two hours of work in the u.s. >> we set up a wide base of people who loved our product and from there was able to snowball into 4 million in sales. we are on a mission to recycle as many t-shirts and make a memorable product and put as many to work as possible. we're helping americans recycle but in a way that they don't have to even think about it. >> all right. another airline dispute has caught on video and this time is delta airlines. that's apologizing. the airline forced a family including two young children off a flight after they boarded the latest in a string of airline pr disasters. here's cnn's randi kaye. >> you need to do what's right. i bought the seat and you need to leave us alone. >> reporter: brian scherer and his family are about to be removed from a delta airlines flight in maui bound for los angeles. why? because the scherers put their 2-year-old son who was in a car seat in the seat next to them.