in the overhead in the history of someone. chuck schumer would have you know. never forget the plea from remaining survivors of a tourist nazi death camp ahead of a major anniversary. one of basketball's greatest players kobe bryant has been killed in a helicopter crash in the u.s. state of california the former los angeles lakers player was one of 9 people who died he was 41 it's believed bryant's 13 year old daughter is among the victims a helicopter went down just outside of l.a. rob reynolds joins us now from near the scene of the crash rob what's the latest and what's happening where you are. well kim it was about 6 hours ago that kobe bryant's helicopter crashed and disintegrated on the hillside behind me it's some distance away but it's still possible to see some of the debris and some of the. law enforcement workers in blaze orange jackets going over the site there was a brush fire there and you can also still see occasionally some bits of smoldering smoke coming up from the crash site now according to the l.a. county sheriff alex along the way that there were 9 people on board kobe bryant it's believed that his 13 year old daughter giana was also on board the names of the other 7 people which included one pilot have not yet been released the aircraft was a sikorsky 76 helicopter a an aircraft that has actually a robust safety record of the cause of this crash is not known there is a team from the national transportation safety board that's the federal agency that is on its way to california now to go over the debris and try to figure out whether this was caused by mechanical failure pilot error or some other cause it is known that there was some heavy fog and a low cloud cover in this particular area called calabasas to the north and west of los angeles proper at the time of the crash now i think we'll hear in just a few moments some of the tributes that are coming in from sports greats basketball legend like shaquille o'neal and bill. bar kareem up build your bar as well as others but i wanted to say that other figures are also speaking out president donald trump took to twitter today. to say that the loss of her of mr bryant is terrible news former president barack obama himself a avid basketball fan said quote koby was a legend on the court and would have just been been just as meaningful in a 2nd act he offered his condolences to kobe bryant's family as for the crash itself again the n.t.s.b. will begin its investigation and soon as they arrive. eyewitnesses reported that the helicopter was behaving in an erratic manner manner flying low before it hit the ground at speed right now i can tell you that at los angeles is in shock not only sports fans but everyone in this town because kobe bryant was really a symbol and a beloved figure here in los angeles just by looking at live pictures now of los angeles thanks for that that's rob reynolds there from from near the scene of the crash. tributes are pouring in from all corners of the sporting world in memory of kobe bryant's son a 100 points on the career of one of the game's all time greats. for 2 decades kobe bryant rose above every challenge that came his way in boston was indeed to be the n.b.a. one of the game's all time greats he spent his entire career with the los angeles lakers winning the n.b.a. championship in 5 occasions bryant also won 2 the limpid gold medals for the united states. it is a giant in the sports world that goes far beyond the n.b.a. 'd goals for far beyond basketball he is a world wide giant in sports. is hard pressed to find anything one bit doesn't know cobie he was bigger than life. it is one of the biggest most well know in the players' wallets on after michael jordan he is one of the players that made the n.b.a. into a global sport and to get into this 'd next situation. after exciting on the court at high school in philadelphia bryant opted to skip college and find his 1st n.b.a. contract 8 just 17 at the time of peace deb you in the 996 to 997 season he was the youngest player ever to appear in an n.b.a. game. he more than lived up to that early promise famously teaming up with shaquille o'neal to win 3 consecutive championships with the lakers in the early 2000. bryant retired in 2016 and his post basketball korea had only just begun. he won an oscar for the animated shoot film india basketball. when he scored his final n.b.a. points in 2016 he was 3rd on the old time scoring list. only on saturday was his mark hasse by a present day great to the brawn james bryant's final social media post congratulated james on continuing to move the game forward you could was. something brian had done throughout his own career. kind of coming to their. present and he writes a 10 says brian received many accolades both on and off the possible course. seemingly destined for greatness from a very young age he apparently started playing basketball at the age of just 3 his father was also a professional player moved over to italy when he was was a child because of his father's career that took him over there so i think that again helped him have a kind of global take on the game the front he grew up and spoke italian went back home to the states at the age of 17 he signed an n.b.a. contracts and when he played his 1st games in the n.b.a. he was at that time the youngest player of its player in the n.b.a. league east side it's a skip college and not go through that process and when you come into the game at such a young age it can often be so difficult to then actually capitalize on that on the young potential but he did just that he stayed with the l.a. lakers for 2 decades he won 5 n.b.a. championships and also want to improve gold medals and i think those olympic gold medals maybe not as important to fans back in the states but in terms of taking you sports that wide global audience really important to how basketball is now perceived all over the world the u.s. embassy and baghdad's green zone has been hit by a rocket the 1st direct hit on the facility 3 rockets landed in the compound with one heading an embassy dining area 2 other rockets fell near the u.s. facility let's get more now on this so some of been devalued joins us live from iraq's capital ossama what more do we know. what came so far this is what we know that city rockets did hit the u.s. embassy compound 5 rockets and already landed inside the fortified green zone in the iraqi capital 3 of them landed inside the u.s. embassy compound one of them reportedly hit the cap the tyria this has been going to do it by a u.s. military source of evil also been hearing reports about air traffic in the area after this attack took place but so far no confirmation of whether there have been people who have been injured be believed it was around dinnertime when this attack happened and they usually the cafeteria around that time had some people in them maybe iraq the former foreign minister and former deputy prime minister she had to bury saying that the cafeteria have been gutted and hinting that some rogue elements of the popular mobilization or to some militia to could have been behind this attack give us an idea of just how significant this is is the 1st time a direct hit on the u.s. embassy has happened then baghdad. indeed it is be have been hearing we've been seeing volleys of rockets being fired in the green zone tours the u.s. embassy in the last few weeks especially escalated across into the money and it will match on this the 2 leaders one from here on c.n.n. the other from the popular mobilization forces a man who among us was killed in the stack and in retaliation b. been seeing the the tactics not just on the green zone but we've also seen attacks on u.s. bases across iraq bullish and base of the charge being used by the coalition forces of defense that we've also heard from the iraqi prime minister expressing his dismay over these attacks saying that the iraq government is trying to work 2 words a solution once the foreign forces to leave and the reals are in motion for this to take place but again as you heard that this so far nobody has come out and said that big carried out this attack but all the fingers in the previous attacks that haven't been pointed towards militias are not the security forces have conducted a security checks after these attacks in the last one was a suburb of baghdad where these rockets were fired and so it is a significant attack would be you know the the time line of attacks which happened previously when a u.s. contractor was killed in the united states not sure retaliatory strikes on the people are hezbollah brigades group on the iraq syria border richland of them protesting and then playing siege of the u.s. embassy and not to that you saw on the attack which killed some sort of money and ever meant the and one that they're not to that you saw the iranians strike on an island basis ben so this is what iraq has been fearing the most that an escalation of a sort where one or the other side iran or united states hits another and there are casualties and this could spiral retaliate right achievement the action of strikes and that is something that iraqi that we hearing. iraqi prime minister and iraq's government has been trying to allay these fears and saying that it is in control it will do its utmost to protect the diplomatic sites about that and will continue to work with coalition forces to make sure that there is a smooth and jeweler a horde of troops from iraq and we will of course be monitoring any response from the u.s. for now though that's some of been debated thank you. well mark kimmitt is a retired brigadier general in the u.s. army he says it's a significant attack and expects the pentagon to retaliate if it's a large number of american citizens were killed in there i think it's one level of responsive it was a small number i think it's another level of response but it's clear that after the killing of sort of money in the response that a loss on that what many were saying that deterrence had been reestablished with the iranians but if the iranians are backing a proxy the conduct of this kind of attack on sovereign u.s. as territory to my mind it is clear that deterrence has not been reestablished of the united states would have to send a message perhaps even stronger the next time to make it very clear that the united states is prepared to take actions in response to these kind of attacks on sovereign u.s. territories and american civilians. earlier in the day iraqi security forces fired tear gas and live bullets as anti-government protests turned violent and backed out the crackdown began after and so when show a shia cleric. withdrew his support for the protesters on saturday dozens were injured in baghdad and the and in the southern city of syria things tried to clear the camps. so come on al jazeera the number of dead from china has caught a virus that rises again as the government warns it's getting bored contagious. a new escalation is newbie is sick and says he is targeted and will be on the ground in misrata. and there that very heavy rain has been impacting more southern sections of china is not clearing pretty quickly away to the east but that does mean that all of this tragedy can see is taking not rain with it so it's going to be pushing across into southern sections of the korean peninsula and very heavy rains into western areas of japan national fat the really heavy rain of the next couple days it should stay just to the eastern side of honshu but we could be saying about 170 maybe 200 millimeters of rain accumulating really to the east of osaka 30 celsius is the high it is cool if you're in tokyo on choosers 8 degrees celsius generally elsewhere it is a much clearer calmer picture 8 celsius in shanghai and 70 in the in hong kong down on the coast showers and thunderstorms typical for this time of year farther to the south throughout indonesia and it like to generally across into borneo the next couple of days is going to be some march where we see the heaviest of these rain some pretty have to particularly late in the day it could lead to some localized flooding and sunday more showers as well further to the south across much of java it's been quiet across much of india we have got some rain showers in the forecast monday want to see beginning to push into the far north not a cool day in new delhi at 21 but more showers on tuesday and the temperature at 90 . al-jazeera world tells the story of thousands of algerians forced by colombian affronts to adopt obscene family names. words that was so offensive that some can't bear to say that i'm not. a burden of ridiculous that has been passed down for generations. the shame of my name. on al-jazeera. you're. the. you're watching al-jazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour one of basketball's greatest players kobe bryant has been killed in a helicopter crash in california the former los angeles lakers player was one of 9 people who died since he was 14. tributes for brian to have been pouring in from the world of sports and beyond president trump described it is terrible news for us president barack obama described the loss as heartbreaking. the u.s. embassy in baghdad green zone has been hit by a rocket the 1st direct hit on the facility 3 rockets have landed in the compound with one hitting an embassy dining area. donald trump's former national security adviser has been circulating an unpublished book which outlines his potential testimony in the u.s. president's impeachment trial that's according to the new york times says trump told john bolton in august that he wanted to continue a freeze on military aid to ukraine until it helped with investigations into political rivals including democratic presidential hopeful joe biden bolton has said he's willing to testify at the trial but senate republicans are resisting attempts by democrats to include witnesses in the proceedings let's bring in kristen somebody from washington d.c. kristen what does this mean for the impeachment trial does that put pressure on senators to allow new witnesses. it very well could and if what is being reported by the new york times is true it could undercut a key argument of president trump's defense team and that is that the hold up in aid to ukraine was separate from his requests to investigate democrats including vice president joe biden and his son who was on the board of ukrainian energy company. john bolton does also provide new details about people that the democrats want to call as witnesses and so as you say it could very well bolster their case for calling them as witnesses including mike mulvaney the acting chief of staff for the president the book apparently reportedly says that he was present for at least one phone call where the president and his advisor rudy giuliani discussed the ukrainian ambassador veiny has said that he steps away when the president talks to giuliani to respect his attorney client privilege in the past so this would be something that democrats would want to explore the bolton also raised concerns to william bar the attorney general he reports in this book that he was concerned that. he was concerned that about the phone call that started this whole inquiry barr has said that he had learned about the phone call much later than bolton alleges in this book and another person that he talks about in the book is mike pompei of secretary of state he bolton claims that pump a also expressed concerns that rudy giuliani might be acting in the interest of his clients and also believe that there was no corruption in the ambassador the u.s. ambassador to the ukraine who of course was later removed from her position so all of this could just ramp up the arguments that democrats are trying to make and so far have been able to convince the republicans that they need to get witnesses to testify this might add a little fire a little fuel to their arguments it certainly could and we should also point out that this reporting is according to draw offs of the manuscripts that bolton is apparently circulated in recent weeks but this book may never even come out may because it has to be sent to the white house which can edit it or even saw it from being released all together. yes absolutely so we don't have any official reaction from the white house yet but as you say it is standard procedure for a white house official a former white house official to submit any manuscripts that are going to be published to the white house for review and their approval so the white house could now in fact the way the release of this book they could demand that certain parts of it are taken out we know of course that the president has ordered these people in his immediate circle not to cooperate with investigators in this case we know that john bolton has said he will testify if subpoenaed the president says well we don't want john bolton to testify because it's a national security issue if he does end up testifying they have a good idea now of what he might say if as you say what the new york times is reporting in this draft manuscript is indeed what comes out i think that will have to leave it there kristen salumi there live from washington the votes are being counted in israeli's regional elections which are being closely watched for a possible swing to the right opposition leader. posse has been pushing hard to take the northern traditionally lift destruction of a video that ammonia turnout was sorry turnout in the region was high fields by the anti populist movement joins us now live from bologna so song you know what are the exit polls saying. well now we have leased about a 5th of the votes counted and projections are placing the democratic party the incumbent party here in the region here as being 8 points ahead of the lead party's candidate here now of course this is still the days and hours of the vote counting still continuing throughout the night but it dolls indicating sacked early how the democratic party supporters and certainly perhaps also the supporters of the saudi movement have managed to impact will certainly galvanize people to go out and vote that a voter turnout earlier in the day being an indication of that people feeling that this was a particularly important election to take in now prosecutors on the other way the fact that it could be that there were party supporters who wanted to have their vote counted as well but as we've been seeing up until this moment here it seems that the democratic party have started out with an edge and look set to retain the region of a mediator money which has in effect been the left wing bastion since the end of the 2nd world war now over an hour ago the party. came and gave an impromptu press conference he made a lot about the lead parties backed candidates in the southern region of calabria sweeping up a lot of the votes not so much about what the party's success during this night was it was ferrying in immediate or mine yeah but he seemed to think that he had started something here and in effect what he wants is the end goal to be able to flip this region around to. right wing. region whether he will be able to do that and whether the liberal grassroots movement that the sardine so-called saudi movement is will be able to push that away or will be finding out about that in the coming hours kim thank you for that that sonia gago live from below you. the world health organization is sending its top official to china to figure out how to stop the spread of coronavirus china's government says the number of people killed has risen to 80 with nearly 3000 infections health officials say it can spread between people before symptoms show which takes up to 14 days the city of han at the epicenter of the outbreak is expecting a 1000 more patients over the coming days. in libya at least 11 u.n. backed government soldiers have been killed and $100.00 others injured in heavy fighting that broke out near the western city of misrata forces loyal to the warlord hell if a half dollar were trying to advance on the town. this writer is libya's 2nd largest city his home to groups who oppose halftime after launched his offensive to seize tripoli in april last year as in this russia he says the attack by half the us forces came as a surprise. a cease fire has been holding pretty well for the best part of about 12 days now and suddenly today was a day when it sort of kicked off there was a surprise attack by half does forces against the position. they took it the fighters were forced into retreat they regrouped got re arms resupplied and they went back and they took back that position in the early afternoon and then carried on even further into have to our territory holding as we understand it american. which is been in their control about 20 kilometers in but having said that this is a big open expanse of land and territory and it does change towns quite regularly so it's no big strategic objective to this that we can see but sunday has been a day in libya where things have changed a little bit of cease fire may have gone out the window a little bit because we heard reports also over artillery exchanges in the south of tripoli more rockets are being fired at the airport and remember the port was closed on 2 occasions because a rocket fire we don't know if this is sort of something bigger or this is just a one day wonder both sides flexing their muscle showing what the other has. a spokesman for half past says a solution in libya can only come through fighting. however there not who of the head went to moscow and to berlin and before that we went to several other countries we were not searching for a solution we know that the solution is in the gun the solution is in the ammunition and in the hearts of our men still we always try to listen to the international community and the mediators until the world is fully convinced that we are fighting criminal and terrorist groups. the prime minister of the netherlands has made the 1st ever apology on behalf of the dutch government for the wartime persecution of jews mark potter was speaking at commemorations ahead of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the canal death camp on monday some survivors attended the event in amsterdam only 38000 of the 140000 jews who lived in the netherlands survived world war 2. more than a 1000000 people mainly jews were murdered ass with around 200 survivors will take part in monday's commemorations with their numbers dwindling this could be the last major anniversary attended by those who lived through the camps horrors john hope reports what was once a factory of death has for 75 years been a factory of remembrance some of the artifacts of 1100000 lives most of them jews but also poles roma jehovah's witnesses homosexuals and prisoners of war these are the places where they froze and starved where they were experimented upon huddled together and killed this is what is left behind but only a dwindling few know how it felt. 94 year old leon vine tribe was 18 when he was separated from his family at auschwitz you can imagine a son of a love of him martin i have 4 early voting systems i was in fear of child. spying how exhausted i was i. do not remember wrong to think of what happens with my mother my sister i didn't. talk i want the same as a guest chamber killed. victim and. each year there are fewer and fewer survivors left to tell their stories the bricks and mortar will survive them of course as a visual reminder to the millions who visit each year but quite soon that living connection to the horrors of the holocaust will be lost is their 1st time is there the head in the history of mankind such soon what happens here in our zz's in garfield killings to kill a whole nation for 3 quarters of a century those who survived have been around to tell the world that what happened here must never be allowed to happen again when they are gone birkenau will be left with one ultimate purpose that no one should ever be allowed to forget join a whole al-jazeera auschwitz birkenau death camp. this is al jazeera and these are the top stories one of basketball's greatest players kobe bryant has been killed in a helicopter crash in california the former los angeles lakers player was one of 9 people who died he was 41 rob reynolds's near the scene of the crash in calabash us with more details. the aircraft was a sikorsky $76.00 helicopter a aircraft that has actually a robust safety record so the cause of this crash is not known there is a team from the national transportation safety board that's the federal agency that is on its way to california now to go over the debris to try to figure out whether this was caused by mechanical failure pilot error or some other cause it is known that there was some heavy fog and a low cloud cover in this particular area called calabasas to the north and west of los angeles proper at the time of the crash the u.s. embassy in baghdad has been targeted by a rocket the 1st direct hit on the facility 3 rockets landed in the compound with one has an embassy dining area the u.s. state department says the iraqi government must ensure protection all of its facilities. all the transform a national security adviser has been circulating an unpublished book which outlines his potential testimony in the u.s. president's impeachment trial it says trump told john bolton that he wanted to continue a freeze on military aid to ukraine until it helped with investigations into political rival joe biden. china's government says the number of people killed has risen to 80 was nearly 3000 infections the world health organization is sending its top official to china to figure out how to stop the spread of corona virus health officials say it can spread between people before symptoms show which takes up to 14 days. in libya at least 11 u.n. backed government soldiers have been killed in heavy fighting them as rasa forces loyal to will have a half dollar trying to advance on the town. and votes are being counted in its leads regional elections which are being closely watched for a possible swing to the right opposition leader sylvain is lipase has been pushing hard to take the northern traditionally leftist region of the. those the headlines inside story is coming up next. day all the ongoing wars all over the world land mines from the rock to egypt ukraine to afghanistan they continue to kill long after the financing is ended how big is the challenge of clearing them and all of these explosive remnants treated with the same seriousness as in an active conflict this is inside still. a lot of room come all santa maria they all the dormant legacy of war until of course they are tributes.

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Afghanistan ,United States ,Shanghai ,China ,Hong Kong ,New Delhi ,Delhi ,India ,California ,Syria ,Russia ,Ukraine ,Amsterdam ,Noord Holland ,Netherlands ,Richland ,Italy ,Libya ,As In An ,Jawa Timur ,Indonesia ,New York ,Moscow ,Moskva ,Japan ,Doha ,Ad Daw Ah ,Qatar ,Tokyo ,Roma ,Lazio ,Algeria ,Iran ,Washington ,Boston ,Massachusetts ,Tripoli ,Tarabulus ,Birkenau ,Hessen ,Germany ,Osaka ,Iraq ,Baghdad ,Israel ,Southern Region ,Hadarom ,Saudi Arabia ,Calabasas ,Berlin ,Italian ,Saudi ,Algerians ,Iranians ,Ukrainian ,Iraqi ,Dutch ,Israeli ,American ,Santa Maria ,Chuck Schumer ,Michael Jordan ,Sonia Gago ,Mike Pompei ,Kobe Bryant ,Showa Shia ,Joe Biden ,Joe Biden Bolton ,Los Angeles ,James Bryant ,Bryant Sona ,Barack Obama ,Shaquille Oneal ,John Bolton ,Mike Mulvaney ,Rudy Giuliani ,Kimmitt Isa ,

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