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Transcripts For CNNW The Situation Room 20150302

triggering a test launch and threat of real war from north korea s regime. is the dictator kim jong-un under pressure right now to do something very dangerous? i m wolf blitzer. you re in the situation room. there is breaking news. president obama breaking his silence. he s speaking out right now as tensions build in washington ahead of an extraordinary address to congress by israel s prime minister. israel s leader invited by the republican house speaker, who failed to consult the white house or the democratic leadership in advance. president obama tells reuters that speech is a distraction, although not permanently destructive to u.s./israel relations. ties between the united states and its closest ally in the region are at a low point right now, marked by the frosty personal relationship between president obama and the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. in a dress rehearsal today before a pro-israel lobbying organization the prime minister downplayed the differences with president obama, saying he means no disrespect. he says his speech to congress tomorrow morning will focus on the proposed iran nuclear deal which he portrays as an existential threat to israel. president obama tells reuters a deal with iran would be far more effective at controlling its nuclear program than any military action by the united states or israel. all of this comes amid word from the united nations that iran right now is still failing to come clean about its nuclear program. congressman jason chaffitz is standing by live. our correspondents are around the world along with our analysts and guests. let s begin with the very latest information coming in from the white house. michelle kosinski is standing by there. reporter: we heard from prime minister netanyahu today. this was this weird setup of what looked to be dueling speeches. the prime minister and the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. but what they did was emphasize the strength of the relationship, the shared values. however, the tensions still came out. the white house saying that israel has failed to produce a viable option to nuclear negotiations with iran and that if israel leaks information about this negotiation, then that is a betrayal. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu greeted like a rock star at the american israel public affairs committee conference. a crowd of 16,000. yet on this visit to washington he will not share so much as a phone call with the white house, which wasn t even told about the invitation from republican house speaker john boehner. president obama, we learned today, did not watch netanyahu s address, nor will likely watch his big speech tomorrow before a joint session of congress. the prime minister right away addressed this strangeness. my speech is not intended to show any disrespect to president obama or the esteemed office that he holds. i have great respect for both. reporter: his goal made very clear. iran vows to annihilate israel. if it develops nuclear weapons, it will have the means to achieve that goal. we must not let that happen. reporter: complete with a chart he brought showing what he called iran s tentacles of sponsoring terror in five continents. america s ambassador to the u.n. samantha power essentially said the same thing. the united states of america will not allow iran to obtain a nuclear weapon, period. we will not let it happen. reporter: they seem to agree. yet the tension still came out even today. the white house, upset that israel has and might continue to leak out purported details of the top secret nuclear negotiations with iran, which israel is worried will be too lenient. the release of that information would betray the trust between our allies and it certainly is inconsistent with the behavior of trusted allies. reporter: the president just sat down for an interview. we are starting to get information out of that now. the president saying that israel has warned before about working with iran negotiating over its nuclear program, and the president says that none of those warnings have come true. the u.s. insists that they have gotten iran to roll back its program and that progress is viable. he used strong words in that interview with reuters. we will play excerpts from that interview momentarily. but he did not mince any words in making it clear he and the prime minister of israel have a very, very strong disagreement. stand by. the prime minister, meanwhile, is trying to smooth over some differences with the obama administration but he is also sticking to his guns on the iran nuclear threat. let s bring in our global affairs correspondent elise labott. both the white house and the prime minister seem to be softening a bit of the rhetoric on the eve of this speech. what s going on? i give all that with the caveat that we are about to hear very strong words from the president in this exclusive interview he just granted to reuters. reporter: we will also hear from national security advisor susan rice later tonight at apec. she is the real critic. the friendly face was samantha power and she definitely as michelle noted in her story, tried to lower the temperature, definitely a more positive tone about the breadth and depth about the u.s. relationship with israel but susan rice has been a real critic as you know and last week called the prime minister s visit destructive to the u.s./israel relationship. for his part netanyahu also tried to lower the tone talk about his great respect for president obama, his great respect for the u.s. and his appreciation for all that the u.s. has done for israel but make no bones about it this prime minister definitely is going to give a very provocative address, laying out tomorrow what he sees as the deal shaping up asking for more time because he feels that congress hasn t been fully informed. susan rice the president s national security advisor, is about to deliver as you point out a major speech before the pro-israel lobbying organization. samantha power did earlier. the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. what s going to be the thrust as far as we know of her speech? reporter: well i think she s going to try to prebut, if you will what the prime minister is going to say tomorrow and lay out the u.s. case for iran about the nuclear deal shaping up and why the u.s. thinks this is the best way to halt iran s nuclear advances. one of the things you have heard from the administration is that the prime minister doesn t have any alternative. okay he doesn t like the deal but what s the alternative other than military action? i think that s one of the things that she will try to lay out, more of a technical case on the u.s. policy towards iran and again, she will try to lower the tone lower the temperature. there was a lot of divisive remarks last week and i think this white house has realized this bickering is only enhancing attention to the prime minister s remarks, enhancing attention to the iran issue which is at a critical junction with these iran talks. and for prime minister s part he also sees this bickering as detracting from the issue at hand which is iran. i think both cases, the relationship is important but also the message is important. they want their case to be heard over all of this bickering. elise, stand by as well. joining us now, a key voice on national security the house oversight committee chairman republican congressman jason chaffetz of utah. listen to this little excerpt. this is the president of the united states. he just sat down with the white house correspondent for the reuters news agency and made a strong defense of his posture when it comes to these negotiations with iran on its nuclear program. what s the best way to ensure that iran is not developing a nuclear weapon? prime minister netanyahu thinks that the best way to do that is either through doubling down on more sanctions or through military action ensuring that iran has absolutely no enrichment capabilities whatsoever and there is no expert on iran or nuclear proliferation around the world that seriously thinks iran is going to respond to additional sanctions by eliminating its nuclear program. what we ve said from the start is by organizing a strong sanctions regime globally what we can do is bring iran to the table, and by bringing iran to the table, force them to have a serious negotiation in which a, we are able to see exactly what s going on inside of iran b, we are able to create what we call a breakout period timeline where we know if they were to try to get a nuclear weapon it would take them a certain amount of time and the deal that we are trying to negotiate is to make sure there s at least a year between us seeing them try to get a nuclear weapon and then actually being able to obtain one. as long as we ve got that one year breakout capacity that ensures us that we can take military action to stop them if they were to stop it. the president really going into specific details, making the case why his posture is superior, better in the long term than the posture put forward by the israeli prime minister. your reaction? i don t think we can ever ever take the chance that iran is able to achieve a nuclear weapon. they want death and destruction to israel. they have sent terrorists who have come after us and killed thousands of americans along the way. there is no daylight there is no daylight between our position and what israel s position is on this. we have not taken a hard enough stance and i don t think the president has seen any visibility into what s going on into iran. we have heard that from outside experts and i don t think we know internally what is really happening there other than their determination, iran s to have death and destruction to israel and to the united states. he says that there s really no serious alternative right now to these negotiations because the other options simply won t work. i will play another excerpt from this interview he just granted to reuters. but if they do agree to it it would be far more effective in controlling their nuclear program than any military action we could take any military action israel could take and far more effective than sanctions will be. so what s wrong with giving these negotiations at least a chance of success? i still think they could put more sanctions in place. i do think that puts them in a crippling position. i think the price of oil also has a devastating effect to the economy there. i do not want to rule out a military use of force. he s not ruling that out. he s not ruling he says he s not even sure that this negotiation is going to work. what he says is give it a chance. if it doesn t work there always is the option to go back to more sanctions and there always is the option last resort for military force. i think congress needs to have visibility on that. i don t think they should make such a big brouhaha about the fact the prime minister from israel is coming to the united states to talk to congress. you know when your friends come to town they come to see you and he s done this in the past and for him to treat the prime minister of israel like this is pretty embarrassing. its only two weeks tomorrow to the day, two weeks before the israeli election and he says it would be inappropriate no matter how close of an ally to get involved in domestic israeli politics especially at a time when netanyahu is facing a severe challenge right now. he might not get himself reelected this time. it is appropriate, though for the prime minister to come to speak to congress. i m proud that speaker boehner invited him. i think it was the right thing to do. i look forward to a broad bipartisan support in favor of the prime minister of israel. we are very united in our support for israel. i want you to listen to what he says. this is the president of the united states once again from this exclusive interview he granted to reuters to jeff mason, the white house correspondent for reuters. listen to this. when we first announced this interim deal prime minister netanyahu made all sorts of claims. this was going to be a terrible deal. this was going to result in iran getting $50 billion worth of relief. iran would not abide by the agreement. none of that has come true. this is not a personal issue. i think that it is important for every country in its relationship with the united states to recognize that the u.s. has a process of making policy and although we have separation of powers ultimately the interaction with foreign governments runs through the executive branch. that s true whether it s a democratic president or republican president and that s true regardless of how close the ally is. don t you think with hindsight, you are a smart guy, with hindsight, it would have been more appropriate for the speaker of the house to at least have informed the white house or and/or the democratic leadership you know what i m going to do? i know he s got an election coming up i don t know if the speaker actually knew he has an election coming up but i think it s important at this critical moment to give the prime minister of israel a chance to make his case to the american congress. with hindsight, don t you think the speaker should have at least had the courtesy to tell the white house what he was planning on doing? well i think he did do that. only after the invitation was delivered. we are talking about semantics of it s not semantics. this is a serious issue, congressman. as a matter of courtesy why wouldn t the speaker of the house at least get over it. get over it. he s going to come here and speak to the joint session of congress. we know that. we know he s speaking tomorrow. i m looking back not looking ahead, i m looking back with hindsight, was it a miscalculation? no. i don t think it s a miscalculation. i think speaker boehner did the right thing. don t you think it s hurt u.s./israeli relations? no. no. what you are going to see when 30 democrats decide to boycott the visit of the prime minister to the u.s. congress doesn t that hurt the u.s./israeli relationship? there are 535 members between the house and the senate. so yeah you have a couple that are not going to show up which i think is a broad mistake in the context. remember it was just our embassy in yemen that we had to flee because the houthis were coming to take over supported by iran. iran has not been a friendly player. you saw the video, out there in the arabian sea where they are blowing up a would-be gulf carrier there for us. this is not a regime that we can continue to appease and give them what they want more than anything else, which is time. president obama has given the iranians time. that s what i worry about. but you also worry about another war between the united states and iran. the biggest problem that we have on the face of the planet is iran getting a nuclear weapon. we have to do anything and everything we can do in our powers to make sure that that doesn t happen. so you would support a preemptive strike against their nuclear absolutely. we negotiate from a position of strength, wolf. we do not do this through appeasement and bickering about what time the speaker called the president to say that benjamin netanyahu is going to show up. that is a distraction. i think the president miscalculated on that. get over it. he s coming to speak to us and we look forward to hearing him. so you think the u.s. should basically say to iran right now either completely open up stop all of your nuclear program, or the united states is going to launch a preemptive strike? if it was up to me if i was the president of the united states, i would take out that threat. you have to deal with it in a realistic thing. we believe them when they say they want death and destruction to the united states when the ayatollah says that november of last year believe him. when he says it to the united states of america and the houthis are coming in and kicking us out of our embassy and they are going to take us out, believe them. yes. you take out that threat. congressman, we have more to talk about. i m glad you are telling us how you really feel right now. these are critically important issues as you and i well know and our viewers know as well. much more with the congressman right after this. hey, girl. is it crazy that your soccer trophy is talking to you right now? it kinda is. it s as crazy as you not rolling over your old 401k. cue the horns. just harness the confidence it took you to win me and call td ameritrade s rollover consultants. they ll help with the hassle by guiding you through the whole process step by step. and they ll even call your old provider. it s easy. even she could do it. whatever, janet. for all the confidence you need td ameritrade. you got this. meet the world s newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world s number one natural gas producer. and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue. and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it s red, white and blue. log on to learn more. we are following the breaking news, the president of the united states speaking out in a new exclusive interview with the reuters news agency about iran s nuclear program. the president says all of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu s warnings about the dangers of a deal that s being worked out with iran he says all of those concerns have been wrong so far, not mincing any words at all. we are back with republican congressman jason chaffetz of utah chairman of the house oversight committee, key voice on national security. we know how you feel on this deal that the president, secretary of state kerry are trying to work out with iran but what s going to happen at the end of this week? midnight friday once again, funding for the department of homeland security runs out unless you, meaning the house of representatives, passes what essentially has already passed the senate that so-called clean bill to keep the funding going between now and the end of september. there s nothing clean about it. when they attached on to that this provision that the president 22 times in a row said he thought he didn t have the ability to do then a federal judge has said that they can t implement, why should we put that in there, and why in the world are we calling that clean, by the way? he can t implement it. you have a free pass right now to go ahead, fund the department of homeland security not worry about his executive orders on immigration, because a judge, a federal judge, has already said that s illegal, that s unconstitutional, mr. president, you can t do it. if it goes to the fifth circuit in new orleans, that s a conservative bench, as you know they are probably going to kick it to the supreme court. for months the president isn t going to be able to implement that executive order on immigration in any case so why not at least fund the department of homeland security? you re making the case that we as the republicans in the house are making is yes, let s fund all of dhs except that provision that they can t implement anyway that a federal judge says they can t do and that the president 22 times said he couldn t do anyway. why isn t that the clean version? that s what we want to pass. that s what we have done in the house of representatives. you know what? the house can pass that but the senate won t. you got a problem. it is a problem. and it s the senate democrats, you have to look them in the eye and say why are you holding up all of homeland security because you want to fund something you can t do anyway and that a judge says you can t do anyway. sounds like there s a stalemate, that there won t be funding for the department of homeland security by the end of this week. i m fed up with house republicans trying to take the blame for this. it s the senate democrats that need to come to the table. we asked in a very reasonable way okay our bill and your bill, we disagree let s go to conference. let s have a discussion. they don t even agree to come to the table and talk about it. there is something fundamentally wrong with the senate democrats. bring them to the table. i want to talk to them but they won t even come to the table to have this discussion. thanks very much for joining us. we will see what happens by midnight friday night because lots is at stake, especially at a time when there are huge terror threats out there facing the american homeland. appreciate it very much. coming up we have newly revealed e-mails from the killer known as jihadi john showing what he was thinking before he joined isis. later, there s new intrigue as russia investigates the killing of a prominent opponent of the president, vladimir putin. russian police question the model who was with boris nemtsov the night he was gunned down. when it comes to good nutrition.i m no expert. that would be my daughter hi dad. she s a dietitian. and back when i wasn t eating right, she got me drinking boost. it s got a great taste and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. helping me stay more like me. 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i don t have a lot of sympathy here. let s get back to what nic said about british security services. when you are julgggling cases every day in a real world, you have to look at resources and legal backing. the legal resources to pull somebody aside at an airport, search luggage, put him up in e-mail or phone coverage that is not a free item. there is something behind what the british security services did here beyond this guy looks funny and we want to look at him because you don t spend those resources for nothing. fran you know the news that the isis forces have apparently released 19 of those 220 christians in syria who were being held hostage. i don t know if they got money for them or what their motivation was. what do you make of that? it s hard to tell. there is clearly something going on behind the scenes. we saw the brutal execution and beheading of the christians on the shores of tripoli, so this is not without having gotten something in return. i would make one other point to emwazi. he s not the only person from the school that he attended that joined the fight. there are two others and the british minister of education has begun an investigation to try and understand what was going on here that there were three individuals from the same school that were extremists who tried to join the fight. let s get to this current crisis i will call it a crisis in u.s./israeli relations right now. this animosity that has developed between the prime minister of israel and the president of the united states over the iran nuclear negotiations. you broke the story and you have been doing some excellent columns in recent days for a long time but especially in recent days that the u.s. now is withholding sensitive intelligence information from israel because of the leaks coming out against this deal that seems to be in the works. i reported from israel that as of the end of january, the u.s. did begin to stop sharing all the details of its private conversations with iranian negotiators because of concerns about material that was being leaked in the israeli press. is that still the case as far as you know? i think there s more discussion now than there was. i think the u.s. is trying to make every effort to make the israeli government feel as part of this process. an israeli said while i was in israel what hurt us most was the insult that you didn t think we would find out anyway. don t you think we have other sources than being briefed by u.s. officials. but we ll see. tomorrow this comes to a head with prime minister netanyahu s speech to congress the reactions to that will be important both in the u.s. and israel. phil you heard jason chaffetz the congressman just here in the situation room saying he would support a preemptive u.s. military strike forget about the negotiations he would simply support a preemptive military strike to destroy all of iran s nuclear plants nuclear capabilities. is that realistic? a strike against what? you ve got three options here. strike a program that you cannot in my judgment destroy. number two, step away from negotiations. i believe the inevitable result would be an iranian nuclear program, three, engage in bad negotiations that will lead to a difficult result that might lead to iranian nuclear program. you would think in washington, d.c. that republicans and democrats, both sides have an easy solution. there is no easy solution here. fran what do you think? yeah look phil s right. there is no easy solution here. i will say to you it s awfully dangerous to cut off the israelis in terms of our intelligence because by the way, we rely a great deal on a real depth of knowledge that the israelis have in the region generally and about the iranian program in particular. so i have to tell you, i think it s pretty dangerous, the game the bilateral game that s getting played between the administration and israel right now. is that military option at all realistic at this point, david? remember the israelis did blow up the iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981. they blew up a syrian potential nuclear reactor but is that realistic for the u.s. to launch a strike like that? the u.s. could launch a devastating strike that would retard the iranian program for some years. the israelis don t have the same military capability. iran would come back more quickly. this program would be more toxic and most recently the international coalition to stop that program would basically be gone. i think what worries me the most is if prime minister netanyahu doesn t convince president obama to change his negotiating course and he won t, and if the u.s. goes ahead and negotiates a deal then you really do have the u.s. and israel at loggerheads. the u.s. has done something the prime minister of israel says if he is re-elected is contrary to israel s fundamental interest. that worries me. no guarantee, you were just there, he s going to be re-elected. it will be tight. it will be very tight. we will see what coalition politics is all about. what the israelis have said you used to work for the cia, these are details that are well known not only to the u.s. and iran but china, russia the other permanent members of the u.n. security council so what the israelis say, you want to withhold this kind of information from israel a trusted ally but china, russia and iran know all these secrets. i think the israelis know them. there are two tracks, one is the intelligence track. i suspect those conversations continue. diplomacy doesn t affect intelligence. on the diplomatic track, if we think the israelis don t know what s going on because we are not talking to them in tel aviv i don t buy it. they will figure it out and try to block it. i want all of you to stand by. this story, the breaking news only continuing. also there is new intrigue in moscow right now. does the model who was walking with the prominent critic of vladimir putin hold the key to what many see as a political assassination? later, new missile tests and war threats from north korea s kim jong-un. 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reporter: well it s 1:40 in the morning here and i m very surprised to know that in the last 20 minutes, we have seen about a half dozen people come and place flowers here at this impromptu memorial for boris nemtsov, basically where he was gunned down. i saw one woman crying at this early hour in the morning, where it s so freezing cold. many people asking this burning question who killed boris nemtsov and why? tens of thousands gathered to honor slain opposition leader boris nemtsov, among vladimir putin s highest profile critics. nemtsov helped organize a protest rally scheduled for last sunday and was slated to join the march, but he would not live to see it through. instead, he was gunned down in the shadows of the kremlin two days earlier. attackers shot nemtsov at least four times in the back as he crossed this bridge with his 23-year-old ukrainian model girlfriend. surveillance camera footage captured the killing. a snow plow approaches and appears to pause next to the couple. investigators say a man opens fire on nemtsov and makes off in a getaway car. the plow driver said he didn t see the murder but saw nemtsov lying on the ground and stopped to help. translator: i got on the bridge looked into the rear mirror and saw a man on the ground. i immediately realized he didn t feel well. i drove a little bit further and pulled over. reporter: the girlfriend perhaps the only other witness to the crime, has been interrogated by police but told russian tv she can t identify the assailant. translator: where did boris killer appear from? translator: i don t know. i didn t see because this was happening behind my back. when i turned i only saw a light-colored car but i didn t see the make or number of the car that was leaving. reporter: nemtsov, a former russian deputy prime minister under boris yeltsin, had long been a vocal critic of putin and of what he called his crony capitalism. so the question is why now. ukrainian president poroshenko said nemtsov was about to reveal damaging information regarding russia s involvement in the conflict in ukraine, saying quote, someone was very afraid of that. should i be concerned about having dinner with you? reporter: in a 2014 interview with cnn s anthony bourdain nemtsov said he knew he irritated the kremlin but felt his popularity would actually protect him. there is precedent that critics of the government critics of putin, bad things seem to happen to them. i m well-known guy and this is a safety because if something happens with me it will be scandal not only in moscow city but also in the world. reporter: now, a little bit of news we just got. the girlfriend of nemtsov, the ukrainian girlfriend we are just hearing from ukrainian foreign ministry s twitter feed that she has returned to kiev after three days of questioning, after staying under police protection and security at the home of one of nemtsov s political allies. separately it s just important to bring this home. the killing took place on this bridge. those red bricks there, those walls over there, that is the kremlin. it s 100 feet 150 feet away from here. it is perhaps one of the most heavily guarded, most secure places in all of russia which brings home kind of what an incredible signal and symbol this is this killing taking place so close to the seat of power and that the killer was able to escape. wolf? killer or killers. we will find out hopefully one of these days. thank you very much ivan. coming up kim jong-un tells his army get ready to tear to pieces the stars and stripes of the united states. live during the next hour of the situation room, president obama s national security advisor, susan rice she speaks to the same group that cheered the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, earlier today. meet the world s newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world s number one natural gas producer. and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue. and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it s red, white and blue. log on to learn more. the real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful? what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that s what i d like to do. what s that thing? 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a pentagon official tells us tonight, they are closely monitoring the situation on the korean paeninsulapeninsula. when i asked if u.s. and south korean forces could ratchet down tensions by caming off their exercises, the official said the drills are done to maintain stability and protect south korea. he added they gave north korea plenty of notice beforehand that the exercises would be taking place. that does not diminish any of the tension tonight. very tense time. thank you very much. even as israel s prime minister plans to raise the alarm about iran before congress the u.n. s nuclear watchdog is raising doubts about whether iran can be labels. she labeled the visit destructive to the relationship. now the president s national security adviser is about to speak before a huge pro-israel lobbying group. you will hear her speech live right here in the situation room. re sayin you ll give me my credit score for free. right! now you re gonna ask for my credit card - - so you can charge me on the down low two weeks later look, credit karma - are you talking to websites again? this website says free credit scores . oh. credit karma! yeah, it s really free. look, you don t even have to put in your credit card information. what?! credit karma. really free credit scores. really. free. i could talk to you all day. happening now, faceoff. the israeli prime minister warms up for a speech to the united states congress. president obama is weighing in on the tensions with a crucial ally. will the heat get turned up higher? a top administration official speaks out. nuclear warning. u.s. negotiations get under way with iran. a u.n. watchdog acruises tehran of hiding something. will that give israel more ammunition to attack? iraqi troops launch a new offensive against the terrorists. is the commander of iran s elite fighting force actually the man in charge? we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i m wolf blitzer. you are in the situation room. let s get right to breaking news. president obama is insisting his rift with the israeli prime minister isn t personal just hours before benjamin netanyahu goes before the u.s. congress to slam american s policy on iran. in a new interview, the president is setting new markers for negotiations over iran s nuclear programs. the talks are fuelling the rising tensions are israel. this hour we re standing by to hear from the president s national security adviser susan rice. she has been vocal in his criticism of the speech warning it is disruptive to relations. i will talk about that and more with democratic congresswoman gabber. she s an iraq war veteran. our correspondents and analysts are standing by. we are bringing you breaking news in the united states and around the world. first, to our global affairs correspondent. she has the very latest. reporter: the president tryied to play down the damage the speech would do. let s start on israel. reporter: president obama sought to pre-empt the speech to congress tomorrow saying a deal with iran is the best way to keep israel safe. if they do agree to it it would be far more effective in controlling their nuclear program than any military action we would take any military action israel could take and far more effective than sanctions. reporter: he accused the prime minister of never giving the negotiations a real chance. prime minister netanyahu made all sorts of claims. this was going to be a terrible deal. this would result in iran getting $50 bm50$50 billion worth of relief. reporter: now the israeli leader is hours away from launching a full out assault on obama s policy toward iran. prime minister netanyahu said he is not attacking the president. my speech is not intended to show any disrespect to president obama or the office that he holds. i have great respect for both. reporter: he spoke to a friendly audience to dial down tensions. but his remarks tomorrow will be provocative. the prime minister will lay out what he knows about the nuclear agreement on the table and warn about the dangers to israel the u.s. and the world if the deal goes forward. israel and the united states agree that iran should not have nuclear weapons. but we disagree on the best way to prevent iran from developing those weapons. reporter: netanyahu will also urge congress to press the obama administration to push back the deadline for a political framework allowing more time for negotiations on a tougher deal. the white house put out its ambassador to the u.n. to assure israel and its friends the united states will take whatever steps are necessary to protect its close ally. we believe diplomacy is the preferred route to secure our shared aim. reporter: even the president handicapped the chances of a deal. it s probably still more likely than not that iran doesn t get to yes. but i think that in fairness to them they have been serious negotiators. and they have got their own politics inside of iran. it is more likely that we could get a deal now than perhaps three or four months ago. but there s still some big gaps that have to be filled. reporter: now perhaps the toughest critic about to speak susan rise who called netanyahu s visit destructive. white house nervous about what the prime minister s aides told us that he plans to disclose details of negotiations. that s why the u.s. is thinking twice about sharing intel on the negotiations with iran in the final days before the november march 24th deadline. it s a tense time. thanks very much. let s talk about more a little more about the president s new interview that he granted to the reuters news agency. his relationship with israel his efforts to reach a deal with iran. let s go to michelle kosinski. what s been the reaction over there? reporter: this serves ace rebuttal to what we heard from the prime minister as well as a prebuttal to this bigger broader speech that he will give before the joint session of congress tomorrow. we heard the president really spell out what he called a substantial disagreement between the u.s. and israel. first he wanted to emphasize the unbreakable bond between the two countries, the unprecedented sharing in military and intelligence the cooperation there. but in spelling out the disagreement he said that prime minister netanyahu wants to double down with sanctions or a military response to iran s nuclear program as a sort of looking at these negotiations with a very pessimistic eye whereas the u.s. feels that bringing iran to the table is the most effective way. in fact he said even more effective than would be a military response. this is the first time we re hearing the white house talk about a possible ten-year plan. this was asked of the white house over the past couple of days. they said it wasn t accurate. some of the details that were leaking out from israel. today we heard the white house say that leaking information is a betrayal of israel on the part of the trust between the two allies. the way the president described it was, if the u.s. can stop iran from progressing its nuclear program, keeping it as it is and rolling it back some for at least ten years, then that would be a huge improvement and that would be a real step toward that shared goal as the president put it of stopping iran from getting a nuclear weapon at all. michelle thank you. michelle kosinski at the white house. now to the talks at the center of the tensions between the united states and israel. secretary of state john kerry meeting today with iran s top diplomat. the negotiations resuming as the u.n. watchdog group has been raising doubts about whether iran could be trusted. jim sciutto is traveling with the secretary. he is joining us from switzerland right now. what s the latest over there? reporter: wolf for all the drama, all the akry moany in washington between the u.s. and israel the nuclear negotiations taking place just behind me here at the core of the disagreement continuing starting at a feverish pace tonight. john kerry and his counterpart meeting for an hour in the first three hours of talks this evening. they will keep this pace up through tomorrow into wednesday. but perhaps with an ear, an eye to what s happening in washington. secretary of state john kerry today made it clear exactly what kind of deal the u.s. is seeking here. have a listen. any deal that we would possibly agree to would make the international community and especially israel safer than it is today. that s our standard. reporter: it s clear the two sides moving closer on what enrichment capacity iran would be able to keep after a long-term agreement. also on the duration of the agreement. perhaps ten years. but the key disagreements are major. one you mentioned, wolf that is iaea complaining that iran still has not detailed this is a good 16 17 months into the interim agreement, still has not detailed its previous work suspected work on weaponization programs. i spoke to a senior state department official tonight who said that is a key subject of the negotiations. they are asking for it. any final deal will have to have full disclosure. i spoke to a senior iranian diplomat who said they are working to resolve this question. but still not resolved after nearly a year and a half. another major disagreement wolf that s on the sanctions. how quickly will the sanctions be listed? the iranian foreign minister saying they want the sanctions listed all at once. that s a non-starter for the west. they want them lifted piece by piece to maintain leverage and really to make sure iran keeps abiding by the agreement. the gaps are narrowing but still some of the gaps that exist, it s going to take a lot of work to bridge them. yeah. as the president said no guarantee there s going to be a deal right now. the israeli people are divided about their prime minister s decision to come to washington to speak to the u.s. congress against the wishes of the obama white house. let s go to jerusalem. kate baldwin has the latest from there. what are you hearing? reporter: you said it. the israeli public is divided on this issue of the speech from their prime minister. the most recent polling here says they are divided 38/38 split if they support the prime minister making the speech. 24% of those didn t have an opinion or a position on the prime minister giving that speech. here is where the range of diverseity of opinion centers on. one is will the prime minister s speech succeed in impacting the talks over the nuclear program? the prime minister in his speech leading up to his trip to washington he himself acknowledged he did not know. 180 prominent former israeli security officials came out just yesterday to call on the prime minister to cancel the speech because they believe that the speech will bring iran closer to obtaining a nuclear weapon. with that in mind the public has been wondering i spoke with many israelis on this. they wonder if the fallout of the speech worth it. the divide lands on if you support netanyahu and trust him. those who are critical of netanyahu say absolutely not. it further needles president obama and potentially injuries the bond between israel and america. those who support spent say if he doesn t speak up who will. here is the key undercurrent of all of this. two weeks from now is the israeli election. netanyahu is in a tight race. the smart political minds here say regardless no matter what the result is of his speech and its impact on the iranian issue, they wonder if it will be just enough though to persuade undecided voters here to at least win him another term in office. i think there s no doubt that one of the reasons he wanted to deliver the speech was to get political support back in israel. but there s some analysts who think that could have backfired given deteriorating u.s./israeli relationship at the same time. kate thanks very much. let s get more. joining us, congresswoman gabber. thanks for coming in. you will attend the speech before the joint session of congress tomorrow right? i will be there. a lot of your maybe 30 of your democratic colleagues in the house and senate have at least publically already said they are not going to come because they think it s inappropriate. i think it s important to look at the issues here. i think first of all, yes, the invite should have been handled better at a bare minimum, the president should have been given the respect of being informed by speaker boehner and the prime minister that this was happening. it s unfortunate this has turned into a very big distraction. it s turned into a somewhat partisan issue away from the shared objective that both the united states and israel share, which is the issue at hand of preventing iran from developing a nuclear weapon. if you look at where israel sits the prime minister of israel is deeply concerned about the outcome of the negotiations as they directly impact and threaten the people of israel. i think it s important to hear what he has to say. but then congress we need to do our job to make sure we don t stand by and let iran develop a nuclear weapon. i want you to listen to what your republican colleague from utah he was sitting in that seat in the last hour told me. listen to this. don t you think the speaker should have at least had the courtesy to tell the white house what he was planning on doing? i think he did do that. only after the invitation was delivered. we re talking about semantics. it s not semantics. this is a serious issue. why wouldn t the speaker of the house get over it. get over it. he will come here and speak to congress. he also had some other strong words. we will play another clip from him. are you over it the fact the speaker did not go through protocol and alert the white house and consult with the white house, i want to invite the prime minister? by his not doing that it created the situation rear inwagsituation we re in today. rather than on the substance of the issue at hand that the negotiations are ongoing, what the prime minister from israel is going to speak about. so i think we have to get past the distraction and really come together and recognize as it has been it must continue to be a bipartisan concern, an issue about iran s nuclear capability. i want to pick your brain where you stand on these negotiations. listen once again, here is jason chaffitz who has no confidence in the current u.s.-led negotiations with iran. the biggest problem that we have on the face of the planet is iran getting a nuclear weapon. we have to do anything and everything we can do in our power to make sure that that doesn t happen. you would support a pre-emptive strike against nir nuclear absolutely. we negotiate from a position of strength. we do not do this through appeasement. sglu heard him say he would support a pre-emptive military strike to destroy iran s nuclear capabilities. i think we have to look at diplomatic and negotiations that is successful is everyone s ideal approach to this. but i like so many others have very deep cynicism about the odds of that being successful. a military strike? of coming to an i see. that would prevent us from having the conversation. what happens if there s no deal? then i think we have have to look at what are our other option snz options? we have to look at every option that we have to make sure that that iran s objective of a nuclear weapon is not achieved. the options, if there s to deal and the president said in this interview with reuters there might not be a deal. he s not confident that there will be a deal. the options are then you go back and you strengthen sanctions, try to isolate them. and then the last option would be some sort of military strike. what you are saying is we need to keep all options on the table to reach that objective of making sure iran does not develop a nuclear weapon. not only for what that would do with iran and iran s intentions but also for what the impact that it would have on the proliferation of nuclear weapon development in the region and other parts of the world. i hear you agreeing. i think we need to keep all options on the table. in the end, all options on the table. but you are not rushing for any military action? absolutely not. are you closing to the president s position or the prime minister s position? well frankly, i think congress is looking for more information, looking for the details of the negotiations. and looking with cynicism. one of the issues that has been coming up in congress has been the issue of sanctions. recognizing that these sanctions are not turned on and off like a spigot very quickly. if there is a negotiated outcome that iran does not hold up its end to the deal saying we will turn the light switchback on the sanctions will be back in place is really not a realistic view. we re looking at with a very cynical eye. because iran has not shown it can be trusted. stand by. we have more to discuss. she s here in the the situation room. we re waiting for susan rice. she s about to address the pro-israel lobbies organization. we will have live coverage. 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put yourself in israel s shoes. i think whether you are when you in any kind of situation where there s a little bit of a standoff and personalities and egos are hurt if you put yourself in their shoes and understand where he is coming from where the israeli people are coming from and their deep concern about iran s continued development of a nuclear weapon and what they want to do with that, and i think prime minister netanyahu needs to do the same with president obama and what he is trying to accomplish. if they do that they can listen the standoff and come to an understanding where they recognize, look we re working towards the same goal and see how they can find some areas of agreement. how worriedy edied are you that 30 democrats, including one of your senators from hawaii have decided to boycott netanyahu s speech? i think the message needs to rise to the top that this is not about partisan politics. it s about two strong allies and strong friends for so long, both working towards the same objective. two allies who have different ideas how to get there. but ultimately this friendship will continue. and to the benefit of both of our countries. let s talk about what s going on in war against isis. you served in iraq. you spent a year there, right? you risked your life going over there. right now the iraqi military says they are moving towards trying to liberate tikrit. they have a lot of support from the iranians right now. they are in there. it sounds like a very complicated, tenuous situation. i m not very optimistic this iraqi military operation is going to succeed. i also have concerns about this for one primary reason which is what you mentioned. the fact that the iranian forces are playing such a major role in this. the shia militias are playing a major role. my question is where are the sunni fighters. tikrit is a sunni homeland. if there is not an agreement in place before this attack happens and if the sunni fighters are not playing a side by side role in this with a plan for them to take charge of security to take charge of tikrit after the attack is over and isis is gone then the effects they may win the battle but they will lose the overall fight. that vacuum will still exist where the sunnis will turn to isis for protection from this oppression. a lot of u.s. analysts speaking to them are deeply concerned. the leader the iranian leader he is supposedly there leading the fight against isis. the concern is the shiite militia may win, may help the iraqi military but in the long-term iran is the big winner in iraq. this is why i have spoken about this a number of times. this is why it s so critical for there to be some sort of three state solution, three state configureation where you have the kurds empowered, sunnis empowered and the shias empowered. because until that happens, you will continue to see this failed policy. it continues today where you have this iran influence shia government that s oppressing the sunnis. and the only one that benefits from this is isis. vice president joe biden when he was in the senate he was one of those suggesting maybe it s time to sort of split up iraq which was an artificial creation. he suggested into an independent kurdistan and sunni area and shiite area as well given the fact they can t work together. hold on. i think we reconnected with susan rice. wasn t to listen in. it is not negotiable and it never will be. [ applause ] our alliance grow ss from generation to generation. [ applause ] that s what counts. that s what we have to protect. as john f. kennedy said back in 1960 friendship for israel is not a partisan matter. it is a national commitment. [ applause ] no one knows this better than all of you. for decades, you have built bipartisan support for america s special relationship with israel. that s why every president from harry truman to barak obama has been begun from a fundamental, unshakable premise. that is that strengthening the secureity of israel is in the national interest of the united states. [ applause ] president obama s commitment to israel is deep and personal. i know because i see it every day. i first saw it when i accompanied then senator obama to israel in 2008. i saw it when he surveyed with horror the stacks of charred rockets that hamas had fired on israel. and when he walked through the hollowed out homes. that same year president obama came to this conference still a senator and he made a promise. he said israel s security is sacrosanct. and each day over the past six years president obama has kept that promise. [ applause ] the president is profoundly committed to ensuring that israel is never alone. [ applause ] that s why today security cooperation between our countries is not just strong. it s stronger than it has ever been. [ applause ] both president obama and prime minister netanyahu have called it unprecedented. and that s the way it s going to stay. [ applause ] president obama has met with prime minister netanyahu more times than with almost any other world leader. as national security adviser, i m in nearly constant communication with my friend and my israeli counterpart who i m so pleased is here tonight. [ applause ] i also want to thank his predecessor who is also here tonight and who was kind enough to greet me backstage. [ applause ] and i have to say hello to my dear friend ron who served together with me for many years at the united nations. [ applause ] so together yosi and i, we host the u.s./israel consultive group to ensure we re working closely across the highest levels of our government. our armed forces conduct extensive exercises together and our military and intelligence leaders consult continually. under this administration in times of tight budgets, our security assistance to israel has increased. since president obama took office the united states has provided israel with more than $20 billion in foreign military financing. [ applause ] last year we provided israel with the largest package of security assistance ever. [ applause ] and that s money very well spent. because it goes directly to bolstering israel s ability to defend itself by itself. in a very tough neighborhood. [ applause ] it goes to protecting israeli citizens and to strengthening a vital american ally. we re maintaining israel s qualitative military edge with new defense technologies and access to the most advanced military equipment in the world. president obama is determined to ensure that israel i m sorry. when israel receives the f-15 joint strike fighter next year it will be the only nation in the middle east with a fifth generation aircraft. [ applause ] since 2009 we have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in developing and producing the david sling missile defense program and the aero-anti-missile system. we have invested more than a billion in the iron dome system. [ applause ] when i visited israel last may, i saw this technology firsthand at the air force base. last summer as hamas terrorists rockets reigned down on israeli cities the world saw how iron dome saved lives literally every day. [ applause ] during the height of that conflict with sirens wailing and israeli civilians huddling in bomb shelters the united states stood up for israel s right to defend itself against rocket and tunnel attacks, even as we worked with the israeli government to find a diplomatic solution to the conflict. and when the israeli government made an urgent request for an additional $225 million to support iron dome batteries, president obama s response was immediate and clear. he said let s do it. [ applause ] and so within days legislation was drafted, passed through congress with overwhelming bipartisan support and president obama signed it into law. at that critical moment we replenished israel s arsenal of iron dome interceptor missiles. that s what it means to be an ally. [ applause ] our unwavering commitment to israel s security is why we will also never give up on a just and comprehensive peace between israelis and palestinians. [ applause ] it will require hard decisions. but the united states will remain a steadfast partner. like past administrations, republican and democratic we believe that a truly lasting peace can only be forged by direct talks between the two parties. [ applause ] like past administrations, we re concerned by unilateral actions that erode trust and assault israel s legitimacy. [ applause ] like every administration republican and democratic since the six day war, we oppose israeli settlement activity and we oppose palestinian steps that throw up further obstacles to peace, including actions against israel at the international criminal court. [ applause ] the only path to ensure israel s long-term security is to bring about a viable sovereign palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with a democratic jewish state of israel. [ applause ] israel s security our mutual security is at the heart of one of president obama s most important foreign policy objectives. ensuring that iran does not get a nuclear weapon. [ applause ] as president obama has repeated many times, we are keeping all options on the table to prevent iran from developing a nuclear weapon. [ applause ] as he said in jerusalem and i quote iran must not get a nuclear weapon. this is not a danger that can be contained. and he added, america will do what we must to prevent a nuclear armed iran. [ applause ] president obama said it. he meant it. and those are his orders to us all. [ applause ] that is still the way we see the danger of a nuclear iran today. given iran s support for terrorism, the risk of a nuclear arms race in the region and the danger to the entire global non-proliferation regime an iran with a nuclear weapon would not just be a threat to israel it s also an unacceptable threat to the united states of america. [ applause ] we understand the unique concerns of our israeli friends and partners. in jerusalem, president obama made plain and i quote again. when i consider israel s security i also think about a people who have a living memory of the holocaust. faced with the prospect of a nuclear armed iranian government that is called for israel s destruction. no wonder israelis view this as an existential threat. but this is not simply a challenge for israel. it s a danger to the entire world, including the united states. end of quote. [ applause ] now i want to be very clear. a bad deal is worse than no deal. [ applause ] [ applause ] and if that is the choice, there will be no deal. [ applause ] now, negotiations continue. and nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. as of today, significant gaps remain between the international community and iran. i m not going to get into all the details about ongoing negotiations nor should sensitive details of such a negotiation be discussed in public. but i do want to make five key points about our approach to the negotiation. first, with the joint plan of action we have already succeeded in halting iran s nuclear program and rolling it back in key respects. [ applause ] let s recall what s been achieved over the last year. iran is doing away with its existing stockpile of its most highly enriched uranium. iran has kept its stockpile of low enriched uranium. iran has not constructed additional enrichment facilities. iran has not installed or operated new centrifuges, including its next generation models. iran has stopped construction at its potential plutonium reactionerreaction er reactor in iraq. iran is further away from a nuclear weapon than it was a year ago. and that makes the world safer, including israel. moreover we are not taking anything on trust. what matters are iran s actions, not its words. [ applause ] that s why as part of the joint plan of action we have insisted upon and achieved unprecedented access to iran s nuclear program. before the joint plan of action inspections happened only every few weeks. sometimes every few months. today, the international atomic energy agency has daily access and iran s key nuclear facilities, verifying iran is meeting its commitments. if i can paraphrase president reagan with a twist. our approach is distrust but verify. [ applause ] second we have kept the pressure on iran. i know this firsthand, because when i was u.n. ambassador president obama personally directed me to make sure that the security council s sanctions had bite. and they do. today, even with limited sanctions relief iran s economy remains isolated from the international financial system and cut off from the vast majority of its foreign currency reserves. iran s oil exports have dropped almost 60% since 2012. the reall has depreciated by more than 50%. iran s gdp has shrunk by almost 10%. all told sanctions have deprived iran of more than $200 billion in lost revenue. [ applause ] i should be precise and say that s oil revenue, not all revenue. more loss beyond that. but sanctions are a tool not an end in themselves. the question now after the pressure that we and our partners have brought to bear is whether we can verify that iran cannot pursue a nuclear weapon. the question now is whether we can achieve a comprehensive deal a good deal. this is my third point. a good deal is one that would verifiably cut off every pathway for iran to produce enough missile for a single nuclear weapon. [ applause ] every single pathway. any deal must prevent iran from developing weapons-grade plutonium at iraq or anywhere else. [ applause ] any deal must prevent iran from enriching uranium at its nuclear facilities. [ applause ] that s a site we uncovered buried deep underground and revealed to the world in 2009. any deal must increase the time it takes iran to reach breakout capacity. that is as you know the time it would take to produce a single bomb s worth of weapons-grade uranium. today, experts suggest iran s breakout window is just two to three months. we seek to extend that to at least one year. any deal must ensure frequent and intrusive inspections at iran s nuclear sites, including the uranium mills that produce the material fed into iran s enrichment and conversion facilities. to create a multi-layered transparency regime that provides the international community with the confidence it demands. that s the best way to prevent iran from pursuing a covert path to a nuclear weapon to stop iran from working towards a bomb in secret. any deal must also address the possible military dimensions of iran s nuclear program. [ applause ] and going forward, we will not accept a deal that fails to provide the access we need to ensure that iran s program is peaceful. [ applause ] and any deal must last more than a decade with additional provisions ensuring greater transparency into iran s program for an even longer period of time. [ applause ] that s what we re working towards. a good long-term comprehensive deal that verifiably prevents iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. [ applause ] now, that brings me to my fourth point. we cannot let a totally unachievable ideal stand in the way of a good deal. i know that some of you will be urging congress to insist that iran forgo its domestic enrichment capacity entirely. [ applause ] [ applause ] . but, but as desirable as that would be it is neither realistic nor achievable. even our closest international partners in the p5 plus 1 do not deny peaceful nuclear energy. if that is our goal our partners will abandon us and undermine the very sanctions we have opposed so effectively together. simply put, that is not a viable negotiating position. nor is it even attainable. the plain fact is no one can make iran unlearn the scientific and nuclear expertise it already possesses. we must also understand what will happen if these negotiations collapse. i know someone argue that we should just impose sanctions and walk away. [ applause ] but let s remember let s remember my friends, let s remember that sanctions, unfortunately, have never stopped iran from advancing its program. so here s what s likely to happen without a deal. eastern will install and operate advance centrifuges. iran will seek to fuel its reactor in iraq. iran will rebuild its uranium stockpile and we ll lose the unprecedented inspections and transparency we have today. congress has played a hugely important role in helping to build our sanctions on iran. but they shouldn t play the spoiler now. additional sanctions or restrictive legislation enacted during the negotiation would blow up the talks, divide the international community and cause the united states to be blamed for the failure to reach a deal. putting us in a much weaker position and endangering the sanctions regime itself. meanwhile, the iranians are well aware that if they walk away from a deal congress will pass new sanctions immediately and president obama will support them. [ applause ] so if iran refuses to deal with this matter and is clearly to blame for that, its isolation will only increase. the cost also continue to grow. now, finally, i know that some question of deal of any duration but it s always been clear that the pursuit of an agreement of indefinite duration would result in no agreement at all. the question is what is the best way to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon? a deal that extends for a decade or more would accomplish this goal better than any other course of action longer by far than military strikes, which would only set back iran s program for a fraction of that time. and at the end of the any deal iran would still be required to provide comprehensive access to its nuclear facilities and to provide the international community the assurance that it was not pursing nuclear weapons. and if it failed to do so we would have the ability to make our own decisions about how to move forward just as we do today. there is simply no alternative that prevents iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon better or longer than the type of comprehensive deal we seek. we can always bring consequences to bear for the sake of our shared security. harsh consequences. but precisely because this is such a serious issue, we must weigh the different options before us and choose the best one. sound bites won t stop iran from getting a nuclear weapon. strong diplomacy backed by pressure can. [ applause ] and if diplomacy fails, let s make it clear to the world that it is iran s responsibility. one final word on iran. even if we succeed in neutralizing the nuclear threat from iran we will still face other threats. iran sponsorship of terrorism. its gross human rights abuses. its efforts to destabilize neighboring states its support for assad and hamas and hezbollah. and its intoll lor rabl threats against israel. our sanctions against iran on all of these issues will remain in place. we will counter iran and the full range of threats it poses. tehran must understand the united states will never, ever waver in the defense of our security or the security of our allies and partners including israel. the bottom line is simple. we have israel s back come hell or high water. and i ve been with you all right there through some pretty high waters. i was proud to fight again and again for israel s security and its basic legitimacy at the united nations from leading the charge against the deeply so susan rice making a strong case for the united states to work out some sort of diplomatic deal with iran to end its nuclear program but the possibility of getting some sort of nuclear bomb. let s get some sort of analysis. robin wright is here from the wilson center. gloria borger is with us as well. robin, what do you think? did she win over this crowd over there? probably not but she made a strong case for the administration in terms of putting it in international context and saying there s no real alternative to a deal. she also made the point over and over that iran would be held accountable for it is other actions, whether it s mischiefs or add or add ventures and, frankly the alternatives are pretty bleak if diplomacy doesn t work. gloria she made a strong case that the u.s./israeli relationship under the oembama administration is really strong. yes. she got a standing ovation, a bad deal is worse than no deal but she really said congress shouldn t play the spoiler now. a warning to these people if we get a deal we don t want congress to mess it up. ron brownstein how did she do? you heard both sides of the argument. from the administration there s no better alternative and from the applause in the room walk away, demand no enrichment and the administration says it would not work. how worried should the israelis be about the state of the u.s./israeli relations right now? if they get a deal, this is going to play out this tension over the next three or four months. it s a tense moment. it is a tense moment. bibi netanyahu wants to win re-election. is this about bibi and obama s relationship? we have a lot to cover tomorrow morning. getting ready for benjamin netanyahu s address before a joint meeting of the united states congress. he will respond to what we just heard from the president s national security adviser susan rice. for me that s it right now. erin burnett outfront starts right now. outfront tonight, breaking news. the obama administration warning not to like secret information in the speech to congress tomorrow. our guests are outfront. and cnn has obtained e-mails written by jihadi john. he talks about marriage finding a job and even thoughts of suicide. plus [ gunfire ] [ screaming ] oh my god! [ bleep ]. we have new video of a police shooting and killing a man during a violent arrest. outfront tonight, the eyewitness who caught all of this on tape. let s go outfront.

Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Jerusalem , Israel-general- , Israel , Japan , Iran , Kiev , Ukraine-general- , Ukraine , Tel-aviv

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20150303

when he delivers the speech this morning. that bringing a months long faceoff over a signature initiative the white house will rein in the nuclear exhibitions. a speech with such high drama has become the hottest ticket in washington. cnn s michelle kosinski has more. reporter: christine, we are hearing the concerning from lawmakers and the secretary of state and within the white house that there could be sensitive information revealed by prime minister netanyahu in the big speech before congress. it seems like that is coming from the israeli delegation putting out teasers that we will hear something that we have not heard before. there is good reason to believe that. over the last couple days leading up to the big speech, they have revealed certain bits of information about the ongoing nuclear necessitygotiations with iran. we heard from president obama on the negotiations and it does seem like they are going for a ten-year timeframe. the white house issued a kind of warning about revealing sensitive information. here is the press secretary. the release of that information would betray the trust of our allies. it is inconsistent with the behavior of trusted allies. the fact is and that would be true if the sources were to claim they had obtained the information from somewhere else. reporter: he said if the prime minister or israelis reveal the sensitive information, that is not how allies react to each other. whatever is going to be revealed today, it generated a lot of attention. congress set up alternate viewing areas because there is so much demand to hear netanyahu speak. michelle at the white house. prime minister netanyahu previewing the address at a speech wednesday to the aipac. he said he will warn iran is quote developing the capacity to make nuclear weapons, lots of them. the prime minister said his speech is not intended to hurt the president politically. my speech is not intended to show any disrespect to president obama or the esteemed office he holds. israel and the united states will continue to stand together because america and israel are more than friends. we re like a family. disagreements in the family are always uncomfortable, but we must always remember that we are family. a family that cannot agree on how to rein in the cousin who is acting badly. for more on the prime minister s speech and how this is playing in israel let s bring in oren liebermann in israel. reporter: good morning, christine. from the moment the speech was announced, it has split the politicians and the public on a good idea or bad idea. there is some agreement. both sides agree a nuclear iran poses a threat to the security of israel. the question is how best to handle the threat. netanyahu s party sees this as a critical opportunity to warn america and europe about the threat that nuclear iran poses to israel. the left has seen this as a political move. two weeks to go until the election netanyahu wants security to be the number one issue. there are a number of issues. the economy netanyahu is not as strong on. this is viewed as netanyahu s to keep the elections focused solely on security and focused on iran where he is strongest. it is interesting in the final few days here leading up to the speech israeli politicians who are not known to be bashful have reined in criticism. they want to present a united front and they have been quiet. there has been some criticism, although not as much as you would expect to the local media here with the left. that would be labor. saying the speech is a bad idea. it is time to come back to israel and make sure the american-israel relations are strong. isaac herzog has scheduled a press conference when netanyahu s speech ends in the united states. we expect when netanyahu touches down back in israel, there will be more criticism headed his way. oren thank you for that. the white house and israeli officials maneuvers in washington secretary the state is moving ahead with the nuclear talks in switzerland. if iran does say yes, it would be quote far more effective than military action or sanctions at keeping iran from getting nuclear weapons. i would say that it is probably still more likely than not that iran doesn t get to yes. i think in fairness to them they have been serious negotiators. they have their own politics inside iran. it is more likely we could get a deal now than perhaps three or five months ago. there are still some big gaps that have to be filled. for the latest i want to bring in frederik pleitgen live in tehran. fred you heard the president of the united states praising the iranians for how they have been necessitygotiateing here. saying you will more than likely not get a deal. the tension between the u.s. and israel all at the same time it is a remarkable situation we re in here. reporter: it certainly is a remarkable situation. christine, i went out earlier today and spoke to people on the streets. the interesting thing is unsurprisingly benjamin netanyahu s speech is not going to be broadcast anywhere here in iran. there are many people here on the streets that say they are interested in what netanyahu has to say. we spoke to people who say they believe netanyahu is trying to derail the talks. those talks are important to many in the country here. it is interesting that the chief of staff of rouhani. he believes the speech will create a rift between israel and the united states. he said europe and it would create a problem with them. he does not believe the speech will derail some sort of deal if a deal materializes. many people we spoke to feel it is in the air. some people are optimistic that the deal can come through. we have seen optimistic signs before. in the end, things have fallen apart. generally, the majority of iranians believe their country should have the right to have nuclear technology and the right to develop nuclear technology for peaceful purposes of course. the most important issue on the minds of people here is the lifting of the sanctions. if you go to anybody here sanctions are hurting the economy and investment. that is what people want to see go away. that is the gist of things. people homepe the agreement can come through. the fear is the existential threat of israel. not a peaceful nuclear program that iran is after, but the ability to make nuclear weapons. reporter: it certainly is. there is no doubt about that. one of the interesting things is a poll that came out recently here that surveyed iranians. there were many people who wanted nuclear deal to be reached. they wanted for instance several parts of a deal to come through. they feel iran should have weaponized deal. there is the iea that says there are discrepancies of what iran does and says. frederik pleitgen in tehran. the u.s. embassy and venezuela agreed to reduce the staff in the embassy to 17. over the weekend, venezuela s president announced several americans accused of spying and detained. he is vowing to limit the movement of u.s. diplomats. accusing them of plotting with the opposition to oust him. hillary clinton may have violated federal rules when she was secretary of state. the new york times reporting clinton did not have a federal e-mail address to conduct federal business. it was two months ago that the clintons agreed to review tens of thousands of e-mails personally and which ones to turnover to the state department. mrs. clinton has been complying with the spirit and letter of the rules. then jeb bush tweeted transparency is the name of the game. issued a link to all of his e-mails. ten minutes past the hour. latest on the political fight to fund homeland security. the money runs out at midnight on friday. republicans are running out of options with the immigration reform reversals. democrats voting down the only chance they had left on monday. pressure on speaker boehner to accept a clean funding bill already passed by the senate. faa computers are vulnerable to hacking attacks to compromise air safety. that warning from two u.s. senators to transportation secretary anthony fox. fox will testify before a senate committee about a report citing vulnerable issues in the agency. that could cause flight delays or near misses. time for an early start on your money. stocks at records. the nasdaq is near its dot-com bubble high. it topped the 5,000 level for the first time since march of 2000. it took 15 years to get back to here. it is 2.4% from peak. three times has it closed above 5,000. should you be concerned another tech bubble is here? not so fast. it is different from the dot-com era. many companies leading the charge today are well established and cash on hand. they earn something. apple has more than $175 billion in cash. the nasdaq actually late to the record game. the dow and s&p have been demolishing records for almost two years. the dow climbed 157 points to a record high yesterday. happening now, a major battle to take back a key city from isis in iraq. why the fight for tikrit could be crucial. we have the latest next. there is a bloody struggle for control of tikrit. iraq s military is staging a major offensive to retake it. they are getting an assist from iran. cnn s ian lee is tracking the latest from cairo this morning. good morning, ian. reporter: good morning, christine. we may remember tikrit as the hometown of the former iraqi leader saddam hussein. we know there are four different forces attacking isis in the city. predominately shi ite/iraqi army and sunni arab fighters. as well as shi a militias and the brigade which is one of the most effective fighting forces against isis in iraq. we are hearing from the semi official irani news agency. the commander of the elite force will be there as well. this is probably the reason why we re not seeing u.s. air strikes in this area before the shi ite militias deal poorly when they take over the sunni areas and treating them as enemy combatants. the united states is careful in getting involved in the sectarian violence. this will be a big test if they take tikrit. how will the iraqi army treat the sunnienni members of tikrit. will they treat them well or poorly? at the same time sunni fighters who are battling against isis and other parts of the country will be watching this closely to see how this army treats their sunni brothers if they takeover. christine. thanks, ian lee in cairo. watching that offensive. vatican officials say isis threats against pope francis are real. the head of the vatican police force says they are not just making threats against a propaganda campaign but there is no specific plan for an attack. pope francis is fully aware of the risk but doesn t plan on compromising his style of ministry. the federal death penalty trial of dzhokhar tsarnaev set to begin on wednesday. in court on monday the prosecution and defense battled over how soon they can discuss the role of the older brother tam tamerlon. they sparred over how much evidence the jury will be shown. tsarnaev is charged with killing three people and injuring 264. the chief of the lapd says the enhanced video of the man killed on skid row shows the man s hand reaching for the officer s gun on his belt. three of his colleagues opened fire. the report is it is unclear if his hand grabbed the officer s weapon. i reviewed the video and audio the officer is primarily engaged in the confrontation. we hear him say he has my gun. we have compassion for people with mental illness and no treatment. there is a task force focused on skid row and dealing with mental people and mental health issues. the police is asking anyone to come forward with video. and the assassination of the strongest critic. the girlfriend revealing what she saw the day her boyfriend was murdered. we are live in moscow after the break. 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the kremlin describing this killing as a provocation designed to stain the reputation of vladimir putin. let s go to moscow and bring in senior international correspondent matthew chance. matthew, tell us more about the ukrainian model who was with him who witnessed the killing of boris nemtsov. reporter: anna skyer. she is 23 years old and works as a model. she is from ukraine. she has been handed over to the consulate services in russia. she is now back in her home country. yesterday, cnn spoke to her mother. actually on the ground in ukraine and her mother related to us the story the witness account that her daughter told they were walking along the bridge at night and eating at a restaurant on red square that evening on friday night. she did not know what happened she said to her boyfriend, boris nemtsov. he just went soft in her words and fell to the floor. she didn t see the killer. she didn t see the car the killer jumped into. she did not see the number plate of the car. she did not give a lot of clarity as to the actual culprit as to who the culprits might be in the killing that basically everybody is considering to be a political assassination. the kremlin vladimir putin s team is calling it a provocation meant to stain vladimir putin. what do friends and colleagues of nemtsov think about that? reporter: i think there is a sense where people find that offensive. those particular people you mentioned. one strand of inquiry the police are firing up is the members of the opposition carried out the killing or called for the killing to create more sympathy for the calls. the line that the kremlin meant it as a provocation to make the russian government look bad, that is something that doesn t really seriously believes. what is believed here is russia has become a country where a senior politician like boris nemtsov, the leader of the opposition can be gunned down within eye sight of the center of the country. beneath the walls of the kremlin. that s the really potent message this killing has sent to ordinary russians. many i have spoken to are scared about what the future holds for them particularly if they are sympathetic to the points of view. boris nemtsov came up out of the era of democracy and new freedoms and the fall of the old soviet empire. is there a feeling the country is moving in the wrong direction and moving away from the democracy and moving away from the things boris nemtsov came up as young politicians under? reporter: look if any further evidence were needed that is the direction away from democracy and liberty. if any further evidence were needed of that the killing of boris nemtsov, perhaps this country s leading democratic politician his killing has underlined that. i don t think anybody was under any doubt that is the direction russia has been taking under vladimir putin particularly. if there were any doubt, that disappeared. i ll say. matthew chance thank you for that in moscow. 28 minutes after the hour. u.s. warning israel s prime minister not to reveal sensitive information before his speech to congress in just hours. will benjamin netanyahu listen and what happens if he doesn t? live team coverage next. great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle see how much you could save. in just hours, israel s prime minister speaking before congress on why he believes a nuclear deal with iran would be an historic mistake. warned by the white house not to reveal sensitivity information. welcome back to early start. i m christine romans. john berman has the morning off. the white house warning israeli prime minister not to reveal sensitive information over iran with his speech this morning. this speech bringing a months long faceoff over a signature initiative the white house believes will rein in nuclear ambitions of iran. israel views as an existential threat. this is the hottest ticket in washington. michelle kosinski has the latest. reporter: we are hearing the concerns from lawmakers and from the secretary of state and from within the white house there could be sensitive information revealed by prime minister netanyahu in the big speech before congress. it seems like that is coming from the israeli delegation putting out the sorts of teasers that we are going to hear something that we have not heard before. there is good reason to believe that. remember, over the last couple of days leading up to the big speech, they have revealed certain bits of information about the ongoing nuclear negotiations with iran. it could have a ten-year timeframe. the white house was asked about that and they said no that is not accurate. we heard from president obama on the negotiations and it does seem like they are going for a ten-year timeframe. the white house issued a warning about revealing sensitive information. here is the press secretary. the release of that information would betray the trust between our allies and it is inconsistent with the behavior of trusted allies. the fact is and that would be true if the sources were to claim they had obtained the information from somewhere else. reporter: he just said if the prime minister or israelis reveal the sensitive information about the negotiations that s not the way trusted allies react to each other. calling it a betrayal. whatever is revealed it has caused a lot of attention. christine. prime minister netanyahu previewing the address wednesday at the aipac. he said he will warn that iran is quote developing the capacity to make nuclear weapons, lots of them. the prime minister said his speech is not intended to hurt the president politically. my speech is not intended to show any disrespect to president obama or the esteemed office he holds. i have great respect for both. israel and the united states will continue to stand together because america and israel are more than friends. we re like a family. disagreements in the family are always uncomfortable. we must always remember that we are family. we are family. he said. how this is all playing out in israel? i want to bring in oren liebermann in israel. it looks like a very public spat in the family today and everyone wants a front row seat to see it. how is it playing out? reporter: christine, everyone knows how important the strength of the relationship between israel and america is for the safety of israel. that is the background of all this. from the beginning, the speech has been criticized from one side and commended from the other. the right which is the lekud party. on the right has been supportive seeing this as a great opportunity. on the other hand on the left it has been nothing but criticism from the beginning. labor party designed party to run against the parties on the right said this is a political move. two weeks to go until the elections. netanyahu s strongest issue is safety and security. it is iran and the threat iran poses to israel. that is where netanyahu wants to focus. the left wants to tell everybody this is a purely political move with netanyahu focusing on a stronger issue unlike the economy here. housing prices in tel aviv have been very high and soaring lately. it seems as if from a political perspective, netanyahu wants to focus on safety and security and away from the economy. christine. thanks for that oren. the white house and israeli officials move in washington secretary of state john kerry and iranian counterpart were moving ahead with nuclear talks in switzerland. president obama says it is unlikely the talks will reveal a deal. if iran says yes, it will be more effective at keeping iran from getting nuclear weapons. i would say that it is probably still more likely than not that iran doesn t get to yes. i think that in fairness to them they have been serious negotiators and they have their own politics inside iran. it is more likely that we could get a deal now than perhaps three or five months ago. there are still some big gaps that have to be filled. still some big gaps. for the latest i want to bring in cnn s frederik pleitgen. he is in tehran. good morning, fred. reporter: good morning, christine. one thing the president said is you are right. there are big political discrepancyies here in iran. you have the negotiators, especially rouhani. there are also hard liners in the iranian parliament who want to stay tough on this. want to have a firm stance. you have the supreme leader. he supports the negotiations going on. he said he doesn t expect any deal to happen but he does say he views a good deal very positively. counter balance that with the iranian population. you talk to people here many people will tell you that they do want some deal. they obviously want the sanctions to be lifted as fast as possible. many people reeling from the fact there is little investment in the country. they have little lifeline to other economies around the world. it weighs heavily on them. on the other hand majority of iranians say they believe their country should fundamentally have the right to nuclear technology and develop nuclear technology. it is interesting, there was a gallup poll that came up that said there are a substance number of iranians that nuclear technology should be something that is developed. there are varying opinions in the country. majority people here want a deal to come through because they want sanctions to be lifted. frederik pleitgen in tehran for us this morning. thank you for that. hillary clinton may have violated federal rules when she was secretary of state. the report clinton did not have a government e-mail address in her four years as the secretary of state using a personal account to conduct all government business. it was two months ago that the clinton advisers in an effort to comply with record keeping, they reviewed tens of thousands of pages of personal e-mails and decided which to turnover to the state department. mrs. clinton has been complying with the spirit and letter of the rules. jeb bush taking clinton to task. tweeting transparency matters and called for release of all e-mails. he said you can see mine here. the latest now on the political fight to fund the department of homeland security. money runs out on friday. the republicans are running out of options. senate democrats voting down the only chance they had left on monday. pressure mounting on house majority leader john boehner to accept a clean funding bill. time now for an early start on your money. futures barely moving this morning. who cares. yesterday was a huge day for stocks. the nasdaq topped 5,000 for only the third time in history. the third close above that in history. the first time since 2000. it has taken 15 years to get back here folks. this is not the same nasdaq from the dot-com era. back then tech companies were going under because them spent too much money and not a solid business. they did not make any money. remember they have a lot of cash in the bank. apple has more than $175 billion in cash. the nasdaq actually late to the record game. the dow and s&p have been demolishing records for almost two years. yesterday was no exception. the dow climbed 156 points to a record high close. a crucial battle in the war on isis. iraqi forces moving into the key town of tikrit. we are live with the latest this morning after the break. everyone loves how they feel in dark clothes. and to keep those darks from fading there s woolite darks. it s free of harsh ingredients to help keep dark clothes vibrant for over 30 washes. for the love of darks. woolite darks. when it comes to medicare, everyone talks about what happens when you turn sixty-five. but, really, it s what you do before that counts. see, medicare doesn t cover everything. only about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is on you. [ male announcer ] consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans it could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. so, call now and request this free decision guide. discover how an aarp medicare supplement plan could go long™ for you. do you want to choose your doctors? avoid networks? what about referrals? [ male announcer ] all plans like these let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients, with no networks and virtually no referrals needed. so, call now request your free guide, and explore the range of aarp medicare supplement plans. sixty-five may get all the attention, but now is a good time to start thinking about how you want things to be. [ male announcer ] go long™. there is a bloody struggle the raging for control of tikrit. iraq staging an offensive to retake that city. they are getting an assist not from the u.s. but iran. cnn s ian lee is tracking the developments from cairo this morning. ian, explain to our viewers why it is iran and not the u.s. helping the iraqi military retake this town. reporter: christine, when you look at the makeup of the fighting force that will retake the town you have the iraqi army shi ite body you have the ministry of interior forces you have sunni tribesmen, fighters part of that you also have the shi a militias. the brigade is one of the most effective fighting forces against isis. these shi ite militias have a poor track record when they go in and take towns, sunni towns, from isis. they treat the towns like enemy combatants. the u.s. is careful to get involved in sectarian violence. we know the commander of the iran elite brigade is also in tikrit as well to help lead that fight. again, the u.s. not wanting to be seen as part of sectarian fight. this is going to be a big test for the iraqi army on two fronts. first, can they handle isis? we saw them dissolve last summer. can they take them on after u.s. training and weapons. if they are able to take this town how do they treat the local people? this is a predominately sunni city. a large shi ite force taking the sunni city. will they try to get some sort of revenge against the sunnis or will they welcome the civilians back to their homes and treat them well. that is the true test of taking the city. christine. ian lee in cairo monitoring that offensive. shocking allegations by a texas nurse in her lawsuit against the hospital where she contracted ebola. nina pham claimed the hospital lied to upgrade her condition as good. she is accusing the hospital of videotaping her without her consent and revealing her identity against her wishes. the suit claims hospital officials only gave pham googled information about ebola before assigning her to care for a stricken liberian man. 17 new cases of measles reported in the last week bringing the national total to 170 measles cases. this outbreak affecting 17 states and washington, d.c. most of the cases linked to disneyland in california. three separate outbreaks in illinois nevada and washington state not connected to disneyland. with measles spreading, a study reveals more than 70% of pediatricians admit delaying vaccinations when parents ask them to although most of the doctors know that puts the children at risk. happening now, a final farewell for an assassinated russian politician. president vladimir putin s strongest critic murdered in front of a crowd. days later, are there any signs his killer could be found? we are live in moscow next. elf in a sport where your name and maybe a number are what define you. somewhere in that pack is a driver that can intimidate the intimidator. a guy that can take the king 7 and make it 8. heck. maybe even 9. make no mistake about it. they re out there. i guarantee it. welcome to the nascar xfinity series. murdered opposition leader boris nemtsov will be buried this morning in a cemetery in southwest moscow. he was gunned down friday walking outside the kremlin. the 23-year-old ukrainian model with him said she never saw the shooter. let s go to moscow and bring in correspondent matthew chance. what do we know about the model walking with boris nemtsov when he was murdered? what did she see? anything helpful for the investigation? reporter: apparently not. she has been questioned by the russian investigators and she has given her witness testimony. something along the lines of we were walking back from a restaurant. she and boris nemtsov. she has been his girlfriend for a couple of years. they were having dinner on red square. she said somebody shot boris nemtsov in the back. he went soft and fell to the floor. she didn t see the killer. she didn t see the car which the killer made his escape in. the police have questioned her. she has now been handed over to consulate officials from the ukrainian embassy. she is now, we understand back in ukraine. she has left russia. there s not much more i don t think, that she is going to be able to add in terms of clarity to how the killing took place. the kremlin saying this was a provocation to stain the reputation of vladimir putin. that s almost sort of blaming the opposition. reporter: yes, indeed. many opposition figures have taken offense to that kremlin line that this callingkilling was staged to make the russian government look bad. opposition is saying no. the fact this killing could take place in the shadow of the kremlin of boris nemtsov shows just what kind of place russia has become. so, you know they object to this kremlin line that this was about them. the investigators, i have to say, are following a number of different threads of investigation. one of them is the opposition they say, could have orchestrated the killing of boris nemtsov to attract sympathy to their cause. it gives you a sense of the direction in which the russian police are taking this investigation. matthew chance in moscow. thank you for that. 56 minutes past the hour. $2 gas is gone at least for now. what to expect at the pump next. he s out there. there s a guy out there whose making a name for himself in a sport where your name and maybe a number are what define you. somewhere in that pack is a driver that can intimidate the intimidator. a guy that can take the king 7 and make it 8. heck. maybe even 9. make no mistake about it. they re out there. i guarantee it. welcome to the nascar xfinity series. the nasdaq is at its near dot-com bubble high. the nasdaq above 5,000 for the first time since 2000. this is different from the dot-com era. the companies leading the charge today are well established. they make money. apple has more than $175 billion just sitting in the bank. $2 gas is gone. at least for now. the national average for the gallon is $2.44 today. that is down more than $1 from this time last year. you have been complaining for the prices last five weeks. pushing above $2. prices will keep edging higher through march. we could see the return of $2 gas by early fall. early start continues right now. in just hours, all eyes on the speech before congress. israel s prime minister promising new information on why he says a

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obtaining a nuclear weapon which would make it far more dangerous, and would give it scope for even greater action in the region the prime minister didn t offer any viable alternatives. and now there is a potential new complication for the iran nuclear talks. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell may fast-track a measure to give the senate the ability to sign off on the nuclear deal still in negotiations. a senior administration official told me that the president would veto that legislation. the white house showed what the president was up to during the netenyahu s speech. they offered up this picture of the president holding a video conference with other european leaders, talking about the situation in ukraine. in the situation room. so guys that the president did have something else on his books. besides watching netenyahu s speech. getting back to the prime minister from israel if his goal was to get congress to jam up the works up on capitol hill it may be mission accomplished. back to you. jim acosta thanks so much. prime minister netenyahu s speech was delivered to u.s. lawmakers, but many believe his real target audience was 6,000 miles away in israel. voters decide in less than two weeks whether he gets to serve another term in israel. what s the latest in israel? netenyahu, not once did he mention his political party or his rival political parties or any of his rival candidates but of course that s the hot topic here with those elections so close. he talked about his number one issue, which is security and iran. leaving all other issues out of his speech and that s the focus here now, how is this viewed politically in israel? a split reaction in israel over prime minister netenyahu s impassioned speech to congress on the dangers of a nuclear deal with iran. we ve been told that no deal is better than a bad deal. this is a bad deal. it s a very bad deal. we re better off without it. critics of the speech calling it political theater, a nonstarter offering no new viable alternative to a u.s./iran deal still being negotiated rather an attempt to woo israeli voters in the upcoming israeli elections. netenyahu s main rival slamming the speech. translator: the painful truth is that after the applause netenyahu remained alone. this speech therefore greatly undermined the relationship between israel and the united states. while supporters of the speech which garnered dozens of standing ovations called it one of the best of the prime minister s career. i think it was an important speech historic speech and it s very important that israeli speak up about its national security and what might affect its very existence. the divide in israel mirrored in u.s. congress the gop welcoming netenyahu while some 50 democrats boycotted the speech. even if israel has to stand alone, israel will stand. netenyahu landed in israel a short time ago and his office almost immediately put out a statement. the statement reads in part i presented a practical alternative to impose tougher restrictions on iran s nuclear program, extending iran s break-out time by years. the phrasing is serum no coincidence. a practical alternative comes across as a direct response to what president obama said about netenyahu offering no alternative. oren thank you very much for the reporting. let s play with president obama said in response because it will explain why he doesn t see it as an alternative. as far as i can tell there was nothing new. on the core issue which is how do we prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. which would make it far more dangerous and would give it scope for even greater action in the region. the prime minister didn t offer any viable alternatives. the president saw it as a big nonevent. let s get perspective on whether he made the case and what happens now. peter beinart, contributing editor of atlantic media and a senior fellow for the new american foundation. and mr. peter frum former member of the republican jewish coalition. first question mr. beinart, do you believe that the israeli prime minister made a compelling case to congress to change course? no. whey said was, if we believe these negotiations and continue sanctions, iran will capitulate. i don t know a single serious iran expert who believes that iran has domestic politics in which the rouhani government sunday threat from more hard-line elements. pushing away from the deal and saying iran has to give up on everything would empower the many people in iran who don t want any deal at all. it would also probably destroy the international coalition we have imposing sanctions in the first place. again i don t know a serious person who really knows iran well who believes that that strategy would work. there s a lot of serious people in the room mr. frum and they left after that speech wanting more say in the deal. what happens now? that s exactly right. the president obama has been very insistent that he would handle this alone without congress. congress invited prime minister netenyahu, as a way of serving notice on the administration. you have to listen to not just this guy, the prime minister of israel but more importantly, you have to listen to us and the idea that you re going to package this as an executive agreement with no say for congress is not going to work. i could be completely off, but in a way is benjamin netenyahu a stalking horse? or you know somewhat of a diversion here from what congress s real issue is which is not having a say in the deal that the president is working up? i think that s right. i don t think a diversion exactly, but a voice for a disunited, a very large and disunited body. but congress has been serving notice on this administration for years. that they have strong views about what is a good deal. and by the way, from even from the administration s own point of view if they want this deal to endure beyond the administration of this president which expires in 2017 they need congressional buy-in. otherwise the next president is not bound. even though the white house, peter, didn t embrace this invitation and maybe added some fuel to the media fire covering the hype surrounding it the potential upside was that the iranians may have seen it as a reach of good faith by the united states they re not completely tied to israel all the way down the line. what do you think the practical impact of this is when they get back to the table? well you know president obama still has been saying he thinks the chances of a deal are less than 50/50, so it s hard to know. it has to do with what kind of concessions the iranians are willing to make. i think the most significant legacy of the speech is probably it makes this issue so partisan. it s made this issue so partisan that i think it makes it harder for democrats to defy president obama on iran now. so if it makes it harder for them to defy if it s partisan then you re going to have the same type of split down the line that you ve had all along. doesn t this transcend partisanship. does anyone believe that iran is not a nuclear threat just a question of when not if? mr. frum. well the president is when the president makes this partisan i think he really has, he s splitting this cookie with himself taking the much smaller piece. democrats may be more loyal, but the republicans have the majority in both houses of congress. and he what is not happening is the president is not recruiting republicans who would have some clout with this congress and sending people like steve hadley the former national security adviser to president bush persuading them this is a good deal and setting them to work on the republicans. what we re seeing is the republican party uniting around a believe that the obama administration negotiating badly, fame failed to get permanent guarantees so the spectrum of republican opinion is coalescing against the administration and against the deal they seem to have in mind. what s the relationship that s injured here. the u.s./israeli relationship? or once again evidence of the president s problems working with congress? i think the u.s./israel relationship has a very strong structural foundation. and continues. the reality of u.s./israel relations, if you look at the history of that that american presidents have been willing to defer to israel on the matter of palestinians but they ve never been willing to defer to israel when it comes to matters of war and peace for the united states. barack obama is entirely in that tradition. israel does not have veto power on this decision vis-a-vis iran. so the third leg of this unstable table is iran and we ll have to see what comes out of those switzerland talks in terms of how they reacted to the speech and the president s reactions to netenyahu to see if it did anything to increase negotiations and leverage there. the next segments on this story. mr. frum thank you very much professor beinart, thank you very much. a justice department investigation of police practices in ferguson missouri confirm what many in the town say they already knew a pattern and practice of discrimination by police against african-americans. the fed s scathing report is being released this morning. our sara sidner is live in ferguson. everybody is anxious to see what the report says specifically. not a lot of surprises to the african-american people in that community. no that s absolutely true. you know the doj report is expected to highlight patterns and practices of racial bias against african-americans here in ferguson. i want to give you an idea of some of the numbers expected to be in the final report. some of the numbers we ve heard before in the very beginning as we looked at some of the issues that created a very tense situation here before michael brown was shot and killed. let me let you see the numbers full screen so you can understand where the doj is coming from. they re saying from 2012 to 2014 67% of the population was african-american but 85% of all people that were stopped and subject to vehicle stops were black. and 90% of those who were stopped, that were black received citations. so we re talking about you know 90% of the population being stopped, and getting a citation and that was all black folks. so only 10% were white. and then the doj says even though that black folks were twice as likely to be searched they were actually less likely than the white population to actually have illegal contraband on them. and then there was something else that has really sparked a lot of anger in the community. and that is an email between either the courts or inside the ferguson police department that made racially biased jokes. racially charged jokes. one of which was about president obama saying he won t be in office long because what black man has a job that lasts four years. and so that has really sparked a lot of anger. folks from the ferguson commission very angry about that. saying these are the kinds of things they re making a joke about the president? what are they saying about the regular folks who live and work in this community who are black. ailsen? such a revealing report. sara thank you for all that. well federal authorities say they have a suspect in custody in connection to a series of shootings in maryland. on tuesday, gunfire damaged a building near nsa headquarters in fort mead. earlier in the day, a landscaping truck came under fire. investigators say the suspect may be linked to three other shootings in the past eight days. breaking news out of eastern ukraine, an explosion at a coal mine in donetsk leaving one worker dead 32 more trapped or killed. conflicting reports, it s hard to get in there. we don t know what s going on. an emergency services official tells cnn the ongoing conflict not the cause of this explosion. they believe it was methane gas. a stunning admission from former c.i.a. chief david petraeus, he has agreed to plead guilty for sharing classified material with his biographer and former mistress. that material includes sensitive information on war strategy it identifies the identities of covert operatives. prosecutors are recommending probation and a $40,000 fine. now the judge is not bound by that recommendation and could sentence the disgraced general to a year in prison. i m in such denial about the next story snow and ice, sure to make a mess this morning for millions of people from the midwest to the northeast. and another winter storm is on its way. let s get to meteorologist chad myers with the latest details i don t even know what to say any more chad. i know i throw my hands up and just keep talking. because i could rewind yesterday s forecast and put it back on today. we re getting close to the boston record and another snowstorm is coming. although the word storm for bost sn a stretch. it may be one to two inches probably one. less than two inches away from breaking the old record. here s the storm now, it s a rain-maker but the cold front will push the rain away change it over to ice and then change it over to snow. and the big cities in new york by midnight start to see snow. not a major snowstorm, because this isn t how a major storm works, the low isn t strong enough to push the air on top of the cold air to make the snowstorm. but still, for boston one, new york city four. philadelphia six, d.c. four. and those are all inches of snow. those are pretty significant snows this late in the year. enough to cancel some schools so you want to wake up early tomorrow and again on friday see what happens here two to four inches of snow. eventually we ll pile this in. i think kentucky takes the worst of it from lexington back towards louisville with eight to ten inches of snow and just south of there is where the ice could be. and i hate driving on ice, i can drive on snow i can get some traction but it s the ice storm we re worried about with winter storm warnings in about, i d say 13 or 14 states. take it slow and easy. all right. chad thundershower. the republicans field for president is taking shape. retired neurosurgeon and tea party favorite ben carson announcing he s forming a committee for a run at the white house. stick around for our interview with dr. carson. opening statements begin in a few hours in the case against the boston marathon bomber. the situation is obvious the case may not be. we ll tell you why, ahead. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the 2015 subaru forester (girl) what? (announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it s what makes a subaru a subaru. photos are great for capturing your world. and now they can transform it. with the new angie s list app, you can get projects done in a snap. take a photo of your project or just tell us what you need done and angie s list will find a top rated provider to do the job. the angie s list app is the simple, new way to get work done on your schedule. the app makes it easy, the power of angie s list makes it work. call, click or download the app for free today. so the republican field is starting to take shape in the race to be president and we have a major development. dr. ben carson taking a big step forming an exploratory committee. you may know that dr. ben carson came in fourth in last week s conservative conference,s cpac straw poll. that means something, that gains momentum behind rand paul scott walker and ted cruz big names and now he is among them. we re joined now by dr. ben carson. congratulations on taking the step. thank you. let s look at the issues of the day and if you were president, what would you do? we heard the israeli prime minister very hard coming at any idea of working with iran. what would you do if you were president? well i think it s very important that we listen to what he had to say. do you sit at the table with iran or do you do something else? i will always talk with them. but it wouldn t be just a matter of talking. there would have to have to be immediate results if we don t have the kind of inspections that we demand i would ratchet up the sanctions in a very severe way. isis would you put u.s. troops on the ground? you see what s happening with the military affairs there, the bombings are only doing so much. it s all about what happens on the ground. the best fighters the men and women who do it best in the world are not engaged and those are u.s. fighters. would you make that commitment? one of the things you have to understand about the radical islamic terrorist mindset is that for them land is a prize. and you know they ve managed to acquire quite a bit of land including land that we had taken that was under our control. they don t care if you bomb the land as long as they possess it. in order to possess land you have to have troops. you have to put troops on the ground. that s what s going to really affect them. so, yes, if i needed to put troops on the ground i would put them there. american people don t want it doctor. they say we re war-weary, it s not our fight, it s that region s fight, it s that religion s fight. a lot of that is because no one has spent the time to explain to the american people that this is very different than al qaeda ten or 15 years ago. what we re dealing with here is something that if allowed to grow and to spread will be a threat not only to israel not only to america, but to the entire world. i don t think we ve had that conversation with the american people. at the level where it should be had. you ve had your missteps politically. you say things that wind up getting people upset. sometimes you say that s the pc police but politics can be very tricky. do you think you can speak your mind and be successful? well i ve had a great deal of experience with that in the last year or so. and you probably noticed that i have toned it down a bit. recognizing not that what i was saying was necessarily incorrect, but it was said in a way that would cause people to focus on the words and not on what you re saying. well that s how it goes though right? it s how you say it not just what you mean. and there is a learning process. and i think i ve i feel pretty confident about that now. we look at the domestic landscape. a big issue you understand very well from the practitioner side is health care. when you talk about the aca now, when you talk about obamacare, you say it s the worst thing since slavery. you want to be as negative as possible. is it that different from what you wrote a paper about so long ago in the 90s, where you should we shouldn t even need medical insurance companies any more. we should have a fund so the poor people can get what they need. it sounded a lot like the ideas at the foundation of the affordable care act. it was certainly more similar to it and i ve abandoned those ideals. i ve learned, i ve talked to a lot of people read a lot of material and i recognize that the medical system that will work the best is one in which the care is in the hands of the patient. and the health care provider. one issue, same-sex marriage you have equal protection it s working its way through the courts the decisions are getting more and more uniform. but then you have people of faith who say marriage is ours god says it is a man and a woman. the bible says my faith says which one wins with dr. carson? here s what i would do i would do what the constitution says. the constitution says civil issues of that nature should be determined at the state level. why does it say that? because the judicial system at the state level has to answer to the people. what if people of the state vote for a law 100-0 that winds up infringing on the rights of a minority like happened very often with slavery? like many would argue is happening now with people who are gay? and our constitution was followed and we corrected those things. and isn t that what s happening now with same-sex marriage? it s being corrected as a form of violation of equal protection. no. you can t just say because it happened that way this time this is the same situation, it s not the same situation. why not? because people have no control over their race, for instance. you think they have control over their sexuality? absolutely. you think being gay is a choice? absolutely. why do you say that? because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight and when they come out they re gay. did something happen while they were in there? you know there s a whole theory of dominance. i said a lot of people who go in come out are you denying that s true? i m not denying that s true but i m denying that s a basis of understanding homosexuality. if that s the case it obviously thwarts what you just said. a lot of people go into jail a drug addict and come out a criminal. why do gay people want to get married? they want to have various rights property rights visitation rights. they want their commitment to count just like mine and my wives? why can t any two human beings why can t they have the legal right to do those things. that s what they re fighting for. that does not require changing the definition of marriage. it would require covering that union as you do others which is called marriage in our society. i don t think so. well that s what s working its way through the courts right now. dr. ben carson good luck to you going forward and thank you for answering the questions about the issues of the day. a pleasure. we test the candidate so you can evaluate them for yourself. what do you think about dr. ben carson and what he said on the issues of the day? tweet us individually or all together @newday and discuss. reactions, friends? it s interesting he talked about toning it down. he talked about the learning curve of being out front and speaking your mind. but you have to wonder if the comments that he made about becoming gay in prison if that is toning it down and how people are going do react. granted i understand he s speaking to his base and his base aligns with a lot of his beliefs. but still. certainly provocative. certainly provocative and i m interested i m curious, as to why the doctor went in that direction rather than in the scientific direction, because there are recent scientific studies, some released just three weeks ago from northwestern talking about how they have found a genetic link for homosexuality. he s an unusually effective advocate for whether it s evolution or global warming or sexuality, that science may not be as strong as people think it is on the left. is the implicit thing, but he is known as such a clinician and a scientist. so emboldens. so the question is are those beliefs to be accepted in the main by you as a leader. well the tide seems to be changing certainly on the issue of marriage equality. we ll read those comments later. meanwhile, a frightening moment in the sky. a passenger plane with more than 200 people on board skid off the runway trying to land in dense fog as you can see. we have the dramatic pictures and how it all turned out, ahead. a day after the big speech from the israeli prime minister president obama reacting and he ain t happy. is this the beginning of an even lower low for u.s./israeli relations? welcome back. thank you. it s not home. but with every well considered detail, it becomes one step closer. no wonder more people choose delta than any other airline. if you haven t heard about the latest sale at, then you haven t seen this commercial. book now and save during the spring break sale at amazing pictures taken immediately after a turkish airlines flight skidded off a fog-covered runway in nepal. more than 200 people on board. cnn s nema udas is live in new delhi with more. a crash-landing, so many of us fear especially landing in an airport like kathmandu, surrounded by very high mountains. it s in the himalayas, this is the beginning of the climbing and trekking season. a lot of foreign tourists climbers trekkers would be headed to nepal. it s considered the best time to view the himalayas, some unusual weather patterns in recent days it s been raining nonstop, so officials in nepal are blaming the visibility there, the turkish airline official saying there could have been a technical problem as well. they re all investigating all of this. one of the passengers on the plane did say that the plane had to circle the kathmandu valley area for about an hour and a half and in the second attempt to land skidded off the runway and into the grassy area. that you are seeing in the pictures but incredible evacuation all the passengers there were rescued safely and no reports of injuries. incredible. we see this happen from time to time, but to see those pictures like that. extraordinary. things happen to planes, but when everybody makes it out alive, it s something worth covering. so president obama firing back after prime minister netenyahu s fiery speech to congress calling the israeli leader s warnings about nuclear talks with iran quote nothing new. slamming the prime minister for not bringing a plan of his own, even though he did use the word alternative a lot. in switzerland, the talks with iran keep rolling on secretary of state kerry meeting with iran s foreign minister in hopes of ironing out a deal. kerry plans to fly to riyadh this week to convince saudi arabian leaders a nuclear deal with iran would be in their best interests, too. after all the excitement of the last two weeks it turns out the department of homeland security will tay up and running through the end of september. the house passed the measure tuesday, 75 gop lawmakers 182 democrats pushed it across the finish line. the legislation does not touch the president s immigration executive orders. the justice department is set to release a scathing report on racial bias in the ferguson police department. it details systemic discrimination by police against african-american in ferguson including excessive use of force and baseless traffic stops and citations, the investigation was prompted by the shooting of unarmed teenager michael brown last summer. it s been two years, but now it s going to happen a long-awaited trial of the surviving boston bombing suspect under way today. we have cnn s deb feyerick joining us from the federal court in boston. how is it setting up? well we can tell tu took 21 days over two months to select a jury. some 1200 people prospective jurors called half of them questioned many dismissed. the majority of those chosen say they can keep an open mind when it comes to the issue of guilt. a number said they can open a mind when it comes to the death penalty. one woman wasn t sure she could vote for it. tsarnaev s lawyers have been aggressive trying to get the trial moved several times. they tried to suspend jury selection during the charlie hebdo attacks in paris saying there were too many comparisons between the tsarnaev brothers as well as the kouachi brothers. the defense is going to weave together the meritive of how all of this came to be. how they got the devices, how they got the materials to make the weapons of mass destruction that they re accused of using. chris? we look forward to the opening statements the case will be a little bit trickier than people think coming into it. still no suspects in the assassination of a top russian opposition leader. did boris nemtsov pay the ultimate price for crossing vladimir putin? a man who knows joins us next. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. .that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it s not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could ve been brenda. we used to have so many empty rolls! mom! that s why we switched to charmin ultra mega roll. charmin ultra mega roll is 75% more absorbent so you can use less with every go. plus it even lasts longer than the leading thousand sheet brand. charmin ultra mega roll. in our house, we do just about everything online. and our old internet just wasn t cutting it. so i switched us from u-verse to xfinity. they have the fastest, most reliable internet. which is perfect for me, because i think everything should just work. works? works. works! works? works. works. new this morning, reports that the investigation into the murder of boris nemtsov, a critic of president vladimir putin has identified several suspects. our next guest knows firsthand how dangerous it is to be an enemy of putin s, which he details in his book red notice a true story of high finance, murder and one man s fight for justice. bill browder, ceo of hermitage capital management joins us now, mr. browder, thank you for being with us. i want to get your response to this breaking news crossing reuters, it says russia s foreign security service has identified several suspects in the murder of boris nemtsov. do you put much stock into these suspects who they claim they ve identified? well i don t know who they ve identified but what i can say is that the motive for the killing and who ordered it is the key question. not who carried it out. and i very much doubt, since the government of russia and vladimir putin are on my list anyway as the prime suspects whether they can carry out any type of credible independent investigation. you have a fascinating personal history with vladimir putin. so let s just go through it in a nutshell. you were once a supporter of his. you were a major foreign investor. in russia. that is until around 2006 when you became black-listed and you were expelled from the country for calling attention to corruption and tax evasion by government officials. you made it out. however, your lawyer was arrested tortured and killed in jail. how did you escape with your life? well i was exposing corruption in the companies i was investing in. and at the time they were probably a little more not as brazen as they are right now. instead of killing me, they expelled me from the country. i was declared a threat to national security persona nongrata and sent out of country. my lawyer sergei magnitsky, he was in the one in the country, he discovered this massive corruption scheme that the government had engineered. he testified against the officials involved. he was arrested tortured and killed. what makes my story so heart-breaking is after they killed him, we got to witness the whole regime from the bottom right up to top, cover up his murder. and seeing that and seeing in granular detail how they this did that and i documented it in my book it gives me absolutely no confidence that the president and the law enforcement agencies of russia will do anything other than cover up the murder of boris nemtsov and we know all the techniques they use to cover these things up. your lawyer is one of the stories. many critics of vladimir putin have met with grisly and untimely deaths. so what do you think that boris nemtsov s murder now means for any opposition voice against putin? well i think as a high escalation of how they treat oppositionists. they ve killed a lot of people in the past what they have never done is killed a high-profile opposition politician of his stature. he was a deputy prime minister of russia in the 1990s, and the fact that they killed him, raises the stakes entirely. basically they re saying it doesn t matter how well known you are, how many heads of state you know in the west how much people will be shocked by this. we will kill you. and what it says to everybody else is the gloves are off. anything can happen. and so do you see this escalation if in fact vladimir putin is behind boris nemtsov s murder do you see this escalation as vladimir putin becoming more iron-fisted, or do you think he is somehow more insecure now? well think it s a bit of both. the more insecure he gets the more iron-fisted he gets. what you have to understand is this is man who in my estimation has stolen an enormous amount of money from his country. he was getting away with it when the economics were getting better for the russian people. but now that the economics are going into a crisis he s scared he s very scared. and what he does when he gets scared is he represses and he tries to repress in very highly symbolic ways. one of the things he s most scared of is people rising up in the streets of moscow the way they did in kiev last year and eventually having so many people demand his resignation that he ends up out of power. that s what he s most scared of. the best way to stop that is to take out people who are demanding, who are asking for change who are asking for him to step down. and boris nemtsov was out there saying three hours before he was killed calling for people to go out into the streets and protest vladimir putin. it s so interesting to get your perspective, mr. browder, we don t often hear how scared we don t often hear vladimir putin depicted as being scared. but you sure make a compelling case. mr. bill browder, thanks so much for sharing your story with us on new day. thank you. republican presidential hopeful dr. ben carson tells new day being gay is clearly a choice because quote a lot of people go into prison straight and come out gay. how will this affect his campaign? another potential candidate, hillary clinton, meanwhile, coming under fire for using her personal email account to conduct business for the government while she was secretary of state. some wondering if she had something to hide. is this controversy about to become a full-blown scandal? we ll take a look. most of the products we all buy are transported on container ships. before a truck delivers it to your store, a container ship delivered it to that truck. here in san diego, we re building the first one ever to run on natural gas. ships this big running this clean will be much better for the environment. we re proud to be a part of that. you think being gay is a choice? absolutely. why do you say that? because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight and when they come out, they re gay. all right, that was chris s sit-down interview with gop presidential hopeful, dr. ben carson. he says not only is being gay a choice that prison can turn people gay. how will these comments overshadow his campaign. will they do that let s bring in john avlon, editor in chief of the daily beast and margaret hoover republican analyst. the president and gayness, is an important qualification for the office he lost no opportunity to jump on that. it s hard to give a serious analysis of this. but we know that ben carson is untethered to reality. no citizen has run for the u.s. presidency. not having served any other elected office except for herbert hoover. 31st president. he had been in the cabinet for 12 years. there s no way he was going to be elected to the presidency anyway. but this just demonstrates first of all, there s no data on this. secondly, this sinks any nomination if he has looked at any of the polling where american attitudes are about homosexuality. you don t think there s a significant part of his party s base do you think his party is my party. i am intimately familiar with the republican base 50% of republicans under the age of in favor of freedom to marry. and another third of incredibly prominent republicans are making a conservative case for the freedom to marry. there is more and more support for the freedom to marry. every primary state is going to have freedom to marry. why doesn t ben carson know about that? untethered to reality. he s been an incredible orator of the american dream and his personal story and that s really compelling. it s sold him a lot of books, but it s not going win him the presidency. and apparently a very good neurosurgeon. i think she s got this one. i think that ben carson isn t saying this because he thinks it will be unpopular. think he is saying it because he actually believes it and i don t think he s alone in that belief. i think you re i think he s probably regretting that comment. he just said before that i ve learned my lessons, i m toning it down now. that didn t quite work. it takes a while to break habits like that. to chris s point. he think he s speaking his truth and he thinks he is appealing to a certain portion of the primary voters. let s take iowa for example, who won iowa last time? rick santorum after mitt romney did it. the iowa caucusgoers are actually half and half they re half christian conservative and half mainstream moderate. the republican primary is not over dominated by people who think gay people shouldn t deserve full freedom and equality in this country. that s a media meme. that s a political consultant meme that does not stack up against the data. definitive margaret hoover. i see you re very defensive about this margaret hoover. i understand why. in my spare time i run a gay rights organization. i applaud the work. so let s talk about hillary clinton s emails on the other side of the aisle. she was supposed to be using a government email account. during her time as secretary of state she was using her personal email account. how big of a deal is this john? this is a pretty big deal for three reasons. one, there s obviously the security of it. you know if she was sending any classified emails which she almost certainly was over personal email, did it have the adequate security. secondly is a question of history. history and the historical record an end-run around it which is the optics it feeds into a clinton, an anti-clinton narrative that this couple is not comfortable with drans transparency. is it smells bad? is it wrong, or do you think it s illegal. it s blatantly illegal. nobody knows that better than hillary clinton. it s called the national archives and records administration every time you are an elected executive position in this country, all of your emails have to be transparent. she knows that because her husband and her emails from the clinton administration are all in their presidential library. they have more documents than any other presidential library, because they were at that critical moment where you transitioned from hard documents to computers. know the rules. it s incredible she close to opt out of the rules. this is what s actually they did let people use personal emails in the state department. they did and that s an important context. and it s hard not to see it as an end run. look at jeb bush. he sent in the work emails your personal emails should be personal. the problem in politics is stories. there s a story that clintons think that the law doesn t apply to them or they can be better than the law. this plays directly into that. why does she not have to have transparent emails until they finally ask when she s out of the state department. i was shocked to read in an article today, the house investigating benghazi that s been asking about her emails about the benghazi attacks for two and a half years, just got 300 last month. she s stalling. even despite this even when they re asking it s a employ request. it s hard to say it s not intentional. it s not a good day for hillary. it s going to bring benghazi back. they re full of it. this proves that there was intentional disclosure. would you go that far? no i wouldn t. i think feeding the benghazi beast it doesn t look good. why wait two and a half years. the optics are terrible and it should have been anticipated. it s not just optics it is not following the letter of the law. and we all know that. it s very interesting. just we re talking politics. people are saying you know she hasn t been out there, her people aren t out there. they re not fighting this what s going on? there are different ways to fight. and i don t know if you ve noticed, but there is this counternarrative out there. especially on social media and the supposed objective sites about hey did you see the journalists in these hit ads for the republicans now and did you know colin powell did it too? there are stories coming out to feet fooed feed that what she did isn t wrong by state department standards. yeah and look so big story there and then of course there s congress itself. well the worst thing for her to do would be to defend herself. it would draw attention to herself. you need surrogates to defend her. that s good politics. john margaret, thank you. let s get to the news shall we? as far as i can tell there was nothing new. that deal will not prevent iran from developing nuclear weapons. we do want a good agreement i don t know if we re going to get did. gunshots fired near the national security agency. federal authorities say they have a suspect in custody in connection to a series of shootings. the front area seems to have collapsed, skidded for 15-20 seconds. the internet is not anonymous, there s an enormous gap between this generation and accountability. announcer: this is new day with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota and michaela pereira. good morning, everyone welcome back to your new day. a war of words erupting this morning between israel and the u.s. one day after benjamin netenyahu s fiery speech to congress. the israeli leader slamming president obama for negotiating quote a very bad deal with iran. the president dismissing netenyahu s criticism as nothing new. calling out the prime minister for not having a plan of his own. the big fallout of the speech appears to be in the halls of congress. senate republicans are scrambling to fast track a bill that would give them the power to sign off on any deal with iran. that s going to be a story. cnn s coverage begins with senior white house correspondent jim acosta. i say it s a problem not because congress doesn t have the right, but because the white house thinks it s not right. that s right, chris, and the white house knows president obama may have a tougher sales job now after the fiery speech from israeli prime minister benjamin netenyahu. the president still has to convince lawmakers up on capitol hill to loosen some of the sanctions that would come with any nuclear agreement with iran. which is why the president presented his own 11-minute rebuttal to netenyahu s speech from the oval office yesterday. the president, other administration officials maintain that a bad deal is worse than no deal. yesterday during his speech to congress benjamin netenyahu flipped that argument on its head. for over a year we ve been told that no deal is better than a bad deal. well this is bad deal. it s a very bad deal. we re better off without it. and now there s a potential new complication for the iran nuclear talks, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell may fast track a measure that would give the senate the ability to sign off on a nuclear deal. a senior administration official told me last night the president would veto that legislation. and the white house showed what the president was up to during netenyahu s speech. they offered up a picture of a president holding a video conference with other european leaders talking about the situation in ukraine. but chris, if it was prime minister netenyahu s goal to gum up the works on capitol hill, it may be mishsion accomplished. the president has a much tougher climb after that speech yesterday. you have the effect on congress and what about iran. jim thank you very much. lies and deceptions is how one high-ranking iranian official described netenyahu s speech. how are the rest of the iranian people reacting? 0 we go there, frederick pleitgen is live in iran. the speech from benjamin netenyahu was shown on iranian tv, but only video, no audio. you koth hear him. many people in tehran did manage to hear what benjamin netenyahu had to say and most of them needless to say didn t like what he had to say. there was pretty vicious we action coming from many iranian politician who is were saying this is all as you say, lies and deceit. they called this a campaign maneuver by the israeli prime minister. the other big narrative, they re pushing here in tehran is they say this will create a rift between israel and its western european allies. and of course especially between israel and the u.s. there were some commentators last night who were saying that this is a humiliation for the obama administration and for the president in particular it s interesting this morning, because there was actually a press conference a couple of minutes ago from the foreign ministry they said they don t care about what benjamin netenyahu said in his speech. they say at this point in time the iranians remain focused on trying to achieve a deal at the negotiations table. ailsen? fred thank you for all of that background so how do israel and the united states get past this controversy? let s bring in democratic congressman peter welch from vermont. he attended netenyahu s speech. you attended the speech. what did you think of it? i think short-term, it s helpful to netenyahu, he s very good at those speeches and he gets a very receptive audience in congress. long-term i think did he some damage. what he s done here strategically is decided to give a full embrace to a boehner-led republican congress. and basically really accelerate the tendency for this to become much more partisan. and he obviously repudiated the president, who has an enormous amount of leadership in foreign policy. so i think in the long run he s accelerated a really bad dynamic that we ve not seen before. of having israel have a partisan component to it. that s damaging in my view. to our effort to have a really strong continuing relationship with israel. i read some of the analysis this morning about the repercussions of the speech. and some believe that he was able to change some minds. that he was so persuasive that for anybody on the fence about the iranian deal that perhaps he had them shift into the no deal camp. what are you hearing? well congress basically is very hawkish on israel. so he had a receptive audience whether he changed a few minds or not, i don t know. i mean we ve had a tradition of bipartisan support for israel. where the divide is is between the president s approach which is no deal is better than a bad deal. distrust and verify. and really very clearly, prime minister netenyahu, no deal is better than any deal. and the one question i hear being asked by most of my colleagues is mr. netenyahu, where s plan b? he s repudiating negotiations and the obvious alternative to that is a military strike. also people are starting to remember that this is the same prime minister who when he was in private life told the united states we should go to war in iraq. and that things would not only be much bet anywhere iraq but they would be much better as a result of that in iran. he s the one who really lashed out at the president, when he decided to get successfully a peaceful resolution about chemical arms in syria. so he s got some credibility issues. but he s a compelling speaker and he had a favorable audience. you say that he had has no plan b and we ve heard that echoed from other democrats as well. including the president, but he says his plan b is tougher restrictions against iran. well he you know he did say that. and he heard the criticism of his. but if you go through that speech what were the tougher restrictions? basically, the tougher restrictions he was talking about are total surrender of any kind of even peaceful and monitored intrusively and constantly. nuclear program. and that what that means in effect is that there shall be no negotiations unless there s a complete and total capitulation on anything even monitored peaceful use of nuclear program in iran. so i think that really as a practical matter means it would be a military strike. congressman let me play for you what president obama said after netenyahu s speech. if we re successful negotiating, then in fact this will be the best deal possible to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. nothing else comes close. sanctions won t do it even military action would not be as successful as the deal that we have put forward. congressman, the president said that this is the best deal possible. but prime minister netanyahu says it expires after ten years. there will be ongoing inspections that s going to monitor this. and the other thing, by the way, netanyahu is getting isolated in israel. 200 of their best security people. mossad is against them the generals are against them. they think the way he s going about this is having great negative consequences on his relationship with the united states. which is essential. and most of the military analysts when asked about war, they acknowledge that you could perhaps retard the nuclear program, but you couldn t necessarily stop it. this is not like it was go ahead. are you suggesting that in israel, he won t win re-election? that he s in that precarious a state? i don t know. i don t have the ability to say that. but what i was saying is that military experts in the mossad the intelligence folks, about 200 of them have been very critical of netanyahu s approach on this particularly his bull in the china shop approach towards the president in the united states there are repercussions being noticed in israel. there s repercussions here which are injecting unnecessarily and unwisely into this partisan debate. it s astonishing for a prime minister of another country to come to this country. where the president has provided over $20 billion in aid to israel while he s been there. over $2 billion in iron dome assistance, where in the u.n. the u.s. is the one that is pushing back on a lot of these resolutions that have been condemning israel. and that s as a result of the directives of president obama. so why, you know why would someone like prime minister netanyahu treat so harshly a person who is most responsible for israel s assistance from the united states? it s really puzzling. congressman peter welch, thanks so much for being on new day, nice to see you. some breaking news to tell you about at home. the fbi saying a suspect is now in custody following a series of gunfire incidents in maryland. including a shooting tuesday near nsa headquarters. cnn s justice correspondent evan perez is live in d.c. with the latest details. good morning, michaela. police say they ve arrested a suspect responsible for as many as five shootings in the suburbs between washington and baltimore. now this includes one yesterday that caused damage to a building at the headquarters of the national security agency in fort mead maryland. the suspect is a 35-year-old, arrested during a traffic stop in anne arundel county. he was driving a blue lincoln town car, a car that was seen in the area of shootings. the local police analyzed bullet casings recovered from the scene. police say shortly before the shots were fired yesterday near the nsa, someone fired at a truck on a suburban highway in laurel maryland. now on march 2nd shots were fired at a walmart store and at a movie theater in columbia maryland. a series of shootings began february 24th the same suspect is believed to have fired shots at a car driving through a mall in the same area. back to you. do you hate obamacare? do you love it? either way, today is a big day for you. the supreme court is taking on the law again, different issue, but same stakes. will the law survive what may be its toughest test yet? cnn s pamela brown is at the supreme court for us this morning. pamela? well chris, good morning to you. the stakes are very high because what happens here at the supreme court, could impact at least five million americans. and if the supreme court rules in favor of the plaintiffs it could completely derail the affordable care act. and here s why it hinges on what many call the lynch pin of obama care. subsidy force american who is can t afford health insurance on their own. and states with federally-run exchange 34 states the. the plaintiffs in this case are focused on four words in the affordable care act. these four words, established by the state. the plaintiffs argue that those americans and states without state-run exchange don t get, don t qualify for subsidies. that the law is clear, it s only for those states with state-run exchange not the 34 states with federally-run exchange. and the plaintiffs arguing the government tried to rewrite the law after congress passed it once it realized that 34 states weren t going to have the state-run exchange. the government we re expecting to argue today is you can t just look at those four words in isolation, you have to look at it in the context of the law. and that the law is clear as a whole. that subsidyies from the very beginning were intended for every american no matter if they were in a state with federally run exchange or state run exchange. all eyes today will be on chief justice roberts, he surprised a lot of conservatives when he upheld the constitutionality of the affordable care act several years ago. a lot of people are going to be listening to every word he says today to try to get a sense of where he stands on all of this. thanks so much for the background. an american mechanic now free on bail in the united arab emirates after being jailed because of a facebook post he wrote in the u.s. 30-year-old ryan pate reportedly made disparaging comments about arab people and his employer in the uae, and faces trial this month and up to five years in prison. alabama supreme court once again ordering the state s judges to block same-sex marriage. the justices ruling alabama law only recognizes marriage as a union between a man and a woman and there s nothing federal courts can or should do about that. all this despite a supreme court order last month allowing same marriages to proceed. some scary moments in texas, firefighters in houston coming to the rescue of a mother and her 2-year-old son who were trapped in their truck after a violent crash. surveillance video capturing the wreck. the mom lost control of a pickup after hitting a pothole. the truck flipped over crashed into two u-hauls, apparently the crews needed the jaws of life to free them. the mother and the child suffered minor cuts and bruises. and otherwise are okay. traumatized and shook up by that. i can imagine. thank goodness they re okay. those things happen, you look to the above, but also just in the practical sense, cars are safer, you put on your seat belts. and quick response from the firefighters, they got to them and realized it was going to be the tougher rescue than otherwise. the michael brown shooting launched a federal investigation of police in ferguson missouri now the results are in. and they point to a widespread pattern of discrimination how do the ferguson police clean up their act? . loyalary s email practices have brought benghazi cover-up theories back with a vengeance, listen to john king on inside politics about what investigators want now and why. thanks for the ride around norfolk! and i just wanted to say geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years! roger that. captain s waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. could ve parked a little bit closer. it s gonna be dark by the time i get there. geico. proudly serving the military for over 75 years. the world is filled with air. but for people with copd sometimes breathing air can 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stink. 85% of vehicle stops african-americans. 90% of citations african-americans. 93% of arrests, of african-americans. and the little one on the bottom may matter the most the population 67% black. why so disproportionate? liz brown, when the hands up don t shoot started, i said to you, i think forget if it was in ferguson or here is this a false narrative because michael brown, it s not lining up like that by the facts and you said it s about a lot more than this one shooting. does this investigation justify that in your opinion? it confirms that actually. i mean you can look at it anecdotally with the numbers and you can also look at it in terms of what the partial report says about the mindset of the police department. if we simply unpacked one of those racist those odiously racist jokes that were the punchline was, an african-american mother terminates a pregnancy, and she is given a $3,000 reward from crime stoppers. what are they saying? this is an email that was passed along by police on their governmental email and other governmental people. so what does this this joke say? this joke says that african-americans are born criminals. so if you want to have an explanation for why mike brown was lying on the ground for four hours, look at this email where police officers are joking about african-americans are born criminals. so when you look at these numbers, jeffrey, you could, you know let me present the proposition of the other side. it s just jokes. it s just traffic stops. you know maybe you know they re just spending more time in those areas, it s not a direct line to a nefarious attitude towards blacks do you think that s a sustainable perspective? no. and i think the ferguson police department recognizes that. they are at least going to be subject to justice department supervision indefinitely in the future. now if not abolished altogether there have been other how do you do that? that can be part of a settlement with the justice department. other police departments in around st. louis, you know st. louis has this very unusual and frankly toxic situation with lots of small police departments around the city. and it is not an efficient or orderly or effective way of running police. and one solution may be simply to consolidate some of these police forces where you could improve training. improve community policing. i mean here you have a city that is 67% african-american. with a police department that is so overwhelmingly white that is a recipe for disaster. just for starters. i mean there is so much wrong there and the justice department is going to do what it can. but you know there are really big problems there. and lizz it comes down to how do we fix it? putting people of color on the police force isn t always a quick fix. many cops white, black, they wind up being blue. it comes down to their training. do you think that you want to get rid of the police? or do you think you work with what you have and improve it? i think that to abolish the police department is not the right thing. we they d to fix this. we they d to make this police department a model for change. and the reason why you have african-american police officers sometimes that operate the same as their white counterparts is the selection process itself. institution it is the institution in this particular community needs to be gutted. the police chief needs to go the mayor needs to go. and we need to make this police department a police department that can operate lawfully and nonracistly. and give this community this largely african-american community the opportunity to have a police force that is successful in engaging contact with the community. and you would also insure that you get coverage there. jeffrey, make your point, a lot of people on the street in ferguson said you know what there are good cops here, a lot of good cops but it s about the leadership. it s tough to change at the top, though isn t it? personally think it should be abolished, i don t see any reason for ferguson to have its own police department. what if they end up losing coverage as a result of reapportionment? that can be dealt with by effective policing. let me raise one issue, chris, i think it s very important, and not just about ferguson and not even just about missouri. what the report shows is that the police were using the african-american community to raise money for government. the issue of using fines, using minor offenses as a way of raising money so the city doesn t have to raise taxes, this is a huge issue all over the country. and i think the justice department is going to take a look at it. not just here but elsewhere. keep an eye on this. this is a major civil rights issue. because african-americans through paying fines, are being used to subsidize government in a very intentional way. not for criminal justice purposes for just as a fundraising way. and this is something, this report points to and it s not just in ferguson or even in missouri. the more events you create between citizenry and police the more chance you have for good and bad outcomes. jeffrey toobin lizz brown, in some ways this report as hard-fought as it was, is the easy part. what will be the fix? we ll stay on the story. what do you think? tweet us or go to cyberbullies picked on the wrong person when they targeted the daughter of former major league pitcher curt schilling. he brought the high heat on them. we re going to talk with schilling and his daughter about what happened. republicans in congress getting a bit nervous about the outcome of the supreme court taking on obamacare. john king explains, next. what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that s what i d like to do. right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it in as few as two and a 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for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. ask your doctor if. .viagra is right for you. president obama and benjamin netanyahu in a war of words following the prime minister s fiery address before congress. the president dismissing the israeli leader s warnings about nuclear talks with iran and called them quote nothing new. he s also slamming the prime minister for not having a better plan. meanwhile secretary of state kerry meeting again with iran s foreign minister in switzerland. breaking news a suspect take noon custody following a series of shootings in maryland including one near the nsa headquarters in fort mead. earlier in the day a landscaping truck came under fire. no one seriously hurt. investigators say this suspect may be linked to three other shootings in just the past eight days. edward snowden says he s ready to return to the united states. a lawyer for the nsa leaker says he s willing to return to america only if he s given a fair trial. as you ll recall snowden was granted political asylum in russia in 2013 he s been there since leaking thousands of classified nsa documents to media outlets. u.s. officials say snowden will face an objective trial. that would be the new trial of the century, perhaps. cannot be easy to have been in basically self-imposed exile in russia all this time. where there are some things going on. it depends what the alternative is. the assumption that the law is on his side is a big assumption. inside politics on new day with mr. john king. good morning, chris, alisyn michaela. it s a busy day inside politics, inside crazy washington nia malika henderson of the washington post and john henderson of the washington times. hillary clinton and her use of a private email account when she was secretary of state. she had full kistdy of this, this was down on a server in her home which makes it harder public information, congressional committees the white house threw her under the bus, said the president made it clear from day one, saying he expected his executive cabinet to use government accounts not private accounts. hillary made a speech last night and came to the point. don t you love seeing nancy pelosi stand up against efforts to play politics with our security. it s because of you that kirsten gillibrand can lead the fight against sexual assault in the military. it s because of you that elizabeth warren can work to hold wall street accountable. okay. nice words about elizabeth warren and nancy pelosi. nothing about this. i m sort of torn on this. you know she s about to launch a presidential campaign. this is a big story about her transparency. she s skirting at least the spirit if not the letter of the federal records act and she says nothing about it. surprised? i m a little surprised. i mean the people i talked to before the speech yesterday, people sort of in hillary s circle or outer circle said sure this would probably be a good environment for her to do that. this is her base. these are her fans 1600 or so women there. so maybe she could have said something that was you know maybe about how she s often attacked. i think stephanie shriock who is the president of emily s list talked about that. but she didn t take the opportunity. i think it shows how vulnerable she is right now, she s in this noncampaign-campaign face and she doesn t have the clinton war room the rapid response where she can put a full defense on. obviously some people responded to it in her camp. but in terms of a full-throated explanation, that s something we haven t seen. there were jitters among democrats, essentially they see the foundation of raising foreign money. now they see something like this. she didn t have a full campaign staff to deal with this. the staff she has says nothing nefarious here. she s got all the records, if anybody needs them she s got them. but the law says and the regulations say, they re supposed to be in the custody of the government. even if you re using a private account, the day-to-day accounting the day-to-day library, the day-to-day system supposed to be in the wall of a government building not inside the walls of a private home in new york. for history s sake i think it s important to have poe essential segs of that. but you re right, i spoegs to a spoke to a lot of democrats yesterday, publicly what is striking they defend her even without knowing the full story. they don t have a choice. they don t have a choice she is effectively their next nominee and the degree to which democrats publicly fell in line yesterday without knowing the extent of what happened was striking to me spoke to the fact that they re all in it together and she s their best and really only hope for 2016. privately, john there s a lot of eye-rolling and how could they not see this as being politically problematic. the idea you could choose simply not to use a government email account for four years as secretary of state and not understand that down the road that would come back up if you have political ambitions. for a lot of democrats that was puzzling. and remember we ve all seen this now-iconic photo of hillary clinton on a government plane during a trip as secretary of state, internet fun with these photos. a great series of articles of what she s actually typing there. not as funny today i guess when you look at this. you make an interesting point about democrats lining one her, not knowing the full story. a lot of them remember during the bill clinton presidency they did it a few times and the trap door opened. so that s one of the reasons for the jitters. another reason is that the republicans, a lot of democrats say it s a fool s errand why do they have another benghazi committee. but the chairman of the benghazi committee says this is proof, there s more to learn. you do not need a law degree to have an understanding of how troubling this is. there are a chain of custody issues. there are preservation of materials and documents issues. there are exfoliation of evidence issues and one should be concerned about the national security implications of former secretary clinton using exclusively personal email accounts for the conducting of official u.s. foreign policy. that committee was expected to hear from her at least once and she s given every indication she ll cooperate with the committee and testify. chairman gowdy says maybe they need to talk to her twice. had you had a situation, democrats were pretty confident that the benghazi investigation had gone away or at the very least had been so partisan that it wasn t necessarily going to be a big problem. i think the issues he raises they re talking about the security concerns i think that s going to be a very you know sort of line of argument that you hear over and over again. and this just gets at her entire record as secretary of state. how much do we know how much do we know about who she has been communicating with and that s supposed to be one of her strong points. the democratic fear is this will embolden the democrats on capitol hill. majorities in both houses to redouble their efforts to investigate every possible angle of not just benghazi her entire tenure at the state department. for the next two years during the heart of her campaign the republicans on the hill could be make some mischief. do some real oversight. is scary. to a lot of dems. i want to move to this extraordinary moment yesterday, prime minister netanyahu stands up in the house of representatives in the very spot that six weeks ago the president gave his state of the union address. the president said the iran deal is a good deal and prime minister netanyahu says it s a horrible deal and the prime minister says the president is misleading the people. the president of the united states, you don t do this unless you re a little wore ied about the power that netanyahu and his points. 11-minute speech saying pentaerythritol tetranitrate is dead wrong. the path that we ve proposed by far is the best way to do that. that s demonstrable. and prime minister netanyahu has not offered any kind of viable alternative. he s angry there, you can tell that the president is very very unhappy. you don t see him often in that kind of posture. i think the view of the white house is here is a foreign leader on american soil in perhaps one of the most sacred parts of american democracy, trying to underline an american-led coalition to another country. was struck by nancy pelosi s comments yesterday. she was near tears, saying prime minister netanyahu was condescending towards us. it s a remarkable moment in politics. to see how he was receive in the chamber. many many standing ovations many if not more than president obama got during the state of the union address. you saw the administration in the lead-up. john kerry said he s welcome to be here. then after you happen you did see the flash of anger. they ve said throughout even though the two leaders don t get along. they do their business despite their personal dysfunction, i don t think so. 11 minutes for the president of the united states. we re going to keep an eye on the supreme court arguments, one thing is the court hears the challenge to obamacare. what would the administration if the court threw it down what would republicans do. now that millions have the coverage. the republicans have their own disagreements, even if the republicans win at the court it could cause them some political headquarters headaches. former major leaguer curt schilling and his teenaged daughter taking on cyberbullies and proving that what you say online does not just live there. kurt and gabby schilling are on deck on new day. can t wait to talk to them. denver international is one of the busiest airports in the country. we operate just like a city and that takes a lot of energy. we use natural gas throughout the airport - for heating the entire terminal generating electricity on-site and fueling hundreds of vehicles. we re very focused on reducing our environmental impact. and natural gas is a big part of that commitment. i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit what s that thing? i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don t you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don t be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit do not mess with former boston red sox pitcher curt schilling or his family. when the sports star wrote a tweet praising his 17-year-old daughter it resulted in a series of violent and sexually explicit responses directed at her. schilling found out who was behind the posts, exposed them and tracked down their employers and their schools. nine of the twitter users have paid the price. joining us now, probably dad of the year curt schilling and his daughter gabby. good morning to the two of you. first of all, i think we got to show the tweet, curt that started it all. here it is, congratulations to gabby schilling who will pitch for the aalve regina seahawks next year. were you surprised by all the vit vitriol. were you surprised? i expected some blowback. i expected college kids to be college kids and to come back and say some smart alec things and they did. and then i tweeted out something about you know hey, guys not for nothing, but you know i know somebody in the special forces and you know we kind of joked back and forth and then it got serious and we started to get i started to get the stuff that you ve seen. now you always had a reputation of being hard-nosed on the diamond and off. a tough guy. what did this do to you? i m sure can you take heat about yourself. but when they were targeting your daughter and as you know she s all grown up now, but not to you, she isn t. what did it mean to you? well the blog that i came out with was about the 57,000th edit. the first one was i m going to get in my car and go somewhere and kill these people. you know but as a father i have two jobs. put a roof over my family s head and protect them. this was an attack on my family. gabby, let s talk to you, young lady. you ve been doing great in school. you ve got a great athletic career ahead of you. congratulations, first of all. was this something that you anticipated? and did you go to dad and say, dad, i can t believe this is happening? well i mean i expected a few like little comments nothing like as bad as it got. but i didn t really he was away i didn t talk to him until i saw his replies and people were like you re on bar stool and i was like oh my gosh. our first conversation wasn t a very good one. but then she was mad at me. why were you mad at him? because i didn t see the really bad tweets. i only saw the little joking ones. so i thought he was just overreacting. then he told me what they really said. gabby, it s somewhat generational. you know you live your generation you grow up on social media. you understand the harshness of it in a different way. sadly. than some of the older-school people like your pop does. yet what do you think it is that makes people be so much more nasty online than they would be to your face or in everyday exchange? oh it s absolutely because they can hide behind their computer screens, they don t have the face-to-face contact with someone. they don t see the facial expressions of people when they read it and they can t get punched in the face through a computer screen. and curt the fact is that you have taken these people to task. children should take offense by these kids being lumped in with them. children behave better than these knucklehead did. some of them have lost their jobs. some of them have been kicked out of school. what ultimately did you want them to understand? well listen the only analogy that comes to mind that i can use is if you re a parent not just somebody coming into your house and punching your child right in the face right in front of you. when you think about that the scars will heal. the physical stuff will go away. she s going to carry this for the rest of her life. the lesson is accountability. the anonymity of the internet really doesn t exist. there are a few people in this world that can do it but not many. and listen if you re a parent you know twitter is not some other world. you know i saw people talking about, you know hey, they did it on twitter and they got it in the real world. and twitter is the real world. if you re a parent you better be able to admit that and understand it. so gabby, the fact is you know not every other kid is lucky enough to have a dad like yours who you know is not afraid of taking on a fight, is not a former pitcher for the mlb. but i know there s a lot of kids out there that are dealing with bullying whether it s cyberbullying or in the school physical bullying. what do you think is the take-away from this that you could share with those kids that are suffering? and maybe don t have an advocate that can stand up for them? i mean cyberbullying is a huge issue right now and i think that people really need to like reach out to somebody else and get that help. because some people just stay quiet about it and they let it eat away at them inside. and that s never okay. because cyberbullying, you re just like they re just alone. they don t have anyone to talk to. it s not face to face. like the other person doesn t realize how much harm they re doing to someone. but i m lucky to have him to stick up for me. that s what a dad s job is too many parents when you come to them and say, hey, your kid is doing something online that s wrong. they often just take their kid s side and they don t want to see it for what it really is. they don t want to address the behavior. hopefully the awareness coming through you two winds up doing a lot more than just helping you with your own feelings. well now people understand you can go to jail and a lot of times, especially for women, and young girls out there, this is not something to sluff off. this is not kind of joking this is against the law. it is against the law. my daughter is a minor, too, so that if you do this and you get convicted, you re a sex offender for the rest of your life. well curt we thank you for not only standing up for your daughter, but standing up for young women and young victims and whatever age victim of bullying. and this is the thing we want to tell you, baby girl go and enjoy college and have a great and exciting first year we re very proud of you, have the whole nation cheering for you as you go on to start that athletic career, okay? and no pressure just because your pop was a pitcher no pressure. i heard you have more pitches than him and you re more consistent and you re not a hot head. i m just glad she actually talks to me now. the silver lining is it probably brought the two of you closer curt gabby schilling, thanks so much for your time. from baseball to basketball. even in the freezing cold the harlem globetrotters are hot. ahead we ve got some of the incredible shots they made oh from a battleship at sea. every now and then i get a little bit hungry and there s nothing good around turn around, barry i finally found the right snack [ female announcer ] fiber one. 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hi there. good morning, alisyn. it s target. no exact number yet but most of those layoffs we re told will be at the headquarters in minneapolis. target wants to save $2 billion over two years. still getting back on track after that major cyber breach during the 2013 holidays. the iphone once again the world s top selling smart phone. samsung has been outselling apple for years, but in the fourth quarter apple sold a record 75 million iphones. that s about 20% of the global market. just enough to inch ahead of samsung thanks in part to big gains in china. folks, a lot of you are probably investors in apple shares. those shares have been on quite a tear. a decade ago they were $5 a share, now they re $130. i should have hung on to those. thanks so much christine. you know what you do when you have a really good running back in the nfl? no what? you keep them, but not this time. a huge trade with the philadelphia eagles. certainly going to change the fates for two football franchises. lesean mccoy is who we re talking about. let s bring in andy scholes. what s this trade about? you know what chris, eagles fans not very happy about this. looks like rex ryan your boy, former jets coach, now with the bills, wants to run the ball. chip kelly, the coach of the eagles he wants to turn the eagles into the nfl version of the oregon ducks. the trade we re talking about is the eagles are sending their superstar running back will he shoun mccoy to the bills in exchange for keek could he a lon za. mccoy is born and raised in pennsylvania and he s not very happy about being traded away from home. alonzo he s going to reunite with chip kelly who whom he played for in oregon. he s the eighth former duck to play for kelly on the eagles. kentucky wildcats looking to remain undefeated. charles barclay in the house for this one. funny moment before the game some kentucky fans were sitting in belichick s seat so he had to have them removed before the game and the people sitting next to him thought this was absolutely hilarious. as for the game georgia at kentucky on the road. the wildcats wanted the late 14-0 run. they win it 72-6 04. when everyone is filling out the brackets kentucky will be a popular pick to win it all. the battleship u.s.s. new jersey has four new big guns. check out these four harlem globetrotters braving subfreezing temperatures to entertain the troops with some amazing long distance shots. that was the hook shot from the deck of the ship into the hoop on a floating tugboat on the frozen delaware river. very impressive. the globetrotters are touring north america through april. each show an active wounded or retired military member will be honored for their bravery and their service. always great stuff from the globetrotters. hate to be a ball boy for that one. all those red, white and blues floating in the hudson. how do they do that. thanks andy so much. israel divided over netanyahu s speech just days before they head to the polls. was it effective enough to keep him in power? 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announcer: this is new day with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota and micaela pereira. good morning. welcome to your new day. it s wednesday, march 4th. just before 8:00 in the east. angry words and tension between the u.s. and israel now being pulled apart over iran s nuclear ambitions. president obama and benjamin netanyahu taking relations between the two allies to an all time low. the flashpoint the prime minister s controversial speech to congress. the president dismissing it as nothing new. but this morning, republicans plotting to turn around a bill that would give the senate signoff powers on any nuclear agreement with iran. the president already planning to block that. so we have complete coverage. let s bring in cnn s senior white house correspondent jim acosta. what are they saying there, jim? reporter: alisyn it is getting complicated over here. the white house knows the president may have a tougher selling job after the fiery speech by prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the president has to convince lawmakers to loosen sanctions which is why the president presented his own 11-minute rebuttal from the oval office. he dismissed netanyahu s speech as nothing new. here s what he had to say. on the core issue, which is how do we prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon which would make it far more dangerous and would give it scope for even greater action in the region the prime minister didn t offer any viable alternatives. and now there s potential new complication for the iran nuclear talks. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell may fast track a measure that would give the senate an opportunity to sign off on the deal. they said the president would veto that legislation. the white house showed us what the president was up to during netanyahu s speech. they offered up this picture of the president holding a video conference with other european leaders talking about the situation in ukraine, but, alisyn make no mistake. the prime minister s job on capitol hill to gum up the works when it comes to this nuclear agreement in iran it may be mission accomplished. there are a lot of skeptical republicans and even a growing number of skeptical democrats about this agreement. it sure does sound like a possible mission accomplished. thanks so much jim acosta. netanyahu s speech was delivered on u.s. soil of course but his target audience may have been 6,000 miles away in israel. voters decide whether or not to replace him in less than two weeks. cnn s oren lieberman live from israel. reporter: everyone watching and following it. he didn t mention the elections but he talked about iran and security which are his best subjects and his strongest topics going into these elections. a split reaction in israel over prime minister benjamin netanyahu s speech to congress over the dangers of a deal with iran. we ve been told that no deal is better than a bad deal. well this is a bad deal. it s a very bad deal. we re better off without it. reporter: critics of the speech calling it political theater, non-starter offering no new viable alternative to a u.s./iran deal still being worked out. the elections are projected to be very close. his main rival slamming the speech as deepening the rift in already strained u.s./israeli relations. translator: the painful truth is that after the applause netanyahu remained alone. this speech therefore, greatly undermined the relationship between israel and the united states. reporter: while supporters of the speech which garnered dozens of standing ovations throughout called it one of the best of the prime minister s career. i think it was very important speech historic speech and it s very important that israel speak up about its national security and what might affect its very existence. reporter: the divide in israel mirrored in u.s. congress itself. the gop welcoming netanyahu while some 50 democrats boycotted the speech altogether. even if israel has to stand alone, israel will stand. reporter: nulanded back on israeli soil a few hours ago. his office put out a statement immediately. that statement reads in part i presented a practical alternative which would impose tougher restrictions on iran s nuke clearly plan extending iran s breakout time by years. chris, the wording is no coincidence. it s very clear these two are at odds with each other. what s not clear is the way forward. let s bring in edward jurgen director of the james baker institute at rice university. ambassador thank you for joining us. i know you are a diplomat yet i must ask this. do you agree that negotiating with iran is the right move? i do believe that. i think we have to give diplomacy a chance here. what president obama and his administration have decided is to engage iran strategically on this critical nuclear issue to determine whether an agreement can be reached, a real deal not a false deal that would cap iran s nuclear capabilities that would put into place a very intrusive inspections regime under the egis of the international atomic agency. let s not forget chris, that iran is part of the nonproliferation treaty and under that treaty it has, according to the treaty one of its articles the right to have develop, research a civilian peaceful nuclear program. what s interesting in netanyahu s presentation is that while he didn t use these words, he just said that this deal will give iran multiple nuclear weapons, he is getting to the very heart of the administration strategy saying no nuclear enrichment no ten-year time line. you need a higher time line. and that sanctions should not be linked to any deal but to iran s overall policies in the region terrorism, relations with its neighbors and relations with israel. do you believe that the prime minister did offer a practical alternative or is more sanctions and deny everything you ve said for the last 20 years, is that a nonstarter? i think it s a nonstarter. i mean the purpose of bebe netanyahu coming was to bring a considerable political pressure through the congress on the administration to not do this deal. he made a very forceful excellent presentation. he s a great orator but fundamentally he is saying this is not a deal that should be consummated by the administration. and he did not provide a viable alternative going forward. he did not say here s a deal that israel and the united states can work on. here are the parameters of a deal that israel thinks would be acceptable to it and perhaps the united states. i didn t hear that. what is the outcome or the fallout of this dispute between these two men? is it just two men differing? is it two leaders of two countries differing? is it two countries differing? chris, it s both. the united states is a global power. we have our national security interests. israel is a very strong regional power. it has its interests. it looks upon iran as an existential threat. the united states looks upon iran as a real regional threat but as a global power the united states has its own interests and it s pursuing its interests by engaging in a strategic negotiation with iran. this is not the first time that the united states and israel have seen the region in different terms. we can remember u.s. support and military equipment to saudi arabia which the israelis in the past opposed. this is not the first time we re having a substantive dispute with israel a very close ally one of our closest allies in the world, so that s not new, but it s based on a policy difference. the president feels very strongly that a strategic negotiation and agreement with iran is better than the alternatives which would be increased sanctions and the possibility of going to war. and netanyahu doesn t see it that way. well the concern is about an arms race right? i mean you know one of the weaker arguments is well israel has nukes, why shouldn t iran be able to have them? the answer is because israel hasn t made outward gestures that it wants to erase any memory of iran from the face of the earth. but where do you draw the line in terms of who has these weapons and who doesn t because it seems to be a very sticky business and only getting worse? well u.s. policy is to really stop any state getting nuclear weapons. we all already have you know about seven states that have declared states that have nuclear weapons. israel has not declared that it has nuclear weapons, but everyone assumes that it is a nuclear weapons state. under the nonproliferation treaty again any country that signs up to it has the right to develop civilian peaceful nuclear energy. the trick there is to control that civilian program no matter what country it is in in order for it to not break out and become a nuclear weapon state. so the there s always a danger that iran could become if there is an agreement, a threshold state, and what that means is like for example, japan, in a short period of time it could transform its civilian nuclear capabilities into a weapons program. that would have to be inspected and if that happened then the international community would have to take the necessary measures which are always there. now i guess the next issue that we ll have to follow will be whether or not netanyahu while not convincing the president did functionally the same thing by getting into congress s head about this because now they may be what stops the president from moving forward. ambassador thank you very much for the perspective. much needed and appreciated. alisyn? thank you. chris, a scathing justice department report triggering new outrage in ferguson missouri this morning. the fed s investigation of police practices reveals a widespread pattern of discrimination against african-americans. the full report will be released this morning. cnn s sarah sidner is live for us in ferguson. do we know what it says sarah? reporter: we re expecting the d.o.j. report to focus in on traffic stops and racial discrimination in those traffic stops. i want to give you a look at some of the statistics that we think will be inside of that report. they are basically saying between 2012 and 2014 the statistics show that while the population was 67%, 85% of all the people subject to vehicle stops by ferguson police were black and 90% of those who received citations were black and that s not all. i mean there are more numbers there that are pretty damming if you look at the statistics in comparison with the population but there is also something else that was brought out that has really gotten people angry, and that is some of the e-mails the department of justice says they found either in the court system or at the department one of which made a racist joke about the president and a woman. the one about the president was basically saying well you know president obama won t be in office long because blacks aren t known to hold jobs for as long as four years. and so those kind of comments have really angered folks. i want to let you listen to what someone from the ferguson commission has said about this this is the government-appointed commission member. if they would say that about the president of the united states what do you think they would say about poor black men and poor black women living in a racialized area of this city? it is disgusting and it should be dealt with harshly. reporter: and one of the ways that people are asking for it to be dealt with is to disband the department or to have the police chief resign at the very least. that s what we re hearing from some of the members who have been out here protesting. i ve been covering this story for seven months and i can tell you though that the ferguson police department and the city has been cooperating with the d.o.j. and we are expected to hear from city officials after we hear the final and official report from the department of justice in just a couple of hours. back to you guys michaela. sarah sidner thank you for that. hillary clinton s camp slamming the new york times report about her exclusive use of personal e-mails at the state department. while clinton made no mention of the speech the republicans had plenty to say. brianna keilar joins us live from washington with the latest reaction. good morning to you, brianna. reporter: good morning to you, michaela. republicans are hammering hillary clinton on this. a clinton aid telling me there was nothing nefarious at play with her using solely a personal e-mail account instead of a state department e-mail account while she was secretary of state, but it s certainly unusual and there are many republicans but more importantly critics questioning why someone would do this unless it was to exert tight control over e-mails that are supposed to be housed in a government system suggesting that at least when it comes to the spirit of the law governing these records that that was violated in this case. you talk to clinton supporters and they say, oh, this is not a big deal, this is just sort of a manufactured crisis. you do have to note that they have certainly been through a lot worse over the years in this but the big question is going to be does this matter to voters? as hillary clinton now is maybe just weeks out from starting her campaign it s really too soon to tell but it certainly plays into an existing narrative that hillary clinton is someone who really values her privacy to the point of being sneaky here or skirting the rules, chris? the benghazi theories are back with a vengeance as well. brianna, thank you very much. so authorities have a suspect in custody for a shooting that damaged nsa headquarters. earlier in the day a landscaping truck came under fire. no one was seriously hurt in either incident. investigators say the suspect may be linked to three other shootings in just the past eight days. amazing pictures taken immediately after a turkish airlines flight skids off a fog-covered runway in nepal with more than 200 people on board. cnn is live in new delhi following the latest for us. what happened? reporter: allyson, it s something so many of us fear don t we? a crash landing. the pictures are really quite amazing, especially in places like kathmanducat mankathmandu. we re talking about the himalayas, eight of the ten highest mountains in the world are here. normally this is a time when a lot of climbers a lot of trekkers from all over the world go to nepal to view the himalayas. this time there seems to be a bit of a change in the weather. it s been raining nonstop so a lot of the officials are blaming this on low visibility. one of the passengers there telling us that the plane circled around kathmandu valley several times trying to land and the second attempt crash landed and that those are the pictures we re seeing crash landed onto the runway and on to that grass area. now investigators are looking into exactly what happened. one turkish official has said that there could have been a technical problem as well but the remarkable thing is all passengers and all the crew members have been rescued and no injuries have been reported. we are so glad to hear that. what a sight to behold. thanks so much for that. we know 40 days of lengtht are typically a time of sacrifice. rather than give something up jesse egan is walking in the footprints of her muslim friends by wearing a hijab. she wants to be a quote, unquote, outsider and to help her friends who are white christians see a difference and embrace it. she wanted to remind others of christianity s teachings of love. what a fascinating experience. i would love to talk to her. i hope it doesn t wind up being an ugly lesson for her. she had some but she s staying strong. that s i gave up for lent. you gave up? gave up. you gave up lent? i ll never give up. i gave up booze, which was a huge mistake, but also we try to make sure that for us or for you? we also make sure that we try to do something. you re supposed to try to do something affirmative. yes. yes. that s why what she s doing is very spot on. not just a self-sacrifice. what are you doing for others? some would say not drinking. that s right. but it s not helping me i ll tell ya that right now. all right. that s great. meanwhile, outspoken conservative ben carson makes it official. he s forged amed a presidential exploratory committee? could his views on gay people derail him before he even starts? fghanistan but it doesn t hold me back. i go through periods where it s hard to sleep at night and stay awake during the day. non-24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70% of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-844-2424. or visit this is my body of proof. proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis from the inside out. with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it s proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. doctors have been prescribing humira for nearly 10 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. visit and talk to your rheumatologist. humira. this is a body of proof! major: ok fitness class! here s our new trainer ensure active heart health. crowd: yayyyy! heart: i m going to focus on the heart. i minimize my sodium and fat. gotta keep it lean and mean. pear: uh-oh. heart: i maximize good stuff like my potassium. and phytosterols, which may help lower cholesterol. major: i m feeling energized already. new delicious ensure active heart health supports your heart and body, so you stay active and strong. ensure. take life in. sir, we re going to need you on the runway later. don t let a severe cold hold you back. get theraflu. .with the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever, cough and nasal congestion. it breaks you free from your toughest cold and flu symptoms. theraflu. serious power. do you think being gay is a choice? absolutely. why do you say that? because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight and when they come out they re gay. that was chris s interview with gop presidential hopeful dr. ben carson saying he believes that not only is being gay a choice but that prison can turn people gay. how will this affect his campaign? let s bring in paul brigala and he s senior adviser to the super pac and he ll support hillary clinton. and anna navorro. she worked for governor jeb bush and is a supporter of his. you are the perfect people to talk about the 2016 race. for many reasons. for many reasons. paul let me start with you. what do you think of dr. carson s comments on homosexuality? he s a medical doctor okay? and i m not so you know it s an eccentric view certainly. i will say this pulling the lens back obviously that comment, i think, was unintentionally really hurtful and ignorant but he does speak. i travel around a lot. dr. carson speaks for a lot of the republican base. i would not rule him out. i know he says that this was a very unfortunate, i think, almost nutty comment, but i would not rule him out. i think he could really contest people in the iowa caucuses. anna defend your people. do you believe that republicans think that being gay is a choice in any significant numbers? you know i think there are some people not only republicans who think being gay is a choice. i don t think being gay is a choice. i can tell you that i joined over 250 prominent republicans this week in signing an amicus brief in support of marriage equality at the supreme court. and, look frankly i think ben carson should not have been led down this path should not have gone down this path. this is one of the things he s got to learn as he s running for president, if you re running for president, talk about isis talk about the economy. please do not talk about prison sex and don t make me talk p it at 8:20 in the morning. so ben, darling, turn off netflix, stop watching orange is the new black and let s talk about the issues. what do you think about his presidential bid? does it have any effect? no it probably doesn t. the people that support ben carson are probably not terribly bothered by this and they re going to think that it was a christopher cuomo gotcha question. don t put it on me navorro. i m changing topics. you have trouble of your own thank god. hillary clinton and these e-mails smells bad. you make the case for why it doesn t it s not a big deal. well she obeyed the law. she obeyed the regulations. she followed the same practice as her predecessors from the bush administration. we all remember the republicans freaking out when they said they used private e-mail accounts. oh wait they didn t. this is completely partisan. not one voter in america is going to base her vote or his vote on whether hillary had an archival compliant e-mail system. that s not what the next presidential election is going to be about. but it s a narrative that the clintons don t play by the rules. it s not my pchbopinion, but you know that s what they re going to talk about. it wasn t like hillary rocks at, she had her own domain and her own server had her home that were sending these out. it shows that this was a systematic approach to keep these quiet. that s been reported in the ap. the systematic approach is every time she did government business that was to a government employee and that was kept in a state department server. that s what the law required. do would hee know if that s true? my guess is that they ll investigate it on the hill. should they? politically, no. i hope they do. if i were a republican of course not. they need to talk about jobs once in a while, talk about foreign policy talk about real issues. no what hillary did was completely compliant. it s exactly what everybody else has done who s had that job and republicans are now hyperventilating one hour and wetting the bed the next. get them a brown paper bag or depends or something. wow. you re welcome over your breakfast cereal america. right. anna do you think this is all on the up and up? listen since paul is such a huge willie nelson fan, let me just say that this feels like we are on the road again with the clintons. it s got familiarity to it and it does need a narrative which is part of the problem for hillary clinton here. we have it on the same week we are talking about foreign donations to the clinton administration, that we re talking about disdeals that may or may not have been vetted by the state department foreign donations that may or may not have been vetted by the state department. now this. actually it wasn t republicans who freaked out when republicans didn t use official e-mails, it was democrats, including you and my friend paul, john poedesta and he s the guy that s going to run hillary clinton s campaign. yes, it s a problem because it feeds the narrative that they re a little tricky they re a little slick, they don t really follow the rules. rules are for the little people but they re not for the clintons. paul help us understand this. why would she run her own e-mail server possibly out of her home in chappaqua. why not use a government e-mail? why did she do that? it s not like she was doing it herself. i doubt very strongly she was down in the basement hooking up routers. well somebody was doing it in her house according to the ap. of course. of course. she had i won t say she had a blackberry. she went into the government and she kept the blackberry which was exactly what her predecessors had done. this is human nature. that s the device paul you re talking about. right. we re talking about something bigger. there was a bigger systemic as chris said issue where it was her own e-mail server. the people who do this are tech geeks or people who don t want all the material on their ever seen by somebody else. no no but see, it was all first off, she s turned over 50,000 pages of e-mails to the republicans on this. this is why we even know that she had this e-mail account. so she has broadly complied with all the requests that have been made of her and, you know i think everybody in the government should use a government e-mail account, i really do. then again, she was secretary of state when wikileaks came out. cables had been compromised so it s not like by the way, we haven t seen any of her private e-mails hacked or compromised so we don t know it was any worse. anna let me paul you re asking us you re asking us to trust that she and the clinton, you know, clonies machine has turned this over. we don t know this because the only people who looked at this were her people. i think another of the problems that comes out of this is that you know there s got to have been people in state department because god knows they ve got enough legal folks there, pointy headed lawyers pointing out what the legal and nonlegal things are that must have raised red flags at some point. for four years she sent e-mails from a private e-mail account and there s nobody who could have said to her, hey, hillary, you know what maybe you should follow the rule and the rule established says this that you should be preserving the e-mails and should be using an official account? where was a moral giant like paul bagala to say, this doesn t smell right? where was the rec at this tud, mr. bagala? she needs a paul gagala to tell her, that doesn t say yes every time. all right, guys. legions of pointy headed lawyers that were compliant with the law. all right. i m a pointy headed lawyer. listen darling paul anna great to talk to you. thanks a lot. why do i always get insulted? because you have a pointy head. that hurts. you had to ask that? thanks. all right. ahead here we are going to hear from the father of the isis terrorist dubbed jihadi john. wait until you hear the shocking things he says about his son. will it give us more insight into the masked man we ve seen on those isis videos? people are shocked when we show them where they re getting the acid and what those acids can do to the enamel. there s only so much enamel on a tooth, and everybody needs to do something about it now if they want to preserve their teeth. i recommend pronamel because it helps strengthen the tooth and makes it more resistant to acid breakdown. we want to be healthy and strong through the course of our life and by using pronamel every day, just simply using it as your toothpaste, you know you will have that peace of mind. when salesman alan ames books his room at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i m sold! he s a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you ll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! the real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful? what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that s what i d like to do. all right. here are the five things you need to know for your new day. number one, president obama dismissing prime minister netanyahu s speech as quote, nothing new. after the israeli leader called a proposed agreement with iran a, quote, very bad deal. a federal investigation launched after the michael brown shooting finds a widespread pattern of racial bias in the ferguson missouri police department. the full justice department report is expected to be released today. the fbi says a suspect is in custody including a shooting near the nsa headquarters. one building on the campus appeared to be damaged by gunfire. the supreme court will hear a major challenge to the president s signature health care law. at issue, the legality of obamacare tax credits in 34 states with federal run insurance exchanges. it has been nearly two years since the deadly blasts at the boston marathon. today the surviving suspect will face a judge as opening statements get underway. we do update those five things to know so be sure to visit new day for the latest and freshest. alisyn. the father of the terrorist dub the jihadi john is speaking out. what he says about his son. could it give us a new perspective on what made him join isis? hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah. (boy) i m here! i m here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you re killing me. you know what, dad? i m good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he s ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. the twenty-fifteen subaru legacy. it s not just a sedan. it s a subaru. we have new audio recordings of the isis terrorist mohamed emwazi, aka jihadi john. in the recordings released by cage from 2009 emwazi is denying he is a terrorist. we re hearing from his father and teachers. let s turn to bobby ghosh. bobby, great to have you here. we re going to walk through voices now talking about the man known as jihadi john. lisz listen to what she says he was like. he was quiet, reserved. generally, he was fine. there were no issues massive behavior problems with him. by the time he got into the sixth grade he was settled, working hard and achieved great grades. people don t come out of the womb as terrorists. in many cases the they are you know they re picked up by organizations later on in life and they re susceptible to these ideologies because something else is going on in life. it can happen at different times. the time line is far from clear. it seems like something happened in 2009. the story is he was trying to travel to tanzania to go on safari with friends but he was intercepted by british security forces who believed that he was actually going to somalia actually to join al shabaab. he was questioned by them. here is what he said he told them. what did you think? i told them this is the wrong thing. what happened was wrong. they asked him, what did you think of 9/11. i told them this is a wrong thing. what happened was wrong. he then says that they didn t believe him and i told you that what s happening is extremism and you re still suggesting that i m an extremist. he was angry that they were suggesting that he was an extremist. he says he was angry. we only have his word for this. this is a recording made by an organization led by a person there he is right there. he s known to have who favors jihad not necessarily against the west but who favors jihad. we don t know the circumstances of this recording. we don t know whether he was coached to make this recording but if you take it at face value it suggests at this time in his life, in 2009 he was still, if you like a normal well-adjusted person who when as most muslims when they saw what happened in 9/11 were filled with revulsion and anger against the terrorists and that after this time after 2009 something turned. one of the things that s chilling without listening to those two audio clips that we just heard are how analysts say it sounds so similar to the voice from the beheading videos. listen to this. obama, you have started your heir of bombardment which keeps on striking our people. when his high school teacher says she heard that she said the hair on the back of her neck stood up. obviously people are comparing voice recordings now. they re also hearing that his mother who is in kuwait when she first heard these recordings she pointed to the television screen and said that s my son. didn t as far as we can tell didn t tell the authorities but the voice is quite distinctive. what we have not yet heard from him or from cage is what the precipitating event is. what the teacher says is normal well adjusted somewhat reserved man to slash the throats of innocent civilians. he himself in 2009 when he was intercepted by the british security forces on his way to a safari in tanzania with friends, again, we don t know but that s what he claims made him angry. it s understandable to be angry and lots and lots of people who get mistreated by security services around the world get angry, but it would be an insult for all of them to claim that that itself is enough to become this monster. most people who are treated poorly by security forces they complain or they harbor grudges but they don t become what this man has become. it s much more complex than that. his explanation and cage s explanation for why he turned is too simplistic. other people believe he was radicalized at university. we re hearing from his father. here s what emwazi s father says. he calls him a dog, an animal and a terrorist. is that significant? that is important for the world to hear that the family has turned from him but if the family months ago saw this figure on television heard the voice and recognized them why didn t they say something? last i want to end with mr. kourachi. he gets very emotional when he talks about emwazi. listen. he s such a he s such a beautiful young man, really. you know it s it s hard to imagine it. our entire national security strategy over the last 13 years has only increased alienation. he says it s the national security strategy from brittain that has increased his alienation. what do you think? very very simplistic explanation. he has heard the recordings praising jihad. his idea of what makes a beautiful young man might be quite different from the rest of us. he has praised jihad in chechnya and in ukraine and peshmerga. if all the stories that have been that he and jihad john have told about the circumstances in which he was treated by the security forces if all those stories are 100% true there needs to be an inquiry the government needs to answer for a lot of things and needs to fix these things. innocent people can t be picked up and treated badly. all that said it s not even the beginnings of an excuse. of course. if you re mistreated by security forces you don t start beheading people. we re going to change in an entirely different direction ahead. tell micaela something. you have a sweet tooth? 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(vo) visit your local retailer and feel the tempur-pedic difference for yourself. welcome back to new day. people in the united states have a very sweet tooth. in fact americans consume more sweateners than anywhere else in the world but now some of the country s top dieticians want to stop the sugar rush encouraging people to limit the amount of sweets they eat or drink. cnn s medical correspondent sanjay gupta tells us. we know sugar is bad. we get it. we get it. why is it we americans have such a sweet tooth? you know michaela i think human beings evolved to have a sweet tooth. back when we were evolving initially tvs a veryit was a very good tasting energy boost. now we continue to eat it in greater numbers than ever before because it s more readily available. i think it s more than that. there are studies that show when you eat sugar it does release some of these feel good chemicals in the brain and that feels good and, therefore, if you eat sugar, you re going to want even more sugar. people have made the case that there is an addict tiff sort of quality to it at least in animals. i think we would attest to t. how bad is our sweet tooth? we eat a lot of it no question. let me give you some numbers. drop the knowledge, doc. 100 to 150 calories is what you should be eating instead they eat an extra 300 calories per day. as far as any nutrients in our diet this is the one we abuse. three times, four times what we should be eating a day. it s really high. it s high around the world but it s particularly high as you mentioned, right here. with the american diet we eat so much fast food processed food prepared food. it s hard for people i think, to understand without looking at the label how much is in how much sugar is in those items. i think about this all the time. there s sugar in lots of different foods, right? obviously fruits vegetables even things like milk. that s sugar that people don t pay attention to but it s in natural foods. then there is the obvious added sugar, like a sugary soda for example, which if you have one sugary soda you ve already blown your daily allotment in terms of what is actually recommended. i think what gets people often, maine cale micaela are sauces salad dressings, things you may not think of as having that much sugar but add up really quickly and those are in foods for all different reasons. bread has sugar in it. why? because sugar is a humectant. it draws in water. that makes bread and pastries moist. the moister the pastries the moister the bread, the more sugar it has. you get surprised how much sugar things have. this is a flavored grande latte. that probably has sugar, but if you drink that it s like having 2 1/2 donuts as well? you re kidding? 28 grams of sugar. there s 4 calories per gram so it s 120 calories of sugar. that is a shocking comparison. chris wants to know what you re doing with both of those after? i m actually sending those to chris cuomo. you get the chai send the donuts to chris. what a great illustration. thanks so much sanjay for breaking that down. here s the kind of sweet that doesn t hurt your teeth or your body. a beautiful bride to be the perfect dress, but a hefty price tag. how can this be the good stuff? oh just wait. but, first, take a look at the new cnn zero reegsseries finding jesus. the next one hairs sunday night. an unprecedented cnn event. he didn t vanish without leaving a trace. for the first time in history we re able to place these relics. and grasp something that changed the world. this is really the moment of truth. this is the story of jesus. the rock upon which the church is built. an icon of scientific obsession. his archaeological piece. what do we really have here? why did judas betray jesus? somebody chose to make this. science does matter. is this the burial shroud of jesus? what are the clues he left behind? faith, fact forgery. finding jesus sunday nights at 9:00 on cnn. in our house, we do just about everything online. and our old internet just wasn t cutting it. so i switched us from u-verse to xfinity. they have the fastest, most reliable internet. which is perfect for me, because i think everything should just work. works? works. works! works? works. works. introducing new flonase allergy relief nasal spray, now available over the counter in full prescription strength. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. the leading allergy pill only controls one, flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase the 24 hour relief that outperforms the #1 allergy pill. so go ahead , inhale life. new flonase. six is greater than one. this changes everything. all right. good stuff. today s edition, young bride seriously strapped for cash gets a big boost. liz jensen about to mary the love of her life. she tries on a dress. everything is perfect. right when i put it on i was just like okay this is easy. this is the one. except it was too expensive. too much for liz to afford so that s when the owner of the store told her, don t worry about it it s all taken care of. what? turns out another customer in the store, also a bride to be paid for the dress and then snuck out. wanted to remain anonymous. get out? now liz says that spirit of giving is going to have a place in her wedding with a special table where guests can pledge to do an act of service for somebody else. good. we felt so inspired through this experience to base our marriage and our relationship on the principle of thinking of other people before ourselves. that s beautiful. right? beautiful pay forward. love. so great. what a nice looking couple. that s what marriage is all about, doing things for the other. wow. so sweet, chris cuomo. i m sure your wife loves hearing you that i. i think that was a seizure. are you all right? i m swallowing my tongue. we should go. let s do that. it s time for newsroom with carol costello. hi carol. just in the nick of time. right? he is. he s he is a mess. have a great day though, try at least. newsroom starts now. happening now in the newsroom, ferguson police accused of biased policing by the federal government. excessive force, traffic stops, even racist e-mails. we ll talk to a rep from the police department. then america and iran at the bargaining table. the sticking points holding up a nuclear deal. will either side budge? plus the boston marathon bomber trial begins any moment now. will jurors sentence him to death or will they buy will they buy that his big brother pushed him to terror? let s talk live in the cnn newsroom.

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Transcripts For CNNW The Situation Room 20150303

i m wolf blitzer. you re in the situation room . we re following two breaking stories right now. the justice department civil rights investigation ordered after the police shooting of michael brown finds that the ferguson, missouri police department and knewmu nais pal court practiced in discrimination against african-american ss. investigators also found out racist jokes circulated by police and court officials. we re also following a bitter war of words between allies. president obama firing back after israel s prime minister delivers a blistering attack on a proposed nuclear deal with iran. netanyahu warning congress that if the deal is pursued it will pave iran faster to getting nuclear weapons. the president launched his own blistering attack saying the israeli leader is offering nothing new and no viable alternatives for preventing an iranian bomb. ed royce is standing by live with our correspondent, analysts and our guests. let s goo to the white house, our correspondent michelle kosinski with the very latest. so in this impassioned speech that drew thunderous applause from the congress benjamin netanyahu first lay lays out that america is great, iran is back, calling it a dark and murderous regime. then he rips to shreds this still being worked out nuclear deal with iran. the problem is this administration says his logic doesn t work. he still has presented no viable alternative. thank you, america. thank you for everything you ve done for israel. before this very eager u.s. congress, prime minister benjamin netanyahu proceeded to absolutely blast the prospect of a nuclear deal with iran that he called the enemy. that deal will not prevent iran from developing nuclear weapon s weapons. that s why this deal is so bad. it doesn t block iran s path to the bomb. it paves iran s path to the bomb. what he objects to in this deal being worked out by the u.s. and its allies with the end of the month deadline it would not require iran that demolish any nuclear facilities, thousands of setrycentrifuges, allow a year of breakout time would possibly only have a ten-year time frame and netanyahu says more inspections of facilities would only be able to document iran s potential progress towards a weapon but wouldn t be able to stop it. the world should demand that iran do three things. first, stop its aggression against its neighbors in the middle east. second, stop supporting terrorism around the world. and third, stop threatening to annihilate my country, israel the one and only jewish state. well eshgs got a huge reception here. the white house, not impressed. president obama didn t even watch the speech but he did use nearly 15 minutes responding to it. the prime minister didn t offer any viable alternatives. the alternative that he offers is no deal in which case iran will immediately begin once again pursuing its nuclear program, accelerate its nuclear program, without us having any insight into what they re doing. and without constraint. in the last few days we ve seen administration officials pretty much preempt everything netanyahu said today and make arguments gens it that if you add more demands onto iran trying to have it dismantle its capacity, adding sanctions or making the time frame indefinite would be tantamount to no deal and the u.s. in stark opposition to israel feels that no deal would be way worse than this deal. that said though the president has already said that it is likelier than not at this point that iran will reject this deal as it stands. no doubt. they re furious at the prime minister at the white house. official, thank you. the israeli prime minister received numerous standing ovations from congress, but his speech was boycotted by dozens of democrats. for the impact of the fallout, let s go to dana bash. dana, how did it go p? reporter: well, you saw in michelle s piece the overwhelming ovations that the prime minister got to a lot of lines in his speech. remember, this is a republican majority on both sides so most of those people with the rousing applause were republicans. even democrats who did go many of them went to be polite and were not happy with what they heard. look at nancy pelosi. she was openly agitated and annoyed at what she heard. and afterwards she said in a statement that she was nearly in tears because of the lecture that she believed that the prime minister gave the u.s. listen to what she told reporters. i was near tears because i love israel very much. i value the importance of the relationship between the united states and israel. the united states of america has as one of its pillars of its national security and foreign policy to stop proetliferation of weapon fz mass destruction. that s what we do and what the president is doing in negotiations. and if the deal isn t good enough, we won t accept it. i don t think we needed any lectures on that. reporter: she was speaking for a lot of democrats. basically say, who does the prime minister think he is coming into our house and giving us a lecture about nuclear capabilities and dealing with iran? on the flip side a lot of republicans here were thanking their lucky stars that he gave that speech because they are very concerned, and they say it very clearly that the white house is looking for a deal for a legacy issue for the president, for politics and they re worried that they are going to give in too much in a way that the prime minister laid out today that could hurt not just israel its neighbor but even as far as the united states. wolf? as you say, nancy pelosi called the speech an insult to the intelligence of the united states. powerful words from her. quickly dana i understand after all the storm of last week, the fury republicans folded on their attempt to hold up fupding of the homeland security unless it was linked to immigration reform. it finally passed. tell us what happened. republicans ran out of cards to play. it s just as simple as that. republican leaders saw this coming last week which is why they tried to end it. but they needed to conservatives in their caucus blew that up on the floor and it was very clear even to them that this is the end of the road. democrats were not going to negotiate on giving it all to try to stop the president s immigration plan. so they were able to get this through the house and in sort of a symbolic move even the house speaker who isn t required to vote really traditionally doesn t vote went to the house floor and voted for this to make it very clear that he believes this is the right thing to do fund homeland security and move on to the next fight chshgswhich is just around the corner. it s funded through the end of september, right? right. with the new spending bill which means new priorities new programs, the exact kind of things that the department s secretary has been asking congress on for a very long time to help keep americans safe. boehner doesn t have to worry about any immediate rebellion from some of his toe party supporters? not immediate. but he certainly was embarrassed on friday, and there absolutely were discussed going on about how and whether this group of conservatives could hurt him more than just embarrassing him. actually try to take him down. they don t have the votes to do that so they pulled back decided to let this go. they ll see how things play out and wait to see if other more broad coalition of republicans get as annoyed with the speaker and his leadership. then they feel they may have a chance to get him out. but right now they just don t. in the meantime funding has been approved for the rest of this fiscal year. dana, thanks very much. bringing in right now the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee, ed royce of california. congressman thanks for joining us. do you think speaker has to worry about the tenure? maybe 50 republicans are not very happy with this. but in the meantime the thing to look at is in the courts, the republican position is winning. in the courts the president s executive order has been challenged and a federal judge has sided with the position that he s overextended. so i think from that standpoint funding the homeland security department and moving on we fully understand why the speaker has taken that position. let s talk about the prime minister s speech. you were there. you applauded, stood up. you liked what you heard clearly from the prime minister. the white house said he offered nothing new or no alternative to what secretary kerry is trying to achieve in geneva. look from the standpoint of the prime minister of israel, he views this a little differently probably than the president of the united states. for him, it s an issue of the survival of israel because israel right now has 100,000 missiles on its border that iran put there in the hands of hezbollah. 100,000? 100,000. rockets? no. i mean missiles and rockets. are we talking about gaza? this is in lebanon. you have an additional inventory in gaza. so these missiles and rockets have flooded in there. these are the intelligence estimates. so in this kind of a situation, you can imagine if you re an israeli looking at the duplicity that iran has been involved in in the past it s been in the dna over there in terms of their violation of other agreements, you re saying, where s the verification in this agreement? and the iaea is backing this up. international atomic energy agency. exactly. they ve asked 12 questions, and only part of 1 of those have been answered in terms of the thousands of thousands of pages of documents about they have about the development of a bomb. did he offer an alternative to what the president is trying to achieve? as i understand the alternative it s what i and elliot rankle, the ranking member on my committee tried to do in the last session. we offered up a bill that would really lead to no other option except for iran to either negotiate on this agreement or face an implosion of their economy. because our sanctions bill which passed 400-20 which was bipartisan, was held over in the senate because the president of the united states said no do not allow it. white house officials said you wouldn t get the support of the europeans, russians, chinese to enforce those kind of tougher sanctions. the reality is that because they need access to the international financial system and because of the amount of influence the united states has in that if we say to a country, as we did once to north korea, you cannot be part of the international financial system we will not participate in that, you can impose those type fz sanctions. now, it s uncomfortable on people, but when you re talking about a country that s developing a nuclear bomb you know, there you have a case for where you have to use this. in the case of north korea, didn t prevent them from getting a bomb. because the state department stepped in and lifted the sanctions. that s what was so frustrating to the treasury department who put them in place. it was treasury who helped us develop stuart levy helped develop this concept. this is what should have been done. this is the alternative. and the president blocked it. it s unfortunate. i want you to stand by. we have more to talk about, including nancy pelosi calling netanyahu s speech an insult to the united states kond session toward u.s. knowledge of what s going on. much more with the chairman ever the house foreign affairs committee when we come back. what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that s what i d like to do. meet the world s newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world s number one natural gas producer. and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue. and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it s red, white and blue. log on to learn more. condescension. while attention is focused on the deal with iran and netanyahu s efforts to stop it iran s influence is growing in iraq. ed royce is standing by. let s go to our pentagon correspondent barbara starr. she has more on this part of the story. wolf this is now a case of eunian-backed shia group working to try and take back a sunni town from isis control and another move that the u.s. is watching of iran indeed exerting its influence. a dramatic effort to stop a suicide bomber near tikrit part of what iraqi forces here are battling in an effort to take back the city. the u.s. is on the sidelines. iraqi prime minister abawdy di did not ask americans for help but front and center iran. they have a big interest in the outcome of things in iraq. they very much consistently wanted a shia friendly government that they can influence in baghdad. the iranian news agency reporting, the commander of iran s elite, is in iraq overseeing the tikrit operation. iran providing weapons to fight isis. raising questions, if the u.s. is countering tehran s growing influence inside or out. absolute knowledge of what their intent is is not always there, but yearclearly we have good intelligence services and good overhead imagery and those type fz things. so the activity in tikrit was no surprise. but what does worry the u.s. wolf, is, if those iraqi forces backed by iran the shia forces go into tikrit really heavy in a very violent manner and alienate the unison sunnis in the town it may be difficult to break that sunni link with isis and that is going to cause huge problems in trying to defeat isis across iraq. it is something that has seriously caught the pentagon s attention. deeply concerning development. barbara thank you. we re back with the chairman ed royce of california. how involved is iran in iraq right now? well obviously with the quds forces on the ground in iraq and especially with the general in charge of quds forces who in the past was found to be involved in the effort to carry out an assassination attempt against the ambassador from saudi arabia to the united states. here in washington. here in washington. you re sure na sewell lammany directly ordered that assassination attempt? i m sure he as general of quds forces would have some knowledge of the activities that quds forces have been involved in. this is not one isolated case. look at the quds force involvement in syria, in yemen, look at their involvement in lebanon with hezbollah. this is a very dangerous development to have iran continue to spread its influence, especially with the recent overthrow of the government in yemen, which was an ally of the united states and is now correct me if i m wrong, do you still want this proposed authorization for the use of military force not only to be authorized to go against isis but also potentially against iran? no, i do not think that we would be able to wolf get legislation through. you don t think you have the support in congress? we wouldn t bl able to do that and i don t know if it s beneficial to our end goal in terms of getting a bipartisan initiative behind the effort to push back isis. but there is no doubt that this problem of iran s undermining governments around the region and continuing to take control of various territories is a very problematic thing. so you really have the islamists running the caliphate in isis and then you have this other group of islamists with the islamic revolution in iran. they are competing against each other, but, on the other hand they both have very hostile designs, as they say, against the little satan, iz leelsraelisrael, and the great satan, the united states. let me wrap up with nancy pelosi. she angrily reacted to netanyahu s speech. she said in a statement it was an insult to the intelligence of the united states. she also called it condescension toward our knowledge of the threat posed by iran. your reaction to nancy pelosi, the leader of the democrats, minority leader in the house about netten hughes s speech. my thought on all of this has been that, rather than to ruffle feathers here we should be focused on the issue of iran s attempt to obtain a nuclear weapon. and an honest discussion about that subject was frankly advanced by hearing from the prime minister of israel. without his being here i m not sure the american public would understand all much the ramifications of iran s efforts or the fact that this agreement will expire after ten years. and at that point, we are going to treat iran as though it s benevolence and it will be on the cusp of having the capability of breaking out with maybe 160,000 centrifuges? that is what the ayatollah has called for. i mean, at that point he could take those icbms, not part of the agreement which they are developing and he would have the capability of putting atomic warheads on those icbms. and this is the very real question of why we want stronger leverage on iran in this negotiation in order to get a verifiedy ediable agreement. ed royce, thank you very much. up next, we re breaking news. a scathing new report finds a practice of discrimination in ferguson, missouri. we have racist jokes cops were sending each other allegedly and the newly released audio of the man who would become known as the terrorist jihadi john. a lot of news we re following right here in the situation room. when it comes to good nutrition.i m no expert. that would be my daughter hi dad. she s a dietitian. and back when i wasn t eating right, she got me drinking boost. it s got a great taste and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. helping me stay more like me. 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i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don t you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don t be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit breaking today a scathing new report from the u.s. justice department regarding the ferguson, missouri police department and city court for a practice of discrimination against african-americans. let s bring in evan perez with the details. evan, you broke the story earlier. tell us what happened. well, wolf this is as you said a scathing report against the ferguson police department and the city s municipal court system. the justice department says it found some really striking statistics when it went into the books of the city of ferguson. i ll give you a couple of them. 85% of vehicles stopped were of african-americans, 93% of arrests made by the police department were of african-americans during the time the justice department studied. and 88% of the times that the ferguson police department used force to make an arrest it was against african-americans. wolf, this is a report that basically underscores what we heard from people on the streets in ferguson who were very upset because they said that this is a department that did not respect them, did not protect them. and obviously this all came about because of the shooting of michael brown by a police officer from the ferguson police department. they also uncovered some racist e-mails. tell us about that. well yes. they found some e-mails being traded by officials at the police department and the court system. i ll just read one of them to you wolf in which someone sent an e-mail saying that president obama wouldn t be president very likely for very long because, quote, what black man holds a steady job for years? this is again, part of the pattern and practice the justice department found. we expect they ll make a formal announcement tomorrow as well as an announcement that darrin wilson, the officer who shot and killed michael brown, will not be charged with federal civil rights charges. evan, stand by. i want to get more insight. joining us our cnn legal analyst geoffrey jeffrey toobin john fuentes and cornell brooks. don lemon is joining us also. he s been on this story, of course, since last summer. cornell, your reaction to what the justice department has concluded. does it go from your perspective far enough? it goes quite far. i mean what we have here is, as expected, a wholescale indictment of the ferguson police department. the ferguson police department according to this report comes off as a full-service department of bias. in other words, from traffic citations to municipal fines to arrests arrests without probable cause the use of excessive force. the question might be asked, in what manner did the ferguson police department interact with the african-american citizens that did not show bias and bigotry? jeffrey, what happens next from a legal perspective? the justice department will announce their findings officially tomorrow. then the question becomes, do ne they file a lawsuit against the city of ferguson to have a judge impose changes, or do they negotiate with ferguson and reach what s known as a consent decree? that s what usually happens in these cases where ferguson agrees to clean up its act, changing its training practices, perhaps leadership. then the justice department monitors to see whether the changes actually stick. how do you stop tom, this kind of alleged racist behavior in a police department and a municipal court? first, you fire the people who are responsible if not even prosecute them especially if you re talking about the municipal court official whoz were putting people in jail because they weren t paying traffic fines. that kind of issue that just should not be tolerated. as far as the officers the officers have to be defendable in a future action. if something happens they re involved in a shooting or other violent action and someone brings a lawsuit, they can t have this kind of material that comes up that the city and the city s insurance company and law firms cannot defend against which proves racist intent on their part. they can t tolerate it. they have to take action against those who did it. don you spent a lot of time in ferguson as all of our viewers remember. what will be the impact i assume they re trying to improve the relationship between the local police department and the community. they are, but who knows if it will work. listen, i know you guys are characterizing it as racist. it is racist. but beyond that i think this is more serious. the people who took oaths to uphold the law have broken the law. it says this review concludes that racial bias and a focus on generating revenue over public safety have a profound effect on ferguson police and court practices andrew teenly violate the constitution and federal law. it s saying the police department broke the law. this is serious. in every instance in this report you see 85% to 90% of people who were most likely to have issues against them african-american people in lockup for more than two days african-american people stopped for summons or other things african-american. the numbers as bill clinton said during the last democratic convention, do the math. this report does the math. everything else is subjective that we ve been hearing, this person is discriminating against me this person is doing that. this report shows numbers and the numbers don t lie. i m so glad that jeffrey toobin earlier brought up the fact that they were closing budget gaps off the backs of poor and minority people. cornell what needs to be done, speaking more broadly, in order to make sure these fences can be mended, if you will that there s a better relationship i think one ever the problems is there s only a tiny number of african-americans in that police force in ferguson. i think originally when the story broke there may have been 60 police officers 2 maybe african-american, even though the majority of the community is african-american. wolf enhanced community relations have to be predicated on reform. relationships have to be built on reform. the ferguson police department has to be rebuilt from the bottom up. i mean don is absolutely right. we have evidence that the police department has broken federal laws. they ve violated the constitution in every conceivable manner in terms of their relationships with the african-american community. but i believe beyond that we know in the state of missouri that the ferguson police department is not the only such police department not the only such city government that depends on municipal funds. so the governor the legislature of the state of missouri has to go well beyond the ferguson police department to look at this problem more broadly as a matter of state law and state reform. what s going to happen, evan to the ferguson police chief? well, wolf he had an agreement with officials involved down there to resign. this is some months ago. and according to him, what he s told people down there, after we reported that agreement he decided that he was going to change his mind and stick around because he wanted to see the end of this process. and now we have the end of this process. the justice department eric holder, the attorney general, has called for regime change in that police department. this report by the justice department really portrays a department that s rotten to the core. so the question is is this the time that he finally decides he can go? jeffrey, the concern is it s not just ferguson. it s all over the place. and just to add to what don said, one of the big civil rights issues of the next ten years is this business of municipalities who need money who don t want to raise taxes who are arresting people for minor offenses, often minorities and saying, you ve got to pay $100 $200 or we re going to lock you up. this is a revenue generating technique for cities across the country, not just missouri. and it falls heavily on african-americans, a major issue and the justice department should be looking into it not just in ferguson but all over the country. i know it s a huge problem. guys, thank you very much. cornell, thanks to you especially i know you ll be in selma this weekend for the historic events. we ll check back with you next week and get your report on how it all went down. hard to believe that after all of these years stuff like this is still going on in the united states. please be sure to join don tonight 10:00 p.m. eastern. he ll have a lot more on this story. coming up what newly released tapes reveal about the radicalization of the man we now know as a terrorist, jihadi john. and as a prominent russian dissenter is raised to rest the model his girlfriend and witness to his killing, has now left the country. and an early morning mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an clear inside mode. transitions ® signature ™ adaptive lenses. .now have chromea7 ™ technology. .making them more responsive than ever to changing light. so life can look more vivid & vibrant. why settle for a lens with just one mode? 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this audiotape is stardtling because you hear a different sounding voice complaining about being threatened and harassed. tonight we have new insights into how the man who would become isis best-known killer dealt with interrogator. analysts believe in the beheading videos isis appears to have digitally manipulated jihadi john s voice. in the isis beheading videos the militant known as jihadi john has a deep menacing voice. obama, you have started this. it s only right we continue to strike the necks of your people. reporter: but is this the same man? what do you think of the jews? what do you think of their religion? look, they re a religion. reporter: an audio recording of the man we believe is 26-year-old mohammed emwazi was just released by an activist group for suspected radicals which claims it worked with emwazi. cnn cannot independently verify the audio sefrmt t excerpts. the guardian newspaper believe emwazi is this man. cage said they recorded him in 2009 talking about being interrogating by britain s domestic intelligence service. emwazi said he was asked about the deadly 2005 terror attack in london where more than 50 people died? he goes what do you think of 7/7? i said man, what innocent people have died, man what do you think? this is xremextremism. okay, what do you think of the war in afghanistan? what do i think? innocent people are being killed. he said, what did you think of 9/11? i said this is a wrong thing. do you really believe he thought that was wrong or did he say what he wanted the interrogators to hear? if you d be the stupidest radical alive to admit to having extremist views to a law enforcement official. he wanted to get out of that situation. reporter: emwazi claims his interrogator thought he was trying to go to somalia to train with a terror group. trying to put words in my mouth saying no you re doing this this this and this, we re keeping a close eye on you. cage says it was those interrogations that sent emwazi on the path to jihad. i think cage is trying to make a point and attack the british government when it s really up to mr. embazi who made his decisions to go to syria. on the allegations from emwazi and cage that british intelligence threatened emwazi in that interrogation and harassed him the british home office told us it would not comment. u.s. intelligence officials also are not commenting on this audiotape. now there are reports about how his parents are responding? that s right. british media sites are reporting the kuwaiti government claiming that emwazi s mother recognized her son s voice from the first beheading video. the daily telegraph said his father denounces his son as a, quote, dog, animal and terrorist. the father says according to the newspaper says the son begged his parent for forgiveness before he joined isis. a lot of us are talking about this guy. that family has been thrown into complete turmoil. thanks very much brian. coming up we ll hear much more on the extraordinary war of words here in washington as president obama fires back at the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. up next we go to moscow for the latest on the unsolved murder of a prominent critic of vladimir putin. the real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful? what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that s what i d like to do. shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn t it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? 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reporter: wolf thanks very much. absolutely staggering scenes we ve been seeing in moscow as thousands of people turn out for the funeral of boris nemstov, there was a memorial service, the actual burial as well. we haven t seen opposition protests or crowds sympathetic to in this country turn out for years. so truly astonishing: slained critic boris nemtsov carried to his final resting place. earlier, family and friends gathered to pay their respects. an opposition figure who worked closely with nemtsov says that he believes he was killed out of revenge for his views. it s clearly a very sad day for russians. it s a very sad day for boris family. and i m personally extremely saddened by what has happened. i knew him in the 1990s. i admired him and i hope an investigation will determine who is responsible for this outrage. do you believe the killers will be brought to justice? i hope so. reporter: the 23-year-old model girlfriend of nemtsov was crossing the bridge with him when he was gunned down. she s fled russia to her ukrainian home. the kremlin denies any involvement in the killing. the investigation proceeds with divers searching the waters beneath the bridge for the murder weapon. investigators say all scenarios are being considered and that quote, eyewitnesss are being questioned. cctv footage is already being analyzed. evidence has been collected. a number of tests were carried out. meanwhile, at the scene of the crime, now lies a bank of flowers and mementoes in the honor of a life and voice lost. as that investigation continues, wolf the kremlin is vowing to get to the bottom of the crime and bring those responsible to just justice. russia has a patchy record of solving these political killings and there s widespread criticism that the perpetrators of this assassination are going to be brought to justice here. and the russians have allowed the girlfriend to flee? she s in kiev? yes. she s in the russian capital. she s been kept at close guard while in moscow while police investigated and questioned her further. she gave an interview to a local television station by skype within the past 24 hours basically saying she didn t see that much. boris was shot in the back. she couldn t see the killer or describe the vehicle that was the getaway car. the police have decided to let her go and she s gone back to her own country. she s back in kiev. matthew chance reporting from moscow thank you. coming up a proposed iran nuclear deal. president obama accuses him of offering something new and labeling it all theater. and use of force, jail sentences, racist e-mails, the u.s. justice department finds repeated discriminations against african-americans by the ferguson missouri police department and municipal court. re sayin you ll give me my credit score for free. right! now you re gonna ask for my credit card - - so you can charge me on the down low two weeks later look, credit karma - are you talking to websites again? this website says free credit scores . oh. credit karma! yeah, it s really free. look, you don t even have to put in your credit card information. what?! credit karma. really free credit scores. really. free. i could talk to you all day. happening now, angry allies. the president isn t even trying to hide his fury after the israel prime minister stood before the congress and blasted the obama administration s attempt to strike a nuclear deal with iran. and will the bitter dispute between the u.s. and israeli leadership help or hurt the negotiations. evidence of racism. the u.s. justice department is about to reveal a bombshell finding against the ferguson missouri police department months after violence clashes in the streets. and e-mail up roar. did hillary clinton break the law or endanger national security by using her private account to e-mail sensitive information while she was serving as secretary of state? we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i m wolf blitzer. you re in the situation room. we re following major breaking stories tonight. new evidence from the justice department of racial bias by the police in ferguson, missouri the city that reignited the issue of police tactics and violence. cnn has learned details of a federal investigation finding a pattern of racism against african-americans. also breaking president obama is dismissing fierce criticism by the israeli prime minister saying there was nothing new in the speech about the dangers of a nuclear deal with iran. if you thought the relations have sunk to a new low, they are even worse right now. we re covering all of the breaking news with our correspondents and analysts in the united states and around the world. first, let s get the very latest from cnn s global affairs correspondent elise labott. elise? it wasn t long before prime minister netanyahu began a blistering critique that has the white house fuming. he made a grand entrance usually reserved for american presidents. and then the israeli prime minister delivered a blistering assault on president obama s iran policy and his attempt to strike a nuclear deal with iran. we ve been told that no deal is better than a bad deal. well this is a bad deal. it s a very bad deal. we re better off without it. reporter: tonight, president obama is firing back. prime minister netanyahu has not offered any kind of viable alternative that would achieve the same verifiable mechanism to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon. reporter: there were a series of standing ovations but some icy glares as netanyahu painted a picture of the regime reaching throughout the middle east with what he calls iran s tentacles of terror. iran is busy gobbling up the nation. reporter: with secretary of state john kerry meeting with the iran foreign minister to hammer out the very deal he was criticizing, the prime minister called it weak negotiators. one, leading iran with a vast nuclear program and, two, lifting the restrictions on that program in about a decade. that s why this deal is so bad. it doesn t block iran s path to the bomb. it paves iran s path to the bomb. reporter: netanyahu portrayed the white house as iran working with the u.s. to defeat isis. the enemy of your enemy is your enemy. reporter: president obama says he has no illusions about the iranian regime but he s focused on the more serious iranian threat. it s not whether iran engages in destabilizing activities. everybody agrees with that. the central question is how can we stop them from getting a nuclear weapon? and the prime minister warned the deal on the table would spark a nuclear tchlinder box. elise, thank you. let s go to our chief national security correspondent jim sciutto. he s joining us live from switzerland and is covering secretary of state john kerry s nuclear negotiations with the iranians. did the prime minister s speech jim, have any impact as far as you can tell on these talks? reporter: the short answer is no and you could see that in the blistering schedule and pace of negotiations that continued today. three two-hour long meetings five in the past 24 hours and we took with note, the final meeting today started about a half hour after the prime minister spoke and ended about a half hour later. so if asked if there was any effect or if the secretary of state watched or listened to the speech they said no he was too busy conducting the talks here. that s the singular message that the president has disregarded the prime minister s advice and given his instructions to the secretary of state to continue the negotiations aggressively to try to find a deal. where does the deal now stand, jim? reporter: hard to tell you, wolf. as for all of the effort they are making today and the iranian foreign minister told us today that there s a seriousness of purpose of reaching an agreement. but when you look at the outstanding issues a couple of them in public hasn t fessed up and they haven t done it. two, iran is a very different schedule of sanctions relief than the u.s. does. they wanted immediately a start of a deal and the u.s. wanted to meet up over time to confirm that iran is continuing to comply and that s before you get to the very difficult array of restrictions that would be put on iran s program limiting the r & d that iran can do on more advanced centrifuges, accounting for the enriched uranium for conversion to fuel that can only be used in research or power react react reactors not for weapons. when you group that all together you look at three weeks to a framework deal that s the deadline. they have their work cut out for them in coming to that agreement. she certainly do. jim shut heciutto thank you. the prime minister s speech greatly undermined the relationship between israel and the united states, a direct quote. indicate bolduan is joining us live. three weeks from today, the israelis go to the polls. reporter: you re absolutely right and that s something that you need to remember when you talk about what was the reaction here in israel to the prime minister s speech. all of the networks covered it. everyone watched with great interest to hear what the prime minister had to say, especially how it was received. the reaction we saw is split. generally speaking almost everyone said the prime minister gave a good speech in terms of delivery. he s well known for doing just that. but beyond that wolf, that is where the divide is on opinion, especially when it comes to what impact the speech will have on the key issue of the iran nuclear negotiations. listen to this. i m very proud of our prime minister who came and said exactly what we feel. it is a bad deal. there is no doubt that prime minister netanyahu knows how to make good speeches. but let s face the truth. the speech we heard earlier this evening, as impressive as it may be did not prevent the iranian nuclear program. it will also have no impact on the agreement that is being formed nor on the schedule. reporter: now, that right there there is isaac herzog. you heard a lot of folks talking about they believe that it s maybe not the sole motivation for the speech but it was a large part of that speech being motivated as an attempt to woo voters back here at home to have support for benjamin netanyahu. that s what the commentators are saying that they are looking forward to seeing what the survey for voters is to see where they stand and how the message was received back here in israel. wolf? we ll see if he gets a bump in the polls, the prime minister, because going into this speech it was very very close and there was a lot of speculation. he may not get himself re-elected. might get a little bump. they are really concerned, aren t they kate about u.s./israeli relations? they are worried that the prime minister may have hurt that relationship. reporter: absolutely. when you look at the headlines in all of the papers you saw the headline coming from the house minority or nancy pelosi and what she said and her reaction to the speech and said it insulted the intelligence of the american people especially the headline coming from president obama and saying that there was nothing new coming out of the prime minister s speech. how this was received in america, not just within the halls of congress because many noted how many standing ovations he received in the house chamber but what damage it does, if any long lasting damage it has on the united states and israel. that s something that you just don t know right now. that s going to be an important question. they are going to hear from israeli voters and israeli voters over the next days wolf. thanks very much kate bolduchlbold bolduan in jerusalem. some democrats were visibly disturbed about the fierce criticism of the president s nancy pelosi said she was almost in tears and many boycotted the speech altogether. dana bash is getting more reaction. dana? reporter: that s right. we ve been reporting so much on the fact that so many democrats boycotted the speech from the leader of one of this country s biggest allies but it turns out that the leader of the democratic party in the house that actually went her reaction spoke more volumes than the empty chairs because she was so visibly agitated and annoyed when she was listening to the prime minister you see there, she even looked around at her colleagues like are you kidding me when they stood up to applause. afterwards she said that she was near tears because she felt that he was insulting the intelligence of the american people. and then she spoke to us afterwards. these tears are because i love israel very much. i value the importance of the relationship between israel and the united states. the united states of america has, as one of the pillars of its national security and its foreign policy to stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. and that s what we do. and that s what the president is doing in the negotiations. and if the deal isn t good enough, we won t accept it. i don t think we needed any lectures on that. she s not alone in feeling that way, that the prime minister was out of line, effectively, coming into their house and giving them a lecture. now, on the flip side of course you did see all of those applause because many of those republicans, a lot of those republicans think that he did the right thing. that s why he was invited in the first place, because they think the democratic president is going down the wrong path with these talks and they needed wanted america s closest ally in the middle east to explain why that was so important to do. dana the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell made a move to stop this iran deal. what are you hearing? reporter: almost immediately after the speech was over, the senate majority went to the senate floor and made clear that he as soon as next week is going to allow a bill to come out, this it s a bipartisan bill to have congress imprint on any deal that does go down by the end of the month with iran and the allies. right now congress doesn t really have an official role but this is effectively putting congress in the mix saying that this bill would say that congress would debate it and would either decide to vote it to approve it or even potentially to vote it down. there is bipartisan support for this. there is probably going to be a freeze on that legislation until after the deal is done if it does get done at the end of the month, but after that it is possible that the congress could tie the president s hands in a bipartisan way. we ll see what happens, dana thank you. let s get more insight. joining us democratic congress man adam smith, the ranking democrat on the house armed services committee. congressman, thanks very much for joining us. we know about 50 of your democratic colleagues decided to boycott the speech. you didn t attend. tell us why you decided not to listen to the prime minister. well i listened to him but i decided not to attend because i have back problems and sitting for long periods of time is not good for me. but i sat in a very comfortable chair in my office and watched the speech. so i did watch the speech i just didn t go for health reasons, basically. so you didn t want to make a statement, like your colleagues that decided to boycott, you didn t go for other reasons. what is your reaction? the most important thing is the strong relationship between the u.s. and israel. and both the speakers, unfathomable decision to invite netanyahu here without telling the president is clearly a partisan move all of that gets into the fact that we have a very strong relationship between america and israel that we need to fight to protect. i think the prime minister mr. netanyahu, is wrong about several of the key aspects and what is being negotiated but we ll know that once the deal gets there. i mean if the deal gets there, as president obama has pointed out, iran s hard liners are very reluctant to cut any deal with us and it s quite likely that iran will walk away from the table. so i think the prime minister prejudged what is in the agreement and we all need to wait and see and then we can decide whether or not it s a good agreement. where do you specifically disagree with the prime minister? well specifically when he says that all sanctions will be lifted from iran well it s not true. we have sanctions on iran for a virt variety of reasons, but also as a state sponsor of terror and for a variety of other actions that they have taken. those sanctions are not going to be lifted. we are not in any way offering to lift all sanctions on iran now or ten years from now. so to say that well gosh if we do this we lift all sanctions, we lose our leverage that is just flat wrong. second i don t think anyone has decided that after ten years everything is fine. we don t know what the timeline is for this agreement but we will continue after that timeline expires to insist on inspectors. there s key facts that he s not correct on at this point. and like i said let s wait and see what the agreement is and if it s a bad greemagreement, i ll be the first to object it. we ll see if there is an agreement at all. even if there s an agreement accepted there, the ayatollah may decide he doesn t like it and it ends it right there. congressman, stand by. we re going to continue the breaking news coverage right after this. most of the products we all buy are transported on container ships. before a truck delivers it to your store, a container ship delivered it to that truck. here in san diego, we re building the first one ever to run on natural gas. ships this big running this clean will be much better for the environment. we re proud to be a part of that. your eyes depend on a unique set of nutrients. that s why there s ocuvite. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula that s just not found in any leading multivitamin. help protect your eye health with ocuvite. we re back with democratic congressman adam smith and we re talking about the breaking news president obama firing back at the israeli prime minister after prime minister netanyahu blasted the administration s efforts to strike a nuclear deal with iran. based on everything you know congressman, you re the ranking member of the armed services committee, can the u.s. really trust iran to implement this kind of a deal? well look we cannot trust iran. that s obvious and that s clear. there has to be inspectors there has to be in the words of ronald reagan trust but verify and that can check and make sure that they are complying with the agreement. absolutely. there s no way we should trust iran on this. the other interesting thing is what s plan b? we walk away from negotiations. i agree with prime minister netanyahu. the best choice would be to discontinue the program and if they want to have a peaceful nuclear power, have their uranium enriched by another country and shipped to them. that would be the best choice. iran refuses to do that. so then the question is do we simply walk away from the negotiations and if we walk away from the negotiations what do our partners do? what does russia and china and europe do? did they stick to the sanctions regime with iran or does it begin to unravel and what does iran do? if iran knows there s no way out from under the sanctions, isn t that an incentive to just go ahead and build the bomb if they ve got nothing to lose? i think this is a difficult situation and if we can get an agreement that limits iran s nuclear program to the point where we can be confident they will not develop a weapon it may not be perfect but i think that is certainly something we should pursue. and again, we ll see what the actual text of the agreement is. but that goal i think, is worth pursing. if there is an agreement. that s a key if as we all know. nancy pelosi issued a very tough statement saying that the netanyahu speech in her words, was an insult to the intelligence of the united states. she said she was saddened by the condensention used towards the u.s. i wouldn t use those words. we have a strong relationship between israel and the united states and netanyahu basically said we re negotiating like a bunch of idiots and, yeah that s a tough blow to take. this is an existential threat to israel. benjamin netanyahu has every reason to be concerned. again, i disagree with them and i don t believe the united states would negotiate a bad deal and accept a bad deal and we re prejudging it all. let s see what the deal is and determine whether or not it makes sense. the hope that somehow iran walks away completely from their nuclear development program on even a peaceful enrichment for energy purposes iran has said that s a nonstarter. if we insist on that, the negotiations breakdown, our partners walk away and, like i said arguably, the sanctions regime breaks down. that undercuts the sanctions regime. adam smith is a ranking member of the armed services committee. thank you for joining us. thanks wolf. appreciate the chance. thank you. just ahead, the infamous nsa may be returning home edward snowden. and we re getting a report about the ferguson missouri police force. we ll find out what federal officials will do with the evidence. why do i cook? because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson®. the lexus command performance sales event has begun. come experience what s made lexus the fastest-growing automotive luxury brand on the road. featuring the stylish es sporty ct hybrid and versatile rx. with more new models than ever there s never been a better time to drive a lexus. during the command performance sales event. get great offers on your favorite lexus models. now through march 31st. see your lexus dealer. we re following what could be a new and dramatic development to edward snowden, who leaked thousands of classified government documents. his lawyer says he s ready to return to the united states from russia and he s trying to negotiate terms to are a trial. let s dig deeper with david ig ignatius. phil what do you think this would mean? that he would necessarily have to face charges of espionage, for example? i don t buy this. one of the most prolific likers leakers of our time you re entitled to a jury of your peers. i don t understand why he gets to flee overseas and then talk to the department of justice about what he wants from his trial. come home son, and spend your 30 years in jail. he s cooked. what do you think, david ignatius? we have plea negotiations all the time between people investigated and this is a plea negotiation. it s been going on informally for a year or so. i think it must be very difficult to be he had kward snowden living in themoscow and i can t help to think that snowden wants out. what do you think, mr. speaker? he could spend the rest of his life in moscow. it might be chilly there in the winter but it s presumably better than jail? look i think we can find a way to get him home and get the rest of the documents that he has not yet leaked i think it s worth doing. but i think he ll have to face jail time and i think it will be fairly lengthy. what do you think? i m not an expert but i think more than ten years. more than ten. that would be my guess. some people say 30 or 40. i wouldn t guess about the length and i m sure the recommendation that the prosecutor is making is going to be part of this bargain. a lot of americans think that snowden did the country a service in these leaks and that s going to be a tough issue for the justice department. let s move on and talk about david petraeus. he pled guilty to removing and retaining classified information as part of a plea deal a misdemeanor, if you will. they are going to recommend no jail time for him, i think a $40,000 fine. the classified information included war strategy notes from national security meetings. some are already saying there s a double standard here. one standard for him a four-star general, another for other who is violated classified information. i don t buy that for a heartbeat. look find me something that the general told people that reached the public domain and damaged national security. this is not the story of a leak or a trial. this is the story of an american tragedy. he s a legendary general, he designed counter insurgency policy for iraq. i think the penalty matches the crime. we should see redemption in this case. this guy is an american hero and made a tragic mistake. he acknowledges the information was violated now with his girlfriend. what do you think, mr. speaker? listen i don t know all what he did but i think it sets a bad precedence. what sets a bad precedence? only having this kind of a fine. you look at what libby went through, what we did to a lot of other people. again, on the other hand general petraeus has dedicated his entire life to the country and has done a remarkable job 365 days a year for a long time. so one standard david, for war heroes and another for lesser officials? is that what i m hearing here? you can t have a double standard. the leverage that general petraeus had in this negotiation through his lawyers is that bringing him to trial, bringing him before a jury would have been a nightmare for the prosecution. you almost were certain to lose. i think the a the end of the day they got him to plead guilty to a misdemeanor. the fact he had to be in some way accused of the like. mr. speaker, the president says he heard nothing new in prime minister netanyahu s speech today, just a rehash of something that he said before. well, that could be true. the president s ability to ignore information is amazing. what he should have heard was a very sobering end to the speech where prime minister netanyahu said people need to understand if necessary, israel will go alone. i think the prime minister came here because he generally believes israel s very survival is at stake. he has enormous fear of the iranians and believes this administration is about to cut a very bad deal. his first goal is to defeat it in the congress but his second goal, i suspect, is to take steps to defeat i heard that david. at the very end of the speech sort of vailed threat. i heard that same sort of veiled threat that israel would use military force. i heard that too. i think after the speech the obama administration and netanyahu are on a collision course even more than before. i wrote today that this is a zero sum game. either one wins or another wins. that s not a good situation. thanks guys very very much. more breaking news ahead. a damning report on the ferguson police department. systematic discrimination against african-americans and we re also learning disturbing details from our own sources. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me and you re talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work if a denture were to be put under a microscope we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident s unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher brighter denture every day. you re driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn t there and the next second. boom! you ve had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and. boom! you re blindsided for a second time. they won t give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don t those people know you re already shaken up? 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wolf we expect this report will be made public tomorrow. the justice department met with officials from ferguson this afternoon to tell them what they are about to publish and really this portrays a department that has deep deep problems. i ll give you a few statistics from the report that is going to be revealed tomorrow. 85% of the vehicle stops from 2012 to 2014 the justice department took a look at their books. 85% were of african-americans. 93% of arrests were of african-americans. 90% of citations were of african-americans. again, going back to michael brown and the incident there, the killing of michael brown by a police officer, 88% of use of force the ferguson department use of force was against african-americans. you can see that what people were protesting there was something that there was a problem with the police department. the city itself ferguson about 67% african-american. the police force was about 60 police officers, only two of them african-american. the rest white. daryl parks, you represent the michael brown family. what s their reaction? well certainly it is finally they get some sense of justice for what happened to michael. and think about it wolf when michael was killed back in august you knew nothing about the background of this department. now we know a lot more about what was going on in that department especially when you think about how race played such a big role in he path turn the practices of this department as well as the extensive use of force issue, which certainly is something that we claim as it relates to michael brown s death from his death in august. so jeffrey, where do we go from here? the report comes out tomorrow. then what? the justice department will go to the ferguson officeholders and say, look, let s make a deal an arrangement, a settlement known as a consent decree where you will change your practices, your training, your policies perhaps your leadership. and then we will put in monitors who will make sure that you keep to the deal. alternatively, if ferguson doesn t go for that the justice department will go to court and have a judge force those changes, they ll argue, on ferguson. so those are the two options. antonio french you re active in the community, obviously. what changes would you like to see? does this report based on what we know right now, from your perspective, go far enough? i think this report confirms what a lot of us already knew which is that ferguson along with other municipalities around ferguson engages in that activity that wedges a divide between the community and police department. what i do want to see is not just a reform of the ferguson police department but reforming how we police in the missouri area. at least a dozen municipalities engage in identical or worse behavior. i m sure this is going on elsewhere around the country as well. the biggest problem, wolf if you hire police officers that are racist once they are on the department it s too late. the only thing you can hope for there is that the punishment when they behave as a racist is severe enough to discourage them from doing it and even in spite of what they think, do the right thing on the street. if you re hiring bad police officers from the very beginning, it s the hiring the training, internal discipline. it s all of those things. what this report is finding is systemic mismanagement by the police department and city official sdpls officials. and policies too. ferguson is not alone in this. using arrests to make money for the municipality, that is a huge issue, not just in ferguson all over the country, where individuals, often african-americans are being essentially forced to subsidize the rest of the state. daryl parks, you represent the michael brown family. what do you think, what is going to be the impact of this? well it s a big impact. i think for all of the people who have been in ferguson fighting for justice and fighting for some type of action to take place, this is a big step in that direction, wolf. for the racial bias that has taken place there, for the excessive use of force issues the poll teas and procedure issues that have existed there, now it gets a positive movement on behalf of the department of justice which his family welcomes. antonio french what do you think should happen to the ferguson police chief, thomas jackson? i said six months ago that i thought mr. jackson should resign and now i think he should just be fired. some of the facts laid out in this report clearly shows a pattern of mismanagement and this city cannot heal as long as he s in that position. what do you think, daryl? without question i think that certainly there should be some changes in the leadership of this department. that s up to the city to do but clearly this report clearly calls out for major change in the police department. tom fuentes, they have to get more african-americans on that force, too. they can t almost have just a white police force in a community that s 67% african-american. not only for the diversity and the hiring but character profile, not hire racist or brutal cops or crooked cops and that starts right at the beginning before you train them, before you go through any part of their career you have to hire the right people in the first place. evan the attorney general wanted this report out before he leaves. he s about to step down. he s leaving in the next few days right? right. he promised justice for michael brown and, sadly, for his family you know they are not going to get what they thought they wanted which is charges against the officer, darren wilson. they are going to have to settle for this which is reform of the police department. you know it goes beyond ferguson though. i ve been down there and you can see how the small towns up and down that road and they all basically impose a tax on black motorists as they go up and down that road. so it s not just ferguson. we re going to stay on top of the story. just ahead, the white house re reacting to hillary clinton s e-mail scandal. did she put security at risk by using a personal account during her four years as secretary of state? when it comes to good nutrition.i m no expert. that would be my daughter hi dad. she s a dietitian. and back when i wasn t eating right, she got me drinking boost. it s got a great taste and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. helping me stay more like me. 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reporter: it s raising questions about whether she skirted the federal records act. the white house says clinton followed the rules. the policy as a general matter allows individuals to use their personal e-mail address as long as those e-mails are maintained and sent to the state department which if you ask secretary clinton s team that s what they completed in the last month or two. reporter: in 2014 clinton and her team turned over tens of thousands of her e-mails to the state department. political opponents are hammering her. jeb bush tweeted transparency matters. he released thousands of e-mails from his time as governor of florida. like clinton, he used a personal e-mail address and he was able to choose which e-mails to release. a clinton spokesman said the letter and spirit of the rules permitted state department officials to use non-government e-mail as long as appropriate records were reserved. experts say there may be no way to identify it. when you delete that and go to your trash box, it s gone. there s no more recovering it. all that information is destroyed. we re not talking about classified e-mails. these were not classified that secretary clinton was typing out on her personal e-mail account. at the same time there s a big security issue here. you wouldn t want to breach a unclassified e-mails either. gloria give us a perspective how big of a deal is this? i think we don t really know yet. we don t know all the details. this is less a question of whether secretary of state clinton violated any specific laws when she violated them if she did and all the rest of it. i think what this is really about is answering the question why. why did they decide to do this? was it to protect her? was it to be evasive? was it more convenient? we just don t know the answer to that question. once they answer the question maybe it will make sense. how are republicans acting? they are jumping on it. the interesting reaction are from her fellow democrats. those in congress desperate to keep it in democratic hands in 2016 are very concerned. they re not unaware of the clinton baggage of not wanting to put things forward of not being transparent. because she s so well known and the clinton name is known that way, they re worried this is like mitt romney 47% in that. people already had in their mind a narrative of mitt romney a certain way, it s the same for hillary clinton. this will feed the idea she s hiding something and they live by different standards and rules. they re worried about it. a lot of experts have said if these were private e-mail accounts that didn t necessarily have the security from hacking, cyber warfare. she s doing official state department business. from hacking and encryption. a clinton aids told me she was using this e-mail before she became secretary of state and she just continued to use it. she knew the job. you do change jobs. i lot of people might have issue with that argument. she need a reboot. she needs to show she s not pressing right up against the edge of these boundaries. she hasn t booted yet. that part of the problem. you re right. here is a for instance that i think is important to focus on. there was a 2009 regulation that she would have been falling under at this time. if you re using private e-mail to do government business then it needs to go on the state department recordkeeping system. here is the catch. there s no time line on when you need to do that. technically, you could wait 80 years before you do it. she went to compliance. that s the spirit of the law. how are all these e-mails, they say they turned over 55,000 pages. 55,000 pages. at cnn that would be one day of e-mails. she turned over 55,000 pages of e-mails. who curated those e-mails? and to that point, just talking raw politics i ve talked to some democrats who are big hillary supporters and they re concern is their frfgs is they didn t know the answers because her campaign hasn t started yet. she has a small official team around her. she doesn t have the apparatus to help dig into this. i was talking to her for jeb bush. i don t know that it changes anybody s minds. there s the group that wants answers. remember, you can follow us on twitter. tweet me at wolf blitzer. you can tweet the show. join us tomorrow right here in the situation room. you can watch us live or dvr the show so you won t miss a moment. i ll be back in an hour filling in for anderson. until then thanks very much for watching. breaking news. reports of junegunshots fired near the national security agency. president obama firing back at israeli prime minister netanyahu. who s right on the deal with iran? the justice department delivering a scathing report on the ferguson police department charging a pattern of racism and putting out internal e-mails with racist jokes about the president in them. we ll show you. let s go outfront.

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 20150303

me. nuclear stakes and allies straining to be civil. this morning israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu rachets up tensions with the white house when he addresses both houses of congress. he will also face plenty of empty seats. more than 50 democrats now boycotting his offensive. netanyahu wants to turn lawmakers against these ongoing nuclear talks with iran a country that has vowed to destroy israel but the long-time u.s./israeli alliance showing its own strain. the white house warning netanyahu to not reveal sensitive details of those talks now unfolding in switzerland. and the president says netanyahu s dire warnings on talks two years ago have proved to be baseless. when we first announced this interim deal prime minister netanyahu made all sorts of claims. this was going to be a terrible deal. this was going to result in iran getting $50 billion worth of relief. iran would not abide by the agreement. none of that has come true. democratic senator elizabeth warren is one of the latest to boycott netanyahu s speech so have we arrived at a time israel has become a republican/democratic issue? if that s true what does it mean? let s check in with cnn chief political correspondent dana bash. good morning. reporter: good morning, carol. it is becoming more of a partisan issue which is really stunning because of all the partisan issues that divide the parties here on capitol hill israel has been the one thing that has brought the parties together consistently for decades. you certainly are seeing with high profile democrats like elizabeth warren the former chair of the democratic party, senator tim cane and others deciding that they re so opposed to the optics of this speech the idea of this speech at this time that they are going to sit it out. so there s no question that they are that there is tension despite the fact that you are seeing and hearing the israelis and republicans trying to set it kind of tamp things down. it will be hard to do so, especially after we hear the substance of the speech which many democrats here i talked to are concerned will reveal too much about what s going on in these talks with iran. let s talk about how netanyahu entered the halls of congress in about, what, 1:45. what will will be like? reporter: a lot of pomp and circumstance. we re used to seeing what we re going to see today we re used to seeing at the white house. obviously the whole story here is that netanyahu was not invited to the white house and was invited here over the opposition of the white house. he s going to come. he s going to be presented by the house speaker with a bust of winston churchill with netanyahu s name on it. one of the reasons is because only winston churchill will have addressed a joint meeting of congress as many times as netanyahu. he is also going to present him with some things like the scroll of esther and this is important because it is the jewish holiday of purim this week and the book of esther is what jews read during this holiday. there are going to be a lot of efforts to reach out and kind of join the two countries culturally and politically as well as when we talk about the geopolitical issues like iran which obviously very much divides them. let s talk about that a little bit more. dana bash thank you. stand which. white house officials are worried the israeli prime minister could reveal confidential details about a nuclear agreement with iran putting the entire plan into jeopardy. we were incredibly disappointed that some israeli officials were saying prime minister netanyahu would reveal sensitive information. we are concerned by reports that suggest selective details of the ongoing negotiations will be discussed publicly in the coming days. i m not going to get into all the details about ongoing negotiations nor should sensitive details of such negotiation be discussed in public. but discussing those finer points is something israel may be ready to do as it tries to stop what it calls, quote, a bad deal with iran. israel s economic minister spoke last night on cnn. iran as clear goal is to acquire a nuclear weapon, and if this deal happens it will spell an unmitigated disaster. we need to do everything in our power to stop it. so let s talk about this. i m joined by chief washington correspondent and host of the lead jake tapper. hi jake. reporter: hey, carol. how are you? i m good. so would netanyahu really spill classified information? reporter: it s unclear what information exactly netanyahu will reveal. i talked to some israeli government officials and they say that there will be information that the prime minister delivers in his speech but they say it will be information that has already been reported in the media as well as information that came from other sources, not from the american government. white house officials continue to be alarmed at not only the background briefing in which israeli officials told reporters that the prime minister would talk about some sensitive information but also the fact that there have been leaks to the israeli media from israeli government officials about details from these negotiations with iran and they say it s not helpful because there is no final deal so the information is not always in full context. we ll have to see what exactly he says. officials are concerned, carol. well the irony here of course is mr. netanyahu will likely not get exactly what he wants because negotiations with iran are going on right now. reporter: well that s right, and there are a lot of things that they are upset about being in the deal. the americans argue that what the israeli position is is just not realistic. the idea that netanyahu would want there to be absolutely no uranium enrichment plan is not believable is not a starting point. that none of the negotiating partners the u.k. germany, others would allow that. they say that the deal should restrict iran s path to a nuclear bomb extend the breakout period to a year. that s the period under which it would take the iranians to develop a nuclear weapon should they decide to kick out inspectors and start to work on it. they say right now it s two to three months. this would extend it to a year and then also the deal would have a civilian nuclear program monitoring what iran does. of course, the israelis don t want there to be any uranium enrichment plant and they also don t want there to be any sort of deadline end date for this deal. right now we re talking about maybe ten years, 15 years. the israelis don t think that that is realistic, that that s a blink of an eye when it comes to the life span of a country. it s their country that they re worried about iran s nuclear program posing an existential threat. this is something that they take very seriously, carol. absolutely. jake tapper many thanks to you. let s talk more about netanyahu s supposed plans to release sensitive information before american lawmakers. with me now republican congressman robert pettinger from north carolina. welcome, sir. thank you, carol. thank you for being here. a quote from you. quote, in my opinion netanyahu is the winston churchill of the day warning the world about iran. regrettably, president obama is the nevil chamberlin of our day, in denial of the enormous vulnerability we have to the nuclear capabilities of iran. in light of that, is netanyahu s invite more about president obama than israel? nom., ma am. i think it s important that the prime minister come. i was with him two weeks ago to encourage his speech to make sure he does come. he understands the threats. iran has been a sponsor of terrorism for over 30 years. we see their footprint throughout the middle east and syria and iraq and yemen and in lebanon. we see them in argentina, venezuela, cuba. he understands surely, sir, president obama realizes that, or doesn t he? the president has chosen the path of least resistance. he is appeased. he s apologized to our adversaries adversaries. the world does not understand his leadership. i ve been in the middle east on a number of occasions but they don t understand the direction or lack of direction of our president. what i think the prime minister offers to us is a clear understanding of the foreboding evils and threat of iran with the nuclear capacity and long range ballistic missiles which they re currently developing with north korea. this is not even included in the p 5 plus 1 negotiations. is that really true and how do you know that? it s believed by many sources that what sources? sources of our intel, our capacity to understand what they re that you ve talked directly to? i have had conversations with individuals who understand that the direction that iran is going with developing long-range ballistic missiles. this is a grave concern and we should be aware of this. this isn t an existential threat to america. i m glad the prime minister is coming on behalf of israel but he s coming on our behalf behalf of the world. let me ask you this sir. what will happen with adolph hitler. i m glad the prime minister is coming on our behalf. let me ask you this. should mr. netanyahu share sensitive information on negotiating on negotiations with iran publicly? should he share that kind of information with the world? i don t have any reason to believe he is. i think there s a lot of speculation out there of what he s going to do. this is all created for media interest and attention. let s hear his speech out and what he has to say. i think the recognition that iran with nuclear capacities is a major threat to the entire world. we need to understand that. they have never kept an agreement. we ve given them concession after concession. you know this whole narrative has changed. it began with should we allow iran to have nuclear materials, nuclear capacity. now that narrative is, well how great of a capacity should we allow them to have? we ve given them $12 billion of repatriated oil revenues that has sustained their economy during this entire time. you know the soviet union collapsed under president reagan margaret thatcher pope john and i want to focus on iran sir? could we focus on iran? i am focusing on how to deal with iran. i understand. i want to focus in on benjamin netanyahu s speech from the floor of congress. so if he does share sensitive information about these negotiations can you address that? that s very presumt shus that he is. would you support that? i m not going to speculate on what might be. that s nonsense. let s look at the reality of the threat that s there and what a iran has done and what they ve done the last 30 years. they have been the source of funding terrorism throughout the middle east. imagine iran with a nuclear capacity. i think that s the message we all need to be listening to and all the rest of this is hype. it s pure political nonsense to be, well, i m not going to go because it s partisan. you make it partisan by not going. let s go and hear the message of our closest democratic ally in the middle east and hear what he has to say. i think we might learn something. but some people might think that this sounds an awful lot like israel and congressional republicans negotiating or not negotiating a deal with iran at the same time the president is. isn t that strange? no. i think the prime minister is coming for the very purpose to say, hey, my friends, listen. listen to what i have to say. he is gravely concerned. i was in israel two weeks ago. i was at the golan heights with the young officers in a tight ba tallian. i was down at gaza. they understand the missiles that come across funded by hezbollah, funded by iran. they understand these threats. they live under them. i ve been there three times in the last 18 months. i am grateful that the prime minister would come over here against his political interest. you know this is not a positive thing for him back in israel to be doing, but he is so gravely concerned about the outcome of this agreement that he is here to tell us. congressman, thank you so much for being with me. i appreciate it. thank you very much. a reminder wolf blitzer hosts our special coverage of netanyahu s special address beginning next hour on cnn. still to come in the newsroom, thousands of mourners paying their respects to a murdered russian opposition leader. we ll take you live to russia next. your daughter has a brilliant idea for her science project. and you could make it happen. right? 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johnson s®. so much more™. . thousands turning out for the funeral of a russian opposition leader. boris nemtsov was gunned down friday. his girlfriend is back in ukraine. she did not attend today s services. she s believed to be the only known witness to nemtsov s murder. nemtsov s killers still have not been caught, but one of the agencies investigating his murder says all scenarios are being considered that may include analyzing this new surveillance video of the presumed get away car. it shows the car making its way along the moscow streets. they released the video. cnn s senior international correspondent ivan watson live from moscow with more. hi ivan. reporter: hi carol. it was a freezing cold ceremony at the cemetery on the outskirts of moscow. among the people was his 88th-year-old mother. she should have been celebrating her 88th birthday but she s burying her son. there were a number of voices from russia s marginalized and fractured opposition movement kind of pushed to the side of the political spectrum. critics of the kremlin and of vladimir putin. i saw one of the members of the band pussy riot that was thrown in prison. they re krit six of the russian president. when you talk to normal people coming to pay their respects many of them against russia s role supporting separatists on the war in neighboring ukraine. many troubled by the authoritarian streak in the russian government and used to being kind of pushed to the side to the fringes of russian politics but now fearful, interpreting this murder as a sign that it s not just enough to get pushed to the side if you disagree with the kremlin here you can get killed for it too. carol. i know that government authorities say everything is being done to track down a killer but specifically what are they doing? reporter: well the latest sign we ve seen of the investigation is of divers in the moscow river, footage coming out on russian state tv. they apparently are scouring the bottom of that icy river looking for what is believed to be the pistol that may have been used to kill nemtsov friday night on a bridge. i was there. it s literally a stone s throw away from the kremlin. the offices of the russian president vladimir putin. one of the most heavily guarded, closely monitored places in all of russia and yet the killers were able to escape in a waiting get away car if we can believe the footage that was released after that killing. the russian government condemning the killing and offering rewards up to $50,000 to anybody who offers any information leading to finding the killer. the one theory that russian investigators have not proposed they ve linked the murder mob bli to ukrainian the war in ukraine or to islamic extremists or to even a possible domestic dispute that nemtsov may have had. the one theory they have not proposed is that maybe he was targeted because of his long standing outspoken criticism of the kremlin and that s why many of nemtsov s supporters do not trust the government to properly investigate this killing and they point to pasta sassi nations in russia that have also never been solved. carol. ivan watson reporting live from moscow this morning. thank you. we re now seeing one of the most revealing photos of jihadi john. in it you can see the full face of mohamed emwazi. this was taken in 2010 in kuwait. it comes as we learn more details about the brutal militant. he feared u.k. intelligence and once considered suicide. still to come in the newsroom, was hillary clinton hiding her e-mails while she was secretary of state? was she breaking the law? brianna keilar has the story for us. good morning brianna. reporter: good morning, carol. hillary clinton while secretary of state for four years used only a personal account, no government account for her e-mail. there are questions now about how she may have violated some federal requirements. we ll look into that after the break. real transformations can happen as much inside a person as out. that s why you should take the listerine® 21 day challenge. use listerine® and over 21 days you ll experience a transformation. take the listerine® 21 day challenge and start your transformation today. questions growing over whether hillary chin can tonlinton violated federal laws. they re reporting that she only used personal e-mail during her time at the state department. that s a no-no. you re supposed to use government accounts which are safe. jeb bush questioned the move quoting, transparency matters. unclassified hillary clinton e-mails should be released. you can see mine here jeb busch brianna keilar is following this story. tell us more brianna. consider carol, a number of experts say that by doing this hillary clinton may have violated these federal requirements for the preservation of these e-mails. let s look at what some of the new york times reported in the story. they say mrs. clinton did not have a government e-mail address during her four-year tenure at the state department. her aids took no actions to have her personal e-mails preserved on department servers at the time as required by the federal records act. so this is very significant. hillary clinton s spokesperson said she did adhere to the spirit and letter of the law at one time turning over 55 or thousands and thousands of e-mails, i should say, for preservation. certainly we understand that not all of the e-mails in this account were turned over. this really raises the issue, carol, of the discretion of these e-mails being very much at the hands of secretary clinton and her staff. and just consider this. president obama has a government account and it s for two reasons. one, for security so that it can t be hacked into. two, for this preservation of a historical record. this is something that s treated very very seriously by the administration and certainly everyone in the administration who s using e-mails knows that their records will be public at a later time. this had been done during the time that she was secretary of state and you said you mentioned thousands of e-mails. how many e-mails are we talking about? reporter: we don t know. that s one of the issues. it s not something that other e-mails besides secretary clinton or her aids have access to we don t know how many e-mails she sent. that s the issue. her camp is saying that she would e-mail people at the state department or the administration on their government account but you can imagine if you wanted to figure out where an e-mail is if you went to her account it would be much easier than having to go to all of the people that she sent e-mails to to figure out exactly what was said. all right. senior political correspondent brianna keilar thanks so much. i want to bring in john now cnn political analyst and editor of the daily beast. hi john. reporter: good morning, carol. why would hillary clinton do such a gosh, i don t want to use the adjective i have in my head. why would she do this? reporter: well the best case scenario it s kind of a prevent defense against gotcha politics. it clearly shows one can assume an awareness that these e-mails could be used for political purposes going forward and an instinct not to be transparent. this is a pro active decision by secretary clinton and her aids did not call her on. even though they said they handed over 55,000 e-mails to date as brianna said they may have thought they were working within the letter of the law, but the spirit of the law they can say that but it s hard to believe. this is not a person embracing transparency this is a person trying to control their message. i ll say what the adjective was in my head. it seems kind of like a dumb move on hillary clinton s part because surely she knew this would come out at some point in time. reporter: yeah. it doesn t seem to have the gift of foresight, i think that s pretty clear. look there are two reasons this matters beyond whatever legal requirements exist. one of the problems we see here is in so many other places we see technology out pacing our laws. that creates a gray area where people can slip in and go further than the letter and spirit ever intended. it s security and history. if she has a private e-mail address, the secretary of state of the united states that s simply not going to have the same kind of protections as an e-mail address controlled by the federal government. then there s the total transparency the historical record. it s great they re saying we re complying, we re sending over 55,000 e-mails, but that s selective of secretary clinton and her current staff. so it really you know you contrast that with jeb bush as he lost no time in trying to politically point out where he did open kimono on all his e-mails, good bad, indifferent. that s a clear contrast both in style and substance. john avlon, thanks as usual. i appreciate your insight. reporter: thanks carol. you re welcome. still to come in the noesi newsroom, iran talks continue. what challenges exist in finalizing negotiations? jim sciutto sets the moods for us in switzerland. reporter: iranian foreign minister tells cnn that the israeli prime minister is trying to create tension and conflict in these talks. we ll have more right after this break. the real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful? what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that s what i d like to do. no matter who you are, if you have type 2 diabetes, you know it can be a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine . what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it s the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that s used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here s how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in . and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it s not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections urinary tract infections changes in urination, high potassium in the blood or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it s time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. 90 minutes from now israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu will deliver his speech to congress. he ll rail against any deal with iran over the nuclear program. the white house is warning him not to build his case by revealing sensitive details from the ongoing talks. elise labott joins us from washington to set the stage. good morning. reporter: good morning, carol. well aids are saying this will be information that s never revealed before. i just spoke to israel s intelligence agency this morning. listen we have a conclusive inclusive, and really full picture of what s going on in this deal. enough to conclude that it is a bad deal. that s what we expect the prime minister to lay out this morning. all the aspects he understands to be in this deal i think he s going to lay a very technical case about why this could be the iran with the means to develop a nuclear weapon that breaks the capacity that we re talking about in a shorter time than the one year that the president is talking about. the question is does he have a bombshell that he s going to drop today that will make people think twice? i m not necessarily sure. we don t expect him to really reveal classified or extremely sensitive information, but certainly he wants to raise the alarm bells that this deal shaping up is not a good deal for israel but not a good deal for the u.s. and the world, carol. all right. elise labott reporting live this morning, thank you. as the clock ticks down to the march 24th deadline talks continue in switzerland as both sides acknowledge there are key sticking points. for his part president obama is clear about what it will take to reach an agreement. what i ve said consistently is we should let these negotiations play out. if in fact iran is willing to agree to double digit views of keeping their program where it is right now and in fact rolling back elements of it that currently exist. according to one national news agency iran is reejecting the president s requirement as quote, unacceptable. i want to bring in jim sciutto who s in switzerland this morning. tell us more about this, jim. reporter: well i ll tell you, carol, the way the president described the outlines of the agreement is something that s been fairly well known for some time, a number of years, a range between 7 and 15 years of extension. they ve been moving closer to double digits and that iran would keep the restrictions it s had under this interim agreement and then add more in effect break down some of its capability to enrich uranium, et cetera. those are the broad outlines. what the administration will say is listen you can t take any one of these details out of context. they only make sense when the whole deal is revealed and they haven t gotten to that point yet. earlier i spoke with the iranian foreign minister he is leading the talks here. we can certainly see them with their noses to the grind stone because they keep walking back and forth by us here multiple meetings over the course of the day. they started last night and they re going to go into tomorrow. here s what they said to us about their focus in the talks right now. there are certainly gaps and we re trying to move forward but it s a lot of work. how many more times do you think that you ll meet today? huh? how many more times do you think you ll meet today? as many times as is necessary. reporter: well they re keeping to that promise. they ve already met multiple times today. they re going to keep up late into the night, which gives you an indication that for all the politics back in washington the focus here remains on trying to get to a political framework agreement by the end of the months. i did ask dr. zarif a few minutes ago whether prime minister netanyahu s speech is interfering with the negotiations. he said prime minister netanyahu is trying but he s creating fear hostility in these negotiations won t make anybody happy. you hear from the iranian side pushing back. i ve spoken to secretary of state john kerry as well they re focused here at least on trying to get closer to an agreement. jim sciutto live in geneva. thank you so much. i want to go to where the opinion is split. some say it s about an upcoming election and not national security. kate bolduan has the story. hi, kate. reporter: hey there carol. it s been interesting to be on the ground and see the tone and the shift in the criticism and what folks are saying. let me explain. to are a time while we ve been here there seemed to be a calming of criticism against the prime minister especially in terms of his opponents in the election. they say this is essentially a state visit and when he s abroad they want to be a unified israel. overnight that seems to have shifted and changed and the criticism coming from his opponents are back in full force. one running against netanyahu in the upcoming election said to an israeli radio station said she doesn t think he ll be able to repair the damage that the speech has already caused. she also blasted him saying she holds him responsible for dividing the jewish community and saying how embarrassing she thought it was that he would go to america and folks would not want to meet with him. another leader in the opposition party speaking to a local paper called on him to cancel the speech. clearly it s unlikely at all it s going to happen at this point. she told a local paper this you ve created this political crisis with your own hands. you ve pushed israel into the political rift in the united states. now is the time to admit that and do the right thing, return home. on top of all of that netanyahu s keogh opponent in this election has announced that he s going to be offering a response of sorts scheduled to happen right after, immediately following netanyahu s speech in the coming hour. you can really see all of this while there was a lull maybe if you call it it s all now building on the suspense and the significance of this whole speech as netanyahu prepares to head before congress. what about voters there, kate? are they split? well voters are split in terms of if they think netanyahu should be giving this speech. one of the most reliable recent polls shows a 38-38 split on whether they support netanyahu giving that speech. in that number though there was 24% of likely voters said they had no position or hadn t found a position yet on that. in terms of the election and the effect that this speech has on the election that s yet to be seen. we ve spoken to smart political minds here and they seem to have divergent opinions on if they think this speech will back fire or help netanyahu in terms of how it will play at the polls back home. a reminder to our viewers, he s up for re-election for another term and that election happens in just two weeks. so it s going to be very interesting to see what the reaction is immediately following his speech. it sure will. kate bolduan reporting live from israel this morning. thank you. a reminder wolf blitzer hosts our special coverage of netanyahu s congressional address beginning next hour right here on cnn. still to come on the newsroom, new revealing video following a deadly police shooting. stephanie elam is following that in los angeles. reporter: good morning, carol. when you take a look at this video from a surveillance camera it adds more details to the picture. we ll show it to you and you can decide what you think happened coming up. major: ok fitness class! here s our new trainer ensure active heart health. crowd: yayyyy! heart: i m going to focus on the heart. i minimize my sodium and fat. gotta keep it lean and mean. pear: uh-oh. heart: i maximize good stuff like my potassium. and phytosterols, which may help lower cholesterol. major: i m feeling energized already. new delicious ensure active heart health supports your heart and body, so you stay active and strong. ensure. take life in. when sends craig wilson a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what he becomes? great proposal! let stalk more over golf. great. how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! the ready for you alert, only at i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. he told me to use pronamel. it s going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and it was a real easy switch to make. we re learning more about the moments leading up to a deadly police shooting in los angeles. new surveillance video is showing how the struggle on the street unfolded. in it you can see the homeless man diving into his tent and that s when weapons were drawn. stephanie elam is following the story for us from los angeles. good morning, stephanie. reporter: good morning, carol. when you take a look at this surveillance video that cnn obtained you can see much more of the story here. you can see what looks like he s allegedly doing drug deals out of his tent the man who they say was a suspect in a robbery. that s the reason why police were called to the scene in the first place. you can see him getting into an argument with the man in the text next to him, swinging pushing it out into the street. then you see the police officers arrive. they have several minutes of conversation before it escalates further and then you can see everything play out just as we did in the other video that was taken by a bystander from the street level, and what you can discern from this video is just more of what was leading up to what was going on with this man when the police got there, carol. and the officers involved in this incident are they what s happening with them? reporter: well the officers obviously they re under investigation as they look into this video. there were six officers that were present. we know in the video that you can see from the bystander, you can see one of them loses their baton. one of the officers does. a woman picks it up. two of the officers detained that woman. then the other four officers are there. we know three of them discharged their weapons. you can also hear in the video someone yelling about a gun. whether or not it s he has my gun or he s got my gun, drop the gun, that s what we re still working on getting clarity about. but you can hear this. now the police are saying that in their investigation they can show that the weapon that there was a fight over this handgun because of the fact that the magazine was partially discharged and there was also one round that was also partially out of the gun as well which they re saying shows that there was a malfunction because they say the man was yanking so hard on the handgun in this struggle on the street and that is why they said that they have resorted to deadly force. now we do know that the man had been tased before and that s why so many people were upset about this video, because they say it points to police brutality. why? because the police four men should not have to subdue a person who has already been tased without taking it to the lethal force. still to come in the newsroom, a democrat who vowed to skip benjamin netanyahu s speech before congress has now changed his mind. i ll ask him why next. the traffic jam. scourge of 20th century city life. raiser of blood pressure. disrupter of supply chains. stealer of bedtime stories. polluter. frustrater. time thief. 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they will allow that to come for a vote on the floor. we were told today that that is likely to happen today. that the house republican leadership is going to just do it as soon as they are physically able to do so. obviously you see what s going on around me. we ve been reporting that the house is going to be tied up for all of the morning with the joint speech from the israeli prime minister. we do expect that it s going to happen at some point after that. we don t have an exact time. the plan for house republicans is to do it as soon as they can do it. and it s going to be very interesting to see how the votes go down. there are still a lot of conservatives who say that they very much oppose this and will oppose it with their vote but it doesn t look like they re going to have the mechanism that we know about to stop the actual vote from taking place. i say that we know about because we have seen predictions and seen plans that blow up at the last minute by the house republican leadership. that s the plan right now. we ll watch the house floor to see how it plays out and if it actually does play out later this afternoon, carol. so maybe some people should be hopeful but it s not a sure thing. reporter: nothing is a sure thing when it comes to congress these days. absolutely right. the house speaker made an address behind closed doors to his caucus this morning that were talked about making the case that this is all they have to go on right now. the reason is because as we expected late yesterday, senate democrats blocked any idea any concept of having a compromise. going to what s known as a conference. they re not going to go there. they won t appoint the people to go to that conference. so house republican leaders are saying to rank and file look we tried. we wanted to at least try to get democrats to compromise and they won t, which they re right. they won t compromise. this is the only thing they can do at this point logically that would keep the department running and would not keep this scenario going on and on and on for weeks and weeks. we ll see what happens on the house floor. as you can tell i m tentative because we ve seen things change dramatically at the last minute. i know. i don t mean to laugh but you got to or you cry. dana bash reporting live from capitol hill. thank you so much. all right. onto netanyahu s big speech before congress. a change of heart this morning from longtime democratic congressman charlie rangel. he plans to be on the house floor when the prime minister addresses congress. charlie rangel joins me now. welcome, sir. good morning. i wonder what you thought of dana bash s reporting that house speaker john boehner has come up with a way to push a clean bill to fund dhs through the house. this controversy never should have happened. the security of our nation is paramount. i m glad that we re putting it behind us today. i hope that the republican leadership would avoid jeopardizing the lives of people all over the world and indeed in our country by not trying to use this as a result of affecting the security of america. i m glad it s over. or soon will be over. maybe. we ll see. let s talk about that spike. many democrats feel that the republican invite to benjamin netanyahu was to spite president obama. you initially were not going to attend netanyahu s speech but now you are. why? i thought this idea was so outrageous that if a number of us indicated that we would not be present, that those who thought of this would give second thoughts and withdraw those that thought of inviting and preaching protocol or the invitees. having said that the damage is already been done. i have a been asked by friends and constituents not to add to the controversy and so i m going to be attending. i certainly hope that this doesn t mean that those people are there because we don t want to add to this already serious breach of protocol that at any means nobody who has asked me to attend believe that this is the right thing to do. they just don t believe my absence would correct it. do you believe that benjamin netanyahu will share sensitive information about negotiations with iran? i cannot see how the prime minister of israel can share what is going on in secret negotiations that israel is not a direct party to. i can t answer your question. why we would have to use the house of representatives to share with us the prime minister s views i don t know. he was here yesterday. we heard his views. if he has secrets that he wants to share publicly only he has the answer to the very sensitive question. what if he does share sensitive information? what action should be taken? i don t think we re dealing with two sovereign countries. let s be realistic about it. and friends don t rely on what we can do to punish another friend. i ve always said if the security of israel is jeopardized, the security of the united states of america is jeopardized. we cannot stand by. we already have all types of agreements and assurances and even the prime minister admitted to this yesterday. if some of us violate the highest code of friendship and secrecy, they violate their own protection. there is no better friend in the world than the united states of america for israel. so to suggest that the prime minister would deliberately violate the rules of security that guides this discussion in restricting iran so they would never have a nuclear weapon i understand. i have to wrap it up sir, because we have to join our special coverage. thank you for being with me. i appreciate it. cnn s special coverage of the israeli prime minister s address to congress starts now. live pictures from capitol hill. we re one hour away from an extraordinary moment in politics diplomacy and international security. we have breaking news. the prime minister of israel will stay in this historic and controversial address to congress about how soon he says iran potentially could obtain a nuclear weapon. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i m wolf blitzer in washington. cnn s elise labott will have more on breaking news in just a minute. the prime minister is on his way to capitol hill. he s supposedly putting the fi

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