what's going on in the republican party? >> reporter: anderson, she just left the stage really a couple moments ago here. there are thousands of people, the campaign estimates some 18,000 people here. i'm not sure there are quite that many, but there are certainly thousands upon thousands and voter registration is a central part of this event here. tomorrow is a critical day in this campaign. there are voter registration deadlines in michigan, ohio, pennsylvania and florida. so the clinton campaign today is going all out to try and make sure everyone is registered to vote and not just democrats. they are going after some independents and moderates as well. and anderson, the clinton campaign also started some new commercials today aimed specifically at republicans featuring republicans. a veteran, a mother. others saying, look, i'm crossing party lines to vote hillary clinton because they simply can't stomach donald trump. so republicans are definitely a key part of their strategy tonight. anderson. >> is there a concern within the campaign that they could get overconfident? >> reporter: believe it or not, there is.