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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20160512 10:00:00

ma bo-bemma banana-fana-fo-femma fee-fi-fo-femma em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay? [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. normally i do not comment on what s going on in the presidential election. i will take an exception today.
this is not conservatism. i have a special rule as chair of the republican convention, i stay neutral and i support the nominee. everything that you don t want is in that budget. i say, where was paul ryan? if he becomes the nominee of the party, will you support him? yes, i will. i ll support whoever the nominee is. remember the wheelchair pushed over the click when you had ryan as the chairman. ku klux klan. i don t know david duke. if a person wants to be a nominee of the republican party, there can be no evasion and no games. paul ryan, i don t know him well. i m sure i ll get along great with him. if i don t, he s go to have to pay a big price. i laughed out loud. sometimes reality is stranger than fiction. we ll cross that bridge when we get to it. i m a good natured guy, so i get along with everybody. i don t think automatically. i think you d have riots. to even address or hint to
violence is unacceptable. how do you like paul ryan? how do you like him? all right. now you have a presumptive nominee donald trump, will you support him? i m just not ready to do that at this point. i didn t get paul ryan. i don t know what happened. oh, it s going to be fun today on capitol hill. good morning and welcome to morning joe. a big day up there. with us we ve got former communications director for george w. bush miss nicolle wallace, legendary. i do say legendary. epic. veteran means old. legendary means you re a legend. you re still playing, in the game, a legend. mike barnicle. this is co-host of with all do respect showing no respect. 6:00 a.m. on msnbc, john heilemann and former advertising guru branding and marketing expert donald deutsche.
he s legendary, too. you ve got legendary and former something. i m former something. did you work in the ad business. i did it well. it worked out. this is a great crew. it could be an excellent morning or one of those mornings where we have to issue an apology by 9:00 a.m. we ll walk that line. set up this day in washington. pivotal for leaders of the republican party. getting ready to meet with donald trump to hammer out differences you saw and forge a path ahead. we ll give you live looks at action in washington, d.c., all morning. wow. isn t that exciting? a live look in. official agenda gets under way at 9:00 a.m. tornado path. rnc chairman reince priebus and paul ryan will meet at republican national headquarters. at 9:30 trump and speaker ryan hold another meeting with house gop leadership. also at the rnc that meeting
will include house majority leader kevin mccarthy who is now a trump delegate. house majority whip steve scalise, republican chair cathy rodgers and patrick henry from north carolina. ryan declined to specify which policy issues he wished to address but welcomed the opportunity to spend time with donald trump. i don t really know him. i met him once in person in 2012. we had a very good conversation in march on the phone. we just need to get to know each other. we, as a leadership team, are enjoying the fact we have a chance to meet with him. so i d rather have a conversation in person than through the media, no offense. joe, what are you expecting to see on capitol hill. paul ryan has been out publicly for a week or so saying i m not going to endorse. every day he goes out and talks about what he wants from donald trump. who gives and who takes for this
meeting? as long as the trump teams listens to what paul ryan says going into the meeting, respect what they are saying and understand you don t have to crumple to the earth and roll in agony, you win, donald, you win, i think everything will work out fine. paul ryan has his own political future. other politicians have their own political future. they have a time line that is not donald trump s time line. if he s patient and waits, paul ryan and others will do what mitch mcconnell did, they will get behind him. it just may not be on his timeframe. if he chooses to have a meeting with paul ryan and insult paul ryan afterwards because ryan doesn t immediately endorse him, then that will make the process longer and tougher. there s a part of donald trump that says i don t need paul ryan. i don t need the republican
establishment. anybody that s with me strengthens me in a way. if donald trump really does want to win, really does want to be president of the united states, really wants to govern, he needs the republican speaker of the house on his side. they should just play nice today. it s an old broadway music song getting to know you they need to get to know each other and good things will most likely come in the end. what is paul ryan hoping to extract from donald trump? mitch mcconnell, it s a tepid endorsement but said i ll support donald trump. paul ryan has not been willing to go that far. what could happen in that room to change paul ryan s opinion and say i ll get behind donald trump. i think anything can happen in the room today that is going to cause an immediate about face. the two of them on a huge number of issues of policy, ideology, they are divergent. they are never going to be on the same side. on issues like immigration,
entitlement, reform, ideology cal project that is ryanism. i do think tonaly they can get through the meeting and come out the other side if, as joe said, trump doesn t go on the war pathogens ryan. have you a long walk through the woods. again, if trump acts a way ryan thinks will maintain a house majority, ryan could get comfortable with living with trump if not loving trump. they could forge a personal relationship if they don t agree on policy. that s the most important thing. for trump it s respect. he s constantly felt disrused since he moved from queens to politics. that s extended to politics. he wins it all, fees disrespected. paul ryan is a great guy. i ve known him since he was 22 yeerds. he was very polite one-on-one. he ll be polite today, too. whether you re polite or not, if
you re a republican who comes out of the kemp wing of the republican party, it s hard for you to just turn on a dime and support a guy who is on the wrong side of history as far as you re concerned on immigration, the wrong side of history on trade, as paul ryan is concerned, on taxes where he s changed his position over the past couple of days, on the minimum wage where he s changed his position the past couple of days, and on a bevy of other issues. he could love donald trump and still say, okay, how do i get behind this guy without destroying my own support when i run for president in 2020. listen, paul ryan, as you recall, was cajoled into taking this job. one of the sort of conditions or endeavors of becoming gop speaker after the boehner period was that he would use the mantel to make the party the party of
ideas. ideas are central to paul ryan s entire speakership. i think it s more than just disagreeing with the ideas, i think it s tearing down the new tone. paul ryan gave a speech about civility. paul ryan cares about the future of the gop. paul ryan doesn t want to talk about bringing women and more diverse republicans into the party, he wants to enact an agenda that attracts them. i think you have to look at this almost like two leaders of two different parties. i worked for bush when the bush and pelosi relationship was forged. this is almost like two important leaders of two different movements getting together and finding a way to collaborate. also, willie, you look at their background, willie, it s also two leaders from two completely different historical views. paul ryan, like myself, we ve seen the republican party lose the white house five out of the last six times in the popular
vote. donald trump, well, you know, in 2008 was giving money and supporting hillary clinton in the democratic party. so for paul ryan, he s been fighting this his whole life. he s been fighting the conservative cause his whole life. donald trump has been fighting it since somewhere around 2011. so i don t think paul ryan is going to get swayed by threats. certainly is not going to jump on donald trump s bandwagon simply because donald trump says it s time. the day does not end with paul ryan for donald trump. a play by play, he ll meet with mitch mcconnell, his team offices, majority whit john cornyn will also be there. look at that. those are war graphics. this is very impressive. this is big. orrin hatch will be there, roger wicker of mississippi. wicker is leading the effort to
retain republican majority last month informed vulnerable meches to stay away from the convention if it would be divisive. two senators facing contests, roy blunt and portman in ohio will meet with trump, so will senators john brasso john thune of south dakota and shelly moore cap ito from west virginia. he requested the meeting and the agenda is him. unlike mcconnell, ryan s team said they are ready to work with trump. they do not wan to show disdain for voters who voted for trump. in an interview last night, trump was the one being deferential. who is the leader, you re presumptive, not nominee, and speaker of the house paul ryan, so who is the leader? i would say paul ryan. i would really think that i m doing very well. i think i ve set the all-time record for votes gotten by a republican candidate, but i would say paul for the time being and maybe for a long time.
let me read you a line donald trump quoted yesterday and maybe in the new york times, talking about changing his tone for paul ryan and everybody else. quote, you win the pennant, now you re in the world series. am i going to change? people like what i ve been doing. why should i bend for them? particularly last few days swing state polls in a dead heat. logically if you re donald trump or anybody else, wait, you keep telling me i m doing this wrong and it keeps going right. the thing where ryan and trump where ryan will never be able to get fully on board is the word that you keep picking up is the tone. at the end of the day, look, you re for minimum wage, a populist view, not a traditional republican view. the vitriol, the muslim stuff, the wall stuff. if you notice every time even in your setup piece, every time ryan was coming after trump, it was not ideologicallideological
tone wise. if i was talking to donned, i still don t get this one thing, he s not going to lose a voter, he s not going to lose any of his testosterone if he just softens up a bit on those two hateful tonal messages. he can keep everything else the same. he can even say, you know what, when i was talking about a wall, i mean we ve got to do something about it, this has got to change. that s the one place if i m paul ryan and i have a political future and i am, as he said, standard bearer of the party of lincoln, reagan, eisenhower, that s the piece that s got to shift before he can emotionally get on board. so, donnie, i see him backing off the muslim ban. the wall, he s not going to be able to back off of that. it was such a big part of his
rep repertoire. would be like beatles in 1974 saying we re going to play all our songs but not ooh i m going to hold your hand. the metaphor itself. mike barnicle, the muslim ban. this is something that will continue to give him problems throughout the fall. i think we ve started to see movement there and i suspect we will see donald trump backing off that muslim ban. that s something that caused paul ryan concern, caused me concern, caused a lot of republicans concern that has little to do with ideology and more to do with tone and more of an attitude towards, quote, the others. people who aren t white, people who aren t conservative, people who aren t, you know, the standard basically what the republican party is looking like right now and has to change and has to grow. this muslim ban, yes, it will
lose him 1 to 2% of voters in america that are muslim american but also a hell of a lot of suburban housewives outside of philadelphia and across america if he seems intolerant. a couple of things are pretty clear about what s going to happen. one, the coverage is going to be so over the top it s going to be overwhelming. we re going to be covering donald trump s walk from one side of the capitol to the other the way we covered o.j. simpson s white bronco. their vision of the republican party is a bit different than donald j. trump s vision is right now and their constituencies are different. their constituencies are retention of the senate, the house and donald s is to become president of the united states of that s going to be the collision point. to tone is going to get to the day is going to go fine. no one is going to come out
saying i won the arm wrestling contest and he lost. 24 hours now is it going to be cryin ryan on the donald trump feed? that s where the rubber meets the road. as trump pivots a bit to the general election, looks like he might be softening the rhetoric on the proposed muslim ban. it came as he responded to these comments from new london mayor sadiq khan. trump could be the exception to the proposed ban of muslims to the u.s. your views of islam are ignora ignorant. it is possible to be a muslim and live in the west. it is possible to be a muslim and to love america. if you look at this radical islamic terrorism all over the world right now, it s a disaster what s going on. i assume he s denying that. i assume he s like our president that s denying it s taking place. we have a serious problem.
it s a temporary ban. it hasn t been called for yet, nobody has done it. this is just a suggestion until we find out what s going on. have you decided whether you back off on the ban. i realize a temporary ban but with unlimited temporary period could go on forever. sure, i d like to back off of it. i d like to back off as soon as possible. we have exceptions. again, it s temporary. joe, i m not sure how much of softening that is exactly. that s kind of what he s been saying all along. if there s a ban it would be temporary to find out what s going on. if he did soften further i don t know how you put the jeannie back in the bottle after saying again and again you think it would be a good idea to ban muslims coming to america. we showed a politico headline and it seems to me pretty obvious what donald trump is doing. he s selecting rudy giuliani to head a commission on immigration. giuliani will most likely come back with a plan that says,
okay, this is how we re tough on immigration. this is how we allow some muslims in, but these are the restrictions we have on muslims that come from war-torn countries that help foster the growth of isis terrorists. so for instance, trump might donald trump might, nicolle, allow muslims to come in from other parts of the world but be restrictive in syria and other countries like that that are war-torn right now, where they can t do adequate background checks. when i saw the giuliani news, i think that s exactly what he s going to do. he s going to come off the ban. he s going to have america s mayor, a guy who is tough as nails, come up with a plan to limit refugees that are coming in and limit immigrants who are coming in to only those that we know aren t a safety hazard to the united states. yeah, and this is where donald trump successfully sort
of limits the conversation between himself and the general public and leaves the elites and pundit class scratching their head. it sounds backward to all of us. in a main line conversation where he s just main lining gut reaction and gut impulses to the general public, this sounds totally reasonable. do something that offends a large group so you can catch a smaller group that threatens our safety. i don t think anyone is more associated with the narrow task of addressing the threat of radical islamic extremism than the mayor who responded to 9/11. but he sure spent a whole lot of months offending a larger group of people and leaving, again, that pundit class skrask their heads. why take on all that water when you could have initially narrowed the focus and narrowed the target to the people who represent a legitimate and historic threat to america. what s interesting is the two people he s appointed the last few weeks, christie and
giuliani. he s doubling down on his brand, strength. because of women. this is what he needs. this the issue they are most receptive to. i know we have to go to break. can we pause and step back and consider who we are. we re the united states of america, and we have a potential candidate nomination for president one major political party basically suggesting we are going to put someone at the door to the united states of america saying, now, what faith are you before you enter? and someone inside the door saying you all have to leave. that s where the wall they talk about making america great, the most un-american things you can say. to nicolle s point as we scratched our head, you look at exit poll after exit poll in republican primary, support for muslim ban works with the majority, perhaps not the general election. still ahead on morning joe go ahead, joe. that was the most staggering exit poll i saw from one state
after another state. some states were 40, 50, 60% of the people that voted in the republican primaries, by only a percentage of actual republicans in those states. but supported a muslim ban. if the question is why did donald trump do it during the primary but now is talking about changing to being a bit more expansive, as nicolle asked, sounds like it s just cynical politics. he now goes to a general electorate who opposes a muslim ban. i think about 60% of americans oppose it. now is the time. he told mika he s going to shift to the middle once he won the nomination. we ve seen it on taxes. we ve seen it on minimum wage. i think most americans would say fortunately we may be starting to see it on this muslim ban.
two leading conservatives weigh in on donald trump s trip to capitol hill, joining the conversation. plus the former first lady of the united states laura bush along with her daughter jenna bush hager on set with us. the ragin cajun, james carville, his take on hillary clinton s long slog to the nomination. bill karins as we prepare for another day of severe weather. good morning, willie. thankfully we didn t have any tornadoes of any significance. we don t have any pictures to show you. hail damage, wind in some part. hardest hit, the area with the most hail, this was very impressive, it happened this time yesterday morning in omaha, nebraska. it was so deep in some areas that they actually had to use a front end loader to get some of the hail out of the region. let s get to the maps. we ve all dropped our severe
thunderstorm watches. nasty storms heading for little rock. a few thunderstorms along lakeshore between toledo and cleveland and numerous areas of rain through kentucky. as we go throughout the day today, this front marches to the east, on friday rain, showers widespread mississippi, alabama, tennessee up through kentucky and ohio included. so bring the umbrellas there. it s not going to rain all day but storms in and out. maybe an inch or so possible from areas nashville back to bristol, tennessee. today s forecast, also gorgeous weather new york city through new england, southeast not bad. our friends in washington, d.c., cloudy and 74. if you get a little bit of rain before midnight tonight, that will be 16 days in a row with rainfall in the nation s capital. a very gloomy may continues. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back.
yesterday was senator ted cruz s first day back on capitol hill after dropping out and people were wondering if a more humbled ted cruz would try to get along better with his fellow senators. and we got our answer in this photo. look at that parking job.
i never thought i would be saying this, but senator cruz, you should move a little farther to the right. it s the worst. it s the worst. sometimes it s not on purpose. doesn t he seem like the guy that would do that. i m a terrible parker. i m a bad parker. you know who has a problem hard to maneuver. you always see him half in the handicap spot, half out. that s annoying. it s tough. the handles, you re used to a steering wheel. the rascal doesn t have as much power as a car so one swing in. usually pulls it right into the store. all right. turn to democratic side bernie sanders pinned his path to nomination on the state of california. there s signs of trouble there. nbc news confirmed his campaign parted ways with california
state director. the campaign has given no reason for that split but they have already filled the position, robert becker who won several other states for sanders will now head to california. sanders held two campaign rallies in montana yesterday. 4800 people attended his event in missoula. according to sanders campaign, another 4300 were not able to get in. sanders also spoke with msnbc s andrea mitchell yesterday. in one tense moment sanders responded to the criticism that he s responsible for hillary clinton having to face attacks from two front. hillary clinton, the opposition to her, negatives to her have been built up by donald trump hammering away at her. up until now, at least, he has not been going after you as much. she s fighting two candidates and you re fighting one? really? really? andrea, in every state that we have won, in 19 states, we have had to take on the entire
democratic establishment. we ve had to take on senators and governors and mayors and members of congress, that s what we have taken on. please do not moan to me about hillary clinton s problems. one other thing, sanders campaign went on to attack clinton in a fundraising e-mail writing in part, this is pretty scary, sisters and brothers. a trio of polls released yesterday showed hillary clinton in a very difficult spot against donald trump. we are the best chance to defeat trump, because people united can never be defeated. joe, anybody who thought senator sanders was going to step to the side for hillary clinton were sorely mistaken. he even talked yesterday about it being a disaster if hillary clinton were nominated because donald trump might beat her. yeah, you look at the polls that came out a couple days ago that we were talking about, whether nbc survey monkey poll or whether all the quinnipiac state polls. john heilemann, bernie sanders continues to outperform hillary
clinton in every poll and matchup against donald trump. more importantly than that, he keeps winning states. he keeps raising a lot of money, and he keeps getting massive crowds showing up at his events. we ve never seen anything quite like this where a candidate that the entire democratic party is working against seems to be moving towards defeat but picking up more momentum every day. yeah, it s true. look, i mean, there was a little something like this in 2008 with hillary clinton, joe. you recall she won a lot of states deep into that primary long after barack obama had wrapped up the math and was going to win in terms of pledge delegates. it wasn t quite the same in the sense you never saw clinton got to be a better candidate, got more enthusiasm as the race went on. she never had crowds like sanders has. the sense of slippage that s happening around hillary clinton even though, again, she s almost certain to be the democratic nominee. bernie sanders loves polls that
show her not competing well against donald trump. the only one that likes those polls better than donald trump is bernie sanders. keeps energizing him to the end, strengthens his hand when he gets to the convention this summer. coming up, mika s must-read opinion pages plus more from reporters on capitol hill ahead of the big meeting at 9:00. no cameras allowed in that meeting, so it s forced taos imagine what will take place inside that room. welcome, fellow republicans. to start with old business brother hibbert will read a report on reference to rename everything after ronald reagan. all millard fillmore, mississippi river is mississippi reagan. frankenstein is now frankenreagan. excellent. announcer: brought to you by volkswagen golf gti, part of the award winning golf family.
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do you support the ryan plan to bring the deficit down by $4 trillion. i m very concerned about doing anything that s going to tinker too much with medicare. i protect the senior citizens. senior citizens are protected. they are life blood as far as i m concerned. i think paul ryan is too far outfront with this issue. i think he ought to sit back an relax. that was april of 2011. donald trump has, in fact, said for five years now he s not sure you can support paul ryan s
agenda. talking to savannah guthrie five years ago. much more on what s at stake for all sides today s big meeting on capitol hill, the battle line on morning joe. you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you re mastering life. from chase. so you can.
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for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. break some eggs, though, right? break eggs. reince priebus is going to give an exciting convention. donald trump. do you have movies? we re going to put a program together. it s not put together yet. reality show of some kind. ultimate reality show. it s the president of the united states. that is donald trump campaign adviser paul manafort speaking to chris matthews calling the president the ultimate reality show. time now for the must read op-eds. ron fournier, our friend in the atlantic. he writes, the presidency is not the ultimate reality show. it s one thing to compare four-day national convention to a television show. it s another to call the presidency reality show, but that s what paul manafort did in
a television show. i m surprised by manafort s honesty because trump treats the office he seeks as a poll, poll ratings, no substance beyond script. divides between bad guys and good guys, oversimplifies the plot. should an office once occupied by harry truman be filled by a man who thinks he s living out his truman show. joe, what do you think? i m not sure paul manafort is just being glib there. i don t think i would take what paul manafort thinks. i do think donald trump has approached this from the beginning like a reality show. his instincts for what has kept him in prime time for 14 seasons when hardly anybody else in american television has done that. it s actually translating very well to the campaign trail. mike barnicle, i think donald trump s biggest challenge now is
making the turn strategically in the general election but it doesn t look like he s going to do that. he s going to do big rallies, not microtarget, for the do all the things george w. bush, white house in 2004 or barack obama in 2008 or 2012. that s the challenge, can he make the transition to become a candidate, a game in the republican primaries. he s now on the big stage, world series, confronting general election audience, the entire country. we re going to find out. if he does not make that transition, it won t be an issue that will be the key to the fall election. it won t even be hillary rodham clinton but donald j. trump. the focus will be on him 24 hours a day and i don t know if anyone can stand that. joe, key question if you re advising trump. he does not lose one voter if he does a 10% pivot. not one. they are not going, he softened a tiny, tiny bit on the muslim
ban i m going with hillary. why won t he do it? well, he has started to. he s made the pivot on the minimum wage. this was a guy who actually said i m talking about i know. i m just saying, i think we re leading up to a lot of pivots. he told mika four months ago before the main primaries began, he started the pivot on minimum wage. he said american workers were paid too much throughout the entire primary process. now he supports a higher minimum wage. that makes sense in a general election. he s done the same thing on taxes. he s moved away from the very detailed tax plan and now talking about higher taxes for the wealthy. something he talked about years ago but didn t talk about on the campaign trail. you are starting to see some movement on the muslim ban. i think the bigger problem, nicolle wallace, has to do with tactics and not strategy.
as you know, i ll say i again, ken melman revolutionized politics when bush campaign did something no one else has done. you run to the right in the primary and go back to the center in the general election. the 2004 bush campaign said, no, i m not going to do that. we re going to find our voters. we re going to target them, identify them, inspire them, drag them out to the polls and w win. ken started it and obama team took it to extraordinary levels. i don t think you can win a close race in america in 2016 without doing that. donald trump is acting like it s m pixie dust, hate no impact. what s amazing, he s making it perfectly clear he won t do that. he s rendered jobs like the ones
i held on the campaigns totally irrelevant. i m unemployable in republican politics, which is a great thing for everybody involved. what ken mehlman did, take an issue that he governed, appealed to 44% of hispanics, he appealed to a large enough number of married women to shrink the gender gap to prevail. donald trump, not only is he not attracted to or interested in considering deploying any of the tactics, he s not even open to the conceit you have to broaden your appeal with those groups. and like we ve been talking about this week, the polls reflect some wisdom in his strategy. i think we have the first national poll tightening showing him in a close contest against hillary clinton. i know from advising politicians that it s much easier to get them to change their ways when things are going badly, when
they have a bad performance than when things are going well. anyone that wants him to change is going to have a hard time in light of this week s polls. champing at the bit, the wall street journal, the ryan/trump summit will be watched for one thing to see if republicans intend to secure the presidency as a party divided or as a reasonably united. a disunified is a course. donald trump and paul ryan should restore economic growth restoring economic legacy is the only thing paul ryan thinks about, the reality that made donald trump the nominee. the differences on trade and immigration matter. but even here both men recognize that horrible growth has made productive thought on either subject virtually impossible. thursday s summit could be the beginning of a useful if not beautiful relationship, john heilemann. yes, sure. the thing about that, though,
you get back to not just trade immigration. one of the things ryan made central to his project is trying to get the government to be smaller. entitlement reform is at the core of what ryan wants to do and donald trump doesn t really care about that. i want to go back to the conversation you were having a second ago about tactical thing, data and field and all that stuff. the reason trump is doing this is not because he doesn t want to do those things, it s because he can t do those things. he s trying to make a virtue out of necessity. the obama campaign in 2012, bush campaign in 2004 were incumbent presidents who spent years and tens and hundreds of millions of dollars building a sophisticated data targeting machines, turnout machines, those take a long time to build. they are not simply, you can t snap your finger. donald trump does not have the capacity or the money between now or the time between now and november to be able to build that machine. even if he did, there s a mind-set of a certain age group also, particularly a guy like that, who i know better than everybody all these youngins.
i agree coming up with sheets saying you can t say this, suburban housewives, he s going i don t care. i don t disagree with you. there s a part of trump that says i trust my gut. my gut matters more than anything comes out of the computer. just to be clear, there s just not a way for him to ever be competitive in that way. he could tomorrow decide i m going to try to replicate what obama did in 2012 and it would not be possible. coming up, we re going to head to capitol hill where nbc team staking out meeting between donald trump and house speaker paul ryan two hours away. live reports from hallie jackson, luke russert. playing for the usual phil?
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an outburst on capitol hill making headlines. earlier this year senate minority leader harry reid called on congressman grayson to step down. grayson repeatedly asked reid if the senator knew his name. yes, alan, reid replied. say my name, grayson insisted more than once. ew. grayson brought out printed out
news article with quote from reid criticizing him over ethics concerned. grayson asked reid why he gave the quote. harry reid replied, because it s true and i want to you lose. reportedly brought in senator s security detail but the meeting eventually moved on. a spokesperson for reid released a statement accusing grayson of running a camen island hedge fund from congressional office and senator took the opportunity to express low opinion of congressman grayson to his face. grayson released his own statement saying in part calling out establishment is not easy and not always polite. should learn i want you to lose is no excuse for a gross smear but the air is cleared. coming up at the top of the hour one of ted cruz s supporters reacts to the decision to hold off releasing taxes. the former first lady of the
united states laura bush joins us in the studio with her daughter jenna bush hager. today s big meeting between donald trump and congressional leaders. have you heard? there s a big meeting between donald trump and congressional leaders.
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politics. i m never stunned by anything in politics. i was blind-sided because he spoke to me three weeks ago and it was a very nice call, encouraging call. this team is your family, michael. have you to protect them from those guys. here is your quarterback, all right. you protect his blindside. when you think of him, you think of me, how you have my back, how
you have his. okay. what did you say to him? you should get to know your players, burt. he tested 98% in protective instincts. welcome to morning joe. a huge morning for the republican party as donald trump goes to washington. we re here with former communications director for george w. bush nicolle wallace, msnbc contributor and so much more mike barnicle, former adviser to george w. bush and co-creator and executive producer of the circus on showtime. we swapped out one circus guy for another. keep the circus going. heilemann created too much of a circus this morning. former worked in the ad business, donny deutsch. managing director and editor of bloomberg politics mark halperin. mika has the morning off. joe, big day for the party in washington. it really is a big day. the republican party trying to
come together after donald trump all be secured the republican nomination. we ve all believed around this table for some time that you feel the title of rem s song, feeling gravity, feeling house of representatives or senate. your party has elected donald trump. he s accumulated more votes than any other republican in primary history, and you start feeling that pull because chances are very good donald trump won in your congressional district. or if you re a senator, he won in your state. so paul ryan is an exception to that rule. ted cruz comfortably won janesville and the surrounding areas in paul ryan s district. mark halperin, for most republicans, they are trying to figure out exactly how to deal with if they are talking about musicals, hamilton, how
do you solve a problem like donald. that s what the gop is trying to figure out. today their leader is having to figure that out. how do they embrace him without looking like they are betraying everything they have stood for for the past 20 years. that s their goal talking to senior ryan aides, what they want are two things out of their relationship with trump and at least to make progress today. one, they want unity. they want people in the republican party, in the big tent, that donald trump is spread out. there can be unity. conservatives can feel good about running as part of a trump ticket. the second thing they want is some sense from trump he s got conservative principles. trump says he s a conservative. he s got some positions ryan doesn t view as conservative. can they come together with some principles trump emphasizes that conservatives and party can feel good about, conservative government. that s one where ryan would like to see a house majority that works with president trump eventually to limit the size of
government. there s a lot at stake on all sides for today s meeting 9:00 eastern time. there s potentially more on the line for speaker ryan. some saying the 46-year-old house speaker is riding on whether you keep his agenda separate or embrace the presumptive nominee donald trump. the position extends to whether he will one day be a viable candidate for presidency as new york times speculates. last night ryan s predecessor former house speaker newt gingrich formally endorsed trump. put out a statement about the importance of uniting behind trump. even some indications of a policy shift in ryan s direction with a trump adviser saying the candidate is open to reductions in entitlement spending, something the candidate has said he won t touch. yesterday ryan said not to expect an immediate resolution on all this. can there be merged message
or two separate messages? look, we ve got a process we re just getting started. the last thing i m going to do is say what the end of this process is going to be when we re just beginning this process. i really believe if we re going to be successful this fall, we have to unify our party, we have to go forward with a positive message, that americans see we have solutions to their problems. when seven out of ten americans don t like the path this country is on and hillary clinton is promising to keep going down the same path, we have an obligation to merge and unify our common principles to offer this country a choice, a better way forward. that s going to take party unification to do that. we just finished one of the most grueling primaries in modern history. it s going to take some work and that s the kind of work we re dedicated to doing. mark, we ve been hearing about unity. that seems to be the word and will be the word today. why is that important to the party going forward and where is the unity between the belief systems of paul ryan and donald trump? it s important because even when the republican party was fairly unified they lost by a
lot. they have got to be unified and more. these members are between a rock and a trump place. the encouraging thing for the speaker and others is that donald trump has shown a lot of flexibility already on policy. he s the guy moving in the right direction on taxes, entitlement reform. at least he s not being inflexible already. there s seems he s moving in their direction. you think paul ryan has this meeting, checks the box, i talked to him, comes out and endorses him. i don t think endorses him but will s right direction. he ll hold that out to keep him in the right direction. it s the policy issues. it s both. they are at odds on policy, on entitlement reform, on trade, on foreign policy, immigration and taxes. yes, but i think the core not but. it s central ideas of the modern republican party. and listen kkk he s condemned him and on
the muslim ban and on violence at the rallies he s condemned him. that stuff by the way, paul ryan can have a political future still saying, you know what, i was not for raising the minimum wage. he can have a political future saying, you know what, we disagree on he cannot have a political future saying i agree on the muslim stuff, the women stuff. that s policy. that s core. more human, humanity. tone issues. listen, going to nicolle, what you were saying, i ve known paul ryan, i ll say it again, since he was 22, 23, the freshman that came in in 1994. we had a group, we called our selves new federalist. we were talking about a smaller government, talking about eliminating four beaurocracies, talking about taking power out of washington and returning it to the states. if you look at what paul ryan has dedicated his entire life
to, that stands in stark opposition to where donald trump stands. you re right. whether it s on immigration, whether it s on trade, whether it s on raising taxes, whether it s on the minimum wage, whether it s on entitlement reform, people like paul ryan and myself have been saying correctly, along with a democrat, if you take the money on medicare and medicaid over the next decade, it consumes every dime that goes into the budget other than defense spending and interest on the debt. now, how can you say, you know what, i met the guy. he was great, really cool. i understand he s won a lot of trophies and knows really cool people, and the last 20, 25 years of my life doesn t really
matter. i was charmed into supporting him. never mind. that s a problem paul ryan has. let s just stop right now being glib about this. this isn t about personality. this is about policies. this would be talking to a preacher that has devoted his life to a church and a faith for 25 years and said, hey, listen, the biggest contributor in your congregation says, the bible is a good book but it s a bunch of fairy tales. either paul ryan believes what he believes and has fought for all his life or he doesn t. it s that simple. i m not saying he should do one thing or another. this isn t about people s personalities and whether they sniff each other and like each other or not. this is about stuff that matters to the future of our republic, nicolle. that s right. i think a lot of what i
understand donald trump to be frustrated with is a lack of respect. that s not what he s getting from paul ryan. i actually think paul ryan is the right person in the right job because he is able to he is sort of a modern politician. he appreciates what donald trump has done. i think he can understand and admire the use of social media whereas admittedly some people in our party might be confounded by that and what donald trump has accomplished. i think paul ryan isn t in the lack of respect category, simply it s a bridge too far. i think the policy questions, that s the umbrella under which the stop trump movement has hidden but that s not been the spirit if we re being honest of the stop trump movement. the stop trump movement has been shrouded in disdain and elitism. paul ryan s concerns are completely rooted in policy disagreements. i made this list and thought of one area they might be able to build a bridge to one another and that s around paul s interest in poverty, doing something around poverty. talked about donald trump s flexibility on health care and
entitlements. maybe they can create some sort of third bucket of ideas that solve a problem that paul ryan is deeply interested in and hasn t been able to bring his caucus around on. on the animating policy conversations of the republican ideology in modern times, paul ryan is vastly at odds with donald trump. i totally agree with joe s assessment of that, that paul ryan can t just walk away from his life s work at this point. given that standard, how could he ever come around to donald trump. donald trump has his own record over 20, 25 users of not being conservative, not fighting for things paul ryan wants. how could paul ryan come around without compromising issues. finding things i love your idea, poverty, income inequality, address that. that s something the republican party has to address anyway, trump has to address as a billionaire but a place to go. a movement on trade as well. it s hard i m a former
conservative democrat trump has basically promised trade wars with mexico. that s an issue as a conservative democrat because of trade policies i went across the bridge to become a republican, on trade. those are important issues to republicans. what are the risks nicolle, to paul ryan not endorsing donald trump. him coming out of that meeting saying, you know what, it is it is a bridge too far. i can t do it. i won t stand in his way but won t endorse donald trump. in the old days there were plenty of relationships between i don t know why i m gesturing for you will historic relationships between members of different parties. i really think the structure around embracing trump should be more similar to the structure of forging relationships across party aisles. some of the most productive things that happen happen across party aisles, bush and kennedy
on education, mccain and kennedy joined forces in congress on a host of issues, immigration. we used to have bipartisan efforts around foreign policy, so i think the whole structure around embracing trump should be more similar to forging an alliance across party lines. last month the state of wisconsin gave donald trump one of the major setbacks of his campaign, one of the only ones. it happens to be the home state of speaker ryan. it s also the home state of the other person in the meeting with donald trump rnc chair reince priebus. priebus has taken a noticeable different stance declaring him presumptive nominee after indiana win brushing aside kasich before he dropped out of the race, which the governor did. more than a week later and ryan still holding out. so far priebus has encouraged trump to embrace the party platform. what, if any, pressure is he exerting on ryan is unknown. joining us from capitol hill, nbc news correspondent hallie jackson. hallie, set the scene for us.
what s going on? are people tailgating, selling t-shirts. i wish people were tailgating. i could definitely go for a hot dog, maybe a beer. when you look, it s quiet, particularly rnc over the next hour or so as people start to arrive. you make an excellent point about the relationship between reince priebus and paul ryan. that is going to be key to what we see this morning. remember, ryan and priebus have known each other for years because of that wisconsin connection. the role is to be an intermediate area, thary intermediatary. this shuttled diplomacy, making calls to donald trump, paul ryan, making sure there could be negotiations worked out how this meeting will go. ryan is close to priebus, priebus is also close to trump. i m told they have grown closer, trump seeing priebus as a kind of honest broker, somebody he can trust in this kind of role and this kind of relationship. so priebus will play that part as kind of the truce negotiator
at that meeting, the first meeting that s happening, the one with just trump and priebus and ryan. as for what you may see coming out of it, guys, don t expect to see ryan come out with an endorsement for trump. they will likely not get into a checklist of different policies where they might disagree or where they might agree. today is broadly about talking about those conservative principles and talking really the buzzword of the day, which is unity. ryan wants to hear something from trump about how he plans to bring the party together. what you ve seen from trump over these last 24 hours has been a bit more of a conciliatory tone to sort of smooth the path for this morning s meetings. hallie, mark has a question for you. hi, hallie. it s my observation over a fairly tumultuous number of years reince priebus navigating issues, what is the sense of reince priebus on capitol hill. solid. people look at him as somebody who could be a negotiator,
understands politic, somebody able to work behind the sends, manage and massage relationships. he s obviously the longest serving chair of the rnc for a reason. hallie jackson on capitol hill. thanks. donald trump faced pressure on all sides yesterday to release income tax returns. if he doesn t, he would be the first major nominee since 1976 not to do so. trump told associated press he does not expect to release them until november but will release them after irs finishes an ongoing audit. i told ap my taxes are under routine audit and will release after complete not after election. you said you don t intend to release your tax returns. no, i didn t say that. i said i m being audited. what about returns that haven t been audited. there s a link. how far back are you audited. long enough that it would matter. there s a link between that and other things. as soon as the audit is
finished, i would love to it s a relatively simple audit. i ll tell you what s unfair, every year for many years i ve been audited. i have friends that are very rich that never get audited. i get audited every single year. i think it s unfair. hopefully before the election i will release. you learn very little from tax return. i ve released my financials. my financials show tremendous numbers, very little debt. what about his taxes? because when you run for president, especially when you become the nominee, that is kind of expected. my husband and i have released 33 years of tax returns. we got eight years on our website right now. so you ve got to ask yourself, why doesn t he want to release them. yeah, well, we re going to find out. so the last republican presidential nominee mitt romney also tweeted, quote, mr. trump, tear down that tax wall and
wrote in a lengthy facebook post, it is disqualifying for a modern day presidential nominee to refuse to release tax returns to the voters. he went on, there s only one logical explanation for mr. trump s refusal to release his returns. there is a bombshell in them. given mr. trump s equanimity with other flaws, we can only assume it s a bombshell of unusual size. is he actually worth what he says he s worth? does he give to charity the way he says he gives to charity? the list goes on and on. he could release these despite the audit. does this matter to voters, that s the question. mitt romney, the media, hillary clinton wants them released. i like the thought of a book title, a bombshell of an unusual size. it s something mitt romney has seized on. voters are not obsessed by this. it could be part of putting donald trump on the offensive. donald trump understands if you hold something valuable, you
don t give it away. right now trump knows what s in the returns and no one else does. is he not releasing them because there s something that is embarrassing, we won t learn much about what his wealth is, is he holding them to never release them because there s something bad in them. does he know this is a card he can play, put them out, spin it however he wants, turns out to be a good thing because people chasing on a wild goose chase something that won t have pay dirt. it s our obligation to get those tax returns and explain those tax returns to the voting public. 100%. not just a summary of the returns, first page, with red t redactio redactions. this is not like hillary clinton speeches, which is a new thing she points out, that people would like to see. every nominee puts out returns, let s people go through them. there s all sorts of reasons. this is not voyeuristic. we have to keep asking. i ve asked several times, he
gives roughly the same answer. he s going to have to put out the returns. we should demand full returns. i think it s disqualifying. you have one job as a citizen in this country, that is to pay taxes. if you want the highest office in the country, running a populist campaign, you need to show how and why you pay taxes. if you don t, i don t think you have the right to be commander in chief. totally disagree with you. i think his entire candidacy is about not doing things i m not saying for political you re not hearing what you re saying. that disqualifies you. you think you are above everybody else in this country and you want the highest elected office and you don t think you need to show people how and why you pay taxes which is the fundamental principle, you should donnie, what is that the deutsche test in the irs is the one who determines whether he pays his taxes every year or not. he s not in jail. he obviously pays his taxes. i can t believe you re getting this ruffled up about this?
why has this become the gold standard for donny deutsch on whether somebody is qualified to be president of the united states or not. if he hasn t paid his taxes, the irs will find out and throw him in jail. it s how he pays his taxes. by the way, if he s not giving money to charity we need to know that. americans don t care if he s paying 12% in taxes, because if those are the laws, those are the laws. i can t vote for a person who says i m above you. i do not have to open up in terms of how i serve as a citizen in this country. i love donned, he s a trump. ann richards in 1990, the whole issue coming down to clayton williams not releasing tacks. right at the end he broke. turns out the problem was he didn t pay any taxes. he had so many deductions he didn t pay taxes. that s a problem. he would find a way to turn it into an asset. i think this is another media narrative. i don t think there s any voters
you find out there that think this is a problem for him. mark halperin before we let you go, what s different at the end of the day today than it is after the meeting on capitol hill. i think they have got to get to know each other personally. i remember when bill clinton came to washington after he became democratic nominee in 1982, he already had personal ties. trump has been running against washington, republicans. today he ll signal i m not going to run against republicans as much as i ll run washington. paul ryan would like washington to change as fundamentally as donald trump will. that s the area of common ground and the buzzword of the day, unity. mark halperin, thanks so much. still ahead on morning joe, bush will not support donald trump for president. we ll speak live with former first lady laura bush. thousands turn out to see bernie sanders. is his california strategy in jeopardy after he loses his state director there? james carville joins us live to talk about the state of the race. you re watching morning joe.
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that we are better than the the campaign that the presumptive nominee for the republican party is running. you know, the choice in this campaign literally could not be clearer. it s hillary clinton yesterday in new jersey. bring in a guy who usually when he talks could not be any clearer, famed political strategist james carville, also clinton supporter. james, this bernie sanders phenomenon is pretty crazy. you usually don t see, even when it looks like a guy is mathematically eliminated, crowds getting bigger, more money pouring in, more energy in the campaign, a push. it s a crazy phenomenon, we ve been talking about trump in all
the networks and newspapers, what bernie has done in the democratic party is nothing short of astounding. what s happening? how does he continue to draw those crowds and how does he bring it in for a landing so the democratic party isn t split in july. he raised a lot of money, gets large crowds. there s one difference between he and trump and it s a pretty big difference is, trump is the nominee and he s not going to be the nominee. i think the clinton campaign are quite aware of that, they are going to have to bring him in the fold, just like senator clinton had to come into the fold in 2008 with president obama. the democratic party is decided by the 3 million votes they want mrs. clinton to be the nominee. bernie is a phenomenon, they are young, energetic, vote irs in november.
every vote bernie sanders gets in the spring here is somebody you want to be voting for you in november. it s going to take some skill and negotiation and some political dexterity to bring them in the fold. james, you re a big supporter of hillary clinton but not advising her currently as far as i know on any regular basis. if you were, two questions, how important is it for them to win the california primary? how much effort would you put into that? two, what would you do after that, given she s doing to be the democratic nominee, what would you do after that to try to make peace with sanders on her side. first of all, of course you win the california primary. it s the biggest state. i ll be very clear, it s hard to lose an election. you say you lose in west virginia, it s hard. you hate to lose. would you spend millions of dollars to win california, money you could otherwise spend against trump. that s a hard question for me because i don t know the state of their financials now. it s certainly something you d be better off doing.
i think they need to let sanders people, i think you ve got to let this play out a little bit, you know. he it s not an equal negotiating position. bernie sanders does not need hillary clinton, because he s not going to be the nominee. hillary clinton needs bernie sanders because she s going to be the nominee. you have to understand walking into that negotiation you re not in an equal position. now, this has happened before. it happened in 2008 in our party. i don t think it s going to be an overly huge problem but it s going to be something that s going to have to be dealt with and he s going to have to retain some similar to that acknowledgement for what he s accomplished in this. i don t think there s any doubt about it. as soon as i got my first job in the campaign i went and watch war room, you innovated beyond anything conceived in campaign strategy. trump that innovated beyond anything conceived in campaign
strategy. how does hillary clinton, a traditional politician, launch an asymmetrical defense against what trump is throwing at her also while fending off what bernie sanders is throwing at her? first of all, she is going to be the nominee. she s going to be the nominee, she s got substantially more votes. i m not denying bernie sanders i think her challenge, and i made it pretty clear, in a country that wants change, you cannot be any more change than donald trump is. if you say i want change in this country and you look at trump, one thing you ve got to say, he s different. different. ening that her challenge is going to be how change, how are you going to bring that about. you can t outchange trump but i don t think you need to do that. status quo either. right. you can t be status quo. one thing you don t want to be hooked with is that. okay. it s the middle of september. change is the essential item on
the change for most americans. looking for hope, looking for the future. donald trump has tried to eviscerate clintons personally, gone after the president of the united states. you have a candidate running against donald trump, secretary clinton, unfortunately for her, and it s cosmetics only, a lot of men in this country look at her, hear her, and all they can think of is someone telling them get back into class, home run is over. what do you do? how do you run that campaign? first of all, i think there is a problem that her negatives are higher than people would like. acknowledge that. i think that you ve got to have a good summer. i think the convention, i think they have some things they can accomplish at the convention. i think there s a lot of things out there they can say and weave a better narrative. look, they have been running against a guy, bernie sanders, you know, promised $18 trillion and $33 trillion in new
spending. he doesn t get the same scrutiny, nor should he, because he s not going to be the nominee. she s got i think her narrative has to really get better. she s got to be more change. her whole life has been about changing things. in some ways, she s been almost a pioneer in her career. they have to tell that story better. you re right. they do have a problem. they do have a problem. i think that s but they know they do. i really expect them to be addressing that during the the course of the campaign. it s not like trump doesn t have problems. yeah. yeah. all right. james carville, thank you so much as always. love having you on. you bet. appreciate it. ted cruz, will congressman king and others like him line up behind donald trump. well, the congressman is going to join us live ahead of donald trump s trip to capitol hill. also my good friend matt salmon is going to be here as well to answer that same question. you re watching morning joe.
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e.t. phone home. when you find something you love, you can never get enough of it. change the way you experience tv with xfinity x1. i m going to support the nominee. i predict most people in my position or people will rally around the republican nominee. i fully expect paul ryan will eventually support donald trump
publicly. i hope that happens, because we do have to be unified. that was former vice president dan quayle. just moments ago on the today show saying he s going to get behind donald trump. co-chair of ted cruz s presidential campaign, steve king from iowa. talk about the decision you re going to make, moving from being one of ted cruz s biggest advocates and one of the biggest reasons he won the state of iowa to now getting behind donald trump. can you do that? well, we have to see how this goes. what i ve said is what we need to support the nominee produced by the rules. of course that won t happen until about july 27th in cleveland. in that middle period of time, we d like to see i d like to see our party heal together. i d like to see this chasm start to bring back together. and it s going to take donald trump to do that. i d say a good meeting today
with paul ryan, a good number of policies that need to be ironed out. hopefully move closer to that. the platform is conservative. i think donald trump needs to speak especially to moral conservatives, social conservatives, pro-life side, constitutionali constitutionalists, driven so much within our party. he hasn t assured me yet he believes in those things deeply enough to drive them as president. so steve, how do you go back to your constitt wepts, we work together, know each other, similar on a lot of issues, i don t know if i was in congress representing northwest florida how i could go back and say, yeah, i m going to endorse a guy who supports planned parenthood, a guy who isn t a constitutionalist, increase in size and scope of the federal government s authority. again, he won the nomination. i m just asking you personally how do you synthesize your views with donald trump s views to
meet in the middle? that s a real challenge for donald trump and paul ryan and congressmen like you. how do you do it? joe, i think right now one of the statements donald trump made, remember, it s the republican party not the republican party. that sends a message to lion s share of conservatives that are the party. i d like to see him go to new orleans where mitt romney stood and made the speech four years ago, if i remember the location correctly, and gave a speech about moral values, core convictionses, the constitution. that went a long ways to bring conservatives closer to mitt romney. there were still 5 to 8 million that stayed home or romney would be there running for re-election. he needs to do that. i m saying again to donald trump, reach out to the conservatives. start that process. recognize you re not going to be elected president without it. if there were 5 to 8 million that didn t come to the polls to vote for romney, there must be two to three times that many that need to be brought into the fold if we re going to prevent
hillary clinton from maepg appointments to supreme court and federal bench in its entirety. congressman, this is mark mckinnon, senator cruz ran on the theory of the case, they haven t been conservative enough, what does it say ted cruz ran on that message and lost? the difference was donald trump said i m going to go in there and change everything. i said maybe the people that were so strongly behind trump, they said things are so bad we re happy to turn the bull into the china shop. if some of the dishes aren t broken when it s over, that s fine. we ll pick them up and wash them off and build a country behind that. ted cruz said, wait a minute, we have pillars of american we need to restore them, build the country back on constitutional principles and exceptionalism with the tools we have. i don t know the american public has been well enough educated about history, core values of america s exceptionalism to get
there. i think both marco rubio spoke well to american exceptionalism, ted cruz spoke best to the principles that restore this country. i think people were more fed up than they were ready to reconstruct on the foundation that america has been built. congressman, john heilemann here, kind of talking about the last answer earlier. when trump said it s not the conservative party, the republican party, how is it that he s wrong? in the sense ted cruz did embody principles of conservatism in a way and yet he got pretty thoroughly whipped by donald trump as did everybody who ran against donald trump, why is he wrong when he makes that assertion about the nature of the party. i look the a some of these things, trump has conservative examples. his immigration policy for the most part is conservative. it may not agree with the speaker of the house but it does agree with the majority votes of the house of representatives who have turned down and defunded every attempt by the president to reach outside the
constitution and open our borders and erode our immigration laws. i would say i ll give him a conservative position on that. them once we go down the line, i don t hear him speak about the constitutional issues. i don t hear him speak about balancing the budget. these are conservative principles. so i think some has to be reconciled. he s reached out to a populist side of this. he s said i m going to protect your entitlements. he s not talked about getting to a balanced budget. those two things will get us to we re going to get to an economic place where the depth for every baby born in america will increase again at $60,000 today. if you re born today, that s your share of the national debt f you re going to be a producer you might call it 120 because a lot of people might not be payable down national debt. he s created this dichotomy, pulled some things in that are conservative, brought other things in that are i ll say populist. not really reflective of the party.
by the way, the platform is going to reflect conservative republicans and that s something we have to defend in cleveland. that s why we call for cruz delegates to make sure they show up at their state convention, at the national convention, a platform to protect and rules to write for the next convention. so they need to reflect conservative values that have built the party over the last three generations. congressman, very simple, the republican party needs to get this. somebody can be conservative in nature, that doesn t mean they line up issue by issue. people don t join parties anymore. you have to understand that. somebody can be conservative and say, you know what, i am conservative, fiscal conservative, fiscal immigration but i do believe in a higher minimum wage tax. the republican party will never win another election unless they can recognize individuals, people who grow up with this now basically do not line up with a party on a platform. they are individual issues and the republican party needs to understand this. if they don t, they won t win another election.
that doesn t mean we don t believe in every plank in the platform but the will the delegates, the will of the people that elected them. minimum wage, federal government should not be telling employers what to pay their employees and we need a tighter labor supply. i think that s something donald trump has brought forward, a tighter labor supply and let people wake up in a country where oopen up millions of jobs for americans, drive wages up and benefits up and that means our welfare can go down. today there s 70 different means tested federal welfare programs and that s not being addressed very well by either side. congressman steve king, you knew this was going to be a big day when you woke up this morning. you knew you were going to be on morning joe. you had no idea, though, the upper oohs side s resident multimillionaire donny deutsch was going to lecture you on how to play politics in iowa. sharing the love. that s all i m doing here.
that s called upper east side silk stocking love. thank you so much, steve. always great to see you. say hi to friends in western iowa. will do. coming up next hour, we ll be talking to good friend congressman matt salmon and some of the same big issues facing republican party and what he s going to do when it comes to endorsing donald trump. also up next we ve got former first lady laura bush and her daughter jenna bush hager joining us live. it s like a bush reunion. you re watching morning joe straight ahead.
and so. my new packing robot will make jet warehouses even more efficient - and save shoppers money. genius! oh no. charlene! .no, no. shh. at, we re always looking for money saving innovations. is caringing because covering heals faster. for a bandage that moves with you and stays on all day, cover with a band-aid brand flexible fabric adhesive bandage. hello, i m laura bush. i m in beautiful yosemite national park. i m looking forward to a beautiful day of hiking with my girlfriend. i ve hiked every year with
childhood friends from midland tech texas. we ve hiked nearly every one of the big parks. this is our second visit to yosemite. we ve collected national parks and loved it. that is former first lady laura bush in promotion for find your park campaign. with us now new york times best selling authors, former first lady laura bush and her daughter nbc s own jenna bush hager. their new children s book is our great big backyard. this is like a family reunion on set. mark mckinnon. we, of course.
so lalaura, tell us about th book and why you wrote it? jenna and i wanted to do another children s book. this year the centennial park service was the perfect time to do a book about great big backyard and all the wonderful parks we have in the united states. of course our little protagonist tied to video screens of various types. her mother wants her to look up. her mother plans this great american road trip. that s great. jen jenna. she does the work. i wrote it in maternity leave, thought about my fondest memories with my dad and my mom and they were spent outdoors. geez, now all we re doing instead of looking out the windows is looking down at our phones. i don t want a world where our kids don t get to get outside and see the beauty of nature.
wrote it, working with former librarian and first lady and your mother, the boss lady, are you kidding? that s intimidating. don t ever end your sentence with a preparation. imagine writing speeches for your dad with her watchful eye. i remember worrying that we were imposing on you when you took these vacations every year during president bush s presidency, but this is something you ve done well before your life became a public that s right. very first trip with childhood friends floating down grand canyon, hiking down the south rim. that s a hard hike. it s 10 miles. up. but switchback, thank goodness. then we one of those years, during the time we loved at the white house, we invited our daughters to join us. i remember that. they joined us on that trip. we shared tent, gave up white house beds for a tent.
we were invited once to never invited again. i m not sure what we did, crowded the tent too much. let s talk more about family trips when you and your sister were kids and mom and dad taking you to national parks. let s have some of this. when we were little, my fondest memories with my dad in particular where we would go to this little fishing cabin in east texas. i remember when we said i could swim in the lake, so fun. there were alligators. all we could do was play outside and use imagination. is this your dad driving station wagon like chevy chase. minivan. he actually drove one of those minivans with wood panel. it was baby blue. if you look in the book, that s where we got the inspiration. it s so great you re doing this, because our national parks are such a treasure but so few people actually go. then i saw another statistic, so amazing. of the people who do go to the parks, 99% of them don t go even
a mile past the parking lot. most people drive through, like they drive by the grand canyon and look down at it. it s difficult. it s difficult to do the river trip and hike out. the point is we want to make sure that we support these places. how lucky are we that the people who came before us that put it aside and they were beautiful. what if there was a strip mall in the grand canyon. no thank you. we need to make sure we support national park foundation, happy to be joining with them. proceeds from the book go to the national park foundation and also get there. the whole point is, if you can t get to a national park, enjoy nature in your own backyard. that s right. one of your gifts, embracing and shining a lot on something that has nothing to do with politics. i got to see jeb bush on monday, he looks unbelievable. he looks relieved and happy. this election is not happening without your intimate knowledge of this climate.
how happy are you to not be involved? very happy. is it surreal and watch it all and be central to nation s conversation so long not really. not at all. when we left the white house, george determined he was not going to opine or try to inject his opinions or comment on the president, make remarks about the president. it s not different from how we ve been for the last 7 1/2 years. which is one of the reasons i m so proud of my parents. they served their country nrd are still involved in policy but they re not criticizing people because they know how hard the job is. and if we had more of course i get my mom is like stop kicking me under the table but more politicians who are supporting each other. regardless of party. and just, you know, working on policy. but not injecting like this. protecting things we all agree on. you know how hard if is.
i know it s hard because i watched my parents do it for eight years. did you have a sense of relief when it was over? jenna and barbara maybe. are you do you feel some common bond with ivanka trump is going through a tough campaign experience. she s in the limelight. do you feel, is there a bond among children of politicians? of course. i know ivanka and chelsea. i know them both. they re lovely girls. people always say it s this psycho babble to use terms my dad loves. what s your advice for them? they don t need advice. people love their parents, and when i have parents like mine and the obama girls who have parents who have supported them and put them as their first priority and shown them unconditional love, how can you not support that? that s right. for sure. thank you. thanks. our great big backyard.
remember. all right. thank you guys. laura bush and jenna bush hager for being with us. i want to second what you said. it s an incredible example what president george h.w. bush and george w. bush did after they left the white house. they kept america first. they were never petty. they were always there to support those who followed them. even after they were savaged during the campaign. they showed nothing but class and they re a great example to all of us about how washington should work. thank you guys so much for being with us. it s a great honor. thanks so much. the book is called our great big backyard. make sure you get it. if you love america, you will. if you want to end up like mike barnacle, don t. a proposal for a temporary ban on muslims entering the united states was, quote, just a suggestion. he s looking for a way out as he
pivots to the general election and he may get it in the form of rudy giuliani. also trump and paul ryan s meeting ahead this morning. morning joe back in a minute. trolling for a gig with braindrone? can t blame you. it s a drone you control wi your brain, which controls your thumbs, which control this joystick. no, i m actually oveat the ge booth. we re creating the operating system for industry. it s called predix. it s gonna change the way the world works. ok, i m telling my brain to tell the drone to get you a copy of my resume. umm, maybe keep your hands on the controller. look out!! ohhhhhhhhhh. you know what, i m just gonna email it to you. yeah that s probably safer. ok, cool. it was all pencil and paper. started out,
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donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. normally, i do not comment on what s going on in the presidential election.
i will take an exception today. this is not conservatism. i have a special role as chair of the republican convention. i stay neutral and support the nominee. everything that s you don t want is in that budget. and i say where was paul ryan? if he becomes the nominee of the party, will you support him? yes, i will. i ll support whoever our nominee is. remember the wheelchair being pushed over the cliff when you had ryan chosen as your vice president. that was the end of that campaign when they chose ryan. i m talking about david duke and the ku klux klan. if i person wants to be the nominee of the republican party there can be no evasion and no games. paul ryan, i don t know him well but i m sure i m going to get along with him. you just laugh out loud. sometimes reality is stranger than fiction. i m a good nature guy. i get along with everyone. i don t think you can say we
don t get it automatically. i think you d have riots. to even address or hint to violence is unacceptable. how do you like paul ryan? how do you like him? you like him? now you have a presumptive nominee, donald trump. will you support him? i m just not ready to do it at this point. i didn t get paul ryan. i don t know what s happened. good morning and welcome back. what a day it s going to be. a big day on capitol hill. and to talk about paul ryan and donald trump getting together and trying to become friends, we have former communication director for president george w. bush, nicolle wallace, legendary columnist mike barnacle. also the managing editor of bloomberg politics, john heilemann, donny deutsch and former adviser to president george w. bush and co-creator of the circus on showtime, mark
mckenna. mika, of course, in the south of france. the next few hours could be pivotal for the future of my republican party. leaders in congress getting together with the party s presumptive nominee donald j. trump. they ll cy ssee if they can ham out their differences and forge a path forward. paul ryan declined yesterday to specify exactly what he wants to address but said he welcomed the opportunity to spend some time with donald trump. i don t really know him. i met him once in person in 2012. we had a very good conversation in march on the phone. we just need to get to know each other and we as a leadership team are enjoying the fact we have a chance to meet with him. i d rather have a conversation in person than through the media, no offense. john heilemann, the meeting is going to be an hour from now. what can you tell us from your reporting we should expect to come out of that meeting?
both sides would like for this meeting to go well. nobody has a stake in this thing turning into some kind of a contentious have this thing blow up in some way. they both are very proud men and have some reason to want the other one to come to them. so the question i think is going to be, do they try to is there effort to try to make this a human connection where they, as paul ryan says, they get to know each other. steer clear of the areas where they are most in disagreement on issues like immigration, like free trade. do they steer clear of all of that and try to be able to walk out of the room not exactly arm in arm but at least side by side or does something go terribly wrong and donald trump is a obviously a hugely accomplished man but slightly volatile and he has a sense that this now should be his republican party. paul ryan feels this has been his republican party. so the human dynamics will be
the most interesting thing to watch. i don t think they ll come out of this and say, hey, we re all on the same side now. we love each other and everything is great. but you watch whether they can walk out of this and feel as though some progress, some incremental progress has been made towards the ultimate goal of unity. that s going to be the real question today. nicolle wallace, what s at stake for donald trump? what s at stake for paul ryan and who has the most to lose today? i think the party at large has the most to lose. i think the goal should be, free to be you and me. the list of differences is what will drive and shape the narrative. i made a list two hours ago. on policy they disagree on entitlements, trade, immigration, taxes. on the bucket of issues ryan is trying to lead the party in a different direction and make the party associate itself with more compassionate policies around buckets of issues like poverty and immigration reform, all of
trump s tonal issues have actually brought a rebuke from trump on this slow response to the kkk endorsement. some of the comments about women, question of violence at his rallies. paul ryan was one of the first to come out and express concerns. they have two buckets of challenges that s will always define the media narrative around their relationship but they have the potential. each man is important enough and has enough stature to give the other space. in the room, i ve likened it to trying to build a structure around two leaders from two different parties or even two leaders within a party who have diametrically opposed views around a central issue. john mccain had very different opinions on campaign finance reform and they were able to work together on foreign policy. you have to look historically at people either in two different parties or two equally important leaders within a party with just very different policy positions.
nicolle mentioned the media narrative and we will because it s who we are. we ll look for winners and losers today. could it well be there are no winners or losers because you have two guys with different constituencies. paul ryan with the house constituency. trump with his own constituency and the volatility of trump the way it plays out these guys are both really good at managing the media. you never have a meeting where they come out and say that sucked. it wasn t worth it. they ll come out and say we made progress. they ll find some places of common ground and say we had a good conversation. we re going to keep it going. i think that s the worst outcome. i also said last week that paul ryan is very different than every other member of the republican establishment. he s not seen as yesterday or as he s not seen as old news. he is seen as present and future and he s very well liked and well respected across the board. donald trump, even if they do
not kumbaya, cannot be calling him liar ryan. it s going to continue in a civil way even if there s obviously still and will be all right. we have reporters spread out all over capitol hill. it s like a war zone up there. very dramatic. let s go first to peter alexander, our seasoned political/war correspondent. peter, you didn t bring your helmet. this could be a very rough day with trump and ryan going like 15 rounds. what can you tell us? we ll talk about this talk about a war here. if this party is at war right now there s always a cease-fire, an armistice. it doesn t always hold. this as paul ryan and his team would describe this as the first real step. they ll not come out and say that was a waste of time. this will be a process, i think. what s most striking is the fact so many around the hill, a lot
of people in the republican conference, had this sense they had almost 67 more days until the convention before they d have to come to terms with which side they fell as far as the divisions within this party. there s the sometimes trump wing, the never trump wing and the always trump wing. there s always that blurry area in the middle where a lot of people are trying to make up their mind. many appreciative that paul ryan is giving them a little window. over the last 24 hours we ve seen donald trump and you know him personally. i ve had conversations with him privately. he can be charming in private. paul ryan who has really only had one face-to-face meeting with him will have the opportunity to make more of a personal connection. a better sense of who donald trump is as an individual, perhaps less than he is as a public performer. all right. peter alexander outside the courthouse, thanks for that report. let s go to hallie jackson.
you re covering reince priebus part in this. he s going to be the other person in that room. where is his relationship with donald trump right now? it started out rough, as we all know. have they right. have they gotten to a place where donald trump sees reince priebus as an honest broker? i m told that s where the relationship has come along to over the months and weeks trump has been in this race that that is where they are at this point. trump doesn t necessarily trust priebus as part of the inner circle but he can be somebody that is a negotiator between speaker ryan and donald trump. we saw one of the top aides to priebus walk in here. we re behind the scenes. you talk about the intensity of the media coverage. see all the cameras. across the street you have folks looking like people coming to the capitol for business gawking at all of this given that it s a trump spectacle. a lot of people and cars and
security. a lot of attention here at the rnc. we expect that meeting to begin in a bit. you ll see trump, ryan and priebus head up to the fourth floor, talk privately and then go across the hall to a private hall where the others will come in. then he ll have a sdus discussion with senator mitch mcconnell. we don t know if we ll hear from donald trump later today. he does hold these impromptu press moments. we expect to hear from speaker ryan and what he says will be key. it will be a key signal to how the relationship is developing here. i think i heard john heilemann say the two of them are not going to come out hugging on these steps. i think he s right. you ll see cautious optimism from all the parties involved moving forward unless something there s some kind of curveball inside the rnc in about an hour from now.
all right, hallie, thank you so much. let s go back to the table. john heilemann, we have explained all the reasons why paul ryan on policy issues can t really comfortably side next to donald trump. but politics being politics and washington as it is, is there really any scenario where the republican speaker of the house in the end doesn t endorse the republican nominee for president who is running against hillary clinton? i think, joe, i think, of course, there s a scenario. it s a scenario where donald trump decides to becomes irritated. annoyed. goes off on paul ryan. you can imagine that happening because those thunings have happened with donald trump. to the extent that ryan would feel too personally affronted to support him. i yeoh can imagine that scenario. it s not the most likely outcome
and for this reason. i think paul ryan obviously wants to protect his own political future. he also wants to be able to protect his house members running for re-election. those are important constituencies. if he doesn t ultimately end up with donald trump he ll effectively be the highest ranking republican in the country and the leader of an anti-trump brigade. that he would be effectively the leading a rump faction of the republican party against its own nominee. i can t imagine a scenario in which that s what paul ryan wants or that s in paul ryan s long-term political interest. isn t this a win-win for trump? if i m donald trump walking into that meeting. if he s conciliatory and acting presidential. on the other hand, that s donald trump. he s not giving in to the establishment. he s winning this no matter what. i think it is a win-win for donald trump. it s not a win-win for paul ryan. paul ryan loses whichever way he
goes. if he doesn t support donald trump, then he s abandoning a lot of members. there will be division inside the republican party. and he ll have the day-to-day responsibilities of managing a house where he s leaving some of his members hanging out to dry politically. if he endorses trump, then he betrays decades of principles, conservative principles, and he s supporting a man who says the republican party in effect is not the conservative party. so it s going to be a tough call for him. donald trump if he gets paul ryan s endorsement, that s a win because he s got the entire republican establishment capitulating to him. if paul ryan doesn t endorse him, he can beat up the republican establishment in washington, d.c., between now and november. so right now there s no doubt donald trump is holding the stronger cards. paul ryan just has to figure out what the least bad solution is. and we re going to continue to follow up on today s big
meeting. now less than an hour away. steve kornacki will be with us next at the table. of course, more from our battalion of reporters across capitol hill. kelly o donnell, katy tur and luke russert will take us inside the room where it s all going to happen. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. (man) ah i forgot to record that show. (woman) now we have to wait forever to see it. (jon bon jovi) with directv, you don t. you see, we ve got the power to turn back time. that show you missed, let s just go back and find. and let s go back and choose spicy instead of mild. and maybe reconsider having that second child. see, that s the power to turn back time. (vo) get the ultimate all included bundle. call 1-800-directv. prge! a manufacturer. well that s why i dug this out for you. it s your grandpappy s hammer and he would have wanted you to have it.
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this is something that right now we ve got to get all of our nominations settled on the democratic side. for me, i m going to keep doing my job every single day, and i m not thinking about another job. have you spoken to clinton recently at all? not recently.
that was elizabeth warren. yesterday she and donald trump were engaged in round two between the presumptive republican nominee and senator warren. it heated up yesterday afternoon. trump tweeted out goofy elizabeth warren has been one of the least effective senators in the entire u.s. senate. she s done nothing. you follow that up with goofy elizabeth warren didn t have the guts to run for president. her phony native american stops that cold. senator warren counterpunched tweeting out, we get it, donald trump. when a woman stands up to you, you re going to call her a basket case, hormonal, ugly. she then claimed that trump, quote, raked in millions scamming opportunities with trump yesterday and senator warren finished with this. your policies are dangerous. your words reckless. your record is embarrassing. and your free ride is over. trump, however, went toe-to-toe with warren and tweeted back, goofy elizabeth warren is now using the woman s card like her
friend crooked hillary. see her dumb tweet when a woman stands up to you. and isn t it funny when a failed senator like goofy elizabeth warren can spend a whole day tweeting about trump and gets nothing done in senate. i agree with his point. he s taking to her like he talked to ted cruz. i think she makes a mistake when she says a woman can t stand up to you? i could watch that all day long. i have a bit that apparently it s been reported anecdotally that during the meeting that vice president biden had with senator warren several months ago that vice president biden indicated he wanted elizabeth warren as his running mate if he chose to run. this is where we are. why would donald trump, i ask you as representative of the republican party, both of you, why would he be tweeting elizabeth warren he was talking about how
trump is changing the rules. one of those rules and one thing james did effectivelies in campaigns is he d become the heat shield. attack me, not my candidate. she s taking the heat. the traditional thing would be not to attack the surrogate but donald trump is attacking the surrogates. i don t think warren positions herself as a hillary clinton surrogate. trump is just capable of asymmetrical warfare. he may be the republican standard bearer and shoot his twitter bullets at everybody. she is like she s the new nancy pelosi. the right hates elizabeth warren and donald trump in a cost-free way and vice versa. she benefits from it, too. the cheap free way for trump to make people on the right happy because they all enjoy like watching bill maher and ann coulter debate. this is a fight they both
love. welcome adversaries. i know you re on the edge of your seats out there. less than an hour do we have a countdown clock? the trump/ryan meeting on capitol hill is less than an hour away. we ll continue our morning imagination of what will actually happen in that room. we can work together. why be enemies? because we re different? is that why? think of the things we could do. think how strong we would be. earth and mars together.
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paul ryan, i don t know what happened. i don t know. and he the other day just did a big i didn t get paul ryan. i don t know what happened. and you know, he called me three weeks ago. we couldn t have had a nicer conversation. thank you very much, donald. it s great and we ll work together. everything is fine. and then all of a sudden, he wants to be cute. i ve gotten tremendous endorsements. i didn t get it from ryan, though. that s a hard one. the meeting tomorrow, can
there be merged messages or can there be is there a possibility of two messages. the congressional gop message and nominee s message. we ve got a process we re just getting started. the last thing i m going to do is say what the end of this process will be when we re just beginning this process. welcome back to morning joe. let s bring in msnbc anchor and political correspondent and blue sweater aware steve kornacki. also the author and columnist for the new york daily news and the author of my son s favorite book. now an msnbc contributor, mike lubika. steve kornacki, the question a lot of people are asking, whose party is it? you ve been breaking down the numbers all year. whose republican party is it? a couple ever things jump out at you. what is you look at the sheer number of votes. the sheer number of votes donald trump s won in the primary. he s setting records there. the counter to that you hear from republicans is they say
he s gotten a lot of votes but hasn t gotten 50%. doesn t have a majority of this party when you add all the votes from the primaries and caucuses together. they have a point there if you add them all together. trump is just over 40%. but the thing to keep in mind if you look back to mccain and romney, when they clinched, romney was basically exactly where donald trump is right now. mccain even a notch lower, just under 40% when he clinched the nomination. they rolled up big numbers when they had no opposition. romney was able to get over 50. trump will be able to get over 50 by the time this whole process is over. it s no different on that front. there s a new poll out just this week among republicans looking at the question of paul ryan, do you approve, disapprove of his job as speaker among republicans? this is from ppp has him upside down. 40% approve. 44% disapprove.
could be just because being associated with congress these days can be poisonous. that s important to keep in mind. donald trump owns a big swautswath of the republican party right now. pretty shocky that more republicans have gotten on donald trump s side at this party part of the process than they did with john mccain in 2008. ann coulter said tuesday night this is donald trump s republican party right now. i think that s true. one other wrinkle that part of the importance and stature of paul ryan s sort of place in this cycle is that he still has the trust of donors. donors are still willing to invest in paul ryan s gop in a way they have not been willing to invest in donald trump s gop. paul ryan still stands for free and fair trade.
paul ryan still stands for comprehensive immigration reform and a less riskier portfolio, less risky investment in the gop. it may be moot during presidential election year 2016 but in the long run, i think the gop donor class which unless we have billionaire after billionaire will have a place in future republican cycles is still, i think, more convinced that paul ryan is going to be around for the long haul and paul ryan s policy agenda is the right direction for the gop. but, you know, mike, what 2016 showed more than anything, i think this year and it s shown us so much. such a revolutionary year is the great divide. and it is a massive divide between the republican base and the republican donor class. that has picked wrong and wasted billions of dollars since 2008. always siding with losing
candidates. and, yes, they love jeb bush. jeb bush didn t win a primary. they loved marco rubio next. marco won minnesota in some rules bizarre rules that nobody still understands. i mean, i think if anybody is looking for a new party it just may be the republican donor class because donald trump does not represent them. he does not represent what they believe. he does not represent what they believe or paul ryan s believe or jeb bush has believed for a quarter century. this isn t the republican party. this is the party of trump. it s the g.o.t. any relationship between what he s doing and they re doing. you talk about a disconnect. it s a huge divide. he s not running from everywhere except 57th and 5th avenue in new york city and somehow he s gone from fifth avenue to replaying his populist message to a lot of people. the way this week is going,
don t you wonder if he s going to live tweetd from this meet with ryan today? seriously. this is starting to sound like the paris peace talks when they re arguing about the size of the table. i m waiting for reporters to go, does he look happy? i think he looks happy. copy that. given the volatility of the candidate, donald trump, would anyone be surprised we ll not get the nuts and bolts of what happened today today. we re going to get arms around each other outside saying we had a nice start. nice conversation. but no one would be surprised, steve, if 24, 48 hours from now it s cryin ryan. there s a process we ve seen where these things break down in full public view where you can imagine they leave today. there s nice words exchanged about each other. maybe something gets reported in the press that an aide to ryan said this or house aide said that. trump will pick up on it and then be at a rally tomorrow and
start gnawing at him and then the next thing you know it s a public war between them. the thing that s often happens with trump, you can imagine this, right, the whole thing goes well. then trump says something in public that ryan finds object n objectionable. one of these other things that s triggered ryan to be critical in the past. then ryan speaks out being critical of trump on that policy issue and then suddenly the thing, it s a conflagration where, we had that meeting. i thought he was a nice guy. but it looks like he lied to my face. at any point it could spin out of control. one of his principal focuses has been widening the republican party. making the party more inclusive. one of the things he s harked on privately and publicly to a certain extent is donald trump s idea of exkwluding muslims from entering this country. i don t know how they get over that s. but do you really think he s not going to come out and tell a
lot about this is a guy who thinks having an unspoken thought is a felony. so i think we might find a lot out when he comes out of this meeting today. joe? of course everybody talks about the postmortems the republicans had in 2013. talked about how republicans got slaughtered among hispanics. of course, black americans voting, giving republicans maybe 5%, 6%. the most troubling for a lot of gop consultants and politicians was that republicans were even getting routed among asian americans, a group that had been for the gop in the past. the reason why? because we have become seen as an intolerant party of absolutely everyone unless you were white, conservative and lived, you know, lived in the suburbs or in the country. again for paul ryan and for the
rest of the party, this has to be the worst case scenario because instead of paul ryan wanting to expand the party, you re narrowing it and a muslim ban does that even more. explain how george w. bush would campaign in inner cities not because he thought that people in inner cities were going to vote for him but because he knew it would show he was more inclusive for suburban housewives or suburban women who were scared of the republican brand. well, i d argue george w. bush did it for both reasons. it s what he believed in and i remember being in my early 20s in california and watching this texas governor who governed with full knowledge that people who were here illegally had not committed, you know, some criminal act but they came here for a better life. george w. bush from the beginning of his career believed these things but also understood the political value of his policy set.
the single group that determines the outcome of the national election for republicans is married women. and married women have not come around on donald trump yet. and if he were to focus on a single group around a single set of issue, it s getting this group to trufts him to be their commander in chief. and what are those issues? what are those that married women care about? in 2004 they came around to george w. bush because in the wake of 9/11, they felt he d keep them safer. the group voted largely as a bloc and chose george w. bush over john kerry on issues of national security. if donald trump wants to focus in. he s more of a scatter shot candidate, but if she wanted to focus in on an issue set, focus in on national security. there s the greater potential to forge some agreement with the leader paul ryan around national security than there is around
trade and entitlement reform. if they wanted to walk out of there with a couple of issues they could work on it s paul ryan s poverty agenda and the larger gop views on national security. it s the moment before this meeting starts they re still miles apart on both issues sets. if it truly is the g.o.t., the grand old trump party, then you d say ryan has no choice but to get in line. it s an interesting conversation today. trump is talking about 2016 but ryan is thinking about 2020. and how close they can get on two differing viewpoints is going to tell the tale of whether they ll stand shoulder to shoulder but they ll not like it. joe in the first certainly have to know that you certainly have to know that paul singer, some of the biggest donors who would support paul ryan in 2020 may have second thoughts if he rushes too quickly into donald trump s arms.
steve kornacki, see you at 9:00. coming up, back to the hill talking to our correspondents scattershot all over the hill and also my good friend matt salmon on whether the republican party can afford to get behind donald trump. that s when we return. [engine revving] the all-new audi a4 is here.
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welcome back to joerng joe. let s go to capitol hill where we have the story covered. donald trump and paul ryan meeting in the next 20 minutes. kelly o donnell is on capitol hill covering how this is looking from the senate side. we ve been talking about paul ryan and the house this morning. donald trump meeting with republican senators who also have a lot to be concerned about and how this campaign turns out. we ve heard so much about
paul ryan in part because he s taken that s somewhat controversial position of not yet fully endorsing the trump nomination. that s a very different story on the senate side. why have you heard less about senators? because their strategy is different. and that in and of itself is unusual to see any break between mitch mcconnell, the leader of the republicans in the senate and paul ryan is notable. i ve talks to a lot of different aides and lawmakers and they ve seen the wrath that s been put toward paul ryan with his hesitation. they want to keep things calmer and quieter. they re batting cleanup today. their meeting will follow the private three-person meet with priebus and ryan and trump and the larger house leadership meeting. then at a very casual before lunch kind of meeting what i m sure grumbling stomachs won t have any effect on what s going on. 11:45, a group of senators, that
includes mcconnell duextends to rob portman and shelly moore and orrin hatch, the most senior member of the ghouse. they want to hear what he has to say. we ve heard him talk unity. then it s a case of watching this unfold. kelly, thank you. donald trump is now arriving on the scene. we saw several of his cars and security detail that have been around donald for a very long time. getting out of the car and ready to go inside and have a meeting with the speaker of the hour, republican paul ryan from wisconsin. and how this meeting turns out, it certainly will have a big impact on the discussion over the next couple of weeks. there s donald trump waving to fans and just those who are
curious at the trump sighting. let s bring in katy tur. wherever donald trump goes, it may not be a reality show but it certainly looks like it. crowds form and that, today, is no exception. so what does the trump team expect out of this meeting today. right now what you re looking at is a secret service agent telling fuss donald trump comes out try to stay on the sidewalk. there s not a plan if donald trump decides to come out and speak. the expectations aren t quite as high for what we have outside. we have lines of press waiting to see just what will happen inside that meeting. whether or not they ll find a way to bridge their gap, to get along but i m told by the trump folks this meeting is just so they can start to get to know each other, get face-to-face and feel each other out. they haven t had very many
meetings before this, conversations. the two men don t know each other but there s a lot of history there. donald trump in february trashed paul ryan for his entitlements. his desire to get rid of entitlements and for that wheelchair commercial back in 2012 when he was running with mitt romney. there s that to go against. also donald trump s tone which is no secret that people on capitol hill are not very happy with. remember paul ryan is from wisconsin. reince priebus is from wisconsin. that s a state donald trump did not want. as much as did not win. as much as they might want to come and try to bring him into the republican fold, he s walking in there even without wisconsin as somebody who has won the majority of the votes. he s won more votes in the primary season than mitt romney won last year. he s going to walk in there and say i ve got a mandate. this is what i think the republican party, the direction that it should go in, and you guys better get on board. so there s not really a lot of room for donald trump to cowtow
to their desires. greatly appreciate it. we ll be getting back to you after the meeting. let s go to luke russert on capitol hill. we ve talked about the senate. we ve talked about paul ryan. what s at stalk for the house gop? they have a huge majority. as you and i have seen over the past six to eight years, huge majorities can disappear overnight especially in presidential elections. what are they concerned about, the rank and file house republicans? we have some protesters out in front of the rnc already for donald trump having to do with immigration reform. regarding the house, there is some worry from party insiders that s donald trump at the top of the ticket could be a wave that could have a negative impact on their majority.
would it be enough for the 30 seats they need to take over? probably not. but i thinking an underreported story is the division within the house gop conference. yesterday at their meeting, paul ryan took some heat from some members who said we felt blindsided by you not doing a full on endorsement of donald trump. others says thank you for standing up for your convictions. and some said we don t know which direction we re going to go. so paul ryan is not only representing himself. he s representing his conference and he has to at least, i think, joe, come back to that conference and say, look. i was able to extract something from trump that he s not going to be bombastic and adhere to conservative principles. what those are, i m told ryan s big worry is the role of the executive branch versus legislatesive branch. he feels donald trump is not
respectful enough of congress, doesn t understand the mechinations of congress and wants a clarification from him that he will defer to congress and work as equal partners. so we ll see if that comes out today. i don t know that kumbaya comes out today but something ryan can make back of conference would be an accomplishment in itself. luke, that certainly would. a very good point about him representing the entire conference. the conference being divided and paul ryan no doubt getting pressure on both sides. the pro trump and anti-trump crowd. let s bring in right now a good friend of mine from arizona. he is congressman matt salmon. matt and i served together about 78 years ago. he came back, is still there. i bet he s sorry that he is. but, matt, let me ask you about donald trump and conservatism. here s somebody that has changed
positions on the minimum wage over the past week. he s changed positions on raising taxes. he never really was where most of the republican establishment is on trade. you can go down issue after issue after issue and a lot of concerns. take us into that meeting yesterday. how divided is the house republican caucus, and do you think you could ever get behind donald trump? first of all, joe, i think that there are concerns all over the spectrum. one of the biggest problems we ve had with obama is regarding the separation of powers. and the executive branch doing so many things just by fiat. in fact, we ve challenged him on numerous things. and i said one time long ago the last thing we want to do is trade their tyrant for our tyrant. we don t want to have a president that exceeds his authority. we d like a president that works with congress. there are three co-equal branches of government and
everybody wants to have a comfort level that the next president is going to abide by the constitution a lot more than this president has. so that is one concern, i think, of a lot of members. the fact that he s different from where the republican party has been on taxation and social security and medicare. recently he talks about how he d handle the debt so that he was just interested in printing more money. those are things that s aren t in concert with where a lot of us are, but i will also say that the last republican president, george w. bush, did things that i was vehemently opposed to. the medicare part b and i didn t agree with george w. bush on the leave no child behind act. i thought it was wrong. also george w. bush hiked up the deficit significantly, and i have a problem with that. i think the idea that the
republican president and the republican congress are going to have some kind of a love fest is not reality. and i think that ultimately, republicans have to stick together. so am i going to vote for trump over hillary? yeah, that s a no-brainer for me. so we know paul ryan is in the building now. i love that you put the words lovefest and reality in one sentence because the truth is our party is never a lovefest. i worked for george w. bush. whether it was social security privatization, the intraparty fights are often the worst. if you look at the polls and believe they could be true, hie he could be the next president. how do we as a party represent ourselves to the country and how do we present it as better than hillary? we still have to talk about limited government. a strong military and a strong u.s. presence in the world
today. i think we still have to talk about balancing our budget and living within our means. these are the things that conservatives can unite behind. there are things we ll nobtt be united about. let s talk about the things that unite us that i just mentioned. what s your best case scenario for what could happen here. two hours from now, three hours from now the absolute best thing you can see? we need a united party. the biggest disaster that could happen is an extension of the obama presidency, which i see hillary clinton as. i think that one of the most important issues we face in the next four years is who we re going to be the appointments to the supreme court. and i actually trust that the appointees by donald trump would be better than the ones by hillary clinton. i ultimately think the republican party needs to unite. paul, as the head of the
republican party, i think ultimately will get behind the republican nominee which appears to be trump. i think we need to move out together in a unified way in this election. to me, that would be the best outcome. you said you don t think donald trump is going to govern anything like he s campaigning. what does that mean, and why do you think that? i think that campaigning is oftenly referred to as the silly season. i met with leaders from overseas who are extremely concerned about this campaign. and i mentioned in the past a lot of candidates have campaigned one way and governed another. president obama campaigned against free trade. and then he put forward ttp and ttip, two of the most thorough and comprehensive trade deals america has ever known. so i believe that a lot of the things that trump has thrown into his campaign which is more
like reality tv than a presidential campaign. i think it s something he s tapped into. understands where the american voters are, and i believe he s going to govern far differently. i personally believe that he s going to govern probably more like bill clinton. when i say that, i don t say that with disdain. i believe more like bill clinton and that is looking for deals instead of trying to shove stuff down people s throats. matt salmon, always great to talk to you, buddy. and thanks for being on the show and providing your insight. if matt is any indication where the rest of the republican party is then paul ryan has his marching orders from his troops. bring the party together. unify republicans and prepare for the fight in the fall. that does it for us. thanks for watching morning joe. stick around. steve kornacki starts right now.
good morning. all eyes on republican national headquarters in washington, d.c. donald trump stepping out of his car just moments ago and entering rnc headquarters there inside that building. he s going to have that face to face meet with paul ryan. ryan as of this moment withholding his support from his party s presumptive nominee. i don t really know him. i met him once in person in 2012. we had a very good conversation in march on the phone. we just need to get to know each other. that ryan/trump summit is going to get under way any moment now. the republican national chairman reince priebus is also going to be in the room. and trump will be meeting later today with more top republican leaders in washington, including the number one senate republican, mitch mcconnell. and that s also on our ajgenda today.
whose republican party is this? who is the leader of the republican party today? you are the presumptive nominee. not the nominee yet and the speaker of the house paul ryan. who is the leader? well, i would say paul ryan. i would really think that s. trump last night striking an unusual conciliatory tone towards ryan in advance of the meeting today. the other item on our agend adjust a suggestion. trump last night seeming to back away from his call to temporarily ban muslims from entering the united states. have you decided whether you ll back off on the ban. i realize it was a temporary ban but with an unlimited temporary period could go on forever. sure, i d back off on it it. trump saying that was just a suggestion. that could be a potential ofive branch from trump to ryan. it s been condemned forcefully by ryan and by many other top

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160721 10:00:00

reince priebus, governor mary fal lynn and marcia blackburn. it kicks off at 7:30 eastern time. we ll be here for fox and friends first tomorrow at 4:00 a.m. eastern. fox and friends starts now live. you have nominated a man for president who never quits, who never backs down, a fighter, a winner. until now he s had to do it all by himself against all odds. but this week, with this united party, he s got backup to the unemployed voter sitting at home watching me right now wondering how you make your next mortgage payment or rent payment, my father is running for you. to the veteran tuning into his speech from his or her hospital who has been ignored or disrespected for far too long, my father is running for you.
if you want to protect the constitution of the united states, the only possible candidate this fall is the trump/pence republican ticket. we should all, even all you boys with wounded feelings and bruised egos, you must honor your pledge to support donald trump now. unlike barack obama and hillary clinton, donald trump takes seriously the threats from islamic radicals after a long and spirited primary, the time for fighting each other is over. it s time to come together and fight for a new direction for america. it s time to win in november. we deserve an immigration system that puts america first and yes, builds a wall to keep america safe. where else would an independent spirit like his find a following than in the land of the free and the home of the
brave? [ crowd chanting usa ] wow. if i had a blip of my own, this is what i could be seeing every day if i lived in cleveland. this is a live from cleveland, ohio, where it is currently 70 degrees at 6:02. there s our set. it s america s number one cable morning news show. we get set all ready for you to tell you about day three of the rnc. you know what, the cleveland plain dealer summarizes it well. up and down. the top picture, that s mike pence. we met him last night. he did a fantastic job.
the downs? the bottom picture. ted cruz. was expected at the last minute to say you know what, i m going to endorse donald trump. he did not. and that wound up with the longest sustained boos i have ever heard at a national convention. let s listen. we re fighting not for one particular candidate or one campaign, but because each of us wants to be able to tell our kids and grandkids that we did our best for their future and our country. to those listening, please don t stay home in november. stand and speak and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the constitution. let me see. i think it says here at some
point, i m going to endorse donald trump for president. vote your conscience. that s code for cruz. he s saying vote your conscience. i m really the guy. it was one of the most selfish speeches you will ever see at a convention. people were upset about governor christie for not mentioning romney four years ago enough at a keynote speech. that was heaven compared to a ted cruz, what he did. the question is, ainsley, how did this happen? if you watch the speech, he said don t stay home. go out and vote. speaking to the people who maybe were in favor of him originally saying they were going to stay home. the crowd went crazy when he said that. towards the end, as it was winding down, you realize he s not going to endorse him. he s getting booed. the boos starting coming. and people were shouting trump trump trump. even more brilliant stage craft, donald trump got the speech, so he knew he s going to enter into the arena right at the end of cruz s speech. he didn t know cruz was going to
get booed or not. but he knew he would pop up in the back of cruz at that very time and thwart any type of flourish at the end of the speech. he knew he wasn t going to be endorse. he comes out of the box with his family where he was sitting with his family. there he is, he waves to the crowd, collapse his hands. the crowd turns around and put their back toward cruz, you re right and supported donald trump. what we need to point out, ted cruz did congratulate donald trump at the very beginning for winning the nomination the night before. but that was it. everybody had assumed that there would be an endorsement. we got the script early and according to james rosen, a deal was struck. this was the deal where cruz would agree a apparently, there was going to be a unanimous consent, a pennsylvania delegation, they could make it so they could go back to new york which would put his name, trump s name in
nomination by his children. we wanted that whole moment of the family thing. dad, you got the nomination. what they did is said we ll do that. they did not vigorously vet the speech and then as it turns out, he did not say what everybody expected him to say. the fallout is amazing. so many people are saying, it was political suicide. what happened next? this was the brilliant part of the stage craft. after ted cruz, donald trump says you know what, let s put newt gingrich in there just in case we have to clean up. well, he did. and clean up was the duty for newt gingrich on aisle one. i think you misunderstood one paragraph that ted cruz, who is a superb orator said. he said you can vote for your conscience for anyone who will uphold the constitution.
in this election, there is only one candidate who will uphold the constitution. so to paraphrase ted cruz, if you want to protect the constitution of the united states, the only possible candidate this fall is the trump/pence republican ticket. so newt is trying to save the day after cruz tried to crash the convention. by the way, if anybody if we can have that train leave an hour later after we leave, it would certainly help. he s trying to crash the convention. newt is trying to bring it back. it is an electric night. was he successful? i don t think so. a for effort though. we were not that surprised by the fact that cruz went off script because we found out on the show that cruz s script, speech had not been submitted to the cruz camp and might not be submitted because we asked newt
as he sat over there, remember basically would say, look, i m an adult and i m going to do my thing and work with you guys. he s a very smart guy. cruz understands that he s very young by presidential standards he has a long future ahead of him. this is part of his re-entry. i don t think he s coming here to be a bad guy. but he did come to be a bad guy and he did crash a lot of people are not happy with him. people are not happy with him, brian. donald trump, of course, tweeted about it. this is what he wrote last night. he said, wow, ted cruz got booed off the stage, didn t honor the pledge. i saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. no big deal. i think donald trump was doing the right thing. he knew that, look, ted cruz was donald trump s best friend for half the campaign until that three quarters of the way in
where lying ted. where that happened. he wanted to be reunited. he wanted the first runner-up to say nice things about him. ted cruz has ted cruz on the mind nor 20/20. they put newt on after. ultimately, you end up with the headlines, the ups and downs. the down was ted cruz. the up was america got to meet mike pence. he was great. after the last week or so said why did he pick this guy? they ve got so many different views. what mike pence did very effectively, what he reassured conservatives and republicans, look i m a red republican. as red as they get. but i will absolutely i can absolutely do a meld with everything donald trump wants and stands for and here he was last night explaining why donald trump should be the next president of the united states. he s a man known for a large
personality, a colorful style and lots of charisma. i guess he was just looking for some balance on the ticket. donald trump gets it. he s the genuine article. he s a doer in a game usually reserved for talkers. when donald trump does his talking, he doesn t tiptoe around the thousand new rules of political correctness. he s his own man. distinctly american. and where else would an independent spirit like his find a following that, in the land of the free and the home of the brave. [ crowd chanting usa ] right out of the gate he said, brian, this. for those of you who don t know me, which is most of you. then he talked about his son being a marine, he has two daughters. he said even better than that night was the day he married his
wife 31 years ago. mike pence is going to be with us about an hour from now. 7:00 top of the hour. right here live on fox and friends. conservative, composed. i think he wanted to be there. i think legitimately thrilled to be teamed with donald trump. i think that s important. i think he really did, to your point, brian, lowered the blood pressure of a lod of conservatives who worried about who is this guy? got a look at him last night. christian conservative republican in that order. he was bragging about mike pence. you have a little bragging to do. for all of us, we got to sit down with ivanka trump like you have never seen her before. what does trump s daughter say to her dad when they disagree? my hit-down with sit down with ivanka coming up. lee carter has new dials from overnight and she joins us live from cleveland, ohio.
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you can use whipped topping made .but real joyful moments.. are shared over the real cream in reddi-wip. reddi-wip. share the joy. night three in cleveland made for very big names. powerful words, memorable
moments. as some of trump s biggest supporters and rivals took to the stage. what do the voters think when they watched? lee carter puts some of the biggest moments to the test and once again on the windy stage joins us. let s begin with eric trump. personal opinion. composed. he talked about his dad, what he witnessed and talked about what america will get if they hire him. that s right. so let s take a look at the one sound bite that you chose. vote for the candidate who can t be bought, sold, purchased, bribed, coerced, intimidated for veered from the path that s right and just and true. quite frankly, friends, vote for the one candidate who does not need this job. and i thought it was interesting, getting good at
this watching you, the independents. the independents are, it s great to see that the independents are going along with the republicans and they love this message. eric trump, all of the trump children have been amazing surrogates to donald trump. they re so poised and articulate. an amazing job by eric trump. i don t know if every network split the screen with donald trump. i thought it was fascinating to see a father looking at his son on the stage talking about him. you could see the pride in his face. he hides his emotions well. i can see it come through. yes. you know what ted cruz did, turned the tables over. here he is talking about voting republican, not to anyone in particular. watch. if you love our country and love your children as much as i know that you do, stand and speak and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the constitution.
so. let s get the grades. you can see republicans and independents, republicans get a b minus. independents and democrats a c. it s more important what he didn t say than what he did. people felt he was a spoiled sport. if he was going to deliver the invitation, he should have delivered more. they re at a pep rally and booed one of the speakers there. they re there to unite. it didn t happen. newt comes out and tries to heal. let s watch. ted cruz said, you can vote your conscience for anyone who will uphold the constitution. in this election, there is only one candidate who will uphold the constitution.
so to paraphrase ted cruz, if you want to protect the constitution of the united states, the only possible candidate this fall is the trump/pence republican ticket. and was it a save made? according to republicans, it was a save made. it was an a. independents less so. a b. democrats didn t buy it at all. the thing was, it was purely ad libbed and he was really trying to do damage control there. i think he did a really good job. but you know who didn t, ted cruz. the question is, did he destroy his career or help his career? is he betting on donald trump imploding doing walter mondale-like and he s the guy that stood up to the bully. that s what he s hoping for. the voters thought it was classless. we re going to have you back. please don t go anywhere. meanwhile, straight ahead, donald trump s running mate
should be sweeping the headlines, but ted cruz so far stealing the thunder. but it still would work in donald trump s favor. tucker is fired up about this. he s in the green room. he s in with heather and pete heg stat right now. what are they talking about? we ll never know. what advice does ivanka trump have for his father as he marches towards november. ainsley earhardt who i know personally sits down with ivanka one-on-one next. she spent summer binge-watching. soon, she ll be binge-studying. get back to great. now get a swiss gear backpack for only $10.
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good morning. it s 24 minutes after the hour. welcome back from cleveland. i have a couple of headlines to bring you right now. starting with a fox news alert. moments ago police lifting a lockdown after a gunman armed with a rifle reportedly opened fire on officers in columbus, ohio. the gunfire never hit anyone, but it put that city on edge for hours and hours overnight. columbus is the largest city in ohio. just two hours away from the republican national convention in cleveland. another alert to bring you right now. russia s track and field team banned from the 2016 olympic games over the doping scandal. 68 athletes filing an appeal to lift a previous ban. they have just been denied that. the olympics committee is deciding whether any russia teams will be able to compete in the olympic games. a travel alert to bring you right now. major delays for southwest airlines this morning after a computer outage takes place,
agents are having to hand write tickets. imagine that. people waiting in check-in lines for more than an hour now. that outage is delaying more than 600 flights. well it did yesterday, in fact. no word on when that airline will be back on track. those are your headlines from inside. let s head back outside to see and ainsley. all right. thank you very much, heather. here in cleveland, 70 degrees. going to be a beautiful day. meanwhile, he s a mother of three, a powerful executive and a trusted adviser to her father. so how does ivanka trump s dealing with family and the demand of her father s presidential campaign. ainsley earhardt soot down with donald s oldest daughter. is this true? it is true. ivanka will be front and center for the main event. she s going to be speaking tonight. we asked her about that. accepting the presidential nomination. a lot led up to this very
moment. take a look. you re speaking tonight. what is your message? really, i just think it s an unbelievable opportunity for me to be able to present to this country my father as i know him both in the capacity as a great personal mentor to me and an amazing father. when he s doing something you disagree with or you think is wrong, how do you tell him? is it hard? we just tell him. we re very candid as well. that s one of the great innings about having such a close relationship. we speak candidly to one another. we offer our opinions to each other. solicited or otherwise. we do so privately. so we share our thoughts and feelings with him. he s incredibly respectful. so more often than not we agree. when we disagree, he hears us out and ultimately draws some conclusions. i know you respect him a great deal. growing up, i ve heard there were a lot of rules. no alcohol, no drugs, no
tattoos. is that one of the rules? no tattoos. no piercings outside of the ears. there were a lot of rules. but he was i think more than anything, he really tried to lead us by example. he was a disciplinarian, but i could get around it most often. once in a while i d find my way through. i loved when your brother spoke and he said, you guys being billionaires growing up, you re just as comfortable behind a caterpillar tractor as you are behind the wheel of our car. were you a tractor girl or were you like me, the pink barbie jeep? i was that combination. i was a tractor girl wearing a pink dress. i was somewhere in the middle. he taught me so many lessons. i think for me when i think back, it was really about his acceptability. he was working incredibly hard.
building multibillion dollar global business, yet he was always available to me and my siblings when we needed him. i used to call him collect from the pay phone in a janitor closet at school every day, and i would call him at recess and every single day i still actually in retrospect, it s funny i was calling collect as opposed to putting a quarter in the pay phone. but i was a little kid, probably 10, 11, 12. i would call every single day from that closet and he would pick up the phone and put me on speaker phone. it didn t matter what meeting he was in. he d have heads of state in his office, titans of industry and he d ask me about a test i had taken or a class that really excited and inspired me. and he d make everyone else wait. you know, now i look back and i say, wow, my calls probably didn t come at the most opportune times always. but i really appreciated the fact that he was always there.
what s your advice to your father? he has to be himself. the donald trump i know is both incredibly capable, driven and strong, but also tremendously warm and caring and loyal and empathetic. so it s really both sides of his personality that i think have made him such a great parent and effective businessman. and ultimately, it will make him a great president. she then went on to say after the interview that she was walking down street with her daughter and her daughter saw a pothole in the road. she said mommy, granddaddy would not like that. grandfather does not like cracks or potholes. make america smooth again. exactly: you know what great interview. something i did not realize until now, brian. growing up, ainsley was a pink barbie jeep girl. i had no idea. at least we know that. you remember the one you
charged it and my daughter mary had it. my best friend had it. i loved to go to her house. excellent interview. more later. meanwhile, senator ted cruz gets booed right off the stage last night. but do you know who never gets booed? tucker carlson. right now he s on a bike. go ahead. protesters showing a disgusting display outside the rnc. burning the american flag. he got in the middle of all of that to ask why are you doing that? he is proud to hold up that flag. fight for it, too. he did. wait until you hear what the protesters were telling him. where did you get a bike?
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this is the only way to get anywhere here in cleveland. to begin side and outside. in a fashion for live television. we ve rented bikes. why did we wait until day four to rein the bikes? guess what the deal is? the uber guy didn t show up. we get $60 a day for food. we said, listen, can we take five of those dollars and put it towards a bike? do you really get the thank the bike sharing program. beautiful bikes. absolutely. you re the best. come on, tucker. i thought i was the best. tucker, did you get any sleep? i got an hour. i saw you late last night on fox. no kidding. tucker let s start with the big story everybody is talking about. that s ted cruz. everybody expected him, even
though people said look we haven t looked at his speech. we assume he s going to support or endorse donald trump. he did not. instead, he said folks vote your conscience. did you miss that? here it is. to those listening, please don t stay home in november. stand and speak and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the constitution. so you were there. you had got to comment right after. when did the crowd begin to turn? it was shocking, actually. i ve been to every convention since 96. never seen anything like that. the lack of statement by cruz was in fact a statement against donald trump. the crowd perceived it immediately. it was really a moment. i have to say, you know, i think you can make a legitimate
conservative case against trump, many have. the question is, was cruz doing that? or was this a form of careerism? was this setting the stage for his own run for president again in 2020? i think most people in the room concluded it was the latter. sure. he was doing this for himself not for conservative ideals. do you he knew about the speech two hours before. i thought it was a good move. now that he s on the ticket, everyone is waiting for the number two guy to speak. if you pull the rug out from under him let me be clear. this is something cruz did, not trump. i thought it was bad form and politically suicidal. i don t think cruz will be giving big speeches in fronts much republicans ever. however, this overshadowed everything else last night. the trump people, i was shocked to learn last night around midnight, saw the speech and now trump confirmed it, before cruz gave it. why would you allow ted cruz to high sdwrjack your night?
it s a little rude. we were trying to come up with an analogy. like another girl showing up to a wedding with a white dress. that wasn t my analogy for the record. that was mine. yours was a sports analogy i didn t understand. was it is it a slap in the face? of course. there are plenty of conservatives who disagree with trump. they aren t here. they stayed home. john kasich. exactly right. i think a lot of them are principled people and i like them. but to show up at trump s convention and do this to him. i m not defending trump. i m saying it s totally out of the ordinary. for trump to allow this to happen was a miscalculation. they called it a classless senator. they saw the speech. the rnc. i know. senator cruz tried to destroy the republican party like he tried to destroy the republican caucus and chris christie said it was an awful, selfish speech, not a man of his word. cruz is someone, as you well know who has very few friends
among other politicians. mike huckabee issued a statement that was singing. they already don t like him and this confirmed what they didn t like about him. a lot of conservatives realized we don t like ted cruz after that. but we do like mike pence. i think so. i think we ve got a sound bite. let s listen. hillary clinton wants a better title and i would too if i was already america s secretary of the status quo. we can choose a leader. we ll fight every day to make america great again. it s change versus status quo. and my fellow republicans, when donald trump becomes president of the united states of america, the change will be huge. so mike pence he was able to show folks out there in tv land and assembled as well, that he s the old style
conservative. he gets along fine with donald trump and his new fang willed ideas. exactly. he s a completely different flavor of ice cream than trump. of course, pence is an evangelical. trump is of course, not. for the first time, my wif fo the first time in my life, the designated brawler. the vp is the con sill a tore. it s a amazing. the front page of the new york times has a donald trump interview where it says he has a new world view when it comes to our role. pulling back out of nato. he says we ll pull back for the bases. too expensive. saying i wouldn t necessarily defend other countries that are a part of the 28 nations. that s not what mike pence thinks. going on to say we don t have a right to lecture erdogan in turkey. i think trump has the best
thematic message of any candidate i ve ever seen, ever. the middle class is dying and i m going to save them. the problem is his campaign and he and it tend to get in the way of it. he s not going to say anything tonight why would you give this interview. i think it s a distraction. tucker, you come up here on a bicycle. yes. we re going to have governor pence on the show in just a few minutes. in the next hour actually. he s coming up in the motorcade. i understand they re dropping off him here at the edge of the stage. better than a bike. we should move the bikes. the word is he s doing one interview and it s us. he s coming off a great speech last night. come back in a little while. i ll be here. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. heather joins us from inside the convention center with the headlines. head they are? good morning to all of you. the liberal filmmaker, michael moore, he s making bold
predictions about the race for the white house this year. listen to this. i m sorry to have to kind of be the buzz kill here early on. but i think trump is going to win. i m sorry. wow. well, on real time with bill maher, moore making it clear that he doesn t support donald trump but he believes that trump will win the midwest. including wisconsin and ohio. a young air force lieutenant fighting isis overseas has been found dead in her bedroom. 25-year-old first lieutenant was living in abu dhabi. he was stationed there. the circumstances behind her death are unclear at this hour. an investigation is under way. those who knew her describe her as, quote, god fearing, deeply devoted to serving others and her country. she was supposed to come home to the united states next month.
we are praying for her family this morning. and we have another alert to bring you right now. ainsley will handle that one. those are the headlines. gang, back outside to you. here is our fox news alert. there is governor pence arriving here to fox and friends. there s the motorcade. how cool is this. totally changed over the last few weeks, right? but he s going to do what we do every morning. go through the metal detector and the same security each though he could be the number two most powerful person in the world within three or four months. if you are watching fox newschannel yesterday, in the afternoon, it was just right over our shoulders that donald trump flew in, in his helicopter. he had landed the 757 about a half a mile away over at lakeside airport. then choppered over. flew around the rock n roll hall of fame where i was taking a tour and electrified the crowd. steve, he also went in front of ted cruz s speech. i know. cruz was talking.
you see the trump chopper come by. it was intentional. maybe he had a chance to see the speech. anyway, the motorcade has arrived. governor mike pence will be with us in a little while. there he is chatting with tucker. indeed. great. they are buddies. we ll ask him what he thought about ted cruz not endorsing last night. i think i have a pretty good idea. i was a little surprised that he didn t. he and governor pence are good friends. governor pence had endorsed ted cruz. i thought ted cruz would get on the stage and say list putting it behind me. i support my friend. this is the headline of the plain dealer here today in cleveland. the ups and downs. you got the up. here s mike pence. but the down, ted cruz, who everybody expected would at the 11th hour endorse donald trump. i will talk to him about it. mike pence was introduced by paul ryan which was important. coming up straight ahead it s 6:43. there goes the freight train
behind us. burning the american flag. this man got in the middle of it and wait until you hear what they had to say. what can we expect from the grand finale of the rnc. peter doocy is live under the big top right now. nexium 24 hour introduces new, easy-to-swallow tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people. to experience. complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here.
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it s here, but it s going by fast. the opportunity of the year is back: the mercedes-benz summer event. get to your dealer today for incredible once-a-season offers, and start firing up those grilles. lease the c300 for $379 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. we re hours away from the grand finale. donald trump is going to be taking the stage at the quicken loans arena tonight to officially accept the republican s nomination for president. the theme, make america one again. peter doocy is inside the q with the latest. pete? reporter: one of the first things we noticed when we got here at the beginning of the
week is all the balloons ready to go. they re still up there. 125,000 red, white and blue balloons in the rafters. they re getting ready to rain down on delegates and dignitaries. that will be the clip you see more than anything tomorrow on the newscast. the main event tonight will be donald trump accepting the nomination for president. that s what all the primaries and caucuses led up to. the second highest profile speaker will be ivanka trump. she will introduce her dad. others on the list today, you ve got oklahoma governor mary fallin. jerry falwell, jr. peter teal, the venture capitalist and the rnc chairman, reince priebus. something that s interesting. we got here before they cleaned u this is where the trump family will sit. we think they re the only family of a nominee with their own water. found this on the seat from last night. back to you. that s funny. peter doocy, cleaning up the q
this morning. peter, thank you. good to see you. protesters showing a disgusting display outside the rnc yesterday. pete hegseth got in the middle of it and asked what are you doing and what they had to say to pete. offers free cancellations, so you re free to decide if the trip you re on. hahahahahaha! .isn t really the trip you want to be on. hahahaha. hahaha. [mountain woman and key laughing together]
more than a dozen arrests in cleveland during the first violent protests outside the rnc. among those protesters lighting
the american flag on fire. what were theying? pete hegseth was in the middle of the action. he joins us live. we wanted to find out what remote explanation they had, and we got in the middle of it. why were they burning the flag that so many men and women fought to protect? check it out. one, two, three, four reporter: it started with one guy, they started a small circle, probably a dozen people in black t-shirts chanting five, six, seven, eight. reporter: and they started to pull out a flag and started to try to light it which is why there s a safety reason you have to expand the perimeter or else you ll light the whole crowd on fire. why do you think you should burn a flag? nothing? silence? america was never great! reporter: this is an unlawful protest. god bless our police officers.
we re going to move back because we like the cops here. so we ll move back and let them do their work but we ll keep asking questions. i appreciate your service, but why do you hate america? if you served in afghanistan, why do you hate america? nothing? apparently, an afghanistan veteran i ll take him at his word, he won t answer the questions. he hates america. he fought to defend it, i fought to defend it. now he s here because he hates it. revolution, amazing. wow. why do you hate this flag? i thought so. tell me why you hate this flag? tell me to my face why you hate this flag. [ bleep ] you and america. do you hate america? do i hate america? yes. what other country would you like to go to where you wouldn t have the right to protest just like this? another country? yeah. i want to make this country great america. yet you hate this country. because it has yet to be great. so it s yet to be great, you
hate this country, but you don t want to go to another country? why would i go anywhere else? why would he go anywhere else when he can go on the greatest country on earth, where he cops are claims are killers protect him. never been in a situation where i felt that i needed to leave. because you re one of the most privileged people in america. do you understand that when the police when the police protect everybody and they maintain the rule of law, it keeps you safe, even if they re not standing right next to you? have you ever thought about that? i m generally privileged and i recognize that. but not nearly as much as a lot of the people out here. you re going to say me, right? well, it goes without saying right? well, there you have it. most of the protesters had no coherent reason as to why they were there and were totally ungrateful and didn t understand or appreciate the irony of these police that were protecting them. there was one other flag destroyed that day later on by another protester who attempted
to burn it. she was arrested thereafter. the one lighting it lit themselves as well, which i say hey. were you fearful for your life? no, i thought i d get punched, but i love our cops, what they did. they secured the scene. secured the flag. because these were unlawful protests. then they had the operating procedure to clear it out so people could get to the convention. breaks any heart. they have no rationale. you challenge them, they freak out. why are they here if they don t like this country? to get on tv. it was a huge night for trump s new running mate, governor pence. and tonight will be even bigger. you saw his motorcade rolling up to the set, steve. you know what? the governor going to join us live on the other side of a quick time-out. brian, escort him up. think fixing your windshield is a big hassle?
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whe gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so you know what he gives? i ll give you everything i ve got and then some. he gives a hundred and ten percent! i m confident this 10% can boost your market share. feel me lois?
i m feeling you. boom! look at that pie chart. the ready for you alert, only at now donald trump gets it. he s the genuine article. he s a doer in a game usually reserved for talkers. and when donald trump does his talking he doesn t tiptoe around a thousand new rules of political correctness. [ cheers and applause ] he s his own man. distinctly american. where else would an independent spirit like his find a following than in the land of the free and the home of the brave? [ cheers and applause ]
go big or go home well that has to be the perfect song for this very moment because the way that the republicans feel right now, if they don t go big they might as well go home because they re facing a formidable foe on the left, ready to queue up their big party. right now it s about the republican national convention. we have the new vice president presidential nominee with donald trump, governor mike pence with us this morning. good morning. thanks so much for joining us. great to be with you, thank you. what has it been like since friday when it was announced that you were the guy? well, it s just been very humbling for me and my family. you know, as i said, you know, i m the grandson of an irish immigrant who came to this country, came through ellis
island. my grandfather drove a bus for 40 years and my mom was raised in chicago, illinois. and my parents, you know, ran a gas station business in a small town. for me to be in that moment w was was just very humbling and meaningful. we just couldn t be more grateful for the confidence that donald trump and now that the republican delegates have placed in us and in our family. have you said to yourself why me? i have. you know, we re really blessed in this party with a lot of extremely talented men and women. and any one of which i think could have come alongside this nominee and helped him carry his message across the country. but we re determined as a family to do our best. to carry the message that i truly do believe this good man will be a great president of the united states. we ll work our hearts out between now and election day to tell that story. governor, ted cruz took the stage last night and everyone was wondering would he endorse?
donald trump said he saw the speech two hours before and let him go up and talk. he s your friend. you endorsed him. were you surprised and what was your reaction when he didn t endorse? well, i was glad he came. i was glad that marco rubio spoke up and gave an outstanding presentation by video and scott walker did a fantastic speech and chris christie the day before. i think what you re seeing is a party that s coming together. there s always going to be differences and nuances in the way that people express that. but what i sensed in that hall the last several days and especially last night is the republican party that s coming together around the stakes of this election and the choice of this election and i think you re going to see that more and more in the days ahead. were you shocked as evangelical, i know he s conservative. he s been very vocal about his faith. you all are friends. i was a little shocked personally because i thought he would come on stage just to honor you and i say i support this ticket and he didn t do that. well, i didn t hear all of ted s speech.
i did hear him congratulate donald trump. he got that out of the way right at the beginning. well, on winning a hard fought campaign. look, these this is a tough and challenging primary. tough competitors. i have been through a few tough elections myself and i know the feelings can be strong. i was grateful that he came and that he congratulated our nominee. i m absolutely confident that in the days ahead you re going to continue to see this party come together and present the choice to the american people. you re used to being in front of people. you re an impactful congressman and you re the governor of the state and if anyone can command the spotlight it was you. i haven t found anyone on any channel that didn t he so. but however the subject is changing can today. it s about donald trump and his speech. before he did that he gave an interview to the new york times and he did some things that if i look at your career that you would not agree with.
he talked about when it comes to russia, threatening activities. he says if they want to enter the baltic states he will decide then if he will fulfill his obligation as president of the country and defend the baltic states against russia. he went on to say that in our country, we have no right to lecture others on the way they do things. how are we going to lecture people when people are shooting police in cold blood and he backed erdogan, and the fundamentalist principles he s putting into turkey. that s not what you think, mike pence. well, i m confident that donald trump will stand by our allies and stop apologizing to our enemies. but i think, you know, haven t seen the exact context of his words there, brian, but i think trump s position with regard to our allies and with regard to treaty obligations and nato is that it s time for our allies to
begin to pay their fair share. it s time for people to begin step up. now all of us with the aggressive actions by russia in recent years are disappointed and frustrated with by the president backing down. with this administration. but what i hear in that comment and in what i have heard from donald trump in our conversations is we re going to stand strongly for our allies. i think the statements about turkey reflect that same principle. but at the same time, we re going to begin to say to allies around the world that the time has come for them and for their citizens to begin to carry the financial cost of these international obligations. what do you say to you notice we re next to a freight train track? yeah. we re going to move the train in four years if they come back to cleveland. what do you say to the 27 nato nations if they say, oh, my goodness, the superpower doesn t have our backs? well, it s been a mutual
defense alliance and i have every confidence that trump will stand by the allies and lives up to the treaty obligation. that being said, i think he makes an enormously important point that i think resonates with millions of americans that at a time where we have $19 trillion in national debt, that we need to begin to look to our allies around the world to step up and pay their fair share. sure. no secret that you and donald trump are not in lock step on some issues but then at the same time when we listened to you last night a couple of blocks from where we re sitting it was very clear that while you are for the most part the old fashioned conservative kind of guy your approach completely eases perfectly with donald trump s bold new direction on where he wants to take the country. i believe it does. we just gotten to know each other in the last few weeks. we ve spent a considerable amount of time together. and i m supporting donald trump because i think he s got the
right style of leadership, that strong american leadership. but i think it s distinctly american. but i think he s got a vision for this country to get this any moving again. to restore america s standing in the world and to make sure that we have a kind of appointments to the supreme court of the united states that will respect our most cherished liberties. you have to hand it to donald trump. while it was a bruising campaign, you know, ted cruz is exhibit a of that he wound up with more votes in the primary than any republican has in history and he s said over the last month or so it s not just a campaign, but a movement. as we travel around the country it kind of feels like it. it is a movement. it is a movement. 37 states and, you know, i believe in the collective wisdom of the american people. the american people throughout our history have always known that from time to time who the right person was in the right moment. and i think donald trump is the right man at the right time. to make america great again to
make us strong at home and i broad and i believe that the competitive process we passed thousand has produced the right passed through has produced the right nominee and i stand shoulder to shoulder with him. what is something that maybe we don t know about you that you d like to share? last night you said for those of you who don t know me which is most of you, you talk about your son being a marine. is that right? that s right. you ve been married to your wife for 31 years. even though last night was one of the highlights of your life it doesn t compare to the night you married your wife. what else would you like us to know about you? i m a conservative, but i m not a bad mood about it. you know? really and truly as i said, i got involved in politics very early on. i was involved in the democratic party in my hometown but when i
began to hear the voice of ronald reagan, his ideals, i heard in him the american ideals that my father raised me to believe in. my grandfather came to this country to share and to live in and that journey for me throughout my life has been animated by those ideals and those principles and, you know, in a time when you know, when there was a lot of contention and division, people who know me well know that like abraham lincoln said, he said take your job seriously, but don t take yourself in your job too seriously. that s a pretty good description of me. governor, as you look at the map you know that republicans have their backs against the wall of late, with changing demographics. if you looked a at the last two presidential cycles. by clearly naming you, trump helps his strategy of getting the rust belt.
what s your message to michigan and pennsylvania and how can you take that red? let me talk about the rust belt look at ohio for example. coming back big time. that s right. you have ohio coming back and you have more hoosiers working than ever before. you have the great leadership in wisconsin, with scott walker. bruce rauner is in the fight to turn illinois around. we have a great republican government now in kentucky. yet, the president president obama keeps carrying it. carried those states twice. i think times are changing. i think you have 31 republican governors across this country who are demonstrating that you can balance budgets, lower taxes, make the right investments in education and roads and even health care and you can create a growing economy. i think the republican governors around the country transforming those areas. i expect voters to reflect that this fall. this is really it seems they say it every election cycle. this is a clear choice, when its comes to the choice you have the businessman and the guy from indiana. then you ve got the career politician and somebody to be
named later, but obviously they are insiders and trump for the most part an outsider. with you. that s right. that s right. i tried to frame that last night. that, you know, if the other party was trying to offer someone who is the exact opposite of what the american people are crying out for, crying fourth change, crying out for someone new, crying out for some way to change the direction of the status quo they couldn t have done a getter job. no question to be around donald trump and to know him, to know his family, to have a sense of the enthusiasm and the vision and to know his long and successful career is to you know, this is a man who gets things done. he s an outsider and i believe he s going to bring real change to washington, d.c. working with republican majorities in the house and the senate, i really think we ll turn have you played golf with him? i did play golf with him. who won? did you let him win? i can confirm i did not let him win. [ laughter ]
i hit a few good shots which is a good description. but you did lose? i did lose. apparently but i had fun. all right. thank you and congratulations on being the choice. thank you, it s an honor. who s your nominee? this guy right here. very nice. and don t forget, donald trump speaks tonight. so try to get over to the convention center if you re not doing anything. do we have to validate the parking for all the secret service? yes, you do. it would help. more secret service than when you re governor? he said, oh, yeah, a lot more. thank you. all right, meanwhile governor pence was the star last night, but who else is making headlines? we have your backstage pass to the speeches with the all-star lineup. karl rove, they re coming in, joe trippi, john roberts. coming over to say hello to governor pence. how you doing? i m mary ellen,
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well, we just talked to the new vice presidential nominee on the republican side. governor mike pence. he s not the only one making headlines from the rnc. fox news senior national correspondent john roberts is here with the rest of the highlights from last night. hey, john. reporter: good morning to you. of course a highlight or a lowlight as some are calling it is what happened with ted cruz. now, the trump campaign knew this was going to happen because we all are on the same e-mail chain. we got an advanced copy of the speech at 7:00 and they informed that ted cruz would not endorse donald trump. he ll give a message of support, but a lot of people are saying that the trump campaign knew this was going to happen and they gave ted cruz enough rope to hang himself with. listen to the reaction in the room last night when he did not endorse donald trump. to unite the country by
standing together for shared values, by standing for liberty. god bless each and every one of you and god bless the united states of america. reporter: so resounding boos wow. reporter: resounding boos throughout the quicken loans arena and you saw donald trump just walking into the box. i mean, they orchestrated this thing perfectly. they knew what ted cruz was going to do. at the very end, donald trump is up there. everybody turns their back on cruz to say hi to donald trump and then they knew that they were going to have to clean this up a little bit. so they sent out newt gingrich and of course they had other statements of support last night. ted cruz said you can vote your conscience for anyone who will uphold the constitution. in this election, there is only one candidate who will uphold the constitution. after a long and spirited primary, the time for fighting each other is over.
it s time to together together and fight for a new direction for america. it s time for a president with common sense. it s time for a president who understands the art of a deal and appreciates the value of a dollar. our tax dollars. it s time for the president who has always been the one to sign the front of a check, not the back. reporter: as the vice presidential running mate s mode motorcade is departing, i thought eric trump articulated why his father got in the race and why people should support donald trump. as to what the upshot of cruz is, is he keeping his powder dry until 2020 if donald trump flames out? in november that could be part of it, but people all think he put a nail in his political
coffin. absolutely. reporter: he went up to sheldon adelson s suite last night, he was turned away at the door. wow! looking ahead to tonight, donald trump has to give a speech that brings the party together. he s got to have a vision of something bigger than himself. we ll be watching. they re back here, we ll talk to them after the break.
good morning and welcome back to cleveland. we start with a fox news alert right now. there is a desperate search under way at this hour for a teenage girl who vanished while she was on a family vacation. 14-year-old caitlyn barlow was last seen at a cabin in washington state walking barefoot outside in her pajamas. her family believes she may have been kidnapped. any information, please call the
police. russia s track and field team banned from the 2016 olympic games over the doping scandal. 68 athletes now filing an appeal to lift a previous ban and that s now been denied. right now the olympic committee is deciding whether or not any russian teams will be allowed to compete. and a travel alert to bring you. a major delay for southwest airlines and the passengers this morning. after a computer outage. agents are now having to hand write all of those tickets. people are waiting in lines for more than an hour. that outage delaying more than 600 flights yesterday. no word on when they will be back on track. let s head back outside to steve, brian and ainsley. see you soon. all right. it s going to be just me, heather. i don t know where the other two went. and speakers take the stage with no shortage of big moments. what does donald trump have to say tonight to make the
convention a ringing success? we have contributors and great friends of mine the former chief of staff to george w. bush karl rove and joe trippi. first off, your highlight, karl, i thought it was i thought it was pence s speech. we look for one moment. if you want to pick one moment i liked when he started to talk about his son because it was clearly an emotional moment for him. a marine. a marine. but i think you need to look at the speeches not only in terms of the sound bite but what s the general impress, and pence s speech left common sense, down to earth midwestern, a great man with values. laura ingraham, she has three adopted kids and the conservative issues she she cares about. i agree with karl, pence s
speech, it was a good moment. unscripted months are often moments are often the most noted moments and ted cruz did what i predicted he would do. when clint eastwood said i don t need a script, mitt romney talked to the chair, and ted cruz ended up in boos. he kind of tried to endorse himself. yeah. we have seen this twice before. 1980, ted kennedy talking about the past with his speech and the dream will go on. 1976, ronald reagan talking about the future. and one on the key differences was ronald reagan generously and graciously supported the man who had just vanquished him, gerald ford. he had a future. but i think ted cruz did damage. a lot of damage? a lot of damage. you said he s not going to do it. as a democrat, it was my favorite moment. no kidding! i mean, it was unscripted but the what they the crowd reacted and the way that and the way that donald trump appeared at the end, it seemed to take the spotlight back.
every speech of the convention gets looked at by the managers that s happened here except for one speech cruz s. cruz never offered it. cruz went on so long, it did push pence probably one of the best moments of the convention further into the night. the hillary clinton conviction is complete. the indictment is done. how does donald trump sell himself tonight in the most important speech possible he ll make? i think he made the most important distinction i hope he s listening to you. dial down on clinton. dial down on obama. dial down on the dark and consequences of their policies of america today and dial up the optimism and belief that life will be better if he s elected president. share with us the values and give us a sense we re in this together. absolutely. he s got to broaden out they have done the job trying to get all of the folks focused on unifying around beating clinton. they have done that. he still has to broaden out to the 65, 66 million voters out
there that have to come to him and that s a positive and inspiring message. the ultimate unscripted convention. i love every second of it. i have good news for you, you have earned your greenroom free food. thanks so much joe trippi and great job, karl rove. thanks, buddy. as they ride off into the sunset, yeah, we blew our suv budget on the pence crowd. so unfortunately, we ve got to send rove and trippi out on the rent a bikes. you don t see that every day. that s so cute. that s great. look at the maze. the republican is in front. it s rove by a nose. and here comes trippi! all right. karl, joe, thank you very much. we need that from the wizard of oz! they re good sports. all right, meanwhile, on this thursday, the final day of the rnc.
day four. he backed senator ted cruz during the primaries and now 100% behind donald trump. what does phil robertson think about the new cruz controversy? he as you can see is relaxing in our greenroom before he gets on a bike and rides over here. and governor mike pence s an motorcade just left our set, getting ready to kick off the last day of the rnc. how do the voters describe trump s running mate in one word? we have a fascinating focus group, coming up next. hi, frank. for lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads here. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors offices. for deep penetrating relief at the source.
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that s how sean hannity starts his show and after the fighting that took place and the uproarious speeches that we heard, and as soon as he said hello, he took a breath and then said, i ve got to find out what the country thinks. and it s only a one stop shop when it comes to that. well, i guess you re setting up frank luntz. i couldn t i was in bed by that point. somehow, frank luntz though i think that s what you re getting at is still up on two feet. how was it last night? it was fascinating to me because on night number three they really did put hillary clinton they finished her off. they prosecuted her over the last three days in a way that i haven t seen a convention on either side since i started doing this in 1992. and in fact, we ve got some incredible sound because mike pence was one of the most
effective vice presidential nominee speeches that i have seen in a long time. let s listen to what the american people had to say in response to mike pence. your focus group. to describe mike pence tonight. strong. charismatic. very strong. credible. not phony. genuine. who did not have that reaction tonight? boring, he says the same old tire and used mantra. as a republican voter i don t want to hear that. is this a smart choice? yeah. tell me why. he s good to bring the republican party together. i think he has great balance to the ticket. and is really reaching out to people like us who are conservative. and your focus group these are all undecided voters and they re starting to move. but what s happening away from hillary clinton.
not moving as strongly to trump. if i were advising them, i would say mention her at the beginning, once at the end. you already made the case against her. chris christie, rudy giuliani, scott walker, even ted cruz. but the case for donald trump other than his kids which is very effective, and by the way, donald trump jr. is the jfk jr. of this generation. he has the potential to be a candidate. he has the potential to be his father s single best surrogate. he did so well in our dials and focus groups, but the case for donald trump has not been made yet. that s what tonight is all about and he doesn t have to talk about hillary clinton. he doesn t have to mention her. he does have to talk about what he ll do on day one, and on day 100. tell us the very first priority you have and then tell us what you ll accomplish in the first 100 days. what did your focus group think about ted cruz taking the stage and not endorsing donald trump? they loved it, you know why? the republicans in the hall
hated it. they re the hard core, i understand why. but when you re trying to win over independents, they want independent thinking. if the republicans would allow him to get up there and not do that endorsement that means they re open-minded. that means they re accountable. wow. a completely different take from a completely different set of voters. do you mind if we hear it from him? take a look what our voters had to say about ted cruz. good set-up. you liked that? yeah. who liked it? right here. virtually everybody around here. what was so positive about that? it s the principles, if ted cruz had done anything else other than that, i would think he sold out. he spent his whole life helping the conservative movement. it was party first. it was the republican national convention. does this impact your opinion of donald trump and mike pence? the fact that he didn t endorse? actually it does because newt gingrich mentioned that donald trump invited them to speak
without the promise of endorsement which tells me something about his character. a lack of endorsement makes you feel better it was honest. a good leader surrounds himself with good people and that s what donald trump did tonight. they were all home runs. yeah. a and that guy is a bernie sanders supporter. what is happening now our group is moving based on persona, not based on policy. that s what happens with undecided voters. they re not trying to figure out the issues. they want to know the character. what s interesting to me about that, i get your point about why oh, that s a good answer. but at the same time, do they know that ted cruz and for instance john kasich the governor of this state both promised to support whoever the nominee is and essentially they told the whoppers and they won t do it? yet for them, for the undecided voter the willingness to be flexible, the willingness in essence not to go along with the party because you re pressured to do it, is a good thing, not bad thing. eric was good last night.
donald jr., fantastic. anything to say about eric? donald trump jr. was a shock to the focus group. because they assumed he d follow the same old same old. they found him humbled. they found him truly decent. civil. and they were saying that the father could learn more from the son than the son would learn from the father. i never heard that before. sure. wait until ivanka tonight. frank, thank you. can i promote the shoes? very nice. we can all stand up and salute nike based on the red, white and blue. a big interview, so thanks for that. brian sat down with the ceo at the factory and he s bringing us gifts i hear. 20 minutes from now. 20 minutes now before the top of the hour. and we have a fox news alert with heather nauert. heather? hi. good morning to all of you. breaking news coming in from overseas right now. this coming out of sydney, australia. a possible attempted terror
attack taking place there not long ago. local media reporting that a man rammed a car that was filled with gas cylinders into the underground police station parking garage and that the man deliberately targeted police. he was arrested at gun point. no reports of injuries and we re monitoring this. we re bring you the latest on this breaking story. well, back here at home, a story we have covered for days now. a dangerous murder suspect on the round for five days run for five days now has been captured. dayonte resiles found hiding out in a courtroom 50 miles away from where he escaped. he jumped from a jury box in the courtroom and managed to get by the unarmed guards, break out of his handcuffs and change into regular clothes before he darted outside to freedom. he was facing the death penalty. now back behind bars. well, first it was wisconsin and now it is texas. the onslaught challenging voter i.d. laws continues today.
an appeals court now ordering changes to the quote, discriminatory law in the lonestar state. this ahead of the november election. this allows voters to show one of seven forms of i.d. before casting a ballot. a similar law in wisconsin struck down recently in time for the november election. one of nascar s greatest slamming the brakes on his retirement. jeff gordon will be filling in for dale earnhardt jr. during the brickyard 400 in indiana this weekend. and then in pennsylvania, 400 later this month. gordon retired at the end of last season, but earnhardt has been battling concussions from recent crashes. and he hasn t been cleared to drive just yet. those are your headlines, let s head back outside the steve, brian, ainsley. that s fascinating. jeff gordon out of retirement to race again? really something. heather, thank you. donald trump and hillary clinton, not exactly friends. but their daughters really are. so how does this election change
that relationship? i sat down with ivanka and that s coming up next. and he s back. senator ted cruz during the primaries, but now he s 100% behind donald trump. what does phil robertson think about the new cruz controversy? he, karl rove, pete hegseth, getting their breakfast in the greenroom. nexium 24hr is now the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. for complete protection all day and night make nexium 24hr your #1 choice.
at bp, we empower anyone to stop a job if something doesn t seem right, so everyone comes home safely. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. well, i ll tell you what, this has been a great program so far. we just had mike pence pull up with the motorcade less than an hour ago. we had a great the first interview he s done since he s been nominated for vice president. on the republican side. and ainsley last night, when it
was way past our bedtime you were talking to ivanka trump. and you have a great scoop. i asked about her relationship with chelsea clinton, because there s rumors they have been friends for a while. their husbands, both jewish men, well, they were introduced by their husbands and they have become friends. you see their picture there on the red carpet. i asked her how the relationship is going now, now that their parents are their mom and dad, are run against each other. i know you re friends with chelsea clinton. is this hard? it s certainly an unusual experience, but you know politics is not a factor in our friendship. i don t expect it to be going forward. interesting. i don t believe that. how can it possibly be? especially if they care about their parents and how much
what a role they play in their parent s careers? chelsea is running the foundation. sure. yeah. ivanka respectively is running her dad s foundation, her family s foundation. they re close in age. chelsea is 36, ivanka is 34, turning 35 very soon. and both with two kids now. yeah. but just to think this is the ultimate competition. one of the families is going to win. one of the families is going to lose. one family might want to reach out to the other family, but the other family is going to be sore. well, ivanka, she s going to be speaking tonight as we all know. curious to find out if chelsea will speak. i bet she does. really? absolutely. she s a great spokesperson and salesman for her mother. i d like to hear what she has to say. you have four days to fill, so you might as well think you can slide chelsea in there for one of them in a key address. because who knows, she might want to start a career on camera too. real quick, ivanka i think feels
as though in a way she has to outdo eric and don who were strong. she s doing to do great. she is going to introduce her dad. we ll have clips tomorrow morning. and more of your interview with ivanka coming up shortly. coming up in the next hour we ll have more one on with ivanka trump who tells me what it was like growing up trump. and one piece of advice she has for her dad. and duck dynasty s patriarch supported ted cruz in the primaries but now he s supporting donald trump. i don t know if he s if this is the first bike he s been on, but he s abandoned ship. i guess we have a fine to pay. think fixing your windshield is a big hassle?
not with safelite. this family needed their windshield replaced but they re daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. so guess what, i met them at the zoo. service that fits your schedule. that s another safelite advantage. safelite repair, safelite replace.
he is known for speaking his mind in politics and politics is no exception. the duck dynasty patriarch supported ted cruz but now he s behind trump and today to debut his new film called torchbearer phil robertson has his reaction to the convention so far. good morning, phil. good to see you all. this as close as i have ever come to politics and politicians. orrin hatch i have been watching him for year, you know, he came up and gave me a few kind words. i said, hatch, in louisiana,
kind of like you are out there in utah. we don t wait to be 20 years old until we marry them. we move at 15 or 16. i m sure that was an interesting conversation you didn t expect to have. yeah. he said we don t wait until they get to 20 either. [ laughter ] so me and hatch, we bonded. usually people talk about the buffet and the weather you had a different kind of a conversation. that s it. let s talk about the politics of the day. you were a big supporter of ted cruz. it was assumed last night when donald trump gave him time to say his piece that he was going to endorse donald trump but inste instead he said vote your conscience. a lot of people are angry. if i had been ted go ahead and endorse the man. you lost, he won. i think cruz is a terrific guy. strict constitutionalist. he s not the most bubbly guy i ve ever run across. if you understand what i m saying. but i love that dude. but all the guys who lost and gals, they all need to swallow
their pride and say, the people the republican party has said donald trump is the man we want in the white house. what about the governor of this state of ohio, john kasich. the reason this event is here was for john kasich. and i haven t seen the dude. he s not here. he was at the rock & roll hall of fame. he had a party. i m learning about politics as i m going. i think maybe the key word is they need to learn how to forgive each other and let s move on. get over it and let s move on. i want to talk to you right now, i know you bonded with mike pence and you feel great about that. i watched it, you talked for five minutes, he seems to be your kind of guy. i want to find out about your movie, torchbearer. they asked me to do this. amazingly my nephew wrote this, i didn t know about it. the breitbart people called me
and asked me to narrate torchbearer. i said, let me read the script and torchbearer is about a view a historical account on what happens when human beings, nations, forget god. when you allow men to determine what s right and wrong, allow men to do it, allow men to determine what s good, what s evil, or allow men to determine what your life is worth. you know, i saw something you had something in your clip. it was a clip, torchbearer. so we put it into the vcr. let s watch. in the absence of god, the man with the biggest stick determines your worth. cesar demands his incense, violence, decadence, political anarchy, moral decay. welcome to the city of man. all right. so we just saw a little clip. what can we expect from this movie? i must admit i would not
bring young children. why? it is a because it s actual historical old archive footage of what went down at auschwitz. some of the stuff from the french revolution. i mean, it s strong stuff? what isis is currently doing. it s rather a sobering you have to remember when you forget god it always ends up with carnage. empire after empire after empire, i would always ends in what you re now seeing in the united states of america. everyone who sins breaks the law and in fact sin is lawlessness. we look forward to the premiere today here at the rnc. always a pleasure, sir. did you enjoy that bike? you know it s the first time i have been on a bike. we were raised so poor we didn t have a bicycle. right. yeah. that s why there s a kick
stand too, phil. hey, senator ted cruz gets booed off the stage, but do you know who never gets booed? tucker carlson. he s back on the bike to analyze last night s speeches. or becoming the next highly-unlikely dotcom superstar. and us, we ll be right there with you, helping with the questions you need answered to get your brand new business started. we re legalzoom and we ve already partnered with over a million new business owners to do just that. check us out today to see how you can become one of them. legalzoom. legal help is here.
you have nominated a man for president who never quits. who never backs down. a fighter, a winner. until now he s had to do it all by himself against all odds, but this week with this united party, he s got back up. to the unemployed voter watching me right know wondering how you ll make your next mortgage or rent payment my father is running for you to those who have been ignored by an ungrateful system, my father is running for you. if you want to protect the constitution of the united states, the only possible
candidate this fall is the trump/pence republican ticket. we should all even all you boys with wounded feelings and bruised egos, you must honor your pledge to support donald trump now. unlike barack obama and hillary clinton, donald trump takes seriously the threats from islamic radicalists. after a long and spirited primary, the time for fighting each other is over. it s time to come together and fight for a new direction for america. it s time to win in november. we deserve an immigration system that puts america first and yes, builds a wall to keep america safe. where else would an independent spirit like his find a following than in the land of the free and the home of the brave?
usa, usa! usa! usa! rebel rebel, how could they know, hot tramp i love you so there we go. an hour ago that mike pence, a brand-new [ laughter ] for vice president of the united states. motorcade right down this lane. right now on the free bikes from university hospital right here in downtown cleveland, ohio. all right. oh. unlike phil robertson we ll use the kick stand, guys. we will. these are nice bikes. i haven t been on a bike in a while. these bikes have revamped
cities. tucker carlson, how are you? i pulled my earpiece out. off camera. come on up. well, we got our exercise in this morning. thank you. brian, you can have that cheeseburger. i m dying for that. a beautiful day. it was over there at the great lakes science center where donald trump parked his helicopter after he landed the 757. now, tucker carlson has parked his posterior and not a 747. well, i mean, it seems like i went to bed. you were on television. i wake up, you re on a bike. you re on with hannity last night. this is a much more aerobic program. i know. being on television is like riding a bike. like riding a bike. don t think about it. the big news story today, everybody thought ted cruz they would have buried the hatchet officially. he was going to come out over at the q center and endorse donald trump. maybe it wouldn t be full throated, but at least he would say i will vote for him. i endorse him.
right. didn t happen. instead he s talking about vote your conscience. it was the longest boos i have ever heard. it was the boos cruz essentially. and the audience got this right. i mean, the truth is, let s not be coy. this was an act of hostility aimed at trump. a lot of republicans are hostile to trump. but to do this in the convention hall last night on the penultimate night of this convention was a massive political miscalculation. the first thing it means is that cruz is not going to be the supreme court justice. and for those of us who admire his intelligence and his commitment to the constitution, that s get pressing actually. the second is he won t be president in 2020. this was aimed at his run which he s planning now. many of his aides tried to talk him out of doing this and they were unsuccessful. this is another example of cruz is. smartest person you ever met, most articulate person, yet, possesses bad judgment at critical situations. when if he heard the boos and
he said, you know what? i endorse donald trump. the crowd would have gone crazy. you know. a lot of people could have gotten away with this. i think there are a lot of principled people on the right, who said i m not endorse him because i don t agree. but cruz is considered by many professionals, by chose who know him, his fellow aspirants who ran this year, they think he s an careerist and opportunist and they don t give him the benefit of the doubt. i saw you you made those comments. i was xexs a patrioted, we were watching and one capable of ad libbing is newt gingrich and this is newt, this was not on the teleprompter. i think you misunderstood one paragraph that ted cruz who is a superb orator said. i want to point it out to you. ted cruz said you can vote your
conscience for anyone who will uphold the constitution. in this election, there is only one candidate who will uphold the constitution. so to paraphrase ted cruz, if you want to protect the constitution of the united states, the only possible candidate this fall is the trump/pence republican ticket. [ cheers and applause ] well, that was nice. that he would do. you know, the voice of the translator there. but ultimately people are saying, was what ted cruz did last night political suicide? well, what s so amazing is i saw newt after this and i revere like everyone who covers politics he s so interesting. i said that was a remarkable ad lib. i said, it was not an ad lib, i read the script ahead of time. they had a copy ahead of time.
i think it overshadowed the night. i don t think it was good for anybody. yet they allowed it. yeah. two unscripted things. the melania script that they took two days to apologize for and this moment that might have overwhelmed the vice presidential nominee s moment and overshadowed don trump and laura ingraham. trump tweeted out last night, not a big deal. that s how you play it. you said, wow, ted cruz got booed off the stage, didn t honor the pledge. i saw his speech two hours earlier, let him speak anyway. no big deal. that do you say if you re ted cruz, does he run against trump? he got out there and made a statement against the republican nominee. does he continue with that? who knows? we asked governor pence about its because he was on the show earlier. we were all surprised because he had endorsed cruz. they re friends. both evangelicals and this is
what he sad to say. this was a tough and challenging primary. these are tough competitors. and i have been through a few tough elections myself. i know that those feelings can be strong. so i was grateful that he came. i was grateful that he congratulated our nominee. and i m absolutely confident that in the days ahead you re going to continue see this party come together. chris christie said it was an awful, selfish speech, not a man of his word. does that kind of thing stick? that is the view of almost everyone who s run with and against cruz. look, i get it. trump accused his dad of being part of the kennedy assassination. it s not he made him mad, fine. why come to cleveland to donald trump s convention and it is trump s convention, that s the truth, and do this. i think it was a miscalculation. he waking up with regrets? i think it s hurt everybody. who s the winner in this? he wants to think his his calculations are that trump is going to blow up, do terribly,
he s the only one to tell the party they made a mistake. so midway through the hillary clinton term, republicans are going to say you know what? i just want to thank you, ted cruz, for standing up against donald trump and making sure he couldn t win? really? regretting it this morning? i know ted cruz very well. i respect his intelligence. i think he s one of the maybe the smartest person i ever covered, no, i never heard him express regret. by what he did, it gives the mainstream media a big headline, ted cruz didn t do it, he got boos. by the way it s the headline. we re talking about it. yeah. it s bad for everyone. but mike pence was good. and he was great. here s look at what he was saying, you know, what he said and about the approach and he really introduced himself to america yesterday. in a funny way. he s a man known for a large personality, a colorful style and lots of charisma. so i guess he was just looking for some balance on the ticket. [ laughter ]
for those of you who don t know me which is most of you, i grew up on the front row of the american dream. very humble man. flawless. nothing gets you farther especially if you re the vp nominee than self-deprecation. nice right there. trump walked out at the end, they shake hands. and everyone gets a chance to see the ticket. tonight, it s all about what donald trump wants to present and might be the biggest speech of his life. holy smokes. can t wait. we ll be there. all right. let s toss it over to heather who has some headlines for us. starting with the fox news alert. hey, heather. hi, ainsley, hi, everyone. we have breaking news coming in right now. there was a possible attempted terror attack taking place overseas. this in sydney, australia. these are some new pictures we are seeing for first time. we are told that a 60-year-old man got into his car and then
rammed this this car by the way was filled with gas cans, he rammed it into the police station parking garage before he set himself on fire. police say that the man deliberately targeted those officers. he was arrested at gunpoint. no reports of any officer or witness injuries. local media reporting that that station had been threatened multiple times recently. we ll continue to follow this breaking story out of australia as we get it. and now to new york city and some new news coming in. an assault on police officers ending just moments ago. a man in a suspicious vest is now in custody after he was holed up in the suv. this is just outside of central park. a very busy area for tourists as well office workers and other people who live in that area. police say that late last night, the man threw a fake bomb inside an open police van in times square and then drove away.
in the meantime, the justice department issuing a warning about gangs planning organized hits on law enforcement nationwide. as get more information on this case out of new york city we ll bring it to you. pack your patience today if you re flying southwest airlines. that airline is now experiencing more massive delays this morning following a major nationwide computer outage. agents are handwriting all those airline tickets and some check-in lines are stretching more than an hour to check in. 600 delights delayed yesterday. dozens more cancelled. that airline is asking passengers to be patient as they try to fix the problem. no word on when that might be. those are your headlines. see you back here in a little bit. steve, brian and ainsley? handwritt written tickets? and ivanka trump like you never have seen before. my sit down with her is coming up next.
can t wait. and another big round of speakers hitting the stage, how did the voters respond last night? lee carter has the new dial test and we get to see it next. you can help prevent blindness in undernourished children across the globe by getting your vitamins at walgreens. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. right now with card, select centrum vitamins are buy one, get one half off.
night three in cleveland made for some big names, powerful words and memorable moments at some of trump s biggest supporters and rivals took the stage. but were there speeches able to rally the voters and unite the party? that s what it is all about, isn t it, lee carter? yes. it is. let s start with shocker, ted cruz did not endorse but instead said to vote your conscience. how did people react? watch the lines. if you love our country and love your children as much as i know that you do, stand and speak and vote your conscience. vote for candidates up and down
the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the constitution. well, what happened there? well, look, nobody was really all that enthused by it. you know, independents and democrats both gave it a c. republicans a b-minus. but it wasn t what he did, but what he didn t say that had people talking. like showing up to somebody s party and tipping over the table. why even show up? yeah. exactly. meanwhile, here s another one. after he did not endorse, newt gingrich called out cruz. watch this. ted cruz said, you can vote your conscience for anyone who will uphold the constitution. in this election, there is only one candidate who will uphold the constitution. [ cheers and applause ] so to paraphrase ted cruz, if
you want to protect the constitution of the united states, the only possible candidate this fall is the trump/pence republican ticket. and republicans ate that up. they sure did. they gave him an a. independents a b. not surprisingly the democrats an f. the most surprising thing is how independents reacted, you re right, i m on board. they really appreciated that he reframed it that way. i think it really helped trump that he did that. sure. of course, mike pence, trump hopes, helps him. last night they rolled him out. we got to hear him. you know what? he s got a funny side. you know, he s a man known for a large personality. a colorful style and lots of charisma and so i guess he was just looking for some balance on the ticket.
[ laughter ] and look at that. the republicans and the independents are right together. they re right together there. that s really again encouraging. republicans and independents gave this part a b. overall they gave him an a. they said he s super likable, a great balance to donald trump. he delivered what he did needed to do, both showing who he was, being likable in that way. but also explaining why you should vote for trump. it was a really, really great night for pence and that made it a great night for donald trump. tonight, trump s speech of a lifetime. it is. we can t wait to see what he ll do. come back tomorrow. i ll be here. bring the dial. i will. lee carter. meanwhile, what advise does ivanka carter have for her father? ainsley sat down one-on-one. and a disgusting display outside the rnc. the protesters tried to burn the american flag. pete hegseth asked a simple question what are you doing? wait until you hear their
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good morning. welcome back to fox & friends. the liberal filmmaker michael moore is making some bold predictions about the race for the white house. listen. i m sorry i have to kind of be the buzz kill here so early on, but i think trump is going to win. i i m sorry. donald trump is going to win he says. that coming out on real time
with bill maher. moore says he believes that trump will win the midwestern swing states including wisconsin and ohio. and then a new report makes its look like hillary clinton may be trying to cover up a multimillion dollar paper trail. who paid the staggering fees to hear her husband s lectures after he left the white house? clinton lists small foreign speaking firms in her disclosures but they claim it comes from third parties who were never identified. those are your headlines. see you back outside. steve, ainsley and brian? all right. thank you very much. she is the mother of three, a powerful executive. and a trusted adviser to her father, republican presidential nominee, donald trump. you know her right there. that s ivanka trump. how does she balance family and dealing with the demands of her
father s presidential campaign that takes him everywhere? ainsley just sat down with the donald s oldest daughter. is this true? this is true. er i i sat down with her over at the q, pretty fascinating. take a listen. you re speaking tonight, what is your message? really it s an unbelievable opportunity for me to be able to present to this country my father as i know him. both in the capacity obviously as a great personal mentor to me and an amazing father. when he s doing something you disagree with or wrong, do you tell him? we just tell him. we re candid as well. that s one of the great things about having such a great relationship. we offer our opinions to each other. solicited or otherwise. we do so privately. so we share our thoughts and feelings with him and he s incredibly respectful. so more often than not, we agree. when we disagree he hears us out
and ultimately draws his own conclusions. i know you respect him a great deal. growing up, i have heard there were a lot of rules. no alcohol. no drugs. no tattoos. was that one no tattoos, no piercings outside of the ears. there were a lot of rules. but he was you know, i think more than i think in more than anything he really tried to lead us by example. he was a disciplinarian, but i could get around it most often. once in a while i d find my way through. i loved when your brother spoke and he said you guys being billionaires growing up, you re just as comfortable back behind a caterpillar tractor as behind the wheel of your car. were you the tractor girl or like me the pink barbie jeep? i was that combination. i was a tractor girl wearing a
pink dress. so i was somewhere in the middle. he s taught you so many lessons. how has he done that? i think for me when i think back it was really about his accessibili accessibility. he was working incredibly hard. he was building a multibillion dollar global business, yet he was able to me and my siblings. i used to call him collect from the pay phone in a janitor closet at school every day. and i would call him at recess. and every single day i still actually in retrospect it s really funny that i was calling collect as opposed to putting the quarter into the pay phone, but i was a little kid, i was probably, you know, 10, 11, 12, i d call every single day from that closet. and he d pick up the phone and he d put me on speakerphone. i didn t matter what meeting he was in. he d be you know, he d have heads of state in his office, he d have titans of industry. and he d ask me about a test i had taken or a class that really excited and inspired me. and he d make everyone else wait.
so, you know, now i look back and i say, wow, my calls probably didn t come at the most opportune times always but i really appreciated the fact that he was always there. what s your advice to your father? you know, he has to be himself and as the donald trump i know is both incredibly capable and driven and strong, but also tremendously warm and caring and loyal and empathetic. so it s really both sides of his personality that i think has made him such a great parent, such an effective businessman. and ultimately, will make him such a great president. along with managing her family, her dad s presidential campaign and the trump organization, ivanka, she has her own fashion line. right. she has her own fragrance, her own shoe line. a handbag. she runs the foundation and she s a mother to three and she said out of everything she does,
that is by far the best job. absolutely. you know, people forget, they see them traveling all across the country, speaking on behalf of their father. but they re running businesses. each and every one of them they have multiple businesses. she had that baby 3 1/2 months ago, she looks fantastic. the outfit she is wearing is something she designed. one thing that donald trump didn t run for president last time they were too young to run the business. now he feels as though they can handle it. great interview. thanks for some of the questions. i talked to the guys before. i said this is your interview, i m going to represent us all. what questions do you want us to ask? we help each other out out all of the time. our next guest, a man who defended that flag, pete hegseth and rick perry. welcome back. my business was built with passion.
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trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated? use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief why do you think we should burn a flag? nothing? silence? america was never great! why do you hate this flag? tell me why you hate this flag? tell me to my face why you hate this flag. [ bleep ] you and america. do you hate america? do i hate america? i mean, yes. what other country would you like to go to where you wouldn t have the right to protest just like in? another country? yeah. i want to make this country
great again. you hate this country. because it has yet to be great again. why would i go anywhere else? he hide his face. we just heard from pete hegseth and joining us is rick perry and marcus luttrell. tell us what was going on. there was a protest, they want to burn a flag, they re revolutionary communist whatever they mean. when you ask what they re about they can t answer the question. and the stars of the show, the cops, they took out the folks who were burning the flag, built up a perimeter and they did the arrests. even the guys who lit the flag on fire lit themselves on fire. oops. i thought about calling you marcus, but then i said that s not a good idea. i thought i saw you down there, man, never mind. didn t somebody walk over with a bottle of water? there were a couple of incidents. put out the cop had to put out the
flag and the guy. marcus, a navy s.e.a.l. who fought for our country, we know your story. what do you think about when you see the people burning the american flag? it s ignorance and it s upsetting. look at the young, they have no idea how great this country is because they never have been outside of it. he said he was from here. every time i see somebody do that, i just kind of want you carry your citizenship card around with you, hand it to the other guy who loves being here for whatever reason. that flag represents everybody under it and the men and women who fought for it, died for it. we d say that the red stripes are from the blood we shed, the white the tears. it s i don t agree with the fact that people are like, freedom of speech. burn the flag. that s a freedom, and then i have the freedom to take it away from them and tell them how dumb they are. do you? i do.
sure. why not? i fought for it. i earned the right to walk up and say it, just like pete did. it s you have a few people doing that or and you saw the matches around them. americans are not going to go up and push him around and beat them up and that s what they want. they have no idea what they are doing. you sat and talked to him he had no idea what he was talking about. it was embarrassing. i see you shaking your head, governor. ignoring them is probably the best tonic, but at the end of the day, you know, there were a lot of us that who have worn that flag on our shoulders, who have served served. my father, your dad, and it really they know how to wave the red flag in front of the bull. but at the end of the day, you know, we can respond in a way that is appropriate. and, you know, i m more than happy to help extinguish it and
then if it escalates from the there see what happens. then we ll see what happens. speaking of texas, how do you feel about ted cruz last night? yeah. senator. in a major slot with tins of millions of people tens of millions of people watching and he goes out of his way not to endorse donald trump and bring the spotlight back to him. conventions are about bringing people together. this is what a convention has always been, we come to a particular city in america. we coalesce behind our nominee and that didn t happen. how outrageous is that? ted didn t get the memo. so, you know, i think he s g got i think he s got some explaining to do to the rest of us who did say we would support the nominee. we signed a pledge back last year. and, listen, i said this a
number of times now, i ll continue to say it. if you re not helping donald trump be the next president of the united states, you re for hillary clinton putting someone who s going to be ginsburg s clone on the supreme court. go explain that to your conservative friends. well, you know what? we were talking about the flag earlier, it s a symbol. the pledge a symbol of what you stand for. there are a couple of guys who, you know, kasich and also ted cruz who didn t do it, who are not going to abide by their promises earlier. earlier this morning, eric trump weighed in on this and paul manafort as well and, you know, they re not happy. listen. in the greenroom literally right behind the stage, i think the audience spoke for itself. when you have 22,000 people booing you at your own party s convention, i don t me, i think that s does it make your dad look sympathetic? i think it was just silly. i mean, don t come out on stage if you don t want to endorse or don t come out if you don t want
to be supportive. i think people are calling it political suicide, i don t know if it is that or not, but listen, when you have 22,000 people booing you, that s bad thing for your career. i heard he didn t have that many friend in washington, d.c. and he didn t have in this room last night. i think what s inappropriate is accepting someone s invitation to the convention, and there wasn t anybody who thinks that ted cruz is going to be endorsing mr. trump. so governor chris christie said it was an awful, selfish speech. he s not a man of his word. well, again, i think he s got a lot of explaining to do to folks. we re on a team and that s how i was raised is that can t everybody be a quarterback. there s got to be some folks who are blocking and tackling and,
you know, i know my role here. i was not the nominee. i worked hard to get it, i didn t get it. donald trump vanquished 15 pretty capable men and women, and at the end of the day if you don t want to support him that s your call, but this country is way more important than any one individual. i don t get it. it s stunning. marcus, you wanted him to be president and then you said, okay, i heard enough. donald trump is you re going to back him. you made the adjustment. we have to have a president i mean, that part i would imagine one thing i noticed, because i came in monday. i was supposed to live that night. but i stuck around just to see what was going on. the wonderful thing about it, i noticed, through all this process before you got here, state to state. you see what s on the tv. and everybody has a different perspective and we came in here and the vibe in the and the whole emotion of the of that auditorium is fantastic. i mean, it s lifting. and then it had been.
and like i can t talk down about anybody, but i just thought it deflated everything for a little while. throw cold water on it. well, guys, thank you so much coming back. good to be with you. all right. great stuff. they extended their stay to do our show. that was nice of you. i m taking you next time to the rally. not allowed to take him to the rally. next time someone burns a flag. no. marcus luttrell, what would you say? you would have jerked him up. oh, sure. all right. i want to see it. marcus, governor, pete, thank you. all right, what s coming up, brisket for breakfast. geraldo rivera says he has his family here and i believe him. they re cooking for us because they can. thousands of balloons will fall on donald trump as he formerly accepts the nomination
of the president of the united states. what else can we expect? peter doocy is live down on the convention floor. peter? ainsley, it s empty now. one more chance for people to come and sit with their delegations before donald trump goes up to that stage. officially accepts the nomination. we ll tell you who also is coming in tonight after this. hey, you re clarence! yes, sir. you know, at the model year end clarence event, you can get a great deal on this 2016 passat. steve. yeah? clarence is on a roll. yeah. i wish they d name an event after me. same here. but the model year end becky event? that s no good. stevent! that s just vandalism.
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nomination s party for president. the theme, make america one again. so peter doocy is inside the quicken loans arena. how are they going to make america one again? you know, they won t let me stand here for much longer. this would be a good seat. they re playing around with podium and they re working on the final night of the donald trump show time convention. the theme is make america one again. he s going to give the keynote, so for one last time, the delegati delegations, all the seats will be filled. they ll listen to donald trump. he ll be introduced by ivanka. she s the sixth member of the trump family who has spoken so far. the others are going to be some of the other high profile speaker, mary fallin, and jerry falwell jr. and the venture capitalist peter thiel and reince priebus. when the trump family is here,
they all sit in the special roped off section with the nicer seats. as best we can tell, they re the only family of a nominee with their name on plastic water bottles. how cool was that? so when they re sitting here, at the end, 120,000 balloons will rain down and then it s over. and the next thing in this convention hall paul mccartney concert. back to you. now, peter, i think you got it mixed up. the 125,000 balloons are actually going to drop right now because it s your birthday, peter. happy birthday! happy birthday. did you know it was your birthday? if you really did make the balloons drop just now, that would be quite a treat. okay. people from the rnc would be really mad. look what he did. speaking of treats you guys, i don t know how you got a cupcake past all the
dogs. making breakfast great again. thank you very much. all right, peter doocy, happy birthday. happy birthday. we just saw a childhood shot. how old was he in that picture? peter is 4 or 5 years old in the picture. we have another one, brian, because you re a big soccer fan. peter doocy came that close to the national team. really? take a look at that right there. that is age 4. that s trying out with tab ramos and john harks? i thought so. back in the day. peter, you re so loved especially by this man to my right. you remember this day? 29 years ago. so is my wife kathy watching at home. all right, peter, go back to work. thanks. oh, wait, we re glad you were born. all right, coming up, brisket for breakfast, that s how geraldo rivera rolls. he is here with his mother and mother in law with a special cooking with friends live from cleveland. but first
all right. find out what s coming up on your show. hey, guys. i just ran into erica and her mom and they are adorable. and cleveland girls. they re from here. that s right. so they re pretty cool. we ll talk about last night, what we saw. we ll talk to pam bondi. she is here. mary fallin, the governor of oklahoma will weigh in on her thoughts. it will be a big night, so what does donald trump need to do? that s coming up on america s newsroom. see you at the top of the hour. ugh. heartburn. sorry ma am. no burning here. try new alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they don t taste chalky and work fast. mmmm. incredible. can i try? she doesn t have heartburn. new alka seltzer heartburn relief gummies. enjoy the relief.
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we are giving a sneak peek into geraldo rivera s family life for this very special
convention edition of cooking with friends. yes. the roaming correspondent down at the end at large, he joins us along with his beautiful wife erica and erica s mom, nancy levy. good morning. so happy to be in cleveland with you. i know you re from cleveland. yes, from shaker heights, ohio. so proud to be here with you. and my mom and my husband and hi. nancy still lives here. i live here. they re visiting. we re making brisket. for breakfast. what s special, it s hungarian brisket. why wouldn t it be? this is the holy grail of jewish food. yes. right. so i made this started making this many years ago when i was first married a long time ago, about 47 years old. i chose it because it was hungarian brisket. my mother s family is from
hungary and romania. what makes it probably what makes it hungarian is adding paprika. it does it. and onions. so you take a rub. this is paprika. and we ll have the whole recipe on the website. mix that together? mix that together. no two briskets are the same. no. like snowflakes. everybody has their favorite recipe. my children when they have a holiday they request this. when geraldo shows up to break bread with the family, does that go well? it s wonderful. listen always, always? he flies in from beirut. from bethlehem. right. mom, what was that like i bring salsa. what was that like when erica said, mom, i m in love with geraldo? i was surprised. geraldo the geraldo we have watched all these years? geraldo. we have progressed, it s wonderful. good.
very nice. he s the best. he s the best. and everybody should have him for a son-in-law. he s wonderful. only you can have him. only i can have him. you take the rub. do you put it on this? yes. then you put it on that and rub it all over. i usually use i use it all over. and the fat always on the top. you need fat. avoid grass fed. for a holiday, you can indulge a little on the fat. tastes good with the fat. then you cook that for 45 minutes. then you add the onion and tomatoes canned tomatoes. a little bit of water. cover it and cook it long. you cook it low and long. well, fantastic. okay. thank you. you want to give that a bite? i d love to. better than walking. safety doesn t come in a box. it s not a banner that goes on a wall. it s not something you do now and then. or when it s convenient.
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up tomorrow. we ll have a convention to talk about tomorrow. and impactful donald trump speech to reflect on. and ahead, mike pence s motorcade he went this way. we re going that way. hey, juan williams is here! bill: no shortage of drama at the republican convention last night. mike pence made a compelling case for donald trump to be elected president. but that s not what everyone is talking about. they are talking about ted cruz getting booed off the stage last night. what a night there. martha: good morning. i m martha maccallum. first mike pence had a speech last night. he feels donald trump is the right person for the white house and not just an alternative to hillary c

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20140905 23:00:00

air strike killed the leader of a somali terrorist group affiliated with al qaeda. he once vowed to follow in the foot steps of bin laden and it looks like he did. that s what president obama was working on while some were just criticizing him. thanks for watching. i m al sharpton. have a great weekend. hardball starts right now. the pressure builds. let s play hardball. good evening. i m chris matthews in washington. in a few minutes we re going to get to the latest on the mystery plane that crashed off of jamaica. we ll jump into hillary clinton s announcement today that she ll decide after new year s whether or not to run for president. news that could influence democrats and republicans hoping
to beat her in the 2016 contest. and now that secretary clinton set the shot clock, if you will, we ll ask now a male candidate should debate a woman candidate. are there rules? we ll give you the latest in the investigation surrounding new jersey governor chris christie. what will be the impact of yesterday s big guilty verdict on the former governor of virginia. we begin with president obama s challenge to europe and the countries of arabia to go to war with the islamic state. does this mean we won t act against the beheaders if they don t? or are we doing things, sending in special ops teams that the president doesn t want to go public with yet. in wales today the president said he was working on building a broad coalition and ruled out u.s. boots on the ground in syria. our goal is to act with urgency but also to make sure that we are doing it right. it s not going to happen overnight. we are steadily hoving th in ing this in the right direction. we are going to degrade and
ultimately defeat isil, the same way we have gone after al qaeda. we have been very systematic and methodical in going after the organizations that may threaten u.s. personnel and the homeland. and that deliberation allows us to do it right. but have no doubt we will continue and i will continue to do what s necessary to protect the american people. how i hate that word homeland. it is pure neocon talk. chuck todd is moderator of meet the press and political director for nbc news. you are interviewing the president for meet the press. congratulations, you will be a bold moderator for that historic program. what can you tell us as a reporter that might be between the lines of what the president said today in wales? how does it work? if we wait for the saudis, the jordanians, they may never act.
is he going to act alone if he has to the president to go after isis? well, he already announced we though he has part one of the coalition. he has the western parties that agreed to go after isis or as the administration referred to him as isil. he talked about the next step. what s the next gathering of world leaders? it s at the general assembly of the united nations. i think that s where they believe they will get the arab thagss on board. when you hear this talk he ruled out bootings on the ground of the united states. but they are not ruling out the idea that you re going to need boots on the ground to deal with isis in syria. it s clear that the united states wants it to be saudi boots or jordanian boots. doesn t want it to be united states boots on the ground. so that s another couple of weeks of putting the coalition together. at its best, this looks like an
administration after a president seemeded a little bit nervous about how to go about this, how aggressive to get. they decided to go the bush 41 route. think jim baker in 90 where he built a large coalition to go after saddam. that s what they want. they hope to get one. i had a snarky e-mail from a viewer who said, you know, the united states gives a lot of military support to saudi arabia. are they ever going to use it? why is it the united states that has to use their own military even after the united states sends so much military to these chris and allies. it s a little snarky, but you understand. i m with you. the president is channelling the same war fatigue that s in the united states saying we know this is a problem. we don t want to keep doing it by ourselves. would he have answered a direct question if one of the reporters got to him with a question that said do we or do
we not have special ops teams, contract workers now in syria going after isil? would he have answered that question negatively? i don t think he would have answered it. i think there is a lot of occupation going on. i think he would have focused the question more on iraq. there s been hesitancy about the syria aspect of the problem. when asked about it, he talks up the potential solution they feel they have put together in iraq with a new government, with the reinforced iraqi military that might be able to deal with the threat in a more direct way. it s the syria aspect of this that s seemed to knock him a little bit for not a loop but he s been cautious, reluctant the. it s clear his team made the decision. they have to go after isis in syria. it s not the united states. it s not going to be just western powers. they are going to do it and try to build the large coalition so that it is essentially sunni states perhaps that are going
and doing this on the front lines with the support and the assistance of the united states military. you re going to be on pitching mound against the president the this weekend. what s your best question? well, do i give it away now? do i say it here? i ll be honest. i think the first question is a simple question. are we at war? isis is at war with us. are we back on war footing? this is a president that wants us off war footing. now i feel he s trying to prepare the country for going back on war footing. maybe similar to with al qaeda, a different type of war footing. that s what it feels like. is that what he s trying to prepare the country for? i think it is a basic question a lot of americans have. do you think he feels the pull on him from the american people who want, to use a phrase, a captain kirk and not mr. spock? they want somebody controlling the ship, not somebody telling us which way it should be going. does he know the disconnect is
there? does he care? look, this is not who he is. the american people elected him because he was not a guy who saw everything in black and white. his rise was because he did see gray. now the criticism is he sees too much gray. there is too much nuance. i think you see it does feel like from an outsider perspective watching this that his entire national security team has been publically trying to push him into this position. he s there now. think about joe biden and his rhetoric, chuck hagel, john kerry. they seem to be this a more aggressive place about isis than the president himself. it s not as if the president doesn t they agree on going after him. he s just so weary of opening up the syrian can of worms. we should stop using or ma ge
don talk, homeland. don t say that. we know where we live. good luck, chuck. break a leg this this weekend. thank you. chuck will interview the president of the united states this weekend. it will be his debut chuck s, not the president s on meet the press this sunday. the president ruled out u.s. boots on the ground in syria saying the international community needs to do more to help moderate opposition forces in syria. let s watch the president now. we will not be placing u.s. ground troops to try to control the areas that are part of the conflict inside of syria. i don t think that s necessary for us to accomplish our goal. we are going to have to find effective partners on the ground to push back against isil. and the moderate coalition there is one that we can work with. we have experience working with many of them. they have been, to some degree,
outgunned and outmanned. that s why it is important for us to work with friends and allies to support them more effectively. joining me is brian katoulis from the american center for progress. how do you get others to do the fighting? there he s talking specifically about the syrian opposition against assad and the islamic state, isis. for the last couple of years we have been providing some form of support. so have the saw disand the qataris. it s going to different factions and isn t organized. i hope he s talking about getting boots on the ground, more organized and the network behind him. they know the sunni tribes which could be the anvil against which we hit the islamic state. doing it is easier said than done. saudi arabia doesn t like qatar. they don t coordinate. it s not 1991. it is 2014 and these countries are often at odds with one
another. the syrian opposition against assad and isis is in disarray because oil rich countries have squandered money and weapons themselves the last couple of years and haven t organized the effort. i hope the president is saying let s get it organized better. chuck talked about the president taking step one and getting europeans behind it. i would say that s an optimistic view. the president really only said he faced no pushback. it s important that some of the nato ally partners joined us. they re not fighting. no, they are not. let s talk about what kind of fight it is. we talk often in homeland. you were mentioning these comments. we use the word war like a traditional combat here, conventional military fight. it s not. the intelligence networks, the types of operations that we have seen in somalia earlier this week. that s the sort of fight. i think what they talked about at nato is the intelligence on
the networks that include 12,000 foreign fighters. it s a different we are not talking about fighting the state though it calls itself a state. those guys marching in the black uniforms with black flags. are they foreign fighters or syrians? i can t tell from the to. it s a mix. what we know is there are 12,000 from either the region, 3,000 coming. my point is we often talk about where we bomb. can we get intel, can we contain them? i hope that s what he sing about in forming a coalition. wearing those uniforms they should be easy to spot. they dress like darth vader coming to town. in thes last week or so we have done aerial surveillance. we need good intelligence on the ground. it took two months. politically we have to stop the beheadings. we can t watch that every two weeks.
we ll have you back many times. coming up, hillary clinton start it is shot clock like in basketball. she ll make a decision about running for president in the first of the year. that s coming up in the new year. so the timetable is set for a democratic contest. there are new developments many the george washington bridge lane closure a year are afterward. they were closed a year ago. somebody yelled shut up to the police there. they weren t supposed to talk about what was going on. what s going on now? that s what we want to know. what does it hold for the future of christie? and the debate between u.s. senator kay haguen and republican challengerer thom tillis showed, i think, how a man shouldn t run against a woman candidate. here is tillis. that s reality, math, something kay needs to accept. the answer leads me to believe she hasn t been in north carolina much lately. kay s math doesn t add up. what a sarcastic being.
he s sniping at the united states senator calling her kay as if they are buds. cause this work? finally, let me finish with the decision by organizers of the st. patrick s day parade in new york to allow gay groups to join in. that s a great decision. this is hardball, the place for politics. chael! looking good! trying to keep up with you! i told my producer karen that i take metamucil because it helps me feel fuller between meals. it s just one small change that can help lead to good things. now she s breaking up with the vending machine. nope. i call that the meta effect. [ female announcer ] 4-in-1 multi-health metamucil now clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. and promotes heart health. experience the meta effect with our new multi-health wellness line and see how one small change can lead to good things. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ]
[ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. my mom works at ge. we are back. if you missed it there was a sad drama in the skies over eastern cuba, the caribbean and cuba. f-15 fighters trailed a plane with an unresponsive pilot until he crashed off the coast of jamaica. two people were on board the doomed flight. a real estate developer and his wife. a former ntsb investigator is with us now. what do you think happened with the plane? what do we know? one of the things that s a telltale sign of hypoxia is what the f-15 pilot saw. that s the ice built up or the frost built up on the windows of the airplane.
there was likely a depressurization problem and the pilot suck coming to the effects of hypoxia. thank you. we ll know more tomorrow morning. thank you so much. formerly of the ntsb. we ll be right back after this. driver 1 you ready? yeah! go! [sfx] roaring altima engine woah! ahhhha! we told people they were riding nissan s most advanced altima race car. we lied. about the race car part. altima, with 270 horsepower and active understeer control. how did you?.what! i don t even, i m speechless. innovation that excites. we are a collection of smalls. a home saved. a hero homebound for a new opportunity. a kitchen that kick starts careers
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welcome back to hardball. today hillary clinton speaking in mexico city of all places laid out a political timetable. here she is. so i do have a unique vantage point and set of experiences about what makes the united states operate well and what doesn t. and what a president can do and should be doing. so oh i am going to be making a decision around probably after the first of the year about whether i m going to run again or not.
just like that, probably after the first of the year. a declaration like that puts a lot of political action into motion. not just for the democratic side, of course, but the republican side as well. hillary clinton just started, as they say in the nba, the shot clock for 2016. joining me now is perry bacon, msnbc senior political reporter and blumberg editor jean cummings. tell me what you think about this. i have been thinking about it a lot. your thoughts is this. i was surprised she was so explicit. i talked to democrats who were likely to work on the campaign. what i was told was two things. the reason you want to announce early in january is the first reason is the republicans will be attacking her anyway. like rand paul, ted cruz are going to be on the campaign trail by that time. you want to have an apparatus defending hillary clinton formally in a campaign. the second reason being democratic do fors already want to start rallying around her. you can t drag it out until
april or may. they will wonder if we have a candidate, who is the candidate. sthek anoups in january but not start going to iowa, new hampshire all the time until july or august or much later in the year. your thoughts, jean? i love all that. i think she had to do it for the party. the party needs to know she s in. if there s a notion she may not run, she can t wait until april or may. then leave somebody to start from scratch at that point. it s too late. i agree. she ll be attacked anyway. might as well prepare herself. there is in a modern campaign so much work that has to be done in building that broad base, the e-mail bases and building out the computer infrastructure. it s a lot harder to build a modern you need a war room are. right. one thing you re right about is when she was getting hit during the book tour she had people from the publishing house but they won t help her politically.
she didn t have thor war room with stefan george stephanopoulos and carville batting them down. there is always an outside thing that joe biden may figure his last hurrah. it seems when she announces this in january she will announce she ll run probably. we all think it probably. does biden athouns bf that or does this shut him off and he says, well, i can wait until january. if he waits he won t run. he won t announce after she announces. your thoughts about the interest aring scrabble over who s first. my understanding is biden is unlikely to run if hillary does, period. if she waits until april he could maybe rumble. by her talking about january, that closes the door. joe biden had trouble raising money in 2008 when he ran. if donors know hillary clinton will announce in january i m not
sure who will say money will buy or join the staff in december if they know hillary will announce the week after and she ll be ahead by 70 points in the polls. who does she want to run against? my hunch is she wants sparring partners. hold a convention in new york and be crowned? that s too much, i think. what do you think she thinks? i think it would benefit her to have some kind of primary early in the book tour she stumbled on many questions. she was out of practice on gay marriage. on the rechbs to wealth. her language wasn t sharp. it wasn t ready for the campaign trail. to have a sparring partner would be good. preferably from her left so she looks for centrist. bernie sanders. that would do the trick. a real socialist. i m not knocking him. he is one.
he doesn t have a super pack. he s not running. it s that simple. martin o malley from maryland. he s trying to raise money. brian shh wietser? what are you hearing, perry? the names i have heard are oh oh o malley, like gene said, bernie sanders and jim webb is making a lot of flirtations about running as well. the people i have talked to, their view is they want someone to run because they want to have debates, want to practice. they don t want someone who will attack on the 1990s or talk about monica lewinsky a lot or make it a personal campaign. they want an opponent to be above the fray and make it issues only as opposed to any kind of personal thing. where do you find opponents like that? the this is 2015. where do you find nice fellows like that? i don t want to say anything about the secretary. what kind of candidate is that? if you look at the line-up perry listed, jim webb is the
most interesting one. sure. he can do income inequality with a lot of authenticity. what do you make perry, you re in florida. i hear jeb is running. mitt is making noise running op-ed pieces. looks like the field will be crowded on the republican side. maybe 8 or 10 people. across the board including maybe even huckabee. i hear everybody wants to run. they must think it s worth it to run against hillary all of the sudden. i don t think it s worth it as far as hillary. the real story is how far marco rubio and chris christie have fallen. a year ago we thought those people would be strong candidates and clear the field in some ways. and do a really good job. now it feels like anybody can win. i think jeb is too establishment for the party. he hasn t ran in a long time. it will be a free for all and they will try to announce early. some republicans might be on the ground in iowa january third or so.
this is a full sprint. it s not clear. this is the wide nest a long time. there is not really any favorite i can see. if i were a republican i would go for it. paul ryan could run as well. a lot of people think they can run win the general or they wouldn t be running. he s right. anybody could win this. if hillary makes the call in january, that will turn everything on. that means chris christie has to make a call. they have to get in the game, start raising money and building a machine. do you think there will be distance between hillary clinton after she comes out of the convention and the republicans come out? will there be a widespread between her and the republican candidate. on what issue? the match-up. on the match-up. wide spread coming out of conventions? right now hillary is running
strong. anything can happen. perry, what do you think? close one? polls are showing right now that hillary was high for a while. now the republicans are back to normal. back to the normal view that hillary is a politician. the polls will be pretty much tied at the end of the convention times. i think so. the country is tieded. it comes back. yes. women will be concerned about the first woman president. there will be guys on the wrong side of the issue. a lot of guys will vote and not tell their wife how they are voting. it will be tight as a drum, i think. perry bacon, jean cummings, thank you. have a nice weekend. up next, dick cheney s knee jerk obama bashing gets him a knock down if his home state of wyoming. that s ahead. as we head to break california governor jerry brown leads the challenger by double digits. they met last night for the lone debate. if you had a choice between fighting for civil rights of
poor kids or the union bosses that funded your campaign you sided with the university union bosses. you should be ashamed. i will fight for the kids. that makes no sense at all. it s so false. i feel like it s a sales pitch from, i don t know whom. neel. yeah. you learned your job well working at goldman sacs and the rest of those who wrecked the economy. it s like the arsonists putting out the fire. transit fares! as in the 37 billion transit fares we help collect each year. no? oh, right. you re thinking of the 1.6 million daily customer care interactions xerox handles. or the 900 million health insurance claims we process. so, it s no surprise to you that companies depend on today s xerox for services that simplify how work gets done. which is.pretty much what we ve always stood for. with xerox, you re ready for real business. which is.pretty much what we ve always stood for.
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bio of the former vice president that was given to them by cheney s office. readers later found out the bio contained unusually subjective criticism of president obama in the text. quote, president obama began to dismantle the security policies that kept the nation safe. his policy decisions have led to a reversal of the gains america made on the war on terror in iraq and afghanistan. and a weakening of america across the globe. look, all we know is cheney will use any opportunity to stick it to the president. we also know you re not supposed to editorialize in your official bio. the wyoming bar heard from several lawyers who said they wouldn t attend because of the inappropriate material. the group later apologized. next up, the news that russian forces moved into ukraine was verified by satellite imagery last week. russia denied involvement.
the russian are troops are really just freelancing while on vacation. that s what they say. the claim flies in the face of the evidence but the russian embassy and united arab emirates thumbed their nose at nato with this photograph of toy trucks and tanks. the caption reads nato s latest evidence of russian armor inv e invading ukraine has been leaked. seems to be the most convincing ever. this juvenile attempt to mock nato is the latest in an ongoing twitter showdown with canada that began last month after canada s delegation posted a map showing russia s border with ukraine that didn t include crimea as a part of russia. geography is tough. here is a map for russian soldiers who keep getting lost and accidentally entering ukraine. we ll see. and health conscious first lady michelle obama participated
in many a new comedy sketch at funny or die, a fake trailer for snac snac snackpocalypse where healthy food was replaced by candy until the hero of the story comes. here s how it ends. don t you hate when trailers give away the whole movie? yeah. can we just watch frozen again? up next, new developments in the george washington bridge scandal. we ll grab a look at where the investigations stand now and what it means to governor christie. this is hardball, the place for politics.
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francis rivera. here s what s happening. more than 100 american contractors on a charter flight left iran after being grounded for hours. the flight operated by fly dubai was ordered to land in band bandar abbas on its way from bag ram air base in afghanistan to dubai. since it took off late the flight plan didn t match the records. air controllers ordered the plane to land or fighter jets would intercept it. now back the hardball. welcome back. vift details emerged about the lane closures on the george washington bridge which almost a
year ago today set off a legal and political domino effect in the christie administration. the bergen record says the police officers were told to shut up by high level officials after they raised alarms about the scheme they saw being undertaken. the record ares reporting is based on the string of police testimony provided to new jersey lawmakers investigating governor christie. it reports during the closures a police officer radioed that the closures were creating hazardous conditions on fort lee streets. shut up, a port authority police supervisor at the bridge allegedly replied. the officer was visited in person by two officials to reinforce the message to shut up. to date the new jersey lawmakers heard public testimony from six key witnesses including top aides to christie himself. the legislative committee is not the only investigator on his tale. the attorney in newark has a
grand jury devoted to the bridge br closures. the manhattan district attorney opened up his own investigation to several matters surrounding chris christie including a $1.8 billion transfer of funds that may have been to plug a hole in the state s infrastructure budget. the securities and exchange commission is said to be investigating whether or not the governor s office misled public bond holders in documents to raise money for infrastructure projects. christie has denied doing anything improper in all of the cases. steve kornacki and mr. wiznowski, give us a sense of what you see operating in your committee and also in the various criminal investigations surrounding the governor. these reports of the port authority police behaving badly are really troubling. when you have a traffic jam as monumental as you had at the george washington bridge, you
would naturally think police officers would run to aid motorists and try to clear up the problem. what happened here is you have an officer trying to do the right thing and being told by his superiors to shut up and not do anything about it. what s troubling is it appears the hierarchy in the port authority police had some level of understanding or complicity in the attempt to conceal what was happening. so it was all coordinated. somebody at the high level knew exactly what the mission was here. was to do what? how else that s the answer to the question. what did the police do. we need the opportunity to interview ms. kelly, mr. step yan, mr. wildstein. they have sought refuge in the fifth amendment to not incriminate themselves. but who gave bridget kelly the authority to close the lanes? what gave the police officers who now seem to have had some
level of involvement in this, what gave them the authority or belief that it was okay to shut down this whole thing to make sure there was no public comment? steve, you have been out in front on this from the beginning. we rely on you again tonight. what s the likely route for any investigation or possible prosecution the bridge, the skyway, the diversion of funds or what looks to be pressure on the mayor of hoboke n to approve a water front development by the governor. you are looking at three things. the expectation is when it comes to the closures, the bridge shutdown itself you talk about different principle players, kelly, wildstein, bill baroni. within the group of four people the expectation is at some point in the probably not too distant future there will be indictments whether it s all four, one of the four. indictments, plea deal. there will be a shake out from the bridge deal. when you talk about the reporting that s come out as a
result of the scrutiny that s going on with the land deals that the port authority was involved in you have questions about david sampson, chris christie s confident, chairman of the port authority, whether he ll get into legal trouble, something the federal prosecutors indict him on over the stuff that came to light. as you say the issue with the mayor of hoboken. allegations she lodged could involve david sampson as well. whether there is a shakeout, that s the tough es one to tell. the key factor is so much had to do with the decisions made in the u.s. attorney s office in this u.s. attorney s office is the complete 180 degree opposite of the office under chris christie. it is opaque, difficult to get a read on. you have seen a lot of false starts in terms of reporting. people who think they have a clue what s going on. it hasn t turned out that way. you know, i worked in politics for years. you always knew what the boss wanted done. he rarely told you how to do it, but you knew what the mission was. that s why you worked for the
person. right. how does bridget kelly stop bridge traffic across the hudson river, interstate commerce shut down. if that s not a mission set by the governor who did set the mission? that s my question. did this employee, this nonelected person come up with the idea we are going to shut down traffic between new york and new jersey? we are doing it for a month. it s not believable, chris. you know how the governor s office works. people aren t freelancing, trying to guess what the boss wants. they are following direction given by their superiors, they are given instructions and understand what they are supposed to do. we have been asked to believe bridget kelly woke up and decided it might impress somebody if she closed the lanes. david wildstein thought it might perhaps get him a promotion. the reality is i think a little different than that. the fact is that somebody gave bridget kelly a specific or an
implicit instruction that this would be a thing to do because somebody thought it would be helpful or accomplish something. what we don t know is what they were trying to accomplish. we know what the effect was to put fort lee into lockdown for four days. we ll continue to look at the facts and try to get the answers that the public deserves. let me go back to steve. outside the orbit here. it s all context. anybody in public office who wants to face a jury now must be crazy. it seems to me the juries aren t in the mood to assume laxness and, oh, that s just politics. i don t think that old attitude, i grew up in a big city, that s the way politicians behave, is acceptable anymore. if i were christie i would be worried about the jury. the justice department just took looked at the beginning like a risky shot at a former governor, bob mcdonnell. it was a risky case and they won. if the jury had not come back like they did, would it make the justice department more hesitant
to go into the matter of chris christie or did the win on the board, they are not looking at going 0 and 2. i agree. there might be a link even if just psychologically between what we saw yesterday in virginia and new jersey. the one thing i would say when we tack about chris christie is the key when you start talking about legally and chris christie is can it be proven in a court of law, proven even to the point of indictment that this guy knew ahead of time were was involved in covering this up. the only thing we have seen now that seems clear to me is that chris christie had opportunities to know. okay. will willful ignorance. never forget the judge s instructions. circumstantial evidence is good enough. thank you for coming on again. up next, perils for male candidates running against women candidates. exhibit a this week s debate in north carolina in the u.s. senate race where the republican challenger repeatedly sniped at
u.s. senator kay hagan. never called her senator. she was calling you speaker. this is hardball, the place for politics. when fixed income experts work with equity experts who work with regional experts who work with portfolio management experts that s when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration. i am so noh my, it s not even funny. driver 1 you ready? yeah! go! [sfx] roaring altima engine woah! ahhhha! we told people they were riding nissan s most advanced altima race car. we lied. about the race car part. altima, with 270 horsepower and active understeer control.
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41 not enough. the liberal is grabbing six points. bill clinton is there to help crist make up ground. we ll be right back. and that takes a lot of energy. we use natural gas throughout the airport - for heating the entire terminal, generating electricity on-site, and fueling hundreds of vehicles. we re very focused on reducing our environmental impact. and natural gas is a big part of that commitment. who would have thought masterthree cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it s a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what s our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio?
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i did not know what it was like to be a non-smoker. but i do now. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. we re back. now that we are past labor day in the beginning of the campaign we are getting to know the men and women seeking political office. sometimes the more we watch, the more we avert our eyes. watch north carolina republican thom tillis debating kay hagan this wednesday night. watch hagan s response to him. that s reality. that s math. that s something that kay needs to accept. kay s answer leads me to believe she hasn t been in north carolina lately. kay s math just doesn t add up. here s something you should know a lot about being a senior appropriations chair, kay. you know, kay, if you read the budget. i just think again that senator h hagan really needs to understand and maybe spend more time in the states. i m actually insulted by his
comments. i was a vice president at a bank. i wrote billion dollar state budgets in the state of north carolina. i understand math. even when i was a teenager i worked at my dad s tire store and didlayaway for people buying tires. i understand math. anyway, one north carolina reporter wrote, tom tillis stopped just short of calling kay hagan little lady. anyway talking down to your female opponent may not be the best strategy. remember what happened when vice president george herbert walker bush attempted to explain something to his rival back in 1984. let me help you between the difference between iran, the embassy, and lebanon. iran, we were held by a foreign government. in lebanon, you had a wanton terrorist action where the government opposed it. let me just say, first of all, that i almost resent vice president bush, your patronizing attitude, that you have to teach
me about foreign policy. kasie hunt is msnbc political correspondent, jonathan capehart is an opinion writer. let me help you with your answer to this. i think he learned that from roger ailes because roger ailes got him to say, let me help you with that one, pierre. i will say, on the senator hagan and tom tillis, i mean, he couldn t address her that way on the senate floor if he were to actually get here. i mean, senator reid got in trouble for that for addressing any senator, male or female by their first name. it s disrespectful. use some psychobabble if we have to, we all use it here. was he using that to put her down, showing he was so unempressed with her personage that he d dismiss her? i think it s odd. i call every senator senator unless they tell me not to. the only guy who ever told me not to was pat moynihan. the rest of them said, call me pat. they re always i think you give the person their title. after all, he s going for that title. in part of the clip you
showed, he addressed her at senator hagan. he did do that throughout the debate, sparingly, but the thing, the reference that he made, the very first reference to the senator in his opening remarks was, kay hay. that, to me, struck me, whoa, that s unbelievably is that her nickname? no, i think he maybe just made it up. but, to me, it struck me as disrespectful. and probably just set the tone. he just came off as rather highfalutin, smug, and probably trying to prove that, oh, i m not impressed by you, i m the speaker, you re just a senator who s lost touch with the constituents. he took a shot once or twice but kept taking the shot, it s only a 45-minute plane ride, i m sure kay hagan has been down there an awful lot the last six years. the idea she s never been to north carolina like it s billions of miles away is ludicrous. well, it s such a fine line, too. as we ve seen in the other clips you showed, this can really backfire pretty easily on a male
candidate who comes too close to that line, and remember, hillary clinton and here it is. thanks for queueing it up. kasie, here, heavy handed tactics can backfire as you said, kasie. back in 2000, republican congressman rick lazio crossed into hillary clinton s debate space pushing at her a sign to, as a campaign pledge. he wanted her to sign, like divorce papers. watch this. i m not asking you to admire it. i m asking you to sign it. i would be happy to when you give me the signed letters right here. right here. sign it right now. we ll shake on this, rick. i want your signature because i think everybody wants to see you signing something that you said you were for. he s leaning into her. lazio in a 2008 interview called it a mistake saying even when your opponent is as tough as nails and no way they re going to be intimidated by a challenge or comment, the audience may not see it that way. jonathan? right, no, that s absolutely right. i think he probably thought he was doing the right thing.
i remember watching that debate at home in new york and the more i watched that particular clip, the more uncomfortable i got. i wasn t afraid that he was going to do something to hillary clinton. i wasn t afraid that hillary clinton couldn t hold her own. but the optics of it was really, really bad. people pick up on the type of what are the rules? miss hunt? they re always evolving, right? i think in the larger picture here, and you ll hear both democrats and republicans talk about this, this is the kind of thing that discourages women from running for office in first place. really? and one of the things they talk about as far as one of the main reasons why there aren t as many women members of congress as there might otherwise be is because they don t step up in the first place. they have trouble recruiting women to run. so you see these kinds of situations where, you know, they re having to stand there and respond to someone who is sort of trying to knock them down a peg. i mean, why would that be what s the reaction, if you were running the ad, working for senator hagan, would you run that guy s, tom tillis , speaker
tillis performance in the ads? run ads and say, this is no way to treat a person who s a senator? when it s that behavior you re using against him? i don t think so. i mean, it s not like george herbert walker bush s treatment of geraldine ferraro. he said afterwards, i kicked her ass or something. it s unbelievable. i m thatsorry, that s what he s he did. if i were kay hagan, i wouldn t use that in an ad. to answer your question, how should a male candidate treat a female opponent? look to vice president joe biden and his debate with sarah palin. that s how you do it. treat your opponent with respect. thank you, kasie hunt and jonathan capehart. we ll be right back after this.
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let me finish tonight with some good news on the irish front. every march, new york city has this great historic st. patri patrick s day parade. for years there s been a dispute between the parade committee, itself, and gay organizations wanting to participate. starting next st. patrick s day, the parade will begin to open to those organizations. the first group, nbc universal, lesbian, gay, transgender group at my company got the go ahead this week. cardinal timmy dolan who will be the grand marshal of the 2015 parade is said to be very supportive of the change. he said the parade should be a source of unity. i think this is great. st. patrick s day gets bigger and bigger each year, has become

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140919 23:00:00

chris christie or not. anyway, thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. fair balanced and unafraid. greta goes on the record right now. make a great weekend. it is a terrorist army on a savage march. but who is isis? they combine viciousness on the ground with a supremacy in social media. it s trying to create the largest caliphate it can. what do we know about the man wearing a wristwatch who says he is the rightful leader of isis. faulker has been a shadowy presence for a very long time. and how he is using a former catholic school student from the boston area to spread propaganda. including the beheading videos around the world. why do you think this mosque keeps ending up attached to terrorism? isis controls the area the size of kansas across iraq and syria. you will see why they are the richest terrorist organization on earth.
this is like a digital network. almost like a tv station. we take you inside a terrorist troop war that surprised al qaeda. the united states and our allies. or did it? now, from studio j at fox news headquarters, here is greta van susteren. what is isis and what do they want? over the past decade colonel oliver north and war stories team have made more than 15 trips to iraq where isis is currently gaining ground. oliver north joins us. ollie, what does isis want? they want a caliphate, a country of their own that goes from the la vante and control every aspect of it politically, diplomatically and, of course, carry out sharia law as they see it in that part of the world that they now claim is a new islamic state. is there any indication that they would even stop at
that? no, in fact, they have said that they are going to take the fight here to the united states. they are going to take it to western europe. that s all part of their global caliphate that is in the long range plan. people often say that these kinds of organizations don t have a beyond tomorrow because some of their followers want to die in the process. in ancient revolutions like the 1917 bulavec they all want to survive the experience. relatively few of those engaged in this fight really do want to survive the experience. what are we doing, the united states, to stop this? well, not enough. if the idea is to destroy isis, we have started out the wrong way. first, the what the troops call the obama bugout from iraq in 2011. and now you are looking at a situation where they literally dominate the arab part of syria, and iraq, all the way down to south of baghdad and, of course, they are making millions of dollars a day from oil
revenues in addition to the money they have stolen from banks, in addition to the money that they make from everything from extortion to protection reacts to ransom. all right, ollie, you really dug into how isis came about. let s take a look at that. isis clearly at this point is the world s most terrorist group. jihadist state. ph.d. in islamic history and served in the u.s. army as an arabic speaking specialist. however, unlike al qaeda, still focused on the near enemy. it s trying to create the largest caliphate it can particularly the arab middle east now includes much the territory in syria and iraq. isis has effectively erased the border between the two countries. islamic state bases its claim to the caliphate on really two main things. many ways the literal reading of the karan, traditions that go back to
mohammed. they claim like a. all jihadists they follow the path of mohammed who established the first islamic state in the seventh century. remember when they talk about the lands of islam they mean all those lands that have ever been part of islam. professor at princeton university is one of the world s foremost middle eastern scholars. they see the lands of islam as being invaded and occupied by non-muslims. the militant jihadis in isis are led by their self-proclaimed leader. 43-year-old abu baghdadi. their goal? to kill or drive out so-called infidels from the lands where islam has reigned from centuries. the last caliphate really gentlemen lit mad adoman one established at the end of world war i. they think they are recreating that in some ways they think their caliphate is arab is even more legitimate than ottoman which is turk itish.
they believe that the only legitimate religious belief is their particular harsh brand of tsunami islam. any other who holds any other belief offensively muslim is deemed heretic libel to death or certainly exile. isis emerged from the al qaeda in iraq or aqi. the predecessor group to that was the group that abu sar suzuki started. he became the head of aqi. battling against u.s. coalition forces on the streets of fallujah from maddy. isis has been able to ellipse al qaeda by the fact that they rule a state. they are not hiding in caves and on the margins of the islamic world. [gunfire] they have a lot of fellows that have fought jihad, some afghanistan, many against our forces and the iraqi government forces in iraq as well as many against the government
forces of bashar al assad in syria. they have put all of these together. and when you add those to the fact that the united states really has not been there in any force for several years. the terrorist army of isis is now estimated to have more than 30,000 fighters from 70 countries. the way they achieve their goals is horrific. when isis takes over a sunni territory, it imposes strict islamic law, sharia, such as amputations for stealing, crucifixions and such for apostasy, as we know beheadings, isis clearly refers to as the two different passages in the karan that refer to the beheading of unbelievers on the battlefield. all indications show that many, if not all, isis fighters have a fanatical belief of fighting to the death. they really have, in many ways general dempsey said this a few weeks ago an apocalyptic viewpoint. isis clearly is talking about end of time battles.
armageddon type battles. so isis is still on this ancient quest but now it s using 21st century technology. let s bring in catherine herridge the author of the next wave. can you date about when isis began and how it s been able to move so swiftly to get 30,000 plus followers. isis a continuation of what we know as al qaeda in iraq. and in simple terms, this is really a group that s like al qaeda 3.0. it s younger, it s leaner, it s meaner, and it s a generation that really grew up with social media. and this is the life blood of the new digital jihad. this is how they are able to spread their message and give that impression that they are not just in iraq and syria but also here in the united states as well. but 30,000 people in roughly, what, a year and a half, two years? i mean, it s really hard to date it from the beginning. i find the 30,000 number extremely significant. unusual for the cia to
release a number in such a public way. i believe that that s an effort to further support or justify the administration s strategy now. and i think it s also radio a reflection of the fact that the cia is somewhat politicized on this issue. and when you speak to people in the intelligence community, they still don t have a great handle on how many people are actually in theater fighting on behalf of isis. ollie, we have learned more than 70 countries, isis fighters. you know, it s actually moved so quickly. as catherine just pointed out, they are experts at using social media. back in the days of aqi, no one heard of twitter or facebook or anything like that within the organization. it was then being fought by u.s. marines and soldiers throughout on bar province. the significant point of the number of recruits from foreign countries, of course is that many of them r. feared they would be able to return to their countries. there is the is possibility that youngsters who have been over there trained, equipped, fought and now come back know how to build
an ied. know how to build a improvised explosive device or commit suicide wearing a bomb vest made of nothing more or less than what two brothers found useful at a boston marathon. how is our intelligence gathering? it seems like all of the sudden everyone is talking about isis. has our intelligence gathering been such? we have been following this or monitoring this or are we behind. based on our reporting ongoing with fox with our team since 2009 this was on the intelligence community s radar for at least five years. and what we know now from our reporting is that the president was receiving information about the growing threat from isis or the rise of isis in iraq and syria for at least a year in what s called the president s daily brief. this is the most highly prized and classified document that s produced by the intelligence community. so this idea that the intelligence committee let the community down or somewhat blind sided i don t think holds any water. ollie and catherine, stand by. how isis is using
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[ whoosh ] [ cell phones buzz, chirp ] and we have to work the weekend. great. more good news it s friday! woo! [ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® for as low as $7.50. they want to frighten us and that s their brutal propaganda. we don t need to see that. that was james foley s mother talking to me in their new hampshire home. so how is isis using these vicious murders with their social media savvy to get new recruits? here is catherine herridge. to understand isis and its terrorist army you have to look at how propaganda
has evolved since 9/11 with social media. the attacks of 9/11 used 19 men in four hijacked airplanes to kill nearly 3,000 people in new york city, the pentagon and in shanksville, pennsylvania. we have been traveling around the united states. from southern california, it was adam can a dan english speaking spokesperson for usama bin laden s al qaeda network. they re the ones that started this dirty war and they re the ones who will end it. he is still missing and has a million-dollar reward on his head. as fox news has reported extensively it was this dual citizen of yemen and america who went from being invited as luncheon guest at the pentagon after 9/11 to a digital recruiter for al qaeda. he turned operable. fox news has reported on the cleric for years. with the command of english, arabic and the internet. u.s. citizen anwar al-awlaki was linked to terror
attempts. attempt by the so-called underwear bomber to blow up a plane on christmas day. massacre of fort hood which killed 13. al awlaki was killed in yemen in 20111 by a predator hell fire missile. but he lives on through this man abdullah shae. even after serving time in yemeni prison for his actions on behalf of al awlaki and al qaeda in arabian peninsula, shae recently announced his support for caliphate press to 10,000 followers on twitter. he tweeted this photo himself with al awlaki. isis has taken social media to a whole new level. isis uses all platforms everything from facebook to twitter to yelp, restaurant recommendations in syria. because they use all these different platforms, they get a lot of access to the younger set. richard reynolds is a retired army officer who spent half of his 30 year
career in the middle east, investigating terrorist and their network of contacts. we see perhaps as many as 125 different languages being used by isis and isis accounts. people may not have homes or jobs or cars, but everyone has got a phone. right. you know, isis has a media center. just seems to me that isis almost has a rapid response team. an event happens, they have got their message up. where is the old style al qaeda can sometimes take weeks to respond. isis also hijacks big news events online using a sophisticated media center. analyzing the highly produced execution videos. the media center in syria. this is like a digital network. it s almost like a tv station if you will. they have the ability to move cameras, lighting, sound, into an austere
situation, do the deed without being molested, nobody is dropping bombs on them or observing them overhead. move back to their fixed facility, media center and still get it on the web in a matter of minutes. they have the capability to get the equipment, the money to do it. does it look to you like they have got a team with professional training? yes. it does. maybe even former journalist? they may be former journalist. there is some suspicion that some people in the music industry is helping them with music and sound. maybe even with executions. and its media guru is believed to be this 33-year-old american from the boston area all medicine abu asamara. he was born in france and speaks multiple languages can appear across multiple platforms. this is what doing online
now. see them taking #s and sending out their material. they re looking at what s trending in the u.s. and then they are hijacking that. and they did that with those nude celebrity pictures. jennifer lawrence that whole group? exactly. how quickly can some kid in st. louis make a decision like make contact, make a decision and then go to syria? days, hours? days? we will see somebody that will read the social media entry. it resonates with them. they go right out, take their mom and dad s credit card, buy an airplane ticket and fly off to turkey or jordan or lebanon. catherine, why are terrorists using words like pajamas and recipe in social media post. great thing for investigators is that isis puts its message right out there in the open. you just need to know where to find. if if you collect and sift through this information, what investigators saying a grey gait the information, you can see what they are talking about most. but what often jumps out are
phrases like so cute or pajamas or peanut butter and investigators try to drill down to see whether this may be some kind of code or a message that they are trying to communicate to their followers sort of under the radar. this is so profoundly different than al qaeda. isn t it? the isis vs. al qaeda is hugely different with social media. it s a generational divide. really with isis they found a way to use social media that pours gasoline on the fire of radicalization. in the old days, and when i say the old days, i m talking about 9/11, it used to be that for someone to be recruited or radicalized they had to have this kind of one-on-one contact like you and i are having right now. sort of the mentoring thing. social media has really erased that younger people who have grown up with social media make that very intimate contact on line so intimate that they can have that confidence to either carry out act of violence here at home or travel overseas to join jihad and
syria in iraq. catherine, thank you. coming up, we investigate the allusive leader of isis and learn some surprising new facts. that s next. i m not afraid. i can face my 3rd grade class trip. tying shoes, fixing pigtails, and chasing after them when their wonder turns to wander. hannah. new tena instadry. designed for those unexpected leaks with 864 tiny funnels
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so who is the leader of isis? here s what we know about baghdadi. [speaking foreign language] little is known about america s most wanted terrorist. 43-year-old abu al baghdadi.
the isis leader has a 10-million-dollar u.s. bounty on his head. in july, he made a rare public appearance at a mosque in mosul, iraq. wearing what appeared to be an expensive watch he commonly cleaned his teeth before speaking to captive audience. the leader of isis went on a 15 minute rant. [ al baghdadi has claimed himself two different terms the. when video of baghdadi posted online, it was the first time many of his followers had ever laid eyes on him al bad dagy was also known as ibrahim al awad. sometimes also affixed to that is al samari that part of iraq.
he is an islamic scholar. western scholars have sort of ridiculed his credentials. baghdadi has been a shadowy presence for a very long time. as a u.s. army intelligence officer kevin served three tours in iraq and afghanistan. after his military service he was a cia case officer in the middle east. there was questions as to whether or not he really existed. he was sometimes confused with another high value target who led al qaeda in iraq who was killed. [gunfire] just been in the battle of fallujah when the marines produced the al qaeda hamlet in fallujah in 2004-2005. he was reportedly in u.s. custody at camp bucca in iraq from 2005 to 2009. the now closed prison camp located in southeastern iraq was named after ronald bucca, a new york city fire marshall killed on 9/11. consistent with the u.s. drawdown of forces and the turnover of authority to the iraqis he was improperly let
go out of custody in 2009. details are sketchy about what happened next. we do know that al qaeda had the great amount of autonomy within those camps in iraq. they still kept their command structure. they were still ordering and planning attacks from inside custody. in the years following his release, baghdadi quickly climbed the ranks of al qaeda in iraq. later, the group rebranded itself as isis. he clearly sort of leapfrogged ahead of al qaeda by going ahead and declaring a territorial state. something that has, in many ways, empowered isis, the islamic state to really now lay claim to being the chief islamic terrorist organization in the world. back with colonel oliver north and joining us is middle east expert and columnist lisa and terrorism expert walid phares, author of future jihad.
ollie, where is baghdadi. probably in rocca syria. headquarters. place branched out and taken from the la vant to south of baghdad yesterday. very well defended. we expect, i think they have got the same kind of if you will physical infrastructure to protect them that we saw recently in gaza. lisa, you agree? i saw you nodding your head that you spoke al ollie there. they built their infrastructure? rocca. that s when the u.s. wasn t looking and wasn t paying attention. the president was so fixated baghdadi jumped over from iraq to syria. and they built the headquarters there. and that s when they really began their plans on this caliphate, on islamic state picking over oil fields. that s where they are getting their revenue. taking over airfields and all the elements that are needed to make a state. and at the same time doing
public crucifixions. we have covered that here at fox and we have been reporting about it all along. building this caliphate and building their headquarters, he must be there because he has the protection but at times he does show his face to invigorate the cause and to radicalize others to join them as well. walid, i guess that s why the syria part of this is so very important. the president doesn t talk as much about syriaened at air strikes right now are not in syria. but if he is hiding there and if he is the leader. the whole theories are about him being in rocca definitely is the capital. it s his office and headquarters he personally may not be there. why? they have learned from what we have done with al in yemen with a drone. they have learned what we have done with killing bin laden if we know he is in a fixed position and he have to communicate unlike with bin laden who had cut off everything, this man is the chief of staff and the commander of forces. there are communications which means that while officially he could be there, he could be well mobile.
any idea where is he? no idea? all the area between mosul and rocca is the area he could be moving in. what you just highlighted is one of the extraordinary problems we have. we have become so dependent on signals intelligence, we have almost no human intelligence on the ground inside syria to give us any reports on where he really might be. all right. panel, stay with us. coming up, we are going to take a closer look at the head of isis media wing. new information about his american roots. woooo.
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in earlier this month president obama pledged 3,000 troops. the u.s. efforts come as the outbreak is spreading rapidly. already claimed more than 2600 lives over the past nine months. nfl commissioner roger goodell promising recent mistakes by himself and players will not happen again. speaking earlier today, goodell addressed criticism that the nfl was too lenient or delayed punishment of ray rice, adrian peterson and other players involved in recent domestic violence cases. goodell says he will not resign but is ordering new personal conduct policies to be implemented by the super bowl. i m trace gallagher. greta investigates next. for all your headlines, log to have a good evening. who is who is isis new guru. we sent griff jenkins to find out.
he should be considered to be armed and dangerous. he is a threat to the nation. richard was the special agent in charge during the boston bombing investigation. he is the guy who put a catholic school boy on the fbi s most wanted terrorist list. these are individuals who reside here in the united states who are radicalized on their own, oftentimes through access to online jihadi materials. so, is amad abu sam are led pr terror group. until he was killed by a drone in yemen. north carolina native ran the slick online magazine inspire. now it appears isis has its own american guru abu asumara. not too far away from where the patriots play football. he had privileged upbringing as the son of. he went to a high school
which is a catholic school not too far away. he comes over here just for his senior year. we don t know why he left. but we know that he graduated here. the principal told us that he fit. in he was, you know, didn t strike her as being out of the ordinary too much. abu sumara studied computer science here. during this time period, authorities believe he became fully radicalized. he and his wanna be jihadi friends would spend saturday night watching al qaeda videos and becoming part of the reaction. post 9/11 they start to hate america. he traveled on several occasions overseas. his first travel was in april of 2002 when he traveled to pakistan for the purposes of seeking military style terrorist training. abu sumra and buddies nailed first attempt. according to these court records in abu sumra planned
an attack on civilians at a shopping mall. they also conspired to assassinate then security advisor condoleezza rice and then attorney general john ashcroft. again, they failed. on or about february 13th, 2014, mr. abu sumra traveled to the fallujah area of iraq. there, he may have made an important connection. abu some are a was in fallujah at the same time that we believe that al baghdadi was in fallujah. what about connections he may have made back in boston as first reported by paul, at least 8 known terrorists attended this cambridge mosque. a point the mosque denies. is there any information you can give us about this guy abusoumra. do you ever remember seeing him? no. no clue. why do you think this mosque keeps ended up attached to terrorism. this is false accusation as you already know. nobody knows. this is a mosque. everybody is welcome.
after his jihad tour, abu soumra expleets his computer science degree. he and others began producing violent propaganda videos and translating online messages from bin laden s inner circle. by 2006 the fbi had initiated an investigation and spoke with him as well as. the co-spirits would often employ code wrds like peanut butter and jelly for jihad. right now i m in culinary school and i just made peanut butter and jelly. overseas to an area we believe to be aleppo, syria. in 2012 he was convicted in a federal court in boston and is now serving 17 years. he refused our request for an interview. december of 2013, mr. abusoumra was elevated to the most wanted terrorist list. here s the deal. he knows a lot and they want him. if he is found anywhere on
the planet, they are going to grab him. griff tried to track down abu soumra who moved to detroit right after his son let boston. we found him employed at a university in qatar. we re back with our panel. how is it that an american gets so radicalized and becomes a media guru for such a vicious organization. abu soumra is not an unusual case. what we do in america is when we find somebody who declares themself jihadist we start looking around. what school? what is the situation with the presidents. ideology touched him and touch others. the question is who is indoctrinated these people. once they are indoctrinated there are as many as we can see. i think abu soumra could have been al qaeda. this generation of al qaeda followed isis because isis is more effective on the ground. it showed them through the
video it could plant a flag, it could volume an area. that s why many are now switching to isis. lisa, what about women? are women recruited and if so how are they used? women are one of the big e. targets particularly women in the u.s. from isis s point of view why not bring the women if you want to grow the caliphate and they can help procreate and have jihadi families and help with revenue and sell them off as sex slaves. they need women for sexual needs. they are very open from that. from the women s point of view this is how radicalized women think they could help the cause. this is their contribution to the jihad and they go over. whether they get paid to go over or whether they are lured into some sort of love affair online this is what is going on. alli, abu soumra if we caught him and he were willing to talk he would be a wealth of information. he would be. what s even more important is what both walid and lisa said about the effect of what he is doing if he
indeed is the propagandist the fact that the entire army north of baghdad bolted after they put up videos of executions that were being carried out, mass murders and, of course, the advanced north into kurdistan was because they were showing what they could do to christians and literally crews crucifying children. there has not been in modern times a propaganda arm as effective as this one. so this guy is not only wanted because he has been part of a criminal enterprise. he is wanted because this is a guy who has learned how to attract tens of thousands, if you believe the numbers, into this cause of isis. if there how do you defeat that walid? look, we are dealing with something new testament al baghdadi unlike commanders of al qaeda or before that is not just an expert on islam. he is an expert on islamic history. what he is trying to do is tell them it is possible. not just going to the founding times of islam.
he is going back to the time damascus capital of the caliphate. people bring he is bringing back israel. how to defeat them. in addition to the military strike have to do. eventually it s a generational issue. we have to intercept the next generation. these guys were 12-year-old or 14-year-old on 9/11. what we need to do is make sure that the next generation is not going to go jihadist. lisa, the influence of iran was what on this whole problem. iran is the biggest winner in all of this. because they are still holding the puppet strings and keeping assad in power in syria. back home in iran the human rights violations, no one is calling them out on that. in the meantime, the u.s., the west has loosened the sanctions. they have the economic breathing space. they are not afraid that their own people will be out on the streets because of that economic breathing space. we have given them the time to go after the parts of the nuke program that are missing and the time to play out the clock and to actually get nuclear arms. panel, if you ll stand
by, everything isis does takes money and lots of it and they have it. so how do they get it? and can we stop their cash flow? that s coming up. want to change the world? create things that help people. design safer cars. faster computers. smarter grids and smarter phones. think up new ways to produce energy.
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the treasury department. he has followed the money trails for a decade. nice to see you. nice to see you. how is it getting its money. resources, controlling territory now. the biggest of course is oil. used to think getting as much as $2 million a day. then rolled back to a million, maybe under a million. say it s only half a million dollars a day. i would take that paycheck. that s a lot of money. they are also getting funds not as much as al qaeda and major donors in the government not as big a deal for them. primarily financed through localized crime in iraq. always meaning isis is today what used to be the islamic state of iraq, al qaeda in iraq, the zarqawi network, it s all the same thing. even back during 2005, 2006, 2007, their primary funding for the insurgency was and continues to be today through local rides crime, kidnapping for ransom. corruption, et cetera. whereas we have tools to deal with major donors in the gulf we have tools even if we decide to implement
them to deal with the oil that they are siphoning off and smuggling across the border. we don t have tools to deal with their crime at home because we don t have boots on the ground. what was the reason for having such enormous ransom figure for instance for james foley? they wanted 130 million american dollars. and if they have got all this oil money coming. in they never got that kind of money from rans ransom. they were never going to get 130 million from any country. which is why some people don t think it was in the for the money at all. they know they have a no ransom policy anyway. all likelihood this was exaggerated figure because they didn t ever intend to ransom them off. the oil that they have sold on the black market. correct. any way to shut that down? because if it is selling for $105 a barrel. they are selling for $60 a barrel it s going to look pretty good. some of the other smugglers kurds and others selling $55 a barrel. selling as low as $40 a barrel. because turks in particular
pay so much for gas, there is supply and command, there is a market. if you can find someone who can get that oil, you will be able to find people to smuggle it and buy it in turkey. got it drive these trucks across the border. they have to be able to work with middle men in syria and turkey we have ways of targeting them. law enforcement, treasury designations and even a military capability if they are going across particular crossings with the trucks. you say there are ways to doing it why aren t we doing it or why r. we doing it f. we need to shut them down for the money. this is a political decision. the president had decided we were going to seriously tackle isis. secretary hagel says one of the things targeting money oil in particular. hopefully that will start. my concern is that we keep saying how we are going to do it only on the iraq side of the border and not so much on the syrian side of the border and that s like squeeze ago balloon. if we don t squeeze isis in iraq and syria, we are not going to get very far. matthew, thank you. always a pleasure. how do we fight this growing threat and can we win? that s next.
last december i was in the kurdish area of iraq. i was in irbeal, kirkuk that whole area. there was danger involved but they were excited because they thought they turned the corner and the country was starting to build up, the area. they loved americans and glad saddam was gone. within days or weeks, all of a sudden things completely changed. now kurdistan, that whole area that s where isis is. can we help the kurds?
well, it s not just a question of can we help the kurds but can the kurds help the world because many are of them are depending on others in the middle east to come together to fight isis. we need to support them, train them, arm them provide the intelligence as well as the air power to make sure that they are successful. so are the kurds the key to defeating isis, ollie? the isis took over fallujah in january. mosul in the summer, early summer. well, the kurds are key to northern iraq because the kurds are fighting for kurdistan. i mean, let s not kid ourselves here and we should be helping them. we should have helped them a long time ago. if you are talking about as many have said, squeezing the balloon and letting them all flee back into syria. the kurds are not going to fight that fight for us. unfortunately, the folks on the ground right now say it s going to take 6 to 12 months to train, equip, vet, and then send back into the field the so-called free syrian army. it s going to number 5,000 people. by the time they get back
from being trained in saudi arabia. you will probably have 45 to 50,000 isis fighters. you have to fight a two front war. free syrian army against assad and against isis. it s a formula for disaster. with the numbers that ollie just named. 15,000 more than they have now of isis with 5,000 more iraqis trained or kurds to train. absolutely. one equation is that if you don t do some strategic action against isis now, in the next few weeks, isis is going to double. because this is going very fast. faster than before. there were 15,000, they doubled to 30,000 and they are not recruiting anymore. they are drafting people. you are going to see tenses of thousands of young men have to join isis in mosul and elsewhere. whenever you look at solutions to defeating isis, each thing you talk about is necessary but not sufficient. so you talk about, you know, arming the kurds, yes, that s one part of it that s coming out at one angle. come at them and their pockets hit them with their pockets. they are so rich. they can always grow and
grow and grow. you have to hit them in their cyber capability so they can t radicalize and recruit. long-term, look oat ideological threat. they keep evolving because ideology exists. we have to stop looking at reactionary type of solution. what s their motive to strike here now? why not? in the u.s.? no, i m just asking. all this concentration in this part of the world. they say they want the caliphate. then we have got radicalized americans and terrorists here. if we pressure them, they will try to deter us. if you don t strike full fledge, they are going to do if we do they are going to order them to strike. if we do nothing? if we do nothing they will do nothing but they will continue in the middle east. if they continue in the middle east they will get to the situation we have a little sunni iran. be unstoppable. and the thing to do now is to use that air power to go after high value targets and logistics support bases, their training centers in iraq and elsewhere. and their money?
yes. but you don t use airplane for that the problem with air power alone and that s all we have got right now. no one ever captured a piece of ground, terrorist or set a prisoner free with air power alone. it takes tough men with rifles on the ground. imagine it as a pool some people around the pool have to go in. some should not go in. regime should not go in. iran should not go in, they will make it to sectarian. everybody else is important. kurds in iraq, kurds in syria under some conditions but also the sunni moderate in both countries. ollie, where are we going to train these fighters. theoretically trained in syria. that means we have to get them out of syria into perhaps turkey or jordan, fly them down to saudi arabia. put u.s. special forces on the ground down there and train them somewhere between 6 and 12 months after they have been vetted. mission impossible. ollie, lisa, walid, thank you very much. and thank you for joining us tonight. if you want it know more about isis and how the u.s. is planning to defeat them,
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140811 23:00:00

student stay tuned for fox news channel with this. good night from washington. on the record are greta is next. this is a fox news alert. great actor and comedian robin williams has died. williams was found dead in his house. an investigation into the cause of death is underway. and this is a fox news alert. new video showing panic in iraq. military helicopters delivering humanitarian aid to thousands of desperate religious refugees, many of dying of thirst and hunger all trapped on a mountain dan top. the obamadministration for the first time bypassing the iraqi government and directly arming kurdish forces. forces who are fighting for their lives against isis. the u.s. also launching new air strikes at the vicious terror group isis advances. we have live on the record
team coverage across the globe from baghdad to the pentagon plus, representative former air force pilot adam kensinger and bob scales all here to go on the record. tonight a bombshell from former secretary of state hillary clinton slamming president obama s foreign policy that professional relationship and friendship likely hit the skids publicly big time. we begin in iraq with grn reporter her miny what s the news. there bad day for kurdish forces driven out of a town mixed with sunnis and arabs. today s defeat seems to be another contact exact of the kurds being massively outgunned. so the good news, very good news for the is today s announcement that the u.s. will be sending them
weapons. u.s. air strikes have also been helping to retake yesterday. after the militants retake it however, in the meantime, the islamic militants have already looted banks, destroyed mosques and government buildings. hermine. sorry, i was going to say the refugee crisis is ongoing. thrp may be jumping way ahead with all troubles kurdistan is having with baghdad, and is president and the people of kurdistan, do they want to break away from baghdad and iraq and form their own country? is that where we are headed? they declared a few weeks ago now president went to the kurdish and regional
parliament and requested that the particle men tearian start looking into the possibility of holding a referendum preparing for independence should that not happen. today s new prime minister is probably sort of bittersweet for the kurds because it means they no longer have the option of disengaging from the country which they did have as long as nouri al maliki was prime minister. herminey thank you very much. thank you. sending arms to the kurdish forces. jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon. jennifer?
overseeing the shipment of weapons directly to the kurds and about face by the obama administration which, until now had resisted directly arming the kurdish. carried out a total of 15 air strikes targeting isis targets and now flying a total of 50 to 60 reconnaissance sorts a day. 14 humanitarian air drops to thousands of stranded. air drops have dropped 75,000 meals to stranded refugees trapped in the mountains and 16,000 gallons of fresh drinking water. the u.s. is conducting air strikes with f-18s off george f.w. bush. president obama talked about setting up humanitarian corridor but the pentagon is having trouble mapping out corridor. red line for the pentagon and white house right now. there are no plans to expand the operation to anything
other than defensive humanitarian assistance, according to the pentagon lt. general who briefed today. kurdish leaders say that the left on the mountain are facing genocide. president obama welcomed the announcement by the new barack obama were by the president of iraq today. political block decided to back not nouri al maliki. ordered troops and tanks to protect his office in the green zone and gave no indication he planned to step aside indication he may not go quietly. lt. general william mayville the pentagon chief of operations has said at the press conference she s strikes will not stop isis elsewhere. to the extent we do anything now immediately what about isis? it s clear what the pentagon is saying don t think that these air
strikes, again, only 15 total to this point which are designed to push isis back to protect the u.s. consulate there and u.s. workers there. and as part of this humanitarian mission. but, this is a very limited mission pentagon is stating that outright. very limited in scope at this point in time. greta? jennifer, thank you. isis is cruel, vicious beyond your wildest imagination. they even cut children in half. in fact, that s what isis did to a a-year-old child who our next guest baptized. white annually can vicar in baghdad joins us. good evening, sir. good evening cannon white. cannon white, did you can hear
me sir. can i hear you fine. good. can you please tell me, this is a terrible story. you can hear me? 5-year-old child, can you tell me what happened this w. this family that isis did this to this child? no response. can you can hear me? yes, can i hear you sir. what happened to w. this family and this child? cannon, we will try to get back to you when we can get contact with you in baghdad. we re going to move on to republican representative adam kinzinger joins us. congressman kinzinger what do you think is going on with the military action in iraq? well, i always want to be, you know, very careful to not be the guy that
criticizes the president all the time. i do commend him on beginning this humanitarian operation. the story of the mountain is very tragic. the problem is if we don t have a larger crush isis in iraq and in syria, we are going to be careening literalfully this kind of crisis to the next one to the next one. i know the president is worried about getting reencaged in iraq and i frankly understand that and american people are worried about it. this is a moment that secretary hagel said today they are a major threat and almost existential threat in many cases to our way of life. the earlier you can crush this movement, he they went from a few thousand people, not that many months ago, to some estimates of 18,000 today. they are growing. i called for air strikes back in january, and i think if we would have actually done that we wouldn t be talking about isis today. but every day that goes by without, i think further air power and air strikes to stop their movement, he they are only going to get bigger
and the problem is going to get larger and be something we have to deal with in a really big way. do you have the sense is the president talking to congress at all? is he going all alone on this with the pentagon? i realize he doesn t have to get an authorization from c ng to do. this but is there any sort of talk with leaders in the house and the senate about what s going on? i m sure there are to an extent. i haven t talked to the speaker or anyone along that line what kind of coordination they are having with the president. i hope he is the president, i think, will see a congress that s willing to go along with his objectives here. the president has to make this case to the american people. i thought he did a good job of making the case about rescuing these thousands of people trapped on a mountain, but he always, in every speech, talks about what we re not going to do. we re not going to put boots on the ground. that s fine. you never really actually want to say that and we are not going to expand this to anything bigger. he has to be more tough and bring the american people
with him. is he a leader. congressman, thank you, sir. you bet. thank you. this is a fox news alert. actor robin williams found dead in california. let s go to fox news trace gallagher for the very latest. trace? yeah, greta. we are just getting information crossing right now. robin williams apparently was found this morning in continue enter ron, california, that s his hometown. the 911 call came in around 11:55 just before noon west coast time. apparently there was a male who was unconscious. the sheriff s department says it appears the cause of death may have been asphyxiation. of course, an autopsy has not been done yet. we are apparently just now getting a statement from the family. the statement from the family does not confirm this was a possible suicide, greta. but they do go in and say he has been suffering severe depression in recent weeks. we re going to pull that statement up for you right now. everybody knows, of course, robin williams 363 years old. known, of course, for his primary role in the movies,
the morning and mindy television show rather and good morning vietnam, the dead poet s society. he won an academy award for goodwill hunting as best supporting actor. also nominated for three other academy awards. here s the statement from his family. it says, quote: robin williams passed away this morning. he had been battling severe depression of late. this is is a tragic and sudden loss. the family respectfully asks for their privacy as they grieve during this very difficult time. again it, goes on to say, quoting here, from robin williams wife, this morning i lost my husband and my best friend. while the world lost one of its most beloved artists and beautiful human beings, i m utter itly heart broken. on behalf of robin s family we are asking four privacy during time of profound grief as he is remembered, it is our hope the focus will not be on robin s death but on the countless moments of joy and laughter he gave to millions. he did give joy and laughter
to millions, greta. again, this happened just before noon west coast time today. found inside his home in tillable enter continue tiberon. again, asphyxiation is what the sheriff believes the cause of death was. that has not yet been confirmed. suicide is being speculated about. the family won t confirm that but they are, of course, saying that in recent weeks he was suffering severe depression. we re working now to get more information about the death of robin williams at 63 years old. greta? trace, i imagine listening to this. everyone feels like he or she knows robin williams. we have been entertained for some years for decades. mrs. doubt fire was another one that wasn t in the list which some people loved. and, yet, you know, many people did know that he suffered from, you know, he he had a drinking problem or
a drug problem. he had gone into rehab. so, you know, it deeply disconcerning to so many fans to see his face up there and to think that we are not going to see any more of his new performances at least. in terms of recently, do we know, you know, what he has been doing recently? has he been on the road doing standup? has he been doing movies or struggling with problems? what s he been doing lately? we know, greta, that he was working actually, you talked about mrs. doubt fire, one of his most beloved roles. he was working or at least signed to do a sequel to mrs. doubt fire of course starring in that role with dustin hoffman that was where he of course played the woman trying to get back or played a woman trying to get back his kids after a divorce and he had apparently resigned to play that again. robin williams was involved in another tv show, i forget the name of it last fall. that show, i believe, was cancelled at some point last
year. robin williams getting back into television, which is where he started. you know, you go back and you remember that the mork role began as part-time role on laverne and shirley years and years ago and spun off into its own television series. we are still waiting for comments from people who knew and loved him. the twitter sphere as a you can imagine is on fire now. pam dauber co-star she lives in this area with mark harmon. this is a shock to anyone who has ever been entertained and loved. and this was you talk about the drug problems. late 70s, greta, the early 80s he was addicted to co-deign. the death of a friend and the birth of a son prompted him to quit drugs, he said, and then back in august of 2006, williams checked himself into rehab for alcoholism after 20 years of sobriety and then he was hospitalized again back in 2009 due to heart problems.
he had this great bond with the old comedian jonathan winters. he said they shared the very same track. jonathan winters well known for his bouts with depression over the years. and robin williams as he was coming up into the entertainment world struck up a kinship with jonathan winters and said they would spend hours and hours up in jonathan winters attic and pick up toys and do impromptu ad-lib comedy strips. that s where he became great at going on and on for hours and doing these different comedy routines. of course, robin williams suffered very much the same track that jonathan winters did. robin williams, of course, rallied many times, made great moses, was a great contributor to the world of television. he was also a genuine human being. we lived in tiberan when we started working for fox news channel many years ago. you would run across him and others. he was always very gracious to everybody who came across
his path. i didn t know him. he didn t know me. but, still a very gracious individual and, again, robin williams, we re being told died of asphyxiation. won t say suicide the family says he was suffering depression. the sheriff s office says it appears to be a case of suicide just before noon today here on the west coast. greta. you know, trace. when these people entertain you so much and they make you laugh, he made all of us laugh. it s sort of hard to think of being a depressed guy in the sense that it s so stunning and almost more difficult to understand his death assuming that it is by suicide and certainly the indications are at least from what we are hearing so far is suicide. that he was so busy making all of us feel good and at the same time, he was feeling really bad. i suppose that the drugs, the alcohol didn t help it, but, you know, it s very difficult to look at this vibrant man on our screen right now. all this tape, smiling, laughing, making all of us laugh and now, suddenly, we
discover that that he is dead. it s very difficult, isn t it? it is. and, you know, you go back to the show inside the actor s studio. i m not sure if it s still on anymore. robin williams was on there one time. he was very open about his addictions and expression and the fact that you know, comedy sometimes comes out of severe depression. and sometimes he said you have to laugh just not to cry. so robin williams wasn t trying to hide the fact that he grew up. he struggled with depression for years and years as a youth. said that he was often bull idea as a child but he overcame that because he could make people laugh. he could make his friends laugh. because of that he became who he is. but, you negotiation the drugs and then you go off and you are sober for 20 years and then something triggers and you get back. in you are back drinking again and get back into rehab. it s one of those things that you can never ever congress core. he was conquer.
he was truly a pioneer in comedy because you could sit and watch him. and when mork and mindy first hit the air, the directors and producers and a lot of the stuff that you saw that actually became part of the show was ad-libbed. robin williams going off. that led him to have this phenomenal status as the king of the ad-lib. the king of a guy who could just do these improvised skits for hours on end and would entertain his friends and when he would go to these parties, which he shied away from. he would go in there and he would do these very funny ad-lib skits and could talk about anything for hours. and as you say, greta, it is shocking to think that someone with robin williams talent and his money and all of his success could be at the depths of depression to a point where he may have taken his own life. greta? i once met him with my
husband. i don t know if he is watching. he called my husband mr. van susteren and giving me trouble about being a little bossy. so i always thought that he was sort of i always liked him a lot. let me read his wife s statement again in case people are just tuning in to the news about robin williams dying. his wife suive snyder writes this, this morning i lost my husband and best friend while the world lost one of the most beloved artist and beautiful human beings. i m utterly heart broken. on behalf of robin s family we are asking for privacy during our time of profound brief. it s our home the focus will not be on robin s death but on the countless moments of joy and. [ laughter ] joy and laughter he gave to millions. i suspect this is going to shake up hollywood and lots of statements coming out tonight, trace? they are already coming out, greta. you go on twitter, can you see that people are are just shocked. it took us a while because when the sheriff s department released this
press release, it had robin williams name in there. the age matched. of course the name matched of the it didn t say robin williams the actor. just a robin williams had been found inside his home. of course when we confirmed that it was in fact robin williams, you could just feel the internet exploding. we have lance armstrong who rereleased this quote rest in peace, robin, i will always remember you as one hell of a friend. there is more. much more on breaking news actor robin williams found dead. new information just coming out. the it latest coming up. our visionary cloud infrastructure, and dedicated support, free you to focus on what matters. centurylink. your link to what s next.
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we re going to go back to trace gallagher who is live in our los angeles studio. trace? we re just getting more reaction coming in, greta. i at the present time read you this. we had talked about how you said he was such a funny man it was back in 1997 that entertainment weekly dubbed him the funniest man alive. saying, quote: williams brought audiences hours of laughter putting imaginative spin on film and television. lauded for serious roles as well. we forget that greta that he had those serious roles in dead poet s scioto and other films nominated for oscars. wasn t just a funny guy and great comic actor. dramatic actor. lauded for serious roles as well. oscar for performance sean macguire therapist matt
genius in goodwill hunting and received nominations for the fisher king in 1991. dead poet society in 1989 and good morning vietnam in 1987. of course, williams was born in chicago back in 1951 and he resided in tiberan which is in the san francisco bay area for many years. we talked about how some of the twitter comments. great friend and colleague of robin williams just wrote this, quoting here. i could not be more stunned by the loss of robin williams, great talent, acting partner genuine soul. ellen degeneres quoting this i didn t believe the news about robin williams he gave so much to some people. i m heart broken and against lance armstrong rest in peace, robin. i will always remember you as one hell of a friend. i love you and miss you terribly. me a farrell no, robin williams, you were so loved. george wallace saying shout
out to my friend robin williams 63 great years of laughter, rest in peace and jenny mccarthy saying rest in peace to one of the greatest comedic and dramatic actors of our time miss you very much. greta. trace, if you will stand by with us. he we will go with michael tamara who is host of in the fox light. michael? hey, greta. good evening. can you hear me. good evening. live right now at the red carpet for the new movie freedomming and premiering. it s tough news. people are in shock tonight. i imagine i can t even imagine a red carpet. i imagine this is going down the red carpet so quickly everyone hearing the news
statement from his life is heart breaking. he made us laugh so much. tonight he does the opposite to us. one of the great, great talents. so many good movies. goodwill hunting, fisher king, oscar for goodwill hunting one those roles made us laugh and made us cry. a lot of people wrapped their arms around this news tonight as it breaks. if he were here the question i would always want to act why are you such a great actor? he was such a great actor. why were you so funny? he was so funny and so much to offer us in terms of entertainment. entertainment was something you could show just about everybody. it was all pretty good entertainment for all ages. it was. not a lot of controversy with him throughout his career. you didn t see him walking the perp walk or being arrested. he was one of those a-class celebrities. people will definitely miss him. he certainly had the
troubled history with alcohol and drugs. yes. that s not necessarily so sneak to robin williams. some people have had had that trouble. as we look at on the tv we see him laughing. let me just read again in case people are just tuning in. susan schneider had his wife and she made this statement. this morning i lost my husband and my best friend. while the world lost one of its most beloved artists and beautiful human beings, i m utterly heart broken. we are asking for privacy during our time of profound grief. hope the focus will not be on robin s death countless moments of joy and a laughter he gave to millions. terrible. stunning. and i think how it s all going down. i think people are very surprised to hear it. amberbetter answer people are shocked. twitter is going crazy with ellen degeneres. everybody sort of speechless. you expect actors like robin
williams to live forever on the screen. expect them to live forever in life as well. tragic news tonight. robin williams only 63 years old apparently committing suicide. not officially suicide all the reports so far say he died of of affix i can t yahweh will be back with more don tpen. go away. be them always watching you. go for it, paul! get open! come on, paul! let s go! hustle! what is that, chamomile tea?! uh, lattes. you wanna take a nap?! get the good more with nfl mobile, free with the more everything plan. exclusively from verizon. now get 50% off all new smartphones.
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this is a fox news alert. oscar winning actor robin williams found dead in his california home. actress suzanne summers joins us. good evening, suzanne. hi, greta. i was just watching. and what a surprise to all of us and a bad surprise at that. it s unbelievable. so young and so unfinished. his show and my show debuted around the same time mork and mindy and my show three s company. who is this guy such a talent? in a business people are cut throat and jealous of everyone s success. no one ever felt that way about robin. he was in a category where we hoped he would advance where he might just stand up and do his things thing so few people have that kind of
capacity. what a terrible loss. i have a sense that he made everyone feel good. everyone in terms of i maybe not in his personal life but in terms of entertainment. he made everybody laugh. dramatic roles may not have been funny. we always knew he would have a time when he would have his comedy and stand up. he would make everybody laugh. yeah. it s sort of, you know, i know don rickles very well. the evening is usually about fingers crossed hoping they do their thing robin never failed. he would ad-lib. he was always crazy and outrageous. always thoughtful he knew exactly where he was going and what his objective was. really a terrible terrible loss. comedy most traumatic actors
have a problem with comedy. whole different rhythm. comedy is musical and he clearly has the music as well as the dramatic ability i bet it was very difficult. made everyone think it was fun and exciting all the time apparently had a lot of demons going on when he was out in public making everybody laugh, everyone was having fun. you know that song put on a happy face. i don t think anybody knows the reason for his death. hoping that s not it. when you are the clown, that is part of the job to put on a happy face. his wife has said going
to focus on laughter. it s hard it to focus on that if you admired his work. you feel the sadness of the loss. it s hard to like he was enormously talented but sort of hard to focus on the great accomplishments when you are filling a big hole tonight. and his youth. if you are 20, 63 years old. if you are in your 60 s and have a friend who died who is 63, it seems very young, especially in today s world where the life expectation is so far beyond that, life expectation is 90. what accelerated it. i was looking forward to mrs. doubt fire. the fact that he had signed on for another one. why wouldn t he? he is still at his peak. he never a career has ups and downs, his has been mostly up since the 70s.
i m not aware of big dips and valleys. never lost his box office or ability to sell tickets. never lost his ability to sell out. that longevity is rare in this community. what is the back story? did the actors know that these last days and weeks have been tough for him? was the word going around or not? no. i did not hear anything. and he lived up in nordic, california, it is amazing that he stayed on top ofor so long. so many actors can come and go. it s a tough business. he was always successful, wasn t he, for decades? yes. and i couldn t hurt him with
facebook category. everybody is scared to go after him. i think they would have been attacked. i don t know why anybody would have. he was likeable. not like a celebrity that people want to chase the paparazziy want to chase and put horrible pictures of. people liked him. they wanted to make him look good. i think he was one of the ones who played with the paparazziy and made the funny faces. you know, he was one of the view that understood the dance between the paparazzi and the celebrities do you have a favorite robin williams movie? probably mrs. doubt fire. i was in awe of him on mork and mindy. we were working at the same
time. at the same studio shows are so scripted. every line with robin it was just kind of left open. so go for it. what will robin do? capture the gold. keep an isolated camera on him rare moment. good morning vietnam. a line from a movie everybody everybody remembers. i m in are artillery. just play it loud okay? who gave everyone permission to play modern music. there it is suzanne, thank you. thanks, greta. very sorry. yeah, we all are in our coverage of robin williams death will continue. the latest on the breaking news coming up. you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal.
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this is a fox news
alert. sad news tonight from hollywood. actor and comedian robin williams has died. and you are looking live at morin county, california where williams lived. let s go to shep williams in the fox news deck for the very latest. it breaks all our hearts tonight because we all feel we knew him. you have that feeling about so many. when you look across his work, what stood out about him was not the comedic overtures that he could lend but really the broad scope of his work. it seemed that he could reach out to some places. i once heard the host of his mind worked faster than everybody else s in the industry. he once asked him sometime, i think maybe a year before probably around 2,000 he once asked him how is it that your mind goes so much faster than everybody else s. he really didn t have an answer for that along the way he was so open about his troubles. if he, you know, as a fan of his you would see him on so many late night shows and some of the daytime shows as well talking to ellen degeneres about his own
vulnerabilities about his long history of addiction and how difficult it had been. i read once did he that because he felt like other people who were suffering of addiction he didn t want to them to feel like they had to remain lois clod up about it he said if you are addicted and remain closed up about it the people around you won t know to do so. he spoke openly about his own addictions as maybe a hint to others about how to act around such a thing. we know he was in rehab as of july the 8th. so just about a month ago. his publicist said he had been suffering a long time we have just gotten a statement out from fox our parent company. fox, which will release the third night at the museum film, you are whispering. what was that? who is whispering? oh, i thought i heard you whispering. wee will release the third night at the museum flism has film has issued the following statement and i quote there is no words to
describe the loss of robin williams he was imbalancely talented and cherished part of the community and part of the fox family. our hearts go out. he will be missed. no doubt he will. keep going back to the statement of his poor wife. i can t even imagine tonight. she wants us to focus on the accomplishments. during one of the breaks someone brought me the tv shows and movies. suzanne somers was talking about in that business of hollywood and acting to be able to stay on top for so many decades. it goes on and on the list of movies and tv shows. he never stopped working. she said he never had a box office flop. i never stopped to look at his career but it s really an extraordinary career. i think a lot of people i was looking through it a few minutes ago in my office as well, greta. wow, i had forgot been that to one generation he is mork from ork. he is academy award winner.
is he goodwill hunting. the range is really quite astounding. i am always sort of put off when i sometimes read about the death of celebrities. i was reading a couple of my favorite sites that i go to for news gathering during the day just to see how people are talking about folks and the first comments on one of my favorite sites was i haven t seen anything impressed with him in a load time good riddance. there are just haters in this world who just hate by way of default but i think the rest of us, the other 99. 5% of us will now have a chance to look through this body of work and probably be astounded. what an incredible talent we have lost. he was a terrific mentor and with his comedic work and trornd, on the social front, he was able to say look, i m a man with flaws. i have addictions and troubles in my life like you do. i m seeking help with my
troubles. i m not always succeeding in getting help. my understanding according to his publicist and others depression had gotten very deep in recent months. back into rehab last month. we are waiting for morin county in northern california to come up with results of autopsies. it was clear to those who went there in the noon hour today on the west coast what had happened. and that was that robin williams had killed himself maybe at some point we will be able to put meaning to it all, greta. i can t at this point. twitter is interesting place and ellen degeneres who trace gallagher talked about before. she says i didn t believe the news about robin williams. he gave so much to so many people. i m heart broken. that says it so well for even those of us who didn t know him. shep, thank you. you bet. in the entertainment world in shock tonight. so will the rest of us. right more on the death of robin williams.
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switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. this is a fox news alert. the entertainment world and movie fans across the country in shock tonight over the sudden death of actor robin williams. joining us now larry king larry, you know everybody, you have known everybody, and you knew robin williams even entertained with him in san francisco. your thoughts tonight? i knew robin quiet well. i we did charity events together in san francisco. comedy act. interviewed him quite a few times on cnn. also on my old radio show. spent some time with him. he was in addition to being very very funny. he was a very wonderful, caring person. very giving person. he was what they might say in hollywood was every kind
of man. and he it took his craft seriously but he had a wonderful air about him. very hard to he is the kind of guy he you will not see jonathan winters was his hero. they exchanged phone messages together. call robin williams phone you you got hysterical messages that he would leave. similar what jonathan winters used to do. he put jonathan winters on his old show mork and mindy. newborn baby from out out outerspace. very creative mind. also one hell of an actor. not many people that funny are also very serious as actors. he was a very very serious actor. wonderful man qui don t understand. we learn about it all the time. very hard, greta, to imagine someone that successful to be that depressed some
people feel sadness tonight. i don t think you think about it i didn t think about that at all. your loss depression. you don t think obviously you think about your wife and family. the public. no you are so i can t imagine being that low that you would take your own life in the way of asphyxiation my god. larry, got to go. always wonderful to hear from you. thank you, larry. right now. pouring in from hollywood. breaking news coverage continues next. just take a closer look. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional. or managing your investments on your own. helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. and save on taxes
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hollywood stars reacting to the sudden death of will be bin williams. many intritsz tweeting their thoughts. katy perry tweets so dad about robin williams. drew perry tweeting condolences to the whole

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