While the platform has had first-look deals and television and film development projects with some of the largest companies in the world, including Sony, this is its first such arrangement with Netflix.
This is a timely demonstration of what has made Wattpad—and what can make Kindle Vella—such a valuable property in terms of books-to-film/words-to-screen development.
The timing of this announcement shows Wattpad to be the current dominant player in the serialization field, and Toronto today has illustrated what eventually may be one of the key advantages to Amazon in its new Vella development.
Godoy’s story, a 2016 Wattys winner on the platform with its 90+ million users, has drawn more than 176 million reads since its appearance. That, to film and television producers and studios means a built-in audience. This is why so many major entertainment media are willing to work with a platform like Wattpad and Vella.