Joshua Roberts/Getty Images News
TAGGED FOR EPA: Michael Regan has been named by the Biden Administration to head EPA. His confirmation hearings are to begin soon. A large group of ag organizations are supporting his nomination.
Incoming EPA staff not requiring Senate confirmation loaded with litigation experience in advancing environmental justice agenda.
A diverse group of 23 agricultural groups wrote Senate Environment and Public Works leaders in support of Michael Regan who’s been nominated to serve as the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Currently, a nomination hearing date has not been set for Regan.
“As Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Michael Regan has an established record of listening to all stakeholders, including farmers and ranchers,” states the letter to incoming EPW Chairman Tom Carper, D-Del., and Ranking Member Shelly Moore Capito, R-W.Va. “During his tenure, he has worked to find practical, sound solutions to myriad environmental issues in the state, while ensuring science and data guided his decisions. He also understood the impact those decisions would have on rural communities and the families that live and work there.”