. going to be a lot of people will meaning free checkups, cleanings and adjustments. yeah. be, you know, needing help. it s many miles and there is also barrier islands around the (wiley) i see someone new, someone happy. we are going to need help with it s really made a difference. cay that, it s a pretty cranes and different things get special anniversary savings widespread destruction. that, and help with the cleanup. and your chance to win a seven day hawaiian cruise. it s going to be it s i mean, just basically where call 1-800-miracle to probably going to take several days just to break down all of we re at, we know we re safe. schedule your free hearing evaluation. the areas that were hard hit. there is probably, you know, there were some areas of the built like it s basically a island, you know, far southern fortress. tip of the islands, that did withstand the hurricane pretty i know we were going to be safe. well. the only thing that could have but once you get about halfway happened here was if debris from south to north, halfway up, would have hit the window, and it just gets bad fast. that s it. we are going to stay in close but we are 40 feet up. so i doubt that would ever touch with you, brandon. my money should work as hard as i do. happen, unless there was some that s why i use my freedom unlimited card thanks for doing what you did. our viewers and all of us are type of tornado that brought every time i get gas. something up. grateful to you. so clearly you were in what we want to see what actually you thought would be and it was happened. the nature of this destruction. give me a little slack! with freedom unlimited, we are going to get back to, a safe and secure location. you re always earning. for so many others on the i said i need some slack on pump three! brandon. island, freeport and elsewhere brandon klemm ep in the bahamas, were there safe brandon clement, storm tracer. our meteorologist jennifer places for them to go? grey. a new forecast just out. basically, it seems like it s what s the latest? just the south end. incredibly sad pictures the south side of freeport like, ere. it almost looks like tornado damage. it wasef-4 you know, closer to the
beachside. yeah, we can t even there is tornado sat over the bahamas for several days. that s the type of damage that an issue here where we can t you are seeing. even get to them. but the storm is finally starting to pick up forward we can t go for help because the speed. now six miles per hour. so each advisory it s a little road that links from my building here to freeport to downtown bit faster and a little bit is basically eroded and blocked. faster. still hanging on to the category we are going to have to see what was in an accident. 2 intensity with 11 when i called usaa, we can do to get there. it was that voice asking me, 110-mile-per-hour winds, gusts we have a boat to use, but the of 130. as this continues to lift north is your daughter ok? that s where i felt relief. the conditions in the bahamas seas are too rough. my family home is over that we re the rivera family will improve. bridge that you guys were and we plan to be with usaa for life. that s excellent news. this storm is going to parallel talking about earlier, and see how much you can save the florida coast for the next couple of days. that s 20 feet underwater. with usaa insurance. it s going to bring a lot of i mean, there are so many things rain. it s going to bring wind. going on. we will get a little bit of a it s hard to think about. push of storm surge there. you can see the outer bands yeah, well good luck, reaching the coast. michael. good luck to you. those travel inland, bring with good luck to everyone who is it heavy downpours, some gusty there with you. our hearts go out to all of you. winds. as you zoom in you can get a closer look. i know this is an awful, awful west palm beach getting quite a bit of rain. situation. we will take in close touch with this is going to travel to thet you. michael hines joining us from freeport in the bahamas. thank you. thanks. coming up, 20 bodies are recovered from the wreckage of a dive boat that went up in
flames. the search for more victims called off as investigators focus in on the cause of the inferno. lots of breaking news. we ll be right back. ere plaque psoriasis. now, there s skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved. .90% clearer skin at 4 months. .after just 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections. .and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection. .or symptoms such as fevers,. .sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs. .or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. i feel free to bare my skin. visit when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. try new pepto liquicaps for fast relief and ultra-coating. nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. get powerful relief with new pepto bismol liquicaps. we have much more ahead on (past them because she didn t sknow they were talking to her.g and she would just walk right hurricane dorian.
(deborah) i just could not hear. we also have new details i was hesitant to get the hearing aids emerging about a deadly fire off because of my short hair, but nobody a diving boat in california. even sees them. 34 people are presumed dead. (avo) our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason crews still are trying to we ve been the brand leader for over 70 years. (deborah) when i finally could hear for the first time, recover all the bodies. stephanie elam has the latest. i started crying. i could hear everything. reporter: tonight, california video from the coast guard shows (avo) get special anniversary savings the battle to save the dive boat and your chance to win a seven day hawaiian cruise. call 1-800-miracle today. after santa cruz island as rescuers extend the search for survivors. it s never an easy decision jill jill has entresto, and a na heart failure pill to suspend search efforts. reporter: the infer na took that helped keep people alive hold in the early morning hours. and out of the hospital. don t take entresto if pregnant; family members now being asked it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. for dna samples to identify the don t take entresto with an ace inhibitor victims as body bags are brought or aliskiren or if you ve had angioedema with an ace or arb. ashore. investigators say many were believed to be in bed at the time. this video shows the ship s the most serious side effects are angioedema, tight sleeping quarters. low blood pressure, kidney problems, wooden bunks stacked three high. or high blood potassium. a single staircase, the only ask your doctor about entresto. obvious way out. there was a stairwell to get where to next? down the main entryway up and you may have gingivitis. when you brush, down. there was an escape hatch and it and the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, would appear as though both of
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we are keeping a close watch on hurricane dorian. the category 2 storm is nearing the u.s. mainland after causing widespread devastation? the bahamas. brian todd is along the florida coast for us. brian, what are you seeing? reporter: wolf, we are still feeling just how enormous and powerful this storm is. still getting hit with heavy winds, rain and storm surge. this is the indian river lagoon. we are told this area, a local police officer told us this jetty here, the storm surge is three it four feet above normal. he says normally you can walk to a beach area. this has been pounding this jetty all day long and since yesterday. we can also show you how low-lying the area is. this is where two rivers and the ocean converge. this is the indian river lagoon, the st. lucie river up there, and the atlantic ocean coming here, all of which feeling the brunt of that storm surge that
was building over the bahamas and now pushing up the coast of florida. we have seen flooding all day long over in these low-lying streets right by the indian river lagoon. and what we can tell you tonight, wolf, that is even with these conditions, and we know that the storm is moving further away from this area, and that s caused officials here to lift the evacuations. they want people to start comin re-entry. they want people to trickle bac evacuation routes. they want people to come back slowly. they say you still could be risking some injury if you come back in these conditions. but don t try to do too much. don t work your generators, don t pull your shutters off your house. but they are tonight allowing people to trickle back into their homes in the barrier islands that have been cut off for a couple of days. all right.
meanwhile, here in washington, president trump is defending his decision to play golf over the holiday weekend. vice president mike pence is sounding defensive as well. let s go to our chief white house correspondent jim acosta. reporter: president trump and vice president pence are both defending their labor day activities after hurricane dorian pummeled the bahamas and is now threatening the southeast. president spent much of the holiday weekend playing golf and tweeting out grievances. pence stayed at one of mr. trump s golf courses in ireland, something the president actually suggested. president trump isn t asking for a mulligan after hitting the links over the labor day weekend as hurricane dorian pounded the bahamas. he is teeing off on his critics, tweeting many politicians exercise for hours or travel for weeks. me, i run through one of my courses. very inexpensive. he wasn t alone in showing preference for trump properties.
vice president mike pence is in ireland, three hours from dublin where he was to hold official meetings. i understand political attacks by democrats. the opportunity to stay at tramp national to accommodate the unique footprint that comes with our security detail and other personnel made it logical. reporter: as it turns out, staying at the trump club was mr. trump s idea. pence s chief of staff told reporters i don t think it was a request like a command. i think it was a suggestion. the white house says the president was receiving constant updates on the storm, even as mr. trump was stating he had never heard of a category 5 hurricane before. i am not sure that i have ever even heard of a category 5. i knew it existed and i have seen some category 4s. you don t even see them that much. a category 5 is something that i don t know that i have ever even heard the term other than i know it s there. reporter: but that s not true. the president has repeatedly claimed he has never heard of such storms in the past.
it was a category 5. i never even knew a category 5 existed. nobody ever heard of a five hitting land. i saw the devastating effects of that category 5 hurricane. category 5. reporter: former white house communications director anthony scaramucci is worried about the president s mental state. he has a few phrases that he uses repetitively that he thinks is working. saying he never heard of a category 5 hurricane and not remembering that he has heard of a category 5 hurricane is emblematic of what is going on. reporter: over the weekend the president stated, in addition to florida, south carolina, north carolina, georgia, and alabama will be hit harder than anticipated. but that wasn t quite right. the national weather service in birmingham appeared mr. trump s tweets saying alabama will not see any impacts from dorian. the president didn t like the coverage that received, tweeting it was, in fact, correct that alabama could have received some hurt. always good to be prepared.
one of the big questions as congress returns from recess is whether lawmakers will pass new gun laws. mitch mcconnell says much of that is riding on the president. if the president took a position on a bill so that we knew, we would actually be making a law andaving serial votes, i would be happy to put it on the floor. reporter: as for the vice president s visit to the trump property in ireland, the white house said pence will be paying for the costs of his family members who also stayed at the resort. the rest of the costs for the secret service agents and other government workers traveling with pence, that will be picked up by the taxpayers. aides say the president will not be picking up the tab. thank you. jim acosta at the white house for us. we have a lot to discuss . our political experts are here. we will have this conversation right after a quick break.

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